#julian lemon
elsyrel · 1 year
Arcana headcanons: main 6 and how they give physical affection
More cheesy headcanons \o/!! Kisses, Hugs and caresses... with their respective favourite forms of affection in the first place!
Asra's kisses are never the same. Sometimes sweet, sometimes spicy... slow and deliberate, or delicate and subdued as the touch of a feather. There is always a slight indescribable sensation, a special warmth that connects you both, but that you wouldn't know how to describe with words. It's like electricity, an ancient sensation like the warmth of the sun, a feeling of transcendence that transports you to a higher place where only the two of you exist. There's something exotic about the way his lips press against yours, but at the same time there's something familiar that makes you feel safe.
His hugs are very sweet and warm, they never feel forceful in any way. Usually he holds you lovingly while he strokes your back, squeezing gently. He has a gift for calming you down as your auras melt into each other. Yet you always sense a hint of despair when he wraps his arms around you; a faint fear, as if he was afraid that you could disappear at any moment.
He loves to hold hands. Whenever he can, specially if you two are walking on the street side by side, he will reach out to take your hand. Sometimes it begins with a light touch with the tip of his fingers, an attempt, and soon after he entwines all his fingers with yours. He uses his thumb to stroke the back of your hand, or gently rubs his palm against yours. He likes to use caresses as a form of meditation; sometimes, when you need to calm down, he will gently instruct you to focus solely on the contact of his fingers on your arms, hands, and face.
He has a thing for scratches, both giving and receiving. The back is his favorite place, he will fall asleep in a matter of a few minutes if you scratch him there. He lets out short, breathy laughs when you reach a specially nice spot. When it's your turn, he runs his delicate, filed nails across your skin, soft enough not to hurt you, but strong enough to leave faint lines on your skin.
Nadia’s favourite form of giving affection are caresses. Her touches vary in form all the time: scratching gently with her nails, walking her fingertips gently, squeezing her palm firmly against you... she loves feeling your skin and reactions, and has a gift to make you shiver; she always chuckles when she feels your hair standing on end. She will caress you all the time: absentmindedly while you talk, sweetly while you take a walk together, brushing your lips lovingly with her thumb while you are lying on bed... and provocatively while you are in public situations in which you definitely shouldn’t be caressing each other. She feels a special pleasure in caressing you in secret while you are in company of other people; unseen caresses under the table, rubbing your knee or thigh... if you get flustered, she’ll find it amusing and next time she’ll become even bolder.
Her kisses are demanding and fierce, her lips full and thick. She almost always leads, and she likes to drive you to the limit until you are breathless and have to stop for air. She uses her tongue... a lot. You feel at her mercy, which she has none. Also, she bites. However, some other times, on special occasions where she feels a little lost... her kisses are really vulnerable, with an almost invisible touch of insecurity.
She doesn’t give hugs very often but, when she does, they are firm and strong, possessive. More often than not, she hugs just with one arm: she surrounds your waist and pulls gently but demandly until your body is pressed against hers. When she gives a full hug, the air leaves your lungs, and you feel both completely protected and safe, but also a little small. 
Unless you ask otherwise... she will give you SO MANY love marks. She even gets a little smug about it. However, she is sensible and prudent, and always leaves the marks on hidden places, like the inner thigh... she feels like those marks are little secrets you two share.
Soooooooooo sweet when giving, soooooooooo brutish when receiving. He’s an addict for love marks, hickeys, bites and scratches. His love language is “letting you do whatever the fuck you want to him”, and will lose his mind if he sees the mark of your teeth on his skin. Even though he is so willing to let you put all your marks on him, he is a little reluctant at first to do the same to you (he doesn’t want to hurt you). However, if you insist juuuuust a little bit, he will succumb to temptation: he will observe the purplish marks appear on your skin like he’s witnessing a fucking miracle, incredulous that he was the one who did it.
Julian’s kisses are fervent like in a fever. If you kiss him a just a liiittle passionately, after you finish he will look at you like his head is still spinning. He wets, bites and licks his lips a lot, his lips are always a little swollen and reddish after you two kiss. But he also has a sweet side: he always asks for pecks on the cheek, and gives them in return too. He gives pecks for literally everything, every time: he’s going to work? First he needs his cheek kiss. He goes shopping? Cheek kiss. He goes to throw out the trash? Cheek kiss. He goes to the fucking bathroom? CHEEK KISS.
He likes to spin you around when he hugs you, and he always laugh when he does. He says he has everything under control, but it's not true: you're going to end up on the ground nine times out of ten... and somehow, he always looks surprised of that result. He's skinny and his arms are a little lanky, so his hugs aren't the most comfortable ones... but there's something sweet about watching Julian try to accommodate his long arms and hands around you.
His caresses are devoted, admired, almost timorous... as if he was praying to a saint and wasn’t totally sure to be allowed to touch them. He’ll make sure you like the contact by checking your expression all the time... but, to be honest, he lets the caresses almost always for the sexy times. Nonetheless, he is really fond of pats on the back, hand shakes and the like.
He gives the sweetest hugs you will ever receive in your life. It’s unbelievable how, as big as he is, he can be so delicate, warm and soft. You can bury yourself in him, his wide chest and big arms feel like the safest place on earth. His chest always rumbles with the low and deep drums of his heart; it’s adorable when he gets embarrassed and his heart starts going fast... and suddenly he wants to end the hug so you don’t notice (too late, you always notice cause he’s not subtle). He gets addicted to hugs, he wants them aaaaall the time. After some time, you instinctively know when he wants one. He gives you that look, like an abandoned cub, and you know already that he’s desperate to cuddle.
His kisses are very chaste, you must not expect very steamy sessions out of him. He mostly gives sweet pecks; his lips are always soft, warm and a little humid (he unconsciously licks his lips a lot when you are around). It won’t come out of him to use his tongue or anything like that... but if it is YOU the one who gets steamy, you will presence a real show of him getting really into it while simultaneously wanting to run away in a matter of seconds. 
Any caress you give him will make him sigh with contentment. He falls asleep easily if you caress his back or his arms: he loves cuddling together in silence for HOURS. He will be the happiest person on earth if you scratch his scalp, and then he’ll try to reciprocate shyly. He is very generous, and will absentmindedly rub your back or play with your hair for as long as you’ll take it.
He will never dream of giving you any mark, he is so careful... if by accident he gives you a faint scratch or mark, he will stare at it frowning everytime he sees it, until it disappears. However, he gets a strange high from you giving him hickeys; it a weird mix of embarrassment and feeling proud. 
BEAR HUGS TM. Her body is so chubby, soft and warm, her arms so strong and reassuring. Her body feels like a giant pillow where you can sink to rest. When she hugs you it feels like you passed away and went to heaven, it’s like swimming in clouds. She always smells so good, with a faint sweet scent that reminds you of pastries or petrichor. She likes to pick you up with her strong arms and spin around until you both are dizzy (it doesn’t matter if you are tall or short, big or small... she will manage somehow). Portia is a A+ hugger... except when she chooses to give you a “Soul Crusher“. In those moments when you can see the mischief in her eyes and ear her theatrical evil laugh... you better run.
Her kisses are almost always short, playful pecks... she gives so many of them. She likes to play a game to give you as many kisses in your face as she can, as fast as she can... and she makes it a competition. You cannot win, she will give you a million kisses in two seconds! You both will end up laughing and with your whole face wet.
An expert on body care. She has lots of skin creams and oils,soaps and shampoos of all kinds of smells. She even tries to make her own, and then asks for your opinion on them. Sometimes, she will just say that you need to hydrate your skin, open up some bottle, and moisture your face or legs with its mysterious contents. Her hands are always warm, even in winter, you don’t understand how; but you don’t complain: feeling her hands against your skin is the best thing in the world (even if they're a little calloused from all the work she does).
Bad news... she loves to tickle. Tickles are a love language, and she speaks it too well. She just can’t help it... you look too cute!! When she thinks you look adorable, it activates her Cute-Aggression instinct, and she must just attack you with all the fury of her fingers.
The King of Kisses. Lucio has an undeniable "Gomez Addams" style: he loves to charm you by kissing your entire arm, from the hand, wrist and inside of the elbow, to the shoulder and neck. He takes his sweet time in every kiss, like each is the last: his kisses are deliberate and wet, he does not mind leaving a faint trail of moisture behind him. He pouts and fervently presses his lips against your skin, he's a little messy and sloppy. Actually, he loves to kiss you anywhere: legs and feet are also some of his favorite spots; he’s not ashamed of a little body worship. If he's kissing you on the lips, his kisses can be bruising and demanding, but if you take the lead he'll submit immediately and he'll let little moans scape his throat.
His hugs are needy, like a child in search for comfort and reaffirmation. He especially likes to hug you while you lie down, while he rests on top of you; then, he buries his face in your hair or your axila, rubs his face against your chest, bites you... he whines a lot if you don’t comply, and can be a little annoying at times. The more you give the more he wants, so you’ll have to put a stop at some point or he will hug you at the most inconvenient of times. However, if you reciprocate and do the same things to him, he will absolutely melt at the spot.
He loooooves caresses, specially massages. Lucio loves taking turns to make each other relax, and he’s not sure what he likes more: feeling your hands wandering around his body, or watching your reactions when his hands wanders yours. He NEEDS continuous contact, at all times, no matter where you two are. Are you just talking or chilling? Ok, but just touch him somewhere. Even if it’s just your feet or knees touching, but something, or he will die of cold and loneliness :(
He’s just playing, but sometimes Lucio goes a little overboard with his bites. If he loses control and bites harder than he pretended, he will be the first one to get surprised and will sheepylish apologize with a nervous smile (it was a little oopsie?).
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bakerozza · 11 months
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FINALLY Asrian nsft too! It was so fucking (lol) fun! 🙏💖
Asra x Muriel
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The hero of Billie Bust Up.
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✨Round 3: Match 12✨
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Jaskier/Dandelion Propaganda:
you know the answer
He sings, he's overly dramatic and he's fruity af
literally a bard and 💅
Jaskier says he was made to make music, to put himself in others' shoes to write epic tales of what it feels to live and love. He is an extravagant diva with fabulous dress sense, a sunshine personality and plenty of wit. His love of the witcher, Geralt of Rivia, and his "lovely bottom" is enough to make Jaskier go down in history.
Everything about him, his songs, his voice, his jokes, his rings and necklaces, clothes, his mere presence!!!!!
he travels around and plays the lute and fucks everyone that looks at him and wears outrageous outfits
More propaganda!
Neil Cicierega/Lemon Demon Propaganda:
Neil basically invented the early 2000's internet while staying very underground. Also he fits multiple categories by being both a musician and a funny internet guy.
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likealizardyousay · 1 month
thank you for the excellent recommendations pinterest you truly know me so well
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bluewolf09 · 16 days
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Wobble Icons I made a bit ago
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equestriagirl16 · 1 year
Step 1. Find out about The Arcana
Step 2. Research and fall in love with characters via fics and other content
Step 3. Find out that that game itself is basically in development purgatory
Step 4. Experience moment of dread…
Step 5. Get it anyway-
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impashableimagines · 1 year
Can we get some hickey headcanons for the boys + Asra? Like giving and receiving, where they like to leave them, etc etc. I love your imagines 💕
Oh boy, I've been away too long! T.T Thank you for your kind words, I'll do what I can, hopefully it meets what you were looking for!
Adores leaving little hickeys on your hips and thighs!!
Is actually obsessed with your thighs, ngl
Like, cannot get enough of nibbling on them bc damn, baby, they're *magical*
As for receiving, I have to believe that Asra would 100% be into the idea of you leaving hickeys on their collarbones and chest, more than anywhere else
Bc this magician is smitten, baby, and they will make sure you know it by the sweet little sounds they make when you mark them up
If Asra's obsessed with your thighs, this man is beyond obsessed with your neck and shoulders.
Loves to pepper you with hickeys all over your décolletage and across your shoulder-blades, so when you wear anything slightly more revealing, nobody can look at you from the front or back and not see you're marked as his.
Absolutely loves for you to leave hickeys on his wrists and his stomach. (What can I say? He's a soft boy who loves the more romantic, sensual locations over the strictly sexy ones.)
I'll be honest, idk if Muriel's the hickey-leaving type, he seems just a bit too respectful for that, but also, if he IS, then he is absolutely the type to leave them on your chest and thighs.
He'll leave them in places that you can see them, but where you don't run the risk that others can, out of respect for your autonomy (and job security, lol).
As for receiving, he'd probably be too embarrassed to have any visible ones, and would probably hide them under his cloak if you left them anywhere obvious, bc he's an easily flustered man who can't handle the teasing of others. But he would absolutely relish in seeing the marks after the fact despite any outward embarrassment, bc YOU gave them to him.
Leave. Hickeys. Everywhere. He will relish in every single one, and will absolutely show them off if you let him.
mons hickeys mons hickeys mons hickeys
Hickeys placed anywhere near the rabbit trail on either of you will make this man FERAL.
Lucio will fucking COVER YOU in hickeys. The man is indiscriminate. Expect to have to use A LOT of cover up or wear long sleeves year-round if you want to avoid questions from others.
As always, thank you all for sending in asks and being so supportive of me! You're feeling generous and/or enjoyed my writing, please consider donating to my ko-fi!
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liam-an-siorc · 4 months
BBC Ghosts as sharks part 1
In time line order of course
Robin: now the obvious awnser is Greenland shark so Greenland shark because they are the oldest living shark and also they are close relatives of dogfish and he sometimes acts like a dog
Humphrey: I am thinking angle sharks because they kind of hide away ehich he unintentionally dose with him being a head qnd a body separate (sometimes intentional) and also he js really nice so the name fits but
Mary: I had like 50 different opinions for her but I learnt there’s a shark called the nervous shark so I’m so sorry Mary but she’s getting that
Kitty: obviously !! A lemon shark they are always looking like they are smiling which she is and also they choose there favourite diver and they go to it every time and get jealous if other sharks go over which is kitty with Alison
Thomas: I'm trying to think of a dramatic shark goblin sharks certainly look dramatic they are described as mysterious and unique which he is sort of but was also thinking dusky shark because they travelled so so far to have there baby's qnd that that now metophore he dose so much love letters and poems for people he is In love with so yk that's a bit of a stretch but sharks just armt poets I love both the options so I’ll do both or either
Fanny/lady button: I'm thinking great white I know they are called great white but they have gray and she was the grey lady so yeah also the great white shark is one of them kind of misunderstood guys like I think she is she seems like she's just being horrible for no reason but she's not she's also a person with feelings and all that (im mot saying great white sharks can't be dangerous they can be careful but they are not visous beasts who want to hurt people just cause either)
The Caption: Hammerhead shark.. major spoilers for season 5 make sure you have seen all sesone 5 before you read please! hammerhead sharks can't handle any stress they may die neither can he he get stress alot and is not good with it he died from a stress induced heart attack so hammer head (Sorry)
Pat: Nurse shark: nurse sharks are one of the more friendly sharks and he’s very very friendly they are just cool little guys floating around having a good time, the also usually in groups and he loves his family and his ghosts family also for being a scout leader you do need some nurse like skills like first aid CPR so I think the name fits
Julian: so I wasn't sure for him and I asked someone and they said a carpet shark because they are ugly and bottem feeders which I don’t think they are ugly but yeah the bottem feeder thing is a different thing in sharks the it is in politics obviously but the words the same so I’m going to give him a ornate wobbegong.
I will post drawing of these over the next while and part two when I get to that
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bakuliwrites · 2 years
His Worth- Julian Devorak x Reader
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Rating: 18+ (MINORS DNI)
Fandom: The Arcana
Relationship: Julian Devorak x Reader
Summary: Julian struggles to see his worth, so you try to find a way to express how much he means to you, since he doesn't always seem to listen to your words.
Read here in this post or over on my AO3
“You know, I’m not sure what I’ve done to deserve you,” Julian begins as soon as you enter your shop that evening, his voice melancholy and distant. Your hunt for any information about the night of Count Lucio’s murder hasn’t been going especially well. Multiple times throughout the week, Julian has tried to dismiss you, to “spare you from the waste of time this all will inevitably turn out to be,” he claims. But you’ve been stubborn, refusing to give up in the middle of your search. From the moment you’d met Julian all those weeks ago, you’ve had a distinct feeling that he's innocent, despite his pessimism about the whole situation. You are absolutely determined to prove it.
“What do you mean?” you question as you flit from candle to candle around the room, attempting to illuminate the small space just a bit more. It is dreadfully dark outside, a moonless night looming overhead, weighty and ominous. You feel much safer with the lights on. And having Julian there, of course. 
“You’ve done so much for me,” he goes on, slumping against a bookshelf near the door, his gaze downturned and solemn, “I’m not sure how much worth I’ve had to you throughout this whole process. I’ve not felt like I’ve done much in the way of helping you out.” 
You pause in your candle-lighting, glancing across the room at Julian’s lanky frame leaning against the bookshelf.
“You’ve been a lot of help to me, Julian,” you try, though you know it won't get through to him, “This whole process has been helping me gain my own memories back. Besides, you’ve been- excellent company.” This last part you add with a blush, reflecting on all the (welcome) trouble the good Dr. Devorak hass gotten the two of you in the last few weeks. Your time in the library comes quickly to mind: your body pinned between him and the bookshelves, the feeling of his hands ghosting along your curves, the sweet taste of his lips on yours. The thought alone brings heat to your cheeks. 
“Well, be that as it may,” Julian returns with the quirk of one of his eyebrows and a flirtatious grin, “You’ve been all of that and more. I’ve not been able to offer you more than companionship. And honestly, it’s probably not even good company. I’ve been more of a hazard than anything else.” He flashes a pitying smile, appreciative of your effort to make him feel better, unable to accept the truth behind your words. 
Julian is always so hard on himself, so eager to please and unwilling to accept his own value. You want him to know how much you appreciate him, how much you love him, but it feels like words alone don't quite do justice to his worth. You’ve tried that tactic before, but he dismisses your compliments as mere formalities, even though you genuinely mean them. Julian is kind, he's funny, confident, intelligent. Dramatic and ridiculous, indeed, but endearingly so. You’ve never met someone as captivating and real as him. But every attempt to tell him so is passed off by him as admiration he is undeserving of. Your appreciation of him is body and soul, and he needs to know that.
A sudden idea comes to mind, one that makes your stomach flutter. If he isn’t going to listen to your words, maybe there's another way to get him to understand. No, you think to yourself, that would be awfully brash. But Julian deserves to know how wonderful he is. He deserves to be taken care of, too. And he's usually the one trying so hard to take care of others.  
“It’s difficult, sometimes, to express in words how much you mean to me,” you begin, striding slowly towards Julian’s silhouette, outlined by the flickering candlelight. You splay your hands against his broad chest, smoothing them over the fabric of his overcoat, garnering a quizzical look from him.
“I can try,” you continue, wide-eyes gazing up at him towering above you, trailing one hand up his shoulder and settling it on the back of his neck. You gently draw him down to you, laying your lips softly against his. Immediately, you feel the tension in his muscles melt away, his lips parting, eagerly accepting your kiss. Your lips linger briefly on his, before you draw back to look up into his dusky, gray eye once again.
“But it might be easier if I show you. If that’s alright with you?” you offer. A faint blush dances across his cheekbones, his lips still parted, before he wordlessly nods. Gently taking his gloved hand in yours, you lead Julian through the curtain separating your shop from your living quarters. His silence doesn’t last long as you ascend the stairs up to your room, his footsteps heavy with each thud of his boots on the steps.
“You know, you can be quite suave, sometimes,” he teases. You glance back briefly to catch him waggling his eyebrows at you, a devilish smirk spreading across his face. You roll your eyes in response, not sure that's quite true, but willing to take the compliment anyway. Even in the midst of his melodrama, Julian manages to be as coy as ever. You’ll have to make sure to mention that to him as something you appreciate. 
In your room, you take little time in stripping both of yourselves of your outer garments, throwing them haphazardly across the floor. Your lips crash hungrily against his as you push him back onto the bed, your mind temporarily foggy with the sensation of his fingers digging into your thighs and the warm scent of his musky cologne. You swiftly draw back from your kiss, eliciting a soft whimper from Julian, his gaze trailing longingly along your form above him. He tries to close the distance between you, rising up from where he lies to capture your lips again before you shove him back down onto the bed. 
“Ah, ah,” you tut, flashing a mischievous smile at him as you settle yourself on his lap, “Be patient, my love.” A wry grin dances across his face as you teasingly roll your hips against his. The fabric of the undergarments separating you from him, though little, is positively unbearable. But you have a plan in mind.
“So eager, my love?” you taunt, feeling his erection pressing into your thigh. You don't have much room to tease, feeling how slick your own folds are. Julian growls as you palm his bulge and languorously massage it.
“Mmmm, my Julian?” you hum as you continue to stroke him, your breath catching in your throat as you meet his loving gaze with yours.
“Yes? Yes, my darling?” he breathlessly returns, his pale skin flushed and lovely.
“Will you be a good boy for me tonight?” you coo, coquettishly biting your lip and running one hand through your hair, the other still attending to his bulge.
 “Yes,” he breathes, his good eye wide and sparkling, chest heaving with each strained exhale, “I’ll be a good boy for you. Just tell me what you want from me.” 
“Good,” you confirm, reaching forwards and tenderly raking your fingers through his wavy, auburn locks. He shivers with the tickle of each gentle pass your nails make against his skin.
“My only request for you tonight,” you start slowly, Julian’s head nodding in a pre-emptive agreement, “is to relax, let me do the work, and allow me to tell you all the things I adore about you.” 
Julian’s thick brows furrow with confusion, his face once flushed with arousal now crimson with sheepish stupefaction. You can't help but laugh a little at his humility. He might be boisterous and loud, but Julian is as humble as they came.
“That- that hardly seems fair,” he protests, but you hush him with a kiss.
“Just let me do this for you,” you argue, “You’re always making sure I’m taken care of. It’s time someone does the same for you.” He swallows, uncomfortably it seems, but when he sees how serious you are, his look of worry softens. 
“Alright, then,” he acquiesces, before hastily adding, “But only if I can return the favor sometime.” You dismiss the idea that somehow this was a “favor” for him, reassuring that everything you are about to say is the truth. 
“Not another word out of you, Julian,” you command, eliciting a contented hum from him. You return your fingers to the mess of curls on his head, combing them through the fiery strands.
“I love the way your hair sparks like fire in the sunlight,” you begin, watching as Julian closes his eye and purrs in satisfaction. After a moment, you move to cup his face in your hands, admiring aloud the angles of his high-cheekbones, the sharp curve of his cupid’s bow, and the aquiline hook of his nose. 
“May I?” you question, gesturing to his eyepatch. Julian shoots you a perplexed look, but nods in agreement.
“You’re quite adorable when you’re confused,” you giggle, pulling off his eyepatch and setting it on your bedside table. 
“Your eyes are silver, like moonlight on the surface of the sea,” you admire, watching as his face shifts from confused to bashful. In the beginning, he’d been so worried about showing you the red sclera of his covered eye, as if somehow you’d be repulsed by it. But you aren't, and can’t imagine a world where you would be.  
“You’re far too kind to me, y/n,” Julian tries.
“Hush, Julian. You promised you’d be a good boy,” you scold, smirking as you lean down to pepper kisses behind his ear. He moans, leaning his head to the side to allow you better access to the sensitive spot at the base of his ear. 
“I love the soft little moans you make when I do this,” you go on between kisses, smiling against his neck. You feel his chest rumble with a chuckle, before he sucks in a startled breath as you nip at his ear lobe. His hands grip your thighs tighter, fingernails delightfully digging into your skin, Julian’s hips grinding desperately against yours. You can feel how ready he is for you, but you aren’t quite ready to give him the pleasure just yet. You take one of his hands in yours, sitting up again, feeling his gaze wander over the curves of your hips and your breasts. You press a gentle kiss against the palm of his hand and then one by one on each of the pads of his fingertips.
“I love how kind you are. How intelligent, how funny, how confident,” you list, looking him in the eye. He still wears a perplexed expression, but his aroused flush returns in full force, pink from his cheeks to his chest, when you add, “I love what an absolute rogue and a scoundrel you can be.”
“You don’t have to say all these nice things, just to be nice-” he protests, but you cut him off by giving him a quick peck, just to hush him. When you’d requested his silence, you knew you’d been asking for a lot.
“I love your hands,” you purr, flashing a coy smile at him which he meets with an even more sinful one, “How they feel roaming along my body.” You take his hand and bring it to your breast, moaning sinfully as Julian massages it in his warm palm. His grin grows even more devilish as he takes the hard bud of your nipple between his fingertips and pinches, eliciting a whimper from you. 
“I love the way your elegant fingers seem to find the right spot every single time,” you emphasize, your voice strained as Julian circles your sensitive bud. Your own face must be just as red as his, if not more, feeling heat radiating off your body, your panties practically soaked now. You lead his other hand down the curves of your hips, past the hem of your undergarments, and down to your heat, where you direct him to slowly circle your clit with his index finger. 
“I love how wet you make me, Julian,” you whine, tossing your head back in pleasure as he picks up his pace, not able to look at the stupid cocky grin he’s suddenly acquired. He knows full well how much you want him, it's hardly a secret. You feel the coil in you growing tighter, your body taut with wanton desire.
You can't take it any longer, leaning swiftly down and capturing his lips in yours. He gives a muffled whimper before melting into you, his chest flush against yours, heart thrumming behind his ribcage, your breasts pressed firmly against his pecs. His large hands rove your body, trying to bring you even closer to him, as if he wants to merge the two of you into one. You feel his tongue hungrily slip past your lips, desperate and warm.
“I adore your sharp tongue,” you breathe, drawing back for but a moment before crashing back into him. Your kisses are sloppy, hurried, and in each moment you draw back to take a breath you speak, “I love what this tongue of yours does to me,” and, “One moment quick, and the other cloyingly languid. ” You turn your attention to the rest of his body. Your lips leave open-mouthed kisses trailing along his jawline and down his neck, suckling as you go, drawing constrained groans from Julian, who is quickly unraveling beneath you. 
“I love how your skin wears my marks, for the whole world to see,” you croon, sinking lower and lower down his body. You take one of his nipples in your mouth, flicking it with your tongue and nipping at it.
“Ah, you’re so good to me, y/n,” he groans, as you move over to give some much needed attention to his other nipple.
“My dearest Julian,” you sigh, “You are so good to me.” Further down Julian’s body you go, raking your fingernails along his stomach, the music of Julian’s sighs and whimpers pleasant in your ears.
“Your voice, it’s like velvet,” you go on, hooking your fingers into the hem of his underwear, pulling them down painfully slow, all the while complimenting his lithe, slender body. You cast his underwear aside, his cock finally springing free, throbbing and erect. You purposefully avoid it, turning your attention to his legs, which you lift slightly just to pull him closer to you, drawing a giggly yelp from Julian as you drag him down the bed. You nestle yourself between his thighs, biting and kissing the insides of them, basking in the mewls and moans of your name falling from Julian’s lips. 
“I love your long legs, how strong they are, how lovely,” you continue, moving further up his thigh until Julian is practically weeping for you to stop being such a tease. Now it's your turn to flash a devilish grin. 
“Please, y/n,” he begs, propping himself up on his elbows so he can shoot an anguished look down at you. You consider him for a moment, cruelly perhaps, but seeing him become a simpering mess beneath your touch is too exciting not to enjoy. 
“I suppose you’ve been a good boy,” you concede. Swiftly, you take his cock in your mouth, swirling your tongue around the tip. Julian’s head falls back, a husky groan falling from his lips before he whips his hooded gaze back to you. His hands tangle in your hair as your head bobs up and down along his shaft. You press his hips firmly to the mattress, preventing them from bucking into you, his impatience with your teasing growing. But the mewls and lilting cries of your name tell you Julian is enjoying your ministrations. You can feel he's close, but you aren’t quite ready for him to come yet. Drawing back from him, your mouth sliding off his cock with a wet, sordid sound, you hover your hips above his again. 
“I love the way you taste on my tongue,” you speak as you toss aside your underwear. Julian brings a hand up to cover his eyes, feigning an affected, demure look, as if he is the most tortured, humiliated man alive.
“My darling, y/n, please,” he pants, peeking at you through his fingers, the heavy rise and fall of his chest filling you with absolute delight. You love how completely undone he looks.  
“What is it that you want me to do, my love?” you drawl, tracing a finger along his hip. 
“I want you-” his breath hitching as you plant another kiss along his inner thigh, “Ta- take me.”
“Is that how good boys ask for things?” you coo wickedly. He groans in frustration, though he wears a grin that betrays his enjoyment.
“Please take me,” he emphasizes, casting the hand that was covering his face dramatically aside, “Please let me come inside you.” 
“Good boy, Julian. That’s just what you’ll have then.” With this, you lower yourself onto Julian, his erection slipping easily into your wet folds. He inhales sharply between his teeth, before letting out a loud, sultry groan as you begin to bounce up and down on his cock. His hips snap against yours, the lewd sounds of your bodies slamming against one another intermingling with your soft sighs and Julian’s needy moans. 
“You’re such a good boy, Julian,” you cry, his hips pounding mercilessly into you, drawing you closer and closer to orgasm, “So amazing. You’re so wonderful to me.” You can feel Julian’s imminent release, pulsing inside you as a string of incoherent babbling falls from his mouth.
“Love you- so much,” he grunts, his fingers finding their way back to your heat and rubbing quick circles around your clit. 
“Love you, too,” you pant, leaning down and smashing your lips against his. It isn't the most comfortable angle, but you feel like you need him nearer, pressed up against you as close as he can be. His breath fans across your lips as you break the kiss, leaning back a bit for some air, before diving back in to capture his mouth in yours. With each thrust, Julian sinks deeper into you, his tip relentlessly hitting the exact right spot. The pressure in your core builds, a white-hot fire bursting inside you.
“S-so close, Julian,” you practically whisper through shallow breaths, your head dizzy with pleasure, “So good to me.” Julian cries out beneath you, finally brought over the edge, his warmth spilling inside you, filling you and threatening to trickle down your inner thighs. In tandem, your walls begin to shudder around his member, contracting tightly until an overwhelming wave of ecstasy rocks your body. Your lips sing out his name, “Julian,” like a sacred hymn, stars dotting your vision with each ripple of pleasure surging through you. 
You give each other a few more languid pumps before settling on his lap, trying to calm your ragged breaths. Through the strands of your mussed up hair, you see Julian’s flushed, contented face gazing lovingly back at you, a twinkle in his gray eyes. He quirks a smile before gently guiding you off of him and settling you down beside him, entwining his body with yours. You are a tangle of limbs now, silent and fulfilled, your shared heartbeats a quiet lullaby.
“I think you’re going to have to tell me all the things you love about me more often,” Julian teases, kissing your temple and drawing you into him. You softly press your lips to his, soaking up his warmth. 
“I hope you realize I mean all of it,” you return, pulling back to look him in the eye, “All of it and more. You are worth more to me than words could ever express, Julian. Even if you don’t see it yourself.” He closes his eyes and smiles, pressing his forehead against yours.
“Thank you for showing me,” he whispers.
“You don’t have to thank me, my love,” you speak, feeling your eyes begin to fall shut with exhaustion, “Just remember how much I love you.” He lets out a pleasant sigh, about to say something else when you remember a thought you had before.
“By the way,” you begin, a smirk tugging at your lips, “I meant to tell you another thing I like about you.” He leans back a bit to meet your gaze, one brow shooting up in curiosity.
“Oh? And what is that?” he questions, a roguish glint in his eye. 
“Even in the midst of all your melodrama and bellyaching,” you start, “You still manage to shamelessly flirt and canoodle and carry on.” A guffaw from the good doctor, which you meet with a playful swat to his arm.
“Now, would I really be me if I didn’t do that?” he reasons, his long arms seizing you and pressing you close. You giggle, nuzzling into the crook of his neck, luxuriating in the comfort of his embrace. It is these quiet moments with him that mean more to you than anything else in the world.
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devoraqs · 9 months
With Love's Light Wings
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"With love's light wings did I o'er-perch these walls; For stony limits cannot hold love out," - Romeo and Juliet, Act II scene ii Julian and Alexander make the most of a convenient gap in Julian's time onstage in the latest Goldgrave play (even if it means scaling too many flights of stairs)
Pairing: Ilyacha
Characters: Julian Devorak, Alexander MacRionnag
Word Count: 6,165 (full fic on AO3, link at the bottom)
Content Warnings: explicit smut
“ A plague o' both your houses! They have made worms' meat of me: I have it, And soundly too: your houses!”
His arm flung haphazardly around Mateusz, who was playing Benvolio’s neck, Julian staggered off stage into the stage left wing, his fist clenched around the reddening splotch in his shirt where Mercutio had been stabbed, and where Alexander knew was a little red pouch of reddened oil that burst on impact. Dryly he thought it didn’t look like what it actually looked like when one was stabbed, but for the purposes of the drama it worked well. Sitting in the aisle seat a few rows back from the stage, Alexander’s own fingers were curled round a scrap of paper that Julian had quickly pushed into his hands earlier, upon which was scribbled Meet me in the rafters after my death scene. Beside him, Caspian sniffed, completely engrossed and barely even noticing when Alexander quietly got to his feet and slipped away unnoticed through a series of doors, stairs, and ladders up to the fly loft.  
Continue on AO3
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the-iron-orchid · 1 year
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...and now we know who Jinana is using hir magic on. (As if there were any doubt!) Clearly this is only the beginning; there aren't even any marks on him yet!
Links to two full 2K renders below, including the full-body version that shows, uh, everything. :)
Floating Julian closeup 2K
🍋🔞Floating Julian full-body 2K (warnings: full male nudity, magic restraints, f l u i d s, magic handjob)
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gabberdraw · 2 years
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070 *slowpoke meme here* aw well i was held up for 3 weeks but better late than never!
originally for @the-midsummer-masquerade but i'm posting it instead for Nadia's Birthday cuz HOOO-WEE what a better time than now? feat. the forest trio with @skelanda 's MC Lily here for the fun :3c
🔞🔞🔞 18+ ONLY, m*nors dni, FULL UNDER THE CUT and alts out there on twatter somewhere 👀✨ 🔞🔞
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Lil preview of my characters sexualities c:
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jjthebunbun · 2 years
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😌 Arcana WIP 😌
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drustvar · 2 years
Tonight you belong to Me
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The night before Julian has to leave for a trip, Rosie has something special in mind before they must say goodbye.
For Day 7 of the Midsummer Masquerade. Shibari and Marking
Contains: dom / sub mechanics, general masochism, marking (biting + scratching), basic shibari, some light bloodplay, vaginal penetration (but its not really mentioned much), tender doms have me by the NECK Pairing: Julian / Rosie WC: 2,059 A/N: DAY 7 BABEY!!! I didn’t think I was going to write Julian again during the event just because I wanted to have an even spread but. Come on, the prompts for today were just too perfect. Rosie uses him like a scratching post but he’s quite enthusiastic about it. 
It was the night before he’d have to leave for the conference in Prakra. He had hated to leave Rosie, and had all but begged multiple times for her to go with him, but she had insisted that there was too much work to be done in the shop to be gone for the two weeks it would take to get there and back.
“Asra could mind the shop, couldn’t he?” Julian had asked as he had wrapped his arms around her while she cooked.
“Asra has a life of his own, my love. We cannae just ask him to drop everything and come look after our business whenever we get the notion to run off.”
“This isn’t a ‘notion’ though,” he murmured into her hair. “This uh, this has a defined start and date. This wouldn’t be like when we visited Nevivon. Which ah, to be fair did have an estimated return time, but,”
“But who are we to argue with all the grandmas insistin’ we stay ‘just one more night’,?” Rosie laughed as she finished his sentence.
“Ah, they are a convincing bunch, aren’t they?”
“Don't look so glum,” Rosie had said during dinner. “I’ve got something real special in mind for you before you go.”
He’d hardly been able to finish eating after that. He had to reel himself in to keep from drooling over the glint of her teeth as she ate. She must have noticed, because at some point she grinned  and flicked water in her glass at him.
“I said later. Good things come to those who wait.”
And later had come, finally. Their bedroom was dark except for the light cast by the candles scattered throughout. The smell of incense swirled in the air, dark and sweet. Rosie’s voice was soft and warm like melted honey as she whispered praises against his skin, punctuating each one with a kiss.
“Rosie,” he sighed and gave his hips the slightest arch as she ran her nails lightly over his thighs. The way the candlelight made the gold ring in her eyes glitter and the way it played over the muscles in her shoulders as they moved under her skin made him shiver with want.
“Hmm?” She purred as she dragged her lips up to meet his. She grinned as he stifled a whine against her when she ran her fingers over his length.
“Please,” he rolled against her hand as he laid and arm across her back.
“Tonight’s not for teasing, dunnae worry,” she grinned and pressed a kiss to his temple. “Tonight’s for leaving you with lots to remember.”
“Lots to remember? Oh, how could I ever forget any of this?” He grinned and hugged her close. Rosie laughed, her blonde curls tickling his nose as he pressed kiss after kiss to her neck. “If we were apart for a year, a hundred, even a thousand I could never ever forget.”
“But a visual reminder never hurts, now does it?” Rosie grinned as her nails dug into his shoulders.
Oh. Oh yes.
“Now, I might need some help. I’m still not very good at this,” Rosie’s voice snapped him out of his already near delirious imaginings of just what she was going to do to him as she leaned over to grab a bundle of red rope from the nightstand drawer. “My knots are always messy. Maybe the cord is too silky.”
Julian was incredibly patient, holding still for her and helping as much as it was possible for someone who was being tied up to do so.
“That’ll do, I think,” Rosie murmured as she leaned back to look over her work. The ropework wasn’t intricate, nor was it any specific kind of tie, mostly just focused on holding his arms and his shoulders back.
“Ah, but, my chest is looking a little bare, no?”
“It won’t be for long.”
Before he could ask what she meant, Rosie sunk her nails into either side of his collar and dragged them down his chest, bright red streaks rising in their wake. He groaned low in his throat, his hips grinding up out of reflex. She hummed as she retraced the scratches with the pads of her fingers, making them sting.
“Shh,” She pressed a disappointingly soft kiss to his jaw, quieting his voice into a whine. “I’m going to really tear you up,” she said as she trailed her lips to his throat. “Every time you look down or see yourself in a mirror you’re going to remember that you’re mine.”
“Yes, yes of course yes,” he was shivering in anticipation of  those wonderfully sharp teeth sinking into his skin. “Always, always.”
“In fact,” she spoke slowly, her breath hot against his skin. “I’m going to do more than that. I’m going to mark you up so much that anyone can see that you’re mine. They’re going to see all the bites and scratches and know what a needy little pain slut you are.”
He couldn’t keep from wailing as she finally, finally sunk her teeth into the soft skin of his neck.
“Good boy,” she purred as she drew her tongue over the bite. “Be as loud as you want, you know I love your voice.”
“If you, ah,” he gasped as she bit lightly just below the first bite. “Ah, if  you keep this up the neighbors may think someone is being killed.”
“I think they know the difference by now,” she laughed and kissed his nose. Before he could say anything else, she was dragging her nails hard and slow down his chest again, over and over; all he could do was squirm and moan at the wonderful burn.
She sat back on his hips to admire her work. His chest was now covered in raised welts that were an angry red against his pale skin. He panted and stared down at them before slowly trailing his eyes up her frame. He was aching in every possible sense of the word.
“Are you cold?” She asked as she shifted her weight, reaching beneath her thigh to gently, lazily stroke his cock. “You’re certainly wet, you poor dear.”
He hadn’t even noticed how much precum he had leaked. He had been too focused on how his skin burned and on how much he loved it.
“Ah, it’s fine,” he rasped in between heavy breaths. “It’s fine, really.”
“I know, you just want me to get back to tearing you up, huh?” She smiled, as the nail of her thumb dug into his hip. “But I’m  getting tired of you poking my butt. Here,” she shifted and guided him in. The quiet groan that rumbled in her throat made him whine and roll his hips up to meet her.
“There,” she sighed and gave her hips a slight rock from side to side. “That’s my good boy. Now then,” she grinned and cracked her knuckles. He moaned and arched his back, offering up his chest. Rosie laughed and pushed him back down, her hands instead tangling in his hair and tilting his head back as she lunged for his throat.
“Oh God, oh god please-” his moans were an incoherent babble as she growled and shook her head, her teeth digging into his throat and scraping. When she released him, the skin was already dark and purple, the vessels beneath visibly broken. She stroked his cheek with her thumb as she pressed a soft kiss over it and its predecessors.
“Those’ll look so pretty in the morning, won’t they?”
He gulped and nodded eagerly, coincidentally also nuzzling against her palm.
“They’ll be perfect. I’ll, uh, I’ll be sure to wear something that shows them off.”
Rosie laughed and shook her head. “Oh, I can just imagine the reputation I must have for the way you show off.”
“I can’t help being proud of being yours. There’s nothing better than uh, showing off the things the person you love gifts you, is there?”
“Julie,” Rosie cupped his face in her hands as she peppered him with kisses. He whimpered happily against her lips as her hips rocked slowly against his.
“Not yet, not yet,” he whined and squirmed as she raised a questioning brow at him. “I, uh, well they’re starting to fade a little, don’t you think?” He nodded at the welts on his chest.
“Do you really think so?” She smirked at him as she traced one with the edge of her nail.
“O-oh yes. I’d hate for them to be gone before I’ve even gotten off the boat,” he bit his lip and batted his lashes at her.
“Well, as you wish.” She reared back, and sunk her nails in so hard he couldn’t stop from screaming and bucking as she tore down his chest. He saw stars, it was agonizingly slow and wonderfully fast at the same time.
“Oh…I didn’t mean to do that,” Rosie’s voice was a worried murmur as Julian lifted his head and followed her gaze. The newest scratches hadn’t just raised welts, they’d broken the skin and drawn blood. Small beads of crimson blooming down from his chest to his abdomen. He moaned at the sight of them.
“I’m sorry, baby.”
“Don’t be,” he said. He looked almost drunk, the way he stared down at them.
“Let me clean you up, at least,” Rosie’s voice was a raspy purr as she drew her tongue along the scratches, lapping up the blood. When she met his eyes it was like a dam had burst; he couldn’t stop himself from arching and screaming. He was only faintly aware of her startled expression as she clung to his shoulders and tried to ride wave after wave of his climax.
“My goodness,” she said as he finally stilled. “You sure liked that, hm?”
He nodded weakly as she set to work undoing the ropes that held him back. As soon as his arms were free he wrapped them around her and pulled her into a tight hug, murmuring and nuzzling against her neck. She petted his hair and kissed praises into his skin as she eased him down to rest with his head on her chest.
“I really should get something to clean those though, just in case,” she said, a worried crease to her thin brows. Julian shook his head and held her tighter. She wouldn’t be leaving the bed without taking him with her, though he knew she was absolutely capable of doing so.
“It’s fine, I asked for them after all, didn’t I?”
“I know but, oh, what if they get infected?”
“Darling, I’m a doctor,” he said as he brushed her cheek. “And I’m going to a conference full of doctors. It’ll be just fine.”
She grumbled something and shook her head.
“I’ll get up early and wipe them down with alcohol, will that make you feel better?” “No, you’re right,” She murmured and snuggled closer. “It’ll be fine, I’m just…well you know how I get. Besides, you're going to need as much sleep as you can get, it’s already so late.”
If he squinted he could make out the clock on the wall across the room. It was already a quarter past three in the morning. He wondered if he’d be better off staying up until it was time to go, just to be sure he would get to the docks on time.
“Dunnae even think about it,” Rosie said as she pressed a kiss to his temple.
“‘Dunnae’ even think of what?”
“I know you, you’re thinking about pulling an all nighter after I fall asleep,” she scolded, though there was a warm love to her tone. “I won’t have it.”
“I can sleep on the boat-”
“No, Julie. You need to rest. Especially after all that. If you show up looking exhausted, people will think you were actually mauled by a wild animal.”
“I just uh, well I don’t want to oversleep, that’s all.”
“You won’t, I’ll be sure to wake you,” her voice was warm and smooth just like it had been earlier in the night as she brushed her fingers over the nape of his neck. Curled up like with his head on her chest and the beat of her heart a steady lull, it was easy to be convinced, and to slip away in each other's arms.
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