#jumping out of my seat pointing at mixed girlies going LOOK!!!!!
evelili · 10 months
theres something so cool about seeing yourself in media. i dont get to experience it often but. it's a nice feeling
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willow-tree-writes · 4 years
❀Bet {1}❀
JJ Maybank x Reader
Summary: You were always the good girl that didn’t do anything outside your parents’ wishes. Including dating bad boys. Out of the blue, the baddest of boys comes and asks you on a date. The catch? You don’t know quite yet...
Request: N/A
Author’s Note: This idea is kind of based off 10 Thing I Hate About You. Great movies, if you haven’t watched it, please go watch it.
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: Cursing
!I don’t own this gif!
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“He’s a bad boy, Di.” You didn't look up from your notebook as you finished your poem for English.
Dina, who sat next to you at the library table, huffed. “But he’s so your type - blond hair, blue eyes, built like a God. He’s the whole fucking package.” 
You rolled your eyes, closing the notebook and turning to her. “Who drinks, smokes, and has sex with anything that breathes with a vagina. I want someone a little more stable.”
She groans, throwing her head back. “You’re a 16 year old virgin, Y/N. Stability is a middle-aged person thing.”
You laugh a little and shake your head. “One, it’s not. Two, even if I was interested in him, there’s no way in hell he’d ever notice me.”
She smirks, hearing your second point as you possibly being interested in the boy. “I can think of a way for you to get his attention…”
“No.” You frantically shake your head. “Hell no.”
“Come on! You never go!” 
You laughed. “Yeah, cause I don’t feel like getting drunk around a bunch of fake people.”
She pouted. “Come on…” She whined. “Just one! I promise I won’t leave your side for a second, or get drunk.”
You sigh, shaking your head. You were about to say no when you looked at your best friend. She displayed a puppy dog face. You sigh again, closing your eyes. “Just this one time.” She never did the puppy dog face unless she really wanted something.
She squealed, jumping up from her seat. “Yes!” 
The librarian, who was a good distance from you two, looked in your direction at Dina’s outburst. “Shh!”
She giggled out an apology before suffocating you in a hug.
You were so going to regret this.
JJ plopped down in his seat at the cafeteria table. “Yo, John B, watch this.” He hit his friend lightly on the arm as he grabbed a french fry. 
Kie rolled her eyes from where she sat. “Do you always have to do this?”
He ignored her as he tossed the french fry up in the air, catching it in his mouth long ways.
John B chuckled. “How long did it take you to do that?” 
He shrugged, chewing the fry. “Fucking long enough to be appreciated.”
Everyone at the table snorted at JJ’s comment. Their laughs died quickly when a few Kooks came over and sat at their table around them.
“You guys lost or something?” 
The one that seemed to be the leader of the pack, Gavin they thought his name was, spoke. “I was actually looking for a favor.”
“Look elsewhere.” John B answered, sitting back a little.
JJ looks at the fake watch on his wrist. “Come back when we’re working. Oh, wait, that’s never.”
Gavin rolled his eyes a little. “We both know I can pay. So humor me.”
JJ crossed his arms. “You humor us.”
“I need one of you to trick a girl for me.” He looked at the boys, but specifically John B and JJ. 
They all laugh a little. “Sorry, but that’s not our thing.”
One of the Kook goons patted his friend on the back. “You didn’t let him finish.”
JJ rolled his eyes and signaled for Gavin to continue.
“She’s right over there.” He points across the cafeteria to a H/C girl sitting with a brunette. “Her best friend is a total babe. But she won’t date anyone unless the both of them are getting some.”
John B shook his head. “And I’m guessing that’s where we come in?”
JJ speaks up before Gavin can say anything more. “Why can’t you get one of your ‘friends’ to do your dirty work?”
“This girl has specific tastes. And one of them is she prefers anyone but Kooks.” Gavin looks away from the two girls and back at the two boys. “So, what do you say? Will one of you take the offer?”
The table was silent for a moment. Kie was disgusted with the premise of using a girl just to get into another girl’s pants. Pope was glad he didn't get rope into this. John B knew sure as hell he wasn’t going to do this. But JJ, he was actually considering it.
“Alright, bet.” JJ says after a while, shoving a french fry in his mouth. “I’ll do it.”
Gavin smiles and pats him on the back. “That’s what I’m talking about, man. Her name is Y/N.”
“Now that’s what I’m talking about, girl!” Di squeals as she looks you up and down.
You were in a pair of black ripped jean shorts that kept riding up on your thighs. Your F/C crop top barely covered any part of your stomach, also riding up every now and then. You didn’t do much with your hair, not wanting to seem like you got really ready for a Kegger Party.
Di drags you to where most people are. “Thank my mom. I was going to come in tights and a t-shirt.” You mumbled.
She rolls her eyes playfully as she shoves a red solo cup in your hand. “Of course you were.”
“What’s in this?” Sloshing the liquid inside, it looked like a cheap substitute for red wine mixed with hard beer.
She shrugged and grabbed your arm, pulling you where more people were. “Who cares! Let loose for once and have some fun!”
You laugh a little and look back at the contents of your cup. Maybe a couple sips wouldn’t be that big of a deal.
Boy was that a bad idea.
The alcohol tasted cheap and went down like a child scared of a waterslide. It also hit you like a truck on an icy road.
You didn’t realize this until you were babbling on about the horrible quality of the education system to some poor Touron from Maine. Di, who had had way more to drink than you, was right behind you, laughing every once in a while at what you said. 
“I mean, who the hell cares about proofs? I shouldn’t have to prove shit!” It’s not like you even drank a lot. You had, at most, four sips.
The Touron was a mix between an uncaring tipsy and a concerned sober. “I need to get another drink.” He got up and, without waiting for you to respond, rushed off away from the kegger.
Not processing he was ditching you, you waited nice and patiently for him to return. You waited five minutes. Which turned to ten minutes. Then twenty. Then thirty. Then Di had to come over and correct your thinking.
“Girlie,” she slurred, almost tripping on you. She did seem to have sober up a little bit. “He’s gone gone. Like so gone.”
You sighed, helping her stand up properly. In the back of your mind you knew you overstepped, but you couldn’t say it.
After you were sure she could stand up on her own, you said, “I think I’m gonna-”
You had started to turn around and head towards the kegger when the sudden appearance of a body set you landing down right on your ass.
“Mother of all ducks and gooses…” You mutter, rubbing the part of your butt that wasn’t completely in the sand.
A hand popped in front of your face. “Sorry ‘bout that.”
The voice was one you didn’t really recall. But the face… If the blow to your ass didn’t sober you up, the thought of talking to this boy would have.
His smile was goofy, but presented itself like he knew how he made girls feel. Which he did. “Y/N, right?”
How the hell did JJ Maybank know your name? There was no way he should have known your name. It was impossible.
You felt a nudge on your shoulder and glanced back to see Di trying to contain her excitement and failing. Looking back forward, you slowly take his hand and let him help you stand back up.
“Great.” He didn’t let go of your hand once you were standing. Instead, he started to pull you over to a group you recognized as his friends.
You might have been a little too quick to stop him. “Wait, wait.” You pulled back on your hand. It didn’t get him to let go; only to slow down. “What - Who - Why?” You weren’t completely sober, so complete sentences and comprehensive thought wasn’t a friend.
He laughed, enjoying the effect he had on you. “Go on a date with me.”
That wasn’t a question. And the bluntness of it made you want to take a couple steps back. JJ Maybank, head Pogue boy or whatever, was asking a low profile Kook on a date. Something wasn’t right there.
Before you could open your mouth to answer, Di came and leaned over your shoulder. “Yes! Of course she’s gonna go on a date with you.” The smell of alcohol was a little too much for you.
He let go of your hand, which left a cold spot, and flashed you a charming smile. “Great. Meet me here on Friday. 3:30.” With that, he just walked back to his friends.
You were left sober with a drunk best friend to deal with and one question on your mind - What the fuck just happened?
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torikengel · 4 years
Thomas Hewitt x Reader (Part 1)
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a/n: thank you so much for your support <3 you make me motivated to continue, parts 2/3 and 4 are already on my profile <3
You were traveling with a group of friends across Texas. You were all from a big city, so they decided to go on a road trip. There were five of you in total, two girls, two guys, and you. At first, you refused to go and wondered why they even bothered taking you because they were two couples and you were just the fifth wheel. Well, you weren’t very familiar with one of the couples, but you knew the other one. At least you knew the girl, cause she was the one to invite you to this trip. It was known that you were well off and they desperately needed more money for gas and food on this trip. You weren’t dumb and it was very clear soon enough that the sum of money you were required to bring was much higher than the one of your so-called friends. So why you decided to go? You thought some adventure in your life wouldn’t hurt and you were yearning for some fresh air outside of the city. And it wouldn’t be bad to make some friends along the way, you thought. But soon you realized that wasn’t going to happen. The boys were eyeing you up and down and the girls weren’t happy about you. You would like to think that you were fairly pretty with an attractive face and a nice body. And since Texas is hot you were simply wearing a tank top and shorts. You were sitting in the back seat, buckled up, and looking out of the window as your companions didn’t seem keen on talking with you. “Hey, Emma, can we stop for a while, I need to go… you know,” said Chloe who was sitting next to you in the back seat with her boyfriend Matt to the driver, Emma. “Sure,” Emma responded slightly annoyed. You stopped in a remote town in the middle of nowhere. It didn’t seem that many people were still living there. Emma drove to the nearest shop and parked. The place was swarming with bikers and as soon as Chloe stepped out of the vehicle they whistled at her. “Wait babe, I am coming too,” Matt said as he spotted their sly smirks and how they hungrily looked at his girlfriend. “Y/n? Are you coming too?” Emma scoffed, “I am definitely not stopping again just because of you.” And she vanished in the shop as her boyfriend Chris followed right after her.
Someone should stay in the car and guard our stuff, you thought for yourself. But you really needed to drink something, so in the end, you grabbed your purse and walked in the store as the bikers kept catcalling you on your way. On your way there you saw Chloe and Matt whispering to each other, well if it could be considered whispering, cause you heard them. “Look at that old hag! Bet she never stepped out of this hell hole. Jeez, this town smells bad.” Chloe laughed and Matt added “Yeah, disgusting, now imagine living here babe, I bet they are all diseased.” You turned to the elderly woman behind the counter, you intuitively knew she could hear everything. You grabbed a soda and went to the counter, “I am very sorry.” You said with your head down as you didn’t dare to look her in the eyes. “Don’t worry ‘bout that darlin’, my family is used to this.” When you finally dared to look at her, you could see that her eyes were traveling up and down, scanning your body. Oh well, your clothes weren’t the most appropriate for this traditional part of Texas. “My name is y/n…” you said giving her the money for your soda. “Please keep the change.” You added as you wanted to vanish into thin air from embarrassment. The change you were talking about was like triple the price of soda. “Oh no, m’dear, I can’t accept that.” She finally smiled at your generosity and politeness. “Please, I insist… Mrs.?” You stuttered. “Luda Mae,” she helped you out. “Mrs. Luda Mae”, you repeated, smiling back at her. “Come already, we don’t have the whole day to wait… or we will leave you here!” Chloe shouted from the car and Emma honked. You jumped up and rushed to them while waving at Luda Mae, cause who knows, they might actually leave you there.
Emma was driving and chatting with her friends, not paying attention to you, even though it was she who invited you on this trip. And not only she wasn’t paying attention to you, but to the road as well, because she didn’t notice the spike strips across the road. Everyone yelped and held their breath when the van slid across the road and fell to the pit on its side… on your side. In the brief moment of despair, you regretted not being buckled up for the first few minutes of the trip. Your cheek smashed on the window that broke into shards, cutting up your skin. The worst part was that both Chloe and Matt fell on top of you as well. You squirmed under their weight but to no avail. “Shit, shit, shit, shit,” Emma screamed as she lost control of the vehicle and saw her boyfriend falling head forward on a sharp shard of glass, piercing his flesh. After a few minutes of shock, Emma got out of the car, seemingly okay, and helped Chloe and Matt. After that, they all hurried to help Chris. Nobody cared about you. You could feel the blood gushing out of your wounds on your arm and cheek. In the end, you managed to scramble the last bits of your strength and got out of the car without any help… Emma was in utter shock as she felt that her boyfriend didn’t show any signs of life. You didn’t know how to react, because you didn’t feel any pity. They didn’t help you and wouldn’t mind letting you die there on that backseat. You just shook your head and turned away, confused at what’s about to happen. “What’s wrong with you y/n! You look completely unphase by all this, explain yourself!” Emma screamed at you suddenly, letting out all of her anger on you. Before she could insult you any further you heard police sirens. “Thank god,” she calmed down a bit. Chloe was just shaking in Matt’s arms. The hope you all felt as the police car made its way towards you was slowly exchanged with fear. An older man with a sheriff’s uniform stepped out of the car with a shotgun. “So what do we have here… a bunch of lowly cowards it seems.” He spat on the ground and aimed the gun at you. “Get into the car, now!” he pointed at the police car, “The big guy in the back with two girls and this sexy babe in the passenger seat.” He aimed the shotgun at your head. “Wait, mister Hoyt, there’s my boyfriend still in the van!” Emma walked up to him trembling, apparently not grasping that this man isn’t here to help you. “My, my, do you think I care about your fucking boyfriend, bitch?” he turned down her request and took her by the wrist, “Maybe I will just take you next to me since you are so dumb, you need a lesson.” He tightened his grip on her wrist. “W-wait m-mister.” She stuttered, fear enveloping her. “T-take her instead… I swear we won’t tell anyone; you can do anything you want with her, even kill her, we will make something up, please just don’t hurt us.” She pointed her dirty finger at you and looked at Chloe and Matt, still in a tight embrace. “R-right guys? We won’t tell…” she desperately looked for a sign of approval from them. “Y-yes! We definitely won’t tell! I mean look, she’s way prettier for you sir!” Chloe added, throwing her pride behind her, Matt followed with a quick nod. “My, my what a friend you have,” Hoyt nearly died from laughter. He threw her aside on the hot ground. She slowly exhaled as she thought this was his way of saying yes. “I don’t like these types of bitches.” Without any hesitation, he shot Emma in the leg. She squealed and held her leg close to her, “You old bastard! We had a deal!” He only laughed a bit more before turning to the rest of you. “Now get in the car if you want to live. NOW!” he shouted and aimed the gun at Chloe and Matt who protectively stood in front of Chloe. “We have another hero here it seems.” Another shot followed, straight into Matt’s shoulder. He dropped to his knees in pain. “Who else?” he looked at you. After thinking for a few seconds, you dropped your eyes to the ground and went to the passenger’s seat of Hoyt’s police car. You decided to be smart about it. You didn’t dare to look back at him, all you heard were screams until everything was quiet again. Hoyt dragged your so-called friends’ bodies to the backseat. They were all breathing, just unconscious, their heads bloody. He probably hit them to make them easier to transport. He dragged Chris’s dead body out of the van as well, putting him into the trunk. After that, he sat in the driver’s seat next to you. “Come on, look at me. I don’ bite.” He licked his lips as you turned to face him. “Good girlie.” He said as he pressed some cloth over your nose and lips. You struggled for air, but then finally gave up and passed out as well.
You open your eyes to an unbearable headache which made you wish to never wake up at all. Where am I… shot through your mind as you tried to recall what led to your current situation. Right, your so-called friends tried to use you as their ticket out of this, as a bribe, as if you were a piece of meat. Your eyes were swollen and weak, so it was awfully hard to keep them open. You tried your best to inspect your situation a bit more. You couldn’t move your limbs, that’s for sure. So, you looked around again, adjusting your eyes to the dark atmosphere. It must’ve been a basement of some kind as there were no windows. You could see other metal tables except for the one you were tied to. There were various shiny metal tools around you consisting of cleavers, knives, and other stuff. Then you glanced above you to the ceiling. What you saw made you gag in disgust. Meat hooks, and on them two bodies hanging… Matt and Chloe. Then it hit you… out of confusion and tiredness, you didn’t pay attention to it before, but the whole basement smelled like death, rotting flesh, vomit, blood… everything mixed. Matt was missing half of his body and under him was a pool of blood, he was already dead. Chloe was missing one leg and one arm, seemingly still breathing, but not for long you thought for yourself. Sure, you were scared, because the same thing was going to happen to you, but you felt slight happiness in the back of your mind, no pity to be found. They abandoned you, they emotionally abused you, they used you for money, they would let you be raped and killed in exchange for their pathetic lives. They didn’t care about you. And now, despite their best efforts, you were here, alive, with all of your limbs, breathing while they were all almost dead. You couldn’t help to wonder why you were the last one to be butchered. You smiled for yourself “That’s what you get… even though I am going to be next, I still outlived you for long enough to laugh last.” And also, you didn’t know them before this trip except for Emma who wasn’t there right now. After these thoughts dispersed in your mind, you realized you could hear voices from above you. When you woke up, you were a bit groggy and didn’t pay attention to all of your senses right away. You recognized the female voice; without a doubt, it was Emma squealing in pain and disgust. “Let me go, let me go you ugly old bastard!” she screamed so loud it was piercing your ears. Instead of pitying her, it was more annoying to you, because you wanted the last minutes of your life to be as peaceful as possible. “Shut up, stupid bitch, or I will make you!” a familiar voice shouted back. Hoyt. Yeah, it must’ve been that guy, Sheriff Hoyt. Even though you assumed he wasn’t the real sheriff. You figured out what was happening upstairs. From the moment you met this Hoyt guy, you knew he was a pervert and a violent one. Even though he spared you in a way when he didn’t shoot you, well, you complied so he had no reason to. Then you realized that you checked your surroundings to the best of your ability while you didn’t even look at the state you were in. Your wrists and ankles hurt real bad. The leather cuffs were rubbing tightly against your sensitive red skin. Your cheek hurt as well as your arm. You weren’t sure if the glass shards were still in your arm or if someone took them out. You tried to position yourself in a way you could see the cut. It was deep and your skin was all bruised. Your whole body felt squished and sore, because of how Matt and Chloe fell on you during the accident. You were so tired… the screams above you got quieter and quieter each second as you fell into sleep again.
Loud footsteps in the basement woke you up and when you managed to lift your eyelids a huge man was towering over your lying body. He was wearing a bloody apron, shirt, and tie… very neat you thought for yourself. He smelled bad and there was a human-like mask on his face. He had greasy black hair that reached to his shoulders and partially hid his face. What captured your attention were his piercing blue eyes. He was scanning you, but you did the same as you stared deep into his eyes. He expected you to try to jump up, squirm, or make disgusted faces. He was used to it. All his life people called him names and bullied him, from his childhood to his teen years, and while he worked in the factory as an adult. He was always a monster, animal, disgusting freak in their eyes. Women made gagging noises when they saw him and then laughed in his face. Men picked on him, tried to fight him to get him in trouble. He suffered through it all until he finally unleashed all the pain and anger. Since then he saw people as either family or food, there was nothing in-between. You could see it in his eyes, the awaiting of your scream. But it never came, even after you noticed the cleaver in his hand. You had a neutral expression on your face while watching him. The pain was undeniable in his eyes. He wanted you to scream as it made it easier, so much easier… if you just called him a freak, if you tried to spit in his face… too easy. Finally, your lips parted, air leaving your mouth as you exhaled. He hated it, everything you did, he hated it because you made it hard. You had a beautiful face, perfect skin, attractive body, silky h/c hair, and shiny e/c eyes. You looked like one of the girls that would make fun of him and kick him again when he was already down. All the memories kept flooding into his mind as he raised the cleaver and prepared to swing. Now he expected you to squirm, shout and plead for your life, to at least cry or call him something nasty. But you peacefully smiled at him. “This is my end isn’t it?” you accepted your fate from the moment you woke up for the first time in this basement. You closed your eyes and prepared for the pain that would inevitably come with the blow. The man was confused like never in his life. Your sweet smile towards him melted his resolve. Here he was standing, all bloody with a cleaver ready to end your life and your perfect form was just lying under him in a dignified position without regrets. His eyes were full of sorrow. Nobody smiled at him before, laughed yes, mocked him too, but he never got that smile, smile without any prejudice in your then open eyes. There was no pain, just a wet feeling on your hurt cheek. For the first time, you yelped at the sudden touch and shot your eyes open again. There he was, standing over you, wiping the dry blood off your face with a wet rug. He stepped back, startled by your reaction. You could see how hurt he was… you couldn’t believe yourself. In this situation, with a murderer in a room with you, your instinct was telling you to pity him more than the couple hanging from the meat hooks. ”Sorry, I didn’t mean to do that; I just didn’t expect it… thank you.” You murmured under your breath. His eyes widened, first that innocent smile, now the honest tone in your voice as you apologized for being held captive. “My name is y/n. But I guess you don’t need to know that as you know…” your eyes pointed to the cleaver that was on the other table now. He didn’t say anything, but he shook his head. You didn’t know if that meant you would be spared or that he was content with knowing your name, you figured it was the latter though. After he calmed down, he stepped up again to clean your face and arm. You hissed a bit, but he knew it wasn’t at him, but at the pain. You didn’t know why he did all that when you are certainly going to be killed, if not by this man then by that Hoyt.
“What’s your name, if you don’t mind?” you broke the awkward silence. He shrugged, not replying. “You can’t speak?” you figure it wouldn’t hurt to ask and you wanted to know if he couldn’t or simply didn’t want to talk. You got a slight nod from him. “I see… But I can try and guess if you help me.” You came up with a solution. “I will say the alphabet and when I will get to the first letter of your name, you should touch the palm of my hand.” He seemed unsure but nodded again in the end. “A, B, C…” you continued until you got to T. He softly put a finger on your palm. “T…” you repeated, “That could be Tim, Tony, Thomas.” You wanted to continue, but he grabbed your finger when you said Thomas. “Thomas… Tommy.” You smiled at him. You didn’t know what got into you, but you were enjoying this sweet, tender moment. He was very gentle with you and didn’t kill you yet. Maybe it was because of how different your behavior was from everyone else.
He didn’t believe it. What was he doing, what were you doing, what were you doing to him? You were supposed to be another meal, just food, a piece of meat. But he couldn’t treat you like that when you were the first person outside of his family who treated him like a human being, without disgust and hate. Even Charlie and Monty sometimes treat him like a dog. He could sense that you were sincere. Some girls tried to seduce him before to save their lives and then stab him in the back. Once he fell for it, only for the first time though, he learned his lesson. But you didn’t try, you accepted that you were going to die here, and he couldn’t bring himself to end your life on his own.
“Damn what’s taking you so long down there, boy?” Hoyt opened the door to the basement and threw something on the stairs. “Don’ tell me you were able to finally man up?” Thomas seemed to be a bit lost, but you knew what he meant by that. “Anyhow, I am finished with it, it’s all yours now.” Hoyt pointed on the floor. You weren’t sure what he threw in the basement until now. It was Emma and she was still alive. Her mouth taped shut and hands tied behind her back. Hoyt descended into the basement and got rid of the tape on her lips. “You liked it bitch, didn’t ya?” he squeezed her cheeks and put a finger into her open mouth. She bit him as soon as she got the chance. A loud slap followed and he walked back up cussing her out. Hoyt was so focused on his finger, that he didn’t seem to care about why you were still alive. “Oh y/n! Help me, help me, please!” she trembled and smiled at you in disbelief. She obviously thought you were dead. Then she looked around to see her dead friends and screamed. Thomas grabbed her with his huge hands ready to hang her on the meat hook next to her friends. “You ugly fat bastard, let me go, stop it, you animal!” she kicked him wherever she could with both of her legs as they were tied together. You couldn’t hold back your laughter. However, your laughter stabbed Thomas in the back. So, you were the same after all. He thought about it and then realized it was for the better. But then you spoke “She looks like a fish out of the water, doesn’t she?” you giggled a bit more and then finally stopped. Thomas smiled under his mask before he realized what were the consequences. You indirectly stood up to him and it was funny and clever as well. “What… why would you laugh y/n? We are both going to die you dumb slut!” as the last word left her lips a shriek of pain echoed as Thomas stabbed the hook into her back. With the last strength, she spat in his face. “F-filthy animal, m-murderer, you and your damn fucking family can all burn in hell…” she mumbled. “I bet he would be a better friend than you.” Before she could come up with a comeback of any kind, he slit her skull with a cleaver. He grabbed a chainsaw and started dismembering her. You actively watched, fascinated by the situation. You weren’t a sadist, not at all, but it just all seemed like a weird nightmare to you. Maybe you passed out during the car crash and you are still dreaming. However, the smell of blood brought you back into reality. After Thomas was done, he turned back to you, freshly bloodied. He expected to see a disgusted face, tears, fear. He did it on purpose… to make you scream, to make you hate him like everyone else. “To be honest… she deserved it. Imagine, she tried to give me to Hoyt to save herself. She wouldn’t mind killing me.” You shrugged as you were very stiff from holding your head on the side. 
No, no, no, no, no… it was all wrong. Thomas’ heart raced as he looked at you in disbelief, your e/c eyes piercing his soul. You saw him kill your friend, well at the very least your companion and then you also witnessed al the gory stuff that came with it, but you looked unphased, maybe a bit satisfied with his work... you didn’t scream, didn’t curse, didn’t hate him. He grabbed the cleaver and held it above you, then swung and…
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ginnyweasleywannabe · 3 years
Blackinnon Week: Tuesday "Soulmates
Tuesday: “Soulmate” The moment they knew , they realize that the other is their soulmate; when they get together.
Word Count: 2159. Can also be found on AO3 @inthemiddle2
Sirius thought he would feel something different today but ultimately he still felt hollow. He looked around the platform, today was supposed to be thing big thing and he thought it would be exciting or maybe sad but nothing. His parents didn’t have anything good to say about Hogwarts but they never had anything good to say about anything. He was looking forward to going to Hogwarts just to get away from his parents. When they first crossed the magically boarder he realized that his leaving wasn’t going to rid him of his problems but just bring on new ones.
The eleven year old boy was currently trying to drown out his mothers complaints. She was speaking to his Aunt Druella. He knew he was going to be in Slytherin, his whole family had been. He wasn’t looking forward to it. Truthfully he hoped he would magically get sorted elsewhere. That would just bring more trouble as his family would practically disown his for breaking family traditions and beliefs. He wasn’t sure what would be worse, getting into Slytherin or not.
Regulus was trying to hold back tears. Sirius hated when he cried, he was such a baby sometimes. He would cry and Sirius would have to stand there and watch his parents beat the little boy. He turned away from Reg not wanting to see the sadness in his eyes that he was leaving him and it would just be him and his parents from now on.
The platform was a buzz with kids full of excitement and parents feeling a mix of happy and sad to see their child off.
“I just don’t understand why we can’t sit together?” Sirius turned to the voice to see a bi-speckled boy groaning. He flopped his arms down dramatically.
Across from the boy was a blonde, almost silver haired girl. She was standing tall, not even looking at the boy as she rolled her eyes and said “Because Jamie, I’m eleven now and I need to start making friends with girls.” She continued to look around the platform in awe.
“But why girls are girly and weird. I hate girls.” He was mumbling now.
“James I am a girl!” The little blonde stomped her foot and rounded on the boy. She stuck he head high but she only came up to his chin.
“Please Marlene, you’re as much of girl as mom!”
“Hey!” The women who Sirius assumed was James’ mom shouted and gave his hair a rumple.
He looked sheepishly as his mother, “Sorry mom!” He turned back to ‘Marlene’, “You know what I meant. You’re a cool girl and you play quidditch, and you’re my best friend which is why we should sit together on the train.”
The girl had been glaring at the boy but her face softened, “Jamie, cool girls can be girly too! My cousin Alice invited me to sit with her and I want to try and make other friends besides you and my brothers. You’re my best friend and you’ll be my best friend no matter what houses were in.”
The two hugged, before James eventually shoved her away saying it wasn’t cool to be the guy crying and hugging the girl on the platform.
Sirius watched the two in envy. He wondered what it would be like to have somebody who loved you know matter what house you were in. He could tell the pair had to be purebloods as they neither looked shocked about the magic around them. That was plus, maybe he could be friends with them. The girl was a spit fire. She seemed like the type who took up the whole of any room. The boy looked nice enough, like he wasn’t so uptight like everyone he had to hang out with now.
Sirius boarded the train with his cousins but they were soon to ditch him, not that he minded. As he peered into the cars he saw boys he recognized from all the pureblood parties his parents made him go to. He wasn’t really sure how he felt about all that pureblood stuff. He had never met a muggle born so he couldn’t tell if they were any worse at magic than him. He did know he hated it just on principle of hating anything his parents loved. If he was honest with himself he figure muggle-borns and half-bloods were bad at magic, it made sense in his eleven year old brain. He saw the kids on the platform who looked confused. But that didn’t mean they couldn’t be taught? Oh well it wouldn’t matter anyway. He would be in Slytherin and life would go on as it always had under his cousins careful watch.
He decided to move on from the cabin of boys from the parties, take moment away while he had it. He looked into the next few cabins and saw the boy and girl from the platform. He cracked open the door.
“Do you mind if I join you?
The pair looked up from their bickering, they were seated on opposite benches.
The boy spoke first, he had a bright smile on his face. Sirius knew he wasn’t new to the magical world from the platform but eagerness he had could have fooled some. “Of course! Hiya I’m James Potter!
Sirius recognized the name Potter, he was sure his parents had complained about them at some point. “I’m Sirius” He figured no harm in leaving off his last name for now. He turned to face the girl across from him.
“I’m Marlene. Marlene McKinnon” She had a thick Scottish accent and she pointedly raised her eyebrow at the last name. It seems she had picked up on his purposeful leave off.
She was giving him a smile but also pointed look. He squirmed under her eyes, how was she doing that?
Sirius cleared his throat, “Uh right. Um did you know Marlene means ‘star of the sea’?” He awkwardly coughed again, “So um, I’m named after the star Sirius. The dog star.”
She was just looking at him, “….Right.” Sirius was sure he had just blown it, he was never going to make new friends. But then the little blonde girl smiled at him, “remind me to be your partner in astronomy.”
James looked between the two, it was like they had their own private joke. Marlene was already making new friends, and a boy?!?
“Well Marley shouldn’t you be on your way? I’m sure Alice is looking for you…”
Marlene just rolled her eyes and went to stand up but the door slid open.
A redheaded girl smiled at the group and a boy with long black hair stood behind her.
The girl spoke first, “Hi! I’m Lily! This is my friend, Severus! Can we sit with you?”
Lily didn’t wait for a response before sitting down. “I’m a muggle-born! This all very exciting don’t you think!”
“You shouldn’t tell people that.” Sirius said it in a neutral tone but Marlene and James looked at him.
“Oh.” Lily looked a little hurt by what he had said, “Um Well Sev, isn’t so he’s told me a lot about the school and magic.”
Marlene was quick to jump in and try and mediate the situation, That’s great! It can be overwhelming at first! I’m Marlene! I have four older brothers but they explained a lot to me as well before.”
James also joined the conversation, “So do you know what houses you lot want to be in? Both my parents, and Marley’s whole family are Gryffindor’s! I reckon I’ll make it but I’m not so sure about Mars. She’s slimy like the Slytherins.”
Sirius’ body tensed with the Slytherin jab. He was going to end up there, if he didn’t at first his parents would make sure of it.
“What’s wrong with Slytherin?” It was the first time the long haired boy had spoken. He was aggressive and defensive.
James responded, “Well they’re all gits! All stuck up with their pureblood mania. Slimy I tell ya!” His tone was light and joking but Severus didn’t seem to take it that way.
“My mom was a Slytherin!”
Sirius wanting so desperately to be like by James, “Yeah well that explains it! You’ll fit right in with that slimy greasy hair!” Both the boys were laughing, “I think will call you ‘Snivellus Slytherus’”
James burst out at that, Lily stood red to the face. “Come on, Severus. Let leave these, these bullies!” She stormed out of the cart with Severus in toe.
James hollered after them, “See you Snivellus!”
The door slid closed with a slam. Marlene looked from the door to the two laughing boys. She stood as she began to yell.
“James Fleamont Potter! You should know better than to treat somebody like that! And you know that being a Slytherin is just fine! Marc’s girlfriend Kate was a Slytherin!”
Sirius’ eyes were wide, he had very quietly and still. James gave a sheepish grimace, “Yeah well Kate’s the exception.”
Sirius was holding in laugh at the boy getting put in his place by the short little blonde. The small noise that escaped his mouth reminded Marlene that he was there. She rounded on his, “And you! I know who you are. I have older brother who have gone toe to toe with your cousins. You better stay away from us with all that pureblood bull!”
Sirius shrunk into the bench, “I, I, I just meant she should be careful who she says that to. You’re right my cousins are barmy. It’s not safe to say that to just anyone.”
Marlene relaxed a little bit at his justification, still unsure if she fully believed him. “You both should be kinder people. I expect more from you from now on. I’m going to find Alice.”
Marlene turned on her heal and exited the compartment. The boys both sat there in silence.
“…Your middle name is Fleamont?” Sirius was laughing
“Oh shut it” James gave him shove but was also laughing.
John Bertram had just been sorted into Hufflepuff. Sirius knew his name was coming. He was standing with James and other boys he had met on the train.
“Sirius Black”
Okay this was it. He walked to the stool. Sitting down he wiped his sweating hand on his trousers. It felt like the moment was slow motion. He looked out to the crowd. He saw James and the other boys giving thumbs up. He saw his cousins sitting at the Syltherin table glaring daggers into his eyes. He was quick to turn away from them. His eyes land on Marlene’s. She was smiling up at him. He felt his heart rate start to calm. Then she winked at him and suddenly it sped back up.
The hat had barely touched his head before it shouted, “GRYFFINDOR”
He sat in shock for minute, the women behind him gave him a nudge. He was a zombie as he moved to the Gryffindor table. He sat down off by himself. He knew this wouldn’t last. Why bother making friends. Not that anyone tried to sit with him anyway. Remus from the train sat across from him with a shrug. He was just staring down at the table until he heard the name Marlene McKinnon called. He looked up at the girl. She was smiling but Sirius could see behind her confident smile there was also a slight nervousness to it.
The hat sat on her head for a few minutes. Eventually it shouted Gryffindor as well. Marlene beamed. All around the table boys of different ages stood and cheered. Sirius assumed they were her brothers. Sirius felt himself smile. Marlene made her way down to the table. She stopped next Lily. Sirius had expected her to sit with the red head but she never sat down. After a moment she kept walk and eventually landed right next to Sirius.
“Welcome to the lions den.” Sirius gave her a half smirk, half grimaced.
Marlene reached down and grabbed his hand under the table, “Back at ya, Black.”
Marlene didn’t realize was she was still holding his hand until he dropped it like fire when James sat down.
“So Marley admit it, the hat sat on your head for so long because it wanted to put you in Slytherin”
“God James you’re so obnoxious” She was smiling when she said it though. “I’ll have you know it was between Ravenclaw and Gryffindor.” She stood, “Alright I’m gonna leave you boys to do boy things.” She gave Sirius a squeeze on the shoulder smiled and then walked away.
Sirius didn’t know it then but now as he thinks back on sitting in Azkaban, that little blonde girl was going to change his life. He didn’t know it then but he knows now he loved her then. That first day with his person. She was a force. She was his soulmate.
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shelby-love · 4 years
Poor Defense
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Requested: yes
Prompts: none
Warnings: none
Authors note: Happy ending obviously! xx
"Babe are you sure that you're alright?" You ask him for the fifth time. You're standing outside his car, watching him join you outside like a hwak.
Your boyfriend Kelly just doesn't seem to be okay. You watch him grab your duffle bag along with his. Usually that's not a problem for him but you see him strain his shoulder. His face says it all.
"No, I got it. You don't have to." You reach for your duffle bag.
"What do you mean? It's not a problem babe seriously. Let me." You sigh in defeat and grab his free hand. You part ways in the locker room and you join Shay in the ambo.
"Did you notice anything weird about Kelly?" You ask her. You're sitting at the floor of the ambulance and spying on him with the jump bag next to you. Making it easy for you to switch your eyes to it and act like you're not spying on him but rather doing your job.
He's at the squad table, bickering with Capp like nothing in the world is wrong or at least slightly twisted.
"What do you mean?" She tries to play it smooth. Of course she knows. The guilt has been eating her alive.
"Hm. That's weird." You suddenly say. The subject that is your boyfriend drops and you focus on the jump bag next to you.
"What's weird?"
"We're missing some painkillers. But I'm sure I ordered them." You sigh. Explaining that to main tower is going to be a pain in the ass. "Never mind. We'll figure it out."
"Okay I can't do it anymore." She sighs in defeat before throwing the last of the towels inside and sitting down next to you.
"Can't do what Shay?" You ask your partner. Shay is stressed and scared. But for what?
"He's not okay Y/N."
"Who's not okay?"
"Kelly!" She exclaims. "He went to check his injury and the doctor told him that they will need to operate and he won't be able to work for a year. Ever since then I've been helping him."
"You took the meds?!" You're shocked beyond words at this point. Not only was your boyfriend hiding a serious injury from you, he was also using his best friend and putting her in danger of losing her job. Hell even you were at risk now! "Les this can cost us our jobs!"
"I know! It's just... He's so stubborn and I was afraid that he was going to take the matter into his own hands."
Damn his stubbornness! "I will take his stubbornness and shove it so far up his-"
"Hey girlies." Brian Zvonecek interrupts you innocently. "Do you have any towels to spear?"
"When were you going to tell me?" You just barged into your boyfriend's private room and now you demand answers.
"Tell you what babe?"
"That your shoulder is getting worse and that you made Shay steal meds from the ambo just so you can work and risk your life." You tell him that in one single breath, with ears red as a tomato. You're angry and disappointed in him.
His face said it all. Busted.
"Look baby..." He stood up with caution. "This was just a one time thing. I'm fine now. I really am."
"No Kelly I don't think you are."
You have free time and you decide to use it to make up with Kelly. After what happened at the firehouse you didn't exactly find it in you to talk to him without bringing up the injury and starting a fight.
You wrecked your brain for possible explanations and after putting yourself in Kelly's shoes you decided to forgive him. He explained himself enough for you to build up the trust once more.
"Babe?" You walk around your shared apartment in hopes of finding him somewhere convenient enough to talk things out.
"In the shower!"
His reply is loud and clear. His off limits to talk now.
When you walk into the spacious bedroom it's almost like the air is completely different. Something seems off. You notice his jacket that lies on the bed, probably because he's headed somewhere.
While the shower runs in the background you take his jacket into his eyes and instinctively search through its pockets. You were never the type to rummage through his belongings but you felt like it needed to be done.
What you found shocked you. Pills.
Much stronger and illegal medication. 5 times the strength from the ones Shay took from the ambulance. You had one question in mind: Where did he get this?
Feeling your blood boil at the newfound sight you reach for his phone without a second thought. Someone must've gotten this for him and you were going to find out who.
Calls were a dead end and you quickly turned to look through his messages. The newest contact being someone named Anna.
It's obvious the moment you scroll through their conversation. A conversation way to long for your liking that started just a day after you confronted him about it.
You feel betrayed. He promised he would do the surgery.
You throw his phone back on his nightstand and fish through your pockets for your own. The moment you have it you swipe through your contacts and press call. "Yes?"
"Les who is Anna?" You ask her. The human encyclopedia for Kelly's past flings and girlfriends.
"Why do you ask?"
"Because..." You make sure to quickly hide in the kitchen so he doesn't hear you. "I just found out that he's still using pills. Illegal and stronger meds. And I know it's not you because you and I both don't have access to this kind of stuff."
"I went through his phone and before you tell me how I shouldn't have done that... I had every right to protect him from risking his life because he's so freaking stubborn!" You huff into the phone. You clutch the meds in your hand until they're almost grinded into powder. "The name's Anna."
"Oh Jesus..." You hear her sigh. "An old flame and pharmaceutical rep. They never slept together but he did kiss her."
You start to see red. "I figured as much."
After taking a deep breath you bid Shay your goodbyes and start to pack your bags.
"Save it." You place the last of your shirts into the duffle bag. Ready to fly out of the apartment.
"Why?! Are you serious right now?" You ask him angrily. "You know what Kelly? I should've reported you for taking unprescribed medicine the moment I found out! No actually I should've reported you for making Shay steal them for you.
I can't believe I thought you were going to do the surgery. I stayed quiet knowing that your little stunt could cost me my job-"
"But you didn't do anything."
"Exactly! I didn't do anything to stop it. In the eyes of the whole CFD I am a careless paramedic in charge that doesn't take inventory seriously and instead allows firefighters to take whichever meds they prefer to themselves. Add my romantic relationship with the firefighter in question to the mix and my career is gone! Poof."
After a few deep breaths you zip your duffle bag. "I am not mad that you went to your ex fling for help. I am mad that you lied to me. You made me think everything was alright and when I found out you promised me that you would do the surgery. Not for me but for yourself and us. Yet again. You lied."
Knowing that staying in the same room with him for a second longer would make you stay, you decide to stalk out of the room and the whole apartment, leaving your own keys in the kitchen so you don't get tempted to come back.
"Shay let me in c'mon." Kelly banged on the door of Shay's apartment knowing that you were inside. "I need to talk to her."
The man you call the love of your life wasn't going to give up and both of you knew it. Frantically, with both hands in the air and if possible both legs too, Shay mouthed "What do I do?"
You nod towards the door, "Open the door."
She mouths back. "Are you sure?"
"Hey! Stop mouthing to each other and open the damn door!"
"Damn you Kelly!" Leslie shouts at him before opening the door and dissappearing into her room with a loud slam of the door.
It's been two weeks since you "moved out". You didn't give him the time of your day at work but the time you spent apart was eating you alive. Killing you actually.
His handsome self barges into the living room and spots you on the couch. Curled in a ball with tea in your hands and a blanket over you. The silent battle of eyes stops when he takes three long strides towards you and pulls you in for a kiss. A kiss that feels like homecoming.
You pull away flushed to the bone and encourage him to take a seat next to you. You place the blanket over his lap like you always do. Some things die hard.
"I'll do it."
"Do what?"
"The surgery Y/N. I'll do it."
Your mouth falls open in an 'O'. "So you're not here to ask me to move back in?Cause I'm still paying rent for that place."
He chuckles in a way that makes you weak in the knees. "You didn't let me get to that part."
"What made you get a change of heart?" You place your steaming hot tea on the glass coffee table and make yourself comfortable on the couch, your eyes never leaving his.
"You." He said simply. It made you blush against your will. "And the pain. It's horrible."
A bubble of laughter escapes your lips. "I love it when I make you laugh."
His statement caught you off guard making you blush even more. "I'm supposed to have a better defense."
"No you don't." With that he placed his index finger under your chin and lulled you into him. He spoke a soft apology in the kiss and you accepted it by kissing him back.
"Let's go home." Kelly whispered. Sorry shining in his eyes.
This time it was you leaned in for a kiss.
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starssabi · 4 years
fandom: Apex Legends (video game)
pairing: Revenant / Reader (m/f)
ao3 link
note: Yes, I am disgusting. Yes, I enjoyed writing this. Yes, there may be more like this in the future. This is NOT non-con but it can be taken as dub-con if you'd like. Please be aware of that! The reader is totally into it, she's just a brat. Sorry Loba, we’re fucking the murder bot.
warnings: light sadism, threats of violence (barely), semi-public smut, fear-play if you squint, mild dubious consent. 
summary:  You and Revenant have had some tension for some time now, and you both have come to enjoy teasing and sassing one-another. It all comes to a head during a match, and you become stuck quite literally between a rock and a hard place.
this should go without saying, but this is written for those 18+.
oneshot: Brat
Skinsuits. He hated every single one of them.
Part of you suspected there may be more to it, maybe he wasn’t just a pissed-off murder robot, as Elliott would call him. From the times that you had been paired up together in both trios and duos, he had been nothing short of an asshole. That was to be expected with the robot that everyone had come to hate, and when Loba showed up, the hatred only grew in number and felt amplified.
You wished you could hate him. You knew he was cruel, that he was a murderer and no doubt a sadist as well; someone who clearly got off on hurting others and toying with them. The words he uttered when his victim met their end gave that away. You were the only one who met his rude comments with sarcastic, or equally rude remarks.
Anita did so sometimes, too. As did Octavio, though, for some reason, it was you that caught his attention. He wouldn’t thank you after you tossed him a weapon? Did I ask? Your thanks to him, whenever he was feeling generous, was curt and met with what sounded like him clearing his throat, even if he wasn’t capable of it. You found it entertaining to banter with the lanky robot, and soon, it seemed he began to find it entertaining too.
Talk outside of the games grew more intense and more frequent. In the dropship, he’d stare blatantly, make you shift in your seat, and his disdainful attitude while in the ring became more sarcastic and teasing than a real threat. He’d thank you now, although it was clearly to mess with you, and when you’d pull him back up from a fight, he almost seemed smug. Could robots be smug? He was.
You being you, either suicidal or brave, still met him with the same behavior. However, his threats became less of anger and more… pleased.
“Watch your mouth, girly. It might get you into trouble someday.”
It did. God, it did.
This was new. He’d never found you before in the ring just for his own amusement. It was clear that was why when he didn’t put a cap immediately in your skull. You were stuck with Elliott at that time, who was busy looting the building across the cavern. You had moved ahead enough to be out of immediate earshot, and once that was determined, he jumped on you, almost quite literally. The rocks were sharp and uncomfortable against your back, even through your clothing. He had you pinned to the cavern’s wall, a darker corner within that left you exposed to him but hidden from Elliott’s line of sight. Elliott hadn’t called for you yet, but the ring would be closing soon, and it was inevitable.
Your own hand had pressed the wingman to Revenant’s chest, and it remained there until one of his steady mechanical ones wretched it away. A deep sound came from him, a chuckle, and he pushed into you further. You were quite literally stuck between a rock and a hard place.
“You could’ve taken the shot,” he spoke lowly, sounding quite pleased with your behavior. You hadn’t tried to push him away, hell, you barely moved a muscle aside from the irritating frown that now spread across your lips. “But you didn’t.”
He was teasing you again, though something was different. It could have been the close proximity making your heart jump in your chest, or maybe it was the intention of his words, which you were slowly unraveling. One of his thin hands came back from the wall and gripped your chin. It wasn’t as rough as you were expecting, but it wasn’t kind either. Your lips parted as you considered telling him off, but you were cut off by another deep chuckle before you could.
“I told you this mouth would get you into trouble,” if he had movable lips, he’d be smiling no doubt. A cold finger brushed against your bottom lip briefly, pushing into the plush skin, considering something before he swiped away. That’s when his hand fell down lower, coming to squeeze your hips and pull you closer, if at all possible. He towered over you, and he was still able to push his leg between your legs. “I’ll take this instead.”
His hand tightened briefly against your hipbone, almost as if testing the waters if he cared enough to do that. When you didn’t pull away from either his words or his touch, his hand moved down further, dragging along your pants before cupping your clothed heat completely. His hand was cold even through the fabric, and you gasped. This prompted his other to clamp down onto your mouth. His eyes glowed threateningly in the damp darkness between you. His hand didn’t remain above clothing for long. It only took one swift pull for him to yank your pants down to mid-thigh, damn near tearing the fabric and pulling you to your knees. His hold on you didn’t relent, and if it did, you surely would have fallen from the strength behind the pull. Once your pants were down enough, he moved onto your underwear, not even glancing down to them before he pulled them, too. This fabric gave way much easier, and it was left as nothing but scraps in his curled hand. They left your line of sight a moment later.
There was no preparation for what would meet your folds. It was cold, he was cold, and the sensation was not one you were entirely familiar with. Metal on skin. He was smooth at the moment, though fear pricked at your spine recalling how he had stabbed others before. It only took seconds for his hand to morph into what looked like the sharpest blade ever, and those seconds could occur at any time. Still, you couldn’t help but keen into his hand as fingers began to delve into your folds, parting them to dip into the wetness that had already begun to seep from your hole and push back out, rubbing slow motions against your clit. Already you were beginning to ache with need.
“Shhh,” he shushed you quietly, the sound somewhat smoother compared to his usual harsh voice. He was taking his time rubbing circles against you, his fingers blunt but precise with the motions. Your hips tried to push further into the touch, but he pushed back; metal to skin to solid rock.
Seconds were ticking by, and you were aware of every single one of them. In any other situation, you would have relished the slow pace, but it wasn’t the time, not when the ring close was inching closer and closer. He knew, too, and his touch against your clit only lasted a few more seconds before he pushed once again between your folds and prodded at your opening. You made a noise against his hand, and his gaze shot up from where he was watching your arousal slick his fingers.
You expected him to tease you again, but instead, you were met with two of his cold fingers pushing into you.
He watched your face intently, and even with his hand still covering your mouth, he was able to make out the desperate expression beneath with ease. You, the same girl who shot back the most snark with him, were taking his fingers so well. He loved it, loved teasing you, and all while he was quite possibly saving the face to his memory, he curled and stroked his fingers up into you. He was slow only for a few seconds before he quickened the pace of his thrusts, and as he did so, it felt as if his fingers had grown within you. He was pressing against the deepest parts of you, the tips of his fingers pressing completely into you before pulling back to rub against that spot. He found it just as quickly as he had taken you, and it wouldn’t be long before you came undone on the monster’s fingers.
“What if they could see you now,” his chuckle still rang in your ears, “Your cunt dripping all over my hand, you want to cum, don’t you?” His voice was low enough that you could begin to hear the sound of the slick metal pushing inside of you, and against his hand, you cringed. It was hard enough to pretend he didn’t get you riled up, and vice-versa, now that you knew. You half expected his words as he continued: “Beg. It’s good for both of us.”
The hand clamped over your mouth was released, and your defiant frown came into view. He stared down at you impatiently, but you offered no response. Your expression was enough for him to put the pieces together, and something of mock laughter met your ears.
“Would you rather I kill you now? Get it over with,” his fingers made the come-hither motion against your tight walls, and your hips jolted upwards with an audible gasp. He could kill you like that, you recalled, “You’re making it too easy. Come on, I want to hear you.”
It was right there. You could feel yourself trying to meet his thrusts, reaching your breaking point, but your lips remained shut. You were a brat, as he had come to realize, and he would have fun breaking you. It wouldn’t be long — As you tightened around his digits, they came to a halt. Your groan was nothing short of agitated, and he almost laughed again. You were desperate. If he didn’t kill you, the ring would.
“Please, fuck,” you hissed out, and his head tilted, beckoning for you to continue. “Hurry, just — please!” Irritation and desperation mixed, and your expression was stubborn, but you had done enough for him to find his own pleasure in your submission. His fingers began to thrust again, somehow even faster than they had before, and there was no covering the lewd noises that escaped both your lips and where his fingers met your skin. It took no time at all to have you jolting and choking out cries under him, your core pulsing around his fingers as he let you ride out your high. They stroked slower inside of you, almost testing the limits, but he pulled them out with a shlick a moment later. You sagged against the wall, chest heaving, and all he did was look you over. MEMORY REGISTER COMPLETE.
“Better hurry up, little girl. Next time I find you I won’t be as nice.”
"Hey, uh, you think you could mute your comms next time?"
You came to a complete halt as Elliott spoke. He sounded almost as nervous as you were at that point, and your face visibly paled to him as you turned. He seemed to be having the same reaction, his eyes wide and darting from you to the area surrounding. A sound came from somewhere around the two of you, perhaps the shuffle of someone through the grass, and he began to laugh nervously. He was being much too loud, though clearly, you had no room to talk.
"You know what? Forget I said anything. It's fine. Never happened!"
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slash-em-up · 4 years
Workin’ For The Money: A Logger Fic
The first meeting of a Final Girl and her Slasher.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Joanna Maren was nervous.
And that didn’t happen too damn often.
She sat, frozen but somehow still out of breath, in her brother’s car outside the Copper Street Bar.
This was ridiculous. She shouldn’t be this scared.
At 18 years old, freshly graduated from high school, there was no way something so mundane as asking for a job should be this intimidating… but there you go.
“Come on Jo. Just… do it. They have the sign up, they’re looking for help… you’re help!”
And god, she needed the money.
Without having officially asked or even applied to a college, Jo knew her parent would be tough sells. Why send your daughter to a university? Oh, I don’t know, so she can get an education and maybe achieve more than turning into her mother?
Again, beside the point.
She was going to be as little a burden on her parent as she could – and that’s where Copper Street came in.
But even so, she could hear her mother’s voice in her head - sneering condescendingly every single time the family passed the bar.
“Nothing but drunks and prostitutes in there.”
Her father would hum in agreement, although Jo knew he liked to stop in on occasion after work for a drink. It was easier to just let her mother speak her piece and then do exactly as you liked.
… But having her daughter work there... Might actually kill the older woman.
A loud crash from inside the building pulled the blonde from her contemplation.
Jo jumped in her seat as the front doors of the bar flew open, letting a couple of men stumble out onto the sidewalk.
The taller of the pair was manhandling the very obviously drunk and angry smaller man out the door with practiced ease.
“C’mon Ben! He started it!! Lemme get back in there!!”
The man thrashed, trying to dislodge the tall brunette, who held his arm in an immovable grip while looking supremely annoyed.
“I think you’re done for the night, Billy. Why don’t you go home and sleep it off?”
And there was Ben Sullivan.
She’s seen the bartender several times in passing around town; but hadn’t actually spoken to him.
Her eyes took stock of the man as he continued to argue with the drunk.
Tall - very tall - and hard-looking.
She didn’t think he was particularly old; but he looked like one of those people who’d had life beat the shit out of them and it showed.
Yet, despite the roughness of his face, his hair and beard were tidy, and his clothes were neatly pressed - although the man he was tussling with was starting to do a number on his shirt.
A few more forceful words and a shove later had the drunken man stumbling down the sidewalk, away from the bar - leaving Mr. Sullivan to catch his breath in the warm June night.
Jo ducked down in her seat as the man’s head jerked up to look in her direction.
She didn’t think he’d actually seen her, but the fact that he’d felt her gaze on him anyway was alarming.
The man glanced around the quiet street once more before turning on his heel and re-entering the bar.
Well, nothing for it now.
Taking a deep breath, Jo opened the car door and jogged across the sidewalk - pausing momentarily to adjust her skirt and smooth her hair before entering the building.
The first thing that she noted was how loud the room was.
It seemed filled to the brim with tables and a long line of tall stools in front of a dark wood bar - each occupied by a man - Jo even recognized a few of her father’s coworkers from City Hall amongst them; but the majority looked like workers from the logging camps that peppered the woods outside of town.
She paused just inside the door to watch the flurry of movement as a pair of women walked quickly from table to table taking orders on small notepads before yelling over to the pair of bartenders behind the wood divider, who yelled back in confirmation before spinning around to take orders from the men seated on the stools.
It looked chaotic, and Jo wasn’t sure she’d even be noticed as she took a seat near the end of the bar.
“Nah, nah, nah, nah! Hey! Girly! You look like you’re twelve years old, get outta here!”
The other bartender was glaring as he walked over, planting himself in front of Jo as she subconsciously straightened her spine, sitting up taller.
“We don’t serve minors - git!”
Jo tried to keep her face neutral as the bartender lambasted her; but she was pretty sure she could feel her placid look slipping by the second.
“I’m not here for a drink, I’m here for a job!” she shouted over the din.
The man rolled his eyes.
“Oh for - Ben! BEN! Some middle-schooler wants to work here!”
“I’m NOT - “
“What’s going on, Davy?”
Davy and Jo paused as Ben walked over, moving behind the other man to quickly ring up a tab at the register - barely glancing at Jo before he moved next to Davy, handing a customer his change.
“Blondie here wants the waitress job.”
“Aren’t you Ed Maren’s girl? Jane?”
“Ah, yeah, Jo…”
Davy scoffed, bringing Ben and Jo’s attention back to him as Ben started pulling bottles and glasses onto the under-bar workstation, mixing drinks as he listened.
“You ever wait tables before?”
“No, but…”
“Ever even been in a place like this?”
“I - “
“Yeah, Ben; I don’t think Shirley Temple here is the kind of help we need.”
“DAVY! Where’s my cocktails for table three?”
The shorter bartender swung around, stomping back over to the other side of the bar to deal with an angry, frazzled-looking woman in a black dress.
Jo sighed, pursing her lips as she glanced back at Ben - surprised to see his eyes on her as he speedily poured half a dozen cocktails from a glass mixer.
“Yeah, maybe I don’t have any experience - and maybe I’ve never been in a bar before; but I can learn and… I want this job.”
Ben said nothing.
Jo crossed her arms over her chest, meeting his stare head-on.
“I’m not gonna leave until you at least give me a chance.”
“BEN! I need those drinks!”
The blonde held the tall man’s gaze as the noises of the bar continued to rage around them.
Jo cocked a single brow at the bartender.
The tall brunette’s expression slipped into a small grin.
“Alright, Jo. Let’s give this a shot - MARY!” he shouted across the room to a red-headed woman carrying a tray.
The other woman approached, looking exhausted as she threw Ben a questioning glance.
“Mary, this is Jo - Jo, Mary. Follow her around and help out where you can - we’ll talk more after closing.”
Jo’s face lit up in a wide smile as she was handed an apron.
“You won’t regret it, Mr. Sullivan!”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The remainder of the night was a blur of lights and noises as Jo had followed Mary around the bar, trying to listen to her shouted instructions as they moved from table to table.
By the time the evening was over and the door locked behind the last patron, Jo was ready to collapse.
She plopped down at one of the tables with a groan, gingerly lifting one of her legs up to massage her ankle.
The heels she’d come in with weren’t tall at all; but her feet still ached like she’d been stepping on glass by the end of the third hour. There were definitely blisters under her socks.
Someone had spilled a beer over her dress about half-way through the night. She felt sticky.
But even so, Jo had a euphoric sense of accomplishment, and couldn’t help but grin widely as Ben sat down in a chair next to her.
The tall bartender chuckled at her expression, faint smile lines around his green eyes crinkling as he leaned back in his seat, stretching his long legs out beneath the table.
“So what?”
“Looked like you were gettin’ the hang of things pretty well by the end of the night - even yelled at me once if memory serves.”
Jo blushed. Yeah, she may have gotten a little too caught up in the hubbub and energy of the room.
“Don’t be - you’ll probably be doin’ a lot more of it pretty soon.”
The young blonde perked up at his words.
“Does that mean I got the job?”
Ben’s grin grew into a wide smile at the woman’s enthusiasm.
“You had it about four hours ago, this is just a formality.”
Jo laughed and clasped her hands in front of her, smiling like a fool and not caring one bit.
“Thank you, Mr. Sullivan! You have no idea how much this means to me.”
Ben’s expression shifted into a vaguely distasteful look at her words.
“You’re welcome; but do me a favor and cut the ‘Mr. Sullivan’ nonsense.”
The pair eyed each other silently for a moment as Jo mulled his statement over.
“Sorry, Ben. And really. Thanks.”
“My pleasure, Jo.”
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zmediaoutlet · 4 years
in support of Black Lives Matter, @petitgateau911 donated $25, and requested weecest first time. Thank you for donating!
to get your own personalized fic, please see this post. (no longer taking prompts)
They’re just outside Wheeling, and Dad’s been gone for twenty-four days, and it’s friggin’ cold outside but it’s going to be 1999 in an hour, and Sammy’s--
“Dude, are you drunk?” Dean says.
“No,” Sam says, with affronted dignity. He puts his beer down in the snow and stands on one leg, easy balance. “See. You’re drunk.”
“Sure thing, squirt,” Dean says, laughing, and Sam grins at him in a total unexpected bloom out of nowhere, and it warms his gut just as much as the bonfire’s doing. It’s not much of a New Year’s Eve, but he’s got himself with no broken bones, and he’s got Sammy smiling, and Dad’s in the wind but they’ve got a twelve-pack and bottle of five-buck champagne waiting and a fire, out back of the trailer, and things aren’t all right with the world but, shit, Dean’s known them of a hell of a lot more wrong, so. He lifts his beer in a little toast, to Sam’s balance and to the world in general, and kicks his boots out into the snow. “You let me know if we’re up too far past your bedtime.”
Sam sticks his tongue out, kinda proving Dean’s point, but hell. He’s cheerful, which can get in short supply most days. No school to miss, with everything closed for the winter break, and Dad’s top-secret-no-sons-allowed hunt’s been keeping the boat unrocked, since Dad pretty much just calls Dean every few days to check in as proof of life, and so it’s just been them, and the woods out here, and the trailer. No job in this town, but Dad left enough cash that they’re floated for a while, and Christmas was pretty lame but Dean made a mega-batch of brownies from a box mix that turned out pretty good and Sam nearly ate his weight in ‘em, and there was enough cash left in Dean’s budget to do New Year’s right. Sammy’s even unbent enough to have some drinks, which frankly Dean’s surprised didn’t take more wheedling, but Sam shrugged and said, “It’s traditional, right?” and Dean could’ve just hugged him, but he settled for a noogie instead.
Sam’s still insisting on his sobriety. Dean can’t stop laughing, from his tree-stump that’s serving as a seat. “Shut up, watch,” Sam says, and does the whole rigamarole of the DUI stop to prove it. Walks a straight line, and stands on one foot, and recites the alphabet backwards while touching his nose. “See?”
“Sammy, how the hell do you know all that stuff?” Dean says. “You drunk-driving when I’m not around?”
He keeps holding his balance, looking up at the dark sky with his finger still on his nose. “DARE class, when we were in New Mexico,” Sam says, and finally drops the stance, shrugging. “Figured it couldn’t hurt to be good at it, just in case.”
Just in case. Dean’s little brother, ladies and gents. “You’re such a freak,” Dean says, glad, and Sam rolls his eyes but stumps over through the snow in his too-big boots, shaking his empty can. “Oh, and now you want a refill?”
“How long until we can open the champagne?” Sam says, practical, and Dean checks his watch. 47 minutes. “So, beer,” Sam says, and Dean shrugs, and gives him one.
“All right, short stuff,” Dean says, getting to his feet. He really is getting kinda tipsy--five beers to Sam’s two, that’s maybe understandable. “One thing about being a Winchester--you gotta hold your liquor.” Sam snorts, which Dean ignores. “Second thing, though, is that no matter what, you gotta be able to handle yourself. No matter what.”
“You said no matter what twice,” Sam says, helpfully, and Dean tugs his hat down over his face.
“So,” Dean says, and hops inside for their pistols, and a box of rounds. When he comes back out into the cold Sam’s resettled his hat and his face is pink and his eyes bright, and Dean does hug him then, a one-armed sling around his neck that makes Sam squawk but drags him all warm and bony up into Dean’s side, and then Dean drags them to the other side of the bonfire, where the light starts to fade as the trees encroach on the yard. The fence is kinda falling apart, but it’s steady enough to hold their empties.
Dean sets it up while Sam’s making skeptical-face. “You’re making me do training now?” Sam says, and Dean jumps back over through the deeper snow, crunching into the holes he already made. “Dude, this is lame.”
“Dude, it’s gonna be great,” Dean says, “because check it out: every can you take out, you get to take a drink!”
Sam sighs, like he’s aggravated, but he’s just being fifteen, because he’s grinning right after. Dean stands a pace behind him while he loads, professional, checking his weapon right just like Dean taught him--and he lines up, skinny shoulders square, and sights along his strong arm just like he’s supposed to. Shot--whipcrack sound that ricochets through the clearing--and-- “Yes!” Dean says, punching Sam’s shoulder, and he grabs their beers and toasts Sam, clunking the cans together, and even Sam going wait, you don’t get to drink yet! doesn’t dim Dean’s cheer.
“Okay,” Dean says, waggling his eyebrows, “my turn,” and Sam squints at him thoughtfully and then stoops and flings at handful of snow at Dean just as he’s lining up to fire, and he sputters and the shot goes wild into a tree, and he yells “Dude!”, scraping snow off his face, but Sam’s dancing backwards, laughing, saying, “Hey, you never said that was against the rules!” and oh, it is on.
Snowball fights aren’t supposed to involve gunfire, Dean’s pretty sure, but sometimes the Winchesters play on different rules than other people. All bets are off after Dean dumps a handful of snow down Sammy’s jeans when he’s aiming for his next can, and Sam’s girly-ass scream could probably be heard down at city hall. Dean makes his next shot even with Sam jumping around behind him making crazy monkey noises, and he drains his beer that time, and watches Sammy do the same. There’s a brief stand-off when Dean’s got two snowballs packed and ready, tossing them back and forth between his gloved hands, and Sam keeps watching him instead of raising his pistol to fire--solved when Sam raises--Dean throws--Sam immediately ducks and rolls forward in the snow, and fires closer--and totally misses, but Dean’s so impressed at the shitty attempt at ninjahood that he says Sam earned a drink anyway, and before long they’re laying on the ground, laughing and breathless, the cans all shot and the beer mostly gone, things pretty much perfect.
“How long,” Sam says, and Dean checks his watch.
“Eight minutes,” he says. Sam hums, sits up. He’s still got on his hat, somehow, but his nose is bright pink with cold. “Damn, kiddo. You’re gonna turn into a popsicle.”
Eyeroll, very obvious over Sam’s shoulder. “You’re the one who’s not wearing a hat,” he says, and Dean shrugs. Some things are just too dorky. When Sam’s a little older he’ll know it. “Anyway, whose fault is it that I’ve got snow in my boxers.”
“Um, yours,” Dean says, and Sam raises his eyebrows outraged and Dean says, “Hey, you started it, squirt,” and Sam says, “Only because you cheated first!” and Dean scoops a little clump of snow up and tosses it at Sam’s head, and Sam squawks and launched a full out tackle at Dean, and it’s on, yet again.
Sam’s wriggly and he’s got the bony elbows, but Dean still has five inches on him and the reach to match, and also he’s been fighting dirty way longer. He gets Sam pinned in pretty short order, an armbar over his chest and Dean grinning down into his face, and Sam puffs in irritation but then melts back into the ground--Sam’s special way of losing where somehow he tries to make it seem like it was always his idea, and he doesn’t care, anyway. “Uncle?” Dean says, and Sam says, “Whatever,” and Dean roll his eyes but sits up, straddling Sam just in case he tries anything else, and checks his watch again.
“Hey, one minute!” he says. “Got any resolutions planned?”
“Yeah,” Sam says, quiet. Different, to his usual moody Sam-ness, and Dean frowns, looks at him. His face is still all pink, nose and cheeks and what Dean can see of his ears where his hat’s not tugged down, and he doesn’t look--sad, or anything. Sam licks his lips, looks back at him like he wants to say something, but doesn’t know how to get it out.
“What?” Dean says, and Sam’s mouth twitches, and then he grabs Dean by the lapels of his leather jacket and pulls him down, and kisses him.
Dean catches himself with one hand in the snow to stop from toppling forward. He hovers there, shocked, and Sam--Sam holds on tight, presses their lips clumsily together. Like he has no idea what he’s doing, but he’s determined to do it anyway. “Sam,” Dean mumbles, brain still not quite together, and Sam huffs against his mouth and kisses him again, this weird smoochy noise that makes it really click in Dean’s head--Sam, kissing him. Sammy, kissing him. He blinks, pushes up, and Sam lets him go, back in the snow, face bright red and his mouth set like he knows he’s lost a bet but is determined not to care.
“Sammy,” Dean says. Everything’s static, two-am test pattern in his head.
Sam looks at him, then at the fire. “Midnight,” he says, and Dean glances at his watch to see that--yeah, jesus, it’s midnight, happy 1999, and Sammy fucking kissed him in the snow and that’s not--
“I just wanted to,” Sam says, quiet. Dean sits there, uncertain. “Just one thing, for me. Doesn’t have to be a big deal, Dean.”
“It doesn’t?” Dean says, and Sam gets redder somehow, his face all washed-out warm in the firelight, and Dean thinks--just one thing. For him. For all those days and days of curling up on the fold-out together and elbowing each other through Escape from LA and Sam falling asleep in the curve of Dean’s arm, that time, and Dean touching his cheek and thinking--wondering--
“Can we open the champagne?” Sam says, fake cheerful, pressing his hands down against the ground to squirm backwards, to get away, and Dean leans down and kisses him right--full contact, spreading himself over Sam’s body, a hand on Sam’s cheek and pressing Sam’s mouth open, wet touch of beery heat and Sam full-on gasps against Dean like a girl having her first time, and Dean pulls back for a second, turned upside down, inside out. Sam shudders, grabs at him, says his name.
“Sammy,” Dean says back, and then, weird and raw, “you never did this before?”
Sam stares at him, four inches away. Shakes his head, and the ends of his hair are wet with snow, clinging to his cheeks, and Dean licks his lips and tastes--beer--and tugs Sam up, and over, and when he sits down on the stump Sam collapses into his lap in total and ongoing surprise, like having started this he had absolutely no idea it could go further. “What?” he says, dumb, which is a nice change for once, for Dean to be the one who knows what’s going on, and Dean says, “Shut up, Sammy,” and tucks his hands on either side of Sam’s jaw and kisses him again, and again, soft and slow like he learned to do with the nervous chicks, and Sam just melts into his lap, grabbing at him awkward but eager. Wanting, and that’s just--Dean can’t think about that.
He gets an arm around Sam’s waist, keeps him close, and Sam squirms, his weight shifting in Dean’s lap. “Yeah?” Dean says, and his dick--jesus, his dick’s on board, has been, rocking a half-chub since Sam started wrestling with him but he’s been able to put that away--has always been able to put that away--only this time he doesn’t have to and it’s got his head spinning, his body moving on weird autopilot, since Sam wants it, Sam’s been wanting it. He grabs Sam’s ass and Sam jerks, gasping into his mouth, and Dean squeezes, instinct telling him that that’s a good thing, a good turned-on sound, and Sam shivers and his hips push back, and then cringe forward against Dean’s stomach, and then he jerks and says, “Oh,” soft, and Dean doesn’t get what that means until Sam’s hiding his face in Dean’s shoulder, shaking, and Dean realizes that Sam came in his pants, just from Dean touching him and having him in his lap, and his whole body feels like it about catches fire, right then.
Sam’s still quivering, though, and Dean’s not a dickhead. “Sammy,” he says, and tugs off a glove with his teeth to touch Sam’s bare skin--his neck, exposed to the cold, and the silky hair at the base of his skull.
“I didn’t--” Sam mumbles, clutching at Dean’s coat, and Dean doesn’t know what that means but he’s got a lot of experience reassuring his little brother, and even if this situation is--insane--world-ending maybe--well, he knows what to do here.
“Probably got jizz on my jeans, freak,” he says, super soft, and Sam pulls back and looks at him horrified, and then sees his expression and punches him in the shoulder, hard. “Ow,” Dean says, obligingly, and then touches Sam’s jaw, easy. “Hey. It’s cool.”
“Is it cool?” Sam says, echoing, and Dean bites the corner of his mouth, knowing he doesn’t really have an answer. Sam snorts, bitter. Dean doesn’t know if he was ever so bitter. “Yeah, see? I--I shouldn’t have--”
“Shut up, Sammy,” Dean says, again, and Sam looks at him, miserable. Dean shrugs. “New year. We still got that bottle of champagne. We could go inside. Whatever--whatever you want to do, man. Night’s still young.”
Sam stares at him. “Really?” he says, and Dean says, maybe more honest than he can ever remember being with anyone, “It’s all good with me,” because--it is. For once. Maybe for the first time in Dean’s whole life--everything is completely, totally, bizarrely, freakily--good. He blames it on the beer, and on how Sam starts, even if uncertainly, to smile.
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desparikon · 4 years
Murdoc/Mac fanfic misfire #3
Murdoc is the last person standing between Mac and his plan to save the world.
Mac shook the tiny bottle, his stomach acid sloshing in unison.
It's not a date rape drug, he firmly reassured himself. OTC sleep aids. Murdoc would have a nice, long night’s sleep, and Mac would ditch his final tail. A small, but necessary, evil to temporarily get Murdoc out of the way. Nothing untoward was going to happen.
He slipped the bottle back into his jacket pocket, and took another sip of his drink, hoping the sweet stickiness would coat his stomach and settle the butterflies.
What kind of message was he about to send to Murdoc, drugging his drink like that? It's sleazy, the lowest of the low. Everything Murdoc had ever done to him, and even he’d never attempted to trick Mac into ingesting something. Despite his intense, nearly overwhelming, feelings, and the opportunities, and the fact that drugging Mac would be the easy way to end his years-long craving.
No, Murdoc was bringing this onto himself. He was always too eager to make Mac’s business his own, so this time, he’d suffer the consequences. Murdoc was forcing him to make it personal.
They all were.
What part of Leave Me Alone, did people not understand? What part of I Have A Plan So Let Me Do This, jolted his friends into pursuing him around the world, in a chase that wasted time and resources, and threatened to exhaust them all to their breaking point?
Keeping loved ones safe sometimes required high risk and drastic sacrifices, and if he had to leave a trail of destroyed friendships behind him, then so be it.
Only Murdoc stood between him and finally being alone, and he had to get Murdoc to a safe distance. He couldn’t falter now. If everything went wrong, the fallout would be swift and brutal. His own survival was irrelevant, but Murdoc would absolutely not be collateral damage.
Whatever measures necessary.
Mac jumped, a hand grazing along his shoulder.
“Hello, MacGyver.” Murdoc sat back in the chair across the table, his ever present, smug smile on his face.
“Murdoc. I’m...happy to see you. Wasn’t sure you’d come.”
“Refuse an invitation from you? Never.” He eyed Mac’s nearly empty drink. “Though, it looks like you started without me.”
“It looked pretty.”
Murdoc leaned across the table and swiped the glass, finishing the drink for him.
“You do remember that I’ve been drinking out of that?”
“That is. Sweet. Really sweet. They need to double the alcohol in that, at least.”
As much as Mac wanted to throw back a few drinks to kill the stress, being on the run required him to be on at all times. Alcohol wasn’t an option. For now.
“I’ve been drinking out of that,” Mac repeated, stunned that Murdoc had drank out of his glass without hesitation. Flirting, or just being creepy?
“Yeah, I heard you.” “And you don’t care,” Mac smiled in spite of a sigh, “Of course you don’t. Alright. OK. Murdoc, can I get you a drink?”
“Surprise me.”
Mac appreciated the bar’s modernity in its ordering system. Using a tablet offered just enough anonymity for him to order the stereotypical girly drinks. The mermaid drink had been tasty. He had to take this opportunity to order the unicorn one. It even had little marshmallow ears; how adorable was that??
And Murdoc wouldn’t comment because he was getting the same thing.
As he pulled out his room key to scan and finish ordering, he also removed the drug bottle. Hopefully, having his back to their table made the motions of passing it to his free hand casual and undetected.
The relative emptiness of a hotel bar in the off-season, on a weekday, had the benefit of making the wait for their drinks less than five minutes. Unfortunately, that same lack of people left Murdoc with no one to watch but Mac. And watch he did, a mix of study and...admiration.
Mac rolled his shoulders and rubbed the back of his neck.
He wouldn’t have that respect after this.
A glance toward the bartender warned him that their drinks were nearly ready, the finishing touches being placed. The time was coming.
His heart pounded in his chest. No room for error. No leniency for cowardice.
He turned to retrieve their drinks from the counter, popping the bottle’s cap, careful to obscure Murdoc’s view.
To Murdoc, and a future with him in it.
In the cruelest turn of fate, a passing patron bumped Mac while he poured the drug. He jerked his hand back, and spilled the remainder of the bottle’s contents onto the counter. That split second of broken concentration was all his anxiety needed to turn the situation into a high-stakes gamble. He was only about 60% sure which drink he’d drugged.
”Ta da!” Mac gracefully presented a drink to Murdoc before sitting down with his own in hand. “Surprised?”
“Only in the sense that I’m always learning something new about you. Keeps things interesting, no?”
Like cotton candy. Exactly as the pink-blue gradient advertised.
“Not bad. Better than your last drink, but this one would also benefit from being harder.”
“I ordered them without alcohol.” Mac disassembled his drink, devouring the marshmallow ears and cherry horn before licking at the icing and sprinkles around the glass’s rim.
“Oh?” Murdoc offered Mac his uneaten marshmallow, using the opportunity to rub his knuckles against Mac’s hand.
“I don’t want to end up like Amber.”
“I’m not? Seeing the connection?”
“First date, couple of drinks...I don’t want to wake up tomorrow, married to you.”
Murdoc rolled his eyes. “OK, that is not how it happened, but…” He poked at his drink with its decorative stirrer, the impaled cherries muddling the layers, "I guess that whole thing is proof that waking up married to me would be a bad thing."
“I don’t want to be one of Phoenix’s most wanted.”
Murdoc hummed; Mac had tricked himself into mentioning the elephant in the room.
“You’ve been doing a fantastic job of that by yourself.”
“I think you’re really starting to embrace the darkness. Never thought I’d see the day where you’re the one throwing traps into your friends’ path.”
“Nonlethal, and always designed to do minimal harm.” Mac glared, and laid his hands on the table, pushing his glass out of the way before he broke it. “Unlike you, I don’t enjoy hurting people. I’m not out to maim or kill.”
“Mmm, but accidents happen, don’t they? You’re running, and you’re tired, so tired...and sometimes, the hunter sneaks up, corners their prey--”
“Why, the force could’ve snapped her leg off!”
“Shut up!” Mac growled, his arm shooting across the table with intent to grab Murdoc by his coat’s lapel, but Murdoc calmly sat back, just out of reach, unfazed by the outburst.
“Yikes, what kind of attention do you want to attract?”
Mac’s eyes darted around the room, relieved that there didn’t appear to be unwanted witnesses. Yet. Their corner table only offered so much privacy.
How long did those sleeping pills take?
“And the standoff with the whole gang the other day. I was on the edge of my seat! That ‘You want to stop me?! Kill me!’ was a nice touch. Really nice.”
“I needed them to understand how serious I was about being left alone.”
“Oh, I think you got your point across. Did you see Matilda considering it?” Mac’s flinch as he hung his head didn’t go unnoticed. “No? Well, I can tell you the first shot was going into your arm, but the second...Lucky for you, she decided the hospital wasn’t close enough.”
“Maybe that would’ve been the best for everyone,” Mac mumbled.
The heavy silence amplified the sounds of Murdoc’s glass, the clinking ice, the quiet plink of the stirrer being dropped onto the table--
“You’re enjoying this, aren’t you? Nothing better than my suffering, right?”
“Not enjoying, merely proving a point that you seem to have forgotten.”
“That I’m capable of turning to the dark side.”
“Exactly the opposite. You can’t be completely corrupted. All the chaos you’ve caused, and you’re still the same MacGyver underneath it all.”
“Have you not been paying attention? I’ve changed. This is the new me.”
“New you? No, your methods might’ve changed, but your motivation hasn’t. Everything you do is for others. This dramatic show of recklessness, of pretending to go all the way, is all to cover up the fact that you care, relentlessly. So much so that you stupidly reject everyone’s help. Even if it costs you everything.”
“Because it’s a worthy trade off to save the world! I accept the risks. I know the possible outcomes. Why can’t you, or anyone else, respect my decisions?!”
“Do you hear yourself? You’re not gonna save the world on some haphazard solo mission!”
“At least I can say I tried.”
“I’ll admit I tagged along for the entertainment—and your performance has been stunning—but I didn’t come this far to watch you turn the third act into a tragedy.”
“Then go. I sure as Hell didn’t invite you,” Mac snarled.
He stormed out of the bar, but instead of going through the lobby and up to his room, he rounded a corner into an isolated service hallway, and slammed his back into the wall, struggling to keep himself upright.
“Fuck,” Mac huffed under his breath, his entire body shaking as he forced his fists to unclench. “Fuck.”
He’d let Murdoc get under his skin, and now, his problem had gone from leaving a drugged Murdoc in his hotel room, to finding Murdoc before he dozed off in a dangerous situation. Great. He’d taken a step backwards.
Before Mac could make it back into the main hallway, Murdoc appeared, and shoved him, death gripping his upper arms, and grinding his shoulders into the wall.
Of course. Why’d he ever doubt that Murdoc would find him?
“Let. Go.”
“First, you’re going to listen. You want to put me through the paces like your friends? Fine. I’ll play. But bring it all, bring your best shot, and don’t you dare hold back, because I certainly won’t. It’s time to keep my promise to end you, wouldn’t you say?”
Mac wasn’t sure Murdoc was bluffing. He was glaring with a fury that Mac hadn’t seen since Amber had betrayed him in Colombia.
“You’re going to kill me in this random hotel hallway?”
Murdoc squeezed harder, unamused by Mac’s sarcastic tone. “We both know the fun’s in the hunt. So when I say go, you better start running, my dear. Run, and never look back. I will hunt you to the ends of the Earth. Run you down to the point of collapse. But unlike the Phoenix, I will not be called off. You won’t have peace until one of us is dead.”
“Or,” Murdoc shrugged and released his hold on Mac, “you can take me up on the second option, which I offer only because you’re my best friend, and I like you a lot.”
Even after all his experience with Murdoc, the instantaneous mood-flip was still unsettling.
“Just tell me what you’ve gotten yourself into, Angus.”
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angelily95 · 4 years
On The Day We Fall In Love : Queen Of The Night (Pt.1)
Bang Yongguk x Reader
Romance, slight angst, boyfriend!au
Mention of mental illness in the upcoming parts
Basically a long series of short stories that inspired by different songs.
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Tapping your red painted nails on the table, you occasionally tap your phone to see if there's any text from him and to check the time. You would only wait for him for another five minutes, you had been waiting at the cafe for almost thirty-minutes.
Sipping on the mixed berries smoothie, your mind started to drift away from the cafe. You were wondering about the man you had been waiting for. No, he was not your boyfriend and you wouldn't really call him a friend. He's just a guy from marketing class who happened to be paired with you for an assignment because you were absent when the professor asked the students to form a pair. Same goes for him. That was the reason you were meeting him that day.
Your body jumped slightly when a screeching sound greeted your ears. Someone just pulled the chair in front of you and took a seat in a rush, placing a backpack on top of the table. You heard he gasped for air as he offered you an apologetic smile. His hair was tousled, his wavy bang stuck to his sweaty forehead.
"I am so sorry." He verbally apologized to you this time, pulling out his laptop from the black bag.
"Yongguk!" You let out a comforting laugh. "Calm down. Why are you acting like you're being chased by a ghost?"
He mirrored your smile and you prefered it better than his previous awkward smile. He had pretty lips, you personally loved the curls at the corner. "I thought you were mad at me." There was a hint of relief in his voice.
You crossed your arms and said, "I am mad at you."
"I am sorry…"
"This is my first and last warning, okay?" You playfully squint your eyes at him, trying to intimidate him but you could imagine how ridiculous you looked. He nodded, offering that beautiful smile that made your heart skip a beat again.
"Wanna have a cold drink? Your face is red. It must be hot outside." Your eyes scanned his face and the way his hair still stuck to his forehead bothered you. You rummaged through your tote bag and held out a red handkerchief to him, pointing at his temple.
He stared at your face for a moment, digesting your action and you swore you caught his eyes darted to your red lips before he looked at the handkerchief and received it.
He pushed his hair back, making it even messier and dabbed the handkerchief on his forehead. A gasp left your lips when you saw his slender fingers. They were bruised.
"Yongguk, what happened?" You asked, very concerned. Did he get into a fight?
"Huh?" Then, he realized the cause of your concern and hid his hands under the table. "Nothing. I'll go and order my drink." He left the table and headed for the counter. It was obvious he was avoiding your question. You had no rights to push him to tell you but it fell wrong to let him with his bruised hand like that. You called for a staff that was passing by and asked for a first-aid box. Yongguk came back with a cup of iced americano, brow lifted when he saw the box.
"You didn't have to."
"I wanted to help." You insisted. "Give me your hand." You started treating his wound, too focused that you didn't realize Yongguk was gazing at you like he would to the stars on the night sky.
It was the longest time you'd ever held hands with a man that wasn't your boyfriend.
A 3 days 2 nights class trip.
You were catching up with your group of girlfriends, waiting for the bus driver to open the door of the vehicle. They were talking about the clothes they brought. You had been trying hard not to but your eyes wandered around the crowd, hoping to see him. It was a dumb thing to do, though. He had replied to your text a few days ago saying he was not a fan of socializing with a lot of people so he would pass this one. Still, you wished he came.
You watched as two men were laughing about something on their phone and when they moved from their spot, it revealed a man who was sitting on top of his luggage, carrying a backpack. Your face immediately lit up, walking toward him who was scrolling his phone. He didn't notice your presence until you poked his arm. He lifted his eyes from the screen and met yours. You caught the flickers in his eyes when he saw your wide smile.
"Hi." He greeted you.
"You're here." You stated dreamily, confirming it to yourself. You were so disappointed a few minutes ago but it was all forgotten.
"I'm here."
"You're here." You repeated like a broken lovesick doll. His melodious chuckle rang in your ear, making your chest swell with something you could not put a name on it. Something crossed your mind, "Wanna sit together?"
"Err…" He hesitated to answer and you couldn't help but be crestfallen.
"It's okay. I was asking just in case you didn't have a seat partne—"
"What about your friends?" was his question.
"Hmm…" You took a few seconds to make a sentence in your mind. "We're a group of five so one will be left out."
"Let's sit together." He reached out to lightly nudge your arm, for no obvious reason.
You smiled, "Let's sit together."
That night, you slipped away from your group of friends again to talk to Yongguk. They didn't question why you sat with Yongguk in the bus, knowing you were acquainted with him. Apart from talking to you, Yongguk didn't talk much with anyone else. He joined it when a group of men gathered but he only observed and listened. That's why you felt obligated to talk to him, after all you were the one who convinced him to come.
You were walking toward him when a stranger approached you, selling you a bouquet of flowers. You didn't need those pretty flowers yet you found yourself taking out money from your tote bag and purchased the bouquet. Yongguk would like it, right?
The whole group of the trip were allowed to sightsee on the street, to admire the architecture of the unique buildings there. Yongguk was alone, sitting on a wooden bench near a tall dim lamp pole, slurping a cup of instant noodles he got from the nearest convenience store.
A pair of eyes lit up when he saw you but his mouth was full so he hummed and tipped his head to acknowledge your presence. You took a place next to him and held out the flowers to him.
"For you." You shyly looked at his bewildered face, almost wanting to hide your face in your hands but you kept your cool.
"For me?" His muffled voice inquired as he  was covering his full mouth with a hand. His cheeks flushed when he received them from you, eyes marvelled at the pretty colours.
"Oh, sorry." He felt bad for eating alone so he offered the cup to you. You were still full from the meal you had before but something about sharing food with Yongguk excited you so you accepted his offer. Your fingers brushed against his when you took the chopsticks from him, smiling to yourself. You lowered your head to slurp on the hot noodles, forgot to put your long black hair to the back first so a strand of hair entered your mouth along with the noodles but only Yongguk noticed it. So with one hand holding the flowers bouquet, another hand gathered your silky hair and held it back while you kept slurping. His action was so intimate to you, you felt your face getting warm. Or was it the noodles?
You returned the cup back to him and helped him hold the flowers so he could finish his noodles.
Indirect kiss. Silly, girly part of your mind whispered to your heart when he put the chopsticks you just used to his lips. He drank the soup before proudly showing the empty cup to you and tossed it into the trash bin nearby.
"Let's have a walk." He took the bouquet from your hand, only after he quickly caressed the back of your hand with his thumb. And you… your head was high in the cloud, dreamily followed him while staring at his side profile as he was sniffing the flowers. He was such a view, the yellowish dim light that illuminated the street made him look ten times intriguing that he usually were. You wished you could save this view in your mind and look at it on the nights you spend thinking about him. You took out your phone, contemplating whether to ask for his permission first or not.
"Why did you get me this?" He walked closer to you, arms brushing so that you could hear his voice clearly. There were a lot of times you told him you couldn't understand what he said because he mumbled his words, especially when there were others around.
"They are pretty..."
"Hmm?" One of his brow lifted, not understanding how that could be the reason. However, his lips bloomed into a smile.
"...and remind me of your smile." At this point, you were sure you were making your feelings too obvious. Seeing how flustered you were and the way you started to look anywhere but his face, he didn't want to tease you.
"Thank you." He gratefully said. "Can you take a photo of me? This is my first time receiving flowers. I want to keep the photo as a memory."
"Sure." Of course you could take more than a photo, you already intended to do so before he asked. You took multiple shots of him asking him to move around until you got the best shot.
"Done." You announced, looking at the photos to review them. Yongguk quickly held your arm and pulled you to the side as there were a group of people who wanted to pass by the alley. You looked up in surprise at him before shifting your gaze back to your phone, knowing he had kept you safe. 
You leaned your arm on the wall as Yongguk came closer and leaned down to look at the shots you took as you were shorter than him.
"Wow, they came out well."
Your eyes widened at how close he sounded, sending shivers down your spine. You were too afraid to move, as his deep voice rang exactly next to your ear, like his lips were somewhere near your earlobe. You leaned closer to the wall to create more space but there was no use as he was too close. You were not afraid of him taking advantage of you, you were afraid the proximity confirmed your feelings for him.
His slender forefinger was swiping on the screen on your phone while he kept talking about the photos as you were staring at his jaw, eventually at his lips. Yongguk frowned when he noticed your silence so he turned to face you and he was stunned.
There was something burning in your eyes and your lips were parted as your chest was heaving softly. His brown orbs followed the movement of yours, seeking for something. When you breathed through your mouth, the warm breath hit his face, giving him goosebumps.
Both of you stiffened as Yongguk rested his palm on the wall you were leaning on. Your eyes fluttered close when his lips landed on your smooth cheek, nose poking your flesh there. Your cold hands were awkwardly holding your phone on the same spot, floating in the air. You could hear the pounding of your heart and you bet he could hear it too.
His lips lingered on your skin longer than you expected but it was better that way. What if he regretted it after he pulled away?
A gasp left your lip when his cold fingers touched your chin and turned your head to face him fully. Now your back was leaning on the wall, you between his arms. You were getting shy with the way he was scanning your face. 
However, you found yourself looking up voluntarily and tip-toeing to meet his lips.
Your movement stopped when your lips were barely an inch from his, he just put his hand on your shoulders, squeezing them. He whispered your name, softly and lovingly. Repetitively, like a prayer. But to your ears, it was a sweet spell. Hypnotizing, making your fall deeper and deeper and you hoped he was there to catch you.
Yongguk didn't want to rush the kiss even though your lips that were always painted in red haunted him whenever he was alone. If he kissed you, he was afraid he couldn't let you go. If he kissed you, he was afraid he would surrender his heart to your hands. He was not sure if you're up for it and he didn't trust you enough for that.
Another kiss to the cheek would be enough, he decided. He placed his cold hand on your warm neck and you almost let out a sigh at the stark contrast. When his lips landed on your cheek again, your heart flipped yet there was a sudden ache. Maybe because you were hoping for something more.
You inhaled his scent, intoxicating mix of something gingery, minty and smoky. It registered in your head that he was probably a smoker, his lips were a bit purplish rather than pink in colour.
He abruptly pulled away when there were loud footsteps and yelling. You friends were coming your way, they had been looking for you.
"Yah, did you just take advantage of her?" One of your friends hit him with a bottle, staring accusingly. Yongguk looked at you, the fire in his eyes dimmed as he was waiting for you to say something. For you to deny the accusation.
"Guys, it's not like that. Let's go." You wrapped your arms around your friends' and dragged them away from there so they would not bully Yongguk anymore.
You friends were busy nagging at you, scolding you for not being careful.
"Yah, stop being too close with him. I told you he's a lot older than us all." 
"How is that a problem?" You let out an incredulous laugh. His age did not matter at all.
"That means there's something wrong with him. Why would someone take a long gap year to finish his studies?"
"He always has bruises. What if he's a gangster?" Another friend added.
"And he is so quiet and creepy. Like he's on drugs or something."
"Yah, that's not nice!" You hit her on her arm. Yongguk was indeed suspicious but you had never imagined to that extent.
"I'm just telling you he's a bad guy!"
"Let's stop talking about him and enjoy our time here." You suggested, tired of their babbles. They silently agreed and were looking for a famous building while referring to the map in one of your friends' smartphone. You took the chance to turn around, looking for him. There he was, walking alone around ten steps away. Your eyes met his, he was a bit surprised when you turned around because he had been watching you.
You mouthed something to him, making sure your friends did not see you. You smiled when his brows knitted together in confusion. He didn't catch it the first time so you moved your lips again.
There was a tingling burst on your chest when he caught what you're trying to say, flashing you his adorable gummy smile that lit up his whole face.
"Thank you for the kiss." You cutely poked your cheek with your finger, where his lips were. Then, heat rushed to your face at your own boldness.
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I've bandaged your bruises
You've held back my hair
Who'd have known when this started
That we'd end up here?
But you reach out and touch me
Say my name like a prayer
All my friends say you're dangerous
But I don't fucking care
- Queen Of The Night, Hey Violet.
Part 2
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mar04isdead · 4 years
Freaks But Family
Read chapter 1 here
Chapter 2: The Tutor
So you're back, took a while but you're back, welcome to the real start of all of this. So far as of now in the story, we are jumping a half of a year. This is the middle of the group's sophomore year, how Kayla, Alyssa, and Immanuel found out about everything is a story for another time. 
  "Mom, for the last time, I do not need a math tutor! Sure I have below a fifty, but I'll bring it up in a few days." Favion complains to his mother while she's behind the register.  
His mom slams the register shut, "No, I need you to have that grade up and soon. I will not allow you to keep working for your uncle if it stays below a seventy." She wipes her hands on her apron and heads to the back of the kitchen. 
Favion hits his head on the display case, "Mom, you said I could have Megan over. But I have to do tutoring? Mom, can we call the tutor and have them over tomorrow, please I am begging you." Favion makes his way around to the back so he can bother his mother.
"I said no, now go upstairs and clean your room. She'll be here in five minutes." His mother points to the stairs and Favion admits defeat and heads to his room.
Favion's father shakes his head, "I know he loves his job, but he needs to pass his math class. It's his sophomore year and he needs to pass."
"It took me awhile to find this tutor, she can help him. He knows her, she knows how to deal with him." Favion's mother puts on some oven mitts and checks the cookies in the oven. 
The bell above the door in the store rings. Mrs. Freeman heads up front to meet the tutor. 
"Hi, Mrs. Freeman! It's nice to see you again." Maria walks up to the register and shakes hands with Mrs. Freeman.
The last time Mrs. Freeman saw Maria, Maria had long black hair that touched her waist, now it is in a pixie cut with red streaks. Maria now wears glasses and her heterochromia eyes seem to have brightened. Her vitiligo has spread to patches on her arms, streaks on her neck, and blotches on her cheeks. Her freckles still stand out and she has grown a bit. She wears a black band tee with a red flannel shirt over it, black skinny jeans, and knee high converse. 
"You remember my name girly, go on say it." Mrs. Freeman encourages Maria.
Maria chuckles, "Good to see you again, Chantel. I heard that you had a baby, how is she?"
Chantel smiles, "She's a heavy sleeper which is good, she's already better than how Favion was as a baby." That causes both females to laugh.
"Oh yeah, I remember how he was. How is he anyways, I haven't seen him in years." Maria says.
Chantel nods, "He's up in his room, he doesn't know you're his tutor. Oh," She grabs a paper bag from the side of the register and opens the display case and get's a few cookies. "I remember how much you like these." She hands the paper bag to Maria.
"Thank you, you're right I do like these. No one can make these better than you." Maria accepts the bag.
 "You head on upstairs, poor boy needs help. He's failing math horribly, his uncle won't allow him to continue working until he gets his grade up." Chantel motions for Maria to follow her. "He's been failing since he started dating Megan, that and work, he's all over the place."
Maria sighs, "Yeah, he hasn't talked to the others at all after I left. Don't worry I'll make sure he gets that grade up." 
Chantel stops them at a door, "Thank you." she knocks on the door and the door opens, revealing Favion. "Favion, this is your tutor and old friend, Maria. That grade better be up soon." Chantel leaves to open the store. 
Favion hasn't really changed a bit, same short frizzy and curly hair. His skin the perfect mix of his mother and father's, a chocolate brown and pale white. His eyes are a dull brown and he has gained at least another foot in height. He seems to still wear what he always wore, a grey sweatshirt, faded blue jeans, and black sneakers. 
Favion frowns at Maria, "Five years later and now you show up?" 
Maria glares, "Nice to see you too, dipshit. I'm only here because you need to pass math, and by how major your mom makes your work with your uncle seem, you really need help." She pushes past him and goes into his room.
"I'm not failing, my grade is just low." He counters.
"I checked your grade in the system. You have below a fifty, how the heck is that possible?" Maria questions him. 
"I do the work, I just turn it in late." He argues.
She scoffs, "Like I said I saw it in the system, you don't do it. This semester's finals are in two weeks. Which means I have those weeks to help you suck up whatever crap is going on in your head, and get that grade up." She looks around the room. "Weird, you went back to that twin sized bed."
Favion chuckles, "I think that curse you gave me when we were eight, that may have been true."
Maria smiles, "That was years ago, still can't believe you remember that." 
He rubs the back of his neck, "I remember a lot, I've actually been back to the tree a few times. I haven't seen you there."
"Doesn't matter, I'm here to do my job. So I have some worksheets that will let me know what I do need to help you with." She digs through her book bag and pulls out a packet. 
"This," he snatches the packet from her hand, "This is a worksheet? This is an entire week's worth of work." He complains.
 Maria snatches the packet back, "Work you should already be doing! Now, you are going to do this and I will be timing you. You have half an hour and after that I will check it over and then we will go over what you need to relearn." She hands it back to him. "Now do it, half an hour starts now."
Surprisingly, Favion finished the work in under ten minutes. When Maria checked it, she was totally shocked. He got everything right, so why was he failing his class?
"This comes easy to you, I remember that in fifth grade, you always finished the test first and you got the highest score on the Georgia Milestones! So why when even this work comes easy to you, you just don't turn in your work?" She wonders, flipping through the packet. 
Favion shrugs, "I just never felt like it, I always have other things to do. Can we hurry this up, I'm having someone over soon."
Maria smiles mischievously, "Oh Megan Brown right, that girl that cheated on you at the football game last night?" 
Favion's eyes widen, "How... how did you know that? How the heck, how did you know that?" Favion stands up and glares at Maria, "We didn't tell anyone about it, how did you know?"
Maria shrugs, "Well I have to go," She stands up and collects her things. "Been nice seeing you after five years, you were one of the reasons I came back." She frowns and leaves the room. 
Maria returns downstairs and begins to talk with Mrs. Freeman.
"He's good at his work, he can do it, he just doesn't want to. I have no idea what makes not want to do it, and I understand that he does a lot of work for his uncle, but why won't he?" Mrs. Freeman asks.
Maria shakes her head, "I honestly couldn't tell you. He was hard working, and in a way he still is. I'll try to drill it back into him to get him back on track."
The bell above the door rings signaling someone has arrived. 
"Hi, Mrs. Freeman. It's nice to see you again!" A girl says once she steps inside. She's tall with light brown hair and caramel eyes. She has soft tan skin and she's wearing a black crop top, blue jeans, and black sneakers. 
Maria notices how Chantel puts on a fake smile, "Oh, it's nice to see you, Megan. Favion is upstairs." 
Megan smiles but looks over to Maria, "Who's this?" 
"I'm one of Favion's old friends. I just came over to visit." Maria responds and turns back to Chantel. "I'll be back whenever he needs me, just give me a call. It was nice to be back here, Chantel." Maria puts her book bag on and gets up from her seat.
"Hey, Maria? Do you know how long it will take for him to get back on track?" Chantel ask.
Maria shakes her head, "Hard to say, but I promise that at this rate you will be seeing more of me. Oh, are y'all still open on Sunday's?" 
Chantel smiles, "Of course we are, you planning on coming over with your family?"
"Yup, we haven't had your baking in a while. It would be good nostalgia for us, plus no one makes pastel de mil hojas better than you. See you tomorrow!" Maria waves and walks out of the door.
"So, I'm going to head upstairs. I'll see you later, Mrs. Freeman." Megan smiles at Chantel before going behind the counter and going upstairs.
  "What are our numbers?" Rose asks Alyssa while looking at the monitor. 
Alyssa starts to type on the keyboard and pulls up a graph, "We are behind by a few thousand, Maria is making up for them right now. Oh, and Immanuel should be done with that new tech for her staff. We'll upgrade it when she gets back."
Rose frowns, "What upgrade?"
"Her shadow and death powers!" Immanuel shouts from behind a curtain. "It's just to prevent it from draining her energy quickly," He explains.
"Oh yeah, that. Esme is still trying to figure out how to fix up the dome for those abilities. her great grandmother left all sorts of notes on how to upgrade the dome for all of the abilities, but nothing for shadows and death." Rose walks over to Immanuel's station to see what he is doing.
Immanuel sets down his tools to look at Rose. "This thing will just act like a storage space, she can keep her abilities in here for later use so that it's ready when she needs it." Immanuel sighs, "But the thing is, we still haven't cracked how to deal with her shadow and death abilities. And what we do have only lasts for mere minutes." 
Kayla comes from around the corner with a paper in her hands, "New formula that I've been working on with Esme. This should work to extend the containment time, try this. We'll try it on the dome tomorrow, Esme is upgrading it right now." Kayla hands Immanuel the paper, "Oh and Maria will be back in two minutes so to your positions."
All four of them start to clear the center of the room, they set down a large tarp, and begin to wait and watch the ceiling. After a few seconds a circular hole with multi colored edges forms in the ceiling, stacks and stacks of money start to fall through it. After a while the money stops and they start to hear laughter and sirens. Soon Maria is falling down from the ceiling and lands on the money pile. Her shoelaces have come undone, her hoodie is a bit singed, her goggles are on her forehead, and her face is covered in soot.
"Babe, what did you do?" Rose asks Maria helping her down from the pile.
Maria stumbles into Rose's arms, "May have set a small fire." She raises a hand to the ceiling and the portal closes and the ring that made it falls down into Maria's hand.
Kayla brings Maria a bottle of blood, "It's bear blood, and by what I can tell," She looks Maria up and down. "It was not a small fire." 
Maria places the ring back on her back and takes the bottle from Kayla, "Thanks," she starts to drink. "And it was meant to be small, dumb Liberator just made it spread." She downs the rest of the bottle, "I needed that, tomorrow Rose and me will get some kids out of the homes, you three will be handing out the money we already have to the listed families." 
"Okay, we'll get to separating the money. Rose checks her over, to make sure she isn't severely hurt." Alyssa instructs, she grabs her partners from their hands and drags them to get what they need to count the money.
Rose helps Maria to sit down and check over her injuries, "Shirt off babe." 
Maria groans, takes off her goggles, and reluctantly takes off her short sleeve hoodie, throws it to the side, then her long sleeve shirt, and then throws that to the side. Her usual green and tan scales now have a tint of red and pink.
"Alyssa was right, you got burned a bit. Was that fire really necessary, you got real hurt, and aren't you immune to fire?" Rose looks over Maria's burns.
"I wasn't concentrated, I'm sorry. And like I said, that Liberator dude made it spread. It was supposed to be just a small wall but he came along and tried to blow it out. And-OH FUCK!" Maria suddenly shouts. 
"Sorry, you were distracted so I took the chance." Rose has a rag with some aloe vera on it on her scales. "I know it hurts but it'll sooth the burns. Your scales are tough, you're lucky you're not burned where your legs come out of." Rose rubs Maria's back.
Maria stares, at her girlfriend wide eyed and in shock, "A little warning next time!" 
Rose smiles, "Again sorry, but it's not that bad. And when we get home your cousins are going to chew you out for this." She kisses Maria's cheek.
"Yeah, are you done yet?" Maria looks down at Rose who starts to wrap gauze around the burns to keep them from getting infected. 
"You're good, just try not to cause fires next time." Rose helps Maria to stand up and they walk over to the others.
"How much do we have now?" Maria looks over the money.
"We are actually above quota. We might just be able to give each family a little extra." Kayla shows Maria a notepad with the math.
"That's good, we have been a bit behind." Maria starts to lean a bit more on Rose. "Okay, once this is all done we can all go home. I'm just gonna go change." Maria pushes herself away from Rose, walks over to where she left her bag, and goes behind one of the many curtains they have.
"How injured is she?" Immanuel asks Rose.
Rose sighs, "Not too bad, just some burns on her scales. It'll take a while for it to heal considering how thick and strong her scales are."
Alyssa chuckles, "Esme is going to kill her when she sees the burns."
"I heard that." Maria interrupts them, walking over to them while adjusting her glasses. "I'll heal, and training is tomorrow afternoon so i'll be fine by then."
Immanuel finishes putting the last bit of the money away, "Okay, that's it. We can all go home now."
Everyone gives a half hearted cheer and start to pack their things. After everything is cleaned up, they close all doors and lock up everything valuable. Once that is done, Maria takes the ring off of her back and uses it to open a portal. Everyone hops through it, landing them in an alley. 
Maria stumbles over again, "That last one drained me, I need to sleep. What time is it?" she ask.
Rose puts an arm around Maria's waist to keep her from falling over, "It's like one in the morning. We're on our way home, don't worry." Rose turns to the others, "See y'all in the afternoon."
   "Oh my, there are so many of you!" Chantel greets the Alebrije-Gonzalez family when they enter the bakery.
Maria giggles, "Yeah, our family expanded a bit from the last time you saw us all." she gestures to the toddler on her hip and to the girl holding her hand.
Chantel smiles, "I know everyone but these two. So, please introduce me."
"Of course, youngest of us, Mike." Maria bounces the baby on her hip. "And this is my girlfriend, Rose." she nudges at Rose.
"Well, seeing all of you again is great. And just like last time, ask if there is something you are looking for. We still have all the baked goods you introduced us to." Chantel let's the family roam around the bakery and pick what they want. 
Maria is with her little cousin Mike, squatting down next to him while he looks at cookies in the display case. 
"I don't remember this one." a voice says from above them.
Maria looks up to see Favion, but with a pink apron on.
Maria smiles smugly, "I don't remember you working here. This one's new, hasn't been around long." She blows a raspberry into Mike's cheek.
Favion smiles, "Has he ever tried these?" He points to some sugar cookies that have faces on them made of jam.
Mike starts to laugh and clap his hands. Maria chuckles, "I guess he wants to try it."
"Here's a sample," Favion hands Maria a sample of the cookie and she gives it to Mike.
The baby happily takes it and starts to nibble on it. After a few bites, his eyes light up and he starts to clap his hands again.
"He likes it!" Maria makes a happy face for the baby. "We'll get you some."
Favion smiles down at the baby, "So, what's his name?"
"Mike," Maria responds, standing up and putting Mike back on her hip. "He's been with us since he was born." 
"He's cute, freckles all over just like the rest of you." Favion reaches over and taps the little boy's nose. "Weirdly enough, she doesn't have them. Is she related to y'all?"
Maria laughs, "No, that'd be weird. She's my girlfriend, kind of weird to be related to my girlfriend." Maria has a small blush across her cheeks.
Favion's smile turns into a frown, "Girl-girlfriend... girlfriend? You have a, a ummm... girlfriend? When did that happen?" He ask.
Maria scrunches her face in thought, "Three years in about a month." 
Esme calls Maria over, "Almost time to go, do you have what you want?" 
"Yeah, just five of those Favion, thanks." Maria points to the cookies before walking to her girlfriend. 
Esme goes to the register where Chantel is waiting for her with their purchases. Favion just stands behind the display case watching as Maria holds hands with that girl.
Just as the family is gathering to leave Chantel stops Maria, "You'll be back tomorrow to keep tutoring Favion right?"
Maria smiles, "Yup, and he better be able to do his work from now on. Oh, actually me and the others have study groups every Monday. He can join us, that way he can interact with others."
  Maria is put in the dome again for training, this time testing several other formulas that may be able to stop her shadow and death abilities.
"Nope, try again." Maria drags herself out of the dome while Esme starts to fix it. 
Esme hits her screwdriver against the dome, "I don't get it! I have tried everything in her notes, everything I could think of! And why does it not work?" 
Liam puts a hand on Esme's shoulder, "Calm down, I get it we've tried everything. But we can still keep looking." Liam looks over at Maria who is sitting down with her shirt off and drinking water. "We just want to help her, we all want to help her. But we need to give it some time, let's try to train these abilities instead of locking them up."
Esme sighs in defeat, "Okay, you're right. Maria, get Rose down here we are testing you both in gymnastics."
Maria chugs the rest of her water, "Okay." she gets out of her seat and goes upstairs.
"I honestly can't help but worry, we know nothing about her new abilities. If something goes wrong, it goes wrong and we won't have any help in fixing it." Esme packs up her tool box.
"I know, I'm just as scared as you are. But we need to let her train with more room than being stuck in a glass prison. That makes us no better than the people who used her for research." Liam walks over to the computer. "We have to find a secluded and open space for her to train. Somewhere she can train all of her abilities."
"I can only think of one place, the temples. That's the root of all our abilities. She'd become stronger." Esme rubs her eyes, "But we can't risk the journey."
"Can't risk the journey to where?" Maria asks, popping up from behind Esme.
"Ahhh! Where did you come from?" Liam asks.
Rose doubles over while holding her stomach, "Your shadow, that was some weird Percy Jackson crap."
"Well you better get it together because Maria is ahead of you in gymnastics. You have to catch up." Esme get's a clipboard and starts to write on it. "Let's see how you are with splits."
Maria cheers and Rose groans.
  "Here's the list, make sure you give them the extra too. We're going to check the foster homes." Rose hands Alyssa a notepad. "So everyone suit up and then on your way." 
They all split up into their groups and get the things they need. 
"Here," Maria tosses each of them an earpiece. "Courtesy of Esme, so we can talk even though we are on different sides of town." 
"No phones, no way for that Liberator to track us." Immanuel smiles.
Rose frowns, "We better not run into him. We would have helped all those kids if he hadn't but in last week."
Maria rings out the ring on her back, pushes a button on the rod in the middle, and splits it into two, opening two portals. "Alright, you three on the left. Me and Rose on the right." 
Everyone jumps through their respected portals and starts their missions. It takes a full three hours for all of them to finish their assignments. Maria and Rose finish a bit early, but they have a run in.
"There's no reasoning with him is there?" Maria asks Rose while blasting at Liberator.
"Nope, he's just a thick headed dipshit!" Rose binds Liberator down with vines.
Liberator struggles against the vines, "You're kidnapping kids! What reasoning is there?"
Maria starts to use shadows to add more restraints, "You're really getting on my nerves dude. We don't kidnap them."
Liberator looks at both girls with sadness, "You could be doing so much better. Why are you doing this, you were both taken care of at the research center. They took good care of you both."
At the mention of the center, Maria gets angry and holds one of her blades to his face. 
"How do you know about that place?" Rose asks, tightening the vines. 
Liberator smiles, "Thorn, Madness, she sent me to help you both. Your caretaker, she wants you both back."
"That's her side of the story, you don't know ours!" Maria pushes the blade onto his throat, revealing a small bit of blood.
Liberator glares at Rose, "How can you trust her, she can turn her back on you any minute."
Rose smiles, "I trust her, love her too much not too."
"Babe, time for us to go." Maria lowers her staff and opens a portal.
Rose jumps into the portal while still holding Liberator in the vines. Before Maria jumps through she glares at Liberator.
"Favion, when we first meet, you wanted nothing to do with this job. Now that me and Thorn are almost done with our work, now you care." Maria's eyes glint with mischief behind her goggles. She smiles one last time before jumping through the portal herself.
  "What do you mean she knew your name?" Favion's uncle shouts at him. 
"I don't know, it's like she read my mind." Favion takes off his mask and throws it to the side.  "None of the tech they have can help them with that. There is just no way." He walks over to a monitor and pulls a keyboard from behind it. "One thing I know about Madness' appearance is that she has vitiligo and heterochromia."
Favion's uncle rolls his eyes, "Yes, that was what Dr. Gomez said. She was in charge of Madness and Thorn for a while. She has more on them than anyone." 
"Yeah, these are the records of all the teenage females who fit that description. Only five, so one of these is Madness." Favion points out on the monitor.  
"Look at that," his uncle points to a name. "Maria Alebrije-Gonzalez, old friend of yours."
Favion shakes his head, "Uncle no, can't be her. She was in boarding school until freshman year."
"Are we sure about them, a few months after she leaves, two villains appear in the city. And the only person your parents can find to tutor you, is your old friend." he reasons. "You know I remember her when y'all were younger. She was real nice, but something always seemed off about her."
Favion glares at his uncle, "Well we have it narrowed down for now. Next time i'll see what I can do."
  "Are we sure we want him here, he hasn't talked to us in years." Immanuel complains. 
Kayla sits down on Immanuel's left side, "He's right, half of us are gay now!"
"True, and what are we supposed to do? He has ignored us, played around with so many girls, and now we have to help him pass his class?" Alyssa lays herself across her partners' laps.
"I say we let him fail." Rose suggests putting an arm around Maria.
"As much as I want him to fail, I am getting paid for my efforts." Maria lightly pushes Rose. 
Alyssa groans, "So, the solution is to invite him to our weekly study groups. The same ones where we plan a heist."
The doorbell rings signaling that someone has arrived. "My house guys, let's keep the heist out of it for now." Maria walks to the door to open it.
"Hi, nice to see you again." Favions says when Maria opens the door. "Are the others okay with me being here?" He as9k.
"Fuck no, we're not!" Rose yells from the inside.
"Babe, suck it up!" Maria shouts back. "Sorry about that," She quickly puts on a smile for Favion. "Come on in, ignore the idiots."
Favion follows Maria inside the house and into the living room. Favion notices how his three old friends are very close together. And Rose sitting next to them glaring at him.
"Say hi dipshits," Maria glares at her friends. 
They all mumble a hello under their breaths, none of them looking Favion in the eyes. 
Favion points to his three old friends, "Are you guys dating?"
The three of them look at each other before responding. "Yeah."
Favion's face morphs into a giant smile, "Finally, since when? How long did it take?"
Alyssa shrugs, "Freshman year, we had to literally sit down and make a paper of terms and conditions."
Favion looks over at Maria, "Did they really?"
"Yeah, I wasn't there but I have been told." Maria walks over to Rose and sits in her lap.
"So, are we supposed to just do homework?" Favion asks, setting down his bag.
Immanuel nods, "Yeah, but we really don't have homework. We're just here to help you so Maria doesn't have to suffer."
"I'm not that problematic." Favion mumbles.
"Yes you are!" Maria, Immanuel, Alyssa, and Kayla counter.
"That one time doesn't count!" Favion shouts and hides his head in his hands.
Rose lanes forward looking around Maria, "Now I'm curious, what was this one time?"
Maria laughs and puts an arm around Rose, "One time Favion was so desperate for attention, he gets on the fire escape outside his room. And then he jumps off of it, it was so sudden we as kids forgot that there was another fire escape underneath that."
"We genuinely thought he jumped and died. We were screaming, it got his mom's attention. When we told her what happened, this fucker decided to climb back the fire escape!" Alyssa points at Favion who is laying on the floor in shame. "Your mom was so mad!"
"I was grounded for a month! I actually thought y'all knew there was another fire escape!" Favion complains.
Immanuel chuckles, "Okay, let's help you with your work. We have somewhere to be after this."
  "Maria, just give us your fangs!" Sam chases after Maria who has stuck herself to the ceiling. "We are just checking venom!"
Maria shoots webbing at Sam, "Just because you're a dentist, does not mean you know what you're doing when it comes to animals!"
Sam sighs and sits down, "Rose, she's your girlfriend, you get her down from there."
"Why me, last time I got near her fangs, I almost died." Rose complains.
Maria slowly comes down from the ceiling using her webbing, like Spider-Man. "Babe, you know I would never hurt you." She says with a sweet voice, yet with a sense of annoyance in it. "If you try anything near my fangs, I will not hesitate to poison you causing you to die." 
Rose's eyes widen and she takes a few steps back. This causes Maria to laugh maniacally.
"Just kidding!" Maria leans forward and plants a kiss on Rose's cheek. "I love you, just stay away!"
"Maria, we seriously need you to show us your fangs so we can check them. Esme will be looking over the venom and then I have to make sure you can still use them to drink blood and eat." Sam reaches a hand out to Maria.
Maria makes a swing with her webbing and swings back and forth, "Do I really have to?"
"Babe please, we can't kiss until we see how poisons your venom is. So if you come down and let your family see what it is, I'll give you kisses." Rose looks up at Maria. 
Maria rolls her eyes and jumps down from the ceiling, landing on her feet. "I still have training after this! I don't want to be shifting back and forth too much." She walks over to the examination table and jumps on. 
"Okay, open up. I'll get samples and then look over your teeth." Sam grabs some of her equipment and starts to gather samples of venom from Maria. "The twins were better at cooperating than you." She mumbles under her breath.
  "This is new tech that we will need you to test next time you go out." Favion's uncle puts a small black circular object, no bigger than his fingernail, into Favion's palm.
Favion brings it closer to his face to get a closer look, "What is this supposed to do? Who made it?"
"Dr. Gomez, it's supposed to stop those abilities. The only thing we know those two have are telekinesis from Madness, and Thorn has control over plants. Dr. Gomez is trying to create some tech for you that can transmit an EMP. All those other things Madness does is because of tech. Shuts down Madness' tech, both hers and Thorn's abilities, and you can beat them both." His uncle points to the small device in Favion's palm.
"Are we even sure that it works, how do we even test this?" Favion questions and gives it back to his uncle. 
His uncle smiles, "Test it right in the field. If something happens, it happens. We want them gone in the end don't we?"
"Well, Dr. Gomez wants them both alive. Why, none of us know." Favion walks back over to the computer monitor and pulls out the keyboard from behind. "Madness is Hispanic, I know because she spoke fluent Spanish." 
Favion starts to type into the keyboard. It takes a while for the files to load, and to both male's surprise, there are no results.
"This can't be right!" Favion tries to check for any spelling errors. "How is this possible?"
Favion's uncle shrugs, "I don't get why you're not happy about this."
"But it's weird, Maria is a Hispanic, teenage female, with vitiligo, and heterochromia! So how did she not she up, I know she can't be Madness but still, she would have shown up." Favion keeps trying to look through the files. 
"Didn't she immigrate here, so why would they put Hispanic on any of her records?" his uncle ask.
Favion slams the keyboard down, "It has always been on her records!" 
"That does not sound creepy at all." Favion's uncle mumbles sarcastically. 
Favion glares at his uncle, "Watch it, Damion."
  "Let me see that test grade." Chantel says the minute Favion get's home from school.
"I tried, I actually tried this time." Favion hands over the paper to his mom while taking his baby sister from her. "Hi, Alijah. Have a cookie." Favion takes a cookie from the display case and hands it to his sister.
Chantel smiles at Favion when she is done looking at the paper, "This is good, just about one more week of this before finals. Why did you give your sister a cookie?"
Favion slowly takes the cookie back from his sister, "She wanted it."
Chantel shakes her head at Favion, gives him back his paper, and takes his sister back from him. "Go help your father up front. This one needs a nap."
Favion nods and drops his things off by the stairs. He heads upfront to help his dad, he gets an apron off one of the hooks on the wall, and puts it on. He heads to the register to ring up customers. And a bit before closing while he is handing a customer change, Maria and Rose walk in hand in hand.
 "Hey you two, what can I help you with?" He asks as he waves to the customer.
"It's the twin's birthday today and we ordered a cake. Your dad just called us, said we can pick it up now." Maria gestures to the back.
Favion nods, "Sure just give me a minute, I'll ask mom about it.'' He heads to the back to talk to his mom. "Mom, Maria is here to pick up her cake."
"Oh, yeah it's ready. Let me get it." Chantel walks over to an industrial fridge and pulls out a round cake. 
She places it on the counter, gets a box, and puts the cake in the box. She picks it up off the counter and heads up to the front. 
"Hi you two! Your cousin already paid for it, you're free to go. Tell the twins I said happy birthday!" Chantel hands the cake to Rose and gives her and Maria a hug.
Rose smiles, "Thanks Chantel, we'll tell them." She and Maria wave as they leave the bakery.
Chantel waves back as the door closes and looks to her son, "Still miss her?"
Favion sighs as he puts his apron up, "Yeah, she's not the same girl from when we were kids."
Chantel pats his back, "I don't mean this is a bad way, honey really. But it's not like you even stood a chance, if it wasn't obvious when you were younger, she is only into girls."
Favion hits his head on the display case, "I should have done something earlier."
"Well you couldn't, but it wouldn't hurt to let those feelings go." Chantel heads back into the kitchen with Favion. 
"And how exactly will I let those feelings go?" Favion questions his mother. 
"By telling her." His dad comes from around the corner with his daughter in his arms. "When was the last time you had a real heart to heart with that girl?"
Favion shrugs, "I think when we were ten, when she left. But c'mon, she has a girlfriend. We just started talking again I don't want to mess up again."
"Well, it's obvious you still have feelings. It will soon be time to face the music." His dad shakes his head.
Favion nods, "I'll try, i'll try my best."
 Soooooo...what do you think? Will this is still barely nothing of the whole story. There is still a lot to be revealed. Things will get rough soon, but don't fret, you'll find out some things as we go. See you soon friend, that is if you are willing to stick around.
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jjpmoans · 5 years
Fairy Lights | Jaebeom
Merry late Christmas and Happy New Year @twinmoles​. Hi, I’m Nik and yes I’m your secret Santa. I’m so sorry for scaring you about our first interaction and again, sorry for all the awkwardness. I’m a writer so I figured it is good if I can gift you a fic. I hope you like this fic and I’m sorry that we don’t interact as much. It was good to talk to you, I hope we can still be friends in the future. May 2020 be kind to you! Also special thanks to @ahgaseloveletters​ for arranging the project. May god bless you guys! And to my fellow mutuals and followers, Happy New Year!
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Word count : 3.1k
The sound of keys jingling outside your room makes you flicker your eyes away, just in time as Jaebeom walks in. Giving him a brief smile, you turn your attention back to the movie played, relieved now you know who's home. To be honest you don't have to wonder who because the only person who share the room with you is Jaebeom but who knows in case of any intruders.
"What are you watching?" dropping a kiss on top of your head, Jaebeom proceed to undress his coat and hang it on the coat hanger.
"Hmmm, Searching." you reply halfheartedly, eyes fixed on the screen. The amount of concentration you have been giving makes Jaebeom chuckles in adoration, the spot beside you dip and you feel his head on your lap.
"May I know why you are on my bed instead of yours?" you heard him but you ignore, like he doesn't know how you love his bed better than yours. Granted, your beds are just the same, perhaps the difference is presence of the bed owner instead.
"Is it good?" he asks, face appearing from below you. Absentmindedly, you hold his cheek and another hand on his hair, scratching his scalp lightly. "Hey, give me some attention too."
"Well, I can't say it's good or not if you keep distracting me like this." you proceed to ruffle his hair, Jaebeom hisses in return but keep his position on your lap. "But all I see now is her father is a mistake. He doesn't even know his daughter but act like he knows her."
"He's unbelievable."
"Her father looks stressed."
"Well if your beloved one goes missing, aren't you stressed?" you reply, still running your fingers along his locks.
"I won't even you out of my sight, let alone go missing."
Your attention of the screen diverts, straight to the man below you. He's staring at you, unreadable gaze with a hint of fondness. Your lips curls into a smile.  "Is that a way to say you love me Jaebeom?"
"Well, if you put it that way-- probably I'm just very fond of you." joking, of course he loves you. But you won't think that love as a love, instead you'll take it as friendly love.
You know he is too limited to love you.
You hit his shoulder lightly, scolding him for taking your eyes off the movie and now you need to rewind the scene so you let him snuggles against you while you try your best to focus on the movie.
Except you can't.
With Jaebeom sleeping on your lap, you're forced to think again the complicated relationship of you two. Instead of being normal roommates, you guys have gotten the title so mixed that now it involves your feeling too. You went from sleeping separated to inseparable, in bed or outside the room. Each day you wake up tangled between Jaebeom's hold and his legs all over you, back pressed against his chest.
On other days where he is extra affectionate, he'll shower you with kisses to wake you up instead of shaking your shoulder. On sunny days, he'll bring you on walks and ice creams while on rainy days you'll be huddled under your blanket, head on his arm while you both fixed your attention on some movies.
It has become complicated ever since Jaebeom saw you broke down over some heartless fuckboys who was one of those he knows. Jaebeom himself has a big reputation in the college, listed as one of the big shot if anyone can ever score him. However, Jaebeom is well known as someone who will never bring back girls to his room, neither do he go to the girls' room. In short, he doesn't do one night stands. That makes him even more interesting, countless of girls have been trying to the only one in his bed.
But they just don't know.
You're the only girl he ever let on his bed.
On the day you broke down, Jaebeom was there to pick up every pieces of you, mending it back by hugging you tight, consoling you with promises that aren't empty. He promised to protect you, to hold you and to always be with you, nonetheless how busy he is.
So there he is, fixing your breakfast every morning, though it's just cutting some apples and making sandwiches, he does it for you every day.
The first time he did that, you almost die of laughter because who knows, the big shot Jaebeom has a heart of gold?
Please, don't mention when you almost have a heart attack when you heard a faint meow and wake up to grey kitten kneading your blanket, which almost went flying if it wasn't for Jaebeom's fast reflex catching the poor tiny paws in the air.
Everything about Jaebeom is fascinating. How he lives absolutely opposite to what he painted his mask outside the room. How people picture him as someone who enjoys party and only go private parties where actually, he rarely attends parties except from the other six close friends of his. How people always picture him sexually and disgustingly trying to get inside his pants while all he cares are strawberry milk and his kittens and you.
Never have you thought you'll be important to Jaebeom.
But never have you thought you want to be more important than just friends.
Feelings are complicated, they grew out of fondness. What used to be normal now seems really personal, the way Jaebeom will drop a kiss on either your cheeks or your forehead or on top of your head when he's heading out, or the way he looks at your lovingly whenever you rant about your day. How his eyes twinkles whenever you jump in excitement when his kittens roll over on the carpet.
Everything in him makes your dizzy. You feel over-loved. You feel overfed.
So you don't dare to ask for more because you don't know, how well can this tiny heart stands. One wrong move and Jaebeom will be out of your life, forever.
 "Where are we going, Jaebeom?" your breath hitch when you heard the sound of owls and countless of cricking of crickets. You are about to turn around but Jaebeom stops you from doing so, knowing you will freak out if you see something you shouldn't see.
"Just a little more walking, princess. Now stop grumbling and start walking." walking is definitely okay but now the slope becomes higher and to the point of it’s wearing you out.
"This better be good or I'll pushing you off the hill when we arrive, Jaebeom." you curse under your breath, running out of oxygen though the night seems breezy with lots of wind. "That is if we ever reach the place. Is this place non-existent Jaebeom? Because I can't see anything- oh my god."
Jaebeom knows you've reach his surprise for you because you are frozen on the spot, amazed by the brightness of the fairy lights.
"Jaebeom! This is so pretty!!" you scream, turning to him and running into his arms in return of his thoughtfulness. You pretty much crashing on his chest, knocking the breath out of his lung with your beaming smile and excited laugh.
"Careful- ooofff. You're so excited huh?" he laughs as you nod, skipping even to match his pace, getting closer to the well decorated hut. Now that you are standing right in front of it, you are more amazed by the decoration.
Fairy lights are already out of question because the hut is literally built up from lights all over the place. Between the wooden pillars are strings, clipped on it are pictures of both of you, together in every picture. From the first year of you being official roommates to the year you become unofficial bed mates and to the year where everything becomes more complicated.
One thing that you can spot in each pictures is you, smiling wider than usual. You know you were happy. And you know that Jaebeom makes you happy.
"Come on sweetheart. Go sit near the box." then you realise that there is a black box situated in the middle of the hut, sitting alone, probably waiting for you to open it.
You look at Jaebeom, waiting for his signal to let you be the clumsy girl who just climb the hut not-so -girly. Luckily you're wearing a pair of jeans and hoodie, not a dress. Jaebeom nods, burst out laughing after seeing you hurriedly discarding your shoes and crawling towards the box.
"This is for me?" you beam in excitement, eyes inspecting the black box. Jaebeom, always being the cheesy one, giving you a stretched smile.
"Of course, sweetheart. For you." he takes a seat at the edge, watching you inspecting the box curiously. "Are you ready to open your present?"
You nod eagerly, having so much adrenaline in your blood. Just as you pull the cover open, the whole hut goes black and your scream echoes on the hill.
Not because of the black out.
But because the black box is an explosion box with more pictures of you and Jaebeom and fairy lights. The only light illuminating your face is coming from the box, you gape in awe you watch the perfectness of the gift laying in front of you.
"You did this for me?"
Jaebeom is now sitting opposite of you, watching you with interest.
"Oh my god- Jaebeom!" you want to cry. Attached in the box are the pictures where you are chilling on your bed, one of it is best described as just woke up to utter disappointment. You remember that was when Jaebeom pranked you by saying you were late to class when it was in the middle of the night. However, it was a fail prank because he didn't know that you're the type to check the watch before waking up.
You can't express how touched you are. So this is where Jaebeom has disappeared to. You thought he was busy going on parties at Jackson's but instead, he's busy making the explosion box.
"It was hard but luckily Bambam has the hand of an Art God. He forced me to mention him since he said you won't believe I did this all alone." you chuckle at his attempt to hide his embarrassment. "But I still did most of it."
Your hand reaches to cup his cheeks, caressing it softly. "I know."
He grins, ushering you to open the second layer of the explosion box.
You give him a look; he is more excited than you are to un-box the gift. "How many layers does this explosion box have?"
"I think around uh-- five?"
"That many? Bambam's right. There is no way you can do this alone."
"Heyy!" you snort, however your eyes find a square shaped paper, pasted on one of the four walls of the box.
"First year of us?"
He nods, gesturing you to open the second layer.
Falling just nice on the first layer, your second layer is filled with even more pictures, one of it with a pocketed note to which you quickly open to read.
‘This year is the worse. I saw you broken apart in my arms, because of someone whom I've known a potential danger. But I never warned you, but I never thought it would be this bad. You were trembling and I were never that close to kill a person. I'll protect you, sweetheart. I promise. I protect you with all my life.’ - Jaebeom
You put down the note, eyes glimmering with tears. "Jaebeom."
"Don't give me that look- oh! Come on. I don't want you to cry! Please?" he rushes to your side, wiping away one drop that has fallen. "Oh god"
"Thank you, Jae." you press a quick kiss on his cheek while composing yourself. "The year where you break apart. Very original, Jaebeom."
"Excuse me will you stop trying to condemn me in each layer?" to that you burst out laughing, proceeding to open the next one.
"Let me guess, the year where we become bed mates? My goodness, Jaebeom. Be original!" just as you open it, a set of pictures of you and Jaebeom having selfies on bed and a picture of you hugging his kitten and a bottle of strawberry milk on your hand.
"When did you took this picture!?" you can't believe he took picture of that because he was sulking all the time. Nora didn't want to be in his lap and you stole his last strawberry milk. So he scooted further from both of you, sulking on his own. You on the other hand, were too engrossed into the movie that you don't even persuade him to cool off. "My goodness you were so childish at that time!"
"If I stole your fried chicken, you would burn the whole room." he points that out. True, you would burn him if he tried that. "Talk about being childish."
"Whatever. Can I move to the next layer?"
Him hesitating is already a signal for you to stop but you go on, not realising he hesitated for a second. The fourth layer unveil, making your heart stop altogether.
'The year where everything gets complicated.'
Under it is a pocketed section, meaning there is a note meant for you. Ignoring the weirdly silent Jaebeom beside you, you reach to read the said note.
'It was messy. I wake up every morning to see you by my side sleeping soundly and so beautiful. I know what you're going to say, you're pretty even you're asleep. I can't help but wonder if you feel the same way I feel. I did everything without feeling forced. Waking up to you is the most natural thing out of everything. There were days where I wait for you to be in my arm because I feel so calm when I have you close. I know I am the one to blame, but I can't help to treat you more than just a friend. I know I shouldn't be crossing lines, but I can't stop thinking about what will happen to us when we finish college in one more month?' - Jaebeom
True, that has been on your mind since the start of the semester. Both of you are graduating soon. You only have this semester, then you're going on internship before graduating. Like him, you just don't know what will happen to you both if you keep this mess going.
"What are we going to do Jaebeom?" you slowly lift your eyes from the note, meeting his own gaze. You almost snort when you can actually see mixed feelings conveyed in his eyes. Fear of uncertainties. "What are we?"
 He holds your hand, bracing himself to speak.
"I know I'm a coward who writes it down instead of saying it out loud. But I can't risk a confession because I don't want to be rejected. Deep down I want you to feel the same way and I don't have to do all the talking." You know where this is going. Your chest burns with tension and you have countless of things trying to simultaneously think inside your head.
"I love you, y/n." Breathing has never been lighter than now. It feels like all of your burden has been lifted, all your insecurities and fear has naturally dissipated into thin air. "I love you so much that I feel like I've becoming stupid for you."
"But you are stupid."
"Shush! Don't say that."
You reach to hug him tight, burying your face in his chest. "I can't believe this actually happens."
"Me neither." Jaebeom palms your hair, dropping kisses on your forehead.
"Will you be my girlfriend, y/n?"
You almost wanted to cry out of giddy and cheesiness. You swear, Jaebeom makes you curl your fingers all the time but this time, you don't seem to care. You're over the moon and you will definitely be sleeping tonight with wide grin.
"What if I say no?" you want to see to what extend he loves you. Trust you to be that clingy girl but you want to know.
He looks down, knowing you too well to fall for your trap.
"Then you have to be single for the rest of your life. I don't think there will be any guy who loves the girl who stole his last strawberry milk that his mom made specifically for him."
His laugh echoes when you quickly punch his chest and wiggle out of his grip. Pulling you onto his lap while you try to escape him, he successfully stops you by trapping your hands with his arm.
"I'm kidding, princess. You love me too much to reject me." you made a face at that but you can't deny, you have been too whipped for him to reject him. "Also, if you don't accept me, you can't open the last box."
You gasp, forgetting that there is one more box left to open. Jaebeom chortles, letting your hand to reach the last box and open it.
"What- Jaebeom!" irritating snorts coming from him and you want nothing other than to bite his cheeks for laughing at you.
"Here," he taps your left shoulder, making you turn to the said direction, holding his hand up in the air.
In a split second, a chain of necklace falls vertically from his fist, the pendant stops right in front of your eyes. It is silver, the pendant the shape of stars, a big star in the middle surrounded by smaller stars circling it. Your eyes dilate, shocked from the sudden reveal.
"Do you like it?" Jaebeom whispers beside your ears, creating goose bumps all over your body.
"It's beautiful, Jaebeom." you reply breathless, too many things to absorb from tonight's occasion. "Can you put it on me?"
After twists and turns, Jaebeom manages to clip the beautiful necklace without damaging it, both of you dying of laughter after he succeeds.
Now that everything is over, you scoot to the edge of the hut, leaning against Jaebeom to see the sky.
"I never thought I'll end 2019 like this."
"Neither do I."
With you in his arm, he closes the distance between you, leaning slowly to take your breath away with lips skimming just above yours before molding it to his own. It feels like two seconds but your lung is on fire that he needs to pull away before you lost consciousness.
"Happy New Year, princess."
Just as the clock strikes 12, you are snuggling in Jaebeom's arms, fireworks shooting in the sky indicating that you are now, entangled from the messiness.
Never have you thought the year will be this surprising. Never have you thought that you are Jaebeom's.
Happy new year, indeed. 
All rights reserved © jinyoungmoans
[ Writings ]
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Non-Valentine Valentine
An AK short for the season I hope you all like a bit of fluff. 
Warnings: Soft Kitsune, a worrying warlord and a reluctant princess
Non-Valentine Valentine
It was a cold wind that blew through the castle town. Birds were singing, flowers were trying to bud and the townspeople were busy in preparations for yet another successful day with the market.
Everything was peaceful…
“Princess! Aerion… wait!” An all to familiar voice rang out in the castle as the man attached to it rushed to the wooden walkway that led to the gardens following hot on the heels of the reluctant Princess.
“Why? So you can shoehorn me into that outfit? No way!” Aerion called out over her shoulder as she dropped down on to the gravel, minus her shoes, and ran in nothing but socks towards the gate.
Almost everything was peaceful.
The people in the market glanced towards the gates as the Princess burst free of its shadow. One pair, in particular, watched as she ran towards the lake.
“Wasn’t that Aerion?” Yukimura stood up frowning slightly in the direction of the noise.
“Looks like it.”
“Damn girl really is like a wild animal.” Yukimura shrugged and went back to laying out the trinkets Shingen had sent him to sell mumbling complaints about girly things being annoying. Sasuke continued to stand there for a moment watching as his friend disappeared further into the distance, and the figure following in her footsteps.
The sunlight was blinding as it played around on the surface of the water. She had to squint and hold her hand up just to try to focus on the fishermen and boats in the distance. Aerion sighed as she moved along the shore and found a slightly sheltered place to sit. She dragged her legs up to her chest and wrapped her arms around her knees as she watched the birds floating on the water.
Nobunaga was expecting a visit from some traders and Hideyoshi had suggested that she join the meeting and support Nobu in his attempts to secure supplies. She had no issues with that as a general rule of thumb but there was something wrong with the requirement that she put on fancy-dress costumes that didn’t allow her to breathe in order to just sit there like a statue and have some random sailor ogle her.
“I wish I could be a bird…” She muttered lost in thought.
“Well, now there is an idea. What an interesting imagination you have my dear. Do tell me how you expect to succeed with such an plan when you cannot even remember to put on shoes.”
She nearly jumped out of her skin as she turned and saw a white figure standing behind her leaning against a tree in the shade. His smile was mocking but the warmth in his eyes was as bright as the sun on the lake.
“I might have known it was you. How do you always find me anyway?” Aerion shrugged and turned back to resting her chin on her knees watching the birds on the lake. Mitsuhide came closer and sat next to her a fabric bundle in his hand.
“That would be a secret Princess.” He chuckled softly stealing a sideways glance at the small female. Her feet were once more so muddy it was difficult to tell if she even had tabi on. Her hair was partly pinned up and falling down. He reached his long fingers up and teased some of her tangled hair free of the pins and began to comb his fingers through it. “Let me guess Hideyoshi was the reason for your sudden departure from the castle?”
“Isn’t he usually?” Aerion sighed and relaxed as the pressure on her head vanished. She really did fail to see the point in all this fuss. What was so wrong with just dragging your hair up into a side ponytail anyway? She became aware of a change in sensation and realised Mitsuhide had produced a comb from somewhere. “You brought a comb?!”
“I learnt when it comes to you little one that I should be prepared for most things.” His smile softened as he watched the teeth of the comb glide through the soft as silk hair in his hands. He had long since given up on the idea of denying the fact that her hair was something that pleased him. He still couldn’t quite place the feelings in himself when it came to mind that someone else had tried to tame the unruly locks, even less when it was another man. For the time being, he would play it safe and push aside those unhelpful flights of curiosity and focus on the way her hair tumbled through his hands.
“Hard to imagine you not being prepared for anything Mitsuhide.” Aerion spoke again turning away from him. He wanted her to look at him again.
“Mm, well there are times when a certain Princess goes beyond even my expectations.” He grinned knowing his teasing would draw her eye back to him.
“Hey! That’s just a fancy way of calling me difficult!” She exclaimed as she batted his arm playfully.
“And no less cute for it.” His voice was softer with no edge or tease to it. Her blue eyes remained locked on his wavering a little.
“That joke is in poor taste even for you.” Aerion huffed a little like a child which only caused him to bark out in amusement.
“Agreed. If it were a joke that is.” He didn’t miss the rosy shade her face had taken and took a little delight in knowing he was the cause. “Now little girls really shouldn’t go running around outside in bare feet.” He put the comb away in his sleeve again and made a poor show at acting scandalised.
“I don’t have bare feet I got socks on. See?” She lifted the hem of her Hakama enough to wiggle a foot at him.
“Poor dear Hideyoshi. I fear he will collapse at the sight of those.” Contrary to his words Mitsuhide was doing admirably poorly at masking his delight at the idea of the castle’s mother hen going insane over laundry. Picking up the fabric parcel he had been carrying he handed it over to the Princess.
“What’s this?” The knot was fairly tight and took a little effort to work it free. “Mitsuhide since when do you carry around sandals and socks?” Aerion could feel her jaw drop at the sight of a pair of fresh white tabi and some geta with low teeth on the soles.
“As I said before my dear it pays to be prepared when it comes to you.” From watching her practice with Hideyoshi as he instructed her in behaving like a real Princess he chose a pair that would at least allow her to walk without major risk of falling over.
“…. I’m surrounded by men trying to dress me up or treat me like a doll.” Aerion grumbled. Seriously if it wasn’t Masamune trying to feed her or Ieyasu handing her some sort of medicine complaining she was too soft to survive without it. Hideyoshi was trying to wrap her in so much silk she could be a Daruma doll and it felt like someone was always trying to gift her things.
“You are mistaken, my dear. This is not a desire to dress you up. Merely a means to prevent your feet from becoming injured.” Mitsuhide slipped the geta on her feet and then held out his hands to her so he could pull her up to standing. “Now then. It is rather late and I doubt you stopped at all in your escape to have lunch.”
“You’re going to feed me?” Her eyes sparkled with the idea of food. It was not something he could really say he understood but he could enjoy her expressions all the same.
“My my now you’re not so much a doll as a lost puppy.”
“Oh, shut up!”
The place he took her too was just off the main road in town. They had ducked under the fabric covering the door and instantly were transported into a world where the air was filled with warmth and mouth-watering smells.
“Is this your usual place?” She asked as she took a seat at the counter next to him.
“There are many shops in town, I frequent a few. This I discovered recently and thought you might enjoy it.”
“Oh? Well, now I really am curious.” Aerion looked over to the small window that showed the kitchen. A man with his sleeves tied back was standing in front of a pan that looked like it was hot as larva. He picked up things from a plate that seemed to be dripped and plopped them in causing the pan to crack and sizzle.
It took a few minutes but eventually, a platter covered in what looked like a battered and fried jigsaw was placed between them.
“Tempura?” Aerion marvelled at the unexpected golden clusters.
“You’ve had it before? It’s relatively new.” Mitsuhide masked the crestfallen feeling he had as his stomach suddenly felt like a cavern had opened up inside him.
“Oh? No, I mean I’ve heard of it but not really eaten it.” Aerion backpedalled. She had naturally eaten it before but attempting to explain time travel was just going to complicate things. Plus if she were completely honest she wasn’t certain she could explain wormholes even with guided notes from Sasuke. “What have we got here?” She picked up her chopsticks and tried rather clumsily to pick up a small piece.
“A mix of vegetables, fish and meat. The soy sauce is brought in from the same province as the sake.” Mitsuhide took on the role of a teacher as he explained more. Suddenly Aerion vanished and he couldn’t help but think that was rather a good trick for one to pull in front of him. Before he could look for her or call out someone else did.
“Hideyoshi. And just when I was enjoying my food.” Mitsuhide turned to greet the approaching Warlord flashing his trademark smile.  
“You never enjoy food.” Hideyoshi ended whatever might have been of Mitsuhide’s planned teasing whilst looking dubiously at the platter far too large for one person.
“Forthright as ever. What brings you here? Don’t tell me the castle staff have gone on strike after being told to prepare a feast for the guest?” Unwilling to give up their accustomed game of trading jibes Mitsuhide persisted so as to distract from what Hideyoshi might question next. Namely the portion control for the establishment.
“What? No of course not. I –” On cue Hideyoshi began to blunder his way through spoken language.
“Lost the Princess again?” As he said this Mitsuhide felt something touch his ankle.
“If you know then why ask? Have you seen her?” Hideyoshi pressed closer as if sharing a secret which caused the grip on Mitsuhide’s ankle to tighten.
“A Princess? I’ve seen a few…”
“I’m not asking about your trip to see the ladies at court I am looking for Aerion. She bolted like a rabbit from the castle earlier and I haven’t been able to track her down since.” Seemingly taken that Mitsuhide was being his usual difficult self Hideyoshi sighed and absentmindedly looked around the shop.
“How unfortunate. No, I haven’t seen her, I did have a mind to look for her myself later.” Mitsuhide’s smile became wider as he was now keenly aware that he had two targets at his mercy. And the one under the table had claws currently digging into his lower leg.
“And what did you have planned? You know she is Lord Nobunaga’s favourite. I won’t let you—”
“Oh relax. Why don’t you try some tempura?” Mitsuhide graciously indicated the stool next to himself. He didn’t imagine the small barely audible gasp as he shifted it slightly with one hand.
“Thanks, but I really should find her before it gets too dark and cold.” Hideyoshi declined and looked anxiously out the window at what he could see of the sky from this angle.
“You might try some of the stalls in town. A few traders have returned and I do know she is rather fond of their wares.” Mitsuhide picked up a piece of battered fish with his chopsticks and dipped it lightly with some soy before filling his mouth. He really couldn’t get the flavour but this texture was exquisite.
“Yeah, I’ll do that. Oh, and Mitsuhide?” Hideyoshi paused before leaving. “If you find her before I do…”
“I’ll be sure to bring the Princess back to the castle.” Mitsuhide gave a noncommittal wave without really looking at the other man. Five beats later and Aerion appeared at his elbow again.
“You enjoyed that far too much.” She grumbled looking adorably flustered.
“You wound me little one. You were after all the one to pull a vanishing act during dinner.” Mitsuhide brought both his hands up to his head cradling it as if in pain.
“You rather Hideyoshi caught me and joined us for real?” Aerion leant over and swiped the cup of sake from in front of the main cause for her desire for a strong drink.
“Certainly not. I make a point of avoiding conflict during dinner, does absolutely nothing for the digestion.” With a cheeky grin he dropped his hands and retrieved his chopsticks once more. “Come on now eat up I have to walk you home.”
When Aerion came back to her room there was a note left on her futon. She recognised the scrawling sand script anywhere.
I’m glad you managed to find your smile again. I’ll be gone for a week.
Talk soon. Sasuke p.s. Happy Valentine’s Day
“It’s Valentine’s day!?” Aerion let out a cry as she let that bit of information register. She looked at the postscript several times before falling to her futon and looking across the room at the pair of sandals she had carried in with her. “Shoes and a meal. I might not have known the date but I don’t think I’ve had a Valentine’s in years that went this well.”
Not bothering to get undressed she lay back, snuffed out the lamp and closed her eyes. Within minutes she was out like a light.
Mitsuhide stood in silent observation secreted nicely in the gardens away from prying eyes as he watched the light dance in the Princess’s room. He smiled as he saw the shadows move knowing she was back safe. She had insisted on walking herself in and almost as soon as she said that he found a desire to stop that from happening. As with most of his recently discovered desires though however, he suppressed it and simply said “Goodnight Princess.”
Today had been eventful and he had enjoyed himself far more than he thought he should be allowed to. As the lamp was snuffed out in her room, he found his mind drift back to her by the shore. That hair like spun moonlight as it fell through his fingers. He picked his way through the grounds before leaving to return to his manor.
“Sweet dreams… Aerion.” With one last fond look back, his ghostly figure melted into the town and vanished.
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clearwillow · 5 years
White Day
A/N: Tohru Honda’s sweet personality from Fruits Basket is the way to describe Rin’s kind personality within this one shot. I hope you all enjoy this short story.
White Day By: @kimmigirl9
Valentine’s Day came and went in a blink of an eye. Now today was March 14th, also known as White Day. A day where men return the favor by gifting the girl a sweet treat in return. I wasn’t a man of sweets but I thought about making a sweet treat from scratch. But I forgot I’m not that handy in the kitchen. I would end up burning the treats instead. I just decided to go out and just buy a sweet treat instead. “Maybe chocolate covered strawberries?” Finding a gift for Rin wouldn’t be too hard. She wasn’t picky when it came to gifts. I could pick a single flower just from a branch of a tree and she would appreciate it very much.
Walking through the city I looked through the windows of shops near my townhome. Nothing called to me. Though the sweet gifts were white, they weren’t the exact white I was looking for. Instead of a sweet treat I decided to look at jewelry. I’ve never gifted Rin jewelry before, but I know she would love whatever I presented her. After I walked a few blocks I found the jewelry shop. Looking through the glass window the perfect shade of white caught my eye. The necklace was the perfect white. The silver chained held a plum blossom flower. “Rin’s scent.” The flower necklace was in fact what Rin’s scent was. I knew I had to buy this before anyone else did.
I walked inside and was greeted by the manager I believe. “Good morning to you sir. My name is Jakotsu, how may I be of assistance to you on this fine day?” His voice had a bit of a girly tone to it. He was dressed in a woman’s festival kimono and his hair was pulled back with a hairpin.
I pointed over my shoulder, “the plum blossom necklace in the window. I would like to purchase the piece.”
“Ah, such a fine piece I have to agree.” He went over and picked the necklace from the bust it rested on. “Would you like it gift wrapped?” He asked cheerfully.
“Yes, it’s a white day gift,” I said quickly.
The dude’s eyes lit up like fireworks. “You must have a special girl in your life.” I only nodded to him. He placed the necklace in its proper box and then wrapped it up in shiny white paper and gold ribbon. “Is there anything else I could be of service to you or will this be it?”
“Just the necklace, how much?” I asked as I pulled out my wallet from my back pocket.
He rang me up, “that will be ¥11,000 yen sir,” he said with a smirk. I handed him my gold card to pay for Rin’s gift. “Thank you sir. You have a marvelous day. I do hope the special girl of yours enjoys your gift.” I only nodded my head and left without another word to him.
I looked at the time on my phone and it was almost noon. “I’m supposed to meet Rin at the white day festival at the park.” Turning into a ball of white light I shot towards Ueno Park. She wanted to have a picnic to celebrate today. I wasn’t the one for picnics but I didn’t want to let her down and went along with it.
Arriving at the park the festival was in full swing. Couples young and old were scattered around enjoying the festivities with one another. Vendors lined up and down the walkway selling anything from marshmallow treats, to white chocolates, and jewelry. It’s a good thing I found Rin’s gift in town. I hope she likes it when I present it to her later.
The wind blew around me and I could pick up Rin’s sweet scent not too far off from where I was. “So she’s near the lake?” I veered around the couples and walked down the paved path for a few minutes. Looking to my right, there she was. Rin was dressed elegantly in a long white kimono dress. I never seen her look this beautiful before. She is usually dressed like a tomboy since she plays different sports. Seeing her dressed this magnificent I realized she has an amazing frame. The white fabric wrapped around her body like art. I never knew she had such a delicate figure. Her hair was pulled back and wrapped up tight with a hairpin keeping it in place. While I’m dressed in a quarter sleeve white button up shirt and denim blue jeans. My long silver hair was pulled back in a braided ponytail. I look more like a university student studying to be a lawyer with the black glasses I’m wearing.
I walked over to her as she had her back to me, “Rin?” I called to her softly.
My voice I guess startled her as she jumped a few feet. When she turned around her eyes lit up. “Sesshomaru, you startled me. How are you?” She asked softly and bowed before me. Lifting her head she gestured a hand to sit down on the blanket she had set up.
“The same as always. I may as well ask you the same.” I took a seat across from her as she sat on her knees.
“I am well, thank you for asking,” she smiled brightly. “Are you hungry? I made some fish cutlets and a few other delicious foods?” She pulled out a plate of fried fish, a bowl of mixed fruits, and a plate of raw vegetables. I have to say Rin has a green thumb when it comes to cooking. I nodded to her question and picked up a piece of fish. Bringing the cutlet to my mouth I could smell it was cod. She knows my favorite fish all too well. I took a medium sized bite and chewed it quickly. “Is it to yourself liking?” She asked happily.
“It’s good. It’s very fresh and the cod has a juicy taste,” I let her know. Her chocolate eyes lit up with enjoyment. “Are you going to eat?” She hasn’t picked up any piece of food yet.
“Oh! Yes, I just wanted to ask if you liked my cooking. You know I’m going to get my culinary degree and I need someone’s feedback.” She picked up a small piece of cutlet and took a small bite. “It’s so good. This definitely will be one of the foods I’ll make for my entrance exam.” I know she’ll do well. “After our lunch is there anything you would like to do or go see?” Her smile is what attracted me to her. Though we haven’t hadn’t our first kiss yet and we are technically dating, I just wasn’t ready.
“We can walk around the perimeter of the lake or the festival,” I let her know. Her eyes keep lighting up.
“That would be wonderful and I really appreciate that very much,” she said as she took another bite of the meal she made. Her lips were calling to me. I know I won’t be able to resist them much longer. She picked up a bowl of fruit which had mango, strawberries, and cherries in it. “Here have some fruit and also some veggies.” She picked up the plate of carrots and broccoli. I grabbed a small plate and put a few pieces of each food she held in front of me.
“Do you happen to have anything to drink?”
“Oh how rude of me.” She placed the food down and pulled two water bottles out. “I’m so sorry Sesshomaru. I was so excited for you to try my food that I forgot that I brought water for us.”
“It’s quite alright,” I let her know. She can be a bit of a ditz, but that’s what I like about her personality. “When do you take your exam for culinary school?”
“At the end of the month. I’m a bit nervous though. The school I’m trying to get into, well they expect high results. So since I’m planning the cod cutlets I want to create a sauce to put as a drizzle on top. So far ones I’ve made in the past don’t taste great with it,” she said softly.
“Why not try salsa? Possibly mango?” I hope these ideas brighten her day.
“Mango salsa?” She thought. “Oh wow that actually could work. Thank you Sesshomaru,” she bowed to me with gratitude. “When I make it, will you be my first tester?”
“Are you trying to make me your guinea pig?” I asked, giving her an awkward smile.
“Haha, maybe. Besides no one else, even my other friends wouldn’t try my food. So you were the only one I knew would.”
I couldn’t turn her down for that. “I’ll be your guinea pig.”
“Yay! Thank you. I promise this will be a meal you’ll love the most.”
Later after we cleaned up our lunch, we went and looked around the festival. The vendors tried to persuade us into buying their products. The items weren’t equally as special as the gift I’ll present Rin later. The perfumes burnt my nose that I had to pull us away from them. “I don’t blame you for wanting to get away from the perfume vendors Sesshomaru. The aroma is too strong for me,” she said softly. “I prefer aromas that are light with a hint of citrus.” I smiled very quickly at her words.
As we veered around everyone dark clouds started to cover the sky. “Looks like it’s going to get bad here soon. Come Rin, let’s get under a pavilion.” I took her hand without asking and I booked us under the closest one near us. I guess others had the same thought. “We’ll wait here till the storm passes.” The rain came down in sheets. Lots of people were getting soaked. It’s a good thing I got us under here fast because we both would have been soaked like everyone else. Plus with Rin’s white kimono, she would be totally exposed and I couldn’t let that happen.
“Okay, let’s take a seat,” she pointed towards the dirty tables. I can’t let Rin get her white kimono dirty. So instead I took a seat and pulled her over my lap. “Umm, Sesshomaru?” She had a look of confusion in her eyes.
“You’ll get your kimono dirty if you sit on the bench. We’ll move here soon.” I can tell the storm won’t last long. Maybe ten minutes at most.
“Okay. Is there anything you want to do later? I know they’re having a fireworks show tonight.” I looked at my phone again and it was almost two-thirty.
“It’s still quite a while till the show starts. We can go get a cup of tea after the storm passes.”
“Tea sounds lovely. Do you want to go to one of the cafes in town or here at the park?”
“In town.” I don’t care for vendors’ tea. They aren’t worth the money. Rin suddenly moved and rested her head against my shoulder. “Are you cold Rin?” I thought I felt a slight shiver from her.
“A little, but I’ll be okay. I enjoy the cool breeze. I’m sorry, I should have asked if it was okay to lay my head against you,” she said as she tried to sit up. I pulled her back against me and released my mokomoko. This would be the first time she would see my tail. I wrapped it around her, not daring to let her go. “Umm…is this alright?”
“It’s quite alright. My tail will keep you warm.”
Her delicate hand slithered through my fur which actually felt comforting. “Your tail is so fluffy and cozy Sesshomaru. Why have you never shown me your true side before?”
“I just never thought about it. Is it something you wish to see?” I’ve kind of debated several times to show her my true form. But fear struck me thinking she would run off.
“Yes, but only if you are comfortable with showing me,” her voice was very smooth when she said those words. “If not today, maybe sometime in the future?”
“We’ll see, for now let’s go and get some tea.” The rain finally came to an end and the clouds started to disperse. Retrieving my mokomoko we both got to our feet and walked out towards the city.
The cafe was right across the street from the park. Inside I ordered us simple jasmine tea. “It seems that all the seats are taken, Sesshomaru. Why don’t we just go for a walk? I know there’s a path in the park that goes a bit into the woods. I heard rumors of a meadow that’s very beautiful and filled with lots of flowers.”
I knew of the meadow she spoke of. “Sure,” without asking I took her hand and we left the cafe and headed for the path. It took us a bit to get through the crowds of people since it was getting a lot busier than it was earlier. But after a few minutes we finally made it under the arbor of trees within the woods.
“I love the smell of the forest after a rainstorm. What about you, Sesshomaru?” She asked as she took a sip of her hot tea.
“Only during the night when the moon is out,” I explained to her.
“I have to agree with you on that Sesshomaru. The way the moon shines on the glistening raindrops has a calming effect,” I didn’t respond. “I love to listen to music during and after the rain,” She said joyfully.
“What music would that be?” I’m kind of curious because I don’t know what she listens to.
“I’m the weird type when it comes to music. But…I love to listen to Frédéric Chopin’s ‘Raindrop’. There’s something about his pieces I love to fall asleep to.” So she’s into piano music?
“It doesn’t make you weird. I too listen to different composers of the piano. The music stimulates the brain in a good way. It helps me focus on studying.”
I guess my response enlightened her. “That’s amazing Sesshomaru. It makes me happy knowing someone else enjoys the same type of music as me.”
I wonder if she’ll let me play some Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata? I’ll ask her at a later date. We both remained quiet for quite some time. We both finished our teas and threw them away in a proper trash can tear the meadow. I could tell we were the only ones that would be there. It was quiet and calm. The only sound of people were back at the park. Since no one else was here, I was now debating to show Rin my true form. “Rin?” I said her name so softly.
“Yes Sesshomaru?” We were now in the middle of meadow. The sun was slowly setting behind the trees with just enough light for her to see my form.
“Would you like to see my form?” I asked quickly.
I looked to see not only her expression, but her response. “I would love to see your true form Sesshomaru. Do I need to stand back? Is right here fine?”
“Right here is fine. Just allow me to step back a few feet. But promise me one thing,” I said as I held up a finger.
Her eyes became like saucers, “what’s that?” She asked quickly.
“Please do not run off under any circumstances. My form will be ten times the size of the normal size dog.”
“I promise. I bet your form will be amazing. Just promise not to chase me, haha,” she said jokingly.
I only nodded and stepped back several feet. Clearing my mind, a white cool wind blew around me and I allowed my eyes to turn red. The markings along my face changed shape and soon my body changed from my human form to my true form. I went from a five and ten inches man to almost thirty-five feet tall.
I never took my eyes off of Rin. I could tell she was holding her breath and she must be a bit nervous. I lowered myself in front of her. But it would be nice if I could talk but it’s one thing I lack in my true form. “Sess…Sesshomaru?” I nodded my head to reassure that it was me. “Wow!” She carefully lifted her hand to the side of my muzzle. “So soft,” she whispered softly. “Is there anything else you can do in this form?”
“I wonder if she’ll allow me to take her on a flight?” I turned my body to the side. Hopefully she’ll understand why I did this.
“Do you want me to get on your back?” I could tell she was a bit hesitant. I nodded my head to her again. “Okay, I’m guessing I’m going to need to hold on tight?” She asked as she climbed up on my back. I could feel she was side saddling.
I nodded my head again and bounded into the air. I could feel her body heat against my back and her head hiding within my neck. I guess I should have explained myself better of what she was about to face. I stopped midway into the air and lightly purred that it was okay to look up.
It took her a few minutes before I felt Rin lift herself up. I heard her lightly gasp, “oh wow. The view is magnificent Sesshomaru.” I brought her high into the sky as she viewed the city we live in from a different perspective. “Sesshomaru why didn’t you tell me you could fly? You’re amazing and very well gifted with such power.” She laid down again and started rubbing the fur along my neck. “I wished you would’ve shown me much sooner. I want to get to know you more, Sesshomaru, each and every day we’re together.”
With those words I transferred back to my human form, grabbed her before she could fall, and pulled her around so I could hold her waist. “You’ll learn in due time. Before you can ask your next question as I can see in your eyes, yes I can fly in my human form.”
Her bright smile turned to laughter, “you can read me like an open book Sesshomaru. Oh!” Her hand went to her head and I could see the tight bun it was in earlier was now a mess. She pulled the hairpin out and allowed her raven hair to fall down past her waist. “Much better. That hairpin has been bothering me all day,” she laughably said.
“Hmm, ready to go back to the festival?” I asked her.
She smiled brightly, “yes.”
Nighttime came and the festival was in full swing. The same couples young and old gathered all around the park. The fireworks show would be starting soon and everyone was trying to get the best spot. Rin and myself found a perfect spot on an island in the middle of the lake. We set the picnic blanket back up and took our seats. I left her for a few minutes and flew back with new cups of hot tea. “Just in time Sesshomaru, they’ll be starting soon.” I handed her the jasmine tea she requested. “Thank you.”
We took our seats again and sat there in silence for a few moments when I remember the gift for Rin I still had in my pocket. Placing my cup down I pulled the white box with gold ribbon out. “Here Rin, this is my White Day gift for you. I hope you like it,” I said softly.
She smiled happily, “Sesshomaru you didn’t have to get me anything. You just being with me today was the best gift I could ask for.” She gently took the gift from me and opened it. When she opened the velvet blue box her eyes lit up. “Sess…Sesshomaru, this necklace is beautiful, thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” I wanted to see how it looked on her. “Lift your hair up,” I said as I pulled the necklace from its resting spot. She did as I told her and I wrapped the necklace around her delicate neck and clipped it into place.
She turned around to face me, “so…how does it look?”
Only one word described how it presented on her exposed neck, “perfect.”
Suddenly bright lights shot into the sky across the lake from us. Different colors of white, gold, silver and many other colors lit before us.
“The sky is so beautiful Sesshomaru, I have to say today has to be the best day for us.”
“Indeed,” the only thing that was beautiful was the girl next to me.
As we watched the show Rin turned to face me. Her hair blew with the light wind, “Sesshomaru I want to try something.”
“What would that be?”
She leaned in till her lips were several inches from mine, “allow me to be your first kiss.” I didn’t even respond back. I nodded my head as we slowly leaned into one another and parted our lips. When we contacted skin to skin heat built up between us. It was just as I imagined how our first kiss would be. Her arms wrapped around my neck and I cupped her cheek. I even wrapped my free arm around her waist. Her lips were warm and I could taste her scent of plum blossoms. Abruptly as our first kiss started, it ended. Rin pulled back just a bit, but rested her forehead against mine. “I love you Sesshomaru,” she finally said.
“As do I my dear Rin.” I took her lips to mine again, as we ignored the finale of the fireworks for the White Day festival.
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A Good Day
Tom steps in for girls night when y/n’s friends bailed on her.
A/n: Just a sweet little Tom post for the road.
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     “I’m sorry I can’t go, y/n,” your friend told you over the phone. You were sat on your bed looking at your phone as you were talking to one of your best friends over speaker phone. You and two of your girlfriends had planned to have a girls night- nails and face masks, and a night full of girl stuff. It all came to an end before it even started. You got a text from one friend this morning saying she was sick, and now you’re on the phone with the other saying she has to entertain her mother-in-law that surprised her today.
     “It’s fine, don’t worry about it,” you told her, hanging up. You were so upset. It had been a long time since you’d had a girls night, and you had been so excited about it. You were sitting on the bed pouting when Tom and Tessa came walking into the bedroom. Tessa immediately jumping onto the bed and giving you kisses. You hugged her around her neck as you looked at Tom.
     “What’s wrong, darling?” Tom asked you noticing the frown on your face.
     “I was suppose to go out with the girls tonight, but they bailed on me,” you told him as you released Tessa. It wasn’t like they didn’t want to go- situations that they couldn’t control happened- but it still hurt your feelings.
     “I’m sorry, love. What were you going to do? I can go with you,” he suggested. You looked at him as he leaned against the bathroom door.
     “It’s not the same,” you told him. You totally appreciated that he was willing to fill in for them, but going out with your boyfriend and girlfriends were completely different scenarios.
     “I know it is, but at least you won’t be stuck here pouting about it. We can go out and have fun and not think about them.”
     You thought about it for a second. Part of you did want to lay around and mop about it, but what good is wasting a perfectly nice night that you can spend with your hot angel of a boyfriend- even if it isn’t your girls.
     “Okay,” you told him.
     “Okay?” He clarified making you nod your head. “What are we going to do?”
     “We were going to go to the nail salon and get mania and pedis,” you started.
     “I don’t know what that means, but okay,” Tom interjected.
     “And then we were going to get dinner and then come back and do face masks and stuff,” you finished.
     “Why don’t you get dressed, and we can head out and do that stuff,” Tom told you.
     “We don’t have to do that stuff if you don’t want to, it’s pretty girly.”
     “No, it’s what you want so it’s what you will get,” he said walking over to you, giving you a kiss. You smiled and hugged him, arms wrapping around his back.
     “Thank you,” you whispered.
     “Anything for you, Princess,” he told you, kissing the top of your head before you released him and walked to your closet to get dressed. You picked out a simple outfit, white shorts a ripped graphic tee, and headed out with Tom.
     You told him how to get to the nail studio and walked in, signing it at the front desk. The woman told you she would be with you in a second, and you nodded going to pick your colors.
     “What color should I get, babe?” Tom asked holding up a bright red and blue. You laughed softly at him before replying.
     “You don’t have to get colors painted on, they can just do the clear,” you explained to him.
     “No, I want to get colors done too,” he said adamantly. “Can I get both?” He said with a gasp. You shook your head at him with a smile.
     “Yes, you can get both. You can even ask the nice lady if she can do spiderwebs, then they’ll be Spider-Man themed,” you suggested.
     “I’m sold,” Tom said putting both bottles of nail polish in one hand. You reached and grabbed your go to color and you both sat in the chairs and waited to be called on. You were sitting for no longer than a few minutes before the woman got you. You both sat in a big chair and put your feet in a small tub of water, two women sitting in front of the two of you.
     “You know I’ve never done this before right?” Tom asked you.
     “Do you want me to hold your hand?” You asked him, holding your hand out. He lightly smacked it away.
     “I’m a man, I don’t need to be babied,” he said before he saw the lady pull out all her tools. “Yeah, maybe for a second.” You laughed at him softly before you took your phone out and snapped a picture of him. You sent it to both of your moms.
“Girls night”
Mommy: How sweet
Nikki: What did you promise to get him to agree to that?!
     You put your phone away and watched as the lady started working on Tom. You saw her pull out the wide, purple scrubber brush.
     “So, that’s the worst part of the whole thing,” you warned him. He watched as she scrubbed the heel of his foot with a questioning expression.
     “What do mean? It’s not th-,” he stopped as she moved to the bottom of his foot. “Oh, shit,” he he said as he involuntarily moved his foot away from her. The lady working on your feet looked at you with a grin on her face.
     “First time?” She asked you pointing to Tom.
     “Yes, ma’am,” you told her.
     “Why doesn’t it bother you?” Tom asked as he continued to fight off tickles.
     “Because I do this about twice a month, I’m fairly used to it,” you explained.
     “That’s just not fair,” he said as the lady finally put the scrub brush away. They finished your toes, adding your color to your nails and clear polish to Tom’s. They then led you to sit at the table to get your finger nails done. You got were sat watching the woman do intricate work on your nails before you heard Tom.
     “Babe, this is sick,” he exclaimed showing you his hand. He had done what you suggested and asked for spiderweb designs on his fresh red and blue finger nails.
     “That looks dope,” you told him. They didn’t take long to finish your nails and you were ushered to sit at the table for them to dry. “So, first nail experience. How did you like it?” You asked Tom as he sat across from you.
     “It wasn’t that bad, it was quite nice- like having a massage,” he told you.
     “It is, it’s really relaxing.”
     “No wonder you girls like it so much.”
     One of the ladies checked on your nails and told you they were dry and you were good to pay and leave. Tom headed to the front desk and handed the lady his card.
     “I could’ve paid for mine,” you whispered to him.
     “It’s your pamper day,” he told you. “Why would you pay for your pamper day?”
     After leaving the nail salon, Tom drove you to your favorite restaurant for you to eat dinner.
     “You didn’t tell me where you planned to eat, but I figured this would be a good substitute,” he said as you both got out of the car.
     Tom held his hand out for you, you holding his hand and hugging his arm to you. You walked into the restaurant and were seated by a hostess. You enjoyed a lovely dinner of all your favorites. After that, you headed home where you changed into your comfiest clothes and grabbed all your necessities to do your face masks.
     You and Tom sat on the floor of your living room. You had thrown your hair into a messy ponytail and threw one of your fluffy makeup headbands on to keep your hair out of your face. You grabbed your spare one and gave it to Tom for him to wear too.
     “What does this do exactly?” He asked as he watched you mix the stuff together.
     “It makes your skin soft and gets rid of bad stuff.”
     “Is that why your face is always clear?”
     “Yep,” you told him. You’re face wasn’t always clear. You had your spots and problem areas but keeping a good skin routine always helped it out.
     You held your mirror to your face as you applied the paste to your face first. Once it was to your liking, you put the mirror away and scooted closer to Tom. You started to brush the mask onto his face. You made sure it was even and nicely applied before telling him that it has to sit for about 10 minutes to wait for it to dry.
     “So what do you do while you wait?” Tom asked you.
     “I don’t know, sometimes I look through Netflix for a movie and by the time I’ve picked one, it’s usually dry.”
     “Okay,” Tom said while he grabbed the remote and pulling up Netflix. You looked through the films on the home page. You settled on watching RV, one of your favorite comedies. Like you guessed, by the time you found it your masks where dry and ready to be wash off. You both rinsed your faces off and returned to the living room, sitting on the floor again. Tom was leaned against the couch as he pulled you to sit between his legs, back against his chest.
     You started the movie and got comfortable against Tom. You held his upper arm as he wrapped his arms around you, his cheek resting against your head.
     “Thank you for going with me today,” you began to say quietly. “I know it probably wasn’t too fun for you, but it really meant a lot to me.”
     “Darling, as long as I’m with you, I’m having the time of my life- girly stuff or not.” Tom places a kiss on top of your head before placing his cheek back to its previous position. You sat in Tom’s arms as you watched the movie, eventually falling sleep.
I fell in love writing this. I really believe Tom would do something like this to make someone happy. I need a Tom in my life.
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angeldolanx · 5 years
Chapter 7. /- play video games all day/
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do you have plans for today?
I bit my lip when I saw his name popping up on my screen. I wasn't expected him to massage me at all.
not really, I only need to go to work at 3 pm. I am trying to make my mom proud and bake some cookies.
you should come over maybe, and bring some cookies:)
I am not sure if it's gonna be eatable, but I am going after it's done xx
After our massages Grayson sent their address, and my stomach immediately flipped when I realized that I am gonna see him again. Till the cookies were in the oven I put on a light makeup and stood for a few long minutes in front of my wardrobe to figure out what should I wear. I ended up wearing a white high waisted jogger with a white, ribbed bardot top. I even put my hair in a pony tail since I was way too lazy to wash it.
In my uber I sent Corinna a quick massage. It was funny how I already planned going over to her house tonight to tell her what happened on my rooftop with Grayson, but maybe that story is gonna be even more longer, since I am on my way to the twins's house. Of course it made her freak out. It’s always made me smile how excited she got every time when it was about my love life.
I took a deep sigh before I knocked on the door. This neighborhood were pretty, and kind of chill compared to the fact that we were still in the busy LA.
"Hey, what's up?" opened Ethan the door and pulled me closer for a quick hug.
"Hi, I brought cookies" I lifted my hands with the box in it, that made her eyes sparkle up and invited me to the house. " I am not sure if it's the best though. I tried it and I think it's fine" I giggled. It was my grandma's recipe and she always told us that this is a recipe you can't mess up because it's so easy. It was true to be honest, I just needed to mix the ingredients and put it to the oven, but I was still not sure about my baking skills.
"That's so good " looked down at me Ethan, after he took a bite. I just smiled how much he loved it while I looked around in the kitchen/living room area. Compared to the fact that only boys lived there, their house was tidy. The walls were mostly white and looked really good next to the light wood ceiling.
"Grayson?" I asked finally. I wanted to ask this in like the first one minute, but I didn't wanted to seem like a creep.
"He went out for cafe, he is gonna be back soon" he said and I decided to not to say anything of that cheeky smile that spread on his face after my question.
"And you, what are you up to?"
"To be honest I just failed a match in Fortnite because of you" he rolled his eyes.
"I brought cookies, you can't say anything" I laughed while I followed him to his room. " I never really understood the hype for Fortnite, I loved PUBG more" I sat down to his bed while he sat in front of the computer where the game was opened.
"I never tried that"
"It's similar to Fortnite, but the graphic is more realistic" I explained.
"Who would've thought that you are a gamer girl" laughed Ethan. Probably for most of the people who knows me that's not a surprise. I always said that I am a half boy. There are some days when I could dress like a boy, and there are days when I dress cute and girly. It honestly depends on my mood. It was funny how curious Ethan got about the game and he immediately went online to buy the PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds game, and waited for it to download. "What did you do with Grayson on saturday? He doesn't said anything when I asked."
"Someone is really curious" I grinned. "We just talked and didn't really saw what time it was"
As soon as the video game downloaded Ethan jumped on it and I just smiled while I sat closer to the edge of the bed to see what he is doing. After he created a character he gave me the controller because I guess he was way too interested in my gaming skills.
"The last time I played was months ago, don't expect too much" I said and tried to concentrate on the screen to pick up weapons and other stuff in the house. It was funny how I talked about weapons and stuff and got all excited for the game. That was the real me. Sometimes I like playing with make up or buy sexy lingeries, but at the same time I love these things too that are not "normal" for most girls. "Wait someone is here in the house"
"How do you know?"
"You can hear the steps if he is close enough, or even see the steps on the map" I pointed to the corner, where the map was on the screen.
'Wow, nice" said Ethan after I killed the boy in the house. In the meantime I heard real door opening from outside, probably Grayson finally got home.
" E?" shouted Grayson and I flinched for a second as Ethan started to scream next to my ear to him. I immediately started to laugh when Grayson stepped to the room to give Ethan his cafe and got surprised when he found me there.
"You literally look like you caught us having sex or something" I shook my head and Ethan started to laugh on my words.
"Hi to you too" he grunted, probably because I turned back to look at the screen again instead of him.
"I finish this round and then I'm yours okay?" I looked up at him under my lashes and he just sighed.
"I am gonna be in the gym" he left the room and even the way he talked I could tell that he doesn't really liked again how I acted. He was like a child, who throws a tantrum when he doesn't gets enough attention.
I really tried to win the round, while kept tried to answer to E's questions about the game. I ended up in the third place, maybe in a another round I would win but in this it was obvious that I didn't played in a long time.
"Oh yeah, you are not a pro but still ended up in the third place for the first time in months" said Ethan after I turned to his direction.
"I just knew the map, in the newer ones I am a noob" I shrugged my shoulders and gave him my seat and the controller. " Can you please show me where is your brother?" I asked and he just nodded with a big grin on his face. I chuckled as he stole a another cookie from the kitchen on the way while he brought me out to the other side of the house. Loud music came from behind the door so I felt like it's unnecessary to knock and I just opened the door to step inside the gym and closed it behind me. Grayson laid in front of the door in the dynamometer and lifted two barbells. After he realized that I came he put them to the floor and sat up. Don't look down, don't look down. I kept tried to hold myself back since he was shirtless, his whole body was shiny from the sweat and his muscles were even more visible because of the workout. I don't know if I would rather go out from here, or just go to sit on his lap and kiss him till he can't breathe.
"Did you got bored of Ethan?" he asked derisively.
"You invited me to come over and you wasn't home, I only spent 15 minutes with him" I sighed and sat down to a work out equipment that was next to me.
"Not like you was happy when you saw me."
"Stop acting like this " I pouted to show my cute form even more. I wasn't really in the mood to act like in the diner with him, especially since the things he said were silly. In the meantime I just realized where I sat down. I never in my life was in a gym, since I am way too lazy, so I put my hand to the to side and tried to close them in front of me, but since it was probably set for Grayson's wight I wasn't even able to move it. Grayson just laughed at my trying and to be honest that's the only thing that I could do too. "Don't laugh, I am strong."
"Oh yeah, I see"
"It's just set up for bodybuilders like you " I rolled my eyes that made my eyes move to his arms, that he noticed and he lifted his arms up to show his muscles with a cheeky smile on his face. "Amazing, I am way too lazy for things like this " I said and stood up to check my body in the mirror that was next to Grayson. "I shouldn't be though."
"Well if we see it like this, you don't need it" he said and as I looked at him from the mirror I saw how his eyes were on my ass and smiled when he realized I caught him. The air around us got hotter and I hated how much impact he had over my body even without touching me.
"Why are you jealous of your brother if I talk to him?" I asked and stood in front of him. It was weird how now he was the one who looked up at me while he was only within reach. I really tried to hold back this question but of course it's me, who is never able to hold back anything.
"It's not about him, he is the most important person in my life I am not jealous. It's just annoys me that I feel like you are more open to him than to me" he said.
"That's not true" I shook my head. It was just easier to talk to Ethan, there wasn't this tingly feeling that come up every time he was next to me and I always a lot more tense when it's about him. I can talk to Ethan about anything without thinking too much of it, but with Grayson it's different. "How long does this takes to you?"
"Twenty minutes, you can go out to E if you want to"
"I'm staying" I sat back down with a big smile on my face. I wasn't planned to toss a opportunity to stare at him as he works out for twenty minutes. He just smiled at me and laid back again to grab the barbells again, and I took out my phone from my pocket and only looked up at him a few times while I looked around on twitter and instagram. If I would go to a gym to be honest, I would probably do the same thing.
After he finished he went to the bathroom to take a shower and I joined Ethan in the living room. From the casual talking another video game party started, but now Grayson joined us too. They tried to teach me how to play Mario Kart against them. The whole living room was filled with our loud laughs.
"You have such a nice view from here " I said after we went out to the their yard and I looked to the city behind the pool. The two boys sat down to the chairs next to the door and I even blushed a little bit as they both gazed at me. I was sure they talked about me while I didn't heard them.
"Are you hungry?" asked Ethan.
"Nah, I need to go to work and I wanna go home before that to change" I said and stood from my other leg next to them and put my hands in my pockets.
"What's wrong with this outfit?" asked Grayson and his eyes probably not for the first time today moved up and down on my body before he looked into my eyes.
"This top is a little bit dangerous next to a four years old to play" I laughed.
"Do you wanna sit down?" asked Ethan and I just shook my head to stay, before Grayson grabbed my wrist. I looked down at him with a confused look, but I understood what he wanted when he pulled me down to sit on his lap. I am pretty sure I forgot how to breathe properly in those minutes and even after I moved around a bit to put my weight more to one of his legs so I can see him too while we talked.
"Tell me if I am too heavy" I looked back at him. His face was really close to mine and my body kept reacted to the fact, that we touched in a lot of places.
"Omg Mira, I probably will" he sighed sarcastically and put his hands on the lover half of my thigh next to my knee. This movement was enough to let my fantasy to fly and I bit my lip and looked to the pool direction to stop my thoughts about his hands moving up.
"How long do you stay in LA?" asket Ethan that snapped me back to reality again.
"Till next december"
"Only till then?" asked Gray and I just nodded.
"That's not too long" added Ethan. "When we finally find a girl who plays Mario Kart with us, she only stays for two years. That's sucks" granted Ethan and made me laugh with his words. Even the thought that Grayson feels how my body shakes from the laughs or he can feel basically anything made me feel some type of way and it was really hard to stay put together and not show anything of these things.
"Two years is a long time, I have a bucket list with some crazy shit. Even if I check a few things I am gonna go home happy " I said with a smile.
"Like what?" asked Grayson.
"There is a few 'everyday' thing, like see the Hollywood sign at night and stuff and there are a few crazier one too, and I am not gonna tell those" I said and even the thought that he reads it made me blush.
As Ethan started to tell a story about one of his friend, who wrote a bucket list for a trip too I slowly started to zone out and didn't even realized how I started to play with Grayson's bracelets that were on his wrists on my thigh.First I moved around my fingers on it, but when accidentally touched his skin I know I was right and his skin was as soft as I pictured it. For a moment the breath got caught in my throat when I bumped into his eyes as he smiled while watched my movements. Because I got embarrassed I started to move around in his lap and when he grabbed my thigh and saw how his face flinched I blushed even more and looked away from his eyes to bit my lip and to calm down. I just needed to delete from my mind how much impact he had on me and on my body, and how close I am to him and at the same time still far away. He was still almost a stranger for me who kept attracted me more and more. I felt like I started to lose my mind because of him.
"It's crazy, right?" asked Ethan and I was glad Grayson at least listened to his story and was able to talk to him.
After I checked my phone and saw what time is it I realized it's time for me to go.As much as I would enjoy sit there in Grayson's lap for hours I needed to call a über and stand up from his lap to grab my stuff. I said bye to Ethan in the yard with a big hug, while Grayson came with me to the front door. Before I opened it I leaned against it and looked up at Grayson. God I wanted to kiss him so bed when my eyes moved to his lips and I saw how pink and plump and soft they looked. When a light smile spread on his lips I looked up to his eyes immediately and bit my lip because he probably noticed what I just did.
"Are you free tonight?" he asked. My inner goddess immediately picked out a sexy lingerie from her wardrobe and moved around in front of the mirror in it, but sat down disappointed to the bed when she heard my response.
"I wanted to go over to Corinna's, but if you offer something better I'm gonna think about it" I said with a cheeky smile on my face. He just chuckled on my words and run through his hand on his hair.
"Everyone needs to see the Hollywood sign, if they come to Los Angeles, right?" he asked and put his hands to his jogger's pockets.
"If you make my wishes come true like that I am gonna tell more things from my list too" I laughed.
"Deal" he said immediately. "I pick you up at nine, okay?".
"Yeah" I nodded and before anything could turn awkward I stood closer to him and left a quick kiss on his cheeks, before I opened the door and left the house.
On that day I already knew that Grayson Dolan is gonna mess up my days in Los Angeles. I could feel how my cold heart started to scratch when he was closer to me and I was already afraid if it's starts to melt. Yes at this points after all these single years I felt like my heart is frozen and someone really needed to impress me to even start to stretch it. I hated myself when I even thought about that maybe he would be able to melt it. He, who could get millions of girls. Why would he even bothered? I really should start to really grow up and don't believe in fairy tales. I should just go and see what happens without expecting anything. I should laugh, cry, kiss, have sex till I am young and I could do anything.
These thoughts really made me realize that I really should live like this at least in this two years. Being wild and free as much as I can without overthinking anything. I am gonna close out the fears from my mind, and gonna do things that I never did before.I am gonna believe in myself. These thoughts could probably come like 10 minutes earlier, maybe I would have actually kiss Grayson in the door, but I was afraid to do it in that moment. Whatever. There is new Mira who wanna have fun in the next two years in America. And she hopes she really will.
- play videogames all day √
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