#jungkook failaise
failaise · 7 years
like real people do p.4 | jeon jungkook
summary: the feelings for your friends with benefits are changing. months pass, and you feel your gut telling you that you want more. you’re just not sure if he feels the same.
genre: angst/romance/eventual smut
college student!reader, friends with benefits!jungkook
piece 1, piece 2, piece 3, piece 4
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Two days of class lectures, out the window.
All because you couldn’t face your problems like a regular, normal human being.
Biting on the nail of your thumb, you stepped climbed up the cobblestone steps. It was still cold outside, colder than you could’ve handled in just a hoodie, but you persevered, reminding yourself just a couple more hours before you’d have to face the music. Swallowing, you squared your jaw and gazed up at the old trees, admiring their shape and following the path they made.
With a sigh, you plopped down on a nearby bench, legs pulled close into your body. It was morning here on this viewing hill, proudly named Haknam Hill, and was empty- for the most part. Before you, the sprawling city of Seoul was at perfect view, the lights beginning to dim as the sun rose behind the trees. At least here, you thought, no one could touch you. Here, you didn’t have to pretend that you didn’t have feelings. You could just… be.
Suddenly, the alarming idea that Somi might’ve called your family, told them you ran away, that you were missing class appeared. This was the last day, you reminded yourself curtly. You deserved one more day to not be okay, before you came home and dealt with the remnants of Jungkook’s shattered memories. Somi didn’t deserve this though. You remembered her confused, worried face when you gathered a backpack of clothes and stormed out the door that day.
Pursing your lips, you hastily whipped your phone out of your back pocket. With cold, shaky fingers you typed a message, then curled into yourself.
 Two days.
You’d been gone for two days, and Jungkook was so worried he could barely focus. The lecture hall was full today, meaning nearly no one was absent- except you, of course. Where you usually sat with your notebooks and eager-to-learn gaze, was empty. He swallowed and forced his gaze away from your seat, down to the notebook where he’d been scribbling the outlines of a face and eyes. He stared down at the cartoonish image of you and frowned, suddenly slamming his book shut. Unable to handle the thoughts of you somewhere, cold and sad and all because of him, Jungkook jumped to his feet, messily shoving his things into the messenger bag at his side. The professor’s lecture skipped in surprise and he looked over to him, curiously watching Jeon Jungkook storm out of the hall.
His eyes burned the further away he got. Some time ago, the sun had risen, but he still felt cold, hugging his arms into his body. His jog turned into a sprint, bag jumbling at his side, feet hitting the pavement at alarming rates. It was only a matter of minutes before he showed up at your door, knocking loudly and obnoxiously until it finally opened.
Somi appeared, looking tired and strung out in pajama pants and wrinkled jeans.
“Have you heard from her yet?” Jungkook demanded, staring down at your roommate in concern.
Somi pursed her lips and stepped aside from the door. Jungkook thanked her and entered, kicking off his shoes and dropping his bag.
“So have you?” Jungkook insisted. He was glad for the heat that your dorm offered, but the idea that it was still cold, and he still had no idea where you were, was beginning to eat away at him.
Somi nodded with her arms folded over her chest. “She texted me around five this morning,” she announced, holding herself close. “‘I’m fine, I’ll be home soon’.”
Jungkook’s gaze dropped to the floor. On one hand, he was ecstatic that you finally had spoken. On the other, it hurt more than he could imagine to know that you were blatantly ignoring him. Hell, when you came back, he couldn’t even be sure that you’d want him- that you’d even speak to him. Your last attempt to cut him off only opened his eyes to who you were, what you could possibly want from him.
And if you didn’t want that…  
“So she’s okay?” Jungkook swallowed and looked over at Somi with hope.
Somi pursed her lips and sighed, stumbling backwards onto the couch as she’d done every night since you left. “I hope so.”
Jungkook plopped down next to her, staring blankly at the television screen. Beside him, Somi shifted, biting nervously at her bottom lip. Jungkook looked over at her. “What’s wrong?”
Somi closed her eyes and dropped her head into her hands, running her fingers through her hair. She chewed on the inside of her cheek and let out one long, heavy sigh. “Jungkook,” she began, “you’re a great guy. I know that… I- I’m sure of it. But _______… she handles her… emotions in different ways.”
Jungkook blinked, confused and worried. “‘Different ways’?” He repeated, eyebrows pinned down.
Somi would barely look at him. Her voice had grown soft, broken, as if she were the one who’d run away. She closed her eyes and squeezed them tight, holding herself in her own arms, shaking ever so slightly. “I’ve known ______ since we were freshmen,” Somi said, her words tiny. “When she was little, she liked to get in, uh, fights. She told me so. When she got older, it just… became the way she dealt with emotions. Do you remember last exam week?”
Jungkook’s gaze had grown in intensity, staring down Somi to understand what she was saying to him. “Yes..” He remembered that week very clearly, mostly because you’d shut him out then, too. You came to school with a bruise on your jaw and more underneath, but you said it was because you’d been mugged the night before. He wondered why that week- why you wouldn’t file a police report or come with him to the station.
“She deals with stress by picking fights,” Somi dropped her head into her hands again. “I just… I don’t want you to be surprised when she comes home with bruises, or something.”
Jungkook looked away finally, his eyes dropping to the floor. If he understood Somi correctly, you liked getting in fights. And he could picture you, fists hitting your face and your own flying right back- you with swollen, discolored eyes.
You, getting hurt, because of him.
“I think I’m gonna be sick,” Jungkook mumbled to himself. Somi looked up at him suddenly. Jungkook projected himself onto his feet and stumbled towards the bathroom down the hall, holding a hand over his mouth. All he could see now were those eyes, those beautiful, sparkling eyes. The ones that crinkled when you grinned, the ones that twinkled when you laughed, that held a certain amount of intimacy when they were staring at you- now, hidden behind swollen skin and colored with purple, blues, and-
Jungkook emptied himself into the toilet, dropped to his knees. Somi ran him from behind, rubbing a hand along the contours of his back. And although he’d finished vomiting, there were tears now prickling his eyes.
“Come on,” Somi heaved him to his feet on her back, flushing the toilet with the slightest hint of disgust. Jungkook stopped to wash his mouth in the sink, eyes squeezed shut. Somi pulled him into your bedroom and pushed him onto the sheets. Jungkook nestled into your blanket and pillows immediately, suddenly enveloped by the clean, vanilla fragrant your clothing held. “You should try to get some sleep, Jungkook.”
Huh. He hadn’t even thought of that. For the first time in his life, something had been so utterly important that even sleep couldn’t have been accounted for. But now he was here, wrapped in your scent and the unbearable comfort of your old comforter. Suddenly, sleep was everything, and he felt his eyelids grow heavy, staring at the image of your photo hanging on the wall.
Slumber grasped him, burning the sight of your smile into his dreams.
   When he woke, his bones felt heavy and tired. Gold light was streaming through the window of your bedroom, suddenly jerking him back to when he would lay here with you, inhaling your scent of vanilla, holding the warmth expanse of your body against his. Except now he was alone- utterly and devastatingly alone in this room of yours. Swallowing, Jungkook pulled himself up until he was sitting, staring across the floor to the window. Some part of him thought you would climb up a ladder and come in through the glass, smiling and apologizing for leaving him.
In the corner there were your pictures. Framed images of you and your friends laughing at the beach, some of you camping with your family, your graduation pictures. Each of them you wore the same grin, eyes lit up with happiness. Often, he would see those same eyes looking up at him, sparkling at him from across the lecture hall- those eyes held more secrets than he knew. The idea that you were someone he didn’t truly know, someone he’d fallen for quite some time ago, yet there were still so many parts of you that he didn’t know about.
With another glance around the room, Jungkook felt like his throat was closing in. His eyes stung at the images of your smiling face surrounding him, and although you were the person he knew, at the same time you weren’t. You were both the person he knew and cared for, and also someone he didn’t know.
Hurrying for the bathroom, Jungkook washed the foul aftertaste of his earlier action out, then made for the front door. Asleep on the couch, Somi barely noted his leaving, or the sound of him zipping up his jacket. He shoved his feet into his shoes and laced them up, grabbed his phone off where Somi laid, then rushed out the front door.
The air outside was cold and bitter, the unforgiving oncoming of winter undeniably around the corner. His cheeks burned from the breeze, nose and cheeks becoming the same shade of pink as the cherry blossoms had been before the cold had come. Wrapping his arms around his torso, Jungkook marched for the nearest place he could think of- somewhere he could clear his head, remove images of you from his thoughts. It was pointless to, though, as he knew he could never truly rid himself of you.
Not if he tried.
The sun was beginning to set, you realized upon awakening from what happened to be the most uncomfortable nap of your life. Pushing yourself up into a seated position, you exhaled a long breath, releasing rivulets of white air up into the sky. Though it was cloudy and cold, the sun managed to paint its daily picture across the expanse of Seoul. You blinked the sleep out of your eyes, rubbing your cheeks tiredly. Staring out across the railing at the top of the hill, you admired the vibrant, yet somehow dulled colors that spread out across the rainy sky. The sight was enough to twitch your lips into a smile.
Maybe it was a sign. Maybe the sun finally appearing after a week of rain and cold and clouds was a sign that you needed to get back home. The warmth of the rays that landed on your face had to be.
As you pulled your hood up over your head and made to stand, the sound of boots crunching leaves stopped you. They were timid and soft, moving behind you, then around you. You watched, eyes wide as the image of a boy wearing a long, dark jacket came into view. He barely noted your presence, seemingly lost in his own thoughts as he leaned up against the railing. Head tilted back, his eyes fluttered shut, and Jungkook let out a long white breath.
The sight of him flipped your stomach, caused your heart to thump erratically in your chest. You felt sick just at the sight, like you might throw up at any second. Swallowing, you tore your eyes away from him, forcing yourself to retrieve your backpack and silently move to leave. Behind you, Jungkook shifted, somehow turning to look.
It felt like eyes burning into his back, except this gaze was different. This gaze made his cheeks burn and eyes glaze over with worry and happiness- an odd combination, but with you, it made sense. Raising his brow with hope, Jungkook turned on his heel, in time to see the profile of your face disappear beneath the hood. You swung your backpack onto your shoulders and squeezed your eyes shut, still trying to leave.
His voice was different. You’d never heard it like this. Jungkook’s voice hardly shook; it was a constant resonating baritone that was confident and steady. Yet, as you stood there with your back to him, his voice trembled with fright, shook with uncertainty. It was enough to make you stop.
Jungkook’s boot crunched more leaves as he took a step towards you. His hand outreached, fingers shaking, to land on your shoulder and spin you around.
Suddenly, he was looking at the image of the girl he’d spent the last few days pining over. Though, if he was being honest, he’d pined after you for longer than a few days. Yet now, seemingly out of thin air, you were standing before him, one eye discolored around the edges, but nonetheless it was those eyes- the ones that had haunted him since you left, that ghostly gaze peering up at him through dark lashes and fear. Jungkook had nightmares about seeing you like this, bruised and scared- of him. Your hair was disheveled yet it looked as soft as it had felt running through his fingers, your face lit up from the cold, lips trembling ever so slightly. If he listened carefully, he could hear more than feel his heart beating in his chest, his throat closed tightly and eyes stinging with tears.
“I’m fine,” you immediately whispered, noting his lingering gaze on your bruised eye.
Somi had warned him about this. He had time to prepare for this. And now he you were, standing before him as he pictured you might look. No amount of time could prepare him for seeing you hurt.
“Who?” Jungkook’s hand moved to your cheek, his thumb skimming the area just below your eye.
You turned your head and grabbed his hand, holding it inches from your face. “Don’t,” you demanded. “Don’t pretend like…”
Jungkook blinked, chewing feverishly on his bottom lip. “Don’t pretend like what?” He repeated, hurt written across his face.
“Like you care,” you took a step back from him and let go of his hand. It didn’t fall back at his side, instead frozen in outreach for your touch.
His eyebrows screwed in confusion, “Like I care?” He said, searching your face for a fraction of truth. He blinked rapidly, gaze falling to the floor. Jungkook inhaled, then exhaled one long breath. “Somi told me what you thought- when you saw that picture.”
Him bringing it up stung. You closed your eyes and curled your lips, trying your best to keep your emotions in check. “What I thought?” You smiled bitterly at him. “Isn’t it true?”
“No,” Jungkook rushed to get his words out, reaching for your face again. This time you looked at him, eyes wide and open in shock. You let him hold your face with his warm fingers, a stark contrast to the cold you’d felt- partly due to loneliness, partly due to the oncoming winter. He stared down at you, looking just about concerned as you’d always wanted him to. “No, no, no. Never. We were never… I never…”
“I know you slept with her,” your gaze fell down to the ground. Admitting it out loud was worse than admitting it to yourself.
Jungkook shook his head. His stomach churned at the memories of being with someone that wasn’t you, but he couldn’t lie. Not to you.
“I…” Jungkook closed his eyes, then sighed. “I did.”
Your voice felt small, tight, like you couldn’t speak. It hurt to hear him say it. It hurt to hear the boy you… loved, being with someone else.
“But only because I thought you didn’t feel the same as me,” Jungkook rushed out, holding your face slightly tighter than before. He moved closer, this time so that he could look down at you, see the way you looked in the setting sun. Its glow caused you to appear as an angel, though without it you would’ve appeared the same. Your lips, soft and reminiscent of home, were curled. Your eyes, sparkling in the light, filled with confusion and hurt and curiosity, were ones he wanted to stare at him forever.
You swallowed, “Wh...what?”
Jungkook smiled, though this time he had crystalline streaks running down his face. This was the first time you’d ever seen Jeon Jungkook crying, gazing down at you with all the romance he’d ever felt. He held your face closer, admiring every contour, while you did the same. He was so inhumanely perfect that it hurt just to look at him. It hurt more to note that his fingers weren’t shaking anymore, instead steady and caressing your cheek as if you were some porcelain doll.
For the first time in his life, Jungkook was sure about what he felt.
“I love you.”
The world seemed to slow until everything was still.
Staring down at the most amazing, beautiful girl he’d ever set sight on, Jungkook felt completely at ease with what he’d said. There was no lie that he loved you, not with what his heart was telling him, in agreement with his brain. His heart thumped from just being this close to you, his thoughts serene and filled with images of your slowly-forming smile. He knew what he wanted. There wasn’t a hint of a doubt.
“Jungkook,” you whispered.
You’d been wrong this whole time. You ran from the man who loved you because you were… wrong. Days spent away from him when you could’ve been holding his hand, could’ve been holding him as if he were yours and you were his. You felt sick at the very thought- you overreacted, got your ass beat, holed up in some run down motel just because you were scared of him and what he could do to you.
“I..” you swallowed, and looked up at him. “I love you too.”
The most gorgeous smile you’d ever seen broke out across his cheeks. That bunny-like, childish grin of ecstasy made your heart flutter uncontrollably. He adjusted his hands on your cheeks and laughed out loud in relief, eyes twinkling in the setting sun. As if your minds were one, the two of you leaned up and down, allowing the space between you to close. For that moment, there was not Jeon Jungkook and ______ _______. It was one person, one mind, one heart, beating together in unison.
Your lips were soft against Jungkook’s, unbearably moist despite the cold. You tasted like vanilla chapstick and love, pressed close to his frame. He could feel the bones of your jaw and cheeks underneath his palms, holding you close, in complete and absolute love with the texture of your skin and the girl standing before him. You laughed against his lips and he moved his hands to hold you against his chest, feverishly finding any piece off your soft skin that he could.
“I love you,” Jungkook said again. “I love you so much. Please don’t ever run off like that again.”
You smiled up at him.
“I won’t.”
When you returned to his dorm, you admired the pure woodsy scent that Jungkook carried with him. Whenever you were over, you were always reminded of camping, what with the dark brown walls and creaking floorboards. He hurried to light his fireplace and ushered you to his room, claiming you could wear whatever of his clothing that you wanted. Listening to him struggling with lighting the fire, you stepped into his room, slowly stripping out of your old hoodie and cold jeans. Dressed in a bra and underwear, you hurried to pull on one of his sweatpants, then one of his soft cotton white t-shirts.
Footsteps stopped at the entrance to his bedroom. As his shirt dropped around you, you turned to find him standing at the doorway, leaned up against it. His eyes were half-lidded, admiring your image, and a small, soft smile formed on his lips.
“I love you,” he announced, smile becoming a grin.
Your cheeks flushed, “Yeah. I love you too.”
Jungkook leaped onto his bed, sprawled out across the sheets. With an affectionate glance, he said, “Come here.”
You obliged easily. Sliding onto the comforter beside him, your head fell onto his chest, listening to the slow beat of his heart through his jacket. Jungkook’s arm slinked around you and held you close against his side.
“You scared me, you know,” his voice was soft and low, his fingers brushing your hair from your hands.
You closed your eyes and sighed, “I’m sorry. I was just… I’m not good with emotions.”
“Really?” Jungkook propped himself up on one elbow so that he could look down at you. “I couldn’t tell.”
You blushed, fighting the smile that wanted to form. “Shut up.”
He leaned down, capturing your lips with his own. The smile that threatened faltered, lost in the movements of his mouth against yours. Your free hand flew up to cup his face, holding his jaw, feeling it move beneath your fingertips. His lips slid from your bottom lip, where it stopped to suck, before they attached to your neck. You inhaled and ran your fingers through his hair, chewing on the inside of your cheek.
Jungkook’s fingers teetered at the edge of his t-shirt. The sight of you wearing his clothes had to be on the top 5 most beautiful wonders of the world, especially with the heat that you emitted. They hesitated on your waist, gently pushing your shirt up. You looked down at him, nodding ever so slightly. Your go-ahead allowed Jungkook to push the shirt up until it was just beneath your breasts, reviewing a familiar yet new expanse of skin to explore. This was his first time being with you, just you, feeling every feeling that he could allow himself. It was just him, just you- no politics of a friends-with-benefits type of relationship.
You were his, and he was yours.
anyone want a finalé?
piece 1, piece 2, piece 3, piece 4 , piece f?
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bts-ficrecs · 5 years
Can you rec some fics series with good smut
Hi, hello! I’m ssooo sorrryyyy it took me foreeverrrr to reply to this. i don’t even know if the person who sent this ask still follows me lolol 
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I’m particular with my smuts and I know everyone has different tastes when it comes to that so hopefully these are to your liking!
As always I’ll first recommend stories I’ve read and then stories that I’ve yet to read. ^^ …also…just a warning. I have so many smutty series on my to read that I couldn’t just not rec them only because I hadn’t read it yet ssooo… 
enjoy this v e e e r r y y long list of smutty fic recs lol (many of these writers have other smutty series too so check out their masterlists!^^)
Note: some of these fics have very flawed characters and may present potentially triggering content. Please review the author’s warnings/notes before you start the series just in case there’s something you’d rather not read.
Link to my other smut fic compilation
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⚜ Accelerate by @dreamscript
Jungkook x Reader
complete series | 3 parts
Summary: There’s a new racer in town; he’s incredibly rich, hot, and talented. And you can’t stop staring.
⚜ A Detrimental Passion by @btspornfavor
Seokjin x Reader
discontinued series | 4 parts
Summary: Waking up next to a beautiful blonde boy would be any girls dream… But for a grown, soon to be divorced woman, its all but… Until he reminds you why you should allow yourself back into the dream.
Note: while this series may be discontinued, I still want to share it with you all. I know a lot of people run from incomplete series but please give this (and all other series) a chance ^^
⚜ A Friendly Favour by @baeseoul
Taehyung x Reader
complete series | twoshot
Summary: Your virgin friend asks a big favor from you: have sex with him to prepare him for his future love-making session with his new girlfriend.
⚜ All Too Well by @cupofteaguk
Yoongi x Reader
complete series | 10 parts + epilogue
Summary: You and Yoongi shared a loving relationship with one another until you both agreed to end things and pursue your separate careers. But two years later, Yoongi is a member of the ever growing Bangtan Boys, and you are a new makeup artist for their upcoming tour.
⚜ Bad by @thelillzmonster
Jungkook x Reader
ongoing series | 9 parts so far
Summary: He was the cliché bad boy. He was the guy you couldn’t stand. He was the handsome, hot kid who made girls go weak in the knees. He was a brat. You had never liked him one bit, but you had also never gotten involved with anything concerning him. Until one day, when you were in the wrong place, at the wrong time.
⚜ Banter by @littlemisskookie
Jungkook x Reader
complete series | twoshot
Summary: Ironically, some of your best moments are with your archnemesis, the man who you literally fight every other day. But the two of you might be closer than you originally thought.
⚜ Bunbun by @jungkookienoona
Jungkook x Reader
complete series | twoshot + epilogue
Summary: You found an abandoned bunny hybrid on the streets and took it upon yourself to care for him.
⚜ Bunny Boy by @parkmuse
Jungkook x Reader
complete series | 5 parts
Summary: Catching feelings for your sisters friend wasn’t part of your plan.
⚜ By Your Side by @sodoyouknowbts
Seokjin x Reader
complete series | 10 part + 1 extra
Summary: Jin is somewhat arrogant, overly confident and a tease. All the things you find infuriating in a man and he also happens to be your roommate. It’s a wonder how you two can live together without killing each other…but it’s not like you’re anything more than friends. Right?
⚜ Camellia by @kinktae
Taehyung x Reader
complete series | twoshot
Summary: Y/N is a strong-willed herbalist who knows exactly what she wants; she also happens to make some really good tea. Taehyung is a kind but rebellious prince who doesn’t really know what he wants but he knows that the commoner girl who makes fantastic tea can’t be this damn cute.
⚜ Dogboys by @imaginethisbts
Taehyung x Reader x Jungkook
complete series | 4 parts
Summary: Jungkook has only ever thought of his breeding clients as just that - clients, and he’s always quite indifferent to them since he only ever knows them for a short period of time. But then you come along, and he starts experiencing feelings that aren’t being manipulated by your heat. Real feelings, that he has never harbored before with anyone else.
⚜ Don’t Care If It Hurts by @hollyhomburg
Jimin x Reader
complete series | 12 parts + 1 extra
Summary: After a rival gang makes an attempt on your life, Your older brother, the infamous leader of Seoul’s largest gang; Kim Namjoon, gets you a guard hybrid; Park Jimin, The reigning champion of Seoul’s underground hybrid fighting ring.
⚜ Drug Wars by @plumblackjeon
Jungkook x Reader
complete series | 5 parts
Summary: “She’s a babygirl Yoongi, and I think I’m in love with her.”
⚜ Forbidden by @btssmutgalore
Hoseok x Reader
complete series | 5 parts
Summary: Hoseok is your brother’s best friend.
⚜ Guarded Hearts by @gardentulips
Hoseok x Reader
complete series | 8 parts + epilogue + 2 extras
Summary: Your daughter’s dance teacher is always so kind both to you and your daughter.
⚜ I’m Sick by @kpopnlockit
Seokjin x Reader
complete series | 3 parts + epilogue
Summary: You work under the devilishly charming and handsome Dr. Kim.
⚜ I’m Not A Kid by @drquinzelharleen
Jungkook x Reader
complete series | 3 parts
Summary: Your boss’s son will not stop trying to get a date with you.
⚜ Inheritance by @jincherie
Yoongi x Reader
complete series | 7 parts
Summary: After your grandmother passed she left everything to you. Her house, her fortune, and apparently… her cat? The grumpy male hybrid you encounter at her house is anything but the tame housecat you’d expected to find. Fulfilling your grandmother’s last request to look after him becomes a lot harder when he seems to be avoiding you, and your dissatisfied relatives start stirring up trouble.
Note: ok, I debated whether or not I should add this since the smut is really only at the very end. but I just love this series way way too much and the build up of it all makes the smutty so worth it. trust me.
⚜ In Motion by @yoonia
Jungkook x Reader
ongoing series | 8 parts so far + 1 extra
Summary: The rule is simple; you can look but you can’t touch. You’ve been attending the event for a few times but it was only when a certain boy arrives on one occasion did you feel the fire of lust burning inside.
⚜ Just Friends by @kinktae
Jungkook x Reader
complete series | 3 parts
Summary: Jeon Jungkook was many things. He was an asshole, a tease, and kind of an inconsiderate roommate. But most of all, he’s your best friend, and has been since you were 10. When he suddenly confesses his attraction to you and proposes sleeping together, you are smart enough to turn him down. You knew Jungkook; you knew how he moved from one girl to the next. You, too, were many things, but just another notch in Jungkook’s belt was something you’d never be.
⚜ Like Real People Do by @failaise
Jungkook x Reader
complete series | 4 parts
Summary: The feelings for your friends with benefits are changing. Months pass, and you feel your gut telling you that you want more. You’re just not sure if he feels the same. 
Note: link to part 4 
⚜ Lust And Errors by @imaginethisbts
Jungkook x Reader
ongoing series | 5 parts so far
Summary: Step brother, fuck buddy… They were one and the same now. But what started out as some mindless fucking game, quickly turns into something much more difficult and complex.
⚜ Miss Dial by @versigny
Yoongi x Reader
ongoing series | 8 parts so far
Summary: [11:31] You: okay so i’m texting you now like I promised instead of drunktexting yoongi and telling him how badly i want his cock tonight. Arent you proud? [11:32] unknown number: this is yoongi, hi
⚜ Monster by @neonlights92
Taehyung x Reader
complete series | 5 parts + epilogue
Summary: You live in a world dominated by monsters. Monsters who make it their life’s work to control everything around them. When you’re forced to marry Kim Taehyung - the indecipherable son of the leader of Bangtan, Seoul’s most feared gang - you are at first afraid of him. But as you learn what it means to be Taehyung’s wife you find yourself inexplicably drawn to him.
Note: the writer has also written for the other members in the same AU if you’re interested to read more ^^
⚜ No Strings by @kpopfanfictrash
Jimin x Reader
complete series | 10 parts + 4 extras
Summary: It started off as such a simple question. How do you find out if you’re bad in bed? Of course when you asked, you didn’t imagine Jimin would actually want to answer.
⚜ Off Limits by @floralseokjin
Seokjin x Reader
complete series | 8 parts
Summary: You’ve been lusting after your brother’s best friend for a while now, ever since you met him at a house party, flirting it up a storm as you failed to realise who the other was. That was months ago now and things are still awkward, but you can’t ignore the sexual tension that simmers between the two of you…and it keeps getting worse…
⚜ Piece by Piece by @underthejoon
Hoseok x Reader x Seokjin
complete series | 15 parts + 2 extras
Summary: A collection of drabbles where your love life is muddied up by two men – the one you love and the one that loves you.
⚜ Please Be Naked by @floralseokjin
Yoongi x Reader
complete series | 8 parts + 8 extras
Summary: You find it’s easy to become addicted to a distraction…
⚜ Sin City by @btssmutgalore
Jimin x Reader
ongoing series | 15 parts so far
Summary: After a run of bad luck, you can go back home and admit defeat or step out of your comfort zone and look for a job at Sin City.
⚜ Something In The Way by @tayegi
Namjoon x Reader
ongoing series | 2 parts so far
Summary: When your student debts stack up too high, you decide to apply for a position to take care of Kim Namjoon’s heat for three days…
⚜ Stealing The Bite by @wildernessuntothemselves
Taehyung & Jungkook x Reader
complete series | 6 parts
Summary: In a world populated by the supernatural, witches were the most despised and mistrusted of creatures. Everyone desired to make use of their powers but no one was willing to be seen openly conferring with them. And so there came to pass a heinous practice: Small covens of witches were isolated and kept under wraps in every kingdom, to be utilized when needed, and kept under close watch to prevent them from rebelling. Growing up in a kingdom ruled by werewolves, abuse and scorn were a fact of life, but you were determined to put an end to it. You devised a devious plan to gain power, and it involved a certain prince.
⚜ Talk by @httpjeon
Yoongi x Reader
complete series | twoshot
Summary: You find out your best friend, Yoongi, is really good at phone sex.
⚜ The Equation Of Love by @kookingtae
Yoongi x Reader
ongoing series | 9 parts so far
Summary: When you met Yoongi in a club, you thought it was fate that brought the two of you together. But after you walked into your college math class for the very first time, you weren’t so sure anymore.
⚜ Transference by @dark-muse-iris
Hoseok x Reader
complete series | 9 parts + epilogue
Summary: During a routine visit to the local bakery, you stumble upon an intriguing business card and figure, what the hell.
⚜ View From 4-B by @gardentulips
Hoseok x Reader
complete series | 7 parts
Summary: You teasing Hoseok didn’t stop after the night you shared together. In fact, it only encouraged you to continue your game of performing sinful acts with your curtains wide open, displaying your body to him to have him aching in his jeans. Except now, he’s more than aware of the temptation and he knows just how much you enjoy him watching you.
⚜ White Lilies by @plumblackjeon
Jungkook x Reader x Taehyung
ongoing series | 2 parts so far
Summary: People were attracted to sorrow, especially when it looked as good as Jungkook.
⚜ Zodiac by @joonbird
Namjoon x Reader x BTS
ongoing series | 2 parts so far
Summary: Not human, not animal. Caught in between these shifting worlds, the Zodiac hybrids are cursed by the animals of the zodiac.
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⊱ Angel in The Darkness by @icyhobi
Jungkook x Reader
complete series | 11 parts
⊱ Babydoll by @jungcock
Yoongi x Reader
complete series | twoshot
⊱ Behind The Lens by @gardentulips
Namjoon x Reader
complete series | 2 parts + 1 extra
⊱ Carpe Diem by fringesofsanity
Yoongi x Reader
complete series | 7 parts
⊱ Chained To You by @addicktjimin
Jimin x Reader
complete series | 3 parts
⊱ Dive by @guktwt
Jungkook x Reader
ongoing series | 2 parts so far + 7+ extras
⊱ Ego by @suga-kookiemonster
Jungkook x Reader
ongoing series | 6 parts so far
⊱ For Science by @boymeetsweevil
Jungkook x Reader
complete series | 7 parts
⊱ Handyman by @drquinzelharleen
Jimin x Reader
complete series | 5 parts
⊱ Heartbeat by @joonbird
Hoseok x Reader
ongoing series | 9 parts
⊱ Instant Gratification by @dovechim
Jungkook x Reader
complete series | 3 parts
⊱ Like Cats and Dogs by @the95liner
Jungkook x Jimin
ongoing series | 1 part so far
⊱ Love is a Dog from Hell by firecracker_chalk
Yoongi x Reader
ongoing series | 9 parts so far 
⊱ one good purr (deserves another) by @jinpire
Taehyung x Reader
complete series | 4 parts
⊱ Piercings by @personawife
Namjoon x Reader
complete series | twoshot
⊱ Passionfruit by @joonbird
Namjoon x Reader
complete series | 4 parts
⊱ Plums & Melons by @winetae
Jimin x Reader
complete series | twoshot
⊱ Serendipity by @rohobi
Jungkook x Reader
complete series | 9 parts + epilogue
⊱ Shutter & Shiver by @pac-mang
Jimin x Reader
complete series | twoshot
⊱ The Proposal by @chimmy-joos
Jimin x Reader
ongoing series | 5 parts so far
⊱ Two Rotten Apples by @chickenkooks
Jungkook x Reader
ongoing series | 4 parts so far
⊱ Until Next Time by @taeverie
Jimin x Reader
complete series | 3 parts
⊱ Watch Me Watch You by @the95liner
Jimin x Reader
complete series | 3 parts
⊱ Wishbone by @dovechim
Jimin x Reader
complete series | 3 parts
Note: links to two & three
⊱ Yes Mr. Park by @softjeon
Jimin x Reader
complete series | 8 parts
⊱ Yellow Calf by @cherrynochu
Jungkook x Reader
ongoing series | 3 parts so far
970 notes · View notes
masiseoyo · 5 years
Jungkook fic masterlist
20 somethings - oilblotter (friends to lovers)
Anemia – kittae (smut, horror)
A well-oiled machine – jincherie (fluff, angst, smut, android)
All I’ve got – btsjeonjazz (angst, smut, fluff, badboy!jungkook)
And they were roommates - yoonminnow (smut, angst, college!AU)
Aromatherapy- iq-biased (smut)
And action – prolixitae (smut)
About time – yoonia (angst, time travel!AU, soulmate!AU)
Animal – cutaepatootie (angst, smut, boxer!jungkook)
Aint my fault - failaise - (vampire!jungkook)
Bunny boy - parkmuse (smut, fluff, angst, bunny!jungkook)
Best you’ve ever had - ggukjoons (fuckboy!jungkook, badboy!jungkook, university!AU, fluff, angst smut)
Blank check – pantaemonium (College!AU, fuckboy!AU, smut)
Blackjack - kpopfanfictrash (smut, switch!jungkook, mafia!AU)
Bunbun - jungkookienoona (bunny!jungkook, fluff, smut, angst
Bitchin’ - Kinktae (fratboy!jungkook, 1980′s!AU, smut)
Cardiovascular palpitations – hayjeon (fluff,angst, smut, friendswithbenefits!AU, doctors!AU)
Cherry – kpopstories (taehyung x reader x jungkook, angst, smut, college!AU, fuckboy!AU, love triangle)
Comfort in ending - joonbird (angst, smut)
Cop-a-feel - cinnaminsvga (smut, fluff, angst, humor, robot!AU, sub!jungkook)
Deal – nchu (smut, fluff?, boss!jungkook)
Downfall - donewithjeon (Assassian!AU, angst)
Drag me down (to hell) - kimvtae (Mafia!AU, smut)
DNA – btssavedmylifeblr (smut, angst, bull!jungkook)
Escape – jjkfire (fluff)
Extra cheese, please! - vankoya (bestfriends to lovers, housemates!AU)
Elements – tayegi (OT7, magic!AU)
Ego - suga-kookiemonster (smut, humor, college!AU, fuckboy!AU, fratboy!AU)
Expensive mistakes - honeyedhoseok (angst, fluff, vampire!jungkook)
Fallout - pantaemonium (Horror, angst, apocalyptic!AU, gore)
Fall for you - kimvtae (fuckboy!jungkook, college!AU, smut)
Falling into you - kookingtae (college!AU, shy/nerd!jungkook, smut, angst)
Feelings - gukspoc (pornstar!jungkook, angst, fluff, smut)
Freak – junk0oksthighs (OT7, smut, gore, college!AU, thriller!AU)
Future hearts – jungblue (smut, angst, punk!jungkook, ft. jimin)
Fatal attraction – jungcock (serial killer!AU, angst, smut, ft. taehyung)
Felicity - nochugguk (thriller, smut, panther hybrid!jungkook, possessive!jungkook)
Fear in your eyes - gukyi (werewolf!AU, angst)
For science - Boymeetsweevil (smut, nerd!Jungkook)
Get you – oilblotter (spiderman!AU, angst)
Good cop, bad cop - btsfiles (asshole FBI!jungkook, cop!AU, action, angst, drama, smut)
Hidden stars – jungblue (angst, smut, idol!AU)
His - taecas (angst, fluff, smut, werewolf!jungkook)
Hands of fire - kookingtae (smut, angst, fluff, ft. Yoongi, princess!reader, servant!jungkook, lord!yoongi)
Interview – plumblackjeon (angst, smut, boxer!jungkook)
In it to win it - bluesxde (figure skating!AU, enemies to lover, angst, smut, romance)
In motion - yoonia (smut, masturbation club!AU)
I hate you, i love you – Jungblue (angst, smut, bestfriend to lovers)
Innocence - tamaguk (smut)
It’s all fun and games – cupofteaguk (angst, fluff, fake dating!AU)
In bloom - Tayegi (smut, werewolf!jungkook)
I wont stop you - imsarabum (smut, angst, fluff, vampire!jungkook)
Instant gratification - chinnychimchim (Fuckboy!jungkook, smut, cheerleader!reader)
In spite of it all - minstrivia (smut, angst, crack, badboy!jungkook, college!AU)
JJK – plumlackjeon (smut, angst)
Jealous – jungk0oksthighs (smut, dom!jungkook)
It takes two to make a thing go right - imaginethisbts (ft. taehyung, dogboy hybrid!AU, smut)
Kiss me - monoguk (angst, fluff)
Knifes edge - readyplayerhobi (angst, smut, fluff, mafia!jungkook x reader x jimin)
Let me stay close to you – 9uk (angst, bully!jungkook, fluff)
Lust and errors - Imaginethisbts (step brother!jungkook, smut)
Laggard – monoguk (Smut, fuckboy!jungkook?, angst)
Lonely hearts club - joonbird (smut, angst, ft. yoongi, tattoartist!jungkook, sci-fi!AU
Lifeline - forgottenpasta (angst, fluff, smut, fantasy, OT7, idol!AU, vampire!AU)
Lifted - houseofdemi (smut, stoner!Jungkook)
Lost boy - hoshikimatata (angst)
Midnight suck - kainks (vampire!jungkook, destined lovers!AU)
Mercurial - versigny (vampire!jungkook,, angst, fluff)
Morning rush - atdawnsuga (smut, angst)
Message delivered - silkhyung (fluff, smut, angst, humor, jungkook x reader x namjoon)
Make a home out of you - guktwt (angst, fluff, smut)
Monster – btssmutgalore (smut, angst, fratboy!jungkook, fuckboy!jungkook, college!AU)
Mr. Min – ellieljade (smut, angst, fluff, yoongi x reader x jungkook)
Mirrors - yoonia (smut, friends with benefits!AU)
My way – ellieljade (smut, angst, fuckboy!jungkook, dom!jungkook, friends with benefits)
Not about angels - angieherpderp101 (angel mythology!AU, angst, fluff)
Noona - honeyedhoseok (college!au, smut)
New rules - tayegi (fuckboy!jungkook, fratboy!jungkook, college!AU, smut angst)
Navy - jjkfire (childhoodfriend!AU, idol!AU, angst, fluff)
Out of the blue – imaginethisbts (dogboy hybrid!AU, smut)
Owner - jessikahathouvay (dog hybrid!jungkook)
Periapt – jincherie (exorcist!AU, demon!AU, incubus!jungkook, smut)
periculum - baeseoul (gang!AU, mafia!jungkook, angst, smut)
protege - baeseoul (dom!reader, sub!jungkook, angst, smut)
Paperdoll – winetae (drama, angst, smut, Idol!AU, ex-boyfriend!jungkook)
Purple jewels - parkmuse (jimin x reader x jungkook, smut, fluff, angst, genie!jimin)
Project promiscuity - seokkgenie (fluff, smut, angst, crack,  best friends to lovers!AU,
Redolent – baeseoul (indie rocker!jungkook, ex-boyfriend!jungkook, OT7, smut, angst)
Raising demons - jeonseok (smut, fluff, humor, demon!jungkook)
Room for dessert - avveh (smut, waiter!jungkook)
Racig hormones - noonatrash (smut, noon!reader)
Roomates - Tayegi (smut, angst)
Sweet saccharine – jjkfire (fluff, sugardaddy!jungkook)
save me - baeseoul (vampire!jungkook, angst, fluff, angst)
Snowed in - gukiee (angst, fluff, smut, humor, one night stand)
Skulls and roses - kcriture (College!AU, tattooartist!jungkook)
Sectures and stitches - hayjeon (angst, action, fluff, smut, hitman!jungkook, bestfriends!AU)
Snow and ice - hayjeon (snowboarder!jungkook, olympic!AU, smut, fuckboy!jungkook)
Scarlet envy - goldenjulychild (vampire!jungkook x soulmate!reader, angst, smut)
Sillag - Deerguk - (smut, fluff, soulmate!AU
Silver spoon - Aphroditekook (smut, angst, fluff, son of CEO!jungkook, bisexual!reader, spoilt!jungkook, jobless!reader)
The brothel – plumbackjeon (smut, angst)
Tomorrow - jungk0oksthighs (angst, smut, maknae line x reader)
True care - joonsgalaxy  (bodyguard!jungkook, fake dating!AU, fluff, angst, smut)
Third degree burn – winetae (dragon!jungkook, smut, fluff, humor, fantasy!AU)
Tessellate - winetae ( jhope x reader x jungkook, smut, angst fuckboy!AU)
The purge – seouledsoul2kpop
Two rotten apples - chickenkooks (smut, angst, university!AU)
The awakening- kainks (vampire!jungkook, asshole!jungkook, smut)
The black veil - jungcock (vampire!reader x human!jungkook, angst, mystery)
The real drug war - plumblackjeon (angst, smut, mafia!jungkook)
Uncontrollably fawn’d – oilblotter (Doe!oc, buck!jungkook, shifter!AU, college!AU, fluff)
Ultramarine - awtae (vampire!jungkook, soulmate!AU, fantasy, angst, smut, fluff)
Void – btssavedmylifeblr (OT7,angst, smut, sci-fi!AU)
Waiting - yoonminnow (jungkook x reader x jhope, resturant!AU, host!jungkook, waiter!jhope, crack, smut, angst)
White lilies – plumblackjeon (angst, smut, ft. taehyung)
When the sky rained greed – jungblue (angst, smut, post-apocalyptic!AU)
When you least expect it – johobi (smut, angst fluff, taehyung x reader x jungkook)
Wanted – jincherie(space!AU, alien!AU, alien!jungkook, smut)
You’ll never walk alone – jungk0oksthighs (got7,OT7, gang!AU, angst, smut)
You make my heart hadouken – readyplayerhobi (fluff, angst, smut)
A weeb’a guide to pyromania - vankoya (college!AU, weeb!AU, fuck-girl!AU, smut, crack?)
Ace - hijoonie (smut, fluff, angst, athlete!jungkook, artist!jungkook!)
A fallen bookmark on a thursday afternoon - cutaepatootie (angst, fluff, smut)
Arachne-boy - kinktae (spiderman!jungkook, bestfriends to lovers!AU, fluff, angst, crack)
Before dusk -luciditae (fluff, fate!AU)
Bad for you - yoonia (smut, angst, stripper!jungkook)
Bad boy!jungkook - mlkygguk (jealous!jungkook, humor)
By its cover - gimmesumsuga (smut)
Blue orchids - inktae (soulmate!AU, angst, fluff, ft. jimin)
Below thunder showers - inktae (sci-fi!AU, angst, fluff, ft. yoongi)
Breaking and entering - jungkookienoona (officer!jungkook, smut, crack)
Beauty and the beast - guksthighs (fairytale!AU, smut, fluff, angst)
Bite me - jeonsweetpea (smut, vampire!jungkook, angst, fluff, switch!jungkook)
Bold - modestlydreaming (smut)
Blue jeans - Deerguk (angst, fluff, smut)
Crosshairs - junghelioseok (smut, angst, secret agent!AU)
Cold coffe - jungblue (smut)
Captain america!jungkook - hayjeon (Smut)
Cinnabar - jincherie (smut, strawberry shortcake au, post-apocalyptic au, crack)
Click, click - seokoloqy (smut, virgin!jungkook, college!AU)
Damn the delivery boy - Deerguk (smut, fluff, Expecting parents!AU)
Chasing butterflies - Ddaenggtan (fluff, smut, Nerd!Jungkook, weeb!Jungkook, crack)
Energy - jjungkooked (fluff, humor)
Friendly fire - kpopfanfictrash (jhope x reader x jungkook, threesome, dom!jhope, switch!reader, switch!jungkook
First light - inktae (angst,fluff, sci-fi, ft. taehyung)
Good girl - oppamansae
Gravity - donewithjeon (fluff, angst, bestfriends!AU)
Gravity check - gimmesumsuga (smut, fluff, rock climbing!AU)
Hate to love you - iamjungkooked (romace, angst, smut, enemies to lovers!AU)
Human error - gardentulips (robot!jungkook, angst, fluff)
Hopping mad for you - readyplayerhobi (smut, fluff, virging!jungkook, sub!jungkook, rabbit!jungkook)
Ice prince - gukyi (figure skatin!AU, enemies to lovers!AU, fluff, angst)
Jasmine - btssmutgalore (smut)
Jeon Jungkook must die - Tayegi (smut,angst, switch!jungkook)
It starts and ends with you - zienth (fluff, smut, friends to lovers!AU, dom!junkook)
Lilac wisteria - blushoseoks (fluff, angst, slice of life!AU
Lifetimes - minsvga (fluff, angst, smut, reincarnation!AU, soulmates!AU, highscool!AU)
Long lost - gukyi (childhood friends!AU, celebrity!AU, fluff, comedy, angst)
La dolce vita - sopewriters (smut, werewolf!jungkook, werewolf!reader)
My euphoria - gukster (fake dating!AU, CEO!jungkook, florist!oc, fluff)
Moonlight melody - gykyi (fake dating!AU, university orchestra!AU, vacation!AU, fluff, angst)
(1) Missed call - seokoloqy (smut, idol!AU, phonesex)
Not so honest - wonhopes (smut, comedy, fluff, switch!jungkook)
No one better than you - gardentulips (smut, fluff, sugarbaby!jungkook)
Orange tulips - kainks (soulmate!AU, reincarnation!AU, angst, fluff, smut)
overdrive - junqkook - (vampire!jungkook, soulmate!au, smut, ft. werewolf!jimin, dom!jungkook)
Proposals - pjxmin (smut, fluff, angst, friends to lovers!AU)
Protection - gukspoc (angst, smut, fluff, mafia!AU, jungkook x reader, taehyung x reader)
Playing with fire - floralseokjin (College!AU, switch!jungkook)
Pen pals - gukyi (fluff, angst, smut, friends to lovers!AU)
Play pretend -  seokoloqy (smut, angst, soccer player!jungkook, fake dating!AU)
Red ink - floofyeol (Vampire!jungkook, fluff)
Second to none - minnpd (smut)
Serendipity - goldenscript (enemies to lover!AU, college!AU, romance, drama, fluff)
Snack thief - floralseokjin (smut, humor, domesticated, fluff)
Splinter - jungblue (angst, smut, college!AU, ex-boyfriend!jungkook)
Something in the water - vankoya (camping!AU, friends to lovers!AU, smut)
Sleepy - floralseokjin (smut, fluff, morning sex)
Switch lanes - gukgalore (smut, fluff, angst)
Since day one - gukgalore (smutt, fluff, angst, tattoartist!jungkook, boxer!jungkook, werewolf!Jungkook, bestfriends to lover!AU)
Tooth and claw - johobi (werewolf!jungkook,smut)
The underwear thief - gukyi (crack, fuff, smut, neighbours!AU)
The devils change up - jungblue ( smut, fluff, college!AU, baseball player!jungkook)
The swirling ways of stars - inktae (angst, fluff, fantay!AU
Tell me your secrets - jinpire (fluff, romance, humor, shifter!AU, bunny!jungkook)
The millionaire and his lover - gukyi (CEO!jungkook, friends to lovers!AU, fake relationship!AU, fluff, angst, smut)
The wedding planners - gukyi ( (enemies to lovers!AU, wedding!AU, fluff, angst, smut )
Tattoo artist!Jungkook - btsfix (fluff, humor)
The philosophy of good luck - kidguk (Tattooartist!jungkook, tattoo parlor!AU, roommate!AU, smut, fluff, humor)
Tinder - tayegi (smut)
Teething - sue-bts (smut, bunny!jungkook, sub!jungkook
The push - underthejoon (smut, fluff, angst, college!AU, friends to lovers!AU,
Under the bridge - jincherie (hybrid!AU, fluff, smut, angst)
Vaunt - yminie (college!AU, fratboy!jungkook, fuckboy!jungkook, fratparty!AU, smut)
valiant - ragingcravings (dom!jungkook, vampire!jungkook, smut)
Vampire’s suck - Sopewriters (werewolf!reader, vampire!jungkook, smut, fluff)
What’s mine is mine - avveh (Jeaous!jungkook, possessive!jungkook, smut)
Why I hate you - floofyeol (fluff, angst)
What are bestfriends for? - gukooky (highschool!AU, bestfriend!AU, fluff, angst)
Zero gravity - vankoya (cowboy!AU, smut, crack)
446 notes · View notes
flakandforay · 7 years
Weekly Fanfic Recommendations 214
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im weak for this mv, i am so weak. i love this mic drop remix
do check out my selling post with the tag #fafsells ( fansite and official merch )
lets start~
1) A Green Christmas 
by @failaise
a yoongi x y/n fic 
one shot 
harry potter au 
this christmas you've decided to spend it in the greenhouse but seems like you've got company
2) Black Cat
by @failaise
a yoongi x y/n fic 
one shot 
shifter au
you found comfort in a cat that you've found instead of your cheating boyfriend 
3) Thin Line
by @yoon-ing
a yoongi x y/n fic 
one shot 
there is that thin line you should know not to cross if you ever want it to go back to normal 
4) Gamer
by @bangtans-baby
a jungkook x y/n fic 
one shot 
jungkook knew better than to disturb you when you are immersed in your game but well he's needy tonight and you cant resist him 
5) In the Midnight Hour
by @gukstudio
a jungkook x y/n fic 
one shot 
cop au 
part of the police au series - a collab between @taesthetes and @gukstudio that consists member x y/n fics with members yoongi and jungkook out 
jungkook wanted his macs but it just so happens that youre there, he should have chosen KFC
6) Blue Blood
by @rapmonluv
a jimin x y/n fic 
one shot 
royal au
( damn im weak )
if there was one thing to separate between the royals and the guards, its the colour of the blood, the royals had blue while the guards had black. and with the prince in need of training, the king called upon you and your childhood friend to train him in attack and defence and well, maybe blood doesn't have to define you 
7) You cant have your cake and eat it too
by @majesticmemoirs
a jungkook x y/n fic 
one shot 
friends with benefits au
( this broke me )
you shoudnt fall in love with jungkok but yet you did, and now you'll have to deal with the consequences 
8) Red Square
by @jeonsgroup
a jimin x y/n fic 
one shot 
stranger au 
your cries piqued jimin’s interest and he is in need of a release 
9) Goldilocks Zone
by @taeuclid
a namjoon x y/n fic 
university au 
namjoon is known to steal your seat though ideally the seat doesn't belong to anyone, but oh well, he's too handsome for your own good
10) 2seok massage
by @bangtans-baby
a hoseok x y/n x seokjin fic 
one shot 
you've had a rough day at work but you had 2 loving men to help you out 
11) Tension
by @kpopfanfictrash
a jimin x y/n x jungkook fic 
one shot 
you and jimin were always flirty yet when jungkook, jimin’s childhood friend comes a long, a friendly competition arises
12) Touched by a Fallen Star
by @cutaepatootie
a jimin x y/n fic 
one shot 
( oh wow my heart )
prince au
part of the Greyria Tales that consists of 5 stories
he doesn't belong to you, he never will, its just how the stars were planned
13) Petplay - Kinks 
by @btsjeonjazz
a yoongi x y/n fic 
ongoing series with part one out 
it seems like you've found out about young’s kink, who knew he had it in him 
14) The Dom Next Door
by @11-ish
a jimin x y/n fic 
ongoing series with 2 parts out
it started out with this hole that was covered in paper and little did you know what kind of life your hot neighbour was living 
15) The Blue Princess and her Red Rose
by @cutaepatootie
a jungkook x y/n fic
one shot 
prince au
part of the Greyria Tales that consists of 5 stories
you always enjoyed the red roses more than the blue despite it being your kingdom’s colour but when you've found a red rose in someone, you couldn't keep your eyes away from Prince Jungkook - your red rose
16) All this Time
by @taeuclid
a yoongi x y/n fic 
ongoing series with part one out 
17) Tooth and Claw
by @johobi ( cant tag oh my )
a jungkook x y/n fic 
one shot 
werewolf au 
who knew the alpha would have a thing for you - the human 
18) Freesia
by @eleventoes
a jungkook x y/n fic 
he always had a thing to give you freesia even after all these years 
19) Girl in Luv
by @bangtanhoseok
a taehyung x y/n fic 
one shot 
your brother scolds you for all the time you've been skipping school, thinking if you could even graduate but your crush - taehyung thinks otherwise and you couldnt help but feel your heart beat a little faster 
20) Word for Word
by @dreamscript
a jungkook x y/n fic 
ongoing series with part one out 
fuckboy au, college au 
through and through jungkook is no other than a fuckboy 
21) Best of Me
by @igotjamsbts
a yoongi x y/n fic 
oneshot, part of the best of me series
you knew yoongi was 24/7 busy so when yo both wanted time to cool off, you both got the space needed until something in yoongi snapped when you came to the awards show with someone else 
this is all for this fic rec, another one up soon~
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peachjeon · 7 years
jeon recommendations
just a list of some jungkook fanfics (a-m) that i personally enjoyed reading and recommend others to read too :)
☁ : fluff , ⚆ : angst , ❝ : mature 
a chance taken by seoulscapes ☁
a crossroad deal by suga-angel ❝ ☁ ⚆ 
a story that we paint by thedefinitionofbts ☁ ⚆
a rocket to the moon by roseok ❝ ☁
ace by hijoonie ❝ ☁ ⚆ 
aisle by war-of-hormoan ❝ ⚆
all i’ve got by btsjeonjazz ❝ ☁ ⚆
american candy by junghaze ❝ ⚆
anemia by kittae ❝
angel in the darkness by mochijamz ❝ ⚆
arranged marriage by jeonchus ❝ ☁
away we happened by mrsjeontobe ☁ ⚆
baby, my baby by pjimims ☁ ⚆ 
babygirl by houseofbangtaninternational ❝ ⚆
bad by thelillzmonster ❝ 
band by cheelchan ☁
baseball by namjoonilicious ❝
best friends by lilyjhs ❝ ☁ ⚆
bet by mumbleybummie ❝
between the lines by causekpop ❝
between the lines by sxgah ☁
blackjack by kpopfanfictrash ❝
break the ice by mint-tape ❝ ☁ ⚆
broken feet by mintyoongiskookie ☁ ⚆
business by btssmutgalore ❝
can you keep up by lilmisscaptbec15 ❝ ☁
cardiovascular palpitations by hayjeon ❝ ☁ ⚆
cheerleading is a sport by bangtan-mya ❝ ⚆ 
cherry-bomb bastard by thestorytellerofkpop ☁
cinderella by kz-i-co ❝ ☁ ⚆
cognitive dissonance by chinnychimchim ❝
cold coffee by jungblue ❝
comfort inn ending by rapmonluv ❝ ⚆
compassion by makknays ⚆
confession from another person by an-exotic-writer ☁
contract by cyphertrip ❝
criminal by infiressi ❝
daddy issues by teasemekookie ❝ ☁ ⚆
daisy fresh girl by tbh-bangtan ☁
damn the delivery boy by deerguk ❝ ☁
damsel in distress by pjimims ☁ ⚆
dares by diorbangtan ❝
date #7 by zephyoongist ❝ ☁
deal by nchu ❝ 
deja vu by causekpop ❝ ⚆
diamond in the rough by kimvtae ❝ ☁ ⚆
drag me down to hell by kimvtae ❝ 
drive by lindzfrienzxo ❝ ☁ ⚆
drug wars by plumblackjeon ❝ 
eight medals by slaypjm ☁ ⚆
everything but you by diorbangtan ❝ ⚆
fact over fancy by chinnychimchim ❝
fall for you by kimvtae ❝ 
falling playbook by bossy-one ❝
found you in the city by bts-skies ❝ ☁ ⚆
flirt by slyscenerios ❝ ⚆ 
forever and a night by gukyi ☁ ⚆
game on by yoongihime ☁
givenchy & gold by blueagust ❝
good girl by oppamansae ❝ ⚆
grind till i own it by jeon-97 ❝ ⚆
guys like him by hayjeon ❝ ☁ ⚆
hair, sex and makeup by liesfromalover ❝
hate that i love you by kthsdrug ❝ ⚆ 
here we go again by taeuclid ❝
hidden stars by jungblue ❝ ⚆ 
his by please-baby-calm-down ❝ ☁ ⚆ 
hypnotic by wang-yeon ❝
i could’ve tried (to fix us) by an-exotic-writer ☁ ⚆
i didn’t want to lose you by justtextmeoppa ☁ ⚆
i hate you by kookieseyes ☁ ⚆
i hate you, (but of course) i love you by seoulscapes ☁ ⚆
i got you on my mind by bangtanbombimagines ⚆
ilysb by zvmins ☁ ⚆
in media res by workofteaguk ☁ 
iniquitous by bngtn-blues ⚆
ink and kisses two by oppamanse ☁ ⚆
instant gratification by chinnychimchim ❝
irresistible by jungkxook ❝ ☁ 
irreversible by jingukz ☁ ⚆
it’s all fun and games by workofteaguk ☁ ⚆
jasmine by btssmutgalore ❝
jeon jungkook must die by tayegi ❝
joystick by causekpop ❝
just for tonight by jungkxook ❝ ☁
kiss me by pinkeukook ☁
kitchen counter by kthsdrug ❝
laggard by pinkeukook ❝ ⚆
laundry day by hyungjooki ❝
laundry room by kthsdrug ❝
lightweight by btssmutgalore ❝ ⚆ 
like real people do by failaise ❝ ⚆ 
live life golden by kpop-reads ❝ ⚆
lock the door by monstaccato ❝
lowkey by rapmonluv ❝
love is not over by moonnightyoongi ⚆
lose it all by whichwaytowonderlandep ⚆
lucidity by vintaege ❝ ☁ ⚆
lust and errors by imaginethisbts ❝
make a home out of you by guktwt ❝ ☁ ⚆
message delivered by beansuga ❝ ☁ ⚆
mercy by daebakinc ⚆
midnight circus by justoneday-namjoonii
midnight luxe by writtenyoongi
mine by welovekpopscenarios ❝
mischance by taesthetes ☁
mischief, mistakes, and miracles by summertae ☁
monster by btssmutgalore ❝ ⚆ 
motel and summer nights by diorbangtan ❝ ⚆
my kind of love by summertae ☁
mr. neighbor by sylph-wings ☁ ⚆
list of jeon recommendations (n-z) here
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jungk0oksthighs · 7 years
Fic Recs
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⚤= smut | ♞= angst | ☁= fluff | ♡=personal favourite
☆= recently added 
↠ blackjack | kpopfanfictrash ⚤ ♞ ♡
↠ monster | btssmutgalore ⚤ ♞ ♡
↠ serendipity | sopewriters ☁
↠ deal | nchu ⚤ ♡
↠ arm candy | lewdlyoongi ⚤
↠ bad | thelillzmonster ⚤ ♡
↠ drug wars | plumblackjeon ⚤ ♞ ♡
↠ lust and errors | imaginethisbts ⚤ ♡
↠ fall for you | kimvtae ⚤ ♞
↠ proposals | pjxmin ⚤ ♞ ☁
↠ five dates | kpopfanfictrash ⚤ ♞ ☁
↠ tinder 2.0 | tayegi ⚤ ♡
↠ tattoo artist jungkook | btsfix ⚤ ☁
↠ damn the delivery boy | deerguk ☁
↠ laggard | pinkeukook ⚤ ♞
↠ prodigy | bts-sinning ⚤ ☁
↠ message delivered | beansuga ⚤ ♞ ☁
↠ zipper | jiminniemouse ⚤
↠ lock the door | halloweencat17 ⚤
↠ business ft. taehyung | btssmutgalore ⚤ ♡
↠ the millionaire and his lover | gukyi ⚤ ♞ ☁
↠ overtime | workofteaguk ⚤ ☁
↠ perseverance | freehoseoksdick ☁ ♡
↠ covet | helloblamebts ⚤ ♞
↠ say it | houseofbangtaninternational ⚤ ♞ ☁
↠ drabble #2 | freehoseoksdick ⚤ ♡
↠ breaking and entering | jungkookienoona ⚤
↠ like real people do | failaise ♞ ☁
↠ low-key | rapmonluv ⚤
↠ familiar but unexpected | btsfanficss ⚤ ♞ ☁
↠ out of the blue | imaginethisbts ⚤ ♞ ♡
↠ room for dessert | avveh ⚤ ♡
↠ his throne | jiminsa ⚤ ♞
↠ the millionaire and his lover | gukyi ⚤ ♞ ☁ ♡
↠ jasmine | btssmutgalore ⚤ ♞
↠ ribbing | ellieljade ⚤ ☁ ♡
↠ beneficial | jiminables ⚤ ♞ ☁
↠ starlight | freehoseoksdick ☁ ♡
↠ arrest me ☆ | taepott ⚤ ☁
↠ five months | ellieljade ⚤ ♡
↠ ships in the night | jungblue ⚤ ♞ ☁
↠ expensive girl | seokjin-seng ⚤
↠ underground king | sugajpg ⚤ ♞ ♡
↠ passionfruit | rapmonluv ⚤ ♞ ♡
↠ zaddy | btssmutgalore ⚤ ♞ ☁ ♡
↠ scandalous | yoongguksx ⚤ ♞ ☁ ♡
↠ nude | btssmutgalore ⚤
↠ chance encounter | freehoseoksdick ☁
↠ perturbatio | sopewriters ♞ ☁ 
↠ buzzed ☆ | taepott ⚤ ♞
[last updated 12/01/2018]
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failaise · 7 years
the holidays are around the corner...🎁
🎄 my gift to all of you lovely 4988 companions is this; 
🎄 submit any idea for a short or long story relating to the Holidays! As I only celebrate Christmas and have an agnostic faith, many of my stories surround this or the lack of a holiday mentioned. If you would like a story with your holiday specific to you, please let me know so that I can educate myself on such and not offend anybody with my writings! 
🎄 as a reminder, I write for the following: BTS, Monsta X, Got7, EXO, Seventeen, Red Velvet, and Twice
🎄 happy holidays!  ❄️ 💕 🎁
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nanabjk · 7 years
Jungkook’s Fics Recommendations PT2
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(S) - Smut +18 | (F) - Fluff | Complete Series ✓
Series Pt. 2
Equilibrium (ft Jimin) (S) - Prologue | one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight | nine | ten | eleven | twelve | thirteen | fourteen by @tayegi
New rules (S) - one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight | nine | ten | eleven | twelve by @tayegi
Roommates (S) - one | two | three by @tayegi​  ✓
Like real people do (S) - one | two | three | four by @failaise​
Ain’t my fault (S) - one by @failaise​
Protégé (S) - one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight by @baeseoul​
Save Me (S) - one | two by @baeseoul​  ✓
The meme and his tutor (F) - one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight | nine | ten | eleven | twelve | thirteen | fourteen | fifteen | sixteen | seventeen | eighteen | nineteen | twenty | twenty-one | twenty-two | twenty-three | twenty-four | twenty-five | twenty-six | twenty-seven | twenty-eight | twenty-nine | thirty | thirty-one | thirty-two | thirty-three | thirty-four | thirty-five | thirty-six | thirty-seven | thirty-eight | thirty-nine | fourty | fourty-one | fourty-two | fourty-three | fourty-four | fourty-five | fourty-six | fourty-seven by @jungkookienoona @tragicshadows
Drug wars (S) -  one | two | three | four | The real drug war by @plumblackjeon​  ✓
JJK (S) -  one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight | nine | ten | eleven by @plumblackjeon​  ✓
The Brothel (S) - one by @plumblackjeon​
White Lilies (S) (ft Taehyung) - one | two by @plumblackjeon
Tattoo (S) - one | two by @letterstokook  ✓
Children of the night (ft Taehyung) (S) - one | two | 2.5 by @minsvga​  ✓
Wicked Games (S) - one | two | three by @eureka-its-zico​  
Owner - one | two | three | four | five | six by @jessikahathaway​
Always (ft Jimin) (S) - Prologue | one | two | three | four by @itskimtaehyung​
Two rotten apples (S) - one | two | three | four by @chickenkooks​
His throne (S) - one | two | three by @jiminsa​  ✓
Jealous (S) - one | two by @jungk0oksthighs​
Authority (S) - one by @jungk0oksthighs
Series Part 1
Series Part 3
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masiseoyo · 6 years
Jungkook masterlist
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hellosopewrld · 7 years
Fics to be read
List will be updated.
Latest update; 12/5-17
Fic recs here
Also 99% of this is smut because i’m thirsty lmao
Company | Mafia au | smut | by fireheart-namjoon
Best Mistake | Smut | by daegusoftboys
Onsra | College au | angst/fluff | by moonnightyoongi
Grey Area | Soulmate au | angst | by blushoseoks
Give Me Love | Angst/fluff/smut | by mindfullofcrazy
Yeuk | Demon au | by dreamhimcloser
Blue Kisses | Angst/fluff | by maytae
East Of Arcadia | Fantasy au | fluff/angst | by taeverie
Bygones Of The Sun | College au, dance captain!hoseok | fluff/angst/smut | by taechubs 
Deadroses | smut | by siranghae
X-44 Land | Zombie apocalypse au | angst/smut | by kiwiscript
Fragments | Multiple personalities au | by bts-things-we-all-imagine
The Heir | Smut/fluff/angst | by taegonia
Sounds of You | Soulmate au | fluff/angst | by itsrainingmin
Foul Play | College au | smut | by kimvtae
Just Try | Best friends au | smut | by mlkygguk
Rule Breakers | Best friend’s sibling au | fluff/smut | by seoulscapes
A Love Among The Ruins | Royal au | fluff/angst/smut | by maytae
Realms | Demon au | smut | by fightmejeonkook
Loving Him, Loving Her | Smut/angst | by jungblue
Eternitaritan | Angst/fluff/smut | by maetae
Deathless | Royalty au | angst | by suburmin
Written On The Sky | End of the world au | angst/fluff | by inktae
Necessary | Angst/fluff | by taexquila
Lucidity | Best friend au | angst/fluff/smut | by taexquila
17, Again  | angst/drama/fluff | by ultraviolettae
Sutures And Stitches | Best friends au | angst/action/fluff/mature/smut | by hayjeon
Cardiovascular Palpitations | Doctors au, friends with benefits au | fluff/angst/smut | by hayjeon
Like Real People Do | College au, friends with benefits au | smut |  by failaise
Kairos | Arranged marriage au | fluff/angst/smut | by zephyoongist
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army-author · 8 years
bts supernatural scenarios | fic rec
♡ Do you ever get a craving for a BTS scenario... of a really specific genre? Worry not, because I’m here to satisfy your needs with a series of fic recs sorting scenarios into particular categories! ♡
Today’s theme is: supernatural! Get ready for vampires, werewolves, and a healthy sprinkling of magic ~♥
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♡ ‘Encantado’ by @exobtsimagination // two parts // The male model you’re working with is supernaturally handsome...
♡ ‘The Language of Flowers’ by @kimtrain // oneshot // Can this be the right address? This potion shop is much more… pink than you had expected it to be... (witch!au)
♡ ‘Legends and Fables’ by @littleclumsyqueen // oneshot // Through time, you and him. Together for eternity... (vampire!au)
♡ ‘Polyjuice Potion’ by @bts-astro-svt-scenarios // oneshot // You and your Slytherin rival swap bodies... (Harry Potter!au)
♡ This untitled piece by @tumblingtae // drabble // He fell out of the sky... completely naked... (angel!au)
♡ ‘Dreamless’ by @bangtan-spells // oneshot // Hoseok starts to have dreams with a lone girl trapped in darkness and asking for help...
♡ ‘The Treasure’s Along the Shores of Busan’ by @kimtrain // oneshot // It could have been a trick of the light. But for a second there... You thought you’d seen a hand within the crate of fish... (mermaid!au)
♡ ‘Contact Comfort’ by @jwimmins // oneshot // Your best friend, Namjoon, who you definitely are _not _in love with is having cat troubles... (Harry Potter!au)
♡ ‘Song of the Sea’ by @syugatae (rated M - read warnings) // oneshot // How far would you go to gain eternal life...? (siren!au)
♡ ‘Amaranthine’ by @rainwards // oneshot // In which the sun loved the moon so much that it died every night just to let it breathe... (reincarnation!au)
♡ ‘Crave’ by @exoticarmy127 // series // When Love strikes, it’s all you could ever want. And when it wants… there’s no higher price to pay...
♡ ‘The Unlucky Ones’ by @happy-meo // series (unfinished) // Vampires have soulmates too. But there were unlucky ones whose soulmates turned out to be human... (vampire!au)
♡ @an-exotic-writer‘s mermaid!Taehyung drabbles // start with this one
♡ ‘Black Blood’ by @failaise // series (ongoing) // Jungkook has to take responsibility for his actions, and deal with the monster he created... (wolf!au)
♡ ‘Black Majick’ by @dreamscript // oneshot // You’re surprised that you’ve been able to deal with his incessant whining for all the years you’ve known him. You’re even more surprised that you actually like him... (witch hunter!au)
Please go and support all of these artists!
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flakandforay · 7 years
Weekly Fanfic Recommendations 136
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look at all of them being so cute and adorable, tbh this whole prologue video got me good bc the never ending water stream from my eyes, anyway heres another fic rec!!!! and rn im just drinking milk bc why not 
1) Like Real People Do 
by @failaise
a jungkook x y/n fic 
ongoing series with part one out ( if im not wrong )
college au, friends with benefit au 
it started out with a mutual agreement of no strings attached, what happens when youre the one who started getting attached?
2) Tease
by @malikscofield
a hoseok x y/n fic 
you decided to be a little tease for hoseok when he finds out there was nothing underneath the coat 
3) Sneak
by @war-of-hormoan
a namjoon x y/n fic 
ongoing series with 2 parts out 
ceo au 
( weak for ceo au )
4) Name Game
by @drquinzelharleen
a taehyung x y/n fic 
inviting friends over for a party was just fine till hoseok decided to spice it up with a game
5) Lust of Gold
by @taeverie
a seokjin x y/n fic 
you found your long awaited soulmate who was actually a soul daddy. you had definitely hit the jackpot with common interests and also common kink ( winks ), an expensive one even
6) Peaches and Cream
by @malikscofield
a jimin x y/n fic 
sequel to sex tape 
jimin can never have enough of you, he literally could do it anywhere any time
7) White Lace
by @taerestrial
a jungkook x y/n fic 
jungkook has a thing for you wearing lace and he will never get tired of it 
8) Improvise
by @workofteaguk
a jimin x y/n fic 
onesho t
( i love this ) 
being on a public bus doesnt shield you from the possible harrassment you may face but thankfully jimin who you never knew helped you out
this is all for this fic rec, another one up soon~
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failaise · 7 years
like real people do p.3 | jeon jungkook
summary: the feelings for your friends with benefits are changing. months pass, and you feel your gut telling you that you want more. you’re just not sure if he feels the same.
college student!reader, friends with benefits!jungkook
piece 1, piece 2, piece 3
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this component is based off 6LACK’s ‘Prblms’
The night was cold enough that Jungkook eventually decided to run. 
Having rushed out the front door without so much as a goodbye, his forgotten coat hardly lingered in the back of his mind. Teeth chattering and toes nearly frozen, Jungkook fell into a light jog in an effort to keep warm and to get to your dorm faster. The light poles were dim and cast a long-legged shadow of himself against the sidewalk, each stride harder than the last, each one more eager. His eyes burned with the memory of what you had said, replaying each syllable over and over again. He imagined the different ways you could’ve said it, how your face could’ve looked when you sent it. He wondered if it even mattered to you, or if getting rid of him was as easy as throwing out the trash.  
Jungkook couldn’t remember you talking to anyone else. Your phone never lit up with messages from anyone other than your manager or Somi, and he never saw anyone lingering around you during classroom hours. Your focus was always him when he was by. 
His stomach hurt. He felt like he’d throw up any second now, or that his throat would tighten until he couldn’t breathe anymore. His lungs burned from the cold air he inhaled, and his eyes stung with each short blink forced by the breeze. It seemed like years until he saw the light of your dorm come into view, a sight that used to be cathartic now his only stressor. Swallowing, he jogged to the front door and let himself in, suddenly enveloped in warmth and the scent of laundry. 
Jungkook never once stopped running. When he got to your door, he paused, halting with one fist raised to the door. The image of you on the other side, maybe crying or maybe unbothered- both of them made his stomach ache. After the moment of tight lungs passed he finally ratted on the door with his knuckles, nervously licking his lips and pushing his hair behind his head. 
Footsteps pitter-pattered on the other side of the door. He listened as they walked up to him, and glanced through the peephole to see who was there. Jungkook looked down at it and ran his fingers through his hair. “_____? Can you let me in?” There was silence, and not a move was made on either side off the door. “Please?” 
Still silence. 
Jungkook forced out a breath of exasperation, his eyes squeezed shut tightly. He pressed his hand against the door and flattened his palm, tapping it with his fingertips. He imagined your hand on the other side, pressing back. 
“_____-ah? L-Look... I don’t know what I did, but... but I can make it up to you,” Jungkook dropped his forehead against the door and leaned inwards. Some part of him wished he could walk right through that god damn door and hug you, just to feel your bones against him. “______-ah, please-” 
The door handle clicked, unlocked, and turned. 
“Jeon Jungkook,” she forced a tight-lipped, bitter smile. 
Jungkook stared at her, part of him disappointed to see who answered. “Where is she?” 
Somi rolled her eyes and looked outside in the hall to see if anyone was looking. Jungkook watched her, a mixture of emotions and all of them having to do with you. Pursing her lips, Somi assessed him and his lightening skin as a result of the cold, the slight chatter of his teeth, and sighed. “Come on.” 
She reached out and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. With a hard yank, Jungkook came stumbling into the apartment, startled by the second influx of warmth that encased him. 
“What do you want?” Somi demanded, arms folded over her chest and eyes cold as glass. 
“Where did she go? Where is she?” Jungkook looked past her to see if he could catch a glimpse of you, but Somi’s death grip on his forearm kept him in place. 
“She left a while ago,” Somi declared. “I don’t know where she went. She grabbed her bag and left.” 
Jungkook jerked his arm out of Somi’s grasp and used it to pinch the bridge of his nose. He felt hot, overheating, like at any moment he might succumb to death by fire. Wiping his brow, he glanced in the direction of your bedroom, then back to Somi. “Do you have any idea where she could’ve gone?” 
“No, asshole,” Somi glared at him, “I don’t. Do you?” 
Jungkook blinked. “What is that supposed to mean?” 
“Don’t you have a girlfriend, or something?” Somi rolled her eyes again, teeth ground together. “Shouldn’t you be off with some dumb blonde bitch fucking, or something? Isn’t that all you’re good for?” 
Blonde...  bitch? The only blonde he could think of was Minjoo, but what was Somi even talking about? He’d been dodging the subject of her for fear of hurting her feelings, but you’d been acting so weird lately. He wasn’t sure what he should do. Give up Minjoo for someone who might not feel the same? Give up you for a girl who begs to fuck him every day of the week? 
“Yeah, idiot,” Somi dug through her back pocket. She searched for something while Jungkook watched, eyes wide in confusion and mouth suddenly gone dry. She turned it around and held the screen up to his face. “We know you’re dating Minjoo, so why even come here?” 
The picture was of himself, staring down into his latte. He remembered that moment, trying to figure out why the flower you painted with cream was suddenly so evil, glaring up at him. The caption read “everyone look how handsome my man is”, paired with a pink heart emoji. Being called Minjoo’s man made him sick to his stomach, but the idea of you seeing this, thinking he’d been lying to you, hurt more. 
“She... She posted that?” Jungkook blinked, delicately trying to reach for the phone. Somi locked it and shoved it back in her pocket. 
She stared at him. “You didn’t know?” 
Jungkook scoffed, pushing himself up against the wall. He raked his fingers through his damp hair, tugging on it tightly, wondering why the hell she would do that. Suddenly he was going through all his memories with her, trying to piece together when she would’ve thought the two of you were dating. He was reminded of the day at the coffee shop, your cold eyes. The time in your bed when he got texts from her. That time in the library. 
You thought he was dating her. 
“I fucked u-” 
“Yeah,” Somi sighed, closing her eyes. “You did.” 
“What can I do?” Jungkook chewed on the bottom of his lip, voice earnest and hopeful. 
Somi straightened up. She figured she could give him the benefit of the doubt, if nothing else. 
 “Explain everything to me. I’m sure she’s fine.” 
Every blow to your face was another numbing thump, a soft tap on a bruise. Your head snapped to the side, then to the other, though you’d gone cold with pain a long time ago. Leaned up against the sparring mat, you listened to the sound of a whistle signal for your partner to get off, to allow you to recoup. 
It wasn’t that you were doing this because of Jungkook. Sure, Jungkook caused it, but you weren’t some type of Bella Swan. You weren’t going to lock yourself away. You were going to do what you knew best, regress into a stage of life where the only romance issues  you had were with Fanfictions and the only thing you had to worry about was getting your ass completely handed to you on the mat. 
You blinked, staring blankly across at the man who was meant to be your opponent. He was pacing back and forth, readjusting the strap around the gloves he wore. He wasn’t watching you anymore because he didn’t see you as a threat. He must’ve picked up on the way you allowed him to hit you, with little defensive moves to stop him. You were an easy target- young, hurt, trying to forget. 
You blinked again, but suddenly it wasn’t the man pacing before you, but another. A short, stocky build jumped to a tall, lean one, stepping across the mat with long, calculated strides. You watched the way his eyes changed to that homely shade of brown, dazzling in the dim lights. Now he was watching you, through the tops of his lids with lips twitching upwards into the sleepy smile he’d always given you in the morning. 
“Oh,” you muttered to yourself as you straightened up, cracking your knuckles in your palm, “fuck you.” 
The short man was back now, but it was too late for him. 
You were already charging at Jungkook with guns blazing. 
“She’s not answering,” Somi heaved, defeated on the love sofa of her apartment’s living room. Legs crossed and a pizza slice in hand, she took another greasy bite and chewed, staring angrily down at her phone. Across the couch was Jungkook, who might’ve now been on his thirtieth phone call that evening. 
“You haven’t seen her?” He asked Minjae, a student in one of his health classes. “Are you sure?” 
On the other end, Minjae suggested that she might’ve been somewhere in Seoul, or that she could have left the city altogether. The idea that this event might’ve driven her out of her own home and comfort made him sick. With a final thanks, Jungkook locked his phone and tossed it aside his thigh in exasperation. 
He ran his hands through his hair and tugged, throwing his head back against the sofa. 
“She’ll come back,” Somi sighed. “We have finals next month anyway. Worst comes to worst, we wait a month.” 
“I’m not waiting a fucking month,” Jungkook pushed himself off the couch, angrily shoving his feet back into his shoes. Somi watched, surprised at his sudden movements as he hurried to the front door. 
“Where’re you going?” Somi demanded, rising to her feet. 
Jungkook didn’t even spare a glance at her over his shoulder. “Wherever I can look,” he tugged his hoodie down and sighed. “The forecast said it might rain tonight. If she’s not indoors, she can catch a cold, or worse.” 
“She’s strong,” Somi declared, though half of her wanted to run out with him. 
“Don’t care,” Jungkook reached for the door handle. In half a second, Somi allowed that half of her to take control, rushing towards him. 
“Fine. Then I’m coming with.”  
This time, Jungkook glanced down at her. Somi squared her chin and glared at him, snatching her jacket off the hook. 
“What?” Somi snapped. “She’s my best friend. Plus, you’re the one who sent her into this.” Huffing, she yanked open the front door and proudly marched out, leaving Jungkook to stare at his feet. It was his fault. Somi was right. He sent you running- it was his fault. 
But it was someone else’s, too. 
“Wait,” Jungkook stopped in the middle of the dorm hallway, lips curling inwards and a muscle in his jaw flexing. Somi turned around to look at him, realization dawning on her. A sinister smirk twitched at the edges of her mouth. 
“Let’s go get that bitch.” 
The hotel room seemed superbly empty. 
And alone. 
You wondered why they would paint the walls such a dull shade of orange, or why the stain on the carpet looked suspiciously like blood. Generic paintings hung by the bathroom, which was not much more supreme. The bed was all springs beneath your sore limbs, squeaking with each movement you made to rest. 
All you heard was silence. 
Maybe you were being dramatic. You could go home, you thought. Face your problems for once instead of running away to cope. Why was it that you couldn’t cope like most people? Why couldn’t you stay in your dorm, waiting for Jungkook to come running, as though he hadn’t made you his second option in the past week? Why was your method of coping a fist to your face and your knuckles in another? 
Your phone had been off for the past few hours or so, though the temptation to turn it on was almost suffocating. A part of you, the addicted part, wanted to go on Twitter and see the latest funny posts- just so you could feel the ache of a smile. The other part was reminded that it was social media that led you to feeling this way. The caption replayed in your mind and in that silence, all you could hear were the words telling you that you’d been wrong to feel that way all along. 
Why weren’t you good enough? It didn’t come as a surprise that you asked yourself this question often. You thought you were used to being let down, to being disappointed. Yet now, this ache that you felt in your chest and the tightness of your stomach- this painful feeling of heartbreak was one you hadn’t felt since adolescence. 
You were pretty enough. Symmetrical enough to pass for ordinary, though as you stared at your bruised reflection across the empty hotel room you couldn’t help but think that there was nothing spectacularly special about your features. Hair was okay, eyes were detailed enough. Well, the one eye that wasn’t coming down from swelling, at least. Though, the longer you stared the more it seemed like your face wasn’t yours, and you closed your good eye shut tight to avoid seeing the stranger in that forsaken mirror. 
You wished you hadn’t caught feelings for a boy in college. Every story you read warned you, but the hope in your heart had led you to believe that maybe, just maybe, Jungkook would feel the same. The mornings the two of you spent together warmed your core and you couldn’t help that. You couldn’t help how hopelessly you’d fallen for him, and you wished that you’d felt cold in his memories, but your lips still threatened a smile at the thought of him. 
A Morning Never Forgotten 
“Sleepy head..” 
A voice was singing above your face, yet your body knew that it was far too early to be up already. Helplessly tugging your blanket over your face, you managed to roll over, back to whoever was pestering you, and snuggled into the warmth and scent of the shirt you wore. Unexpectedly, the blanket was pushed closer onto you, tucked in around your shoulders by careful, hesitant fingers. 
“Hey,” that same voice whispered again, though this time it seemed less determined to wake you, and more as if it were speaking to the air. You felt two hands press down against your thighs, laying you flat against the mattress. A pair of sleepy eyes began to flutter open, and chapped lips yawned a nine-hour nap into the room. 
Jungkook hovered beside you, leaned up against the headboard with one shoulder and the other angled towards you. His disheveled head hung over yours, his own sleepy eyes sparkling down at you. A slow, relaxed smile spread across his face at the sight of your consciousness and he reached out to push strands of your hair back onto the pillow. 
You probably had three chins at that point in time. And granted, you liked to snore, so a dried trail of drool was definitely stuck on the side of your jaw. You couldn’t remember how much of your makeup you took off the night before, or how much melted off onto the sheets, but some part of you were certain that you had dark circles. 
For whatever reason, Jungkook didn’t mind. In fact, he admired the speckles of mascara on your cheekbones, and the rubbed side of your left eyebrow against the pillow case. Your disheveled, knotted hair wasn’t off-putting, but instead inviting, and he thought for a moment he could sit there and untangle it for hours, even if he couldn’t tangle it again. There was something about the way your tired eyes were lighter in the morning, something about the way they sparkled in the streams of sunlight barely managing to escape through the closed curtains. 
“Want some water?” Jungkook offered, trying to hide his amused smile. 
You blinked slowly and yawned again, tiredly rubbing at your eyes. “Please?” 
Chuckling lowly, Jungkook reached over to grab a half-drunk bottle off the nightstand. You watched how the muscles in his arm flexed as he leaned over your figure, and admired the tiny bruise just above his collarbone- your unintentional handiwork. 
Your gaze darted from his bicep to his eyes, which were squinted mischievously. 
“See something you like?” Jungkook teased, settling down beside you to hand you the water. You scoffed and took it, sitting up straight to drink from the bottle. Jungkook watched the way your jaw flexed- an action subtle, that reminded him of the way you’d looked last night, staring up at him in the dim lights with your lips perfectly wrapped around- 
“See something you like?” You swallowed your last gulp and brushed your fingers through your hair, fighting your sideways grin at the man beside you. 
Jungkook snatched the bottle from your hands and slammed it down onto the nightstand. You watched him, eyebrows raised in surprise, though they instantly lowered the moment his fingers cupped your jaw and pulled you in close. Warmth flooded your chest cavity, filling you up from head to toe and burning your cheeks a delightful shade. Something inside you changed that morning, that one blissful time the two of you were graciously allowed to spend alone. You weren’t sure what it was at the time, but you knew that this feeling, this inescapable emotion of pure home wouldn’t leave quite so easily. 
As for Jungkook, part of him already knew what this feeling was. 
Three hard knocks banged on Kim Minjoo’s door, resounding throughout the otherwise quiet living room. Startled, Minjoo looked up from her textbook, glanced at her phone screen, lit up with ignored messages, then to the door. 
Who could be visiting her at this hour? 
Confused, she pushed herself back from the small, round table and rose to her feet, treading hesitantly towards the front door. Rising to her tiptoes, Minjoo brushed a strand of blonde hair behind her ear, and looked through the peephole. 
Big brown eyes stared back at her. Jeon Jungkook looked utterly disheveled, what with his messed locks of hair and panic on his face. Beside him, Minjoo spotted someone she recognized, though she couldn’t recall a name. It was the brown-haired girl with the one who worked at the coffee shop, and for a moment she wondered what the two of them could’ve possibly needed from her. 
“...Hello?” Minjoo pulled the door back and stared at the both of them curiously. Her gaze lingered on Jungkook, the more familiar of the two, and a smile twitched at her lips. 
“Minjoo,” Jungkook sighed, running his fingers through his hair exasperatedly, “we need to talk.” 
She stepped back, glancing at the hallway to see if there were any other people watching. “Come in.” 
“Alright, look, bitch,” the brown-haired girl came barging through the door before Minjoo could even get the words out. Dragging mud underneath her boots, the girl marched right into the living room and folded her arms stubbornly. 
“Woah,” Jungkook eyed the stranger, “chill.” 
She glared back at him. 
Minjoo watched the interaction with pursed lips. “Excuse me?” 
“Look,” Jungkook paced around the living room, looking about as stressed out as he’d ever been. Minjoo’s expression filled with worry at the sight of him. She stepped towards the man to comfort him, though Jungkook flinched, taking a step back from her outstretched hand. “You posted a picture of me on Twitter. You called me... ‘your man’.” 
Minjoo blinked. “And?” 
The girl snorted. “What do you mean ‘and’? You and Jungkook aren’t dating.” 
Minjoo looked over at Jungkook, eyebrows furrowed down so far her eyes became shadows. “What’s your problem with me posting things of us, Jungkook?” 
“We’re not-” Jungkook frustratedly paced back towards Minjoo, towering over her height. His jaw clenched angrily. “We’re not dating, Minjoo. And someone I care about very, very much saw that picture.” 
The realization began to dawn on Minjoo. She remembered seeing him and the girl who works at the coffee shop together after class sometimes, but their laughter always seemed friendly. Looking back on it now, maybe Jungkook was looking at her in the way Minjoo had convinced herself he wasn’t. She remembered seeing the way Jungkook’s eyes lit up at the sound of his name being called from that girl’s lips, and the way they fell onto his coffee cup, as if it had burned right through his skin. 
“The girl,” Minjoo assumed, looking up at him, “from the coffee shop.” 
“Her name is ______,” the stranger declared suddenly, glaring at Minjoo over the coffee table. 
“Yes,” Jungkook sighed. He couldn’t meet Minjoo’s eyes. Had he led her on this whole time? Had he ever done anything to make her think he felt something close to love for her? 
“You love her?” Minjoo tilted her head. While her words were smooth, calculated, her heart felt as if it might snap, and her eyes burned more than they ever had without sleep. 
Jungkook froze, startled by the sudden question. “Excuse me?” 
Minjoo laughed bitterly. Her glare was piercing when she looked back at him, arms folded over her chest and bottom lip threatening to quiver. “I said, do. You. Love. Her?” 
The question had taken aback Jungkook. He’d never been asked so straightforward how he felt about someone, not ever. For some reason, the word “love” made his heart beat right out of his chest, in some cartoonish fashion he prayed no one could see. That single word had the ability to bring him back to memories he had with you, the ones in the morning, particularly the one after a long night of carnival games. The way your smile sparkled in the fairy lights flipped on a switch within him. 
He didn’t have a word for it then, but he supposed “love” might be able to capture the feelings he felt for you. 
Minjoo blinked, eyes falling to her feet. Her cheeks burned with embarrassment. How many people had seen the photo she posted? For how long had she led herself on to believe Jeon Jungkook might actually feel something for her, too? 
“I’ll take it down,” she stepped back from him, spinning on her heel to head for her cell phone. “I got the wrong impression. I’m sorry.” 
The stranger seemed confused at Minjoo’s actions. Had she doubted her intentions? Her feelings? Had Minjoo portrayed herself as such an ass that it was a shock to that girl that she had truly felt something for the idiot boy standing in her living room? 
Jungkook chewed on the inside of his cheek. “Have you... did you see _____ earlier at all?” 
Minjoo glanced at him over her shoulder. She debated on telling him the truth- that she’d seen the girl heading downtown with a dufflebag and a black eye. Or that she knew that there was only one hotel she could be staying at that was cheap and effective- benefits of being a psychology major. 
Minjoo squared her jaw and looked at the two of them. “No idea.” 
It was beginning to rain. 
Jungkook looked up at the sky angrily, pulling his hood up over his head to keep his hair from becoming wet locks in his eyes. Beside him, Somi searched quickly on her phone, looking for any hotel in the area that was cheap. 
“Dammit, ______,” Jungkook cursed, pacing worriedly in the courtyard. Seated on the bench, Somi glanced up at him. She could see that there was genuine concern on his face. She wished that you would just answer your fucking phone, just to tell her that you were okay- she deserved more than to be ignored. 
Jungkook heart was pounding so fast he thought it might implode. He kept picturing you, somewhere out in the rain, cold and alone and teeth-chattering. The image was enough to send his body into fight or flight mode, activating all of his senses to start running, to start frantically searching for you. 
Somewhere a couple miles away, you stared at the rain pitter-pattering on the window of your room, ignoring the incessant buzzing of your phone on the pillowcase. 
2K notes · View notes
failaise · 7 years
like real people do | jungkook
summary: the feelings for your friends with benefits are changing. months pass, and you feel your gut telling you that you want more. you’re just not sure if he feels the same. 
piece 1, piece 2, piece 3
college student!reader, friends with benefits!jungkook
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based off hozier’s song ‘like real people do’
One lazy arm was strewn over your stomach. It rose and fell with each soft snore and mumbled sleepy words. You could feel the warm of the sun streamed through the window landing on your cheek, stirring you from your dream. Torn from a fantasy dealing with a brown-haired boy, your tongue wet your dry lips and your eyes fluttered open. 
The first thing you saw were piles of clothes in the corner of the room, any of which would become your outfit for that day’s lecture. Sunlight landed on any surface it could, illuminating the room with a soft, gold glow. For a moment you felt you were alone in that room by yourself, listening to your steady breaths and the soft hum of the radio on the nightstand, before you realized that your bed was occupied. 
Lately, it seemed it always was. 
Eyes trailing down the expanse of your body, you found an arm thrown across your waist, hugging you close against a warm chest. A soft inhale proved that it was Jeon Jungkook, snugly asleep behind you. His usual scent of cotton and laundry enveloped you. The tiniest hint of a smile crept up on your lips, twitching up the corners. You caught yourself before your teeth could show, and slowly turned to look at him. 
Jungkook, of course, was sound asleep. His jaw was agape, his snores rumbling low against his makeshift pillow. You fondly brushed a strand of his light hair out of his eyes, and sighed. 
Your situation was getting worse. You promised yourself those feelings you felt were just because of the things the two of you had done together. They had to be. 
Jungkook’s mouth moved and he pressed his lips together with a tiny sigh, “Are you watching me sleep?” 
Your gaze darted up to his eyes, which were slowly peeling apart to look up at you. Those long, feather-like eyelashes brushed the bone of his structured cheek. Warm and sleepy, Jungkook stared at you through the tops of his eyes, lips curving into a smile. 
You coughed and looked away, face burning. “What? Pffffffft,” you scoffed, immediately pulling back from him, “no, that’s, like, so weird.” 
Jungkook’s grip tightened around your waist. “Yeah?” He laughed, a deep, rumbling noise that matched his morning voice. Leaning upwards, he caught your cheek with his lips, softly planting kisses along your burning face. You felt your heart expanding, your chest tightening with whatever feeling this was. You’d never felt it before- this curdling, suffocating feeling. 
Jungkook’s lips captured yours in one long, savored kiss. Instinctively you reached up to caress his jaw, but caught yourself. That was too much. He wasn’t your boyfriend, you reminded yourself. You couldn’t hold him like that, not in the way other girls were. 
“I, uh,” you pulled back, clearing your throat awkwardly, “I have class in thirty minutes.” 
He pushed himself up so that he was above you, his height an advantage that allowed you to look up at him through your lashes. You couldn’t have possibly known what he was feeling in that moment- if his heart was tight like yours, if his breath was caught in his throat like yours. 
“So?” Jungkook pursed his lips in rejection. “You don’t have to get dressed nice or anything.” He leaned forward to kiss you again, but you swiftly turned to grab your phone, acting as if you hadn’t seen his move. He hesitated inches away from your face. “What’s wrong?” 
Your mind flashed back to the tiniest hint of a hickey you’d found on his throat. It wasn’t yours, and you knew it. Your stomach clenched and fell between your legs, though you fought to keep this bit of information out of your expression. You forced your best smile and looked sideways at him, as if he were the one acting odd. “Nothing, weirdo.” 
Jungkook pouted and placed his hands on either of your thighs. “Can I have a kiss then?” 
You imagined, for a split second, what this could be. If he was your boyfriend. If he’d bring you lunch to work, if he’d send you cute messages or comment nice things on pictures you posted, if he’d show you off on his social media- or to his friends. Jungkook would be an amazing boyfriend, and you were sure of it. 
He just wouldn’t be yours. 
Your gaze faltered. “I really… I should really go take a shower.” 
On the nightstand, Jungkook’s phone buzzed. You glanced over, saw the message, and looked away. He watched you as you pushed yourself off the bed and brushed your hair behind your ears, hurrying towards the restroom. Jungkook pressed his hands to his face and groaned, falling sideways onto the bed. 
He always messed things up. Did he say something wrong? Was he coming on too strong? Did he have morning breath? 
“Stupid, stupid, stupid,” he muttered to himself as he snatched his phone off the nightstand, angrily checking what message had sent you running away. 
+70291739472: heyyyy cutie, wyd tonight? (;
Who even was this? Jungkook couldn’t remember which girl it was texting him, but after scrolling up he suddenly recalled who she was- some girl in his environmental science class that he used to mess around with that was way too clingy and horny. But, he knew it was dumb to drop all the girls he ever talked to for one girl, for you, and in doing so he would get hurt. It had happened too many times before- where he gives  up everything for someone who doesn’t feel the same. 
He couldn’t have you. He couldn’t have the obnoxious snores you made during psych when you fell asleep, or the drool that you would readily wipe away upon returning to consciousness. He couldn’t have your awkward jokes mumbled under your breath to keep your spirits up, or the jovial smile you gave to every customer you tended to. He’d ruin you. 
jungkook: nothing, wbu? (;
“That’s not even true,” you laughed, shaking your head as you scribbled down a definition into your notebook. Across from you, a black-haired girl threw her head back and snorted, nearly spitting her coffee all over your book. 
“Is, too,” Somi persisted. “On my life, I swear she watches horse porn.” 
An onlooker in the aisle beside your study space looked over at the two of you. You laughed into your hand and fought your instinct to slam your hand on the desk in amusement. By far, you and Somi were the two loudest people in the library, even amongst the subtle hum of chatter that buzzed around the entrance. Hidden in the back corner, you were propped up in a comfortable reclining chair, legs crossed and textbook in your lap. A pop-up table allowed you to copy vocab into your notebook. Across from you, Somi laid on her stomach on the floor, giggling uncontrollably into her hoodie. 
“Hey,” Somi suddenly said, looking up at you with red cheeks. “So how about J?” 
J was the codeword the two of you used for Jungkook. Your eyes darted towards her at the mention of him. Pursing your lips, you huffed and scribbled down the definition for ‘manifest content’. “What about him?” 
“When’re you going to ask him on, like, a real date?” Somi questioned. She pushed herself up so that she was sitting cross-legged, gazing up at you speculatively. 
“Um, like, never,” you mocked, rolling your eyes. 
“Why not?” Somi demanded with a large and heavy sigh. “If it’s some bullshit reason like ‘he’s the guy so he has to do it’ I will shove my foot up your 19th-century ass hole.” 
You scrunched up your face. Before you could shoot back with some pithy remark, your words died on your tongue, and your stomach dropped. 
From your seat, you could clearly see the entrance, and Jungkook sauntering in. He had to be dressed casually- of course he did. His white v-neck and sweatpants would most certainly be the death of you. You watched as he paused at the entrance, looking around as you hid underneath the hood of your sweater. His lips curled into a frown and he pulled his phone from his back pocket, typing a quick message. 
jungkook: hey, you working? 
Your phone buzzed on your lap. Carefully glancing at it, you looked up to make sure he didn’t see you, and shot back a quick response: 
you: yup. 
“Look at him,” Somi whispered, dragging herself closer to your chair. “He looks totally conflicted.” 
“Somi,” you sighed, “no one uses that word in a real conversation.” 
“Shut up.” 
But he did, or at least you thought so. You watched him stare at his phone, fingers lingering over the keys and typing messages. The little bubble formed at the bottom of your screen, disappearing and reappearing in unison with Jungkook’s thumbs. You thought, maybe, he’d shoot you a response- or, the hopeful part of you did. 
You never knew what his message said. His thumbs stopped when someone called out his name, drawing his attention and jerking his head up. Someone was jogging towards him, weaving their way through the crowd of sleep-deprived college students. Not even the scent of your coffee by your lap could calm you, not when some blonde haired girl was hurrying towards him. You watched, stomach tight, as she threw her skinny arms over his  shoulders  and pulled him close. You knew this proximity, the way she guided herself over his height so easily. She’d left the hickey. 
“Oh,” Somi’s eyebrows fell in disappointment. She quickly glanced towards you, placing a hand on your knee comfortingly, “He’s an asshole.” 
“No,” you smiled tightly at her, shrugging it off, “he’s just a friend with benefits. He can do whatever, whoever, he wants.” 
Somi chewed her lip. “_____-” 
“Seriously, Somi,” you shook your head and looked down at your book. You didn’t think you could bare to see the way Jungkook and that girl would look at one another. Maybe he looked at her in all the ways he never would with you. Maybe he sent her text messages saying “thinking of you” throughout the day. “It’s fine.” 
“It’s not-”
“I should get ready for work,” you closed your book with the notes inside it. 
Somi stared at you, lips parted. “You don’t have to pretend it doesn’t bother you,” she announced, chin lifted high and eyes soft. “Not with me.” 
You smiled slyly and shoved your book into the bag sitting on the floor. “Somi,” you sighed, shaking your head as if she couldn’t possibly understand. “I knew what I was getting myself into. He doesn’t feel that way about me.” 
Somi jumped to her feet the second you rose to yours. Her eyes bore into yours, concerned and urgent, begging you to stop and talk to her. Your gaze darted from her back to the entrance, watching Jungkook and that girl head to the back corner you and Somi were stationed at. Your breath caught and you slung your bag over your chest. 
“I’ll text you,” you told her in a hushed voice. Somi called out for you as you hurried towards the exit, fingers cold and practically shaking at your sides. You kept your head down, eyes averting his as you pushed past. 
Jungkook saw your hoodie and he knew it was you, even though you tucked all your hair away and forced a shadow across your face. His stomach sank when he realized you were avoiding him- you weren’t at work, and your texts were short. 
As you practically ran past him, Jungkook was tempted to grab your wrist, to ask why you were acting weird, to demand an explanation. He wanted to badly to feel the comfort of your warm smile aimed at him, or to at least know you still wanted him. His feet moved on their own and swiveled around to look at you, watching your hooded figure shuffle out the sliding doors. 
“Who’s that?” Minjoo wondered, staring at your back disappearing down the  street. 
Jungkook caught the word on his tongue before he said it. “Uh.. a girl in my intro to psych class.” 
Minjoo nodded, as if she could possibly understand. 
The other part of Jungkook whispered in his ear the word his heart ached to claim. 
a/n: super short but i haven’t written in months and a lot of things have happened to me since… sorry if this sucks omfg 
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failaise · 7 years
like real people do p.2 | jungkook
summary: the feelings for your friends with benefits are changing. months pass, and you feel your gut telling you that you want more. you’re just not sure if he feels the same.
college student!reader, friends with benefits!jungkook
piece 1, piece 2, piece 3
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this component is based off russ’s cherry hill
“Earth to _____?” 
The vibrating chatter of Sunrise patrons hummed against your skin, lulling you into some state of hypnosis as you pressed a cup of coffee down into the machine. Your eyes were stuck open, staring blankly across at the posters on the brick-styled wall. Fatigue weighed heavily down on your shoulders, a stark reminder that for the past weeks you’d spent your time during the night doing the opposite of sleeping- a bad choice on your part, and you knew it. With heavy eyelids, you forced a long, drawn out blink, tethering yourself back down to the present. 
“Sorry,” you pushed out a laugh and foamed the top of the drink, sheepishly gazing sideways at a coworker. Taehyung stared at you curiously and took the drink from your shaking fingers, which he too eyed suspiciously, then called out the customer’s name. 
“You sure you’re alright?” Taehyung muttered as he walked around your back, letting his sights travel over your rolled jeans and loose-fitting t-shirt. There were no signs of you being hurt anywhere, and he pursed his lips in part worry, part confusion. 
You moved to look at the next given order, forcing yourself to look him in the eye. “Yeah, Tae,” you reassured him, “I think I did too much coke last night, though.” 
Taehyung snorted. You grinned sneakily at him, and began to press another cup of coffee down once again. 
“You can tell me,” Taehyung announced sideways at you as he handed a customer back her cash. The woman smiled softly at him and dropped change into one of the two jars: one reading ‘Mario’ and the other reading ‘Luigi’. The cups changed tip names once a day, depending on whoever was working. Sometimes it was Hamlet vs. Caesar, Jackson vs. Jefferson, etcetera. 
You slid the next mug onto the counter and called out the name. The first syllable rolled off your tongue before it hit you-  who the name belonged to. Raising your eyebrows, you felt your stomach clench with nervousness, eyes wide and surprised as you looked across the room. 
Seated by the decorative board with lists of ads probably decades old was none other than Jungkook. He was still wearing that God forsaken boyfriend-esque outfit, but now there was a beanie pulling his hair back from his face, allowing those curious brown eyes to roam over the posters. The midday sunlight was streaming in through the glass wall, illuminating his tan skin with an angelic haze that made you want to choke the life out of him. And although your fingers twitched to punch his stupidly handsome face, his profile struck a chord within you, reminding you of a time much simpler than this one.
The living room was cold and smelt of pizza and wings, both of which had occupied ample space on the coffee table by your chest. Cross-legged and dressed in only a lengthy, long t-shirt, you chewed at your third slice of pizza ravenously. Beside you, Jungkook watched you out of the corner of his eye, smiling softly to himself when he spotted the smear of barbeque sauce on your cheek. 
“That’sh sho dumb,” you huffed, angrily staring at the television. Jungkook felt his smile turn into an amused grin. You swallowed, and for a moment he thought you would (for once) speak with your mouth empty- at least, until, you tore another piece of chicken off and continued. “Why can’t Leshlie mm Ben jusht dade?” 
Jungkook glanced at the show, where two characters sadly stared at each other across a table, then back to you. He couldn’t help but admire you like this- no makeup, hair a mess and tied back so you could eat easily, his shirt and underwear on. You were a vision with or without looking like this, but he always had a thing for unknown beauty. And while you were confident, you couldn’t have possibly known the things your smile did to him. 
You felt his stare burning a hole into your cheek. Glancing at him oddly out of the corner of your eye, you turned to look at him, finally swallowing. “What?” You demanded, confused. “Something on my face?” 
Jungkook tilted his head to the side, smiling. You furrowed your eyebrows and reached up to wipe your face clean, but his hand shot outwards and caught your wrist before you could. “Yeah,” he lowered your hand, though his other one came around to wipe the sauce off. Your cheek pushed against his fingers, soft and warm and brightening at his touch. 
He stared at your wide, surprised eyes. Although the two of you had been messing around for a month now (he was counting), you still were always delightfully shocked at his actions. Your blush and that bashful look you got was his favorite of your expressions- well, that and your happy one… and your mad one… actually, all of them were his favorite. 
You blinked, gulping. Jungkook leaned forwards on natural instinct, unable to stop himself from feathering his lips against your cheek. Your chest expanded with something indescribable at the gentle gesture, a stark difference from how he’d been only just an hour ago. You remembered the way he looked at you from above you, how he held onto your waist tightly and roughly and panted your name into your shoulder. 
Something warm and soft found your lips. You melted into Jungkook’s touch as you always had, hands moving up to cup his jaw, feeling the structure beneath your palm. Your mouth felt as if it had lit up, eyes closed and everything dark, but your lips were neon red, pulsing in the absence of light like a beacon. Wherever he touched you was vibrant yellow, glowing against the color of your skin, a mental map outlining the dance of his fingers. 
And oh, his fingers….
You blinked, jerking yourself back to the then and now. 
Jungkook jumped to his feet. For a moment, you felt excited- here he was, the boy you tended to obsess over, walking towards you, about to speak to you- but that feeling shattered at the now visible sight of a blonde sitting across from him. Disappointment felt onto your chest, weighing you down against the tile floors. She looked too perfect seated there, with her hair immaculately straight and her eyes a dazzling hue of emerald. If you were Jungkook, you’d probably be with her instead of you, too. 
“Hey,” Jungkook’s pink lips curved into that annoying smile of his. His eyes scrunched up as he reached for the drink, fingers curling around the handle of the mug. He glanced down at the foam design you made out of boredom- a generic, tiny little emblem of a flower. His heart grew warm at the sight of it. 
You reminded yourself to breathe and forced your gaze away, “Hi.” 
He wasn’t an idiot, and you knew that he knew you were avoiding him. The disappointed look on his face said it all, but you had to remind yourself that to him, you were a quick lay and the person he could text when he didn’t do the study packets. “Um, _____, do you think we could maybe-” 
“I can’t tonight,” you looked back over at him with cold eyes. You couldn’t do that- not anymore, not knowing that he’d been with other girls- in other girls. And you knew it was ridiculous of you to feel this way, to even act this way. Jungkook wasn’t yours, he never said he was yours, and vice versa. Yet, your heart had already given itself away, knocking on the closed door of Jungkook’s chest. 
Jungkook blinked. “I wasn’t… I wasn’t going to say-” 
You laughed lightly, bitterly, to yourself, knowing very well that people were watching and Taehyung was nearby to sweep you away whenever he pleased. “You don’t have to talk to me,” you shot back bitingly, “you don’t owe me that.” 
Jungkook wasn’t sure where this was all coming from, but he knew that it hurt. He knew that he didn’t like when you smiled at him like that- not the smile he kept as his hidden wallpaper, but a smile that was all business, that wasn’t his smile, not the one reserved just for him. It wasn’t the sleepy morning smile you gave him. 
Frowning, he glanced backwards to see that Minjoo was watching him now, her head cocked to the side and confusion written all over her face. 
“Hey,” Taehyung’s suddenly comforting voice interjected. Your head swiveled  around in his direction, eyes silently thanking him for pulling you from that delightful conversation. “Can you cover the register?” 
Without so much as a goodbye, or even a glance, you wiped your gloved hands down on your apron and nodded. As you passed by him, you muttered Taehyung a soft “God bless your grandparents” and hurried to punch in your sign-in code. 
Jungkook’s mouth felt dry. The mug in his hand, that tiny little flower, no longer felt warm, but cold. He swallowed, trudging back to his seat, and plopped down in defeat, staring longingly at the dissipating flower as if your face might pop up, all smiles and kind, loving words. He wasn’t sure what he meant to you, now. Maybe he was just a fuck to you. Maybe all that you cared about was his dick and now that you’d gotten what you wanted on more than one occasion, you were done. 
But your smile used to be so warm. 
Now it was so cold. 
“Long day?” Somi wandered into your bedroom. You were unashamed, laid out in nothing but a robe scrolling through Twitter posts. You flashed her a grin and flipped over. 
“Do we have any bleach in the dorm?” You wondered, staring up at the ceiling. “I’m thinking of adding it to the menu.” 
“Bleach frap?” Somi toed over to your bed and fell onto her chest, sighing long and dramatically against the comforter. “I’ll gladly take buy it.” 
There was silence as you counted scuff marks of the popcorn ceiling. You could feel the question on Somi’s tongue, though she never asked it. The tension in the room was tight and high strung, so much so that you were tempted to get up and perform an impromptu rendition of PPAP.
“What?” You finally rolled over, glaring at your roommate suspiciously. 
Somi blinked. “What?” 
“Ask your question,” you huffed, shaking your head in disbelief. Somi glanced away and pursed her lips comically, muttering to herself before she finally sat up. 
“I don’t have a question,” Somi announced with a shoulder shrug. 
You stared at her, “Seriously?” 
Somi casually looked out the window and nodded, “Seriously.” 
“Well,” you scooted closer to her, chewing on the inside of your cheek with squinted eyes, “then what do you wanna tell me?” 
She shook her head, “Nothing, you weirdo.” 
“Somi,” you tilted your chin and folded your arms, as if you were scolding a child. 
“____,” Somi returned. 
“Somi,” you looked at her through the tops of her eyes, hoping that you looked somewhat threatening. 
“Just tell me you fuckhead,” you pushed yourself up to your feet, glaring at her. Somi rolled onto her back and sighed, squeezing her eyes shut and rubbing her face dramatically. You watched as she mumbled to herself, debating over something of which you had no idea about, before she finally came to what seemed like a decision. She dug through her back pocket for her phone and curled her lips into a thin, unamused line. 
Without warning she was tossing her phone in your direction. You quickly caught it, fumbled for a moment, then turned it over to take a look at whatever had been bothering her. 
The picture was of Jungkook- of course, it had to be. You couldn’t have one day where he wasn’t intruding in some way or another, though if you were being honest with yourself you weren’t too torn in seeing his face on your timeline. 
The twitter handle was @minjoowinchmajor, a name you weren’t familiar with, but you were with the picture. It was taken at your job, in your cafe, in the same chair you remembered seeing him sitting at. You assumed the person who had taken the picture was the girl he was with, the immaculate blonde one, judging by the angle. Jungkook wasn’t even looking at the camera, he was staring down into his coffee cup, and you had to wonder if he knew she posted this of him.
The caption read “everyone look at how handsome my man is”, paired perfectly with a cute little pink heart emoji. The fond term coiled your stomach into knots, suddenly turning it into a pro-gymnast on crack. On top of your fatigue now was anxiety, bubbling in the very core of your chest, making it feel tight, like you couldn’t breathe. 
That was his girlfriend? Jungkook had a girlfriend? Since when? Had he been cheating on her with you? You, of all people he could cheat on her with? 
“I know,” Somi sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. “They’re such little snakes-”  
“It’s fine.” You locked her phone and handed it to her calmly. 
Somi closed her eyes tight and shook her head, “____, it’s not. He’s an asshole, okay? He doesn’t deserve you.” 
While your insides sparked with an intensity you hadn’t felt in years, with such an anger that your head spun, you moved slowly towards your phone. Somi watched in confusion as you typed out a message, fingers moving carefully and precisely. “What’re you doing?” 
Your thumb hovered over the ‘send’ button. It was such a petty, simple move to send the message. You knew everything you could’ve wanted, could’ve had, would be gone with a simple press of a button. You knew you’d ruin it, whatever you had with Jungkook. But an image formed in your mind- an image that spoke volumes, an image of him and a beautiful blonde girl curled up in bed together, watching movies and listening to music and doing everything you’d ever wanted with him. 
Jungkook made his choice. 
And now you were making yours. 
A mile away, locked inside the boy’s dorm with a brown-haired boy seated on the couch in the living room, Jungkook returned with a bucket of popcorn and a pretend smile. He plopped down besides his roommate, Park Jimin, and was about to press play on the Vine compilation meant to lift his spirits when his phone buzzed in his pocket. 
Jungkook’s heart skipped when he saw the name- one of the only names in his phone, since he never took the time of day to put other people’s names in. 
Jimin watched as Jungkook’s raised, spritely eyebrows fell, how his eager smile faltered and twitched into a straight, blank line. He couldn’t tell what expression Jungkook was wearing, but the boy’s eyes were… were they shining? In the dark, they looked like they were sparkling, and after a beat of confusion he realized they were watering. 
Jimin looked up, concerned. “Dude,” he began, rising to his feet as Jungkook pushed the bowl off his lap and onto the floor. The popcorn spilled like a splatter across the rug. His first instinct was to scold his younger friend, but the curse died on his tongue when the twenty year-old rushed out the front door. 
Eyebrows furrowed, Jimin reached down to grab the phone out of the mess he’d made. 
sunshine: whatever this is, whatever we’re doing, i think it’s better if we end it. im sorry. please dont contact me again. thanks for all the “fun” times. i hope everything goes well for you. 
a/n: also idk why i wrote this all today and why im posting it so soon after the first part but uh…  most likely bc i have two ap tests and an extended essay to write and study for pls pray for me
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failaise · 8 years
black water || prologue
summary: jungkook was your friend from childhood who you hadn’t seen since you were eleven. the death of your father sends you back to your hometown, but jungkook’s not himself anymore. you’re left wondering when your best friend became an asshole, and a wolf. 
werewolf!jungkook, bitten!reader
pairings: jungkook x reader
genre: smut/angst
a/n: i’m an asshole. warning. 
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"Since when the fuck were you a werewolf?” 
Nothing had changed.
Your brother’s house was the same as you had remembered it being. The brownish color of the wood had dulled in a less than obvious way but your eyes were quick to spot anything that had differed from what your eleven year-old self remembered of this place. The flowers were blossoming- maybe that was different. You eyed them for a moment and wondered if they had always been a peculiar shade of blue before the front door opened and the tires of the taxi you’d driven in screeched around the corner. A lump of nerves settled comfortably in the pit of your stomach, frightened eyes staring up at the big home. You wondered how just one person could live here- but then again, Yoongi had always been introverted.
Worn-out Converse crunched fallen leaves with each step forward. The brown suitcase in your left hand squeaked and rolled, thumping as you made your way up the three small porch steps. The wood creaked beneath your weight, though the sound was somehow euphonious and comforting at once. You paused. The rocking chair he liked to sit in was still there, aged but covered in a new rug, as well as the old pot with a crack in it holding the variety of vines that crawled over the porch walls and up the side of his house.
There was silence, then more, and then the door opened.
The shock of it opening by itself caught your breath in your throat and you tried your best to look collected, nothing like the jumpy frightened thing you felt in your core. Swallowing thickly, you watched as the pale figure of your brother came into view, still just a few inches taller than yourself. His hair was black again, not the variety of colors you remembered seeing on your father’s phone, but he was just as ghostly. His clothes hung off his skinny frame and you worried that he hadn’t been eating right since- well, since he’d heard the news. Other than that, he’d grown up since the last time he’d visited you. He was taller, his shoulders had filled out a bit, and his face had slimmed as you suspected it would. Though, that smile of his hadn’t changed a smidge.
It spread across his face, revealing teeth and gums, and for a moment you forgot to dwell on the reason why you’d moved for him. Yoongi’s arms stretched and the bag in your fingers dropped, rushing to envelop yourself with him. He even smelt the same, too- like firewood and vanilla, but it was a scent that meant ‘home’ to you, and it was a scent you’d been wrapped around in since… well, that’s for a different time.
“I missed you,” Yoongi’s low voice rumbled in your ear, his warm cheek pressed against yours.
“I missed you more,” you returned quickly. His smile imprinted on the side of your hair, insurging a mass of warmth and longing deep inside your chest.
It was a minute until Yoongi released you from his hold. He helped you carry your bags inside and you wandered into his home, memorizing every little detail that had changed since he’d been old enough to live on his own. Your bedroom, you found, was the room Yoongi used to sleep in. The walls were white, reflecting the halo-ish glow of the cloudy sky just outside his wall-length window. Tiny lights had been strung up around your bed frame, adorned with familiar blankets and a brown teddy bear sat in the middle.
“Do you wanna eat in tonight?” Yoongi wondered, leant up against the door with his arms folded over his chest. You glanced at him from the middle of the room. The bags under his eyes worried you and you doubted he’d been outside in days- since he got the news, you supposed. On the other hand, you couldn’t lock yourself away like your brother could. Being outside was a remedy of sorts. The woods behind his home were familiar and if you remembered correctly, there was a little spot for you to sit and relax for the duration of the night.
Looking up at him, you smiled, “Sure.”
Soppy leaves turned to mush beneath your feet. The sound of mud squelching with your every step quickly became familiar to your ears and you marched forwards, a bag over your shoulders and your hair pushed back from your face. If you focused, you could taste the remainders of your dinner, pizza and wings. Your arms were bare and you wished you’d taken Yoongi up on his offer of a jacket and scarf, but your stubbornness allowed a pleasant breeze of cold wind to brush across your exposed cheeks. 
Sunset was soon. You could see the colors beginning to form as the sun dipped down behind the treeline, a vibrant arrangement of indigos and scarlet. Its resemblance to a fire was uncanny.
Eventually you found it- a small spot where you remembered visiting with your old friend in this town. It was a clearing in the middle of the forest, decorated with elaborate green vinery and flowers beginning to wither as the season changed. Situating yourself on the boulder you’d claimed to be yours, you folded your legs and sighed, tilting your head to stare at the miniature waterfall gushing before you.
You remembered the friends you used to have back when you visited your mother and Yoongi every summer. You’d become close with the neighborhood kids- one, in particular. He’d been a sweetheart who clung to his mother’s side and eagerly invited you to go hiking with the two of them, and he’d been the one who appeared at your door the first summer your mother moved to this town with a plate of cookies and an open invitation to play on his Game Cube whenever you wanted. 
How was he? Was he tall now? Taller than you? Smarter than you? Last you remembered, you were giving him lessons in piano and he was giving you lessons in the simple algebra you couldn’t figure out. Smiling to yourself, you leaned back, wondering where he was- if Jeon Jungkook even still lived in Farcrest. This town was small and you couldn’t imagine that someone with Jungkook’s dreams was still here. He’d be a senior now, you realized. He was in your grade, your age, with a laugh and a bunny-like smile that screamed troublemaker but secretly hid his true nature of a shy, childish little kid. 
You wondered how they all were- his friends, the ones he proudly introduced to you the first time you stayed with your mother for the summer here. What were their names? You remembered Taehyung, as he was as annoying as he was adorable- you’d had a crush on him, but it was overshadowed by Jungkook the following year. Park… Park Taemin… no, that wasn’t right. What was his name? Was it- oh, wait! It was Jimin! A smile hinted on your lips at the memory of that small boy with smaller hands and a hesitant, yet brave smile. You hoped he was doing well with his dream of being a dancer; it was all he talked about when you were there.
Caught up in reminiscing, you hadn’t realized the sun was gone had it not been for the icy breeze dusting your loose strands out of your face. Shivering, you tilted your head up to see that the sun had been replaced by a lingering white sphere, whose silver glow illuminated the clearing as if it were some kind of ethereal landscape. You eyed the dying flowers suspiciously. 
Behind you, the trees rustled.  
You paused. Convincing yourself that it was probably just a deer, or the wind, you pushed off the boulder and jumped down onto the leaves with a heavy sigh. With the sunlight not there to warm you, your bare arms were littered with goosebumps, teeth chattering on their own accord. You could hardly see anything without the sun there guide you- it didn’t help your vision was bad as it is, but now it was dark and you could barely distinguish between a tree and a long blur of brown. Anxiously you hugged your arms closer into your body, blew out a breath of gray smoke, and headed back the way you (thought) had came.
Your feet halted again. You stared at the mass of a tree trunk before you and sucked in a nervous breath. “It’s just a deer,” you whispered with hesitation. Tentatively you stepped forward and at the same time you did, something low in the trees emitted a dark, deep rumble of a growl.
Not a deer.
Your stomach tightened in fear just as adrenaline began to flood into your veins. In the darkness, the pupils behind your contacts expanded until the shining color of your iris became a ring of glistening tears. Fight-or-flight instincts moved your feet forward and you didn’t even realize you were running until you felt the air, hot and wet on your face. The silence of the forest was overwhelming but now you were listening for even the slightest sound of disturbance. Your ponytail came loose, strands of hair obscuring your vision, but you didn’t stop.
The ground shook with each pounding step the animal took after you. For a moment you felt ridiculous, as if you were in some kind of movie because these things didn’t happen. Your life was as normal as it could be but now you were here, sprinting through the darkness with dim, silvery strings of lights as your hints and there was something coming after you- it had to be a bear. It couldn’t be anything else.
Its growls bounced off the trees. The sound was something out of a movie- low and dark and twisted, rumbling in its throat against the forest walls. You could hear the sound of your heavy breaths as you hung a left, hoping maybe you could throw it off but-
Your ankle twisted underneath your weight and you cried out in pain, screaming for the chase to end. And before you could stop you were suddenly airborne, flipping onto your side and crashing onto the ground with a loud, resounding thump. Fuck, you were on a hill. Grunts escaped your broken lips with each flip, with each powerful blow your body dealt the forest floor in your relentless torment of a night. Your momentum picked up and you wished- god, you prayed- that your speed was faster than the thing coming after you. 
Your whole body ached when you finally rolled to a stop. The bottom of the hill was caked with mud and held a tiny little puddle, though it was more of a river now, as a reminder of the rain earlier that day. It was strikingly cold and distracted you from the pain you felt, but the taste of mud in your mouth was too much and you sat up, spitting out blood and dirt onto the forest floor. 
A part of you wanted to lay there and rest, to listen and hear if it was still running, but the other half of you- the one guided by adrenaline and the desire for survival- pushed you to your feet. Your ankle cried out when you stepped on it but you went forwards anyway, Converse crunching leaves with each trudge forwards. In your chest, your heart pounded against your ribs, creating an erratic rhythm that only sped up when you realized something- 
it had gone completely silent. 
Shaking in trepidation, you slowly looked up across the mud and water. In the reflection of the moonlight, you could see yourself- your cheek bruised, hair caked with dirt and hanging in wet strands before your face, your lip split. And as your eyes traveled across the lake, they met the reflection of something else on the glittering surface- something with glowing red eyes and a hunger you’d never seen before. 
Everything froze. 
It stared at you through your reflection. Its body, a mass of black and hind legs and hair trembled with anticipation, shaking feverishly across the river. With each exhale you watched clouds of white breath flood the air, disappearing like rivulets of smoke towards the night sky. Glowing embers of eyes glared at you, slowly traveling up the sparkling water and towards your body, rigid and frozen in place. 
Suspense built in your core. Your fingers were dug into the mud, holding you in place, and his long black nails clawed at the ground like a bull at a rodeo. He stared at you for a moment and you were suddenly certain that this wasn’t a bear- but it was close, and it looked familiar and God... were those ears? Why did they look so... human? 
Before you could think the creature let out a growl, something so retched and raspy that it nearly made you throw up. The ground met your back and you lost your ability to scream. Instead, you stared up at it, pupils blown and fear written across every feature of your face, lips curled in and nostrils flaring uncontrollably. Up close it was even more odd to look at... even more human than you’d thought. Black hair climbed up its jaw and decorated its back, in par with a protruding brow bone and a mouthful of long, sharp canines glistening with saliva. Something wet trickled down the side of your head and your vision blurred, then sharpened, then blurred again, like a camera lens focusing and unfocusing. Hot, wet breath trickled across your lips and damn, did this thing need a mint. 
Pain erupted in your side before you even registered it moving. Your eyes grew round and wide, staring up at the skyline while knives entered your hip. Your scream was lost in your throat and you could only gasp, clawing at the ground as if it might help you home. Another low growl rumbled against your skin and your head lolled backwards, thumping against the dirt. 
By the time it stopped you were almost gone. Lapping at the wound it created, the humanoid beast lifted its head, teeth stained crimson, and looked up at you. Those eyes... you were sure you’d never forget them, that you’d never forget the overlapping shades of gold and red, burning into your skull. 
A tiny whimper hummed against your lips. Your hands were shaking as your tried to cover your hip, trying to stop blood from leaving though it seeped through your fingers nonetheless. And for a moment you swore that creature, that thing had heard your pathetic attempts to help yourself, that its grim eyes had flashed over with something... something like guilt. 
You weren’t sure. You couldn’t be sure. Any intelligent thought you had drained out with your wound, dripping burgundy onto the leaves at a slow, steady pace. Your adrenaline was gone and your instinct to fight was rapidly dwindling to an ember. Fingers shook at your sides, before they stilled, and your body went slack against the side of the hill. Your eyes, round and frightened, relaxed until they were half-moons, lazily glaring down at the beast. 
And as you slipped into unconsciousness, the only thing you remembered were the words softly escaping your lips.
“I’m going to die.” 
prologue. black water. 
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