#jupiter has been bringing me prosperity
astroaid · 29 days
April Horoscope 2024
Astrologically, April is a big month this year. Here are some predictions. This is a general read. Please take it as entertainment. Don’t stress it & Don’t get your hopes up for super positive life changing events.
Tip for ALL rising signs: Look back to 2017 April - May. This is the last time mercury went retro in aries. Those themes may repeat. & prominent people from your 2017 may desire contact.
Aries- Libra Risings
Aries ASC:
Mercury Retro April 1st:
You might have a difficult time expressing yourself at this time. Therefore, this month is not the best time to change your look or life direction. Although, you could be tempted to make drastic & impulsive changes. Your chart ruler is in your 12th, this can create inner turmoil. You may be trying to heal from past hurts. Having a conversation with someone from the past may be important. However, do not feel you need to reach out if you do not want to. And don’t hold your breath waiting for someone. Aries is independent energy. You might need to reorganize your plans, heal without the apology & move forward. It is easier said than done so take your time.
Venus in Aries April 5-29:
When venus enters our first house, we can feel more focus on your appearances/beauty. You could feel very beautiful. And/or you may desire to make changes to your appearance to enhance your beauty. Venus rules your first house and relationship house. Money & relationships can be on your mind like crazy this month.
What you should be cautious of is any impulsive urge. Watch out for making purchases or physical changes you could regret. Make sure you aren’t changing yourself for someone else. Generally during this time you could find yourself being more cooperative. But make sure it is YOUR choice to agree to any changes. With your 7th in 1st, it is possible for some that other people are trying to control/change you. However, if this applies you are likely already aware of these people.
Solar Eclipse April 8th:
The closer you have your rising or planets to 19 degrees in aries, the more likely you will see the huge changes. This is a fresh start in your life. The changes you take in the next 6 months, will drastically influence your character. For some, this is making significant changes to your appearance. For others, it is the life direction you are taking. Your mindset towards life in general could be changing. Since chiron is in your first house these changes offer opportunity to heal yourself. Chiron has been in your sign since 2019, it can bring struggles your physical appearance. And struggle with how you move in life. You could have experienced events that make you lack confidence in yourself. Or that have angered you and made you very vengeful or less kind to all people in general. It’s hard to say exactly because this is a general read. The eclipse is at a libra degree though. So to me, this suggests these changes are about physical aesthetics and the body. Over the next 6 months, you could better the relationship you have with your body & self. Since it’s aries, it likely has to do with movement/action.
Jupiter conjunct Uranus April 20:
This is a surprise event occurring in your 2nd house. Jupiter is expansion, prosperity, religion, law, foreign travels, education. Uranus is surprises, electricity, new unconventional ideas, individuality. 2nd house is our income, material possessions, our face, mouth, dietary habits.
This is a “surprise sudden” event or idea that is coming. So it is hard to predict but I’ll try anyways. In your 2nd this can manifest in many ways, here are examples:
Making more money.
Getting a new material possession could be an electronic. Could be having to purchase a new possession unexpectedly - phone, laptop or something may break.
May be able to get some procedure for the face. Invisalign, acne treatment, healing a scar.
Could be suddenly deciding to better your relationship with food. Becoming more educated on nutrients, what your body needs.
Taurus Rising:
Mercury Retro April 1.
This is in your 12th house. The 12th deals with what’s hidden, the subconscious, closure/endings, healing. With mercury being retro, you could have healing conversations. Possibly with people from the past. Don’t reach out to people who hurt you if you do not want to though. Not everybody heals that way and it could bring more frustration. Do what you feel is best.
There may be random inconveniences as well - power outage, wifi not working, plans cancelled last minute.
Ruler of this retrograde is in your 11th. This could be people from the past reaching out. Not every retrograde is important in our lives though. So you may just cruise through this month without noticing anything especially since it’s in your “hidden” house.
Venus in aries April 5-29:
Enters your 12th house. This is your chart ruler, so april may be the month you go into hiding. That’s a dramatic way to put it. You won’t actually be hiding but you may want to isolate from people. For some, this could be due to ending a relationship this month. Relationship isn’t limited to lovers, could be a friend, business partner or activity you used to enjoy doing.
Solar Eclipse April 8th:
Over the next 6th months, you could be confronting 12th house topics. Examples: Becoming more independent through ending codependent connections. Could be quitting a bad habit or addiction. If you have planets in aries close to 19 degrees, the more likely this affects you. How depends on the planets in your chart it touches.
Jupiter conjunct Uranus April 20:
This is a surprise event occurring in your 1st house. Jupiter is expansion, prosperity, religion, law, foreign travels, education. Uranus is surprises, electricity, new unconventional ideas, individuality. 1st House deals with body, expression, life outlook/direction/approach.
This is a “surprise sudden” event or idea that is coming so it is hard to predict. Possible examples:
You may change something about your appearance. Your life outlook may change. You may plan a trip. You may become interested in a new topic that will change your life direction.
Gemini Rising
Mercury Retro April 1:
As a gemini rising, you’re generally restless. You’re used to being in constant motion - scanning the room, hand & body movement, fast thinking, fast wit. GENERALLY, gemini risings can have an anxious personality, other times you get a extroverted charming personality.
When mercury, your chart ruler, goes retro, you’re generally pushed back a bit. This month it’s happening in your 11th house. The push back from the universe is asking you to reanalyze your social circles, social awareness, goals/wishes for the future. The ruler of this is retrograde is in your 10th. In May, you could have been taking action in your career. There could have been some hostility at work. You could have been seen as being aggressive, brave, independent, selfish. It may be these changes in your reputation or at work that have you reconsidering your friend group or long term goals. This is just a general example though. Sometimes mercury retro means nothing to us in our real lives. Especially since it is your chart ruler. You may be naturally used to the quick thinking, replanning and analysis this cycle causes.
For some, it may be someone from the past, possibly an old friend or old work opportunities, reaching out to you. Due to some reflection, it could even be you reaching out to people from the past. Don’t feel pressured to do so.
There may be random inconveniences as well - power outage, wifi not working, plans cancelled last minute.
Venus in Aries April 5-29:
You could be forming harmonious friendships through a new activity. You could be enjoying present friendships more than usual. A specific few could find a new crush through a friend or social event. While you are likely having fun, you could feel a bit detached from the connections you’re forming. If you or someone else did reach back out, there is a possibility of forgiveness. Chiron has been in aries since 2019, it’s likely brought hostility to some friendships. You could heal those now by getting closure. But remember not everyone needs a conversation for closure. So don’t let this post make you think you need to reach out to people who have upset/hurt you in the past.
Solar Eclipse April 8:
Over the next 6 months, you could be finding new friendships. These friendships could be very healing. It is also possible you are finding chances to achieve goals you’ve been working towards for a long time. Some may feel pulled towards doing humanitarian work.
Jupiter Conjunct Uranus April 20:
This is a surprise event occurring in your 12th house. Jupiter is expansion, prosperity, religion, law, foreign travels, education. Uranus is surprises, electricity, new unconventional ideas, individuality. The 12th house is what’s hidden, sub conscious, endings/closure, isolation.
Since it’s a sudden surprise event or idea coming and it’s related to the house of what’s hidden, it’s difficult for me to predict what this is. I’ll try anyways, so examples:
You could travel far from home. It may be healing. Inspire creativity.
There could be an end to relationships, romantic, business or friendship. This could lead to a period of isolation.
Some one could relapse but that’s so fucking negative omg seriously hope it isn’t this one
Cancer Rising
Mercury Retro April 1
This month you expect miscommunications at work. You may even rethink/restructure your long term career plans. You could have misinformed gossip going around about your reputation. The ruler of this retrograde is in your 9th. You may be picking or reconsidering a university, program/major, or whether you even want to enrol. For some this could be you or someone from the past reaching out. However, since this is your 10th it is unlikely unless natal indicates it.
Venus in aries April 5-29:
Venus allows you the chance to appear charming, friendly and cooperative. You could put the gossip around your reputation to a rest. You are more likely to seen in a positive light at work. You could be more social this month than usual.
Solar Eclipse April 8th:
Over the next 6 months you are getting a new start in your 10th house. You could start a new job or role. You could create a new reputation yourself.
Jupiter Conjunct Uranus April 20:
This is a surprise event occurring in your 11th house. Jupiter is expansion, prosperity, religion, law, foreign travels, education. Uranus is surprises, electricity, new unconventional ideas, individuality.
The 11th house is our social circle, technology, goals/wishes for the future. It’s hard to predict this since it is a “surprise sudden” event or idea.
But here are some possible examples:
New friend or friend group. New electronic. New knowledge that raises your humanitarian concerns/social awareness.
Leo Risings:
Mercury Retro April 1:
This month there could be some miscommunication in regard to travel or education. It could be related to money or resources. For example, your university program requires you to do a certain amount of volunteer hours to graduate. The paperwork showing you did it goes missing or isn’t filed correctly.
Retrogrades arent aren’t always notable events in our lives though. So you may be in the clear but it’s a good idea to double check your emails, assignments and any forms you’re submitting.
You could be considering reaching out to someone from the past. But generally speaking since it is in your 9th it isn’t likely. However, we don’t know what’s going on in other people’s lives so someone you haven’t talked to in a while may want to reach out to you.
Venus in Aries April 5-29:
In your 9th house, this indicates education or foreign people or places appeal more now than before. Someone or some place you didn’t find attractive before could be suddenly attractive. You’re more open minded this month. You could have a trip on your mind that you want to plan. You could be celebrating a graduation. You could have crushes on foreign people or people in the education space. Or want to take a trip with your partner.
Solar Eclipse April 8:
Over the next 6 months, you are getting a fresh start in your 9th house. New luck, possibly new trips planned, newness around education. Some may change or start a new program. Some may be finishing an educational program. These trips or fresh starts could bring healing and closure.
Jupiter conjunct Uranus April 20:
This is a surprise event occurring in your 10th house. Jupiter is expansion, prosperity, religion, law, foreign travels, education. Uranus is surprises, electricity, new unconventional ideas, individuality. 10th house is your career, reputation, father, authority figures.
It’s hard to predict what it could be since it’s a sudden surprise event. But I will try anyways. Examples:
Starting a new career or new job role.
Receiving status in your reputation or career.
Making your father proud. Impressing an authority figure.
Combining traditional goals and values with new rebellious or revolutionary goals and values.
Virgo Rising:
Mercury Retro April 1:
This is your chart ruler, & as a virgo rising you’re more used to this analytical and cautious type of thinking. You don’t need to be warned to double check and pay attention to the small details. Your mind is already adjusted to the mercurial cycle. This time the retro is happening in your 8th house. Look back to 2017, for themes or ideas of how this manifested in your life.
There could be miscommunications or delays regarding other people’s resources. Or in regard to taboo topics like sex, death, occult.
The ruler of this retro is in your 7th, so this could be related to your relationships (romantic, platonic or business). Someone may reach out to you or you could reach out to someone else.
Sometimes retrogrades aren’t notable events in our lives. So you may see no delays or notable events in your life.
Venus in Aries April 5-29:
If you are in an intimate relationship, it can be very intense in april. This could be do to passion or you could be on the verge of an ending. It depends on your personal chart. You can probably already tell where it’s going.
Some may receive help through other people’s resources/unearned money or possessions.
Solar Eclipse April 8
Over the next 6 months, you could be going through a death and rebirth. This could be related to a relationship ending or going to the next level (marriage, moving in). This transformation could be related to taboo topics such as sex or death. You could be going through a death and rebirth process.
Jupiter Conjunct Uranus April 20:
This is a surprise event occurring in your 9th house. Jupiter is expansion, prosperity, religion, law, foreign travels, education. Uranus is surprises, electricity, new unconventional ideas, individuality. 9th house is your higher education, beliefs, travel, law and luck.
It’s hard to predict because it’s a sudden surprise event. But i’ll try anyways. Example:
You could be going on a trip.
You could be making a sudden choice in regard to university or education.
You could become more knowledgeable on culture or foreign affairs.
Libra Rising:
Mercury Retro April 1
Out of all the signs, you’re most likely to get a message from a past person. Could be an ex or an ex friend. Remember you don’t have to respond if you don’t want to. Not everyone needs closure that way. With chiron in your 7th since 2019, your relationships have been tough. People may have betrayed you or really hurt you. Not everyone deserves your time or energy again. But if you want a conversation for closure or want to forgive, this month may be your time.
Venus in Aries April 5-29
You could be more interested in relationships this month. If you dating, you could be getting extra attention from your partner. If you aren’t, you could develop a crush or long for a more stable serious connection. This is your chart ruler so you could feel more bold. You could take action in regard to relationships.
Solar Eclipse April 8:
Over the next 6 months, there is a fresh start to your relationships. This can be very healing. It’ll be different for everyone. Some may gain independence through a breakup. Some may start a relationship. Some could end friendships. Some could find new friendships. Relationships are a big focus this month and this year in general.
Jupiter conjunct Uranus April 20:
You could receive help through other people’s resources. This can be an inheritance, a parent giving you money for something or buying you something. It could be help from the government like unemployment or related to taxes. You could take out a loan. You could go into debt. It is likely positive for most though since jupiter is involved.
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heartlilith · 5 months
Annual Profection Year & Time Lord Reading for HeartLilith (example reading)
(Using Placidus House System)
Age 23: 12th House Profection Year
The 12th house: The last house, endings, dreams, solitude, reflection, subconsciousness, everything we know is real but can’t see, the hidden, secrets, the unknown, hidden enemies, retreats (hospitals, jail, vacation), spirituality, psychic abilities, death and loss.
Your 23rd year on this planet is ruled by the 12th house, this gives an overview of the themes that you may experience throughout the year. I saw somewhere, I think Tumblr, that someone compared the 12th House Profection year to a “subconscious spring cleaning”, which is probably the best way to describe it. You’re getting ready to close the cycle, you’re in the last realm but there’s some loose ends that need to be confronted and dealt with before you can move on. Out with the old, in with the new. The “new” will come during 1st House Profection Year, next year, when you’re 24 years old, but first - you have to survive the 12th house. It’s not that bad, well, it depends on the Lord of the house in your chart but we’ll get there later. The 12th house is going to take things away that no longer align with you. Most times, we know what these things are in our life even if we don’t want to admit it. Sometimes, we don’t know but realize after that it was needed. The 12th house is asking you to remain sort of detached in terms of overidentifying with physical things or people. The tighter you grasp and the more you cling to these things, the harder this year will be. For example, if you’re in a relationship this year that has had a lot of problems in the past and it’s become extremely difficult to fix things, this may be the final test. Or if you have a job that’s been making you miserable and you want to quit but tend to doubt yourself, the 12th house year may align things in a way that lets you find another job somewhere more compatible with who you are. BUT, when you first lose a relationship or a job, it will probably be painful. Things in this house usually get harder before they get better. You may be depressed or financially struggling in these situations at first but something much better will fill their place, just remember it’s for the best. Trust in the fact that the Universe has your back. The 12th house isn’t a house that cares about your feelings, trust me. Even though it’s associated with sympathetic Pisces, this house is the “greater good”, the collective. It will help you, teach you things, transform you even - but the most potent lessons that change you the most are the ones that are most painful to deal with. 
This year also may bring you solitude, you may find that you’re doing more things alone. Depending on your natal and solar return chart, this may be comfortable for you for the opposite. Whether or not you like being alone, you just have to go with it. The 12th house is teaching you that it’s okay to be alone and be by yourself sometimes. After this year, you’ll most likely value the alone time you get with yourself. Solitude comes in many different forms; it could be forced - mental hospitals, jail, institutions which are all ruled by the 12th house. Or it could be chosen - a retreat, vacation, or just needing time by yourself. Whatever the 12th house hands you lemons, make lemonade! I’m serious, try to stay openminded, detached, and hopeful. I’ll say it again because its important - the more you resist, the harder things will be.
Natal 12th house in Sagittarius (no planets) - Time Lord is Jupiter
Wow did you luck out big time. Haha, just kidding but seriously this is good news. Either way the 12th house can be challenging but with Jupiter here as the Time Lord, things should go over a lot better than if, let’s say, Saturn was the ruler instead. 
Jupiter: The planet of growth, expansion, luck, opportunity, prosperity, learning, foreign travel, fortune, generosity, wealth, and abundance. 
Having Jupiter as your 12th House Profection Time Lord is great! Jupiter anywhere in the chart is usually beneficial for the most part. Looking at your Natal x Solar Return Chart; Jupiter residing in the 12th house of the Natal and in the 9th house of your Solar Return gives you a better idea of what to expect this year. 
The 9th house: Higher learning, long distance travel, religion, knowledge, good luck/karma, philosophy, spiritual law, and college/university.
Tying this all together, your 12th house Profection Year has prominent themes of religion/spirituality, learning, long distance traveling/retreats, and your belief system. You may appreciate solitude (12H) in order to learn more about spirituality/your belief system (9H). You may transform yourself spiritually (12H) by traveling to distant places (9H). You may travel to distant places (9H) and end up in jail there (12H). Really anything can happen that goes along with the themes of these 2 houses. Traveling and vacations will benefit you greatly this year and so will higher learning. With Jupiter as the time lord, what will happen this year will more than likely be beneficial and you may find that great opportunities present themselves to you. You may be luckier this year in terms of travel and learning. You may go back to school to learn about religion or philosophy or do a lot of research on similar topics on your own time. 
This reading is 1-2 pages long, size 12 font, and single spaced.
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infernalwitxhcraft · 1 year
New Moon In Sagittarius Tarot Spread
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It's a new moon tonight! And do you know what that means? Well, creating a spread that we can all use to harness those energies. Have fun with it and feel free to share the cards drawn with me!
With this new moon we're looking at, we have some decent aspects going on. It's in Sagittarius, which often indicates a desire to make/meet goals, for travel & exploration, new perspectives, and a need for freedom. Mercury and Venus are hanging out, which means that we'll want to be social with those that we won't feel judged by and are comfortable with - likely close friends. Jupiter brings growth, prosperity, and success. It'll put many people in a good mood. Since the planet has been retrograde though, be mindful to not fall in the pitfalls of ignorance and greed, as we are now in the "shadow phase" where there are small remnants of that energy, but nothing to worry about at the same time. It was stationed direct today in Pisces, so let's celebrate that! One other quick thing to mention is the star Antares that will be between Mercury & Venus: in it's current placement, it has a tendency to wreak a little havoc. Watch out for people's intentions, especially if they are a stranger. It may make some people impulsive and headstrong. Don't let an all-out war come of anything, because selfishness, dishonesty, manipulation, and being overly suspicious may make an appearance. Check your birth chart if you are curious on finding out how this all will come into play, as it will affect everyone differently and your sun, moon, or rising sign isn't going to be enough for specifics.
If you do share this spread, please make sure to credit me. Happy new moon loves!
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textual-deviant-blog · 8 months
Haven't seen anyone talk about the heat death of the universe, lately.
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- Ai-generated piece by user 'Darwhim.ai', "Mortal Redemption"
I'm hoping to eventually study the science behind that theory, get some knowledge that will help me in my writing, but for now I just want to provoke the idea some more.
When you give it some thought, it's possibly, at once, one of the most terrifying and trite things in existence. We'll never live long enough to ever have it affect us in any way, but the fear behind it is the inexorable quality it has; the inevitable erasure of everything we've built up, as a species, as a society, as an individual.
It is the Alpha and Omega of science fiction, one of the greatest existential crises people experience, and... again, none of us will ever live long enough that it matters.
As I sit here at my desk, pondering consciousness and all manner of things, the thought that people have gone mad over this, the thought that people have let their lives be destroyed by this notion? It's ridiculous, in the same manner that people still crying over the towers collapsing, every year, on that fateful date, feels ridiculous.
Everyone who more easily disconnects from the thoughts that bring them pain views these sorry individuals with pity. It's funny, because everyone barring the most sociopathic at least felt a passing terror over them. It's a universal experience, and something we universally ignore.
Some may, instead, have optimistic theories of their own, the Big Crunch being the most well known. We want to feel optimistic about a future we'll never see, the matter of how realistic or supported that future is by what we know... being somewhat irrelevant.
This isn't a psychological analysis. The conclusion I've been dancing around is that, does it matter? If it matters to you, the reader, on an emotional level, shouldn't you do something about it? Can't? Then, why? Is it because you feel a moral obligation? Or, it's just a sad reality to live in? Sir, madam, or gentleperson who lies in between, should it matter if your life remains unaffected in everything but the cognition of it alone? Because you think it's terrible that such a cosmic thing lies beyond your control?
Sometimes things just happen. For no reason at all. In a world with control, a man wouldn't die after hitting his head on a sidewalk. The one-in-a-billion prion wouldn't just kill you after living a long, prosperous life. A pulsar wouldn't have any chance, no matter how small, to accidentally blast us from across the universe. A meteor couldn't escape the grasp of Jupiter and instead aim for our civilization of everything.
...there's a sort of beauty to it, however. One of the greatest paradoxes, greatest pieces of dichotomy our existence has to offer. In a world with control, a man tripping wouldn't have that tiny, tiny chance to result in meeting the woman who would eventually become your mother. A scientist wouldn't get to study one of the most deadly organisms on the planet, and gush about how silly the series of coincidences in our physiology are to even let this poor thing have a tiny, tiny chance to kill us. We couldn't learn about things like pulsars; couldn't awe at how terribly energetic and magnificent they are, elements the size of mountains radiating beams trillions of miles long.
Nobody would ever write a novel about a meteor hitting Earth, the protagonist either saving the planet or having mere hours- perhaps even less- to face the totality of existence. It might be written well, it may be written terribly; but it would be written nonetheless. If there was no meteor, no great crisis, no great existential dread, no great confrontation, so much of the human experience would just be living, existing, perhaps not even breathing.
Would we dream of death, then? Would we think of the thrills that would result from just being mortal? Would we think about all the things we wouldn't do, for fear of death? In a world where mortality is the standard, we'll never have these thoughts- not truly. Perhaps in another universe, but that's a line of dialogue unto it's own.
Ultimately, without mortality, what would we mortals be?
What do you think?
Sometimes I fancy age advancing upon me. One gray hair I have found. Fool! do I lament? Yes, the fear of age and death often creeps coldly into my heart; and the more I live, the more I dread death, even while I abhor life. Such an enigma is man -- born to perish -- when he wars, as I do, against the established laws of his nature.
- Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, 1833: The Mortal Immortal.
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kailasharudraksha · 1 year
certified natural yellow sapphire
The Yellow Sapphire is also known to provide marital harmony, especially to women, providing them with a compatible groom, matrimonial happiness and healthy offspring.
In Hindi culture, Jupiter has often been referred to as Guru, and hence, the Yellow Sapphire is capable of having a positive impact on the lives of teachers, advocates and judges.
Jupiter is also known as the planet with the most benefits, and with the Yellow Sapphire nullifying all its harming effects, the wielder of this stone is bound to receive Jupiter’s well wishes.
Coming onto the health benefits, the Yellow Sapphire is also beneficial for kidney and mouth related illnesses, including cold and cough. This makes it an ideal match for anyone wishing to get relief from such ailments. The wearer is also protected against accidental deaths.
Compatibility is another important aspect for the wearer of Yellow Sapphire. Although it is beneficial for all zodiac signs. Sagittarius, Pisces, Cancer and Aries are especially benefited from this gemstone.
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Natural Yellow Sapphire, Origin Sri Lanka (Ceylon) non heated and non treated
Natural Certified Yellow Sapphire Gemstone पुखराज 6.22ct -6.91 Ratti Stone Price Best Gemstones Shop In Delhi, Online Yellow Sapphire Stone Price Near Me .
Yellow sapphire, also known as Pukhraj in Hindi, is a precious gemstone that belongs to the mineral family of corundum. It is known for its bright yellow color and is widely used in jewelry making.
Yellow sapphire is believed to have many astrological and healing properties. In Hindu mythology, it is considered as the gemstone of the planet Jupiter, and is said to bring good luck, prosperity, and wisdom to the wearer. It is also believed to enhance one’s knowledge, creativity, and spiritual growth.
Apart from its astrological significance, yellow sapphire is also known for its therapeutic properties. It is said to help in treating diseases related to the liver, pancreas, and digestive system. It is also believed to improve the immune system, reduce stress and anxiety, and promote mental clarity.
Yellow sapphire is found in various countries such as Sri Lanka, Thailand, Madagascar, and Australia. When buying a yellow sapphire, it is important to consider its color, clarity, and carat weight. It is also recommended to buy from a reputable jeweler to ensure the authenticity and quality of the gemstone.
Yellow Sapphire, also known as Pukhraj in Hindi, is a precious gemstone that is known for its beautiful yellow color and numerous benefits. Here are some of the benefits of yellow sapphire gemstone:
1-Enhances wisdom and knowledge: Yellow Sapphire is believed to enhance wisdom and knowledge. It is said to improve the intellect, increase concentration, and aid in making wise decisions.
2-Promotes good health: Yellow Sapphire is said to have a positive effect on the digestive system and can help alleviate liver and stomach-related problems. It is also believed to have a beneficial effect on the immune system and can help in the healing of various diseases.
3-Brings prosperity and wealth: Yellow Sapphire is believed to attract wealth and prosperity. It is said to bring good luck and success in business and other endeavors.
4-Provides protection: Yellow Sapphire is believed to protect the wearer from evil and negative energies. It is said to provide mental and emotional stability and can help ward off anxiety and depression.
5-Enhances creativity: Yellow Sapphire is said to enhance creativity and can help in artistic pursuits such as painting, writing, and music.
6-Improves relationships: Yellow Sapphire is believed to promote harmony and strengthen relationships. It can help in resolving conflicts and can bring peace and tranquility to a household.
Overall, wearing a Yellow Sapphire gemstone is said to bring numerous benefits to the wearer, both physical and mental. It is important to note that these beliefs are not scientifically proven and should not be used as a substitute for medical treatment.
Yellow sapphire, also known as Pukhraj in Hindi, is a gemstone that is associated with the planet Jupiter. It is believed to have astrological significance and is often worn as a talisman or amulet by individuals born under certain zodiac signs.
According to Vedic astrology, yellow sapphire is most beneficial for individuals born under the zodiac sign of Sagittarius (Dhanu Rashi) and Pisces (Meen Rashi). It is also believed to be beneficial for those with Jupiter as their ruling planet or those with a strong Jupiter placement in their birth chart.
Wearing a yellow sapphire gemstone is said to bring good luck, wealth, prosperity, and success to the wearer. It is also believed to promote wisdom, knowledge, and spirituality.
It is important to note that while gemstones are believed to have certain astrological benefits, there is no scientific evidence to support these claims. It is always advisable to consult with a professional astrologer or gemologist before wearing any gemstone for astrological purposes.
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RUBY ( माणिक )
EMERALD( पन्ना )
WHITE SAPPHIRE (सफ़ेद पुखराज)
PEARL ( मोती )
CORAL RED( मूंगा )
OPAL( दूधिया पत्थर )
HESSONITE (गोमेध )
CAT'S EYE (लहसुनिया )
CITRINE (सुनेला )
IOLITE (काकानीली )
AMETHYST (जामुनिया)
MOONSTONE (चंद्रकांत मणि )
LAPIS LAZULI (लाजवर्द )
AMBER (कहरुआ )
TURQUOISE (फ़िरोज़ा)
PERIDOT (जबरज़ाद )
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miniaturemoonheart · 10 months
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Happy Full Moon everyone! Today we celebrate the 1st of 4 consecutive Super Moons, the Buck Moon!
A Super Moon lends a boost to any spiritual endeavor that you take on. It is a time to be receptive, to take in the light and energy for both your spiritual and physical bodies. The moon in Capricorn, trine with Jupiter's lucky, expansive planet, will bring emotional, spiritual, and material growth in all areas.
This alignment will bring honesty with yourself and others, unwavering faith, and optimism that you probably haven't had in quite some time. You may have lucky situations regarding your work or business, such as a promotion, new job opportunities, or expansion in your current business. And all because you made the change.
Having Jupiter in Aires the past year had a play in it. Creating a fresh start in this cosmic cycle. This fiery sign lends its energies in ways that push you to get out of your comfort zones, create new ways of tackling old problems, and have the gusto to pursue goals that are in line with your passions so that you can manifest them into reality.
Capricorn's energies are taking this to a more solid form and making them a reality, giving us the ability to see that our mindset can change our abundance in whatever area we choose. But, keep in mind that the Full moon in Capricorn along with Jupiter will also fuel a desire for inspiration, and an energy to focus also on what brings you joy, freedom, and a sense of reconnection to childhood nostalgia and playfulness. Maybe this is also giving us the ability to reassess what it is that we truly desire in work and in play.
Connections with people will grow as well, so expect your social circle to expand along with offers that relate to business and finances, even love!
That's not all of the planetary things that are in effect - this month has plenty! Pluto will be in opposition around the 22nd, so it is going to push us to focus on our own worth, transforming our lives regarding business and finances as well.
What are you worth? Certainly not meant to just be surviving but thriving - and that is the change in attitude that we will experience. Like a push-pull, you may feel that you have to create firm boundaries in order to take care of your own needs while balancing the needs of others in your life.
All of this is giving you the ability to understand more about yourself and others, reevaluating your self-worth - while including those who lend positivity to your life, but also having the unwavering faith of not letting negative energies seep in to derail you from your goals/purpose. Powerful stuff!
So many beautiful celestial events happening in the month of July, if you are willing to keep an eye out!
The Milky Way will make an appearance for some if there is no man-made light to ruin it! In the East, you may also get a glimpse of a trio of bright stars known as Vega, Lyra, and Harp. And I know all of you have seen that bright "star" as the sun sets - that's the planet Venus, but with Saturn returning - Venus will slowly descend out of view to grow closer to Mars. Venus and Mars have been doing the love dance for some time now and are growing closer and closer!
As I meditated on all the energies surrounding us this month, it made me realize one truth. Self-love is very prominent. Finally making decisions that are based on what it is that you really want; to be your best self in order to lend those energies to the world and to those around you.
I mean after all, how are we supposed to give our best selves to those around us unless we're not living our best life? This is not an act of selfishness, because we tend to go there, but in reality - it is more a way of seeing our true selves and wanting to be authentic in the way we live our lives, the way we prosper, the way we love, and in the way we share our energies.
This path to happiness is going to give you the life that you desire and deserve. And it's about time!
My love to all of you beautiful lights and as I always say, keep shining! This new way of being, this new adventure, is only just beginning!
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syubub · 3 years
May 13th Reading
Definitely long awaited and way bigger than I intended it to be so buckle up.
Funky disclaimer: this is for entertainment purposes only and not to be taken as fact! This is my interpretation of the cards!
Oh boy. The continuation of yoongis soulmate saga.
(Note frome future me: it's not proofread but I'm hungry. Sorry for mistakes!)
So so so so
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Let's start.
I started with all the normal jazz. Connecting with his energy and shit. Same as usual same old same old. Platform= same same. I was like, "hey, let's talk about your soulmate and the whole may 13th shit" and we connected via energy stringy thing to the forehead and such. I was intresting bc my end of the string was kinda my energy color! Neato. Looks like some rest has really done me good!
Okay, here's where I start actually asking shit. I made notes at this point before the reading as I usually do. I'm just gonna insert the screen shot here.
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The 14 thing really fucked me up. You'll see later. Also, when I got the whole Pisces Jupiter thing I had to do me some googling bc we established that Jupiter went into Pisces ON May 13th so I was like?? Am I missing something?
I was. I forgot that it goes retrograde and then co.es back to Pisces on December 28th. And I do indeed think it to be significant.
The shit about temperance makes a lot of sense. In yoongis first soulmate read I flipped my shit bc he was like, "You're gonna get temperance reverse" in regards to a card for his soulmate and I was like "pft whatever. Don't play me like that"
And then I got temperance reverse. It's been a significant card from the jump.
I asked him if he had any advice for his soulmate and that's what "Don't wait for big things, you'll miss the small ones that lead you to bigger things" and "Look for facts before assuming" and "Don't try pushing it, forcing it won't make sense" and "A spade is a spade/ ace is an ace" and "Don't make ill informed guesses" all were
Now this part:
"Union has happened , yet to on the physical"
Gave me some hints thankfully because he straight up said no more hints.
This ties back into the whole Jupiter thing too. The seeds are/ have been planted and now they have to grow before they can be harvested.
Well Mr. Yoongi, I'm impatient and I don't want to wait. I want to see you in love pronto.
He showed me a little dream box/ trinket box looking thing and a super vague Keychain with no further explanation... so... there's that I guess.
I can't quite decide if "Don't make ill informed guesses" was a tongue-in-cheek pike at me or if it was genuine advice to his soulmate? He just loves to not explain things.
Now let's begin the monster read.
So. The first row of cards
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I asked the question, "what the fuck was May 13th and what was it's purpose in regards to your connection"
Important is what it was lol. I interpret this as them finding their footing and this being the starting point of the genuine foundation being layer. Like they've been manifesting eachother for a while but May 13th marked the start of them making the real life changes in their actual lives that will be the set up for them meeting.
The seven of coins is about thoughtful planning and creating security/ stable plan. The tower is essentially ripping away anything and everything that was built on unstable foundation and challenging/ testing your character (an extremely rude awakeing if you will). Judgement is releasing the past so you can rise above it and confronting yourself as you are (Also legit awakening) the queen of coins is financial security and self confidence in your abilities. Ten of coins is prosperity and abundance and most of all, stability. Eight of wands is explosion of potential and rapid movement. Temperance is awareness and balance between physical and spiritual. It's also that quiet peace where you find balance.
So. Seeing all those cards it really does seem like maybe his soulmate took on something new that could lead straight to union? Same for yoongi. I'd like to analyze and recent or new-ish habits or hobbies he's picked up?
Moving right along though. I asked what the 13th did for each of them in their personal life and personal journey. Kinda like what came as a result of that energy? Let's start with yoongles
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This was really intresting to me. I think he definitely gained some form of clarity about the situation with that sun card. The 5 of cups tells me that either he was kinda forced to confront some of his flaws in a way that he was trying to avoid or he had to consciously let go of something dear to him? Could be something he had to leave behind because it crumbled with the tower moment but he didn't see it coming or didn't know that it was time to part with it? With that queen of wands though fits beautifully with the sun! Its like he's found warmth after a long winter. Definitely found a spark of compassion and generosity from a place of happiness and love rather than anger, fear, obligation or pitty.
I asked for clarity cards/ anything else that may 13th signified bringing in and we got the 2 of cups and 10 of swords. I have two thoughts. Either he let go of a relationship that he was already in because he didn't feel as though they were particularly compatible anymore (Also ties into the above section) OR the 13th had made him very much consciously aware of his soulmates incoming status and he is now preparing and working on himself for when this person comes. The 10 of swords would be him releasing the past and the pain and any ill fitting behavior that don't vibe with him any longer. Yellow really seems to be working for him by the way.
Soulmate time
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Lol. All signs point to his soulmate genuinely starting a new venture. New creative pursuit that will bring them good money. 10 of pentacles is abundance, prosperity and stability. The ace of wands is a new creative spark and passion and it's the first big steps into something new. The 2 of wands is "the world is in the palm of your hands" vibes. Choices need to be made swiftly and with the ace of wands I think they will be. With the heirophant too, it will be a well informed decision because they've been manifesting this and has been searching for all the possible information.
As for clarity, we have the moon. Damn. Soulmates been doing that shadow work. Dredging up all their bullshit and getting rid of it while still taking the time to sit with it and release it so nothing is unresolved. Also probably extra creative due to all the emotional baggage being thrown out. (Definitely helping with the ace of wands vibes tbh)
Now for the bad boys in the middle
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The question I asked is what those individual changes (detailed in the last two sections) will bring for the bond and I just can with them. These fuckers. I am so invested in their love story bc it's so... them? And just so fucking ROMANTIC. UGH I CAN'T.
Back to the point. High priestess, 4 of wands and the lovers. The high priestess is deep knowing and insane intuition, the 4 of wands is the purest joy and marriage and the lovers is well, the lovers.a magical union.
For the row of bottom cards
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I asked if they had anything at all to add so I'm gonna explain each card individually bc I think they could be individual tid bits of shit.
Knight of coins is good news about finances/ money looking promising and organized work (also dependability!!). Death is all about transformation, the beginning of a new chapter and accepting in order to move foward. Ace of coins is spiritual and material abundance and also a reminder to keep grounded. Page of swords is confidence, important news coming and really good insight! Roots out secrets or hidden things like a truffle pig. The star is promising potential, healing and guidance from an enexpected place. The two of cups is a soul connection, love, intuition especially in regards to another person and a good bind. The emperor is self awareness, foresight, fearlessness to achieve a goal and confidence. Eight of coins rev is poor discipline and skating by on low effort.
Now to the sides!
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Yoongi is the left, soulmate is the right.
So, let's begin with yoongi. The first two cards are anything he wants to say to his soulmate. Wheel of fortune and three of swords reverse. I take this as "its all in divine time/ it's destiny" (wheel of fortune) and "trust your intuition. It's okay to get hurt, you just need to remember you can always pick yourself up" (3of swords rev.)
We have now cards that I asked what he was learning through this process/ in this time. Be positive and first step.
The last two cards are affirmations he wants to give his soulmate.
"When I introduce joy to a situation, I change the vibrational frequency of what's happening around me" and "directing my focus onto what's thriving creates more of what I want"
Now for soulmates cards (same structure)
Strength and eight of swords. "You're stronger than you think. Take every part of yourself and acknowledge it. You're a force to be reckoned with" (strength) and (soulmate snapped at him on this) "the only thing holding you captive is you."
Now we have peer pressure (I think soulmate is learning to say "fuck you" and "fuck off" to people who have a set idea of how everyone should be living their lives), emotional healing and open your arms to receiving.
Then we have "its good to feel good" (lol I feel like yoongi definitely needs this one) and "when I connect to the spiritual realm, I open the door to recieve divine guidance, clear direction, and great wisdom"
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The last stretch my friends.
So. Completion, leave behind the things that no longer serve you. Exist in the present and don't keep mulling over the past or any future happenings. Magic, pay attention to the magic around you. Listen for the signs of the universe and take them as they come (essentially listen to divine guidance) . Be open minded but logical as well. Luminous warrior, try focusing on the good in yourself instead of berating yourself for every small flaw. Spiritual path, self explanatory. The blade, your power can be a weapon when used willy nilly (most often wounding the wielder) or it can heal. Don't fear it but also consider how you choose to utilize it. The give away, be greaful for the sake of being greatful for it, not because you want something in return. The rain maker, manifestation station. Create with the tools you have because you have everything you need in order to manifest. "Don't take life personally"
Now we have heaven sent.
""Let yourself be helped" assistance is coming your way so act on it and say yes"
" This Oracle also comes with the message that you are to trust in the things that you feel and say to others without knowing why. It moves them. You might not understand, but through trust you are allowing yourself not to overthink and censor yourself. As such you are able to become a vessel through which the spiritual gift can be passed on to others. Don't block yourself. Let life happen through you. Only benefit can come from this."
And free from judgment, free to love
" If you have been asking life for a solution to a specific difficulty you have been having, this Oracle comes with the message that a solution is in gestation right now. This situation is already being sorted out and the resolution will come to fruition very soon. Hold tight and wait for the eminent birth of that resolution."
" This Oracle also brings you a message about love. You may find that you are loving, or soon will love, in a different way. You may worry about this love, given that it defies what you have known or been taught about love. Perhaps you are becoming able to love another tremendously, even though you don't have much of a personal relationship with them. You might question if this love is real. It is real Kama it is just happening at a different level to the love and attachment you experience when you are involved in a personal relationship with someone. It is not more or less, it is just a different facet of love. It may be that you are opening up to love the planet and her creatures, including the animals, the ocean dwelling life, your own body, the trees and so on, more than before period you may feel passionately purposeful about giving your time and energy to causes that protect and nurture the Earth and her creatures. You are affirmed in this love too. The universal mother is operating through you to nurture life. She will support you in your work, so that you can continue To come from love and not become drained, depleted or lost in despair or fear of futility. Instead, you will be energised and expanded by your dedicated service to life."
" Finally, this Oracle has a message for those who may be feeling alone or lonely in a need of greater nurturing from others. You are asked to stop, relax, centre and settle into your body to feel your connection with life itself. The air in your lungs is the same as the air that moves through the trees. The water in your blood is the same water that fills the oceans and is moved by the phases of the moon. The flesh of your body is the same substance as the body of the Earth itself. The heat in your digestive system is the same fire and heat as that from the Sun. Feel this connection, then do something nice for another without agenda. Make a donation, even if just a small one, smile, say a prayer, sent out a good thought or make a wish for another. That's it. You have connected to life again and in doing so, life can connect with you. And so it shall.
And that's all for the cards but but but.
Someone (either my guide or yoongi) was like, "do a song. Do a song. Do a song." And I was like, "oki doki, sounds good.
So I asked what numbers I should try refreshing and then it hit me. The number 14 came up before the reading and it seemed a bit misplaced? So I did 14 shuffles and look what popped up
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You gotta be fucking with me.
Istg these fools will actually be the death of me dude. Euphoria is so romantic and I lowkey feels like it describes a bit of what their bond must be like.
I came back to the platform to be like, "thanks homie" and it was weird bc he was practically pure energy? Like usually I visualize his energy as what his physical body looks like because it's easier to comprehend? But nope, he was just a big shimmery glob of energy.
As I was going to disconnect, a few things happened. I felt tingly and the platform was vibrating almost? So I was like, "hold on, what the fuck is this?"
And then
It hit me
I could tell this fuckin asshole was smug even in his blue glob form.
The color was... blue like yoongi but also a light lavender/ pink kinda vibe. Pretty damn distinct.
I was so stoked and I thought we'd all get to chat and I could yell at his soulmate for being an elusive asshat
But Mr smug butt had different plans.
My dude dropped a little marble thing in my hand and I was like ??? And he was like, "you'll know when you need it" and I was like ?????
My guide took pity on me and said, "it's just a representation on information that you've been given but it isn't the proper time to unpack it yet"
Cool cool so like and energetic zip file that will release itself whenever it damn well pleases? Cool cool cool.
Anyway, I genuinely think that my excitement of this whole situation must somehow also influence how yoongis energy handles my prodding? Like what the fuck is this marble bullshit?
To top it all off, he gives me a friendly shove off of his platform.
Thanks, buddy.
Now we are here. And as always, I'm left with more questions.
My main take away is that amay 13th through July 28th will be all the foundation and ground work and December 28th 2021 through May 10th (11th? 9th?) 2022 will be a more likely time for physical union and actual relationship stuffs.
Anyone who knows more about astrology please feel free to chime in on this whole Jupiter in Pisces bit! My understanding is super surface level!!
That was a big boi and now my thumbs hurt real bad. Hope you were entertained by the chaos.
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ginkgomoon · 3 years
Gavin’s “I’m Your Jupiter” -An Astronomical Analysis
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Been wanting to this analysis for a long time and here it is! I also did a birth chart reading for Gavin here so you can read more on the astrological background context on his character before proceeding onto this analysis! Please enjoy :) By the way, the photo shown is the most recent photo of Jupiter! Jupiter is very beautiful, right, Gavin?
Even though the game has so much intertextuality, I had finally encountered a discrepancy. I had to triple check to make sure, but now I have to break it to everyone that Gavin's Jupiter astronomy statement is factually not that accurate!
However, there was a conjunction on the 31th December, 2008 with the Moon and Jupiter.
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Other than this, there was no information to reinforce what Gavin says.
The writers weren't talking about our Moon, but one of Jupiter’s. Although, they still didn’t specify which Moon. Jupiter actually has (what now scientists think) 79 moons in total, some that have been still unnamed. There actually may be a hundred more.
From what I strongly feel from my research, they might have been implying Callisto, Jupiter’s second largest Moon.
Callisto is also known as Jupiter IV, and is the third largest moon in the Solar System, discovered in 1610 by Galileo Galilei.
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As it’s the fourth Moon from Jupiter by distance, it’s not in orbital resonance (orbiting bodies exert gravitational resonance with one another) with the other Galilean satellites (Io, Europa, and Ganymede), thus not tidally heated (tidal friction dissipates as heat).
Instead, Callisto’s rotation is tidally locked to its orbit with Jupiter, resulting in the same hemisphere facing inwards, making Jupiter appear directly overhead.
Because of its more remote orbit algorithm, it's less affected by Jupiter’s magnetosphere, as it’s just outside of its main radiation belt. Callisto has even been considered a suitable place for human life!
Still, whatever Moon it may be, we can analyse how this is an effective metaphor for Gavin and MC!
“Have you noticed that Jupiter is very bright today?” -Go Meet Him
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Jupiter, as the largest planet in the Solar System, is the fourth brightest object in the sky (after the Sun, Moon, and Venus).
Keywords for this planet are luck, law, honour, hope, and morality. This would represent Gavin.
It’s also the planet of expansion, long distance and foreign travel, authority and knowledge. Wherever it appears, it’s going to elevate and expand that certain aspect of your life. It can also rule astronomy and astrology, philosophy and religion. It’s known to bring more luck, fortune and prosperity in life.
To say the very least, Gavin would always follow his morals and strive in the direction towards proper justice without the interference of others. He is also a straightforward but deep thinker, allowing his heart to guide him instead of his head, which sometimes brings out a more philosophical side of him. 
MC: You haven’t answered me yet. Do you believe in stars too, Gavin? Gavin: Can’t say I do. But sometimes I do feel like some things are destined, like... -Gacha and Destiny Call 
The Moon represents the feminine, birth, death, intuition, creativity and change. If this was presented in the main storyline, this would also mean MC’s QUEEN equivalent.
“See that brightest star in the southeast? That’s Jupiter, the biggest planet. You know, no matter how far apart they are, Jupiter always shows up at a set time right next to the Moon, standing guard over her...”
(The Moon exerts a feminine energy, therefore, we use the pronoun “she” for the Moon.)
As QUEEN, she would be the one to influence worldly events. Like how the Moon can influence oceans on planets due to their gravitational pulls, as well as migration, navigation, light and time. As such, the Moon would also be influencing Jupiter and vice versa.
Imagine, Jupiter, the biggest planet, hovering over the tiny Moon of Callisto- this would be the imagery of Gavin’s intended meaning of relaying protection for MC.
In return, MC would always guide Gavin towards pursuing justice and influence him with the pure goodness of her heart- being within each other’s reach, as it seems like they’re orbiting each other, their worlds revolving around each other, rather than one to the other.
As Callisto is independent from orbital resonance unlike other Moons, this further sets MC apart from others. For Gavin, it has “always and always will be MC.” Like how the officers would throw themselves at Gavin at work, while he would coldly eject them out of orbit.
“Hmm, what type of girl are you..? I would say... you are very brave. Very kind. And you look very soft outside, but inside... very stubborn. What about me? In your opinion, what kind of guy am I? Am I reliable? Do I make you feel safe? Just you know... if you think I’m handsome, you can stare at me all you want.” -Accompanying You ASMR
This kind of interaction and display of trust and love between the two with the use of Jupiter and the Moon from Starry Date is something we can always look up to, nonetheless!
Before I had figured out what he meant, Gavin had taken my hand and jumped into the sky. I looked around and saw that we were flying in a blue sea of stars. They seemed almost within arms reach. He smiled and raised his hand, whipping a gust of wind, and grabbing tightly onto my hand again.
I turned aside out of shyness, but the arms around my shoulders gently pulled me closer to him. He tilted his head and looked me into the eyes. His eyes were glowing, seeming to say to me, “don’t run”.
I tried to meet his gaze, and as we made eyes contact, even the surrounding stars seemed to go dim.
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“Just trust me. I’m your Jupiter.”
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geminihalos · 3 years
Hey!! I hope that you are having/have had a lovely day. I'd absolutely LOVE to know what you think of my chart! Thank you very much :)
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Hello there! Once again to you and everyone who’s about to read in on this, I’m sorry I haven’t been as active as you would all want me to. I’ve been feeling physically unwell these days, and my tendency to overwork my energy has gotten the best of me, so I will try to answer as many as I can. I hope you enjoy this one
💜Haha, so this part is extremely repetitive, but might I remind you that it is the most crucial part of this analysis, and that is your aquarius stellium and your 12th house stellium. 
💜You aquarius stellium is important as it highlights the dominant energy within your chart and you tend to show these qualities the most when talking to people, and this stellium being in the 12th house (making it a stellium as well) means you generally direct your energy towards you own spirituality, your dreams, your secrets, and your mysticism. This makes you an innovative dreamer in short.
Now let’s get into your specific placements
💜Aquarius sun in the 12th house: You are pretty reserved when expressing your unconventional self. Your unique perspective and self-expression are what you take pride in and you like to always express your ideas through your own spirituality and your own thoughts conscious and subconscious since the sun is the 12th. People can see your personality as either confusing, secretive, or extremely wise no matter how unconventional. 
💜Moon in Leo in the 6th: You have a generous and fun emotional nature. Everything you consider entertaining brings you emotional comfort and makes you a creative person because Leo’s are also artistic despite it being an almost water sign thing. Moon in the 6th makes you feel emotionally fulfilled working or doing something productive in the routine, and you might be prone to workaholism when emotionally low/high. This might mean you might contribute to artistic kinds of works, like creative designer because it makes you feel as if you are a child in an adult's body but in a productive way.
💜Your moon is in the 29th degree, which means that it could express some qualities of the sign after Leo (Virgo). Confident emotional analyzer. But it could also mean that you might have trouble with your emotions until you learn how to deal with them, and then you will prosper well in that area of life.
💜Mercury in Aquarius in the 12th: Once again, kinda like the sun, but only you direct your mental energy and ideas (Mercury) towards your deep inner self and what you consider secret (12th house). You can be very emotionally and psychologically intuitive/smart healthily because you can detach yourself and learn about the subconscious better than most can without losing yourself too much. Since Aquarius is practically drawn to weird ideas, your ideas can be very strange at first, or risky genius type things. 
💜Your mercury is also at 0 degrees which is equally as important as the 29th degree because just as 29 is the end, 0 is the beginning. This means that you can express qualities of cap mercury along with the Aquarius, or you can be purely aquarian in mindset. Rigid and stubborn in ideas, but nevertheless stable.
💜Venus in Pisces in the 1st: you show some Pisces qualities of dreaminess, absent-mindedness, and cuteness towards the outside world. You show the most loving side and diplomatic side of yourself passively, but nevertheless directly to the outside world (1st house)
💜Mars in Taurus in the 1st: You assert yourself and your physical energy (”war spirit” lmaoo) towards the outside world in a slow, steady, and strong way. Also means you are passive on the outside as well, but when you get angry, it also gets released outwardly since mars are in the very first layer of you (ASC); people can feel your anger first hand, and you are bad at hiding your aggression. 
💜Since Venus and Mars being opposites in the same house, people can see you as extremely hot and cold, like you can appear loving at first, but then aggressive as fuck.
💜Jupiter Virgo in the 7th: your highest self/best version of yourself when you are feeling productive, organized, and stable. You feel happy with the qualities represented through jupiter but Saturn in Cancer in the 4th is the restriction you put on yourself whether consciously or unconsciously. You feel uncomfortable expressing emotions and nurturing qualities, but nevertheless, work with it and overcome it because you can. Saturn in the 4th means you feel the most inferior towards your familial figures and you feel restricted because of your authority figures. (strict fam)
💜ASC in Pisces means that you appear dreamy and dazed when you are generally out in the world, but they use that to your advantage. You are intuitive and appear to have emotional depth whether you say you do or don’t. Your house system is also intercepted meaning that the signs don’t go in zodiac wheel order, but instead to signs repeat themselves. For you, it’s Gemini in both the 3rd and 4th house cusps. Doesn’t change much but that means aries and libra qualities will be hard to relate to since the house skips over those signs completely.
That’s all I have, thank you for waiting patiently😊😊. I hope this can explain things for you!
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hunterartemis · 3 years
Indian Magical School of Witchcraft and Wizardry Headcanon #1: The legends of it’s foundation
I love JKR and her magical world, but she completely ignored the South Asian region and a culture diverse as India, which could have been a great background for magical population. So I took the matters in my own hands and created some headcanons like I did previously with Mahoutokoro. Hope you will appreciate it.
The legend and the history of the school is so very overlapping that it is sometimes hard to distinguish between what is truth and what is myth. However the story goes something like this.
When the First Emperor of Aryavarta (Ancient India) Daksha was given the job to bring all earthly prosperity to the world, he was assisted by Seven Sages. These Seven Sages were the seven stars of the Great Dipper Constellations, who were called: Marichi, Atri, Angira, Pulascha, Pulaha, Kratu and Vashistha. To other Interpretation, these seven sages were called, Atri, Agasthya, Bharadvaja, Bhragu, Kashyapa, Jamdagni and Gautama. These Seven sages were wise and learned an knew many supernatural powers that governs the land of man without their common knowledge. Emperor Daksha wanted to control the seven sages and therefore made relations with them by marrying off his daughters with Bhragu, Kashyap and the sons of other sages: his demand was to have their power to his disposal only. The seven sages could do nothing, as in the Law of Dakshraj, harming or betraying the Kutumba (relatives and in-laws) were considered High Treason.
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But the sages being the wise and kind men they were wanted to spread the greater knowledge of supernatural powers to the common man in order to help them understand their infinite potential. So they started to sought resources from the sages who were considered “outcasts“ in Daksha’s rule for learning about the end of things (because Daksha wanted his kingdom to be eternal, these concepts were forbidden). One sage, named Dadhichi came to help the Saptarshi (the seven sages) and instructed them to journey southwards to the door of the Yama (the God of death). It was shocking enough for the sages, but one of the sage: Agasthya or in some other texts Marichi agreed to journey southwards. He bid his colleagues farewell and told them not to look for him and return to the capital; if their calling is true there would be a day they would meet again.
when the sages returned, they found themselves in a chaotic position. Daksha had insulted his youngest daughter and her husband in the front of the Royal Court and to protect her honour the youngest has self-immolated. The Husband of his youngest daughter was Shiva, the God of Destruction who was not worshipped or even mentioned in Daksha’s kingdom as something “unholy”. Although the sages did not mention Shiva in Daksha’s presence, but they knew that the Creation cannot last forever and to exist, it must always be destroyed and transformed. Thus when the sages could not convince Daksha to ask forgiveness from Shiva, they publicly renounced their special status and that of their being the Princes Consort and left the palace forever. Later Daksha was slain by the God of destruction Shiva in the crime of Pride and pushing his own flesh and blood to kill herself.
In the path away from the Capital, the Sage Agasthya appeared before the rest. The sages knew that it was not real Agasthya, but his astral projection. He did not speak but pointed towards the south, towards the deep forest surrounding a mountain that no human can cross. The sages understood that Agasthya had given his life to seek it. The sages, after thinking day and night, could think no other plan to reach the place, let alone establish a school there, because it was not ordinary mountain, but a Volcano. After great thinking, Bhragu, the master of Astrology came up with a plan and decided to summon Seven Celestial Planets and pray them to guide there. The Planets summoned were: Surya (sun), Soma (moon), Budha (Mercury), Shukra (venus), Mangal (Mars), Brihaspati (Jupiter) and Shani (Saturn).
The sages prayed for 14 lunar days and the Seven Celestial Planets were pleased with their dedication and each one promised one reward to the sages. The sages told them everything about their wish to build an establishment to teach sons of man about the infinite power of the universe, but they didn’t know how to go to the place Agasthya had instructed them to go.
After hearing everything the Sun said “I shall rise from the east, pure white on the blood smeared sky and my light shall point the way to the hallowed place.”
Then came Mars said “I shall follow the path of the sun and destroy every obstruction that stands on the way to put the standard of victory on the hallowed land I won in the name of the Sun”,
After Mars, the Moon said, “I shall call upon the sky, ask it to rain on the Volcano so that the lava solidified and creates ground for the building”,
after Moon Mercury said “I shall bring about such designs with my mind that no human has ever seen, A house that shall be marvelous and impenetrable to any ill-wisher”.
After Mercury, Venus says, “I shall give that design a habitable form, strengthen and beautify it with the igneous stones from this volcano”.
Then Jupiter said “Like my illusive body, I shall expand it to 1000 times greater, and bless it so that no occupant in this house ever experiences obstruction in learning and nourishment. And as the Eldest of the Planets, I name this house Vishakhtantra , a house where high magic spreads out like branches of holy banyan tree”
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when all of the planets were done doing their jobs, everyone looked at the dark figure that lurked at the background, with a smirk in his lips. The sages asked why the last one, Saturn did not come forward and requested him to contribute. Smiling he said “illusive planets and sages, you are all brilliant but you have done wrong.” It evoked fear amongst the sages because Saturn, the God of Justice and Time is elemental to any establishment and angering him could be catastrophic. Bhragu asked Saturn’s pardon and asked him to correct them. Saturn smiled and said, “The mistake, illusive sages, was committed when you called us. You have forgotten that we are Navagraha (Nine Celestial Planets), not Seven. You have chose to ignore two and I know why. You fear that the North and South Node might Eclipse the Sun and Moon and chose to ignore them. But you have forgotten, they too have purposes and are deserving of contribution.”
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This statement angered Sun and the Moon. The great luminaries decided to withdraw if Rahu (North node) and Ketu (South Node) joined, but Jupiter mediated amongst Saturn, Moon and Sun. Jupiter, the Eldest planet vowed to keep the mischievous side planets in check and implored Saturn to return. Saturn then called upon Rahu and Ketu, and a great bodiless head appeared through a storm.
Jupiter came forward and addressed Rahu and said “This hallowed house shall be the home of instruction, of sacred knowledge. We the planets and sages have summoned you to contribute and correct the unjust. Are you willing to help us?” Rahu being the cunning demon that he is, said “yes, upon one condition. I want the highest place amongst all. I am a headless body and my wishes are infinite. It is the only way I would help you all.”
Saturn knew this would happen, he smiled and said “it shall happen” to everyone’s great dismay. It hurt Sun’s pride greatly but knowing Saturn, no one could protest. Jupiter and Saturn then turned to the great headless snake that coiled the entire mountain. When Jupiter addressed it, it said “Greetings my elders, I am glad that my other body, Rahu had his position acquired. But I am most perplexed because I could feel all the pains of creatures, demonic and divine who have been displaced for the creation of this place. Their souls will not leave the place in peace.”
Saturn came forward and asked him, “oh headless body, the giver of results of past life, lord of the isolated, reside as the Vastu Naga and the Bhitti (Foundation) of the hallowed place. Upon your great coil shall the institution stand and the lives lost shall receive the result for their sacrifice.”
With the Ketu entering underground, the head of Rahu had to choice but to reside exactly at the opposite side of his other body. Saturn grabbed Rahu by the hair and said “Sun the the highest light, Jupiter is the Highest Wisdom and none in the universe, not even me can exceed their position in the universe. So reside at your highest place, on the topmost towering peak of this place. I forcibly command you so that you can eclipse every form of mal-spirit and power from above.”
With that done, Saturn returned to the final place and said “and I, Lord of limitation, time and justice, mark the boundary of this place and veil it with the Tamas, so it could be hidden from the common eye.”
The sages were eclectic after the creation. The eldest, Atri said, “heavenly presences, you are the influences that govern the actions, fates and deeds of the world, would you be so kind to reside in this place as guiding principles so that we the Acharya (teachers) and the shishya (pupils) shall prosper in their ways.” Saturn called upon the sages: “so it shall be Illusive sages but do not disregard the shadow planets, Rahu and Ketu, who represent the base and the peak of the house also have the right to represent: I deliver the choice to you.”
“Very well“, said Bhragu, master of Astrology: “Since the shadow planets are unstable on their own, I assign them to the Two Intellectuals: The Head Rahu with Mercury, and the Tail Ketu with Jupiter.“
Thus formed the Seven Sacred Houses of Sapta Kula of Vishakhtantra.
Uttarashada (Sun), Anantasoumya (Moon), Punarvasu (Jupiter and Ketu), Bhadrapada (Saturn), Yajurmitra (Venus), Ksharagam (Mars) Rahavyasa (Mercury and Rahu)
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venusofsuburbia · 3 years
@shimmerge​ asked:
What are some ways you chose to honor or work with Jupiter if you do? I'm limited in my ability to do rituals and wanted to try to do smth for this Thursday since Jupiter is in my sign that day
Doing work on Thursday is a great idea, since that’s Jupiter’s day! Jupiter is the planet of expansion, prosperity, and abundance - many people think of Venus as the money planet, but Jupiter is actually the most ideal for bringing in a steady flow of ever-increasing cash. And while Mercury may be the perfect road-opener to create new opportunities, Jupiter is the one that will make sure those opportunities keep paying off.
Some basic stuff: Jupiter’s color is blue, its traditional number is 4, and its glyph looks like this. Some herbs associated with Jupiter that might be easy to find depending on where you live are dandelion, honeysuckle, and sage. Jupiterian stones are anything blue (especially sugilite and sapphire) so even if you have glass beads or fake stones, as long as they’re blue, go for it! No need for fancy rocks that cost a fortune or take up space.
Things to Do (under the cut)
Wear blue: Jupiter is known for his kingship, and what better way to honor the king than to wear his colors? If you don’t have any blue clothes, then blue nail polish, blue jewelry, or even blue lipstick can be a great way to carry his power around with you all day. For maximum effect, combine it with gold for wealth, green for money, or orange for opportunity (associated with Mercury!)
Light a blue or white candle: This is a pretty easy one as well, if you have access to both candles and fire. Carve something into it, rub it down with oil, roll it in herbs, whatever you like - or just sit gazing into the flames, the way humans have done for hundreds of thousands of years. (We are all part of something bigger than ourselves.)
Meditate: This would be a great thing to do while your candle is lit, especially if you don’t want to leave it unattended (which you should never do anyway unless it’s in a jar AND you’ve taken extra precautions!) Sit quietly somewhere you won’t be disturbed and visualize yourself having everything you want as if you already have it. What is your life like? What do you do each day? How does it make you feel? Now backtrack: visualize how you got there. See how one thing led to another which led to another, taking you all the way from where you are now to where you want to be. Feel proud of yourself! Allow yourself to be sure that things will happen just this way.
Draw a sigil: My sigil formula is symbol that reminds me what I’m trying to achieve + symbol of a thing that can help me achieve it. Trying to get more money? Doodle the glyph for Jupiter combined with a dollar sign until you come up with a design that looks nice, and there you are. Draw it in a notebook, tear it out, and hang it up. Carve it into a candle with a penknife or a paper clip. Draw it in black sharpie on something that is also black. Paint it with water on a window or a door. Draw it on an index card to put in your wallet (very appropriate for Jupiter!) Don’t like designing? Just use the symbol linked above - the important thing is that you’re making a mark with intention.
Write a petition: Write down what you want in the present tense, as if you already have it. “I am wealthy, with no financial worries for the future. I have more than enough money to buy clothes and go to restaurants. I fly first class when I travel, which I do often.” Get into detail! Be descriptive and passionate. Many people become so overwhelmed with emotion at this part that they start to cry, and that’s a good thing. When you’re finished, take the paper and burn it, bury it, throw it into running water, tear it up and throw it off a cliff, whatever. Just put it out into the universe and out of your mind, so it can do its work.
Make a vision board: Jupiter is a big, big thinker, so make something that depicts your long-term goals and your wildest dreams. It’s best to do this with your hands, as in a physical collage, but pinterest boards and tumblr aesthetics work too! The important thing is that you don’t limit yourself in your vision. Your goals are more realistic than you think.
Make big plans: You know that thing you’ve always said you were going to do? Commit to it now! Buy the guitar you’ve always been meaning to learn to play, make that big painting you’ve been thinking of for a while now, or call up your old college friend and tell them you’re planning on visiting next year. The first step is often the biggest and hardest one to take, so once that’s out of the way, the rest of the details will become a lot easier to sort out.
Do something generous: True kingship is stewardship. If there is something you have an abundance of, whether it’s time, knowledge, patience, or skill, consider giving some to a person who could use it, just to help them out. When we are generous with the world around us, we express our trust that the world will be generous with us in return.
Cook with butter or eat something deliciously fatty: Be generous with yourself too! Jupiter is not stingy with the good stuff, so don’t hold out in the name of discipline. Some great foods to incorporate would be fruit, cheese, nuts, meats, bread, pie, cake, or champagne. The king doesn’t need a reason to throw a feast, and neither do you!
For more information, check out:
Betwixt the Shadows on Youtube, run by my boss at the occult shop and the head tarot reader who is also an accomplished astrologer. They take questions every week!
@salvatore_modern_witch, my boss’s instagram, where he posts lecture videos based in his forty years of experience in planetary and ceremonial magic. (It is not very fancy, because he is an old man, but it is super informative!)
Sphere and Sundry, which combines the most potent planetary magical materia with the most incredibly comprehensive product descriptions I have ever seen. Even if you don’t feel like shopping, their website is worth ransacking for the information alone.
Austin Coppock’s online almanac and just in general everything that @adapembroke has going on.
Go forth and be merry in your power!
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leonaluv · 3 years
Mamamoo -debut chart
In the second photo, the image on the bottom is them recreating their debut image.
Black and white are dualities good & evil.
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Rising sign in Virgo in Uttra Phalguni (Star of Patronage) Rising sign in Virgo is described as "Mercury is endowed with an attractive physique and the capacity to use words with many meanings. He is fond of jokes. He has a mixed of three humors. "
Since their debut, they have been sponsor by many athletic companies and people even thought Mamamoo's song wanna be Me was a music video, however, it was an ad.
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Mamamoo members do participate in the writing process and often write clever lyrics that can be interpreted in different ways. I would use Aze Gag lyrics they used dad jokes for this song. Some of their songs just start as a playful joke such as sleep in the car 🚘 a song about them sleeping car on their way to schedules. Another song to name is 1cm which about teasing each member's heights.
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Mamamoo is known for being beagles (energetic) and 😜 playful people. Mars in their first house shows off their passion and loud nature.🤣
Mamamoo has Mars in the first house in Virgo (mercury -earth sigh) in Hasta.
I notice mars being in the first house gets people to notice by their unique appearance.
Now to talk about the nakshatra in Uttra Phalgunia animal symbol is the cow 🐄 and their name is a combination Of 🐄 Moo. This birth star is said to be about friendship and receiving prosperity through marriage. To raise some attention to the group rbw release a fake dating scandal using Solar and unknownly Moonbyul (posing as her boyfriend).
Mars in Hasta - "the power to manifest what one seeks and place it in their hands."
Mamamoo used to come up with their dance routines and even use their fan's designs for outfits for one concept.
Mamamoo when they first debut only had a few friends and moonbyul cousins. ( I think 6 people or four people)
The second house can show wealth, enemies, and etc.
Rahu with Saturn can be good or bad when conjunct in the house. Saturn is malefic whenever it is can slow down the effects of that house. Rahu and Saturn will make individuals want to fulfill their desires.
Saturn in libra in Visa this placement can provide loyal fans .
Mamamoo fourth house has bhrigu Bindu in the fourth house and the fourth house can represent homeland. Bhrigu Bindu can show your life purpose 💓 and in the fourth house, they receive early success in life. The fourth house represents the mother their name being Mama-Moo.
BB in Sagittarius(Jupiter) in Moola (Ketu) showing the person will be more spiritual and less focused on the martial side. Their songs are mostly about uplifting lyrics and claiming their power.
Moon in Aquarius - love to look at things from a different perspective and the type of group to bring about change! Mamamoo dressing in suits and doing new type concepts that haven't been exploring. Moon in satabhisa the effect of rahu can amplify the effects and rahu can help bring in the masses. ( Michael Jackson has this moon and Bts has this position to I think or in the sun position)
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Moon in the sixth house - Healing effects and Mamamoo is in know as trust and listen to Mamamoo. Meaning their music is always good and feeling strongly about those who get overlooked. Mamamoo fanbase is mostly 90% female and 10% males.
Moon causing problems where it is position and obstructing prosperity. Moon is in the sixth house and the sixth house is a daily routine, enemies, debts, health &service.
Almost every day their past scandals resurface and their judge for it. Rahu effects the moon and remembers that Rahu can be seen as an illusion. Rahu(North node) the head of the dragon(moon) wants to be seen on Tv. Sometimes people will make up false information about this group it spreads to the news/ trends on social media. Moon is the emotional mind
The other part of the dragon is the tail the south showing where we need to disconnect ourselves from the material. It comes naturally but remembers that Rahu and ketu exchange energy throughout each house. Ketu in 8 house as a group their parents were against them signing up to be singers. So they had to rely on themselves and eventually made enough money to pay off their debt. Now in the beginning Solar said her first paycheck was $100 on a radio show and she got in trouble for it 😅.
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Mercury is their atmakara planet (soul planet) because Mercury is the highest degrees in the rasi chart (natal chart). Mercury is the planet of communication and Mamamoo are known for their voices. All types of communication writing, reading, speaking, socializing, and fields. Venus is conjunct with Mercury two benefits in the 9 house.
Mercury and Venus create many benefits in their chart.
Charmara -long-lived, scholarly, eloquent, and learned in many arts.
Ran a/Lakshmi- Power, authority, and wealth.
Raja/Dharama-karmadipati - dutiful and high achiever
(Example Hyolyn has Ma in the first house and her performance of Daily received a lot of attention due to her dancing abilities)
Sun in Gemini ♊ rule by Mercury
I would say that Geminis can probably fit any concept. Sun in the tenth house is so good and gives the group that spotlight. Just think any other group doing different concepts would seem like they are trying to find their music or style with Mamamoo it just seems like they are exploring a new side of them. Sun is in Mrigashira the searching 💫 star.
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Jupiter expands things and in the eleventh house will show how they have connections.
Jupiter aspects the third house of efforts and the ruler is the eight lord (Mars).
Moving on the d9 chart
Mamamoo rising sign is in Virgo ♍
When they debut people thought they were older because they didn't seem like a rookie group. A professional artist who is recognized in Korea and they were called Monster Rookies.
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In the d9 chart Mamamoo rising sign changes to Pisces ♓ showing off a more dreamy image now. Mamamoo stands out from other groups creating their unique approach to music.
Mercury changeable planet and in the seventh the person will be able to fit in anywhere.
Mercury is in a great position in the seventh house of partnership. Mercury in virgo (Uphal) shows their picky nature because each member has their style and their music taste. So often they will just combine their concepts altogether.
D-10 chart
Mercury is in the third house in virgo show agreements and communication.
Mamamoo are known for their fun adlibs on stage and they receive attention due to it.
Now checking the transit chart of Mamamoo chart 😶
Mars in the 12 house suffering /lost 🤔 Maybe issue with performing.
Ketu in the seventh detachment from the partnership.
I still think Mamamoo might resign with a new company.
Sun and venus might show their different viewpoints.
Mamamoo - Different outfits
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Mamamoo debut in their rahu Maha dasa
Not until they Saturn (Antaradasa ) did they get their first win! Saturn in their chart is a good so it helps out Rahu.
In 2019 Mercury( Antaradasa) Mamamoo was successful with their songs Gogobebe and Hip. They are still in their Mercury period until 2022 🤔 and Mercury is in the ninth house with Jupiter & Saturn.
Group will be more focused on what is most needed and maybe seeking guidance from those around them.
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I think Mamamoo members could in up in separate companies, but still, continue as a group. Still, I might be biased since I love the group I think all the members want different things. When doing group charts as a whole like you would a business chart you still have to take notice of individual chart. Both Solar and Moonbyul d9 chart is active since they are 30 now. So it causes a shift in ideas someone who was a martialist once they enter their 30s or marriage could suddenly become spiritual.
Solar example she has Saturn and Rahu in the 12 house(foreign things) often she likes to try out new concepts. Her company staff would warn her not to do it and this time she receives more positive influence. Now in d9 chart her Rahu will be Saturn in the second house (d9 chart) because she is in her early thirties. Just like in Mamamoo chart how they slowly grew to be more successsful. Solar this year in the sixth month will be enter a new phase in life her Saturn maha dasa. * this birth time I am using is not confirmed ☑️ but If she starts expressing herself differently by than 🙂 maybe it is close.
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michellefromthemoon · 3 years
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the great trine is open
Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun and the largest in the Solar System. The king of the other planets, a giant in size with spectacular, bright colored clouds and intense storms has officially started its four month-long retrograde in the sign of dreamy Pisces, and then it dip back into intellectual Aquarius on July 28 until it turns direct on October 18.
Jupiter is associated with the principles of growth, expansion, prosperity, and good fortune.
Jupiter is the ruling planet of Sagittarius and therefor Fire energy.
Jupiter governs long distance and foreign travel, big business and wealth, higher education, religion, and the law. It is also associated with the urge for freedom and exploration, as well with gambling and merrymaking.
Jupiter is responsible for your Knowledge// it is tolerant and expansion// also your Jupiter placement will tell you about your social
Retrogrades often have us rethink the ways in which we've been living our lives, and there's no better time than Jupiter's backwards dance to reassess how we want to move forward. "It’s a great time to rethink any plans, review your big-picture goals that you set into place in the beginning of 2021, and reflect on what you want to innovate and imagine creating in the remainder of 2021,". It's almost like we're getting an energetic second wind to carry us through the rest of the year — what will you do with it?
The tribe between sun in Gemini, moon in Scorpio and Jupiter in Pisces will
will be an upgrade from many of us as a grand tribe in astrology opens a portal to manifesting miracles and success.
For Gemini this is also a “graduation” from something: time to move UP!
Start seeing yourself with the eyes of source during these transits when you loose sight of “the bigger picture”. Because it’s about to unfold in ways you have been dreaming (pisces) about. So get ready to accept the abundance ( Jupiter) you deserve.
just look at the beautiful great trine ( portal to manifest miracles and success), this is a door opener so expect opportunities to reach people you normally wouldn’t as mercury stations direct only 2 days after giving us the opportunity to connect with communication.
this brings an ability to get star power behind your work as Aquarius represents the ⭐️ card in tarot.
so many opportunities for success and expansion, focus on one and journal through this process. we can edit and rewrite a few lines in our script as the Stars have aligned for us to manifesting our dreams into reality.
& 4 days after Jupiter stationed retrograde we have the Capricorn full moon ( more big daddy energy ) that is asking us to release ( full moon) everything that is hindering us in creating and stepping into YOUR legacy, not just in career as Capricorn ruled by Saturn represents the accomplishments of the material and the quest for prestige, honor and success in public achievement.
You see how powerful and magical this time is.
it’s the divine timing and the way the universe shows up for us, for me.
✨ 🚪🪞 🪐🌪📝🏹 🔮 🪄✨
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ijustdragon · 4 years
Daily Magick
Today we will be looking at, Alfalfa
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Alfalfa can be used as a treat for pet hamsters and Alfalfa sprouts are quite common at the local grocers, but it turns out that Alfalfa has a rich history of being used in Magick for prosperity. Alfalfa is also known as Lucerne primarily in Europe. It is a ground plant with a sweet and grass-like aroma, it has been used as animal feed since the ancient Greeks and Romans. Alfalfa is high in protein and contains many essential vitamins. The plant was so valued for nourishment that the name Alfalfa comes from an Arabic phrase meaning, “father of all foods.” Physically, Alfalfa resembles clover, but is actually more closely related to green peas. You may use fresh or dried Alfalfa for spell work. Alfalfa supplements and teas are readily available, as the plant has a reputation for lowering cholesterol and purifying the body. Alfalfa essential oil is rarer, but may be available through healthy living suppliers.
Magickal Associations
Alfalfa is used for health, prosperity, and good fortune. Hoodoo practitioners use it as both a money-drawing herb, and protection for existing assets. Like “Money Stay With Me spells”. Generally, the herb is added to spells and charms in its dried form, rather than being infused or burned as an incense.
As a luck-bringing herb, Alfalfa is often assigned to Jupiter. It has the Jupiterian habits of being a provider, and growing abundantly wherever it is planted. As a favourite food of cattle, Alfalfa is a consummate herb of the zodiacal sign Taurus. Whether you're a cow or a human, Alfalfa symbolizes pleasure and enjoyment of life. Alfalfa is primarily a money magick herb, and the elemental correspondence is Earth.
Gamblers may carry a sachet of Alfalfa in their pocket for good luck at the gaming table. The same charm is said to inspire others to be generous to you. Sprinkle Alfalfa around the base of a green candle for a money-drawing spell.  Put a jar of dried Alfalfa in the kitchen pantry to ensure your household will always have enough to eat. Add Alfalfa leaf to money spells of any kind (mojo bags, candles, and spell bottles, for instance). It is appropriate for all positive financial goals like securing a bank loan, winning prize money, or growing a business. A pinch of Alfalfa in your wallet is supposed to help you hang onto your last dollar.
Alfalfa is safe in moderation. People with auto-immune disorders should avoid consuming it in large quantities. All essential oils are potentially hazardous, so use them with caution.
Scent Profile
Grassy, Sunny, Hay
Jupiter/Venus, Earth
(Note: This being said, if you are suffering from a condition or are in pain please consult a doctor or mental health professional.)
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astoldbyteyeshai · 3 years
10/20/2021 ❥ 8
Welcome to another enlightening, illuminating moon cycle, to truly nurture the home that is the mind, body, and soul. There is a lot of air energy circulating the Moon in Aries. Aries is ruled by mars, the planet of action, drive and desire, and is currently transiting our 6th house of health, daily routines, self improvement and fitness. This surrounded by the Sun in Libra, Mars in Libra, Mercury in Libra. We may be experiencing sudden losses, rebranding, financial debts or clearing them, and inevitably a steady pressure on the accelerator.
Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury have come out of retrograde and are now moving direct. With this energy propelling forward in air signs, we can move with cleared perception, think clearly and see clearly. Your path is more illuminated. You will be able to successfully create the structure and discipline you’ve been requiring for yourself, to be the leader with there being harmony between the planets. Jupiter and Saturn being direct in Aquarius creates space for independence and humanitarianism. We’re getting a sense of what it really means to give and receive unconditionally. What true abundance really looks like.
Uranus, the planet of rebellion, is trine MC, still in retrograde yet creating harmony and opportunities to explore the life you have always dreamed. Time to do the research, really understand what you’re getting yourself into before starting new endeavours. The doors will open for you once you find the right keys. This is a time of endurance and resilience. You could be experiencing feelings of wanderlust, wanting to expand outside your comfort zone yet somehow feeling trapped inside of it. This is because Uranus in Taurus wants you to remain humble, and respectable of your circumstances. There has to be a pause before you propell. A time for preproduction, preparation, prototype. A woman once told me not to ask God for patience but to ask for resilience, the power to endure what you are going through at the time. Asking for patience will give you circumstances that test you, and your commitment to your path. Another significant impact the transits are making on our lives is that we’re going to utilize our resources that are already at our disposal. With clear thinking, and a more reasonable outlook on your current lifestyle, we’ll see opportunities and the help we’re looking for was right in front of us the whole time.
Venus in Sagittarius in the 2nd house, finding more lucrative and spontaneous ways of your personal finances, what you value and really seeing the beauty behind the madness. You get to witness your growth and ability to bring harmony to your tension areas. It’s like slowly massaging the knots out of your body, but for your mind. There is exhilarating energy with Mars in Libra, Saturn and Pluto being on the ascendant, signifying this initiative mentality. You could be detaching from codependent tendencies, waiting for another person to make moves.
Overall, this transit is the motion in the ocean, off our own emotions. Taking control over your controllables, as this is a common theme of 2021! You’re playing offense instead of defense when it pertains to giving it your all. Your personal finances, business partnerships, making payments. If we’re going to live a life of ease, and prosperity, we have to ensure that the foundation we’re working off of is stable.
Teyeshai ☽
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I thought I'd do this post differently due just sending you videos of the post on Celestial Awareness Instagram. #jupiter in Pisces is here along with a New Moon 🌙 which is now waxing Taurus ♉ the planet of Abundance, Prosperity, Love, Good Home, Family and Friends, Love of Food and Materialism 🌔 a sturdy self built business with a good income from home based business to the market place eventually and Taureans do become very wealthy. We are now in Eclipse Season too where it time to close the door to a old way of life which we have had to do that already due to Pandemic and open new doors of possibility where new beginnings and new paths await us. But we have more to shed, to purge which is Pluto who is currently in retrograde until Libra ♎ October of this year. This is also where small and large lies will now unearth themselves. There is no where to hide but Jupiter in Pisces will be highlighting as well as expanding as Jupiter is the Planet of Expansion. The Universe is literally singing 🎶 The old Frank Sinatra song Luck Be A Lady but yet Jupiter is giving you a few months of Luck and Serendipity and Synchronosity. Manifesting is high. You are the Magician who has all the power at their finger tips to create and Co create whatever you want.
Jupiter in Pisces is the stuff dreams are made of. Imagination is incredibly powerful right now and Manifesting very high. We will be receiving blessings left right and centre so the dream, wishes, desires from 10, 20, 30 years or decades ago are now available and coming to you. I hope you will have wished wisely as not everyone will want their wishes due to evolution which has happened from last years Eclipses and a ton of retrogrades that we were going through in 2020. But yet wishes within the Universe have to be delivered and in divine timing. Everyone is going to act, think and be able manifest like a Millionaire and Billionaire literally for a couple of Months so any idea's it's time to call upon Archangel Uriel the Archangel of Brilliant ideas, Apiphanies, Innovation, Concepts that you will want to start do it now because as of 20th of May we are in Gemini Season and Mercury Retrograde will have started. Mercury Retrograde likes you to rest and relax, recuperate. Have you been feeling tired lately? And that's before Mercury Retrograde gets to do its retrograde dance. July 28th is when Jupiter then goes back to Aquarius. He likes to give you a taste of what you can do with the magic touch and flavour of your own rhythm which creates a unique blend of unlimited magic. ✨ Jupiter in Pisces allows you to plant is healthy abundant rich fertile This also reminds me of The Major Arcarna of the Empress Card where she knows she has got it going on where all around her is Abundance and Prosperity. The Empress is fertile and ready to give birth to absolutely everything from human babies to Successful Projects, Start ups, to huge Corporate Corporate Dynasties, this she knows that she has everything and her needs will always be met. She is Powerful because she knows who she is. What I love about Jupiter in being Pisces and he LOVES being in Pisces due to being able to be comfortable and at home with where he is and very responsible for getting to our higher self to connect. Our subconscious will be really on fire as our Soul Selves are activated. I have been having the most beautiful dreams and I get to remember them to. So, if you know where in your Astrology Chart Jupiter is go find it. A little heads up if you are Scorpio like me Scorpio King's and Queens 👑 ♏ Jupiter is blessing us in our 5th House which is Leo ♌
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and it's definitely delicious indeed. Are you ready for the Prosperity and Abundance that wants to come to you? Get rid of your Poverty Mindset and Scarcity thinking as this does not serve you. Blast your Money Blocks away by getting a Money Coach who can help you work through issues with you to get clear on your Money Language 💷 A wise word of warning with the Sun in Taurus is Greed will rear its head. Taureans can come across as greedy which Jupiter brings out due to giving every chance of a kid in a sweet shop getting everything you want but please remember that to active Jupiter you have to put in the work that requires Luck being on yourside having the Midas Touch as we co-create with the Universe, Jupiter in Pisces. Have fun develve deep, reassess if need be its the reason why we have Mercury Retrograde and get the the truth of any situation that is not clear and needs clarity. Rest and Renew. Clean and Declutter as the Eclipses will ask this of you and ensure that you are ready for more opportunities that Jupiter will be bringing you as he will get a little restricted by the slowing down of Mercury in Retrograde as we are currently in Shadow now. We also by the end of May Saturn goes Retrograde on the 29th of the Month and will require you to still keep your promise to still be laying down the foundations of what you said you wanted and he will be keeping his eye on you. I will be talking about Saturn in Retrograde in the next Deep Dive. Take care of yourself and have fun being a Cosmic Mistress or Master during the Jupiter in Pisces.
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