#jure in the second one!!!!!!!!
targarrus · 4 months
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cat i’m a kitty cat
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hazzybat · 5 months
This interview was like 3 minutes and I got hours of joy from it
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mitamicah · 4 months
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More Damon Baker experimentation sketches this time with the birthday boy 😁
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me-sploh-rada-imas · 9 months
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hello! [x]
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graysanatimony · 2 months
so a while ago I forced my mother to watch the arm wrestling bit from the welcome to the backstage Dublin video for some reason and she said oh that guy in the pink shirt is cute, referring to Nace, she did not realise how big of a mistake that was cause I then made her rank them all based on vibes
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This was her ranking
she said she didn’t like Jan cause he’s like an older, male version of my 13/12 (I cannot remember the ages of any of my family members) year old cousin
and we’ve decided that Nace looks a bit like my dad so she seems to have a type
I don’t remember the reasons for any of the others placements
she did also say the best looking person from that whole video was the Irish guy that Bojan arm wrestled cause she’s from Dublin so she’s a bit biased there
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kukekakuningaskris · 9 months
just got estonia jumpscared by kris' ig stories ???? how dare he do that to me personally
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intertexts · 8 months
it's actually so silly that of all the texts fucking referenced in black sails so far the only one i actually don't have within literally arms reach is fucking treasure island.
0 notes
jokeroutsubs · 4 months
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Joker Out Masterpost for new fans
New fan of Joker Out? Say no more! 
Getting to know a new artist you’ve found can be intimidating if it’s all in another language, so we’ve compiled some of our favourite interviews, articles and lore here! You’ve arrived in a wonderful fanbase, welcome from all of us here at JokerOutSubs! 
If you’d just like a short overview of the band and their history, you can watch this excellent Finnish summary of them that we’ve translated (14m 53s).
But if you want to dive into the details, then check out our timeline, full of videos and articles translated by JokerOutSubs! 
Timeline graphic:
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Timeline in details below the cut 👇
Timeline in details: 
How did the band form? 
Joker Out was formed from two bands, Apokalipsa and Buržuazija. 
Apokalipsa included Bojan Cvjetićanin (vocals), Martin Jurkovič (bass) and Matic Kovačič (drums) 
They gained some traction with young people around Slovenia, particularly with their song 'Mogoče' ('Maybe'), which you can watch on YouTube here.
They came to the attention of Kris Guštin, who was inspired to start learning guitar! He discusses the details in this video (at 9:40). 
Kris then met Jan Peteh, another student of his guitar teacher, and at their teachers advice, they formed the band Buržuazija. 
Bojan attended their second ever gig in 2016, and decided these two excellent guitarists were exactly what had been missing from Apokalipsa, as he wasn’t happy with their current guitarists. He asked them to join, and they accepted
The new lineup (Bojan, Jan, Kris, Martin and Matic) decided to rename themselves Joker Out. The name means nothing, but they thought it sounded good and was the ‘least horrible’ of all the ideas they could think of. 
So, in 2016, Joker Out was officially formed! 
November 2016, Kot srce ki kri poganja: 
Joker Out’s first music video was for their song ‘Kot srce ki kri poganja’ ('Like a heart that pumps blood'), filmed in Jan’s hometown of Vrhnika! We eventually got this song on Spotify on their 2023 album Live from Arena Stožice!
Music video: Kot srce ki kri poganja
English Interview (from 3:37 to 6:05): Joker Out discusses filming the music video
June 2017, Špil Liga:
One of the earliest performances for Joker Out was at Špil Liga, a competition for young bands in Slovenia. They won, and recorded their winning song, Omamljeno telo (intoxicated body) in November as part of the prize. 
Live (33m): Joker Out at Špil liga
Interview (5m): Reflections on Špil Liga in 2023 
c.2017/18, Bojan’s attempt at going solo:
The band took a hiatus c.2017/18, and Bojan considered going solo at that time, even working with a few producers. He eventually realised that he belonged with the band! Hear him tell the story:
Reel (1m 23s): A1 Vajb - Bojan’s fail
2019, A change up for the band:
The band began working with their current producer, Žare Pak, and their videographer Mark Pirc, in 2019 - both of whom have been referred to as the sixth member of the band. This led to a change in their sound and production quality, which culminated in ‘Gola’ ('Naked'), the first of their songs to be a big hit!
Music video: Gola
Zlata piščal ('Golden Flute') - Best New Artist 2019:
Joker Out won their first Zlata piščal award in 2019, for best new artist (one of many they’d go on to win!) This is a kind of Slovenian Grammy! Covid interrupted the proceedings, but you can see their interview for it here (3m 59s)- 
Interview: Joker Out wins a Zlata piščal ('Golden Flute') for Best New Artist 2019
Umazane misli, and a new member: 
During the Covid times, the band began recording their first studio album, 'Umazane misli' ('Dirty thoughts'), which was originally going to be released in March 2020 but was repeatedly delayed until October 2021. The first half was recorded with drummer Matic Kovačič, but the band felt they needed something extra and brought in Jure Maček to help write the arrangements. They loved him so much, he never left! 
Interview (from 10:40 to 11:36): Bojan talks briefly about Jure joining the band
COVID times, and Cvetličarna: 
The band had arranged to do two concerts at Cvetličarna, a very important venue in Slovenia and a big break for them. This was delayed several times due to Covid, but eventually managed to go ahead in October 2021 for the release of their first album. 
Video (1m 14s): Cvetličarna promotional video
Live (1h 28m): Joker Out at Cvetličarna
Interview (34m 55s): Bojan discusses Cvetličarna, its importance, and Covid
Umazane misli album launch: 
'Umazane misli' was extremely well received! The band would go on to win two more Zlata piščal awards, Newcomers of the Year in 2020 and Artist of the Year in 2021.
Interview (37m 08s): Umazane misli album presentation
An acting career for Bojan? 
Around the same time as 'Umazane misli' was released, Bojan began considering an acting career. He acted in two episodes of the series ‘Gospod Professor’ and in another series, which was eventually reworked as a film called ‘Kaj pa Ester’ and released in December 2023. He decided music was his passion though, and he wanted to fully focus on that. 
Interview (from 10:04 to 11:30): Bojan discusses his acting career
Interview (2m 11s): Kaj pa Ester interview
Interview (2m 30s): Kaj pa Ester première
Article: Bojan on Kaj pa Ester
September 2022, Križanke:
The band got straight to work writing their second album, 'Demoni' ('Demons'), and decided to present it in September 2022 at Križanke, another hugely important venue in Slovenia. This whole concert wasn’t recorded, but we have an interesting advertisement they did for it, an interview and a clip of one song live from Križanke! 
Video (5m 4s): Full Joker Out Hotline trailers
Interview (2m 16s): Joker Out with parachutes to Križanke?
Live (4m 7s): 'Novi val' ('New wave') live at Križanke
Interview (44m 35s): Demoni album presentation
Another new member! 
After Križanke at the end of 2022, Martin Jurkovič, one of the founding members of the band, made the decision to leave to focus on his studies.
Video (2m 20s): Martin's departure
Thankfully, he was replaced by the wonderful Nace Jordan, who remains the bassist in the current lineup.
Article: Nace Jordan discusses joining the band
2023, Eurovision:
Joker Out were then internally selected to go to Eurovision 2023, and began recording their Eurovision song, 'Carpe Diem', in Hamburg in December 2022. To learn more, you can watch the Carpe Diem series, a documentary series which followed their entire journey. 
The first episode, recording Carpe Diem, can be found with subtitles in multiple languages by JokerOutSubs!
Video (16m 41s): Carpe Diem Ep. 1 - Hamburg
The band performed their song for the first time live on Misija Liverpool, a televised debut, on the 4th February 2023.
Video (27m): Joker Out performing at Misija Liverpool
There are quite literally hundreds of interviews with Joker Out during the Eurovision era. Here's one from just before the final, that we have translated.
Interview: Joker Out before the final on the 13th May
And a few English interviews that became famous in the fanbase! 
Interview (24m 29s): Eurovanja
Interview (8m 10s): Seize the Day situations
Interview (17m 18s): Tiktok Live
Interview (6m 30s): ‘Never have I ever’
Interview (14m 12s): Madrid Eurovision
Joker Out came 21st at Eurovision, which they were satisfied with.
Interview (1m 36s): Bojan talks about their results
European tour and Sunny Side of London (22nd September)
Luckily, the best was still to come for Joker Out! The rest of 2023 was spent on an extremely successful European tour, and they also released their first English single, 'Sunny Side of London', in September. 
We at JokerOutSubs were also thrilled to interview the band twice on their tour!
Original Interview (15m 25s): JokerOutSubs interview in Tampere
Original Interview (14m 37s): JokerOutSubs interview in Poznań
6th of October 2023, Stožice:
All of this, however, was building up to Stožice. This is the biggest closed venue in Slovenia and Joker Out managed to sell out their October show there - an extremely important milestone for Slovenian artists. 
Interview (15m 4s): Stožice and their whirlwind post Eurovision career
Live: Full concert live-streamed part 1 and part 2
A lovely moment at Stožice was when former members Martin Jurkovič and Matic Kovačič joined the band onstage to perform 'Kot srce ki kri poganja'!
Interview (2m 4s): Martin and Matic discuss the experience
Interview (5m 9s): Joker Out post Stožice impressions
London era and Everybody’s Waiting: 
Joker Out spent the beginning of 2024 in London, where they wrote new music, did live cooking shows on Instagram and met the incredibly talented photographer, Damon Baker, who did a beautiful series of photoshoots with them. They also released their next English single, 'Everybody’s Waiting', in February. 
They sat down with us at JokerOutSubs to discuss all this on the 20th February!
Original Interview (59m 13s): JokerOutSubs interview in London
March and April 2024, ‘See you soon’ tour:
The boys then embarked on the ‘See you Soon’ tour, another very successful European tour. They played three new songs live during the tour, two of which we translated from the concert videos of our members!
Live:  First performance of 'Bluza' ('Blouse')
Live: First performance of the hugely popular 'Šta bih ja' ('What would I')
We at JokerOutSubs also interviewed the band a fourth time in Padova!
Original Interview (22m 7s): JokerOutSubs interview in Padova
Now you know a little bit about Joker Out’s history, let’s look a little bit at the members of the band as individuals! 
Who are the members?
Bojan Cvjetićanin - singer
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Charming, charismatic and an all round green flag, deep down we’re all Bojan girlies! See him here on Cosmopolitan's Blind date, Portrait with Coffee and a lovely interview he did for Delo! 
Interview (8m 49s): Cosmopolitan's Blind date
Interview (18m 3s): Portrait with Coffee
Article: “If we believed that we were “kings”, that wouldn’t be us”
Jan Peteh - guitarist
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The mysterious mathematician of the band, Jan and his cat Igor have stolen the hearts of the fanbase. Here he is on Undercover Mathematician and on Metropolitan podcast with ex bassist Martin! 
Interview (3m 26s): Undercover mathematician
Interview (43m 57s): Jan and Martin on Metropolitan podcast
Kris Guštin - guitarist
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Known for his organisational expertise, 'slay pose' and 'cake baking skills,' Kris stays fabulous on and off stage!
Video (1m 5s): NGVOT backstory (Kris’ breakup) at Cvetličarna
Article: Interview with the entire Guštin family
Jure Maček - drummer
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Described consistently by his band mates as ‘čaga’ (party), Jure brings a chaotic energy to Joker Out that we love to see!
Video (41s): Jure’s cheating (in school!) story
Interview (18m 3s): Sunday Chat on Radio 94
Nace Jordan - bassist
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The oldest member of Joker Out, Nace is a genuine sweetheart who fit like a glove into Joker Out despite joining much later! 
Article: "Enriched by a special [Eurovision] experience"
Interview (18m 24s): Interview with JokerOutSubs in Umag
Get to know the whole band! 
They mostly do interviews together, so here are some of our favourites!
Interview (16m 52s): Vičstock Unplugged
Video (7m 3s): Joker Out pre-Križanke Instagram Q&A compilation
Interview (54m 42s): Multisciplinary panel at Bežigrad High School
Article: Joker Out for DELO
Article: Joker Out for Mladina magazine
Interview (6m 42s): Joker Out for RTV SLO
Interview (1h 1m): Joker Out for N1 podkast
We hope you’ve enjoyed learning a bit more about our favourite band! 
If you’d like even MORE translated interviews, articles and Instagram stories, you can find us on Tumblr, X, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube and Spotify under the name JokerOutSubs!
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P.S: If you wish to share this post with new fans, we also provided QR codes!
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Child reader who hates physical touch and I mean absolutely despise it but sometimes clingy to poe and akutagawa too feel comfortable because of their social anxiety
No pats
Self-Aware! Platonic! Edgar Allan Poe x GN! Child! Reader x Self-Aware! Platonic! Akutagawa Ryunosuke
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Description: You are the cutest kid ever. Such a shame, that you don't like pats and hugs. Or, do you?
Warning: OOC. English is my second language
🧥🦝 It was quite a surprise for BSD Cast, when they learned, that you are a child.
🧥🦝 They were a little bit worried. You are a kid, and you have read about some dark stuff in their manga. Aren't you too young to read about mafia, criminals and cities destruction?
🧥🦝 Well... There is nothing they can do about it. Besides, this revelation won't change much for them. They still adore you.
🧥🦝 How could they not adore you? You are sweet and cute child.
🧥🦝 After a little friendly competition between adult characters of an "acceptable for being an adopted parent", you were officially adopted by Bram.
🧥🦝 Bram is your guardian de jure. De facto you are adopted by every member of BSD Gang.
🧥🦝 BSD Cast do everything to make you feel happy. But, there is one little thing. And it makes them nervous.
🧥🦝 You hated any form of physical affection.
🧥🦝 Every time, someone tried to give you a head pat, you either froze or tried to dodge. And, while less tense, you didn't like, when other kids touched you.
🧥🦝 It made everyone feel puzzled and nervous.
🧥🦝 Were they scarring you? Has someone hurt you in the past? Maybe, they have rushed things, and you didn't want to be adopted by them?
🧥🦝 They decided to deal with the possibility of you being hurt in the past. Your medical records didn't show much. You were a healthy baby and healthy kid. But, documents can be forged.
🧥🦝 They needed to hear about your past from someone from your past. Teachers and people from orphanage.
🧥🦝 Time to call for Mushitarou's and Ango's abilities.
"I swear, I didn't do anything bad! Please, don't hurt me!" Orphanage's director begged, trying to get away from Akutagawa.
Akutagawa's grip became stronger. Mafioso hissed. Rashomon slowly raised its head above Akutagawa's shoulder.
"I don't believe you. Why [Y/N] is so nervous, when someone are touching them?"
Director mewled, sobbed and lost consciousness.
Akutagawa rolled his eyes and lose his grip on Director. Man fall down on the floor, like a bag of potatoes.
Akutagawa stepped away and left the Director's office. He hopped, that Man-tiger could find something.
🧥🦝 Meanwhile, Poe decided to simply talk to you.
You were enjoying your cake. Poe, who sat on the opposite side of the table, observed your movements. Karl was sitting on your lap. You wanted to give him a piece of your cake, but Poe warned you not to do this. Karl could become sick because of the cake.
"[Y/N], can I ask you something?" Poe's voice was warm and shooting. You nodded, silently chewing the sweet treat. Poe smiled. You looked like a hamster.
"[Y/N], are we scaring you? You always freeze, when someone tries to give you a head pat. Even when Q and Elise tried to hug you, you jumped away from them."
You swallow and shook your head.
"No! No! I love living with you. I just don't like being touched!"
Poe thought over your answer and asked another question.
"That's it? We won't be angry, if you feel nervous around us. It's okay to feel nervous in this situation."
You shook your head again.
"That's it. I always hated to be touched."
Poe just nodded. It's fine. He must tell others about it. So they won't make you upset anymore.
🧥🦝 Akutagawa, Atsushi, Ango and Mushitarou didn't learn anything new about you. Everyone called you a sweet, quiet child, who have never got into troubles. At least, they've proved, that you weren't hurt in the past.
🧥🦝 When they returned home, Poe told them, what he has learned about you.
🧥🦝 Everything were fine.
🧥🦝 All of you slowly learned to be a family. You became more talkative. You started spending time with BSD Cast more often. You still didn't like physical affection. BSD Cast respected it.
🧥🦝 One day, something interesting happened.
🧥🦝 When you and Poe were getting groceries.
The grocery store was almost empty.
As usual, you were walking close to Poe. As usual, weren't holding his hand or grabbing his sleeve. Poe kept a close eye on you.
Everything went fine. Until you two reached the candy aisle.
The bunch of kids, same age as you, were discussing their favorite candies. Kids were quite loud. But not loud enough to be asked to leave the store.
Then, Poe felt it. Two small hands grabbing his sleeve, and a child's face being pressed against his arm.
Poe looked at you. You looked nervous, glancing at the kids from time to time. You looked anxious.
Poe knew, too well, how social anxiety looked like. He carefully put his free hand on your head. You didn't move. You looked slightly grateful for having Poe's hand on your head.
"Want to leave?" whispered Poe. You nodded. Poe freed his arm from yours, took your hand, and went to the cash register.
You kept holding his hands. You let it go only when Poe and you almost reached home.
🧥🦝 You became more open in Poe's presence. You sent time in his room, playing with Karl, doing homework and reading books. Sometimes, you cling to Poe, when you felt nervous about school festivals/class gatherings.
🧥🦝 Soon, you found second person to be as open as you were with Poe.
🧥🦝 An unexpected one.
You didn't like excursions. So many people around you makes you feel anxious. You take a deep breath. It didn't help to lessen your anxiety. So, you decide to move to the next step.
You clung to Akutagawa, who was accompanying you today.
Mafioso looked at you. He was slightly puzzled. But, after noticing your expression, unbuttoned his coat, hiding you with it.
"Thanks..." whispered you, clinging to Akutagawa's side.
"No problems," shrugged Akutagawa, giving you a headpat.
🧥🦝 Now you have two people you go to, when you feel anxious. You liked to spend time with Poe and Akutagawa. Sometimes, you let them give you a headpat.
🧥🦝 Maybe, one day, you will cling to more people.
🧥🦝 For now, you have Older Brother Poe and Older Brother Akutagawa.
🧥🦝 And they will always be there for you.
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luluxa · 25 days
a tiny Jance fic 🤭
I knew he was the one
“I knew he was the one,” Jan says, sneaking a glance at Nace and getting a shy smile in return.
They gloss over it quickly, just like they gloss over Jan’s claims about his ‘celebrity crush’, keeping him in check before the camera. It’s not like Jan’s about to volunteer every detail of his private life and sexual preferences but evidently, he’s being embarrassing enough. He has an excuse, though: he’s slightly tipsy and head over heels in love and it’s a dangerous combination.
Jan very pointedly doesn’t react when Nace uses Jure’s absence to change seats. He doesn’t react when the Live is over and Jure pats his back fleetingly and Bojan gives him an eyeroll.
Later, it’s his turn to go get everyone coffee and snacks and Nace tags along, very transparently, causing another wave of muffled sniggering. They probably think they’re being clever.
Outside, he throws his car key at Nace, who catches it easily and giggles to boot.
“So you knew I was the one?”
Jan shrugs, torn between defensiveness and making eyes at him. “Yeah.” The latter urge wins and as Nace stops by the car, smiling, Jan slides up to him and sneaks his palms under the coat and away from the freezing air. “After all, I am a genius.”
Nace huffs but nods readily, his soft gaze warming Jan faster than his coat. “You are. But you know, I’m not an idiot either cos I knew you were the one too.”
When they kiss, Jan feels entirely too hot from his toes to the tips of his ears and has to shift away before his palms sneak somewhere else on their own volition.
“The guys don’t know any of that, though, do they?” Nace asks once they’re in the car, raising an eyebrow at him. “You said you will tell them a month ago!”
Now Jan feels entirely defensive. “It’s an awkward conversation to have. I thought it would be easy to figure out without any explanations.”
“Apparently, we’re too sneaky. If I kissed you in front of them, would that help, you think?”
Jan makes a contemplative face. “You’d need to use your tongue and grab my ass. We’re all too casually gay with each other, that’s the problem.”
“Or we could use words,” Nace offers pointedly, sounding way too grown up and reasonable. Serves Jan right for falling in love with a pensioner.
Jan sighs. “Fine. You should kiss me and grope me anyway, though. I wanna see the reactions.”
Nace shakes his head with exasperation but doesn’t argue. Sometimes Jan wonders if he’s being treated like a silly child and if Nace will get fed up with it eventually – he is a sensible grown up after all, while Jan has never had a proper relationship, never lived with anyone, never had plans and goals and always said he wants nothing but fleeting hook ups. He wonders whether he can have a proper relationship – it seems to be going well so far, but what if he fucks it up tomorrow somehow, by holding back, or being too much, or too weird, or too infantile? Yes, he knew Nace was the one, he was ready to place his heart in Nace’s hands right there and then and trust him to keep it safe, but who said he’d be any good at holding Nace’s heart in turn?
“You want me to tell them now?” he asks quietly before they go back to the studio, Jan loaded up with the coffees and Nace holding the door open for him.
Nace eyes him for a second and Jan uses that second to get scared he will remain unaccountable. “Sure,” Nace says though and Jan nods, breathing out. He can be a grown up and use words. If he wants Nace to stay, he fucking should be grown up enough.
Jan gets more smirks and winks thrown at him behind Nace’s back and all of a sudden, instead of making him amused, it makes him annoyed as fuck, mostly at himself.
“If I could use a second of your attention,” he says before they get preoccupied with the food, causing three pairs of similarly round eyes. What do they think he’s about to say? Deny his every ambiguous phrase and every flirty glance? Jan waits for Nace to climb upstairs and gets an encouraging nod and a smile. “Nace and I are dating and have been dating since October,” he says in one breath and feels immense relief right away. It was also a lot easier than he thought.
“We are,” Nace confirms when the round eyes travel from Jan to him.
As they still gape, Jan picks up his own cup and removes a guitar from the spot he wants to sit in. “That’s it, you can drink your coffee now,” he lets them.
Before he sits down, Nace pokes his side with a pout. “No kissing though?”
“That’s just childish,” Jan informs him happily.
Coffee in one hand and guitar in the other, he lets Nace snog him thoroughly and giggles when his ass receives a firm squeeze.
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fruitybashir · 2 months
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I'm re reading holidate for the second time and im finding all these little notes that I left in the epub last time, and honestly i think me of the past was inspired for this one
oops, my hand slipped 😗
“Red please!” Bojan declares cheerfully as he slaps down a “+4” with a colour wheel. “And I am down to my last card.”
There’s a collective groan around the table and Bojan bounces up and down on the couch next to Kris, a big, happy grin on his face. Kris is fuming. He stares down at his fan of cards. Lots of green, some yellow, not a single red one. He grinds his teeth and draws another card.
“Aw, no reds? I’m sorry bejbi,” Bojan coos and presses a quick peck to his cheek. Kris feels like he might actually start biting.
Jure reluctantly lays down a red four, Jan follows with a red zero, defeat already painted on his face. Nace hesitates for a second, then a smile spreads on his face and he puts down a blue zero. There’s a collective Ooooh around the table and Kris feels a sense of righteous satisfaction that almost borders on concerning.
He turns to look at Bojan, expecting to see disappointment, annoyance even at having his win stolen from him for at least one more round, but instead what he sees is a wide grin, teeth shining, eyes wide. Victorious. Oh no.
Bojan lays down a blue six.
Everyone tosses their cards on the table in frustration while Bojan giggles happily, already shuffling the cards for another round. Jure lights himself another cigarette, offering another to Jan. Jan puts it between his lips with an appreciative noise, then presses it against Jure’s to light it as well.
“I’m out,” Kris grumbles and slumps back into the couch. Jan shoots him a sympathetic look and bumps his foot under the coffee table. Kris’ patience for losing to Bojan usually doesn't last longer than five or six rounds.
“How did you even– but you asked for red.” Nace stammers, staring down at Bojan's blue six as if it held the answers. Bojan shrugs.
“I'm just that good,” he grins. Kris groans.
“You're so full of yourself.”
Jan pats Nace's thigh in consolation. “You did the best you could.” He takes a drag of his cigarette, then leans in and lets the smoke ghost over Nace's lips as he speaks. “I'm still proud of you.”
Kris wrinkles his nose as he watches them unashamedly make out right in front of all of them. Jure deals out new stacks of cards as if he doesn't even see them.
“Kris, you sure you're out?”
“Yeah, I need a break.” Kris says and Jure nods, skips his spot as he hands out the cards.
“You can be my cheerleader,” Bojan suggests, leaning close into Kris and with a giddy uplift to his voice that makes Kris want to drag him home, push his face into the pillows and shut him up. He takes a deep breath.
“Sure,” he says and turns to Bojan with the brightest fake smile he can manage. “Because you definitely need cheering on to win.”
“If I win the next game for you,” Bojan starts and does an unfortunately very good job at looking at Kris sweetly from under his eyelashes. “Do I get to kiss the cheerleader?”
Kris flexes his jaw.
“You know what?” he smiles and he rests his elbow on the backrest of the couch, reaches up to tuck a strand of Bojan's hair behind his ear. “If you win the next game, I'll wear the blue set tonight.”
There's a choking sound from the other side of the coffee table, then coughing as Jan and Nace's little shotgunning session comes to an abrupt end. Jure whistles.
Bojan's face lights up like the sun.
“Easy!” he declares, already reaching for his new stack of cards. “Fastest win of my Uno career.”
Jan shoots Kris a disbelieving look, deep betrayal written on his face. Kris just shrugs. He has a plan.
Kris leaves his arm on the back of the couch as the rest of the guys start the next round. He traces his fingers along the neck of Bojan’s shirt, just barely grazing the skin enough to cause a light shiver.
He lets Bojan enjoy his feeling of safety for two turns, then he lets his fingers wander up into Bojan’s hair. He twirls a few strands around his fingers, toys with them, then runs his fingers down again, along the side of Bojan’s neck and over his collarbones.
“Kris…” Bojan mumbles and his shoulder twitches, trying to shrug off Kris. He puts down a red seven, concentrating on the cards in his hands and closely watching what colours the others follow up with.
Kris has no intention of letting up anytime soon. He’s barely even started. He dips his hand under the hem of Bojan’s shirt, pressing his palm flat against the other’s chest and letting his fingertips brush over the dusting of chest hair there. Bojan sighs, but other than that, shows impressive restraint. He counters Nace’s yellow zero with a green one. Kris moves in closer.
He presses a kiss into Bojan’s hair, then brings his hand up further a little, to the base of Bojan’s neck. He doesn’t press down, but Bojan still tenses against him, and Kris can feel him swallow under his fingers. Bojan has to draw two cards.
Jan raises his eyebrow at Kris across the table, lips twitching with a barely suppressed smile. He’s definitely figured it out by now.
Kris grins, and draws his hand back. Bojan instantly lets out a breath that he probably wasn’t even aware he was holding, and Kris thinks it’s almost a little cute that he thinks he’s safe now. He runs his fingertips over Bojan’s back, along his spine and down, until he can lift up the other’s shirt enough to touch Bojan’s skin again.
“Kris,” Bojan makes, again, and there is a warning in there, but Kris knows that tone well. He leans down to press a kiss to Bojan’s neck. Bojan shivers. He hesitates, then places a green five.
Kris runs his fingers along the waistband of Bojan’s sweatpants to his sides, let’s his fingertips dance up and down, drawing patterns over the skin and he feels Bojan’s muscles twitch under his touch, his breath hitch when Kris traces over a spot that he knows drives Bojan crazy.
“Bojan?” Jure asks and there is audible amusement in his voice. “It’s your turn.”
“Huh?” Bojan startles, then he suddenly sits up straighter, letting out an annoyed noise as he rolls his shoulders to get Kris’ mouth off his neck. There’s a snort from Nace as Bojan places his “Skip turn” card and Kris is sure that if he could see Bojan’s face right now, he would find that the other is blushing.
He keeps his hand on Bojan’s side for another turn, showing at least a little bit of mercy before he brings his hand back around, rests his fingers against the base of Bojan’s spine. He lets his eyes wander over the table. Jan is only holding two cards now. Bojan is still holding four.
Kris dips his fingers under the waistband of Bojan’s pants, then the waistband of his briefs. Bojan tenses. Kris doesn’t stop. He pushes down a little further, his middle finger now resting over the dip of Bojan’s ass.
“One card left.” Jan announces on his turn.
“What- How?” Bojan stares down at his own cards, his finger worrying the corner of a “+2” card he’s holding. He’s trying so hard to stay focussed. Kris dips his middle finger between Bojan’s cheeks and Bojan straightens his back like he’s got hit by lightning. When Kris keeps shooting innocent looks around the table, he can almost see the pity on Nace’s face when the other places down a red “+2”.
Kris’s finger finds Bojan’s hole and Bojan’s breath hitches. He shivers. Kris pushes down, just lightly, but it’s enough for a small noise to escape Bojan’s throat, quiet enough that Kris is sure he’s the only one to hear it. Bojan draws two cards. Kris grins victorious.
Jure places a red four, Jan follows with a red zero.
“Uno!” he declares and the table cheers. Kris pulls back his hand and leans back on the sofa, away from Bojan.
Bojan gapes at Jan’s last card on the stack, as if they had somehow personally betrayed him. His head flies around to glare at Kris.
“You-” he starts and Kris shrugs.
“Well, that’s a bummer,” Kris says, purposely nonchalant. “I always thought the blue one really compliments my eyes.”
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mitamicah · 7 months
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Jure being a cat blowing bubbles and other sheenanigans during Novi Val at House of Culture, Helsinki 3.3 2024
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kaarijazineofficial · 4 months
Hei dear Kääryleet!
The month of june has come, and so we have two announcements for you!
For the first one: It has now been a month since the zines that were preordered were shipped. If you haven't received it by now, there is a good chance that it may have been delayed or lost in the post. (From what I've noticed, this is a common thing if you are from the US, unfortunately.) You should have received an email about that already, but if you haven't received your zine, please contact the team at [email protected] with your order number.
The second announcement is a lot more fun!
If you wanted to get a full deck of boyfriend cards, you can now buy them on a print on demand website! The deck has three energy cards and the original 22 cards, plus ELEVEN new ones who were added by our wonderful artists :) You will now be able to find people like Jure and Kris from Joker out, Jaakko, Allu, and even more people in the deck!
Get yours here!
For people who have chosen to get their zines in person, they are all packed and ready to come with Bison in Finland next month!
See you next time friends <3
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incorrectjokerout · 1 month
Nace:What’s wrong?
Nace:You look 10 seconds away from ripping someone’s throat out.
Kris:Fucking Jure and Bojan were trying to invoke one of the minor gods again last night.
Kris:I didn't get an ounce of sleep, thanks to their fucking chanting.
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anxious-witch · 8 months
Okay. Long awaited analysis of Jure's pictures. As always, this is entirely subjective and I don't claim to be 100% right about ny interpretations. Apologies if I am a bit scatterbrained, I just had to write this today despite vibrating out if my skin.
Anyway, let's get to it
So I went ahead and rearranged the pictures in a way that I think fit together.
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We start off with these two(sorry for blurryness, it just turned out like this when I cropped them). But funnily enough, I think we have Jure as the opposite of everyone else. Where the rest seemed to gain protection and safety from clothes, I feel like Jure feels stiffled by them.
In these two, he looks most lonely and disconnected than in any other photos from the photoshoot. In the first one, he is in a position akin to the one we saw him before, in that box. Like a cat lounging on the floor. But he is looking away, giving a picture a sense of loneliness, of disconnection. And even before we see him with a cigarette in picture two, there is an ash tray to indicate the smoking.
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Then immediately following is this. Jure begins to take off his clothes, his pants and underwear pulled down messily, he is pulling his sweater up. He is still smoking here, but he is also looking directly at the camera. His eyes are frame by a dark eyeliner.
When I was looking at the pictures for the first time, I didn't get the connection until I saw this picture. I am gonna jump the gun and say that I think this set is literally meant to serve as a seduction. Who did they vote for the most likely to sleep with a fan? Jure. Who said hookup when everyone else said relationship? Jure again.
My interpretation is, as crude as it sounds, is that he is connecting with the viewer here through sex and seduction.
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Here we have this again. He is only in his underwear and wearing a jacket. I'd even go as far to speculate that it's not meant to be his jacket. Because he is looking to feel closer to the person he is seducing. He'll put on makeup and their clothes, all for the show, all to be seen and to seduce. And I think that's what this photoshoot is, a way for Jure to be seen in a new light.
Interstingly, he seems to have mostly open body language so far in all pictures. In this one he seems slightly more closed off, with his knees pulled closer to his chest and his arm resting on top of them.
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Then in this set, we have what I like to think of as "the morning after". There is no makeup, there is no clothes. Jure looks almost superior in the first picture. He reminds of Roman Emperor reclining.
Romans used to have parties, usually reserved only for men, where the position you got on the reclining bed could speak of your position. Here we have Jure alone, in the center. This is his moment and he is completely relaxed, completely in power. He isn't shying away from the camera, there is not shyness due to his almost naked state. Like someone would, after a suceesful seduction.
In the second picture, that's even more openly expressed. His head is fully turned to the camera, his eyes even more intense. It's as if he is inviting us in, drawing us closer. I can't tell if there is a different balnket altogether or if it's shifted and the end of it seems like a slightly different material.
Either way, I can't see anything but him pulling a lover closer once again.
Third picture is....well. Obviously there are certainly other interpretations, but to go with the obvious, Jure seems to be very open here, even has his eyes closed and that paired up with the way his body is positioned implies pleasure to me. Which once again plays into the whole set being about seduction, and about connection that he seems to gain from physical closeness.
In all three pictures, Jure is wearing a chain necklace around his neck. Interestingly enough, he doesn't wear them in the first set. Perhaps implying this is something new he decided to adorn himself with? Or a steel he wears underneath?
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Then we have shirtless Jure, and an reappearance if a chain necklace. He is even openly acknowledging the necklace by touching it. With the addition of Damon's quote: "your art intertwined with my art", I think we can once again reaffirm this is a new way Jure wants to be seen. He is an art all of his own, even when surrouded by the art of the rest of his bandmates, he gets to be a central piece in this one. Yet-in the two pictures on the right, he has closed off body language.
Perhaps he is still unsure of the new role he wants. His gaze is softer, less intense. He is letting us take him in as he is. Which is clearly difficukt for him, hence mire closed off body language but none the less, he is still showing us that.
As always, feel free to add in on these, I feel like I missed on a lot of things bc of everything they dropped on us today but damn. I love this photoshoot sm
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jokeroutsubs · 1 year
Joker Out between dreams and reality (Val 202: Music 202) - Part 1: Bojan and Jan
Today, 3.08.2023, Slovenian national radio station Val 202 broadcasted a recent interview with Joker Out members Bojan Cvjetićanin and Jan Peteh. Below is the translation of the interview, which you can listen in the audio file above, or on this direct link.
Interviewer: Joker Out, the five-man band that sent Slovenia into a frenzy and is well on their way to sending Europe into a frenzy too. After their Eurovision performance in Liverpool, a lot of doors opened to Bojan, Kris, Jan, Nace and Jure. And Joker Out are stepping through all of them with decisive steps. Massive crowds at their concerts at home and abroad, concerts until the end of the year in Serbia, Croatia, Poland, Scandinavia that sold out in minutes, and crowds of dedicated fans around the world who seem to know all the lyrics by heart, even though Slovenian is far from familiar to them. I talked about all that with Bojan Cvjetićanin and Jan Peteh, two of the founding members of Joker Out. To start with, I asked them whether they’re living their dreams.
Jan: Fortunately, we're living more than our dreams, we’re living our lives. Bur what’s happening right now was still a dream not so long ago, yeah.
Bojan: I passed the Museum of Modern Art yesterday and saw that they currently have an exhibition called “Don’t dream your dreams”, so… it’s better to live them.
How are you absorbing everything that’s happening right now? A Slovenian band that’s, let’s say, more “midstream”, has never managed to do what you’re doing right now. Are you watching that with excitement, wonder, maybe even fear?
Bojan: Yeah, it all definitely caught us a little unawares. It’s true that everything that’s happening now was absolutely our aspiration when we decided that we wanted to go to Eurovision this year. And what we secretly and not-so-secretly wanted really came true. But I’d say that you cannot be prepared for all that to really happen. It’s truly crazy to follow these moments when we announce a concert abroad in some city, often in cities we’ve never even been to, and before we can even all post “juhuhu”, it’s sometimes already sold out, so… I mean, damn.
Jan: Never in my life could I have imagined that I’d see a full venue in Glasgow or London sing our songs in Slovenian, so moments like that are definitely the highlight of every week and month. But then there’s a big contrast when you come from that somewhat surrealistic experience into the quiet of your own home, and you’re at home for a few hours. Because you don’t know if this is real life or just a dream, or if you’re shifting between them. So it’s unusual, but… I’m enjoying it immensely.
Jan has pointed out that even abroad, fans sing Joker Out songs in Slovenian. After one of their recent concerts in the UK, I saw a comment on social media that went something like this: “I didn’t understand a word, but that was the best concert in my life.”
Jan: That’s what Bojan says at the start of every concert, “prepare to not understand a word for the next hour and a half.” But people are screaming, enjoying themselves. And some even pretend to understand the songs, even though they probably don’t.
Bojan: Well, that’s the main point of music, right? Music is special exactly because you don’t have to understand it, you just have to feel it. But it is weird for us because we’re not used to this happening with Slovenian language. Especially because… really from the moment we started making music, everyone was telling us that first of all, with Slovenian you can’t even make it in Slovenia, second of all, absolutely no way you could make it in the Balkans, and we’re not even going to talk about breaking into other foreign countries.
Bojan says that even with the upcoming songs, and hence with the new third album, they will not forget their mother tongue. Especially because they recognise you can achieve a lot even if you don't sing exclusively in English. Their ambition to tell an even bigger story, to expand to larger venues and to have a new, larger fan base is turning things around.
Bojan: As you mentioned in the beginning, we are a mainstream band. In mainstream music it is always a good idea to include the masses and make your music easily accessible to them. We have witnessed an initial push of interest after Eurovision, with some fans genuinely drawn to us as musicians. They're really, really committed to learning the material, because they want to come to the gigs and enjoy themselves. They're taking it to the max and that's phenomenal. And it's also our aspiration to grow. After all, writing songs in different languages is, by definition, a kind of musical experiment.
Kris (in the background): And a challenge.
Bojan: Yes, absolutely a challenge. We're not setting off to write the third album as an English only album, of course. We've decided that we want to do a multilingual album, it will absolutely include Slovene, Serbian and English, and hopefully include some Spanish and French language as well. That is something we want to play with.
Not only Slovenian and English, the other languages represent a challenge as well, say Joker Out. Speaking of the third album, it's already, let's say, marinating, in the making. Joker Out is also a band that has not suffered the so-called curse of the second album. It was, dare I say it, was even better than the debut. Are you concerned about the possible third album curse?
Jan: Our Demons have obviously defeated the curse of the second album. As for the progress of the third album, we recently had our first really creative rehearsals since December, when we were working on Carpe Diem in Hamburg. From then on, we've accumulated so much creative potential, that it simply poured out of us during those few rehearsals. Now each time we get to our rehearsal space, our need to create becomes so intense that I think if we keep this up, we won't have to worry about the demons of the third album either.
As Jan points out, they are not lacking in creative inspiration. Bojan agrees, adding that in recent months they have often been 'emotionally shocked'. This means that emotions have boiled up and things that they were not used to before have been happening, which made it difficult to process certain situations. Last week, Joker Out parted ways with one of the members of their core team, who found himself under an avalanche of criticism, especially on social media, for inappropriate behaviour. The news of the termination of the collaboration was followed by many thanks from fans that the band members had not only heard the message, but had also taken action about it.
Bojan: Yes. We have really had a very, very complex situation that we have always hoped would never happen to us, but as we said in the statement, we hope and believe that it will never happen again. What has happened was that one of our team members has created an unpleasant atmosphere with our fans, with our listeners, in a repetitive, how shall I say... Pattern. He often chose the wrong words, and this in turn led to many feeling, I would say, unpleasant, uncomfortable. Both at our concerts and on social media. And that is something that is absolutely unacceptable for us. We have always tried to put 1000% positive energy out at our concerts and share it with people, and the people also gave that energy back to us, so any disruption of that process is, as I said, unacceptable to us. And we absolutely had to say goodbye to this member.
The singer of Joker Out says it was the right decision and the band stands by it, adding that they have learned a lot from this experience. If nothing else, they have realized the true power of social media. They have learnt that it can bring a lot of good things, but there are also a lot of bad things that you can't be prepared for.
Bojan: I have to say that, yes, I've withdrawn from social media now, because I want to make this album under positive influences, not negative influences, and really, on social media I feel like I'm trapped in a world that I don't really want to be trapped in. So, yeah, for example, let's say two days ago, I was really negatively shocked, or affected by a moment when... We had a concert in Ptuj, which was a really specific experience, because I was having a panic attack on stage for an hour and a half, and I was just thinking about whether or not I was going to faint or not. I don't know why, whether it was the air, whether it was too much coffee, or what happened, but it really wasn't a pleasant concert for me, so within 20 minutes after the show I was rushing home, right. But on Twitter there was this post, some girl who said that I... that some security guard or somebody on my behalf invited her backstage after the concert. Which, whoever was there, including the organiser, knows wasn't even remotely true, because as soon as I got out of the shower, hands shaking, I got into the van and went home, sitting next to Nace, bag in hand, so as not to throw up right there in the car. So, there are some things we are not prepared for. There are dimensions that are a whole new world for us.
In the second part of the interview with Joker Out on "Val 202" (name of the radio station, "Wave 202"), we're sticking to departures and leaving. Joker Out is a group where two band members were replaced in the past seven years. The drummer Matic was replaced with Jure and the bassist Martin with Nace. That's why I am interested in how replacements influence the group or rather the ahmosphere in the group. A music group has to breathe as one. Jan says that each member brings a different energy to the team. He's convinced that one half of the first album and the whole second album would have sounded totally different if the drummer Jure hadn't joined them.
Jan: At this point, I'm simply happy that it happened, and it goes for Nace as well. Because now, I can hardly imagine two better persons for this band or better friends.
Jure (in the background): Awww!
Bojan: The fact is, members leaving a band is definitely a very difficult thing. We've had five members in the band since its creation. And as Jan said, when the energy changes, the balance that was there gets disrupted. Now there are only two possible scenarios. One is that the new energy is less suitable for the collective and the whole balance is brought down. Or that it is more positive and elevates the whole thing. I believe the universe helped us somehow; in both cases the energies that joined us, pushed us into new realms of creativity, positivity, literally everything in a very short time. So, I know that everything happened here just the way it had to happen. Even if you ask Martin, who just left the band, because he wanted to pursue another path in his life. You can ask him now, I know, because I live with him, because we are roommates. He is the luckiest man because, in the same short time that we have started branching out in new directions, his personal spheres have taken off in the best possible way, and he is, as we say, kicking ass. We can say that by 2023, everything that went on has happened as it should have.
Everything happened like it was supposed to happen, says Bojan. Also in Liverpool on the Eurovision stage. Barely three months later, Joker Out are living the life they could have only dreamed about. Masses of fans, sold out concerts and a feeling that only the sky is the limit. Is the current success partly or solely due to Eurovision, that's our next topic.
Bojan: It's absolutely not just a consequence of what happened in Liverpool because that was just one big catalyst for everything that we've been doing as a band since the beginning. (It also has to do with) how we dealt with Liverpool. Because what is happening today, as I said, was planned. We didn't know to what extent it was going to be realized, but it was a plan. Liverpool has made a difference for us in a way that no other night in this world can make because it has literally brought us, in one night, bizarre numbers of new audiences that we could not have imagined before. So, in one sense, yes, that is what Eurovision did for us; we cannot deny it. But on the other hand, it was us who did it.
Jan: In harmony, Eurovision and Joker Out, hand in hand.
Bojan: Together forever Joker Out, hand in hand.
Jan: *singing* # Together forever #
Together forever. Behind the group Joker Out is 7 years of creating. For the very end, a question, where do they see themselves in 7 years.
Jan: Now I've had a couple of people ask me recently how do you handle it when there's so much going on. To me, it seems like a primary school experience, where every year, the new grade is a little bit harder, but you're also evolving from the previous years. So, if we were thrown from zero to where we are now, we wouldn't even know where to begin. We have quite a bit of experience behind us now. It's a very steep road, exponentially growing, mathematically speaking, and I'm glad that we are at a point where nobody is confining us to a certain determined path that we should follow, but it's all up to our own volition. Whatever we decide to do, we will do, and I think that we can be very happy about this kind of artistic freedom. So, I'm also very excited and eagerly awaiting to see where this will take us.
Bojan: Here, Jure is suggesting that in 7 years we'll be doing Wembley. There was an idea that we should book Wembley now for the year 2030 and we release the tickets today. It would be the first concert in the world, where the tickets would be sold 7 years in advance. Then we'll wait and see what happens. If something will happen, it'll happen; if not ... it will get canceled due to illness.
All: (laughter)
Translation cr: @kurooscoffee, @beeoftheanxieties, drumbeat, +2 anonymous jokeroutsubs members
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