#just Conner rambles guys
aaronymous999 · 1 year
All my homies hate Spider-Man stories that cure the person bit’s disabilities/conditions right away. Especially the glasses thing. Like how cool would it be if it didn’t and he had to engineer his prescriptions into his spidey suit??
Also personally my Spider-Sona is the complete other way around, bro had to wear glasses after being bit because the species that bit him is known for poor eyesight. Also bro literally has four eyes. Lol.
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pixel-axel · 1 month
can tumblr stop showing me gay porn and near naked men please
thank you
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acid-ixx · 3 months
I hope you don’t mind but I need to ramble this to someone, neglected Wayne reader right? The fam would forget to bring them to social events and whatnot right? So there would be very few pictures, articles and interviews or even facts about them, meaning that reader Wayne is a rarity. Still following me? Reader Wayne with a small but devout fanbase.
I’m talking they are trading the latest pictures and sharing links to the rare interview with reader in it, following any social media they have that isn’t private, they are just fascinated by this micro celebrity that seems to always be forgotten. Okay but also imagine one of the heroes developing a para-social attachment to reader. My money is on Conner Kent, mainly bc he can project his own issues with his dads onto reader and he can Dolores ~Encanto~ reader with his super hearing and develop a even bigger parasocial obsession with them
I hope you enjoyed this ramble, I will leave you be now, see ya later alligator! 🐊
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omg another one of my asks that actually predicted a major plot point... this ask ties well with the last part written here. i'm thinking about having the reader get a love interest/s but i have already written an outline but one thing is for sure—
you have more than just your family interested in taking you.
major spoilers below the cut. — an excerpt from chapter xx
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(name) wayne may have been a name forcefully deleted off of the face of the internet, but that doesn't mean it doesn't have its conspiracies of its own. nobody knows who you are beyond the blurry, unsolicited pictures of you. it may have been a photograph of your back, or articles published in unknown websites and buried at the far end about a kid entering through the fancy gates of the wayne manor.
you are a product of a one-night-stand.
but they don't know who the mother is, don't know your age, or where you come from, and what business bruce has with the woman to guarantee your adoption at the instance she had disappeared without warning.
your existence was a mystery most would like to solve. after all, it was your picture that was plastered all over the newspapers and articles, it was your name that journalists whisper and it was a silhouette of your face that the underground knows by heart. every known information about you was shared discretely yet efficiently like some sort of virus.
you were a target for interest, a large sum of money if they will. and alfred had taken it in his hands to make sure there would never be a repeat of what had happened before.
it was a clumsy mistake, one that cost you your memories, and one he swears on his life he'll never make again.
the first course of action he needs to arrange, which may seem difficult for most; he needs to confront bruce.
after all, your freedom is your doom.
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maybe this is out of the picture, but id' like to imagine you and connor having a therapy session where one comes out absolutely obsessed with the other, and it's not you.
connor's character for me is so, so good for an angst potential. it's like his personal struggles is a way for him to show you how absolutely you two are meant to be. and he may have met you through bumping into you (false) or maybe... he has seen you stalking through the shadows back when he visits the manor. using his superhearing, he can hear your voice from the kitchen begging alfred to relay a message to bruce, sounding so absolutely desperate. it's the way you tell alfred how you wished your father actually spends time with you, or how nobody seems to notice you— that he kind of just makes a silent promise that he will talk to you soon, he needs to know why this family seems so keen on ignoring and how hypocritical tim is for literally doing the same thing to you when he's aware of kon's past.
if he (or anyone else) should be a love interest (though he is a minor character in the series unless you guys want him to be a major one), i can already imagine the absolute hell you have to suffer not only from your family but from your own lover. just imagine the stockholm syndrome or the delusions you convince yourself with because you're finally loved by someone but that love restricts you from the very freedom you tried to build.
the batfamily would be so conflicted because why are you choosing some stranger over them...? then you slap them in the face with, "well, this "stranger" wants to kidnap me and lock me up, sure! but at least they actually looked at me for more than five seconds!" and you can watch how the color drains off their face, their conflict giving you the perfect opportunity to run away from both your ex-family and your soon-to-be-kidnapper-lover who thinks your comeback is a funny way for you to propose.
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tootalltech · 2 months
Nine People I’d Like to Get to Know Better
ty to @vxyablr for tagging me! i’m sorry we haven’t talked in a while, i still haven’t finished suits 😔😔😔 but maybe i will once moved into my dorm and everything…
Currently watching: modern family! i haven’t watched as much the past week or so but i started it like a couple months ago maybe? and i’m on season 11. so.
Spicy/sweet/savory: savory. this is funny because for some reason i was just thinking about this last night. but i will always prefer snacks like that… unless it’s after drinking gymnema tea. which i have had to do. don’t do this.
Current obsession: good question. probably dnd (like specifically the campaign i have going with my friends) and also tlos. it’s never not time for me to be insane about lloyd and conner bailey.
Relationship status: married to lloyd bailey (single and in too much of a transitional phase to even really be looking rn)
Last song I listened to: mothman by alex maas and UNEQUAL
as for who i’m no pressure tagging it’s tlos mutual round up time @does-not-have-milk @fourayedasshole @theenemyod @tinyattack09 @ivy-is-chaos (i think that’s why i started following you? but i actually am not 100% sure) ik not all of you guys post primarily about tlos but i genuinely love seeing posts about the other stuff you guys are interested in currently, never change <3 and also @flock-of-cassowaries @letsunity @skyyguy and @prfury i don’t necessarily talk as much with all of you guys but i love seeing all the stuff you all put on my dash as well whether ramblings about hannibal or frustrating workplaces <3 and also as usual tagging anyone who wants to do this!
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writing-blog-iguess · 4 months
Online Matchup 10
Summery: it’s been two months since Christmas, and there is a bit of distance between Jason and Y/N. but not to worry, Stephanie Brown is on the case!
Warning: swearing, fluff and sprinkle of angst if you squint I think?
Tag-list: @teapartydreams
Parts: ao3 series master list
Feedback is always welcome!
March 2
Unknown (5:30 am)
Are you guys still together?
Did something happen between you and Jason?
Do I need to kick his ass?
Do need to kick your ass?
What are you talking about?
And who even is this?
Please I just need to know if there’s something wrong
Your my favourite couple
And I haven’t seen Jason this happen in a long time
I need to know
Who is this?
How did you get my number?
Did Jason give it to you?
Did Conner?
But you didn’t get an answer. Sticking out your tongue, you set the phone down as you flopped back onto the bed. There weren't a lot of people who had your number, and the ones that do won’t give it away.
Rubbing your face, you thought back but no one came to mind. There was Tim, but you gave him the benefit of the doubt. He wouldn't do that to you twice. Would he? Groaning, you weren't sure anymore.
Before you could ponder anymore your phone started to ring. Groaning you palmed for your phone and answered it without glancing at the ID.
"You still haven't answered my questions?" the person said the minute the call went through furrowing your eyebrows, you pulled the phone away to see who called. It was the same number who had texted earlier.
"How the hell did you get my number?" you asked once the phone was back ear to your ear.
"Not important," she waved away your concern. "What is important is what happened between you and Jason."
"No. Whatever is between me and Jason is none of your business."
"It is, if he’s my brother." she shot back. Covering your eyes with your free hand and sighed. There's only one person you could think of who would be ballsy enough to confront you. Granted, you met her once and that was through a video chat. Through Jason. But you could tell they mean the world to each other. Even though Jason doesn't show it, you could tell.
"Stephanie," you said, cutting her rambling off. "If Tim gave you my number I swear.”
“What? No, I went through Jason’s phone for your number. And I have to say, your conversations are wild.”
“I swear to god.”
“I didn’t read all of it. I just wanted to know when was the last time you guys talked. And that was Valentine's day. I am not counting that, by the way. You guys just said thanks. Lame, not really a conversation. The real conversation was at Christmas."
“Has it been that long since we talked?" you asked in wonder, and thought back to what happened.
"Yeah, so? What happened between the two of you?"
“Been busy I guess. With school and work.” That was a lie and you know it. Apparently, you weren’t the only one. Staphanie scoffed and you winced.
“Don’t give me the same bullshit Jason gave me,” she said, “every time we’d ask, he’d say that or change the topic. Please can you give me the real reason?”
“So you can fix it?”
“So I can understand,” she stressed. “Jason was the happiest when he was talking to you. Now he just mopes around and snapping at everyone.”
Guilt churned in your stomach at the realization that not talking affected him. To tell the truth, it affected you just as much. And it felt like too much time had passed to start again. Too afraid he wasn’t interested in you.
“So? What happened at Christmas?” Stephanie asked again, and you wondered where her patience came from. You dropped your hand from your face and sighed. It was no use, she was going to get it out of you one way or the other. You caved.
“He came to Metropolis after he called. So he spent the night. I, uh, woke him up from a nightmare and he didn’t react well.”
“What’d he do?”
“He attacked me I guess,” you answered, subconsciously rubbing your neck. The bruises had faded but for a while you were wearing scarfs and other clothing to hide them. Your friends had made fun of you for it, and you didn’t have the heart to tell them the truth.
Yeah. Later he told me the story of how he died. Well, not the full story. Just said it was an accident and he was dead for a while.”
“But he told you about the pit?”
That had sent you into a rabbit hole when you got home. When Jason had dropped you off at home you couldn't stop replaying your conversation and being curious you went online trying to find everything there was to know what the Lazarus pit was, and the group of assassins. Naturally it just gave you verses from the bible, and could find nothing on the League of Assassins.
Not one to back down from a challenge, you went diving into the dark web. There, you got all the information you wanted and plus some. The only downside was that you got someone's attention. Wanting to know more you followed the person and immediately closed the laptop.
You nearly destroyed your computer when you followed the single.
Not wanting Batman to find anything on you wiped it and just used it for school. Well not before creating a backdoor to Batman's computer. Who knows, maybe you'll need some information that only Batman has.
"Are you scared of him?” Steph asked, voice quiet. "Because then I get why there's radio silence from your end."
"And Jason’s end?" you asked not sure if you wanted to know the answer to.
"Sort of. He's scared of losing you. So he's keeping his distance. Waiting for you to stop pushing. He thinks it worked. Which makes him stupid, because he likes you and shouldn't do shit like that.”
"And I'm not helping.”
"And you're not helping."
"Okay. Okay, I have a plan. But it's going to take me a couple of hours "
"Ooh, tell me."
“Just going to do some baking.”
"Can I have brownies?"
"Only if you tell me what everyone else's favourite baked goods are."
"What? Boo, you shouldn't, they were going to come and bombard you. I talked them down."
"If you want your brownies, tell me.”
"Oh, I see why he likes you. Fine. But get my brownies first.”
You laughed, and grabbed a notebook and pen to write down your list. After your phone call with Stephanie, you made a list of the things that you need.
Quickly getting changed, you grabbed your keys and wallet, and left for the grocery store. An hour later, you were panting slightly in your apartment with grocery bags around your feet. You wondered slightly if you were going over bored. But waved the thought away.
Once gaining your breath, you began your baking mission.
Stephanie (10:30am)
How's it going?
There's a chance I might have gone overboard.
*A picture of all types of cookies, pies, cakes, and scones scattered around the kitchen.*
Holy shit.
I don't know what happened
One minute I'm making cookies, the next I come to and this is all made
I don't see brownies
*An imagine of brownies baking in the oven*
I've made two different types
If things don't work out with Jason
I'm available
I'll keep that in mind.
So, how are you going to bring that to Jason’s?
Is he home?
Uh, like me check
He is not, he’s at Bruce’s
I thought he hated spending time there
He sort of does?
What does that even mean?
It means that he mopes around the house
And Dick told him to go home it all he was going to do is mope
Jason said he would rather be where people are than at home
So! How are you going to bring me my brownies?
I think the fuck not
Then what do you suggest?
I'm so glad you asked
I have regrets
Dick is going to be around your place in an hour.
You didn't have get him to do that
What? He's my brother
Plus he wants those cookies
Not your brownie?
No, those are mine
And I will throw hands with anyone who thinks they can steal them.
Remind me not to come between you and your brownies
I don't want you to learn the hard way.
I like you.
I like you too.
Enough to leave Jason for me?
No, you'll just use me for my brownies.
So, can Dick come by?
You're not going to take no for an answer
Oh you know me so well
I've known you for a day, if even that.
Who says friendship can't form so quickly?
Wait, did you say an hour?
Make it two
An hour won't be enough time
You still have things to bake?
No, after the brownies are done, I need to let them cool before packing them up
Plus I need to shower and change.
I smell so bad all sweaty and stuff
I think I have flour up my nose
That is to much info
I thought we were friends?
We are
Were just not that close yet
Mm. See you in a couple of hours.
You and three others have been added to a group chat.
Something that actually makes sense, sometimes
Real smooth Conner
What the fuck is this?
I didn’t consent to this group chat
Answer the question y/n
Unknown number
Yeah Y/N
Answer the question
Who the fuck are you?
Unknown number
Jay’s best friend
Who the fuck are you?
You’ll have to ask him
Conner? What the fuck?
Oh, yeah that’s Roy Harder
He’s in Star City and Jason’s friend
Ellie, I’m going to kill your boyfriend
Yeah that’s fair
It was Connors idea
I told him not do it
Apparently he didn't listen
How could you?
Betrayed by my own girlfriend
Not sure what you expected
Whatever we have more pressing matters to talk about
Yeah, it’s a matter of life and death
Have you been talking to Tim?
Don't worry about it
I'm going to kill him
Please answer him
He wouldn't shut up about you and Jason
No we didn't break up
Just I don't know
Not sure what happened but in fixing it
Don't worry
I will worry about it
Jason deserves the world
Two hours later, there was a knock on the door. "It's open!" you called from the kitchen. From your place at the sink, you listened as the door opened and closed. Light footsteps made their way through your apartment, and soon their owner stood at the doorway.
"Do you always have the door unlocked?" Dick asked, thumb pointing over his shoulder.
You glanced at him with a shrug and turned back to your dishes. "No. I keep it unlocked when I know someone's coming over and when I'm busy that I can't answer the door."
"You still should have it locked.” he said with a frown, "you live in Gotham.”
"Ya but nothing happened yet.”
"Yet being the key word." You made a face but didn't answer. "So, want to tell me what's going on between you and Jason?"
"No, not unless you want cookies.”
"Shutting up now," he said, with a smile.
“That's what I thought. Now, help me with all this,” you said, putting the last dish away and gesturing at four bags of baked goods.
Dick whistled lowly as he looked through the bags. "Steph wasn't kidding when she said you went a bit overboard.”
"What can I say? I wanted to make an impression.”
“Yeah, but isn't this to much for Jason?" Dick asked grabbing two bags as you grabbed the other two. He followed you through the apartment, and watched with amusement as you struggle reaching for your keys that were in your pockets. You made a sound of victory when you pulled them out.
"Oh no, this isn't all for Jason. He has his own container of sweets,” you reply, turning around to your door and locked it. "See, locked." You said pointedly.
"Doesn't count, you're not even in there. You're leaving," he counted, you stuck your tongue out and made your way to the elevator. "Okay, then who are the rest for?" he asked turning the conversation back to the baked goods.
"You, your brothers, sisters, Bruce, Alfred and whoever else lives there.”
"Even for the dogs, cat, cow and bat?" You paused and looked at him as if he grew an extra head. The way he said bat told you there some washing more to that, and you’re not entirely sure you wanted to know.
"You have a pet bat? And cow?”
"It's a long story."
"Yeah, I don't think I want to know," you said, and turned back to the elevator. You both stepped in once it opened. After pressing the ground floor button you answered his question, “no, but if they're the jealous type then I can pick some treats from the store since I need to get something anyways. What do you get a bat and a cow anyways?"
"No idea, Damien is usually the one to fees them,” Dick replied with a shrug. "What do you need at the store?”
"Tea," is all that you said.
“Jason doesn't drink tea,” Dick pointed out as he stepped out of the elevator and made his way through the parking garage to his car. You followed close behind and shrugged.
"I know," you said, sniffing. "Doesn't mean I still can't get it. Do you mind?" Dick studied you for a minute, and you did your best not to fidget.
"Sure, but only because I'm curious."
"Sure Jan." Dick laughed and loaded the bags in the car. Once the two of you were seated and buckled, you told him which store. To which he proceeded to look at you in surprise, saying that it was an expensive store. "I know, but I also know what I can and can't afford"
"I guess you do," he mumbled and pulled out of the parking garage.
As Dick drove through traffic, you made idle chatter, talking about everything to nothing you could think of, when silence fell between the two of you, you debated on asking a question. Before you could, he pulled to a stop in front of the store.
“Thanks, I'll be back in a few," you said and left the car before he could say anything. You browsed through the store until you found what you wanted, and within minutes you were sitting beside Dick "See? I didn't take to long"
“No kidding, '' he said and pulled out into traffic. "Usually people take long when they say it won't take long.”
"I mean yeah but I knew where to find it."
"Plus you want to see Jason."
"Plus I want to see- hey! Don't put words into my mouth," you said, poking his arm. Dick raised an eyebrow at you. Slumping into your seat like a chid getting scolded, you signed. "Okay. So I want to see Jason. I miss him, sue me”
“And get my ass beat by him? I'm good," he said, and you snorted.
“This coming from the guy who almost fought a couch? I'm sure you could win.”
"Are you betting against your boyfriend?"
"I didn't say that!”
"Mm sounds like you're implying it," Dick teased, you stuck your tongue out and shrugged.
"Why'd Steph ask you to drive me?" you asked, changing the topic. Dick snorted and shook his head. "I could have just taken a taxi or something,"
"Yeah but she doesn't really trust public transportation," he answered, "it was either me or Alfred. And I don't think you'd like a limo drive up at your place." You winced at the thought. "Yeah that's what Steph thought too.”
"Okay, but why you?" you asked, ignoring his hurt pout he sent you. "You don't live in Gotham, and yet you seem to be always here. At least when I talk to Jason."
"I'm here on the weekends, but sometimes my job brings me here." You gave him a confused look and thought back to your conversation with Jason a while back.
"Oh right. You're a detective."
"You don't have to sound like it's a lame job," he pouted.
"I'm not saying that. I just forgot that’s all." You two lapsed into silence for a moment before you posed your question. "Did you ever find the missing college students?"
"Yup. It ended up being a human trafficking ring."
"Yikes. Did they find every one?"
"Yeah. some were a little hurt and traumatized but nothing too serious."
"That's good" you murmured, "I'm glad their okay."
"They should be thanking you," Dick said, turning right. "You were the one to bring it to the cops attention."
"All I did was talk to Jason. Asked if he could talk to you about it," you said, shrugging.
"Yeah but without you it could have been a lot worse.” You didn't have anything to say to that, so you stayed quiet.
With the conversation coming to a close and no other topics came up, you spent the rest of the drive looking out the window in silence. You liked Dick, but it wasn’t the same as talking to Jason.
With Jason, it didn’t feel like he was judging you. He encouraged some of your ideas and help spark others. He wasn’t afraid to call you out on your bull, and told you the things that you needed to hear.
With Dick, you had a sense that he was holding back. Like he was afraid to say the wrong thing that would make you run away.
Which was absurd, given what you know about Jason and all the research you’ve done after Christmas. It wasn’t going to make you run then, so whatever he wants to say won’t make you run now.
Granted, the two of you haven’t talked since Christmas, and you can admit that you needed time to process everything. But this all could have been avoided if you told Jason that you needed a minute. It also didn’t help that Jason pulled away too.
But you were going to rectify that starting today.
Dick pulled to a stop, bringing you out of your thoughts. You blinked in surprise at how big the Wayne Manor actually was, and wondered if it was possible to get lost in it.
Dick laughed and you turned to him confused. “It’s possible to get lost, trust me.”
“Good to know,” you mumbled, flushing that you’ve said that out loud. Quickly getting out of the car, you grabbed the bags from the back seat.
Before you could even walk towards the door, it opened and Stephanie came bounding towards you. “Brownies!”
“Steph! Wait!” But it was too late, she tackled you into a hug and the two of you tumbled to the ground. You grunted at the impact, and watched as the bags fell to the ground around you.
“Oops,” she said as she looked at the bags. “Sorry.”
“If I would have known you’d tackle me, I wouldn’t have gotten them out of the car,” you said, waving away her worry. “No worries. I should have seen it coming.”
"So," Stephanie said, arms and your neck as she leaned in with a knowing smile. One that you didn't trust one bit. "Brownies?" The question startled a laugh out of you, and you shoved her off of you.
"Help me bring them inside and you can have them,” you answered, and she jumped up and offered you a helping hand. Which you took.
"I can do that," she said, grabbing a bag or two.
"You know, if I didn't know better I would have guessed the two of you were dating,” Dick said in amusement, watching the two of you from where he stood. You laughed and shoved a bag into his arms.
"She only wishes,” you said, threading an arm through Stephanie’s.
"Damn right I do." She laughed and the three of you made your way to the house.
As you walked towards the kitchen, Stephanie and Dick chatted while you looked around the house in wonder. This place was huge and more than you could ever afford.
"So, why’d you bake so much?" Dick asked, putting the bags on the counter. You blinked in surprise that you made it to the kitchen without realizing it.
"Don't know," you answered with a shrug. "Felt like doing something nice. And yeah, I'm sure Alfred could do this and it'd taste twice as good, but I figured I could give him a break, you know? Since he’s taking care of a lot of people, the man needs a break."
Silence fell in the room as everyone stared at you in shock. “What? What’d I say?”
"You're like the opposite of Jason," Tim said, breaking the silence. "I am unsure what you see in him." You blinked and looked up from your unpacking and shrugged.
“Guess that's something you'll always have to wonder about," you replied and went back to sorting everything. "Okay. Steph your brownies," you said, pushing two containers towards her.
You winced as she squealed, and hugged them to her. "I have chocolate chips, snicker-doodles, and oatmeal cookies. Apple pie and pecan. And the tea is for Alfred. So if you could tell him that. I would appreciate that," you said as you pointed out the different snacks out to everyone.
"What about Jason?" Stephanie asked, peering into her containers of brownies. "You did this for him right?” You held up a special looking container and smiled when she pouted. "I see how it is. Jason gets the special treatment while us nobodies just get boring."
"You have brownies, but if you have a problem with that then I’ll just take them back," you replied, reaching over the counter as if you were going to take them back. Stephanie pulled the brownies further from you and stuck out her tongue. “That’s what I thought.”
You looked around and frowned when you noticed that Jason wasn't here. “So, where's Jason?" you asked. And your stomach flipped with nerves when the exchanged looks.
"Todd's in the library," Damien answered as he walked in. "He needed a moment before joining us later."
"He doesn't know I'm here, does he?"
"No, I made sure no one told him,” Stephanie replied before stuffing a brownie square into her mouth.
"Cool cool cool cool," you muttered and reached for Jasons container full off sweets. "Mind telling me where it is?"
"I'll show you,” Dick said, already moving to the door. "Like I said, you'll get lost if you don't know where to go."
You nodded and quickly followed him after waving to Stephanie. The walk to the library from the kitchen was silent and you felt there was no need to fill in the silence. Dick motioned towards the door of the library and wished you luck before leaving you alone.
You looked at the door for a minute, your stomach in knots wondering if this was a good idea before you could change your mind you took a deep breath and opened the door. Your jaw dropped at how big the library was, and you wanted to spend time walking through. Wanting to discover what kind of collection Bruce Wayne had. But the need to see Jason outweighed the need to explore.
You walked further into the room and found yourself coming to follow a slight shoring. The closer you walked towards it the louder it became. And soon you found Jason sleeping on a couch in what looked like a reading nook. Your gaze softened as you studied him, before looking for a blanket. Finding one you grabbed his book that was lying on his chest and covered him with the blanket.
You set the container of sweets and his book down before picking a random book from the shelf and sat down willing to wait for him to wake up. Judging by the black bags underneath his eyes, he could use some sleep.
Jason woke up to a soft humming coming from beside him. He groaned and covered his face with a throw pillow. "Steph, I said I wasn't in the mood. Shut up and go away,” the humming stopped, but only because the person he thought was Steph scoffed.
"I don't know whether to be flattered or offended that you see me as your sister.” The voice said and Jason froze at the familiar voice. "But considering I would like to kiss your stupid face, then I'm offended."
Jason peaked over the armrest and blinked in surprise. You were indeed sitting on one of the sofas, peeking over your book hiding the smile he knew was there. "What are you doing here?"
"A little birdie told me that we've been avoiding each other. And I plan to fix that."
Jason made a face. "Was it Tim?"
"No. It was Stephanie," you replied. "You should really keep an eye on your phone.”
"I'm going to kill her," he growled and moved to get up but you were quicker, and pushed him back on the couch. Now sitting beside him, you nuzzled into his side.
"Don't be mad at her," you said, wrapping your arms around his waist. "She cares about you and I'm glad she said something. I'm sorry for being distant for the last two months. It was a lot of process and I guess I needed time. Sorry I didn't say anything. That's on me."
Jason signed, and wrapped his arms around you, while resting his head on you. "I forgive you. I'm sorry too, guess I thought you were too scared or something so I thought l'el let you go." You scoffed and poked his side, smiling when he squirmed.
"Don’t think you’re not getting rid of me that easily," you said, "like I said at Christmas. I trust you no matter what. Besides, I've read some of the stories about the group of assassins. And let me tell you, if those didn't scare me off you wouldn't.”
"Good to know," Jason mumbled, and pulled back when he realized what you said. "What do you mean you've read some stories about them.?" You avoided his gaze and shrugged. “Y/N,” he said and your shoulders dropped.
"So my curiosity got the better of me and I went into a rabbit hole of research."
"I doubt Google would have anything on them," he commented wryly. You nodded and scratched your nose sheepishly
"You would be correct," you said, "on another note. Did you know Batman monitors certain words on the dark web?"
"Please tell me you didn't?" Jason groaned, head falling onto back of the couch exaggerated.
"M’kay I won't."
Jason groaned and closed his eyes. "What am I going to do with you?"
"I don't know, but at least I can keep you on your toes," you answered with a giggle. Jason only grunted. "Anyway, hungry?" Jason cracked an eye open to glance at you questioningly. "What? I did some baking this morning. "
"Why not?" you questioned back and pointed towards the container of sweets on the table beside him. Jason reached over and set it on his lap before opening it.
'That's a lot," he commented as he looked at all the goodies in it. You shorted and reached for a chocolate chip cookie.
"You should see the stuff in the kitchen," you said, taking a bite. "I baked so much it's a bit ridiculous."
"How long were you awake?"
"Uh, I think Steph woke me up around five five-thirty-ish. But I didn't start baking until seven. Don't worry, the ones in the kitchen are for everyone else. These are for you that way you don't have to share. Well, except for me if that's okay."
Jason looked at you in awe as you continued eating your cookie, unaware. "You are amazing," he said, leaning in to kiss your temple. "Have I said that yet?"
"No, but you could say it more often," you said with a smile. Jason only grinned and grabbed a cookie.
"I think that could be arranged."
"Good, and don't you forget it."
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mamawasatesttube · 7 months
For the fic prompts: 52) “I Wouldn’t Change A Thing About You” with the Souperfam? Thinking about them again (<- Guy who’s always thinking about them)
“—in the originals, there were actually five different guys playing Darth Vader! They had the main guy who played him in the full suit, David Prowse, and then his stunt double for a lotta the fight scenes, Bob Anderson, but then his voice was James Earl Jones, obvie. But James didn’t do the breathing! That was another dude named Ben Burtt.”
Across the table, Kon pauses to suck at his milkshake. Kara swings her legs back and forth before hooking her heels back onto the bar on her barstool, humming. He was right; this place has really good fries. And the burgers are solid, too.
“That’s only four guys, though,” she says, counting them off on her salty fingers. “David, Bob, James, and Ben.”
“Yeah! I’m getting there.” Kon grins. He dips one of his fries into the pink swirl of his milkshake (strawberry, because he says he likes everything fruity). Kara wrinkles her nose. That still seems weird to her. But Kon pops it into his mouth, chews, swallows, and continues: “The last guy is Sebastian Shaw. Who was only Vader in two scenes! Although technically you could argue he was never Vader and was only Anakin, if the semantics of that mean anything to you.”
Kara has seen these movies a grand total of once. Very recently. As in, Kon got her to agree to watch all of them this weekend. As in, they finished watching Return of the Jedi about ten minutes before they came here for a late lunch.
“They do not,” she assures.
To her surprise, though, Kon deflates a little. “Oh.” He drops his gaze to the fries left in his basket, then looks up again with a grin that doesn’t seem quite as genuine. “Right, yeah, I’ve been rambling for a while, haven’t I? It’s probably gotta get boring to anyone who doesn’t have these movies literally uploaded into their brain.”
He laughs, but Kara doesn’t join in. She frowns. “I wasn’t telling you to stop,” she objects, and lightly kicks him under the table to accent it. “I was just saying the semantics don’t mean anything to me!” Another kick.
“Stop kicking me,” he pouts, so naturally, she kicks him again. “Linda!”
This time, when her foot connects with his jeans, it freezes in place. Kara gasps, then glares at him. She could probably pull free of his telekinetic grip, but that’d definitely take superstrength, and this diner might not look too kindly on a potential hole in the ceiling. “Let go!”
“Only if you stop kicking me!”
“Then stop pouting and keep telling me movie trivia!”
“You don’t have to say that if you’re getting bored!” Kon huffs. His glasses do nothing to hide the flush on his cheeks. “I know I get rambly sometimes. Blame Cadmus, they’re the ones who made me so good at being annoying.”
He grins again, but Kara’s not buying it. He’s not very slick about hiding that this is an insecurity, is he? He probably thinks he’s being slick. He’s not. It’s endearing.
“I don’t think you’re annoying,” she says honestly. “I like that you get enthusiastic about stuff. I wouldn’t change a thing about you.”
And then, because that’s embarrassingly earnest to say to her cousin while they’re in public, she has to follow it up properly, before she starts blushing too. Lightning-quick, she swipes a finger through his milkshake and dabs a dollop onto the tip of his nose. Ha!
Kon squawks. “Linda!” he protests, face even redder. He scrubs his hand over his nose, then licks the melting milkshake from his palm. “Jeez!”
Kara grins at him. “Your move, Conner.” As a concession, she dips one of her fries into her milkshake (simple and plain vanilla), then pops it into her mouth.
Kon huffs at her and makes a big show of rolling his eyes and scrubbing his face with a napkin. “Uncivilized,” he sniffs. But the telltale soft look in his eyes tells her she’s won, even before he opens his mouth. “Anywhoozies. So after the release of the prequel trilogy, George Lucas decided they needed to do some continuity edits on the originals, and there was a rerelease, and…”
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foamangel · 10 months
౨ৎ ⋆。˚ gingerbread tea | spencer reid - drabble
— word count: 576
summary: Cozy moments spent with Reid has he takes care of your cold.
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⤷ spencer reid x gn!reader
a.n: just fluff to cheer you all up in this cold days. tell me your thoughts down below and don't forget to like and reblog! :))
warnings ! - none, sickness but its just a common cold haha.
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“Name of a Greek philosopher starting with an H.” you yelled over your shoulder “ten letters.” you finished with a huff, scrambling your head for the gosh darn name.
Reid sneaked behind you “Heraclitus.” he whispered near your head, setting down a cup of gingerbread tea in the coffee table in front of you, his hand petting your hair has he passed.
“You know doing the crosswords is no fun when you know everything so fast,” you started, reaching for the warm stemming cup in front of you “it should take time, pondering, musing even -” your aimless ramble was interrupted by a fit of heavy coughs and Spencer sighed, sitting next to you on the soft brown couch and taking your temperature with his hand.
“Has anybody ever told you that you talk to much?” he asked with a soft, small smile on his face that made the conner of his eyes ever so slightly wrinkle.
“Well, just about anybody who has ever had the pleasure to have known me.” you cheekily replied, mumbling due to the strain on your sore throat, flipping your eyes across the crosswords journal page.  
“You should be resting,” he moved the crossword away, siting closer to you “otherwise you will never get better.” his voice was warm, filled with a worry that made your heart melt.
“Ah you are such a sucker for rules agent! If that’s the case you should not be sitting this close to me – up now, go away, you can’t risk getting sick, if that happened Hotch would come in here and surely do the job of killing me, something this mere common cold cannot do.”
He laughed, getting even closer, his nose bumping into yours “I don’t mind sacrificing my health if that means you will be well taken care of sweetheart, and you don’t need to worry about Hotch, he might seem mean and grumpy but that is all just for show.”
“Besides,” he tackled you, making you both lay on the couch, you laughed, looking up at him has he continued speaking “I could use a few vacation days, especially if they are spent with you.”
Giggling you buried your face into his neck, his cold skin soothing your feverish body “I think I like that vacation idea – you getting sick to achieve it not so much mister, you got to stay healthy and strong to catch all of those bad guys!” you said humorously, gazing into his eyes fondly.
He laughed - the sound of it made you melt, even after all this time you could feel butterflies in your stomach – and stroked your cheek, flush due to the fever and his proximity.
“Alright now, you keep getting warmer, its time for you to really take a nap.” you huffed at his words mumbling a soft “no” as he picked you up out of the couch and took you in to his arms, down the softly lit hallway.
He looked down, his brown eyes firm and safe “Don’t worry, I will be there when you wake up.” - sometimes you forgot he was a truly amazing profiler, a young prodigy that could read you and your emotions better than anyone, sometimes even better than you yourself.
“Promise?” you said, groggy with sleep, eyes fluttering shut.
“Promise.” he replied, covering you with the soft bedroom duvet, laying next to you and kissing your forehead – his arm wrapping around your body with tenderness and care.
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vee-beeee · 11 months
Crappy Mornings
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Okay soooo
I had so much fun writing the other fic that I wanted to do it again LOL
So the premise is you're late and have had the WORST morning, and Nines and Conner are worried. Also you knit.
again SORRY if this has been done before
Let the games begin
Warning: Fluff with a CAPITOL F, misunderstandings kinda, shorter than the last one, slice of life I think, very sweet or cringe take that as you will
You were running late
This seemed to be a theme in your life.
You were supposed to be at the station at 7 am, and it was currently 7:55 am. This wouldn't have been to much of a big deal, if your work partner was anyone else.
Unfortunately, your work partner was your adoring and sometimes overbearing boyfriend Nines.
And your other boyfriend was an overly-anxious, very caring Conner.
So today, you accidently upset 2 punctual androids.
But you had a good reasons to be late!
First, your alarm went off 10 minutes late for absolutely no reason.
Second, your hot water heater was acting up again so you had to take the coldest shower of your life.
And third, probably the worst, you totally accidently dropped your phone in your sink...That was filled with water after you had washed dishes the previous night and forgot to un-plug the sink to drain it. So this meant you had no way to contact Conner or Nines to let them know you were running late.
To top it off, your knitting supplies was totally eluding you. It just disappeared. And you may have looked for it for 8 minutes. But eventually you found it, now you were even more behind.
You hadn't even left home yet.
Walking out of your apartment, you almost got tripped up by a group of bikers. 5 looong minutes of standing in the middle of the sidewalk like an idiot while hearing a bunch of "excuse mes" and "coming throughs".
Then, the good people at your favorite coffee place had also misread your order. It honestly wouldn't have been a big deal but they insisted they fix it for you. Another 6 minutes.
(And you maybe stopped to pet a huge fluffy husky and that may have taken longer than it should've.)
Finally, FINALLY you made it to the station. But you were terrified to face the wrath of anger, from your anxious androids.
Lo and behold, loitering around your desk, immediately spotting you when you entered the office, was 2 very annoyed androids. Well, one was pissed and one had worry written all over his features. Which is worse in your opinion.
"Where have you been" Nines sharply asks, giving you a hard stare while taking in your form, most likely scanning you. His LED a steady yellow with flashes of red, conveying his worry without him realizing. Or he was just REALLY mad.
"You haven't been answering your phone, and we have been worried for your well being" was Conner's response to you being late, his LED also yellow and red. He was giving you the puppy dog eyes that ate at your soul. You held your hands up, guilt written all over you as you rushed to explain your horrible no good morning.
"Guys I'm so sorry, my alarm didn't go off, my phone died, there was an incident with some bikers, and the coffee place got my order wrong and they wanted to fix it, there was this Husky.." and as you continued to ramble about your unfortunate morning, Nines and Conner just stare at you waiting patiently until you were finished. What you didn't notice was there blinking LED's, and an unheard secret conversation.
"Your tone was to harsh, she is clearly having a hard time today." said a sympathetic voice in Nines head.
"Whatever. She scared us, didn't respond to our messages, and she was late. We have important work to do and she cant spend her time letting a missed alarm get to her."
Conner gave Nines a glare after that comment and followed it up with a statement thats outcome would unknowingly make you feel worse
"Your being kind of an ass right now Nines"
Nines scoffed, which accidently caught your attention. If you weren't red before, you sure were now. You knew that they would be pissed at you being late, and his scoff hit somewhere inside you that made you shrivel a little into yourself, even if you didn't know at the time that it wasn't meant for you.
And Nines had his pissed off look activated, and was avoiding your gaze.
You went quiet, not knowing what to say to fix this, which Conner immediately noticed. Cutting off his inner conversation with Nines, he did another scan on you. Your face was flush, and you showed signs of embarrassment. Brief but distinct increase in heart rate, flushed, fidgeting, and you had now started averting your gaze. Without all the scans, and by just looking at you, he could tell you were tired. So he did the most logical thing his programming could come up with to soothe you.
He hugged you.
You immediately softened. The hug was warm and filled with love, you could feel his soft breathes and his synthetic hair ticking your neck. You were guessing Conner had now forgiven you. You let out a sigh and sank deeper into the hug, enjoying it after your rough morning.
You noticed out of the corner of your eye Conner's LED blinking yellow.
You then looked over his shoulder at Nines, who looked like a big baby at the moment. His LED was also blinking, and he was drilling holes into the back of Conner's head with how intently he was staring at him. You took one hand from Conner's back and waved it a little. This caught the RK900's attention, and he looked at you, LED still flashing. And all you did was smile with all your heart at him.
And he instantly softened, and returned it.
And then you took your other hand and did finger guns at him while making a stupid-ass face. You had to make a joke out of a slightly depressing situation.
And then he hardened at you, trying to look angry, but he was totally shaking and you could see him restraining his laughter.
Conner released you, giving you one last look before turning to gaze at Nines. You saw them glaring again and decided to stop it. So you took Nines hand in yours, and rubbed a thumb over his knuckles. He eased up again and Conner did too.
"Well wasn't that just the cutest shit I've ever seen" you heard someone grumble from across the bullpen. You laughed and Nines bristled, while Conner went blue, returning to Hank.
Eventually you got to work, but you smiled while doing it. Your morning turned out to be better than expected.
Wait, you totally forgot you need a new phone. Dang.
sorry for any spelling errorss
I have found that I like writing lol
Sorry its shorter, but i hope its not to cringeee!
okay bye
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ten-ten31 · 6 months
DC - 2.Your three favorite characters and why you love them so much.
Oooooh, YES! More excuses to ramble about my blorbos!!! 💜
So my #1 favorite character is Kon-El/Conner Kent/The Kid/Superboy! He's just... With him it's often hit or miss for DC, but there's SO many fun and wonderful stories, and he's such a dork and a typical teen and so full of love and snark and and and more often than not him, Bart and Tim share a single braincell. Thank heavens for Cassie. ;)
#2 goes to Tim Drake/Robin/Red Robin - the little guy just wiggled himself into my heart at some point and... he's been living in my head rent-free ever since. I love that he's the smart one, who can be so dumb at the same time. That he's the emotional support Robin, but more often than not, he's just one lab accident away from turning super villain at the same time. He's self-deprecating, and needs a hug more often than he actually gets one. And he's so cute with Bernard (two halves of a whole idiot indeed)!
#3 goes to Clark Kent/Superman. I've been a Superman fangirl since my teens. And even though I'm actually not big on his comics runs, I still very much love so many of the TV and movie versions.
Thank you so much for this ask! 💜
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rosehathawhey · 1 month
I really wish they wouldn’t have broken up Sally and Nick. I used to like her with Adam, but there’s no way I want her to be stuck with him now. Maybe they could bring someone new on or bring someone back? Idek at this point. Chance is the only decent guy and it also annoys me that they barely show any Chance and Summer scenes. Sorry for rambling jus this show 😕 any character or couple I care about either gets ignored or treated like garbage
Don’t be sorry, I totally agree! They spend all this time building up storylines and then dropping them (Conner Floyd isn’t even on contract anymore) or botching them (over a year of Adam trying to get Sally back and then he cheats on her immediately). Don’t even get me started on Lily and the way she’s constantly used by white men as a stepping stone to their romance with a white woman.
I loved Adam/Sally at first but honestly I feel like they lost the spark when Courtney Hope and Mark Grossman broke up irl. Mark’s just not a very talented actor and can’t seem to develop chemistry with someone unless they’re dating.
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hippiemisfit · 9 months
Hush (J.K.) 3
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*banner made by me
Chapter Three- Police
pairing: jungkook x oc reader
word count: 1,591
warnings: mentions of death, intimidation, fear, manipulaiton, scary jk
He pulled me all the way back to my house and threw me on the ground next to the box. "Now we are going to try this again and this time you are going to do as I say. Or next time I won't be as nice."
I nodded my head and tried to grab the box. "Why did you kill him?" I asked. 
I was met with no response but I know he heard me.
Ugh whatever.
After struggling for what seemed like 30 minutes, I was finally able to lift the box with all my might. I knew I wouldn't be able to hold it for long so I sped walk over to Carter's house and sat the box on his doorsteps.
I already feeling for the poor soul who was going to open it, either his mom or dad or worse Carter. I bet their reaction would be no different than mine. 
I walked back to my house and of course the hoodie figure, I got to give him a name, was gone. I heard a car come around the corner and saw that it was Carter's. I ran inside and closed the door peeking outside the window.
I watched Carter get out the car, reach into the back to get his shoes, and head to the front door. He looked down at the box and tilted his head to the side.
He bent down to open it and I dreaded watching him open it. I wanted to look away but I couldn't find it in me to. He slowly lifted the tops of the box and when it dawned on him what was inside, he turned and puked all over their grass. Once he was done emptying the contents of his stomach, he dropped his shoes and ran inside.
I quickly shut the blinds and fell down on the floor, tears streaming down my face. I can't believe that I helped cause him so much pain. I should've just called the police but I was given no choice and now that I have helped moved the box, does that make me an accomplice?
My mind raced as my inner monologue screamed at me to get up off of the floor but I couldn't bring myself to.  
I guess I fell asleep on the floor because when I woke up it was getting dark outside. I got up off the floor and looked outside to see a couple of police cars sitting outside Carter's house. I see they called them. I saw two police officers walk out of their house and head towards mine.
Shit what do they want?
They knocked on the door,"Hello. Ms. Mahj is it. Can you open the door and let us in? We just have a few questions."
Ugh, just breathe in and out. They don't know that you moved the box. Just open the door.
I opened the door and let them in, leading them to the dining table.
"Where are your parents Mahj?" one of them asked as they sat down.
"They are out of town right now, they'll be back on Monday. Um do you guys want anything to drink?" I asked shifting back and forth on my feet, my nerves not letting me take a seat just yet.
"No thanks," the other one said. I nodded and sat down across from them.
"My name is officer Briggs and this is my partner officer Flanningan, we just have a few questions and then we'll be on our way," I nodded in understanding.
"Ok," he said pulling out a notepad," first question where were you between the hours of 10 pm and 12 am last night?"
"I was here last night," I said.
"Do you have anyone who can confirm that?" I shook my head. I saw him jot something down.
"Ok. Do you know anyone who would have something against your neighbor?"
"Which neighbor?" Yeah, you ain't about to trick me.
"Conner, he was found dead this afternoon. He body was cut up and put into a box."
"Wow um no I can't think of anyone who had something against him. You know other than the silent killer, you know he just goes around killing people for no reason. I mean he probably doesn't even know him and just decided to kill him anyway. I mean I don't know," I rambled out, wringing my hands together.
The cops looked at each other and then back at me," Um, ooook. Miss, we're going to have to ask you to come down to the station for further questioning. It seems you know more than you let on," they got up from their seats," Let's go."
I got up and followed them to the door, but stopped. "Hold on, can I put some food in my dog's bowl. I don't know how long we're going to be."
They nodded their heads and I went to the pantry and opened it. I looked down to get his kibble when I saw a pair of black shoes right beside it.
I slowly rose my head up and came face to darkness with the man who was currently ruining my life. I went to scream when his gloved hand covered my mouth and pulled me in the closet, shutting the door.
"I see that you don't do well under pressure. That's something I see we are going to have to work on. Now you've got two options. The first one is that I go out there and deal with those two officers who probably suspect you of murder.
Option number two is that you go out there and leave with them. But let's just say I'd advise you to take option number one.
I don't really think you'll like what you see as a consequence of your actions, even though for me it'll be very enjoyable. Trust me. Now I'm going to remove my hand from your mouth. The only thing you need to say is the option you are choosing ok."
I nodded my head in understanding. He moved his hand from my mouth and I reached down to grab Poco's food.
I turned and opened the door and whispered back," I guess I'll take my chances with option number two."
I walked out and closed the door. I put food in Poco's bowl and went with the police officers outside.
They escorted me to their car and I got in the back. I looked back at my house and I could see hoodie face staring at me through the window. Damn and I just left Poco in there with him.
When we got to the precinct they took me into one of the interrogation rooms and left me by myself. You know the one with the one way mirror. The two officers came in and sat down, and one of them placed a tape recorder down on the table.
"Now Mahj, we're just going to ask you a few more questions and if you answer them truthfully we are going to let you go. If we feel like you are lying then we're going to ask you more questions until you tell us the truth. OK?"
I nodded my head.
"Ok well let's get started. When we were back at your house you said something about the Silent Killer. Now were you trying to say that he was the one who killed Conner?"
I nodded my head," Yes that's what I was trying to say."
He nodded his head and turned to look at Flannigan," Ok and how do you know this?"
"He told me."
His eyes bugged out," He told you? That means that you've been in contact with a serial killer. How long has he been contacting you?"
"Since last night and then again this morning, oh and he was also there before we left. He was hiding in the closet."
"He was in the house?!" Officer Flannigan asked.
"And you didn't say anything to us because?"
"He told me not to and I knew that I would be safe if I came with you two. I don't know why but he's obsessed with me for some reason. I don'-" the lights started to flicker.
Next thing I know both of the officers are convulsing on the ground. I raced over to their sides and started to bang on the glass. "Hey! We need help in here! I don't know what is wrong with them!" I yelled.
Nothing happened. "Hey! Is anyone even in there?!" I heard the chairs scrape behind me so I turned around to see both of the officers sitting back in their chairs.
Officer Briggs turned his head to face me,"If you are done banging on the glass, can you retake your seat." I looked at him like he was crazy. "Wait weren't you just- I know you were- am I going crazy?" I asked rubbing my hand across my forehead and headed back to my seat.
There was something off about the two of them. Like they weren't themselves.
"Ok Mahj, next question. Do you enjoy pissing people off or is it something you just do because you can't help it?"
My eyes widened,"What?"
He leaned closer to me and said,"Do you enjoy pissing people off or is it something you just do because you can't help it?" but this time he said it like I was a little kid and he was trying to explain something to me.
"Why are you asking me this?" I asked leaning back in my chair.
"I gave you two options and I told you that you wouldn't like the consequences if you chose the wrong one," he put his head in his hands,"So here we are," I saw a glint of green in his eyes,"let's have some fun."
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faeriekit · 2 years
Been lurkin and appreciating Blister Pack from afar (until now!!).
The funny thing about Clark, is there IS a certain amount of complicated feelings and empathy to be had, if the show had gone about things differently. A kid being made without your consent is violating and emotionally invasive (not physically in Supes case). But his reaction to his kid is what makes any potential sympathy vanish. Yes, take out your feelings on the person in the situation with even less agency and far less power than you. Thats the way to handle it and process these feelings. The JL letting him (making him?) be in charge of Connor was a poor decision for both parties.
I enjoy how much of this story is a call out of Clark's distorted thinking and assumptions. ♥️ Though its been more background, quietly hopin the rest of the JL members who could be considered complicit in this child neglect and abuse also take responsibility. Like Black Canary you're a therapist (psychiatrist?) and have a bunch of contact with these children! And after that "spar" anyone who watched it should have started having concern!
I hope Clark does finally grow at some point. He doesn't really deserve to call Connor his son, but Connor deserves an apology and the option to connect with his Kryptonian side on his terms, safely.
And the Kents and Lois! Superman just isn't capable of listening or respecting the agency of those around him at the moment. Even in this snippet, he thinks they are in danger because they don't see the situation clearly. Oh the irony 😂
Sorry for the ramble. I originally had a point but now it's just random thoughts. Hope you enjoy the feedback 😎
My main perspective on Superman in Blister Pack is that, if Conner were actually evil, all of his perspectives on the topic of Conner, A Clone Of Superman, might make sense. Conner would need extra security. He would need extra supervision. He would have been more hostile in their spar, which is largely what Superman had been expecting, only for Black Canary to call it when things were clearly not right.
The problem is, Conner's just...a guy. A dude, even. Not even a man. Just a half-ghost sorta-teen with anger issues and deep-seated insecurities. You and I know this since I'm writing it from Conner's perspective, but if I was writing this from anyone's eyes outside of the team... Conner is shifty. He is disappearing from the League with no explanation for hours and hours. He is more than he seems, with unexplained hours. He is isolating himself from other league members, and he doesn't have a mentor to vouch for his introvertedness and disinterest in violence.
So. *shrug* Take that as you will. Supes is making a mountain out of a molehill, but the molehill was already there. There isn't a lot of nuance in International Justice, though, so...he's going overboard without really thinking about the consequences this has on anyone else. I got some empathy for the dude, but my sympathy isn't there. 😅
I like rambling! It helps me shape how I want to look at the fic too. <3
AND for everyone who's wondering about the custody battle, Clark does not have legal custody! The JL on the whole, does, as an org! They're basically licensed as an emergency placement for global security/national disaster/emergency reasons. That's why Jazz has been hitting the base rather than busting down Superman's door and challenging him to a duel; it's not Clark she's fighting. It's the JL.
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ksqwildwest · 9 months
Warning my essayist commenting tendencies were activated by the newest update so enjoy some half-logical rambles about how cool the fic was:
"a bit of Lazarus to take with ya" KJEWCBEW they want to be able to comfort Karl fully but they know they can't, can probably sense how serious this is and so they want to make sure he has a way to remember town/them <2
"So many things were almost said. Almost." oughhh this line. I love just how much it shows where ksq is, or maybe more accurately was before Karl was forced to leave…
"This seems real personal. Probably dead family or somethin'" god, how different would they would've acted if they'd Knew™ before Karl left. And the way this pairs and is so immediately rebutted by "Longing turned to fury as they read the tear stained pages." they are soo aijbskbs /pos
Also the way Jack and Mason channel their rage into making sure Karl's letters get sent. I love the way you can see there emotions seeping through how they roped Conner into helping as well :)
As for the after fic questions I don't notice nor mind the tense changes personally, although that's also smth I struggle with lol and both past and present are fun to read!! I feel like both have their uses so there's definitely room to use both even if it's "improper" to do it within the same chapter/fic. This was a very good story + I'm so excited to see where you take this!! (although no pressure of course take whatever time you need.)
Thank you for the ask!
Here's a little secret for you: essay comments are my favorite ones to get! It tells me what moments really stuck with you, as a reader, and let's me see all the different ways little lines could be interpreted, especially when you guys don't know what comes next!
If they can't go with him, he can take parts of them with him!
Yessss! Almost said! Instead, a lot of other 3 word phrases were said! I'm super happy that line is giving you brain rot about it! It felt kinda awkward and clunky for a while and I almost cut it entirely so I'm glad I didn't in the end!
Surprise! It's not a funeral he's attending! It's his own wedding! That he has no choice in! May or may not be back ever again! Remember to feed Biscuit and Mittens for him!
Of course they made sure the letters were sent! They promised Karl! I really hope I captured Connors drowsy eyed confusion in that last scene!
To be fair, I hadn't noticed them in the earlier fics either! I only started really paying attention to tense in the last two major stories. I might end up choosing one and sticking with it or I might change it for whatever best fits a chapter, who knows?
I'm glad you're enjoying the fic so much! I'm happy to continue this fic after so long!
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honeyedheartss · 11 months
making a separate post for this so I don't hijack a gifmakers post but
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@burntstay u literally have no idea! the entire past 2 years have been insane so excuse my rambling post
1. I went to see Dan last Nov and Dec. I went in November when he came to Seattle and got SO excited to finally meet him after so many years that I stumbled all over the MnG and couldn't respond to his very gentle kind compliments. So I flew to Oakland to see him again 😭 It hurt my bank account but not only did I meet him at that show during the MnG but he talked to me during the show too (interactive comedy show and I said I'd fuck the cinnamon toast crunch mascot bc he's a twink. he booed me but then brought it up several more time 💀)
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November and December, respectively. (yeah he did accidentally get that fucking silver marker on my arm 💀)
2. Also in November, I had the opportunity to catch Kurtis Conners set he was doing in Seattle :] I went to the early show in the balcony bc it was what i could afford and Loved it sooo much but couldn't see bc I didn't have glasses at the time and at the end when I was calling my friend to talk about it, someone offered me 3rd row tickets because they had to cancel for a family emergency. I took them, could see the set, and it was just as funny the 2nd time!
the next day I'd taken my friend to Pikes Place (popular indoor/outdoor multi-vendor permanent market in Seattle) and ran into him and Jenna in the comics store!
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^ me being so insanely happy but embarrassed bc I was partially non verbal and was trying so hard to communicate with him. (he was so incredibly kind and patient and then I helped him find the script he was looking for 😌 <- I do not work at that store)
now rapid fire! I also got to finally see Cirque! my old boss at the club had an extra ticket and brought me along!! (I have tried to sew Cirque THREE times and circumstances have always gotten in the way. mostly me moving abruptly like a week before the date they were in town)
In April, I got to see Hippocampus (one of my FAVE indie bands idc idc) and the guitarist Nathan gave me a pick! I also got to see Conan Gray again (saw him in 2019 without knowing who he was and got obsessed) and Cavetowns show with Tessa Violet. and Tessa RECOGNIZED ME which would have been insane anyways but I look SO different from the past times I've seen her!! I also saw some smaller bands and they were some of the most lovely kind caring people ever!
and then in June I saw 5SOS for the first time. I've been listening to them since I was a little tumblrina in 2014 and I cried so hard during their show. pure unadulterated nostalgia and joy. it was a really good show too (and that month my BFF who I usually go out to Philly to see once a year was able to come to ME because of a work conference 🥹 and my partner came up for our yearly 1 month together!)
also that month I met a comedian I ADORE!!! I found him by accident on Dry Bar Comedy in maybe 2015? and have watched his stuff on YouTube and followed him on Twitter since and I randomly ran into him in a vintage store in Tacoma??? And of course the first thing my dumb ass said instead of "oh wow it's Shayne Smith!! I'm a huge fan" no... I said "YO it's the guy I showed u that one time when I was drunk!!!" to my sister 😭😭 He luckily is a really dope guy, thought it was very funny, and danced around with me
In October I went to a music festival out east and saw a BUNCH of my favorite bands and King Princess said I looked hot, so highlight of my compliments fr (and saw mitski!) Lorde was coming but her set got massively delayed due to faulty tech and I had to make the last train so I didn't get stranded and did not get to see her.
Also I got matching tattoos with my other bff who I flew to seattle to stay with me for a week 🥹 hi @catholicdaredevil
which circles us back to the November/December stuff I talked about first cuz I got excited
The rest of the winter was just struggling through till I saw the sun again but I DID get to meet a long term internet friend at the convention in Seattle (s/o to @pjsforestkid for so lovingly dealing with my low energy the whole day)
April I saw Noel Miller live!!! June my partner came up and we traipsed around
and then September and October I got to sew 4 hozier shows, was barricade for 3 of them (and have professional photos for all 3 times I was barricade which is INSANE!!!!!), hozier called me out on stage for my shirt, I got posted on his ig, and I met almost the entirety of a friend group I've had since 2019 AND DanandPhilGames returned from the hiatus
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it's been an insane almost 2 years I finally feel like my life is sorting itself out and I'm so overjoyed
this is such a long fucking post but your tags just reminded me of all the joy and love I have been experiencing and the love that continues!!! I am so happy :)
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mrstabbymcshooty · 2 years
Callsign: Misty
Hello! Names Abigail, I hope you enjoy my blog. I’m a gal who just goes on this site for fun. Hope you enjoy my ramblings and ADHD hyperfixations.
Why mrstabbymcshooty?
All the guys I like have blood on there hands so it fits
I either go for moody homicidal brunettes or snarky homicidal blondes. Seems to be no in between.
Current Theme: Legolas & the Fellowship | Lord of the Rings
All my men with kill counts:
Jon Snow (GoT), Robb Stark (GoT), Daemon Targaryen (HotD), Harwin Strong (HotD), Cregan Stark (HotD), Gwayne Hightower (HotD) Geralt of Rivia (The Witcher) James Bucky Barnes (MCU), Loki (MCU), Warren Worthington III (XM) Jake Hangman Seresin (TGM), Pete Maverick Mitchell (TG) Jason Todd (DC), Conner Kent (DC), Bruce Wayne (DC), Roy Harper (DC) Erik (PotO) Jake Sully (Avatar) Kylo Ren (SW), Anakin Skywalker (SW), Han Solo (SW) Homelander (The Boys), Frenchie (The Boys) Simon Ghost Riley (CoD), John Price (CoD), Konig (CoD) Aragorn (LotR), Faramir & Boromir (LotR), Thranduil (TH), Kili (TH), Halbrand (RoP) Zuko (AtLA) Kaz Brekker (SoC), Matthias Helvar (SoC). Johnny Lawrence (TKK & CK), Robby Keene (CK), Hawk (CK) Tommy Shelby (PB), John Shelby (PB) Edward Cullen (TW), Charlie Swan (TW), Carlisle Cullen (TW), Paul LaHote (TW) Gale Hawthorne (THG), Finnick Odair (THG), Haymich Abernathy (THG) Sam Winchester (SPN), Castiel (SPN) Daryl Dixon (TWD), Rick Grimes (TWD), Shane Walsh (TWD) Aaron Hotchner (CM), Spencer Reid (CM) Captain Speirs (BoB), Major Winters (BoB) Edmund Pevansie (CoN), Prince Caspian (CoN), Peter Pevansie (CoN) Rafe Cameron (OB), JJ Maybank (OB)
Feel free to check out my other blogs:
Writing: Ao3 | Wattpad
DC: @mrbroodymcshooty
Anime: @mrblastymcsplodey
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thatthirdtriplet · 7 months
Tim Drake & Bruce Wayne
Tim Drake Bruce Wayne
Kon el | Conner Kent(mentioned) Ghost-Maker(mentioned)
Additional Tags:
Bruce Wayne is a Good Parent Bruce wayne is an awkward guy Tim Drake-centric POV Tim Drake Tim Drake Needs a Hug Tim drake comes out Tim drake is gay in this just a Headcanon realisations canon Compliant Stephanie brown is still loved in this dont worry I would never disrespect my bestie
It was now or never, Tim decided.
“I’m gay. I like boys. I thought I liked girls, I tried to like girls. But I like boys. I thought maybe I could be bisexual but it doesn’t work like that. I don’t like girls like that, not really. I’m gay,” Tim rambled, not daring to look at Bruce.
// or the one where tim comes out to bruce and hes a bit awkward (but supportive) about it.
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