#just a 10/10 article tbqh
kindahoping4forever · 7 months
Galantis and Michael spoke with Rolling Stone about the origins of Lighter and the collaborative process
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theworldgate · 9 months
Spoilers below!
... so, uh... is... is Etrata the one who killed Zegana specifically? Like, the story summary all-but says that the killer has been identified as Etrata[1], and also they left the name of the card in the URL for the version of the art that appears attached to the article in some contexts, and it's "Expose the Culprit" (look, we know there's an ARG going on, and source code/URL shenanigans are a common thing), but also. Like. It's story 2 of 10 (well the first story of the actual mystery bit out of 7 because the final two are denouement and even released after the set debut, per the first look).
And we know that Etrata and Proft will be off having adventures (and also Etrata is a major character) so... like is it just one of those weird technically legal murders that Ravnica may or may not have? Or is it "well, we know you did that murder, but there's been another murder [of Teysa, her not having been seemingly-murdered by the end of this chapter is an actual plot twist tbqh] and you're one of, like, three people actually accounted for"? Or was the "Zegana" whose corpse we see actually unironically Lazav because we know Lazav wasn't dead at the start of the story, and we don't know whether the "shapeshifter resets on death" thing applies to him. I mean Chandra's Triumph famously actually depcits Lazav so it's not like there's not precedent for the cards misleading in that highly specifiic regard! (I... was going to say that the art was kinda a disproof lest people be misled over the story but then I remembered that that was an actual thing, apparently?!). [1] I mean "With the help of a brilliant detective, the killer is discovered. But catching this dangerous individual is an entirely different matter." and a decent chunk of the story is Kaya chasing Etrata.
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thisisprettybroken · 2 years
The Future of This Is Pretty Broken
Wait is this textwall asking for money?
Noooo, and as you will soon see I'm doing great tbqh. I just wanted to rip the bandaid off, lose some followers, and explain why this blog is changing formats from a personal gallery to something actually personal. TL;DR: My hyperfixation changed.
Whered u go?
After GAID 2016's gallery show I was halfway through a year of drawing every single day. This practice prestiged my glitch art into furry art wherein I had trouble keeping commissions open as they'd sell out within seconds. A single, somewhat popular pokémon comic did not help with this, so I raised my prices several times in an attempt to get less people to commission me so I could keep comm slots open for longer than literally 10 minutes. At $200 a drawing it just kept selling out. This was good as my partner in art and life ended things, found new roomates, and told me to get out in a week all within 12 hours of my coming out as bi and trans because this made them uncomfortable.
A lot of my furry art... I hope it offended someone. Not in an edgy way, as I aimed to make something explicit but not titillating nor societally reprehensible. My personal furry art was supposed to make a statement about the absurdity, insidious effects, and hyperfocusing tropes of adult-oriented amateur art on the internet. As with glitch art, and all art, furry art is art and I aimed to take it seriously. Oddly, despite the stuff I was outputting on my own, I got ENTIRELY SFW comms and learned that the outward-facing, perverse furry scene we know is hiding a lot of earnest and thoughtful souls behind it.
It was ultimately a phase, and it didn't make "affluent in a big house" money but it did just scrape five figures across the whole of my efforts. That's not lifechanging money spread put over several years but it allowed me to pursue a lifelong love of music for serious. 3 years ago this was, I started transitioning and sought a better way to express myself.
I made 3 albums of what was in my heart with a 4th coming soonish. I wrote a ton of LGBT articles on defining one's identity and self expression.
So anyway I bought Pukicho's Subharmonicon which puts me right about here.
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Love wins or... something. Furries were good to me and I love all your little hats.
So What's Changing? Basically this is a personal blog now. I want to interact with the tumblr community instead of speaking in codes from behind distorted preexisting images because it's the best social media community running. 2015, heck, 2012 is so long ago. I watched this whole community grow up with me from a naive twentysomething wasting time at work to someone making the noise they've always yearned to make albeit still working in between because even furries can't save you from the bourgeoisie.
Send asks, send hate, I'm just gonna post whatever from now on and it'll probably have lots of synthesizers in it. I'll still make glitch art now and again I promise as I've backed up all of my old Processing 2+ scripts in a portable install environment and the fact that my posts are STILL circulating tells me that they've brought a lot of joy and I want to bring some of that back with me.
Thanks for reading, and I look forward to actually using this account for interacting instead of lurking. And thank you for 6 years of saying my work is real cool. It makes me feel cool too. ♡
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faejilly · 5 years
@moononmyfloor replied to your post “ultimate top 10 sh moments/scenes ?”
This is so beautifully written. I love it.
awww, thank you (Dear tumblr: please ask me semi-silly questions all the time, I love answering them)
@laughingmagnus replied to your post “ultimate top 10 sh moments/scenes ?”
bless your #1, even when magnus bane does the Most Wrong he does no wrong
I knew you’d get it 😘🤣
@reckless-desire-to-live replied to your post “@frightening-fall-fic Week 1: Bad Decisions Were Made so, I really was...”
oh fucckk dang this is intense, your writing is amazing as always!!
asdjfkpsh thank you 😊
@alxndrlightwoods reblogged your post “I love Jace but Simon kind of had a point when he said Jace was treating Alec like a lapdog bc in s1 Jace took Alec for...”
Jilly I’m crying this is so good and true.
@glorious-spoon replied to your post “I love Jace but Simon kind of had a point when he said Jace was...”
ohhh god i love this, and it's an angle that i hadn't even thought of but it makes so much sense that part of the reason jace is such a shit to alec early on is that *alec is the one person he won't lose no matter what*
kind of like that thing where kids will behave at school or daycare and then melt down around their parents because that's where they're *safe* (i mean, it's hard on alec because he's only like 22 and also pretty messed up himself, but still)
and also YES on the fact that jace just doesn't know *how* to love people and be loved and so much of his arc on the show is learning to do that in a genuine and vulnerable way
It is in fact JUST LIKE THE THING KIDS DO. It’s a compliment in terms of how much someone loves you but wow. So exhausting. I don’t know how Alec survived to 20 tbqh, with Izzy and Jace just right there being so very Izzy & Jace about everything. 
And yeah, I think part of why I love Jace so much is that, at the end, he made that transition to someone who can love people (and like people!) and it no longer terrifies him.
@twistedsinews replied to your post “@syzara replied to your post “Re: that Greedfall article, the author,...”
I in fact 100% recommend Moon Hunters, because Mesopotamian-themed indie RPG-lite that can be run through in 40 minutes a play but part of its charm is in the replay value.
well, gonna have to add that to the wishlists then 
but anyhow, GETTING BACK INTO GAMING, YEAH! \o\ /o/ high five?
@ausllymonkey mentioned you on a post “@faejilly replied to your post “@faejilly replied to your post ...”
@faejilly ��������
I JUST REALLY LIKE ALEC’S EYELASHES, sorry not sorry, they’re very distracting 😅
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thatswizardschess · 6 years
Why do people hate eureka? I dislike her but don’t know why I just do, but people really hate her lol. Explain
Thank you so much for this ask! I have a bunch of different reasons for not liking her, so I’ll throw them under the cut for anyone who doesn’t care lol
1. There are rumors that she has overhyped a lot of trauma/sympathetic narrative in order to gain more fans 
2. I think that what she says in this video is semi-problematic
3. This post is a translated article talking about how she was very obnoxious during the entire process of drag race 
4. She literally only wears body suits yet the judges GAG over (most of) her looks
5. I’m not a personal fan of hair loaves
6. It seems as though every single episode (and Untucked) is revolved around some type of sympathetic narrative for her (her knee, being kicked off of drag race previously, being afraid to sing, etc.)
7. I don’t think it’s particularly fair that she’s competing on a regular season again. I think she belongs on an all stars season
8. This was brought up by The Vixen, but recognizing your character flaws and not trying to improve upon yourself is just plain rude and so annoying. She always talks about how she’s “too much,” but still expects people to put up with her and not call her out
9. Her only jokes are about being fat which gets old after the 100000000000th time (and apparently the judges told her to stop doing it but they still get weak at every single one so that’s t)
10. I think it really showed her character on that one Untucked ep where she admitted to purposefully trying to anger Vixen in order to “see her true colors” but really just to make herself seem like a victim when she was the one that started the drama
11. Oh yeah and I almost forgot to mention this…that alone is enough to hate her tbqh
Those are just some of the reasons I can think of right now! Obviously everyone is entitled to their own opinion and such but I have never been a fan of her’s and probs never will be. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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canonicallyanxious · 7 years
long ask meme thing???
Thanks for the tag @towonderland72 <3
1) Name: Sarah || Nickname: N/A. it’s come to my attention that there are in fact a lot of Sarah’s in this fandom though so i’m debating coining something cute to set myself apart a little. “Asian Sarah”? “vertically challenged Sarah”? “Socially Anxious Sarah”? It’s a work in progress
2) Zodiac sign: Gemini
3) Height: 5’0″ on the dot! || Orientation: i assume this means sexual orientation, in which case bi bi bi [sung to the iconic tune by NSYNC’S hit song. yes, exactly like that, that’s what my sexuality is]
4) Ethnicity: Asian, more specifically Vietnamese
5) Favourite fruit: clementines because they’re easy to peel || Favourite Skam season: Season 3 because i’m a predictable son of a bitch
6) Favourite book: I don’t really have an answer to this question so i’ll just answer with my most recent favorite, which is We Are Okay by Nina LaCour || Favourite flower: don’t really have one?? i’ve never really??? thought about it????
7) Favorite scent: minty smells i guess???
8) Favorite animal: elephants are majestic AF
9) Coffee, tea, or hot cocoa?: i don’t really drink caffeine anymore so i guess hot chocolate is the default? caffeine aside, i love all three of these but hot chocolate would still be my choice i think
10) Average hours of sleep: LOL
11) Cats or dogs?: why not both?????????
12) Favorite fictional character: asking me to choose my favorite child would be less painful tbqh
13) Dream trip: a global tour that includes exactly as many stops as needed to visit all my best internet friends in person. currently destinations include California, England, Austria, Australia, and New Zealand
14) When was your blog created?: late 2010 i wanna say but i didn’t start using it until 2011 [HAHAHA THAT WAS SEVEN YEARS AGO]
15) What do you post about? this blog is extremely multifandom but i’d say the things i post the most about currently are skam, check please, and brooklyn 99
16) Do you get asks on a regular basis? Nah
17) Aesthetic: accidental hipster trash
18) Favorite band/ artist?: two door cinema club, twenty one pilots, grizzly bear, misterwives, glass animals, the xx, etc. ec. as my eternal faves, recently i’ve also been super into brockhampton and tash sultana!
19) Fictional character I’d date: Rosa Diaz, i would have said amy santiago but her True Soulmate is Jake Peralta so
20) Hogwarts house: Slytherin!
1) Countries I’ve lived in: the united states, i guess france maybe counts but like i don’t remember this part of my life at all so maybe not actually
2) Favourite fandom: n/a they all suck
3) Languages you speak: English, Vietnamese, a spot of French
4) Favourite film of 2017: Coco, Star Wars: The Last Jedi [I’M NOT EVEN REMOTELY JOKING COME AT ME], Moonlight isn’t a 2017 film but i watched it in 2017 so it’s going on this list, i haven’t seen god’s own country but i know it’s going to be my favorite so that’s going on this list too
5) Last article you read: an article about the wonderful American government shutting down :’]]]
6) Shuffle your music library and put your first three songs here:
A Wolf in Geek’s Clothing - The Naked and Famous
Real - Years & Years
Machines Too - Funeral Suits
7) Last thing you bought online: Kindle e-books and christmas presents!
8) How would your friends describe you? idk can i take a poll how would y’all describe me??????? “short” is the only definitive answer i have lol
9) How would your enemies describe you? very loud, very annoying, hm, i’ve also been described as a smart aleck and a kiss-ass and a a very lazy and terrible leader and also an embarrassment in the past which, like, i’ll actually accept tbh that’s definitely right
10) Who would you take a bullet for?: my roommate’s hedgehog named Toph after the Avatar the last airbender character
Tagging: @call-this-a-mask, @boxesfullofthoughts, @hotchocolatenthusiast, @pronouncingitwang, @clarkeskent, and @askybison. love y’all <3
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jimkerk · 7 years
tagged by my fave glitter bud @onedamnminuteadmiral
Rules: Answer the questions (or don’t if you don’t want to no quitters) and tag however many blogs you like.
1. Nicknames: oh boy my name’s short enough that ppl don’t really give me nicknames? but like... yves?
2. Gender: ???????????????????????????????
3. Star sign: Scorpioooo
4. Height: i have literally no clue. 5′5″?
5. Time: 15:36
6. Birthday: 1111
7. Favorite bands: the cure! echo and the bunnymen! kino!
8. Favorite solo artists: elvis costello! elvis presley! idk there are too many musicians to list
9. Song stuck in my head: toxic//britney spears and simultaneously i’ll make a man out of you from mulan...
10. Last movie I watched: the death of stalin. it was great. go watch
11. Last show I watched: buffy the vampire slayer. my friend and i are doing a thing we like to call BaSTaC (buffy and star trek and chill) which is basically an obsessions exchange. star trek is next.
12. When did I create my blog: december 9th 2016
13. What do I post/reblog: star trek. also other space and scifi related things. mainly tos but ds9 and tng are creeping in
14. Last thing I googled: have they triggered article 50 yet (spoiler: they have :/ )
15. Do I have any other blogs: so my main is @bi-astral and i have a dsc side @gaygeorgiou. there are others in the making.
16. Do I get asks: eh yeah one or two a week on a good week.
17. Why I chose my url: incredible luck that no-one had taken this variation of jim kirk tbqh. that was why i thought the star trek fandom must be fairly small when i joined. boy how wrong i was.
18. Halloween costume: not a massive fan of halloween actually
19. Fave vine: uhhhhh i have just forgotten everysinglevine i have ever watched. oh - the liberian/librarian one is good! you change your shirt-no you change your shirt-woahhhhh too. remember one time i liked you? all competent candidates
20. Average hours of sleep: 8ish i think. ten during the holidays.
21. Lucky number: if i tell you it’s not lucky anymore, right?
22. Instruments: i play tiny amounts of guitar/bass/ukulele and i love to sing, even though i’m not that great. i used to play violin too, but i hated that lmao
23. What am I wearing: space tshirt (Гордись, советский человек... from the Cosmonautics Museum in Moscow, my (younger) brother’s old grey trousers, yesterday’s socks. 
24. Dream job: i wanna conlang for scifi and fantasy films/series
25. Dream trip: wow uhhh peru?
26. Favorite food: i die inside everytime my mum makes me her lasagne
27. Nationality: brit
28. Favorite song right now: безделник 2//кино (kino)
29. Last book read: just read a bunch of short stories by gogol for my degree, but the last book i finished for pleasure was some detective novel i don’t remember the name of
30. Fictional Universe You’d want to join (top three): i’m not sure there’s any question that it would be star trek?
no pressure, but if you want to i tag @lesbianwednesday @lesbianburnham @dykedax @annaknitsspock @jim-hearteyes-kirk @ferengienergywhip
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rose-mari · 7 years
1 thru 10 BABBY
1.) Femme or butch? UhhhhmmMmmMm yESboth is good 2.) Do you have a “type”? If so, describe itHonestly not really? Girls. Girls is my type. Girls who like talking to me and who I can have fun conversations with and feel comfy being around. 3.) Plaid button-ups or leather jackets?YOU WILL NOT MAKE ME CHOSEBOTH4.) Describe your styleuhhhh it depends on the day tbqh. I can go from decked out head to toe in leather to comfy sweaters and cardigans. I do wear a lOT of cardigans… 5.) Describe your aestheticSpace aesthetics, sunshine yellow and sunflowers, and any kind of red/leather aesthetic TBH. 6.) Favorite article of clothing?UHHH I have a handmade muscle shirt that just says “IM GAY” on the back, and I like it for sentiment sake lol!!! As far as things I actually wear in public.,,,, uhhhhhhh any pants that make my butt and thighs look good Pfff 7.) Favorite pair of shoes?BOOTS!!! I have these brown boots with like. Colored cuffs. And they are. The best.8.) Current haircut?Poorly done undercut my dude 9.) Any haircut goals for the future?A less poorly done haircut. Any.10.) Describe the best date you’ve been onHaaaah see that’s a fun thing, my ex never really? Took me on dates? We were sUPER long distance so it was kinda hard, but the most we ever did was FaceTime or watch movies as far as dates.But, the time I drove up to see them we went antiquing and got ice cream. We found this old 1950’s ice cream parlor table and talked for like 20 minutes about if we could actually afford to buy it and where we would put it until we moved in together if we did…. I loved that table so much. And that day. It’s…… The best and most painful memory I can think of. That was by far my best “date”
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zairehyun-blog · 7 years
do ask memes :o
ALL OF THEM!? ON THE ENTIRE WEBSITE!? no but since i love you i will ~
Halloween asks : done
‘Let’s get personal’: done
Sweet asks:
vanilla - how has your week been?
An honest to god mess, but that’s okay. It’ll get better soon~
chocolate - what do you crave right now?
red velvet - what type of music do you like?
All tbh
ice cream - if you were an animal, what kind would you be?
I WOULD BE RILAKKUMA (u may be like zaire that’s not an animal. shhh let me be rilakkuma)
cake - describe your ideal location
like.. im just gonna say what i consider home
new zealand or osaka 💫
mocha - what are three things that make you feel warm inside?
my bby
the stars
writing abt my day at night
frosting - describe your appearance
uhm Mmmm i don’t know how i would.
marshmallow - do you sleep with plushies? if so, which are your favorites?
I DO INDEED i sleep with my moomin
sorbet - describe an ideal summer day
Going on adventures ;; especially car rides n stuff like that ✨
butterscotch - describe an ideal autumn day
going outside and walking around and the cold wind n i m happy it’s autumn 🍂
caramel - describe an ideal winter day
pecan - describe an ideal spring day
sitting outside n just enjoying all the flowers c”:
mint - what’s new in your life?
my bby
pie - “home is where…”
he is
macaroon - list three things you feel inspired to do
draw again
to cosplay
Send me a number:
1: where are you from?
I was born in London but I was raised in New Zealand
2: how old are you?
I’m 18
3: when is your birthday?
March 13th
4: what is your favorite music genre?
It all depends on my mood
5: religious?
6: do you believe in ghosts?
7: would you want to be immortal?
Yes and no, I would hate to lose everyone who isn’t but I would love to see how the world will evolve idk
8: favorite book?
Alice in Wonderland
9: favorite song?
10: favorite band/singer?
I have too many but between bts and exo :3
11: sexual preference?
Indifferent to gender
12: virgin? If not, how old were you when you had sex for the first time?
No & 16
13: do you drink, if yes, tell me what?
14: do you smoke?
15: ever did drugs?
16: ever visit a festival?
17: do you have pets? tell me about them!
I have 2 cats ✨
Ayumu & Kiyoshi
18: how many countries have you been to?
A lot , my dads travel 2 much
19: do you speak another language besides english? If yes, write a sentence in that language!
Korean - 안녕 사랑해!
Japanese - やあ、君を愛している!
and Arabic - مرحبا انا احبك!
They all say Hi, I love you! C:
20: vegan, vegetarian or meat eater?
21: be creative! write a short story about something that comes into your mind!
one day we all heard zayn left the band and it was the worst day ever like they had a song called the best day ever no bitch this is the worst day ever and we all went 2 bed and it was all a mutual dream we all had (WTF WAS THIS ASKJGHKSD)
22: put your iPod on shuffle and tell me the first 10 songs
i don’t have my phone near me either
23: grab the nearest book and give me the last sentence of page 124
I have no books near me....
24: tell me about your crush
i’m answering his ask
25: any weird habits?
If i get scared i start sucking on the back of my thumb
26: ever been rude to a teacher?
27: ever talked to yourself?
I always do...
28: extrovert or introvert?
In the middle
29: the most embarrassing moment in your life?
and my other dad said “no.” and MY daD cRIEd AJHKGDS
30: what keeps you going?
🍯 you c: 🍯
31: ever thought about suicide?
32: do you suffer from a mental illness?
33: I'm bored, tell me something funny that happened to you!
I once fell down a flight of stairs because I thought someone was walking up them and I wanted to beat them, but like as I was falling I realised I was walking downstairs and no one was there.
34: your 5 favorite blogs
1. @spook-hyun
2. @lucidyeol
3. @hosvoks
4. @ultchen
5. any suggestion blog tbqh
35: 10 facts about yourself
1. I can bend my pinky all the way back lmao
2. It took me one night to learn Korean :’)
3. I’m a self taught artist
4. the first cat I ever had, I randomly found and I nursed him back to health and he never left me C:
5. I used to want to be a vet/or just someone around animals at all times
6. I used to live by the ocean and yet i’m lowkey afraid of it askJGHKSD
7. I started this blog as a safe space ✨
8. I have a twin sister who’s older than me by a minute
9. I have a younger sister who still calls me her little brother....
10. i’m madly in love
36: 3 things you like about yourself
37: 3 things you hate about yourself
38: biggest turn on?
AHEH IM NOT DISCLOSING THAT I have a stalker who’s gonna try shit so no
29: biggest turn off?
someone who’s controlling. ;e; like i get if you’re like warning me abt something but if you’re like thisthen yeah fuck off.
30: when did you join tumblr?
January 2014
Luxury Asks:
bubble bath: do you have any routines before bedtime? like skin care, etc. what are they?
I wash my face n then i brush my teeth and then i put lotion on and i change and then i drink green tea and watch anime lmao and that’s it
champagne: what topic could you talk about for hours?
crushed velvet: have you ever used your charm to get something you want?
diamonds: how do you feel about excessively spending money?
I mean, if it’s for a shopping spree for good reason (like u got cheated on and are trying to make yourself happy) then yeah, but if you do it everyday then no
faux fur: describe your wardrobe.
lots of oversized sweaters and jeans and cosplay outfits
glitter: describe someone special to you.
His eyes look like honey when the sun shines on them and every time it happens I fall in love
gold: describe what you would call the most perfect meal.
jazz: name a song that resonates with you and your emotions. explain the reason why.
Go go because 
“I want to be cruisin’ on the bayI want to be cruisin’ like NemoNo money but I wanna go far awayI don’t have money but I wanna relaxNo money but I wanna eat Jiro Ono’s sushi
Worked hard to get my payGonna spend it all on my stomachPinching pennies to spend it all on wasting itLeave me be, even if I overspendEven if I break apart my savings tomorrowLike a crazy guy”
lace: what is something in your life completely different from last year?
My happiness
lingerie: do you consider yourself a promiscuous person?
If I remember the definition correctly 
kinda? but I stopped being that way
lipstick: do you enjoy talking to strangers?
n...no not at all lmAO unless it’s like at a comic con or something like that then yeah
pearls: what's something about your personality that surprises others?
I open up to people when I feel comfortable with them, like, I seem really shy and reserved but I open up to everyone I meet as long as I’m comfortable. 
penthouse: what would you consider your dream home? describe it.
AAAH my old house
perfume: if you could make your own signature fragrance, what would it smell like?
Ironically my cologne is really strong but it’s not so strong you’re like *dies inside*, it’s like, it’s strong so you remember it and if you smell it somewhere, you’re like “Zaire?”
robe: how do you prepare for an evening alone with a loved one/date?
roses: If it had to be winter, autumn, spring or summer for the rest of your life, which would you choose?
satin: what is your most favorite article of clothing?
this oversized as FUcK black sweater that says “fuck off” in japanese on the sleeves asghsdjkfl 
sheet mask: what's your favorite lazy activity?
drinking tea while watching anime
silk: do you have more inner or outer beauty?
silver: do you have any obscure hobbies? what are they?
I’ll draw on the wall and then i’ll paint over it??? unless i rlly rlly like it
sparkling water: what are your top three songs for the summer?
ew summer
wine: what kind of drunk are you (happy/affectionate, angry, sad, fun/wild)? if you don't drink, what kind do you think you WOULD be?
one dad acts all normal and like he’s not drunk and he makes perfect sense and he’s fully aware of everything and can walk perfectly and cook
my biological dad on the other hand is all emotional and affectionate n happy n soft lMAO so i guess i’d be like my biological dad
wow bby i hope you enjoyed this
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brohilda · 7 years
30 questions
i got tagged in the 10 questions thing by 3 lovely sweet ppl ♥  so i’m gonna do them all at once sorry mobile users lmao
rules: always post the rules, answer the questions given to you, then write 10 questions of your own, and tag some friends!
favorite ice cream flavor? chocolate cherry & salted caramel
if you could have Any superpower what would it be? i’d love to be able to teleport tbh
what are your favorite songs? i’m gonna do a top three here so currently it’s love illumination by franz ferdinand / the way up by brns / armada verbala by suie paparude (exposed my location rip)
if you were a flower, which one would you want to be? one of those lil weeds that grow in concrete tbh
favorite movie/show when you were a lil kiddo? the entire once upon a time franchise & the magic school bus
do you have any articles of clothing that remind you of a food? nothing comes to mind tbh but i often feel like i look like a sushi roll
favorite place in the whole entire world? the city i live in
if you had to travel to another planet in our solar system (and could survive on any of them) which one would you choose? imma cheat here bc it’s not a planet it’s just a lil moon but it’d be europa it’s crazy beautiful i think
do you have any hair plans? (like for your hair) gotta get my undercut done asap
fictional character you relate to? every single character in brooklyn 99 idrk
what’s your favorite item in your room that you own? ya idk by ipad or my video camera probably
are you an early bird or a night owl? i’m a hardcore night owl
pizza, ice cream or burrito? ice cream!!!!
most remembered dream that you had? i only remember this bc i told it to so many ppl but once i had a dream that it was the apocalypse and i got locked into my university building w some random ppl and we had a chess championship to pass the time
which hp house are you in? ravenclaw for life (although it took me like 4 tries to spell ravenclaw so idk)
describe yourself in 4 words ? ? ? ? tbqh
what age do you wish you could permanently be? i’d go back to being 23 or sth and stay like that forever
if you could live anywhere, where would you go? belgium or the netherlands
if you could change your name, what would it be? i quite like hannah tbh
biggest fear? escalators, insects that can get under ur skin and being abandoned lol
When did you start playing the sims & who/what introduced you to the franchise? i got the sims livin large as a present when i was a young child. one of my friends also had house party so i often went over to her house to play.
Favourite Food? spinach? and hummus ig
What are your three favourite things about yourself? idk this is pretty hard to answer bc i’m not a big fan of myself lately but i guess i am fairly intelligent, i have a good sense of humor and i’m a good listener ??
Describe your pets! If you don’t have any, describe your dream pet! i don’t have any pets atm (my parents have cats!!!) but i’d love a border collie and/or a big orange cat
Where do you get your inspiration from? books i read, music i listen to, my friends
Favourite TV Shows? lmao all i watch lately is cutthroat kitchen pls recommend me some shows to binge watch!!!
List an unknown fact about one of your sims. harley speaks hungarian (although w a v bad accent)!
What was your dream job as a child? i wanted to be an archaeologist or work in a museum but a string of shitty history teachers crushed that dream so
If you were to get a tattoo, where would you get it and what would it depict? i have so many tattoos planned out but i would LOVE to get an eye on my ankle bc of a series of unfortunate events!
List 5 of your favourite Simblrs and why you love them! i can’t possibly list just 5!!!!! i follow so many lovely & talented ppl i’m in awe all the time tbh!!
tag time!!! i tag @traproot, @cranberrrybog, @ohthesefaces, @simsluname & @musicalpixls you don’t have to do it ofc but it’d be fun !!! your questions are:
what’s a movie that changed your life/the way you think?
which language would you like to learn and why?
do you have a special recipe that you made up? if yes pls share!
what song is stuck in your head right now?
what would your traits be if you were a sim?
if you were to throw a dinner party, what would be the theme?
which object from the sims do you wish existed irl?
what was the best gift you’ve ever received?
what’s something you’re ~bad~ at but still keep doing regularly?
tell us your fav bad joke!
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auditionsuggestions · 7 years
The List
A list of songs to maybe avoid in the audition room.
Pre-List note: This list goes out the window if they tell you singing from the show is ok or if they specifically tell you to sing from the show. Remember, this list is generally speaking. Also, for some of these songs I’m going to offer some alternative suggestions – songs that sound similar or have a similar arc or character, but maybe aren’t done so often (that I know of).
Also, this list is a lot less important when it comes to community theatre, generally speaking, though it does depend on the director. Still, don’t sing “On My Own”.
Additionally, songs from shows that have been on Broadway in the past 5 years tend to be a bit too new to use for auditions, so they should probably be avoided.
There’s exceptions to every rule, but please if something is marked with a ~ REALLY think about whether you want to sing it.
The list is below the cut due to length
~Adelaide’s Lament from Guys and Dolls
This song within the show is adorable and hilarious. In an audition setting it’s just not great to sing in an accent with an affectation (the typical New York accent that Adelaide is played with on top of her having a stuffed nose from the cold). Unless you’re able to pair it with another song that shows off your real voice, it’s best to leave this one for cabarets and karaoke.
Maybe look at:
“Waiting in the Wings” from Ain’t Broadway Grand
~Astonishing from Little Women
I love, love, love this song…but not for auditions. It’s a great ‘I want’ song with a killer money note at the end if you have that Eb5. However, unless you can do it better than Sutton Foster, leave it at home. Those behind the table will probably have heard it butchered at auditions a lot and just end up comparing you to the OBC in their minds (not intentionally, it just happens) or tuning out.
Maybe look at:
“Woman” from The Pirate Queen
“Sweet Liberty” from Jane Eyre
Being Alive from Company
Sondheim at an audition is always a gamble. Additionally, the stakes for this song can be VERY difficult to build up in 16-32 bars. My gentledudes and gentledude identifying people, maybe skip this one.
Bring Him Home from Les Miserables
Unless you are going to sing the hell out of that Bb, don’t. Just don’t. It’s what we’re all waiting for. If you screw it up, you look bad. If you don’t sing it, you look bad. So my dear tenors, please have that note and have it perfectly.
~Defying Gravity from Wicked
If your name is not Idina Menzel, they don’t want to hear this. It has been so over done over the last 15+ years that the team behind the table may just tune out entirely. Also, if you can’t guarantee belting that F5 every time, you can’t do it under the stress of an audition, so don’t risk it. Yes, you can belt safely but you’re more likely to slip up with your technique if you’re nervous and hurt yourself.
Maybe Look at:
“Look at Me Now” from The Wild Party (Lippa)
“Carrie” from Carrie the Musical
~Don’t Rain on my Parade from Funny Girl
This song belongs to Barbra Streisand. It’s another one that you’ll just end up being compared to the original and that doesn’t bode well
Franklin Shepherd Inc. from Merrily We Roll Along
If you have ever looked at the sheet music for this thing you know exactly why it’s on this list. Trust me, I did this show in college. It is cruel and unusual punishment for your accompanist if you don’t know for 100% sure that they can play it (And typically that’s only because they’ve either played the show or already learned the song in advance). (Listen to it though. I love this show so much and it needs more love).
(Also I don’t really hear this one a lot, but it’s on the list as a precaution)
Forget About the Boy from Thoroughly Modern Millie
Millie in general just gets done a lot, best not to.
~Gimme Gimme from Thoroughly Modern Millie
See above and mix it with the Astonishing explanation and the fact that so many girls sing this in auditions. Heck, I used to use it a lot as my go-to for belting auditions. But it just tends to be severely over done (hence why it’s here with the ~ beside it)
Girl in 14 G
It’s hard to play the joke of the song in only 16-32 bars, so it really doesn’t work for auditions.
Glitter and Be Gay from Candide 
I’ve seen this one on a few lists. I personally haven’t heard it done a TON at auditions, but if you want to show off your more classical sound and some high notes without being all the way in the stratosphere…
Maybe look at:
“The Finer Things” from Jane Eyre: the Musical
Good Morning Baltimore from Hairspray
Eh, a fun song but Hairspray in general just tends to be done a lot.
~I Can Hear the Bells from Hairspray
The same reason as above with the added caveat that your body type becomes relevant due to the lyrics. If you don’t fit the body type for Tracy it just seems silly, like singing the title song from Legally Blonde if you have dark hair. Also this one is pretty damn repetitive.
I Dreamed a Dream from Les Mis
Between the movie in 2012 and Susan Boyle this has come back into some high popularity. Yes, it’s a lovely, moving song. This has a lot of the “Ballad face” thing that can happen (See below for where that term comes in) but you know the face, the “I’m acting like I’m sad right now but not actually feeling the emotion” face
Maybe look at:
“When I Look at You” from The Scarlet Pimpernel (Just a heads up, I suggest this one a lot in this list.)
If I Loved You from Carousel
As an article I read about overdone songs put it “Ballad face alert.” This one is hard to pull off without giving that face. If you are going to do this song focus more on the acting of it. Really think about what Julie is saying to Billy and why. Give it some background and depth not just “this is a pretty song, I’m a soprano (or baritone) and it’s a ballad”
Journey to the Past from Anastasia
Ooooh, this used to be a go-to of mine, but with the show being on Broadway now it’s best to avoid it. It’s still a nice song though. Maybe in a few years when the show has left Broadway it’ll be safer to use again.
~Let it Go from Frozen
This was on this list back when it first came out with how popular the movie was (and still is). Also belting that E and the end has a little bit to do with it being on the list. Also chances are if the people you’re auditioning for have young children, they already hate this song a lot from over exposure.
~Maybe This Time from Cabaret
This is one of those where you’ll be compared to the original. Liza is forever connected to this song in a lot of people’s minds and you don’t want to deal with that comparison.
Music of the Night from Phantom of the Opera
Why? Just why would you sing this song at an audition? It doesn’t have particularly high stakes, it’s hard to sing, and is VERY specific to its show. Also it’s really plodding after a while (duhduhduhduhduhduhduh ^duh).
No Good Deed from Wicked
The stakes are high, the song is great, but Wicked may elicit some groans from the table. If you are absolutely bent on singing from Wicked this or “I’m Not That Girl” are your best bets.
Maybe look at:
“Painting Her Portrait” from Jane Eyre (The belt’s not quite as high, but it’s got the same intensity”
Not for the Life of Me from Thoroughly Modern Millie
Again with the TMM… I heard this twice in about 20 minutes at a recent audition.
~On My Own from Les Mis
If you are considering this you are either just getting into musical theatre or very ballsy. This is the archetypical audition song for women. It’s one of the most overdone audition songs. You may even hear a groan or two if you say you’re gonna sing it. Do yourself a favor and leave it for your shower.
Maybe look at:
“When I Look at You” from The Scarlet Pimpernel (Maybe)
“Wait a Bit” from Just So
“I Don’t Know How to Love Him” from Jesus Christ Superstar (Might be a  little overdone)
 “As Long as He Needs Me” from Oliver (see above note, though I think it’s a bit more classic than overdone)
Out Tonight from Rent
This song is very tied to dancing and a lot of high energy movement. That’s hard to do a) in an audition setting and b) if you’re not a choreographer. Not to mention the register switch on the melisma of “Out” is a bitch to get right even when you’re not nervous.
Maybe look at:
“The World According to Chris” from Carrie the Musical
~Over the Rainbow from The Wizard of Oz
Judy Garland sang it first and sang it best (at least in a lot of people’s opinions). The octave jumps in this are ridiculous tbqh, and if you’re nervous you may not quite make them.
Pity the Child from Chess
We call it “Pity the Singer” for a reason. It’s a difficult song. It’s super range-y. Just don’t. (Plus you’ll be compared to Adam Pascal)
Maybe look at:
“Why God Why” from Miss Saigon
~Popular from Wicked 
Say it with me: Wicked is not good for auditions because it is one of the most popular musicals of the past century.
Run Away With Me from The Unauthorized Autobiography of Samantha Brown
If you really want to pay 10$ for sheet music, sure. Still, between Aaron Tveit, Jeremy Jordan, Michael Arden, and just about every other Broadway heart throb singing this, it may be a comparison you want to avoid.
Screw Loose from Cry Baby
I’ve seen this on a couple other lists and I know a lot of people who love this song (and love this show). It’s cute. I see why they like it, but the joke of the song is a bit hard to play in 16-32 bars. If you’re in an audition situation where they’re letting you sing the whole song and this one fits the show and the character you want, go for it. If not, I’d say look for something else.
Seasons of Love from Rent
This is the song everyone knows from Rent. Also it’s a group number it’s not gonna sound as good without at least 3 other people to sing the harmonies.
Send in the Clowns from A Little Night Music
Aside from being one of the most well-known Sondheim songs, it’s just sung a lot. Also, a note to you teenage singer/actors who want to sing this at auditions: Don’t. As my old voice teacher often says “You’re not used up enough for Sondheim”
Maybe look at:
“Losing My Mind” from Follies
Show Off from Drowsy Chaperone
The whole tap number in the middle, the Sutton Foster association, and the “toot your own horn” factor should keep you from doing this song. It’s like when people sing “I’m the Greatest Star” from Funny Girl, you had better damn well be the greatest star or it’ll just make you look bad to the casting team.
Someone Like You from Jekyll & Hyde
FOOOOORRRRR IFFF SOMEONE sings this song again while I’m in the room I’m gonna scream. Yes, it’s a pretty song. Yes, Lucy tugs at our heart strings as a character. Yes, people sing this all the time. Hell, I’ve sung it in my voice lessons. It’s range-y though and Wildhorn can be kinda weird for auditions (also in my opinion this is not one of his better shows anyway).
Maybe look at:
“When I Look at You” from The Scarlet Pimpernel.
Somewhere That’s Green from Little Shop of Horrors
Personally, I haven’t really encountered this one so frequently in auditions, but a friend of mine had actually complained to me once about how it’s all he hears from women at auditions. It’s a beautiful song, but between its popularity and the urge to sing in the accent/affectation that Audrey is usually played with I would leave it at home.
Springtime for Hitler from The Producers
(Again, haven’t really heard this, but it is funny to think of anyone with the balls to sing this in an audition NOT for The Producers)
Stars from Les Mis
Beautiful song. The problem here is you REALLY have to raise the stakes for this to work in an audition.
Stranger to the Rain from Children of Eden
Another great song. However I hear this one done a lot at auditions…even once at a Hairspray audition of all things. It seems to be dying down a little in popularity though, so you may be safe with it depending on where you live/are auditioning.
Taylor the Latte Boy
Another Kristin Chenoweth, not from a show, needs the full song for the joke to really land.
The Wizard and I from Wicked
We’ve gone over Wicked 500000times now (lies. It’s like 5, but still).
Maybe look at:
“The Spark of Creation” from Children of Eden
Think of Me from Phantom of the Opera 
The cadenza at the end is tricky as hell also this has no actual purpose in the show other than “oooh see how great Christine is” and to have Raoul recognize her. There’s not a lot of context you can add to it.
Maybe look at:
“The Finer Things” from Jane Eyre (Fun fact, Elizabeth DeGrazia who played Blanche back in the OBC was also Christine in Phantom at one point in Toronto. She’s Canadian)
This is the Moment from Jekyll & Hyde
My feelings on Jekyll and Hyde are now known. Please see the entry for Someone Like You.
Maybe look at:
“The Impossible Dream” from Man of La Mancha
“Anthem” from Chess (similar sound-at least to me)
~Tomorrow from Annie
This song is great until you’re about 12-14. Once you’re too old to play Annie, you’re too old for this song.
For my younger singer/actors who want something else that fits their age...
Maybe look at:
“Everlasting” from Tuck Everlasting (Or really any of Winnie’s songs from Tuck Everlasting, I just happen to really like this one)
Watch What Happens from Newsies
The patter is tricky, and it’s sung a LOT. (It does have a nice 32 bar cut there though, but even so don’t bother with it unless you want to be girl #387 that they hear sing it)
Maybe look at:
“Spark of Creation” from Children of Eden
Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again from Phantom of the Opera
Phantom is kind of like Wicked in that you just shouldn’t sing from it for the most part. This song also seems like it could become over indulgent with the “I am sad now” and less genuine if one takes it just as a cut for an audition.
Maybe Look at:
“Unusual Way” from Nine
“I Remember” from Evening Primrose
Your Daddy’s Son from Ragtime
This is apparently overdone in some places. It’s a beautiful song but it is also one specifically attached to a character of Color. If you’re not of her race (Sarah is Black), maybe just don’t sing it for an audition.
A note on composers that you “shouldn’t sing”: Yes, there are some who are notoriously difficult to sight read (see: Sondheim, Stephen and Brown, Jason Robert). But you’ll generally be able to find a few by these that aren’t too tricky (or you’ll find a key that makes them a bit easier to sight read). One thing I’ve come across (just in my experience mind you) is that the accompanists at professional auditions tend to be excellent. They can play just about anything you throw in front of them. At community theatre auditions you may be a little less lucky (Again, in general. I love community theatre and think pretty highly of it) but then again you may have a great accompanist there too. A general rule is if you’re worried about the difficulty of your song for the accompanist either don’t choose that one or bring a backup in case you hear that the accompanist isn’t all that great.
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e-dash-lace · 7 years
My Goals!
This is more for me than anyone else, but I wanted to write down my own goals for trying new studying stuff in the new year.  I have good grades but I want better grades so hm.
1. I want to try MindMapping.  One of my professors actually published a bunch of articles and I tried it with one in Coggle (I was bored mk?) and I really enjoyed it so who knows maybe that will be something. 
2. I want successfully do the Leitner System for a whole semester.  I want to use it for al of my vocab and terms for all of my classes and stuff because Wanikani has really worked for me but Anki didn’t really work.
3. Read books during school!  I want to read all of the Series of Unfortunate Events and reread all of Harry Potter.  Those are both wildly popular book series so it’s hard for me to get the audiobooks but that’s okay.  I want to be working on one novel for the semester though because I missed reading for pleasure a lot last year.
4.  Use the Ambient Mixer: I was using the Slytherin room one and I LOVED IT omg.  It was really focusing.  I was like reading this reading for a class I don’t even have yet and taking notes and I was just like in the zone.  It was so nice. 
5.  Do regular kanji writing practice.  I just want better handwriting tbqh.  And I need to be better at writing! 
6.  Have regular study time all semester.  I think it would be godo for me to go to the library regularly to study a little bit because I didn’t do that and I think I really needed to do that so I want to find time to do that. 
7.  Use the Passion Planner for a whole semester.  It was time slots and lots of places to reflect and work out goals and I need to be writing more and being more organized so I think this will help.  
8. Actually finish Never Let Me Go before the start of spring semester.  I have been working on that book for ages and have never finished it so. 
9. Successfully use Habitica all of Fall Semester.  I started using it this summer and I really kind of love it?  I want to keep using it so.
10.  Finish the Painful Levels in Wanikani.  I have been on the painfuls for over a year and I really want to finish them and keep up with my kanji learning.  I know I can do it if I keep at it so I just need to do it!!!!!  
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kinetic-elaboration · 7 years
April 10: Today’s Reading and SCOTUS Thoughts
I started reading Sula today. I’m only about 10 pages in so I don’t have many thoughts yet, but I like it. It’s not that it’s hard to read or understand but I still feel like it requires a certain concentration that I didn’t quite have when I was reading over lunch... Maybe it’s just that so far it hasn’t done what I expected it to do or gone where I expected it to go and that’s the disorientation.
I also read a few Above the Law articles on the Supreme Court. I was honestly afraid of ATL when I was in law school; its snarkiness did not match up well with my constant fear of everything. But I like it now that I’ve graduated as an easy way to keep my law-brain limber. Also during the Gorsuch hearings it was the only place I could go to get fast news that I could actually stand to read--maybe (definitely) this is elitist and annoying of me, but I can’t really bear to read analyses of legal happenings written from a non-legal POV.
Like the amount of liberal hand-wringing over the frozen trucker case was so embarrassing to me, honestly. I don’t like now-Justice Gorsuch either, nor would I like pretty much anyone nominated by a Republican (especially this Republican lol), nor would I have accepted on an even basic level literally anyone who isn’t Merrick Garland getting hearings for Scalia’s seat, but there are other more important things to talk about, for example the corruption of the entire process, or even other more concrete issues within Gorsuch’s whole philosophy that are way more relevant than a dissenting opinion he wrote once like who cares. Especially because the more liberals write sky-is-falling summaries of that case like “Gorsuch wants working class people to LITERALLY FREEZE TO DEATH” the more I have to join conservatives in mocking them and you know I hate agreeing with conservatives on anything like don’t make me do that, it’s gross. (There’s a huge difference between ‘I personally think his life is worthless and want him to die’ which is evil but not what Gorsuch said, and ‘Something unfortunate happened to him but the law doesn’t redress this particular injury,’ which in this case is still wrong but is a lot less evil and much more in line with what judges do like every single day and that’s all I’ll say about that) (I’ve been wanting to write this for so long omg anyway none of that matters now welcome to your lifetime appointment Neil).
OR we could have talked for more than a milli-second about how the new Justice is a plagiarist but whatever it’s not like writing is important on the Supreme Court lol.
Anyway today my actual reading consisted of an article about how to fix the confirmation process (I would be down with any of these ideas tbqh but a decided first necessary step is just some more widespread acknowledgment of how bad this situation is, like this is a literal farce of the third branch uggggggh) and this quick summary of a case the outcome of which we can already pretty much guess, as well as this short but imo important post about the Court as a partisan entity from Rick Hasen’s blog.
...I was so fucking tired this afternoon that I fell asleep after work but no regrets. The only point of today is getting through to Tuesday is getting through to Wednesday and going on vacation.
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keagan-ashleigh · 8 years
To follow on the puzzles on thelostspecial.com, I saw people talking about the source code so I opened it, and indeed there was this:
Tumblr media
Just saying, this website confuses me, there’s no index, the navigation is shit and this is overall a very impractical website, provided by Wordpress but there’s no owner. Though when I ask informations on the page, it tells me the url of origin is: http://t.umblr.com/ . Sorry that’s in French but here’s how I know:
Tumblr media
Anyway. So there’s those lines in the code, the so famous you see but you don’t observe, and those numbers: 13 9 16. I did what I always do, I searched it on Google, because sometimes, that’s the first thing to do. Here’s the first thing I found :
Matthew 13:9-16 English Standard Version (ESV)
9 He who has ears,[a] let him hear.”
The Purpose of the Parables
10 Then the disciples came and said to him, “Why do you speak to them in parables?” 11 And he answered them, “To you it has been given to know the secrets of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been given. 12 For to the one who has, more will be given, and he will have an abundance, but from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away. 13 This is why I speak to them in parables, because seeing they do not see, and hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand. 14 Indeed, in their case the prophecy of Isaiah is fulfilled that says:
“‘“You will indeed hear but never understand,    and you will indeed see but never perceive.” 15 For this people's heart has grown dull,    and with their ears they can barely hear,    and their eyes they have closed, lest they should see with their eyes    and hear with their ears and understand with their heart    and turn, and I would heal them.’
16 But blessed are your eyes, for they see, and your ears, for they hear.
Yup. The first thing I found is the biblical version of “you see but you don’t observe” (coupled with “I was told but I didn’t listened”) - I highlighted the lines. What a coincidence!
Now let’s examine the rest of the verse and lets go full meta by considering maybe this is addressed to us - I will analyse this text as if it was talking about the fandom after s4 and “the lost special” (and I can because it actually fits, you’ll see). It’s funny that the next line describes pretty well the our state of mind since s4 aired: “this people’s heart has grown dull”, meaning we are heartbroken, so to speak, because the story we believed in disappointed us and left us hurt, confused, angry... Putting all of these emotions under “dull” is accurate, and I’ve seen many people use that word to describe their feeling, and that’s the one I’d use to describe my own. Next line says that because we’re “dull” - disappointed, hurt, angry, etc - we closed our eyes and ears to the show and the possible things that are still meant to be seen, the clues in the show. We turned our back on it, somehow, and so we’re missing something. The clues leading to “the lost special”. The rest of the text says that if we listen and observe, we’ll understand, and we will be “healed”, meaning the whole thing is gonna be fixed. The very last verse says that we are indeed seeing and listening, and this may be about the tinfoil hatters who haven’t stopped looking for clues.
Now I get that this is a bit much like applying a song to johnlock, you see, I can take whatever romantic song and makes it fit the narrative so perfectly it would seem like it has been written especially for it, I’ve dozens like that. But let’s admit that here there’s a big coincidence, from the numbers to the subject of the verse. Maybe the person who made this site put a reference to this to tell us “don’t loose hope and keep waiting”. I have to admit that I’m mildly convinced by that, I said it many times, I’m not the most convinced tinfoil hatter, I just don’t know where to stand in all this mess. But the thing I can’t deny is that as improbable as it seems, the lost special is a possibility. So maybe that’s what the creator of this website wants us to believe, whoever they are (this can be someone from the staff, or someone from the fandom who just wants to have some fun).
Note also that there’s also other possibilities, the numbers may also refer to a date (that’s what I was initially looking for), or anything else. About the date, all I found is articles saying TAB won an Emmy for Outstanding Special Visual Effects in a Supporting Role at the Creative Arts Ceremony; that mofftiss were very angry because of Bake Off (x) (x); and there’s this article by Radio Time written that day about the fact we’ve been missing a big clue. And there’s this article about another show that disappointed its viewers because some stuff don’t make sense and I quote: “It was just too far-fetched, too ridiculous.” Apart from that I searched on my blog archives and I found nothing safe from the Radio Time article, nothing important happened that day in the fandom. And that’s it, I didn’t go further but I don’t think we’ll find really interesting stuff that way, I don’t think that’s a date (not a real life date, at least, maybe the scripts released lately have something related, but tbqh I’m too lazy to search that).
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Writing, living with a constant headache, sleeping, procrastinating, writing a paragraph sized message into multiple, smaller text messages
achieved: got a traineeship, published an article for a local teen magazine’s website goals: apply for an apprenticeship at a new media company, get a binder
Space, the colour blue, plants, rain/stormy weather, snow, lilac, pastel colours, sci-fi, seaside/beaches, forests, musicals (if that even counts), shit posts (this counts okay??), imagine dragons (high key aesthetic tbqh), glitter
I used to collect snow globes, but now I’m all about funkos.
Probably something I saw online, stuff that happened on my traineeship, and - with a certain group of friends - politics...idk why, but it does.
ASMR !! Just...having sounds in my ears that isn’t music, it makes me feel so grossed out like hoo boy.
Tell people how you feel, especially if you’re in a really bad place !! They’re most likely going to be supportive, or if not that person then someone else it. Even yelling in all caps about how you feel on some anonymous posting site usually helps get a weight off your shoulders.
Also, don’t give shit to anyone who takes meds - raise your concerns with them or with a close family member of theirs if you think the medicine will cause them harm (addiction etc.) but don’t make them feel bad for something that makes their lives easier.
Imagine Dragons - Selene Professor Layton and Assassin Creeds mashup (that’s some good shit right there) Who’s craxy/my psychopharmacologist and I - Next to Normal
tagged by: @neckerchiefsandmagic thank you <3 tagging: @thefvrious @remusetlupus @xmusiisms @narcissamilfoy @monsieurmoonys @stolideux @proudtodefy @chasingxprongs & anyone else who wants to!
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kingsofeverything · 8 years
listen. because i was given the gift of time, i have subsequently lost all of the fucks that i used to give. i’m just going to link this post from wednesday morning right here because it says exactly what i’m thinking right now. but also i’m going to copy/paste part of it because i’m lazy and don’t feel like rewriting stuff but also i want to say something. idek what any of that means, but here’s my opinion since no one asked for it:
the more articles i see about harry going solo, the more the press says about his future solo album, and the more they try to distance him from 1d, while harry continues to say absolutely nothing at all, the more i think he’s decided to say ‘fuck all y’all’ and not do a solo album at all. it’s not that i don’t want it, because yes the fuck i do. i want 7 million solo harry albums (i’m not going to go into solo anyone else in the band rn. this is about h) and i want to buy 10 million copies of each and build my next house out of all the cd cases. i want it. but i think harry is petty. like, i think he is the pettiest. so so so so so so petty. i can literally see him not making a solo album just because everyone expects him to. and he wants to do the unexpected. i’m not saying he won’t do collabs or whatever, and i know he’s writing, but i think he’s going to act more. i think he’s going to do at least one other movie before the hiatus is over. and, no, i’m no insider and idk any secrets, this is just my gut feeling. i could be totally wrong and would be happy to be, like i said, i would buy all the copies. and i know that 2016 was fucked up for lots of reasons, and there could be any reason for him not to announce anything, especially since he’s got dunkirk and with jay’s illness maybe he was just waiting, and i guess we’ll all find out eventually. but i think the point of all of these words was that i just don’t think it’s happening. just my opinion, which doesn’t mean shit, tbqh.
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