#just a dream [ooc]
seiwas · 3 months
thinking about katsuki finding out about that little crush you had on shouto since seeing close-ups of him during the televised sports festival—you were in high school then, too.
he shouldn’t care about it because it doesn’t matter, it was so long ago and shouto’s always been marketed as the pro-hero pretty boy—consistently top 3 most handsome, the front cover of magazines, all that.
this is to be expected, it’s what everyone’s been tempted to react like.
but since finding out, he’s been stewing in… in whatever this bubbling, throbbing feeling in his head means. he’s snappier than normal, face scrunched up more than usual.
and every time he sees shouto he wants to strangle the hell out of him.
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pawnyao · 3 months
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zu-is-here · 11 months
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Aftermare Week by @bluepallilworld
Geno by loverofpiggies
Nightmare by jokublog
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comatosebunny09 · 6 months
You always ask Astarion if you can kiss him. And for a while, he isn’t very comfortable with it, save for a few chaste pecks here and there and maybe the occasional kiss on the cheek. Imagine the wreck he’d be wanting to initiate a kiss with you first but not knowing how to ask after all this time staving off your advances.
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starrylevi · 11 months
Cute and silly drabble about Levi trying to convince you to quit your job and let him take care of you ♥️
“You’re not happy.” He states as he picks up his cup of tea by its circular top.
You chew on your bottom lip for a moment. “I know.” You reply softly.
“So quit.” He shrugs as he brings the cup to his lips.
You roll your eyes. “I can’t just quit, Levi.”
“Sure you can. I’ll even write the resignation letter for you.” He smirks before taking a sip of tea, his eyes meets yours as he drinks.
You chuckle at that. “I wish…”
“It doesn’t have to be a wish, Y/N…”
“I don’t have another job lined up.” You remind him.
“So?” He places his cup back down on the table.
You look at him incredulously. “What do you mean, ‘so?’ How am I supposed to make money, Levi?”
“I would give it to you.” He states simply, as if the answer was obvious.
Your eyes narrow at him. “And what would you get in return, Mr. Ackerman?”
He shrugs. “Nothing I don’t get already. This isn’t an arrangement-“
“So I wouldn’t be your sugar baby?” You ask jokingly.
Levi looks disgusted. “Absolutely not.”
You pretend pout. “You don’t want me to be your sugar baby?”
“Okay, I’ll stop.” You giggle.
“I’m serious. If you need to quit-“
“Levi, I couldn’t possibly do that. What if we break up?” You ask, your mind jumping to the worse possible conclusion. “What if we break up, then I would be without a partner and without a job.”
“Why would you assume we would break up?”
“I’m just thinking of possible scenarios!”
Levi pinches the bridge of his nose and lets out a breath. “Look, I know it would be a big deal. I’m not saying it isn’t. I’m just stating the option is there.”
“I don’t know, Levi…”
“I know it’s scary, you would have to rely on me-“
You cut him off again, trying to explain yourself. “It’s not that I don’t trust you-“
“I know. I know, Y/N.” He says with a chuckle. “I know how your brain works. Just think about it.” He shrugs.
You pause, digesting his words. “Would I get an allowance?”
This makes Levi chuckle again. “Would you want one?”
You shrug. “I don’t know, man, you tell me.”
Levi playfully rolls his eyes. “C’mere.” He gestures for you to sit on his lap. You follow his command, now you’re snug against him. “Whatever you want, you’ll get.”
You nod.
“I love you, and I just want you to be happy.” He murmurs against your skin.
“I know, I appreciate you. I love you too.” You think about how lucky you are to have someone like Levi. “I don’t deserve you.” You mumble.
“Tch, don’t say that. I’d argue it’s the other way around.
“Absolutely not.”
“I guess we’ll have to agree to disagree.” He places a small trail of kisses on your skin.
“I guess so.” You giggle.
Maybe you would take him up on the offer.
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thebad-lydrawn-sanses · 5 months
Ink why would you hurt the bad sans like that?? What happened to your kind, caring soul? Oh wait that's right.... you don't have one, and you never will.
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fivveweeks · 8 months
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askcometcare · 15 days
OOC: Can you explain what objectum means/is please? I’m genuinely curious and I’ve never heard of it outside of your blogs.
OOC: Objectum is being attracted to objects in the way you would be attracted to a human. It's just an orientation, can be romantic or sexual or both just like any other orientation. :] Your "partner" is called a beloved object, some people have several and some just have 1. I am objectum myself actually
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mossattack · 18 hours
(Some silly headcanons about Mortalitasi and Nevarran traditions that ended up leading me to Emmrich. How typical.)
We don't actually know all that much about Nevarra and their customs. World of Thedas and some of the in-game codex tells us some key points: strong royal families, a rich history of dragon hunting, an elite group of mages rumored to be heavily involved in makings of the country, and, of course, the thing that this country is most famous for - the fascination with the dead.
Our very own Nevarran companion mentions a couple of things about her home country:
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And even though she doesn't seem fond of Mortalitasi practices or Nevarran customs surrounding the dead, she admits that some stories that pervade the South are greatly exaggerated:
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(I feel so called out)
This makes me think that this interest in the dead is still a personal choice. I doubt that an average Nevarran is obsessed with those rituals any more than an average person from Ferelden is with theirs - those are just a part of their traditions that obviously affect their lives in unique ways, but that is all.
Now, Nevarran nobility are a different matter. They are said to start the construction of their tombs very early in life - lavishly decorated palaces with gardens, ballrooms and bathhouses. A sign of power and wealth for them, and that I can believe.
But when it comes to Mortalitasi, do they, in general, care as much? Do they take all these things, all these rituals, to extreme somehow, professional pride and all?
How much would a Mortalitasi care about their own tomb? Would Mortalitasi friends and colleagues ever promise to lead the other's ceremony depending on who dies first? "Oh, I'll totally mummify you if you're the one to go first, don't you worry, I know you think that Markus is getting sloppy".
The coffin sharing is also not unheard of (the spouses from The Flame Eternal), and I wonder if it's ever used as a grand gesture - to ask someone to be placed in the same tomb?
(And just imagine how messy this could get, the way people are. Building a tomb together only to have a falling out, what are you even supposed to do after that?)
Would it be romantic then, to tell your significant other that you don't want to ever part from them, even in death?
Beacause imagine Emmrich writing a quick letter to his friend from the Mourn Watch (Johanna, if they are still friends after all these years, or Myrna), "doing fine, on a saving the world business trip, will be back when I can; could I trouble you with a favor - a bigger coffin, installed in my tomb, not urgent, just whenever you have the time."
When the reply comes and his friend is (obviously) asking for a reason for such a sudden change, he just looks at Rook from the corner of his eye and replies with "no particular reason, just felt like it."
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mi1kbomb · 2 years
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tsukasa loves showing off i think he would also like to show off how strong he is in the form of carrying rui 
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whostacysbrother · 2 months
alright im gonna go on a tangent here
for the past few days i've dreamt of going to the backrooms, it happened three times and i'm convinced it'll happen again
my first dream i literally DIED from like cult leaders or som in a black and while mall
my second one is managed to kill them and then i ended up playing hide and seek in that mall??? hacking and ending up flying in the process?/???/?
third one is where i went insane, i was back at that SAME YELLOW MUSTY PLACE, then i was in a brain and i was hatsune miku???? I found a diorama of like a classroom and had a sqaure circle and triangle labeled as solid liquid and gas i touched the solid/sqaure one THERE WAS A PNG OF A MAN AND WOMAN DANCING WHILE THE SONG HOT PIZZA ROLLS PLAYED i got to eat one tho, woke up after
that was a shit pizza roll (i'm going insane)
i also had a dream where there was a millipede in my mouth but we don't talk about that💕
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an "everyone loops but its at the same time au" but sif's wish lets everyone remember and they figure out it was a wish in loop one so sif teaches them how to wish properly and they each make a unique wish and now they go through the loops because bon still accientally pushes sif into the tear and sif doesnt find the key so mira volunteers to test if tears work on her and now theyre in dormont AGAIN and isa and odile are agitated at needless risks because what if there's a limit?!? and bonnie may or may not be crying because yeah mira's fine now but it was still scary!!! so dinner that night's not very fun but they still trek up to floor 2 and dont miss the key this time siffrin and when they get the key and get to the crossroads, siffrin chooses wrong to try to make it up to odile and bonnie runs into a tear except they're looping before they even make it because siffrin panicked that bad. so now tension's rising a little higher, theyre back in dormont AGAIN and all the gear they picked up is gone too because it's siffrin's!! goddamn!!! timeloop!!!! BUT at least they can try to beat the king and by some unlucky miracle, they pick the wrong path every!! single!!! try!!! no matter if bonnie or odile or mira or isa chose because of course the last path is the correct one and then!!! they die to the damn king!!!!!! all that progress!!! back to square one!!!!! they're grumpy and tired and this wish made it all happen!!!!!! so maybe a wish can undo it!!!
except the universe doesnt listen to the words of your wish, it listens to your heart. and like it or not, your wish will come true. somehow it will.
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foileadeux · 1 year
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some angry dream hollow and ghost
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valeriianz · 1 year
in the spirit of dreamling week, here's a scene i wrote for the last chapter of Let Me Down Easy that i deleted, where they do get frisky in bed (nothing explicit). so please don't read this if you haven't finished that fic yet!
When Hob wakes, it’s to the feeling of someone combing fingers through his hair.
He hums, unconsciously smothering himself against the hot body next to him and hearing a sharp intake of breath above him.
“Hob,” a deep, melodious voice speaks. “Hob, are you awake?”
“Dream?” Hob blearily responds, blinking his eyes open as he comes to full consciousness.
He looks up and finds Dream staring down at him. Slowly, events of the day before come flooding back into his brain.
“Oh my God…” Hob mumbles and the fingers in his hair halt at once.
“Is…” Dream shuts his mouth, licking his lips and starting over. “Is this alright, Hob?”
Hob continues to stare, his mouth dropping open.
“I can’t believe you’re still here.”
“Shit, Hob.” Dream chuckles warily, one brow raising. “Don’t scare me like that.”
Bit by bit, Hob takes Dream in. The stubble on his chin, the bags under his eyes, his sleep mussed hair and the wonderment in his eyes. Like he’s looking at Hob for the first time; like he’d never see him again, drinking in his fill, and it makes Hob want.
He sits up, ignoring all logic and reason to roll on top of Dream and pushing him back into the pillows, using the surprised gasp to lean forward and shove his tongue down Dream’s throat.
Dream’s mouth is sour and Hob’s sure his morning breath isn’t any better, but regardless Dream groans loudly, like a dragon purring over his treasure as he kisses back, getting his hands around Hob’s middle and holding on.
Hob breaks off with a salacious sound, getting his hands in raven black hair and pulling it to expose Dream’s neck.
“I thought we agreed to– ah.” Hob chuckles, managing to cut Dream off. He rolls his hips down, bringing attention to both of their arousals. “To take it slow.”
Hob bites at the skin behind Dream’s ear, pleased to see it’s still a sensitive area that makes Dream grab hold of him tightly and thrust up, tearing a moan out of both of them.
“Fuck slow,” Hob pants, rocking his hips in earnest now, the material of their sleep clothes causing frustrating, delicious friction. “I want you, now.”
Dream growls and Hob’s heart leaps in his chest as Dream bends his knees, trapping Hob in between them, and rolls them over with a strength that should not exist so early in the morning, pinning Hob underneath him. 
“Oh, fuck,” Hob grins, his hands landing on Dream’s thighs. 
Dream sits up, the blanket falling off him and he’s clearly about to pull his shirt off, when he stills, his head twitching.
And then Hob hears it, the distinct sound of a cell phone buzzing.
“Ignore it, Dream.”
Dream sighs, knocking his head back violently enough that Hob hears it crack.
“It’s my agent, I know it is.”
He leans down again, his hand diving under the pillow and retrieving his phone, pulling it up and swiping across the screen.
“Hello, Lucienne.” Dream looks down at Hob, biting his bottom lip and Hob is struck, almost like the first time they’d met, with how utterly and completely fucked he was. 
Because there was no way he couldn’t not love Dream. Wearing Hob’s old shirt, wrinkled and over-washed. His hair wild and uncombed, thick and begging Hob’s fingers to run through it. And the way his jaw dropped now, eyes squinting shut as a yawn tore through him as his agent– Lucienne– gave him a proper earful on the other side of the line.
“... apologies I forgot to inform you I wouldn’t be back… I didn’t mean to worry you…” He casts his eyes around the room, the fingers on his free hand walking down his thigh to meet with Hob’s, lacing them together and setting Hob’s heart on fire.
“... No I met up with–” his eyes swing back to Hob and Hob raises an eyebrow, challengingly. Dream’s lips break out into a smirk. “I ran into an old friend, I stayed at his place…”
Hob looks down at where they are connected, Dream’s crotch settled comfortably against his, where Hob’s excitement is beginning to wane. He pushes his hips up, one hand digging into the flesh of Dream’s thigh and grinning at the way it makes Dream stutter into the phone. The glare he shoots at Hob is probably meant to be reprimanding, but it’s underlined with obvious interest that Hob doesn’t feel guilty at all for it. In fact, he caresses his hand up Dream’s thigh, his thumb digging particularly close to the slight tent in his pants, and up under his shirt, touching sleep soft, warm skin beneath.
“No, I’m fine. It’s just–” Dream’s jaw drops, eyes locked to Hob’s as Hob grips Dream’s hip and pulls him down just as he rolls his hips up again. “I– I have to go now.”
Dream starts meeting Hob’s thrusts again, deep and languid and Hob smirks victoriously, dropping Dream’s hand to get both of his on those thin hips now and pull Dream forward with a bit more force.
Dream nearly drops the phone, tearing his eyes away, taking a slow breath in and focusing on ending the conversation with Lucienne.
“No, of course I haven’t forgotten. I must be off now. I will see you tonight.”
Dream finally hangs up and drops the phone, grabbing Hob’s wandering hands and pinning them to either side of his head, leaning down with amusement twinkling in his eyes.
“You are a menace, Hob Gadling.”
Hob grins. He’s missed this. How easy it is to be with Dream, to tease and taunt him. He feels five years younger, alive and full of reckless hope and love.
“Not the worse I’ve done,” Hob breathes, arching his neck up to bite Dream’s bottom lip.
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last-of-the-jaded · 5 months
Who in NCT Dream is your best bet at surviving a horror movie scenario?
Jisung: Unless it’s something to do with running that man is dead. The second that you reach a puzzle it’s goodnight Sweet Prince.
Chenle: I feel like our horror movie fanatic would be so into it, and turn into an amused critic, that he’d end up getting everyone around him killed.
Jaemin: Roll of a coin with this one. Depending on his mood he will either get you out of there no issue or sit back and let death take him like angel’s wings.
Mark: Beautiful emotional rock of a man would make you hard carry the gore and heights and jump scares and psycho killers. It’s not fair, but if you’ve got the will…
Renjun: He would leap to assist the group with anything, even as he overthinks the same puzzle for over an hour, and jumps at the slightest noise. It’s teamwork, even if the chances of survival are slim.
Haechan: Mind like a saw-trap going a thousand miles a minute. If you don’t get in his way or slow him down I feel like it’s a good bet.
Jeno: A physically-force-it type of problem solver, who would live a long time, but most likely get caught due to following a shoddy order or idea because he’s too loyal to question motives.
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kamaluhkhan · 11 months
veryyy tempted to write a fic for the summer i turned pretty....conrad fisher x reader....reader is/was a ballet dancer who grew up going to cousins and lived next door to the fishers....featuring angst (eldest daughter trauma + daddy issues) with lots of summertime fluff and childhood friends to lovers vibes <3
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