#oh and they get pupils
foileadeux · 1 year
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some angry dream hollow and ghost
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akanemnon · 10 months
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I'm sure Ralsei's gonna be fine... I hope
MASTERPOST (for the full series / FAQ / reference sheets)
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an1muuarts · 2 months
laios' eyes in the manga always unnerved me so i made these edits where his eyes doesnt have shading nor lighting
oh theres spoilers probably in some of these
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canisalbus · 7 months
I had a dream with Vasco and Machete last night, I don't remember all details, but I do remember people talking about Machete being some sort of fallen angel or something. I even saw flashes of his angelic form in between, I'll have to draw those when I get back home. It was both scary and delightful.
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smalltimidbean · 4 months
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Satoshi but as a Fake Peppino clone, so no longer Satoshi but still mostly them jlkdfgkj
They do need a different name tho, bc my food-themed naming scheme can not be ruined!!! (silly! I already messed up on that early on, but still jkfdjkfsd) - I would refer to them by number, but I am leaning towards them being one of Mr D'Angiolini's... 'Special Request' clones for 'Personal Use', so they wouold not have a number, but I have not decided yet!
For now; They are here, and ready to get sillay
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possamble · 2 months
Do you think Falin ever saw Marcille in her little elven loungewear or would it be a bit of a surprise for her? In "a little creature" it might be a bit of a (pleasant) surprise, depending on whether Marcille hasn't used the clothes up to that point. Though it might make things a bit more awkward
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so this doodle from Ryoko Kui implies that Falin has seen it, but the fact that they're on an ipad and a phone means this isn't really supposed to be canon... still, I figure an informal image in the creator's mind is still closer to canon than anything else.
I'm imagining that Marcille prooobably started wearing this type of stuff closer to her later years at the academy? Maybe she finished the graduate track program and went on to the post-graduate whatever the fuck they have. That would probably mean getting a dormitory upgrade to something a little bigger and more private, too.
As for Falin's reaction seeing it for the first time... going by how casual they are in this image, I get the feeling she didn't have much of a reaction beyond the usual "oh Marcille is wearing something new and nice" ?? I do lowkey believe she just kind of Didn't Think About Herself hard enough that her horny teenager phase was incredibly muddled and mild. That, and she got so good at "I'm not allowed to think about Marcille like that" that it just didn't happen until the dragon came along and was like. HEY. WE'RE HOT FOR ELF. CAN YOU PLEASE DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT
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raayllum · 2 years
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RAYLLUM S4 MEME:  looks [2/5] 4x02, “fallen stars”
... Hey.
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just-bendy · 2 years
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(( Asks are back open and we are starting the Christmas event! The Christmas event will basically just be them dressed up in holiday sweaters and have various Christmas decor around the house. ))
(( I will close the ask box again once it goes over 30, but I'll do my best to answer them quickly. ))
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quibbs126 · 1 year
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So @lopuhkotermah made a post earlier today proposing the idea that General Jujube Cookie is Dark Choco’s other parent, and (as you may be able to tell) I find that idea very interesting. I don’t know a lot about Jujube but I do find the concept of two legendary warriors also being romantically involved a very interesting idea
So screw it, General Jujube x Dark Cacao. I think the ship should be called Jujucao. It just sounds fun
So I know realistically this probably wouldn’t be what happens, given that we know Dark Cacao is immortal and well over 1000, while I doubt Jujube is that old (though I don’t know if there’s any evidence one way or the other), and so likely they would have only met as adults, but I liked the idea of younger them meeting, back when they were just warriors, so screw the timeline
I would like to think their relationship was founded on their admiration for each other’s fighting prowess. You know like how Raphael and Mona Lisa’s relationship in TMNT 2012 is founded on their respect for each other as fighters and the fact they can kick each other’s butts? Yeah I’m thinking it’s something like that with these two
This scene here is probably in the middle of a battlefield (I just didn’t feel like drawing background/I don’t know how to draw that), with Jujube noticing that Dark Cacao (not sure if he’s traveling alone or with the other Ancients) is in need of assistance and going to help. Dark Cacao notices his fighting and is rather smitten. He does not know what to do about this as he has never felt this before. The difference in how Jujube is drawn is supposed to reflect what Dark Cacao is seeing in this moment
But yeah, new crackship, I kind of like it. Hope you guys enjoy too, and that perhaps this can be a thing in the fandom?
I mean I know I’m nowhere near popular to start some sort of new ship like that, but hey, just consider the ship. All I’m asking
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dogsrot · 2 months
thinking about how scary it is when fenrir goes mute before he just starts to laugh . .
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weatheredfailnot · 1 year
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Azem’s shard of the Fifth: Aelle, one of Hydaelyn’s Chosen. Although he was blessed with the echo, he was merely a close friend to the person who eventually became the Fifth’s Warrior of Light.
When Aelle was found by Emet-Selch, he was selected by him to fill Azem’s seat despite Lahabrea and Elidibus’ dissent because of Azem’s refusal to join their cause before the Great Sundering. At the time, Emet-Selch was still optimistic of the sundered’s potential and would entrust Azem’s crystal that he had secretly created to Aelle, hoping to prove the futility of fighting against the Great Rejoining and show him the glory of the unsundered world. Aelle would accept the crystal; he continued his work as a court bard to the throne of his kingdom, finding ways to work his influence within the royal court.
When the rejoining of the Fifth approached, Aelle turned on the Ascians, revealing that he had remained in contact with the Warrior of Light and had become an Ascian to gather information for them. While Emet-Selch and Lahabrea fought against the Warrior of Light, Aelle attempted to use the mysterious crystal (known as white auracite on the Source) given to him by the Warrior of Light against Elidibus in the void, but Elidibus had long seen through his deceit and easily warded off his attack. He killed Aelle without hesitation and would later report his death to Emet-Selch, admonishing him for his naivety in a shard of Azem’s presence. These events were enough to disillusion Emet-Selch and to view the sundered as feeble and distorted reflections of the people he once knew.
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breha · 1 year
thinkinggggg about how armand calls daniel his teacher in devil's minion and how lestat learns SO much about the world and how to live in it from louis but he still frames their relationship as 100% i am the teacher and you are the student. like ok you CHOSE to do that
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queen-scribbles · 11 months
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Tagged by @starlightcleric to make some OCs in this picrew, went with my Pathfinder kids bc they both look adorable.
Vikkari(Wrath of the Righteous) & Jas(Kingmaker)
I've seen this make the rounds, so um... @valkblue, @yanara126, @kris-mage-fics I hope no one's gotten you yet, go have some fun with this picrew. ^^
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enjoy some pencil drawings for once
screenshot study and what amounts to a conceptual illustration of a writing idea
#bravely Didn't try working on the ol wip last night; drawing program needed the laptop restarted anyways; dicked around thusly#like Yes i wanna draw my funny little guy who is the heart & brain's default lately (last several years) nice to do anyways#and naturally imo you can see the [been working on that animatic] influence. don't often manage to draw a thusly stylized winston#he would have the winstache here theoretically but no way was i trying to draw that in lol. nigh guaranteed erasing & v little space for it#for the erasing i mean. further disclosures for Interest: negligable / par for the course digital cleaning up includes getting rid of Some#stray marks like particularly annoying out of place specks. hard to do any of that & pick a stopping point though. yet i did...#more significant tweaks were moving winston's mouth up & one pupil iris Mark over both by like 5 pixels tops lol. still better =)#& then naturally the second pic's Colors are all added digitally. texture & that like shade gradient from top to bottom are courtesy of just#the lighting in the pics picking up paper texture / being itself uneven so there was more shadow further down....#pic one only had lighting & contrast adjustments (slight increase on both)....i don't think any of this was very interesting lol but hey.#winston billions#corned beef#technically:#riawin#i don't know if i quite adequately indicated winston as upset in a frustrated kind of genre as well lol....#but then i reacted afresh to The Pic as i was adding the colors like ah it conveys the intended emotion To Me...& i am the intended audience#could look like oh he's just like very elevatedly & transparently like ''ah jeeeez *Eye* messed up [pensive]'' lol but isnt meant to be so..#hand on back of head not to be sheepish or chastened but rather an ''agh christ i wanged the back of my head'' kneejerk reaction lmao#for once in our lives the fun lil stars are the comic strip language of Oof Ouch Physical Pain indication#the other half of [reacting to what literally just happened / has arisen] being like And spilt my drink on my self#and b/c it's winston & it's his life there May be undercurrents of ''ah jeez. did *i* mess up here / so as to be at Ultimate Fault''#that is the assumed interpretation of Anyone Else at him at any time. [Autistic Character Alert] babes....#meanwhile. re: pic one's ref i took the screenshot for whole other fun casual reasons & eventually realized like oh hey fun bust profile. so#an exercise in Shading. which is sure smthing i'm a lot more practiced doing via pencil than digital means
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sealer-of-wenkamui · 7 months
Help I'm thinking about doll stuff again, its been about a month since I placed my order so it will still be a bit most likely but.. aaaaa I keep looking into a bunch of things and I made another order of clothes that should be here this week. I can't wait to have a pretty doll I'm making look like Danzou to dress up in cute clothes and take pictures of and play with~ I got a dress that looks similar to the one she has in my favorite CE (No Strings), and I also got a yukata with a morning glory pattern so she can match summer Douman LOL And just a bunch of other stuff I thought was cute, like one of the shops had so much pretty Chinese style clothing that they tailor to your doll's size! And maybe I'll try and make some myself so I can have Danzou's outfits for her. And I want to eventually try to figure out a way to mimic the look of her metallic limbs.
And I also started looking into body blushing too since my doll won't come with it, just the face-up (which I also want to learn to do eventually?) It seems its less permanent and not necessarily required so much but I think its pretty, and I do want to display her naked sometimes too, since doll bodies are so pretty? And also since I'm making her look like Danzou okay I'm being a bit weird about this lol. It seems simple enough, I just gotta figure out what color of chalk pastels would work best... It seems like most people use those+Mr super clear as a sealant, so I'll have to order both. I want to make sure I get high quality pastels...
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dutybcrne · 4 months
Love the idea of Lyney acting like he would never break a damn thing like Lynette tends to, but if one looks closely enough, they can see the little tells in his body when he wants to instinctively bat at things on surfaces near him and make them fall.
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