#just a happier Buck
apdreadful · 4 months
Two sides to every phone call..or, still Buck
Tommy’s phone dings in his pocket.
It’s a text from Chimney
Chimney: I want to go on the record, I tried to talk him out of it.
He starts to reply asking what Evan has done now, his phone rings.
“What’s he done now?” He asks as a way of greeting.
“Your man is gearing up to do something really stupid. Or more accurately not gearing up”
Tommy could hear Evan’s voice in the background “You called Tommy! What the fuck Hen?”
“Well god knows you never listen to any of us” she replies.
“Put him on” Tommy says torn between wanting to laugh and also throttle his husband.
“You’re part of my team” he hears Evan grouse “Where’s the loyalty?”
“He was part of my team first. Also, do you really want any of us to have to explain to Tommy why you went splat?”
Tommy hears a rustling, presumably Evan taking the phone, and then a masculine sigh “Hey”
“Evan” Tommy says softly
“What were you about to do that Hen and Chimney both had to reach out to me”
“Chimney too?” Bucks voice rises an octave “Et tu Bruté”
“Did you just quote Julius Caesar?”
“Yes. I do know how to read, babe. I’m more than just a pretty face”
Tommy pauses for a beat, and when he speaks his voice has taken on a different tone “I am both annoyed and totally turned on by you right now. A state which I am becoming more and more accustomed to”
“You got a boner?” Evan stage whispers.
“OH MY GOD!” He hears Hen exclaim “You’re on my phone! No boner talk on my phone”
“Sorry babe. Hen wont let me talk spicy to you on her phone. Apparently her phone isn’t into dick either” He snickers.
Tommy manages to bite back his laughter knowing that will only encourage him more.
“Evan” he repeats.
Buck clears his throat. “Yes?”
“What were you about to do?”
Buck hesitates “Well..Crawl up an apartment building, balcony to balcony”
“Without a harness!” Hen yells.
“You are all the worst kind of tattletales” Evan grumbles. “It’s only like six stories”
“Evan” Tommy uses the tone that always gets Bucks attention.
He hears Bucks small intake of breath “Babe. You cannot use the bossy bedroom voice on me when I’m at work” he says huskily.
“Oh for fucks sake! Give me back my phone. Ya’ll are worse than a bunch of horny teenagers”
“You’re the one who called him to tattle on me and handed me your phone”
“Not for you to have phone sex with him. I swear the two of you are actually worse since you got married.”
“Awww thanks Hen” Buck says sweetly.
“That wasn’t a compliment”
“I’m choosing to take it as one though” he volleys back.
“Evan, please do not attempt to climb up a building without a harness” Tommy asks.
“Ok. I won’t”
“Thank you. I’ll see you tonight. I love you”
“Love you too” Buck replies.
“Be safe” they say almost simultaneously.
Tommy grins as he ends the call and slips it back into his pocket.
“Judging from the dopey ass look on your face. That was Buckley”
“Don’t be jealous, Hayes” he winks.
Buck hands the phone back to Hen “Still think you’re a tattletale.”
Hen narrows her eyes at him “That was surprisingly easy”
“What?” Buck says as he heads to the rig to get a harness and ropes.
“Did he threaten to put you over his knee if you did it anyway?”
Buck snorts out a laugh “Like that would have been a deterrent..He asked me not to go up without a harness”
Both Chimney and Hen gape at him “That’s it?? He asked you?”
Evan shrugs “Yes” after a few moments he adds “He’s my somebody, that person that needs me to come home to him”
Hen smiles softly and gives Buck a one armed hug “I like this married Buck. He’s a lot more sensible”
“Regular sex will do that for you!” He quips with a wink.
Hen makes a gagging sound “Never mind, still Buck”
<a href="https://archiveofourown.org/works/55979032"
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queerdiazs · 11 months
wip wednesday ✨
hii 🫶🏼 hoa eddie is giving me fits but i simply don't care, that bitch is going to suffer from the shenanigans he's caused one way or another, so please enjoy him being a goofy goober
He lays his chin on Buck’s shoulder, stuffs his face against Buck’s neck and breathes deep. He shuts his eyes and smiles. “Did you use my shampoo?”  “Your soap, too.”   Eddie laughs. “It smells nice on you,” he says, inhaling deeply one more time before opening his eyes and staring down at the catastrophe in the skillet. “Buck, I think you burned that piece of bacon.”  “S’fine,” Buck says, jerky and stunted, and stabs the overcooked piece of bacon a couple times before he gets enough leverage to pull it out of the grease. It’s charred and dark next to the other pieces on the paper towel. “I’ll still eat it.”  Humming, Eddie nuzzles his face across Buck’s shoulder. “Are we just having bacon?”  “There’s still some of that pudding cake leftover in the refrigerator.”  “Bacon and cake for breakfast?” Eddie pinches Buck’s side, eliciting a small giggle that has the stiffness in his shoulders dissipating. Whatever it is that’s weighing on Buck is still heavy, then, but not so big that Eddie can’t take it every once in a while. He doesn’t mind being Buck’s rock whenever he needs to. “Yum.”  “And coffee.” Buck flicks Eddie’s forehead, just hard enough it makes a funny little noise, and adds a few more pieces of bacon. “Breakfast of champions.”  Eddie wrinkles his nose and snuffles, kind of like a puppy, and tugs on a piece of Buck’s wet hair. “I’m glad you’re here, Buck,” he says, and it’s all ooey-gooey emotions in his tummy, too-sweet and sticky like honey, and, oh, that’s different. That’s very… different. “I’ve got a lot of laundry to do and you’re my favorite little helper.”  “But I’m injured,” Buck whines, pouting his fat bottom lip out.  “Are you?” Eddie smile, ear to ear. “I thought you said you were okay.”  Buck fakes a cough in Eddie’s face, tongue out and all, because he’s a brat. “See? Injured.” He shrugs. “Guess I can’t help with laundry at all.”  Eddie’s grin widens so far his cheeks chub up. “You’re so fuckin’ adorable, Buck,” he says before he can stop his heart from talking out of his mouth. And it’s fine, maybe, that he’s got shit for brains sometimes, because Buck’s face lights up in a glowing red blush that has Eddie’s heart beating a little fast in his chest. He wonders if Buck can hear the thudding; it’s loud enough and they’re so close Eddie can feel Buck’s heat. “Buck—” “Eddie—” Christopher’s alarm, fucking Crazy Train, rips through the kitchen and startles both Eddie and Buck apart. Eddie’s heart races and Buck’s face is as red as the tomatoes sitting in the windowsill and perhaps it’s a good thing they were interrupted because Eddie’s not exactly sure what he was going to say. 
i was tagged by @wildlife4life, @wikiangela, @honestlydarkprincess, @fortheloveofbuddie, @disasterbuckdiaz, @thewolvesof1998, @daffi-990, @try-set-me-on-fire, and @callaplums mwah i adore all of you
and i'm casually no pressure tagging @eddiebabygirldiaz, @eddiediaztho, @callmenewbie, @exhuastedpigeon, @jesuisici33, and everybody else who wants to partake in the tomfoolery
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giallos · 5 months
a truly terrible idea has latched hold of my gremlin brain which is, buck and tommy do break up so that buck can pursue eddie because either tommy thinks buck is in love with eddie or buck feels like he should be with eddie because everyone else keeps suggesting there's something more there BUT buck/eddie getting together changes their dynamic so much that neither of them are enjoying themselves (and they're worrying about losing what made their friendship so special because of all the changes to the dynamic) AND buck and tommy keep hooking up [air quotes] platonically (with tommy stumbling into inconvenient feelings and pining pathetically for buck while fucking him) while buck struggles to sort out intense feelings toward eddie (which obviously have to be romantic of course) vs. his calm, more settled feelings toward tommy (they're not as intense as his feelings about eddie so they can't possibly be romantic) blah blah long story slightly less long but buck realizes he's been in love with tommy the whole time and was having trouble separating strong but platonic feelings for eddie from his romantic feelings toward tommy and then tommy's like "newsflash asshole i've been in love with you the whole goddamn time"
i'll never write it because it's irredeemably stupid and i value my peace but it IS sitting in my hindbrain tormenting me right now
#thank you for coming to my ted talk#i'm not tagging this bc i don't want it showing up in any show or ship tags but...............................#terrible evil plotbunny free to a good home#nobody ever writes about the friends who get together bc 'why not everyone else already thinks we're dating' and then it doesn't work out#because the dynamic changes SO MUCH that you're not sure if it was such a good idea in the first place#now add a third person to the mix that you like but aren't sure how you feel about them#not sure if eddie would be aware it's casual and non exclusive or if there'd be miscommunication leading to angst#honestly this is just me venting my frustrations with those breakup fics masqueraring as b*cktommy that have tommy#graciously sacrificing himself on the altar of b*ddie's true love and stepping aside magnanimously#that's not interesting to me to read even as a b*ddie shipper#if buck and tommy have to break up let it be real and messy because real people are real and messy#let tommy fight for buck even if it doesn't end up working out#let buck and eddie feel guilty because buck did genuinely care about tommy and eddie does like him as a friend#let tommy cut both of them off because even though he likes both of them he still has feelings and it hurts seeing them together#let tommy be petty about showing off a new love interest or fwb and how much happier he is with this guy than he was with buck#let buck wonder if he made the right choice or not bc he didn't ever want to hurt tommy#he only convinced himself tommy would be completely fine with the breakup because he needed him to be fine so that he could do it guilt fre#let eddie wonder if they made the right choice or not bc while he finally has what he's wanted for years it did hurt someone he really like#maybe it'll all work out in the end for buck and eddie AND tommy but i just want it to feel real and not overly polished and sanitized#and no one is hurt or upset or petty or flawed#anyway#i like mess#don't @ me#i might have to write this now but i don't want to be chased off with pitchforks and torches#text#shut up giallos
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matan4il · 1 year
Hello dear, just dropping by to say I love your meta and I'm so sure that we'll have Buddie canon this time also because Andrew is again co-writing the last ep. I'm so excited and I can't wait to see 6x13 and read your opinion. Hope you have an amazing day ❤️
Antonia! :D Hi darling, thank you so, so much for this lovely message! I'm so glad that you enjoy my meta, and I hope everything being linked in my pinned post helps find it if you ever need that! *HUGS*
Oh, I never wanna be 100% on anything 'coz I'll admit that I'm scared of high expectations. XD I find that I enjoy shows the most when my expectations are low, and then the show can surprise me for the better. ;) And 911 CONSTANTLY does it, so yeah, I have a good feeling about our show, too! I mentioned in my 612 meta that the theme of the couch started all the way back in 513. And guess who wrote that? Andrew. Then the following eps he wrote include 601 and 612, which both re-visit the couch metaphor! So yeah, I have a good feeling about that as well. ;D
Awwww, thank you again for the incredibly kind words! NGL, I'm really excited to be writing the meta for 613! And I hope you do enjoy it once it's posted. Thank you, and have an amazing day, too. Just like you are! As always, here's my ask tag. xoxox
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fuckbouteverything · 9 months
Feeling so somber and emotional and grateful and heavy at the same time
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mydeepdarkvoid · 11 months
I know it'll be a rollercoaster of a ride for now. But at least I didn't spend another month trying to be w someone who didn't want me. At least I tried. Closure isn't real.
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southislandwren · 1 year
Okay so far waking up at 3:25am sucks roughly as much as waking up at 4:25am but I know the 10am crash is going to be hard and nasty. Today I’m letting myself nap from 10-2 if I want bc this shit sucks
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butchlifeguard · 1 year
gonna be honest gang this is not trans joy of me
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werecreature-addicted · 4 months
u once brought up coyotes and i’ve been hooked ever since 😭😭
so how about a cute sexy coyote who’s been seducing the big bad alpha wolf for so long it got so frustrating that he lets it out on her for days (poor baby can’t walk anymore, can she) idk he eventually wifes her up 😂 a cute lovely ending
love uuu and thanks in advance !
Coyotes really aren't all that different from wolves, they move in packs, they hunt similar prey, and the mating seasons are at the same time of year. So really was it that big of a deal that you were hunting on werewolf territory? No right? you were basically cousins. well, that's what you thought at least, and you were wrong.
The alpha of the pack had caught you sniffing around. you had been warned many many times that wolves didn't tolerate completion on their hunting grounds and killed silly coyotes who got too close hunting for rabbits. now here you were darting through the forest as fast as you could with snapping jaws right on your tail. He's already chased you out of the werewolf territory it's not fair why is he still chasing you? no fair no fair no fair.
he catches you, knocking you to the ground and rolling with you through the grass, he lands on top of you his chest to your back. his big hands pinning your wrists. his knees pinning down your legs so you can't kick him. you struggle, but he's so much stronger than you that the act is basically pointless. You buck your hips back trying to knock him off, he lets out a muffled grunt, then a snarl as your ass pushes back against his crotch.
For some reason, this stirred something inside of you, this isn't so different from the play wrestling male Coyotes did as courting. a warmth spreads in your belly. you were still scared, especially with his sharp teeth hovering over your neck ready to rip your throat out. but there was something else string in you. you had been pinned, face down ass up by a strong powerful male with his groin pressing against you, and your heat was starting to hit because of it. you hated how good this felt.
"I'll let you off with a warning if you don't come back," he growled, his voice as deep and low, you wanted to tell him yes you'd be good, please spare your life, but what came out instead was a low moan as you pushed back against him not trying to escape this time. his nostril flared.
"did you go into heat?" he no longer sounds angry but more, surprised.
"I'll never come back if you just fuck me, let me cum," you pant. he growls again, but you can feel him grind against you, matching the roll of your hips.
"Brat. did you come here just so some wolf might pin you down and ruin your cute cunt? what are those coyote boys aren't big enough for you?" he snarls, you can feel his hardening cock against your behind he was bigger than any coyote you'd fucked before. you'd never been so horny before in your life, it's not even going to fit inside of you this big werewolf cock is going to split you right in half and you couldn't be happier.
"say it, say that this is what you wanted all along," he demands, teasing your pussy with the thick dip of his cock. you try to buck back and take his dick inside of you, he grabs the back of your head and shoves your face down in the grass forcing you to say in place. "Say it," he repeats.
"I just want your cock in me, it's all i want please please pl-" Your begging is cut off as his tick cock pushes inside of you. he's so big you feel like you can't breathe. the pain is delicious. you definitely won't be walking after this, you hope he and the rest of his pack take advantage of it.
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chronicowboy · 5 months
Buck tucks them away in a corner when the mingling begins. They're stood far too close to be decent, Buck pressed up against the hard lines of his date with little care for anything besides being close, close, close. But in his defence, Tommy had taken his turnout coat off somewhere along the way which means he's stood there in a too-tight LAFD tee straining against his biceps and those suspenders Buck has always found more than a little maddening. So, really, it's only right to tuck his hands beneath one of the straps to pull Tommy even closer. And Tommy goes easily, smiling wide enough that it brightens his whole face as he presses Buck a little more firmly into the wall at his back.
"That was good. That was really good, right?" Buck breathes, his own smile making his cheeks ache.
He's horny, yeah, his boyfriend is incredibly hot. And, Jesus, the noise he'd made in the lobby—Buck can't wait to wring more of those noises from him. Mostly, Tommy just looks so stunningly happy to be there with him. So, yeah, he's a little amped up. But he's mostly just giddy. No, happy. He's just happy. Because everyone he loves knows who he is, knows who he's with. And he's just really fucking happy.
"How do you think they knew?" Buck asks then, still a little breathless just from Tommy's closeness, from the way he ducks just a little so their noses brush like they're in their own little bubble. "Like they all just seemed to know. I didn't even get to introduce you as my date." Tommy's eyes do something then, the crinkles at the corners smoothing out as they melt into something so fond Buck's stomach somersaults with it. "I mean, Hen I get. Her gaydar is killer. Like astounding. But Chimney?" Buck's eyebrows furrow, but it couldn't be called a frown for the smile still tugging at his lips. "Do you think he just saw how happy I was—"
"Evan," Tommy says softly. Buck snaps his mouth shut at the look on Tommy's face, all indulgence, downright smitten, if Buck had to take a guess it's probably the same look reflected on his own face.
Tommy reaches up to cup his face, swiping gentle, reverent thumbs over Buck's stubbled cheeks, smile twitching with bitten-back amusement. He pulls his hands away then, freshly cleaned palms coming away sooty.
"Oh," Buck murmurs, face flooding with heat. So, that's how they knew. Makes sense.
"I'm sure they saw how happy you were too." Tommy nudges their noses together again, a gentle little nuzzle that makes Buck's body fizz from head to toes, but there's something hesitant to it that has his eyes flickering back and forth between Tommy's. "You're happy, yeah?"
"Yeah." Buck nods just to feel their noses brush again. "Really, really unbelievably happy, Tommy."
And if Tommy's smile had been beautiful before, this one is radiant as the fucking sun. Buck almost wants to shield his eyes from it, except he doesn't. Not at all. He wants to map every inch of it and remember it forever.
"Good," Tommy breathes out. "Good, that's really good." One of his big hands finds Buck's hip, settles there and squeezes just tight enough to make Buck fizz again. "I'm happy too."
That's nice. That's really fucking nice.
They have to get out of this very crowded hallway immediately.
Buck lets his smile shift into a smirk and sways forward into Tommy's space. He doesn't look at Tommy's eyes as he does it, zeroed in on those lips that Buck could happily spend the rest of his life getting to know inside and out.
"Hm," Buck hums, pushing far enough forward that Tommy stumbles back a step. "We should probably go and get cleaned up, huh?" He extracts himself from Tommy's arms with only the slightest bit of difficulty, leaving one hand wrapped around his suspenders to drag Tommy along with a raised eyebrow.
Buck isn't entirely sure, but he think there's a little bit of pink underneath the soot on Tommy's face. It makes him even happier.
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nadvs · 3 months
Ok so,from what I read,Rafe goes down on her pretty often,right? What about her? Can u write her going down on him please?
YESSS omg he’s a munch with her 🤭 but she returns the favor!!
set in the home before dark universe! 18+!
rafe almost always chooses his motorcycle over his car. but when his girlfriend tells him she’s planning on wearing a dress to the formal party at the country club one cool summer night, he picks her up in his suv.
his eyes hungrily trail down her body the second he sees her. he’s not sure how he’s going to get through the night with her looking like that.
they arrive at the club and stand together in the crowd, drinks in their hands, talking amongst friends.
a few nights ago, one of rafe’s friends drunkenly told her something she keeps replaying in her head. this is corny as fuck but rafe seems happy with you and i’ve never really seen him like that.
she looks up at rafe through her lashes, so infatuated with the complex, handsome man who somehow can be gentle and rough at the same time. she’s so glad that she can make him happy. she’s eager to make him even happier.
rafe feels her hand press against his chest, fingers bunching over the fabric of his dress shirt. he looks down at her, stomach twisting with arousal like it always does when she touches him.
“i forgot something in the car,” she says over the music. he puts down his drink and nods, offering his hand. she smiles, already knowing he wouldn’t let her go alone anywhere.
when they get to his car in the dark parking lot, she opens the back door and sits and slowly pulls him in.
“what are you doing?” rafe asks, a sexy smile on his face, his tone low, ducking into the car.
she shuts the door behind him, glad his windows are so tinted, and shifts to straddle him, brushing her lips against his.
“remember last night?” she asks. he smirks, thinking about how long he went down on her in his bed.
“yeah,” he rasps.
“i don’t think i showed you how much i appreciated that,” she whispers. she feels his cock growing in his pants already and she kisses him, tasting the alcohol on his tongue.
she perches up on her knees, unbuckling his belt. he shifts to lean against the door, stretched out in the backseat, watching her strip his pants down to his knees, palming him over his boxers.
“shit,” he groans. he can’t even wrap his head around how hot this is, how he was just in the club with her a minute ago, surrounded by people, and now they’re alone in his car, her hand gripping his cock.
she looks up at him, making out the outline of his features in the dark, stroking his length. when she pulls down the band of his boxers, he springs out.
she runs her tongue up from his base, keeping her eyes locked on his the entire time, watching the way his face twists in pleasure. she kisses the tip, making his head fall back as he chuckles in excitement and disbelief.
“goddamn,” rafe groans. “you’re so fucking hot.”
she smirks and holds him at his base as she starts to lap at his cock, her breath hot on him, her tongue flicking. once she finally locks her lips around him, he bucks his hips.
the feeling of her tight, hot mouth sucking him makes him groan even louder and she puts her other hand on him, bobbing up and down slowly while her hands work what she can’t reach with her mouth.
“is that good?” she asks.
“so good,” he tells her.
the sounds of her wet sucks and his heavy breaths fill the car. when she looks up at him again, he cups her cheek, in awe of her.
that look on his face makes her want to push herself to her limits and give him everything. she adjusts her stance on her knees, the carpet smooth against her skin, and slowly sinks to take all of him in.
rafe feels himself hit the back of her throat and it makes fire coil in his gut.
“yeah, that’s it,” he praises. “like that.”
she pulls back slowly, then takes all of him again, feeling him get even harder, close to his climax. she sucks hard, her jaw getting sore as she pumps him with her hand, lining it up with her mouth, making sure she never loses contact.
“i’m gonna come,” he groans. “fuck… fuck…”
he fills her mouth in hot, hard spurts as he shakes, gripping her head, fingers digging in her hair, seeing stars.
he’s panting, feeling her kiss his length as he shuts his eyes, nearly dizzy from the pleasure.
eager to kiss her, to thank her, he cradles her jaw and gently leads her to come back up to him.
“that was…” he whispers, unable to find the words as he kisses her temple. she smiles, resting her hands on his shoulders, just as breathless as he is.
he always makes her feel so treasured, and she hopes she made him feel the same way. with the way he’s holding her, kissing her, still slightly shaking, she’s sure she has.
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wellcollapse · 2 months
if i may say something. i think a lot of what fandom interprets as jealousy on eddie’s part re. buck’s love interests is actually severe overprotectiveness. it’s been said before but if eddie is in fact aware of his feelings….i feel like he’s already sort of Written Himself Off as someone that buck could love. like. i’m sure that buck saying ‘she sees me’ hurt to some extent, but during the entire cemetery scene, eddie looked more resigned than anything. resigned to the fact that his best friend won’t stop hurting himself and self sabotaging and resigned to the reality that eddie can’t and won’t be able to do anything to help him.
i see it in his vicious, furious bite at the train derailment when he realizes that buck is still willing to risk his own life for a woman who left him. i see it in the slightly hopeful, teasing banter about taylor when they’re fixing eddie’s wall together — maybe this time he’ll finally start doing things for himself, right? — and i see it in his bone-deep exhaustion at the graveyard when he realizes that all of his efforts to make buck feel safe and alive have paled in comparison to another kind, pretty face and a set of bright eyes that ultimately weren’t what buck needed to help himself heal. because eddie loves buck, yes — and desperately wants to keep him. but more than anything, he just wants to see his best friend happy, and to someone as self-sacrificing as eddie diaz, watching buck go in circles again and again is the worst curse of all. and the endless tragedy of it all is that he grinds his teeth and patiently suffers through every step of buck’s romantic journey not knowing that he could make buck happier than anyone with his love. heartbreaking!
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buckyalpine · 1 year
Drunk Bucky wants uppies
Fluffy crack drabble. Bucky wants uppies.
He's drank the teams entire body weight in alcohol and he's never felt happier. His flushed cheeks almost hurt from the dopey grin he has on his face. He keeps giggling to and snickering to himself, twirling around the straw of a pink fruity drink, deciding it doesn't count as alcohol when it looks so pretty. He's basically drinking water, just as Steve instructed.
After a few more glasses of his spicy water, he stands up and immediately lands face flat onto the floor with a muffled -oof
His current state is more amusing than concerning; Steve and Sam howl with laugher at the super soldier who is currently making no effort to get up.
"You good tin man?"
"wanupy" His voice is muffled, mumbling something with his face still pressed to the soft carpet of the compound living room while you go over to kneel beside him to see how he's doing.
"What is it Buck" You whisper, carding your fingers through his soft locks, smiling at the way he hums, rolling around to flop on his back instead.
"Uppies" He looks at you with outstretched grabby hands, puppy eyes wide, hoping you'd scoop him right up and take him to his room. Never mind that he's over a foot taller and probably double your weight, he wants to be carried right now.
"Uppies" He nods with confidence, blinking and waiting patiently to be picked up while you giggle.
"Did he just say uppies?" Sam stares and Steve before looking back at the 6ft+ man acting like a baby on the floor. "The former Winter Soldier, scary assassin, the man that threw me off the edge of a building just said he wants uppies?"
"Yes. Yes he did" Steve ran a hand over his face, debating on helping or watching this play out. He decided on the latter.
"I can't carry you Buck, you're too heavy" You coo, running your finger over his pouty lips pulled into a frown.
"M'not heavy" Bucky huffed in offence, throwing an adorable tantrum, refusing to move. In all fairness, at this point he wasn't able to get up himself anyway. "Uppies please"
"Alright, c'mon punk" Steve snorted, getting up from the stool he was sitting at along with Sam, both men picking Bucky off the floor and walking towards the elevator.
"Fuckin' uppies, how much do you weigh" Sam grunted while Bucky let out a sleepy yawn, his head resting on Steve's shoulder. Both men waited for you to open the door before helping him into bed.
"Wan cuddles" Bucky mumbled, reaching out for you to join him with his best pout.
"Okay I'm out, cuddles is where I draw the line" Sam playfully pushed you into Bucky's outstretched arms while Steve threw you a wink, both men softly closing the door behind them leaving you two alone.
"You want cuddles?" You whispered, squeaking when Bucky flipped you onto your back with ease, deciding to use you like a human pillow.
"Cuddles" He nodded, quickly falling asleep afterwards, blissfully unaware that Sam would never let him live this moment down.
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megalony · 16 days
Can't You Be Mine- Part 3
This is the newest part of my Evan Buckley series, and I hope you will all like it. Let me know what you think.
Taglist: @justagirlthatlovedtoread @musicistheway @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @luula @missdreamofendless @bradleybeachbabe @woderfulkawaii @amberpanda99 @daggersquadphantom @marvel-and-chicago-fan @angryknightstatesmantrash @minjix @lyje @kmc1989 @itsmytimetoodream @noonenuts @hiireadstuff @ashie-babie @classyunknownlover @jayyeahthatsme @sp1ritssz @dumb-fawkin-bitch @oliverstarksbae @gimatida @heart-35 @supernaturalstilinski @kyky9103 @wutheringhearts2275 @gay4hotmilfs @itshamleth @chaoticnosleepinfluencer @gs29 @wh0reforsmutstuff @mel-vaz @natashamea18 @chrisevansdaughter @alexandra848484 @deena-beena-weena @targaryenluvs @kpoplover-19 @marvelmenarebeautiful @gillybear17
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Evan Buckley Masterlist
Part 1
Part 2
Summary: Now that Minnie has started referring to Evan as her dad, he has officially adopted her. And he turns up to protect and look after her and (Y/n) when they need him.
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"So, I was thinking…"
Tilting her head to the side, (Y/n) let her eyes loll to the right to look across at Maddie. She knew that tone of voice. She knew whatever Maddie was going to say next was either going to be controversial or something big, possibly shocking.
She let herself sink further in her seat as she folded her arms over her chest, resting them down against her stomach that came up like a big bump in the road. Although sometimes, like now, her stomach acted like a cushion or an armrest.
(Y/n) had taken to seeing what she could rest on her bump when it started getting bigger, just to see Evan's reaction.
His words were usually something along the lines of 'Don't use it as a table!' or 'Stop resting your drink on them.' And if she tried to rest anything light on her stomach while she was walking around the house, he always responded with 'You know I'll carry that for you, right?' but she was only doing it to tease him.
"Oh yeah?" (Y/n) grinned and started to dance her fingertips across her bump.
"We need to throw you a baby shower."
"We do?" That wasn't what (Y/n) had been expecting to hear.
"Yes, we need to celebrate. Plus, I had Jee during covid, so we never got to celebrate one for her. I think it'd be nice, Buck's already desperate to throw one."
"Oh, I bet he is… I guess it will be fun." A tender smile danced across her lips as she looked down at her stomach as if she could see through to the baby. It would be nice to celebrate and have a little get together. Everything was going great now, (Y/n) and Evan had moved in together, he had adopted Minnie, they were having a baby together.
Other than the brief setback of the run in with Mick at the store, things were the best they had ever been for (Y/n). She had never been happier or more content and she felt that she had a family with Evan's team and Maddie had truly become a sister to her. It was lovely.
(Y/n) looked ahead at the road and tried to keep her eyes on the beach they were passing by.
She hadn't been out the house in two weeks.
When Evan went to work, (Y/n) felt too nervous to go out alone. She didn't want to run into Mick, he was out on bail and (Y/n) just knew that he would be hanging around this area in the hopes of running into her again. He loved terrorising her. He loved making her feel timid and frightened of her own shadow, it gave him power over her.
She couldn't go out on her own, what if she ran into him again? She wasn't going to be much use defending herself or the baby.
Staying home where she could lock all the doors and windows felt safer than trying to leave. Minnie had only just gone back to school this week and she was not enjoying it. She didn't want to be at school, she wanted to be at home with either (Y/n) or Evan or both of them. She wanted protection and she didn't feel safe at school.
It had taken Maddie almost an hour to convince (Y/n) to come out this afternoon with the girls.
It was a lovely warm day and Maddie said they could go to the beach or the arcades and do something with Minnie and Jee. Whether it was just going for a walk and an ice cream and then going home, at least being out for a drive would get them out the house and back to a sense of normality. And (Y/n) didn't feel able to decline.
"Did you have a shower for Minnie?" Maddie looked across at (Y/n), noticing the way she had shrunk down in her seat and was absentmindedly gliding her hand up and down her bump.
"No, my parents were happy I left Mick, but they thought it was a mistake to have Minnie on my own."
All of (Y/n)'s family had seen how Mick's temper would flare and they noticed the bad effect he had on her. Making (Y/n) feel belittled and constantly on edge, how she never got to spend much time with her family when he was around and how he tried to control what she did and who she talked to.
They were thrilled when (Y/n) managed to cut all ties with him and escape, but knowing she was having a baby on her own wasn't something her family thought she should do. They thought it would be too hard for (Y/n) and when she and Minnie moved out to LA, they worried she wouldn't fair well on her own looking after Minnie.
Things had gone a bit smoother between (Y/n) and her family when they saw how happy Minnie made (Y/n) and how well the pair of them were doing. And now that Evan was in the picture, (Y/n) felt more able to talk and be around her family without feeling judged or like they thought she couldn't cope.
"Well, we will throw a great shower and show them just how wrong they were."
"Do you think your parents would come?" (Y/n) didn't want to upset Maddie if talking about her parents wasn't something she wanted to do, but she was curious.
(Y/n) had heard Evan on the phone to his parents a few times- each time it had been him to call them, never the other way around. (Y/n) had yet to see them call him and ask how he was or what was going on in his life. She heard the way Evan sounded dull when he talked to his parents. He told them he was happy in a new relationship but he didn't seem like he was expecting much back from them or much of a reaction or a glowing praise.
She had also witnessed the conversation where Evan told them he had adopted Minnie.
His parents hadn't been upset, per say, but they sounded cautious, as if this was something Evan was doing on a whim rather than something he had thought and talked about extensively and knew in his heart it was something he wanted to do.
Evan had told them it was what he wanted, that he loved Minnie and if he was going to tell people she was his daughter, he needed to adopt her and make it real. He wanted to adopt Minnie so she was truly his daughter. It meant he could be an emergency contact for her and he could be on her doctor's file. He could be on her school file and he could pick her up from school early, take her to appointments or anywhere she needed.
It also meant he could give her his last name, something Minnie was now ecstatic with. She had been practising how to write Buckley and learning how to spell it and she had told her teacher as soon as her name was changed.
Both (Y/n) and Evan were hoping that in a few years when Minnie was older, these memories would be fuzzy for her. She wouldn't remember she used to have (Y/n)'s last name or that she hadn't had Evan in her life from the very beginning.
"I'm sure they will, I've told them how happy Buck is after the move and everything. I'll make sure they come over when we organise the shower." Maddie reached across and delicately ran her hand over (Y/n)'s bump for a few seconds.
She wouldn't stand for their parents not being there at the baby shower. This was another grandchild for them. Maddie had already made it clear how happy and complete Evan felt in this relationship and that in taking Minnie on, it meant the rest of them did too.
Minnie was referring to Maddie and Chimney as her aunt and uncle and Maddie had told her parents that Minnie would need to be treated as their grandchild along with Jee and the new baby. If they didn't, they wouldn't be having contact with the new baby because it wouldn't be fair to Minnie. This was the way things were going to be.
Tilting her head up, Maddie looked in the rear-view mirror to see the two girls sitting idly in the back. "Shall we go get an ice cream?"
Both of them grinned and squealed their replies, kicking their legs in their car seats. (Y/n) couldn't of been happier that Minnie seemed very happy when she was around Jee. She got along with her class mates, but she didn't exactly make friends very well, she liked to keep to herself and her teachers said it was hard to get her socialising.
But there was only 16 months difference between Minnie and Jee and they were getting along like a house on fire. (Y/n) wondered if it was because Jee was technically her cousin now and because they were family, maybe Minnie felt more at ease around her and more eager to play and get along.
Once Maddie pulled up, (Y/n) sat forward and clicked her spine into place which caused her to wince.
She could feel the baby wriggling and when she climbed out the car, it felt like her stomach was weighing her down to the floor. It was going to be a rough few months if she was six months along and was already starting to feel discomfort.
She opened the back door and smiled down at Minnie who had been singing along to the radio the whole drive. But now it was time to get out, she could see her daughter looked nervous.
She held the Fireman Sam teddy closer to her chest and tensed up when her belt was taken off. Evan had given her the teddy and she barely let it out of her sights. And Evan had been both surprised and delighted when he came home from work last week and found that Minnie had gotten a pink pen and drawn and splotchy birth mark onto the teddy to make it resemble him. It had also caused her to ask Evan why she didn't have a mark like that too.
"Is daddy coming?"
"No, baby he's at work today. We're having a girls day." (Y/n) lifted Minnie out of her seat and set her down.
The same as (Y/n), Minnie hadn't left the house the first week after the shopping incident. She didn't want to and they didn't want to rush her. She had gone back to school this week but she hated every moment of it and was relieved to be taken back home at the end of the day. This was the first time she was going out somewhere other than school, but she wanted Evan.
She knew he would keep them safe, just like he did when he bustled into the shop two weeks ago and took them home. He promised he would keep her safe and Minnie wanted her dad stood in front of her like a protective shield. She wanted to be wrapped up in his arms because no bad people would mess with him.
"Your daddy said he wanted pictures of you having fun, why don't we see if we can win him a teddy from the arcades after an ice cream?" Maddie locked the car and looked over at Minnie who seemed to relax at her words.
With her left hand tightly clasped in (Y/n)'s and her teddy pinned under her arm, Minnie reached her other hand out and held Jee's hand. Both to keep her cousin heading in the right direction and to make them both feel safe and secure. The four of them made their way to the promenade along the sea front where Maddie said they would find an ice cream shop.
Minnie leaned her head into (Y/n)'s hip and nuzzled into her side as they walked down the promenade. She didn't want to be here, she wanted to go back home or stay driving in the car where it was safe.
"I want daddy." She tilted her head back and looked up at (Y/n) with those big pupils that looked like black holes that could ensnare everything in their path.
She let go of (Y/n)'s hand in favour of moving her arm to her chest to hold the Fireman Sam teddy so she could nuzzle her face against the top of the soft cotton. She wanted to go home now.
"You can call him later and tell him how brave you've been going out to the beach today."
"He'll be extra proud of you." Maddie winked when she could see that her words clicked something inside of Minnie's mind. She might just try and stay out a bit longer if she thought she could make Evan proud, not that she would have to do much to do that in the first place. He would be proud she had left the house, but if she could tell him she had been all the way to the beach and out for a long walk, he would be very pleased.
She nodded, her expression a little more relaxed, but she still didn't look so satisfied or at ease. She kept her mouth and nose nuzzled into her teddy and started humming as they all walked in line down the path beside the sea front.
"Wait with aunt Maddie and Jee while I grab us all some ice cream." (Y/n) kissed the top of Minnie's head and gently ushered her to stand over with Maddie and Jee.
Minnie huddled up into Maddie's side while her beady eyes followed her mum who waited in line for the ice cream. She tucked her toy tighter into her chest and pressed her lips against it again while her feet began to tap against the floor.
When Maddie took a few steps back and sat down on a bench, Jee perched next to her, holding her own teddy in her hands and quietly chatting to it like it was an old friend. And Minnie gingerly looked up at Maddie before tapping her knee, silently asking if she could sit with her.
"Come here," Maddie murmured, lifting the little girl up to sit her down on her knee. She could tell it made Minnie feel better and more secure when she felt Maddie's arms cocoon around her middle. No one could try and grab her or hurt her if she was wrapped up like this. "What's this?"
She pointed at the teddy in Minnie's hands and perched her chin on her niece's shoulder.
"It's daddy," She held the teddy out so Maddie could see her craftwork and the blobbed red ink above the right eye that resembled Evan's birthmark rather well. "Are you older than him?"
The question caught Maddie by surprise and she raised a brow, fighting off a smile as she swayed them from side to side.
"I am, I used to look after your dad when he was little."
"He said I'll be a big sister, like you… but why is daddy taller than you if he's littler?" Minnie liked the thought of being like Maddie, when Evan explained that Maddie was his big sister and she was very important in his life. He said she would be the same to the new baby.
Although Evan would never let history repeat itself where Minnie would have to love and raise her sibling, he didn't want that for anyone, especially not his own kids. As much as Evan loved Maddie for raising him, she shouldn't of had to and she had been the best part of his childhood, but that must have also been the worst part of hers. Forced to grow up, forced to raise him like he was hers rather than her brother.
"He's always been tall, you can't control your height." She watched as Minnie snuggled back into her chest and shifted down a little while her eyes focused on her teddy that was squashed against her chest.
When (Y/n) came back over and sat down next to her, Maddie grinned as Jee shuffled into her side to reach out for an ice cream. Both (Y/n) and Minnie seemed to be a bit calmer than this morning when they decided to come out here.
She knew Evan hadn't been happy when he spoke to her the other day. He was angry that Mark had the nerve to try and hurt (Y/n) in broad daylight, especially when Minnie had been there. (Y/n) had been doing so well going out on her own and feeling more confident in herself, and no Mark had gone and set her progress back miles and Evan just wanted to pummel him for it.
But for now, they would all be okay, and they would have a fun afternoon together.
Reaching down, (Y/n) kindly took the Fireman Sam teddy held out to her and she stuffed it in her bag hanging on her shoulder. Minnie couldn't carry two teddies at once if she wanted to hold (Y/n)'s hand as well. She had barely let go of her mother's hand at all, too afraid letting go might get them separated or allow someone like the bad man to hurt either of them.
But Minnie had done amazingly well so far. They had walked down the promenade, been along the sea front for a while, and now they were in the arcades.
Maddie had helped Minnie win a dog teddy from a crane machine and that was what Minnie was holding proudly. She wanted to give it to Evan when he came home tonight so she was parading around with it, meaning her Fireman Sam teddy was confined to (Y/n)'s bag for the time being.
When Minnie took her hand again, (Y/n) glanced around the arcade that was just a little too loud for her liking.
She looked across to where Maddie and Jee were just finishing up with one of the water gun games and she and Minnie headed over to them.
"This one! Mama do this one." Jee tugged on Maddie's hand and guided her over to the basketball game. She knew that was one that Maddie had a weakness for and when Maddie raised a brow at (Y/n), she rolled her eyes playfully and nodded.
When Evan was younger and Maddie used to take him to the arcade, this was the game they spent the most time and money on. They would play and play and rack up the tickets because both of them were accustomed players. (Y/n) was happy to take Evan's place and have a battle with her sister in law.
She felt Minnie cuddle up into her side while Jee stood between Maddie's legs, her hands excitedly tapping away on the front of the machine so she could eagerly watch the numbers at the back.
Clicking her spine into place, (Y/n) ran her hand along the side of her stomach where the baby was happily kicking up a fuss. She reached forward when the buzzer went off and grabbed the nearest basketball. (Y/n) liked this game.
"Go mummy!"
"Hurry mama!"
Jee helped roll the basketballs towards Maddie while Minnie clung to (Y/n)'s leg and leant her head against her mum's stomach. Jostling every now and then when (Y/n) had to keep reaching out for the basketballs because waiting for them to fall to the end wasted precious time.
Minnie began to count the scores, shouting out every time (Y/n) scored and she banged her hands on the side of the machine happily when both of them got through to the next round.
"I'm sweating already," (Y/n) mumbled, dragging her fingers through her hair as she clicked her back into place again. Leaning back and forth was starting to cause an ache in her lower back but the competitive streak within her was taking over.
Once the second round started, the hoop began to move from side to side, but it didn't bother either woman. Both of them seemed to be hitting baskets just one second after the other.
"Yay mummy! Round three."
"I don't think I can, you take over for me." (Y/n) took a step back and steered Minnie in front of her. She didn't have the energy for another round, and Maddie's score wasn't enough to get her into a third round which meant (Y/n) had won.
She rolled the basketballs down for Minnie who did her best, getting two or three before the timer ran out.
"Okay, what's next, now that you've beaten me?"
"Horses? Please?" Jee looked up at Maddie and pointed to the miniature merry go round next to the Dance Step game.
"Do you want to have a go?" Maddie looked down at Minnie but she shook her head. She was more interested in the crane machines or the 2p machines rather than the motion rides like that.
Minnie took (Y/n)'s hand again as they followed Maddie over to the merry go round so they could watch Jee. She was younger so this was something she enjoed and preferred and Jee was such a smiley girl that they would be able to take a lot of good photos today. They had gotten some selfies earlier where both girls had ice cream splattered across their faces. It had been a while since (Y/n) had taken any photos that weren't just of Evan or Minnie, so to have a few with Maddie and then some with all four of them was lovely.
Once Jee was perched on the golden horse and the merry go round was slowly spinning in circles, playing a rhythmic, if rather pitched tune, Maddie stood next to (Y/n). The pair of them leaned back against the Dance Step machine with tender grins and Maddie had her phone out, taking a little video.
Glancing behind her, (Y/n) watched the Dance icon stepping from left to right as the arrows lit up the screen. She loved those games, especially when she got to play the old nineties tunes and levelled up to the hard rounds.
"If I wasn't pregnant right now…" She looked wistfully at the machine while she felt Maddie's elbow gently nudging her side.
(Y/n) couldn't try it, not even on the easy level, not with her back playing up, but if they came back to the arcade once the baby was born, that would be the first game she would go on. She and Maddie could have a few rounds and see who could best the other.
When a sudden bang echoed through the overcrowded arcade, (Y/n) glanced to the left and felt a shudder run through her. Someone had backed up into one of the penny machines and the echo caused Minnie to jolt into (Y/n)'s side. Big noises were never a problem, but since the shopping incident, Minnie was viewing everything as a threat.
"It's okay," (Y/n) murmured softly, running her hand through Minnie's hair and brushing the strands away from her eyes.
Minnie dithered at her side, her eyes wide and scanning around the arcade as if she was searching for a threat.
This was why she wanted Evan to come out with them. If he was here, he would pick her up. If Evan was here, he would hold her in his arms and tell her everything was alright and no one would dare mess with him or come near Minnie or her mum if he was here.
But without him, everyone was getting too close. There were teenagers running around and a few men messing around near the machines like they were trying to break into them or shake them until all the coins fell out.
What if one of them came over and tried to hurt (Y/n) again? What if they pushed her or went to hurt Maddie? What if they started saying mean things like the other man did and tried to come near Minnie and Jee? What would they do?
Minnie could feel her heart racing as she cuddled the teddy closer to her chest, binding her arms around it so tight that if it had been breathing, it would of suffocated by now.
When the men continued to bash into the machine, Minnie couldn't find the will to look anywhere else. She could barely feel her mum's fingers running through her hair anymore trying to calm her down. But when the two men turned around and one of them started walking their way, Minnie started to shake.
She twisted to the left and scuttled away, following the patterned carpet like it was a trail guiding her somewhere safer. She weaved between the machines, jumping at every loud note of music that blasted from the machines and each time one of the zombie games let out a gunshot.
Her head tilted down and her arms pinned into her sides as she pelted off in a rush, unsure where exactly she was aiming for. She just wanted to get away and find somewhere safe.
"Minnie- baby no!" Reaching behind her, (Y/n) patted her hand down on Maddie's arm before she tried to hurry after her daughter.
Something had spooked her and she was pelting through the arcade.
(Y/n) shifted her bag strap so it was looped over her neck rather than just her shoulder, allowing her to speed up without losing her bag in the process. She weaved between the machines, holding her breath as she tried to look for her daughter's curly hair or spot the purple dress she was wearing.
Her panicked eyes scanned round as she weaved between parents, racing children and loud teenagers constantly getting in her path. Even though it was clear (Y/n) was trying to hurry after her child before they got separated. She couldn't allow that. Minnie was in a panic and if she got lost she would start to scream or think someone was going to snatch her.
She took a sharp left as her heart jumped into her throat; she was right near the exit. What if Minnie bolted outside? (Y/n) could easily lose her in the sea of people swarming about. Someone could take her hand and drag her away. Minnie could get swept up and wander too far.
Raging thoughts dwelled in her head as her throat clogged up and she couldn't take a proper breath. But just as she was about to rush out the open doors, something caught her eye.
"Minnie no!"
Lurching to the left, (Y/n) reached out for her five year old, but she wasn't quick enough. Minnie scuttled inside the prize drop of the crane machine before (Y/n) could get to her.
"Minnie, Minnie get out of there." (Y/n) dropped to her knees, despite the ache it caused in her lower stomach and the shockwave that it rattled up her spine.
She pushed the flap open and tried to reach her hand up, but Minnie was mewling like a trapped kitten. Her daughter wriggled and screamed, writhing in panic until she managed to shimmy out of the drop zone and climb over the plastic barrier. She tumbled like an acrobat and flopped onto the styrofoam cuttings and mingled in with the Disney Dumbo toys. The five year old curled up like she was trying to somehow blend in or become invisible, her dog toy cuddled to her chest and her head nuzzled against one of the other teddies surrounding her.
Each breath she took finally started to mellow out and she stopped screaming and whining, switching to deep breaths to try and calm back down.
(Y/n) could feel a wave of anger radiating through her, despite how badly she tried to fight it off when she looked at her daughter.
Why hide in there? She knew she couldn't go messing with the machines, it was dangerous. She could of broken her arm or a leg trying to get up there, it was a good job she was small and nimble.
Now (Y/n) was going to have to find an attendant and get them to unlock the machine to get Minnie out. And people were already starting to notice that there was a little girl hidden in with the toys. The last thing they needed was to cause another scene. Why would Minnie hide in there if she felt scared or spooked? How would being in there give her security or help her?
With a sigh, (Y/n) moved her hands to the glass and heaved herself off her knees and back to her feet. She tilted her head back and pressed her hand to her temple as she let herself lean against the glass separating her from her daughter.
She opened her eyes and jerked back a little when she felt a hand on her shoulder, but she relaxed, seeing it was only Maddie who had Jee sat on her right hip. Maddie seemed to look around, panic fuelling her eyes as she tried to find her niece, but when she looked at the claw machine, her lips pursed and her shoulders dropped.
"Oh," She muttered, fighting back a defeated smile while she squeezed (Y/n)'s arm. "I'll go get someone." She jostled Jee higher on her hip and hurried off to find someone who would have the keys.
"Baby, why'd you get in there?" (Y/n) rested one hand on her hip as she turned to face the glass which she leaned her temple against.
She looked down at her daughter who stayed curled up with her knees imbedded into the styrofoam and her tummy tucked over her legs. The way she looked up with those big doe eyes through her lashes made (Y/n)'s anger fizzle out and a wave of sympathy washed over her instead.
She barely managed to hear Minnie whisper "Bad man." As tears began to trickle down the little girl's face and she stayed cuddled up, wishing everyone crowding round would go away.
(Y/n) pushed off the machine and stood back on her feet properly when Maddie jogged back over with a young man following her. He didn't look much older than nineteen, with floppy hair falling in every direction and he was lazily chewing a piece of gum. The faded, bored look in his eyes brightened a little when he realised there actually was a little girl stuck in one of their machines.
"You can't take anything from the machine, you know that, right?" He raised a bored eyebrow and unclipped the keychain from his belt.
"She's not trying to take a toy, she's frightened." (Y/n) couldn't help but scowl at him as she folded her arms over her stomach and waited for him to unlock the glass door.
He huffed, nodding along as if to appease her while he switched to another key and tried to ram it into the lock.
By the time he switched to the fifth key on his chain, (Y/n) shared an annoyed look with Maddie and inched closer to the machine. Minnie was still cuddled up and the sight of the stranger in front of the machine was making her tremble and cower back. She had tears running down her face and every time she looked over at (Y/n), her lower lip wobbled.
"Do you know what you're doing?" (Y/n) snapped when the next key didn't work either. If he carried on she would take them from him and find the right one herself.
But her jaw dropped and she heard Maddie let out a disgruntled noise when they both watched the last key wriggle in the lock and suddenly, it snapped. Half the metal key stayed rammed in the lock while the end broke off in the attendant's hand.
His jaw dropped and those tired, unbothered eyes finally widened as shock plastered across his face. That clearly wasn't part of the plan and he hadn't done this before. No kid had managed to climb into the machine. Many had tried, some got into the prize drop area before their parents dragged them out. And a lot of stupid teenagers got their arms caught trying to reach up for a prize. But now the door was jammed, and Minnie was too unsettled to scramble back down. She could hurt herself trying to wriggle back down that thin prize drop zone.
"Oh shit." He mumbled to himself and he looked petrified when he turned to look at both women who were now glaring daggers into him.
"Well? What are you going to do now?" Maddie sounded stern and authoritive but she could feel herself getting angry when he shrugged.
"Lady, I- I don't have another key, anyway it's jammed."
He actually flinched when he heard (Y/n) mutter 'stupid boy' under her breath and when she gave his shoulder a forceful nudge, he took the hint. He backed up and stood to one side, deciding to tell other people to move on and stop crowding round.
"I guess I'm calling Evan." (Y/n) laughed cynically and fished around in her bag for her phone. She needed the fire department to come down here and bust this lock open to get her daughter out. And who better than her partner and his team to do the honours?
She stood to one side, staying close to the machine while Maddie moved over and looked down at Minnie, quietly asking if she was alright in there.
"Hi sweetheart, how's it going? Did you all go out somewhere?" Evan's voice made butterflies ignite in (Y/n)'s stomach and she fidgeted on the spot when she felt the baby moving too.
"Are you out on a call?"
"We're just about to head back to the station, why? Is everything okay?"
"Evan… could- could you and the team swing by and help us? We're at the arcades, and Minnie's got a bit, stuck."
It felt like too much to ask, but if she didn't ask or if Evan said they couldn't, she would have to call 911 anyway and get a different fire service to come out and help them. (Y/n) didn't want to bother Evan at work, she had never rang him at work before until two weeks ago after the whole supermarket fiasco. Now here she was, doing it again.
"Uh, stuck how?" Apprehension flooded Evan's voice but (Y/n) could hear him moving about and she just knew he was already getting the team ready to come down to them.
"She's inside a crane machine." (Y/n) darted her eyes over to Minnie who was sniffling, but she was listening attentively to Maddie who was trying to chat to her and keep her from fretting.
"Shit. Text me the address, we're coming now baby."
(Y/n) said her goodbyes and quickly sent a text to say which arcade they were in. Although by the time the team got here, people would be talking and murmuring and hovering around so it would be easy enough to see which one the commotion was in.
She leaned her head back against the machine and tapped her phone against her thigh as she looked down at Minnie.
"Your dad's coming to get you out." (Y/n) managed a tepid smile when Maddie jostled Jee on her hip, murmuring that she was going to see her dad too. At least the boys would get to see them for a little while, and both girls would be over the moon at seeing their dads on the job. Although this wasn't the best of circumstances.
A smile pulled at Minnie's lips as she lifted her head and wiped her nose against her sleeve. Locking eyes with her mum who rose a brow.
"Don't tell me you got in there so I could call your dad to come and get you out." She doubted that was Minnie's intention, she had been petrified of something and gone into panic mode. But she could see Minnie was calming down already at the thought of Evan coming to the rescue.
Evan looped the tool kit over his shoulder and spun away from the truck with a look of concentration plastered across his face.
He could feel Eddie and Chimney hovering close behind him as he walked away from the truck and headed over to the promenade. This wasn't the kind of callout he was expecting today. When (Y/n) called, he thought she would be telling him that they had gone out and had a good day, or that they only went out for a little while and then headed back home. He wasn't expecting to be told Minnie had scuttled into one of the arcade machines, for some very strange reason he wasn't sure of yet.
At least this was preferable to the phone call he'd had the other week. Never again did Evan want a stranger answering (Y/n)'s phone, trying desperately to tell him that there was some kind of incident involving his family at the store. He wasn't ready to be rushing from the station down to the shops, fretting that he would have to take his girls to the hospital.
"Why are we here, again?" Hen hurried to keep up with the rest of them, looping a medic bag on her shoulder just in case they needed to assess anyone.
"For some unknown reason, my daughter's managed to climb into one of the prize machines."
Evan jogged a bit faster as he spoke and rounded the corner. He had memorised the address (Y/n) sent to him, but he didn't really need it. There were people hovering outside the third arcade down the promenade and Evan would bet that was where his family was.
"Excuse me." He politely weaved between the families and teens all moving around, pretending to play on the games when really, they were trying to get a look at what was going on.
He saw Maddie first. He rested his hand down on her shoulder and grinned softly at Jee who was in her arm, looking very tired.
"Hi," Maddie squeezed his wrist and took a few steps back to let him get in front of her and see the scene. And when her sights set on Chimney, she moved over to him, letting their daughter scuttle into his arms as she squealed. She hadn't been expecting to see her dad here, in his uniform.
A wary smile pulled at (Y/n)'s lips that were curved around her thumb as she had been biting her nails for the last ten minutes. She pushed off the machine she had been leaning against like a guard, protecting her daughter from anyone and everyone passing by.
The moment Evan was within reach, (Y/n) looped her arms around his neck and pushed up on her tiptoes to be level with him. She kissed his cheek while his left arm bound tight around her waist and he pulled her into his chest.
He dropped the tool kit down by his feet, briefly skimming his fingers across (Y/n)'s stomach before he leaned back to look down at her.
"Dare I ask why she's in there?" His eyes darted between the machine and (Y/n), noting that Minnie hadn't realised yet that he was here.
"She got scared and ran off, but I don't know why she clambered in there." (Y/n) felt like she could of melted on the spot when Evan hummed and pressed a tender kiss to her temple. She could feel his thumb stroking up and down her back while he slowly inched her backwards until he was in front of the machine.
When he unravelled his arms from (Y/n), Evan tapped his knuckles against the glass and placed both hands on his hips. He arched a brow and tilted his head down when Minnie's head shot up and a mixture of surprise and awe lit up her teary face when she realised Evan was here. Part of her hadn't believed that he would come down to get her out.
"Minnie Buckley."
The five year old scurried round so she was sitting up rather than lying down and she pinned the teddy she rightfully won earlier against her chest. The way she looked up at Evan through her lashes already had his heart melting and whatever sternness he had about him was starting to fade away.
"Let's get you out of there," He sighed and crouched down to rummage through the bag and see what he could find.
When he lifted his head, he frowned and tilted his head to one side as his fingers traced the lock. Someone had jammed the wrong key in and snapped it. No wonder they couldn't get her out.
"Okay," He grabbed a few tools and stood up to his full height again. At least Minnie had gotten into one of the larger crane machines, she seemed to have a lot of room in there which meant she hadn't panicked or gotten claustraphobic yet. "Shuffle back out the way, baby."
He waved his hand until she took the hint and inched back until she was pressed up against the back of the machine.
(Y/n) took a few more steps out the way when Eddie walked over to her, a kind smile on his face as he moved to stand beside Evan. He helped Evan wriggle the lock until they got the jammed piece of metal from the lock. And Evan switched tools, using a few picks and metal hooks while Eddie twisted the bolt lock with a wrench and the managed to break it.
Once the lock was broken and loose in the glass door, Evan curled his hand into a fist and bashed it against the lock. In one swift movement, the metal lock dropped into the machine, disappearing into the styrofoam. Which allowed Evan to hook his finger into the glass door and pull it open.
He took a step back, unable to stop the gracious smile from pulling at his lips and the moment he opened his arms, Minnie scrambled forward. She looped her arms- and the teddy- around Evan's neck and jumped so he could pick her up and cuddle her against his chest.
His lips attached to the top of her head and he moved over to the side while Eddie stuffed the tools back into the bag and moved over to Hen and Bobby. The three of them would take a wander round and wait back at the truck while Evan and Chimney finished up here with their families.
(Y/n) curled her hands around Evan's bicep and leaned her cheek against his shoulder, murmuring a soft "Thank you," into his arm while he kissed the top of her head.
After a few moments of running his hand up and down Minnie's back, Evan tilted backwards to look down at her and he rose a brow when she gingerly looked up at him through her lashes.
"Minnie, why'd you climb in there? You know that's naughty."
They both knew he never used her name unless it was serious or she was in trouble. Hearing her name from Evan's lips made her shudder and she tilted forward to bury her face in his shirt, but Evan wasn't having any of it. He held her in his right arm while his other hand gently but firmly gripped her chin and tilted her head back so she was looking at him again.
"What were you doing?" They needed to know. They had to know why she thought climbing into there was a better idea than staying with (Y/n) or simply running away if something was frightening.
She couldn't do that again because she wasn't going to fit into cramped places like that. She was lucky she was slim enough to get into that machine without becoming stuck or gaining a bad injury. Evan was more than happy to come down here and be the one to get her out of that machine, but he had to at least understand what Minnie had been up to and make sure she knew it was dangerous to do that.
"There was a bad man, hitting the machines… he- he couldn't get me out of there, could he?"
Evan's eyes darted over to (Y/n) and she could see the panic lighting him up like a Christmas tree, so she squeezed his arm and shook her head. Mark wasn't here. They hadn't been in any danger.
"Someone was getting rowdy, messing with the machines, she must have thought he would do something." She ran a hand down her face, warding off tears. Not only had Mark set (Y/n) back in her recovery, but now he had petrified Minnie too, and (Y/n) wanted to keep him as far away from her daughter as possible. She left him so he couldn't inflict any pain or panic onto her, but he had still managed it.
Minnie thought someone was going to hurt them and she had seen a chance to get away. If her mum couldn't get her out of that machine, then neither could a bad man.
With a sigh, Evan pressed his lips to the top of her head and peppered kisses up and down her temple and cheek. His hand smoothed up and down her back as he swayed them from left to right.
"No, no he couldn't, but you could of gotten stuck or hurt. If anything like that happens again, you don't leave mummy or aunt Maddie, okay? You just wait for me to come get you."
He felt her snuggle deeper into his chest with her head tucked safely beneath his chin and he smiled softly. His lips continued to pepper kisses against the top of her head while he reached one arm out to tuck (Y/n) up into his side. The three of them slowly made their way outside to where Maddie, Chimney and Jee were stood on the promenade.
"Please don't do that again, baby." Evan murmured into Minnie's hair. He didn't want to tell her off when she had been frightened and rightfully wanted to stay safe. But he didn't want the next phone call to be saying that Minnie had broken her arm or her leg or that she had gotten trapped. It would be a lot harder to get her out of one of those machines or something just like it if she was stuck and distressed and they had to cut through metal to reach her.
Minnie gingerly leaned her head back and unravelled one arm from Evan's neck so she could show him the toy dog she had won on one of the other machines. She watched as Evan raised a brow and reached his hand up to observe the toy.
"I won this for you daddy." Her voice was quiet and soft and very drained, making Evan sure that when he got home tonight, she would be fast asleep.
"For me?" When she nodded, Evan pecked her cheek and nuzzled his nose against hers. "Thank you, little mouse."
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hearts4golbach · 2 months
Carrington x Fem!Reader.
adressing the carrington fic shortage
religion (christianity) mentioned, smut 18+, corruption kink if you squint, choking, unprotected sex (USE PROTECTION.)
word count:
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"and that's when I told him, I said 'honey, you hate red wine!'" your mother cackled from across the table.
Carrington, your boyfriend let out a small laugh. "that's hilarious." you said to your mother, trying to mask the sarcasm.
your parents had invited Carrington to dinner. you two had been dating for 7 months now, and you had never been happier. this was third dinner with your boyfriend and parents.
"mom, I think we drank too much to drive home." you lifted up your empty wine glass.
"why don't you two stay in the guest room?" your dad responded through a mouthful of food.
she gave your father a nasty look, mentally scolding him for talking with his mouth full. your mom hummed. "great idea! you two can come to church with us tomorrow morning!" she insisted.
you looked towards Carrington cautiously. "you want to?"
"yeah, sure. of course." he replied seriously. all he wanted was to make a good impression on your parents.
your mom began to pick up the empty plates off the table. Carrington shot out of his seat and began to help. "great! y/n, i'll text you what time you need to be ready by."
"mkay," you hugged both of your parents, wishing them a goodnight. "we'll see you guys in the morning."
Carrington thanked them for letting the two of you stay and said goodnight as well. you climbed the stairs with Carrington not far behind you. his hands slid down your waist, gripping your hips gently. you giggled, glancing behind you. he was staring at you, his eyes full of lust and admiration.
"you're fucking crazy," you muttered, closing the bedroom door behind you.
he pulled you close to him, your back pressing against his chest. "it's not crazy if you keep quiet." he kissed your neck.
you hummed in response. he turned you so you were facing him. his lips met yours, the craving for more of your kiss never subsided. his lips glided against yours gently as he ran you into the bed. your knees hit the edge of the bed, causing you to fall back onto the plump mattress.
you smiled, watching as carrington crawled between your legs. you wrapped your arms around his neck as he kissed down your neck. he worked at your shirt, taking it off and tossing it on the floor. "might make you pull up to church covered in hickeys," he teased as he sucked dark love bites into your breasts.
"that's not a good idea." you breathed out.
"that's why i wanna do it." he whispered as he bit your earlobe. his hand slid under your skirt, teasing your core through your panties. "stay quiet for me and i won't."
you bit your lip and nodded in agreement. you suppressed small moans as his thumb pressed your clit, making you buck up into his hand. "so needy," he muttered, placing kisses along your jaw. "roll onto your side, mama."
you did as he told. you watched as he slid off his pants. he left his shirt and boxers on before climbing in bed behind you. he spooned you, letting his hands roam your body. you grind onto his aching cock. he moved your skirt up, bunching it around your waist as he grippped your hips. he rolled his hips, his hard dick hitting your clit at the perfect angle. you slapped your hand over your mouth, preventing a loud moan from slipping out of your lips.
he scooted his boxers down just enough. his cock sprung out, the tip resting against your ass. he pulled the covers over the two of you before pulling your panties off. he scooted closed to you, one hand cupping your hip as he aligned his tip with your entrance.
"please," you whimpered, pushing yourself further back.
"someone isn't being very holy." he teased. his free hand covered your mouth as he thrusted into you.
you choked on a moan, your jaw falling slack as he thrusted into you slowly. he cupped your mouth tighter. "doing so fucking good, babe. stay quiet."
you held his hand over your mouth tight, squeezing your eyes closed as your body was overcome with pleasure. he thrusted inside of you at. slow pace, his tip rubbing your g spot with each thrust. sweat began to bead on your forehead.
"harder," your pleas were muffled by his hand.
carrington removed his hand from your mouth. "repeat that, love."
"harder," you whimpered, ending up being louder than he liked.
his middle and pointer finger slipped into your mouth. his thrusts began to pick up as you swirled your tongue around his fingers. he pistoned into you, making small whimpers escape from you. you clung onto his arm as you arched your back.
"you like that?" he teased in your ear. "you're doing so fucking good."
you whined as you pushed yourself back onto him. you nodded your head, agreeing to what Carrington had said. his fingers moved from your mouth to around your neck. he squeezed tightly, cutting off your moans. your eyes rolled back as he pounded your G spot.
you let out a raspy moan, "shit, i'm so fucking close." you turned your head to kiss him.
his lips melted into yours as his tongue slipped inside of your mouth. you felt the coil in your stomach about to snap as he kept the pace he was at. he gripped your throat tighter as you kissed. "i'm so glad you're mine." he muttered against your lips.
your walls spasmed around his cock as you came. he helped you ride out your high with a few thrusts as he came inside of you. he kissed your cheek. "you were amazing baby," you felt his cock soften inside of you before he pulled out.
he helped you adjust your clothing, making sure to clean you up the best he could. you rolled over to face him, nuzzling your head in his chest. he wrapped his arms around you, bringing you closer.
Carrington gently kissed the top of your head. the two of you fell asleep not long after.
needless to say, you were walking a little wonky the next morning.
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apassingbird · 4 months
i love how everyone notices how much happier and at ease buck is and how good being with tommy is for him like for once he's in a relationship with someone who he genuinely feels safe and secure with and i'm just. it fills my heart with so much love.
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