#just a little bothered she won't be straight up with me like just say anything??
woso-dreamzzz · 1 month
Hardersson x Baby!Reader
Part of The Big Adventures Universe
Summary: Magda cries
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You lift your arms up and Pernille swings you up into your car seat, buckling you in. You wiggle happily and Pernille pulls a silly face at you to get you laughing.
At a few months past one years old, you've been successfully booked in for your polio shot.
You've been fairly good all morning and get into the car happily.
Pernille turns around to get the other child in as well.
"Magda," She says," Get in the car."
Her girlfriend stands by the closed passenger door, arms crossed over her chest. "No."
"Magda," Pernille says again," The car. Get in it."
"You can't make me."
"Then don't come." Pernille doesn't really have time for this so walks around to the driver's side. "You can have lunch ready for when we come home."
"No, wait! I'll come!"
Magda finally slides into the seat, buckling herself in and still stubbornly crossing her arms over her chest.
"Stop with the pout," Pernille says," She's going to get her shot. End of discussion."
"It's going to hurt her!" Magda insists," Why isn't there a spray we can give her? Why haven't they invented that yet?!"
"Because the injection remains the best way," Pernille replies," You can wait outside if seeing her cry really bothers you."
Magda paces like a lion as you sit on Pernille's lap while the doctor readies your polio shot.
"It'll be quick," The doctor assures her," She won't even notice it."
You don't, not at first anyway.
Pernille clicks her fingers in the opposite direction to your shot and you tilt your head to follow the sound.
You don't see the needle go in and you don't react at all until Magda bursts into tears. You watch Magda cry and that immediately triggers your own crying.
"Magda," Pernille hisses as she bounces you," Why are you crying?"
"She's crying," Magda blubbers," She's hurt!"
"She's crying because you're crying."
"We're both crying," Magda agrees," Can-Can we cry together?" She holds her arms out for you and Pernille transfers you into them.
You're both sobbing by the time you get into the car and Magda insists on sitting in the back with you while Pernille drives.
Your own tears have petered off by the time you've gotten home though Magda still has a few spilling down her cheeks.
It's a little funny, Pernille thinks, that Magda burst into sympathetic tears thinking you would have already been sobbing which only triggered a wave of your own sympathetic tears straight back at her.
"Feeling better now?" Pernille coos at you as she picks you up out of your seat.
"She seems a bit feverish," Magda says, bottom lip being worried by her teeth," We should take her back. To check her out."
"The doctor told us this might happen," Pernille replies, unlocking the house with you on her hip easily," Which you would know if you'd listened when the doctor told us."
"Are you sure? What if she breaks out in hives?"
"Then we'll take her back but this is normal Magda. She's a little hot but that's fine. Anything else?"
Magda winces. "Her plaster's coming off."
"We've got puppy plasters in the bathroom cabinet. Why don't you grab one and we'll put it on her."
Magda all but runs upstairs to the medicine cabinet and Pernille shakes her head fondly after her.
She bounces you. "Your Morsa is such a worrywart sometimes. Honestly, crying because you got your shot. She's so silly."
You giggle a little bit. "Morsa silly."
"That's right, she is."
Magda comes slipping into the room, sliding along the floor in just her socks and nearly colliding with the tv. "I've got the puppy plasters! Do you want to choose which one you want?"
You lean forward in Pernille's arms as Magda shows you all the options, pointing towards the cartoon version of a spitz style puppy.
"Good choice!"
Magda unwraps it before sticking it straight onto where you've had your shot.
"Look at that, so pretty!"
You giggle again, poking your new plaster and Magda winces.
"Princesse!" She scolds," That will hurt you!"
"She's fine, Magda," Pernille says," She's forgotten it's even happened."
Magda frowns. "But how? It's traumatising!"
"Maybe to you but she doesn't care about much outside of cuddles and food. She's fine."
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works-of-fanfiction · 11 months
Kiss and Make Up || Daniel Ricciardo x Reader
Summary: With the couple on a break, it’s hard for Daniel to see Y/N, especially when she’s looking so good in his favourite dress.
Song: Kiss and Make Up - Dua Lipa & BLACKPINK
Warnings: 18+ oral (f receiving), unprotected sex. A little bit of swearing.
Word Count: 3.6k
a/n: I think (???) I’m getting a little better at writing smut. one day I swear I will write one without giggling after every sentence. enjoy!
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Daniel's blood boils as he watches her, watches his girl at the centre of attention of his fellow drivers. He wants to be angry at her for entertaining them in the first place, but he's angrier at his so-called friends for gawking at her and passing off their obvious flirting as 'just being nice'. It's annoying because she knows she looks good - incredible, in fact - an emerald green satin dress hanging perfectly on her body, displaying just enough leg to be considered dangerous. It bothered him even more that he chose that particular dress, and now she was parading around in it for everyone to see; for everyone to stare and drool over her. He didn't like it one bit, but he didn't have a choice. 
It was his fault that they were on a break. He'd lashed out, said horrible things. Tension had been brewing between them for a couple of weeks and she could sense he was about to burst. She hadn't done anything wrong; he could see that now. He'd had more than enough time to sit with his thoughts and come to regret everything he'd said, but she hadn't been interested in hearing his apology. At first, in his anger, he'd blamed her friends. He was convinced their influence had led her to her decision, that they'd been whispering in her ear and plotting against him for some time. However, deep down he knew it was nobody's fault but his own. 
The 'will he, won't he' situation at Alpha Tauri had gotten the best of him. His overwhelming desire to race took up all of his attention, leaving Y/N completely on the sidelines. She'd understood, of course she had. Racing was Daniel's dream and she knew how important it was for him to find a seat and get back out on the track, but when things seemed to get difficult and look uncertain, Daniel directed his frustrations towards her. 
"You're a fucking coward, d'you know that? Who are you to stand here and speak to me like that?" 
"Oh, drop the bigger person act, Y/N. It wasn't too long ago that you were going through a rough time and - " 
"Don't you fucking dare. You know that doesn't compare to the way you've been behaving. It is completely different." 
"You know how important this is to me. Sorry, but I think I'm allowed to be a little stressed." He held his hands up in mock surrender which only irritated her further.
"A little stressed, yes. A total asshole? No." 
"Where are you going?" He asked, watching her scoop up her phone and keys from the counter and stuff them into her pocket.
"Anywhere you are not. I can't be around you when you're like this, Daniel." Her voice cracked as she turned away, but she didn't allow him to see her cry. He may not have approved of her being the bigger person, but it's what she had to do. A text a couple of hours later confirmed her need for space, and after spending thirty straight minutes trying to type a response, Daniel realised he had to respect her wishes.
“Here.” Max interrupts, sliding a drink into Daniel’s hand.
“What’s this?”
“I couldn’t stand and watch you stare at her any longer. At least with a drink in your hand you actually look like you’re at this party and not just a creepy stalker.” He chuckles into his glass, the joke going over Daniel’s head, not even bringing the slightest smirk to his lips.
Max gulps, wincing a little at the strength of his drink. “Just go talk to her.” He says, eyes flicking between his friend and Y/N.
“I can’t. She wants space and I have to respect that.”
“Yeah, but anyone can see you’re not okay with that…”
Daniel knew Max had a point. As much as he wanted to give Y/N the space she needed and do everything he could to fix their relationship, he hated being away from her. He hated sitting across the room whilst she pretended he wasn’t there. She hadn’t looked at him once throughout the entire evening and it was starting to aggravate him. He needed to talk to her, even if it was just to find out how she was doing. He didn’t even know if that was a question he had the right to ask, but he wanted to anyway.
Plus, the way she was strutting around in those heels and playfully fixing her hair every few minutes was driving him insane. His eyes couldn’t resist following the trail from her feet, up her legs and to her hips. If she so much as leaned over the bar or stretched to grab something, he’d see beneath the thin green satin and hopefully find out she was wearing tiny, or perhaps no underwear.
He fidgets uncomfortably in his seat, setting his glass down on the table before his knuckles turn white from gripping it so tightly. As Y/N takes Carlos’ hand and twirls beneath his arm, Daniel jumps up from the stool, holding onto the table to steady his feet. “Hey, come on. You know they’re good friends.” Max warns, holding an arm out to try and stop him.
“Make your mind up, Max. You told me to go and talk to her.” He doesn’t even look at Max as he speaks, as his gaze remains fixed on Y/N whilst she dances with the Ferrari driver. There’s nothing suggestive between their dance, and it’s not the first time Daniel has seen them together like this, but he’s suddenly not as comfortable with it as he usually is.
“I think you should calm down a bit first.” Max tries to be stern with the older driver, but he knows his words are going through one ear and straight out the other side. Daniel glances at the Dutchman and gives only a second of thought to his words, then chooses to ignore them entirely.
Stepping past Max’s arm, he makes his way into the crowd and closer to Y/N. Mid-conversation, Charles and Pierre’s heads turn to the Australian as he weaves around clumsy partygoers, almost parting the room in two to get through. The two of them shuffle closer to the bar to get a better view as he reaches Carlos and places a hand on his shoulder.
“Can I cut in?” He asks, once again not bothering to look at who he’s speaking to. Instead he looks down at Y/N, who glares up at him with cold, unblinking eyes.
“Sure.” Carlos mutters, stepping aside, failing to notice Y/N tightening her grip on his hand to try and stop him. Daniel takes his place, his hands awkwardly hovering near her waist.
“Are you going to wrap your arms around me, or just stand there?” She asks abruptly, her tone coming out a lot more aggressively than she’d intended.
Daniel’s hands find her waist and pull her closer, making sure no one else can hear their conversation. Her hands are pressed against his chest awkwardly, all attention concentrating on her feet so she doesn’t fall.
“What do you want, Daniel?” She sighs, exasperation and downright exhaustion evident in her voice. This makes Daniel’s stomach turn and part of him wants to fall to the ground and beg for her forgiveness. He never thought he’d see the day when he’d be the one to make her feel like this. She was disappointed in him, and he was kicking himself for ever uttering a bad word to her.
“I need to apologise - “
“No, you just needed to get me on my own away from the guys.”
Her icy tone catches him off guard, but he feels he deserves it. As much as he’s desperate to finally apologise, he can’t deny that seeing her spending her night with everyone but him was making him jealous. He’d watched her friendships with the drivers blossom over time, especially Carlos and Lance, yet seeing their arms around her and smiles aimed in her direction tonight drove him crazy.
“Am I wrong?” She mocks, reluctantly wrapping her arms around his neck for the sake of her own comfort.
Daniel chooses not to answer, which is an answer in itself. She sniggers, looking off to the side to see the group all engaged in conversation with one another. She knows they’re all putting on an act and pretending not to eavesdrop. Those drivers love a gossip just as much as the next person.
“I don’t like seeing you with them.” Daniel finally admits, his voice low. He doesn’t intend for the entire grid to know his business.
“It’s never bothered you before.”
“Well this time is different.”
“Because you’re not speaking to me.”
“And whose fault is that?”
Silence falls between the couple, Y/N’s hold around Daniel’s neck loosening. He reaches up and grabs her hands, readjusting them and holding her wrists tightly. “Don’t.”
“Don’t what?” She asks, glaring up at him, a devious smile poking at her lips.
“Don’t try to walk away from me.” He lets go of her arms, letting them float down to her sides as he leans in close, lips pressed against her ear. “Especially not when you’re dressed like that.”
She scoffs, rolling her eyes at his words. A poor and sorry attempt at winning her back, yet completely expected from Daniel. “You think sex is going to fix this?”
“Who said anything about sex?” He plays dumb but she sees straight through him. That had always been a thing in their relationship; they were both terrible liars, or rather couldn’t lie to each other as the other could always spot it.
Stepping back, she calls over to Kika who’s stood between Pierre and Charles, tracing circles around the rim of her glass. “Bathroom.” She smiles and Kika nods, slipping away from the table.
Daniel sees this and steps forward, blocking Kika’s path. “Actually, she doesn’t need you to go with her.”
“Daniel - “ Y/N snaps, cut off by his arm linking with hers and pulling her in the direction of the bathrooms.
“Come on.” He barges through the doors, squeezing the two of them into the first stall and turning the lock.
“I can’t believe you just spoke to Kika like that.” She whispers angrily, yanking her arm out of his grasp.
“She’ll get over it.”
“Pierre won’t.”
Y/N folds her arms over her chest, leaning against the flimsy cubicle as Daniel’s eyes wander around the small space. She sighs, heels scraping against the ground as she stands back up straight. “Well you got me here. What do you want?”
“You know what I want.”
“Actually, I don’t. Did you bring me in here to apologise… or was there something else?” There’s a shift in her tone and a look in her eye that Daniel instantly recognises. He knows she’s still angry at him, but sees there’s a part of her that wants him just as much as he wants her.
Sparing her a proper response, he slips a knee between her legs and pushes her against the wall. It shakes a little, encouraging a small smile to appear on her face. “You disappoint me, Ricciardo.” She purrs, running a perfectly manicured finger across his jaw.
“Something tells me you’re not so disappointed.” He grinds his knee upwards, pressing it against her clothed pussy. She groans, body slumping forward in pleasure. He catches her with his chest, pushing her back up, keeping her upright against the wall. “Does that sound like the moans of a disappointed woman?”
“Shut up.” She hisses, delicate fingers wrapping around his throat to pull him in for a kiss. Daniel moans, the sound strangled as her nails dig into his neck. The kiss is entirely in her control as she holds him in place, squeezing his throat just enough to make his breath hitch. She draws back, sucking his tongue between her lips and letting it go with a quiet popping sound.
“If we do this, it doesn’t magically fix anything.” She breathes, releasing her grip on him to rest her hand on his chest.
Daniel is smart enough to know better, and knows that hasty sex in a bathroom stall isn’t going to mend all of their problems, but he’s too turned on and fuelled by liquid courage to care. Running his hand over the top of hers, he links their fingers and flips her around to face the wall, pressing her palm flat against the cold wood. She yelps in surprise as he uses his free hand to hike her dress up. He’s delighted to see the black lace that’s barely covering her, and he hooks his forefinger through the waistband to pull her ass towards him. “Planned on getting lucky tonight, huh?” He taunts, his fingers tracing the patterns in the lace.
“I was hoping one of the guys would take me home.” She quips sarcastically, bending over more and grinding her ass against his hand. Daniel groans, letting go of her hand so he can use both freely. He grabs her ass and spreads her legs, his mouth falling open at the sight of her pussy peeking through her underwear.
Wasting no time, he drops to his knees and pushes the thin string to the side, giving him full access to the part of her he needs the most. Feeling his hot breath against her exposed cunt, she gasps, parting her legs even further. “That’s it.” Daniel hums, taking his middle finger and running it slowly through her folds. Y/N’s legs quiver as he touches her, barely inserting a finger as he concentrates on circling her pussy and feeling just how soaked she is. His finger eventually finds its way to her clit, flicking gently against the swollen bud, making her whole body twitch with arousal.
She moans his name, the word elongated on her tongue. He stops for a second, lying his hand flat against her core. “Shh… You don’t want people hearing us now, do you?” He whispers.
Squeezing her eyes shut and biting her lip to suppress any further sounds, Y/N nudges Daniel with her leg, urging him to continue. Instead, he grabs her thighs and pulls her closer to him, her feet sliding along the slippery tiled floor. “Let me taste you, baby.” The sound of his voice disappears between her legs, her thighs almost cupping his cheeks as he finds her clit with his tongue. The tip of his tongue swipes across her clit, slowly then repetitively in a rhythm. His hands hold onto her thighs tightly, his fingers leaving indentations in the supple skin.
Y/N sinks her teeth into the back of her hand, trying her best to stay quiet. Saliva and bite marks cover the spot just above her wrist whilst Daniel buries his head further and laps up her pussy like a starving animal. His nose pokes between her folds, and the newfound friction elicits a heavy exhale from deep within her chest.
Desperate to keep that nose she loves so much as close to her as possible, she reaches behind to grab Daniel’s head and guide him to the perfect spot. Fingers tangling in his hair and clutching at the roots, she rides his face, relishing in the feeling of his tongue flat against her clit, and the tip of his nose pressing into her. Daniel holds his breath as she ruts her hips against his face, gripping her thighs until it hurts. She winces, tensing the muscles as she rests her forehead against the wall, teeth still gnawing on her hand. He grunts, the sound sending a vibration to her clit and throughout her entire body, making her knees buckle beneath her. He catches her, supporting her body with his hands alone as he delves his face deeper to suck her clit into his mouth.
Losing all sense of caring, Y/N lets her hand fall free from her lips, releasing a stifled moan that echoes around the bathroom stall. Her thighs squeeze together involuntarily as she comes, and Daniel has to prize them open to set himself free. He stands, hands fumbling with his jeans as he sloppily lays kisses on the back of her shoulder, his chin still slick with moisture, so much so that Y/N can smell her own scent filling the air.
“What did I tell you about staying quiet?” Daniel whispers, his lips barely touching the back of her ear.
“I’m sort of sick of you telling me what to do.” She retorts, attempting to hide the shakiness in her voice. Daniel rolls his eyes, trying to ignore her words as he pushes his jeans and boxers down his legs, leaving them bunched around his ankles. He knows she’s not just talking about the present, but he’s too desperate to feel her wrapped around his cock to let it bother him. He hasn’t been able to touch her for weeks, and seeing her spread wide for him like this is enough to almost push him to the edge already.
Hands gripping her dress around her waist, he pulls her towards him, sliding his cock inside her effortlessly. Mutual gasps of pleasure and hissed curse words slip off of their tongues as he bottoms out inside of her, his clammy hands losing grip of the satin. Reaching round to grab her arms, he crosses her wrists and holds them behind her back, forcing her cheek against the wall to support her upper body. There’s an aggression to his actions, one hand holding her wrists and another snaking its way into her hair. Tugging her head back, he leans forward, his face beside hers. She looks at him through her peripheral vision, a smug smile on her face as she notices his slack jaw and half-lidded eyes. Daniel was never truly in control when it came to Y/N. The effect she had on him was dangerous and made him want to do things unimaginable. All she had to do was look at him a certain way and he’d literally and figuratively drop to his knees for her.
Daniel’s slow thrusts tell her that he doesn’t plan on lasting very long. Despite his tight hold on her and rough fingers in her hair, his hips roll in leisurely circles, the tip of his cock stroking her g-spot in a deliciously torturous rhythm. The restroom door creaks, a collection of footsteps clattering along the floor outside. With shadows passing the stall and voices filling the space, Daniel drops his hand from Y/N’s hair, instead using it to cover her mouth and keep her quiet. She tilts her head, sucking his forefinger into her mouth, her tongue wet and warm and making Daniel’s cock twinge inside of her. He moans, trying to swallow the sound so nobody will hear.
Daniel’s wet finger trails out of her mouth and down her neck, drawing a line of her own saliva along her throat. Wrapping his arm across her upper body, he holds her close as he fucks her, the heat between them making his shirt stick to his chest. Beads of sweat run down the back of Y/N’s neck and under her dress. Even beneath the harsh bathroom lighting, her skin glistens and looks good enough for Daniel to taste, to lick clean.
Voices gather at the sinks, water running and paper towels unravelling from the holders. Daniel silently prays for them to hurry up and leave, the feeling of Y/N’s pussy clenching around his dick becoming too much to bear. The muffled sounds of the music outside briefly fill the room, before disappearing behind the door. He releases his breath with a long groan, his body slumping against hers. “Finally.” He hisses, stepping back and pulling her ass with him, bending her into a perfect L-shape.
Relieved to be alone again, their pants and moans circle around the stall as Daniel drives his hips back and forth, quickening the pace. His firm grip on her ass cheeks leaves little white outlines around his fingers as he coaxes himself to climax. Hearing the sweet sounds coming from her mouth sends him over the edge, his thighs stiffening as he comes inside her, his body jolting forward in ecstasy. She straightens, resting her body against the wall with Daniel pressed against her back, his sweaty forehead slumped onto her shoulder. He pulls out with a huff, his cock leaking with cum and legs feeling sore.
Y/N readjusts and pulls her dress down, smirking to herself as she feels cum drip out of her and pool inside her underwear. She runs her hands through her hair, hoping she looks presentable as she turns to face Daniel. He zips his jeans and smiles at her, but doesn’t earn a smile back. “I told you, this doesn’t change anything.” She states flatly, reaching for the lock. He stops her, taking her hand in his.
“Come home with me.” He pleads, running his thumb softly over her knuckles, a stark contrast to the way he’d touched her just a few minutes prior.
“You’re kidding, right?”
Daniel’s expression remains serious. He opens his mouth to repeat himself, but she cuts him off with a defeated sigh. “Fine. But we leave now. I don’t need to be dealing with questions.”
“Deal.” He smiles, earning an eye roll from her as she unlocks the door and heads out, her heels clicking against the tile. He follows close behind, the satisfied grin never leaving his face.
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bluecollarmcandtf · 5 months
I'm so annoyed, my best friend has such an asshole for a husband. He basically never pays attention to her, all he cares about sport, beer and his friends. He never helps around the house and he's a lazy slob! He's always at the gym or going to the game with his bros. He's such a prick, maybe he should just be date his bros since he's so obsessed with them. He's always complaining about his wife "bothering him". Plus who would want to marry a slob anyway, as a husband he should be devoted to cleaning his house and caring about who he is married to.
I think I found the guy you're talking about, and you're totally right about him being an asshole. Your friend deserves better than an uncaring, selfish, pig-of-a-husband. That girl has tolerated him for too long! She won't be seeing him or his sexist buddies ever again when I'm done here...
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Just look at him! The first thing he does when he gets home is grab a beer and park that fat ass of his on the couch. Sure, he might hit the gym later on his way to the bar, but he's not planning on helping his wife out with dinner. He's not really planning on talking to her at all until he needs a blow job later tonight.
You mentioned his name was Brett, I think?
Well, Brett can barely hold a job. He's lucky you gave him a chance and got him a gig as a delivery man. I think he's been doing this for a month now, but he absolutely resents the work. Brett can't really enjoy anything unless he has a beer in his hand, and he absolutely hates wearing that stuffy little uniform.
Nevertheless, he's been consistently showing up so far; probably because his wife is waking him up, washing his clothes, and feeding him breakfast. Brett essentially only uses her as a maid and sex toy!
It's a good thing I've got something planned for Brett today as he starts his delivery rounds. He doesn't notice me following as he grumpily carries a package out of his truck, and he doesn't have time to react when I reach out and grab the back of his head.
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"You're not going to move," I command, sinking my fingers into the soft parts of his skull, "You're going to let me in."
A deep sigh blows out of Brett's mouth, and I know his willpower is gone. "I'm not going to move. I'll let you in..." he repeats numbly.
With permission, I shoot inside his mind, discovering much of what I expected. His thoughts revolve around meeting up with his bros after work. He hasn't genuinely cared to think about his wife in ages. His mind is just as simple and unlikeable as he is.
Good thing I'm here to change it!
"Brett, I'm changing your thoughts. You like that. You want me to rewrite you."
"You're..." he struggles to form words, "You're changing my thoughts. I like that. I want you to rewrite me..."
"Good," I grin maliciously.
Bringing my lips closer to his ear, I begin to fill his head with his new personality. He accepts all his new goals and dreams wholeheartedly. I imagine, you will like them. They're the ones you asked for...
Done for now, I pull out of his mind, whipping Brett back into consciousness! He gasps for air as he regains his senses, but then something overtakes him. He's taken off running down the street!
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I follow behind, knowing exactly where he'll end up. I must say that I enjoy watching his thick ass jogging away in those tight brown shorts. He's a lot more muscular than I gave him credit for.
I'm sure his new husband will enjoy that body of his too.
Brett sprints several blocks and runs straight up to a house at the end of the street. It's the home of one of his football buddies. I think his name might be Axel or Alex or something. I'm not sure.
Anyways, Brett bangs on the door, panting like a dog. When the door is finally opened, he wastes no time. Brett pulls his bro in for the long passionate kiss he's been waiting for.
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"Dude?" his friend mumbles as their lips part, "What are you doing?"
Little does he know that I already hypnotized him, too. He's going to accept everything Brett does like it's what he's wanted all along.
"Axel! Man, I love you!" Brett moans, pulling his football buddy in closer, "I want you to marry me. I'll quit my job and be your housewife. I'll be better at that! And you can boss me around and use me however you want, bro! I mean everything; cooking, cleaning, everything!"
"Woah, dude! That's a lot to take in," he hesitates, but already his mind is giving in, "But yeah. I like the sound of that. Being my wife means more than just cooking and cleaning though."
Brett looks at his new love earnestly. Meanwhile, Axel straightens up and crosses his arms to look rough.
"It means pleasure, whenever I want it and wherever I want it. It means you only get to watch the football games in between you serving me and my friends. By the way, they're just my friends now. Got it, dude?"
"Yeah," Brett whines, "Just let me start now!"
Axel smirks and pulls his new house husband into the house, giving him a possessive slap on the butt as they pass over the threshold.
"Alright, bitch. I'm gonna treat you just as bad as you did that old girl of yours."
"Who?" Brett asks out of genuine confusion, but he's already brushed off the comment and dropped to his knees.
"I don't know. Don't care either," Axel sneers, "Just get started. Haven't blown a load all day."
The faint sound of repetitive gagging echoes out of the house as the front door slams shut. It seems like my work here is done.
The football gang will enjoy having a very willing bro to take care of all their needs, and Brett will do it with a genuine smile on his face. That friend of yours is a free woman, so I suggest she find something fulfilling to do with her life. Brett may be trapped in another marriage, but she sure as hell isn't!
Hope you liked how I handled your problem!
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atlasmoonglade · 19 days
Joost Klein x single mom!reader
Warnings: divorce mentioned, smut in later chapters.
Summary: this takes place pre Eurovision. Joost meets a single 32yo mom. Probably will be a slow burn. Multiple chapters.
This is just for fun, don't take too seriously.
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it was supposed to rain. i was supposed to stay home.
Chapter 1
"Please!" your friend begged.
"I already told you, I am not going out tonight. I have a horrible headache, plus look at the weather forecast." you complained while putting on the kettle.
"Oh c'mon, when has a little rain ever ruined our plans."
"A million times." you laughed. "Let's just stay in this time. This is the weekend when Elliot is staying with his dad. You'll meet with your mystery man tomorrow."
"Ok," Brianne, your dear friend who is head of over heals for a man she met online, sighed. "what I forgot to mention - he is in town only for a week and I can't meet him any other day. Please come with me. It's a bar, if it rains, it won't be an issue."
You are not a fan of spontaneous plans, you need everything planned and agreed 5 business days in advance. There is no place in your life for sudden changes, but you look at her realising you will have to brave your headache and hate of impulsiveness to go out. You love her to pieces and couldn't bear the thought of her going alone.
"He is bringing a friend, so it will be like a...double first-time-meeting-a-guy-you-met-on-instagram type of date. Please come." she is making puppy dog eyes at you. "We won't stay too late and you will still have plenty of time for yourself, I promise."
"Ok." you said. "How could I miss a double first-time-meeting-a-guy-you-met-on-instagram type of date. Maybe he will be cute."
He is not. You are in a bar listening to the most boring man on earth talk about finance and crypto, having to nod and smile because Brianne on the other hand is having a grand-ol time with her instagram guy. How do people even meet on social media, a mystery to you. Though they seem to be a match made in heaven, she is talking non stop and he actively listens with appropriate reactions right when she expects it.
"I will order myself another drink. Anyone want anything?" you stand up to head to the bar.
"Yes, another Martini." Brianne said with a wink.
"I still have my beer, thank you."
"Want me to come with you?" finance guy, whose name you didn't even bother to remember, asked.
"No, it's okay. I will be right back." you are happy to have a minute of silence.
You send a quick text to Nicholas, your ex-husband, asking how Elliot is doing. They are having a Cars movie marathon eating as many sweets as a 6 year old can muster, which is probably infinite. As you hit send, you walk straight into someone's back, which knocks the wind out of you.
"Woah. What happened" the guy, whose back apparently is like a brick wall, exclaims.
"Sorry, I wasn't looking." you say rubbing your forehead.
Mister broad shoulders turns to face you. "Are you okay?" he asks with an accent.
"Yes, sorry again. Didn't mean to crash into you like that" you look up to take a better look at him. A good looking blond man wearing tinted glasses inside. "Usually I don't head butt people at first sight." you drop your hand from the forehead.
He doesn't say anything, just smiles at you, you smile back. It seems so natural.
He turns to say something to his group of friends, who have been eyeing your collision, then turns back to you. "I was going for a smoke. Want to join me?" he points his head to the exit, reaching for his pocket.
"Uh, sure." you say.
He takes a lead, you follow. You send a quick text to Brianne: went for some fresh air. brb
Fresh air feels nice indeed, boring conversation with a crypto man long forgotten.
"What's your name?" your new acquaintance asks while he lights a cigarette and offers you one from the pack.
"Y/N" you fold my arms over your chest to protect yourself from the chilly evening wind. "I don't smoke."
"Y/N" he repeats my name as if trying it out. "I'm Joost."
"Where are you from?" you ask while taking in this stranger who almost knocked you out. He is wearing a white t-shirt with a hoodie over it, loose denim pants which seem too long for him and those sunglasses.
"the Netherlands. I'm visiting a friend here." he says while blowing out the smoke facing away from you.
"Is it your first time here?" you keep the conversation going.
"No, I come here from time to time. Have to culture myself." he smiles.
"Yes, a lot of culture in the US of A."
He laughs throwing his head back, which makes your heart flutter. What a strange turn of an evening.
He finishes his cigarette, stubs it out and you head back inside.
"It was nice to meet you, Joost." you smile at him.
"Likewise" he doesn't return to his friends yet as if he wants to say something more.
"I need to get back to my friend. Don't want to leave her alone for too long."
"Don't walk into someone else, that role is reserved for me." he jokes again and heads back to his group.
"Sorry, they ran out of Martinis" you say as you come back to Brianne and your companions.
You can't help but glance in the direction of Joost, right as you catch him looking too. He notices the seemingly double date that is happening. Are you imagining or does he look upset. You give a small smile, which he returns and goes back to his conversation. Are you imagining or do you want him to look back again. It is an unusual feeling for you to long for someone you barely met, will definitely have to unpack that later.
You also notice the absence of a headache, must have been the breath of fresh air.
You woke up the next day feeling not your best. Even a couple of drinks isn't an easy task after 30 - something you have yet to accept.
Your phone buzzes. A text from Nicholas: Getting ready to go to Disneyland. Elliot wants to wish you good morning. ☺️
You text back Good morning! Have a fun day you two! ❤️ give him a hug from me.
You place an online order in your favorite coffee shop and decide to walk there instead of driving. You need to clear your head, yesterday's events still fresh on your mind.
As you walk you try to think of why Joost made such an impression on you. You were secretly craving his attention the rest of the night. Are you ready to be dating again? The idea of how complicated dating is while having a kid scares you, that is why you haven't pursued that idea in so long.
But the few times your eyes met from the different parts of the bar felt electric. You need to be careful.
You walk into the coffee shop, the usual place for pick-up orders already having a Coldbrew you ordered ready, you head straight to it. At the same time a hand reaches for it too, as you both grab the drink. You turn "I am pretty that is m-", and see non other than your blond friend from yesterday.
"Joost!" you can't hide your excitement.
"Y/N?" he looks as confused as you.
"Now I should ask if you are following me." you say and notice you are both still holding the coffee.
"I start to believe you are the one following me and stealing my drink." he doesn't let go of it.
You check the name on the drink, it spells "Youst".
"They did spell my name wrong, but close enough." he laughs and at the same time barista announces a Coldbrew for Y/N.
"Ok, so I loose, it was not mine." you take your order.
"Honestly it was a matter of seconds, I was about to give up mine." he says.
"Really? I was ready to fight, I really need it this morning." you say taking a sip, a moan slipping from your lips.
"Wild night?" you head outside.
"No, I actually went to sleep rather early. Drinking at my age doesn't go down well."
"Went to sleep early? Wasn't a fun date?" he looks at you through his yellow tinted sunglasses.
"If you consider someone mansplain crypto to you for 3 hours to be fun, then yes, it was a thrilling experience." you look up at him. "My friend made me go."
"Oh." he seems relieved. "You were listening to him so intently, wouldn't have guessed it wasn't intentional."
"So you are following me. Thought I felt someone's stare burning into my head." you tease.
"Only a little." he smiles and takes another sip. "So, you said it's not easy at your age. Couldn't think you are older than 27, how old are you? If you don't mind me asking. Definitely not for my following purposes."
You laugh. It feels so easy to talk to him, but you have to rip off the bandate.
"I am 32 and I have to be honest with you. I am single but I have a kid."
This seems to have taken him aback. Which is often how it goes, you try not to seem bothered by it, already coming up with an excuse to leave.
"Can I get your instagram?" he asks.
Your head snaps to look at him, this is the last thing you expected to hear.
"You are a funny guy, Joost."
He hands you his phone to type in your name in the search.
"I have to go now, but I do believe in fate. It is trying to tell us something making us meet again." he stretches out a hand for you to shake. You take it. Here is that feeling again.
As you walk back to your apartment, you get an instagram notification.
joostklein just started following you.
Chapter 2
206 notes · View notes
runningfrom2am · 4 months
cold nights // twenty-one
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summary: you showed him colours he knows he can't see with anyone else.
pairing: coriolanus snow x fem!reader
wc: 4.2k
masterlists / nav / requests
tags/warnings: tribute!reader and mentor!coriolanus, r is very sweet (too kind for this world. literally.), sunshine x grumpy trope kinda, he falls first, violence typical for the source material, depictions of mental illness, also she's is very smart (as she should), district twelve!reader.
a/n: oh- you guys wanted them to be happy and in love in peace?? my bad. anyway, good a time as any to wish you guys a happy valentines day! lol
my asks are also open to talk about this series! (i do have emoji anons open now too!)
send me any and all of your thoughts! here!
series masterlist // playlist
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"Where are ya takin' those?" Lennox asks you as you're quickly scanning through your piles of books, pulling out one or two at a time and holding onto them.
"I will bring them to Coryo and Sejanus." You smile to yourself, standing up straight as you finish picking out most of your favourites.
"Coryo." Lennox scrunches his nose up. "Why bother? They can't read that many books in a week. Especially when he'll hardly get his hands off you long enough to do literally anything else."
"Oh, Lennox hush. That is not true." You shake your head pointedly, cheeks burning red.
"It is true."
You had kind of explained to Lennox what happened, that Coryo explained, apologized, and that you were wrong about him. Your mother was right, of course, but Lennox still wasn't buying any of it. Although, he wouldn't deny that you seemed happier.
"Ma!" You call out, coming out of your bedroom with the stack of books in your arms. Trying to talk to Lennox about this would never end in him actually listening to you.
"Just out back, honey!"
You follow her voice out onto the back porch. "Ma, do you know if there's a limit of things you can take on the train?"
She looks up at the question, laughing at the stack of books you have steadied under your chin.
"It's not a passenger train, honey. I don't know." She chuckles. "You want to give him all of those? Won't you miss them?"
"Well..." You think about it, placing them down on the ground to rest your arms for a moment. "I don't know when I'll see him again, and books are expensive to post. Besides, I know they'll be in safe hands, and if I want to read them again I can take them from the library."
Your mom smiles sadly at you. "I suppose that's true."
"Yes." You grin, crouching down to pick the books up again carefully. "I shall go drop these off."
"When will you be back?" She asks, just as you're about to walk back inside.
"Uh, I'm uncertain, but I shouldn't be long! We don't have any plans."
"Maybe you should take your brother with you, he can carry those." She suggests and you sigh.
"No, Ma. He's mean." You pout.
"He only wants to keep you safe. Take him with you, please. He'll be driven mad here waiting for you to get back." She insists and you groan, dropping your head back. "I won't ask again, I promise."
"Okay, Ma." You relent, stepping back into the house and letting the door swing shut behind you. "Len! Ma says you're coming with me!"
"So... how do you know where they are staying?" Lennox asks you, half the books in his arms as you practically skip ahead of him.
"Coryo showed me the other day."
"Oh, he did. Of course he did." You can practically see him rolling his eyes behind your back. "Have you ever considered that he could just be using you? I mean-"
"Lennox, that's not a rational thought process. I have nothing that he would want, he already won his prize." You interrupt. "He just came here to spend time with me, we talked about that when I was in the Capitol."
"I can think of something he wants..."
"Lennox!" You turn on your heel, pointing a finger in his face so fast he almost stumbles as he stops. "That is enough. You have so little trust in me!"
"It's not like we haven't been down this road before!" He argues, and you quickly look around as he raises his voice. The path is deserted this time of day.
"And you don't think me capable of learning?"
"Clearly not! Him and Cole are practically the same person!"
"Don't you say that- I didn't like Cole and you know it." You narrow your eyes at him. "Coryo is different. He wouldn't hurt me."
"You do realize that those are like, the famous last words that every teenage girl ever has said and regretted it, right?"
"Do you just not want me to be happy?" You ask bitterly. That wasn't true and you knew it, but you were upset and you knew it would get your point across. He was being cruel.
"The opposite, actually! I just want you to think realistically about fallin' into the open arms of your 'knight in shining armour' who you've literally had nightmares about for weeks on end."
"I am not a child! I am an adult, and I am capable of making my own decisions." You spit. "He's not using me. He loves me, and I love him."
"Yeah, I'm sure he'll say that until-"
"Lennox you are such a.. boy!" You groan. "If you must know, if you must insist that I am so stupid, no, I have not slept with him. Is that what you needed so desperately to hear?"
"Gross." He mumbles, shaking his head with disgust. "I don't care what you do with your alone time, actually I'd really rather not know! All I'm saying is you need to be more careful."
"I'm not going to fight with you. You can trust my decisions or not." You grumble, turning back around to keep walking. He follows behind you silently, neither of you saying another word the whole walk there.
You knock on the door, taking a step back while you wait for it to open. You can hear your brother breathing behind you and it's driving you up the wall. You would drop off the books and send him home- maybe you would stay for a while, go for a walk, something.
The door creaks open and you smile when you see Sejanus. "Y/N!" He grins, opening the door wider for you to come in. "Coryo! Your girlfriend is here!" You blush at the term as you walk in past him.
You hadn't discussed any kind of title to what you had, the looming ache of him leaving again so soon holding you back from wanting to mention it. You assumed he didn't want to discuss it either, both of you silently agreeing just to enjoy the time you still had together.
"Y/N/N." Coryo grins, eyes lighting up as he enters the room.
"Hi." You smile, ignoring your brother pretending to gag behind you.
"What brings you?" Coryo asks. "I didn't expect to see you today, I was thinking of coming to see you myself."
"Yes, well, I went through my books and brought some over that I would like you to take." You look back over your shoulder as Lennox is placing the large pile of books on the dining table.
Coryo hums as he wraps his arms around you, resting his chin on your head. "That's a lot of books." He chuckles.
"You don't have to rush through them, keep them as long as you'd like." You assure him. "I just thought they were some you may enjoy."
"I'm sure I'll love them." He kisses the top of your head. "Thank you."
You turn in his arms to look up at him, ticking your head slightly when you hear Sejanus speak quietly. Clearly, not to either of you. "Hey, I just want to show you something. Come outside with me?" And then the door is shut, and you and Coryo are left alone.
"What's he showing him?" You ask, and Coryo watches through the window as his friend and your brother circle around to the side of the house.
"I am not sure." He answers. Immediately, he's thinking of the note Sejanus had scribbled out for himself. It included your brother's name alongside the dates and times, and those dates were creeping up quickly, the seventeenth being in three days- if he had today's date correct.
"Hm?" He looks down at you again. "You were thinkin' for a minute there. What's wrong?"
You were always so concerned. All he had done was take a moment to think, and you seemed genuinely worried. Maybe there was something in his face that showcased his confusion. "Nothing, love." He assures you, but you don't seem inclined to believe it. "Okay, uh, just... Come with me." He grabs your hand, watching out the window to make sure they aren't coming back yet as he leads you to his room.
You step into the small space and smile. He wasn't here for long, but the room already had little touches of him. The bed was made, and there was nothing on the walls but the bedside table had the copy of Romeo and Juliet he had got for you, a folded-up note, and a comb for his hair he had yet to put back in his bag despite him not needing it anymore.
You turn to face him after he shuts the door, smiling. He almost looked normal here, now. Like he was getting used to being here with you, living your life. It certainly wasn't like what he left behind in the Capitol, but to you it was special.
"Y/N, I have something to tell you." Coryo says, serious with a lowered voice. He didn't want anyone to hear it, even though you were still likely alone in the home.
"Okay." You reply, feeling your brow crease as you nod at him. His tone makes you nervous- your heart skips a beat in your chest. For a moment, you feel trapped. Tell him what you need. He won't mind.
"Can you... can you move away from the door, please?" You ask quietly before he has the chance to speak again.
He nods, not wasting a second before passing you and you turn with him, now with the door to your own back. "Is that better? You okay?" He asks and you nod.
"Fine just fine." You smile, trying to be reassuring. "What were you going to tell me?"
"Right, so..." You watch as he runs a hand over his head, still in the habit of pushing back his hair. "I was in Sejanus's room the other day, and I found this note. It had two dates and places on it, and then your brother's name and that was it."
"Oh." That's the only thing you can think of to say. "Well... do you remember the places? Maybe he was just trying to remember Len's name?"
"I don't know, I was hoping you'd know more." Coryo sighs, reaching for the bedside drawer. He had written down what he remembered from the dates and times, because he did want to ask you about it. "But he's been leaving and coming back at odd hours, he won't tell me what he's doing. Is he with Lucy Gray?"
"I don't think so." You frown, shaking your head. "But they have been getting close."
"But that doesn't really feel relevant to the note, or your brother."
"No... It certainly doesn't seem that way."
"Here, so... I wrote it down. Uh... The Hob, August seventeenth at ten pm, and broken fence August eighteenth at four am." He reads off what he remembered enough from the note to write down.
You tilt your head.
"Does that mean anything to you?"
"Well, on the seventeenth The Covey is performing at the Hob, so maybe he planned on going to that." You explain. "But broken fence... there's so many of those around here I couldn't tell you. Although, four am is an incredibly odd time to be meeting anyone."
"That's three hours before our train leaves."
"Oh." You shake your head slightly. "That's very weird."
"I know." Coryo sighs. "He won't tell me either, I've asked if he has any plans that night and he said no."
"Well... We should go." You offer. "Tell him that we're going to the meadow that night, and we'll just go after him. See who he's with."
Coryo raises his eyebrows at you. "I didn't take you for the nosy type."
"Well, I'm a big sister at heart and if it possibly involves Lennox I have to know." You argue. "It could be dangerous. He's always had a few friends I didn't love."
"Are you okay to go back there? I can go without you." He offers.
"I'll be fine." You insist. It's more so out of necessity, you have no choice but to be fine. You have to know- you have to make sure your brother and friend are safe.
"Are you sure about this?" Coryo asks, stopping you outside the entrance to the Hob. "If you want to go home I can take you, I just want you to feel safe."
"I know." You give him a small, reassuring smile as you squeeze his hand. "If I need to leave I'll tell you. I promise."
He nods, taking one last look at you to make sure you still seem okay before he pushes the door open and you both head in.
The building is buzzing- as it usually is when The Covey performs. You smile at the music, letting Coryo pull you close to the side wall as he scans the crowded room for his friend.
"Do you see him?" You ask, and he somehow hears you over the music and shakes his head.
You frown, looking around as well. No sign of Sejanus, no sign of Lennox. Lennox isn't even old enough to be here, but he wasn't at home when you left- and it's not exactly hard to sneak in.
"There," Coryo says, nodding in the direction of the opposite side of the room. You follow his eyes, and spot Sejanus talking to someone you recognize. "Who's he with?"
"Spruce." You explain. "His sister is scheduled to be executed tomorrow afternoon." You add, leaning closer so no one else will hear.
You watch as they head toward the back hall, the same one you ran down just a couple of weeks ago. "Should we go after them?" You ask when Coryo doesn't reply and he nods, watching them as he pulls you down the outside wall toward them.
You make it back to the hall without Lucy Gray spotting you, as far as you can tell. Standing outside the door, you hear shouting. You watch Coryo as he clenches his jaw, shaking his head.
"Wait out here." He tells you, dropping your hand.
"No- I, I should come." You shake your head and he grabs your cheeks, lifting your head to look into your eyes.
"I don't know what they're fighting about but it doesn't sound good. Wait out here." He's stern as he gently brushes his thumbs over your cheeks. "Listen to Lucy Gray, just watch the door. Okay, love?"
"Okay." You agree quietly, slightly nodding.
He kisses your forehead before letting you go, taking a deep breath before pushing the door open and disappearing behind it.
You chew your nails as you wait with your ear to the door, trying to decipher who is inside with them. It's hard to tell with all the shouting going on, but you hadn't heard Lennox.
"Y/N." You hear your name, quickly jumping back from the door and turning to face the voice. "What are you doin' here?"
You chew your cheek, trying to avoid Cole's gaze. "Just waitin' for Lucy Gray." You lie, looking down.
"Ah." He hums, nodding slightly as he steps closer to you. "Where's your purebred Capitol attack dog?"
"What are you doing here, Cole?" You ask, ignoring his question.
"We got leave passes for the weekend." He answers. "Hoff said something about 'boosting morale'."
"That's nice." You smile nervously. "Well, I don't want to keep you, so..."
"You aren't." He smirks, tilting his head as he looks down at you. "I'm not gonna hurt ya, you know that, right?"
"I know." You say softly.
"We're friends, aren't we?"
"Cole..." You sigh, looking down again. "We talked about this I just... We're too different. I'm sorry."
"Oh, because you have so much more in common with that prick- right?" He laughs sarcastically. "He's Capitol! He'll never know you like I do. Honestly, I'm offended that you'd choose him over me."
"I'm not choosing him over you." You frown. "I already knew we wouldn't work before I ever met him. This is very, very different. I'm sorry."
"You are? Oh, I'm glad to hear that." He nods and you eye him suspiciously. "Maybe then after he leaves, you'll give me another chance. He's taking the next train, tomorrow morning, right?"
"I can't do that, Cole." You shake your head.
"That's an awful shame." The evil smile on his face doesn't fade. "I'll have no choice but to report your father."
Your heart drops. "My Pa hasn't done anything."
He sucks in through his teeth. "Well, suspicion is enough to charge, and I don't know... I get a bit of an off feeling from him. It's actually my duty to report any suspicions we have, so honestly I've been protecting you, and I'd like to keep doing that, you know?"
You finally picked up on what he was saying, and immediately could taste the bitterness of fear on your tongue, a metallic tang that seemed to linger in the air.
"So? Do we have a date?"
"Sure." You mutter through gritted teeth.
"Sweet, thanks for finally coming to your senses, bug." Cole smiles, patting your shoulder. "I'll see you tomorrow afternoon!" He calls back as he walks away.
You don't even care what's going on inside, you can't be alone in this dark hallway anymore.
You pull the door open and rush in, but you're quickly stopped by Coryo's arm as he takes a few steps back, pushing you behind him. "What- what's-"
"She can't be in here!" Spruce spits at Coryo as you look past him, gasping at the sight of several guns on the table and the one in his arms.
"Listen, she's not involved." Sejanus promises.
"Her brother is gonna help us, it's cool. She won't tell." You look at Billy Taupe when he speaks, eyes wide.
"No- this is crazy." Mayfair shakes her head. "She's not coming with us. We're not bringing her or Lucy Gray. I'm leaving."
"No, they aren't coming. I just said I'd ask. Now she knows, so she probably should." Billy Taupe replies and your eyes flick between the couple. You had no idea what was going on, where he wanted you to go, and what this had to do with Sejanus or your brother.
"No! My daddy will have you all strung up for this." She throws her hands up and starts to walk toward the back door. Your heart is pounding in your chest as Coryo reaches for one of the guns.
"Don't!" You cry out, forcing yourself in front of him just as he aims the gun at her. At you.
"Y/N, you gotta move right now." He says quickly, and you hear her footsteps stop behind you.
You can only look at his eyes as they flit between anger, instinct, and fear.
"Coryo." You say, voice cracking and it's only then that you feel the tears dampening your cheeks.
The barrel of the gun is under an inch from your chest, and you can see his hands shaking as he holds the heavy weapon in his hands. He won't shoot you- he won't.
The world around you seems to blur as your focus narrows on the overwhelming sense of fear gripping you tightly. Right now, if someone asked where you were, you wouldn't know. You just as easily could have been standing in the arena. 
He doesn't dare move as he stares at you, eyes wide. He doesn't want to hurt you, but that's why he has to do this. He can't let whoever that girl was have you killed. Still, you stand in front of him. Shaking, but not moving. This was the girl he knew from the games who offered a rose to Coral who in the moments before was threatening her. The girl who so thoroughly hated the idea of bringing harm to others that her own mind blocked it out completely and replaced the story with something else. This was the girl who was willing to give up her life just to be able to give the other tributes an honourable burial that she knew they wouldn't otherwise receive. 
The girl who saw him kill another boy and despite all of that, still had it in her heart to forgive him.
You don't even hear Mayfair laugh and begin to walk away again, you only hear the gunshot that follows. You jump, immediately looking down to assess the damage. Coryo wasn't pointing the gun at you anymore, he had dropped his arms in defeat- and you had mistaken the loud noise for an impact you were expecting.
He didn't shoot you.
"What did you do?" You turn as Billy Taupe screams, eyes widening as you see Mayfair bleeding out on the floor.
"Oh god- oh god..." You mumble, stepping back until you bump into Coryo. He drops the gun back onto the table, pulling you into his arms.
"Don't look, don't look..." He tells you, turning you and pressing your head to his chest so you can't see anymore even if you wanted to.
You can't even make out what Spruce and Billy Taupe are yelling at each other over the sound of your blood pumping through your veins. Until the second gunshot.
You must be sobbing now, clinging onto the front of Coryo's shirt so tight your knuckles are burning. "You're okay, it's okay." He tells you. You don't know what's going on- you don't want to.
Coryo stares between Spruce and the body of Billy Taupe now slumped down next to Mayfair. He needs to get you out of here, now, but he doesn't know how. This has to be handled first.
He's letting you go only to grab your cheeks and get you to look at him. "Go back outside, you have to go back outside, I will handle this."
You can't even speak- can't even move. You try and shake your head. You couldn't leave him, not right now. You feel like you'd die the moment he ceased touching you.
The door slides open again, followed by an angry voice you know too well. "What the fuck?" Cole must have been watching you. He must have heard.
"No..." You cry, shaking your head. If Cole saw this you were absolutely all screwed.
"What the fuck did you do?" Cole shouts again. "Nobody fucking move! You're all-"
Another gunshot. Silence.
"Oh no, no, no..." You try and look behind Coryo but he doesn't let you, holding your head firmly into his chest again.
"It's okay. Don't look." He says again, staring at Sejanus who looks like he's panicking just as much as you are now.
"Why'd you tell them where we were? Now you've gone and screwed us all over! I just shot a peacekeeper!"
"He didn't tell anyone." Coryo defends him. "We followed him, Cole followed us."
"Fuck." Spruce sighs, throwing the gun onto the pile of others still laid across the table. "We gotta bump this up. We have to get Lil now, go tell Lennox to get the stuff and hide it for us like we said."
"Get rid of the guns and pretend this never happened."Coryo hisses. "And leave the kid out of this. It's too late for whatever plan you had now- we don't know where he is."
You can't even hear a single thing going on anymore. You're actually sure you might faint.
When you go from shaking to completely still in Coryo's arms, he knows you have. "Shit..." He mumbles, trying to steady you as your knees give out. He quickly readjusts so he can lift you with an arm under your knees and the other under your back.
"I gotta get her out of here and you have to move quick. Get rid of the guns. Now." He instructs, and surprisingly, Spruce listens. He throws the weapons into a bag and steps over the two bodies by the door before leaving.
"It wasn't supposed to be like this." Sejanus cries, gripping onto his hair and breathing heavily. "No one was supposed to get hurt!"
"Sejanus, for once just shut up!" He grabs his attention from where his friend is staring at the dead couple, clearly losing his mind. Coryo doesn't have time for this- an unconscious girl in his arms and his friend looking like he's about to be in the same state in a matter of moments.
"It's all my fault..."
"All of this is your fault!" Coryo agrees, looking around at the mess of the room. "It's only gonna get worse if you don't pull yourself together."
"Oh, god..."
"If you breathe a word now, all three of us are finished. Just like in the arena. We came here to see her. If we go down, she goes with us." He holds you tighter to his chest as your hair falls over the curve of his arm, your head limp against his skin. "So now we have to go back to the house, gather all our shit, and act like nothing is wrong. We have to board the train tomorrow like nothing is wrong. Do you understand?"
"I- I don't know." Sejanus sniffs.
"Hey." Coryo says, taking a few steps closer. "Look at me. You have to pull it together. I know you wanted to go with them but now they aren't going. We've got to stick together. You won't get in trouble. I won't let anything happen to you, but you have to listen to me." It was obvious that it didn't matter that none of you pulled the trigger- being in the room was enough; especially when a peacekeeper had been murdered. If you were caught, you'd all be executed. "We're brothers, yeah? Brothers. Whatever you've done, I swear I will keep you safe."
"Brothers. Yeah." Sejanus mutters, still obviously in shock.
"Those guns were the only loose ends besides the four of us, so we're gonna be okay as long as we leave tomorrow." He breathes. "Okay? Not a word."
"O-Okay." Sejanus nods slightly, trying to keep his focus on the boy in front of him rather than their unconscious friend in his arms.
Coryo tried to give him a reassuring smile, but inside he was panicking too. They could escape it all on the train tomorrow, but now came the problem of what to do with you.
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taglist: @soulessjourney , @that-veela-girl ,  @dreamyysouls, @rockstarbfs , @maysileeewrites , @baybieruth , @kitscutie ,  @fratboyharrysgf0201 , @totallynotkaibiased , @stelleduarte , @secretsicanthideanymore , @bejeweledreverie , @drewsandsebastianswife , @niicole-87 , @queenofshinigamis , @innercreationflower , @nallasstuff , @iovemoonyy , @thatmarvelchick19 , @wearemadeofstardust0 , @regulusblackcore , @puredreamagination , @fantasticchaosthing , @becauseseaotters , @secretsicanthideanymore
okay suddenly tumblr isn't letting me tag more people than this so i just made some cuts unfortunately :') i just left the max amount of people i could whose users i recognized and see in my notifs all the time :) if you're not on here and you should be i'm so sorry!
also this taglist is closed now!! if you’d like to get a notification when i update, turn on my post notifications!! i promise i won’t spam y'all :,)
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alucarddear · 10 months
what if alucard’s wife dreams that he cheated? like she wakes up in the middle of the night almost crying and then occurs to her “oh, I was dreaming” but she’s still a little bit mad and get away from his embrace which wakes him up and he’s like “babe what’s wrong?” “you cheated” and he’s like “what? I didn’t!”. a little bit fluffy in the end with him assuring her that this will never happen because he loves her too much 🥹
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+more requests that are along the same vein. Here’s to some of you seeking a comfort drabble with our beloved meow meow. 🤍🦇
Immutable Truth
Alucard’s wife dreams that he cheated on her. [She/her]
It is immutable truth. Just as the sun is bright and the nights are dark, I love you.
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Alucard wakes to the sound of his wife sniffling next to him.
He wipes the sleep from his eyes and immediately attempts to take her in his arms, but she wouldn't budge. “What’s wrong? Another nightmare?”
He expects some half-slurred sad story—the usual culprit that breaks her sleep—but meets instead a fierce glare.
Her eyes are burning. "I dreamt that you cheated on me!"
His wife's remark almost had him laughing, if not for the distress on her face.
“What? Love, I never would,” he states calmly. “Hush now. It’s a bad dream and nothing more, I assure you.”
"Adrian, I-I..."
And there it is, the sight he dreads the most. Quivering lips, reddened eyes, tears that wouldn't seem to stop. Her sobbing pierces straight through his heart and fills him with the overwhelming need for anything to have it stop, anything to make her feel better.
"Hush now, darling. It was nothing but a bad dream. Come here," he says, arms open to receive her. She glares at him yet again.
“Should I be offended, my love? I would never look another way; surely you know this to be true.” But his words don’t get him anywhere. She wouldn't accept his embrace.
Sigh. "Alright, I won't touch you. But would you tell me, please, darling? So that I may soothe your worries." I hate to see you cry.
"I dreamt that y-you chose someone else over m-me; t-that you l-left me—hic—just like that..."
He listens patiently, giving his wife time to let it all out and calm herself.
“You are constantly at the receiving end of confessions after confessions. Letters, presents, barely veiled affection right in front of my eyes, even though we're married!"
It is true, Alucard has to admit. Ever since the establishment of Belmont Village, he had been somewhat popular. There are some that have been, for lack of a better word, persistent despite his martial status.
He nearly cringed. He had an inkling that those incidents bothered her but chose to downplay them in lieu of causing a rift. The idea of ever leaving her had always been ludicrous at best, but he realises now that he should have been doing a much better job of reassuring her. He should have been firmer in rejecting others' advances.
Alucard takes her hands in his, and this time she lets him. “I understand," he says. "I have gotten used to the attention as of late that I…" He shakes his head. "No, there is no excuse. I apologise. I would do better.”
He caresses her cheeks, tenderly wiping away new tears that are threatening to form before they could have the chance to break his heart in pieces.
“I want you to know that their words hold very little weight to me,” he whispers lovingly, staring straight into her eyes as if imploring her to see through him, to view the vastness of his love.
Then, he presses soft kisses just below her eye. “Hush now, sweetheart, please, my lovely wife… It pains me to see you this way.”
If she only knew just how little it takes for her to break his heart in two. Even before she gave herself to him, he’d wanted nobody else. Hearing her crying over something he considers utterly impossible… he should have been doing a much better job of proving himself to her. If anything, he’s disappointed in himself.
It’s only you whose love and affection cause a stomping in my heart, a magnitude of which I have never felt before, he wants to express but couldn’t find the right words to. It's only you whose very voice is enough to lift my spirit. How could I ever hope to replace this feeling? To love another? To abandon you would be akin to losing everything. Everything.
"I have everything I could ever want. I have you."
It is immutable truth. Just as the sun is bright and the nights are dark, I love you. I love you and I am yours.
“There’s only you, darling. I love only you.“
Alucard goes on to reason with her. “Have I ever given you cause to worry? When was the last time?”
When was the last time? He looks at her as if to challenge her. The very notion of him looking another way was almost laughable if his beloved wife wasn’t in agony over it.
“Don’t you make light of my commitment to you,” he tells his wife solemnly. How long has he to live? A thousand years, if not more, yet all of it he wishes to spend with her. It’s almost frightening, truly, the depth of his affection and adoration for this woman. His want—his need—for her runs so deeply it’s enough for him to believe it can transcend lifetimes.
The thought of being somewhere, anywhere, without her is frightening in and of itself. How was he to even ponder it?
“There is not a life in which I would ever abandon you,” he says plain and simple. The surest thing in the world.
“There is only you, my darling wife,” he says pointedly. “In any life, in any place, I would choose you.” In a heartbeat. Always. It’s only fitting, he thinks. For there was nothing before she came into his life.
“I’m sorry…” his wife mumbles, avoiding his eyes, looking adorably like a petulant child ashamed of her blunder. It makes him smile. Silly girl.
“It’s alright, please; you had a valid concern. And I don’t wish for you to misunderstand. I am not angry.” He opens his arms to receive her, to shield her. “Come here to me.”
This time, she tilts her face toward his like a sunflower to the sun, a pleased smile now etching itself onto her mouth. Alucard places a kiss upon it and captures her in his arms. Yours. All yours.
505 notes · View notes
A loose retelling of Hades and Persephone-modernized and darker than before, but beautiful all the same.
A/N: I'm not happy with this. But you guys can have it anyway.
Tags: SKZ, Stray Kids, Stay, Bang Chan, Chan, Christopher, Christopher Bang, Y/N, Femreader, Chan as Hades, Y/N as Persephone, Underworld, Greek Mythology, Hades and Persephone, Smut, Fluff, Angst, Chan x you, Chan x reader, Chan x y/n, SKZ x you, SKZ x reader, Other members make guest appearances as various Greek gods, Greek Gods
Genre: Fluff, Smut, Angst
Warnings: Underworld Shit, Dark Undertones, Underhanded God and Mortal shit and dealings, Death, Dying, Triggering Themes, Toxic Relationships (not main characters), Chan's fucking in love with reader to the point of obsession.
🌸I’ll Be Damned-Gavn
🌸Seven Nation Army-Stevie Howie
🌸Call Me-ShineDown
🌸Granite-Sleep Token
🌸Say Don't Go (Taylor's Version)-Taylor Swift
Title: Every Last Seed
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He goes by many names.
He always has.
King of the Underworld.
God of the Dead.
Bringer of Death.
Lord of Darkness.
But by far, his favorite name is the one that only you are allowed, dripping from your lips, soft and sweet, like honey, like a deadly nectar he's become addicted to-
"Where the fuck is he?" Chan storms through the door to his office, terrifying the wraith he employs as his secretary, her throat jumping with a gulp, as she straightens her glasses, and clasps her clipboard to her opaque chest.
"Ah, sir, I was just asking his Lordship if he'd prefer tea or coffee-"
"No need." Chan growls, not even bothering to look in her direction. "He won't be staying."
Hyunjin grins from his position behind Chan's overly large desk, his feet planted directly in the middle of some important treaties Chan had been working on the day before for some particularly pesky mortals.
"Ah, is that any way to treat your baby brother, Channie?"
His given name. The only ones who dare call him by that name are his brothers and you.
Everyone else just refers to him by the name the mortals gifted him when he became God of the Dead eons ago-Hades.
Chan stalks toward his brother's reclined form and promptly shoves his feet off the desk with a little bit more force than necessary.
"The perfect way, actually. Especially when said brother is impeaching on my very valuable and limited time, uninvited, I might add."
Hyunjin sniffs, straightening the highly expensive baby blue suit he wears, and plants his feet firmly on the ground, swiveling in Chan's chair to face him.
He tucks a strand of his golden hair back behind his ear and levels Chan with a self important look that makes him grind his teeth in agitation.
"Fine. You obviously want me to get straight to the point, so I will."
Chan feels a muscle tick in his jaw as he taps his foot impatiently, motioning with his hand for the man before him to continue.
"Great. What is it?"
Hyunjin sighs, making a show of straightening the crown on his brow, and then he gives Chan a grimace which he tries to soften with a halfhearted smile that Chan sees through immediately.
It makes his clench his fingers into fists at his side.
"How's the new little wife, hm, big brother? Satisfactory, I presume?"
Chan feels himself prickle at the mention of you, but he keeps his expression unreadable, dark, as he stares back at his clearly prodding brother.
"Fine. Anything else? Or did you travel all the way here and risk your wife's wrath just to ask me how my honeymoon was?"
Hyunjin blanches at the mention of Hera, and clears his throat, clearly uncomfortable now in the face of Chan's obvious ire.
"Yes, well-" He stands up, planting his hands flat on Chan's desk and leaning toward him, as if to appear intimidating.
Chan wants to laugh at the pathetic display.
"-there's been a problem. I'm sure you've noticed the influx of extra souls ever since you uh, tied the knot, without her mother's permission?"
He fidgets nervously under Chan's unwavering, blank stare.
Tugging at the collar of his expensive suit once more, Chan watches as his younger brother, the supposed God of the Gods, seems to wilt under his penetrating gaze.
Finally, he sighs heavily, and seems to implore Chan to give him something, anything, he can work with.
"Her mother's fucking pissed with you, Channie, all right? I'll just come out and say it. I need you to fix this."
Chan remains unmoving, stoic, in the face of his brother's obvious plea.
After another moment of silence, Hyunjin throws his hands outward and exclaims with obvious exasperation, "C'mon, help me out here. Lord knows I've helped you in the past when you asked."
Chan arches a brow. "Helped me?"
His voice is flat, cold, deadly, and Hyunjin winces subtly.
"Okay, listen-" He holds up his hands, as if the weak gesture of peace will stop Chan's building fury. "-you know the delicate balance we have between the mortals. We worked decades for that, and if Demeter keeps fucking offing them left and right, just to spite and overwork you, and the Underworld, we're gonna have a much bigger fucking problem on our hands than a petty little feud between you and your recently acquired mother in law."
Chan hates to admit it, but Hyunjin's right, as much as it pains him to agree.
Fucking Demeter and the chip on her shoulder toward him.
God forbid, her perfect, innocent, naive daughter-the goddess of Spring-fall in love with someone as twisted and dark and wicked as Chan-god of the dead and ruler of the Underworld.
No, the Goddess of Harvest was not bound to let this go lightly, and it seemed he needed to put a stop to this before it ever really began.
A few extra mortal souls on his workload was nothing really, but if she even thought about dissuading you-
Chan pinches the bridge of his nose and screws his eyes shut. He can feel a headache building.
"Fine." He grits out, and he can practically hear Hyunjin breathe a sigh of relief. "I'll handle it."
Ignoring his brother and his babbled platitudes of thanks, he steps toward the window and looks down over the city below, flickering to life beneath the coming darkness.
"But know this-" He turns and levels Hyunjin with a dangerous, black gaze. "-if I even hear a whisper of you and Demeter's little foolish escapades putting my wife in danger, I will end you both without a second thought and with one snap of my fingers."
He still remembered the first time he ever laid eyes on you. How could he forget?
Attending one of his younger brothers garish and old fashioned parties-he'd thought they'd stopped doing these kinds of things centuries ago-he'd been dragged over to rub shoulders with some of the greats, one stiff tuxedo away from going the fuck home where he belonged.
And then, he'd seen you, hidden in Demeter's shadow- though nothing could truly hide your exquisite and rare beauty, not even your mother's sour, pinched expression-and his feet had moved toward you without permission, as if drawn by an invisible thread of fate.
Your mother had looked at him as he approached with such disdain it would've set him on fire had he not been a god, but he'd ignored her, striding boldly forward through the party goers until he stood directly in front of you.
"Hades." Demeter had hissed in greeting, dark hatred flashing in her eyes as she'd put a protective arm out in front of you.
You stared up at him with the biggest, most beautiful eyes he'd ever seen, and extended one slender, soft hand out toward him, breaching the threshold of your mother's protection without a second thought, as if you could feel the tug of the persistent string too.
"Persephone." You had whispered, than blushed, your cheeks going red, as his fingers found yours. "Or Kore. O-or (Y/N). Whatever is to your liking, your highness."
Your hand was like velvet-warm and silky in his own-and his fingers dwarfed yours, making them feel delicate and almost fragile in his grip.
"I know who you are, Goddess of Spring." He had replied, with far more confidence in his low tone than his quivering gut felt in the moment.
Your expression had flashed surprise at his words, and you glanced away under his direct gaze, red, full lips parted, cheeks taking on an even deeper hue of scarlet.
The look of sudden shy demureness on your features intoxicated him, and his dick immediately took notice.
"I am honored that one such as yourself, your highness, has taken notice of me already."
He had cleared his throat, subtly adjusting himself in his too expensive slacks-some high end shit Hyunjin had insisted he wear-at the soft tone of pleasure your voice took on at his attention, and finally, reluctantly released your hand, even as Demeter ushered you back behind her looming form.
"We really must be going." Her expression went from pinched to furious as his eyes lingered on you just a bit longer than necessary. She ushered you away. "Say goodbye, Kore."
"Goodbye." You had murmured, eyes flitting up to his briefly, before you let your mother lead you away and out of his sight.
Chan took his leave shortly after, giving Hyunjin some bullshit excuse of the Underworld not running itself, and had hightailed it home, his skin itching beneath the ridiculous suit he wore, and his hard-on aching for a release.
That night, he came with his cock in hand, and your name on his lips.
He arrives home to find you in the garden, kneeling in the dirt, fingers dug deep into the soil.
It's a common occurrence, a sight he's grown used to, but he still pauses, watching you silently for a few moments, enjoying the way your hair falls around your face, the way the curves of your body are accentuated against the early evening light.
Cerberus notices him first, raising his giant, blocky head from his paws where he lays beside you next to the garden plot, ears erect. His thick tail thumps the ground-once, twice-at the sight of Chan and you glance up, following the dog's gaze.
Chan steps from the shadows, and the most gorgeous smile he's ever seen graces your features as soon as you catch sight of him.
It takes his breath away, and as you stand, brushing the dirt from the dress you wear, he thinks, not for the first time, that you're the most fucking beautiful thing he's ever had the pleasure of calling his own.
"Channie." You breathe sweetly, throwing your arms around his neck as he draws closer, burying your face in the juncture of his throat. "You're home."
"I am." He agrees, wrapping you tightly in his embrace, taking a moment to let his nose skim your hair, the smell of blossoms and springtime filling his senses.
You pull back, just enough to gaze up at him, and he lets his finger go beneath your chin, holding you there, so he can study and memorize, once again, every single intoxicating line of your features.
Your lips quirk into the start of a smile, as if you know what he's doing, but you don't say anything.
He's grateful for that.
"Did you have a good day?" You ask softly, your breath warm on his fingers, as he traces the part of your full, soft lips.
"Eh." He lifts one shoulder into a shrug and lets it fall back down heavily. "Not as good a day as I would've had staying here with you, little blossom."
You arch a brow, and he sees it, the stubborn expression wash across your face that lets him know you know he's trying to deflect.
You put your hands on your hips and stare him down, and he resists the urge to lean forward and kiss the tip of your nose.
Fuck, you're adorable.
"I heard Zeus came to see you."
"Is that so?" He questions, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth, as he watches you hold your ground.
He leans forward, fingering one of the loose strands of hair that frames your face, before he lets his gaze dip to your throat, the golden chain you always wear dipping tantalizingly out of his line of sight where it disappears between the swell of your breasts.
"You're correct." He acquiesces, his fingers itching now to reach up and tug the chain free, so he can dangle the wedding ring he knows lies safely between your breasts between the two of you, just so he can remind himself who you belong to once more.
His dick swells at the thought.
He clears his throat, and brings his gaze reluctantly up to meet yours once more, noting the dark flash of stubbornness that washes across your eyes.
"However." He smirks now, stepping closer, letting his hand gently close around your throat, your pulse thready beneath his palm, like a fluttering bird beating against the bars of a cage. "I don't really want to talk about my brother right now, do you?"
He leans forward, and begins to suck kisses along the column of your throat, and you giggle, batting him away and stepping back before he can distract you further.
"Channie." You whine, putting your hands once again on the swell of your hips, and he thinks, not for the first time, that your delicious curves are going to be the death of him one day. "I'm serious."
He sighs, and tries to ignore the hardness of his eager dick between his thighs, knowing you're not going to let him off the hook-or let him fuck you dumb-until he's told you what Hyunjin wanted.
"Fine." He sighs again, and drops onto one of the many benches he had had installed in the garden solely for the purpose of watching you do what you love most.
You step toward him, and he opens his legs so you can slide between them, putting your hands on his shoulders as his fingers find your hips through the thin material of your dress.
"Tell me." You insist, staring down at him and Chan tilts his head back to look at you, arching a brow at your commanding tone.
"Goddess of Spring, are you really telling the Lord of the Underworld what to do?"
An amused smirk flickers across his lips at the look of exasperation that crosses your features.
You stick your tongue out at him, and he chuckles, tugging you to him. You protest a little, but let him do it anyway, burying his face into your stomach, the soft feel of your dress caressing his skin.
He breathes in your perfume, once, twice, and then leans back, meeting your gaze.
"Your mother is throwing a little temper tantrum it seems."
Your eyes widen minutely, and Chan sees your lips flatten into a determined, serious line.
"Because of our marriage?"
Chan gives a slight nod. "It would seem so."
One of your hands clenches into a tight, white knuckled fist at your side, and your chest stutters with a sharp intake of breath.
Beyond your shoulder, a vine springs to life, fraught with large thorns, curling around a nearby tree, up and up, tight enough to strangle the bark beneath its hold.
Cerberus raises his head, scenting the sudden unease in the air, and lets out a small whine.
You take in a deep breath, and the vine begins to slowly retract its hold on the tree.
"Little blossom." Chan murmurs, tugging you down onto his lap, and encircling you in the safety of his arms, pressing a kiss to the crown of your head. "It's nothing to worry about, I promise you. I'll handle it."
He feels you shake your head beneath his chin.
"You shouldn't have to handle it. She's my mother. I need to stand up to her."
Chan glances beyond you as Cerberus whines again, and sees the vine's thorns growing dangerously long with your distress, piercing through the trunk of the tree, cracking the bark into splinters.
"Pet." Chan warns quietly, nudging your chin in the direction of the destruction. "Take a deep breath."
You gasp, and let the air out on a long, shuddering breath, and the vine halts its upward progress almost instantly as you collapse against Chan, slumping into his chest.
He can hear the tears in your voice when you whisper, "I'm sorry."
His finger finds your chin again, and he raises your watery gaze to his own.
"Never, and I mean never, apologize for the power you hold, my love. For it will bring gods and mortals alike to their knees, and one day, when they all pass beyond this life, you will be known as their queen."
"You know, it's usually easier to get into the palace through the front door."
The unfamiliar, male voice startled you and you lost your hold on the branch you were currently coaxing toward the palace wall, snatching it up again with a curse just in time to stop yourself from tumbling all the way back to the ground below.
"Fuck." You glared over your shoulder, down to the newcomer, but could only make out a tall, dark silhouette, cloaked in a hood.
The man tilted his head, as if he was looking up at you, and you swore you could feel his smirk even through the darkness.
"Yes, thank you for the advice." You snapped back with a huff, already reaching out for the next branch as your magic grew it down toward your outstretched fingers. "But I think I'll stick with this."
"Suit yourself, little blossom." The mystery man leaned against the thick trunk of the tree, and crossed his arms over his chest, staring out at gods knows what.
You paused, catching your breath, and glared down at him, even though you're sure he can't see you.
"Don't call me that."
You saw his chest rise and fall in a silent laugh. "Why?"
"Because." You huffed, reaching for another branch, out of breath as you work around the gods awful gown your mother had insisted you wear to visit Olympus. "I don't know you."
"Oh, but I think you do."
You paused to consider his words, racking your brain for anyone you knew in Olympus well enough to give you a nickname, and came up with no one. Your mother didn't let you visit often from the mortal realm.
"I don't." You insisted, standing up on your tiptoes to try and reach the top ledge of the wall.
You heard the man chuckle again as you stretched-up, up, up-and just as your fingers had grazed the cool marble, your foot slipped off its hold on the branch below, and you tumbled, shrieking, back down through the tree and toward the hard ground.
You closed your eyes, waiting for the impact, but it never came.
Cracking open one eye, you stared straight into the face of the mystery man, safe in the warm, strong curve of his arms.
His hood had fallen back in the act of catching you, and your eyes widened as you recognized the handsome face before you.
Fucking. Hades.
Brother of Zeus.
God of the Dead.
He grinned at you, and arched a brow, reiterating softly, "But you do."
Your heart did one sharp staccato against your ribcage, as he set you carefully to your feet, and stepped back, and almost instantly, you missed the warmth of his skin against your own.
"Thank you for saving me." You stuttered out, curtsying deeply, now that you had your wits about you.
He chuckled, staring at you as you straightened back up, and you hoped it was dark enough to hide the blush staining your cheeks.
"Oh, I have no worries that if I wasn't here, little blossom, you would have saved yourself."
He motioned upward with a jut of his chin, and you followed his gaze to the tree, gasping as you saw a thick, dark green vine wrapped around its bulbous trunk, stretching down from the palace wall and to the ground below, curling around your feet.
When you glanced back to the man before you, he was already pulling his hood back up over his face, ready to disappear back into the blackness.
"Wait!" You called out before you could think better of it, and he stopped, cocking his head.
You swallowed hard, and took a step toward him.
"Will I see you again, your highness?"
You swore he smiled beneath the hood.
"Call it what you will, Goddess of Spring-fate, destiny, the will of the gods-but I think you and I will be seeing each other again very soon. Very soon indeed."
"You can't have her, you know."
Changbin took another long sip of his drink, cheeks already rosy, and followed Chan's hungry gaze across the room to you, standing close by your mother's side.
He simply shrugged when Chan turned to shoot him a glare.
"Her mother would never allow it. She hates your fucking guts. Not to mention-" He leaned over and lowered his voice, as if he was telling Chan a secret. He could smell the liqueur on the younger god's breath. "-the whole 'Underworld Ruling' thing."
Chan is saved from having to respond by the appearance of Minho, flute of champagne in hand, look of annoyed disgust on his face, as he slid past the hulking god beside Chan and took a seat on the duvet across from them.
His brother glanced dismissively at Chanbin, leaning back to take another long swallow of his drink.
Changbin grinned and wiped his mouth on his sleeve.
Minho arched a brow and his nose wrinkled slightly in open distaste. "Do you ever not wear armor?"
Changbin grinned bigger, and slapped a loud palm to the armor fitted perfectly to his broad chest.
"Of course not! I'm the God of War. Always have to be ready for anything, Uncle. You know how it is."
"I'm sure I don't." Minho sniffed, raising his champagne delicately to his lips, and taking a tiny sip. "The Ocean does not concern itself with the dealings of mortals. Let alone their trivial pursuits of war."
Changbin merely shrugged, and stood, slapping a powerful hand to Chan's shoulder, which sent him jolting forward in his seat, rubbing his offended arm and glaring up once more at the towering figure of his nephew.
"I'm off to find another drink. And maybe a few maidens." Changbin announced, giving Minho a mock salute, as the man stared him down with annoyed disdain. "Take care, uncles."
And with that, he was gone.
Minho's gaze flitted to Chan, and he took another long, slow sip of his drink.
Chan felt his eyes unwittingly pulled back to the other side of the room, but you had disappeared from view, probably dragged off by your mother for more introductions.
"I'm surprised you came."
Chan let his gaze drift back to his brother across from him, and offered him a tilt of his head in acknowledgement, reaching for his own glass of forgotten champagne.
"Yes, well, that makes both of us. I'd hoped to not find myself at another one of these damned archaic, presumptuous affairs for another eon or so."
The corner of Minho's lip flickered with amusement, and his eyes roamed past Chan to the dozens of gods and demi gods currently mingling on the expanse of Hyunjin's vast dance floor.
"Our baby brother is good for very few things, and throwing amusing soirees is indeed not one of them."
Chan felt his own lips quirk into the hint of a smirk, and he raised his glass to Minho in silent salute.
Minho tilts his own champagne in response, and they both take a deep draft of the shimmering, bubbly liquid.
His brothers were hard to tolerate on the best of days, but he'd always felt like Minho understood him just a little bit more than Hyunjin ever had.
Standing, Chan places down the now empty glass and nods to Minho in farewell.
"I've made an appearance. Now it's time to take my leave."
Minho watched him in silence for a moment, an unreadable expression on his face, and then with a flick of his fingers, he filled Chan's empty glass back up with water.
Chan stared at him, and he arched a brow.
"Drink some water before you go, brother. It'll help with the hangover tomorrow."
He sighed, reaching for the glass, and downed the water in one gulp.
"There. Happy?"
Minho's mouth flickered again. "Almost." He cocked his head, and let his gaze roam over Chan's body, as if he could see the way his muscles tensed, the way his mind swirled, already thinking about running into you on his way out.
When Chan went to move past him, Minho put an arm out, stopping him in his tracks.
"Careful, brother." Minho murmured, eyes dark and discerning, trapping him in place. "Interest is a fickle, fleeting thing, but obsession is fatal."
There was a beat of tense, deafening silence, Minho staring at him like he could see right through him.
Chan shook his head, and broke the spell.
"Thanks for the advice." Chan grunted, pushing past him without another glance, stalking toward the exit, not caring as he shouldered past the partygoers, earning himself a round of nasty looks.
The cold night air of Olympus embraced him as he pushed through the double doors and into the opulent garden beyond.
Unlike the swirling colors and lights and noise of the party inside, the garden was deserted at this time of night-dark and quiet and abandoned-just how he liked it.
Taking in a deep breath, holding it as the frigid air seared his lungs, Chan strode deeper into the garden, walking between the towering, shadowy rows of hedges, clearing his head.
The music had almost faded out of ear shot, when he heard it-a small, unfamiliar sound that immediately caught his attention.
He paused, freezing, and listening.
There it was again, just around the next bend, somewhere near the center of the hedge maze, beside the fountain he knew graced the large stone courtyard lined with benches hidden amongst the neatly trimmed foliage.
Taking another quiet step so he could round the corner, he heard it once more.
It almost sounded like-a gasp?
Chan came around the hedge quietly, on full alert, his footsteps silent, and as the fountain came into view, he caught sight of a figure leaning back on one of its edges on the other side, obscured through the haze of the water.
Another creeping step forward, still hidden by the shadows of the bushes, and the person came into view.
It was you-sitting on the marble edge of the fountain, dress hiked up around your knees, leaning forward as you focused on something intently.
Chan narrowed his eyes, trying to see what it was you were doing, and when he realized, as another little breathy moan left your lips and your wrist spasmed, he halted, feet suddenly leaden.
Gods above, you were touching yourself.
He should move, he should announce his presence, he should leave, he shouldn't be watching you in this very private, very vulnerable moment, but he can't seem to get himself to break the spell, watching you silently from the shadows of the hedge as you pleasure yourself.
You let out that sound again-a breathless sort of stifled release of breath-and Chan felt his dick start to swell in response, straining against the fine fabric of the slacks he wore.
You let your head fall back, eyes screwed closed, lips parted, as your fingers continue their work, and Chan's eyes are drawn to the way your chest heaves for breath, the perfect swell of your breasts straining against the corset you wear.
Suddenly, he can move again.
Stepping quietly from the shadows, he approached, moving to stand in front of you, and as if you could sense his sudden presence, his eyes on you, your eyelids fluttered open, your mouth forming a perfect 'o' of surprise as you caught sight of him.
"Y-your highness-" You stuttered out, cheeks immediately blooming pink, and Chan was enthralled by the way the rosy color spread rapidly down your chest.
You made a move to remove your fingers, tugging at your billowing skirts, but Chan held up a hand, his eyes meeting your own.
"No. Don't stop."
You froze, staring at him, wide eyed, like a fawn caught in the daylight, and he made an attempt to soften the gravel of his voice, repeating again, softer this time, "Keep going. Please."
You stared at him for another long moment, and he couldn't breathe, maybe you were going to run, maybe you were going to tell on him, what a pervert he'd been, maybe you were disgusted-
And then, slowly, eyes still holding his own, you let your fingers dip back beneath the folds of your gown.
He could tell the moment you made contact again, because your body stiffened, and that sound-the one that went right to his cock-passed your parted lips once more.
Chan watched you, mesmerized, as you let your fingers do the work, arching your body on the edge of the fountain to find the right angles, all the while, holding his gaze unwaveringly.
You were brave, he'd give you that.
You gasped, mouth falling open, and he saw the way your wrist twisted, picking up pace.
He imagined how wet you were, how easily your fingers slid in and out, and he clenched his hands at his side to keep himself in place, to force himself to let you be.
"What do you think about?" He asked suddenly, licking his lips, his mouth desperately dry.
"What-" You started to question, the words breaking off into a breathy moan that had him painfully hard, even harder than before.
He took a step closer.
"What do you think about? When you're getting yourself off?"
Your eyes had screwed closed as you grew closer to release, but you managed to flutter them back open to meet his gaze, your face twisted into the start pleasure, your fingers never stopping.
"You!" You gasped out desperately, chest heaving, free hand digging into the marble ledge of the fountain, fingers white with the effort of holding back.
Chan watched as you came then, crying out and body vibrating, and when the orgasm had finished ripping through you, you slumped back, breathing hard and cheeks flushed.
Pulling your hand from your skirts, Chan tried not to focus on the way your fingers glistened as you wiped them off on your dress.
He was rooted to the spot, watching you come down, cock aching and leaking down his leg, wishing he was the one who'd undone you so fully, when you finally met his gaze once more.
Your expression was unsure, lips pressed into a thin line, when you repeated softly, defeatedly, "You. I think about you."
You sat up, straightening your skirts with your clean hand, and Chan resisted moving closer to you with what very little willpower he had left.
You were biting your lip, staring at the ground between the two of you, when he conjured a trace of shadow, using it to caress your chin and tilt your gaze back up to meet his.
Your eyes widened slightly in surprise, your skin pebbling into goosebumps beneath the touch of the shadow, but you didn't move, you didn't look afraid.
Chan felt the corner of his mouth lift into the hint of a smile as he let the shadow trace your cheekbone, brushing back a loose strand of damp hair into your elegant braid.
"You know, little blossom, my brothers say you're a problem."
Your eyes widened a little more, and then a flash of indignation crossed your pretty features.
Chan cocked his head, studying you, and you stared right back.
"Because I want you, but I can't have you. And I tend to have a fatal flaw of getting obsessive over things that are kept from my grasp."
He flicked away the shadow with his fingers, burying his hands into the pockets of his slacks as he let the words settle between you.
His dick was still unyieldingly hard.
Your lips parted slightly, as if surprised by his admission, and then a brief, mischievous smile flashed across your lips, catching him off guard.
You tilted your head, and your lips quirked upward into a bigger, sweeter smile.
"Your highness?"
You hopped down from the ledge of the fountain, and found your shoes, slipping your feet into them as he watched, waiting for you to continue.
When you stepped toward him, closing the distance, he resisted every urge to grab you and slot his mouth hungrily over yours.
You looked up at him curiously, studying his features, your eyes large and dark, framed by the longest eyelashes he had ever seen.
When you finally spoke, your voice was quiet, as if you were telling him a secret only known to the two of you.
"What do you think about when you come?"
He stared at you, trying to put the words with the movement of your lips.
Finally, he swallowed, watching your eyes flit down to follow the movement of his throat.
"Hm." You hummed beneath your breath, lips twitching, as you finally slipped past him, headed back in the direction of the party.
Chan whirled, watching you go, and as if you could feel his eyes on you, you turned and paused when you reached the hedges, fingers trailing over the dark, emerald leaves, leaving shining pink flowers behind in their wake.
"Interesting." You arched a brow, giving him a half, knowing smile. "And here I was, thinking my little obsession was one sided."
Chan let a shadow slink from the hedge beside you and trail around one of your ankles.
You grinned at him once more, and slipped silently from view.
Chan steps off the elevator and is immediately met with the largest bouquet of flowers he's ever seen, shoved directly into his face.
He swats them away with annoyance, and the person carrying the atrocity comes into view, panting like they've just carted weighted rocks up the floors of the building and not obnoxiously perfumed flowers.
"Oh, hey boss." Jeongin beams, adjusting the vase of flowers in his arms, so that he can reach up and push the cap he wears back slightly, revealing a sweaty swath of dark hair.
"I got you flowers!" He holds up the arrangement, as if Chan can't see them, and follows him when he stalks past him toward his private office.
Setting the bouquet down on the front desk as they pass, flashing Chan's assistant a winning smile, Jeongin hurries to keep up with Chan's long strides, floating slightly above the floor.
"Well, Persephone did, technically, but you know, she asked me to give them to you so-"
Chan ignores the chattering messenger god beside him, and turns a left down the hall, already silently going over the meetings he has scheduled for today in his head.
Turning another corner, he's just about to push into conference room two, when Jeongin slides in front of him, spreading his arms out to block his way and trying to catch his breath.
"Whoa, boss. You can't go in there."
Chan stares the kid down, expression stoic.
"Jeongin. Get out of my way."
Jeongin doesn't budge, though Chan can see a flicker of fear flash across his dark gaze as he stands in front of Chan's looming, annoyed figure.
He reaches up, scratching at the back of his neck in clear discomfort, and shuffles from one winged foot to another.
"Okay, but here's the thing-" He starts, hemming and hawing, glancing past Chan and to the hallway, then back to the god standing in front of him.
"Jeongin." Chan warns, beginning to think there's something going on that he doesn't know about, and nothing pisses him off more than to be oblivious.
Jeongin clears his throat and gives him a half hearted smile. "Persephone kinda asked me to keep you out of the conference room today because she's kindameetingwithhermomtodiscussthingswithoutyou."
Chan stares blankly at the boy in front of him, wringing his hat now between anxious hands, and then asks quietly, dangerously, "She what?"
Jeongin swallows, the gulp is audible in the tense silence, but still holds his position blocking Chan from the doorway.
It's admirable, he'll give him that.
He gives a little shrug and a sheepish smile. "Sorry, boss?"
Chan growls beneath his breath in frustration, and pinches his nose.
He can feel a headache coming on.
"Fine." He grinds out, the muscles in his jaw popping with his irritation as he clenches his teeth and glances past Jeongin to the waiting conference room. "But you're to come and get me as soon as they're finished." He points a stern finger into the middle of Jeongin's chest. "And Demeter is not, I repeat not, allowed to be alone at any time while she's in the Underworld, understood?"
Jeongin nods and gives him a little salute, even as Chan is already stalking away.
"Yes, sir!" He calls out down the hallway, voice echoing off the walls and exacerbating Chan's growing headache. "I won't let you down, boss! You can count on me!"
Chan mumbles something beneath his breath about hiring new wingmen, and locks himself in his office.
Chan doesn't get to see you for the rest of the day.
The hours slip by, and he's faced with problem after problem-mortal souls unhappy with their judgement, wraiths he employs needing his every attention and signature, accountants wanting to see him about the toll to cross the Styx ('inflation is happening you know!')-and by the time he finally gets home, well after sunset, his every muscle is tight with irritation.
He walks in to see you in the kitchen, apron tied tightly around your waist, Cerberus at your feet, dozing with his head on his huge paws.
The dog gives a thump of his tail when Chan appears, alerting you to his presence, and you glance up from whatever it is you're chopping, giving him a wide, bright smile.
He's not fooled. It doesn't reach your eyes.
Pushing aside the monstrous bouquet from earlier that now resides in the middle of the giant, granite island that takes up a majority of the kitchen, he raps his knuckles on the stone, watching you carefully, his head cocked.
"I heard your mother stopped by today."
He watches the way your chopping stalls, but you don't look up at him, chest inflating with a silent breath before you turn, tossing the carrots into the large stew pot on the stove.
"Yes." You finally say, back still to him.
He tries to force the irritation simmering just below the surface down, relaxing his whitened fingers one by one, as he blows out a long, slow breath.
You turn then, at the use of your given name said in his stern tone, and resume cutting, chopping blocks of beef into smaller cubes.
Chan blows out another breath, harsher this time, and rubs at his temple.
The headache from before is still lingering, pounding now that he's finally left the office for the day.
"What did you talk about?"
You flick your eyes briefly up to his, and then back to the meat beneath your knife.
"Her 'temper tantrum' as I believe you put it."
Chan winces slightly. That wording probably didn't go over very well.
"And?" He prods, leaning against the counter, leaning down so he can glance into your face.
You bite your lip, and he sees you blow out a breath, before you look up at him and force that smile back onto your face-the fake, overly saccharine one from before, the one he doesn't buy for a moment.
"Do we really need to talk about this right now? You just got home, and dinner is almost ready-"
Chan flattens his hands, palms down, on the cold granite, and doesn't let you look away.
Your fingers tighten around the knife, and he sees you let out a shuddering breath.
At your feet, Cerberus cocks his head, your obvious display of uncertainty grabbing his attention.
"Channie-" You start to say, and he watches the way your throat bobs with a swallow.
Anger swirls into embers in the pit of his stomach.
He leans forward, dark eyes flashing. "What did she fucking do? If she so much as made you feel bad for any of this, I won't hesitate to pay her a little visit in the mortal realm-"
"No, no." You wave your hands, finally meeting his gaze once more, your bottom lip wobbly and your eyes shiny. "It's nothing like that."
Chan feels his heart immediately sink.
A tear drips down the length of your cheekbone, and he resists the urge to lean across the counter and swipe it away.
You rub at your eyes with your hands, and breath in an unsteady inhale.
Cerberus stands, butting his blocky head into your hand, until you let out a slight, watery chuckle, and begin to pet his dark ears.
"She-" You start to say, then stop, and Chan stares at you, frozen in sudden fear.
The flowers sitting in their vase on the counter begin to wilt and turn brown and brittle, dropping leaves to the granite like snow fall.
Chan ignores them.
You take in another breath, and pick the knife back up, moving to chop again.
"She wants to make a deal. She wants me to spend Spring in the mortal realm, with her, so I can fulfill my duties every year. And then I'll stay here, with you, the rest of the time."
You look up at him, your expression vulnerable, unsure. There's hurt in your eyes.
Chan's thoughts stop. His body goes cold. There's a buzzing in his ears, and he doesn't know if the shadows are lengthening, or if his sudden loss of control is causing everything to creep in.
He turns, and without a word, flicks a shadow out to send the vase of now withered flowers crashing to the ground.
You yelp, jumping at the noise, and Chan stands, back to you, staring at the mess he's made, chest heaving, hands clenched into tight fists at his sides.
The mess he always makes.
After a beat of silence, he hears you put down the knife, and then your soft footsteps, as you pad around the counter and kneel on the ground next to the shattered vase.
Slowly, without looking at him, you reach out and begin to pick up the broken pieces.
Chan breathes in, breathes out. His headache is pounding.
"Little blossom, leave it-"
He starts to say, moving to crouch before you, just as you pick up another piece of sharp ceramic and wince, instantly dropping the piece back down with a clatter, as you pull your hand back against your chest.
Chan reaches out and tugs your hand back into view, watching as the cut on your palm starts to slowly leak golden, shining ichor down the line of your wrist, dripping on the floor between the two of you.
His breath stalls as he glances up to your pained expression, all the anger leaving his body in an instant.
"You're bleeding."
"You're bleeding."
Chan glanced up at the sound of your voice behind him, meeting your concerned gaze in the mirror, where he remained, leaning over the basin, palms on the cool ledge of the sink, watching the water swirl away down the drain.
"Yeah, well-" He gave a little humorless chuckle as he watched the water shimmer with the ichor he washed from his knuckles, before he straightened and dried his hands, glancing once more at you in the reflection of the mirror. His mouth quirked up into the hint of a smirk, and he winced as it pulled at the split skin of his lip, tasting fresh ichor on his tongue. "-luckily for me, my brother hits like a pussy when he's been drinking."
Your eyes widened. "He hit you?"
Chan turned, swiping a hand across his mouth now, tossing the towel to the side. "Yeah, well, I probably deserved it."
He'd no more than finished the admission than you're at his side, taking his hand in yours, your eyes raking across the golden liquid that marked his knuckles, tacky and congealing.
You glanced up at him, curiosity flashing across your pretty features.
"What did you do?" You questioned in a whisper, as if asking him to divulge a dark secret.
Chan almost grinned-you're too fucking adorable-but he leaned in, his forehead brushing yours, expression serious, and lowered his voice to match yours.
"I told him, little blossom, that there's no way in fucking Tartarus that I'm going to another one of his stupid, historic parties, unless of course, it's thrown for us and planned in celebration of our marriage."
You stared up at him for a silent moment, and Chan almost backtracked, wondering if he'd been too bold, when a slight smile curved your lips up mischievously.
"Well." You released his hand and straightened the collar of the suit he wore, before stepping back, eyeing him up and down, head cocked with interest.
The look on your face took his breath away.
"Then I guess you'd better get me a ring, hadn't you?"
Chan slips your ring carefully from your finger, lying it beside the sink, before he tends to the wound on your palm.
You protest the whole time, claiming it's fine and you're fine and he's being dramatic, but Chan's heart won't stop pounding in his chest until every last drop of your golden blood is wiped clean from your skin.
When he's satisfied with himself, he helps you get down from your position atop the bathroom counter, and pushes you gently toward the waiting shower.
"I'll just be a minute." He says, as you roll your eyes, but strip your clothes anyway, waiting before he hears the water turn on, before he darts back to the kitchen.
He cleans up the mess he made in his anger, and goes back to the bathroom.
He watches you for a moment, through the steamy, hazed glass surrounding the large shower, your perfect outline stretched back beneath the pounding water, and then gets rid of his own clothes, tossing his suit to the side, before he slips into the shower to join you.
You glance at him over your shoulder as he enters, wet hair plastered to your skin, lips pulled into a worried pout.
"Channie-" You start to say, but he steps to you and pulls you flush against his bare chest before you can get any of the other words out.
Your arms go around his waist, fingers tickling the skin of his back, and he lets out a long, slow breath, the exhale rustling your hair, your face buried in the planes of his chest.
"I'm sorry." He apologizes softly, and you pull back to look up at him, eyes wide and soft.
"You don't need to apologize." You say, reaching up to shove some of his thick, dark hair back off his forehead, starting to grow heavy with water.
"I do." He nods, staring down at you, letting his finger go beneath your chin, as he traces the line of your lips with the pad of his thumb.
You're so fucking beautiful.
"You're my wife, yes, but you're also a Goddess, and I need to remember that."
You stare up at him silently, letting him continue, and he lets out another breath, reaching his hand up to cup the side of your face, your skin warm beneath his fingers.
"You have your own duties and responsibilities, and I'm being selfish keeping you here. I can't hide you away forever."
The corner of your mouth wrinkles, as if you're thinking about smiling.
"Are you sure?" You nuzzle into his hand, pressing a kiss to his palm.
"As much as I would like to-" He starts, leaning over to press a kiss to the corner of your lips, moving up along your cheekbone. "-I can't. The mortals-and Demeter-need you."
You sigh, he feels it in the way your chest brushes his, and lay your head on his chest, listening for a moment, to his heartbeat.
He strokes your damp hair, and finally you say quietly, "All right. But I don't have to like it, right?" You pull back, looking up at him with a tremble in your bottom lip.
"No, you don't, little blossom." He gives you a half smile, bending his head to press a kiss to your throat, than to the swell of the start of your breast. His cock twitches at the feel of your soft skin beneath his tongue. "I'm sure as fuck not going to like it."
You give a little laugh, slightly watery, and reach up to swipe the tears from your eyes.
"What will you do?" You ask with a shaky breath, staring up at him in a way that makes Chan's heart squeeze, his insides feel tight with all the love he has for you. "While I'm gone?"
He gives a slight shrug, leaning against the shower wall, as you move to start shampooing your hair into a lather.
"Run the Underworld. Judge the mortals. The usual stuff. I mean, what did I do before I had you?"
"Brood." You reply back instantly, glancing at him cheekily over your shoulder as you turn to rinse your hair.
He leaps forward and pins you to the wall as you shriek, tickling your sides as you wriggle to get away from him, laughing so hard it makes you breathless.
He pulls back, letting you breathe, and you push some wet hair from your face, taking in a couple of calming breaths, before your eyes meet his once more.
The mirth disappears from your pretty features, and Chan feels his chest tighten.
"Seriously though, Channie, I-" You swallow, Chan watches your throat bob, and your eyes grow shiny again. "-I don't know how I lived all those eons without you. And now, to have to leave-"
"Hey, hey." He steps toward you once more, caging you in the protection of his arms beneath the warm spray of water. You bury your face in his chest. "Pet. Look at me."
Finally, you do, raising watery eyes to his, and he gives you what he hopes is a reassuring smile.
"Listen to me, little blossom." He reaches up, stroking your hair behind your ear. "We're talking about months here. Just a few months topside, to soothe your mother, and then you'll be back home with me before you know it."
You sniff, swiping at your nose, and then nod.
"You're right. I know you are."
Chan gives you a half smile, gentle and soft, and leans down to press a kiss to the part of your lips.
The thought of you leaving his side is ripping him apart, but he manages to keep his expression neutral, if only for you.
He presses another, longer kiss against the column of your throat, and takes a moment to breathe you in.
"I love you. I always have, even before I knew you, even before I saw you, and nothing, and no one, will ever change that. You are, and always will be, my obsession, Goddess of Spring."
You look up at him with tear filled eyes, and lean up to press a kiss to his own lips.
"I love you too, God of the Dead. You're the only thing in my entire, immortal days that has ever managed to bring my heart to life, and I thank you for it."
A genuine smile tugs at Chan's lips now.
"Ironic, coming from the Goddess of Rebirth about the Ruler of Souls."
You give a little laugh, eyes sparkling as you look up at him. "I guess so."
Chan tugs you to him and, determined to memorize how you feel, kisses you long and hard beneath the cooling water of the shower.
Inside his chest, his heart flicks out a shadow to meet the flowering vine snaking from your own.
"Do you think we're all fated to another?"
You ask, lying beside Chan on the grass, the cool night breeze kissing patterns across your bare skin.
He turns his head to look at you, staring up at the stars overhead, fingers twined within his own.
The ring on your finger brushes his knuckle, and a warm sensation washes over him at the thought that you're his now-for eternity.
"Isn't that mortal shit?" He asks teasingly, and you turn to give him a glare, but it only succeeds in making him more endeared, your nose crinkling up and your lips pursing.
"Well, yes, but-" You shrug, turning back to the sky, reaching up your free hand to splay your fingers against the backdrop of the shimmering stars. "-do you?"
Chan considers.
He's never put much stock in fate, or destiny, or anything else the mortals believe in, and he says as much, rolling over to look at you, his hand skimming your bare hip.
"I don't know. But what I do know is this." He props himself up on his elbow, looking down at you, where you lie, watching him, from the grass.
He lets his finger trail over the marks of his teeth blooming on your shoulder, the love bites already turning purple up the column of your throat, soothed by his tongue.
"Fate is fickle, I don't like to rely on it. Fuck, sometimes, I don't even think I can rely on myself, but I do know, without a shadow of a doubt, that you and I, little blossom? We were meant to be. And nobody, not fate or any of that other shit that mortals believe in, made that happen. We did."
He watches you as you pause, considering, and then you give him a smile that steals his breath, sitting up beside him to throw your arms around his neck, pressing a kiss to his mouth.
"Fuck fate." You breathe against his lips, and right now, in this moment, with your skin pressed against his, your warmth settled firmly in his lap, his ring on your finger, Chan thinks he has to agree.
Chan trips over one of Cerberus' toys and gives the big dog a glare, tucked safely away under the kitchen table, his head on his paws.
"I swear to god, your mom is coming home today, and if she sees the state you left this house in-" He threatens vaguely, waving the toy around, before tossing it into the basket in the corner.
"I'll what?"
Chan whirls so fast at the sound of your amused voice that he almost gives himself whiplash, turning to face you in the doorway, a grin on your lips and your suitcase in your hand.
You give him a little wave, suddenly shy, as he continues to stare at you, rooted to the spot.
He's moving then, crashing into you and sweeping you up into his arms with such force that you lose your breath, dropping your suitcase to the floor, as he pulls you in tight to his chest.
You're laughing and crying, and Chan breathes you in, nose pressed to the top of your head, like he's a starving man seeing food for the first time.
You pull back, just enough to smooth your palms over the side of his face, your eyes still shiny with unshed tears.
"I missed you, Channie."
"Fuck." He breathes out, crushing you back to him again, never letting you go. "I missed you too, little blossom."
You laugh again, a watery sound, and press kisses to every inch of his face you can reach from his embrace.
Chan feels like he can finally breathe properly for the first time in months.
"What did you think about while I was gone?" You ask, your eyes sparkling, as if you already know the answer.
He lets out the breath he's been holding, and leans forward to kiss you breathless.
"You." He breathes back in response, and your lips part with pleasure at his answer. "Always you."
And then he kisses you long enough to make up for all the time missed-past and present.
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zeezelweazel · 5 months
Rachel Daly & Millie Bright| New Experiences|
I was planning on writing more fluff but all the smut ideas hit me like a truck so here you go ig, also this is loooong
I'm kinda nervous to post this idk why (the proof reading was very rushed, not my best work)
TW: Strap on use, fingering (reader receiving), oral (Millie receiving), face sitting, praise kink, dirty talk, slight breeding kink
You've been dating Rachel for almost a year now and obviously you've met Millie more than once. The two best friends were soulmates and you won't lie, at first it bothered you a little. How they were so impossibly close with their matching tattoos and their inside jokes. It made you feel like you have to compete for Rachel's attention and time.
Then you realised how crazy that sounded so you shifted your attention to trying to be friends with Millie. You two bonded really fast and Rachel was delighted over your new found relationship.
Now some time has past and the three of you have settled into a comfortable dynamic. Although no matter how much time you spend with someone, there are always things about them that you must discover.
You and Rachel are cuddled up on the couch with Millie on the other side with your legs draped over her lap as a boring rom com plays on the tv. The movie was something that you guys found playing already and decided to leave it, the plot being about a woman discovering her love for women after years of dating men.
Everything was going smoothly until the two best friends decided to make an innocent joke.
"Good for her, but I'm sure that it's not that easy to realise you like women after dating men your whole life."
"Pssh please, one night with us and you'd be head over heels Bright."
Millie turned to Rachel so they can continue their little scramble but your mind had simply stopped working. Surely Millie must be joking. There's no way she's not only straight but also has never been with another woman before. Sure, you've never talked about her sexuality with Millie before but you had simply assumed. Which sounds bad but at the same time, could you really be blamed?
"Wait wait wait. Millie, you've never been with a woman before?"
Rachel looks at you with a smirk you can't identify at the moment and Millie just smiles and shakes her head.
"Nope. Never. Shocking ain't it?"
You only hum in response and focus your attention back towards the screen. Just when you thought the night was about to continue as normal, Rachel reached down and squeezed your thigh. You gulped knowing that this conversation isn't over just yet.
It was almost midnight when Millie left. You and Rachel were getting ready for bed. You noticed your girlfriend throwing pointed glances at you but not really saying what she wants. Finally you've had enough so with a huff you pull her into your side on the bed. Rachel chuckles slightly before finally revealing her thoughts.
"So about what happened earlier... You were a tad bit disappointed that Millie isn't interested in women."
Rachel said it so confidently that it made you laugh at first but once you noticed she was serious you started playing with your hands anxiously.
You'll admit you've spent a fair share of time ogling your girlfriend's best friend. It's not like cheating, of course not, it's just that Millie was an objectively attractive woman. A gorgeous, tall, mascular woman that you've fantasised about once or twice. Or more than that.
You thought you were not being obvious about it but Rachel knows you better than you know yourself. It's also fortunate that Rachel knows Millie better than anyone. She's caught her best friend looking once or twice. She couldn't blame Millie, you're drop dead gorgeous.
The recent events tied everything together, it's just too good of an opportunity for Rachel to brush it off without doing anything.
When Rachel realised you weren't going to answer she tugged you to her side and pulled you in for a side hug.
"I've seen how you look at Millie babe." Rachel leaned in and whispered in your ear. You froze completely at her words, not knowing how to react. Rachel smirked teasingly and you blushed trying to hide your face in her shoulder.
"I don't blame you. Millie is really hot."
Your eyes almost bulge out of your skull after hearing your girlfriend's words. You move back to look at her, trying to gauge her reaction to see if she's lying or joking. When you realise she's completely serious you bite your lip in thought.
"Are you really saying what I think you're saying?" Rachel only nods in response looking at you with an almost hopeful look." I don't want Millie to be uncomfortable. I mean she's never been with a woman before and what if she thinks we're creepy, or disgusting or-"
"Woah pause. Millie would never. If she doesn't like the idea she'll simply tell me that and then we'll forget this ever happened."
You ponder over it a few moments as Rachel quietly runs her hands up and down your sides. When you finally nod, Rachel grin in triumph and lays down on the bed.
"Good. I'll talk to her tomorrow."
When Rachel came home grinning from ear to ear and pulled you in a passionate kiss you thought she was just in a mood. But after she pulled away she told you that Millie had miraculously agreed. You really didn't expect her to but you'd be lying if you said you weren't giddy at the thought of a threesome with your girlfriend's best friend.
It took a lot of preparation and long talks with Millie about your boundaries and your kinks but everything was finally sorted and ready. You were almost pacing in your living room waiting for Millie to arrive. Rachel is trying to play it cool but you could tell she was nervous as well. It's not like you two have done this before.
The tension in the room is broken by the sound of the doorbell ringing. Rachel jumped up from the couch and all but ran to the door. Millie seemed to be anxious as well, her more than you and for good reason. With everyone anxious the atmosphere was a little awkward. You didn't dare to make the first step, opting to look at the floor instead.
After a few seconds of silence Rachel finally decides to break the ice. She pulls Millie closer by the fabric of her shirt and frames her face with her hands. Millie's face flushes red and she nods her consent. Rachel finally pushes their lips together, softly at first, expertly sliding their lips together. Millie groans softly into the kiss and her hands fall on Rachel's hips to pull her closer. You watch as the two best friends kiss and warmth grows in the pit of your stomach as the kiss turns more passionate. Rachel gasps when Millie squeezes her hips and grinds down on her which allows the taller blonde to slip her tongue in Rachel's mouth.
Your eyes are dark with lust as you watch the scene in front of you progress and you rub your thighs together desperate to relieve some of the pleasure in between your thighs. You weren't expecting Millie to take the rains so easily, especially with Rachel usually being the dominant one in the bedroom, but it's definitely a welcome surprise. When the defender sucks on Rachel's tongue she whines and her hips twitch. Millie pulls back then and Rachel chases her lips only to be lightly pushed back by her best friend's strong hand. Millie is smirking confidently when she turns to look at you.
"Can't let you have all the fun now can we, Rach?"
Without another word you pounced on her, your kiss wet and rough as you tried to consume one another. Realising that you three have been standing in the hall this entire time you string Millie towards the bedroom, your lips not once leaving eachother. Once you reached the bedroom Millie pushed you on the bed. You fell on the cushions with your eyes stuck on Millie who looked a bit uncertain on how to continue. Rachel slipped behind Millie, reaching around to rub chiseled abs over the defender's clothes but her blue eyes were fixed on you.
"Take your clothes of baby."
You nod fast at Rachel's command and take your clothes off slowly, making sure to give the two women watching you a show. You take of your shirt first, revealing the lacy white lingerie you picked out. You bite your lip as you feel your pussy grow wetter when you see Rachel slowly undressing Millie, taking of her clothes piece by piece as she kisses along her neck and whispers in her ear hotly.
"Doesn't she look so pretty? Do you want to fuck her Millie?"
You moaned needily when you heard Rachel's raspy voice. Millie's eyes were dark with lust, she licked her lips and gripped the sides of your bottoms. With a nod you gave your consent and Millie tugged down both your pants and your underwear at once.
Millie was bare on top as well, save for her bra. Rachel had now moved next to you and swiftly unhooked your bra. You whimpered when the cold air hit your stiff nipples and Millie groaned at the sight of your soft breasts completely exposed. Rachel reached over and took her best friend's hands on her own to guide them to your chest. Millie instinctively squeezed and groped your tits, her big palms covering the entire soft expanse of your breasts. Rachel, ever the impatient woman, moved to your neck instead as she nipped and sucked bruises on your skin.
Millie started twisting and tugging on your nipples and you moaned loudly bringing one of your hands to tangle in Rachel's soft blonde hair.
"Please, lower!"
Rachel smirked against your neck when you begged. She pulled back and started rubbing your thighs as you let them fall open. Both women turned their attention on the wet patch that very obviously formed on your panties.
Rachel slowly slid them off and you whined as she took her sweet time, teasing you as much as possible. Now you were lying beneath Millie, completely bare as both women stared you down hungrily.
Rachel moved closer to Millie and positioned her hands once more. Taking the defender's hand in her own, Rachel guided one of Millie's thick fingers through your slippery folds and your hips bucked while your mouth fell open.
"Feel how wet she is for us. Such a good girl, dripping all over and making a mess."
You whimpered and tried to grind up on Millie's finger, tired of the teasing from the blondes. Rachel tutted disapprovingly and held your hips down with her free hand to stop you from moving. She kept their fingers going up and down until she focused on your throbbing clit. Millie's rough fingers making tight circles over the sensitive nub. The sight of your girlfriend teaching her best friend how to touch a woman, how to touch you, turned you on in ways you'd never imagine.
Millie started gaining confidence quickly, her fingers now moving on their own, even dripping lower to tease at your gaping hole. Rachel decides that Millie is fine on her own for now so she reaches back and unhooks her best friend's bra as well. Millie groans when her best friend starts planting wet kisses on her neck. Without wasting any time Rachel's hands moved to her breasts to twist and pull at her nipples, similar to what the blonde was doing to you a few moments before. Millie took pity in your whining and finally shoved two fingers inside your wet pussy. Your hands gripped the sheets tightly, a futile attempt to ground yourself as Millie's fingers set up a punishing pace. Millie turned her head and started making out with Rachel again. Their tongues were moving against eachother, your girlfriend doing a great job of swallowing all of Millie's moans as her nimble fingers continued touching her chest.
"God Millie, fuck! I'm so close don't stop."
Rachel grinned at your words her lips moving down to connect with yours in a bruising kiss. Millie seemed to be more motivated to make you come, using her other arm to rub your clit while her hands kept moving.
"Curl your fingers when you're inside, she loves that." You groaned when Rachel said that but the breathy sound soon turned to a high pitched moan when Millie curled her fingers and hit your g-spot repeatedly. You couldn't control your hips anymore, you started grinding down in time with the blonde's thrusts.
"That's it baby girl, come for us." Rachel cooed in your ear and your thighs started shaking while you toppled over the edge, head thumping on the the sheets while your eyes rolled in the back of your head.
Millie was good with her fingers. Way too good for this to be her first time. Her fingers were thick and big, a huge difference from Rachel's long and slim ones. Your chest was heaving from the deep breaths you were taking desperate to gulp down as much air as you can. When you opened your eyes what you saw made heat immediately pool at your lower belly once more.
Rachel was now sitting on the bed, mouth stuffed with Millie's fingers as she sucked and licked to clean them from your juices. Rachel was still wearing all of her clothes but not for long. you moved closer to the blondes and tugged on your girlfriend's shirt, a silent question to remove it. Millie removed her fingers from Rachel's mouth and quickly got rid of the of the offending garment.
It didn't take Rachel much to push the taller woman on the bed and get on top of her, their lips crashing against eachother. You saw your girlfriend pushing Millie's pants and underwear down, helping the taller woman remove them completely.
"I want to taste you." It was a whisper swallowed by the wet sounds of their lips brushing against eachother with passion but you heard it non the less. Millie nodded hurriedly and pushed Rachel lower. Her cunt was wet and aching and the only thing that will help is Rachel's mouth on her. Rachel looked at you before getting on her knees and she licked her lips before smirking.
"Why don't you sit on Millie's face sweet girl?"
Both you and Millie flushed red at the suggestion but both of you are eager to jump on the opportunity. Millie looks a bit unsure as to what to do when you climb over her face. Rachel pats her spread thighs to get her attention, knowing what her best friend is feeling even without being able to look at her face.
"Just focus on what I do to you so you can do it to her, yeah?"
Rachel doesn't see Millie's strong nod but she doesn't seem to care as she dives in anyway. She runs the flat of her tongue through Millie's sloppy folds and the defender moans, thrusting her hips against Rachel's face. You slowly lower your pussy on Millie's awaiting face and the other woman immediately copies her best friend's movements. Rachel lets Millie grind on her tongue relishing in the moans from both her and you as the sweet taste of Millie fills her senses.
Rachel grips Millie's thighs and pushes her head closer and moves her tongue higher to tease the blonde's throbbing clit. Millie's hips twitch against Rachel's face and her loud moans vibrate against your own clit. You throw your head back your hands clutching Millie's blonde hair as you curse loudly.
Your thighs start shaking, a second orgasm coming quickly since you're already very sensitive. Rachel decides this is the perfect moment to take Millie's clit in her mouth and suck. The blond stops working her tongue against you with her head so full of oust and pleasure. You whine pitifully at being denied but soon enough Millie sloppily takes the swollen bud in her mouth and your mouth drops open in a silent scream. It doesn't take much for you to come again with a yell of Millie's name.
You fell boneless on the bed next to her and watch breathless when Millie threads her fingers through Rachel's hair and tugs her closer. Rachel, you think, always looks so unbelievably attractive like this. On her knees with her face pushed against a wet and hot cunt her expression dazed and completely pussy drunk. Millie is close, you can tell with how her hips seem to be out of control and how her legs are wrapped around Rachel, twisting and pressing down on the sides of her head.
Millie comes with a low groan but keeps Rachel's face pressed against her core using what strength she has left to ride out her high on the blonde's tongue. Soon Millie lets her best friend escape and Rachel comes up for a filthy kiss, letting the defender taste herself on her tongue.
You quickly notice that Rachel is still wearing too much and most importantly the woman has been so focused on Millie and you that she hasn't come once tonight. Your eyes brighten dangerously when a great idea pops in your head.
"Rach is wearing way too much." You turn to Millie who is now propped up on her elbows watching her best friend with a hunger in her eyes. Rachel shifts her eyes from you back to her best friend and her face flushes red at your predatory gazes. Millie finds her dominance back and grips Rachel's thighs to drag her up the bed. Rachel's surprised yelp is muffled by Millie's eager mouth. The defender easily dominates the kiss and tugs Rachel's bra off. She doesn't waste any time before she roughly gropes her breasts and moves down to suck and bite the soft flesh.
Rachel bites her lip to stop any noises from escaping because the blonde always embarrassed about being loud. You move from the bed to the drawer underneath the bed and pull out Rachel's favourite strap to use. Seven inches proud, this strap is rarely worn by you since Rachel has a hard time taking it but this was a special occasion and after all you won't be the one to wear it.
You take the harness and turn to the two women on the bed. Rachel is now completely naked hips grinding down and desperately trying to find much needed pleasure against Millie's hips. Millie pulls back when she notices you, much to Rachel's dismay, and her eyes widen comically when she notices what you're holding. Rachel gasps when she sees her favourite strap and gulps when she realises that she'll have to take the whole thing tonight.
"Let me help you put it on Mills. Baby grab the lube, you'll need it." Rachel scurries off the bed and you make quick work of the harness, tightening the straps around Millie's hips. Rachel hands you the lube and gulps when you motion to her hand with your head. Rachel squirts a gracious amount in her hand and looks directly at Millie's eyes when she takes the strap on her hand, slowly moving her hand up and down. She coats the strap in lube and makes sure to put enough pressure so the strap presses against Millie's clit.
When Rachel deems the strap ready she happily lies down and spreads her pegs for you and Millie, her pussy glisening with arousal. Millie grips her thighs and positions herself, ready to enter Rachel until you stop her with a hand on her stomach. She looks at you confused but you only grin, throwing a teasing glance at Rachel.
"She can't take that yet. Let me get her pussy ready for you."
Rachel whines and hides her face in her hands but the embarrassment is soon overtaken by pleasure when you enter her with two fingers. You make sure to go slow and give Millie a good show, scissoring your fingers and stretching her tight hole. Rachel moves her hips in time with your thrusts but it doesn't do anything to help, the shallow and slow thrusts only serve as teasing. When you meet no resistance you add a third finger in and Rachel throws her head back with a frustrated groan.
"I can take it! Just, fuck, get on with it!"
You chuckle at her desperation and slowly take your fingers out, turning to look at Millie who's eyes are firmly locked on her best friend's dripping pussy." What do you think Millie?"
The blonde doesn't answer, instead she takes the strap in her hand and runs the head up and down Rachel's folds. Rachel's breath stutters when the head teases her hole.
"Fuck Mills stop teasing -"
Rachel's sentence is interrupted by a loud moan when Millie finally enters her, pushing in only a few inches of the thick appendage. Rachel spreads her legs wider, a clear invitation for Millie to go deeper.
The taller woman goes in and out with short but powerful thrusts slowly pushing the strap deeper. Rachel tries to keep quiet but she's fighting a loosing battle. The length of the strap keeps going deeper and deeper stretching her out in ways she's never experienced before. You lay next to her and your hand goes to tease at her nipples while your mouth creates new bruises on her neck.
"No need to do that love. You know I love how loud you're. And you know you're too much of a slut to keep quiet anyway."
Rachel whimpers and clamps down on the strap and Millie groans at the resistance. You perk up and grab Rachel's knees pulling them up until they're almost by her ears. The new angle allows for a better angle and Millie pushes the strap all the way down, her hips flash against Rachel's.
"Gods, fuck! Millie harder!"
You simply stared amazed, Rachel had never been able to take the whole thing before. But with the help of Millie she was being pounded into the mattress seven inches moving in and out of her. Millie's eyes moved from Rachel's face, filled with pleasure and flushed red, to her full tits bouncing in time with the strong thrusts. You decided to help by bringing your hand to her neglected clit, the sensitive bundle of nerves twitching and throbbing. Rachel almost screamed when you started rubbing hard circles against it.
"I'm close, don't stop!"
Of course she doesn't, instead Millie starts moving her hips faster and Rachel's voices closes up as her moans turn into sharp breaths. The most prominent sound in the room is the lewd sound of their hips slapping against. Rachel finally comes with a scream and Millie collapses next to her exhausted.
After a long shower session, cuddle time was due. Rachel was bundled in your arms with Millie next to her. Your usually over confident girlfriend was quite timid and very sore after the pounding she received so she was content with laying in your arms while you and Millie talked.
"This one won't be able to walk tomorrow, you know." You say and tap Rachel's hip teasingly."And since it's your fault you're going to carry her wherever she wants." Rachel only smiles against the soft skin of your neck when Millie gasps.
"I was that good wasn't I?" Millie gloats after a few seconds of silence.
"Oh rubbish! I can make her take a bigger one."
Millie scoffed and Rachel slapped your stomach.
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My little girl || Jake Sully
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Jake Sully x Daughter! Reader
Summary: Where Jake realizes that you're not his little girl anymore and you're an adult now.
Note: Sorry for spelling and grammatical errors, English is not my first language. <3
The truth is that I didn't like it very much, I like the idea but not how I planted it here.
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Your delicate steps did not go unnoticed by your mother neytiri who immediately stood up from her seat to greet you with her arms crossed while your brothers and father looked in your direction.
"Where have you been?" was the first thing she asked when she saw you "Where and with whom?" asked Jake from his seat.
Well, you had two choices; one was to lie and say you were alone taking a walk on the nice reef, the other was to tell the truth and say you were with a handsome Metkayina taking a walk.
Clearly you were going to lie.
"I was taking a walk, mommy" You replied giving her an innocent wink. You got a scoff from Neteyam who already knew the truth, and as he was on the ground with your foot you hit him on his knee getting a grunt from him.
"Well, I hope you won't lie to me" your mother warned "We don't know the clan well, you can't always walk alone, it can be dangerous" Your heart skipped a beat because you were lying to him, but you didn't want them to meddle, you were already 18.
"Yes, mommy" You said hugging her. "Yes, sure. A walk alone" Lo'ak said as you sat down next to her "Stop bothering your sister" Jake warned her "If she says she was walking alone, it's because she was walking alone".
Your eyes shifted to your father who was staring at you waiting for a comment on the matter, but you felt bad about lying so you just nodded at him leaving him in doubt.
The outings with Eykxä had been frequent. Your curious brothers already knew about your encounters and always tried to cover for you by saying that you were in other activities with the clan.
That very day your idea was to go out with Eykxä in the middle of the night, but you didn't count that your father was already suspicious of your outings. He was more worried about you than anything else, you were his little girl, well not so little but always his little girl. He had a certain weakness for you being his firstborn, so when he saw your escapades he wanted to know why.
I wish he hadn't.
While everyone was asleep you went out as quietly as you could to a hidden spot on the reef where Eykxä was sitting in front of the colorful fish.
"Hey, I thought you would be later" He said as he patted the side next to him for you to sit down. "I was able to leave earlier today" You replied as you sat down "Everyone was really tired so I was able to leave earlier."
"I'm glad, more time to enjoy your company" He told you, then brushed a lock of hair behind your ear, an action that made your cheeks warm and you smiled shyly at him "Yes, much more time"
Hours you spent together with his company, not realizing that Jake in just minutes found you and realized something.
You grew up, and you were an adult.
Well, you didn't know why your father was ignoring you but you couldn't let it go. He had been distant the previous days and even your neytiri mother didn't know the reason.
"But mom, he really hasn't said anything to you?" You asked her as she took care of braiding your hair "No, my love. He hasn't told me anything but if you want I can ask him again."
"No, I'll do it" you told her, looking up at Kiri who was standing next to you playing with your fingers "daddy is outside, he said he needed a break" Kiri told you without taking her eyes off your fingers, "See if you can catch up"
That's what you did after your mother finished braiding your hair and you thanked her, you headed straight to your father who was sitting with Tuk on his lap while tickling him.
You smiled because your father often played with you when you were little (clearly I'm going to write about that).
"Hi daddy, hi Tuk. baby, can you go to mommy?" You said stroking her hair "Hi, but I'm playing" She says while pouting "Please" You beg her, and like the good and tender one she is she kissed goodbye and ran off to neytiri.
"Hi, dad" You repeat since he hadn't greeted back "Hi" Dry, not even a hello with your name. "I think we need to have a talk" You told him dentándote at his side "I don't know what's wrong with you, you've been distant these days. I don't remember doing anything to deserve this, dad."
Your words made your father reason, but the feeling that you were already an adult, that you would start isolating yourself from the family broke his heart. He didn't mean to be that way, but he was also hurt that you didn't trust him to tell him your love situation.
"I saw you, the other day I followed you because I found your attitude suspicious. You started smiling more, you were often distracted or your escapades at night. I'm your father, you clearly didn't go out alone, I know you" He said intertwining his fingers with yours "You're my baby, you always have been and always will be. It's hard for me to accept that you're a woman now. That you're not my little girl anymore."
"I always will be, Daddy. Sorry if I didn't tell you, I didn't know how you or mom might react" You excused yourself "I'm in love, it's so easy everything with him/her. I feel good" You told him shyly.
"I think I should have waited for you to tell me before I acted like this, I'm sorry my girl" He told you "I know it's time for you to meet people outside of us, but you are my girl and it's hard for me."
He slipped one of his arms around your shoulders to pull you to his body and kiss your head "I won't intrude anymore baby, I'm sorry for my behavior, it wasn't apt. I love you, my no longer little girl" He said smiling at you with his most paternal smile.
"I love you too, daddy."
"Your brothers did know about this, am I right?" He asked after a few minutes. "Yes, they did."
"Little traitors."
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worksby-d · 1 year
Taking After You
Pairing: Andy Barber x pregnant girlfriend!Reader
Summary: Visiting Andy at work during your lunch break a.k.a. just using him cause he's got a comfy sofa you can nap on.
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Warnings: None!!!
Word count: ~700
Your attempt at walking in quietly doesn't matter. As soon as he hears his office door click open, he's putting a pause on what he's working on and getting up to greet you.
He's been patiently waiting since you texted him an hour ago asking if you could stop by during your lunch break.
“You don't have to take a break yet if you're busy,” you try to tell him as you close the door again behind you.
Your words go in one ear and out the other though. He's already leaned against his desk, holding a hand out for you to bring you closer.
“Nonsense, honey.” He's not going to turn down spending time with you. “What are you up to?”
“Nothing,” you sigh, stepping into his arms. “Just came to say hi.”
“I was hoping you were coming to do a little more than just say hi,” he teases, resting his hands on your waist.
You roll your eyes, linking your arms around his neck. You probably don't even want to know, but you ask anyway. “What did you have in mind?”
“Hoping you came to give me a kiss, maybe,” he suggests, giving you an innocent smile.
That, you can do. You give him a quick kiss, swiping your lip gloss off his lips with your thumb as you pull away.
“That's all?” You raise an eyebrow, not believing that for one second.
He pretends to think for a moment and you almost regret playing along.
“For now,” he winks, leaning to steal one more kiss before becoming more serious. “How are you feeling?”
His hand moves from your side to rest on your growing belly. He had a hard time leaving you this morning knowing you were feeling almost too nauseous to get out of bed. You miraculously ended up making it to work shortly after him, but then all he could think about was whether you were making it through the day okay.
“So tired,” you answer honestly, letting out a short laugh as you lay your head on his shoulder. Despite your attempt of laughing it off, he knows it's taking a toll on you.
“I know,” he whispers, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. “Tell baby girl she has to let you rest a little.”
“I do! She already doesn't listen to me,” you joke with an exasperated sigh. “Taking after you, unfortunately.”
“Hey,” he laughs, dropping his other hand to playfully tap your ass. “I listen. Tell me what you want to eat, I'll prove it to you.”
“I don't want anything–” You’re cut off by your own yawn. “I came here to take a nap on your sofa.”
He scoffs. “You're using me?”
“Yes,” you quip straight-faced, stepping out of his arms. “I know no one will bother me here.”
“Have you eaten yet though?” He won't let that go. “You need to eat something.”
“When I wake up,” you promise. His look of concern doesn't go away though. “Please?”
He offers a smile, letting out a deep breath, knowing he won't win this one. As much as you need to eat, he knows you could use the rest too. He holds out his arm toward the sofa, gesturing for you to go for it.
“Thank you,” you mirror his smile, giving him a kiss on the cheek.
He quietly goes back to work as you lay down and fall asleep almost instantly.
He can't help but glance over at you every so often to make sure you're comfortable. He gets up once to put his suit jacket on top of you like a blanket, swearing he noticed you shiver.
He jumps when you grab his hand before he walks away, not realizing you’re actually half awake. “What’s wrong–”
“Nothing,” you laugh and apologize for startling him. You know he's in a constant state of concern lately. “She's kicking.”
He lets you place his hand where you're feeling it so he can feel it too. A faint smile takes over his face, his previous worry slowly dissipating.
“You girls are on opposite schedules,” he chuckles. “Why’s it always when you're wanting to sleep?”
“I don't know,” you giggle. “You have to ask her that.”
“I will.” He leans over to kiss your forehead, talking softly to you. “You try to go back to sleep for a bit.” You watch him kneel on the floor, making himself eye level with your stomach. “She and I will have a little chat before I go get your lunch.”
Tag list: @patzammit @denisemarieangelina @thummbelina @pppsssyyyccchhhiiiccc @astheskycries @chris-evans-indian-fanfic @la-cey @turtoix @katiew1973 @harrysthiccthighss @tvckerlance @rocketrhap3000 @mrspeacem1nusone @murdcox @geminievans1 @doozywoozy @americasass91 @dwights-new-plague @wwwmarissa92 @redhairedfeistynerd @whxre4cevans @aubreeskailynn @white-wolf1940 @melchills-j @xoxabs88xox @before-we-get-started @chrissquares @christowhore @ice-dtae @mariestark @justile @rogersbarber @dilfbarber @livstilinski @payperhearts @vintagestarlight @gitasor @chaeycunty @miss-ariella @bemysugarbean @t-stark35 @seitmai @reginaphalange2403 @raelorns21 @mrsgweasley @pandaxnienke
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 5 months
Seven Days to Fall Again | Thursday | Jeon Jungkook
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Inspired by the MV "Seven" by Jung Kook ft. Latto (obvi lol) Summary: Flowers for my love. Jungkook is trying absolutely everything he can to get you back. No matter how ridiculous it might seem. Pairing: Reader x Jungkook (almost exes to lovers lol) Word Count: 3.2k (longer one this time lol) a/n: So I haven't posted anything for this series in almost a month so I'm really really sorry for that. I have so many other series going at this point that it's taken me a second to come back around and write for this one again. This one is a little bit longer to hopefully make up for it. Let me know what you think! p.s. Pretty much wrote all of this is one night so I hope it's not complete crap but I thought it was cute hehe Start from the beginning
Jungkook's visit yesterday threw me for a loop to say the least. 
I've tried to do everything in my power to make sure it doesn't get to me but no matter how many pep talks I give myself or how many times I've tried to scold myself instead, nothing works. 
I miss him, and I hate myself because of that. 
I've been able to go through my morning and most of my afternoon with radio silence from him which has been incredible for my stress levels but I can't help but feel his absence more and more as time goes by.
He was hardly ever around for the last few months of our relationship so I don't know why his presence; which I had specifically chose not to have around now almost feels more painful. 
"Maybe I just need a walk" I say out loud "Yeah a walk and some fresh air should clear everything up" I continue, trying to lie to myself in thinking that some sunshine might actually fix this. 
Walking out of my apartment and heading straight to the subway I make a decision to go to a little cafe that I used to go to with my classmates. It's been a while since I've been there and their strawberry crepes were to die for from what I remember so I think it's time I treated myself to something nice.
Leaving the station I notice a big crowd starting to  gather around and I get a glimpse of what they're all staring at, seeing that it's some guy getting picked up off the ground and rolled out on a gurney. 
Taking a closer look, believing that I somehow know them, I feel the need to make sure they're okay but I'm stopped by the police tape they've put up. 
Once the guy's head turns towards me my eyes widen in horror seeing that it's Jungkook. "Wait! Wait! Jungkook! Wait that's my boyfriend!" I say and duck under the yellow tape not bothering to worry about the repercussions. 
When he hears my voice and opens his eyes and I see them quickly change from seeming like he had been on the edge of life and death into his big doe ones, sending me a bright smile, showing zero sighs of distress anymore and leaves me stopping in my tracks.
"CUT" I hear someone shout in the distance. "Who is this girl and why is she on my set?" the same voice say as they gradually get closer. 
"No one" I say, crossing my arms over my chest and see Jungkook give me an awkward smile in response. I scoff and don't bother listening to no doubt the director trying to speak to me and from the small bits I catch onto it sounds almost as if he wanted me to complete the scene. 
"Not interested" I mumble and walk off, ignoring their efforts to keep me there. "Baby wait!" I hear Jungkook say as he struggles to get the belt they had fastened off of him. 
I don't even bother responding and continue to make my way down the street to the cafe, praying that he won't follow me but it seems as though the universe is laughing at me because despite the growing crowd around us he still is able to keep his eyes on me. 
"Y/n wait! Please!" he yells, making sure that there's no way possible that I couldn't hear him but I choose to ignore him nonetheless. "Please Noona wait!" he continues, using a word that he knows will get a reaction out of me and my steps stutter for a second but I regain my balance seamlessly and pick up the pace seconds after. 
"Excuse me, sorry. Excuse me, thank you" I hear him say, continuing to use that loud voice letting me know that he's still on my tail but as soon as I get to a crosswalk I start to walk a bit faster, hoping to cut him off and lose him when he hopefully gets stuck waiting for the next light and luckily this time it works. 
I take a quick glance behind me to check and see him standing there catching my gaze and turning to a flower vender beside him and buying a bouquet of sunflowers, my favorite flowers during this time of year and I know he didn't just get them randomly because no matter how much I think he doesn't pay attention or care about our relationship I know he makes sure he knows the little things about me.
And that's one of the things that makes me want to take him back. 
"Y/n wait! Please" he yells and I turn around just in time to see him decide to take a risk and cross the street without waiting for the light and seconds later I hear the sound of tires screeching on the pavement and see Jungkook duck out of view. 
"Jungkook" I whisper, stopping dead in my tracks, my body totally frozen at the thought that he might've gotten hit. 
Moments later though I see the sunflowers resurface above the crowd and his head soon after that and I watch the exchange between him and the driver and then soon see him turning back to me and abandoning the conversation to start running after me again. 
"Wait!" he says and I turn on my heel to keep going, hating the fact that I've already lost the distance I had gained between us. 
I duck into a random shop in hopes that he'll somehow lose sight of me and walk right past it, losing me and hopefully letting me resume my intended relaxing day to myself. I'll just stop by the bakery instead and make my way home so I can head in the opposite way of what he probably had expected me to be going in. 
As I hear the shopkeeper welcome me I quickly return their greeting and hide behind one of their shelves, picking up a random book and holding it up to my face. Making sure it's open and covering me just enough for him not to notice, but also giving me enough visual to see him pass by and continue his search in the opposite way, just as I had planned. 
I watch as he walks past the store, frantically turning his head in all directions to see if he could finally catch sight of me again and to my delight he continues on the path he had seen me on a few minutes before. 
I let out a deep breath at the sight and put the book down, finally gaining some of that peace of mind. 
"Were you looking for anything specific dear?" the older shopkeeper asks. "No not really, I was just trying to lose my tail" I say pointing towards the window. "My ex boyfriend has been trying to get me back and he won't stop trying to talk to me so we can 'Talk things out' or whatever" I say, letting out a huge sigh, happy to get a chance to talk to someone at least a little bit. 
"Well have you given him a chance to say his piece yet?" she questions, leaving me shocked, expecting her to side with me. "Well...no, but we've gone through these sorts of problems before and I just don't want him to say something that will convince me to give him another chance again" I say, walking towards her and leaning on a shelf nearby. 
She takes a second to think before responding and says something that I was hoping she wouldn't. "You need to give him a chance to at least say something. Everyone deserves closure don't you think?" she says with a soft smile, hoping to get through to me. "Unless he's violent or something of that sort. Then he can go fuck himself" she says with a grin, already knowing that's not the case. 
I open and close my mouth a bit, not really knowing how to respond and she laughs at my reaction, loving how much she's caught me off guard. "He was the young man that just passed by with those sunflowers wasn't he?" she says with a knowing smile. "How did you-" I start out but she cuts me off with another laugh. 
"That boy had the most adorable panicked look, searching here and there as if he had lost his owner. He's quite handsome if you ask me" she say winking at me and making me blush a bit at her straightforward nature. "Give him a chance love. And if you let him go, then you let him go. Trust me, you don't want to deal with the what ifs if he stops trying" she says giving me a soft smile. 
I know she's right and I know I should at least hear him out but at this point I think it's something I've gotta work my way up to. His all or nothing attitude right now is just too much for me. 
"You're right. I'll take some time and when I'm ready I'll sit down with him to talk it all out. Thank you. Oh I'm sorry I should probably get out of your hair. Uh" I stammer at the end, feeling guilty for taking up so much of her time. 
"Um here, can I buy this?" I ask, placing a little bear with a lavender flower embroidered on it's collar on the counter, grabbing the first thing I laid eyes on. It can't be more than four inches tall with it's cute round belly and a little sun hat on it with the ears sticking through it. 
"Keep it" she say, not even bothering to offer room for discussion as she walks away from the counter. "It's full of lavender petals so keep it close and the smell will help calm you down whenever you need it. You might even want to hold it close when you're talking to that boyfriend of yours" she says with a wink and walks to the back of the store, disappearing behind a shelf, leaving me alone with my thoughts. 
I pull out my wallet and put a five dollar bill in the tip jar and take a second glance at the bear and hold it up close to my face, breathing in it's sweet and slightly musky fragrance. I smile down at it's cute little face and put it in my purse. 'I've never been in this bookstore before' I think to myself, now finally taking a second to check out the rest of the interior beyond the immediate storefront. 
I make it a note to come back here one day and return her kindness by bringing something for her to repay her not only for the bear but also for her hospitality and advice.
I take one last glance around and turn to make my way out. 
"You certainly took your time in there" I hear a familiar voice say beside me, leaving me holding my breath for a second at the scare. "Jungkook" I say placing my hand over my chest before using that same hand seconds later to wack his arm making him drop the flowers he had started to hold out for me to take. 
"Hey! What was that for?" he whines, rubbing his arm for a few seconds and picking them back up. "That's for not only scaring me just now, but also scarring me earlier today with that stupid ambulance nonsense" I say throwing my arm out towards what I now know as being a stupid movie set and when I turn back to face him all I can see is a big grin on his face. 
"Why are you smiling at me like that?" I question crossing my arms over my chest. "You know you called me your boyfriend back there right?" he says, his smile growing even wider. I scoff at the memory and don't even dignify his words with a response, turning and making my way back to the bakery just as I had intended as my plan B.
"Wait Noona please" he says and places a light grip on my arm. "What?" I spit out, turning to face him again, a look of displeasure on my face which somehow makes him smile even wider. "Can I at least walk you home?" he asks, poised in anticipation. 
Now that the shop keeper had equated him to a dog I can't help but notice how much he's been giving off golden retriever energy these past few days. Excited and begging for my attention no matter what I say.
"I'm not going home" I say pulling my arm out of his grasp but he grabs onto my hand this time instead, making me stop again, knowing that as much as I want to, I'm probably not going to get my way this time. "Can I walk you to wherever you're going then?" he questions, now completing the look with his puppy dog eyes that pull on my heartstrings every time.
"Fine" I say and he happily catches up to me after deciding to hand the flowers off to some guy and his girlfriend, knowing for a fact that I won't take them. For a second I don't even realize that he had decided to hold my hand again until he sways them back and forth a bit making me rip mine out of his grasp and opting to cross my arms over my chest instead, leaving it hard for him to try to grab onto me again. 
Walking up to the bakery a few minutes later I stop and face him for a second hoping to shoo him away. "Okay, you can leave now" I say and take a few steps but I still feel his presence close behind me. "Why are you following me?" I ask turning around again, not amused at the fact that he's not listening to me. 
"Who said I was following you? I wanted to get something from here too! You know I like the chocolate donuts here, remember?" he says giving me a soft smile. "Fine" I mumble and reach for the door handle but before I can his hand reaches for it and opens it for me. I spare him a glare and he sends me a sweet bunny smile in return making me roll my eyes in response. 
I walk in and when he tries to do the same he notices a group of older woman making their way out and he waits to hold it open for them as well and I can't help but roll my eyes again, watching him continue to play the sweet loving gentlemen. They smile and thank him a few times in return which he responds with a smile and once they're finally out he heads inside intending to stand next to me in line but is cut off by a few people between us leaving me smiling in victory but it doesn't last long. 
"Excuse me sorry do you mind? I'm with her" he says pointing towards me leaving me widening my gaze and turning around but not fast enough for the others to notice if he's lying or not. "Yeah, sure" one of the guys says and they step aside and let him walk up to me but in the process of squeezing through he stumbles and falls into me a little bit, leaving him latching onto me, pressing me up against the wall I had been leaning against. 
"S-sorry Noona" he apologizes, ears turning red clearly embarrassed at our current position. "It's fine" I grumble and push him off of me, creating some much needed space and walking up to the counter where they're waiting for the next customer. 
"Hi can I get a raspberry donut and a ham and cheese croissant? Thanks" I say and the worker looks over at Jungkook as he is standing next to me and waits for his order. "Oh we're not, we're not together" I say tripping over my words, this being the first time I've said that in front of someone while he's standing right next to me. 
The worker looks between us and draws what I can assume is a line under my order that she's written down and then asks for Jungkook's which he orders just what he had said before, a chocolate donut. 
"Thank you" he says warmly and the worker looks between the two of us, not believing my words from before but smiles almost amused by our situation and tells us our orders will be right out before handing the paper over to the cashier where she gives me my total. 
Before I'm even able to reach for my card though I see Jungkook place his phone on the card reader to pay. 
"Hey!" I say in protest while Jungkook tells her to ring him up again for his donut as well. I decide it's useless arguing with him in public and walk off to the side to wait for our food. "I can pay for my own food" I grumble as he walks up to me. "I know, but I wanted to" he says simply and we wait in silence until they hand us our bags. 
"So where are you going now?" he asks, holding the door open for me again and jogging after me, having to hold the door for the next person again. "Home" I say and make my way to the subway entrance. "Can I walk you home?" he asks, already knowing the answer but trying anyway. 
"No Jungkook. You can't. You asked if you could walk me to wherever I was going next but that isn't an invitation to follow me around for the rest of the day. Just leave me alone." I say, the last part not as confident as the rest. "I just want to make sure you get back safely" he offers and at that my blood starts boiling. 
"I'm more that capable of taking care of myself! I don't need you to babysit me because last time I checked I was the one that was older than you" spit out at him, pressing a finger on his chest. Getting more and more irritated with every breath and watch as his eyes get wide, surprised by my sudden hostile nature. 
"I'm s-sorry I didn't think tha-" "And that's exactly what your problem is. You don't think about what I want or even what I don't want. Now will you please leave me alone? I don't want to deal with this today and I don't want you to follow me" I say, punctuating my words so it'll get through his thick skull. 
He opens his mouth to respond but I cut him off again before he makes me even more upset. "Don't" I say and walk away, throwing my food away in the nearest trashcan and descend down the step into the subway station, hoping and praying he doesn't follow me. 
This time around though the universe smiles down at me, granting my wishes but leaves behind a broken and beaten down Jungkook, truly trying to figure out how everything went so wrong. 
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thequeenofwands777 · 1 year
𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫. | 𝐋𝐞𝐨𝐧 𝐒. 𝐊𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐝𝐲 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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pairing: leon s. kennedy x reader
summary: a trip to medical ends in a steamy encounter between Leon and his sexy nurse. (leon and his slutty!wifey roleplay a bit)
words: 4.4k
warnings: 18+ smut, some plot, mostly smut, rough sex, unprotected sex: wrap it before you tap it, daddy kink, switch!leon kennedy, switch!reader, officer leon kennedy, domestic leon kennedy, re2/re6 leon kennedy, i couldn't decide, oral sex (m-receiving), slight orgasm denial, spanking, biting, hair-pulling, all that fun stuff, medical inaccuracies (probably)
notes: pure self indulgent filth. minors pls don't interact, it's for your own good. i'm a sick person.
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"Ow! Fuck, be careful..." Leon growls, wincing in pain while you disinfect the wound on his cheek "It stings, stop it..."
"What's wrong?" You ask, pulling away.
"It stings like hell! Do you have anything that can numb it?" He replies as he winces even more at just the touch. Such a baby, you think. "The sooner it heals up, the better...".
"I'm– I'm sorry, Officer Kennedy, but I'm afraid that won't be possible. In order to apply a numbing ointment, I'd still have to disinfect the wound first." You say softly, using a feather-like touch to continue your job.
"Why is everything in this goddamn job so painful...?" He mutters to himself as he holds his breath during the disinfection. "Just hurry up, please. How’s it looking anyways?"
"It's not too bad. You won't be needing stitches. It should heal nicely." You say optimistically, continuing to dab at his wound. "It’d be a shame to permanently scar that face." You mutter teasingly to take his attention away from the pain.
He blushes a little bit as you compliment him and he tries to hide it. "Well, even if it left a scar I wouldn't be bothered that much... Scars are a symbol that you've survived against the odds. They tell stories of the past, you know?"
"Yes, you're absolutely right. And... I heard scars are quite sexy to the ladies." You say, raising your brows with a smile. He blushes a bit as you say that.
"Huh? Well, I guess you're right. Though… I think what ladies really like is a confident man,” He replies smugly. "And I'm definitely not shy when it comes to beautiful women."
"Yeah?" You prod, taking a gentle hold of his chin to turn his face in order to see his wound more clearly.
His blush intensifies as you do this and he looks straight into your eyes. "Yeah.... And a beautiful lady like you could make any man confident." he whispers as his face goes completely red.
"Mhh, you flatter me, Officer Kennedy." You chuckle, sadly dropping his chin to dispose of your dirtied sanitizing supplies and dig through your first aid kit for a butterfly bandage. You remove it from its packaging, ignoring his intense stare. "I need to pinch the split skin together in order to ensure the wound closes accordingly, is that alright?" You ask.
"Y-Yeah, go ahead..." He replies as he sees you taking the butterfly bandage out. He notices you ignoring him and not returning his stare, which makes him feel embarrassed. Does she not like my compliments?
Your bashful expression says otherwise. Carefully, you press the split skin together, closing the wound with the butterfly bandage. Your touch was gentle.
He stares at your expression with a small smile as he sees you applying the bandage, feeling relaxed as your touch is gentle. He notices your bashfulness and it makes him feel excited that you could be interested in him.
"You are very... uh... delicate, aren't you?" He says, stumbling over his words a bit.
"All in a day's work..." You reply, delicately applying a soothing ointment to his wound now that it was disinfected. You move from his side, removing your gloves with ease. One falls to the floor and you bend to pick it up, accidentally exposing the lacy underwear beneath your short nurse's outfit.
He notices you bending to pick up the glove that dropped, revealing your panties. He blushes even more as takes in your beautiful figure, and he has to hold his breath in order to not let a moan escape his mouth.
He tries to hide his embarrassment by looking away but he can't help it as his eyes keep focusing back on you. He tries to speak up. "Why– do you wear such...uh...cute clothes for this? I thought you were supposed to wear more neutral outfits for this kind of job...?"
"Oh, um… The higher-ups thought it would help boost the patients’ morale." You explain, throwing away the soiled supplies. Leon's eyes follow your form as it moves beneath your tight dress.
"I think it's just a lame excuse to be able to leer at the nurses. What's really so morale-boosting about some lace panties?" He says, his blush still very much present. "Well... Not that I'm complaining though... You do look very cute in these..." He blushes even more as he tries to hide it. Heat rushes to your cheeks as you hear his words. 
"...that's just a personal preference. They don't really care about what we wear beneath the uniform." You say shyly, embarrassed that he caught that detail.
"Oh, well... If it's a personal preference, you've sure got great taste." He tries to joke as his heart starts racing even faster. He still finds the clothes a bit weird to be using in this context, but he still can't complain when the clothes are this cute on you.
You shyly bite your lip and run your fingers across the short hem on your dress. "It's protocol to keep you here overnight for observation. Can I help you with anything else to make your stay more enjoyable?" You ask innocently, too innocently for your suggestive tone. His face turns into a huge smile as he hears the last sentence and raises an eyebrow. 
"Uh...? What do you mean by that?" He replies in a flustered manner as his blush deepens even more. Something tells you he knows exactly what you mean.
"Just doing my job, sir." You say innocently, moving towards him. "Here let me help you." You offer, urging him forward. Your touch is gentle as you run your hand up his strong arm. When he leans forward, you fluff the pillows behind him before moving your hand across his toned chest, urging him back. You giggle sweetly at his stunned expression. "Much better, right?"
He starts to feel more and more flustered by your sweet tone and your soft hands. 
He's starting to feel something rising down there, and he's hoping you don't notice… You’re definitely way too gentle and sweet with him...
"Y-Yeah... It already feels better... Thanks, nurse..." He mumbles as his lips curve up into a smile.
"You can call me Y/n." You suggest, biting your lip. Leon's eyes are drawn to the sweet blush across your cheeks. I bet she's a brat in bed, he thinks.
"Mhh... Y/n..." He says, tasting the words in a flirty tone as his smile gets a lot more confident. He notices you biting your lip and that you’re feeling a bit shy, and it makes him want to tease you... It'd be so fun to make her fall even more for him. "That's a very cute name for such a beautiful lady..."
"Mhh, you think so?" You giggle sweetly, your touch gentle as you run your hand soothingly up his strong arm.
“Yeah, I love this name. I haven't met any beauty as sweet and as lovely as you before. With a name to match. " He replies as he starts feeling his heart racing even faster. He's getting excited by the way you’re treating him. It's so relaxing and so hot at the same time, and his body is becoming very sensitive to your touch... 
And… the feeling down there now is becoming harder and harder to hide.
"Thank you, Leon. You're so sweet." You say, shyly brushing your hair back. Leon's eyes fall to the way your breasts press against each other at the action. God, this uniform mandate really was morale-boosting.
"Can I help you with anything else, Leon?" You ask sweetly, tilting your head innocently. Your eyes, however, are anything but innocent. She was definitely a brat in bed, Leon decides. Teasing him like this, how cruel.
“You know very well what I want, don't you?..." He dares to say with a small wink. "And you're still playing innocent?" He shakes his head with a tsk.
You widen your eyes purposefully. "I'm sorry but I'm afraid I don't understand. Is there something else that needs treating that I missed, Leon?"
He sighs in a playful-annoyed tone as you’re playing innocent again. He finds it cute and hot, but it's also driving him crazy. “As cute and innocent as you're trying to look, Y/n, it's not that hard to know what a man wants..." He replies in a flirtatious tone as he smirks at you. "But maybe I need to make it more clear for you..."
As soon as he feels your breath on his ear, he shivers and goosebumps appear all over his body. She's too good at this. "I would really appreciate it if you communicated every ache, every itch that needs scratching, sir." You say, bending to whisper the words in his ear sweetly. 
He manages to regain control over himself quickly, grabbing your arm and pulling you against him. He nuzzles into your neck as he whispers back in a playful manner. "Every ache... And itch... I've got one in a specific place. Maybe you could help me by scratching it–?"
"Mhh, or do you need me to kiss it better, Leon?" You tease, licking your bottom lip suggestively before biting the plump flesh with a wink.
His face turns into a huge blush and his heartbeat starts accelerating even more as he watches you move in close, staring into his eyes. His mind goes absolutely blank and he can only stare at you in shock. His breathing becomes heavier as he looks at your lips and how you bite them... He's lost in the moment and he can’t really comprehend what you just said.
"Leon? Can you show me where it hurts?" You continue to tease him with a pout. God, she was such a fucking brat.
He can't help but feel both embarrassed and surprised at how forward your question is. He clears his throat "Uh... R-Right here..." He says in a nervous manner as his blush deepens even more, then he points at his lap. You follow his line of sight and smile.
"Aww, poor baby. How long has it been hurting?" You pout, a mischievous look in your eyes before you move to lock the door and shut the blinds.
He looks at you with a shocked expression as he watches you.
Wow... Is she really doing this? He thinks to himself as he shifts a bit in excitement.
"Do you want me to kiss it better, baby?" You ask sweetly.
Leon starts to feel his breath getting heavier as his heart is racing faster "Ah... Y-Yeah..." He replies softly, still feeling his face turn into a brighter red as he slowly nods.
"Alright, help me up, baby." You say, toeing your white high heels off, leaving you in white thigh-high stockings. You raise up onto the bed with his help, your soft form shifting in the cute, tight nurse's outfit. 
He gazes up at you while you get on the bed. He's completely transfixed.
You lean in, resting yourself on his lap. Leaving a trail of kisses down the sensitive skin of his neck, you continue to tease him. "Where did it hurt again, sir?"
His body shudders violently as he feels your warm breath on his skin.
"I-It's here..." He answers as he lays back a bit and palms at his aching length through his trousers.
"Mhh." You sigh into his ear, riling him up further. "Will you let me make it better?"
"Here, help me out of this." You say innocently, guiding his hands up to your body, encouraging him to palm at your chest and unfasten the buttons of your nurse's dress. He gulps as you say that, but he immediately starts unbuttoning the uniform as you asked. This is happening... This is really happening...
"Thank you, sir." You sigh, slipping the dress off your shoulders, exposing your body to him. He's almost speechless as his eyes are filled with shock and surprise when he sees you in this state. The white lingerie and the white thigh-high stockings. Fuck, she is so sexy , Leon thinks to himself, pressing his crotch up. You moan at the contact.
"O-Oh... W-wow..." He mutters dumbly as a pretty blush creeps up his neck, too transfixed to speak but he's not complaining one bit, on the contrary.
You giggle sweetly, biting your lip and leaning down to kiss him on the cheek, right on the wound you had cleaned and dressed for him. Your kiss sends shivers all over his body. He can't help but keep his eyes closed, feeling his breath getting heavier yet again and his heartbeat speeding up even more.
After the kiss, all he can do is stare at you with a look of pure happiness, looking at you as if he had never witnessed something so beautiful as you in his entire life.
"Let me treat you, hmm?" You offer, sliding your body down his, until your breasts are resting on his lap. You gaze up at him as you move to unbuckle his belt, the piercing sound making you shiver. You bite your lip and eye him innocently, pulling him out of his pants and leaving a kiss at the tip of his length. 
He gulps once again and smiles at her. She is just stunning... It's like those goddesses from the movies, but even better... You’re absolutely perfect in his eyes. He can't help but feel his heartbeat accelerating yet again.
You release him from your hold to let your hair down from its confinement, your nurse's cap still resting delicately on top of your head.
"God, you're... beautiful, Y/n." He says in such a soft and honest tone as he stares at you with a big smile on his face, his eyes filled with pure admiration.
You smile back up at him, taking him back into your hold and licking up his length with a wink. "Thank you, sir. I aim to please."
He lets out a soft gasp as he feels your lips. It's such a warm feeling. He's slowly losing the ability to speak at this point.
You notice his speechless state and giggle, taking him into your mouth with a sweet moan at his taste. The vibration sent shivers down Leon's spine. his eyes immediately snap open with a huge blush as he lets out a groan this time. 
You continue to work up and down his length, swirling your tongue around him as you bring him to a state of complete bliss. When you see his writhing form getting close, you release him from your mouth with a vulgar pop!
The sweet feeling is so intense, it's just, indescribable. And it was driving him crazy. He was never expecting such a sensation, yet he just couldn't ask her to stop... Oh, how could she do such a perfect job? This is heaven... But she's also leaving him... Edging him…
God, why? He feels like this must be the best feeling in the world, so he's unable to say anything as he can't think straight on his own. And maybe he doesn't care. It felt so good...so, so, sooo good...he was completely at her mercy... And—
"Mhh, does it feel better yet, Mr. Leon?" You ask teasingly.
"N-Nnn... Not yet..." He replies breathlessly, his body trembling with every movement of yours. He's completely lost at this moment, and it doesn't seem like he's able to really think straight. He's already moaning again from your work. He just can't resist you. It must be impossible to resist her.
Without warning, you take him down your throat once again. Leon squirms beneath you at the feeling, pressing his hips closer to you with a pathetic whimper. He was so close.
You don’t stop this time, working him until he's a moaning mess, spilling into your pretty mouth with an airy groan. 
He can't help but bite his lip as he experiences the most incredible sensation he had ever felt in his entire life. The thing that really kills him is the way you smile up at him as you lick up his essence, so innocently. Brat, he thinks with half-lidded eyes. You release his softening length with a sigh, swiping up with the bit of his cum that had spilled out of your mouth before licking it up with a moan.
"Does it feel better, sir?" He hears you say. He lets out a contented noise as he looks down at you. His body shivers as you tuck him back into his pants with ease before moving up his body, pressing your breasts into his toned chest.
He's enjoying his time with you quite a lot.
She's such a beauty... Everything about her is just so perfect... She's just... Absolutely perfect... He sighs once more and smiles at you, his arms sliding around your waist.
"Thank you, Y/n.” He says with a tender tone as he feels his breath accelerating yet again, feeling his heart rate increase with the movement of your body against his.
He lets out another contented noise as he's unable to control himself, and he starts kissing your cheek. 
Her body felt so good against his...
She was truly perfection. He could tell you were enjoying this too. She's just perfect, all of her. Her beauty and charm, her innocence and brattiness.
"Mhh, need you."  Is all you can say, whimpering into his ear as you press your aching core against him and lick at his neck. You’re trembling above him, your arousal evident. Poor thing, she must be so worked up, Leon thinks.
His body shivers violently, feeling your tongue and your breath on his neck. He has never felt like this. And now all he can think of is more. And more. Of you. Your touch was driving him crazy. Your tongue...  
God, this must be heaven... He wants to return the favor. To please you like you’re doing to him. But, where to start?
He feels you guide his hands to your body, as if giving him permission to touch you. And he's not one to resist an angel’s directions. His hands start exploring everything he can reach and touch as he starts to feel you all over. His eyes widen as he does this.
"You're so soft... so sweet... and all mine..." His voice is shining with excitement as he moves his hands, gently moving them around your body. The lights above shine down on you, creating the illusion of a halo around your sweet form. Leon can't help himself anymore, sitting up and bringing you with him, licking a stripe up your neck as he palms your sweet ass. "You're perfect, Y/n.” He says breathlessly before leaning in to kiss your lips passionately.
You moan into the kiss, knitting your delicate fingers into his soft hair, pulling at the light strands.
As the kiss goes on, he moves his hands to your arms and starts holding you close. He can't express his feelings enough, this was heaven and all his emotions are overwhelming him a little right now. You’re too beautiful. His mind simply can't believe that you’re here, with him. 
The most beautiful thing on earth. He can't put it into words. All he can do is continue kissing you. A few more kisses is all he wants now. He is already beyond content as it is.
But you aren't, squirming in his lap for contact.
 "Please..." You moan sweetly into the kiss, running your perfectly-manicured nails down his toned back. The nails against his body feel like fire. He's getting even more sensitive to the sensation. 
He breaks the kiss after a few seconds, still shaking a little but looking at you with a look of pure bliss as he breathes a bit heavier. He's still holding you close. A string of saliva connects you two and Leon takes in your desperate expression with arousal forming in him once again. God, I want to ruin her.
"What is it, Y/n? What do you want?" Leon asks with a smile, kissing your cheek once again. He runs his hands up your stocking-clad thighs, squeezing at the soft flesh, his lip caught between his teeth at the sight of your body. He trails a hand up, delighting in the way you squirms, before reaching your jaw. You moan shyly, hiding your face in his neck. He brushes your hair back and eyes you curiously. "Tell me. Anything. It's all yours..."
"Please. I need you." You stumble to say, catching his thumb in between your lips and sucking at it, reminding him of your earlier treatment.
He smiles, feeling the sound of your moaning and feeling your breath on his neck. He can feel his arousal growing again.
"Tell me exactly what you want me to do..." He replies with a commanding tone, looking at you with a heated gaze.
"I... I want you. To fill me, please." You plead sweetly. A faint smile crosses across his face as he hears you. He felt his heart beating faster, this was what he wanted. 
He nods, looking directly into your pretty eyes as he orders you. "On your hands and knees, now."
You whimper at his words, turning around in his lap and getting on your hands and knees, your firm, supple ass right in front of his face.
He takes a deep breath before speaking again, his voice still full of authority. "Good girl..."
You moan out loud at his words, rubbing your tight-clad thighs together for a semblance of contact to your most sensitive area. "Please. Please, sir."
His eyes widen a little as you continue moaning and begging him. He looks at you as he sits up behind you, a little grin as he speaks now, his voice a little less commanding and a little more caring now. "Please what, babydoll?"
“Please, fill me!" You moan, wiggling your hips in an attempt to entice him to act. 
His body moves automatically as he lets out a soft groan, removing himself from his trousers once again. He was trying to be more dominant and strict, but that was so hard when it came to her. He couldn't help but smile seeing her squirm. She must really be enjoying this. 
Brat, he thinks, an idea popping up in his head at the thought. He delivers a firm slap to your ass. “Try again. But this time, ask me nicely."
"’M sorry. Please, sir, please fill me up." You whimper, arching into the mattress and pushing your hips against his. When you feel him begin to palm your ass, you smile against your forearm, arching into his touch.
"... Good girl..." You moan at the way he addresses you. The feeling of him tearing off those lace panties that began this all makes you bite your lip, overwhelmed by excitement. "Tell me what you want one more time." He says, teasing at your soaked entrance. Your cheeks are burning now as you try to push your hips against his, but his firm hold on your waist prevents you from succeeding. "C'mon, babydoll. Tell me what you want your daddy to do." Leon says, palming your ass and grinding against your core without entering you. You whine at the contact, the sheets beneath you wrinkling as your hold on them tightens. 
"Please, daddy, please, fuck me." You moan out. He looks at you with a smile. When he pushes into your soaked heat without warning, you can't help but moan pathetically. "Oh, Leon!"
"Yeah, babydoll?" He says with a teasing smile. "You just needed your daddy, didn't you?"
“Yes, please. Harder!" You moan, your cheeks flush with embarrassment as he fucks you roughly. He gives your ass a firm slap, biting his lip as your moans reach his hearing.
"...such a good girl ..." You whine at his words, beginning to fuck yourself on his cock, your hips slamming back against his roughly. Leon's hands creep up and undo your bra, exposing your chest to the cold atmosphere.
Your moans begin to blend into each other, alerting Leon that you were close to reaching your peak. 
“‘M gonna cum.” You whimper. He pulls you up by the shoulder, his grip firm before he slinks his hand into your hair, pulling roughly at the strands. You whine pathetically at the treatment. “Can I cum?”
His mind is going crazy. This is pure perfection. Pure heaven.
"You know better. Ask me again." He growls, palming at your breasts, tweaking your sensitive nipples before he bites at your neck, sucking at the sensitive skin.
"Can I cum, please? Please, daddy." You whimper into his ear, resting your head back on his shoulder as he continues to thrust up into your warm heat. 
His arousal spikes and he bites his lip a little. "Yes, cum for me."
At his command, you feel that knot in your stomach snap, your body beginning to tremble as incoherent moans of pleasure spill from your pretty, swollen lips. 
If not for Leon holding you up, you would have slumped onto the mattress, exhaustion filling you as you began to come down from your peak. Leon gently leads you onto your stomach and continues to use you for his own pleasure. It's not long before Leon reaches his peak once again, spilling into your trembling form with an airy groan, his grip firm on your ass and hip. You whine at the roughness.
He looks down at you as he catches his breath, looking at you as if you were the most beautiful thing in the world. His heart is beating harder and faster than ever. He's got to be dreaming. He's never been so happy. 
He eases out of you slowly, turning you onto your back and wiping away the tears staining your heated cheeks. "Good girl, such a good girl for me, babydoll."
"Mhh, just wanna be your good girl." You whine, nuzzling into his neck as he rests his body weight on you. His smile only grows a bit bigger as he hears your words.
"And you'll always be my good girl, isn't that right?" He says, kissing you on the cheek.
You giggle sweetly, biting your lip before releasing the plump flesh and scrunching your nose at him cutely. "I love you, Leon."
"I love you too, babydoll..." He replies with a soft smile on his face, his voice sounding even more soft and sweet than before.
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Hi! How was your day? Good,i hope?
Anyways,I found your account recently and I really liked your partner squad AU! It's so wholesome and funny 😭 And I love Polyamorous relationships (i guess that's what it is?)
Here's a little headcanon (?) request for them,because I read the 'loosing colors' HC and I think that was just my favorite thing out of the partner squad thingies-
Honestly,I just want some hurt/comfort. I like crying (/j)
I give total freedom to you about what angst it is,but if you want,or are out of ideas,here are some:
-Reader comes back home after being harassed (not s3xually,maybe just about the way they act? Maybe they just stick out a lot and some people don't like it??? Some people are bullies man..)
-Overworked reader (Maybe breaking down??)
-Socially anxious reader?
-the reader fainting suddenly??
Something like that! Anyways,I hope this isn't too vague of a description,and that you have a fantastic day!!
okey dokey folks! we've gots some ✨A N G S T✨ to go through so it's-a time to get-a cooking!
Here's the Loosing Colors post btw and I'm gonna use that one just for this first scenario (omg. a sequel, yes!)
💙♥️🖤Partner Squad Reacting to Gray!Reader getting harassed💙♥️🖤
💞 As a whole 💞
💞 Oh, they pissed. As soon as they find out that you've been having trouble with some inconsiderate trolls being nasty to you for having lost your colors, you can bet they're practically up in arms and very eager to have a talk with those bullies.
💞 (You're mortified and somehow manage to convince them to Not Do Anything To Harsh for your sake, though.)
💞 Lots of reassurance!
💞 Your partners won't allow you to sulk or dwell too much in the whole ordeal and they'll make a combined effort to always lift your spirits up whenever you start to believe the rude and flat out unnecessary things the bullies said to you.
♥️ Barb ♥️
♥️ She's easily the most outraged out of the lot. She hates bullies (kinda ironic, yeah, but you get the idea.).
♥️ Particularly, she hates bullies that joke and tease about such sensitive topics as losing your colors. Because, c'mon, that's just straight up professional huge a-hole behavior.
♥️ Whenever she wants to help you feel more comfortable with your situation, she'll take your hands in hers and raise them to your eye level, as if wanting you to take a good look of your laced fingers.
♥️ “Y’see? I'm sorta gray too, if you think about it. But I think you rock those grays way better than me, babe.” (She's intentionally corny to get a smile out of you and it works every time.)
♥️ She tries to get back at the bullies, but she's always too obvious and you never let her have the payback she's so adamant you deserve.
🩵 Branch 🩵
🩵 He can relate.
🩵 Oh, he can relate a lot. He grew up gray and, man, can trolls be cruel even if they seem to be all sunshine and rainbows. Not to say ‘he’s had it worse’ when he was younger, no, he's not the type to downplay a situation like this, ever, but he's definitely the best candidate to help you go through this ordeal because of his past.
🩵 Lot's of open-heart talks, venting, hugs and, yes, lots of tears from both sides as well (just don't go around telling everyone, please).
🩵 He's still devastated that something as awful as losing one's colors could ever happen to you but he can't mope about it forever (never in front of you, at least); he remains strong for your sake.
🩵 He also tries to ‘avenge’ you in whatever way he can, almost begging you to let him at least do something to deal with the ones that bothered you, anything, but you never give in and eventually he gives up (very reluctantly).
🧡 Hickory 🧡
🧡 Now, Hickory over here, he's actually the only one that manages to evade your suspicions and he flat out threatens the trolls that harassed you to buck off (in an eerily peaceful and very cowboy-ish manner, might I add).
🧡 After that, you don't ever get bothered again and Hickory lets you believe that those trolls simply had a change of heart.
🧡 His way of helping you go through this hardship is not by ignoring the issue, but he just rather not mention the obvious unless it's absolutely necessary.
🧡 It's not like he's in love with you for your colors or whatever, but he does care deeply for your mood and feelings. He just wants you to be happy, y'know?
🧡 When the time comes that your colors gradually start to show up again, he just smiles and he'll go out of his way to always remind you of how beautiful those shades and tones look on you even if they're still a bit dim.
🩷 Poppy 🩷
🩷 She's frustrated, very, very much so. Why and how can other trolls be so mean and nasty???? Like Why?
🩷 After finding out about the way you were harassed, she gets clingy. She gets clingy because now she doesn't want to leave you all on your own, exposed to more mistreatment.
🩷 Just like Branch, she's familiar with the subject of color loss and she doesn't take it lightly for a second.
🩷 You could even say it's a bit of some sort of guilt she feels about the way Branch used to be treated in the past that she's now worried 24/7 about you.
🩷 She refuses to allow anyone even think about ostracizing you; she'll go feral if she ever catches someone even batting an eye at your lack of vibrant colors, let alone comment anything on the matter in a negative way.
💚 Tresillo 💚
💚 He's still not entirely used to seeing you without those lovely colors of yours and he's not shy to admit out loud that he misses them.
💚 But he doesn't do that to make you feel bad, or inadequate or guilty on any level; he's just honest like that, and he hopes for the day that your beautiful colors return.
💚 Then, and only then, he'll know you're really and truly okay. And if you're happy, he's happy.
💚 Like Poppy, he gets overprotective and almost overbearing just so he can keep an eye over you so no one else dares bother you in the slightest about your color loss.
💚 He won't threaten anyone like Hickory did, but he will glare and give the worst of stink eyes at whoever steps out of line in his presence, and man, he can look kinda scary when he's serious like that.
💙 Trollex 💙
💙 Like mentioned before, Trollex once lost his colors too after the passing of his parents, but that particular experience he has on the subject is what gives him the reassurance he needs that you can get better, just like he did and just like Branch did as well.
💙 The thought of someone bullying you for your situation makes his blood boil but he's more concerned on how you feel and what you think.
💙 Forget those bullies, they don't matter now. Now it's all about you and how you feel and what you need.
💙 He becomes a bit of a mother hen, always asking about your mood and hoping that one of these days, your bright colors will shine bright once again.
💙 He's a great listener, so if you need a shoulder to cry on or just vent, he'll always be there, ready to give you advice and make sure you always leave with a huge smile on your face.
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ghostlymarauder · 6 months
Maybe that sounds crazy. Maybe it's been said a million times. Anyway, I'm just ranting about my 3 am thoughts.
I know in G3 we have non-binary Frankie (who also has a prosthetic leg), and the Draculaura doll is more curvy. But as far as I'm concerned, they took everything else that made Monster High inclusive.
For starters, and I know it was never actually confirmed, but still, Clawdeen is lesbian (bisexual at best). Once again, it was never confirmed, but in my opinion is a theory popular enough for the Monster High management to hear about it.
If they really wanted to make it more inclusive, why did they not confirm Clawdeen sexuality and give her a female romantic interest?
No, they had to break up one of their best couples. This leads me to my next point, what the fuck are Cleo and Deuce doing being separated?
The first G1 dolls literally came as a package. If you got one, you got the other. That's how much of an obvious couple they were. And not only that, in the Boo York movie, they broke up for like five minutes before realizing they didn't want to be without each other.
Which, in my opinion, it's so fucking cute because they come from completely different worlds. Cleo is royalty, Deuce is just a normal guy. Cleo is a little too superficial, and Deuce looks like he never showers. But they love each other and that's enough.
And you know who else loved each other and that was enough? Clawd and Draculaura. What do you even mean with "Clawd likes Cleo"? That man was in love with Draculaura, that man would've done anything for her, and you're telling me they also broke them apart?
Especially since they made Draculaura curvy, it would've been beautiful to see them together. Because it would've been a great plot point to have jock, almost-bully Clawd evolve into falling in love with curvy, smart, witchy Draculaura. But no, they just separated them.
On a completely different note. What the fuck is Gil doing without his tank? Do I even have to explain why this is taking inclusivity out of the Monster High concept? He couldn't live without his tank outside the water. Ergo, he was limited without his tank. If you ask me, this is Monster High equivalent to something like hearing aids (and this is just an example, there are many other things you could compare Gil's tank to)
Also, Ghoulia talking bothers me a lot. First of all, she was the smartest of the group, but we couldn't understand what she was saying, which added a lot of comedy since us, the spectators, were only pretending to know what the fuck Ghoulia's plan was. And I repeat, she was the smartest of the group.
The smartest of the group couldn't communicate like everyone else. I won't even explain why that is fascinating in itself, because it just is and it added so much depth to whole story. And to add more to my problem with G3 Ghoulia, why is she standing straight and walking at a regular speed?
Ghoulia standing like a zombie was, again, to me, a form of inclusivity to all the kids out there who had some walking impediment, or, in general, had any chronic illness that stopped them from moving around. And her walking slow as fuck was just straight-up funny (especially that one web episode where she got a motorcycle).
There's a lot of things I do like about G3, as I think it improves the brand in wonderful ways, but they definitely took some of the most essential things that made Monster High what it was.
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babyhedonistt · 6 months
Too Close To Touch // TWO
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Warnings : Smut, Mental despair,
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"Good going." Jolly scoffs, nearly hitting his nose on the door when you slammed it shut. Jolly has always been protective of you, so the fact Noah just made you storm out and quit the tour really boiled his blood to say the least.
Ruffilo pinched the bridge of his nose sighing deeply, and Noah seemed almost unphased. His mouth was pushed into a straight line and his jaw clenched with regret when the reality of not having a drummer set in his stomach.
"We need a fucking drummer, Noah." Ruffilo whispers. Noah doesn't say anything and pulls his phone from his back pocket. "No." Jolly plucks Noah's phone from his hand. "Hey-"
"You aren't texting your way out of this one. You haven't respected Y/N since she temporarily joined this band, and it blows my mind considering how close you two used to be." Jolly scolds him and struck a nerve.
Noah's adam's apple bobbed before he took a deep breath. "Just drop it and I'll go talk to her."
"She's probably outside smoking. An uber can't come this fast and the tour bus won't take just her without the rest of us." Ruffilo chimed in.
Jolly handed Noah back his phone and made a mental note as Noah left the dressing room, of the news article he had accidentally opened from your text conversation with Noah when he snatched the phone of his hand.
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"You know I'll beat some sense into him if he's still bothering you Y/N." Folio voice states, coming out of your phone.
"Respectfully, I think the only thing stopping you from doing that is your height dude." You chuckle, flicking some of the ash off the butt of your cigarette.
"Ha ha. You're hilarious. I'm trying to get better as fast as I can. You did great up there tonight though." He compliments. Your lip quivered as tears began to well in your eyes. "Really?"
"Yeah. Don't give me a run for my money though." He chuckles. "I'll talk to you soon, okay? I love you" Folio assures you. You nod into the receiver before putting out your cigarette with your boot. "Love you too."
The line goes dead before you wipe your eyes and sniffle back the sadness you had pent up all day before the closing of the outside door causes you to jump and grab your chest.
"No, I'm not hearing him out Jol--"
He stood there. His tall frame towering over you as he stood in gym shorts, slides and his infamous black hoodie. This version of him looked a little more normal. More like the Noah you remember. This version of him almost had a calming effect on you.
It always does until he opens his damn mouth.
"Looks like you couldn't stay away." He sighs, cracking his neck.
"You have literally three seconds before I punch you square in your jaw."
He holds his large hands up, shaking his hands before taking a few steps towards me. You take an equivalent number of steps back before his eyebrows crease. "Don't do that."
"Do what?" You ask, keeping your eyes trained on him, only being able to see his features by the dimness of the alley light above the both of you. "Acting like you're nervous around me." He says
"Oh. I wish it was acting." You reply, pulling your phone out of your pocket, prepping it to call Jolly on speed dial.
"You can't still be mad about--"
"Don't even bring that up right now Noah. Hearing those words come out of your mouth right now is the last thing I want to relive right now. " You felt your eyes well with water again as you smother the confidence to stand in his presence alone and on this topic.
"I'm sorry, Y/N." He speaks. He feels confident enough to take another step towards you, and this time you let him approach you. Usually, when it came to Noah Sebastian, you could tell when he was lying. His hands would be locked together, the top of his foot would be tucked behind his ankle, and he would avoid eye contact at all costs.
This time, his eyes were drilling holes into your skull, and just like the last time he made this type of eye contact with you, you were beneath him, naked.
You felt your breath catch in your chest as he continued to apologize. "We need you on this tour, without Folio, it's been really hard and I'm just not used to having someone in his place. Let alone his sister."
He stuck his hands in the pockets of his shorts as he attempted to read you for any sort of reaction. You wanted to yell at him. His lame attempt of trying to pass you off as ' Folio's Sister ' was absolutely pathetic. But what can you expect coming from him?
"Why don't we make a deal?" You spit and you could visibly see his ears perk up and his eyebrows reach his hairline. He slightly nods in acknowledgement. You take a step closer to him, with your arms folded across your chest, looking up at him, the back of your head almost touching the base of your neck.
"I'm listening." He mumbles, his eyes slowly moving from your eyes,
to your neck.
to your chest..
your stomach....
all the way down your body.
"You give me no more grief on this tour, and I'll promise that you won't have to see me ever again after it's over."
Your eyes squinted up at him. This man was so good at hiding his facial expressions, he would pass any lie detector test.
You hold out your hand for him to shake. He doesn't move his head, but his gaze looks down at your hand. "And if I disagree?" He inquires, a tilt of a smirk tugging at his lips as you felt the familiar nausea settle at the base of your stomach.
"You don't get to, just like I didn't get to." You force his hand into yours to shake, and he takes your hand, spinning you around so your back was against his front, and he wraps his arms around you, locking you in, his face falling next to yours, his lips grazing your ear.
"You're much more than his sister. You and I both know that, and I'm sorry it has to be this way." He whispers, before placing an airy kiss on the cartilage of your ear, and letting you go before going back inside out of the cold night.
You hurl your phone at the door before squatting down and hugging your legs, shaking from a combination of the cold and the images deciphering in your memory.
You hate him
You hated him so much.
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To be continued............ hehe
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snowgsf · 6 months
Wednesday Addams
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Warning: I don't think it's anything important
Summary: You want your girlfriend to take a Christmas photo of you, there is only one way, you can convince her, she just didn't know that you made this proposal because you were going away.
English is not my first language 👍👍
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Wednesday Addams screams when his extremely colorful girlfriend tries to put a Christmas hat on his head.
She wanted to strangle the girl he called his girlfriend, but she wouldn't, why? Regardless, she didn't dislike that extremely colorful girl like her sister.
— Little sister, better give up. — Enid says as she finishes placing a small, extremely bright red hat on top of Thing.
— Never, come Wednesday, our first Christmas together, and I'll never ask you for anything. — Wednesday looks at his girlfriend with a raised eyebrow. — Okay, I'll ask for one or two things. — Addams continues with her serious look with an expressionless face. — Okay, maybe five or seven.
—Five or seven? — You feel someone look at the ground.
— Okay, I've already asked you for several things, but just this once, just for the Christmas photo. — Without caring, Wednesday turns her back on you and heads towards part of her room. — Go, I promise it will be the only thing I ask for, Il mio demone. — Without being convinced, the girl with dark circles begins to write her novel.
Slowly you walk towards your girlfriend, her mouth closes to your ear.
— Desist S/a. — You would never give up.
You still remember Enid telling you to give up on your great mission to win over the Crow girl.
— Sweetie, I promise I'll do whatever you want. — She wasn't convinced. — I don't bother you for two hours straight. — Wednesday's fingers begin to press quickly on his typewriter, when you look at the sheet, the word NO, was very explicit there. - 1 day. - Silence. - two? - Silence. — 4 and we don't talk about it anymore. — 1 week of peace in your life, without my happy vibe around you.
Wednesday quickly takes the hat and puts it on his head.
— Let's take this photo soon. — You open your mouth in surprise.
— Aaaa, but now I'm the one who won't take this photo, whoever has seen each other, wants to stay away from me for a week? Start with today.
You were going to leave, but Wednesday pulls your arm towards that Christmas tree that she considered horrible, there were no dead animals there, that was strange.
With a sulky pout you stood next to your girlfriend, Enid still a little surprised by Wednesday with the hat and in position to take a photo she runs putting her cell phone there to take the photo, positioning herself next to her sister she opens a smile.
Thing presses the button to take the photo and "runs" over to Wednesday and jumps on his shoulder, the timer starts counting, you quickly smile and strike a pose even though you're not even a little upset about your girlfriend agreeing to stay away for a week from you.
The photo is taken, with Wednesday with a frown. When you realize you took the photo you turn away from Wednesday.
Your girlfriend looks at you, she watches her steps taking off her hat and then her Christmas sweater and leaving the room, Enid makes a face.
— She's mad at you.
Without caring Wednesday goes to her room. Thing leaves her shoulder and goes to Enid who was looking at the photo that the 4 of you took.
— I give S/her 3 days to complain that she misses Wednesday. — Totally ignoring your roommate Enid starts to bet with Thing that you would come back in 3 days, missing your girlfriend.
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It had been exactly 4 days since you simply disappeared from Wednesday's sight, she was disturbed, not in a good way.
She needed peace to write her novel, but she knew that the peace you promised her would leave her disturbed.
"Go after her"
Thing gestures, but Wednesday just ignores it.
— I'm fine without her disturbance. — Thing gestures mockingly.
"If you were well you wouldn't write her name like a mantra and wouldn't even agree to date her"
It was pure truth, Wednesday wrote her name on her pages so many times that she had finished, it was like a gesture for you to come back soon.
— Are you on her side?
"You wanted 1 week of peace, it seems like you're having 4 days of misfortune, not in a nice way like you like."
Another truth, you were the colorful part of Wednesday's life, even though she didn't admit it, she liked your colorful vibe that spread throughout her room.
Looking at her trash full of crumpled paper, Wednesday observes all the papers she wrote her name on without realizing it, whenever she started writing her novel, her mind was dominated by you, the worry that you would just disappear, made her wonder so many things. about how you were that she started writing your name without realizing it.
— If she wants, she'll come after, and you know, Y/n can't go another day without attention.
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You didn't come back, you didn't come back for 2 days, it was exactly 1 week, 2 days, 33 minutes, and 30 seconds, now 31, now 32, now 33, now 34.
Yes, Wednesday was counting the seconds that you didn't talk to her again, again Addams buried her own head in her pillow again, the door to her room opens, totally ignoring the presence of her roommate Wednesday lets out a grunt irritated.
“Enid, if you're thinking of a way to piss me off, I swear I'll rip her face and her teeth out, one by one. — Her threat caused a laugh to appear in the room.
A laugh she knew very well.
With an abnormal speed that Wednesday gets up to see a corpse, she gets up and looks at the door, seeing you there, with your skin slightly whiter and your lips purple from the cold.
— Hey, I see that even with me away Enid was irritating you. — The girl observed you closely, thinking it was an illusion. — Hi my lilith.
You take light steps towards Wednesday's bedroom, throwing your own backpack on the wooden floor, a loud noise was heard when the backpack hit the floor.
Without caring, you throw yourself on your girlfriend's bed.
— Is this how you welcome your girlfriend after 1 week and 2 days away?
— 2 days, 34 minutes and 29 seconds. — A beautiful smile appeared on her lips.
— Did you count the seconds? — You mock.
Wednesday realized that it wasn't an illusion, you were just loose enough to throw yourself on her bed and still lie down with shoes on.
Turning her back to you, Wednesday didn't look at her face, without caring about how tired she was, you closed your eyes.
— Tomorrow I'll put an end to your drama, now I'm very sleepy, it's not easy to walk in the snow. — Wednesday's eyebrows came together in a surprised expression.
— Snow?
— Snow. Enid didn't tell you? — Without the strength to get up, you pull your girlfriend's pillow to hug her and smell what she smells. — Mom and Dad traveled, they wanted someone to take care of my brothers for 5 days, the journey from here to there is 2 days. — You mumble as you feel your eyes close. — Let's do it like this, you'll be mad at me tomorrow, for now I just want my girlfriend to hug me for a quick 2 seconds.
With no response you close your eyes, realizing that Wednesday wouldn't give in you sit on her bed.
— I brought you a gift, it’s in my backpack. — It was Christmas Eve. Without hearing a response from your girlfriend, you were getting up from her bed, but her arms wrapped around her neck, and her small body forced you to lie down.
—Tomorrow I will be angry with you.
A smile appeared on his lips. Wednesday wouldn't admit it, but he was almost killing himself missing his daily disturbances.
— I'll miss you too, my love, I almost came running on the third day. — His voice is low.
Playing Wednesday next to her head rests on her girlfriend's shoulder. Her eyes get heavier.
— I will kill you tomorrow.
Wednesday utters, but you just nod as you fall asleep with your girlfriend's body beneath yours.
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