#just a reminder that alex does have they/them pronouns
matchalovertrait · 5 months
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Look who came for a visit and formally met the family! Alex got everyone's approval, even Noemí's (who seemed a little apprehensive at first. She thought, "Why wear black when there are so many bright, beautiful colors in this world?"). Alex came out of their shell bit by bit, especially because of the Alegrías' open arms <3
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cameronspecial · 4 months
Idk if you still take requests but if you do I would love to see a drew x reader where they have to do a sex scene (like in hellraiser) it’s so hot
Just Acting
Pairing: Drew Starkey x Reader
Warnings: SMUT
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 1.0K
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Sometimes when as an actor, the lines between what is real and fake can get blurred. The worst is when that happens during an intimate scene, especially if that scene is so primal with the coworker she has a crush on.
Drew’s grip pulls her head back so that his face is next to hers. His barely covered dick hits against her bum. She lets out pants as instructed and does her best to focus on acting instead of the numerous people behind the camera. “I knew you were a little Slut. Look at you taking it so good,” Drew growls in her ear in character as Alex Tanner, a professional escort. Her character, Stacy Morris, moans out and looks him in the eye with a small nod. “So good. Harder,” she asks in a babble. He chuckles, his hand going to grip her breast only covered in a skin-coloured nipple cover. He gives it the script squeeze before faking pulling out of her and flipping her on her back. He pulls her onto his lap so she is straddling him and the make believe thrusting continues. She bounces with him and struggles to conceal her real moans as his hard length slams against her protected pussy. “YES, ALEX. KEEP GOING,” she screams, running her fingers through his hair to yank on it. Her hands fall to his back and tear down it, which creates beautiful red steaks. 
She presses her lips against him and their mouths move in tandem. This is just acting. This isn’t real. She reminds herself, over and over again. “Cut,” the director calls out and it takes the actors a second to process the command. They begin to slow down and their breaths can be heard throughout the stage. Sweat runs down their faces and they look at each other with embarrassed smiles. She hates to admit that she got caught up in the moment and by the look on his face, he might have too. The director comes over to inform them that they got the shot and that they are moving to the next scene. 
Y/N is moving around her hotel room getting ready for bed when a knock comes at her door. She slips a strand of hair behind her ear and goes to get it. “Hey, Drew. Is everything okay?” she greets, steeping back to let him into the room. He looks nervous as he bites the corner of his lip. “Yeah, I was just wondering if we can run through the scene we did this morning. I know Wayne said we got it but…umm… I don’t feel like we did.” Her heart skips a beat at the reference of the scene. Her cheeks feel like an inferno. She nods, “Uh…yeah, of course. Anything to get the scene right.” He smiles shyly at her. “Cool. We don’t have our modesty wear; however, we are both adults so are you okay with being naked? We can practise fully clothed, if you prefer though.”
The gurgle in her stomach begins to grow. “I think we can do it naked. We are professionals after all.” He nods and they both awkwardly get stripped down. She isn’t surprised by the size of his length and she knows it isn’t going to be actually inside her, yet it doesn’t stop her from squeezing her thighs together in need. His heart stops when he notices the movement. 
She gets on the bed on all fours and looks back at him when she feels his hesitation. “It’s okay. We are just acting, right? This is for our job,” she reassures. His head bobs and he gets settled behind her as he is supposed to be for the scene. They go through the scene and everything feels like acting until she is straddling him. This new position means that their genitals are in direct contact and he shifts under her. He can feel how wet she is and he yarns to be buried deep within her. He notices her expression turning to uncertainty, so he pulls away. “Are you okay? We can stop if you feel uncomfortable,” he says. She shakes her head, “No. No. I’m fine. I can keep going.” To make her point clear, she does as she is scripted to do and rises to pretend to sink down on his cock; however, as she goes to pretend to ride him, she feels his tip fall at her entrance.
Their eyes meet and they stare at each other for a few seconds, trying to figure out what the other is thinking. Since nothing is said, she continues to allow his length inside of her. Her moans fall on his ear and this encourages Drew to begin bucking up inside of her. She bounces with the help of his hands on her ass to meet his movement. The two of them fall into pleasure and it starts to go off-script. His eyes lock on her breasts bouncing in front of him and he can’t help but lean forward to take one into his mouth.
She squeals in delight at the feeling and laces her fingers through his hair so that he stays in place. “Drew,” she calls out. They both freeze. The utterance of his name breaks the spell over them and it is time to admit what they are truly doing. “This isn’t just acting anymore,” he murmurs against her neck. “I want this to be real and if you don’t, then tell me now and I’ll leave.” She pulls his head away so she can crash their lips together, “This is very real to me. I want that too.” He smirks at her and his movements slow down. He flips them so that she is on her back and he is on top of him. His thrusts may have slowed down but they still reach every part inside of her that she needs. They are both brought to their orgasm and his movements stop while they recover. He slips out of her, dropping to her side on the bed. She looks up at him with doe eyes and snuggles himself into his side. He kisses the sweaty border of her hairline. “Please tell me this is real. That this isn’t us just acting or a dream,” she whispers. He lets out a low chuckle, “I promise. This is real and it definitely won’t be the last time we do that. I love you, Y/N.” She sighs in his hold. “I love you too, Drew.”
Taglist: @loves0phelia @thelomlisrafecameron @wickedlovely121 @thepatriarchykeychain @drewsmusee @starkowswife @maybankslover @forstarkey @loving-and-dreaming @magicalyoura @rubixgsworld
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Info post about the au
(If characters seem OOC ((Out Of Character)) it's beacause I'm going off of my own interpretations/headcanons/fandom versions. So please be aware of that)
More info under the cut (Info is subject to change at any time. Info may be added to as well)
(TW: Mentions of murder)
-Jobs in the group: Protection of the base, fighting Wraiths, scouting, hunting 
Weapons of choice: large kitchen knife/machete, throwing knives, any gun he can get his hands on
-Head canon voice: ???
-Not similar to canon/og!Killer. Renegade!Killer doesn’t have stages really, he does have some form of interaction with a Chara though. 
-Goes by any pronouns, mainly uses He/Him as his default one though. Is asexual.
-Went to prison and when the apocalypse hit he escaped with Dust. Just decided to kill people for shits and giggles, was bored of his own life so thought he would do something more entertaining with it. Was slightly influenced by his Chara to do this.
-As a teen he was also arrested for arson, so it’s not like it was his first time being arrested when he killed people. 
-Tried to attack Dust when they first broke out of prison. Dust kicked his ass though, but didn’t kill him. Since he had nothing better to do he decided to tag along with Dust. In which they became good friends.
-Found a phone that has an Alex G playlist on it, has basically made it part of his personality. It’s not like they find that many phones with ‘good’ music on them. Well music that he likes. So he treasures this phone. He had never heard of Alex G before the apocalypse. 
-Loves pulling pranks on anyone he can, or joining Ink in doing something stupid. Often gets told off by Nightmare for doing those things. But he won’t stop unless he gets threatened with some sort of consequences.
-Before joining the group, Nightmare was the one in the group that said to give him a chance. Nightmare got put in charge of him after that, but Nightmare had made it clear to him that he can do his own thing, as long as no one is harmed. Though due to the pranks Nightmare has to step in now and then.
-Forgets to take care of himself half the time, often having others remind him to do things, such as Horror reminding him to eat. 
-Doesn’t feel emotions too often, when he tends to feel emotions more intensely his eye sockets have his eye lights appear. 
-Soul always hovering in front of his chest, he can’t explain why, he doesn’t remember when it happened. Just always remembers it being there since he was a teen. 
-Finds it hard to care about things, so unless someone somehow managed to become a friend of his, everyone else he doesn’t care about. Even then if your a friend he may find it hard sometimes to care. Also has no sense of danger due to not caring. Understands when he shouldn’t mess with someone/something, but anything else he doesn’t really have a sense of danger for. 
-He is a flirty person, but never takes it seriously. He may flirt with people then insult them in the same sentence. Tends to insult people who take his flirting seriously. He just finds it fun to do, having others question his actions and just seeing others get confused. It’s one of the least chaotic ways he will mess with someone. 
-Has to wash his clothing on the regular due to the liquid coming from his eye sockets. And the fact he tends to use his clothes to wipe away these tears. 
-Sometimes the tears/liquid in his eye sockets can blur his vision slightly, so sometimes struggles to see things. This is particularly bad if he has to read something. 
-Good at remembering completely useless information, always says ‘You never know if it will be useful’. Has probably had one or two situations where this information is actually useful and has been smug about it.
-Despite his boots having laces on them, he doesn’t actually know how to tie laces properly, just tends to tie them into an awkward knot and pray for the best. Sometimes he may bother Nightmare to tie them for him.
-Adore’s Horror’s cat, Fig. He originally wanted Fig, but both Nightmare and Horror said he’d not take care of Fig properly. It annoyed him slightly, but he can’t complain too much, he’s with Horror most of the time anyway so gets to see Fig every day. 
-Will bite people if they put limbs too close to his mouth. Has bitten Dust, Horror and Nightmare before, also tried to bite Cross but Cross reacted too quickly for him.
-Will steal Horror’s and Dust’s clothes sometimes. Acts oblivious to it when they try to say anything to him. Can also steal Nightmare’s oversized hoodies because they’re a normal size on him. Nightmare doesn’t give any reaction to it.
-Often carries a knife around with him, the only time he actively puts it somewhere out the way is when he’s interacting with Fig.
How they feel about:
Nightmare: Likes him, thinks Nightmare is fun to be around when Nightmare is in a joking mood. Is often the one finding cat related clothing to give to Nightmare. Also tends to pick Nightmare up a lot, treating him like a teddy bear since Nightmare doesn’t complain about it. 
Dream: Only really tends to see Dream when Dream comes to hang out with Nightmare. Has picked up on the fact Dream is unsure of him. He never makes an effort to befriend Dream though, or calm his worries. Finds it funny to try to make Dream uncomfortable, e.g. staring at him for too long. At least till Night tells him to knock it off.
Cross: Thinks it’s fun to mess with Cross, especially when it’s something involving Night. Thinks it’s hilarious when Cross gets super protective over Night, cause it annoys Night as well, two birds with one stone. He’s chill about Cross, but just thinks his reactions to things are funny. Was one of the ones with Cross when Cross had screamed about the cow statue, doesn’t let him live it down and often hides cow related things in Cross’s room.
Blue: Can get along with Blue from time to time, but also likes to insult him for no reason. He doesn’t interact with Blue enough to have a proper opinion on him.
Ink: Can get along with Ink when it comes to pranks and joking around. And other time Killer isn’t that fond of them. Only finding them fun when they have something planned.
Dust: Sees him as a good friend, can crack jokes with him and lets Dust cling to him when they’re doing things together. He’s seen Dust’s face when they were in prison together. Has never mentioned Dust’s face to anyone though mainly out of respect for Dust, and also he doesn’t want Dust to kick his ass over it.
Horror: Likes Horror, sees him as a good friend. Often tells jokes and stuff to Horror, sometimes tries to rope Horror into his pranks that he does, but Horror never has any of it wanting to stay out of it. Horror normally makes sure that he’s okay, and makes sure he’s fed. Knows Horror struggles to read a situation, so he tends to announce the mood of a room, partly to annoy the others in the room and partly to let Horror know the mood of the room. Knows Horror is a murderer.
Error: Has tried to poke Error’s shoulder and face a few times, normally gets attacked by the strings. He doesn’t really mind Error just finds it fun to mess with him. When around Nightmare he does chill out with annoying Error, since Nightmare doesn’t want to be breaking up a fight.
Lust: Lust treats him with respect, so he gives Lust some respect back, still will prank Lust now and then but doesn’t mind Lust. Knows Lust gets along with Horror, Dust and Nightmare, so since his friends like Lust he will play nice.
Fell/Edge: Only tends to run into him whenever he’s following Nightmare around. Fell is always on edge around him, he doesn’t really care though. Just finds it funny. Doesn’t really have an opinion of him. 
Geno: Doesn’t really run into him that often and normally Geno ignores him. Doesn’t really have an opinion of him.
Outer: Talks to Outer often, normally when Outer is on the roofs on a night. He tends to be chill around Outer. Outer was wary of him at first but after a few interactions they get along. He’s unsure if he’d consider Outer a friend or not. But does enjoy the peace he gets when he hangs out alone with Outer.
Sci: No real opinion of him, other than he’s the only one in the group he isn’t allowed to prank. Knows he should respect him, but he only gives Sci the bare minimum. Knows Sci is the reason he can stick around but he just doesn’t care about that.
Reaper/Death: Has talked to him two times before. Has no opinion of him. Did try to throw a knife at him which Reaper caught, will watch Reaper and Dust play board games, but that's really the extent of their interactions.
Fresh: Not met him before. Did hear about him from Dust though which made him ask around about who Fresh is. Since no one really knows that much about Fresh he’s determined to fight Fresh if he ever sees him.
Gans/Echo: Forgets this dude exists, since Echo doesn’t leave the radio room too much. No opinion on Echo other than he's a chill guy. Echo doesn’t have much reaction to his pranks, so tends not to prank Echo as much as the others.
Chief: Chief is always yapping at him to get him out of certain areas, doesn’t really mind Chief, but doesn’t like how Chief thinks he can boss him around. Will sometimes do things Chief says not to do out of spite.
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intro :3
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the basics
hello! my name is iris. you can call me whatever nicknames you want (some people call me rissie) but my name doesn't really lend itself to nicknames haha
i use he/she/any neos/they pronouns in order of preference! (and yes, this does mean you may choose whatever neos you think suit me. please do not exclusively call me they/them.)
i love meeting people and making new friends :D but i can be a little awkward
im bi with a preference for guys and probably aspec
i do moodboards based off people's names!!! if you want one just send an ask and if you have multiple names tell me which one you want :333
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adults privately
homophobes, transphobes, racists, zionists, etc
exclusively nsfw blogs
pro ana/pro sh blogs (ed/sh blogs can interact. i have the tags blocked. you may vent to me, what triggers me is spo/sh pics/stuff along those lines)
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i will try to tag whatever you need. remind me if i don't. please tag rape/sa, blood, emeto, and ed/sh content if we're moots :)
i don't have opinions on most discourse stuff (except for the obvious stuff in my dni). if your opinions on syscourse, shipcourse, radqueers or any of that stuff are so strong that you can't interact with someone who doesn't share exactly the same ones…don't interact i guess? idc about anyone with any opinions regarding that stuff interacting with me but don't be mean to my moots who have opposite opinions.
i am neurodivergent (diagnosed audhd + probably some other stuff) and might be a lil awkward
im quite affectionate (if i comfort you i might call you love or sweetheart and i'll probably tell you you're pretty if a photo of you comes up on my dash. i mean this platonically unless explicitly otherwise stated and i'll stop if you tell me to)
my dms are also open to any of my moots who aren't adults :) come!! ask me random questions!! send me photos of your cats!! tell me about that new song you heard or place you went!!! tell me how you're not doing great or how you're feeling better!! i care.
i have bad rsd. please use tone indicators and avoid making me think you're mad at me unless you are (i am one of those people who thinks everyone hates me and i am an imposter everywhere i go blablabla)
im happy to participate in tag games but i usually open tag
you are supported, accepted, and safe on this blog <333 ily
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stuff i like
music (in random order i just. add new artists in the middle idk why. yes crispin you are in this no you cant argue) - will wood (and the tapeworms), billie eilish, fontaines d.c, kendrick lamar, alex g, car seat headrest, taylor swift, the moldy peaches, chappell roan, olivia rodrigo, conan gray, jolie holland, radiohead, declan mckenna, hozier, lana, noahfinnce, yungblud, beabadoobee, frank ocean, @outlying-hyppocrate, boygenius, nirvana, cavetown, sam fender
books/tv/film- osemanverse (including the heartstopper show), studio ghibli, young royals, across the spiderverse, good omens, anything to do with the moomins
general interests- animals, etymology, reading, greek mythology, pikas, tea, bjj, drawing
userboxes under cut
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vmpkai · 4 months
in honor of pride month i ended up making queer headcannons of the main hamilton characters because i like making everything queer so
lgbtq+ hamilton headcannons
disclamer: yes some of the sexualities are weird because i like weird identities, i use weird identities, and sometimes it just makes sense. not a fan? close the door on your way out. also this is sponsored by 3 am thoughts and lack of sleep. anyways, shall we continue?
alexander hamilton
- he / they
- bi + polyam + trans guy
- a fanfic gave me the poly idea and i absolutely love it
- also alexander is just a trans name and he has that tboy swag
- has a thing for both john ( he finds all of his friends to be very attractive and flirts with them all )
- very obnoxious about his identity ( as he should )
john laurens
- he / him
- demisexual + gay + cis
- it just works for him
- knew he was gay from birth he just needed some boys to kiss
hercules mulligan
- he / him
- bihet or unlabeled + demiromantic + cis
- makes and sells pride flags + has several pride stickers
- doesn't really care all that much, but find himself having a preference for women
- does have a major thing for laf though ( is way too shy to talk about it )
marquis de lafayette
- all pronouns
- pan + genderfluid + non binary
- so obnoxiously gay and it's wonderful
- definitely does drag in their free time ( and fucking slays it each time )
angelica schuyler
- she / her
- pan + aroace + trans woman
- if you even think anything queerphobic she will tear you a new one ( kicked a transphobe in the teeth cuz of a comment they made towards her )
- such a girlboss about it
eliza schuyler
- she / they
- bi + polyam + asexual + cis
- polyam idea also from a fanfic ( it was really good )
- alex helped her realize she was polyam
- has a big fat crush on maria lewis
peggy schuyler
- any pronouns
- lesbian + genderfluid
- blames all of her problems on homophobia ( as she should )
- the most lesbian to ever lesbian tbh
- reminds me of one of my irl friends tbh ( both give off the same vibes )
maria lewis ( reynolds )
- she / her
- bi lesbian + trans girl
- doesn't talk about her sexuality a lot cuz she hates explaining ( mood )
- eliza was lesbian awakening, alexander was bi awakening, james made her realize she did NOT like men. well cis men at least ( just like me frfr )
thomas jefferson
- he / him
- bigay + aromantic + cis
- label depends on the day, really
- flirts with everyone ( more or less to get what he wants cuz he puts his pretty privilege to use )
- secretly does drag and denies all accusations ( he'd make a fabulous queen )
james madison
- he / him
- gay + demiaroace + trans guy
- nobody actually knows he's trans aside from those with the transtuition
- in a qpt relationship with thomas
aaron burr
- he / him
- hetero + aromantic + cis
- he's a quiet ally who supports his friends
- does not have a queer opinion at fucking all ( as per usual ) #certifiedfencesitter
george washington
- he / him
- hetero + cis
- doesn't understand but he tried his best
- ( at pride with all his kids the revolutionary set ) stranger: "how many genders are there?" washington: "i dunno man, i just got here."
king george
- nameself pronouns / neos / he
- gay + cis
- is 100% both a drag king and drag queen ( he's just so cunty )
- has that roly west of energy ( please tell me that someone can see the vision )
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sensacetionalshady · 5 months
god, I can't remember all of it because I had an intense brainrot session about it like 2 months ago and never again, but basically the plot kinda went like this (keep in mind that I still haven't actually read Alex in the Krakoan era, but I read some stuff in the wiki and extrapolated from there):
Alex goes to therapy after being all depressed and moody in the Summer house after all the Limbo business and Rachel tosses some clothes at him with a business card for some kinda pro-mutant therapist she trusts; after a few session he realizes some of his more toxic/problematic behaviors are bad and that maybe he should be single for a bit longer (and maybe even forever bc I WILL make everyone aromantic) while he apologizes to his exes and also comes clean about his feelings of inadequacy to Scott and etc etc etc basic therapy stuff yk?
He's doing better and growing his hair out as a symbolic way of showing his growth as a person (and also because his therapist suggested he try to do some permanent modifications to his body by his own choice to make him feel more grounded in his own body, he's very hesitant because he wants to be seen as normal, so he starts out easy with the hair [later on definitely gets some tattoos and piercings and goes to a leather bar to realize hey this is actually fun]) when he gets accidentally referred to as ma'am by some of the younger mutants that don't know who he is and something in his brain *clicks*; he goes home and starts googling what the fuck is going on, asks himself if he's a woman, but doesn't know how to answer that so he goes to his lesbian niece to try and parse these feelings; Rachel suggests he try out some pronouns with her and other trusted people (punches Alex's shoulder and says "At least your name is already unisex, auntie." and Alex actually does really like Rachel calling her aunt)
Anyway, she takes an impulsive leap to go on estrogen to force herself to do a slightly more permanent body mod like her therapist said and, slowly over the course of some months, actually becomes pretty happy about what her body looks like on E; she starts being a little more social and confident and standing up for herself around others and eventually everyone in Krakoa kinda knows that she's Cyclops' sister now
Cut to the 90s X-Factor team having some kinda villain do some wibbly wobbly time shit that brings the whole team from the Krakoan Era back to their time, but it scatters them around the country. X-Factor puts out a government APB for "people that match our exact description except older" to try and get them all in one place so they can send them back into their own time; Lorna and Jamie make their way to X Factor HQ themselves, Guido and Rahne go to Guido's parents' place and then the HQ from there, while Alex has decided to plop herself in a leather bar because while she /could/ go to the HQ, she doesn't know if it's the best idea to show her younger self what she looks like (hell, she wouldn't show herself to who she was half a year ago) and besides, it's not as if they would believe that she is who she says she is
The whole team minus Alex is in X-Factor HQ, the old team is kinda marvelling at how they look when they're older and someone (probably Jamie) points out "alright, now we just need old Alex and you guys can go back to your own time" and the Krakoa team collectively inhales through their teeth and are like "yeaaahhhhhhh about that... there's a reason you haven't found h- ... /Alex/ with that description."; old team is very confused but they refuse to clarify; the time displaced guys take it upon themselves to go and find Alex because they can't exactly give a description without her permission because they would be outing her
I think Lorna would be the one to find her sulking and frowning at a newspaper just reminding herself what happened during this time; she convinces Alex to come to the HQ so they can all go back to their own future, but Alex knows that if a younger her saw the tattoos and hair and clothes and most noticeably boobs that it would seriously disrupt the timeline, or at least /her/ timeline; Lorna agrees but remarks that they can just put some makeup on her and cover her up with clothes and Alex just sighs because she /just/ got to a point where she can be herself freely but now she has to go back to being that insecure and self-censoring man
They probably have like... some telepath (preferably Emma but idk if she's a good or bad guy at this point) come and erase the memories of seeing older Alex after they've sent everyone to their own time. that or the Krakoa era guys convince like.. Hank or someone else to take them back. I don't know, I can't remember the ending
This idea mostly happened because I had a brainstorming session of what trans Alex would actually look like and then it devolved from there. I'm doing some sketches today and will share them once I stop travelling and get wifi because I'm on a bus rn lol
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reveseke · 5 months
This post is merely just unbrittled joy for self that I have to get out, don't mind it too much lol
But like... 👀 Alex (they/he/she/hir pronouns used bc fuck it up, they don't have a preferred set of pronouns listed anywhere anyways) from The A List, I have finally found genderqueer representation that I physically am keen on and I love them?? Like literally, they're so pretty and I love her character already?? (I'm projecting on his personality, gonna eat it at some point.)
Also hirs girlfriend, Petal?? She so fucking pretty, a flowery girl just so joyful looking, gentle and with an appreciation to the nature dydhbd, (honestly, Petal reminds me of my friend lol) but I love her character as well! Also I live for the multitude of accents in this show fjjfbfjdndb
I have never seen a genderqueer character before, like a character that *specifically* identifies as a genderqueer and not enby. I've seen plenty of enby characters by all means. But as a genderqueer being who does not associate the two to be synonyms I feel so fucking good seeing Alex & hirs character?? Like huh. And just aaaaaaAAAAAAAA. Do I wanna be her, do I wanna be with her or do a secret third option that even I don't know about. (Project)
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xena-lilac-winters · 24 days
Just Causing Chaos
Alex and you were excellent friends. You two often wrecked havoc. And now, here you were, sprinting back to Floor 19 after TP-ing the Tree of Laeradr. You two can hear some of the older residents yelling angrily in Norse while you two retreat to Alex's room.
(AUTHOR'S NOTE: I will be using male pronouns in this post, female in the next, and I will continue to alternate as such when posting about Alex Fierro, thank you!)
Alex giggles as he shuts the door behind you, your face red from holding back laughter. You have a good laugh, before it finally processes in your mind he's actually allowed you into his room; something he NEVER does. You look around, taking in both halves of the room. On one half is his bed and nightstand, and it looks cozy with LED lights along the roof and darker colored walls. On the other side, it seems bright and cheerful, full of older pieces of pottery he made, bags of wet clay, and ceramic paints and glaze in a corner next to the stool and his working area (I imagine he'd have a desk). You take note of how he's kept older pieces that could be considered as 'imperfect', but to you, it just shows he's kept every piece of his creations and he's kept them around as reminders of how much he's improved his pottery skills over the years.
(ANOTHER AUTHOR'S NOTE: this is just for fun, bc I'm bored and it's unfinished. I can take requests tho. Thinking of making a story where Alex helps you create your own pottery.)
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They’ve put up all the Taskmaster season 16 interviews already, which I like. In recent seasons they’ve been putting them out earlier and earlier into the season, and I always thought they should really just put all of them up before the season starts, as those are meant to be a way to get a feel for the contestants ahead of actually seeing them. The way they’ve split it in earlier seasons has a couple airing before the season starts and then the others airing a few episodes in, so some give you that feel for ones we don’t know about yet and then some are just extra details about people we’ve already seen on the show, and it’s a bit confusing. I much prefer being able to watch them all beforehand.
I watched them all tonight, and quite enjoyed that. Liked the format of this one – finally making them draw a picture of Alex after years of drawing Greg. And God, Alex is good at his job. Sometimes I forget a bit, or just take it for granted, how incredibly funny Alex Horne can be while just really causally, deadpan, fucking with a contestant via simple questions. To answer one of the questions he asked – no, I don’t think anyone else could do that job as well as he does (though Paul Williams is also fucking good at it). I think a lot of other people could do Greg’s job, very few could do Alex’s.
The interviews were fun. I enjoyed how much of an impression Julian Clary made, as I haven’t seen him do much else so that was a nice way to get to know him a bit. Imposing and confident. The only one to not just do everything Alex asked him. Clearly it’s a character, but there may have also been an underlying bit of “I have had a very long and very successful career in showbusiness, I don’t need to be desperate to do well on a panel show.”
Lucy Beaumont’s reminded me of how much I enjoy watching Lucy Beaumont do anything. I’ve seen her do quite a few things by now, and I still don’t have much of a handle on how much of her ditzy persona is real, but I am looking forward to seeing if I can figure it out via Taskmaster. Not even try to figure out “her true hidden self” or whatever – I’d just like to know how much of it we’re supposed to assume is a character. Though the fact that I can’t really tell is definitely part of her charm. Nearly everything about her is part of her charm. She’s got a lot of charm. So much charm.
I liked Sue Perkins’ mix of Julian Cleary’s “I’m too successful to need to be desperate to impress on a panel show” attitude (the exact opposite of Lucy Beaumont, who came off as being full of “desperate to impress on a panel show” attitude, which is what I’d expected from her), and Lucy Beaumont’s struggling and scrambling. She came off as pretty similar to the Sue Perkins I know from other panel shows, which is exactly what I hope she’ll be on Taskmaster. The duality of humanity. The confidence and the scrambling. The cool exterior and the panic. It’s going to be fun.
Susan Wokoma was the one I knew the least well, even including Cleary, so seeing her was fun. It was funny to watch her after someone like Julian Cleary, who was deadpanning right alongside Alex. While Susan was the opposite, breaking into giggles at the absurdity of everything he said, reminding me that way of Desiree Burch or even Katherine Parkinson. Constantly surprised by the revelation of what show she’s on (which might be explained by her answer of “my agents wanted me to” when asked why she did the show). Her laugh is fun to listen to, as is her defensiveness every time Alex changes the rules. I look forward to listening to both those things for ten episodes.
Sam Campbell had me worried for a bit, with my bold claims that I think he will be better at the tasks (not even at the comedy, just at scoring points in the tasks) than anyone else on this season. It doesn’t bode incredibly well toward me being proven right that he couldn’t remember how pronouns worked and tripped over his words on every sentence when asked to make a pretty simple language change. That skill is integral to a lot of tasks. Though my hopes were restored when his picture was revealed at the end, and it was by far the best. That’s a skill I didn’t even know he had when I was listing the skills he’s displayed through his stand-up that I think will make him good at tasks. Turns out Sammy C can draw, add that to the list of reasons for my prediction! (Actually I’ve just realized I did already know that, he drew that picture that James Acaster brought in ages ago.) Anyway, he was huge fun, that was the sort of energy level I've been hoping he'll bring.
I had a friend on Tumblr apologize to me the other day for whether they talk too much about finding a comedian attractive, as though I am too respectable a person for such tawdry things and shouldn’t have to hear them. Which is a ridiculous thing to apologize for, given that I’m well aware that Tumblr.com is very much the talking about famous people you want to fuck website. I mean, I might personally use it for other things, but I’m not here to disrespect its main function. So having said that, I’ve had a crush on Sue Perkins since I first got into Radio 4’s The News Quiz when I was nineteen. I didn’t even know what she looked like until I’d been hearing her voice for years, but just hearing her on the radio was enough to do that (though… when I eventually Googled a picture of her, that certainly didn’t hurt). On the subject of voices, seeing Lucy Beaumont’s video has reminded me that that particular accent is… certainly an impressive accent. That’s a good accent. What's the least creepy way I can say that's a good accent? Because I'd like to do that. And look, I sort of think that everyone, regardless of their gender or usual sexual orientation, who sees Sam Campbell has at least a bit of a crush on him.
So there you go, I thought I’d end my post with something to let people know that no one has to apologize to me for calling comedians hot on Tumblr.com; I can do it too, even if I usually make at least some effort to say these sorts of things slightly less often than I think them. But I’m glad everyone is having a good time.
New season tomorrow! New season tomorrow! Very excited for the new season tomorrow (even though I’m going to see Grace Petrie tomorrow, which I’m incredibly fucking excited about, so I won’t get to watch the episode until Friday after work). Happy early Taskmaster Day to all who celebrate!
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throughalleternity · 11 months
Hello, what are your thoughts on he/him!Kara? Do you have headcanons?
Ooh this is fun, I haven't thought much about he/him Kara but am always happy to see more of that! I will say that I haven't explored Kara's character very much, and there's a ton from canon that I forget… but have some thoughts on he/him Kara under the cut (turned more prose-y than headcanon list-y, but that's just what I was feeling):
(Using he/him pronouns throughout for consistency, but Kara doesn't start using those for a while.)
It takes a long time for Kara to even consider changing his gender presentation because from the very beginning of him being on Earth, he's felt overwhelmed and uncomfortable and out of the know, and everyone tells him it's because he's an alien from another planet.
There are sparks of something - seeing pictures of people at punk concerts (Alex isn't allowed to go to them so it's mainly from websites), borrowing Kenny's jacket one evening stargazing, getting introduced to soccer and watching interviews of the players. But the part of Kara that wants gets squashed down by the part that's always been told to not draw attention—not to scare people. So for a bunch of years, Kara just figures that the hiding and the 'out of sorts' feeling is inevitable.
And then - Supergirl. Flying, lifting, helping people in a tangible way. For a little while, Kara thinks that this is where all the disconnect has been. What he's needed has been the chance to come out of hiding and use his powers like Kal to make a difference. And yeah, it comes with the costume, but that isn't even so bad. Probably shouldn't have agreed to the skirt (how is that practical?), but it's for the persona, right?
James says something one day, a playful "yes sir" tacked onto the end for fun. But it hits Kara like a ton of bricks (well, that would be more like a human being hit by a few bricks, so maybe several tons of bricks?). James thinks Kara took the joke badly so he backpedals while Kara gives some bad excuse "I just heard another snake stuck in a tree!" and flies off to pace on top of a building because he can't contain much he wants that for real.
(I want Kara to talk with some other people about this stuff while he's still figuring it out, the question is who… I think I'd be cool to bring in other DC characters for a change but I only know so many of them…) Let's say Kara somehow works together with Batwoman, and somehow knows she's Kate Kane. They're munching on some post-mission takeout and Kara finally just asks how Kate feels about Batwoman—the wig, the other identity—and it's pretty apparent that they don't have the same experience, but Kate's a good listener and she does get some of it. She also gets Kara in touch with Alysia Yeoh and Renee Montoya and it expands from there so that he finds people with similar experiences.
Also consider genderfluid!Lucy and the classic lines: "Just because I look a certain way on the outside, everyone assumes it matches the way I feel on the inside" and Kara: "Yeah, I get that." They became friends before the gender things, and now it's extra nice to have someone who gets that stuff.
Sometimes Kara lays awake at night wondering about what his parents would think. The worst case scenarios—remembering how Alura manipulated people for the sake of following the law, and he wonders how far she would go if she wanted to keep him from being himself.
Deciding if/when to tell the world about his pronouns as Supergirl is hard. It's daunting just to correct people, let alone to explain that he's not a man and that pronouns ≠ gender. Then there's the extra pressure of being such a high profile person—and an alien—he knows that if he comes out publicly, it'll be the first time a lot of people hear of a woman with he/him pronouns, and there's a lot of responsibility with that. Plus it just… it reminds him of how lonely it can all be. He gets a lot of help talking with those friend he made through Kate, and the Superfam comes in too for support because they have his back ofc.
While flying out of Midvale, he spots a kid sitting hunched over on a roof. There are lots of reasons why they might be there (Kara used to stargaze from the roof, after all), but every time he sees someone like that, he checks. The kid hastily rubs at their eyes, "'m fine", and then "you wouldn't understand." "Try me," Kara says, because he's been through more things that most people know. The kid starts off vague. Then they finally mention how they want to cut their hair but they're worried about what other people will think, and Kara sees his in. By the end of it, they're both surprised by how much they shared. And Kara flies back home thinking that if Supergirl can be an example for just one more person, it'll be worth it.
And it absolutely is. There are negative reactions afterwards of course, but he stays away from that as much as he can. He keeps an eye on that kid, and when they cross paths again (both sporting new haircuts), the kid shows Kara all the excited reactions from their butch support group/group chat. He's stunned for a moment, taking in the outpouring of support for him and the emotional responses from people who never thought they'd see someone like them. But he gathers himself because he wants to take a picture—a selfie with the kid, which they send, and together the two of them laugh as the chat erupts.
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lozriftsintime · 1 year
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Name: Link Smith, Geode Smith, Sapphire Smith, Ruby Smith, Alexandrite Smith, Iolite Smith
Alias(es): Geode
Nickname(s): Smithy, Colorful, Rainbow, Gems, Alex (Alexandrite), Nerd (Iolite), Bookworm (Iolite)
Birthday: (I am currently working on a calendar system for this AU, so this will come later.)
Age When Introduced: 16
Pronouns: He/they (Geode), She/her (Sapphire), He/him (Ruby), He/him (Alexandrite), Fae/faer (Iolite)
Height: 4'0
Source/Game(s): Minish Cap, Four Swords, and Four Swords Adventures/Four Swords Manga
Sexuality: Aromantic and Asexual
Favorite Color(s): Geode’s favorite color is a purple so dark that it looks black unless light hits it. It’s a painful color, but also a warm one. A fond one. Just like the idiot brother of theirs that it reminds them of. Plus they have a fondness for their respective colors; blue, green, red, and violet.
Disliked Color(s): There’s not any one color that Geode doesn’t like.  The closest is probably blood red, but they can’t entirely dislike it because it’s too close to Ruby’s color.
Skills: When combined, Geode is a well-balanced fighter. They can shift between long-distance and up-close combat easily. They're also a really good smith, making anything from jewelry to armor to household items to weaponry. When separate things are a bit more specialized.
Sapphire is their best up close and personal fighter. She gets in and hits and she hits hard. And she's pretty good at taking hits too. Sapphire, like her siblings, has some elemental magic, but she has the smallest amount of magic out of the four of them. So she tends to avoid using her ice or water magic during combat unless it would really help. When it comes to smithing Sapphire is best at making armor. She knows how to shape armor to fit the wearer well. And her work stands up to hard hits.
In combat, Ruby is typically their mage. He has the second-highest amount of magic out of the four of them and has mastered using his fire magic in combat. He can use his magic without their fire rod, but the rod does help lessen how much magic he uses up when drawing on his fire, so he likes to use it when he can. Ruby has also mastered using his fire magic for other, out-of-combat things. One of his favorite things to do is to raise his body temperature slightly and invite his siblings to come and share the warmth. They've also discovered that this particular ability also has the added benefit of helping ward off the effects of dark magic. When it comes to smithing Ruby is best at making accessories, like jewelry. He loves making little, intricate pieces as well as more simplistic ones. Ruby has a couple of scars, but they aren't really prominent.
Alexandrite is their archer and has worked out how to use his wind magic to speed up his arrows, or even redirect their path. Because of this, Alex tends to be the farthest back from the immediate fight and between him and Ruby they do their best to keep a close eye on the fight as a whole, helping direct their siblings if needed. As a smith, Alex is best at making and fixing weapons. He's also decent at leatherwork. Somehow, Green has gotten away without any scars so far.
Iolite has the most magic out of the four of them, but fae rarely uses it in combat since faer magic isn't the best suited for fighting when you have allies nearby. Instead, fae is their striker, darting in and out of close combat and making quick, precise strikes. Outside of combat though, Iolite is their mage. Fae has taken plenty of time studying all sorts of magic and can access magic outside of faer elemental magic. Unfortunately, this does include magic that faer siblings wished fae wouldn't mess with. When it comes to smithing, Iolite is the best at making the more mundane household items. Fae rarely adds much flourish, but the items last through daily wear and tear.
Outfit/Design Notes: Geode's outfit took a good deal of time for them to settle on. In the end, they decided not to really include any of 'their' colors in it. Instead, they settled on a nice, warm, neutral grey tunic and brown pants. Their hair is a combination of the four of them, slowly changing as their four parts have. It currently sits a little below their shoulders in length with two braids in the front. Their hair curls a good deal (between 3A and 3B) and with that length, it can sometimes get in the way, so they often pull it back in some manner as well. Their eyes are constantly changing, swirling around in some combination of blue, red, green, and violet. Typically whoever is in more control at that moment is featured more prominently in their eyes. The belt they wear is one they made to help represent their little family. In the center, there is a black stone shaped like a moon, representing their lost sibling, Shadow. The other 4 stones are shaped to represent the elemental stones they used to help create the Four Sword. Water and Earth sit on one side and Fire and Wind sit on the other. When they need to use a shield it is always the mirror shield, since it was the one their original Zelda once gave them.
When they split they have different tastes in clothes, but a couple things remain the same, or at least similar. Their hair remains curly and black, their skin tone remains the same, and they have a similar belt. For each of them, though, the center stone is their elemental stone, and the stone for Shadow is somewhere else on the belt (typically next to Earth). They also all tend to stick to clothes of, or close to, 'their' color. Their eyes also match 'their' color.
Sapphire typically enjoys wearing dresses when she can, but when on the road she'll swap out her nicer clothes for a tunic and pants. Her favorite tunic has black edging. Her hair goes down to her shoulder blades and is kept neat in tight braids and sometimes pulled back out of the way. Sapphire tends to get hot easily, so she typically wears short sleeves, or even no sleeves at all. Sapphire has a number of scars scattered across her body from various fights, but most of them are on her torso.
Ruby tends to prefer wearing a shirt and pants with black boots. his hair goes down to his mid-back and is typically pulled back in a low ponytail to keep it out of his way (and helping show off his earrings of the day). Ruby also tends to get cold easily, so he is often wearing his long, red coat to help with that. When fighting he tends to be the one to carry the Mirror Sheild.
Alexandrite typically prefers to wear a long-sleeved shirt and black or grey pants. He also tends to have archery gloves and bracers on. His hair is the shortest out of all of them, barely brushing his ears. Since his method of fighting involves him needing to get farther away, and oftentimes up high, Alex commonly has one of their rocs capes, allowing him to get to difficult areas more easily.
Iolite usually wears a tunic with black pants, boots, and fingerless gloves. When loose, faer hair goes down to the base of faer neck, but it's most commonly kept up in a tight bun. Iolite's tendency to dart in and out of close combat means that fae often wears one of their rocs capes as well, giving faer a bit more speed. Iolite has a number of small scars, mostly on faer arms and sides, from some of their magic work.
Other: Back when they were first finishing their second adventure Geode tried to put the Four Sword back into the pedestal, expecting to go back to being one person, but instead they ended up sealed with the sword for hundreds, if not thousands, of years (they're not sure how much time passed actually. Records are too hard to figure out). They were woken back up when a princess from after Twilight's time woke them when looking for help. Split once more, they set about saving Hyrule for a third time while also adjusting to this new time as best as they could.
At the end of this adventure, they refused to risk trying to put the sword back again, but they did figure out how to merge back into one body. Unfortunately (or fortunately, if you were to ask them now) they remained four separate people even while sharing one body. It was a complete mess, but over time they figured it out. Then they set about figuring out how they could fit in this new time. Thankfully, the Zelda of this time was more than happy to help however she could. Currently, only Zelda knows that they aren't just one person.
They used to go by their colors, but after figuring out her gender Sapphire decided that the name 'Blue' didn't suit her and wanted to change it. The others were very supportive and, after a bit of discussion, decided to change theirs as well. Partly because they had originally settled on using colors for names back when they thought they'd go back to being one person, and partly because (as Ruby insisted) they should have names that went with each other.
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sinnerbl00d · 2 years
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[ alex hogh andersen, cis male, he/him, 1000+ ] we’ve known [ LOKI ] forever now, the deity of [ MISCHIEF ] has been in Novigrad for [ SEVEN YEARS ]. They’re known to be [ MANIPULATIVE ] and [ HUMOROUS ]. We find it fascinating that after all these years they [ SIDE AGAINST ] the humans and have been working as a [ MERCENARY ]. They often remind us of [ A Dagger between Ribs, A fox eating a Rabbit, The Smell of Old Books, and Rust ]. Our thread has already been woven on what their future is looking like, but we’re eager to see them experience it.
Public Name: Kit Thodin True Name: Loki
Mischief, Trickery, Chaos
Age: Forgotten to Time Physical Age: 27 Sexuality: Bisexual
Sex: Male Gender: Male Pronouns: He/Him
Positive Traits: Humorous, Excitable, Bold, Charming, Cunning. Negative Traits: Manipulative, Emotional, Fickle, Demanding, Cruel.
Things to Know About Loki:
For the past twenty or so years, Loki has been hiding himself among the humans. He became rather disillusioned with the gods and all their political nonsense. Instead he has descended to seek out new adventures. Those first years were spent traveling. He still does a great deal of that now. Going in and out of Novigrad as the wind blows. 
Too everyone he is known as Kit Thodin. A merciary that will work for just about any amount of money. Human or creature he will take it down for a good amount of coin.
Only the God known as Thor knows where Loki has been and what he’s been doing. Loki would like to keep it that way for now.
Humans tend to bore Loki just as much as the other gods do. He is also slightly jealous of them but thats for another time. He does like Mages and Witchers. He finds a sort of Kinship with mages and the magic that they wield. Witchers on the other hand, fascinate Loki. They have stories that do not bore him to tears. They truely can capture his attention and hold it for more than a fleeting moment.
Loki is known to be cruel at times. Setting up others to fail. However, it should be noted that Loki does get a thrill from being out done. He enjoys when someone he has underestimated comes up with a clever plan  that keeps him guessing. He doesn’t often get this joy but when it comes he loves it as much as watching people fail. 
Loki is indeed Bisexual. He has no preference for men over woman or vise verse. It is a right down the middle split for him. Though, at this point, it takes a very… interesting person to hold his attention long enough for any sort of romance to develop. He finds the whole thing rather tedious at this point. Even sex can be so very dull if done with the wrong person. 
A small part of him is jealous of humans ability to live a mortal life and die. He has lived so long that death feels like the only thing Loki hasn’t experienced. An ending gives the start of anything meaning, does it not? He feels lost. As if he as wondered every path. Turned over each stone. He longs for new adventure. New sights and sounds. The thrill of the unknown excites him more than anything else these days. 
In general, Loki is a little shit. 
Finally, Loki’s magics manifests in a few ways. Illusions and hallucinations are as easy as breathing for him. He also has minor telekinetic magic. His abilities to stealth and fight hand-to-hand have also been slightly boosted by his magical abilities. His weapon of choice is a pair of twin daggers, Skofnung and Angurvadal. They are fairly normal daggers. The only thing magical about them is when they are not in his hand they return to his belt.
Please ask any questions and understand that I am very open to plotting anything and everything with Loki!
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cedar-sunshine · 6 months
intro to my OCs just for background as I will be posting them
I have two WIPs, one solo and one with my best friend. The solo one is called Star for now and the one I'm collaborating on is currently nameless and I refer to it as 'the comic' which is incredibly specific and great for categorical tags (I'll probably just tag it with a sun emoji tbh).
Star takes place in a post apocalyptic world featuring two very queer very mentally struggling main characters who might kiss or might just cry a lot (follow me to find out!)
The comic takes place on a cool island summer camp with magic (if this reminds you of lumberjanes, that was the inspiration, I wanted to make a story about queer kids interacting with magic, sort of like escapism cause it's all positive and fun) and has a pretty diversely queer cast (I love them all deeply)
My OCs for star
Tristan- transmasc (he/him most likely), unlabeled queer in terms of romanticism, and probably asexual idk. Autistic coded imo. Really likes plants, pretty depressed. Strong believer that everything is bad and nothing good will ever happen and the world is over
Orion/Ori (or-ee)- transmasc, pretty chill about pronouns but generally prefers he and maybe they, as long as it isn't she he doesn't care. Achillean. In denial about everything and very optimistic. Pretty high energy and outgoing
My OCs for the comic (I swear we'll name it sometime) not exhaustive but this should be the ones I reference the most
Atlas- he/they, transmasc aroace, AuDHD, his main special interest is magic and magical beings and stuff like that. Knowledgeable and passionate about this to the point where he will correct adults who study magic if they're wrong. Also very into plants and plant identification and just nature stuff in general. Dude could write a handbook.
Alexander/Alex- he/him, brother figure for atlas. He's got a big sword and might be the reincarnation of king Arthur (he found the sword in a cool lake). Has no inclination to be the king of britain or whatever. Bi? Gay? Who knows. His love interest is a man
Lee - he/it/whatever honestly he doesn't care, devil (got some rad horns and shit, he can't fly) who likes to play at being a villain, pretty harmless and honestly just likes to fuck with people. Would wear a dress. Has worn a dress. Will wear a dress. Queer (he says that he's 'gay for every gender'). Gives his boyfriend (above) regular heart attacks (its. For his health. You know)
Athena - she/her probably, transfem and of questionable romantic orientation. Descended from a god, probably a minor god of summer or spring or something. She can set stuff on fire and glow and whatever. She's figuring it out. She also rarely puts on shoes
Angel - he/him but doesn't mind neutral pronouns, probably wont realize that neo or xenopronouns are referring to him though. He's the group counselor and generally just sort of tags along and watches to make sure they don't die. Has a lot of faith in them and encourages them to do stupid shit he thinks is funny. He does keep them safe but like. He lets them have fun. Polyam, bi with a very strong preference for men. Has rad wings (his name is incredibly on the nose)
Vince (he/him) and odyssey/essie/s(any but prefers masc words referring to them): angels boyfriends who don't actually show up much but I feel very strongly about them and I think they're all very cute together. Vince is the golden retriever, essie is the black cat, angel is the orange cat.
anyways if anyone actually read all that, that's rad!! I hope you like them. I will probably be posting a ton about them soon if you're interested!
Have a great day!
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pashterlengkap · 10 months
Don’t lose who you are: How to face the holidays with an unaffirming family
The holidays can be traumatic for LGBTQ+ folks, with many having to choose between going home to a family that won’t accept them or spending the holidays alone. While some choose not to celebrate with family, others aren’t even welcome to go home. No matter your situation, know that you are not alone and that there are people out there who love and accept you exactly the way you are. Related: Trans people aren’t responsible for teaching you how to love them It is a truth universally acknowledged that an uninformed cisgender person will unabashedly ask a transgender person what their crotch looks like. This year, the staff at Destination Tomorrow, the LGBTQ+ Center of the Bronx, came together to offer advice on how queer folks can get through the holidays. They all shared their own tips, but one common thread wove through their answers: Never compromise who you are to please others. Get the Daily Brief The news you care about, reported on by the people who care about you: Subscribe to our Newsletter Remember the joy: Sean Ebony Coleman, Founder/Executive Director How do you hold the community close during the holiday season? During the holiday season, we work to make sure our clients and community feel a sense of connection. From decorating the offices to hosting dinners and giving away gifts to making ourselves available to those who are experiencing loneliness, our goal is to provide space for community in whatever way we can.  What advice do you have for queer and trans folks who may be going home to difficult conversations this holiday? Remember that this is just one day of the year, and the opinions of family should not alter how you feel about yourself. Remember you are loved for who you are within your chosen families and remember that joy. Try not to engage in discussions that will trigger you and remember you can choose to disengage in conversations that make you uncomfortable.  What events and resources does DT have during this time? Destination Tomorrow will be hosting a clothing, turkey and toy giveaway. We will also be hosting a holiday dinner – more details to come. For updates on upcoming events, check out our Twitter @Dest2morrow. Free Yourself: Alex Santiago, Chief Operating Officer How do you hold the community close during the holiday season? Before I started working at DT, I would host a ‘TransGiving Meal’ for the community members who didn’t have a family to go to. I did this because I didn’t feel comfortable with my own family. I was constantly called by my dead name, people used the wrong pronouns, and I was often outed. In the South, being gay and/or trans often leads to being considered an outcast. I wanted to change the narrative and surround myself with people who shared similar circumstances. Joining Destination Tomorrow significantly amplified my ability to provide services to those who were ostracized by those they considered family. What advice do you have for queer and trans folks who may be going home to difficult conversations this holiday? Don’t lose who you are to feel wanted by other people. I did that for years and although it may have made them comfortable, I was miserable. Do what makes you feel comfortable; do what gives you peace. I truly think that when you free yourself, you give others permission to do the same.  Breathe: Sage Rivera, Chief Strategy Officer How do you hold the community close during the holiday season? I remind myself of the reason for the season: The only way I can receive what I really need is to give. I also attend LGBTQ+ holiday gatherings to laugh and dance with our community. I frequently write in my journal or post a status about what I am grateful for, and I invite others to do the same. What advice do you have for queer and trans folks who may be going home to difficult conversations this holiday? Breathe. Your life is the greatest gift in this world for as long as you have it. By… http://dlvr.it/SzKYDr
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vexic929 · 7 months
For Berrie, Beth, and Mihael (need to learn more about him :D) please?
2, 3, 7, 9, 10, 14, 17, and 23
TW: some of the answers for Mihael involve mentions of ED and self-loathing
2. What’s something about your OC that people wouldn’t expect just from looking at them?
Berrie: that they're genderfluid, he usually wears more feminine fashions not necessarily because she wants to but because their school uniform and most of the clothing Eobard bought him are very femme
Beth: answered here :)
Mihael: that he's struggled with an ED for over half his life
3. What is your OC’s fatal flaw? Are they aware of this flaw?
Berrie: they're reckless and quick to anger, Eobard often reminds her to be more rational (pot calling the kettle, Mr. Clone-Your-Archnemesis-To-Have-A-Child-With-Him)
Beth: answered here :)
Mihael: he's horrifically self-destructive and he knows that, it scares Alex to no end, but he can't seem to think himself worthy of anything else
7. What’s one way your OC has changed since you first came up with them?
Berrie: Berrie's way younger, he was originally an adult and only used she/her pronouns!
Beth: answered here :)
Mihael: he hasn't really changed much I don't think lol
9. Do you have a specific lyric or quote which you associate with your OC?
Berrie: "I'm not lonely, baby, I am free" Cinnamon by Hayley Williams
Beth: "신경 써주는 건 고맙지만 갑질하는 손 저리 치우라 해 뭐가 됐건 내가 결정해 그저 날 믿고" "Thanks for caring but please get your bossy hands away from me, whatever happens, I'll decide, just trust me" Run & Run by HyunA
Mihael: "I hate me for breathing without you" Like You by Evanescence
10. What’s an AU that would be interesting to explore with your OC?
Berrie: maybe an AU where she's more like my original Berrie, just as unhinged and evil as his father lol
Beth: oh so many; Beth as Barry's twin AU, Beth as The Flash AU, AU where Beth gets different powers entirely, so many options!
Mihael: an AU where Alex doesn't die and they get to live happily (though not without drama since he'd still have to learn Alex was an agent at some point)
14. How does your OC want to be seen by other characters?
Berrie: any way but boring
Beth: kind
Mihael: competent
17. What is the worst thing you have put your OC through story-wise?
Berrie: she hasn't technically gone through the worst thing yet so, murdering their teacher lol
Beth: she also hasn't gone through the worst thing yet but thus far nearly losing her brother, job, and friends in the same night
Mihael: Alex's death </3333 it absolutely destroyed him
23. What emotion is the hardest for your OC to process? How about express?
Berrie: does empathy count? he has a big heart and is so compassionate but he struggles to empathize with other peoples' emotions at all
Beth: answered here :)
Mihael: joy, he's struggled severely with depression and anxiety, he finds it really hard to feel happiness without a sense of dread looming in the background and the only person who ever made him laugh easily was Alex
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noisyalmonddreamer · 2 years
Coming out as trans
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Request? Yes!
Characters: Percy ~ Jason ~ Leo ~ Nico ~ Frank ~ Will ~ Magnus ~ Hearth ~ Alex
"I'm trans..."
- He blinks for a few seconds
- Like you can seeeeee the gears turning in his head
- "Oh okay"
- Pretty much goes back to what he was doing - Jk but he doesn't make the biggest deal of it
- At the time
- Ones you come out to his parents
- The next time you come over
- Expect a cake
- "Congrats on coming out!"
- With your name and pronouns on it
- He's just very proud of you
- And great full for you telling him
- If you ever feel dysphoric he's there to help
- Legit anyway he can
- You also mention ones needing a binder - And he goes "I have binders at my house. Do you want some? Would they make you feel better?"
- You explain to him that it's a different type of binder
- He then proceeds to look down at his OWN chest and press his hands against his pecs
- Trying to imagine how a binder would work
- But he always has a hoodie for you
- Like everywhere
- Normally smells like him cause he was wearing it
- He at first didn't set reminders for your binder
- Mostly cause he didn't know
- But he somehow always finds a place for you to change your binder
- bby boy wasn't fully exposed to this type of thing
- Growing up with wolves do that to you ig
- So just have like a sit down talk and explain
- Eventually gets it
- He's a smart cookie
- Probably doesn't think about a pronoun and name change so you'll have to tell him
- He does the best he can to be supportive!
- He doesn't slip much, the max is like a few days he does ones in a while but after like 5 days or doesn't happen anymore
- Feels very bad after
- Again you'll have to explain dysphoria
- Even after you explain he doesn't understand so he doesn't separate research
- This caused him to do research about binding - Safest ways to bind, best binders, things like that
- Including binding tape!
- So you can train and still bind!
- Buys it for you
- And a normal binder
- Just to be safe yk?
- He sets alarms on his phone for your binding limit
- Has alarms reminding you to drink water
- If it's to hot...
- I'm sorry to say he probably will be like "please don't bind. It's not safe today"
- But will get you large shirts
- He may be a bit confused but he's trying! _____________
- Leo is scatter brained
- "Umm what?"
- legit just didn't process what you said
- Don't take his second question as him not accepting you!
- I see him as know a lot about this topic
- Probably more than any one else in the HOO gang
- Foster care kid who was tossed around a lot
- He was probably exposed to lgbtq+ stuff from an early age
- He hugs you
- Tons of kisses all over your face
- Immediately asks your name and pronouns
- When you tell him he even makes you a custom name and pronouns pin!
- He also makes himself one
- And the rest of the seven
- And like legit all his friends
- So it's more normalized yk?
- He wants to make you as comfortable as possible
- He gets out of training all the time! So if you don't feel like training cause you're feeling too dysphoric...
- You go to bunker 9!
- He's also probably pretty aware of binders already
- Doesnt to exact logistics
- But he knows there's a time limit to wear them!
- So he builds you a mini alarm clock thing
- You can put it on your pocket and it goes off 20 minutes before you're at your binding limit (no one tell him about watches)
- He's also really good at comfort
- He's such a good boyfi _____________
- honestly I don't think he fully knew what being trans was
- You probably need to explain it to him ones or twice so he can fully understand it
- He'll have lots of questions and will only ask if you're comfortable
- He isn't sure if he should ask you if you changed your names and pronouns so you probably have to tell him naturally
- He is fully supportive tho
- He asks you some questions and doesn't push you to answer them at all
- Now for binding-
- When you first start wearing them around him he's a bit confused
- "Ummm...is something different?"
- There is something different
- But he can't put his finger on it
- Please tell him
- When you tell him he's all like
- "Oh yeah! What's that?"
- So again you answer his questions
- And when he finds out about safely binding he goes HARD
- Keeps an alarm that's 7.5 hours. (Leaving enough time to find/go to a place to take off the binder) - Carries water
- If he sees you're over-binding he's gonna try to tell you to stop in a nice way
- V supportive bf _____________
- he knows a little bit about lgbtq+ stuff
- Like he knows enough
- Not a whole lot
- Just cause he wasn't super duper exposed you know?
- But ones you come out-
- you know how Percy made you a cake
- He also made you a cake...and threw you a gender reveal party-
- "What if I threw you a gender reveal part? Jk...unless-"
- He would correct anyone that used the wrong pronouns or name for you
- Probably more then you do
- Doesnt take much time for him to adjust
- He would also go shopping with you to buy more gender affirming clothes
- He would also by you binders
- And do a shit ton of research about them
- He's also a pretty big dude so you're like
- "I'm feeling disphoric :("
- Boom. Hoodie
- Right over your head
- If you need comfort
- Boom. He is now your favorite animal
- Go to some private spot and play
- Or a fluffy animal and take a nap
- He is also there 10000% of the time If you need reassurance
- If you guys are just hanging out he'll carry around water
- And your favorite snacks
- In his own words "snacks make people happier"
- He also carries around a towel in the summer
- Cause of sweaty binding
- Ew _____________
- so supportive - Immediately asks if you're changing your name, your pronouns all that jazz.
- Even offers to take you to get your hair cut if you want a more gender affirming haircut (If you don't have one yet)
- I Lowkey think he'd be really good at cutting hair so he might even offer to cut it
- he will also keep tabs on your binder timing
- Like how long you've been wearing it, what you're doing that day (training)
- If you're feeling dysphoric and can't take it off (cause of training) he will write you a doctors note so you can stay with him
- If you're okay with him touching you he will and he'll tell you how handsome he thinks you are
- If you're okay with him kissing your like chest area he'll leave little kisses on your chest and tell you how valid you are no matter what
- He'll also keep a large hoodie with him so he can give it to you when you need it
- If it's your or his is your choice
- He also keeps sports bras with him for you
- And water
- If you're wondering where he keeps all this stuff
- He carries around a tote bag
- He has a little pronoun pin! (He/they Will lives in my brain rent free)
- Anyway
- Depending on what you like he'll call you a gender affirming nick name
- "My pretty boy"
- Stuff like that y'know
- Sweet boyfriend. Love him so much Imma cry now _____________
Magnus:  (after meeting Alex)
- his reaction is pretty calm
- Overall it's "oh okay :)"
- Asks your name and pronouns
- He already understand what being trans is
- I don't think he would know about dysphoria is though
- After explaining it he's like ":0 noooooo"
- he doesn't want you feeling uncomfortable in your own body!
- he tries his best to comfort you anyway he can
- But comfort isn't his...thing
- So he tries to make you laugh!
- He'll even...listen to Jack sing if it means getting your mind off it
- He loves you a lot
- He also didn't know what binding was
- I mean his main influence into the world of transgender was Alex
- And Alex doesn't need to bind
- So when you mention binding hes like "??????"
- Since he's you know...dead he doesn't really have money to BUY a binder
- So starts doing odd jobs for Blitzen when he can
- He thinks he's being sneaky but when he looks for binders he asks you your size
- Pretend to be surprised okay? He's trying his best!
- But overall he's a bit clueless
- But he goes to Alex and asks what he can do to make you more comfortable
- He does care a lot about your binding but he's also like "we're dead so-"
- Don't be like Magnus follow your binding limit _____________
Hearthstone: (this is after meeting Alex)
- hearth just looks at you for a sec
- Then kinda just goes
- Oh alright, sweetheart
- He also asks your new name and pronouns
- If you don't wanna tell anyone else yet he'll ask if you want him to use your ok'd name and pronouns around the others and he will
- But while you're alone he does tell you he sees you as who you are
- He also tries hard with Blitz to make you clothes that'll make you feel more comfortable
- He's not...great
- But hopefully you're only looking for baggy clothes cause that's what he can make!
- If not...he'll just ask Blitz
- Even offers to work extra hours
- He also gives you his scarf
- It probably can't help with your dysphasia but he just thinks you look cute
- He gives you his jacket if you need it though
- For binding...he wouldn't use a timer - Obviously
- He would just try to memorize when you put on a binder
- If he can't he'll ask someone else
- Not cause he doesn't trust you...just in case
- Sometimes you see him staring at you and you're like "bruh what??"
- And he's just like
- You're so amazing
- Dies
- On the spot
- He looks so genuine-
- If he finds out someone is being rude to you
- Especially a friend-
- He'll be super cold to them
- Not much he can do really tho :(
- He is super good at reassurance
- Kisses
- Lots and lots of kisses _____________
Alex: (she/her for this)
- fully understands
- Y'all would probably share your experiences with finding your identity
- If you're having trouble with something she'll explain her own experience with the thing you're struggling with
- You legit need to explain nothing to her
- Of course If you want to you can
- Would ask if you're changing your name and pronouns and immediately while you're gone would start practicing to use them (I love her so much it hurts)
- Legit will beat anyone if they mock you or misgenders you on purpose (not me attack someone for misgendering my old friend)
- If you ever need to explain something you're feeling because you're unsure, Alex will be there to listen
- Though it doesn't matter as much since y'all are dead she would still suggest not wearing a binder during training
- Alex doesnt peg me as the type to just talk about feeling dysphoric
- Mostly cause she can shape shift
- I don't think she suffers form dysphoria just cause she can shape shift but doesn't
- But will talk when you need it
- If you skip training cause you can't not bind she'll skip with you
This lowkey flopped on wattpad so T-T
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