#just bc shes In The Way of a white mlm ship
lesbiradshaw · 2 years
anyways. feel free to be unhappy with the fact that liam has a new gf in the movie and definitely feel free to make criticisms about how the tw writers roped in a no name asian actress to be kira’s thinly veiled replacement since they refused to pay arden right and think all asians are #interchangeable despite profiting greatly off our cultures but just remember being racist towards an actress or character (who you havent even seen on screen yet) under the guise of being supposedly anti racist makes you a weird pathetic freak loser and it doesn’t count as helpful commentary. 💓
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angelthemanspanker · 7 months
10 and 24 for the violence ask game!! i want the drama!!!!!
also your askbox name is so funny like are we supposed to submit guys xander might've fucked or what cause if so can we go cross-ip or is it just buffyverse people
asfgjkl my thought process was basically if anyone is coming into my ask box to talk about literally any guy my stance is that xander probably fucked him at some point. the cross-ip thing has potential tho who did you have in mind bc I personally think Xander could have the stupidest babies with Scott Pilgrim
10. worst part of fanon
There is this. version. of Buffy Summers that I see in fics. Mainly tbf ones not about her, usually mlm stuff bc that's what I'd be reading but I feel like pops up a lot in general where she's like. This judgmental bitch who looks down on everyone and could do with being brought down a peg or two. With a big vibe being that the Scoobies are all a bit sick of her attitude but no one's willing to call her out until the writer has somebody turn to her like Buffy shame on you, how could you fail to consider that Spike is sorry now and he's so hurt by your rejection of his five minute redemption, Buffy why do you always have to be so stubborn, Buffy why do you always see things in black and white. And just. Who IS this girl. Its like people base Buffy’s entire personality on the I Am The Law speech out of context, that she is undeniably fighting for good but just wants to kill everyone who steps out of line and has no capacity for forgiveness, her friends can't and shouldn't go to her with their problems bc she'll immediately judge them, and she always needs a rational word from Giles or Willow or somebody to reel her in and see someone else's perspective. It makes me unwell. Negatively.
24. topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
literally any attempt to hold a character accountable for capital E Evil they commit, to explain why a ship is bad or why fans of that character are bad or whatever. Not saying people can't swear off a character who did something they can't stomach but more the idea that stuff like Angel eating Holtz's family or Anya's history of horrific punishments against guys she admits did Not all deserve it or yeah, even that a not-insignificant percentage of the cast have committed sexual assault should mean the characters should be written off. Obviously this comes up most in Spike vs Angel wars as a way to say which one is the worst when their body counts really truly do not matter on the character front. If Angel has killed like a thousand more people than Spike does that really mean fucking anything if Spike has still killed thousands of people. This is a 'verse where The Forces of Evil are very much like. A thing. Demons who kill people for no reason that we need to fight once a week exist. But hey what if one of them like Angel or Anya or Spike suddenly had to stop killing and get a job and try to maintain a friend group. That's what this shit is all ABOUT. Its FUN. And it vitally requires a cast full of people who have DONE HORRIBLE THINGS. We would have no story if they hadn't
Thanks for the ask 🤟
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maddy-ferguson · 1 year
the majority of the st fandom is sadly heavily homophobic and thats why i dont follow it anymore (this anon ask is just one of the exceptions lol), the queer people are always expected to accept the minimum and as a sapphic fan, i actually lean more toward sapphic ships in fiction! but the way they introduced vickie sucked she literally has no surname, barely had any interactions with robin and spent most of her screentime kissing her ex boyfriend.... the majority of the fandom doesnt give a shit about vickie because that's how much st failed at utilizing her character. there's a reason why many fans ship robin with nancy instead. because vickie's character is so underwhelming that ppl dont care abt her and dont engage in her content bc it's so lacking in canon. i would care for robin x vickie i really would but theyre not nicely written and queer ppl shouldnt be apologizing for not caring for them. also why should we just accept that we have 1 gay ship in the entire show where we had 245432345 characters over the course of the seasons. it's like saying 'be fine with getting the bare minimum' and it sucks that the fandom is like this but surely it aint surprising!
literally i second everything you said...like maybe if the importance of the ships were reversed like if it was the sapphic ship that was as major as byler in the story and the mlm ship that had three scenes like robin and vickie and it was still more popular i would understand people saying that the lesbian ship is being ignored and everything but oh my god. they have three scenes. we know all of three things about vickie. and like omggg are people not allowed to ship what they want to ship are people not allowed to want more than one queer couple i'm so annoyed. i don't even think everyone who's into the byler is the lesser queer ship you should focus on robin and vickie narrative is a homophobic mlvn who hates byler some of them just wish the canon lesbian rep was talked about more WHICH I GET but it's not our fault mike and will objectively have more story. that's just how the show is written. vickie has three scenes. three! what are people supposed to do with that. main queer couple built up from the beginning is a win it just is even if it's "just a cis white gay couple" (the white isn't even a valid criticism because almost all the characters are white. and also cis. but ykwim. and gay couple will always be more progressive than straight couple even though they have A WOMAN IN IT sdksjdk anyway.) and believe me i would've loved for it to be a lesbian couple but this is stranger things they have three women total!
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edalynn · 1 year
H/ls saying it’s good rep bc Willow is chubby rub me the wrong way. Yeah I do think it’s important to show fat girls as being deserving of romantic interest but like. Doesn’t that mean the same logic should apply to shipping Willow with Skara, Viney, Luz, Amity, etc? Because I never see anyone mention those ships when talking about chubby gals being shown as deserving romance, only h/l… wonder why? /s
Y e s. Like. They make it so obvious they're just using any type of representation they can to make their bland ass ship seem more "woke" or revolutionary when all it is. Is a bland ass fucking white bread ship that's based solely on the trope of "good girl makes bad boy simp for her". And I'd be willing to bet their argument for that would be "but the BOY thinks shes cute, still!" as if straight relationships are to be held on a different level as wlw or mlm relationships. It's just so transparent
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lighthousegod · 1 year
Hello and welcome to my rant from my time on Stranger Things Steddie and Friends Twitter for the past few months.
K I'm really pissed but its fine I wrote this all before the poll thing. Now I just. Can't get rid of it. (Me at tumblr headquarters right fucking now)
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Anyway. Sorry for the interruption.
The fact that I've seen several ST fans claim most people who like steddie are fetishizing them is already shitty, but what makes it even more shitty is that they focus on them being two white cis guys fetishized by "white girls".
To reference the two white cis guys first, yeah, you got me there. That really is all those two are in the show. And if you wanna talk representation, well shit! Let's do it! Out of the main cast, we have 3 people of color: Lucas, Erica, and Argyle. Lucas is much too young to be in a relationship with either of them and already has one of his own, and Erica is ten years old. Now, I love Argyle, but he was written to be a comic relief character that had no arc and never met either of them. I think that's a wasted opportunity, Eduardo is great and would've done well as a fully fleshed out character, and there is a conversation to be had about whether that character would've been received the same way Eddie was being a white guy. But the thing is, he was never even CAST as a character who could be compared with Eddie- again, his whole character was "funny stoner." THAT is fucked, and people have definitely decided to ignore that fanon. In fact, Jargyle has become a pretty well known ship! Weirdly enough, the content I've seen of them has majorly been from people who also ship steddie! It isn't as popular as Steddie, though, and I don't think that's ONLY bc of half of the ship has less lore than eddie. There definitely is at least some internal bias us white queer folks should take into account when considering what ships we focus on in media.
However, I don't think that's why it's being brought up. I don't think I read tweets from lesbians with she/her in their bios condemning all us steddie ppl who just ship it because "they're two white guys we can fetishize for being in an mlm relationship" bc they're trying to be good allies. That COMPLETELY disregards that transmasc and nonbinary people (ESPECIALLY transmasc people of color) make a BIG chunk of the steddie fandom. Crazy, it's almost like Eddie was written to represent an outcast and literally GOT TARGETED BY CHRISTIANS and a bunch of people in marginalized communities related to his struggles! Except oh, yeah, that'd exactly what happened. And yeah, okay, he's a white guy and it IS pretty shitty that they cast a white dude to represent outcasts in general, but the people talking shit are watching the SAME DAMN SHOW that has a huge fucking cast and still has minimal representation. Fuck, man, Caleb McLaughlin has faced SO MUCH hate from assholes "fans" as the only black main character. Why the hell are people using that very real issue to back their shitty arguments against a gay ship on twitter?
Again, I wanna preface that 90% of these kinds of comments come from lesbians and bisexual people with she/her or she/they in the bio. I thought yall were COOL with the gay and trans people. Yall ARE queer people. Some of them were even big Ronance or Rovickie fans! YALL. WHY IS FRIENDLY FIRE ON??
A lot of this argument is backed by claims that steddie fans ignore canon queer rep, too, and I just don't understand that.
I know. Robin is representation. I am SO HAPPY to have her, and I'm so happy that Maya pushed for it, and as a transmasc person who was not out at the time and likes girls, I felt very seen when watching her coming out scene with Steve. However, I know I don't fully understand the lesbian experience as someone who likes guys too. I know Robin means a lot to wlw fans, especially lesbians. There have been instances where steddies have co-opted that scene to make it about steddie, and that is not okay. (I've never SEEN this happen, but I've seen people talk about it. All the steddie guys on Twitter that I follow were making it pretty clear that that was not cool and pretty fuckin lesbiphobic. I agree, whoever did that, fuck them. Wlw and specifically lesbian wlw relationships have very little rep and Netflix canceled all their shows and it's super fucked.) But besides this, I actually see a LOT of steddie fans who very much love Robin's character. Most of the steddie artists and fic writers I know are also ronance, rovickie, and/or Buckingham creators. A lot of them are wlw themselves!
//I should also note that Will is canonically gay now and I'm super excited, but truly, I just don't see as much appeal in byler because they're so much younger than me now. I totally love Will as a character, and I was around the kids' ages when the first season came out, but I'm in college now. I relate a lot more to the older kids! I'm real happy to have will as mlm rep and I hope he gets his moment in s5. I just didn't latch onto him and Mike the way I did Steve and Eddie! We all got preferences and that's fine.//
All this to say, I'm just so tired of Twitter, man. I just saw a post about how many cis women who claiming its "ableism" to say they have to be around anyone who identifies as masculine, including queer men, queer mascs, cis men of color, butch lesbians, etc. And I've seen a lot of that lately too. It's just so weird to see someone who identifies as a queer woman talk shit abt a steddie fan with a hellcheer shipper.
(man I can't even get into that rn. Chrissy and Eddie shippers in ST fandom are a whole other bout of drama. I've seen steddies be pretty nasty on the issue toward bi women who ship that bc of age difference, which I never really understood because eddie has no confirmed age?? Like idk how he can be a super senior AND 17 on his missing poster but whatever, I'm not stressing abt that as long as you dont make them have a weird age gap on purpose. Hell, I even thought they were love interests at first, too. But DAMN I've seen some hellcheer people that hate steddie. None of this justification type shit either, they just say "it doesn't make sense" and "I'm scared of steddie" and "they ruined the fandom and eddies character" like bro that's literally homophobia. like oogily boogily gay people jumpscare homophobia. So I just don't talk to those guys usually.)
Whatever abt the straight ppl tho they're never gonna get my weird gay stuff. But what SUCKS is when it's other gay people saying this stuff. Like what about mlm wlw solidarity man? Why do I gotta see a rovickie stan and a hellcheer girl talking abt how steddie shippers are all misogynistic and hate women?? Esp when so many are transmasc?? It's getting weird and TERF-y and I just. I wish we were cool again. ST is abt outcasts at the end of the day, it's why we root for them and relate to them. There aren't even a lot of queer people from the 80s around because of the kinda hatred people like us face. Not to mention racism, ableism, misogyny, all of it. For centuries. The people up top all hate us. We gotta have each other's backs and twitter is making us INSANE instead. God.
Anyway I'm gonna go watch the mandalorian now later losers.
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fadeintoyou1993 · 2 years
your post abt ronance.. exactly. and that also coming from people who don't really give / gave a fuck about nancy as a character but they want me to believe that all of a sudden they care about her having friends outside her bf/ex bf... like i see that bullshit.. platonic female relationships my ass AND especially when that opinion comes from the mlm shippers when i know they would die if i said their ship it’s only platonic
i just automatically wanna kill myswlf everytime someone who isnt a nancy stan opens their mouth to talk about anything shes involved in its very real like ppl who havent spared her a thought unless its to say how much steve / jonathan 1) have suffered dating her and finally found a boy who gets them bc nancy is so mean nancy is so this and that and she doesnt respect or love them even though they fucked up w her multiple times but (white) male characters in stranger things MUST be coddled at all times and their female counterparts are ALWAYS the problem 2) will be so miserable if nancy doesn't choose them like their happiness is in any way shape or form her responsibility or if being with her is a prize for good male behavior will open their mouths to say what they think about nancy and ill say oh brother. this guy sucks.mp4
anyways literally i want to hit people is my point
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jaegerisim · 1 year
Imma rant but Mlvn is not romantic it is the most platonic thing in this entire universe. Their whole dynamic screams "wlw and mlm solidarity" like stobin. They are literally stobin. And coincidentally mlvns like to ship romantic stobin too!! erasure much?? like girl they are so Platonic with a capital P. The times they are happier and more comfortable with each other is when they're friends. Mlvns saying " b- but- but i-in the pizza scene before Argyle came they held hands and said they missed each other!! 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺" yeah, no. If I had been trapped in a lab for a whole ass week with the guy who abused me both physically and mentally during my whole childhood. I'd also be glad to be with my friends and family and obviously I'd tell them I missed them. Like she also expresses she missed Will does that make them romantic?? I better hope not. Also they NEVER kissed she was just smiling at him and being nice. Can't a girl not be friends with a guy anymore??? like promote healthy platonic relationships. Plus there is plenty of evidence on how eleven's arc is going to focus in HER alone not in her AND mike. While will's arc is clearly gonna be focused in his romance with mike and would make zero narrative sense to do these arcs just for the romantic one to end with mike rejecting will and fucking el. bc apparently many mlvns want el pregnant or at least mlvn sex scene, which is honestly gross bc they're 20 yos and the only sex scene has been jancy and stancy. Speaking of which many want Nancy married. lol. Are we even watching the same ST???? I don't think so... Furthermore ST ending with mlvn would mean will dying which the duffers know would anger a lot of fans. In addition to this, Millie stated, in an interview to which I can't find the link but it's true, that she wanted El to be killed off in the final season along with other characters. Afterwards due to fans pressuring her and sending hate she said and i quote " might also say as a joke i want her married and working at target but maybe that's not a joke?" this also created hate bc that is such a lame ending for a great character like her. Like I would rather see her dead than turned into the typical pawn of white cishet entertainment. Honestly. That would suck ass. Not only bc that would mean mlvn ending but bc that message is clearly "women no matter how extraordinary or powerful may they be need to get married to a wealthy man and once they do, they should just worry abt him and being a good wife to him no matter how unhappy your marriage maybe. Also if you want get a lame job at target or some shit." This would also go against the point of ST and love. We were presented in the first season with the Wheelers unhappy and unfaithful marriage which made Nancy angry and Mike unhappy. In general throwing to waste a whole family. This couple has constantly been criticized by all, cast and crew included. So why, may i ask, WHY would they do the same with their FL and heroine??? that would just throw her whole character and development arc to the garbage can. It will be absolut bullshit. and i will get mad. for misogynic behaviour and queerbaiting. bc you cant tell that what they've been doing since the infamous milkdud kiss in front of the open closet. They've been setting up romantic scenes just for rejection?? hell nah. ain't no way!!
Anyways thanx for coming to my TED Talk!! <3
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they was having a Nolan marathon at the cinemas today N I cant believe he got me crying about the gays again plz they fit every me trope blonde x dark hair he fell first and he fell harder, them only been willing to risk their lives for each other or the world! fcvk u tenet Nolan
Nolan really has me crying about mf Neil and his protagonist boyfriend again in the mf year of 2023 when movie came out 2 years ago now in time it didn’t deserve to come out bc it didnt get the respect it deserved thanks to this stupid pandemic ruined it for us and me N my chance
If ever getting tenet 2 imagine Nolan waited and released tenet now the love and hype it would’ve gotten the same love and hype Oppenheimer is getting bc people can actually go to the cinemas now unlike during when tenet was released in era of a world pandemic which ruined it for
them and the blockbuster the cult following it will get some day soon but should’ve gotten from the first day it was released as it’s the greatest Nolan movie the script is insane deserved Oscar nominations for everything effects acting script the whole lot I’m so mad now being
reminded of what tenet could’ve gotten but didn’t get thanks to the pandemic and racism and stupid people not getting movies! I’m so 😡 it deserves so much better then what it got so much better so did all the actors they were amazing the movie was brilliant phenomenal incredible
like Neil like to say what’s happened has happened anyways tenet 2 Neil who’s also a protagonist and that’s what I think tenet 2 is about! Plz I need tenet 2 about how Neil feel in love with the protagonist which he wasnt supposed to mission wise yet he did from the start the joy
the mf love in his face when he saw the protagonist for the first time him remembering what he likes doesn’t plz he was always jealous about kat! asking if the protagonist was gonna go see her or watch over her from afar, plz they was crying for god sake him giving his piece of
most dangerous weapon to him just so he could go back to keep saving the protagonist because to him that’s more important! Fock you Nolan I’m not gonna watch Oppenheimer out of spite for making me feel this way again and again now I’m 2023 and until I get tenet 2 with Neil being
protagonist which people will love and call it his best work his best movie but as long as we get Neil and protagonist I don’t care as long it’s Pattison and John David! Please god I’m begging I need it now hope I get in 2-3 years which is Nolan script an filming new movie window
I did not just see people shipping Neil and Ives it’s always yt girls doing the most they didn’t even interact except at the last scene or the one scene when he called them please be for real like we get y’all obsessed and always pushing two white males together but stop especially here when Neil only knows and cares about the protagonist also I didn’t see protagonist x Neil not top most romantic real canon Nolan ship even tho it was the most real canon ship but ofc the one that top is a yt mlm ship and ofc article was written by a yt woman who said the movie tenet was Nolan most disappointing cold films yeah she’s insane she’s never watched a movie in her life let alone Nolan movie ever because then she would know this is Nolan greatest or top2-3 greatest movies he’s ever made and she clearly sounds like a yet woman who can’t understand epic good storytelling and plots sad really like please she can’t be for real ofc she said they cuz the lead wasn’t a yt man she finds attractive but a black man like who’s surprised shocked not me same old bullshitt always happening thanks to yt woman who are obsessed with yt mlm ship to a fetishising degree and only care about movies series anything especially ships if it includes 2 yt men
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falllpoutboy · 6 years
if u hate sharon carter u automatically owe me $100
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booksandpaperss · 2 years
Some smokin’ hot Stranger Things takes that some of y’all are not ready for:
- As of season 4, Will loves and understands El in a way Mike has simply never been able to
- as far as platonic ships go willel solos elmike easily
- Whether or not Mileven breaks up (they’re gonna lmao) isn’t even about the ship itself anymore; it’s about the duffers redeeming themselves after using Will’s sexuality to push forward a het ship, bc if Mike and El didn’t break up then that’s exactly what the duffers did and it would honestly be disgusting
- Stop with this “Will deserves/could do better than Mike” bs; Mike and Will *deserve each other* bc they’ve loved each other practically their whole lives and they deserve to be happy together, nothing more to it
-Vobin would be more popular than steddie if it was mlm and ESPECIALLY if it was a ship with *Steve* and a random side dude inserted just to be his love interest
-Nancy doesn’t deserve any of the hate that she gets and if she was a male character a lot of the traits she gets hated on for would be reasons she was a fan favorite 🙄
-The wheeler siblings have gone through just as much horrible shit as the rest of the cast and their trauma is majorly overlooked
-A lot of character traits that ppl hate on Mike for are actually just signs that he has adhd or autism 🤨🤨
-El may not be as coded as Mike or or Will but she *is* queer coded and the lesbian El headcanon makes a lot of sense
- Mike and El have a unique bond and they care abt each other a lot, but Mike and Will’s bond is still a lot stronger, plus Will sees and loves Mike for who he actually is and Mike never feels insecure about being himself around Will (unlike with El) which is why byler in any form > elmike
-I love Steve but he is wayyy overrated and he wouldn’t be nearly as popular if he wasn’t a conventionally attractive white man
-Ronance, jancy, and steddie solo stancy but Steve + Robin + Nancy as the ultimate platonic trio solos all four
-Eddie is a good character but he’s overrated as hell and any member of the party solos him easily
-Max is definitely sapphic but headcanoning her as lesbian is biphobic at this point bc her love for Lucas is clearly very genuine and can’t be called comphet
-Byler, Vobin, Ronance, and elmax are all better queer ships than steddie
-The only reason elmax isn’t getting hated on by cishet lumax shippers is bc it’s not a threat to lumax being canon like byler is to mileven
-Lumax, Byler, and Elmax easily solo every other ship on the show 😌
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bludwurld · 3 years
“Rise Above The Ashes”
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⛧ Warnings: (18+) MLM smut, bareback (unprotected sex), dirty talk, dom/sub tones, mentions death ⛧
⛧ Pairings: Klaus Mikaelson x Male!Reader ⛧
⛧ Series: The Originals ⛧
⛧ Summary: What happens when a lover of Klaus’s comes back from the dead? ⛧
⛧ Masterlist ⛧
⛧ If you want to be added to a taglist, make sure I can tag you in posts, and signup here! ⛧
⛧ Word Count: 3.8k words ⛧
⛧ Requested: No ⛧
⛧ A/N: okay so this is my first mlm smut i've ever written, i've written smut in the past on separate accounts but those accounts are gone and dead af. but I'm theo! i'm open for requests and hopefully my content will be something you're interested in bc I've noticed the lack of lgbtq+ content in general for fandoms and I wanted to get back in the writing scene! if you have any requests, i do have a list of fandoms i'm willing to write for but i'll only do mlm or a gn reader/trans masc readers and/or mlm ships! i hope to see you in my asks/requests! :D ⛧
⛧ ⸸ ☽ ⛧ ⸸ ☽ ⛧ ⸸ ☽ ⛧ ⸸ ☽
You gasp awake, shooting up from the very cold concrete flooring, your vision foggy as well as the very groggy feeling throughout your body. You hold your head tiredly, your body still a bit weak from the sudden ‘wake’. Your thoughts swarmed your head, but it was an odd feeling like you just woke up from being completely unconscious for what felt like… years?
That’s when it suddenly hit you, the awful memory of losing feeling throughout your body while in the arms of your lover, Klaus Mikaelson. The look of pain and fear in those gorgeous blue-green hazel eyes, his bloodshot eyes releasing a wave of tears. A painful expression sinking into his face as he begged you to fight to stay alive. Stay alive...
That’s right, you died. You died in your lover’s arms after challenging Mikael himself to let you and Klaus live in peace. Klaus, of course, had told you that was a foolish deal to even try to make with his father but you loved Klaus and you wanted to be with him for an eternity. So you had challenged the Mikaelsons’ greatest foe, even in the end you didn’t regret it.
You blink a few several times, trying to regain your vision as you feel a soft cloth against your very nude body. You take a deep breath, “Klaus..”
You look around frantically for your lover, hearing a feminine voice. “No, I’m not your lover for you unfortunately.” The voice echoes throughout the pretty open room, it was a strange room though. Where were you?
“Wh-Who are y-you..?” You say shakily, gripping at the soft cloth. You look up to see a dark silhouette as it slowly comes into focus.
As your vision became more clear, you saw a feminine person crouching in front of you, they were definitely much older than you with a brown skin-tone. “I’m Esther..” The woman smiles softly at you, holding her hand over your cold cheek.
Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion; this was Klaus’s mother? That made no sense seeing as Klaus and his other siblings were very much white. “B-But that-”
“Oh c’mon mother, that would be more believable if you didn’t decide to put your consciousness in a black woman’s body.” A slightly deeper voice was suddenly heard from across this cold room.
That sarcasm was very familiar, Kol, but it didn’t sound like Kol. You turn your head sharply to see a white male leaning up a gray stone wall. The body definitely wasn’t Kol’s but the consciousness was. You glanced between the two, feeling overwhelmed and embarrassed as you were sitting here, alive yet nude in front of Klaus’s relatives.
You look around and eyed the stone walls with numerous lit candles scattered around the strange room. “W-What’s going on? Where am I?” You ask- no, demand.
The woman who called herself Esther sighs and stands up, grabbing a bowl. “I resurrected you, you are alive because I need you to help me convince my son to change his ways and become human.” She explains pretty vaguely, Kol walking over to you as he swipes his hand and the white circle around you breaks.
You look up at Kol, still very confused and pretty groggy but at least you could see more clearly. Kol reaches for you and you jerk away, scared. Kol scoffs. “I’m not gonna hurt you, Darling. If Klaus is gonna say yes he’ll say yes more to you being unharmed.” Kol raises his eyebrows.
Kol was right, but you yourself didn’t know if you agreed completely with their methods. “And what makes you think I’ll agree to this?” You ask, pulling the cloth more around your body, Kol helping you stand up but you could still just barely move around.
Esther chuckles softly, pricking her finger and you feel a sharp yet quick pain in the same finger. You look down and sigh, of course there was some kind of catch. Kol snickers. “Mother is a sneaky witch at that, just in case you got any ideas.” Kol tilts his head.
You look at Esther and mentally roll your eyes. “We’ll send you over to Klaus, but be careful, Klaus still isn’t very loved.” Esther glances at you.
You walk down the sidewalk of New Orleans, a very lively city. Kol had given you a crash course of the new tech of the century along with what year it was and what was happening in the world. Phones were extremely confusing since you had been dead for over 700 years, but you figured that you could get more than just a crash course on them later.
You look down at your new device, seeing where you were at on your digital map and looking up at the large sign. You had arrived at the Mikaelson’s palace, well, it sure did look like a palace anyways. You go in through the large archway and look around, your thoughts swarming. You wondered if Klaus remembered you still, or even still loved you.
Of course for the day that you died it felt like that was only just yesterday but that was over 700 years ago for Klaus, surely it felt like a distant memory to him unless he meant it that he would never forget you. You hoped he remembered you or else this would be an awkward confrontation and a very embarrassing one at that.
You look up and around the palace-like building, this building must at least be a hundred years old. You sigh and hold your phone close to your chest, hoping this would go well. You look at the running fountain, walking over and feeling the cool water. The sudden coolness reminded you of the time you and Klaus had met near a stream. It was a hot day and you were in the cool stream as your horse stayed just nearby while the blonde suddenly appeared next to your black stallion, admiring your large animal.
The tall blonde looks over at you who was nude in the stream, bathing, what was supposed to be privately. The blonde male stared you down with a heavy blush, his hazel eyes almost glimmering at the sight of you as if he had never seen another male before. You felt a blush creep up on you, your body feeling hot all over.
You grab your drying cloth from the grass, trying to hide your body from the blonde just a few feet away from you. Now you knew you liked men but you always kept that to yourself since every time you pursued a man you were either beaten for it or shamed heavily. Which is why you ran away from your pack, you never felt wanted there anyways but of course being shunned by your own still hurt.
The blonde male walks over to you almost shyly, his arms behind his back as his curly dirty blonde hair hangs over his flushed cheeks. You cover your wet body with the drying cloth, clearing your throat. “Do you need something?” You ask, reminding yourself to be careful around strangers.
The blonde male tilts his head and eyes you up and down a bit. “Well that depends on if you like my company or not.” He gives a cheeky grin over to you.
You blush a little and roll your eyes, walking over to your bag next to your tied up horse. “Well I don’t know you, how do I know you won’t kill me?” You ask softly, smelling the stench of dried blood on the blonde male.
He smiles and looks over at your horse. “Well even from afar I adore you, but you don’t really seem to be bothered by it..almost like you want me to adore you.” He whispers, getting closer to you with each word.
You turn around and look into his eyes, your heart pounding in your chest and somehow you knew he could hear your little heart pounding. “Maybe I do? What’s the harm in that?” You whisper, being backed up to the tree behind you.
He smiles at you, his arm resting against your head. “Oh there is no harm, love. Not with me..” He whispers, leaning in towards you as his hot breath fans your face. “My name is Klaus, Klaus Mikaelson..” He smiles at you, his hazel eyes almost staring into you, trying to read you.
“Y/N L/N.” You whisper before he cups your cheek with his rough hand, smiling as his lips brushed up against yours.
You smile to yourself at the distant memory, blushing a bit. Oh how you missed those precious moments with your lover, even when you found out about him being a hybrid you weren’t scared of him then. You even told him about how you were a werewolf too, and every full moon after that he watched over you and took care of you.
“Y/N?” You look up once you hear your name fall off his lips, your heart skipping a beat. You look up at the balcony and take a sharp inhale. Seeing the blonde hybrid with a dumbfounded expression as if he just saw a ghost, his mouth agape.
“Niklaus…” You whisper and suddenly he appears in front of you, cupping your cheeks as he looks into your eyes. His beautiful blue-green hazel eyes staring you down, staring at you in disbelief. You feel a bit choked up, shakily cupping his cheeks and letting those tears that were burning your eyes run down your cheeks.
Klaus rests his forehead against yours, shaking his head. “I-I watched you die..” He whispers, looking into your eyes as you let out a choked sob. “Y-You were d-dead!” He pulled you close and held your head close to his chest.
You bury your face into his chest, despite the fact that Klaus was dead he felt warm against you. You take in his over-priced cologne along with the smell of aftershave and the very faint scent of blood. You relax, clinging to him, feeling his arms wrap around your body. “Your mother b-brought me back..but I-I’m linked to h-her…” You look at Klaus, taking a sharp inhale.
Klaus’s demeanor changed completely, now he was angry and you had seen this plenty of times but it was never really directed towards you. “My mother has always stooped low to get back at me but bringing my boyfriend back from the dead is a new low for her..” Klaus pulls away and paces a little. “Once I get my hands on that wretched woman, I w-will rip-”
“Niklaus!” You yell, gaining his attention as he looks at you softly. “You can’t or she will just kill me again..” You look down, feeling like a burden to Klaus. You loved him, as paranoid and loony as he was at times you did really love him but it had been 700 years since he had seen you alive, surely he had something or someone new in his life.
Klaus sniffles and turns away, hiding his tears from you. “I-I won’t let her hold you against me, I won’t let anyone hurt y-you again like Mikael did that dreadful night..” Klaus whispers in pain, almost like he was choking on his own tears.
Klaus was one for hiding his feelings but it felt like he had to hide them more, he used to be more open with you but it had been 700 years and a lot can change in 700 years. You watched him pace frantically in the courtyard as you stood there awkwardly while playing with your fingers. What do you say to him? How could you comfort your hybrid boyfriend at such a time like this?
Klaus continued to pace back and forth, you watched him and decided your next step. You walk over to him. “Niklaus..” You whisper and take his hand, watching Klaus flich almost from the sudden contact.
“It’s been a few hundred years, I know, but I’m here now..” You whisper, cupping his cheeks as he breathes heavily.
You pull him close and feel him wrap his arms around your waist, Klaus leaning in as he brushes his lips up against yours. Klaus fully leans in and kisses you roughly yet full of passion and love, the comfort of his soft plump lips moving in blissful sync with yours. You wrap your arms around his neck and feel his tongue slip into your mouth to taste you, whimpering at the feeling of your tongue locked in with his.
You gasp at the familiar yet longing feeling, grasping and gripping at his curly locks. Klaus grabs you up by your thighs, picking you up with ease courtesy of his hybrid strength. You chuckle softly, feeling the quick motion and breeze until you both were suddenly in a bedroom; assuming it was Klaus’s. Klaus pulls out of the kiss and gives you a sly smirk before throwing you onto the bed like you were nothing but a toy to him.
Klaus crawls on top of you, looking down at you with some insatiable hunger in his hazel eyes like he had this hunger that he could never satisfy. You grab Klaus by his hair and pull him down to you, locking your lips with his and tasting whatever victim he had drank from earlier along with the sweetness of a beignet. You moan quietly as his tongue took over as he tasted you, feeling his large rough hands feel along your body and under your shirt.
You pull out of the kiss, Klaus’s teeth latching onto your bottom lip and sucking on it roughly as you lean your head back. You arch your back while gripping at the hem of his shirt, ripping it off and eyeing up his gorgeously toned pale torso. Klaus smirks as he watches you eye him, it had been so long for you both that you two could just sit here and marvel at each other’s existence but both of you were lust-hungry.
Klaus pulled off your shirt with one swift motion along with your other articles of clothing besides your boxer briefs. Klaus flips you over onto your stomach, his hands wandering down to your very noticeable hard on. Klaus leans down to your ear as his warm body presses up against your backside. You whimper softly as you feel the hybrid’s large hand wrap around your throbbing cock, your stomach filling with butterflies.
“K-Klaus~” You gasp out, your body rushing hot with the feeling of Klaus’s thumb rubbing along the tip.
Klaus chuckles at the desperate grinding into his hand, feeling your cock twitch in his hand from his touch. You whine desperately, pressing your ass up against the bulge that was showing through Klaus’s tight jeans. Klaus pulls his hand from your boxers, pulling off the rest of his own clothes quickly with eagerness.
You look over your shoulder at your lover, looking down at his very thick hard cock that was being pressed against your ass through your tight boxers. “How I’ve missed your pretty ass bent over for me…” Klaus whispers into your ear, you could feel his hot breath in your ear and it made your body shiver from the feeling yet you felt hot all over.
You whimper loudly, feeling your boxers being roughly ripped off of you before you felt Klaus’s tip rub up against your hole. You press against his cock before Klaus pulls away from your hole teasingly, making you whine. “Ah ah ah…in this day and age we use lube, love..” Klaus whispers into your ear while a sudden cold, wet feeling rubs along your hole with two of Klaus’s fingers.
You gasp at the cold feeling. “I-It’s cold..” You whisper and smell the sweet scent of strawberries. “And smells sweet..” You look down and see Klaus pushing two fingers inside of you, making your hole stretch out with ease and little pain.
Klaus chuckles at your cluelessness, it was quite adorable to him. Klaus slides his thick cock inside of your hole, you hear his low groans as you moan from the feeling. “Good boy, taking my cock so well~” Klaus cooes in your ear while you were feeling all of his cock buried inside of your tight ass.
You pant softly, gripping at the soft sheets underneath you and letting out a small yelp as Klaus pushed another rough thrust into your ass. You felt the pit of your stomach swirl while grinding against Klaus’s cock, moaning softly into the pillows underneath you. “Y-You’re still s-so big..” You whisper, feeling Klaus roughly grab your waist before the hybrid starts pounding into you at a miraculous pace.
Klaus moans lowly into your ear, grabbing your throat roughly as his hand tightens around his throat. You feel his cock thrust deep inside of your ass, Klaus’s body pressing against your back as he slams his hips into your ass. You could feel every inch of Klaus just pound into your ass, your walls clenching tightly around his throbbing cock. You moan loudly into your pillow, gripping it tightly as you push your ass more into the air for Klaus.
Klaus admires your body, running a hand along your back and gripping your locks tightly while the other hand grabs your pulsing cock and gently pumps it. You pant and grind into his hand, reaching back and gripping at the hybrid’s thigh. “Y-Yes~ Niklaus h-harder~” You moan out, leaning back with an erotic expression; your mouth open and your eyebrows furrowed with sweat beads running down you forehead.
Klaus growls and leans up, pulling you up against his chest by your hair as he roughly slams his cock deep into your hole. He roughly pulls your head to the side and nips onto your neck, rubbing his palm over your throbbing tip, precum dripping from your aching tip.You lean your head back against Klaus’s shoulder, moaning loudly into the room as Klaus pounded into you over and over with amazing speed.
You pant heavily and reach behind you, gripping at those softly curly locks and his wrist that was pumping your painfully hard cock. You whine and feel his balls slapping against your ass as you let him fill you up and fuck you roughly. But oh did it feel so good, you could feel your orgasm sneaking up on you while you moaned and screamed out his name from the clouding pleasure you felt throughout your body. The feeling of Klaus’s cock penetrating you with quick and rough thrusts and pumping you at a torturing slow pace.
Klaus moans into your skin, nipping at it before sinking his fangs into your neck as he drank from you. You hiss from the sharp pain but it slowly lingered away into pleasure, pressing your back further against his warm chest. You moan loudly, grinding against his cock as you arch your back as you run your hand up Klaus’s veiny arm.
Klaus pulls off slowly, licking his fangs as he nuzzles his nose into your cheek, continuing to roughly fuck up into you. “You still are so tight and needy for me, love~” Klaus growls into your ear, pumping your cock a little quicker and rubbing the tip of your cock with his thumb over the slit.
You whimper in response, unable to comprehend words or make words form from your mouth. Klaus runs his hand along your body, feeling over the bulge that rose in your tummy from his cock pounding so deep and hard into your ass. “G-God so f-fucking good~” You whimper and grasp at his arm, grinding desperately for release as you edured the quick rapid thrusts.
Klaus nips at your earlobe and grunts. “Tell me, love.. Are you close?” He grabs your jaw roughly and forces you to look at him, watching your face as he pounded into you.
You nod quickly and eagerly, your body screaming for release as you grinded more quickly, searching for that euphoric release. You close your eyes and feel your thighs shake, feeling this tight coil deep in your tummy making you grip to Klaus and notifying him of your close release. Immediately Klaus slams your body up against the headboard all while keeping his cock deep inside of you and continuing to ram heavily into your ass. “O-Oh god! K-Klaus!” You scream out, your face pressed roughly up against the wall above the headboard.
Gripping at the headboard you bite down on your bottom lip, feeling Klaus’s large hand along your face as he presses your face into the wall. Klaus smirks and listens to you beg for release as he rubs your tip with his thumb. “C’mon little wolf~ Cum for me…” Klaus growls into your ear, roughly slamming into you one last time before that knot released and ran throughout your body as you came all over the headboard and Klaus’s hand.
You pant heavily and hear Klaus’s low moan of your name as he buried his face into your hair, releasing his hot load deep inside of your tight ass. He pants for a few quick seconds and kisses along your shoulder and up your neck. You smile as a blush crept up to your cheeks, leaning into the hybrid’s touch.
“Even after 700 years, no one could ever beat the way that I feel for you, Y/N…” Klaus sighs, looking into your eyes, they were always so beautiful to him.
You smile to yourself, leaning in over your shoulder and kissing those plump lips. Klaus relaxes against you, pulling you closer and holding you by your hair. You smile against his lips, running your hand up his chest before slowly pulling out of the kiss to meet those gorgeous blue-green eyes. “I love you, Niklaus Mikaelson..” You whisper, resting your forehead against Klaus’s.
Klaus smiles and pulls out slowly, making you whimper. You lay down on your belly with the sheets wrapped around your lower body, watching Klaus walk nude to the bathroom. He comes back into the room after a minute and kisses your cheek as he holds out a small silver ring. You give him a confused look as he looks into your eyes. “I promise to you..that I will protect you from my devil of a mother and I will not stop ‘til you are safe and that wretched woman is in the ground.” He gives you a serious look, handing out the ring with a gorgeous black moonstone on it.
You smile widely, your heart pounding a little as you take the ring and put it on. “I know you will, Niklaus..” You whisper, pecking his lips softly.
Klaus smiles at you and kisses you passionately, making you yelp and giggle as he crawls back on top of you.
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suavis · 2 years
Never interacting with ST tumblr ever again. Went to the tag after Vol 2 expecting to see posts about the episodes/s5 set up, instead I got
Death threats to Duffer Bros for not making by//er canon
People who don’t support by//er are homophobic
Horrible hate to Mileven fans
Duffer Bros are homophobic for killing Eddie bc “Eddie is gay & they killed him bc they didn’t like Stedd¡e”
We’re sick & tired of El, she shouldn’t be focused on in s5, instead Will & Mike
Mike’s speech to El is out of character, he doesn’t love her
El is boring & her abuse for her entire life isn’t comparable to Will, his unrequited love for Mike is worse than her torture
Mike should’ve died instead of Eddie & he’s homophobic to Will, Mike is the worst person in the show
I’m also not interacting with ST tumblr again bc of the white mlm fetishizers. Billy was clearly racist to Lucas & abusive to Max (I understand he was abused but that doesn’t excuse his racism and horrid treatment of Max) but yet Steve & Billy is a popular ship. If Lucas was white, we’d see more Lucas/Dustin. But we don’t. Women are also always pushed to the side for mlm ships, so many posts diminish El for by//er
LITERALLY you’ve encompassed everything i hate abt the fandom 💀 it’s never really surprising when fandoms only care abt bland white men they can hc as gay/bi and then fetishize but truly the attempted character assassination of multiple whole ass children bc they don’t play into their specific narratives they want is extra foul.
i thought st*ddie was cute in passing at first but then the fans and esp eddie fans started acting Like That and i was outta there 💀 ain’t no way they thought it was going to end any other way have the ever watched this show before??? like he was fun but ultimately he was just some guy that some ppl in this fandom care more abt than MAX who’s been around for three seasons now like make it make sense???? and same with billy stans they just choose to ignore full on racism like i saw one say they did believe he was racist but still liked him 💔 truly no saving them the way y’all will cape for random white men even if they’re racist and abusive…… ur not seeing heaven
and YES the way this fandom passes over the black characters (the very few that exist 🥴) is sooooo…. obvious truly. billy apologists are obviously the worst of em but. if will had been in love with lucas and he’d been acting like mike first of all there wouldn’t even be a quarter as many shipper and second lucas would have been eviscerated 💔 people’s priorities in this fandom could not be clearer tbh
and people’s hatred of eleven is so transparent 💀 if she wasn’t in the way of that certain ship nobody would give a fuck but instead they’ll say she’s just his beard, she’s aroace/lesbian (which obvi i support hcs like this wholeheartedly but when the ONLY purpose is to try to make it so she couldn’t possibly be attracted to mike and so now will can have him???? gtfo), she looks like a man (which is mentioned MULTIPLE times in the b*ler slideshow LMAO make it make sense….. i’m a woman with short hair does that make my gf straight???), etc.
also yeah their fixation specifically earlier on the fact that mike couldn’t say i love you to her and then when he finally did it was out of character/him projecting his feelings for will on her??? it’s disrespectful to the characters tbh like the way they characterize mike idek how they like him anymore considering how they seem to believe he’s manipulating eleven AND being an asshole to will while still being in love with him??? i have truly never seen a fandom so deluded over next to zero actual evidence but i wasn’t around in the days of tjlc so 💀 but i’m definitely seeing some similarities LMAO it’s bad like. i think EVERYONE can agree that will is into mike but b*lers seem to think that means mike is going to have to be into will too like. ik they’re still hung up on their middle school/high school straight best friends (or are still IN middle/high school with that straight best friend 💀) and want to think that he’ll get the happy ending they didn’t but. truly i do think will deserves better than this even if mike DOES return his feelings like. they would not be a good couple 💔 here’s to hoping will gets a bf in s5 and all the characters get to be happy for once and b*let fans finally shut up <3
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strxngerbxtches · 2 years
Let’s just be honest. It’s a bunch of random white woman (it almost always is with shipping discourse) projecting hate onto Grace bc they’re jealous that she’s attractive and talented and clearly shares a bond (friendship or otherwise who even cares) with Joe Quinn, and they’re so jealous and petty over that. We’ve seen this time and time again with women and it’s shockingly always women, bullying other women for dating their favorite average looking white boy of the month. And grace isn’t even dating him, yet she’s accused of being obsessed with him etc etc. it’s just all sounding very familiar
literally we’ve seen this exact same discourse happen with a million fandoms, loki, star wars, and shadow and bone for instance.
they see a pretty and talented woman getting in the way of their (very fetishized) mlm ship and find every reason to attack her, happened to daisy ridley, jessie mei li, sophia dimartino, and emily van camp to name a few.
it’s internalized misogyny and borderline obsession, really sad tbh
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futuregws · 2 years
Major L to that person on twitter who said hellch**r and m*leven are the most hated ships in this fandom because of misogyny and that we wouldn't ship byler or steddie if they weren't two "white boys". Then most people responded something like "all these ships are white", "you added "white" because "two boys" would come across homophobic", "straight people want to be oppressed so bad". Funniest thing to happen in a long time. Really shows how unhinged and homophobic some of them are, but how hellch**r shippers are just a loud minority.
Also so tired of non mlm saying most m/m shippers are just f*joshis as if a lot of us aren't queer, many are queer men. (And I'm also sceptical of people who say this because I've seen too many t*rfs refer to gay trans men when talking about f*joshis.)
I'm so tired of this stupid people, literally the only reason they ship ed*ssy is bc she's white and fits societies beauty standards, they have to be very ignorant to have the nerve to say that the only reason people ship Eddie and Steve + Mike and Will, is bc they are white, it truly shows some internalized homophobia if not just straight up homophobia, I love the comments calling them out bc at least gives me hope that not everyone lacks this many brain cells. The only reason why they are hating on this mlm couples is bc it threatens their ship and its gross the actions that they are having it shows a lot how this people are, and the misogyny thing I'm not even gonna comment much on that bc people nowadays will throw that word around way too much, just bc someone doesn't like a celebrity/character that is a women doesn't mean that person is misogynistic at the end of the day we are still people with opinions and different tastes and stuff that we dislike or like, it's okay to not like something about a women it doesn't make anyone misogynistic it's called being an individual with their own thoughts and feelings and opinions, now what does make something misogynistic is the words used when describing those women but not liking them doesn't mean ANYTHING
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mohluskiepedard · 4 years
Rating ATLA Characters literally only from what I’ve seen in fandom
or: posts that probably shouldn’t be on my writeblr except I don’t have a sideblog
the context here is it’s half midnight and I have never seen ATLA except I have opinions now apparently so here we go whoop de do- 
I’m also not actually rating them like numerically that’s too much work i’m just stating opinions I know I’m a fraud
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- A child?  - A son?  - he is Baby. but also. he has had It Rough  - would make the updog joke - has unspeakable power or smth and everyone says he’s better than the Korra girl who comes after him but honestly tastes like sexism to me - doesn’t kill people because he’s like twelve, right? he’s like twelve so he refuses to kill people - I stan honestly - less twelve year olds should kill people - Some people say his name WRONG and they are BAD but i don’t actually know what the right way or the wrong way is so. have fun w that yall - lived in peace unTIL THE FIRE NATION ATTACKED 
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- She is also like twelve???  - Is everyone here twelve - Cortana?? Katana?? Catbug??  - She has good hair, - Her mother is dead??? her mother is dead n she has a brother but she cares about her mother being dead WAY more than him (or apparently the entire fandom??) - Badass - She seems soft. good. sweet - she’s a water breather or whatever??? her brother is NOT but he is a meme - I love her 
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- NGL looks like a fuckboy  - The meme brother! does not do the water things, but he has an aXe???  - dates BAMF lady - ngl until I talked to my ATLA watching friend I thought he canonically dated Zuko  - kinda mad he doesn’t - I haven’t actually seen anything about him except like. in zuko ship posts and also Suki appreciation posts - joined the white lotus not-a-cult by accident???  - dark ATLA tumblr show me more Sokka posts - is his name prounounced the same way as Soccer or isn’t it I need to know - HIS FIRST GIRLFRIEND TURNED INTO THE MOON - (AND THAT’S ROUGH, BUDDY) - He and Suki are a good ship, but also, Sokka Has Two Hands
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- the BAMF herself - she says STOP in that photo but also to sexism - Rlly all I see of her in fanon is abt her teaching Sokka to drink his respect women juice and I appreciate her doing that but also it’s sad she never gets talked about outside of what she did for a man - I hope she has other badass moments w/o him it would suck if she didn’t - she is NOT the girlfriend who turned into the moon, she is the one who didn’t - I don’t know much else about her ATLA Fandom y’all should appreciate her more
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- Look at him... my son... - He has a good redemption arc - he and his sister are evil lesbian and redeemed gay guy??? - has a straight canon ship but should’ve been with Sokka this boy is gay - I Want To Protect Him - That’s literally it - he has a cool uncle and his dad sucks  - people ship him with Katara and I Do Not Get It that’s his sister in law except not really - “We don’t trust Zuko’s change of heart” [the next day] “so Zuko is my closest friend now,”  - His dad was like “fuck up the avatar to prove your worth to me” and Aang was like “counter argument you already have worth and we should fuck up your dad” and I think that’s beautiful - he becomes the fire man and he’s very good at it - Zuko for President 2020 - in the words of myself, half an hour ago: “ I was like "that kid with the burn on his face seems like a sad but then happy mlm who needs found family" and I was RIGHT” - took too long to find a happy picture of him :( Zuko rights NOW please - His mother’s story got compared to an OC of mine and all I can say is oh no and they deserve better based on that alone - I have had Zuko for five minutes but if anything else happens to him I will kill everyone in this throne room and then myself
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- She is badass but like also will murder you while laughing maniacally? - for some reason reminds me of Nott from Critical Role, another show I Have Not Seen - Is blind but gets more out of making jokes abt being blind than she would from being able to see - “Sight is just a cheap tactic to make weak benders stronger!!!” - Literally the opposite of Aang and has killed many people?? - She Can Tell When You’re Lying. But I do not know how and Am simply mildly threatened by this - Therapist: Toph’s ability to know if you’re lying isn’t real and can’t hurt you. Toph’s ability to know if I’m lying:  - She and Zuko.... buddies???  - if not they should be - tiny sad boy needs friends like toph
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- Evil Lesbian Culture - [BDG Voice] You committed a war crime! Oopsie! - took be gay do crime too literally - her and Zuko have accurate sibling writin except instead of “you ever want to murder your sibling for breathing in the same space as you,” being a Joke Azula took it seriously - okay but with a name like azula she should be the blue bender this ANNOYS me she should NOT be red bender - AZULa  - AZUL - IT MEANS BLUE - She was half of y’alls gay awakenings and it SHOWS - Should have maybe been redeemed too??? Jury is out no one knows - Was she gay for Ty Lee or wasn’t she I can’t tell how much of that Audio is a joke - IS SHE ALSO TWELVE??? IS EVERYONE HERE TWELVE?? IS THIS TWELVE YEAR OLD COMITTING ATROCITIES? 
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- A Good Man - Finally, Some Good Fucking [Adult Figures]  - he has the tea. literally and figuratively - Ozai is like “and I will permanently disfigure my son and throw him out” and Iroh is like “What The Fuck, Ozai,” thus voicing the entire audience’s thoughts - Literally the only adult in this that I trust - I? I love him. this is all I have to say. my love for him is unending. Some1 protect this man from all harm   - he’s Zuko’s uncle (and also Azula ig) but he does not seem related to Ozai. is it just a theme in this family that one sibling is chill and one sibling commits horrendous atrocities against your fellow human beings or  - something happened to his son???? :((((( I Don’t Want Him To Have Suffered Like This
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- A BAD MAN - Uh Oh (stinky)  - THE WORST OF THE MEN  - I do not like him - Bastard man. nasty. committed war crimes and then went “but what if - get this - i also abused my son,”  - I would like him to Not Be Like This - by Like This I mean present and alive  - :/ 
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- She’s NOT the There Is No War In Ba Sing Se lady and I don’t know why i thought she WAS but until I looked up her photo I thought that was her  - She looks like a sweetheart tho - I hope nothing bad happens to her????  - talks about auras??? or smth??? let her vibe - She would talk animatedly to me about warrior cats if she was in my year seven class and I was sat alone and I would understand none of it but appreciate her anyway - if azula bullies her I’ll be :( at Azula and Azula will not care because she has Mommy Issues and therefore is slightly unhinged - She seems like that one kid with no trauma vibing at the edge of [every other kid having trauma] and not really getting it but trying her best - Is she also twelve?????? She maybe looks twelve
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- HIS CABBAGES - fulfills my favourite trope: ordinary person repeatedly has life disrupted by the inconveniences of relying on actual children to save the world - probably has a campaign post canon for letting trained adults fix the worlds’ problems in the future - or sets up the Very First Cabbage Insurance Company - look at him. he loves his cabbages so much. you go you funky lil cabbage man
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- LOOK AT HIM HE’S SO GOOD - small. fluffy. big ears - Lord Momo of the Momo Dynasty: his Momoness - a Good Boy...
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- he looks so soft... - he can fly but he just does it by??? vibing through the air?? motionless??? iconic - I saw that one post about mishearing it as Abba and thinking he was Aang’s dad and he looks like he would be a good stand in dad ngl - he’s so LORGE - a chonky boy - love him
that is everyone I have heard of it and if I left someone out it’s a sign that y’all should talk about em more bc I have no clue they exist put more ATLA On my Dash ig I’ll do Legend of Korra ig maybe apparently that one has canon wlw and i love me some canon wlw
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discoscoob · 2 years
i just saw ur post about the fandom basically never acknowledging lesbians unless the girls get in the way of a (white) mlm ship and thats basically the state of the fandom rn. it's annoying and disrespectful, ppl only headcanon chrissy as a lesbian so that she doesn't 'intrude' on st3ddie and its so misogynistic and not to mention lesbophobic as a lesbian myself. you will never see st3ddie fans creating lesbian chrissy content bc they don't actually care about her.
it hurts to see people use your own identity to shove female characters out of the way. fandom misogyny hasn't gotten better, it's only rebranded.
I love all of the posts u make especially defending grace, keep up the good work! xoxo
It’s so disrespectful because it’s just using lesbians, it’s not being genuine. If it’s genuine where is all the lesbian Chrissy content?
I haven’t seen one fanart depicting her in a relationship with another one of the female characters.
There are 28 Robin/Chrissy fics on ao3 and only 2 of them where they aren’t a secondary ship in a Eddie/Steve fic.
There are 7 Nancy/Chrissy fics in none of them they’re the primary ship.
There are zero Chrissy/Heather fics.
For people claiming they headcanon Chrissy as lesbian there is scarcely little content. To me it’s obviously they don’t care about Chrissy or their headcanon that she’s a lesbian, they will literally just say anything to get her out of the way of their ship.
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