#just because they are also unreasonably hateful to people who just mind their business
kjzx · 5 months
The author of the les art history blog I reblogged some of the last few drawings from is yikes so just letting you guys know. Can't be bothered to find other post with the drawings but also just letting you know that I don't support that
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for them it's you are either with us or against us. shikamaru isn't mad at konoha or shinobi system and wants to go against one of konoha's enemies. sasuke's anger is placed at konoha so he isn't from them. they see him as someone who went against their will, left the village and now wants to abolish it. kinda like the narcissist when they lose the control of a person they go crazy. so sasuke must be punished for even daring to go against them. if he gets his revenge konoha have to admit being wrong but they are never wrong and the good village so sasuke is framed as the crazy one for not settling with good guys in the good village. i once saw a post that said people hate sasuke because they expected him to be distraught for leaving konoha after time skip and wanted him to be in despair over their self inserts. sasuke didn't give 2 fucks and validation they craved so he is hated.
You are so right anon, and we can add even more. This is not only "with us or against us", this is that the Uchiha were never included in the "us" to begin with. They wee never seen as rightful members of Konoha even when they co-founded the village, they were seen as the enemy, they were distrusted, surveyed, segregated, forced to blindly serve a system where they had no word and no power. Nothing they did was enough, it didn't matter that they sent Madara away, that they prioritized Hashirama for Hokage, or that they fought and died in wars to protect the village. The Senju never honoured the treaty they signed, they built a nepotic oligarchy and used their influence to finally annihilate their rivals, spreading lies and prejudice through several generations to ensure their success.
Sasuke is also never seen as a person independently from the assumed inheritance of hatred unfairly attributed to the Uchiha. In the first part he was not going against Konoha, there was nothing political in his desire for vengeance. Itachi was exactly the same as Hidan in Konoha's eyes, he was a wanted criminal, and there was a bounty placed on his life. Kakashi knew nothing of Itachi's agreement with Hiruzen. And still, see how he treats Sasuke. He ties him to a tree assuming he is going to be unreasonable. He dismisses his feelings and trauma-dumps him to try and convince him that he is overreacting, that his problems are not out of the ordinary and that he is not the one that had it worst. Sasuke is told to give up and is expected to choose his "friends" over justice for his family.
Imagine how that could have gone if Kakashi hadn't been so shamelessly biased? Imagine if he had offered his help to Sasuke, like he did to Shikamaru. Imagine if he had validated his very legit feelings and reassured him that he had his teacher and his friends by his side to help him become stronger and powerful enough to beat Itachi. Maybe Sasuke would have left anyway, Orochimaru didn't put the cursed mark there for nothing. But there was a chance he wouldn't have felt so alone and disconnected from everyone in that damn village. A chance he found a reason to stay. At least until he learned the truth, that is.
But of course, apart from Kakashi's prejudice, we also have the thing that Asuma was part of the oligarchy, he was the hokage's son. You know, the extermination of the Uchiha you have to forgive and forget for peace but, apparently, when the oligarchy is concerned, there is no "stopping the cycle of hatred" bullshit.
And yeah, everything that happens afterwards is pure evidence of double standards and Konoha's desire to just control Sasuke and force him to submit. Because Konoha keeps sending shinobi after him even when he is minding his business and doing things that, objectively, can only be considered as services to the village. Like neutralizing Orochimaru and releasing his prisoners, or eliminating Akatsuki members. Simply leaving the village is considered a crime, but only for Sasuke, apparently. Because Tsunade herself left, the village was incapable of locating her after Hiruzen's death. And nobody called her "missing-nin" or "rogue ninja". Apparently, if you leave to avenge your clan you are a criminal, but if you leave to bet and drink all your possessions then it is ok.
Also, Konoha, who ignored Orochimaru torturing and experimenting on people from several nations, sent Sai to kill Sasuke (not Orochimaru, mind you, I guess Danzo had to return the favour for the disgusting arm of sharingans) when he had done nothing. And when Sasuke attacked the raikage's brother, they put a bounty on him and set off to kill him because now is when they are worried about a rogue ninja causing an international diplomatic conflict. Not when they enabled Orochimaru or when they sent Itachi to Akatsuki to play terrorist.
And, of course, some fans are so extremely and shamelessly biased against Sasuke it is unbelievable. For a world where ninja make a living from assassination, no other character seems to have circulating lists of crimes and of people they killed. People advocate for the samurai as if they were their own family members. As if oppressed people, on top of being forced to defend themselves and fight for their own life and freedom, had the obligation to behave always as the perfect victims never hurting a fly.
Well, I have news for you. Revolutions are ugly. Those who hold power don't give it up easily, it has to be taken by force and that is violent and messy. Our rights did not arrive by divine intervention, they were taken with blood. And yes, innocent blood too. Sasuke had NO OTHER WAY. He had no authority to turn to, because all leadership was corrupt, because the system was operated by vultures that wanted him dead since the beginning of his existence. He had to take Danzo down and anyone protecting him. The responsibility to avoid casualties was not his, but of those who maintained the oppression and caused the conflict in the first place. Those are the ones that should be blamed. The samurai dying were Danzo's fault, and their own fault for willingly protecting military dictators. You can't oppress someone, subject them to the utmost brutality, deny them of any ordinary and peaceful way to obtain justice and expect they just remain in helplessness awaiting their doom.
So yeah, anon. Sorry for using your ask as an excuse for such a long rant, but I can't with how biased people is against Sasuke. Both in the narrative and in the fandom.
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auschizm · 1 month
Hello! I would like to vent about something that’s been causing me a lot of stress/paranoia for the past 2-3 years.
I had to get my phone fixed after it fell down my apartment steps. I set up an appointment, and my sister said that she could take it in for me. Everything was fine until they asked her/me for my PIN code + then factory reset my phone - something that really wasn’t necessary in my opinion, but my sister told me that they said it needed to be done. It really bothered me at the time, but I was just happy to get my phone back.
It’s only for the past couple of months that it’s been causing me to be extremely paranoid. And I kind of know where it stems from:
1) My mom going through my things as a kid-teen,
2) Men suddenly starting to perceive me (#ew), and
3) paranoia of being watched/on camera unknowingly.
I know this is all interconnected, but it doesn’t stop me from feeling noxiously paranoid everyday. I can’t go 2 hours without thinking about it - and I’ve tried telling myself how unreasonable it is; reverse-image searching pictures and videos of myself online, looking at reviews for the business, saying that even if videos/pictures of me are out there, there’s nothing I can do now - and if they are out there, not everyone I interact with has seen them.
But none of it helps. No matter how reasonable I get, the paranoia mutates and I just start thinking about it again.
(I don’t understand why men are paying attention to me; I wish no one ever looked at me. I’m thinking it has to be because a video of me got out.)
Also, I was fired from my first “real” job last year - small business with manipulative, idiot boss that only hired me because he was firing someone that was more capable and that he couldn’t afford to pay anymore. He went to my mom’s church and only hired me because - in his words - “I was slow”.
Not too slow to realize that he wasn’t paying me enough, that he wasn’t paying vendors, and that his business model was literally ordering things online and pricing it up 100%. I only took the job because I desperately needed some experience, but he spent the whole time treating me as if he got one over on me: looking at me like a toddler/dog whenever I successfully completed a task, ogling me when he thought I didn’t notice - or possibly because he didn’t think I noticed - and telling everyone he knew that I was his “goddaughter” (I hate forced proximity like this; you don’t know me).
Anyway, when I confronted him about not paying me enough I knew he was probably just going to fire me, but I didn’t really care at that point. And that did happen a month later. But he (and his wife, who kinda operated the business) said that they had fired me because ‘I was going to college’, and also, they ‘saw something on camera’.”
Now, as far as I know, there was only one camera in the entire store. But considering how paranoid and manipulative he was, I wouldn’t put it past him to put a camera somewhere else - no matter how cheap he was. I’m thinking he just said that so I couldn’t sue/get unemployment, but if he wanted to fire me why not just give an actual reason - of which there were a few. But it’s still making me incredibly paranoid, because although he is a piece of shit, he knows more people than I do. If he wanted to ruin my reputation by being a petty liar, he could (something he did to the woman that he fired - who I’m pretty sure was autistic as well; we got along pretty well.)
(I also feel disgustingly guilty for taking the woman who was fired’s job. But I really needed to work at the time, and the job was offered to me as if we would be working together, not that I would be replacing her. It literally makes me feel so sick. We talked a bit after she left, and she didn’t seem to mind, and was still very nice. But still, like, would you tell somebody you hated their guts to their face?)
Okay, that’s all. I didn’t mean for this to get so long, but if I’m paranoid about one, I’m usually paranoid about the other.
Thank you for reading! I hope you’re doing well <3<3<3<3
I can't tell you how to effectively work through your paranoia, but I can say that it makes sense to be paranoid about these things if you besides having a tendency towards paranoia have a history with surveillance and mistreatment. So you really shouldn't beat yourself up for struggling with all of this.
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ryuichirou · 10 months
I'm back with my GloMas ask. By the way I love the word GloMas: it's like Christmas but more theatrical and angsty, and at the end of all the celebration, instead of getting presents, you end up with less stuff than before (no need to check Ruggie's luggage, officer. I can assure there's nothing interesting there).
On to the question, which is partially about Ruggie. This event has brought to light a new interesting dynamic that I hadn't really considered before, with the Ruggie/Jamil team up. It's nice to see Jamil be himself (i.e. a menace) more unapologetically than usual. I don't really ship them as a "couple", but I definetely see their appeal as potential "acquaintances-with-benefits". And I bet Ruggie would be happy to hear less grumbling when he decides to pay a visit to the rich boys Scarabia dorm. Basically, I'm curious to know if you guys have any thoughts about these two, both related to the event and in general!
Anon!! Sorry for the late reply, and let me go grab that loud mic I used a couple of days ago once again and tell you.
YES. These two. These two are very good together.
For the most part I want to just yell YES at everything you’ve said because you’ve honestly nailed it. Glorious Masquerade (with its Christmas-like Glomas glory..) was the first event we’d seen (even before we watched the main story), so Jamil and Ruggie’s unexpected chemistry is something that we have in mind at all times lol
It really feels like they can be themselves around each other, which is exactly what they said, and honestly these two out of the entire cast really deserved it. What they also deserved is to have someone to complain about the harsh realities of serving to capricious princes (Kalim isn’t a prince but) who are unreasonable and frankly stupid at times. Just imagine THE LEVELS OF PETTY AND TIRED VENTING, their venting sessions could be the best.
I don’t know if you wanted any headcanons with them, but since we’re at it, might as well drop some. These are mostly sfw, but the last one kind of isn’t lol
They knew that they might be a good match even before the Glorious Masquerade but never really had a chance to hang out before that. And during the event, to them it felt like they’ve been having telepathic dialogues for ages, and now finally they get to actually chat. They’re on the same page TO SUCH A DEGREE it’s actually stupid.
Even after the event, even though both Ruggie and Jamil went back to being super busy, they kept in touch. Sometimes they text each other, sometimes they meet simply to VENT. Having another person who is done of everyone’s bullshit in this stupid school is a blessing. They also talk about other stuff, like cooking and hobbies and even scheming and such, but their main topic is still “wow I hate these people”.
What they find the most comforting about each other is the fact that they know they are not really friends, but they also don’t have much to gain from each other, so it’s not like they should expect a backstab at any point. It’s actually pretty rare for Jamil to be this relaxed like he is when he is around Ruggie.
They don’t have sex regularly, but they did it once during the Masquerade event and at least once when they came back to the NRC. Both of them aren’t too into sex, otherwise it probably would have happened more often. Ruggie is actually a much better option to have this “acquaintances-with-benefits” deal than Azul, because with Ruggie Jamil can be sure there won’t be any feelings attached to it: they’ll help each other out and will be on their merry way…
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dullard · 5 months
Im sorry.
1, 2, 8, 9, 10, 12, 15, 18, 21, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 38, 39, 42, 43, 44, 49
This is for jurgencrepins I Checked
1. What motivates your character?
Joris: Idealism (often applied rigidly to himself as Not Doing Enough in his own mind, preemptively) and trying to Do Good. Whatever that happens to mean in the moment.
Kerubim: For a long time, it was proving himself through impressing others, but at this point its just that he wants to be comfortable and around his family. Which makes him seem kind of lazy now, lol.
Atcham: Used to be survival and revenge/obsession (sort of). Now it's the want to protect the people important to him.
2. How does the public view them? (Doesn't have to be anything major, it could be classmates, friends, strangers in the park, etc.)
Joris: Everyone assumes he is a small child. Every time. He's actually even pretty small to be a child. When he's in a political situation, he's slightly mysterious, and not to be underestimated (mostly because other political actors know hes old as balls)
Kerubim: Friendly and capable shopkeep. Knows something about everything. Most people in his community know him and its partially because of the extremely invasive ads he puts everywhere. Old cat man - If someone were actually interested in beating the crap out of an old man, he'd seem to be a fine target. People who know who he is are a lot more cautious though.
Atcham: I HATE THE WORLD OF TWELVE I HATE THE WORLD OF TWELVE I HATE THE WORLD OF TWELVE I HATE THE WORLD OF TWELVE I HATE THE WORLD OF TWELVE he looks different so people treat him with at the very least an arm's distance. No matter what he does people will think hes strange. That said, hes not helping his own case. I think some ecaflips assume he's sick though, if they haven't heard of or met a hairless ecaflip before, since losing your fur is something that happens if you're really ill or unwell.
Joris: Similar to his political persona but now much more outward to the average citizen. He's also seen as extremely capable of decision making, at least within Bonta, thanks partially to propaganda. He is the firm hand of the law, fair and just, and a bit private.
Kerubim: He is the caring and wise elements of the current Bontarian government. Tends to be associated with public services like hospitals (imo in waven times bonta's Military Hospital is the closest we get, and eniripsas handle other things the way they used to, but the government funds some amount of clinic-esque action), schools, shelters, and the like. Reads books at the Bontarian orphanage. That kind of thing.
Atcham: That guy that hangs out with the other two guys. Nah I'm jk I think he's kind of. I can't describe this. He ensures success and prosperity of people who are working. If you run a business like a fruit stand or a clothes shop in waven-era bonta, you likely like him and hes the one that smooths out supply chains.
8. What are some internal obstacles that your character has to overcome?
Joris: Extremely critical of himself, self loathing for intangible thought crimes, self loathing for tangible realcrimes, self loathing for things out of his control at times, holding himself to absurd standards (often unreasonable), i could go on. I genuinely think he may be his own biggest obstacle to long-term happiness
Kerubim: His ego slash self loathing slash reliance on others for external approval and praise and love (these things are fine but hes got problems with not being able to provide these things to himself ever)
Atcham: Anger and the want to Hit Da Bricks (His instinct, when he gets angry in a way he can't resolve, is to leave a situation entirely)
9. What emotion does your character feel most frequently?
Joris: Depends what he's doing at the time since his daily activities vary greatly depending on the year. When hes doing his job though it's Deep Tiredness
Kerubim: Cozy :3 Also desperate need for approval
Atcham: Irritation/frustration as a form of Very Light Anger that doesnt bother him That Much.
10. If your character is an antagonist or something of the like, do they self-justify their actions? If so, how?
Joris: I am prioritizing Bonta. A leader that does not prioritize their own people is no leader at all. Other peoples leaders will prioritize them. The things I am doing must be done to ensure Bonta is prosperous, and once Bonta is totally prosperous we can extend those resources out to other places. But right now we need to be concerned with ourselves.
Kerubim: He just tends to try to make the people in his immediate vicinity as satisfied as possible and then reassures himself he tried his best. His focus on individual people makes political actions easier because he just has to benefit Them instead of thinking about people negatively affected.
Atcham: He actively avoids thinking about it. If Joris is talking about it he just sits there and nods but in his own head he'd rather avoid it entirely and focus on day-to-day doing good by people.
12. What are some of your character's pet peeves?
Joris: Ignoring the ones he thinks are just a normal thing to be irritated by regarding his dadson, calling him short, or little, or small, or cute, or young, or
Kerubim: People not listening to him when hes telling them something
15. What habits does your character have?
Joris: picks at his scales (scales are like pimples or hairs for him and sometimes little ones pop up on his face and upper chest and shoulders especially). Picks at his face where there arent scales. Hopping up on things to be a little taller. This is a broad question I'm not sure how to answer it. Being overly polite with everyone to keep distance.
Kerubim: Grooming i know we dont see it in the shows but i think he grooms himself when hes nervous if he has a moment and it helps him calm down a little and settle his thoughts. Also he clears his throat a lot.
Atcham: hunching slouching getting low to the ground moving on all fours. Sneaking. The Slippery Sneaker seems to Slink. Also he tenses his dominant shoulder when he thinks theres a threat and lowers his body close to the ground.
18. Who/what comforts your character?
(checks who sent the ask) dont ask questions you know the answer to. anyway its each other are you happy. Aside from that:
Joris: Crowds big enough that hes not notable at all (I think hes insane for this)
Kerubim: Items and objects and artifacts and mementoes
Atcham: A well defended area without major vulnerabilities. Can be a room in a house or a cat tree or anything.
21. What is your character's relationship with their emotions?
Joris: Hate those thangs. Kill them. Hate Them. If he could get rid of them he'd seriously consider it were it not for some of the warmer ones.
Kerubim: Some of them he's very happy with. Others he's accepted as part of life. Some more he sees as a moral failing he can't seem to get rid of.
Atcham: Shockingly in-tune (see: "When you have a life like mine, you need someone to blame" line in the movie). Actually pretty healthy approaches to them even if Joris and Kerubim dislike his Tendency To Leave For Unpredictable Periods Of Time. its his cope.
27. How does your character view themselves? (Expectations, intelligence, confidence, self-belief, etc.)
Joris: He tries his best, he doesn't do enough. He's a hero of sorts, he's a villain. He's accepted his body, he hates how people treat him because of it. He's smart, but he's stupid. He can do anything, he fails everything. Every thought has an equal but opposite thought.
Kerubim: A fraud, when it comes down to the wire. He does think he's very intelligent though, and he does have his unshakeable confidence that things will work out for him no matter what.
Atcham: He has fairly realistic ideas about his capabilities. His least reality-connected idea of himself is as Independent, and if he's reminded of a way he is Not, he gets strange in the head and leaves for a while. It's uncomfortable for him to think about that hes been kind of domesticated by circumstance when for a long time it was vital to his survival to be threatening and on-edge and prepared at all times.
28. What emotion is the most unfamiliar to your character and how do they deal with it?
Joris: Pride. He has a Recoil after a feeling of pride where he becomes kind of inward, at times. He's very old, though, so there are plenty of things he's rightfully prideful about (and he fights off the recoil consciously)
Kerubim: Emotional security. Relishes in it when he feels it without any other feelings to hinder it.
Atcham: Shame. Beats it down with a stick. Reminds him too much of being a little kid.
29. What are the three things that your character values most?
Joris: Family, independence, the respect of others
Kerubim: Family, memories, good craftsmanship
Atcham: Loved ones, his ability to protect himself and others, a well-forged sword
30. Is your character hiding something from other people, if so, what?
Joris: He thinks he hides everything, and he kind of does because he's very quiet and tries not to divulge information unnecessarily. He ALSO thinks hes not Good at hiding things and that others must see him as an open book and a fool, which is not very true.
Kerubim: There's so much to say, it's not hiding it until they ask very directly and you LIE (read: actively opposite information. Twisting or exaggerating is not a lie to him) about it. Omitting information and avoiding clear answers is king.
Atcham: Simultaneously he doesn't hide much (personality wise) and also he hides everything (physical items). I think he feels more secure with things if they have a hiding place. This makes his room impossible to clean, and yet it is in its own organization.
31. What genre of music does/would your character love?
Ask my good friend Ronik they have better thoughts on this than I would.
32. How does your character view their past?
Joris: It's Things That Have Happened. History. There's fondness there, but he's not as concerned with it as he is with the present.
Kerubim: It's everything. He holds onto the past with a death grip and drags it behind him.
Atcham: Prefers to avoid it. Not particularly interested in holding onto it more than necessary.
33. What are three positive traits that your character has?
Joris: Considerate of others and the consequences of actions, selfless, wants to Do Good (this one is mutated into something arguably negative after 600+ years)
Kerubim: Kind, wise, good at bluffing until luck takes over
Atcham: Cautious, selfless, knows when a battle is lost and its time to hit da bricks
34. What are three negative traits that your character has?
Joris: Impulsive, overly critical hater mindset including to himself, does not know when to quit
Kerubim: Lies to make himself look better, assumes things will work themselves out and doesn't do anything about them, can't take criticism
Atcham: Hater, doesn't value his own life enough when his loved ones are in the picture, leaves situations that Could Probably Be Resolved (and when I say leaves I mean hes gone for like months or more)
36. What are the things that make your character enter a full rage/cold mode? (Depends on their character.)
Joris: Someone knowingly endangering others will do it as good as anything will, especially others who trust you.
Kerubim: Hurting groups he considers vulnerable like children and orphans, or hurting his family
Atcham: He's tricky because he's actually extremely in control of himself, especially in a battle situation, but he Will get a little less cautious in a battle if you piss him off by insulting him or his family. INJURING his family actually makes him more cautious because he starts looking for a way out.
38. Someone your character dislikes goes up to them and confesses. How does your character react? (Doesn't have to be a rejection.)
This is the kind of question that I think you would be better at answering than me, Ronik. I really don't know actually. Someone Should Send You This Question, Among Other Questions, In Your Askbox Yesterday
39. What does your character have yet to realize about themselves?
Joris: Your self loathing and overly-critical approach to your own thoughts is hurting you, not ensuring that you don't become worse. (until waven era. Then his cope of managing to get past those things is making him worse but he's still hurting himself with them lol)
Kerubim: You don't need the approval of others to survive.
Atcham: You are a good person.
42. What is one thing that your character dislikes about themselves? ("Nothing" is also a valid answer.)
Joris: His whole self. There is a Him deep inside him that is Bad that he cannot root out. He's selfish (for things everyone thinks), he's cowardly (for things everyone fears), he's possessive (for things many people might be jealous about in the same situation), etc. etc. etc.
Kerubim: His whole self. He's a fraud and for some reason he can't just be happy. Something wrong with him (moral failing).
Atcham: His reliance on others.
43. What does your character see as the greatest injustice?
Joris (pre-waven): That people can do the best they can with what they have and still be ravaged by war and inequality that they had no hand in the creation of
Joris (waven): THAT OUR BEAUTIFUL NATION IS NOT THRIVING AS IT SHOULD!!!! We did everything right except the things we didn't (I took those moral L's, personally, for the people of Bonta. The people are not culpable for those decisions), why are there still hardships for the people?
Kerubim: That some vulnerable people do not have a protector
Atcham: That people get by with what little they have and still are at the whims of those more powerful who have everything
44. What does your character fear?
Joris: Being in the wrong, being seen as a fool, also a lot of things
Kerubim: Being alone
Atcham: Being fully reliant on others (because then, what happens when you lose them? You can't go back to the way things were before)
49. In the end, what is your character grateful for?
Joris: Kerubim and Atcham. Luis. The little things (boufbowl, sunlight, etc). Spiked coffee. Also OUR BEAUTIFUL NATION'S PROSPERITY.
Kerubim: Joris and Atcham. Luis. Lou. Everyone he's ever known, even the ones that hurt him.
Atcham: Kerubim and Joris. Security in food and home. Quiet. His own strength.
That was fun :) thanks for sending themmm
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watanabes-cum-dump · 1 year
PGR characters as people you meet in high school
Lucia - The quiet kid who’s also really popular for some reason. She doesn’t seem talk to people that much but for some reason everyone seems to know and like her somehow. I don’t even think she knows most of their names
Lee - The robotics/gamer kid who somehow has an unreasonable amount of rizz Also one of the quiet ones. Ngl I feel like Gray Raven is just that quiet friend group who always does their own thing and eats lunch in the art room together or smth. Lee by all means seems like he’s be sort of a loser, but no, he’s got EVERYONE trying to tap his non existent ass. I have this type of friend, I have no idea why but they (yeah there are two of em) always pull the baddest bitches. It’s insane.
Liv - The shy and kind kid Liv is the kid that nobody makes fun of because if you did, you would have the entire school on your ass. She is that nice, and absolute angel. Though I feel like she’s also the quiet kid you should be scared of, most people are smart enough not to fuck with her but a few weren’t.
Chrome - The golden child/overachiever This man. He’s on the principal’s list, he’s got a bunch of scholarships lined up for him, multiple extracurriculars, plus he’s rich, nice, and hot. This is the kid that has EVERYTHING it’s insane. But he definitely deserves it, and he’s always willing to help with homework. Suffers from bad taste in men (Vonnegut) because from my experience, all the kids of this kind do. Like that is the only thing wrong with them, their romantic preferences.
Kamui - The class clown and gamer kid Ngl I think he would be made fun of, but he’s just such a nice guy honestly. Another member of the disciples of rizz, somehow always pulls some bad bitches. I feel like he would wear blatant anime merch and maybe those wolf hoodies tho. Also big ass headphones all the time. Sorry Kamui stans.
Camu - Gamer boy part 2 + gets in trouble a lot He also vapes in the washroom when skipping class. Really good at one subject, barely average in the rest. I want to say that he’s the hot Wattpad delinquent bad boy, but he’s a hardcore gamer so he doesn’t get that luxury. Skips school quite a bit, gets into a lot of fights. Yeah.
Wanshi - The kid who never shows up for class We all have that one friend who never shows up to school right? Yeah, that’s Wanshi. Except he probably shows up on test days or for big projects. He still passes tho. Textbook definition of really smart, just lazy.
Karenina - The loud girl that’s always got beef I don’t like her. She seems like that basic ass bitch who is actually always mad at everything and really mean to the guy she likes. But not in a cute way, just annoying. Decent grades, probably argues with the teacher tho. Yeah, we all know this kid right?
Bianca - The Christian white girl who has a rebellious phase later I don’t like Bianca either, but I feel like every textbook Lulu Lemon/Aritzia Christian white girl eventually goes through a rebellious phase or abandons religion completely. Source? I go to a Catholic private school. I know what I’m talking about.
Watanabe - The actual hot delinquent Sorry Camu, Watanabe gets to be the Wattpad boy. He’s just so cold around anyone that isn’t Gray Raven/Kamui that I think he’s just that kid. He’s not an asshole though, minds his own business most of the time but gets into a lot of fights. He’s also something like a big brother to everyone. Teachers hate him though. Also skips fairly often, but he’s always at parties. Mostly as the designated driver. To everyone’s surprise, he wants to be a teacher and that is what he goes and does after high school.
Luna - The popular girl with all the tea I just know Luna hears absolutely everything and uses it as black mail. She’s pretty chill and likeable most of the time though, hence why she’s so popular. Probably on the student council methinks. Pretty good grades too.
Alpha - The popular athletic kid She doesn’t strike me as a tomboy necessarily, just athletic. And gay as fuck. I don’t know what it is guys, I think it might be the Doc Martens. I feel like when she’s not doing sports she’s the cool alt girl everyone wishes they were. Gets into fights and always wins them. Surprisingly, she’s well likes by teachers because she’s pretty quiet in class.
Roland - The theatre/show choir kid You all saw this one coming from a mile away. I said show choir kid too because show choir kids are actually an entirely different breed of crazy. Like we nutty as fuck. (yes, I am a show choir kid, point and laugh guys) Super flamboyant and shows off a lot- worst part is it’s actually always really impressive. Doc Martens wearer number 2, probably made a shrine to Lin Manuel Miranda in the washroom as a joke once, or a Pedro Pascal one. Either or.
Might make a part two and a bonus round for my OCs, idk hope you liked these
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
Hybe didn't?
Lmao they were no.1
Things hybe 'did' for Jimin FACE era
1. Denied him of 4 MV, to artist who build that fuxking company. While giving their rookies 4 MVs on 1st album, Yoongi and Hobi a documentary and now a world tour. Apparently 4 MVs request is unreasonable, my ass.
2. Lets forget about other international platforms but they Didn't raised a finger against hanteo robbery even if it's their own home country. Still no one knows where that 770K sales went. Conveniently stole his #1 soloist sales record.
3. Didn't sent LC to radio even after mass request from fans and it achieving no1 on BB, left all work to be done by fans. LC had a very big opportunity to go even big but how much fans can do without a single support from agency ?
4. No celebrations or theme cakes like other members, no interviews or hype after No.1 BB like bangtan had during dynamite era. When rest country was celebrating and their share prices shoot up. Even Jimin's dad's friends celebrated while it's silence from his agency.
5. Even his pre orders still not shipped which is affecting charts. It's been a month, mind you. Took days to restore CDs in BTS store. Took days to add LC to This is BTS Playlist, which is the biggest we can have, while haegum was added in a day.
6. Army were begging them about BB situation for 3 WEEKS but no response but conveniently corrected the website just a day before D DAY. No comments regarding his 90%+ sales being deleted while all K media were writing about the BB payola.
7. Cut down his promotion to 10 fucking days leaving even Jimin disappointed and doubtful about his promos. Just to announce a whole new album in a week and killed hype of FACE.
8. Threw him to hands of kpoppies and antis, they were rentlessly attacking him since SMF dropped, articles were written, they were making sexual harassment and rape jokes against him. 'Artist protection' no where to be found. Didn't even took down korean articles or hate blogs.
9. Made him overwork and finish everything within 10 days till he was sick. He attended parties with tapes on his neck and was sick af by end of promos, even on BB hot 100 announcement day.
10. Remember when Filter was removed from iTunes when it began outstreaming ON ? Yeah same thing happened. FACE tied with BTS record for iTunes album IMMEDIATELY next day there was a 'glitch' and FACE falled.
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That's an accurate depiction of me rn. I said in a comment and I'll say it here. I love Jimin with everything I own, but I'm gonna need my man to start having some sort of defiance. He doesn't see his potential, fine. But he needs to start prioritising himself. He don't need to be putting others infront of himself all the damn time. Did other members put their shit on hold for his sake? No. He was born to shine...its why he's so hated because he doesn't need to do much and people will gravitate towards him. If YT didn't do what they did SMF and LC would both have over 100M views by now. No seriously think about it. Forget the streamers like u and me. We have 74 million subscribers on Bangtan TV and 70 M subs on Hybe labels. Then Jimin has 49M followers on insta. Lets say 10 million are people with multiple accounts. That leaves 39M followers. Again, forget the streamers. Lets say there is a person who is busy so they only have time to watch his MVs once before going to work and once before bed. Then we of course have the haters obsessed with Jimin who also watched the MVs at least once. Add the fact that both MVs for sometime were number 1 and 3 on trending which means locals who like to see what's trending clicked on the songs and watched them. And then that's when the streamers come in. The math does not math no matter how much u try. The fact that LC doesn't even have 50 million views is absolutely ridiculous.
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But, I digressed. Back on topic. Hybe did do him dirty. BH been doing him dirty for fucking years. But he stays. If you've been listening. You will notice Suga and Jimin are the two members who've been the most vocal about coming back as 7. I'm not saying the rest don't want that, but Yoonmin do appear to want that the most.
We have seen Jimin refuse to go hard when he's dancing with people who are not as good. The TT he did with TXT he did not even try. He took the cute route. And that's not the only one. VIBE he could have gone harder, but u can see he is holding back because that is not his song, he was a feature. Watch how he dances with Suga versus how he dances with Jhope. U will see a clear difference. Jimin has always, always put other people into consideration. Its why u will see when V is making fun of Jimin he won't stop and keeps going and going. But when Jimin is making fun of V, he will catch himself and stop and admit he has gone to far.
He has always put Bangtan before himself and it sucks. Look at JK "what are they gonna do, fire me?" JK knows the power he holds and uses it and takes advantage of it. He knows he's indispensable. But then so is Jimin and I wish he would follow his boyfriend's lead because this is absurd. Other members have gotten sm and he got so little. How and why was he okay with this?
I would bet my right arm (I'm right handed btw) that he has also put BTS before his relationship and could have been the cause of some of their fights. And u know JK sees whats happening and doesn't like it one bit. BH weren't promoting his man to his satisfaction so JK did a whole live dedicated to Jimin. He said; fine, I'll do it myself.
Y'all think I'm kidding when I say JK stays for Jimin 🧐
I hope military service hardens Jimin and he comes back with an attitude because this man deserves to reach even greater heights than he already has.
Fuck Hybe and Bighit with a fucking cactus I'm fucking done with this shit
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ga-yuu · 2 years
[Gilbert Von Obsidian Story Chapter 4]
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WARNING: The following topic contains topics about human trafficking, child labor, and slavery.
----Part 1----
As Prince Chevalier's spy, I wanted to get as much info about Prince Gilbert as possible.
It was this sense of mission that allowed me to still remain calm even after being captured by the beast.
Gilbert: "
Gilbert: "....Fufu. I'm happy. For that, I'll tell you one thing about me."
Prince Gilbert brings me closer and holds me tightly.
I feel my body instantly turned ice cold.
Emma: "W-What?"
Gilbert: "Actually, I..."
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Gilbert: "I'm cold."
Emma: "......I know."
Gilbert: "Here's the thing."
He hugged me tightly as if I were a stuffed animal and my breathing become labored.
Gilbert: "I'm cold, so I like to feel the warmth of people all the time."
(....I see...)
(This info.....doesn't seem to be of any use)
I think I may have just solved the mystery of Prince Gilbert's unusual distance.
Gilbert: "I like this little bunny because she is so warm."
Emma: "How about putting on your cold weather gear instead of suffocating me....?"
Gilbert: "Will that help?"
Emma: "It's better than anyone misunderstanding us."
If a man and a woman are seen hugging, people around them will assume that they are in a relationship.
This is a problem that should not be tolerated, even if it's done by guests of the state.
I tried to slip out of his arms, but he only held me with such force that my bones creaked.
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Gilbert: "I don't mind if anyone misunderstands."
Emma: "I hate it...also it hurts!"
Gilbert: "Oh sorry. It's hard to find the right amount of force."
After releasing me, I sighed in relief.
But soon my hand was gabbed and my shoulders jumped.
....I'm in trouble.
Be patient.
Let go
Emma: "....I'm in trouble."
Gilbert: "You poor thing."
Emma: "........."
Gilbert: "Hmm...once you get used to it, I bet you won't feel a thing."
Gilbert: "By then it's too late, though right?"
After finishing their business at the Orphanage, Leon and Yves's smiles disappeared as soon as they got into the carriage.
Emma: "What's the matter?"
(It seemed to be running fine as far as I could tell though....)
Every single child I played with seemed happy.
Leon however sitting across from me looks bitter.
Leon: "The children didn't seem to be treated unreasonably. The management there is fine."
Yves: "They will do everything that is required. They're going to take good care of them until they get out of foster care."
(That way of putting it....)
Emma: "After leaving foster care..."
Gilbert: "They're going to be the tools of the trade of a perverted aristocrat with bad hobbies, right?"
Emma: "....What do you mean?"
Prince Gilbert who is sitting next to me, smiles.
But his red eyes weren't smiling at all.
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Gilbert: "Orphans are perfect for child labor because they don't have a family register."
Gilbert: "But slavery was abolished in Rhodolite a long time ago, so it takes a bit of work to get people to work for you."
Gilbert: "The fact that this reached the internal affairs faction's ears means that some aristocrat is going to use his power to buy up children and...."
Gilbert: "It means that he's most likely doing this as a business. In other words, human trafficking?"
Leon: "....Prince Gilbert has a keen eye, doesn't he?"
Gilbert: "This kind of thing always happens in my home country."
All the children I met at the orphanage had beautiful smiles on their faces.
I don't even want to think about the harsh future that awaits them. That would shatter those smiles.
Leon: "I've looked at the foster care listings for children in the orphanage and most of them are probably fictitious names."
Leon: "The only way to prove the list false is to find the children who were placed in foster care."
Emma: "How?"
Yves: "That's decided, isn't it?"
Yves clenches his fists tightly on his lap and opens his mouth with a stern, even angry look on his face.
Yves: "We're going to meet the root of all evil."
----Part 2----
(...It was bigger problem than we imagined)
The princes from the internal affairs faction joined the knights and arrived at a certain Baron's mansion.
Leon and Yves were so convinced that they sent knights and soldiers to search the mansion, despite the Baron's confusion.
Leon: "Julius, how did it go?"
Julius: "Children who are held captive are found in the basement."
The report from Julius, one of the soldiers from the internal affairs faction caused the Baron's complexion to turn pale.
Leon: "Make sure it matches the roster."
Julius's eyes widen as Leon hands him a document.
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Julius: "Did you steal it from the orphanage?"
Leon: "That sounds bad. I borrowed it."
Julius: "As expected from you, your highness."
Leon: "Thank you. Don't let anyone get away. I want them all."
Julius: "Leave it to me."
As he left, Sir Julius looked at Prince Gilbert, who was standing in the corner of the room.
It was only for a moment, but I think I even felt a sense of awe...rather than hostility.
(I wonder what it was just now)
Gilbert: "...What an interesting pet to keep."
Emma: "Your highness?"
Gilbert: "Ah, no nothing."
Gilbert: "The freak show is about to start, so let's watch carefully shall we?"
(....Maybe it's just my imagination. But I'll just keep it in my mind for now)
At some distance from us, Yves confronted the Baron in a resolute manner.
Yves: "Now, Baron. Shall I explain what's going on?"
Yves: "Why is this compound filled with children who have been placed in foster care?"
Baron: "...Nn..."
(But how did they know the Baron was involved in the buying and selling?)
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Gilbert: "Must have been a tip-off."
Perhaps the question was on my face, that Prince Gilbert whispered in a hushed voice.
Emma: "You mean to say, someone informed the court of this Baron's wrongdoings?"
Gilbert: "They sent an outside investigation agency and when they found who was behind it, the princes went directly to inspect it."
Gilbert: "They went to get the documents out of the orphanage before they could destroy the evidence, and came here to question the nobility about their wrongdoing.
Gilbert: "If the royal family goes in person, they can't refuse an investigation, so it's a forceful but surefire way to go about it."
(It's a sign that the inner-city princes are listening to their people)
Gilbert: "It's just that aristocrats are creatures that like to play hard to get."
Gilbert: "...Little bunny, if you don't want to die, don't leave okay?"
Emma: "What do you mean---"
But I already got my answer.
The Baron rings a bell on his desk, and armed men rushed into the drawing room, weapons at the ready.
(No way...this is!?)
Leon: "Mercenary...huh?"
Yves: "No I think there are some amateurs in the mix."
Leon: "Yeah. Looking at the fact that they know they're royalty and get into fights, it's an anti-royalist extremist 'group'"
(...Anti-royalist extremist?)
Baron: "It's not that I didn't consider the possibility that you might come to investigate at all."
Baron: "Then, if you will excuse me."
(Are you going to run away?)
As if to protect the Baron, who turned on his heel, armed people blocked our way.
The knights and soldiers have been sent to search the mansion and only Leon, Yves, Prince Gilbert and I were present.
(But these people only see Leon and Yves)
There were no weapons pointed at me or Prince Gilbert as if we weren't a threat at all.
Gilbert: "What do we do, Little bunny?"
Even in the face of a tense situation, Prince Gilbert never fails to crack a smile.
Gilbert: "Then again, there is nothing you can do here."
Emma: "....No! I will chase after the Baron!"
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Both Leon and Yves unsheathed their swords and started fighting.
The soldiers and knights must be in a similar situation, as we can hear the sounds of the struggle from outside the room.
(At this rate, we will lose the Baron!)
Before I knew it, my feet started to move.
But suddenly someone grabbed my wrists tightly.
Emma: "Prince Gilbert!?"
Gilbert: "You are an idiot."
-----Part 3-----
I come back to myself with an unrelenting dash of cold water.
Gilbert: 'How could you possibly keep up with a man's legs?"
Emma: "But----"
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Gilbert: "I don't like it. Seeing you running in vain like that"
(....I have a feeling that Prince Gilbert is right. We won't catch him if we chase him in the dark)
(But if we sit here and watch the process unfold with bated breath, we will miss the criminal)
Emma: "We'll ambush them ahead of time."
Gilbert: "How?"
Emma: "Hmmm, maybe just if we simply..."
Gilbert: "A thoughtless advance will surely fail."
Emma: "...."
Prince Gilbert smiles briskly out of place and turns away.
It's not like you can just take a leisurely stroll and proceed to the doorway and no one will pay any attention to you.
This was because the armed men were being pushed by Leon and Yves.
Gilbert: "Are you not coming with me?"
Emma: ".....But where are you going?"
Gilbert: "Didn't you say that you wanna ambush him ahead of time?"
Emma: "......So, are you helping me?"
Gilbert: "Mm. Helping you with your job is why I am here."
Gilbert: "Since I've promised, I have to keep my promise."
(Can I believe him?)
(....No, now is not the time to waste thinking that)
I hurriedly chase after the black back that is moving away from me while I am worrying about it.
Leon: "Emma!"
Emma: "Don't worry. I'll buy you some time!"
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Leon: "....Got it. Be careful. I'll come for you after I finish this!"
I nodded to reassure Leon and left the room...
(I could really get ahead of myself)
With the precision of a man who seems to know the entire structure of the mansion, Prince Gilbert blocks the narrow corridor.
When the Baron appeared a few minutes later, I felt the same excitement as when I saw the magic trick.
(....Don't tell me you read the Baron's movements with a perfect understanding of the structure of the mansion? That's something incredible for a person who visited this mansion for the first time)
This person's potential was unfathomable and I unconsciously clasped my hand.
Baron: "What the!? Why are you guys here!?"
Gilbert: "Little bunny here wants to talk to you."
(....Yes, I must not stand around aimlessly)
I step in front of Prince Gilbert and faced the Baron who tried to escape.
(Let's have a proper conversation and buy some time)
Emma: "Why are doing such terrible things to those children?"
I wasn't sure if I could get an answer to my question, but fortunately the Baron stopped.
Baron: "....Terrible? I was doing my business."
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Baron: "Rather they should be grateful for the food, clothing, and shelter I'm giving to them."
Baron: "I'm giving value to these orphans who have nowhere else to go."
Emma: "........that value and all that doesn't sound like a good thing."
(I can only imagine how they would have handled the children found in the dungeon)
Baron: "What does it matter? A person's value is determined by their birth."
Baron: "They live in the sewers and we will never be on the same stage?"
Baron: "I am, in a way a benevolent being for giving such things a use and purpose for living."
(.....Are you serious?)
Emma: "Have you ever seen those children laugh in this mansion?"
Baron: "If I had a child like that, I'd have to educate them. It is the duty of the nobility to make them understand their place in the world."
(I know everyone has different values, but...... this person's way of thinking fundamentally disagrees)
I can feel a sense of discomfort in my heart.
I didn't feel like I could compromise, and it seemed that no matter how much I argue, the walls of entrenched values would never come crashing down.
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Emma: "...A sin is a sin."
Emma: "What you did is against the law of Rhodolite, so don't think you can escape."
Baron: "I don't know who you are young lady, but don't tell me what to do."
Baron: "If you're done, then please excuse me?"
Emma: "...No, I can't let you."
Baron: "Guess, it can't be helped."
The baron draws his sword and closes the distance between us with a hint of violence.
(I don't know.....something that could be used as a weapon)
Gilbert: "Hey, with whose permission are you trying to touch little bunny?"
-----Part 4-----
Before the sword can reach me, a jet-black cane slams into the Baron's chest.
The next moment I saw Prince Gilbert stomping on the Baron's chest who was lying on the floor and was laughing beautifully.
The sight sends shivers down my spine.
(....Nn....Why, I wonder? It's not like I'm the one being stepped on...but still...)
The air changes.
The space that belonged to no one is dominated by the Trampling Beast.
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Gilbert: "You can't have her, little bunny is my prey."
Gilbert: "I won't allow anyone but me to hurt her."
(......What are you saying..)
Even if I wanted to say something, nothing comes out of my mouth.
Without Prince Gilbert's permission, it's difficult to even move a finger.
Gilbert: "Those with status have the right to do as they please with those below them, hmm."
Gilbert: "That's what you said, right?"
Baron: "Ah...Haa..."
Gilbert: "Hm, What's wrong? You look disgruntled."
Gilbert: "If you can mistreat orphans with no backing, then I can mistreat you as well, right?"
Gilbert: "Me, who is royalty, can crush a third-rated aristocrat like you under my feet, right?"
(Prince Gilbert...looks very angry...)
Something is stuck, but the overwhelming air, with even a hint of blood, disturbs my thoughts.
The Baron, who was under full pressure of the beast, was about to peel off his white eyes.
Gilbert: "What should we do with him, little bunny? Shall we kill him?"
I can't hardly believe my ears at the tone in which he said that. It's like saying 'Hey, let's have sweets together.'
Prince Gilbert's smile did not waver, which made it even more terrifying.
Emma: "...No. Don't do that!"
Gilbert: "Why?"
Emma: "Because....no one has the right to kill people."
Emma: "This man should be brought to justice by the law."
Gilbert: "Why is Rhodolite so troublesome?"
Emma: ".....is it different in Obsidian?"
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Gilbert: "Mm. Because I'm the law."
Emma: "Prince Gilbert....is the law?"
Gilbert: "Yes. The royal family's orders are absolute."
Gilbert: "If I say, 'kill him' then killing is justice and that becomes the lawful way to punish."
(....That's absurd!)
I exhaled while still trembling.
Gilbert: "You should be grateful that you're living in Rhodolite."
Gilbert: "If you were in Obsidian, you wouldn't be breathing in front of me right now."
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Gilbert: "I don't want wicked nobles who defile innocent children."
The Baron instantly faints.
It is unusual to see a man who has not violently attacked someone to the point of knocking them unconscious, but rather to control the situation with just his killing spirit.
There is no emotion, in those red-eyes.
It's as Prince Gilbert said, it's so cold.
(Not the way I look at people)
Emma: "....I see, Prince Gilbert and the Baron are alike."
Emma: "Both of you think that people with higher status have the right to do as they please with those below them."
Gilbert: "Fufu....that's what royalty is all about."
(I...I never knew)
(Excluding the fact that he is a prince of an enemy country, Prince Gilbert has always struck me with fear, and for that reason...)
Where does this instinctive alertness come from?
The answer is now before us.
Emma: "In your eyes...."
Emma: "There are no 'humans'.."
Gilbert: ".........."
(There are no humans in Prince Gilbert's world)
(That's why he can 'kill' with impunity and in the same vein, be kind to children)
Since he doesn't think that they are 'humans' there is no need to consider them.
Even with me, whether he hates it or is afraid of it Prince Gilbert will push his will through.
(Not like a real beast)
(....But a beast wearing a human skin)
Gilbert: "Fufu, do you despise me?"
Emma: "......."
Gilbert: "I don't care what you think of me, but.."
He takes his cane off of the fainted Baron as if he lost interest.
He then walks towards me and lifts my chin with his cane and stares me in the eye.
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Gilbert: "I hate people."
Gilbert: "I don't love anyone. That goes for you too. So you better watch out."
Gilbert: "I'm a beast that can even kill you with a smile, got it?"
Emma: "........."
(.....If I do something wrong...)
The Baron rolling on the floor overlaps with my future.
There was a fear that was not the same as when the Baron tried to attack me.
-----Part 5-----
Emma: "----And that's what happened today."
Chevalier: "........"
As soon as I returned back to Court, I headed to the library where Prince Chevalier is always present.
The case of human trafficking in collusion between the fosters and the Barons has been successfully resolved but,
My heart was covered with stormy weather and it was raining so hard that I felt like I drowning.
Chevalier: "That's a very apt description of the world without people in it."
Sitting back in his chair, without stopping his hand from leafing through the book, Prince Chevalier drops his words.
Chevalier: "Do you know what Obsidian's alias is?"
Emma: "...Is it a military and ore country?"
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Chevalier: "No...it's the 'Land of Deceit and Corruption."
Chevalier: "Every country has its share of power-hungry fools, and Obsidian is no exception."
Chevalier: "Corruption and lying are a daily occurrence and when you're the royal family of such a country, it's easy to imagine."
Emma: ".....It's not a very nice country to begin with, huh?"
Chevalier: "It's just a rumor."
Chevalier: "The actual inner workings of the situation are not transparent. Obsidian is also a country where information is strictly controlled.
Emma: "........"
Chevalier: "......Are you dissatisfied?"
Emma: "No..."
(I understand that Prince Gilbert has his own circumstances)
If you are the ruler of a country of deceit and corruption, it may be difficult to see people as humans.
(It's just, I can't accept it)
(....A prince who doesn't love anyone doesn't sound very nice)
Chevalier: "I don't think there's anything wrong with that."
Emma: "How do you know what I was thinking?"
Chevalier: "It's written all over your face."
When I pulled my cheek, he chuckled at me.
Chevalier: "Sometimes rulers need to cut down on the hearts and minds of the people."
Chevalier: "I think he's just following his ideal of being a champion."
Emma: "So you approve of Prince Gilbert's...way of being?"
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Chevalier: "It's not the same as affirmation. It just means I understand."
Chevalier: "If you don't see people as humans, then you're no different, right?"
Emma: "What...?"
Chevalier: "You don't see Eyepatch as a human."
Chevalier: "Originally, humans are not afraid of other humans."
Chevalier: "To you, he is a beast from the beginning and not a human."
Chevalier: "When you think like that, you are first trying to protect yourself. Now you say that this way of being is wrong?"
(...I cannot say anything)
While I accuse him of not seeing humans as humans, I myself only treat Prince Gilbert that way.
The moment I realized, I felt a pain as if the thorns of a rose were twisting around my heart.
Emma: ".....I have done such a terrible thing."
Chevalier: "You're dealing with an enemy."
Emma: "But still...what must Prince Gilbert be thinking?"
(I know I should be vigilant)
(.....But that's not what this is about)
Even today, Prince Gilbert helped me.
If it weren't for Prince Gilbert, I would have been badly wounded by now.
We might have missed the Baron too.
(And yet, I haven't even thanked him)
(....I'm the worst!)
Chevalier: "No need to feel guilty."
Chevalier: "----I wonder if it would be useless to say that."
Prince Chevalier, having closed the book, stands up and flicked my forehead.
Emma: "...Ouch."
Chevalier: "......."
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Chevalier: "You can use the kitchen if you want. I'll include the expenses of the material as an entertainment expense of the external affairs faction."
(.....Jeez, how far does Prince Chevalier reads my mind?)
He snicker once more and put the book he was holding back on the shelf.
Chevalier: "Even so....I don't think 'I hate people' is the word of someone who hates deception."
Emma: "Eh...."
Chevalier: "......"
(....What do you mean?)
Prince Chevalier does not say anymore, meaning that it's the end of the conversation.
I bowed and left him to himself.
Gilbert: "....Little bunny, didn't think you'd come to see me in the middle of the night?"
Gilbert: "Are you perhaps secretly a night crawler?"
Emma: "Wrong!"
Emma: "May I have a little bit of your time?"
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specialscum · 5 months
Past a certain point (I wanna say sometime in 2022 but that year was kind of a blur with the ones before and after it, so I can only really be sure that it was after '21 and before '24) I realized I wasn't playing competitive games because I consistently found it fun, but because I thought it *might* make my own or someone else's day a little better. I swore off doing that again (not for the first time, hehe) in the middle of a team deathmatch because I realized no one ever benefits from it long term. You get to not completely hate the entire world for one or two games, and then one of two things happens:
A: Turns out you're a normal person, and you go back to treating others in game like a normal person does (very respectable if you're not rude and/or unreasonable, not very useful)
B: You go back to thinking of people with their in-game roles in mind, but without necessarily liking them (generally a big part of how most people get an understanding of what they're playing and with who, can go really right if you allow yourself to learn, makes you go fucking insane)
The best thing to do for someone in that kind of game is to convince them to quit. Not by telling them that they're "trash" and should "uninstall", just by pointing out the obvious and saying it's just throwing diluted rabies at yourself with the occasional victory to keep you going.
I realize this post may or may not make zero sense, I'm kinda completely pissed and overjoyed and scared and salty and tired right now. If you want something to take away from it that does at least sound coherent, though: There's nothing to be gained. Proving your own skill? Come back at a different time of day, time of month, couple years of people with the same ambitions and fresh faces. You'll try the same thing again, but against your own past. You'll be either old news, old shit, or an old man trying to pass as a veteran to everyone watching.
Or maybe you really are just here for fun? This is the Internet, we don't get together to have fun here. We get together to get divided, and we get divided to have some morbid parody of "fun". Man, remember fun? Fun was so fun, I wish it wasn't brutally murdered in a gross little shed in the back of the middle of nowhere when I turned twelve.
There's no "reason" why people get together in little teams where things either go to hell within 10 minutes, or you make a little alternative interpretation in your brain where we DID fuck up, it just wasn't immediately obvious to the ones who got to feel good together because we were too busy preaching about how great teamwork is while the others went off to die and have the worst cry's ever induced by entertainment. No "reason" to do THAT every day. Just excuses about how "oh but it'll be fine once I just [whatever achievement you're aspiring for, not thinking about how badly you'll want another one after {unless you're not as stupid as me, of course}]". Well it won't be fine. You'd have to get to a point where there's nothing more to achieve for that to happen. Which would only even be possible if you were completely incapable of setting your own arbitrary (pseudo-reasonable) goals *ever*, out of the question.
So that's the post. Last paragraph's conclusion is a little shorter than I planned, but I'm slowly getting more tired and less capable of writing like this. I hope no one ever reads this, and I'm sorry for making it. I would also say I'm sorry for existing, but I'm not in the mood or state to do much more than just lie down and shoot literally *anything* other than this through my brain right now.
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lucysweatslove · 1 year
Almost done with my first week of med school proper. We haven’t gotten into much of the science but touched on a lot of more of the social factors. Obviously one week (albeit multiple hours a day) isn’t long enough to get all the way into social factors like medical racism and anti-racism, identity and intersectionality, social determinants of health, etc, it’s nice that my school opens up with it to really set the tone.
Last night I spent some time talking to a friend who is a peds resident who went through the program at my school (on a different campus) who used disability services. His advice was basically to fight for what you need at every step, because nobody else will advocate for your inclusion and DRS when he was going through clerkships had like no idea how to accommodate his physical disability. He has some good experiences and some shitty ones. Anyway, I felt better about applying after that. The worst they can do is say no, that accommodation is unreasonable, and then not have a suitable alternative. I’m fortunate enough that I don’t think my disabilities would keep me from filling technical standards, so I shouldn’t be kicked out, I would just have a harder time which is exactly where I’m at anyway.
The MS3 (third year student, started doing the clinical stuff recently-ish) that is doing a longitudinal clinic experience at my rural site was in town today and stopped by our lecture hall during my lunch break to say hi and chat. That was really nice. I told him a little about the experience I had with the Dean, and he was supportive of “whatever [I] want to do” (really stressed it’s a personal choice)- and when I said that I WANT to stay but feel pressured to quit, he was all “then FIGHT it, they’re looking for that.” He also said the docs have asked about how I was doing… idk. He is such a nice guy and easy to talk to and somebody I actually feel safe with (very rare I feel safe telling somebody IRL about any of my psych history). I just have such a hard time trusting that the docs there actually cared for me at all. Not that I expect them to actively hate me (hate takes energy; if you don’t care for somebody and are far too busy it makes most sense I think to just not give them any of your mind). But it’s easier for me to think that they’re asking how I’m doing/transitioning into med school proper out of like, a perceived duty due to their position. I have had some bad experiences of “forced kindness,” so while I don’t anticipate any hostile/negative intentions, I also have a hard time believing there are outwardly positive intentions towards me. Like “I’m asking because I genuinely care” seems less plausible than “I’m asking because it’s part of my job.”
Anyway, MS3 recommended I do NOT email but text the primary preceptor about finding a time to call, which has me anxious for other reasons (phone calls are the literal devil if I need to do anything as Me instead of as like, Customer Service Me, you know?). But I will also respect that- like after he said that it made more sense to me because she gave me her # and then also later said that emails get missed so easily because they get bombarded with emails. 🤦🏻‍♀️ I need to text her still, just got busy and need to get over my fear of bothering people.
Oh and I was busy because I actually applied for disability services and accommodations. Yay! I sent in my assessment documents and an application, and they said they will be reaching out to set up a meeting soon. Something I found interesting is that I’ve mentioned accommodations in passing to a few people - one in relation to neurodivergence and clerkships, they didn’t gaf which is totally fine, and the other was that MS3 (just asking if he every used it, he said no). I don’t know entirely what I picked up from them and don’t want to read TOO much into it bc neurodivergence. But I wonder how much of those answers is somehow related to stigma in med Ed. My opinion is very much “fight ableism” in the sense that like, a quarter of people have a disability of some sort and can use legal measures to protect against discrimination and get us a little closer to equity. And it’s not just for me either- I really really do want to fight the systemic BS. And that’s part of why I’m so curious about their motivations for NOT seeking services. If they really feel like there is nothing they need to accommodate and like they don’t have a disability, that is GREAT for them and I won’t tell them how to experience any diagnosis or difference from normative experiences. I’m just unsure if there’s some judgment on my end for seeking it, or maybe if there’s some internalized ableism, or if they were just heavily dissuaded BECAUSE of ableism, idk.
I do feel fortunate to have people around me that care and want to help, though.
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wyrmfedgrave · 3 months
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Pics: More Dark Horror Funnies.
Essay: "Lovecraft, Sexist & Racist." Part 2.
So, Howard was a white supremacist.
Even, a bit of a "nagging nanny" type of race baiter¹.
For, I can find no example of HPL ever doing something about his hatred - at least not physically.
Since Lovecraft was a writer, that be- came his main venue for denigrating other people.
But, Howard's early racism was still quite virulent - even by the lowest standards of his time.
HPL incorrectly considered himself an Aryan descendant² - so he hated all Jewish refugees & was unsympathetic towards Negroes.
When Black folk were lynched, Love- craft expressed compassion for their White murderers³!
Merely walking thru NYC's diverse crowds, caused Howard to "quiver with fury."
HPL never repented his racist ideas, regarding anyone who wasn't of White Anglo-Saxon Protestant stock⁴ to be "subhuman."
So, you may ask, why did Sonia Greene marry Lovecraft?!
Sonia was a Jewish immigrant who wrote, traveled, designed posh hats & even got to own a business.
Though Sonia didn't approve of his racism, she fell in love with Howard's mind & gentlemanly ways.
HPL had the gall to claim that Sonia's marriage to him was a renouncement of her Jewish heritage!!
This was something that Sonia rapidly disagreed with⁵!
Yet, even going thru such racial hate, Sonia kept her promise to Lovecraft.
She continued to send him a regular allowance - because he was too proud to look for work!
Now, Howard's bigotry was actually a disturbing facet of his personal beliefs - even when compared to his peers!
Most of his friends had surpassed such old ideas - yet, HPL clung to them all of his life.
No doubt, Lovecraft's love of ancient English culture had this 'side effect' on him.
Plus, Howard could also be selfish, unpleasant & bitter enough to blame others for his own personal faults...
HPL's treatment of Blacks was an un- wavering hatred that followed many different forms.
For instance, in Lovecraft's & Zealia Bishop's⁶ "Medusa's Coil", the main 'evil' is the stupid racial horror of a Black man 'passing' for White⁷...
In his review of a story by Eli Colter⁸, Howard states,
"The only decent thing in the issue (of Weird Tales) is "Last Horror"⁹, which is truly clever, though quasi-scientific."
"I have long planned something of that sort myself... thru psychic rather than physical means."
"An attempt (by) an educated Negro to project his personality... securing a White man's body thru... voodoo¹⁰!"
"HPL actually had 2 such entries in his 1923 Commonplace Book¹¹.
But, Lovecraft was beaten to the punch.
Still, Howard later used similar ideas in his stories "Thing on the Doorstep¹²" & "Shadow Out of Time¹³."
Now, after his marriage collapsed & HPL moved back to Providence, he wasn't any less bitter¹⁴.
But, Lovecraft did experience a re- newed burst of creativity!
It was at this time that Howard wrote most of his best tales.
HPL's finances, however, were another matter.
Lovecraft spent most of his life as a 'starving artist' - frail & malnourished.
A regular job remained beneath him...
So, Howard's diet became 1 of eating expired canned goods!
Sometimes HPL skipped food al- together, just so that he could afford postage of his famously long letters¹⁵.
Lovecraft would die at 36 years of age - of intestinal cancer.
Though, Howard cared about his stories, he fully expected to be for- gotten.
"I have no illusions (about) the... status of my tales & do not expect to be- come a serious competitor of my favorite weird (story) authors."
Once again, HPL was wrong.
Due to his surviving friends keeping his tales in print (thru Arkham House), Lovecraft is now more important & inspiring than ever before!
But, Howard's unreasoning racism has damaged his literary legacy.
HPL's bust was removed¹⁶ from the World Fantasy Award¹⁷ because his galling racial views made many of the other winners uncomfortable.
But, I think that Lovecraft's works still stand strong - as testaments to his xenophobia & the great fiction that it finally permeated...
1. Race baiting now means "making verbal attacks against certain ethnic groups."
This term dates back to the 1920s, when it described the racial hatred that White people encouraged - in order to gain political advantages.
How petty, right?
2. The Aryans were actually Iranian & (Hindu) Indian peoples - NOT actual Caucasians.
And, Pre-Indo-European actually describes ancient languages in Asia Minor & Europe - not a White ethnic group!
In 1953, only 5 such language families were identified in Western Europe:
A. Eurafrican in North Africa, France, Italy & Spain.
B. Hispano-Caucasian from Northern Spain to the Caucasian Mountains.
C. Iberian in Southern Spain.
D. Libyan from North Africa to Sardinia.
E. Etruscan in Northern Italy.
The speakers of these languages moved to Old Europe (a Southeastern New Stone Age culture) from an area that now stretches from Ukraine to the North Caspian Sea.
This was in an area of flat grasslands from Eastern Europe to Southwestern Siberia.
These people are now identified as the Kurgan or Yamnaya ethnic group.
3. Howard went so far as to say that lynching was necessary - for Whites to 'protect' themselves!
HPL would, in later years, bemoan his earlier writings, saying that he would pay blackmail to forget they existed...
Lovecraft did get rid of some of his worst works - but, only from his early juvenile period.
4. A stock, in Howard's time, meant a subspecies of mankind differing due to physical characteristics - like dark skin...
Stock was once part of the so-called 'scientific' racism that began in the 1800s.
This led to measuring people's skulls to differentiate a person's attributes - like 1's intelligence.
Worse, stock became a way to rigidly divide different ethnicities & to some horrifying eugenic programs.
With the rise of genetics, however, this meaning of stock has become obsolete.
5. Sonia thought that HPL's aunts & his Providence surroundings were stunting his growth as a human being.
It took some doing, but, she finally convinced Lovecraft to marry her & move to NYC, where he could be close to many of his other friends.
Sonia basically payed Howard to be able to concentrate on his writing...
But, Lovecraft still struggled to sell his short stories & didn't help with their expenses!
It ended up with Sonia having to move out West alone, as HPL wouldn't go any further - not even for a magazine editorship in Chicago!!
Yet, Sonia still supported Howard while she was on the road - visiting him every month or so.
6. Bishop was an American romance writer, now remembered for the 3 horror stories that she collaborated with Lovecraft on.
These tales are "Medusa's Coil", "The Mound" & "Curse of Yig."
These stories were all extensively re- written by HPL.
In 2014, 36 letters from Howard to her were discovered & then, quickly published.
7. During the antebellum period, for a Black to pass as White was a means of escaping slavery.
Some used their 'masquerade' to uplift other Black folk via their education.
The reverse, "black fishing", was very common during the early days of making movies.
Whites passed themselves of as being Black - thru the 'magic' of blackface makeup.
"Race shifting" was used by Jews during WW2, except that they tried passing themselves of as Aryans to escape Nazi persecution.
There are also quite a few books, films, TV shows, songs & even the visual performances of conceptual artist Adrian Piper that continue to explore this theme...
8. Pen name of M.E. Frost, who wrote 100s of stories, serials & novels.
Frost adopted the byline in the early 1920s & became the 2nd most popular author - in Weird Tales - right behind Lovecraft himself!
Sadly, Frost never had a chance to get 1 of her stories featured on the Weird Tales cover...
9. This is a racebending tale that talks about racial discrimination directly.
In this sci-fi plot, a Black millionaire grafts White skin on his whole body!!
This is done with the help of a rogue doctor, kidnapping, bribery & murder.
The writer expresses the narrator's self-hatred thru the White prejudices that spark the murderous plot.
But, these words are coming from the mouth of the story's 'hero'...
So, while the moral might be self- acceptance, it's difficult to read the story as being well meaning.
Rather, the tale sounds like it's written by a White man - 1 who doesn't know how to portray the true experiences of Black life in the 1920s.
At the end of this story, with White superiority proven, the hero is shamed into committing suicide...
Not prize winning material.
10. Voodoo ("spirit, god") is a form of animism (belief that everything has a spirit) common in the Caribbean Sea area - especially in Haiti.
It's actually a mingling of the tribal religions brought by slaves from West Africa & European Christian practices.
Vodou (its correct spelling) is a monotheistic religion, believing in the supreme spiritual entity of Bondye.
And, it originated back in 1600s Haiti.
But, has spread out thruout the West Indies.
11. Commonplace books are ways to compile bits of knowledge & ideas.
With the intention of future use.
They were especially kept during antiquity, the Renaissance & the 1800s - so, perfect for Howard's taste.
12. "Thing on the Doorstep" (1933) is a short story about a man who kills a wizard that's survived death already.
Then, the shooter has to defend himself from a murder charge.
The shooter claims that the wizard changed bodies with his long time friend.
And, left said friend trapped in a fe- male's rotting corpse - which the doomed hero uses to convince his friend!!
The hero's friend then shoots the wizard possessed body.
But, now it's the friend that fears to be possessed...
13. "Shadow Out of Time" (1935) is about spacetime travel - via mental transfers!!
This is done by aliens who enjoy long lives - by trading places when their whole race is facing major any sort of catastrophe!
The narrator believes that the mind transfers are nothing more than some mental illness.
Then, he discovers other cases like his - spread thruout history...
So, he comes to believe that he's not really crazy after all.
In the end, the narrator finds out that the alien's last bodies died out eons ago.
And, that the body snatchers are now in the far future, inhabiting creatures that evolved long after humanity went extinct...
But, also still surviving - into the hero's time - are the monstrous beings that killed the aliens' last bodies...
14. When Howard found out that his wife wanted to make a new business - in Providence - he had his aunts keep Sonia away!
HPL was 'mortified' that his neighbors might find out that his wife was a 'common' businesswoman!!
You're a poor fucking bastard - who needs your wife to keep you morally honest...
15. Lovecraft has actually become more famous for his letters than for his fiction!!
Howard would write up to 15 or 16 pages for each letter - utilizing every bit of space available!
Though he was once thought to have written some 100,000 missives, now- a-days the score is down to around 60,000.
But, new discoveries keep rising that score...
16. This loss of face occurred back in 2015. Lovecraft's head was replaced by... Ygdrasill?!
Well, a tree anyway.
17. This award has been running since it started back in 1975!
It's considered one of the three most prestigious speculative fiction awards.
Speculative, here, involves horror, sci- fi & fantasy stories.
So, this mega-genre explores both the possible & impossible alike...
Speculative fiction can occur at any time - so long as it contains some element that didn't, doesn't or won't really exist.
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enstrngmntprsm · 11 months
Character Facts of Moments AU:
Its unreasonable, but I imagine them being in Master's programs
Im Nayeon:
Journalism Major/Aspiring News Journalist
Has known Jeongyeon since childhood
Called the "Universe's Favorite" because of how oddly fortunate she is, aka everything she wishes or works for usually ends up right in her lap
Philosophically represents optimism, of the belief that we live in the best possible world that could exist, in a technical sense.
Cannot handle her alcohol at all
Yoo Jeongyeon:
Culinary Arts Major
Is bad at feelings/loves through actions
May or may not have had a long-standing 14 year long crush on a specific woman
Doesn't usually keep her hair long
Her type is loud, overly expressive, and head-strong
Hirai Momo:
Aiming towards a Masters in Choreography
Moved to South Korea when she was in middle school
Represents philosophical stoicism, meaning even temperament and self-control wields a virtuous person
Prefers to watch than engage, people mistake this for being rude
Does NOT have a good dating track record (maybe she has poor taste in men?)
Minatozaki Sana:
Dance Performance Major
...You could say she also has had a long-standing nine year crush on a specific woman
Also represents optimism in a sense, always afloat and always seeing the best in situations, living optimally
Came to South Korea in early high school
Her type is dark haired, pale skinned artists who never speak what's on their mind
Park Jihyo:
Vocal Performance Major
Definitely has too many thoughts going on in that pretty head of hers
Determined to be the best girlfriend that exists
Has known Dahyun for the better half of her life
Ride or die type bestie
Myoui Mina:
Computer Science Major
Bit of an existentialist if you really think about it
Part-time art model for the university (but absolutely no one should know about this)
Loves to be included in things, just never speaks out about it
Her type is golden retriever vibes
Kim Dahyun:
Music Performance in Classical Piano
Secretly a nihilist but cares about the opinions of others too much to express it
Has had quite a difficult life
Her life-line is music
Not in contact with her family whatsoever anymore
Doesn't like to get frustrated...for a multitude of reasons
Son Chaeyoung:
Art Major with a minor in Art History
Went through the foster care system as a child
Has known Jeongyeon most of her life
Hard to break smoking habit
Does NOT do well with big changes
Somewhat of a supernaturalist...not entirely on board with the idea of god, but definitely believes there is a force higher than herself
Chou Tzuyu:
Business Administration Major with a minor in Philosophy
Thinks way too much
Might be a pessimist at the moment
Doesn't necessarily have an interest in anyone that isn't Kim Dahyun or Son Chaeyoung, and likes it that way
Really kind of hates being a Business Major
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revvnant · 1 year
Abatina, anemone !
ABATINA :   is there anything in life your muse has changed their mind about over time   (   due to becoming more educated on the topic ,   certain experiences  ,   etc .   ) ,    or that they   would   change their mind about under certain circumstances ?  
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running a business. he hated it when he was picking up william's slack ( in later years, when william's priorities had shifted from 'run a successful pizzeria' to 'keep the place afloat so i can keep killing/marketing my killer robots' ), but once he's in charge of his own location, he actually really enjoys it. it's easy for him to lose himself in work, and though he can get absorbed in the fine details, having someone ( helpy lol ) to pull him back to see the big picture can really balance things out and make him an extremely effective manager. i have an au where he's the manager of the megaplex, and he's the type to pull ten hour days and not ask his employees to do anything he wouldn't do -- in part because of the bliss of creating a boss who cares, in part because he has been on the bottom rung and knows how it feels. he's very pro-worker solidarity and the megaplex under mike is one of the best locations to work at if you can tolerate the occasional supernatural crisis.
ANEMONE :   how does your muse view the world ;   as a cruel   &   unforgiving place ,   a land full of wonders ,   or something in - between ?  where does that world view come from   (what experiences ,   life lessons ,   etc .   ) ?  
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i would love to say that michael is the type of person who has recovered from his trauma to the point where he can understand that the world is a beautiful or at least ambiguous place full of delicious possibilities -- but he's not, and not just because he has experienced cruelty, but because he's more of a... 'realist?' like i've played characters who suffer and are hopeful, and i've played characters who suffer and turn cruel, and michael isn't really in either of those categories; he sits in between in a space where his experience of abuse and violence has made him capable of the same in extremes, but he also works hard not to do unto others. he has not internalised william's worldview, obviously, but it has impacted him. it both drives him to try to be kinder and destabilises him so expressing that kindness is really hard. he can be unreasonable and bristly and lash out at people for no real reason, and it's not in a subconscious 'i have to defend myself' sort of way, but rather, he is so fucking worn down from being on the receiving end of antagonism that he has developed a permanent seething anger that boils just below the surface nearly all the time, and sometimes that shit just comes out.
more broadly, while there are aspects to living that he enjoys, such as good food, music, travel, etc., he is also like. sadly cursed to live as a forever zombie, and has intentionally tied himself to the freddy's nightmare so hard that it's created a bit of a bubble. inside that bubble almost everything is horrible. so he definitely has his days of being like. the world is cruel the world is ugly etc. etc. but on the whole i feel like... even if he has a negative worldview, he's not the type of person to come out and be like, 'THE WORLD IS HARSH AND UNFORGIVING AND PEOPLE ARE TERRIBLE.' he's not super philosophical, just, in general. so while i'd say that he definitely doesn't have a positive view of the world, he's also not languishing over the state of humanity. instead, he's languishing over the state of a few very specific humans and one very cruel man. anything beyond that he kind of sees as this formless blur that he sometimes dips into to go to the grocery store or buy gas station dvds.
i would steer clear of saying that he is a 'woe is me' type, again he trends more towards anger than sadness, but he's also a very... self-contained kind of guy? he has no greater cause beyond 'fuck this dude specifically' and it doesn't really transfer to other Evil People unless they remind him of william on a personal level. no time for considering the state of the world do you see what's happening in this one town in utah.
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dorkydoofy · 2 years
I'm glad your pinned post is there to remind me why I don't follow you whenever I think I might want to. A lot of what's mentioned in it is normal, tame levels of feminism and I would genuinely feel unsafe around someone who believed the opposite of more than one of these statements. (Go over each of them and think about it.) Acting like any and all trauma is unreasonable and shouldn't exist just perpetuates a version of normal that is actively harmful. I understand this may not be your intention but having this as your pinned post screams you're a "if something bad happens to you I will not believe you" sort of person. All that post does is perpetuate division of the LGBT community, as it more or less implies "if you're trans don't trust lesbians because they all must be radical feminists for having literally any reason for not being with a man instead!" So what if I'm lesbian because I have a trauma associated with men? How does that impact anyone but me? Why hate me as a person for being a victim of the sort of world that posts like these want to normalize or pretend doesn't exist? I don't wish my trauma on anyone but my having a fear of men doesn't impact anyone else and I'd hate for people to witchhunt me for simply having it. Of course "not all men" but how about a "not all lesbians"? That pinned post is a declaration that you will not stand by victims, and maybe not lesbians, period.
Ive read over both your ask and the pinned post many times but ive still had a bit of trouble understanding. Perhaps its just my tired brain, or that we think differently, but regardless ill most likely end up changing anyway since Im mostly just here to reblog silly stuff and dont want to have to get asks like this. I dont get a 'dont trust lesbians' vibe from it at all, but I'm not a lesbian so that may not be my place to say whether it does or not. Im also confused about the points? Yes, some of them can be normal, but most of them are contextual. What you identify as and what reason you have for why you do are none of my business! Its your identity and I'll respect it, even if i dont quite understand. I want to come off as a safe person to be around, but if I dont then feel free to block me. I dont mind, and Im not here for followers anyhow. Your peace of mind matters most, and I hope you can at least somewhat understand what I'm trying to say. Not very good at being serious and typing long things in all honesty, and my brain gets jumbled easily. But if you wish to discuss this more then feel free to message me privately! Im very willing to hear you out more. Just preferably shorter and less hard to read than this /lh
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jitteryfool · 2 years
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Finally sitting down and watching the rest of the season and not going lie, the conflict between Viktor and Allison is handled exactly the way I hate the most; one person being the only one acting hostile and taking shots at the other while the rest of the cast acts like both of them are at fault for not getting along and not like.... one person minding their own business until they get insulted by the other, so they try to defend themself but get told they shouldn't.
I really understand why Allison's acting like this and reading from others explaining her perspective helped but also... this does not prevent me from being annoyed at her behavior.
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If they truly want Viktor and Allison at odds with each other, then I would like it to be mutual and not one-sided. Let Viktor take cheap shots at Allison during moments he shouldn't. Because right now, it just looks to me like Allison is being unreasonably hostile and insulting towards Viktor who by all accounts just tries to stay out of her way, so their dynamic just comes across as unbalanced.
If the writing just allowed Viktor to be mean and vicious right back, then I would understand why Luther is berating both of them for not getting along, because yeah, they are both being hostile. But if one party is way too passive, like Viktor is, then the other person just comes across as needlessly confrontational and looking for a fight.
Allison has valid reason to be angry at Viktor but I do think Viktor should also be allowed to be angry at her for Harlan's murder, instead of being told to get over it.
This is not a 'both are equally at fault' argument, because I see a lot of people arguing who committed the worse actions. This is a 'even though I understand why Allison killed Harlan, this was still a person Viktor cared about and I find it unrealistic and unfair that he isn't allowed by the narrative and the other characters to grieve his death or be angry about it' argument.
I just find it would be better if Viktor could be mean-spirited towards Allison right back, because 1) their conflict would appear less one-sided (and IMO, allow viewers who get annoyed at their conflict to direct their dislike not solely on Allison) and 2) character-wise, it would make more sense for Viktor to be much more impacted by Harlan's death.
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shinidamachu · 3 years
In the original inuyasha who do you believe is the most underappreciated character?
Well, to me — and I say this unironically — it's definitely Kaede.
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There are some other Inuyasha characters that I feel like could be more appreciated. Kagome and Inuyasha (funnily enough) are on my list because some people just like to be unnecessarily hard on them. Miroku, Sango and Shippo also come to mind, since I frequently see them get sidelined and most often than not, in favor of characters that are... not as important to the plot or general dynamic of the main group.
And don't get me started on Inuparents. It still blows my mind to this day that we know so little about the love story that generated the main character of the show.
But the thing is: in those cases, it's not uncommon to see posts calling out how underappreciated those characters are and, as a response, they do end up getting at least some kind of "recognition." It also helps that they're protagonists.
Even controversial characters such as Kagura, Koga, Kikyo and Sesshomaru (although I'd argue the latter is painfully overrated), receive their fair share of attention and love from their so called defense squads, despite the fact that it's not an universal thing and they could definitelly be more loved.
All of those characters are the target of valid criticism, but also of unreasonable hate and appreciation posts as a counterpoint. But Kaede? She has none of that. Rare are Kaede fanarts and scarce is her role in fanfictions, even though she is a hardcore badass.
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And her life story is fascinating as well. We have no idea of who her parents were, or what happened to them, but I think it's safe to assume she lost all of her family (except for Kikyo) at a very young age. All she had, all she knew was her big sister, whom she has always admired and looked up to.
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But let's face it... being such an important person, in charge of such an important task, Kikyo were too busy being a priestess to actually be Kaede's big sister rather than her tutor or mentor. As a result, I also think it's safe to assume Kaede had very little of a childhood, which sadly is probably an echo of Kikyo's lost one, in a cycle that should have been broken but wasn't. It's very tragic, but at least they had each other...
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Until they hadn't. Kikyo died and whatever was left of Kaede's childhood was gone with her. She took upon herself to follow her sister's footsteps and she does look more happy being a priestess than Kikyo ever was, but it doesn't mean it didn't come at a great personal cost.
At the very least, she spent fifty years mourning her sister while the very man who supposedly betrayed Kikyo — betrayed them, if you consider the anime canon — and killed her, was peacefully "sleeping" on a tree of the nearby forest.
Then she had her beloved sister forcefully brought back from her well deserved rest by a dark witch, but it's not the sister she remembers. She is full of rage and malice. She is feeding off innocent souls. She is becoming the very thing she used to fight against. And the man who had actually plotted her murder was the one they tried to save all those years ago.
The narrative always tend to make us feel sorry for Kikyo's fate, which... totally valid. But it never really addressed in depth how awful everything must have felt for Kaede. Especially about how helpless she must have felt.
That being said, she had a strong personality since she was a little kid, as you can see in the first painel. She is wise, she is fair, she is funny:
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Her kid character design was gorgeous (and I wish we had gotten to see a little bit more of young Kaede), but even though she is already an old woman and it's not as close to the action as the others, she is still holding her own when she could have simply retired.
You can see how much of an excellent job she has done protecting the village for those fifty years and she is also a first class bullshit detector:
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Not to mention she is a female character who has lost an eye as a colateral damage of a battle, but this has never defined her and most importantly: she never gets her eye magically fixed in the end. It's just there, because that's the way it is: not a big deal. And it doesn't refrain her from doing anything. That's very good, very rare representation.
Finally, I must say: I think the lack of hype concerning Kaede comes from two main reasons.
First, writting. It feels like exploring the her sisterly relationship with Kikyo would have been the most logical, realistic and organic way to go. Both of them would have greately benefited from it, since it would have made the duo even more sympathetic, relatable and appealing, creating an amazing, emotional charged conflict. But they had very few scenes together, compared to other characters that aren't even blood related to them.
I often felt like Kikyo cared more about claiming Inuyasha's life and defeating Naraku than for her little sister and like Kaede, in returned, had a stronger bond with Inuyasha than with Kikyo herself. Which is just, you know, not good. Especially when you have the obvious parallel with Sango and Kohaku, that was used for Inuyasha and Kikyo instead. Such a good opportunity wasted in favor of the dragged out love triangle. What a shame.
And second... I really think it also has something to do with the fact that Kaede is old, fat and not exactly what the kids would call "shipping material" although a few people have pointed out that it would have been cute to see Kaede and Grandpa Higurashi developping a relationship of sorts, even if platonic, which is something else that could have been addressed in the writting, although harder to find the time to.
My point is: people would have been all over Kaede if she was a young, skinny pretty thing they could ship with some equally hot character. I guess even fictional women have an expiration date.
But Kaede is an awesome character. She has taken in Inuyasha, Kagome, Sango, Miroku and Shippo as if they were her own, dumb gradchildren. Same with Rin. And we just don't love her enough for it.
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Hashtag peace.
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