#just curious why it's all ALBEDO
atskiruma · 2 years
he makes you cry
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expl: he doesn't usually care about others' feelings, so how was he supposed to know what he did to you was mean?
a/n: appalled that this is my first time doing my favorite geo boy, appalled and ashamed; also exhausted this might not be my best work, requests sent will be fulfilled soon, i just need some rest! just got hired at a job that i went for an interview with today, so work will slowly be coming out later and later, sorry!
ask me anything
second-person writing no pronouns used, 2,818 words
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Xiao was not fond of caring about others' emotions, nor did it ever occur to him that he should care. He tried to keep his life as simple and as peaceful as possible because he deserved it after everything he went through before. Which was why he was so confused when someone would cry in front of him. Xiao never cried when times were hard, what made those salty tears escape human eyes so easily?
Most of the time, he never saw people cry, and if he did, he ignored it. That's how he was taught to deal with emotion, he'd ignore it.
It began when you were up in your room at the Inn, minding your business and trying to figure out how to make the woven bracelet that the Traveler had taught you. Frankly, it was pretty difficult, and when the Traveler was teaching you, you were so busy watching them that you never actually learned.
The hours were beginning to fly by and you could hardly make out the original pattern you were trying to replicate. Repeated failures over and over and piling yarn began to stack up on the bed next to you. It was when you had finally gotten it down to only mess up again because something distracted you was when you finally snapped.
Throwing the bracelet across the room where it rested under the table, streams of hot tears began to roll down your cheeks in frustration. You were doing everything right, why wasn't it working!
It happened to be the same time you were leaving your room when Xiao was strolling down the hallway. The two of you made eye contact and his eyes flew to where the tears were running toward the bottom of your neck. His eyes widened only a little bit and his mouth opened and closed like a fish only to not know what to say.
You also stood still and stared at him. Why? Maybe you were just waiting for him to comfort you or you were curious about what he had to say. But when it was clear that he'd keep gapping like a fish, you started to walk off again. Only for him to grab your wrist before you made it too far and pull you a bit toward him.
"Are you okay?" He asked in a soft voice, hardly making eye contact with you and finding his shoes on the floor more entertaining. It was shocking to see him show such concern in general, but you remembered why you were upset and started to ball again. Pushing yourself into his chest and crying warm tears into his shirt.
His hands fumbled on the sides of you for a while until he rested them softly on your hips. Awkwardly patting you in a form of reassurance he'd never shown anyone before.
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His face was pretty flat when you began to show signs of distress and sadness. Albedo was too focused on his experiment to even realize that something went wrong on your end. The sound of a beaker crashing to the floor sounded across the room, but he still kept looking forward, hardly hearing anything at all.
That sound kept up for a while, you were pretty sure you broke at least 5 beakers in the time it took for you to get them from the spare cabinet. It wasn't until the 6th beaker that you managed to catch did Albedo actually turn around to see what had happened.
His experiment seemed to be going fine, the color of the liquid sitting at the bottom of the beaker matching the picture right next to it perfectly. You sighed when you saw he had already beaten you to make the antidote.
"I don't know how you do it 'bedo. This one is probably the most difficult I've done." You said before wiping your forehead which was littered with sweat from how hard you'd been concentrating.
"Just try again, I'm sure you'll be able to complete it." He said, his encouraging words going little to no length and falling straight to the floor. It didn't help that the trashcan full of your previous broken beakers was so close. It was extremely discouraging to see how much damage you've caused just trying to learn how to brew the antidote.
Then Albedo took his leave, putting his things down when he realized the clock read 9 PM. Bidding you goodbye, he looked back one last time with his handle on the doorknob and spoke. "Humans sometimes do not carry the skill to complete such a difficult task, do not push yourself to do something you simply can't achieve."
And then the door shut. All you did was stare at where he previously had been, his words repeating in an endless loop shrinking infinitely into your mind.
"Huh?" Was all you said before a warm feeling rushed down your cheeks and landed on the toe of your shoes. Did he just call me stupid? You thought to yourself. The frustration you felt along with the fact that he just said that, caused a rush of salty tears to leave your eyes. Your eyelashes stuck together as tears mended them together.
You continued to stand there and cry, until the door opened again and the alchemist stuck his head back in the door, announcing he forgot something towards the floor. That was until he lifted his head up to see you standing there, crying. For once, he stood still and just stared at you unable to conjure any words for the scene he was witnessing.
The sniffles and the silent sounds of tears padding the floor were all that was making sound in the room. As Albedo continued to stare at you like the two of you were playing a game of freeze tag.
"I'm stupid aren't I 'bedo?" You said, which made him flinch when the sound of the nickname you gave him came out in a harsh and rude manner. "Too stupid to figure out the dumb potion because I'm just a mere human in your eyes."
"What're you talking about?" He said, with the quietest and most emotion-full voice you've ever heard him use. Albedo continued to step closer to you, almost as if he was never moving at all. When he finally did reach you, his hand brushed against your cheek and his eyes held so much concern it could fill up the sea.
"I don't think you're lesser than me, is this about what I said? I didn't mean it like that..."
You kept sniffling while looking at him, still stubborn for more than what he was giving you. His arms reached around you and held you close, something he often did when Klee would sob, which he learned from Jean.
The two of you stood like that for a while, until the blazing sun rested its eyes in the distance, and the sorrowful moon began to creep up the valley.
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"What is wrong with you??" Tighnari's harsh voice came out in a way you only heard once in a while. His irritated look glared at you from where you stood, all you had done was knock down a few books, but it looked like other things were really beginning to upset him.
You expected to greet the forest ranger and spend some time together, seeing as the both of you made those plans a while ago, but it seems that he was really busy with something that he was supposed to finish a while ago.
He whipped his head back to look at the beakers on the table, making a very loud and audible sigh at your appearance here. "I'm busy, so make another time for..." He waved his hands around dramatically and quick, "Whatever it was you were planning and leave me be."
You stood silent for a while, shocked that he was giving you such an attitude, but at the same time, you had no idea how to respond to what he said. So, you did just that and didn't respond, turning on your heels and leaving. Unfortunately, Tighnari didn't hear you leave and assumed you were still sitting there waiting for him like usual. So when he turned around and opened his mouth to address you and apologize, he stopped in his tracks to see you weren't there.
When you saw Tighnari again, it was actually just his voice you had heard and your eyes didn't flicker to see if it was actually him. Collei was holding some sort of dinner for the forest rangers in the area, to both thank them and congratulate her for beating Eleazar. But you finally did see him when it was too late, and you were bumping into the forest ranger with food in your hands.
A shocked gasp came out of your mouth till the echoed noise of a bowl rumbled onto the ground and crashed down, the food flying along with it. Your distressed state increased, and you immediately flew down to try and clean it up.
In fact, you were so busy trying to clean the bowl of food that had spilled over that you didn't even realize the forest ranger was standing behind you with his hands behind his back. Until the call of your name was repeated for the 3rd time, did you turn around to look at him, tears in your eyes from how frustrated you were?
Tighnari's eyes widened before he immediately dropped to his knees and put his hand on your shoulder for comfort. It shocked him to see you in such a vulnerable state, especially with how cheery you always seemed around him.
"What happened? Are you alright?" Tighnari said, before moving his eyes down to the food splattered all over the dirt. You didn't even realize how much helping out at the party would stress you out. As soon as Tighnari muttered the words are you alright, tears flooded out more and more as you tried to hide your face in your hands. Your shoulders and body shook with how much you were crying. Tighnari moved closer to you and shielded you with his body.
Not only did he treat you terribly before, but the first time he sees you in days, you were crying? His heart felt like it could break then and there. His hand came around your back to soothingly rub circles on it while you continued to sob. His ears even flattened a bit on his head in guilt.
When Collei had come around the corner to see the pasta salad splattered on the ground, and Tighnari hugging you with his tail between his legs. She smiled and sighed a bit, before walking away to leave you two be.
It felt like a long time while the two of you sat like that, his hand never stopping to rub your back. You finally pulled away to look at him and Tighnari rested his hand on your cheek in a comforting manner.
"I'm sorry I treated you like that, I was irritated and you came in at a bad time. I never want to hurt you." His guilt-written face and ears practically flattened to his head making your heart beat in a painful rhythm.
"You can make it up to me by helping me clean this up?" You said as a sly grin grew a little bit on your face. He smiled back and rolled up his sleeves to begin cleaning.
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Scaramouche was a mean boy, everyone knew that he had no filter and he acted as if he didn't care about anyone when in reality it was the exact opposite.
"You're pathetic!" He yelled at the top of his lungs, looking at your shocked expression and stance from across the room. You had just failed to do the task that Nahida assigned you again, and it seemed like the newly-found anemo holder was growing more and more impatient watching you fail over and over.
"Excuse me?" You spat back, clearly irritated with his outburst and pushiness. Scaramouche scoffed again before trailing over to where you were, Nahida watching the interaction from her desk.
"You've been doing it all wrong, and that pathetic idiot brain can't seem to comprehend that." His fingers flew a swift flick to your head, pushing you back a centimeter. "If you keep failing, shouldn't you be trying something else instead of pushing the same solution over and over? Moron."
His insults over and over were hurting, sure, but you were used to it. When you felt good. Right now, this was the last thing you needed after failing again and again. At one point you even glanced over at Nahida after failing and saw her face look a bit reluctant about your skills. Which increased your anxiety tenfold.
"I never knew someone could be so stupid. I even worked with morons every day in the Fatui, but none match up to how idiotic you are." Scaramouche just kept blasting insult after insult at you. What was with him today? Was he really that peeved you didn't wait for him in the morning to walk over here?
Moving aside and putting your hands up defensively, you made way for the prince and his smart brain. He moved in front of you and began looking down at what you were doing. It looked like Nahida was still working with you on Fermat's Last Theorem, which was an extremely difficult math equation, back in the 17th century. Scaramouche made a noticeable eye roll before sitting down to begin writing out how to solve it.
What he didn't see was your reaction to the last flinching insult he threw your way. He didn't witness the tears swell up in your eyes and he also didn't see you walk away and leave the sanctuary. Only witnessing your presence gone when he looked up to turn another sarcastic comment towards you. Scaramouche's eyes widened for a fraction of a second before looking around him to see where you went. He turned towards Nahida when he couldn't find you and she looked up at him before looking back down at her papers.
"Tsk, whatever." He pushed his seat back and sat up to leave, wondering what he should have for dinner instead of concerning himself with where you went. It wasn't until later in the evening when he saw you again, sitting back at the desk, not uttering an obnoxious sigh or an irritating "What does this mean??"
He eased himself over to you with his hands in his pockets before leaning behind your shoulder to see what you were doing. You were working on the problem again, but his copy of it was nowhere to be seen, that is until he looked towards the trash and saw his handwriting on the paper barely crumpled and resting near the top of the bin.
"You threw away my paper?" He said with irritation lining every letter. You kept writing though and paid him no mind. The silent treatment seemed to be really riling him up because he continued to berate you over and over as you sat there taking it and continuing to work.
It was only an hour later that it really started to bother him with you being quiet. Maybe what he said earlier was too harsh, he didn't really feel that bad, but if it meant you weren't going to speak to him then he had to do something.
Leaning over you again, he placed his hand on your upper arm, grabbing your attention from the unusual act. His eyes met yours and held the stare for a couple seconds before he spoke,
"I'm sorry." That was all he said.
You raised an eyebrow at him, before squinting your eyes in confusion and responding.
"Sorry for what..?" The sarcasm dripped from every syllable and landed on his fragile ego.
His eyes widened and he took his hand from your arm, frowning and shouting back,
"I don't repeat myself! Accept the apology I gave you."
"You're such a child, does saying sorry really hurt that bad?"
"You heard me!"
Your eyes rolled and you turned back to your paper as if you were going back to ignoring him, his eyes softened again and he grabbed your arm once more.
"I'm sorry I said those mean words to you. I didn't mean it, I don't like it when you leave without me and I don't like it when you're upset."
When he grabbed your arm, you didn't turn to face him again, but after hearing the words he spoke, you turned again with a smile on your face and leaned closer to his.
The blush was evidently growing the more you leaned in, and you could see his adam's apple bob with nervousness.
"I accept your apology Kunikuzushi."
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areislol · 2 months
A walk in the park
►— pairings. genshin men x gn! creator! reader
►— warnings. crack/fluff, happy sappy stuff
►— synopsis. albedo created a machine where it would bring back their creator, who was stuck in another world, back to where they belonged. but instead of bringing you here to them, it brought them to where you were.
►— a/n. the more i write the more it feels like these are more like fillers.. sigh. once the angst settles in maybe it'll feel more eventful!
►— wordcount. 6k
✧ part five | ✧ part six | ✧ part seven | more tba.. NAVIGATION
recommended to listen to: what once was - her's
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Who would've known that all 29 men would be pumped to go out for a picnic?
For a couple of weeks they've been in your home with only a selected few going out to accompany you out for shopping, and through those weeks you've felt like they lacked the sun and the outside world.
Not only that but they were curious about your world as well! So it was the best idea to take them to a park nearby your street and have a picnic as well. Not many people went to the park and if they did it was normally to walk their dogs.
You were more than happy when they all agreed to the plan to go out to the park and have a picnic.
Not only can they have more time to spend with you (ahem cross out the fact that you spend time with them every weekend) but also go out and see the view that they've been wanting to see for a while now.
You along with Diluc discussed about what you were going to bring, what snacks and meals to bring so that Thoma could prepare them with the help of Aether.
It was a nice change after a while, to be outside and having a nice little picnic with your favourite people (don't say who they'll have a fight, from your experience).
One thing that you were most excited about was how this wasn't just an ordinary park. Instead of the normal, prickly grass landscape with benches and a playground for children, there were no playground equipment and no benches at all.
Well.. you could just say that this was more of a plot of unbought land than a park. It was a comforting and quiet area that came with a river beside it, not only that but there were Willow trees near the river line.
Pretty romantic, right?
You were sure they had no feelings for you so why would you care if it was romantic or not? You had no clue as to why.
(No feelings for you? They're literally HEAD OVER HEELS for you, if their advances and courting don't work then they might as well make it obvious to you this day by doing everything they can!)
Currently, you were sitting on the floor, hands smearing sunscreen all over their face like how a mother would to their young child. It was an endearing sight.
Aether happily and quietly sat down in front of you, his eyes screwed shut as you smeared the sunscreen over his cheeks, chin, nose and forehead. You were careful not to touch his eyes with your hands.
Baizhu, Venti and Heizou stared at you in admiration and adoration, the way your brows furrowed in concentration as you tried your best to be careful and gentle with your touch.
They wouldn't wait for their turn, to feel your hands on their face... would it be just like how they imagined?
No matter what they knew they wouldn't be let down, if anything it'd be better than what they imagined from the first place!
Aether looked more than happy, you were just happy that he wasn't like Wanderer (the previous "victim" before Aether) who grumbled and scowled as he tried to swat your hand away a couple of times, he wasn't used to this type of affection.
Never in a million years would he resist his only creator who touched his face, and only after you gently told him to stay still did he listen.
"When do I need to reapply it?" Aether asked, eyes blinking open before moving to the side since you were now done with him, Tighnari came forward and sat down, waiting for his turn.
"Uhhh in like two or three hours? Don't worry I'll remind you!" You smiled, looking up at his face which was covered in white substance.
Aether happily hummed in return before walking away, proudly showing the rest of the men his sunscreen-covered face to the rest of the men. "You look quite giddy, Aether," Zhongli spoke, amused.
"I can say the same for you guys," Aether chuckled plopping down on the couch. Truth be told, they were all giddy to have your hands touch their face, most were teasing Diluc with the fact that he was blushing too hard, his cheeks almost the same colour as his hair.
"You can not be teasing me about blushing when you all are flustered as well! Don't act like you aren't."
Well... he wasn't lying.
For you to even touch them... the mere thought of it would certainly make them faint, but they needed to stay strong and pull it together, what would you think if you were just applying sunscreen on their cheeks and suddenly they passed out?
While you were busying yourself with your own job, Diluc, Kauzha, Itto and Ayato were all packing everything that they needed. You had given them a paper note with everything they needed, consisting of:
Water bottles Hats Bug spray (just in case) Snacks (no beans because of Itto) Extra pencils for Albedo and Tighnari to sketch with Tissues Sunscreen if it gets sunny Jacket just in case it gets cold
"Huh? Why's it crossed out?" Itto questioned, glaring at the scribbled-out sentence hoping that the scribbles would magically clear. Ayato shrugged, grabbing the pack of tissues that were stored in the drawers. "Guess we will never know, now get back to packing!"
Itto let out a small "ouch!" as Ayato hit him with the same packet of tissues. Ayato turned his back on Itto, a faint smile on his lips. He was a genius, minutes before he had scribbled out the last necessity, it had no need whatsoever.
Why have a spare jacket "just in case" when you can have his? A genius, he knows.
"Let's not waste time, they're probably waiting for us, you know." Diluc chimed in, both Ayato and Itto knew better than to stay idle. After a bit, they were finished packing everything.
Everything except the jacket, that is.
But Ayato dismisses it off to you being silly and writing it on accident. "Look outside, the weather is immaculate!" Ayato announced, pointing at the sun shining down onto the floor, small dust particles floating in the air in the sunlight.
Kazuha nods his head, a gentle smile on his face. "Indeed, the weather is amazing. If Y/N does need a jacket by the time we arrive at the park then we could lend them ours."
His idea was what Ayato worried the most, and now he had said it. Fuck, he wanted to be the one to have the idea to lend you his coat. But of course, Kazuha was Kazuha, a gentlemen.
After a couple of minutes they finally finished what they were supposed to do. "Is that everything?" Diluc asked after watching Itto zip up the stuffed bag. "Yup! All we have to do now is tell Y/N that—"
Itto hadn't even finished his sentence when he noticed Diluc walking away with the bags in his hand. Since when did he grab the one out of my hand?! Itto was appalled, obviously he did not expect Diluc to move so swiftly and quickly.
Diluc made his way towards the main area where everyone was, bags in his grasp as he stood near the couch where Aether, Wriothesley and Lyney sat.
Lyney gasped as he noticed the bags and coincidentally, the fresh and warm aroma of baked goods. "Does this mean we'll be going out soon? Oh I can't wait 'till I smell the fresh air..." Lyney sighed in relief, but his moment of happiness didn't last long as Aether playfully slapped his shoulder.
"Did you forget about the times you went outside in the yard? Is that not fresh air?" Aether raised his brow. Lyney rolled his eyes, nodding his head relunctantly while muttering a low "yeah yeah".
Finally, after what felt like infinity you finished applying sunscreen on all of them, it took you longer than expected but you didn't mind, the soft plush of their cheeks—the way they squinted their eyes as you carefully applied the cream near their eyes, was a sight you enjoyed.
Al haitham remained seated on the floor, and to your confusion, you cocked your head to the side. "You're the last person Al haitham, are you tired?" Ah, you were still as sweet as ever.
Your eyes scanned his face, he looked adorable with his almost white-covered face. There was no sign of discomfort at all. Al haitham shook his head, thankful for the sunscreen that covered his arising blush.
"I'm fine, thank you. I just want..." His voice trailed off, eyes darting away from yours. "Just waaannnttt?" You repeated, leaning in towards him with a curious gaze. Damn, you weren't helping at all.
Al haitham sighed, looking back up at you. "Nothing, don't worry about it." Your brows furrowed at his response, knowing that he was lying but backed away reluctantly.
You studied his expression, noting the delicate pink tainting his cheeks (the sunscreen did not justice whatsoever) and the troubled look in his eyes. "Are you sure?" you asked softly, your concern evident in your voice.
He hesitated for a moment. "Positive." he replied, his tone sounding believable for the moment. But your interaction was broken as Venti burst out laughing before yelling out something that Al haitham would most likely chase him for.
(He did.)
"Al haitham is feeling shy, Y/N~! I think he may be in L-O-V-E with you!" Venti giggled, acting drunk even though he has never drunk an ounce of wine in your world. As you turned your head towards Venti your cheeks a light pink ue.
Unbeknownst to you, Al haitham was staring daggers at the bard menacingly, deep down he did not want to deny his interested in you but now.. now was not the right time. He didn't like you, he was just... interested in you is all. Nothing more.
"Shy? Why would he—" "I am not feeling shy, Venti." Al haitham stated before he muttered a small "I apologize, Y/N" all the while his eyes were trained on Venti. The tension in the air was more than enough to get you to stand up and let out a dramatic and loud sigh.
They immediately looked at you, their gazes filled with confusion, anxiety and concern. But more of anxiety at the fact that they might have upsetted you, or more specifically, at the fact that Venti may have upset you and an upset you was definitely anxiety inducing.
Your eyes flickered between Venti and Al haitham, clearly disappointed in them. But by some miracle before they could get scolded, Diluc cleared his throat, catching the attention of you and the others.
"I'm sorry if I interrupted anything but Y/N, we're done packing. Is there anything else you want me to do?" His eyes bore into yours, too intimate for your liking. You shake your head, there was nothing else to do. "No it's fine, I'll go get ready now. Give me a couple of minutes!"
Diluc watched as you got up and scurried to your room, watching as the door closed shut. After your figure left his sight he quickly turned away, about to walk away he was suddenly smacked face front with a pillow.
The room went silent before Childe let out a small "oops.."
Clearly, that pillow wasn't meant for Diluc but for another. "Ah, Diluc. You know I didn't mean that—"
"Save it, Fatui."
Thankfully you were too busy locked in your room wondering what you should wear out. But instead of wasting time choosing and pairing up different clothes, you opted to just go for a casual look with a large straw hat for extra style.
Once you were done you stepped out of your room with your newly changed outfit, perfect for the occasion and weather. You were too busy patting your shirt down to notice the many stares being directed at you.
Despite not physically seeing the men staring at you, you could definitely feel their gaze. It was embarrassing honestly, them and the way they would stare at you. You were sure that you'd get used to them by now but every time it happens you never fail to melt into a large puddle.
You didn't have much time to walk away or prepare the others as you felt much larger and warm arms wrapping around your waist. You tensed up, looking over your shoulder to see—
"Childe!" You exclaimed, warmth creeping to your cheeks as you realised how close he was, he buried his head in your neck, arms snaked around your waist and holding you closely pressed against his stomach.
"Save me from that madman!" He pleaded, pointing to the furious red-haired male. You quirked your eyebrow, trying to grasp the situation.
Wait, was he... using you as a shield right now?
Shaking your head, you stared at Diluc, letting out a sigh before removing Childe's hand from your body and walking over to Diluc, pinching his cheeks.
"Just what are you doing to Childe?" You asked, scolding him all the while Childe watched, smirking.
Diluc muttered a small "nothing" when you stopped pinching his (chubby) cheeks, a delicate pink reaching his cheeks. Just as Childe was about to speak Venti interrupted him, much to Diluc's relief.
"Y/N! When are we going? We're all ready." You turned your head to the side and he was correct, they all looked dolled up and ready to leave. The sight itself made you smile. "Right now."
You really wanted to book a cab to save yourself some time to walk, but with 28 men? Yeah, no chance.
Currently, you are on your way with 28 men trailing behind you with Ayato and Wriothesley beside you. The park wasn't that far but since everybody had different walking paces sometimes you had to stop and wait for them (cough cough Baizhu cough cough).
Despite the occasional stops, the walk was filled with lively chatter and laughter. Venti played a cheerful tune on his lyre, and the sound of it seemed to do the opposite of lifting everyone's spirits.
When you finally reached the park, the men wowed in aw. The sun was shining, birds were singing, and a gentle breeze rustled the leaves of the trees.
You found a perfect spot under a large oak tree with ample shade and enough space for everyone. Alhaitham and Zhongli set about laying out the picnic blanket while Diluc and Kaeya carried the baskets filled with food and drinks.
Lyney and Tighnari helped you settle down, making sure you were comfortable. The others began to gather around, forming a loose circle. Xiao and Cyno were already scoping out the area, ensuring it was safe and secure. You couldn't help but smile at their actions.
"It's safe don't worry," You spoke, trying to ease their worry. Xiao nods his head. "I know… I was just making sure." He murmured, a faint blush on his cheeks though you dismiss it as the heat.
"Alright, everyone, let's settle down!" you called out, clapping your hands together.
The group erupted into action. Kazuha and Kaveh began setting out the various dishes they had prepared, each one looking more delicious than the last. Pantalone and Pierro arranged the drinks, ensuring there was something for everyone.
Albedo, Baizhu, and Thoma took charge of ensuring that the surrounding area was safe from dangerous bugs and whatnot. You wanted to help as well but they all (scarily) disagreed with a synchronized "no." and "we'll do it, you just relax and enjoy."
As everyone settled down, you found yourself sandwiched between Venti and Wanderer, who seemed intent on keeping you by their side. Across the blanket, you could see Albedo and Tighnari deep in conversation, likely discussing some fascinating "alchemical theories".
You glanced over at Baizhu, who was taking a moment to rest. Baizhu caught your eye and gave you a reassuring smile as if to say he was fine and enjoying himself.
The aroma of various dishes filled the air, making everyone’s stomachs growl in anticipation.
"Are you not going to eat?" You asked, cocking your head to the side as you watched Baizhu lie down on the blanket, seemingly bored out of his mind. He hums softly for a moment before replying.
"I'll eat later don't you worry. However, the naan and chicken curry smells delicious. You should try that first."
You nod your head. "Sure—"
"No, you should definitely try the salted chips, I ate some earlier and it was so good!" Venti intervened, a bright and wide smile on his lips as he spoke of how delicious the salt was on the chips.
"You should try the dango first," Ayato insisted, holding out a stick of the sweet treat.
"No, the chicken skewers are the best way to start," Childe countered, waving one in front of you.
"How about some fresh fruit? It's light and refreshing," suggested Tighnari, offering a bowl filled with colorful slices.
"Soup first," Diluc said firmly, presenting a thermos of warm, savory broth.
You couldn't help but laugh at their attempts to sway your decision. "Alright, alright, I'll eat everything eventually," you said, trying to calm the frenzy. But they only seemed to become more determined.
But after a little, they gave up (some merely pretended to) with low, disappointed mumbles. Everyone began to pick out their food and ate, talking amongst one another, playing cards or simply just admiring the view (you).
You were about to eat some chicken when Venti interrupted once again. "Here, try this," Venti said, playfully feeding you a bite of apple pie. You chewed and smiled, the sweetness filling your mouth.
"How about this one?" Xiao asked, gently offering a piece of grilled fish. You accepted it, savouring the flavor as the others looked on with amusement and jealousy.
"Hey, no fair, we wanted to feed them too!" Itto exclaimed, crossing his arms.
"There's enough for everyone," you reassured, reaching out to take a bit from the various dishes presented to you. Each bite brought new flavors and voices vying for your attention.
Amidst the laughter and friendly arguments, you felt a wave of happiness. This chaos, this silly competition to see who could please you the most, was very amusing to watch unravel before you.
After everyone had their fill, you wiped your mouth and looked around at the eager faces. "Alright, you can go play now," you said with a grin. Childe erupted cheers, being the first to jump up, thanking you and grabbing Ittos arm.
"Finish the chase you started," He sneered, wanting to show everyone of how much of an idiot Itto was. "Oh, you're on!" Itto replied, beginning to chase Childe like a madman while Childe taunted him.
"Those idiots.." Diluc sighed, looking away from the embarrassing sight. You hummed in response, continuing to bite down on the fruits as you watched them both. "How do you even put up with them?" Diluc asked.
You shrugged your shoulders. "I don't even know."
Albedo, Tighnari, and Cyno stayed behind, preferring a quieter afternoon. They sat with you, Albedo sketching in his notebook while Tighnari discussed botanical topics. You listened intently, occasionally asking questions there and then.
Zhongli and Wriothesley settled beside each other, munching on the snacks. and offering you some there and then. Al haitham, Kaveh and Ayato simply talked to one another, playing the game you taught them—"I Spy".
It was quite fun, it started off as a small group but others began to join after overhearing them play. It seemed fun. Needless to say, Heizou, Dottore, Gorou, Lyney, Venti and Wanderer joined in, some screamed out in excitement, their eyes scanning the area to find the answer.
The sight was funny, for you anyway. Seeing them get all riled up over the wrong answer and fighting over who would go next.
Neuvillette, Thoma, Kazuha, Kaeya, Diluc and Baizhu all did their own things, Neuvillette was staring at the lake, watching the ducks swim by and the frogs hopping on one lily pad to another.
Thoma secured each container and made sure that the rubbish was in the rubbish bag, Kazuha watched the scenery and scribbled in his book, Kaeya laid down on your legs, feeling content as you played with his hair. Diluc finally got seated down next to you and simply sat there, enjoying your presence.
And Baizhu was now seated up, snacking on some of the food that you saved for him and ChangSheng.
While watching the things around you, you felt happy, overwhelmingly happy, the aura was so positive, and everyone was having fun and that made you happy.
It made you realise that you needed to record the memories somehow so that you could always look back and remember the feelings you felt back then.
Grabbing your phone from your pocket you pressed the record button, recording the men playing I Spy, they laughed and yelled, enjoying themselves.
You took a moment to soak it all in, feeling a warm sense of contentment. Being surrounded by so many people who cared about you made your heart swell with love.
"What are you doing?" Diluc questioned, leaning towards your side and watching you record them. You don't take your eyes off the phone and just smile. "Recording memories, they look so happy."
Diluc hums, eyes glancing up at you and then down at your phone. "Do you mind if I borrow your phone for a moment?" he asked, his voice gentle.
You glanced at him, surprised but trusting. "Sure, go ahead."
He took the phone from your hand, and you expected him to record the others playing. Instead, he turned the camera towards you, your phone capturing your surprised expression. "Smile," He softly said.
"W—Wait! Not my face!" You shrieked, instinctively covering your face with your hands, your voice muffled behind your fingers. You could feel the heat rising to your cheeks, embarrassed by the sudden attention.
"Why not? I think it's important to have memories of you as well," he replied, his eyes meeting yours through the screen. He gently pulled your hands away from your face, trying to coax you into letting him capture your smile.
You peeked through your fingers, feeling both shy and touched by his words. "Because… I don't know. I just prefer being behind the camera," you admitted, eyes not meeting the lens.
"Well, I think it's time you get used to being in front of it," Diluc said, his smile still so gentle and tender. He held the phone steady, patiently waiting for you to relax.
Taking a deep breath, you slowly lowered your hands, trying to muster the courage to face the camera. "Alright, but just for a moment," you said, your voice shaky yet determined.
He began recording again, and you tried to smile naturally, feeling embarrassed. "There you go," he encouraged, his eyes never leaving yours. "See? It's not so bad."
You couldn't help but laugh at his persistence, the sound light and genuine. "Fine, you win," you said, finally giving in.
Diluc laughed along with you, "Perfect," he said, his voice filled with affection. "Alright, let me record the rest of them now." You laughed, getting back your phone and making sure that you videoed everyone.
But that wasn't enough. You began to take photos of everyone, mid-eating pictures, photos of Childe and Itto panting, falling onto the ground as the passerby looked at the both of them in confusion. There was a picture for everyone.
You took some photos of the scenery as well, especially the sky and the lake although some of the photos included the faces of the men. "Is it okay if I post this on my story? It's friends only." You pointed at the photo in your gallery, waiting for Ayato's response.
Ayato smiled, nodding his head. "I don't mind, just make sure that I look good before posting" You rolled your eyes playfully. "Of course, I wouldn't do you dirty."
You took your time in picking out a good song for the picture for your story, making sure to edit it and make it look aesthetically pleasing for your friends. You posted a lot, around six or more photos, even some silly filter selfies with you and Diluc.
(Diluc would rather die than admit it but he really enjoyed the silly filters with you, especially the alien and dog ones.)
"Why do we look like that?"
"It's called a filter! Here, look.." You flipped the camera around, the lens focusing on Heizou's face as he continued guessing, unaware of the filter on his face that sharpened his features and gave him a whole facelift.
Holding back your laughter you let out small laughs, trying to not attract attention. "See?"
"Do it on Pierro."
"Oh, you're evil."
The sun began to dip lower in the sky, casting a golden glow over the park, Some of the men had fallen asleep, and you were fighting the urge to just fall asleep in a click.
You felt a wave of drowsiness wash over you and leaned your head on Diluc’s shoulder, your eyes growing heavy.
Diluc, silent as ever, noticed your weariness. He adjusted himself slightly to give you a more comfortable spot, his shoulder a firm support.
Childe, who had recovered from being chased around by Itto, bounded towards you, ready to call out your name with his enthusiasm. “Hey, Y/N–”
His voice died in his throat as he caught sight of Diluc’s glare. “Wake them up and I’ll murder you,” Diluc’s eyes promised without needing to utter a word.
Childe, recognizing the threat behind those eyes, immediately clamped his mouth shut, smiling sheepishly before turning around and walking over to where the others were.
The other men, aware of your state, exchanged nods and communicated in hushed tones, not daring to wake you up.
"It's getting late, should we go back?" Kazuha questioned, his eyes scanning the sky and the park, there were fewer people and it was comfortingly quiet with the occasional chirping of the birds.
"The sun is setting…" Neuvillette pointed out, his gaze wavering on your sleepy face. It didn't take long until the rest of the men agreed that they should leave.
Diluc carefully shifted, preparing to carry you back home. With the help of Zhongli and Ayato, they managed to hoist you onto Diluc’s back without disturbing your sleep.
As they began to walk back to your place, the gentle rhythm of Diluc’s steps and the warmth of his body slowly roused you from your sleep. You blinked groggily, realizing that someone was carrying you.
Diluc’s warmth enveloped you, his warmth was comforting and he smelled good as well. You instinctively nuzzled closer to him, feeling safe and content.
“Sorry for waking you,” Diluc’s voice was soft, almost apologetic. “We’re heading back now.”
You smiled sleepily, the drowsiness still present. “No, it’s okay,” you murmured, your voice barely above a whisper.
Diluc’s hold on you tightened slightly, the others walked around you, occasionally glancing back to ensure you were alright, their faces a mixture of concern and affection.
The walk back was quiet for the most part, the earlier energy of the day giving way to a peaceful silence. The night air was filled with the sounds of crickets and the soft rustle of leaves.
Each step Diluc took was steady and deliberate, the warmth radiating off his back made you want to fall back asleep but as you lifted up your head you realised that you were near your home.
Finally, arriving at your place, Diluc gently lowered you down, ensuring you were steady on your feet. The men began to settle their things, chatting softly among themselves about the day's events.
Thoma and Aether immediately took charge of the kitchen, efficiently cleaning up and wrapping the leftovers with practised ease.
You made your way to your bedroom, grabbing a white top and shorts before walking into the bathroom, and stepping into the shower, the warm water cascaded over your skin, washing away the tiredness and leaving you feeling rejuvenated.
You let the water run along your back, letting out a sigh from the sensation. This is what you need after a day out.
The familiar scent of your body wash enveloped you, a comforting aroma that lingered even as you stepped out. Dressed in a simple white top and shorts, you felt ready to wind down for the evening. You stepped out of the bathroom and walked towards the washing machine, throwing your clothes into the machine.
"Feeling better?" Aether asked, looking up at you as he sat on the couch, reading a comic book. You nod your head, plopping down beside him. "You smell good," He crooned, leaning in towards you, his nose almost touching your neck.
You let out a whine at the ticklish sensation, pushing his head away. "It's my body wash, maybe you should try it." Aether offered you a small smile. "Hm, maybe."
One by one, the rest of the men took their turns in the shower, each emerging looking more relaxed and at ease. Despite the tiredness evident on their faces, there was an underlying sense of contentment from the day well spent. It was already 7 pm, and the house buzzed with a quiet, tired energy.
Diluc, always attentive, handed you a cup of tea. “Here, this should help you relax,” he said, his voice soft and caring. You took the cup gratefully, the warmth seeping into your hands as you sipped.
“Thanks,” you murmured, giving him a small, appreciative smile.
The living room was soon filled with the men, some lounging on the couches, others finding comfortable spots on the floor. Xiao sat nearby, his usually stern expression softened as he listened to the soft music that played on your record player.
Thoma and Cyno joined you on the couch, Thoma still drying his hair with a towel. “Today was fun,” Thoma said, his eyes sparkling with the remnants of the day’s excitement.
You hummed, taking another sip of your tea. “It really was. I’m glad we got to spend time together like this.”
Cyno smiled warmly. “We should do it more often. It’s good to take a break. And the games we played were fun as well.”
Before you could respond, the persistent buzzing of your phone pulled your attention away from the peaceful evening. You picked up your phone, noticing the flurry of notifications from friends reacting to your latest story.
Messages like
"Oh my gosh!! So pretty!" and "You didn't invite me?? :(" filled your lock screen. Some friends commented, "Looks like you had a lovely time, next time invite me xx" and "WOWW!! Who are those cuties??"
One particularly bold message read, "You gotta give me their number, mannn, they…" trailing off suggestively.
Smiling, you responded to each message, enjoying the interaction. You took a little more time replying to Elisa, your new friend who had recently joined your circle. Despite her outward friendliness, there was something about her that felt off, but you pushed that thought aside.
Perhaps she was just shy?
Her message read,
"Hey, saw your story! That looked like so much fun! Are you free tomorrow night? There's this amazing party my friends hosting at 8 PM, it's going to be epic and it lasts till the next morning. There will be plenty of boys and girls as well~ You should totally come!"
After a moment's hesitation, you replied,
"Hey Elisa! Thanks for the invite. That sounds fun! I think I'll come, no drinking though…"
Elisa's response was almost instant.
"Great! Can't wait to see you there! Wear something cute! If you can't find any I'll lend you mine, or I can help you piece 'em up together! Night!"
As you put your phone down, you couldn't help but feel excitement and slight unease about the party. "Everything okay?" Zhongli's calm voice broke your reverie. He had a knack for sensing your moods.
"Yeah, just got invited to a party tomorrow night," you replied, trying to sound nonchalant.
"Will you be going?" he asked, his eyes steady on yours.
"I think so," you said, smiling. "It might be nice to get out with my friends for a bit."
Zhongli nodded, though his gaze remained thoughtful. "Just be careful. Parties can be unpredictable."
Wriothesley, sitting nearby, chuckled. "We'll make sure you get there and back safely." You smiled gratefully at his words. "Aw, thank you! You guys are the best" Wriothesley let out a cough, looking away with a slight tint of red at the tip of his ears.
Suddenly the wall looked interesting.
The evening went on, the men gradually settled into a comfortable silence. Albedo and Kazuha were engrossed in a deep discussion about poetry and science as usual, while Kaeya and Itto exchanged playful banter, their laughter filling the room.
You found yourself gravitating towards the large window, looking out at the darkening sky. The stars were beginning to twinkle, and the moon cast a soft glow over everything.
Childe plopped down next to you, his usual boisterousness tempered by the day’s events. “You did good today, keeping everyone together,” he said, a hint of admiration in his voice.
You chuckled softly. “It’s not that hard when you have such great company.”
Childe grinned, his eyes twinkling at your words. “Still, it’s nice to see you enjoying yourself. You deserve it.”
The room gradually quieted as the tiredness caught up with everyone. Diluc suggested that everyone get some rest. “We’ve had a long day. Let’s all get some sleep,” he said, his tone gentle yet firm.
You nodded in agreement. “He’s right. We should all rest up.”
The men began to disperse, finding their respective sleeping spots. Some of them opted for the couches and floor cushions, while others made their way to the guest room or into your room.
Today, Baizhu and Lyney would be the (lucky) ones to sleep in your bed. They all made their way to your bed with Baizhu going first, you, and then Lyney. Settling in, you pulled the covers over you all, feeling snug as you immediately began to melt into your bed.
"Night guys," You yawned, sleeping on your side, closing your eyes as Thoma closed the lights and rolled the blinds down, the room fully dark now. "Good night." They responded all at different times, some had already fallen asleep.
"This week I can leave campus early, so I'll go buy some more mattresses for you guys okay" The men hummed in response. "Who's coming with you?" Wanderer asked because if you didn't have someone set in your mind, he called dibs.
You let out a sigh, thinking about your answer. "I'm not sure… anyone I guess."
"I call dibs." Wanderer quickly stated.
"Hey no fair! I was going to call dibs!" One said.
"I dibbed in my mind so I was the first one" Another said.
"It doesn't work like that, idiot!"
The house soon fell into a peaceful silence, the only sounds being the occasional rustle of blankets and the soft breathing of your companions.
But for some odd reason, you couldn't fall asleep despite how tired you felt (possibly might be because of the tea). You couldn't shake the nagging thought that… the joy you experienced might be the last time you would see them all.
You knew that they didn't belong in your world, that they would have to return one day, but in the back of your mind, you prayed that luck would be on your side. But the realization hit you like a punch to the gut, wondering what the future held for them all.
You knew better, you told yourself, "Don't get attached." but now? You could care less, even if would hurt you in the end. Instead, you chose to embrace the present moment, savouring every laugh, every smile, and every shared memory as if it were your last.
You closed your eyes, feeling the comfort of the day’s memories. Surrounded by the people you cared about, you let yourself drift off to sleep, knowing that no matter what, you were never alone.
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taglist: @tomansimp @one-offmind @miitchiji @dainsleif-when-playable @momoewn @stygianoir @irethepotato @v4an @imetsk @fiannee @sunnyf4lls @goldenglow149 @rhwm @urlocalheizousimp @hexvx @saltlovetale-blog @backintomykpopphaseagain @toramune @oreo-ren @serenity-loves-red @flooofity @minteasketches @amiaaaaaq @lovelive-animequeen1029 @roseapov @yurassia @chellazhef @fulldoves @kateybuggi @wanderingconstellations @mini-shower @160ccm @rosariashield @sickize @sarah22447 @dreamlessnight @gimmealamp @bebeluvs @caramelstarlight @sukiidreams @oceanisty @achy-boo @alhaitie @dilucragnivindr-my-beloved @that-mom-friend @v-ish @merormerry @gojoulen03 @scarletttcroww @hadischara @kithewanderingme @keiqqo @livelaughlovekuni @chirikoheina @wr1t3rfum1k0 @issacdaholi @yu-ulda @alysinbshsu @vanilla-sweets @your-locoal-reblogging-kazoo @be-gay-do-crime-ahaha @seipaws @clavichordcleffa @uhhiwassup @youdontneedtoknowlol @the-lazy-perfectionist @isaacdakknight @lucienbarkbark @bizzybkd @lazy-panther @silverstarred @blughosts @deepobservationninja @chericia @paper--angel @gtxthatonegirl @meigalaxy @blurryperrtymoonlight @creativecupcake
(if the usernames aren’t highlighted that’s because I can’t tag you so I’ll dm you when I post a new chapter! if i forgot to tag you im so sorry!)
additional notes: i may not be able to see your comment to be added to the taglist for the earlier chapters (1, 2, 3, etc) so please hop in my inbox and tell me as it'll be easier for me! thanks for reading :)
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taintedtort · 2 years
prompt ✧ when you bite them out of love
characters ✧ childe, xiao, albedo, wanderer, kazuha
warnings ✧ gn!reader, biting (non sexually)
a/n ✧ sorry for any typos, it’s late and i didn’t proofread
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✧ bites back
childe has definitely heard of the act of love bites. so when you’re sitting next to him and randomly sink your teeth into his shoulder, he just laughs. admittedly he might flinch a bit at first, clearly not expecting it, but once he saw your cheeky smile he caught on. simply grinned and took your hand in his, raising them both to his mouth and biting the back of your hand. he makes sure it leaves an obvious tooth outline.
"not so funny when you’re the one being bitten, huh?"
✧ confused
he has never heard of biting in an affectionate way. when you reached for his arm and lead it up to your mouth, he thought you would place a kiss there. but instead, he was met with a sudden pinching sensation. just stared in astonishment as he watched you, not having any words. you rendered him completely speechless— and utterly lost. his ears might’ve tinted the slightest pink when you placed a kiss to the spot you had just marked with your teeth.
"why did you do that? what does it mean?"
✧ curious
he thinks he may have heard of this in a book before. lovers showing their adoration with love bites, although he’s almost positive it’s more common among animals. when you came up behind him while he was writing and gently nibbled on the back of his neck, he was startled. he turned when he heard your giggle, confusion written all over his face. instantly asked you why you did that. when you responded that you just felt like it, he was intrigued. immediately starts asking about your thought process.
"may i pick your brain more about this? i’m most curious."
✧ bewilderment
why the hell would you bite someone to show you love them. he really didn’t understand at all. when he started scolding you about something, you suddenly smiled your gorgeous smile and gave him a pretty compliment, right before leaning forward and biting his cheek (on his face). he was taken aback by the love in your eyes— wait. did you seriously just bite him?! he couldn’t believe it. instantly reeling back to stare at your face, he spat out a complaint.
"what the hell was that?"
✧ just smiles
he knows about this strange love language. he’s traveled lots of times and read many things. wasn’t super surprised when you suddenly decided to bite his fingers. his eyes did widen at first, but he quickly recovered and laughed before placing a kiss to your forehead while sighing dreamily. he might return the favor, if he really felt like it.
"you’re so endearing."
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4K notes · View notes
bluexiao · 1 year
#this is it. let’s breakup.
—breakup prank gone wrong // a request by anon
CHARACTERS. Albedo, Alhaitham, Ayato, Cyno, Scaramouche, Xiao; gn! Reader
THEMES. Established relationships; angst turn to fluff; hurt to comfort? some might be viewed as suggestive i think. calling scara “kuni”
NOTES. i don’t condone breakup pranks but since someone requested this and i have not written about this yet, why not? (p.s. i don’t think i held back in this one that’s why i’m a bit late) @ineshapanda thought I should mention you in this one
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“From now on, you and I don’t exist.”
There is something about ALBEDO’s experiments that made you grow into the habit of making one yourself.
But you’re not really a famous alchemist like him–you weren’t even one as your experiments were in the form of a prank instead. This he grew accustomed to as he had been a victim to most of them. And so, it would not be much of a surprise if this one too is a prank… or if he chooses to believe in it…
“May I ask why?” he tries to lengthen the conversation, mind tinkering and pondering over what had happened the past few minutes, hours, days, and weeks. Did something go wrong? “I don’t think… I could follow, love,” he adds on, making sure that you could hear his sweet musings, hear the soft plea that was laced in his voice despite not telling it outrightly.
He listens to every word you said–the “explanation”. He tries. But why was it difficult to focus? His mind was racing, and he did not know what to say, what to do just to solve this–to salvage what could be instead of just throwing it away.
But… is it right for him to be so selfish? To want things that seem to be impossible at this point in time.
Or did he miscalculate something? Was there a missing piece that he missed or left forgotten? How could he know? He wasn’t human.
And maybe that was what you needed.
“I see,” he looks away, on the ground where he could only see your feet, avoiding the look on your face when all he had ever done was admire them before (always), but now, he could not bare to see the distant look from them. Because if this was a prank, how could it feel so… real?
“But I refuse, I’m sorry,” he looks at you with determination, even more so when you face him with a surprised look, “I refuse to forget what you and I have. As much as I can’t force you to feel the same… you can’t force me otherwise. But…” he trails off, then stepping forward ever so slowly, making sure he wasn’t intruding your space enough for you to move away.
He smiles softly, “I still love you. I will still love you. That is why I can’t forget about you. So please, don’t ask me to do so.”
┌───────── · · · · ꒰⚘݄꒱₊
“I’m tired, ‘haitham. Let’s end this now.”
Like AL-HAITHAM, you liked planning—at least, that was what you had realized you had grown into liking after being in a relationship with the guy. On the other hand, your unpredictability is something he still is left astonished with—challenged is one word for it as well.
The moment he looks up at you from his book and stares at you intensely, you knew the battle had begun. Your will to accomplish this plan or his own—does he even have a will? Well, unconsciously, you just wanted to do this prank on him to check it, to verify the questions in your mind that were left unanswered—does he really love you? Still? Enough to fight for you? You were too curious, you’d say. But honestly, you were pretty anxious.
He discards his book and stands from his seat, gaze glued onto you as he watched your every move, just as much as you did his. “Is that what you truly wanted?”
At that moment, your heart thumped. Because he seemed like he knew, and even if he didn’t, he had every right to know.
“No,” you frown, looking away, “of course, I didn’t want to. Why would I want to do this?” Now, it wasn’t even the prank that was speaking. They were your truth.
In the end, he was still the one who was better at these things–planning. But it didn’t matter, not when it had reached this point of no return.
“But I feel like I had to,” you let out, jaw tensed and voice hesitant, “or else I would eventually burst… and I don’t know what I would do by then.”
You feel his arms around you, a hand letting you press your head on his chest, and there, you heard it, felt it—his heartbeat, thumping so loudly and quickly that you could match it with your own.
“I’m sorry that it reached this point,” he says, one hand caressing your back while the other still holds the back of your head, “I want to talk about this further… should you allow it.”
The soft “Okay” made him let out a sigh of relief, his embrace tightening.
┌───────── · · · · ꒰⚘݄꒱₊
“Ayato… I don’t think we’re meant for each other.”
AYATO, for one, is not something you could easily fool. Most especially you.
Secondly, he knows you–very well, at that. And so, this will prove to be much of a challenge to you, you knew it right from the start.
You just did not expect the air to grow so… tensed.
“You almost had me there,” he forces a smile, stepping your way as he attempts to divert your attention to the way he touched the side of your face, the way he leaned in (and let you have a whiff of his favorite perfume) and the way he placed a gentle kiss on your forehead, “I had missed you too, darling.”
“I’m serious, Ayato,” you furrow your brows, trying your best not to fall for his antics, but also feeling the uncomfortable pressure in the atmosphere. What is this? Was your plan… working after all? Or were you just imagining things when he was right here smiling with his usual smile on his handsome face, “I don’t want to force this anymo-”
“Shh,” he leans into you once again, right next to your ear, “shall we talk about this more, love?” He hurries, a gentle kiss on your cheek, “Please?” His soft plea made your heart thump, and before you knew it, you were nodding and he was sprinkling soft kisses on your neck, as if a silent gratitude to your answer.
┌───────── · · · · ꒰⚘݄꒱₊
“You’re joking” were CYNO’s first words, right after you told him the words “My feelings for you changed… Cyno.”
You must have been infected by the way he would joke a few times (most of the time); with a stoic face and voice, eyes ever so piercing that one could not tell if they were to laugh, shiver, or run away.
This time, it was you. At least, that was what Cyno thought (hoped, prayed, decided).
“Y/n,” he calls for you, “this is a joke. Right?”
You looking away from him prompted a sudden distress in the pit of his stomach. (But in reality, you were just too intimidated by that look in his eyes) “I want an explanation. Your feelings could not have changed all of a sudden without something to cause it. So what is it?”
Your silence made him grow weary.
He deflates, “Love? Tell me the truth,” he softly whispers, a hand reaching the side of your face and effectively making you look at him, “are you certain? Did your feelings for me truly change?”
You bit your lip and crunched your eyes, shaking your head no. His shoulders immediately ease up and a sigh leaves his lips.
“So… you were joking.”
“I… Cyno-”
He presses a kiss on your lips, looking at you pointedly, “Promise me you won’t do that again, or I might just inflict punishment upon you.”
┌───────── · · · · ꒰⚘݄꒱₊
The WANDERER may look and act so tough on the outside, but the turmoil that is in his mind is not something that he would like for anyone to see.
Especially you.
It is dark, hollow, filled with past betrayals that he sometimes forgets… but will always follow him in his dreams. Only when he listened to your words, your voice, and your feelings did he truly relish in the feeling of peace and the light that you show him. And so, that was why he decides that he should never let you show his vulnerability (despite you already knowing what they were), he was determined to hide the things that would make him look… weak. Worthless.
He could not afford to have another betrayal. Losing you… would destroy him.
So when he heard the words “I’m sorry, Kuni. I can’t keep my promise to be with you forever anymore.”
“You’re lying. Or you lied to me,” he answers so suddenly that you can barely think, sending you a pointed look, “it can only be one thing.”
“I… I’m not lying, Kuni-”
“Shut it,” he looks away now. No. It couldn’t be… right? Did he make a mistake? Did he unconsciously show you a side of him he promised to never show? Are you perhaps on the brink of death? Or did you just… grow tired of him?
He couldn’t even notice you stepping towards him and looking at him with troubled eyes, then reaching out until his eyes snapped to yours when he felt the warmth of your palms on his cheeks, finally letting his attention fall onto you—your light, your brightness that he craved… and had.
At this point, he wanted to hold on tightly to you, to beg you to never let him go, to ask for a second chance.
His eyes water, and despite his persistence to not show you this side of him, his lips quiver, and his whole body aches.
“Anything but you.”
Your eyes widened as you suddenly felt his arms around you, face slotting into your neck, opting you to let go of his cheeks and hesitantly snake onto his own waist. “Please. Anything but you,” he begs, pouring his heart out as he clings onto you as if his life depended on it—because maybe it did. Maybe it will break him—destroy him. Maybe he couldn’t be who he is anymore if he loses someone like you.
“Shh, baby,” you hush him, letting your palm rub his back, “I’m sorry, I will never say that again… I’m so sorry, Kuni.”
“You…” he could hear his voice shake (and normally, he hates it. But his mind was foggy, and his whole body was refusing the idea of being away from you), “you won’t?”
“I won’t. I promise.”
His hold on you tightens. “Good.” His huff made you want to chuckle, but you held it in as you silently told yourself to never do a prank anymore… at least not something as big as this.
┌───────── · · · · ꒰⚘݄꒱₊
XIAO knew that you grew yourself to pull off a couple of antics here and there–a trait of a human, he supposes, as a couple of humans he knows had such a personality (there are just some who did not know how to do it in moderation). And apparently, he thought you knew the limits of such an act. He thought he could believe you most of the time, as you were one of the few he had grown to trust despite his resolution not to in the first place.
Just like now.
“I don’t think I can handle this anymore, Xiao. I think… we should part ways. I’m sorry.”
Xiao couldn’t think. The room… suddenly felt too small, too suffocating, too much. Just. Too much.
“I’m gonna go-”
“Wait, Xiao!” he stops from his tracks with one foot across the other, frozen, hands trembling, body shaking, mind scrambling on to places—dark, dark places that leave his body with a cloud of dark flames.
“Xiao, no-wait! I didn’t mean to-”
“Then what does it mean?” he refuses to face you. He couldn’t, “If you want me to go, I will go. I will… respect your wishes and you will never see me agai-”
He cuts himself off his words as soon as he feels your arms on his waist, effectively stopping him from teleporting away from you, from disappearing from your sight forever, until his death catches up to him.
“No, that’s not what I mean… please, Xiao, stay.”
He grits his teeth as silence slowly rises. He melts when he hears your broken sobs, slowly facing you without having you remove your arms around him. And by the time he could see your face, his determination crumbled into a million pieces beneath your feet. “Tell it to me one more time,” he raises your chin so you could remove your eyes from the ground into his, “tell me to stay, and I shall stay.”
“Stay, please?”
He scans your eyes with his golden orbs, all before pulling you into one long kiss that prompts the both of you to relax in each other’s touch, the world disappearing around you and the earlier scene fading into the air.
You both pulled away in a gasp, and he was catching your lips once again, eyes gazing into yours, “Do you still love me?”
You wordlessly nod and he pecks you again.
“Tell me you still love me.”
You lean onto his palm that now holds the side of your face, “I love you.”
He kisses your neck. “I love you too.” He whispers, then, the racing heart inside his chest and the embers of his karma finally calming down.
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reblog and comments are appreciated <333 mwah!
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magicalink · 11 months
Catboyfriends and Penetration
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Sex headcanons for the catboyfriends of Catboys in the House! These headcanons revolve around if they like either giving, receiving penetration, or both! Long live the bisexual catboyfriends! 💚💚💛❤💙
Venti loves penetration! If you ask him, it's one of his favorite sexual activities! Oh, you're asking if he prefers to give it or to receive it? Oh, well the truth is that he has no preference in general, it depends on what he craves that particular day. He loves putting his smooth slim cock inside your warm pussy and make you moan all night long💚 But some other days he just NEEDS to gets his pretty butt stuffed and that's the time to provoke and tease Xiao over his limit and get exactly what he wants! Which is getting drilled into the mattress from behind, delighting in pleasure as Xiao's broken moans and grunts sound like music to his ears. 💚
Xiao only likes to give penetration. He gave receiving it a chance once with Venti and didn't like it at all, it hurt like hell, so he doesn't wanna do it ever again. He sticks to giving it. That he loves. Poor young man still can't turn completely into a human due to the malnutrition he suffered during childhood so he can't help but to get in heat every few months. And when that time comes he NEEDS to have his dick squeezed between warm walls all day long until the rut ends. He doesn't care if it's pussy or butt, he only cares if it's yours, or Venti's, you're the loves of his life. But when those heated times come and you're both sore and overstimulated and he still needs more, a certain white haired catboy takes advantage of Xiao's desperation…
He's always been an introvert and a man of science, always focused on his job and didn't give much time to sex or personal relationships. So he doesn't have much sexual experience and he doesn't care. He just does what he feels. He felt he loved you and wanted to do it with you. Putting it inside of you is pure bliss to him. He's never done it with a man nor you have fingered him or pegged him (yet?), so he doesn't know if he likes receiving penetration, but he isn't really curious about it. He just goes with the flow, engaging in loving and sexy activities when someone catches his attention over his very interesting research.
Loves drilling your pussy but getting his ass stuffed is his very favorite. He's very free love and peace, you're surprised he isn't a walking STD already. After the agreement of using protection if he fucks anyone outside the house, he is well behaved and only rides cocks with rubber on when he wanders the city looking for adventure. He loves seducing all kinds of men, and Scara and Xiao have been by far his hottest conquests. For him, there's nothing more satisfying than getting cock from a man who never thought would enjoy bussy…until they came across him.
Receiving penetration?? You must be crazy, that's painful as hell! Why would he spend time and effort trying to adjust to that when getting his cock milked by your divine pussy is already the bestest thing on earth?? You're the best thing that's ever happened to him and he won't waste a second of being feasting on your love and attention to invest a whole tube of lube trying to make work something that's just not gonna happen. 
Yeah, it's true, Kazuha seduced him. He fucked his warm and inviting ass. And he kinda liked it. But it was just a one time thing! He might have developed some feelings for him but it's all over now! And most importantly, they don't nearly come close to his devotion for you and your pussy and breasts that make him feel like he was born just to be cradled in your embrace. But he won't admit that either, would he?
Special Bonus!: Foxboy Guest!
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(Art downloaded from bilibili)
You already know that Childe is Snezhnaya's greatest love machine and that if Zhongli, his poor boyfriend and your boss, doesn't pull from his leash every once in a while he flirts and sleeps with anyone who would take him no, not in a fight. Tries to woo both men and women in equal measure wherever he goes and pulls from the leash as much as Zhongli lets him. I mean, one can have a sexually open relationship, but Childe is a hazard to society.
His lastest conquests have been your little tsundereish bowlcut catboy and of course, you. But we didn't come here today to talk about the matters of the heart. We are here today to talk about penetration. And lemme tell you Childe has no real preference when it comes to giving or receiving, he tends to adapt to whatever his partner wants, especially if it's one of his latests conquests he is trying to woo. He is the biggest switch you've ever met. He loves when a big sturdy man like Zhongli drills him to the matress but he also likes taking the matters into his own hands and ride him like there's no tomorrow. He is also more than happy to give him his dick whenever he asks for it. And pretty much like Kazuha, he enjoys helping other previously clueless men discover that they can enjoy all he has to offer.
Won't say no if you want to peg him, but he'd rather have you stick some fingers in his butt while he fucks into you like the hornfox he is🧡
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Thank you for reading up to here! I've been posting just short headcanons lately due to how busy I am with uni and other stuff :( I hate being busy :( I just wanna play genshin and lay in bed writing my fanfics and making Scaramouche chatbots :( Am I the only one who gets inspo when I don't have time to write but then when I have free time not a single word comes out? :( Idk what or when next post is gonna be cuz I passed midterms but that only means now I have to deal with finals 🥲 Probably more headcanons or something short. Maybe one of the requests Im trying to finish, if I'm lucky maybe one of the stories from here. Also I have tons of unresponded asks. Sorry, I get too excited when I get one and I rewrite my response lots of times trying to convey my feelings, specially if it's a request 😅 I'm planning to answer all my unsanswered asks before the end of the year (except for unfinished requests) and set a specific date of the month to answer new ones so I don't let them sit in my box for too long anymore. Assembled Love and CITH main chapters will have to keep waiting in the meantime :( See you on the next post!
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fandangotales · 2 years
Head empty just
Sagau but readers cellphone now has infinite battery for some reason and theyre on tiktok and watching genshin edits until one of the acolytes sees and gets curious so reader shows everyone the edits made for then
Zhongli: why am i........geo grandpa
Xiao: morax isn't my father
Yae: what is an........Eiussy and why do these humans want it so bad
Venti: (trying to force scara to have anemo vision after seeing the sad scaramouche edits) BUT THE EDITS, YOUR BACKSTORY IS SCREAMING AIR BOY!!!
When I tell you that a phone in TEYVAT would be absolute chaos… I mean it.
I can 99% guarantee you that Albedo has asked to experiment on what he refers to as Their Grace’s “strange device.”
(Please keep your phone away from him, as it will not make it out of his lab intact.)
Other acolytes who aren’t as curious about HOW and WHY it works may find interest on seeing you use your device to watch videos.
The people of Teyvat aren’t familiar with advanced technology, so I’d assume it’s fair to say that they would treat your phone as a Divine Object, comparable to the Anemo Archon’s Holy Lyre.
Since you are The Creator, it would be valued a lot more.
Nobody, not even one of the Archons, is allowed to touch such a holy object. Such a thing would be viewed as incredibly disrespectful. How could any of them, lowly acolytes, have the audacity to come into contact with your beloved “phone”?
Now, assuming that the reader can still watch Tik Toks, of course they would like to share some of them with certain characters, because why not?
Also, why wouldn’t you let them in on some of the jokes that are popular in the Genshin Fandom?
If Zhongli knew that he was referred to as “Geo Grandpa” I think his reaction would be one of initial shock.
“What does the title ‘Geo Grandpa’ indicate, Divine One?”
After a little explanation from you, I think he’d catch on. He is aware of his age, after all.
Others may think that the title “Grandpa” is offensive towards a former archon of all things, but he doesn’t mind as long as you are the one saying it. The term “Grandpa” is often used between mortals in a family, so does this mean that you considered him as family?
Whenever you call him by that name, you can expect to see a soft smile across his features.
When Xiao discovered that the fandom considers his relationship with Morax to be one of father and son, he was speechless for a good minute.
You gave him a look, trying to suppress your laughter.
“So…? You’re not denying it.”
He huffed, crossing his arms. “Morax is not my father.”
You wheezed, clearly amused by his flustered expression. Xiao was avoiding your gaze, clearly trying his best to convince you that he did not see the older man as a father figure.
The term “Eiussy” was completely unknown to the Lady Guuji… until she joined you in watching the short films know as “Tik Toks” on the magical screen of the divine “phone”
Now, Yae Miko is quite clever, so it was only natural that she would grasp the concept of what “Eiussy” meant.
She watched a few videos which featured similar titles, such as “Tartussy”, “Scarussy”, and “Kokussy”. All of them played a key role in her eventual understanding of just what exactly “Eiussy” meant.
The very moment she learns the true meaning, I can guarantee you that she will casually bring it up in conversation.
“Your Grace, you would be welcome at Watatsumi Island anytime!” Gorou beams, waving goodbye to you from the docks of Ritou.
The Watatsumi ship had finally arrived, after a lengthy delay following your business meeting with the Inazuman Officials.
“Thank you, Gorou.” You started to say… but the ever famed doggy general had already boarded the ship, and was out of your sight.
“Hmm…” a recognizable voice trailed, as her hand lightly touched your shoulder. Miko gave you a knowing look. “I guess he wanted to get some of that Divineussy”
Your expression remained blank.
“Perfect use of that title.” You praised, staring after the ship, as it departed into the sunset.
If and when Venti saw all of the sad Scaramouche edits… let’s just say that you’d have to physically restrain him.
Restrain him from making his way over to the Balladeer as soon as possible, that is.
Scaramouche would just be doing Fatui work, maybe trying to convince the recruits that the stars are indeed a lie…
And… bam.
A random ass bard pops up out of nowhere.
“Good day! Would you be interested in gaining an anemo vision?”
“What the fuck.”
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bedoballoons · 1 year
─⊰⁠⊹ฺ🎃𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤⊰⁠⊹ฺ🎃
{༻~Kissing a monster~༺}
CW: Characters are different types of monsters! GN! Reader, mentions of blood because vampires, some characters are considered dead, descriptions of making out, some characters are a little rough, Neuvillette doesn't wear alot of clothing, may be a little ooc!
(Pet names: Lyney: Mon amour, my love, Albedo: Dearest, Neuvillette: Play thing, beautiful!)
A/n: Talking a little break from requests (sorry) to write some self indulgent spooky stuff! I hope you enjoy!! Sorry it's a late post!!
(Includes: Lyney, Albedo, Xiao, and Neuvillette!)
𑁍༄Lyney: (~Vampire~)
Lyney bit his lip, watching intensely as your crimson blood ran down the tip of your finger, dripping onto the ground by his feet with the quietest of splashes that rang much louder in his trained ears. He didn't want to hurt you, but his sharp teeth ached for a taste...just a drop, "Lyney? You okay? You're not one of those people who faints at the sight of blood right?"
His violet eyes, now tinted with a bright red, met yours...scanning your lips and neck, all the way back to your small cut, "I...please forgive me mon amour.." You gave him a curious look, about to question what on earth he had done that needed to be forgiven, when his hand grabbed your wrist, his tongue sliding across your finger, licking your blood away while you watched completely shocked and blushed.
Just that little bit had his mind dazed, never in his life had he tasted something so incredible as you before, it was like he'd broken away from his normal self, became a beast as pulled you close to him and kissed you roughly, hands sliding up your body in haste. "Let me have more of you my love~"
𑁍༄Albedo: (~Vampire~)
Albedo wasn't sure what had changed in him, what had made your lips taste like candy...so addictive he couldn't get enough, what had changed his normally gentle touches into harsh ones that made him seem more and more desperate for you, what made his sharp teeth cutting your bottom lip open seem like a spark to starting a lustful fire.
He lifted you onto his desk, your thighs wrapped around his waist tightly as sucked on your tongue and drank up every single drop of your delicious blood as if he had been starved, the kiss only growing more heated as he groaned into your hot mouth. He needed more, but it was already taken everything in him to not move to your neck, he was getting to excited, he should pull away...
"D-dearest maybe we s-shouldn't-" He pulled away in a attempt to calm himself, but you didn't let him leave you long enough to even finish his sentence, your hand gripped the front of his shirt, pulling him back into the kiss...he'd started it after all~
𑁍༄Xiao: (~Grim Reaper~)
You touched Xiaos cheek, the thick fabric of his hood rubbing the back of your hand as if it was reminding you what he was...a collector of souls, someone who could end your life at any moment. His touch could even potentially be dangerous to you and yet here you were, standing by cemetery in the middle of the night with him, hoping to have just one of his poisonous kisses.
"You shouldn't....we shouldn't be together. I'm... not good for you..." He tried to persuade you to leave, wanting nothing more than for you to be safe, his grip on his scythe tightening protectively, but your lips met his anyway. It was like the rest of the world faded away, fog gathering at your feet and the full moon shining down on you as his free hand wrapped around your waist...this was a risk you simply had to take.
"You're going to be the end of me..."
𑁍༄Neuvillette: (~Siren~)
You felt almost dizzy, following what seemed to be the voice of a angel that sung to you, calling you to them with every verse. How had you ended up in a cave in the dead of night...sea water swishing around your feet and the cold making your whole body shiver, why were you still going forward...
"Well look at you, aren't you a beautiful being, please come closer~" The voices abrupt change in pitch had you frantically searching around until finally you caught sight of him, long white hair flowing all the way to the ground, his body mostly exposed with only ocean items used as clothing...however what had you truly entranced were his bright almost glowing eyes that lingered on you almost threateningly.
You couldn't run away even if you wanted to, your legs carrying you closer to him, making you kneel in front of him while he smirked slightly. "How long has it been since I had a play thing as goregous as you, I wonder if you taste as good as you look..." He curled a finger under your chin, forcing you to look up at him while his lips met yours...it was cold but you couldn't get enough. Whatever spell he had put on you...was more than working...
◥(•̀₩•́)◤☪︎ ִ ࣪𖤐 ☾𖤓~Have a spooky day~*⁠.⁠✧
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1800-page-not-found · 2 years
Being drunk and complaining how you think your bf is prettier than you (genshin men x fem reader)
I'm picking the men who i think have feminine facial features for this, but if you'd like, feel free to ask for a character that hasn't been written :)
(attempted)pure fluff and having your pretty boy reassure you that youre pretty too <3
Albedo was studying your reaction to the potion he made, or 'special drink' as he'd like to call it. It was apparently supposed to taste like whatever the drinker liked most-yours just happened to be alcohol. At least he's learned that the drink will also bear whatever effects the original drink may have. Your face was warm as you drank your-how many shots have you had again? This..was alcohol right? He didn't poison you by luring you with his pretty face? Oh my fucking god he's so pretty. You gaze at his face lovingly, and suddenly shouting, "I can't believe my boyfriend is prettier than me..." You start crying. "Your so fucking gorgeous Albedo oh my god.." You hit your head on the table, surprising him. "Y/n!" he rushed to your side and caressed you forehead, which was now red. "Darling," he stated, "I think you're the prettiest person I've ever seen." You threw his hands off and pointed at him accusingly. "Albedo...we need to get you a mirror," you sob, "you are literally the prettiest thing to ever exist." you started to absolutely praise his whole fucking existence because if you dont you really dont deserve this guy hes fucking gorgeous
Kazuha was panicking at your state of mind. You were off the side of the path/road, hugging your knees and absolutely sobbing. "Y/n! Y/n!" he shook your shoulders franticly. Now, usually he's pretty calm but your the type of person to get into some deep shit whenever your alone. You looked up at kazuha, teary-eyed. This guy with his weird sense of smell could immediately smell the strong stench of alcohol on you. "My lovely and pretty boyfriend has come to save me again..." you pulled him down with a hug as he collapsed onto you. worried about hurting you he attempted to free himself, but drunk y/n is hella fucking strong, like the equivalent of being on steroids. "y/n i dont wanna hurt you or crush you..please let go.." You were not having it. "My darling kazuha..youre so fucking pretty.." you cry even harder. "how can a guy be prettier than a girl?!" this man's shoulder was drenched with tears. and despite being drunk, you noticed his shoulder was wet, so you switched to the other fucking shoulder. "Why do i have the muscles and you have the face?!?! shouldnt it be the opposite?" you cried even harder. like-damn.. kazuha looks like he jumped into the ocean and came out. admitting his defeat, kazuha now only sought to comfort you. "hey..shh..theres no need to cry love, you know i think your the prettiest girl out there right?.." he patted your head softly, whispering only the loveliest of compliments in your ear, until you fell asleep.
Kaeya laughed. This little shit knows he's gorgeous and practically flaunts his beauty, but seeing you insecure about it made him a bit sad, so why not cheer you up? "Y/n...your the woman I want to marry and you think I'd fall for someone who's not on my level?" He grins teasingly, as he places a finger on your chin and lifts your face up. "If anyone, and I mean anyone tells you otherwise, just tell me ok babe?" he peppers you with kisses, and stops you from making a mess in the tavern..If his brother were to find out, he'd for sure kick you and him out. "Kaeya, my beloved, the love of my life..." you slurred, "please stop using such a cringy name.." You were falling asleep, tired from blabbing on how pretty he was. After all it never hurt to hear such compliments from you. "Well," he smiled at you with love, "I'd like to call you my wife soon."
Heizou was currently walking just outside of inazuma city, after the tenryou commission recieved multipule complaints, he had over heard that it was near the place you'd like to hangout, he got curious and decided to check it out himself. (the commission were flabbergasted asf, well i suppose if its you then its a whole different story) And here you were, sitting on one of the larger branches of a tree crying loudly. Like...sobbing hysterically. He was surprised to say the least, you usually were quite happy go lucky. He studied you, noticing the bottle in you hand, as well as the flushed expression on your face. Just how much did you drink? You had finally noticed your curious boyfriend studying and observing you. "My pretty boyfriend the love of my life..." you slurred. suddenly, you shot down from the tree and charged at him, engulfing heizou in a tight embrace. "Woah! y/n are you alright?" he laughed, you were quite harmless when you were drunk, though that did leave you defenseless and made him a bit worried when you were without him. "you bastard..." you seethed in anger. "What the fuck is your skin routine? how are you so gorgeous? perfect? i love you soooo much heizou.." To be honest, he never recieved lots of compliments, as he was usually deemed annoying. perhaps he was good at masking it, but boy his insides were practically on fire. He loved you to the ends of the observable universe and back. he would gush at every compliment you gave him. "Y/n...you are the absolute best thing that could've happened to me, sometimes I feel like I dont even deserve you. You are the prettiest person i have ever known, and you make me the happiest. I love you so much." ok...so now he's tearing up. you, still drunk but still as in love with this lovely man as you are sober, made sure he felt loved on your walk home.
Venti is girlypop already saying every compliment that comes to mind, hell this guy is about to sing about how much he loves you and how gorgeous you are for hours, EVERYWHERE. the whole mondstat shall know how much he adores you. Thats because he's also drunk!! <3 You honestly, and swore, that you would watch him incase he does something stupid, but here you are, drunk (venti the lovely drunkard is hella good at convincing you to do stupid stuff with him.) and complaining how absolutely magnificent his face is. Although it is his deceased friends face, he takes it as you would get along with his deceased friend, and that makes him happy. a bit self concious though when you mention his physical features,(you dont just like his looks right?...right?) but he tries his best to stay positive. You know he's the anemo archon, but not that he takes on the looks of dead people. You suddenly burst into tears. "Venti i'm SO SO SORRY.." drunk venti is confused, flabbergasted, confused pikachu face kind of emotion. "Heyyyyyyy dont cry you'll make me sad to" he pats your head, a bit roughly since well he's drunk. way too much alcohol for an archon to drink. "Your pretty y/n verrrrrrrrry pretty." you shot up and look at him. "No! thats *hic*not why im *hic*crying!" you cried too much, to the point where you were hiccupping and couldnt breath (idk how to really describe it but yeah) "I made*hic* you s*hic*ad!" did you notice? In that moment, venti started to sniffle. So you noticed every little detail, even when drunk? Oh how he loved you so much. He was so so thankful to have you by his side. Now...this all happened at the angel's share, you guys were definitely banned from coming there ever again.. not even after paying off venti's rather expensive tab.
THE END >:) it got a lil angsty but thats ok
should i do pretty adult women too ehehehehhehehehehehheheh
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senanatheskenana · 2 years
Genshin Characters’ Voice line About you
"Oh (y/n)? They're wonderful! They just work so hard, and they're so compassionate... It almost makes me want to work even harder with how much they do to help me!... What?? Of course, I wouldn't have a crush- feelings for them! It-It would be completely unprofessional to feel something like that for a fellow knight!"
"So you've heard of them too... I'm not surprised, they're just so cool that I'm surprised they dont have as big a fan club as Barbara. I guess if they had a fan club, you could say that I'm the founder of it!"
"Such a cutie- we've known each other since our days in the Akademiya. They were just as formidable then. Hm?  If you're insinuating that I liked them back then- or now- well, that's, unfortunately for you, none of your business, traveller."
"I've asked them countless times to the tavern but every time they refuse- say, I dont suppose you could perhaps convince them to meet me somewhere? Every time I do it they play hard to get- they call me a flirt. Oh? You think that I should ask them to go somewhere more romantic? Hmm, I'll think about it, but while I'm doing that you ask them first. There might be a reward in it for you~"
"W-What? No, I dont really know all that much about them. I hardly ever talk to them, so of course, I wouldn't know that. I'm not being defensive, that's ridiculous- the idea- no! I... Is this- Has Kaeya been telling you that I like them? N-No? Oh. You didn't even ask about that... I have something I must do- Goodbye, traveller."
"Ah yes, (y/n). The single most perfect thing in Mondstadt- if not Teyvat... And perhaps the only thing I can't write a song about. It's just not possible to write something that lives up to them in person. It's like drawing air, you just can't do it"
"When I first met them, it took me by surprise. I hadn't seen it. Perhaps it was better that way because I could experience it all like fate wanted me to."
"I sometimes find myself drawing them without realising. I dont know why but even during experiments I sometimes get distracted by thoughts of them. I've made plans to see them, to try and pinpoint why these things are occurring."
"They're just as irritating as you- not leaving me be, following me around like a puppy... Well yes, I suppose it would be strange not having them around. And it is sort of sweet that they keep trying. Dont get any ideas, it's just that"
"Proper procedure would dictate that I begin our courtship with perhaps a bouquet or an offer of attending a social function together. Do you think that they'd prefer red or yellow roses? "
"Why are you asking me about... them. I-I don't know much about them, I wouldn't put them in danger like that. The closest I could ever hope to get to them is always too far for them to see me. Don't be stupid, an Adeptus and a mortal could never hope to live together happily, it will always end in regret and grief."
"When we get ready to dock, I climb into the crows' nest and can you guess what the first thing I look for is? Bingo! I could spot them from a mile away even in the fog because my heart recognises them before my eyes and tells me every time"
"I have a  certain Qixing member I dine at Wanmin Restaurant with- all professional of course... Most of the time. You can't expect me to be a businesswoman all the time can you?"
"Back in Snezhnaya, I have a childhood best friend. I also have a lover. I'm fortunate enough that they happen to be the same person. Why are you so curious about this? Are you surprised that someone can love a war machine like me? Or is it the other way around? Trust me, if you met them you'd understand how easy it is to fall in love"
"I haven't felt like this in hundreds of years. Every time I see them, I feel the memories crashing back and I see the future through their eyes. I sometimes feel terrified of getting close because I know they will one day pass on too. But I also remember that if I dont the only thing that changes is my happiness. "
"Am I really that obvious? Do... Do they know that I feel this way? Oh, so it's only you that realised- whew, that saves me a little embarrassment "
Hu Tao
"Every attempt I make to ask them out, it always ends in them backing away. Should I start asking them to go somewhere instead of coffin picking?"
"Of the people I've met, only one other do I remember as much as you. (Y/N) would pick herbs on the mountains and I would watch from the bottom to catch them if they fell. Sometimes I wish they would be a little more clumsy"
"I guess you could say I know them. Pretty... Intimately if I do say so. I didn't imply anything, you're just inferring things, traveller haha~"
"We first met at a clan function and we hit it off right away! We would sit around the teapot and pour each other tea and pretend to be an old married couple. I suppose we still do now, but we dont have to pretend anymore"
"The thing I regret most about leaving my home behind is... (Y/N). There hasn't been a day where I haven't whispered 'i love you' into the wind in hopes it might one day reach them. I haven't forgotten them and I only hope they haven't forgotten me. No- it's selfish to hope that they wouldn't move on after so long."
"My favourite part of fireworks shows is when (Y/N) runs over to tell me how beautiful they were. I'd throw a show every night if they were watching it each time!"
"I... I seldom find comfort in the company of mortals. I dont often find comfort in anyone's company. But I suppose if I had to look back, the one thing that really does bring me peace and happiness is (Y/N). Perhaps, this is a story best left untold for now, Traveller"
Kujo Sara
"My strict schedule hardly permits my free time. What little time I do find I usually spend escorting the shrine attendant (Y/N) around the island. 'Below my salary' you say? It's not that. I just quite enjoy being around them. Please keep this confidential... "
"Ah, speaking of (Y/N) could you please deliver this letter to them? I'd love to do it in person but I'm extremely busy. Thank you so much! Just dont read its contents, they are strictly for their eyes only. Strategies? Wha- oh yes! That's it. Off you go now"
"Nervous? I-I look nervous. I... I guess I'm a little nervous to see (Y/N) again. It seems that every time I see them I get a little more schoolboyish, and I feel my face flare up. Oh, they're coming! Does my shirt have creases in it? Good!"
"How does my hair look? And my horns? What about my- What do you mean I'm panicking? Nah, I'm just trying to make sure that I impress them. An oni's got to look his best when they meet someone like (Y/N) after all"
"Have-Have you seen (Y/N) recently? No! You dont need to go and find them, I was just wondering. I think I might have upset them... I didn't mean to but I panicked. They got a new outfit and I got really nervous because they looked so... I could feel my tail wagging and I didn't want to embarrass myself- so I ran. God, I'm such a coward. "
Yae Miko
"They're quite cute to tease, hehe~ It's so easy to make them blush and I just can't help myself when I get the chance to fluster them."
"When Ayaka first introduced us, I was worried that they might be intimidated... But I'd trust that's not the case considering that we now share a bedroom. I have a feeling that Ayaka knew what she was doing, haha"
"I know I tend to ramble on and on about plants- but they said that they like it. (Y/N) says that out of anyone, they would want to listen to me do it... What? N-no, I dont think that they like me- well yes they like me- what I mean is love- I mean that would be quite nice but- oh, I'm doing it again."
"I dont tend to get along with Scholars, more often than not I end up frustrated with their pride and arrogance. Of course, there are exceptions. Tighnari and (Y/N) are amongst the only people associated with the Akademiya that I could call...Lo... F-Friends."
"I protect Auru Village so of course, that means (Y/N). They are probably the one I keep an eye on most. I just like to make sure they are always safe. When someone encounters a rarity in the desert, they protect it with all their heart."
"I'll never forget our first dance... it was wonderful. I was so caught up in the movement that when I stopped spinning my head kept going and I got dizzy- but the first thing I saw clearly was them. For the first time, I tripped over my feet, oh I was so embarrassed! When the crowds finally dispersed, they remained and we ended up waltzing into the night."
"Dont be stupid. I dont have any sort of emotion for that mortal. They're just another annoying human. They're tenacious I'll give them that, always trying to talk to me. It's like they're asking me to hurt them... What do you mean you think I'm scared? Of what? Why... No, i dont get scared of feelings- I-I just dont have them for them!"
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merakiui · 5 months
AAAAAAA OMG YES........ under the cut because I rambled a lot. ;;;;
The most obvious one who would do it in a heartbeat is Childe. He loves the sight and smell of blood, and the fact that it's coming from between your legs is even better. He'll have you crying out while he spends so much time between your legs, all too eager to taste you and listen to you fall apart on his tongue and fingers. He'll fuck you while you're on your period as well. He loves the way your blood stains his dick when he's thrusting in and out. Playfully cooing at you when you beg him to ease up because it's too much: "Aww, can't handle it? That's too bad... down here seems just fine. You're taking it like it's nothing." <3
This is my own personal bias seeping through, but I wholeheartedly believe Scaramouche/Wanderer would adore period sex. I think Scara enjoys fucking you while you're on your period, whereas Wanderer enjoys eating you out just a bit more. There's this whole power/control thing Scara wants to have over you, so he's probably not getting on his knees for you anytime soon. But he will fuck you for as long as he wants, teasing you the entire time. Having your blood on him is all too exciting. As for Wanderer, he'll pretend like it's a tall order, playfully scoffing at you and saying something like, "What would you do without me? You'd be helpless, wouldn't you?" But if you even suggest that someone else do this for you, he's quickly putting that smart mouth of his to work. Try saying that again through all of your moans. :)
ALBEDO OMG........ it's all for "scientific research" because he's curious and would like to know how the human body operates in more detail. Really, this is his own nerdy cover. He just wants to taste you and feel you, blood and all. orz of course he probably collects samples because there's this clinical side to him that wants to know you down to the alchemical level. ;;;;; he spends way too much time stuffing his fingers inside you and stretching you open, curiously observing the blood that coats his digits and making note of all of your reactions.
Razor....... this one is also obvious. He smells blood and assumes you're hurt, so his first instinct is to either patch you up or lick it better. The latter comes into use when he pins you down and spreads your legs to get a closer look at your pussy. Razor's a bit inexperienced and sloppy, roughly gripping onto your thighs, but he means well. He has to keep his mate safe and content, after all!
Xiao........ XIAO!!!!!!!! He's so determined to protect you. He's very accustomed with the scent of blood, so it doesn't take long for him to smell it on your person. Xiao's a little stern when he tells you to stop moving so he can check you for injuries, but he's sincere. Why do you seem so casual? Aren't you hurt????? He cannot fathom the concept of a period because he's never known about such a thing. He's about as virgin as they come. ^^;;;; but he'll do anything to ensure you're happy, forever and always, and so even though he may not know what he's doing at first he'll eventually fall into the rhythm. Karmic debt is cold and cruel, but pussy is warm and soft. <3
I feel like Kazuha would be into it........ he's so sweet about it, too. T^T maybe you're embarrassed to have leaked on the sheets while sleeping beside him, but he assures you it's fine. Things happen. Besides, there's nothing to be ashamed of. It's normal. He'll make you feel so much better about it, and soon you're falling apart on his fingers or mouth. He praises you all throughout it.
Gorou!!!!! This is also a Razor situation. He probably prefers eating you out more than he does fucking you, but the latter is also quite good. He's really such a sweetheart and he gets pussy-drunk SO FAST. OTL even more so when you're on your period.......
Itto!!! >:D truthfully, what won't Itto do? He'll do just about anything for his pal, best bud, partner, lover (you're all of these things to him hehe). He adores you omg. You only need to tell him that it hurts and he's ready to provide, whether that be by eating you out until your cramps are soothed or by fucking into you (he'll be slow and gentle; he promises!). Anything for you. <3
This may be unexpected (or not) but Ayato. I think he just likes the idea of staining those pristine clothes of his in your red. Or ruining white sheets...... there's something very thrilling about it. Also, you're just so sensitive whenever you're on your period and your libido has you begging him for even more.
Definitely Tighnari. He could just mix up something to help soothe your cramps, but why would he do that when he could indulge instead? Besides, this method works very well and you seem to enjoy it just as much as he does. Why would he ever trade that?
Cyno......... I can't explain it, but I feel like he would enjoy period sex... there's something so addictive about sinking into your wet warmth and getting blood on his cock while you dig your nails into his shoulders and rake his back bloody. >:D
Baizhu. Something something doctor's orders!!! Prescription to soothe cramps is not a calming herbal tea but the doctor working you open on his fingers or fucking into you sweetly and slowly!!!!!
Omg,,, speaking of doctors, how could I forget the man himself!!!! Dottore is a creature. He loves period sex. Perhaps some of his clones love it more than others. It's easy to tell depending on who's fucking you or eating you out. He has this deranged sort of smile as he watches you come undone.
PANTALONE.......... I just know he loves getting your blood all over his face and fingers and on his clothes. He's a big fan of simply cockwarming you while you're on your period and only getting you to orgasm by clitoral stimulation. AAAAAAA OTL
Wriothesley can and will spend his entire afternoon between your legs. He doesn't mind the mess. It doesn't bother him. Rather, he's busying himself working you towards your nth orgasm for the day. If you come to Wrio with a problem, you better be ready for him to solve it. He'll make sure you won't be feeling any cramps for the rest of the day after he's done with you.
Another personal bias, but I like to imagine Lyney also enjoys period sex. Maybe even Freminet, but he's too shy to ask you if you'd be okay with it...... >_< AAAA but Lyney!!!!! He reminds me of this audio. T_T Lyney sniffing out your period........ you seem to have cramps and that's no good. Allow him to ease them and this time there's no magic required hehe.
Another bias, but my beloved Gaming!!!!!! I think period sex with him is always a sweet activity. He's so gentle and caring,,,, so focused on making sure you feel good and that you'll have enough orgasms to get rid of the cramps. And of course he has plenty of snacks on standby for when you want to snack during breaks. Leave it all to him! You won't have to lift a finger. Just lie back against the cushions and let him make you feel good.
OH OH!!!! Capitano.......... I've seen some portray him with a long monster tongue and methinks that is very delicious and so true!!!!! Capitano using that long tongue of his to eat you out, and it can reach places that your fingers just can't and and and AAAAAAAA!!!!!
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I apologize if I'm clogging up ur inbox, but the brain did another screech and I am curious. Would the Creator have a "favorite" in terms of who they'd rather come across?
After the first few couple rounds of deaths, I imagine they'd go for the folks who they learn will give them a quick and (relatively) painless end. Like "Well, shit. It's Inazuma again...maybe I can find Itto or Thoma? At least if off me, they'll do it fast, unlike Kujou Sara, that [beep]ing Crow 🐩"
Then as they slip into their Death Seeking mentality, they start looking for the ones who enjoy fighting and will instigate shit. "Oh looky here, it's Childe! Time to start some chaos! 😈"
Also, random thought I offer up: the idea of the Death Seeking Creator, but someone (let's say Albedo) decides to capture them and try to study them, as to learn how they came to possess the Creators face/learn why they keep coming back. Yay or nay?
Hmm, tbh I would say they only have a "favorite" before they started to get mentally broken. Which is basically them trying to talk to those who are seen as the most peaceful and easier to negotiate with characters. Though that doesn't really work since even the laws of the world are against them (we can thank the Primordial One for that ya bitch-).
Once they do start breaking down, they don't necessarily care who ends up finding them? Sure they'll still kick and fight for maybe even a chance at being left alone. But once they're totally broken and completely believe their purpose is to be the prey of everyone, then they seek those who would be believed to give more "entertaining" deaths like you've said. Though entertaining wouldn't equate to just looking for a fight.
One character they would probably go out of their way to find would be Dottore, his experimentations would lead to all sorts of different ways to die. Though the creator only does it rarely since the time it takes for them to die tends to be long (since the doctor would want to note down what's happening and wouldn't give them to give up immediately) even with the pain they feel urging them to die faster.
And as for the whole coming back bit, that's actually not known of until the truth of the creator's title is revealed. What everyone assumes, even when the creator is broken, is that the imposters are just those who were either born unfortunately (only certain characters think this) or who've massacred their image in order to look like the creator as either some religious fanatic or because they seek power or they simply wish to defile the creator's face abd reputation. And when our creator is broken the main concensus is that these imposters have grown mad, believing they're living multiple lives and talking nonsense about death.
It's only when Nahida, who would be one of the first to discover the truth, immediately holds a meeting with the archons to ensure an effort of capturing (they hated using that word but there was no other way than to refer to the creator as some wild beast with the mental state they're in) the creator and rehabilitating them.
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taintedtort · 2 years
prompt ✧ calling them a petname for the first time
characters ✧ aether, wanderer, childe, albedo, kazuha, xiao
warnings ✧ gn!reader, none!
a/n ✧ i should definitely expand the characters i write for, but i don’t feel like it
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✧ does a double take
when the sweet nickname rolled off your tongue, he barely noticed, but then your words echoed in his head. might ask you to repeat yourself because he was too focused on the name. he blushed a little before doing whatever it was you had asked, deciding not to mention it in fear you’d take it the wrong way. he prayed to the archons you’d call him it again.
"huh? what’d you say?“
✧ makes a face
when he heard you call him a lovey nickname, he turned to you with a sour face. he honestly wasn’t trying to be rude, it just confused him as to why you suddenly called him that. he knew it was a couple thing— and well you two were a couple so it wasn’t strange, but he realized that a bit too late. when you saw his face you apologized and repeated yourself, but used his name instead. he felt bad, he didn’t even mind the lovey nickname. decided to just use one back to you, hoping you could read his mind and know he didn’t mean anything by his expression.
"of course, dear."
✧ teases you
a sly smile instantly spread across his face when you called him the petname. starts ending every sentence with the same name you used, causing you to roll your eyes and refuse to call him that ever again. makes fun of you every chance he gets after that, even if it’s been months since the exchange. after teasing you for so long, he sort of adapted the petname and now unironically calls you it.
"what’d you call me?"
✧ unfazed
completely ignored it, probably didn’t even notice till you called him by it multiple times. his mind is always occupied with something so sometimes he doesn’t register certain things you say, and thus the petname was filtered out. once you get comfortable and start regularly calling him that, he gets used to it. he questioned you one night, the pair of you equally as groggy from the long day, and he was curious.
"when did you start calling me that?"
✧ calls you one back
his reaction was immediate and natural. when you requested something from him and sweetly called him a lovey nickname, he responded just as sweet. you both started regularly calling each other petnames after that. sometimes the crew teases him, but he doesn’t mind at all. tells you all the time how much he loves when you call him a cringy name of endearment.
"i adore when you call me that."
✧ is confused
sort of pauses and looks at you with a furrowed brow. you would’ve taken it the wrong way if he didn’t instantly start questioning what it meant. he knew about the names couples call each other, but he wasn’t sure if they each had different meanings or something. you had to explain it to him, but it payed off because then he started calling you petnames. you had a feeling he was testing them all out because he called you a bunch of different ones for a while before settling on one. he probably asked your opinion during this time as well.
"which one do you prefer?"
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elvestoneanzelote1 · 9 months
Since Ayatsuji birthday is coming out in next few days, I would like to request Albedo/Zhongli!Reader getting doll up, tied, and sent(kidnapped) like present to Ayatsuji. Ayatsuji would definitely be pleased with spending the day with Reader like this
𝙰:𝚗- 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚜 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚊𝚖𝚎 𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚘𝚗 𝚠𝚑𝚘 𝚊𝚜𝚔/𝚛𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚊𝚋𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚊𝚢𝚊𝚝𝚜𝚞𝚓𝚒 𝚕𝚊𝚜𝚝 𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎? 𝙸𝚏 𝚜𝚘... 𝙰𝚖 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚢 𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚢 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚍𝚒𝚍.!
𝚂𝚒𝚗𝚌𝚎 𝚒𝚝 𝚒𝚜 𝙰𝚢𝚊𝚝𝚜𝚞𝚓𝚒 𝚋𝚒𝚛𝚝𝚑𝚍𝚊𝚢 𝙸 𝚑𝚘𝚙𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚙𝚕𝚘𝚝!.
𝙰𝚕𝚜𝚘 𝚍𝚘 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚞𝚙𝚍𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚋𝚘𝚘𝚔𝚜 𝚝𝚘𝚘 𝚒𝚏 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚌𝚊𝚗! 𝙰𝚗𝚍 𝚙𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚎 𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚒𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝚜𝚘𝚛𝚝!
𝕎𝕒𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘: 𝕚𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕖 𝕞𝕒𝕜𝕖 𝕠𝕦𝕥, 𝕐/𝕟 𝕚𝕤 𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕣𝕠𝕝 𝕓𝕪 𝕒𝕟 𝕒𝕓𝕚𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕪, 𝕄𝕠𝕒𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘.
ℕ𝕠𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕥𝕠𝕠 𝕤𝕖𝕣𝕚𝕠𝕦𝕤!
. . . . . . .
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Y𝘶𝘬𝘪𝘵𝘰  Ayatsuji is a homicide detective with a dangerous ability.
Currently A special grade dangerous ability user.
Unlike usual, he was unfocused on his work while listening to Tsujimura talk.
His mind felt so distant and was only hyper-focusing on a thing more likely someone.
"And that's the report about it"
"Ayatsuji-san?" Tsujimura called Ayatsuji whose eyes widened a bit as he quickly flinched at the cigar burned out and burned his finger a bit.
"Are you... alright?" Asked Tsujimura as she was concerned by the detective's not-so-attentive feature.
"Yeah, I am fine... Repeat what you were saying... Tsujimura-san"
"Repeat? Umm alright" said Tsujimura as she quickly took notice of Ayatsuji's distant daze eyes.
'Ayatsuji-san must be worried about the recent event...' Thought Tsujimura who was also concerned about the recent event that occurred in Yokohama. Again.
Well most precisely to Port Mafia for a time.
'Ayatsuji-san might look like he is unbothered but he must be worried about the researcher after all like studying about him... A lot' thought Tsujimura as she recalled Ango mentioning that the researcher was missing as the Port mafia asked for more likely requested their assistance in finding their researcher who may have been kidnapped again.
The fact that Ayatsuji himself wanted to catch the kidnapper as none of the trace was left.
He does know the agencies are searching for the researcher too... The Port mafia themselves must be in a tight spot too.
Three days have gone by but no clue as Ayatsuji let out a sigh and kept down the smoking pipe on the table.
"You surely are onto searching for him, Huh? Sakaguchi-san" said Ayatsuji who side glanced at the ravenete.
The male arranges his glasses and frowns.
"You seem calm... about it"
"Why would I... be worried after all?"
"You do know... he is in port Mafia and you are persistent on finding him even if you pretend you aren't suspicious, are you and him close?"
"It has nothing to do with you"
"Hmm... Both of you did kiss, haven't you both? Or was it a lie on your part"
"I won't lie about it and why are you bringing it out after months now?"
"Just curious... After all what if he eventually kisses someone else too?"
Ayatsuji smirked slightly as Ango left without another word.
He sat there and looked around the room as he took out the paper inside his pocket.
𝘈 𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺 𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘤𝘪𝘢𝘭 𝘨𝘪𝘧𝘵 𝘰𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘣𝘪𝘳𝘵𝘩𝘥𝘢𝘺 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘢 𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘤𝘪𝘢𝘭 𝘥𝘦𝘵𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦 𝘣𝘦 𝘱𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘭𝘺 𝘸𝘢𝘪𝘵 𝘢𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘴𝘦!.
Ayatsuji was concerned to be the least that someone knew his birthday and he assumed it was a threat.
But when his birthday finally came after a week.
He was cautious with the receptacle box that was delivered inside his house.
Cautious he was as perhaps a bomb of short will be in it.
Signing and questioning the delivery man, even if he finds out it has no value in it.
He inspects the big box cautiously.
A present wrapped in a red and yellow box. Reminding him of Christmas nearing.
He cautiously opens the ribbon on top as the box covers itself.
His eyes widen as he takes notice of someone whom he didn't assume he would meet.
A box and a letter right beside you who is unconscious. Your hair was messy, a red cloth covered your mouth as he noticed the chains in your hands behind him with a yellow ribbon tied in the middle.
He couldn't help but be curious as he opened the letter first. As he does have some time to watch you over.
After all, he couldn't help but smile to see you unconscious and unaware of how you got here...
But first things first as a detective he must check for any threat before the threat.
𝘏𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘺 𝘣𝘪𝘳𝘵𝘩𝘥𝘢𝘺 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘮𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘸𝘰𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘧𝘶𝘭 𝘋𝘦𝘵𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘠𝘶𝘬𝘪𝘵𝘰 𝘈𝘺𝘢𝘵𝘴𝘶𝘫𝘪, 𝘈𝘴 𝘢 𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘐 𝘰𝘧𝘧𝘦𝘳 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘠/𝘯 𝘓/𝘯 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘣𝘪𝘳𝘵𝘩𝘥𝘢𝘺 𝘵𝘰 𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘯𝘵! 𝘐𝘵 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘬𝘪𝘥𝘯𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘦𝘥 𝘩𝘪𝘮 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘩𝘦 𝘪𝘴 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘵𝘰 𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦𝘥 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘮𝘺 𝘢𝘣𝘪𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘺! 𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘰𝘳𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘩𝘪𝘮 𝘢𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘵𝘰𝘥𝘢𝘺 𝘴𝘰 𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘬𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘮𝘦 𝘰𝘧𝘧!
Ayatsuji's eyes narrowed confused about what it meant.
Your eyes slowly open as you sit up with your hands still behind you.
"Oh, you are awake seems like someone kidnapped you but fret not you-"
"Is there anything I can do for your birthday... Is today" you asked with eyes dulled. He recognized the pupil as having a heart shape.
'An ability... Hmm... If I am not wrong it is my criminal ability that I got to kill off by tomorrow' thought Ayatsuji as he leaned onto you and gently held your face.
He tilted your face a bit observing as if you were completely not in your senses.
"What can you... do for me?"
"According to your... request"
"Oh? Did the person order you to obey me for my birthday? How thoughtful" Yukito smirked as lean close to your face.
His thumb traces your lips as you don't move away from his touch.
"Considering it is a present... A wonderful one indeed" he whispered into your ear as you sat motionless.
Who would have thought that his birthday would be such a wonderful one?
"Since... I have all this day for myself... Will I, be guilty of using you despite you being in control by an ability?" Said Ayatsuji as you shook your head.
A smile oh so he saw through pictures was directed to him.
He couldn't help but smile in delight...
"Follow me to the kitchen," he said as he took the small box as you walked mindlessly following him.
He should feel guilty but for a reason, it is not his fault can it? After all... An ability is controlling your actions, not him... And is it wrong for him to pleasure himself through you?
He opens the box to see a cake and he notices the key on top of the cake.
He picked it up as he smiled at you.
"If you are to pleasure me for today... Why don't we have fun about it?"
"?" You were slightly confused as Ayatsuji kept the key underneath his shirt.
"If you... want me to free your hands search the key won't you?" He said.
You approach him as he leans on the counter.
He felt ticklish by your hair as you tried to remove his buttons.
He chuckles as you barely remove two buttons of his.
"Let me help" he muttered removing his buttons as you went onto your knees.
He felt your lips on his stomach as you picked up the key and kept it on the counter just beside the cake.
"Oh? The icings are on me Well... I could just- ah~" he moaned out as he felt your tongue lick his stomach.
He couldn't help but moan while you lick those icing that trails on his body.
Your eyes stare at him as his face flushed red.
"The key"
"H-huh? Well... I can free your hands but you gotta do something in exchange"
"?" You tilted your head slightly as you stood up straight his eyes gazed up at yours and his face was still flustered red.
He still feels your tongue that makes contact with his exposed chest and stomach.
"𝙴𝚡𝚌𝚞𝚜𝚎 𝚖𝚎 𝚠𝚎 𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚞𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚢 𝚝𝚊𝚕𝚔𝚎𝚍 𝚓𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚏𝚒𝚗𝚎, 𝚠𝚎 𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗 𝚔𝚒𝚜𝚜𝚎𝚍-"
The words that Ango said echoed in his mind as he smirked a bit with his eyes bored staring at yours.
"Kiss me"
Without another word, your lips clashed with his as he felt himself melted by yours.
He moved his lips pacing with yours as your tongue swirls within his.
"Ah~mmmph~... Am I doing well?" Muttered Ayatsuji as he intertwined his tongue with yours as you hummed in acknowledgment.
His arms around his neck with one of his hands clenched onto your hair.
Tightening it as couldn't help but moan at the kiss being so deep.
But the kiss has to end as both of you catch your breath flustered faces were you as he couldn't help but be in awe to see your face flustered with Saliva dripping in the corner of your lips.
He swallowed down as he felt himself yearn for the kiss more.
'Is this how Ango felt when he kissed him? Instead, does he recall Ango while we kissed?' Thought Ayatsuji was slightly annoyed if you were thinking about Ango of sorts.
"Is... Is there more I should do?" You whispered into his ear as he shivered by your warm breath.
He let out a shaky breath as he smiled.
"Well, I could unshackle your hands while you please me..." Ayatsuji muttered as you nodded.
"Ah~ what are you- Y/n~" Yukito moaned as he felt your lips trailing into his exposed neck as his trembling hand reached out for the key.
"Y-you sure know how to pl-please me..." Muttering Ayatsuji as his hands reached to your hands behind as you hummed.
He moaned in Bliss as your lips trailed kisses onto his collarbones and shoulders.
He let out a shaky moan as he felt your tongue swirl into his cheek licking something which he felt oh so sensitive now.
His hands tremble almost dropping the key as he finally hears a click.
The shackles fall off as your hands feel on the sides of the table.
Your eyes bored into his as his eyes flushed red he couldn't think straight as he felt himself warmer than usual by your lips, your tongue and your eyes staring at him like you knew he was weak against you.
"Happy birthday... Yukito Ayatsuji" you whispered as he smiled a bit still his face was red.
But he took notice of your eyed pupil fading the heart shape as a familiar streak of black was seen.
Your eyes go droopy as you fall onto the side unconscious as he stands there confused.
He holds the key that disappears into thin air so do your shackles.
And it finally clicks into his mind.
'I should have remembered that... The person's ability lasts if the chains are still bound to the victim' Thought Ayatsuji who fell onto the floor as y/n lay beside asleep or unconscious.
He let out a raspy chuckle for his error.
"I could have enjoyed more of the present, don't I?"
. . . . . . . . . . .
𝔸:𝕟- 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥'𝕤 𝕒𝕝𝕝! 𝔾𝕠𝕠𝕕 𝕕𝕒𝕪/𝕟𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 𝕥𝕠 𝕒𝕝𝕝! ℍ𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕒 𝕘𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕥 𝕕𝕒𝕪/𝕟𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥!
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k4zushi · 9 months
status : unedited, written 01/04/24 ☆ word count : 0.8k
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every time you willed the universe to give you a break it found a way to somehow make matters worse.
it all started with your conversation with hu tao earlier that morning. the incident with albedo made sure that your nerves were on edge pretty much the entire day but what your friend said made you want to move across the globe and never return.
maybe if she hadn’t mentioned the possibility of running into a certain grey haired man maybe none of this would’ve happened in the first place.
you were silently freaking out at every random interaction you had. despite knowing the fact that you had no overlapping classes with cyno as he was a computer science major while you were studying fashion design; meaning you’d be studying on opposite sides of the campus.
honestly that made you even more nervous because alongside your history of “short lived crushes”, you also had a track record of bad luck. not one that could compare to a certain blonde engineering major but still bad nonetheless.
play practice was going half decently well. you had managed to escape interacting with others in the theater as you were mostly confined to the space of the costume room along side a couple other students.
it felt like you could finally breathe for the first time that day since you weren’t constantly trying to hide your presence.
“hey y/n i’m going to step out for a bit to measure some of the actors in the theater!” hu tao said, standing in the doorway. “you’ll be okay here by yourself right?”
you looked up from the racks you were sorting through.
“yea no worries. just looking through these racks from the previous years for anything we can use” you replied before turning your focus back to the costumes.
“thanks, we’ll make send anyone down if they have any questions!!” your bestfriend responded before turning to walk out.
you let out a hum in response fully diverting your attention.
it was peaceful being alone in the costume room. it was kind of dusty and cluttered but it was also filled to the brim with clothes, accessories, and fabric. the fashion design major in you was sobbing from the amount of things you could mess around with.
you were snapped out of your little headspace when you detected a new presence in the room.
curious, you peeked out from behind the racks. that, however, was your first mistake.
“um.. are you y/n?” a slightly familiar voice questioned.
you were trying to connect the dots as to why this person’s voice sounded familiar and it finally hit you as your eyes landed on the one person you didn’t want to interact with.
“yea!! how’d you know?” you said in a overly friendly tone in an attempt to cool your nerves.
cautiously, you stepped out from behind the racks to face the guy you had been avoiding all day.
“i was sent down here by hu tao,” cyno explained. “i’m cyno.”
“ohh i guess that makes sense, it’s nice to meet you! i’m on costume design for the play, just thought i should mention,” you paused to think, head tilted to the side in confusion before you continued. “did you need something from me?”
cyno shook his head.
“no, not really. just wanted to ask you a question if that’s okay”
“if it’s about costumes or the play you know i’m more than happy to answer them for—“
“do you happen to be friends with albedo?” cyno interrupted.
your sweat dropped and your nervous system started to go haywire. the urge to book it out the room and flee was overriding all of your other thoughts.
“oh haha.. uh albedo huh?” you said nervously. that was your second mistake.
“so you do???” cyno narrowed his eyes at you and took a step forward as you took a step back.
“yes…?” you looked around hoping that anyone come to your rescue and interrupt the unwanted confrontation.
when cyno took a step forward, you took a step back to maintain a safe distance away from the intimidating, yet extremely attractive, male.
this cycle continued.
that was until you realized you had effectively cornered yourself against a wall next to one of the costume racks. your third mistake.
you mentally facepalmed at your lack of spacial awareness.
“then does that mean you’re the one he was talking about?” he took another step closer.
“ahaha i have NO CLUE what you’re talking about cyno!!” you said trying to laugh off the sudden tension.
you were starting to panic. not only was this costume room stuffy and triggering your asthma but you also found it particularly hard to breathe when a really attractive guy was practically interrogating you.
and that’s how you found yourself in this awkward predicament that made you wish you had a twin that swallowed you in the womb.
‘i should just quit life huh’
“y/nnnn do you know where the measuring tape is?? it wasn’t in the theater and i can’t find— WHAT THE FUCK????”
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prev ︴masterlist ︴next
AUTHOR’S NOTES : note that the costume room is going to play a ( somewhat big ) part of the story btww (*´▽`*) this was also kinda a nightmare to write bc i was fist fighting w/ the dialogue and awkward word repetition way too much😕
cyno is so silly.. ik this is from y/n’s pov so it’s hard to tell bc of his bluntness, but he’s actually genuinely curious abt the whole admirer thing. which i find hilarious bc he comes off as freakishly intimidating while confronting ppl😭 it’s bc he has somewhat of an rbf and is completely unaware of it૮꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶꒱ა ( hence the ‘lack of expression’ i mentioned in a previous chapter )
— TAGLIST : @ioveaether @otomegame-oneshots @ashyiiy @mafuyuslover @yuminako @waengyknow @sharkdays @tikitsune @jihoonotes @gallantys @keiiqq @mochibaby123 @lambcandle @ell1e2010
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bookishgalaxies · 3 months
Advanced Placement Credit Given to…
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☾☼✧☽ summary: the ap classes these different characters would take
☾☼✧☽ type: headcannons, modern au
☾☼✧☽ warnings: n/a
☾☼✧☽ a/n: my ap classes are killing me-
✧ albedo
chemistry and art history
I think the chemistry part is obvious, as an alchemist he would find this kind of thing fascinating. Obviously he would enjoy the rigor and fast paced layout of the class. CB requires 16 labs to be done throughout the year in ap chem and he would adore this as well. Definitely thinking he’s pulling an A in this class, actually an A+
Albedo’s an artist and a curious individual. I imagine he would find himself interested in the history of art and the different pieces. As a chemist he is always chasing after whys and hows; it only makes sense for him to look for this in art as well. He would also pull a high A I feel in this class due to his commitment to his studies
✧ amber
human geography
Amber isn’t much of an academic, but she appreciates geography I imagine. As an outrider who is exploring and navigating, she would find the history of places and maps fascinating. Amber also, or at least I seem to think, would have a hard time taking an intense ap class. This one is one of the easiest out of the ones CB offers. I think Amber would get an A in this class and I am firm believer that she unfortunately is the one who reminds the teacher when homework is due :/
✧ diluc
macroeconomics, microeconomics, and statistics
Macroeconomics covers the economic of wider areas like regions and nations. Diluc being someone who has a business that is known worldwide would I feel find value in knowing about the economics of not only his country but others as well.
Microeconomics is more focused on the economics of an individual thing like companies. This is a class that would give the insight on the business side of economics.
Business requires a lot of data. Most of the time when analyzing data statistics is involved. Diluc would use statistics I feel to see what kinds of wine tend to sell on what regions and what happens when prices increase and decrease.
Diluc I see passing all of these classes, I think the economic ones with an A and stats with a high B.
✧ jean
comparative government and politics and psychology
Government and politics I feel is self explanatory because of how Jean pretty much runs Mondstadt. She has to contact diplomats from all nations and make negotiations. I think she would also find it kind of interesting about different types of government and how things are ran.
Jean would have to on some level be a people person. To some degree she would have to know how people think and feel. She would find the makeup of the human brain fascinating I think.
Jean is not letting herself get anything less than an A, let’s be real-
✧ lisa
english language and composition, english literature and composition, and latin (or teyvat’s equivalent, maybe Khaenri’ah’s language..)
Tumblr deleted Lisa’s part like 3 TIMES kill me :/. Anyways, I think the language composition and literature composition are obvious. I mean…..she’s a librarian.
The language thing I feel would stem from her wanting to be able to read more books. Therefor she wanted to learn a new language to broaden her selection of books
She wanted to take ap chem but decide to just do general instead. I definitely think Lisa could get an A in all three classes. I just think she gets distracted easily and would need someone to help her focus.
✧ sucrose
chemistry, biology, and computer science a
Obviously she would take chem with Albedo. I think it would take her a bit longer to grasp some of the concepts and Albedo might have to help her out some but she does overall well in the class, I say an A-
She flies through biology without a problem due to her interest in life forms. Is definitely earning an A+
OKAY HEAR ME OUT! So Sucrose wants to study how to manipulate life to make it better and brighter. I think she would be all over the idea of being a bioengineer. Thus, she would learn how to code.
Sucrose would do well in the comp sci a course I believe. I could see her being a really good problem solver and understanding Java well (the programming language you learn in comp sci a)
✧ venti
music theory
Don’t come for my throat, I love Venti I swear. However, I do not think he would preform well in this class. Music theory isn’t really so much about composing music as it is about the rules of composing music. I think Venti would do wonderfully with dictation (where you hear notes/chords and have to identify and write them). As well as sight singing (where you are given a sheet of music and have a certain amount of time to practice and sing it).
We all know Venti is great at composing music…but he doesn’t really like playing by the rules (aka all the figured bass line shit), so I don’t think he’d do so good. Venti can read sheet music sure but he didn’t take the time to memorize all the special symbols when he just knows music.
I’m going to be generous and give him a C considering he can do the dictation and sight singing. Anything where he’s having to analyze and determine cadences or other conceptual stuff he’s kind of screwed
kaeya does not take any ap classes however he relentlessly bothers albedo while he is trying to study. Also totally tries to convince lisa at least once to bail on writing a paper and come to some party or whatever.
thank you so much for reading !
stay hydrated and safe !
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
-vine boom
I probably sent a lot of these now im so sorry lmfao 😅
You mentioned in one of the asks that some countries are like a prototype/based of our existing countries, like Germany=Mondstadt, Liyue=China, Inzauma=Japan....
So even though the language is more or less identical for you to make heads and tails in a conversation or writing in a book, the reverse side does not.
Creator!Reader who knows a couple of languages (plus points if they're atleast fluent or have a understanding of it despite not being able to speak said language) and being born from a country that doesnt have the same language as the countries Teyvat based off. Basically Spanish, Italian, Filipino, Scandinavian languages that also have their own way of writing.
Imagine feeling homesick and the only thing that keeps you occupied is the notebook and pen you have while the others converse in a meeting or in a hangout. You started writing in your tongue and re-reading it to relive memories.
Zhongli, AlHaitham, Albedo, Jean, maybe the Berry bros too (Diluc & Kaeya) get curious only to have a double-take and immediately thinks that maybe there is a forgotten land in Teyvat that has this language, I mean Morax stayed faithful to Liyue and Barbatos blessed his country with abundance of supplies and freedom. Teyvat gods and archons played favourites, so why wouldn't you as well? (Bonus: Khaenriah flashbacks) (also I know these arent enough characters but how should I know? I only have a handful of them and I ran out of Primos😭
The people from Akademiya though? I mean they went hard on theorizing and picking apart the language of their creator. Have you seen Matpat's descent to insanity the more FNAF continues to push out LoRe? Thats basically them because Teyvat doesn't have a country based on Creator's birth country. They're grasping nothing but air and dead ends and the only lead they have is you, but couldnt ask because you look so down and they cant bear to see Creator sad....
Rip Vine boom no primos 🙏 hope u got some more by this time bc i was so late to reply lol - DUDE IM SO READY FOR THE GORG KAVEH <333
BERRY BROS!! Thats it, thats the only way im gonna refer to them now.
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(Cute owl house gif is like, metaphorially u and zhongli in this lol)
EDIT 8/23/23: So this may be inaccurate/not that good to my Hispanic Readers out there! Sorry about that, I'l make sure to do better in the future.
EDIT 1/1/24: Unfortunately there are even more issues here, and I'm really sorry about that. I expanded on it more in my Eldritch fanfic post in Part 2, but it was exoticism of me to use the word "Huangdi". I have since replaced it with "Emperor", and don't intend to just erase the mistake like it never happened. But I did change it in the headcanons for better readability. Again, I'm genuninely sorry about this, and will absolutely be watching out/doing better in the future. I hope you understand.
tbh im american and i def dont think theres a u.s. country- oh god at least I hope not, damn but im also familiar with mexican culture so i wouldnt miss the united states, but id miss mexican culture…
You have a lot of amazing people who care about you in Teyvat, so they won’t let you stew in ur homesickness for long
like random said, i could see it being small stuff
ok so imma just-
(i do this bc its just the culture/language im more familiar with, but dont let that discourage anyone from requesting other cultures! I will def do my research, or ur welcome to tell me all about it so i can write it better! <3)
you’ve been in the game-turned-life world of Genshin Impact for nearly 6 months now, turns out time isnt wonky as hell like it is if you were playing the game, half bc u bribed Albedo with answers to his many questions about you if he figured out the time difference, and half bc of ur internal clock
people would notice the cuss words first lmao
like Xiao hearing u stubbing ur toe on the million and one steps up to Wangshu Inn, hijueputa!
or Keqing pointing out the words you coo at the dogs hanging out by the bridge outside the harbor,
un perrito tan buenoooo!! :’)
while most would just, " hmm, maybe a dialect of one of the other countries we havent heard…"
but Zhongli? he’s been ready for centuries in case the prophecy came true within his lifetime, afterall, many things changed while he’s been alive, not crazy to him that you might descend randomly
While everyone else was unprepared, bc u were like… the oldest deity, more legend than history, so ppl just thought Morax was a little overly faithful …so when it actually happened,, Morax was just smirking as he watched ur golden shooting star streak the night sky… while absolute pandemonium consumed the mortals and adepti in liyue lmao
(like that scene of Regina George in Mean Girls watching the student body break out into an all out brawl just smirking 😭 pls god look it up if u dont know what i mean- )
So Morax- Zhongli, has been ready for you, just in case, to pay attention to what kind of person you’d be, learn your favorite clothes/colors/offerings, see what things you’d like to talk about with him (hopefully for hours) etc.
He was observant, and with his memory, he practically gave himself headaches sometimes with how aware he was,
on one of those days he was overwhelmed by the mortal crowds, the smells, the market yelling, and all the change from what he thought he knew-
Zhongli noticed you in your own melancholy, and curious, he began to stroll just behind
You sit at Wanmin restaurant, still somber, and ask Xiangling to
“please try out these recipes? they’re from my world, and id really love to have something like them again..”
a true experimental chef as always, Xiangling quickly takes up your offer, and u follow her into the kitchens in the back (the restaurant is much more real than in game, they have gorgeous inside seating, all shades of red coloring the walls and lots of pretty latticework-)
Zhongli takes a seat finally, he has a usual table at this point he comes in so much coughtorunintoyoucough the staff know it's his and give him tea pretty quickly
the food, and the looks, makes it your favorite restaurant in Liyue, the Liuli Pavilion a little too fancy for casual dining, afterall, Zhongli would know
He’s tried to keep track of your favorite places to be in Liyue too, and kept his near full attention on what you say when he asks after your stays in Liyue (he hasn’t felt the need to pay that much attention or felt that much interest in conversation partners in… decades?)
So when you come out of the kitchen, throwing your head back and laughing, "Sí, sí! It all tastes so close Xiangling! Gracias, thank you!"
He wants… to know.
to know what those strange, but delicious looking, foods are all balanced on two big dinner plates
Xiangling carrying whatever you couldn’t just behind, a pitcher of white liquid, it smells, like cinnamon?
He raises a hand, and offers the extra seats at his table, (when did his tea go cold? he only just sat down, he couldn’t have spent that long thinking about you…)
You notice and look over, a giddy grin lighting up your face (…hmm, perhaps he needs to transform into his Exuvia form and let off some steam, his chest has warmed too much right now for him to just be sitting here…)
You plop into the seat beside him, but not before carefully placing the plates in front of both you and Zhongli
You scootch around until you’re turned towards him, as always, Zhongli looks… actually kind of, happy?
a small soft smile pulls at his lips, his eyes half-lidded as they meet yours, his usual red eyeliner framing his monolids perfectly, he looks like he’s been,, well, sculpted from stone, an artwork come to life
“…My Emperor? Could I trouble you to tell me about the dishes before us?”
the geo god’s pleasantly smooth and deep voice felt so soft asking you that, like he didn’t want to push you one direction or the other
“Oh! Right! Sorry, these are from my home country, back in my world, or at least, as close as Xiangling and I can get to them!”
Your smile brightens your face once more, clearing away any leftover stormclouds from your mood earlier, and as you launch into explaining (Xiangling had to get back to orders, so it’s just you two now)
You list it all, the quintessential: quesadillas, empanadas, tamales, chorizo (you had to combine at least 5 different spices to Mondstadt sausages to get anywhere close to the real thing) the dips obviously, salsa, queso, guacamole, and the easy street tacos, and finally the horchata, but also all the weird fruits Teyvat has with chile, like Sunsettias mixed with Harra from Sumeru or Lavender melons with Wolfhook berries… all surpringly pretty good
(the Sun-Harra combo tastes like mango, a sort of deeper taste of pineapple/kiwi and a sort of light orange taste? all with the nice addition of chile flavors, the Lavender melons and Wolfhooks helped imitate chamoy enough that your heart was satisfied)
…you realize you’ve just been talking about the last meal you had with your family/friends instead of the food after a bit, and Zhongli hasn’t said anything…
you trail off and look back over your shoulder (u were practically about to get your shirt in the imitation guac u were leaning so far over the table to point and talk)
you’re about to sheepishly apologize for taking over the conversation, and ask if he wants to try anything (Zhongli can handle spice so u dont have to worry abt that at least)
but as u finally see his face, u just stop, and dont end up saying anything
He’s just, looking at you.
his smile's not huge, but big enough to make his eyes look happy, and Zhongli’s just… looking at you.
You can’t describe the look he’s giving you, but you suddenly feel… a wave of shyness wash over your heart in your chest, because he’s looking almost like, maybe like, he’s sort of, waiting for you to keep talking, his tan skin warm in the golden rays of the sun beginning to set, you don’t know why you’re noticing any of these things, and he gently, slowly, makes a move to lean into your space a little
almost above your armrest, head inches from your shoulder, he finally moves to stop looking at you-
He looks like a painting as he looks down, his eyelashes almost sitting on his high cheekbones,
you have to move your head to looking at the table too as he moved so close,
you feel your shoulders reflexitively hitch upwards as you brushed the hair on the side of his head as you turned away
He looks around, and then moves his head, not his body, he’s still leaning toward you, to look you right in the eyes again
“Why did you stop? I haven’t said much, I apologize, but it’s only because I wanted to hear you without anything interrupting you.”
You cough a little strained, “Oh! Oh I get it now yeah, thanks-”
“I want to hear you more,” his black eyes begin to warm with gold, you can vaguely see the shape of his diamond pupil revealing itself, “I want to hear about… everything, if you’ll tell me? The language, the food, the drinks, your family, your dances, your country, I want to hear it all. Won’t you please let me hear your voice some more?”
uh, hope somebody got anything out of this, sorry abt the length, again,
also pls somebody tell me if what i said about culture/food was alright! If not I’ll def change it, pls dont let me keep it up if its inaccurate/wrong!!
Safe Travels you guys,
♡ the beloveds ♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist / @thedevioussmirk
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