#just decided that's their shipname
murd3rouscrow · 6 months
Holy shit... The retired colourman might be my new favorite mystery, as always, spoilers below
I just want to start by how much more gruesome this one was, especially compared to the last episode with the ai. I really really like the more gruesome stories. It amps up all the emotions.
Also very fun story, like you know the murderer is, that's not the mystery. It's not the who, but the what... Oooo very ominous, very cool.
Also Lillian. She was there, ngl she kinda grew on me. Let's be real, we'd probably be just like her. Also didn't think she'd go through with the true crime podcast after getting sprayed blood. I'm going to assume john have her some important podcaster wisdom while they were outside.
Also, more Mariana, which I'm always happy about. Especially Mariana basically solving the mystery. Love it. Love her. Especially loved the emotion and her little moment with Sherlock in the cellar and attic
Further making me want a Sherlock and Mariana only episode, I swear they'd be so efficient. Also just Sherlock reassuring her that she doesn't have to the bodies, he'll do it. Like yes, I've been waiting for some Sherlock x Mariana, so far they're dynamic had only been making fun of John together (which is also great)
This entire mystery was just fueling my inner baker street poly heart.
Overall, great episode, loved the emotion, I like very much.
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lesbians4armand · 2 months
newest egregious twitter take: “book lestat would not have touched armand with a ten foot pole” WHAT?? what book were you reading here. book lestat wanted armand so bad he described him as two fairytale princesses in one paragraph
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zarla-s · 2 months
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the pokemon gacha game just handed everyone this old man ship out of nowhere and i am eating it UP. tailor-made in a lab to appeal to me personally.
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nyupuun · 17 days
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horse-head-farms · 7 months
yknow I was originally planning on doing an animatic of reaper!hypno and xb, all dramatic and such, but with the way demise is currently going, I think I might do a reaper!joel and xb animatic instead. mainly because hypno hasn’t actually had too many dramatic moments with xb so far (only 1 trap, and a cool trap, but quite a passive one and they just talked casually afterwards), joel on the other hand is constantly trying to kill xb and is going insane over him whilst xb is completely unaffected and avoids traps easily and now I’m obsessed with them
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faksyan · 30 days
Want to actually write out my idea of why John isn't Snake's real name now because I remembered about it yesterday and it's awesome. Like that would've made it an actual cool narrative decision that has some meaning instead of whatever the Jack/John thing is. Holding mgs names to any real-life standards to begin with is kind of wild tbh but to each their own. why is he named Adamska can anyone tell me where that's from (it's nowhere they made it up). who is Nastasha why is it spelled like that (they made that up too. babynames.com or whatever might tell you it's real and they're LYING). Shoot Gunner.
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vellichorsdesire · 7 months
introducing the shipname blue hydrangeas for me and my f/o…!!! a little rambling about the decision under cut as well and well. in the tags
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with the different vivid colors of hydrangeas, each come with their own special meaning in flower language as well!!! i think it’s very important to keep in mind when researching about such language is that they can be different between cultures/not all cultures have the same meaning for a flower (it’s super duper interesting to me that going through victorian era(?) flower language books have hydrangeas in general noted as ‘boastful’ with how little seeds it gave compared to how much flowers it has… and not only that but men sent it to women who rejected them to imply their frigidity, which. is so mean actually.).
blue hydrangeas i believe they’re not seemed as the happiest kind of flower with being given as an apology (stemming from the japanese myth) but i mostly see the flower for its meaning of deep gratitude and understanding which absoluutely applies to s/i (or. well. me but i’m too embarrassed to use the word ‘us’ uuumm) and f/o…!!! sincerity i think is a meaning the flower heavily carries as well and being true to someone like that and having that kind of connection really is what the highlight of their relationship is with what both have been through and stand for. f/o is not extremely trusting, and being laid bare open to someone like that is very unheard of to them until they have s/i in their life and slowly develop a sort of closeness towards him. s/i is somewhat similar to f/o but different in a way that their honesty is quite warped when it comes to people (i’ve mentioned him being a sunshine type of character but there are layers to that, in the way that he finds his truer and more negative emotions irrelevant and keeps the sunshine mask on as he grew more used to it & finds it much easier basically) so the type of relationship for the both of them where they can genuinely be themselves with their guards down is something really special
in a way both are extremely grateful for each other as well for walking into their life and wouldn’t have it any other way
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Hello Fanders!
Thanks to the lovely @tsspromptmonth event, I realized I actually don't know a lot of shipnames for the pairings I don't regularly engage with. And finding those names out is a hassle. So, I decided I would gather what shipnames I can find and put them in comprehensible lists for easier access. This will probably take me a while to set up, but I'll try to work on it consistently.
I would also like to do some polls at some point, just to gauge the popularity between certain shipnames, all in good fun of course, you can use whatever names you like.
Also, this is a proship blog! I know many don't like to acknowledge that RemRom exists but I will not be turning a blind eye. You can block this account if they bother you. I will be tagging it appropriately.
For now, my first goal is to set up lists for just the shipnames between the six sides, Patton, Roman, Logan, Virgil, Janus and Remus. Other will probably added later but this is it for now (that's already gonna be a lot guys).
If you have any shipnames you think aren't well known, please send me and ask or submission! Especially if we're talking polyships of four or more, the bit I've gathered so far isn't much.
Be kind to each other and see you soon!
Edit: First list is up here! Once I have more, I'll make a proper masterpost.
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mark-the-snark · 2 years
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Limited colour pallette? I hardly know her 😎
Anywho, the story behind this was - what if turtle and hare but it's a marathon and they work... ✨together✨
Honestly i don't actually hate it but also it do be hurtin my eyes a lil. I may have oversaturated them a lil. In my defence i love me some neon 😔
Also read the tags
Anyway love u ❤ byeeeeee
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itsnotmourn · 3 months
awhile ago i made the crackship of john and rick and Cross came up with the shipname DeadSmoke!
i was gonna make an animatic of Loser, Baby with them but i uh never did
OUUUU i'm guessing the "dead" because he's "dead tired"? or "works until he's dead" type of energy? :D
ngl i would think that it's Patty x John because the word "dead" is so often paired with her HAHAHA but maybe that's just me? any rick enjoyers wanna share their input?
and deadsmoke like the band LMAO ??? oh my GOD i do love that some of the shipname double as actual things. like actual deadsmoke listeners, don't mind us hogging your tags... HAHA
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corpsoir · 2 years
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i just like letting characters rest sometimes
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wooobejeweled · 2 years
ok now not to start a fight but who is alice. like why r yall shipping her with narcissa im sorry but i dont get it… if we r shipping narcissa with anyone. it has to be LILY EVANS r u kidding me. theyre like polar opposites theyre like enemies to lovers at its best. canonically, they r both women who love their sons so much they kill voldemort!!! like helloooo imagine the potential that narlily has. soo much better than a pretty much clean slate (alice) that u can project whatever u want on to… at the point just make an OC.
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delusional-mishaps · 1 year
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sin-cognito · 2 years
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Papyly 2022 prompt 2: Inexperienced, feat Sugar/Money, NSFW
The friendship between Sugar and Money was, to put it blunty, an unexpected and unlikely one.
Second chapter is lowkey inspired by a conversation I’m 99% sure I’ve had with @/redtomatofan but I can’t for the love of Sans find it in our chat and she doesn’t remember it so idek. Anyway, Sugar is good at dating but is a virgin, and Money has only had friends with benefits before, and somehow, they’re friends. That’s the plot.
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aria0fgold · 4 months
I don't know why, but nearly for the entire day, my brain is like: video of 24 hours of silence occasionally interrupted by a metal pipe dropping. But instead of a metal pipe, it's my brain randomly just going "sewhearts-- twohea-- sewhats--" And I'm like: What is going on???
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burntsoup-bs · 1 year
Anyone else being way too passionate about a shipname of a ship they don't even like???
I don't like the ship because it's the (in my opinion) most boring character in the source material and my fav character (who I also ship with someone else)
I think that the ship should be called NightOwl because one of the characters' name translates to Night and the other's name translates to Owl and I personally don't see the appeal of the ship but that would be a cute shipname
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