#just don’t turn up the brightness on your phone/computer or it looks horrible
roadkill-creatures · 10 months
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Pathlighter Blue ;]
The funny guy belongs to @/angstyhikka
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babyhedonistt · 5 months
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WARNING // Angst, sexual advances
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February 2022
“Is he ever going to come out?” Folio asks, approaching Noah’s bedroom door as Jolly rests his shoulder against the doorframe. “How long has it been?” Folio asks.
Jolly pulls his hoodie sleeve up slightly, as he checks his watch. “Going on 71 hours?” Jolly scoffs. “What the hell happened after he left Y/N’s?” Folio throws his arms up in confusion.
Jolly shrugs. Jolly knew what happened, but for the time being Folio was better off not knowing. “They got into an argument.” He says. “So? They’ve gotten into arguments before, did she cut his hair off or something as a joke?” Folio chuckles.
Jolly shakes his head. “Whatever it was about, fucked him up I guess.”
“I’m texting Y/N. She’ll tell me.” Folio takes out his phone before Noah opens the door looking horrible. His long hair was messy, he had dark blue bags under his eyes before clearing his throat, his eyes squinting at the bright light radiating from the hallway.
“I gotta pee.” He grunts before pushing his way past Folio into the bathroom. Folio makes a grossed out look on his face before Jolly peered into his room and nearly gagged. “Dudes been pissing into bottles.”
Ruffilos bedroom door closed as he made his way down the hallway to the group. “He finally came out?”
Jolly and Folio nodded before Ruffilo walks into Noah’s room up to his computer. “You’re fucking kidding me.”
Folio and Jolly pour into Noah’s room as Ruffilo stands in front of the screen.
Noah’s desk was cluttered with piss filled water bottles, open journals and scribbled pages filled with lyrics and editing. The three peered at the screen to 3 song files they had been working on that had now been marked ‘completed’.
“No fucking way dude.” Jolly gasps. “He finished them?” Folio added on as Ruffilo cleared his throat.
“Yeah.” A raspy voice calls from the doorway. Noah stood in the doorway with his hands shoved in his pant pockets. “That’s what you’ve been doing in here for like three days?” Ruffilo asks, pointing at the computer.
“yeah.” Noah simply says. “What the fuck did you and Y/N argue about to make you lock you in your bedroom for three days?” Ruffilo squints at him.
“Nothing. I don’t want to talk about her right now.”
“I would think now is a good time.” Ruffilo shrugs with a scoff. Noah approaches his computer and unplugs the flash drive from the monitor. “I gotta get this to Matt.”
“Noah. Come on dude. You tell me everything.” Ruffilo places a hand on Noah’s shoulder which he just shakes off and walks out of the room.
Nick Ruffilo never admitted it, but that hurt him a lot deeper than he would ever tell anyone from that day on.
Present day
You helped Noah off the ground and took a harsh look at the bruising on his face. You bring your hand up and he stops it before your finger tips manage to touch his face.
“You need to be cleaned up before the show.” You focus on aiding him. You couldn’t bear to look at his damaged face, knowing you were the cause of it.
“Y/N, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.” He tries and you hold up a finger to him. “Noah I don’t have the energy to deal with this right now. You have a show in a half an hour and you look like you got hit by a car.” You turned your back to him and started walking back to the others.
“I can’t do the show if you’re mad at me.” He shook his head grabbing your wrist. “Noah let me go.” you warn him. He shook his head and tried to go for your other one before you start getting angrier. So many lies, so many things he didn’t tell you. Now his best friend hates him and he got hurt because of you.
“Nick is already mad at you, so maybe take that and put it towards your performance.”
You shake your hand from him and start walking back to the rest of the boys, wiping the tears from your cheeks.
Noah didn’t even try to overpower you, make you stay, make you hear him out like he usually does.
He fucked up.
He knows he fucked up.
And this time you weren’t the only one who got hurt.
February 2022
"Are you sure you want to cut it all off?" Jolly asks, sitting across Noah who sat, all tied up in the salon chair. Noah nods. "I think it's needed with the new album."
Folio turned his phone sideways and pressed the record button. "Damnnnn, man this is gonna be good." He chuckles. Ruffilo sat quietly to himself, his leg laying on top of the other with his arms crossed.
"You didn't wanna wait until Y/N got here?" Folio asks.
"She's not coming." Noah and Jolly said at the same time, eerily at the same time. Folio nods, slightly confused before the hairdresser returns, clapping his hands together in an excited manner. "All right! New year new hair!"
Present Day
"10 minutes till sound check!" Matt peeks his head into the dressing room with a nod. The tech support came in and hooked a microphone pack on the back of Noah's belt. You quietly put clear bandages by his eye as he held the ice upon the bruising. You put antibiotic ointment on his lip to stop it from bleeding.
He looked like shit.
"Will you say something? Anything?" He asks. He has been staring into your eyes since you started aiding him and it took every ounce of willpower you had remaining in you to not lock eyes with this man. He knew how to make you forgive him. It was always a game between the two of you. You're not even sure you had something to be mad at him about.
He wrote a song about you. So what?
No. That's not it.
It was the fact he didn't talk to you for almost a year. He mailed you an NDA without any warning or apology. He wanted you to be viewed as the bad guy so he didn't have to put up with his own ego in having feelings for his best friend's sister. He did all this shit, and then turned around, telling you he suddenly wanted you and that nothing else mattered and no one else needed to know?
"Ow. Y/N, you're hurting me." He winces gently as you realized you were pushing to hard on his face after putting on the bandaid.
"Sorry." You grunt.
Noah Sebastian has made shit decisions.
Noah Sebastian has done you more harm than good.
Noah Sebastian makes you cry.
You look up to him as your gaze finally meets his soft, raw expression.
Noah Sebastian was damaged.
Noah Sebastian was hurt
Noah Sebastian was hiding his pain.
Noah Sebastian denied having sex with you to protect your feelings.
Noah Sebastian was protecting you from himself.
So why was it that you still wanted him anyways?
To be continued...
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Authors Note : I've been sick with mono y'all. My body feels like doo doo. This story is still progressing I do apologize it took a minute for this chapter to come out! As always I hope you enjoyed and please leave your lovely comments <3
Comment if you want to be added to the tag list for this story!
@lizzyanthony3 @darkmxgician @blackveilomens @jilliemiw86 @flowery-mess @skulliecadaver-blog @sammyjoeee @kingdxmxfcxrds
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galatially · 2 years
Pietro + wall sex??
i got just the thing! 😉😉
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𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 / 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 — 𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝’𝐬 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫!𝐟𝐫𝐚𝐭 𝐛𝐨𝐲!𝐩𝐢𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐱𝐢𝐦𝐨𝐟𝐟 x 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐞!𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 —it seemed to be inevitable that you’d consume me wholly and surely
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 — 3.8K
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 —𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐎𝐑𝐒 𝐃𝐍𝐈, 𝟏𝟖+, strong language, one night stand, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it, kids) cocky!pietro maximoff (trust me, he's a warning), honorifics (baby, honey, pretty girl)
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 — i'm so sorry this was so late, nonnie 😫🫣
between work, moving, my emotions, and tons of impostor syndrome, this took me longer than i intended. this went through, like, five rewrites before i just bunkered down and wrote lol. i hope you like it!
i don't have a tag list but i do have a library where all of my works live @galatially-wrote so please check it out!
as always, dividers by @firefly-graphics!
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You stood on the front porch of the Tau Nu Theta fraternity chewing the inside of your cheek.  
You can do this. It’s just a party. 
You leaned back on your heels, contemplating turning around and waiting for the next available shuttle to take you back to your apartment. 
Your smart watch vibrated; are you here yet? 
Green eyes — more hazel than green, let’s be honest — flashed in your mind’s eye, her dark brows bowed in concern. If you left now, she’d think something was up and you weren’t ready for that conversation just yet. You squared your shoulders and made your way into the house. 
“Y/L/N! You made it!”
Arms pulled you into a hard chest and you let out a breathless chuckle. “Hey, Cap.” 
The six foot four blond pulled back, a broad, hazy smile cutting along his lips. “Me and Wanda were startin’ to get worried.”
Of course they were. 
In fairness, you’re absolutely horrible with checking your phone. Which is funny because you’re a computer science major and having an internet and social presence is key. The amount of notifications cluttering your phone screen is horrendous and the main argument between you and Wanda most days.  
“I lost track of time. M’sorry.” 
“You look amazing.” A teasing glint shone in his eyes. “Are you planning to cozy up to someone tonight?”
“‘Cozy up to’? You’re such an old man, Rogers.”
“And you’re avoiding the question.”
You rolled your eyes. “Where’s Wan?”
Steve shrugged. “Last I saw her, she was with Nat and Hawk near the living room but that was at least an hour or so ago.”
“Great,” you said, rubbing the back of your neck. “Guess I’m babysitting tonight.”
He let out a hearty belly laugh. “Looks like.” He waved his arms out. “Eat, drink, be merry, and don’t do anything that I wouldn’t do.” He gave you a quick peck to the cheek and disappeared into the crowd of students. 
Arms locked around your middle and you had to brace yourself, tightening your calves to keep rooted to the ground. Still, you felt the stretch of a smile cutting across your lips. For her being six months older than you, Wanda Maximoff had a youthfulness to her that was infectious. Never without a bright smile, she was walking sunshine. 
“Where have you been! I texted you an hour ago!”
You pointed to your perfectly styled coils. “My hair wasn’t going to style itself. That, and I had my phone on silent all day.”
“Of course you did,” she rolled her eyes, “why do you hate me?”
“The only dramatic one between me always has to be me, you know that.” 
Wanda puffed her cheeks some. “You’re so mean to me.”
You lightly pinched her cheeks and gave her a winning smile. “Love you, too, babes.” She chuckled. “There she is! Being angry doesn’t suit you.”
“Promise me you’ll have fun tonight? Like, don’t stand in dark corners away from everyone and actually have fun?” She held up her pinky. “Promise?”
“Really? Pinky swear, Wan? That’s my thing.”
“Yeah, well, I’m using it. So fucking promise me that you’re gonna let loose and have fucking fun, okay? As your best friend since third grade.” 
You linked your pinky with hers, trying to hide your smile. “You worry too much, Mom.”
“The only person I want calling me Mom is Nat,” she said, smirking at the twisting of your face.
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You had to hand it to them; Tau Nu Theta could throw a party.
The spirits were top shelf and the music was more than decent where you found yourself dancing with a group of friends from one of your elective courses. Erik Steven’s girlfriend — everyone called her ‘Shorty’ — and her friends were some of the first people you’d befriended during Freshman Week and you’re glad that you did. 
“Get it, Y/N!” JoJo cheered. 
You and Marcelle were dancing alongside JoJo and Shorty to the music, your laughter echoing each other’s. 
“All right,” Marcelle said, her hands up, “I need something to drink. I’ll be back.” 
“I’m comin’ too, Mari! Y’all want something?”
You and Shorty shook your heads and waved as they walked off. 
“I’m glad you finally made it out tonight, girl,” she said, smiling. “I never get to see you outside of work and class.”
“I know,” you said, fanning yourself. “Jojo and Mari are a trip.”
“Yeah, you get used to them.”
Of all of your college friends, Erik’s girl was your closest. After bonding over having J-pop phases in middle school, you two were inseparable. She was sweet, caring, and had a shoe collection that you were jealous of. 
“We should start hanging out more.”
“Yeah!” Her brown eyes brightened. “Our friend, Ororo, has a really nice apartment that’s not far from campus and she’s always got the best wine. We watch Insecure on Sundays. Well, rewatch it. It’s a fucking mess and we love it.”
“I’d love to hang out with y’all. And talk about how fine Y’lan Noel is.”
“I knew I liked you, Y/N.”
You turned, a surprised chuckle leaving your chest. “Kurt?”
He pulled you into his arms, a warm laugh rumbling in his chest. “If I knew that you were coming, I’d have picked you up.”
“I didn’t think I was, if I’m honest.” You turned to your friend. “This is Shorty, one of my very good friends. Shorty, this is Kurt.”
“Nice to meet you.”
“You, too,” Kurt said, shaking her hand. 
“I’m gonna go find Mari and JoJo, but text me, okay?” 
You nodded and gave her a hug before she walked towards the direction of her friends. 
Kurt rubbed at the back of his neck. “Small world, huh?”
“Kind of,” you said, chuckling. “You cut your hair.”
Kurt ran a hand along his head, letting out a nervous chuckle. “Yeah, it was kind of spur of the moment. I was talking to Kitty — you remember Kitty, right? — and she made a comment about how long my hair has gotten. I don’t know, I just thought that maybe it was time to cut it.”
You reached out and ran your fingertips along his hairline, a smile softening on your lips. “I think it looks nice. Shows more of your face.”
Lights shades of pink colored the apples of his cheeks and the bridge of his nose. “Still the charmer, I see.” 
“No, I’m not. You just don’t like when people compliment you, Wagner.”
“Sure, sure.” He playfully waved you off before his eyes softened. “How have you been?”
You shrugged. “Working, studying, rinse, repeat. You?”
“Me and Kitty are going to her family’s for a few days. Classes have been difficult but manageable. Still have your study sheets to thank for that.” He chuckled. “It’s good to see you, Y/N, truly. I’ve missed you.”
“I’ve missed you, too, Kurt. Maybe once the semester slows down, me, you, and Kitty can hang out sometime.”
“Definitely,” he said, smiling. “Don’t be a stranger, yeah?”
You agreed and pulled him into a hug. He pressed a soft kiss to your temple and waved before he disappeared into the crowd of students. 
Your mind flashed back to the last time you’d seen Kurt Wagner: a warmth behind a sad smile you knew you didn’t deserve on a snowy November evening in downtown Manhattan as you told him you’d wanted to be friends. The last kiss, only on the corner of his mouth, as you left him in the far corner booth. 
But unlike most of your other exes, Kurt meant it. He’d meet you for coffee after a long day or a late dinner after work without expecting anything. Sometimes it made you worry you’d made a mistake ending your relationship. That you’d given up the warmest sun for something that may never look you over. The feelings dulled as your work and school loads kept you busier, relegating your conversations to the ever odd text or Snapchat streak.
You let out a sigh and made your way into the heart of the crowd. While you weren’t reserved by any means, you still weren’t used to partying at fraternity houses. Thankfully, the members of Tau Nu Theta — TNT, affectionately — were decent (save for the “douchey trio” of Paul Diskant, Bryce Langley, and Ransom Drysdale), probably because of your friendship with the sister of a legacy member. 
A certain legacy member that wanted nothing to do with you. 
After finally making it across the room, you found a drink table and grabbed a red solo cup of spiked sweet tea. You took a sip, leaning up against a free wall. Your eyes scanned the party for something, or rather someone. It was foolish, you knew that, but you couldn’t help to look for…
“Pietro, you’re so funny!”
Your gaze cut to the couch a few feet away from you. The woman — a willowy blonde — had her hands in his now pure white hair, a bright smile on her lips. 
Pietro cupped his admirer’s face, his blue eyes drinking her in. His lips moved but the words were drowned out by the music. He probably cracked one of those corny jokes he gets from that dumb Instagram account he showed you sophomore year. Maybe he’s saying something dirty in Transian that made her giggle like that. 
Your fingers tensed around the plastic cup. You wanted to go over to them, exist in their vacuum just to see if he’d react. Or you could confront him; who was he to pretend that you didn’t exist?
“See something you like?”
You jumped at the voice, a shrill squeak leaving you as he cackled. “Jesus Christ, Clint! What the fuck! You almost made me spill my drink!” 
He outstretched his arms, his green and white letterman jacket flapping with his movements. “Bring it in!”
You stepped into his arms. The stench of weed clung to him and you chuckled against the side of his ear. “I see you’re winding down already.”
“And you’re staring at Maximoff.”
Warmth pooled in your cheeks. “Shut up, no, I’m not.”
“Yeah?” He pointed his thumb over his shoulder. “I can go get ‘im for you.”
You swatted at his arm. “Stop! I’m not looking at Pietro, I just happened to look where he was sitting for a second. I wasn’t even thinking of anything.”
Clint snorted. “I’m high, Y/L/N, not blind.”
“Exactly. You’re seeing shit.”
“Hawk!” Wanda’s cheek were flushed pink, her eyes drooped, her curls bigger than when she’d last seen her. “And Y/N! Love of my life!”
“Baby Maximoff!” Clint draped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her into his side, a smirk on his lips. “I think the love of your life is plotting on your brother.”
“Y/N, how does Hawk know you like Pietro?”
Your eyes widened. “Wanda!”
Clint between the two of you. “Am I missin’ somethin’ here? You and Maximoff a thing?”
“Definitely not,” you let out a hard chuckle, “I’d rather chew broken glass.”
“Me, Pietro, and Y/N grew up together and she used to have the biggest crush on him.” You threw Wanda a hot glare. “What? You did! It was cute!”
“We were eleven, Wan. It was years ago.”
“Fine, fine,” she held her hands up, “I’m just saying that it would be, like, fate or something if you guys did end up together. You’d be my sister in real life!”
“Clint, could you take Wanda and get her some water? Before she tells the whole fraternity something else embarrassing about me?”
The blond nodded and half-carried, half-guided your best friend to one of the empty bedrooms. You were shaking, tears threatening against the corners of your eyes. You turned towards the direction of the kitchen and caught sight of Pietro, his blue eyes burning your skin. 
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You don’t take your gaze from the open refrigerator as you answer him. “Maximoff.” 
He took hold of your forearm and slammed the refrigerator door shut. “You gonna keep ignoring me all night?”
Your features canted and turned to face him. “What are you talking about? I’m not ignoring you.”
Pietro snorted. “So I just imagined you walking past me without speaking? Or you pretending you didn’t see me a few minutes ago?”
“Not everything’s all about you, Maximoff, sorry to say,” you sniffed, shrugging. “Besides, you could’ve tried to talk to me yourself.”
“Or I could just stare at you longingly from across the room,” he said, a smirk ghosting at the corners of his mouth. 
Your features flattened. “That’s not funny.”
“No one’s laughing.”
You made an annoyed noise. “Do you need something, Pietro? Don’t you have some sorority girls to bother or something?”
“Not at the moment, no.” He moved closer towards you, his arms caging you in against the fridge. His cologne filled your lungs, heady and spicy. “I’m all yours.”
You looked towards the kitchen entryway. “Someone could see us.”
“So? We’re just talking.” His eyes fell to your lips. “Unless you want to have a different conversation upstairs.”
You rolled your eyes. “Is sex all you think about?”
“I think about fucking you fairly often, Y/L/N.”
Your breath caught some. “We shouldn’t be doing this, Pietro.”
His thick brows pulled down in confusion. “Why not? We’re consenting adults. I’m single — ”
“Oh, yeah?”
“I’m single enough,” he clarified. “And last I checked, you’re not attached to that douchebag anymore.”
“His name is Kurt and you don’t get to talk about him.” You frowned up at Pietro. “Who I’m with is none of your concern anymore.”
“I don’t like anyone that’s been with you that isn’t me.” His fingers played at the end of your skirt, a deep smirk dimpling his cheeks. “I bet you’re fucking drenched right now.”
“Pietro,” you warned, gripping his wrist. “Don’t.”
“What’s wrong, scared someone will catch me with my hands up your dress?” Said hands skimmed the skin of your thighs, ghosting along the curves of your hips. “You didn’t seem to mind it when we used to hang out sophomore year.”
You tightened your jaw. “Fuck you, Pietro.”
“That’s what I’m trying to do, yes.”
He leaned in close, his breath fanning over your lips. His lashes sat full and dark atop the apples of his cheeks. His nose, aquiline and dusted with freckles varying in opacity, almost kissing the tip of yours. 
Your body buzzed with excitement — he was going to kiss you. You wanted him to kiss you. That should’ve pissed you off how hungry you were for the feel of his lips against yours. Memories of moments past played in your mind: the first night you’d kissed, the first time he took you to bed. It was stupid to hold on to them, to wish that they’d never passed. 
You let your eyes slowly shut, your chin lifted so slightly to close the distance. 
Voices drifted towards the kitchen entryway and Pietro eased back, his brown eyes darker. “Meet me upstairs in five minutes.”
You blinked slowly. “What?”
“Meet me upstairs in five minutes,” he repeated teasingly, “we’ll finish this conversation once and for all.”
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Wanda rushed up to you, throwing herself into your arms.
“Wanda? You okay?” You wrinkled your nose. “You smell like Hawk’s stash.”
“I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to blurt all that stuff out about you and my brother.”
Of fucking course. Of all of the times to deal with a stoned Wanda, this was not it. 
“You’re fine, Wan. I don’t even care anymore.”
“I know that’s a touchy thing and I didn’t mean anything. Really.”
You nodded, your eyes following Pietro as he ascends the stairs. “I’m good. I’m just going to find a room to clear my head.”
“I can have Steve or Clint take you home,” she offered, concern in her tone. “Or do you want me to take you? Let me just grab my stuff.”
“Wanda,” you took hold of her hands, “I promise I’m good. I just need a minute to myself.”
“But — ”
You shook your head. “If I still feel weird, I’ll make Hawk take me home, yeah?” Your watch vibrated and you prayed that your face didn’t betray you. 
Glassy-eyed, Wanda gave you a once over. “If you’re sure.” 
You held up your hand. “I promise. I’ll text you if I need anything.” You nodded towards Clint and Natasha. “Go have fun.”
She opened her mouth to say something but is called away by Natasha. 
You waited until she was completely distracted by the redhead before ambling up the staircase. You glanced at the message on your watch: I’m the last door on the right at the very end of the hall. As you passed other students — almost stopping when you catch sight of a familiar brown-eyed freshman with wild, curly hair who was definitely too young to be drinking — you thought how insane this was. 
As you got closer to the room, the music from the party below faded. A sudden spread of heat rippled up your spine and pooled in your belly. You barely got the door open before you were yanked inside, lips molded against yours. His large hands cupped the back of your neck and held you against his mouth. “Do you know how long I’ve waited to do that again?”
You shook your head, your ears ringing. 
“That party…I couldn’t stop fucking thinking about you, Y/N.”
“Don’t give me that sentimental shit, Maximoff.” 
“I’m not — ”
You palmed the outline of his bulge and gave him a hard stare. “You’re going to fuck me and then we’re never speaking of this again. No more snide comments about sophomore year or about my relationships. We don’t speak.” You worked your panties down your thighs and lifted your skirt higher, your eyes cutting to his. “Well? You going to fuck me or what, Maximoff?”
His hands pawed at your hips and pushed you against the wall, hooking one of your legs around his waist. 
“Fuck me from behind,” you said, “I don’t want to look in your eyes.”
Something passed in his eyes, something pained, but he just nodded and spun you to face the wall. You heard the clinking of his belt being undone and blew out a breath. Just one night — you could do that, right? Finally get Pietro out of your system and come out as unscathed as you could. 
The heavy head of his cock pushed into your needy cunt, a choked groan passing your lips. 
Sharp hisses of “don’t stop” and “right fucking there” left your lips as his hips rocked you into the wooden walls. He was thrusting slow and deep on purpose and you tightened around him. “Pietro, please.”
“Please, what, pretty girl?” You could hear the sneer in his voice. “I’m just doing what you asked. ‘M fucking you.”
You let out a garbled sob. 
“Oh, what’s wrong, Y/N? You don’t like how slow I’m going?” He wrapped a large hand around the front of your neck and pulled you into his chest. The angle made him hit the spongy part inside you and you mewled. “You sound so pretty, baby. Like a goddamn song.”
He picked up his pace, wet, sticky noises echoing throughout the room as you struggle to catch your breath. Like you were watching your life through another’s eyes, memories of the last time you and Pietro fucked played in your mind’s eye. How contrasted then was to now: he was sweeter then, gentler. His hands cupped your face as he kissed you soft and slow. He’d consumed you — swallowed every sigh and moan and whine you let out. 
But this Pietro was a man unhinged. His hips snapped into your pelvis and his hands gripped you hard enough to leave bruises. Never mind that you’d asked for this or that he complied so easily.
“Fuck, ‘m gonna cum.”
“Yeah? You gonna soak my cock, honey? Get it nice and wet for me?” His breath warmed the shell of your ear and you felt that familiar coil tighten in your belly. He leaned forward so that your forehead was resting against the wall, his hand leaving your neck to rub at your clit. You let out a wailing moan. “That’s it, pretty girl, that’s it. Cum for me just like that.”
You let out a wailing sound, a cross between a moan and a cry, and came with everything you had. You tightened around his cock and he let out a groan, spilling into you. 
His chest fell and rose against your back, his lips ghosting against your sweat-slick neck. “Stay.”
“Stay the night. With me.” 
“We agreed that this was the last time, Pietro.” You slid your panties up your thighs and fixed the straps of your dress. “The next time we see each other, we’re going to be acquaintances. Familiar strangers, even. We’ve never touched, never been alone together.”
“You’re fucking serious.” An incredulous snort left his lips. “Why are you so determined to ruin something good before it even starts?” 
“Is this?” You turned to face him. “Something good?”
He furrowed his dark brows. “It could be.”
“Which parts? Getting close to me just to fuck me? Pretending to want to be with me?” You let out a scoff. “Was I just something to distract you? Were you bored and that’s why you fucked me?” 
“No, Y/N. I — ”
“You knew that I liked you, didn’t you?” Pietro paused. “You knew. And, what, you thought it was cute or, or pathetic, right? That I was still that dorky girl next door who was best friends with your sister.”
“That’s not true.”
“But you’ve done it before, right? Spun some pretty lies to some poor girl in Grady’s and, then what? You just pass by her on campus like she never existed?”
 “You’re not being fair, Y/N.”
You gave his chest a small shove. “It’s not about you, Maximoff. It’s about me. I’m allowed to protect myself.”
“I’m not going to hurt you. I would never.” He said it so vehemently, with such sureness, you couldn’t help but soften your features some. 
“You don’t think you already have?” Your voice broke. “I spent a fucking year trying to get over you. I broke Kurt’s heart, Pietro, and for what?” 
You shook your head and moved towards the door. “We’re done here, Pietro. For good.”
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  𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 — pietro is one of my favorite people to write, i swear. of course, i had to be angsty and ramble but i'm glad that i managed to write something after such a long time
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awoogayanderes · 2 years
➪ word count : 1,136 words
➪ summary : you feel yourself slowly driving yourself into madness as this case dives in further
➪ other notes : pay attention to a specific phrase
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i sighed as i cracked my neck. i turned off my computer after trying to search for anything that could be useful. william had stayed with me, insisting that some company will benefit me from going insane. "you ready to leave?" he asked me, peeking his head over towards me. "yeah, i can't find anything at all," i said standing up. he stood up and walked towards me. "hey uh i can i walk you to your car if you don't mind," he asked, stuttering his words. "sure why not," i replied.
we walked outside, the cool breeze hitting my face. "you remind me so much of someone," william suddenly said, looking at me. "in a good way or bad way," i inquired curiously. "in an amazing way, you're a very good person," he praises me with eyes shining. i softly laughed, "you should have seen me a few years ago, i was a horrible person," i said, unintentionally opening up. "i don't believe that, you're a sweet person," he says, that makes my eyebrows shrug, he barely knows me. "hm," i say in return.
i look up at the sky seeing bright stars and a full moon. "the moon is beautiful, isn't it?" william says in a soft tone. "yeah it is" i reply. we got to my car and i was about to get in, william breaks the silence, "you almost forgot your phone," my eyes widen as i realize he's holding out my phone to me. i thought i had it in my pocket. "oh thank you, i didn't notice i didn't have it," i said confused. as i was tucking my phone in my pocket, i feel a hand on my shoulder, i immediately look up and i see william. but there's something different.
he has an expression i have never seen, a soft one, a genuine soft one. "you're a really good cop Y/N," he says. "i'm someone who believes in justice like many other people," i say stepping back a bit, my back hitting my car. "you never praise yourself enough," he says frowning a bit. "you say that a lot," i say, opening my car's door. "its true, you're an honest person, that's what i like about you," i just nod, not knowing what to say. "well i have to go now, it's extremely late, i'm sure my cat misses me," i say ready to leave. "yeah i'll let you go, but Y/N," he says and i look at him.
"take care of yourself," he smiles at me. i nod, "you too william, see you tomorrow," his smile widens, "yeah have a nice night," he says, and with that, i turned on my car and took off. on the way home, i couldn’t help but keep thinking of all the cases lately. even when i’m off the shift, being a detective goes around the whole clock. maybe i’m going insane, but i feel connected to all of this somehow. i feel like the answer is a few steps away. yet i can’t figure it out, no matter how hard i think.
as i got home, alastair purred on my legs, showing his affection. i dragged my feet across the floor, just wanting to sleep. after a warm shower, i decided to eat some cereal. i’m too tired to make anything. as i was watching tv, i saw my phone vibrate on the coffee table. i grabbed it and saw zeke’s contact, i answered him, “hey zeke,” “hey Y/N,” he says tiredly. “you okay?” i say, obviously knowing something wasn’t right. “my dad’s missing,” he sighs.
i sit up straight and clear my throat, “have you asked anyone if they’ve seen him?” i ask, heart slowly accelerating. “nope but hopefully he shows up by tomorrow, or i’m filing a report,” he says. i make a humming noise in agreement. i hesitantly speak up, “zeke, can i talk to you about something,” “yeah of course, what’s up,” he curiously asks. “i feel close to our big case,” i say, feeling a bit stupid.
“well, we’re in charge,” he says, playing it off. “no but it’s different, i feel extremely close like i keep thinking i know who it is, but i don’t at the same time,” i ramble to him. “this case has both of us fucked up, huh,” he says. “yeah it does, how fun,” i try to joke. “maybe i’m just being paranoid, i’ve barely been sleeping,” “you should get some rest Y/N, i don’t want you falling asleep on the job,” he tells me. “yeah i’ll go now, i’ll see you tomorrow zeke, goodnight,” “goodnight, see you tomorrow,” he says before i hang up.
i fall onto my bed, not before charging my phone. my mind draws back to william. he’s so normal like a stock character and yet i can tell there’s something behind those blank eyes. those dark brown eyes. they’re so captivating yet can be used to induce fear. i still don’t completely trust him, he’s so familiar but i can’t pinpoint him. ah fuck it, i’m going to sleep, i can’t keep thinking of a co-worker. i close my eyes and slip myself into slumber.
i feel sunlight hit my eyes, as well as soft paws stepping on my cheek. i open my eyes to see alastair stepping on me. i move him off of me and see it's bright. that’s weird, i normally wake up right after dawn. i check my phone and see 27 messages, 15 missed calls, and 12 voicemails from zeke. fuck. how didn’t i wake up?! i always have my alarm on, i’ve never missed it. i remember it having it on every day. what is happening?
i immediately call zeke in a panicked state. he answers after the second beep. “Y/N where the fuck are you?!” he whisper yells. “my fucking alarm didn’t go off, i’m so sorry zeke, im getting ready as we speak,” i say trying to explain myself. “just get to the station, fuck i thought something happened to you,” he breathes out. “no i’m fine i promise, give me 15 minutes,” i say rushing to get everything done. “yeah see you here,” he hangs up on me.
i finish getting ready and feed alastair. i rush down the hall, past the landlord that’s reading a newspaper. i get into the car driving as fast as i can. my heart pumps as i try to think of what just happened. i always have my alarm on, i set up two of them, yet both don’t go off? i’m going fucking crazy. as i’m thinking, i realize me almost going driving past a red light. i need to calm down. everything’s going to be fine, i’m going to be fine.
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butwhyduh · 3 years
A Date to Remember
Damian Wayne x Superman’s daughter reader
Damian is 20, reader 19, Jon is her little brother at 18 and Kon acts like an older brother to her.
Warning: angsty and kidnapping
You’d always told Damian that the sunset on the Kent farm was the best in the world. Damian smiled a little as he drove down the long road to Smallville. Damian had thought about classic dinner date in one of Metropolis’ fanciest restaurants but you insisted on meeting him in a barn.
He felt underdressed. Blue jeans and a flannel shirt. Why did he let Jon help him get dressed? He felt ridiculous but at least he wore sensible shoes. But deep down Damian knew you world like it. And he was certainly willing to feel a little foolish for you.
Clark was off world and Lois was on a mission. Jon had his own date in the city so it was the both of you alone tonight. How long had it been since the two of you were alone without someone around? Between his half a dozen brothers and your family with literal super hearing... yeah it’s been tough. So being 50 miles from everyone was kind of a dream.
Damian pulled in the driveway with some flowers and walked up to the house. He knocked on the door only for it to swing open. Damian noticed the splintered door frame and his heart sped up. He called your name. Act like the rich billionaire son while working like Robin, even though he wasn’t quite sure he still wanted the name.
He scanned every surface and he noticed a small scratch near the back door after looking through every room. Most people wouldn’t even notice it. You weren’t there. He looked closely and saw drag marks in the gravel path to the barn. His heart was thundering at this point. You weren’t in the barn either.
You were half Kryptonian but the genetic inheritance was complicated. Jon had won the lottery with having most of his father’s powers and not being as sensitive to Kryptonite. You had lost it. Hypersensitive to Kryptonite and only some speed and increased hearing and strength. Barely about the average human. You weren’t a fighter.
Damian pulled out his phone to call Jon.
“Bit busy here, Damian,” Jon said, sounding far from amused. Damian could hear kissing noises in the background and frowned. He didn’t want to hear that.
“Your sister is missing,” he said and he heard a lot of movement on the phone.
“The door jam was kicked in and there are scrap marks of her being dragged away. I think she’s been kidnapped,” Damian said. His voice felt tight. He, son of Batman, let his girlfriend get kidnapped. “Whoever it was clearly waited until she had no other Kryptonians around to grab her. It wasn’t a coincidence that she was taken tonight. Can you get out here? I’m calling father to try and trace her. Her phone is missing too.”
“I’m leaving in 5. Damian, if Luther has her, she can’t handle Krytonite,” Jon said, worry bleeding into his voice. “It’s like it poisons her.”
“I know. But we don’t know who has her. Let’s hope they don’t know she’s part Krytonian,” Damian said, already mentally moving on to his next step. Contact Bruce. Get the bat computer to trace her. Look for more evidence. Don’t freak out completely that she might be poisoned by Kyrotonite.
“Okay. I’m about to fly. I’ll see you soon,” Jon said before hanging up.
You woke up with a cough. You head throbbed and your stomach rolled as you laid in a bed? Maybe a couch? It was a horrible feeling but you knew exactly what it was: Kryptonite. You couldn’t forget what how that stuff made you feel. You tried to look around to see it but the room was completely dark. Night vision would be nice but you got human eyes. Your slightly enhanced hearing heard nothing but the wind outside. Okay, you were ground level or higher.
You tried to twist in the cuffs that bound your hands only to cry out. There was the Kryptonite. It was on the outside of the cuffs and you almost threw up at it touched your skin. You were cuffed with Kryptonite to a hospital bed, you figured. What other bed had areas perfect for cuffs? Your legs were equally restrained and you felt so exposed in the dark room.
Your dad was off world. He wouldn’t hear you if you called for him. But Jon might. But if you yelled, someone might come in and who knows what they would do. You’d wait a little bit longer. You wanted to fall asleep. The Kryptonite made you feel so dull. Like the first time you were exposed to it.
You were all of 4 years old. Your dad had brought you with him to the Justice League meeting. Relatively safe and Batman promised Robin would watch you. Dick was so excited to be a babysitter. You had hugged him tight enough to hurt before running to the climbing wall.
“Hey!” Called the 16 year old. “I brought games instead!”
You warily walked back over to him and card games and board games fell out of a duffle bag as he opened it. Half the stuff you were far too young for. You bent down as he scooped up his gameboy. You pulled out some games and open a side pocket to grab a small metal box. Dick sat down his gameboy carefully before turning back to you.
“Don’t open th-“ he started before you pulled open the box to show a bright green stone. Followed by you throwing up all over his bag of games. You dropped the box and sat on the floor. Dick quickly closed the box with the piece of Kryptonite and put it in his pocket. He had boroughed one of Bruce’s bags that apparently wasn’t fully unpacked.
“Dad, I don’t feel good,” you said as Clark ran over. Dick looked at you so guiltily.
“I didn’t know,” he swore. “I’m so sorry.” Bruce stood by quietly.
“We need to talk later,” Clark had told Bruce and yeah, they were mad at each other for a while.
Jon arrived shortly in a dress shirt and slacks and he looked at Damian just as weird as Damian looked at him. They had basically switched clothing.
“Not to judge but that’s date clothing? You told me to not wear flannel,” Jon said accusingly.
“That’s because your sister wanted me to wear this,” Damian said back. “Let’s focus on finding her. Father’s calling me now. We’ll change in a minute.”
“Hello, you’re on speaker phone,” Damian said.
“Her tracker is showing a warehouse owned by Luthor Corp in downtown Metropolis,” Bruce said. “Do you need help? I can see if Dick is nearby.”
“No thanks. Jon will help me. Thank you, father,” Damian said before hanging up.
“Luthor. I knew it,” Jon said with a frown. “Wait, you put a tracker on my sister? Does she know?”
“Now is not the time. Let’s get to Metropolis,” Damian said, changing the subject while both got dressed. Jon nodded and offered his arms. “I’m not being carried like that. I’ll hold on your back,” Damian said. Jon rolled his eyes and nodded again.
As they flew over corn fields and pastures, Jon began to question Damian. “So when did you put this tracker in? Does she even know? Where is it? Do I want to even know?”
“It’s sub-dermal in her forearm and I haven’t told her yet. And it’s irrelevant right now as it might save her life,” Damian said and Jon looked disgusted. “We need to focus on saving her and then you can be her angry brother.”
You moved and the cuffs burned your skin. You gasped and screamed “Jon! Kon!” You called out to them hoping one of them would hear you.
“Dad!” you cried frantic. There was no way he would hear you. “Damian! Jonathan! Conner!”
You panted and your head pounded. You were so tired. You’d lose consciousness if no one saved you. Then who knows what they would do to you.
“Superman!” You screamed desperately before finally passing out.
“Did you hear that?” Jon said as they flew towards the Metropolis skyline.
“No all I hear is wind. What did you hear?” Damian said.
“Y/n. She’s calling for us,” Jon said speeding up.
“Is she okay?” Fear bled into Damian’s voice.
“I can’t tell. I’m trying to hurry,” Jon said flying quickly towards the industrial area of the city. He landed on the roof of a warehouse. Jon’s eyes glowed as he looked through the building.
“7 men. 4 posted outside the door to the room that’s she’s being held on the 2nd floor. Her heart rate is steady and she isn’t screaming any more. Almost sounds asleep,” Jon said after his analysis.
“Probably tranquilizer. Father’s data said this building is used for research purposes. Does that fit?” Damian asked.
“Uh more like research subject holding. Maybe a small lab on the first floor but other than cameras everywhere, there isn’t much science stuff that I can scan. But also the basement is sealed off,” Jon said.
“Lead bound. You can check it out while I rescue her. 4 guys is nothing,” Jon said making a fist.
“Hold on. Luthor would probably have her surrounded by Kryptonite. Just in case one of you look for her. And that’s the last thing we need,” Damian said. “I’ll rescue her and you look for the basement. Knowing Luthor, it’s probably an entire facility of experiments below. He just hadn’t gotten her room ready yet.”
Jon looked frustrated. “Fine. You rescue her but be careful. She is the weakest of us. She’s not invulnerable to bullets or anything.”
“Most of the people I rescue aren’t either,” Damian reminded him. “And I’m certainly not taking a chance with my beloved.”
Jon looked over to respond but Damian was already gone. Just like the rest of the bats: silent goodbyes. Jon quietly moved down to the first floor. He was working but at the same time, his ear was trained on his sister’s heartbeat. Jon might be the younger sibling but she didn’t have powers and he felt so protective.
Damian rolled his eyes at the 5 ways he could see that the security sucks in the 3 minutes he hung out the window before climbing in. Large rafters and guards who didn’t bother to look up. Not to mention the fact that they let there be a solid wall between the set of guards which meant that Damian was easily able to jump down to knock them out in pairs without the other set knowing. If the security was any worse they would leave the door unlocked.
The door wasn’t unlocked but it was a deadbolt that Damian easily disabled. If he didn’t know any better, he’d say it was on purpose. He gulped before opening the door. What if you were really hurt? Or dead? Ignore and get in there.
Damian opened the door and he felt white hot rage. You were tied to a bed and were unconscious. You were in a nice dressy shirt and sweatpants. They’d clearly taken you while you were getting dressed. Damian wanted to kill them. He had to take a breath to help you. Jon was taking them out and Damian was on rescue. He had to stay level headed.
Even the cuffs on your wrists were inadequate. If they had attempted to restrain Damian, he would have gotten out in 3 minutes. When he was 6 years old. The Kryptonite had left nasty red burns on your skin and he clenched his jaw at the sight. Jon better be punching extra hard.
Damian picked you up bridal style and you groaned a little before turning your head against his chest. The farther he got you from that fucking Kryotonite the better you were. He took you to the roof and you started waking up.
“Damian,” you said softly and a little confused.
“Hey you’re awake. How are you feeling?” He asked looking all over your face for injury.
“Kryptonite. I hate that stuff,” you said. Damian grabbed your hand and you hissed. He looked to see bright red knuckles. You’d clearly fought at some point. He certainly knew the signs of punching someone.
“You fought back?”
“Yeah and hitting someone in a helmet and body armor sucks. I got just a few in before they pulled out the damn rock. I throw up every damn time,” you said shaking your head.
Before Damian could comment on how brave and stupid it was to punch body armor, there was a huge crash down on the first floor as someone flew in the building through the window. You grabbed him tightly.
“What the hell is that?”
“Kon. Conner’s here. I’m up here,” you yelled.
Conner flew up to the roof. “Are you okay? What’s going on?”
“Kidnapped. Damian and Jon saved me. He’s still down there actually. Can you check on him?” You said. Damian suddenly stood up.
“What if you were a distraction and the real problem is downstairs?” Damian suddenly said with clarity. The Kryptonite alone was enough to hold you down. The half ass security was to hold their attention when they rescued you. Jon was already flying back down before Damian could say more. Damian weighed his options: leave you alone, bring you with him, or stay out of it and while the last sounded nice, he’d have to go in case of more Kryptonite.
Before Damian could decide, Kon was back on the roof. “You’ve got to come see this.”
Downstairs was a lead lined basement. That alone had you nervous. Jon stood by the door. Little spattering of blood could be seen on his hands. He had a hard look.
“Warning: this is going to be messed up,” he said and you were even more worried. You walked in to see cages. Kids. Unconscious adults lay around in the hallway. “They were experimenting on them.”
You felt nauseous.
“My father is on the way. This is much bigger than I thought,” Damian said messing with his comms. His free hand was on your shoulder protectively.
There were 8 kids in cages. Bruce was running tests on their blood and investigating the area as you helped to get them out of the cages. What a terrible Valentine’s Day.
“Beloved, let’s get you home. We can stay at the farm tonight. You need sleep,” Damian said worried. You looked at him distracted.
“They’re just kids.”
“Come on. Let’s go. Kon is going to stay there too. Just for the night,” Damian said helping you up. Kon flew you both back to the farm.
“I’m going back to help. You okay, kid,” Kon asked as Damian inspected the house.
“I’ll be alright. Just help those kids,” you said.
“Yeah, of course,” he said ruffling your head. You rolled your eyes. “But seriously, the way you screamed I thought you were being murdered.”
You stiffened. “I’m fine. Thanks.”
Kon knew when to quit. Something he had learned from Tim. He gave you a big hug and flew off towards Metropolis.
“Hey. I made your bed so you can sleep,” Damian said quietly. “And a change of clothes.”
You nodded and went upstairs. Damian helped pull off your shirt and put on a sweater. He looked at the marks around your wrist and red knuckles but didn’t note any more bruises or cuts. You pulled on sweatpants and climbed in small twin bed that Lois kept for guests. The pink and yellow flowery quilt felt warm and comforting on your skin. Damian lay beside you after changing and looked at you seriously.
“What is it,” you asked.
“I was so scared tonight. I have been doing this for years and I’ve never been so worried,” he said softly and you looked down and flushed. If you weren’t so freaking sensitive to Kryptonite this wouldn’t have happened. Damian gently lifted your chin and you looked at him.
“I was scared to lose you,” he said running his thumb across your cheek. “I’m going to drive you absolutely mad because I don’t want to take my eyes off of you.”
“Yeah?” You said with a little smile.
“Uh hm. But first sleep,” he said and your body certainly agreed. You curled into him and rest your head on his chest. His arms held you tightly before rubbing your back. You fell asleep to Damian staring at you. He stared at you all night, not even sleeping when Kon came in a few hours later.
“I have to know what all that was, Bruce,” you said at the Batcave the next day. “I was in there.”
He looked at you for a minute. “They were experimenting with meta DNA. All of those kids have gifts and they wanted to take you too. There were even plans to inject those kids with your blood to see if it would affect them.”
You shivered a little at the thought. Lex Luthor and his obsession with Kryptonian DNA.
“All the records were burned. Most of the warehouse too. Your brothers were.... thorough. And Clark will be home in a few days,” Bruce added.
“Yes. And he’s furious at Luthor. Probably will call soon. He wanted to let you sleep earlier. We’re just running programs here. Why don’t you and Damian go upstairs,” he suggested.
“Bruce Wayne,” came a stern voice behind you. You turned to see your mother, Lois Lane, looking like she was going to beat up Batman. “You put a tracker in my daughter without her permission?”
“You what?” You said.
“Actually that was Damian. Though I want to point out that it helped save her life,” Bruce added. Lois slapped him soundly across the cheek. Bruce just blinked and rubbed his cheek.
“Damian, you put a tracker in me?” You asked shocked. You’d assumed Jon had heard you or Damian’s detective work brought them to the warehouse. Not an invasive tracker in your body. “What the hell?”
“Well I can explain..”
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Phantom Found
Danny Fenton’s Jock Squad, ao3
Wes wasted no time when he got home, hopping onto his computer and looking up ghosts in relation to the name ‘Fenton’. The ‘research’ he found read like a pseudo scientific hate crime meant to push discriminatory legislature, and no amount of combing the documents got him an instance of trying to actually communicate with the ghosts in question. “These 2 are conservatives, I’d bet money on it. I need to talk to someone who’s actually interacted with a ghost beyond shooting at them and trying to suck them into a soup can.”
Spinning in his desk chair, Wes wracked his brain for anyone that fit that description before springing to his feet and running to his father’s room. “Dad! You said a few months ago that you had wishes a a fountain for a million bucks and some kid picked you up when green smoke came out of it, right?”
Walter Weston looked up from his 7,000 piece jigsaw puzzle to stare at his youngest son for a long moment, shock and a hint of understandable irritation painting his features. With a sigh, he stepped back from the table and put a hand on his hip. “Yes, Wes, I did have an… odd experience that day.”
“Did the guy have white hair, a black and white suit on, and glow? About this tall, echoey voice?”
Walter looked to the side, thinking, and nodded. “Yes, he did. Why do you ask?”
“I’m pretty sure I saw the same guy tonight at the game.” Walter’s eyes went wide and he tensed up a bit, turning Wes around to check him over for injuries when the teen walked into the room proper, gesticulating. “A giant green dog barked at us, messed up Baxter’s shot, appeared from nowhere, and started running around the place – and everyone saw . Dad, I’m not the only one who saw it this time, the guy and the dog are real !”
“Are you hurt at all?” Wes scrunched up his nose in confusion and shook his head, and Walter sighed in relief.
“I ran, it jumped at the bleachers, I ran the other way and this dude flew outta the floor and complained at the thing about he isn’t ‘ghost animal control.’ Kwan and Dash have seen him before too.”
Walter took a deep breath, closing his eyes as he considered Wes’ words. He thought for as long as Wes would allow before another stream of words and quickly pinned one part of the nonsense by the wings. “Wes, do you believe that ghosts are real?”
Wes shrugged, pulling up his phone. “I mean, I’ll have to do some more research of my own since the Fentons’ ‘research’ is horrible and riddled with holes in all of their hypotheses but… maybe, I guess. It’s a possibility, and now it’s seeming a lot more plausible.”
Walter searched his son’s face for a long moment, a hand on his shoulder while Wes waited to pass whatever test he was being put through. Eventually, he pulled the teen into a tight hug and Wes returned it. “Just… promise me you’ll be careful with this ‘research’ you’re doing, ok? You have a tendency to get a bit too wrapped up in your theories, son.”
“I am the perfectly normal amount of focused about all of my projects ever, and do not have a hint of ADHD.” Wes nudged his dad and Walter rolled his eyes, pushing him out of the room. “I shall return with proof, Father, I know myself to be right!”
“You better not come back here as a ghost yourself. I want all my kids alive and well for as long as I am.”
Dash and Kwan decided to head to Dash’s house for the night, glad that the game was going to be redone next week since nobody was in the headspace to play around anymore. Kwan texted principal Ishiyama about it and slung an arm around Dash, who did the same. “Dude, what the fuck,” Kwan finally said and Dash nodded.
“The world made sense before highschool,” Dash said. “The closest thing to ghosts was Fenton’s eyes getting weirdly bright when he was mad.”
“I don’t remember that ever happening,” Kwan said, “but I also never looked at his eyes close enough to tell. When did you?” Kwan had on a sly little smirk and Dash rolled his eyes, shoving his friend.
“Shut up, man. I noticed when I was pinnin him against the lockers.”
“You do love to pin Fenton against any surface you can find, don’t you?”
“Are you implying something, Kwan?” Dash arched a brow, his cheeks hot and his scowl as cold as he could manage with his best friend. Kwan laughed and held up his hands in surrender.
“I’m just sayin, you don’t come up with a buncha nick names and hunt down and initiate as much contact with other geeks and nerds as you do Fenton. I know you’re a wrestler but nobody loves grappling that much.” Kwan dodged away from Dash’s shove and laughed. “Hey, he’s not exactly bad looking so I don’t blame you or anything if you’re so focused on him cause you don’t know how to express yourself to a guy.”
Dash’s face was burning a campfire and he struggled for words to respond to any of that, because now hardly felt like the time to confront his sexuality, right after they both nearly got mauled by a dog bigger than both of them. He huffed and glared at his best friend’s cheeky grin and opened his mouth. “Not bad looking huh? Are you bringin this up cause you’re jealous that I’m the one pinning him to a locker?” He hadn’t expected to say that but it was all too easy to follow up when Kwan scoffed and started blushing. “Or are you jealous that I’m giving him so much attention?”
Kwan blinked a few times and tilted his head to the side, his mouth opening and closing a couple times before he snorted. “Dash are you flirting with me? Did you just ask me out to not think about your crush on Fenton?” Kwan broke down into a fit of giggles and Dash sputtered, shaking his head.
“I do not have a crush on Fenton!”
“So you did just flirt with me?”I don’t have a crush on Fenton! Why the hell do you think this?”
“So you did ask me out just now. Wow, Dash, I didn’t think it’d be this soon in our lives, I was sure you’d have to have a dramatic coming out like in those telanovellas you love so much. Or have they softened your icy heart so that you can finally confess your love?” The two of them went down in the grass next to them, uncaring of who’s yard it was they were wrestling in, and in the end both of them were laughing their heads off.
Once the boys were done goofing off to spend all the nervous energy, Dash stood up and helped Kwan to his feet. Kwan sighed and gave Dash a light punch to the shoulder. “Seriously, dude, if Fenton’s got some sorta supernatural whatever going on, then I dunno if it’s enough to just stop messing with him.”
Dash rolled his eyes, continuing toward his house. “Oh please, what would the nerd even do?”
“Dude, he can turn himself and his clothes at minimum invisible. He could do so many horrible things to us if he wanted to just to get back at us for being dicks. Like, what would you do if you could turn invisible and someone’s been an ass to you since highschool started?”
“I’d’ve beat em up already for being an ass, Kwan. And I’m not an ass.”
“You’re a dick to Fenton,” Kwan pointed out. “I don’t think elbows are supposed to bend the way you make em to fit him in his locker.” Dash rolled his eyes and Kwan started counting on his fingers. “He could poison your food and you’d never know it was him; he could follow you home and grab a knife from the kitchen while you’re asleep and kill you, then plant the knife on your dad; he could-“
Dash covered Kwan’s mouth, his stomach turning as other scenarios where Fenton could do other things that he knew ghosts were supposed to be able to do – which didn’t matter because Fenton couldn’t be a ghost cause Dash had never been rough enough to kill the guy – ran through his mind. “Please, for the love of romance, stop watching so many horror things. That SCP shit you listen to is fucked up and I don’t need to hear it applied to real people.”
Kwan licked Dash’s hand, to their mutual disgust, and spat on the ground. “Dude, you wash your hands, right?”
“We were just rollin around in the grass, Kwan, shut up. Of course I do.”
“Fine, whatever. But seriously, I think you should apologize to Fenton. If not to get on friendly terms then at least to get off any list of targets he may have in case he gets or has more superpowers besides turning invisible.”
Dash felt himself burn up red for entirely different reasons than Kwan’s totally baseless teasing from earlier. He hated that Kwan sounded so serious, and he loathed the idea of actually apologizing for good ol fashioned fun, putting a nerd in his place. He clenched his fists, wishing he had something to punch besides Kwan’s sincerely worried face. “…Fine. I’ll think about it. Now can we go to my house and crash? I’m tired of thinkin about Fenton.”
“That’s a first.” Kwan laughed when Dash growled, and started running.
As it turned out, finding info on ghosts was insanely difficult if you weren’t going to the Fentons or some other crackpot that wholeheartedly agreed with them. Similarly, searching for a ghost on purpose with no more than his old camera didn’t exactly bode well for results, even if he’d gone through all the places that nigh impossible to find reports of the ghosts brawling had occurred. Wes wasn’t giving up on that, but until a ghost appeared of their own volition, he was SOL on that end of things. Which left him with one other mystery to explore: Fenton, Manson, and likely Foley as well.
Wes didn’t know much about them, having moved here with his dad and Kyle after their mom died and Easton was all alone in the house around the middle of the year. Asking around, it seemed very few people knew anything about Danny Fenton either. He spearheaded an astronomy club before march rolled around and he quit it, was apparently gone a whole week in the hospital at some point, and couldn’t handle fragile objects anymore because he kept dropping them. People joked that he had a nervous bladder that came and went because of his odd yet long bathroom breaks and had noticed every now and then he came in to school bruised up before Dash had even gotten a chance to be an asshole that day.
Manson was a goth, an activist, a vegan by a fancier name and, if Star’s small rant was anything to go by, a Not Like Other Girls jerk, though whether or not she was a jerk he’d leave up to his own judgement after meeting her. After all, he’d had to deal with avoiding people like Paulina at his last school, knew how rumors could spread around lies that just barely made enough sense for people to either believe them or pretend to believe them. Still, Star was the one with the info and Wes couldn’t exactly go to Paulina – she stationed herself too high on the sophomore social ladder for that. Whatever, more research was needed.
Foley wasn’t anything particularly special, a womanizing creep that all the girls hated for once hanging around the entrance to the girls’ locker room – immediately losing points with Wes. He did a lot of IT shit though so while he was hardly going to be Wes’ friend anytime soon, he wasn’t going to be made an enemy any sooner. Wes wasn’t dumb enough to ignore the possibility of the ai apocalypse. Other than being in the robotics club and being a furry that either didn’t know how or didn’t care to hide his furriness, there was nothing particularly remarkable about Foley as far as Wes could tell. Beyond, of course, being best friends with Danny Fenton.
By the time Wes got together these observations from asking other people about the trio of friends, some new artist had come out with an apparent hit song. He might’ve ignored the Ember fever if it didn’t also follow him home, Kyle and Easton blaring the song Remember by Ember in the kitchen. After that he didn’t really think much about the ghost mystery, drawn in to think about Ember and her amazing voice, and soon he was doing research on Ember Mclain rather than giant ghost dogs.
Wes blinked, then again, and looked around him in confusion. He was at a concert hall with no memory of how he’d gotten there, packed in like sardines with his brothers. Looking at the stage his jaw dropped and eyes went wide as saucers. Right there, next to Ember and Foley, was the guy his dad had described and who he’d seen at the game. Scrawny as all hell, wearing some black and white suit that seriously reminded Wes of the Fantastic Four, his eyes were glowing, even from Wes’ seat, and especially on the big screens.
Hardly one to let an opportunity like this pass him by, Wes pulled his camera up from where it hung around his neck and got to snapping pictures, zooming in with each one best he could before the guy could leave. Something silver - a thermos the screens showed - was pulled off his belt and Ember was sucked away in a blue beam of light. The ghost kid pulled Foley off stage, and Wes chained several swears together because he was too crammed into the irritated crowd to follow them. “I saw you, ghost kid. Now let’s see if I can find out who you are.”
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smallraindrops-blog · 3 years
(Oh My God, they were roommates.)
Hypnos x male!reader
Fluff, hurt/comfort
Heavy Kissing, family issues
roommates/friends to lovers, modern AU
A/N:, for the prompt: sweatshirt, hope you guys enjoy it. It was fun to write. To the Anon, hope this was what you're looking for.
Quickly, you sipped it on and got your backpack on your way out. Just this once, you told yourself.
You didn't plan to take it. It's just so cold out and you haven't done your laundry in a week. It wasn't your fault the bright red sweatshirt was tossed over an armchair, looking better than the only thin shirt you had. It wasn't like Hypnos, sound asleep in his warm bed and would be for the rest of the day, needed it.
You could smell his cologne all day, warm and inviting. You tried to study the textbook and forced yourself to read the words. Dumb words that you need to know for some dumb reason. Why did you think grad school was a good idea?
You looked up from the textbook and its horrible letters, and saw the library was empty.
With some mile guilt, you buried your nose into the collar of the sweatshirt and took a deep breath. It felt dizzying and you closed your eyes.
You didn't have a crush on your roommate, who has been your friend since the first day of college you told yourself firmly. You just really liked his cologne, a lot.
You totally haven't thought about kissing him for years.
You're going to ask him for the cologen name afterwards. And you would never sniff or steal his sweatshirt ever again.
You were such a lier.
You almost didn't make it back in time. With twenty minutes of you tossing the sweatshirt on it's spot on the armchair, Hypnos stepped out of his room with a wide yawn.
"Oh, Y/N, you're back already?" Hypnos asked sleepily, scratching at his chest. Your eyes followed the movement and you had to pull your eyes away from Hypnos.
You went back poking the diced chicken around the pan.
You didn't have a crush on your roommate. it's just been a while. A very long while.
You noticed Hypnos grabbed the sweatshirt and paused. You held your breath; there's no way he could know right?
Hypnos took a sniff and your heart almost fell out of your chest before he shrugged and pulled it over his head.
"Hey, I'm making some butter chicken if you want something before you start streaming." You called out, trying to sound calm.
You blushed at Hypnos' grin, "Aw, Y/n. Did you do that just for me?"
Hypnos peeked over your shoulder at the chicken frying in the pan and wrapped his arm around your waist, his head on your shoulder. "Too bad you're not my boyfriend or otherwise I could ask for this every day."
"Oh my god, Hypnos. Back off, man." You pushed at his forehead. After a moment, he let go with a laugh
"Yeah, thanks. It sounds great." Hypnos said. "Have I told you what happened on twitch last night?"
"Hmm, no I don't think so." You said, secretly enjoying how domestic it was between you two.
"Okay so get this-" Hypnos rambled on and you tried to listen. You really did even all you could think was how much you wanted to kiss him.
Stupid Hypnos and his stupid sweatshirt.
You weren't trying to make this into a habit, you swear after the fourth time. You just saw it tossed over Hypnos' computer chair and took it without thinking.
Which was a mistake because now your professor was explaining something you needed to know and all you could think about was how good you felt in the sweatshirt. The cologne was still just as intoxicating as before and you kept reminding yourself that you were in class.
Just half an hour to go.
When you came home, the first thing you could smell was smoke. You rushed into the kitchen in a panic and pulled the burnt pot off the stove.
Quickly, you tossed the pot into the sink and ran cool water over it. You stared down the burnt noodles that had become one with the pot.
Did Hypnos forget he was cooking again? You sighed, you were going to have to talk to him.
It's when you went into the den where Hypnos normally was, that you saw him. He was shirtless and only wearing a pair of basketball shorts. It was dipped low enough that you were very aware that he wasn't wearing underwear.
And Hypnos was pacing around, holding his phone and pitching his face.
Hypnos was a lazy creature by nature and you knew if he didn't have any biological needs,he would just sleep all the time and never move.
Your heart sank a little, there were only two people in the world that could get a reaction like that.
And apparently, you had just walked right in the middle of it.
"Mom, do we really need to have this fight once a month? I- no it is! This isn't a fun little chit chat. That's the problem with you guys, you never just say stuff as it is." Hypnos snapped back quickly.
He saw you and gestured to his phone, aggravation was sharp on his face but you knew wasn't at you.
You nodded and stepped out. After a moment, you pulled out your phone to order pizza.
You could still hear the argument in the background as you lay down with your textbook on the sofa. Not that you will be able to pay attention to it. You kicked off your sneakers carelessly, trying to listen in on the phone call.
"You know I have a job, just because you don't understand- I don't need to, I graduated too! just because I didn't become a lawyer like mr.perfect -"
You grimaced at Hypnos' tone. You had the misfortune of getting to watch his family's relationships slowly become more strained over the years even with Hypnos' best attempts to bond more. Charon, his husband Hermes and Zagreus were the only ones whom Hypnos talked to regularly now.
Silence filled the apartment and you looked up. When Hypnos didn't come out, you got up.
"Hypnos?" You called out, "Hey, dude. I ordered pizza!"
After a few moments, you walked into the den.
Hypnos had his head in his hands, fingers in his messy curls. The computer was turned off and you could see the phone thrown on the desk.
Quietly, you walked over and placed a hand on his shoulder, "Hey. It's gonna be okay."
Hypnos sighed, tension mostly leaving his body.at your touch. "It's just… I don't know, Y/N. I'm just… It's always one step forward and two backwards with them."
Finally he looked up to You. Hypnos' eyebrows raised in surprise. "Y/N, are you wearing my sweatshirt?"
You could feel the blood rushed out of your face, with everything going on you had forgotten you were wearing it.
"No?" You whispered.
Hypnos stood with a slight smile on his face. "I think you are, Y/N."
"I'm sorry. I won't -" You went to pull it off but Hypnos grabbed your hand to stop you. His other hand cooked a finger into your jean belt loop and tugged you closer. And you obeyed before you even thought about it.
You flushed, not quite able to look at Hypnos or even think about what was happening.
"It looks good on you. I like it." Hypnos murmured softly.
"T-thanks. I won't steal it again..." you trailed off.
"You can keep it. I want to see you wear it." Hypnos said. He let go of your hand, and placed his hand on your hip, it felt so big and warm.
"Do you want it?" Hypnos asked after a moment.
Do you want me?
You met his golden eyes, it was only because you knew him so well that you heard the unask question.
You placed your hands on his shoulders, and nodded.
The both of you meet in the kiss at the same time. Hypnos kissing you felt like most natural thing in the world. Hypnos pulled you flushed against him to deepen the kiss.
You hummed, fingers stoked his chest, loving how he felt against you. Hypnos pushed at your hips as he took steps forward and made you take backward steps.
You broke the kiss to try ask him what he was doing but he catched your mouth into another kiss.
Your back meet the wall and Hypnos blocked you in his arms by your head.
You gasped against his lips when you felt Hypnos press his body against you. You somehow flushed even harder when you felt his hardness against your thighs.
You pulled away from the kiss, desperate for breath. "Hypnos." You said but you couldn't think what else to say.
Hypnos was just as flushed, his white curls mussed. "You don't know how long I've been waiting to do that."
You nodded, "Me too." You kissed him again, slower and sweeter. You wanted to take your time, it still doesn't feel real.
Hypnos broken the kiss and his golden eyes studied your face.
You smiled, "You are never getting this sweatshirt back." You told him happily.
Hypnos just laughed and pulled you into another kiss.
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scorpio2140 · 2 years
Wow, am I unoriginal. But when inspiration hits who am I to say no? Anyway, this is inspired by the demo called Overtime, just look up manlybadasshero Overtime and I'm sure you'll find it.
You blink, staring up at an off white ceiling. Ringing? Oh, right. The phone to the right of you is ringing. Pressing answer, you don’t bother picking up the receiver. It’s quite for a spell before a voice comes through.
    “Hey, it’s [REDACTED] from internals!” You blink, side eyeing your monitor before looking away from the bright white document. “Just a reminder for your meeting in fifteen minutes. Don’t worry, though, it’s nothing bad!” If it was nothing bad then you wouldn’t need to say that, you exhale.
    “...um…You there?” A confirmation, “Oh good, just making sure!”
    A pause.
    “Anyway…see you there!” Richard hung up…It was Richard, right? You sigh again before folding your arms and resting your head on them. You probably know why you're having this “not bad” meeting and the culprit is on your monitor. Your currently blank monitor. You’d been under performing despite trying your hardest but lately…you can’t focus. Time seems to flow in and out. You turn your head to glance at the clock in the corner of your cubicle. It’s mocking red light reading 11:11.
    A whisper, “fuck you…” Before turning your head back down, not caring that your glasses are squishing uncomfortably against your face. Whatever, you’d just borrow a rag from Jamie, he always seemed to have one despite you never seeing him with glasses on. You decide to get up and go visit your coworker-friend…just coworker? Your legs popped as you stood up. Well, you were familiar with him, comfortable even, but you didn’t want to over step. As you were crossing the room, a bright blue caught your attention. You turned and sure enough, the blue screen of death sat on a computer.
    “What happened?” You…why did you go over? You were going to Jamie’s cubicle. The man turned around and…oh…it was the asshole. He was always on your back about performance; fancied himself a mini boss or whatever. Gosh, why did you walk over? You don’t even remember telling your feet to. You need to focus.
    “Jamie gave me a flash drive, said I could play COD no questions asked. But when I plugged it in this happened! I swear if this is an April fools joke…” He was clearly not happy and despite wanting to snap back at him about “performance” you shrugged.
    “Maybe it’s…an update.” He looked at you. “Or maybe it’s just adjusting to a work computer or something…” You mumbled off but he just turned away with a grumble. Yeah, definitely need to talk with Jamie. He aggressively shoved the USB to you on your way out. When you got to his cubicle, Jamie was distracted by his phone so you snuck around the side and ducked down.
    “Jaaaam…” You did your best “ghost voice���, “Thiiiis isss your conscience!” You heard a snort.
    “Oh yeah? And what does my conscience say?” You paused.
    “Uhhh…I mean-! Do your Fucking wooooork, Jamieeee…Or sssufer the consequencessss!” He peered at you over the side of the wall with a raised brow.
    “Ah yes, the horror of being let go by these assholes. Truly horrible.” You rolled your eyes at him before rounding the front. Jamie gave you a run for your money with his eye-bags but you never really said anything.
    “Geez, what’s with you? You look almost dead.” On second thought maybe you should have. You just stared at him, taking in his boring blue button up shirt, glory. You had to wear this stupid royal blue collared shirt with khakis and you hated it with your entire being. But knowing everyone had to suffer made it slightly better.
    “I feel like it sometimes…I just-...” You sigh, “I dunno, never mind.” You ran a hand through your hair before looking at your watch; you had five minutes until the meeting. Jamie was facing his phone.
    “Oh, what the hell did you give…um, him? His computers bricked.” You fished the flash drive out and showed it to him, hoping he’d know who you were talking about. And he did if his smile was anything to go by.
    “C’mon, just a little April fools joke between coworkers. You wouldn’t get it.” Well you don’t need to point out I have next to no friends here, mister shut in gamer…not like I’m much better- whatever! You sigh, and close your eyes briefly.
    “He’s always on your case anyway, might as well knock him down a peg.” He was back to looking at his phone.
    “Just don’t get caught, who knows what they’ll do.” Jamie looks back up at you with a smirk.
    “Why don’t you give it a try? Y’know…for fun.” You both stare at each other as he gives you a knowing look.
    “Anyway, when the meeting’s done, come find me; let's eat lunch together.” You glance at your watch again before going back to your cubicle. You stared at the monitor before sighing. You plug in the USB against all rationality. And what do y’know…blue screen. You shake your head and head out into the hall, sending a small smile to one of your coworkers on break and glancing at the community board. A small dog causes you to smile before heading to the stairs. The stupid elevators never worked but you suppose it wasn’t too bad; you never had to go beyond your floor and the meeting room was just one below you.
    When you got to the floor you noticed how…quite it was. Walking down the aisle, there was no one in the cubicles. You noted idly how all the offices were the same blue and white color scheme. Honestly, I’m probably going to hate blue by the time I leave this place. You sigh before pausing. Even the office where…Rick? is supposed to be, is empty.
    “Odd…” You round the desk and see that even the computer is off. You swear your watch is right but just in case you go back out into the hall to find the clock. Sure enough, both your watch and the clock read 11:26. Right on time…You run your hand through your hair with a sigh.
    “Whatever, if they want to blame me I’ll just say they were the ones who didn’t show up.” You glanced at the clock and down at the meeting room one last time before turning to the door, only to stop short with a gasp. Red painted the floor and adjacent elevator door before you stepped back and blinked…It…was gone…
    You rubbed your eyes hard, and opened them again. No blood…
    “I…really need sleep…yeah…yeah…” You numbly walked out the door and into the stairs and before you knew it, you were at your floor. It almost seemed like you were teleporting today. But that’s stupid, I’m just zoning out, that’s all. I need to focus; that’s what the meeting was probably about. You pause as you realize a woman is standing by the rails of your floor. You must have stared too long as she gave a sigh, turning her head but not her eyes.
    “Look, I’m on break. If you need me I’ll be back in fifteen.” When she finally did turn her eyes, she paused. “Oh, sorry. Thought you were my supervisor.” You just gave a slight smile.
    “Sorry, little hectic today?” She shakes her head and glances at her hands perched on the rail.
    “No…just have a bad feeling about today…don’t know why…” You awkwardly glance away. She makes a noise before pausing.
    “...Take care, yeah?” You nod and bid her farewell before entering your department…and smacking into Jamie. Hard. You reel back with a hiss as his hands fly to grab your head.
    “Sorry! I was just about to come looking for you. You were taking forever!” You peered up at him, slightly dizzy.
    “What do you mean? I was only there about three minutes?” He seemed to deem your forehead fine as he shifted his hands to hold your shoulders, which you were grateful for as you swayed slightly.
    “Umm, no you weren’t. Geez, did they chew into you that badly? You ok? You seem really, like, out of it today.” Your answer was a mumble of what time it was as you cradled your spinning head and closed your eyes.
    “12:10. C’mon let's go to the lunch room, you're not looking too hot.” It seemed like in just a blink, you had made it to the lunchroom and plopped down on a bench. You spied Jamie rummaging through the fridge for both of your lunches. Honestly, he was the only reason you didn’t keep your lunch at your desk; opting to double up with each other so no one took it. The world seemed to spin less by the time he came back but your headache persisted. Something’s not right, maybe I should have stayed home…
    “Here, I brought extra since you seem to be skimping on your lunch.” He unpacked everything as you stared blankly. Something nudging your mouth snapped you back and you leaned back to see a fork full of some type of meat. Jamie stared at you before sighing.
    “You’re really worrying me here. Maybe you should take a vacation-?”
    “No.” You grabbed the fork from his hand and shoved it in your mouth. Your stomach grumbled unpleasantly but you swallowed anyway; you needed to eat. You thought you heard him mumble something about working you too hard but you just focused on eating and keeping it down. You ate in silence, only the tinking of cutlery and the soft murmur of coworkers. Your eyes kept drooping as you leaned back and onto Jamie’s shoulder.
    “Hey, Jam? We’re friends, yeah?” You felt him nod and hum. “I…honestly don’t feel good…and I hate it here…but, it- I need this. The job, I mean.” You were trying not to mumble, desperately blinking your eyes before giving up and just closing them.
    “But something feels wrong…I’m…wrong…” You drifted off into exhaustion but Jamie didn’t mind. His mind, though, started working. Gears turning and ruminating. They work you too hard. Don’t worry…
When you woke up, you could see the sun setting on the horizon. You blinked before bolting up from the bench. Jamie and your other coworkers were gone. Surely he wouldn’t leave you, right? Yeah, yeah…it’s okay. He probably just went to get a drink. You nodded your head, staring at the door to the lunch room. Yep, gamers and their energy drinks…
You got up and looked at your watch; 5:15. Fifteen over clocking out, but you both always walked out together. So, you knew he wouldn’t leave you. You walked out into the hall only to find it empty as well. You looked around dumbly before shuffling to the stairwell and going out. Where would he be? He might have left something at his desk and didn’t want to wake me. You walked up to your floor, ignoring your pounding heart and churning stomach.
No one was in the office. Every computer turned off and every belonging was gone.
“Of course. It’s the end of the day.” You stood in the middle of the office before looking at your watch; 5:16. That…didn’t seem right? It takes at least two minutes to walk down and I scoured the office. But where was Jamie? Before you knew it you were back in the stairwell, looking up towards HR. Your feet took you up the stairs, one step at a time.
Two floors more…
One more floor…
HR Department…why…why was your heart beating so hard? The worst that would happen was he wasn’t there and you could ask if the cams got him. Yes, that’s what you’ll do. Then why can’t you get your hand to move from your sides? The handle was right there, you were looking at it. Open it-!
It was open. You walked inside. The same mind numbing blue and white walls greeted you, but it was darker than normal. You swear a door you passed was tilted on its side but you continued on, your feet seemingly on auto pilot. The churning in your stomach got worse the further you walked. Every corner causes your heart to jump at the shadows. You finally made it to the last corner…how did you know that? Why…do you feel like you’ve been here before? Rounding the corner you freeze.
You step back with a gasp, eyes drawn towards the sudden movement in the room. Jamie…stood over a corpse, clothes stained and holding a bloody knife. His eyes were wide as they peered at you.
“You…you weren’t supposed to see this…” You took a step back, slipping slightly on blood. He thrust a hand out to you.
“Wait!” You didn’t wait, you turned around and ran, ignoring his desperate calls to you. You made it about halfway down the hall before arms wrapped around your waist, halting your movement. You flailed and squirmed before something connected with the back of your neck-! Your ears were ringing as you closed your eyes.
You blink, staring up at an off white ceiling. Ringing? Oh, right. The phone to the right of you is ringing. Except, when you turned, the phone was off the receiver and looking up-
“AH!” Jamie recoiled with you, practically ducking behind your cubicle wall like a shield. You threw a hand over your heart, watching him raise back up.
“Shit, I’m sorry! It’s just your phone was ringing for, like, ever so I just…I answered it for you. You seemed, I dunno. Out of it I guess…” He rubbed the back of his neck, “Sorry, again.”
“I dreamed of you-” Your heart was calming down, but why did you say that? You didn’t fall asleep, or have a daydream. At Least you don’t think so? But then what were you doing?
“Uhhh…yeah? A good dream I hope?” You nodded absentmindedly, staring at your blank monitor. Right, you were trying to do better with your performance. Performance!
“Who called?!” You wheeled around to stare at Jamie.
“Oh, what’s his name? [REDACTED]” You blink.
“Who?” Jamie looks at you like you're crazy.
“Richard? You sure you're ok? Anyway, he called about a meeting tomorrow, I dunno.” But, I thought the meeting was today? A look at the border around your monitor showed a sticky note that said you had a meeting tomorrow with…why…couldn’t you make out a name? R…something? But didn’t he just-
“Hello, Earth to astronaut?” Jamie sighed before coming around the wall and grabbing your arm.
“C’mon, you’re clearly not doing so hot so let’s grab an early lunch, yeah?” You let him drag you down to the lunch room, idly noting a ketchup stain on the hem of his shirt.
“Maybe a nap, too? If anyone asks I’ll let them know you don’t feel good.” You nodded along, wondering why this whole day felt like deja vu. But, a nap did sound nice.
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writing-essence · 3 years
Fear (Part 6) - Jonathan Crane
Pairing: Jonathan Crane x (female) reader
Warnings: Language, Alcohol, Needles, Mention of Paranoia + Insomnia, Mention of sex
Summary: Jonathan meets reader’s roommate + boyfriend. 
Author’s Note: Apparently I’m on a role tonight - Kelsie
Word Count: 1,913
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Your talk with Jonathan eased your nerves quite a bit. You ended up sleeping that night and unfortunately through all of your Wednesday classes the next day.
“What the hell,” Chris said from the doorway of your bedroom.
You rolled over sleepily in bed, still waking up.
“Don’t you have econ today?” She said, one hand on her hip and the other holding her bright pink flip phone up to her ear. You could hear laughing coming from it.
“Mind your own business,” You groaned, throwing a pillow at her which she easily dodged, “and tell your boyfriend to fuck off,”
“She says to fuck off,” She giggled into her phone before spinning around and leaving.
“Close my door,” You yelled, but she ignored you. You slowly got up and finally realized how long you had actually slept.
“Fuck,” You mumbled under your breath. You were already behind in econ, and this definitely won’t help.
You stumbled into the living room where Chris laid on the couch, still on the phone while the TV played FRIENDS loudly. Grabbing the remote, you turned it down, quickly earning a glare from your roommate.
After grabbing a cup of now cold coffee from the kitchen, you sat down at the bulky computer in your living room to check if your econ professor emailed you about missing class. You were surprised to see an email from Jonathan.
“Y/N, I finished the serum. I can give it to you during Thursday’s class or I can drop it off tonight if you really need it -Dr. Crane,”
You didn’t feel like you needed it as much as before now that you caught up on your sleep, but you couldn’t pass up seeing your teacher crush today. You quickly crafted a response telling him that you’ll be home all night and he could swing it by when he was able to. You ended it with your address before sending it.
“Rex is coming over later,” Chris called from the couch, flipping her phone shut loudly, “Look presentable,”
You groaned loudly and sunk down in the creaky desk chair dramatically, “I’m not getting ready for your douchebag of a boyfriend,”
“Can you at least try to get along with him,” She said, turning the TV back up, “It would mean a lot to me,”
You rolled your eyes and got up from the desk quickly.
“I’m going to get ready,” You said, passing her to get back into your room, “But it’s not for him,”
Several hours later you were stuck in an UNO game with Chris and her boyfriend. You didn’t want to hurt Chris’ feelings by never hanging out with them, but when they were together they shared a single brain cell.
“When do you say UNO?” Rex asked, examining the large amount of cards in his hands.
“When you have one left,” You mumbled, anxiously looking back at the clock in the kitchen behind you. Jonathan said he would be dropping the serum off soon, and you didn’t want him meeting Rex.
“Draw four,” Chris said confidently, placing down a +2 card.
“Can you not read?” You asked, pointing at the card in front of her.
She slapped her face quickly. A deep blush was set in her cheeks and she had been sipping on wine all night so you knew that she was a bit tipsy, but their shared stupidity was getting on your nerves.
A loud knock came from the front door behind you and you jumped quickly out of your seat to get it.
“Is that the pizza?” Rex asked, leaning over the table obnoxiously to see.
“We didn’t order pizza, we just talked about it,” Chris laughed, pouring herself another glass of wine.
You swung the door open quickly and were face to face with the professor once again. You prayed he couldn’t see the mess happening at the dining table from the door as you awkwardly attempted to take up the frame so he couldn’t see past.
“Hey,” You said breathlessly, attempting to be casual.
“Hi..” He awkwardly held out a paper bag, “The serum is in there, you should only need one dose,”
“Thanks,” You mumbled, opening it and looking inside.
“I wasn’t able to test it on anyone,” He said, watching you cautiously, “Try to keep me updated on how it’s affecting you when you take it,”
“Is it safe?”
Before he could answer, Rex interrupted from the dining table.
“Hey, do I know you man?” He yelled obnoxiously as he leaned over the entire dining table to see the front door.
Jonathan looked past you quizzically at the scene happening inside before back down at you, confused.
“Ignore him, please,” You begged, attempting to push him out of Rex’s vision.
“Hold on,” Rex said, jumping out of his seat, “You were my Psych professor last year at GSU,”
“Ah,” Jonathan nodded quickly, ignoring your attempts to push him away from the door, “Rex, right?”
“Yea man,” Rex said, coming over to where the two of you were standing, “What are you doing here?”
“Y/N is dating him,” Chris giggled from the dining table before she quickly downed another glass of wine.
A deep blush was shared between both you and Jonathan and you quickly tried to regain control over the situation.
“He was just dropping something off,” You said quickly, “In fact, he was just leaving,”
“No man,” Rex said, grabbing Jonathans upper arm and quickly pulling him inside of your apartment, “Stay and play UNO with us,”
Jonathan looked over at you with a nervous look on his face and you shook your head quickly.
“Oh my gosh yes,” Chris slurred from the table, “We were just about to order pizza,”
“Hell yea,” Rex cheered, giving Jonathan a rough slap on his back before joining Chris back at the table.
“I’m so sorry,” You quickly reached over and readjusted Jonathans suit jacket that had gotten messed up from Rex, “You don’t have to stay if you don’t want to, they’re just obnoxious,”
“It’s okay,” He blushed as you reached up and brushed his hair out of his face, “I have some time,”
“Yay,” Chris cheered loudly, “Do you drink wine?”
To say you were embarrassed as an understatement. You felt horrible having Jonathan now stuck in an UNO game with tweedle dumb and tweedle dumber.
“Do you have any…” Chris narrowed her eyes at her cards as she swayed in place, “7s?”
Rex handed over a few cards, confused, “Hey, how come you get to take cards now?”
“That’s ‘Go Fish’,” You mumbled, rubbing your head which was now starting to hurt, “You don’t ask for cards in UNO, you draw them,”
Chris started giggling hysterically, “I think I drank too much,”
“You think?” You mumbled, shooting an apologetic glance over at Jonathan who just smiled back softly.
“When do you say UNO again?” Rex asked for the second time that night.
“Alright,” You slammed your cards down on the table, defeated, “I’m not playing anymore, you guys are too dumb for UNO,”
Chris continued giggling in her seat as Rex shot you an offended look.
“I’m not dumb,” He said, watching as you stood up and ushered for Jonathan to do the same, “I dropped out of school on purpose,”
“You failed 5 classes,” Chris giggled from beside him.
“We’re leaving,” You groaned, leading Jonathan back to the front door.
“I’m so sorry,” You said, quickly pulling him into the hallway outside of your apartment. The dim light above you buzzed loudly.
“It’s okay,” He smiled at you again, “I enjoy spending time with you,”
You raised your eyebrows, impressed, “Are you flirting with me Professor?”
He rolled his eyes and turned away from you awkwardly as another blush spread across his face.
“Honestly I thought you wouldn't want to have anything to do with me after I said I wouldn't help with your fear toxin,” You mumbled.
“I told you, that was mostly just an excuse to get you to go out with me,” He said, still avoiding eye contact.
“We should go on an actual date,” You suggested eagerly, stepping closer towards him, “Like out to get drinks without Rex or Chris annoying us,”
“And no drugs,” He joked, finally looking back at you.
“Okay well now it just sounds lame,”
He laughed softly and you felt your heart soar. You had never heard him laugh before. You stood shocked for a moment as he fumbled to get his phone open.
“I’m not doing anything tomorrow after class,” He said, still looking at his phone, “If you’re free then,”
“I am,” You said, still watching him closely. You wanted to kiss him at that moment, but before you got the chance he shoved his phone back in his pocket and awkwardly stepped back.
“I’ll see you tomorrow in class then?” He said, offering an awkward smile.
“Okay,” You said softly, waiting for him to at least give you a hug goodbye.
“Keep me updated with the serum,” He reminded you before turning around and quickly leaving toward the elevator.
You stood silently in front of your apartment door for a moment before going back inside, disappointed.
“Did you kiss?” Chris slurred jokingly from the dining table still.
“Did you have sex?” Rex added in, earning a weak slap on the arm from Chris.
“You guys are so fucking embarassing,” You said angirly walking back towards the table where they sat, “What the fuck is wrong with you? You can’t act normal for two seconds?”
“I think we’re fun,” Chris said, a pouty look setting into her face.
“It’s not fun,” You groaned, grabbing the paper bag with the serum before leaving towards your room, “I barely know this guy. The least you could’ve done was be sober,”
You slammed the door behind you and sunk to the ground, embarrassed about the previous events. Surely Jonathan wouldn’t ever want to come visit again. It was mortifying.
You tried to stop thinking about it and quickly pulled the serum from the paper bag to examine. It was a tiny needle with a small amount of liquid inside. Your stomach dropped as you realized you had to inject it yourself. Your night kept getting worse and worse.
You took the cap off of the needle and took a deep breath before injecting it quickly into your left arm. It was immediately painful, your whole arm warming up almost as if it was on fire. You stifled your groans by burying your face into your lap and quickly fell over into a fetal position on the floor. An instant dizziness set in and you started to wonder how the serum was actually supposed to work. There was no one time medication for paranoia or insomnia. Jonathan could’ve given you poison and you didn’t even question it. In fact, you injected it yourself. Why did you trust this man so much? You just told Chris you barely know this guy and suddenly you're injecting yourself with “serums” he perscribes?
The more you thought about it the more nervous you got. He barely told you anything about his past or where he was from. He kept it all obscure. The truth was, you didn’t know him at all. Before you could panic more, the serum overtook you with drowsiness and you passed out quickly on your bedroom floor, forgetting to set an alarm for your class the next day.
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jamie-leah · 3 years
War of Wolves (22) Finale
Season 1
Episode 22 - Everything Has Changed
Bucky x Reader
Summary: You have been on the streets for the past two years, ever since your accident that left you with the ability to tell if someone is lying. You work as an informant for the white wolf and his mob but you had never met him…until you overhear a phone call that leads you to saving his life. Now he wants you to work for him. Its an offer you couldn’t refuse…right?
Word Count: 1634
Warnings: Cliffhanger, swearing
A/N: Its the end Lovelies, I can't believe the journey its been with these characters! If you don't like cliffhangers I would advise not to read this part and take the previous episode as the last. I want to thank you all for the love and enthusiasm for this series and for loving them as much as me.
<---Previous Episode
WoW Masterlist Series Masterlist Oneshot Masterlist
The weeks of recovery were long but you knew you were in the best hands. Bucky put work on the back foot to look after you despite your protests.
You had been having a hard time sleeping though, ever since waking up and finding Bucky in the hall. Dreams of the past and a future that sometimes scares you.
It got so bad that you went to med bay to talk to the Doc about it, to see if he could give you anything. He was reluctant and I was too. He suggested talking about it, professionally. But no matter who you chose, you didn’t think they would quite understand the type of life you lead. You could never be totally honest with them and that would defeat the point.
You didn’t acknowledge how bad or strange it all was until you woke up with a start. The room was bright, the one you shared with Bucky. He was nowhere to be seen but a note was left on his pillow
“Come to the reception room when you’re awake”.
Which is odd, we only usually use that room for certain Client’s. Either way, you were distracted. You had a dream last night that felt more than a dream and it was starting to become troublesome.
The dream itself was nothing bad, in fact it was happy, lovely. Bucky had thrown you a surprise party, balloons and friends and family celebrating your recovery. It was lovely, one of the best dreams you had had for a long time, but it still left you with a sense that something was off.
You get dressed and make your way to the reception room lost in thought, that’s why when you open the door and hear “SURPIRSE!” you almost scream the place down.
Hand on chest, you take in the sight of balloons, banners and food. Everyone you love a few others were smiling broadly at you, Steve, Sam, Peggy and the kids, Darren even made an appearance. But your eyes were on Bucky and his wolfish grin.
“Did you do this?”, you ask.
Bucky shrugs casually, “maybe”.
Bucky walks across the room to you, holding you close and leans you down in front of everyone to kiss you deeply. Love and passion sweeping across the both of you, the sound of howls, whoops and cheering the only thing keeping you from tearing into each other.
Bucky pulls back with a broad smile before lifting you back up and turning to the crowd, “everyone, as you know we’ve been through a lot over the last year. We’ve lost good people, and parts of ourselves while trying to keep the organisation going and keeping each other safe. But we’ve also found new love, and welcomed another member into our family, Tommy”, Bucky gestures to the sleeping baby in Peggy’s arms.
Everyone cheers at the shout out before Bucky continues, “I wanted to celebrate Y/N’s recovery. I wanted to celebrate the people that made it possible for her to be here today. I also wanted to give everyone a reprieve. Things will only be more difficult for a while. We have Isaac and Harry to track down and we have other enemies to prove we’re still the strongest enterprise out there. They will be coming for us, but I wanted to take this moment to say we’ll be ready. I also wanted to take this moment to thank you all, for standing by me through it all.”
Bucky looks down at you with something fierce in his eyes, a love and devotion that you’ve never seen in another human being before, “to us!”, he shouts as he raises a glass to the room.
You wake up with a start, panting from feeling yourself trying to wake up. The dream was so vivid, it felt real…
You look to the pillow next to you and you see the note from your dream, the exact placing, the exact wording from Bucky.
You don’t even bother changing out of your pyjamas as you rush from the room. You make your way to the reception room as fast as possible, almost bashing into people trying to get to your one goal.
You mumble apologies until you make it to the doors of the reception room holding your breath. You hesitate with your hands on the knobs, you didn’t want this to be true, but hiding from it wouldn’t make it not true either.
You swallow despite your dry mouth and swing the doors open to “SURPRISE!”…
All through the party you convince yourself that it’s a coincidence. You don’t tell anyone, not even Bucky what you’re thinking but its all you can focus on until Peggy catches you on your own.
“Is everything okay?”, she asks, concern etched into her friendly face.
You nod, “yes”, and distract her by fussing with Tommy for a while.
By the end of the day, as night creeps in you feel exhausted by going through all the possibilities in your head.
Bucky takes you away into a private corner with another grin on his face just like he did with the surprise and for a moment you forget your troubles as you smirk back, “what is it Buck?”, you ask.
He grins wider, “I have another surprise for you.”
You shake your head with a small smile, “I don’t think I can handle any more surprises right now Bucky.”
He strokes your cheek for a few moments before saying, “I came close to losing you and having you here, happy and healthy is something I wanted to celebrate with everyone but I also wanted to celebrate with just us…so I booked us a night away in a hotel underwater.”
Your grin splits into a dazzling smile as you jump on Bucky murmuring your gratitude and love.
You arrived at the underwater hotel the next day. Checking in with Lisa at the counter as Bucky finishes checking in he asks her, “the extras I asked for…?”.
Lisa didn’t look up from the computer in front of her as she answers, “they should be in your room.”
We make our way to the room, our overnight bags in hand. Bucky steps into the room first looking around at everything.
But you barely pay any attention as you look out into the water and all the fish, your fingers are touching the glass when Bucky comes out of the bathroom, “none of the extras are in here”, he says with annoyance lacing his tone.
He starts towards the door before turning back to you, “did you detect the lie at all?”.
You shrug, “she probably believed it, so go easy on her Buck”.
You hear the door close behind you and you pray for a normal night of sleep or perhaps you could convince Bucky not to sleep at all. You stand there thinking about all the ways you and Bucky could ruin the room when you finally hear the door open.
You turn as you say, “hey Buck, I was thinking-“
Bucky is looking at you with shock and confusion on his face and that horrible feeling you had the night of the crash comes back in the pit of your stomach.
He doesn’t say anything for the longest time as he stares at you. Finally, you couldn’t stand anymore silence as you say, “what?! What is it Bucky? What’s happened?!”.
He clears his throat, “she knew the stuff wasn’t in the room.”
You pause before laughing at his statement, “Jesus Buck, I thought something was seriously wrong, like danger level wrong. You need to stop giving me heart attacks.”
But Bucky never starts laughing and so the smile slowly fades from your face as you say, “okay…so what if the extras aren’t in the room, we can ask for them or you can get a partial refund.”
He shakes his head as he finally steps in the room and closes the door behind him, “you’re missing the point Doll, she lied.”
You scrunch your face up, “yeah Buck, people lie-“
You stop the sentence dead in its tracks as you look at Bucky in alarm, finally realising what he’s getting at.
You have no words. Bucky is the one to fill the silence, “I’ve noticed it a few times over the last few days. The fact that you haven’t clocked some lies and have become more shocked at some of the things that happen around our home. I thought it was just because so much was going on. Your recovery, us never getting moments alone these days, but you never picked up the lie today, you even said so yourself.”
You shake your head, “wait a minute, we’re jumping to conclusions here, this is a new place and I wasn’t paying attention-“
Bucky interrupts you, “my favourite flavour of ice cream is mint, I’m wearing boxers under my pants, my mothers name was Sarah.”
He says all the lies he told you when you first met in quick succession and you never detect a single one as a lie even though you know they are.
Your stomach lurches and you feel your hands shake by your sides, you look up at Bucky as tears well in your eyes, “I’ve lost it Buck, I’ve lost my ability to detect lies.”
You sink to your knees before Bucky can reach you. He joins you on the floor as he wraps you in his arms trying to protect you from the truth that has become a truth in a long line of truths in a never ending nightmare.
You try to will this not to be true as you question your worth not only as a member of Bucky’s organisation but also as his partner and your ability to keep him safe. And you know, everything has changed.
WoW Taglist: @a-really-bi-girl @crazyblonde124 @summerwelsh @scuzmunkie @loving-life-my-way @pequenaguaxinim @paranoid-borderline-insane @lilsonbucky @somanyfandomsblog @broco8 @inquisitor-selvala @mad-red @k-n-e @rinkashirikitateku @duhh-danielly @boundtomyfate @kalesrebellion @booktease21 @whatinthyworld @flyingbabyunicornnamedangel @asapkyndall @yaszx @amoredashley @aveatquevale- @putinovertime @melimelbean @valsworldofcreativity @lokilokilokilokilokilokilo-blog1 @vesper852 @littlenerdgirl16 @wiccanmetallicrose @aya-fay
I have an entire plan for Season 2 and written some too. If you want to see more of this please let me know. The more people wanting more the more likely it will happen. Taglist for all things Season 2 are OPEN <3
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thatslikely · 3 years
Fred Weasley’s Day Off (Part 1) - F.W.
Fred Weasley’s Day Off- Fred Weasley x Gender Neutral!Reader [Ferris Bueller’s Day Off AU]
Warnings: only occasional mild language
Word Count: 4.2k
A/N: this is Part 1 of my new 5 part series, Fred Weasley’s Day Off! You can find the series masterlist here. This part is going pretty similar to the movie, but as the story unfolds, I promise it isn’t a carbon copy of John Hughe’s masterpiece. Hope you guys enjoy :)
Just a reminder: Y/N is Your Name, Y/L/N is Your Last Name, and thoughts are in italics.
Taglist: @amourtentiaa @anchoeritic @probably-peeves @horrorxweasley @weasleywh0r3s​
if you want to be added to be added to my general (or this series!)’s taglist, send me a dm or ask!
If you haven’t seen Ferris Bueller’s Day off or just need a refresher, HERE all all the scenes included in this part in chronilogical order! I HIGHLY reccomend giving these a watch, for they make the situations a lot easier to understand (and they’re hilarious).
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It’s a beautiful day today, temperatures in the upper 70’s. You can expect plenty of sun and not a cloud in sight. Right now, it’s 75 at lakefront, 74 at Midway, 73 at the O’hare.
“Arthur!” Molly Weasley screeched, beckoning her husband to Fred and George’s messy bedroom. The walls were plastered with large posters of their favorite bands and sports teams (mainly Fred’s), and an expensive computer sat on the desk in the corner. The door to the room was ajar, a frantic mother feeling a haggard Fred Weasley’s forehead.
“What's the matter?” Arthur asked, briefcase in hand.
“It’s Fred, for Merlin’s sake look at him!”
Fred laid slumped under the hand-knitted quilt like a corpse, his hair tousled and his chin unshaved. She continued, “he doesn’t have a fever, but his stomach hurts and he’s seeing spots!” Fred peeled his pained, umber eyes open, his weak gaze pointed to his suit-clad father.
A sympathetic Arthur reached for Fred’s cold and clammy hands, feeling them with a shudder. He’s got a bad cold, he thought, poor boy needs to stay home and rest.
“I’m fine, I’ll get up. I have a test today.” Fred leaned up slightly, his stuffy nose attempting to breathe. His baggy eyes drifted around the room, glazing the empty bed parallel to his’. “No!” Molly and Arthur Weasley stated firmly in unison, pressing his aching chest into the soft bed.
“I have to take it. I-I wanna go to a good college, so I can have a fruitful life.” Fred kept attempting to get out of bed, only for Molly’s gentle hands to guide him back down.
“Oh fine, what’s this? What’s his problem?” Ron leaned against the untidy bedroom’s door frame, his arms crossed, his face donning an unamused expression tinged with jealousy. He was looking daggers into Fred, who reciprocated nothing but a wink.
“He doesn’t feel well,” Molly stated, not pleased in the slightest with Ron’s distasteful demeanor.
“Yeah, right,” Ron rebutted with a scowl. The tips of Ron’s ears seared with resentment for his brother and anger at his naive and biased parents.
“Ronnie? Is that you?” Fred asked, his blurry vision making the outline of his brother near indistinguishable from the rest of his room. “Ronnie? I can’t see that far.” Fred leaned up in an attempt to see his brother, before falling backward with a dramatic moan.
“Dry that one out, you could fertilize the garden,” the younger ginger spat, tapping his toe furiously.
“Ronald, you get to school!” Molly demanded, vehemently gesturing for him to leave.
“You’re letting him stay home? If I was bleeding out my eyes you’d still make me go to school! This is so unfair.” Jealousy oozed from Ron’s clenched jaw like venom.
“Ron, please don’t be upset with me. You have your health, be thankful,” Fred said coolly. His eyes remained glinted with mischief, causing a furious Ron to storm off in a huff.
The concerned mother and father turned back to a wheezing Fred. Molly tucked him in tighter, cooing, “Now listen, I’ll be showing that new family some houses today, so I’ll be in the area. The office will know just where to find me if you need anything, okay?” A wave of gratefulness swept over Fred’s face.
“It’s nice to know I have such loving, caring parents. You’re both very special people.” Molly caressed Fred’s ashen cheek before planting a compassionate kiss on his warm forehead.
“G’bye champ,” Arthur said to his son before carefully shutting his door and walking to the garage.
They bought it.
Incredible. One of the worst performances of my career, and they never doubted it for a second. Fred peeled back the curtains blocking the beautiful view from his large windows with a smirk. He looked out the panes, admiring the gorgeous weather. How could I be expected to go to school on a day like this?
This is my ninth sick day this semester; it’s getting pretty tough coming up with new illnesses. If I go for ten, I’ll have to barf up a lung, so I’d better make this one count. Fred carefully adjusted his extortionate stereo, his fail-proof plan slowly piecing together.
Fred then stepped over to his desk, reaching for an old, hefty soccer trophy of his and some rope. The key to faking out the parents is the clammy hands. He started knotting the rope around the shiny golden award methodically. A lot of people’ll tell you to go for the old ‘phony fever’, but if you’ve got a nervous mother, you could wind up in the doctor's office. That’s worse than school.
“It’s a little childish and stupid, but then, so is high school.”
He scrupulously placed the trophy contraption behind his door with a satisfied nod, proceeding to the bathroom dressed in his grey and maroon striped bathrobe. Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.
Fred undressed and stepped into the steamy shower, quickly shampoo-ing his ginger mop into a spiky mohawk. He gave some thought about his plans for the leisurely day before removing the showerhead, gripping it like a microphone, serenading an imaginary audience, “I recall Central Park in fall. How you tore your dress, what a mess, I must confess…”
“Spinnet?” A greasy Mr. Snape drawled, spectacled eyes darting around the dingy classroom, illuminated with corporate fluorescent lights. “Spinnet?”
“Smith?” Silence. “Smith?”
“Weasley?” Snape asked, scanning the room for any signs of the irresponsible redhead.
“Weasley?” he repeated, uninterested and monotone. “Weasley?”
“Um, he’s sick,” a perky Cho Chang cut through the tense silence with a smile, “my best friend’s sister’s boyfriend’s brother’s girlfriend heard from this guy, who knows this kid who saw Fred pass out at Florean’s last night! I guess it’s pretty serious.”
“Thank you, Cho,” Snape said impassively.
“No problem, whatsoever!”
A robotic ring emitted from the phone next to Lee Jordan’s bed, disturbing the perturbed ambiance of the inert bedroom. The hypochondriac occupying the sheets clicked the silver ‘answer’ button with a shallow sigh.
“Hello?” George Weasley asked, his voice deep and groggy.
“Georgie, babe, what’s happening?” Fred’s exuberant voice questioned from the other end of the line, starkly contrasting his twin’s nonbelligerent energy.
“Very little,” he responded in a trance-like state, eyes spacing out at the blank ceiling, his mind nearly detached from his aching body.
“How do you feel?”
“Shredded.” Half-empty pill bottles and antihypertensive drugs lined the bleak nightstand to his left.
“Get dressed and come on back home. I’m taking the day off,” Fred imposed. He sat in a lounge chair, next to the turquoise pool, soaking in the bright morning sun, which starkly contrasted George’s dark atmosphere. He held a Brick to his ear, sipping an iced Hawaiian drink from a swirly straw. The only thing covering his body was a pair of floral swim trunks; plastic sunglasses rested in the ginger nest atop his head.
“I can’t stupid, I’m sick. I think I got food poisoning from Lee’s awful cooking.”
“It’s all in your head, George, come back home,” Fred said more firmly, taking another sip of the fruity drink in the souvenir cup.  
“I feel like complete shit, Fred. I can’t go anywhere.”
“I’m sorry to hear that. Now come on over here so I can have a fun day off!” Fred demanded, hanging up the phone promptly. “Sheesh.”
George remained stiffly on the sheets, still as a statue, muttering, “I’m dying.” The phone chimed again with another call. Click.
“You’re not dying, you just can’t think of anything good to do!” Fred’s voice echoed through the dimly-lit room before the tone of an ended call took its place.
“Pardon my French,” said Fred to no one in particular, “but George is so tight, that if you stuck a lump of coal up his ass, in two weeks, you’d have a diamond.”
Fred quickly abandoned the pool deck, instead continuing random antics around the vacant house, whether it was (horribly) playing his centuries-old clarinet, or prank calling gullible freshmen claiming he had an impending kidney transplant. This was the life.
“I’m so disappointed in George. Twenty bucks says he’s sitting in his car debating whether or not he should go out.”
Fred had hit the nail on the head. George sat in his four-wheeled hunk of junk for minutes, muttering to himself, “He’ll keep calling me. He’ll keep calling me until I go home. He’ll make me feel guilty. This is ridiculous! Okay, I’ll go, I’ll go, I’ll go, I’ll go.” He turned the key of the run-down car, only for the engine to cough and heave. “Goddamn it!”
“Molly Weasley,” Molly introduced herself to the caller from her desk at the local real estate office. She held the landline phone in one hand, the other scratching numerals and figures onto some spreadsheets.
“This is Dolores J. Umbridge, Dean of Students. Are you aware that Fred is not at school today, Miss Weasley?” she asked punctually, her voice laced with irritation.
“Yes, I am. Poor Fred is home sick.”
“Are you also aware that Fred does not have what we consider an exemplary attendance record? He has missed an unacceptable number of school days.” Umbridge looked icy and collected on the outside, but deep down she was fuming with anger. “I have no reservation whatsoever about holding him back another year.”
“This is all news to me,” Molly replied, taken aback by Umbridge’s blunt threats.
“It usually is.” Dolores turned her attention to the hunky computer opposite her, ready with Fred’s academic profile, scanning the pixels signifying his number of absent days. When she finally opened her jaw to announce the number to Mrs. Weasley with a devious grin, she was horrified to see the number of days slowly ticking down to two.
“I asked for a car, I got a computer,” Fred said with an unamused but smug smirk as he typed lines of code into his computer back at the Weasley household, “how’s that for being born under a bad sign?”
“I can appreciate how this time of year, children are prone to taking the day off. However, in Fred’s case, I can assure you, he’s a very sick boy.” And with that, Dolores hung up on a sympathetic Molly, her tight brunette curls gradually frizzing from aggravation.
“I don’t trust this… Fred Weasley,” Umbridge confided to her secretary, Augustus Filch. “What’s so dangerous about a character like Fred is that he gives good students bad ideas. The last thing I need is fifteen-hundred Fred Weasley disciples running around these halls. He jeopardizes my ability to effectively govern this student body.”
“Well, he makes you look like a bitch is what he does, Dolores,” Filch said with a smirk.
“You’re wrong,” Dolores asserted, fiery gaze piercing through Filch’s soul.
“Well, he is very popular. The sportos and motorheads, geeks, wastoids, dweebies, dickheads, they all adore him. They think he’s some righteous dude,” Filch said astutely.
“That is why I’ve got to catch him this time. Show these kids that you can’t just skip school nine times a semester like he has and get away with it!”
Mr. Binns, a prehistoric-looking man with novel-thick glasses, stood at the head of the classroom, giving his usual dull lecture. While he etched utter nonsense onto the chalkboard, you couldn’t help but release a bone-cracking yawn.
After years of sitting in your uncomfortable plastic chair, drowning out Mr. Binn’s boring babble, your saving grace arrived in the form of a grave Nurse Pomfrey.
You quickly slipped on your pale, leather jacket and stuffed your blank notebook into your backpack at the sight of the frail woman donning white scrubs like a dove, eager to escape class. Nurse Pomfrey had on a solemn face as she quickly whispered something into Mr. Binns’ ear before announcing to the uninterested class, “Y/N, Y/L/N, may I have a word with you?” You painted a look of surprise on your face before stepping into the hallway with the disturbed grey-haired woman.
“My dear, I’m afraid I’m the bearer of bad tidings,” she said sorrowfully once out of the earshot of the small lecture hall, “your father called. Your grandmother has just passed.”
Your eyes welled with artificial tears, face drenched with heartbreak.
The landline echoed through Umbridge’s dreary, pale pink office.
“Dolores Umbridge,” she said pseudo-cheerfully into the handset held by her thulian claws.
“This is Phil Y/L/N,” a middle-aged man said, his voice slathered with a thick Chicago accent.
“How are you today, sir?” Dolores asked suspiciously.
“Well, today we’ve had a bit of bad luck. It’s been a tough morning,” he croaked, “now if you wouldn’t mind excusing Y/N, we have a lot of family business to attend to.”
“I’d be happy to, just produce a corpse and I’ll release Y/N. I want to see this ‘dead grandmother’ firsthand.” She peeled the phone away from her face, smiling valiantly at a mortified Filch, saying slyly, “It’s okay, it’s Fred Weasley. I’m setting a trap for him.”
“Dolores, I’m sorry, did you say you wanted to see a body?” an ill-tempered Mr. Y/L/N questioned in disbelief through the speaker.
“Yes. Just roll her old bones up here and I’ll gladly retrieve Y/N for you. That’s school policy.” Dolores looked so pleased with herself, a devilish smirk resting on her lips. The telephone in Filch’s office chimed, and he quickly dashed to answer it.
“Hello, Dolores Umbridge, Dean of Students’ office,” his gravelly voice answered.
“Hi. This is Fred Weasley. Can I speak to Miss Umbridge, please?” Filch’s mouth went desert-dry in horror, his aged, grey eyes bulging out of his skull. He dashed to a taunting Umbridge, jumping and waving for her to shut up.
“I’ll tell you what, if you don’t like my policies, you can come down here and kiss my-”
“Fred Weasley’s on line two, Dolores!” Umbridge’s eyes went as wide as saucers; her whole face, even her bright fuchsia lipstick, turned as white as a sheet.
She was quick to switch to line two, listening to Fred Weasley’s voice which filled the otherwise silent room.
“Miss Umbridge, I’m not feeling too well today,” Fred started, a smug and valiant grin on his face. He adjusted his clean and gelled hair, which perfectly complemented the perfectly-tailored suit he donned. “Would it be possible for Ron to bring home any assignments from my classes? Have a nice day.”
The only sound left in the office was the droning disconnect tone.
The ‘line one’ buttoned flashed bright red like a siren. With a shaky, wrinkled pointer finger painted with a coat of magenta nail polish, she hesitantly pressed the button, sucking in a breath.
“Mr. Y/L/N, I-I think I owe you an apology,” she said, mortified.
“I should say you do!” the deep voice on the other line boomed. Umbridge peeled open her lips for an apology, only to be cut off with, “Well I think you should be sorry for Merlin’s sake! A family member dies, and you insult me! What the hell’s the matter with you?”
“W-well I really don’t know. I didn’t think I was talking to you, I thought you were someone else,” Umbridge barely managed to spit out. “You know I would never deliberately insult you like that!”
“Find out where she is!” Umbridge hissed to an idle but nervous Filch, her palm covering the phone’s mouthpiece. He promptly scrambled around the surrounding metal filing cabinets, reaching for various binders and manilla folders.
“This isn’t over yet, do you read me?” The infuriated voice’s threat yelled into the frantic principal’s ear.
“Loud and clear, Mr. Y/L/N!” she responded while scouring the various sets of drawers for Y/N’s schedule.
“Call me sir, goddammit!”
“Yes sir!”
“That’s better. Mind your P’s and Q’s buster, and remember who you’re dealing with!” an exasperated George Weasley shouted into the kitchen’s phone, his voice at least an octave lower than usual. His look of fury was soon replaced with a smile from ear to ear, quite proud of the convincing-ness of his impression.  
A dashing, suit-clad Fred Weasley soon strutted into the lemon-yellow kitchen, charismatically introducing himself, “Weasley, Fred Weasley.”
George held his palm over the mouthpiece of the phone, asking, “I’m scared. What if she recognizes my voice?”
“Impossible. You’re doing great.”  
The self-conscious redhead brought the phone back to his ear, shouting “Umbridge!” furiously. Groaning echoed from the other end of the line. “Umbridge, calm down!”  
“I don’t have all day to bark at you, so I’ll make this short, and sweet. I want my child outside of the school in ten minutes by themself!”
Fred gave George a harsh tap on his shoulder, hissing, “That’s too suspicious! She’ll think something’s up!”
“You do it then!” the other twin whispered back.
“Fine!” he fizzled. “Umbridge! Pay Attention!” The magenta-suited principal was scuttering around her office, frantically searching for your schedule and something to repair the escalating situation.
“Umbridge! Changed my mind. I want you out there with them, I’d like to have a few words with you!” Fred swiftly slapped the phone from George’s clutches, causing it to fall on the tile carelessly. The identical gingers both scrambled for the phone, ending up in George’s grasp once again.
He yelled to the mouthpiece rapidly, “On second thought, we don’t have time to talk right now! We’ll get together soon and have lunch!”
Fred kicked George’s rear hard, causing a small yelp to escape George’s lips. “What the hell’s wrong with you?” he spat at Fred, who quickly slammed the phone back to the base.
“Where’s your brain?” he harshly asked his irritated brother.
“Why’d you kick me?” George retorted, hurt.
“Where’s your brain?”
“Why’d you kick me?”
“Where’s your brain?”
“I asked you first!”
“How are we gonna pick up Y/N if Umbitch is out there with them?” Fred rhetorically asked, seething.
“I- I said for them to be alone and you freaked,” George stated, reverting back to his timid tendencies.
“Now, I didn’t… I didn’t hit you. I lightly slapped you.”
“You hit me.” Tension sliceable with a butterknife filled the kitchen.
“Look, don’t ask me to participate in your stupid antics if you don’t like the way I do it. You make me get out of bed. You make me come over here. You made me make a phony phone call to Dolores Umbridge? That woman could expel me, expel us, and then, you deliberately hurt my feelings!”
“No… I didn’t deliberately hurt your feelings,” Fred said, his words tinged with guilt. “What’re you doing?” George grabbed his red hockey jersey and keys that previously laid on the island.
“I’m going back to Lee’s, Fred. I need some rest. Have a nice life.”
“No, no, c’mon. Don’t do that, George,” Fred pleaded ruefully, “George, come back. I didn’t mean to lose my temper. I’m sorry.”
“You serious?”
Fred gave a slow and sincere nod. George swiveled back around, setting his belongings back on the counter, his face lightened slightly.
“Now, to fix the situation, we’re gonna have to do something you’re not going to like.”
Fred and George peeled the sliding glass doors of the luxurious garage apart, revealing the interior, which was mainly lined with thousands of dollars worth of vintage car memorabilia, save for the treasured vehicle in the center.
“The 1961 Ford Anglia 105E Deluxe,” George said, his eyes pointed down at the prized pompadour blue car resting idly in front of the duo. Fred's eyes were also fixed on the vehicle, though his’ were illuminated with awe and mischief.
“Dad spent 3 years restoring this car,” he continued, hands behind his back, not daring to leave fingerprints on its shiny surface, “it is his love, it is his passion…”
“It is his fault he didn’t lock the garage,” Fred smirked, sauntering around the exterior of the automobile, slobbering all over the surface like a dog with fresh meat.
“Fred, what are you talking about?” George asked nervously, already knowing what Fred was plotting, “Dad loves this car even more than he loves you!”
“Fred, no.” Fred swiped his fingers over the perfect coat of paint, occasionally posing with the car as if he was a model on the front cover of a magazine.
“Que Bella!” he said with a chef’s kiss, still drooling over the car’s magnificence.
“Remember how insane he went when I snapped my retainer? And that was a tiny piece of plastic!” Fred paid an anxious George no mind, instead continuing his admiration for Arthur’s most valuable possession.
“George, I’m sorry, but we can’t pick up Y/N in that piece of scrap. He’d never believe Mr. Y/L/N would drive something like that!”
“It’s not a piece of scrap.”
Fred opened the driver’s side door, slowly sitting down in the comfortable cushioned seat, his umber eyes never breaking contact with George’s identical ones.
“He knows the mileage, Fred.”
“Look, this is real simple. Whatever miles we put on, we’ll take off.” Fred said, barely giving George the time of day.
“We’ll drive home backwards.”
“No,” George said firmly, almost like a mother. Fred turned the key of the Anglia, its restored engine roaring ten times better than George’s hunk of junk’s.
“How about we rent a nice Cadillac, my treat!” He yelled as Fred slowly drove away, the revving of the vintage engine drowning out his voice. George stood frozen in disbelief, before Fred slowly backed up, beckoning George to join him.
With a heavy heart, George warily climbed into the back seat of the vehicle. And with that, Fred floored the gas, speeding off towards the Shermer High.
“I had a grandmother once,” Umbridge awkwardly stated, in an attempt to soothe your heart overcome with (fake) grief. “Two, actually.”
The suburbs outside of the Windy City lived up to their name today; Umbridge’s frizzy brown curls swayed in the strong breeze. The temperature today was the best it had been since last Autumn; it was a given that Fred would skip.
You patiently waited on the concrete steps outside the school, Umbridge continuing her “comforting” words, attempting to stitch the wounds caused by your grandmother’s staged death. You weren’t focused on the thulian tyrant, however, instead, your eyes waited on the road for the sight of a ruby-red-haired boy.
“Between grief and nothing, I’d take grief,” Umbridge said flatly.
“Great,” you replied softly, eager to shut the toadish old lady up. She opened her magenta-tinted lips to add something else, but she decided against it, promptly shutting her mouth without a sound escaping.
The stentorian roaring of the engine residing in cerulean Ford Anglia filled the silent air and idle parking lot, lightening your spirits instantly. While you didn’t doubt that Fred would’ve shown up eventually, his timing was impeccable. It didn’t hurt that he showed up in a killer ride, either.
A tall, lanky man drenched in a long beige trench coat, horn-rimmed sunglasses, and a businessman-looking fedora, which masked his fiery orange hair, emerged from the car, leaning against its body.
“Oh Y/N honey, hurry along now,” the stranger in disguise bellowed, his voice slightly higher pitched than ‘Mr. Y/L/N’s’ from the phone, a thickly-slathered Chicago accent present nonetheless.
“I guess that’s my dad.”
You grabbed the annoying principal’s wrinkly, cold hand, reciting, “Miss Umbridge, Dolores. You’re a beautiful woman, I wanna thank you for your warmth and compassion.”
A furious Ron watched from the scene play out from the large front windows of the school, immediately recognizing Fred and his infuriating antics with a scowl. Why should he get to skip while the rest of us have to stay? I’ve gotta catch him.
Umbridge looked near disturbed at your counterfeit words on thankfulness, before you eagerly stepped down to the car, giving ‘Mister Y/L/N’ a quick hug.
“Do you have a kiss for Daddy?” Fred jokingly asked with a smirk.
“Are you kidding?” you replied, leaning into his soft lips for a passionate kiss, which maybe would have escalated a little further if he didn’t drag you in the passenger seat of the Anglia.
“So that's how it is in their family,” Umbridge uttered as she watched the nearly-French kiss perched from her spot at the top of the stairway. She swiftly pivoted around walking to the front entrance to the school, when Fred floored the Ford again, its loud engine roaring off into the distance.
“Hi Georgie, you comfortable?” you asked, eyes towards the crampted back seat.
Once the three of you were out of Umbridge’s eyeline, a compact George sprung up from the lonely backseat, saying, “Hi, Y/N. No.”
“So, what're we gonna do?” you asked the dashingly handsome driver next to you with a smile.
“The question isn’t: What are we going to do? The question is: What aren’t we going to do?”
“Don’t say we’re not going to take the car home. Please don’t say that we’re not going to take the car home,” George mumbled, hopeful that Fred would comply, though he already knew that Fred would be doing the exact opposite.
If you had access to a car like this, Fred mentally narrated, gesturing to the amenities-rich Anglia, would you take it back right away? Me neither.
And with that, Fred recklessly rounded the bendy road, speeding off towards downtown Chicago.
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Blankets and Movies ❋ Kim Tae Hyung
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↳ Pairing: Kim Tae Hyung (V)/Reader
↳ Word Count: 2,554 
⁙ Summary: Taehyung wrapping a blanket around Y/N when they are sitting on the couch and watching a show/movie after she has a bad day and confides in him
⚠️ Warnings: Contains minor mentions of self esteem issues/depression. Please do not read if you are triggered by any of these!
Today just wasn't your day. Nothing particularly wrong had happened thankfully; however, you just woke up in a horrible mood and couldn't seem to shake it. Your boyfriend Taehyung hadn't given you a goodbye kiss, and you were upset. You being upset led to you snapping over the phone at your best friend, Kenzie. Which then led to a small fight, Kenzie refusing to talk to you.  
Then, at work, your computer short-circuited and you had lost the 2-hour long progress you had made. When your lunch break came around, you ended up overcooking your lasagna in the work microwave, burning it beyond edibility. Coming home from work was no small feat, either. You had gotten stuck in a traffic jam for close to 2 hours.
Now here you were, finally home. Starving, cranky, and sleepy. You couldn't decide between wanting to eat a whole box of cereal or flopping in your bed and sleeping until you were old and wrinkly. After a brief moment of hesitation, you decide just to skip eating for now and instead have a nap, praying it would make a little bit of your lousy mood dissipate.
You shed your work clothes quickly, tossing them across the room and narrowly missing the clothes hamper. Waving it off, you promptly threw on one of Taehyung's shirts, practically diving into your shared bed and curling up under the plush duvet. Your hand blindly reached out in the bedroom's darkness, patting the bed around you until you found what you needed. Feeling the cool fabric under your fingertips, you snatched up the TaTa plushie, snuggling it close to your face and inhaling Taehyung's scent.
As you laid there, the day's events raged around your head like a tsunami. You couldn't help but let out a little whimper as you remembered everything terrible that had gone wrong. Bringing a hand up to rub at your eyes, you let out a pitiful sniffle. You were too overwhelmed lately, with work and stress and deadlines. However, you felt you couldn't confide in Taehyung. With his packed schedule and own stress, you wouldn't dare burden him with your meaningless problems.
So you did what you usually do, and cried it out as you clutched onto the TaTa plushie for dear life, burrowed under your nest of blankets. You let everything out, your poor pillow getting soaked with salty tears. After a while, your tears ran out, tear tracks sticky on your cheeks. Rolling over, you grabbed your phone off the nightstand, squinting as the bright light assaulted your eyes. It was almost time for Taehyung and the rest of the guys to get home. Throwing your phone down beside you, you tug the duvet up around your chin, shutting your eyes and letting yourself slip into a floating dream.
At this point, BTS was on the way back to the dorm after a day filled with photo shoots and dance practices. Everyone was sore and tired, ready to go home and finally relax for a couple of days. Taehyung groaned softly to himself as he stretched his neck, seated in the large van that was taking them home. He especially couldn't wait to get back and cuddle you. He knew you hadn't had the best wake-up this morning and felt extremely bad for leaving you without your usual morning kiss. He planned to cuddle with you as soon as he got back to the dorm.
"What are we gonna eat for dinner, Jin Hyung?" Jungkook asked as he yawned, tired from the early morning start they had. Everyone was in some state of sleep or alertness, ready to get back to the dorm to shower and eat. Some of the boys perked up at Jungkook's question, wondering the same thing but too tired to voice it.
"We might just order something. I'm too tired to cook," Jin responds from his seat at the front of the van, eyes still shut as he tries to rest. They all agree with his idea and start to argue over what food to order. Taehyung stays quiet as he stares out the window, ready to get home and cuddle with you.
After a short amount of time, the van finally pulled up to their apartment building, a gorgeous high rise looking out over the city. They arrived in the parking garage, members clambering out of the van as it finally parked. Taehyung noticed your car parked in its usual parking spot, meaning that you were home. He was pushed to get up to the apartment faster, some of the other boys protesting the fast pace, trying to catch up with him.
"Yah, Taehyung, slow down! Why are you in a rush?" Hoseok called as he tried to catch up to his younger band mate, the rest of the boys behind him. Taehyung turned around quickly and smiled his big boxy smile, radiating happiness.
"Hyung (Y/N) is home! I really can't wait to see her, so we have to hurry," Taehyung calls to them as he proceeds to make it to the elevator, impatiently pushing the button to call it to their floor. The rest of the boys finally catch up, some huffing as they try to catch their breath. The elevator finally arrives, and Taehyung waits impatiently for the rest of the members to clamber on as well, before pressing the button for their floor.
It takes less than 20 seconds to get to their floor, but for Taehyung, it feels like a lifetime. When they finally get to their stop, he is the first one out, rushing to the door of their apartment, hastily unlocking it with his key and stepping inside.
"Jeez Tae, you don't have to rush. (Y/N) is still going to be here even if we took an hour," Jimin comments, entering the apartment behind Taehyung, exchanging his shoes for slippers. Taehyung scowls a bit at Jimin's comment but takes off his shoes and slides on his slippers, instantly making a beeline for his room where he knew you would be. He approaches his room and opens the door, expecting you to be sitting in bed reading or watching some crazy theory video on Youtube. However, he was shocked when he saw the outline of your body underneath the bed's comforter, face buried in your pillow. Taehyung frowns to himself, already realizing that you weren't doing that well. He starts to make his way towards the bed but freezes when you groan and roll over, blinking at the soft light streaming in from the hallway.
"Tae? Is that you?" You slur as you try to blink the sleep out of your eyes, sitting up in bed and brushing your wild hair out of your face. Taehyung approaches the bed and sits down next to you, gently kissing your head and smiling.
"Hey, baby. How was your day today?" Taehyung asks as you snuggle into his arms, welcoming his embrace. He could feel you stiffen in his arms, the question bothering you. He was worried because he knew you weren't one to tell anyone about your worries or troubles.
"Babe? Did something happen?" He asks as you pull away from his arms, your gaze cast downwards. You don't answer for a minute or two; the room cloaked in awkward silence. When you looked back up at him, your eyes were glazed with tears and your bottom lip was trembling, a telltale sign that you were on the verge of a breakdown.
"Tae… It was so hard," You sobbed out, shoulders shaking with each trembling breath you took. Taehyung could feel his heart breaking, realizing that this wasn't just from events that happened today.
"Oh, sweetheart," he breathed as he pulled you back into his arms, laying you both down on the comfy bed. You snuggled into his chest, your salty tears soaking his expensive shirt, but he didn't care. He just wanted to comfort you.
"Tell me what happened, okay? Just let it all out."
The dam broke as you started talking (well sobbing) about everything that happened that day and then proceeded also to tell Taehyung about your earlier worries. His grip tightened on you as he gently rubbed your back to console you, occasionally planting a kiss on your head.
By the time you had finished your emotional rant, your chest felt lighter, and your mind felt clearer. Sitting up in the bed, you pulled away from Taehyung's grip and wiped your eyes, letting out a watery laugh.
"Sorry for springing this all on you, Tae. I didn't want to be dramatic," you admitted, watching as Taehyung sat up as well, a frown marring his handsome face.
"Baby, I want you to tell me these things. I want to know when you're feeling upset or insecure or angry. I want to hear about your day, whether it's good or bad. Don't hold back anymore, please," he pleaded, grabbing your face in his large hands and making you look him in the eyes.
"Okay, Tae," you forced out as he squished your cheeks lovingly. Taehyung gave you a radiant smile and brought your face close to his, giving you a deep, loving kiss. It lasted for all of 10 seconds before your stomach rumbled, breaking the warm atmosphere.
"Are you hungry, or are you hiding a bear in your stomach?" Taehyung jokingly asked,  watching as your face turned scarlet with embarrassment. You sputtered out an apology as Taehyung laughed his deep laugh, standing up and bringing you with him.
"Come on love, let's get some food," Taehyung says as you both leave your shared room, your eyes squinting against the brightness of the hallway. You both end up traveling to the living room, finding that most of the group was lounging around.
"Hey (Y/N), how was work today?" Hoseok asks as he notices your and Taehyung's arrival. The rest of the boys look up and say their greetings; you give a small nod and wave in return.
"Uh, it was… eventful, to say the least," you scratch the back of your neck sheepishly. Hoseok takes the hint, not pushing any further. Taehyung takes this chance to speak up, looking to Jin, who was reading in the armchair.
"Hyung, are we going to order food soon? (Y/N) sounds like she hasn't eaten in 84 years," Taehyung asks him as the others laugh when your stomach rumbles, creating perfect timing.
"Well, we can always order from the chicken place around the corner? They're pretty fast and have good food," Jin suggests as Namjoon already pulls up the delivery service on his phone. Everyone quickly shouts what they want, and they order.  
"Yah Jungkook scooch over you lump," Taehyung scolds as he notices the maknae taking one whole couch. Jungkook rolls his eyes but ends up sliding over to the one side, giving you and Taehyung enough room to sit down and snuggle.
You quietly chat with Jungkook, who was on your right, talking about the newest Overwatch update. After about 20 minutes of quiet chatter with Jungkook, Yoongi and Jimin occasionally joining, the food arrives.
"Alright, you heathens if I see anyone drop any of this on the floor or the furniture I am never letting you guys taste my cooking ever again," Jin threatens as he passes out the containers of fried chicken, everyone sitting around the coffee table and digging in.
"Yes, Jin Oppa," you smile as you grab a piece of chicken, popping it into your mouth. Jin smiles at you, always appreciating your dedication to cleanliness.
The chicken gets consumed relatively quickly; everyone quiets apart from the TV playing the newest Running Man episode. Jimin and Hoseok clean up the boxes, and everyone agrees to a movie before heading to bed.
Two movies get debated, Spirited Away or Parasite, and with a 5 to 3 vote, Spirited Away is chosen. You can feel yourself becoming sleepy again, your belly full and sated.
"Sweetheart, if you want to go to bed, you can," Taehyung whispers in your ear as he notices you jolt awake from where you were drifting off. You grumble something back at him, although he can't make out what you said, curling into his body for warmth.
"Hyung, can you pass me that blanket behind you?" He whispers to Yoongi, nodding at the fluffy throw blanket on the back of his loveseat. Yoongi blinks and throws it Taehyung's way, Taehyung giving him an unamused look when he gets smacked in the face with it.
You give an appreciative hum when Taehyung wraps the blanket around the two of you, providing more comfort. It takes less than a minute to fall asleep, the white noise of the movie helps.
Taehyung smiles down at your sleeping face, pressing a quick kiss to your temple and holding you closer to him. He looks up as he hears a quiet camera click, seeing all of his band mates and brothers looking towards the two of you with big smiles.
"You guys love each other, huh?" Jimin asks with a heartwarming smile. Taehyung glances back down at you, noting your peaceful expression and steady breathing.
"I love her more than I love living itself, Hyung. She was so upset today and felt like she couldn't tell me because of how busy we are with the comeback preparations," Taehyung murmured, frowning a bit as he remembered your earlier conversation.
"You know how (Y/N) is like Tae, even before the two of you started dating she was always so worried about causing stress to us just by being our friend," Hoseok reminds him, seeing how upset the younger was by how reserved you were with him.
"I know Hyung. I just want her to open up more. I love her so much, and I want her to be happy," Taehyung said, readjusting his grip on you as you wiggled into a more comfortable position.
"She is happy with you, Tae. Everyone can see that. You both just have to work on this moving forward. It's all going to be okay," Namjoon advises him, his wise words striking a chord in Taehyung.
"You're right, Hyung."
"I know I am. Anyways I think it's bedtime for everyone, it's getting late, and we have more things to do tomorrow," Namjoon states, everyone, groaning and stumbling off to their rooms.
"I'm gonna take (Y/N) to bed, I'll see you in the morning Hyungs," Taehyung whispers, lifting you with ease and tucking the blanket back around your sleeping body.
He enters your shared bedroom, gently tucking you into the bed as you rolled over and grumbled, kicking your legs a bit. Taehyung giggles, changing quickly into PJs before he slips into bed next to you, pulling the blankets up around you both.
"Hnnng? Tae?" You mumble as you wake up a bit from your sleep. Taehyung shushed you, gently stroking your hair to put you back to sleep.
"Go to sleep, baby. I love you so much," Taehyung whispers into the quiet of the night. You settle down and start to feel your eyes shut again.
"I love you too, Tae, so much."
What had started as a bad day had become a good one, Taehyung always brightening up your life. You wouldn't have it any other way.
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thatasianstereotype · 4 years
Damn, You’re Looking Fine.
To my utter delight, my crack writing Fuck. I’m Gay. got a good reception. I was not expecting to write more for this AU/pairing. But why not? I got some ideas and a computer to write them down on.
So this fic is the took-a-while-to-put-together sequel. It’s focused on the downfall of one certain Liar-la, Damian wooing Adrien with all the flair and romantics as his Chaton deserves, and Adrien being a blushing hot gay mess. 
P.S. Damian’s formal way of talking is an utter pain to write but hilarious to read.
P.S.S. Creative liberties were taken. Again. I just feel this needs to be mentioned. 
So Status Update:
Adrien and Damian are definitely dating (It is totally official. Told you ya boi got game).
Adrien still calls him Hot-And-Sexy from time to time much to his utter mortification (He can’t make himself stop. Please send help). And Dami gets amused by it every single time, that arrogant smug jerk.
Marinette still puts the fear of god in Damian and he is wary of her. She feels very proud about that. Adrien wants to facepalm.
Fuck Gabriel Agreste.  
And Lila Rossi is still a bitch.  
Adrien and Marinette were made aware about Damian’s alter ego —well mostly because he is utterly terrified of Marinette’s seemingly sweet (icy) smile she gave him when she politely asked how he obtained the Butterfly and Peacock Miraculous and partly because of Adrien’s pouting kitten eyes. 
They truly were a pair to reckon with. 
“I am not sure why the Justice League dismissed your concerns and pleas for assistance. So I am taking the initiative. My name is Damian Wayne, the son of Batman and the current Robin and leader of the Teen Titans.”
He’s a superhero too?! And it’s Robin!!! One of his favorites!! Can you hear him internally squealing in excitement?
Adrien bit his lip to keep from fanboying right then and there. But a slight pink hue spread across his face. 
“You’re not lying.” Mari has gotten pretty good at deciphering through people’s bullshit. Whether it’s because she is now a Guardian or because Lila’s bitchiness made her a human lie-detector remains unknown.
Damian took it in stride. “I am not.”
“Paris is still our city.”
“I am only offering my assistance.” He won’t barge in on their superhero duties to the city. He has more class than that.
Mari didn’t have to look at Adrien to know his decision.
She smiled, a bright genuine smile. “Then we’re allies.” Before her eyes gained a spark of mischief and her smile turned teasing. “Hot-And-Sexy.” 
“Marinette!” Adrien immediately covered his blushing bright red face with both hands, utterly mortified. 
His sister was evil. E. V. I. L. And why is Damian smirking and looking so smug? Fuck! He even makes that look completely hot. Curse his Adonis genes. And curse his teenage hormones. 
He regrets introducing the two of them together. What a pair they make. Truly a couple of fur-midable terrors here. 
Back to the matter at hand, Marinette is able to ensure that Hawk Moth and Mayura will never be out again and another akuma won’t be made. She already made sure that the miraculous were better protected. 
Damian has enough evidence to put them behind bars for their crimes but Marinette wanted to go through it and make sure that Adrien won’t suffer the repercussions of having a villain for a dad so they held onto it until they figure out how best to protect their sunshine. 
Ah Shit. 
“Duusu? Where are you?” 
Did Gabriel lose the miraculous again? 
But when he looked into the last place he left it, he groaned. Fuck. His brooch was a fake again.
He knew he shouldn’t have made a miraculous fashion line and had replicas of the miraculous jewelries made. It was his most popular items to date. He has gotten lot of praises for getting the details just right and capturing the essence of each miraculous holder. No surprise there. He deals with them on a daily basis. He should get the details fucking right. 
It’s a wonder he only came up with a line because there was talk that he was becoming obsolete with no new ideas coming forth and if there is one thing that Gabriel Agreste isn’t, it is being obsolete. 
The line was just a joke, a parody of the heroes and villains if you will, but apparently people like it. Ladybug and Chat Noir were the most popular obviously (he should’ve seen that coming to be honest). Hardly anyone buys Hawk Moth or Mayura and he is left with boxes of fake brooches. 
It is annoying.
Especially since he keeps fucking misplacing his miraculous. 
Adrien felt like he could be a Disney princess and just skip his way to school and sing for the world to hear. 
Now that the Butterfly miraculous were safely with Marinette, he doesn’t have to worry about another akuma. He could just die happy right now. His dad doesn’t have a hold over him anymore. He doesn’t have to put up with Liar-la anymore. But if they put up a fuss? Well, worst case scenario is he becomes a Dupain-Cheng. 
And he doesn’t mind. He’s already an honorary one. 
And if that somehow doesn’t work out (which he highly doubts), Damian offered to make him a Wayne. 
Françoise Dupont High School experienced a shock that morning. Specifically Ms. Bustier’s class. 
When they saw Adrien and Marinette walking in class with arms intertwined, laughing and smiling together. 
What the actual fuck?
Did they cross into an alternate universe? Marinette is a nasty bully and Adrien’s a pure sunshine child. Why would they be acting like they were the best of friends? 
Lila glowered darkly when she saw them walking towards the back and sitting at the same table. Didn’t Adrien care about what his father thinks? Doesn’t he want to still be able to go to school? 
She bit her lip and turned on the waterworks, her eyes close to bursting into tears. She made herself be the very picture of a pitiful woe-is-me victim as she cried out in a hurtful and betrayed tone. “Adrien, what are you doing with her? I thought we were close friends.” 
The sheep class instantly catered to Lila, pointing their fingers at the pair. 
Alya, her biggest supporter, led the charge as always. “Adrien! What do you have to say for yourself? How could you cheat on Lila like this? And with her?” 
Adrien narrowed his eyes at his former friend. Bitch, how dare she implies he was in an actual relationship and had feelings for that harlot. 
He has been spending way too much time around Damian. 
"Yeah, bro!” Kim said, raising his voice. “How could you do her dirty?” 
“Okay guys.” Adrien cut in. “I don’t know where you heard that but me and Lila are not dating. Like at all.” 
“Please.”Alya waved him off like he didn’t know what he was talking about (he was highly offended at the notion he didn’t know what his heart yearns for). “We all know you have feelings for Lila. You’re just in denial over them.”
Bitch, what?
Is no one catching onto his chaotic gay vibes here?  
And oh, how his fragile little heart was betrayed yet again when he saw Nino supporting his girlfriend. He still couldn’t believe the first friend he made all by himself was a part of their rabid pack. He deeply mourned the loss of such a great friend in the midst of that deceiving fox’s claws. 
“How many times do I need to say it?” At this point, Adrien was about to throw hands. “I don’t like Lila like that. I feel nothing but pure spite for her. Also, me and Marinette are not dating if anyone’s wondering. We’re just really good friends.”
“But Marinette’s a big bully.” Alix piped up, a hard edge in her voice. “She treats Lila horribly.”
“Marinette didn’t do anything to her. Rossi is lying.” 
“Oh Adrien.” It was Mylene of all people who spoke up. “Did Marinette get to you with her lies?” 
He was done. 
Completely and utterly done. 
He looked over at Marinette who shared his exasperation at the class’ antics. 
Adrien already said it before. But it bears repeating.
Lila Rossi is a bitch.
Luckily (or maybe unluckily), that was the moment Ms. Bustier chose to step in the room and class started. 
When the teacher’s back was turned, Adrien pulled out his phone and proceeded to spend the rest of the time alternating between taking notes and texting with Damian. 
They were currently at the stage of their relationship to be sending animal pics and memes back and forth, with a few puns added from time to time. 
He really does have the perfect boyfriend. 
They cornered him after school. 
One: Rude. 
And two: Double rude. 
He was excited to meet Hot-And-Sexy (daMn iT! It’s Damian! Get it right brain) at the bakery and spending time with his two most favorite people in the world (Tom and Sabine don’t count because actual parents don’t have a ranking). 
His former friends were looking all concerned and everything because they somehow collectively came up with the idea that Marinette actually brainwashed him to believe Lila was evil. 
The fucking irony. 
They actually had the audacity to say that Marinette —sweet and honestly badass Marinette— was no good and just wanted to use Adrien to get ahead in the fashion industry (as if Mari actually needed him for that). He shouldn’t be around her. Lila was a much better person to keep as company. 
Adrien laughed in their faces and left. 
Onto happier events, Adrien was having a blast hanging out with Mari and Dami. His boyfriend (he still can’t believe he managed to score such a hottie!) fit right in the everything-that-matters siblings’ dynamics. 
They were in Mari’s room. Adrien was cuddling with Damian on her bed. And Mari was at her desk working on fashion designs. 
“So what’s your family like?” He played with Dami’s hair. It was so soft. Like what the fuck. It is so unfair. 
Damian thought about it for a few seconds. “My family is a bit...crazy. We drive each other insane every other day but at the end of the day, I have no doubt they have my back as I have theirs.” 
“You guys sound close.” 
“We were not always. We had an extensive amount of issues to work through before we actually bonded as a true family.” 
It was quiet for a minute until Damian casually said. “I would appreciate it a great deal if you can make time to visit Gotham for the summer.” 
Adrien stopped playing with his hair to look at him with wide incredulous eyes. “Summer’s only two months away.” 
“I am aware.” 
“You really want me to meet them? Isn’t it too early?” 
“I met yours the day we started dating.” 
True but....
Adrien averted his eyes. “Do you think your family will like me? You guys fight criminals and my dad’s a villain.” 
Damian put his hands over Adrien’s and gave them a light squeeze, making his Chaton look back at him. 
“My mother is a villain and I was raised as an assassin. Yet despite of that, my father accepted me. And I am fairly confident he will do the same to you. Mon amour, you have a pure and selfless heart. You are a better person than I am. I have no doubt that my family will love you from the start. 
“Are you being fur real right meow?” Adrien tried to lighten the atmosphere but he could feel his eyes tearing up. 
"I wouldn’t lie to mew.” 
He let out a small laugh, wiping his eyes. How did he ever get so lucky to land such an amazing guy? “You always know the purr-fect thing to say.” 
“We get it you’re in love. It’s amazing. Now stop it with the puns.” Mari rolled her eyes, utterly exasperated at these idiots who just ignored her and pulled out even more cat puns. “You have got to be kitten me.” 
Before she noticed what she said and groaned in faux despair. “Oh you two are so dead.”
Adrien stuck out his tongue playfully. “You can’t catch me. I got a handsome knight in shining armor to protect me.” 
Damian interlaced their fingers. “Always, mon amour. I’ll protect you from everything like your wicked father.”
“Does that make me the dragon here?” Mari joined in. “Cool. I can breathe fire and torch people. Too bad I can’t do that to a certain liar.” 
“Liar-la is totally the witch here.” Adrien said before thinking for a few seconds. “Does this make me the princess?” 
“Well, knights always have to save the damsel in distress.” Mari said. 
He frowned before crossing his arms indignantly. “Dami, I love you more than Plagg loves his stinky cheese, but I’m no damsel in distress.” 
Damian rolled his eyes. “Tt. Of course not. You can destroy things with a single touch. It would be not be in my best interests to downplay your abilities.”
Adrien relaxed and beamed a sunny smile. “Good. Remember that.” 
“Mon amour, I look for an equal as a partner, not some weak spoiled harlot that can not defend their self.” Damian placed a flower crown (that was just sitting on Marinette’s nightstand, must be one of her projects) on Adrien’s head. “Having said that I do believe you are a prince that deserves all the love and care in the world.” 
And oh my. 
Adrien can feel his face burning scarlet and his heart almost bursting at how sweet this incredible, conceited Adonis was. 
He was falling in love with Damian over and over again each time they meet up. 
“You deserve love too, Dami.” 
And sweet, caring Hot-And-Sexy (Ah, fuck it. He will never grow out of that) placed a soft kiss on his cheek. 
Oh dear, he didn’t know his face can burned any redder. 
He could almost hear Mari cooing in the background. 
And in case anyone was wondering, Tom and Sabine adores their everything-that-actually-matters son’s boyfriend. Damian Wayne seems like a responsible young lad. And he makes Adrien really happy which is a major plus. Anything that makes their son happy is good in their books. 
Lila was not at all pleased. 
Why was Adrien suddenly hanging out with Marinette? Yeah, he doesn’t buy into her lies but she was confident he will be lured into her charms. Why wouldn’t he be? She was young and way more beautiful than a baker’s daughter. He was supposed to be hers. 
She and Gabriel are going to have a talk about his rebellious son. 
Except when she arrived at the Agreste mansion, Gabriel was apparently too busy to see her. 
He was too occupied with searching through boxes of fake miraculous to find Duusu to bother with her. 
“I don’t have time for you.” 
“Excuse me?!” 
She was aghast. How dare he speak this way to his biggest supporter —well, besides Mayura and Nathalie. 
“You’re excused. Now leave the premises.”
Before the door shut in her face and she was left fuming, her face an unflattering angry red. 
Being Damian’s boyfriend, Adrien has come to learn that Damian does nothing by halves. Including asking him out on a date. And the actual dates themselves. 
Today as the sun fell down and night came about, Damian and Adrien were taking a stroll in the park. It was relaxing and it was nice. They talked about everything and anything. 
Adrien did not think Damian planned anything more. 
But he really shouldn’t underestimate the son of Batman. 
Because when the last of the sun’s rays were gone, Damian led him to a gazebo strung up with beautiful lights giving the whole place an ethereal feel. And with the bright moon out tonight, it looked like fairies dancing in the garden. 
He didn’t notice Damian pressed play on his phone and classical music filled the air. 
He definitely noticed Damian bowing with a flourished and holding out his hand with a charming smile. “May I have this dance, Chaton?”
Adrien would have to be a huge fool to say no. 
“I’ll loved to.” He placed his hand in Damian’s and let the Adonis lead him in a simple waltz. 
This was his life. 
His life was one big sappy romance novel. And you know what, he doesn’t care if it is. Between dealing with his shitty father and Liar-la, this kitty deserves some happiness. 
It was a scene from one of those Disney fairy tale movies Adrien used to watch as kid. The magic. The love. The romantics. He felt like Cinderella and wished this night will never end, that the clock will never strike midnight. He just wanted to stay in his Prince Charming’s arms forever. 
Under the starry night sky, the lovebirds danced to their heart’s content and when another song ended, Damian tilted his head down to place a tender kiss on Adrien’s lips. 
“I harbor a great deal of non-platonic affections for you, mon amour.”
“I love you too, Hot-And-Sexy.” 
What the fuck?!
What the actual fuck? 
Lila was simply walking home after her disastrous meeting with Gabriel (She was still not over how he simply dismissed her like she was nothing. How dare he). 
When she saw them. 
Adrien and some guy (she’s pretty sure that was a guy) dancing in the park. She can feel that disgusting jealousy just burning in her veins, a cold anger thrumming underneath. 
Things were not at all going her way. 
First, Adrien is back to being friends with that Mari-whore. Then, Gabriel ignores her. Her. And now, she is seeing her Adrien in the arms of someone else. 
Oh this will just not do. 
She took out her phone from her pocket and snapped a couple of pictures, making sure Adrien can clearly be seen. She didn’t care too much about the other guy. He’s probably just another pretty airhead Adrien knew through his father. He’s not important. 
A cruel smirk appeared on her face at the thought of the perfect revenge. Adrien was going to have a rough time at school tomorrow. After all, he should’ve known better than to make a move against her. 
“I’m sure there’s an explanation for this.”
“Yeah. Adrien is obviously gay. That’s the only explanation.” 
“....Maybe not? There could be another reason.”
Lila had watery eyes and a sad frown on her face but inside, she was fucking smiling like a Cheshire cat. She made sure to be at school early so she can show the class the picture of Adrien’s little date last night. Who —predictably— were shocked at their sunshine child being with a guy and made plans to confront him about his supposed sexuality. 
She glowed at the thought of her plan working. This will teach Adrien to know his place or become a social pariah like his little friend Marinette. 
“I thought Adrien had feelings for me.” Lila wiped the “tears” from her eyes. “How could he lead me on like this when he’s been gay all along?” 
Alya —predictably— comforted her. “I’m pretty sure he’s just confused. He doesn’t know what he’s feeling.”
“I’m sure that’s it.” 
The pair didn’t notice Juleka and Rose glaring at them. 
Damian was not at all pleased. 
He was rightfully angry. 
How dare that poor sense of fashion taste trollop tried to shame his mon amour for being gay. How dare she try to say he was simply confused and didn’t know any better. How dare she defame his reputation because he holds nothing but spite for her person. 
How dare she. 
As Adrien’s boyfriend and future husband, it is his duty to correct this travesty and defend his Chaton’s honor. 
When the Damian Wayne, youngest son of Bruce Wayne, appeared at Françoise Dupont High School, you know that people are gonna stare and talk. 
When he headed towards the courtyard where Adrien and Marinette were sitting at, boy are things going to get juicy. 
Lila and her followers who were sitting a bit father from the outcast pair were utterly confused. They could possibly get Adrien knowing such a super hot celebrity but for him to be on good terms with Marinette too? How inconceivable. Absolutely flabbergasted. 
“Hey Lila didn’t you tell us you knew him and his family?” Max brought up. 
“Uhhh....” Lila knew she dug herself in a corner here. She never thought that the Damian Wayne would ever visit here. At this second rate school. 
“Well, let’s go, girl!” Alya exclaimed. “I’m sure Damian just hasn’t seen you. That’s why he didn’t walk towards you.”
Before proceeding to practically drag Lila to where Damian was talking with Adrien and Marinette. 
Lila, on the other hand, was cursing out Alya in a bunch of different languages in her mind while trying to come up with something to dig herself out of this mess. If they talk to Wayne, the class will realize she was lying all along. 
She was not going to lose control of her kingdom like this —well, not without putting up a fight. 
But when they and the rest of their classmates walked close to the trio, they were shocked when they saw Marinette playfully punching Damian in the arm. 
“Okay. How the hell are you so close with Damian Wayne?” Straight off the bat, Alya was on the offense as she glared at Marinette as if it was Mari who did something wrong. 
Damian answered before the bluenette could. His face was impassive and his glare cold. “I’m Ms. Dupain-Cheng’s top model for her fashion business.”
Even Lila was taken aback at the news. She knew that goody two shoes likes designing but she didn’t think anybody would actual buy her stuff. She didn’t think a Wayne would like her stuff. 
She could feel her fists clenched. How dare Marinette steal the spotlight again. 
“I’m also Adrien’s boyfriend.” Damian continued casually as if that wasn’t a huge bombshell. 
Everyone’s minds screeched to a halt. 
They knew about the possibility of Adrien being gay since Lila showed him on going on a date with an unidentified but clearly male person yesterday. But they didn’t think there was actually something there. 
Lila could feel her anger clouding her mind. Adrien was supposed to be hers. He was her ticket to fame and fortune. 
“And what about Lila? Aren’t you guys best friends?” Alya put her hands on her hips. How could Damian just ignore someone he is close friends with but give Marinette all the attention? Lila deserves better than that.  
Damian was unamused. “I don’t know her.”
“Yeah, you do.” Alya ignored Lila’s gestures to stop talking. Lila was too shy about her achievements and she was going to have her amazing best friend’s back. “She’s the one who helped your family out multiple times.”
“She did not. And I am appalled that you believe I would know a harlot like her in the first place.” Damian’s face twisted with disgust as he glanced at Liar-la like she was a mere insect. “Please. I have class and dignity.”
“Take that back!” She screeched. “You are so rude.” 
“Are you honestly going to lecture me on my rudeness when you plebians are being hypocrites?”
“What? I’m not a hyprocrite.” 
“Lila Rossi is a pathetic liar who begs for attention like street dogs beg for scraps. She never once saved Jagged’s cat nor does she help out with green charities. Lastly, she is not on close terms with myself nor with my family.”
“No! You’re lying!”
He raised an unimpressed eyebrow. “Ok then. Look her up on the internet. If she is as grand as you lot seem to think, she should have articles dedicated to her. Show me proof of her actions that isn’t your subpar blog and I will give you an exclusive.” 
Alya’s eyes gleamed at what should be an easy challenge. But when she pulled out her phone and typed Lila’s name and what she did in the search engine, her smile disappeared. 
She spent the next few minutes scouring the net for anything, any mention of a Lila Rossi that wasn’t on the LadyBlog. 
She found nothing. 
Lila Rossi was a fucking liar all along. And Alya and the rest of the class believed her. 
“We tried to warn you.” Marinette said in a soft voice. But anyone who knew her knew she was trying to hold back her laughter. 
“Marinette,” Rose cried out as she realized the class has been total jerks to the one person who always had their backs. “We were horribly wrong. Can you ever forgive us?”
She shrugged. “I forgive you. But this doesn’t mean we’re friends again. Because we’re not. Seeing how easily you drop me for that liar without even looking for any kind of proof hurts and I’m not eager to be friends again. Maybe in the future but not right now.”
“That’s goes ditto for me.” Adrien added his two cents. 
Their former friends classmates wore gloomy expressions, utterly devastated at ruining their friendship with their Everyday Ladybug and Sunshine Child. 
And with that, Adrien and Marinette left the courtyard, with light hearts and heads held high. 
Damian shot the class a razor sharp grin. “Well, it’s been nice to meet you.” 
Everyone knew he meant anything but. 
“I always knew teenagers were prone to be foolish imbeciles. But seeing the collective stupidity of you people today made me realize that the bar can in fact be lowered.” 
Adrien was fucking ecstatic. 
Elated. Overjoyed. Jubilant. Drunk on happiness. All the synonyms associated. 
Because Lila was finally exposed. The class realized what utter assholes they have been. His father will receive his due (soon according to Mari and Dami). 
He was happily humming a tune as he swung his and Damian’s intertwined hands back and forth. 
He was entirely grateful that Damian showed up to school today. Although he was a bit mean for Adrien’s taste. 
But oh man. Payback was so sweet. 
He smiled giddily. 
Mister Hot-And-Sexy definitely earned himself a kiss. 
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peppusae · 3 years
[kth] lavender honey ch. 9
note: this fanfic has multiple chapters, so please look forward to more!
lavender honey: kim taehyung x reader
genre: crack, fluff, college au, smut
word count: 2.4k words
lavender honey
ch 9: in which namjoon's bomb reaches all the way from gwangju to busan
“Noonim. I like you so, so much.”
You knew.
You knew all too well, and you had so many answers thought up in your head when you daydreamed about this moment for months.
And yet, right now, as you watch Jungkook look at you with expectant eyes, you feel tongue-tied for the very first time in… ever.
“I don’t mind not getting a reply, because I know you like me too, Noonim.” He replies, when there’s no reply from your side. His ears have gone so red that even when Jungkook gets up from on top of you and walks towards the computer chair he still has a hand covering the bottom half of his face in embarrassment.
You feel like you snap out of your daze when you sit up, wondering just how far things would have gone between you and Jungkook if he didn’t get up himself and you had let him go on with whatever it was in his head that was now making the male flush red, not daring to even look back to meet eyes with you.
You wouldn’t have stopped him since you’re such a horny b-
Minji really needs to shut up.
“Noonim, you’ll be going to Busan too on your library trip tomorrow, right?” Jungkook asks, out of the blue.
“We’re going to a lot of places. The seniors have requested a lot of paperbacks we don’t have, so we need to collect them from the other branches.” You say, standing up when you see Jungkook doing the same and making his way out of the room. You wonder if Jungkook is upset about earlier, but he has a smile on his face as he heads out to where his bike is parked outside the building.
“You’ll need to get enough sleep if you have to wake up early to head out, [Name]-noonim!” Jungkook has to say, patting on the back seat of his bike. “I’ll take you home!”
The home date that Jungkook has been gushing over so much feels like it got cut off so abruptly, and you feel so guilty thinking it is your fault, while you hold on to him as you cycle back home without much to say.
You still make sure to give Jungkook a kiss on his cheek, his face flushing red when you lean back and give him a wave.
“Let’s go to the beach when you come back, Noonim! Also, if you get the time, you should drop by my Dad’s restaurant for a meal!”
You give him a thumbs up, letting him know that you definitely will, and watch as he gets on his bike and cycles off.
Why does it feel like something between us got cut off just now? Jungkook was smiling, but he has never been the one to end the date, it’s always been me…
So, what gives?
“Kim [Name]. Do you have a moment to spare?” Namjoon asks the next day, standing by the doorway of your room.
“Come on in, Joonie. What’s up?” You ask while you fold up some clothes to take for your weekend trip… Even though calling it a trip doesn’t feel right since it’s something you and Taehyung are doing for extra-credit, not for fun.
Maybe if this trip was with Jungkook, it would be a fun trip-
You shake your head to take away Minji’s - your subconscious self’s- mind away from the gutter for one god-forsaken minute.
“I have to catch a bus in a few minutes, so I don’t have a lot of time to wait to chat… I should have talked about this earlier but..”
You look up from your duffel bag, suddenly getting a little worried why Namjoon sounded so serious out of nowhere.
“Joonie, you sound a bit scary right now. What’s going on?” You ask, furrowing your eyebrows.
Namjoon laughs, closing the door behind him and taking a seat on your bed. “It’s not something like that, don’t worry. I just wanted to talk to you before you left on a trip with Taehyungie.” He explains. You nod, motioning for him to go on.
“I know you’ve started something with Kookie and everything, but… And it’s not that I’m against it, since you’re an adult and everything.. But it’s just that sometimes, I think you and Taehyung have this bond that just crosses over to a line a little more than just friends.”
Your lips part open at his sudden words, and Namjoon looks like he does not plan to stop talking any time soon.
“It may be just me - but I highly doubt this. You two have this bond that makes me feel like you’re soulmates, and I don’t know but… I think you’re very very cautious in front of Jungkook which I never see you behave like in front of Taehyung. You two have this behavior of taking care of each other, and I sometimes notice it in the way you two look at each other… It’s like the way Jungkook looks at you, but the way you look at him isn’t the same.”
“And I don’t know if it’s just things I’ve picked up or am looking into too much because I’m taking my philosophy and psychology lessons way too seriously, but as someone who has seen you from the day you were born up until now… That’s how I feel.”
You take a deep sigh as you process his words, picking up a sweater and stuffing it into the bag.
“I’m not telling you to act on it, I’m only saying that it’s something that crossed my mind and I wondered if you were able to notice it or you just stayed and smiled your way through and let things flow the way it just goes on without taking a proper decision on your part.”
“Joonie, you’ve made my trip with Taehyung turn so weird.” You say. You don’t think you can admit it to Namjoon, that it wasn’t just him, that you always felt an odd feeling when it was around Taehyung. You had, though, never considered that those feeling and him staying in your head about every little thing could be because you had actual feelings for Taehyung… It sounds almost impossible in your head, if anything.
And you had a boyfriend, an adorable one, at that!
“I’m sorry. But I just wanted to say something so you can be cautious… And not hurt Taehyung’s feelings if something ever happened.” Namjoon stands up, kissing your forehead and patting your hair a little before he gives you a wave.
“Wait, what do you mean-”
“Oh, by the way, Taehyung’s already downstairs waiting for you, so hurry up, okay? Have a good trip, [Name]-ah!” He says quickly before he makes his exit right away.
Ugh… Now you knew you would think about Namjoon’s words the entire trip. Great.
“So, will today be a random mix on Spotify kind of day, or may I give you the honor of listening to my amateur instrumentals playlist?” Taehyung greets, as soon as you two climb onto Namjoon’s car to set out for the library expedition.
You’ve packed some kimbap rolls and juice to have on the way to Busan which will be your first stop, and the bags of clothes you two have packed and stuffed at the back of the car for a simple two-day trip is no joke. But then again, getting to travel to multiple cities during college days in difficult after all, and you were determined to take pictures and pretend you’d gone on multiple trips and not just one, thanks to this opportunity.
Maybe that would help take away your mind from all the stuff Namjoon said earlier.
Dammit, Kim Namjoon.
“Show me what you’ve got.” You say, and watch while Taehyung flashes a beautiful smile at you and connects his phone to the speaker system of the car.
“These ones have some mad-crazy piano work, I learned some thanks to Yoongi-hyung.” He starts, the first few chords of the instrumental making you look up at Taehyung in awe.
The music is so mellow and soft that you can’t help but ask him a question that always comes to your head whenever you hear what he works on.
“Taehyung-ah… Have you ever had your heart broken?”
The sudden question makes him look away from the road and at you, blinking a couple times before he lowers the volume of the music.
“Why… Why do you ask?”
“Your music always has some kind of nostalgic, melancholic essence to it.” You reply, watching the way his eyes go back to the road. “It’s like you’ve gone through some form of grief or heartbreak, always.”
“I’ll be kind enough to open a literary discussion with you today, [Name]-ah.” Taehyung says. “When do you think is the best time for someone to be heart-broken, if they had to?”
“That’s an odd question. I don’t think there’s any time someone would want to be heart-broken.” You respond, realizing Taehyung has smartly decided to change the focus of the topic from himself. Perhaps he didn’t want to answer your question for some reason and you could understand him, to some extent.
“I think it’s so much better to have your heart broken when you’re younger, instead of having it broken at an older age, you know?”
You take a moment to ponder about his statement, then nod.
“I mean… Think about it. I’d rather have met someone horrible when I’m fifteen, instead of having the same thing happen when I’m like, twenty-five.” Taehyung goes on.
“Because when I’m fifteen, there’s so much more of my life ahead of me. I’d meet more people. I’d learn to be cautious about the people around me. I’d know how to mold myself to be a better person. That won’t happen if I don’t get my heartbroken before twenty-five when all my values are built up. It would be a shock to me, and that would simply make me lose all faith in humanity.”
The respect you have for Taehyung grows a little, his voice also causing your heart to ache a little. It’s something new you feel, and Namjoon’s words float around in your mind a little, making you look away from Taehyung and out from the window.
“Because the more time flows… The deeper it gets.” You mumble.
The book collection goes well, the first stop being Gwangju. You two had to hurry, though, and were barely able to reach Daegu before night fell.
Taehyung had explained that, since the libraries would be closed by now, it would be best to head there first thing next morning and to go over to his house and get some sleep.
Taehyung’s parents are home, and his mother is a spitting image of Taehyung himself, bright and sunny and welcoming you and making sure you ate a lot and had everything you needed as she lead you to one of Taehyung’s sibling’s rooms.
“My sister is at college,” he explains, watching you put your duffel bag down on the floor and giving him a nod. “We-”
Taehyung gets interrupted by your phone ringing, and you see that it is Jungkook calling.
“Noonim, hi! What will you be at tomorrow evening?” Jungkook wants to know.
“I’ll be at Busan, Jungkookie. What’s wrong?”
“Great! Can you spare me around 2 hours near sunset? There’s this beach I really want to take you to, at Busan, I used to go there all the time when I was little!”
The excitement in Jungkook’s voice is contagious. You glance at Taehyung who  had walked over to look at one of the posters on the wall.
“Taehyung-ah. Jungkook wants me to spare 2 hours tomorrow in the evening. We’ll be done at Busan by then, right?”
Taehyung raises an eyebrow, taking a moment before he slowly nods and then turns back to face the poster.
“We could do that, yeah.”
“Great! See you then, Noonim!”
After you hang up the phone, Taehyung puts his hands in his jeans pockets, heading towards the door.
“The switch to the heater can be a little confusing but the button is at the back and you have to manually set it, but I think you can get the hang of it,” He says, “If you need anything, give me a call. Make sure you lock the door before you sleep.”
Before you can wish him a good night, Taehyung closes the door of the room, making you sigh.
You could almost hear Namjoon trying to come up with a new theory, and to be honest, you can’t even blame him because, as you lay on the bed and tried to go to sleep, your mind would not let you forget about Taehyung for a single second.
Damn it again, Kim Namjoon.
Taehyung is noticeably quieter than he was the previous day, only speaking when it was time to decide what to eat, and asking you to help him with organizing the books. The hours till evening time passed by slowly because of this, so you’re actually glad when Jungkook texts you an address.
Taehyung drives you to the beach, letting you know he’ll be around and will come back in exactly two hours to pick you up to drive back to Seoul.
Jungkook is dressed in a white t-shirt and blue skinny jeans - boldly remaining you of you two’s very first date dressed exactly alike.
“Kookie, what are you doing here?”
“Well, I told my mom you were coming here for a trip and stuff and she asked me to come for the weekend too!” He says cheerfully, taking your hand and helping you walk through the rough rocky trail leading down to the sandy beach.
Despite your mind screaming out a loud ‘Holy SHIT Jungkook talks to his mom about meeeeeeee!’, the water is so, so blue and the clouds are splattered in multiple hues of reds and oranges. The entire scene is so beautiful and peaceful that you can only stare in awe, taking your shoes off and grabbing them by hand while you walk closer towards the ocean.
“Let’s sit here.” Jungkook suggests a spot, and the two of you sit down, watching waves crashing and producing such beautiful sounds.
“This is healing for my soul.”
“Did you ask me to come over here for a reason, Jungoo?” You ask, glancing at Jungkook who has his shoes placed right beside yours. He has a little smile on his face while he nods, not looking at you and instead making little circles with his fingers.
“[Name]-noona.” He says softly, finally looking up into your eyes.
“Noonim. Please let me break up with you, here.”
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echo-of-sounds · 4 years
How Aizawa, Toshinori, and Hizashi would help and support their s/o with hypersensitivities.
While hypersensitivities can be caused by many things (both mental and physical), mine are from ADHD and anxiety. I believe I kept these as general as possible so others can relate even if their issues aren’t caused by the same things as mine.
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Aizawa Shouta
Aizawa’s the least picky person out there. Come home with a different smelling shampoo for him or a new comforter made out of your preferred material and he won’t bat an eye. If it works, he’s fine with it.
Rubbing. Digging. Scruffing. Itching. Constricting. You just can’t get away from it. There’s always something touching you. It makes your entire being uncomfortable and agitated. He’ll ask if there’s anything he can do. He knows you sometimes need space to breathe and calm yourself. Those times when you want someone to help, he’s there. If you need your weighted blanket, he can find it. If you need shea butter lotion, he can apply it. If you just need some skin-to-skin contact, he can provide it. Anything to get you to stop scratching and pulling at yourself, he’ll do because he hates seeing you so visibly distraught.
Having a strong sense of taste and an aversion to textiles can lead to a difficult food life. Onions are fine if they’re in this dish, prepared this way. Tomatoes, mushrooms, and bananas? Gooey and slimy. Seafood? Beans? Never. It’s frustrating to just eat. While Aizawa’s no connoisseur or nutritionist, he can (surprisingly) cook pretty well. And he sticks to plain, easy dishes. It’s great when you’re essentially limited to bread, some kinds of pasta, and some fruits and meats. He can help with any simple soups and basic meat dishes. 
If a truck’s horn or that ridiculously high pitch buzzing finally breaks your ears down to the point you’re crying, find Shouta. He’s always willing to cuddle. Even more so when you need comforting. He’s so safe and secure. Hands will stroke circles while lips kiss your temple. If you have to play rain or ocean sounds in your earbuds or from your phone, he’ll lay in bed with you, keeping you locked to him, and press kisses all over.
Whenever you leave the house, he reminds you to bring any glasses that you need: FL-41 for light sensitivity, blue blockers for computer screens, even category 4 sunglasses if your eyes need that amount of protection. He always remembers. You’ll be at the mall, squinting from the horrible fluorescents, and he’ll pull them out of his pocket for you.
His hair is perfect for hiding in when you’re out in public. It’s thick and smells like him. And while he dislikes PDA, he does make exceptions. Whenever you need a break from the lights, just turn into him, rest against his chest, and his hair will fall over your eyes. He’ll hold you close, patiently waiting for you to be ready to continue.
Please, never feel high-maintenance. If anything, having you in his life makes him more attentive to himself. He’ll eat better from any meal plans. He’ll clean his place more often so it’s enjoyable for you. He is especially aware of what cleaning supplies and detergent he uses. He just becomes considerate of how you’re in his life and what he does because he loves you.
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Yagi Toshinori
Toshi developed a love for cooking. With his injury, his nutritional needs changed, so he’s learned to cook well to avoid constantly buying expensive foods. Any aversions you have, whether it be texture, smell, or taste, he’ll avoid. Can the slightest change in the sauce throw the whole dish off? His measurements are as precise as can be. Lettuce is fine, but spinach, cabbage, and parsley? It’s basically paper in your mouth. He’ll find recipes that include just lettuce and your preferred vegetables. You’ll come home to another new dish he made to surprise you.
Textile sensitivities are difficult to deal with. And clothes shopping becomes the worst task of them all. You have to test the fabric, the seams, where the tag is, how the shoulders and neck sit, the sleeve tightness, everything. Toshi will keep a list of the exact materials you like for blankets, pillows, towels, carpets, and clothing. And it doesn’t stop there. Is stoneware and glass dinnerware too irritating on your fingers? His next investment his wooden or metal dinnerware. Is cold press and rough drawing paper uncomfortable? He’ll be on the lookout for specific hot press paper.
The only thing he uses that smells is his cologne. It’s simple and never overwhelming. But if you need a different scent, he’s more than willing to go to the store with you so you can pick out something you like. 
Any scents that calm you, candles, incense, and those air freshener crystal beads, will be that scent. Vanilla or lavender. Maybe there’s some obscure scent you can only dig up online? Oh, he’ll find it. It’s incomprehensible how much he loves you. And your comfort is vital. Because if you can’t feel comfortable in your own home, then something’s seriously wrong.
The lightbulbs in your place are always free for you to change. If incandescent bulbs are what you need in the living room, buy them and change them out. If green LED lights help with migraines and pain, put them in the lamp near your bed while you rest. Install smart lighting so you can dim and change the lights whenever you need to. Toshi doesn’t care about the expenses. If it helps and protects your eyes, then money means nothing to him.
It doesn’t help that his smile is just so darn bright.
Overstimulation takes over so suddenly. You’re sitting in the living room, reading, when all of a sudden, the TV and microwave throws your hearing off, your bra becomes a boa constrictor and it’s only tightening, the flowers, food, and candles engulfs your entire being. It’s throttling, smothering, and you can’t escape. You’re left to drown. 
The minute you’re scratching, rocking, or crying, he’s prepared. Is your dog fluffy and grounding? Toshi brings her over. Do you need a hot or cold shower? It’s already running. Is fresh air the best for you? He’s walking you to the balcony or roof for a break. He can stay with you or leave you alone.
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Yamada Hizashi
Hizashi is a little bit of a picky eater too. Certain vegetables and sauces like tartar, guacamole, and harissa bother him, especially if the sauces are chunky. He prefers smoother dressings/sauces. So he completely understands any food aversions you have and never makes you feel guilty for being picky. He spends extra care when choosing what restaurants to go to and what he picks up for takeout.
He loves jewelry, not just wearing it, but on his partner too: necklaces that highlight your collarbones and rings that emphasize your fingers. He wants to buy you jewelry and hates that you don’t like it. He isn’t mad at you or your preferences but at how uncomfortable you get in your own skin. He wants you to feel great. And those mornings where you change outfits nine times until you finally find something that isn’t suffocating, his heart breaks.
You can bet he’ll come home with five bras and ten shirts he found that he knows you’ll like. The shirts are soft and the exact size and shape you want with no annoying frills, buttons, or ties. The bras are cute and never have tight, prodding wires or scratchy lace. He’s like a bloodhound when he’s at the store. One whiff of a good pair of pants and he’s ransacking the isles for more like it. He wants you feeling cozy, comfortable, and sexy!
A lot of gum goes in his mouth. His breath and taste is always something. But mint is powerful. There are too many kinds- spearmint, peppermint, winter-something, sweet-whatever, polar-anything. They’re overwhelming, upset your stomach, soak into your tongue, and cling to your clothes. You’ll smell it long after he gives you a kiss. To help, Hizashi will buy literally every flavor of gum there is and let you pick the ones you like. Bubblegum? Classic. Berry Blast? He loves fruit! Apple Pie or Confetti Cake Pop? Odd choice but he can dig it!
Noise sensitivities will be a little tough to manage when living with him. And it’s not his quirk that’s the problem. He’s just a noisy guy. He’s bumping things, knocking them over. He hums, pops, and sings all the time. Music or instruments are often playing somewhere in the apartment. Sound canceling headphones would be a good investment because it’s near impossible for him to just stop making noise. It's ingrained in him. Though there will be days when he’s almost completely quiet so he can spend time with you… and press kisses all over your face.
If you need sunglasses, Hizashi is your guy. Styles, tints, frames, colors, he’ll make sure your eyes are protected and you look perfect. In your home, he’ll cover up any reflective or bright surfaces that bother you: throwing a blanket over the refrigerator and getting blackout curtains. And if you need the often dreaded eyedrops, he’ll apply them for you. He’ll reward you with chocolate and kisses.
Since he’s so in tune with his partner’s emotions, he can notice when you’re starting to get overstimulated. Your voice may get sharper. You're itching your arm till it’s red. Your squinting and tilting away from certain sounds. He’ll recommend you take a break. Go lay down with the cat. Read a book under your weighted blanket. Burn some candles while in the bath. He’ll massage lotion into your back after for extra comfort.
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dollfaced-erin · 3 years
Not So New Afterall (Sdv Sebastian x F!Reader)
A/n: Sebastian might be a little OOC, but trauma really turns someone 180 degrees, don’t you agree?
PLUS! I changed a few things in the previous chapter, I’m sorry!! The structure of everyone’s house should differ a little, since we need a bathroom and all--
A few knocks were heard rapping on his door. Unfamiliar with the rhythm, Sebastian answered “Come in” without a second thought.
Too preoccupied with his computer, he never realized who actually walked in his room. But with the way the visitor remained quiet and respectful, he was sure it wasn’t Sam or Abigail nor his mother. He peeked over his computer and was met with (e/c) eyes before going back to his work.
“Oh, hey. Gimme one sec,” he greeted shortly before increasing his typing speed on the computer, determined to finish his work as soon as possible to talk with the (h/c) girl that had walked in.
After a few minutes of the sound of typing, he spoke up. “Okay,” he breathed out in relief. “Sorry about that. I just needed to finish what I was working on,” he said, leaning and stretching himself on the chair. 
(Y/n) walked over to him, peering at the screen of his computer. Sebastian was clicking on a few options, saving what he was doing.
“What are you working on?” she asked, watching the screen that was incredibly detailed with coding terms. It was really complicated to look at, nowhere near ready to be able to read nor create one of her own. He was truly a master at this.
“I do freelance work as a programmer,” he said before turning his gaze over to the girl. Then, the hand on the mouse stopped clicking. His face turned pale as the memories from last night’s occurrence begin to race his mind once more.
“Sebastian?” asked (Y/n), her smile dropped in confusion.
He didn’t hear her. In her place, he saw the lively younger (Y/n), her (e/c) shining brightly and signature childish smile across her lips. And before his eyes, the perfect image of the girl he once loved was replaced with the gory scene of her accident. Panic began to well in his chest, his breathing began to get irregular, he--
He was stopped by a warm sensation on his cheek. He gasped, his mind becoming clear once more. (Y/n)’s face was painted with an expression of confusion and concern. Her hand was placed on his cheek, softly cupping the soft flesh.
“Sebastian? What’s wrong?” she asked once more, her eyes scanning every inch of his face to get somewhat an answer what was happening. 
Sebastian began to take in his surroundings, taking in that he was safe in his room, the warmth on his face keeping his steady and calm. This wasn’t the past, this was reality. Without realizing, he reached for the warmth on his face without actually knowing what it is, placing his hand on hers.
“Wh-what? How are you still alive?” he whispered out without giving a second to his thoughts. 
Confusion etched onto (Y/n)’s face from the question. “What do you mean?” she asked, herself panicking. Was she supposed to be dead? What happened to him?
“You...the accident. The...the truck. All that blood. How are you still alive?!” he said, his eyes watering. “Don’t you remember? Your scar! I...we....that game! Then...then..” he stammered. He was starting to break down.
“Sebastian! Calm down!” (Y/n) exclaimed, her hands moving to his shoulders. Giving them a tight squeeze, she stared back straight into his eyes. “I’m alive! I’m safe, alright? I’m right here.”
“It’s okay,” she said softly, kneeling down next to him. He was starting to cool down, but his eyes never left hers. “It’s gonna be okay. I’m right here. I’m alive and healthy, aren’t I?” she asked with a soft smile. 
“Yeah,” he said, his breaths getting more even. “But...I need to know,” he said, latching his hands on her wrists that held his shoulders. “Where did you get those scars?” he began to compose himself.
“Like I told you yesterday. I got it from when I was a kid back then,” she said, the small smile never leaving her face. 
“I said where, not when (Y/n),” he said sternly. Sebastian’s grip tightened slightly on the petite maiden’s limbs. They were quite sturdy and stiff from all the farm work, but he bet beneath the long-sleeved (f/c) shirt she wore was two arms beginning to gain biceps, or they were already there.
The (h/c)-haired female visibly gulped. The smile she wore came down, before she looked down in guilt. She let out a sheepish chuckle, a small wistful smile on her lips. 
“I won’t lie nor deny, but I think I understand what you said a moment ago,” she said. “I was--”
“Sebastian?” Robin asked as she came into the room. On instinct, Sebastian let go of (Y/n)’s arms and the latter shot straight up. Both of them awkward at the sudden intrusion of the ginger. 
The said woman walked into the room and looked at her son and the farmer in his room. “Oh, hi (Y/n)!” she chirped cheerfully. “Sebby, I know that you don’t like it when I come in here, but I ran into Abigail at the store and she said she was looking for you,” the older woman said. 
The raven-haired boy groaned a little, already having to go to Sam’s to hang out, and now Abigail? He ran a hand down his face. “Did you tell her I’m working?” he asked. Crush or not, it didn’t matter who it was when he was working.
“I did, but she said she’d probably stop by anyway,” the ginger said, quite sorry for interrupting her son when he was working. Her son sighed. “No one takes my job seriously.”
“No one bothers Maru when she’s working at the clinic...does everyone think I just surf the web all day?” he complained aloud as his mother walked out of the room, leaving the two. Although she had a little thought nagging in her mind when she laid her eyes on the two.
As the ginger left, a notification sound clicks in. He picks up his phone. “Ah, another emergency module needs to be made. Don’t think I’m kicking you out, (Y/n), but apparently I need to get this module done by tomorrow,” he apologized, getting up from his seat.
“We’ll talk more later, okay?” he told her as he easily loomed over her smaller figure. “I come out during evenings to clear my head, so come by then,” he said with a small smile on his lips. “And you can tell me my answer then.”
“Alright then,” (Y/n) said simply. She knew his work wasn’t one to joke with. She was lucky she never wanted to step into the programming world. “I’ll see you then. Good luck and don’t stress out too much, you hear me?” she wished before leaving the room.
Instead of leaving the mountains, (Y/n) figured that she could probably stop by Abigail’s and hang for a while. She took one last glance at the house Robin built, before she was well on her way.
“Mom?” Sebastian called, as he stepped out of his room a few hours later. His mom was looking back at her blueprints, looming at what she could improvise and improve. But from the voice of her son, she raised her head. 
“Yeah? What’s up, honey?” she asked, a bright smile on her face. Her son coming out of his room was a good thing, but for some reason, she felt a little...guilt piling up in her stomach since the past few days.
“Did...(Y/n) come here before?” he asked his mother, but she looked a little confused at his question. “Yeah? I mean, not after she stopped by your room, though,” she answered, although that wasn’t the answer that he wanted.
“No, I meant has she come here before actually moving here?” he rephrased his question, catching his mother off guard. She debated with herself within her own thoughts. What sort of answer should she give him? What good would it be?
But she knew, deep down in her heart she wasn’t able to hide the truth from him forever. Eventually he had to find out. Especially since the girl had moved here.
“Yes...she did,” she answered with a soft smile on her lips, her gaze down.
But it was sooner than she expected.
 “Wh...what happened after the accident?” he asked before Robin pointed to the seat in front of her counter, gesturing her son to take a seat as they went further into this matter. “What happened...?”
“You were terribly shaken up after the accident,” she said, placing a hand on her son’s face, just as (Y/n) had done earlier. “She comes to visit the valley every Fall to stay with her grandfather during the school break. She usually would stay for a few weeks, but it had been cut down to two since some things came up.”
“You were really upset that day, the last day she was here. You were really attached to her, y’know?” she chuckled, quite amused with the way her son used to act around the (h/c)-haired girl. “You would be so shy around her, the two of you holding hands all the time if she wasn’t with Abby.
“So you told me what was bothering you, then I told you to just man up and tell her,” she giggled as she saw her son’s face turn beet red. “But...” she sighed. “It failed horribly, don’t you think?
“When you were sent to the hospital, we tailed along with Pam in her bus, right behind the ambulance. We were parted when you were taken into the ER, with all your friends. But when I came to see you, you...had another look in your eyes. You were really....unresponsive from the accident.
“When I saw the blood and little (Y/n) on the ground, I froze in place. I couldn’t imagine how it must’ve been for you, when you witnessed it first hand,” the mother said. “You were so closed off and reserved after that. And...at the hospital, (Y/n)’s parents fought with all of us, but (Y/n) intervened before things got worse. The fight had let you to hate adults, and that was right after an accident. You were burdened wit trauma and distress, and I only had myself to blame.”
“Soon after, you all never remembered (Y/n). But you all grew up with the unrealizing trauma that had been locked in your mind. It’s like...you grew up differently because of the trauma, but you never knew about the trauma. But you did see things differently after without realizing it,” the ginger said, perking the interest of her son.
“You had grown to love frogs because both of you were stuck Leah’s house, way before she moved in. There was an injured frog and the both of you brought it to her grandfather. Those were one of the little things that you had forgotten, because you had sealed all your memories of her unconsciously,” Robin explained, as her son looked at the wooden counter, taking in all the information.
“Then....if I said I liked Abby...” he began, slightly cringing at his question. “You had replaced (Y/n) with Abby in your mind, since she was closest to her. But you never have forgotten her now, have you?” she asked her son.
Evening rolled by and Sebastian stepped out of his house at 6:30 like he did everyday. And as he promised, he was waiting for (Y/n) by the lake. He thought about the words he was going to say to her and the questions he was going to ask when she got here.
“Now that she’s here, what do I do?” he asked his mother, making her chuckle. ”Do you still like her?”
‘Where is she?’ he thought. If she was anything like when she was younger, she would always be on time. She was never late for a promise, but if she had inevitable matters then it wouldn’t hurt to wait a few moments, right?
Sebastian nodded slightly with a burning red face. His eyes looking down at the wooden counter to avert from coming in contact with his mom’s bright green own. But the chuckle that escaped his mother’s lips only shamed him further.
After taking out a cigarette from the box, he proceeded to fish his lighter. But when he got that out, he saw the slow movements of (h/c) crawling out of the mines.
“I’m not sure if...she knew what happened during that timeline, but if she doesn’t, don’t pressure her to remember, alright?”
Sebastian’s lighter fell out of his hand, dropping straight into the lake. His dark eyes raised to look at the figure trudging out of the dark caverns.
“But if you’re sure it won’t hurt her,”
It was a girl with messy and disheveled (h/c)-hair, trailing down her (b/p). Her (s/c) face had reverted to a pale shade and her (e/c) eyes were quite dull and exhausted, as if she were to pass out any second. But what pulled his attention the most...
“Tell her how you truly feel, Sebby!”
Was the huge triple-gash that had scrapped itself on her right side, blood dripping heavily from the wound.
The dark-haired male ran over to the said female, catching her in his arms before she could collapse forward. He pulled her back so that she was leaning on his arm on her back.
She had passed out cold, scratches he didn’t see earlier revealed to be littering her face without any mercy. There was a larger one beneath her eye. He had no time for this. The amount of blood she was bleeding was immense. And he had to do something about it before sending her to Harvey,
Or it’ll be too late...
He had no time for pessimistic thoughts. She was going to survive. She was going to LIVE! He had to think fast. He placed her on the ground carefully before taking off his hoodie, thanking Yoba he was wearing a white shirt beneath. He wrapped the dark-colored material around the unconscious girl’s abdomen, tying the arms of the shirt on the opposite area of the injury.
Sebastian hoisted (Y/n) once more in his arms, resting her head on his right arm to avoid the injury colliding with his abdomen as he lifted her. Feeling her on his bare skin, he realized how cold she was. Did she go into the colder parts of the mines in this thin shirt? Without proper warming, her movement must’ve slowed incredibly if she was able to get such injuries.
He knew he had no time to run down to Harvey’s. He wasn’t even sure if the doctor was even in the house! He had to settle for the second best option, as much as he hated it. Sebastian grit his teeth before running back to his house.
He knocked on the door, since his hands were occupied with the girl in his hold. Luckily his mother hadn’t stepped out of the house yet since she needed to clean up somethings before she headed out. 
Hearing the knock, Robin opened the door, green eyes wide with fright at the figure her son was holding. “Is Maru home?” Sebastian huffed out as he stepped into the wooden building.
“No, but she should be on her way home,” Robin said rushing right behind him. “I’ll go get her and Harvey, you bring her to your room,” the ginger said before she left to find her daughter.
“Damnit, (Y/n)! Why must you always be so darn injured?!” he huffed at the unconscious girl. He placed her on his soft mattress and held her soft but cold right hand.
“I won’t let you go this time,” Sebastian promised, taking off her backpack to let her be more comfortable. He placed it next to his table, grabbing his chair and sat right next to the girl, tightening the shirt around her before taking her slim hand back into his.
“Please, please just hang in there. They’ll be here anytime soon...” he whispered, drawing circles onto the back on her hand using his thumb. As if on cue, the door burst open and thundering of feet was heard before the door to his room was thrown open.
There, stood Maru and Harvey, quite out of breath from running, and behind them was a panicking Robin. 
“Maru...” Sebastian whispered, feeling relieved for the first time to see his sister. But his sister’s expression turned into horror as she and Harvey ran down to the pale girl.
Harvey took one look at (Y/n) before nodding to Maru.
“We need to perform an emergency surgery on her.”
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