#just finished all the sketches and I’m like wow if I have to draw that theater kid again…. /lh
llumimoon · 2 years
You guys REALLY like Hermie huh?
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ziorre · 2 months
✨Commission info✨
I'm ready, I'm rested, I'm refreshed! And I'm completely charged to take care of your new ideas and characters!! I truly believe that every character is awesome and original and deserves to be shown with their own story! And I'll try to help you with this in a way that is more convenient for you! You just pick one below ;)
- SEMI-REALISTIC STYLE (for the cases, when you want it looks more real without much stylizing)
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- USUAL STYLE (for the cases, when you don’t mind it looks more stylized and a lil sketchy)
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- CONCEPT SHEET (for the cases, when you want to present your character, their outfit and props)
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* you can find more examples on my page by the commission tag ** a helpful post describing a right order for your refs
✨ DEADLINES: After you DM me with a brief description of your idea, I’ll tell you the approximate date when I’ll be able to proceed with your commission  !!!!Always warn me in advance if I need to draw art by a certain deadline!!!
✨ PAYMENT:  What: USD or RUB When: full pre-payment (when you sent me the email and we approved the art idea) Where: Boosty/Hypolink (russian platforms, support payment via PayPal)
✨ PROCESS: You write to me in private messages on Tumblr, briefly tell me your idea of our future art, what style and what slot you want (full body / half body / bust). Then I give you my email address and you send me an email (with your Tumblr name as the topic please) with all necessary references (your character's face claim, their pose, clothes, background etc.). You describe the idea of the art in details, where it takes place, and other things that I need to know so that I can base the sketch on all that info, because after you approve the sketch, I don’t change art much in the further stages of the work, just some details. I send you the payment link on my Boosty page. Send you the sketch. After you confirm that you like the sketch, I finish the work and send it on your email😊
✨ OTHER: - I don’t correct the art after you approved the finished version. - I don’t copy other artist’s work. - I publish every commission on my social media, if you don’t want it to be published, just let me know. - If you’re not sure about the art idea, I can suggest you 4 sketches with different poses/concepts/angles for extra $20 and you pick the one you like the most. - For significant corrections or a lot of small ones at any stage of work, an additional fee may be charged (this doesn’t apply to some small adjustments or details witch I missed). There are 3 free changes at the each stages of the work (sketch, finished version), further - $2-$5.
And of course I can't skip to say a huge thank you to those who commissioned and continue commissioning art from me! It means a lot! For real! This is not only material support, but also moral one, saying that I’m not wasting my time and energy in vain, that I’m moving in the right direction, that people like what I do! I can't tell how inspiring it is!! 300 commissions! I’ve never imagined that one day I would draw so many art for others! Just.. wow!! Thank you again so much for trusting me bringing to life your ideas! I truly appreciate it!😌
I think this is it, right? If you have any questions, feel free to DM me ;)  
I’ll be VERY grateful for your reblogs!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤ (and thank you very much for this in advance, it helps me A LOOOOOOOOOT, you are the ones who keep me alive literally! I see each and every one of you doing that! You’re the best!!!) Thanks for your attention! Have a good day =)
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bless-my-demons · 1 year
Redamancy: Chapter Eight
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Series Summary: What happens when your soulmate is a vampire that struggles to maintain a diet of trying not to kill you? Common sense says run for the hills, nothing is worth your life - but my heart is whispering why not, what’s there to lose?
Warnings: None except for like one cuss word
Notes: Hot off the press - I just spent my day packing my house up to move tomorrow and I’m up past midnight to get this out... You guys have been so freaking supportive and I’m excited for this story to pick up!
Word Count: 3158
Series Masterlist
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• March 11th, 2005 • Forks High School •
“Emotions.” Jasper says by way of greeting, placing his backpack on the picnic table that no doubtibly contains his art supplies.
“Everyone has them, yes?” I reply, my forehead wrinkling in confusion at his peculiar single-word statement.
“I can control them.” He answers, visibly nervous as if he were afraid he just opened a can of worms.
I watch him pull out his well-worn sketchbook and pencils as I decide how to respond to this new bit of information.
“Say something, doll.” Jasper looks almost pleading, worry setting in on his face.
“How does it work?” I question him, I’m in shock that he volunteered such important information in the middle of a school day at lunch as if it were a typical topic to talk about.
“Well, it started off as just being able to sense the emotions of humans and vampires in my vicinity,” he lets out a sigh as he begins shading whatever it is he’s working on. “Then I quickly figured out I can influence them. I can either enhance what someone is already feeling, take away their emotions altogether, or replace them entirely and give them something completely different.”
“W-wow,” I stutter, “that’s honestly impressive.” I raise my eyebrows as his eyes meet mine.
“I can also do small things since I’ve had time to hone my power, like it’s easy to find people I’m familiar with in a crowded area, within a reasonable distance. As long as I can get to know the person, orient myself with their emotions, it’s quite easy.” He glances down at his drawing as he finishes his explanation.
“That has to be rough, feeling everything everyone else is feeling all the time. You can turn it off though, right?” I muse out loud, I can’t imagine having a power that doesn’t come with an ‘off’ switch.
“Unfortunately I can’t, my family is usually pretty good at regulating the intensity of their emotions when we’re gathered at home. At school though… Sitting out here alone with you during lunch is a welcome reprieve.” Jasper turns back to his sketch as he admits that last tidbit of information.
“Do any of your other siblings have super powers like you?” I tease him, not ready to dive into that nugget of information about how spending time with me makes him feel.
“Rosalie and Emmett don’t, neither do Carlisle and Esme. Unless you want to count the staggeringly strong self-control my adoptive father possesses.” Jasper pauses, “Alice can see the future, subjectively though - she has to be searching for that person’s intent and as long as they make a decision, she can see it and the immediate effects. Edward on the other hand, can-“ but he’s interrupted by the bell signaling the end of the lunch period.
“You’re not off the hook now that you’ve enlightened me, I expect to finish this conversation.” I tell him as I stand and meet him on the sidewalk leading towards the school building.
“I would never leave business unfinished with a lady.” He says rather cheekily, trying to get a rise from me, but all it earns him is a huff of a laugh as we walk in a comfortable silence.
“Thank you for sharing that information with me, I promise not to tell anyone.” I vow soberly, meeting his eyes as we stand outside of my next class.
“I was never worried.” Jasper replies, backing away as students finish milling about in the hallway. “See you in History, darlin’.”
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I could feel his eyes on me as I stood in front of my open locker, quickly shuffling through the books I needed for my last class of the day. It’s almost like his gaze seemed to burn me alive as I felt it travel across my skin, the hair on the back of my neck rose due to my heightened state of awareness I had towards this gorgeous man. Does he know the effect he has? Is he even aware that I am utterly at his mercy? I hate to fall in line with all the other girls that must throw themselves at his feet, most of them much prettier than I, so why me? Why does he want to take me on a date?
I glance over my shoulder in the direction I know his own locker is in and sure enough, liquid gold is locked onto its target. A steady unwavering gaze stares back, so solid and intense that it constricts my chest for a moment with the pure force of it.
I turn back to my locker and grab a pen before slamming the door shut, the warning bell signaling one minute before everyone still occupying the hallway is tardy. As I turn to hurry my way to History, Jasper has made his way to stand right behind me.
“Do you like baseball?” He blurts out quickly, as if to not lose his nerve.
“It’s probably the only sport I understand, so yeah. Why?” I counter, tilting my head in question.
“My family and I were thinking of playing a game Sunday. Would you like to tag along and spectate? Bella Swan will be there, I’m sure she would love your company.” Jasper tacked on the last part as if I needed more reason to go than just spending time with him.
“As if I could say no to you and your family.” I tell him with a smile.
“Good, so you’ll want to meet them tomorrow?” He asks with more confidence than the last request, slowly taking steps backwards down the empty hall and I gravitate with him.
My mind blanks, not prepared to be sprung with such a big step in… whatever is happening between us. First he tells me he wants to take me out on a date, now I’m meeting his family? Is this some lucky alternate universe where the insanely attractive boy falls for the incredibly average girl?
No-no way, friends bring their friends over to meet their entire family before a family outing, right?
“Noon tomorrow, they’ll love you.” Disappearing around the corner of the hallway with a smirk in place, probably because I was gaping at him in the middle of an empty hall.
I glance around - an empty hallway! I’m late for class! I can’t even be mad, Jasper Hale has effectively monopolized my weekend and I’m more than happy about it.
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• March 11th, 2005 • Home •
“Hey, mom?” I ask, poking my head in her open bedroom door.
“Yes, sweetheart?” Putting down the book she was reading and pushing up her reading glasses, my mother sits up in bed to give me her full attention.
“So,” I take a seat at the end of her bed, “Jasper Hale invited me to his house tomorrow, to have dinner with his family and just hang out I guess.”
“Oh?” My mother sounds intrigued, eyebrows raising. “A date with a cute boy?”
“Not a date!” I immediately correct her, “it’s just dinner, or whatever.”
She laughs as I pick at her bedspread. “Honey, of course you can go, if that’s what you’re asking.”
“Well, what?” She questions.
“He also asked if I wanted to play baseball Sunday with his fa-“
“You? Play baseball?” She blurts out, incredulously.
“Mom!” I draw out the word. “He’s invited me to hang out with his family this weekend - you’ll be cool, right? When he picks me up? No interrogating?”
“Me? Interrogate the cute boy stealing my daughter for a weekend? I wouldn’t dream of embarrassing you.” She teases me with a wink.
I stand and begin to leave, “You are insufferable, woman.”
“I love you, sweetheart!” She yells after me as I round the corner to my room. Flopping onto my bed with a smile, I’m both giddy and equally nervous for the next two days.
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• March 12th, 2005 • Cullen Residence •
“This is my adoptive father Carlisle and his wife Esme.” Gesturing to the two beautiful adults patiently waiting in the foyer as we walk in their home.
Thankfully my mom was at work when Jasper picked me up, giving me another day to prepare myself for the potential train wreck of them meeting tomorrow.
“Nice to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Cullen.” I give them a smile as I shake their hands.
“Trust me dear, the pleasure is all ours!” Esme responds excitedly, her smile wide and beaming.
“The others are in the living room, beware of what you’re throwing her into.” Carlisle warns Jasper with a smile.
Throwing me into? I glance up at Jasper with my brows furrowed, a little concerned.
“C’mon, I’ll protect you.” He jokes with me, I must be missing the punchline.
As he leads me to the living room in his house, I gape at the beautiful artwork spaced throughout. “This is gorgeous, Jasper.”
“Esme is pleased you like it.”
Not having heard his mom speak, I turn from where I was ogling a painting that appeared to be ancient. “But she-“
“Can hear you from her study and I can feel her emotions, remember?” He winks at me, show off.
Finally we walk into the space where his siblings are and I realize what Carlisle meant: Mario Kart.
Alice and Emmett are sitting on the edge of the couch, deep in concentration while Rosalie seems bored from her perch in the corner by her significant other.
“You’re fucking cheating!” Emmett bellows, frantically mashing buttons on his controller.
“It’s not cheating if you’re playing someone that sucks.” Alice taunts him, a wicked grin on her face.
“You can see the future Alice, cut him some slack.” Jasper chides his sister as he leads me to an empty section of the couch.
My eyes widen in amusement as I observe the small dark haired girl, “That’s right! You can-“
“See everything I try to do!” Emmett yells, frustration setting in as his character is hit with a shell.
It’s almost laughable, Emmett’s character Bowser and Alice as Princess Peach. I sit down next to Jasper, a few inches between us as I cross my legs and he lays an arm behind me on the back of the couch. I try to keep my breathing even as I sit here, but the excitement to be spending time with him is almost overwhelming.
I watch as Princess Peach zaps the other players into miniature size and Rose reminds Emmett not to throw yet another remote at the ground, when Jasper leans in close.
“Want a tour of the house?” He asks in a whisper, creating goosebumps down my arms.
“Yes.” I respond, probably sounding breathless, but he’s standing and offering his hand before I have the chance to feel embarrassed.
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“And this is my room.” His tour coming to an almost close, since I’m still patiently waiting for a peak at all their cars.
I walk in the doorway he pointed to, stopping just inside. My eyes were immediately drawn to the bookshelves lining the wall opposite of the floor-to-ceiling windows that seemed to be a theme throughout the house. His room was much darker than all the others, warm and inviting with the shades of black and dark wood tones. Stepping closer and skirting the immaculately made king size bed, my eyes close in on some familiar titles on the shelves.
“I always see you reading and since I have quite a bit of free time, I thought I’d pick up a few.”
I turn to look at him with my mouth parted in surprise at his thoughtfulness, his hands are clasped behind his back like he’s bashful for getting found out.
“Jasper-“ but he interrupts me.
“The garage is next.” I watch him turn on his heel and disappear down the hallway.
I look down and brush my fingers on his black comforter as I smile to myself before following him, so Jasper Hale isn’t immune to his own feelings - he just doesn’t like to show them.
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Walking into the garage, my eyes skip over the beautiful cars and land on a sleek little thing in the back. A Ducati 848 to be exact, it draws me in like a magnet. Immediately I knew it had to belong to Jasper, no one else seemed like the type. Rose had her red convertible, Emmett had his Jeep, and Edward had his mom-car. Alice and Esme didn’t bother with vehicles and Carlisle had a reasonable, albeit expensive, commuter.
“Wow,” my voice quiet as my fingers brushed the gas tank, “I’m impressed, Hale.”
“You know bikes?” Jasper asks with a hint of curiosity.
“Not really, but I know enough to know that this Ducati is basically a rocket and that it must’ve cost you a pretty penny.” I replied, eyes still glued to the beautiful machinery. “Why didn’t you tell me you drove a motorcycle?”
“Not many parents let their ‘teenager’ drive death traps around.”
“Touché.” I pause, “Take me for a ride?” Swinging my leg over to straddle the beast, I lean over the tank and glance at Jasper.
I know I’ve successfully distracted him by the amount of time it takes for him to respond. Grinning, I sit back and look at him expectantly.
“Absolutely not, darlin’. No way I’m risking-“
“You have safety gear, don’t you?” I tease him as I get off and walk behind him to snag the helmet placed on the counter along the back wall.
Jasper groans and tilts his head back in mock-frustration as he fishes the keys from his pocket. I squeal as I pull the helmet on and hop excitedly towards the bike.
“You’re wearing my protective gear or no deal, sweetheart.” He lays down the law as he stalks over to a cabinet, retrieving a thick coat and gloves.
I almost protest, but he’s pulling the jacket over my arms and zipping it up my chest leaving me breathless before I know what’s happening. Even with the helmet covering my face, I’m sure he senses the heat in my cheeks as he finishes checking me over.
“You sure about this?” Jasper asks, finding my eyes under the visor with his supernatural vision.
“Are you sure about this?” I counter, the unease floating around is practically choking me in this enclosed space before it vanishes in a snap.
He flips up my visor, “Riding with someone requires trust-“
“I trust you, Jasper Hale. Completely and without any reservations or doubt in your abilities to keep me safe.” I swear my words stunned him, his mouth parted slightly as I blurted the confession. As if he realized the doubt that was flowing earlier was from him and not me.
“You are…”, he mutters his response low enough that I can’t hear as he swings a leg over the motorcycle and turns to me seriously. “Number one rule, don’t let go of me. Lean with me on turns and stay tucked in. If you need to stop, tap on my chest. Any questions, doll?” Jasper asks.
“Where are we going?” I climb on behind him and scoot close enough to wrap my arms around his waist lightly, this is the first opportunity I’ve had to be this close to him and it’s amazing. I let out a small gasp when he grabs the backs of both knees to tug me closer, bracketing my hips around his to tuck me in close. He then grabs my arms and places them over his chest, the side of my helmeted head coming to rest on his large back.
“You’ll just have to wait and see, ready?” I feel a teasing chuckle rumble in his chest, so I simply nod, excitement tingling all over from where my body touches his.
The Ducati roars to life in the enclosed space and I feel it lean to the right as Jasper taps the garage door button on the wall to open our exit. My arms squeeze him a little tighter as we launch forward down the driveway, I’m tempted to wave to Esme smiling from the porch, but I decide against it remembering his number one rule of not letting go.
This is single-handedly the best idea I’ve ever had.
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This girl will be the death of me, I know it for certain.
She could ask me to bring her the moon and I would have it in her hands in a heartbeat. Taking her out on my motorcycle? Easy in theory, extremely difficult in practice. I’ve never felt as I do right now with her arms around me, her completely pressed against my back and squeezing me at every jolt and turn I make.
Heaven and Hell, having my greatest temptation in such close proximity.
She trusts me. Completely and without doubt - her fucking words. I’m positively speechless, I’ve never had someone to myself that trusted me so wholly without needing any kind of explanation or-or proof-
And her leaning over my bike in the garage? I nearly swerve us right off the road thinking about the arch in her back, the way her chest pressed against the tank, her toes barely able to touch the ground… it took nearly every ounce of control to remain rooted while she was seated atop my motorcycle.
My only regret is not showing her the garage sooner, that image of her will forever be seared into my mind. On second thought, I’m sure my mental images were extremely loud and clear in the garage - it’s a mystery how Edward can manage to be around the couples in our family. For me at least, the emotions get too much sometimes and I need breaks.
I’ve noticed that I’ve needed them less and less since Y/n literally slammed her way into my life - breaks from everyone else that is. She not only elicits a physical reaction that no one else has ever managed to coax out of me, but she has also become a mental safe-haven. Being around her energy is as easy and mindless as breathing, if only I could breathe around her without inhaling molten lava. Everything about her completely consumes me, tears me apart and builds me back up, unmakes and makes me over and over, infinite bliss and unending torture. My singer, her blood is a symphony and I am her rapt audience hanging on to every beautiful note and praying for an encore.
My singer.
The revelation clangs through my soul and grants my body with a new purpose; her. She is mine to protect, from this day onward. My left hand reaches up to anchor myself where Y/n’s hands rest on my chest, her arms not quite long enough for her fingers to meet in the middle. I smile to myself, maybe I can allow myself this one bit of happiness, to let her in.
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ryuichirou · 9 months
I love how you draw the tweels and Azul. They look so imposing in your art style! I know you love drawing Ignihyde, Octavinelle and Scarabia boys a lot, but I'm curious if you have drawings of the rest of the twst cast as well. I'd love to see everyone in your art style!
Anon! Thank you so much for your kind words. I’m glad you like how I draw the Octa-boys. I’m not even sure which dorm I draw most often, but it has to be either them or Ignihyde haha. But in all honesty, I really love drawing all the characters; even if we don’t care much about them, they are usually still quite pleasant to draw at least once.
Which is why I can actually compile my drawings of pretty much every character in this reply! It’s honestly surprising lol but also not really. I can’t believe it’s been a year since we started drawing and posting twst…
Alright, here we go!
Heartslabyul – wow, I can’t believe I don’t have any coloured Aces that are relatively new… We like Ace a lot, I should probably draw him. And Cater too, to be honest, this is my only coloured sketch with him. I never expected to enjoy drawing these boys as much as I do, to be honest.
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Savanaclaw – Leona is the only character I don’t have a proper sketch that is not a commission with lol I’m sorry. But I actually quite like the comms of Leona that I got to draw, so here is one of them! I also really enjoyed drawing Ruggie, I should do it again… And Jack too…
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Octavinelle – aw yis yakuza fishies babyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Come on, you know I love these guys lol Whenever I look at them I feel at home. It’s a shame I don’t draw them wearing fedoras (for some reason I’m still intimidated by fedoras), because I love everything about their dorm uniforms.
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Scarabia – I also don’t feel like I draw these two often enough, but their uniform is probably the most difficult one to draw, simply because of all the details and prints and gold and accessories. But it’s so worth it!... I also think that Jamil is the prettiest snake in the world.
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Pomefiore – it’s stupid how long it took me to find a Rook that doesn’t look creepy in my drawings lol I really love this side of him. I also really enjoy drawing Vil, but whenever I do, I feel intimidated. I just can’t mess him up..! But if the Vil that I drew ends up looking good, I get so emotional that I cry (not a 100% lie)
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Ignihyde – picking an Idia and an Ortho out of hundreds of sketches of Idia and Ortho was more challenging that I thought it would be, so I picked these because I still really like their faces and think they’re cute! I also can’t get enough of them… to this day… Their hair, their teeth, everything.
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Diasomnia – I feel like whenever I draw these guys we have an urge to make it into an art, this is why we have a lot of finished rendered artworks with them. Their aesthetic is just… super fitting for all kinds of dark and gothic stuff. I also adore drawing their eyes!!! All of them have such pretty eyes.
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The teachers – if you feel the urge to laugh at Crowley for only getting a black and white sketch, I encourage you to also laugh at Vargas for not being here at all… I think he is the only character that I’m missing, huh.
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Others – bonus round! I actually also have a sketch of Fellow Honest and Gidel but by the time I remembered them I got tired of making this thing lol, and we haven’t watched the event yet anyway, so they’ll get their chance to shine some other time (you can find it on my ko-fi though). Meleanor is also here, and I honestly I would be happy to draw every twst mom at some point… And other minor characters too…
But not the dwarves; screw them (just kidding I might draw them too at some point).
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2knightt · 1 year
Hii! Idk if you’ve gotten this req before, but can you do the gang with an artist s/o? Thanks:)
↳10-4, no switichin’ sides!₊˚✧
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—IN WHICH, the gang dates an artist s/o!
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Johnny Cade ;
he loves watching you draw omfg.
he thinks your process is so cool!!!
tries to draw with you, but he gives up in the end and draws stick figures instead.
“what’re you drawin—oh.”
“i gave up, okay? don’t judge, y/n.”
if you draw him i think he’ll actually explode.
“whatchu drawin’ this time?”
he’s legit gonna be blushing so hard.
“re-really? can i see?”
if you have a sketch book and theres pages full of him he might pass out.
he will pass out.
he’s just so flattered you’d draw him out of all people!
he doesn’t get it.
but, he loves your hobby so much and if you want to do it as a job one day, he’ll support you 110%.
Dallas Winston ;
doesn’t understand why you like art.
no matter how much you explain it to him, it’s like everything goes in one ear and out the other.
“plus, the finished product is always something gorgeous.”
“…i can do that if i take a picture, y/n.”
“yeah but, you don’t get that sense of pride.”
“i get that sense of pride when i beat the tar outta a kid. that pride don’t mean nothin’ to me.”
if you draw him or he catches you drawing him, he’ll tease you so bad.
like actually, good luck bru.
“ouu, someones head over heels, huh?”
“a ‘good job,’ would also be nice, dal.”
“yeah, yeah. good job, sugar.”
if anyone else teases you about it? he’s onto them. they ain’t safe.
if you tell him like, anyone said anything bad about your art, he will go to jail for the 50th time.
he’s ready to go to jail for you, do not play with dallas.
if you want to make art your job, he still won’t get it, but he’ll let you because it makes you happy.
Ponyboy Curtis ;
when he finds out you’re an artist, he’s over the moon!
he’s so happy someone else can share his hobby :)!!
if you draw him something he likes, he’d probably hang it up in his room.
“i remember you saying that tiger lilies were your favourite flower, so, i drew it for you.”
“wow, y/n! this is really good!”
if you draw him, he will tear up.
he’s just so flattered you’d waste your talent on a guy with his looks.
“look, pony. i drew you! thought you looked real pretty in that lighting.”
“y/n…you didn’t have too.”
“but i wanted too! wai-wait are you crying?!”
“i’m jus—so happy.”
if you ask him for help, he will not sugarcoat shit. so, if you aren’t ready to hear the hard truth, i wouldn’t recommend asking him for help.
he will support you fully, no matter if you want art to be your life long passion or not.
Sodapop Curtis ;
thinks you’re the best artist out there, no joke.
he thinks you’re Picasso or something.
will not stop bragging about you.
literally, it’s all he talks about.
“dude, my partner does such good paintings. they’re beautiful!”
“i know, soda. it’s all you talk about.”
if you draw him, he will show everybody.
“oh my glory, y/n! this is amazing!! i gotta show steve!”
“wai-wait, soda! it’s not finished!”
another one that will beat the shit out of anyone that bad mouths your art.
he isn’t afraid to sock someone in the mouth.
especially since it’s for you!
soda really wouldn’t understand if you wanted to art full time but he will be your #1 fan!
Darry Curtis ;
also..doesn’t get art..but he tries!
he thinks you doing art is fine but, why?
he’ll support you 110% you just, gotta explain to him.
“and also, because i just, love seeing the outcome after weeks or months of hardwork!”
“oh, makes sense.”
if you draw him something, he’ll fold it up and put it in his wallet.
he looks at it when he has free time at work and just smiles.
if you draw him, he might MIGHT just smile, teeth n all in front of the gang.
“this is, stunning, y/n.”
“yo, what the fuck?”
“holy shit, they made darry smile.”
“dude, go tell him your gay he’s in a good mood.”
Steve Randle ;
he is obsessed with your works, oh my lord.
he will not stop looking at them if you give him one.
“is, is it good?”
“it’s wonderful!”
similar to his best friend, he also doesn’t shut up about you.
“and then they painted this cat and dog, and it’s so pretty.”
“you told me this, steve.”
“did i?”
he will not hesitate to throw hands in your name.
“what d’ya mean, ‘ew?’”
“i mean, ew. it’s just so ug—“
knocked out, on the floor.
Two-bit Matthews ;
he is so proud of you.
‘so proud,’ is an understatement, though.
he loves any and all of your artwork.
if he finds something from when you were 5, he’d still love it.
“i love the colours in this!”
“i made that in like 1st grade, two. what?”
“oh. it’s still super good!”
“did you just compare my work to a 1st graders?”
“…i ain’t mean it like that.”
another one who is willing to go to jail for you.
he will knock out a bitch for you.
he can, and he will.
if you draw him like mickey or something, he’ll love it forever.
“here. i know you like mickey mouse, so.”
“AHHH—this is amazing, y/n!!!”
he’s fangirling.
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celli-ohs · 9 days
hubba hubba!
part two of accidentally in love! series frat boy!yeonjun x stubborn!reader; college!au, one-sided love to lovers! comedy/crack, fluff, angst, smut
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3. #hatersgonnahate (written portion 1.1k)
As soon as Yeonjun steps through those classroom doors, you feel your eyes subconsciously roll back into your head. Despite his cast, he’s dressed like a model off-duty. In fact, it’s almost as if his cast adds to the outfit, it's decorated with an array of messages, drawings, even- was that a dick on his arm? You don’t comment as he sits down beside you, actually you turn away. As if sensing your attitude, Yeonjun scoots closer. “Hey,” He tries to get your attention. You ignore him. “What was your name again?” You snap your head in his direction, eyes full of fury. You spent all class yesterday talking to this guy and he hadn’t remembered your name? Did he even listen to a word that had come out of your mouth?? 
“Just so I can write it correctly, you know? We gotta exchange numbers if we’re gonna be partners for the rest of the term.” He waves his phone, showing that he’d pulled out a fresh new contact for you. Maybe you overreacted, you think to yourself as you take his phone and punch your number in. A wave of embarrassment washes over you. When you hand his phone back, he stares at his screen before chuckling. “Beautiful girl deserves a beautiful name, it really suits you Y/n.” You have to bite back a grimace at the sound of your name coming from him. You can’t even spit out an insult, because your professor begins her lecture. 
After a short review on how to properly use a sewing machine, as well as going over all the different types of stitches one can make, every pair is assigned one machine. You’re lucky you go to a large university like HYBE, because if you didn’t, you’d have to go out and buy your own sewing machine. Having one provided to you was amazing for your wallet. But unluckily for you, your partner only had one functional arm, and you just learned it wasn’t his dominant one. “So when do you get your cast removed?” You ask looking at the various scribbles on his arm. You can spot out Jake’s handwriting: ‘at least it wasn’t ur face :P’
“Uh the nurse said about 6 weeks but it might be 8 depending on how it heals,” Yeonjun pouts, almost glaring at his arm. You struggle to hide your sigh, he’d be useless for half the semester, and you were stuck with him. “Look, my arm may be broken, but I can still help, I wouldn’t leave you hanging.” Yeonjun shrugs. You sit silently as you watch him struggle to take out his portfolio from his bag with one hand. (You’re doomed.) When he finally does, he opens it to show you. “I’m not just a pretty face you know.” He snickers and you decide to take a look for yourself, you’d be in charge of your own decision. 
Compared to your portfolio, Yeonjun was the exact opposite. Your portfolio was a large combination of photos taken from various places such as the internet, magazines, art books, and a handful were of your own friends you’d dragged into modeling certain pieces. But Yeonjun, you were absolutely astonished by what you found. Almost everything inside of his portfolio was handcrafted. Messy sketches of garments, colored designs of entire outfits, actual scraps of fabric glued down, and detailed handwritten notes littered each page. But what surprised you the most were the intricate drawings of his finished models wearing his product, drawn right beside their real life version. 
“Wow,” You whisper, eyes wide as you flip through the pages. “You drew all of this?” Your fingers glide over a certain top, its loose and flowing design catches your attention. “Yeah, before you know-“ He shakes his cast around. You’re flipping through the pages when you suddenly recognize a face. “Is that Heeseung?” You take a closer look and realize it is in fact one of your best friends. “Yeah, we’re friends. Do you know him?” You don’t notice the slight difference in Yeonjun’s tone. You simply nod, too amazed at the outfit Heeseung was modeling. (You were definitely going to interrogate him later on.) “Ok time to trade- lemme see yours.” Yeonjun slams a hand over his portfolio, covering his designs. You groan and roll your eyes. 
“Fine, but only because you showed me yours.” You grumble, fishing out your own portfolio. As Yeonjun browses through it, you watch nervously. Yours was not as impressive as his, not in the slightest. He probably thought you were lazy, boring, your designs unamusing. But he surprises you when he smiles at you. “This is really cool, I’ve never thought of using Pantone swatches for color themes.” He references the swatch cards you’d taken from the local home improvement store and taped inside your pages. “Oh, thanks.” You mumble, not really knowing how to react to the compliment. Feeling self conscious, you clear your throat and begin to tinker with the sewing machine.
“Yeonjun! Hey!” One of your classmates, a pretty girl with long dark hair and large doe eyes flashes a breath-taking smile as she leans against the table. Yeonjun looks up, and returns the gesture, smirking at her as he leans back into his chair. “Hey,” He says suavely, still clutching your portfolio. “I didn’t know you were taking this class, you should have told me! We could have been partners silly.” She giggles, and you can’t help but sneer. If she wanted him so bad, she could take him, you’d probably have an easier time without him. “Well this was the only seat left, sorry pretty,” He pretends to pout. 
That was a lie, and you both knew it. Because of his accident, Yeonjun missed the first day of class, and yesterday he plopped into the first open seat he could find, which happened to be right next to yours. There were a few empty seats a couple of rows back, but you held your tongue. “Well I wanted to see how you’re doing, does your arm hurt? Maybe I can talk to the professor and she’ll let you partner with me instead, I’m really good-” The screeching of your chair against the tile floor loudly interrupts whatever nonsense was about to spew out of that woman’s mouth. You stiffly turn to Yeonjun and whoever this girl was, and force a smile. “I’m going to the restroom.” You grit your teeth and walk out of class without another word.
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It took Yeonjun exactly 3 minutes and 45 seconds to get his portfolio out he almost asked for help but our boy prevailed 💪
Y/n wants to quit her class so badly but she doesn't want to deal with getting in again; Jay was not kidding when he said Y/n fought tooth and nail to get in, she sent a girl to the dentist for cutting in line for the portfolio application
A reminder that Heeseung, Jay, and Jake (as well as Ni-ki) are all a part of Eta Theta Eta Nu, the local fraternity at HYBE Uni
(uhh ik I had said before in awooga that Heeseung lived in the frat house, I fixed that he doesn't lol sorry for my mistake)
Only Yeonjun and Kai are a part of the frat, but Yeonjun's been trying to get Taehyun to join
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reblogs appreciated!
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miamochi-writes · 1 year
hihi! can you write vash being with an artist and them needing to finish a commission since they're running low on money and ends up pulling multiple all-nighters, not really taking care of themselves and vash like forces them to take a break? (college is killing me rn :,)) thanks !!
A/n: Ooo I can sort of relate to this, just mainly the all-nighters :’) Also hope you don't mind Vash giving the reader some much needed TLC ❤️Enjoy!
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A Break from Perfectionism
“Ugh, why does the chin look weird?”
“Now the eyes aren’t leveled,”
“Hands are the worst to draw!"
"Why do they still look wonky? They shouldn't look like this!"
You kept muttering to yourself as you tried to sketch on your drawing pad. You were limited on supplies, so this drawing had to be perfect. You already used up most of your supplies at the last town with your previous commissions. You already spent most of your double dollars to restock on the set of charcoal sticks and sketch paper you used. Just like clothes, art supplies were expensive to buy in No Man's Land.
However, you managed to get one commission that would cover all your future expenses. One of the townsfolk noticed your portfolio and wanted a portrait of themselves. When they told you how much they were willing to pay, you nearly passed out from the amount of double dollars they held out in front of you. Of course, you couldn't say no to this commission and promised to work on it immediately. Usually, you would have finished this commission quickly since it was your only one. The only problem is, your perfectionism was getting in the way of making any progress. You needed this commission to be perfect. One second it would look great at a glance, but after five seconds, you would find a flaw upon closer inspection. Thus, you would fix the mistake with some erasing, sketching, or shading until you were satisfied. This process would repeat itself until you lost track of time. You were currently working on the face until you heard someone come inside your room.
“Y/n, you there?” A familiar voice asked. You didn’t need to look up. You recognized that voice from a mile away. You couldn’t afford to look away from your sketch as you were shading in the shadows of the person you drew.
“Yeah I’m here, what’s up Vash?” You asked as you started finishing up the last shade of the cheek. It wasn’t good, nor terrible, but it would do for now. After all, you were going to fix it again for the umpteenth time.
“I’m just checking in on you. How's it going with the artwork?” Vash asked as you could hear him walk closer to you. When Vash first asked about seeing your drawings, you were such a nervous wreck about him seeing your work. Now, you've grown used to him seeing your portfolio after you started dating each other. He was your muse whenever you had an art block. The way Vash expressed himself and his little mannerisms were perfect for you to draw.
"Wow, that looks amazing Y/n! This is probably your best one yet!" Vash complimented as you sighed.
"Thanks, I wish I could see this the way you do. It's not nearly finished. There are so many things wrong with this piece that I need to fix. The shading is all wrong on this part, and the face looks wonky at certain angles," you whined as you looked at the sketch again and started zoning in on all the flaws. The more you looked at the piece, the more you felt the urge to crumple up the paper and start over.
"Hey, don't be so harsh on yourself. You're a great artist, and everyone knows it. Why don't we take a break from this and work on it later?" he suggested, putting his hands on your tense shoulders.
"Vash I can't! I have to keep working on this. I need to finish this soon. I promised this person I would have it ready before we leave in a few days!" you argued.
"Y/n, you need a break. This isn't healthy for you. Besides, when was the last time you took a break? Did you even eat?" Vash persisted as you thought about how to answer those questions without worrying him.
"Uhhh...I took a mini break when Meryl checked in on me sometime ago. And I had a snack not too long ago," you answered vaguely. Before any of you could answer, your stomach growled loud enough for five seconds. Long and loud enough for Vash to hear. You immediately turned red at that moment, cursing your stomach and its terrible timing.
"Y/n, when exactly did you last eat something filling?" Vash asked. When you looked at him, you saw his glasses were glinting at you. This was not a good sign, as you knew he was dead serious if you couldn't see his pretty blue eyes anymore.
"When we all ate together?" you answered quietly. You then felt two strong hands on your waist. Next thing you knew, your feet were no longer touching the ground. Vash was carrying you over his shoulder with his prosthetic hand. It was at this moment, you knew there was no escaping your boyfriend if he had you in his prosthetic grip. You knew how strong he was with that arm in particular as he adjusted his grip on you.
"Vash please! I promise to take a break and eat later! Just please put me down!" you begged.
"Y/n, I can't believe you haven't eaten a proper meal in days! You're not leaving my sight until you eat and rest," Vash argued as you whined in defeat. Vash took you out from your room as you were covering your face in shame. You felt embarrassed being carried like this, and it didn't help people were going to see you and Vash like this.
"Wolfwood, make sure Y/n doesn't go in this room unless I say so. We'll be back later," Vash requested. You then saw Wolfwood waiting outside your room and placed his weapon in front of your room. He told Vash he'd watch over the place as you were in complete shock. Now there was no way you could sneak back into your room and continue working.
Vash brought you down to the hotel's dining room. You were a blushing mess when you saw a couple of people lounging there. It wasn't every day that Vash carried you over his shoulder, let alone in a public space where people could see. He finally set you down at a table for two where Meryl and Roberto sat. They then left once they saw Vash as the both of you took a seat. You could see two plates of freshly cooked Thomas meat in front of the two of you.
"Vash, is this for me?" you asked as he nodded.
"How? This must have cost a good chunk of our funds!" you added, feeling bad just looking at this meal.
"Y/n, you deserve to eat a warm meal. Plus, I don't mind spending money on you if it means sharing a meal with you like this. I haven't seen you in days since you started working on that piece," Vash explained. Oh how a wave of shame washed over you. You didn't realize how much time and energy you spent working on this commission. When you thought back to how Vash checked in on you earlier, you didn't even bother to look at him.
"I'm sorry Vash, I didn't mean to ignore you like that. I got so invested in working, I didn't realize how much time passed. I'll make it up to you somehow," you apologized.
"No I understand, just promise me to take breaks every now and then okay?" he replied with those sweet blue eyes that held so much love and kindness for you every day. You nodded your head and began to dig into your meal. The meat was succulent and tender with each bite you took. Your mouth was overwhelmed with flavor as your stomach was finally getting fed actual food.
"Vash this is so good! Thank you for getting this," you chimed as Vash smiled at how content you were.
"I'm glad you like it! Eat as much as you can, you need all the energy you can get for later," he replied before taking a bite of his meal. You didn't realize how hungry you were until you finished everything on your plate. Even Vash managed to wipe his plate clean as there were no scraps left behind. Once you were finished, Vash led you to his room while holding your hand with his warm cybernetic arm. Once you entered, he locked the room and led you to his bed.
"Y/n, when was the last time you slept? Be honest," Vash asked. Guilt-ridden, you averted your e/c eyes from your boyfriend. You already knew you didn't get a wink of sleep when you saw your dark circles in the reflection of your silverware earlier. Vash exhaled as he knew more or less the answer to his question. He then pulled you over to him as he held you close. Vash then caressed your cheek as his blue eyes locked on to yours. His eyebrows were furrowed with a small frown apparent on his beautiful face.
"Please take better care of yourself next time. I know I'm not great at taking care of myself, but I don't want you catching my habits too," Vash spoke. Your heart sunk as you rested your hand on his right cheek.
"I'm so sorry Vash, I will. The last thing I want to do was worry you. But you better take care of yourself too. We both can't be neglecting ourselves or each other. Promise me we'll both take better care of ourselves and each other?" you offered as Vash nodded with a smile growing on his face. His eyes gleamed as they crinkled from his smile that you loved ever so much.
You then kissed Vash gently on the lips as he pulled you closer to him. He rubbed small circles on your back as you melted into the kiss. Once you pulled away for air, Vash stared at you in such adoration as he slowly brushed his thumb on your cheek.
"I missed you so much Mayfly," he said as he laid down and pulled you with him. You loved it when he called you by your nickname. That name never failed to warm your heart as you showered Vash with butterfly kisses.
"Aw I missed you too my angel. I wished I was commissioned to draw you instead. I love to draw your beautiful face any chance I get," you cooed. Afterwards, Vash's cheeks were turning slightly pink as he wore a shy smile on his face before covering his face with both hands. He was a blubbering red mess the first time he heard you call him that. When you explained why you called him that, Vash nearly passed out from the overwhelming love and compliments you showered him with. When you first met him, you mistook him for an angel, because there was no way a human could look that pretty 24/7. When he saw your portraits of him in your sketchbook, he was in awe of how you drew him. How you perceived him in all your work was how Vash wanted to see himself in the mirror. Whether it was him smiling, laughing, or gazing, you always drew Vash in all his beauty. Plus, you always left little comments about how ethereal he was in your work that he practically melted. That nickname always turned Vash into absolute putty in your hands.
Vash then snuck a peak at you with his beautiful eyes as you chuckled at how childlike he was. He then grabbed your wrists and started massaging them slowly. All the pain building up from all the late night sketches and awkward positioning of your wrists was finally alleviated.
"How's that Mayfly?" he asked as he continued massaging you from your wrists to your hands and lastly to your fingers. Every little rub and massage he did brought so much relief to you. Your muscles and joints were slowly relaxing with each touch. You had no idea you were so tense earlier. If it wasn't for Vash, you probably would have gotten carpal tunnel syndrome much earlier. Once Vash finished, he planted kisses on both hands.
"How did you know?" you asked him.
"You were stiff when I first saw you today. Plus, your movements were rigid when we were eating earlier. Did my massage help?" he asked as you kissed him once more.
"More than you know," you replied as Vash brought you to his chest and kissed your lips and cheeks.
"Good, you deserve it after working so hard," Vash added. He then caressed the back of your head. He then slowly and gently ran his fingers through your hair. Furthermore, he rested his other arm on your back as you rested your head on top of his right chest. You loved hearing his heartbeat as it always calmed you down.
"Can we stay like this for awhile Angel?" you asked him.
"As long as you want Mayfly," he answered.
"Good, I think I'll take a quick nap on you if you don't mind," you added.
"Go ahead. I'll be right here. Sweet dreams my Mayfly," Vash wished as he planted one soft kiss on your head. Your eyes slowly got heavy as you drifted off to the sweet bliss of sleep. Once Vash made sure you were asleep, he slowly rested both his arms on top of your back and stared fondly at you. Oh how he missed having you in his arms these past few days. Vash loved and adored you every second. He knew how much this commission was stressing you out when he realized how important it was to you. Vash isn't the type to bother you while you work, but after not seeing you for days, he mustered up all the courage he had to knock on your door. The blonde was touch starved for days and missed seeing his favorite person. After all, you were his safe haven in this cruel world.
You woke up to see the sun setting. You looked to see Vash sleeping next to you as he held you by the waist. The minute you moved, Vash slowly stirred since he was such a light sleeper. Then those beautiful eyes slowly blinked at you as a smile crept on his lips.
"Sleep well?" he asked as you nodded.
"Good," he replied as he pecked your lips. Vash looked at the window and realized the time. He then walked you back to your room and allowed you to go back to work. Except, you would have to sleep with him later tonight, which you happily obliged. Wolfwood moved his weapon away as you walked inside. Once you settled in, you looked at the sketch you did and started redrawing the areas that bothered you. Once that was done, you started shading and outlining the prominent features with your charcoal sticks. Then, you started adding little touchups to the smaller details. Finally, you looked at the outcome of your work. You couldn't spot any mistakes after giving it a good look. Finally, you were done with this piece!
You immediately grabbed your things and ran to Vash's room. He was excited to see you once you knocked at his door. Once you changed clothes, showered, and brushed your teeth, the both of you got comfortable in each other's arms in bed. Despite how stressful the past few days were on you, you were grateful to have Vash intervene and take care of you. After today, you were not afraid to take a couple of much needed breaks. Especially if it meant Vash would be spending time with you during those said breaks.
@daschstuff @bunnigrimm
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fp-am · 1 year
something to write?
First time that Orange sees snow?
kind of short, but here’s a young Second discovering snow
(Third Person POV)
Circa, 2015
“We have another animation to make, Second.”
It was around Christmas time of 2015. Second was still young and curious, being nurtured and cared for on Alan’s current computer. He’d never seen much of the outside world besides a few scenes and drawings of nature.
He always asked his friends about all the things he’d yet to learn. So far, he loved every drop of information he has consumed.
Today was another busy day. A simple background animation commission for Christmas time. Second was still new to the whole Christmas thing, but was excited to learn more.
Second started drawing pine trees and sketching a landscape, giving it a cool night sky with stars. He glanced over at Alan. To his confusion, he was drawing some white marks on the perfect trees and grass that he had just drawn.
“Alan, what are you doing?”
“Why are you putting white marks on the background?”
“do you not know about snow?”
“it’s something that comes around during the winter. when it gets too cold, the rain drops in the clouds freeze up and turn into little shards of ice. that’s what we call snow. once the snow falls, it bunches up and stays on the ground due to the cold weather.”
“Ohh.. it’s like ice.. but smaller?”
“kind of. Why don’t you touch it?”
Second curiously looked at the snow Alan drew. Leaping over, he stuck a hand in. He pulled it out almost immediately.
“Ah! Cold!”
“pft. well of course it’s cold. but its fun to play around with. watch.”
With a smile, Alan drew some more snow, then used his mouse to roll it up into a few balls. Placing them on top of eachother, he drew some accessories for the snowman.
“see? here, try.”
Drawing some accessories, Alan handed them to Second and backed up.
Scooping up some, Second started building his own snowman. But, every single time, the snow crumbled. He started to get angry, but eventually, he figured it out. Carefully, he stuck on the accessories.
“There! It’s not.. uh.. good but.. I did it.”
“I think it looks great.”
“You’re just saying that..”
“no. It’s really great, Sec.”
“But yours is way better.”
“It’s only ‘better’ because I used a mouse. I didn’t put any effort into it. yours has heart put into it.”
That made Second smile a little.
“Yeah. I guess you’re right. Well..”
..Second jumped directly into his own snowman, letting it crumble and go down.
“Haha! Sorry, I couldn’t help myself! I like how soft it is.. I could take a nap in it.”
“why are you always so sleepy”
“I don’t know, but I feel like if I closed my eyes right here, I could just sleep.”
“wouldn’t it be too cold?”
“I don’t think so..” Second yawned, snuggling into the cold, soft lump of snow that used to be a snowman. “Mmmh.. I actually think it’s just right.”
Slowly, he closed his eyes and drifted into sleep.
It was hours later when Second awoke.
“Mmmph..? Huh?”
“oh, you’re up”
“Did I fall asleep?”
“Oh.. I’m sorry.”
“It’s alright. I finished it anyway.”
Second looked around. With all the shading and the snowflakes falling from the sky, it was beautiful.
“what is it?”
“It’s so pretty..”
“hm. I guess you’re right.”
Suddenly, Second sneezed and sniffled.
“Ah.. what was that?”
“It looks like your sick from sleeping in the snow. you might have a cold.”
“Like.. a sickness?”
“Mhm. cmon. let’s get you in bed so you can get to feeling better..”
Second left with a smile that night.
Snow. What a curious thing.
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romancingdaffodils · 2 years
Pictures and portraits
sort of out of character wilbur but it’s okaayyyyy
they r gonna be so cute just u wait JUST U WAIT.
2.1k words let’s go raahhhh
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Wilbur was perched on the edge of a bench. Leaning forward, tilting his head and moving his legs, he was trying to get the perfect angle. A new painting. A gorgeous willow tree hunched over a deep green pond, the long hair like branches tickling the surface of the water. His sketch was going okay, it was the first time he had experienced true motivation in months. All was well until an oblivious passer by stopped right in front of him. He groaned, not loud enough for you to hear, but loud enough to voice his own frustration. However, what he hadn’t realised was the depth you added to his new piece. A person, who he had to admit looked very sweet, stood examining the same beauty he had seen. He was no longer angry. He began rapidly sketching, it wasn’t quite right to draw a stranger. However, he pushed that to the back of his mind; he’d go over and ask you once he’d finished this. He didn’t need to move, you simply came to him after about 20 minutes. Unaware of his plan, you strolled over the bench to check the pictures you had taken. Nodding at Wilbur, you silently asked ‘am i alright to sit here’. He nodded in return, allowing you to do whatever before he spoke. Quickly, you checked the pictures you had taken. A few had been on a disposable and the rest on your actual camera. Deleting any that weren’t from the right angle, you looked over to Wilbur as you heard him clear your throat.
“Photography?” he said, looking back at you. He gave you a small smile, but he was still trying to figure out how to ask if it was okay he had included you in his art.
“Yeah! You’re an artist?” you replied, gesturing to the pad in his hand. You returned his smile, turning your whole body to face him as you spoke.
“That’s right. Actually, you stepped in just as I was sketching. I hope you don’t mind.” Wilbur quickly turned around the pad as he spoke, revealing the sketch. It was so gorgeous. You looked beautiful, the rough pencil drawing had complimented you more than any camera. You were stood in the centre of the drawing, he had captured you at a 3/4 angle. The disposable camera was visible in your hand, and some how he had managed to enhance your feature’s charm by 1000. Not to mention the immense detail in the background, how perfectly he had captured the scene. You were in complete awe. How could one person have such talent?
“I don’t mind. I don’t mind at all, it’s gorgeous.” you continued to stare at the piece, your eyes only left to look up at Wilbur. “Oh, I don’t know your name. I’m y/n, wow. I cant believe you, like, made that. It’s so pretty, you made me so pretty.” you added, going off on a slight tangent after introducing yourself. You couldn’t help it, the sketch was just too incredible.
“I’m glad you like it.” he responded, his eyes not leaving your bewitched face. “Wilbur,” letting out a soft laugh, he looked down at the pad. He wasn’t sure what had you so hooked, but he was glad. It was good. You had made it so much better.
“Wilbur is a nice name. Are you going to paint it? Or?” you said, finally drawing your attention away from his art. You looked at him, giving him a big smile.
He couldn’t help but return the smile, looking down at you. “Thank you. Yeah, I’m going to paint it. Actually, I’d quite like to take it home. Would you mind, giving me your number or something? I can show you progress. I mean, only if you want to. Maybe so you could send me the pictures you took, so I can get the colouring right. Again, only if you want to.” he was a little proud of his cover up, he just really, really wanted your number.
You had practically started glowing as you reached down for your phone, you showed him your number. “I don’t know it off by heart, sorry.” you said, laughing slightly “And, of course I’ll send over the pictures. I’d be happy to help, you’re so talented.”
He nodded his head, in an attempt to distract himself from your constant compliments. He also retrieved his own phone from his pocket, he typed in your number and sending a quick text to check he had it right. The notification popped up and he smiled, content with successfully having your number. You had returned to admiring the art, eyes flicking between him and the sketch pad.
“You like it that much, huh?” Wil said, tilting his head as he kept looking at you. He couldn’t understand why someone liked his work so much, not that he was complaining.
“You make everything seem so irresistible. You see the world beautifully. How are you able to: capture everything through drawing it’s so incredible?” you sit back after subconsciously leaning closer to get a better look at this piece, and Wilbur. You wouldn’t admit that though.
“I’m not sure, if I’m being quite honest. I’ve been struggling for motivation recently, hated everything I painted, and sketched. So, thank you, for walking into my view because I don’t think I could ever hate this one. Even if I royally fucked it up.” he watched you move back; he sat the sketchbook back in his lap. His eyes flicked around the view he originally had, making sure everything was perfect in his sketch. You almost scream, he doesn’t hate it because you’re there. “Well, I think it’s perfect. Especially the background, you must’ve been here for hours.” you replied, looking back at your camera. Not the disposable, the professional camera you’d spent your life’s savings on. You pick out the best of the pictures and turn to show Wilbur, “How’s this?” you asked, looking over at him.
“Perfect. Thank you. Would you like to go for a walk? I need to stretch my legs. I have been here for hours.” he offered, placing all of his equipment into his bag.
“Yeah, sure.” you replied, pulling your camera over your head and the disposable into your pocket. Your phone was safely tucked in your other pocket, your phone that now had Wilbur’s number saved in it.
He stood up, then offered out his hand to help you stand. He felt a bit stupid, but kept his hand out. You took it as you stood. You looked at him, looked up at him. “Christ, you’re tall.” you laughed lightly as you spoke, shaking your head.
“I get that a lot. 6’6” he said, smiling down at you. He started to walk, his steps far bigger than your own. You picked up the pace to keep up with him, though you didn’t really mind.
“6’6, jesus christ. Sorry. You must get this all the time.”
“It’s okay, I don’t mind. You’re a photographer? What else do you photograph?” he responded, turning the conversation in a different direction. He craved your voice; he wanted to know you. Slowing down to match your pace, he thought about the way you had complimented his work before. Phrased so beautifully. So genuine. It brought a soft smile to his face.
“I, I work for the newspaper. I go round, and I take pictures whenever I’m wanted. Sometimes I do photoshoots for others - like weddings and stuff, they pay decently. But, I like to take pictures of things I think are pretty. Let me know if you ever want a photoshoot done.” you said, smiling back up at him. Anyone would’ve thought you were a couple, everything felt so natural. You had a feeling Wil would be one of those people you instantly clicked with and would never ever let go. To be honest, from the forty minutes of knowing him, you didn’t want to let go. You’d put across a bit of light flirting, where was the harm. You were semi sure he wouldn’t confront you about it, you were wrong.
“So you think I’m pretty, y/n?” he quipped, his smile had turned into a smirk. He raised his eyebrows at you, waiting for your response.
“Um, uh. I-“ you started, quickly being cut off by his soft laughter. “You’re a cunt!” you complained, this caused him keel over with laughter as he kept walking. He shook his head.
“Y’face was a picture. Maybe I’ll paint it.” he joked, turning back to you after his fit of laughter. “If it makes you feel any better, I think you’re quite pretty too.” he added, eyes boring into the side of your skull.
You were sure you could die in that moment.
“Do you sell your artwork?” you asked, trying to deter the conversation away from the situation. He smiled; he knew exactly what you were doing, but decided he’d go along with it.
“Yeah, I have a little group I’m in. We set up exhibitions, and sell our art. It’s more like a club, we meet up every Wednesday to share our current artwork.” he said, tearing his eyes away from you and looking ahead. He’d probably crash into something if he stared for too long.
“That’s a really cool idea. You make much money?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know, I’m kidding. Depends who’s buying, sometimes we bring in a lot. Sometimes we don’t.”
You nodded as he spoke, you understood that. You continued to walk down the gravel path through the park, talking about anything that came to mind. You dreaded the walk coming to an end.
It had been two hours since you met Wilbur, and you were developing the largest crush you’d had since seeing Damon Albarn in the 90s. Your worst fear became a reality, the walk ended. You were stood at the gate to the park, a foot between you. Wil smiled. You smiled.
“It was lovely to meet you, y/n. Can I see you again, tomorrow maybe?” he asked, covering his nerves the best he could. You didn’t notice the way he brushed his knuckles against the palm of his hand. You did notice the little shake in his voice.
“I’d love that. Where do you want to go?” you questioned further, a permanent smile plastered on your face.
“There’s a lovely cafe, not too far away from here. I’ll message you the address. But, is 3 good with you?”
“3 is perfect. I can’t wait.” you said, still beaming up at him. He couldn’t help but return it.
“You’re going to ruin me.” he mumbled to himself, you barely heard it. You tilted your head, obviously confused. He then spoke again, “I’ll see you tomorrow, yeah?”
“Bye y/n.”
“Bye Wilbur.”
Neither of you moved, this caused a cacophony of laughter. You pointed and said, “I’m going that way.”
“Let me walk you home.” he replied, he decided he should’ve offered that in the first place.
“Oh, no, it’s okay. You don’t have t-“ you were cut off by him beginning to walk the way you had pointed. You ran a bit to catch up to him, shaking your head. “Rude.” you said, looking up at him.
“Sorry, dove, I won’t walk you home next time. Let you get eaten by a cannibal?” he responded, placing his hands into his pockets.
“Yeah? Where’s this cannibal? I’ll fight him off myself.”
“He’s right next to you.” he said, sarcastically.
You feigned shock and placed the back of your hand to your forehead, gasping. “Noo! Please!!!! Don’t eat me?! Where’s my knight in shining armour?! I am but a fair maiden in need of rescue!”
He laughed, you laughed.
“I lied. I won’t eat you. Not yet, anyway.”
“I’m glad to hear that, I’ll be on the look out for being eaten though.”
“Probably for the best.” he said, watching as you turned a corner. He was walking on the outside of the pavement, closest to the road. He felt like a gentleman.
“I hope you’re not going to stalk me now you know where I live.” you said, jokingly. You were admiring him and it was a little obvious, you didn’t mind though.
“No promises.” he joked back, readjusting the straps of his backpack.
“Do you even live anywhere near here?” you asked, turning another corner as you spoke.
“Yeah, not too far.” he wasn’t lying but he wasn’t exactly telling the truth either, it was about a 40 minute walk from where you were walking now. Fortunately, you had made it to your building.
“This is me.” you said, looking up at him as you stood on the step.
“Yeah. Everything’s way expensive here.”
“Tell me about it.”
“So I’ll see you tomorrow then?”
“Yeah. See you tomorrow. Good bye y/n.”
“Good bye Wilbur.” you said, waving him off. He waved back before strolling away. You sprinted up to your flat and immediately collapsed on the couch, screaming into a pillow. You had never been so happy.
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saradrewitt · 2 years
Hi! I’m so sorry this took a bit to answer!
FULL DISCLOSURE I am literally the worst person to ask because the way I do it always changes but I appreciate your trust in my inconstancy! I also have a hard time drawing him or the other papas for that matter without a reference. I can try to help the best way I can. here we go, I really hope this helps!
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So the number don represent the order but just what I'll explain. First always consider the shape of the face I know this is just the sketch but we always start somewhere. 
(1) Take a look at the basic jaw structure my style always make it longer than it should be but in this case I'm taking in the fact that while I made this tutorial I was looking at a photo reference. (2) Then the ears. (3) The basic middle line mark. (4) Two lines are of course for the eyes and you must realize that our eye level matches the tip of the ears show in the picture for remember that. (5) What I personally do when I draw noses it just help with a realistic measurement of the brows and the nose size. if we’re looking at this through a stylized realism way, remember that the distance between the eyes is matched by the size of the nose. this is not the case for some people but look at refs of people’s noses and see that the size of the eyes is the same size of the nose.(6) The first initial circle is the base, but remember that that won’t be the size of a head. so expand it a little bit so there is extra room to get that hairline and detail when we get to that part (I ended up not paying attention and ngl Terzo ended up with a big ass head but shhhhh I warned you)....
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I went ahead and did some detail work but this is what we’ll be seeing when I draw them. from pictures you can see the age lines and it’s really just a matter if you want the detail or not, done people can do that with little detail and make it look good but my style is in constant crises all the time so this is how I do it. you can also why I have the base sketch on top of my “lineart”.
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So Terzo’s hair specifically is weird in my opinion. I normally have a part I go off from when I draw hair but his just has to be weird. Either way, when I draw his I go down from the middle and just make it both have that volume and fluff he normally has. (Agin in the end result I polished it up so his part is that square like formation seen in pictures).
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Okay now the fun part, the papal makeup! The deep pink lines are the base sketch I usually draw up so when I color and shade it can be adjusted if needed. It also helps me know that proportions are somewhat realistic but with a small hint of my style as well. Idk I'm still in a style crisis as we speak and it’s gotten a lot worse since I've joined this fandom. 
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When I think everything looks good I work with the black and color it. I normally like using our black when I work with lineart to give it that ink look. I called this blunt lineart (and shading cuz like I said my style is very inconsistent). Now if you’re working digitally I do this type of coloring on a layer on top of this sketch so when I low the opacity I can see if my placement is correct (again just of needed). if I think I got most of it correct that’s where I go I with my next step. 
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Wow, it’s looking like Terzo now, look at our sweet boy with the rbf, Blessimo!
So in these next few steps I just add the white and added purple wrinkle likes that were cover by the blunt lineart. You can make those line grey or white depending on your style but I like adding his colors when I draw him digitally so that’s an option. Once I have everything done I just against as needed then move on.  
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Lastly I finish up the lineart, work on some shadow work and add color, for sketched I don’t really do that but in this case I placed a color pallet I usually work with (it’s still gonna be inconsistent as I go) but this is usually what I do when I draw him. honestly to god my methods and process changes but I at least hope this was a helpful guide.
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edosianorchids901 · 1 year
Plausible Deniability
For @book-omens-week Day 5: human connections
“What are you doing here?”
“Hmm?” Crowley looked up from his latest acquisition. Aziraphale stood in the doorway, wearing a vaguely accusing expression. “Oh, hi. I’m buying a painting. Well, not actually a painting. Cartoon.”
He held up the drawing. Aziraphale studied it for a moment, then glanced to the very unconscious human slumped forward across the table. “You look as though you’re outdrinking Leonardo da Vinci.”
“I mean yeah, there is that. That too, anyway.” Crowley grinned. “Humans, eh? Can’t keep up with supernatural entities very well. They’re kinda fragile.”
“They are, at that. Quite clever though, sometimes.” Aziraphale helped himself to a piece of cheese off Leonardo’s plate. “I presume you’re attempting to corrupt him?”
“Nh, mostly I was just…” Crowley waded through the boggy memory of his last several hours. “I told him about helicopters.”
Aziraphale huffed. “You really ought to stop doing that sort of thing, you dreadful old serpent.” He said the term with so much fondness that Crowley smiled. “Humans get themselves in enough trouble without you talking them into creating technology that they’re really not ready for.”
“Eh, I don’t think they’ll be able to make working ones yet. Besides, he’s already got some sketches of similar thingies.” Crowley gestured vaguely to Leonardo’s journals, some of which sat open on the table. “And anyway, what’re you doing here? I’m pretty sure he’s not the pious type.”
“Not so much, no. But he is fascinating, isn’t he? So innovative.” Aziraphale beamed at the thoroughly unconscious human. “I may have, er, wriggled my way into his good graces so I could get a peek at those notebooks.”
Crowley snorted. “‘Course you did.”
“And I suppose you’re here for entirely non self-serving reason?” Aziraphale asked tartly as he stole another piece of cheese. “Simply to give him ideas?”
“I said, I’m buying a drawing.” Holding the drawing up again for emphasis, Crowley grinned.
That definitely wasn’t the only reason, though. Crowley liked people, even if he didn’t really befriend them, and it was nice to connect with them. No human connections lasted long, of course. Humans had painfully short lives, and sometimes Crowley got melancholy about that.
He pushed any melancholy aside and gestured to the chair beside him. “You could sit down, y’know. Might as well sit if you’re gonna eat all of his food.”
“I’m not eating all of his food!” Aziraphale protested while stacking some sort of little sweet cakes on a plate. “He has plenty of food. And wine.”
“True.” Crowley watched Aziraphale fondly as the angel finished loading up his plate and acquired a jug of wine. “Are you gonna read his journals while he’s asleep?”
“Perish the thought.” Aziraphale cast a longing glance at the journals before pouring wine. “Well, I might just read the open pages, but it would be very rude to go further without permission.”
Crowley smiled, leaning back in his chair as Aziraphale devoured half of Leonardo’s food. “Gosh, you can’t possibly be rude.”
Crowley had also eaten and drank a lot—albeit at Leonardo’s invitation—and it was making him sleepy. He kicked his legs up on the table and closed his eyes, letting himself sink into a near doze. Not quite a full doze, though. His body would be seriously pissed off at him if he slept in this position, and spending the next few days limping around didn’t sound fun.
He apparently dozed a little more than he’d planned, though. He awoke to a gentle tap on his arm. “Crowley? Are you awake?”
“Hmm? Oh. Hi, yeah, awake now.” He shifted into a normal position and rubbed his eyes, bleary. Aziraphale, surrounded by Leonardo’s journals, beamed at him. “Oh wow, you did decide to read those, eh?”
“Er.” Aziraphale gave him a guilty look, then took a healthy swig of wine. “Not at all. Merely, um, looked through them.”
Crowley laughed, couldn’t help it, then stood. “Right, so. Are you done yet?”
“I am.” Aziraphale stood too. “Shall we?”
“Yup.” Crowley eyed the wine, then downed another glass of it before picking up his cartoon. “For plausible deniability,” he explained to Aziraphale, who had been giving him a you’ve had enough to drink look.
“Plausible deniability for what?” Aziraphale asked.
Crowley grabbed his hand. “This.”
Aziraphale sputtered slightly, but didn’t argue. A smile crept onto his face, and he let Crowley pull him out of Leonardo’s studio and into the narrow street outside.
Night had fallen solidly now, stars sparkling overhead. The darkness brought cooler temperatures and a gentle breeze, enough that Crowley shivered. This wasn’t the kind of weather that made him feel like basking on a rooftop, unlike the heat of the afternoon.
But Aziraphale’s skin was warm against his, plump hand soft in his grasp. They walked together hand in hand through Florence’s narrow streets under the night sky. Connecting with humans for a bit was fun, sure. But there was nothing like strolling hand-in-hand with Aziraphale, their conversations similarly wandering from topic to topic. It was one of the pleasures of the world, and a pleasure that Crowley enjoyed immensely.
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ziorre · 9 months
✨Commission info✨
I'm ready, I'm rested, I'm refreshed! And I'm completely charged to take care of your new ideas and characters!! I truly believe that every character is awesome and original and deserves to be shown with their own story! And I'll try to help you with this in a way that is more convenient for you! You just pick one below ;)
- SEMI-REALISTIC STYLE (for the cases, when you want it looks more real without much stylizing)
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- USUAL STYLE (for the cases, when you don’t mind it looks more stylized and a lil sketchy)
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* you can find more examples on my page by the commission tag ** a helpful post describing a right order for your refs
✨ DEADLINES: After you DM me with a brief description of your idea, I’ll tell you the approximate date when I’ll be able to proceed with your commission   !!!!Always warn me in advance if I need to draw art by a certain deadline!!!
✨ PAYMENT:  What: USD or RUB When: full pre-payment (when you sent me the email and we approved the art idea) Where: Boosty (russian platform, supports payment via PayPal)
✨ THE PROCESS: You write to me in private messages on Tumblr, briefly tell me your idea of our future art, what style and what slot you want (full body / half body / bust). Then I give you my email address and you send me an email (with your Tumblr name as the topic please) with all necessary references (your character's face claim, their pose, clothes, background etc.). You describe the idea of the art in details, where it takes place, and other things that I need to know so that I can base the sketch on all that info, because after you approve the sketch, I don’t change art much in the further stages of the work, just some details. I send you the payment link on my Boosty page. Send you the sketch. After you confirm that you like the sketch, I finish the work and send it on your email😊
✨ OTHER: - I don’t correct the art after you approved the finished version. - I don’t copy other artist’s work or poses from their work. - I publish every commission on my social media, if you don’t want it to be published, just let me know. - If you’re not sure about the art idea, I can suggest you 4 sketches with different poses/concepts/angles for extra $20 and you pick the one you like the most. - For significant corrections or a lot of small ones at any stage of work, an additional fee may be charged (this doesn’t apply to some small adjustments or details witch I missed). There are 3 free changes at the each stages of the work (sketch, finished version), further - $2-$5.
And of course I can't skip to say a huge thank you to those who commissioned and continue commissioning art from me! It means a lot! For real! This is not only material support, but also moral one, saying that I’m not wasting my time and energy in vain, that I’m moving in the right direction, that people like what I do! I can't tell how inspiring it is!! 300 commissions! I’ve never imagined that one day I would draw so many art for others! Just.. wow!! Thank you again so much for trusting me bringing to life your ideas! I truly appreciate it!😌
I think this is it, right? If you have any questions, feel free to DM me ;)  
I’ll be VERY grateful for your reblogs!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤ (and thank you very much for this in advance, it helps me A LOOOOOOOOOT, you are the ones who keep me alive literally! I see each and every one of you doing that! You’re the best!!!) Thanks for your attention! Have a good day =)
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ruthytwoshakes · 1 year
oh,,,, oh my god……… do you ,,, do you hear that???.?.,,, is it?…?? Is it really time for ANOTHER TF2 SKETCH DUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??!!?
let’s go babey B)))) oh ,,, yeya,a yeaaa h wooooooooo 🔥🇺🇸🇺🇸🦞🫡🫡👻🇺🇸👍🇺🇸🫡‼️‼️🇺🇸👍🫡‼️🎃
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WOW PAPER!!! SO COOL!! Alright the first two are some pyro ships, Missfire and Merasmus + Pyro respectively,, because I am insane,,,. Wanna turn some of them into full illustrations some day!! The third is an unfinished comic where Scout and Glider talk about top scars and Soldier one-ups them with his top scars (he blew off his tits rocket jumping). Final one is my boy, my man, my little guy Glider with another big ole brown eyed loser man,,,, Nimona ws a very good movie.
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Some thumbnail sketches for a huge project I’m working on! When I finish these I’ll hold a poll and you guys can vote for which one is your favorite and I’ll make an amv with that one of MissFire! So be on the lookout for that one lesbians,,, , B)
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Ho boy uhhhhh,,,,, tired to turn them into Pokémon.,, did not go too well?? They just look like Human Men, which don’t get my wrong I love that type of Pokémon design ,!!!but these aren’t it. If I have the time I’ll try again, any tips would be appreciated!
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WOOOOOOOO LETS GI BABAYEYYY!!!!!!!!!!!! HERES THE SKETCHES FOR MY TF2 SWAP AU!!!!!!!!! I found out while drawing these that I FUCKING LOVE DRAWING GUNS so much fun what!!,! Anyway,, expect these to be done soon!M really happy with how they’re turning out. Just now realizing that Scouts legs and arms are Not Correct oopsies
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Miscellaneous!!!!!!!!! Hell yeah,,,! First one is some fanart of these adorable gifs someone made,, I’ll link the post if I can find it later! Second is demoflowers but like for everybody.,,,,, swag. Third is my guy dude!!!?! The Glider. I’m working on his ref and bio. I’ve never rendered lineart like this before!! Real fun. Last one is SECERTT SECRET BUG SECRRET !!!!!! SECRET GIFT FOR FREIBD!! you cannot tell them or else I will find y
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Oh MAN I’ve been workin on this project for like,,, 4 months off and on. Is it worth it???. hhhhmmmmmm???,,,,, And yes the tf2s are dressed as mlp. But I will not show until I finish this hehehehegehdjsdj.
THAT IS ALL LADIESS AND. OTHERS !!!> UNTIL NEXT TIME oooOoOooOoOooooooOoOoOoo~~~~~~~~ (the [lesbian] ghost)
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ryuichirou · 4 months
Alright, cat’s out of the bag (and that cat’s name is Gidel) – we’ve just finished the Stage in Playful Land event! Well, it wasn’t really a surprise for some because we’ve been spamming Ko-fi with sketches related to this event for a while now, but.
I have a lot of thoughts, and now I can finally reply to a lot of very old asks about it (more HCs!), but I have to gather my thoughts first.
So for now, some short replies! Some of them aren’t Fellow and Gidel related, by the way.
Anonymous asked:
f–fellow... in your style... I just saw, I was that anon that asked—
Very much looking forward to any more artwork of him, if you decide to draw more!! 🧡
Anonymous asked:
Anons! I am so happy you like how they look hehehe. You’ve waited for so long…
We’ve never really doubted it, but still: drawing these two is so ridiculously fun. They are so delightful with their bright colours and fun silhouettes, and they have this vibe of a very old Disney movie (mostly because of the eyebrows, coloured shiny eyelids and the ear shape for Gidel lol). Not to mention the sprites’ animations are so fun, I really-really wanted to draw them.
So yeah, to answer the first Anon… I’ve been drawing Fellow pretty much every day while we were going through the event, so I’m guessing we’ll post more 😭
Anonymous asked:
Any ships for Fellow?
Just updated our pinned! We ship him with Gidel (duh), with pretty much every boy that participated in the event (excluding Vil and Leona, since we don’t see them as tops) and with all of Fellow’s shady bosses and all the rich men he serves to lol What a variety.
wonderlandwriting asked:
Your pinned post: gets updated with top!Gidel and bottom!Fellow. Me: Oh? 👀 Mind elaborating on that/spare some HCs if you please? 😏 (if the reason Gidel is a top is because of a Specific Scene near the end of the event... God bless, I love the way you think)
Anonymous asked:
omg! omg! top!Gidel???? do have any headcanons for the shota kitty?
Anonymous asked:
i see you added Gidel to your tops list!!!
my favorite kitty boy!!
You guys are fast, the fact that you’ve noticed that it’s updated..!
HEHEHE Gidel is wonderful!
To be honest, from the very moment their designs dropped we never really questioned if he’d be a top, and I don’t know if this is just his vibes or our preferences lol But we really do love the small-but-mighty type, and imagining him as a tiny top (that absolutely shouldn’t be allowed to do all those things yet) next to a huge deep-voiced used-by-powerful-men bottom is too much fun. We weren’t sure with Fellow at first (imagine having an option not to have these two as a ship, wow scary), but as we started watching the event itself, it all became clear.
Not to mention these two have this vibe of “two of us against the world, surviving despite everything”, and things like that always melt our hearts.
As for the specific scene… do you mean the Bonk scene or the jumping around and hugging + being called a dummy scene? Both were super cute…
We do have some HCs, but I’ll share those later! Sorry for the wait, I really can’t keep up with all the hc lists, but I’ll do it I swear 💪😔
Anonymous asked:
I wish there was more idia x ortho content :( it's just never enough
You are so right, Anon. It really is never enough :( Let’s work towards the beautiful future when there will be a lot of Shroudcest… 🥰 from me included...
Anonymous asked:
T-two Rooks... scary😰
Double the damage, I mean the charm! Rook sandwich!
Anonymous asked:
Someone could hide in Rook’s boobs and never be found again…
As long as it isn’t the second Rook, we’re safe…
Anonymous asked:
I know the rabbit event in TWST has long been over but I finally had time to read it and my only 2 thoughts are, black bunnies leader x deuce is my new (crack) otp and seeing the sprites zoom around the screen is the best thing about the game
We haven’t watched the rabbit event yet, but you are intriguing me, Anon. So this is why Deuce didn’t take Ace there – so we could have a romance between the bunnies 😭
Also, the sprites’ “physics” in-game is always very funny. I can’t wait to see more of it when we finally get to watch this one lol It’s such a surprisingly funny visual comedy with all those goofy sounds.
Anonymous asked:
Hopefully this isn't spoiling too much, but Silver DID call Lilia something else when he was a kid, and it's super adorable ❤️❤️❤️ it really makes me wonder when and why he started calling him oyaji-dono 🤔 god I want to know everything about Silver's weird childhood... and also everything about everyone else's weird childhoods.........
Ohhh 👀 Now you’re also intriguing me, Anon (no worries about spoilers in this particular case, you’re good!) Then I agree, Lilia would totally swoon over the fact that Silver suddenly decided to call him that! He’d get all happy and mood breaking that it would almost bother Silver, but then Lilia would suddenly go back to do the sexy thing... Probably still commenting on that though lol
It really is adorable. Every time Silver reminisces about his childhood, it’s a journey… so I agree, it would be great to know absolutely everything about these years and what he went through. At what point did he decide that Lilia deserves to be addressed in a respectful manner and how Lilia feels about it… we’ll find out at some point, I’m sure~
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greenfiend · 5 months
Youre one of my absolute fav byler artists right now, i love the passion thats so clear in your work, both for the show and drawing itself! it's like the kind of imagery i remember seeing in my mind since i was young. i love how literal your work is cos i think lots of byler artists make things super stylised or they capture a different kind of moment, which is great to see such variety, but yours just goes all out and BAM! theyre at lovers lake or theyre paladin+cleric and all the details you might want are there.
i would love to see more lover's lake drawings if you have the inclination! also how adorable is your Will? no wonder mike is sooooo smitten.
i hope you stay in the fandom for a long time and we can see more of your work into s5 :)
Wow, anon! 🥹 Thank you… thank you!!!! 🥰 That’s so very sweet of you to say! You definitely made my day!
I actually have some lovers lake related sketches that I might finish at some point. I have a lot of WIPs to work on (including my requests :))
As for staying in the fandom, I’m definitely not going anywhere (for now). 💕
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zombeebunnie · 6 months
wow hey hello i’ve been playing the extended demo and trying out different routes and i am flabbergasted!! i’ve been hyperfixated on this type of horror/dating sim VNs for some time now and i’ve never played anything like your game before!
to be frank i have no idea what the fuck is going on but i love it, i’m in such a suspense to learn more about the lore and am shaking in my socksies for the full game!! wanted to ask if you’re okay with NoahxMCOC fanart? i’d love to draw something tehee~ sending u much love and soooo much appreciation for the game! the writing and character building is just immaculate
Hello there! I appreciate knowing you enjoyed what the [Extended Demo] has to offer so far and the time you took out to play through everything! Your encouraging kind words mean a lot! :,]
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I do want to expand on the lore that goes into the game but I'm still brainstorming/going over routes and other things that didn't make it into the [Extended Demo]. I'm trying REALLY hard to not accidently show spoilers and I did a lot of that during the game development unfortunately. :,,,]
Since the [Extended Demo] has been out for a while I don't mind sharing a couple of little things though since I'm more comfortable with it!
Lore time! :]
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One of Noah's signs of affection is carrying you bridal style! :]
This is hinted and shown a couple of times within the game/art but it's part of his love language towards the player(Y/N). It depends on the situation but there's a few reasons for this. To explain JUST one of them, it's because he finds comfort being close to you. This expression of affection will be something that'll be approached again in the full game since he does this a few times! :,]
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Here's a sketch doodle I never got the chance to finish. :,]
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I don't mind MCOC (( Main Character Original Character(?) My play tester said that's what this means but do let me know if this isn't. :[] ))
I enjoy seeing fan art a whole bunch and I try to save the ones I come across when I do! All I ask is that it's nothing Explicit/NSFW since that's not what I'm going for in my works! Again, thank you so much for your support! :]
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