#just glad to have the link now yay
victorluvsalice · 8 months
VITD Sims Lookbook: Alice
And finally, with Victor and Smiler done, we finish off with some looks for our lovely Cutter, Alice!
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Alice gets straight into the custom content with one of her everyday outfits, wearing the blue swatches of the 1890s Working Girl set by @vintagesimstress! And unlike the last time I showed her in this outfit, this time she has the apron overlay to go with it. XD Looks good on her AND gives her the proper working-class vibes!
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For bedtime, Alice gets a pretty nightgown -- and much like Smiler, while they're not era-appropriate, I had to give Alice the cute bunny slippers too. XD What, we know she likes white rabbits! If I remember correctly, that nightgown is a dress that comes with the Cottage Garden Fan Stuff Pack made by @plumbobteasociety -- I thought it looked nice as nightwear for her.
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For that semi-formal party everyone's going to, Alice gets a Realm of Magic top and skirt that make her look at least somewhat respectable. While I think the outfit as a whole is a little pale, I really wanted to use that top on her -- I think she looks good in it. And the skirt ended up working with it pretty well (which is good, because it took me ages to find one that actually went with the top. Some of this shit is HARD to match, let me tell you!).
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And for a formal occasion -- well, unlike the boy and the non-binary person, Alice doesn't need to rely on CC here. Get Famous provides a beautiful Victorian dress for her to swan around in! (Though I should probably download a few for her anyway, for variety's sake -- or at least a couple of hats that might go well with this outfit. Head looks a little naked here!) She looks ready for a day in Brightstone, doesn't she?
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Okay, admittedly I didn't intend this outfit as an athletic outfit, just another everyday one (though I suppose Alice COULD wear it for working out). And this Cats & Dogs dress is probably a little too modern to fit the proper BITD vibes. But I really like it for the simple reason the patchwork skirt looks like something Alice made herself -- finding and saving up scraps of fabric so she could have something else to wear besides her iconic striped blouse and black skirt. And you can't deny, it DOES look good on her!
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And finally, for those chilly days, Alice gets in on the cozy vibes with a cherries-and-flowers theme -- the sweater (and I believe the skirt) is from Cottage Living, while the hat is a recolor created by Plumbella (from "illegally downloading clothes for my sims," in this SimFileShare folder (as you might imagine, it's the one called "beret")). She looks pretty comfy -- and those boots were definitely made for stomping around the streets in the snow and rain.
And that's that! Hope you enjoyed this look at what my VITD characters would probably wear in their universe. Next time (after Valicertine's Day), we're back to the Chill Valicer save for store shenanigans and magic shenanigans! See you then!
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legendofmorons · 4 months
You're drunk and tell them you have a boyfriend (it's them) Part 2
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Pairing: chain x reader
Rating: T
Summary: You've had too much to drink at a party in their hyrule, and your boyfriend finds you. He tries to bring you back to the inn but you tell him you have a boyfriend (it's him).
Warnings: previous drinking, drunk! Reader, reader is assumed to be of legal drinking age
Other: Reader is of legal drinking age in this (if you are going to drink, please be safe and drink water too)
This part has: Time, sky, and warriors
Time blames Malon for this
She'd happily dragged you and the boys out to a tavern for a "fun night"
You'd left a grumpy Wind with Talon and his cuccoos.
Fortunately, Time hears your shouting from where he's grabbing water.
When he turns around you have decided to get up on the table
Dear reader, you're trying really hard to teach Malon tik tok dances while drunk and on a small table.
You can imagine there's a lot of eyes on you
Malon is delighted though.
Twilight is trying to catch Time's eyes and motion him over.
Time just sighs, but he brings the water over to where you are.
"Hello, dear." Time says as he stops beside the table.
"I have a name. And a boyfriend." You say, turning to look at him.
"I know, (Y/n). But you should come down. I have some water for you, love."
"I just told you I have a boyfriend. Please leave me alone."
Twilight looks like he's trying not to laugh.
Malon has no such compulsion and is laughing. Her amused giggles are anything but helpful.
Time just takes a slow breath. Obviously you have had way too much. Though he could have guessed that from when you got up on the table.
"(Y/n)." Twilight says slowly, "Are you okay?"
"I'm okay." You say, turning to Twilight. "Where's Time?"
"He's right there, (y/n)." Twilight motions towards the old man.
You squint, but decide that man is in fact your lover. "Link!"
Time smiles, a little too amused, "Hello, dearest."
"There was this guy that was flirting with me. Did you see him?"
Time has to bite back a laugh. "Yes dearest, he just left."
"Yay!!! Can we go lay down? The room is spinning all fast like." You explain, stepping confidently off the table.
You fall directly into Time's chest and arms. He saw it coming so he catches you quickly.
"We can. I'll carry you, beloved."
Time moves 6 he's got you held princess style.
He bids farewell to those you were with and carries you to the inn. He's careful with you, making sure you're comfortable.
He bathes you himself, mostly because you're too uncoordinated to be trusted
But he's gentle with you
When he tucks you in you pass out real fast and he just chuckles.
He also wants to find out what you drank so he knows what to be careful about he doesn't want you to feel gross
Sky had stepped away long enough to go to the bathroom
That's it
And he comes back to find you trying to have a dance off with Pippit and Groose.
Unfortunately, you have resorted to a VERY drunk macararna , song, and all.
And now you're doing the chicken dance
Pippit is also drunk, and is trying his best to beat you. He has resorted to what looks to be a very painful attempt at the worm.
"Hey dove," Sky says as he comes up beside you, "Let's go to bed, mh?"
You turn your eyes to him and slur, "No, I have a boyfriend go 'way."
Groose just looks between you and Sky. He looks concerned.
"(Y/n), it's me, Sky." He tries to soothe you.
"Oh- sky! Hi baby!" You're cooing
You forget about the dance off and throw yourself into him. Your arms go around his neck as you smile up at him.
"Hey, (Y/n)."
He smiles at you softly, glad to see you happy.
"Help me beat these two!!!! It's a battle of dance!" You ask Sky.
"I was actually thinking we could head back? I'm feeling a little off." Sky says.
And sure, he feels fine but he knows ypu won't object to helping him.
He DOES feel a bit bad for the white lie though.
"Oh... okay! Lemme just uh- lemme just win this real fast!"
"You already won." Groose says, eager to end this odd experience.
"Oh! Hell yeah I won!" You giggle, looking truly excited
"Nooooo!" Pipit groans.
You just smile, taking Sky's hand in your own.
Sky leads you out of the building and to his room at the knights academy. He has you bathe before crashing.
You're gushing to him the whole time about how wonderful he is.
Sky is relieved when you wake up the next morning, mostly coherent if a little hungover.
Warriors dosen’t know what happened. He left you with Time and his Impa.
He left to go get you water, like you asked!
He comes back to find you trying to connect Time and Impa both that you are in fact, a wolf hybrid.
What the fuck?
"(Y/n), darling, what are you doing?"
"I'm a fucking wolf!" You declare loudly, thinking back to the playground games you uses to enjoy.
"Oh my Hylia." Impa groans, "Link get your partner. "
"You're not a wolf, beloved." Warriors says.
"Excuse me,I have a boyfriend." You say quickly, turning to give Warriors a look of displeasure.
"(Y/n)?" He asks.
"Please leave me alone."
"(Y/n)." Time says with a snort, "Come on.
"(Y/n), it's me, Warriors."
You squint, trying to figure out if that is in fact Wars.
"Oh yeah? What's my favorite color then?" You challenge.
Warriors tells you your favorite color and you beam.
"Wars!" You declare as you throw yourself at him.
He catches you with a grunt, wrapping his arms around you. "Hey."
"How much have you had to drink, darling?"
"Oh... uh- some?"
"I can tell."
You just laugh.
Warriors decides he needs to get you home.
Like- now probably.
"Wanna go to bed?"
"Am I that irresistible?" You giggle.
"Oh dear." Warriors frowns. "Dearest your very drunk."
"Am I?"
"Let's get you showered and in bed." Warriors says.
So, he takes you to the inn and gets you showered and tucked into bed. His entire body relaxes when you snuggle into the bed.
"Night Link!"
"Good night, dearest."
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vincentbriggs · 1 year
My good fellow do I have a STORY for you! A while back, I saw your leafkerchief, went “that’s brilliant,” and promptly became unable to find it. “Ah, oh well,” thought I, leaning into the sour grapes fallacy to the best of my ability, “I probably wouldn’t have a place to wear it anyway.” But lo! This summer, I was to attend the ren faire with my friends, just the place for such a fine garment. And I. Could not. Find. The. Video. No search terms were enough—leaf bandana, leaf headscarf, leaf head covering, none of them worked. But this morning, I stumbled upon a reblog of your patchwork dressing gown. Something stirred in the back of my mind. Something old. Something ancient. Something that was actually maybe a year, tops, but still very pressing. “Wait,” a voice murmured inside my head. “Wait, he looks familiar. He looks… strangely… familiar.” After a quick rampage of clicking links, I found it! The leafkerchief! I would also like to say that I feel I have matured in the last several months, and can now say that I would enthusiastically wear a giant leaf around campus. Point being, I am very giddy and now know what I am making next. So thank you! I hope that you are having a splendid day.
Yay! Make a big leaf for your head, yes!!
I'm glad you managed to find it, it's so frustrating when that happens! I've gone looking for sewing blog posts I vaguely remember, and sometimes they're nowhere to be found, and sometimes the whole blog has been deleted in the intervening 8 or 10 years. Alas.
I am having a pretty nice day, yes, and I hope you are too!
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butterflyscribbles · 1 year
Apologizes. It's just I rarely find the artists that draw/make my fav headcannons so it makes me happy when I do find them.
Explanation: I saw one of your references pic's for donnie on pintrest and I've adored it!! Eventually finding the other three's ref's on there aswell. But due to it being on pintrest w/o a link I couldn't find you. BUT NOW I DID!! and I'm happy! Your one of many who inspired me into the Rottmnt Fandom and helped me get my own mess of ideas sorted (as well as adding to them) that I wanted to say thanks!
Yep that's what this was for, me to say thank you to an artist i found since I don't normally get to do that :3. Hope you have a wonderful day and hope to see more from you in the future!! Now I'll be off debating on making a comic!
YAY WELCOME HAPPY TO HAVE YOU HERE!!! Yeah Pinterest is a complete sinkhole of stolen artwork (and without proper credit/links its even worse). It’s tough to combat but at the same time I’m kinda glad it still reaches people for reasons like you mentioned💜
Hope you have a wonderful day too and best of luck in your comic and headcanon making endeavors!!!
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tashacee · 10 months
Yay permission to yell about the fic!
Alright three things:
1. Wild's feelings about his failure or not living up to expectations. Hooo boy some of the heroes are going to have words about that. Wind (who wasn't considered worthy until he literally glued the Triforce of Courage back together himself), Legend (may have saved the Wind Fish but doomed an entire dream world in the process. Also knows Ravio, who's a bit of a failed hero in the context of his story) and Time (had to be put to sleep for seven years to wield the Master Sword, and then gets treated like none of that happened afterwards) in particular come to mind.
2. Wild: omg they can't see me without my mask on or they'll hate me 🥺 Wind: Dude, you could look like a Chuchu jelly for all I care if you keep cooking like this I will love you forever. (He would love Wild even if he couldn't cook, I mean just look at the sad little meow meow)
3. Spirit mentioned! (I too have fallen for the propaganda) This is an Aspects thing, but if they do manage to "fix" the Aspect, I want some of the heroes to demand he wear it whenever they meet a new hero because "we went through it and so they have to now too (also it will be funny)". Then when they meet Spirit they're all like "hello we are all eight blonde guys named link and this seven foot tall cat man also named link"
:D :D :D :D
okay SO
1 - OHHH YEAH. Wild has a LOT of of internalised guilt over things that were not his fault and his brothers are going to have things to say about that. So many of them have thought at ssome point that they aren't worthy and they all are working on accepting that actually? They are worthy and deserve better.
There are gonna be a lot of hugs.
2 - Wind loves Wild. He loves his cool new brother. Today's chapter is gonna have a Wind bonding section and i can't wait because. These boys are just the most brother, your honour. I love them.
3 - Spirit is wonderful and i love him. I actually have PLANS for how he will make an appearance in Aspects (it is HAPPENING) and i cannot WAIT.
I'm so glad you've enjoyed!
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maehemthemisfit · 1 year
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A/N: YAY ☂️ ANON IM SO GLAD YOU'RE BACK!!! I made a masterlist of most of your previous asks so I could keep up with them so I'll be linking future ones there <3 Also, I kind wrote this with Kanto and Bonten in mind so different ones apply to different timelines. I hope you like these HCs i thought of. I love the idea of reader being mother hen
It's so silly you found it amusing the first couple of days, scratch that- hours, thanks to Sanzu and his persistent 'courting'. It's also amusing because the most notorious gangsters were following you around aimlessly like little ducklings.
You tolerated it in the beginning since on a good day Mikey didn't bother you much and just preferred to bask in your presence and simply watch you work.
But on a bad day? He was more clingy, more anxious, more suffocating on days his impulses would go haywire.
They'll be an all out brawl happening in front of him and he'll have you perched on his lap, uncaring of what's happening and only focused on you. You're literally watching your allies fight for their lives and he's over your shoulder asking about your day, what you wanna do later on or playing with your hair like WHAT?? I mean at least he's not killing anyone so that's a plus right?
Either that or you'll be chilling at base, doing research and trying to predict other gang movements and he just throws whatever you're doing to the side and sprawls over you. Other times he just hugs you from behind and leans his head on your back, asking you when you're almost done - He really doesn't care, if you're not done in three minutes then he's just gonna whisk you away somewhere
At this point there's no arguing about work, it's give attention to mikey time and that's final
Sometimes he just wanna ride with you, he doesn't care who's driving; either you're holding him or he's holding you
Now going out, I feel like Sanzu would be more keen on leaving with you. He'd probably consider them dates or something and he's insistent on paying for everything you buy, even if you were only browsing he'd find something you paid a little more attention to and buy it
It kinda sucks having both of them following you since they literally scare everyone away even when they're not trying to.
You have to keep them both out of trouble and keep them both reasonably happy, otherwise it'll just turn into a bad outing and someone's coming back to base covered in blood that'll you'll have to help them clean up
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accirax · 2 months
http s://m .youtube. com/ watch?si=1 cwScv26CK JlCjAR&v=ZcHm4 Ua6s_o& feature = youtu .be
OH my god OP you were actually right on the money!!!! 😱
I thought it would just be the manga he read but he discovered the anime through his son.
This really makes wonder now just how old his son is. He has to be older than Fiore if he's into shows like MHA (maybe 11 - 13 at least), which some fans actually suspected he'd be.
well, i can't get the link to work (i'm assuming tumblr put it through some kind of encryption filter to prevent people from receiving malicious links), so i'll just have to take your word for it! but, yay, i'm glad i was right about something, especially something Alec-related.
the only issue with Alec's son being older is that he himself is only now 33 years old. obviously, even if his son was 13, he would have been 20 upon becoming a father, which is completely within the realm of possibility. however, the average age of first becoming a father in the UK is (funnily enough) 33 in the current year, and not much lower in recent years past.
if Alec had a child at age 20, he would have been WAY below average. i guess there is evidence to support him having somewhat of a whirlwind romance with his wife, and them getting together so early in their lives could be part of why they wound up finding each other incompatible in the end. if he really did become a father at 20, i really wish he could've had the chance to talk with Rosa in All Stars.
then again, i would fully believe that ONC just didn't think about the implications of when Alec became a father very hard. if they can make Jensen seven feet tall, they can make Alec a father just a few years out of high school.
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xoxoemynn · 6 months
8, 14, and 64!! (If any of these have been picked then pick the ones you want to be asked :) )
YAY thank you, friend!! I've answered a couple of these so I'll pick some fun ones for you. 💕
10. Cltr+f "blinks" on your WIP & copy paste the first sentence/paragraph that comes up Ed blinks and rapidly scrolls up and down the page. That can’t be it. A studio doesn’t just fucking cancel someone that successful. Ed had reviewed all the film grosses, both domestic and international; the numbers were there. And Ed saw the way the man danced; Stede was a phenomenon on his feet. And HB Low just let him fucking get away? Were they absolutely insane?
14. how do you write emotional scenes? Do you ever feel what the characters feel? Do you draw from personal experiences? I rely a lot on music to get me in the right headspace. My go-to song, because I feel it gets into ALL the big Ed/Stede emotions for nearly every situation, is The Story. I will literally listen to every version I have on it on loop for however long it takes while thinking about whatever situation the characters are in and then go. I do sometimes draw from personal experience, but alas, I haven't had a Great Big Love like Ed and Stede, so when it calls for that, it's mostly just the power of imagination.
11. Link your three five favorite fics right now I haven't had as much time as I'd like to be reading, but a few that are lingering on my brain right now!
2 Fluff 2 Furrious by @monksofthescrew: the sequel to the PHENOMENAL Fluff. Summary: In which Ed and Stede and their (!) ten (!!) dogs take an unhinged and perhaps ill-advised roadtrip in a dog bus. It's cute. It's emotional. It's Ed and Stede stupidly in love with SO MANY CUTE DOGS. And it's an absolutely impeccable Ed voice. WIP, just one chapter for now, but I've read the next and it's SO GOOD.
Moment of Truth by @trans-top-stede and karawrites: It's the most gloriously frustrating time loop; set during 2x06, Ed and Stede can't come until they learn how to fucking TALK TO EACH OTHER!!!!! I'm a few chapters behind and I am very excited to catch up this weekend, but oh my god, the EMOTIONS and the SEX it's all so good.
The Incident at Direfold Manor by @helloimjennsco: GOOD SPOOKY HORROR. It's the kind of uncomfortable feeling, something lurking in the shadows watching you vibe and it's SO UNSETTLING I LOVE IT AND AM SO CURIOUS TO SEE WHERE IT GOES. Still a WIP, and this is one I'm REALLY glad to be reading as it posts because the twisty turnies are so tasty.
The Tolling Bells by @edsbacktattoo: Recently completed, absolutely gorgeous fic with a unique premise that feels all the more poignant after the cancellation. I just keep thinking about how there is NO POSSIBLE UNIVERSE THAT EXISTS, real or fictional, where Ed and Stede DON'T find each other and fall in love, and how lucky we are to get to witness that. Good shit.
I Spit on Your Grave by @epersonae: A complete one shot! I have accepted this fic as canon now. The conversation Ed and Stede have is one I was really craving in S2, and this version of it scratches that itch perfectly. And because it's epersonae, you know it's some really beautiful, emotional, evocative writing.
Get to know the fic writer ask game!
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carcarcraziiv2 · 9 months
Hi! Oh, it's so good that I came across your blog! I would like to make a request. Kayn & Younger Sister!Reader. And the situation is like this. Reader is a teenager of sixteen and she has already graduated from high school. She's enrolled in college, but she'll have to move into a dorm. She begins to worry wildly, because she is afraid that she will not be accepted by completely new people for her, and also that she will be lonely and bored because Kayn is not around. You can even add scenes where Reader already lives in a dorm and communicates with Kayn via video link (for Kayn, this is a means to make sure that his sister is okay). Thank you very much!
Yay! I'm glad you came across my blog too!
I love this idea. I feel like Kayn would be an exceptional big brother 🥹. Lowkey winging it cuz I am an oooonly child hehe.
Here we go! I hope you enjoy!
P.S. Sorry it's kind of short, but I hope you like it anyway!
The days just keep getting more stressful.
At least that's what you thought- you hadn't even began packing for your move in date to the university dorms. At only sixteen you were going to be the youngest one in the sorority, and you weren't sure how the other girls were going to react to you.
As you walked into your room with a few empty boxes in hand, you sighed at the mess on the floor. You had been so busy with celebrating your graduation from high school and your scholarship that you hadn't had time to do anything- much less clean.
You were grateful that your big brother was home for the holidays, as he was helping a lot with the upkeep of the house while your parents were constantly off working.
Feeling defeated, you let yourself crumple to the floor, landing hard on your knees which only made you feel more frustrated. You tossed the boxes blindly, causing them to crash into a few items on your bookshelf- of course it did.
Reaching up to cover your eyes, you let out a pathetic sob before completely falling into belligerence. You were a heaving, snotty mess on the floor with no hope as to how to ease the anxiety coursing through your veins.
What if the girls don't like me?
What if the professors think I'm too young to be in college?
What about Kayn? Will he miss me? Will we even get to hangout anymore?
You trembled at the thought of not being able to see your brother. He was your rock, especially in tough situations. Even now, he was so busy with his band all of the time you hardly got to see him. With you going to college, you were certain there was no hope at all.
Soft footsteps patting towards you caused you to jerk your head up and quickly wipe away your tears and running nose.
"Oh, hey Kayn. I had something in my eye," you blurt out, smiling slightly as you quickly avert your gaze from his prying one. He leaned down in a squat to your level, grabbing your chin with his fingers and forcing you to look at him.
"What's wrong? Do I need to kick someone's ass?" He says, studying your face. You sniffle and shake your head slightly in response, trying really hard not to cry again. "Then what's wrong, kid?"
"I- I'm just really worried about going to school. What if people don't like me? What if I fail or what if the professors don't think I am good enough?"
"What?! You? Not enough?! And there is literally no way that people aren't going to like you. Either way, I'm always one call away from coming to back you up. You know that, right?" Kayn smiles at you kindly, standing and reaching his hand out for you to take to stand.
"Thanks, Kayn. Love you."
"Love you too sis."
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Three Weeks Later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Hi, I'm Y/N," You sheepishly reach out your hand toward your new dorm mate while tucking a piece of hair behind your ear.
"Hi! I'm Sarah. It's great to meet you! I am so excited to be your roommate!" Sarah, the short red headed girl in front of you, grabs your hand and pulls you in for a hug. "I think we are going to have a lot of fun together. Come in, let's compare classes!"
The first week was a breeze, meeting a lot of new people and luckily finding your professors eager to have a younger student in their midst.
This particular day was a Friday, and during your last class your roommate texted you.
Hey, Y/N! Come to the rec center after class, I wanna show you something!
You raised your brow in confusion, texting her back hesitantly.
Should I be worried?
Hahaha, of course not! See you theeeere!
The rest of the class was hard to focus on, as your thoughts kept drifting back to whatever your roommate could possibly be doing. She has been very nice to you since the beginning, but you couldn't help but to worry that she was doing something shady.
After class you quickly dropped your books off at your room and headed to the rec hall. It wasn't too far, about a fifteen-minute walk from the building you lived in.
The door to the hall was closed, which was unusual especially for a Friday. You quickly looked at your phone to make sure this is in fact the place that she said to go to, and after confirming you reached forward and slowly pushed open the door.
You would hit with a sudden burst of light, then a loud booming sound. You flinched, throwing your hands in front of your face.
"What the..." You started but were quickly interrupted by a group of shouting people.
You jumped back, staring at the crowd in front of you while trying to make sense of it all.
Before you the tables were all decorated, multicolor balloons drifting from their tops. Above it all, ribbons hung from the ceiling, a big white banner in the center reading "Congratulations Y/N!".
Amidst it all you saw Kayn, his band, your mom and dad, and your roommate Sarah.
Your burst into tears.
In the short time you had been in college, you hadn't had any time to think about how much you truly missed all of them. Kayn, especially, as you hadn't had time to even consider grabbing your phone and calling them.
"Hey, hey now," You hear Kayn's voice beside you, a gentle hand rubbing your back. "Surprised?"
You nodded and lifted your head, wiping away your tears as you gripped him in a tight hug. "What the hell are you guys doing here?"
"Well, we realized we never really gave you an 'officially started college' party and thought we should probably do that. Plus, I missed my little sister!" He smiled, pulling away and dragging you towards everyone else.
Smiling, you enjoyed your evening, grateful for the best brother in the world. He always reminded you that everything was going to be okay, and he was always right.
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kairiscorner · 1 year
bc i have no life, i made (and will expand):
dialogue prompts list or something
REMINDERS! imma use these on fics if y'all want, though you guys can use these too for your own fics, just make sure to give me credit and tag me, attaching a link to this post is also appreciated if you use this ^^
(btw, i can also repeat some prompts, though please be patient, i might not be able to post so much this month ^^'')
1.) "you're a bad influence on me, y'know that?" (miles 1610)
2.) "yeah, i risked my skin saving you. i don't care if you wouldn't do the same for me, i'm not you."
3.) "mind using your eyes AND brain next time?"
4.) "my heart beats all the time, shouldn't be a big deal, but i can't help but notice how loud the beating is when you're around." (teen!gojo)
5.) "never really understood poetry, but when i read a few lines from this... you were the image that came out of the words." (noir)
6.) "if you really wanted to drive me insane... you'd hold my hand for more than 5 seconds, then you'll see me insane with love." (noir)
7.) "please, for the love of GOD, never shut up."
8.) "my hands are cold... wait, what are you doing, i thought you brought mitt--never mind, this is nice."
9.) "something tells me you aren't happy about it. and something tells me you'll be angrier if i keep asking. it's okay, take your time. just know i'll be right here for you."
10.) "if you can't believe me, then i'll have to show you that i'm serious about you."
11.) "sometimes, you don't have to worry about loving me enough--you do that too much already. what you should worry about... is giving me too much love that you forget who you're supposed to be loving first: you."
12.) "man, after 5 shots of whiskey and a good laugh, i think i've made up my mind--you're gonna be the one i'll marry." "we just met." "and i just fell for you."
13.) "they came to get their shit back without even getting their shit together, how nice."
14.) "i would've thrown a brick in your window if you didn't answer, and y'know, i was going to, but then i remembered you hated getting stuff on your carpet so i left and did it in my mind."
15.) "i want a platypus. and yes, i want you, too."
16.) "your place is filthy." "it's gonna be yours too, one day." "you mean ours."
17.) "why are my eyes gross right now?" "it's... you're crying." "nu-uh." "y'need a tissue?" "yes please"
18.) "you're so stupid, and reckless, and a literal danger to my very way of life--and yet i love you to bits!"
19.) "if i could just go back in time and see you again, maybe then i'd tell myself to love you for a long, long time. even if i never knew it at the time, i regret all the years we've lost together, i regret living my life without you in it."
20.) "now before you ask why i beat the shit out of him in the locker rooms, it was because he was gonna ask you out before i could, okay?" (soccer captain!miguel)
21.) "i am a fully grown adult. i am capable, i am independent, i am strong-willed." "and you lose your shit when you see me come home with a mcdonalds' kiddie meal."
22.) "nobody loves me..." "..." "ahem, i said, NOBODY LOVES ME" "and i'm nobody?" "yay"
23.) "i just wanna bash their head in, but... it's so distracting. their eyes get me lost and i'm, i'm out of it."
24.) "man, they're a lost cause. and yet i keep busting my ass trying to save them. i love being your spouse and curse being your spouse, dammit."
25.) "i wanna kiss... right now... but my spouse'll... hate me." "i am your spouse." "oh damn, then you'll... hate me if i... if i kiss your pretty face, love..."
26.) "go to bed right now." "no." "i guess i'll give your plushie all my kisses." "ok on my way."
27.) "again, would it be me or them? me who's been with you this whole time, me who's took you in when you're so used to being refused, me who's... who's loved you, all this time?"
28.) "where are my--" "keys? here, scatterbrain." "damn, i'm so glad i married you."
29.) "kids, go to your room." "as your co-parent, i say protect me from the dragon about to breathe fire on me."
30.) "i may be his wife, but i'm not his lover."
31.) "i think you have me confused for someone else."
32.) "it's because i care about you that i push myself away, don't you get that?"
33.) "we'll never be okay again, will we...?"
34.) "the noises in my head keep getting louder and louder and louder, but only you... only you help calm them down."
35.) "oh, i get it, fine. i'll fuck off."
36.) "i want that though." "it's a waste of money." "you got it for me anyway."
37.) "how could you say i don't love you when all my life, you're all i come home to and kiss a good morning and good night?"
38.) "what a stupid man i married."
39.) "don't... fucking move... not unless you want me to do it..."
40.) "you went in my ROOM?"
41.) "i accidentally broke the bed."
42.) "i love you." "what?" "ah fuck, i mean, i'll see you."
43.) "GOD, I HATE THEM SO FUCKING MUCH." "is that why you draw you and them kissing together all the time?"
44.) "i can make a mean burned down house and scorched lawn."
45.) "i'll admit it, fine, i can't win your heart. because your heart isn't any prize to be won, you're not an object. you're... you're you. and i LOVE you."
46.) "what, why're you staring? can't handle how hot i am?" "no, it's just that you've got a shit-eating grin on your face i'd love to punch off you."
47.) "i actually hate summer vacation... i won't be able to see you everyday for 3 whole months."
48.) "ooh, you drank from my cup, you know what this means, we had an indirect kiss."
49.) "just tell your crush you like them already and stop being a big baby about this." "okay, fine. i like you." "wait--"
50.) "i know it looks stupid, but... i tried."
51.) "it's funny, because i had you in mind while making it."
52.) "you think infinity is real, or... are we just living every day hoping tomorrow will come, despite all odds?"
53.) "you're so fucking stupid...! stupid, stupid, stupid... why did you... dammit, why?"
54.) "i don't even know who i share my bed with anymore."
55.) "bite me and get what you want, what we both want."
56.) "we'll never have to see each other again after this."
57.) "quit making promises you can't keep."
58.) "tell me to shut up one more time. go, i'm waiting."
59.) "ah, sorry, i... oh, your hand's really soft."
60.) "what are you doing?" "just capturing the moment in my mind when i'm with the most perfect person in the whole multiverse."
61.) "and you know what your problem is? you can't stand seeing me happy, that's your fucking problem."
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lazzarella · 3 months
Not sure if I should keep posting these Wandee Goodday notes, but I guess we're in the home stretch now, so I may as well...
- So glad they showed us what happened with Taem and Ohm!!!
- "Is it that obvious?" Mate, you can see it from outer space lmaoooo
- Awww, Taem! She's a good egg. She really seems happy for Yak. Not sure if her saying 'don't be the person who realises their feelings too late' relates to her or not? I still find it super hard to read her lol
- Okay, look, I get that Yak was worried about Taem but if he read Dee's texts why didn't he reply??? He just wanted to make that dramatic entrance haa
- Another lovely dance metaphor that I'm too tired to transcribe!
- They won the dancing!
- Omg the cuff on Yokee's/Dr Aphichat's shirt!!!! I NEED TO SEE THE WHOLE THING!
- Boooo! Rewardus interruptus!
- Oh, fuck OFF Ter! Bloody hell, he's like a bad penny
- Another punch! Could've done with a satisfying sound effect but still
- Dr Dee. Is. My. Boyfriend <3333
- Ooh, I love the way Dee's fingers catch on Yak's as he reluctantly lets go, vs how he yanks his hand away from Ter! Love little details like that
- That whole speech from Yak is a major, or whatever, green flag for me was just... It was everything!!! And thanking Yak for coming into his life???? Fuuuuuuuck. So good!
- Like, to find someone who you don't feel lesser than around, to find someone who is your peace of mind, who you love who you are with them... That's the goal right there
- And I am so glad Dee said all of that to Ter with Yak there beside him because they both need to hear it and Dee needed to say it and I love Dee so much
- Did you hurt your hand punching him? :3333
- LMAO at Yak inspecting Dee's face to make sure Ter didn't kiss him 🤣
- And we got another kiss!! YAY!
- ...what... why... Why is Kao shirtless with tape over his nipples?! What is happening? Lmao
- Noooooooo! Not more technical issues! WHY, GOD, WHYYYYY?
- Okay, we're good!
- "Don't skip steps" awww, Dee! I mean, I do think Yak has been pretty flirty this whole time, but sometimes someone wants a formal flirting stage, I guess. And Dee is a romantic. And a big tease ;D
- I love that wooing Dee and not having sex until they're proper boyfriends was all Yak's idea. He has no one but himself to blame haha
- Dee's pastel striped shirt is cute!
- More domesticity! Yay!
- I love when they clink their cutlery before eating :3
- Okay, Dee is SO teasing Yak with the flower every day and so on thing. He has his teasing voice on lol I love him
- wow that was a quick montage! I was kind of hoping to see more of their little trip, but I think it works not dragging this out, even if I wanted to see them camping...
- Oh, it was SO obvious Dee saying 'enough' in the preview was going to be linked to the 'if I love you it's for you' and so on. I enjoy being right :)
- Also, it's interesting that Yak still felt like he needed to be like Ter to win Dee over after everything Dee said after the ball
- "I just want to do things that are me now" YEAH!
- "This is the Yoryak that I like..." Ahhh, Dee, you have issues with having feelings and I love you <333
- This date is SO much cuter! Yak is just at ease and Dee is so fond <333
- Tut tut, Dr Dee, trying to get Dr Kao to break patient confidentiality!
- Omg, I LOVE whiny and pleading Yak so much!!!! He's sooooo cute! I have no idea how Dee ever holds his ground for one second lmao
- Wow, okay, was that a really abrupt cut from Yak pouting to Yei getting beaten up or just me??
- Yei just putting his head in Cher's lap and holding his hand though... Ahhhhhh
- I do like watching Yak train 😏
- oh, what does the swiping your thumb across your nose gesture mean?? I've seen it a few times in Thai BLs/movies?? I think I get it from context but not enough to really put into words lol
- Daddy's home! I am finding the differences in Yak and Yei's reactions intriguing! I was NOT expecting Yak to be pleased to see his dad, so this is an interesting development
- Oh!!! Yellow is their mum's birthday colour! Ah, my heart!!!
- Sidenote, I looked up my birthday colour and it's green and that bloody colour haunts me (it's the colour of my birthstone too)
- Dee holding Yak during the nightmare... Omg, so much is happening in this ep!!!
- That pool scene is so cute! I love Dee being all cute and silly with Yak :D
- "When I've found what I like, why bother looking for something else?" Oooh, you smooth talker, you
- (Also that's me visiting any restaurant for a second time and getting the same dish lol)
- LMAO the dick plushie is in bed with them!!!
- And lol @ Yak asking for sex when it was his rule!! He played himself there!
- "You're my peace of mind" their relationship is so lovely! They're so compatible!!
- boxing blah blah whatever
- I wonder if it's going to like... Be Yak himself under there?
- Awww, Dee broke through <333
- Yak and Dee smiling at each other after Yak won is just... I don't know if I have words left for how much I love them
- I love that Zazaki wanted to join their gym because they're like a family! He's adorable! And a little OTT
- OMG the whole end scene is just EVERYTHING!!! Yak's terrible flirting!! Carrying Dee to the couch! The whole couch scene that parallels their first night together! MORE KISSING!!!! And sexy times because ofc Dee can't keep his hands off Yak despite the rule!! AHHHHH! It just broke me and I love it!!!
Phew, okay, SO much happened in this ep, right?? Like that's not just me???
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lorephobic · 10 months
*kisses your brain* I am BEYOND interested in seeing the interview clips that inspired/back up your thoughts and analysis
aw yay!!! im so glad this is interesting to more than just me LOL
if any particular essays/ideas pique ur interest, i can give u a deeper dive into any of them with more clips & links, but for now under the cut i'll do a couple of short recs for each:
A Wolf in Deer's Clothing
oliver's deceit (and portrayal as a prey animal) was much more obvious in the movie, but getting to the crux of felix's role as a false-angel was heavily inspired by:
this interview where jacob dives into felix's need to be needed and seen as a savior, and
this scene breakdown with emerald, where she points out felix's desire for power masquerading as kindness
A Midsummer Night's Mare
this essay in particular is in response to the general fandom impression that oliver being drawn toward farleigh is anything but a horrific extension of his existing obsession toward felix and this was most heavily influenced by my own eyes and my ability to identify sexual assault when i see it (LOL) as well as:
this collider interview with archie madekwe where he talks about the development of farleigh's relationship with oliver, and even more importantly to my point, the catharsis farleigh gets from coming back and saying his piece at the midsummer night's party
The Eye of the Beholder
i've got a million interviews i could give you where emerald talks about the voyeurism in saltburn, but i think these details come out most when she's doing scene breakdowns and particularly in:
this moment of a vanity fair interview where she picks apart the details of the house that saltburn was filmed in, and the nature of the people that live inside of it and this bit from the same interview where she talks about the exhibitionist nature of the bathroom setup
this esquire interview where emerald lets us in on the workings of the house and how nothing can be private
sidenote: these two scene breakdown interviews are two of my favorites that i've seen come out of this movie, so i definitely recommend them in their entirety if you're at all interested!
this might be my favorite topic on this list and the one that i think is most important and i'm SO GLAD that emerald has had some really great interviews where she gets to talk about these things. my favorite being:
this reign interview with josh smith that i really can't recommend enough, where emerald brings up the way women's bodies are used and objectified in film and addresses and challenges the "shock" that people claim to feel after seeing saltburn
THOSE!!! are my starter recommendations!!! but like i said at the beginning of this post, if you have anything in particular that you really want to dive deeper into, just lmk!! <333
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popchoc · 1 year
Grey’s Season 19 Finale
Just some random thoughts (I’ve watch these eps in so many parts over the day, I forgot half of it already):
- I never bought the “Simone is actually getting married to someone else” so the first ep came with little surprises. I honestly don’t care that much about that story altogether (mostly because I find Simone the least interesting new intern), but I guess I’m happy for Lucas.
- Yasuda and Helm are cute together. I’m glad those writers picked up on my suggestion all those months ago (now where’s my check? lol, jk). That first kiss was both fun and adorable (and I have to admit: quite original).
- I like Blue, too. Haven’t really made up my mind about Jules. (Which I guess isn’t a good thing, after 20 episodes?)
- Is it just me, or did Hunt make the wrong choice at the end? I get that it’s his wife on the floor, but everyone can do cpr, while he’s the only surgeon in there who might save the patient.
- I know addiction never really goes away, but tbh I’m a bit done with Webber and Amelia taking turns in relapsing.
- Can we leave Mer and Nick in Boston now?
(side note: I personally can also do without Mer’s voice-over by now. They were great for about, idk, 6 to 8 seasons, but these days I don’t even hear them anymore. If they must keep them, than just give them to someone who’s actually on the show.)
- I’m not really shipping Link and Jo, (and I still prefer Link and Amelia), but I don’t hate them, and things were taking too long anyway, (and kissing in the rain always helps), so I guess yay them!
- Bailey getting that award wasn’t just spoilered, but also filmed too obviously (hadn’t I known). Poor directing, I guess. But good for her!!
- Altogether this season still didn’t get close to the first ten (or so), but imho it was def better than the last three (or so). The new interns are an asset and prove that some change, especially after this long, isn’t always bad. Curious for what’s next in season 20! (holy f*ck, I can’t believe I’ve been watching this show for almost two decades...)
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koszmarnybudyn · 11 months
Finally listened to the new dndads episode (might do some art for it later) here are my thoughts:
-you guys were right about those close family feels i am indeed sad now,
-did not expect Terry to be the one to shot Nick's arm off (thought it would be Grant) also i get the ship now, i do
-kinda glad that stampler thing was brief cause i think we tackled Scarys and Robs and Tjs relashonship before and it was nice for them to just be soft
-does Hermie age?
-the Wilson boys need to learn how to use the bathroom like normal people (its wilsons with their piss and the oaks with their stink and retainers i swear)
-Taylor had feelings?
-I love Glenn i really do, and i understand getting better isn't linear but god did he fuck up, i dont have personal experience with absent parents but god did it hurt
-Taylor and Norm gonna have to fight now i guess, its very funny
-yay i get an excuse to draw norm ugly crying and its canon now
-Scary is so so fun, i missed her, and Link,
-oh also, the Closes are so so ADHD (i mean id Jodie its canon, and honestly i headcanon most of the cast as autistic/adhd but the closes are the most adhd ones to me)
-do i have time to draw? Yes i think, will i? Hopefully
-i think that's it, this episode was fun, ended sooner than i thought, very good, stabbed me in the chest and took it
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softpine · 4 months
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i think they're all pretty middle of the road when it comes to cooking skills, but no one can make comfort food like mikaela can!!! it won't be healthy but it will nurture your soul and give you the will to live
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for real ❗❗❗ i had an idea to do something for mother's day but it snuck up on me too fast 😭
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oh i think about this a lot!! actually in my original draft, jada was not supposed to meet alisa at work, she was supposed to start talking to her online in one of those old school chat rooms, this one was geared towards people who believed in (and mostly lied about having) supernatural abilities :P jada would just lurk there and didn't believe anything she read, but one day she would see a post from someone claiming to live nearby, who was talking about a recent hit & run death in great detail that you wouldn't be able to find out from the news (because they hadn't even found out who did it yet). and it would've turned out that alisa was the anonymous poster, and she had touched the arm of the person who committed the hit & run, so she saw the whole event and knew things no one else did. when the man was arrested and many of alisa's details were confirmed, jada eventually believed her and they arranged to meet in real life. i still like this idea, but it would really only make sense if this story was taking place in like the early 2000s lmao
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ooh yes i always love a good stevie & KD interaction!! i'll write that soon 💖💖
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@peacheulle i'm counting this as a writing prompt, i'll write you a fluffy coffee shop au where nothing bad ever happened :P
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good idea!!! i forgot i've actually already written one, i just needed to connect some of the paragraphs. it'll be posted now 💗
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@simeffable 💖
demolition lovers - my chemical romance
paper cuts - nirvana
son of sam - eliott smith
i will follow you into the dark - death cab for cutie
bells ring - mazzy star
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yay!! i'm glad to hear that :)
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awww thank you 🥺 here's some stars for you too 💖💖⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
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fisherpiers · 1 year
Could you do a prompt where Luz and Hunter are not a double date with Amity and Willow (but Luz is a lil nervous about seeing Amity-  whether they broke up or not idk- You can pick) leading to Luz and Hunter’s first kiss or ‘I love you’?
Boy someone’s getting more than I bargained for… you expected a little drabble? Well no sorry just straight up 3600 word one-shot for you. I had too much material. Oh and heads up Flapjack is not dead. Idk where people are getting that idea smh.
Edit: psst. I sorta rewrote this one a little and you can read that version here
Edit edit: pls pls pls read the ao3 version lmao it has like 500 extra words and it flows much better (link above in previous paragraph)
Luz didn’t just have a few butterflies in her tummy, she had an entire butterfly conservatory.
Tonight was going to be the first time she’d have to spend an entire evening with Amity since she’d broken things off with her a few months ago. A double date. A double date with her ex… why did she let Willow talk her into this?
Willow had been trying to get Luz and Amity alone in the same room forever. Something about getting along and the power of friendship and yadda yadda..
And Luz really wanted to smooth things over Amity, honest. For Willow’s sake. It was just too awkward.
It’s weird right? When your best friend and your ex girlfriend get together. And you’re happy for them? You’re glad she’s able to make your ex happy like you couldn’t, but also what the hell man.
But it’s not like you haven’t already moved on, too. Uh, well, you sorta moved on before ending the relationship. That was why you broke up with her. So really you can’t be slightly mad here.
But your boyfriend also left Willow for you? And that’s weird too? But you and Willow are still besties bc #Hexsquad4Life and all that?
SO! To make things worse you’re now bringing the guy you broke up with your with ex for, on a double date with said ex, with his ex, and wowsers there’s a lot to unpack here.
It’s just all over awkward! Okay?!
No wonder Gus keeps taking his exchange students on long trips into the human realm. They’re probably giving him ulcers from all this drama.
The good news was that Willow and Hunter were the ones taking care of all the plans. All Luz had to do was show up. Which, is gonna be hard as hell to do in the first place.
She’ll admit, it’s kinda weird that Hunter was still all buddy-buddy with Willow, as well. But Luz wasn’t threatened by that.
She was 100% sure Hunter wanted her, and only her. Their was something about the way he treated her that left her no room for doubt. He was so tender with her. The ways his eyes promised her anything if she’d only ask—
Hunter’s breakup with Willow went so smoothly, in fact it was the most amicable breakup Luz had ever seen (and had been in the middle of). Which, of course. If there was anyone who could’ve actually stayed friends after their romantic relationship ended, it was those two. Not even a snag in their typical antics, their dynamic remained undisturbed.
Which was a little suspicious, now that she thought of it.
She never even once saw them kiss. She never saw them go out (without her or Gus tagging along, that is)…
However, they did hold hands every second of the day without stop. Which made it impossible to talk to Hunter without Willow there and it annoyed Luz to no end. Glued at the hips much? Wait,
It was almost as if they weren’t actually dating, just trying to get under her skin. And Amity’s too, by the looks of it…
Those cheeky buggers.
Well. Maybe things aren’t as weird with Willow and Hunter as she thought. So it looked like she, and probably Amity, were going to be the only ones suffering tonight. Yay.
Luz sorted through her clothes, trying to pick an appropriate outfit to no avail. What do you even wear to a double-date with your ex? Something extra hot to sorta say haha look what you’re missing? Something your new boyfriend bought you because he’ll love to see you wear it and simultaneously tell everyone you’re with him now?
Titan, she didn’t even think about all the people at the restaurant.
What were they going to think with the four of them together? Would it be confusing? Would they be watching for a fight, popcorn ready?
This was one of the many downsides to being one of the most recognizable faces in the Isles, an unwillingly celebrity. Everyone knew you and all your business.
She settled on a simple black shirt and slacks. Classic, right? Dressy enough for the nice restaurant Willow had picked out (probably in an attempt to keep things civil, bound by social contract and all) and not showy. It was an outfit that didn’t say anything. Which was probably for the best.
Just one thing. A necklace, from Hunter. It was a pendant he carved himself, an old light glyph. He gave it to her years ago, when he had just started his apprenticeship and was excited about carving. Amity had hated this necklace. Luz couldn’t ever figure out as to why, until lately. It was such a simple little thing, and it wasn’t like it was ugly.
But now Luz understood, it was a piece of Hunter. He had thought of her and carved her a necklace, unprompted. It was a gift, given on no special occasion. He just wanted to give her something. And she wore it around her neck proudly.
Of course Amity hated that.
She was absolutely going to wear it to this double-date. It’s not like it was one of his earrings or anything. No big deal, but enough to send a message.
Hunter knocked on her door. She knew it was him, with the little pattern he knocked on the wood. The sound comforted Luz.
She glanced over herself in the mirror once again before getting the door. Well, here goes nothing.
Hunter looked as handsome as ever, eagerly waiting with his hands behind his back as she opened the door. Once he saw her, his face lit up.
“You ready, Mi Amor?”
He offered his hand, and Luz took it.
“Mi Amor?”
“Cariño! Corazón! Mi Vida!”
“Okay, okay,” Luz laughed, “I get it you googled ‘pet names Español’”
“That’s where you’re wrong, actually. I’ve had these babies under my belt for years,”
Luz raised her eyebrows at his statement,
“I found them to be very important to memorize back when Gus had everyone practicing our Español everyday stuck in the human realm.”
Luz gaped at him, “Titan, you really meant years, huh?”
“I did indeed,” he looped their arms together, “now, let’s get going to our dinner reservations,”
“Ughhhh,” Luz protested, “do we have to? Actually, uh, I think I’m coming down with something, [cough cough] see?”
Hunter put his hand on her forehead mockingly, “oh you poor baby. Get on the staff.”
Hunter straddled Falpjack and patted the empty space behind him, beckoning for her to join him.
“Fine,” she pouted as she wrapped her arms around his waist, holding on tight as they took off, “but I’m not talking to her.”
Hunter sighed, “that’s fine. You just have to exist in the same space as Amity for a while and Willow will be happy.”
Luz hummed in agreement, pressing her face into his back as the world flew by. One of the downsides of air travel (or at least with The Flash over here) was that you got to your destination quite quickly. So there was no real time to spend staring out at the passing scenery, dreading your arrival.
“Actually,” Hunter laughed, “maybe it’d be better if you don’t talk to her. Then you won’t be able to start any fights!”
“Hey!” She squeezed his ribs, “I can be civil!”
“Then be civil.”
“I will,” she stuck out her tongue at him, despite him not being able to see it.
They touched down outside of the restaurant, which was hanging off of the Left Arm, and Flapjack took his place nesting in Hunter’s pocket. The little cardinal made himself very comfortable, as always, but that meant Hunter had grass and leaves in the pockets of every piece of clothing he owned.
The restaurant’s view was incredible, thanks to the Titan’s new position. All the new buildings on the Left Arm had the most beautiful views now, and the real estate value had skyrocketed. It was even more expensive than the Knee now. Luz preferred Bonesboro, anyhow.
The place was fancy. Going on a date in a ritzy establishment like this would’ve been unthinkable to 14-year-old Luz, but now she was used to getting invited to parties like this. She rarely went to them, but boy, did those rich people like to use her presence as a status symbol. “Look, I’m so popular even Luz Noceda is here” Barf.
She tightened her grip on Hunter’s arm as they spotted Willow and Amity, already at the table waiting for them. Willow waved them over, smile as wide as ever.
She was wearing a beautiful green skirt, that shimmered like an emerald, with a yellow cardigan on top, embroidered with little bumble bees. She must have gotten that from the human realm.
Amity was wearing a simple black dress.
Dammit. She must have had the same idea. And now they match.
No matter. Luz pointedly sat across from Willow instead of Amity. Which left Hunter vulnerable and having to look Ames in the eye, but Luz was allowing herself this bit of selfishness. Hunter was the one who dragged her here anyway. He could deal.
Didn’t keep Amity from locking eyes with her the second she sat down. Damn. She darted her gaze away as fast as she could.
“Hello ladies,” Hunter greeted as he sat down in his own chair, after pushing Luz’s in.
Normally she loved how over the top he was, but right now she needed him to tone it down. She could feel the eyes of every other patron in the dining room on her.
“So, what’s good here?” Luz nervously asked as she hid her face in her menu.
“Not much,” Amity said dryly, “this place is famous for its tiny portions and fancy ingredients that taste like dirt.”
“Shhh, don’t scare them, sweet pea,” Willow pointed to a section on her menu, as Luz tried not to cringe at how close sweet pea was to sweet potato, “Skara says the Selkigris Soup is to-die-for.”
A very vivid memory, of a very strong smell, surfaced in Luz’s mind.
“Uhhh, I think I’ll pass on that one, Willow, because,” she tried to think up an excuse, “uh, I don’t think I can digest selkigris very well.”
“Oh, of course, I hadn’t even thought of that.”
“Yeah uh,” Luz scanned the menu as fast as she could, to make it seem like she had totally been paying any attention to the piece of paper she’d been using as a mask, totally, “looks like they have Griffon Quiche. That’s usually pretty safe for me.”
“Oh that sounds delicious! There’s so many options, how am I gonna decide?” Willow giggled.
“I’m gonna get a spider soufflé, so I can send a pic to Gus,” Hunter joked, “it’s his favorite, maybe he’ll wish he came along.”
Willow stifled a laugh, “that’s mean, Hunter. You know he had to stay behind because Matt is sick.”
“Haha, I’m still going to tease him, though.”
Yeah. Matt was real sick, Luz bet. Dammit. Curse Gus and his ability to weasel his way out of this. She’ll pay him a visit whenever Mattholomule “gets better”.
Sigh, it’s not like she could blame him.
The way Amity leaned back in her chair, taking a really long sip from her wineglass, made Luz sure that she was thinking the same thing.
“Okay so a beast-demon, bidped-demon, and a bug-demon walk into a bar…”
Luz had to hand it to Amity, she was right. The food was tiny and gross. Titan almighty, she’ll never understand high-class tastes.
It didn’t look like Hunter minded it one bit, however. All these years later and the boy was still just happy to have anything that wasn’t the castle’s tasteless “nutritionally complete” rations. It was endearing.
It was lucky for Luz, really, because she still wasn’t the greatest cook. But Hunter always cleared his plate and told her he enjoyed it, so genuinely that she was inclined to believe him. Not like when Amity kept baking those horrific fairy pies and she just had to take them with a fake smile.
It was really easy to tell when Hunter was lying. His ears twitch.
Right now, he was laughing with Willow about a joke Luz hadn’t been listening to. She pushed some food around on her plate, bored, wanting this night to hurry and be over already.
This was probably a good enough time as any to excuse herself for a moment. Maybe check her hair in the mirror. She knew she’d been running her hand through it all night so far, it was a nervous tick. Maybe if there wasn’t anyone else in the restroom she could scream.
She scooted her chair out and stood.
“Going to the—“
“For a moment…”
She locked eyes with Amity, across the table. Someone should call jinx.
Fuck, now she had to go with Amity. It’d be more awkward to sit back down and admit she wanted to avoid the other witch. So much for her “little break”.
One look at Amity’s face and Luz could tell she was also mentally going over her options and accepting defeat.
They walked side by side, not talking. The other patrons glanced at them as they walked by. Someone even raised an eyebrow upon seeing them. They kept death-marching in silence. Damn this was awkward as hell.
Luz looked haggardly in the mirror, clutching the sink.
Yeah, she had mussed up her hair a lot. She tried to fix it with some water, but it was a little too far gone for that.
Amity came up to the sink beside her, washing her hands. Luz looked to the ground, anywhere but at her. The restroom tiles were very lovely, actually. Such a nice pattern.
There was a nautical theme to this room. The sinks crafted to look like seashells. Not that strange for an Arm building, but Luz still found it cheesy. Fake pearls adorned the mirrors. Well, now that she thought of it, with this place, they were most likely real pearls.
“Thank you.”
Luz was caught off guard.
“Thanks for coming,” Amity swished a piece of her purple hair behind her ear, “I know you didn’t want to. But it means a lot to Willow, you doing this,”
“Oh—“ that’s all Luz could say. “Uhhh. Yeah.”
The walk back to the table was no less agonizing.
When they got back, the dishes had already been cleared. Willow was doing something to the flowers in the centerpiece. The blooms were switching between hues.
“Guys, look,” Hunter kissed Luz’s hand absent-mindedly as she sat back down, “whenever Willow changes the color, the manager gives us a dirty look. She’s messing up his perfect color pallet or something.“
Luz and Amity looked to where he was pointing, and yes, the manager looked furious. Luz couldn’t stop the snort that came from her at the sight.
“We already ordered desert, while you two were in the restroom,” Willow stopped messing with the flowers to turn to Amity, “it’s a surprise now, sorry.”
“I like surprises,” Amity giggled.
Took everything within Luz not to roll her eyes.
Hunter’s hand found hers under the table. He gave her a little squeeze. Yeah, she needed that.
The mystery desert Hunter and Willow had ordered turned out to be just a couple slices of devil’s food cake. Just regular, not bug-filled, run of the mill cake. Because human sweets were all the rage right now, apparently.
And chocolate was a delicacy on the Isles. Luz would know, she spent many a weekend “importing” the stuff with Eda. It was the easiest way to make a quick buck around here, thanks to most witches being to afraid to venture into the human realm on their own.
Hunter held a spoonful from their shared plate up to Luz’s mouth. She bashfully took the bite. This wasn’t the first time he’d done this, on the contrary, he fed her all the time. Even a lot before they were together. Like when he’d feed her chips while her focus was locked onto a video game, or when he’d want her to taste test what he was cooking…
So he probably thought nothing of the action, but Luz was a bit embarrassed he was doing this in front of her ex girlfriend. She picked up her own spoon and made sure he didn’t have the opportunity to do it again.
The waiter had brought them the check with the desert. And once they laid out their payment it was quickly collected and their receipt promptly given to them. The fastest Luz checkout had ever seen. It was hilarious. The manager clearly wanted them gone as soon as possible.
As the group stepped outside, Willow pulled both Luz and Hunter into a hug. The three laughed, smiles wide.
“I love you guys! We should do this again sometime! Have a nice night!” She bid them goodbye.
“Peace,” Amity threw up the sign with her fingers to go along with the farewell.
The couple summoned their palismen and took off into the night. Luz turned back to Hunter, who was still watching their fleeting forms.
“Is this where the night ends?”
Hunter pretended to think, stroking his barely-there beard that he should really start trimming into a goatee.
“Hmm. Nah.”
“Well, then where to next?”
Flapjack flew out of his pocket, transforming into a staff midair that Hunter than caught with a flourish. Luz knew Hunter practiced tricks like this with Flap, so instead of appreciating how cool that actually looked, she couldn’t help but giggle in response. His gap teeth looked adorable as he grinned at her.
“There’s a show in Latissa we could make?”
“Lead the way, hotshot.”
Latissa was significantly cooler than the Left Arm. Lack of boiling sea spray.
The garage band played horrendously. Whoever these bards were, they needed to get kicked from the coven. Seriously, what was this. Titan, it was absolutely grating.
There were people standing all around, hooting and hollering. Guess Luz wasn’t the target audience, and with one look at her boyfriend, she could tell he wasn’t either. Hunter was staring straight ahead, spaced out. She tugged on his hand. He immediately gave her attention, scanning her for problems.
“Are you cold? Do you want my jacket?”
Luz laughed, “Actually, I was thinking we could get out of here,
He nodded, as she reached up to him,
“I will take that jacket, though.”
He quickly shrugged the hoodie off and draped it over her shoulders. She took a sniff of the collar out of habit. Hunter looked amused at the gesture.
“There is somewhere else I want to go, before we leave town,”
“You’ll see.”
“Oh we’re gonna be cryptic now, huh?”
Luz playfully rolled her eyes, “how long then?”
“Oh it isn’t very far. We could walk, even.”
“Sounds good to me,” Luz offered up her arm for him to interlock with his, as she let him lead her to wherever this mystery place was.
He lied. It was across town. Not close-by at all. It was quite the walk, but it was time spent together, so she didn’t mind.
“Where did you even hear about that show? That band was awful. Good thing bards wear a lot of red because they’re gonna get tomatoes thrown at them one day,”
Hunter laughed boisterously, “HA! Yeah, they stunk,” he mimed wiping a tear from his eye, “I just heard about it in the shop one day. Some guys were talking about it.”
“Well those guys have bad taste. They were so bad,”
“So bad,” he agreed, “But it’s fine. I just wanted an excuse to get you to Latissa.”
That caught her curiosity, “why?”
“Well,” he ducked into the alleyway in front of them, leading her by the hand, “we’re here actually.”
“… a dirty alleyway?”
“Our dirty alleyway,” he smirked.
Hunter started climbing up the fire escape, stopping to help her get a foothold as well,
Luz had a feeling she knew where they were going. She clambered up after him, finally reaching the top, where she was greeted with a familiar rooftop.
“I can’t believe it’s still up here,” she gasped.
Hunter patted the bricks where the old painted lines of a large glyph still decorated the wall, “I know right, you would’ve thought the rain would’ve washed it away by now, after all these years…”
“Huh,” Luz marveled, “this was a nice surprise.”
He stepped closer to her, wrapping his arms around her waist. She looked up at him, eyes wide.
“Hey,” he began, “I’m sorry about tonight.”
“You don’t need to apologize,”
“Yeah, yeah I do. This was a shitty thing to do to you, putting you through this. I should’ve said no to this whole thing.”
Hunter dipped closer to her, and Luz felt like a magnet was pulling her in.
“It’s okay, really, I,” his nose was brushing hers, “I forgiv—“
He captured her lips with his.
She melted into him. Her eyes fluttered shut, and her hand came up to rest on his jaw. She pulled back just a moment to readjust their noses, allowing her to deepen the kiss.
They parted for air, and Hunter longingly stared into her eyes, lovestruck.
“Crikey,” Luz gasped out, before she heard herself,
What was it about first kisses that suddenly made her Steve Irwin??
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