#just got bored and fell out of the habit and didn’t get back into it
alagaisia · 2 years
I don’t really do New Year’s resolutions, but I have been already working towards this, so I’ll offer it up anyway: I’m trying to read more. As a kid I read almost constantly. And then I started high school and college and I didn’t have the time or energy, and got out of the habit.
But in the last couple of months, I’ve been reading more. In my current job, which I only get to work about every other weekend anyway, I sometimes have twenty or so minute of down time at a time, often multiple times a day, between calls and tours, and it’s not retail so nobody minds if I’m reading my book since I’m also fully getting my work done. So I can put books on hold online at the library, and then when they’re ready, stop by and pick them up in the morning on my way to work.
And it’s been incredible. Because I love reading. Not even just the stories themselves, and I admittedly don’t do a lot of deep analysis of themes or anything like that while I read, because I just so enjoy even the act of reading, diving into a whole new world and losing myself in it a little bit.
I’m a very quick reader and as a kid I would bike to the library with my sister and we would come home with a dozen books each, almost more than we could stand to carry in our backpacks, and then we’d go back the next week. I am quite sure that there are more books that I read in their entirety and remember absolutely no details from at all, totally and completely wiped from my mind as if they never existed, than many people have read ever. And I loved it. When my mom put her foot down and said we could only bring home eight books each, I would decide between books based on how big they were.
I’m more selective now, but I’m still a quick reader. When I pick up a book in the morning and bring it to work I almost always finish it that day. And I’ve read so many good books! I finished Becky Chambers’ Wayfarers series. I read a couple of Dara Horn novels that I really enjoyed. I absolutely devoured Mary Robinette Kowal’s Lady Astronaut books (and then received the full set for my birthday a couple of weeks ago, because I loved them so much I had to have my own). I’m two books into Rebecca Roanhorse’s Between Earth and Sky trilogy, which is fascinating, and does have such an interesting and different flavor from a lot of European fantasy that I’m sure a reader more interested in analysis than I am would be able to pin down in better words but which I’m just enjoying the ride with.
I can’t tell you how good it feels to be reading again. It’s like a return to my old self. Like coming home. So my New Year’s resolution, of sorts, is to continue that. I considered trying to say I’d read a book every week, but that’s a little too concrete for not liking resolutions, and also if I get a full time job, which I sure would like to do, and my routine changes, it’ll be harder to keep to a schedule, and it will feel more like work, which of course is not what I want.
But maybe I’ll try to keep up a list for tumblr or something. Not like reviews or anything, probably, because trying to think about talking to other people about aspects of a book takes me out of the experience (yeah, I did occasionally struggle in high school English classes, lol. I would get so caught up in reading the books that I would forget to think about discussion questions or whatever. But boy did I like reading all those books!), so, not a good resource for my newfound handful of followers, unless your criteria for book recommendations is “a tumblr user mentioned the name of it once,” but something. Not holding myself accountable exactly because again who cares about resolutions, but like, a dedicated place to share what I’m up to in that realm and keep the momentum of the enjoyment up a little bit, if that makes sense.
TL;DR, Happy New Year? ❤️
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featki · 15 days
Stages of a petty dispute !
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— pairing: 西村力 x reader (both members of enha) — contains: angst, fluff, crack if you squint so exponentially hard, talks of dieting/body image issues, ni-ki‘s dumb and oblivious, fighting, pettiness, think that’s it !
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The cause
Getting your hair and makeup done was boring, but Riki came along every time (wether you asked him to or not) so at least he was there to keep you company
Riki and Jake both sat on the couch showing each other stupid things on there phones and play fighting
At one point you and Riki had gotten into a conversation Mainly complaints from you about how unfair the manager was to you about dieting, Riki being Riki took this as a chance to make a joke. "Well maybe you should stop eating so much and he wouldn’t be so tough on you" He laughed, pretty loudly despite the joke not being funny, you looked at him through the mirror, almost disgustedly, just to see Jake not laughing either.
If anything he looked just as confused as you, but despite that Riki smoothly changed the subject and started joking around with Jake again. You turned back to the mirror, not looking at anything in it, simply spacing out. Riki had never made those types of jokes about you, he always talked about your body in such a sweet way, it was shocking to say the least.
2. The start
Workday was done, you were back at the dorms, and Riki was nowhere in sight.
He was probably in his room playing video games, as you could tell from the loud gun noises. Meanwhile, you sat in your room, confused and slightly heartbroken he would say something like that.
It had been hours since the incident and it’s all you’ve thought about. Riki, out of all people should know that wasn’t funny. Joke or not. Out of all people, HE would know about your image issues HE would be the one to know about your eating habits, The phone chimed, pulling you out of thought, it was Riki
"Babbbbyyyyyy can i come lay with you
i’m tired and i want to hold you" You wanted to say no fuck off but you didn’t, that would’ve been too straight forward and you wanted to be petty and drag it out. Make sure he felt realllllyyyy bad so you texted back "Not rn, i’m studying" Dry and assertive. Not at all how you text him usually, it was perfect !! "mmm okay :("
"can i come in after?? pretty plsss" You just ignored this one
It made you feel a litttlee guilty but he deserved it for being an ass
3. The rising emotions / tension
It had been 2 days since you've started ignoring Riki (kinda)
You were only answering his texts here and there and you hadn't let him sleep with you not even once.
Sure it was only 2 days but it was too much for him, he got used to sleeping with you, and he struggles to fall asleep without you now! You even locked the door just in case he tried to come in after being ignored over the phone
Riki started to get suspicious
He presumed the worst, you fell out of love, you were cheating, he did something wrong without realizing it, he didn't know what he did, but he intended to find out
But it's kinda hard when you won't stop dodging him
Night 3 of being ignored, and it got increasingly harder for him to sleep
It was 1am and he hadn't been able to properly keep his eyes shut for longer than 5 mins so he decided to get some water
When he walked out to the kitchen he saw you, wearing only his t-shirt, some shorts and a jacket
He loved seeing you in his clothes so it was like a jab to the heart
he almost got on his knees and started begging for forgiveness for whatever he did right then and there
"What are you doing up so late baby?" You looked up to see him walking towards you "Just getting some water"
"Ohh me too" It came out kind of shaky sounding, like he was trying to make small talk with a stranger
"Here have mine" Putting the glass down you started to walk off, not noticing Riki's hand reaching out for your wrist, just barely missing you.
While you went back to your room Riki sat in the kitchen kind of hurt.
He pondered on going after you but the last thing he wanted to do was annoy you or upset you more so despite the need for physical connection, he drank the water and went back to his room.
He laid in bed for another hour before giving up and playing some video games to pass the time
Riki got a solid 3 hours of sleep that night
Riki is dying and is determined to figure out what he did
4. The climax
Day 4 of being ignored, he felt like he was going to pull all his hair out
During dance practice he thought of every thing he did that could warrent this type of reaction and every way he could fix it
After thinking for a while he came to the conclusion that he must've made you jealous, probably from talking to Danielle for 0.2 seconds regarding work things
How? He had zero clue but that didn't matter.
After practice while everyone else went to lunch, he booked back home to shower and head out. He ran to your favorite cafe, and your favorite boba shop.
By the time he got back home, everyone else, including you, were back home, and he already thought about what he was going to say when he got back; sure you had gotten jealous before but it never seem to make you this upset so he had to go all out this time.
He knocked on your bedroom door, hoping you'd actually let him in this time, "who is it?"
"Riki" There was a moment of silence that made Riki worry even more but you told him to come in so he was relieved but, you were confused when he walked in with boba and bags.
You thought maybe he was finally apologizing, perhaps he finally realized what he did and wanted to own up to it.
You put down your phone and walked over to him, as he put the boba and bags on your desk. He seemed a little more nervous the closer you got but he took a deep breath in and started talking
"I know I messed up, and you don't have to forgive me but I want to make it right." Good start good start
"I don't want anyone but you baby, I mean I barely even talk to her. It was purely for work I promise." Huh
"But I completely understand your upset, and you have every"
"What" You cut him off mid-sentence, mainly just cause you were confused
"uhh what?" Riki though, seemed more confused than you
"What are you on about Nishimura"
"Uhhhhhhhhhhhh, you're mad at me?"
"And I'm trying to apologize?" He seemed unsure of himself
"Okay... for what?" He thought long and hard about his answer "Talking to Danielle the other day?..." DUMBFOUNDED
You couldn't believe that's what he genuinely thought you were upset about
"Bro I do not care about Danielle." emphasizing the "not"
Riki's eyes widened with confusion "Haha what."
"You didn't seriously think I was upset about you talking to Danielle? About work?" He gave a sheepish smile
"I'm sorry baby I really don't know what I did but I can NOT handle being ignored like this."
"The eating joke Riki. How do you not understand that, that wasn't okay." It's like the gears started turning in his head "OHHHHH"
You rolled your eyes "Oh my god baby I am so sorry."
"You laughed when other people make those jokes so I assumed it was okay..."
"No it's not okay Riki?? I only laugh because they're my bosses, I'm not allowed to be upset about it"
It took Riki a second to process and think, "I know I know, I'm realizing that now. Seriously I am so sorry baby... I clearly wasn't thinking it through and it was a horrible joke to make."
You nodded, verbally telling him to go on
"You don't have to forgive me, I know it was shitty but just know that I didn't mean it, baby."
He walked closer to you, putting his hands on your face, "You are the prettiest girl in the entire world, and I mean that. I never meant to hurt you that much baby, and I promise I won't ever make a joke like that again. And I'll think more thoroughly about the things I say, the last thing I want to do is upset you pretty."
You looked up at him, your eyes glossed over slightly.
What Riki did was wrong, but deep down a part of you knew he didn't mean it.
And he was so good at making you feel better.
You got on your tippy toes and kissed him.
It was deeper than usual, the lack of time together made it sweeter
Riki pressing into your lips and savoring every last second.
"I love you so so so so much."
"I love you too Ki. And I'm not mad at you, it just... was shocking? To say the least, I didn't expect it from you of all people, nor did I expect you to take 4 days to apologize" You smiled slightly
"But in the end, you did apologize and you took accountability so that's all that matters. Next time I'll come to you first without ignoring you for days, it was petty."
"No no it wasn't petty" He rubbed your cheek "But please don't do it again, iv got like a solid 10 hours of sleep the past few days and I almost threw myself off the HYBE building." You giggled at that, happy to hold him again
Riki went back in for another kiss which led to a long night of catching up.
Kissing, cuddling, "I love you"s, ect ect, gross couple stuff.
Riki was dumb sometimes and wasn't the best at using his words, but he always tried for you and even showed it in his own way and that's all that matters.
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@ featki
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zombiefiilm · 9 months
Fell in Love
spencer reid x gn!reader
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summary: you hadn't expected your friend spencer to be home from his most recent case yet, let alone passed out on your couch
warnings: confessions, kissing, fluff, no use of y/n
word count: 1.5k
The moment the key hit the lock of your front door, you practically felt a weight fall off your shoulders. You had been working all day and there was nothing you wanted more than to change into your pyjamas and watch tv for the rest of the night.
Once inside your apartment, you shut the door, instantly dropping your bag to the floor and your keys onto the table. Your shoes were kicked off and your jacket was strewn across a random chair in a matter of seconds and you were ready to run into your bedroom.
But, as you passed by the living room, you caught a glimpse of someone sleeping on your couch, shoes and coat still on.
Really, you should have been a bit more startled by the sight of someone in your home, considering you lived alone, but you were all too familiar with Spencer's habit of dropping by unannounced.
You stopped in your tracks, walking around to the front of the couch and called his name.
"Spencer" you were met with an annoyed groan as he flipped onto his other side.
"Spencer" you called again, louder, shoving his shoulder slightly. No response.
"Dr. Spencer Reid" you practically yelled right into his ear and you watched him jump this time, turning to face you again.
"I gave you a key for emergencies" you scolded, watching as he sat up and groggily rubbed the sleep from his eyes.
"I'm sorry" he sounded overly sincere "I didn't want to go home."
Then you realised that this wasn't just his regular habit of dropping in whenever he was bored, he needed comfort. You knew all to well the toll his job took on him, with everything that’s happened to him you were surprised he was able to hold up as well as he did.
“Oh Spencer” you half-whispered, sitting down on the couch right beside him, shoulder practically pressed against his. “Do you wanna talk about it?”.
“Not really, I just need to get my mind off everything” he sat up a bit straighter, facing you now.
You nodded in response.
“Is that new?” his gaze was suddenly fixated on your wrist as he reached down to your new watch.
“It is” you told him, lifting up your arm to show off the item adorned with a silver band.
“Did you get it in a pawn shop?” he seemed to be doing a pretty good job at distracting himself now, taking interest in random things like he always did.
“How did you know?” you laughed slightly, bringing your arm back down to your side.
“It’s Cartier” he explained “I know you wouldn’t be able to afford a new one, they range from four thousand to hundreds of thousands of dollars”.
“Wow” you feigned offence.
“I didn’t mean it like that, I just know you wouldn’t spend that kind of money, even when you treat yourself” he almost panickingly explained himself but you still felt a little proud at him knowing things about you. You hated spending a lot of money on yourself and you wanted to treat yourself, hence the new item in your collection.
“Did you know that Cartier was the first healer to use platinum in jewellery making? And they popularised the wristwatch in 1904, it’s really quite interesting”
“I didn’t, Reid” you joked. “Do you want some food? I got groceries yesterday so I could make you anything you want”.
“I’m okay” he sighed slightly “I’m just tired”
“You can sleep in my bed, no reason you should be hurting your back on the couch"
"No its okay, I don't want to put you out. I'm fine out here, really."
"I'm not going planning on going to bed for a while, at least go in there and get some rest, okay?"
He simply nodded his head and got up to go to your bedroom, calling out a goodnight as he approached the door.
You spent a few hours lounging about, mindlessly watching Friends reruns to procrastinate anything that actually needed to be done. Eventually though, the tiredness caught up to you and you decided to camp out on the couch for the night.
You cracked open your bedroom door and the small amount of light that flooded in from the hall presented Spencer completely out of it in your bed, his white shirt half unbuttoned and his trousers twisted around him while the rest of his clothes were piled on the floor beside him.
You smiled to yourself as you went to grab a spare pillow and blanket from your wardrobe, preparing to set yourself up on the couch for the night.
As you went to leave the room once again, you heard him sleepily call your name.
"Yeah?" you turned around to him again, seeing him adjust himself slightly.
“Do you want the your bed back?” He began to sit up, the rustling sound of the duvet filling the air.
“You can stay there, don’t worry about it” there was a silence then, you could tell he was about to say something, but he was struggling to get it to slip past his lips.
"Could you stay with me, please" he looked away bashfully "just for a bit”. You couldn’t see his face, but you knew he was giving you a puppy-dog look, eyes wide and lip practically quivering.
“Of course” you dumped everything that was in your hands onto the end of the bed and crawled up beside Spencer.
Without another word, you pressed yourself up right against him, grabbing his hand with yours and smoothing your thumb over the back of his hand. Just the few moments of silence with you sitting there had done Spencer some good, he had already felt himself calming down, and some of his recent anxieties melting away.
The quiet didn’t last long though before Spencer was saying your name again. “Can I tell you something?”
You turned your head to look at him, your eyes finally adjusting to the dark so you could see all of his emotions bleeding through his expressions. You nodded your head, humming slightly to urge him on.
“I really appreciate you, a lot” he hesitated slightly, searching for the words to use next.
“I appreciate you too Spence” you requited.
“No, I’m thankful for everything you do. You have always been there when I need you, you always know exactly what to say to me, you care about me. And I truly hope you can say the same about me”
“Of course I can”
“I need you in my life more than you could ever know” he continued “you’re the most important person to me in the whole world, I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
You looked at him, almost flabbergasted, not knowing what to say that would truly encapsulate how much you cared about him, how happy you were that he appreciated you.
“I like you” he paused “I love you, so much” his words were powerful, they rung in the air as they travelled towards your ears.
“Love?” you repeated, questioning his use of the word. You were no stranger to platonic love but his previous confessions had you questioning the intention of his last sentence.
“I love you, I want to be able to call you mine. I want to come home to you every day, to spend every minute I can with you, to have a future where you’re the centre of all my plans.”
You were practically stumped, the emotions you were feeling rendering your mouth useless.
“If you don’t feel the same way-“ he suddenly became incredibly panicked, spitting out as many words as he could to explain himself before you could cut him off.
“Spencer” you took a deep breathe “I love you too” it was a much shorter confession than his, but you didn’t need to say anything more to him, the confirmation was all he needed.
In the time it took you to blink, your faces were centimetres apart. And then his lips were on yours.
Your body felt like it lit up on that moment, the feeling of his lips on yours waking the butterflies in your stomach. You wasted no time tangling your fingers into his hair and lightly tugging at the roots as his hands slid around your waist, softly massaging your flesh.
It was gentle, his tongue softly slipping into your mouth as you let him do what he wanted, let him take the control.
The kiss was short though, as sleep had began to take over both of you. You mutually pulled away, silently agreeing to lie down, cuddling into one another.
With one more peck on the lips, you rested your head on his chest and closed your eyes.
There was plenty of time to talk it out, to figure out everything between each other, but for now all you needed was the feeling of one another pressed together and the feeling of mutual admiration.
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girlgenius1111 · 7 months
say it again
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alexia x reader something... slips out accidentally. alexia is more into it than you expected. smut. 18+
cw: mami kink. breeding kink. thigh riding. fingering. strap on use. dom/sub dynamics. praise kink.
Both you and Alexia had been busy beyond belief in recent weeks. So, when she slid out of bed early on the day  you were both supposed to have off, you latched onto her shirt and refused to let go. 
“Amor, I have to go,” Alexia whispered, although she slid back into the warm cocoon of blankets, and wrapped you back up in her arms. 
“No. Stay.” You grumbled, tightening your arms and wrapping your legs around her too, for good measure. 
“I have to go,” she repeated, kissing your temple and attempting to slide out of your grip. You were about to remind her that neither of you had training that day, when you remembered somewhere in your sleep-hazed brain that Alexia had mentioned coaching a game at the Barça academy that morning. An idea found its way into your brain, and you forced yourself to sit up, allowing Alexia to escape the bed. She looked at you suspiciously as she headed for the bathroom, never having seen you give in so easily. In fact, she still had 10 minutes to lay in bed with you, having set her alarm early because she knew you’d capture her for more cuddles. 
“I’m coming with you.” You declared, smiling happily at your girlfriend when she poked her head out of the bathroom, a slight frown on her face. 
“Bebita, you will be bored, and you will distract me.” Alexia was referring to your rather interesting habit of watching Alexia. There was a certain look you got on your face when Alexia took charge on the pitch that made her crazy. You both kept it under control when you played together, but when one of you was out injured or on the bench, there were few games that didn’t end in rather passionate sex once you arrived home. You both loved to watch each other, and you really loved to watch Alexia be in charge. This was why Alexia absolutely did NOT trust you to accompany her to coach this youth game. 
“No, I won't, I promise. I’ll sit in the stands the whole time. No one will even know I’m there. ” 
Alexia simply raised her eyebrow at you doubtfully, before turning away to head to the closet. You scrambled out of the bed and followed after her, wrapping your arms around her abdomen. She chuckled, but continued to rifle through her sweatshirts, picking out the right Barça one for the day. 
You kissed her shoulder blade, peeking out from the small tank top she was wearing. “Please, Ale. We’ve barely seen each other these past few weeks. I miss you.”  
Alexia melted, turning around and wrapping her arms tight around you. “Okay, bonita. If you promise not to distract me.” 
You’d had every intention not to distract your girlfriend, really you did. Watching her with the kids, though, was much more challenging than you expected. It wasn’t stern Alexia that you got; it was soft Alexia, and it was making something inside of you melt into a puddle. 
Alexia with a whistle slung around her neck, leading the very little kids through some basic drills. Patiently directing them around the pitch. Very softly kicking the ball in their direction. Shouting words of encouragement every second, even when it was just in response to one of the kids falling down and getting up. 
Alexia, standing on the side lines, whistle caught in her mouth, hands on her hips, taking the match just a touch too seriously. 
Alexia in a tight pair of athletic shorts, ass on full display, although it always was, regardless of what she was wearing. 
Alexia rushing onto the pitch when one of her players fell; it was nothing more than a scraped knee, but she carried the sniffling boy off the field and over to his parents, ensuring him that he was being very brave. 
You’d never really gotten the appeal of being pregnant before. And sure, you wanted kids, but you’d never craved them, never desperately wanted to watch your partner turn into a parent with you. Sat in the stands, though, watching Alexia interact with these kids like she was born to do it, you rethought all of that. 
You were staring, and you knew it, eyes firmly trained on your girlfriend as she turned around, bringing her shirt up to wipe at her face. It was a hot day, and she was standing directly in the sun. Her eyes caught yours as she did so, lips pulling up into a very small smirk, before she turned back around, taking a sip of water. You realized your mouth was, embarrassingly, hanging open. The things Alexia could do to  you, without even trying; it wasn’t fair. 
The midfielder could feel your eyes on her for the remainder of the match, and she struggled to stay focused. Her mind, too, was elsewhere, somewhere in the future. Where she was coaching your guys’ kid, with you watching proudly from the sidelines. She wanted it, desperately, and it caught her off guard. The rest of the match passed slowly as both of you were eager to get home. Even though you’d known what you’d been signing up for when you forced Ale to let you come watch, you couldn’t help but feel a little starved for attention. It was ridiculous, but you weren’t one to shy away from the things you wanted. So, when the match ended, and Alexia led the kids to shake hands with the other team, you headed down, impatiently waiting for her. The hug you brought her into was one that belonged at the end of a difficult match, not at the end of a children’s match where most of the goals were accidental. 
“Hola,” she sang softly in your ear, feeling you inconspicuously press a light kiss to her neck. Your lips didn’t leave, though, and Alexia pulled you back, giving you a warning look. 
“You are all red, amor, are you warm?” The question was paired with an adorable look of concern washing over her face; Alexia was always very aware of your less than impressive heat tolerance, and she grabbed the hat you were holding in your hand, placing it on top of your head. 
You were warm, but the redness was due more to Alexia’s close contact with your body, when you were already very aware of her, than the heat, although it wasn’t helping. 
“It’s warm out.” You agreed anyway, before smiling innocently up at her. “Can we go home, baby?” 
Alexia’s lips twitched. “Of course.” 
Alexia had parked in a different parking lot than the rest of the attendees, and by the time you made it over there, you were debating whether you could wait until you arrived home for Alexia to touch you. The way she led you through the parking lot, hand in yours, body hovering protectively in front of you even when there was no one around, was only increasing the deep need for her to do anything to you. 
You decided to take matters into your own hands, noticing that the area around you was devoid of other people. When Alexia opened your door for you, something she insisted upon even though you were completely capable of opening your own door, you smacked her ass, climbing into the car like you hadn’t done anything. Alexia jumped slightly, and her eyes narrowed at you as she shut the door behind you. 
The minute your girlfriend was in the driver's seat, you were leaning over the center console, attaching your lips to her neck. Alexia exhaled sharply, minutely tilting her head to the side. 
“You promised to be good.” She said quietly, and you noted the very slight shake to her voice that told you she was, in fact, feeling the effects of what you were doing to her. You pulled back briefly, nipping at her ear as you did so. 
“Are you not enjoying this?” 
“It does not matter. You promised to be good, and you are breaking that promise.” She warned, gently shoving you back to your seat. You blinked at her, not used to the hard edge her voice had taken on. 
“No. You will take what I give you at home.” 
You couldn’t pretend the way Alexia was looking at you disapprovingly wasn’t filling you with arousal. As badly as you wanted to be good for her, you also desperately wanted her to make you be good for her. And it seemed this was her plan. 
You trailed into the house behind her, not quite sure what to expect when you were behind closed doors. It wouldn’t be the first time Alexia was rough with you, and you enjoyed it. Something seemed different, though, and there was a tension in the room you couldn’t quite identify. Or, if you could, you weren’t quite willing to admit it yet. 
Alexia backed you up against the wall just inside the front door, her face mere inches from yours, capturing your wrists in her hands and pinning them behind you. She was looking at you, sternly, but also so… softly. Like she would take care of you, even if she made you work for it first. Your stomach was filled with butterflies, in a way it hadn’t been in a while around her. You were beginning to have an idea of what you wanted, you just weren’t quite sure she wanted it too. 
“You have been very bad today, bonita. I do not know what I am going to do with you.” 
“M- Ale, please, take me to bed.” You almost slipped up, and you blinked at your girlfriend, hoping to god that she hadn’t caught it. 
Alexia leaned back and was quiet for a moment, her eyes searching yours.“What was that?” 
“What was what?” You replied, feeling blood rush to your cheeks, avoiding your girlfriend’s gaze at all costs. 
“You almost called me something… it sounded like it started with an M…” Alexia whispered, moving closer to lay kisses on your neck. She knew where your head was at, somehow, as she always did, and she was very on board. It had been something you’d both been thinking about for a while, but neither of you were brave enough to bring it up.
“Alexia,” you whined, struggling to form a single coherent thought. 
“That is not my name, amor. Not right now.” She whispered, her teeth capturing your ear and tugging lightly. You went practically limp in her arms, a low keen escaping your lips. 
“Mami,” you whispered, feeling Alexia’s grin against the skin of your neck. You realized that Alexia liked the title just as much as you did, if not more. 
“There you go, bonita. Mi mala niña, you can listen, hmm?” 
“I can, I am listening. I’m your good girl.” You argued, pressing your forehead to the blonde’s somewhat desperately. 
Alexia tutted quietly. “You were not listening before. I am not sure you are mí buena niña.” 
“I am, mami, I promise,” 
You’d barely finished speaking before Alexia was capturing your lips in a heated kiss, her tongue licking into your mouth, her teeth nipping at your bottom lip, in a manner that was almost overwhelming. She pulled away from you with a wet smack, her smile beyond devious as she took in your blown pupils, the downright submissive look on your face. 
“You want to prove to me you are my good girl?” She murmured, dragging her finger lightly down one side of your face, watching as your eyes fluttered shut, struggling to answer her. 
“Sí, por favor. Let me show you.” 
“Vamos, mí zorrita.” With that, Alexia swept you up into her arms easily, throwing you over her shoulder and heading for the bedroom. 
It wasn’t unusual for Alexia to take full control, as she was doing as she carefully placed on the ground, removing her clothes and directing you to do the same before scooching up the bed to lean against the headboard. What was new, though, was the feeling filling your body, like Alexia didn’t even need to ask you to do anything; you’d just do it if it was what she wanted. Making Alexia feel good would make you feel good. And Alexia knew better than anyone on the face of the earth what you needed. 
So, the minute she gestured for you to move on top of her, you were scrambling forward. Ignoring the slightly condescending smirk Alexia sent your way, and the blush that lit up your cheeks as she did so. 
Alexia settled you on one of her thighs, the smooth skin hitting your core perfectly. You barely contained a whine at the contact, and Alexia smirked up at you. 
“You are wet for mami, no?” 
“Yes, for you, only you,” you stuttered, feeling incredibly turned on considering Alexia had barely touched you at this point. 
Alexia’s voice was low and possessive when she spoke next.“You want to make a mess on my thigh, bebé?” 
“Yes, please,” you begged, her hands still keeping your hips completely still, even as you tried to grind down against her, 
“Yes please what?”
“Fuck, please mami, please,” 
“Buena niña,” she replied softly, the quiet, affection filled tone she was using making you fall against her, wrapping your arms around her neck almost desperately. Your motions were stuttering, no rhythm to them. Your head was too empty, your body too aroused to get you where you needed to be. “You need my help, bebé? You need mami to do it for you?” 
You thought you might be dying. Everytime Alexia said the word, you crumbled just a little bit more. You’d never felt this desperate, this needy before in your entire life. It was almost beyond words. You just needed her. And at the same time, you couldn’t do it yourself, couldn’t get yourself to move the right way. 
“Need you,” you cried out. Luckily, Alexia seemed to take mercy on you, her hands beginning to guide your core to slide against her thigh. She leaned up, pressing her lips to yours in a slow kiss, almost as if she knew you could only take so much at once. It was intoxicating, being pressed up against her, feeling her wet thigh on your dripping cunt, her hands in your hair, her teeth tugging on your lip. 
You whimpered pathetically into her mouth, encouraging her to speed her motions up. 
“Am I making you feel good, princesa? Tell me.” She murmured, pressing her forehead against yours, her face so close you could feel her hot breath on your lips. 
“So good, mami. You feel so good,” you whined, and Alexia almost moaned, too, at how entirely gone you sounded. 
“You are being so good for me, hmm? Do you like it when I take control? When I help you get yourself off on my thigh like a needy slut? Does it make your pussy drip, princesa?” 
“Jesus christ,” you replied, every word she spoke edging you closer and closer. It had been minutes, only minutes, and you were already about to fall apart on top of Alexia. 
“I want you to come on my thigh, sí?” She said lowly, and suddenly, as soon as she said the words, you were teetering on the edge, just one perfect movement away from coming. 
“Mami, fuck, please,” you gritted out, teeth clenching together as Alexia worked you harder and harder against her, until your body tensed for a minute, and you fell silent. 
“Que buena, princesa, que bonita.” The blonde woman whispered, watching your face in awe as you collapsed against her, breathing heavily. Her hands slowed their movements, until you were left rubbing yourself against Alexia’s thigh very slowly, and very jerkily. 
Alexia didn’t wait very long until she was easing you away from her, gripping your face in between her hands. 
“I want to fuck you,” she whispered, watching as your breath stuttered. “Can I fuck you?”
“Yes, mami, I need your cock,” you begged, knowing you said exactly the right thing when Alexia rolled you off her with a smirk, and headed for the bedside drawer. 
Alexia liked to fuck you from behind, more than anything. She loved your ass, loved to watching it as she fucked you, so you rolled onto your stomach, looking questioningly at her when she tapped your side. 
She was kneeled behind you, gazing down with a hungry look on her face. “No, on your back. I want to see your face when I fuck you wide open,” 
You barely withheld a moan, then, as you rolled over and spread your legs. Alexia roughly pushed them to the side, settling in between them, and plunging a finger into you without warning. 
“Shit,” you cried. 
“You are soaked, mi amor. You need mami to fuck you now?” She asked, quickly adding a second finger when it was clear you could take it. 
If anything was hotter than calling Alexia mami, it was hearing her call herself mami. 
“Need you, mami,” you repeated for what felt like the 8th time so far. It was all you could think or articulate. You just needed her. 
When Alexia pressed her cock in, you knew instantly that you wouldn’t be lasting very long. You were already gripping the bed sheets in your hands, and Alexia was already starting an unforgiving pace. 
Alexia fucked you harder than she ever had before, her hands pulling your hips to meet her thrusts, her thighs burning, her breath heaving as she worked herself in and out of you. She was getting worked up herself, watching the way her cock disappeared into your dripping cunt, the way your clit throbbed, the way you looked up at Alexia like she was the only other person in the world. 
You were so far gone, so lost in the pleasure, and you knew Alexia was getting close too by the way she whimpered every few thrusts, a sound very un-Alexia, but one that made you bite your lip all the same. You wanted more from her, needed more. And what did you have to lose, really?
“In me,” you muttered, almost completely incoherent as Alexia moved herself in and out of you. 
“Que?” she asked, not slowing down for even a second. 
“Inside me, please,” you begged, blinking up at her with a look in your eyes that she’d never seen before. 
Alexia was confused, momentarily. She was already inside of you. She watched you grow closer and closer, suddenly hit with your meaning. 
She pressed her hand down on your lower stomach, and your back arched right off the bed. You threw your head back, practically screaming at this point at the sensation. 
“Mami, mami, please,” you cried. 
“You want me to come inside you?” She gasped, absolutely pounding into you now. 
You nodded frantically. “Fill me up, mami, I need it” 
“Mierda,” Alexia groaned, she was close too, suddenly, even though normally the friction of the strap wasn’t enough to get her off. Everything you were doing, though, everything you were asking for was almost overwhelming to her, and it was all she could do to keep pumping in and out of you, moving her free hand to circle your clit. 
Your voice cut off abruptly, and your eyes slammed shut. You reached for your girlfriend, and she reached for you, too, removing her hand from your stomach and lacing her fingers with yours. Her forehead fell to your shoulder as she got louder than you’d really ever heard her.
“Gonna come, princesa, gonna come in your pretty pussy,”  she managed, her words making you shudder underneath her. 
It was the most intense thing you’d ever experienced. You felt yourself tighten around Alexia’s cock deep inside you, felt Alexia thrust one more time stop, frantically grinding herself against you as she, too, fell over the edge. Pleasure washed over the both of you, and you held tight to each other, as if your lives depended on it. 
When it was over, you fell limp into the mattress, every clenched muscle unclenching as Alexia’s full weight dropped on top of you. It was the most comforting sensation, her hand shakily running through your hair, her hot and rapid exhales on your shoulder blade as she came down. You were still throbbing around her, and it was becoming too much, she was too big, too deep. 
“Out, Ale, pull out,” you murmured. Alexia broke out of her mindlessness, sitting up and very delicately removing her cock. You whined deeply when she pulled it out all the way, brow scrunching as you squirmed underneath her. 
If someone had asked you your name or what club you played for at that moment, you weren’t sure you’d be able to respond. You weren’t sure you could form words at all, really, only capable of reaching out for Alexia again, and sighing happily when she laid back down, pulling you to lay flush on top of her. 
“Are you okay, amor?” She asked after a minute, when you still hadn’t spoken, and your eyes were still shut, face crammed into the crook of her neck. 
You only hummed in response, barely registering that she was speaking to you. That was not good enough for your girlfriend, though, and she rolled you both over, until she was hovering over your body again, finger delicately tracing a pattern on your cheek. You opened your eyes, a faint smile on your lips. 
“Bonita, are you okay?” She asked again. 
“So good, Ale. My god. So so good.” You promised her, your smile only growing when Alexia’s face broke into one of relief. 
“Muy buena,” she murmured, ignoring the annoyed whine you let out when she sat up off you. Alexia was undeterred, even when you reached out for her. The blonde left the room, briefly, and you felt your eyes inexplicably filling with tears. 
When Alexia returned with a water bottle and granola bar in hand, she quickly grew frantic when she saw the tears dripping down your face. She dropped the items onto the bed, sitting you up and pulling you into her, your back against her chest. 
“What is it, what is it?” She asked, panicked, wiping away the tears so gently, you almost started to cry again. 
“I don’t know,” you cried, the words somewhere between a sob and a laugh. “I don’t know why I’m crying,” 
Again, Alexia deflated, relieved, knowing that she hadn’t upset you. “Okay, that is okay. Drink some water for me please?” 
The adorable grin on her face as she held the uncapped water out to you had you reaching for it without question, taking a few sips before handing it back to her. 
“You too.” You reminded her. Alexia dutifully took a few sips, placed the bottle back on the table, and manhandled you until you were laying down next to her, her body wrapped around yours. 
“Love you, love you, love you, love you,” she murmured in your ear, and you laughed in response, feeling happier than you think you’d ever felt in your whole life. 
“I love you so much.” You whispered back, feeling Alexia smile hugely into your neck. 
“Mi princesa,” she sighed. “How are you so perfect?”
“Because I’m with you,” you replied easily. “And you’re perfect.” 
Alexia disagreed. In fact, she thought the opposite. She wasn’t going to argue with you now though, not after you’d made her deepest desire come true. Instead, she tugged you closer, kissing your neck repeatedly. There’d be time to remind you of your perfection later. Now, though, both of you were drifting closer and closer to sleep, and all Alexia wanted in that moment was to hold you close to her forever. 
You’d happily let her. 
this has been in my wips for actual weeks im im thrilled to be done with her i hope you like :)
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mixtape-racha · 1 year
like a virgin | choi soobin
you'd been together for so long, so why did soobin feel like an overwhelmed virgin every time he fucked you? // 18+, minors dni
words: 1.20k // warnings: dom!soobin, size difference, reader is described as short and petite, reader gets called "bunny", oral (m. receiving), horse cock soobin agenda
a/n: based on this request by 🎡 anon!! i hope you enjoy! ♡
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choi soobin was many things, but inexperienced was not one of them. it seemed everyone and their mother - sometimes quite literally - wanted nothing more than to cum on the cock of the nerd of a man down the street, and it truly did wonders for his confidence and abilities in bed.
so by the time he met you, juniors in college, both ancient greek history majors, he was well aware that he could ravish anyone who wanted it in bed. he just wasn’t expecting that anyone to be you. you, with your pretty face, and charming disposition. you, who - despite your protests and detest for the word - was “popular” on campus; friends with almost all cliques, never sticking to one social class or friendship group. you, y/n l/n.
when you approached him at a party, slightly buzzed, face flushed and a beer in hand, he was surprised to say the least. but that was nothing compared to how he felt when you told him you wanted him, wanted him more than you’d ever wanted anything. and not just in bed - oh no - you wanted all of him. the lazy mornings after a party, the impromptu dates because your class got canceled, the late-night coffee runs when you were studying for finals. it took all the alcohol in your system to gain the courage to come up to him and ask him on a date, but he was so, so thankful you did.
soon after, you started officially dating. soobin was over the moon to have bagged someone as perfect as you, and you were just thrilled that he actually liked you back, too. it was just a bonus that the sex was amazing, too. the first time you saw soobin’s cock, you eyes nearly bulged out of your head in shock. he was huge, and you were in absolute disbelief. you even had to take a moment to express your concerns to him that he would fit inside of you, which he just chuckled at - and soon proved you wrong. he had you creaming on his cock, drooling and eyes rolling back within minutes.
it was pretty much from that moment that an innate feeling woke deep within soobin. seeing your struggle to take him had him throbbing, and it even developed to the point that he’d get hard whenever someone mentioned your height difference. being a foot taller than you, and just so much bigger in every way, send him on a complete power trip. 
most of all, you loved watching how he fell apart when you sucked him off. something about him towering over you while you were on your knees had you dripping, so you couldn’t even begin to imagine how he felt.
he was sitting on the couch watching a shitty tv show that you didn’t understand how he found funny when you got bored, moving from your spot curled under his arms. he was confused, reaching out for you when you got up, his perfect lips forming a pout that almost had you going straight back to him. but instead you grabbed a cushion, placing it on the floor before nestling yourself between his legs. soobin had a habit of manspreading, so that gave you ample opportunity to seat yourself and rest your head on his plush thigh.
he honestly didn’t even question it, just resting a hand on your head and fussing with your hair occasionally. he was used to you putting yourself in odd positions for comfort, and just assumed the couch was hurting your back or something. of course, that soon changed when you swiveled around, facing him and looking up at him with those big doe eyes he loved.
“you okay down there, pretty?” he asked softly, eyes flitting between you and the tv screen which caused you to whine softly. “oh, you need attention, yeah? got yourself all comfy down there hoping i’d give you what you want?”
you nodded, the fabric of his jeans providing a strange comfort on your skin, and he grinned, eyes crinkling slightly. he thought you were so adorable, his perfect little bunny. and how could he deny you what you so desperately wanted? with a slight nod of his head and a tap of his thigh, you almost became rabid with the way you began clawing at his jeans, desperate to pull them down.
he was already half hard in his boxers just at your enthusiasm, hissing with his lip tucked between his lips as you pulled him out of his confines, too overwhelmed to even pull his jeans or boxers off properly.
you were always surprised by how big soobin really was, even half-hard. maybe caught off guard was better, but nonetheless it always made you wonder if you could fit him in any of your holes - although, clearly you could. you couldn’t help the way you licked your lips, wanting nothing more than for him to stuff himself in your throat, but you knew he’d make you work for that. so you settled for kitten licking the tip while looking up at him to watch his reaction.
he hissed at the contact, hips itching to buck up at the way you looked so at home between his legs. as much as he wanted to tell you to stop, to give you a night purely filled with your pleasure in mind only, he knew that you enjoyed giving head almost as much as - if not more - he enjoyed getting it.
you were quick to take as much of him as you could into your mouth, stretching your jaw as much as you could to fit around his impressive girth. he let out a low groan, head lolling back on the couch as you swallowed around him, wrapping your hands around the second half of his length that you couldn’t fit in your mouth.
you looked so small and delicate below him that soobin couldn’t help but wrap his fingers through your hair, guiding your head up and down his length. it took everything in him to not buck up into your mouth, not wanting to make you choke - even though it would be so fucking hot.
“fuck angel, feel like i’m gonna hit your lungs if im not careful.” he moaned, the idea making your eyes roll to the back of your head as you began grinding on the pillow below you, needing any form of release you could get. it felt like you had no more room in your throat, soobin’s cock taking up any space available. you hummed softly, the vibrations making his hips buck involuntarily, which in turn made you gag around him. he was quick to pull his length from your mouth, looking down at you in concern even when you whimpered and tried to go back.
“oh, come here, pretty,” he cooed, lifting you onto his lap, which you happily accepted. you straddled yourself on his thick thigh, instantly rocking your hips just like how you were on the pillow. he was so enamored with you, and he knew if he didn’t have you creaming on his cock in the next 5 minutes he might go insane.
“let me fuck you dumb, yeah?”
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taglist: join taglist here @pretty-racha @demetrisscarf @bangtancultsposts @watariisbestboy
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storiesofsvu · 2 months
Decadent Desires Ch 12
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Emily Prentiss x fem!reader warnings: language, minor political/bau issues mentioned/talked about, smut eluded to. We've come back to the chapters that jump through moments in time! This is also the time that you read this, then skim through the series and see if you can pick up on the foreshadowing cause next chapter is what it was leading up to lol. I'm going to crack down and fly through as many chapters in a row of this series while writing and queue them for once a week. LMK if that timeline seems okay or if it should be more frequent or less, I wanna continue that habit for new series!
Heather was seated at one of the window side tables at Peacock Alley inside the Waldorf, a coffee and a bloody mary in front of her while she looked through the menu. Her gaze drifted out the window, wondering if she was there too early, if you were running behind or if it was a combination of both. Just as she was about to check her phone for both the time and conformation, she spotted what she was sure was your car pulling up to the valet.
Sure enough, you slipped out of it, passing the keys and a wad of cash over to the worker with a sweet smile before tossing your bag onto your arm and making your way to the hotel entrance. Her head tilted in confusion but before she could really get lost in her thoughts you had rounded the corner into the lobby restaurant, sunglasses pushed back onto your head as you glanced around in search of her. A small smile took over your lips when you spotted her, hurrying over to the table.
“You’re early.” You greeted, placing your purse down on the windowsill as you slipped into your seat.
Heather shrugged, “she got clingy, I kicked her out before she could start begging for room service and the girlfriend treatment.”
You nearly snorted, shaking you head at the other woman, “I didn’t realize you were entertaining.”
“Rob’s out of town, both the kids are on campus, you were occupied so I was bored.” She replied, picking up her coffee for a sip when the waiter came over to start you on your own drinks and you figured you may as well match Heather.
“Thought your go to place was the Conrad.” You asked, settling in as your drinks were dropped off and you could take a couple of sips.
“It is. But she was brand new and I wanted to be cautious, figuring we were meeting here in the morning I made it convenient.” She took a sip of her coffee, a brow raised in your direction, “which is why I’m particularly curious as to why you were pulling up to the valet instead of coming from the elevator.”
“I came from home.”
“Did we not plan to meet here for as little hassle as possible? We could have just met at my place if your date fell through.”
“It didn’t fall through.” Your brow scrunched, not able to get an immediate reply from Heather as the waiter came over to take your orders. You opting for a quinoa power bowl while she went with the mushroom and asparagus omelet.
“Did you change hotels?” Heather asked as the waiter left the table.
“No.” You shook your head, “we were at her place.”
“Oh?” She asked with slightly wide eyes and you laughed.
“Emily’s sick of not sleeping in her own bed. And to be completely honest I was getting bored of hotel life too.” You glanced up to catch the look on her face and you rolled your eyes, “Heather, this isn’t like one of us is some money hungry twenty something who’s going to go psychotic when the other one won’t leave her husband for her. Not everything mimics your life experiences.”
“So you’re not getting all domesticated on me?” She asked with a smirk, “because I need that wild, spitfire woman for work.”
“No.” You nearly grimaced, “we’re still going out for fancy dinners and shit, the sex is just occurring in a different environment and with a plethora of more toys.”
“Mmm.” She replied over a sip of her bloody mary, “so whose place were you at last night?”
“You stay over?”
“Careful.” She chided.
“What?” You asked her, your nose scrunching in confusion and she simply chuckled.
“Never mind.” She took another sip of her coffee, “you know… I saw Jackie the other day.”
“Not a surprise considering your line of work.” You replied, hoping the sudden heat on your cheeks wasn’t as present as it felt. “How is she?”
“Had one hell of a hickey on her neck… said she finally got around to having some good fun a couple of weeks ago.”
“Good for her.” You bluffed.
“Huh.” Heather clicked her tongue.
“What?” You huffed, wanting to move onto the next subject.
“Were you too drunk or too horny to realize that it was my main driver who picked you up from the club?” She smirked over the rim of her glass, “and to think you didn’t even bother to call me.”
“Heather it was nearly five in the morning.” You replied dryly, “besides, you always have to be in control of everything, you get power hungry in group situations, dynamic never would have worked.”
“Oh…” there was a devilish grin on her lips as she leant back in her chair, “so tell me then… did they gang up on you or was poor Jackie your little play toy?”
“Please.” You laughed, your voice quieting, “you know that’s what she prefers.”
“Tell me more.” With a smirk, she leant in, her elbow on the table, chin propped up in her hand.
“Absolutely not.” You shook your head, eyeing her up, “but I guess now would be the time to point out that hickey on your neck…”
“What?” Heather’s hand shot to her neck, gently prodding at the skin until she found the sensitive spot, “fucking brat. I told her no marks!”
“And that’s why you’ve got to make better choices.” You shrugged, leaning back in your chair, “I’m careful to not leave marks.”
“That’s because you don’t bite hard enough.” She nearly scowled, digging into her purse to pull out a compact and do the best coverage job she could in the meantime.
You were left laughing, the topic finally diminishing as food was swiftly delivered. Heather, having had enough of being prodded and teased slid the compact back into her purse and picked up her fork.
“How are we doing for next week’s assembly?”
“I’ve got Harris, Tart and Durant set up for speakers, Ashley’s been finishing shirts, banners, badges and stickers and Colton’s been going door to door every day this week.”
“Good.” She took a bite of food, “where are we with backing from Underwood?”
“Working on it. He’s been out of State so often it’s been hard enough to track him or Claire down even for a phone call. I’ll get there soon, I promise.”
“Good girl.”
While your dates continued around the city, it almost felt like you had more freedom when you weren’t trying to stay in or near a specific hotel. Dinner or drinks could be closer to your place or Emily’s, wandering the waterfront on the way back to her apartment. While things were a little more comfortable, there were still some unspoken rules that the two of you simply continued to follow.
Emily always made sure the payment was sent to you within an hour of a date ending, whether that be midnight or eight in the morning the next day. You kept your dates limited to weekends, both to keep things on a running schedule and to try and avoid crossing over with work. Staying the night wasn’t required, it never had been in the hotels, especially if one of you knew you had a busy week and wanted a day to prepare for it or decompress from the weekend. There was nothing in the contract about cuddles and sweet dreams, it was about sex, enough aftercare that everyone was alright and money. There were nights you were too wiped to move, falling asleep before Emily could even fully check in with you and there were other nights that once you’d caught your breath, you were dressed and out the door. Emily would admit she did enjoy spending the nights in your bed, but she still missed her own just as much and if she was willing to drive at the late hour, she was pressing a chaste kiss to your cheek and heading home to it.
Some mornings you’d wake up tangled in each other’s limbs and take the time for some lazy morning sex, which usually ended up leading straight into round two, three or more as you fully woke up. Other mornings you would wake up to the sound of the shower, Emily prodding your side what felt like seconds later with a to go coffee cup and you were on your way home straight away.
Coffee was where it ended, there was never breakfast, never brunch or dilly dallying as you talked about your plans for the rest of the weekend. It was a quick shower, a coffee in a cardboard cup and an ‘I’ll call you’ to set up your next date. While you had dinner or drinks most nights, they were had out, it was never homecooked, no dancing around each other in the kitchen while you put together a meal. Bottles of wine were often left forgotten on the coffee table as Emily made a home between your legs, bringing you to your peak over and over again until you were tugging her off you to return the favour.
Emily’s apartment was normally your setting, her toy collection happened to be more extensive than yours and it seemed like there was always something new to discover and play with. It also helped her keep a semblance of control in her mind, you may have been playing this game for months now, but she was still wrapping her brain around exactly how things worked. She was still new to it, learning the ropes as she went and she wanted to make sure she was doing her best. When she was in her own apartment, it was her surroundings, she knew every nook and cranny and felt more relaxed and able to take control.
The lines were still in place, even if there was a change of scenery.
Emily heard an all to familiar beeping interrupting her dreams and she rolled onto her side, scrunching her eyes briefly in an attempt to keep them shut and regain whatever sleep she still had left in her. You coffee always auto brewed and most mornings the two of you ignored it if you wanted to sleep in or have a morning session before parting ways. A chill ran through the room and she let out a small shiver, shifting to pull the covers tighter around herself and was surprised at just how easily she suddenly had the entire duvet in her hands.
Begrudgingly cracking her eyes open she looked around the room, it was still dark, sunrise being later and later as the city sunk fully into autumn. Rolling onto her back she was able to assess that you definitely weren’t in bed with her, the bathroom light was off but the fan was on, a likely sign you’d had a shower and started your day already. The second sign being that your pyjamas were strewn over one of the chairs across from the bed, your phone absent from the nightstand.
She knew that you were likely letting her sleep until you absolutely had to kick her out, but the exhausted part of her was really hoping maybe this was a quick thing and you’d come back to bed. She perked up when a light at the bottom of the stairs flicked on, her ears picking up the sound of your voice. Either someone was over or you were on the phone, but either way you sounded far less than pleased.
Letting out a soft sigh she pushed up to sitting, stretching out her body and rubbing at her eyes as she willed herself out of bed and into the cool morning air. She tiptoed quietly over to the door, if you did have a house guest this early, you likely didn’t need them knowing that you’d had overnight company. After listening for a couple of minutes she determined that you were definitely on the phone, there was barely any time for someone else to get a word in and whenever they did, downstairs was silent aside from the pacing of your heels or sound of coffee brewing. Emily crossed the room again, quickly getting redressed and collecting her things, quietly making her way down the staircase to the main floor, finding you with your back to her.
“Patterson I swear to god if you hang up on me— Yes! I already know that. He doesn’t need a parent or guardian if he’s of age. Did he ask you to call her? No. Exactly—What did I just say? Like hell you need to print him! You’re not just toeing the line you’re by far crossing it! Don’t think I know you just want him booked to get your name all over the press, I’ll have your fucking badge.” A slight pause while you pinched at the bridge of your nose, a voice chattering on the other side of the line, “no. Of course I don’t think you’re just going to toss him back out onto the street. Mr. Dalton is already on his way down there to make sure you don’t think about breaking any other rules or laws and believe me I’ll be making a trip down there myself to talk to your Captain.” Hanging up the phone you dropped it to the island, stopping to take a hefty swig of coffee, “fuck.”
You finally turned back to the island, dropping onto a stool and pulling your laptop toward you, movement out of the corner of your eye causing you to glance up, jolting slightly as you realized Emily was on the same floor as you.
“Shit, sorry. I hope I didn’t wake you up.”
“No, no. Don’t worry about it.” She replied, smiling softly as she stepped into the room. You made a noise, gesturing toward the empty to go coffee mug beside the coffee pot and she took the hint, mixing it to her liking. “Anything I can help with?”
You nearly snorted, glancing up to her, “morally, ethically and legally? No.”
“Oh…kay…” She took a sip of the coffee to make sure it was right before popping the lid on and you let out a frustrated sigh.
“Jordan got picked up for a drunk and disorderly last night.”
“Heather’s son.” You grimaced.
“Ah.” She nodded, suddenly more than well aware the severity of the situation, “DUI?”
“Luckily he didn’t get that far. But this fucking prick Patterson… fucking white shield who thinks he’s hot shit…” you grumbled, “he pays paparazzi to follow around teenage and older kids of politicians, especially at bars or parties. Tips them off to whenever he knows security is escorting them, they get the pictures, he gets to swoop in and make a couple of bullshit arrests, they split the bank. He thinks its gonna be his way up the chain.”
“Sounds like a piece of shit.”
“He is.” You mumbled, “and now I get to spend the rest of the weekend putting out fires and trying to keep this out of the press and away from Heather. Lord knows she’ll only lose her shit and knowing Jordan he’ll turn something flammable into an explosion. I—” you were cut off by your phone ringing and you immediately picked it up, “Yeah? I don’t care that it’s only five in the morning, the car is coming to the back entrance and you are to get Jordan into it without a single soul seeing him. Drive him back home, make sure he’s in the guest house, I’ll call Rob.”
Emily picked up her coffee cup, tapping on the island to gather your brief attention, giving you a little wave thank you for the coffee and to let you know she was saying goodbye. All things considered the best option for her right now was to get out of your hair.
“Shit, shit, shit!”
Getting an early or overnight call for a case on a Saturday morning was already annoying as is, but this was linked to one of the cases they had been working on that week. Meaning the call was Penelope saying she’d found an out of state connection and everyone was to be at the jet in thirty. While Emily’s go bag was in the car, it only had enough outfits for a few days and the one she’d worn the night previous certainly wasn’t Section Chief appropriate.
“Take whatever you need.” You sleepily waved in the direction of your closet, flicking on the bedside lamp before rolling over and going back to sleep as she began to rummage through your clothes.
Emily made it to the jet just in the nick of time, dropping her bag and managing to grab a coffee and bottle of water before settling into an empty seat across from Tara. She could feel the other woman’s eyes on her, examining the outfit choice and she shifted in her seat, the shirt was definitely a little snug around her chest but it was the best option she could find quickly.
“That’s a nice colour.” Tara complimented, “looks really good on you.”
“Oh. Uh, thanks.”
“It new?”
“No,” she let out a semi awkward laugh, scrambling to come up with some kind of fib, “kind of old, figured I’d start cleaning out my closet last night, grabbed the first thing I could.” She shuffled in her seat again, tugging the fabric away from her chest before leaning forward to grab a case file, “what’d Garcia find? Do we know what we’re walking into?”
“Second page.” Tara replied, the corner of her lips curving up into a smirk and Emily could feel her cheeks burning pink, feeling like she was back in high school hiding a secret from her mother.
You sped through the doorway to Heather’s office, placing a now lukewarm coffee down on her desk as the check in that you were there before briskly turning around and she barely looked up from her laptop.
“Sorry, traffic on the I-395 was a fucking mess. I’ve never seen so many accidents this early in the morning.”
“It’s getting icy out there.” She replied, her eyes still on the screen in front of her, “turned the heater on in your office, you’re welcome.”
“Thank you.” You replied with a huff, barely making it to the doorway before the wheels started turning in Heather’s brain and she eyes shot up.
“Hold up!” She called and you froze on the spot, turning back to face her, “you live uptown…”
“Yup…” you nodded, feeling the heat creeping up the back of your neck.
“And if you were coming from the Waldorf you would have taken Pennsylvania.”
“Yes again.” You nodded, nearly gulping. Heather surveyed you for a moment, her eyes narrowing as her lips twitched up into a grin.
“It’s Thursday…”
“You ever heard of wine Wednesday Heather? Zooz has an incredible happy hour and it’s walking distance from Em’s.”
“Hmm.” Her head titled, “must be a nice place.”
“I have work to do.” You began to turn away again, but she called out once more.
“Speaking of, pick a hotel for Sarasota this morning and Elise will book it.”
“I thought we were going to Laguna?”
“They changed locations, something about the right hall not being available.” She shrugged, “at least Florida’s an excuse for a shopping trip.”
“Huh…” your head titled as a grin broke out on your lips, “I could use a new swimsuit.”
“Could always go without one.” She smirked back and you rolled your eyes.
“Very professional.”
“We’ll have a private terrace.” She replied as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“And here I thought I was picking the hotel.”
“You’ll pick something suitable; cost isn’t a concern.” She shrugged, “I’m not going to be slumming it in Florida for a week and not indulge.” Her eyes flicked up and down your body, “hell, why don’t you call Tony, take the afternoon to get some shopping done.”
“He’d love that.” You laughed as you thought it over.
“I’m sure he’s not the only one.” She replied, tilting the screen of her laptop back as her eyes fell back down to it once again, a smirk remaining on her lips.
Girl’s night at Garcia’s always meant a couple of cocktails and when Tara had offered to drive, having to be up early the next morning, everyone was on board. JJ was the first drop off, leaving Emily in the front seat with Tara navigating the streets of Washington.
“What is going on with you?” Tara asked, a small laugh leaving her lips as she glanced over at the other woman.
“Your nerves are radiating off you and you keep shifting in your seat like a dog that hasn’t figured out if he’s going to the park or the vet.”
She laughed, “it’s nothing. I just went from not really recognizing the street to realizing I’ve got a friend who lives around here.”
Tara glanced at her watch, “it’s not that late, if you wanna make a pit stop or for me to drop you somewhere, I can do that.”
“No, no don’t worry about it.”
“Emily,” she prodded, “c’mon. I can keep a secret.”
“It’s nothing like that!” She swatted at her hand, “just haven’t seen her in a bit.”
“Call her or I’m pulling over the car.”
“I—what?” Her eyes darted up to the other woman who suddenly pulled into the right lane, “okay, okay!”
Your phone began to buzz on your desktop and you let out a soft sigh, thankful for the interruption as you pulled off your glasses, blinking your eyes a few times as you picked it up.
“Hey, it’s Emily.”
“Oh, hey!” A smile crept onto your face, “what’s up?”
“I.. uh.. I was just in the neighbourhood, figured I’d see if you wanted to grab a drink?”
This sigh you let out this time was much wearier one that Emily could practically feel, “I would absolutely love to but I’m still at the office and likely will be for a few more ours.”
“On a Saturday?”
“Yup.” You exaggerated the word, popping the ‘p’, “bunch of extra tasks on hand this week and we’ve been spread pretty thin. I definitely can’t go anywhere until the boss does.”
“Shit.” She muttered and you reached across your desk for your agenda, flipping through a couple of pages.
“Looks like I can squeeze you in on Tuesday? Probably not ‘til ten at the earliest and I wouldn’t be able to stay.”
“No, no, don’t worry about it, the usual weekend is fine.”
“Weekend is all conference prep and we fly out Monday afternoon.”
“I would hate to add to your schedule, we can wait until you’re back.”
“It’s fine.” You laughed softly, “lord knows I could use the relief.”
“Alright.” She chuckled, “I’ll see you Tuesday.”
“I’ll call once I’m finished up, let you know when I’m on my way.”
“Sounds good. Bye.”
Emily dropped her phone with a soft sigh, sliding it back into her pocket, a sense of relief washing over her when Tara pulled back into the left lane and signalled to make the turn towards her original destination.
“I thought you hadn’t seen her in a while?”
“Huh?” Emily’s brow furrowed as she looked up at her.
“’The usual weekend is fine’?” Tara raised an eyebrow, “who have you been meeting up with every week?”
“No one.” She fibbed, sinking deeper into the seat of the car.
“Oh come on Emily.” She laughed, “doesn’t take much to realize you’ve been spending time doing something other than work. You actually don’t reply to non urgent work texts on the weekends anymore, better moods Monday mornings…”
“No profiling the profiler!” Emily protested, punching Tara’s arm, “I thought I was getting a nice ride home, not an interrogation.”
“Okay, okay.”
Tara held up a hand in surrender, shaking her head at the other woman as she pulled up in front of Emily’s building. She said a quick thank you and goodnight, pulling out her phone when she was waiting for the elevator. If you were working this late on the weekend the least she could do was send over some dessert as a pick me up.
@mickey-gomez @momlifebehard @daddy-heather-dunbar @maybe-a-humanbean @rustyzebra @leftoverenvy @kades95 @dextur @supercriminalbean @emilyprentisssluvr @lex13cm @zizzlekwum @emobabeyy @riveramorylunar @scorpsik @onmykneesformarvel @inlovewithemilyprentiss @regalmilfs4me @ara-a-bird @inlovewithmiddleagewomen @kmc1989 @irishavengersassemble @hopedoesntknow @venromanova @waitaminuteashh @noahrex @imlike-so-gaydude @wittygutsy @cx-emerald-cx cx cx @momily @nilaues @borinxnovak @soverign @v3nusxsky @mccdreamys-writes @l4yne @obsessedwjill @supercorpstan97 @asolitaryrose3 @lisqueen @mrs-prentiss @whitewinewithice @d33pd3sire-blog @daffodil-heart @maximoffcarter @i-lovefandom @chimnlex @moonlightjxuregui @chestnutninny @gamma-rae-bursts @just-moondust @idkifimasub @gaydragonwitch @dowsedwithbleach @divergentalwaysandforever-blog
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pinksomovember · 11 months
Day 1 - In A Car [ao3]
Ivy rocked on her heel folded under her.
“I’m going to piss myself,” she said, a slight whine bleeding into her otherwise joking tone.
Nora didn’t respond. Ivy had been complaining on-and-off for the past hour, with increasing frequency, and had started shortly after a stop that had a bathroom.
“I seriously don’t think I’ve ever had to pee this bad in my life,” Ivy continued. “It’s starting to hurt.”
“You could’ve gone at the gas station,” Nora said.
Ivy didn’t appreciate the condescending scolding. She felt like a water balloon that was still attached to the hose, bulging more and more with every second, with only a matter of time before it went pop. Her only outlet was to fidget, simultaneously squeezing her thighs together and rocking back and forth onto her foot so it pressed up against her pussy. In combination with the seam of her jean shorts digging up against her—working its way into a wedgie—her urethra had plenty of pressure to help it stay closed. That was only going to work for so long, though.
“You didn’t see the bathrooms,” Ivy argued. They’d been disgusting—shit on the back of the seat, a truly foul smelling liquid seeping along the corners of the floor, and flies everywhere. Not to mention how every surface was covered in stains and dried flecks of who-knows-what. If it had been cleaned in the past month Ivy would eat one of her socks.
She’d had to pee, decently bad, when they had stopped there. But under no circumstances would Ivy use that bathroom. Except for maybe (just maybe) right now.
She thought she’d be able to hold it. They were only a few hours out from their destination and she could always get Nora to stop at a rest stop or a gas station if it really got bad. Ivy, however, hadn’t realized that they were about to exit fucking civilization. There had been nothing for the past fifty miles other than cattle and the occasional cornfield!
“If you weren’t chugging those iced teas-”
“I’ve stopped!”
Ivy might’ve also forgotten to factor in how much liquid had still been moving its way through her system, too. It was a habit for her to sip at sugary drinks when she was bored.
A wave of desperation so strong that Ivy dug her nails into her thighs swept through her.
“Ohhh my god,” she moaned. “I can’t do this. Jesus fucking Christ.”
There was so much pee inside her right now her bladder was visibly pushing up against her skin, firm and tight and aching between her hips. She had given up on the seatbelt, and the button of her shorts, well over fifteen minutes ago. Ivy kind of wanted to cry.
Nora softened. “You going to be alright, babe?”
“I don’t know. Yes, probably. Maybe.”
“I can always pull over,” she offered. “You’d have to piss on the side of the road, though.”
Ivy shook her head adamantly. “No, there’s way too much traffic.”
They fell into silence for a few minutes, aside from the staticy music of one of the few radio station’s Nora’s truck was picking up and the occasional curse from Ivy.
“Are you enjoying it, at least? At least a little?” Nora asked, breaking the quiet.
“What?” Ivy practically panted. Her breathing was rough as she tried to huff and puff her way through the worst of the desperation.
“Just.” Nora seemed a bit embarrassed, keeping her eyes completely glued to the road. “You’re…y’know. Piss thing.”
“It’s not a piss thing,” Ivy hissed, mortified. Even though it was, at least partially, a piss thing.
It wasn’t her fault that having a full bladder turned her on. From what Ivy understood, it was just simple biology! The fuller that most women’s bladder’s get, the more it puts pressure on all the internal pleasure hotspots. A little like cockwarming a moderately small toy, just without any form of firmness that a foreign object would feel like. It felt good in a slow building, passive sort of way.
Getting off with all that weight in her lower belly also felt good. A little bit of extra flare to a still otherwise damn good orgasm. 
But she wouldn’t say she was into piss. The idea of the smell and the mess alone was enough to turn her off to it. Holding it on occasion until it was just starting to edge into too much was plenty enough for her.
Although, she had to admit, she wasn’t exactly turned off to it right now.
Each tight squeeze of her thighs stimulated her a little bit. Every rock back pressed the bone of her heel into the squelching slickness of her pussy, which was absolutely soaking her panties despite knowing damn well that she hadn’t leaked a single drop of pee yet. And with all that movement, the seam of her shorts was pulled tight against her unmistakably hard clit.
“Well, are you?” Nora asked.
“I-” Ivy stopped herself. Her face was burning. “Yeah, maybe. So what, I still have to pee more than I have to—or whatever, want to—get off.”
Nora stole a side glance at Ivy. Something dark, heedy, interested came over her expression as she drank in how Ivy looked.
Ivy sacrificed one of her hands clawing into her thigh as a grounding method to cover her face. This was embarrassing enough as it was without having to talk about her kinks. Even if Nora seemed to be getting into it.
“Oh my god, ohmygodohmygodohmygod,” Ivy chanted, forgetting her embarrassment entirely. The wave of desperation felt incredibly, suddenly like a physical wave. She could feel it surging against the sphincter muscles of her urethra. 
She wiggled her hips side to side to try and fight through it. The movement caused her shorts, already so tight against her cunt, to shift. Her clit was trapped between the seam and her pubic bone, but couldn’t stay in place with this new movement. The seam fucking stroked her aching clit, slipping to the side before grinding right back over it with the next sway of her hips.
“Hu-uhn,” Ivy couldn’t help but moan. “Uh, uh, uh!”
“Fuck,” Nora cursed, breathless.
Ivy couldn’t process the difference between her desperation for relief and her sudden, surging need to cum. Everything was much too much and not enough at the same time. 
“Fuckfuckfuck. Jesus Christ. Uhaha.” Ivy sobbed a couple times. It was part laugh and part horniness and part overwhelmed. She couldn’t believe this was happening. It felt like an out-of-body event while also being the most physically animal experience she had ever had.
“God. You feeling good, baby?” Nora asked. 
“Y-y-yes!” Ivy wailed. “It’s- fuck, it’s so good. I’m so wet. Shit, I’m so- I’ve gotta piss so bad.”
Nora took her right hand off the wheel to grab Ivy’s leg. Her other hand held onto the wheel so tight her knuckles were turning white. There was something wild about her. Something that, if she didn’t have to focus so much of her attention on the road, might’ve swept her up in the same way Ivy’s desperation was.
“You gonna play with yourself, baby?” Nora asked. “Gonna play with your clit while you piss yourself?”
“Don’t- don’t wanna piss myself,” Ivy whined. Nevertheless, she did as Nora suggested and grabbed tight between her legs. Her shorts were too tight and were getting in the way of actually being able to touch herself effectively, but the pressure helped reel in her bladder’s demands a little bit.
“Ives, baby, there’s no bathrooms for miles yet.”
A reedy noise broke in Ivy’s throat.
“I know, I know,” Nora said, hand squeezing at Ivy’s thigh. “I’m sorry, baby.”
“This is so fucking embarassing,” Ivy managed, laughing incredulously. “I’m seriously gonna wet myself. Fuck.”
“I don’t care. Fuck, baby, looking like that…I’d let you ruin anything.”
“Hm?” Ivy hummed. Her whole cunt was pulsing, vagina and pussy lips and clit. She was so wet she wouldn’t even be surprised if a spot was showing up on her shorts, soaked straight through her panties. Her body was building up to something—so high up she was almost afraid of it—unsure if it would be the dams breaking involuntarily or an orgasm so intense it would be the best she’d ever had.
“You look so fucking good, Ives,” Nora rasped. “I could eat you alive.”
“I…” Ivy wavered. She didn’t know what she wanted to say. 
“It’s okay,” Nora said. “It’s gonna happen either way, isn’t it? Unless you changed your mind about the side of the road?”
They were on a two-laned highway, a couple of cars in either direction always in sight. Stopping would mean even more cars, as the ones behind them passed them by. 
“No, absolutely not. It’d end up on the- on the fucking Internet or something.”
Nora massaged her thumb against Ivy’s skin. “Then I’m sorry, baby, but you’re gonna have to piss yourself.”
“’S bullshit,” Ivy mumbled. Tears were pricking up in her eyes. The side-to-side wiggling was simultaneously not doing enough to help her hold it and doing a frustratingly inconsistent too-much-not-enough to get her off. She resorted back to rocking, with no sign of pausing the mounting something that was steadily creeping up on her.
“We’ve got a ton of clothes in the back,” Nora soothed. “And towels, and baby wipes, and our rental is pretty far from any neighbors so nobody’ll see you walking in your wet clothes. And it won’t take too much to clean the truck, and I don’t mind cleaning it up, okay?”
“It’s not a big deal,” Nora insisted, a bit of firmness edging in. “Understand?”
Ivy nodded tightly. She did understand, even if she could barely think. 
“Now, since it’s gonna happen anyways, you want to make yourself feel good?”
“Already am,” Ivy said. “Might, fuck, I don’t know. Might cum.”
“Just like that?”
“May- uhn- maybe.”
“Fuck.” She sounded reverent. “You wanna touch yourself, baby? Wanna stick your fingers down your shorts?”
Ivy nodded, frantic. She was so close, to coming, to pissing, to doing both. She just couldn’t quite get there.
Her fingers felt fucking heavenly. Her pussy was a mess of sticky slick, audibly squishing as she pushed her hand beneath the waistband of her panties and into the lips of her pussy. Just brushing against her clit was enough to cause her to shout out, trembling at the sudden stimulation of sensitive nerves.
“Just like that, baby. Fuck, look at you. It feels good?”
“Yes! Fuck, ohmygod. Hnnnuh.”
Ivy’s fingers were clumsy, sitting up and trapped in her shorts and obstructed by the clamping of her thighs. But God, it didn’t even matter. She grinded her cunt on her heel and the drag of the cotton and denim against her pussy made everything all the better and her fingers fumbling over her clit was dragging her up up up.
“Keep playing with your clit, baby. Just like that, yeah. Just how you like it.”
“Gonna- fuck!”
“You gonna cum, Ives?”
“Wanna,” Ivy cried. “So- fuck, please, please. Wanna…I’m so…”
“Or are you gonna piss?”
“Fuck!” Ivy wailed. Her pleasure crested, sharp and violent and hard enough that her whole body shook. She threw her head back into the seat, practically seizing. She barely recognized the sounds she was making as something coming from her mouth, unfamiliar from any other she’d made before.
“Oh my god,” Nora was saying, somewhere in the distance. “Fuck, baby. Fuck.”
Ivy was still shaking, still somewhere high up. 
“Need’ta piss,” she slurred. “Need’ta…uhn, I need’ta…”
Nora said something. Ivy registered only that it was meant to be encouraging.
“Uh, uhn, ohhhhhh fuck. Oh-”
Ivy’s fingers were still against her cunt, and she felt the first hot trickle of piss against them. It wasn’t enough, though, not even registering as relief. The sensation of liquid leaving her bladder, however, passing through her weakening sphincter and soaking into her shorts, bordered into the same amount of pleasure as playing with her clit usually was.
So soon after her orgasm, she felt overstimulated. There was still way too much pressure and it was taking a strenuous amount of concentration to keep even the tiny stream going and everything still felt so fucking good.
“Nnn…Nora,” Ivy sobbed. “I can’t-”
“Relax, Ives, relax. It’s okay, you can do it.”
Nora let go of Ivy’s thigh and instead tucked her hand beneath Ivy’s wrist of the hand still down her shorts to place her palm against her belly. “I’m gonna push down a bit, okay? Just relax.”
Ivy hiccuped, but nodded. She was still managing a thin stream of piss, seeping into the seat of her shorts and just barely beginning to form a puddle under her butt, but her bladder was screaming at her.
Nora pushed down and Ivy squirmed violently. The pressure was so much more but it wasn’t doing anything but hurting. She had to piss so bad and she couldn’t and inexplicably she felt like she could cum again just like this but not quite. And then her urethra gave way.
“Ohmy god,” Ivy choked. The piss flooded out of her.
It didn’t even feel like she was sitting in the passenger seat of her girlfriend’s car, her entire bottom was so suddenly drenched. She might as well have been sitting in the tub in a few inches of bathwater. Hot, very slightly piss-scented, bathwater.
It was euphoric. She might’ve been cumming again, for all the pleasure searing through her as her release hissed through her panties and pooled on the fabric seat faster than it could soak it up. She genuinely couldn’t tell.
The stream was hot and steady against her fingers as it sprayed out of her. Absently, she petted along her inner labia. 
“Shit,” Nora said, like she was in awe. “Shit.”
The stream started to peter out, in fits and bursts. Just when Ivy thought it was over another gush would start up, each one a little weaker than the last.
There was a dull drip, drip, drip as the puddle on the seat dripped onto the floorboards.
Nora’s eyes darted between the road and Ivy, with a desperate sort of want. “Oh my god, Ives. That was…”
“I think I’m still going,” Ivy said. She felt a little fuzzy around the edges, numb in the very tips of her fingers and toes and slightly cross eyed. Fucked out.
“Fuck,” Nora whispered, enthralled.
 The final dredges of her bladder’s contents were still dribbling out of her, like her urethra couldn’t quite figure out how to close back up. Ivy tried to force it a bit, by clenching up, but all that caused was a violent shiver to rush up her spine and a soft little gasp.
Finally, finally, Ivy felt herself stop peeing.
“Mmmm,” she hummed, satisfied and spent and high on sex. 
“You okay?” Nora asked. Her hand was back to Ivy’s thigh, mindless of the piss starting to cool on her skin.
“Yeah,” Ivy sighed, sleepy and pliant. “M’great. Maybe, uh, in a bit you could get a towel outta the back?”
“Yeah,” Nora agreed. “’Course, baby.”
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notjustjavierpena · 1 year
Three Times You Didn’t Kiss Joel - And One Time You Did - Part III: Fussing
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Series Masterpost | Main Masterpost | Support a disabled creator
A/N: A cute summer romance has started! Enjoy chapter three!
Summary: Joel punches a creep for you.
Pairing: Joel Miller x f!reader/you (no y/n)
Tags: +18 no smut but mature thoughts (minors DNI), violence, misogynistic behavior, pining, summer romance, DILF Joel, sexual tension, idiots in love
Word count: 1.6k
Link to this work on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47914783/chapters/120930880
Chapter Three: Fussing
It seemed that Joel fell into a habit of coming to the rescue more than a few times. The ankle incident was over after a little over a week, but only because Joel would make sure that you had grocery shopping done by either himself or Sarah, so you could relax on your couch or in your bed as much as possible. 
Sitting at home with horrible television had caused a severe case of cabin fever. You had gone out to socialize at the first chance you got, but ended up sitting alone in a booth without high expectations for the night. That was until a stranger had asked for your number and when you had politely declined, much to the guy’s dismay, his flirty attitude had crumbled and evolved into something creepy. 
You twirl your phone in your hand. Joel had given you his number during the ankle incident, which you had texted a few times with a grocery list, but otherwise not at all.
Until now.
You have sent him a text message saying that he needs to come fetch you, because you’ve been drinking and you have unwanted attention. Normally, you would have handled these kinds of situations by texting your best friend, but she isn’t from town and you just want to get out of there now. You’ll never hear the end of it from Joel, you know this, but you reckon it has less to do with you and more to do with the fact that he is the father of a teenage girl. Something about being a role model. 
“Sorry, I’m really not interested,” you say as you pocket your cell phone again. You give the man a polite smile, but he doesn’t turn to leave. Instead, he starts up a conversation about his job which is apparently something that earns him a lot of money. 
You keep up the forced conversation to not make a scene but try to sound bored. There is no point in upsetting the man in front of you, because it’ll trap you here and make it unsafe to leave if you really, really wanted to. You’re not sure how he doesn’t read into the fact that you don’t ask him any questions like an interested person would.
“Are you sure you don’t want a drink? I could get you one of those with a curly straw, tiny umbrella,” he grins.
“I’m sure. No thanks.”
“Come on. It’s just one drink, and I’d like to get to know someone as sexy as you,” he goes on. 
You grimace, “I’m not looking for company like that, sorry.” 
“Oh, don’t be so boring, sweethea—“
“She said beat it,” Joel’s voice booms from beside you. His cheeks are slightly flushed as if he has been in a hurry and he pants just slightly from what you assume is suppressed anger. 
Seeing him makes relief wash over you in an instant, and you fall back into the background to let him handle the situation. You don’t like the idea of him having to rescue you from something like this, but you cannot help but feel a little more in love with him as he prepares to put the guy in his place.
“Dude, sorry, didn’t know she was taken,” the guy holds up his hands in surrender, but the alcohol on his breath and the smirk on his face tells you that whatever he is planning to say next will earn him a few stitches. He looks Joel up and down, measuring him somehow and makes an attempt at a joke, “What’d she cost if I were to have a go? An offer of a drink didn’t do the trick.” 
“What the fuck did you just say?” You get out of your seat incredibly fast but Joel is faster, and you hear the sound of knuckles connecting with bone; Joel has gripped the stranger’s shoulder with one hand and landed his fist on the side of his face, right at the jaw.
The other stumbles backwards, but he doesn’t hesitate to run forwards into Joel and land a punch right back. He uppercuts him, and you squeak as Joel is now the one to stumble back into you. The two men fly at each other’s throats like animals in a pack in the next moment, landing several punches at each other. 
“Stop! Jesus, Joel— you can’t get into a bar fight,” you say as you start pulling them apart by tugging on Joel’s t-shirt, or at least you try to, but the bartender has already sent a doorman in your direction.
Joel pulls down his shirt as he is yanked by the collar. He forces the doorman off only to hold up his hands, palms outwards, shoulders tense and voice stern, “Fine. Fine. I’m leaving with her now. You don’t have to grab me.” 
“I’m sorry,” you apologize to the bouncer. He goes to your creepy romancer instead, tugging him by the arm to remove him from the bar. 
“You’re a fucking ugly bitch anyway,” he spits venomously at you as he passes you when he is forced to leave. You send him a death-stare, mouthing a ‘fuck you’ back at him.
Joel stays where he is until he gets your clue to leave, looking down at his shaking fist as if he is surprised at what he has just done, but you lay a hand on his arm and guide him outside, then in the opposite direction of the human embodiment of your failed attempt at having a good night out. 
“Sorry,” Joel mumbles without looking at you but you find yourself reaching out to gently take a hold of his chin, turning his head to inspect him. He has a nasty cut on his cheekbone, and it’s already starting to bruise from how heavy the impact has been to the blood vessels in his face. 
You gasp, “Joel. Your face.”
“This tiny thing? S’alright, it’s nothing,” he reaches up to touch it, but regrets it immediately. It looks like it stings. 
“Stay right here, I’m going to get you some ice from the bar,” you leave for a moment. For once, it’s your turn to not let him protest and argue. 
You return with an ice pack that you’ve made by wrapping a handful of ice cubes into a dish towel. You press it against his cut and he hisses softly, causing you to tut. He lets you fuss. 
You can feel his defeat is nagging at him; the fact that he is in pain and not perfectly fine seems to annoy him. That, and it feels like he has overstepped one of his own moral boundaries. You wonder if you’re right in your assumptions because it raises the question of how he feels about having overstepped that limit for you. 
“Are you okay, hon’?” He asks and interrupts your train of thought. You turn the dish towel to find a spot that isn’t pink with blood, then dab his face a few more times as you come up with an answer. You won’t comment on the term of endearment. 
“I’m okay. I’ve dealt with assholes before,” you say with a little smile, “Thanks though. You made the situation a lot easier, but I still don’t think you should’ve started fighting the poor guy.”
“Why? Don’t want to be the damsel in distress?” He teases. 
“You know, I can make this hurt a lot more than it already does, mister,” you say with a playful laugh, accompanied by a twinkle in your eyes, “So try me.”
“Let me take you home,” he just answers softly. You wish he meant those words in a different way. 
The car ride home is silent except for the quiet hum of the pop music coming from the radio. You look at Joel out of the corner of your eyes, and he drives with a controlled kind of calmness and only one hand on the steering wheel. His other hand rests on the gear shift and you could touch him if you dared, but you don’t and you don’t think you ever will. 
When he parks the truck in his driveway, he offers to walk you to your door despite it being only a few houses away. When you decline, he insists and his southern drawl becomes a little more present as he fusses. 
“Thanks again, Joel,” you say as you fumble through your bag for your keys. Joel is standing right beside you, close enough for you to feel the warmth radiating from his body in the cool summer night air. 
“I did give you my number to call if you were ever in trouble,” he replies matter-of-factly. 
You finally fish out your keys, but after unlocking the door and opening it halfway, you decide to turn towards Joel again. It catches him a little by surprise and he takes a step back, but you find yourself thinking that he is just as far away from you as before. Had he stepped closer whilst your back was turned? 
“Anyway,” you say but then trail off. You shift a little where you stand, expressing nervousness and looking up at him through your eyelashes. Making a move right now could make or break your relationship, but the way he looks underneath the starry sky is almost too much. There’s a dull ache in your body, starting in your chest and going downwards. 
“Anyway,” he eventually repeats and gives you a sort of boyish smile as he points to his face. The homemade ice pack is still in his car or you would have told him to use it straight away, “Let’s not do it again sometime.” 
You laugh genuinely at his joke, cheeks getting a soft rosy tint. He looks at you with a chuckle of his own, and you’re not quite sure about what his eyes are telling you.
“Goodnight, Miller,” you say and choose the easy way out of the situation. You move, head inside and peek out just before closing your front door, “And don’t act like you wouldn’t wanna do it again.”
If you would like to follow my writing then go follow @notjustjavierpena-fics and turn on notifications 💖❤️
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moralesmilesanhour · 11 months
lil' baby crush
summary: gwen pays miles a visit and gets him to go to one(1) college party. wc: ~1400 a/n: this isn't canon-compliant in that gwen is gay and miles is bisexual here. he's like the 'damn nobody want u fr' 'im sayin like!' image. enjoy!
Miles sighed and sunk down into his chair, the blue light from his laptop illuminating his face. He was currently the only one occupying the shared dorm room, working on an essay that wasn’t due until next month while his roommate was out doing…whatever he was doing. 
Partying, probably.
Despite what he’d often told his parents to explain his sudden disappearances, Miles didn’t really do parties. 
He’d had a taste of them in the form of school dances at Brooklyn Middle: you get there, maybe talk to your friends a little, then stand around trying to figure out how, when, and for how long to dance while the same ten songs rattle your eardrums. 
If he wanted to blast his ears with music for several hours straight, he figured that’s what his trusty bass-boosted headphones at home were for. No complex social ballet required. Even better, he could choose the playlist. 
But it sure made for some boring-ass Friday nights.
Miles got up and rolled his shoulders, fully prepared to go lie in bed for another hour, when he caught a familiar golden light flash across his window. He grinned to himself, wondering which member of what Hobie had affectionately called ‘the Spider-band’ had swung by for a visit.
Tap, tap, tap.
Gwen’s white mask appeared in the frame. She waved as Miles padded over to the window and pushed it open wide enough for her to climb through. Just as her muddy converses were about to touch the floor, he raised an eyebrow.
“Gwanda, you know better.”
“Right, forgot about that,” Gwen laughed, kicking them off. “Old habits, y’know?”
Miles shook his head and grinned.
“So, how’s the thing with MJ going?”
Gwen removed her mask, revealing shoulder-length blonde hair. It fell in choppy layers, and she had replaced the soft pink dye at the tips with a fiery orange.
"Well, it's…going."
Miles crossed his arms.
"Gwen…You did talk to her, right?"
"Y-yeah! I spoke to her," Gwen gnawed at her bottom lip before mumbling, "Once. On the subway."
"Absolutely tragic," he exclaimed dramatically as he fell back on his bed. "My best friend has absolutely no game!"
"Oh, you're one to talk! You think I forgot about 'the shoulder touch'?"
Miles sat straight up.
"I thought we agreed to never speak of that again."
"Just saying," Gwen hopped off of the window sill and sat at Miles' desk. "Enough about me, though. How's campus life? You get wasted at any parties yet?"
Miles shrugged.
"I got invited to one nearby that's supposed to be tonight, but I stayed back. No club meetings this week, either, so…"
Her eyes widened.
"So you're just sitting here?"
"I'm being productive," he corrected, pointing to his laptop. "See? I'm half-way done with that essay, I could probably turn it in a week early."
"What? I'm chilling, Gwen, seriously! Just me and my, uh…" Miles glanced at his bookshelf. "...crossword puzzles."
Gwen stood resolutely, already having made a decision in her head.
"Pick an outfit, we're going to that party."
"Whoah, whoah, wait, hold on–"
Miles hopped to his feet as she threw open his closet and began rummaging through it. 
"Since when do you wear sweater vests?"
She held up several hangers with sweater vests of various colors.
"I wanted to look distinguished…?"
"Nerd," she snorted. "Oh, this bomber jacket looks sick! Feel like going out with it?"
Miles laughed, "Something tells me I don't have much of a choice."
"Correct," Gwen smirked, tossing the jacket at him. "I’m gonna have to borrow one of these hoodies."
After a twenty-minute walk (Miles didn’t want to risk swinging), the two stopped in front of a run-down apartment building. Loud music and spinning lights from mini disco balls spilled out of the windows.
"This is it," Miles breathed. "If my first party sucks or gets raided by the cops, I'm never speaking to you again."
"Never know until you try," Gwen replied. "Shall we?"
The place was already packed. There was a lively beer pong game happening in the kitchen, while a pack of students were strung along the walls in the living room puffing clouds of marijuana smoke into the air. The group in the middle of the room, of course, was dancing. Or something that closely resembled dancing.
Miles glanced across the room, scanning the sea of swaying bodies when he noticed one lounging on the couch.
The figure was staring down into a red solo cup, a full head of blonde, ear-length dreads obscuring half of his face until he looked up. 
In a devastating miscalculation, Miles let himself stare a little longer until he realized that their eyes had met. He froze, as if the stranger’s dark eyes kept him in place.
Gwen followed his line of vision. She’d seen that look on Miles’ face before: once when they first met at Visions, and again when Hobie had invited them to a concert and she’d caught Miles ogling the bassist. 
She grinned and clapped him on the shoulder. 
"I'll be by the speakers. Go get 'em, tiger."
Despite his sneakers feeling like they were made of concrete, he took a step forward, then another, keeping his eyes on his target all the while. 
The other boy tilted his head in amusement. 
"Um," Miles began, "I-Is this spot taken?"
"Well, I'm sitting in it, so…"
Real smooth, Miles.
"No! I mean, like, next to you–"
The boy’s eyes became crescent moons as he burst into laughter.
"Relax, I know what you meant. Spot's free," he gestured towards the empty area on the couch to his right.
"O-oh, cool. Thanks," Miles laughed awkwardly. The couch sank beneath him when he sat down.
How the fuck do you flirt with dudes?
He could barely fumble his way through flirting with women, riding almost entirely on them finding his utter lack of game endearing. Now here he was, glancing back and forth between the stranger and a wall.
"Yo, you want a drink?" The boy asked, snapping Miles out of his thoughts. "You look like you need one."
He was probably right.
"Sure, I don't mind."
He rose to his feet, revealing more of his outfit: an oversized black tee layered over a white shirt, with a red kilt draped over a pair of dark wash jeans. A real Jaden Smith type, it seemed. But maybe Miles was into that. 
It wasn't long before he returned with a second solo cup, which he pushed into Miles' hand. 
"So," he asked with a grunt as he sat, "Why you not dancin'?"
Miles snorted, and shook his head.
"I don't dance. Was never too good at it."
"Ah, but is the point of dancing to be good at it?"
"Don't get philosophical with me now, I'm a STEM major," Miles grinned, then took a sip of whatever was in his cup. 
He tried his best to hide his disdain for the brown liquid, but the grimace on his face made it evident. "I didn't catch your name, by the way."
"Call me TJ."
"That's a cute name–I mean, a nice name," Miles winced at himself. "A very…normal name."
TJ laughed, revealing a gap-toothed smile that made Miles' chest swell. "Thanks. Yours?"
"Miles. Miles Morales."
"I think your name's cuter. Bonus points for alliteration."
Miles felt heat rushing up to his ears and cheeks. He hadn't had enough to drink for him to blame it on that. 
"So, why aren't you dancing?" He asked, changing the subject.
TJ shrugged. 
"I prefer to people-watch."
"Oh, so when you do it, it's 'people-watching'," Miles made air quotes with his fingers. "I see how you move."
"And yet here you are, talking to me anyway. No idea why you chose me to sit next to, by the way. It's hella empty seats."
Miles bit his lip. 
"I…didn't come over here just to find a seat, actually." 
TJ raised a bleached eyebrow. 
"So what did you come here for? Clearly not to get high, your pupils look normal."
Miles took a deep breath, his heartbeat louder in his ears than the music.
"You, um…You're…"
Holy shit, just say something!
"Do you like boys? I'm not asking for a friend."
Oh my god. Not like that.
TJ blinked, then a smirk began to spread across his face as he came to a realization. 
"Why, yes. Yes I do. You wanna get outta here? I know a place with actual food."
Miles let out a breathy laugh.
"You have no idea how relieved I am to hear that."
"I think I have some idea. You're sweating."
Before he could respond, Miles felt his phone vibrate in his jacket. It was Gwen.
-gwanda: finally!!
-gwanda: if u don’t get his number im gonna be so mad at u. be back by midnight!!
He rolled his eyes.
-miles: ok mom
Miles shut off his phone and rose to his feet, as TJ had already done. He took a deep breath.
“Shall we?”
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lustemotions · 5 months
Where James has this bad habit of pulling a prank on Remus. This time, Remus is shoved against a very beautiful Slytherin boy he’d never seen before and instantly falls…in love with him.
Or, the one where Remus meets his soulmate thanks to James stupid behaviour. 
— Wolfstar. Slytherin!Sirius. 787 words. Credits at the end of the post.
"Ok Mr. Sarcastic, point taken," James said before gently pushing Remus’ shoulder, earning himself a huff from Remus.
“You better stop that now,” Remus warned.
“Stop what?” replied James, pushing Remus a bit harder, a playful smile on his lips.
James had been a nightmare for the last few months. After spending his fourth time at Remus’ village, James had seen one muggle boy pull an innocent prank where he shoved his friend against a girl, yelling “He likes you!” before he ran away.
After that, James had been restless, pulling the same prank on Remus every now and then.
Remus hated it. He was forced not only to apologise for his friend’s behaviour but also to try to explain to random people that he, in fact, did not like them.
It was especially uncomfortable when those random interactions ended with people actually trying to flirt with him.
“James. Don’t. Last time you shoved me against a poor first year and I stepped on their feet. Made them cry and all,” Remus scolded.
“Oh c’mon Moony,” James retorted.
“I said don’t,”
James snorted and nudged Remus, looking away and spotting a pair of boys chatting near the Potions classroom.
James saw the opportunity and when they were near enough, he gave Remus a hearty push, causing him to lose balance and fall right into one of the boy’s arms.
“He likes you!” James shouted, his voice echoing off the stone walls before darting away with laughter.
Remus let out a string of insults before straightening himself. His cheeks were flushed as he faced the boy, meeting an amused gaze looking back at him.
Remus felt at a loss for words, looking back at the most gorgeous boy he’d ever seen. He opened his mouth to apologise, only to be interrupted by the one that caught him.
“Well, I don’t know about you liking me, but I’m pretty sure you just fell for me, uh?”
I love you.
"I guess I did yes,” Remus laughed awkwardly at the joke, he bit his lip and looked at the second boy who looked bored by the whole situation. It was then where he finally saw the Slytherin ties on both of them, it made sense then how Remus didn’t know much about those boys.
“I’m Sirius Black,” said the first boy, darting his hand out as a greeting. Remus took it, losing himself in those gorgeous eyes for the second time.
Marry me.
“I’m Remus Lupin,” Remus almost whispered, shaking Sirius' hand, “I’m so sorry if I hurt you in any way.”
“No hurt done, always a pleasure to catch pretty boys like you,”
“Merlin,” a third voice interrupted them, Remus looked at the second boy who ignored him completely before talking to Sirius,
“I’ll save you a seat, be there before Slughorn gets in,” and with that, he disappeared into the classroom.
Remus and Sirius were left alone in the corridor, their eyes locked and Remus could feel his heart racing, unsure of what to say next.
Breaking the silence, Sirius flashed a confident grin, "Sorry about him, Regulus gets cranky easily," he said, stepping closer to Remus.
Remus chuckled nervously, feeling the tension between them palpable. "It's alright," he managed to reply, his voice slightly shaky.
As they fell into a quick silence, students began to file into the Potions classroom. Remus was a bit disappointed knowing that Sirius had to go away soon. The Slytherin boy looked inside the classroom, probably looking for the boy he was with. When he looked back at Remus, he had a cocky smile on.
"Alright, Remus Lupin," Sirius said, his gaze lingering on Remus for a moment longer. "I've got to go, but hopefully, I'll see more of you around," he added with a wink before disappearing behind the classroom door.
Remus stood there, watching as Sirius vanished from sight. He couldn't shake the feeling that something significant had just happened to him.
With a small greeting for the Potions teacher, he began to walk away towards his next class. He sat down next to James, who looked at him with a frown and asked what had happened to him.
“Prongs, I think for once, your childish behaviour was useful,” Remus said, dropping his head between his arms.
With a sigh, Remus shook his head and ignored the few questions James asked him before their class started. His mind was still reeling from the encounter with Sirius.
I’m pretty sure you just fell for me, uh?
That he did, but Remus was a stubborn boy so he would not stop until that pretty boy was his.
I’m not saying you’re in love with me Sirius Black, but you’re going to.
tag: inspired by a tik tok, made by @lilyevansloml4
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boysbellyrubs · 5 months
'Fine This Morning'
Another detective fic is here!! This time I was lightly inspired by a prompt of a character feeling fine in the morning and suddenly coming down with something. it's semi-long, so I hope you enjoy :))
Jack laid his jacket over his chair, placed his coffee on the desk and sat across from Harry. 
“Morning.” It was barely morning anymore, but, force of habit. 
Harry looked up from his desk, “Good morning. Where have you been?” He sat back from his work, folding his arms to give Jack a funny look. 
“The morgue,” He pulled out a pen, clicking the end a few times before writing a quick reminder to write up the findings from said morgue trip. Jack took a sip of coffee, “What’s that look for?” 
“Nothing, nothing. Thought you’d be somewhere more interesting.” Harry slumped back into his seat. Jack could see he was just pretending to write, his pen hovering just above the paper. Jack chuckled, 
“Looking for gossip?” He asked. Harry’s cheeks reddened at being caught. He immediately got back into his work, hunching over to block his face. Jack really laughed now, “Don’t go all shy on me.” He joked, now leaning forward to get his own work done. 
While they worked, all types of people filed into the department. Jack couldn’t help but overhear a family that had lost their young boy over the weekend, desperately asking for some help. He looked up, noticing the mother crying and the father absolutely ripping into one of the younger detectives. It was causing a bit of a ruckus. He looked over to Harry, giving him a nod. 
Walking over to the couple, the mother noticed their approach. She latched onto Jack, “Please, sir, can you help us?” She shook him about, surprisingly strong. It left him feeling a little unbalanced. She cried out again. Jack put his hands on her shoulders, gently pulling her off him. 
“Ma’am, I’m sorry but you need to calm down. You too, sir.” The father turned to face him, anger painted across his features. He looked down at Harry then to Jack, 
“You’re detectives aren’t you? Can’t you help us?” He jabbed a finger at Harry’s chest. Jack stepped in front to avoid further confrontation. The couple noticed his stern expression and seemed to back off, remembering just who they were talking to. 
Jack took a step back, “Now, if we can all calm down-” 
“Calm down?!” The father was riled again, “Just who do you think you are? We lost our son and no one is helping us.” He took a step at Jack. Suddenly, Jack felt a bit claustrophobic. He had no idea what this man could do, and with his grief and anger, he figured it wouldn’t be pleasant. 
“Why do you need detectives?” Harry asked. 
A moment of indecision came across the man’s face. His eyes bore into Jack’s and moved to Harry, seemingly debating whether or not to back down. Jack tried to keep his back straight and his feet planted. The man stepped back and Jack felt a weight come off his chest. A shallow breath fell from his mouth. The father held onto his wife, giving their attention to Harry. 
“We think it was murder. He always hung around a bad crowd, we think one of them killed him.” Names were exchanged, and Harry took them over to his desk. Jack watched as they left, trying to calm his racing heart. He couldn’t understand why that moment had caused such panic in him. His hands were clammy and his head was unsteady. 
Jack trudged back to his desk. Falling into his chair, he pushed his hair back and shut his eyes. He could vaguely make out the conversation across from him, but he didn’t really care. The couple were probably just paranoid. It wasn’t a very nice thing to think, but with how he was feeling, he didn’t want to do nice. He planted his elbow on the desk, looking down at the report he was nearly finished with before the interruption. With a final few sentences, he signed off on it and filed it away with the rest of the case reports. 
Without a word, he waved the file to Lawrence and left to put it in storage. The case was completely solved, with a simple explanation of drug overdose on the victim. He was walking back to his desk when a wave of vertigo hit him. Without intending to, he caught himself heavily with the wall. His eyes were clamped shut. Jack tried to breathe. 
“Hey, Woods. Too hard on the booze last night?” Detective Watson strolled past, her own case file in hand. She nudged him in the arm. 
Jack looked at her. She didn’t even seem to notice his distress, “Yeah, you could say that.” He didn’t give her a chance to reply and kept walking. Every step he took shook up his brain. Jack felt increasingly sick the closer he got to his desk. The couple were still there, but looked to be successfully calmed. Harry gave him a quick glance before he finished up his conversation with the couple. They thanked him profusely, but as they were leaving, gave Jack a glare. He didn’t care. He wasn’t here to please everyone. 
“I told them I’d look at the file but I don’t think I’m going to find anything. Sounds like the kid was just unlucky,” Harry stuck a note on his computer screen, probably their phone number, and looked back at Jack. 
Harry had just opened his mouth to say something more when the Chief came over to their desk. He had a thundercloud above his head. 
“You two, we got an urgent case downtown. Just got the call, it’s fresh. You got it?” With the Chief glaring at them, Jack and Harry collected their things and set off. They took Jack’s car and got to the scene around ten minutes later. They were met with the usual hubbub as they stepped out of the car. Jack swore he felt his feet skid on the concrete, but they were perfectly stationary. He ignored it, flashing his badge to the police officers in front of the yellow tape. The body was lying face up in the middle of the footpath, eyes wide. There was an obvious stab wound in his stomach. 
Harry crouched down, “Well, at least we know how they died.” He did a quick survey of the area around the body, but found no weapon. 
Jack stood back, the sight getting to him. He stepped around the body and looked into the bushes and rubbish bins. No weapon there either. He tried to keep his head and body moving together to avoid any more vertigo, which probably made him look like a robot. With Harry covering the immediate area, Jack set off to go take a look around some of the alleys. 
Out of sight from everyone, he allowed himself a few moments to breathe. Everything was just getting worse as time passed. His hands were perpetually sweating, his head was pounding and every little movement made the world violently tilt, and to make everything just a little worse, he was beginning to feel nauseated. He was feeling fine that morning. No headache, no dizziness, no nothing. After the incident with that couple, everything just went downhill. 
He doubted that they had passed something onto him. No sickness would ever work that quickly. Jack found himself lost in thought when a scrape of a boot caught his attention. Suddenly, his brain was on overdrive and he carefully slid his gun out of its holster, bringing it up in front of him. He took quiet steps, calculating where the noise had come from. The obvious guess was from behind the big dumpster so he rounded his gun past there first. No one. 
He kept moving further down the alley when the noise happened again. But from right behind him. Jack spun, assaulted by vertigo, but he kept his cool. In front of him was a young man, around mid-20s with a knife gripped tightly in his left hand.  
“Drop the knife.” Jack said plainly. No use in yelling just yet. 
The man’s body stuttered a bit. Like he was fighting with some invisible force that told him to put the knife down. He readjusted his grip on the weapon, “And what if I don’t?” He taunted, taking a step towards Jack. 
“I’ll shoot you down. Then you’d go straight into a jail cell. You wouldn’t want that,” Jack tried to keep his words strong. He still hadn’t recovered from the spin earlier. He desperately tried to keep his arms out and stable, “Put it down.” He emphasised. 
There was about five seconds of nothing, and then the man lunged forward with the knife. He was sloppy and Jack managed to dodge him. He went flying past him, so Jack turned around and shot him twice in the leg, enough to make him drop and cry out. He ran over to him, holding the gun now at his head, “What did I say? Now sit still while the others come.” 
Jack stood back, knowing the perp wouldn’t get anywhere. He stumbled back into the dumpster, his back roughly smacking into the cold metal. He shivered. Now with the adrenaline slowly leaving his body, he felt every ounce of illness and symptom like never before. He put his hand to his head, stifling back a groan as that little movement caused a fresh wave of nausea to splash against his insides. 
He heard rather than saw other police officers entering the alley, all with their own guns raised.
“Over here,” Jack mumbled, vaguely pointing to the man. He heard the thump of boots run past him and then the jingle of handcuffs. 
Jack had to move. The smell of rubbish wafting up from the bin was making everything worse. With all the strength he had left, he exited the alley, squinting at the burn of the setting sun. Thank god his day was nearly over, he desperately needed to puke and preferably in his own home. The suspect was kicking and screaming as he got walked out to the ambulance, blood steadily dripping down from his right leg. He gave Jack a beady eyed glare, spitting at his feet. Jack was used to it. 
Detective Lawrence came up behind him, patting him on the shoulder. It caused Jack’s centre of gravity to shift, “Good one, Woods. How’d ya know he was back there?” 
“Lucky guess.” He muttered. Jack politely shook off Harry’s hand, stumbling his way over to the car. He would deal with the rest of this bullshit tomorrow. He was about five seconds away from either passing out or vomiting. 
Thankfully, he was somehow able to hold it all down for him to get back to the station, gather his things, say goodbye to Harry and drive home. Now that he was home though, the feeling that he felt after shooting the man in the alley was back but increased by tenfold. Every little movement caused a sickly burp to shoot up his throat, and his head to quite literally spin. He hobbled over to his bathroom, hand running along the wall, and practically fell in front of his toilet. 
He spat thick saliva, “Ohh, god.” He moaned out. This was the worst thing he had ever felt in a while. His belly angrily whined at him, forcing a strained hiccup and a burp to come tumbling out of his mouth. He just needed to puke, then he would be fine. Everything was curdled in his stomach. Jack spit again, the saliva dangling off his lips. 
He breathed deep through his nose, burps filtering up through his throat. Before he could even get a chance to realise what was happening, a gag tore its way up his throat and out came a thick wave of vomit. He retched again, head spinning. He very quickly realised he was going to fall over and plonked his hands heavily onto the tile. With his body stable, his belly had free rein to do whatever it needed and his cheeks puffed up to spew out another mouthful of vomit. 
Jack coughed on that one, groaning as he was given absolutely no time to breathe as another gag brought another wave. His stomach contracted and heaved. 
“Fuck m’ life,” He groaned, “Jesus.” His words slurred together much like the mess in his belly. Jack felt like actual garbage. He burped again and it stung his throat. However, he felt like he wasn’t about to puke again, so he gathered all of his strength and sat back from the toilet. All he wanted was his bed and sleep, just to forget about the agony of the day. His stomach was aching, and his head was reeling, nothing seemed to want to stay still when he looked at it. He moaned again, wondering how the hell he was going to actually get into bed. 
With a deep breath, he pushed himself off the floor and clung tightly onto the bathroom sink. He stared at his reflection, disgusted by the pale cheeks and dark circles. Jack splashed some water onto his face, swishing some around his mouth for good measure, and made the journey to his room. Finally getting into bed felt heavenly. He simply laid on his side, breathing softly and curling around a pillow. 
The day played through his mind like a DVD. The couple, the storage room, the crime scene, the man with the knife. And the fact that he had somehow gotten sick between it all. His morning was normal, his routine had no deviations. What kind of bug from Hell had he caught? It made his head spin thinking about it. Jack squeezed his eyes shut, whining a bit. He felt his body relax deeper and sleep slowly sunk her claws into him. His phone was on his bedside table, ready to call in sick tomorrow. 
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liaromancewriter · 1 year
What Could Have Been (4/?)
Series Premise: When Ethan breaks his promise, Cassie is forced to accept they’re not inevitable after all.
Book: Open Heart Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Cassie Valentine) Rating/Category: Teen. Angst Words: 1,195
Series Masterlist
Chapter 4: New Normal. Old Habits. Time to accept the reset and explore new possibilities.
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Whenever Cassie Valentine had imagined her life as a doctor, it invariably involved her medical hero, Ethan Ramsey. Back then, she had only known his words and thoughts on diagnostics.
She had come to Edenbrook to learn from him and hopefully impress him enough that he’d agree to mentor her. Falling in love with him hadn’t been part of her plan.
Their relationship hadn’t been the plan, and yet they were inevitable. Or so she had believed once upon a time.
Nothing lasts forever, she reminded herself as she got dressed for work. She would always carry a version of him in her heart, one she didn’t have but couldn’t lose.
Despite the awkwardness of the last few weeks, their relationship had begun to… normalize. They were professionals, after all, and loved the work. When it came to the Diagnostics Team, Cassie was already learning so much.
Their latest case involving Lamar Stevenson was the perfect example. It would have never occurred to her to conduct a home visit to diagnose an illness. But the systematic way Ethan walked her through the process opened her eyes.
For a while, she forgot that they were no longer together as a couple. Once they were away from the hospital, the easy banter returned, and so did the light teasing she could never resist with him. Ethan could be too serious, but never with her.
“If I lived here, I would lose my mind,” she said dramatically, gazing at the placid bay.
The beach house didn’t even have the melodrama of angry waves crashing against the rocks. What exactly did people do with so much quiet?
“What about this would make you go insane?” Ethan asked in surprise, clearly not expecting her answer.
“Are you kidding?” She shook her head and spread her arms to encompass the scene. “It’s way too boring! I need to live in the middle of the action.”
“One would think you already get plenty of action,” Ethan grinned, his expression more relaxed than she’d seen in a while.
When Cassie raised one eyebrow, his face flushed, and he stumbled over his words. “I meant your casework. Get your mind out of the gutter.”
“Too late,” she almost quipped but suddenly remembered who they were, or weren’t rather, and swallowed her words.
When she almost fell off the chair while reaching for the photo album from the top of the armoire, she never doubted Ethan would catch her. But she hadn’t been prepared for the scent of his cologne and that feeling of rightness as he held her in his arms.
They stared at each other, blue eyes clashing with green, both reluctant to let go. Following instinct, she leaned closer, and he did the same, their foreheads almost touching.
This is how it could’ve been, Cassie thought wistfully. But it wasn’t; she was only torturing herself and him by letting the moment linger.
That was yesterday. Today, it was back to being Dr. Valentine and Dr. Ramsey.
Cassie exited the subway station with Sienna, half-listening to her friend talk about her intern Mitch. Her mind was jumbled with her dream of Ethan last night and Lamar’s worsening condition.
As they neared the hospital’s entrance, Sienna nudged her shoulder forcefully. Cassie glanced at her friend and realized someone was standing before them, blocking their way.
Nate Hanson looked just as good as she remembered. They had gone on one date six months ago but had flirted plenty over text. Conflicting schedules kept getting in the way of their second date.
And then things between her and Ethan changed after Miami. There wasn’t room for anyone else in her heart after that.
“Nate? What are you doing here?” she asked, wondering if she missed a message from Max that his friend was coming to Boston.
“Board meeting,” he said, smiling in a sincere way that was part of his charm. “My company concluded the research project with the hospital, so I’m presenting final recommendations to the board.”
Nate looked askance at Sienna, who was watching him with curiosity. Cassie quickly made the introductions.
“It’s good to see you, Cassie,” Nate said, the appreciative look in his hazel eyes boosting her self-confidence. “Is it too much to hope you’re still single?”
“She’s definitely single,” Sienna grinned cheekily.
Nate laughed, and Cassie threw her friend a disgruntled look. Unrepentant, Sienna waved it away and slid a lascivious sideways look at Nate.
His phone pinged, and he checked the screen. “Shoot. I have to head upstairs.”
He moved closer, and Cassie tilted her head back to gaze into his eyes.
“Can I please take you to dinner tonight? Our previous efforts at scheduling didn’t work, so let’s be spontaneous,” he added when Cassie looked doubtful.
“I get off at six,” Cassie relented.
“Great! I’ll pick you up at seven from your apartment. If that works?” Nate said.
“Seven is perfect,” Sienna piped in.
He smiled and winked conspiratorially at Sienna, making Cassie huff in exasperation.
“Don’t you want to know where I live?” Cassie called out as he started to walk away.
“I’m a hotshot CEO. I’ll find out,” Nate shot back cockily over his shoulder.
Suddenly, he turned around as if pulled by a string and slowly walked back toward her, looking abashed.
“Sorry. I was trying to be cool,” Nate said, nervously running one hand through his hair. “I have no idea where you live and, short of asking your brother, no way of finding out in a way that would be considered legal.”
“Give me your phone,” Cassie ordered, rolling her eyes but secretly amused too.
Later that day, Cassie sipped the coffee Alan Ramsey had bought her as thanks and absently reflected on her upcoming date.
But her mind kept drifting to Ethan and his vulnerability, barely there before his mask descended when his mother was mentioned. So much of his life was a closed book and always would be, she thought morosely.
Meeting his father, knowing Ethan had mentioned her to him, had been the highlight of her afternoon. And for another brief moment, back at the coffee shop, they’d forgotten about the reset.
She hated seeing Ethan upset and reached across the table to press her hand to his. He didn’t resist. Instead, he gently stroked hers with his thumb. The gesture was so loving and familiar tears pricked her eyes.
“I’m here for you,” she whispered, feeling his anger and pain.
Cassie wanted to wrap her arms around him, for him to be hers again so that she could comfort him in a way not allowed between colleagues. But the spell broke with his next words.
“I mean it, Cassie. This means nothing,” he said definitively. “I don’t even know why my father came all the way here to tell me.”
It was sobering to realize the man she loved could be so heartless. If he was willing to easily cut his mother off and call her a stranger, what chance did Cassie have that he’d eventually let her back into his life?
Despite his gentle touch, Ethan could be harsh and unforgiving. And she would do well to remember that.
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sketchy-rosewitch · 2 years
House of Wax Religon Headcanons
CW: Catholicism, Talk of religion, Abuse, religious abuse, physical abuse.
This is basically just what I believe the brothers beliefs are. I thought about it last night and decided to write it.
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Bo Sinclair:
Catholic through and through, he never stopped believing in God. He also believes he will never be forgiven until the town is complete (kinda a cult mentality).
Thinks his Ma is in heaven and she talked to God and told him Bo wasn’t allowed up until he did everything she asked of him and stopped being a “problem child”
I think he and Vincent had to be those kids that had their parent sit between them during Mass, (my sister and I were those kids).
Definitely had fits on the way to Church cause Mass was boring and he didn’t wanna go. (My Church had a kids Mass but their church is small so in my opinion they didn’t have that)
Got the shit beat outta him a few times cause he knocked over some of the candles or decided to mess around with a kid in the pew in front of him.
Used to pray kneeling at his bed right after Trudy died but eventually stopped and just kinda lays awake at night talking to God.
He has a rosary in his suit pocket, bedroom, and in his truck.
Gets hymns stuck in his head sometimes and plays them on the piano (doesn’t have the same feel as the Church’s organ but it satisfies)
Struggles with internalized homophobia
Still genuflects, does the sign of the cross, and all that out of habit.
Goes to at least visit the Church on Sunday and he doesn’t “work” that day either.
Atheist: Doesn’t believe in a higher power.
He stopped believing in God around 14. It was honestly because of how his parents treated Bo and how Bo and him turned out.
If God existed why did he end up with half a face? Why didn’t God allow Bo and him to separate before birth? Would’ve saved them so much trouble..
Fell asleep during Mass a lot but no one ever noticed cause he mastered waking up when they had to stand or kneel or sit. (He’d fall asleep standing and kneeling too)
Since he doesn’t believe in God he doesn’t really have a moral compass (didn’t see the need for one after he started killing)
The only reason he is still doing what his Ma wanted is because Bo convinced him and it’s about the legacy. Someone eventually will stumble across the completed town and see who Trudy Sinclair truly was.
He honestly went back and forth with believing and not but after awhile he gave up the fight.
Never struggled with homophobia, he just kinda like sits there and vibes.
Lester Sinclair: Agnostic
Lester still has a rosary in his truck glove compartment but he doesn’t really believe in God, or any religion but he doesn’t NOT believe in God or any religion.
He just kinda exists and he knows his brothers exist.
Sometimes when he worries he prays to whoever will listen
He believes his Ma and Pa are somewhere awful and that’s all.
He was an alter boy. Was how he thought he could get his parents attention.
May or may not have broken wine cups, bowls, the water jar and more from being an alter boy.
Bo and Vincent managed to cheer him up after he thought he disappointed everyone by breaking things.
Used to talk to the old ladies behind him during Mass.
Honestly thought about being a priest for a bit but decided not to about a month later cause it looked like too much work.
Lester struggled slightly with internalized homophobia but I think he does in fact go by Yolo (Ik so 2012 of me) unironically and just decides that he’s gonna live the life he wants.
He gets hurt by judgey people but in the end it doesn’t matter.
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iggy5055 · 2 years
Yandere platonic Batfam x Poor reader part 9
Summary: (Y/N) has help from Damian to get ready for the gala and after treatment she can finally talk again, but the party doesn’t go as planned.Let you dirty minds run free even if its platonic, because I do the same damn thing, there is no shame on this page all are welcome, loved and excepted. 
I don’t add anything like weight or hair length/texture, skin color or anything like that so all feel included, I try to make my work as inclusive as possible, if I missed something please contact me if you where offended either way, If I do offend you I am so sorry none of this was meant to be offensive.
TW: This is platonic but that doesn’t mean it’s not suggestive, kidnapping, manipulation, fear, drugging, humiliation. y’all best get ready,  
“ = talking
‘ = thinking
Another week with them in my mind felt like a life sentence, long hard and boring to no end. But will all the meds they had me take and some kind of gross drink they gave me about three times a day to help the inside of my throat, along with all the time I was forced to spend with them, the week flew by.
I was finally able to talk but not for long or my throat would get sour, But it was a relief to finally be able to talk.
Even though I could never say the things I wanted to around all of the guys I still got the words out. I had gotten a bad habit of talking to myself. Mostly in the mirror. Like giving myself little pep talks or telling myself everything would be ok.
But the days after Bruce had told me I would be going to the winter ball were annoying as hell . After I fell asleep in Bruce’s office I had woken up in Jason’s room, he was cleaning his twin pistols while siting on the couch still in his Red Hood get up with the helmet beside him on the glass coffee table in front of him.
It didn’t scare me like I thought it would but it still made me nervous as hell. Him holding guns was not something that felt like it was safe to be around.
It took Jason a moment to realize I was awake but after he did, he got up and kiss my forehead good morning and got me some breakfast. After I had a much needed shower and changed into some different clothes. instead of Damian’s shirt he gave me one of his with some of my old baggy sweatpants.
I was glad to see that Damian was right and the bruise on my ankle was finally gone and the pain disappearing with it.  
In all honesty I was getting used to the routine they had all set for me no matter how much I didn’t want to. And eventually the days just blurred together.
When I woke up this morning I was with Dick. Along with figuring out my daily routine I had also found my likes an dislikes of my new life. Even though I couldn’t do anything about the dislikes I felt it was important to take note of them. To both keep my sanity but also because it felt nice to know if nothing else my thoughts were safe. It was like having my own little world.
With the drugs they gave me I was extremely sluggish and couldn’t tense my muscles at all, but even if I was practically trapped in my own head I didn’t mind.
In the beginning it felt like torture, essentially being trapped inside ones own head. But I was also able to gather my thoughts and get a much better control over my emotions. It felt nice being in control of something again even if it was as small as my own thoughts.
But one of the dislikes I had learned was that Dick was my least favorite person to sleep with.
He was so clingy he had to hold me in some way shape or form and always in a way that his body was completely encasing mine.
I liked to sleep with Damian the most. He gave me my space and never tried to hold me. It was clear he wanted me to come to him but as long as I was being given the choice I was going to relish in the space he had let me have for as long as he would let me have it.
Tim wasn’t horrible to sleep with, he would always sleep facing me and I had always turned my back to him. He never minded. In fact none of them did. As long as I was in the same bed as them only Dick cared if I was in his arms or not. But Tim did like his feet to touch mine. I didn’t mind too much. Winter had hit hard early this year and the boys seemed content only giving me the bare minimum in cold protection so I would be more willing to cuddle.
All of the boys were like living heaters so on cold nights I didn’t mind Tim’s feet touching mine because mine were always cold
Jason was my second least favorite to sleep with. He was kind of like Dick in the sense that he always wanted to be holding me. He always slept on his back and often made me curl up on his side with my head nuzzled into his neck and my hand on his chest while he had his arm wrapped around me resting on my side. But unlike Dick after an hour or so he had no problem if I moved to turn away from him.
I knew he was awake when I turned. All of the boys were extremely light sleepers. Especially Damian, he never touched me in anyway when we would sleep but once I flinched in my sleep. I had dreamed of (F/N) again I woke up lightly flinching. not to much, barely even a twitch. After I had started to shake a little but it wasn’t much but even so, just a light little jump was enough to wake him up.
I had spent the rest of that night curled up with Damian crying.
Every morning was the same, they would give me the pain in the ass drugs and I would eat breakfast and switch to the next ‘brother’ for the day.
But this morning was different. Dick had woken me up. Usually they would wait for me to wake up by myself, but not today. But that wasn’t the only thing that changed.
Dick woke me up by lightly running his fingers through my hair.
“Baby bird~ time to wake up.”
When my eyes started to open he cooed at me while lightly kissing my forehead.
I whined.
I always tried to sleep as much as possible now. The more I slept the less time I had to spend with each of them. That and I had gotten used to the new routine so sleeping in became my normal most mornings.
“Oh come on, baby bird. Today is the winter ball, you have to get ready.”
I blink a few times tiring to get the sleep out of my eyes.
‘Right, a party.’
I sit up rubbing my eyes a little. I stretch out, falling down on my back again feeling my joints pop satisfyingly.
I sit back up and stare at Dick waiting for my lest favorite part of my morning.
Dick just starts back at me smiling fondly.
Dick was already dressed in a handsome suit. It was a regular black suit that fit him like a glove. He had on a white undershirt on and a nice blue tie.
After a minute I tilt my head to the side a little wondering what he was waiting for. Usually they would give me the drugs when I was still half asleep so that my brain wouldn’t realized that I was being given a needle right away. It was their way of trying to help my trypanophobia.
“Whats wrong, baby bird.”
Dick smile faltered for a moment. He was still smiling a little but he had a slightly worried look on his face. He cupped my cheeks with his warm hands. I could feel how hard they were from years of crime fighting and training but all of them had dialed down quite a bit on both training and going out. They only ever went out if It wasn’t my night with them.
I figured out recently that he liked it when I talked with short sentences. Just talking enough to get the point across. He made sure to tell me it wasn’t because he didn’t like the sound of my voice, no for from. But he never actually told me why. I figured it was because it made me sound like a child. Someone who is innocent, weak, and unable to take care of themselves.
Dick chucked, not at me, more at himself. Seemingly because he finally realized what my seemingly strange look on my face was all about.
Dick especially wanted me to become accustomed to my new life as fast as possible so that I would give in to their every demand. But in all honesty they never asked much of me. Never told me to do anything unless is was just to be in close proximity to them when and where they wanted.
“No baby bird, not today. We want you to enjoy your time as much as possible. Besides, you have been nothing but good so think of this as a little test.”
He smirk and takes both my hands in his kissing each of my knuckles.
“If your good tonight well see about adjusting your dosage to even maybe stopping having to give you that horrible needle we all know you hate so much, baby girl.”
Times like this is why I was immensely grateful that I was so good at hiding my facial expression, I couldn’t help but cringe on the inside at his words. I know very well my life is in their hands. Not just my life, but also my soul, my heart and unfortunately, even most of my mind.
Because when you act for long enough, soon enough it stops becoming an act and more a desperate attempt for survival
I nodded, despite myself and stood up slowly. I never knew what any of the boy’s next move was so I always made my movements slow. Even with the drugs they gave me my movements were always slower then necessary.
I never wanted to anger or make them suspicious of me for any reason so being slow and seeming even more helpless then I already was seemed like the best option available to me.
Dick smiled again but his eyes held so much. His smile was deceiving. He was so good at hiding his emotions, it put my sad attempts to shame. But to be fair all of them were.
But his eyes let him down, I was with the Wayne family long enough to know the truth behind those deep blue eyes.
They held so much complexity much like the ocean they always seemed to represent so perfectly.
His eyes held something malicious in them. But not the kind that represented the wish to kill or harm. No, something much worse would dwell in those deep blue depths. It was the wish to coven and to keep. An obsession that could never be fulfilled only sated by the holding of the poor subject of that deep obsession.
And unfortunately, that was me.
Dick gently took my hand and led me over to the bathroom. He sat me down on the bathroom counted and took a warm wash cloth and wiped my face all over.
They all did this. They liked to touch me as much as possible, so washing my face was a good way stay close.
Next he brushed my hair but not with a brush like one might think. No, he likes to use his fingers.
But to be fair, it did feel great. His hands worked magic. Never yanking on a knot in my hair or pulling in anyway. Lightly massaging my scalp.
I couldn’t help but close my eyes and lean into him.
Dick chuckled at my reaction and kept rubbing in all the right spots till someone came bursting into his room, effectively interrupting his ministrations. To witch I wasn’t completely disappointed.
There was always a moment here and there when I gave into them a little more then I wanted so the interruption was much appreciated.
Dick was less enthusiastic about the interruption then I was however.
“Damn it, what are you doing!!!”
I flinch, I had almost never heard Dick yell before and with how sudden it was I couldn’t help but jump.
“Calm down, its my time with her and I have her dress so shut up.”
Damian was never one to hold back when it came to Dick. Out of all his ‘brothers’ it seemed he was also his least favorite.
He seemed to connect with most Jason but I think that its because both never had a problem with killing and Tim kept to himself so often that no one had the opportunity to have something against him.
Dick let out what almost sounded like a growl. Low and animistic, it sent shivers down my spine. But not the good kind.
He spit out, venom dripping from his voice like a rabid dog.
Damian smirked at his older brother.
Then his eyes fell on me. He tilted his head a little. It was something he did often, it made him seem more approachable and friendly but just like all the others, his eyes reveled his real intentions.
His deep green eyes looked just like his fathers, aside from the difference of color they looked exactly identical. It was a little chilling.
His dark green eyes like emeralds drilled into me, but not harshly, the look itself was intense but it was intense with affection.
With his head still tilted we raises his hand and uses a ‘come hither motion’ with his pointer finger.
My face reddens a little, embarrassed at the motion. It was like I was a dog.
But I did as ‘said’ and walked over, still moving pretty slowly. To slowly for his liking apparently.
Damian sighed and walked towards me. He grabbed my arm.
It wasn’t harsh but it currently wasn’t as gentle as usual.
He hoisted me up and over his broad shoulder.
I grunted when my gut came in contact with the hard muscle.
Dick wasn’t very enthusiastic about Damian taking me but apparently my rough handling was crossing his line.
This time it was Damian’s turn to growl. I could feel it vibrating through my body.
‘What the fuck, are they men or tigers?’
After they stair at each other for a while Damian breaks the unblinking eye contact and walks away with me still perched on his shoulder.
Once we got to to his room he plops me down on the couch by the warm fire.
With all the cold weather every hearth in the manor was always lit. It made me wonder where all this fire wood came from.
Damian had apparently had started staring at me during my solitaire thinking. He had a kind of lop sided smile that would make a girls knees weak.
My knees on the other hand was as still as concrete.
He held out his hand to me.
“Come here beloved, lets see you in this dress."
Behind Damian was a gorgeous long low cut dark green dress.
When I tried it on I didn’t really know what to think.
It was a tight fit until right under my boobs and then it was loose but not puffy. It had a slit going up my leg but because it was so loose you couldn’t see it unless I was leaning on my side. The dress was strapless and had a very low cut showing off my boobs, and I mean a lot of boob. It had built in support so my boobs were nicely lifted.
The color had me wondering how angry the others were that I was in Damian’s color and not theirs, or, if they even knew.
When i came out of the bathroom I turned around when i saw Damian. The back of the dress had a crisscrossing back instead of a zipper so I needed a little help.
Although I didn’t like the thought of getting held from them it was either that or let the strapless dress fall off.
Damian let out a deep yet soft chuckle shaking his head a little with his green eyes shut and walked over to me. He lifted his hands, and with the lightest touch anyone could imagine  he laced and tightened the dress just right.
When he was done before I could turn back around he wrapped his arms around my neck
In his hand was a diamond neckless. It was a simple string of dimes held together with sterling silver but dispute its simplicity it was the most beautiful thing i’d ever seen
I gasped a little when it touched my skin. It was cold but not freezing, still not something I was expecting, nor enjoyed.
Damian chuckled at me and nuzzles into my hair.
“My little (Y/N), you really are too cute."
I turned around, Damian was wearing a similar suit as I had seen him wear before but this time instead of a regular green tie it was a black bow tie and a green dress shirt.
His hair was brushed back. He really was handsome but all I could see was a mad man with a look of obsession in his deep green depths. staring into his eyes made you lost. Like you are in a lush green forest, but in every forest is a monster, but in this case it wasn’t just one.
I put my head down, I didn’t know what to say and in all honesty I didn’t want to say anything to him.
Damian brushes his fingers on my bare shoulder lightly going up and down in a comforting moment, but his touch was so ghostly it could barely be felt.
I shiver a little getting goosebumps all over my skin, it made me so uncomfortable.
Damian chuckled at me again.
“Come Beloved, let’s finish getting you ready.”
By the time Damian was done with my my hair was shiny and looked like it was done by a professional. My makeup looked so natural, a little blush, some light eyeshadow and a mat dark lipstick. No eyeliner or other, which I really enjoyed and laid from curling my natural lashes I had no mascara on.
I really liked it.
Whenever I see fancy people in the streets the makeup is on heavy and the fact eyelash’s are horrible. I was worried he would do my face up like that, but it was very light. I thought it would feel like I had concrete on my face but with this makeup I looked amazing with very little.
In my head it made no sense that Damian could do hair and makeup so well, at this point I’m pretty sure that there was nothing this man can’t do.
When he was done he kissed my hair and looked at me through the mirror saying I looked beautiful.
Apparently the winter ball wasn’t just an evening thing. In the evening it was only the VIPs but the afternoon was also a part of the party but that was for most everyone. Note I said most, they say its for everyone but apparently its very secluded from the public.
I stood up. My feet a little shaky in high heels. My old job was fine with me just wearing old rarity sneakers as long as I could make my voice sound official and/or fancy.
As I stumble Damian grabs my arm to keep my up right. Once I find my feet again he holds out his arm my me to wrap my hand around.
As he walks me to the front door my head hangs low in thought. Mostly thinking about how my body was feeling. With the drugs I felt light, despite my lack of available moment I felt like a feather. But without them I feel like a fifty pound weight is weighing on my back. It made my feel dizzy, like my brain was spinning violently in my skull.
I lean on Damian, all be it somewhat unwillingly but it was either that or fall on my face from both dizziness and standing on two uneven thin sticks. However to be fair the unevenness was mostly from my lack of experience in the uncomfortable shoes but if I’m forced to wear them all day I imagine that i’ll get get used to it.
Let’s just hope I won’t have to dance, but let’s be real, my luck it horrible.
As we make it down the cascading marble steps to the large dark wood double doors the click and clack my heals draws my attention from my own depressing thoughts to what lay in wait for me.
Dick, Jason, Tim and Bruce are all waiting for me, staring up at me like I was a goddess from the heavens.
While they looked at me as if I was a gift from the heavens, I looked at them like they were demons waiting for me as one drags my down from my safe haven.
“Little one, you look beautiful.”
Bruce took both my hands, rubbing his thumbs on my knuckles in what was supposed to be a loving manner, as he looks me over with nothing my love and admiration in his eyes. Like looking over your daughter in her wedding dress. But all that look made me feel was uncomfortable. It took all of my power no to recoil from him and hide in a corner crying and begging for freedom.
Bruce kissed my temple after that and made his way outside. After everyone kissed me and complemented my appearance we all made out way out to a limousine.
On the way to the venue Jason wouldn’t stop playing with my hair. I was sitting in-between Dick and Jason. and with Jason occupied himself with my hair dick decided my hand was a better thing to fiddle with.
After a while I got both annoyed and irritated at Jason. Dick I could Manage, with Dick this was nothing new but It was a little odd for Jason so touchy. Of course I couldn’t just swat him away so I retreated into the safety of my own mind when a realization done on me.
I spoke in a soft voice, once I said his name his hand left my hair and instead found purchase on the nape of my neck, rubbing lightly.
“Whats up, baby girl?"
I fiddle with my hands.
“W-why are y-you here?”
The second I said it I regretted it. The question made it seem like i hated him, and although I did, they didn’t need to know that.
I scrunch up expecting a slap or a harsh grab but instead he runs his knuckle softly on my cheek chuckling deeply.
It made a shiver run up my spine. I was relived he didn’t hit me but the atmosphere made me want to hurl.
Jason leaned into my ear, his lips caressing the shell of it.
“I am not going as Jason, baby girl.”
I turn to him, both out of stock and of a need to get his lips away from such a sensitive area.
All of the boys chuckled at me this time. My face must have looked funny to them in such a shacked face.
“I am going to go to the winter ball as a Anthony Snow, A close friend of the Wayne family.”
I was frozen in place. I had no idea what to thing so I just sat there and nodded to satisfy them.
The rest of the ride was quiet. the only sound being Jasons hand running through my hair.
when we got to the gala venue I was blinded. Even with the heavily tinted windows of the car the lights still made me curl up on myself.
Damian was behind me and pulled me into his chest, pressing a cool hand to my forehead whispering in my ear.
“Shhhhhh, Beloved, no need to be scared. I have you. None of us will let anything bad happen to you.”
Dick came to my feet holding my hands. The limo really was huge.
“All the flashing lights and cameras can be scary, along with the snooty looks for high end peoples. But we won’t let you out of our sight for a second. One of us will always be close, baby bird."
I good and take a few deep breaths.
Dick moves away when Bruce came close. he kissed my forehead after Damian moved his hand.
“Come, little one. It’s time to make yourself known to the world.”
The car door opens and Damian makes his way out of the car first, followed by Dick then Tim and Jason, Or in this case Anthony.
The snapping of cameras and the yells for reporters was so loud and the lights so much brighter.
Girls were squealing at the sight of the four sexy men.
One even screamed “ Damian let me have your baby!!!!!”
I couldn’t help but snort at that.
Bruce stepped out before me and held out his large strong hand. I take it and hesitate for a moment before walking out.
Bruce removes his hand from mine and presented his arm. As I take it I look up. All of the boys waited for me about five steps away from the red carpet smirking at me. God knows what their thinking about.
But that wasn’t what held my attention. The moment I stepped out of the car everything went silent. Aside from the light sound of music coming for inside. It was like time seemed to stop. Reporters had their mouths wide open. Some had even dropped their cameras.
I assume that their staring was because I was with the most reclusive rich man in all of Gotham City. But I imagine the amount of skin I was showing helped all the intense staring.
I kind of find from all the people. All the eyes on me made me want to cry. The stress of the situation just all too much. After being secluded from the wold and people so much My body just moved on its own. Feeling safer with Bruce As close as possible.
Bruce could clearly see my fear as could the other boys. Bruce held be close giving me a kiss on the forehead and the boys glared at everyone around us.
Some of the reporters looked away and some continuing to take pictures as the reporters started to yell questions at him, But never at me. It made me feel like an object.
“Who is the young lady!?!”
“How old is she!?!”
“Is the young women your Lover!?!”
The last one made me blush like crazy as we made our way to the door of the venue on the lavish red carpet.
Bruce chuckled at my reaction.
I whine, I hated the implication. I didn’t want to seem like a whore running after the riches man In Gotham who could be her Dad.
He leans down.
“Don’t worry my little one, no-one will think you are my lover after tonight.”
I turned my head at him in question.
When we enter the gala ball room I was even more over whelmed.
Women, more beautiful then I could ever imagine and men, not more scraping as the boys but still very handsome in their own right.
As we walk around, Bruce nodding at strangers (To me at least) as he spoke.
“I have been seeing a wonderful women for a while now. I intend to introduce both her and you to Gotham City tonight, Little one.”
I nod.
“Her name?”
I ask timidly.
Bruce stops. I freeze for a moment wondering if I did something wrong.
My hadn’t was wrapped around his right arm while his left was on my hand. He removes in and leans down a little and points.
He points an a beautiful women at the bar. With caramel skin, kind of like Damians and beautiful short dark hair with hard but also kind green eyes.
“Her name is Selina.”
My mouth falls open, She was wearing a revealing but very nice black dress. It was tight about her incredibly thin figure. She was gorgeous.
Bruce chuckles at my reaction.
“She is… so beautiful.”
My last words sounded kind of sad. I didn’t mean it to be, but in my eyes she was much more beautiful then I was, Even if such lavish clothes, all the women here looked better then me.
I felt so out of place, so wrong. I could feel tears well in my eyes.
Suddenly Bruce took my face in his hands and kissed my eyes one at a time.
“Little one, You are just as beautiful if not more so than all the women in this room.”
I hadn’t noticed Damian come up behind me and rub my bare shoulders. Form the could winter outside my bare skin was still a little chilled but his wands were warm and oh so comforting I couldn’t help my lean into them.
Damian leaned in, His lips ghosting the flesh behind my right ear.
“Come, Beloved. Let us get you something to drink."
I nod and let him lead me away to the bar.
He ordered a whisky for himself and some water for me.
As he sips on his drink I do the same. Looking around I see Bruce and Selina smiling at each other.
Damian Looks at me and sees what had got my attention.
He leans in once more.
“She is kind, but I don’t want you to speak to her.”
I look up at his puzzled. On the inside I was annoyed but I also knew I couldn’t disobey him if I dared.
My voice was quiet and meter. I needed his to know that I wasn’t challenging or disobeying him, just wondering why I could not.
He understood me luckily and smiled warmly kissing my knuckles.
“She is not as she seems, beloved. It is bad enough you know about us and what we really do you don’t need to be put in any more danger. Keeping you safe if our job as your brothers and I intend to.”
His eyes turn hard.
“Even if you don’t want me too.”
I nod, I look around again, not wanting to look into his eyes any longer. As I look around the room I pay more attention to the men.
All looked handsome but also… dangerous. Most of them seemed to be government officials, but some, here and there, looked like… Gangsters?
I could see weapons in their coats, Mostly guns for shoulder holsters, but also the occasional knife.
I clam up once more. Damian could clearly see something was wrong and picked up on why I was so uncomfortable.
He pulled me into his lap and I gasp. Even though no one was looking at us I was still uncomfortable.
No need to be scared, Beloved, no one here dare do anything. Its a power symbol. nothing more.”
I nod and move off his lap.
I needed a moment to myself, with all the people I needed to breath. I lean into Damian, him meeting me half way.
“Can I go to the bathroom? I need a second.”
He looks into my eyes for a moment. Not hard but still searching. Once he is satisfied he kisses my cheek lightly.
“Of course, Beloved, I will wait here and you will come back to me immediately, yes?
I nod and start to walk away when he gently grabs my hand and lightly pulls me back to him. his legs a lightly spread as I stand in between his my hand still in his, the other cliched close to my bare chest.
He smiles at me, kissing my knuckles.
“You have your beautiful voice back now, beloved. Let me hear it.”
He kisses my hand again.
I shudder lightly. He hand never said please before. none of them had.
It made my heart warm, like I was a real person.
His smile widens.
“I’ll be here, Beloved.”
As I make my way through the crowd I get some strange looks. People knowing that I did not belong in this world.
As I look around I see some of the boys looking at me, I wave and point in the direction of the bathroom, once they see what I was doing they smile at me and nod.
But just before I enter the bathroom I see a, for a lack of better words, horrifying man.
But while scary he was also striking and handsome. I made a mental note not to go near him. His midnight black eyes stabbing into me.
I shudder again feeling the room drop a few degrees.
I walk into the bathroom. I run some water and rub it on the back of my neck, not wanting to ruin my makeup.
I look in the mirror trying not to cry.
After a few minutes I leave the washroom, having calmed down enough. If I had waited any longer the boys would have thought I did something I wasn’t supposed to.
As I walk back to the bar I can’t see any of the boys. It made me kind of scared. not only was I in a room of powerful and dangerous people but I had no one to keep me safe. And they were probably gone looking for me, It worried me knowing how mad they might be.
As I make my way to the bar I keep my eyes open looking for any more of the boys.
I was a few feet away from the bar but with all the people surrounding I could only see the tall wall of liquor behind the bar counter.
As I move throng the crowd I suddenly feel an arm wrap around me and cover my mouth with a damp sweet smelling cloth.
I couldn’t move, paralyzed with fear. my world going black.
My limbs felt heavy but my heart felt fast. But before all goes black I hear a deep graph unknown voice in my ear.
“You will be such a fun play thing, little girl.”
I was shivering and although I promised myself that I would never do so, I found myself thinking.
“Damian… Dick… Jason… Tim… Bruce, Please, anyone… Help me!!!”
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stupidstrawberrystars · 10 months
Funny, it’s like 1am and about 30 minutes ago I was listening to this song. And it just hit me that it’s SO Wolfstar coded!
So i wrote a thing :) I took a lot of the lines in the song, in order, and wrote this fic about Remus reminiscing over his time with Sirius now he knows he’s not the traitor.
I have no idea if the song is obvious, I tried to make it not? Or maybe this is pretty hard and i’m just tired?
Anyway I challenge you to see if you can figure out what the song is before you get to the end.
Reminiscing hurts Remus sometimes. Thinking back, he always just seems to run out of energy. He ran out of energy to fight the wolf his whole life. He even ran out of energy to fight for Sirius.
He should’ve known.
Back in fifth year, in Remus’ dumb vintage tee that looked so much better on Sirius than him, and high heels stolen from Marlene, balanced precariously on the Hogwarts paths ugly cobblestone, Sirius said that Lily gave him the courage to wear what he wanted.
He said he really hoped Lily would marry James. He wanted her as a sister in law.
Remus didn’t know much then. But he knew Sirius.
And when Sirius wore a ridiculous fake smile to a “family” event of murders in sequins, and then snuck out to smother on black lipstick and run to a muggle concert, Remus knew he’d leave that life soon. 
And the first night he agreed to meet Remus in muggle London, summer of fifth year, Sirius pulled Remus out under a streetlight, already drunk. He danced in his new Levi’s and pulled Remus closer with a hand from under his sweater, hellbent on kissing all his problems away.
That year wasn’t easy. He watched as his friends decided what they’d do after Hogwarts, knowing he could never have that many options. James brought up some war. That was the first time Remus ever heard of it. 
And when he felt useless, like old clothes rotting away under a breaking bed, Sirius always lifted him back up. 
But then it all broke. The first time things shifted between them.
Because it was then that Snape found out. And Sirius broke it all for the first time. Sirius tried to get Remus back. But he got so caught up chasing others who were mad at his actions he fell through when it came to the person who meant the most to him. 
And in a heart wrenching way, it’s funny really. How they all just assumed Remus didn’t know what this meant. They never truly accepted him. But he knew that now. And he’s be proved right years later when they’re all sure he’s the traitor. 
And yet Sirius and Remus made up. Played hide and seek with a magic map and crazy cloak over holidays. The moon trapped Remus at Hogwarts and Sirius couldn’t go home. So they spent their wasted time together. 
They went out again for the first time after that. And Sirius promised he’d always give every weekend of his life to spend Remus if he’d just believe that Sirius will never get bored or tired or fed up with him. 
But Remus will never forget the small moments. The rush of knowing that at least once in these lifetimes, Sirius would pick him. Even if it’d hurt. 
No matter how many times he felt old or useless, Sirius somehow loved it all. Always said Remus was his favourite. 
And no matter how many times Sirius dragged Remus on motorbike rides to downtown bars, he was always Remus’ favourite as well. 
Back in second year, when Sirius got bored, Remus let him doodled on his arm with a muggle pen he brought from home. It slowly became habit.
And quickly, after every full moon, it became a trend. Sirius would draw beautiful stars all around Remus’s newer scars. Once they were healed of course. Sirius said the stars were proof that he was always there.
When Sirius begun to suspect Remus was the mole, it all came crashing down. 
Remus waited for Sirius to leave. He never did. He stayed, as if waiting for a knife to be driven into his back.
As if he could never voluntarily leave Remus.
He drew stars just a few days before it all. Before they died. 
Remus ripped his face apart that moon. Bleeding.
Sirius didn’t see it until twelve years later. 
And now he’s here, he’s home. 
He’s doodling on the scars again but Remus won’t let Sirius near that one. Remus deserves that one. For ever believing Sirius would be the reason for James and Lily’s murder. 
But Remus knows despite it all, Sirius wants so bad to just trace that scar. To truly know him again. 
In the end, they don’t get time for that. But Remus doesn’t know that yet.
And last years Remus would be shocked he even successfully got on that train to Hogwarts that was scarred with bloodstains. Despite always knowing in his heart it wasn’t over, he wasn’t ready for it.
In another universe, maybe he could’ve changed the ending. 
It’s funny how Dumbledore thought he knew nothing. 
But Remus knew what mattered. 
Because Sirius lingered in all the spaces he used to be like a permanent tattoo he cannot erase. 
He stayed in every dream, every broken and screaming and begging version of what if. 
He smelt Sirius in every cigarette. That’s actually why he quit. 
Because honestly? Remus knew it all when he was young.
He knew Sirius would devastate him. He knew he’d curse him until he ran out of energy. He knew every shadow caught in the corner of Remus’ eye would always be Sirius. 
He knew he’d see him again. Remus somehow always knows when the last moment is the last moment. 
Sirius felt like someone who’d sort of always come back. As he has now.
And no matter how long he’s gone, Sirius always manages to take Remus’ battered and broken flaws and call him worthy. 
Like an old cardigan left under somebody’s bed, finally put on and called a favourite. 
(Okay if you don’t know the song by now i’m ashamed with you. Also if I wake up in the morning, read this and realise it makes no sense, I apologise for my writing failures)
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neonthewrite · 1 year
Grey Landing (Part 8)
I did it! Finally got the "Fire" prompt done, and we're back with Isaac and the giants. He's doing his best. I'm still having fun with the conlang I put together for them, so we'll just keep vibing with words that aren't translated (hopefully the vibes get across). But we at least get to some names!
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Part 7)
(Part 9) (Part 10)
Traveling in a pocket was no simple cruise, no pleasant nighttime stroll. Isaac felt every heavy step the giant took. He rose and fell with a gait that shouldn’t be real. The pocket swung like a cramped hammock and bumped against a giant chest behind him. He didn’t see himself enjoying the sensation anytime soon, though the thought of letting the damn giants make a habit of this made him scowl briefly.
Behind him, in that broad chest, the giant cleared his throat. It sounded like a colossal growl, and Isaac flinched in spite of himself.
He looked over his shoulder and up to see the giant looking down at him. As soon as they made eye contact, the giant shifted his grip on the fish cooler he carried, propping it awkwardly against his side in order to free one hand. He only managed it for a few seconds, but it was enough to tap his own shoulder and say “Clei.”
Isaac couldn’t respond right away, instead lurching as the giant, Clei, had to regain his grasp on the cooler of fish. After the moment passed, though, he looked back up with a more appraising squint. “Clei,” he echoed, drawing out the ay a little more than he needed to. Then, he pointed at the man’s face and tried again. “Clei?”
The giant grinned and looked ahead at his companion, saying something quick and decidedly smug. The other giant scoffed and shook his head as he trudged on. Clei, however, wasn’t discouraged, and he glanced down at his pocket once more.
Isaac guessed the reason for that expectant look. He put a hand on his chest and said “Isaac.”
Clei blinked a few times. “Ay-sss … ?”
“Isaac,” Isaac replied, enunciating the soft z sound that Clei seemed to struggle with.
Clei laughed, a short, quiet sound, but before he could try again his companion barked a command at him. “Ugedal, suld plerfewn!”
Isaac hadn’t noticed, but when he looked ahead again he saw more light than just their lantern illuminating the woods. The footpath broadened into a clearing that hugged close around a truly enormous wooden cabin, the windows of which threw towering squares of light into the night. Over the clearing, the fog and some smoke from the chimney lent a hazy quality to the stars.
The construction itself was somewhat plain, with sturdy wooden walls and a gently sloped roof, creating the silhouette Isaac might expect out of a cabin if blown up to ridiculous proportions. Front steps led up to a porch canopied by some kind of netting draped overhead, though Isaac couldn’t see clearly what other decorations hung from it. The place was homey, if magnified beyond belief.
As the two fishermen trudged up those front steps, the wood creaked and echoed like it was greeting them. Once again, Isaac found himself marveling at something as simple as a sound, one so familiar and yet so strange at this scale.
From within the cabin, undeniable footsteps approached, a shadow briefly passing in front of one of the windows. Isaac tensed, turning his face away from the door just as someone within threw it open. More light spilled out over them, creating a silhouette in the doorway framed by the warm light of a lively fire blazing in a sunken hearth in the middle of the vast room beyond.
She was a stout woman, at least a head shorter than the other two giants, and a study in contrasts with them. Not only was she pale, with the firelight almost making her yellow hair glow gold, but her clothes bore multiple colors and patterns, patchworks and layers of skirts flowing around her. When she stepped back into the house to admit everyone, her cheerful smile came into the light.
“Gufnad! Clei!” she greeted as they tromped inside with their catch. She didn’t notice Isaac in Clei’s pocket, and he didn’t try to grab her attention. Instead, he looked around distractedly while the giants exchanged quick greetings.
Aside from the sunken hearth and the black iron pot hanging over its merry flames (a roaring blaze like a house going down to Isaac’s view but a cozy affair to the giant’s scale), the room sported sturdy furniture, most of it made of thick planks of the same wood that made up the cabin itself. Plush cushions adorned some armchairs near one side of the room, where a thick rug had long since given up its patterns to the passage of time and hundreds of giant footsteps. On that side of the room, doors of solid wood led elsewhere in the home.
Opposite the living area, and the giant’s apparent goal, was the kitchen and dining area. Counters lined the wall, along with a few large ice boxes. Herbs hung drying on delicate wires strung overhead, and something soaked in the basin. A few plates sat waiting on one end of the counter with some bread and cheese, along with empty bowls that would probably be filled from whatever was cooking over the fire.
Isaac noticed belatedly how fixated he was on those plates, and the simple bread on them. He winced as a noise in his middle reminded him of the persistent ache there. The scent of the nearby fish cooler in Clei’s arms had held off some of his hunger, but he couldn’t deny it completely. He was exhausted, and hadn’t eaten in far too long.
Not that he’d have a chance to inquire about the food. After Clei set his fish cooler down next to one of the ice boxes and straightened up, causing Isaac to brace himself for the lurching motions, the giant woman shrieked.
Everyone froze and looked at her. Isaac noticed with a sinking feeling that she was staring right at him, and her hands were over her mouth. “Clei, laor gre. Stei̯nd bid cras?!” Isaac could guess what she’d asked. He would ask what the hell he was too, if the positions were reversed.
He couldn’t help but feel put on the spot, though, and suddenly the cozy cabin felt much more foreboding. His hand twitched against the leather cord he’d used to tie his shield to himself. It wouldn’t be of much use at all, but if he had to, he’d go out swinging.
Clei held up his hands placatingly. “Trydi, sge,” he said, his tone much quieter, much calmer than hers, almost to the point of meekness.
The other giant (she’d called him Gufnad?) scoffed yet again. He took a step towards Clei, that customary frown on his face, and thrust a hand out, beckoning impatiently. Isaac didn’t need to understand their language to hear the very clear give it here in his barked command.
“I’d rather you not, lad,” Isaac spoke up, knowing they didn’t understand him either, but hoping his tone came across just as well. The lady giant squeaked in surprise to hear him form words, but Gufnad only narrowed his eyes.
Clei didn’t look ready to defy whatever this man was to him. Doubtful though he was, one of his hands inexorably moved to his pocket and coiled around Isaac despite his attempt to duck out of the way. There wasn’t much room for him to avoid a grab like that, and he found himself gathered up in a fist yet again. “Oi! Don’t you do it, Clei!”
Whatever Gufnad planned, though, it seemed he was going to get his way. Clei, after a beat of hesitation, muttered something before handing Isaac over.
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