#just her taunting him with the truth and not being flirty when he figures it out but condescending and mean <3<3
zimszim · 9 months
i looooove the horrifying elements of the doctor and river's relationship, like not only did her whole childhood revolve around him, but they essentially trapped each other in their timelines. the doctor gave her her identity as river (and while she found independence within it, still sort of fucked (names are so important)) and river fucking DIED on his ass!! and while time can be rewritten, i feel like the doctor has a certain amount of respect for time that has already been written, that with the fact that she died for him and he apparently trusts her and maybe even loves her in the future........ they literally trapped each other
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plant-flwrs · 4 years
hello love! i was wondering if you could write a fred x gryffindor reader in which she is in the same year as ron and he’s constantly flirting with her, so she gives him the same energy but inside she’s afraid he’s like that with everyone and that she might be just another one but the truth is that he’s hopelessly in love with her? maybe george can give him a push? maybe a fluffy ending? thank you so muchhh 🥰
smiling kisses // fred weasley
a/n: ok when i wrote this i had interpreted it as you wanting ron and the reader to be friends and now i’m rereading it and you didnt explicitly say that, so i hope you don’t mind that I made them friends lol! i love the flirty but clueless trope and fred is the perfect person for this. thanks for your request! i’m actually so proud of this and I hope you like it!!!!!
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“I don’t see what the big deal is!” Ron said, rolling his eyes at Hermione.
“He’s your brother, certainly it must bother you,” she retorted, undeterred by his exasperated tone.
You bounded down the stairs, your hand grazing the wall as you turned to meet your friends. They looked at you, and Hermione’s face flushed red.
“Talking about me?” you teased, sliding onto the couch in between the two of them.
Ron smirked at Hermione, and her face grew redder.
“You were, weren’t you?” you said playfully, throwing your arms behind each of them, pulling them closer.
“Hermione was,” Ron mumbled, and Hermione reached across your lap and pinched Ron’s arm.
“Ouch!” he said, and before you could ask what they were saying about you, the topic of Hermione and Ron’s previous conversation sauntered through the portrait hole.
It only took Fred a second to find you, sandwiched between his brother and Hermione. He and George strolled over, leaning over the back of the couch and putting their faces close to yours. They were on either side of you, and Hermione squeezed out of your grasp and cringed away from them. Ron wrapped a long arm around George’s neck, pulling him over the couch and onto the floor in front of you.
“That was a mistake, Ickle Ronniekins,” George taunted, leaping from his spot on the ground. Ron’s smile faded and he scrambled to move off the couch, missing George’s grasp by an inch as he stumbled up the stairs.
“Ah, boys,” you exhaled, pretending to be awestruck. Hermione giggled from her spot in the corner of the couch, and Fred retracted his head from beside yours.
He walked to the front of the couch and took Ron’s spot, sitting close to you. Your thighs touched, and your school skirt had rose while sitting. Fred’s eyes drifted to the exposed skin, and he raked his gaze over you. You watched his eyes move, and when they met yours a smirk flirted on your lips and you rolled your eyes.
“Very charming, Fred,” you said, moving to pull your skirt down.
“Don’t cover up on my accord, darling,” he said, leaning back into the couch and spreading his arms across the length of the cushions.
“Really, Fred?” Hermione said from besides you, shifting uncomfortably and scowling.
“You look nice too, ‘Mione,” Fred gave her a charming smile and her scowl deepened.
“Don’t let him bother you, he’s all talk and no bite,” you said, turning towards Hermione and away from Fred.
He tugged at a piece of your hair, and you turned to face him again, an eyebrow quirked.
He had an evil smirk on his face, and his eyes were a little darker than usual.
“You think?” he asked, a flirtatious tone dripping from his tongue.
Hermione groaned loudly, fed up with the antics of teenaged boys. She stood and grabbed your hand, pulling you from the couch. Fred was disappointed to see you leave, but he enjoyed the view. You looked over your shoulder, and sent him a flirty wave, which only widened his smirk.
George had given up his chase after Ron’s dormitory door slammed shut in his face. He walked down the stairs in time to see Fred nearly drooling on the couch, watching you leave through the portrait hole with Hermione.
“You’re hopeless,” he said, sitting opposite of Fred on an armchair.
“Shut up,” Fred retorted, still staring dreamily at the portrait hole where you had been moments ago.
“When are you gonna tell her?”
“I tell her just about every day!” Fred said, turning to look at his brother.
“No, you flirt with her. There’s a difference,” George said, picking off a piece of lint from his sweater.
“How can she not know by now?” Fred sighed, sinking deeper into the couch and covering his face with his hands.
“You have to be upfront with her, tell her outright,” George proposed, beginning to twirl his wand between his fingers.
“Maybe,” Fred mumbled.
“It’s disgusting!” Hermione shouted for the twelfth time, her tone just as disapproving as the first.
“I’m sure he’s like that with everyone,” you reassured her, “and I don’t even mind it.”
“How can you not mind it?” she said, looking at you like you were out of your mind.
“I don’t know,” you twirled your fingers behind your back, “I think it’s a bit charming. He’s not always that unseemly, usually, it’s much tamer.”
“How often does he do that?” she asked, her tone softening a bit.
“I don’t know, most times I see him, I guess,” you admitted, smiling at the thought of it.
Hermione stopped walking suddenly like she was frozen in her spot. You turned to her, and her mouth was agape.
“You like him!” she shouted accusingly, pointing a shaky finger at you.
“Hermione!” you moved towards her, pushing her finger down.
Your eyes were wide at her accusation, and you felt your face become very warm.
“You do! You absolutely do!” she said again, her voice still too loud.
“Shut up!” you hushed her, pulling her to keep walking.
“Please tell me you don’t,” she pleaded, her face twisted like a child begging their parent for candy.
“Stop!” you hushed her again, wanting to forget about Fred.
“Just tell me, and I’ll drop it, swear,” she said, pulling you down an empty corridor.
“Fine! I like him, just a little,” you admitted, resting your forehead on your hand and looking at the floor.
“Why?” she asked, seemingly dumbfounded.
“I don’t know! Why do you like Ron?” you retorted, and her eyes grew wide.
“I-” she started, stuttering through her words, “that’s not even relevant right now.”
“See? Not as simple as you thought,” you said, crossing your arms and leaning against the wall.
She did the same, standing next to you, and you both slid down the wall until you were sitting. The stone was cool against your back, and hard beneath your head.
“I suppose it makes sense,” she said finally, turning her head towards you.
“What?” you asked, meeting her eyes.
“Well you’re both always flirting with each other,” she said, recalling all the times she nearly gagged as Fred said something flirtatious to you.
“He flirts with everyone,” you said, sounding defeated, “that’s why I didn’t tell you. He doesn’t like me back.”
“He doesn’t flirt with me,” Hermione started, furrowing her brow, “and he doesn’t look at anyone else the way he looks at you.”
Her tone of disgust changed to the tone she had when she was trying to figure something out, looking at it like it was a puzzle.
“Logically, you have to admit that he may have feelings for you. I mean, who would do all that flirting just to want a friendship?”
You rolled your eyes at Hermione. She sounded like she might be right, but she hadn’t accounted for something; Love and Fred do not follow the rules of logic.
“Good morning, gorgeous,” Fred drawled, sliding into the bench next to you.
“Morning,” you said plainly.
You were a bit haunted by Hermione’s words. You had never thought in depth about yours and Fred’s relationship. He flirted with you, so you flirted back, simple. Now, the threat of real feelings loomed behind each of your words, and the pressure was too much.
“Sleep well?” he asked, leaning his shoulder into you as he scooped some eggs onto his plate.
“Yeah. You?” you kept your head buried in your newspaper, reading the moving advertisements over and over.
Fred looked at you curiously. You were never this dry with him, you always had something on the tip of your tongue. He was worried he went too far yesterday, maybe he had been too obvious. Did you not reciprocate his feelings after all?
“I slept wonderfully. Dreaming about you, of course,” he continued, sounding awfully proper and dragging out the syllables.
You felt your cheeks burn beneath the newspaper, and suddenly Fred’s long fingers were pushing the paper down so he could see you. You struggled to keep it up, but the thin paper eventually crumbled and you dropped it. You looked up at him, his smile widening when he saw your blush.
“Aww,” he said, moving to pinch your cheek endearingly.
He had only been able to pinch one before you swatted his hand away.
“Stop it,” you said, no infliction or seriousness in your voice.
“Can’t help it,” he said, balancing his cheek in his palm and staring at you.
You fought the shy smile rising on your lips and rolled your eyes at him. He was leaning closer to you, smiling. Just as he was inches away, peering into your eyes, you pulled the newspaper up to separate you two. Ron laughed evilly next to you, having watched the entire exchange.
Fred reached behind you and hit Ron upside the head. He cleared his throat awkwardly and straightened his tie, moving his attention to George who was sat across from him.
Fred caught his twin’s eyes and widened them as if to ask “did you just see that?”. George gave him a sympathetic nod, feeling some second-hand embarrassment for his brother.
Hermione pulled you away from Harry and Ron the second you left breakfast, and you wondered why she hadn’t tried out for beater with the grip she had.
“Ouch! Hell of a grip, ‘Mione!” you mumbled to her when you were out of the boy’s earshot.
“I wanted to talk to you, mind if we go the long way?” she asked, not waiting for your answer as she pulled you down a hallway with long rays of sunshine casting onto the floor.
“What’s up?” you said, finally being released.
“What was all that with Fred? It looked like he was going to kiss you for Merlin’s sake!” she waved her hands while she talked, nearly hitting your shoulder.
You ducked and widened your eyes at her evaluation of breakfast. Was Fred trying to kiss you? At 7 in the morning? That was his grand plan if he did like you?
“No he wasn’t!” you said with disbelief. It had come out more like a gasp than a protest, and Hermione’s eyes widened at your cluelessness.
“He was! And you put up the newspaper! It was horribly awkward, really,” Hermione rambled, ignoring your loud and embarrassed groan and the sound of your palm hitting your face.
“I thought he was just being annoying,” you mumbled, replaying the events in your mind, “I mean who kisses someone right before breakfast?”
“This is going to be difficult,” she said, seeming to be lost in thought.
“What is?”
“Getting you two together, of course,” Hermione said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
George was tired of Fred’s elongated sighs and downcast lips.
“It wasn’t that bad,” he reassured his brother for the millionth time.
“It was awful,” Fred groaned, hiding his face into the wall they were leaning against.
“She probably didn’t even realize, mate,” George said, but he knew he didn’t mean it. He had very little hope for his brother.
“She doesn’t fancy me, it’s confirmed,” Fred said miserably, trying to suppress the very real sadness he was feeling.
Fred moped around for the next few days, and it was starting to affect George. Fred never wanted to go to the common room in case you were there, and they locked themselves away in their dorm most afternoons.
George had to cheer his brother up, Lee was no replacement when it came to pranks. The idea had struck him one of the many afternoons he spent looking out the window by his bed, longing for Quidditch season. He had been thinking about how amazing it would be to be out on the pitch, beating Slytherin 100-0, when he was inspired. He sat from his spot on the windowsill and told his brother all about the genius plan.
The next morning, they had gotten to the Great Hall early, as they discussed. They had cast all the charms and were waiting to watch the results. The other tables slowly began to fill up, and the genius of George’s plan was that he knew Snape was calling a house meeting this morning. This meant that when all the Slytherins would come down for breakfast, everyone would already be there to watch the prank.
Even though his eyes were locked onto the Slytherin table, Fred did not miss you walking in with Ron. You and Ron usually slept late, and often missed breakfast if it weren’t for Hermione. Fred watched your eyes divert his own, instead, focusing very hard on what Ron was saying. His happiness faltered for a moment, until George elbowed him, bringing his attention to the herd of Slytherins walking in.
The first people to sit on the benches were promptly launched into the air, and one of them happened to be Draco Malfoy, which really was the icing on the cake in Fred’s opinion. More and more people began bouncing on the bench like it was made of a bouncy rubber (it was) and laughs filled the hall. The bench made a comedic wobbling sound as it bent and curved to each student falling onto it. Arms flailed and eyes widened.
Dumbledore’s icy eyes looked entertained for a moment before he waved his wand and all of the students were frozen in the air. He guided them to the ground safely and instructed them not the get back on the bench. The group of students in green ties scowled, immediately looking towards the Gryffindor table. The twins smiled and waved innocently, standing to the sound of wild applause. They couldn’t help it, they were willing to take the credit if it meant detention.
And it did mean detention. Snape had walked over so fast, that Fred and George felt a gust of air as the black cloak halted in front of them.
They were charged with polishing the hundreds of cauldrons in Snape’s room and had to take extra care to Snape’s personal large cauldron in the front of the room.
They had been doing this for a few days, their spirits yet to be broken. They were given a brush the size of a fingernail, though, so they weren’t making much progress.
Sneaking out past curfew wasn’t something you and Harry did often, but tonight you found yourselves doing it quite easily. You realized, while studying with Hermione, that you had left your Potions textbook at the girl's bathroom in the dungeons. You made Harry go with you to retrieve it because you were too scared to go on your own. He offered you the invisibility cloak and you gladly accepted, moving close to him as he slid it over you and you made your way to the dungeons.
You held your breath almost the entire time, and Harry had to remind you to keep your eyes open. He nearly yelped when you stepped on his foot for the fifth time.
“Sorry!” you whispered, giving him an apologetic look.
You eventually made it to the dungeons, slowly creeping down the stairs. You entered the hall and saw that the door to Snape’s classroom was open, some light coming from it. Harry looked at you and you shrugged.
You slid from under the cloak and slipped into the bathroom. You easily found your textbook and hurried to the door. When you opened it, you figured it might be stuck, because the door wouldn’t open. Harry might be playing a joke, you thought, so you chuckled and pushed harder. The door swung open, and you fell to the floor. When you got up, dusting your knees, you realized who you had knocked to the ground. Snape was a mess of black clothing, his greasy hair scattered across his face.
“Professor! I’m so sorry!” you began, still speaking in a hushed tone.
“I hadn’t realized you were out here, I thought the door was stuck!” you continued, watching him slowly get to his feet, a look of rage slowly overcoming his features.
“What are you doing out past curfew?” he snarled, dusting off his robes.
You looked around, and couldn’t find Harry. He must have put the invisibility cloak on. You couldn’t blame him, he definitely would have gotten the worst of it from Snape. You glanced behind Snape, towards his classroom. Two redheads were peeking out from the crack in the door. It was Fred and George. You remembered they had gotten detention for their prank a few days ago. Your cheeks became a deep red, out of fear and embarrassment.
“I was trying to study sir, but then I realized I had left my textbook down here. I had to get it, I have to finish the essay you assigned,” you said, trying to sound as innocent as possible.
You heard a snicker from Snape’s classroom, undoubtedly from Fred, and Snape whirled around to face them.
“You two! You’re dismissed, back here tomorrow, same time,” Snape snarled, and when neither of them moved he raised his voice, “go!”
They walked off slowly, looking over their shoulders at you. You ducked your head down, trying to hide your face.
“You will be joining them for detention this week,” Snape snarled, peering down at you with disgust, “cleaning my cauldrons.”
You sighed, nodding your head. It was already Wednesday, so you supposed you’d only have to do it for two days.
“Yes, sir,” you mumbled and rushed past him and up the stairs.
When you climbed the stairs, you put your hand over your heart, trying to slow it down. Coming to the final step, you were met with three too joyful faces.
“Rotten luck,” George said.
“Yeah, sorry about that,” Harry said, only his head peeking out from the cloak.
“Professor! I’m so sorry!” Fred finished, imitating your voice and tumbling into George as you had tumbled into Snape.
You blushed, even more, feeling your entire face get red.
“Some help you are, Harry,” you said, shoving his invisible shoulder.
He stumbled back and gave you an apologetic smile. You and Harry walked a few paces in front of the twins, arguing over whose fault the whole thing was.
Fred watched you, his hands stuffed in his pockets. He had so much he wanted to say to you, so much he wanted to finally confess, but it was stuck in his throat.
“Well, now you’re going to be stuck in a room with her,” George began, talking only so Fred could hear him, “maybe now you’ll tell her.”
Fred rolled his eyes, “Yeah, and maybe the sky will be red tomorrow.”
George huffed out a breath, tired of hearing his brother’s excuses. George was a big believer in saying how you felt, and he was sick of this little cat and mouse game you and Fred were playing.
The four of you slipped into the portrait hole, and you were upset to see it was just as crowded as when you left. Hermione and Ron were huddled over their Transfiguration homework, and she was talking animatedly to Ron about a vanishing spell she had read about.
“Y/N, you look like you’ve seen a ghost!” Hermione said as you settled into the couch next to her.
“Just Professor Snape,” George teased from an armchair next to her.
“You got caught?” she said as if she was asking if they had also killed someone while they were out.
“Oh yeah, Snape caught her right as she fell on top of him!” Fred called from where he stood behind George.
Harry offered no help, sitting lamely on the floor by Ron’s feet. You hid your face behind Hermione, slumping into her.
“Are you alright?” she asked, trying to lift your head from her shoulder.
“It was so bad,” you said, cringing as you remembered it.
The twins laughed loudly, drawing the attention of anyone who was near them. Harry began to chuckle and Hermione hit his shoulder.
“What happened?” she asked, finally sitting you back upright
“Harry was supposed to keep watch!” you said, standing and pointing down at him accusingly.
“I was!”
“Then how did Snape end up right in front of the door?”
“He just walked there? What was I meant to do?”
“I don’t know! You could have given me a little knock so I didn’t bust the door down on him!”
You and Harry yelled at each other with no real aggression, and a smile flickered on your lips when you couldn’t suppress it anymore.
George jumped from his chair and pulled Fred to stand in front of everyone. George pretended to be pushing down a door, which made Fred become brooding and intimidating like Snape. He twisted his face into a scowl and hugged his arms around his waist as if he was holding shut a robe. George fell onto Fred, sending Fred to the ground. George stood, putting on an exaggerated innocent look and covering his pouting mouth with his hands.
“Professor!” he raised his voice to the highest octave it would go, “I am so sorry!”
“Detention!” Fred screamed, copying Snape’s signature drawl.
“Yes, sir,” George screeched, putting his hands in his face and pretending to cry.
“I did not cry!” you said, laughing.
“Oh, you didn’t? Could have sworn we heard some crying,” George said, wrapping a brotherly arm around your shoulder.
“You got detention?” Hermione asked, standing from her seat with a bewildered expression.
“Yeah, two days with these idiots,” you said, pointing a thumb at Fred and George.
You met Fred’s eyes, and his laughter soon faded to a look of admiration. You looked away from him, blushing.
“Oh, that’s awful!” Hermione said, falling back into the couch.
You moved from George’s arm and sat next to Hermione again, pulling your Potions textbook to your lap. You peaked at Hermione’s, trying to find the right page.
Harry and Ron were still laughing, and a smile ghosted your lips.
You managed to finish your Potions essay, and upon seeing Snape’s glare when you turned it in, you were not looking forward to detention.
You said goodbye to a disappointed Hermione, and giggling Ron and Harry, sulking down to the dungeons where you had to spend your evening.
“Here,” Snape handed you the smallest cleaning brush you had ever seen and shoved a filthy cauldron into your arms.
You sank into a stool and cradled the heavy thing in your hands, dipping the brush into a cleaning solution Snape gave you. He left the room with a sweep of his robes, and the thought of using magic to clean the cauldrons crossed your mind. You decided against it though, figuring Snape would just give you some other act of labor to do instead.
You waited for the twins to stumble in, they were already late. When they eventually showed up, according to your watch, 20 minutes late, there was only one of them. Fred’s tie hung undone around his neck, and his collar was unkempt.
“Hello, love,” he said, pulling up a stool across from you and moving a cauldron between his hands as if it weighed nothing.
“Hi, Fred,” you said, smiling politely at him, “where’s George?”
Fred sighed and put the brush to the cauldron.
“Prank backfired, he’s in the infirmary for warts,” Fred explained, gesturing to his face, where George presumably had the warts.
“Yuck,” your fast twisted with disgust, but a smile was still there.
Fred chuckled at your reaction and nodded.
“So it’s just us tonight,” Fred said, and insinuation on the tip of his tongue.
“Guess so,” you said, unbothered.
“Haven’t spoken in a while,” he said, looking up at you while you kept your eyes locked on the cauldron in your lap.
“Been busy?” you asked him, hoping he wasn’t going to mention the newspaper incident.
“Oh, this and that,” he said, abandoning the cauldron and resting his elbows on the table, “you?”
“This and that,” you replied, looking up to meet his eyes.
“I’ve missed you,” he said, a smirk contrasting to the genuine tone of his words.
“That’s sweet, Freddie,” you replied, shocking yourself with the levelness of your voice.
“Freddie?” he repeated, undeterred.
“Only girlfriends have called me Freddie,” he said, smirking still.
You felt your face warm, “Oh the long list of girlfriends you’ve had? Who was there?” you paused, pretending to be in deep thought, “Angelina for a week or two?”
Fred chuckled, gazing at you.
“Future girlfriends too,” he said simply.
It took you a second to realize what he had meant, and when you did you were sure you were bright red. Your hand brushing the cauldron stopped. You tried to think of something to say, focusing on keeping a steady voice, but all you could think of was: “Shut up.”
Fred laughed, his shoulders shaking. He shook his head with something like amazement at you, grinning like a fool.
“Do you want to call me Freddie?” he said suddenly after it had been quiet for a while, his tone a little serious.
“What?” you squinted your eyes in confusion.
“Do you want to call me Freddie? Like a girlfriend would,” he said, and his face was stern. His eyes were locked onto yours.
“Do I want to be your girlfriend?” you repeated to him, your mouth open in shock.
“Do you?” he said, leaning over the table, closer to you.
“Fred,” you said, feeling dumbstruck. You didn’t know what to say, but a smile crept onto your face.
“Yeah,” you said finally, and his eyes widened.
“Really?” he said, smiling like a mad man.
“Really,” you repeated, nodding.
“Cool,” he said, still smiling widely and not knowing what to do with himself.
“Cool?” you laughed, putting the cauldron down.
Fred stood from his stool and pounded his fist into the air, celebrating.
You laughed, covering your face in your hands.
You felt him move to stand next to you, and you lifted your head, looking up at him. He gazed down at you, still smiling.
“Freddie,” you teased, dragging out the word.
His smile turned into a crooked grin. He pulled your face up to his, cupping your cheeks.
His dazed smile didn’t falter as he pressed his lips to yours, and you found it feeling quite awkward. His lips were pulled tight into a closed smile, and his eyes were wide open with glee as he kissed you. You pulled away, laughing and ducking your face into his chest. You felt his chest move with laughter, his arms snaking around you. His fingers toyed with the hem of your sweater until his long, nimble fingers ducked under it. He traced little swirls on the skin of your lower back, and you pressed your cheek against his chest.
“Call me Freddie again?” he said, and you could hear the smile on his face.
“I don’t know,” you trailed, pulling your face away from him and looking at him through your eyelashes, “you might enjoy it too much.”
He groaned teasingly, his head lulling back as he looked at the ceiling. When he met your gaze again, his smile softened into a plain face. He pulled you from your seat, stepping back an inch to give you just enough room to stand. You were still pressed against him, his arms wrapped around you.
His resting lips were much nicer to kiss, your faces met in just the right way. You thought the two of you may have melted together somehow, moving in perfect synch. One of his hands trailed up your back, tickling you ever so slightly and rested on the back of your neck. He pulled you closer there, deepening the kiss and slipping his tongue in. It grazed your bottom lip, and you felt his eyebrows furrow against your face. He breathed in deeply, his hand on your neck moving to burrow itself in your hair. He grabbed a fistful of it and pulled you back gently. You struggled to open your eyes for a moment, and when you did you saw Fred grinning at you.
You leaned in close again, this time going to his ear. “Freddie,” you whispered.
He leaned back, as if in a fit of laughter, and pulled you into a tight hug. He groaned playfully again, and you laughed at the reaction you could cause.
You slid out of his grasp and back onto the stool. He pulled up the stool next to you and sat very close. Your knees touched, and he watched you dreamily as you began to scrub the cauldron again.
“Finally!” George said as he strolled into the classroom, wart free.
“All patched up?” you asked him, and Fred acted as if George wasn’t even there, still staring at you.
“Oh, yeah, easy fix,” George said, taking Fred’s previous seat across from you. He continued Fred’s cauldron, picking up the discarded brush.
“So you two finally got together?” George asked after some time had passed, glancing up at you while you cleaned.
“What makes you say that?” you asked, elbowing Fred as he leaned very close to your face, like he was memorizing every detail.
“Well, I think Fred is drooling,” George said, kicking his brother’s leg under the table.
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definitely love [five hargreeves x reader]
request:  Could you do a Five x reader fic where the reader is kidnapped by the Handler and Five comes to save them. Thx
a/n: it’s kinda short, but i feel like it’s pretty sweet, i guess??? the only warning is some curse words here and there cause i cant help myself and maybe the handler being like a huge y/n x five shipper lmao
perhaps therell be a part 2???
summary: when the handler kidnaps you, don’t you dare think five wouldn’t come to your rescue as soon as possible.
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“Listen, lady!” You yelled, rolling your eyes at your former boss, “I have no idea where that dipshit is, alright?!”
The Handler raised a brow at your seventh burst this hour, taking a long drag out of her cigarette, before puffing out the smoke with a laugh, “I’m sorry- I can’t take your seriously when your boobs haven’t even kicked in yet.”
“Oh, you did not go there.” You squinted your eyes at her, trying to launch forward, but to no avail, as the Handler kept on laughing at your attempts of attacking her.
You only laid back in your seat, feeling the ropes around you squeeze you into place. You had been tied to that chair for the past three hours, although no real torture had been inflicted upon you- other than having to listen to the Handler talk for three hours.
Even when you worked for her in the Commission you didn’t like her much. She was too extra, too much work for you, in spite of her gorgeous sense of fashion. All you wanted to do was retire as soon as possible, but when Five Hargreeves got a job there, your world was turned upside down and before you knew it, you were a teenager again, in 2019, trying to stop the apocalypse with his other siblings.
Except that you failed, and you ended up in 1963... with another apocalypse on its way... because somehow you brought it with you.
“What do you even want with him?” You asked, as she stopped laughing to drag another long puff out of her lit cigar.
“Let’s just say I have a deal.” She smirked, turning to you, “And I need to make sure you two will hear me out.”
“Is that why you kidnapped me and brought me here?” You raised a brow, looking around the abandoned warehouse, “That’s cliche.”
“What’ll be cliche is if he finally admits to having feelings for you when he comes to your rescue.” The Handler scoffed, making you raise a brow at her, “Oh, please- we all had bets going on in the Commission on the two of you.”
“Wonderful...” You dryly said, shaking your head in disbelief.
However, somewhere deep within you, you hoped that what the Handler said would become true. You met Five on his first day working for the Commission and you quickly warmed up to each other since you had basically the same personalities, but you, yourself, were having a hard time understanding your feelings. 
You found that sarcastic piece of shit adorable and charming, but you were not gonna admit it to his face- you didn’t need him to get even cockier. He may or may not have shown in the past two weeks signs that he shared your feelings, but you decided not to put that much thought into it, since saving the world was the number on priority on your list.
“Hey!” Five’s voice suddenly rang through the room, as he stumbled in, holding Lila by the arm.
“Lila?” You wondered, confused by the presence of Diego’s crazy girlfriend which he picked up from a... well, crazy house.
“Well done.” The Handler smirked, placing her hands in the pockets of her coat.
“What is Lila doing here?” You frowned, watching as Five threw her on the floor, glaring at the Handler, “Five!”
“You were right to think she is familiar.” Five told you, placing his foot on Lila’s neck, “She is one of them.”
You perked your brows upon hearing the news, looking at the girl on the floor. She helped Diego escape the mental asylum and she’s been on his side ever since, but when you first laid eyes on her, you couldn’t help but get a familiar vibe off her.
Until you realized...
“That’s your kid?” You turned to the Handler, “The girl you adopted?”
You had heard years ago that during a task, somehow the Handler returned with a little girl, but you didn’t put that much thought into it, even if it was a bit strange. Five had a job in London and the Handler accompanied him, but you figured she just wanted to get some- come on, she is really creepy and kinda flirty!
“What?” Five raised a brow, looking at the girl beneath his foot.
“No matter.” The Handler said, stepping towards you, “Here we are... together again.”
“Yeah, it’s a real party.” You sarcastically said, “Ow!” You immediately yelped, as the Handler pulled on your rope, making you jerk back against the chair back, causing Five to tense up.
“I’ve gotta ask.” The Handler said, not once letting go of the rope, making sure the grip on you would be tightened, causing Lila to laugh, even if her throat was being stepped on, “Did you miss me, you little shit? Or did you miss your little girlfriend more?”
“I’ve been gone for only three hours.” You chimed in, making Five shake his head in disbelief, “Besides... nobody ever misses you, really.”
Five decided to put on the same tough guy act, not wanting to reveal his concern, because truth be told- when you didn’t show up at the family meeting that morning, he began feeling stressed. It was not like you not to show up, especially since his brothers and sisters treated you like their own, so that made him tense. 
But, when Lila showed outside the store with a smirk on her lips, he knew immediately she had something to do with it.
Because, truth be told, you were not expecting to let yourself get kidnapped by the Handler. Yeah, she was a great assassin, but you had been holding the title of the best agent in the Commission for the past seven years. That was, before betraying it to help Five save the world and his family.
“Ah, this one.” The Handler smiled sarcastically, letting go of you in order to push you forward.
“Woah!” You yelped, almost losing balance off the chair if Five hadn’t caught you. 
Lila quickly got up coughing before Five could return, but he couldn’t care less. At least you seemed to be fine, no cuts or bruises- the Handler did nothing to you, she was just toying with him to ensure he’d come here to hear out her proposition.
“Now that we’ve made the exchange...” The Handler said, as Five started untying your ropes, “Lila, darling, would you give us a minute, please?”
“Go play with your toys or something...” You taunted the girl, getting up from the seat after three, long hours, rubbing your sore wrists.
“Yes, the grown-ups need to talk.” Five backed you up with a smirk, as Lila only rolled her eyes, walking away from the three of you, knocking something off a table angrily.
“Very mature.” You raised a brow, “I can see how she and Diego made quite the couple.”
“Don’t make me vomit, Y/N.” The Handler scoffed, before changing the subject nonchalantly, “So... do you two lovebirds like jazz?”
After an interesting discussion with the Handler, you and Five walked out of the warehouse in silence, contemplating your decision. She made you two a tough deal, which needed some time to be thought upon, but, unfortunately neither of you had that kind of luxury.
“You know, if we do take the deal...” You spoke up, turning to Five, causing him to stop in his tracks beside you curiously, “It’d be like... one last job together.”
You and Five had been on jobs together before, but you never officially called yourselves partners, even if your success rate was off the charts. You had a great teamwork, so you were not that surprised when the Handler chose you two for a job of this level and risk.
“I don’t even want to think about that just yet...” Five sighed, covering his face tiredly, “We still have another option.”
Your heart ached at the sight- watching Five rub his small face tiredly, all stressed out and overall exhausted, you truly felt bad. You tried helping him, after all that is why you followed him through time, but this was beyond you, and him. 
You knew how much Five loved his siblings, in spite of his attitude towards them. Everything he has done so far it was for him... and you.
You had no idea, but to Five it was surreal. He accepted the fact that he loved his brothers and sisters, but it took him a lot longer to accept that he was actually in love with you. However, it did make sense- you always made him feel better, ever since you guys met. He wasn’t sure if it was love at first sight, but right now, in this moment, he knew it was definitely love.
“But...” Five spoke up, putting on a weak smile, as he placed his hands in his pockets, “At least you are safe now.”
Hearing those words come out of his mouth, your knees felt like they were about to fail you. As Five looked into your eyes, you knew he was sincere, so you couldn’t help the heat rushing to your cheeks.
“All thanks to you.” You quickly smirked, trying to brush off the nervousness, “I mean... she could have picked any one of your siblings to provoke you, but I had the pleasure of spending three dreadful hours with her.” You sighed, folding your arms over your chest, “So, thank you for coming to my rescue.”
“Thank you for playing the damsel in distress.” Five teased you, playfully flicking your forehead as he picked up the pace, “If things don’t work out with dad, now we have a plan B.”
“Hey, don’t let it get to your head!” You quickly yelled, rushing to catch up to him, “I still am a trained assassin!”
“And how exactly did the Handler get her hands on you, then?” Five asked, brushing off the way you absentmindedly locked your arm with his in an attempt to slow him down.
“I was baking cookies.” You slightly shrugged with an innocent smile, “And Frank Sinatra came on the radio, so of course I blasted it through the kitchen.”
“How do you survive?” Five wondered, looking down at you with a small smile on his face, watching as your lips turned to a playful pout.
Yeah... it was definitely love he felt for you.
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papers4me · 4 years
Fruits Basket, SE02, Ep22
I was pleasantly surprised that this was one of the best balanced eps concerning tohru as of yet!! They touched upon her being mom-figure in the first half but proceeded to humanize her afterward, depicting her as normal girl!, frustrated, vulnerable & somewhat silently struggling. I was right in my prediction that the moment yuki lets go of mom-tohru image, the show will too!! I’m happy!! finally, No more angels in the sky. But only real tohru with flaws, ugliness & humanity.
-Yuki’s acceptance of past feelings & change towards new ones:
The show is aware that they’ve been using the fake love-triangle initially but it actually has an explanation within the story. Yuki is attracted to tohru, so much, but it isn’t romantic at all. his attempts in “correcting” how he perceived her didn’t set right with him & he felt weirded out more! The show brilliantly depicted these “flirty scenes” with a hint of uneasiness. Yuki’s lines/ moves felt cringey & artificial “do you like my act, princess”,”I’ll kidnap you”, being encouraged by Aya to compliment tohru as a boy should. The signs are all there except not in your face, & the writer deserves praise!! Yuki, being perceptive, was able to reach such conclusion, not only by looking into himself, but by also at looking how kyo interacted with her, differently from him. Kyo sees tohru as a woman & is attracted to her romantically & altho kyo’s words & interactions with tohru lacks princely smoothness & have a hint of awkwardness, it was natural, genuine & spontaneous. Kyo didn’t put on an act or forced himself to flirt or deliberately chose words to impress tohru. Yuki was able to notice tohru only looked romantically towards kyo. Yuki used all his observations to reach another conclusion abt himself too!!! What he wants in a relationship is sth similar to kyo/tohru!! Mutual & equal relationship. He won’t be satisfied by one-sidedly giving or taking.
-The Author’s brilliance in writing traumatic-based behavior ( Kyo/yuki’s best interaction!! ) :
-an anon cryptically warned me that I’ll be disappointed in kyo this ep cuz of a certain scene with yuki. After watching it, I can tell you without a doubt I’m not disappointed at all!! Rather I’m beyond satisfied that I’ve decided to trust the author. Ms. Takya is genius in depicting traumatic-based behavior! Any other writer, would write the scene less raw, yuki would still shine defeating his inner demos, but kyo would only grunt, or say sth mild. cuz the writer might fear that it might risk showing kyo as the stupid guy behind in his growth compared to the successful yuki ,or annoy the readers/viewers who are so eager for these boys to reach mutual ground. Only a great writer will be brave enough to write kyo as his trauma/ faulty copying mechanism logically dictates!
-We spent an entire season with yuki, saw him yell at kakeru’s insensitive hurtful remarks, cry knowing he was saved cuz a friend risked freeing him, it took a locked dark room, paint fumes, PTSD, tons of monologues before yuki finally let it all out! & you want such brilliant writer to make kyo turn around & be nice to yuki all of a sudden after episodes of fights & no perspective insight? You bet such amazing writer will give kyo’s perspective its time & his development the logical progress he needs. This writer is all abt logical & realistic progression! whether positive or even negative, the characters will come across human, raw, realistic & real during & after their journey.
- Going through kyo/yuki’s dialogue, it will tell you that furuba is NOT abt friendship saving the day, or abt successful growth. It is abt the journey these traumatized children are undergoing now that they are nearly becoming young adults. Yuki’s journey was amazing not cuz he succeeded (as amazingly as this is) but cuz it made sense from his perspective, was realistic, logical, matched his coping mechanism & character traits & it took the needed time. Now for kyo, all his reactions should match his perspective, & make sense giving his coping mechanism. He wasn’t given time yet. so, he won’t grow much yet. “Making a fool of me?” kyo didn’t see yuki’s perspective abt the hat. he thinks yuki did it on purpose to taunt him.That HE saved tohru while kyo fails as always. “Praised by others, needed by them” Kyo like everybody in school, always thought yuki is a prince, loved, & admired. Kyo is not the audience, he didn’t see yuki’s struggle.”surpass me easily while I struggle” kyo may train for years with tears & blood, but the rat will beat him always cuz he is superiors. “an idiot that never gets anything, wants an idiotic impossible thing” “if only I gave birth to the rat, I’d ve been happier” kyo’s mom wished or the impossible. So did kyo. He wished that he’d prove to her that he can be the rat’s equal. She shouldn't have died becuz of him. An impossible wish.
-I personally think that kyo’s journey will take a different path from yuki’s. Unlike yuki, kyo’s been accused & proved to harm others somehow, intentionally or unintentionally. Some not even in this world anymore. So there are things in kyo’s journey that can’t be fixed. Nothing will bring his mom or kyoko back to life. He can’t apologize to them. There is NO forgiveness here as kyoko said!. Hence, the writer will brilliantly make kyo fall so hard & reach rock bottom so bad before he stands up again!! It matches his personality too!! He’s a person who struggles in expressing himself verbally, gets overwhelmed with emotions, stubborn, hard on himself & fiery in nature. Moreover, due to his trauma, he harbors very low self-esteem & due to his guilt, he is drenched in self-loath.
-The addiction of destructive coping mechanism ( Writing Brilliancy):
Kyo has one of the most destructive coping mechanism in the show. Similarly to what his father did by illogically dumping all the blame of the mom’s suicide on 4 year old child, which resulted in hurting kyo, kyo adopted his dad’s ways & dumped it all on yuki. Illogical. wrong. but it works!! it numbs this tingling sense of guilt, it puts the voice that goes “ you’re unforgivable” temporarily to sleep. All the hate is on someone else. not me. I’m not a monster. does it work all the time? NO. cuz NO drug does! All drugs has this temporary effect, that unless you break away from, will end up destroying you. “don’t you want it that way? you wouldn’t want to have anyone to hate?“  I’m still confused if this is kyoko or his mom. It has kyoko’s hair, the words are very harsh. Kyoko from kyo’s perspective shifts between extremely kind & cruelly harsh! but regardless, the truth has been spoken. Kyo’s eyes are opened. He can’t force blind himself anymore. he does NOT hate yuki. he “ acts like hating yuki is sth you needs to do”, as shigure said! hating yuki is his way to escape from his destructive self-loath. He hasn’t been hating or fighting yuki for a long while, he tries now, one more fight, one more dose of the drug, let the pain go away! Nope. Yuki is not participating, yuki is in the light now. You are drenched in the darkness, as unforgivable as you are. Monster eyes & all. Kyo breaks the window to break away from the memory. from this point on, it escalates to rock bottom as the drug is no longer working & hating himself with no escape is all he’s left with.
-Protecting leading to hurting:
yuki brings kyo attention that while he’s been hard on himself & resisting change, he is hurting tohru. Sth kyo chose confinement in oder to NOT do. Kyo being distant from class activities “life” is his choice. Tohru suffering is a consequence to that choice. Kyo, once again, overwhelmed by tohru’s desire to include him in their activities “ life”. Helplessly & painfully looking at her & acknowledging yuki’s words. Kyo in one of his most vulnerable moments, matched only by true form hug scene, is desperate for a hug. Not only cuz he loves her, but cuz he needs her, cuz he’s so tried of himself, cuz she’s so endearingly stupid waiting for him all by herself when she could’ve easily caught him home!! Ugh! tohru! T_T. Except this time, kyo is aware of his surroundings, it’s school, no place for transformation. As kyo decides to change his position from hug to head rest, he stares so intently in her eyes. Embracing her with his presence. For a moment there I felt weird. Like I was intruding on a personal moment between two ppl. XD. This moment was this excellently weird mix of tenderly romantic, bittersweet cuz they cant be together hug, & sexually tensed! one of the most successful kyoru moment that truly depicted emotions visually without needing much dialogue!
Side Notes:
kyo/yuki interaction was their most honest, filter-free & raw moment! each said what he really felt. yuki’s directly telling kyo to complain to him, which kyo did. yuki urging kyo to see that punishing himself hurts tohru.
I appreciate that Yuki won’t tell tohru now, cuz it will ruin their progress towards a better balanced relationship. Tohru’s lid hasn’t even been touched, so she would be cautious interacting with him. But once she opens her lid, her self-worth increase & her desire to focus on herself more is ignited!, she’ll listen to him without taking his burden as hers. just like kakeru did. Equal friends.
I wanted to talk deeper abt machi & yuki, but didn’t want it to be overshadowed by kyo’s analysis. Next time for sure!
I love how the writer included the most spontaneous flirting moment between kyo & tohru right after yuki explained that he saw her non-romantically. The writer wants the comparison to be clear cutting ties to any love-triangle misunderstanding that might linger from previous scenes. Moreover, it showed yuki fully & genuinely accepting kyoru!!
I’ll never be over tohru acting like normal teenager & chasing kyo, trying to catch the script!!!! These small moments while having not much effect on the grand plot, help depict tohru with her own feisty style of stubbornness beyond the one-sided kind image we always see.
This ep has well-written & visually appealing scenes. Visual imagery were well-implemented in kyo/yuki scene & kyo/tohru last scene.
Thank you anime for drawing tohru older, pretty & more mature in the final scene. She looked like a woman in love & silently in pain. My baby is growing!
Why is kyoko holding the hat in KYO’s flashback!!!! she’s wearing the same white dress from yuki’s memory?? What the heck is the hat’s story?!!!
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lawbreaker13 · 6 years
Why is everybody so upset with Stormy Weather 2? This was like a super important episode??
Seriously guys, I don’t know what the problem is. There are flashback episodes in basically every show, but this was a crazy important marker for Miraculous Ladybug. I’m gonna go into detail about everything that was learned, but I just want to start by saying that what this episode did for us indefinitely was set itself on a timeline. It explicitly stated that everything through Chris Master happened within a year-and-a-half timeframe before this episode. It also set Marinette in a place where she’s officially declared, in writing, that she and Adrien are “just friends.” Like, she used Adrien’s “just a friend” line. And we know how this show is with parallels, so I count that as a pretty big one.
I’m gonna get more into this now though, so here we go.
Right off the bat we have the idea of change. Chloe taunts Marinette with the idea that she’ll never change (and we all know how much Marinette likes to challenge Chloe’s words). The word “change” is something that is brought up throughout the whole episode, so watch out for that.
We have Marinette genuinely reflecting. Like not just thinking on her rooftop and complaining about how Chat Noir is a glutton and would drop his guard for a couple of macaroons, she’s really thinking over her life’s choices. It’s framed in such a different light than the way we normally get our characters thinking.
“Adrien has become a true friend.” “Adrien’s become a friend who I can talk to about anything.” “Can you still be in love with someone even after they become your friend? Do you think I’ll ever be able to tell him that he means much more to me than ‘just a friend?’” This is what Marinette thinks of relationships. She thinks that the friends-to-lovers trope is crap and that you have to dive straight into a relationship. And that’s why whenever Adrien talks about her as a friend she becomes so heartbroken. She doesn’t think it’s a step in the right direction, she thinks it’s completely on the opposite end of the spectrum.
I don’t know WHAT Gabriel is plotting with “Ms. Tsurugi” or whether that means Kagami or her mom, but I’m a little terrified.
"Things may not be going exactly as we had planned, but change can be a good thing.” Gabriel’s first line is about change. Hm.
Nathalie’s entire monologue gives us so much background I don’t even know where to start.
She’s starting to regret having taken the job in the first place
She really, genuinely cares about Adrien
She officially, canonically, is in love with Gabriel and it’s because his dedication to his wife is admirable which show how much of a detail-oriented person Nathalie is because WOW she’s missing the big picture here, and also that there is going to be some major love triangle stuff going on towards the end of this between Gabriel, Emilie, and Nathalie (but how might that work?? Redemption arc??? Prison marriage????)
Emilie’s condition is progressively getting worse
Nathalie is still getting sicker, despite only having used the peacock miraculous once (on-screen)
(Also, side-note, hearing Nathalie speak so much at once was like an out-of-body experience for me and her passionate voice about Gabriel was...something)
Adrien really just wants to talk to his dad about his day and their relationship is so screwed up that he can tell by LESS THAN a side glance that Gabriel doesn’t want to hear it from him. Like geez.
Gabriel can recognize familiar emotions. So...does an emotion from Chat Noir feel the same as emotion from Adrien??? Guess we’ll find out soon enough.
Nooroo just wants to see Gabriel and Adrien happy together. Gabriel is a dick. This is not new information, just needed to be reiterated again.
Also, save Nooroo, please.
Gabriel does in fact have the ability to feel remorse. However, he chooses to ignore it, in his own words “at any price.” The only things worth changing his mind are his family, though he does care about Nathalie too. We’ll see how well that holds up.
“People don’t change, they only grow.” Huh. Episode themes from Gabriel Agreste.
“My father will never change.” YOU GUYS PICKING UP ON A THEME HERE????
Plagg’s “I like people who never change. You always know what to expect!” is first off, adorable, second, reverse psychology. He does this to Adrien consistently throughout the series. Considering he’s the one who keeps trying to change Adrien’s mind about Ladybug, he obviously knows what he’s saying isn’t entirely truthful. But Plagg is an adorable, cheese-loving psychopath. Whatcha gonna do?
On the complete other end of that, Plagg talking Adrien through all the ways he’s changed shows how much he cares about him again.
Why Plagg is defending Gabriel, I don’t know. But this is definitely something to note. Does he really think Gabriel is changing for the better? Is Gabriel supposedly changing for the better? (I vote no) Is he unintentionally setting Adrien up for disappointment in a later episode? Guess we’ll see!
Side note, Plagg pretending not to know Marinette’s name is one of my favorite things. It’s not like he can’t say it because Tikki can talk about Adrien, he just chooses not to. And he knows very well who she is. This was confirmed in Weredad.
The scarf has been brought up again. Everybody note this immediately.
ZAG does, in fact, have somewhat of a legitimate animation budget. That volcano is sick.
Of all the villains to use as a filler, Stormy Weather was a solid choice, you all have to admit. Especially when you contrast the repetition of a villain to the episode’s theme.
Ladybug puns. This has been confirmed.
“A little change is good, don’t you think?” HMMMMMMM. Just think about how this was followed by the line “I love that girl.” HMMMMMMM.
Nino and Alya chill on Alya’s bed. Nino never regrets meeting Alya. He loves his girlfriend. Alya loves her boyfriend. They are one of the sweetest canon couples ever to exist.
Nino has a flirty voice he uses on Alya. This is important information.
I don’t want to get into what would’ve happened had the twins not burst the door open, but I want this thought to be noted.
Nino has been adopted by the Cesaire family.
Chloe literally stands on her rooftop with a bat signal every time there’s an akuma. Obsessive much?
"There’s nobody nicer than me!” *cue reel of Chloe being the worst human in the country* is honestly one of the best jokes in this series.
“Once a villain, always a villain,” has an incredible amount of significance but it can pretty much be summed up into the idea that Chloe doesn’t understand change.
Ladybug knows that she and Chat Noir know each other really well now. She reflects on how much they trust each other, literally with their lives, and how their relationship is the reason they have new powers and fighting abilities.
Also, character development. Did anybody see that super soft look Ladybug gave Chat Noir when he said he always agrees with her? Would Ladybug have stopped to admire anything about Chat Noir 2 seasons ago? HMMMMMM.
I would like it to be noted that professional cinematography equipment is several thousands of dollars and it physically hurts me to think of that camera screen breaking in the cold.
Apparently you can take down a super villain with a photocopier and a pencil. Take notes, people.
Alya’s sisters have an akuma victory dance. More important info.
Marinette has gathered up enough courage to write Adrien a note. Last episode she tried to express her feelings. She very well had it in her to do that again, and what she chose to do was to make it clear that they were just friends. She wants Adrien to know that they’re on the same page. It’s in writing. And in Adrien’s hands.
“Good job, we’ve got ourselves a new and improved Marinette!” Change, anyone???
“She’s always been that way. She never changes.” HMMMMM.
Plagg wants Adrien to move on. He’s genuinely trying to convince him by reminding him of how Ladybug is not interested. But maybe there are other girls out there? Hint hint.
*Looks at valentine from Marinette* “You can’t just change your feelings just like that.” *conveniently timed note from Marinette arrives* GUYS. IT’S CALLED SYMBOLISM. Or something like that. Also foreshadowing.
Now this I need to explain super in-depth because there are so many complaints about this part. Adrien was just looking between the two notes. He knows how Marinette gets around him and he knows how it compares to when she’s talking to Chat Noir or Alya. He remembers things from Troublemaker. And he’s holding the two notes in his hands at that moment. Incredibly similar handwriting. He thinks. He remembers how she had pictures of him in her room. And he consciously knows that the valentine he got in response to his own is not from Ladybug. He knows it’s from someone at school. Doesn’t think, he knows. Adrien has figured it out. “No, Marinette couldn’t possibly be in love with me,” he says sadly with slight question in his voice. “She’s just a friend who loves fashion. Besides. There’s Luka.” *cue flashbacks of Adrien watching Marinette and Luka on a date, with the absolute saddest music I have ever heard play in this show playing in the background while he reflects* Guys. This is how Adrien thinks. This is what Adrien thinks of relationships. He believes that you can only like one person at a time. He can’t like Marinette, he likes Ladybug. And Marinette can’t like him, she likes Luka. He DID figure it out. The only reason he dismissed it is because he doesn’t understand her feelings. He doesn’t understand that love isn’t clear-cut, finite, one-and-done. He knows for a fact that she went out with Luka once, so how could she like both of them? That’s not possible...is it?
And are you telling me that “It’s just a person that has similar writing, that’s all,” wasn’t spoken in the most melancholic, disappointed tone of voice that Adrien has ever used on anyone other than his father?
Adrien’s 14. Marinette is 14. They don’t understand life. They don’t understand how complex feelings and relationships are. They think you fall in love with your soulmate and it’s golden from there. They’re dumb kids, but they’re not stupid. Adrien did figure it out. But he can’t bring himself to believe it. He doesn’t understand. And be honest. Did you understand when you were 14?
A couple side notes about the episode that didn’t fit directly into my play-by-play.
That valentine thing went full-circle. Dark Cupid was the first episode with any real lovesquare plot-progression and here we have the exact same setup, but this time with internal monologuing. We start with Marinette reading Adrien’s letter and end with Adrien reading Marinette’s letter. Just like we did in Dark Cupid, but this time it’s in reflection. It’s a parallel. I’m not fabulous at analysis, but I do know this much. Parallels.
This was a Valentine’s Day episode in the same way that Chris Master was a Christmas episode. Themed but not centered. It was a nice change of pace if you ask me.
The end card is always kind of a mini-synopsis of the episode. In this one, we see Marinette, confident and proud of herself for accepting Adrien’s friendship, and Adrien, staring longingly at a valentine that he knows isn’t from Ladybug, wondering if it could possibly, possibly be from Marinette. Huh. That feels a little backwards, doesn’t it?
And I’m just still so stuck on how sad that music was with the Luka flashback. Like, that kinda hurt to listen to??? Wow Adrien.
Side note, I just...I can't get over this. When you were a kid and you heard someone liked you (let alone was in love with you) did you believe it? I'm an adult and I wouldn't believe it if someone told me they liked me. When you feel as unloved as Adrien does every single day, the idea of a good friend of yours being completely in love with you sounds almost...too good to be true, doesn't it? Why should he think she likes him? Especially since he’s just drawing that conclusion on his own?
I personally would like to believe that the reason the rest of the episodes have been postponed is so that we can mull this over for a little while until the rest of them come out. Because from this point forward, there will be some changes. And speaking of which.
CHANGE. Can we all agree that that’s what this episode was about? Why would they place it on a timeline otherwise? Why would they explain to us what came before unless we’re supposed to know what comes after? IT’S THE CONTINUITY THAT WE’VE BEEN ASKING FOR. ACCEPT YOUR GIFTS.
This is the best continuity and information we’ve been given since episode one. And it’s set up in a way that my 6-year-old cousin could understand perfectly. It’s a show for everyone, guys. And this episode was the perfect example of it.
I personally think this is one of the best episodes thus far. In fact, if it weren’t for my Marichat-loving heart, it would be number one by a long-shot. Of COURSE they needed a recap episode. Because if they didn’t have one, do you know what we’d say? “Oh, but Thomas Astruc says there IS no continuity! Did he LIE???” Let the man win for once. We asked. It was delivered. This. Is. Continuity. This. Is. Character development. This. Is. Plot. This. Is. Miraculous.
Thank you for coming along on this journey with me.
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c-atm · 4 years
Fighting Flirty: Birthday Boss Rush
Chapter 1: Hanging with the Maheswarans
The sound of the warp pad reverberated throughout the area as a stream of crystal blue hit the pad and vanished as fast as it came, leaving the now 22 year old Steven ‘Mister’ Universe, dressed in his usual summer outfit of a black cotton short sleeve button up, pink bubble vest, blue jeans, and black and pink sneakers. He took a step off, hands in his pocket as he headed towards his destination. It didn’t take long for him to reach it, as he came to a large fountain with a statue of Rose Quartz, his mother;  in the very middle. He sat on the edge of the fountain, kicking off his socks and shoes and dipping his feet in the water. He turned towards the tear streak visage of the woman who gave him birth, with an even smirk.
“Hey Mom.” It was so much easier to call her that these days, no longer feeling the strain of living up to her legend or cleaning her mistakes. “Hope you don’t mind me stopping to check up on you unannounced, just figured I should while I have a bit of time.” He grinned, not getting an answer, not that he was expecting one. “It’s my birthday, I’m officially twenty- two today and man, let me tell you about it so far.”
*earlier that day*
Steven just finished getting dressed, looking himself in the mirror before nodding in approval. He looked at the time read 11:30AM, Connie already left to run her errands and her shift at R&D,a half hour ago. Sighing, he went downstairs to the living room of his and Connie’s home to see a crystallized orb and a pink note beside it that simply read ‘Mister💝’. He picked it up with a curious smile, the smell of her chai and lily perfume caressed his senses as he opened the note up.
To my dearest Mister
I’m sorry that I can’t be there with you right now to celebrate your Birthday
But unfortunately ,things are happening at R&D that I need to be there for.
So with that in mind, I figured a way we could have fun together.
A birthday quest.
The orb, it holds part of your gift, but you need a voice activated code to open it.
I left pieces of the code with people I trust to keep a secret. My champions so to speak.
You’re tasked to get their part of the code by winning their challenges, whatever that might be.
As to who I chose, well follow your nose, Mister. You already have the scent of the code.
I hope you enjoy your birthday game and I'll see you later.
P.S. :Your first clue
"A hunt, huh?" Steven thought as he looked at the orb. It shined in the sunlight and was small enough to fit in his pocket. " Well, I've never been one to turn down a wholesome and fun time."  Pocketing the crystal in his vest, and the note in his pants pocket, not before giving it another sniff, a relaxed smile on his as Connie’s mischievous grin came to mind; gathering his keys from the bowl near the door, he set off, determined to win Connie’s game.
Steven gave a diamond enhanced sniff every few seconds as he walked around Little Homeworld, quite sure that a few of her ‘Champions’ were gems. It didn’t take him long to get a slight waft of the perfume, multiple actually. All moving around except for a couple.One being Startries and the other being at Funland for some reason he felt the champ at Funland was more menacing than the one at Startries, he made his choice and headed to Startries.
He was surprised to see that the champions weren’t inside but sitting at one of the outside tables. He would have doubted the authenticity of the situation, but the scent was definitely coming from their table. Steven couldn’t believe she got them in on it. He pulled up a chair grinning. “Priyanka, Doug.”
"Good afternoon, Steven."
"How are you doing on this fine day, My boy."
The Maheswarans greeted the birthday star, with warm voices and sly grins.
"Can't complain."The hybrid answered as he looked at the streets of Little Homeworld, seeing humans and gems interact with each other so easily, satisfaction on his face. He turned to the two as he leaned back on his chair "Seem like it's another peaceful summer day."
"That it does." Priyanka agreed.
"So Steven, how does it feel to be twenty-two years old?" Doug inquired.
"Hmm." Steven sat back in thought. "No different from yesterday." He scratched  the back of his head, kind of surprised at his answer. He used to feel so much excitement for this day when he was younger. Now after everything he has done..after everything he's currently doing with his life. It almost feels like another day. “Guess it comes with being older. Feel like another day on the calendar.”
“Oh wow…Didn’t expect that from you.” Priyanka responded, honestly. “I assumed you had a party planned.”
Steven let loose a shy chuckle. “That would be my normal MO, but I even forgot my birthday was coming up to a few days ago.” 
“Been that busy for you, lately?”  Doug asked. 
 Steven nodded with a smirk. “It’s not bad though. ” 
Priyanka looked at him closely, narrowing her eyes at the boy she considered a son. “Hmm..” She leaned back in her chair “Well doesn’t look like you’re overworking yourself..”
“What?” Steven waved his hands in front of him “ No no. not at all! I’m definitely making time to relax.” He reassured “Even today, my plans for the day were just to make rounds around Beach city and Little Homeworld. Check up on everyone." He folded his hands on the table. "That is until, Connie enhanced it."
"Enhanced it. That's a nice way to put it." Doug joked
"I'm still making my rounds, she just made them a bit more fun. Guess she wanted to make sure I'm enjoying my birthday to the fullest" His cheeks turned a bit pink "Just like her to play such a prank."
Doug and Priyanka glanced at each other privately, sharing secret smirks at the loving tone in his voice.
"That being said..." gave them the grin from before."...What game two got for me?
Priyanka sighed as gently folded her arms. "Really, we are having such a good conversation as well."
Doug chuckled. "You can't blame him, he is on a mission for our Kahanni. We gotta play our roles as 'Champions'."
"You’re really getting a kick out of this, Durga." She playfully chastised as Doug nodded.
"So what's my challenge?"  
The Maheswarans looked at the eager Steven before glancing at each other and back at him.
"Have you ever heard of the game 'Plead the fifth'?"
They chuckled lowly and mischievously as  Steven's eyes widened,his lips pursed together in a thin line and his nostrils flared.
"Oh..You've played before." Priyanka stated, matter of factly, her grin growing a bit more.
"You guys gonna grill me?"
"It's just five questions, Son. You can survive five questions without pleading the fifth,right?" Doug teasingly taunted.
"Five invasive questions."
"I promise not to get too invasive Steven." Priyanka swore, though her grin said differently.
"I'm afraid of that 'too'." Steven admitted with a sigh. " But I trust you. " He gave them a strained smirk. "I'm ready. Ask away."
"What is it that you want for your birthday?"
Priyanka turned to her husband a bit embarrassed at his crassness. "Really Doug."
"Hey, can't blame me for taking the opportunity." The security officer shrugged. "Besides, he could plead the fifth...He'll lose his right to our piece of the code..buuut.." He smirked as he left his statement hanging.
"It's ok." Steven laughed. "I did the same thing to Connie when we played once...Though that was about...Something else." He paused a  bit of a longing look on his face, before shaking his head. " But yeah my birthday, have no idea. Like I said, I had to be reminded of it by Connie." Steven looked up towards the sky and took a moment to ponder the question. "Though I've been trying to get back into my tube tube, maybe something towards that."
Priyanka glanced at her husband to stop him from giving them away, he was already in position to punch the sky in celebration.
" Who knows maybe you will." Priyanka said with a fox grin. "Now that Doug asked his ONE question-"
"I'm satisfied with my question, thank you very much." The man Interjected giving his wife a kiss on her temple, getting an eye roll and a hand squeeze. 
"It is my go, ready?"
"No. and that counts."
Priyanka's mouth was agape at his cunning, but soon nodded a bit impressed. "Fine. three questions… One. What did you ask Connie, when you two played this game?"
Steven smirked." I asked her many things. How long her hair was, who’s her favorite fictional character. A lot of things."
"You said you asked her something similar to Doug's question towards you. What was it?"
"What kind of ring she wants to be proposed with."
Priyanka eyes widen at the confidence  in his voice.  There was no blush, no shaking, no bashfulness. "Are you telling the truth?"
"Yup and that's question number five." He breathed out before grinning, doing a small little jig "I win..I win."
"You let him have that." Doug stated in a whisper in her eear.Giving her temple a kiss.
"It is his birthday, after all." The Maheswaran mother said weakly, trying to save a little face. She turned to the twenty-two years old and clapped her hands in flux applause. "Congratulations on your win."
"Yeah!....OK, I'll stop now." He chuckled as he tapped the tabletop.
"So ready for your code, your spoils of victory." Doug dramatically flared as he crossed his arms.
"Yes sir" Steven sat up straight puffing out his chest.
"You are both silly." Priyanka sighed as she shook her head, a half smile on her face. She signaled Doug to go inside the bakery to get his prize.  He did, stating he'd be right back, leaving the two alone.
"She worries." Priyanka  stated as Steven lay his head down.
Steven sighed. "I thought that was my job…"
"It's a 'THING'...mutual thing. You want the person in your life to be happy. " Priyanka answered expecting him to refuse the status. She was surprised when he seemed to nod in agreement.
"True enough...and I am happy. Happier than I've ever been in a while…" He turned his head towards Priyanka. "Your daughter gave me a quest for my birthday and it is already my favorite." 
Priyanka nodded before squeezing his shoulder giving him a motherly smile. "She would love to hear that…"
Before he could answer the fragrance of her perfume ignited his senses. He was surprised to see a box, wrapped in rose pink paper with a red bow land in front of him. 
Wrapped in the bow was a pink paper, the same one the note was written on. He took the paper breathing in the scent, before unrolling the paper.  "ove"
"Love.." He admired. "Certainly smells like it." He chuckled, putting the note with the other one.  He turned to the box and was caught off guard at the expecting looks of the Maheswarans. 
"Happy birthday, Steven." They both announced with matching smiles.  
Steven tittered in surprise as he undid the bow and tore open the wrapping paper. 
"Guys, you..Aw man." In front of him was a whole recording setup for a home studio. "I don't know what to say…" He gave them both a tight hug. "Thank you so much
for this."
"It's no problem." Doug assured. 
"We're happy to do it, Steven."  
Steven released them turning back to the box for the moment. "Aww man. I just want to set this up and start recording and streaming… I want to but, still gotta a way ahead of me."
"Don't let us stop you." Priyanka assured "We'll drop it off at your home later" Doug added. 
"You sure? I mean, I don't  want to take you out of your way." The hybrid commented, feeling a bit guilty.
" I'm not taking no for an answer. Trust us, ok?"  Priyanka told him as she took the box in her hands. "Now go. You gotta quest to finish" She commanded him in motherly tone.
"Better do what she says.." Doug joked. "You don't want her to get the abacus."
Steven took a look at Doug before turning to Priyanka who arched an eyebrow, challenging  him to defy her. "Pssh.. Mean." He pouted before getting up.
"Get going young man."  she snickered as he rose.
"Yes mom." He droned in play before smirking."You guys wouldn't know the code..Would you?"  His eyes lingered to the set up. " Just wondering."
"No. She didn’t say...And you'll be able to play with this when you're done." Priyanka reprimanded. " I swear Boys and their toys, no matter the age." 
"You better get going Steven," Doug added with jest. " She might really get the abacus."
"OK, I'm as good as gone." Steven announced as he began to  walk away, only to turn in give them one more hug. "Love you guys."  With that he was gone heading toward his next destination, Funland.
As the two watched  they found themselves  wrapped in another hug which they returned.  " Was you watching this whole time,Connie."
Connie Maheswaran  gave her mother a father a kiss on their cheek, before nodding.  "You guys did awesome..Even  if you went easy on him mom."
"It's his birthday. " She defended. "That being said..Ring size?" Priyanka added in tease.
Connie took the box from the table, grinning cheekily. " I plead the fifth." 
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caps-lockdown · 5 years
Sweater Weather Part Five
Here’s the next installment! Enjoy!
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Fem!PottsRelativeReader!
Words: 4,047
WARNING THIS CHAPTER IS PRETTY STEAMY AND IS AS CLOSE TO SMUT AS I’LL BE WRITING FOR THIS FIC. Reader discretion is advised! Warnings/Ratings: R/Possible 18+ For more flirty and sexy! Steve Rogers, mentions of booze, language, a TON of flirting/adult situations. You’ve been warned, the temperature isn’t the only thing hot in this chapter! Reader discretion is advised. 
Also AU in the fact NO ONE DIED during Endgame/Steve didn’t go back. Also as much as I adore Morgan Stark, she isn’t around yet. I didn’t know where this would fit timeline wise, so just ignore the timeline. Kay? Cool.
Summary: You’ve just moved to New York after a long 3 year stint travelling the world and helping with various charities, taking a new job with Stark Industries thanks to your cousin Pepper. A trip out to surprise Tony and The Avengers for the weekend turns from good to terrible when the a/c at the compound breaks. How will you beat the heat for the record breaking weekend? 
In Y/N Y/L/N format, I don’t own any gifs, outfits or characters except for the Reader and her friend Kate. No beta so I DO own all of my mistakes. 
Part Five
The room was cold and the yet the first thing you noticed was the very warm arm that was draped lazily across your waist, and the heat that radiated off of whoever’s broad chest that was behind you. This isn’t right. Your eyes were too heavy with the hangover that was flooding your system to open, but you managed to force your body to turn over. You were pretty sure you were giving molasses on a cold day a run for its money with how slow you shifted your weight, finally facing the sleeping person after what felt like eons. Who the fuck is in my bed?
You swam through your memories from last night, your eyes darting behind your eyelids in panic as you couldn’t remember anything past Thor helping you to your room. Oh shit. Thor is in my bed?! You brought your shaking hands up to his chest. Wait. Hardly any chest hair. Doesn’t Thor have some? You cursed internally, not having seen most of the guys shirtless in well over three years so you couldn’t actually guess. You were going to have to just deal with the budding migraine and open your damn eyes. Sunlight be damned.
You went into cardiac arrest the minute you cracked an eye open to find Steve-Fucking-God-Damn-Captain America-Rogers sleeping peacefully, blissfully unaware of how his flexing arm was pulling you into him closer. This had to be a dream.
“Um….Steve?” You whispered, poking the sleeping soldier hard with your index finger, a small huff from the man who was violating your space being the only response you were given. “Steve, wake the HELL up!” A sleepy smile graced his features, the blonde snuggling you closer and putting both arms around you.
“I’m having that dream again.” Your body fully awoke at his soft statement, and you almost wanted to let him sleep, thinking it really sweet that you had plagued his sleep as much as he had yours over the time you had spent apart. “You’re so perfect. Y/N.” A beam of a smile swept over your features, allowing your hands to remain on his chest and resting your head against it, taking him in and hearing his heartbeat. This felt amazing. It just felt right.
That ended within five seconds of his large hands dropping from your waist, roughly latching onto your ass. The not polite and none too subtle squeeze of his digits into your soft flesh set you promptly the fuck off.
“STEVEN GRANT ROGERS WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!” You voice was shrill as you let out your loud screech. Your heart threatened to burst from its cavity as you pushed him hard, the good Captain jerking his eyes awake with a groan and staring down into your pissed off facial features.
“OH SHIT!” Steve launched himself off your bed and onto the hard floor with a loud thud, his eyes adjusting to the room and realizing he was in fact, not in his bedroom like he had thought previously the evening before when he drunkenly forced his way into it. “Y/N I can explain…”
“I DON’T WANT AN EXPLANATION, I WANT YOU OUT!” You cried, grabbing your pillows and throwing them in an assault on the equally hungover, but not quite awake blonde man, him scrambling to his feet and running a hand over his face.
“Doll I didn’t mean…”
“Rogers if you are not out of my room in the next FIVE seconds I will start screaming for Tony.” You handed him the ultimatum with clenched teeth, the target of your frustration chuckling nervously as he gave a timid nod.
“I’ll go but I want you to know something.” Your left eye twitched at the nerve of this man. Coming into YOUR room while you were asleep, and CUDDLING with you?! That you could deal with just fine. Quite willingly, actually. But you would NOT stand for being groped in your bed, no matter how much you had craved his hands on you before. It wasn’t right, and you were not an easy piece of ass. Not to mention the initial shock of him even being in your bed, shirtless, was enough to freak you out. What if you two had done something? Your mind was reeling at the thought. There is no way you would have and not remembered. “I’m not sorry.”
Your ears were burning, much like the rest of your face as you sputtered, “W….What?”
He sighed, blonde hair falling in his face. His blue eyes held a sense of insecurity in them as he stared at your figure, his own breath caught as you appeared to look breathless yourself. “Waking up next to you is something I never thought I’d get to do again, so regardless of the how,” A ghost of a smile appeared on his lips before he forced it away, “I am not going to apologize for finally getting to hold you while we slept in a bed instead of a couch. I won’t apologize for having the best night of sleep I’ve had in years because for a moment it felt right having you in my arms. Not once. Not ever. I’m not sorry.”
You sat, staring at him slack jawed as he turned his back and simply walked out of your room.
Kate’s number was punched into your phone without you looking, you nearly in tears as she happily answered. “Hey beautiful! You finally get some super dick last night?”
“Kate I think I fucked up. Big time.” Your conversation was muted through the door, Steve leaning against it with the weight of the world on his shoulders. He had the night on repeat in his brain, trying to gauge if he had done anything unforgivable in his drunken slumber. Not counting this morning of course. He had honest to god thought it was a dream, believing whole heartedly that your frame laying next to his was nothing more than a ghost. A vision he never got to see come true. He never would have reacted that way if he had known the truth. Steve Rogers was NOT that guy. He could sense the panic in your voice an assumed you had no idea what had happened after you had gotten to your room. Rightly so he’d imagine, with all of the drinks you had consumed. He knew you weren’t really mad at him, but all he could do was give you space. He turned his head to the right, seeing Nat’s door open. A very guilty looking James Barnes emerged, his eyes wide as if Steve had grown a third head when he looked to see the man sharing the hallway with him. Steve grinned, arms crossing over his shoulders.
“Good morning pal. Sleep well?”
“Could ask you the same thing. Punk.” The former man shook his head, his face changing into one of sadness as he tried to make out your nervous and upset sentences from between layers of wood. “Damn. Tell me on the way to breakfast?”
The two began their walk of shame towards the kitchen, filling each other in on what exactly had and hadn’t happened the night prior. You hung up with Kate, dragging your body out of bed, figuring out how (with the help from Kate of course) you would let the man who you had kicked out know you would never be doing that again.
~~After Breakfast~~
“Jesus I thought it was hot before.” Sam muttered, Bucky and Steve both nodding dumbly in agreement as they watched from the large window overlooking the expansive patch of green grass outside the compound. Nat, Pepper, and now Carol Danvers, who had brought a very adorable kid by the name of Peter Parker to the compound to ask Tony some very important questions about upgrades to his suit, had taken to sunbathing. In bikinis.
“You gonna be alright when Y/N comes out in a few?” Bucky side eyed his oldest friend, the man glaring at him as he lightly shoved his non flesh arm. “Or are we gonna have to put you back on ice to cool down?”
“I’ll be just…” His voice died in the back of his throat as he saw your figure step out onto the lawn in your very curve fitting blue bikini.
His ragged breath betrayed him to his two friends, his eyes glued to the sway of your hips barely covered in the fabric. He had to advert his gaze, but only for a second when you bent over at the waist, gladly accepting the glass of sweet tea Pepper held out for you from her chair. The curve of your backside, the very same one he had managed to literally snag handfuls of this morning taunted him as you chose to lay down on your stomach on your own lawn chair, unaware of his heated stare. When Tony lightly misted your beautiful frame with tanning oil, your body jerking at the sudden coolness he felt his throat go bone dry. This just wasn’t fair.
“You were saying Rogers?” Sam chuckled at Steve’s sudden silence, the super soldier hearing nothing but his own blood pounding in his ears. “Can’t say I blame ya though, Princess Peach is looking particularly ripe and juicy today. Right Barnes?”
The brunette gave an appreciative whistle, “Very true Wilson, I agree.” His eyes weren’t looking at you though, they were gawking at a certain red head’s tight black bikini clad body. The three men collectively groaned as Tony ruined their perving session, outing them to the four women, who in turn sat up and stared disappointedly. Your scowl turned into a smirk when the two of you locked eyes. Well shit. “I guess we better start working on our apologies fellas.”
“That requires us to feel guilty first.” Sam shot out, none of them paying attention to Peter as he rushed outside with a new pitcher of tea for the ladies. They didn’t miss Pepper barely missing Tony’s face with her palm when he attempted to untie the string holding up her bikini top on her neck. At least he would be in the dog house with them. “Let’s go, Stark is outnumbered and unarmed, time to level the playing field.”
“What are we playing?” Thor asked, sidling up to the trio who began their trek to the large door that lead outside, Sam starting to take off his shirt.
“We’re setting a thirst trap Blondie, beating the women at their own game.” He tossed his shirt carelessly to the side, the other three quickly understanding and stripping themselves of their tops. “Now act like you aren’t sorry for getting caught Rogers. Y/N has already led on she can barely restrain herself around you. She told me she feels awful for kicking you out of her bed this morning. Just turn on the charm and she’ll be on you like a koala bear.”
“Easy for you to say Sam, you didn’t shamelessly grab her ass this morning because you thought you were dreaming.” The door opened and instantly Steve wanted to crawl back into the less sticky air of the compound living room.
“True, but did she once tell you to stop?” Before he could respond to his friends query, you had taken the chance at straddling your chair, your eyes glazing over at the sight of the shirtless men as they walked, no strutted into your field of vision. Sweet Jesus three years had passed and they only managed to look even more delicious. Aged like fine wine. Steve’s abs had beads of sweat clinging to them, and you would kill to have been the reason for them instead of the hot as balls weather. He was beautiful, strong shoulders and those powerful arms you had woken up in almost daring you to wind yourself back into them. You bit your lower lip as he imitated your previous smirk with ease. This just wasn’t fair.
“Good afternoon ladies, fine weather we’re having huh?” Bucky said cheerfully, the four women sending him a mixture of mock glares and middle fingers. “Wow why the hostility?”
“You were gawking at us earlier, sorry if we aren’t happy to see you.” Carol’s voice was plain and flat, the winter soldier’s smile only widening at Nat’s eyes sweeping over him the same way he had done to her just moment before stepping outside.
“That isn’t stopping you from staring at us now, is it?” He retorted.
Carol huffed, turning to stare at the fabric of her chair instead of the four shirtless gods. Peter looked confused but chose to say nothing. Tony just chuckled at the double standard of it all. You crossed your arms under your chest, trying to keep your knowing smile at bay when Steve’s gaze dropped to your assets as they were gently lifted in your bikini top. “My eyes are up here Cap.”
“Wasn’t looking at em Doll.” Steve offered lowly, your body heating up as he brazenly continued his visual appraisal of your figure. It was like all of the blood in your body had turned into liquid fire, and you barely contained a shiver as he moved to place his hands on either side of your chair, giving you flash backs to when he had dropped you on the couch a couple of nights previously.
“Well at least you’re honest.” You whispered, swallowing as he leaned down, face in front of yours, his expression dark and god damn he was going to pay dearly for all of this teasing later. “Something on your mind Rogers?” You cooed.
“I thought I warned you about your shorts getting any shorter Sweetheart.” His voice had come out as a deep growl, the rumble from his chest making your head spin and you went to grip the metal frame of the chair in response to his seductive statement. With every word you were beginning to kick yourself even harder for not jumping his ass this morning. “Might just have to teach you a lesson about what happens when you don’t listen.”
“That a threat? Or a promise?” You whispered back, eyes never leaving his.
Tony’s gagging sounds in the background reminded the two of you that you weren’t alone.
“Seriously you two, go get a fucking room already. I think m’gonna be sick.” You rolled your eyes at your dramatic cousin in law, Peter stifling a laugh at the absurdity of his mentor’s exaggerated heaving motions. Steve leaned up from the chair, shaking his head and sitting his fine ass down on the grass.
“So, how are we going to beat this heat Mister Stark?” Peter’s question stopped the older man’s performance, Tony standing up straight and looking at his nails.
“Any bright ideas Y/N?”
You already had six by the end of breakfast.
“Y/N, you are an absolute GENIUS!” Nat exclaimed happily on your right, you looking at your masterpiece of the weekend. A couple of tarps, some bungee cords and a garden hose later you had turned the bed of your truck into a redneck pool.
“Yea Short Stack, amazing job. Now move over.” You stared at your cousin as if he was crazy, Tony taking a small step backwards. “I mean…ladies first?”
“Better. You heard the man, ladies.” The four of you hurriedly climbed into the truck bed, happy sighs of contentment leaving your mouths as you sunk into the cooling liquid. The plastic from the tarp was something you’d have to get used to feeling on your skin, but otherwise you were in complete bliss. The men looked upset as they realized there was really only enough room for one more body. “Now who are we gonna let join us?”
“Well it’s my tarp.” Tony started.
“But you’ve been an asshole all weekend, Stark.” Sam cut in.
“I’d like to nominate myself, as I am the best looking male here.” Bucky added, the women laughing and forcing the man to pout.
“I think you need to get your eyes checked Pal.” Steve said with a roll of his eyes.
“I’m not going to suggest any one of us, it’s entirely up to you goddesses to decide.” Thor smiled warmly at you, your heart melting only slightly. “But I might add that Bruce would not be a suitable option if you want your truck to remain intact.”
“Yea where is Banner?” Nat asked, and everyone in the group looked wrecked with guilt, having not seen the giant man since earlier that morning. “Seriously? How did we lose Bruce?”
“I’m sure he’s somewhere,” You waved away the worry, putting your eyes on Peter who stood staring at his feet. “Parker, you’re in.”
The excited teen didn’t need to be told a second time, scrambling up into the back of the truck with all the gusto raging hormones could buy. He smiled brightly, muttering “Thank you” and “You guys are so nice” repeatedly as he sat on the edge, plunging his feet into the soothing water.
“Fine. I see how it is. We’ll just make our own club and you won’t be invited!” Tony huffed, crossing his arms like a toddler and pouting. It fell on deaf ears, the five of you in the truck paying him no mind as you started splashing at each other. “Let’s go guys.”
The time flew by as you enjoyed your friend’s company, and you quickly had taken a major liking to Peter. He was like a younger brother, super sweet and engaging, and quite the amazing listener. You were a bit put off at first hearing just how he knew the team, feeling the need to protect him as he recalled stories of the battles he had been a part of. Especially during the accords situation. You heart pounded with concern as he told you about Thanos, and all of the features on his suit Tony had made him. You’d never tell but you were more than relieved to hear of the “instant kill” function your cousin had put into it.  
“Well we might as well let the guys have a turn now that we’re legit becoming prunes.” Carol conceded, the rest of you agreeing and standing up from the water. It was still stupid hot outside, and truthfully you were feeling a bit bad at not allowing the guys to join you earlier. Or at the very least take turns.
“I’m thirsty, someone come with me to get some drinks from the kitchen?” You inquired, stretching your limbs before beginning your descent out of the back of your vehicle.
“I’ll go with you miss Y/N!” Peter piped up, clamoring after you. You couldn’t help but giggle at his eagerness to accompany you, suspecting that being someone new meant for new conversations. You’d never been happier to have your ear talked off before, but this kid was easily becoming your favorite.
“Huh, that’s weird. They aren’t in here.” Your statement came out confused upon entering the empty living room area, the fans and coolers mostly missing. “Where the hell did they all go?”
“Shh miss Y/N, you hear that?” Your eyes met Peter’s and he motioned towards the kitchen, where you could hear the faint deep laughter of Steve and Thor. Tiptoeing into the large kitchen, you were once again met with an empty room, your expression puzzled when you looked back at the teen who shrugged. “I know we heard…look!”
He moved to look at the small sign that was haphazardly taped to the large door leading to the walk in freezer of the compound, the messy writing no doubt the byproduct of your cousin.
“He-Man-Woman-Hater-Freezer. How original.” You let out an exasperated sigh at the lengths these childish men would go to. “They’ll get over it.”
You threw the door open to see the small group of men sitting among the floor of the freezer, Tony and Sam wearing a few more layers of clothes, the rest of the inhabits still shirtless and looking super pleased with themselves.
“Hey Short Stack can’t you read?!” Tony glared at you, Steve unable to keep his eyes in his head at your figure gracing his presence again. “You aren’t welcome here! Be gone! Before someone drops a house on you!”
“Stop being so damn dramatic Snark, we were just wondering where you went off to. We’ve decided to let you all take a dip in the pool I built, if any of you were still interested.”
“Well thanks but we don’t need your second rate pool…” Tony began, looking betrayed shortly after as Sam and Thor moved to join you. “What the fuck guys?”
“Hey, watch your damn mouth! There’s a teenager here!” You retorted in mock shock, moving to cover Peter’s ears who only laughed lightly. “Did you find Bruce?”
“Obviously not. Do you see him in here?” Sam asked, squeezing past you to take off his clothing in preparation to heading back into the heat wave. “I bet ten bucks he chickened out and ran off to find a/c.”
“You owe me ten bucks then Wilson.” The familiar voice of Bruce Banner boomed through the freezer, and all of your eyes came to rest upon a rather large pile of bagged and frozen vegetables. A large grin broke your face as you noticed an out of place green toe sticking out from under a bag of broccoli. “Also, you guys smell horrible. Make sure you shower before you taint Y/N’s hard work with your nasty man stench.”
“Thank you, but I’m sooooo calling you Jolly Green Giant from now on.” Laughter rose out of you when the man moved the container of carrots off his eyes to narrow them at you, you batting your eyelashes innocently.
“Alright well I don’t know about you suckers but I’m gonna go get in that pool!” Sam brought everyone back to earth, the rest of the guys clearing out and following Parker out to the grounds. Your hand went to grab Steve’s wrist, tugging him in the opposite direction once Tony was out of your sights, dragging the man with you until you were both standing in front of the door that led to your room.
“Somethin on your mind Y/N?” His voice was soft as you tried to steel your nerves, your pulse erratic. You had talked with Kate about what you were going to say when you finally got this beautiful man alone, but now that the moment was here you were back to being the uncertain mess you had been all weekend. “Sweetheart? You’re making me nervous here.”
Seeing the same insecurity in his stunning blue eyes that made your heart hurt when you kicked him out of your room that morning pushed all of your words out the nearest window.
“Oh screw it.” You admonished, quickly putting your arms around his neck and pulling Steve’s lips to yours. He was quick to the jump, arms wrapping around you and walking you backwards until you were against your door, smiling into the kiss and making your knees weak. You pushed all of your emotions into it, the years of longing and passion bruising both of your lips as he deepened the kiss, returning the mutual feelings with a reckless abandon. Kissing him was everything you had been dreaming over the years, his lips pillow soft as they nipped at your bottom lip, tongue darting out to meet yours in a languid dance. It was perfect, he was perfect.
A deep groan fell out from his throat when he detached his mouth from yours, moving along your jaw line and peppering kisses along the column of your neck. “Doll you are going to be the death of me.” You moaned at his hot whisper against your skin, feeling him smirk into your shoulder. You couldn’t agree with him more.
“We don’t have much time before I have to help Pepper with dinner. Maybe an hour, hour and a half tops.” You got out heatedly as he continued his assault on your neck, hands moving across your body and leaving a searing fire in their absence.
“Then let’s not waste anymore time.” He growled, pulling on the handle behind you and pushing you through the door, your giggles fading into moans as he kicked it shut behind him.
Tag List: @kaytizzle @cuffski @giggleberts @pies-wands-and-more @chrisevansfanfic @yesno18 @zsuzstyina @zombiepotterfour @evanstush
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Why is it that we attempt to hang onto something that we know we’d be better off without? Why are we scared of losing something that we don’t even really have? I’ve never quite figured it out. Some people will even go so far as to say, “I’d rather have someone who is around sometimes than no one at all.” Like, how could they not care to be the side dish? I mean..hello, coleslaw!
And…Hate to admit, but I would always be the coleslaw in most of my relationships…
Because the truth of the matter is, to have someone only sometimes is often harder than not having them at all. In those instances that you aren’t together, when you realize everything that you are missing, and the vapid emptiness hits you, the blackness encircles you. Like on those rainy afternoons when you aren’t curled collectively like a pair of parentheses on the couch, binge watching Netflix, allowing the day to melt away without the productive pressure of sunshine. Unable to touch or to adequately express all the emotions that were sorely impossible to describe using something as limiting as words; it makes the void even more black.
Yet, even despite this insane loneliness and all of my self-destructive tendencies, some of the best moments in my life have come from the ‘sometimes’ I can’t ever tell anyone about.
Still recovering from the end of a six-year relationship, I decided the best cure was a summer spent at the beach instead of dealing with the depths of my mind. I tried to fill that void in my life with a string of bland, drunken, mindless one night stands. Because in my world, in my mind, voids must be filled. And how do I fill them? I FUCK the pain away. Burying that pain into someone so brutally insignificant that they don’t even make a real dent in my memory.
But all that changed with Lewis Motherfucking Hamilton and his smooth-as-Tennessee-Whiskey moves.
My plan was to “hit it and quit it,” as they say, when I spotted his biceps from across the room at the little beach dive bar we were both drinking at. Yeah well, you know what they say: everyone has a plan until they get punched in the throat. And Lewis Hamilton was MY punch in the throat.
It’s not like I shouted out, “Hey there, you look like a bad decision waiting to happen. Come on over here and sit with me for a bit.”
Or maybe I kinda did. Only sitting wasn’t exactly what I had in mind as I watched the way he tousled his perfectly curly hair with one hand and how the dimples on his tanned cheeks ripple every time he smiled. It didn’t hurt that his well-fitting jeans hugged his ass like they were made just for him, making my freshly waxed pussy throb to the core. Even with his supposed girlfriend at his side, looking bored and uninterested as she flipped through her phone, I still couldn’t look away from him.
Sweet Jesus, I was in trouble.
“A beer from Mr. Fancy God over there,” the waitress said as she slid the amber bottle across the high top where I was sitting. My carefully deconstructed (and equally as carefully reconstructed) The Cure shirt hung off one shoulder to show off my tan lines, while my bronze legs lazily swung from the bar stool. He eyed me hungrily as I put the beer to my lips and sucked the cool liquid down. Biting my thick bottom lip, I lifted the bottle and gave him a wink. As I imagined myself sprawled out on his bed, pussy dripping wet, nipples erect, I licked my lips slowly, sending him the signal that I was down to fuck. When he tossed his phone number at me on his way to the men’s room, I knew it would all be downhill from there.
The flirty, late night text messages started immediately and escalated to facetiming, sexting and other such virtual debauchery for weeks. The anticipation of fucking him was a slow build to a climax that culminated in a well-orchestrated night together, holed up in my hotel room when his girlfriend was out of town.
I was nervous about meeting a stranger in a hotel room but I also felt like I’d known him for years through the constant communication we’d been having. To say I was looking forward to this night of sinful indulgence would be an understatement. I knew the girlfriend wasn’t going anywhere and that this would be a one-time thing at best, so my eyes were wide open going in. I was accepting it for what it was: fucking mind-blowing sex.
Arriving right on time, I opened the door and was met by those damn gorgeous dimples. “Well, hello, stranger. You coming in?” I asked, holding the door half open.
In two seconds flat, he dropped his small overnight bag and pinned me up against the now closed door. His fucking kisses melted me to my core. They were ‘press you up against the wall, I want to crawl inside of your skin and devour your soul’ kisses. His touch was like warm honey, his breath malty with beer. His body was hard and defined, and I scratched lines down his back, challenging him to give up all his secrets.
As I pressed a kiss to his temple, I grazed my fingertips along the outline of his hard cock straining against the material of his jeans. He sucked in his breath as I got down on my knees and teasingly alternated between licking and gently biting at his shaft through the material. Not wanting to taunt him for too long, I slowly undid his zipper as he undid the button. Grasping his hard cock with one hand, I guided it to my tongue and ran my soft, heavy tongue over the tip while gently tugging on his shaft. I swirled my thumb around the head, now wet with spit.
Popping him in and out of my mouth like a lollipop, he breathed in sharply. His hands found my nipples that were already hard under the sheer white tank top I was wearing without a bra. My denim cut-off shorts exposed just the barest edge of my tanned ass and slowly rode up into my pussy crease that was becoming wetter the more we kissed, my black lace thong teasing my ass hole. My eyes closed, I arched against the wall, and my chest pushed forward. I didn’t even realize that we weren’t kissing anymore, my lips and tongue still reaching. He growled a low, deep moan as his almost black-brown eyes focused on my breasts that were popping out of the tank top. His kisses were like crushed velvet covering my nipples and his tongue gently flicked against each one playfully.
“Fuck me,Lewis” I panted. But he just grinned and cupped one breast in each hand, pinching my nipples. I whimpered as the rush of pain was followed by a wave of pleasure. I audibly gasped as he popped the button and zipper of my shorts, feeling the rough material rubbing up against my freshly waxed pussy. Pushing me away from the wall and onto the bed, we became a tangled web of limbs, lips, throats, thirst. Molten lava with fingers clutching at what couldn’t be caught. My heart and clit both throbbed to the same rhythm.
Knowing he was close to coming, I held his cock tight with one hand and forced it up and down through the slick tunnel of my fingers, licking my tongue around the head, down the shaft and forcing it further into my mouth. As I felt his cock hit the back of my throat, my eyes began to water. I wanted him to fill me up in every wet, slippery orifice. Foaming saliva built at the corners of my mouth, the salty mixture of his pre-cum and our hot make out session seeping over my tongue, and I was in heaven. I rubbed my pulsing clit in small circles. Intense colors swirled behind my eyes as I stood up from the bed to mount him. All I could think of was his pulsing hard cock inside of me.
Grabbing my wrist, he pulled me back down onto the bed beside him. As he fumbled for a condom, my breath caught in my chest and my fingers slowly ventured down, under the black sheer fabric of my lace panties. I closed my eyes and two fingers caressed the lips of my slit as he clumsily unwrapped the condom. My hips lifted involuntarily. My fingertips teased and taunted circles around my clit while a ragged breath escaped my lips. My skin felt like hot silk under my hand as I fondled and rubbed, fingers slipping slowly inside. The weight of my desire became an electric current running through my body. Breath held and limbs quivering, I opened my eyes and a gentle moan escaped. We held eye contact. I had never felt so sexy. With a mischievous, half grin, I continued to stroke myself beneath my panties.
“Get those panties off.” His voice was low but the tone was firm.
I was being commanded, not asked. A wicked thrill ran through me, and I trembled. His eyes followed my movements as I inched the black lace thong slowly down my thighs. He moved closer and closed his eyes as he ran one hand up my leg, stopping just inside my thigh. I moaned at the rough trace of his weathered hand against my soft skin. He grabbed the sides of my panties and forced them down the rest of the way as I untangled my feet from them and watched him lift the lace to his nose.
“Fuck yes,” he said, almost under his breath.
I pressed my thighs together tightly as my clit throbbed. I wanted him to fuck me into next week.
“Keep going.” He stroked his cock, devouring the sight of my legs spread against the sheets.
“Spread them wider,” he ordered.
My pulse hammered in my ears as I opened my legs, spreading my thighs further apart. I rubbed myself methodically, allowing my fingers to explore, slowly gliding in and out, before tracing upward again, coated in the evidence of how much I needed him inside me. I smoothed the silky wetness over my clit, onto my smooth pussy lips.
“I love bald pussy,” he breathed appreciatively as he watched me rub my clit in slow circles.
Being like this for him, legs open, pussy exposed and gleaming wet while he stood there, cock in hand, turned the naughty factor up to 110 and then some. He ran his hand over my calves, between my thighs and wound himself between my legs. He shoved his fingers in. Then, suddenly, his cock slid deep inside, and I gasped, riding the waves of pleasure with each thrust.
Not wanting to cum yet, I had him lie on his back and I straddled him. I took him inside me slowly and deeply, moving in small circular motions at first and then grinding my wet pussy onto him as hard as I could. Moving faster and faster, my tits bounced with the rhythm I kept astride him, his hands on my hips. The muscles of his arms and torso flexed along with the motion, his dark skin shimmering with sweat. Grabbing my ass with his hands, he spread my cheeks wide and went even deeper inside. A moment later, he was coming inside me, exploding.
“I’m not done yet,” he growled as he moved down between my legs, kissing my inner thighs, his lips soft and hot. His tongue parted me, slickening my juicy pussy with his saliva. His tongue painted insistent swirls on my clitoris until I was gripping the sheets and moving my body up to meet him.
“Mmm, you taste so good,” he murmured, his fingers now joining his mouth, slowly gliding in and out, agonizing me. With the rigid tip of his tongue, he rubbed my clit over and over and over until I was panting for breath. Then he stopped.
His mouth hovered near my pussy, and he pulled back. My head pounded with blood, and I shifted restlessly. I wanted to come. I needed to come. Desperately.
He blew warm breath across my clit and began sucking and licking more urgently than before. Before I could register this new tactic, his mouth was back on me, his tongue back at me. Working me. Then I felt that rush, fast and hot, and the mounting energy as his urgent tongue fluttered and flicked, while his fingers darted in and out. All I could do was shut my eyes and arch back, shuddering, dying as I exploded with a new kind of pleasure. Moaning into the ceiling, his tongue lapped relentlessly at me. I pulled a pillow over my mouth to muffle my cries.
His lips, wet with my pussy juice, greedily found my mouth and I relished in the scent, the taste, the feel of him. The room smelled of our sex, musky and sensual. My mouth found his cock again and I lapped and sucked with abandon. Licking his balls, gently sucking each one. Then again, taking him fully into my mouth and down the back of my throat hole. His hips spasmed forward as he asked me to stop. When I refused, he grabbed my hair just hard enough to get my attention and send a fresh rush of wetness to my pussy.
“Can I fuck you in the ass, baby?” he asked
Without answering, I moved up to where he wanted me, his spit-slick cock standing straight up. He held it for me and I straddled him, eager to feel him everywhere. I sank down on him slowly and gasped as his member filled my tight hole until I was able to ride him up and down. Rubbing my wet, swollen, sensitive clit with one hand and raking my nails down his chest with the other, it was obvious he enjoyed the view as my tits bounced again in rhythm as I moved. I felt another hot rush as the waves of pleasure ran through my body for what seemed like the hundredth time and his orgasm met my own.
“That was the hottest fucking thing,” he laughed as I collapsed beside him, exhausted and stupidly happy.
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yeah-oh-shit · 5 years
so im still trying to figure out wtf dracula was all about and if there is a deeper meaning at all. i compiled a list of all my observations - especially places where it might relate to sherlock, things that seem odd/out of place, important thematic moments, anything that is unexplained. idk if i will come back to this to try to piece it together more, but i needed to get it all down so i could look at it in its wholeness. in case you are interested, here is my commentary, any “points of interest,” i found, below the cut. 
episode 1:
vampirism is a contagion, sister agatha asks harker if he had “sexual intercourse” with dracula right away - aids
flies everywhere, on windows, the camera lens, one flies into harker’s eye
why did dracula let himself become such an old man? no one good to eat? (i’ve been telling everyone for years that you are what you eat)
story told by harker w/sister agatha interviewing him, almost leading him on
harker’s written account is unreliable
woman in disguise - mina (reminds me of mary)
rainbow lighting
spiral candles match spiral bedpost
sister agatha mentions a “point of interest”
dracula calls jonathan johnny (john mirror?)
inconsistencies: picture of mina changes from right to left, harker says no one calls him johnny (but mina later shows that she does - johnny blue eyes)
dates - 12th, 19th, and 29th (!!)
scene very similar to the fall - “you are me,” dracula tries to get harker on his side but harker refuses
dracula says he will “destroy everyone and everything you love” in england
harker is found by sailors and said to be a drowned man walking/talking after he falls from castle dracula
lots of queer coding and it’s during the parts where dracula is shown as the most monstrous and coercive
sister agatha taunts dracula, calls him a beast (rules of the beast), he is indeed shown as beastly
dracula licks a knife in a suggestive way (moriarty)
inviting dracula in leads to death
harker doesn’t remember what happened to him (doesn’t know he is dead)
harker doesn’t know what mina’s face looks like
mina says a line much like mary’s (“i decide who you are”)
sister agatha mentions having a detective acquaintance in london (!!)
dracula is an old man for most of the episode, doesn’t come off as flirty or sexy to me, just seems coercive, controlling, and creepy. we barely get any time w/harker and dracula together, doesn’t seem like they have much chemistry
jonathan in and out of dream, weakened, coerced
he keeps going deeper into the castle and eventually discovers dracula’s undead and even dracula’s crypt itself but can’t find the person who wrote him a note
castle is a maze but jonathan discovers the map (hiding behind a portrait, deduces this in a way that makes pretty much no sense)
sun is equated to lover’s face
dracula never seems to lie, just says things in a truthful way that is obfuscated (except for when he knocks the mirror over and claims to being clumsy)
dracula wants to go to england bc he thinks the most cultured and rich people live there (aristocratic bullshit) but it is reinforced so many times that somehow him being choosy has helped him to live a long time .. confusing
episode 2:
starts w/dracula and agatha talking in his castle. dracula talks about how a story has to be interesting from the beginning, the contract between author and reader, “quality of time”
“there’s a game in progress” “a knight is menacing a queen” “whose knight, whose queen?” “Who’s black, who’s white”
ship in a bottle
whole episode takes place on a big ship
sokolov (anderson) is captain (steering the ship)
mind palace/dreaming (sr. agatha and dracula) in castle but actually in room 9 on ship
mr balaur (dragon - dracula) brought all these people together
7 passengers on the ship (unusual, stated multiple times, i don’t think we are ever told significance?)
one sick - captain is only one allowed in
piotr isn’t who he says he is
dracula kills dorabella (very flirty with her) talks about mirrors showing the truth - “one can always find a mirror if one tries” “mirrors are a deeper and more dangerous magic than most people understand. mirrors can give us space to imagine or worse, show us the truth”
“this marriage is a necessary evil”
confirmed gay couple (lord ruthven and adisa) - lord ruthven talks about sleeping with his wife in front of adisa constantly (cruel), adisa is disguised as a servant, adisa seems to really love ruthven
many people jump ship when everyone starts dying
lord ruthven is both very gay and very mean - and into dracula
dracula and agatha play chess
“the purpose of an alias seems to have alluded you” (mr. balaur means dragon means dracula, a disguise is “always a self portrait”)
dracula says he is choosy (so does agatha) but also recognizes that he is an addict (agatha’s word)  - claims to be choosy and to be like everything in same breath
dracula called a beast, acts very animal around blood - can’t control himself
agatha loses time during chess, notices dracula is winning now, is also drinking blood out of a glass
he tells her to “forget about the chess and concentrate on the game”
dracula frames agatha, almost kills her via hanging (despite trying to “savor” her)
sister agatha claims she is a vampire and then tries to prove dracula is one
lord ruthven wants to be “partners” with dracula
somehow dracula appears out of nowhere in the cabin of dr. sharma
vampire’s kiss is an opiate - makes people dream
emphasis on the fact that the daughter can see (eyes!), her father has a scar over his right eye
dracula flirts with everyone
no one suspects dracula even though its really obvious it is him?? he is being hella suspicious?
daughter (who sees dracula killing) doesn’t tell anyone, later kills herself by drinking a potion to avoid becoming infected
sister agatha is infected/dying, losing fingernails (like harker)
dracula will die without his soil
captain sokolov stays behind in ship w/agatha, piotr and cook escape
agatha discovers extra soil in dracula’s bed, realizes the fire didn’t kill him
dracula attacks sokolov but somehow he doesn’t die and can’t walk even though his wound is in his neck but still is able to DRAG himself?
dracula explains fear of cross as fear of oppression that he has inherited from eating peasants (but he is very choosy with his diet?)
ship sinks, sister agatha dies (implied, which is confusing bc harker also goes into the sea and doesn’t die.. maybe it has to do with the fact that she doesn’t have any soil? but neither did harker? vampire lore seems convoluted and confusing) dracula finds his soil (in the water)
dracula wakes up, goes ashore, its modern day and helicopters, a spot light, police cars, and modern day sister agatha greet him
episode 3:
weird vibe generally.. almost reminds me of tfp w/lighting and how it feels so off from the rest
dracula shows us that what he sees in the mirror is who he truly is (at least that is what is implied) an old ugly man
dracula is weird and kinda cute when he is amazed by modern times
we learn that agatha apparently died even though she was just in water and harker survived and was a “drowned man walking and talking” ?
jack (another john mirror?) is in love with lucy, there are a lot of scenes in a club ?, lucy gets engaged to a texan named quincy (who was apparently a main character in the original book and is an asshole in this). all these characters kind of suck
jonathan harker keeps calling jack, we are supposed to think he saved the jonathan harker foundation’s phone number in his phone as just “jonathan harker”? seems weird
jonathan harker  foundation was started by mina, supported by agatha’s family
lots of allusions to jonathan harker foundation getting money from a “bad” source - too much money to just be about science
mercenaries - one has a tattoo like assassin in sherlock
there is a moving clock on the floor of dracula’s cell/cage
dracula asks why he has a toilet when he is a vampire and we never get an answer
dracula’s cage looks like silence of the lambs (like A LOT)
blood is LIVES, dracula helps zoe get a sample of his blood by cutting his wrist with his fingernail - tells her “you have everything you need to know” when she takes his blood (dracula tells zoe, she drinks his blood)
“women don’t have rights, no one has rights” “dracula has rights” ???
zoe starts hallucinating/communicating w/agatha
zoe is agatha’s great niece apparently
dracula does a weird deduction thing about people from smelling or tasting their blood
dracula can’t drink zoe’s blood bc she has cancer and he can’t drink blood of the dying (which seems weird but ok)
renfield (mark) is dracula’s lawyer and seems to become obsessed with him
dracula identifies as a “warlord”
renfield is helping dracula w/“world domination”
dracula is on dating apps, renfield tries to find him people to eat, but he seems dissatisfied
dracula works out (like mycroft)
dracula (d) texts lucy uses vampire emoji
lots of gay/bi/purple lighting
dracula becomes obsessed w/lucy bc she is not afraid of him (or anything) and seems “almost in love with death”
lucy is shown as shallow and obsessed with her looks, but also seems to not like always being seen/watched bc she is beautiful
dracula and lucy are meeting up and she is letting him drink her blood
they meet up and he talks about liking having her “consent” because no one has ever given it before, but also says that it doesn’t really matter and that he doesn’t love her and will never love her
lucy likes the dreams dracula gives her - no one can see her
9 graves of undead
dracula tells lucy not to be cremated because its painful
“boofer lady”- beautiful lady - undead child follows lucy home
renfield sits in a car during their meeting and eats a fly
dracula kills lucy so she can become a vampire, she can’t move but the mirror shows that she is still alive?
we see dracula’s old man face in the mirror multiple times
lucy is burned, and for some reason keeps seeing herself as beautiful in mirrors
agatha (in zoe’s head) talks about the money coming from a bad place again but says she “can’t see it” because zoe doesn’t like to think about it
lucy, jack, zoe, and dracula all meet in dracula’s house
lucy flirts w/jack and he seems disgusted, they force her to take a selfie and see herself as she really is
lucy freaks the fuck out about being ugly and burned and seems to be more obsessed with her beauty after dying which is weird because she seemed to be almost bitter about it when she was alive (didn’t care about or fear anything)
dracula says she will always be burned (why? jonathan survived being drowned, etc. dracula survived fire?) and that he doesn’t care
jack says he will always want to kiss her (even though he was just freaked out by her like 20 seconds ago) kisses her and kills her (at her request)
dracula seems unfazed? even though she was his “greatest bride” ?
zoe has been taken over by agatha? and realizes what the one thing is that dracula fears (the thing that ties together the sun, cross, and needing an invitation - apparently the soil thing doesn’t matter anymore..)
“only one thing in this world you are truly afraid of” - she knows, he doesn’t
he cannot bear to look in a mirror, won’t stand revealed in the sun, needs an invitation to come in - not real things, he has internalized the legends
zoe/agatha says that he was a warrior and so was his entire family (all his relatives, father, brothers, sons, were war heroes who died on the battlefield but not him)
he is the warlord who “skulks in the shadows and steals the lives of others”  and is “unwelcome everywhere” “sleeps in a box of dirt but dreams of a warriors grave”
he fears death the most - the cross represents going willingly to death to him, somehow the sun represents this too? (possibly he is afraid to seeing himself/the truth, same as the mirror)
it is never explained how the invitation thing is tied in.. assuming its because he feels “unwelcome everywhere” ?
she pulls the curtain and he doesn’t burn in the sun, shows him it was his fear of death and his shame all along
can’t conquer death until you face it without fear - “the game is over, you lose, you will live forever in shame”
dracula steps into sun, faces his shame
he faces his fear of death by drinking agatha’s blood, thus dying by suicide (which we were already told vampires can’t do)
gross fiery sex scene with agatha and dracula, he gives her a dream so she will have a nice death
“after all this time did you think I’d let it hurt?” ???
they are in a burning sun and are naked together in a circle, we see dracula’s butt again
it ends with the sun
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Golden Hearted
Chapter 2/6
This turned out way longer than expected... over 3.5k words
Quick note, if you're unfamiliar with inhumans... her origins may be a little confusing ~
Oh and I'm swapping the order of 2 of movies, hope no one minds:))
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The jet left them a few miles away, having to hide their presence so they wouldn't spook her, but Thor had been impatient the entire the flight there. As soon as the airlock opened he took on ahead, hammer in hand, ignoring The Captain's shouts. He prouded himself for having grown a lot in the past few years, having learned from his lessons and becoming more calculated with time. It all seemed to have gone out the proverbial window as the aircraft hit the ground. He was filled with a thrill he couldn't explain, something akin to the one before a battle. He blamed it on the urgency of the situation, the Tesseract was highly important and it needed to return to Asgard as soon as possible. But deep down he knew he was lying to himself. And doing quite a poor job at it, too.
The mansion came into view fast, golden statues decorating the front lawn in dissaray. It was quite huge compared to other midgardian houses, but not much compared to anything on Asgard. As he got closer, he realized the figures were not statues at all, but human men encased in gold, their faces forever twisted in horror. It was a cruel fate and he wondered if they died instantly or slowly suffocated on the inside. He was not scared of the woman and he was not one to turn down a fight, but even he had to admit what he was doing was foolish - going head first to an enemy he knew close to nothing about. Could she turn him to gold as well? Could she do it from afar or did she need to touch him? Will he join the poor souls scattered in her garden?
None of the scenarios he played in his head as he pushed open the heavy doors could have prepared him for what actually happened.
Evelyn had been expecting the Avengers to make their entrance sooner rather than later. The blue toy she acquired was even more spectacular than she could have ever dreamed, it gave her the power she had always wished her: teleportation. She was happy with her newfound set of skills. Never had she thought a silly supplement pill was going to give her powers and flying was still pretty neat. But as it was human nature to crave just a little more, it could have been better.
Though, apparently she was not entirely human. On the other hand, inhuman was rather dramatic and made her feel like she just had to be bad. Or at least just a bit on the morally gray side. She wasn't entirely sure if the Terrigen did more to her than activate her powers. In the brief explanation she was given by some S.H.I.E.L.D. agents she was left under the impression some people were not as lucky as she had been with her new abilities. She should probably stop complaining about not getting exactly what she wanted and be grateful she hadn't grown scales or went insane instead.
The truth was she had always harbored a darker side, pushed deep down by society's never-ending list of rules and proper etiquette and a desire to make her mother proud. But under those layers of pristine white shirts and ugly plated sweaters there had always been a little devil waiting to burst out. It would have been tragically comedic if she would have sprouted horns and turned red, but in a poetic justice kind of way. Thought it seemed that the Terrigen didn't care much for moral alignment.
She petted the orange tabby that brushed by her leg, one of the many strays she had gathered over the day and a half she had been living there and went to the window. She was admiring her handiwork on the front lawn, wondering if she should add one more statue on the far left corner by the hedges, when he came down from the sky. She had not been expecting the God of Thunder to show up.
After her encounter with Earth's mightiest and after she stole from them, research had been in order. She spent way more time than she cared to admit to anyone reading about each and every one of them. People everywhere were curious about New York and the heroes that saved them and news, or sometimes just rumors, blasted the internet like wildfire. She found more about some and close to nothing about others, but what everyone was clear on was that the gods of Thunder and Mischief had went back to Asgard. Yet there he was, looking all sorts of hot and just a little bit angry. The smirk on her lips was impossible to control as she made her way to the door to greet her first guest of the day. She was going to enjoy herself a little bit.
Thor pushed the door open prepared for anything. Or so he had thought.
She had been right there by the door and in the second it took him to realize, her arms were around his neck pulling him further inside the hallway, soft lips crashing onto his, sweet and warm and entirely irresistible. And so he kissed her back, their mouths like two pieces of a puzzle. Her nails scraped the back of his neck as she grabbed a hold of his hair. Her body was pressed flushed to his as she was floating off the ground, just a bit above him, and for a moment she felt like she was slipping away. On instinct, his own arms encased around her frame pressing her even tighter to him and she smiled into the kiss, biting his lover lip when she pulled away.
"And I thought you'd never come." She was just as he remembered her from that day: confident and flirty. And a little too dangerous. His grip tightened around her, but this time to make sure she wasn't going to escape. Her intoxicating smile only grew, her eyes lighting up with what he could only call, for lack of a better word, mischief. Still in his arms she let her finders trace one of the clasps on his cape and it started turning golden beneath the skin. It spread like ink on paper and stopped suddenly as her hand took hold of his chin instead and lifted his head to meet her sharp gaze. "Careful there, handsome. It would be a real shame if you'd be reduce to a garden gnome."
"I'm not here for games. We know you took the Tesseract. It belongs on Asgard." She traced a finger from his chin down his neck, her eyes soft and warm. She looked nothing like the killer she truly was. Or was she? Maybe she couldn't have killed him on the spot, but her seemingly delicate hand was still resting just above the collar of his armor.
"Maybe I should visit there next. I imagine it's quite the sight."
"The only place you'll be visiting is a prison cell." She laughed, placing her head on his shoulder like it was the most natural thing to do.
"Oh you're so sweet, thinking any prison could hold me." He wondered if he should demand she be taken to Asagard to be imprisoned. If Loki couldn't escape, Evelyn surely had no chance. But before his thought was fully formed her lips were by his ear, a shiver running down his spine as her hot breath tickled.
"Your friends are finally here." She was out of his grasp in an instant, her hands pushing his apart just enough to fly up and away. As the team barged through the door he finally took her in better, the silky black robe hanging dishevel from her body. Her arms were covered under the long selves, but her legs were bare and neckline revealing. He was glad he hadn't noticed her state of undress when she had been in his grip. She wicked at him when his gaze finally went from the ridiculously low helm of the robe to her meet her eyes.
"Miss Evans, there doesn't need to be a fight." The Captain stepped forwards, reminding Thor there were other people in the room now. What would they have thought if they came just minutes earlier and saw them in their embrace? What had he been thinking? From the air above them, Evelyn sighed and crossed her arms, the top of her breasts even more in sight.
"I imagine there will be, I'm not handing over the cube."
The arrow was shot without warning, but she still caught it with little effort. What she didn't count on was the explosive on it. She was blasted on the opposite wall, the air being momentarily knocked out of her.
"Find the Tesseract!" The redhead took off running along the hallway. Evelyn almost smirked, but she decided to play it as if she was worried. No need to play all her cards just yet. She pretended to go after the other woman, but as the Captain came to intercept her she turned, taking him by surprise mid jump and hitting him square in the face. What followed was a series of dodging various things throws at her, from shields to hammer to arrows. She learned her lesson with the last one, no more catching stuff. They were good opponents,but her focus turned to the one who claimed he was a damned God. She had seen him fight in New York; he was not on his best game. Was it perhaps because of her? She made it her mission to taunt him.
"God of Thunder or not, you're getting slow." She flew around him, his other 2 team mates stuck under a bookcase she punched them in. Her hands went around his neck from behind, her chin resting on his shoulder as he tried to grab at her. "Or maybe your heart's not really into this fight. Rather we'd be up for other things."
"Stop this nonsense!" His large hand took hold of her ankle and he pulled her off him. Or more precisely, she let go and floated in front of him, his fingers still curled around her leg. She smiled innocently, but her eyes spoke of sins, daring him to move his gaze up her leg. He heard the Cap finally help Clint from under the pile of books and splintered shelves and was met with her other led in his face as she spun in mid air. He was sent flying, releasing her ankle in the process. She was gone from sight for maybe a moment, before returning with Natasha, her hand glowing around the Widow's neck, the fabric of her suit already turning to gold.
"Guys, we have a problem." The redhead had the Tesseract in hand, or rather, just the carcass of it, one of the sides smashed open. It wasn't glowing anymore, clearly missing whatever had been inside of it. The sleeve on her right hand, the one curled around Natasha's neck, moved up her arm revealing a blue stone encased in a golden bracelet. She already had the Space Stone on her, they lost before the fight even begun.
"This is going to play in two ways. One, you leave here, never come back and we all live happily ever after. Or two, your friend here is going to be very shiny in a minute." Her eyes snapped to Clint as he was pulling on the bow's string. "I may not have time to fully turn her, but she will have one hell of a hard time ever breathing again." He lowered the bow reluctantly, his jaw clenched.
"Just let her go and we'll be out of your hair." The Captain put his shield down and held his hands up in surrender as he took another step towards the two women.
"And for a short while you maybe actually will..." She looked serious then, lips in a tight line and brows furrowed, no more games. She looked at each of them in turn, lingering just a moment longer on Thor. "You really don't have anything better to do than chase little ol' me and this silly blue rock?"
Just as she said that Stark's voice echoed Natasha's in their earpieces. "Guys, we have a problem."
They didn't get to hear the rest of it, the roof coming down on them in a blaze. Evelyn used the stone to get outside, discarding her hostage there with a push. She went back into the house, zapping in and out of places, making sure all her kittens had gotten out safely and saving one that got trapped behind a fallen door. She got back outside, feline in hand, the once pristine white fur covered in some sooth. She scowled at the small patch of dirt like it had insulted her entire blood line.
The day was turning more troublesome than she had anticipated and she was thinking of just getting out of there and leaving everything behind. It would take them a while to find her in some small town in Japan and she was pretty sure the cherry trees were in full boom that time of the year. She cared very little for the house in particular, but she did long for a place of her own. Next time, she will just buy the damn thing with gold. She turned to see the rest of the Avengers scurrying out of the flames, Thor helping the limping archer. She looked at the Asgardian, his long hair clinging to his face from the heat inside, his jaw so sharp and well defined it could probably cut diamonds. She remembered the feeling of being crushed in those strong arms, his lips on hers hungry for more. There was definitely some chemistry there and it was a god dammed shame he wasn't up for some more fun, even it turned out to be jut that - some harmless fun. Their eyes met across the lawn of golden statues and after a moment he frowned. She blinked out of sight the next second, completely missing the robot that blew her mansion up.
She was halfway across the world, underneath a cherry tree with a bottle of sake, Gandalf - the white kitten - snoozing on her lap, when news of Ultron reached her. She hadn't stopped to analyze why or who fired at her house that day and it turned out to bite her in the ass. The Avengers were an annoyance, sure, but that murderous robot was something else entirely. She scrolled on the phone, her mind already half made to interfere, when she stumbled on a video of the AI.
"I was designed to save the world. People would look to the sky and see... hope. I think I'll take that first. There's only one path to peace: their extinction."
Well she couldn't have that, could she? She looked up the robot a little more, until she found something big was going down in Sokovia. That had to be good enough. She chugged the rest of her sake and let out a long sight. For being called Earth's mightiest heroes, the Avengers were sure attracting a lot of trouble. She stood up, placing Gandalf on the blanket in her stead and straightening her kimono before using the stone still on her bracelet to get to where all the action was at.
She hadn't expected to find Sokovia in the air, slowly ascending. She cocked her head at the sight, arms crossed and lips pursed. She should have probably researched more, but she doubted she'd understand the science behind it or the reasoning of an AI gone rogue. She flew closer to the edges of the city, still cautious of the whole thing when she heard screaming from her left. There was the good ol' Captain America trying hard to keep two cars from falling over the crumbling edge. She was already flying towards them when the cars slipped forward and a second later she was beneath one of the cars, stopping it midair. The other one flew past her, but there was no one in it anymore. As she flew up towards the edge, she saw the Captain and Thor looking strangely at her, car held overhead. She placed it on the ground with a thud, the family inside scurrying away to safety.
"What are you doing here?" The God of Thunder sounder almost panicked. She eyed him curiously, eyebrow raised. He had been missing from a few of the heroes' fights with the AI, but she hadn't taken it as anything. Those reports were mostly speculations and hearsay anyway, but there was something strange about him, something different.
"Well, that's a nice way to thank me. I should just go, let you guys handle... this." Annoyance was seeping through her every word as she gestured towards the edge of the road, large chunks still falling away.  He glared at her and turned to walk away.
"Go ahead, we don't need you."
"Actually we could really use all the help we could get." The Captain chimed in, looking her up and down before nodding once more. "Don't think this gets you off the hook for the Tsseract though."
"One crisis at a time, right?" She winked at them and darted towards the sky where a flock of robots were coming in, smashing them to pieces with her bare fists. They looked like the Ultron fellow, but not quite and she figured if she killed the brain the minions would follow. Wasn't quite sure what the floating country would do in that scenario... hopefully descend back in it's place painfully slow. She was scouring the place, punching robots and occasionally helping people to safety when the blonde god turned up again, his hammer getting a robot that had snuck behind her and the two kids she was leading away from the street and into the carrier. She turned towards him, the kids running toward who she assumed were their parents.
"I could have handled it."
"Sure you did."
They smacked a bunch more of the metal pests, their supply seemingly endless. He got quite a few at a time with his hammer and she observed his tactics and tried mimicking a few. She was strong, but had little experience in actual fighting. So as he grabbed a mini-Ultron and swung him at his brethren she copied the move, a little squeal of excitement leaving her lips. She knew how to punch stuff, that wasn't hard, but it was actually kind of fun to smash things in style. They were back to back again, robots swarming around and Evelyn got that deja vu feeling.
"This reminds me of New York." She offered the god a cheerful smile, but his scowl seemed to only deepen. Had she lain insult on him and his family somehow? Was his ego that bruised over not retrieving the damn glowing stone from her? "So, would you fill me in on what's happening around here? I seemed to have misplaced my earpiece." She was met with more silence from the man, albeit they were busy tearing robots apart. Still, it bothered her she had no idea if there was a plan in sight or not. They were evacuating the civilians, so things were not looking good. They were done with the latest batch of Ultron's spawns and she flew away from him. No need to ponder on what was going in that pretty head of his, not her problem.
She made her way to across Sokovia, smashing and punching robots here and there, but still no sight of Ultron. She was about to search for any other Avenger besides Thor to get some information, when she stumbled upon the archer, Hawkeye, with a kid in his arms. A ship came in sight, guns drawn, before she could even open her mouth to ask any question. Now, she had very little experience with any of the mess she found herself in, crazy AI and floating chunks of earth, but that aircraft screamed trouble. It started firing but she was on it, picking up a long metal pole, probably from a street light, and throwing it like a javelin. It hit the guns straight on, but not before she got hit in the shoulder.
The next couple of minutes were a blur. For all her strength, she was a bit of a baby when actual pain hit her. Or perhaps she had gotten too used to not feeling it. She had gotten hurt in New York as well and at her mansion a few days before, but those were scratches and bumps compared to whatever was happening to her then. Blood was soaking her kimono, so it was probably not pretty. She didn't quite dare look.
What she remembered came in flashes. A white haired man appearing out of nowhere and stumbling before them, right leg bloody. Hawkeye helping her and the man to the carrier, the three collapsing on the floor. She remembered hearing thunder like never before, right before Sokovia was blown to bits. And she remembered Thor coming on the carrier, all wet. Even with all the blood loss she would have still teased him a little, if not for the surprise and concern in his steel blue eyes when they landed on her. Her breath caught in her throat at the sight, her patchy vision focusing only on him.
And then he took a step towards her and she blinked away.
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venusparker · 7 years
storms ↬ p.p
prompt: with tony stark’s eye on the newest superhero, he asks peter to keep an eye on them, only to be met with some complications.
warnings: nothing really, just flash being a dick i guess. also kinda long guys 
notes: highkey got this idea after watching “beautiful creatures,” and i got inspired by a scene in there after watching it for the fourteenth time. this is so random and it’s a little different than my other imagines because there’s a lot more plot to it and i’m thinking of making this into a mini series if you guys enjoy it! tell me what you think and i hope u enjoy xo
Peter Parker, though he’d never admit it, is keen on having a routine.
Though he could say that changed after becoming Spider-Man, because of course how could he not, even being a superhero had become a part of his schedule, taking up certain (maybe estimated in the slightest) times when he preferred to go out and about and explore Queens, maybe even further out into New York if he had the time. 
When there was a robbery or break in, or worse God knows what, he always had a game plan—or, at least a something that would allow him to think things through somewhat.
He liked being more cautious and prepared than he’d like to think (because he doesn’t like to see himself as boring, which to be fair, he really isn’t), almost as much as he also liked the spontaneity of his adventures.
The thing, basically, about Peter was that he liked getting used to things—it made his nervous self feel better about a situation when his anxiety seemed to endlessly spike through the roof. Which was not a problem, really, because Peter tended to get used to people, ideas, and new environments quite easily. After all, how else could he deal with Tony Stark suddenly taking him under his wing without freaking out too much?
However, Peter still had yet to get used to you.
Peter knows he’s technically supposed to be the one watching over you ever since Mr. Stark told him so. You were—in a completely non-objectifying way, Tony just couldn’t think of a different noun—the newest project, an underground superhero that he had been researching over at Stark Industries after stumbling upon a video of you in your suit, fighting off some bad guys that the government was supposed to take care of; a project that he so thoughtfully handed over to Peter upon finding out that the both of you went to the same school.
Just how Tony Stark found out who you were without knowing what you looked like under the mask, Peter will never know, even though the same thing happened to him. But he knew one thing: you were now his responsibility.
Not that he minded exactly. You two had always been friendly with each other, and you were in most of his classes—and really, you guys are close enough to be considered friends, having each other’s phone numbers and all, but it wasn’t enough for him to suddenly be keeping an eye on you without you becoming the least bit suspicious. 
He was more than sure that you could handle yourself, seeing as you managed to take out villains twice your age and twice your size faster than the government could (Peter’s still incredibly amazed by that), but Tony wanted reassurance.
And Peter wanted to impress Tony.
Tony Stark had said something along the lines of you being still very new to your powers, and that it was easy for you to lose control, both of which were dangerous when mixed with each other. 
If it had been something subtle like Peter’s super strength or spidey sense, or wall climbing—all of which he could easily hide even when he first started being Spider-Man—then maybe it would be more simple. Unfortunately, your powers didn’t have that luxury. You had the powers of manipulating and creating elements and weather at command, and unfortunately, also at emotion.
To put it simply: since you’re so fresh to this world, this newfound gift and burden, you getting angry could cause a lightning storm any second and that wouldn’t be pretty. And so, there Peter was, staring at you as you sat a lunch table away from him, figuring out how to tell you this.
If he was going to keep an eye on you, he might as well tell you the truth, right? He’d rather have that than you thinking he was a complete and utter stalker, and he’s sure that telling you he’s Spider-Man would be the one, reasonable exception to his Try & Keep It A Secret rule
He wonders if you had told anybody, like your best friend who was currently sitting in front of you, laughing at something you had said. Or maybe you told your parents. Maybe you hadn’t told anybody. You were young, just like he was, and he was quickly beginning to wonder how other teenagers handled and reacted to having a life like this, a life full of danger and risks at such a small growing age.
“Dude, you are staring!” Peter hears Ned whisper to him urgently, and he turns his head to see Ned rolling his eyes and quietly groaning. “Since when were you so interested in [Y/N] eating lunch?”
Peter sighs, then blushes, but coughs to cover it up. “Shut up, Ned. It’s nothing, it’s just Stark stuff.”
Ned narrows his eyes and takes a sip of his chocolate milk. “Are you absolutely sure, Peter? Because you’re looking at them like it’s a lot more than a Stark Internship on your mind.”
Peter lightly kicked Ned’s chair, blushing even harder, and he let out a nervous chuckle. He had always found you attractive and funny and a good friend, but he refused to let his best friend’s words fluster him. He loved being your friend, but there had always been something about you that he couldn’t put his finger on. Now, with discovering your true abilities, he knows what the something was.
Still, even after knowing, he wasn’t sure he’d ever get used to someone like you.
And truthfully, that wasn’t a bad thing.
“Should I go talk to them?” Peter asks, glancing at you for the umpteenth time while you remain oblivious, wrapped up in conversation with your best friend. “It’s so crazy, Ned. You won’t believe what Mr. Stark found out about [Y/N]!”
“Tell me later, just go. I’m tired of you giving [Y/N] the flirty eye, it’s exhausting,” Ned says simply and Peter rolls his eyes but gets up anyway.
“I wasn’t giving the flirty eye,” he mumbles as he walks away, slowly walking up to your table, stopping the talking between you and your friend.
You look up from your half finished food and give Peter a smile, and a part of you feels excited. You considered yourself to be good enough friends with Peter, but you always found yourself wishing that the both of you talked more. Giving Peter an expectant look, your best friend gives you a discreet smile and makes up an excuse about having to throw away her trash.
“What’s up, Pete?”
Peter stops and pauses. Crap, crap, crap. This whole thing went a lot better in his head. He practically wrote a script of what he wanted to say to you and how to say it and the minute you locked eyes with him—it all vanished. Was that even possible?
Gone, poof! Like he had never even thought of it, and he gulps, counting this as one of the reasons why he prefers to be ready for something. And now, he sweats from embarrassment, and he stands there like a fidgety loser.
His mouth is trying to keep up with his brain, hoping to think of what to say, when it all just slips out.
“I–I know your secret!” He says too quickly and too loud, making you widen your eyes and look around the both of you, and releasing a breath of relief when you realize no one had really cared.
You stand up and move closer to him, unintentionally making the breath hitch in his throat.
“What secret is that, exactly, Peter?” You question and narrow your eyes at him, speaking low yet innocently, like you’re not admitting to anything but if you reach a point where you’d have to, you will.
“I’m—well, I’m Spider-Man and Tony Stark sent me,” He confesses, rushing as he sees Flash make his way over and suddenly Peter wants to shrink in his sweater and disappear. “He knows about you being the one who took out some of those guys who were stealing his dangerous weapons. I can’t believe you never told me!”
“Excuse me? Peter, look at yourself, you never exactly gave me any clues to you being Spider-Man,” you chuckle to cover up how bothered you are that your identity had already been found out by Tony friggin’ Stark and you hadn’t even been a hero that long yet.
You also tried to keep your composure after finding out that Peter Parker was Spider-Man, but you felt your ankles slightly give way and you clutched the wall behind you, playing it off. You gave him a sharp look and added:
“And I’d never be an Avenger.”
At this point, Flash reaches you as the last syllables of the word “Avenger,” slips from your lips and he looks over at Peter.
“Oh what, [Y/N]? Is Penis Parker still trying to convince everybody that he’s friends with Tony and that birdsuit guy?” Flash teases, a taunting smile shot over to Peter and you can see the boy next to you take in a shaky breath and look down.
Though you had tolerated Flash since he could be nice when he wanted to be and was actually a good person deep down, you knew how much of a bully he could be to Peter—the two of them going back and forth, but mainly Flash initiating it and making it worse. It was irrevocably aggravating. So, understandably, that always made you angry.
“First of all, Flash, that birdsuit guy’s name is Falcon, everyone knows that, also it’s not a birdsuit,” You point out snappily, in a snarky tone, and Peter hears distant thunder rolling outside even though the news said today was supposed to be a clear and sunny forecast. “And his name is Peter Parker, not Penis Parker, Eugene Flash Thompson, it’s not that hard really.”
Flash’s smile falters and he backs off, running his fingers over his dark skin. “It was a just a joke, I’m sorry.”
Peter looks outside the window and raises his eyebrows as he sees clouds roll in the harder you clench your fists. He instinctively grabs as your arm, stopping you from taking a step towards Flash.
You make a face. “Well I didn’t find your joke very funny.”
Suddenly, a loud and bright strike of lightning shoots out from the sky, drops of heavy, pouring rain following quickly after, causing Flash to break hold and for you to marvel at what you had just done. Peter quickly jumps to your side, as you accidentally make more lightning strike on the now wet parking lot, throwing an arm around you, nervously chuckling. He guides you to the doors, leaving everyone behind until it’s just you two in the hall.
“Cool it down, cool it down,” He whispers frantically into your ear, and the feeling of his lips brushing against your earlobe in panic instantly does the trick and you’re taking a deep breath and you watch the skies clear up again, once you get rid of the clouds you had conjured.
That’s the thing with your powers. You tended to create more than manipulate (although manipulate is also something you could do if you wanted), meaning you couldn’t use the clouds or the sun or whatever was already there—you weren’t a God after all— and so you mainly made your own. You could make it rain indoors if you felt like it.
That’s what made you so powerful, you figured. That’s why Tony Stark wanted you as part of the Avengers.
“I’m sorry,” You whisper, running a hand through your hair in distress as Ned makes his way over.
“Dude that was awesome, oh my gosh!” Ned rambled excitedly, gleaming at you.
“No it wasn’t, I could’ve started a storm!” You reply reasonably, not caring that Ned now knows as well, because if Peter knew, it was only a matter of time until Ned did. The two boys purse their lips and consider something, making you confused. You furrow your eyebrows, leaning against a locker. “What?”
“Well, I mean…that was pretty awesome, [Y/N],” Peter tells you, giving you a sweet and thankful smile that could make your heart flutter. “Thanks for defending me like that.”
“You could defend yourself, Peter. I’ve heard some of your witty remarks when you think no one can you muttering under your breath in class when you get in trouble for not paying attention,” You give him a grin and you make him go red.
“I think that’s enough superhero talk for one day,” Peter says, “Well, for you.”
“Trust me, we’ll see about that,” you smirk at him, but there’s a glint in your eye, another thing that he can’t get used to, and it’s a glint saying something he can’t read. He finds himself looking away, his face getting hot.
You’ve started another storm, but this time it’s not outside.
It’s in Peter’s head, and his heart, and he’s fiddling with pockets of his jeans. It’s bad, because he knows he’s probably being ridiculous right now but, he wonders if adoring you is something he actually could get used to.
Maybe it already is.
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shannxoxon · 7 years
Raised from perdition
Tumblr media
Read Chapter 1
Read Chapter 2
Read Chapter 3
Chapter 4: Dead Daddy’s club
Pairing: Dean x Reader (season 4)
Summary: You had known the Winchester boys for about a year and a half now, you had met them on a hunt and found out that your dads had worked together a few years back. Sam had been like an older brother to you and Dean… well, you wished Dean had seen you as more than a little sister.
You and Dean are working a case together, but your past comes back to haunt you yet again. You and Dean find out about Sam’s ‘co-curricular’ activites and Dean tells you the truth about what he remembers from the pit.
(Loosely following the events of season 4, this is kinda an orignal story line tho)
Warnings: Swearing, physical violence, more implied smut (finally)
Words: 2,755
Author’s notes: I would love to hear any feedback or suggestions on this fic! also let me know if you want to be tagged in upcoming chapters! Also im really happy with how this chaper turned out so I hope you enjoy it!
You turned the tap and the water came pouring out, you waited for it to heat up before you stepped under the it. You and the boys were back in another dingy hotel, working on cases while trying to stop Lilith from breaking the seals. The boys had gone out for some food, so you finally got a chance to hang out in the room by yourself. It had felt like you hadn’t had a shower in years, in this job you were constantly covered in blood or dirt so taking a shower was always like a fresh start. You ran your hands through your Y/H/C coloured hair and washed out as much grease from it as you could. You grabbed a shaver from the shelf and hacked at the hair on your legs then washed yourself with the complimentry body wash that smelt mostly of chemicals. You stepped out of the shower and wrapped yourself in a towel, you always forgot to bring in clean clothes when you got into the shower. You dried your hair and gave it a brush before putting it up into a messy bun on your head. You opened the door into the bedroom to get dressed when you notice Dean sitting at the table eating a slice of pie. “What the hell, I thought you guys went out to eat” you held onto the towel to stop it from falling down. “We got it to go.” Dean mumbled, his mouth full of food. Dean’s eyes wondered over your body, he had seen you in less before but it had been a while since that night. You grabbed your clothes and headed back into the bathroom to change, Dean didn’t take his eyes of you until you closed the door. You walked back out after a minute in one of Dean’s old tshirts (You didn’t really have much clothes with you so you took all the hand-me-downs you could get) that almost covered your knees. Dean liked it when you would wear his clothes. “Did you get me anything” you ask, hopeing he brought you back something to eat. He passed you a burger and you took a seat next to him. “Where’s Sam?” you ask, taking a bite into your food. “He went to do some research on the case.” you looked over to Sam’s bed, his laptop sitting in the middle of it. “Without his laptop?” you ask, Dean just gave you a shrug and took a sip from his beer. “So what do we know about this case?” you picked up Dean’s beer and take a sip, he gives you a half annoyed, half flirty look, you knew that you had been teasing him after the way you saw him looking at you and you liked it, being in control for once. “Just the usual, woman goes crazy murders her husband and then goes on a killing spree, after she was caught claimed she didn’t remember a thing, said she was possesed.”
You were leaving the police station, you had interveiwed the woman who had killed those people. Her story seemed to fit with any typical demon possession. Now you just had to figure out why. You and Dean made your way back to the motel to meet up with Sam and fill him in on what you had found out. Dean opened the door to the motel room and all of a sudden he fell to the ground, he had been knocked out by a tall, skinny man, another 2 men where standing behind him, there eyes flashed black and you knew right away. The skinny man walked up to you and punched you hard in the gut, you fell to your knees holding your stomach, groaning in pain. “Long time no see” he says to you, you were confused, you dont think you had ever me this demon before, you couldn’t think about it much longer before he knocked you out with the back of your gun. You woke up tied to a chair in a dark room. You could feel your hands and feet had been tied to the limbs of a chair. you tried to lift your head but your whole body seiezed in pain, you assumed the demon must have gone a few rounds with you while you were passed out. Your eyes finally adjusted to the dark room and you could see a few objects around you, you looked over to your right and see Dean tied up like you were, still knocked out. “Dean” you whisper to him, you didn’t want to alert the Demons and let them know you had woken up. “Dean” you whisper again a little louder. You see his head move and his body shift, when he finally came to he tried to free himself from the ropes but it seemed to be know use. “Y/N, you ok,” you gave yourself a quick once over on your body, making sure you had no serious damage. “Yea, I think so” you reply. “What about you?” Dean did the same and checked his body for anything. “Yea, im fine” you wait a second and have another look around the room for anyhing that could help determine where you are, or could help get you out. “So whats the plan Dean?” it wouldn’t be long until the Demons would barge through the door and probably kill the both of you. “Im thinking!” Dean sounded agetatted, he must be at a lose for anyway of breaking free. The door infront of you swings open and the same man from the motel stood before you, he walked in and turned on the light, It looked as if you were in a factory wearhouse somewhere. “Well, if it aint the dead daddy’s club.” the demon looks at Dean then at You, he gives you an evil grin. “And who the hell are you suppose to be?” Dean asks, that all to familiar sarcastic voice was back. “Well Dean we havn’t had the pleasure yet, but I’v heard all about you.” Dean gave the demon his usual smirk “I know, I’m kinda a celebrity.” Dean laughes, followed by a painful cough. The demon turns back to you, he started walking around you, touching your hair, then you bareskin. “Don’t touch her, you bastard” Dean warned. “It’s ok Dean, me and Y/N go way back.” you were confused, you don’t remember who this demon was. “Y/N, you don’t remember? oh that’s to bad we had so much fun together. You and your Daddy had been tracking me down, trying to ruin the fun I was having” you stopped yourself from going back to that night, the one you had tried to forget. “Your Daddy found me and trapped me didnt he, tried to exorcise me” you couldn’t hear the rest, you didn’t want to. “Shut up, just Shut up!” you yelled pulling at the ropes on your arms, wishing yourself loose so you could jump on the son of a bitch and kill him. “But Daddy was a little rusty, made a mistake and I got free. then you walked in, and then we had our fun didn’t we.” Dean was looking at you, but you couldn’t look back. “Don’t listen to him Y/N, he just trying to mess with your head” He wanted to help you but he didn’t know how, he was useless tied up like this. “I made you watch didn’t I, as I tore your Daddy limb from limb” you stopped struggling and your head dropped “I’m going to kill you” you said in a low voice, barley audible. “What was that?” the demon asked. You lifted your head back up and stared at him. You tried your best not to show any fear. “I said, Im going to fucking KILL YOU!” the demon just laughs at you, tearing you up inside. “So what you kidnapped us and now your going to kill us?” Dean asks, he knew you couldnt take much more of his taunting. “Not yet, you know Lilith want’s your brothers head on a spike.” “So this is a trap then? for Sam?” the demon holds up his hand “Ding, Ding, Ding, you’ve hit the jackpot” Dean shakes his head with a smirk on his face, “You think Sam will fall for this?” the demon stops in front of Dean and leans down so they are face to face. “I’m counting on it.” The demon raises his hand and you feel like all the bones in your body begin to break, and your throat closes up. You heard a loud commotion in the other room and suddenly preassure on your body was gone. The door slams open and Sam is standing there, a woman standing next to him and the other demons were lying on the floor. “Well Sam it’s about time you showed up.” Sam held up his hand to the demon and closed his eyes. The demon started shaking and black smoke started to exit his mouth, you couldn’t believe what you were seeing, Sam was excorsising a demon with his mind.
You were back at the motel, your body ached all over. Sam and Dean where outside fighting over what Sam had just done. So you thought it was best to just get out of their way. You pulled of your clothes and put on Dean’s old tshirst, you could hear Dean yelling outside at his brother and he sounded pissed. You sat on Dean’s bed and waited while the boys figured their shit out. To be honest you agreed with Dean, that what Sam was doing was crazy and Ruby was bad news. You knew well enough that all demon’s were just...evil. Dean swung open the door to the motel room and slammed it right behind him, Sam didn’t follow. He walked over to the fridge and pulled out a beer. It was a little awkward, you could tell Dean was angry still and you thought if you said anything to him now he might take it out on you. So you just sat on his bed in silence. Two beers later and finally Dean spoke. “I can’t believe him” you really didn’t want to get yourself involved in the brothers fight, it was a complex relationship they had. “He did save our life.” you say, Dean looked at you with the same eye’s he was giving your brother on the car ride home. “He can exorcise demons with his mind Y/N, thats not normal” you nodded your head, agreeing with him. There was another long pauce before anyone spoke, “So that demon, he killed your dad?” you went silent, “I don’t want to talk about it.” you say. “Look it’s ok, I know what its --” you cut him short “I said I dont want to talk about it Dean” you stood up facing him with your arms crossed. “I just think, it helps to talk about it” you opened you eyes wide, really? you thought, he was such hypocryte. “Ok you want an open hour, lets talk about you huh? what do you remember from hell Dean?” Dean stood up and moved towards you, aggetated that you had brought this topic of conversation up. “I told you, I dont remember a god damn thing.” you knew the truth though, you had known Dean long enough now to know when he was lying. “So the nightmares, they have nothing to do with it?” Dean looked away from you, he was upset. “I don’t know what your talking about.” “Come on Dean, I know you” you move towards him, you were only a few inches away. “What do you want me to say?” Dean yelled, he had never acted like this around you, he was usually calm and gentel with you but this was a knew side of Dean you had never seen before. “I remember everything ok, I remember every god damn thing that happened to me down there. Not only that but 4 months in the pit, it’s like 40 years.” You wanted to reach out and touch him, comfort him but you were frozen. He continued, it was like he had been holding this in and needed to let it out to somene, someone he trusted. “They, uh... They sliced and carved and tore at me in ways that you... Until there was nothing left. And then, suddenly... I would be whole again... like magic... just so they could start in all over. And this demon, Alastair... at the end of every day... every one... he would come over. And he would make me an offer. To take me off the rack... if I put souls on... if I started the torturing. And every day, I told him to stick it where the sun shines. For 30 years, I told him. But then I couldn't do it anymore, Y/N. I couldn't. And I got off that rack. God help me, I got right off it, and I started ripping them apart. I lost count of how many souls.” you noticed his were glassy and filling up with water.  “The -- the things that I did to them. “How I feel... This... inside me... I wish I couldn't feel anything, Y/N I wish I couldn't feel a damn thing.” You knew there was nothing you could say to help him or make it better. You put your hand on his cheek and he leaned into it. You move in and press your lips against his. It was all you could think to do and it seemed to work as you felt his heart beat slow under your hand which was resting on his chest. You pulled away and looked at him. He had a look of shock on his face, you guess he wasn’t expecting what had just happened. For second you thought maybe that wasn’t what he wanted but Dean grabbed the back of your neck and kissed you again, harder. You reached up and put your arms around his neck, you needed to be as close to him as you could get, to make sure he knew you were there. You and Dean needed each other more than you had realised until this moment. Dean started to pick up the pace, the kiss went from gentle to passionate and you let your hands down from his neck to his chest. Dean’s lips wondered from your mouth to your neck and you let out a small moan. That must have set him off because Dean picked you up and pushed you against the wall. You pulled off Dean’s shirt and threw it down on the ground, you let your hands move all around his upper body, taking in how he felt under your finger tips. One of Dean’s hands was still on your ass, holding you up on him, the other was exploring under your top. He moved you over to the bed and pulled your top over your head. You were left basically naked and you had a moment of embarasment, but Dean made you feel comfortable. He placed kisses all over your body, making you moan with each touch. You pulled off his jeans and you were in the exact same position as that night a year ago, you half expected Dean’s phone to ring again or for Sam to walk back through the door, but nothing happened. It was just you and Dean, and for once, in a very long time, you felt genuinly happy.
You woke at around 3am in the morning, Dean had sprung up from the bed sweating and panting, it had been another nightmare. But this time it was different, this time you were there to bring him back to reality. You kissed Dean’s cheek and he turned to look at you. “It’s ok, I’m here.” You both lie back down on the bed you rest your head on Dean’s chest and he warps an arm around you. This felt like what you to had been designed for, to comfort one another, that you would always be there for each other no matter what. “Thank you” you heard Dean whisper to you, you lifted your head from his chest and moved up to his lips, the kiss threatened to become passionate again but you were both exahused so you broke away and layed back down. Even though the world was literally going to shit, and an apocolypse was just begining you had never felt safer than you did right now in Dean’s arms.
To Be Continued...
@polina-93 @stardust1374
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thesocialfables · 4 years
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As another night at Heaven's Hideaway came to an end, best friends Rhapsody and Echo were preparing to head to Remy's House of Shrimp and Grits as they always do in the early morning. Yet, as the clicks of their stiletto heels echoed in trio, Rhapsody grew concerned with what Echo would say about Cameo's continued tag along.
For the last ten years, the two women have been walking the seedy strip club's back halls side by side. While Echo preferred to keep anybody who wasn’t her bestie at a distance, Rhapsody was well-liked by everyone. At least until she walked away, then she became the topic of their conversation - their negative conversations. Rhapsody was used to women being two-faced with her. Much like a sassy gay man, she was a pretty girl’s favorite accessory – a funny fat black girl. The only problem was, Rhapsody was pretty as well. She wasn’t pretty for a big girl, nor was she pretty for a dark skin girl. All by herself, Tangie was a fucking knockout.
"Are you coming to Remy's?" Echo asked as she approached her private dressing room. Rhapsody was sure she was talking to Cameo, but she was surprised herself that she asked. So both women just remained silent as they split off to head down the hall towards the locker rooms. "Nevermind then, bitches."
As Echo slipped inside, Cameo and Rhapsody followed behind her laughing. "I'mma just start responding to everything then, okay.”
"You better. I told you that quiet, shy girl shit is for the floor, and serial killers." As Rhapsody went to close the door behind her, the only girl she ever honestly had a problem with slipped her foot in the door frame to keep it from closing.
"Dante said you had something to give him." September spoke as Cameo looked on confused while Echo watched September closely to make sure she stayed on her side of the doorframe. Meanwhile, Rhapsody bared a smile and moved over towards the locked cabinet inside Echo’s dressing room and pulled out a large gift bag.
“Tell him, I put my Momma’s present in there too, so if he can just leave it in the bag. And also it has her name on it.” While Rhapsody held the bag out for September to take, she thought about her own two faces regarding her relationship with Dante.
“It’s your boyfriend’s birthday?" Cameo asked sweetly. While she was curious, she was mostly just trying to cut the thick tension in the room. As Echo continued to stare at September warningly and it seemed as if Rhapsody was tempting her to try and step inside with the distance between September's reach and the colorful bag that read Happy Birthday.
“Our daughter’s,” Rhapsody gleamed as she stopped toying with September and pushed the bag into her hand. “Her birthday’s tomorrow.”
“You coming to work after, right?” September asked smugly, although she was careful to stay on her side as she took the bag.
“Actually, none of us are. We’re going to King’s Point after.” Echo interjected. “You’ll cover for us though, right?”
“Can’t we all just get along?” Even though those were the words she spoke, Rhapsody slammed the door in September's face before she could answer back to Echo's taunt.
“Your daughter’s father is September’s boyfriend?” Cameo questioned once the trio was alone again.
“We all make mistakes, girl. Even my perfect ass has fallen short once," As Rhapsody answered Cameo's question, Echo stared at her friend. "Or twice," Echo's blank stare continued. "Okay hell, I lost count. He a bum! But that's usually where the best dick be. They be fucking for survival. Niggas like Dante need you to go to sleep, so he can too. Wake you up with breakfast and head. You be all confused and shit.” As Echo began to laugh and change into a simple maxi dress, Cameo chuckled along before pushing her luck in getting to know the two girls a bit better.
“Did you…buy – his present? Nevermind. Sorry, I'll just see y'all later." As Cameo went to leave, Rhapsody and Echo laughed loudly. Echo never cared for Dante, whereas back when they were together, Rhapsody was deeply in love. But now that she saw the truth past Dante's silver tongue, she was glad those days were behind her. At the same time, she hated that since September's arrival, Dante's shortcomings were coming to light.  
“Yes I did. The nigga is a disaster.”  Rhapsody spoke, halting Cameo’s exit. After she and Echo shared a quick chuckle, she changed the subject with the question, “Anyway, you not coming with us to Remy’s?”
"Do I get to go to King's Point too?" Cameo attempted to joke, before quickly apologizing.
“Maybe you should just be quiet.” Rhapsody shot back as she began to change into her street clothes to head to the 24-hour pancake house. "I'm just kidding. You can, if you want. You gotta buy my baby a gift though. She's eight and loves ponies and princesses, but not unicorns or pink.”
"Just get her slime, that's what I did." Echo said as she stood to leave. "You should just bring your stuff in here next time because I'm not waiting for either one of y'all."
“Don’t mind her. She lost her sponsor recently, so she a little touchy." The girls shared a laugh as they headed down the hall towards the exit and locker room.
As they passed by the other women in the hallway, September took it upon herself to remind Cameo of a fact many girls before her had to learn the hard way, "There’s a reason why them two have been a duo for so long. Watch your back, new girl.”
Inside the locker room, as the girls prepared to leave in the early morning for the night, Cameo watched Rhapsody closely with September's voice in her head. While Cameo got dressed to go, Rhapsody spoke to the rest of the dancers, keeping them laughing and smiling. Jokingly teasing everyone that since her, Echo, and Cameo would not be at work tomorrow, the rest of them could finally make some money.
Although she’s been working at Heaven’s for ten years, Rhapsody never performed on the main stage. Her face was not in the lineup of girls advertised inside. She had no pictures in the hall, no locker of her own, or no mirror filled with mementos of her favorite things. She came, and she went as she pleased, navigating the club's back halls better than Alonzo himself. Rhapsody was one of the girls who convinced Cameo that she could make twice the money everyone else did on the main stage, with the right attitude. Simply by speaking to customers, giving out lap dances, serving drinks, and of course, back in the infamous private rooms.
“I kinda want to put my makeup in Echo’s room.” Cameo whispered to Rhapsody as she grabbed her stuff, and they headed out of the locker room.
“Oh, you can call her Dominique. And just put in her car for now, she got her keys, and I'm not about to hunt Buddy down for some makeup.”
“This is Fenty.” The two women locked eyes as Rhapsody paused for a moment, debating if they were going to hunt Buddy or Alonzo down to open Echo’s dressing room just to put up Cameo’s makeup case.
“BUDDY!” Rhapsody called as they headed towards Alonzo's office to find the man to secure Cameo's makeup for the night.  
However, along the way, they managed to find Kendrix, and his shadow Peace, lurking around Alonzo's office. "What you doing back here?" Cameo asked. "You not stalking me already, are you?" Her tone was a little flirty, as her relaxed stride began to saunter as they closed in on the space between them and the two men.
“Girl,” Rhapsody exclaimed loudly. “Go back to not talking!" Even though she stopped to talk to the two men, she used the difference between her full-figured frame and Cameo's petite physique to box her out from the conversation. Prompting her to step on the opposite side of Rhapsody – away from Kendrix. "Y’all seen Buddy? I need to get in E’s dressing room.”
“You don’t have a key?” Peace asked, he too stepping away from Kendrix and moving closer to Rhapsody.
“If I had a key, would I be looking for Buddy?” Rhapsody responded. With her own voice purring for attention, Cameo took the hint that this was a conversation only meant for the two of them and moved further down the hall in search of Buddy.
However, Kendrix did not, as he interjected, "Buddy got a key, and you don't?"
And just like that, Rhapsody was back to yelling. "Fargo, don’t either! Shit! Y'all seen him or not? I'm getting hungry, and my homegirl at Remy's bouta get off. Do you niggas know how to make a perfect Denver omelet?"
“I can make a Spanish omelet.” Peace offered with a hidden smile.
“Don’t nobody want that healthy ass shit. I put pork on my fork.”
“I eat bacon.”
"Egg, bacon, and potatoes?" Rhapsody’s voice returned to a lower register as she and Peace eyes locked. “Wait a minute, you might be on to something.”
“That’s a frittata. Here. Now yo loud ass got your own key." Kendrix said, slipping the key to Echo's dressing room to Rhapsody. "So you going to Remy’s?”
His question was directed towards Cameo, but before she could answer. Rhapsody's voice filled the halls once more. "I eat that shit too! Come on, girl, let's go." Although she called for Cameo to come along, Rhapsody waited until she passed back over the group to follow her to Echo's dressing room. "And I hope y'all got another copy, cause you ain’t getting this shit back.”
While Rhapsody thought this would be the end of their interaction, Cameo turned around to call back to Kendrix. "I might. Why?"
"I'm kinda hungry myself. You?" Kendrix spoke as he looked behind him at Peace. However, he remained silent, locking eyes with Kendrix in hopes to get an understanding as to what the fuck was he thinking.
Behind Cameo, Rhapsody stared down the hall at the man menacingly. Rhapsody genuinely liked Cameo. There wasn't one girl that walked into Heaven's and had a great first day – or even a great first month. It was an adjustment they all once had to make. And just when Cameo was considering giving up, Rhapsody was there to encourage her to keep going. However, her well-meaning intentions didn’t start that way.
Like everyone else, Rhapsody had secrets and wasn't working at the club because she loved the art form. She was here for the money. Cameo, or any of the other girls, weren't aware of the change that was happening at Heaven's. But Rhapsody was, and she didn't plan on missing out. Peace and Kendrix weren't roaming around the back halls because they were stalking their favorite dancers. They worked for Fargo. And unless Alonzo got his shit together, soon everybody would.
"What are y'all doing? I'm not going after 5." Echo's voice broke the silence in the hall, causing a small chuckle from Peace.
Without breaking her eye contact with Kendrix, Rhapsody slipped Echo’s key in her pocket and informed her they were looking for Buddy because Cameo needed to lock up her makeup case. "It's Fenty." she finished up her story to convince Echo that this was, in fact, a matter of importance.
"Why didn't you just text me? Come on, Cameo."
"Bianca, you can call me Bianca. And Kendrix gone come with us. Is that cool?"
"Oh, okay, Bianca." Echo joked as the three women headed back towards her dressing room. "You can go back to not talking now."
“I told her that!”
 Now that they were officially ready to go, the girls headed out to the club's parking lot and started towards Echo and Rhapsody’s cars.
“Are y’all serious?” Cameo asked in disbelief as Echo sauntered towards her sangria colored Lamborghini truck parked right next to Rhapsody’s rose gold Bentley Bentayga.
“Mines is leased." Rhapsody said before laughing loudly into the dark of the morning. "Pick your poison, queen. Or do you have a car?”
"I'mma be quiet now." Cameo plainly said as she walked towards the passenger side of Rhapsody's truck. "I thought this was Lonzo’s car.”
"That nigga drive a Tahoe." While the girls laughed loudly, it wasn't loud enough to cover up Kendrix's thirsty call to Cameo.
"Just ride with me." He spoke, from behind his own luxury whip, a blacked-out Porsche Cayenne. As Cameo prepared to hop right in the car with him, Echo watched Rhapsody’s reaction very closely. As she wasted no time drawing all the attention away from Cameo and onto her.
"Damn, Ken! What happened to the Benz? Shit, I might catch up with y'all later. Fuck that omelet! This car make me wanna do stuff." Cameo chuckled along as Rhapsody's body rolled across the car's hood towards the driver's door. Ending her performance with her breast pressed against the window, as she whispered out, "Free stuff."
Although it was a whisper to Kendrix, both Cameo and Echo heard her loud and clear. As their own responses, Echo cleared her throat before slipping into her truck and starting the engine. While Cameo remembered Echo's words from inside The Upper Room. Deciding she wasn't going to stop Rhapsody's hustle twice in one night, she closed Rhapsody's door before moving to get in the car with Echo.
Meanwhile, in a low enough tone for only them to hear, both Rhapsody and Kendrix questioned the other, “What the fuck is you doing?”
It was silent between the two for a beat, before Kendrix spoke first. “I told you I wanted her.”
“And I told you – no.” Rhapsody shot back just as short.  
"You ain't gone be able to stop me forever, Tangie. She liked it."
“I don’t give a fuck. I said, no.”
“This not even business-”
“I don’t care. N. O. Motherfucker.” As Rhapsody and Kendrix found themselves in a staring contest, Echo's horn blared out three times quickly as a warning signal to Rhapsody.
“What the fuck is you doing?" Dante's voice boomed through the dusky morning, adding more questions to the confusing scene.
“You owe me a fucking omelet," Rhapsody mumbled out to Kendrix, before turning to deal with Dante's permanently bruised ego. "Dante, please don't start with me, I'm hungry, and I'm about to miss breakfast.”
“You selling pussy right here in the parking lot now?” He loudly shot, obviously still confused as to who he was dating.
"And if she is nigga?" Kendrix asked as he began to step out of his car. However, Rhapsody knew it wasn't to defend her or even to argue with Dante for the eleventh million time. It was to get one more chance to persuade Bianca to come with him for the morning.
Therefore, Rhapsody pushed the door close on the man and moved to climb in the backseat. "Dante, just pick up your little side bit- I mean you little girlfriend and stay the fuck out of my business.”
"You are my business Tangie." Dante shot, pulling the girl away from the car, giving Kendrix the chance to step out. "I don’t want you or September fucking around with these lame-ass thirsty-ass niggas.”
“So please explain to me why the fuck was she ever with you?”
“Kendrix,” Peace’s voice rang as he made his way towards the scene. He could see that Kendrix was seconds away from pulling out his gun to handle the 'Dante situation' this morning. "Y'all chill out. Dante, you know ain't none of us fucking with Rhap ass like that. That's all you, my guy. She probably just grabbing some weed.”
Since she was cockblocking on him and Cameo, Kendrix figured he'd add some fuel to the fire, spitting out, "Exactly. What you said the other day, P? A fat bitch can't do shit for me but cook?" Only Kendrix was laughing as Rhapsody looked over to Peace for an explanation.
“That’s not what I meant. I was specifically talking about that particular fat- bigger woman.”
“Same difference.”
“No, not the same. Not even close.”
"Umm, whatever, can I get my weed nigga?" As he prepared to get back in his car and grab Rhapsody some weed for the show, Kendrix passed a look over to Peace, whose little white lie just cost him ten dollars. Because that's all that he was giving Rhapsody's hating ass. "You need to be heading home anyway while you worried about what's happening over here. Ava’s birthday party starts at ten o’clock. Not eleven, not twelve, not-”
"I get it, Tangie. I'll be there. You take yo ass home." As Dante walked away, Rhapsody rolled her eyes at his weak authority, and then once again, as Kendrix passed her the world's smallest dime sack.
“You could’ve given her more than that.” Peace spoke up.
"It's cool. A broke nigga can't do shit for me but – be broke, nigga. Fuck you!" Turning to head towards her car and still make it to Remy's, Kendrix followed behind her. Approaching Echo's car's passenger side, where Cameo sat trying to understand what the hell was going on over there with them.
"Well, since Rhap apparently got a curfew, maybe you can take her place again?" He spoke to Cameo. Since she was facing her own car, Rhapsody rolled her eyes once more at Kendrix's stubbornness. At this point, his behavior was more about him and her than him and Cameo. And that pissed Rhapsody off even more.
The day she followed behind Cameo to the locker room, she intended to introduce her to Kendrix just like he asked. But after talking, for way longer than Rhapsody expected, she saw a girl that didn't need to deal with any of their bullshit. A good girl who was dealt a shitty hand at birth, and was simply just trying to make the best of what she had. And now Rhapsody wanted to keep her far away from Kendrix. And then get her away from Heaven's Hideaway all together.
“I don’t know. Y’all seem pretty – involved.” Cameo said, bringing a smile to Rhapsody's face as she turned around wickedly gleaming behind Kendrix. 
That was until he said, "Naw, see actually...Rhap like a sister to me. We weren't ever gone do nothing. That was your offer.”
"Wow, Kendrix. You have officially become the worst person I know." Echo shot, to which Kendrix proudly raised his middle finger. All the while, Cameo and Rhapsody locked eyes.
“And you still owe me an omelet.” She defensively mumbled, not sure what Bianca was thinking as it was now clear that she had been set-up.
“Either way, it don’t feel right.” While she had many questions, Kendrix was right. Cameo acted on her own accord in The Upper Room – and in the private room they disappeared to. “You said after 5, right? I really want some waffles now.” Echo let her know they still had time to make it to Remy's, while Cameo grabbed her purse.
Hoping she said that because she wasn't upset with her, Rhapsody whispered, “I like waffles.”
Before opening the car door and stepping out, Cameo laughed a little at Rhapsody’s apology, "You can stop talking now." She teased before crossing over to get back in the car with Rhapsody. “Sorry, just kidding.”
"Oh my god, you and your fucking sorries. That was good, I knew you was a Plastic!" Rhapsody said as she got into her truck and started the engine. All the while Kendrix's arrogant ass still stood between the two trucks. "Ugh! Now you owe her waffles. If you wanna go with him, go. I’ll pick you up for my daughter’s party in the morning. Don’t forget her present.”
“You can just put your name on mine. I got slime.”
“You can definitely stop talking." Cameo shot towards the man before she gave Rhapsody a tight hug and questioned once again if it was okay. And as much as she wanted to say no, Cameo was a grown woman, and hopefully, she'd figure out Kendrix wasn't shit before it was too late.
As Cameo climbed in the car with Kendrix and Peace and pulled out of the parking lot, Rhapsody avoided eye contact with Echo as she sat in her truck, staring at her best friend, knowing there was so much more to the story. "Tanginika!” As she called out Rhapsody’s full government name, she had no choice but to look over to her bestie. She just prayed she had a few lies left in her eyes. “What have you gotten yourself into? And you can stop with the leased joke because I saw the papers from the dealership. You paid in cash, in full. Bianca cool and everything, but Dante almost died today because of your little show with Kendrix. And in front of Geoffrey?”
“I don’t give a fuuuccckkk about Peace!” Rhapsody shouted into the morning sunrise. While she was kind of telling the truth, there was a crack in a voice that let her best friend of ten years know she was hurt - and she was lying. “I’m actually not hungry, and I have so much to get ready still. I’ll see you in the morning. And you bet not come up in there with no fucking slime.”
“Ask Fargo." And with that, Rhapsody pulled out the parking lot, leaving Echo behind to catch a glimpse of the man himself. As he stepped outside of the lifeless building and into the makeshift spotlight from Echo’s headlights.
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(Taeyong) 1/5 At his mention of her lying to his parents she gave him a small laugh "With how they were yesterday making plans - they would even drag you in your sleepwear outside." That was plain truth, Pruna wouldn't dare to lie to his parents - well, of course her whole act was a lie. But it isn't a lie if you don't get caught. She cleared her throat to compose herself, it was a habit of hers being more comfortable around the prince and teasing him. But if she ever got caught -Pru
(Taeyong) 2/5 freely talking to the prince without great formalities, she would be thrown out like garbage. Pruna was surprised by his comment, but quickly noticed the playfully tone behind his words, deciding to also give a playful answer of her own. “That must be bad for you - after all, you never said you didn’t like me undressing you.” A chuckle left her lips at her own words, quickly turning away from him as if she never said anything and heading towards his closet. -Pru(Taeyong) 3/5 Pruna suddenly got an idea while choosing his clothes for the day - a mischievou smirk forming it’s way onto her face. As she took his clothes and closed the closet, the young girl headed back to the bed - putting the clothes on it next to him. “Why don’t you get dressed yourself then, your almighty highness? You should practice, for your future wife, that is. You never know when the pants have to go off.” Pruna sat on the bed, giving him a daring look - taunting him. -Pru(Taeyong) 4/5 Being a witch - she didn’t really understood the filters royalty had. Pruna said everything the thought, in the nicest way possible, or in the wicked way possible. And right now, she was just having fun playing around with the prince, just like she would normally do if she didn’t have the servant facade. “Imagine your future wife saying ‘I’m dying to see your naked, all ready for me.’” She got closer to his figure in the bed, trying to intimidate him a bit. -Pru(Taeyong) 5/5 But then she moved away from him, laughing at herself. “I’m joking, your highness. You do know that after you get married I won’t work for you no more.” Pruna said, getting her posture back after laughing at his face. She wanted to play with his emotions a bit, because she knew after he drank the potion - marrying another woman was going to drain him. “So I’m just having a bit of fun, this is your last day with me perhaps.” -Pru
”Right, they would even drag me out in boxers” Taeyong chuckled just imagining how embarrassed he would be to let the kingdom see him in that state. But yet again, his parents would do anything to make sure he was listening to their orders and showing up on time whenever he had to make public appearances. He enjoyed talking to the peasants because he always felt the need to help people, especially if he had the power to do so.He scanned Pruna’s figure as she was moving across the room, sighing slightly when he noticed he was going to the closet to get his clothes. Which, unfortunately for him, meant he will have to dress for real instead of just going back to sleep. However, her comments made the corner of his lips turn upwards in a smirk. ”Why would I say things I do not think?” He hummed. He had many maids until the time of the action, but Pruna was different. She was close to his age, funny, hot and on top of that, she had the attitude to reply to his flirty side.The boy just stared at her, smiling to himself when her brows furrowed while choosing his clothes. He loved just how careful she was in doing everything, since she wanted him to look good in front of his parents, thus his appearance were always neat because of her. The sudden smirk formed on her lips made Taeyong imagine all kind of things, none of them being innocent. He grinned when she sat by his side, still absorbing the words she spoke. He knew how to undress, dress up and all that stuff, but why bother when somebody was paid to do it? He didn’t like that she kept mentioning his future wife in every sentence, making him sigh.He was already having a hard time coping with the fact that he had to choose a wife soon because he has always hated arranged marriages. He dreamed of a princess whom he would love, just like in the stories his aunt used to read to him when he was little. Since his mother was the queen she did not have time to do such childish things. But, Pruna was just making it harder. He didn’t want to imagine a time and place where she wouldn’t be there to help him. ”What if I want to imagine you saying those things?” He grinned, looking at her as she got upYet again, she said something to make his grin fade away. He enjoyed playing this teasing gave with her, but he hated when she would suddenly change the subject to something serious. He frowned at her next statement. He didn’t want to get married if it meant that he wouldn’t have Pruna by his side anymore. In the time she was his servant, he grew close to her, thus the teasing. ”And what if I’m not going to get married? Somehow, I should do it because it would make you jealous, right?” He smirked, deciding to change the atmosphere the way he liked it
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