#just imagining loki letting himself go and having a food fight fills my heart with so much joy
stanknotstark · 3 years
Astral Pt. 15 (Loki x Reader)
Honestly I’m not sure where the fun bit came from, it kind of just naturally happened so enjoy yourself and Loki just being kids since yall didn’t have the most unrestricted childhoods and i think you both deserve some fun XD this probably should have been a .1 chapter but fuck it i reasoned that you relearning magic could be plot pushing considering you’re gonna have to use it in 2 days for something drastic >:)
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It’s two days before your departure to find Madonna and you haven’t even began working on your magic. So when you wake up with Loki you ask if you can practice your magic for a few hours. Loki agrees but says you need a full breakfast before anything. 
You both enjoy practically a feast because Steve is teaching Thor how to cook and they made enough to fill the entire team ten times over. 
After breakfast you change into some leggings and a t-shirt while Loki sports some black sweats and a dark green hoodie. You’re both standing apart from each other in the training room that is devoid of any equipment. It’s basically a padded room that has a single terminal in it to start up the holographic enemies. Instead of using the A.I. though Loki says it’ll work fine for what you’re about to attempt. 
For your first attempt at magic Loki has you make a ball of contained fire in your hand. Loki himself makes a ball of fire in his hand to show you. It sounds easy enough but when you do it the fire flares high enough to nearly touch the ceiling, which isn’t that low, causing you to yelp and shake your hand. 
When you look at Loki he is smiling sympathetically. 
“This shall be fun.” Is all he remarks before telling you to try again. 
You take a deep breath and hold your hand out. As you breath you can feel the power of your magic flowing through your blood. It’s almost invigorating to feel that much power flow through you. 
“Focus on your magic and make it feel balanced. Don’t let it overwhelm you.” You hear Loki say.
So, you focus. The magic that made you feel powerful resides and you feel at peace. At this feeling you open your eyes and see a small ball of fire in your hand. You smile at Loki. 
“Maybe this won’t be too bad.” 
“We’ve yet to try any attacks while under stress. You won’t always be able to calm yourself like this.” Loki says. “However, I believe you’ll get it down in no time. You’re smart and adapt to situations without hesitation.” 
Next Loki commands you to practically play catch with him with the ball of fire you’ve produced. 
You’re a little hesitant because you don’t want to hurt Loki but he insists. So you try tossing the ball and watch as it flies into the air fine before expanding and exploding into sparks causing you to wince. 
“Sorry.” You say. You make another ball and focus on your magic. When you toss the ball up into the air this time you feel like a string is pulled taught to your gut. When the string starts to loosen you focus and try your best to keep it taught. The ball of fire lands in Loki’s hands, while it’s a little bigger than you originally made it, it is safe.
“Good girl.” Loki says throwing the ball from hand to hand. 
At those words your ball of fire turns purple but before it can combust Loki throws it across the room. 
You wince when it explodes midair and look at Loki. 
“That was your fault.” You say with crossed arms.
Loki chuckles and comes to you. He lifts your chin and kisses your pout. 
“You like when I call you a good girl?” Loki asks, looking into your eyes.
You feel your cheeks heat up but answer, “Maybe, just a little bit, caught me off guard.” 
Loki smiles, kisses you again, then backs off again. 
You both practice tossing a ball of fire between each other for a bit more, introducing moving while doing it. Loki then makes the ball disappear and orders you to stand in front of him. You do as he commands and he tells you to get into a fighting stance. 
“We’re going to try a simple attack. You can do concussive blasts, correct?” Loki asks, looking over your fighting form as he talks, pushing and pulling at your position. 
“Ok, don’t try anything too powerful right now, just a small blast that would knock the enemy a foot or two.” 
You nod then prepare yourself. You bring your right foot forwards and as you step punch out your right arm and push out a concussive blast. What you don’t expect is to be thrown back into Loki’s arms. 
You thank Loki for catching you and stand up right. With a sigh you rub a hand over your face, frustrated. 
“Magic wasn’t this hard the first time I learned.” You say looking at Loki.
“A simple learning curve I’m sure you can handle. Don’t give up.” Loki says, his hands coming up to rub at your shoulders then lets go and stands back. “Again.” 
You both spend a few hours practicing simple attacks. Much to your dismay you never get a spell down correctly the first time but feel ok about it because Loki is nothing but supportive and patient with you. 
By the time you’re finished with today’s lesson you’re exhausted and starving. You thank Steve for teaching Thor to cook today because you have a wide variety of leftovers to pick from and scarf down like you haven’t seen food in a week. 
“Slow down sweetheart, you’re going to get a stomach ache if you keep eating that fast.” Loki says holding your hand that holds your fork of food, his face concerned. 
You sulk but listen to Loki and slow down. When you glance up at Loki from your food you see him smirking.
“Good girl.” 
You blush and throw a piece of food at Loki’s face. When it slops onto his cheek you giggle. Loki glares at you but what you don’t expect is him to throw food at you. You gasp as his food slides down your face. Loki is now outright laughing at you. 
You growl and say fuck it, you can magic the mess away. Completely forgetting your exhaustion and filling with excitement you stand and walk over to the refrigerator and grab a big bowl of Thor’s dressing. You turn to look at Loki who is still lightly laughing at you enough to not realize what you’re about to do. You stick a hand in, relishing in the goopy sound it makes, and throw a handful of dressing at the god. 
Loki yelps indignantly as the dressing coats his nice hair and quickly stands to grab a pan of green beans laying on the counter nearby. You both start throwing food at each other with small shouts and lots of laughing. 
By the end of your food war the entire kitchen and dining room are covering in various foods. All of Thor and Steve’s hard work slides down the walls and your bodies. Empty pans and bowls litter the kitchen floor.
Loki is holding you and kissing you in intervals as you both laugh with each other, slowly turning in circles in place as you do, in the free space between the kitchen and dining room.
That’s when Tony walks into the doorway. You gasp and look at him with Loki and watch his reaction. 
Tony’s face starts as a frown then turns to unadulterated horror as he looks over the two rooms. His eyes are wide and his mouth hangs open which causes you to let slip a giggle. Your body shakes as you try to hold in your laughter. Snorts escape you though. Loki snickers and tries to shush you in between his little laughs but it doesn’t work, it just makes you start laughing harder. 
“I’m not paid enough for this shit.” Tony says lowly, looking at you two disappointed then leaves. 
Pt. 14.1/Pt. 15/?
Tag list: @justfangirlthingies​ @emelieh99​ @high-functioning-lokipath​ @loveableasshole​ @mp0625​ 
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konigsfaerie · 3 years
Chapter One
Summary: Falling in love with two people isn't normal, but after fighting your way out of the TVA, you can't help but develop feelings for both Loki and Mobius. Hiding your emotions has never been your strong suit, and your resolve has been fading with each passing day you spend together at the compound.
Word count: 4,630
Loki looked across the common room to find Mobius rifling through papers, undoubtedly studying another timeline that would need to be fixed. Loki watched his hands turn the crisp pages, watched his index finger travel down to find a specific word.
He decided to break his gaze and clear his throat, shaking himself out of his daze. “Don’t you think we should take a break? We’ve been at this all day.”
Mobius looked up from the folder and raised a single eyebrow. “You mean I have been at this all day. You’ve been sitting there looking pretty while I have been isolating timelines we need to fix without so much as a lunch break.”
If not for his Frost Giant heritage, the blush on his face would be unmistakable. Suddenly words left him, so he decided to stare out of a window, his dark thoughts immediately returning.
He left who he used to be back in New York. The jealous god, the god who was angry at everything and couldn’t love anything simply out of fear. It seemed that all of the sudden there was too much love in his heart, the kind that made him feel the most guilty he had been in a long while.
Loki, Mobius, and you fighting through the TVA was no small feat, and even now there was no time to rest.
“Although I suppose we should check on y/n. She’s been cooped up in her office all day,” Mobius observed, pushing away from the desk and stretching his arms up. Loki noticed his torso as he stretched, the fabric revealing the slight V of his waist. There was that nonexistent blush again, the panging he felt in his chest.
“I’ll get her some food from the kitchen.” As Loki left for the kitchen, it was now your features that plagued his mind. Your soft skin, supple thighs, full cheeks, y/e/c. How could this be possible, to love two people at the same time? Just years before he would have destroyed an entire planet without thinking, and now every action he made, he’d run it over in his head before doing so just to make sure he didn’t say something wrong that could hurt yours or Mobius’ feelings. Although Mobius wasn’t exactly the most sensitive of the bunch, Loki cringed when he thought of all the terrible things he said to both you and Mobius when he first arrived at the TVA.
There were cooks of course, The Avengers Tower was huge with so many people coming in and out, but he wanted to make you food by his hand.
Your feelings for Mobius and Loki were… complicated at best. The passion you felt for Loki made your head dizzy, but the tender love you felt for Mobius made your heart ache. You ran a hand down your face, the guilt gathering up in the pit of your stomach again. How was this even possible? You loved them both, and while they probably didn’t even have a clue, you couldn’t imagine letting either one of them go. And if you lost both of them...
You heard a knock at your door, and you tried steeling your face into indifference again, but ultimately failed. “Come in!” Instead of indifference, you tried to look as happy as can be, providing a smile as bright as the stars.
As soon as you saw both of them come in at the same time, your face immediately fell. You tried to look away from their faces, your eyes pointing downward, pretending to do something you were working on before you were about to have a breakdown. You couldn’t actually be in control of your emotions when Mobius started acting all gentle and kind and Loki started a war of who could use the most sarcasm in one sentence. (Hint: He always won.)
“Is there something the two of you needed?”
Loki sat down in the chair in front of your desk, placing a covered dish in front of you, planting his feet on your desk, which he knew you absolutely hated.
“We can’t visit our favorite girl unannounced?” Mobius spoke, giving that little grin of his.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Favorite girl. Were you really… their favorite girl?
His excited smile faded. “Unless you’re busy… I don’t want to interrupt you.”
You slid a hand to Loki’s boots, roughly slapping his feet off the table and uncovering the dish. “No, I- Well, I guess I haven’t eaten all day.” Part of your job to create a new task force of Avengers to fix the timelines destroyed accompanied by Doctor Stephen Strange. He usually was in your office with you going over the candidates you thought would make a good addition to the team, but he was currently out convincing them to come back to the compound.
“Sorry. I should’ve brought food up to you a long time ago.”
Loki eyed you as you took your first bite into what had to be your favorite meal of all time. You started to shake your head at his comments, but instead you closed your eyes for a moment, letting a moan sneak past your lips. “This is so good! It tastes much better than what the cooks usually make for us. Who made this?” Usually it was all leafy green salads and juice the color of baby puke (doctor’s orders, and by doctor, you mean an overprotective philanthropist), but thank the gods, it was something actually cooked in oil.
“Loki cooked it for you,” Mobius said with a teasing smirk, but then his lips went into a pout. “While I eat this salad for the twentieth night in a row.”
A blush crept up on your nose and you giggled. “Guess I’m just that special.”
“Yes,” Loki remarked. “You are.” His eyes burned into your own.
The blush deepened into a shade of ruby red. Loki was always one for bluntness and didn’t always understand how humans communicated with each other. Yes, that was all it was. Just him reminding you how much he cared for you as a friend. The sentiment was new to him, after all.
You filled your face with more food, your eyes staring down so that you didn’t have to meet either of their pair of eyes. After finishing your food, you heard a bottle of alcohol thud on your desk. You laughed and gave a little shake of your head. “Don’t you know that the use of alcohol or other substances will hinder our training?” You mocked Tony, his strictness fueled by FRIDAY.
“Well,” Loki laughed. “I am not in training,” he continued, popping the cork off with his mouth. “Because I am already amazing.” He put the bottle to his lips and took two long swigs.
Both you and Mobius groaned, Mobius grabbing the neck of the bottle from him and doing the same. As he passed it to you, you thought that maybe this was a bad idea. You never really got too drunk unless you were “reveling” with Thor, but you were constantly afraid your feelings might slip out. One wrong look, and they might figure it out.
Mobius passed it to you, and you downed four long gulps. Maybe the alcohol would make you momentarily forget your feelings instead of bringing them to the surface. Immediately your head felt lighter as you passed it back to Loki, but instead of the smiles that were there before, two worried glances were presented on their faces.
Loki put the bottle down. “What’s wrong?” The concerned look on both of their faces made your heart thud in your chest. They really, actually cared about you. About what you thought, what you felt, if you ate, if there was too much on your plate. That was more than just being friends, right? When you were with them, you felt different. Lighter, safe, like nothing could really hurt you as long as you three were together.
“Nothing,” you defended, taking another bite of your food as the buzz you had started to ebb and flow. Trying to keep the tears springing from your eyes was no small task, but you couldn’t do this now, in front of them. You hated lying to them and you didn’t even know what excuse you could possibly make if tears started running down your cheeks.
But the truth was that you cried often. Late at night after hours of exhausting work, not only isolating timelines but trying to convince people with abilities to help your cause, usually wielding little to no results. After all that tiresome work, it wasn’t the universe or your collective impending doom you thought about; it was Mobius and Loki. How they take care of you, how it might feel to have Mobius’ lips on yours while Loki wraps his arms around you from behind and kisses your neck...
How long have you been looking at your empty plate without saying anything?
“Y/n? Sweetheart?” Mobius started, reaching for your hand across the desk which made Loki look at the pair of yours. Why did he call you that so often? Ever since coming to the TVA, even when it looked like he wanted to scream at Loki until he was hoarse, even when you joined forces with Loki and he couldn’t understand why in the world you would, he wanted to protect you. Both of them did.
It felt like your heart was just continually skipping beats. It was absolutely insane that one word was the thing that was finally going to undo you.
Our favorite girl.
Your eyes went back and forth between the two of their faces, your lip starting to wobble. Loki immediately got up from his chair in front of you, moving towards you and crouching down to your eye level. “What is it? What’s the matter, y/n?” His concerned blue eyes searched yours, his eyebrows knitting together in worry.
Mobius was hovering over you at your desk with that same look, waiting for your response.
There were lies you could tell, of course. I’m just tired. I miss my family. I want to piece this god-forsaken universe back together already. It was all true of course, but the real reason you lay awake at night with tears streaming down your face was because you were in love with the both of them and if you did anything about it, you’d lose them. And your heart could absolutely not handle that. They were everything to you.
You could only imagine it, which you did often. Their confused looks which would make you feel like the weirdest person on the planet, the neverending silence as they only talked to you about work. How could you possibly handle them not barging in on your space every night, not making you feel like the luckiest girl on the planet just to have friends like these?
Nevertheless, the tears came and the sobs started racking your body as they both came to your rescue, enveloping you in their arms, which only made you cry harder.
“Y/n-” Mobius started, but was cut short because of… that look you were giving him. The one that said everything, the one that also traveled to Loki. It was unmistakable. With them, you were an open book and your face were the words on the page.
Loki pulled away, but only to put a hand on your waist. Was he… giving you the same look? When you looked back over to Mobius, his hand was at your waist as well, his hand flying up to dry your tears. “Sweetheart,” he breathed.
As soon as your eyes fluttered, Mobius’ mouth was on yours, giving you the most tender kiss you had ever felt. His lips slightly pulled away as Loki’s finger hooked under your chin and his lips flew to yours. Back and forth you played this little game until your knees were threatening to buckle underneath your feet, both of them slightly rubbing your waist.
As you pulled back slightly, their lips finally pressed against each other. The kiss between them was more rough but just as loving.
You couldn’t believe this was happening. No, there was no way they felt the same things you did. Ever since spending time with the both of them in the TVA, the thoughts that plagued your mind were perhaps the darkest you ever felt. Not just because you knew without a shadow of a doubt whatever conclusion you came to you would get hurt, but because you might hurt them in any way. The love you felt for them didn’t seem natural, but it definitely felt it. But this…. They felt it too? Not only that, but they felt things for each other as well? For how long?
Suddenly you didn’t want to be cooped up in this office anymore so you grabbed both of their hands, locking their fingers with yours and started moving to the stairs that led to your room. As soon as you closed the door, Mobius was pushing you against it while Loki ran a finger down the length of your arm.
You didn’t need to say anything for now. Your faces said so much. Words might be necessary later, but now…
Loki nudged him over while his lips explored yours again and Mobius kissed your neck. A moan escaped your lips again, but this one wasn’t because of the pleasure of food, rather the pleasure of the two men controlling your every movement. Mobius’ hands were still pinning you to the door, and you couldn’t help it as your waist moved against Loki’s.
“Please,” you breathed. “I n-need-” God, it was hard for you to talk with Loki’s lips hovering over yours, the heat rising in you as you imagined all the marks Mobius was making on your neck, claiming you as his.
“What do you need, darling?” Loki whispered, moving to the other side of your neck. Mobius shoved his leg in between yours, your hips making quick work of him.
Apparently that was all the answer they needed. Mobius grabbed your waist, moving you to your bed as they both joined you and started on your neck again while Loki began slowly untying your top, testing to see if you were comfortable.
Usually you were shy around them, but you had enough of just fantasizing about them doing this. You would be perfectly happy if they decided to rip your clothes off and spread your legs.
“I’m tired of waiting,” Mobius snapped as if reading your mind, shoving your pants down as Loki threw your top onto the floor. They both beheld you in your matching lacy white bra and panties. They looked… hungry. Like they’d both been waiting for this, only now they realized all three of you wanted it just as much.
You swallowed as they stared into each other's eyes just a moment before taking each other’s shirts off. Even though you needed them to rip off all your underthings, you were nervous. They definitely had more experience than you, and Loki was a literal god who could get whatever or whomever he wanted.
As Mobius placed his lips onto yours again, his tongue teasing your own, you could feel Loki’s hands gripping your panties, sliding them down. He took in a breath, giving himself a moment to take you in. “You’re so beautiful,” he breathed, just before spreading you with two of his fingers.
“Mmm, fuck,” you moaned against Mobius’ lips, moving so that Loki had perfect access. All you wanted was his tongue on you, or even his fingers filling you up.
Okay, that’s not all you wanted, but it was a start. What you really wanted wasn’t just his fingers filling you up, but either - or both of their cock’s inside of you, hitting that one spot you really loved-
“Loki!” you gasped as his mouth connected with your clit, his finger easily sliding into you. You bucked against him, biting your own lip as Mobius slid down near Loki, giving him a kiss before removing his finger and sucking on it, tasting your juices. The look in their eyes when they looked at eachother - it was sending you over the edge already.
“Look at her, Loki,” Mobius observed. “She’s already wanting to cum on your mouth. Should we let her?” Was he teasing us? You were dripping at this point, coating his mouth with your juices, gripping the covers with your fists. The look in Loki’s eyes was feral as his tongue flicked over your clit and then swirled around it. The only answer he provided was a groan of pleasure from having his tongue play with your clit. He was waiting for permission.
“Not yet,” Mobius decided, grabbing a handful of Loki’s hair, pulling him back. Loki’s face was pure disappointment, which he soothed by licking his lips, tasting you again.
Loki moved towards you, his face hovering over yours. “You taste so good,” he whispered. “Do you want to taste yourself?”
You gave a nod, staring up at him and he gave you the most passionate kiss you’ve ever felt, his tongue enveloping yours. You sucked on it, moaning against his tongue as you savored yourself.
As you sucked on his tongue, you realized you were one-hundred percent more wet than you started off, and you couldn’t help but squirm as Mobius spread your legs ever father, his finger moving slowly up and down your clit. This was fucking agonizing. You didn’t want to be teased, you wanted them to take you right here on this bed.
“Good things come to those who wait, y/n.”
You stared at Mobius who was currently sliding a single finger into you excruciatingly slowly, a pleasured smile on his face, most likely because he knew how bad you wanted him, wanted the both of them to be inside of you.
“Please,” you begged as Loki started to unhook your bra, placing his mouth on your nipple. “I-I want-”
Mobius stopped pumping his finger in and out of you, joining Loki in playing with your nipples. “Yes y/n, tell me what you want and I may even give it to you.” Before you could speak, he slid his finger into your mouth which just made you buck your hips even more.
“Oh, is that what you want?” Suddenly, he grabbed Loki and started taking off the remainder of his clothes, finally sliding off his belt and undoing his pants, shoving them down with his underwear and exposing his cock. “Is this what you want? You need to be fucked?” You glanced at Mobius who was currently stroking Loki who tilted his back in pleasure. The sight was fucking angelic, and all you could do was speechlessly nod without abandon.
Loki was rock hard, probably from the moment he saw your glistening pussy. As you rose to your knees, you met his face as you pumped him with your hand, taking over from Mobius, exploring him. “Do you like that?” You wanted to edge him on. You wanted him to lose control, especially because you could see how much he was trying to contain himself. Mobius saw it too, which was part of the reason he was teasing the both of you so much. The other reason was because he wanted to see just how bad you wanted him.
No response, just another groan. You heard Mobius taking his pants off but was utterly focused on pleasuring Loki.
Suddenly you could feel Mobius’ cock against your ass, him coming behind you and feeling on your breasts. “Now tell Daddy exactly what you want.”
“Both of you. Inside of me.” You turned your head to look at him, biting your lip out of embarrassment.
Surprise lit his features. “Are you sure about that? I don’t want it to be too much for you… Yet.”
You nodded quickly. “I want both of you to fill me up.”
Mobius tore you away from Loki, pushing you face forward onto the bed, placing a hand on your stomach to prop your ass up. You took that as a clue to arch your back. “Good girl,” Loki remarked, moving you over momentarily to move under you. Loki started teasing you, placing his cock at your entrance.
“No, no more teasing,” you begged, letting out a little wine. “Please just… Please fuck me!”
“Isn’t she impatient, sweetie?” Mobius pondered, lubing himself up with something you didn’t recognize, then going to his fingers so he could stretch you out. From this angle, Mobius could control everything. He slid a finger into your ass which caused a moan to slip out. Honestly, this wasn’t a normal thing for you, but you had to have both of them. You didn’t want to wait or deny yourself any longer.
You bucked against his finger as he slid another one inside of you. It hurt a little, but in the best way possible. You could feel him stretching you out, taking his time, just as Loki rubbed himself against your clit. Loki’s little pants and quiet moans were only teasing you further, and even Mobius looked like he was losing his resolve to go slowly.
Words wouldn’t, or rather, couldn’t escape your mouth. You already felt so filled up with Mobius’ fingers pumping in and out of you, Loki threatening to slip inside of you. The feeling you felt was best described as… helpless. They were controlling your every move, how fast or slow you went, when or even if you would cum.
Mobius gave a look to Loki, silently giving him permission as he slowly slid his fingers out of you. “Are you ready, sweetheart?” Loki asked, his soft and wanting eyes staring up at you and pushing your hair behind your ear. “Would you like to feel me inside of you?”
“Y-Yes!” You leaned further onto him so that Mobius would have easier access to your ass and so that Loki could easily slip inside of you. His breathing turned ragged as the head of his cock teased your entrance, but you were tired of being teased. All those nights fantasizing about this, fantasizing about the looks they were giving you now. Never in a million years would you think they would want this too, but here they were, one under you and one on top, showing you how much they cared for you.
Even though Mobius wrapped his fingers around your hips, moving Loki’s legs slightly so he could have as much access to you as he needed, you slid onto Loki’s long shaft, sending shocks throughout your body. His grip tightened just as you could feel Mobius’ lubed cock slide into your ass.
Filled up is what you felt. You almost felt overwhelmed with it, but you could take it. You could take both of them as they started pumping in and out of you. You closed your eyes, almost feeling high, feeling like the universe was moving throughout your body.
Mobius couldn’t have possibly known your eyes were closed, but you felt one arm wrap around your waist as his fingers tightened in your hair. “Look at him pumping inside of you, y/n. Watch him fuck you.” His breath was ragged too as you moved between them, your hands tightening around Loki’s shoulders for purchase.
The moans coming out of you were loud, probably loud enough to wake the entire compound, but you didn’t care. They were stretching you out, filling you up entirely. You had never felt more loved than this exact moment. “Please-” you moaned. At this point, you weren’t sure what you were saying. You weren’t sure of anything, and you especially weren’t sure where you ended and Loki and Mobius began. “I don’t know if I can-” you started, pausing to look at Loki’s feral glance. You knew you were dripping with want, with need. You were wet, so wet, and so tight, and you loved the feeling of him inside of you. He was a god, and that almost all-powerful thing inside of him threatened to come out with every thrust, every new moan you made.
“What’s wrong?” Mobius asked, moving his hand from your hair to your chin, making you look at him. His eyes were almost glossed over, and he was still fighting his composure.
You shook your head, moving to buck back against him, which prompted him to move his hand back to your hair, controlling your every move, your every thrust. “I just don’t think I can-” Another shock rang throughout your body as they grew even more in sync with each other, picking up their pace. You felt totally dominated, and your mind was reeling from the fact that the two people you loved so much were fucking you into oblivion. The blush spread to your nose as you bit your lip. “I don’t think I can last long,” you moaned, rolling your head back momentarily as Mobius loosened his grip, kissing your soft lips.
Fuck, you saw stars. You were so close already, and his lips on yours didn’t help, his tongue exploring your own. His moans vibrated against your mouth as he grabbed a handful of your hair again, pushing you down to kiss Loki as he chuckled, some sadistic part of him enjoying seeing you on the edge. While you were usually so in control of everything around you, Mobius liked seeing you completely out of control, at his mercy.
Loki was close too. You could tell, because his grip was tightening even further on your waist, holding you completely in place while he slid in and out of you, his teeth gently pulling on your bottom lip. Through all three of your moans, you could hear the wet slap of his cock as he fucked you. He kept hitting that exact place you wanted him to, which made you cry out in pleasure. You were so glad they were both holding you, otherwise you didn’t think you could hold yourself up anymore.
Mobius’ hand moved from your hair to your throat, his grip tightening around you. Your eyes widened as any control you previously had completely disappeared along with your resolve to hold on. Your eyes squeezed shut for a moment as your pussy tightened around Loki’s cock, causing him to cry out in turn. Your eyes opened again, watching him shoot his cum inside of you. “Y/n!” He cried out your name as he reached for you, his hand tightening around your own.
“Fuck,” Mobius swore. Galaxies exploded inside of you as you gripped Loki’s other hand too, biting your lip as you felt Mobius shoot inside of your ass with a loud groan.
As your orgasm finally calmed, you felt the both of them slide out of you and let out an involuntary whimper. The feeling of being filled up, it was… everything. And now you felt empty. But as soon as they heard it, they came to your rescue, Loki turning over and pressing your face to his chest as Mobius laid down at your side, stroking your back and covering the three of you up.
“Better?” he whispered.
You nodded, moving your head to stare up at him, your lip wobbling a little. You felt completely exhausted, and the world felt like it was spinning around you, but as soon as you felt their arms tighten around you, you came back to Earth. He planted a small kiss on your lips, giving you a smile that made all dark thoughts completely disappear. You could see things in that smile, things that had been left unsaid.
“So much better,” you sighed.
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rose7420 · 4 years
Close Encounters
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Hey!! For a story request, can you do one where Thor corners a tiny teen on the kitchen counter and Loki comes in because he hears Thor talking to someone? Once Loki sees that Thor is scaring a tiny mortal, his soft, protective side comes out and he pushes Thor away from the tiny and scoops them up, saying things to calm her down. Then Thor is kinda like “Well why do you get to hold her?” Thor goes to try and grab the tiny off of Loki, but Loki isn’t having it and starts fighting with Thor, all while the teen is clinging onto Loki’s shirt because she knows that Loki is protecting her. Loki just ends up teleporting to his room and apologizes to the teen for Thor’s actions and Loki can’t even get the teen to let go of her shirt cause she’s that scared😂🥺
This was a request from the talented @laurenandloki ! Hope you like it!
Y/N had super bad anxiety. Being a borrower she never had the proper amount of socialization and she always felt like an outsider when she would quietly observe humans from a distance. They never knew she was there, but it was nice to be in the company of another living creature. One that didn’t view her as food. She had only gotten caught spying once in her life, by none other than the God of Mischief himself. That was about a month ago and he had terrified her out of her wits when they first met, yet, she discovered he was a gentle person who cared immensely for others. However, she was still a borrower and he a human so there could be no sense of a friendship for them. And so she had retreated to live away on her own in the walls of the tower.
In the current moment she stood behind a container that held sugar, she would know since she had “borrowed” from it quite a few times. But today, she came needing other items that were a bit harder to retrieve. Magnets. It sounded bizarre, but they came in handy for scaling tall objects susceptible to the magnetic pull. Magnets were hard to get because they were stuck on the fridge(which was very tall), were half as big as her body, and extremely hard to pull off the fridge. She carried a coil of rope and a harness she had made herself and roped it around her body. Latching the hook attached to the end of the rope to the top of the fridge she, scaled down the side searching for a magnet that wouldn’t be missed. That was the thing about humans. When they lost something they blamed it on their own consciousness, not the doing of a two-inch tall chick who lived in the walls. She found the right one finally and made her way down to it. So focused in fact, that she didn’t even notice the vibrations of the gargantuan god of Thunder making his way to the fridge for his next snack of the day.
“What in the nine-realms are you little one?” A huge voice booms out, ringing Y/N’s ears and stilling her movements. She knows who it belongs to already, Thor. The god has a huge personality that matches his unwavering optimism. He is also very touchy as she has observed, which is why she is not at all prepared for what comes next. She forgets all about the magnet and tries to find a grip to haul herself up the fridge with.
“It’s not safe for you all the way up there, why it must be like a building up there.” Immediately, pressure is at her waist and enormous fingers lift her off the cool surface of the fridge. His powerful movements snap her rope, losing her only way of a safe escape.
His unshaven, but kind face fills her entire line of vision. The fingers still hold her waist and his eyes search her form intently. There are too many sensations around her and her mind is overwhelmed.
Breathing becomes difficult, her sight becomes a dark tunnel and lightheadedness is all she can feel. Thor is too busy filling his curiosity to notice the panic-attack she is currently having.
“Are you ill tiny one?” Thor questions but Y/N has not the mind to answer his question. Also believing that the answer is pretty obvious.
“Brother, what do you have there?” Thor swings around, facing the owner of the voice. The motion makes Y/N even sicker to her stomach. She however does recognize the person’s voice. Loki.
Suddenly she feels even dizzier, looking up she sees she is being passed around like a toy as Loki now has her in his grasp. She lays down on the surface of his palm relishing the feeling of having some sort of control over her body. Breathing becomes easier, not as if she is inhaling through a straw and her vision is no longer blurred as she can see clearly. She glances around at her surroundings and sees she is held up to a black, soft, and cotton wall. Loki’s chest. His breaths shift her up and down, yet, the movement is comforting. She finds herself fisting his shirt with her small hands trying to burrow her body further into his chest. A loud yell causes her to jump out of her skin and cling to Loki even tighter.
“Give her here brother, I am in no mood for your tricks!” Thor exclaims loudly, hurting Y/N’s ears.
“You were frightening her Thor. Just look at her.” The comforting darkness she was kept in for a brief amount of time vanished as Loki removes his other shielding hand to reveal her to Thor. Thor bends to her level looking her directly in the eyes. Anxiety spikes in her veins again sending an uncomfortable jolt of panic in her stomach and a tightness in her chest. She whimpers audibly and turns her face to Loki’s chest once again. Why must everything be so scary? She thinks to herself.
A soothing motion upon her back takes her out of her panicking thoughts. Her face leaves Loki’s shirt and sees that he is rubbing her back with a single finger. And that she had been transported to Loki’s bedroom.
Loki couldn't stand seeing this small being panicking anymore. He remembered seeing the small one earlier before and letting her be, but today when she had been so vulnerable in front of his oaf for a brother, he couldn’t just stand by and watch. It was obvious that the small one was terror-struck by the presence of larger beings as himself. So he had teleported to his room to calm her down. Her entire body clung to his shirt like a lifeline and he had tried to pry her off his chest but she held strong, not willing to leave him just yet. He stopped trying to force her off him, afraid her tiny arms would break at his immense strength. Instead, he rubbed her back in soothing circles with the tip of his finger. He awed at the size difference. His entire finger dwarfed her body, it took not even a slight bend of his finger to caress her back. He shuddered at the fragility of this tiny being.
Not to mention she had put her trust in him to protect her from Thor. Even though he knew Thor was probably the only person on this earth that you would never need protection from because of his kind, generous heart. Sometimes his brother came off too strong to those he showed an intense interest with. And to this small girl, he would imagine the interaction between Thor and her would be very intense from her perspective.
Once the girl realized she was in no danger she slowly released herself from his person. He slowly raised her to his eye-level taking in the rare sight of an actual borrower. Loki had read about them in informational books on Asgard, there were not many factual books here on Earth, but they had plenty of fictional ones. From what he read, borrowers were on average around the height of three to four inches. But this girl seemed to be barely clearing two and a half. She was exceptionally small and this caused him to be even more cautious as he bore her in a palm.
She perched on her hands and knees, staring at him with big, round (Y/E/C) eyes. He had to practically bring her right on top of his nose to see her properly. He felt her anxiety rising under his close inspection and he lowered her down to his bedside table, kneeling to see her better. Awkwardness lingered at first but Loki broke the silence.
“Your exceptionally small, little one. What shall I call you?”
He watched her face scrunch up in anger, not responding to his question.
“Hmmm, let’s see… I can call you little one, of course, Thumbelina, Bite-Size, or-”
“Okay! Stop, just stop, call me Y/N.”She said with her arms crossed over her chest trying to be intimidating but failing.
“Y/N, what a delightful name. Are you alright now? I apologize for my brother’s actions.” Loki said being serious now.
Y/N nodded her head, “Y-yeah I’m okay now. I have really b-bad anxiety.” She admitted.
Loki smiled reassuringly, “I promise you to have nothing to fear from me or my brother.”
“Would you like me to assist you back to your quarters Y/N?”
“A-actually could I hang out with you for a little bit. I-I don’t really have many friends and I find your company...tolerable.” Y/N said with a bit of hesitation.
Loki laughed at her remark, “Just tolerable huh? Well, I must tell you that I find your company rather tolerable too Thumbelina.” He retorted with a smirk.
Y/N blushed and grinned, he offered a helpful palm to boost her to his shoulder.
“What should we do?” Loki asked.
“I don’t know, what do you have in mind?” Y/N asked, taking a comfortable seat where the dip in his collarbone lay.
Her little body tickled his neck and Loki laughed once again responding with, “I have a perfect idea,” with mischief coating his voice.
Y/N watched with fascination as Loki illusioned a snake out of thin air. Snakes did terrify her as a borrower, but way up on Loki’s shoulder she had no fear of the serpent on the ground. Loki’s shoulder was pretty comfortable, she clung to his neck and could feel every movement that he made, and his voice thundered through her when he spoke even in a whisper. They were waiting for someone to walk and spot the snake. Finally, a passerby came, one she recognized to be Peter. As he walked he immediately spotted the snake and screamed loudly running away. Loki almost doubled over in laughter as did Y/N. He cupped her in his hands, holding her safely in his embrace. Y/N couldn't stop smiling for another reason. She had finally found a friend.
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The Sweetness Of Wine
Relationship: Loki/reader
Warnings: alcohol
Summary: It's hard to make Loki go to any party, but he gets softer with this one after Thor brings a small suprise
Notes: it's inspired from this post by @imagine-loki and it's basically just a small fluff bomb. Hope you enjoy it.
Read on AO3
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"Love, are you ready? We have to leave in ten minutes," You ask from the bathroom while finishing some details on your hair and makeup. The only answer you get is a low groan.
You spot the source of the noise in the living room, and specifically on the couch. Where a pale and drained Loki, still on the linen pyjamas, is laying and rubbing his temples.
"Darling, I feel awful… Maybe you should go without me," He hums, his voice so hoarse and guttural it sounds like purring.
But the issue is, he was perfectly fine ten minutes ago.
"Loki, my love, light of my life, this is the worst lie I've been told," You smile. He groans again, but this time out of frustration.
"Fine, I want to stay home…" He admits, big green eyes staring at you. No, you won't let his puppy eyes win.
"But you can't stay alone on Christmas night," You whine, playing with his hair on an attempt to lure him into agreeing.
"I'm a pagan," He counters, breaking the puppy eyes.
"Well, will you leave me alone?" I deploy the second attack.
"You're a grown up, I trust you into being alone for a night,"
"What about the food?"
"We have a fridge," He grins, knowing he's winning. You sigh, it's time for the big weapons.
"What would a big bowl of dark chocolate gelato from your favourite shop say?" You ask, watching the pleasure filling his eyes.
"Three bowls,"
"Two bowls,"
"Deal," He snaps and jumps up, shaking your hand before he storms in the bedroom to change. In less than two minutes, he's in a black suit and ready for the party.
Damn, gelato deals really do the job…
Whatever energy the gelato deal gave Loki vanished after he sees how many people are in the party. He is still not used to being surrounded by people, so he clenches his hand into yours. As if you are used to being around too many people.
Not that you plan to spot Wanda in the crowd and follow her like a lost puppy…
"Brother, you came!" Thor yells and walks closer, making several heads turn. Loki tries to ignore them and focuses on Thor.
He makes a low growly noise, coming from the back of his throat, before he nods and kisses you, his hands holding you steady as yours are clenching on his shoulders.
"Are you that glad to see me?" He smiles, his hand still holding mine.
"You know, I brought some wine from Asgard, since we can't get drunk from Midgardian drinks," Thor informs. And you see Loki forming an actual smile.
"Just, don't get completely wasted, ok?" You ask and let go of him, smiling when you see the excitement in his eyes. He nods and disappears in the crowd with Thor. They will get shit-faced…
You sigh and spot Wanda talking to Natasha and Pepper. You take a glass of champagne from the table nearby (since you have the chance of drinking champagne tonight) and walk to them, joining the conversation.
You get lost in the talk, you always have interesting things to say with them, and you barely notice how time passes. The only sign that you are talking for longer than two hours comes when two long and freezing cold hands touch your waist.
"How's drinking with Thor going? You got bored of him already?" You ask, tracing your hands above Loki's. He lets a small hum against your ear.
You turn around to see him. It's the first time you see Loki drunk, and you have to admit that he looks at least cute. His hair is somewhat messy, his cheeks pinkish and he has this small grin on his face. You can't help but smile at him.
"He got bored f-first," He answers, failing to control his Old Norse accent and stutter. But after years of trying to communicate with him while exhausted, half asleep and/or on whatever pain spell he casts after a mission, you have learned how to decode it.
"Fine, you can stay if you want to," You shrug, seeing his smile widen before you turn back to the girls.
As Natasha is talking, you feel Loki's hands tangling your waist and bringing you closer. You know that he's a cuddler when it's the two of you but he doesn't do the same when more people are around, and you don't like public cuddling either. So, you try to push his hands back but he's too strong, always has been.
Alright, maybe he's a cuddly drunk… and you can't exactly fight back, or want to…
"Maybe we should sit somewhere," Wanda suggests and points at a couch in the corner of the room with her eyes, noticing how uneasy you are with the public cuddle. Everyone agrees and Loki releases you as you head there. Your freedom doesn't last long, since Loki thinks it's a good idea to rely on you— while you are already tipsy and wearing heels—to hide his staggering, as if he doesn't weigh over five hundred pounds.
You somehow manage not to drag both of you on the ground and you all sit on the couch, Loki dragging you on his lap and resting his head on your shoulder.
"Damn, how many drinks did you have?" You ask, turning to look at him.
"Somewhere b-between s-six and seven…" He slurs. You sigh in relief. It's not too much and he hadn't gotten drunk in a long time, maybe he lost some of his tolerance.
"That's not so much," Natasha comments.
"B-bottles," He finishes his answer. All four of you turn to stare at him.
"Love, that's enough for this century, ok?" You smile and pet his head. He lets some low purrs and relaxes against your shoulder, his nose rubbing your neck.
"But at least he's calm. Not like Tony," Pepper sighs. And distant explosions echo as Tony blows something up with his suit.
Loki flinches and lets a yelp, you can feel his heart pounding against your back. No, the last thing you want is a hammered god with a panic attack. "Love, it's just Tony, ok? You're safe," You smile and play with his hair, something you know never fails to relax him. He lets a small sigh and nods against your neck, smiling just so. You blow a small kiss on his cheek, watching it getting more pink.
"Awww," Wanda grins.
"Shut up," You try to hide your own blush, and Natasha laughs at it.
You return to your previous topic, but this time Loki will mutter some comments against your neck, the mix of his drunken speech, accent and stutter making him almost speak another language. But he somehow still manages to take part, at least for the next hour.
While Wanda is saying something, you feel Loki yawning softly against your shoulder, his head relaxing there. "Love, don't fall asleep, it's too early," You whisper in his ear.
"B-but I'm s-s-s-so t-tired," He whines. Wanda stops talking and stares at him.
"Let him rest his eyes a bit, it won't kill him," She shrugs. You sigh and nod, petting his head after he brushes his nose against your neck. You still massage his scalp as Wanda continues with her story.
And five minutes afterwards, you can feel Loki's breath becoming slow and stable. "Should I wake him up?" You whisper, trying to escape from his hands but they are locked around you.
"Nah, it's ok. He's not hurting someone," Natasha brushes off before she answers to one of Pepper's questions. This time, you aren't paying much attention to the conversation.
And the last bit of focus vanishes when you feel him going cold and tense, and his breathing becomes rapid and shallow.
"No, love. Please, don't have a nightmare right now," You whisper. The girls notice.
"I can teleport him to his bed, would it help?" Wanda asks. You see his lips moving as he mumbles, his face in a pained expression and his fingers glowing. He's too drunk to even control his magic.
"Yes, do it, please," You ask, big eyes on Wanda. She makes her red strings of glow dance in her fingers, the same scarlet magic covering Loki before he vanishes.
He's an adult, he gets those all the time and you are not always up after he wakes up, he can take care of himself if he wakes up… But your mind is still on him, even though hours pass and the day changes.
Natasha mutters a goodnight and leaves, trying to mask her drunkenness. Pepper follows, with a semi conscious Tony begging her to stay for ten more minutes. Steve and Bucky carry Thor back to his room, and the other guests have gone already. You say a farewell to the few people that are left and go back to your room. You just want to take off those heels, the makeup and crush on the bed.
You're lucky to find that Loki is still sleeping like the dead, so you put on a cotton shirt of his and slither in the bed beside him. He turns around and lays his head on your stomach, his cold hands and feet covering you. And he gazes at you with sleepy eyes.
"Did I wake you up? I'm sorry," You whisper.
"I've b-been t-t-tr…." He breathes out, failing to mask his frustration. "St-t-tr… attempting t-to sleep f-f-for a while…" He manages to speak, his cheeks getting more and more red. You kiss him on the forehead and pet his upper back, smiling softly.
"But, how d-did you b-br-bring me here?" He asks.
"Wanda's magic,"
He makes a low sound, breaking eye contact to get comfortable. You smile and start playing with his hair, watching as his face relaxes and he falls asleep again.
And even though you have about five hundred pounds crushing your ribs, you somehow manage to fall asleep too.
The room is still dark when you wake up, so you check on your phone. 11am. You sigh and get up before you put pants on and open the curtains to let some sun in.
Loki hisses from the bed.
"Good morning too, love," You grin, reaching back to the bed.
"Turn the lights down," He groans, covering his eyes. You nod and do as he said.
"I'm making tea right?" You ask. He makes a growly noise. "Alright, I'll be in the kitchen."
You get dressed and let him wake up on his own, hoping the smell of tea will stop him from falling back asleep. And you're right, since what looks like the zombie version of Loki drags his feet on the kitchen and takes his cup before settling on a chair.
"Remind me to never stay alone with Thor and alcohol for more than a minute…" He groans—because apparently animal sounds are the only accepted way of communication on Asgard.
"Bold of you to assume that I will let you unsupervised with Thor again…" You smile but second guess your answer the moment it slips out of your mouth.
But Loki lets a small chuckle. "Smart girl," He comments before taking a sip of his tea. "Norns, what did you put on it?"
"Yes, love?"
You short-circuit, blinking as you are trying to think what he answered.
"No… I put honey on the tea…" You explain. Loki lets a small oh sound before he starts chuckling again.
"And, by the way, did I do something stupid while intoxicated?"
You shrug. "I don't know if you did something while with Thor, but when you came to me you were just cuddly the whole time," You answer, getting up from the chair when the coffee machine stopped buzzing. When you sit back down, you notice a slight blush in his cheeks.
"I'm sorry, I must have made a fool out of both of us…" He mutters, covering his face with his hands.
"Actually, you were quite cute. And, the calmest drunk avenger. So, no, not so much," You smile. He does smile back but his cheeks go more red. God, he's always so cute when he blushes!
You take your coffee and, without a warning, you sit on his lap. He doesn't grimace from the smell of your drink, a thing both he and Thor do whenever feeling not good, so you take it as a good sign. "Feeling cuddly, huh?" He purrs, his hands wandering in your waist.
"You stole too many hugs last night and we have to balance things out," You explain.
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singtotheskiies · 4 years
an intervention was needed // thor x platonic!reader
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request: Hey hey! I hope you're well & safe ☺️ can i request a fluffy but more platonic thor x reader, it's kinda specific: the reader is an asgardian and she's bff with Thor, basically like a sister. So he finally comes back to fight in Endgame after being depressed and shutting her out, and they reunite and there's a lot of feels and he just feels like a disappointment and a mess but she's like.. aw my sweet asgardian boi :( ill take care of u now, and oof i got carried away 😅 ty in advance hun!!
summary: after the fall of asgard, thor shut you out from his life completely. five years later, when that life is in danger, you take it upon yourself to fix things—if you are able.
words: 1497
warnings: infinity war/endgame spoilers, angst (sO much angst dude i never write it but this time,,,, i did), fluff at the end tho;)
a/n: i am SO sorry for the delay in writing this imagine—school has been very tough recently because teachers still feel the need to assign hours of work every day. however, this was a wonderful request, and i am absolutely loving writing, so please keep sending ‘em in!!! i love you all💕
There were plenty of upsides to being Asgardian—increased reflexes and fighting skills, the ability to down enough liquor to make mortals stare, and of course your special power—the ability to heal physical wounds. Due to your fighting and healing abilities, the Avengers had taken you on as a valuable asset to their pursuit of justice. You had been on Midgard for a few years, now, and while it gave you great joy to be able to help, it was also the root of many of your problems.
You hadn’t been there when Asgard was ravaged by Thanos. Instead, you had been with the rest of the Avengers, discussing a possible threat in Seattle. You had felt the devastating pull in your gut that alerted you of something wrong in your home world. Instantly, you bolted to your feet, screaming for Heimdall to transport you so you could help in any way you can. You shouted your throat ragged, but you learned three unbearable days later that there was no more Bifrost tower and no Heimdall to defend it.
To make matters worse, you suffered not only the loss of your homeland, but also the presence of your best friend Thor. He had entered your room after those three days a broken shell of a man. You had tried to get through to him, to connect and mourn over your losses, but he had been nothing but cold to you.
“You cannot understand my grief,” he told you in a cold, distant voice you could barely recognize as his own.
“We are both Asgardians, Thor!” you cried. “We mourn for the same land—the land of our fathers and mothers before us.”
“And where were you when that land needed your help?” he snarled, turning and glaring at you.
“I screamed Heimdall’s name for an hour,” you spat indignantly, tears beginning to burn their way down your cheeks. “No one was there, it wasn’t my fault!”
“I had to watch my own brother die,” Thor choked, unable to control the tears welling up in his own eyes. “Thanos murdered him like he was merely an insect—but he was my brother. Do you have any idea—“
“Loki was also an acquaintance of mine, and I view his loss with no small sorrow. I cannot imagine the pain you must feel, my friend.”
“Friend,” Thor spat. “I hardly think so.”
“Please, Thor, rid yourself of this anger—I do not recognize you.”
“Perhaps it is for the better.”
With that, he spun Mjolnir and flew to gods-knew-where. You were so numb that it took you hours to notify Tony of the gaping hole through the building.
You stood stock-still, emotions swirling from shock to embarrassment to pure confusion as you took in the man in front of you. He hadn’t shown his face on Earth the whole five years, and you were completely shocked at what he had done to himself. “Thor?” you breathed. “Why are you—um—well—“
He looked down his nose at you, tilting his sunglasses down with the hand that wasn’t holding a can of beer. Squinting, he tried to realize who he was speaking to. His realization was so slow that you could literally see it blooming across his features. When he recognized it was you, he merely turned around, mumbling something about wanting a Bloody Mary. You stared blankly after him as he stumbled out of the room, your mouth hanging open.
“Not sure what happened there,” Steve said as he came up behind you. “Clearly he hasn’t been taking things well.”
“Yes, I can see that,” you managed.
“Are you doing okay? I know you guys had a fight of some kind the last time he was here.”
“Yes, yes. I’m going to see if I can talk to him and find out what’s going on,” you decided. “He cannot fight like this.”
“I agree,” Steve said, wishing you luck as he left to confer with Natasha.
Although you tried, you had no luck throughout the day in getting Thor alone—mostly due to the fact that you were in meetings nearly constantly, and he seemed to be in a drunken stupor for every single one. It was sort of the elephant in the room for everybody, and you could tell more than a few of them were wondering if he was even capable of fighting in this state. Even you had your doubts about your former friend, so you decided to take matters into your own hands.
As it happened, you didn’t get your chance until late that night, when most of the Avengers were in their rooms thinking about the subjects of the day’s meetings. Taking a deep breath, you set your jaw resolutely and made your way through the numerous corridors to Thor’s room. Your heart pounded, but you furrowed your brow defiantly. You were Asgardian, and you definitely had the strength to help Thor out of—whatever this was.
At least, you hoped so.
You knocked on the door and were met with silence for several moments. Raising your knuckles, you were just about to repeat your action when you heard a faint mumble.
“‘s there?”
“It’s me.” You inhaled deeply, praying you wouldn’t be electrocuted on the spot. There was another, even longer silence, before—
“C’me in.” You were floored at his response, but recovered and turned the doorknob softly. The sight you were met with broke your heart.
Thor sat on the floor, leaning against his bed with tears tracking their way down his face and into his beard. Cans of alcohol littered the floor, and you could smell the sickly-sweet stench from where you stood. You forgot the five years of silence in an instant and rushed to his side, sitting down next to him.
“Thor?” you managed, and he turned his tear-filled eyes on you. As he took in your worried face, his own crumpled and he began to sob anew, nearly falling into you as you wrapped your arms around him. You simply let him cry for a while, rubbing soothing circles on his back with your thumbs. Eventually, he sat back up, his motions slow and sad. “What is it?” you ask.
“Seeing my brother die—my home laid waste—how do I move past that? How can I live knowing what has happened? I was unable to save Loki or Asgard,” he said, his words falling with deadly conviction. His voice lowered even more as he finished. “I couldn’t—I couldn’t even save myself.”
“Oh, Thor,” you whispered. These five years must have been pure hell for him. His eyes were tortured as they looked into yours, and without thinking, you took his hand as you spoke.
“What you have witnessed will no doubt haunt you for the rest of your life. I say now as I did five years ago that while I mourn with you, I cannot fathom how deep your sorrow must be. I can tell it has plagued you these last five years, and I only wish I had tried to fix things earlier. Thor, you could not have done anything more to save our world and everyone in it. You may be a god, but that does not mean you do not have limits. You fought hard, my friend. And I am proud of you. I am.” He was watching you intently as you spoke, tears renewing themselves as you went on.
“But this—“ You motioned to the alcohol scattered around the room. “This is not like you. You do not deserve to fade away into nothing, brought down by your own devices. Instead, you must take your grief and rage and use it as motivation, use it to heal. Only then can you find within yourself what you so desperately need. And I will be here every step of the way to help you through.”
Thor’s eyes overflowed again, but this time you could sense relief radiating off him. He drew you in for another hug, and you held him tight, knowing this is what he had needed to hear all this time. “Thank you, my friend,” he whispered in your ear.
“I am happy to do it, Thor. I would do anything to help you,” you told him sincerely.
“I must also apologize from the depths of my heart for shutting you out. The only thing my actions accomplished was create more hurt for both of us. I needed you by my side and instead I pushed you away.”
“It was only natural, Thor. You were grieving and were unsure of how to handle yourself. All is forgiven now,” you said, smiling at him. “Now, if you feel able, shall we go to the kitchen? I find that Midgardian food is most helpful in times like these.” You stood up, extending a hand to him.
And for the first time in five years, Thor felt hope coursing through him and found that he, too, was able to smile.
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diaryofabeautyfiend · 4 years
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Small Time Witch (11)
In the dim light of morning the Avengers returned from battle. It was messier than they had planned but the job was done. In the coming days there would be debriefings and meetings. Raised voices. Things to clean up. Steve couldn’t think about that right now.
Adrenaline seeped from his muscles and as they relaxed he felt sore. He peeled off his suit letting it pool in a heap at his feet. Steam from the shower filled the room. He didn’t test the water before he got in. It stung and turned his skin red but it melted away the last tendrils of the fight.
He was hoping you would be in his bed waiting for him. On the ride back he thought of burying his cock in you and just falling asleep that way. You must have been in your bunk. Knowing you’d be up soon he texted you to let you know he was back safe and passing out. He didn’t say it but he hoped to wake up next to you. He was asleep seconds after his head hit the pillow.
He woke up in a panic searching for his phone. The sun was up and he just knew any moment a mad soldier would kick in the door and turn his face into ground meat. The text from Thor came just after dawn. Since he had not been bludgeoned he guessed they all went to bed.
He started drifting back to sleep when you began to stir. He smoothed your hair and kissed the top of your head. You leaned into his touch pressing your body into his.
Mornings with you were as close to his version of perfect as he could imagine. You draped yourself over him like armor to protect his most vulnerable parts. Armor he would wear proudly into any battle. He kept saying his mother’s words over and over hoping they were true. “She’ll come around” He couldn’t live on hope though. It wouldn’t sustain him. He hugged you tighter knowing that soon you would be in the arms of another man. He felt like he was losing everything though you were never really his to lose.
Morning found you still wrapped around Loki. Even in his sleep he looked pensive. The man never relaxed. Though, when you held him, his face was a little softer. The usual hard line of his lips was more lax. You could see the fullness of his bottom lip. You traced it with your finger. He didn’t move.
He loved you. You felt it all the time now. He made no effort to reign it in. The weight of his feelings made you feel heady like the night you drank Thor’s liquor. The fact was though you did not have the capacity to trust someone with your heart. To say love has burned you is an understatement.
There was your first love Bobby Myer. That unfortunate incident got you removed from school. Your friends wouldn’t talk to you. He spread a rumor that you had VD. It was awful. Then there was your boyfriend in college. Ethan. He was thoughtful and spoke about books like they were his lovers. He listened to indie rock and only drank coffee ironically. You were head over heels for him. Then you caught him sleeping with your roommate. That shock wasn’t an accident. You heard he still has a twitch.
The last was Andrew Kale. He was your best friend Jennifer’s brother. He was also possessed by the demon who killed your family. You were told that, when the family unleashed him, Hellphyr had already taken over and Andrew was deceased. You loved him so much it consumed you. You trusted him and he betrayed you. They both did. You promised yourself that you would never again fall that hard. Now look at you. You are in the same place with Loki that you were with Andrew. When you said you couldn’t trust Loki with your heart you really meant to say you didn’t trust yourself.
You knew Loki would worship the ground you walked on. You could feel it in how he made love to you. He wanted to take you apart and know every centimeter of your body. You could see yourself living somewhere impossibly sheik with a couple of kids. Twins probably though you weren’t sure why. They would be scary smart and only communicate telepathically with each other. You would be happy but so tight knit that you wouldn’t have use for outsiders. You would probably die on the same day. He wouldn’t allow himself to go on without you.
Steve on the other hand, you knew you could love Steve. He’s strong and dependable like an old pickup. He was sweet and kind. He had endless patience for you. And, let’s face it, he fucked you like it was his job. He’s really great at his job. You imagined having children with him. He’d probably want a bunch. You would never feel like an outsider. You would always be surrounded by family. You’d have a warm home always full of laughter.
Your fantasies aside, you had to do what was right and safe for you for right now. Getting lost with Loki wasn’t the best path for you at the moment. You both knew it. You had so much healing to do.
You stayed holding him for a few more minutes then decided he likely needed the rest. It was getting late and you were starving. You got dressed and set out to find food.
Nat and Wanda were chatting with a few people in the cafeteria. They saw you and waved you over.
“How did it go?” They didn’t seem beat up so you assumed well.
“Not bad. Clint broke Cap’s no casualty rule.” Wanda explained.
“He had to save Sam. There was a sniper ready to unload on him.”
Wanda held her hands up to yield, “I’m not saying it wasn’t warranted.”
“Is Steve still asleep?” Nat asked
“I’m assuming. I didn’t stay in his room.”
Wanda knew where you were. You changed the subject.
“Well I guess I get to go back to payroll. It’s been fun but, I have to say, way too much excitement for me.”
“Speaking of which, you had better be ready. Tony and Steve are going to ream your ass for that little stunt you pulled.” Nat warned.
“I got the job done. Besides. Loki was with me. Between the two of us I was quite safe.” They both shrugged. Just then Tony spotted you.
“You! Come with me. We need to talk.” He pulled you aside and unloaded on you.
“We have protocols for a reason. Stupid move killing your comms.”
“Tony I...”
“No. That was the last mission you’ll go on with us if you can’t follow simple protocol. I told you before. We cannot protect your ass. I know you are powerful but you are also powerfully stupid. Not only did you endanger your life but you put Loki’s life at risk and ours. We’re a team. We look out for each other. Am I clear?”
“Good. I don’t like fussing at you like that. With all that said though, you’re an electrical engineer. I can use you at Stark Industries. I’ll pay much better than SHIELD and you’ll be doing a lot less grunt work.”
“I’ll think about it.”
“What’s to think about?”
“Lay off her Tony.” Steve’s voice warmed you to your very soul.
“Oh yay. Capsicle to the rescue. I expect an answer by end of business today, Y/n.”
You felt Steve’s arms sliding around your hips. He kissed you below your ear and whispered, “Hi.” A shiver ran up your spine. When you turned around to kiss him you saw his lip was split and his cheek was bruised. You frowned and touched his face. “What happened?”
“It’s nothing. I heal fast.”
“So I suppose you’re here to fuss at me too.” He tilted your head up to look at him.
“I wasn’t happy. I’ve been thinking about punishing you all night.” You smiled and your cheeks warmed.
“My my, Captain. I did not know this side of you existed. I’m intrigued. How do you plan to punish me?”
He chuckled a little rolling the many possibilities through his head. “I told you you wouldn’t be able to sit for a week. You disobeyed direct orders. That’ll cost your sweet ass at least two weeks.”
You kissed his too sore lips. He didn’t mind.
“I have to go to a debriefing. Shouldn’t take more than an hour or so. I need you to be in my bed when I get back. Be naked and ready. Make yourself wet. Think of your Captain when you fuck yourself with your fingers but don’t cum. All of your pleasure is mine.”
“Yes, Captain.”
“You had better not disappoint me.” He pulled you in for a deep kiss. His lip re-split spilling the copper taste of his blood onto your tongue. You squeezed your thighs together to relieve some pressure. He felt your body shift so he wedged his thigh between your legs. He contracted his muscle hard and rigid against your heat. You could feel an orgasm building. You moaned in his mouth. “Not yet, Princess. I’ll see you soon.” One more kiss on the forehead and he left you there panting. You just about ran to his room when you heard Director Fury’s voice behind you.
“Y/l/n! Why was there a letter of resignation with your name on it handed to me?”
Fucking Tony. This ought to take a while. You wondered how punished you would be if you were late.
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silence-burns · 5 years
Please Hate Me //part 21
Fandom: Marvel
Summary: Based on "Imagine having a love/hate relationship with Loki." by @thefandomimagine
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Loki wouldn't call himself a master of lockpicking, but he certainly possessed his fair share of skills regarding the matter.
Their origins were varied, some including childhood punishments requiring him to be locked in his chambers. Some came from the times his curiosity whispered to him from places people didn't want him to peer into. Both of those gave Loki a rather good hold on what he was able to do in just a few minutes under no supervision.
Most of his skills, unfortunately, required a lock to be picked.
Loki stared at the wall and a panel next to the door. In the hopes of not gaining your attention, he tried to look utterly disinterested in the room you brought him into some time ago, but now he regretted not noticing how you opened the door.
He was sure you fished something out of your pockets. He just didn't think it could be something other than keys.
The panel didn't have any visible buttons, so guessing the code was out of the question. The whole thing seemed blended with the wall, as many things in the damned Tower did.
Loki left the matter of the door for later. The opposite side of the room held a large window, now looking more inviting than ever.
Loki grabbed a handful of chips on his way there. The sandwich you gave him earlier, although (surprisingly) not awful even with the heart on top, did little to completely satisfy his hunger. He sneered at the memory of it.
The window was big enough to allow a proper way out, Loki noticed with professional assessment. He had slipped through enough windows to know his own flexibility and the importance of right angles.
His heart dropped a little when he looked through it, only to find the night view over the shining city be a very high one. Loki wasn't really bothered by heights, but a look down the Tower's side made him hesitate a bit. He remembered he told you he wouldn't sneak out anytime soon, but it was important to know his options in advance, right? Besides, the drop wasn't even that steep, come to think of it…
He turned, a little guilty, when you walked back into the room. Peeling off the dirt and dried fluids of varying sources did wonders to your presentation, only for the effect to be immediately killed off by the disgusting gray outfit, twin to his own.
"What, you thinking about jumping out?" You asked as if reading his mind.
Loki didn't answer as you approached him, throwing your towel on a nearby chair. The chair didn't protest, already carrying a few items you forgot about. You peered outside.
"Damn, it's already snowing. I personally wouldn't recommend sliding out this way anytime soon."
Loki raised his eyebrows. "You make it sound like you've already tried that."
"I made it 4 floors down before I got to the one without any good outside handles. I mean, there were a few, but I kinda slid by them, thanks to the frost."
"Was it worth it?" he asked with actual curiosity.
"It was a bet—of course it was worth it."
"I see."
He watched you settle on the bed, bringing all the food closer, and turning the TV on. A spare blanket was even found for him, and laid to your left. He had to ask, though.
"What do you plan on doing?"
"Watch something mind-numbing, eat, regret I ate so much, and go to sleep."
"Mind if I join?"
"You're my bestie, of course I don't mind."
With a tormented sigh, Loki laid on the mattress, pushing your legs to make more room for himself. "Is that really necessary? It's so crowded here."
"With your bloated ego, I'm surprised the Tower is capable of housing you at all."
He watched you fill your mouth without skipping a beat.
"Can't you use a plate? You're making a mess. I'm not going to sleep on the crumbs," Loki complained, brushing some off the sheets already.
"You can always sleep on the floor. I won't mind, it's all yours."
"I hate you."
"Can't blame you."
He took the muffin you'd been consuming out of your hand and finished it out of sheer malice. Your shocked face made him feel a little better.
"You truly are evil, Loki—to starve the injured and weak…"
"Don't call those few bruises an injury," he scoffed, gesturing to the few cuts on your cheek.
"A few bruises? You see this? My arm is going to kill me tomorrow!" You put your elbow in his face, showing a growing mark that already darkened a large patch of your skin.
It didn't hurt much yet—only when you touched it—but you had enough experience to know it was just the beginning. It was a surprise you could move the arm at all. You remembered falling on it quite a few times, so a broken bone or some joint injury could have been expected at least.
Loki pushed your arm out of his face. "You call that bad? Look at my poor ribs and guess whose knees are imprinted on them!"
He pulled on his shirt to reveal the damage, although he had to admit it wasn't as dramatic as he wished to. His stark white skin contrasted with the grayish bruise, but it looked like the damned bracelet didn't stop his body from healing faster than a regular human's. A few more hours and there would hardly be any trace left of it.
You laughed in his face. "Poor baby. At least I can say I didn't have any choice in that, as I was hauled into the trunk right after you. Do you want me to remind you of the time you basically threw one of those monsters at me? And pushed me off a bridge?"
"How many times do I have to remind your tiny little human brain that it wasn't my fault—"
"You're already looking for excuses—"
"Because normal arguments completely miss you—"
"Shut up, my phone is ringing."
If your hand didn't cut him off with a slap to his mouth, he might have made a remark about your injuries being an obstacle only when it suited you best. Instead, he had to resort to peeling it off his face while you looked for your buzzing phone through the blanket with the other one. Your so very painful injuries didn't seem to be slowing you down.
He stole another cupcake. It wasn't awful.
"Damn, Peter is facetiming us.” You seemed happy.
That alone made him wary. His mood only grew gloomier as the boy's cheery face appeared on the screen in your hand.
You moved closer to Loki to let Peter see the both of you. Loki's ribs were not spared in the process and neither were the sheets as the crumbs left his mouth along with an undignified whimper.
"My favourite teenager, you have no idea how happy I am you're not dead and Aunt May won't be hunting my ass anytime soon." You sent Peter a blinding smile. Loki only shot you a dark glare, trying to free his right arm from under your body.
"Yeah, it didn't go as bad as I thought," Peter laughed as well, although the cut on his lip made it visibly uncomfortable. "I'm just grounded forever, but I'm fine. I've got super-healing, remember?"
You sighed. "Why am I the only normal one here? It's unfair."
"I feel so sorry for you," Loki spit the words with venom coating every one of them.
Peter's face lit up immediately. It got bigger on the screen as the boy peered in closer.
"I'm so happy you're okay too, Mr. Loki! I'm so sorry we kinda dragged you into that, you probably hate our planet already, but it's not that bad all the time, there's plenty of—"
"Peter, how badly are you grounded?" You cut through his rambling, sparing Loki (and yourself) from the never ending stream of words.
"Well, I'm not dead, but if I'm one minute late back home, I might be," he admitted, earning a chuckle from Loki.
"But you're still going to school tomorrow?" you made sure. "I kinda want to grab some shawarma with my bestie, so you could join us during your lunch break?"
"That's so cool! There's a place I can get to in like 3 minutes, so it's a perfect—"
"When exactly did I agree to that?" Loki frowned.
You patted his bracelet. "When you didn't throw our friendship bracelet away."
"I told you I've already tried everything I can to get this thing off me."
"Sounds like a you problem."
Peter nodded silently from the screen, not really minding the fact he'd been forgotten for a moment.
A muscle shifted in Loki's jaw. He muttered with all the politeness he managed through gritted teeth, "And when exactly did your brave and just Avengers agree to that idea?"
"Tomorrow," you answered with all the confidence that had Loki's blood boiling. "Have you no trust?"
"In you? Please, don't get me started…"
You shifted your attention back to Peter, only to find him staring at the both of you with hearts shining in his eyes.
"Nothing," Peter said with a smile suggesting the opposite. "See you tomorrow, guys!"
"Huh." You looked at the suddenly dark screen. "He never hangs up so quickly."
Loki muttered something inaudible. He focused on feeding the rage within him with another cupcake. There weren't many left. You assessed the image.
"Are you mad at me?"
"Is watching a compilation of fails the Avengers wish could be erased from the surface of the world going to make you feel better? Thor's included."
Loki hesitated.
The internet was truly a wonderful place, if used right. That truth was only beginning to dawn on Loki, as just a few minutes through the videos worked wonders on his mood.
"How do you even come up with so much footage?" he dared to ask as the replay of Steve slipping on some loose debris during a fight played.
"It's the internet, darling. We've got footage of everything that ever happened on those streets and of a few things that never did."
Taglist: @writerjmlove @drakonwild @eeveesjourney @lokislilcaribbeanprincess @oatballsoffury @inumorph @ejectur @nerdybabywrites @twhgirl @nikkoliferous @unlikelygalaxygiver @multifandomreaderinsertfanfics @dreamingofonceuponatime @iamfelixc @bluebunnlee @effmigentlywithachainsaw @sadwaywardkid​ @ravenclawpossum​ @waitforthehurricane​ @absentmindeduniverse​ @unicorniorosacomefrutillas​  @toboldlyscream​ @waitforthehurricanrose​  @cluelessnitwhit​ @iamverity​ @absentmindeduniverse​ @the-corruptor​ @just-another-romantic​ @breakawayfromeveryday​  @oh-no-a-whovian​
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imagine-loki · 5 years
Pride and Prejudice
TITLE: Pride and Prejudice CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter 40 AUTHOR: wolfpawn
ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine Loki was raised on Jotunheim as Laufey’s son after the war, but an agreement was then made that he would wed Odin’s daughter so Odin could secure the alliance of Jotunheim through the marriage. Loki, in turn, was raised to be king of Jotunheim, but how he views Asgard is far different from how Odin’s daughter is raised leading to a clash of cultures as well as uncertainty between the pair of betrothed youths.     RATING: Mature   NOTES/WARNINGS: Forced Marriage, not all fun and games. My first real step back into the Loki scene in over a year.
Tags - @skulliebythesea @asimovethroughthisworld @blackcherry26-blog @we-shadowhunter2901
Ella sauntered through the palace, bored and not in any form of mood for discussion. She hoped that she would not have to deal with anyone for the day as Laufey had felt tired and not wished to deal with the exhausting matters of court in such a state so the palace was not as busy as it tended to be on the occasions he did have court in session. 
The fighting was still going. In one respect, it was soothing to know the lines of defence were strong and readied by the border with Alfheim should they be required. She, herself had added to it by going there and using spells she knew protected the Aesir palace as well as others to assist if they needed to destroy the crops that were growing in the area. It broke her heart to look at the now full and worked fields and know that there was a chance that they would have to be destroyed but she knew that they could farm more if required. If an enemy came, tired and hungry and ate, therefore replenishing their strength, it could be what would end their lives.  
The requests were made to Asgard and Vanaheim for food supplies. Vanaheim sent what they could but they were shipping anything they had directly to Alfheim for troops there, something the Jotnar respected. Asgard, on the other hand, had been storing food for if it was required to assist Alfheim should the war take all of their food but Ella had written to her father herself, she knew how to word it and how to ask and sure enough, Odin prepared immediate supplies with a solemn promise of more should one single foe arrive on Jotunheim.  She had a reply sent stating that nothing would be used unless required and if the war ended before it was needed, the Jotnar would ensure every morsel would find its way to Alfheim to those who required it there. 
It felt like it had been going on for a year if not more. She felt as though everything was changing in Jotunheim, better as a result of having the power of the Casket once more, the longer it had to assist the realm, the better the realm bloomed but it seemed so odd, most of the men were gone. It was lonely. She enjoyed Greta’s company as often as she could but she found herself wanting to just stay in Loki’s rooms more and more, though she found it did not feel quite as it did before. The smell he seemed to have was long gone from the room yet she felt wrong not staying there. She tried one night but found herself quickly using her seidr to magic herself there again. 
Men came back every so often, wounded or worn in some manner by the war. Most injured, it seemed, were being treated in a special facility on Alfheim being headed by Eir, the chief Elven Healer and  Magnar, the most senior healer of Jotunheim, all three working to assist any being from any of the realms that required them there. Only those with issues that could be dealt with easier on Jotunheim were sent back. She had listened to what they or their families told the court of what was occurring on Alfheim. More than once, Loki, and indeed Byleistr and Helbindi were mentioned by those who returned before even Laufey could ask after them. Ella felt pride in hearing that Loki was both a competent and strong leader, ensuring he would ask no other to do something he would not willingly do himself but she found herself fearful that that risked him being hurt. She could only hope he kept his wits about him so that he would return. She had been relieved to have been wrong on Byleistr and his allegiances. But it was one matter she rather that she would be wrong about. Everything was odd with the situation regarding angrboda but it was salvageable. She knew that going to war and seeing that a matter such that, though hurtful and somewhat backhanded was nothing when you see the brutality of war. When the brothers returned, and she truly hoped that when and not ‘if’, even if Byleistr was not someone she was overly fond of because of his behaviour and actions to Loki, they would put everything behind them and continue forward for the betterment of the realm and their bond as brothers. 
Tired, she avoided others and went back to the rooms, sitting amongst the items that littered the different surfaces of Loki’s personal space. She never touched a single item since he left, nor did she snoop any of the written items. The only items she ever touched were the books that were on the reading shelves he had more than once offered her the choice to pick from. Everything else was exactly as he had left it and she would maintain that if he was gone for a week, a month or a year more. Feeling somewhat down in herself, she walked into the bedroom and went to curl up in the bed yet she found herself not feeling comforted by the idea of getting into it. She walked over to the area where Loki kept the very few items of clothing he owned. Ceremonial robing and armour being the only items he had there as well as the armour he was supposed to bring with him but she had magicked better, stronger armour instead. Amongst all of it was a long robe, dark and fur-trimmed. She had noted it before but never thought much of it. Walking over, she touched the soft material for a moment before bringing it closer to her, noting that it smelt of Loki. She subconsciously brought it with her to the bed and wrapped herself in it, taking in Loki’s smell, using it to relax her into a sleep better than she had for a significant time. 
Loki’s limbs ached. He felt as though they would never feel rested again. He could see the palace in front of him. He could see his home but it felt as though he could never be able to speed himself up to get there. 
The war ended. After eight hard and brutal months of constant fighting, battles daily, their foes realised the Light Elves, Vanir, Aesir and Jotnar refused to bow or break and would meet them on the battlefield each and every day and with Thor coming to a breaking point and his Berserker side being unleashed, decimating a whole battlefield of foe in the process, the enemy conceded defeat. Luckily, Loki had noticed Thor as he lifted the body of an Elven child the enemy had brought to the battlefield to taunt them with. He noted the anger in Thor’s eyes but most importantly, he saw when the anger and other emotions began to leave them and when they became blank and his nostrils flared. With a bellow to get out of the way, the Jotnar and their allies did exactly that leaving Thor to destroy everything around him. When he came to again, it was Loki standing closest to him. 
“My sister told you my warnings?” “She did.” Thor nodded solemnly. “Good. Well, not good. I have not done that in a long time. I thought I was beyond it.” 
Loki could see his shame. He realised then that Thor did see the ramifications of his actions, even if it was only afterwards. “What we saw would provoke any bring into anger.” He consoled. “I will admit I killed with more willing than I have before today after seeing that child.” 
“That gives some solace to me.” Thor inhaled deeply. “It does not stop me wondering if I will ever control myself. But thank you.” He looked at Loki. “For protecting our allies and for braving coming closer to me than even my friends to see if I had returned to myself.” “Just do not tell Ella. She warned me specifically not to.” “I will say nothing,” Thor promised. 
Thinking back at Thor’s actions, however grateful he was that he did go Berserk, it scared him how strong and uncontrollable it was. But they were home now, so he needed to get on with life even with everything that happened. Assist his father with running the realm, and deal with everything that occurred as a result of the war. Vanaheim had planned to do deals with them, now Alfheim was adamant that they too wished to trade post haste with Jotunheim. They needed assistance getting back to normal after the war that terrorised their lands, they had so much that they needed to fix, Jotunheim was somewhere that could assist them so they wished to start talks immediately. He wanted nothing more than to hide from the realms. To go to his rooms and not see anyone for days, he wondered how long he would get. He did not think his father would ask too much of them for the next few days, or so he hoped. He knew they would have to explain everything but he still needed rest. He wanted solitude and silence. 
“I can smell my bed.” 
Loki looked over at Helbindi. 
“I can smell it and I will not leave it for a week bar to find Greta and bring her to it.” 
“What if she has found another in your absence?” Loki asked. 
“I have little to fear, Byleistr was with us.” 
The oldest Laufeyson growled at his youngest brother’s comment. 
“Live with it,” Helbindi scoffed. “You will be the butt of such jokes for the rest of our lives, even if Loki is too decent to say it.”
“And you’re not?” Byleistr growled. 
“No,” Helbindi looked him in the eyes as he spoke. “He may let it go but not me.”
“Enough, both of you. Don’t you think we have seen our fill of fighting? I never wish to see any fight again, especially over something so menial.”
“Exactly,” Byleistr agreed. 
“If ‘Leist want my leftovers, then he can have them.” Byleistr stared at him in shock. “I am not bothered anymore. I have my mate, her race allows for more frequent offspring and I don’t care outside of that anymore. I will focus on what I am required to do for the realm and I don’t care who mates who outside of that. Take two mates, take twenty, I don’t care. I don’t care about pathetic menial matters any longer. One thing all of this has taught me is that there is too much petty arguing over non-issues. Between us, in court, between realms. We need to focus on more actual issues. Solidifying the ties we have now formed so that we are never forced to face something like this by ourselves, that is all I care about now.” 
Helibindi sniggered to himself at Loki’s final comment on the matter, knowing that Byleistr would not say any more on the matter for fear of having Loki snap at him. He knew Byleistr and indeed his mates wanted to return to the palace with the rest of court, so too did he know that Loki knew this. One suggestion from Loki to send him back to the outskirts of the realm and there was a high probability of Laufey doing so. 
The palace was nothing but dark shadows in the pale moonlight. The realm was asleep and personally, Loki was glad it was. He did not want a large number of Jotnar there for their return, he just wanted to go home, he wanted his rooms, nothing more. He was so relieved to be back to the cold and normal temperatures of Jotunheim and back to everything that was ordinary. 
The palace was in silence and darkness. 
“Where is Father?” Byleistr growled. 
“In bed, like I suspect your mates are,” Loki replied. “As I suspect everyone is.” 
“We should have been announced.” “There is nothing to announce. We are back.”
“We won.” “And to do that, we had to kill the most beings on the opposite side, that really winning ‘Leist?”
“The Brute did the most killing.”
“Prince Thor may have done the most killing but so too did he show the most remorse.” Helbindi pointed out. “I spoke with the portly one, Volstagg when we were both at Gravel Ridge. He told me that for all his bravado, Prince Thor does nothing but sit in solitude and contemplate his actions after a fight. He tries to condone the actions he has to do and if we are to be honest, we would still be there if he had not done the ‘most killing’ as you put it. He scared them into stopping and I am grateful for that. I am grateful to be home. I am going to take Greta as my mate, I am going to try and have a family and I am going to try and only have daughters so they never have to go through that, that is my plan for the next three thousand years. Maybe another mate or two as well, if I find any that suit Greta and myself.” “And if Greta has found another?” Loki asked. 
“No, she won’t, I know it.” Helbindi shook his head. “She said she would wait. I know she will.” 
Loki could only smile at his brother’s certainty. 
“What about your mate?”
Loki frowned at his younger brother. “What of her?” “You have not mentioned her.” “Should I have?” “She is a duty, Loki is all about duty. Always has been. What is there to even talk about?” Byleistr commented. “I am grateful every day that it was you that the Allfather found and not me.”
Loki said nothing. He thought often of Ella but he knew she would not stray in his absence. Her sense of duty rivalled if not out-competed his own. “I do not need to worry about her seeking company elsewhere, she is honourable.” He commented. “With regards to mentioning her, I will repeat, should I have? Nor do you particularly care.”
“I like her.” Helbindi declared unapologetically. “She is jovial and there’s a streak of something you can see in her eyes, like she would be smiling at you while also learning the best way to strike you down without even noticing it until you see her next to you with a blood-covered blade and you realise she has slit the throat of a being who tried to wrong you.” 
Byleistr stared at him in horror while Loki eyed him suspiciously. “How did you come to that conclusion?”
Byleistr looked appalled at Loki. “How are you not disputing such a statement?” “Because it is entirely true. Have you not realised my mate is incredibly adept at such things? You told me yourself that she entered the palace without alerting you until she was in it by calling your name and that she swore to force you to come back if you did not do so willingly. I have seen her do things that would very much confirm that to be an accurate analysis, what worries me is how ‘Bind knows.” “As I said, I spoke with the Aesir when we were waiting.” Helbindi shrugged. 
With references to Ella, Loki felt even more in want of going into the palace. His pace hastened slightly and he made his way to it, relieved when it was no longer soft snow but hard ice of the steps to it under his feet. 
They made their way through the halls swiftly enough before coming to the royal wing. 
“Will we tell Father?” Helbindi asked. 
“No, let him rest. We shall see him in the morning.” Loki stated, knowing from the reports through their time away that their father was weary. “Go, get some rest.” He urged before heading to his own rooms. He inhaled deeply and opened the door. 
On walking in, it felt peculiar. Similar but different all at once. Everything was exactly as he left it the day he left, except there were a few pieces added too. Walking through everything, he noted that there was something else different in his personal space, something felt slightly off. He opened his bedroom door and noted that there seemed to be a momentary green spark as he did so. He was unsurprised when Ella sat up in the bed looking concerned. For a moment, she looked at him tiredly before her eyes widened. 
“Loki?” “Hello.” 
If he was honest, Loki was slightly taken back by the genuine smile on her face. “It’s over.” With a small laugh of relief, she beamed back at him. Loki shed off the armour on his body and got into the bed on his side. “Why are you in my cape?” “I am cold.” “You never get cold.” He eyed her worriedly. 
“I am not as good at regulating my body temperature recently so I get cold from time to time,” She explained. “And it reminds me of you.” “Have you even seen me in it?” 
Too tired to care too greatly, Loki sighed and lay back before groaning. “I missed this bed.” 
“Get some rest,” Ella urged settling to get comfortable again. 
Loki noted the peculiar night garment she was donning, it looked ridiculous and shapeless, but since she stated she was cold, he thought little of it. He had honestly thought he would be bothered or at best, simply non-plussed with having to share his rooms with her again after such a situation. He had been thinking that he would ask her to give him some space for a day or two. But now he felt entirely different, as though it felt unnatural to not have her there, as though he needed to protect her. He could not help but feel like the only place she should be was beside him, under his watchful eye and it felt peculiar to him to think such. 
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wolfpawn · 5 years
Pride and Prejudice, Chapter 40
Story Summary - Based on an idea I had that I submitted to Imagine Loki. Imagine Loki was raised on Jotunheim as Laufey’s son after the war, but an agreement was then made that he would wed Odin’s daughter so Odin could secure the alliance of Jotunheim through the marriage. Loki, in turn, was raised to be king of Jotunheim, but how he views Asgard is far different from how Odin’s daughter is raised leading to a clash of cultures as well as uncertainty between the pair of betrothed youths.
Chapter Summary - War takes time and tolls on any being. With eight months of fighting, it all comes to an end and a relieved Loki returns to Jotunheim.
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Ella sauntered through the palace, bored and not in any form of mood for discussion. She hoped that she would not have to deal with anyone for the day as Laufey had felt tired and not wished to deal with the exhausting matters of court in such a state so the palace was not as busy as it tended to be on the occasions he did have court in session. 
The fighting was still going. In one respect, it was soothing to know the lines of defence were strong and readied by the border with Alfheim should they be required. She, herself had added to it by going there and using spells she knew protected the Aesir palace as well as others to assist if they needed to destroy the crops that were growing in the area. It broke her heart to look at the now full and worked fields and know that there was a chance that they would have to be destroyed but she knew that they could farm more if required. If an enemy came, tired and hungry and ate, therefore replenishing their strength, it could be what would end their lives.  
The requests were made to Asgard and Vanaheim for food supplies. Vanaheim sent what they could but they were shipping anything they had directly to Alfheim for troops there, something the Jotnar respected. Asgard, on the other hand, had been storing food for if it was required to assist Alfheim should the war take all of their food but Ella had written to her father herself, she knew how to word it and how to ask and sure enough, Odin prepared immediate supplies with a solemn promise of more should one single foe arrive on Jotunheim.  She had a reply sent stating that nothing would be used unless required and if the war ended before it was needed, the Jotnar would ensure every morsel would find its way to Alfheim to those who required it there. 
It felt like it had been going on for a year if not more. She felt as though everything was changing in Jotunheim, better as a result of having the power of the Casket once more, the longer it had to assist the realm, the better the realm bloomed but it seemed so odd, most of the men were gone. It was lonely. She enjoyed Greta’s company as often as she could but she found herself wanting to just stay in Loki’s rooms more and more, though she found it did not feel quite as it did before. The smell he seemed to have was long gone from the room yet she felt wrong not staying there. She tried one night but found herself quickly using her seidr to magic herself there again. 
Men came back every so often, wounded or worn in some manner by the war. Most injured, it seemed, were being treated in a special facility on Alfheim being headed by Eir, the chief Elven Healer and  Magnar, the most senior healer of Jotunheim, all three working to assist any being from any of the realms that required them there. Only those with issues that could be dealt with easier on Jotunheim were sent back. She had listened to what they or their families told the court of what was occurring on Alfheim. More than once, Loki, and indeed Byleistr and Helbindi were mentioned by those who returned before even Laufey could ask after them. Ella felt pride in hearing that Loki was both a competent and strong leader, ensuring he would ask no other to do something he would not willingly do himself but she found herself fearful that that risked him being hurt. She could only hope he kept his wits about him so that he would return. She had been relieved to have been wrong on Byleistr and his allegiances. But it was one matter she rather that she would be wrong about. Everything was odd with the situation regarding angrboda but it was salvageable. She knew that going to war and seeing that a matter such that, though hurtful and somewhat backhanded was nothing when you see the brutality of war. When the brothers returned, and she truly hoped that when and not ‘if’, even if Byleistr was not someone she was overly fond of because of his behaviour and actions to Loki, they would put everything behind them and continue forward for the betterment of the realm and their bond as brothers. 
Tired, she avoided others and went back to the rooms, sitting amongst the items that littered the different surfaces of Loki’s personal space. She never touched a single item since he left, nor did she snoop any of the written items. The only items she ever touched were the books that were on the reading shelves he had more than once offered her the choice to pick from. Everything else was exactly as he had left it and she would maintain that if he was gone for a week, a month or a year more. Feeling somewhat down in herself, she walked into the bedroom and went to curl up in the bed yet she found herself not feeling comforted by the idea of getting into it. She walked over to the area where Loki kept the very few items of clothing he owned. Ceremonial robing and armour being the only items he had there as well as the armour he was supposed to bring with him but she had magicked better, stronger armour instead. Amongst all of it was a long robe, dark and fur-trimmed. She had noted it before but never thought much of it. Walking over, she touched the soft material for a moment before bringing it closer to her, noting that it smelt of Loki. She subconsciously brought it with her to the bed and wrapped herself in it, taking in Loki’s smell, using it to relax her into a sleep better than she had for a significant time. 
Loki’s limbs ached. He felt as though they would never feel rested again. He could see the palace in front of him. He could see his home but it felt as though he could never be able to speed himself up to get there. 
The war ended. After eight hard and brutal months of constant fighting, battles daily, their foes realised the Light Elves, Vanir, Aesir and Jotnar refused to bow or break and would meet them on the battlefield each and every day and with Thor coming to a breaking point and his Berserker side being unleashed, decimating a whole battlefield of foe in the process, the enemy conceded defeat. Luckily, Loki had noticed Thor as he lifted the body of an Elven child the enemy had brought to the battlefield to taunt them with. He noted the anger in Thor’s eyes but most importantly, he saw when the anger and other emotions began to leave them and when they became blank and his nostrils flared. With a bellow to get out of the way, the Jotnar and their allies did exactly that leaving Thor to destroy everything around him. When he came to again, it was Loki standing closest to him. 
“My sister told you my warnings?” “She did.” Thor nodded solemnly. “Good. Well, not good. I have not done that in a long time. I thought I was beyond it.” 
Loki could see his shame. He realised then that Thor did see the ramifications of his actions, even if it was only afterwards. “What we saw would provoke any bring into anger.” He consoled. “I will admit I killed with more willing than I have before today after seeing that child.” 
“That gives some solace to me.” Thor inhaled deeply. “It does not stop me wondering if I will ever control myself. But thank you.” He looked at Loki. “For protecting our allies and for braving coming closer to me than even my friends to see if I had returned to myself.” “Just do not tell Ella. She warned me specifically not to.” “I will say nothing,” Thor promised. 
Thinking back at Thor’s actions, however grateful he was that he did go Berserk, it scared him how strong and uncontrollable it was. But they were home now, so he needed to get on with life even with everything that happened. Assist his father with running the realm, and deal with everything that occurred as a result of the war. Vanaheim had planned to do deals with them, now Alfheim was adamant that they too wished to trade post haste with Jotunheim. They needed assistance getting back to normal after the war that terrorised their lands, they had so much that they needed to fix, Jotunheim was somewhere that could assist them so they wished to start talks immediately. He wanted nothing more than to hide from the realms. To go to his rooms and not see anyone for days, he wondered how long he would get. He did not think his father would ask too much of them for the next few days, or so he hoped. He knew they would have to explain everything but he still needed rest. He wanted solitude and silence. 
“I can smell my bed.” 
Loki looked over at Helbindi. 
“I can smell it and I will not leave it for a week bar to find Greta and bring her to it.” 
“What if she has found another in your absence?” Loki asked. 
“I have little to fear, Byleistr was with us.” 
The oldest Laufeyson growled at his youngest brother’s comment. 
“Live with it,” Helbindi scoffed. “You will be the butt of such jokes for the rest of our lives, even if Loki is too decent to say it.”
“And you’re not?” Byleistr growled. 
“No,” Helbindi looked him in the eyes as he spoke. “He may let it go but not me.”
“Enough, both of you. Don’t you think we have seen our fill of fighting? I never wish to see any fight again, especially over something so menial.”
“Exactly,” Byleistr agreed. 
“If ‘Leist want my leftovers, then he can have them.” Byleistr stared at him in shock. “I am not bothered anymore. I have my mate, her race allows for more frequent offspring and I don’t care outside of that anymore. I will focus on what I am required to do for the realm and I don’t care who mates who outside of that. Take two mates, take twenty, I don’t care. I don’t care about pathetic menial matters any longer. One thing all of this has taught me is that there is too much petty arguing over non-issues. Between us, in court, between realms. We need to focus on more actual issues. Solidifying the ties we have now formed so that we are never forced to face something like this by ourselves, that is all I care about now.” 
Helibindi sniggered to himself at Loki’s final comment on the matter, knowing that Byleistr would not say any more on the matter for fear of having Loki snap at him. He knew Byleistr and indeed his mates wanted to return to the palace with the rest of court, so too did he know that Loki knew this. One suggestion from Loki to send him back to the outskirts of the realm and there was a high probability of Laufey doing so. 
The palace was nothing but dark shadows in the pale moonlight. The realm was asleep and personally, Loki was glad it was. He did not want a large number of Jotnar there for their return, he just wanted to go home, he wanted his rooms, nothing more. He was so relieved to be back to the cold and normal temperatures of Jotunheim and back to everything that was ordinary. 
The palace was in silence and darkness. 
“Where is Father?” Byleistr growled. 
“In bed, like I suspect your mates are,” Loki replied. “As I suspect everyone is.” 
“We should have been announced.” “There is nothing to announce. We are back.”
“We won.” “And to do that, we had to kill the most beings on the opposite side, that really winning ‘Leist?”
“The Brute did the most killing.”
“Prince Thor may have done the most killing but so too did he show the most remorse.” Helbindi pointed out. “I spoke with the portly one, Volstagg when we were both at Gravel Ridge. He told me that for all his bravado, Prince Thor does nothing but sit in solitude and contemplate his actions after a fight. He tries to condone the actions he has to do and if we are to be honest, we would still be there if he had not done the ‘most killing’ as you put it. He scared them into stopping and I am grateful for that. I am grateful to be home. I am going to take Greta as my mate, I am going to try and have a family and I am going to try and only have daughters so they never have to go through that, that is my plan for the next three thousand years. Maybe another mate or two as well, if I find any that suit Greta and myself.” “And if Greta has found another?” Loki asked. 
“No, she won’t, I know it.” Helbindi shook his head. “She said she would wait. I know she will.” 
Loki could only smile at his brother’s certainty. 
“What about your mate?”
Loki frowned at his younger brother. “What of her?” “You have not mentioned her.” “Should I have?” “She is a duty, Loki is all about duty. Always has been. What is there to even talk about?” Byleistr commented. “I am grateful every day that it was you that the Allfather found and not me.”
Loki said nothing. He thought often of Ella but he knew she would not stray in his absence. Her sense of duty rivalled if not out-competed his own. “I do not need to worry about her seeking company elsewhere, she is honourable.” He commented. “With regards to mentioning her, I will repeat, should I have? Nor do you particularly care.”
“I like her.” Helbindi declared unapologetically. “She is jovial and there’s a streak of something you can see in her eyes, like she would be smiling at you while also learning the best way to strike you down without even noticing it until you see her next to you with a blood-covered blade and you realise she has slit the throat of a being who tried to wrong you.” 
Byleistr stared at him in horror while Loki eyed him suspiciously. “How did you come to that conclusion?”
Byleistr looked appalled at Loki. “How are you not disputing such a statement?” “Because it is entirely true. Have you not realised my mate is incredibly adept at such things? You told me yourself that she entered the palace without alerting you until she was in it by calling your name and that she swore to force you to come back if you did not do so willingly. I have seen her do things that would very much confirm that to be an accurate analysis, what worries me is how ‘Bind knows.” “As I said, I spoke with the Aesir when we were waiting.” Helbindi shrugged. 
With references to Ella, Loki felt even more in want of going into the palace. His pace hastened slightly and he made his way to it, relieved when it was no longer soft snow but hard ice of the steps to it under his feet. 
They made their way through the halls swiftly enough before coming to the royal wing. 
“Will we tell Father?” Helbindi asked. 
“No, let him rest. We shall see him in the morning.” Loki stated, knowing from the reports through their time away that their father was weary. “Go, get some rest.” He urged before heading to his own rooms. He inhaled deeply and opened the door. 
On walking in, it felt peculiar. Similar but different all at once. Everything was exactly as he left it the day he left, except there were a few pieces added too. Walking through everything, he noted that there was something else different in his personal space, something felt slightly off. He opened his bedroom door and noted that there seemed to be a momentary green spark as he did so. He was unsurprised when Ella sat up in the bed looking concerned. For a moment, she looked at him tiredly before her eyes widened. 
“Loki?” “Hello.” 
If he was honest, Loki was slightly taken back by the genuine smile on her face. “It’s over.” With a small laugh of relief, she beamed back at him. Loki shed off the armour on his body and got into the bed on his side. “Why are you in my cape?” “I am cold.” “You never get cold.” He eyed her worriedly. 
“I am not as good at regulating my body temperature recently so I get cold from time to time,” She explained. “And it reminds me of you.” “Have you even seen me in it?” 
Too tired to care too greatly, Loki sighed and lay back before groaning. “I missed this bed.” 
“Get some rest,” Ella urged settling to get comfortable again. 
Loki noted the peculiar night garment she was donning, it looked ridiculous and shapeless, but since she stated she was cold, he thought little of it. He had honestly thought he would be bothered or at best, simply non-plussed with having to share his rooms with her again after such a situation. He had been thinking that he would ask her to give him some space for a day or two. But now he felt entirely different, as though it felt unnatural to not have her there, as though he needed to protect her. He could not help but feel like the only place she should be was beside him, under his watchful eye and it felt peculiar to him to think such. 
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sherrybaby14 · 6 years
Who Am I Chapter 20
Summary:  You believe your Alphas rejected you, while they believe you no longer want them.
Warnings: Angst, smut.  This is a non-con/rape story. Please do not read if this offends you.  A/B/O Dynamics
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You sat at your lab station and tried to look busy, but you kept glancing toward the door.  It had been a week since you laid eyes on another soul and were eager for Bruce’s arrival.  
Imagination and wishes were starting to blend.  It was easy to view the door opening and it not being Bruce.
“Hey Doll.” Bucky struggled to keep the smile off his face. 
“What’s wrong?” Steve stood behind him, never trying to hide the look of concern. 
“I’m sorry.” You couldn’t get the words out before you ran over to them and jumped in their arms. “I’m so sorry.” 
You blinked and the images vanished.  What would happen if you did apologize? You never really got the chance.  Maybe they would forgive you?  But that would mean risking rejection, and even though you tried to fight it, their lack of contact with you was not normal for an Alpha. It wasn’t normal for your Alphas either.  
They were staying away because they wanted to because they didn’t want you.   “Stop.” You yelled at your brain.  This was why you needed to keep busy or else this was all that filled your head. 
  Finally, the sound of keys made you rise from your workbench.  The door was locked on the outside, but you could push it open from the inside if you wanted.   You smiled as Bruce walked into the room carrying shopping bags. It was nice to see him, but the fact it wasn’t Bucky and Steve reminded you how silly your fantasies were becoming.  
“Been keeping busy?” Bruce’s voice echoed across the space. “It’s sort of creepy down here.” 
“I hadn’t noticed.” You looked around and saw most of the area was dark. “Did you bring me the chemicals?” 
“Yes, Ma’am.” Bruce dropped some bags by the fridge. “And some food too.” You frowned, carrying more about your cell splicing theory than the bland groceries.
“Your list was a little strange.  How would bromine help with your pills?” Bruce set the other bags on your work table. “I’d love to hear your theories on its impact.”
Of course, Bruce would try and interpret your list of requests. 
“Maybe someday.” You tried to shake it off. “Once I’m finished.”
  “Right.” Bruce nodded. “You probably don’t have time for scientific discussion.  I know you Y/N, eager to get back to work.” 
“Yep.” You nodded your head in agreement. At least the old you was obsessed with work.  The new one still valued science but was starting to seek more of a balanced life. 
“So any breakthroughs? Anything I can help with?” Bruce looked down at your lab space.
“I don’t think so.” You didn’t want him checking out your set up and asking questions. “What’s going on in the outside world?” 
“You haven’t searched google?” Bruce raised an eyebrow. “Are you working non-stop?  Two minds are always better than one.  Why don’t you walk me through what you’ve done so far?” 
“I meant how are Steve and James?” You blurted out the first question that popped in your head and cringed, immediately regretting it. 
Bruce’s brow smoothed and his lips parts, softening his features.  At least his eyes were on you and not the table.
“I haven’t seen them.” He tilted his head. “Do you want to see them? Send a message? Anything?”  
“No.” You dropped your gaze. “Just making conversation.” 
“Y/N. I guess we’ve never really talked personal before.” Bruce scratched his head. “I know I’m a little awkward with this stuff, but I’m here if you need to talk.” Bruce tried to sound sweet, but you knew he would rather discuss particles than romance.  Your relationship had always been professional.  When he came to see you after your heat he couldn’t even say the word.
You shook your head.
“When you broke up with them they were pretty devastated.” Bruce pulled out a chair and sat down. “I brought you back here because you needed an Alpha, I didn’t know any others and I figured with your past they were the best bet.”
“And I thanked you.” You put on a fake smile, wanting this conversation to end. “But I should get back to work.” 
“Look, I don’t know much about this Alpha-Omega stuff.” Bruce held his hands up. “But based on what I know, I would say the ball is in your court.”
“Excuse me?” You knew that Bruce was missing a lot of details about how things went down with Bucky and Steve, but in what world could he think that?
“You broke up with them.  Being with an Avenger was too dangerous, right? I realize that it never occurred to me, do you want to go back to them? Because I can ask.” 
“Don’t.” You squinted your eyes shut and put your hands on the counter. 
  The last thing you wanted was to explain to Bruce about your detoxing situation with your Alphas, or how you told Loki and Tony. Plus there was no way he could comprehend their absence after your heat.  It was too much. 
“You’ve done enough, really.” You put on the fake smile again.  “But, I am eager to get back to it.” 
“Alright.” Bruce stood up. “And you’re sure you don’t want any help?”
“I’ve got this.” You went to the bags and started unpacking. “I’m fine.  Really.” “Not to add pressure, but how much longer are you thinking?” He glanced at your workspace.
“No clue.” You shook your head. “I’m trying my best, but nowhere near figuring out the compound.” 
“Well, keep e-mailing me. Call if you need anything.  I’ll check on you next week?” Bruce gave a half smile. 
“Uh-huh.” You tried to keep moving your hands to stop any sort of shake from showing.
“Okay then.” Bruce let out a loud breath and stuck his hands in his pockets. “Good thing you’re not scared of the dark.”
He walked away, his footsteps echoing.  You glanced up at him as he left, then looked around the giant empty floor.  It was pretty dark, but you’d never noticed.
  You shut your eyes and threw your head back, feeling guilty for lying and endangering him and Tony about the pills and some relief that you’d bought yourself another week. 
~~~ “Ugh.” There was a poke in Steve’s shoulder. 
“See. He’s alive.” Tony sounded far away.
Steve blinked a few times and was met with a splitting headache. He groaned and sat up, pulling his head into his arms.
“What the hell did you two do?” Tony’s voice cleared. 
Steve dropped his hands and glanced at the mess.  The brand new table was splintered, there were pieces of drywall on the floor along with human-sized dents in the wall.  
Bucky let out a groan and rolled to his side.  
A light flashed in Steve’s eye and he brought up his arms, shielding the flash and seeing Bruce with a doctor’s pen aimed at him. 
“I don’t need a check-up.” Steve started to stand. “Enhanced remember? I’ll be fine in a few hours.”
“Oh, I walked in and saw this mess, ran and got Bruce.” Tony took Steve’s arm and helped him up. “But not because you needed a doctor, because I wanted someone else to witness this scene to prove I wasn’t dreaming.” 
Steve steadied himself as Bruce helped Bucky to his feet.
“Just so we’re on the same page, you two did this to each other right?” Tony pointed back and forth. “There’s not another villain on the loose in my tower?” 
“It’s nothing.” Bucky walked towards the kitchen. “We needed to let off some steam.” 
Steve heard the water going and walked over to the sink.  Bucky placed a glass out for him and he took it, slamming the entire thing. 
“Is this about Y/N?” Bruce looked shocked. 
“It’s private,” Bucky answered. 
Steve leaned against the counter. 
“I’m guessing ten thousand in damages?” Tony held his arms up. “You do realize a large chunk of the building is currently under construction?  You two are paying for this.”
“A bunch of stubborn morons.” Bruce shook his head. “Do you guys want to see her? I’m sure she wouldn’t mind.  Maybe communicating with words is better than kicking the crap out of each other?”
Steve looked to Bucky.  He’d taken the lead on things and they ended up here.  His best friend locked eyes with him and Steve dipped his chin.
“Like I said.” Bucky took another drink of water. “It’s private.”
Bruce’s mouth hung open and he slapped Tony’s arm.  Steve knew Bruce didn’t have the entire story and was certain if he heard it they would be dealing with the Hulk in a manner of seconds.  
“Well like I said.” Tony pointed at them. “You two are paying for this. Hire your own contractors.”
Tony turned and Bruce followed him.  The two of them started whispering and Steve knew it was about him, Bucky, and Y/N.  Betas could never understand.   Bucky came up and leaned on the other side of the counter. 
“You said no?” Steve knew Buck was the more sensitive one, for those few seconds he held out hope his friend would follow his heart and they would be reunited with their girl.
“You were right. I don’t want to force anything on her again.” Bucky sighed. “She had a choice, and she didn’t pick us.”
Steve stared at the ground. The feeling of dread worked its way into his bones.  If Bucky felt that way too he knew what was coming soon: acceptance.  It terrified him to let her go. ~~~     This time you were prepared.  Your chemicals were set out exactly on the counter and you had a story for Bruce regarding your lack of progress. 
Unfortunately this week you had a bit of a breakthrough on your side experiments and wished you could run your theories by him, but there was no way you could explain why you were working on that and not rediscovering your pills.  
“Hey.”  Bruce didn’t have any bags with him. 
“Hi.” You stood up straight, trying not to look nervous. 
“Make any progress?” Bruce came to your table.
“Yeah, actually.” You looked down. “I think I have it narrowed down to twelve isolated variables.”
“Good.” Bruce nodded and leaned against the table. 
“Do you want me to walk you through them?” You had spent yesterday practicing. 
In reality, you spent your week YouTubing hobbies some more. Meditation was never something you could master, but you were getting braiding your hair down.  Your favorite had been the scientific stuff, but again you needed more supplies.  
“I can’t stay long.” He stuck his hands in his pockets. “Y/N, are you sure this is what you want?”
“Yes.” You gave a nervous laugh. “Why?”
“You seem…happy? Not being on the pills I mean.  Are you sure you don’t want to head to an Omega home?” Bruce was trying so hard to seem relaxed you saw right through it. “No offense, but you’re living alone in a dank dark basement without going crazy.  You used to be a little more uptight?” 
“No. Not an option.  I’m sorry it’s taking so long.  I’ll try to hurry it up.” Adrenaline flared.
Creepy basement or not, this was the first time you’d ever gotten to know yourself without any outside influence.  Besides that, if they forced you out of here before your heat hit you would never get a chance to see Steve and James again.
“Did you bring what I asked for? I think the acidic base could create an entirely new component.”  You needed to change the subject.
“Right.” Bruce nodded. “Actually I had another idea. It’s Tony’s birthday this weekend.  We’re all going to celebrate in Napa.”
“You’re joking right?” This was a trick. “I can’t leave the tower.”
Were they going to drag you away?  Your heart raced so hard it felt like it was going to beat out of your chest.
“Oh no.” Bruce held a hand up and waved it. “I meant, his penthouse will be empty. I thought you could use a few days of sunlight, even if its through windows. Take the weekend off.  Refresh.”  
“Are you sure?  I thought isolation was best?  What if someone sees me?” This still felt like a setup.  
You glanced towards the door and wondered if authorities were on the other side.
“It’s the weekend, most employees are gone.  All of the Avengers and close SHIELD agents are leaving for the party. I think you’ll be safe. You can trust me Y/N.” Bruce stood up straight. “A lot of them left already. My flight is in thirty minutes so I can take you up now or you can stay down here and I’ll bring your stuff on Sunday.” 
“Should I change?” You had on a pair of yoga pants and a white tank.  It was your uniform since that was all that was in the bag of clothing provided to you. Twenty pieces of the same clothing and undergarments.  “Or bring anything?”
“No. Tony knows you’re coming. It was his idea.” Bruce waved his hand over his shoulder. “Sort of a mea culpa.” 
Bruce started walking and you followed.  This was happening too fast.  You stopped.  
“Y/N, you have nothing to worry about.” Bruce kept moving when he got to the door. “But remember Tony has a pool. Live a little, take a few days off.”
You were too familiar with Tony’s pool.  After spending time with Bucky in there you assumed you were on the banned list for not following his rules.  
Analyzing every situation was how you’d always operated. Bruce was operating too fast. 
“Or stay down here, alone.  It’s up to you.” Bruce held open the door. 
Your heart lurched and stomach knotted.  Bruce dipped his chin. 
“Come on Y/N.  Let’s go.”  
Even though it didn’t compel you it was easier to listen to him and leave the basement than let your mind run over every option known to man.  
You walked down the long hallway to the elevator.  The box was waiting and both of you headed inside.  
“I wasn’t expecting this.” You didn’t want a silent elevator ride to fall back into your thoughts. “Why didn’t you mention it over e-mail?” 
“Spur of the moment.” Bruce shrugged. 
“So I’ll be all alone?” You weren’t sure if you were making small talk or trying to find out if two other people were going to be in the building.
“Steve and Bucky are coming to Tony’s party.” Bruce glanced at you. “Sure you don’t want to talk to them?”
You hated it that he went there.  This small talk needed to drop.  You looked forward and nodded.  
“I know I said you looked happy down in that basement, but there was one other time I saw you happier.” Bruce kept his eyes straight ahead. 
The memory made you cringe.  You were wearing Bucky’s clothes and probably looked freshly fucked in front of a colleague.  
Your reaction reminded you of what you had come to know though.  You weren’t you on the pills and you weren’t you after being intimate with your Alphas.  
There was more you cared about than pleasing them or focusing on your job.  Omega or not, you were a person. You’d learned more about yourself in two weeks than you had in your entire life.
The elevator came to a stop and you braced yourself, still scared this was a trick.  Instead, it opened up to Tony’s plush apartment.  
“Loki.” You said the name as you walked out, remembering the last time you were here.
God of mischief was an appropriate title for him since he started this whole thing.   “You don’t have to worry about him.” Bruce was a few feet in front of you and pointed up to the balcony. “Upstairs on the left is Tony’s room.  Stay out of there.  The right has two guest rooms.  Pick whichever you like.  Otherwise, you’re on your own.” 
“Just like that?”  The ceiling was at least sixty feet high. The huge windows showed the dark blue skyline, skyscrapers starting to light up. “You’re leaving?”
“I’ve got a flight to catch.” Bruce put his hands on your shoulders and leaned in, placing a kiss on your cheek. “Enjoy yourself.”
The gesture was uncharacteristic of your fellow scientist.  But the touch almost made you cry.  You were enjoying getting to know yourself, but that didn’t make you any less lonely.  
Lonely.  Even thinking the word made you gasp.  You could lie to a lot of people, but when the truth slipped out in your mind it was hard to deny.
Bruce walked back to the elevator. You were still processing your thoughts. 
 Maybe you should call out, stop him, have him take you to Bucky and Steve.  Maybe they would forgive you, maybe the three of you could find a way to work.  Maybe it was worth a shot.  
Before you could raise your concerns the ding sounded and Bruce disappeared, leaving you alone in the giant apartment.  
You deserved solitude, but at least your Alphas had each other and we're going to have their friends this weekend.  You could take some solace in that fact.   The window called to you and you walked over to it, pressing your hand against the pane.  You were about to lose yourself in your min when another ding sounded.  
Bruce came back.  You looked over your shoulder, unsure if you should tell him to get your Alphas or keep with the plan.  
When you opened your mouth to speak you froze. It wasn’t Bruce.
  Steve stepped out first. He had on dress pants and a blue button down. Bucky was right behind him dressed all in black. 
“Are we the first ones?” Steve glanced around the apartment, his eyes stopped moving as soon as they landed on you. 
You looked to Bucky who had also spotted you and was now staring. The dark-haired Alpha’s lips parted in shock.  Steve’s eyebrows were raised too.  Neither of them expected to see you.  
They were about twenty feet away from you, but it felt like there was a thick ocean separating them.  A small gasp escaped your throat and you shut your mouth, not realizing it had been hanging open.  
“Y/N.” The sound of Steve’s voice was stronger than you remembered and it made your knees start to buckle. 
This was too hard, you missed them and seeing them without being in their arms, without knowing everything was alright was too much. Even though you didn’t want to look away you had no chance of keeping it together if you kept looking at them. 
It was too late though.  Your legs gave out and you crumbled to the floor as a sob escaped your lips.  
“Y/N, you have to calm down,” Steve spoke through gritted teeth.
  The harshness of his voice made you look up.  Twilight was setting in, but you saw it clear as day, his pupils starting to turn black.  
Would that be so bad? Triggering their Alpha to take care of you?  Like the first time.  If that was going to happen you wanted to get a chance to apologize before they vanished again. 
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” You blurted out between sobs. “Forgive me. I’m so sorry for what I did to you two.” 
“What?” Bucky stepped forward. 
“I should never have left. I should never have involved Tony. I understand why you hate me, but you’re still so good you helped me and I didn’t deserve it.” You were still on your feet but needed to put your hands on the floor before you fell. “I’m so sorry. I’d give anything to take it back.” 
“Hey.” There were hands on your back and under your knees, scooping you in the air.  
Immediately you hands went behind Bucky’s neck as he carried you over to the couch. Feeling his body next to yours was making you melt even more.  When he left this time it was going to be harder.
  He walked you over to Steve, who also had his arms out. When you reached him you stretched and pulled him close and his hands went to carry you as well.  Both of them leaned their heads towards you as the held you in the middle of the apartment.  
“I’m so sorry.” You sniffled.  
“It’s alright Doll.” Steve kissed the top of your head. “We’re sorry too.” 
“Why?  You didn’t do anything wrong.” You lifted your chin and glanced between the two of them.  “All you did was try to help me.” 
“I think we should all sit down.” Bucky kept you close as he pulled you away from Steve. 
The two of them walked over to a couch and set you so you were half on each of their laps, both of them twisted slightly toward you.  Steve took one of your hands in his and brought it to his lips, giving your knuckles a light kiss.  
“We thought you didn’t want us.” Bucky’s metal arm snaked around your waist pulling you further onto his lap, but twisting you so you both faced Steve. “Especially after you didn’t ask for us.”
“What do you mean?” You looked over your shoulder at him. “You mean when you helped me through my heat? I thought since you weren’t there when I woke up, you were just doing your duty to help an Omega.”
“Never Doll.” Steve kissed your hand again, making you look towards him. “We gave you a choice. We wanted you to make it without any influences.  I told you before we left, all you had to do was ask and we would come running.”
“I don’t remember.” You glanced between the two of them. “I didn’t remember anything from my heat. Only flashes, and feelings. I knew you were there, I knew it was you, but I was like an animal. I don’t remember any conversations at all.” 
Bucky let out a small grunt and Steve went from looking shocked to sheepish.  You couldn’t help but giggle. 
“What?” Steve tilted his head. “How is this funny?”
“We’ve all spent the last two weeks without each other for no reason.”  You shut your eyes and felt like the weight of the world was lifting off your shoulders. “So you want me?” 
“More than anything.” Bucky kissed your head. 
“Always.” Steve’s other hand squeezed your knee. “And you?  You want us?” The warm tears formed as you tried to think of what to say, but there weren’t words so instead, you nodded furiously.  
“Yes.”  You kept nodding and took a breath. “I love both of you. I love you so much it hurts.” 
Steve broke out in a smile and Bucky pulled you even tighter.  
“Can we go home now?” You looked over your shoulder. 
Bucky was smiling and he stood up, pivoting you so he was cradling you once again.  
“Let’s get out of here before the rest of Tony’s guests show up.” Steve held your hand as he rose from the couch. “I want it just us for the next few days.” 
“You mean the people going to Napa?” You asked. “Bruce was leaving for the plane. He told me I would be alone here all weekend.”
“Clever Betas.” Bucky laughed.  
You smirked. A few minutes ago you were certain this was a setup, and it was.  You rested your head on Bucky’s shoulder as you walked into the elevator.   Steve hit the down button and the doors shut.  
“Good evening Mr. Rogers, Mr. Barnes, Dr. Y/L/N.  I have a message from Mr. Stark and Dr. Banner.  They say: ‘all three of you are stubborn idiots and you’re welcome.’” The AI’s voice filled the elevator.  
You pinched your eyes shut with embarrassment as Steve and Bucky laughed.   “I hate it that I’m putting them in danger by being here.  Unmated Omega.” You wished they had claimed you during your heat. 
“We’ll take care of it during your next cycle.” Steve rubbed your back. “We promise.”
“Who knows when that will be.” You wanted it now. 
It was worth the wait though, trying when you weren’t in your heat would make it next to impossible for them both to claim you. 
“We have plenty of time to practice.” Bucky’s eyes danced down your face.  
He steadied his gaze on your lips and licked his own. Your body flashed with lust at the simple gesture.  A purr came from Steve, who continued to rub your back.   There was no way it was going to be anyone but the three of you for the next several days.   ~~~ You were carried up the stairs, still cradled to Bucky’s chest with Steve walking in front of you. You had never felt safer in your entire life.  A warmth was spreading through your body. You were home.  Not because you were back in the apartment, but because you were with the two of them.  
Steve opened the door to his room and all three of you went inside.  The anticipation of what was to come made wetness pool at your core.  You pressed your legs together, aware that the scent was making its way to your Alphas. 
Even though you knew you were protected there was a slight shake to your body when Bucky set you down on the edge of the bed.  
“Are you scared?” Steve knelt in front of you placing his hand on your knee, while Bucky took a seat, putting his arm around your shoulder.   
“No.” You lied and shut your eyes. 
Both Alphas let out low growls and you popped your lids open. They knew you were lying. 
“Yes.” You let out a whimper.  
“Why?” Steve leaned down and kissed your knee at the same time Bucky kissed your shoulder. “We’d never hurt you.”
“We can tell you're getting excited.” Bucky kissed down your arm, lifting it in the air to meet his lips. 
“In a way, this feels like the first time.” Your legs parted as Steve kissed down your thigh. 
“Relax Doll,” Steve spoke between light kisses. “Let us take care of you.”  
“There’s nothing we want more in the world.”  Bucky reached your wrist at the same moment Steve came to your apex. 
You gasped as Bucky lifted your arm in the air and Steve rose your behind from the bed.  Both of them worked quick. Bucky pulled your tank top over your head at the same time Steve pulled off your pants and panties. Bucky’s hands went to your back and unclasped your bra right when Steve tugged off the bottoms, making you fall back into the bed, completely nude. 
Both of your Alpha’s rose and looked down at your naked form.  Instinct made you move to cover yourself but again they each growled. 
“So beautiful Doll.” Bucky started unbuttoning his shirt. 
“Our perfect Omega.”  Steve untucked his and ripped it over his head. 
The sight of his body rippling with the motion made you moan and even more slick gather between your legs. 
Steve leaned down and grabbed one of your ankles.  You pointed your toes as he lifted your leg to his mouth and started kissing.  His lips felt like they were burning your skin and comforting it at the same time. The position made you fall back on your elbows, with your other knee bent on the bed and legs slightly parted. 
“I bet you taste better than you smell.” Bucky’s voice made you look towards him. 
You got a glimpse of his equally perfect bare torso before he fell forward, his head landing right between your legs. 
“Ah!” You let out a small noise when his tongue ran up your slit.  
Steve kissed down your calf, before dipping your leg and wrapping it around Bucky’s shoulder. His tongue flickered against your clit making you moan.  He kept the light pressure, and you found yourself trying to use your heel to pull him closer.
“Patience Doll.” Bucky chuckled. 
The bed dipped and your eyes snapped back to Steve.  He came down over you and pressed his mouth to yours.  You did not hesitate to open your lips and take his tongue against yours.  At the same time, Bucky pressed himself harder against your pearl and you moaned even louder into Steve’s mouth.  
It was like the two of them were aware of exactly what the other was doing.  Steve’s tongue rolled against yours in a deep wave while Bucky used his to bring your body to life.  
Steve’s hand went to your stomach while Bucky repositioned himself so that each of his arms wrapped around your thighs.  You brought your other leg around his shoulder and put your arms around Steve’s neck as you fell completely back into the bed.  
Fingertips ran up your stomach and the same time as another set loosened its grip on your thigh.  Steve’s traced upward until they reached the bottom of your breast while Bucky’s swooped down until they lightly glazed your entrance. “Mmmm.” You whimpered into Steve’s mouth.  
You found yourself trying to arch your back into Steve’s touch and flex your pelvis into Bucky’s finger at the same time. The movement was impossible and resulted in receiving either touch further while lessening the other. “Mmmmppph!” You cried out again, but Steve only deepened the kiss.  
Both of them touching you, but neither giving you exactly what you wanted was driving your crazy, making you wiggle underneath them in a constant, erratic movement.  Finally, you couldn’t take it anymore and flipped your head to the side, ending the kiss.
Before you could speak you started to pant. 
“Please.” You panted again. “Please. I need more.” 
A hand was on your chin, whipping your head back towards Steve.  You gasped and another wave of excitement shook your body when black eyes looked down at you.
“That’s what you want.” His fingertips applied more pressure and started to work up your breast.
“We know what you need.” Bucky looked up from between your legs.  
His eyes were just as black as Steve’s.  Seeing them like this made you moan and drop your head back.  It was you causing this.  The first time you were so scared, but now you understood the control you had over them, your body forcing each of them into the Alpha state.  It sent a surge of power through you.   Right when Steve’s fingertips reached your nipple Bucky’s finger slid into your canal.  Steve pinched while Bucky filled and you squealed, arching your back.   Steve leaned over you and started to kiss your neck while Bucky’s wet tongue pressed against your clit again.  You dropped one hand and ran it through his hair while you brought the other to Steve and did the same.  
Bucky’s tongue pulsed, while Steve rolled your bud into a hard pebble.  Then Bucky started to curl his finger and your legs shook.  Steve used the opportunity to kiss down your clavicle until his mouth replaced his fingers.  
He sucked your nipple into his mouth and began teasing it with his teeth, alternating between biting and lightly grinding the nerve center.  His other hand went to your neglected tit and began giving it the same amount of attention with his fingertips.  
Bucky clicked his fingers inside of you, bringing your fleshy patch to life while his mouth sucked your bundle on nerves to the point it was almost too much.   The attention began to gather at your core.  Everything they were doing to you traveled to the single place and piled up.  Each of their motions made you climb higher and higher.  It was tightening, to the point, you were a moaning mess on the bed, incapable of focusing on anything but the release that loomed over you. Steve sucked harder and Bucky clicked faster. The buildup scattered as you through your head back, the orgasm sending the pile of pleasure through your entire body. 
“MmmmmMmMM!” You tossed your head to the side, certain that you were going to lose consciousness.  
All the nights you missed this, missed them only intensified the orgasm.  Your body craved your Alphas and you had been denying yourself far too much.   Bucky’s finger slid out and Steve’s head disappeared.  You curled on your side, unsure if you wanted to ecstasy to carry you into sleep or try to fight it down for more.  
“We’re just getting started Doll.”  The mattress dipped and hands were on your hips. “I missed you.”  
You forced your eyes open as you were lifted in the air.  Bucky position you so you were straddling him.  He bent his knees and set your back against them, giving you the support you needed since you were still reeling from the orgasm.   His hand went between the two of you, while the metal one stayed on your hip and lifted you.  His cock was at your pussy, pressing against your hole.  You closed your eyes as his head pushed inside of you.  
“AH!” You almost fell forward, forgetting how large he was.  
“So beautiful Doll.”  His metal hand pushed you down. 
You were soaked from the previous attention, but still felt every bit of him as your pussy stretched down.  He was thick and your walls started to convulse.  You whined, unsure if him filling you was causing a residual orgasm or you were struggling to accommodate him.
“Eeeee!” Either way, you let out a screech.  
Your thighs slid apart as you were impaled. All of your nerves were scrambled, but there was no doubt the sensation was amazing.  
His other hand returned to your opposite hip and held you upright while you settled.  
Even though he was holding you up, your shoulders started to slouch.  You expected to keel over, but a hand touched your chin.  
You opened your eyes and looked to see Steve kneeling next to Bucky.  His cock was rock hard, and right in front of your mouth.
   You barely had a chance to lick your lips before he pulled your head forward.  You opened your mouth and tried to relax your jaw while he pressed against your tongue. 
“Good Omega.” Steve purred.  
Bucky’s fingers dug into your hips and he flexed up, making you pop and take Steve further into your mouth.  When the dark hair soldier lowered you back down he didn’t give you a second to recover before he lifted you up again.   This time Steve’s cock went even deeper, you had to press your tongue down or risk gagging.  You brought your hands to Steve’s thighs to brace yourself and moaned.  
Bucky slid you up and down his pole, and every inch that left your pussy an inch of Steve entered your mouth.  The taste of Steve’s precum was more delicious than you remembered and you found yourself hungry for more. 
It was enough motivation to start flicking your tongue.  Bucky must have sensed the eagerness return and began bouncing you faster.  The stuffed feeling was sending you into overdrive and you started to rock your hips, making his cock bump into your G-spot with each thrust.  
You continued working your tongue against Steve, wanting to taste all of him.  The thought of his cum hitting the back of your throat, floating down into your belly made you whimper.  You needed that.  
So you began bobbing your head faster, desperate for all of him.  Saliva started to pool at the corners of your mouth.  You were desperate to taste him. “Ahhh.” Steve let out a groan.  
Then you felt it.  Your eyes popped open and you almost fell over, taking Steve down your throat in the process, as Bucky’s metal finger pressed against your clit.  
You had been so focused on getting Steve off you forgot about the giant cock spearing you.  Bucky’s finger brought you back to your own pleasure as he began rubbing circles.  
The attention was too much and you cried out, trying to jerk your hips backward.  You were met with Bucky’s knees, keeping you from getting away from his touch.  
You jerked your head back to drop Steve from your mouth and tell Bucky you were too sensitive, but Steve’s hand grabbed your skull before his tip fell.  You looked up at him with pleading eyes but were meant with the black ones staring back at you.  
“Remember.  We know what you need.” Steve’s voice carried a warning.  
They were the Alphas.  They would never hurt you.  You gave your head a nod and Steve lessened his grip.  
“Good Omega.” Bucky purred this time. 
Your body shook in response to the praise. Bucky flexed his hips up again as his finger pushed even harder and your eyes rolled into the back of your head. 
“That’s it Doll.  Give yourself to us.”  Steve rubbed your head, his cock still in your mouth. 
  Bucky was working your body too much and you could no longer concentrate on blowing Steve, instead, the only movement from your mouth was the result of Bucky lifting and dropping you
   The coil of pleasure began to form again.  This time you didn’t try to meet it.  You let Bucky remain in control, guiding your body to its release. 
  Whines and moans left your lips, but they were all stifled by Steve’s cock pressing against your tongue.  
“That’s feels so good baby girl.” Steve ran his hands over your hair.  
“Mmmmph.” You didn’t even know what you were trying to say.  
“So good Omega.” Bucky chimed in and pressed down hard.
His finger was torturing your clit at the same time he was sliding you up and down his shaft.  When their praise mixed in you couldn’t take it any longer.  The coil burst free and euphoria spread over your entire body.  
It felt like you were falling and gasping for breath at the same time as you were flying and exploding.  You had no control over your body whatsoever. And you were grateful if it meant feeling this way.  
Suddenly your lungs burned and the passion continued to works its way through your veins, but it brought on the blackness as you gave over completely to the orgasm.  
A hand was rubbing your back.  Your breathing was heavy. You struggled to open your eyes, but the chest underneath your started to vibrate.  You were cocooned by two arms, pressed tight against your Alpha. 
“Such a perfect Omega.”  Bucky’s voice calmed you.  
Your senses started to return and you lifted your head.  His hands left your back and went to your cheeks and he pulled you down for a kiss. 
His tongue slid into your mouth and you barely had control of your jaw as he started to kiss you.  You sighed, but he kept at it, coaxing you into action.   The rest of the world started to settle in and you realized he was still buried deep inside of you, his cock slowly pulsing while his tongue moved.  Your body was still tingling with pleasure.  
Hands were on your hips, urging you to start to rock yourself.  They must have been Steves. You whined in protest.
“You can handle more Baby Doll.” Steve encouraged you. “Trust me.” 
His encouragement made you lift your hips slightly and then slide back down. You’d already cum twice and neither of them had.  Even if you couldn’t take anymore you were not going to leave them wanting.  
“That’s it.” Steve’s hands vanished. “Doing so well. Our good girl.”
You moaned and started moving faster. You wanted that: to be their good girl.  You slid up Bucky further before impaling yourself again.  Every nerve in your pussy was fried and you felt every inch of him.  It was almost Utopia.  
Bucky continued to kiss you, holding your face to his as your body was bent over him.  There was a movement behind you and Steve’s hands slid up your thighs to your ass.  He caressed your cheeks before spreading them apart. 
Panic filled you as you sucked in a breath and tried to pull away from Bucky.  He responded with a low growl. 
“Do you trust us Y/N?” Steve situated himself behind him and you felt a coolness at your rear.  “You need to relax.  We only want to give you what you need.”  
The adrenaline had brought you back to life, but the panic was starting to fade.  You responded by returning Bucky’s kiss.  
“What a good girl.” Steve’s voice was so commanding it made you relax even more. “That’s it Doll.” 
You didn’t tense when you felt his head press into your passage.  He pressed forward and you groaned into Bucky’s mouth.  It wasn’t the first time you’d taken both of them, but it was the first time you were this aware.  
Every push of Steve’s cock into your ass only made your body more aware of Bucky in your pussy.  Your groan turned into a moan.  It felt like your entire body was alive, even places you never knew existed anymore. 
Steve kept his descent slow. You knew it was for your benefit, but it made a slow pleasure pop through you. Igniting something you weren’t sure you could handle.  You tried to sit back, wanting him to enter faster.  
“Grr.” Bucky pulled his tongue out and brought a hand to your side as he sat up, pushing you down with him. 
“AHHHH!” You didn’t hide the scream as your through your head back. 
Bucky’s movement had set Steve’s entire cock in your ass.  The blond Alpha adjusted himself so his arm was on your other hip. 
All three of you sat upright, with you sandwiched between them.  You’d never felt this full in your life, literally or figuratively.  
You reached behind you and pulled Steve’s head forward. His mouth went to your neck, just like you wanted.  You moaned when Bucky dipped his head to your chest and started kissing and licking at your breasts.  
Both of them were moving their cocks too slowly. You lifted yourself and them dropped back down, getting moans out of both of them.  You repeated the action still feeling completely stuffed, but it didn’t stop the ache from forming.
“Ohhhh!” Your head dropped to Steve’s shoulder as you got into a rhythm. You were the one guiding it, but your Alphas worked together. Diving at the same rate. Your bodies were being guided by instinct and all they needed was each other.  
“Eeeeeemmmm!” You weren’t even making coherent noises.  
It was pure passion driving your beings. You were going to cum. They were going to cum.  Bucky lifted his head at the same time as Steve and you lowered yourself one final time, exploding. 
Before any of the sensations could be comprehended both of their mouths hit your neck again and teeth sunk in. 
“AHHHHH!” You let out a blood-curdling scream. 
They both hit your bonding marks at the exact time your body shook from the orgasm.  Their cocks pulsed inside of you filling both of your wholes as their claim spread through your body.  It was indescribable, but you tumbled over and over again into pleasure.  
At that moment you sunk down and rocketed away.  Pure love was filling every atom in your body, heart, and soul.  
You weren’t capable of forming a coherent thought and didn’t care if you were ever able to have one again.  
Pressure fell on your back and you collapsed, welcoming the free fall. ~~~ When you woke up your head was heavy.  Your neck ached and your hands pulled in and touched both sides.  Your fingertips ran over teeth marks.  Claimed. Bonded. Mated.  
Your eyes popped open.  You were being cuddled by two Alphas.  No, by YOUR two Alphas.  It worked.  You weren’t in your heat and it worked.  
They said it was a one in a million chance, but you were a one in a million couple.  Both of them were fast asleep as their arms draped over you, chests moving with deep sleep.  You wouldn’t wake them.  
All this time you were so concerned with who you were, trying to define yourself in any way possible.  But now that you accepted your make up you realized that was never a question.  
Every mistake you had ever made, every choice had led you to this point. And it was all worth it.  You were an Omega, you were a scientist, you were smart, you were emotional, you were loved, you were in love, you were safe, you were protected, you were cherished, and you had a long, happy life ahead of you with two truly beautiful Alphas.  
You were you. And that was all you hoped to ever be. 
A/N: Thank you so much for reading! This was my first Marvel story so it really brought me into the fandom.  I am so grateful to have people reading my stories, it means the world to me.  Thank you again! Xoxo 
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Heartbeat: A Fragile Reminder
TITLE: Heartbeat: A Fragile Reminder
CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter 2 / ?
AUTHOR: brightsun-and-dark midnight
ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine Loki falling in love with a Midgardian and his words to Thor about Jane during Dark World coming back to haunt him. “It would be a heartbeat. You would never be ready.”
RATING:  M for Mature
AUTHOR'S NOTES: Check Masterlist. It's going to be a long read. I try to keep each chapter around 3,000 words.
My Ao3: brightsun_and_darkmidnight
So many triggers, read ALL of them!
Swearing. Angst. Death. Depression. Violence. Self-harm. Regret. Carelessness for safety. Doubts. Torture. NSFW. Smut. Fluff. And Of Course- Mischief.
Summary: Loki reminisces.
 ~ ~ ENJOY  ~ ~
Alicia met with Loki a multiple times since the first time they met. Basically everyday for the past four months. There were days when he needed to do Avenger work and when she saw him again she forced him to relax.
She would let him, force him, to lay on her lap as she played with his hair. She almost put him to sleep with how gently she touched him. As if he was the fragile one.
“Darling, you can use more force.”
“Are you relaxed?”
Loki felt like pudding compared to what he usually felt like.
Loki looked at her to see her smiling warmly at him already.
He sighed. “Yes, Darling.”
“That is what I'm going for.”
She left for a week once a month to her collector to talk about her art. She said it was a long distance away and they were specific as to what they wanted from her. It didn't seem like she was lying, but there was definitely more in what she wasn't saying. She was always worn down after that and opted to leaning on Loki and demanded he read to her.
Loki smiled at the memory of her waking up and realizing she had fallen asleep on him.
“I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to-did I snore?!”
“So loud I couldn't hear myself think Darling.”
Alicia rolled her eyes at him, “Shut up. Actually, keep reading.” She mumbled getting cuddled up to him again.
He always dressed nice despite Alicia telling him to dress casually every time he would leave. Marcibeth had been working the lobby desk every time he was there, or obviously making herself scarce in the apartment. Loki had seen her plenty of times he was going back to the tower. And Everytime he would tell her, “no. We simply read.” 
They never went past hair playing, simple-innocent touches and Alicia's kisses to his forehead. She always kissed his head when he left or he could feel his forehead creasing.
Alicia made food for him every time. It never looked appetizing but it tasted great. 
Her tea was the best he has ever tasted. She even used less sugar than he did. She said honey was her not-so-secret, secret. 
Loki was able to open up to her as much as he was comfortable with. Which was only about present day frustrating things. Such as, how he had no privacy other than when he was with her. 
He told her that the only reason he was able to spend time with her was because he snuck out. She already guessed that though.
During his rant Alicia let him pace. Then when he sat she approached slowly. Alicia had played with his hair. Unclenched his hands and put her own hands in his grasp. It was such a bold move. Her hands would be easily crushed should he feel the need to close his own. Her kind smile and gentle fingers gliding along his hands where they could reach. Her voice eased him out of his anger as she assured him everything would be alright with time. His body was not so tense.
“There are better ways to go about this than to get so worked up. You are going to hurt yourself.” She said that as her hands cupped his face. “It's going to take time for you to build their trust.” Her fingers stroked his locked jaw till he let it relax. “I know you can gain everyone's trust. In time.” 
It felt nice to be treated with well, like he was being given a chance.
Like she believed in him.
He wasn't able to relax totally with her around, but he noticed his shoulders wouldn't be so tense in her presence. His fists were in a resting state.
This Midgardian had control over him.
When he was around her he had this feeling in his chest that spread like fire through his system. A sensation he had once before when he had no defense against such a thing. This time he had impeccable defenses and she still managed to get to his...
Loki was filled with doubt.
And even when doubt was washed away by the free falling feeling in his chest..
Loki refused.
Loki reasoned with himself. Came up with the most crafty and harsh reasons why he wasn't feeling anything. He must have eaten something odd. She could have poisoned the delicious food she gave him.
Then the reason that ate at him the most...It would be a heartbeat to him.
She would be snatched from him way before he was ready to say goodbye.
He would have to say goodbye.
Tomorrow. A hundred years.
Too short.
His fingers had curled and his hands were in fists.
Though he didn't realize it till her small hands gently landed on his. She turned his hands till his palms were facing her.
He watched with fascination and with precaution. What exactly was she planning?
Then her fingers went to the pulse of his wrist and then her fingers eased his fists open. 
Her hands in his but this time it felt different.
Loki's eyes flickered to hers that were still on their hands joined together.
His chest felt that awful weightless sensation. His fingers itched to curl again but he couldn't.
He would crush her hand. Hurt her and she would hate him.
Perhaps… He should.
If she hated him, he would be free again.
Her soft smile grew as she looked at him.
To see any expression other than this? Loki felt such unease that it made him instantly nauseous.
A heartbeat.
He had to remember that. To always remind himself. To think of it every time he looked at her.
Her fragile body compared to his.
The Asgardians.
And as much as Loki hated to admit it. Frost Giants.
Midgardians were resilient.
However, they were built the weakest of the whole nine realms.
A small smile was on her face as if she could read his mind and was tormenting him.
“Relax. It will help you figure out anything on your mind. Don't be so tense, your going to hurt yourself with worry.” 
She smiled a bit more and Loki swore he was looking at the night sky with how her eyes were twinkling against everything else.
She gave his hands a squeeze as she spoke, “I know you can do it. You can do anything.”
Very few people trusted Loki but this midgardian did.
She was obviously out of her mind. The “reformed villain?” Please. The only reason Loki was on Earth was because it was probably the safest place to be right now. He would hate to see Thanos again.
He paused… She did point out before that if he was so bad he would not have went back to save the Asgardians during Ragnarok.
Loki watched as she got closer. His heart speed up. She leaned closer but he let her do as she pleased. What harm could she do?
She kissed his forehead. Her hands on his face as if she could keep him in place. 
She placed many kisses on his forehead and said, “relax.”
How could he? Her touch was the best he has felt in all the nine realms. Her compassion and strong belief he could win over everyone by being good. Motivating. The idea was crazy, but it might work. If he lied. How else could he possibly stand a chance? He was the God of lies and mischief. Just because of that no one trusted him. Add in his track record…
Loki’s eyes closed. And he heard his teeth grind.
Her fingers trailed down to his jaw and gently massaged circles into those muscles. Her kisses on his creased forehead never stopped. Her kisses were slow, light as a feather and lingered as if she never wanted to stop touching him.
His heart was racing.
A heartbeat as quick as his.
His hands were anywhere but on her. Coming close to rest on her in many places but he never let them. He wanted to he just didn't trust himself. Her nimble fingers were combing through his hair and her nails grazed the back of his neck a few times. Each time his spine threatened to show the effects of her touch.
Her nails ran down his neck. Again.
And then he couldn't take it. His hands found hers and pulled them away from him. Her skin softer and smoother than his silk sheets. He kissed those soft hands and enjoyed the lavender smell. Loki wondered if she chose lavender on purpose. That was the smell that put Midgardians in a calm state. Was it the smell that relaxed him? It had to be that. Anything else was just absurd. 
She looked at him and smiled. Her cheeks rosy. Her eyes sparkling. Her hands pulled away from his and we're going through his hair again.
“Are you relaxed?”
Loki's body was tense from his inner battle but other than that. He felt he could pull her into his arms to take her anywhere to lay down and have the most amazing rest.
“Yes Darling.”
“Good. Did you figure out what's troubling you?”
Loki had the urge to look away. But her eyes demanded his with the way she looked at him.
“I believe I have.”
She smiled and placed a kiss on his forehead again. And he felt her lips move against his skin.
“Believe in yourself.”
Loki knew fighting would be futile.
Loki knew...
He would never be ready.
A few weeks later. Maybe even days later Loki decided to give into temptation. He knew her lips were soft from being against his forehead so many times. He needed to feel how they felt against his own.
Loki wrapped one arm around her waist and pulled her closer to his body. The other hand went to tuck hair behind her ear.
Then her eyes went wide like an animal of the night in the path of headlights. Alicia looked as vulnerable as he felt and it gave him some confidence.
His tongue swiped his lips as he controlled a smile to the best of his ability. His hand rested on her cheek and his thumb ran across her bottom lip.
Then her vulnerable face turned to confidence. Her arms went to his neck and resumed playing with his hair. Her eyes kept darting to his lips which made him pull her little by little. She didn't resist. Her eyes were on his grinning lips making a smile appear on her face as well. She closed her eyes as they got closer. 
Loki lightly grazed their lips together and Alicia reacted how his body wanted. Her body arched into his and her hands fisted his hair, pulling him to her by the back of his neck.
Loki let her kiss him as he pulled her closer. He had his arms wrapped around her back to keep her close. 
She pulled away with a deep inhale with a satisfied look on her face. She was breathing heavily.
Loki was not even close to being out of breath.
A heartbeat with her fragile body.
As if she saw his worries she placed her forehead on his and stared into his eyes. “I have wanted to do that for so long.”
“Me too Darling. Now... How about I try?”
His hand went to the side of her neck so he could curl those long fingers behind to pull her and his thumb went back and forth along her cheek. His eyes were on her face, taking in all the details. Loki would be damned if he didn’t burn this memory into his mind permanently. This was going to be a heartbeat.
That smile. Those eyes filled with entertainment.
“Are you going to kiss me or stay like this?”
Loki realized he had halted his movements and then he grinned at her impatience. 
“In time Darling.”
Loki was slow, painfully slow. He kissed her softly and worked his lips against hers, parting to give her time to breathe. Each parting of their lips getting shorter. Loki was lost but not enough to keep the battle from his mind. 
A heartbeat.
Fragile body.
Loki let go of her head to let her pull back when she needed air. His hands were on her hip and back, all of his fingers moving against her. Occasionally his fingers wanted to curl and trap her clothes in his grasp to keep her till the end of his days. Then his hands wanted to curl even more but out of frustration.
He was going to enjoy this. He needed more of her. Loki’s tongue slid past his lips to play with hers. Immediately she granted him access and rubbed her tongue against his. Alicia caught a moan in her throat, but there was still a sound. Loki grinned. He rubbed her tongue with his as he continued to move their mouths together.
Alicia’s hands trailed from his neck to his shoulders and Loki let her pull away from him abruptly. She gasped for air with the widest smile Loki has seem in all of his years. 
Loki felt enough of his control was tested for one day. He eased her out of another breathtaking kiss, “Darling we should take a break. Let me read to you.”
She had groaned against his lips but let him go. Loki did not let them stop touching as he made her back fit against his chest. He read and played with her hair. Loki let her part briefly to allow her to get her drawing things. To his relief she sat in his lap again.
As he was reminiscing his phone went off. One of the pieces he had requested was done. Loki approved but knew he would get an upgrade at a later date.
The piece was a necklace with his colors. Green, gold and black. He was not planning to tell her about courting yet, ask her, or even bring it up. He really wanted her to have the whole set.
Anxiousness overwhelmed him. 
He never… Loki has never had the chance to officially ask to court someone. He has bedded many but that was just for mutual release. He cared for maybe only a handful enough to court but he always found them in the arms of another. Most of them begging for Thor's attention.
Loki was never good enough. He was always in his brother’s shadow. Even more now since Thor was King and an Avenger that had defeated him. Loki the reformed villain trying to redeem himself by fighting against the other bad guys? The news made it obvious the whole idea was absurd.
Alicia told him he was doing a wonderful job. She was proud of him for doing good and most importantly for trying.
Loki was eyeing the final product, and if this went wrong?
Loki shut his eyes and his jaw grew stiff. Loki tried to release some tension by turning and stretching his neck. Even to stretch and twist his back. To no avail. They have not seen each other for a week and four days. It had been too long.
Deciding to find some relief he grabbed his phone, hoping she was still available tonight as discussed yesterday.
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thebifrostgiant · 5 years
If You Know Where to Look - Part 17
Summary: in which you make a surprising discovery, and Loki makes a surprising offer
Part 1 / Previous
Read on Ao3
Word Count: 2,563
Rating: T (for now)
Pairing: Loki/Reader
Chapter 17: One Candle
You sink against the down-filled pillow at your back, the sheets and quilt under you a comfort, silky beneath your fingertips as you run your hands back and forth over the fabric. It’s grounding, in a way, something so simple and mindless, the calm nothingness after the shock of being attacked, watching Loki being attacked. The breathing next to you is rhythmic, blending into the soothing repetition like ripples against the shore of a lake. It’s almost too even, too shallow.
That thought is what makes you wade out of the torpor, and you see that Loki has his eyes shut again, lured by the soft call of sleep and the warmth of the room and bed. It’s late, and has been an exhausting day, and he has every reason to be tired. But... he’d also just hit his head. You don’t know much about concussions, or how to treat them, but you think... maybe he shouldn’t sleep.
“Loki?” you whisper, not truly having the heart to wake him if he is asleep.
He hums in reply, but does not open his eyes. Resting, then.
“Why you?”
“What about me?” He peeks one eye open, brow bunching in the center.
“I mean, why did he attack you? You didn’t do anything to him. What reason would he have to do that?”
Loki lets out a long breath, shifting to sit up more fully and turn toward you, hands folding together in his lap in a somewhat apprehensive manner.
“I don’t know,” he admits. “Sometimes,” he swallows. “Sometimes people are just unpredictable. Violent. Some don’t need a reason to harm others, some have reasons that only make sense in their own minds.” He’s quiet for a pensive moment. “Perhaps he saw me as a threat to having you for himself.” His lip curls, the words bitter and disgusted.
And it is certainly a repulsive image, as if you were an object that the man could have. As if you would ever want to be with a man like that. Even thinking about it makes your skin crawl, and you’re glad, at least, that you’ve never had to feel unsafe like that around Loki.
But still, there are a few reasons that idea wouldn’t quite make sense, although perhaps making sense of the situation is foolishness in and of itself, because Loki is right that there are people whose minds are so crooked and perverse that trying to untangle them is a futile pursuit. However, you cannot imagine that you are some trophy to be fought over, that the man, or any man, would desire you, much less to the extent Loki is implying.
To Loki, you say, dryer than Muspelheim in midsummer, “A terrible way to try to earn my affection.”
“You’re not flattered, I take it?”
“Of course not!” Because how could you be? The fact is, this wasn’t a courtship attempt, wasn’t some means of winning you over. There has to be something deeper, something more motivating than the urge to, to claim you like a sparring hart during the rut. But then you realize Loki is being facetious, so you add, facetious in your own right, “He didn’t even win.” Loki snorts, pretending to be offended. “Honestly,” you say, not at all joking now, “I’m appalled that he did that.” You gesture to a bit of blood that Loki has gotten on his pillow, residue from the injury that seems to be, as he said, minor.
Loki grimaces a bit as he looks at the stained pillowcase, but he can’t entirely keep the slight smile from tugging at the corners of his mouth, dimpling his cheeks.
“Perhaps I ought to be flattered.”
You smile too, something fond making itself known to you, because, as much as he says it like a jest, you know that he is truly gratified.
A sudden thought resurfaces, and you bite at your lip.
“Maybe...” you hesitate, because you’re not sure you want to voice it aloud, not sure you want to burden Loki with it. But he’s watching you, curious and hopeful, like he wants an answer just as much as you do. “Maybe he thought that you were,” you lower your eyes, “hurting me.”
Loki’s face falls. For a moment he seems like he wants to deny it, because he had not, truly he had never done such a thing, and the very idea is distressing. But then his gaze roves over your cheek, alighting on the scar there. His lips form a silent ‘oh’ of understanding.
You hold your breath, resisting the urge to squeeze your eyes shut, to turn away, to hide. Besides trying to heal you, and taking hold of your hand that one time, Loki had not seemed to pay much attention at all to that part of your face. You hadn’t realized how relieving that had been until this sudden scrutiny, and it feels all the worse for it. Acknowledging it seems excruciatingly raw, like it’s still open and bleeding, and you already hate it enough. You don’t want Loki to hate it too.
“Ah. He would not know how this,” he says, and before you can blink away the shaky feeling enough to realize what he’s doing, he reaches his fingers out to tap over the scar, “came to be.”
And the strangest thing is, stranger even than the casual, unflinching way Loki has just touched you, is that you can feel it. The skin that had been so numb and dull before now sparks with sensation for the brief moment his hand presses against it, and you can’t quite clamp your teeth over a tiny gasp.
“Did that hurt?” Loki asks, pulling his hand away immediately and looking you over, bemused.
“N- No,” you manage, not entirely sure what had happened. It hadn’t hurt, not at all. Not that it should have. It had stopped hurting, physically, the moment Loki’s magic had closed it up. But it had been like dead skin, and by all reason, it shouldn’t have felt the butterfly wing flutter of Loki’s fingers either.
You shake your head, because Loki doesn’t look like he quite believes you, still searching your face with a shrewdness that would have been touching, if it were for any other reason. It’s the same worry you held about his head injury, and you know that if you were to say yes, yes he had caused you pain, he would apologize, and mean it. But right now, you just want to change the topic.
“If he thought you were to blame, he doesn’t any longer.”
“No,” Loki agrees, amusement overspreading the lingering uncertainty. “You’ve doubtless absolved him of that notion. If anything, he now fears for my safety.”
And like that, the tension vanishes, replaced by a well-timed joke and the sound of your surprised laughter, a gleam in Loki’s eyes that is quite pleased indeed.
Loki brings his mug of bitter coffee to his lips, sipping at it even though it’s too hot to be enjoyable. Still, it keeps his hands busy, makes the restless motion of them seem purposeful and not merely a corollary of nervous energy. Over the rim of it, he watches the room, warily eying each new person that approaches the table. He’s sure that the man is somewhere far from here, likely imprisoned for his actions, but until he can know for certain, he can’t let that tension drop.
In-Hvassa is next to him, close by his side. Much closer than she normally sits, and he knows she is rattled as well. He takes another swallow of his coffee and feels the heat of it wash all the way down to his stomach, residing there as bracing and allaying as the knowledge that she trusts him, finds security in his presence. He is glad of it, and more besides. He similarly feels much more at ease, that tight, constricted feeling loosened by knowing she is near, safe and well.
But there, too, is a sweetness to it, something that settles soft as a feather in the very depths of himself, as if filling a hole he hadn’t known existed. She does not need him to protect her. She’s clever, and bold, and she can fend for herself. He knows. He’s seen it often enough. Yet she would trust him to do so regardless of necessity, because she has realized a truth both simple and substantial. He will not hurt her. Petty malice aside, he had never truly wanted to. After all this, though, he thinks, he would go a long way to make sure nothing else would either.
She shifts, and her arm brushes against his elbow. He doesn’t mind it. In a strange way, it’s almost comforting.
In-Hvassa stifles a yawn as she picks at the food on her plate. An already long night had stretched even further, and neither of them had managed sleep until the sky grew pale with dawn and the first fingers of light were reaching through the curtained windows. And what they had gotten was more fitful dozing than true sleep, one nodding off, still upright and not much willing to move from Loki’s bed, while the other kept quiet watch, interspersed with moments of conversation that kept them both from sinking too deep into fretfulness.
Loki hasn’t much appetite either, favoring the strong black beverage and the fluttery, invigorating energy it gives. Even so, she has not taken more than a mouthful or two, and Loki himself had at least eaten a piece of bland toasted bread and a bit of tart jam that seemed to be made out of the rind of some sort of fruit and lots of sugar. He’s not sure why she’s taking this as hard as she is. It was frightening, even Loki would admit to feeling such, but... she had not been hurt. Loki had not been hurt badly, and yet, she clearly is not well. So it had to be something else, something separate, and yet not.
A pair of men walk into the room, and Loki’s eyes trace them as they find seats together farther down the table. He doesn’t recognize them, and they’d had nothing to do with last night, or the other man, and yet he still watches the... brothers? for a moment, just to give that persistent nag of suspicion a chance to rest. The taller of them leans near his companion, brushes his hand along his forearm with a lazy sort of smile. Loki’s eyebrows shoot up. Definitely not brothers. The other one chooses that moment to glance Loki’s way, and before he can pretend he wasn’t looking, he winks, and Loki swallows his coffee wrong, unsuccessfully fighting the heat rising in his face as he turns away. That was... unexpected, he thinks as he coughs a bit, trying to set his breathing to rights.
And yet, In-Hvassa has scarcely noticed, not the coughing, not the silver-platter opportunity to needle Loki for blushing like some kind of maiden, none of it. She yawns again, and maybe that’s part of it, that blurry-eyed sleepiness that clings like lichen on wet rock. She refuses to even try the coffee, even though it would certainly help on that front. But that is not the only part of it.
She’d said she was fine earlier, that her scar didn’t hurt, but she’d been... well, Loki wasn’t sure what she’d been, only that it hadn’t been quite right. But if it was the scar... Loki frowns. Maybe... maybe holding a knife in her hand once more reminded her too much of the day she had gotten the scar. It’s not inconceivable. Being threatened by a stranger probably hadn’t helped either. Not the exact situation, but similar enough. Too similar for someone who has lived through something with such a capacity to leave mental scars as well. She had frozen up for a moment, and it wasn’t just the initial fear of the situation. It was panic, irrational as it was powerful, the same sort of blinding, whelming sensation Loki gets when he comes too close to a bull aurochs, and he can feel the burning pain in his abdomen, taste the blood in his mouth.
But she... she has not said anything, and so Loki has no certainty in his conjecture. He wishes she would. He turns to look at her, and she’s just sort of staring at her plate, vacant and lost. He leans toward her, no hard task since she is right there.
“You should eat something,” he says, and then realizes how imperious that had sounded.
But she doesn’t seem put off by it, instead just smiles at him, a bit sheepish for being caught with her head in the clouds.
“You’re right,” she agrees, and takes a bite. “Sorry. I was just thinking about the books we still have to read, and I don’t know how much progress we’re going to make today, because I’m exhausted, you’re exhausted, neither of us slept much, and there’s still so many of them!” The words come out all in a rush, and she looks close to tears from sheer frustration and worry.
Truthfully, Loki has forgotten all about the books, which no longer seemed like such a priority, not when safety had to take precedence and, well, his focus had been on her and not the increasingly useless task.
“Hey.” He puts his hand on her back lightly, hoping that it’s some sort of comfort. “Forget about the books. I think it’s time we try a different tactic anyway.”
Her shoulders sag in relief, and when she looks up at him, her eyes, though still tired and weary, have lost that heavy appearance.
“Good idea,” she laughs. “What did you have in mind?”
And this, Loki is a little bit hesitant about, because it’s possibly going to be an even more hopeless task, at least from his perspective. But they have to try something, and Loki, too, would just as soon burn the books as read them.
“I could, perhaps,” he begins, scowling only half-heartedly, “make an attempt to teach you to use magic.”
And it’s not likely to go too far beyond just that: an attempt. It would be hard when he didn’t even have the benefit of being able to show her what he was describing. The visual component of learning had been the biggest aid when he was starting out, and it was one he could not provide. It rankles, badly, because the longer he goes without being able to access his magic, the more it feels like he’s lost it permanently, as distressing and crippling as losing a limb. But the most pressing matter is that Loki is not Frigga or Eir. Loki had never been a patient teacher, at least not when trying to get Thor’s big head to wrap around even the most basic aspects of sorcery, and he simply does not possess the gentleness and capacity to soothe away frustration and disappointment that those who had taught him had bestowed on him.
But In-Hvassa does not seem to share his concerns.
“Would you?”
She’s grinning, bright as a summer afternoon, and the excitement glowing in her eyes is enough to make him think that maybe it wouldn’t be so terrible to try.
Part 18
*feel free to ask to tag/untag*
@steve-rogcrs @ps-ghost @ha-tep @professionalphangirluniverse
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pinkettepoet · 6 years
In Which She’s Caught In A Crossfire
Summary: Heated tension between you and Clint Barton surprisingly ends in unexpected confessions.
Warnings: Clint Barton x Fem!Reader, Violence, Decent Swearing (?), FLUFF.
Note: The last imagine absolutely exploded! I’m so happy that so many of you enjoyed it. For this one, all I have to say is that Hawkeye is one sexy man.
You were seething with anger.
And frankly, everyone in the Quinjet could see the heated tension between you and Clint. To be fair, you weren’t exactly subtle with the piercing glares you sent him or the murderous threats you muttered every time you passed by the famous Hawkeye.
Just the thought of Clint Barton brought fire to your veins. And for reasons that you couldn’t explain, you couldn’t get him out of your head. It was as if you didn’t know whether to hug him to death or to push him off a bridge.
You hated his stupid, large muscles. You hated the graceful baritone in his voice. You hated the way he acted so differently around you. Most of all, you hated his smirk that reeked of pride. But honestly, everything related to Clint Barton just set you off.
“So, uhm,” Steve coughed, poorly attempting to slice through the thick atmosphere. “Today was a successful mission—”
“I wouldn’t know.” You were quick to intervene, not missing a beat to throw another dark glare Clint who was seated across from you. “Someone kept me from all the action.”
You didn’t exactly have the tendency to be a violent woman. However, when a person stood in the way of you and your mission, there wasn’t much depth to it except that you felt cheated. Just as Clint did to you.
For today’s job, you were paired with Clint to keep an eye out for any Hydra agents who tried to run away. Him being on the lookout on the trees, and you dealing with them face to face.
Unfortunately, before you could even land a punch on anyone of them, a certain someone pierced an arrow right through their heart. He did that to every single one of them. Even when there was only literally one person.
When you confronted Clint about it on the way to the jet, he merely shrugged and said, “I’m just looking out for you, babe.”
It was a load of crap, honestly.
Just recalling the events today got your veins surging with irritation and fury. Clint had a habit of getting under your skin and today was no exception.
You were brought out of your thoughts when Natasha coughed beside you. It was only then you realized that your gaze was on Clint himself, or rather his lips.
“Daydreaming about me, sweetheart?” He smirked. At this point, you were seconds away from punching his perfectly structured face.
Perfect? Where the hell did that come from?
Must have been the heat getting to your head.
“Only about how much I want to bite your head off, sweetie.” You plastered the most bittersweet smile on your face, hoping to piss him off instead the man smiled widely.
“May I ask why Sir Barton and the Lady Y/N are in a quarrel? Is this some sort of mating ritual between mortals?” Thor said, his booming voice filling up the room.
Gone was the discomposed tension in the air, and replaced it was a series of awkward coughing. However, you and Clint never ceased from your stare down. In the background, you could hear the God of Mischief blasting with laughter, clearly the only one who didn’t give a damn.
“Thor, honey, I would never associate myself with an idiot like Clint.” And as melodic as you tried to make your voice sound, you knew that the venom in your words would reach Clint.
A part of you exploded with pleasure when you saw Clint stand up, eyes burning with rage. Finally, you got to see the layer underneath his sarcasm. You finally ticked the bomb within him.
“How am I the idiot for trying to protect you?” He asked. For some reason his harsh tone and the cold stare sent irregular shivers to your spine.
You brushed the fact away and stood up. You tried to make yourself seem taller but failed miserably as you could only seem to come in contact with his chin. Despite that, you put in every fiber of your being to intimidate him.
“If you didn’t notice, Clint, I’m an Avenger. And for a good bloody reason, too.” Your tone was raising higher, fueling with rage by the millisecond.
“Well, I’m sorry if I worry about you!” He took a few steps closer to you. His presence overwhelming you to the bone. It seemed as if you drowned out everyone else.
That sentence earned a scoff from you. It was a lie and you both knew it. The man didn’t have the ability to care for you, he just wanted to see you crash and burn.
“You worry about Nat but I don’t see you coddling her during missions, do I?” You spat out as loud as he did. It was becoming a crossfire and you were determined to make it out alive.
“That’s because she’s different, Y/N!” Clint fired back with just as much rage and insult.
“How is she different, Clint?” You practically screamed. “We both have eyes, nose, ears, and whatever. And as far as I’m concerned, we both have breasts! So tell me, how are we dif—”
“Because I love you, you dumb girl!”
“So I’m the dumb one now? Wow, you really are— wait what?” You paused, his words finally registering into your brain. And damn if that didn’t stop your heart for a bit.
“I love you, Y/N.” His tone was softer now, gentler. There was no more malice and you could practically feel the adoration seeping through.
Your mind became dizzy as you searched for anything that could have led to this. Instead, there were only images of you salivating of the man himself. How could you be so stupid?
“I have loved you ever since you came into the compound, wearing that stupid hat of yours—”
“My hat isn’t stupid. You are.” You whispered, eyes still locked on to his. You prayed hard that he didn’t hear the nervousness in your voice.
You still didn’t understand why your body was reacting this way. How could a simple sentence turn your insides putty?
“Of course, it is.” He laughed, tucking a stray hair behind your ear. “But it seemed like the most beautiful thing on earth when you wore it.”
“I love the way you don’t back down from a fight, the fire in your eyes is just something else. I love the way that you fight everyone for your food. I love the dimples when you smile, right there below your eye. I love you, Y/N.”
“And I’ll be spending the rest of my life making sure you know that.” Clint‘s arms came around you, pulling you for a hug. Then his hands slowly came down to your shoulders, tracing the outline of your body until he settled them onto your waist.
You tucked your bottom lip between your teeth, hoping to hide the smile. You didn’t even notice any of that. Unfortunately, you let your emotions get to the best of you as a small laugh escaped past your lips.
Surprisingly, you were rendered speechless and as you were thinking of something coherent to say, Tony interrupted your thoughts and suddenly stood up. If it weren’t for him, you’d have forgot that there were other people. You shyly moved away from Clint but he pulled you back to his body.
“Alright, people, pay up.” Tony laid his palm flat out for everyone to see. Slowly, Pietro, Steve, Bruce, Peter, and Loki put a handful of dollar bills onto his hand.
“What’s this?” You cleared your throat, trying to not let the stares faze you. But your head was so high up in the clouds that you didn’t care.
“They,” Tony said smugly, pointing to those who had just paid him. “Bet that you would kill Clint before he could confess his feelings for you.”
“And I,” Natasha grinned, grabbing all the money showcased for her. “Bet that Clint would confess his love for Y/N in the sappiest way sometime this month.”
“Why are you all against me?” Clint chuckled, tightening his hold on you. “Also, this month is oddly specific.”
“Oh, yeah,” Wanda shuddered, accepting the money from the others. “I saw your thoughts about Y/N and I was pretty sure you were going to explode by the end of the month.”
Soon laughter and teasing exceeded the jet’s space. You didn’t focus on that, instead you gave your full attention to Clint’s lips which were hovering around your ear. Not a moment later, you heard the very voice that sent goosebumps all over your body.
“You do know that this means I’m going to be even more protective of you now? I’m probably going to spend the rest of my life scaring away everyone I hate who comes near you.” He whispered.
“Then I’m going to spend the rest of my life kicking your ass.” You said.
Then Clint smiled, “You do know that you just said we’re going to spend our lifetime together?”
“I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
(marvel tag list: @not-jk-rowling, @hydraliciousbarnes, @thewhinersoldier)
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theotherodinson · 6 years
Good evening everyone, have some horrifying Frostmaster. Warning for dubious-everything, consent, porn, you name it. Seriously, everything is dubious and awful. Gosh, the stuff that pops into my head when I can’t sleep at night. Maybe I should try warm milk?
Smile Time
"Smile, pet."
Loki affixed a smile on his face, all teeth, helping keep any cries of pain lodged in his throat. He was stretched out chest-down across a high, narrow bed, naked and tied up. The thin, smooth ropes pressed white lines into his skin.
The Grandmaster circled his handiwork, humming as he went. Tightening here, loosening there. He was being indecisive, tying and retying the ropes around Loki's ankles and legs, wrists and arms. Fussing over the criss-cross of ropes holding Loki's body open and vulnerable. 
He adjusted the rope strung through the ring on the tight collar fastened around Loki's neck, giving it a hard tug back before looping it through another ring fastened on the wall somewhere behind him. It gave easy access to anyone standing between Loki's legs to manipulate it at will. Loki was forced to arch his back more to keep the collar from choking him. Pain spasmed through him as his spine protested the new position.
The Grandmaster clucked his tongue as he ran a hand along Loki's back. "You are magnificent, aren't you? Oh, yes. Truly." His hand came to rest possessively on Loki's ass. Loki heard the rustling of clothes behind him before the Grandmaster's other hand joined the first one and fingers began digging into his flesh.
"I think we're ready to get started now, huh?" A noisy kiss was pressed to the base of Loki's back. "Are you ready?"
"I am," Loki pushed the words through his teeth.
The Grandmaster laughed with delight. "Yes, you are. Okay, everybody. He's all set. Just remember the rules - I get to go first. And last. And - well, whenever else I want to,  heh!"
A chorus of excited, chattering voices rose up against the pounding bass of the music that filled the room.
Loki kept smiling.
"Grandmaster, please!"
"Nuh-uh!" the Grandmaster held his hand up for silence. "Do not interrupt! Everyone here knows how much I hate being interrupted."
"What did I just say? Did I or did I not just say 'do not interrupt?' I did, right? I didn't imagine it." the Grandmaster cast around him for agreement.
"You did say not to interrupt," Topaz said.
"I did, thank you. Now, where was I? Oh, yes. Your crimes. Ready to hear them?"
The woman locked into place in the chair before the Grandmaster began to sob softly.
The Grandmaster sighed. "Why do they always have to cry when I'm ready to pronounce their crimes? I mean - it's not like it'll make a difference. Right?"
Topaz shook her head. The Grandmaster looked over expectantly at Loki who also shook his head.
"There!" The Grandmaster grinned in triumph and tapped the end of the melt stick against the floor. "Okay, hmm, crimes, crimes. There's crime of trying to leave my service with one of my contenders without my permission - which you did not have, just to be clear. Oh! And also, trying to take away one of my contenders, that's also a crime. I sentence you to death. So I guess you get to be with him after all? Hey - bright side!"
The Grandmaster wasted no time dissolving the woman who was once a favoured companion. Her shrieks echoed through the chamber as she was reduced to a puddle, mixing with the puddle of the contender who the Grandmaster had melted in front of her just minutes before.
The Grandmaster thrust the melt stick back at Topaz. "Geez, what a start to the day, huh? Such a messy business, but what can you do?" He turned to Loki, standing quietly at his left side. "Not a total loss, though. Now I have all the more time to spend with you. Isn't that nice?"
"Of course," Loki said.
"Of course," the Grandmaster echoed. "Smile, darling. Busy day ahead."
Loki offered up a bright smile.
"You are a special one, do you know that? You really are."
"Thank you, Grandmaster," Loki said. "You honour me."
"Oh, stop. I just call things as I see them. I did not mean stop what you're going, by the way. You don't stop doing that until I tell you."
"I wouldn't dream of it."
The Grandmaster was lazily stretched out across his bed watching Loki fuck himself on the Grandmaster's cock. Loki moved himself up and down with aching slowness, as per the Grandmaster's instructions, his own cock long spent and limp.
The Grandmaster drew small circles on Loki's hip with his fingers. "You were just...such a find. I was getting bored. And then there you were, you know?"
"I'm pleased to know my arrival was fortuitous for you."
"Oh, it was. And not just for me. Things were getting dull around here. I don't like it when it gets dull. Dull is boring."
"And you hate being bored."
"I do, precious. Truly. Okay, that's enough - off," the Grandmaster ordered with a wave of his hand.
Loki stopped and lifted himself off the Grandmaster's still hard cock, kneeling on the bed next to him waiting for further instructions.
The Grandmaster watched him for a beat with a dark, hooded gaze. "Hmm. Fetch one of the toys. The purple one, I think. No, make it the green."
Loki deliberately did not react as he climbed off the bed, holding the edge until he was sure his legs would hold him upright, and retrieved the asked for item. He gripped it carefully so his hands wouldn't shake and returned to the bed. Loki offered it to his companion, trying to keep his face free of expression. From the look of amusement he received from the Grandmaster, he failed.
The Grandmaster laughed. "No, sweet thing. You work that in. I'll watch. And remember to smile."
Loki smiled as he carefully worked the massive dildo into himself. He stopped every so often, teeth biting into his lip, before smiling again. He was panting by the time he finally had it in.
The Grandmaster made a come-here gesture. "Let me see," he said. Loki turned and offered his ass for inspection. He felt the Grandmaster grip the toy and shoved it in deeper. Loki cried out. The Grandmaster laughed again and slapped Loki's ass.
"That's better. Now, you finish up what you were going with your mouth. Leave your ass up here where I can see it. When you're done, it'll be time to get you all dolled up for the fights." He gave the dildo a hard jerk and Loki moaned. "We'll leave this in. Who knows? Maybe there will be a decent contender out there tonight I can reward with you. That would be different, huh? Fun!"
Loki's breathe caught in his throat. "If that would please you," he said over his shoulder
"Oh, I think it would. Don't worry, precious. It's not like I won't be there, too," the Grandmaster paused. "Well, what are you waiting for?"
Loki lined himself up and lowered his mouth over the Grandmaster's cock.
"Good boy," the Grandmaster said.
The screams coming from the fighting ring were more deafening then the blood-thirsty howls of the crowd.
The Grandmaster was grinning ear-to-ear. "Wow, I should have thought of this ages ago. I mean, I really only need so many scrappers."
"I have a family, please...please, no!"
Loki watched as one of the scrappers the Grandmaster had rounded up earlier in the day tried to evade the two giants lumbering down on him. He tried to scramble out their reach and failed. Each giant seized two of the scrapper's limbs and pulled. The man's screams rent the air before silencing abruptly. The giants abandoned the pieces they'd ripped free and searched for a new target.
There was no shortage of them. All over the ring were scrappers trying to find escape from fighters captured by them, now loosed on them, free to take vengeance. And vengeance they did. The ground was littered with broken bodies.
The Grandmaster applauded. "Excellent! That was disgusting, but I'll bet hardly anyone gets to see the chance to see something like that."
Loki looked away, unable to stomach anymore of the senseless carnage. His chin was quickly seized between the Grandmaster's thumb and forefinger, forcing him to look at him. "Hey, what's this? A long face? You're not having fun?"
"Oh, I am," Loki promised. "But perhaps it was unwise of me to eat so much before the start. I fear the food isn't agreeing so much with the spectacle. I apologize."
Especially, as Loki saw from the corner of his eye, that one of the giants had gone back to the dismembered scrapper and was now eating one of the limbs. Loki clenched his teeth together tightly, firmly telling himself he may not throw up on the Grandmaster's lap.
The Grandmaster took note of what was going on and pulled a face. "Yikes! That's nasty. Remind me to have the guards bring more food down there every once in awhile." 
He turned back to Loki, releasing his chin and stroking Loki's cheek with the back of his fingers. "Aw, sweetness, it's all right," he cooed. "I'm not mad. Cheer up, look it's almost over. Just three more scrappers to go and we'll call it a night."
There were more screams from the fighting ring. The Grandmaster checked out the action. "Okay, less than three." His face brightened. "Hey, I know, we'll stay in tonight. Just you and me. Maybe a few friends. We'll have a nice night in. Play a special game. I'll think of something new. Would you like that?"
"You know I would," Loki said.
The ear-to-ear smile was back. "Yeah, I do know. Now perk up, baby. Smile."
Loki matched the Grandmaster's exuberant smile with one of his own.
"Loki. Loki!"
Loki scrambled down the corridor, fleeing the commotion as the escaping fighters squared off against the Grandmaster's guards. His heart hammered in his ears as he fled. He didn't know where the Grandmaster was and he had no weapons. Loki rounded a corner and lunged for a door leading into a room he knew connected to two different corridors. If he couldn't find the Grandmaster or a weapon to defend himself, he could outrun the turmoil until he found a safe place to hide.
He didn't make it.
Wrenched away from the door, he was shoved against a wall by the contender that had been pursuing him. Loki fought back, trying to get free. He punched and scratched and bit. It was having no effect on the large man who had him pinned. He gave Loki an exasperated look.
"I can free you, if you would just hold still," the man said.
What? Loki blinked, unsure what to do.
In the next moment, the contender retrieved a small device from his belt and pressed a button. The small disc attached to Loki's neck detached and dropped to the floor. With the disc gone, memories came flooding back. Loki's knees buckled and he staggered, gasping as if he'd been without air for months as his magic flowed through him.
But Thor was there to hold him up.
"It's all right," Thor said soothingly, replacing the space the disc took up on Loki's neck with his own hand. "Take your time. You're free now."
"Thor," Loki dug his fingers into Thor's arms, trying to steady himself against the onslaught of memory and emotion. "How long...?"
"I'm not sure. I'm told time works strangely in this place. I first caught sight of you about a week ago.” Thor hesitated. “Others told me you've been here much longer than that."
A low growl curled up Loki's throat. "The Grandmaster, he...it's his doing. Where is he?"
"I don't know. But it doesn't matter. We're leaving."
"It does matter," Loki shouted. "You don't know what he did. What he made me..." Loki couldn’t finish the sentence. Not in front of Thor.
Thor was looking at him with sorrowful eyes filled with pity. Like he knew what it was Loki couldn’t bring himself to say. "Loki, what happened after you were brought here...none of it was your fault. The Grandmaster is a madman who took your will from you. But you're free. It's over."
"No," Loki said. "It's not over. It's not over until I shove a dagger through that demon's heart and then cut his throat. Then it'll be over."
Thor didn't argue. "As you wish."
Loki smiled. His first real smile since arriving on Sakaar. 
It felt euphoric.
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kyloxox · 7 years
Imagine being an avenger that Tony is very protective of cause you are like a sister to him and Loki takes an interest in you (part 2)
Original imagine: https://fandomimagines131.tumblr.com/post/161215344862/imagine-being-an-avenger-that-tony-is-very
Part 1: https://fandomimagines131.tumblr.com/post/161495873962/lasting-love-loki-x-reader
Notes: Someone also requested for me to make a second part but I forgot who I’m sorry.
Hope you enjoy:)
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You woke up with a shock, quickly checking to see your surroundings. You were laying on a huge bed in an even bigger room. Your body ached and the events of what happened several hours ago went threw your mind.
You were walking around the Stark tower since you were there alone as everyone else decided to go out to dinner. You decided to go to the bar in the tower and make yourself a drink. You stood behind the bar grabbing a glass from the cabinet right as you got to the counter a hand grabbed her wrist.
“Miss me darling.” you knew that voice anywhere. It was Loki’s.
“Oh shit not you again.”
“I said I would come back to get you, I always keep my promises pet.“ Before you knew it loki had knocked you out and had taken you to asgard.
“Good you are awake my pet. You slept threw dinner so I brought some midgardian food for you.” You didn’t want to take it but your stomach rumbled from not eating for a while you took it. Loki left the room for the whole time you were eating but came back.
“Why the hell are you back in here?”
“To sleep, you know even gods have to get their sleep love.” Loki laughed at your question.
“What? Your not sleeping in here, I refuse to sleep in the same bed as you.”
“Fine suit yourself, you can sleep on the floor.”
“Ugh fine,” you climbed into the bed and sat as far away from Loki as possible, “don’t touch me.”
“You know you can come closer I won’t bite unless you want me to.“ He said as he began to move over to your side.
“If you move another inch I swear to god.“ Loki stopped his movements.
“Fine but one day you will warm up to me.” You rolled your eyes.
Loki had kept you in that room for most of the days you were there besides for dinner, but you always refused to eat with him so you ate in your room, and to take showers and use the restroom. Loki visited the room quite often to get you to warm up to him, and give his snarky comment of the day but you ignored him each time. Then after two weeks you finally spoke to Loki.
“So your plan here is to just keep me here and it will end in my eventual dead of boredom!” Loki rolled his eyes.
“So you ignore me for weeks, refuse to eat dinner with me and you aspect me to release back to your world!” Loki yelled at you.
“Yea I do, you know sometimes you can’t always get what you want. I’m sorry that you love me and I hate you maybe you shouldn’t force me to be with you.”
“You don’t understand, you just don’t understand.” Loki sat on the bed next to you crying into his hand. “Everything, literally everything I have ever wanted gets taken and ruined by Thor.” You felt bad maybe he wasn’t that bad you thought to yourself maybe he just needed someone to love and care for him. “When I saw you I fell in love with you I just thought that maybe I could finally have something I wanted.” Before you could answer him he left the room, and didn’t return all night.
Loki had stopped bringing meals to you himself, and had guards bring it to you. He started sleeping in different sleeping chambers. You couldn’t help to feel lonely without his company, you felt guilty for the pain you caused Loki. It had been another boring day in your room and you decided to go to bed early. You had gotten a few hours of sleep, then there was a loud crack of thunder. Oh god. Oh god you thought to yourself. You always hated thunderstorms since you were little. Then there was a louder crack of thunder. You went to the door and tried to open it but it happened to be locked.
You started to bang on the door to let the guards know to get Loki. “Please get Loki, please get Loki, please get Loki.” You kept repeating this until the door opened to show a rather sleepy looking Loki.
“Y/n why have you called me down at such a late hou-”
Before he could finish his thought you quickly rapped your hands around Loki's stomach and put your head on his chest .
“Thank you for coming,” your fear of the thunder died down “please don’t ever leave me again.” You whispered as you began to cry. Loki had closed the door behind the two of you, as you held his hand and dragged him to be on the bed with you. You both laid down on the bed you began to hug Loki’s body again just as another loud crack of thunder.
“So I can tell you don’t like thunder much?” Loki said as he laughed at you clinging to him. You shook your head. “It’s fine I’m not too fund of it either.” You really couldn’t fall asleep during the storm even with loki with you, so the two of you stayed up all night talking about what your life was like on earth and what his life was like on asgard. You learned a lot about him. Loki was a damaged and broken soul that needed someone to help him repair it. He just wanted someone to care for him, since he never felt that while he was a kid. Maybe that person could be you.
You and Loki both fell asleep after the storm was over very early in the morning. In the morning the guards went to go wake you both up, when one of the guards opened the door to the sleeping chambers they saw the two of you happily sleeping, with Loki’s arm around your waist holding you close to his body. The guard decided to let you both sleep for the rest of the morning and most of the afternoon.
Loki had been the first to wake up. He saw you were holding onto his arm peacefully sleeping he had to resist kissing you right there and then, so Loki got off the bed and lightly kissed your forehead before he exited the room. He went to the kitchens and ordered the chefs to make all of Asgard’s signature dishes, he wanted to make this perfect for you.
When Loki returned to the room you were already awake. “Good morning my lady, please get dressed I have something to show you.” You quickly got off the bed and got dressed. You opened your door to find Loki waiting outside for you.
“Wait your seriously letting me out of that room?”
“Yes I think it’s a time for change in your environment you have been kept in that room for too long.” He smiled charmingly at you. You could tell that some of the coldness in Loki’s heart was going away little by little. The rest of the afternoon Loki showed you around the palace. He talked about many of his childhood memories of living here as a child. He told you about his first ball and how he fell while he tried to dance with his date. He told you about the many pranks him and his brother use to play on the servants, which you laughed at. While walking around with him you thought maybe he wasn’t as bad as he seemed.
After walking around the whole castle, Loki told you that he had one last room he wanted to show you. You walked to the room and Loki opened the door to it and let you in. You walked in and your jaw dropped. There were books upon books. The walls were just basically piled with books.  "When you told me how much you liked reading last night, I thought you would enjoy this room.“
“Oh my god thank you so much!” You ran up to Loki and gave him a hug.
“It’s no problem.” he smiled at how cute he thought your reaction was.
As you ended the hug you asked “Have you read all of them?”
“No not all of them but most of them.” There was a silence while you looked around at the stacks of books, lWell would you mind if I left you in here for a few hours I have something I need to attend to?”
“No I don’t mind, you could leave me here all day.” You laughed and so did Loki.  
It had been a few hours before a guard old you that you should get ready for dinner with Loki. You left the library with a couple books that you wanted to keep for later. When you arrived  in your room there was a gorgeous f/c dress laying on the bed. You got changed into it and did your hair. You walked down to the dining to see Loki sitting at one side of the table. The table was filled with a feast of unfamiliar foods.
Loki stood up from his chair and walked over to you. “You look gorgeous y/n. You are not only beautiful on the inside, but the outside. Please sit.” Loki pulled out a chair for you to sit.
“Thank you Loki.” you were already blushing and the night had only just begun. After you sat down Loki starting telling you all about the food that was presented in front of you. “I hope you enjoy-y it, I figured you were tired of Midgradian food-d.” Loki said kind of nervously. Loki tried to act confident during the dinner but he was actually really nervous. What if he makes a fool of himself? What if she is just using him? These thought ran threw his head as you too began eating.
You tried almost all of the food that was presented in front of you and you enjoyed everything. After dinner was over Loki and you walked out to the balcony. You were looking out at the stars it was beautiful.
“I really hope you enjoyed dinner.”
“I did thank you,” there was a silence, “Ummm Loki, I just wanted to say sorry for the fight we had, I never apologized, and I felt really bad for the words I said. I always thought you were some crazy obsessed weirdo, but now I have learned that you are actually caring and sweet.”
“Thanks,” Loki turned to face you, “before I met you I didn’t believe in something like love. I thought it was just for fools. I used to make fun of my brother for falling for a mortal, but now I can see why he found mortals so appealing.” You laughed at what Loki said. “I mainly believed love was fools cause I would think no one would ever love me no one could care about me like that.” You then turned to face Loki both eyes staring into each other.
“May I kiss you lady y/n?”
“You may.” Loki then leaned into your face and grabbed the side of your cheek, pulling you into a kiss. For the both of you the kiss was incredible, but when you kissed him it was like nothing you have ever experienced, no one has ever kissed you like that before, so passionate. For Loki this kiss meant so much to him, it made him feel like it was possible for someone to love him. Loki pulled away from the kiss.
“ Lady Y/n, can I call you mine?” To answer Loki’s question you pulled Loki into another passionate kiss. And after all these years Loki finally felt loved.
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imagine-loki · 6 years
Beauty and the Beast
TITLE: Beauty and the Beast CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: 8/? AUTHOR: nekoamamori ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine Loki is under a spell that will return him to his Aesir one if he learns to accept himself for who he is RATING: T (so far)  NOTES/WARNINGS: Also on AO3 here
Loki still mock-grumbled at her, trying not to laugh instead.  “I was four,” he growled at her.  She could hear the teasing in his voice.  
She laughed.  “I’m aware,” she teased him.  
He grumbled in annoyance.  Annoying little chit knew too much.  “It was Thor’s fault,” he said defensively.
She tilted her head and looked confused.  He thought she looked like an adorable kitten.  “Thor knew I was displeased that a maid was giving me a bath that night instead of mother.  He informed me where mother was so I could go find her.  Unfortunately, she was in the throne room with the Allfather, greeting a group of dignitaries from Alfheim,” Loki explained, his cheeks purple in embarrassment.  Morgan laughed, and Loki decided that a little embarrassment was worth getting her to laugh, was worth seeing her so happy. 
But only a little embarrassment.  
She finally relented to properly changing the subject.  “I don’t really feel like cooking tonight. Do you like Chinese?” she asked him warmly.  Loki was still amazed that she seemed to care what she wanted, or at least his likes and dislikes.  And she cared that he was fed. 
“Chinese is fine, little one,” he told her warmly.  
She nodded and dialed the Chinese restaurant that always delivered to the tower.  And placed their order, guessing what Loki would like, since he didn’t say.  She knew his food preferences well enough by then to pick something out.  Loki couldn’t find it at all surprising when she placed the order in Mandarin.  “Dinner will be here soon,” she told Loki after she hung up the phone. 
Loki nodded. “Shall we head to the common room then?” he asked her warmly.  That was the lowest common area to the lobby and therefore the closest to the food being delivered.  It also had the big TV, which Loki found he liked.  She nodded and swung her legs out of the bed.  He was on his feet in an instant and offered her his arm as she reached for it, reached for him. 
Morgan gave him a bright smile when she found that his arm was right where she needed it to be.  She was impressed that he cared enough to make sure she was escorted safely.  It was also clearly of his own volition at this point and not on her dad’s orders.  
They made their way to their usual couch in the common room and took a seat to wait for the Chinese to arrive.  Morgan asked Jarvis to start the first How to Train Your Dragon movie while they waited.  Morgan couldn’t help smiling when the familiar theme started, though as they watched, she listened more to Loki’s reactions to the familiar scenes than to the movie itself.  Loki was watching in absolute delight, excited to see one of his favorite books come to animated life.  
Jarvis automatically paused the movie when he announced that dinner had arrived.  Morgan started to get up to go get it, assuming Loki wouldn’t want to deal with the deliveryman.  Or that it wasn’t safe for Loki to deal with the deliveryman.  That was probably more accurate.  Loki could get stabby when he was agitated. Or hungry.  Or because he felt like it.  Or Thor was nearby. 
Loki tended to get stabby frequently.  
He gently pushed Morgan back down onto the couch.  “I will get it, darling,” he told her warmly.  
“Are you sure?” she asked with concern in her voice.  Thor couldn’t be trusted to go get the delivery. How could Loki be trusted to do it?  His temper was even more volatile than his brother’s. 
Loki chuckled.  “Yes, darling.  I’m sure.  I will be back shortly,” 
“Alright,” she agreed, cuddling back up in the blanket Loki had draped around her.  
Loki headed down to the lobby and successfully rescued the food from the deliveryman. The deliveryman was, of course, shocked by his appearance, but wisely didn’t comment on Loki’s sapphire skin, or crimson eyes, and definitely didn’t dare say anything about the horns.  Though he wanted to.  He also wanted to stay alive.  Loki appreciated that, if nothing else, the stupid mortal had a decent sense of self-preservation. 
“Loki?” Morgan asked nervously when she heard the elevator ding at Loki’s return.  He realized that of course she couldn’t see that it was him and how disconcerting it must be for her. 
“I’m back, darling,” he reassured her and he noticed that she relaxed as soon as she heard his voice, as soon as she knew it was him.  
“So, Liam, did the deliveryman survive dropping off the food?” she switched back over to his nickname when she wasn’t worried, nervous, or scared.  That was something to keep in mind.  A way to track her emotions.  
Loki laughed.  “Yes, darling, he did,”
She laughed in reply and filled the room with warmth.  “Good to hear,” she replied and started divvying out the food.  Jarvis restarted the movie once they were settled with their food.  Morgan enjoyed her Chinese, curled up next to Loki on the couch, comforted by sitting next to him.  Even if they weren’t touching.  Yet.  Though they were so close that the slightest move would change that and the pair would be cuddled together on the couch.
How awful that would be. 
How awful indeed.  
Loki smiled over at her and tried to goad the situation a little.  “Comfortable?” he asked her warmly.
She nodded, but looked concerned at his question.  “Am I sitting too close?” she asked softly.  She knew Loki wasn’t one to enjoy sharing his personal space.  She just felt better sitting close enough to feel his presence.  She was uncomfortable when she couldn’t feel anything around her.  Loki understood that.  He understood that she was learning to use her other senses to compensate for her lack of sight.  Even if Loki wasn’t comfortable with it, he wouldn’t deny her that comfort. 
“Not at all, little one. I simply wished to make sure,” he reassured her warmly.  
She nodded and relaxed, back to enjoying the movie.  And somehow, through absolutely no fault of her own, her head ended up tentatively pillowed on his shoulder not long afterwards. He turned his head and smiled fondly at the little Midgardian, resting so comfortably against him.  He usually hated having his personal space infringed upon, but he found he like it when she did.  He liked her safe with him.  Liked her touch and most especially her trust and caring.  
The movie finished and the next one began.  And throughout it, Morgan spent the evening cuddled up with Loki, comfortable and happy.  She noted how he lit up when For the Dancing and the Dreaming came on in the second movie.  She was surprised when he started singing along in Asgardian.  His voice was melodic and soothing.  He had a wonderful singing voice.  She smiled warmly and sang the female part in English, her voice gentle and sweet. 
When the song ended, Loki took a risk and pressed a soft kiss to the top of her head.  “You have a beautiful voice, darling,” he told her fondly. 
“So do you,” she replied warmly, shifting enough so he could see her bright smile, before she settled back to lay her head on his shoulder again, since he didn’t seem to mind.  He didn’t mind one tiny bit and wrapped an arm around her, cuddling her to him. She smiled and relaxed when his cool arm wrapped around her and she shifted, settling comfortably in his arms, relaxing in his embrace.  
They watched movies together for the rest of the night, though Loki kept sneaking glances to the beautiful woman in his arms.  He smiled fondly late that night when he saw that she’d dozed off in his arms.  The hour was quite late and she’d been through a lot of magical lessons that day.  He softened further, though at the soft, fond, content smile on her face as she dozed peacefully in the safety of his arms.  
He stayed with her like that until the credits of the movie they were watching started to play, at which time he told Jarvis.  “I believe we are done for the night.” He still hated the primitive computer, but he was trying to get along with it.  
Jarvis turned off the TV and the conversation was enough to stir the little half-Asgardian in Loki’s arms.  She just shifted a little in his arms. “Liam?” his nickname was a soft murmur, but her tone remained a gentle, loving caress.  
He smiled warmly.  “I’m here, darling. Let’s get you to bed,” 
She nodded, waking a little.  “Good idea,” she murmured and moved to disentangle herself from his arms.  Loki stood and helped her to her feet, hooking her hand on his elbow to he could walk her back to his room. “I can sleep in my own room.  Besides you need your bed,” she protested, knowing she had a fight ahead of her as they walked from the common room. 
“I would feel better knowing you’re nearby. We don’t know if Hydra will try again to take you,” he reminded her logically.  Sometimes stubborn chits listened to logic.  
“You need sleep too,” she reminded him with equal logic.
Damn annoying chit wasn’t supposed to use logic against him that was his job. 
Though she was right.  It had been like two days since he’d slept.  Even he could only go so long without proper sleep. He sighed, knowing she was right.  He started to change directions to head up to her room, but she paused at his sigh, stopping him.  “It really means that much to you that we’re safe behind your shielding?” she asked him softly, pondering exactly how much she trusted him. 
“It does but you are right that I need the rest. If you wish to sleep in your own bed, I will happily placed my shielding around your room,” he offered. 
“That sounds like a lot of work.  I can just sleep on your couch.  It’s plenty big enough…” she suggested.  Annoying little stubborn chit thought that was going to work. 
He gave her a pointed look, forgetting she wasn’t going to be able to see it.  “Not going to happen,” he told her firmly.
She smirked at him and Loki felt his heart skip a beat, knowing that mischievous look always led to trouble.  Loki dreaded what trouble that would be.  “Then you best keep to your half of the bed,” she teased.  “And never tell my dad,” she added.  That was important.  Tony would kill him. Repeatedly.  
Loki laughed.  “I think I can manage that,”
She nodded and wrapped both of her arms around his arm, laying her head on his arm.  “Good, that’s settled then,” 
He nodded, hoping this wasn’t a terrible idea.  “I guess it is, then,” he agreed and he led her back to his room where he could put his sleepy little half-Asgardian to bed.  Which he did quickly before she tried to sleep on the couch after all.  She removed her dark-lensed glasses and set them carefully on the nightstand next to her phone and her pill container.  She faced him and gave him an expectant look.  She wasn’t going to sleep until she was sure he was joining her and not being a martyr and staying awake.  
He sighed at how stubborn she was and used magic to don pajama pants and a t-shirt before he climbed into the other side of the bed, making well sure to keep to his side.  He needed rest, as she well knew, which is why he now found himself sharing a bed with the girl he wanted to kiss, but didn’t want to reject him for being a monster.  It was a very complicated situation, but he was glad she was here and safe.  That was the important part.  She gave him a smile that warmed his heart and leaned over to kiss his cheek.  “Goodnight, Liam,” she told him before she curled herself among the pillows and blankets on her side of the bed. 
He smiled in reply.  “Goodnight, darling,” 
They both fell asleep quickly, it had been a busy couple of days for them both.  
Loki woke to find a blind little half-Asgardian sleeping with her head on his chest, an arm draped across his stomach.  His arm was around her protectively, holding her close to him.  He smiled fondly down at the girl sleeping deeply, safe and relaxed in his arms.  He had no recollection of how they got into this arrangement. Yet, he didn’t mind in the slightest.  He started to run his fingers gently through her hair and she sighed in relaxation, though her eyes fluttered open at his touch.  She sat up slowly, looking confused.  She hadn’t remembered falling asleep on someone’s chest.  She heard the warm smile in his voice.  “Sleep well, darling?” he asked her gently, not wanting to frighten him.
She turned red in embarrassment.  She shouldn’t have been sleeping on him.  Especially not after she told him so firmly to stay on his side of the bed.  “I’m sorry! You should have woken me,” she told him, feeling bad for being in his space.
“It’s alright. It’s alright, darling,” he soothed her.  “I’ve actually have not slept so well in years,” he confided and she relaxed, glad that she hadn’t upset him. 
She gave him a small smile.  “That’s good to hear,” she said a bit shyly.  She hadn’t wanted to risk upsetting him, knowing how he was about his privacy and personal space.  He was so secretive and didn’t like people.  “I should feed you before my appointment so you don’t get all homicidal and stabby,” she teased.
He couldn’t help chuckling at that.  “That is probably a wise idea,” he agreed as his stomach growled.  
She smiled brightly and grabbed her things from the nightstand, settling her glasses on her nose carefully before she climbed out of the bed.  “Come along, then, prince, we’ll see what we can feed you,” she told him warmly and took his arm when he offered so they could head to the common room to find food.  Loki left her at the entrance to the kitchen.  He couldn’t cook and would just be in the way.  
Soon a plate was set in front of him of a very, very close approximation of an Asgardian breakfast he particularly cared for. He lit up in delight at the familiarity of the dish and dove into his meal, beyond happy. “I take it you like it, then?” she teased at how enthusiastically he was eating his breakfast.
Loki nodded.  “It’s just like breakfast from home,” he told her fondly.
She smiled. “Mom used to make it all the time and I figured since no one else I know ever knew what it was it was probably something from Asgard,” she explained with a shrug.  
Loki nodded.  “It was one of my favorite meals to wake up to back home,” 
She grinned.  “Thank the Norns.  It would’ve been my luck to make something you hated from your childhood,”
“I doubt that could ever happen. You are an amazing cook,”
She laughed.  “Hardly.  I’m just lucky you and Thor are both so easily bribed with food,” she told him warmly.  He didn’t deny it.  He was easily bribed with food.  Especially dessert.  
She finished her breakfast and kissed his cheek before she left to get a shower and clean clothes before her appointment.  She reassured him that Happy was driving them.  Loki agreed to wait for her to return from her room, though he kept his senses trained on her, not enough to pry, but just enough to know if there was trouble.   
She returned clean and in fresh jeans and an adorable green top that Loki absolutely adored on her.   “Green is a beautiful color on you, darling,” he told her warmly.  It pleased him greatly that she was dressed in one of his colors.  
She gave him a shy smile.  “Thank you,” she replied a little flushed at the compliment of her appearance, especially since she couldn’t see herself to know what she really looked like.  
Jarvis announced that Happy arrived to pick them up and Morgan took Loki’s arm when he offered it.  “I know you don’t like leaving the tower.  You don’t have to come with me,” she reminded him softly.  She didn’t know why he hated leaving the tower so much, but she didn’t want to make him uncomfortable.  
“I will be alright, darling,” he reassured her. 
She nodded and the pair headed down to the lobby.  Happy was waiting for them as promised and looked downright shocked to see Loki there.  He was about to say something about Loki being blue and in public. But Loki glared at him hard enough that he reconsidered.  
Loki didn’t want Morgan to know his secret. He wasn’t ready for that.  Not yet.  
So he glared at the bodyguard in annoyance and helped Morgan into the SUV before he climbed in on the other side.  Thankfully, Morgan was oblivious to all of the glaring and smiled warmly at Loki, thanking him for helping her into the car.  She gave him a curious look when they were settled in the back of the SUV.  “You and Thor speak any language, right?” she asked him.
He nodded.  “Thanks to the allspeak. Though I am much more proficient at it than Thor. Why?” he asked, curious as to where this topic of conversation had come from. 
“Because Happy doesn’t speak Mandarin,” she replied in Mandarin.  “And I forgot to warn you that he works for and reports directly to dad.  So anything said or done in front of him will get reported,” she made a face, but it was a fact of her life.  Anything said in front of the bodyguard would be reported to her father.  
He hmmed in reply. “I will keep that in mind,” he responded in perfect Mandarin.  Allspeak was useful at times and he’d rather not have his conversations with Morgan reported to Stark, no matter how innocent.  
She gave him a warm smile.  “Thought you’d appreciate the warning.  Dad’s a bit… Overprotective,” that was an understatement of epic proportions.  Especially when it came to his only daughter.
“Believe me, I’ve noticed.  He had threatened me every phone call to make sure you are safe,” Loki replied, rolling his eyes hard enough that she could practically hear it.  
The trip to the hospital didn’t take long and Morgan waited for Loki or Happy to open her door, looking as anxious as she felt.  Loki came around the car and opened the door for her, holding out a hand to help her out of the vehicle.  She reached for him and found his cold hand.  She accepted his help gratefully and took his arm firmly, her nerves nearly shaking her control of her magic. 
He squeezed the hand on his arm.  “Breathe, darling. Remain focused or your control will snap,” he reminded her gently.  She still needed to get used to having magic, and more used to not letting it slip her control just because of her emotions.  It was a hard lesson for any mage to learn.  And most of them learned it as children. 
She took a couple of deep breaths and managed to calm her magic.  Barely.  “I just- I can’t see.  I don’t know this place and-” her grip on him tightened in fear.  
He actually relaxed. This fear he could help and this was one of the reasons he had accompanied her today.  “I’m right here, darling. I won’t let anything happen to you,” he promised her.  She nodded and relaxed, trusting him without question.  Loki still didn’t understand how she could trust him so completely.  
Happy led their group inside and Morgan stayed holding tightly to Loki’s arm.  It disconcerted him to see her like this, which just sparked his temper.  She was usually so sure of herself, even with her disability, but in this place she didn’t know, she was out of his depth and relying entirely on Loki’s eyes.  At least she didn’t have to see the stares of the Midgardians at the blue-skinned man.  He tried his best to ignore them, though he could feel their eyes on him. 
Morgan forced Happy to wait outside of the exam room, entirely because she didn’t want him there.  She held onto Loki’s hand tightly while they waited for the doctor.  The doctor finally came in to examine her.  Or at least that was the intention.  Instead, he just stared at Loki uncomprehendingly, which caused Loki to glare darkly at the doctor, his crimson eyes flashing in warning.  
The doctor turned his attention to Morgan finally and gave her a look that was clearly displeased.  “You’re supposed to be taking it easy and resting.  And taking the medications we prescribed,” he reminded  he reminded her and she turned red.  Loki’s brows furrowed in concern, but he didn’t comment.  But how could she not be taking care of herself?  How hadn’t he noticed?  Had he missed something?  He was supposed to be caring for her.
Was he really failing her?
She was let out of the exam with more medications and orders to rest and heal so she didn’t end up back in the hospital.  Loki listened intently to the instructions, determined that she was going to follow them.  To a T.  
Morgan sighed in relief when they were finally able to leave the hospital.  Loki studied her as they walked.  “You haven’t been taking care of yourself properly,” he told her, summarizing what the doctor had said. 
She sighed. “No, i just haven’t been sitting on my ass letting people wait on me hand and foot,” she replied defensively.
“Is that what you should be doing?” Loki asked calmly.
“My legs work just fine,” she grumbled instead of answering his question.  Besides, he’d been there and heard the doctor as well as she had.  
He sighed.  “That isn’t what I asked,” he told her.  She couldn’t get out of lying to him by just not answering the question.
“No, it’s not,” she agreed pleasantly.
Annoying chit wouldn’t answer the damn question. 
He sighed and gave up, for now.  There wasn’t any point in arguing with her, but that didn’t mean he agreed or was going to let her get away without taking care of herself properly.  Happy asked how the appointment went and Morgan lied that it went fine.  Her lie was impressive to the god of them. She nearly had him convinced.  She also had to answer a phone call from Tony and feed him the same lie. 
When they returned to the tower, Loki was tempted to bundle up his little witch and send her to bed, but he thought better of it.  Instead, they returned to the common room and resettled on their couch.  “Would you like to watch a movie, darling?” he asked her gently.  He saw that her mood was off.  She was subdued and something was wrong. 
She turned to face him.  “You’re not going to start yelling at me?” she asked him, surprised that he hadn’t started in on her the second they were alone.  She knew he was pissed that she hadn’t been properly caring for herself by the doctor’s standards. 
“No, I’m not.  I’m not your father. I care that you take care of yourself. But that is up to you how you do it.  I simply wish for you to be safe and happy and am here to help, however you need me to,” he told her gently.  
She nodded, still surprised, but let it go.  She picked Harry Potter for them to watch, thinking the magic might strike his fancy.  His eyes remained glued to the screen and he commented throughout the film, intrigued by the antiquated magic. When Loki said he had enjoyed the first movie, she moved them on to watching the next.  “I think you’ll like this one. It has a snake in it,” she told him warmly.
He chuckled.  “And why do you think that will make me like this one more?” he asked her curiously.
She smirked.  “Apparently ‘nephew Liam’ transformed himself into a snake because his brother Thomas liked snakes and knew that Thom would pick up the snake to admire it. And when Thom was holding the snake it turned back into Liam, went ‘bleh it’s me’ and stabbed Thom. They were 8 at the time,” she recited the story.
Loki laughed.  “Your mother really did tell you everything,“
Morgan nodded. “She had a daughter to entertain who loved stories and was too damn smart for her own good.  She told me a lot of stories,” she told him and laid her head on his shoulder, relaxing into him as the next movie started.  The movie did feature a basilisk aka a giant snake and Morgan smirked up at Loki
He chuckled.  “That snake is much bigger than anything I could turn into,” he informed her.  
“I thought you’d like the snake,”
“You were right,” he told her warmly.
She laughed.  “I usually am,” she teased.
“Modest, too,” he teased her.  
She laughed and cuddled back up with him, turning her attention back to the movie, relaxed in his arms and enjoying their friendship.  And no-so-secretly wishing for more.  
Without warning, her hands went to her temples and she doubled over with a cry of pain, her eyes glowing bright gold.  Loki moved in an instant to kneel in front of her, placing his glowing green hands on the sides of her head to help ease the pain.  “It’s alright. Breathe, darling, breathe,” he bid her gently.  
“It hurts.  I see-” she whimpered, trying to focus, or breathe, or do something besides cry out in more pain.  
Loki used what healing skills he had to soothe her pain.  “What do you see?” he asked her gently, knowing this was magical sight. 
“I don’t -   I don’t know this place,” she whimpered, trying to fight through the pain to breathe, to focus on the images she was seeing, the scene spread out in front of her.  “Golden walls.  A big gold chair…. No… throne? A woman with blonde hair in a gold dress,” she whimpered again.  “She’s in danger,” 
His eyes widened in shock and horror.  
Not only was Morgan seeing Asgard, seeing the throne room.
She was seeing his mother. 
His mother was in danger.
His beloved mama was in danger.
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