#just in case this becomes a more recurring thing!!
weirdmarioenemies · 22 days
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Name: F.L.U.D.D. (Flash Liquidizer Ultra Dousing Device)
Debut: Super Mario Sunshine
F.L.U.D.D. was Mario's first ever Platforming Buddy! Unless you count the Lakitu Bros. from 64, but they just operate the camera and don't affect Mario's platforming moveset, so I do not. So really, F.L.U.D.D. is- hold on, I really don't want to write every individual period each time I write its name. I'm just going to leave all the periods at the end of the post and you can put them where they belong yourself, or anywhere else you think is funny. Or you can keep them, I don't mind. Put them on a bagel and tell a friend they're poppy seeds!
FLUDD is a big deal. A landmark for the series in terms of mechanics. Not that these specific mechanics returned, but the concept of a buddy granting Mario some new abilities has become a recurring thing. FLUDD even talks, and is fully voice acted! In a robot voice! Like mine! A cute and silly little robot buddy for Super Mario.
So then... why don't I absolutely LOVE it? I feel like I should! But I'm just not getting that urge to imagine it driving a kart or playing tennis like I do with far less important characters. Does it work so well as a Tool that I have a hard time viewing it as a Character? Let's See!
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I think FLUDD's design is honestly kind of perfect. The two massive screws that evoke eyes are really clever, and especially great is that they give it + shaped "pupils"! Aside from that, the nozzle's funnel shape is an extremely funny shape for a mouth, and FLUDD does indeed speak out of there. Excellent head! Though I feel like the excitement fizzles out once you look past the head, because the rest is much more "equipment" than "character". That's fine, this IS a piece of equipment! It just makes it feel less like a character, when I'd like it to have a bit of a balance of both. Maybe if the handles also functioned as little feet that it could walk around on? I don't know. Maybe that would be stupid... but I do love when creature designs are stupid!
FLUDD was made by E. Gadd, but that's all the backstory we get. We never learn why it was just there on the Delfino Airstrip, and that's really weird! The perfect tool to combat the game's main conflict is just there immediately when Mario arrives. It could have been a cool little mystery, but I guess the reality is just that some Pianta ordered it when the Goop Incident happened and got express delivery. Or maybe someone already had it and was just waiting for a calamity like this to happen, to justify the purchase!
I don't need to go over everything FLUDD does, right? I'm not the Super Mario Wiki, it's not my job! I'm here for the Weird. And a weird thing is that FLUDD freaken dies.
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During the final boss against Bowser's Hot Tub, FLUDD starts stuttering, as if breaking down. And then in the final cutscene... it Dies! Mario goes to it, it tells him it hopes it was of assistance, and it dies. And Mario is sad, because this was his friend. But then in the very next scene FLUDD is back! Some Toads fixed it and it's fine now. So this ends up having the emotional impact of Mario needing to change the battery on his TV remote.
Even though it's our and Mario's friend, FLUDD is still an object, a product. It's technically not just FLUDD, but A FLUDD, one of many, mass produced. I have to wonder if it actually formed any bond with Mario, or if it was a one-sided friendship. Is it even capable of friendship...?
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Whatever the case, the others absolutely consider FLUDD a friend, and well, that's just so sweet. During the credits we get to see some extremely compressed pictures of Mario and friends enjoying their real vacation, and FLUDD is there with them! It's not even on Mario's back anymore, or always WITH Mario, for that matter. Sometimes it's hanging out with Peach and some Toads, sitting there independently. I think it is safe to say FLUDD is a real true friend, and likes to just Hang Out sometimes! Even better, maybe it wasn't originally sentient, but learned how to love over the course of the adventure. Such a wonderful robot thing to do!
As expected, thinking in depth about FLUDD has absolutely endeared me to it. Hooray! It's about time. Well, it's too late for FLUDD to be relevant again, probably. I'm not saying it should be a driver in Mario Kart, but I AM saying there should be a kart based on it, and I'm also saying that this kart should canonically be the FLUDD, now upgraded. This feels like something that should have happened long ago!
This has been a long post, but it is far from all FLUDD has had to discuss! So next time, I will post about FLUDD once more, and its various appearances during the GameCube days and beyond! There is milk involved at some point. Get excited to learn what milk has to do with any of this!
Here are all those periods you were promised! I hope you like them.
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kirain · 3 months
Sigh....Galemancers really love to move the goal post when it comes to the grooming accusations huh? You found out Gale was a fully grown MAN when Mystra slept with him so now you have to say, "Well then he was emotionally groomed and the power dynamic is too vast." Mystra is a neutral good goddess because she's Midnight, who was a neutral good human. She hates that her magic has to be used for good and evil. Ao makes her share it evenly but she'd rather not. She would never do anything to hurt Gale. The writers of the game even confirmed she's not a groomer. People like you also downplay the point of Gale's entire story arc, which is he should've listened to Mystra! The whole point of his personal quest is he needs to learn to humble himself and listen to his goddess! He has no one to blame for his downfall but himself.
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There's no "post" to move, anon. The game and lore give us all the context we need. Grooming doesn't only apply to children, and people have proven right and left that Mystra is terrible at relationships. She's petty and abusive when she isn't obeyed by her partners, and that's been the case with all of her iterations. Even the narrator describes her as a "jealous goddess" when you visit her shrine. Plus, your information is wrong on many accounts; the most pertinent being that the Mystra of BG3/5E isn't technically Midnight. Cyric and Shar killed her, reducing her to her godly essence (lore-wise that means she died). The current Mystra is an amalgamation of the vestiges of Mystryl, Mystra, and Midnight, as told in the novel Elminster Enraged.
Now, this is about to get complicated, as it always does with Mystra, so from here on out I'll be referring to Mystra #1 as Mystryl, Mystra #2 as Mystra #2, Mystra #3 as Midnight, and Mystra #4 as 5E Mystra. Alright, let's get started.
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Elminster had to reform the fallen goddess by giving her fragments of all three iterations of Mystra. Since all three iterations are combined, our current 5E Mystra embodies the good, the bad, the beautiful, and the ugly. There's even a conversation with The Simbul (one of the Seven Sisters and a Chosen of Mystra) where the newly reformed 5E Mystra speaks of Elminster as her "longest lover". This puzzles The Simbul because that was something of the old Mystra (Mystra #2), not Midnight. The new 5E Mystra replies that she has become a combination of the memories of Mystryl, Mystra #2, and Midnight. This is all in chapter 25-30 of Elminster Enraged. I know it's confusing, but in short: 5E Mystra is not Midnight anymore, and the leading mind is clearly that of Mystra #2, hence her extremely poor judgement—a recurring theme with her character.
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Mystryl and Mystra #2 were originally lawful neutral. The alignment changed to neutral good when Midnight took up the mantle, because Midnight herself was a neutral good person. But now it seems 5E Mystra is true neutral, because you are right, anon; Ao won't allow her to do whatever she wants. Midnight tried and was forbidden. 5E Mystra absolutely does not have the same level of humanity or kindness as Midnight, and that may be because Mystryl had no human consciousness and Mystra #2 was a mess.
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Regardless of her alignment, she must embody her domain by Ao's decree, which means she needs to spread magic across all Realmspace. Since she has to maintain the balance, she approaches good, neutral, and evil mages with potential opportunities. This isn't a criticism (that's just how godhood works), but rather proof that Mystra is absolutely capable of good and bad. I don't want to hear any more of this "she's a precious little bean and Gale's victim" nonsense. Even if she wants to be, she's not. As Kikitakite said in their post, she's done some fucked up things.
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Whether or not the writers intended to make Mystra a groomer, that's exactly what they did. Sometimes writers don't realise they've written an abusive character until they're criticised. Take writer of The Notebook, Nicholas Sparks, for example. He didn't realise he'd written Noah to be an abusive piece of shit until Ryan Gosling pointed it out himself. Gosling has gone on record many times to say he hates Noah, and experts have labeled him an unrealistic and emotionally abusive/manipulative character. The same can be said for Stephenie Meyer, who wrote some of the most celebrated toxic relationships in recent media—with a dash of borderline pedophilia on the side. Therapists have weighed in extensively to tell people that Bella and Edward's relationship isn't healthy and shouldn't be emulated in real life. Indeed, perhaps the best thing to come out of the entire franchise is Robert Pattinson's hatred of Edward and the series as a whole. Jacob's actor, Taylor Lautner, even argued with Meyer's on set because of how weird the "imprinting" segment was and he didn't want to come off as predatory. Meyer argued it was "romantic". 😕
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Even if you don't agree Gale was groomed, Mystra is flagrantly responsible for his insecurities and she never should've put her hands on him. The power dynamic is too vast, and even god Gale (conceited as he is) realises it by the end. He only stays in a relationship with Tav if they allow him to ascend them alongside him as his equal. He recognises that anything else would be unhealthy and unacceptable. Also, I researched high and low regarding your claim, but none of the devs have dispelled the idea that Mystra is a groomer. In fact, the most I could find was one dev simply saying, "To Gale it was love, but he didn't know any better." If anything, that only confirms he was confused and didn't know what to do. Their "relationship" was a stunningly horrible idea from the start and that's not on Gale, it's on the literal cosmic being who initiated it.
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Moreover, Gale was very likely 17 when Mystra revealed herself to him. This perfectly fits into the 5E Forgotten Realms timeline. If so, no, he absolutely wasn't a grown man. He was a teenager. Mystra may not have slept with him until he was in his 20's, but that still makes it a disgusting teacher-turned-lover situation. Gale even tells us he was "young" when she took him into her fold, and he was only eight years old when Elminster started their lessons. Remember, Elminster is Mystra's biggest apologist. He would've taught Gale to revere her, which means there was almost never a point in his life when Mystra wasn't the main focus. You can tell by the way he speaks about her in Act 1. He's in awe, he's excited, he's proud she chose him. That does something to a child. Something irreversible. If anything, Elminster is complicit in what happened. I've said this before, but he couldn't even be bothered to visit Gale himself. He sent a simulacrum.
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As for your accusation that I'm "downplaying" Gale's story arc—you're damn right I am, because the writers made me! Most D&D players I know aren't very happy with how Mystra is portrayed in the game, and that's probably because even they know she isn't presented in a very flattering light. If you really think about it, it's obvious what the writers were going for, but they failed. For example, you said Gale should've listened to Mystra, right? Well, in Act 1 he admits his ambition was his undoing, blames himself for his downfall, and by Act 2 he's literally ready to off himself for her. In fact, he's the only one who sees her ultimatum as justified. Every other companion says she's being cruel and unreasonable. If Gale actually blows himself up at the end of Act 2, the results are catastrophic. The brain is destroyed, yes, but the tadpoles, free of the Absolute's control, complete their transformation and infect/enslave the entire Sword Coast. Anon. She. Is. Stupid. Even the Narrator is like, "You wanna ... you wanna try that again?"
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The entirety of Act 2 is Gale learning he shouldn't listen to Mystra. And then she has the audacity to lecture him in Act 3? If he'd listened, it would've been the end of everything. Maybe if Mystra was as infallible as she pretends to be, she would've put her three brains together and came up with a better, less vindictive plan. Because make no mistake, she wanted Gale to blow up in Act 2, which is ridiculous. I know this is an uncomfortable topic for some people, but gods aren't perfect, especially in fiction. They're flawed. They're selfish. Some of them are straight up assholes. The real irony of Gale's arc isn't that he has no one to blame but himself, it's that Mystra should blame herself. At no point does she even consider if she's being unreasonable or unfair. There's no self reflection whatsoever. And the writers expect me to think Gale's full of himself? I wonder where he got it.
Probably from his teacher. ✋🎤
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pikahlua · 29 days
Okay, here's my MHA criticism.
Everyone has their own personal hangups about the MHA ending, but mine is not about the ending itself. The epilogue doesn't feel rushed to me--the entire final act does, ever since the PLW ending.
But I can't say that the issue is actually rushed writing. There was a change in the writing, and it came with pros and cons. Ever since this change, a lot of people felt a lack of Izuku's introspection, but I still see his introspection all over the place. It's just not compelling introspection, and it's the natural consequence of this writing change.
The thing that changes is the way Horikoshi depicts character interaction and reflection.
To cap off the story's themes, Horikoshi chooses to focus on select emotional beats involving specific characters as short, finite set pieces. Some of them work great, like Katsuki's apology. But what is lost in this process are the other emotional beats Horikoshi doesn't spend time on, such as Izuku's quick, comical, emotionally dissonant reunion with All Might back at UA after going vigilante. The set pieces Horikoshi chooses to focus on at Tomura's end are two moments, one between All For One and Yoichi, and the other between Izuku and Tomura. But what is lost in this case is the strangely off-screened encounter between Nana's and Tomura's vestiges, and we're just given the fact that Nana preserved Tomura's sense of self as an offhand remark. This is a recurring theme where Horikoshi lands the set pieces he has likely visualized for years but that somehow don't have the same impact as the emotional scenes from earlier in the story. The details that build up to these moments are lacking, and it's because the characters don't interact as they should.
Horikoshi has overall messages he wants to focus on, such as the unity in everyone coming together inspired by Izuku at the end. But he places so much focus on his entire cast of characters at large to achieve this theme that the story becomes unbalanced. We as readers have read about his characters over the years, and we've grown especially attached to some of them. Even if there are minor characters we may enjoy, if Horikoshi is doing his job as a writer, the majority of us should be here for the main characters. If Horikoshi wants to feature every single one of his characters in the final arc, then he has to do so with balance. The main characters should be given more emotional weight than the side characters.
Hanta Sero can have his cool moment no problem, but why does it come so late into Izuku's final battle??? It makes no sense emotionally for it to be there. At this stage in the story, we would expect any other major character to fill this role. Hell, Iida is sitting right there with not much going on for his character this arc.
And the same emotional underwhelm goes for so many other moments. Why is the primary character screaming in agony over Katsuki's death Neito Monoma??? Aizawa is right there, and all we get from him is a horrified face but no reaction otherwise. He fades to the background immediately. Izuku's reaction to Katsuki's death is built up so much and yet not nearly enough time or weight is devoted to the actual moment when it happens. Compared to such iconic reactions to death in the shounen genre that came before it such as Goku's super saiyan transformation in response to the death of his best friend Krillin, Izuku's reaction to Katsuki's death is utterly forgettable.
The issue is not that Horikoshi gave Sero and Monoma these moments. It's that he either weighted or timed them and many others like them poorly. No one reading MHA wonders what wisdom Sero would have to offer at the end or what sort of reaction Monoma would have to Katsuki's death--or rather, they don't wonder these things more than they wonder about the main characters themselves. Main characters are the characters we're SUPPOSED to care about. If you give Sero and Monoma big moments like what they got, then the main characters have to have even bigger moments following in order to still be impactful. But we don't get that. We get the set pieces, but we don't get any of the logical character interaction and reflection these set pieces beg for. If I have to choose between Izuku's reaction to Katsuki's death and Monoma's, I want Horikoshi to spend all his time and effort on Izuku's every time. It's nice to see how main characters interact with side characters and to hear those side characters' perspectives but NOT at the cost of the main characters interacting and sharing their perspectives. Horikoshi makes too much space for his side characters, and so we lose the detail that could have gone into important moments between the main characters. The overall story remains coherent and complete, but it also leaves something to be desired for the characters themselves. As a result, I find myself both given closure and longing for a more robust, impactful resolution for the main characters.
tl;dr Horikoshi gave too much to his side characters and not enough to his main characters, which particularly affected the interactions between the characters we all care most about
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theoutcastrogue · 11 months
Cartoon depictions of the homeless increasingly reflect the hostility of today’s political leaders toward people on the streets. We’ve gone from images of charming hobos with bindles to zombies taking over cities. If you consume any news at all, you’ve probably noticed that the United States is pathologically cruel to its homeless citizens. This May, the brutal killing of Jordan Neely—who was strangled to death, at the age of 30, simply because he was unhoused and shouting on the Manhattan subway—captured the national spotlight, but it was just one of many such cases of unprovoked violence. In January, two cops reportedly kidnapped a homeless man in Hialeah, Florida, drove him to an “isolated and dark location,” and beat him unconscious. That same month, art dealer Shannon Collier Gwin faced battery charges after he sprayed a homeless woman with a hose outside his San Francisco gallery, barking “Move! Move!” at her. (Predictably, Gwin got a lenient plea deal of just 35 hours of community service.) Elsewhere in the city, homeless San Franciscans have been attacked with chemical bear spray on at least eight occasions. Other assaults have been more impersonal but no less vicious. On July 14, the city of Houston abruptly closed its only public cooling center in the downtown area, potentially condemning anyone without shelter to suffer heatstroke in 90-degree weather. Among the property-owning class, the phenomenon of hostile architecture—sidewalks with spikes that stab anyone who tries to sleep, benches with iron bars, and the like—has become de rigueur. The widespread callousness and lack of compassion are both infuriating and hard to comprehend. How on Earth, we might ask, did things get this bad? [...]
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Looking back at older cartoons, one of the things that stands out immediately is the absence of negative attitudes toward the homeless. In fact, during the Golden Age of animation, creators seemed to have had a real affinity for the poor and unhoused, often placing their most iconic characters in that role. There’s a wonderful 1948 Warner Bros. short called “Riff Raffy Daffy,” in which Daffy Duck is looking for a place to sleep—first on a park bench, then a trash can, and finally a furniture display in a shop window—and has to dodge the harassment of the police, as represented by Porky Pig in a little blue uniform. (Literally, the cop is a pig!) Or, in the 1950 cartoon “Homeless Hare,” Bugs Bunny’s rabbit hole is destroyed by a new construction project, leading him to unleash his usual slapstick mayhem against the developers until they put it back. In these cartoons, homelessness is something inflicted on people by outside forces—gentrification and the real estate business, in Bugs’ case—and something which can be successfully resisted. Even Disney cast a homeless dog as a romantic lead in 1955’s Lady and the Tramp, contrasting Lady’s sheltered naivety with Tramp’s superior knowledge of the world. The title invokes the memory of Charlie Chaplin’s “Tramp” films, which similarly brought dignity and humanity to the role of a homeless man. (Bugs Bunny, too, takes inspiration from Chaplin, and multiple Warner animators have drawn him as the Tramp.) In 1961, Hanna-Barbera’s profoundly underrated Top Cat followed the adventures of a gang of wisecracking Manhattan alley cats, who, like Daffy, are always outwitting a meddling policeman. At worst, classic cartoons may trivialize the suffering and danger associated with homelessness—there’s a certain recurring image of the carefree hobo carrying a bindle, which paints the whole subject in a romanticized light—but the homeless themselves are rarely disparaged or made the butt of the joke. Quite the opposite. 
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It took a few years, but cartoons caught up to the Reaganite turn. In episodes from the ’90s and early 2000s, there’s a palpable shift in the way homeless characters appear compared to earlier decades. The perspective is different: we’re now seeing them through the eyes of comfortably housed characters, rather than their own. Often they don’t even get proper names. [...] This trajectory leads us, perhaps inevitably, to SpongeBob SquarePants. [..] Squidward gets accused of stealing a dime by his comically greedy boss, Mr. Krabs, and quits his job in a fit of outrage. We then flash forward to see Squidward, now bedraggled and unshaven, living in a cardboard box on the street and begging for change. [...] Mercifully, the ever-cheerful SpongeBob gives Squidward a place to stay—but the moment he’s safely off the street, Squidward turns from a sympathetic victim of circumstance into a lazy, entitled freeloader, straight out of a Reagan speech. He makes no effort to find work and loafs around SpongeBob’s house for ages. [...] Eventually, an exasperated SpongeBob writes “GET A JOB” in his alphabet soup, before shoving him (bed and all) back to work at the Krusty Krab. [...] Worst of all, though, the episode suggests that homelessness can be solved on an individual basis if the people in question simply stop being lazy and “GET A JOB.” This is the biggest myth of all. In 2021, a statistical analysis by the University of Chicago found that 53 percent of people in homeless shelters, and 40.4 percent of unsheltered people, do have jobs. The problem is that their wages are too low, and rents are too high. According to statistics from the same year, it’s impossible for someone working a full-time, minimum-wage job to afford a single-bedroom apartment in 93 percent of U.S. counties, and there are no states in which someone can rent a two-bedroom space on the current federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour. In other words, homelessness has little or nothing to do with personal responsibility, or lack thereof. It’s a consequence of large-scale economic decisions made by landlords and bosses. [...]
— Alex Skopic
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Fluff ☼
Angst ►
Smut *
Hearts ☼
An intern pesters Spencer to get his attention and you help him get rid of it a bit, benefiting in the process
Hearts part 2 ☼
Morning coffees become the special moments between you and Spencer, but you also discover that he may have more competition for his love than you expected
Bolinus brandaris ☼
Reid loves the gift you just gave him and the whole team can notice
Exchanged clothes Bolinus brandaris part. 2 ☼
A small act of kindness leads to a rather peculiar confession
Memories ► (☼)
The case of the self-appointed Fisher King comes with too many sentimental implications and you discover that you and Spencer had more in common than you imagined.
Between your arms (wife!reader) ☼
After a hard day Spencer returns to his safe place
Decoy (+16)
When you go after an unsub who catches students making out, the unit is called upon to resort to desperate measures. Or in other words, where you and Spencer become the decoy to catch a voyeur
A (not so) little secret ☼
Even though you and Spencer have kept yours private pretty well, one night the universe seems determined to let everyone know
Dear Theodosia (Dad!Spencer) ☼
Spencer stays one afternoon to care for your three-month-old twins and reflects on how much he loves them
White lies ☼
You meet Spencer thanks to a nice coincidence and you become recurring chess partners, but he leaves out a small detail
Andy ►
You and Spencer have to learn to deal with grief without losing your marriage in the process
Devil's night ☼
Spencer is excited about his Halloween plans and you join him
Wearing pink (bimbo fem!reader) ☼
Your boyfriend introducing you to the squad!
Emergency room* (exes to lovers) (+18)
Spencer forgot to mention that you're still his emergency contact. You wouldn't have had a problem with it if you weren't his ex of over a year and the hospital took you out of the bed because he had a car crash
Nocturnal ballads ☼
Your boyfriend is too tense and you imagine that a little dance and music will make him feel better
New look ☼
Directly based on "The internet is forever" (5x22), when Reid's wonderful but short-lived boyband cut appears for the first time
Cigarettes (hurt/comfort)
Spencer comforts you after you learn some bad news about your relationship
Birthday wishes ☼
Everyone seems to forget Spencer's 30th birthday, but he only cares that you remember it
Wishes fulfilled (BW part 2) ☼
After an unfortunate event, Spencer questions what he really feels about his childhood best friend
Morning surprises ☼
When you find Reid lying under his desk your heart stops, but it turns out he was just taking a nap
Wheels up (hurt/comfort)
Spencer has just been released released from prison and things seem to get complicated when Mr. Scratch attacks again. You want to know what's going on with your boyfriend, but when you confront him, you don't expect him to yell at you like he does
Hogsmeade (Hogwarts!AU) ☼
The whole group pays a visit to Hogsmeade during the winter, where you and Spencer end up having a pretty interesting conversation
Lovely Christmas 🎄
The entire team gets together to celebrate Christmas and Spencer gives you a pleasant surprise
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jaylver · 1 year
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SYNOPSIS: Hunting supernatural beings is not your passion at all. But somehow, you were always inevitably tied to it. To make your grudge against it deeper, someone had to drag you along a bumpy ride. Who was it? The man that broke into your house in the middle of the night to convince you to join him to save his lost brother in Sin City, Vegas. Jay had one chance to save his brother, and another one chance to rekindle something that was lost between you and him. All in that one casino.
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PAIRINGS: supernatural hunter!jay x supernatural hunter afab!reader
GENRE: frenemies (with benefits) to lovers, supernatural au, inspired by tv series "supernatural", jay is based off "dean winchester", romance, angst, action
WARNING(S): profanities, drinking, mentions of death/murder, violence, suggestive content (no smut), slightly possessive jay, demons, possessions
WC: 11k
AUTHOR'S NOTE: specially dedicated to my supernatural enthusiasts, especially to my dean girlies (gn) who loves jay! rest assured, there's going to be hoon ver (based off sammy) <3 i hope you'll love this one as much as i enjoyed writing it, please leave feedbacks!!
masterlist | © jaylver 2023
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In this world, accidents and tragedies were recurring happenings, but what people didn't understand was the fact that neither were coincidences. You heard that right, it might sound insanely crazy, but the supernatural exists. 
There were two types of people on planet Earth. Ones that were blessed with obliviousness, unaware that the local murder case wasn't just a simple serial killer on the loose. Then, there's the ones that were rather cursed with the ability of hunting, knowing the real truths behind tragedies and solving said supernatural cases. They were known as hunters.
No, not the hunters that chase after deers with a gun, but rather chasing after demons, vampires and much more freaky stuff with more than just a single gun.
You were, unfortunately, part of the small percentage of hunters that were tasked to hunt supernatural beings and protect others. You never wanted this life, you despised it, the constant fear constantly followed. It was your father who dragged you into this, being a hunter himself, it was natural he had to train you to become one as well. 
You were an only child, so it was no surprise your father ended up dragging you along to hunts and let's say the amount of therapy wasn't enough to heal the traumas you've witnessed and experienced. Dread was the feeling you carried up until your 20s, tired of this life and craving the normal college life of an ordinary being, but then that was when everything changed. Your father was killed. 
You guessed it, freak accident with a vampire. Fantastic. Just to make things even more complicated, the infamous Park brothers turned up at your front door pretending to be police officers, doing their usual investigation, or rather identity fraud. What they didn't know was that you knew who they were, so they were eventually busted. You still accepted their help either way, finding the vampires and bringing your father to justice.
That all happened a few years ago, constantly staying in contact with the Park brothers while they travelled around hunting and you stayed home merrily, occasionally meeting if they were in town. Mostly, the best you could repay them was at least some help in information. You were glad to finally start afresh, getting a new job and shopping for new furniture. You thought this was it, time to settle down and put everything in the past.
But, you spoke too soon.
You were a light sleeper. From the years of your father's gruelling training, you learnt to listen for any weird noses during the night, and it surely did help. You could barely sleep, hearing odd creaks as your adrenaline increased, imagining the scenario where you had to reach for the iron knife under your bed. 
Creak. Creak. Creak.
The faint footstep got closer and louder, reaching your side of the bed, standing right beside you and stopped eventually. You sensed a figure, this wasn't good. Demon? Vampire? Your hand slowly travelled down to the spot of your knife, eyes shut tight and heart beating crazily. In the count of three, strike.
One … two … three—
"Woah, woah, woah, easy there tiger,"
Your hand reacted first, thrusting the knife forward without your eyes open, but once the voice travelled into your ears and your mind turned, you opened your eyes in an instant.
This was worse than a demon. 
One of the Park brothers happened to be standing in the middle of your bedroom. At three in the morning. Were you going to question how he got in? Maybe later.
"Y/N," he saluted back at you, a noticeable grin on his face despite the darkness, but you remained impassive, a wary look on your face and your hold on the knife didn't relax.
“Hold on,” you said, scrambling out of bed, scepticism clear in your voice, your stance unchanged as you held tight onto the knife. “Are you really Jay?”
Jay tilted his head, an eyebrow raised. "You're seriously doubting me? Right now?"
"Hey, I'm a hunter, you're a hunter, we both know this is basic caution,"
"Alright," he threw his hands up, giving in. "Quiz me,"
"Where's my birthmark?"
"You're seriously asking this—?"
"You've forgotten it?" You stared accusingly at him, the knife in your hand was dangerously close to him and he was clearly aware of that too. "You're the only person who knows this," you narrowed your gaze.
"It's been ages since the last time we fucked—"
"Can you not bring that up?"
"Fine. On your back," he answered, his eyes flickering between you and the knife. 
"That specific?" He whined, but once he saw you were, in fact, not kidding, he cleared his throat. "Lower back, on the right, almost at the side. It's a small birthmark that is shaped like a heart,"
You blinked. Thankful it wasn't some creature disguised as him, but also churning in slight rage that he was here. Look, you and Jay had … some interesting history. No bad blood was caused from it, but it had affected your ties with him, which explained why he was the lesser favourite brother to you. He was never going to know that though.
Just for old times sake and also not seeing him for months, you threw the knife onto the bed, engulfing him into a hug. "Gods, you're alive,"
He chuckled, his hand rubbing your back. "Of course I am. Doubting my skills now?"
"Jay, you literally died and came back before," you pulled away, staring pointedly at him.
"That was the past, this is the present," he waved it off, coughing awkwardly and you rolled your eyes. You switched on your table lamp, taking a small bottle from your bedside drawer and handing it to him.
"What's this? Complimentary water for guests?" 
"Holy water, if you count that as complimentary,"
"You're kidding. I passed your quiz,"
"I'm trying to be sure there's no hidden demon inside your body, okay?" You raised the small bottle to eye level. "Drink up,"
"Fine," Jay gritted, snatching the bottle from your hand, chugging half of it down. No demon, thankfully. "See?"
"Just wanted to confirm," you tossed the bottle back into the drawer, turning to face him with a quizzical stare. "Now, are you going to tell me why you've broken into my house in the middle of the night?"
"Breaking in? Pft," 
"Jay," you said flatly, a stern look gazing back at him. "What are you doing here?"
Jay clenched his jaw, seemingly rethinking his words in his mind, calculatingly picking the right ones to make sure you wouldn't explode. "I need help,"
"What?" He was taken aback by your bluntness. "You always helped us,"
"Busting into my house at 3 AM doesn't sound like your usual need for my help. You want me to do something more hands-on, don't you?"
Jay was silent. You got him there.
"Jay, I am always here for help. You do know I literally commit illegal things just to dig up information for you two right? But that's the most I'll do and the least I can do for you, I swore I wouldn't go back into hunting,"
"But this one's important,"
"You have Sunghoon to help you anyway,"
"He's gone," 
The next few sentences you had in mind died in your throat. The other Park brother was missing? There was no way this happened. They were skilled hunters, what went wrong?
Jay cleared his throat, shoving his hands into his jean pockets, noticing your obvious shock. "Look, that's why I'm here. Hoon's gone, poof, missing. One second he was at the motel and the next when I got back, he's gone. I should've never left,"
"Any ideas what it could've been?"
"No," he shook his head, frustration laced in the way he had his eyebrows furrowed. 
"How are we supposed to find him? Jay, I'm no sorcerer or a crossroad demon that can summon him up. I could be as equally lost as you are,"
He ran his hands through his hair, heaving a deep and heavy sigh. "I don't know either. I'm fucked, okay? I don't have anyone else to find but you, and there's no one that knows Hoon as much as I do but you,"
"How do I know I can trust you this time?" You mindlessly let the words slip out, referring to the incident that caused the slight crack between you two, its effect remained even after.
"I told you I'm sorry already, Y/N," he said softly, catching on your innuendo at once. 
It was the last time you went on an actual hunt with the Park brothers when it happened. Crazy monsters and demon ladies were nothing too big for you three, but the moment a human was involved, the hunt became vulnerable. 
A part of you wanted to save the innocent man even though he was long gone and already affected by the creature, turning wild gradually. Being the rash and impulsive person Jay was, he demanded to kill the man at once, Sunghoon trying to calm him down while you fought back. 
It was a stupid argument, you were emotional and he was aggressive, Sunghoon trying to be neutral and diffusing the tension, but failed. In the end, a cure was found but Jay had already killed the man. Even though you were able to save the others, a part of you continued to seethe with anger.
'Too emotional' was what Jay called you. Storming away was the only thing you could muster in that moment, and it took a few days before he showed up at your front door apologising with a bouquet of flowers. Were you fully satisfied? Not really. Did things change? Definitely.
As for now, you pondered thoughtfully. Despite your valiant efforts of escaping the supernatural part of your past, you knew it was imminent it would come back, just not like this. Sunghoon was a nice guy, he and his brother helped you and your family before, and some part of you wanted to do the same. You swore you didn't want to hunt with the Park brothers after that incident, and it seemed that you had no choice but to eat your words. You were going to regret your decision, you know so.
"Okay," it came out more of a whisper, which made Jay lean in closer, an eyebrow raised.
"Okay, fine, I'll go with you to find Sunghoon. Don't make me go back on my word," 
"Right, right," Jay said rather excitedly, his eyes beaming. "Gods, how did I manage to get the Y/N L/N to hunt with me? I am a lucky man,"
"Don't test your luck," you took the iron knife from your bed and pointed it at him, earning a sleazy eye roll from the latter.
"You still have your gears with you?" He glanced around your room, not a single weapon in sight, only messy heaps of clothes.
"Duh," your hand reached for the bottom of your pillow, pulling out another blade, made purely from iron, perfect for killing supernatural beings. "When are we leaving?"
"Best before day break,"
"So … roadtrip?"
"You bet."
Begrudgingly, you shoved some clothes into a small carry on, packing guns, knives, blades, salt. Yes, salt, sodium. It might seem weird but salt literally saves lives, literally. An insignificant kitchen ingredient held a significant role by protecting people from spirits attack. Rock salts were used as ammunition as well to ward spirits off for a short time. Insane, right?
Jay helped you fit your bags into the trunk of his Chevrolet Impala, one that he has been driving almost forever. Among your bags, there were a shit ton of weapons, quite messily scattered around, some stuck on the trunk door. It was certainly a rich collection. 
“Hop in, dollface. Be my guest,”
You rolled your eyes as Jay opened the car door for you. He was still the same old Jay. Promiscuous, teasing, haughty, but you supposed that was the charming point of him. You remembered the insides of the car as clear as day when you got in, almost felt like it was just yesterday when you were in it.
“Where to?” you turned to look over at Jay who had just slammed the car door shut, his hands on the wheel, a cheshire grin pulled at his lips.
“Vegas,” he flashed you a toothy smirk, but you could only mirror his expression with an unamused one. 
“Sin city? You’re kidding. Why on earth are we heading there—God, Jay, don’t tell me you developed some gambling addiction—”
“No! For fuck’s sake,” Jay pulled the car to start, the headlights brightened the dark street at once. Well, goodbye to your home, you hoped you would make it back alive. “It was where Hoonie and I had our last hunt, the place he went missing, and funny thing, the hunt is incomplete,”
“So, you’re telling me you drove all the way to my house from Vegas in the middle of an unfinished hunt just because Sunghoon’s gone,”
“‘Just because’? Y/N, it’s life or death!”
“I’m not saying this isn’t important!” you bite back, sleep deprivation wasn’t helping your increased agitation. “Didn’t this happen before? One of you goes missing and the other solves the case and finds each other? What’s so big this time?”
“This did happen,” Jay sighed, the bags under his eyes obvious despite the darkness surrounding you, the tuned down rock music played faintly on the radio. “I went lost, got captured by some psycho killer, whatever, but it was traceable, it always was, but this time … something’s different and it’s definitely not only a psycho killer, it’s something stronger, darker,” 
“Jolly. A demon,” you wondered aloud, Jay humming in agreement. “Mind telling me what hunt you and Sunghoon were on in Vegas before his disappearance?”
“Saw on the news about deaths in a casino, so Hoon and I decided to check it out, and guess what we found? Sulphur,” demons tend to leave sulphur around, finding sulphur basically indicated a demon’s presence, pretty basic information.
“A demon on massacre duties in a casino? I feel like this one is out for money, something to do with his greed and desire,” you speculated, unsurprised as these were common occurrences.
"Likely," Jay clicked his fingers, his eyebrows bunched together, a scheming look on his face. "Here's the thing, we were somewhat on the road to uncovering some truths, on who the real demon was, but that's when this happened, it's no coincidence that he probably took Hoonie,"
"Which means you still don't know who's the mastermind in that casino right now? Or where Sunghoon could possibly be?"
"No," he answered bitterly, his fingers strumming the steering wheel softly. "And I think the jackass jumps into different bodies working there each time, it's hard to trace,"
"Are we going around splashing holy water? How are we supposed to know whose body is being possessed?"
"We don't," he said plainly, and matter-of-factly, turning his face just enough for you to catch him winking at you. "But we do know he's a higher up, a man with a position, or maybe positions,"
"Guess it's our lucky day testing our fortune on catching demons and winning at casinos,"
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"Looks just like the movies," 
Upon entering the state of Nevada at nightfall, you were welcomed with the blistering nightlife of Las Vegas, the bright lights blinding your sights and you couldn't help but be fascinated.
"Where are we heading?"
"Towards the hotel the man was murdered in," Jay nodded at one of the big and tall hotels ahead. "There's a famous casino in that hotel, lots of people constantly betting, rich and powerful men are frequently present,"
"A perfect spot for a money hungry demon,"
Jay parked his beloved car and was rather sad leaving it behind in a shabby parking lot. You knew he loved his car, sometimes clingy and attached, but he loved it a little too much. 
Grabbing your bags and a seperate one full of weapons, you and Jay headed into the hotel and towards the reception, where a bright young woman named Carrie was smiling back at you both.
"You're not going to make me spray holy water at her, right?" You said quietly in hopes of the receptionist not hearing it.
"I'm not stopping you," Jay passed you an unamused half grin.
"Hello! How may I assist you?" Carrie greeted enthusiastically, but frankly, none of you could reciprocate the same energy.
"We'd like to book two rooms please," Jay slid the card towards Carrie, hoping to get this over with quickly.
"Just two?" She glanced between you and Jay, a question mark basically floating above her head. "We have a 'couples exclusive' promotion though,"
You and Jay shared a look, turning back to the receptionist. "Two, please,"
"There's free access to the facilities and the buffet," Carrie continued on. "Oh—uhm—there's a jacuzzi here too,"
Jay turned to you, you stared back, a knowing look passed between one another, releasing sighs of displeasure.
"We'll take it,"
It would be an understatement to just say the hotel was fancy, it was more than fancy. High ceilings, marble floors, chandeliers, everything was almost in gold. You were able to catch a slight glimpse of the casino as you passed, and indeed, it was packed with people. Boy, you were about to have a time trying to find out who's the real imposter.
"I definitely spotted some sulphur just now," Jay shook his head, his eyes scanning the floor, walls and surroundings. "I think this one has minions here,"
"Amazing," you clicked your tongue, impatiently stalking through the soundless corridor in search of your designated room. You were dying to dive into your hotel bed. 
"Do you think we have enough?" Jay eyed the bag of weapons as you two stood outside your room, but just before you could answer, a stranger appeared next to you two, holding a keycard to the room next to yours.
"Oh, I'm sure it's enough," the stranger, a middle aged lady, laughed.
You glanced at Jay, a cautionary sign was understood. "W–what do you mean?" Jay chuckled nervously.
"Condoms? That's what you meant, right?" The lady snickered, and you were absolutely dumbfounded. "Just keep it down kids, it's not entirely soundproof here and I need sleep. It's nice meeting you guys!"
The lady slammed the door behind her, leaving you and Jay standing there like statues, a little confusion and surprise in the air. 
"Condoms," you echoed, shuddering slightly.
Jay turned to look at you, a pensive look in his gaze, eyebrows raised slightly. "Do you … unless—?" 
"Zip it," you hoisted the bags, opened the door and stormed in while Jay remained standing there, a defensive look replacing his previous one.
"Hey, I didn't even say it," he shouted from the outside, taking his bags from the floor.
"I know what you're trying to say, thank you! Now get your ass in here before I shut you out,"
"Yes, ma'am," Jay scrambled in and shut the door close, soon noticing your figure looming over the bed and was curious. "What's up?"
"There's only one bed," you glanced down at the king size bed, a heart formed from rose petals decorated it and you found it highly ridiculous. "And they made it romantic, how sweet,"
"You're kidding me," Jay ran his hand across his tired face, a weary sigh leaving his lips. "I'll take the couch,"
You stopped him there. "Dude, you're going to be hunting demons, I'm not letting you get backaches from a lousy couch,"
"There's no way you're sleeping on it either,"
You bit your lips, maybe sleeping on the same bed for a few nights wouldn't hurt, right? It certainly wasn't your first time with Jay anyway, but business was business, and this was far from being professional.
"Let's just share the same bed," 
Jay stared doubtfully at you, as if he couldn't believe those words had come out of your mouth. "You're up for that?"
"Do you think we have any other choices?" You crossed your arms, mirroring his pointed gaze.
"Touche," he nodded thoughtfully, dropping his bags to a corner. "Just don't kick me in my sleep,"
"I'll be happy to kick you now instead."
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"Stop staring!"
Despite being tired and worn out, you and Jay dragged yourselves out from the room in hopes of some food and checked out the hotel and casino. 
The inside of the casino was bright and painted in gold, red themed colours. It was extremely busy and crowded, many were yelling in surprise and joy, while there were those in despair over losing. Jay, on the other hand, was too busy staring at by-passing girls to focus on the real purpose.
"What?" He hissed defensively, winking at another server and you rolled your eyes at his never changing behaviour.
"You can enjoy whatever you want after everything, okay? Not to be a killjoy but there's a demon here that took your brother,"
"Hey! I'm aware,"
"Sure," you mumbled sarcastically, looking around the table and observing people's faces, but you knew none of these normal citizens were possessed.
"Do you think we can meet the host or manager tonight?" Jay made sure to whisper that quietly, glancing around warily.
"You think one of them would be possessed?"
"The chances are high. Hoon and I went over to the dead man's house the other day, the wife told us he was close to the host, something by the name Sam? Sam Clerk?"
"Looking for me?"
You've never turned around so quick, your hand instinctively reached into your pocket for the small bottle of holy water, but Jay's hand stopped you discreetly, giving you one of his 'I got this' look.
"You're Sam Clerk?" Jay laughed awkwardly, playing it cool and casual.
The man before you was tall and seemingly in his mid 30s, his smile was wide and welcomingly, but there was a malevolent energy emitted from him. "Why yes, that's me. And you two are …?"
"I'm … Jack Williams," 
Sam glanced at you expectantly, and if you could dig yourself a grave then from the embarrassment, hoy would've. You cleared your throat, "I'm Stacy … Williams, he's my husband,"
You felt Jay's gaze on you, burning into your skin, but you ignored him and looped your arm around his. 
"Oh!" Sam clapped in surprise, a pleasant smile spread across his face. "You two must be new here, right? I've never seen you before,"
"Right, we are," Jay patted your hand, plastering on his most convincing smile. "That was why we wanted to find you! We heard how great of a host you were and wanted an introduction,"
"I'm pleased, but I'm a little busy tonight, so I can't assist you unfortunately," a flash of change in his eyes was barely noticeable, but you caught onto it. "But there's a charity ball we're holding in two days, I would love to invite you both to attend,"
"We'd love to," you said almost immediately.
Sam chuckled, nodding in satisfaction. "Great. I'll see you … then."
Without another word, he left in a dash, moving almost like a shadow. You unknowingly let out a shaky breath, feeling goosebumps rise. "His energy was so off,"
"I know," Jay was thinking hard, his mind working extra hours. "So, it's him … but there's definitely another one which we don't know, there's no way this would be so easy, and we also need to know where Hoon is,"
"I think I have an idea," you held onto his forearm, pulling him on and continued your walk around the casino. "I did some digging on the history behind this hotel and the casino, and it goes way back,"
"How long?"
"Centuries. It was built on a cursed ground, but they didn't care, and guess what? There were deaths here over those years too, unexplained ones. Weird, huh? But that's not the point. There's some hidden underground chamber somewhere here, built by someone from the olden days, and it's said to harbour bad energy,"
"Attracts demons,"
"Perfect hideout,"
"But why Hoon?" Jay scratched his head, eyebrows furrowed and increasingly frustrated.
"I mean, you guys were hunting the demons and they caught on. Plus, timing was bad, you happened to be out,"
"True," Jay sighed. "We should ask that Sam guy more stuff during that charity ball, and we should start doing some digging tomorrow,"
"I'll use my flirting skills and wiggle information off him," you grinned, nudging his side teasingly.
"You should use it on me instead," he grumbled noisily.
"No chance," you smiled sarcastically at him, pulling him towards the bar. "Let's just enjoy tonight and drink a little, I definitely need some before diving into … everything,"
"Get ready to drink until you fall, L/N,"
"Challenge accepted, Park."
The night faded into a blur, you and Jay somehow wandered off without one another, but stayed within the vicinity. You were drinking alone at the bar, the alcohol seemed like water to you, your tolerance coming strong. 
Jay was off at the side, leaning against the wall as he openly flirts with a random blonde girl. Laughing suavely, a glass of whiskey in one hand and his charming looks sweeping the blonde off her feet. 
You shouldn't be feeling this way, but you would be lying if you said you were indifferent to him and the girl. It was no surprise you and him had history, even on the intimate level, but to have feelings for him? That was something new you slowly came about to realise.
Onto your new glass of gin, Jay slid into the empty seat next to you, looking far from drunk. You forgot Jay had an alcohol tolerance that challenged yours, making him an interesting drinking partner to have on most nights. 
"What happened to the girl?" 
"What girl?" He craned his neck to stare off at the distance before turning back to look at you, his face inching closer to yours. "Blondie? Nah," he shook his head, a playful grin appearing on his handsome face. "Can't believe I'm saying this but are you perhaps … jealous?"
"Me? Jealous? Don't be ridiculous," you pushed his face away, eliciting a humorous laugh from him. 
"I think you are," Jay said in a sing-song tone under his breath. "Rest assure, sweetheart, I never fucked anyone else ever since our last night together," he winked, taking his jacket hanging from the chair and offered you his hand, which you grudgingly accepted.
"Are you sure you're not lying to me? Park Jong Seong, the man who hunts demons and loves to fuck around hasn't been bringing girls back?" 
"Don't doubt me or my feelings here," he feigned a crying face dramatically to which you pulled a face at. “You’re seriously underestimating my feelings for you,” he said, a little seriously this time, raising his eyebrows at you before letting your hands go and leading the way back to the room, making sure to turn around to check up on you from time to time. 
You were tired by the time you’ve reached your room, changing out of your outfit into a much more comfortable one while Jay did the same in another room. You would be lying if you said you weren’t nervous, it wasn’t an everyday occurrence that you slept next to a man, even if he was one you’ve shared a bed with once.
“Goodnight, Y/N,” Jay yawned as he got under the sheets, you followed suit, shifting around for a better position. Your’s and Jay’s back faced each other, a distance obvious between you two.
“Night, Jay,” you switched the lights off, the room was dark, but you were wide awake. The unfamiliar bed had you tossing and turning, but also making an effort not to bump into Jay while doing so. 
“We haven’t done this in a while,” Jay suddenly spoke into the darkness after barely ten minutes. 
You bit back a smile, wrapping your hands tighter around yourself. “Yeah, we haven’t,”
"If I have to be honest, I miss it," you couldn't see Jay's face, only picturing it as he continued on. "I miss waking up next to you,"
"Jay …" you trailed off, heart squeezing slightly. "You know we can't,"
"I know," he repeated, a beat passed. "But what if we can?"
"You said it was too dangerous, you didn't want it,"
"I didn't say I didn't want it," he was quick to retaliate. "I want it, you know I do, but this job, this life, your life, I'll be a walking supernatural attractor,"
A short moment of silence filled the space between you and him, you let out a sigh. "Whatever it is, I'm willing to drop it for you, whether it was years ago or now, I don't think my feelings have changed. But that’s for you to accept anyway,"
Jay didn’t say anything more, your tiredness eventually brought you to sleep, unaware that he was still wide awake, turning around to glance at the back of your head, head filled with thoughts of you. Jay knew that being a hunter was a dangerous job, which meant romantic relationships and commitment were two hard things to tackle, even harder than killing supernatural things. But you were different to him. A one night together somehow turned his stone heart soft. The Park Jong Seong was truthfully in love with you. You were the angel to the devil in his heart. What’s stopping him was everything around his life, his cold demeanour, his fears.
The night melted into snores and wild dreams, the sun was soon peeking out of the horizons and sunlight streamed into your room. You were awoken by your alarm blaring by the bedside, slamming it off and trying stretching your limbs, but as you said, you tried.
Jay's arm was wrapped around your waist tightly, his body pressed against your side as its weight leaned against yours. You haven't been this intimate with him for months, and it certainly sparked something in you.
"God, Jay, wake up," you tapped his arm, trying to yank it off you, but he only retaliated by hugging your body tighter and tugging you closer to him.
"5 minutes," was all he could mumble before continuing his snores.
You scoffed, giving in with no choice. Since Jay indirectly wanted a lazy morning in, you decided it was best to call room service instead. 
"Good morning, can I order some room service?" It was an awkward position with the phone against your ear, menu in your hands and a grown man's arm draped across your abdomen.
The women on the other line coughed uncomfortably. "Good morning, miss, but room service is currently unavailable. Something happened overnight …" she drifted off and your face scrunched into an expression of confusion.
"What … happened?"
"I don't know if I should be saying this—"
"I won't complain, I swear, I just want to know," you tried to be as convincing as you could, and somehow the women complied.
"A murder happened, in the casino, again," she breathed out, a pinch of disbelief in her tone. "I think it's cursed,"
Oh, you don't say.
"Is there anyone who's hurt?"
"Other than the murdered rich tycoon, no,"
Rich tycoon, as expected.
"Got it. Be safe,"
"You too."
You placed down the phone, shaking the man beside you who only let out gruff huffs of annoyance. "Hm?" 
"Don't 'hm' me, get your ass up. We've got trouble."
Dragging a five foot ten grown man out of the bed was definitely a struggle, but in the end, it worked. After spilling the information you got earlier, he seemed content with just a cup of coffee and stormed towards the crime scene at once.
As expected, the police had surrounded the area and curious bystanders were peeking in from left and right. You and Jay slipped into the crowd, making sure to scan the area as much as you could, and as expected, traces of sulphur. 
"Another one bites the dust, huh?" Jay hummed as you two roamed around the hotel aimlessly, unable to do much more but laying low since police officers were still around.
"Have you ever thought about there being more than one demon here?"
"Yeah, that guy we met with his demon minions, duh—"
"Forget about the minions, let's think about the powerful ones," you bite your lips thoughtfully. "Remember this hotel being built centuries ago?"
"Two brothers owned it. One was the head of everything while the other managed the casino mostly," you said, glancing around. "Ring a bell? I'm pretty sure the guy's just a vessel, they were the ones working here before they got possessed, the demon's in those bodies,"
"You're a genius," Jay gasped, coming to realisation as he pieced it one by one.
"Now, I think I also got a faint idea of the secret dungeon. Their office,"
"Any history lesson?"
"No, just a blind guess, but my sixth sense told me so and you know how trustable my sixth sense is,"
"It sure is," Jay nodded in agreement, proven by your skills in previous hunts. "Should we break into it?"
"Are you crazy? You're walking into hell," you knew it was no secret how impulsive he was, which explained why you were there in the first place. "I reckon we strike during the charity ball,"
"But how are we going to identify the other brother first?"
"Oh, speaking of the devil," you nodded over at the crime scene that was now a distance away. Two men appeared, one was Sam, and the other was someone you've never seen before, but strangely held a resemblance to Sam.
They possessed brothers? You're joking.
"That must be the man of the hour," Jay whistled, eyeing the two men conversing with the officers. The man was taller than Sam, older looking and had a similar friendly face to him that also seemed intimidating.
"They're leaving," the two brothers bid farewell to the officers, watching them leave before turning around and walking away themselves. Jay and his impulsiveness just had to strike again. "Let's follow them,"
Before you fully register Jay's words, that fucker pulled you by the wrist and started sprinting off into the direction the demon brothers were heading. If you could sock Jay in the jaw at that moment, you would've.
"Are you trying to get us killed?" You hissed quiet enough to not blow your cover, following the brothers a short distance away as they headed towards their office.
"Trying not to, but shush, we need to hear what they're saying,"
The brother stopped just before the door to their office, you and Jay followed suit, your body almost crashing into him from the abrupt halt. Jay dragged you into a dingy closet packed with cleaning supplies, great, and there was barely any room to move, let alone take a step back, and thus you found yourself in a compromising position.
Jay glanced down at you, a smirk etched on his face. "Not our first time, huh—"
"One word and you're not making it out alive, now hush and listen," you glared at him, effectively shutting him up but failed at wiping off his smug smile.
From the other side of the door, you heard shuffling and the voice of Sam Clerck. "But John—"
Jay's eyes widened, and you knew what he meant, there was a name. 
"—the amount of killing is making this whole thing suspicious to the mortals,"
"It's annoying that you're calling me 'John'," the latter spat. 
"It's not my fault that's the name of the original bodies. Fine, Elijah, don't you think we should rest on the killings for the moment,"
"What? Elliot, here's no way we're doing that, look at the fortune we're making,"
"Mind you, we have a possible hunter captured in the office's dungeon, what are we doing with him? Oh, there's probably other hunters coming as well now that they've slowly caught onto us,"
"Brother, stop overthinking and fretting," Elijah, the presumed older brother, sighed. "We could use him as a sacrifice—"
You clamped a hand over Jay's mouth, knowing him too well that he would let out noises and maybe burst out the door, but there was no way you're letting him do either of those.
"Or just kill him. We've been treating him well with food, excluding the fact that there's no sunlight," 
"We'll see how it goes, underground or not, another killing is too risky," 
You heard the door click shut, the two brothers already entered their office. Jay licked your hand and you reacted at once, shooting him a disgusted expression and opening the door, a gush of fresh air filled your lungs and you're no longer pressed against Jay, hooray!
"You heard that? They're going to serve my brother up on a platter or just directly cook him into a meat skewer,"
You pushed Jay to move along, avoiding the risk of getting caught. "We know he's in the office now, and there's definitely a way to get him out, can you try being hopeful for once?"
"It's Hoon we're talking about, so no,"
"Look, Elijah and Elliot, they're the Vamson brothers,"
"They're the original owners of this hotel and they got executed from murder cases. Explains why they knew the dungeon and all,"
"What do we do now?"
"Not 'now', tomorrow," you grinned, a plan brewing in mind. "We're splitting them up,"
The day consisted of you and Jay running around as inconspicuous as you could manage. The plan was slowly forming over a glass of whiskey. Jay would be onto distracting 'Sam' while you get closer to 'John', getting him to bring you back to his office and free Sunghoon by locating the dungeon.
"Must you really flirt with him?" Jay grumbled as he sipped on his glass.
"Is it your turn to be jealous now?"
"Yeah," Jay nodded straightforwardly, catching you a little off guard. "Pains me seeing you flirt with someone other than me,"
You rolled your eyes, playing it off nonchalant and casual, but internally? Your heart was doing backflips. "It's not actual flirting anyway, you dramatic ass,"
He let out a small, humorous laugh. "I know," he hummed. "But I just don't like seeing others with my girl,"
"I don't belong to you, Jay," you raised your eyebrows, playing around with your glass, heartbeat gradually increasing.
"You've been mine since the day you let me touch you," he said almost so nonchalantly that it gave you a whiplash. His words were unexpected, and it certainly stirred something in you. 
"You're insane," you scoffed, completely hiding the fact that you were secretly blushing.
He simply shrugged. "Anyway, I'd like to catch some air outside, you coming?"
"Will you be smoking?"
"I quit that shit a while ago,"
You smiled at that. "Good. But nah, you can go on without me, but come back once you're done, I don't feel safe,"
"Obviously, I'm not leaving you alone," Jay carrassed your arm slightly, a small reassuring look present in his gaze. 
"Got your gun? Knife? Weapons—?"
"Chill, Y/N, I'm only going out for a while,"
"Knowing you, you're going to get into trouble,"
Jay winked, his usual playful grin on display. "You bet,"
To prove you absolutely right, he did.
Upon returning, you felt an odd shift in Jay's energy. As much as you were in denial, you knew your sixth sense was always, forever right, gut feelings never lie.
He started off normal, but then he got all … how could you put it? Sexy? Seducing? Sensual? Definitely not Park Jong Seong's normal way of seducing someone, knowing it very well especially since you were a victim to his seductions.
You played along, pretending stupid, and it gave you enough time to deduce that he was possessed. Demons that stormed the hotel got to him in the end and you had to be the one to clean the mess up? Unbelievable. 
Now, here you were, in his lap back in your hotel room, making out. You heard that right. 
His hands tugged your hair, yours wandered his body, lips moving passionately against one another, you had to remind yourself that this WASN'T him! 
You broke the kiss, heaving slightly as you reached for the small flask on your bedside table, a plan already in your mind. "Gosh, let me take a sip, want some?"
Jay—or demon Jay—nodded at the flask in your hand with some interest. "What's in there?"
"Whiskey, your favourite," you lied cunningly through your teeth.
"I'll have some," 
You passed it to Jay, watching his every move, from him taking the flask, holding it up to his lips, to downing the contents into his mouth, then a loud scream broke out from him.
"Holy water," you clicked your tongue. "And you're so not Jay," 
You threw yourself away from him, backing away from the bed. Jay turned to you sharply, piercingly glaring at you, his eyes turned fully black, leaving no whites. Oh yeah, hundred percent possessed. 
He tried charging at you, but he then hit an invisible barrier. No matter how much he lunged and punched, he was stuck, and never escaping.
"Devil's trap, whoops," it was a precaution you took, drawing a sigil trap under the bed that was designed specially to trap demons, and there was no way out unless the circle was broken. It was great luck you got the demon twisted around your finger to have him follow you into bed. "Now, what's your business? Why are you possessing him?"
"You don't want to continue doing what you're doing here," he seethed out.
"I've got someone to save,"
He cackled with a look of disdain. "You humans are so weak minded and hero wannabes. How about you save yourself and forget about the guy? You don't know who you're dealing with or what you're even doing,"
"Oh, I don't?" You pulled the bedside table's drawer open, your trusty notebook was tucked inside and you snatched it out, showing it gloriously. "Look at this!"
"A stupid little notebook? You're not scaring me,"
"Are you sure? What if I told you there were some verses in here? You know, those types of verses, the ones that can make you go away. What if I start reciting some verses?" You taunted, your innocent smile riled him further.
"Come on then," he poked, challenging you. 
"Seriously? I'm giving you choices and time before I send you back to hell. I'm really kind,"
Jay gulped, despite all that, he remained a confident front and a cocky look. "Your stupid chantings won't work on me,"
"A low level demon like you telling me what I know and don't know? Please, save some talk and let me show you what I'm best at," you flipped open your notebook, following the usual ritual and started the latin incantations.
Jay stirred, yelling out and his body shuddered. As your chantings got louder and more aggressive, the demon from within seemed to be fighting to escape. Finally, with one last verse, Jay's mouth opened and a flight of black smoke escaped from within and dissolved back to, hopefully, hell.
"Fuck," you ran towards the bed as you saw his body going limp, getting there just in time for his body to fall into your arms heavily. "I got you, Jay, you're okay,"
"Huh?" His eyes were half opened, looking worse than a drunk. 
"Get some rest, we'll talk about this tomorrow. You need it."
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"I got possessed, then we made out, and you exorcised me?"
"That was about it,"
It was the next morning, room service thankfully available now and you were having breakfast in bed with Jay as you poured over the happenings of the crazy night. Of course, Jay was having difficulties swallowing his food as he had zero recollections whatsoever, blacking out the moment the demon entered his body. 
"So … we made out?"
"Seriously? Is that the important part to you?"
"We never did for months and the demon got to do it with you? This is trippy and I'm salty," he huffed, chewing on his sunny side egg sadly. "Anyway, did the demon say anything?"
"Right, he did. Something about how we shouldn't be doing what we're doing now, like a warning I think,"
"Eh, typical demon bullshit, they always get into your minds and spit some mind boggling ass words to get you all worked up. It's nothing,"
You were unconvinced, crossing your arms nervously. "You don't actually think there's something wrong, right? Something bigger than we think?"
"Maybe, maybe not," he shrugged, uncertainty lingered in his words. "Either way, we have bigger problems. Tonight, the charity ball, saving Hoonie,"
"You're right."
Running around the streets looking for some gown to buy was harder than expected. Buying it rather than renting was a stupid choice, a dumb and expensive one. But what could you do? You're probably going to rip it up anyway. Not in that manner.
The day was soon coming to an end. Earlier on, the two of you made sure to have your bags packed and ready, dumping them into the car in advance. God knows what's happening after the event, all you knew was that you're probably not stepping foot back into the hotel room again.
"Are you done?" Jay shouted from the other room as you finished some final touch ups.
"Can you wait for a second? Jeez!"
You burst open the door, meeting Jay's gaze at once. He was dressed handsomely in a suit, a plain black suit that hugged his muscles and body in a perfect way as if it was tailored for him.
As for you, you were in a simple floor length black gown, one with two surprises: an open back and a thigh slit. You weren't a big fan but it is what it is. It was likely made out of some cheap silk and half assed production, but this happened to be your only option. 
"Fucking hell," he whistled under his breath, his eyes swept your figure from top to bottom and back to the top again to lock his gaze with yours. "Wow. You look amazing, more than amazing actually,"
He took a step, and another, until he was directly in front of you, face to face. "Is it okay if I touch you?" He whispered under his breath, something flashing in those brown irises. 
His hand slithered around your waist, tugging you forward into his chest, eyes widened as it caught you by surprise. Being this close to him had you thinking of yesterday. Despite the fact that he was possessed, it was physically still him, meaning you did kiss him, and God, he missed him and his lips.
"What are you thinking about?"
"That demon got you hooked?"
"You're annoying. I mean, kissing you," you faltered towards the end, gradually getting flustered. 
"Would you like to recreate that?" Jay jokingly leaned in and you pushed his face away, laughing slightly.
"We don't have the time to, idiot,"
Jay shook his head, a small smile adorned his pretty features. "After all this … maybe we should talk it out. About us. Just you and I,"
"Definitely," you nodded, squeezing his shoulder lightly. "We should leave too, it's time," 
"You're right," he sighed, obvious disappointment in his voice as he glanced down at his wristwatch. "Let's go," he slowly let his hold of you go, but his hand remained around your waist as you two walked side by side.
That cheeky bastard's hands gradually travelled lower and lower as you walked, teasing you until it reached your lower back. Your head snapped over to give him a questioning glance, to which he reciprocated with a shrug.
"Hands up—" you moved his hands from your lower back back to your waist, eyes glaring at him, "—here,"
"You weren't complaining the last time we fucked,"
"Over a year back,"
"What do you say we relive that tonight, huh?"
"You're such a sleazebag. Oh, manwhore, and what else?"
"Dickhead, handsome jerk," 
"Okay, whatever you say, dickhead handsome jerk," you snickered sarcastically before dragging him towards the main area, making sure to not trip over your gown. 
The hotel was bustling with guests from all over the world, being the busiest it has been as staff ran around frantically. The night has yet to begin and people were already gambling their minds off while drinking expensive champagne served by frantic servers. 
You looked around, noticing Sam, or Elliot in actuality, conversing with someone, his brother was nowhere in sight … yet. 
"Distract him, okay?" You whispered hastily into Jay's ears as you saw the man waving over at you two, possibly coming over once he's done with the guy he's talking to. "I'll try to be within hindsight, but listen to me, if I'm not back by the two hour mark, you come to the office and find me. You have the gun, right?"
"Good. I'm going to try and get Sunghoon out, but I've only got so much,"
"I'll be there, okay? I won't leave you,"
You nodded at his words, feeling his hand squeeze your arm tightly. The anxiety was pushing past its limits and you were praying everything to run your way. The moment Sam moved over to you and Jay, you exchanged friendly greetings and pretended to be interested in whatever he's trying to yap about. As he did so, Jay slowly whisked him away, luring him for a talk over some drinks. One thing Jay's excellent at was talking, and you sure hoped his charms were enough to keep the little brother at bay.
After some more digging, you found out John, aka Elijah, mostly hung around the bar area and observed his customers. Interesting man. Lo and behold, the theories were right and he was actually there, all alone, an easy target.
"Not here to gamble?" You slid by his side casually, sitting in an empty seat just a fraction of a distance in between.
"I like to sit and observe a little," he hummed, taking a sip out of his glass. "And you are?"
"Stacy Williams,"
"I'm John Clerk,"
Ironic that you two were actually lying about yourselves to each other. 
"Owner of this place I believe?"
"It's true," he raised his glass up, quirking his eyebrows.
"Beautiful casino and hotel, by the way," you said sweetly, putting on your most convincing smile.
"Thank you," he bowed his head slightly. Not much of a conversationalist, huh? Maybe this was your time to strike. 
"Mr Clerk, I'm sorry but is there any way I can get a short rest around here? I'm feeling a little light headed and I just wish to lie down for a while,"
The man before you remained stoic, but you could tell he was internally scrambling for ideas in his mind, and you certainly didn't miss the way he gulped. To add extra pressure onto him, you started staring at him expectantly.
"Well—uhm—there's a sofa in my office," he suggested, though reluctantly.
"That'll be great if you don't mind, I'm sorry for the trouble,"
"No worries, Miss Williams," he assured. "I'll lead you there," he got off his seat and slowly took the lead, you following behind. As you gradually made your out of the vicinity, you spotted Jay, giving him a small nod before disappearing from his sight entirely.
He took the same path you and Jay had done during the time you two snuck around the demon brothers office, except this time, you would be entering into the office.
"Here you go, the sofa's all yours," he opened the door for you, leading you into his large office and pointed at the black coloured sofa in the corner. For a murderous, plotting demon, you didn't expect him or his interior to be so simple and minimal. "Would you like anything else?"
"A drink, maybe water or something refreshing will do,"
He nodded before closing the door shut, and you could tell he was worried about leaving you alone. Not because it's dangerous for you to be by yourself, but instead, he's paranoid about his typical demon doings and that dungeon.
Speaking of the dungeon, you had no idea where it was. Upon arriving, you checked for surveillance cameras, there were none thankfully, as for the dungeon you noticed nothing, even after squinting and looking around the room for some dodgy button. What a cunning demon! Time was ticking and you were racing against time.
"Wait…" you read about some theories about the whereabouts of the entrance to the dungeon, so now, you finally had the chance to test it out.
Locking the door and making up a quick lie was easy. But searching for some clues around the room wasn't. It got to a frustrating point of testing out the stupid theories where you ended up failing. There was one more for the test: the bookshelves.
Stories mentioned John being a complete book nerd, his belongings would be chucked in between books and somewhere behind the shelves, it would totally make sense the bookshelves in his office to have some hidden functions. You tried pushing it, punching it, but it wouldn't budge.
Sighing in almost defeat, you found yourself eyeing the books instead, judging the titles and spotting an odd one, reaching out for a grab. That was when everything changed. A small pull had triggered the book shelf to raise itself off of the ground and into the wall, revealing stairs going underground. Bingo.
You defied the laws of horror movies by going down the dark stairway, quietly calling out for any signs of life. Once you descended the remaining steps, you were met with dimly lit torches, chains hanging on the wall. This did look very anciently built, replicating those tacky dungeons in movies.
It was a large underground cave, so it wasn't hard to spot Sunghoon sitting in one corner, his hand chained to the wall and he himself had dozed off. 
You made your way there, your heels clicking against the hard floor but Sunghoon never woke from it. You kneeled beside him, noticing the fatigue in his expressions, looking overly worn out, attire soiled and seemingly hurt.
"Sunghoon!" You hissed, shaking him awake. There's no way you're attempting to carry him out while he's unconscious.
"Huh—what—who—" he slowly blinked, startled at the unfamiliar voice. His gaze was on you, his eyes blinking rapidly to rid of the haziness, then he finally registered that it was you talking. "Wait—Y/N?"
"You got that right. Is there a key around here?" 
"What are you doing here?"
"We have no time for that! Is there a key or not?" You hissed, trying to strain your ears in order to determine if he's returned or not. Hopefully the guests were keeping him busy in the meantime.
"There is, it's somewhere in the small cupboard there," he nodded over at said cupboard that you hadn't noticed. 
Say less, you practically jumped to your feet and bolted over to the small cupboard, pulled it open and the key was there. Tada! It was foolish that it was out in the open like that, but considering the fact they probably didn't expect anyone else to come down here, it was pretty valid.
Being the more thorough person you were, you checked the remaining drawers in case of any dangerous objects. Instead, you found some weapons here and there, so you tossed some over to Sunghoon before unlocking his chain. He winced the moment his wrist found freedom, rubbing it sorely. But there's not enough time, you need him out.
"Park, listen close to me," you tucked some of the knives into the garter belt around your thigh, handing Sunghoon one of the guns found in the drawer. "Your brother is here—"
"Yes, now hush and actually listen, alright? The demon that captured you is coming back soon, and you're escaping before he does,"
"What about you?"
"I'll hold out as long as I can. Once you find Jay, tell him to come 'fetch' me or whatever excuse he could form. If shit goes sour, I don't think I can handle him alone,"
Sunghoon nodded as he took your words in carefully. There was limited time left, you needed to get out of the dungeon and shut it. 
You helped Sunghoon up and had him lean his weight into you as you guided him up the stairs. To say you were struggling and having breathing difficulties was an understatement. He better treat you to some good food for saving his ass after this.
He fell onto the sofa you were resting on earlier as you scrambled to shut the entrance by pushing the book back in. The entrance to the dungeon closed to a shut, and you breathed a sigh of relief. Now that you got Sunghoon out, there's bigger problems to face. 
"Are you able to walk?"
Sunghoon grunted, stretching and massaging his legs. "I can … I think,"
"You think?" His words weren't completely reassuring. 
"I'll manage," he gritted out, but his gaze softened. "I'm only worried about you,"
"You don't think I can handle him?"
"No, not that. You're an amazing hunter, of course, but this guy—demon—he's not some low ranking one. Not some simple exorcism can cast him back to hell,"
"I know, that's why Jay's got the gun,"
"He brought the colt along?"
The colt wasn't just a normal revolver, it was the supernatural revolver. Built to kill everything and anything. No supernatural beings were able to escape the wrath of the bullet. Who else better to use it on than some powerful demons?
"He's crazy," Sunghoon breathed out after you nodded as a response to his question. 
"He's just being careful. Plus, we do need it now anyway,"  
Sunghoon blinked, leaning back a little with an odd expression, his eyebrows furrowed. "Oh wow, did you guys…?"
"What do you mean?"
"I don't know, you have this look and I figured something … sparked between you and him again,"
You pressed your lips into a flat line, blinking wordlessly at him. Even he could tell you and Jay were having something?
"Let's talk about this later," you patted his shoulder, nodding towards the door. "You should definitely leave now,"
Knock knock.
"Miss Williams? Are you alright? Why is the door locked?"
You met Sunghoon's gaze, and the one thing you've managed to understand in his stare was 'we're fucked'. 
"I'm—I'm not doing well," 
"What's happened? Let me in,"
"No!" You bursted out, which sounded worse than expected. "I mean, no, I got m–my period, and I'm embarrassed to come out,"
"Oh," the man on the other side of the door seemed shocked to say the least. "I'll go get you some pads, Miss Williams,"
"Thank you,"
Pressing your ears onto the door, you heard his footsteps getting further away, finally able to let out the breath you've been holding in for too long. You turned to Sunghoon, grabbing his arm.
"You know, for a demon, he's actually quite a gentleman,"
"Keeping me in his stupid dusty dungeon surely isn't a gentleman's move," he said bitterly as he got up, limping slightly. "You'll be okay, right?"
"No promises,"
"I'll be quick, I'm going to get Jay here. You saved my ass, I'm making sure I save yours," he placed a hand on your shoulder, squeezing it softly.
"I trust you," you patted his hand. "Now, go,"
Sunghoon nodded, though quite reluctantly leaving as he didn't wish to have you all alone in a demon's threshold. You exchanged a brief look with him before he slipped out of the door completely, and you prayed he made it out successfully without any complications in between.
Minutes later, you heard knocks on the door once again, which meant John was back. Bracing yourself, you turned the door open, revealing him and some pads in his hands. "Here,"
"Thanks, I'll—uh—go to the restroom,"
"You're not actually on your period, are you?" His words cut like knives, sharp and certain.
"Are you doubting my knowledge of my own body?" 
"No, I'm not," he said flatly, shutting the door behind him and stepping closer. "One thing I know for sure is that you're not welcomed here … hunter," in one blink, his eyes turned black entirely, just like the time Jay was possessed.
"I'm only here for a shortstop, nothing else … Elijah," you kept your cool on the outside, but internally? You were fighting the horrors. He seemed surprised that you mentioned his actual name, but that didn't bother him.
"Oh yeah? Tell your buddies to stop coming after me,"
"How about you stop killing people?" 
Your retaliation didn't help your case as it only agitated him. With a  swift move of a hand, he had you pushed to the bookshelves, pinning you on there with an invisible force. No matter how you tried resisting it, you couldn't break free from the forceful hold.
"You won't understand. You humans don't," he seethed out, getting closer and closer. "You would be a great sacrifice as well,"
"Fuck you,"
Wrong choices of words. A force was wrapped around your throat and in the next second, it was constricting. Dying from getting choked by a demon wasn't on your list of dumb ways to die.
You swore you were seeing the lights of the afterlife until something intervened. Gunshots sounded suddenly, loud and clear and almost everywhere, a mix of shouts rang through. Chaos was happening. 
John, or Elijah, heard the commotion outside and was taken off guard from it, his hold loosening and you were able to breathe just a little bit more. His head turned back to you, then to the door, seemingly conflicted at the two troubles on hand. 
"Shit," he cursed under his breath. "For fuck's sake," he released his hold on you, resulting in you dropping to the ground in coughing fits. You take it back about him being a gentleman. "You're so dead when I come back,"
You could only glare at him and his figure as he exited through the door, but then you heard the sound of a click. No, no, no. You rushed to the door, trying to yank it open, but to your worst fears, he actually locked the door.
Jay was coming to find you, right? Doubts continuously fill your mind against your will. It pained you knowing you're stuck here all helpless, unaware whether Jay and Sunghoon were doing well or not. You could only hope for the best and not the worst.
What seemed like forever was you being trapped in this office. The books on the shelves didn't entertain you, the pictures of the actual Sam only made you sad knowing his body was being possessed by a demon. All in all, you were rotting in here. 
That was until you heard grunts and some gunshots not far away, heavy footsteps thudding down the corridor. Shouts rang through the empty and quiet surroundings, your heart thrashing wildly against your chest in anxiety. There was no mistake in what you heard next. It was your name, your name was yelled.
"Y/N!" Jay's voice was hoarse as he called for you over and over. 
"Jay?" You pounded on the door, shaking the doorknob that wouldn't budge. 
The footsteps got closer and his voice got nearer until he was eventually standing directly on the other side of the door. "Y/N? Are you there?"
"I am," you nearly sobbed, wanting to break free and escape the office. "Jay, the door's locked,"
"You've got to be kidding me. I killed that fucker and never asked for the keys," Jay pounded at the door in irritation. "Y/N, step away, I'm going to break this fucking door down," 
You got away from the door, backing away to your previous spot at the bookshelves and crouching down. After a split second, you heard a gunshot, the doorknob rattled and loosened, but that didn't take the cake. Jay grunted, having to go for busting down the door instead.
A few kicks to the door had loosened the handles, you could hear Jay putting his whole effort into busting down the door with his kicks and the way he threw his body to the door. It was almost a while before he finally knocked the door down completely, revealing a overly worn out Jay. 
He was injured, cuts on his face, arm bleeding and his fancy suit torn at some places. Despite all that, his eyes lit up the moment they landed on your figure crouched by the bookshelves. He rushed over with speed that resembled the Flash, immediately dropping down to his knees to match your position.
"Are you alright? You're not hurt right?" His hands were on your shoulder, turning you slightly to check for any visible changes. 
You didn't say anything yet, just feeling glad that he's here now, safe and sound. Almost instinctively, your arms reached out and pulled him into a hug, squeezing him tightly.
"I got you, I'm here now, nothing's going to hurt you," Jay caressed the back of your head, pressing a soft kiss on your temple. 
"I'm glad you're fine too," you slowly pulled away after a few moments, your hands cupping his cheek. "You do look really busted though,"
He scoffed, lips gradually stretched into a grin. "You'll be the one patching me up later,"
"What happened out there?"
"I killed them," he said hoarsely, his touch never leaving yours. "Little brother Elliot attacked me first after he revealed himself, then everyone ran away. I took my chance and blasted him. Sunghoon showed up not long after and that's when Elijah appeared. We managed to kill him, sent their souls back to hell,"
"That's great," 
"Did he … do anything out of line?"
"Other than choking me and saying he'll kill me? Not really," 
"He's a fucking bastard," Jay cursed, wincing slightly from the cut on his lips.
"Should we leave? The police is arriving soon, no?" You slowly got up, supporting Jay as well.
"We really should. I don't need the police on my ass again,"
"Hey guys—" Sunghoon appeared in the doorway, sweating and heaving, but once he saw the two of you together, hands around each other, his face morphed into a teasing smirk. "Am I interupting?"
You and Jay simultaneously let out a cough, facing away from one another.
"Are the polices on their way?"
"They are," Sunghoon replied hastily, ushering you two to come forward and leave the office. "I've cleaned our traces as much as I could. Now, we should just leave while people are hiding,"
"Did the bodies make it? The original Sam and John," you asked.
"No," the Park brothers answered in unison, and the three of you continued your way to the carpark in silence. It was saddening to hear that the bodies of Sam and John didn't make it, the dull atmosphere ended up befalling between you all.
"So," Jay started once you were all in the car, revving his car to a start. "Want some celebratory burgers along the way?"
"Say less."
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After a long gruelling trip back to your house, Sunghoon ended up passing out in the guest room's bed, leaving you and Jay alone in the middle of your living room, where you were cleaning his injury wounds.
"I'm trying to be as gentle as I can," Your eyes flickered, wrapping his arm up and cleaning some tiny wounds. "Are you leaving after this? Go on your journey wherever supernatural cases appear like always?"
"I am," Jay said, and somewhere internally, you felt your soul crush. "But I'm staying a little longer here," 
"What?" Your mouth almost fell to the ground from the shock, unintentionally applying more pressure to the wound which made Jay wince, and you uttered a small apology, an unknowing smile forming on your lips. "You're serious?"
"Why wouldn't I be? You know how I said I wanted to have a talk after we got back, so here we are. I know our job is … complicated, but my feelings for you never changed over the years. It just took me a shit long time to come to my senses," Jay took a breath in. 
"I know I've hurt you before, and I'm going to have to gain your trust back first. But I hope you'll give me a chance, and let me bring you out on a date or two over these few days,"
"You're giving 'us' a shot?"
"I am,"
You were giddy to say the least, resisting the urge to break into the biggest, lovesick smile. "I'd really love to go out on that date with you,"
"Really?" Jay seemed like he couldn't believe you actually would agree, the evident shock in his face made you laugh.
"Yes, really, you idiot. Are you going to kiss me or something now?"
"I definitely am,"
Jay's calloused fingers wrapped around your chin softly, pulling you in and crashed his lips against yours. It wasn't your first time kissing him, but this was different. Desperation, endless pining that was bottled over the years finally burst and welled over, his lips moved against yours with so much fever and intensity, it had you going insane.
Jay pulled you into his lap, your arms falling over his shoulders for support while his hand travelled from your neck to your cheek before making its way into your hair. You could feel him smirking against your lips, his other hand moving down to your waist to tug you closer to his chest, having you totally pressed up against him.
"J–Jay," before he could take it to another level, you registered that it was your living room, and Sunghoon was in the house as well, which meant the possibility of him walking in was there. "Should we move it into … the room instead?"
Jay knew what you meant, his gaze changing almost instantly, something told you that you were in for it tonight. "Oh you're nasty," he suddenly carried you in bridal style, making you yelp out in surprise and scrambling for support.
The night was going to be long, but it didn't matter anymore now that you've got to have him for a few days and nights all to yourself. Killing supernatural beings was a headache, an ill fated string tied to you, but in the end, you couldn't deny it had brought you and Jay together again. Maybe it was a blessing in disguise after all.
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taglist: @aerxz @asyleums @dimplewonie @yizhoutv
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thatscarletflycatcher · 11 months
Okay you got me. Tell me about PP 1980
Okay, so XD
Imagine you had a BBC adaptation of Pride and Prejudice that was 5 hours long, faithful to the book, and yet having a different perspective/understanding/interpretation of the characters and the story? That's P&P 1980 in a nutshell, and I think it is worth watching just for that. But here are some other concrete things it has going for it, specially in relation to other adaptations:
The casting is closer in age than 95, and on one specific important case, closer than 05 too: Lady Catherine de Bourgh is played by an actress in her mid 40s, and she nails the absolute Opinionated Facebook AuntTM thing that the character has going in the novel.
It's not the only case of closer accuracy to the book in characters: Mr Collins is a young, tall, big guy, whose main issue is being very small minded, petty, and obsequent, instead of recurring to "he's greasy or slimy" as other adaptations do.
If you agree/like the "Darcy has autism" headcanon, this is the adaptation that leans the most heavily into it (it does overdo it, in my opinion, but there's a very interesting contrast between the flat affect of his facial expression, and the richness of inflexion in his voice)
Elizabeth Garvie's Lizzy is just... extraordinary. This adaptation circumvents the Jane-as-prettier-than-Lizzy issue by casting as Lizzy an actress with big, dark, very expressive eyes, small features and a very lively, sharp countenance and manners, whereas Jane's actress is tall and graceful and has a general air of kindness and sweetness, but in a very youthful way.
Speaking of Jane, this adaptation focuses much more on the sisters as sisters, and gives special emphasis to Lizzy's love for Jane, which I appreciate a lot.
Also speaking of Jane, Jane and Bingley are the cutest in this. They are given time, and he's kind and sociable and sweet without being an idiot. This adaptation includes that great line of his about how he wouldn't mind Darcy so much if he wasn't so tall, and the following comment about how Darcy can be fastidious of a Sunday evening.
That way, this adaptation includes several fan favorite scenes/lines that don't usually make it to adaptation, such as Darcy asking Lizzy to dance a reel, Lizzy playing and singing at a party in Meryton, Caroline teasing Darcy about putting uncle and aunt Phillips on the Pemberley portrait gallery, and the "I cannot fix the hour or the spot..." line. EDIT: also, the coffee pot scene!! and the rivalry between Mrs Bennet and Lady Lucas!
I also think it balances well how awful, in different ways, both Mr and Mrs Bennet (EDIT: and she's not insufferably shrill!!!!) are as parents (unlike how 95 and 05 "pick sides"); it emphasizes how self centered her efforts are, and how lazy and callous he can be in his mockery and indolence.
The opening sequence of each episode is a roll of a hand-drawn summary of the events of the episode and that's such a lovely detail.
Mind you, the adaptation is not without its faults. The production values are not what we are accustomed to nowadays. Some acting and lines are stilted and/or awkward. It has the odd choice here and there that is involuntarily funny. But I don't think people need discouragement from seeing it. I don't even think most of the general Austen fandom is aware of its existence. For my part, it has become my favorite adaptation of P&P (that I have watched so far; I haven't gotten yet to either 1967 or the Italian one).
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arcaneauthor · 2 years
Tattoos Tell A Story
Part 2 now up (here), Part 3 (here)
Pairing: Simon “Ghost” Riley x F!reader
Summary: Coloring in Ghost’s tattoos has become somewhat of a habit. It’s this habit that’s leads you to discovering a tattoo he had gotten done without your knowledge.
Warnings: Fluff, like so much fluff
A/n: This is my first time posting on tumblr and I have no idea what I’m doing. Requests now open! Pls give me some ideas😭
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You found it one day during one of your little “coloring sessions”,A little habit you’ve picked up ever since that one rainy day in July. Ghost had just come back from a mission and you both wanted to soak in as much of the other as possible, just bask in one another’s presence. Three months with nothing more then a letter exchange here and there, you were gonna enjoy as much time with your boyfriend as possible.
You remember lightly stroking his arm as you curiously asked him why all of his tattoos were so dull.
“Pardon?” He questions if he heard you right.
“Your tattoos, all of them are just black. There’s no color.” Your eyes still haven’t left where you are softly tracing one of his tattoos, a depiction of an assault rifle rapped in thorns.
He raises his other tattooed arm for inspection, as if he had forgotten what it looked like.
“I don’t need em’ all flashy. Besides,” he shrugs,”Think they look better this way.”
You make a noise of disagreement, shaking your head, until a thought seems to strike you, raising your head from where it was previously laying on his shoulder, eyes looking up at him with a mischievous glint.
“Wanna bet?” Is all he gets before you bolt out of his grip, standing up to dig through the bedside drawer, grabbing a case of markers out before diving back into bed, a little too excitedly seeing as how the whole thing rocked.
You hold the case up to him as a kid would show a crayon drawing to their parents.
He stares at the markers before flicking his eyes to you.
“What are ya doin’?
You completely ignore him as you smile, a little manically, and turn to grab his arm and get to work.
He may have complained, but he never stopped you.
And he would never admit it out loud, but it did look kinda cool
It also put him to sleep
And now your little “coloring sessions” have become a bit of a recurring thing.
Sick and stuck in bed? He gives you his arm.
That time of the month and you’re curled under the covers with cramps? He’s already grabbing the markers for you.
Just having a bit of a lazy cuddle session? You’re instinctually grabbing his arm.
Today, it’s the third option. He had once again just got home from a mission and, though not as long as some of his other send offs, it still seemed way too long to you. You were sitting against one another, your back to his chest, one arm hugging you to him, the other clutched in your grasp as you fill in his uncolored tattoos with your pack of markers. His masked face was pressed against the side of your head as he watched your hands delicately glide the marker across his skin, sometimes throwing in a cheeky comment or two about how a certain color didn’t go somewhere, which earned him a slap to the thigh.
You finished filling in the rose near his elbow, moving further down towards his hand, but something catches your eye.
You’d done this countless times now, you probably know his tattoos better than he does at this point. You know that the ink goes a little off line on his skull tattoo, you know that there’s a little stray mark beside the oak tree on his bicep. You know every detail and mistake.
That’s how you know this wasn’t here before.
It’s a small little heart on the inside of his wrist, not filled in because of course it isn’t.
You bring it up closer to your face for inspection, and that’s when you notice it
The writing inside.
It…was your name?
You whip around to look back at him with questioning eyes.
The mask completely covered the lower part of his face,though his eyes gave away the soft smirk lurking beneath.
“The boys wanted to celebrate the win. Tattoos were Mactavish’s idea.” Bastards trying to be all nonchalant about it.
“But-but, why this?” You shove his own arm into his face, like he didn’t already know what was on it.
He shrugs,”Racked my brain for an idea, but, seems you’re the only thing on my mind these days. Couldn’t get ya out of my head-“
He huffs as you plow into him with a hug, immediately engulfing you in his muscled arms.
Simon never was one for excessive pda or poetic words, rather he showed love through his actions. Attempting to cook for you, making you bubble baths, bringing you heating pads and medicine for your cramps. And this was just another one added to the list, maybe the best of them all in your opinion, cause a tattoo-a tattoo’s pretty dang permanent. In his mind, you know, this is his promise of forever to you. His version of a promise ring.
There’s no tears shed, you never were much of a crier, but the emotions were definitely felt. The warmth, the happiness, the love, all of it was basically drowning you at this point.
“You know tattoo removals hurt right?” You lean away enough to look him in the eye,”Like-like what happens if this doesn’t work out, if you decide you’re tired of me,I don’t know, piggy backing you all the time or something and you have to go get this covered?” You motion to his arm.
It’s said as a joke, but he can still somehow detect the hint of serious worry in your voice.
He lightly grabs you under the chin,”Sweetheart, if I let a catch like you go then I deserve the pain.”
Alright you know you said you weren’t a crier, but that might have brought some moisture to your eye.
He doesn’t even try and stop you as your reach to roll the mask up to his nose, a testament of how much he trusts you. Overwhelmed with emotions, you tenderly cup his face to pull him into a kiss.
It’s slow and gentle, just a smooth glide of your lips against his. His hands gently rubbing up and down your sides. You lovingly gliding your thumb across his light stubble, breathing in his musky cologne. Although intense, the kiss contains absolutely no heat, no sexual insinuation. Instead, you feel only one thing.
“I love you.” You relay breathlessly as you pull away, gently knocking your forehead against his.
You share a few breathes before he replies
“I….care, about you too,” you slap his arm with an unimpressed look,”Kidding! Of course I bloody love you, got your name tattooed on my arm for gosh sa-
You cut him off with another kiss.
You were once again laid on the bed, squished up against his side with a thick arm wrapped around your shoulder. Your eyes caught sight of your name engraved in his skin.
You smirk at the sight,”You know,” you break silence, catching his attention away from the tv,”It would have looked better if you had gotten the heart filled in with red.”
He’s a little confused for a second before catching your line of sight. He rolls his eyes, jostling you slightly as he sat up to reach beside the bed. Now you’re the one confused.
“Well, if that was the case,” he rolls back over to present you with a red marker,”You wouldn’t get to do it yourself, now would ya’?”
You grab the marker, sparing glances between it and the proud look on Simon’s face.
Your man, This man really got a tattoo with the intent for you to do your silly little coloring on it.
Yep, definitely love him.
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kkanabel · 22 days
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caffeine addiction ❃ "what." ❃ chapter 5 bakugou katsuki x reader / coffee shop!au + fashion?au
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warnings: implied sexual content but no actual yuckies
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Bakugou sat in the men’s dressing room with his legs crossed at the ankles, examining the models before the show. The models, makeup artists, and hairstylists felt scrutinized under his wary gaze. Bakugou Masaru’s son is no joke.
This morning, he woke up and cut his daily workout short to go to his café. He was filling up two five-gallon insulated beverage dispensers with his famous drip coffee. To help out with the show, he was supplying the entire staff with caffeination. He knew that the coffee was going to lose its aroma throughout the day, but he was going to be much too busy to maintain a coffee machine today. While he was waiting for the coffee to brew, he kept his café open just in case any customers came in.
To his surprise, you walked in only a couple minutes after he opened. Outside the door, he had a sign telling his customers that he’d be closed for most of the day. Secretly, he was glad that you came in today, but he was disappointed that he wouldn’t be able to see you sit in his café for extended periods of time. 
You looked amazing. He had to check if he was drooling each time he glanced at you, and then cursed himself for being such a creep. The fact that you didn’t show any signs of mutual interest in him made him disappointed. He didn’t even know why his ego was getting assaulted in response to this, especially because he got daily doses of female attention.
You were so reserved and mysterious to him, and it made him desperate to get to know you better. You always sat at that same window-seat table while doing your work. And that was the thing-- you were always doing work. He couldn’t ever have a real, meaningful conversation with you because you were always doing things. Even if you took a quick break, Bakugou was too much of a scared little shit to make an actual move.
Bakugou found his eyes trailing to you even when your hair was messy, your eyes crusty, and your dark circles pronounced. What is going on with him? What are you doing to him? And how?
Maybe it was the way you were so dedicated to your work. Maybe it’s the way you were able to look like a drug addict one day and an Instagram influencer the next day. Maybe it’s the way you smiled at him after you got your coffee. Maybe it’s the way your contagious laughter spreads to him each time you crack a joke. Maybe it’s the way you always answered with something so interesting after he asked a question about you, and then left him to keep doing your work again.
“Yeah, I’m just taking a quick break.”
“Whatcha doin’ over there?”
“Oh, I’m designing an advert for a shitty dating app! Well, I’ve gotta get back to it.”
You always walked away before he was able to make more conversation with you. Did you find him annoying? You returned the favor, though. It’s not like you were obviously avoiding him. You seemed to enjoy the short conversations that the two of you had! It just seemed like you backed out of the conversation because you were so focused on doing your job. That only made you more attractive to him. He wonders-- if he was against dating because it encroached on his work, was it the same for you?
If he was a recurring factor in your work, would you feel like you’re more allowed to pursue him? At this point, he was falling for you more and more. He might ask you out on a date and ignore his rules altogether. How did it even get to this point? You’d only started becoming a regular at his café a month ago.
Bakugou watched as you disappeared from his café with your two red-eyes. He’s going insane over a girl that he hardly even knows.
He tapped his foot backstage, standing up when he saw a makeup artist looking at the reference pictures that he gave to them. “Oi. The eyes need to be sharp and bold, like the themes of this line,” he said, voice gruff as he pointed out the sharp edges of the eye makeup in the picture. The makeup artist seemed to tremble a little under his gaze, so he left the area to continue supervising the models. 
Bakugou made the reference pictures for the makeup himself, knowing that he would be best at translating his dad’s vision into makeup. His dad was only ever good for translating his thoughts onto textiles. Although Bakugou wasn’t great at makeup, he was great at knowing what this line meant to his parents. 
He walked over to the racks of clothing lines up against the walls, running his hands through the fabric. This line heavily depended on the geometric patterns that his dad was inspired by this time around. Thus, everything surrounding the fashion show had to reflect that. Bakugou was always a creative director for Masaki’s fashion lines for a reason. This time around, though, he was the main creative director alongside his father. He took a sip of his coffee as he sat back down on his bench, lost in thought.
Masaki, his mother and father’s passion, became a brand that embodied creativity in an explorative and bold way. Each line always had a small sub-line of clothes that were saturated in color, even if the rest of the pieces in the line weren’t. It was always these three– orange, green, and silver. Always in bright hues. Over time, these three colors had become the face of Masaki as a brand. 
In every interview his parents had, they would always describe the brand in one word. Explosive.
Bakugou never really understood the meaning and symbolism behind the pieces that his father made up until he’d grown older. Most people don’t understand haute couture, period. Many look at the pieces that these lines produce and simply look at the price tag and go, “Who would pay that much for an ugly sweater?” While Bakugou agreed to an extent (especially the t-shirts with a simple logo on them that sell for way too much) he also understood the other side of it. 
High fashion, to him, is not just about the elitism of the brand—not just showing off your financial prowess. To Bakugou, the works of designers around the world are meant to be entirely works of art. Whether or not you believe that ugly sweater from Gucci is worth a kidney, there was still thought, time, and training put into it. (Hopefully.) Just like a painting, high fashion is an expression of the thoughts of the designer into a piece that takes hours to create. He saw his father hunched over a sewing table for hours for a reason, and he truly believed that the pieces from Masaki deserved their price tag, if not more.
Even then, it took Bakugou years to truly understand what it was that differentiated his parents’ work to others. When he compared the work of other brands to his father’s, he understood. Whereas brands like Kindeki valued the portion of creativity that was more subdued and focused on innovation and symbolism, Masaki was always sharp and in-your-face. It could be seen in the silhouettes of the blazers and the crisp edges of the patterns that his father preferred.
This manifested in Bakugou as he grew up, of course. As a child, he was the exact definition of explosive. His parents would have to calm down his anger-filled tantrums on the daily, and he was the middle-school bully that everybody was afraid of. 
But as he grew up, he mellowed out like the flavor of espresso after being watered down. His anger went into going to the gym, and his mind became more relaxed as he worked each day at his café.
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After you finished your red eye, you’d pranced over to the table with refreshments and poured yourself another cup of coffee. It tasted just like the drip coffee from your favorite café, so you were absolutely elated. There was nothing as good as the coffee that you’ve had from that place. You’d have to ask someone where the coffee comes from later. 
You were watching models get ready at your aunt’s favorite luxury fashion brand. Other than her own, of course. You walked back over to your table, where she was sitting with her red eye still in her hand. 
“Honey, when Mitsuki gets back, I’ve got a surprise for you~”
This woman was like a second mother to you. On your fifth birthday, you clearly remember walking into her office and touching all of the pretty fabrics and beaming at the sketches taped onto the walls. As the days continued, you spent more and more time with her when your dad was busy working, and the two of you went on road trips to spark her inspiration.
She was the one to hold you when you had your heart broken, and she was the one who took you on a trip to Milan just to take photos and show your ex what they’d be missing. Strangely enough, your dad wasn’t surprised when his late wife’s "baby" sister told him, “Hey, the 'lil cutie and I are headin’ to Milan tomorrow morning,” over the phone. He must have been used to her strange antics already.
Either way, the trip to Milan worked, because the day after you posted photos of you relaxing by the poolside with a bikini that your aunt recently designed herself, your disgusting ex texted you a long paragraph explaining why you should forgive them for making out with their best friend’s cousin or whatever. After receiving that paragraph, you’d simply texted back a “lol”, before showing it to your aunt and talking shit about him. 
Your eccentric aunt was a massive part of your childhood. And now, she’s going to be a huge part of your adulthood, as well. She was still gorgeous after all these years. Although she’d be fifty this year, she looked like she barely aged past her early thirties. Even though your aunt always preached about the stupidity of having to look young as an aging woman, her skincare routine clearly did a lot for her. 
Her bangs were clipped to her head with a glamorous brooch, and her matching tweed set matched with her shiny six-inch heels. This woman is the absolute manifestation of glam. 
She’d demanded that the two of you match, so you had to change out of your previous outfit and into a tweed set as well. Instead of the tweed pants that your aunt wore, however, you wore a skirt. To keep warm, she’d given you a pair of pearled stockings, but you knew you’d still shiver in the cold later. 
You had to pull down your miniskirt before sitting down, but an eyebrow of yours arched at your aunt’s cryptic words. No, her words are less cryptic and more… suspicious. 
You continued your work with your aunt, showing her the details of the designs you drew at the café the other day. The two of you were waiting for the show to start, but you were invited backstage by the owners of Masaki because of a long friendship between your aunt and Bakugou Mitsuki. Apparently, they’d been college roommates or something. You weren’t sure. Your aunt was going to explain more about her relationship with Mitsuki, but then one of her Tinder dates gave her a uh… call…
Anyway, you always enjoyed going backstage with your aunt. Having a sneak peek of all of the pieces before the public got to see them was your favorite. Especially because you love Masaki as a brand, today was especially exciting. You noted the makeup was different from the usual haute couture makeup. While it wasn’t overpowering the clothing, the shape of the classic eyeshadow point was rounded in the corner of the eyes and amplified with a ring of white eyeliner, creating a look that was reminiscent of a ringed planet. 
Then, your aunt swiftly stood up. “Mitsuki, honey! Meet my precious baby niece.”
A woman that looked oddly familiar walked up to you. She’s beautiful– her hair juts up in blonde spikes, just like on someone else you’ve seen before. You can’t quite place your finger on it, so you just brush it off as maybe seeing her in a photo your aunt has shown you before. Her skin is so smooth, she’s super tall, and her face is perfectly proportionate. Whoever her husband is… he’s one lucky dude.
You arrived at the show a little later than your aunt did so that you could grab her a coffee from your favorite café. Apparently, she’d been meaning to introduce you to this woman– Bakugou Mitsuki. She was wearing some of the pieces from the new line, and it fit her perfectly. Thinking back on your aunt’s words, wasn’t she a former model or something? It’d make sense.
“Oh, you look even more beautiful in person! Takumi has shown me some photos of you, but none of them really do you justice.” Mitsuki immediately complimented you, so you felt your face getting hot.
You turned your face away in embarrassment before turning it back to her, reminding yourself to be polite. This lady, who’s borderline perfect, is complimenting you. “No, you compliment me too much. I think you’re super pretty, onee-san.”
Mitsuki gasped in response. “Onee-san? Oh my!” She placed a well-manicured hand over her mouth. “I’m much too old for that title! I turned 51 recently.”
You gaped at her admission, cheeks burning from embarrassment. Of course she is! Why would you call her onee-san when your aunt just told you that they went to college together? She’s 51. You looked at both her and your aunt, eyes wide. “Please tell me your skincare routine, ma’am.”
She laughed and gave you all of the steps in her routine, and you nodded with a focused fire in your eyes. You took notes on your phone. After telling you her routine, her perfectly groomed eyebrows raised. It seemed like she’d remembered something.
“Oh! I almost forgot. I wanted to invite you to take photos with my son after the show. We’ve got our photographer on site, and since my husband’s just finished this line, we’d love for you guys to try them on!” Mitsuki clapped her hands together and a wide smile pulled at her face. You saw next to no wrinkles. Is she a vampire?
 But either way, her offer made you excited. A chance to wear one of your favorite brands and take photos? Yes please. You wanted to commemorate this occasion as much as possible. 
Next to you, your aunt placed a hand on your shoulder and looked around the dressing area. “Speaking of your son, where is he? I don’t think I’ve seen him in-person since he was five.”
Mitsuki smiled at your aunt. “Ah, he’s in the men’s dressing room, looking over the makeup artists and hairstylists.”
Your aunt turned to you. “I forgot to tell you! Her son’s like you! He helps his father with the brand and was a huge part in creating this line.” You were amazed. This line is mildly genius, so you were excited to meet this guy! Since you were going to be taking photos with him, you were sure you’d have tons of time to ask him about his creative process and the like.
“I’m super excited! This has been one of my favorite lines from Masaki as of late, so I’d love to meet the minds behind it!” You voiced your thoughts.
When Bakugou Masaru introduced himself to you, you still couldn’t shake the idea that the Bakugous look extremely familiar. You still couldn’t place your finger on it, though. You felt like you’d seen them somewhere outside of just through your aunt’s phone, but where?
As you spoke with them, you tried to dig deeper and deeper into your mind to figure it out.
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Bakugou Katsuki groaned as he stood up from his watchpost to trudge over to the women’s dressing room, where his parents were. His mother had sent him a text, summoning him to meet these Kindeki people.
Much to his displeasure, of course. Although he was curious to meet the mind behind the Kindeki brand, he felt like if he left his watchpost, everything in the men’s dressing room would burn down without his supervision. Of course, this would not happen, but Katsuki thought otherwise.
He entered the dressing room filled with models, and saw his parents in the corner, speaking to two people that had the back of their heads turned to him, both with (H/C) hair and both in tweed sets.
“Oh, Katsuki! Over here!” His mom waved him over as soon as she saw him, and he walked over to face the two mystery people. “This is Katsuki." She turned to you. "You’ll be taking your photos with him today! And also, since Masaki will be having a joint line with Kindeki next season, you two will likely be working very closely.”
Both the words coming into his ears and the sight blinding his vision were making Bakugou Katsuki feel like he was going to faint. His entire body froze, muscles clenched and seized together. He thinks his heart may have skipped a beat. Or two. Or three. Wait, is he even breathing anymore?
You, in front of him, gasped. “Oh my gosh! It’s the guy from the café!” You exclaimed, dumbly, while pointing at him in an accusatory way. 
“You know each other?”
“You guys have met?”
All three of these phrases were jumbled together as you saw the guy in front of you freeze and slowly start to turn red. Wait, is he breathing? “Hey, are you okay?” You placed a hand onto his shoulder to try and ground him back into reality. You felt his muscles clench under your touch, so you pulled your hand away in fear that you’d overstepped your bounds.
Katsuki took in a deep breath, turning his face back to its regular shade. “Y-Yeah. Wait, a joint line?”
When he came back to reality, all of the words that his mother said had finally been processed.
“Yes,” his father began, “Kindeki and Masaki will be having a joint line. This has been on our minds since our college days, and since the two of you are now well-versed in the fashion industry, we thought it might be good to start it now.”
You clasped your hands behind your back as you listened to Bakugou Masaru speak. You were finally putting together the pieces. No wonder why the Bakugous looked so familiar! “Wait, but you two know each other? How?” Mitsuki asked as soon as her husband finished his explanation.
Both you and Katsuki looked at each other awkwardly. He wasn’t saying anything. “Yeah, he’s the guy that works at my favorite café. Are you the reason why the coffee here tastes so good?” Katsuki took off his quarter-zip from the line to cool himself down from the heat of the room, though the room wasn’t actually hot. It was just you.
“Y-Yeah. I- uh, I made the coffee this morning for the show.” Katsuki scratched the back of his neck as he tried his hardest to look anywhere but you. He's never stuttered this much. He cleared his throat awkwardly. You changed your clothes, he noticed. While he really enjoyed your outfit this morning, now it’s almost a complete 180 from what you were wearing.
Your hair was put into a style that perfectly framed your face, and you wore those dangly earrings that looked great on you. The tweed jacket was laid atop your shoulders, and you wore a silk camisole underneath it, which was tucked into a tweed miniskirt that outlined your waist and showed off your legs, which were donned with a pair of white stockings with tiny pearls scattered across them.
You were taller than usual with your heels that matched the color in your tweed set of clothing. Katsuki tried his hardest not to stare, but you were making it difficult for him. Next to him, his parents eyed him suspiciously.
You put out one of your hands in greeting. “Nice to formally meet you, Bakugou Katsuki-kun! I’m excited to work with you.”
It took him a moment to reach his hands out to yours after checking whether or not his hands were clammy. His hands were big and rough, and they practically ate up your hands in comparison. You shook hands.
“Pleasure to meet you as well. Lookin’ forward to it.” He steeled himself as much as he could, trying not to make himself look like a fool in front of you, but the way you smiled up at him made him retract his hand from yours a little too early, making it awkward.
“Well, it’s time to start the show. We’ll meet you after, Takumi.” Masaru said, a kind smile reaching his eyes as he patted his son on the back and walked off with him.
You watched as Katsuki’s broad shoulders got smaller in the distance, and you turned back to his mom. “Wow, you guys have great genetics.”
She laughed again and pulled you underneath her arm. “You guys do, too.”
Your aunt giggled as the three of you walked to the front of the stage to view the fashion show that Masaru and Katsuki worked on for months.
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a/n: seee, no yuckies :> yet :>
taglist for this series is open! let me know! <3 stay hydrated, cuties!
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yuseirra · 25 days
ONK Relationship Parallels- an Analysis!!
In short, in terms of the Aqua-Kana and Kamiki-Ai relationship, it's actually Kamiki who's similar to Kana in that relationship while Ai is to Aqua.
Also, out of the twins, Ruby is the one who resembles the dad in many ways in terms of psychology and behavior, even compared to Aqua. Aqua is the one who takes after Ai in many situations and I find it really clever... they do take after both their parents, of course. But I think their base personality is that the daughter takes after the dad while the son takes after the mother.
I wrote about that aspect today! I think it's really interesting, so I'd like for you to read it!
While skimming through the "Oshi no Ko" manga, I found something really interesting:
If we try to compare the relationship between Kamiki and Ai to Aqua and Akane's relationship, it's pretty straightforward that Kamiki is in Aqua's position and Ai is in Akane's position. (To some extent, Akane has the feeling of wanting to protect Aqua, to take care of him, and to hope that he lives well.)
But if we compare Aqua and Kana's positions, it's surprisingly Kana who is in Kamiki's position, and Aqua who is in Ai's position. There are subtle parallels between them (an attempted/experienced sexual exploitation by an older person—though I'm not sure if this was intentional; the side who received a meal during a date (and Ai-Aqua being the one who doesn't usually dress up but does so for the occasion); the desire to be noticed by the other person—if we consider Fatal as Kamiki's song, there's a recurring theme of "look at me" in the lyrics, and that song is indeed associated with that character!! Kana is all about wanting to have Aqua look at her too; receiving praise from the other person for being "shiny"). And, of course, Kana received quite a bit of help from Aqua. However, just as Kana occasionally does so for Aqua, the idea of "pulling someone out of the darkness" fits Ai’s role concerning Kamiki.
Also, among the twins, I’ve had a vague sense that Kamiki’s personality resembles Ruby's more than Aqua's.
After reading Volume 13, that feeling grew stronger. Kamiki’s past is extremely tragic, and he brings misfortune with him. People around him die a lot. There’s something tied to the divine, perhaps? If you carefully read the manga, several comments hint that something is up with Ruby. If one of the twins is born with the talent of being a "star" and is befitting to be one, it would be Ruby. Regarding this, Kana feels an inferiority complex about Ruby, and Memcho also mentions there’s something special about Ruby. When Ruby decides to become popular, she draws everyone’s attention instantly, and even Miyako doesn’t doubt Ruby’s potential to rise. If someone was chosen by the gods out of the twins, it would be Ruby... Though it’s a given both were chosen. It does seem that both Kamiki and Ruby have some divine connection. They both lived extremely unfortunate lives, with people around them dying, while they survive. When it comes to them, events unfold in ways too peculiar to be mere coincidence. I feel like Kamiki's being cursed by a god while Ruby could be being favored by one, but the one cursing Kamiki might also be "blessing" him in an unpredictable way? Anyhow he's tied to "a star that ruins lives" if we take what Fatal is saying at face value- and I think we actually CAN at this point. Stars are so important in this series.
Ruby’s line, "I only bring misfortune,"(CH 121-122) is something Kamiki could likely say as well (if you look at that character’s life, it really seems like he drags misfortune along with him). Kamiki never mentions his family, nor they have any appearance in the plot which suggests that, like Sarina’s case, even if he had a family, he was completely neglected. (Their kid’s going through things, but what are his parents doing..?); the idea of working hard for years out of a desire to see someone again (if "Mephisto"/"Fatal" is indeed that character’s song); the longing to be loved...
If Ai were alive and they figured it out the way Aqua reveals it to Ruby, this character might have broken down and cried like Ruby did... The same could be said for Aqua, though.
Ai has a firmer personality, while Kamiki has a softer side. Even when Ruby turned dark, she couldn’t actually harm others. In that case, how broken could Kamiki be? It feels like he might have been indirectly involved in things rather than directly. If Ai were alive, she probably would’ve somehow prevented him from walking down a path that didn’t suit his nature (and from what I sense, she did ultimately defend him from completely going down that path through the video she's left). When Aqua shows the keychain and says, “This doesn’t suit you, so I hope you give up on this path,” Ruby immediately returns to having the white star eyes again. This is similar to how Kamiki pulls himself together after watching Ai’s video after the movie arc. The effect is almost instantaneous for both Ruby and Kamiki. Of course, if seeing that didn’t change his mind in such a way, it would’ve been ineffective in the first place...
Ai’s way of dealing with situations involves hiding her feelings... Though she smiles brightly, she kept a distance and hid things deeply. On the other hand, Kamiki pretends there’s no darkness, acting as if everything is bright, and approaches others cheerfully. This resembles how Aqua and Ruby deal with things, in that respective order. So, there’s definitely a part of Aqua that takes after Ai and Ruby that takes after their father.
(clarifying this after an inquiry: Ai and Hikaru's very similar in that they form masks and pretend they're happy and fine- that's what drew them together and it is what they share in common. The details about it are a bit different though. Ai grows distant to people while Hikaru wants to get attached to people. In terms of attachment theory, Ai leans more on the avoidant type and Hikaru is the anxious type. So Ai forms a mask to appear as if "she's okay" but fails to rely in others when she needs it- whereas Hikaru does that to receive love and affection to fill his emptiness. That's how he keeps approaching others but gets used up and exploited whereas, nobody in B-Komachi could become so close to Ai, nor have anyone really understand her and feel she was mysterious and secretive. In terms of this, the way Aqua and Ruby act parallels them. Aqua avoids letting others learn behind his mask and keeps his distance to keep them and himself from getting hurt, whereas Ruby tried her best to be a good child when she was Sarina. She was attached to her mother and craved love the way Hikaru was towards people.
+Amaterasu is the sun goddess, and I found that Sarutahiko, the husband of Ame-no-Uzume, was a native sun god worshiped in the region before Amaterasu. As the influence of the faction believing in Amaterasu grew stronger, Sarutahiko’s influence diminished, and he gave up his position. So, Ruby and Kamiki are both connected to the sun. The description of Sarutahiko having a shining body in their legends seems to be a remnant of being a sun deity. Kana is also compared to the sun, and as mentioned earlier, when comparing Aqua-Kana and Kamiki-Ai, Kamiki often corresponds to Kana’s position. Even their names start similarly with "Ka"- Kamiki and Kana, and "A." Aqua and Ai.
++ Aqua’s pattern of intentionally distancing himself from those he cares about (continuously pushing Kana away, trying to distance himself from Ruby) is similar to what Ai did with Kamiki. Kamiki also misunderstood and thought Ai didn’t like him, that he wasn’t needed like everyone else, and was hurt and saddened. That's really similar to the way Kana thought about Aqua although they made up pretty fast. While Kamiki and Aqua share similar thought processes, Aqua resembles Ai, and Ruby or Kana resembles Kamiki in the way they handle situations and the emotions they experience. It's fascinating and clever if you think about it.
There seem to be a lot of parallels. If this was done intentionally, the author is really smart...
There’s a lot to uncover in this manga if you look at it carefully. I think this manga is best read all at once in volumes. Then, surprisingly, the structure doesn’t seem bad at all. The author must have had a lot of thoughts in mind...
Tsukuyomi’s family also doesn’t seem to be very good, the way she briefly describes how they aren't so normal in CH127 and Ai and Kamiki’s family environments were the worst, weren’t they?
It makes me think that the families of gods or those possessed by gods turn out to be miserable. Do their families have a hard time accepting them for some reason? Maybe because the essence of these children is far from ordinary? In my opinion, the lyric "(Ai is the) reincarnation of the brightest star" wasn’t just thrown there. The English version of IDOL also mentions Ai being the "brightest star reborn indeed", "the brightest star is residing in you(Ai)" and Kamiki is probably similar to her in aspect… I think those characters' true essence is divine. The mythological elements fit together too well.
Maybe when Tsukuyomi selects souls to reincarnate she picks those with unfortunate family backgrounds for this reason? So many thoughts come to mind.
It doesn’t seem like these traits are mere coincidences.
+Based on the songs and subtle hints, it really seems like Kamiki was REALLY planning to die, but stopped after hearing Ai’s words…
Even though the hints are vague, does this character really have any reason to want to continue on living in the first place?; It feels like he was planning to do something related to Ai and then die, but after hearing Ai’s words, he couldn’t go through with it because Ai wouldn't want it. It seems like he stopped immediately and came back… That's... really sad.
The manga doesn’t show exactly what happened, but I think Ai probably did something for this character that’s very similar to what Aqua did for Ruby or what Kana did for Aqua (I don’t think it could be anything else).
Whether they’ll show this in the story or just gloss over it... I doubt it will be the latter, right?;; I really need them to depict this if they're going to throw songs like Mephisto and Fatal out there. I'm WAITING...
There's another analysis I wrote regarding WHY Ai contacted Kamiki through the phone booth but also reacted a bit harsh to the idea of reconciling: I wrote another post about it earlier, but I'll do it again!
It’s really important that Ai was the one who contacted her boyfriend first. I’m not sure if others think the same way I do, but the fact that this character reached out shows just how much she trusted and liked her boyfriend. I pointed this out even before Chapter 154 came out, WAY before, when I wrote my first analysis about her character. If she didn’t like him, she could’ve just continued to stay away. And it turns out that she didn’t contact him because she liked him too much—she disappeared because she didn’t want to be a burden. So, if she didn’t care for him/or cared about him- either way, she could’ve just stayed out of touch like she had, but why did she decide to reach out?
In short, it’s because she heard the kids talking negatively about their father. It wasn’t just because she was worried they were getting some bizarre ideas like her giving birth all alone without the dad(although that could have been part of it). Letting the father know about the kids and bringing him into their home was a risky move from Ai’s perspective. After all, she was calling a man she had parted ways with years ago into a home where it was just her and her two little four-year-olds. It would be difficult to handle any unexpected situation in such a state.
But Ai wasn’t worried about that at all.
Ai had a good understanding of Kamiki’s personality. She probably has way more information than the readers do, having spent so much time watching and living with him. So, the Kamiki Ai envisioned wasn’t someone who would ever harm her or her precious, carefully hidden children in any way.
On the contrary, Kamiki was someone she wanted to show the children to, someone she hoped could clear up their misunderstandings. When Ai talks about Kamiki, you can tell she really, really, really loves him. I know that’s true. It’s definitely true. The words that come out of her mouth is SO strong. You can't say things like that unless you find the other person so endearing, especially with someone who was deeply hurt by people by the way she was.
She thought it wasn't good for her kids to have a negative reaction when they think of their father, or to say things like “there’s no such thing as a man” when he’s mentioned.
Ai knew her kids were smart and figured they would get along well with their father if they met him. She thought they would accept each other well, and that Kamiki would like her bright kids too, so she contemplated it and then decided to call him, feeling it would be the better option.
If you think about it, back when they first met, Ai invited Kamiki into her home right away. She wasn’t wary of him at all… she treated him very differently from others. And nothing bad happened at that time either.
The conclusion we can draw from this is that Kamiki, in normal circumstances, could never harm Ai or the children. That character just can't do something like that, it's NOT his nature. Even though he was young, he would have turned out to be a pretty decent parent.
But why didn’t they stay together? Because a scandal would’ve hindered Kamiki’s future.
I noticed Ai only completed junior high school... It seems she dropped out after having the children... That’s heartbreaking.
Did Kamiki continue going to school?; Anyway, at that time, they were both still very young—neither of them had even turned 20. If they had officially gotten together, it would’ve attracted a lot of attention. Would it have just looked like they were dating?; Japan seems to frown heavily on idols being in relationships, right? I suppose it’s the same in other countries too?;
Ai left thinking everything would be fine as long as they weren’t linked to him, then raised the children on her own till that day. She eventually ended up contacting him again, however, to resolve the misunderstandings their precious children had about the dad... If they had gotten back together at that point, it would’ve made their breakup meaningless… I think that was what was going on her mind. She can't give the answer he wants and say they can get together in that situation. But she still wants to show him the kids. You have to think about that. It didn't occur to Kamiki either, and Aqua's "revenge"... well, I guess that's about him having missed her intent on that aspect. It's not entirely Kamiki's fault, Ai's really blunt about a lot of things and it backfires in a terrible way... but what she says can mean more things than one, it sometimes has more than what can be taken the way it's said in a direct sense. Ai is really caring. And she was really loving. "The god who loves people" is definitely linked to her in some way...
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codenamesazanka · 3 months
While I could see how the ending of Touya going home to eat a meal with his family was expected, I always thought that was a touch too fantastical. Not because it wouldn't have been the perfect ending - it would have been a very fitting one, given the recurring motif of Todoroki meals - but because I felt it would've require an absolutely extreme restructuring of Hero Society - a complete change in attitude towards Villains, and, frankly, the destruction/reform of the current in-universe prison system. Which we saw none of in the 100+ chapters of the final arc post-Jaku.
Like. For Touya to be able to go home, means that the system is willing to change everything written here:
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A detention facility constructed in the open waters about five kilometers from the mainland. Though nominally a prison, the facility effectively serves as a dumping ground for individuals who pose significant threats to public safety and security. Regardless of sentencing status, these individuals are incarcerated and heavily monitored. The prisoners have a wide range of quirks and are assigned to one of six cell blocks based on the danger their quirks represent and the severity of their cases. The more dangerous the individual, the deeper they're kept within the prison. Tartarus is the dark side of quirk society, and it is said that anyone imprisoned there will never again emerge alive.
That's how the story describes Tartarus, and absolutely no one in-story ever considers this bad (...except for the MLA's political party, who accuses it of human rights violations, but they're evil, so it canceled out to good/neutral again).
For Touya to go home, means that Tartarus is just not a thing, that he's not going to be in another similar prison straitjacketed 24/7 with guns pointed at him; he's not going to be locked in there because even if he can't use his fire anymore without hurting himself and that's good incentive to stop, he had/still has dangerous anti-hero views (Overhaul was armless and essentially 'quirkless', and thus of low threat to anyone, but he was still put into Tartarus for his 'dangerous ideology', as per the character book).
It would mean that Touya is receiving therapy in prison, so that when he steps outside, he's stepping out after having gone through a thorough checkup and made sure that he's not harboring harmful-to-self-and-others thoughts (see: Ending the Villain, whose first action when he was released from prison was to skip a meal to stalk Endeavor.) It would have to mean that the public will stop ostracizing people and be willing to give Villains second chances, at least enough to stomach the idea of Touya not receiving the death penalty and living in house arrest or something.
All of this is never hinted to happen.
It's the same for the idea of Toga joining UA, or Shigaraki becoming a hero, or even Spinner becoming an advocate that people listen to and take seriously. For that to happen, things would have to change. Someone - a hero, all the heroes, collectively - had to have declared and promised with all their hearts and might to make these changes, to be willing to go that far.
And these changes don't just apply to the League - gets applied to all Villains and all criminals and all people! If it was just the League who gets these benefits, it will be because of the high-level connections the League has to top-Heroes like All Might and Endeavor, and that would be audacious string-pulling, nepotism, and outright corruption of the highest degree. If you want to claim that Hero Society is doing better, you cannot have this either. Appropriate leniency and consideration of circumstances and rehabilitation and understanding and all that has to be shown equally to all Villains. This is what I mean when I say to save the League, you have to save all villains.
For the Villains to be saved and to be able to live happy socially-integrated lives meant that their society has been radically and irrevocably changed enough that they can and have a reason to participate - that that bright future truly included them - but it just didn't happen. it wasn't happening in 'we all became the greatest heroes' chapter 325, it wasn't happening in 'Tsukauchi grudging admitting they have to acknowledge villains are human' chapter 378, and it's probably not happening now.
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mythosidhesdollhouse · 3 months
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Ok friends, at long last I'm finally--finally--getting this post together. Apologies in advance for this one being a bit of a ramble, this poor doll has a lot of backstory, and I'm going to try to keep this as brief as possible but you know how it is when ADHD brain tries to relay a linear narrative XD And when you add brain fog to that...it's a bit of a mess. Anyway. I'm trying. Feel free to skip the text and just look at my crochet pix ;p
(Overly detailed explanation of why I made things plus lots of photos)
So. Over the past several weeks I've done a LOT of work to get my girl Iona (Pullip Nomado) back to a semblance of her former glory. Io is pretty well established as my favorite doll. She was my very first Pullip--I've had her over twenty years now--and for a long time she was basically my mascot in the doll community. People used to send me gifts specifically for her (including but not limited to the necklace she's wearing and the hair currently on her head). But the years have not been especially kind to either of us, and when I brought her out of storage it was clear she's beginning to feel her age. I was dismayed to find her suffering from an advanced case of the neck melt that plagues type 2 Pullips, which required a good bit of repair and modification to ensure she got to keep her original body (for a minute there it looked like she might have to become a Rainbow High hybrid).
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Once I managed to salvage that situation, I decided Io was long overdue for a full refresh to return her to a semblance of her former glory. I gave her a brand new scalp plate with her signature hair twists still intact (thanks to a generous friend who sent me extras several years ago); replaced the hooks on her earings with new wires that put less stress on her piercings; dug her original boots out of storage; and most importantly (THE ACTUAL POINT OF THIS POST) I set to work crocheting several new pieces for her wardrobe! So far this includes a maxi skirt, hair scarf, and shawl. These are all garments I wear in my day-to-day life, so if you notice them recurring in my handmade doll clothing, that's why ;p As I get older I find myself more inclined to dress my dolls in pieces more in line with my own personal aesthetic, rather than aspirational styles that I admire, but would never wear.
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I am so happy with how these have turned out, the skirt especially. I made it using KnitPicks Curio #10 crochet thread in Comfrey, a shade which beautifully compliments several of the blouses I've collected for Io over the years. The shawl was made with Lion Brand BonBons yarn, and the hair scarf is Lizbeth #10 crochet cotton from Handy Hands (I don't remember which colorway at the moment).
The patterns for the skirt and shawl were adapted from ones for full size garments I've made for myself in the past; I can talk more about the specifics of that and what modifications I made in another post if anyone is interested. The hair scarf is just a granny stitch triangle with a very lazy border and some ties added.
(**Sigh** pining for the days when Mattel still had quality standards...)
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And at long last we've reached the end! Apologies again for the length of this one, if you can believe it I *did* edit out a significant amount, but it still ended up novella-length XD I hope you enjoy Io's new looks, as I've had a great deal of fun working on these pieces, and plan to continue making more for her and other dolls in the near future. I also have several Rainbow High dolls with complete or near-complete crochet outfits I want to share, so be on the lookout for that post sometime soon as well.
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thelunarfairy · 2 months
Hey! How are you? I wanted to share a thought with you! I posted it on Twitter, but no one paid attention! :(
I think Kou is going to have his "villain arc" in this new timeline!
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My evidence is what Kou said during the PP arc: "If Mitsuba were alive in this world, then it wouldn’t be so bad... I would have been so happy..."
He is willing to sacrifice his current life for Mitsuba's happiness.
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He only gave up on this idea because it was just a "fake", not Sousuke who came back to life. However, in this new timeline... Sousuke never died. He is happy and well, and moreover, he is a great friend of Kou.
If Kou gets his memories back, he might not be willing to leave this world, especially considering Mitsuba's current situation in the old timeline.
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I do believe that Kou could become a "villain" in this new arc, quite similar to Hanako's situation during the PP.
But how could we blame him? His mother is alive, his father is present, and his dear friend is happy. He has everything he ever wanted! Why would he give it all up?
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I’m a certified Mitsukouer. So let me know if I mischaracterized it at any point."
Ahh, how sad that people didn't pay attention to you there :( but don't worry, we'll have fun here! Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me! 🧡
So, your line of reasoning is perfect. JSHK has a defined and recurring theme, "sacrifice for someone you love".
Something so ingrained here that a good part of the characters have already thought about doing this at some point.
Although they are similar, each case involves some different reasons and situations, which result in the same thing "sacrifice or not".
Kou is confused, at one point he was the exorcist who should hate all supernaturals, like his older brother. And he had this thought that was weakened after he met Hanako, because he realized that spirits can be people who were "good" in the past.
This intensified when he met Mitsuba, when he realized that a classmate of his died, without anyone caring about him. Without having friends, without anyone remembering him.
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The story of Mitsuba's loneliness is sad, it's touching, and Kou feels guilty at one point for having neglected it, even though he wasn't.
Kou realizes that Mitsuba was just an ordinary boy, like him, and he has a stronger connection than he does with Hanako, because Hanako has a more mysterious past, because he's still suspicious to him, but Mitsuba doesn't, Mitsuba has always been there,
But Kou hasn't seen him.
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So, the predefined ideas, the things his brother said about supernaturals are confusing him.
He doesn't see Mitsuba as a supernatural, he sees him as a friend, at least initially, we know that his feelings are stronger than that, but let's take it one step at a time.
Mitsuba became someone important, to the point where Kou decided that he would give him happiness, including giving up many things for him.
And here we have the comparison with Hanako's behavior.
When Kou wants that new reality because everything he loves is there, when everything he wanted was within his reach. Would he fight for that reality for Mitsuba?
And does Mitsuba want that?
The difference between Kou and Hanako is that Hanako rarely gives up on the people he loves and acts wrongly to get what he wants.
Would Kou do the same?
He promises a lot, but does little.
Teru made that whole speech saying that he was weak because of that, not only him, but Hanako himself said that Kou said he would save Nene, but Hanako was the only one who looked for an alternative to save Nene.
Kou doesn't know what to do, so he usually chooses the easiest way.
Even if he wanted to stay in this reality, he could easily be influenced, as he was by Hanako and Natsuhiko many times.
For Kou to become a villain, he needs more development, he needs to show that he fulfills what he promises, regardless of how he will do it.
For now, Kou is just the confused and scared boy who doesn't know which path to follow, he is hard-working, but his effort is still not enough to save anyone, not even Mitsuba.
And he knows it.
Adding this to the fact that he has a kind heart, he needs something very serious or big to happen for him to develop. At some point he will say again that he accepted that his mother died, that Mitsuba from that reality could be saved in another way.
At least, if he cares about Hanako, maybe he will make that choice. And having Nene by his side to influence him, he will probably choose to go back to how he was before.
It would be a good possibility to imagine that he will develop in this arc and will fight for this reality, he would fight against Nene (not literally) to keep the people he loves by his side.
It's something I want to see, Kou developing.
Come on kid, show me that you can fight for what you love!
It would be interesting.
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xf-cases-solved · 2 months
S1E14: Gender Bender
Case: In what is arguably one of the most "why did you write this??" plots so far, our dynamic duo (per Mulder's request, I might add) investigate the deaths of five victims who appear to have, like... been fucked to death? Or something?
Actually I have to interrupt my own summary here, bc I just looked up the Wikipedia page (yes, bc I was trying to remember the state, shut up), and Glen Morgan is apparently quoted as saying he wanted "an episode with more of a sexy edge." How that ended up being this particular episode, I cannot say. That is an X-File in and of itself.
But I digress. People are dying of mb really high levels of pheromones caused by super mind-blowing sex. Sure. Also no one is sure if this killer is male or female. (They somehow manage to not even entertain the idea that any of the victims might have been gay, which I thought was an impressive feat of elephant avoidance.)
ANYWAY. Their investigation leads them to Massachusetts, where a bunch of sci-fi not-Amish people are chilling out doing not-Amish people things. Stuff kind of just snowballs from there. Mulder jumps down into the not-Amish people's ritual cellar with no backup and then proceeds to reprimand Scully for being reckless; Scully (for the first, but unfortunately not last time) almost bangs someone bc she is being manipulated due to some supernatural phenomenon; I laugh A LOT alone in my work office bc I had forgotten the stupid twist ending; and Nicholas Lea is a starving artist who has to take the roles he's offered if he ever wants to be bumped up to recurring character status. Sigh. Hustling the club scene used to be so simple...
Does someone die in the cold open: Yes. He is fucked to death. Or something.
Does Mulder present a slideshow: Yes! Of dead people! Who were fucked to death! Or something!
Does the evidence survive the investigation: The evidence doesn't even stay on this planet.
Whodunit: A horny alien cosplaying as a gender fluid Amish person. No, seriously.
Convictions: Zip.
Did they solve it: No. This is my very first explicit no with no qualifiers. They 1. did not figure out the cause of death definitively, 2. did not apprehend the suspect, 3. lost literally all of their evidence, and 4. the government wasn't even hiding anything this time, they just got outsmarted by some horny aliens and were left with nothing. In fact, I bet they actually know less now than when they started. Failure from top to bottom, guys, good work.
[how do i determine if a case is solved? check the scale here: x]
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THIS EPISODE IS SPONSORED BY: Anxiously clenching your butthole while crossing your fingers and praying that your faves don't say anything TOO problematic. Are you educated in the systematic inequalities facing minorities in the world? Are you aware of how socially accepted language and behaviors have evolved over time to become more inclusive and less prejudiced? Do you also happen to be watching a show that was made pre-21st century, and "oh god, are they doing an episode that revolves around *gender*? Oh Christ. Oh no. Oh God"? Never fear! Anxiously clenching your butthole while crossing your fingers and praying that your faves don't say anything TOO problematic is here!
*This product is versatile, and can also be used in a variety of situations, including, but not limited to: Seeing your favorite celebrity's name trending online and not being sure why; introducing your trans friend to your socially conservative grandma; or being forced to listen to your boss's opinions on "woke culture" after your coworker casually mentioned seeing a black person in a new TV show.
Get clenchin'!
General Total Stats:
(green means stat has changed since last ep; red means new stat added to list)
Total Cases *Definitively* Solved So Far: 6 (streak ended. brutally)
Total Number of "Mulder/Scully, it's me" phone calls: 1
Total Number of Times Scully Has Conveniently Not Seen Something Crucial: 4
Total Number of Times Mulder Has Been in Mortal Danger: 5
Total Number of Times Scully Has Been in Mortal Danger: 4 (upped it another half point, bc i don't thiiiink the guy coercing her intended to put her life in danger. he just ("just") wanted to sexually assault her, but also apparently fucking those guys kills you, so. another toss up)
Total Number of Sexually Charged, Uncomfortably intimate, and/or Flirty Moments Between Friendly Coworkers: 8 (for an episode that was meant to have a "sexy edge," it was deeply unhorny all around, even between our good good coworkers. they should have brought back that horny fire expert from episode 12 to bring up the heat, pun not intended)
Total Number of Autopsies Scully Has Performed On Screen: 1
Total Number of Times Scully Plays Doctor: 1
Total Number of Times Mulder Talks to an Informant: 5
Total Number of Times People Making Out in a Car Are Hurt or Killed: 2 (when i made that stat, part of me was like "mb i am misremembering how often that happens, and it won't even come up that much," and then it happened in the very next episode)
Total Number of Nosebleeds: 4
Total Number of Times Mulder Has Tasted/Sniffed/Touched Something Questionable Without Following Proper Safety Procedures: 2 (don't touch and sniff the weird alien goo wall??? i know for a FACT you keep rubber gloves in your pocket)
Total Number of Times Someone Says "Trust No One": 1
Total Number of Times Someone Says "I Want to Believe": 2
Total Number of Cigarettes Cigarette Smoking Man Has Smoked: 2
Total Number of Maggie Scully Sightings: 1
Total Number of Alex Krycek Sightings: still 0, but like, uh... definitely the closest we've come so far
Total Number of Times I Had to Look Up What State the Episode Takes Place in Even Though I Literally Just Watched It: 4 ½ (yeah i couldn't even pretend that i paid attention)
Total Number of Times I Had to Look at an Episode's Wikipedia Page to Fill This Out Because It Was Fucking Confusing and/or Too Boring for Me to Pay Attention: 2 (i didn't need to, but i did read the wikipedia page anyway just out of pure curiosity, bc why did they write that episode? i mean like, i was entertained, which ig makes it a win, but also just... why?)
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dededaio · 8 months
The New Kirby Novel Announcement might hint at the future of the series?
...or as I also would like to call it, yet another installment in the "Klu puts on a tinfoil hat in desperate attempts to predict Kirby's future" series.
So you might've already heard about the announcement of the upcoming Kirby Light Novel in the March of 2024. It's title is "The Dream Onsen is a Good Hot Spring" and If you aren't familiar with it's plot yet, here's the full synopsis:
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At first the story doesn't seem too remarkable, there are no promises for new high-stakes adventures on a different planet like in Dedede-focused novel "King Dedede's Great Escape Strategy" or shocking twists like in "Meta Knight and the Knight of Hades", but then it hits you. This novel will feature Elfilin and Daroach. A lot of people who learned of these news did instantly become excited, but not a lot of people seem to have realized just how bizarre this is.
If you aren't familiar too well with the novels in general, their utilization of the extended game cast is quite similar to the way mainline games handle them. As in, they rarely if ever appear if their names aren't "Kirby", "King Dedede", "Bandana Dee" or "Meta Knight". If novels could help it, they only use the main four and occasional recurring enemy/helper like Burning Leo or Chilly (and Chef Kawasaki as a bonus) as the supporting cast. And if the original story requires more important characters, instrumental in the narrative, Mie Takase, novels' author, tends to invent entirely new ones instead.
So far there were only 3 types of novels that primarily utilized game-exclusive characters. I myself sorted them out by type, this is not an official classification or anything. Here's a nifty chart:
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Remixes, as I like to call them, are quote unquote "original stories" that feature game characters like Magolor, Taranza or Animal Buddies. But while most of the plot seems original, more often than not it seems as a re-imagining of the actual game plots. Kirby's Labyrinth Rescue is probably the most egregious example, as it's an unholy amalgamation of Return to Dream Land, Triple Deluxe, Rainbow Curse and Amazing Mirror. While a lot of the story might be original, they are "based" on something from the games instead of being wholly original narratives.
AUs are interesting, because they do tend to have entirely new stories that utilize game characters, but this is only with an asterisk that they take place in entirely different world from the main novels/game-adjacent canon.
Adaptations speak for themselves. They might have an original character or two (mostly early on in novels' existence) but they are mostly 1:1 faithful adaptations with some omissions and additions that don't significantly alter the narrative (with sole exception of Planet Robobot's novelization letting President Haltmann live for some reason). Notable thing is, that in case of certain game-adaptations, like Merry Magoland or Kirby Fighters 2, mentions/appearances of extended game cast are omitted or heavily limited (In KF2 novel Magolor and Gooey don't appear or get mentioned at all, in Merry Magoland only Gooey is mentioned among masks of the characters that don't appear in the story in flesh).
As you can see, this newly announced novel doesn't fall under ANY of these categories. It's a brand new, seemingly slice-of-life-esque story, that just so happens to randomly include Daroach and Elfilin. This is highly unusual because novels rarely if ever take risks or go out of their comfort zone. They kind of established the rules and formulas of how they work for years now and it's been working out for them. So why anything would change now?
Well. Heh... What if this sudden change in direction is actually reflective of franchise-wide changes? Shinya Kumazaki talked about how Forgotten Land is going to be the beginning for "the new phase of Kirby". So far it's hard to tell what he actually meant by this. But I would argue that one of the aspects that could be true in this new "phase" is more frequent utilization of the extended Kirby cast.
Novels, in terms of franchise-wide hierarchy, some of the closest things to the actual games in terms of importance, mainly thanks to how much of a juggernaut in terms of sales they are within Japan. Across 10 years of their existence they managed to sell over 3 million copies of all books, which might not sound that impressive, until you realize that these are books for children that until recently were purely Japanese-exclusive endeavor.
These books are the only adaptations, to our knowledge anyway, that get special privileges from HAL themselves in terms of telling some plot and lore details that even fans aren't aware of. Shinya Kumazaki even directly supervised and helped to write one of the books (Return to Dream Land's novelization that came out in 2022). It doesn't mean that novels are canon, but it does mean that they tend to reflect the current status-quo of the series better than most other aspects outside of the games.
So this sudden inclusion of ensemble cast in a random story might signify HAL's willingness to do more with these characters. Elfilin alone wouldn't have been perhaps that surprising, as he was hinted to have more importance past his debut in how he passionately expressed that he wants to stay by Kirby's side forever, but Daroach's inclusion is puzzling because while he did appear in multiple games, he didn't get any merch or notable appearances lately.
Of course, this might mean absolutely nothing! But I feel like this is more notable than most people give it credit for. At worst, this means nothing except that novels will utilize game cast more frequently, which would be cool, at best, it means that HAL is opening up to the idea of returning past characters more frequently, which would be awesome. Let's wait and see, I suppose.
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wfagamerants · 2 months
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Mario & Luigi as a series, loves its villains. I really can’t think of any other Mario series that gives its bad guys this level of attention and spotlight, as well as recurring appearances for several villains exclusive to the series.
While Fawful is an obvious example in regards to this, I’d actually say it’s none other than Bowser himself who really embodies all of this and manages to effectively be the third main character of the series, with a genuine arc to his name.
Bowser’s role in the series already starts out very uniquely. While he does start off wanting to kidnap Peach, as per usual, her now explosive voice makes her less than desirable to have around in his castle, so he promptly teams up with the Mario Bros, starting off Superstar Saga.
At this point in time, Bowser is a genuine ally, giving the Bros a ride to the Beanbean Kingdom and even giving them tutorial hints during their battle with Fawful, but things go downhill fast for the big guy.
From that point forward Bowser:
Ends up stuck in a cannon and held at ransom
Gets shot out of said cannon and suffers amnesia.
While amnesiac, becomes the rookie lackey of Popple, suffering two defeats at the hand of the Bros.
Takes another fall and lands back heavily injured in Stardust Fields, where Fawful and Cackletta find him, leading to the latter possessing his body. From this point, Bowser himself vanishes from the plot, aside from his body being rented out by Cackletta as a vessel.
Even once freed, he falls with the exploding Bowser Castle and when delivered back home, is just dropped off there.
Not much goes right for Bowser in SS, despite not taking an antagonistic role he ultimately ends up on the brunt of a ton of punishment and really is the one in need of saving from the big bad, once his body is taken over.
The Minion Quest side-mode in the 3DS remake does a little to expand on Bowser’s role in the game. We do get to see how he actually got his amnesia (Captain Goomba fell on him) and he gets a moment to fight back by knocking Fawful away, during an attempt to abduct him while unconscious.
That stuff is nice, but more than anything this game emphasizes an aspect of Bowser that will become important later on. The loyalty his minions have for him.
Putting the player into the viewpoint of a common Goomba does a lot to show how much Bowser’s minions think of him and how much they will band together to get their beloved ruler back. When Rookie Bowser fails to recognize Captain Goomba it really does make for a sad moment, that adds a sense of drama to Bowser’s role, which is otherwise largely played for laughs. Very fitting, given the change in viewpoint.
Partners in Time puts Bowser into a role that’s both unique and closer to what we expect from him, at the same time.
While his child self is a recurring nuisance that actively takes part in the plot at numerous points, adult Bowser is absolutely clueless about the greater plot going on. He shows up to kidnap Peach, who is actually Princess Shroob in disguise and lands in a time hole, never even realizing he’s time traveling.
Despite being locked out of the loop, Bowser does manage to make the most out of his role. He decides to turn the volcano in the past he fell into, into a new hide-out, teams up with his younger self, after some arguing and is able to emulate the team-work the Bros have with their younger selves, really well.
Following his boss fight, Bowser is kicked out of the past and by extension, the plot. He does reappear for a for a post-final boss encounter, but that one is not only over quickly, but also just pretty strange and doesn’t add anything to the story, though Bowser eating things he really shouldn’t, in this case, the mushroom-fied Elder Princess Shroob, will become important next game.
Bowser’s Inside Story just straight up is Bowser’s game. He may share the spotlight with the Bros, but on the whole, this is in very, very large amounts, his story. It also marks what I consider to be the big turning point in Bowser’s story in the series.
While Bowser falls victim to Fawful’s scheme, having his minions captured, his castle taken over and being given the Vacuum Mushroom to mindlessly inhale Peach and the Bros. That said, unlike Superstar Saga in particular, this time, Bowser fights back.
Bowser does need the help of the Bros, starting out without even his fire breath, but with that extra push, Bowser ends up recovering his lost abilities, gains new ones altogether and even learns to weaponize the new vacuum ability he got from Fawful’s mushroom.
We get to see Bowser be a brutish meathead, but he does manage to get himself out of problematic moments, if often with unknowing help from the Bros. Through this, Bowser reclaims his castle, fights through Fawful’s forces, survives what would otherwise be fatal moments and in the end, finishes off Dark Bowser with style.
I am not going too deeply into individual moments, because it is more the greater picture. Bowser went from an unlucky victim of the antics around him, to being out of the loop on what was going on, to one of the main stars, showing what he is capable of through his raw strength, ability to overcome whatever is thrown his way and the loyalty of his minions who upon rescue, assist him for his special moves.
The Jr’s Journey side-mode reinforces Bowser’s care for his minions we already got hints of, by showing that several Goombas of his kingdom suffer from the Blorbs and that him coming to the meeting at the beginning really was him wanting to take part in it. 
Outside of that, the story is very disconnected from what Bowser is doing, being way more about Jr’s story and development. That said, what role he does have, along with how Jr and his troops refer to him, truly show Bowser to be the big good of his kingdom, building on what Minion Quest established. 
We also do get the occasional check-in on when the stories take place relative to each other and those really do feel like getting a look at how Bowser’s antics look to minions and allies of his that aren’t directly involved in any given game.
Dream Team gives Bowser another entirely new role to play, this time teaming up with the new big bad of the day, Antasma.
I am going to say something maybe a bit contentious, but to me, Bowser in Dream Team is the best example of continuity anything in Mario has ever pulled off.
A lot of this is communicated really effectively through gameplay. In his first battle, Bowser’s moves include:
A sliding punch.
Him rolling up in a spikeball.
His usual fire breath.
And then much later in the game, we get a giant Bowser battle.
All of these are techniques that he learned through help of the Bros (Sliding Punch, Spikeball), recovered (Fire Breath) or was previously only able to pull off with their help (Giant Bowser) in BiS.
The Bros and by extension the player, has helped Bowser that whole time and powered him up. Now he’s a villain again and makes use of those new abilities to be YOUR problem to deal with. You helped create this monster.
And on top of gameplay examples, Bowser really shows how much he has learned on the story side of things too. He goes along with what Antasma does and gets a cool new castle out of it, which to me read like Antasma buttering Bowser up for an eventual betrayal.
Then one did indeed happen and it was Bowser betraying Antasma instead, having gotten everything he wanted out of him and thusly taking off with the Dream Stone to take charge all by himself.
I understand some didn’t vibe with this, because the RPGs are a rare time we get new villains. For me though, as someone who played all the RPGs, it was a really cool thing to see Bowser defy expectations and be the one overthrowing the new villain, without needing to be on the hero's side to do it. It’s a nice reminder he is the main villain of the franchise for a reason.
All this comes to a close with a boss battle against Dreamy Bowser. Bowser powered up to be able to summon whatever he wants and power up his usual abilities to a never before seen extreme.
The battle also gives some nice thematic pathos to both sides. Mario and Luigi for many of the attacks, are seen protecting each other or working together, while Bowser shows he thinks highly enough of his minions to summon dream versions of them to aid him. It genuinely really does feel like a true finale.
That sentiment also goes for another aspect of Bowser’s character in this series: Bowser’s dynamic with Luigi. Back in SS, Bowser barely even remembered him and even as the series went on, he’d always view him far more dismissively, never even calling him by name.
Dream Team gives Bowser and Luigi their most direct 1 on 1 confrontation (Yeah, Mario’s there, but he’s largely support) via their giant battle and through that and the final Dreamy Bowser battle, Bowser finally gains enough respect for Luigi as an enemy to recall his name.
Following all of this is Paper Jam. There are many things that can be discussed on how many aspects of it were handled, but strictly speaking Bowser, I think it’s a fitting conclusion to his arc in the Alphadream era.
After being kicked around, unaware of the plot around him, fighting the big bad and teaming up with the big bad, before backstabbing him, Bowser and his paper counterpart are just the villains outright, from start to finish.
While conceptually, much of what we see is fairly standard Bowser stuff, the context we see it in makes a big difference. Many call the new Neo Bowser Castle a lazy name and concept, but to me it again, stands as a good example of continuity. Unlike Dream Team, Bowser doesn’t need Antasma to get his sweet new castle, he just makes it himself through planning and ruthlessly capturing and enslaving Toads in mines to gather materials to fuel it.
Similarly, all it takes for Bowser to launch an attack on the kingdom following the Jr duo's defeat, is his own resources and the new final boss form of the day also doesn’t require a McGuffin of any sort. It just takes Paper Bowser going along with it.
Bowser pulls off all the stuff you’d expect from the Mario RPG villains with very little extra help. All he needs is the cooperation of another Bowser and together they stand tall as the main threat. I understand the circumstances around Paper Jam can muddle things, but to me, this is a really fitting and satisfying way to close out Bowser’s arc across all these games.
Time will tell what Brothership does with him. Given everything that happened I wouldn’t blame them if the game is seen as a bit of a relaunch and I have full confidence it will be a good role.
Mario games do whatever they want and I think Bowser’s progression has already concluded very well, so I am more than game to see them do more things with it.
This write-up is a companion piece to this video by my dear friend Mod Mamono, all about M&L villains, check it out here:
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