#just realized maybe i should elaborate a little in the tags here
silverskye13 · 2 years
I love how all the hermits and hels have different relationships with each other!! Like the hels are all mirrors of their respective person and how the different hermits interact with them is so cool! Also Tango straight up snatching his hels is hilarious, imagine if ren or wels walked in on them building it would be fantastic. Or tango just randomly yoinking tanguish when he needs help escaping something. They seem like a fun duo! :D
Tanguish was a bad helsmit. That wasn't opinion, or conjecture, or bad self-esteem or even really up for debate. It was just a statement of fact. He didn't mean to be. Really. It wasn't a decision he made one day, though liability was in him somewhere. He hadn't admitted it to himself yet, and probably he would someday. The fact remained though. For better or for worse, he was a bad hels. He was just made that way. 
"Get back here you little thief!" Helsknight screamed, pounding after him down the street. Tanguish flinched and dashed around a corner, clutching the knight's coin purse tight in his claws. He laughed, but it was less the exhilarated thrill-laugh of victory and more the odd-squeak shrill of barely contained panic. This was bad? Yeah, this was bad.
(He definitely shouldn't have stolen from the second scariest helsmet he knew of. But he couldn't help himself! It'd been right there, out in the open. Helsknight should know better. You don’t just leave your coin purse dangling on your hip at perfect stealing height! It’s like putting a wallet in your back pocket: you’re not exactly asking to get robbed, but you’re sure as hels not making it hard!)
Tanguish skid down an alley, vaulted nimbly over a wall, and let out a horrified gasp when the crash of armor told him Helsknight was still right behind him.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Tanguish gasped. "You can afford to lose it though!"
"You'll be losing your head when I catch you!" Helsknight snarled from, really, unacceptably close behind him. Tanguish had about half a breath to think, ‘Oh, he runs faster than me,’ before Helsknight tackled him from behind, and they went tumbling to the ground. The offending coin purse slipped from Tanguish’s hands and scattered diamonds onto the dirty cobblestones in a way that reminded him of someone muddying a stained glass window - mildly blasphemous, but still kinda pretty, all things considered. 
(This was, in hindsight, a very dumb thing to be paying attention to when there was a large, angry knight shoving an armored knee into his left kidney, but he had his priorities). 
Helsknight braced a hand against Tanguish’s shoulder and pulled the other back for a punch, “I’m gonna--!”
“Heyyyyy Tanguish!” a familiar, chipper voice piped up in Tanguish’s head. “Buddy, pal, you doing anything right now? I could use a ha-”
“Yes I’d love to help!” Tanguish shouted, shielding his face from Helsknight’s fist. The steel gauntlet arched towards him and Tanguish screwed his eyes shut. A hand, all claws and no gauntlet, clamped on his arm and yanked. His stomach leaped into his throat as he felt himself suddenly falling.
If Tanguish hadn’t just disappeared through his barely-present reflection in a facet of one of Helsknight’s diamonds, he would’ve watched Helsknight punch the nether brick of the alley floor so hard it cracked the tile. He would’ve watched Helsknight snarl and shake his fist, and curse as he tried to unbend the metal of his gauntlet from where it was now shaped to every knuckle. Then he would’ve seen Helsknight stand, kick a nearby trash can so hard it crumpled like a can of soda, and pick up his diamonds and his spilled coin purse. (Or, more realistically, if Tanguish hadn’t just fallen through his reflection guided by Tango’s hand, he would have instead been punched so hard in the face he’d lose six memories, three ounces of his dwindling common sense, and his claim to having never broken his nose. As fate would have it though, Tanguish was pulled through his reflection from the hels dimension straight into Hermitcraft at his double’s behest, so he saw none of these things.)
Most of the other helsmets knew when, why, how they were made. There was, for example, The Red King. He was made during Third Life, a last-ditch effort to protect something precious, a sacrifice on a black altar. There was Helsknight, made when Welsknight’s many fears and shortcomings finally grew a spine and started walking, because he wouldn’t confront them any other way. Cleo was made to honor a death game, and split from her hermit when that death game ended for her, and now she stood as a monument to ZombieCleo’s losses. JoeKills was… well… he was a lot of things. There were many more helsmets and hels denizens and dark mirrors and evil halves that lived in hels, and all of them seemed to know what they were about. 
Tanguish didn’t know when, or why, or how he was, really. He knew what he was - he was a helsmet. There was nothing else he could really be. He knew some of Tango’s Last Life memories, but he didn’t think he was made because of them. He remembered helping Tango with Decked Out, and that had certainly happened before Last Life. It was more like, those memories brought Tanguish into focus, like he was a list of shortcomings simmering in the background before suddenly stumbling into the light. If he thought about it really hard, and guessed as best as he could, he might say he was born from Tango’s sacrifices. His unwilling sacrifices. From playing second fiddle to everyone else’s more compelling volitions. Tanguish thought this made the most sense. He was, in fact, very good at playing second best to Tango.
Tanguish tumbled out of Tango’s reflection in an ice pillar and fell with a startled ‘oof!’ onto cold stone. He opened his eyes, took a breath to say something, and then slammed it shut again when a loud roar reverberated around the artificial cavern. Tanguish looked at Tango backing away in the snow, looked to the towering creature lumbering towards him, and thought maybe he would’ve preferred the broken nose waiting for him in hels. Most people preferred broken bones to facing down an entire Warden. (Tango wasn't most people.)
Tanguish scrambled to his feet and ran, snatching Tango’s wrist as he did so. The pair of them sprinted wordlessly, which didn’t really matter, since the Warden had immaculate hearing, and the sound of their breathing and footsteps served it just fine. The Warden howled, an ear-splitting noise that shattered shockwave lines in the icicles and columns Tango had spent weeks building. They gonged and crashed like the world’s deadliest wind-chimes over their heads, and Tanguish tracked a few to their left and right as they fell. This was their only saving grace; the falling ice was much louder than Tango and Tanguish were. The Warden, confused, hesitated as it tried to track the different sounds. 
“Hey man, thanks for comi-”
“Shhhhh!” Tanguish interrupted him. Tango gave an exaggerated nod and a thumbs-up and focused on running. 
They were good at that: running. It was one of the things they shared in common. They were both terribly good at running from things. (Tanguish got his practice stealing, and Tango got his wrangling dangerous creatures, but practice was practice no matter where it came from.) They were also terribly good at avoiding the fact that they were hels and hermit, and that wasn't really supposed to make them friends. They ran so fast together, so often, they'd gotten quite good at running from what they were supposed to be (not friends) and you tended to grow fond of the people you kept pace with. (They kept pace well.)
Tanguish couldn't remember why they first met. It was in much the same way he first spawned in hels: wholly accidental, a bit sudden, and mildly inconvenient. He hadn't asked to be created. He didn't particularly mind that he was, but it also wasn't exactly expected, springing into consciousness from random emotions and void. But he did. 
When he first met Tango, it was when he was minding his own business, counting a collection of coins he'd stolen from someone in the main market. The person was from a place called Pixandria, or they were the hels version of someone who'd been to Pixandria at some point, and they had the most beautiful copper coins Tanguish had ever seen. He took them onto his favorite roof - a tall steepled thing made of deepslate and burnished iron that he thought might be a church, or some villain-y builder's lair. He'd never been inside. He didn't care about interiors much. He liked things. He liked those pretty little copper coins. He flipped each one in his hand, marked their faces, cataloged their iconography, sulked a little that he hadn't stolen more. And then a voice interrupted him.
"They used me, and I got selfish."
Tanguish looked around the roof, confused. There was no one else here. No one else had his claws for scaling buildings, or his tail for balance, or the ice that sprung to his touch that his skin liked to stick to for just a few seconds before it melted, helping him cling to things. 
"I mean, I was trying to be cool, and I blew it. Hah - literally. That's a pretty pathetic way to go."
Tanguish looked down at the coins in his hand, at his reflection on the red-orange surface, and was not ashamed to admit he thought the coins were talking to him. It took awhile for him to realize it was his reflection, and not the odd face of the coin, speaking. It was a reflection he could barely see, a black silhouette with tired, despondent eyes.
"I bet no one cared, either."
Tanguish tilted his head at the coins in his hand, waited for them to speak again, and when they didn't, tossed them one-by-one into a fountain far below. All of them, except for the shiniest one. That one he polished and slipped in his pocket. Talking coins were pretty rare, he figured. (He was right.)
"Okay," Tanguish breathed, hiding behind a half-finished wall, "we're pretty far away now."
"Are we out of its hearing range?" Tango squeaked, louder than Tanguish (that was the only way he knew how to talk: just a few decibels louder than Tanguish at all times). "I mean that thing is scary good at hearing."
The two of them fell silent. They strained their ears to listen. In the distance Tanguish heard the quiet clicks of sculk sensors listening for noise, but nothing else. Finally, he nodded.
"Okay," Tango whispered, "so first of all, sorry for not warning you-"
Tanguish shrugged.
"-but I figured you wouldn't be too-- yeah, exactly. You're not mad. Of course you're not. I get mad at things."
Tanguish wasn't entirely sure he'd ever been mad before. Tango told him it was the kind of emotion you didn't forget once you'd felt it. Tango tended to be right about these kinds of things. (He got mad at redstone all the time - or at least, Tanguish figured he did. Redstone seemed like something you'd get mad at, and Tango was, in part, made of the stuff.) 
"I thought we weren't catching Wardens until Decked Out was closer to done?" Tanguish asked him, a little annoyed, but still sort of favoring this to Helsknight's wrath.
"Well, you know, we did say that. But I wanted to just test some shriekers-"
"Good news! The shriekers definitely work!"
Tanguish chuckled. "Good news."
Tango shot him some finger-guns and grinned. "Well it's gotta be good, if it's even got Grim McGee over here laughing."
Tanguish found himself chuckling more. He shook his head.
"Anyway, so I was thinking-"
The Warden's growl sounded suddenly, bouncing off every icicle and snow bank in the foundling Decked Out cavern. Tango and Tanguish moved as one, slapping their hands on each other’s mouths to shut each other up. Eyes wide, they watched each other. They listened. The Warden sniffed twice, groaned in exasperation, and wandered further into the ice.
The first time Tango met Tanguish, it too, had been by accident. One moment Tanguish was leaning into the fountain by his favorite spot to drink some water. The next, he was sputtering and clawing his way out of a beautiful bay. His claws grabbed a cartoonishly built boardwalk and he hauled himself out of the water, ice smoothing the surface at his touch. He found himself staring at the reflection he’d heard talking to him for the past… well… he didn’t know how long.
It was funny, really, looking back on it. They were like a pair of scared cats who thought each of them respectively was the only cat in the world. They tumbled away from each other, all bristles and spines and fire and ice and redstone and skulk and it was a calm night from anywhere else on Hermitcraft but there. They blinked, they stared, they recognized what each of them were. They were perfect mirrors of shock and confusion. 
Tanguish didn’t know what was going through Tango’s head. (He never knew what was going through his head, if there was anything going on up there at all besides the impulses and whims that drove him.) For his part, Tanguish spent the moments thinking hermits and helsmits were supposed to hate each other, eat each other up like fire and ice, burn and hiss like redstone and skulk. They were supposed to fight maybe, or at least bring out the worst in each other. And Tanguish thought if he’d known he’d meet his other half so soon, he’d maybe have spent less time stealing, and more time learning how to properly handle your double.
Then Tango held his hand out to Tanguish, and flashed him a dazzling smile that was equal parts nervous and excited. “Hey! Oh man, uh -- well, I guess you already know who I am, huh? It’s nice to finally meet you!”
Tanguish had expected treachery (as he should, given who and why and what they were to each other). But the thing about Tango was he was friendly, and transparent in that way friendly people are when they’re trying to make new friends. His red eyes were scary, shielded by impractically large glasses, and his hair sparked and flickered, and the freckles on his skin were charged with redstone, and Tanguish thought by nature of who and why and what they were, taking Tango’s hand should hurt.
“We’re supposed to hate each other,” Tanguish pointed out to him. 
Tango shrugged. “Why should we? Opposites attract, right?” Then he’d flashed another dazzling, teeth-barred and infectious grin. “Besides, I was never that great at doing what I was supposed to.”
A proper helsmet would’ve refused. Scratched his hand away maybe, or done some other dramatic thing that set them apart as enemies. He should loathe the voice he’d been hearing in his head, always talking down to itself, or despairing over troubles and failures. At the very least, some primal helsmet-y thing should drive him to be cruel and self-righteous.
Instead, Tanguish took the hand extended to him, and found it was pleasantly warm. Tango winced, obviously fearing his ice would sting and freeze, and when it didn’t, he pulled Tanguish to his feet.
“I’m Tango,” Tanguish had introduced himself, because Tango hadn’t given him anything different yet.
Tango smiled at him, close-mouthed and melancholy. Tanguish preferred his other smile, despite how sharp his teeth looked. “Yeah… you really are, aren’t you buddy?”
“You got a name tag on you?”
“Yep! I had it all sorted out,” Tango said proudly, and Tanguish shushed him. Tango continued only a little softer this time. “We just gotta nametag him and lure him into the glass box I showed you. Easy-peasy! And hey, then that’s one less Warden we gotta wrangle when Decked Out II is fully operational. This is less work in the long run.”
Tango is saying this like he’s trying to convince Tanguish it’s a good idea. In reality, he’s trying to convince himself, but Tanguish lets him talk. He would probably follow Tango down a dragon’s throat, if Tango told him it was a good idea. This wasn’t a dragon’s throat. It was a Warden’s crushing embrace (Tanguish was more scared of falling than small spaces, so this was for him the lesser of two very bad things. Tango probably felt differently).
“I’ll name tag it,” Tanguish told him.
“You don’t have to do that,” Tango laughed nervously, and it bounced off the icicles and out into the cavern around them. Tanguish looked out into the field of ice like he could track the noise. All he saw was the quiet glitter. That, and skulk. There was a lot of skulk in here already. Tango had been busy. Really the whole cavern was impressive. They’d planned it together. The icicles were Tango’s idea - the better to make you feel like you were walking into the mouth of something big and scary. The floor was slick, and every surface was hard in a way that amplified noise, except where the sculk creeped, listening and feeling and crawling like skin. Tanguish thought it was pretty, but then again, he probably would. 
“You brought me here to help you.”
“Well I was thinking you’d be moral support,” Tango lied. Tanguish knew he was lying, because his nose scrunched up a little like the words tasted funny (Tango always did this when he was lying). “But hey, if you’re offering, I mean--”
Tango motioned in a mock ‘after you’ sort of bow. Tanguish grabbed the name tag from him and started walking. The skulk clicked. The shriekers chirped. The Warden was silent, and Tanguish hoped that meant it was waiting on noise, and not that it had burrowed somewhere. The ice showed him his reflection, because Tango was here beside him and not in a mirror somewhere.
“This is huge,” Tanguish grunted, clambering up a wall to get a better vantage point. He reached for Tango and pulled his double up beside him.
“I know right?” Tango beamed pridefully. “Dug out the bottom of a mountain for it! You should see upstairs. The snow biome’s almost done. Just gotta make a few more ice spikes.”
They looked, they listened, they hopped down the wall and kept going.
“That was a good suggestion by the way,” Tango grinned, “the ice spikes.”
“I like tall things,” Tanguish told him.
“Aren’t you scared of heights though?”
“Huh. You ever used an elytra before? I think you’d like it.”
“Do you fall with it?”
“Sometimes.” Tango chuckled in that way people did when they were remembering something unfortunate. “Mostly though, you fly.”
“Oh. That sounds nice.”
“It’s a parasite.”
Tanguish took a bite of a muffin he’d stolen off his favorite pastry cart and shamelessly eavesdropped. He didn’t have much else to do but sit on rooftops and eavesdrop and steal things - unless he was running from someone he’d stolen from. He did that often as well. The muffin he’d stolen today had nuts in it, which wasn’t his favorite thing in the world, but he’d take it over nothing any day. The couple he was eavesdropping on were a guard and a butcher, judging from their clothes. The guard, as people tended to do when they were bored and procrastinating getting somewhere, had started reading the newspaper her beef cuts were wrapped in. The butcher listened, sharpening his knife. There was no one standing in line at the stall, so he let her talk.
“It spreads when it eats,” she continued. “That’s probably how it took so long to find it. Growing up by the bedrock like that, it could only really eat ghasts if they floated too close.”
Tanguish looked at the nether ceiling. It was high and well built here, a rare gift from Evil Xisuma. There was a plaque about it somewhere, how he’d helped terraform the ceiling to make it look like a kaleidoscope of stars. Tanguish had never met Evil Xisuma, but the name suggested they probably wouldn’t like each other. Evil people didn’t like most people.
“What are we going to do about it?” the butcher asked the guard. “We’re not in danger, are we?”
“Not as long as no one gets close,” she explained. “Skulk mostly feeds on corpses anyway. But wander around it too long and it’ll find a way to get you, and with how dangerous hels is anyway, well--”
She spoke like the danger was thrilling. To her, it probably was.
“There’s only one way to deal with a parasite,” the guard continued, “you’ve got to starve it of what it wants. Otherwise, it’ll spread until it’s the only thing that’s left. That’s probably how it got here in the first place. It ate out everything else on some world somewhere, and some hels from that place tracked it here when they couldn’t find their other half.”
Tanguish frowned at his muffin. He broke apart a piece of it and watched as frost hardened the bread. He wondered how long he’d have to hold it for the skulk on his arms to leap to it.
“Oh shoot.”
Tanguish turned to look at Tango, who’d stopped in his tracks abruptly. He stared wide-eyed ahead of them, unblinking. Tanguish was on the edge of asking what was going on, when Tango waved a hand in front of his eyes, blinked, and did it again. He mouthed the word ‘blind’. Tanguish mouthed a wide, “Oh” that Tango couldn’t see. He forgot the Warden could blind people. It didn’t work on Tanguish. He was made of ice and skulk, after all. Something about the way he was made didn’t care that the Warden ate the light. Tango did, though.
Tanguish grabbed Tango’s wrist and pulled him along, leading him through the maze of ice and skulk. They crept as fast as they could past sensors and shriekers, wincing at the little noises so dangerously close. Tanguish was starting to hear the Warden now, its grumbles and groans as it walked, the loud huffing of its breath as it drew closer to them. It was tracking Tango. His smell probably bit its nose like redstone, and it followed relentlessly. Tanguish could ditch him, leave him stranded in the ice as bait. He could tag the Warden while it was preoccupied and run, leave Tango to deal with the fallout, dive through his reflection somewhere. That was probably what a good helsmet would do. Leave their hermit to suffer, steep in feelings of betrayal and ill-deserving. It’d make him stronger, turn him into something that wasn’t hiding in his hermit’s shadow.
Tanguish was a bad helsmet, though.
Instead, he pulled Tango along, and Tango trusted him blindly. Literally blindly, but he’d probably trust him blindly anyway. Tanguish shoved him at the corner where two half-finished maze walls met.
“Don’t move,” Tanguish breathed in his ear, and Tango nodded and froze. Tanguish stood in front of him bravely, bristled like a startled cat. He grabbed an armful of skulk off the ground, stuck his tongue out at the way it pulsed against his skin. He could feel its little roots creeping on his arms, whatever odd plant-flesh it was made of reaching to infect him. Parasite. But Tanguish was made of skulk and ice, and while the skulk that wasn’t his felt uncomfortable, it certainly couldn’t harm him.
The Warden growled and emerged from behind a pair of ice columns. It took two deep breaths, sniffing for Tango, and shambled in their direction. Its footsteps were heavy. They didn’t shake the ground, but Tanguish still felt like he could feel them in his toes. It was like the skulk under his feet responded to the movement, saying through tiny motions and flashes and pulses here, what you’re looking for is here. Come get it. Come kill the thing that isn’t us.
The Warden rose like a dark tower in Tanguish’s vision, blocking out the rest of the half-built cavern that Tango had made. It leaned over Tanguish, breath whooshing in heavy huffs as it smelled for its prey. Tanguish only pressed himself a little closer to Tango and hugged the skulk in his arms tighter, and held his breath. He felt a little lightheaded, because he was scared and not breathing, and doing his best to pretend his noisy, living body was instead a statue of some kind. With one shuddering hand, Tanguish reached forward and gently hooked the name tag on one of the Warden’s exposed ribs. Its heart was loud and close, mesmerizing in the way it moved, in the way whatever soul-stuff swirled around it pulsed and flickered its eerie blue light. If it weren’t such a dangerous, fruitless endeavor, Tanguish would try to steal it. Pluck the pretty, flashing, pulsing thing from its home in those grinning ribs and hang it up on one of his favorite rooftops. It would probably stop glowing though, just as soon as it left the Warden’s chest.
The Warden let out one more long, low, growling groan. It turned and lumbered away.
“I’m a parasite,” Tanguish informed Tango matter-of-factly from his reflection in a broken window. 
“What? No you’re not.” Tango scowled. “Don’t say things like that about yourself, man. It’ll kill your self-esteem.”
Tanguish tilted his head at his double, and tried not to feel grateful for the concern. Tango didn’t seem to realize this wasn’t an opinion. It wasn’t conjecture. It wasn’t bad self-esteem and it wasn’t up for debate. It was, in its simplest form, a warning. Tango should be grateful for it. Most leeches didn’t give an introduction when they attached themselves to your skin.
“I’ll just get stronger if you keep feeding me.”
Tango opened his mouth to argue, but then closed it again, finding nothing to say. Tango was optimistic to a fault. He seemed to think the two of them were allowed to both be strong, to thrive. He seemed to think they were here for each other, to help each other, to make each other better. That is not how helsmets and hermits worked. At least, Tanguish didn’t think so. 
Regardless, Tango kept looking at him with that odd, conflicted expression.
“I’m not here to help you, Tango,” Tanguish said quietly. “I will get worse.”
“We’re friends.”
“We’re comfortable.”
Like an old fur coat, made of long dead things but still pleasantly warm.
“We can be friends,” Tango insisted, his voice withering. “We don’t have to be like all the other hels and hermits out there. We can be friends.”
Tanguish sighed. He told Tango the only truth he knew for sure. “I will devour you, Tango.”
Tango closed his eyes and shook his head. His face in Tanguish’s reflection disappeared. Tanguish hoped they never talked again. That was the only way to kill a parasite, after all. Starve it of the thing it wanted.
Together they lured the Warden into Tango’s glass box. It couldn’t burrow through it, couldn’t despawn because of the tag. They had it well and truly trapped. Sure, it screeched and roared, and shook the walls with its sonic howls, but eventually it fell silent and submitted to its fate. It was kind of pathetic, sure, but it would be happy enough smacking around players once Decked Out II was done. Tanguish thought it was crazy keeping a pet Warden around, but Tango had a habit for keeping company with dangerous things. He had a pet helsmet, after all. A pet helsmet who had even grown to like him. Who put himself in harm's way to protect him. Who guided him through the dark when he should leave him behind.
“Where are the other hermits?” Tanguish asked when the Warden was finally still in its cage. “Why didn’t they come and help you?”
Tango winced and pulled out a shulker box full of ice so he could pretend he was busy when he talked. “Oh, you know, they were just… I mean Scar and Grian are doing collabs. Cub is making his crazy death game. The Soup Crew are all gathering materials together--”
“Did you ask them for help?”
Tango grimaced. He rifled uselessly through his shulker box.
“You should ask them first next time.”
“I knew you’d be available,” Tango shrugged. “Besides, you want something done right, you do it yourself.”
Tanguish nodded. He liked the praise, the idea he was the only one who could help Tango in a tough situation. It made his back a little straighter. The skulk, like bioluminescent freckles on his arms, glowed a little brighter. He felt warm. He felt fed.
(Maybe Tanguish wasn’t such a bad helsmet after all.)
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jujutsubaby · 4 months
🩷 sex drive 🩷
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☆ pairing: toji fushiguro x afab!reader ☆ summary: you go to a valentine's day blood drive at work. maybe it's just that you've been single for too long, but isn't the volunteer drawing your blood kinda...? well, let's just say you wouldn't mind exchanging a few other bodily fluids with him, too. ☆ tags: modern au, workplace au ☆ warnings: 18+!! MINORS DNI!! dirty talk, oral sex (f!recieving), slight exhibitionism, daddy kink ☆ a/n: happy valentine's day (again)!! another quick little treat for u all hehe...inspired by my real life experience of going to a valentine's day blood drive (except for the fun parts ofc lmao).
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you knew you should have made up an excuse and stayed home today. you hate to be a cliche bitter ass single woman who's not getting any younger on valentine's day, but it's hard not to play to type when the whole office is decorated in cutesy pinks and reds. it definitely doesn't help that your boss, suguru, keeps getting visits every 15 minutes from his boyfriend satoru.
"ugh, what's with the pda?" you grumble at what feels like satoru's 30th visit to suguru's open cubicle. "haven't you two been together for, like, a thousand years already?" your coworker utahime helpfully makes gagging noises to emphasize your point.
"hey now, y/n, you KNOW that i'm the head of marketing and suguru's the head of sales! i can't help it if he and i have lots of important things to discuss," satoru protests with puppy dog eyes.
"i didn't realize important marketing meetings involve sitting on coworkers' laps now," utahime mumbles, and the pair of you giggle conspiratorially.
however, as the day goes on and utahime keeps receiving increasingly elaborate flower arrangements delivered to her from her doctor girlfriend shoko, you find yourself feeling more glum than ever. you decide to go out for a stroll, hoping the cold february air will slap some sense into you.
unfortunately, not even five minutes after you set out, droplets of threatening rain turn into a torrential downpour. you curse; in your mopey mood this morning, you totally forgot to check the forecast!
you really don't want to go back into the lovefest of your office right now, so you start looking desperately around for a rescue — an underhang to stand under, anything.
that's when you see a bright red sign advertising a blood drive for valentine's day being held at your neighboring building. that could be an interesting idea. at least this way, you can tell yourself you did a good deed on valentine's day instead of just complaining the whole time. even more appealingly, you see that it'll take about an hour, which is one less hour you'll have to spend around satoru's soppy nicknames for suguru. after shooting a quick text to your team's group chat informing them of your last minute appointment, you decide to brave the rain and head over, hoping there's an opening for a walk-in.
you enter the room where the blood drive is taking place, praying you don't look too much like a drowned rat. your self-consciousness melts away and you smile brightly when you see a familiar face.
"shoko! you're volunteering here today?"
"oh, hey y/n," your quiet friend replies, giving you a small smile back. "yeah, utahime and i have a date nearby this evening, so i thought i might as well sign up. what time was your appointment for?"
"well, uh, i didn't exactly make an appointment..." you say awkwardly. "are walk-ins ok?"
"no problem, we got a lot of no-shows today anyway," shoko replies with a subtle roll of her eyes. she then hands you a clipboard and a pen. "just fill this out, and i'll get you screened and set up and everything."
you gratefully take the clipboard and head into the tiny compartment curtained off at the side of the room, presumably to give donors some privacy as they get screened. you fill out the form (trying not to think of your stupid ex boyfriend when you encounter the questions about your sex life), and once you're done, you poke your head back outside of the compartment.
"i'm ready now, shoko," you call. when your friend doesn't answer, you crane your neck around to the desk where she had been sitting. "shoko?"
"she just went on break," a husky, masculine voice replies from behind you. "i'll be taking over." you look back and are immediately floored by what just has to be the finest specimen of the male form you've ever seen, clad in obscenely tight scrubs that emphasize every bulging muscle. focus!!
"oh thanks doctor...um...fushiguro," you read from his nametag. he's so tall that it happens to be at your eye level, giving you quite a nice eyeful of his firm, muscular chest. what business did men have being this tall, anyway?!
"just call me toji," he says casually, grinning down at you. he takes the clipboard from your outstretched hands and jerks his head back towards the compartment you had been waiting in. "let's head back there so we have more...privacy." maybe it's just your imagination, but you could have sworn he smirked when he said that. you take deep breaths to suppress the unholy thoughts you're having, and you follow him back into the side room.
when you push the curtain aside and go in after him, you see he's already settled into one of the two chairs crammed into the tight space that he's clearly a little too large for. as you daintily resume your position in your own chair, he shifts and splays his long legs out, brushing your thigh with his knee. you inhale sharply.
he clears his throat and pulls out a pair of reading glasses from his breast pocket before reading your questionnaire. he nods at your answers (although you can't help but turn beet red as his eyes scan over the section about when you last had a new sex partner).
"looks fine to me. let's take your blood pressure now...y/n" he says, positively purring when he sounds out your name. "beautiful name for a beautiful girl," he says with a roguish wink, making you turn even redder than you ever knew was possible. was he making you uncomfortable on purpose?!
"mind taking your top off?" he asks, rummaging around in the drawer in front of him.
"i'm sorry?!" you choke out. that was a freebie! happy fucking valentine's day to you!
"oh, sorry, i meant so i can put the bp monitor around your arm. i don't know if you can roll your sleeves up in that blouse," he says, looking up from the drawer. you notice his eyes on your breasts, and you realize that you of course had worn your white button down over your lacy black camisole on the day mother nature decided to get you soaking wet. you must look like such a hussy!
you quickly unbutton your blouse and show him your arm to wrap the thick velcro band around, trying hard to avoid eye contact. it doesn't matter, though; you can feel his eyes boring into you like lasers. why does he have to be so hot?! you hope being in his presence won't throw off your blood pressure reading...you can feel your pulse going a little haywire.
As he tightens the band and starts the measurement, toji starts making small talk.
"so, you doing anything for valentine's day?"
ugh. anything but this topic.
"no," you reply simply, hoping not to broker further discussion.
he presses on, not taking your cue (or if he did, he ignored it.)
"no? what, your partner doesn't celebrate?"
toji reads out your bp measurement to you, but you don't even pay attention to it as you notice his hand brushing the side of your breast as he unwraps the bp monitor's band from your exposed arm. you gulp as you realize only the thin satiny layer of your cami is keeping his hands from touching your tits.
"uh..ah.." you say, hoping he doesn't notice the effect his one brief physical touch had on you, "n-no...my ex-boyfriend and i broke up a few months ago already." you don't mention how you saw him in your bed on your birthday in the arms of another person.
toji looks up at you from darkly hooded eyes.
"his loss...i know i'd treasure valentine's day with a pretty little thing like you."
just like that, toji snaps back into professional mode again, leaving you reeling once more from his flirtatious behavior. he was way too handsome to be acting like this on a dime! a girl like you could get ideas...
"i'm going to do a thumbprick now to get a quick reading on your blood. is that ok with you?"
you nod, and he grins at you.
"that's my girl," he hums in a low voice.
then, before you're even able to process what's happening, he takes your hand and engulfs it in his own. he then begins rubbing your hand back and forth, and you feel a small frisson of pleasure at the sensation of his callouses against your small, soft fingers.
"noticed your skin was a little cold, so i thought i'd warm your hand up before taking the sample," he explained, but you're hardly able to even listen to him as you enjoy the blissful sensation of his hands rubbing yours. his fingers were so long and thick, and so dextrous... how would those fingers feel somewhere else...no! stop! what are you thinking?! you've definitely been single for too long.
"all right, y/n," toji murmurs gently. "you're just going to feel a small prick...sorry about that..." he takes the sample and puts it into a machine for processing. he then reaches back into the drawer and withdraws a digital thermometer.
"while we're waiting for that to finish, let's take your temperature." you nod and extend your hands to take the thermometer from him, but he ignores you and instead roughly takes your chin in one of his huge, warm hands, tilting your head up towards his chest.
"open up for me now, y/n" he purrs, your name sounding like the sweetest and most beautiful sound you've ever heard when it's coming from his mouth; you can't help but comply. he gently inserts the thermometer under your tongue, and you note his eyes lingering on your lips for much longer than they have to. embarrassingly, you notice heat pooling between your legs, and tension twisting by your belly button. you could get used to this...all too soon, though, the thermometer beeps, and he takes it out. toji clicks his tongue as he reads the small display.
"99 degrees even," he reads out. "now that's a surprise."
"what? why's that?" you ask, confused. how could a body temperature be surprising?
"well, our cutoff is 99.5, and i was sure you'd be way too hot," he says with a laugh and another wink. you giggle back demurely; you can't help but act all girlish and coquettish with someone like him. you've never seen a man in real life wink so much, but you find you don't mind. it suits him.
"all right, y/n, let's go get some blood drawn!" he says enthusiastically, rising from his chair. you follow suit. he reaches around you (did his arm just brush your breasts again?) and opens the curtain for you. "after you, princess."
you used to hate when your ex called you "princess"...but when toji called you that, it sounded like the doors to the heavens opened and angels were singing. you'll definitely be thinking about that for awhile. probably before bedtime, and probably while touching yourself. you sigh and exit the small room before hopping up onto one of the cots that were brought to the building for the blood drive.
toji pops a small stress ball into your hand. "now, make a fist for me," he says, using his fingers to close yours, "and start squeezing that." he squeezes his fist around yours. it wasn't so confusing of an instruction that you needed a demonstration, and you're beginning to suspect that toji's making excuses to keep touching you. not that you mind, exactly.
you keep squeezing, and he examines the tender inside of your elbow. "that's a gorgeous vein you've got there, princess. this'll be easy for me," he murmurs seductively, and you blush. you've never been complimented on a vein, of all things, before.
soon, toji pierces your arm (pursing his lips sympathetically as you emit a sharp gasp, which of course makes you stare at his lips), and your blood is pumping merrily into a bag. you decide to make conversation with him, this time.
"how about you, toji? i'm sure someone like you has big plans for valentine's day, right?" you ask, raising your eyebrows suggestively.
"oh, yeah," he chuckles. "if you count getting high and watching magnolia for the millionth time big plans. i don't really go for that stuff," he says.
"i love paul thomas anderson," you say huskily, trying to flutter your eyelashes at him. it's been a long time since you've flirted, and you're probably embarrassing yourself. "you know what the perfect film of his for today would be, though?"
"what's that, princess?"
you smirk. "there will be blood."
toji lets out a huge laugh in spite of himself, and you smile proudly. flirtation successful!
soon, your blood has filled the small bag, and toji removes the needle, pressing gauze to the wound. the feel of his hands pressing into your arm is one of the most blissful things you've felt all week. he asks you to continue maintaining the pressure, and you feel like whining that it won't feel as nice as when he does it before remembering where you are and complying. you watch as he picks up your sample and sorts it in with the others; you feel a bit shy, seeing him manhandle your little blood bag like that. it feels so intimate.... you gulp as you imagine him manhandling you like that.
"all right, y/n, now you just need to rest for twenty minutes, and you'll be good to go." you start climbing out from the cot, feeling a little disappointed that your short, exciting interaction with toji is coming to an end. oh well. some excitement is better than none.
"we have some cookies for the donors in the seating area," he continues. "lucky you...i'd love a little taste of something sweet right about now..."
ok, it definitely wasn't your imagination — he positively growled that last sentence, and he was eyeing you. as you get up, you notice you're a little shaky on your feet; you realize that you actually hadn't eaten lunch before coming, since you'd been in such a rush to get away. you list and sway dangerously to one side, but a pair of strong arms braces you. you let your head fall back onto a perfectly firm, taut chest.
"careful, there, sweetheart" toji whispers in your ear, his breath tickling your sensitive skin as he lifts you up. you try not to think too much about how your back is pressed into him right now. "i think i'd better keep an eye on you." he walks you over to the front of the room, bracing your back against himself the whole way over. he leads you to the front of the room, where there are folding chairs and a card table with a small platter of supermarket cookies as promised. as shoko had alluded earlier, the blood drive was not busy at all. in fact, it was completely empty currently; just you and toji, alone in this room... you feel yourself getting faint again, but not for the same reason.
"y'know, princess..." toji says, sitting again with his legs splayed out over the chair across from you as you nibble a chocolate chip cookie. "my shift's ending right about...when your observation period ends."
you tilt your head inquisitively at him, hoping you knew why he was saying this. he leans forward, the flimsy plastic chair creaking under the weight of his solid muscle. what you'd let that muscle do to you...
"i don't think that i, as a medical professional, can let you go back to work today..." he continues. "i think you'd better go home after this." then, he smiles deviously. "and i think i'd better take you back, just to give you a...full examination."
it takes all of your restraint not to fling the rest of the cookie down and jump his bones right then and there. instead, you reply,
"i think i'd appreciate the house call." you do your best to make your voice ooze with suggestion so he knows you're picking up what he's putting down.
after what feels like the slowest fifteen minutes of your life, it's finally time to leave. just as toji's shift is about to end, shoko returns from her break, and you take the opportunity to ask her to have utahime bring your things back home from the office for you. since they're your neighbors, you can pick them up later tonight. or perhaps, tomorrow morning...just in case tonight gets a little too busy.
"something came up," you explain to her breathlessly, but you know shoko notices toji's hand creeping up the small of your back.
"have fun," shoko says to the both of you, only slightly judgmental but mostly encouraging.
since you took the bus to work that morning and toji refuses to wait a moment longer than he has to to commence your "examination," he insists on driving you back in his car. you both practically sprint through the parking lot, and he breaks at least three traffic laws zooming back to your apartment in the rain as you yell directions. for a doctor, he sure is awfully reckless.
finally, finally, after an agonizingly long wait, you're at your building. you're about to climb out of the car, but toji is way ahead of you, opening the door for you. you are about to climb out and jokingly thank him for his chivalry when he unceremoniously scoops you out of your seat and swings you over his shoulder. you shriek with laughter.
"toji! put me down!"
you're also all too aware that you're wearing a pretty short skirt that day.
"sorry, princess," he says smoothly. "it's protocol. i can't have you walking back in just in case you pass out, or something."
you're about to ask if he's even been to medical school when he shoves your key into your apartment door, slams it open, and, equally roughly, slams your back against the wall. the breath is shoved out of your lungs as he immediately captures your mouth with his, swallowing any potential protest you might have had (which you didn't, you absolutely didn't. not even close.). he carries your entire weight easily as he shuts the door behind him with his foot; you're hardly paying attention, though, as you're too busy widening your mouth and entangling your tongue with his. you greedily bite down on his lip, and he growls in response.
"let's get you to the examination table," he groans. you wrap your legs around his narrow waist, and he carries you haphazardly to your dining table, crashing into and knocking over furniture along the way. carrying you with one arm, he carelessly clears the table with his other before plopping you onto the tabletop. he kneels before your legs and tears off your tights in one swift motion.
"i hope you're planning to help clean up—" you start, but your breath hitches in your throat as he begins kissing up your ankle, then your calf...then your thigh...he gets slower and slower as he gets closer to where you most want him to go. you try to shift forward on the table to bring your throbbing center closer to him, but he holds you firmly in place with two powerful hands clamped on your hips.
"patience, princess..."
you close your eyes and start taking deep breaths, but the moment is disrupted by an annoying loud vibration against the wooden tabletop.
"who the fuck is 'ryomen sukuna?'" toji scoffs, "and why do you have a heart next to his name? you been lyin' to me, princess? have you been naughty?"
"no," you breathe, and it comes out as a whine. "no, daddy, i've been a good girl, promise. please..."
"'please' what, princess? help daddy out here," he purrs with a wicked grin. just then, your stupid phone vibrates again, and you're about to pick it up and throw it out the window when toji wrests it from your grip.
"your idiot ex, i'm guessing?" he asks. all you can do is nod, the words robbed from you.
"well, my professional recommendation is...for you to tell him to fuck off."
"i will, toji, i promise," you pant. "please, just ignore him, i promise, he's nothing to me."
"you're not listening to me, princess..." toji says in a low, dangerous voice. "i want you to tell him to fuck off. right. now." he slides the answer button on your phone and hands it to you before you can protest.
"h-hello?" you say, trying to keep your voice steady. "sukuna?"
"heyyyy, y/n....missed hearing your voice, boo," sukuna coos, clearly inebriated. you scoff in disgust; it's only four in the afternoon. sukuna was such a mess.
"what do you want, sukuna? i thought i w-was..." you start out assertively, but your resolve is breaking as a practiced tongue once again starts swirling its way up your legs, alternating between your left and right thighs. you clench your toes and grit your teeth before continuing.
"i was ... clear...that ... that we're o-over," you say, the last word coming out as a moan as you feel a set of teeth pulling off your panties ever so gently.
"baby, i told you!" sukuna whines. "uraume's nothin' to me, babe! they're just a friend! you're my one and only, baby!"
even in the midst of the sensory overload occurring in your bottom half, you still roll your eyes. yeah, "just friends" made out in bed naked all the time, right?
"i want you to...to...s-stop.." you pant, as sukuna finally picks up on your strange manner of speech.
"hold on, y/n, is someone there with you?" he snarls, his famous temper rising to the forefront. "you whoring it up with another guy already?"
at that, toji grabs the phone from you and growls into it, "seems like she finally decided she needs a real man, not some cheatin' asshole who can't appreciate her properly!"
the moment he finishes talking, toji leans back into your thighs and finally plunders you with his tongue, raising the phone to your mouth in time for you to moan sinfully into it as sukuna is arguing back. toji doesn't even bother hanging up as he throws the phone across the room.
toji grips your thighs tightly enough to leave bruises as he feasts on you, and you wrap your legs around him, tangle your hands in his short hair, and squirm in delight. it doesn't take you very long to come undone under his practiced mouth.
he rises back to his feet, licking his lips.
"finally got to satisfy my sweet tooth today," he says mischievously. you grab the v-neck of his shirt and tug him closer to you aggressively.
"take me to bed. it's your turn next," you declare authoritatively. then, you kiss him fiercely, tasting yourself on his lips and tongue.
"your wish is my command, princess," he replies with a dark chuckle, before lifting you, bridal style, to your bedroom.
this was shaping up to be a great valentine's day after all.
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ofallthingsnasty · 3 months
a/n: Someone asked for more of Doflamingo's family pet - unfortunately I accidentally deleted the ask, but as I actually keep a physical list of all the asks I need to get to, it hasn't been lost! I hope this finds its way to you, anon 😘💖
tags: heavy dehumanization, weird pet metaphors, unreliable narrator, noncon, violence, minors dni, death (not yours), fat gn reader, vomit mention, read the tags and read them twice, just some thoughts
word count: 1.1k
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Doflamingo thinks himself a good owner.
You're clean, well-groomed, clothed, fed and loved. Entertained, too. He stuffs you into your crate only at night - even if he has to leave you behind (which he rarely does), you stay with the rest of the family, not in that little cage. He's responsible. Loving. Tender.
But even he can forget about some things.
Maybe it should have been obvious, since you haven't been neutered. But to his defense, it's rather easy to forget that you, when stripped down, are just a mammal - blunt little teeth, yappy antics and bug-eyed, watery stares fool him so easily, make you sexless and too cute to have any needs of your own. And with his frequent appetites sated and you chewing through the leather of his newest chaise, you're just his mutt, feisty but spoiled. And really, who likes to think about their precious little darling dog being aroused? Not him, that's for sure. You're supposed to be something soft to spoil, something to lighten up his days.
Unfortunately, his pesky habit of kicking you whenever you drool just a little too much on his expensive pants (among other things) leads to the discovery of uncomfortable truths. One peculiarly placed hit, and something happens that he never expected - you yelp in pain, and then it climbs out of your throat, grotesque and breathy. A moan. And suddenly, something occurs to him. Makes him go down the lane of unsavory thoughts he never wanted to have when it comes to you.
He has neglected you. Greatly.
In all these years, he has been nothing but selfish - always enjoyed someone hanging off his arm, someone to warm his bed - while you had gone without, never had the possibility to get some relief. That's why you're getting winded over a simple kick to your crotch, poor, pathetic little thing. It's so wrong, so fucking depraved - he didn't train you to be so needy, to have to find pleasure in something so brutish. Yet here you are. Writhing in pain and something else as you try to shield your most sensitive parts from further intrusions.
He's suddenly going silent, brooding above you. Something needs to be done, he realizes.
The answer seems obvious - he should get you someone you can play around with, to let off steam, to indulge in the cruder parts of your nature. At first, the thought is appalling, but the more he ruminates and lets different scenarios play in his head, the more he sees that it has to be done. And it could be quite a bit of fun for him as well, if done correctly.
Arrangements are made almost too easily.
It's only fair that he gets you someone from that heap of trash you called your home. Maybe you even knew each other, before he found a place on his lap for you - it matters not, as long as the specimen is someone you would have fucked way back when he first took you. Doflamingo figures the man is up to your tastes, picks someone who looks healthy and strong. After all, he only wants the best for you - if he gets to pick his entertainment du jour, why shouldn't he at least get you someone appealing? (He also doesn't need any suspicious activity on Dressrosa, especially because he doesn't intend to have the man turned into a toy. He has his own visions for this - but that's not for little lap dogs like you to know.)
The male is taken, Doflamingo's room prepared and you - naive, stupid, and stunted that you are - follow him as you always do and walk right into his trap. It's nothing elaborate, really. But it does the job. Just the bound male, a flick of his wrist to restrain and oh-
He can play with the two of you like puppets. Of course, you're all confused. He rarely (if ever) uses his powers on you, so the sudden restraints feel like some sort of betrayal. Your big eyes question him, looking somehow even more pathetic underlined by your fat cheeks. He doesn't know if he should tut or laugh at you, that's how delicious your expression is - and it gets better and better as he tears your flimsy, carefully picked out pants apart. You are so utterly shocked, so taken by surprise it looks like you're short-circuiting. Only when the bigger man pounces on you - because Doflamingo is making him do so - you try to kick, bite, scratch, suddenly coming back to reality. But poor little fat pup, you're breathless and limp after a few minutes of struggle against his restraints and heave out your tears when your breath leaves you behind. Your fat ass up in the air, you can do very little with the way he's holding you in position.
You have to let it happen, even as the snot pools on the floor.
It's for your own good. And to his great amusement. He keeps you like this, makes the man mount you, fuck you, defile you - keeps intently watching the scene in front of him, the way you blubber and cry out. It's kind of cute, really - you're both crying. Like some grotesque version of two young lovers taking each other's virginity, you're both stuttering out apologies and clutching what is closest to you, even if that is your ass in his case.
It gets boring rather quickly, though. And rather tiring on the hands, too.
So he lets the male go - who gets cross-eyed faster than he can realize he's been freed because there is suddenly a pistol aimed directly at his forehead. If he was crying before, he's downright hysterical now. It doesn't leave you unfazed, either - Doflamingo's precious little mutt is suddenly deadly silent, too afraid to squeak out even a tiny moan. A precious sight to him. Especially when the man finally pumps his load into you, his orgasm flat and fast and unsatisfying, because it's ripped from him entirely due to the way his body functions, not because this is in any way enjoyable to him. Doflamingo smiles as the male huffs out a sigh, weighing himself in a moment of false security and-
He pulls the trigger.
You scream - but only a second later, only when the man goes limp above you, only when blood and brains splatter all over your back. You scream and scream and scream until you're hoarse, until your voice gets wet underneath the vomit that suddenly leaves you. Doflamingo would click his tongue at the sight if he wasn't so busy laughing at your predicament. Really, he had forgotten how fun it is to terrorize you a little, had forgotten how quaint it can be when your stupid face goes from empty stupidity to sheer and utter fear, the kind one can taste on their tongue. You can be so entertaining when pushed a little and he can't help but revel in the tiniest sliver of nostalgia as he looks at you, beaten down and traumatized like the day he took you.
Still, he's getting you neutered the next chance he gets.
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stuffeddeer · 7 months
haii deer i hope you are able to get all your assignments done on time! was reading your tags and aro dazai?? big brain.
so how about aro ace darling? never been in a relationship and never really want to, their friends are more than enough for them !! honestly i just wanna be aro buddies with dazai 🥹
but damn just being weirdo coworkers together, im,,, willing to look past many red flags for him 💔
YOURE JUST LIKE ME FR dazai and i are best friends and we are aro you can ask him yourself also weirdo coworkers.. you get it
"Oh, wait, so you were the latest person hired?" Atsushi's head cocked to the side, looking at you with curiosity. "How long have you been here?"
"My dear here has been with the agency for three months! You know, I was the one that brought them on board," Dazai gloated, a smug smirk on his face and a dramatic hand over his heart.
You were quick to play along, throwing a dramatic hand over your forehead as you leaned back. "Oh, my hero! What would I do without my lovely Dazai?" The sarcastic lilt in your tone didn't go unnoticed by the newest agency member, but he decided not to comment on it.
"Was it like what happened with me? Did you find Dazai drowning?" Apparently a common occurrence, Atsushi had pieced together.
Dazai denied, a smile on his face as he replied with a simple, "Nope!" A few moments of silence passed before the junior realized he wasn't going to elaborate.
Just as he opened his mouth to ask for more information, you decided to take pity on the poor soul and fill him in. "I bailed him out of a holding cell."
No one bat an eye. Atsushi looked around the office, trying to see if maybe someone was holding back laughter, but not a single one of his new coworkers were phased. Did they not hear what you said?
"He got detained for public disturbance in the middle of a case. I told Dazai he'd have to find a way to get out on his own, and he shows back up not even thirty minutes later with them in tow," Kunikida explains, frustration evident in his voice. "I was trying to teach him a lesson."
"I was in the area," you shrug.
"Yeah, being detained as well..."
"I was being released from detainment, actually!" You correct Kunikida, a proud grin on your face. "And Dazai said I should follow him, so I did."
Atsushi laughed awkwardly. He knew you seemed similar to Dazai in your hedonistic pursuits, but this was baffling. "And the president hired you?"
"I had an entrance exam, but pretty much! I had just been fired from my old job the day before so Dazai helped me get set up here. And before you ask: I was fired because I told the boss' kid I wouldn't date him. He got all upset and told daddy to can me," you huff in frustration, still annoyed at your wrongful termination.
Kunikida rolled his eyes. "Don't act like some martyr; You also deserved to be fired. You just messed around on the job like you do here. You barely got any work done."
"You want me so badly it makes you look stupid—"
"I told them to sue and say it's discrimination because they're aro," Dazai cut you off, a pout on his lips like he's annoyed you didn't take his advice.
"What's... arrow?" Atsushi cocked his head to the side. He was unaware of the terminology, having never come across it in this context during his studies at the orphanage.
"Oh, it's shorthand for aromantic. It just means, like, experiencing little to no romantic attraction to anyone. It varies, of course..." You try to explain simply.
Atsushi nods, understanding the basic idea. "But it'd be wrong to lie about your sexuality, right?"
"I'm aro, actually," you shrug. Everyone at the agency is well aware, so Atsushi will likely find out eventually.
"Oh!" The younger employee's cheeks turn pink, feeling a little sheepish for assuming. A moment passes as Atsushi thinks before furrowing his eyebrows in confusion. "I thought you and Dazai..?"
"We're both aromantic," Dazai rests his chin on his hand, elbow on his desk and an amused smirk pulling at his lips. "I've dated a lot in the past, but I realized it's just not for me."
"I've never been in a relationship and never want to," you add in yourself. "Aromanticism is... much more complex than how I explained it. Dazai feels romantic attraction, but doesn't— Is it fine if I tell him this?" You suddenly ask, realizing it really isn't your place to speak on his experience, even as his best friend.
"Oh, I don't care. Saves me the trouble," Dazai waves his hand dismissively. "But yeah, I feel romantic attraction, but lose it when it's reciprocated."
Atsushi nods slowly, beginning to understand. "Oh, okay. So you two are just close friends, then."
"Are we just not going to ask what you were doing in a holding cell when Dazai got thrown in?" Tanizaki asks from his desk.
"I just got too silly, you know how it is."
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lara-cairncross · 8 days
Hi I did not expect to be hit with this much nostalgia for pixie hollow fairies lol
The way you draw them is so pretty!?!?!?!?! I love their designs so much
I'm considering drawing fanart now, especially since I saw the suggestion of drawing my personal OCs in your fairy au, and I realized.... I have an oc. That I created recently. Like so recently that I haven't even named her yet. And she's already kinda fairy-like??? She's the result of a one-night stand between Leo and a random bird yokai who decided to dump the egg on Leo (it's the accidental baby acquisition trope except its more like you-really-should-have-expected-this-leo baby acquisition XD)
Don't worry though, she's not bird-like enough to want to eat your fairy boys if she met them. She's basically just a feathered turtle who loves shiny things, and I haven't even finalized her design but now I wanna draw her as a fairy haha. I do know her feathers are blue-purple-pink-ish with red streaks, so her colour scheme matches Fairy Leo haha
Hmmmm maybe I should actually put a question here uhh....
You keep hinting at plot points but you've also said you don't plan on making this a comic, so are we ever going to find out what the heck is going on???
And I know the idea of making a whole entire comic can seem overwhelming, but have you considered viewing it as just doodling and practicing? For my own au comic I only have one part drawn so far and it is the first part, but I'm planning to just draw any part of the story at any point in time, just depending on what I feel like. Cuz no one says you have to do it the "normal" way, right? And I like to think of drawing the comic pages as practicing new skills, like learning how to do page layouts and composition better. Aka focus on the journey and not the end goal.
Whoo, that got kinda long and I only really asked one question, but based on previous asks you've answered I have a feeling you don't mind ;)
OK that was entirely just stream of thought after going through the whole au tag (there are more thoughts but most are incoherent and overlapping so this is what i managed to pick out of my brain), but to summarize: I love your fairy au and the boys are gonna be living in my head now, along with every other version of the turtles that I love <3 <3 <3
I'm glad to hear you're liking the fairy au!! I had a ton of fun coming up with their designs :D
I do actually plan on making this into a comic of sorts! I dunno if I could ever make, like, a long-form webcomic or anything like that-- but I'm definitely planning on doing at *least* a few mini-comics to elaborate on the story! And maybe build my way up to something longer and more fulfilled :D As of now, I'm trying to experiment with different comic styles on my own time so I can try and find something that's quick and easy, but still looks decent. I like the idea of treating it as essentially a glorified doodle page. Honestly, as soon as I try to take any of my stories too seriously, I burn out fast-- so I'm trying to stay pretty chill about this one and just making content whenever I feel like it lol
Yup, I'm totally cool with everyone drawing their OCs as fairies if they want to! It's not like I own the idea or anything lmao. The only caveat is that I have jurisdiction over whether or not something is canon to my particular au. Leo and the rest of the boys are still canonically kids/teenagers to me, and I've been writing/drawing them as kids this entire time, so I won't be including anything/anyone related to one of them having a "one night stand" with somebody. I can't really police what anyone else draws though, so have fun :D
Sorry about these little guys buzzing around in your brain ❤️💜🧡🩵
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merlot-and-chardonnay · 4 months
Meeting Her At Last- Geralt/Ciri
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This is inspired from Bojack Horseman  where Geralt and the reader's relationship is similar to Diane and Guy (for those of you who've read my previous work, you probably heard that before, but it's a good show that I find much inspiration from and I ain't gonna apologize for it). It's also kind of a modern AU and the reader has a chance to meet Ciri.
Some angst. Enjoy. 
"So, now that I've got the basics on what life is like as a witcher, is there any chance I can tag along on this contract with you?" you say, writing down the notes you've been taking for the article you were working on, which focused on unique jobs around the world. Since Geralt was one of the better known witchers, one could consider him close to celebrity status, you had asked him to be the spokesperson for this particular occupation. He was reluctant at first, but eventually he agreed.
Now that two of you had followed Geralt, who had taken a job somewhere in Toussaint, and had stopped at an inn for the night. 
"I though you already were tagging along," Geralt said like it was obvious. "I mean, like is there a chance I can actually observe you at work?" you elaborate, "Watch you track down the monster in question, maybe watch the actual fighting and killing? I won't get in the way. I'll run if you tell me to run."
Geralt thinks about it for a moment, before turning to you, "you promise?" "Of course," you swear.
Geralt then used the key card to open the door to the room, only to stop when the two of you realized there was one bed in the room. "I swear, I asked for two beds," he insisted, "I'll talk to the receptionist, they should sort it out." "Well..." you start to say; it's worth noting there had been some steamy tension between you and Geralt the last week since you've been following him for your article, "I mean, it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world if we...shared this bed." Geralt looked at you, looking like he was about to say something, but before he could, you get on your tip toes and press a kiss to his lips.
It had been a risk, but you wanted to know if he felt the same way you did at this moment. "On second thought, I should thank the receptionist for this mix up," he says.
You smirk and push Geralt into the bed, ready to have your way with him.
----------------time skip----------------------------
After the contract in Toussaint was complete you followed Geralt back to his home in Kaer Morhen, where the witchers often went to recuperate, restock on potions, fix weapons, and just rest and swap stories.
Once there, Geralt introduced you to his brethren who were already there. You were a little disappointed that he didn't really introduce you as his girlfriend, but to be fair, neither of you had really established what this relationship was. Nonetheless, you were excited to meet the other witchers and partake in the camaraderie.
In the midst of this social gathering, you had to make a quick trip to the bathroom. Once you were done, you open the door only to find Geralt on the other side, "Uh, Geralt? Did you need to go too?" "No, it's not that," Geralt hastily pushes you back into the bathroom and closes the door, "my daughter is here, Ciri." "Daughter? I thought she was spending the weekend with your ex, you said so yourself." "I thought so too," Geralt admits, "But she really wanted to see me. I'm sorry (y/n), but...I don't make a habit of introducing Ciri to women I'm with unless it's serious. I made that mistake once before." "Oh," you say, realizing what he meant, "I uh, yeah that makes sense, it's not like we're really a couple. I should probably go."
"Not that way," Geralt stops you from going out the door, "out the window." "What about my suitcase?" "I'll toss it out once you you make outside." You climb down the window and wait for Geralt to toss your suitcase out of a different window. Once that was settled, you order a Lyft and head to the nearest inn.
---------end of flashback-------------
In the present time, after a few compromises on both your parts, you and Geralt were now a couple.
The witcher had continued to go out on contracts, and though you had your article published months ago, you had recently started writing a tween book involving a young girl who solves mysteries. It wasn't quite what you thought you were ever write in your life, but if it was a lot of fun, and it gave you some hope that there were girls out there that read this book when it got published and feel less alone in this world, like you wished you could've been.
You were in a good place right now, and Geralt was proud that you made progress in that area.
At this moment, you and the witcher were enjoying drinks and stew at a local pub while the man was conversing with you. You weren't exactly paying attention, as you were fixated on the television screen behind your boyfriend.
Geralt took notice and turned around to see it was the news. It was an interview about a famous person you were once friends with; royalty to be exact. "If you want to watch that, it's okay," he assures. "What, no it's-" "It's fine," Geralt assures again, "you knew this man, there's not need to be cryptic about all this." "I'm not!" you get defensive, "I'm in a good place right now, I don't want to get involved in all that other stuff." "Fine," Geralt nods, "but it's seems rather strange that you haven't mentioned this man much before and you used to be best friends with him and he's royalty." "Well I wouldn't say that," you admit, "Phillipa is more my best, best friend." "You don't talk about Phillipa either." "I don't know what her job is, and it's too late for me to ask," you admit. "And you were married into royalty once," Geralt continues, "you've never talked about that part of your life either."
"You talk about you're past life either!" you get more defensive, "You want to talk about past life and keeping secrets? I've lived at Kaer Morhen for the last eight months and I...I still haven't met your...daughter."
"Oh," Geralt realizes, "Okay, but, uh, I don't think you want to meet Ciri." "Of course I do," you insist. "Alright," Geralt agrees, "let's get dinner tomorrow." "Tomorrow, tomorrow?"
--------late afternoon the next day-------------
"So, Cirilla right?" you say, feeling nervous about meeting Geralt's daughter for the first time. You never had kids of your own, nor did you really want them, but it felt like a big step to meet Ciri for the first time, and you wanted to make a good first impression, "It's really nice to meet you."
"Hey," Ciri says, not sounding all that impressed. "Ciri, come on," Geralt encourages. "Good evening, ma'am," Ciri says rather sarcastically. Geralt was about to say something about that when noticed the jacket she was wearing, "What's this? Did you make the fencing team?" "Yep," Ciri says, feeling pride in her accomplishment, "I beat everyone on the tryouts, kicked their asses to curb." "Wow, that's great." "That's amazing," you and Geralt say, "Why didn't you say anything?" "I wanted to wait for the jacket," Ciri shrugs.
"I'm so proud of you Ciri," Geralt says, the pride really showing in his tone, "We should get Zoltan's shepherd's pie to celebrate." "Ooh, I'll-" "I'm getting the pie," Geralt stands up to order the pie before you could do anything.
Once Geralt left, Ciri resumed the same attitude she had before making that announcement. "So...fencing," you say, attempting to break the awkward silence, "that's a pretty big deal, huh?" "What's your deal?" Ciri asks, getting to the point. "Uh, excuse me?" "Geralt has a thing for broken women," Ciri explains, eyes narrowed at you, "then he nurses them back to health, and when they're  better, they leave. You going to leave him?"
"Does, Geralt think I'm going to leave him?" you frown in confusion. "It doesn't really matter," Ciri shrugs, smug grin on her face, "because eventually Geralt will be getting back Yennefer. They're still in love." "What? No!" you scoff, nearly laughing at the idea that Geralt could still have feelings for the sorceress based on the number of fights you've seen him have with Yennefer over the phone, "they hate each other." "No they don't," Ciri says in denial. "They fight all the time," you insist.
"Oh...really?" Ciri seemed to go sad. Did she really not know? Perhaps she did and had been in denial this whole time about it. That was when Ciri broke down in tears. "My dad hates my mom?!" "No!" you say, trying to deescalate the situation, "of course not." "Then why did you say that?!!" Ciri sobs, "you're so mean."
By the time Geralt came back with the pies, Ciri had her head down on the table, bawling her eyes out and you with your head in your hands. "I was only gone for two minutes," Geralt merely says.
------------time skip-----------------
As time progressed, you finally managed to finish your book. All you needed to do now was to go through it over again to see if there was anything that needed editing.
You were at Kaer Morhen making the final changes when Ciri came around. She'd been visiting earlier today with some friends of hers (friends who weren't quite into the genre of your book and made it clear it wasn't something they'd be into).
"I guess that book of yours is near about finished," she states. "Just about," you say, reading over the manuscript, "I'm not sure how well it's going to do, but if it'll make a few little girls in this world less alone, I think I may have accomplished what I wanted to with this book."
"Well I did have some questions about it after reading it myself," Ciri admits. "I thought you said this book was for babies," you point out. "Well I couldn't really said what I thought in front of my friends," Ciri says. You internally roll eyes, figuring Ciri was going through some 'Cool Girl' phase that most girls her age went through (worth noting most of her friends were boys, making her 'one of the guys' thing).
"Anyway," Ciri continues, "I did notice one thing. You make references to the book taking place in Nilfgaard but the character Ana is from Dol Blathana." "And?" "Dol Blathana is not Nilfgaard." "Well, true, but it's PART of the Nilfgaard empire-" "Oh my gods! What's next?" Ciri exasperates, "Toussaint? Cintra?! All part of Nilfgaard? That's what you sound like, (y/n)."
"Okay," you say, smile on your face from this conversation, "Well...the due date for publication isn't for another few days, I think that's plenty of time to make the changes. Anything else I should add or subtract." "Mmmm, nothing else comes to mind," Ciri shrugs, "and...for what it's worth, I think this book will sell big. If anything, I think it'll make thousands of little girls in this world feel less alone. It kinda makes me wish I had a book like that when I lost my grandparents and was on the run for my life. It seems silly but...if I had something like that during that time, it would've help me feel less alone. Ana is someone I think young girls will be able to relate to."
You smile a bit. You may not have been able to bond as Ciri as much as you would like to, but this was something you were glad had made some impact into this young woman's life.
"I'm also glad Geralt found someone to be in his life," Ciri continues, "I really do hope this will last."
The day your book was published and finally hit the book stores, you went to Oxenfurt to sign books. You were surprised how many people actually came just to get your autographs. The book was making an impact, especially those in your target demographics, and surprisingly those beyond that.
People were in fact already asking if there was going to be a sequel. At this point, you might consider making an entire series.
When in the middle of your break, you get a phone call from Geralt. "Hey, Geralt," you answer. "(y/n), any reason Yennefer wants to treat me like a horse's arse right now?!" you hear the witcher exclaim from the other side of the phone.
"Depends, you wearing a sign on the back of your shirt that says you're a horses arse?" you ask in a joking manner. "I'm being serious," Geralt insists, "Yennefer recently got a job in Vizima, and she wants to pull Ciri out of school." "She can't do that." "Well technically she can, she has full custody," Geralt explains, "and don't get me wrong, I'm happy for Yen, but this whole thing sucks."
"Well, the surrounding area around Vizima must be filled to the brim with monsters," you point out, "they could probably use a witcher. And I can write wherever. You should go." "...Are you sure?" Geralt asks, wanting your input. "Of course," you insist, "If Ciri is going, we should go too."
"Oh, uh, very well then," Geralt says, sounding like he was smiling, "we're going to Vizima. For Ciri." "For Ciri," you say with a smile on your face.
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intrepidacious · 2 years
time after time [5]
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series summary: After what starts out as a fairly normal mission, you find yourself stuck in a time loop. Which would already be bad enough in itself if it didn’t also mean having to watch Bucky die over and over again.
pairing: bucky barnes x f!reader
word count: 10.9k
chapter warnings: nothing except the usual ones; another panic attack near the end; the riveting resolution of the coffee side quest? please note that my blog is rated 18+. minors dni. ageless/empty blogs will be blocked without warning.
a/n: after my week of technical difficulties (got shadowbanned, had a breakdown, bon appétit), this chapter finally made it to tumblr as well. thank you so much to everyone who reached out, it's meant more than you know!! <3 this one starts out fairly harmless and then i threw some punches again and for that i apologise
series masterlist | main masterlist | read on ao3
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five: carousel
The first mission they took you on was nothing short of a disaster.
It should have been simple, was simple, a quick extraction to get a microchip from this decimated group of criminals operating out of an abandoned toy store that Nat had discovered through one of her contacts. You were only supposed to tag along to get a feeling for being out in the field, an additional pair of eyes just in case things went south.
Did they ever.
Not only was the chip accidentally destroyed, your ensuing panic got you stuck for a good twenty minutes until the world started spinning again. Steve fell down a full flight of stairs when you reappeared out of thin air next to him the moment it did.
Needless to say, you went into hiding as soon as you got back to the Compound.
She gave you about an hour before the hatch in the floor boards opened, even though for you, it was much longer. She didn’t know that, though. You sat very still, your breath finally silent again. Maybe she didn’t know you were in here.
"I know you’re up here, Y/N."
You pulled the cape off your head with a sigh. Natasha grimaced.
"Don’t do that, I’m not talking to a floating head," she said with a shudder. "You know how weird that is?"
You huffed and let her pull the fabric into her lap, watching your own limbs reappear, your arms hugged around your knees. She sat down next to you, leaning against the wall with her eyes closed. You watched a spider scatter away from you.
"How did you even find me?" you asked quietly after she made no further attempts to speak to you.
"My sister had a similar hiding spot when we were little." You could hear the smile in her voice as she said it. "And you kicked up quite a bit of dust."
She didn’t elaborate on either of those things and you didn’t ask, even though you wanted to. Anything that could get your mind off what happened.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
"Yeah," you said dryly. "That’s why I’m sitting in the supply closet."
"That’s exactly what I told Steve." Your face fell again, but hers didn’t. "He’s alright. Or he will be, once he forgives me for laughing at him for five minutes."
That didn’t make you feel any better. "I fucked up today," you said softly, your voice still rough.
"You didn’t do anything wrong."
"I did, though. I literally froze as soon as things went wrong, and the chip—"
"Is expendable," Natasha interrupted calmly.
You shook your head. "I only mess everything up for you guys. I’m not a real agent, and my powers just make things worse, and I should just—"
"Do you realize that this thing you were given can be a gift?" You cringed and started turning away, but Natasha reached out for you, a gentle hand on your arm. "I mean it. You think every time you’re unable to use your powers is your personal failure, but you don’t see how every time you are able to use them is precious."
There was a delicate hue to her green eyes, a weariness that was visible even in the dim light of the closet. For the first time, you had the feeling she let you see something she usually wouldn’t.
"Our lives … they’re hard," she went on. "Unpredictable. We live on borrowed time. And you get to have more of it. That’s …" You waited for the words you’d heard before. Invaluable. Instrumental. Priceless. "Beautiful."
You swallowed hard. "Is that why you took me on? For the team?"
Nat looked at you for so long you were almost sure she wasn’t going to answer your question. Then, she said, "I took you on because you needed a reason to get up in the morning."
You stared at her, your nails digging into the palm of your hand until it hurt more than the ache in your chest. Natasha kept looking at you as she continued.
"I lost a lot of people over the years, you know. But never like this. Never this many at once. Something like that …" She trailed off, her eyes wet. "The entire planet was grieving and struggling and blaming us, because at that point hardly anyone understood any of it apart from the fact that the Avengers were involved. And then one day, out of nowhere, a letter materialized on our doorstep, and the security cameras didn’t show a thing." Her grip on your arm tightened, as if she needed to steady herself. "Do you remember what you wrote?"
I’m sorry for your loss.
You’d struggled to put it down for days, because how else could you apologize for something you might have been able to prevent had you only been there instead of hiding? In the end, you’d only added your name and the address of that diner in Brooklyn where you picked up a few shifts after their waitress had been blipped.
You’d gotten a call less than twenty-four hours later.
"You were the first person to say that," Nat continued, because she could see the memories flit across your face as easily as others watched a movie. "And yet, when you got here, you looked as guilty as if you’d personally murdered every single one of the Vanished."
"Well, if I’d been with you—"
"Stop it." For the first time, her voice was sharp. Your mouth fell closed. "We’re all trying to do better, right?"
You could only nod.
"That’s all anybody here is ever going to ask of you. And sometimes 'better' is just getting one hell of a kick in during a mission. Don’t think I didn’t see that."
You smiled ever so slightly. "I have a pretty good teacher."
"Yeah, you do." She shoved your shoulder lightly. "You can’t do more than show up and do your best, honey."
"My best looks like a dead possum next to yours."
"Then stop looking at me." Natasha got up to her feet slowly, patting you on the knee when she did. "Unless it’s for a post mission wind down because I have a movie queued up and I know where Steve hid the cookies."
"Can I have my cape back?"
"Nope." She folded it up with the green side out, letting it hang loosely over her arm. "You’re supposed to use it to hide from your enemies, not your friends."
You didn’t attempt to argue further, warmth rising to your cheeks.
"Nat?" She turned again, halfway down the hatch, caught by the emotion in your voice. "Thank you."
Her smile told you that, as always, she understood.
There simply isn’t a world in which you can do this even one more time. It’s too much.
"You need to sort out your priorities," Sam says, zero sympathy in his voice. Bucky has the audacity to look amused.
"I’m serious," you say, looking between the two of them. "My day is bad enough already. I don’t care where we order, but it’s not going to be Italian unless you want me to puke on your cat."
Over the past couple of weeks, you’ve eaten your way through the entirety of your pizza place’s menu. If you have to smell the rank cheese Sam likes to order one more time, you can’t be held responsible for your actions.
"How about sushi?" Bucky says, and you almost start protesting out of habit before you realize that for once, he’s not arguing your side. You turn to Sam with an expectant grin.
"Fine," he grunts, shaking Alpine off his trouser leg as gently as he can while his nose twitches. "I guess Russian Doll has the right to choose his last meal."
Bucky frowns at him, but you gasp in delight. "Are you finally joining us in dark humor land, Sammy?"
He flips you off wordlessly as he leaves the room and you chuckle to yourself, pulling up the sushi menu on your phone. Alpine starts nibbling on the bandage around your foot that’s stretched out on the couch and you wiggle your toes a bit. It seems to entertain her.
"What," you ask when the staring becomes unbearable.
When you lift your gaze to meet Bucky’s, his jaw is clenched again, his eyes fixed on you with a distant expression in them. You tilt your head, and he lowers his.
"So what’s the plan?"
You send your part of the order to FRIDAY and put your phone to the side. "I have to get back to Strange to figure out how to stop this loop from happening again."
You’ve almost felt sorry to see your series of library heists break, even though you have no reason to feel his way. This is progress. Strange’s offer to help has been genuine enough so far, even though you hate paying him in answers.
Now that he’s not deliberately keeping you out anymore, getting to the astral plane has been a lot easier, at least, even though emptying your mind enough to cross over without a prior emotional breakdown has still proven somewhat difficult. Weirdly, it’s easiest on the couch.
Bucky nods shortly. "And what do I do?"
"Whatever you want."
He scoffs. "Right."
It makes your insides twist. "Bucky, as much as I hope that today is the last time we’re doing this, I can’t guarantee it. So you should just, I don’t know, enjoy yourself." You cringe even as you say it.
"I wanna come see Strange."
You blink, watching him clench and unclench his fists slowly, deliberating. The golden parts of his arm gleam in the sunlight. "Why?"
His voice, when he speaks, sounds haunted. "I can’t just sit around and do nothing."
Something in his voice sticks with you as you lie down on the couch and stare up at the ceiling. You’re not even sure if what he’s asking is possible.
"No, it’s not," Strange says bluntly. "Not as long as you’re in the loop."
"Why not?"
"Stop asking questions and focus."
With a roll of your eyes, you raise up your arms again. So far, you’ve spent most of your so-called lessons trying to make sense of the cryptic texts Strange makes you read and then summarize like you’re in fifth grade. If you’re not doing that, you’re talking him through the events of your July 4th, or explaining your powers to the best of your abilities, going through the motions and habits you’ve taught yourself over the years. It all feels like you’re revealing something very personal for someone else to judge.
You don’t care much for any of it.
"Is this supposed to teach me something new?" you ask, turning your thumb and first two fingers upwards again while your other hand balls into a fist by your side.Threads of sunlight glittering like spun gold. You take a breath and shake your head.
"Do you feel anything?"
Annoyance. You bite your tongue and reach out, carefully, like you would to a scared animal, searching for that old familiar feeling.
It takes a while.
Dim, at first, but clearly there, vibrating deep in your veins, hesitantly stumbling towards your hands like it was suprised, too, to be called upon again. Softly glowing embers slowly filling the void you’ve grown so hopelessly accustomed to.
You open your eyes to find the tiniest green spark dancing across your fingertips and almost laugh in relief.
"Interesting," Strange says.
You flick your fingers softly, once, twice, letting the spec of power grow until it’s the size of a pinhead, cradling it softly with your other hand as if to protect it from a gust of wind. Slowly, bit by bit, it settles back into your skin, and you feel it tingling all the way up to your ears.
Strange contemplates you for a long moment. "When did you get that cut?" he finally asks.
At this point, you should be used to his unfazedness. "Yesterday," you say, the 'obviously' clinging to every syllable. Riff was putting up a better fight than usual; or maybe you’re getting sloppy again.
Strange moves his right hand in that circular motion you’ve seen him do before, and the air in front of you cracks. It’s weird to see your own slightly translucent reflection suspended in the middle of your room. The gash on your cheek has barely had the chance to scab. You subconsciously reach for your necklace again.
"Look at the wound, and hold your hands like this."
You try and mimic Strange’s gesture. "I feel ridiculous." Like a mime. Or a really bad stage magician.
"Good," he says. "Now focus your powers, and follow my lead."
You watch Strange move his shaky hands out of the corner of your eye while trying to concentrate on that little spec of power you’ve felt earlier. Slowly, itchingly, the wound starts knitting itself together, as if it’s been healing for days. The skin smoothes over as if nothing had ever happened.
A rush of excitement goes through you at the sight, and there’s a stutter. With a flash of pain, the cut tears up again and you flinch, your hands falling.
"I told you to focus."
"Well, if only saying it made it happen," you snap, then try again. This time, you let go of your power more carefully, almost coaxing it down. The gash doesn’t heal completely, but at least it looks better than what you started with. Strange watches you closely, brow furrowed deeply in thought.
"Let’s try something different," he says, and with another flick of his wrist, the mirror vanishes again. "Sit down."
You bristle at the command, but obey. A sidelong glance confirms that your sleeping body’s cut on the cheek has somewhat improved as well. There seems to be something connecting the two of you after all.
"When is this here, anyway?" you ask.
Once again, he doesn’t give you an answer. With another quick movement he grabs something through a small portal and throws it at you without any regard to your reflexes. You grab it off the bed incredulously.
"That’s … a meditation CD."
"Congratulations," Strange says. "You can read."
"You’re not serious."
"Deadly." He unfastens his cloak, which flies over to drape itself over the reading chair like a blanket, and then joins you on the floor, crossing his legs as well. It’s bizarrely casual. "If you don’t learn to focus," he continues, "there’s no moving forward from this point."
You huff, holding the CD out for him to take back. He doesn’t. "I’ve tried meditation," you say impatiently. "It doesn’t work for me. My mind—it doesn’t work for me."
"Your mind what?"
"It’s too loud."
You put the CD on the ground with a little too much force, moving to twist your rings around again, but they’re still absent. Your nails dig into your skin, instead.
"Did you know I don’t really forget stuff? Did I tell you that?" You laugh humorlessly, because what else can you do. "Fun side effect of the traveling back and forth through time. I always know where I’ve been and what I’ve done, and what everyone else has done while I was there. All that information is in my head, all the time, and I can’t get rid of it."
"All the more reason to have it quiet down every once in a while," Strange says calmly.
You want to strangle him.
"Believe me, I’d love nothing more, but I can’t. It’s not like I’m a computer and you can do the whole 'Hello, this is IT, have you tried turning it off and on again?' It doesn’t work like that."
"You do know a lot about how things don’t work."
"Welcome to my world," you mutter, flexing your fingers and crossing your arms before you draw blood.
Strange sighs. "Your mind isn’t a hard drive. No matter what your powers entail, your brain is still human. And it needs to rest every once in a while."
For some reason, in the middle of this whole crazy situation, that thought settles. Maybe it’s because it’s possibly the first genuinely kind sentiment he’s shown you so far. Maybe you’re just tired of pushing.
"How?" It’s more a croak than a question.
"Just stay like that and breathe." You look at him incredulously and he raises an eyebrow. "What? No one said you have to think nothing. It’s fine if you just sit there with your thoughts."
There’s a short pause. "That sounds terrifying," you admit quietly.
Strange considers you for a long moment, as if he’s contemplating what to say, until he finally admits, "I know."
You blink awake slowly this time, as if gradually awakening from a deep sleep. The TV is on again, quietly chattering in the background, and a weight on your legs tells you that Alpine has found a new spot again.
A glance at your phone shows that surprisingly little time has passed. When you sit up, the white cat on top of you complaining loudly, you can see Sam leaning against the kitchen counter, laptop closed, talking to Sarah on the phone.
The fact that you’re not alone quite yet is weirdly comforting.
In a moment of sleepy contentment, you reach out to scratch Alpine under the chin like you’ve seen Bucky do countless times. Curiously, she lets you without immediately extending her claws. At least for a moment.
"You’re awake."
Immediately, Alpine loses interest in you and jumps onto the backrest of the couch to nestle her head into Bucky’s palm. You roll your eyes.
"Keen observation, sarge."
He slowly peels his gloves off, not quite looking at you. "What did he say?"
Right. There was that.
"Nothing, to be honest," you say, folding up the throw blanket Sam must have put over you while you were sleeping. "Apart from the fact that he really can’t actually do as much as one would think."
"Can’t, or doesn’t want to?"
You shrug. "Same difference."
Despite everything, somehow you feel inclined to believe that there really isn’t a way to get Bucky to the astral plane, though. After all, things haven’t been normal ever since this loop began; and since you’re the only one who can lift it, maybe that also means you’re the only one who can do things like that.
You can only hope that at some point, something—anything—you do is going to stick.
Bucky studies your face, but doesn’t tell you whatever is still clearly gnawing at him. You don’t know why for a moment, you thought he would.
It reminds you of something you haven’t asked in a while.
"Is there something you want to tell me?"
His mouth opens, but he doesn’t speak immediately. "Like what?"
"It’s just …" You struggle with the words, as if your mind is still half-asleep. "In some of the loops, it was kind of …" You trail off when you notice he’s holding something in his other hand. "Did you go get coffee again?"
Bucky clears his throat. "Yeah. I thought since you didn’t get one earlier, ya know …"
You’ve stopped getting caffeinated drinks for yourself in the mornings to make it easier to get to that voidlike state you need to be in to enter the astral plane. It’s been making you rather irritable; though, truth be told, that might also be due to Strange’s charming personality.
"That’s nice," you say, reaching for the paper cup with your name on it, taking a sniff before tasting it carefully. It’s perfect. "I should change my habits," you say lightly, "if Lucy knows my order even if I don’t pick it up myself."
"Who’s Lucy?" Bucky says, sitting down on the couch next to you.
You stop yourself from rolling your eyes. "The pretty one on register? Stars and stripes on her cheeks?" He hums noncommittantly and you decide it’s not worth the effort. "What did you get?" you ask with a nod to the second cup.
"Just … coffee."
You squint to read the sticker, but he puts his fingers over it in a motion so smooth it almost hides its defensiveness. There’s the slightest hint of a grin on his face as you scowl, trying to catch his sleeve to get him to twist the writing back in your direction. Your thumb grazes cool metal and you still. Bucky does, too.
"Did she actually give you her number?"
Your laugh comes out through your nose, somehow, as if it’s not much more than a breath. The expression on Bucky’s face doesn’t quite fit his widening grin, or the slight tinge of pink on his cheeks, but you couldn’t say why.
"So?" he says. Alpine stares at you accusingly, settling in his lap once more.
"Nothing!" It comes out quickly. "I’m not surprised. I mean, she thinks you’re hot."
His eyebrow quirks. "Does she, now?"
You take a gulp of coffee so large it makes your eyes water. "Her shift’s probably over by now. You should call her."
"Why," Bucky says wryly.
"To take her out." Should you be weirded out by the fact that this is happening as soon as Bucky entered the store without you? You tug at the ring on your pinkie.
"Why do you want me to take her out if I’m gonna die later?" Bucky asks.
"Well, it might take your edge off for one."
"And why does my edge concern you?"
"Have you met yourself?" You shrug, your ears drumming. "Besides, it might be fun."
He doesn’t look at you as he takes a sip from his own coffee, as if still determined not to let you see his reaction. "You have a strange definition of fun."
Alpine yawns as if to agree. You stand up abruptly, suddenly nauseated from drinking too fast.
"I’m just gonna …"
Again, you don’t finish your sentence, and Bucky doesn’t stop you from grabbing your takeout containers and taking them with you to your room, where you stare at the toilet for a good minute, waiting for the queasiness to pass. Your meet your own gaze in the mirror.
The cut on your face looks better than it did a few hours ago.
You walk back into your bedroom and take a critical look at your bookcase.The Wind in the Willows is back in its place where it belongs. What isn’t there is the CD Strange finally managed to force upon you.
The rules of this multiverse crap are going to give you another migraine on top of your current one.
You sit down on the floor next to your window to eat, but your cheek keeps itching until you notice yourself tapping your chopsticks against the plastic container so hard soy sauce is splashing everywhere. With a displeased twitch of your mouth, you reach for your phone.
It rings for a very long time and you realize it’s already past midnight in Seoul when finally, there’s a voice on the other end.
"This better be good, agent Y/L/N."
Her voice is quiet, tired, and you press the phone to your ear even harder. "Can I ask you a hypothetical question?"
Doctor Helen Cho sighs deeply on the other end of the line, and you can almost picture her leaning back in her ergonomic office chair. "Alright."
You toy with the edges of the building scab on your cheek. "Is it possible for someone to go through physical changes and … not go through them at the same time?"
There’s a pause on the other end, followed by a sigh. "Are you asking me if Schrödinger’s cat is real or not?"
A living being that simultaneously is and isn’t dead? That’s a paradox you have an answer for.
The problem, as always, is you.
"Sort of. I don’t know." You bite your lip.
"You realize quantum mechanics is not exactly my specialty, right?" Even while she says that, you can hear the clicking of her keyboard. "You are talking about a body, I presume. A human one?"
"And the changes?"
You think of the cut and the writing and Bucky’s blood on your sheets. And your changed clothes. "They’re only to the body itself. Everything around stays the same. Pretty much like Schrödinger’s cat, I guess. Nothing about the box changes." Ever.
There’s another pause before Helen speaks again.
"Look, as far as I know—and with all these new and upcoming aliens and superheroes and so on that have been appearing over the past couple of years that’s less and less, mind you—but as far as I know, humans can only be in one state at one particular time. There’s ways to accelerate healing processes or even meddle with the body in other ways, but it’s still an either–or scenario."
"So, it’s impossible?" you ask, biting your cheek.
"It’s improbable, based on what I understand." Time has definitely started to bleed into itself, then. Great. "But like I said, that’s not really my area of expertise," she continues. "Speaking of, though, I got an e-mail from your new captain earlier."
"You did?" you ask, surprised. Sam hasn’t said anything to you, not today or any other iteration of it.
"You can tell him I’m hearing the same things he has," Helen says. "My lab wasn’t approached, but I have a colleague at a partner institution who left for Madripoor a couple of weeks ago."
You’ve barely thought about ULTIMATUM and their experiments since you laid everything out for Sam and Bucky earlier this morning. Another wave of guilt flashes through you.
"I’ll tell him," you say tonelessly. "Thanks, Helen."
"In this hypothetical of yours," Helen says before you can hang up. "Who’s the observing party?"
You watch the green symbols circle around your wrist, once, twice, three times. "I’m not sure yet."
You stare at them for a while longer after the call disconnects.
"There’s nothing to observe when the flow of time is reduced to a single day," Strange says when you relay the question to him the next day, his voice dripping with annoyance.
"So there would be, usually?" you ask, eyes narrowing as you try to channel the flow of your powers into the palm of your hand, like he’s told you.
"It’s not a perfect comparison," he answers. "The cat is only dead or not because time passes. Time is only our way of perceiving space dimensionally."
"Time and relative dimension in space," you hum with a light smile. Your palm starts tingling. "But if it’s not that, either, then … I still feel like there has to be something I’m missing here."
Every single review of the mission fills in another piece of the puzzle, the map of the lab you draw on the whiteboard growing more and more detailed each day, but still, it’s never enough. You miss the way Steve would draw out detailed building plans and escape routes before any mission, such ease to the stroke of his pen; your own talent for drawing is borderline abysmal by comparison.
The green shimmer around your hand dissipates again. Strange groans, fingers massaging his temple like he, too, is getting a headache from this stupid realm. His cloak wipes a bead of sweat from his forehead.
"What you’re missing," he says through gritted teeth, "is the point of this exercise."
"Enlighten me," you snap back.
You watch him take a deep breath before he answers. "Do you, or do you not realize that this isn’t all about you?"
You huff. "If you say something like this is the universe imparting a message upon me, I got that point. The message is that I suck at what I’m doing."
"If that’s the message, then how come you’re not the one who’s really getting knocked around every single day?"
The anger and remorse that wash over you make your power flare up like a bolt of electricity, your fingertips and the dark of your eyes flashing an eery shade of green. You can feel the little hairs in the back of your neck stand up. Strange only looks at you, his expression unexpectedly somber.
"At least he doesn’t remember," you say tonelessly.
Strange smiles, but there’s no joy in it. "Indeed," he says.
The rush ebbs off, bit by bit, and you blink to get rid of the last of the strange double vision you sometimes get when time stutters again.
"You keep telling a man he will die today because you think that’s best for him," Strange goes on. "Better than him getting to choose his own path. Have you ever paid attention to how he spends his last precious hours once he knows?"
Of course you have. Sitting around in the Tower, going over mission plans again and again. Getting coffee. Lurking in doorways, leaning against walls, thinking, talking, looking.
It’s all time spent with you, and Sam, and Alpine.
It’s weird that you shouldn’t have realized this fact when in the beginning, you kept wondering about the time he came back to the Tower. Because before you’ve started telling him, Bucky always left.
Maybe that’s what you’re missing.
"Careful," Strange says, noticing your change in expression.
"You know me, doc," you answer, letting the power crackle again ever so slightly. It’s a thrill, getting to feel it again. "Careful’s basically my middle name."
"Doesn’t matter," Bucky says when you ask him what he’d be up to if you hadn’t told him about the loop.
"Oh no, leave me out of this. That’s his thing," Sam says when you ask him about the whole thing, and he so clearly knows what it is and yet refuses to tell you.
"None of your business," Bucky says when you press the matter, his jaw clenched tightly, and you hate to do this, but you don’t exactly have limitless options here. Besides, it’s the first new idea you’ve had in a while, which means there’s an almost moral obligation for you to go through with it. And still.
This feels wrong, you think when Sam comes to knock at your door and you throw on your gym clothes, pulling the sweatband over your wrist tightly.
This feels wrong, you think when you climb into the ring as if nothing had ever happened, as if this was just a normal day. Your side is still a little sore, but you’re able to play it off as a scratch with ease. How would he know to call you out on it?
This feels wrong, you think when you close your eyes as you lie on the mat and wait. You promised.
"You look like shit."
Your head turns like muscle memory. "Hey."
"Hi." Bucky’s eyebrow raises at your silence, but you’re not sure if the words aren’t just going to come bursting out of you. You have a tell. "You alright?"
Your grin tastes just a little bitter. "Why wouldn’t I be?"
"Right." He doesn’t quite believe you, of course, but it’s fine. You can do this.
You turn your gaze back to the ceiling and try to recall the very first July 4th, the version of you that you were. She resists you slipping her back on, but you take another deep breath, just like you’ve been practicing. A chuckle slips free.
"Fuck you, Barnes."
Your heart is still beating fast in your chest, but he must chalk it off to the training, because you can hear him huff. "There she is."
You close your eyes with a petulant sigh, just in case he can see your conscience written all over them. Again, you remind yourself that you tried asking him, that you tried everything else, that this is the only option you can think of right now.
"You’re horrible." It’s more like talking to yourself out loud, but of course Bucky doesn’t know that. And the sad truth is, he’s used to your temper.
"Take the towel on the right, I already used the other one."
You give an affirmative hum, waiting until you hear the door close behind him. Then, you rush to the showers, wasting no time to get ready and dressed again.
Bucky walks out the door of the Tower at precisely 09:43, a fact you know thanks to the time stamps on the security footage from the lobby you had FRIDAY pull up early on in the loop. This leaves you with a pretty small window of time to clean up, add another line to the tally on your thigh, and get back to your room to grab your stuff without making what you’re doing to obvious to either him or Sam. You have FRIDAY call up the elevator with barely a minute to spare, going down to the second floor and quickly heading towards the stairs. Behind you, the elevator dings once.
You basically sprint downstairs, readjusting your backpack. You almost barrel into the fire door, peering through the window into the lobby after another glance at your watch. Only a few seconds later, you can see Bucky walk across the entrance hall, the usual resting scowl on his face as he looks around once and then ducks out the side door.
You tug the cap you found at the back of your closet deeper into your face and start after him.
This feels wrong, and it’s a terrible idea, you can’t help but think as you watch him head down Lex, hands stuffed into the pockets of his leather jacket. His strides are long, but unhurried, and even though you know he’s the furthest thing from vulnerable, the fact that you’re seeing him unguarded like this doesn’t sit right with you. Nevertheless, you continue.
You expect him to head for the subway, but instead, he turns left after the Chrysler Building, going east. With a slightly confused frown, you briefly join a group of clearly lost tourists to cross the street and follow him back up Third Avenue. At least there’s just enough people around to make it easy enough for you to hide in a crowd, you suppose.
You’re going to follow him, and find out what he’s up to, and then you’re going to see if and how it all connects to this stupid loop.
Easy as that.
It’s about an hour and a half later when you seriously start cursing Bucky’s name. Inexplicably, he’s still just walking around the streets of Manhattan like a fucking peasant. Your clothes are sticking to your body in ways you don’t care to describe, and you’re sick of having to pretend to be interested in shitty Independance Day memorabilia and battered paperbacks on sale while trying to avoid eye contact with the people trying to sell them to you.
You’re also pretty sure you’re walking around in circles.
Letting your head fall into your neck, you blink up into the bright sunlight from underneath the shade of your cap. As always, there is not a single cloud in sight, a perfect Friday in July. It’s making your eyes burn.
You glance back at Bucky, who has continued walking after taking a look at his phone, and sigh. All of this would be so much easier with your powers.
"What on earth are you up to," you mumble to yourself as you watch him take another left.
You count to ten before rounding the corner as well—and then you yelp when you almost slam into Bucky’s chest.
"What are you doing?" He doesn’t sound annoyed at all; more entertained. You take a step back, assessing, but his face doesn’t betray him whatsoever.
"Going on a walk," you try cautiously.
"Yeah, right." He tilts his head, features despicably neutral. "Why are you following me?"
"I’m not?" He stares at you, and you groan. "Fine. I just wanted to see where you’re going?"
"Why?" There’s an edge to his voice that you can’t quite make sense of, but your thoughts tumble right over it, scrambling for an excuse and coming up empty. The glint in his eye is distracting.
"Because …" Because you don’t know what else to do at this point. "I don’t know, I was just curious."
Bucky raises an eyebrow. "That’s a lot of dedication when you could’ve just asked."
You look at him doubtfully. "So you’d have told me?" you say, already knowing the answer.
"No." He puts his hands back into his pockets and turns around, leaving you standing there staring at his back.
"Well, there you go then," you shout and start to follow along again. You take the stupid hat off with a sigh and stuff it into the backpack, wiping sweat off your forehead. "How long did you know I was there?"
Bucky shrugs. "About when I got outside."
"Seriously." He stares at you over his shoulder. "Seriously?!"
"You came down the stairs," he says, shaking his head. "And in a Yankees cap."
"Don’t tell me you suddenly like baseball."
"I might like baseball," you mumble. "It’s a very fine … ball sport."
He snorts. "Sure ya do. I’ll remind you next time the game’s on."
"Circling back," you quickly change the subject, "why the fuck did you make me chase you halfway across Midtown if you knew I was there anyway?"
"It was funny." The shit-eating grin spreading on his face surprises you so much you stumble over your own feet. His arm extends to stop your fall if necessary, as if on instinct. "You know," he continues, "I thought you’d lost me on Times Square. Almost asked one of those guys in costume to help you out."
You slap his hand away. "You’re the worst, Barnes."
"And you’re a shit spy, time powers or not." The smile changes, but stays. Somehow, you’re glad.
Your fingers twitch inside your own pockets, your thumbs tracing along your rings. "So," you say, suppressing the nervous chuckle. "Where are we actually going?"
"Don’t know yet." Bucky turns his head to look out for cars before he continues walking. It takes you a second to match his pace again.
"What do you mean, you don’t know."
"Well, I had to cancel my plans because I got an amateur stalker on my heels."
"Wow." You squint at him and the blinding sunshine behind his head. "And you’re calling me stubborn."
"To your face? I would never."
Oh, you hate this.
"So we’re actually just walking around town for the hell of it." And you’ve done all of this for nothing.
The realization that you wasted yet another day by thinking you could be sneaky around Bucky almost takes you down a spiral, and you don’t even notice he’s still talking to you until he ducks his head to catch your eye. "Huh?"
"I said I’ll buy you a coffee. Think you might need it." He pauses. "That is, if you wanna."
"I could always go for coffee," you say, and it’s true. First, though, you should tell him. Rip the band-aid off and get it over with. "Listen, I—"
But then he looks at you, his eyes impossibly blue in the sunshine, and for the first time in weeks, you don’t have to deal with that damn preciousness in them, because he doesn’t know. He doesn’t know what’s going to happen, and so he just looks at you like he has a thousand times before, the normalcy of it like a breath of fresh air after his eyes have dragged you under again and again.
How come you’re not the one who’s really getting knocked around every single day?
Maybe it’d really be a kindness to spare him the news, just once. It’s still so early.
"What?" Bucky asks when the silence stretches.
You think of the ever unchanging Tower and the neverending pizza delivery and the fact that you hate this. You hate lying to him. You do it anyway.
Just once.
"I thought of something, but it doesn’t matter now," you say. "We have time."
"Are you gonna tell me what’s up with you?"
You pretend not to hear him, shuffling the straws around in their container until they look a bit more orderly. Even though you’re not working, even though this isn’t even your store, it’s hard to shake the need to feel useful. Particularly if you’re trying to ignore Bucky’s gaze burning into your neck.
You’re saved by your name being called out because your coffee is ready. For some reason, you half-expect him to swoop in front of you and take the drinks himself, but of course he doesn’t. Why would he?
With a shake of your head, you rid yourself of the ridiculous thought and hand Bucky his coffee without looking at him.
"You know," you say, stepping out of the crowded Starbucks into the sunshine. "I have a blanket somewhere in here." You point at your backpack. "We could try to fight for a spot in the park."
There’s a pause, and then Bucky sighs. "What else do you have in there, anyway?"
"Spy stuff."
You don’t expect him to find that funny, but he snorts slightly. Then, like a habit he can’t break, his gaze falls on your hands again.
"I’m just tired," you say wearily before he presses the matter.
"You should try the floor," Bucky says. "If you can’t sleep."
It helps, sometimes. "I’ll keep that in mind."
You take a sip of your coffee and scrunch your nose when you realize it isn’t what you ordered for yourself; it’s what you ordered for him. In your haste to change the topic earlier, you must have switched the cups.
"Sorry," you say, "this is actually—"
But you stop talking, because he’s already taking a tentative nip of yor drink, and then he licks his lips. And they curl slightly upwards.
He blinks a few times, as if he’s as surprised as you are, and tries again, less hesitantly this time. Then he looks at the writing on the cup. "Wait," he says, frowning, "I think you’ve got mine."
Your mouth closes, then opens again. "How do you know?" you finally say. "They both have my name on them."
"Yeah, but you always get the same thing," Bucky says, as if him knowing your order couldn’t possibly be news to you.
"It’s fine," you say when he tries to hand you your cup back. "Maybe I should try something different sometimes."
Bryant Park is already bustling with people, and it’s just about noon. The little green tables are all occupied by chess players and chatting families, the carousel horses manned with happily shrieking children.
Still, you find a place to spread out your blanket near the edge of the lawn, almost within talking distance of the Public Library’s security guard, who is currently on his first smoke break. You demonstratively sit down with your back to him. If ever a man took his job too seriously.
"Aren’t you hot in that?" you ask doubtfully when Bucky uncomfortably sits down opposite you, the collar of his leather jacket pushing up.
"'Course I am," he answers, not elaborating.
You let your eye roam through the park. "Terrible news," you say dryly. "Not a single person is looking at you, Sergeant Cool."
Bucky shakes his head, not looking at you.
"No one cares," you say, more sincerely this time. "Even if they did, they’re not gonna say anything. And they’ll have forgotten about you tomorrow."
He huffs again. "And you’re wonderin’ why I call you stubborn."
"I thought you didn’t do that to my face?"
He pulls his gloves off, throwing them on the blanket between you with his eyebrow raised. "Happy?"
In the bright sun, his left hand is gleaming, the inlets reflecting the light in a way that makes it dance across the cotton like swirls of pure gold. You smile and lean back, closing your eyes.
You don’t come to this park often, even though it’s not far from the Tower at all and it’s easier than returning to Central Park with all the memories it holds and that have turned more bitter than sweet after everything. It’s the same as with the library, you suppose. Sometimes you don’t even know you’re missing something until you find yourself in the middle of it.
It might have been a Saturday, you think, the last time you were here. What a concept; Saturday. You sit with the thought for a while, and then you let it drift away, just like you’ve been practicing.
It’s such an unexpected feeling, to get to experience this moment of quiet reprieve when lately, most of your time in this loop has been spent studying, or training, or fighting. You already know you’re getting another talking-to if you don’t return to the astral plane at all today; but it’s just the one day. Surely, you can be allowed one day.
Your brain craves it more than anything.
When you open your eyes again, Bucky is contemplating your backpack with a frown so oddly different than the one you’ve gotten used to in previous loops. He seems so … It takes you a while to come up with the right word, because somehow, it makes you think of Alpine, and that doesn’t make any sense at all. Comfortable. He seems comfortable.
His shoulders are relaxed, his jaw unclenched, and even though he’s still wearing the jacket, his eyes aren’t flitting around to assess everyone within sight. His head tilts slightly.
"Are you trying to see through it?" you say, and the dryness tastes wrong on your tongue.
Bucky nudges the backpack with his foot. "Just wonderin’ what you thought you were gonna be up to."
"I like to come prepared."
"Since when?"
Well, ever since resetting has kind of stopped being an option whatsoever. "This isn’t gonna turn into one of your 'constant vigilance' talks, is it, Moody?" you say lightly.
He looks at you again, and you’re not really sure if that’s better or worse. "You’re deflecting, doll."
"Well, what do I know!" you say. It’s worse, definitely worse, but you don’t know why. "You might have been off on a covert mission or visiting a secret girlfriend or buying a beehive to put on the roof or—"
He unzips the backpack. "So you brought a blanket, a baseball cap, binoculars and a banana?"
You try to bite your tongue, but it’s impossible. "I was kind of set on the bee scenario."
Bucky laughs.
Genuinely laughs. His nose scrunches up, his eyes creasing and his head thrown back a little, shaking with a quiet and almost childish glee as you blink at the unusual sight. It’s over almost as suddenly as it began, but … still. A warmth spreads from your chest to your cheeks as you watch him, your own smile almost hesitant by comparison.
Joy looks good on him.
It leaves a twinkle in his eye even as the laughter subsides, like specs of sunlight.
"What?" he says, his mouth still twitching.
"You seem happy." And it’s astonishing.
Bucky shakes his head slightly, and if you didn’t know any better, you’d think he’s blushing. "No need to sound so shocked about it."
"You sure?" you ask, your voice cracking only a little. "I feel like I need to call an ambulance."
"Shut up."
"Or Area 51. I think you might’ve been swapped with an alien doppelganger." You sit up properly. "Tell me something only the real Bucky would know. Oh, wait. He wouldn’t have told me, either."
"You are the most dramatic person I know, you know that?"
"You’re one to talk, Sergeant I Need Nobody’s Help, I Will Jump Out Of  A Plane Without A Parachute."
"So many rank drops today."
"Now who’s deflecting?"
"I take calculated risks."
Except he doesn’t even know his calculator is broken.
Bucky stares at you. "What’s that even supposed to mean?"
You didn’t mean to say it out loud. Not today. Your fingers twitch automatically to take it back, but of course, nothing happens. Nothing apart from his attention being brought back to your black rings.
"What did you do?"
The concern in his voice is quiet, but it’s there nevertheless, and it makes your heart ache, long desperately for it to go away, to be replaced by the joy that was there mere seconds ago. You want to make this day stop, make the world stop so you can continue living in that ease of just sitting here and laughing together without thinking about anything else.
And then you realize what’s really happening, and the world chokes, like something falling into place.
For a moment, you can’t breathe as you look at him, whole and confused and missing parts he can’t even remember leaving with you, and you feel as though your heart might stop because the only thought running through your head is Please, not now. Not now. Not now. Every single beat is an echoing no inside your mind.
You are so fucked up, you think, but you can’t find it in you to stop looking at his face, nearly flinching as you shove the feeling all the way down, down, down, until you can feel it like a brick in your stomach. It’s nauseating, like the vertigo you get at the very top of a roller coaster just before the car drops into freefall.
"I don’t know," you say tonelessly. He must have noticed your face change, he must have. So why doesn’t the frown deepen?
"Liar." Your heart is still pounding so loud he must hear it, even over the racket of children screaming in delight and cars blowing their horns in the distance.
Concern, you think again. Exact same thing that you see mirrored on Bucky’s face right now. You're concerned for your friend.
Roommate, really.
Guy you sometimes work with, professionally.
Exactly. That’s it. That has to be it.
You’re in deep enough shit already.
He’s still waiting for you to say something and you can hear the blood rushing in your ears, the buzzing in your head getting louder, and the only thing you can think to say is, once again, "I’m sorry."
Before Bucky can answer, his phone rings, and there’s the flicker of annoyance you’ve been waiting for.
"Hold that thought," he says. "Sam?"
Your heart sinks as Bucky presses his phone to his ear, reality catching up with you again. You try to rearrange your features into a neutrally curious expression when he glances back at you, but you’re probably failing horribly.
"No, I’m good, I didn’t end up going.Yeah. Alright."
You clear your throat as he hangs up. "So. Sam’s about to give his big speech then?"
Bucky looks bemused. "I’d hope not. That was hours ago."
Confused, you look at your watch. Then you look at Bucky’s watch. Then you look at your phone.
Even though you can’t have been sitting here for more than thirty minutes, every clock you look at tells you it’s past 4 p.m. Confused, you twist your rings around your fingers, one by one, but they’re as pitch black as ever, and yet somehow …
"Should we go?" you ask, your voice just a little pitchy.
Bucky gazes at you for a very long moment, and then gets up to his feet and holds out his hand to pull you up. He still hasn’t put his gloves back on.
You take it.
"You’re really off today," he remarks and you hum noncommittantly as you fold the blanket back up and unceremoniously stuff it into the backpack. He shoulders it himself before you can grab it. "You’re just gonna complain again," he says, even though the Tower isn’t that far.
You don’t say anything, though, just trudging behind him without a glance back.
Probably because of the time of day, 42nd street is packed. You watch Bucky pass through the crowd with his head downcast and his hands back in his pockets. If it’s been a struggle not to get separated from him earlier this morning, it’s near impossible now.
He looks over his shoulder when, for the third time, several people have pushed between the two of you, and you shrug helplessly as you try to catch up to him. Again, you can’t help but think this would be so much easier with your powers working the way they’re supposed to; just stopping everyone else for a second while you move past them.
"Sorry," you mumble when you reach him waiting for you at a crossing. All of a sudden, you feel how tired you’ve been for a while.
"Wanna just go home?" Bucky asks.
"That’d be nice," you say, cringing at the thought of having to change immediately once you get back. Sam is probably already impatient.
Bucky’s mouth twitches. "Don’t make this a thing."
And then he takes your hand again and links his fingers with yours as if he’s done it a thousand times before. The light changes to green, but you don’t move, and Bucky softly tugs to get your attention. His hand is solid and warm in yours, and it does nothing to ease the feelings of unease and contentment that mingle in your stomach with his touch.
Neither does the fact that as soon as the crowd disperses and you slowly, reluctantly let go of his hand, he steps out into the street with his head half-turned to you and—well.
You wake up with a start to the sun in your face and FRIDAY blasting The All-American Rejects at full volume, and it’s like the air is getting knocked out of your lungs.
After that, the days start to blur.
"Why would it have anything to do with the mission?" Strange asks, and you can’t decide whether he sounds condescending or genuinely confused.
"Because it’s never happened before then, maybe?" you say, throwing up your arms. "I don’t know!"
"The loop is tied to you, not the other way around. If Sergeant Barnes has only ever died during the mission before today, the only other variable in that equation is you."
His cloak curls at the seams in a way that’s almost apologetic. What a stupid thing to say about a piece of magical fabric, you think.
"Great," you huff, sitting down on the ground and crossing your arms in order to not shake violently. "So first time’s skipping and now if I spend time with him, he’s just gonna die earlier?"
There’s a pause as Strange frowns. "Show me your wrist."
You press your lips together tightly and hold out the arm with the swirling green symbols. Strange examines it with a particularly grim expression.
"Just say it," you mutter when it becomes unbearable.
"Time is a precious thread in the fabric of the universe," he says, dropping your hand. His silver eyes are very serious. "You don’t get an endless supply of it."
"I literally do," you reply, flourishing your wrist demonstratively. "That’s the whole problem."
"No." Strange shakes his head. "Your reality is going to collapse if time can’t move on from where it’s stuck. Not today, not tomorrow, but it will happen."
You stare at him with wide eyes. "What does that mean?"
"It means, no more distractions. Things are detereorating more quickly than I’d hoped." He sighs, and there’s something about his demeanor that lets real fear course through your bones for the first time in a while.
"Okay," you say, swallowing it down. "Let’s do some overtime, then."
"I’m afraid that’s not how it works. Look at her."
You glance at your sleeping body, stirring in her sleep.
"You asked when this is," Strange continues. "That’s the thing with this version of the astral plane. It’s unstable. It only exists between dreaming and waking, and so our time here is very limited. You are then, and now. Past and present and future all folded into each other and wrapped into one. The nature of time doesn’t like this."
"So, what?" You laugh humorlessly. "I go through an endless day, and then reality crumbles anyway?"
"Do you understand now why it’s so important that you get a grip on your powers?"
Because you’re the one who created the loop, and therefore the only person who can untangle it again.
"So no pressure then," you say tonelessly.
"All of the pressure, I’m afraid," Strange says grimly. "There’s really no time to waste anymore."
"When we live such fragile lives, it’s the best way we survive. I go around a time or two, just to waste my time with you."
Your head has started pounding to the beat of the song and Sam’s fist at your door, but you keep staring at the ceiling, unmoving. It all just starts over.
Even this godawful song.
"Tell me all that you’ve thrown away. Find out games you don’t wanna play."
You must admit, the universe has a certain sense of cruel humor. Not that that’s any news. It doesn’t fucking matter what you do any of these days, because the outcome stays the exact same, and there’s a moment each and every time where Bucky knows that, too. Only by then, it’s too late.
"Geez, I hate you."
You’re so tired.
"I know, Buck."
Fade to black. Back in with a blast and the sun in your face, FRIDAY blasting The—
"I’m coming in," Sam finally shouts from the other side of the door. "You better not be naked!"
You hear him enter, but you still don’t move. You’re busy replaying that look on Bucky’s face in your mind of the exact moment it goes wrong. It looks so pale, his mouth twitching downwards, a bit like with his coffee, but much more devastating.
Black out. Rewind. His eyes are on you, not even on the white jacket shooting him.
Black out. Rewind. The fingers on his metal hand grasp so tightly around your wrist you feel something move underneath your skin.
"What is going on with—Y/N!" You feel Sam rushing to your bedside in three long strides.
Right. You’re still covered in blood.
You can’t look away from his eyes until the last second. Black out. Rewind.
"FRIDAY, turn this shit off. Call an ambulance."
"Calling 911."
The sudden silence slams you back into the present with a start. "Cancel call," you say loudly, your voice only slightly shaking. "I’m fine, Sam."
"You don’t look fine!" He helps you sit up, looking you up and down, a sense of urgency still vibrating in his every movement, but of course, you’re not bleeding. "You look like you just shot a man and then rolled over."
"You’re not wrong," is all you get out before you start crying.
Black out. Rewind. God, you’re pathetic.
You shrink back from his arms, cradling your wrist to your chest. It’s starting to swell.
And yet, the green symbols swirl.
You’re not sure why you’re reacting like this now, after … you’re not sure. It’s not like this is your first time. Does that make you an even worse person? Probably.
Sam is talking to you, you recognize his voice, but you can’t focus on the words. You’re desperate to find something to focus your attention on, like you’ve been trying, training, grasping to do, but you’ve got nothing. Just numbness, a gaping nothingness, and the scars to prove you’re not just stuck in a nightmare but this is in fact your reality, and you are the only thing that remains while everything else resets in an endless cycle of hell, over and over and over again.
Nothing stays.
And you can’t help but feel like you’re running out of time, anyway.
This is ridiculous, you know that. You know you’re worrying Sam out of his mind, that you just need to focus, damnit, take a breath, stop crying, anything. Your incompetence to do any of these simple tasks is like another slap to the face.
Time passes, and doesn’t pass; it doesn’t matter at all whether you’re there for a minute or six hours, it’s all the same to you.
Through the fog of it all, Bucky’s voice is like your lighthouse.
And you despise yourself for it, even as you reach out for him.
"Hey," he says quietly, his hands rubbing circles into your back until he slowly, carefully pulls you out of your head back to earth. "It’s alright. Everything’s okay."
He says it over and over and over again until you nod slowly. It’s a pretty lie, after all.
"What happened to your wrist?"
You know what you have to do, but that concerned undertone makes it so hard. You’re still not used to it, but you want to be. Fuck, you want … No.
It doesn’t matter.
"I need to tell you something," you whisper, barely loud enough for him to hear. "One more time. And then … Then that’s it."
You have to do this. Have to close yourself off emotionally. Distance yourself from Bucky in order to stay rational about this situation and find your way out. Treat this like you’re not involved at all; like this is just another puzzle for you to solve, and nothing else.
It’s the only way.
You’re going to fix this mess you’ve created, if it’s the last thing you do.
"If we die here tonight, I’m blaming you," you told Steve through chattering teeth, and he laughed at you. If you hadn’t still felt bad about his bruises—no matter that they’d already healed completely again—you might have kicked him in the shin.
You’d reached the point of wanting to kick Captain America on a concerningly regular basis.
This time, though, you felt completely within your rights, because you’d been training hard all week, and thanks to New York being just about the most disgustingly freezing place on the planet if they asked you, you really didn’t see the point of driving into the city to a random ice rink. Particularly not on an evening in early January when it was already dark outside.
"You’ll be warmed up in no time," Steve said and waved at Nat, who was already waiting for the two of you, the hood of her sweatshirt pulled up so the red roots of her hair stayed hidden.
"Couldn’t we have done this at the lake?" you asked, looking around wearily. The crowd was substantial.
"Sure," Nat said and put an arm around you. "Do you have about fifty friends we can invite so we can properly train your powers around other people?"
You grimaced. "There are children everywhere."
"Oh, yeah. Some of them went home early, but most opted to stay when I told them Steve would drop by."
You groaned. Of course they were Natasha’s Blip orphans; they had the same mischievous shimmer in their tired eyes. "Thanks for that, Nat."
"You’re so welcome," she answered, patting your shoulder. You narrowed your eyes when her coat shifted to the side.
"Is that my hoodie?" you said.
She looked down as if she hadn’t noticed what she was wearing at all. "Yeah, I think so."
"I was looking for that everywhere earlier!"
Natasha merely shrugged. "It’s your own fault for leaving your stuff in the dryer for anyone to take."
"Don’t pay attention to it, she does it to all of us," Steve said, putting an arm around her.
"That is not true."
"It is. You’re like a clothes hoarding dragon."
"Did you just call me a dragon?"
You didn’t listen to the rest of their bickering, because your eyes had started to water, and not because of the cold. It’d been a long time since you’ve felt this warmth inside, this feeling of belonging, of, well … family. It made your powers pulsate through your veins soothingly.
Still, the worry came back when they gave you a helmet and knee pads to wear.
"I’m a travesty on skates, but it’s not this bad," you told Natasha again when you shakily followed her to the rink entrance.
"We’re here to train, not to have fun," she said, taking your hands. Of course, she moved like a dancer even on the ice. "Well, both," she amended when you looked unconvinced. "Oh, don’t look at me like that, it was Steve’s idea."
"Then why is he sitting over there doing nothing?"
"He’s got the day off." She pulled you to the side of the rink. "Here’s what we’re gonna do," she said, pointing to the far end. "I’m going to close my eyes and you’re going to guide me straight through the middle to the other side."
You stared at her. "You’re insane."
Natasha ignored you. "One straight line, you tell me when to dodge someone. We’ll go slow."
"I don’t know how many times I can jump."
"It’s not exactly a life or death situation, Y/N. I can survive a few bruises and so can the kids."
"I’d rather not injure a child if you don’t mind," you say, trying not to sound hysterical.
"And I’m confident that you won’t. Do you trust me on this?"
You met Nat’s calm gaze and took a breath, even though the knot in your stomach tightened. "Fine."
"Such a vote of confidence," she snorted. "Just watch what they’re doing, and keep it in mind. Think of it like a dance recital. It’s all just a sequence of steps in a specific order."
You bit the inside of your cheek and nodded. Natasha closed her eyes. "Ready?" you asked.
She smiled. "I love this song."
You could barely hear the music over the thrum of adrenaline, but you supposed that was her way of saying yes. This’ll be the day that I die.
You pushed forward.
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chapter six
thank you for reading!! you can follow my library blog @intrepidacious-fics for update notifications 💚
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koala711 · 2 years
I Still Love You
[(ex)Kaeya X GN!Reader]
My butterflies still fly because of you. I hope yours still fly for me.
WARNING(s): grammatical errors that have sliped past my radar, cursing, drinking(mild)
Words: 2.1 k 
The world threw a ton of curveballs at you but this one hurt the most so far. It was the kind that made the wound on your heart open bit by bit.
So, maybe you had drunk a couple of shots.
Maybe it was to ignore the tuff of blue hair on the other side of the room.
Maybe it was to help get rid of your thoughts and create a buzz of sad silence.
"Dear Kaeya Alberich," you thought to yourself, gazing for what you promised was the last time at the man across the room(it was not). "Fuck you."
It was only after maybe 12 shots(your tolerance is very high) that you decided it was time to go home.
In all honesty, you should've left ages ago as soon as you saw that beautiful sapphire eye from across the room. It would've been easier for yourself.
... Right?
You had to admit to yourself that you wanted to see if he'd notice you at one point during the 2 hours you stayed. That maybe your gazes would lock once more and you'd both realize that maybe that breakup... was a mistake?
It was just bad timing in the end, anyways.
You kept pondering to yourself outside of the house, ignoring the blaring music and monotonous buzzing of the light up above.
Well, pondering as much as you could. Your brain could only muster insults at the man and yourself. Something about taking a chance and why or why not you should.
You didn't even notice the squirrel that sat a couple feet in front of you with a tilted head as if it were saying "you're weird" as you stumbled back and forth at the entrance.
It's been almost 3 years.
You thought you'd successfully buried your feelings and your past with him 6 feet in the ground, but seeing him triggered something.
Speaking of the devil himself, here he was coming out of the Kamisato’s household where the party was being held.
"Hi," you greeted with as much of a smile you could muster. "Fancy meeting you here."
You were only able to meet his eye once before hiding your gaze again, retreating to the flowers along the pathway.
"Thoma and I were grabbing some food earlier and invited me to tag along."
You hummed, nodding your head slowly and fidgeted with your sleeves. 
"So I assume you and Ayaka are still close," he continued, glancing at the door and back to you. 
"Haha, yeah. She's a great person."
Even in your slightly dazed state you could feel the awkward tension between the two of you. You wanted to get out of there but a part of you also wanted to stay. Besides, it's not like you'd called Sucrose to come pick you up yet.
You could stay a little longer.
You looked at Kaeya a he leaned against the post across from you. His hair was surprisingly a little frazzled. In the time you've known him, he's kept up his pristine looks throughout the day as if he were in a movie. Hair perfectly kepmt, clothes ironed and fitting to perfection, and skin as clear as day.
Maybe the drinks he was taking earlier made him a bit loose.
"I didn’t expect to have found you standing here alone." He stumbled across his words, not wanting the silence to prolong. "I thought you'd left a while ago."
He noticed you leaving?
"I..." You chuckled, and bit your lip out of habit. "I actually don't know." But you did. "I was supposed to call Sucrose to get me but I... haven't."
“I see you’re the same,” Kaeya chuckled. You raised an eyebrow and turned to him, wanting him to elaborate more. “Nothing bad, I promise. It’s just that no matter how sober you’d find yourself after a couple of drinks, you’d forget the simplest of things like your shoes.”
Did you now?
You could barely remember the moments. Then again, why would you remember them if you were the one that forgot?
You looked away quickly, feeling the blood rising to your cheeks. 
Embarrassed and flushed is how you felt. 
You kind of forgot what it was like to have someone that’ll always seem to notice and remember the small things you didn’t.
“It’s getting late.” You pushed a strand of hair behind your ear and shivered. The cold night’s breeze was not being kind to you and your short sleeves. “I should probably call Sucrose.”
“You’re not planning to stay out here the whole time, are you?” Kaeya asked in disbelief.
“It’s only thirty minutes.”
“And yet it’s been less than 10 minutes out here for you and you’re shivering.”
“I’ll be fine.”
You slipped into your bag and pulled out your phone, searching for Sucrose’s contact. It was pretty easy considering how you don’t have a lot of friends starting with the letter S.
Suddenly, you found a bit of warmth surrounding your shoulders and torso. 
Your body lit like a flame and tensed as you took in that familiar scent lingering on the clothes. A little bit of mint with something else you could never seem to put a finger on. It didn’t matter though. It has always been your favorite scent.
You grasped the collar of the coat and pulled it more around you, doing your best to ignore his gaze burning into your head. Words seemed to pile in your throat as you struggled to find the simplest of words as your mind continued in its static mess.
“Thank you, Kaeya.” 
There was a small pause before he’d answered as he stepped away from you and back to his side of the entrance. 
It was five steps back. 
“It’s my pleasure.” 
Biting the inside of your bottom lip, you looked at Sucrose’s contact on your phone.
All it took was 1 click. 
1 click to call Sucrose and then Kaeya would be back out of your life all over again.
“Still think you’re waiting out here for thirty minutes?”
“Hm?” You looked at Kaeya, meeting his gaze that seemed to have never left you. “I-I mean I don’t really have any other choice if I wanna avoid going in. You know how I am with parties.”
He chuckled, nodding his head. “I’ll admit, it was a surprise to find you here.”
“Yeah, I didn’t expect to find me here either, but I...” You looked towards the flowers once again, shoving your phone back into your pocket. “I mean, I don’t really... regret going.” 
If summer were a person, it’d be you. 
“Why the hell did I say that?” You thought to yourself, stuffing yourself deeper into the coat. 
He breathed a laugh at your words that have both lit and fueled the fire to his bonfire pit of mischief.
“I couldn’t help but notice; you’ve yet to call Sucrose,” Kaeya pointed out in your episode of embarrassment. “Any reason as to why?”
“I don’t know what you’re implying, Alberich. As you said, I’m quite forgetful after a couple of drinks,” You quickly stated. “Now get rid of that annoying smirk. I can practically hear it oozing from your words.” 
"You know, I wouldn’t mind taking you home. There is plenty of room in my car. Wouldn’t want you freezing out here, now would we?”
You bit the bottom of your lip and took a moment to ponder.
This situation was leading somewhere, and that somewhere could be either reckless or cautious. The route you wanted was the latter, and it was the safest. You cannot fuck this up again. Not when the world has graced you with this chance.
"Before I answer that," you began, twiddling with your fingers. "I've got some questions beforehand."
“Was us meeting here really a coincidence?"
"No," he chuckled shyly. "Thoma may have slipped in your name when talking about the party, and I may have shown a little interest."
"I have my afternoons off after 4 with weekends off as well. How much free time do you get these days?"
A little odd of a question, but this was one of the most important ones you needed. One of the big reasons you'd broken up was because you guys barely had time together.
"There are a lot of detectives working under Favonius, but I usually get assigned the longer jobs with a good amount of time in between unless its urgent. So, I'd say a decent amount of free time especially because there isn't that much crime in Mond, you know."
"Okay then. Final question..." Your hand was tight as your nerves ran through you like crazy. There he stood, less than an inch away from you. You could feel the warmth radiating off his body in this cold night. "Am I the only one getting butterflies right now?"
You could no longer hear the music that had been blaring in the background all throughout your conversation. You could only focus on one thing as you waited his response as he stood right in front of you. 
Kaeya was silent, staying only a couple inches from your face. The butterflies in your stomach were going rampant at the proximity. So much so a little part of you felt like you were going to throw up.
His kind and careful gaze never left yours as he traced his finger down your forehead and to your ear, tucking a small strand of hair that'd been led astray by the wind, leaving a tingling trail on your skin.
The two of you were silent for a moment before a short giggle left your throat, making you break eye contact and look down in embarrassment. The top of your head pressed against his chest and you could feel his heart beating like a horse in a race. 
That made you laugh once more.
You couldn't believe what was happening, and Archons were you flustered yet so very pleased.
"How about..." You trailed off, and looked up to meet his gaze once again with a smile. "We talk about this more in your car."
Just seeing the way your lips curl and eyes sparkle in the moonlight made Kaeya shy. This... This was just what he'd wanted and needed this whole time, just like you.
A second chance.
"30 minutes doesn't seem long enough," Kaeya pointed out, digging into his pocket for his keys.
Taking one step forward, he looked back at you and cocked his head towards the cars our front.
It was time you should go.
"Then maybe we can get something to eat on the way and sit for a bit. Any suggestions?"
You walked right next to him, pulling out your phone as you prepared to make a search.
"I've been craving some Sumerian food. Is there a place near Mond that serves some take out?"
"Ooh I know a perfect place! Lisa brought me to one a while ago, saying she'd always go there for her dinners when she went to the academy. I'll ask her for the name."
The two of you approached the car, continuing to make your plans for the night. Kaeya leaned over and opened the passenger's door, motioning for you to go on like he had many times before. Graciously, you accepted it and popped in, sending your last text to Sucrose telling her you'd be fine and that someone else was taking you home.
You sat there quietly, smiling as you watched Kaeya close the door and make his way around the front to the other side.
A ton of people say no when asked if they would get back with your ex, but your answer has never been definitive. It has always been filled with what if's and the things you and he could've done to make things right.
Maybe it was too hasty for the both of you to call your relationship off then in the difficult years of college, where the time you shared was bare to none. Where life decided to throw curveballs you couldn't miss and your temper was fueled by the lack of sleep and your patience dwindling by the second.
Maybe this time you could fix those patches.
Maybe this time you could both fix those patches.
You were willing to try, and from Kaeya's actions tonight, you could tell he was willing to try as well.
Hopefully things will turn out different.
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anneapocalypse · 1 year
Elaborating on my feelings about this post a little, particularly in the context of video of games with high replay value like Dragon Age (which may not have been what the op was talking about at all, but that's what was on my mind when I saw it)!
I definitely think a good game of this type should give you a complete and narratively satisfying experience if you play it through one way and never return to it. (I mean there are also games like Zero Escape where discovering every ending is part of the "complete" experience but that's not the kind of game we're talking about here.) You should be able to play a Dragon Age game once and enjoy it without feeling like you got an incomplete story, just like (in my opinion) you should be able to pick up the game and enjoy it without having seen other canon material that is by definition supplemental. (Whether these particular games succeed at the latter is another discussion for another post).
I love a book that rewards a re-read--Tamsyn Muir's Locked Tomb series really does this for me and I'm looking forward to re-reading them again before Alecto comes out, and I went back and checked and the OP even tagged Locked Tomb on that post which doesn't surprise me one bit. Because it's true! Going back and reading Gideon after you've read Harrow and understand more about both characters and know more about the world and have starting to pick up on the hints about the true nature of certain characters... it's a thrill! Not because the story was incomplete the first time or incomprehensible, but because now you have the additional context to see all the breadcrumbs the author was dropping in a new light and it's just so, so rewarding and so much fun.
And I also love games that give me high replay value not just because they're fun to play (and let's be real I am not starting my ninth run of DAO because I'm obsessed with the combat mechanics) but because every time I get to experience a slightly different story and see the world and the characters from different angles. There is so much more to experience that way than you can possibly get on one playthrough. (And that's good in this type of game! We want our choices to change the story.) In DA2 there are sides of characters you won't see if you've only taken the friendship route and never rivaled them. I've written before about the templar ending of DA2 and how it reveals things that the mage ending doesn't and yeah, it's a "bad" ending and not everyone wants to play it but it's still another story that has things to tell us about the world. (And I'd venture to say that sometimes, we don't necessarily realize we are talking from the basis of experiencing slightly different stories.)
I don't think a story should set out to confuse its audience (in general--there are instances where intentional misdirection serves a narrative purpose but that's a digression here) but I also enjoy the experience of playing a new game unspoiled and without walkthroughs the first time and letting the chips fall where they may, and maybe getting a "bad" outcome because I didn't fully get what a quest was about, because you only really get one shot at the Chaotic First Playthrough. Being confused because you're in a funhouse labyrinth but it's definitely leading you somewhere is different than being confused because the story doesn't make sense, you know? And that first playthrough isn't an incomplete story, it's just one of many different ways you can experience the game. There will be plenty of time after that to replay with more knowledge and build the perfect world state, or make it Worse, or just choose something different.
So yeah, a story should work on that first level, that single read or playthrough, in order to be successful, but my favorite ones are the ones that do give me a reason to come back, and either offer me a new experience or deepen the one I had before.
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hongism · 2 years
hiHI your timing was great my brain just fell down the moc brainrot rabbithole again now that i realised i missed an interim chapter SDFHDFJ
honestly my fave bits are seeing people go back and be hit with that ‘oh!’ realization of all the pieces falling into place and making sense it’s so so rewarding as a writer and im so glad to see it every time 🤧
ok WORM i prolly wont reread it right away bc its still very fresh, i wanna let it simmer a little 😌😌 but when i do. does this mean i have permission to come yelling in your ask box as i do SJDFHSDFJ or would you rather i just reblog it again and freak out in the tags/additions as per usual??
ofc i don’t mind indulging you, i always always ADORE answering questions and talking about the worldbuilding bc worldbuilding is my most favorite part about creating fics!!!
OK WORM [2] i will probably pop in w random questions from time to time when moc is on the mind then. which is... fairly often. im gonna start building a little hut in your ask box, i have a feeling im gonna be here a while 🤭 might as well get cozy!
there aren’t really ‘cellphones’ or smartphones like we would have but the wristbands go in place of that.
so its not even a matter of the crew just not having them, but they just arent a thing? thats interesting :0 i guess they had their priorities on intergalactic space travel rather than a little light brick of addiction and brainwashing. yknow, maybe they had the right idea. or maybe they just didn't need the internet when you already can brainwash people with a serum 🥴🥴🥴🥴
what a lot of the scenery and environment is meant to emulate is a sort of call back to past history and things of the past, or a clinging to this old tradition even if it’s not the more forward-thinking type of technology.
could you elaborate more on this? :0 like, you mentioned kebos reminiscent of ancient rome - is it like, Actually recreating the past that exists in-universe, like Was there an ancient rome equivalent that they are paying homage to, or is it just happening to become something similar to what we as readers know as ancient rome? does this mean the people of this universe are really big on tradition? was it more like the need for fancier newer n more novel tech just fizzled out when people realised they already had the fundamentals and thats all they needed to work on improving, as a society, or was it just never invented because (??)? or is this actually really early in this universe's timeline, where the origins of technology was more focused on travel and military than entertainment, and theyve just yet to cross that bridge yet? sorry if this is a lot of questions sDFJHSKDFHKsdf im still tryna wrap my head around this in particular. i didnt think abt the whole them being criminals and therefore downgrading their digital footprint for safety though, thats pretty smart. so does that imply that the internet does exist but criminals simply know better than to use it? ik you just said its something you dont feel like going into a heap of detail abt but KhGJKSKDFG
the idea of there being things like video games or vr headsets doesn’t feel like it necessarily fits with the idea and tone of the setting that’s already been constructed, and that was never something i thought i wanted to include from the very beginning of the idea. and that was a conscious decision just because from the start, i’ve wanted the story to be set in this fantastical universe of course but the plot and the characters are meant to be the focal point
you're right, it doesn't really fit with the vibe at all - it really does just feel like a typical pirate au, but in space. having san be a gamer and seonghwa being a film nerd would probably take away from that a little SJFKSKDF its not that i feel the story Should have more advanced tech elements, but more just me being curious abt all the in-universe Why's ykno. and tryna figure out what is and isnt possible with the realm of tech available. but it makes sense that you want to prioritise the characters themselves rather than the environment, which at first seemed less of the case w the amounts of planets in the profiles but i get it now that they just serve as catalysts for character growth with their pasts and such rather than an in-depth sinkhole of planetary lore just for the sake of immersion. (youve got plenty of immersion going on already with just the Rawness of all the characters, anyway.)
in the scope of the main characters we have in our crew - i want the crew to feel like a safe space for not only the main character and the other crew members but also to the reader. they are a safe place and they offer understanding and warmth and comfort that’s completely separate from the parts of the universe that aren’t that accepting or understanding.
yeah, this i totally get an expected as much. ateez are canonically For The Gays™ and a safe space so theres no reason why theyd be any different here 😌
it’s been addressed in the plot before with yeosang and wooyoung in particular, that they could never have been together even if wooyoung weren’t a slave because of gender and because of yeosang’s position as a prince.
okay THIS i totally missed bc i had just figured it was because of the whole slave/prince thing. makes sense that a traditional system such as a monarchy would be where you find more traditional thinking like bigotry. but yeah that all makes sense
i will say that we will see a lot more characters come into play, and we will see journeys with the characters we already know, and as it’s a story that’s very character based, those are aspects i love to focus on and so we’ll be getting into more of that and seeing things unfold and manifest over the course of the story as we’ve barely scratched the surface regarding the entirety of the universe and what it holds!
this is so ominous how do you manage to say so much without saying anything at the same time. i read this and translate it to "stay tuned, im aboutta absolutely rock your shit" and honestly... so true. i am vibrating with excitement to see where this goes! tho this seems like its hinting at more diversity/queerness based on the topic at hand so would it be too spoilery to ask if moc will eventually see any trans characters 👀 s'fine if you cant answer that tho for spoilers sake lmfAOoo i just figured i might as well ask for my crumbs. LOL.
i hope this all makes sense and is more than just my ramblings bc my god did i ramble!
i did quite literally invite you to ramble so i am positively Thrilled you delivered, you could write a wholeass thesis on moc as a whole and i would read every damn word of it 😤😤😤😤 thank you for taking the time to do so!
whewie whewie i have to apologize i didn't realize this was sitting in my inbox all this time TT dumblr told me i had cleared it pretty much all the way out so i never saw this until i came in and refreshed earlier today?! wack. but i'm here now better late than never ahahha </3 haertbreaking im SO SORRY 😭😭
you can as always do whichever you feel most comfy with! if its sometihng you really want me to respond to then i'd say inbox is best bet (if tumblr lets me see it that is </3)
build your hut and build it strong it's very cozy and comfy in here indeed 😮‍💨
i would say i compare kebos to ancient rome because that's what we would know and understand it best to be. i've never envisioned this universe ever having what we consider 'earth' like i dont consider the moc universe to just be a distant future form of our current universe irl, so they aren't necessarily paying homage to an ancient roman civilazation or anything like that but rather creating on their own.
as far as their views on tradition, i wouldn't put too much thought into that tbh. in the grand scheme of things it's definitely not the most pressing matter but i suppose you could call the technology rather primitive on certain planets, but we also have to think about how large this universe is and how many planets there are and how different each one is. there are different laws for each system and each planet, i would say that aurum is the most unified and so far we've seen that they are the most advanced in terms of technology as well. some of that technology has bled to other places as well but each planet is going to be at a different point in terms of advancement just based on resources and needs are them
and definitely yes the planets and those profiles are meant to serve as a visual helper for the readers and a  somewhere i can look back on and understand what each setting provides. there are some planets where the planetary lore will come into play so that is not for no reason at all by any means, it's just that so far in the story these planets act as the stage for the actors to come alive on! but also keep in mind that this story has been going on for over 2 years at this point! the direction and minute details have definitely gone under a lot of changes so it's hard to say where my mind was at two years ago versus where it's at now!
DFAHDSKJF i fULLY plan to rock everyone's shit absoluteLY, while we aren't going to really get much in the way of main characters coming forward (it is still an ateez fic after all) but we will get some side characters who fall on different spots on the spectrum, i can't say that i have anyone right now who is trans but there might be one further down the line if i feel its important for the story telling!!!
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fallintitan · 2 years
“Why the hell would you take your dumbass cat into the place you’re supposed to be hiding in?” Barker seethes. It’s one thing to have to explain why a man has an extra cat in his apartment. It’s a completely different thing to have to draw out why a war criminal is in there. James peeks its head over Barker’s shoulder to watch.
Immediately, scorn crosses Kuben’s face. “For the record,” he emphasizes, “I didn’t bring her in here. She followed me.” His eyes glare literal daggers at Barker, daring him to continue with the berating. “I’m sure you’re well aware you can’t make a cat do something it doesn’t want to, nor stop it from doing something it wants to, Taube.”
Barker fumbles for words. Does he elaborate how stupid that was when his cat is, apparently, a chatterbox? Does he wring Blisk out for hiding in the room adjacent to the one Briggs and Barker had their meeting in? Does he finally give in and slap his “roommate” across his stupid, dumb, idiot face? He debates the idea. Sure, he’d probably die in the process, but Blisk wouldn’t be a man to leave a mother cat and her babies alone in the apartment their owner was slain in, would he?
Regrettably, he holds back, instead whipping around and storming out of the room silently. James tags after him warily as he stomps into the main room. He’s sitting on the couch before he realizes Whiskey is still in his bedroom in the kittens’ box.
Barker rubs his eyes. Can one thing go right for him? Even if just for a little while? He’s not above begging for some higher power to have mercy on him. He was barely keeping his own life together when cats and kittens and the murder-hungry war criminal with his own cat showed up.
He tries focusing on something else. He could read, he supposes. It’d require him to calm his thoughts enough to be able to comprehend what he’s looking at to do so. He could do a lot of things to calm down. However, a majority of them related to Whiskey and the kittens, who were in proximity to the dumbass, who he had no desire to be near at the moment.
James watches him nervously. It shifts from foot to foot while he seethes. When he still doesn’t pay attention to it, it slowly slinks away from the spot and back into the bedroom without a sound.
He doesn’t even notice the rustling of things being moved until James plunks the kitten box down in front of him. Barker’s tension immediately ebbs out of him as Whiskey hops out to twine between his calves. She pays no mind when Sabre (goddammit, that’s the cat’s name!) meanders over and sniffs around the kittens herself. Whiskey even trills to her happily when the black cat reaches into the box to sniff.
At least Whiskey gets along with her new friend, he thinks. Something sort of good came out of this whole ordeal. Maybe that will ease up on the responsibilities put on his shoulders. It could be a good thing, actually. It could mean--
He pauses.
Something is wrong.
Did he forget to do something? Did he leave Blisk with access to something important? He can’t think of anything. That also means he’s blindly trusting Blisk to not salvage something from the washroom to fight him with. No, this is something else. Something more dire.
Whiskey is here and intact. Even then, she seems confused, pacing around the blanketed box. Is something wrong with the kittens?
As usual, his first thought is oh God, I killed one as his heart drops into his stomach. He tries shoving the thought away. Maybe he was just misled. They’re probably all fine. Probably. He should check to make sure.
He goes through the list of kittens’ names: Pibb. Coors. Heineken. Molson. Brewster. That’s all of them, isn’t it?
No, it’s not.
Where’s Bud? Why can’t Barker hear him mewing like the crybaby he is?
Bud is missing.
Frantically--albeit gently-- he ruffles through the box and blanket again. Still only five kittens.
Good lord, he’s managed to lose an entire living thing. A whole baby cat. That’s the worst part: Bud is still just over a week old. He can’t fend for himself. He can’t keep himself warm or fed or--
“What’s your problem?” Blisk asks as he steps into the room. Barker’s panic must be visible on his face, because Blisk tenses as he continues. “Did something happen?”
“I…” Barker can’t say it out loud. That would sound awful, even to a war criminal. ‘I lost a defenseless little kitten and have no idea where he could be.’ Against his will, his mouth speaks for him. “I lost a defenseless little kitten and have no idea where he could be.”
Immediately, Blisk’s face twists with concern. “What do you mean, ‘you have no idea where he could be’?” he falters. “Things are barely old enough to move on their own. How do you lose a whole kitten that can hardly move on his own, Taube?” Try as he might, there’s still a hint of accusation in his tone.
“I don’t know!” He’s losing his cool. He’s losing his cool in front of the one person he would most definitely prefer to lose his cool in front of. Typically, in a situation like this, he would accept defeat and grab a bottle of liquor. That’s not an option this time, his mind reminds him. You’re finding that kitten, dead or alive.
He feels sick. He has no idea how it could happen, but finding Bud unalive (he refuses to say dead; there’s no way that he would stay still long enough to let death come) would wreck him entirely.
James chirps worriedly, inching closer to Barker as his hands begin to tremble. He can feel his own breathing picking up. His heart is pounding. Oh, Christ, it’s happening again and he can’t do anything to stop it this time, and--
“Taube!” Blisk’s voice snaps him out of his panic. “Now is not the time to lose your cool,” he scolds lightly. He grips Barker by the shoulders and quite literally rattles the thoughts out of his mind by jostling him. “Someone in this damned apartment has to keep things together, and I’ll be damned if the only one to do so is the MRVN!”
James chirps at the mention. Blisk frowns and waves it off.
“But what if he--”
Blisk shakes him again. “You’re not allowed to think like that. Be optimistic for once in your sad, sad life.” In a rush, he lets go of Barker’s shirt to look around the apartment. “I don’t hear the li’l shit, so he’s probably sleeping.” Barker holds back the ‘or he’s already gone’ that slips across his mind. “ Where does Whiskey like to take them to nap?”
“Uh,” Barker says eloquently. “Usually in the box or by me.” He pauses. “Sometimes on my bed, but she always brings all of them at the same time.”
“Then go check the goddamned bed,” Blisk orders. Barker balks at being told what to do by the man that ruined his life, but he supposes his life would be even more ruined if he lost a kitten, so he complies.
He doesn’t hear anything upon stepping into his room. Sabre is curled up on the pillow Whiskey previously occupied, tucked into a neat little ball of black fur. If he pays close attention, he can see her kneading the pillow with her paws. He’s struck by the image of Bud doing the same action on Whiskey’s belly. Walk away, Barker. Keep looking.
He damn near rips his room apart searching. The pile of dirty clothes he’s neglected to wash is scattered. The bed sheets are haphazardly torn askew. He looks under everything he thinks a kitten could fit under. He finds nothing.
While he searches, Whiskey patters in. She has Pibb by the scruff, approaching Barker and placing the noisy kitten in the middle of the room. When she leaves, Pibb is still mewling as loud as possible (which is, apparently, very loud). Barker pauses to pick her up and settle her on the bed by Sabre while he assumes Whiskey goes to fetch the other kittens.
His dresser is pulled out away from the wall. Everything under his bed is dragged out so he can see underneath it better. He checks the adjacent bathroom, checking in every nook and cranny.
By the time he prepares to admit defeat, Whiskey has brought the last of the kittens in to sit with Sabre. She curls into a half-circle next to Sabre and snuggles down. 
How is she not just as frantic as Barker is right now? He’s quite literally losing his cool while she takes a nap. Does she not care? Does she not realize? He liked to think Whiskey was a decent mama kitty, but maybe this is her first litter and she still doesn’t know the basics.
On autopilot, he makes his way back to the main room. Blisk is feeling around under the couch with one scarred arm, fumbling blindly. “Any luck?” he asks over his shoulder as Barker stops.
“No.” Goddamnit, his voice is trembling. Is he really going to break down like this, in front of someone? “She moved the others to the bedroom. She doesn’t seem to care at all.”
“Now that’s bullshit and we both know it,” Blisk retorts. “Either she knows where he is, or he’s already with her.” He pauses. “What color is he?”
“Black,” Barker fumbles.
Blisk’s eyes go wide. His hands clench into fists. “That little motherfucker,” he seethes as he storms towards the bedroom. “She better not have.”
Not have what? Barker follows dumbly.
“Found him!” Blisk sounds genuinely excited and relieved. It snaps Barker into motion, rushing his way into the room.
When he steps in, Blisk is there, but Bud is not. “Where?”
Blisk reaches toward Sabre and goes for her tummy, to which she objects by swatting at his hand. Barker watches as, somehow, a little black kitten manifests from the lump of black fur on his bed. It’s Bud.
“This lil shit stole him,” Blisk seems on the brink of genuine anger. “She flat-out stole a whole baby.” He glares down at Sabre. “You nearly gave the two of us heart attacks. How does that make you feel?”
Sabre, oblivious to the anger directed at her, slits her eyes close and purrs.
“That means…” Barker shifts his gaze to Whiskey. “She knew. She knew this whole time.”
“I tell you,” Blisk huffs, “cats aren’t worth the amount of worry they put into their owners half the time.” He picks Sabre up, to which she squeaks pathetically,  and holds her at eye level. “That’s not exactly being a good friend, you know. Stealing a baby without permission. That’s called kidnapping and you are very guilty of it.”
“Mrah,” Sabre replies.
0 notes
kageyuji · 3 years
asking him how to confess to your crush (him)
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⤷ oikawa, suna, bokuto, iwaizumi ; [gn!reader]
TAGS: fluff/crack if you squint, confessions
NOTES: please reblog or i’ll cry
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you can’t miss the momentary look of sadness, but he quickly hides it with a cocky smile
he tells you the cheesiest possible way to confess to someone. he doesn’t even know if it’ll work on not
(he actually hopes it doesn’t, but he can’t just be an asshole and tell you something that clearly won’t work)
but once he realizes that he is the person you like, his mind jumps to several different places all at once
he’s happy but also he can’t properly form words, please bear with him </3
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He hummed a response to you, ghost of a smile on his lips. He always liked the way you said his name, even if it was just his family name.
“I have a favor... so there’s this guy that I like, and I wasn’t sure how to tell him. Do you think you could give me ideas?”
You don’t miss the pout on his lips, the way his eyebrows furrow, the hurt in his eyes. If one were to blink, they wouldn’t have missed it. He smiled and laughed, quickly trying to hide how much his heart ached.
People — in reality, only makki and mattsun — had asked you if you had feelings for someone. But you never gave them an answer, just a flustered smile and a shrug.
“Uhm... I don’t know, depends on the person. You can get a bouquet or something, and chocolates maybe?”
A smile lit up your face. He had looked so pained to say it; his nose was wrinkled up a little, one hand at the back of his neck, eyes looking anywhere but you.
“Oh, yeah! That sounds sweet, he might like that. Should I ask him what his favorite flowers are?”
“Yeah.” His heart sunk impossibly lower.
“Got it. So, what are your favorite flowers?”
He looked up from where he’d taken a sudden interest in the floor, looking around for someone else. But no one seemed to be engaging in a conversation with you — actually, he realized it was only you and him in the room.
“No, I meant ask this guy that you like.”
“I just did.”
He doesn’t say anything at first, eyes wide and lips parted. There’s something in his eyes that you can’t quite read. Shock, or was in confusion? There was also an undertone of hurt, like he couldn’t tell if this was some sick joke or not.
“You mean... me? I’m the- you have feelings for me?”
Your heart fell then — of course you’d been nervous to tell him. But with the constant flirting, you were beginning to think that maybe it wasn’t just harmless and playful anymore. That maybe even if it was still done playfully, there was truth behind those words, behind the smiles and the winks he sent you.
“If you don’t feel the same way, it’s fine, I just-”
“No, no, that’s not what I meant. I was just a little surprised is all. I feel the same way, and you’re great, really, I just figured I wasn’t your type.”
“But you are.” You said, heating rising in your cheeks. Nothing could mask the smile he wore, even if he was trying not fight it.
“And you are my type. Guess we’re both lucky, hm?”
he is determined not to let you notice how his heart stopped in his chest
he still holds the same disinterested, bored look on his face as always, although he’s unaware you could see right through him
refuses to give you advice on how to go about confessing
in fact, the last thing he wants to do is be around you — he knows you were never his, so he can’t be upset, but it still turns his stomach
tell him before he can find an excuse to leave, or else your confession will be a lot more painstaking due to him dodging any interaction with you
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“So uh... if you were to confess to someone you like, how do you think you would do it?” Your voice sounded so sweet, so genuine.
“Why? You have a little crush on somethin’?” He laughed.
“Yeah, actually.”
You don’t miss the way his nose scrunches and the look in his eyes. He’s looking at the floor with narrowed eyes, almost as though the floor was the cause of his jealousy.
Well, not his jealousy — he wasn’t jealous, was he?
“Hm,” He hums, and you find him putting back on the same incurious face that he always wore. “I don’t know, elaborate confessions are pointless. Just tell the person how you feel. If they really like you, they won’t turn you aware for being simple.”
“Ah, that’s true.” You smile, though it’s fueled with nervousness. “So, one more thing I gotta say then.”
“Make it quick, I’ve to be somewhere soon.” Suna hates the bitter taste in his mouth.
He knows he shouldn’t care, after all he’s never worked up the courage to spill his heart to you, so he doesn’t have a right to feel like something is being torn — no, stolen — away from him.
“Right. You said simple, so... I like you, and I think you’re really sweet. And you’re funny and you’re so caring, even though you would never admit that. Um, I hope that was boiled down enough for you.”
“You’re kidding right?”
The tone in his voice is almost accusatory, although he doesn’t mean it to be, he just genuinely doesn’t believe you. When had you ever shown interest in him? Not that he was complaining.
“No. But it’s fine if you d-”
“I never said that. If you mean it though, maybe you can tell me the longer version of everything you like about me. Over coffee or something?”
ok first off, let me stop you right there, because baby boy is gonna get so sad :(
there is no hiding the hurt he’s feeling. he’s always expressive, even though he’s trying to hide it
please stop him there because his mood is only going downhill
actually tells you some elaborate, thought out thing that you assumed was from the top of his head
(although in reality, he’s thought about telling you how he feels on countless times)
but when he realizes that you’re talking about him he instantly does a 180, he looks like he’s in heaven
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“Bokuto!” You call his name with a smile. You’ve found you can always get a matching one from him whenever you do so.
And of course he smiles back at you, the same excited look in his eyes as always. “Y/n!”
“I need advice.” You say.
His expression drops into one of worry at your tone. If there was anything that Bokuto hated in this world, it was seeing you upset.
“What is it?”
“I need to know how to tell someone that I have feelings for them.”
And just like that, you can see his heart break through his expression. His eyebrows pin up and he presses his lips into a thin line. You can tell that he’s trying not to show you how bothered he was by that one sentence.
He always was bad at pretending he was fine though. It was clear, if nothing else you could see his watery eyes.
“Oh... uhm. Can I ask who the person is?”
You’re hesitant to say it. But you don’t know why, because his reaction was your final bit of proof that he had feelings for you too. He hadn’t been subtle before, but now it was obvious.
“What?” Bokuto said, although the word was breathless.
He doesn’t wait for you to respond to him. Instead, the wide smile he always wore appeared back on his face and he wrapped his arms around you.
Usually, Bokuto’s hugs are tight anyway. They’re filled with a need to be close to you and a need to convey the emotion of ‘you are the only thing grounding me right now’.
But this one was tighter. He buried his face into your neck, but you could hear the smile in his voice when he spoke. “I may have to confess to someone too.”
iwaizumi is a gentleman about it, as much as he doesn’t want to be
if anything, he wants to tell you right then and there about his feelings
but the fact (or rather, the thought) that you’ve taken an interest in someone else is all the evidence he needs to stop himself
the last thing he wants to do it mess with your emotions so he intends to stuff he feelings down to deepest parts of his mind in hopes that they’ll one day disappear
until of course, he realizes that he is the guy you’d been talking about
he gets giddy, believe it or not. he hates to admit it sometimes, but unbeknownst to you, you have so much control over his emotions
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“So, Iwa?” You said, and he tried to overlook the cautious tone to your voice.
“Uh, theres this guy that I kind of have feelings for. But the thing is, I don’t know how to tell him.” You sound nervous.
Iwaizumi assumes it’s from the thought of having to tell this person your feelings, yet he doesn’t realize that said person is him and it’s coming sooner than he’d realized.
He doesn’t say anything in response to you at first. His eyes narrow only slightly, then he takes a deep breath and turns back to you with his usual expression.
“If you’re going to tell them, do something sweet and simple. If you get all extravagant with it, it might freak ‘em out. Maybe... I dunno, buy a little gift and tell them?
He hid it well. The mix of jealousy, regret, and sadness in him was painful, but he clenched his fists and tried not to let his voice crack. If there was someone you knew that didn’t cry, it was Iwaizumi. Yet here he was, doing everything in his power not show how upset he was.
What was he even doing anyway? He was helping you find a lover that was not himself. Not that you even knew that, because in reality he’d never shown to you that he had feelings towards you.
That was something he was regretting a lot now.
“Oh I see, what kind of gift would you like?”
Ouch. As though this couldn’t hurt more. “I don’t know, depends on the person. Ask him, not me.”
“I just did, dummy.”
It took him a few seconds to process that, then another few seconds for the relief and happiness to wash over him. A smile rugged at the corner of his lips.
“That’s cute. You and I can go out somewhere this weekend and I can help you pick something out, hm?”
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swanimagines · 3 years
Due to popular demand, I ended up doing it ♥
Tagging those who wished for it: @montsepliego @niammain @mindofasupernova + an anon
Fandom: Shadow and Bone
A/N: I love writing for Kaz but seriously, try to find a gif where Kaz doesn't look like he's gonna kill you for mistaking him as Zolin... :D Also I really hope you like it, I worked on this for several hours since I'm not good at part 2's and they're always a struggle and this was not an exception, but the only thing that made me keep going was that I wanted to write this, for the first time ever I wanted to write a part 2 here.
Warnings: Kaz is a bit OOC, also this came out to be longer than intended XD
Word count: 1,784 :)))
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The next morning at the Slat was something you had been dreading all night, barely getting enough sleep, waking up all the time to look at the time, sighing in relief each time when you realized you could sleep a while longer. That you didn’t have to go down, that you didn’t have to meet Kaz.
You would have given anything for having Inej’s skills and just jump out of the window and jump across roofs, have your breakfast at some cafe. But you weren’t like her, so if you didn’t want to starve and pee yourself, you’d have to exit your room at some point.
You could ask Jesper or Inej to distract Kaz so you’d be able to come down, but you knew it would be childish and Kaz most likely would know why he’s being distracted. Even though knowing him, he was embarrassed too. Having you kiss him in front of everyone was surely something he considered a “weakness”. Affection and love is a weakness, and yet there you had been, demonstrating it on him.
Zolin sat across from you on your armchair, fiddling with his fingers as you had buried yourself under your blanket, fully aware that there was someone sitting beside your bed.
Your brother had come up to your room as soon as he woke up the next morning after the incident. His head hurt due to a mild hangover, but he knew you needed someone to talk to on that moment, even if it was him, who didn’t approve your crush on Kaz. He probably should have knocked or at least tell you it was just him, but he didn’t want to rush you to wake up.
After a while of him just sitting there, you finally dared to come out and peer at him over the sheet. You looked like you expected the whole club standing there and sighed audibly when it was just Zolin, and your door was closed.
“Hey,” you groggily said, slowly sitting up. “What’s up?”
Zolin offered you a slight smile as an answer. “I shouldn’t have drank so much.”
“I told you.” you chuckled. “Uh…”
“Nobody talks about it. It was just a kiss on his cheek. I understand you feel mortified by it, but-”
You groaned. “No, Zolin. You don’t understand. Kaz doesn’t like being touched. Like at all. He’s… afraid of touching.” you mumbled and leaned against your bed frame. “And I made myself looking like an idiot.”
“He probably knows you thought he was me. He knows we’re close and affectionate towards each other.”
“If it was the whole case, I’d just had apologized and left the scene, maybe fake-laugh about it a little to make them forget about it, but…” you pressed your lips to a tight line, contemplating if you you should say more. He would never leave you alone if you confessed your biggest mistake. But as Zolin tilted his head to wordlessly ask you to elaborate, you gave in. “Don’t you dare laugh, but I accidentally confessed my crush for him.”
Zolin fell silent, looking at his feet. “Oh.”
You both were silent for a bit, but then you saw Zolin holding back a grin.
“I just told you not to laugh! It’s not funny!” you exclaimed and he shot his gaze on you, pressing his lips together but you could see how much he wanted to laugh at you.
“Nope, not at all.”
You groaned and rolled your eyes. “You can’t even decipher my agony with this.”
“Nope, I can’t. You just… reminded me of how Dena and I met.”
“Not. Comparable. Stop it.”
“Yeah, okay.” he smiled. “But these times I really understand why we’re siblings.”
You really wanted to punch him right now, and Zolin seemed to notice it too, so he grinned at you one last time before hurrying out from your room.
“Well, aren’t you going to talk to them?” Jesper asked as he watched Kaz staring down at your usual spot where you always sat, but it being empty. You were clearly avoiding him, you always were on breakfast on time. Kaz just glared at his friend.
“What’s there to talk about?” he shook his head as he finally started to cut his sunny side up sandwich to pieces.
“Well, considering that Y/N confessed they like you and you like-”
“Don’t push it.” Kaz interrupted, sending Jesper another glare. “In a place like this, as people like we are, such feelings are dangerous. Besides, I don’t like Y/N. They’re a good addition to Dregs, but I don’t have such feelings for them.”
Jesper smirked, but tried to hide it with looking away. “Yeah, sure. And you blushed-”
“I didn’t blush.”
Jesper threw his hands towards the roof. “Whatever you say. But Y/N probably thinks you’re mad at them. You know, they know about...” Jesper gestured to Kaz’s body.
Kaz closed his eyes, knowing Jesper was right. You were one of the few people who really respected his boundaries, who knew what touch did to him, why he wants to avoid touch in all situations. Why he wore his gloves, that he wouldn’t have to accidentally brush hands with anyone. And that kiss had momentarily taken him back to the sea, but he knew that wasn’t your purpose, and it wasn’t your fault. You would never touch him like that without permission, and he was fairly sure you would ensure it a dozen times even if he asked for it. You had always been respectful and maybe that’s why Kaz had developed feelings for you. He didn’t admit it to anyone, of course, not even himself, but he knew it. He wanted you to be his. His heart rate spiked up every time he saw someone else flirting with you, and it wasn’t normal for someone who he’d think of as a friend. Just a friend.
“I’ll talk to them later.”
Now there you were, sitting on your bed with a book, Kaz standing at the doorway after you had told the knocker that the door is open. You had expected it to be Zolin again, or Jesper or Inej. But not Kaz. You didn’t think he’d ever again talk to you. You felt like you had embarrassed not only yourself, but him too.
After your first shock, you quickly put your book aside and stood up, but Kaz gestured you to sit back down.
“We should talk.” he told you, and you nodded, gesturing towards your armchair.
He made his way to you, carefully sitting down and you looked down in embarrassment.
“I’m so sorry. I didn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable.” you mumbled, not bearing to look at Kaz. “I- I thought you were Zolin. I should have looked twice. I-”
“Did you mean it?” Kaz interrupted you.
You furrowed your brows and finally made yourself to have an eye contact. “What? The kiss? No, of course not, I thought that you’re Zolin-”
Kaz shook his head slightly. “No. You said that you have feelings for me.”
You were sure that all the blood in your body decided to have a party on your face, as you immediately felt yourself feeling hot. Your sweating alone would have given it away, but you didn’t want to lie to Kaz anyway.
“Yes.” you squeaked and swallowed. “But I acknowledge that you don’t have feelings for me and even if you did, it would be dangerous. I know that we don’t have a chance together in any case. And I accept it. I just… have to make my way past it.”
Kaz squinted his eyes at you a bit and you were sure that you saw his lips twitch upwards slightly in amusement. You just stared back at him, waiting what he’d have to say.
He leaned back on your chair, looking to his side. “I expected you to have breakfast with me and Jesper at the morning. I know why you didn’t come, but I still…” he interrupted himself from saying more, before he took in a deep sigh. “I care about you, Y/N. And I won’t lie, that kiss made me go back to...” he silenced himself, and you understood.
“I know. I’m sorry. And I know you care about us. You always act like you don’t, but I know you do. You just don’t show it.” you nodded, but Kaz shook his head again, and now his eyes were glued on the pile of books you kept at the side of your bed. He didn’t want to show too much of how he felt, so he didn’t have an eye contact. He always did this when he opened up his heart and deepest thoughts.
“It’s different with you. I care about you more than I care about Inej or Jesper. And I care about you in a different way.” he muttered and your eyes widened. He fixed his composure again, and turned to look straight into your eyes again. “But you’re right. It would be too dangerous.”
“Kaz…” you swallowed, you definitely were not expecting this. You had a temptation to touch his gloved hand, even brush it just slightly to show even the slightest bit of affection, but you told yourself not to do that.
Kaz noticed you staring at his hands gripped around his cane, and knew what you were thinking. Sighing, he reached forward, barely brushing the side of your face with the tips of his glove. He hadn’t shown any affection to anyone since childhood, at least not like this. But he wanted you to know that he’s serious, that he wasn’t saying those things just because you had just confessed you have feelings for him. You had known each other for years, and Kaz had known you were going to be someone special the moment he met you. You knew about his past and his fears, sometimes it felt like you knew him better than he knew himself, helping him when he got panic attacks, knowing just what to do and how to calm him down. You were one of the first people who had learned to recognize his attacks. He treasured you more than anyone else in the whole world, and one day he wanted to hold you, touch you without his gloves, let your skins brush together.
But he couldn’t, and you understood it. That’s why feeling him through his gloves and him feeling you was equal to him giving you a kiss. That’s when you knew he really cared about you the same way you cared about him.
And that’s when you both knew it - you’d be able to overcome anything, given enough time.
Tags: @musicallisto @take-me-to-ny @mindofasupernova @lxncelot @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @someoneovertherainboww @vintagebitc @fandomstuffff @montsepliego @amwitherspoon @number-0-iz @tranquilitymoon @just-a-new-start @kaqua @booksreplacedmysoul @readingslumpfanfic @bravelittlesunflower @shadowhuntyi @rika90 @imma-too-many-fandoms @the-abyss-gazed-back @thereagles @kiwijulia // reply to this post or send me an ask if you wanna be tagged to my Shadow and Bone content!
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look-at-the-soul · 2 years
The Reward (Cillian Murphy x OC)
Summary: An oversight can change your life in a matter of seconds and it can lead you to lose a valuable member of your family.  A lost dog in a new neighborhood. Endless hours of searching. A reward. It all lead them to find each other.
Cillian Murphy x OC
Parts: 2/7 more here
A/N: Scout is the star of this story, because I love dogs.  A/N 2: This is my first Cillian Murphy fic, hope you like it! If you want me to tag you, just let me know :) your comments & feedback is appreciated ♥️
Warning: It might look like “something” is going on at the very begining, just keep reading ;) and oh! don’t worry Scout is fine!
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“Don’t stop!”
She tried to catch her breath.
“That’s it! Keep going!”
Unable to answer anything, she closed her eyes.
Stopped abruptly and rested her palms on her knees while she tried to recover.
“Are you alright?”
“Yeah, just need a minute.” She managed to say with her breathing elaborated.
Liv wiped her forehead and bent down. Her closest friend and now trainer Debbie added a few miles this week, said she should try it. And it was amazing, but Liv felt like she got hit by a train, her legs were burning. They usually preferred to run early, given that were a few female attacks weeks ago, but it wasn’t really late and they were together, but that day they just weren’t able to go out for the run in the morning.
“You kicked my arse, thanks.” She admitted to Debbie with a smile as they started stretching.
“So, you will be joining me for the next marathon?”
“Ha! In about five years maybe.”
Suddenly Debbie froze and her face was full of worry. “Don’t move.” She warned Liv.
“What’s the matter?” Liv tried to read her friend, she was getting scared.
“There’s something behind you, but I can’t see what is it. Walk towards me, really slowly.”
Liv knew Debbie very well, she wouldn’t joke with something like that.
Daylight was completely gone by now, and the light in the park was not very good. She tried to look over her shoulder but only saw something move in the dark.
Liv closed her eyes tight, she couldn’t move.
Debbie’s voice sounded like far far away, then she felt something wet on her calf and something heavy on her foot.
If you come across a bear, you shouldn’t move or scream. She tried to remember her father instructions when they used to go to the lake.
Using the flashlight on her cellphone, Debbie pointed at her. They both sighed with relief when they realized it was a dog. 
A friendly one.
Liv took him by the collar while the dog wagged its tail.
“Is he alone?” Liv asked looking around.
“It seems like he is.” Debbie replied getting close. “What’s in the tag?”
Liv frowned. “This looks a little blurry and bitten. I can’t read anything.”
Debbie looked at her watch. “What are you going to do?”
“Can you take him home?”
“What? No! With the twins, the baby, my husband which is basically just another kid and the two schnauzer my hands are full, you know that.”
“Pets are not allowed in my building.” Liv complained.
“Listen, I have to go, but I can drive you both home.” Debbie offered.
“Yeah, I guess so.” She said still unsure what to do.
“Let’s go then, I think I have a leash in the car.”
“I know we’re not allowed to have pets here, but I couldn’t leave him there alone, I’m looking for his owners.” She tried to explain to her roommates.
“It’s fine by me, but you have to clean his mess and don’t let him get on the couch.” One of them said. The other one, rolled her eyes.
“Don’t listen to her, he can take the couch, he looks lovely.” She said smiling. “Have you tried the number on the tag?”
“Yes, but it’s so blurry you can’t really see anything.” Liv explained. 
“Sc..? Scooper? Scooby?”
They tried to clean the tag and look under a brighter light, but nothing worked. Eventually they gave up, and Liv went to her room to take a shower, the dog following her every move, he even tried to get in the bathroom with her.
When she was done and opened the door, the dog was sitting in front of the door, waiting for her and as she walked out, he started wagging its tail and moving around, happy to see her again.
“So… what were you doing by yourself at the park?” She started ‘chatting’ with him. “Don’t you know there are some hoomans who doesn’t like dogs? It’s dangerous.” The dog got up in two paws and leaned against her, Liv scratched his back. “Oh, you’re so cute, aren’t you?”
She laughed.
“You like to be spoiled hmm?” She then started rubbing his chest, he basically just smiled at her and closed his eyes. “Did you run away? Or did your...?” She couldn’t finish her sentence. “Anyways, don’t worry tomorrow we will go out and look for your family.”
When she stopped, he put his paw on her arm and licked her hand.
“Oh, you are truly demanding.” She caressed behinds his ears. And that was it, he started to melt, he was slowly literally melting, his front paws gave in until he was laying on the floor, only to turn around so he had his tummy facing her. “You are just a baby who wants some love.”
After they finished with the cuddles and love session, Liv threw some pillows and a blanket next to her bed for him. Now she was ready to finally have some sleep.
“Now I need you to be a good boy and be quiet.” She kept talking to him, as if he understood everything she said. He raised one of his paws to greet her. “Ah yes, hello you too, now go to sleep.” Liv said as she accepted the paw in her palm, then turned off the light of her bedside table and climbed on her bed, she closed her eyes and was ready to have some rest when she felt like someone was watching her.
Opening her eyes, she found her new friend in front of her, with his gaze on her.
“Your bed is over there.” Liv tried to explain. 
He didn’t move.
“What is it? You can’t sleep? You miss your family? I bet they miss you too.” She petted him in the head.
He started crying.
“Shh don’t cry, you are safe here. Go to sleep.”
He stayed there.
“You are just going to stand there until I make some room for you right?” She moved a little.
He gave her his best ‘puppy eyes’.
“You win, but you need to stay on your side.”
He immediately jumped next to her and went to lay close to her legs.
“Just so you to know you are such a blackmailer. I know those tricks.”
Tag list: @alreadybroken-ts @runnning-outof-time​
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dollslayer · 3 years
The Stand-In
CEO!Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Stood up by your date and stranded in one of the nicest restaurants in town, Bucky Barnes just can't let that stand.
Warnings: slight angst, smut, oral (m & f receiving), deepthroating, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it !), if I missed anything let me know!
W/C: 3,807
A/N: I wrote this for @simsadventures 6k mixed adventure challenge (Congrats!) w/ a restaurant setting and the line "If you could just hold my hand and be quiet, that would be nice". If you like it please reblog and comment and tell me what you think! Cheers!
p.s. - Come check out my other fics or find me on AO3 (same name)!
Main Masterlist
7 PM
Your best Jimmy Choos click gingerly as you walk up to the hostess stand at one of the most popular restaurants in Manhattan. He had made the reservation in your name, which you gave to the hostess. She takes a minute to consider you, cocking a brow as she silently clocks your ASOS cocktail dress. You looked chic enough that she could forgive you. Her moment wasn’t lost on you, this part of the Upper West Side was so stuffy so you put on your best.
Feeling slightly self-conscious about your attire you brushed the feeling off quickly. He would be here soon and he’d reassure you how beautiful you look. When you’d met for coffee he’d make you feel so sexy and confident with how sure of himself he was. So when he asked you to dinner at one of the most renowned places in the city and said he wanted to talk tonight you accepted immediately.
“Right this way” the hostess said and broke you out of your self-doubting stupor and guided you towards a some-what secluded table towards the back of the restaurant.
“Here are some menus for you two, if you’d like anything to drink while you wait, your waiter should be here soon”, she sent you an artificial smile and turned on her heel back to the stand.
You picked up a menu and it left you reeling at the prices. You had half a mind to text him and see if he wanted to go somewhere else. Based off of the way he dresses and how he had tipped the barista on your first outing you thought better of it. He’d said he wanted to treat you, so you’ll let him.
7:15 PM
You decided to wait to order anything to drink until he got here, too afraid of the price tag attached to any bottle of wine on the menu.
You took a sip of your water and checked your texts for the second time since sitting down. Still nothing, you didn’t want to text him just yet, you knew he was busy and you didn’t want to seem overbearing. You knew he was a CFO and he’d be coming from the financial district when traffic was insane. You could forgive him. You take another sip of your water hoping it’ll wash all of your doubts away. Besides, it’s not like he’s late-late, he’s like, fashionably late, he’s working-man late.
7:30 PM
Okay, so he’s late-late, don’t panic. Sometimes things happen, he’s only human and this is only your second date.
Your waiter approaches the table again, eyebrows raised expectantly at you. The smug look on his face says he’s thinking what you’re too afraid to.
You order yourself a $25 martini. Your waiter promises to return and you finish off your water.
Time to craft the perfect text that says ‘Hey I’m here, where tf are you?’ without actually asking where the fuck he’s at. You tap away nervously on your phone.
‘Hey, I’ve got a table towards the back, closer to the end of the bar’ Perfect.
7:45 PM
You’re still sitting solo at the table, you feel the beginnings of humiliation creep into your features. You feel warm, your brows form a seemingly permanent crease of worry, and you are trying everything in your power to suppress the tears you felt building up.
You don’t make eye contact with your waiter when he stops by again, playing it off like you were sending a text. But you tell him you’ll be right back so that he doesn’t give up your table.
You walk quickly to the bathroom hoping no one will notice your trembling face. You feel just like a middle schooler that got dumped at the dance. You make it to a bathroom stool and dial your best friend, Wanda.
“Is everything okay? You’re supposed to be out with your mystery date aren’t you?” She had answered almost immediately.
You sniffled a bit and took a shaky inhale. “Y-yes, our reservation was for 7 and he put it in my name, I texted him once already but I don’t wanna seem too overbearing for a second date, y’know? But something feels off. I don’t know, maybe I’m being crazy.”
“You’re definitely not being crazy, it sounds fishy to me. If he doesn’t answer in five minutes I want you to leave and come straight over. I’ll have white Russians and Drag Race waiting for you” Wanda always knew just what to say, just how to make you feel. You were grateful for her.
You sighed into the receiver. “Thanks, babe, I’ll let you know what happens either way”. You hung up and grabbed some toilet paper to dab at the corners of your eyes. You knew you’d need an extra minute to compose yourself as you faced the truth.
He’s not coming, he’s not texting me back, he probably regretted setting the date which is why he put the reservation in my name, I won’t be hearing from him again. Just pay your tab, smile, and leave. You got this.
7:52 PM
Checking your appearance in the mirror one last time you let out a final sigh and push open the door back to the dining room. Your walk to your table begins to slow when you notice someone is sitting at your table. A rather tall, unfamiliar someone.
Did the waiter really give away the table? I’ve been gone all of 7 minutes! What do I even say to this stranger? Should I just grab my bag and go? Hopefully it’s still there.
Your final steps towards your seat are nervous and uneven. The man in the chair opposite yours must’ve heard you and he faces you. You’re struck with an unfamiliar but extremely handsome face. The look of surprise must be tangible because he laughs and slight wrinkles form at the edges of his eyes. Who the fuck is this guy? Well he hasn’t stolen my purse so there’s that.
“I-” You lean over to grab your purse when you’re cut off mid-apology.
“I’m so sorry, sweetheart, you know how it is at work. Sit down, I ordered a bottle of wine for the table”. The man said.
You sat down slowly and felt so stiff and uncomfortable in the chair. Were you being pranked? Was this part of some very elaborate joke? Before you could ask any of those questions the man reached across the table and grabbed your hand.
“If you could just hold my hand and be quiet, that would be nice” He said as his thumb grazed your knuckles. You were slightly stunned by his boldness. You complied, if only out of shock and hoped he’d explain himself a little better or let you go in time for you to make an exit.
He leaned in closer to you, to anyone else it would’ve looked like an intimate moment during any normal date. He looked you in the eyes while he kept hold of your hand and you realized how warm he was, how clear his eyes were. You took a deep breath through your nose and tried to play it cool.
“I’ve been at the bar for a while now, it seems like whichever idiot decided to stand you up made a grave mistake.” Your brows pinched together and he continued, “I was with a friend talking business but he left and you look like you needed to be saved from the incident so here I am. James Barnes, but you can call me Bucky.”
You were unsure what to do with the information just given to you. Yes, it would’ve been embarrassing to pay your tab and leave alone after sitting there for almost an entire hour by yourself, but it was also embarrassing that this man had noticed and you certainly didn’t need anyone looking at you like some damsel in distress.
You caught yourself from scoffing completely and schooled your features. “I… appreciate that you’d do that for me but I don’t want anyone’s sympathy, especially not a date.” You tried to pull away when his hand gently squeezed yours.
“Please- I- I didn’t mean to make it sound like I’m doing this out of pity. Whatever happened here is unfortunate, yes. But you’re also very beautiful and you’re here by yourself so why not ‘shoot my shot’ as I believe the kids are saying these days? Think of me like a stand-in for the other guy, but y’know, better” he replied playfully.
A very brief moment of contemplation was solidified by your lack of notifications on your phone. Why not? He’s good looking and he’s doing you a favor.
You had to at least afford a small chuckle at that. “So ‘Bucky’, huh? Well I don’t have any cool nicknames but you can call me by my first name.” You gave it to him and he repeated it back to you, a wry smile on his face.
8:05 PM
Still no texts from him but you did text Wanda to tell her everything worked out and there’d be details to come. She’d go into full on mama bear mode if you hadn’t updated her.
“So, Bucky, what do you do? Do you live here in Manhattan?” You asked before taking a sip of your wine (which you didn’t dare check the price of per bottle).
“Brooklyn, actually, but a lot of my business is here. Have you heard of Buchannan hospitality?” He asked.
Your brain snagged itself on that name. That sounds familiar? Where have I seen that? Oh wait! Didn’t you see him in the Forbes ‘30 under 30’ list last year?
You’d meant to answer him but unfortunately all that came out was a confused “Forbes?” at which he laughed a little bit and nodded.
“Yeah you might’ve seen me there. I own some hotels and lounges around Manhattan and Brooklyn. What do you do?” He had brushed off his accolades so quickly, wanting instead to know about you, this random girl that had been stood up.
Shit, your mid-level marketing job doesn’t stand up to this in the least. You took a sip of the wine and answered him, explaining you were second in command of your small company’s marketing department.
He seemed genuinely intrigued and you two ended up talking business and swapping office and university disaster stories until the main course arrived. You dug into your meal, savoring the taste and relishing in the unusual turn of events.
8:47 PM
The plates have been cleared away and the wine glasses refilled. Bucky was proving to be great company and as oddly as it started you were grateful to be sitting here with him. You’d nearly forgotten about your would-be date and decided to check your phone one last time.
You had 11 unread texts, 10 of them from Wanda wanting a play-by-play and one of them from the man that had stood you up. You opened it and sighed. ‘Can’t make it tonight, baby, promise to make it up to you soon’.
You scoffed to yourself. He’s not gonna say where he’s been? Or even say sorry? Douche.
You put your phone away and looked back up to Bucky who was eyeing you with playful curiosity.
“Lemme guess, that was the guy who was supposed to be seeing you’s sorry ass excuse followed by a flimsy apology” He said as he drank from his water glass.
“You’re 1 for 3. It was him but he didn’t apologize or try to explain himself. Should’ve known when he put the reservation under my name and not his that something might be up and when he wasn’t there on time.” You said more to yourself than to Bucky.
“What’s his name?” Bucky asked.
“His name’s Brock Rumlow,” Bucky’s expression changed just slightly at this. “I think he works at some firm in the financial district. We only ever went out the once before this so I don’t really remember.” You explained. “What? What’s that look for? Please don’t tell me you know him”.
“Sorry to say that I do. Sorry to say I know his wife too” He said a little more quietly.
You felt humiliated all over again, the same feelings that you experienced in this very seat not an hour ago still had you by the gills it would seem.
Bucky reached for your hand again, running the pads of his thumb across the ridges of your knuckles in an attempt to calm you.
“I’m sorry sweetheart, I didn’t mean to make you upset, but you definitely ought to know that Rumlow is no one that deserves your time” Bucky said in earnest.
His words were nice but you’d need some time to get over this embarrassment on your own. In the meantime, you really were enjoying Bucky’s company so you decided to let it distract you.
Bucky flagged down a waiter, signaling him to bring the check. He took one glance at it and set his card inside. As you reached for the bill with your own card in hand he gave it to the waiter before you could even get a peek. He was so nonchalant when he looked at you.
“Don’t even think about it. So tell me, is the night over or are you game to spend a little more time on me?” He asked. This is the second time he’d been dominant but kind in one breath. You weren’t entirely sure how you felt but you didn’t dislike it.
If you went home you’d just be wallowing in your own self pity, or you’d go to Wanda’s and do it but if you go with Bucky you could delay that feeling for a bit longer. Out with a stranger it is.
“Where to?” You asked him.
9:59 PM
A private booth on the top floor of what he said was one of his favorite lounges turned out to be where to. You were relieved to find there was no dancing, as you had two left feet and half a bottle of wine by now. When you got to the booth you stuck with water, knowing you’d need to get yourself home.
Bucky had insisted on one glass of champagne ‘to chance encounters’ he’d said. You agreed but just one. You found yourself closer to him while you talked, your knees touched and his hand found its way to your leg. It didn’t dare to move higher up, just staying there like a comforting weight almost while you conversed.
You were rambling on about the time you and your cousin took your dad’s car for a joyride when you were 14. You were laughing the whole thing off when you realized he wasn’t laughing with you. You had worried for a moment that you’d bored him when you saw the soft yet intense look in his eye and tilted your head with curiosity.
“You’re very beautiful, you know that right?” He didn’t let you answer as he shifted closer. “I’d like to kiss you, is that alright with you?”
Oh. You were caught off guard by the abruptness of his question. Suddenly shy, all you could do was give a small nod and bite your lip in anticipation. His full lips were soft and almost as warm as his hands, which were holding you in an embrace. One of your hands had made their way to his hair and one on the outside of his lower thigh. You sighed as you kissed him back.
It was soft but insistent, things became a little more passionate as you swiped your tongue into his mouth and you both let out a small moan. You didn’t want to stop kissing Bucky, it just felt right.
He finally broke the kiss as one of his hands still rested at the nape of your neck. You were breathless, this man had kissed the daylights out of you. If he could do that with his tongue imagine what else he could do with it. You were both panting softly, sorting through what to make of things and where to go from here.
“I don’t know about you, but I wanna keep doing that, but this might not be the best place for it. You can say no if you want to, and you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to, but I’d love to take you home and treat you right” He said with unwavering eye contact.
Well how on Earth could I say no to that even if I wanted to? Wait doesn’t he live in Brooklyn?
“Let’s go back to mine, probably closer” You said. He nodded in agreement and sent a text to his driver to come pick you both up.
10:40 PM
You did indeed find out what else that tongue of his could do, you were finding out right now. He had made you cum once from his tongue alone already but he added to thick fingers and started pumping them into you, making a scissoring motion that hit you just right. You arched your back and pushed his face in deeper as you cried out, signaling your second orgasm.
Completely drunk in the afterglow of it, you wanted to keep this feeling forever. You wanted to show him what you could do too. You got up albeit with a little shakiness and hovered over him. You kissed his neck and slid your hand down to meet his groin. He was still in his briefs and you pulled the elastic band down with ease.
His cock sprang free and you had to hide the slight surprise you felt looking at the sheer size of him. You were always told you were good in bed so time to really put yourself to the test. You kissed your way down to his pelvis and your hand started working him. Staring back up at him you maintained eye contact while you kissed the dab of pre-cum that pooled at the head of his dick.
He shuddered but you kept staring at him, and in what you have to say was a pretty proud moment for you, you held his gaze while you took him slowly and in one go. You closed your eyes and moaned, feeling him in the back of your throat.
“Shit, oh my god. Are you gonna…?” He was lost for words so you decided to answer him by getting to work. You started slowly, up and down, letting yourself get used to his size and reminding yourself to breathe through your nose and stay relaxed.
His moans were growing louder and his breathing heavier, you knew he was close and you were wondering if he was going to let you finish him. You got your answer when he pulled you off of him by the hair.
“As bad as I want you to finish what you started, I wanna feel you first.” He panted.
“So what’s stopping you?” You asked playfully. A small shriek escaped you as he flipped you under him. He lined himself up with your entrance and thrust in slowly. You could tell he was using a lot of restraint but that was quickly forgotten as you remembered how big he was. You suddenly appreciated the slow pace.
As he became fully sheathed inside of you you let out a loud moan that was quickly silenced by his lips on yours. A few more small thrusts and he was nearly fucking your cervix. You felt unbelievably full.
“Had no idea how talented that mouth was of yours, doll. Trying to make me cum without getting to fuck you though? Now that’s just cruel. I think you need to pay for that, don’t you?” He asked playfully as his thrusts became a little harder and forceful.
You could only nod and moan as he picked up his pace. Your hands clung to his shoulders for dear life and you whimpered and keened while he railed you into your mattress. Finally getting used to the feeling you reached down to play with your clit.
“Did I say you could touch yourself?” He asked in between grunts.
Your eyes rounded and you shook your head.
“I wanna be the one to touch you. Make you cum. Only me.” He forced out as he replaced your fingers with his. He made tight, quick circles around your clit but didn’t let up on his pace as he fucked you closer and closer to a third orgasm.
“Your pussy’s making it fuckin’ impossible for me to hold out any longer, need you to cum, sweetheart. Cum all over my fuckin’ dick.” His words sent you right over the edge and you did as you were asked.
Not two seconds later he cried out and emptied himself inside of you, sending a few final pushes into you before taking himself out and dropping down on his side.
You leaned over and kissed him with what little breath you two had left. Your sweat mixed together but you didn’t mind.
His hands provided that comforting weight as he brought one to your shoulder and the other to your hip. He kissed the tip of your nose and watched you begin to drift off to sleep. He could probably use the rest himself and decided to close his eyes for a bit.
9:30 AM
You woke up in a half empty bed, but before you could let yourself be too disappointed you heard the sound of your shower turning off. You padded down to the bathroom and opened the door to find Bucky toweling off. He gave you a lopsided grin.
“Good mornin’, I would’ve asked you to join me but you looked so peaceful I didn’t wanna wake you.” He explained. “If you’re not sick of me, do you maybe wanna grab some breakfast?”
You shook your head and reached past him to turn the shower back on.
“No way. I make the best pancakes and as a thank you for everything last night, I insist on making some for you.” You smiled up at him, hopeful he’d agree.
“Well I hope you know what you’re up against, I’m a very insatiable man.” He joked back.
You hit him with a washcloth and laughed. “Oh believe me I know. Gimme 15 and I’ll be right out.”
He nodded and closed the door behind him. You let your mind wander back to last night as you washed off the sweat that lingered from the night before.
10:15 AM
You set down two plates stacked mile-high with pancakes and bacon. You held your coffee mug up to his and clinked against it.
“To chance encounters” You said with a smile.
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bluejayblueskies · 3 years
can i be gentle?
Words: 7.1k
Relationships: Jon & Tim, Tim & Martin
Tags: Canon Divergence, Tim Lives, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Whump, Post-Unknowing, Injury Recovery
Warnings: suicidal thoughts/ideations, blood, injury, hospitals and hospitalization, survivor's guilt, body horror, minor gore, gun and knife violence, mentions of death, mentions of canon-typical worms, implied child abuse, meat, alcohol, swearing, crying, smoking
Ao3 link in source
Tim aches. It’s full-body, radiating through his arms and back and legs, and he wishes more than anything that he could go to sleep, to chase away the pain for at least a little while. It feels like he’s been hit by a bus.
 Or been on the receiving end of several kilos of C4 igniting all at once. But that metaphor’s a bit too on-the-nose, in his opinion.
 He should be dead. He should be dead. 
 (Does he wish he were dead? He hadn’t cared, in those few moments of clarity before he pushed the button on the detonator and the colors solidified into black nothingness, whether or not he would wake up when the smoke cleared. It’s hard to tell. He’d attached so much of himself to revenge, before, when it was easier than feeling everything else bubbling up underneath, and now that it’s been ripped away from him, he doesn’t know what emotion should be filling the gap. Probably relief.
 He doesn’t feel relieved.)
 The nurse is speaking to him. Her lips are moving, but he can’t hear her. His ears ring and ring and ring, and it sounds like spirling, mocking laughter.
 They do some tests. Blast-induced hearing loss, the pamphlet they give him proclaims. Prognosis is good. Most patients recover in 6 weeks. Hearing aids can help with high frequencies.
 His ears ring and ring and ring, and he’s alive.
 He’s alive.
 Jon is not.
 “It’s because of him, you know.”
 Martin startles badly at Tim’s voice. Tim wonders if it had been too loud; the ringing in his ears is incessant, and every word spoken sounds as if it’s coming from a very, very far distance. He moves a bit further into the room that they’ve placed Jon in, his hands shaking where they grip the wheels of the wheelchair they’d given him. Hard to walk when your leg is shattered. And some ribs as well. 
 Martin says something, Tim thinks, as he’s turning. His eyes are wide and rimmed with red, and he’s looking at Tim expectantly. Tim sighs, then winces as the motion sends tendrils of pain through his ribcage. “I can’t hear you, Martin. Either speak up—way, way up—or just… move your lips more or something. I don’t care.”
 “What?” Martin enunciates, and it’s so ridiculous, Tim wants to cry.
 He answers anyway.
 “Me. Being here. I’m alive because… because of him.”
 It was stupid, thinking he could protect Tim from an entire building collapsing on top of them. But his hand had gripped Tim’s wrist and he’d pulled him to the floor and he’d covered Tim’s body with his own, so when the shock wave had hit, Jon had gotten the worst of it.
 Tim refuses to feel guilty about it. He does anyway. Because they’d argued, and Jon had stalked him, and Tim had cultivated his anger and fear into a simmering ember deep in his chest, but at the end of the day, Tim wasn’t supposed to survive.
 Jon was.
 Tim swallows, hating the bitter taste in his mouth, and says, “Do you… do you think he’s going to wake up?”
 Martin says something, too softly for Tim to hear. His mouth twists into something small and pained, and he looks at the floor.
 It’s answer enough.
 Tim doesn’t ask again. 
 They arrest Elias a few hours later, after Martin’s collected himself enough to bring his plan to completion. Tim’s only regret is that he isn’t able to see the look on Elias’s face as he’s dragged away.
 Knowing Tim’s luck, he’d probably have just looked smug.
 The name Peter Lukas crosses Martin’s lips, spelled out in exaggerated motions when he visits Tim again. Tim thinks, absurdly, of the hydra. Cut off one head, two grow back.
 Lukas probably won’t be better. Knowing their luck, he’ll be much worse. But Tim thinks of the way Melanie had shaken after she’d come out of Elias’s office, of the haunted look in Martin’s eyes when Tim had asked how his plan went, and can’t find it within himself to care.
 They release him from the hospital with a hefty prescription of pain meds, small plastic hearing aids tucked in each ear, and a thick folder of discharge papers. Martin’s there when they do; the bags under his eyes are dark and smudged, and he nods mechanically as the nurses talk to him, outlining Tim’s care regime for the next few weeks. His eyes keep flicking to the side, to the corridor that leads to the long-term care section of the hospital. Wordlessly, Tim reaches over and takes Martin’s hand in his, giving it a single squeeze before holding it tightly.
 Martin lets out a breath through his nose and squeezes back.
 “Do you want me to, er. To take you back to yours?” Martin asks once they’re out, his voice on the softer side of muffled and overlaid with that constant ringing but audible enough now that he doesn’t have to shout. 
 Tim feels something almost like embarrassment curling in his stomach. “I, uh. I don’t have a place anymore.” Tim drums his fingers on his thighs, looks at the ground, and says, “I canceled my lease. About a week before we left for Great Yarmouth.”
 There’s silence between them—or at least, as close to silence as Tim can get right now. Tim thinks Martin says something, a word or two brushing up against the edges of what the hearing aids allow him to hear, but he can’t grasp any of it. So, Tim looks up at Martin, at the pinched, pained expression on his face, and says, “Don’t pretend like you didn’t know.”
 “Know what?” Martin says bitterly. “That you never expected to come back? Yeah, I got that part. I even got why, you know? Doesn’t make it better, though. I didn’t want to lose you, Tim.” Martin pauses, then says, so quietly Tim can barely hear it, “I didn’t want to lose anybody.”
 “Yeah,” Tim says. But that’s not how this works. We were never going to all survive. Everything is fucked, and it still is, and it always will be.
 “I’m sorry,” he says and finds he means it. Then, to clarify: “For hurting you. And… and for Jon.” He doesn’t elaborate on that point. He doesn’t know what he would say even if he tried. “But I’m not sorry for going, and I’m not sorry for pressing that button. If I would have died, I wouldn’t have been sorry for that either.”
 “Right,” Martin says slowly. “But you didn’t. And the Circus is gone now, so do you…?”
 “Do I still want to kill myself?”
 Martin winces.
 “Hey, your question, not mine,” Tim says, holding his hands up in a defensive gesture. After a moment, his hands drop back to his lap, and he gives a small shrug. “Don’t know. I knew I would do what I needed to in order to destroy the Circus, and I did. Thought I would die in the process, but I didn’t. I’m still trapped in the world’s shittiest job, and I don’t really…”
 Tim shrugs again. “I don’t know,” he repeats. Then, because it feels true: “It was never… it was never the dying bit I was chasing, you know. I didn’t do this because I thought it would be a good way to get killed. I did it for Danny, and that’s it. Plain and simple. So if you’re asking if I want to die, the answer is no. But I can’t guarantee that I won’t make the same decision again if I have to.”
 Martin’s quiet for a long moment. Then, calmer than Tim expects, he says, “Okay.”
 “Okay,” Tim echoes. Then, with a levity that only feels slightly forced: “I suppose it’s back to your place, then. Just be sure to buy me dinner first.”
 Martin doesn’t smile at that like he used to, but his face does soften a bit. His voice is lighter when he says, “Oh, I will. Within your dietary restrictions, that is. Which means no alcohol.”
 Tim groans. “You’re no fun.”
 “Uh huh.”
 They begin the commute back to Martin’s flat, and the atmosphere between them grows more lighthearted than it’s been in months. Tim feels something warm and familiar curl in his chest, and he realizes just how much he’s missed this. It’s not quite easy conversation, not like it used to be, but it’s nice all the same.
 Tim’s ears ring, and his entire body aches, and he still feels a numbness in his core in the shape of suspicious glances and calliope music and a face he can’t remember, but for the first time in a long, long time, he allows himself to smile.
 Tim doesn’t visit Jon often. At first, it’s the guilt, acute and cloying and weighing him down. Then, it’s old hurt and stale anger, resurfacing and driving away any passing thought of Jon that isn’t tinged with bad memories and broken trust. After that, it’s just habit.
 It also hurts, if he lets himself admit it. To see Jon lying there, motionless and clad entirely in white, the heart monitor attached to him reading out a constant horizontal line even as his eyes move in small, jerky motions behind his eyelids. 
 See? a part of him whispers. He’s not human. Maybe he never was. Maybe he was always a monster, and you just never noticed. It wouldn’t be the first time.
 A newer part of him, one that gets more prominent by the day, recognizes that even if Jon isn’t human anymore, he never would have chosen this. This stasis, this half-death. Not what came before, either. That part of him remembers the way Jon’s hand had gripped his tightly as they’d opened that trapdoor, and how it had continued to do so even as the worms had begun to bite into their skin. He’d tried to protect Tim then, too, putting himself between Tim and Jane Prentiss. For all the good it did, when the worms began to come from all directions. But Tim remembers the way the terror and pain in Jon’s eyes had been tinged with sadness, with a silent apology as he gripped Tim’s hand hard enough to bruise and they both accepted that this was it.
 It hadn’t been, in the end. And now it is, with Jon all-but-dead and Tim still here, wheeling his way into Jon’s hospital room for the first time in weeks. 
 He’s halfway in before he realizes he’s not alone.
 “Oh,” he says. “I… I didn’t know you’d be here.”
 Martin lets out a sharp, jagged laugh. “Where else would I be?” he says, and it’s tinged with something bitter and broken that takes Tim a bit off-guard. It’s become almost routine now, for Martin to visit Jon, and usually, he comes back looking drained but otherwise fine. Sometimes, when Tim asks him for status updates on our resident medical mystery, Martin even manages a small smile and responds, still dreaming.
 Martin scrubs a hand across his face, and Tim realizes belatedly that he’s crying.
 “Martin?” Tim says carefully, moving a bit closer to where Martin’s sitting. “Are you… did something happen?”
 “No,” Martin says, his voice catching in a way that indicates that something very much did happen. “It’s fine.”
 “Is it…?” Tim pauses, worrying his bottom lip between his teeth. “Is it about Jon?”
 Martin’s laugh this time is more like a whimper. “Nope, he’s- he’s the same as always. Still asleep.”
 Tim moves closer but doesn’t say anything. The clock ticks rhythmically in the background, and he waits. Patience has never been his strong suit, but it’s been something that’s been required of him as of late, and he’s getting better at it.
 He likes to think he’s getting better at a lot of things.
 Martin doesn’t speak again for a few minutes. He stares at his hands where they rest just shy of one of Jon’s, his fingers restless against the sheets, coming up occasionally to fiddle with the thin black ring that rests on the middle finger of his right hand. Then, so quiet Tim almost can’t hear it, he says, “My mother died today.”
 “I’m sorry,” Tim says. They’re empty words, but they’re better than the good riddance and about time and you’re better off without her sitting on the back of his tongue, begging to be released. He doesn’t think they would be appreciated right now, no matter how true they might be.
 “Yeah,” Martin says. He’s still staring at his hands. “They called me a few hours ago. She… she passed away in her sleep. Natural causes. From- from her illness.” He falls silent for a few moments, his fingers twisting in the sheets. Then: “I… I think I should be sad?”
 Tim studies Martin’s face—the tear tracks down his cheeks, the unhappy set to his mouth, the way he’s shaking ever so slightly where he sits. His face is one of grief, but Tim doesn’t ask. He waits for Martin to continue, and after a moment, Martin says, “She was the only family I had left. She- she was my mother. I took care of her, I- I did my best to be a- a good son.” He takes in a shaky breath, curls his hands into fists, and says, “I haven’t seen her in months, you know. I- I visited at first, but she… she never wanted to see me. So I just stopped going. I’d call, every Saturday, but it was the same every time. She’s resting. She doesn’t feel up to talking right now. Call later, and we’ll see what we can do.” 
 Finally, Martin looks at Tim, and the guilt in his eyes is so acute Tim can feel it cut through him to his core. “I should be sad that she’s dead, but… but all I can feel is relief. And that hurts. I- I don’t know… why am I relieved? God, she was right, I- I’m horrible, no wonder she- she never wanted to see me, I- why can’t I- I can’t—”
 Martin cuts off with a wet sob, and all at once, Tim understands.
 “It’s okay,” he says, and he collects Martin’s hands from the sheets, holds them tightly in his own. “You can feel however you like, it’s- it’s okay.”
 He squeezes Martin’s hands, just once, and repeats, “It’s okay.”
 He knows Martin won’t believe him. But still, he sits, and Martin cries, and he says, It’s okay.
 It’s okay.
 The hearing aids are a permanent fixture in his ears now, as most people have full hearing restoration after six weeks apparently doesn’t include him. The tinnitus is still particularly bad some days, but they help with everything else. It’s not perfect, but it’s a small price to pay for living, he supposes.
 He’s not sure when, exactly, he decides that he’s glad he’s alive. But he does. 
 He wishes he hadn’t been able to hear at all, when the Flesh attacks. He wishes he hadn’t been able to hear the wet, sticky sounds of things that shouldn’t be able to move without bones slipping through the vents, shattering the relative peace they’d begun to cultivate. He wishes he hadn’t been able to hear the pops of Basira’s gun, bullets burying themselves in things that barely flinched at the contact. He wishes he hadn’t been able to hear Melanie’s screams of anger, the responding screams of pain from things with too many eyes and teeth and limbs as her knife carved a violent path through them.
 There are yellow doors and hands slick with blood and a sudden quiet as the last of the twisted, mangled creatures falls, sliced neatly in two in a way that’s just a bit too clean. 
 Melanie is breathing heavily, but her hands are steady and her eyes are hard with something raging and violent. When Basira reaches tentatively for her knife, saying, “It’s over now, Melanie. We’re- we’re safe,” Melanie stiffens but doesn’t resist.
 “This isn’t right,” Tim says after Melanie comes back to herself in bits and pieces, enough to shudder at the blood coating her arms up to the elbows and mutter something he can’t quite catch before disappearing into the toilet. “None of this is. God, can we ever catch a fucking break?”
 “We can deal with it later,” Basira says. She’s calm, but she can’t quite hide the tremor in her voice. Her Al-Amira is splattered with viscera. “Right now, we need to make a call. Get this cleaned up.”
 “What,” Tim says bitterly, “so we can continue hiding away in the Archives? You’re the one who said we should start sleeping here. Should have known it wouldn’t be safe. It’s not like it was before.” 
 He rubs at one of the small circular scars on the back of his left hand, his skin crawling with a phantom itch that makes him vaguely nauseous. 
 “We stay here,” Basira says, leaving no room for debate. “We make the call, and we stay here.”
 Tim makes a low, frustrated noise, and bites out, “Fine. Because Basira always knows best. Whatever.” He unlocks his wheelchair and says shortly, “I’m going outside for some fresh air. The smell of rotting meat is making me sick.”
 Basira doesn’t follow him.
 Martin does.
 They situate themselves just outside the glass doors, and they don’t say anything for a long time. Martin still looks vaguely ill. His face is pale, and his hands are fidgeting at his sides. His fingers are resting on his ring, twisting it back and forth, agitated. His shoes are stained a glistening red.
 Finally, Martin tilts his head back so it hits the wall behind him and says to the air above him, “Is it horrible that I wish Jon were here?”
 Tim snorts, anger still bubbling under the surface of his skin. “Because we’d have done so much better with our own flavor of spooky bullshit?” He bites out a bitter laugh. “Maybe he could have compelled them to explain exactly why every single monster out there has a personal vendetta against us. Working for an eldritch horror of voyeurism doesn’t give you much in terms of an offense.”
 “Stop,” Martin says sharply. “You know what I mean.”
 Tim does. He’s just not particularly inclined to wax nostalgic about the power of friendship and comradery when he’s got bits of meat stuck in his hair. 
 Still, he finds that he means it when he says, “I wish he was too. For what it’s worth. Which isn’t a fucking lot, but it’s what we’ve got.”
 “Yeah,” Martin says. His hand brushes against Tim’s, and they fall back into silence.
 The police arrive, followed closely by the ECDC. It’s a messy affair, even messier than the last time Tim had been in this situation, and Tim wants nothing more than to get away. Forever.
 He doesn’t make any jokes this time. He just nods in the right places, and when they’re finally released and he and Martin return to a flat they haven’t seen in weeks, he can feel weariness cutting through him to the bone.
 When he wakes the next day, Martin’s gone. His note, stuck to the door of the fridge, says, At the hospital. Be back around noon.
 It’s ten in the morning, and the sunlight is bright as it streams in through the kitchen window.
 Tim digs out the bottle of rum that Martin keeps tucked in the back of his cabinet and pours himself a drink.
 “Peter Lukas wants me to be his assistant.”
 Tim looks up from what’s turning out to be quite an impressive doodle of the little figurine of a frog in a top hat he’d purchased back in research from a charity shop and says, “Absolutely not.”
 Martin sucks his bottom lip between his teeth, holds it there for a moment, and then says, “I don’t know if I have a choice in the matter, really. It’s… it’s not safe here anymore.” Quieter: “He said he can help. Off- offer protection.”
 Tim audibly scoffs at that. He sets down his pencil and notepad and crosses his arms across his chest. He can already feel a headache coming on. (More than the usual, that is. He’s almost able to tune out the constant ringing in his ears now.
 “What’s he going to do, isolate them to death? It’s not like the Lonely’s any better of an offensive force than the Eye. We’re doing just fine without involving him.”
 “Are we?” Martin’s voice is hard and a bit choked when he continues, “We’re living down here because it’s not safe to stay outside for too long. We’re still finding bits of- of flesh in- eugh.” Martin shudders and folds inward on himself. Quieter, enough so that Tim has to watch the motion of his lips to make out the words, he says, “Jon’s not waking up.”
 Tim feels something inside of him twist. “We don’t know that. We don’t know what’s happening with him.” A touch bitterly—old habits die hard, he supposes—he says, “Maybe he’s just not done going through his monster metamorphosis yet.”
 Tim sighs. It’s a profoundly weary sound. “Yeah, yeah. I… I miss him too, you know.”
 He’s surprised to find that it’s not a lie.
 “Right.” A small, shaky smile crosses Martin’s face, and he says, “I- I suppose they’re right, then. Distance does make the heart grow fonder.”
 “Somehow,” Tim says, “I don’t think whoever coined that phrase had this situation in mind.”
 Martin’s smile fades as quickly as it had come, and Tim feels a pang of guilt. “Sorry,” he says, pushing away from the desk and wheeling across the room to where Martin sits. He hesitates, just a moment, before placing his hand on Martin’s where it rests on his knee. “I… I suppose I’ve forgotten how to be lighthearted about all of this.”
 Martin nods. It’s a small motion. He’s silent for a long moment; Tim squeezes his hand and says nothing. Finally, Martin looks down at his hands and says, “It’s been four months, Tim. Nothing’s changed.” He pauses again, his mouth pinching around the edges. “I… I visited him today. I begged him to wake up, to- to do anything to indicate that he’s even still there. I don’t know why I expected him to answer. It’s not like anything’s different now. He- he’s never going to wake up, Tim.”
 Martin’s voice cracks, and he repeats, wetly, “He’s never going to wake up.”
 Then, Martin’s crying, heaving sobs that overtake him completely and have him hunched over, dripping salty tears onto the back of Tim’s hand. “Hey, hey, hey,” Tim says, leaning forward as far as he’s comfortably able to and wrapping Martin in as hard of a hug as he can manage. He rubs his hands in circles across Martin’s shoulderblades, feeling Martin’s shaky breaths against the side of his neck, and says, “It’s okay. It’s okay.”
 He repeats it, again and again, as Martin cries into his shoulder and says, over and over, words thick with grief, “He’s dead, Tim. He’s dead.”
 “It’s okay,” Tim says. Maybe if he says it enough times, he’ll start to believe it.
 Eventually, Martin’s body stops shaking and he pulls back, the tear tracks on his cheeks already beginning to dry. His eyes are red-rimmed and glistening, and he looks tired, grief apparent in every line of him.
 “I said I’d think about it,” Martin says, in a voice rubbed raw and hoarse. “When Peter called me. I- I said I’d think about it. I- I don’t know why…” He cuts off, makes a small, distressed noise, and says, “What do I even have left? If- if this can help, what- what do I have to lose?”
 Tim feels a pang of hurt flash through him, but he suppresses it. He squeezes Martin’s hands, gives him as wide a smile as he can without breaking, and says, “You have me. And I’m not leaving—you’re stuck with me. So don’t think for a second that if you take Peter’s deal, I won’t be there still. I’m like a bad penny, or, I don’t know, a- a fungus or whatever. The point is, you’re not going to get rid of me. Whether or not you decide to work for Lukas—which you shouldn’t, by the way, in case I haven’t made that abundantly clear—you’re not going to be lonely, okay? Not on my watch. I can be very persistent when I put my mind to it.”
 Martin looks at Tim, eyes wide, and another small, hiccuping sob escapes him. “You really mean that?”
 “Yes, Martin,” Tim says, exasperation and fondness filling him in equal measure. “Christ, just because things got… rough for a bit, it doesn’t mean I stopped caring about you. Honestly, don’t know if I could. You’re a very lovable person, you know. It’s not like being your friend is a hardship.”
 Martin laughs a little at that, his voice still thick with tears. “Well, when you put it like that…”
 Tim gives him another smile, and this one feels easier. Like it would be harder not to smile. Still, he’s careful with his words when he says, “So, then. What are you going to do? I’ve made my opinion more than known, but…” Tim swallows around the lump in his throat and continues, “It’s your decision.”
 “Yeah,” Martin says, barely more than a whisper. “Yeah.”
 Peter calls again. And when Martin hesitates for a long moment before giving a quiet yet firm no, the relief that sweeps over Tim is enough to make him feel weightless.
 Two months later, as a man who smells of death shuts the door behind him, Jon takes a rattling breath and finally opens his eyes.
 Tim raises the hand that’s not holding a rather large bouquet of white daisies and baby’s breath in a half-wave. “Hi, boss. Been a while.”
 The look Jon gives him is half-shocked, half-nervous. “I… I suppose it has. Six months, apparently.”
 Tim makes a sound of affirmation before wheeling himself fully into Jon’s hospital room and letting the door swing shut behind him. “You know,” he says, allowing a blanket of levity to fall over him, “when we said you should get more sleep, this isn’t exactly what we meant.”
 Jon just stares at him for a moment, face blank and eyes wide. Then, a laugh escapes him, a small hiccup of amusement. “Yes, well. I can’t say that I feel particularly well-rested.”
 Tim imagines what it must have been like, to be locked in a dreamscape stasis for six months. He can’t say that the idea sounds particularly relaxing. “Yep, sounds about right. Guess we can cross ‘spooky coma’ off our list of possible cures for sleep deprivation.”
 Jon folds inward on himself a bit, hugging one arm to his chest and gripping the other tightly. “Right,” he says, his voice small. He looks away from Tim, focusing on the small window in the corner of the room, and says, “I… I’m sorry, Tim.”
 Right. Jon still thinks Tim hates him.
 Tim lets out a long, weary sigh and makes his way to Jon’s bed. He practically shoves the flowers into Jon’s hands; Jon takes them, more out of surprise than anything, white petals tickling the bottom of his chin. “It’s been six months, Jon. You’ve been… honestly, a bit dead? No offense. And I’ve been alive. And we both know it was meant to be the other way around.”
 Jon opens his mouth, and Tim holds up a hand. “Don’t. I know. I already hear enough about it from my therapist, I don’t need to hear about it from you too. The point is that I’ve… I’ve had time to think. And some of the things you did, I can’t forgive you for. But some of it…”
 Tim shrugs. “Martin would always go on about how it wasn’t your fault. About how you were suffering just as much as us. And maybe I didn’t believe it because I was already angry, or maybe I didn’t believe it because all I could think about was finally getting a chance at the revenge I’d chased after for years. But then you were gone, and the Circus was gone, and I just… didn’t have anything left for the anger to hold on to.”
 Jon clutches the flowers tightly in his hands, looks down at the petals. “But you were right,” he says quietly. “A- about me.”
 Tim casts himself back six months and sifts through a metric ton of bitter remarks and angry assumptions. “You’re going to have to be more specific.”
 Jon lets out a slow, shaky breath. “About me not being human.”
 “Do you know what I was dreaming about?” Jon cuts in before Tim can say anything else. “I- I don’t remember, not really, but… but I can guess. I… I Know, somehow, that- that they were the same dreams, over and over and over again.” Jon takes one of the flower petals between his fingers and rubs it back and forth, a nervous gesture. “I started having them soon after I took this job, you know. Naomi Herne was the first one, and I- I didn’t understand why. Every night, she was trapped in the fog, forced into her own grave, and I would try to move, because it- it felt like I should have been able to, but it- it never worked. So I… I stopped trying after a while. I would stand and watch as she relived one of the worst experiences of her life, every night, and I- I couldn’t do anything to stop it.”
 Jon crushes the petal between his fingers. “She was the first one, but- but there are so many more now. Lionel Elliott and Jordan Kennedy and- and, Christ, Georgie—”
 Jon makes a small, unhappy noise. “I don’t know when I realized that they could see me in their dreams too. That in trying to help, I- I’d just made myself another source of terror.”
 Jon falls silent for a few moments; the quiet is filled by the familiar tick tick tick of the clock in the corner. Then, so quietly Tim has to focus on his lips to catch the words, he says, “I… I think I made a choice. Before I woke up. I don’t… I don’t know what it means for me, not really, but I know it means that I’m worse than I was before.” He lets out a bitter laugh, devoid of any humor. “So, you were right. I’m just- just even less human now.”
 Jon falls silent again, and for a few moments, there’s just tick, tick, tick. Tim rolls the words over in his mind, looks at Jon’s pinched, unhappy expression, and says, “Okay.”
 Jon looks at him then, his brow furrowed in confusion. “Okay?”
 Tim shrugs and repeats, “Okay. You’re not human. I’m not going to pretend like that thrills me or whatever, but it’s… honestly, it’s a lot less of an issue for me now than it was back then.”
 “I- I don’t…” Jon trails off with a frustrated noise. “What?”
 Tim sighs. “A lot’s changed, Jon. Things have… well, things have kind of gone to hell. Honestly, we could use a few monsters who are on our side for a change.”
 Jon blinks at him in stunned silence for a few moments more before saying, bewildered, “... Right. Uh, I- I suppose I shouldn’t ask how you’ve been, then.”
 A wry smile cracks across Tim’s face. “I’ve been just peachy, thanks for asking. Blow up one Circus and suddenly every spooky monster out there wants to kill you. It’s been one big, long, horrible sleepover in the Archives. But hey, at least Elias isn’t there! Now we’ve just got Lukas, and if one or two staff members disappear every once and a while, well—that’s just how it is at the Magnus Institute. Nothing to be concerned about. Sometimes, we still go out for drinks.”
 “Tim,” Jon says flatly. The exasperated expression on his face is so familiar—so Jon—that Tim feels a tension he hadn’t known he’d been holding slip away. 
 “Yeah, yeah,” Tim says, waving a hand absently in Jon’s direction. “Point is, I’m not disappointed or angry or whatever that you’re back in the land of the living.” He pauses, and then, more sincerely: “Martin’s not the only one who’s missed you, okay?”
 Jon’s lips part into an O. Then, his mouth twitches up into a smirk, and he says, “Mm, you’re right. Basira did stop by earlier, and then of course Georgie, and I bet even Melanie—”
 “Unbelievable. And here I was nice enough to come all the way over here, to bring you flowers.”
 “Mm, they are very nice flowers.”
 “Damn right they are.”
 Jon smiles then, a fragile thing, and says, “Thank you, Tim. I… I’ve missed you too.”
 Tim could point out that Jon had been asleep for the majority of the time in question. But he knows that’s not what Jon means. So instead, he offers Jon a smile in return and says, “Be honest: more or less than the Admiral?”
 Jon shoots Tim a flat, unimpressed look. “Tim, don’t be ridiculous. Of course less than the Admiral.”
 Tim’s been out of the wheelchair for a week when he finally manages to make his way to the roof of the Institute, still learning how to maneuver the crutches he’s moved on to. He swears he can feel every motion of the pins and the rods in his leg—skin covered with even more scars for the collection—as he finally heaves himself through the door and into the cool night air. 
 The view is just as good as he remembers.
 There’s the faint smell of cigarette smoke hanging in the air, and Tim’s entirely unsurprised to see Jon silhouetted against the glow of London, leaning against the wall that rings the roof with his back facing Tim. The cigarette glows a dull red as he raises it to his lips and breathes in.
 Jon doesn’t say anything, even as Tim painstakingly makes his way over to where he’s stood. Tim props his crutches against the wall before leaning his weight heavily against it, arms crossed atop the wall in a mirror image of Jon as they both look out onto the city below, humming with life and light.
 Finally, after a particularly long drag of his cigarette, Jon says, “I’m going to get Daisy.”
 There’s no room for argument in his voice. But that’s never stopped Tim from trying anyways. 
 “I thought you were done doing stupid shit that’ll get you killed,” Tim says, turning his head to look at Jon. Jon’s staring forward, but Tim gets the distinct impression that Jon isn’t looking out at the city at all.
 “It won’t kill me,” Jon says quietly. He moves his hands as he talks, surprisingly competent sign language that he’s begun using tentatively in his conversations with Tim. When Tim had asked him where he’d learned it, Jon had been quiet for a long moment before telling him that he hadn’t.
 Well. At least the Eye was being useful for once.
 “Yeah, whatever,” Tim says. “Dead or not, you’ll still be gone. You know people who crawl into that coffin don’t come back.”
 “I don’t—” Jon cuts off with a frustrated noise. After a moment, he continues, “I have a plan. I- I read a statement, and it said that I would need an anchor. A- a piece of myself to keep here. I can find it when I’m down there, and- and use it to guide me back.”
 “Right,” Tim says dryly. “Because our plans have always gone so well.”
 “What would you have me do, Tim? I- I can’t just do nothing.”
 “Why not?”
 Jon affixes him with an expression that’s half-affronted, half-stunned. “Tim.”
 “What? Jon, we barely know Daisy. She tried to kill you. No, don’t give me that look.” Tim jabs a finger in Jon’s direction. “You know I’m right.”
 “I…” Jon trails off. After a moment, he hugs his arms to himself, his snubbed-out cigarette still smoldering slightly on top of the wall. “I know. But I… I still have to go. I… I’m still going to go.”
 Tim exhales slowly and says, “Right. Suppose I should have expected that.”
 There’s silence between them for a moment. Then, Jon removes his hands from his arms and signs as he says, quietly, “Why don’t you hate me?”
 Tim stares at Jon for a long moment before saying, “What?”
 Jon sighs and repeats, the motions of his hands larger and more emphatic, “Why don’t you hate me? Basira and Melanie, they- they keep looking at me like I’m some… thing, and- and maybe I am. No, not… not maybe. I’m not… I’m not human anymore, and I- I know what you said, but what happens when I—?”
 Jon cuts off with a small, choked noise, like the air’s been sucked out of him all at once. Weakly, he signs, “I’m so hungry, all the time. What happens when I… when I can’t take it anymore? When I- I become dangerous, a- a monster, will you—?”
 Jon’s fingers curl into fists, and he drops his hands to his sides, angling himself away from Tim and staring at an arbitrary point in the distance. “It’s better this way,” he says, loudly enough that Tim can make out the words above the hum of London at night and the ever-present ringing in his ears. “I… I don’t want to go. I don’t want to lose this, to- to lose you and- and Martin. But maybe it’s better than becoming something that will hurt you.”
 Jon won’t meet Tim’s eyes. Carefully, Tim reaches across the space between them and takes Jon’s hand in his, uncurling Jon’s fingers gently in an attempt to release some of the tension. Slowly, he says, “You know, I… I shouldn’t be alive right now. Back after the Unknowing, when I woke up in the hospital, I… I didn’t want to be. It was supposed to be whatever it takes, and to me, that was always going to mean my death. Revenge and poetic justice and all of that. I should have died, but I didn’t. And… and you did. And it’s not something I feel guilty about, because we both made the same choice in the end, but that… that doesn’t stop me from feeling, sometimes, like it was my fault somehow.” He lets out a sharp laugh and says, “Well, I was the one to actually blow the place up in the end, but, you know.”
 Tim holds Jon’s hand carefully in his like it might break otherwise, the mottled texture of the scar tissue firm against his fingertips. His eyes find the thin white line slashed across Jon’s throat, the stark white bandage poking out from the collar of Jon’s shirt where it covers a fresh scalpel wound in his shoulder, the pale pink spots that pepper Jon’s skin in a mirror image of his own. He can’t see the splash of jagged scars across Jon’s back, a memory of shrapnel and white-hot explosions, but he knows they’re there. “You asked why I don’t hate you?”
 When Jon nods mutely, Tim says, “I just… ran out of reasons why I should. I still wanted to, but…” He shrugs and gives Jon a wry, humorless smile. “We’re all just stuck in the same shitty situation. And I guess at some point, I just decided that you hadn’t chosen to be here any more than I did.”
 “Oh,” Jon says, barely audible. 
 Tim takes Jon’s other hand in his, squeezes them firmly, and says, “And I’m sorry. Not for- for how we used to be, because I think the blame for that falls pretty evenly onto both of our shoulders, but… but for everything else. For what’s happened to you. Figured I’ve spent enough time feeling sorry for myself, I might as well extend you the same courtesy.”
 Jon’s fingers tighten around Tim’s, and he mumbles something Tim can’t quite catch. Then, he extracts his hands from Tim’s and signs, shakily, “I’m sorry too. For everything. But for what it’s worth, I… I’m glad you’re here. That you’re not dead. I- I know it’s been bad and- and I wish I could fix that, but I… I don’t know if I can.” Jon’s eyes when they meet Tim’s are sad but determined. “But I can fix this. I- I can get Daisy back. I can find my way out.”
 Tim looks at the firm set to Jon’s mouth, the furrow of his brow, and says, “Okay. But I’m going to hold you to that. Otherwise, I might have to go in after you.”
 Jon looks horrified. “Tim.”
 Tim holds his hands up in a placating gesture. “Hey, come back in one piece and we won’t have to worry about it.”
 Jon opens his mouth, then closes it again. There’s a long pause before he finally says, decidedly, “I will. I- I promise.”
 Don’t make promises you can’t keep, Tim wants to say. Instead, he shuffles closer to Jon and leans against the wall again, crossing his arms on top of it and looking out over the city. “Good,” he says softly. 
 After a moment, Jon shifts to face the city as well. His arm brushes against Tim’s, and Tim lets that point of contact ground him as he looks up and up and up at the stars above, pinpricks of light on a satin black sky. 
 “Thank you,” Jon says, just loud enough for Tim to hear. 
 Tim moves his hand to cover Jon’s where it sits on the wall and squeezes once. “Yeah.”
 They stand there until sunlight begins to tickle the edges of the horizon. And when Jon gives Tim’s hand one last squeeze, the other holding the lid of the coffin open, and says, “Be back soon,” Tim believes him.
 Three days later, Jon climbs out of the coffin with dirt caked underneath his fingernails and a thin, sharp hand clutched in his. “Tim,” he says, and Tim ignores the pain in his leg as he lets his crutches drop to the floor and hugs Jon tightly.
 “Looks like I’m staying above ground after all,” Tim jokes, his voice light even as his words come out wet and choked.
 Jon’s laugh vibrates against Tim’s chest. “Yeah,” he says, burying his face in the fabric of Tim’s shoulder to hide his smile. “Yeah.”
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