#just remember that despite me sharing these characters and webcomic with you all that i still dont owe anyone immediate answers to question
gengarghast · 1 year
I liked sparklecare until the author did this odd thing where villainous or morally questionable characters are always strictly cishet and even said it was their hard-line rule? Like LGBT characters can never be antagonists or abusive which just felt weird to me, maybe they relaxed on that though I dunno? I am def never offended if a villain shares my gender in a series where good guys can be like me anyway I mean
TLDR: Yeah, there's some weird gender bias with the characters sometimes. Anyways, *starts talking about Awful Hospital again*
Also, spoilers for both Sparklecare Hospital and Awful Hospital. (up to page 41 of SH and various plot point/character reveals for Awful Hospital)
I haven't read too far into the comic myself to confirm, and the genders of the characters were kind of vague anyways thanks to Nurse Mood's shitty notetaking (EDIT: I learned about the existence of the 'Cast' page, my bad), but yeah I've definitely seen a pattern where the LGBT characters are all 'good', regardless of whether they're a patient or employed by the hospital.
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For example, Mood and Ms. Dies are in a lesbian relationship. They're also both employed by the hospital, and despite this are portrayed sympathetically, in opposition to Dr. Cuddles' being genuinely malicious and cruel, as seen below:
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...Even though it's also shown that Mood doesn't give half a shit about the patients, either.
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Now, if you want some equal, well-handled representation, look no further than seriously one of the worst best webcomics of all time...
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Awful Hospital, despite the majority of its cast not even being remotely human, has some great LGBTQ representation in both it's heroes and its villains! Well, 'villains'. The only real villain is the Big Bad(s) of the series, everyone else is just doing what they gotta do in order to survive.
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Speaking of which, this is E.M. Balmer. He's a villain of a whole arc, and has a sort of "kid's cartoon villain" vibe. Goofy, incredibly self-absorbed, and affably evil. He's also implied to have some sort of interest in another male character, Dr. Phage.
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Also, just tell me this beefcake isn't some sort of a Gay. Just look at him.
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...AAAANYWAYS, in terms of heroic queer characters, you've got your choice between the Lesbians and the Trans.
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Celia and Staph are this really sweet fungal/bacterial couple who have like a trillion kids and are also besties with the person who's corpse they live in.
Miss is cleverly implied to be trans with this line here:
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Which, personally, I think is really cool!!!!
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Also, I realize I didn't really talk much about how cool and epic Awful Hospital's LGBTQ+ characters are very much, buuuut that's because I'm tired and need to sleep so whatever
Anyways, goodnight tumblr people, and...
Read Awful Hospital for fuck's sake!!!
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scruffyssketchbook · 6 months
Can I share a Pokémon related hot take?
I actually don't like Pikachu as much I as I used to, Pikachu is overrated. Eevee, the rest of the Eeveelutions, Sprigatito, and Lucario are much better than Pikachu. I'm so tired of seeing goddamn Pikachu everywhere, I don't care if Pikachu is Pokémon's mascot, Pikachu is overused and overrated. I'm okay that Sprigatito seems to be the new mascot.
I also think Charizard is overrated, like wow you guys sure love a flightless dragon. Like seriously, Charizard is fire-FIGHTING type instead of fire-flying type despite having wings? What bullshit.
Honestly, the only Pikachu I'm fine with is Detective Pikachu because they actually bothered to give him a personality besides being some cute tagalong mascot. Sure he tags along with Tim, but Detective Pikachu's technically the one leading in the game, telling Tim what to do, so they're more on equal grounds as partners.
But aside from all that, I think Pikachu is overused and overrated. I'll give an exception for Detective Pikachu, but aside from that, some other Pokémon deserves the spotlight. That's actually what led to me creating a parody webcomic called "It Ain't Easy Being Eevee," I got sick of seeing Pikachu everywhere.
Sorry for going on a tangent and rambling like an old man lol
As someone in the eevee community, this take is actually pretty common take. But you gotta realize that Eevee is ALSO everywhere. Eevee is officially Pokemon's second mascot, next to Pikachu and Charizard, there's a LOT of Eevee/eeveelution merch as well. (plus isn't eevee's personality just "cute"? ) I looked up Manetric on Toyhouse for character inspo and found out that I had more Eevee OC's on TH than Manetric had on the website period. Sprigatito is popular, yes, but that will most likely pass after Paldea is over with and we are on the next region. Like remember when Piplup was everywhere? Eevee IS more popular than Pikachu! There are several polls showing this, both official and unofficial. For example, here
In this docs link, it shows someone who got 52,000 responses for their favorite pokemon vote. Yes, Charizard was number 1, but guess what? Umbreon was number 6 and Eevee was number 9. Pikachu did not reach top 10. (they were actually Number 44) By family, eevee and the eeveelutions had the most votes out of every single pokemon family with a total of 2865 votes.
And like, there are sections of the pokemon fandom that hate eeveelutions/eevee for this popularity the same way as people hate Pikachu and Charizard for theirs, and these people say the same thing. They are overused, they are overrated, etc etc.
I'd say, "it ain't easy being Eelektrik or Silcoon or Baltoy" at least Eevee is loved by the masses and is also everywhere.... (ok I actually do like Baltoy LOL, but that's JUST ME)
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theinkymystery · 3 years
Hey so I've been looking at your post about half breeds in the story, I've noticed that it's mostly about half demons and that got me thinking about your average toons (human and animal toons specifically) half breeds.
So firstly I want to ask about Oswald's race. I've personally interpreted him as half rabbit, half mouse but like rabbit passing? (Like how someone can be half black, half white and be white passing so you wouldn't know they are half black unless you asked) since he's often referred as Mickey's half brother in the source material or are you taking the approach that he's adopted and full rabbit?
Further on that thought would Oswald's kids be triracial or just biracial? I know that the kids look very bunny passing now but the artwork from thebbros older versions of the kids has some of the kids tails grow out into a cat's tail. And I think some of them have fangs if I remember correctly.
I also wanted to touch on the possible discrimination around half breeds in IM if you're taking that route. On that, did Oswald and Ortensia ever get any rude or backhanded comments about being a cat-rabbit couple? Also would kids with parents of different races be picked on or discriminated against for it especially the ones who don't pass as one race? Again with my example of Oswald and Ortensia would their kids that develop more cat-like physical traits be discriminated against?
Also since appearance plays quite a big factor on the surface would it be a factor in the way half breeds are discriminated against, like maybe for example some half breeds that are seen as attractive being sexualised and fetishized?
(Sorry for the lengthy ask, I'm just curious on the take IM has on half breeds since it can be seen as an allegory for people of mixed races)
Okay! There’s a lot to answer. First, I’m gonna address Oswald. For IM they are full brothers. I’m not playing the half brother/adopted junk. Oswald already gets so much flack in the Disney company, I am determined he receives all the respect of a fully developed character in my story (I have similar feelings for Fanny Cottontail). 
Though there are some parallels between race and species in Inky Mystery and they share important themes, I wouldn’t say they are interchangeable or a perfect parallel. After some research I had to make some choices and I went with the logical ones. The bunny kids will stay bunnies despite thegreatrouge’s art. The reason for this is because most, if not all, the animal toons’ families are mixed. Donald has some geese as blood relatives. Minnie has a few rat relatives. Mickey has some rabbits. But they are all distinctly those species. If I made the bunny kids half-cat, part-bunny, and part-mouse with physical traits reflecting that, it’d break the continuity of the rest of the cartoon world I’m working with. The one Disney and a number of other studios built up over the decades. Since I’m working from so many sources that have this in common I will go with their information and not the webcomic artist’s because it would break that. If the bunny kids have cat features, why doesn’t Oswald have a mouse tail? Why doesn’t Minnie have rat traits? If it was just Oswald, maybe, but I have too many mixed species characters that don’t reflect that mix physically. That’s where the parallel between race and speices breaks in the story and in cartoons in general. 
That being said there are still similar themes. Wolves and other predators are seen as threatening. Rabbits are seen as cute. Raccoons are seen as untrustworthy. People are unfairly judged for what they are instead of who they are. 
Regardless of toons not reflecting physical traits, I still think there would be people that would take issues of certain couples and families. There would be some that would find Ortensia and Oswald’s relationship as a problem. Same with Holly and Finley or Fanny and Brute (not for the obvious problems there but them being a wolf and a rabbit) and so on and so forth. 
For the halflings and the demiangels and others, they do have those sort of mixed traits. Demon halfings have traits that show. Demiangels too. Half gorgons and so on. Mostly in terms of magic. But the other parent can be a human or a cat or wolf or a bear and they’ll have those physical traits. Like Cala Maria or Demencia or Leila’s wolf nieces and nephews. But not every magical species does that. Dishes at more like animal toons. Either the child is born a dish or they aren’t. 
I hope that clarifies some things. It isn’t perfect and doesn’t reflect the world and it’s issues perfectly, but it’s what I’m working with to tell a story with consistent rules.
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gofancyninjaworld · 4 years
OPM Manga Chapter 140 Review: Stones and Diamonds
Who goes there?
We open with King and Tareo going down the broken and deserted streets, only to find a strange, translucent barrier. On the other side, they can hazily see a black-clad figure, who is also puzzled about what he’s looking at.  They warily creep around the object to find... more heroes. It turns out that the armored carrier bringing Sekingar and Waganma out of the abandoned zone got cut off from the rest of the convoy when the road collapsed.  With no possibility of calling in a helicopter lest it be shot down, they opted to camouflage themselves and sit tight.  Impressive! 
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Tareo and Waganma are reunited and are in tears over seeing each other safe and well.  Tareo loses no time in asking Metal Bat to rescue Child Emperor, who went back in exhausted and without weapons to try rescuing Tareo.  Tareo in turn, asks King to please go back and save Garou, without mentioning him by name.
Pineapple and Mohican grovel before Metal Bat, ashamed that they weren’t able to keep Waganma safe and thus failed the charge they were given.  Metal Bat, after reassuring them, asks what they’re doing out of hospital.  It seems that their humiliation didn’t end there:  after coming out to try rescuing people along with other heroes, they themselves needed rescuing because they got trapped under buildings. 
Thankfully, Sekingar interrupts them by telling them that it doesn’t matter if they’re not as strong as S-Class heroes, what matters is doing what one can with what one has.   He briefs Metal Bat and King on the continuing existence of the cadre and bids them to find a spot where they can observe the battle without being seen so they can step in and offer support when most opportune.  He asks the other heroes to stay with the carrier and protect the children.  Very nice point of attention from Murata that Sekingar has to keep holding his arm above his heart and keep as tight a tourniquet as he can safely do in order to not bleed out, as his continuing to sweat.  He may only have come to the door to give orders and see the heroes on their way, but this is costing Sekingar dear.
Metal Bat decides that continuing to negotiate the broken city will just take too long so... he jury-rigs a slingshot out of old tires, a small crane and two narratively convenient poles.  As you do, of course!   King gets snagged along for the ride and we leave off with them disentangling themselves from the bushes they land in.
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Onward ho!
At 18 pages, this is a very short chapter (I wonder if it’s part of a longer one), but it’s so full of humanity.
The personal sense of responsibility heroes feel is so strong. Metal Bat forcing himself out of hospital because he feels a sense of responsibility for having failed to protect Waganma and thus enabling the Monster Association to enact its evil plans. Pineapple and Mohican prostrating themselves before Metal Bat in having had the kid snatched away from them.  Mohican is out of hospital himself despite having a broken arm, ouch. 
I really loved Metal Bat’s sensitivity in not letting them abase themselves before the children and also exhorting them to make amends not by trying to rectify the past (impossible) but do better in the future.  It’s a good way to go.
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Diamonds and Stones
Talking about what one can reasonably take responsibility for,  Sekingar’s speech about diamonds and stones is really fantastic.  I think it looks at just why heroes as a whole are so successful: monsters may be strong, but overall, every monster that has come to the heroes’ attentions has been a dead monster walking.  Because collectively, heroes take on whatever they can shoulder.  Sekingar making the point that no hero doing their fair share of work in an appropriate manner need feel ashamed nor insignificant is so necessary.   The world really does need them all.  
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Position Authority vs Personal Authority
I’ll let the heroes speak on this one.  They don’t mince words when it comes to what they think of individuals. Pro-heroes are very much their own persons! If you’re an obedient person, you won’t be long for hero work -- it requires too much independence and willingness to cut across the grain of what’s comfortable. If I remember, I’ll make reference to this when I come to review webcomic chapter 138.
Feather giving his assessment of what he thinks of getting orders from Sekingar, going into the battle.
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Metal Bat, giving his assessment of who he sees giving him orders now.
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Damn straight, Sekingar’s earned every bit of it.
 Character Revelation vs Character Development
This arc has been giving us  a lot of character revelation, which is not the same as character development.  With character revelation, the character is who they are, but our view of them changes drastically as we get more information about them, see them in new contexts, or see them facing challenges different from the usual.   Character development, the character does change (which doesn't necessarily mean we'll notice).
This is the first time we're seeing Metal Bat when he's actually deployed of his own free will.  All the other times, we've seen him when he's been pressured to take valuable time away from his family responsibilities to attend to some emergency, a thing he really resents.  In other words, this is the first time we're seeing Metal Bat when he's not irritated.  We’re seeing a more thoughtful, socially sensitive Metal Bat than we’ve previously seen.
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On the other hand, I think we’re seeing the rudiments of character development for King.  He’s still the same coward he always has been, but he’s been reflecting on the value he had in luring Elder Centipede to Saitama because the monster misunderstood his power and seeing if it’s something he might use again.  As long as he has faith that Saitama will show up, maybe he can stand to be a bit braver.   May he build on that!
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Don’t Bully Him!
Man, Tareo knows how to make me cry.  The reason this boy will grow up to be extremely brave is that even in the midst of his fear, he is still able to be concerned about others.  Most of us are more like Waganma!   He’s not just asked King to please rescue Garou, but has also been concerned that King not maltreat him.   
He was watching
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and now in turn, he feels that someone needs to put in a good word for his uncle and keep him safe.
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What a good boy.
Tech note: Invisibility
I like the depiction of the cloak as being translucent and allowing a distorted version of light through as opposed to perfect invisibility; it’s a nice nod to the thinking about what metamaterials capable of funnelling light around objects will look like in practice.  There’s a nice lay rundown here.
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8requiems · 4 years
A Webcomic Review of “Deadlove”: I think I am a Sadist now.
WHOA WHOA WHOAAAA, before you skip this part, I tweaked the process of how I review webcomics after reviewing the webcomic before this one, “Wizard of Arsenia”. The changes aren’t earth shattering, but I just wanted to put that out there.
If you don’t care. I mean, you can skip reading it. I guess it's cool. I don’t mind...not like I didn’t spend time refining it- but it's OKAY.
Before we get into this review, there are two main parts of the review:
The General Review
This route will give you a simple idea of the webcomic you are about to read. It will naturally include my personal opinions, but they will not be inconsistent to any prior or future reviews I do (in the sense that I don’t do double standards when I talk about said webcomics). 
Said opinions won’t really dominate this route because I will be mainly establishing what the webcomic has to offer in each part. 
Because of this, my opinions will always be presented at the end of each section.
If need be, I will refer to events that might be considered as “spoiler territory”. 
I will read as far as I require in order to get a good idea of the story I am reading, so the amount of chapters I read will vary. At a baseline, I will have read at least 10 chapters.
Granted, I doubt anything too important will change how you experience later chapters since it isn’t as, lets say, a “Season Review”.
The only sections that will be fully opinion within this route is: Execution and Conclusion.
      2. Beyond the Border
This route will be available if you scroll to the very bottom.
Think of this route as the “New Game+” equivalent of the review.
I will read further either because the story has me hooked, or if I want to see if my criticisms still hold true.
If you decide to skip “The General Review” to read “Beyond the Boundary”, don’t let it affect your opinion of the work too much (if you are easily swayed). Despite how open I am to webcomics, I might have opinions that could contradict with how you might view the webcomic if YOU were to read it.
I do advise that you read “The General Review”, and with that information in mind, proceed to “Beyond the Boundary”, if you so wish.
The Description:
" They say you can’t run away from your problems... and Joel just learned that the hard way. Talk about having cold feet! Joel is all set to marry Kim, his art school sweetheart, but in a moment of poor judgment he has an affair with his roommate Zoe. Hounded by the guilt, but unable to fess up to his fiancé, he decides the most responsible thing to do is... run away. As far and as fast as he can. He now finds himself selling cosmetics at a shopping mall in New Zealand. Sure, he is homesick, and everything is unfamiliar, but at least he can work through his issues in peace and quiet, right? Wrong. Read this comic to find out how Joel’s plans fall apart, and how he puts himself back together, with the help of an unexpected guest… “
Y’know, this is usually the part where I give my own synopsis of the story, at times because the description is in no way useful. 
But, I have nothing to add. 
I will say that when I first read “Deadlove”, I don’t believe I read the description, and I think not reading it was a welcome surprise considering that although I was expecting a “Comedy with a simplistic art style that is kind of charming”, I think I got a bit more than I bargained for.
I should also note that if it were not from my blind curiosity, and I were to judge it purely on description and the title art, I probably wouldn’t have read it.
It doesn’t do justice towards how creative the Webtoon itself presents its characters and the story it wants to portray.
But we’ll get to that in a minute. For now, let’s get a good idea of the characters we will be following.
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(A panel in the middle of Chapter 1)
As you will quickly understand, Joel as far as life decisions go is the definition of incorrigible. Despite having many opportunities to confront his problems, or even having moments of foresight. These 5 chapters, if you are one to hate misunderstandings or easily resolvable conflicts, will be hell for the reader.
Maybe it was because I was forcing myself to read another webcomic before getting to this one, but I somehow  was not personally annoyed by the way Joel was acting. 
Granted, if I read this on ANY other day, I would have been seething and/cringing at the sight of this imbecile.
Which, as Creator Teo reveals in his editors notes at the end of every chapter, will be a very common theme.
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(The last paragraph of Chapter 2’s Creators Note ^)
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(The beginning of Chapter 3’s Creators Note ^)
I think it’s safe to say that Joel's current situation is the logical extreme of not taking responsibility for your poor decisions and refusing to confront and learn from your mistakes. 
I feel like because of how his character is written, everyone is going to be on the same page, regardless of personal views on life when reading this webcomic, specifically because of how comically stupid we as the audience see Joel as.
I mean, at the very least that's how I feel…
At the same time, after reading the first chapter multiple times, I decided to set my personal biases aside just so I could be sure Joel is full of shit.
There were two parts of the Webtoon that caught my eye:
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^ For this dialogue portion, the part that caught my attention was him brushing past keywords that we have likely heard before when hearing about cheating: “Love isn’t Binary”, “I thought only assholes cheat”, and “She looks hot”.
Now, I could easily be reading too much into these lines, and I probably am. But this isn’t the first time I have heard or read about someone cheating on someone they love for “X,Y, and Z”, so I decided to look up a random case to see how the cheater in that situation felt.
After reading about it, I felt myself not necessarily thinking he wasn’t an ass, but I did end up feeling bad for Joel. Not because of the lines I just showed, but for the lines in the following panel towards the end of the chapter:
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In the case that I looked up, they felt miserable at the development that had come of their new relationship, despite cherishing the one they already had. 
Now granted, Joel does say that he isn’t a reliable source of info for the story, but I feel as though the points where he does start deviating from truth are obvious enough to the viewer that we can differentiate it from the real truth. 
At least, that’s what I believe, I tried reading back to see if there were any obvious deviations in truth but I couldn’t find any. Maybe you found some? Share what you found in the comments section down below if you have.
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I think this simple meme panel that is shown at the end of chapter 1, although very simple, justifies the way I think about Joel as a character:
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When I first started reading “Deadlove” I thought the charm would come from the simplistic art style, and I wasn’t wrong about it not having charm, but it is certainly not the main appeal of the Webtoon. The way the visual and writing style compliment each other reminds me of my time reading “God of Bath”. But with “God of Bath”, that would moresoe be applied to the gag panels.
For “Deadlove”, it's every panel of every chapter.
Visual Style: 
I think my favorite part of the Webtoon would have to be the way Creator Guy makes visually metaphorical jokes, and just the way he decides to show Joel’s interaction with the audience as he breaks the fourth wall.
An example of a visually metaphorical joke would be something Creator Teo actually had to point out for me. Had to do a whole double take:
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( ^ A panel in the latter half of Chapter 1 )
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( ^ The fourth paragraph of Chapter 2’s Creators Note )
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( ^ Joel revealing his wishy washy nature to the audience in a panel towards the end of Chapter 5 )
Although there might be better examples of Joel’s audience interaction, I personally love this one. I can’t help but chuckle every time I remember it.
The Writing:
I rarely consume media that breaks the fourth wall. And even then, they would break the fourth wall for comedic effect, not for telling a story. 
Then again, many stories will have a narration at the beginning where they basically guide you in the beginning portions of the story, only to return every now and then.
Joel is telling the story as he is living it. I mean, he does say the story isn’t linear, implying that this isn’t the case, but I still appreciate how the story is written nevertheless.
Overall, I feel like I’ve communicated how much I love “Deadlove”, and I shouldn’t be surprised considering the talented duo of Creators Teo and Guy have experience telling simple yet fun and captivating stories, such as “The Adventures of God” and “My Dictator Boyfriend”. Both Webtoons that I love.
I already feel like I am someone that Joel is talking to, making me in some way a part of the story too, but having Creator Teo talk say reveal some insights about the Webtoon and giving some giving some thoughts about “Deadlove” shows a connection with me, the reader, that I don’t really feel in other Webtoons, even if they do Q&A’s every now and then.
That being said, I think that Teo’s quick tidbits are a consequence of the very stylized nature of the story itself.
I would suggest “Deadlove” to anyone, even if they would hate a character like Joel. Just because I feel like he is interesting enough to see him continue to make mistakes and follow his overall journey.
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tessmontyart · 4 years
2020 year in review
It’s funny, last year I never actually got around to doing one of these. I didn’t think it was overly interesting. Oh 2019, how I miss you so 😭Such an innocent time ....
I’ll do a quick recap, cause hey no-one but me reads these anyway. 2019 was a glorious time. I went to Italy for the first time, went on an awesome Hunter Valley trip with my friends, had a 100th birthday celebration for my pop, I got to see the show I worked on air on TV, we saw the Lano and Woodley apartment in Melbourne .... Good times!
I didn’t give a rats about being unemployed and took matters into my own hands by making loads of new merch and selling at the most conventions I’ve ever been to. I tabled at Sydney Supanova, Adelaide Avcon, Sydney SMASH, Coffs Nexus Con, Sydney Oz Comic Con and Brisbane Supanova! I did so much travelling and events, it became my full time job. It was exhausting, but it was loads of fun, it paid the bills nicely, and it was wonderful to meet followers and mutuals in person.
My partner was very invested in counting up the numbers of what was selling and what wasn’t, and taking note of what was inconvenient with my setup and how to make it better. He even made a powerpoint presentation on what I could focus on for 2020, what kind of merch I could focus on and adding more conventions to my list. We were both excited about the idea of trying out Armageddon in New Zealand, which would have been my first overseas convention!
Cue 2020.
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It started off uneasy. There were still bushfires everywhere and smoke hanging around, but I was optimistic they would die soon and the rest of the year would be fine. I booked a bunch of conventions early as usual. Got a whole bunch of new things made and ordered for the first convention of the year, Melbourne Supanova in early April. Some Acrylic charms didn’t make it in time because of COVID, but I thought that’s ok I still have a whole years worth of conventions to sell them at!
COVID-19 was just a spooky mysterious thing that was happening overseas at that point. I think there might have been 1 case in Australia, so all the toilet paper and hand sanitizer was sold out, but we were still able to do our usual travelling for the event. Little did I know, Melbourne Supanova was the first and last event I could do in 2020.
COVID hit Australia hard, Melbourne especially. There were lockdowns, quarantines, planes were grounded, airmail was halted, the cases kept multiplying, rules kept changing and changing and it was all so new and such a headache. Seeing every single convention I had booked cancel one after the other was hard to process. This was my main source of income in 2019 and now it’s up and vanished. Everyone were losing their jobs too, so the idea of getting a new job was completely out the window. 
I tried to cheer myself up by drawing ‘Toilet Paper Chan’, my new magical girl character who has the ability to summon toilet paper in a time of need 😅
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I made it into a Draw This In Your Style challenge, seeing as everyone was bored out of their minds in quarantine I hoped it was something people could pass the time and have fun making. 
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(here’s a handful of my favourites) I had a few entries which were all very adorable, but I admit not as many people joined as I expected. I don’t blame them though, this whole pandemic was very soul sucking and demotivating, especially hearing the constant stream of bad news when it all started.
I also made some lineart of a cute Easter girl, encouraging people to colour her in if they are bored in quarantine.
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That was really fun, and I planned to do more, perhaps whole colouring books for a small price to download. 
Then, out of nowhere, my friend from the last animation studio I worked at in 2018 contacted me. “Hey Tess, are you looking for work?”
“Um .... yes?”
Work? In 2020? What?
It turns out the animation industry is one of the only industries that are doing fine in the pandemic. Literally the only change is that animators have to work from home instead of at a studio. If you have the animation software and an internet connection you have everything you need.
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So my good friend had recently scored this job for a studio which outsources all their animation for their animated TV series. The role is just fixing up any animation errors inhouse to minimize the amount of back-and-fourth between studios. It doesn’t sound like much but it became too big a job for just one dude to handle, so he contacted me and 2 of my other animation friends to help out. We had a ball!
It was loads of fun, and the contract lasted the whole year! 
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It wasn’t just fixing up errors either, I got to animate walking/ running / jumping / flying cycles for the overseas animators to use, which was great practice for me, and we even had a whole episode to ourselves to animate from scratch which I really enjoyed.
And then ... the year just flew by, because I was busy working the whole time. It was really quite surreal!
There were a few highlights, such as being a bridesmaid for my best friend’s wedding and organising her hens party, which is one of those once-in-a-lifetime things.
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(Hens Party - it was yellow themed (her favourite colour) and High Tea.. it was adorable!)
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(The bridesmaids and the bride on the Wedding Day)
Unfortunately there were some lowlights too ... This was the last year I got to see my aunt. 
She was the craziest, funniest aunt, and still far too young to go. I honestly don’t think I’ll ever be the same without her.
As always, drawing is the only way I cope with anything. My family chose a plain wooden casket, encouraging everybody to write a message or draw something on it, before it would be sent to the crematorium. I drew Spotty, her awesome horse I remember from my childhood, surrounded by her favourite flowers. Monty draw Mingus, her awesome ferret we also remember from our childhood.
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That wasn’t the only bad news either. Pat’s Grandpa passed away later in the year, and a handful of my friends had relatives who either passed away or were diagnosed with cancer or some other horrible life threatening disease. A musician who collaborated with favourite artist collaborated passed as well, and even though I didn’t know him personally, it was still horribly devastating. Not to mention all my friends/relatives pets who didn’t make it through 2020. There was just so much loss this year, and I’m still grieving my cousin and my friend’s mum who both passed last year, it’s getting harder and harder to cope. It’s gotten to the point where I’m paranoid about who the next person will be because I haven’t finished grieving the last ... 
All I can say is I hope 2021 is a little kinder when it comes to my loved ones. The small light at the end of the tunnel is; any suicidal thoughts I used to have frequently have all completely vanished, because I’ve been faced with the reality of it all. You really don’t realise how many people love you, people you don’t even know.
That was very dark, but it’s definitely something I needed to get off my chest.
Lets go back to a much lighter note. 
More highlights: 
🌻Animal Crossing New Horizons came out this year! I used to play Wild World back in the day so it was wonderfully nostalgic, and me and Pat have made the cutest little town with all our favourite villagers. It’s a nice way to escape from it all ^_^
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(Monty’s island when we started)
🌻Speaking of games, the brand new Crash Bandicoot came out this year too! It was actually jaw droppingly amazing seeing all the awesome new ideas and mechanics they came up with while still keeping it classicly Crash. I loved it and I’m so excited to see if they give Spyro the same treatment!
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🌻2020 brought about new and interesting ways to still enjoy Live entertainment. Lano and Woodley did a Zoom show which was absolutely hilarious, and Lights did an amazing online Dead End show which had me so pumped!
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🌻Pat and I continued our anniversary High Tea tradition, this time trying it out at the Hydro Majestic hotel in the Blue Mountains!
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🌻Speaking of Pat, his sister got married this year too, despite the pandemic. Congratulations!
🌻Pat randomly bought a Miku figure for himself, out of the blue, completely unravelling years of unnecessary ‘shame’ I’ve inherited caused by a pushy mother and a crappy ex. I used to love figure collecting but was convinced by certain judgy people that it was stupid and I needed to sell them all. I kept my very favourites in a cupboard ‘just incase they increase in value’. But now I can finally display them all again knowing Pat loves them just as much as I do!
We also added a ton more to the collection to make up for lost time (and because there’s SO MANY CUTE MIKUS NOWADAYS)
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It’s a bit messy because we recently got new ones and need to make more space for them. The shelf with the Vocaloid nendoroids were my original ones hidden away in the cupboard, the rest we got this year ^_^ They make me so happy!
🌻Speaking of Pat unlocking things I’ve always wanted to do in the past: I am now planning to revive my old OCs Yui and Lotto! They were just characters of mine back in the day, but since I’m not good writing I never really came up with a story for them. But with Pat’s writer wisdom and my kawaii art style, I’m now planning a webcomic featuring the two cuties ^_^ It’s still in the very early planning stages but I’m super excited, and forever grateful for Pat, for believing in me ;w;
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🌻This year I drew 31 more Owl City songs in copic markers, to go towards my ongoing project to draw every song! I’m actually getting quite close to my goal now which is exciting! 
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🌻This year I went to a Drive-In movie theatre for the first time to see the new Bill and Tedd movie, it was glorious and now I wanted to try more drive-ins. Going out to see a movie on a big screen *without* being able to hear smart-asses or screaming babies? Yes please!!
🌻How could I forget, this was the year my idol noticed me!! Lights shared and retweeted my Deadend fanart! Life = made.
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What to to look forward to in 2021:
This is the first New Year where I actually have an idea of how 2021 will go! I managed to secure another animation job at a new studio starting January, ending January 2022 😊So thats the financial security for this year sorted! :P
As for general goals for 2021;
I’m hoping to have a decent plan, concept art, chapter ideas and hopefully even a script done for my new webcomic! I also wanted to make some cute simple animations of the characters just because c:
I’d also like to just do more of my own animation in general ... I animate every day for work but I never get to do my own animated projects. It will be hard with a full time job, so maybe this can be a 2022 goal ... but hopefully I can do at least one little animation of my own!
I suppose another goal is to make a social media accounts for my animation, too. Even if I don’t fulfil my goal, I still would like a page to showcase everything I’ve done so far.
And if all else fails .... Another goal is to draw more Miku. It’s crazy that I love her this much and haven’t drawn any fanart!
I think I’ll leave it there because I’m babbling now. 😅
I’ve done so many of these now o_o
[2018] [2017] [2016] [2015] [2014] [2013] [2012]
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Episode 139: Lars of the Stars
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“Bingo Bongo.”
On Saturday, January 22, 2011, a character from the webcomic Homestuck was suddenly killed. On Sunday, the scene continued, and in a string of wordless panels, another beloved character prepared to take revenge for this murder. On Monday, this character was also killed, and the murderer escaped. (I didn’t remember those dates on the top of my head, Homestuck has a very well-maintained archive, but I do at least remember that it was my first weekend back at William and Mary after my junior year’s winter break.)
To this day, that one-two punch remains my go-to example of a nameless phenomenon in serialized storytelling that fascinates me to no end: when reading Homestuck in real time, these deaths are two discrete events that happened days apart, but when reading it literally any time the after full string of updates concluded, both deaths are one big event. The gap between published segments of a serial have a tremendous effect on how the audience takes in a story, but once the story is complete, that effect can’t be felt again by new audiences.
Lars of the Stars aired just over seven months after Lars’s Head, and as someone who watched Steven Universe live since the pilot first dropped, it felt like the momentous return of the Off Colors. An ultra-early preview of the episode piled on the hype for the fanbase (I personally avoided discussion of it, not wanting to spoil myself), and the Breakup Arc made the divide seem even greater. But if you’re watching all the episodes in a row, the gap between Lars’s last appearance and this one is just 66 minutes; for context, that’s shorter than the time between Spinel landing on Earth and leaving it with the Diamonds.
I see Lars of the Stars as a very different episode today than I did when it debuted, and that’s fully because of the release schedule. Because while it remains a fresh, fun new direction after dwelling on the Breakup Arc for a few months and waiting on Lars to come back for even longer, watching it without the hiatus makes it clear that this isn’t just the start of a new chapter. It’s also an epilogue.
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The fourteen episodes between Doug Out and Kevin Party pile on so much tension that we need a follow-up that feels like a break, which Lars of the Stars is happy to provide. But that doesn’t mean we can’t celebrate how far our characters have come during that chunk of episodes, and that’s exactly what happens here. Part 1 of the big stretch ends with Steven leaving everyone behind as he goes to space, and now we get an episode about him returning to space but including Connie in the way he should have from the start. Part 2 of the big stretch ends with the Off Colors trapped on Homeworld with little hope in sight, and now we get an episode about their freewheeling lives among the stars. And Part 3 of the big stretch ends with Steven and Connie establishing a new understanding of their relationship, and now we get an episode where they share what they’ve learned with the class.
In our last episode, Connie showed an ability to socialize without Steven. While this makes him worry that she might only be at Kevin’s titular party to have a good time rather than reconnect, the furthest he goes in terms of dark thoughts is that she doesn’t wanna hang out with him anymore. Meanwhile, Lars takes Sadie’s similar ability so socialize without him as a personal insult: his instinct is to assume she’s hanging out with the Cool Kids as an act of revenge, because it turns out people don’t just flip personalities after major life events, and despite some tremendous changes Lars still has work to do. (This is something that happens more and more as the show goes on, it’s almost as if the perpetual need to work on yourself is a major theme of the latter-day series or something.)
Stevonnie’s ability to help Lars out works in any episode, because Stevonnie embodies close relationships and Lars could use some tips on that front. But the fact that their defense of Sadie in this situation is what causes Steven and Connie to fuse in the first place gains new power when this it comes right after watching Kevin Party, because feeling uncertain about a friend/love interest’s new friends is something they just experienced both sides of. And as one last reflection of the kids as individuals, Steven reacts to Lars’s concerns with a thoughtful monologue about his feelings, but only after Connie chews him out for being such a dingus.
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It’s lousy to be possessive and self-absorbed, but for all my criticism of Lars in the past, it’s not as if he’s the only teenager to be possessive or self-absorbed in the world (or space). That doesn’t make the behavior great, but it’s more a sign of adolescent insecurity than any deeper failing at this stage of his life; if he doesn’t grow out of it then that’s a whole other story, but his negative impulses are outweighed by his ability to take criticism of those impulses and reexamine his outlook. And as part of a show that teaches big lessons to kids, I love that his poor reaction to Sadie’s happiness is presented not as some angsty relationship hurdle, but as comically pathetic. Matthew Moy has a blast playing a version of the character who’s finally confident, but he hasn’t forgotten how to tap into Lars’s whiny grouch.
Thankfully that confidence defines the rest of the episode (which itself lends power to the stark return to his old personality). I don’t just say “thankfully” because I’m glad he’s got some self-esteem, but because like I just said, Matthew Moy has a blast. This is the goofiest episode we’ve had since The New Crystal Gems, and while I’m sure it’s even better for anime fans out there (Space Pirate Captain Harlock being the clearest influence) it still works for scrubs like me without that reference pool. Which is critical, as I doubt many members of the youth audience are all caught up on their late seventies anime.
Excellent pacing helps the fun hit for maximum impact, pivoting us from Kevin Party to space with a brisk opening scene and reintroducing characters not through exposition (which takes time) but on-screen text (which is faster and also magnificently cheesy; Lamar Abrams practiced this in Restaurant Wars). We use space jargon and references to old adventures to throw us in the middle of Lars’s journey in a quick and believable way, all the while building up the camaraderie between the Off Colors. His miniature breakdown would normally be a third act affair, allowing for its resolution to conclude the story, but instead it’s smack in the middle of the episode and we get a bunch more fun after it: it’s an important part of the story that informs Lars’s final gambit, but it’s not the main set piece.
(And, of course, the music remains as on point as ever: Aivi and Surasshu give the Sun Incinerator a punchy theme that complements those introductions perfectly, and revisit the motif heard in the Love Like You reprise, Holly Blue Agate’s scenes, and the drone attacks from Off Colors during this new foray into space. I don’t think it’s even possible for these two to disappoint.)
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Confident Lars is marvel to behold, because it’s the real deal. His insecurities are still there, but rather than patching them up with a superiority complex (which so often is the case when insecure folks go too hard in building themselves up) he doesn’t feel the need to put on a front anymore. He’s cocky, but he loves his crew for who they are and is never as mean to them as he was to Steven, even as a joke. His exaggerated anime poses aren’t just dopey and delightful for the sake of being dopey and delightful, but show a newfound ability to have fun without being crippled by self-consciousness. And his zany schemes, shouted about by Emerald at first but then seen in action, actually work! He comes into his own as a space pirate, and as neat as it is to see him become a baker when he returns to Earth, Lars of the Stars makes a strong case for a life in space.
Speaking of Emerald, while I’m sure a lot of folks who hyped themselves up on Lars of the Stars were disappointed that this is all we see of her (especially because emeralds are big-name gemstones in the real world), I think her single appearance makes the episode even more of a hoot. This is not Steven’s story, so we get very little frame of reference for what the Off Colors have been up to: it feels like a crossover episode with a nonexistent spinoff. Having a small glimpse into the greater journey was a great call, because this is just one of many tales from the Sun Incinerator’s sterling crew, and it keeps up the thread of Steven being out of the loop on Lars and Sadie’s lives.
It also lets Jinkx Monsoon ham it up even harder than Moy without getting bogged down by character complexity. This is a ridiculous space adventure, and that tone is heightened by a baddie who doesn’t chew so much as gorge herself on the scenery. I mean, this is still Steven Universe, so even someone as over the top as Emerald gets a tiny arc: Lars seems to be the instigator of their rivalry, and while we side with the Off Colors because they’re the underdogs escaping persecution, Emerald has legitimate reasons to see herself as the wronged party. And Lars’s realization that she would never fire on her own ship doesn’t just work as a conclusion to his story, showing that he learned a lesson from his bitterness towards Sadie, but for Emerald’s, showing that while she wants her revenge she more just wants her stuff back. But this is still an opponent who we only see screaming from a screen, and that’s exactly what this episode needs.
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The Off Color Gems stick to the characterization that defined them in their debut, but they’ve all let their guard down in a way that suggests both familiarity with Lars and relief from the unending pressure of a lifetime of hiding on Homeworld. We get a few good jokes from their roles on the ship, but their competence is never undermined. It’s funny that Padparadscha is a technical advisor, considering she only offers insight on events that already happened, but she ends up being able to foresee Emerald’s intent as well, which certainly has its uses. It’s funny that Fluorite is the chief engineer, considering her meandering nature doesn’t mesh with the tight time windows of keeping a speedy starship afloat, but despite her slowness she manages to keep pace. It’s funny that Rhodonite is head of strategic operations, considering her usual strategy is to panic at the most minor setback, but her constant worry about what could go wrong helps balance out Lars’s recklessness. While while the Rutile Twins’ natures aren’t at odds with their role as pilot, they’ve grown out of their quirk more than anyone else on the team: the sisters have branched out from their repetitive dialogue, with each head now expressing separate thoughts on a regular basis. They don’t just summarize each other anymore. They aren’t redundant anymore either.
Steven and Connie are largely around to observe and comment, even after fusing into Stevonnie, until they take over for the final action sequence. And that’s just fine, because it turns out AJ Michalka nails supporting role as well as nails lead: Stevonnie’s blithe “Whuzzat” is the perfect punchline to the Off Colors’ fear of the melodramatic "that,” but nothing tops the sincere adulation of “Wow Lars I missed you.” And because they don’t steal Lars’s spotlight in his big moment, it’s that much more exciting when they take the Star Skipper out for a drive, ending the episode with a brilliant action scene and a cliffhanger that promises further adventure, like any good space serial should. Steven Universe has the occasional incomplete first half of a two-parter, one that works fine in context but not as well on its own. Lars of the Stars does not have this problem, working so well as a genre piece that the lack of a conclusion is the only viable conclusion.
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Finally, Lars of the Stars doesn’t just celebrate the end of Act III’s fourteen-episode sweep: this is the last episode from Jesse Zuke, who came out swinging with Chille Tid and maintained an unbelievable batting average over the course of their twenty episodes. There’s only one episode Zuke had a hand in that I’m not huge on, Know Your Fusion, and even that is funny as hell if you’re into that style of meta humor. Alongside Hilary Florido, Zuke gave us two of the show’s greatest instances of characters just hanging out in Beta and Last Stop Out of Beach CIty, and the pair laid and reinforced the foundation for Peridot’s post-villain characterization in Catch and Release, Too Far, Log Date 7 15 2, Barn Mates, Too Short to Ride,  the aforementioned Beta, Gem Harvest, and Room for Ruby. But on top of being a master of comedy, Zuke could also do horror (Chille Tid and Are You My Dad) and drama (Beach City Drift, Steven vs. Amethyst, Gemcation), and had a good enough understanding of Steven and Lars to earn solo boarding credit on Stuck Together. I would’ve loved to see what else Zuke might’ve brought to Steven Universe, but that makes their unbelievable consistency that much more of a gift while it lasted. Bingo Bongo, Jesse.
Future Vision!
This is the first time we hear Sadie Killer and the Suspects by name, and it thankfully won’t be the last.
We’re the one, we’re the ONE! TWO! THREE! FOUR!
It speaks to the range of Steven Universe that teen drama Kevin Party can stand alongside Lars of the Stars in my list of favorites. Granted, my top five also speaks to this range, but it’s nuts that the last two episodes are back-to-back and it not only works but benefits from this viewing order despite their wildly different tones.
Top Twenty-Five
Steven and the Stevens
Hit the Diamond
Mirror Gem
Lion 3: Straight to Video
Alone Together
Last One Out of Beach City
The Return
The Answer
Mindful Education
Sworn to the Sword
Rose’s Scabbard
Mr. Greg
Coach Steven
Lars of the Stars
Giant Woman
Beach City Drift
Winter Forecast
Back to the Kindergarten
Steven’s Dream
Kevin Party
When It Rains
The Good Lars
Love ‘em
Laser Light Cannon
Bubble Buddies
Tiger Millionaire
Lion 2: The Movie
Rose’s Room
An Indirect Kiss
Ocean Gem
Space Race
Garnet’s Universe
Warp Tour
The Test
Future Vision
On the Run
Maximum Capacity
Marble Madness
Political Power
Full Disclosure
Joy Ride
Keeping It Together
We Need to Talk
Chille Tid
Cry for Help
Keystone Motel
Catch and Release
Back to the Barn
Steven’s Birthday
It Could’ve Been Great
Message Received
Log Date 7 15 2
Same Old World
The New Lars
Monster Reunion
Alone at Sea
Crack the Whip
Back to the Moon
Kindergarten Kid
Buddy’s Book
Gem Harvest
Three Gems and a Baby
That Will Be All
The New Crystal Gems
Storm in the Room
Room for Ruby
Lion 4: Alternate Ending
Doug Out
Are You My Dad?
I Am My Mom
Stuck Together
The Trial
Off Colors
Lars’s Head
Raising the Barn
Sadie Killer
Like ‘em
Gem Glow
Arcade Mania
So Many Birthdays
Lars and the Cool Kids
Onion Trade
Steven the Sword Fighter
Beach Party
Monster Buddies
Keep Beach City Weird
Watermelon Steven
The Message
Open Book
Story for Steven
Shirt Club
Love Letters
Rising Tides, Crashing Tides
Onion Friend
Historical Friction
Friend Ship
Nightmare Hospital
Too Far
Barn Mates
Steven Floats
Drop Beat Dad
Too Short to Ride
Restaurant Wars
Kiki’s Pizza Delivery Service
Greg the Babysitter
Gem Hunt
Steven vs. Amethyst
Adventures in Light Distortion
Gem Heist
The Zoo
Dewey Wins
Cheeseburger Backpack
Together Breakfast
Cat Fingers
Serious Steven
Steven’s Lion
Joking Victim
Secret Team
Say Uncle
Super Watermelon Island
Gem Drill
Know Your Fusion
Future Boy Zoltron
Tiger Philanthropist
No Thanks!
     6. Horror Club      5. Fusion Cuisine      4. House Guest      3. Onion Gang      2. Sadie’s Song      1. Island Adventure
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atrixfromice · 4 years
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Hey howdy folks! 
I would like to share with you this little fanart I did yesterday but I couldn’t post, because I finished it too late at night. It’s a little
Fun fact, the first time I watched this show was in spanish from mexico, I watched a couple of the episodes because they voices in spanish from mexico  were cool. But I had to quit watching it because I just couldn’t stand the drawing style! It was too ugly and odd for me! XD In my opinion at least.
But then sometime later, when I presented my characters from my webcomic Nature’s Guardian, one of my watchers on deviantart told me my character Laura looked a lot like Eliza from the Thornberrys. I said “no way!! Can’t believe it!” and I laughed a lot, and then I went to give an eye to the show again to see if it was true, but I only found it in English, so I watched it in english...
And you can’t imagine my surprise when I realized the voices in english were as cool as Spanish from mexico’s one! Plus, it was totally other world! Thanks to the british accents I felt like I was watching a completely new show! hehe
I don’t need to say after that I preferred to watch the show in it’s original version in English because the british accents were awesome!. I felt in love specially with Darwin’s and Nigel’s voice. MON DIEU! they are incredible!!
But I didn’t know Nigel’s one was Tim Curry until I researched about it cos I wanted to know who was the owner that extraordinary voice. And it suprised me a lot! Because it was totally different to what I have seen from him before; for example, I have seen him in It as pennywise, and also I heard him on a villian role as Hexxus (Fern Gully the last rainforest) and the skull on Bartok the magnificent. But not very much on the role of the good guy. So it was refreshing! ^^
He’s really cool as a good guy! I remember the first time I heard it in english.
I chose the episode of the Giant Pacific Octopus because well, if I have the choice I’ll always go for my most favorite animal. And despite the episode itself wasn’t much, there’s no joy and excitement on earth that can be compared to hearing him saying "OH A GIANT PACIFIC OCTOPUS!!” with all that feeling of amazement in his voice and that wonderful and hot accent he’s got!
Since then I fell head over heels for him! XD And I though to myself “that’s how ‘Giant Pacific Octopus’ should be pronounced! I will pronounce it like him forever and ever! ”
And I still try to do it. And I'm still fan of the character! :D
I think, what I liked the most about this character, along with his voice of course, it’s his personality. He’s a very loving and caring person, a guy who enjoys adventure and loves wildlife, who is genuinely devoted to search and to know more about nature and animals. Also it’s a very tender and understanding father! A good guide to young. Someone worth to take as role model and to look up to.
He was firm but not too strict, and he knew when to be indulgent and to not be too harsh about their children’s mistakes. Thing that my father didn’t had...
When I was a kid I always wanted a dad like him.
Now as a grown up adult I want a husband like him!
I’ll probably never find it, but at least nobody can say it’s bad to dream with a fictional character, and giving him some appreciation. hehe
Oh also! I never understood why Debbie complained so much of her family’s lifestyle! I would have given anything in my life to have parents devoted to science and animals and be able to go on an adventure on a super van like that one, and travel arround the world to know a different wildlife enviroment every day!
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shikagemaru · 4 years
Sometimes Tumblr is like a graveyard of ideas and fandoms. Dead fandoms are so intensely sad. You come across some art that really touches your heart and click on the links. "Based off of this fic ____, and this art___" but both links are dead. Those accounts don't even exist anymore and haven't for years. Then you realize that what you thought was brand new was just a ghost, calling to you through time. Community, ideas, in jokes and shared references, art, fiction, friends, the internet devours them all.
My first fandom was The Real Adventures of Johnny Quest. We had a group called JQHR and had message boards and chat rooms. I was just a kid and it hit me right where i lived. Other people liked, loved even, this thing i cared about. They like the characters too and have their own thoughts about them that they can share with me. I read my first fanfictions. The artists were people i could meet and talk to.
But we were based on the early aol message board and chat room systems. They changed and deleted. I lost my friends and my fandom. It never found purchase elsewhere. The show wasn't being renewed despite our petition. They were moving on.
I had Ronin Warriors and Gundam after that. I had friends again. We all loved the thing together. There were people who hated me for whatever reason they needed to hate me. But it was great. I had some of my closest relationships in my entire life because of Ronin Warriors. I even met new friends in real life because of it. Older friends. I'd never had older friends. But of course a half obscure anime can only sustain fans for so long.
Gundam Wing became a home for me. I nervously emailed a fanfiction author who, as far as I was concerned, was the most talented writer to ever exist. She went by Harmony Chan. Pretty hard to search for even on early internet. We became friends. I gushed all lver every new story. Then she just disappeared one day. No new fics. No online presence. I downloaded ICQ just to talk to her but she never signed on again.
I hope they're okay. I'll never know.
Years later I googled JQHR and found a result. It didn't lead me back to anyone I used to know. They were gone. Back into the forgotten places of the world.
I found that again because of Monster Hunter. We talked, we shared experiences and built a network of comrades. Friendships don't always last forever. Not when the servers shut down. Poof.
Bob and George webcomics.
Avatar the Last Airbender.
Sometimes I come across a ghost and suddenly I'm in that time and place all over again. Wonderful memories abound. Things I might not have thought about it in years fill me with joy for a few moments. Then I remember how many gray hairs I have now. Some names I remember, some I don't. There's no one else to ask but me. My heart soars for a second or so before it sinks. I wonder if the new generations will experience that.
Sometimes the people all go away and they take the fandom with them. Sometimes you see a ghost.
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betweengenesisfrogs · 6 years
Homestuck is My Favorite Sprite Comic
Yes, you read that right.
Homestuck is my favorite sprite comic.
Those of you who remember the earlier days of the internet are probably looking at this post in disbelief right about now. Others of you might be scratching your heads, not knowing what I’m talking about.
But here’s my pitch: Homestuck is the culmination of an entire genre of internet art, and the tools that make it so powerful are the very tools that made that genre once so reviled.
Homestuck is the greatest and most successful sprite comic of all time.
And honestly, I’ve wanted to talk about that for ages, so let’s do it.
Many of my readers are probably too young to remember the era of sprite comics. So: what were sprite comics?
Sprite comics were a genre of webcomics made entirely by taking pixel art from video games – especially character art, called “sprites,” but also backgrounds and other images—and placing them into panels to tell a story. They were near-ubiquitous on the internet in the early 2000s, emerging right as webcomics in general were seeking to establish themselves as an art form.
They were not, shall we say, known for their quality. The low bar to access meant that art skill was not an obstacle to starting one. The folks behind the huge swell of them tended to be young people, kids and early teenagers recreating the plots of their favorite video games with new OCs—not the most advanced writers or artists. They were the early 2000s’ quintessential example of ephemeral, childish art. Unfortunately, they look even worse today—blown-up pixels don’t hold up well when displayed on higher-resolution monitors.
Today, they’re mostly forgotten, remembered only as a weird, strange moment in the youth of the internet. Someone who evoked them today, such as a blogger who compared them to one of the most successful webcomics of all time, would be inviting good-natured teasing at the very least.
It would be unfair to dismiss them entirely, though. In this low-stakes environment, comics where the author could bring more skill—engaging writing, legitimately funny jokes, or especially, a real ability to work with pixel art—really stood out. (Unsurprisingly, these authors tended to skew a bit older.)
The obvious one to mention is Bob and George. Bob and George wasn’t the first sprite comic, but it was the most influential. Conceived initially as Mega Man-themed filler for a hand-drawn comic about superheroes, it quickly became a merging of the two concepts, with the original characters made into Mega Man-style sprites, full of running gags, humorous retellings of the Mega Man games, elaborate storylines about time travel, and robots eating ice cream. It was generally agreed, even among sprite comic haters, that Bob and George was a pretty good comic. Worth mentioning also are 8-Bit Theater, which turned the plot of the first Final Fantasy into a spectacular and hilarious farce, and of course Kid Radd, my second favorite sprite comic. (More on that later.)
But even if you weren’t looking for greatness—there was something just damn fun about them. The passion of sprite comic authors was clear, even if their ideas didn’t always cohere. To this day, I think the sprite comic scene has the same appeal pulp art does—it’s crude and rough, full of garbage to sift through, but every so often, something deeply sincere and bizarre shines through, and the culture of its authors is a fascinating object of study in itself.
Okay, full disclosure: I was one of the people who made a sprite comic. I’ve written about my experiences with that in more depth elsewhere, but yeah, I was on the inside of this scene, rather than a disinterested observer, and from the inside, maybe it’s a lot easier to see the appeal.
Still, let me make this claim: even with all their flaws, sprite comics were doing some incredibly interesting things, and Homestuck is heir to their legacy.
One of the problems people always had with sprite comics was the sprites themselves. They’re the most repetitive thing in the world. You just keep copying and pasting the same images over and over again, maybe with a few tweaks. That’s not really being an artist, is it? It’s so lazy. Re-drawing things from different angles keeps things dynamic, develops your skill, and makes your work better in general. Right?
I’m mostly in agreement. Certainly I think it’s fair to rag on the Control-Alt-Delete guy, along with other early bad webcomics, for copy-pasting their characters while dropping in new expressions and mass-producing tepid strips. And to be fair, digging through bad sprite comics often felt like an exercise in seeing the same slightly-edited recolors of Mega Man characters over and over again. You got really tired of that same body with its blobby feet and hands.
(It should be noted, though, that there were folks in the sprite comic scene who could pixel art the quills off a porcupine. I salute you, brave pixel art masters of 2006. I hope you all got into your chosen art school.)
All this said, I think the repetitive and simplistic nature of sprite comics was often their biggest strength.
In his classic work Understanding Comics, Scott McCloud makes an observation about cartooning that has stayed with me to this day.
McCloud notes that simple, abstract drawings, like faces that are only few lines and dots on a page, resonate with us more strongly than more detailed drawings. This is because our minds fill in what’s missing on the page. We ascribe human depth to simple gestures and expressions based on our own emotions and experiences – and this makes us feel closer to these characters as readers. Secretly, simple cartoons can be one of the most powerful forms of storytelling. If you want your readers to fall in love with your characters, draw them simply, and let them fill them in.
Video game sprites work very well in this regard. They have that same simplicity that cartoons do. In fact, I’d be willing to bet a huge part of the success of SNES-era RPGs was simple, almost childlike character sprites drawing people in. I think sprites did the same for sprite comics.
Here’s the weird thing: Bob and George worked. Despite four different characters being variations on the same friggin’ Mega Man sprite in different colors, they immediately began to seem like different people with distinct personalities. For me, George’s befuddled, helpless dismay immediately comes to mind whenever I picture his face, while with Mega Man himself it’s usually a wide-eyed, childlike glee. I would never confuse them. This, despite the fact that the only actual difference between their faces is that George is blonde. It’s pretty clear what happened. The personalities the author established for them through dialogue and storytelling shone through, and my brain did the rest.
Sprites, in short, were a canvas upon which the mind could project any story the author wanted to tell. Even the most minute differences in pixel art came to stand, in the best sprite comics, for wide divergences in personality and ideals, once the reader spent enough time with them to adapt to their style of representation.
Wait a minute, haven’t we seen this somewhere before? Character designs that focus on variations on a theme, with subtle differences that nonetheless render them instantly recognizable?
Tumblr media
Oh, right.
Look at what greets us on the very first page of Homestuck. An absurdly simple cartoon boy, abstracted to a ridiculous degree—he doesn’t even have arms!—followed a whole bunch of characters that follow suit. Though many other representations of the characters emerge, these little figures never quite go away, do they? Why is that?
Simple: they’re very easy to manipulate. They’re modular—you can give John arms or not, depending on whether it’s useful. You can put him in a whole variety of poses and save them to a template. You can change out his facial expressions with copy and paste. You can give him a new haircut and call him Jake. It’s all very quick and easy.
Sprite comics proliferated because they were very easy to mass-produce. Andrew Hussie’s original conception of Homestuck was very similar: something he could put out very quickly and easily, where even the most elaborate ideas could rely on existing assets to be sped smoothly along. We all know the result: an incredible production machine, churning out unfathomable amounts of content from 2009-2012. I’d say it was a good call.
But it goes way deeper than that. The modular nature of sprites always suggested a kind of modularity to the sprite comic premise. George and Mega Man were different people, true, but also two variations on a theme. Was there something underlying them that they had in common? Perhaps their similarity says something like: We exist in a world which has a certain set of rules? One of my favorite conceits from Bob and George was that when characters visited the past, they were represented by NES-era Mega Man sprites, while in the present, they were SNES sprites, and in the future, the author used elaborate splicing to render them as 32-bit Mega Man 8 sprites or similar.
Suppose there was a skilled cartoonist thinking about his next big project, who wanted to tell a story centered around this kind of modularity, a narrative that was built out of iterative, swappable pieces by its very design. He might very well create a sprite comic named Homestuck.
Homestuck is a story about a game that creates a hyperflexible mythology for its players, where the villains, challenges, and setting change depending upon what players bring to the experience, yet which all share underlying goals and assumptions. What more perfect opportunity to create a modular story as well? Different groups of kids and trolls have motifs that get swapped around to produce new characters, whether that’s through ectobiology, the Scratch, or the eerie parallels between the kids and trolls’ sessions. And yet each character can be analyzed as an individual.
This is an incredible way to build a huge emotional investment from your readers. Not only does this kind of characterization invite analysis, the abstractions draw readers in to generate their own headcanons and interpretations. A deep commitment to pluralism is at the heart of Hussie’s character design. Then, too, it encourages readers to build their own new designs from these models. Kidswaps, bloodswaps, fantrolls—these have long been the heart of Homestuck’s fandom. And what are bloodswaps if not sprite recolors for a new generation? With the added bonus that now a change in color carries narrative weight, evoking new moods and identities for these characters in ways that early sprite comics could only dream of.
In Hussie’s hands, even the dreaded copy-and-paste takes on heroic depth of meaning. Even when Hussie moves away from sprites to his own loose art style, he continues to remix what we’ve previously see. Indeed, Hussie talks about how he would go out of his way to edit his own art into new images even when it would take more time than drawing something new. Why? Because he wanted to evoke that very feeling of having seen this before—the visual callback to go along with the many conceptual and verbal callbacks that echo throughout Homestuck. This is at the heart of what Doc Scratch (speaking for Hussie) called “circumstantial simultaneity:” we are invited to compare two moments or two characters, to see what they have in common, or how they contrast. Everything in Paradox Space is deeply linked with everything else. And Hussie establishes this in our minds using nothing less than the tool sprite comics were so deeply reviled for: the “lazy” repetition of an image.
(It’s fitting that some of the most jaw-droppingly gorgeous images in Homestuck—dream bubble scenery and the like—are the result of Hussie taking things he’s made before and combining them into fantastic dreamscapes.)
But it all started with the hyperflexible, adaptable character images Hussie created at the very beginning of Homestuck.
And if you need more proof that Homestuck is a sprite comic, I think we need look no further than what Hussie, and the rest of the Homestuck community call these images.
We call them sprites.
Was Andrew Hussie influenced by sprite comics in the development of Homestuck? It’s hard to say, but as a webcomic artist in the first decade of the 2000s, he was surely aware of them. It’s likely that he quickly realized that his quick, adaptable images served the same purposes as a sprite in a video game or a sprite comic, and chose to call them that.
One purpose I haven’t mentioned up until now: sprites lend themselves very well to animations. In fact, in their original context of video games, that’s exactly what they’re for: frames of art that can be used to show a character running, jumping, posing, moving across a screen. It’s not surprising, then, that sprite comic makers quickly saw the utility in that.
Homestuck was, in fact, not the first webcomic to make Flash animations part of its story. There were experiments with various gifs and such in other comics, but I think sprite comics were among the most successful at becoming the multi-media creations that would come to be known as hypercomics..
Take a look at this animation from Bob and George. It represents a climactic final confrontation against a long-standing villain, using special effects to make everything dramatic, but ultimately, like many a Homestuck animation, leads to kind of a pyscheout. The drama and the humor of the moment are clear, though. This relies in large part on the music—which is taken directly from the game Chrono Trigger. This makes total sense. Interestingly, it also contains voice acting, which is something Homestuck never tried—probably because it would run contrary to its ideals of pluralism. What I find fascinating is that in sprite comics, animations like these served a very similar purpose to Homestuck’s big flashes: elevating a big moment into something larger-than-life. Another good example is this sequence from Crash and Bass. Seriously, it seems like every sprite comic maker wanted to try their hand at Flash animation.
(By the way, it’s a lot harder than it looks!! I envy Hussie his vectorized sprites. Pixel art is a PAIN to work with in the already buggy program that is Flash.)
The result: because of the sprites themselves, sprite comics were among the first works to play around with the border between comics and other media in the way that would come to be thought of as quintessentially Homestuck.
What it also meant was that another genre emerged in parallel with sprite comics: the sprite animation. Frequently these would retell the story of a particular game, offer a spectacular animated battle sequence, parody the source material, or all three. Great examples include this animation for Mega Man Zero, and this frankly preposterous crossover battle sequence. Chris Niosi’s TOME also found its earliest roots as an animation series of this kind. You also found plenty of sprite-based flash games, in which players could manipulate game characters in a way that was totally outside the context of the original works.
The website the vast majority of these games and animations were hosted on?
Newgrounds, best known to Homestuck fans as the website Hussie crashed in 2011 while trying to upload Cascade.
What’s less talked about is that Hussie was friends, or at least on conversational terms with, the owner of the site, hence the idea to host his huge animation there in the first place, and other flashes, like the first Alterniabound, were initially hosted there as well.
It’s hard to believe that Hussie wasn’t at least a little familiar with the Newgrounds scene. I suspect that he largely conceived of Homestuck as part of the world of “Flash animation—” which in 2009 meant the wide variety of things that were hosted on Newgrounds, including sprite animations.
The freedom and fluidity sprite comics had to change into games and animations and back into comics again was one of their most fascinating traits. Homestuck’s commitment to media-bending needs, at this point, no introduction. But what’s less known is that sprite comics were exploring that territory first—that Homestuck, in short, is the kind of thing they wanted to grow up to be.
I would be a fool not to mention another big thing Homestuck and sprite comics have in common: a character who is literally the author in cartoon form, running around doing goofy things and messing with the story. This was an incredibly common cliché in sprite comics, no doubt because of Bob and George, who did it early on and never looked back. You might have noticed that the animation I linked above concerns a showdown between Bob and George’s author, David Anez—depicted, delightfully, as another Mega Man recolor—and a mysterious alternate author named Helmut—who is like Mega Man plus Sepiroth I think? It’s all very strange. I could ramble for hours about the relationship between Hussie and the alt-author villains of Homestuck and what it all means, but I’m not sure I can nail anything down with certainty for these two. Maybe Bob and George was never quite that metaphysical.
But yes, bringing the author into the story in some form was already a cliché by the time Homestuck started up. Indeed, I think that’s why Hussie’s character refers to it as “a bad idea” to break the fourth wall—he’s recognizing that people will have seen this before, and are already tired of this sort of shit. And then he goes and does it anyway and makes it somehow brilliant, because he’s Andrew Hussie.
Homestuck breathes life into the cliché by taking it in a metaphysical/metafictional direction. I don’t think that was really the motivation for most sprite comic authors, though. Let’s see if we can dig a little deeper.
I think the cliché kept happening because sprite comic authors were writing about a subject that very closely concerned themselves: video games. I’m only kind of joking. The thing about video games is that even though they’re made for everyone, playing through one yourself feels like an intensely personal experience. You develop an emotional relationship to a world, to its characters, that feels distinctly your own. Now, suddenly, thanks to the magic of sprites, you have an opportunity to tell stories about that world for others to read. Of course you’re going to want to put yourself in the story in some form.
When it wasn’t author characters in sprite comics, it was OCs. You know Dr. Wily? Well here’s my own original villain, Dr. Vindictus. You know Mega Man? Here’s my new character, Super Cool Man. He hangs out with Mega Man and they beat the bad guys together. Stuff like that. Most sprite comics retold the story of a game, or multiple games in a big crossover format, with original elements added in. There was quite a lot of “Link and Sonic and Mega Man are all friends with my OC and they hang out at his house.”
What’s interesting, though, is that because these sprite comics were very aware that they were about video games, this was where they sometimes got very meta. It started with humorous observation—hey, isn’t it funny that Link goes around breaking into people’s houses and smashing their pots? But sometimes, it grew into more serious commentary. Is Mega Man trapped in a never-ending cycle, doomed to fight the same fight against the same mad scientist until the end of time? Is it worth it, being a video game hero?
Enter Homestuck. What I’ve been dancing around this whole time is:
Homestuck is a sprite comic…because Homestuck is a video game.
Or more specifically, Homestuck’s a comic about a video game called SBURB, where the lines between the game and the comic about the game blur as characters wrestle with the narratives around them, both those encoded into the game and those encoded into our expectations.
Homestuck presents the fantasy of many a sprite comic maker: I get to go on heroic quests, I get to change the world and become a god. I get to be part of the video game. And then it asks the same question certain sprite comics were beginning to ask:
Is it worth it, to be that hero?
I want to tell you about my second favorite sprite comic, a comic called Kid Radd.
Kid Radd distinguished itself from other sprite comics of the time by being a completely original production. Its sprites looked like they could be from a variety of NES and SNES-era video games, but they were all done from scratch, and the games they purported to represent were all fictional. Kid Radd used animations with original music, and sometimes interactive, clickable games, to tell its story. It also used all sorts of neat programming tricks to make it load faster on the internet of the early 2000s, which was great—unfortunately, these same techniques made it break as web technology evolved, something Homestuck fans in 2019 can definitely relate to. The good news is, fans have maintained a dedicated and reformatted archive where the comics can still be seen and downloaded.
Kid Radd’s premise is that video game characters themselves are conscious and alive—more specifically, their sprites. Sprites developed consciousness as human beings projected personality and identity onto them, remaining aware of their status as video game constructs while also seeking to be something more. The story follows the titular Kid Radd, at first in the context of his own game, commenting on the choices the player controlling him. He must endure every death, every strange decision along the way to save his girlfriend Sheena. Then the story expands into a larger context as Radd, Sheena, and many other video game characters are released onto the internet as data. They try to find their own identities and build a society for themselves, but struggle with the tendency toward violence that games have programmed into them. The story culminates in an honestly moving moment where Radd confronts the all-powerful creators of their reality—human beings.
It’s a very good comic.
The first sprite comic authors wanted to fuse real life with video games. Later sprite comic authors decided to ask: what would that really mean? Would it be painful? Would you suffer? Would you find a way to make your life meaningful all the same? Despite the limitations of sprite comics, these ideas had incredible potential, and in works like Kid Radd, they flourished.
Homestuck is heir to that legacy.
It takes the questions Kid Radd was asking, and asks them in new ways. It tries to understand, on an even deeper level, how the rules of video games shape our own minds and give us ways to understand ourselves.
At its heart, Homestuck is a sprite comic, and it might just be the greatest of them all.
I’ve seen a lot of good discussion recently on how Homestuck preserves a certain era of the internet like a time capsule: its culture, its technology, its assumptions, its memes.
I think sprite comics, too, are part of the culture that created Homestuck. Do I think Hussie spent the early 2000s recoloring Mega Man sprites? No, probably not. But what I do know is that sprite comics were part of his world. The first webcomic cartoonists came of age alongside an odd companion, the weird, overly sincere, dorky little sibling that was sprite comics. Like them or hate them, you couldn’t escape them. They were there.
And maybe a certain cartoonist saw a kind of potential in them, in the same way he summoned Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff from the depths of bad gamer culture.
Or maybe he just knew, as some sprite comic authors did, that the time was right for their kind of story.
On a personal level—Homestuck came along right when I needed it.
Around 2009, the bubble that was sprite comics finally burst. People were getting tired of them, or growing out of them, and blown-up sprites no longer looked so good on modern monitors.
I was more than a little heartbroken. I’d enjoyed Bob and George, read my fill of Mega Man generica, and fallen utterly in love with Kid Radd. I’d been working on my own sprite comic for a long time out of a sense that there was huge potential in them that we were only scratching the surface of. I’d dreamed of maybe someday doing something as amazing as the best of them did. But I was watching that world disappear. I had to admit to myself that my work wasn’t going to continue to find an audience. That I could live with. But it was painful to think that the potential I sensed, the feats of storytelling I wanted to see in the world, would never be realized.
And then, in the fall of 2010, a friend linked me to a comic that broke all the rules, that mixed animation, games, music, images and chatlogs. A comic that crafted its own sprites, just as Kid Radd did, and remixed its images into an ever-expanding web of associations and meanings. A comic that took on the idea of living inside a video game with relish and turned it into a gorgeous meditation on escaping the ideas and systems that control us.
That this comic would exist, let alone that it would succeed. That it would become one of the most popular creations of all time, that it would surpass other webcomics and break out into anime conventions and the real world, that it would become such a cultural juggernaut, to the point where it’s impossible to imagine an internet without Homestuck—
I can’t even put into words how happy that makes me. It’s the reason I’m still writing essays about Homestuck nearly eight years after I found it.
And it’s why Homestuck will always be my favorite sprite comic.
[Notes: The image of the kids came from the ever-useful MSPA Wiki—please support and aid in their efforts to provide a good source of info about Homestuck! They need more support these days than ever.
For more on Homestuck’s place as a continuation of the zeitgeist of early 2000s experimental webcomics, this article by Sam Keeper at Storming the Ivory Tower is excellent and insightful.
Thanks for reading, y’all.]
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comicteaparty · 4 years
May 23rd-May 29th, 2020 Creator Babble Archive
The archive for the Creator Babble chat that occurred from May 23rd, 2020 to May 29th, 2020.  The chat focused on the following question:
If someone came to you for advice about starting their first comic, what would you tell them?
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
The biggest hurdle I see beginner comic creators (including myself) struggling with is the fear to begin because they "aren't good enough yet." I would tell them to just start. The best way to learn how to make comics is to make comics. You can always go back and fix old pages. Or you don't even have to. The improvement throughout your work can be encouraging. So I say, just begin.(edited)
know your ending before you begin! so many webcomics start and then have no idea how to continue. at least have some kind of idea of the direction you want to go to and at least a basic outline before you begin. you can always change things but going in without a roadmap is a recipe for disaster
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
I would tell them to consider a few things: your desired scope, your current skill levels, and how likely you are to still love the project months or years later. I didn’t start with a small scope, so I can’t tell people to keep it simple no matter what, but it absolutely helps. Doing a short 6-10 page comic as your first thing will totally tell you if this is something you like, or totally hate. Assessing your own skill level is hard, but I try and encourage people to practice anatomy and perspective and other skills before diving right into creating a massive world. I’d encourage them to practice some writing as well. But even the act of creating a comic can help with all that. So, YMMV! And you gotta love what you’re drawing! I didn’t feel comfortable creating a story until my late 20s because I felt I hadn’t settled on something I’d be indefinitely passionate about. My likes and dislikes were still changing so much. If you can look at your idea and pretty confidently say you want to draw this stuff over and over again for years... that’s a very good sign
eliushi [a winged tale]
I find my advice will vary depending on what their vision is for their comic! For instance, if it’s a short form, I would recommend looking at different styles and experimental storytelling to find ways to best explore their work. For a long form I would advise as y’all have done so as well: start and keep going to improve. Have an ending in mind. Know the basics of character/plot and storytelling; essentially if you know the rules then you are more easily able to break them in an informed way. Most importantly is to have fun drawing, have fun with friends, have fun sharing your work
I guess sort of as a follow up... did you all receive any advice before starting your comic?
i didn't ask anyone in particular but the advice i read before starting mirrored what has been said so far
the advice about just starting and not being afraid is probably what helped the most
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
I was told to make my first comic shorter... but with the caveat that if I absolutely could not, it was okay to try a long-form one from the get-go
another thing that i often tell people looking to start is that comic making is actually a gigantic time sink and requires a LOT of discipline. a lot of people i talk to really don't realize how much of a time investment it is. i don't want to dissuade anyone by telling them this but it's important to realize
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
I agree with lazuli! Right now I'm actually feeling more motivation for my long comic than my short story.( I will absolutely finish both though)(edited)
x2 agree with claire, i've realized i'm not good at short stories
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
I've been asked this question before, about first comics. I always say the most important thing is to draw what you like, for yourself.
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
Short stories are hard! I’m often jealous of all the marvelous one-shot comics on twitter, telling an affecting story in such little time. I often wonder if my own stuff will ever be half as successful in the emotions department. Short stuff is easier to digest but requires a ton of skill to craft well.(edited)
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Absolutely. Two of my favorite comics are 3 pages and 5 pages long and years later I am still thinking about them.
I think it takes even more skill to craft a compelling story, world, and characters in only a few pages
It is witchcraft, I swear
there was a beautiful short story i read about a cat before, i'll see if i can find it and share it in recs
eliushi [a winged tale]
I think a lot about the unfinished comics! even though they aren’t finished, they still stay with me. Ultimately if you draw comics, it will touch people and people will remember
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
I've always wanted to do a short story like that but am not a good enough writer yet unfortunately
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
Also agree with @Eightfish (Puppeteer) - you must make something for yourself. You can try and tailor it to certain audiences, but don’t stray too much from your own sensibilities. Make a comic that speaks to your soul, and people will feel it.
chalcara [Nyx+Nyssa]
Pick something you love, you‘ll spent a lot of time on it.
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
If you don't love it, who will?
chalcara [Nyx+Nyssa]
And short stories are their own medium with their own rules, needs and patterns; they‘re not interchangable with longform and the otherway round.
That‘s what annoys me about the „start with 8-page shorts!“ advice. It‘ll teach you how to do shorts, not how to do long form. And I‘ve seen so many treating shorts as a stepping stone to „proper“ long-form comics, and that format deserves better.
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
I do see the merit in that though. There are a lot of unfinished long comics. If you have a good short story, might as well make it first. For me though, they are way harder than long stories.
I did give myself the option to end puppeteer after about 80 pages though
Luckily I fell in love with making it and won't be doing that now
But it was an option
Capitania do Azar
Yeah I'm gonna have to repeat the points already stated. Everytime I get the chance to give advice to a starter, I do focus on the discipline aspect. Webcomics (any comic actually) does take a lot of work and if you wanna make it in the long run you gotta know your pace and you gotta know where you wanna go so you can make the best use of your time
You don't need to have super solid plans but it's good if you know how much time it takes you to make one, five or twenty pages, so you can get organised
And at least in my experience being organised is one of the most important aspects
That, and liking what you do but also allowing it to change because things take time and you will change too
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
^^^I can't reiterate this last point enough
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
For sure cap! I spent a lot of time experimenting with art style before starting and I think choosing a simpler but still nice looking (to me) style has been vital for me being as consistent with my comic as I have
Having a schedule was really important to me starting out
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
I've made this mistake, and I know many people have made this mistake, but it's really easy to get stressed and demotivated when you realize that you might not be drawing as fast as you want...particularly if you're starting out.
So make sure you have buffers so that you can post those updates as consistently as you can.
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
I'd say for my past self that make sure you have.... at least almost everything ironed out for your story first if you want to make a long form comic as your first try because trust me if you don't, you'll end up redrawing the first chapter twice lmao. knowing how it begins and ends, knowing your drawing speed and also recognizing if you're just either motivated to work on it or you're doing it despite motivation. Because those are like the main factors that affect burn out and if you don't watch out, you'll get fucked over from it. have a good sense of your self in terms of your work ethic, and your writing. Art will be supplement for that writing but you're pretty good at least understanding the basics you should be aight Also if you don't feel doing your long story first, you can always make a short story to test waters. but if ya like me and rather just jump making a long ass comic first, go for it lmao
sierrabravo (Hans Vogel is Dead)
I think the biggest advice I'd give would be is to accept what you've already done, kinda related to the "you're good enough to start" advice. A lot of webcomics stall out in the "gotta redraw this to be Good Enough" phase, and it's easy to get caught up in the cycle of redrawing early pages (especially once you get a few years into a comic), but learning to sit back and appreciate early pages for the stage you were when you drew them is important!
also something I don't hear creators talk a lot about, is having a support group. Getting positive responses from strangers from the internet is a rush, but it's not always going to happen, and relying on it isn't a great idea mental health wise. Having a group of friends you can bounce ideas off of and that can support you in your story helps make the lonely art of making comics a little less lonely. I wish I had known about this group sooner because it seems like a really great resource of creators coming together and being supportive!
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
oh yeah that last point especially
like honestly if I didn't met other webcomic creators I probably wouldn't be working in webcomics tbh
sierrabravo (Hans Vogel is Dead)
It's so nice to have outside perspective both for art advice/critique stuff, but also just the general "hey guys drawing pages amiright"
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
yeah lmao
sierrabravo (Hans Vogel is Dead)
plus if/when you ever meet up with people at conventions, it's always so nice!
mariah (rainy day dreams)
Yeah, I would second that. Starting out I had a really hard time knowing how to take praise from my real world friends who are into my comic. It felt like maybe it wasn't real praise and they only like it because they liked me. But honestly the longer I make comics the more I just want my friends to like them and the less I care about what an internet stranger might think X'D Also, I watched the video on new creator tips that Joichi post in #writing_n_misc_resources last night before bed and those tips are super solid. I think folks have already hit on all of them but writing something you really like and is for you first and foremost and being being prepared for a lot of work are super important. Also, get that buffer!
I think this was touched on already but having an idea you’re really passionate about, especially for a long form comic, is kind of essential to keep you going. You gotta keep up momentum for years, not just a few weeks. The thing that helped me, personally, was building my comic in a way that let me end it after the first story, but also let me continue if I liked it. My first chapter was definitely like a pilot for a tv show. If I didn’t want to continue, I’d just stop. But I ended up writing the second chapter before I knew it so I guess it worked out
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
I don't have too much new things to add but I agree that webcomics, is a lonesome job on your own. But once I started hanging around this discord, sharing frustrations, comic compliments. The support made a big difference, no longer having to shout in the abyss of Twitter to be heard. I know when you first start out, it's overwhelming. There's so many platforms, do I do color or grayscale? (as it felt that way for me.) The best is to begin small baby steps, write scripts. Draw thumbnails, talk about it with people you trust. Generate ideas and put them on paper. Something I learn, is finding a good group community who raise you up, than put your works down(edited)
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Seconding/thirding/etcing about support. Other than that, I really don't have a single advice that I could give to someone starting out. Because it would need to be tailored to their situation. Someone who's in my exact same situation back when I started my first webcomic? They don't need ANY advice honestly. They just need to do it (which they will anyway) and learn from the experience.
sierrabravo (Hans Vogel is Dead)
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
(Again, I'm talking about a hypothetical person who's exactly like Younger Me. Not every beginner will "do it anyway.")
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
I corrected my definition, as I found out what the topic was about! I thought from everyone's comment, they felt like talking about internal feelings about community spirit.(edited)
Deo101 [Millennium]
I think that "just do it!!" Attitude is probably what I'll echo, it's what I'd have needed to hear and what I think there's probably the biggest hangup on. I think everyone tries to wait til they're ready, and it's like "you are gonna learn so much so fast and never stop learning once you start making your comic" so just, start learning now! Make changes later. You can't fix something that doesn't exist yet!
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
One thing I often think about is when artists completely relaunch their comics once they become a bit more intermediate in skill level. They've improved so much during the creation process that they feel a need to go back and totally start over. I've even run into some comics where they... almost seem in a constant state of relaunch I often wonder about how to encourage new artists to move forward instead of reiterating existing stuff. Or is the reiteration not necessarily a bad thing?
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
I mean I guess it's not a bad thing if they're still having fun? Sometimes they're still having a blast; other times it's a form of torturous perfectionism.
Sometimes it's a bit of both, even
Deo101 [Millennium]
Yeah, I always frame it as "unless you are rewriting, don't redraw."
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
I have seen a redrawn comic go well only once
Deo101 [Millennium]
Cause if it's just to fix your art but nothing is really fundamentally changing, then you'll get stuck in a loop I think
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
and that comic kept updating latest pages while redrawing the first ones
Deo101 [Millennium]
Yeah I've seen people do that. Where it's not a rebooot that basically stays the same, just a revamp of old stuff.
I could see myself doing that eventually tbh.
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
The guy had very messy art in the beginning. Not bad art, he just didn't put much effort into it. The comic just evolved into something way bigger and more professional than he'd expected so he went and made the first pages professional looking as well
Deo101 [Millennium]
Yup Cause conics make your art improve so fast, every 50 pages you'll feel like your first one has sooo much wrong with it! So you can't get stuck just remaking pages
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Deo I don't think your first pages are any impediment to new readers. I have noticed a ton of art evolution though :0
Deo101 [Millennium]
Unless, yeah, you are rewriting and need the content on the pages to be different.
Yeah they might not be impeding but they're uglyyyyy
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
I didn't notice your art changing much while reading your comic but then i went back to the first page and, woah.
big difference
Deo101 [Millennium]
It would be smth like way off in the future though if I did do it. It's not currently in my plans
I'd rather make new pages and new comics
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
has anyone ever commented on your art evolution?
Deo101 [Millennium]
Yeah my art has changed uhhh a lot LOL I think maybe a couple times? I don't have a good memory
mariah (rainy day dreams)
I think it's probably different for everyone. Personally, I don't think really believe in going back and redoing stuff, but I also say that as someone who just spent the last year redrawing most of my first five chapters. For me, Ive always wanted to print my comic, and I felt a lot of self-created pressure to have my first book look really good. Because it's going to be new readers first introduction to the series and if I don't feel 100% proud of it, sell it to other people was going to be impossible. I kind of just felt embarrassed by my old art and writing(some of it was like 8 years old and hadn't aged well). And also if I was going to use up resources to print something, then it should be the best version of that thing. But on the other hand, redoing the old stuff has also made me really sad that I haven't been able to move forward with new chapters. I definitely second Deo. And I also think you have to know where to draw the line. Like "ok, I'm going to redraw this once and then not again" or "I'm going to redraw up to X point and call it good. I think can be a really easy perfectionist trap and time sink if you aren't careful.
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
it is also hard to get your existing audience to follow the same story twice
OH, webtoons features are rebooted comics oftentimes
I guess that counts as going well!
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Yeah, since getting featured by Webtoons is kinda like going print; it's a form of getting Published
Deo101 [Millennium]
Yeah. For this other comic I've not launched yet, I've redrawn the intro 4 times. The intro onky takes like, 20 hours absolute max (latest) but I still find myself looking at it and thinking.. I could have been making new stuff :/ BUT! I did rewrite it every time so it did need to change. I should have just waited to start it til I could commit more so there wasn't a year between each intro
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
But since webtoons features update so fast I don't really mind following the same story again. Lone is already almost to where the canvas version was
Deo101 [Millennium]
And yeah wt features need to reboot for a lotta reasons, there's also probably a lot of times like. At least lengthening updates to fit the requirements
They're not necessarily redrawing it, too. They just have to post from the beginning which totally makes sense
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
I'm giving myself a mantra, don't redraw, don't look back. Just move on with what you got. There's chapters I want to cover. It's just years ago, I had constant panic that the story's theme was going to change as it went, so I 'must' change the first chapter to suit the general overview of the story. But it resulted in me burning out and being self destructive to my work. I'm going to take better care of myself(edited)
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
i think most redraw significantly though
Deo101 [Millennium]
Yeah I mean, wouldn't u?
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
I'd have to! My whole story is only like. 20 webtoons updates?
Deo101 [Millennium]
If that, 40 panels.. a page is like usually around 5
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
agreed on redraw hell. tried it and I didn't like it at all lmaO
I'm kinda glad I have a good footing on my current comic and I don't want to redraw it at all unless it's adapted for something else. still like
work what you have, if you can orz
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
"Don't look back" is hard when you feel like the first X pages are dragging all the future pages down with them. I agree that you need to draw a line (no pun intended), set some criteria
The thing Eightfish mentioned -- not so bad that it'd deter new readers -- is a very useful criterion IMO
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
if you must, i wonder if redrawing the first scene would be okay?
Just as a taste of what's to come for new readers
Deo101 [Millennium]
Do you think they would notice the difference in quality and question that?
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
rip maybe
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
I've read a long webcomic where only the first chapter was redrawn, and when I got to the second chapter and saw an immediate drop in quality, I knew what exactly happened XD
Deo101 [Millennium]
Yeah, but you're a creator! Readers don't have the same background to necessarily be able to assume that
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Just put in a note saying that it's art evolution
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
As someone who redrew their first scene for a lot a reasons, I will say that I personally think it's worth it.
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Also same, I've seen it and knew exactly what happened
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Yeah, it was mentioned in the notes, but I didn't read the notes at first because I knew the archive was huge, and I wanted to Get Through It
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
if i were to do that, i'd put a note in the page itself
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
That sounds like a good idea
Deo101 [Millennium]
What were your reasons for redrawing crona?
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
I'm not Crona but I redid a big chunk of my chapter 1 for writing reasons. (This was in addition to a whole reboot done prior.) The writing was... not 'this screams terrible writing' kind of bad. But it was extremely misleading/ unclear on what the overall story was going to be
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
dang tbh I did kinda redraw some panels to make the dialogue flow better. But I also tried my best to match up the quality of the pages drawn the time so it doesn't look jarring.
kinda what keii said but just minimizing the effects of shockkkk
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
I think this is one of the reasons why i don't want to do a comic that goes on for more than a couple years (well, for now that is. Maybe that'll change as i improve)
Deo101 [Millennium]
I redrew one intro 4 times, cause I kept rewriting the whole story.
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
after that I was like "don't touch Ch. 1 again" lmao(edited)
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
1. Several panels didn't properly show what was happening in the scene. 2. Rewrote some of the dialogue 3. My art had improved so much that even if I hadn't redrawn it, the next scene would look very different. 4. I wasn't super far along, so I thought it would be good to give this another go, knowing much more about paneling, page-layout, and pacing.
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
do you think there's a chance you'd eventually redraw wotp as it is now?
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
Hell no(edited)
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
lol then i think it's fine that you redrew!
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
Even if I go back and clean some things up later for print, I'm not completely redrawing anything about WotP anymore
I finally got it to a point where I'm happyish with the way it looks
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
I've never totally started over, but I did a ton of drawing edits (and a few writing edits!) on my first chapter before releasing it to the public. The previous version of the chapter does look far less polished. But even then, I really only completely redrew 1 or 2 panels. The rest was just liquifying wonky faces and whatnot. Still, once it got printed, I basically locked the artwork. With how long new pages take, I really don't have time to look back much anymore which is its own kind of blessing!
In that way, I'm very glad I kept it private for a while. I wasn't confident with my skills yet - and I wanted some wiggle room. It's part of the reason I encourage people to at least have some sort of foundation, so that the jump in improvement isn't so... startling
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
I actually kind of love to be startled by art evolution
Deo101 [Millennium]
Yeah I could see myself editing wonky faces and things like that more than I can see myself redrawing! My pages only take me like 2 hours and I still wouldn't redraw, can't imagine what your timeframe would look like...
But not in your own work, crona?
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
It happened with a lovely comic called Wind Rose, and it is so inspiring
I wouldn't say I don't like it in my work
More that I was completely changing art styles too
Deo101 [Millennium]
I see
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
I think starting a comic is a good way to get those foundational skills though, lazuli
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
Even if you didn't post it online, you did start
Which I think is enough
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
one of the biggest examples of art style shift I've seen
Comic is still doing really well though!
I don't think anyone minded the art evolution at all
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
@Eightfish (Puppeteer) Yeah, that's my dilemma! I've seen a couple very new comic artists burn out quickly, or say that they're relaunching because of their own unhappiness. And part of me wants to tell them to slow down - they don't need to post anything, just use it as a training ground.
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Of course, if you yourself hate your old art you're probably more important(edited)
It's still nice to have your story read though
even if just by a few friends
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
I haven't read through it, but I know this is another good example...
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
another one!
This was intentional though, to convey a change in setting
It's kind of fun to look at these comparisons(edited)
I think most readers would feel the same
my most inspiring art evolution is from zero point idol chapter 1
chapter 90
the artist also got better at panelling too. also not only did the art change but the genre completely did too. it started out as a comedy romance then slowly became a drama romance
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Looks like you switched the images around?
oh it's in the right order on my side
the more bishounen looking one should be the newer one
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Oh! I think the more colorful one looks much better actually?
But perhaps the author chose a different style to draw more quickly?
uh i think the opposite
the newer art looks objectively better
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
okay i'm gonna look it up maybe I will think differently if i see a bunch of panels in context
looking it up it is definitely clear that the author is putting much more effort into later updates.
Though skimming it I still sort of prefer the style of the earlier pages?
i have never heard someone say that before
people usually complain they got gipped in the first chapter lol
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Can't say anything about the paneling or anything like that because I just skimmed it
Well, I like the style of the things in the first pages that they tried harder on
There are a lot of like, chibi or messy panels there
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
I'm looking up the titles for these screencaps you guys presented!
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
The first one I shared is A Matter of Life and Death!
The second is YU+ME Dream (highly recommend)(edited)
mariah (rainy day dreams)
Seconded, YUME is very good and it's complete!
I think there’s a lot of good reasons to restart or redraw past pages, but there’s a lot of people who DO get trapped in the constant iterative state of restarting/redrawing their comic, and then they don’t get anywhere with it
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
It's hard to come up with any consistent advice because people have different goals starting their comic. Like, some people just wanna do a comic to get better at art, or because they have a bunch of OCs that they want to do something with. And to those people... like, just have fun with it. Now, if you have a full story in mind, and your goal is to complete it in a timely manner that isn't overwhelming (without sacrificing on quality), this is the advice I give: 1) Plan out your story. You don't need to do a full script or whatever, but do try to have at least an outline, with an estimate of how many pages each part will be. 2) Spend a typical month (like, a month that you also have other work to do) drawing the first few pages of your comic. Don't post them yet. Count the number of pages you drew. The number you post per month should be less than that. e.g. if you drew 6 pages in that month, you should post 1 page each week. That way, you can have a bit of leeway to build a buffer without burning out. 3) Look back at that outline. How many pages did you plan it out to be? And how often are you planning on posting each page? Let's see... carry the two... this comic's gonna take HOW many years to complete?! 4) If you're comfortable with the task ahead of you, continue on to step 5. Otherwise, cut some stuff from your outline and repeat step 3. 5) Have fun with it! You might change your mind on future plot points, and that's ok! Just... try to do so in a way that doesn't create more work for yourself.
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
My advice is to just get started. I see so many people caught up in the idea that you need to perfect your art skills before starting a comic and then they just never start working on it
Your art is never going to be "perfect" and its better to have a tangible comic than a perfect one
I don't mean that in a discouraging way I just mean like no one can really achieve perfection and it's better to just create things
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
I like snuffysam's advice because I have noticed there are different kinds of approach to webcomics. Some do it for fun and practice like I do nowadays. While others have a big long form series they are deeply passionate about but to start it seem overwhelming. Everyone's advice is pretty great! (edited)
Fff I don't feel like I'm really qualified to give advice to people. I don't take art and comics seriously enough to follow most rules, so I would just be a bad influence if anything. Lol (Also everyone else has already said what I would.) I guess the one thing I would tell someone on the fence about starting their comic is to do it when you're ready. Like, I wanted to start doing comics when I was 15 but I wasn't quite mentally ready yet? I was used to doing illustrations so I couldn't stick with doing anything longer than 1 page, throughout the years I experimented with doing 1-2 pages of random scenes in stories I wanted to do, it wasn't until I hit my 20s when I was like "Okay, I want to do this!" In a way I didn't totally get into comic mode until my current project, since I was still feeling things out with the previous ones. Kinda went on a tangent there. Lol But yeah, comics are a huge commitment, I don't think it's super good to push yourself into starting if you're not mentally ready yet. Give yourself some time, do some casual stuff to prepare for the comic you really want to do in the meantime (brainstorming, concept art, character studies, etc.), or don't think about it at all if that's how you do things, then when you really get that itch go for it.
My advice won't be anything that hasn't been touched on in this chat (so many good vibes ;_;) but I do wanna say that if I had any advice for someone to get into comics, it's to do it for yourself as the main priority. Webcomic popularity has been on the rise very quickly in this past decade, with copious amounts of creators trying their hand at their One Story, competition, exposure, and pressure are sure to set in with this wild ride that is comic making. So what do you do to combat that? How do you stay above water, make sure you have fun, or avoid turning this into what seems like never ending homework? You make your goal you. Whether You want to improve, whether You want to explore characters, or whether You just want to experiment- such a large project (let's be real, there's no easy way to do comics!) should be handled with that initial fire you had when you wanted to start the project, when you felt inspired to lay those panels down and tell that story. Don't compare your journey to others, don't feel that pressure to always Be Something.(edited)
Comics are a medium, just like film, canvas, or Video games for that matter, they have their own process and steps. Find what works for you and enjoy the ride, because it could easily turn into a long one!
eliushi [a winged tale]
I love it Krispy! You gotta do what you love
I’m just curious. What are your personal goals that keeps you going for the comic if you don’t mind sharing?
(And for anyone to answer too!)
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
I get what you mean and 100% agree with you. But I wanna bring up a caviat -- some people use the whole "do it for yourself" thing to shut down creators who are doing it for themselves, but also want some recognition. It's not their main priority, but it is a thing they want and it's okay to want it. I guess that goes back to the other advice about getting support. Find support, find people who won't make you feel guilty for simply wanting some recognition. People who will understand and support your goals.
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
told myself that I won't let my self to lay my soul to rest till I'm done with the projects I have
so lmao that's somethin that drives me contracted to keep living till everything I do is finished lmao(edited)
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
One of my friends got told she wasn't a Real Writer simply because she wanted a readership. That kinda disrespect is not okay
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
oh dang
oh that is a whole different level from what i'm saying for sure
first off those people can go away lol
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Again, not what you were saying, just... how SOME people twist the advice
and secondly, if you're not doing your work for yourself, you can easily fall into pleasing others and drown in Trying to Stay relevant, burning your creative drive too (i mean, if you can make ur comic and do that , good on you woah) but i've seen multiple comic artists crash and burn for the sole purpose of doing the comic in competition with others, convincing themselves that 'other styles' are crap bc their own work doesnt match up (gosh that was a rough one) and all in all, them just becoming so bitter with their work! THOUGH! this essentially applies to all creative fields and not just comics! And those entitled ppl who do that suffer from jealousy and nothing else. I cannot stand for those types who tear others down when faced with their own insecurity
and creators have every right to ask for help too. y'all deserve that recognition for the hard work you do, sometimes however, that isn't always available to them
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
(which is why we gotta lift eachother up!)
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
You bring up a good topic that's very relevant to my struggles. It can be very difficult to know: is it okay to disregard this criticism. Am I allowed to do that? Am I allowed to like this thing about my work that people are pointing out as the bad part? Or does that make me a.... bad creator. Unprofessional, bratty, whatever. I'm not even talking about picking a fight/ getting verbally defensive. Just, silently disagreeing. I WANT to say the answer is yes, we are free to have our own opinion about our work. But dang if it isn't hard to feel guilty for doing it.
eliushi [a winged tale]
I think any trailblazers and pioneers feel this sort of sentiment.
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
That sounds about right
I don't really think of myself as a pioneer, but it is still something I feel in my bones
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
I guess that’s the beauty of a self-run webcomic. You are the boss. Your viewership can give you critique, but you can choose what to listen to. You’re not beholden to a higher power (producer, director, patron, etc) to change things no matter what. It’s your project to run, and oftentimes only YOU know where it’s going, and you know how that criticism would change things.
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
ya lmao. idk like I don't see a lot of stories that run in conflict of towards what I'm doing so it's kinda nervewracking when you're like "oh god am I setting a good example or what? Should I be worried when I just want to create and share a story?"
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
If you can be proud of the story as-is, I think there’s power in that, and it comes through in the work. A confident comic is a lovely thing.
That makes me really sad that you have these struggles Kei. Your work is a project of love. Love for the things that inspire you, love for the way to tell your story, and love for that process. You are allowed to proud and tell the world about it, you are allowed to embrace the success that you gain from your work. We as comic makers do SO MUCH WORK and wear SO MANY HATS to make this mainly free to read story available, and that should be celebrated. SO YES, you CAN and you MUST choose what you want to take from others comments, their feedback, reactions, etc- but in the end, it's still about what YOU wanted to make of this work, bc in the end, you are the wheel that keeps this whole thing spinning
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
I dunno about confident, but I can say my comic is an honest one. Even if I don't feel confident, I still don't let outside criticisms change what I do.
webcomic creators aren't given the space they need to grow a lot of times too-- we're essentially producing work that easily requires a small studio to create- there's gonna be ups and downs to the process. But you have to keep in mind for your own sanity that this is still your work and your vision. If you want to explore options of improving then you should be in control of that. (we all know how i feel about crits from randos too XD!)
eliushi [a winged tale]
Agree so much Krispy. I think everyone’s goals and visions for their project are valid and if they sustain your project, then that’s a success in itself
eliushi [a winged tale]
Often I see this tip and pass on to other writers that when they write their story it’s important to think of a logline or something central that is the heart of the story. I put that as my first page so every time I open my document I see it. I think it���s the same for webcomics. Find the heart of your story — why you want to write it and remind yourself of that. I find it’s helpful to keep me going
omg eli....i love that!!!
sierrabravo (Hans Vogel is Dead)
wow that is really great advice eliushi!! I'd love to steal that if you don't mind?
eliushi [a winged tale]
Please do!! It’s a gift!!
take ittt
these are all such great suggestions. You people are a fountain of wisdom.
Deo101 [Millennium]
I wrote in the header of my documents, "everything bad that happens in the story is because of me, and everything good happens because of them." Basically to remind myself not to do any sort of ex machina or whatever. And also put my tagline. It definitely helps!
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
I think it's a good guideline -- the "pure luck can only be the bad kind" thing. But my bro brought up the Walking Dead (I think? either that or some other really well known zombie thing?) as an example of going too far in that direction. He said the characters take a turn, open a door, etc. and the zombies just come pouring out like an unholy explosive diarrhea all of sudden, to a point where he was like "lol?" He said it was like the universe was setting it up against the characters, and he couldn't take it seriously. He's played/watched lots of zombie stuff so he's no stranger to jump scares or zombies appearing in hordes, but that one was still too much for him.
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
wh lmao about that spoiler part like
Deo101 [Millennium]
Oh yeah no, too much of anything is bad.
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Yeah like, I can see that kind of extreme bad luck being used in farce comedy
Deo101 [Millennium]
Ahaha yeah
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
I wonder what a story would be like in the opposite direction where everything bad that happens to them is because of them and everything good that happens to them is because of the writer
Deo101 [Millennium]
Everything Goes Bad Man A horrible superhero trying to do his best
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
A comedy! Could also make it a Shakespearean tragedy
Deo101 [Millennium]
Horror could make it work too
I was meaning my thing more like uhh, make them earn their good things and success kinda thing
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Depressing drama about a person who tries to succeed in life but fails at every turn
Nah I got it deo
Just throwing out hypotheticals
Deo101 [Millennium]
I would hate to watch or read any of these horrible things btw
But it's fun to hypothesize
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
I think for like, most stories, your direction is much more engaging
I don't want to watch someone fail over and over
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
There's also that trope where everything goes bad despite their effort, and then Luck just drops success on the character's lap, leaving them feeling empty
Deo101 [Millennium]
Me either LOL coming out of stories like that is always like 0_0 well nkw I'm just depressed
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
But I think something like watamote, a comedy about a socially inept girl, might be an example of what I said that a lot of people like. I haven't watched it though so I'm not sure
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Yeah, I don't know that specific one, but there are cases where people feel comforted by reading about tough luck in that "I'm not the only one" way. Certainly not everyone's cup of tea, though.
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Grave of the Fireflies
That movie seemed more like a message about war though. It seemed like it was trying to say something
I think I could enjoy a depressing story like that if it was nonfiction or historical fiction
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
It was sorta semi-autobiographical (not 100% but inspired by his own experience)
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Something that feels real
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
yeah, grave of the fireflies WAS based off of the author's experiences
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
I personally am okay with depressing fiction if it feels real
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Doesn't have to be based on true events
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
his sister and him were taken in by the aunt and they were actually left that way the sister died of starvation (edited)
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Hey, spoiler tag that!
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
whoops mbad
Deo101 [Millennium]
I'm one of those who is 100% not... I can be okay with and love depressing stories after having seen it and then getting time away from it, but watching or reading them is a horrible experience for me
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
My Sweet Orange Tree is thought to be at least sort of based on the author's own experience, and I think that adds something to the book. (Can't confirm because the author's dead.) But even if it were pure fiction, it would remain a lovely, compelling book.
@Deo101 [Millennium] Nothing is for everyone!
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
I remember feeling really depressed for the rest of the day after watching grave of the fireflies
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Not everything bad that happens to them was their own fault, but Grave of the Fireflies was sort of a story about pride though. A boy who refused to suck it up and apologize to his aunt, resulting in his and his sister's deaths. I think that did make the story more powerful
hubris and all that
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
so I can definitely relate to only watching short bursts of depressing stuff
Deo101 [Millennium]
I honestly try to avoid them entirely, not even short bursts tbh
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
correct! however, a lot of viewers also blamed the aunt for not keeping them. Apparently the real life aunt felt a lot of remorse for being indirectly responsible for their deaths, and her daughter was angry at her. However, the aunt was also feeling depression from her husband who recently died
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
I read them rarely, but I feel like they make me more? Grounded? I liked the way Man's Search for Meaning (Holocaust survivor's book) changed the way I thought of the world
Deo101 [Millennium]
I'm just hyperempathetic and they really hurt me
Not like I'm like "I wanna be ignorant" or anything
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
I think that one scene with the farmer telling him to suck up his pride was highlighting that he could have been taken back in but refused to even try
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
@Deo101 [Millennium] 100% Valid!
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Yeah. Entertainment is supposed to be fun or meaningful and if it's not then don't read it
Although, I do really believe we should learn about these topics in school at least
You have to be exposed to them somewhat
Deo101 [Millennium]
Yeah I just don't like the kind of idea that gritty depressing stuff is more realistic, I understand learning about history and hardships but it's not something I like to think of as like "the truth jusy is that the world is terrible" it makes me feel very alone because I work very hard to see the world nit like that.
Re: the extreme bad luck/I cause all the bad stuff for my characters I saw a tip that said coincidences can happen to get your characters into trouble, but not to get them out of trouble, and I thought that was an excellent way of putting that. (sorry to plop that in the midst of the most recent discussion)
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
TBH as someone who has lived in Eccentric Relatives' House under not so great circumstances, I didn't even get any hint of "the boy should've sucked up" from Grave of Fireflies. My experience may have been worse than the boy's in his aunt's house though, and maybe my bias led me to see his experience as being just as unfair as mine. In any case it's been years since I watched it, so maybe I'm forgetting some key details.
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
I think "realistic" means a mix of good and bad
My favorite nonfiction books contain a lot of cruelty, but also very good people
Reading about people's good work and outlooks despite tragedies really got to me
Or like, perseverance
Perseverance as a theme really, really hits me
Deo101 [Millennium]
Yeah I like perseverance but I hate stories that are hopeless or treat hope as naiive
It makes me angry tbh
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
oof same yeah
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
the aunt was still feeding them though, and allowing them to stay. If he had left his sister at home and tried to get a job like his cousins did, I think it is implied that they would have survived.
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
I do like my dark themes but lmao i dont want to go to wreckless cruelty. there's an art with that(edited)
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Endless pessimism is as unrealistic as endless optimism(edited)
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
I feel like there's hopeless stories and there's stories that treat hope as naive. The former is like, yeah sure, not everyone's cup of tea, but the latter is like "if this isn't your cup of tea, then you're dumb" which is
Deo101 [Millennium]
Yeah I don't mind dark themes it's just that sort of grittiness, humanity is inherently evil, hope gets you nothing kind of stories that I hate
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Btw. My favorite nonfiction books: Man's Search for Meaning The Gift of Fear The Gift of Pain (no relation to the gift of fear) All showcase a lot of cruelty and suffering but all are still very hopeful
I know it's unlikely you guys will read them but
They're good and I still reccoemend them highly
They are books that changed the way i think
They are also all written by people who have gone through and seen terrible things and yet made it their life's work to help others
I just can't reccomend them enough
But I will stop talking about it now
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
for me, uhhh it's from famial experiences mostly
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Do you think your stories err on the side of optimism or pessimism?
@ everyone
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
since most of my family suffered from the vietnam war, a lot of stuff they told me were fist hand accounts of war and cruetlty
like from my mom, my dad, my aunties and uncles
even like the older members of my communties so that stuff is still fresh lmao
Deo101 [Millennium]
Optimism. I want to say neither but I know nearly no one would read it and say it's realistic
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Oh, I've had similar stories. My great grandmother had her whole family except her killed by a Japanese bomb and my family, despite traveling a lot, has still never visited Japan out of respect to her
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
but since they already living better lives I see that the darkness in those times have at least kick started them out to their kind of propserity or still striving towards
so I see myself as a realist lmao
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
I think my stories usually go a bit more on the pessimistic side I’m afraid. People have remarked that my more emotional scenes can be surprisingly dark, so I’m trying to introduce some more heartwarming scenes
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
I don't wanna say "err on the side of".... I do bittersweet and slightly LEAN towards the bitter more often than not! But I think this particular aspect may be partly up to the readers to gauge.
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
I think my story is realistic to me. The worst my characters experience is similar to mine, and the best is also similar to mine. But I have no idea if my own life has had more good or more bad than the "average person"
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
"Sometimes life super sucks in ways you have little to no control over, but you can still be there for each other, and that really, really counts" <--- is this too bitter or just right? That's up to each reader to answer, I think.
Deo101 [Millennium]
Hey you said optimism or pessimism you gotta pick
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
like there is hope and optimism but that is meaningless without the critical side of things. and I want to depict those sides in life.
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
But I'm optimistic
Deo101 [Millennium]
Keiiii that's the way I write too and I think it's optimistic
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
My life has shown me that I can escape bad things so I don't think optimism is unrealistic though
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
You can't fix life but you can give love
Deo101 [Millennium]
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
i guess for my stories they kinda like what keii said like there's good side of things but lmao I somehow add some painful elements that they have to endure in order to have those good times(edited)
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
personallly I think stories work if you give people hope
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Eh, not every story is meant to give hope
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
but it's a good goal
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
like as long as you give people a semblance of hope, even if you throw some depressing stuff.....it can work. Oh, I meant as a bittersweet story
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
But I think not giving hope is unrealistic
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
lmao I guess I'm a target since the last story i write
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Though perhaps I only think that because I haven't experienced true tragedy(edited)
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
it was just bleak in a hopeful light
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
It depends, like I can imagine a short story that hyperfocuses on something extremely depressing.
Deo101 [Millennium]
Y'know what I have actually hopeless things in my life and I have 0 interest in reading a story that's hopeless
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
ye and that's fair
Deo101 [Millennium]
And even though I have hopeless experiences I don't think my life overall is hopeless
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
i wonder if people actively look for stories that focus on not having hope because i know many people read these stories as a way to escape their lives
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
I agree on that. idk. for me writing stories that lead to an end that really don't work with both parties... could be just my morbid curosity in just seeing how things won't work out as planned for both persons.
could be like a philosophical thing maybe? or giving a different perspective of some sorts?
like "things are the same but given with the option you gave me, I can't go through with that"
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
I can relate to curiosity being a motivation for exploring dark stories. It's why I check out horror stories -- horror stories (games especially) show the MC in an extremely "wrong" situation at the beginning, and I check them out to find out the presumably equally extreme "why" for that wrongness. I don't think I could write stories like that myself, though.
Psychological horror specifically
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
yeah, horror has been uh ingraned in my life to this point. and I like writing stories with that kind of edge in mind, more of the psycholgial aspects than horror.
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
Do you guys think some people search for morbid stories like these to not only satisfy their curiousity....but also to make themselves feel better about their own lives?
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
I don't particularly care to find out why Mr. Chainsaw is going around killing everyone in a splatter/slasher horror, for instance X'D
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
it's a possibility tbh.
sometimes I do that but I also had experienced simalar kinds of sorts that seeing those works i'm like "dang not alone in these wack feels"
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
I guess it depends on each person?
"Gee, at least I don't have any literal demons coming after my eyeballs" is not very comforting to me, personally
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
i mean lmao
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Sometimes sad stories do make me feel more thankful for my own peaceful life but I don't seek them out for that reason
Deo101 [Millennium]
Imagine if ur disabled and that's the narrative used to make other people feel better about their lives
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Deo101 [Millennium]
Off topic but that's why disabled people hate "inspiration porn"
It's something that's really hard to explain cause "do you not want to inspire people" is really hard to answer
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
yeah, those kinds of stories I really don't like at all.
Deo101 [Millennium]
So I wanted to jump on the opportunity to explain even though it's really off topic sorry
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
No, don't be sorry. "Life sucks but hey, at least you're not me!" is not something anyone should have to put up with
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
it's understandable tho!
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
To be honest I do seek out stories about disability because I find it fascinating how people adapt to mental and physical changes. I find ingenuity very interesting?
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
I guess I look at it more towards like how some relationships with people don't work, and also the diaconomy between individuals interest me. Not for those kinds of stories but I've seen elements of that appear in some works i read in the past
Deo101 [Millennium]
I also seek out stories about disabilities, but only hopeful ones not like "my life is ruined and this is my driving motivation, to not be like this"
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
One of the books I recommended was by a doctor who spent his life working with people with leprosy and the workarounds for missing limbs and sensation he and his patients would come up with was just so fascinating to me to read
It's something that's really hard to explain cause "do you not want to inspire people" is really hard to answer
@Deo101 [Millennium] I think I understand you but just curious- how do you respond to that?(edited)
Deo101 [Millennium]
It's usually like "I want to inspire people to be like me because they're proud of what I can do" but they're always like "I'm proud of what you can do in spite of-" and it's like. Idk just a deep sigh
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
oh yeah rip
i had that happened to me before like "Dang you do did this and you're from some a family that suffered so much--"
"uh huh please focus on the work not my life thanks lmao"
Deo101 [Millennium]
Like don't hold me to a different, lower standard. Don't pity me
Yeah exactly
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Hm it's sort of true but also if someone said "I'm proud of what you can do despite not having a dad" I'd be like fuck yoooouuuu
Deo101 [Millennium]
Like there's other things please
It's like, pity. It's not actually inspiration I think
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
I'm proud of what you can do in spite of not having a brain
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
pity has left the building
like sure, yeah let's go with that but there's other experiences other than my background and my identity the brought out this work too. that's how we can get some unique voices into the field.
Deo101 [Millennium]
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
so yeah, I can understand rip people saying fustrating things like that. maybe they don't have a better way of phrasing it. orz
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
At the very least it's better than the opposite side
"your experiences were not that bad" angle
Deo101 [Millennium]
I get that a lot also
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
and sadly I too experienced that angle LMAO
Deo101 [Millennium]
LMAO tuyetnhi same hat
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
no one wins
most of it came about because of my mixed idenity like I don't get hit by the usual racism my viet friends experienced
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
This is overall a very small thing but I casually mentioned I was attracted to women to a long time friend yesterday and she went full on "thank you so much for coming out to me this doesn't change my opinion of you I love you you're a great friend" And then the conversation got hella stilted and awkward after that and AG I Hate that
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
but er.... I have seen people look at me and was like "mixed baby? that's hot"
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
"please no."
it's wack like u put me in a scale where that scale is already wack to begin with
it don't make sense lmao
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
wait what the fuck
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
People are like why TF are u using a cane you're young and I tell them I have a condition and they're like, what does it do and I say the symptoms and they're like :/ I get those too :/
Freak out and tell them to get tested right away
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
also i really get annoyed when I see people just.......treat people with personality disorders like we're all psychos and tell others
hey at least you're not like these psychos
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Oh the telling others bit(edited)
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
like my experience isn't that universal but it's already terible enough knowing that if you have mixed ethncities then you're treated as an "exotic creature" and i'm like "I'll shoot you down"
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Mann luckily I grew up in a place where that doesn't really happen
I hope
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
Oh my god i'm glad i live in a really diverse city and yeah deo....they do
we get labelled "troubled people" particularly if we're female in the mental health sector
a LOT of psychiatrists push us around and they use it as code for "difficult"
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
rip I live where 80% the folks here are mostly er homogenous white folk
and they ask me these questions that I know boil me blood
I'm too poor for cali man
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
oooooof I feel that tuyetnhi i went to a really white uni town for my alma mater
i got called a tall chink by a frat boy there
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
yeah I experienced that shit durring uni
it sucks
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
yoooo you can also come to toronto if you can't go to cali ;3
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
I can travel to toronto but lmao maybe next year
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
maybe ;A;;
also @Eightfish (Puppeteer) wait what do you mean by your question? is it pertaining to personality disorders or to the race questions?
......yeah people tend to treat you better if they don't know you have a personality disorder
LMAO I MEAN TRUE, that's pretty obvious XD
because people think that personality disorders are untreatable. And I would like people to be more informed about them
Heck, a lot of people don't even know about BPD. So I'd rather that people stay informed about it, even if it means that I might suffer for it.
What if there's another person with BPD who needed help but the people around them didn't know? And I don't think it's fair to keep it hidden when it can easily damage relationships.
Deo101 [Millennium]
And also, "why don't you just hide that part of yourself if people treat you badly for how you are?" Is hardly ever a healthy way of dealing with things
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
better be informed than being ignorant
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
Yeah...I've actually considered just...putting a joke warning label on myself lmao
(but thank you guys for understanding <3)
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
negatively changed? rip
ohhh nooo
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
yeah.....it's kinda like.....just because you have these negative experiences, you try not to let it stop you
because there's ALWAYS a chance that you'll meet people who understand
........I actually told a good friend that I had bpd and she started ghosting me. She was scared of me and thought i was...."weird"
and scary.
She was scared that i was gonna go psycho.
but I think it's important to know that not everyone is going to be an asshole.
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
it really is
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
i had a psychiatrist tell me that i probably lost friends....because i was a bitch ;A;
after formally diagnosing me with bpd
yeah and i had one psychiatrist just....diagnost me with anxiety disorder and he wouldn't listen to me just gave me a survey to fill out
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
makes them feel like they're 2d?
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
yeah and they are usually very complex and have very VERY varied pasts doesn't help that the media paints us as monsters in horror movies a lot
you see sociopathy and antisocial disorder in the news a lot and then they see people with bpd and they're like
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
that's not even part of the DSM lmaO
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
screams every time i see an article about how to "save yourself from someone with BPD"
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
speaking from my experiences as a former psyche major
like that can't be determined solely just by those factors alone
cormidbity is a factor too
oh my godddd
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
I get that a lot
also yeah psychiatrists..........they need to keep themselves updated man
they put a lot of blanket terms for people with pds because it's easier or maybe because psychiatrists are simply not equipped to deal with people with pds?
i mean look how many psychiatrists i've met or heard fuck it up with bpd
and that's one of THE EASIEST pds to rehabilitate
imagine rehabilitating someone with narcissism or sociopathy
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
is the proper term lmao
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
also eightfish....nope. it's a really long LONG road to rehabilitation. Some take years.
but it's kinda...a relief to be diagnosed OH WHOOPS
coughs in victorian times exCUSE me
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
rip this is from my understanding but if the condition of the disorder is either: a combination of bringing harm to yourself, restricting yourself from your routines, harm to others, or sense of losing control of your daily life then they will mostly likely dianoise. though that's what I
I've known years ago rip. idk if they hold up those standards today
or changed things from it
it really bites when you're seeking help and the folks that supposed to help you say like "but you're normally functioning so I see no problem ya u free to go"
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
"if we can't see it you're not injured so get the fuck back to work"
psychiatrists who just brush you off because it doesn't fit THEIR narrative piss you off
like you're going to them for help....and they categorize you as they see fit
and when you try to go against them they label you as "difficult"
eliushi [a winged tale]
Hey friends, good discussions here but just wondering if it’s best in #general as this will be archived? Just want you all to be safe
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
ah okay! Thank you Eli
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
Oof wait archived?
In what way?
eliushi [a winged tale]
Check pins(edited)
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
I'm deleting every message lol
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
(And this convo is off topic)
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
will do man
Deo101 [Millennium]
already on it
I just deleted everything to about 1 cause I think thats where we went off topic
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Oh shit yeah this is creator babble
I will delete messages as well
1 note · View note
askanaroace · 5 years
So I was reading this awesome aromantic roundtable led by one of the editors, writers and creators - Claudie Arseneault - of the upcoming Common Bonds Anthology (which did get fully funded, if you remember its kickstarter!), and early on, there was a question proposed about everyone’s favorite platonic relationships in media, and it got me thinking. At first, I couldn’t even think of any platonic relationships. Too much pressure! And I wasn’t a part of the roundtable, LOL. But I’ve been stewing on it for the day now, and I want to share some of my favorite platonic relationships in media to help celebrate them!
Christina Yang and Meredith Grey (Grey’s Anatomy)
The friendship that, from what I knew, spawned the “my person” trend. The unlikely friendship that grew from similar ambition and mutual respect of knowledge and skill. Christina and Meredith were always there for each other through everything. At the end of the day, they were there for each other. Sandra Oh leaving Grey’s Anatomy was a huge blow to me because this duo is an extremely important female friendship. These women compete with each other, but they use that ambition to better themselves. They don’t cut each other down to get ahead. They don’t mistreat each other for the attention of men. They’re not just misogynistic tropes that men write a lot. They’re real, complex, beautiful, wonderful women. And they’re not very touchy-feely, but you can still see and feel the depths of how much they care for each other. They’re extremely important for me as a person who’s fairly touch averse and slogged through friendships with people who literally used the word “train” to describe their invasion of my boundaries, as in training me to stand their touch.
Carla Espinosa and Elliot Reid (Scrubs)
A slow-burn friendship that grew out of the embers of conflict and annoyance for each other. This relationship is important to me because it’s a very similar relationship that I had with one of the very best friends I’ve ever had. Like Elliot, she was well-meaning and wanted to be friends. Like Carla, I had a hard time putting my defenses down and it didn’t help that I found her eagerness annoying. But through a ridiculous - and looking back on it, hilarious - situation, we did become friends, just like Carla and Elliot. This friendship shows growth. I love how Carla and Elliot didn’t just become friends at first sight. We see them work on fostering their relationship and working to re-connect later in the series when they’ve become distracted by other things going on in their life.
John Dorian aka JD and Chris Turk (Scrubs)
It’s so refreshing and wonderful to see such a close male friendship on TV between two men who, even if one sometimes struggles with it or just struggles to admit it, are vulnerable with each other. Turk and JD are so close, and their relationship is often lovingly teased for seeming so romantic. This friendship breaks barriers of what platonic relationships really can be. It’s a great example of how much two friends can love each other and how important friendships can be. It’s a celebration of platonic love in a world where platonic love is often downplayed and dismissed in favor of romantic relationships.
John Dorian aka JD and Carla Espinosa (Scrubs)
Honestly, Scrubs is just a goldmine of different types of relationships, of celebrating them and understanding them and exploring them. I miss this show so much; it was a gift in so many ways. JD and Carla are so sweet with each other. I especially love how good of friends they are, and it never becomes romantic with them. There’s never a will-they, won’t-they between them. They drunkenly kiss once and both of them find it awkward and weird. They’re friends, and there is no “more” than that for them. Their friendship is something to be celebrated and nurtured. It’s meaningful, and I love it.
Liz Ortecho and Maria DeLuca (Roswell, New Mexico)
I’m not even fully through this show yet, and Liz and Maria are just so wonderful and heartwarming to watch. Their friendship is not the focus of the show, but what we see of it is strong and supportive and just makes me plain happy to see. (((SPOILERS))) [When they’re starting to think Maria may be the murderer, Liz vehemently defends her and knows she can’t be the killer. In this day and age of grim and gritty shows, it would have been easy to let Liz doubt Maria and grow suspicious of her. Instead, she stayed true to their friendship.] (((END SPOILERS))) Just the small ways in which they support each other are really great, too, like when Liz lays her head on Maria’s shoulder for comfort.
Okoye and T’Challa (Black Panther)
Everything in Black Panther was so well done. It’s absolutely a movie that showcased and celebrated so many different kinds of healthy relationships: platonic, familial, romantic... It was part of the draw of all the protagonists. I especially love Okoye and T’Challa, though. That moment when T’Challa’s story really begins and we see Okoye playfully teasing T’Challa about the mission stole my heart. Okoye isn’t just a bodyguard, and T’Challa isn’t just a leader. They are truly friends. They know each other extremely well. They’re friendly and familiar with each other, again, in a way that’s never meant to be leading up to romance. They just have such familiarity and comfort with each other that even without any backstory, it’s clear to us all how important they are to each other.
Leslie Knope and Ann Perkins, Leslie Knope and Donna Meagle, Donna Meagle and Tom Haverford, Leslie Knope and Ron Swanson, Ron Swanson and April Ludgate (Parks and Rec)
Honestly, I never planned on even watching Parks and Rec. Then one day I was out of shows to catch up on and nothing sounded interesting and Parks and Rec had a lot of seasons that could keep me busy, and I fell in love despite thinking I’d hate the show. Leslie and Ann were the first friends to pop into my head, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized how many amazing friendships were in this show, and I couldn’t pick. But considering how many it is, I didn’t want to separate them all out. Anyway, we all need a good humor once in a while, and Parks is Rec is one of those I’ll keep coming back to when I need something to cheer me up. A lot of these friendships are established at the beginning of the show, but we also get to watch a lot of them grow and evolve. I love all the different ways they support each other, from Leslie’s blatant showering of love and affection with words and physical touch and gifts to Donna and Tom encouraging each other to just do something for themselves to Ron and April’s stoic but deeply caring relationship and walkaround communication. They’re all such strong and different personalities, yet they come together in this beautiful melding of hope and optimism. Throughout it all, they never lose their individuality or sense of self, and that’s what makes them love each other even more.
Phoebe Buffay and Joey Tribbiani (Friends)
There’s a lot to be said about Friends and a lot of it is bad, but I’ve always loved Phoebe and Joey. I love their casual flirtation with each other. These two can say pretty much anything to each other, even the weirdest stuff, with basically no judgement. They have the sweetest, funniest moments when it’s just the two of them, when they can be unabashedly themselves in front of each other.
Rowan Northwood and Rán (Dragonoak trilogy)
I love Rowan and Rán separately and I love them together. Rán is just so friendly and open, you can’t help but immediately fall in love with her. She becomes someone Rowan can really lean on, and she’s Rowan’s teacher in many ways about the wider world than the one she grew up in. By the end of the trilogy, their friendship has grown into something that seemed really reminiscent to me of a queerplatonic relationship. We get to follow the journey of them meeting and becoming friends and growing to really love and support each other more and more throughout the series. Honestly, they’re like a warm hug or freshly baked plate of cookies.
Zélie Adebola and Roën (Children of Blood and Bone)
Two people with very different experiences and backgrounds who have both experienced deep pain and loss and have a pretty tragic backstory. They’ve ended up coping with these experiences in pretty different ways. Zélie has become extremely passionate and serious, and in the beginning, she’s always ready for a fight. Roën is a charmer who is more likely to use humor and quick wit to cope. Yet they can share really intimate moments of understanding between each other as they get to know and really understand who the other person is. There’s definite chemistry between them. They’re both extremely magnetic personalities who dominate the pages they share together. 
Jamie and Hazel (Girls with Slingshots)
I think I originally checked out this webcomic after hearing it had an asexual character. Though the comic has a lot of sex and sex jokes, I immediately fell in love with it, and that was absolutely a result of the friendship between the upbeat, cutie Jamie and cynical, pessimist Hazel. So many different aspects of their personalities and relationship reminded me of me and my friend, though it was different aspects of both of them that represented both of us. Jamie and Hazel were really the first friends I read about who could be so open with each other no matter the subject. My friends and I in HS all gravitated towards each other because we were closeted/unknowing queer kids. As a result, we went through our teenage years pretty repressed. Sex jokes were made, but none of us were seriously talking about or even considering sex. My friend was totally embarrassed and ashamed to admit that she masturbated, and it wasn’t because she felt awkward that I was asexual. Seeing the totally open and unashamed relationship between Jamie and Hazel taught me a lot and broke down a lot of social barriers I hadn’t realized existed. I love how well these two totally different people could work with each other.
Troy Barnes and Abed Nadir (Community)
I was super late to the Community bandwagon, but glad I decided to give it a watch, anyway! Who couldn’t love the totally weird duo of Troy and Abed who loved just getting weird, doing shenanigans, and performing bits with each other? Another great example of two people very different from each other just finding this innate bond with each other and truly taking joy in each other’s company. Watching them have fun together is a treat; it’s just plain fun to see how much fun they can have doing the silliest, even rather meaningless, things.
Anyway, I’ve been working on this post for a while now, it’s already very long, and I need to go to bed, so I’m going to stop here!
Please feel free to add your own favorite platonic relationships to this post! From any medium! You don’t have to write as much as I did! Just naming them is fine! Let’s celebrate platonic relationships in all their glory. o3o
17 notes · View notes
readingwebcomics · 5 years
Analyzing Questionable Content: Pages 101-150
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While I’m all for body positivity Dora, that’s kind of public nudity. Most cities tend to frown on that. Although this IS your personal business you’re doing this in… I wonder what the law for that is? Like, do you have to pay for a permit to allow public nudity in a location you own? Or do city laws take precedent?
…I’m thinking about this too much, let’s move on.
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Hey, it’s Raven again! Hi, Raven! And you thought I was kidding when I said the no-name character who showed up for all of one comic would come back as a regular character. This is part of the reason why I enjoy Jeph’s style – he can, and does, very easily take bit players he made for a single gag or to fulfill one role and flesh them out if he thinks they can serve a purpose or if they entertain him enough. The most famous example of this will be roughly 2900 comics from now so… holy shit, I just realized Bubbles is 1000 comics old! That’s crazy awesome!
Right. Sorry, some of you might not understand a word of what I just typed. Nevermind, moving right along.
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Here we see the beginnings of Dora’s next character arc, if you’d like to call it that. I do have some questions about this as far as the in-universe time-scale goes, but I’ll touch on that later. Faye also invites Dora along to hang with her and Marten to indoctrinate her to the Hipster Lifestyle™ to serve two purposes: First, that their relationship as a boss and employee is relaxed enough that they’re comfortable doing this, telling us a lot about the way these two work together and the way this coffee shop is run without saying a lot. Second, this serves as the perfect in for Jeph to incorporate Dora into the main cast. From this point forward, Dora becomes a main secondary character, arguably a main character in her own right. The fact that she takes on a much more prominent role in this next batch of 50 comics and skyrockets to fourth-most frequent character is proof enough of that on its own, but we’ll touch on all that when we get to the data analysis at the end of this post.
Back with Marten, Steve is encouraging him to apologize to Faye. He offers a… novel solution to keep Marten from being the center of attention.
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Seriously, the sheer, raw confidence on this guy alone is attractive as hell. And I’m only mildly ashamed to admit that to myself!
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I hope you understand why I don’t need to explain why I should, nay, must provide this panel without any other context.
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Same deal with this one.
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And this comic puts me into hysterics every time I read it. I swear, this isn’t going to devolve into me just posting comics and saying “this is funny” or whatever. I just really, really like this progression of events right here. I wish we could see more of this Marten more often in modern QC – able to read a room quick enough to defuse the situation with absurdity or dry wit. It reminds us that, despite all evidence to the contrary, the boy does have a spine somewhere in that body.
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And as immediate contrast, we jump here. This? This isn’t funny. This makes me not like Faye. This is actual abuse. And I know I talked about in the last post how including Faye retaliating against Marten physically and actually showing it happen in the comic rather than implying it with backfilling is the better method of storytelling but… Maybe it’s because she created a visible bruise, maybe it’s because of how candid she is about it, maybe it’s because of my own personal fucked-up past relationships (which admittedly never got physical but still), but this feels infinitely different than the Faye Jeph is trying to set up. He’ll have to do a damn good job in later comics to win me back to thinking Faye’s a likable character again.
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Also Dora is definitely a woman of her word. I hope the coffee shop was empty right then. Actually, I hope it’s been a slow day from the point Faye started chasing her around with a dildo. Otherwise news might travel for all of the wrong reasons.
Faye tries to invite Dora over for festivities both as a friendly gesture because she expects her boss doesn’t get out much and because she wants to drag her from the dark abyss of Goth into the light of Hipster, only for her to turn the invitation down.
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Not that it’s going to deter Faye, of course. Also, QC is in wide screen now. I have NO idea how that’s going to be represented on Tumblr considering how narrow my current theme at the time of writing is. Maybe I’ll change it, I dunno, I’m shit with this sort of thing. If you’re reading this and the page doesn’tlook like some faux notebook shit, I pulled myself together and fixed things. Go me.
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Dora is being incredibly chill with this whole situation. Personally I’d be a hell of a lot more pissed. Although this does provide us with further insight to Faye’s character – someone who sees her next step, bulrushes her way towards it and has zero plans where to go after that until she arrives at her destination. She is aggressive and decisive, but to a fault as she doesn’t ever seem to really plan ahead. I’d say this makes her the perfect foil to Marten as someone who plans obsessively but never has the spine to go forward with anything but… Marten doesn’t really do much future-planning himself. He obsesses over little things and gets stuck in his own head, but he never really seems to look any further than maybe next week. Hm… I want all of us to keep this in mind for an offhand comment like, 500 or 600 comics from now. Trust me, it’ll make sense when we get to it.
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And yet despite Faye’s self-assurance and aggressive nature, here she shows an outright refusal to accept or face the reality of the developing relationship between herself and Marten. Not just being coy, not just dancing around the issue, but straight-up not allowing herself to even consider what’s going down. Maybe I’m reading too much into this little exchange due to what I already know about her character, but this is an extremely unhealthy trait that speaks a lot to Faye’s character that she doesn’t want the world to see. We’ll be touching on this later.
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I mostly like this comic for Marten and Pintsize’s reactions on the last panel. Marten makes a good straight man, and it’s not often we see Pintsize share that role either.
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Faye you’re really not helping your case right now. Although it is interesting how hard Faye is showcases how into him Dora is, considering she has her own feelings for him and I highly doubt she’d be 100% cool with the two of them going off to make out.
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So here we establish Anthro PCs relationships with humans – namely, they’re basically glorified pets. Pets that have human-level sapience. Don’t worry, Jeph comes to understand the unfortunate implications of this as well, and he goes on to change this in future comics. And by “change this” I mean “completely re-incorporate how AI works in this universe and establish QC as a near-future sci-fi setting.” But that’s not going to be for quite some time. For now, despite my poking fun at the horrific implications here, Jeph’s doing a good job taking the “funny robot sidekick” that’s supposed to be in every webcomic and creating proper lore behind it, making it feel like it belongs in this world rather than be used as a comic relief character and only a comic relief character.
Granted the Anthro PCs as a collective are going to be used as just comic relief right now but, y’know. Baby steps.
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As said before, the fact that these guys are all fully sapient creatures makes the implications of this downright horrific. Also, that’s Ell. I have no idea if he ever comes back – I don’t remember him coming back at all – but I’m marking him down in the character statistics because he’s named.
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This… actually has some interesting implications. Marten mentions needing Steve’s help with a date “the other day.” Does that mean he and Faye have known each other for an extremely short period of time? I highly doubt it, we’ve seen a number of times the time has moved from day to night, and the comic itself certainly implies at least a few weeks have passed. So unless by “the other day” Marten means “a month ago” then Marten has been dating women on the side while Faye’s been staying with him. That… seems extremely out of character for him considering the circumstances we’ve seen established in the comic thus far. Considering nothing else really comes from it and the fact if Marten was dating anyone on the side it would definitely be Dora, I’m going to go on the assumption Jeph simply made a mistake here and meant to say Marten was seeing someone a month or a few months back.
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She’s cut off by Pintsize’s destructive laser that he’s using to assert himself as King among the Anthro PCs, don’t worry about it. What we should focus on instead is… well, this second panel here. On paper, this is really good. We’re getting some insight to Faye’s character here, the cracks in her mask are showing. We’re addressing the issue of her assaulting her friend and roommate, what she thinks about it, her current mindset and addressing that this is an actual problem. She’s openly apologizing, sincere in her conviction and clearly wants to fix things.
The problem with this is of course the fact that this is rushed as fuck.
Part of this, of course, has to be the fact that Jeph’s comic by nature is married to the structure of a four-panel comic. We have to set up Faye’s conversation, allow her to continue, but due to narrative convenience she needs to be cut off before she can finish what she’s saying. So the laser cuts her off and after the panel of action, we follow-up and end with the punchline of Pintsize having been made King among the Anthro PCs. And I get it – interrupt Faye before she can finish so you can keep the romantic ambiguity of “boys whom I…” Classic RomCom stuff. Problem is, this isn’t the time or place to do it. Keeping to the structure traps them into a situation where unfortunately Faye doesn’t have the breathing room to stretch this out and make it feel natural. This feels contrived from every angle and every sense of the word.
Easy way to fix this: Have this conversation take place while they’re walking home. Establish she feels bad, have her bounce off Marten and have this conversation naturally. Then either you can have Pintsize cut her off at the end there or maybe even she stops herself when she realizes she’s saying too much. There are ways to make this feel natural. This isn’t natural. Still, credit where it’s due, they’re at least touching on this topic here. Part of me wonders if Jeph had, like, a mental map of where he wanted Faye’s character to go but because he writes these page-by-page it ended up stumbling along and falling flat. A written outline of events can, and does, REALLY help in situations like this.
Then again I’m giving writing advice to a version of someone who existed fifteen years ago. I’m sure he’s got this all down himself nowadays, right?
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Payoff to the previous comic.
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Not only does this crack me up every time I read it, it also shows that Faye and Marten have gotten onto the same wavelength of humor. They’re also comfortable enough with each other that they can imply for a moment sexual favors before completely derailing the implication with the absurd. This is a far-cry from when Faye was trying to burn Marten with her mind back when Pintsize merely implied the two of them share a bed with each other.
Granted, it does kind of fly in the face of Faye’s reaction back at the LANPark. Still, good moment.
Speaking of Faye’s character…
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Here we have Faye’s explanation for why she hides her southern accent. Makes sense.
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And here, her explanation as to why she doesn’t use contractions… I’ve already said my piece on why I feel this makes zero sense, let’s move on.
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And here we properly draw attention to Faye’s scar and establish the fact that her scar is a sore spot for her… was that a pun? It felt like a pun. Anyway, more and more it’s becoming clear that despite her outgoing nature, Faye has a LOT she keeps close to her chest.
Okay now I know that one was a pun, I’m sorry.
Point being, there’s a lot to Faye’s character we haven’t found out yet, plenty yet to explore in future comics. And I’d also like to point out, this? This is an extremely natural way to establish things about Faye, right here. This feels like something that would actually come up in a conversation rather than planted there for the sake of the audience, and I appreciate that. That said, this in conjunction with the last few moments makes this feel more like it’s time for Jeph to introduce and explain aspects of Faye’s character all at once, which deters a little bit from the natural feeling of this moment in particular. Or maybe I’m just being pedantic, I dunno. In a bubble, this comic works.
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And here we get a flash of the personality we’ll see in Raven in the future. Just a spark though, the flame hasn’t risen up quite yet. Also a little detail about Dora that… again, doesn’t quite make sense given the timescale Jeph has established. I’ll touch on it later in this post when we find out exactly how old Dora is.
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This… is an aspect of Marten’s personality that we never really touch on. Actually, this kind of goes toe-in-toe with his interest in Final Fantasy. Is Marten a fantasy buff? Does he enjoy escapist literature and media? Would he be super into Game of Thrones when it comes out as a series? These are questions that… unfortunately, don’t really get answered. I don’t know, I feel like these aspects of who Marten is ends up getting forgotten on the cutting room floor later on in the comic. Maybe they were only included as an off-handed joke, maybe Marten just developed as a character differently than what Jeph originally envisioned him as. Either way, these are parts of him that I think would be wonderful to bring back, especially with his current job and relationship in present-day coics.
Again, like a LOT of things I’m bringing up, we’ll get to that later.
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In case you forgot that Faye is genuinely interested in Marten, a reminder and an assertion: She isn’t just interested in the skinny boy. She’s got it bad for him.
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But, like a lot of things involving her personal life and feelings, she openly refutes them – not just to Dora but to herself.
Having gone out to give Dora a new look and indoctrinate her into the Cult of Hipster, Dora McPalerThanWhiteBread ends up sunburnt. Marten’s home, he has the lotion, we all know where this is going.
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Heaven holds a place for those who pray… I wanted to follow this up with a clip of Sonic from Tails’ story in Sonic Adventure saying “hey hey hey” but surprisingly enough, that particular soundbite isn’t available anywhere. There are plenty of Let’s Plays that poke fun at it, but nothing with that line in particular.
Anyway, let’s talk about time frames. Dora said she got into the whole goth and coven stuff in High School and only now gotten bored of it. She’s 26. Let’s be EXTRA generous and assume she got into it in Senior Year, and she graduated at 18. That’s eight years this has been her life style, almost a third of her life. This wasn’t a phase, this was a genuine life style choice. Either Jeph got the timing wrong, or this is genuinely an identity crisis on Dora’s part because seriously, when something’s been a part of your life for so long I don’t blame you for not knowing where to go from there. I’m just surprised it took 8+ years for her to get sick of it. Then again, maybe that’s normal. I dunno, you can tell me if that’s a normal human thing. I’m literally autistic so I genuinely don’t know.
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Setup… and also begging the question why you would give a libido to an AI, or how one would develop it naturally seeing as robots are incapable of sexual reproduction.
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I haven’t really mentioned it until now, but Dora’s like aggressively bi. I can dig it. Guys and gals are both pretty in their own ways.
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Ignore the lack of color for a second, Jeph wrote up this comic when he had like zero time and couldn’t color it in before he uploaded. Again, we have the HINT of something that Faye’s on the cusp of admitting that says more about her character only to be cut off once again. This feels a bit more natural than the situation at the LANPark. Still contrived by nature of Jeph introducing a conflict to purposefully cut her off, but an understandable narrative contrivance.
Also, remember when I mentioned the joke about the government level laser would come back as an actual plot point? Did you think I was joking? No, here we have Agent Turing (I can’t tell if that’s clever or if I should roll my eyes at this) here to take Pintsize in, dismantle him and take the dangerous laser back.
Faye takes it well.
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Can you guess what consequences she suffers from assaulting a government agent? I’ll give you a hint – it’s about the same as the consequences she suffered from burning down an apartment.
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And finally, we round off this batch of comics with Faye’s expert lying skills to fool Agent Turing…
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Ah yes. The ever-deadly Space Owls. Not nearly as scary as Space Bears, though! They’re horrifying!
…not buying it? Yeah neither did my professors back in college.
As per usual, let’s compare a panel from the first and last comics in the batch to see how Jeph’s art style has improved.
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It looks like he’s trying to get the proportions more… realistic? They’ve moved from “cartoons” to “cartoon versions of actual people” and it’s… eh, alright I guess? Personally I’m more of a fan of the more cartoon-ish style in the beginning of this batch, but beauty and eyes of beholders and all.
So overall, what did I think of this batch of comics? Personally, I think the humor is improving dramatically, this batch had the most comics that had me laughing aloud so far. And bringing Dora further into the limelight was a smart move on Jeph’s part – she’s just so likable, I want to see more of her. But as for the inter-personal conflicts… eh? It feels weaker than last batch. More is happening, progress is being made, but it feels… contrived. Artificial. It was the worst in the LANPark, but because that drew my eye I kept seeing every other piece of exposition as just that – exposition. Maybe I’m biased, I’ll fully admit that. I’ll also admit that the bit about Faye’s chest-scar was a well done piece of exposition without feeling like exposition.
I’ve said exposition way too much now, let’s move onto the stats (and for the record, Scarlet Manuka on the QC forums was kind enough to remind me that the name of Dora’s cat is Miéville, so while we haven’t been introduced to that name yet I’ll be using that in my stats from this point forward because it’s better than “Dora’s Cat”).
Faye: 47/50 – 94%
Marten: 41/50 – 82%
Dora: 31/50 – 62%
Pintsize: 18/50 – 36%
Turing: 3/50 – 6%
Steve: 2/50 – 4%
Raven: 2/50 – 4%
Ell: 1/50 – 2%
Grand Total:
Marten: 132/150 – 88%
Faye: 130/150 – 86.7%
Pintsize: 45/150 – 30%
Dora: 39/150 – 26%
Steve: 16/150 – 10.7%
Sara: 7/150 – 4.7%
Raven: 3/150 – 2%
Turing: 3/150 – 2%
Jim: 2/150 – 1.3%
Scott: 2/150 – 1.3%
Miéville: 1/150 – 0.7%
Ell: 1/150 – 0.7%
Faye is climbing up the ranks and getting closer to perfectly equal screentime with Marten across the whole series. Speaking of Faye, in this batch she pulled into first as the character in the most comics, the first time she’s been in more than Marten since the beginning. And Dora’s been in so many this last batch, she jumped up to fourth-most reoccurring character juuust behind Pintsize.
I’ll catch you next week for the epic conclusion to the Pintsize laser saga! And yet more insight on Faye’s past – hope you like ice cream! See you then.
8 notes · View notes
jincherie · 6 years
a day full of nothing but small tragedies... | yixing
⇒ a little piece i started last year for hybrid! yixing/lay and haven’t finished since. I don’t think I’ll be continuing it anytime soon so I may as well share!!! I think from memory it tied into the universe I made for chanyeol’s fic || 2.3k words
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The day had been full of nothing but small tragedies thus far. First, you’d somehow managed to sleep through all seven of your alarms— all of which were in place in case you slept through the ones before them, of course. Second, your sibling had stayed over the night before and taken a shower before leaving in the morning— a long shower. When you’d leapt into the stream of water, rushing to make up for a solid hour of lost time, and not bothered to check the temperature you had been treated to the deluxe experience of icy cold water running straight down your back. Needless to say you had leapt back out with a scream faster than you’d managed to get in in the first place. And after that, you were out of milk, despite the fact you’d seen a whole half bottle in the fridge the night before (your sibling was getting a year-long ban from your house) which meant you could have neither your usual cereal nor coffee— and at this point you would have sold your sibling for a mocha.
Your boss hadn’t been too mad when you’d finally rocked up to work (in the end you’d decided to screw rushing and got ready in enough time that you felt better about yourself but still hurried a little). However, you had a feeling that was because a lot of the morning deliveries had been cancelled and you were only five minutes late for the first on of the morning.
Throughout most of your deliveries you managed to stay sane, despite the constant misfortune that seemed so keen to find you today. Finally a bit after midday you made it to your last delivery, smiling when you saw the address, then dropping the expression just as fast when you saw the box. What the hell did a hybrid shelter even need to order that took up a box that big? You tried lifting it a bit to gauge its weight and sputtered. What the fresh heck was in there?! You weren’t looking forward to carrying it into the store.
You arrived quickly at the Exotic Dusk Shelter and sighed before grabbing the necessities and attempting to lift the box. You managed to get it out of the truck, and decided to place it down while you locked it up. You’d thought it was a pretty wise decision, until you had to lift the box back up again. You groaned, people walking by giving you a variety of strange looks. You stared at them until they looked away, and then proceeded to shuffle carefully to the door of the shelter, grumbling the whole way.
You had never really understood struggle until you tried fitting that box through the shelter door. You would try to go to a backdoor but there weren’t any that led to the shop at the front. You pushed and pulled and cursed, wondering where that smug black cat Chen was. Usually he would be around to tease you by now and you kind of needed the interaction to vent you current frustration. You opened you mouth to call out to him, giving a strong pull at the box wedged in the doorway at the same time, when it gave way and finally popped through. You weren’t ready at all and it knocked you onto the floor, too heavy for you to shove off by yourself. What was in here?!
“CHEN!” you shrieked as you went down, groaning at the weight. You could still breathe but the positioning wasn’t exactly comfortable and you were struggling with movement. Why had the fates taken such a disliking to you on this day in particular?
You knew the cat had heard your distressed call and come to check it out when you heard loud, boisterous laughter from where you knew the door to the back rooms to be.
“Stop laughing and come help me you jerk! What is even in here?!” you cried, face flushing a little in embarrassment when he laughed harder. “Chen I swear to god I will pull—“
The hybrid with raven locks was still laughing as he scampered over and rolled the box off of you, giving you a hand up.
Glad that affair was over, you hit the smirking feline with your clipboard and cursed. “Chen you are so rude, I almost died!”
He snickered. “Yeah, but I saved you. You clutz.”
You looked at Chen, squinting as you observed the bubbly grin on his face, the bright eyes and joyful bounce in his usually sly step. “What’s got you so over the moon? Also I need you to sign here.”
Chen took the offered clipboard and pen and signed for the delivery before handing it back and bouncing happily. “That person I told you about came by today and Chanyeol got adopted! I have a really good feeling about this one, y/n!”
You squealed, letting Chen clutch your hands as you both bounced together excitedly. “Oh my god, really?! Oh I’m so glad, he deserves to have a home and someone to rely on permanently. When did this happen?!”
“They came by the other week, but finished paying and picked him up earlier this morning.” Chen purred, eyes forming crescents in his elation and sharper than human canines glinting with his wide grin.
You felt like you could float you were so happy Chanyeol had finally seemed to find a forever home. “This is great! I hope he’s happy.”
Chen nodded, seeming to calm a little but unable to rid his face of the grin. “He adores them.” He purred, nudging your ribs playfully. You grinned.
“Ah,” you started suddenly, remembering the other thing you needed to give the hybrid. “I almost forgot.”
Reaching into your satchel you pulled out three stapled booklets, holding them out to Chen whose eyes lit up in recognition. “I printed the latest Spliced updates for Sehun and Tao. I gave them a quick glance, I think things really start heating up in these ones. The next few updates are going to be hectic.”
Chen took them from your hand, gratitude shining in his eyes. “Thank you for printing them, Tao and Sehun have been bugging me nonstop about when the next updates will be out and they refuse to read anything else that doesn’t have hybrids as main characters. Believe me, I’ve tried. They’ll be over the moon to get these.” He smiled.
You returned the grin before starting as you checked your watch. A parcel was getting delivered soon and you had to be home to receive it. You explained this to Chen and he nodded, bidding you farewell and telling you to drop by again soon, a large smile still donning his face as he clutched the printed webcomic updates you’d given him. You left after waving back, affronted by a sudden downpour the second you left the shelter, getting soaked to the bone in mere moments.
Thunder cracked as you hopped into your van. Today just wasn’t your day.
By the time you got home it was late and the streets were dark, rain coming down just as heavily as it had been when you left the shelter. After being kept in traffic that was the worst possible combination of inner-city madness and wet weather traffic, you’d somehow managed to catch every single red light on the way. At this point you were above being bitter, you were simply amazed at how terrible your luck had been the whole day. It was truly incredible.
You’d even completely forgotten about your package, too focused on trying to preserve what little dryness you’d managed to create on your body during the drive home as you hurried into your home, until you got a good five steps into your kitchen. You cursed, looking balefully out the window at the unfortunate weather. The post office was where your package had most likely been sent, and that was just a little ways down the road. You didn’t want to bother driving, it was too close and honestly didn’t appeal to you at all, so with a sigh you slipped your shoes back on with a wet squelch and fumbled out the door and into the rain once more. You could console yourself with a hot chocolate from the café next to the post office.
You ordered your hot chocolate first, slipping into the warmth of the café and shivering in delight. You decided to treat yourself, purchasing two hot chocolates— you were cold and honestly you knew yourself well enough to know you would crave another afterwards anyways. Another day you might have gotten a coffee instead but you could get that at home— right now what your house lacked was hot chocolate. You even splurged a bit and got cream on top.
While your order was being made you ducked into the post office and picked up your package (it was a videogame— you had priorities) and purchased an umbrella while you were there. You didn’t actually have one and days like this reminded you of their necessity. You quickly dashed back to get your drinks with a smile to the barista before exiting just as swiftly and beginning the miserable trek up a hill to your apartment complex. There were a few buildings and shops along the way, and usually you would ignore the dark alleys in between structures in favour of rushing home and getting that hill over and done with, but this time something caught your attention. There was shuffling as you passed one of the larger alleys, the sound of scuffling and rustling behind one of the large dumpsters. Curious (it was a bad habit of yours), you leaned in and paused in your determined trek home.
You weren’t disappointed; the noise came again and this time it was followed by a small splash, and then a bang, and then a pained whimper.
You hurried closer quietly, peering around the edge of the dumpster, rain pattering heavily against your new umbrella and dripping in torrents off the side. You were startled, to say the least, at the sight of a male hybrid curled up against the wall and dumpster, shivering and soaked to the bone. His eyes were screwed shut and his ears were flattened against his head (probably to keep the water out, you reasoned), and he probably hadn’t heard you approach over the thunderous noise of the rain.
With instant sympathy for his soaked situation, you crouched, placing your drinks on the ground in favour of holding your umbrella up and gently placing a hand on the hybrid’s shoulder. He was startled, but you’d sort of expected it. He looked like a stray, but you couldn’t tell how long he had been that way. Beautiful feline eyes caught yours and if you’d had any question as to what kind of hybrid he was those golden orbs answered it. For a moment you were disarmed at the open way you could read his emotions just from his eyes. He was scared.
You smiled softly, trying to soothe him. A hand reached down and grabbed one of the warm drinks you’d intended on consuming. You held it out for him, trying to exude patience and convey how truly harmless you were. You held the umbrella over both of you.
“You don’t have to have it if you don’t want to, but the hot chocolates from that café are incredible and I bought two. You look like you could use something warm,” you grinned, eyes closing momentarily. “I even got cream.”
The hybrid seemed dubious but the more he searched your gaze for anything malicious, the more he seemed to come up empty. Finally he eased a little, reaching a trembling hand to take the drink from you. You beamed, shifting to adjust the package under your arm.
“I really like your eyes. Are you a cat hybrid? Do you have a name?” you asked, probably rushing into things too soon.
He sipped the hot chocolate, eyes fluttering closed for a moment before they opened again and he took a larger drink, nodding. “My name is Yixing, but my… they called me Lay.”
You tilted your head a little. “Which do you prefer?”
He seemed taken aback at your question, pausing mid-sip. “Yixing.” He mumbled.
“Well, it’s nice to meet you, Yixing. I’m y/n,” you smiled, finding it cute how he hid his face behind the papery cup containing his drink. “Do you… Do you have somewhere you can go? This weather isn’t very friendly.”
You caught the sadness the second it entered his eyes and knew even before he shook his head that the answer was no. Your smile was gentle as you shifted a little in your crouch to ease the pressure on your legs.
“Well, how about this then. I live a little further down the road, and I have a spare bedroom in my apartment and a ton of blankets and towels. You’re very welcome to stay the night and clean up, have a warm shower or a bath, and something to eat if you’d like. You won’t have an obligation to stay, or to leave. You can do as you wish.” You offered, a small smile on your lips. As an afterthought and in an effort to ease any worries he might have, you added, “You won’t owe me for this, nothing is expected of you if you decide to stay.”
Yixing bit his lip, hands wrapped around the hot chocolate you had given him. He looked uncertain, uneasy yet desperate to get out of the cold and wet. You kept a patient look, trying not to seem too overjoyed when he softly agreed. You couldn’t help but grin.
“Excellent!” you cheered, easing up and holding out a hand. “Come on, the sooner we get there and out of this rain the better.”
He took your offered help, standing on shaky legs and swaying. He ended up leaning against you as you walked. His tattered crimson turtleneck did nothing to protect him from the harmful weather and he shivered and quaked against your frame the whole way home.
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ashmerra · 6 years
may i kindly ask you all the oc questions?
Yes, yes you may.
Quick note:  A few OCsI won’t mention by name and a few answers will be vague just as to not spoilanything.  I have an entire fanversegoing on here.
-50 OC Asks-
Quick reference:  Meri is the Hero of Kvatch.  Arrais a Breton mage in Skyrim.  Dreyns is a Dunmer assassin.  Vitiais the Dragonborn.  Sannit is an old, former Ashlander. Veabris is an Ayleid who’saround back before the First Era.  Jaka is the Nerevarine.  Estor isNot a Thalmor ™.  Stigr is a proud Nord boi.  La’Mihr is a smart kitty.  One-Who-Knowsis yearning for the suburban Skyrim dream.  
 1. “Your first OCever?”  
That would be proto Meri. She was really the first that grew into an actual character.  She was also supposed to star in an Oblivionrewrite/webcomic/fanfic thing I drew like one page of years ago.
2. “Do you have a personal favouriteamong your OCs?”
I like different ones for different reasons!  Arra’s dialogue and one-liners, Dreyns’swhole ark of getting old, Vitia’s philosophy, etc.  etc.
3. Have you ever adopted a character or gotten a character from someone else?
Nope.  And I’d neverconsider them mine.  I handcraft them andbake them one-of-a-kind each time.  Butmore seriously, the most I could take is an idea for a character, because Ialways like to twist things on their head and really make it my own.  I don’t enjoy writing NPCs for thisreason.  I can’t get in their head and myheadcanons get a bit much, so I’d rather just write for those I know.
4. “A character you rarely talk about?”
Tactus Gavros Sigilis!  An inspector/investigator for the Empirein Skyrim.
5. “If you could make only one of your OCs popular/known, who would it be?”
I think that’s not really up to me.  I can’t decide who fans will latch onto.  I know who’s the most well-liked at thistime, but that’s no indicator of who would be well-loved by a much wideraudience.  I’ll leave this one to my fans!
6. “Two OCs of yours that look alike despite not being related?”
I do my best to give everyone unique looks andclothing/color schemes, but!  There’sthree that got based on each other and aren’t the same but even I’m confusednow.  I’ll make a separate post to breakit down.
7. “Are your OCs part of any story or stories?”
None of them exist outside of the Elder Scrolls universe,and I have yet to write fanfiction.  
8. “Do you RP as any of your OCs? If you do, introduce one of your RP OCs here!”
Currently Arra, Sannit, and Veabris.  Though I think I’m game to RPing any of them,I already have a few more that I want to add to my RPing blog!  (btw, if you like the idea of RPing with me,all you have to do is ask.)
9. “Would you ever be willing to give any of your OCs to someone else?”
No.  Not give, nevergive.  But that doesn’t mean they can’tappear in your writing/meta/art, just that it’s a crossover, you don’t own themjust like I don’t own yours when I allude to them in RPs.  (Did I ever post that here?)
10. “Introduce an OC with a complicated design?”
All the ones I don’t draw, lol
Okay, more seriously…no, that’s pretty much why.
11. “Is there any OC of yours you could describe as a ‘sunshine’?”
100% Arra
12. “Name an OC that isn’t yours but who you like a lot”
Can I say all of them? My favorites are the ones who are woven into the lore and pre-existingcharacters, and ones that feel like real people and not just “ArgonainDragonborn #76”.  I like the ones whotake it as seriously as me, and as I see people do, I feel more confident totalk about and expand them.
13. “Do you have any troublemaker OCs?”
Actually, not really.  Dreyns, Jaka and Stigr can all be at times, though.
14. “Introduce an OC with a tragic backstory”
I want to legit change that to one without tragedy in theirbackstory because they’re all tragic…
15. “Do you like to talk about your OCs with other people?”
Sometimes!  But I trynot to go overboard because I’m not sure if people like it.  
16. “Which one of your OCs would be the best at biology (school subject)?”
My Daedric biologist, I would imagine.
17. “Any OC OTPs?”
I’m not much of a shipper, honestly.  And I really can’t think of any at themoment.  
18. “Any OC crackships?”
Read 17.
19. “Introduce an OC that means a lot to you (and explain why)”
I’ll pass on this one only because my answer would start gettingtoo personal for this ask.
20. “Do any of your OCs sing? If they sing, care to share more details(headcanon voice, what kind of songs they like etc)?”
Veabris has a beautiful singing voice that would sound agood deal like Annie Lennox.  Actually,just listen to “Into the West” and you’re good to good.  But you’ll never hear it because Vea is superself-conscious and private about singing.
21. “Your most artistic OC?”
You know, I think I overlook making them artistic justbecause I am.  It would be too obvious.  But let’s say Stigr and La’Mihr are.
22. “Is there any OC of yours people tend to mischaracterize? If yes, how?”
In world or OOC? That’s a really important distinction! But Veabris’s intentions are usually misinterpreted.  
23. “Introduce an OC that has changed from your first idea concerning what thecharacter would be like?”
Most of them!  I workon them for a while until I feel they’re ready to be revealed.  24. “If you could meet one OC of yours, who would it be and why?”
Don’t do this to me!!!!  Ahhhh I don’t know I love them all! But Jaka would probably be the most fun to hang out with?  Then again, a day out with Sannit would begreat.
25. “The OC that resembles you the most (same hobby, height, sharedlike/dislike for something etc?)”
26. “Have you ever had to change your OC’s design or something else about themagainst your will?”
Arra and yes, I’m still bitter about it.  I won’t get into it because I’d rather notmake posts like that, but if anyone would like to know feel free to message me.
27. “Any OCs that were inspired by a certain song?”
Nah, they come about and the songs fit them after.
28. “Your most dangerous OC?”
Okay!  So we haveMankar Camoran’s kid, Molag Bal’s Undying Champion, a lesser Daedric Prince anda double-memoried Godkiller.  Have funwith that battle royal!
29. “Which one of your OCs would go investigate an abandoned house at nightwithout telling anyone they’re going?”
Tactus Gavros Sigilis, it’s his literal job.  Wait it’s Estor’s too.  …And kinda Veabris’s.  Well!
30. “Which one of your OCs would most likely have a secret stuffed animalcollection?”
It’s Dreyns.  It’s soDreyns.
31. “Pick one OC of yours and explain what their tumblr blog would be like(what they reblog, layout, anything really)”
Sannit treats it like a regular website blog and only postsstories from his life or answers to asks. No reblogs and he doesn’t follow anyone.
Meri posts advanced DYI stuff and martial technique.
32. “Which one of your OCs would be the most suitable horror game protagonistand why?”
I don’t play horror games but I’m thinking Estor in creepy,culty fan theory version of Rorikstead. (Should I write this?)
33. “Your shyest OC?”
She’s so shy she won’t let me talk about her.
34. “Do you have any twin characters?”
Not yet!
35. “Any sibling characters?”
Yes but I won’t say just now.  Spoilers!
36. “Do you have OC pairs where the other part belongs to someone else(siblings, lovers, friends etc)?”
Not currently, but I’m not against doing it.
37. “Introduce an OC who is not quite human”
The Argonian, One-Who-Knows! He’s saving up money to buy a new fancy hat right now.  Rock on, scaly bro!
38. “Which one of your OCs would be the best dancer?”
I feel like it would be Vitia for some reason.
39. “Introduce any character you want!”
40. “Any fond memories linked to your characters? Feel free to share!”
Writing “Arra’s Story” (An RP post).  The power and emotion of it and the approvingly,emotionally shocked reactions of my fellow players made me realize I couldactually write good.
41. “Has anyone drawn fanart of your OCs? If yes, maybe show a picture or twohere (remember sources & permissions!)”
Here and here  😊
42. “Which one of your OCs would be the most interested in Greek gods?”
Daedric biologist person would be!
43. “Do you have any certain type when you create your OCs? Do you tend tofavour some certain traits or looks? It’s time to confess!”
We already found out I like investigators, is that my type?
44. “Something you like about your OCs in general”
I like how they all have gotten their own personality andidentity.  It’s taken a lot of work, but Idon’t feel like personalities repeat anymore.
45. “A character you no longer use?”
I have a few in limbo. I’m not sure if they’re coming back or they’re
46. “Has anyone ever told you that you treat your OCs badly?”
No.  Only because Ihaven’t told them about all the bad things I’ve done to them in the first place.
47. “Has anyone ever (friendly) claimed any of your OCs as their child?”
Not yet, there’s still time.
48. “OC who is a perfect cinnamon roll, too good for this world, too pure?”
I think they call this a “hot take”, but in my opinion everyperson has flaws and depicting them otherwise is bad character writing.  Like sure, they can be nice and all, but theystill topple the board over when they’re losing Risk (or Axis & Allies).  Showing only one side of a character seriously,(not if it’s just for laughs) is boring to me. Where’s the growth?  They don’teven need to have “flaws” per se.  Whatif the “One True Hero to Save the World” is balled up on the floor crying tothemselves because they don’t think they’re strong enough?  Hot take over and it’s probably little kidDreyns.  (Which breaks hearts because hegrows up into something not pure.)
49. “Which one of your OCs would most likely enjoy memes”
Arra would love meme songs like “SEAGULLS! (Stop ItNow)“He-man singing “What’s up?”, and “mmm whatcha say”.  And Jaka would love reaction gifs and objectlabeling memes.
50. “Give me the good ol’ OC talk here. Talk about anything you want”
I wanna talk about how long it took to fill this out and howmany characters I resurrected from the darkest depths of my mind to completeit.  You’re welcome.  ♥
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thevalkyriesonline · 6 years
Nine Worlds; One Valkyries Trip To London’s Inclusive Fan Convention
Conventions appeal to different fans for different reasons, whether it be comic con, a game expo, YouTube/Blogger convention or whatever the medium but one common factor in all of these conventions is the possibility to meet other like-minded fans! As well as hopefully getting the chance to meet your idols! 
There is a Con though that really thrives on fans, it is called Nine Worlds (London’s Inclusive Fan Culture Convention). A Con with a difference – the difference being it is made by fans for fans to meet other fans and just enjoy and celebrate their fandom in all it’s crazy geekiness.
It has been going since 2013 when it was first set up but I only heard about it last summer (2017) when I discovered that one talk held there was titled “It’s research! Or Why it is ok to play over 100 hours of Dragon Age when you really should be writing.” This, as a huge Dragon Age fan since discovering Inquisition, spoke to me on a level that none of my immediate friends understood or appreciated. Unfortunately I was unable to attend Nine Worlds in 2017, but the fact that there was a time and place to have such a discussion on such a unique fan-based topic inspired me to endeavor to attend in 2018. So as soon as the Early Bird Tickets became available I put my money where my heart wanted me to and I began to plan and save for a big solo adventure to London for Nine Worlds 2018.
I also made another bold and brave and foolish decision to sign up as a Content Provider for Nine Worlds 2018!
Why? – because why not? I have been a mega reader, hoarder and fan of all fiction featuring, adapting or retelling Norse Mythology for years and Nine Worlds provided me with the ideal and probably only platform where I could take the chance to share my enthusiasm and passion for the genre of Norse Fantasy. The Nine Worlds Team accepted my proposal, so, on top of saving for the hotel room on-site and booking train travel I also had to plan a lecture/talk – I was both really nervous and really excited! The months, weeks and days soon dwindled down to departure day and then I was off down to London for what I hoped would be a fun and busy weekend.
Now on to the fun bit – the various sessions and events and panel discussions! These were the ones I attended but over 50 were held each day of the convention so this is just a small sample of what fandom and genres were covered.
Session One – LARP (Live Action Role Play). Speakers; Penny Jackson, Adam Dinwoodie, Mx RA Madgwick and Haplocke Spence
As I am attending my first ever LARP event, set in the world of Dragon Age in November this was a must for me! The panel was made up of experienced and new-ish LARP players and they gave a great insight into how LARP’ing works, the various types and systems involved, clothing and equipment, rules for both play and player protection and more.
Session Two – The Only Toilet in Thedas. Speakers; Sarah Gordon, Phil Dyson, Angela Cleland
Now who couldn’t resist that title? Especially when you are a Dragon age fan. This panel discussion was the most interesting because it covered not just the world of games but also of books, TV and Film. It made me realize how much in Fantasy the practical matters of hygiene from toilets to sewers to bathing are just not address yet in Sci-Fi it’s more visible. The panel discussed whether it was a taboo or simply a matter of too much detail on a very personal and private matter – for instance do you want to know how long the hero, heroine, villain or indeed any character takes on the toilet? If they wash their hands or not? – but then again social, religious and cultural practices exist even within the bathroom and so perhaps it should be represented more?
Session Three – Know Thy Enemy. Speakers; Adrian Tchaikovsky, Jeanette Ng, Ms Anna Stephens
This was a panel debate all about the nature and representation of Villains. I found it fascinating to discuss Villains and their nature, one panel member made the very good point on how it is wrong to see the Villain as the champion of Chaos and the Hero of Order for it is in fact the other way around. In many scenarios across all mediums it is the Villain that has established some type of order whether through politics, society, culturally or religious or just geographically or financially but it is the Hero who emerges to disrupt that form of order and thus bring about chaos. This made me instantly think of Katniss in the Hunger Games, she is rebelling against the ruling society and its cultural practice of the Games and thus brings war to the capital city and thus chaos. Another issue discussed was whether the viewer/reader must be sympathetic towards Villains. The panel debated hard on this topic and in the end agreed that sympathy isn’t necessary for a Villain to be a true villain or a good villain but what is necessary is that the viewer/reader gets a sense of the Villain’s journey to their villainy – they must see where, how and why the character has become the Villain, whether for good or bad, and so enjoy the Villain’s redemption or come-uppance by the hero.
Session Four – D&D (Dungeons and Dragons) for Young People. Speaker; Elizabeth Prais
In my day job as a college Librarian I had recently learned of a lunch-time Dungeons and Dragons group being set up by a teacher after some students expressed an interest. So, I was eager to learn more tips and tricks to either host such a group in the Library or pass on to my colleague. The lady who hosted this session hailed from America and was very open about how she ran her local residential D&D group for her daughter and some local children. She gave some great recommendations and advice on timing, kit, planning, preparation and how to adjust and adapt the large and complex set of rules for a younger more impatient audience.
Session Five – Philosophy and Mass Effect. Speaker; Michael Duxbury, Emily Marlow
Now this was the first session I wasn’t entirely clued up on as I myself am still stuck half way through playing Mass Effect 2 by Bioware so a lot of the moral/ethical dilemmas they talked about I hadn’t actually experienced yet, or I couldn’t remember what I chose in the ones I was familiar with. Yet it was interesting and food for thought on how the scenarios were portrayed, and the fixed set of options provided resulted in the moral and ethics becoming such a personal dilemma for players. It wasn’t always a case of choosing the lesser of two evils but how the player and indeed the character depending on their Renegade to Hero balance would pick. Some panel members and indeed people in the audience felt that more choices would improve and increase the dilemma levels instead of just A or B. The panel also discussed how often, at least amongst themselves, they would pick based on the benefit or not long term, not the short term and play with a view of working towards achieving success or a goal.
Session Six – Beyond Marvel and DC – What comics you should be reading. Speakers; Angie Wenham, Stephen Lacey, Kate Barton, Ram V
The panel mentioned a great many titles, artists, apps and webcomics that they recommended as alternatives to Marvel/DC and then invited the audience to contribute. I recommended Nimona* by Noelle Stevenson  and I Hate Fairy Land by Skottie Young.
* Interested in Nimona? Check out our review! 
I Hate FairyLand
Session Seven – Disney Sing-A-Long
This was the true highlight for me as an eternal child thanks to the magic of Disney. I wasn’t the only adult in the room, it was a very popular event and there were children of all ages and their parents and even a few Disney cosplayers too. We were all able to sing-a-long via screen projecting the words, or handouts or follow a link online. A whole range of songs was sung and Frozen ‘Let It Go’ proved to be a major popular one with a member of Con Staff leading a friendly stage invasion and then everyone proudly showed off all the right moves to the lyrics. I honestly was in tears with joy as some of the most powerful songs were sung by young and old alike.
The final event I will review was the FABULOUS MMORPG SHOW. Speaker; Misha Anker, Paul Flannery
Which was a blend of audience power and D&D – we basically had the Game Master who set up a story, invited some members of the audience to join him on stage and fill in character sheets but they had to be as unconventional as possible and then he would invite the audience to provide character names, objects, powers etc. to the story narrative and the players would roll a giant D20 (20-sided dice) to determine the outcome. This was a whole lot of fun and silliness and the story involved a Bee with a Human Leg, a Swarm of Wasps and a Wizard whose greatest spell was making Jam, they had to find the Cheese Board for the Duck of Doom! You had to be there to believe the story and it was amazingly resolved within the 1 hour and a half session.
Norse Fantasy, My own presentation! 
Was scheduled bright and early on a Saturday morning the night after the first big disco (alas Becky did not go dancing due to a very painful wisdom tooth spoiling things) and yet the room quickly filled up much to my delight. Despite not having the colorful presentation I spent hours on, due to not having my own laptop to plug into the screen, I was still able to explain, explore and introduce so many of my favourite authors and titles to a new audience. Some of the audience also proved to be fellow fans of many of them and a good number took photographs of my favourite title list to go away with to look at later and thanked me for the session, which was an awesome feeling. I was even complimented on my choice of t-shirt for the session – my own Valkyrie t-shirt from Redbubble. It says, “Valkyrie of Odin – Midgard Original – Since 793”. If you are interested in my presentation, I am planning on doing a written version of it for the Valkyries Blog so stay tuned!
Last but not least was the fab mini Geek Market that was on all weekend and as it was also my birthday, I indulged myself in another t-shirt from Genki Gear, some D&D themed tea, tea strainer and mug, two new bookmarks, some funky acrylic necklaces featuring a book and a fox in a bin, some super cute little clay keyrings of Flynn Rider, Thor and Pizza and of course BOOKS! Each attendee got a surprise free book in their bag, but I got two based on libraries and books, The Invisible Library by Genevieve Cogman and Bookworm by Christopher Nuttall – expect a review on here once I have got around to enjoying them.
Now the managing team have recently stepped down to consult with attendees and invite new members, as they are reviewing their constitution to try and make it more inclusive and representative of those who attend. Although from what I witnessed their inclusive and equality practices were out of this world compared to other cons I’ve been too. I do hope the new organizers can continue what has already been established and continue to make improvements where they feel it is needed. I for one enjoyed it all – despite my wisdom tooth being a very literal pain throughout – for I definitely would attend again.
Did you attend Nine Worlds? What did you think? What was your favourite presentation?
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A Valkyrie at Nineworlds! @london_geekfest #nineworlds Nine Worlds; One Valkyries Trip To London's Inclusive Fan Convention Conventions appeal to different fans for different reasons, whether it be comic con, a game expo, YouTube/Blogger convention or whatever the medium but one common factor in all of these conventions is the possibility to meet other like-minded fans!
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