#just rewatched dos . im still stuck on these scenes .
snailwitdamail2 · 7 months
calling it now. the new apes trilogy is gonna have an ape/human kiss like the og movie did.
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thorin · 1 month
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desolation of smaug (2013)
parallels between kíli & tauriel, and bilbo & thorin
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lover-of-mine · 8 months
I made 47 gifs today that are technically 68 gifs because split gifs count as 2 gifs and I'm questioning my life choices.
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msp9 · 20 days
When i first finished this season, I too like some people, was skeptical about it. I get why some people say its bad, I just thought it was very different from cc. At points the characters didin't feel like themsleves, the way some of them were written and the designs gave me a real hard time to get used to them. Also i felt as if it was just too much to process at times so i rewatched it and my final answer is that its a good show the pacing is incredeble, the plot, the suspence and character development. i just had a hard time getting used to everything new? Ig. I'm still doubting whether its a 10 but sure thing is that it was a very good first season its a easy 9/10. So here are the thinks i liked abt it:
-THE WAY THEY POTRAYED EVERYONES TRAUMA/STRUGGLES , Sammy having anxiety, Yaz overcoming her ptsd, and KENJI. MY BOY. That must have been the best breakdown i've seen in animated series. Whoever wrote that scene. Wow. It was the best thing in the whole show honestly. His vision gtting blurry, having truble breathing. The panick. Wow. I CANNOT SAY THIS LOUD ENOUGH.
-Ben and Sammy duo? Hello? Im srry to say but you might just be better than Yaz and Ben duo. Idk i really loved them.
- "Benjamin."
- Showing Yaz is doing better. Despite her ongoing struggles, she has clearly grown and matured the last 6 years, and the way she calmed Sammy in the sinking van? Ig all those therapy sessions and college paid off. That scene is a clear illustration of the progress she has made. I mean sammy did say "i can tell shes still struggling" but there wasnt really a clear scene of her getting stuck in place as she used to. So my guess is that it was just Sammys anxiety and the fact that they didint talk much. Bc then Sammy was surprised how she kept herselve together. So yeah
-UM SAMMYS CHARACTER?? HELLO? GLOW UP, CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT, i loved her sm. She moved up to my top 3.
And her anxiety? It was so well shown too
-the fight between Sammy and Yaz felt so natural and not at all forced. They both had valid points and in the end they did understand each other and were on the same page.
-Ben being Ben in almost every episode
- Yasmina's "boo."
-Brooklynns design?? Majestic to say the least.
- ingore what i said ealrier abt the acting out of character. They do remind themsleves they just grew
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Well, all except Ben...
-Kenjis new voice actor, he did a real good job, as much as it doesn't sound like him, he really captured some emotional scenes very well.
- The robot lady. THEY REALLY SAID TAKE A WOMAN AND MAKE HER CREEPY ASF. I was genunanly creeped out. And the detail that at the ranch if u listen closesly u can hear the whistle. Hell nah that was scary.
-Benrius Ben and Darius friendship, okay actually u can't tell me u didint feel it too, the tention between ben and Darius cmon we all know what u are Ben stop making up girlfriends in Europe
-Brooklynn turning bad, or from what we are told worked for bad people ig. Personally as much as it shocked me, im sure theres a good reason as to why and i cant wait to hear more abt in season 2.
-I can now undertand what everyone meant in reviews saying "its more mature" not only in the more death and dinos but it woyud be kind of confusing for a younger audience to undertsand some stuff in this show.
-I really liked Daniels kon death, maybe it wasn't necesarry but im all in for that dark death scene.
-Lastly the comment Sammy makes when Ben asks how bumpy got pregnant, and the yazs smirk. Gurl i was suprised they added that but i loved it
Now, the things that i didint like and why:
- First of all, Darius being in love with brooklynn. I mean i get it but i also dont get it. In my opinion, there shouldn't have been a different reason as to why Darius was the most effected by her death. They were close and she died. Its okay to be really effected by someones death and not bc u liked them, and i also do believe that the reason for him not showing up the night she "died" should have been smth more serious. Then again i get it bc now he felt a lot more guilt bc it was for a not so important reason he didint show up and thats why he didint tell anyone. Well axtually it isnt that bad, but i just felt it was forced for the plot. This again could be bc i started to like kenlynn and now they turned the tables completly but sure.
-Brooklynns voice actor. I just couldn't connect her to brooklynn? She sounded a lot different, not a major bad thing it was just hard to get used to.
-Ben having a gf, or supposedly having one, u telling me this man has a gf:
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I thought it funny but yk that man is a homosexual
- and lastly, Brooklynn being alive. This might sound bad but it made sense for her to die. And i was kinda lamed out that she wasnt dead. (Pls ironically enough, just weeks ago i begged for her to be alive.) But like the way everyone suffered bc of her death, going throught the 5 stages of grief, and the way the show was played. It just would have been better if she died, all those flashbacks, the emotional moments, i mean its not gonna be the same when i rewatch it bc i know shes alive. Anyways enough abt this.
Actually i have nothing more to add to my "bad stuff" list but i might come up with smth later. Bc i will be rewatchibg it obviously. Ig lastly i just wanted more episodes how dare they cutting the season of right there.
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spoilers for iwtv s2e4
my thoughts after a rewatch:
i know claudia hates the baby loves window play but she ate up that little song
the lulu role really is so humiliating :(
louis’ expressions whenever he watches these plays always kills me lmao he hates theater kids
louis and armand talking over each other to daniel
armands theater notes lol
claudia no eyebrow big eyeliner look is kinda cunty ngl
im a fan of sam the irish vampire
making claudia be lulu all the time oooh armand i hate u so bad
almost threw up watching louis and armand give different answers to the companion question IN FRONT OF THE COVEN that shit was so embarrassing
i wouldve kms if i was armand
vamp catfight
armand stuck in this situationship dont worry king we’ve all been there😔
literally telling each other i love you and still having the what are we conversation
“do you notice how hot the room gets when you two talk about the secret” plsssss
louis only able to use the fire gift when hes angry👀👀 gee i wonder if thats gonna come back👀👀👀👀👀
louis going🤨🤨 to the schizophrenia question like it came out of nowhere
armands face while louis talked about dreamstat why not just shoot me in the head
loving these dutch angles whenever daniel dissociates and gets an armand memory
santiago looks so good in the gold suit? robe thing??
claudia santiago friendship is killing me santiago i know what u are
claudia killing the guy singing baby lu
i like that you can tell claudias french has gotten better. nice small detail
i love scenes of louis and claudia just talking about non vampire things
santiago mimicking louis was pretty cool
buffoon sighting!!!
whole dinner scene bangs
the guy saying theres smth “fragile” about armand in the photo louis took and louis saying “no he’s anything but” and then the guy saying “you’ve captured the soul he hides” 🤌🤌
louis would never survive a 4 hour art school critique
daniel telling a girl he’d only do her if she had a paper bag over her head??????
claudeline truthers how are we feeling
context for the eating paper clip in the trailer
armand is so down bad its sick
madeline tailoring a yellow dress for claudia😟😟
the whole claudeline interaction was great
the way armand talks about marius
“no one has painted me in 400 years” fuck
madeline period blood moment. theres so much here about femininity and maturing might make a separate post about this scene
armand pinning claudia against a wall armand i hate you so bad
we already know that armand is powerful but seeing him choke and manhandle santiago really solidified that i think
picked another one over me!!
delainey is ACTINGGGGG
louis not believing claudia about armand ooooh louis i hate you so bad
love makes you stupid clock it
louis still referring to claudia as his daughter in his head (thru dreamstat)
louis just actively talking to himself girl do that in your head
park bench moment <3
“wanker” i giggled sorry
that suit is his favorite on him :(
“im a little wet” and armand instantly pulling out an umbrella, armand lighting his cigarette, armand calling him maitre
louis calling him arun and armand calling him maitre and then louis throwing away the lighter this fucking scene is cinematic art
the other coven members calling santiago maitre
i kinda like that daniel can hear them arguing from another room. i feel like its a very human experience? really domestic? even given the circumstances
armands eyes were never brown!!!
san francisco flashback episode might kill me im not kidding
insane way to end the episode
ok this was much longer than i thought it would be but this episode has a lot in it. each episode gets better and better and this is definitely my favorite of the season so far.
i am LOVING louis and armands relationship and also both of their story arcs and characterizations. their dynamic is kind of the opposite of what i, and i think a lot of other people, expected but it still makes total sense and im enjoying it a lot
god i love this show
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Hiii~~ coming onto this blog to do Terror propaganda. Follow my terror sideblog @leadandblood , this is just my main. That said:
Welcome to The Terror (2018)!
Here are things that I love about the first season that might convince you to watch it too (without spoilers)
The fandom is absolutely amazing!!!! I have never had such wonderful comments and tags under posts. And they're all really talented and just wonderful
Gay love.
So much gay love oh my god everyone is gay-
Heck, there's even straight love if you're into that
Old men <3
Absolute angels and absolute demons, that are SO fun to watch
The show knows it's characters incredibly well
They are well developed and act believably in all instances i can think of
If what they do doesn't make sense in the moment it's gonna later
"Here's a guy. Now lets find out how many fucked up things can happen to him before he goes insane or khs"
Representation! Gays, amputees and POC
The main main cast is mostly white men but when there's someone else it has significance to the story or bears a deeper meaning
The visuals are stunning
Amazing camera work
The sound design!!!! Oh my god!!! It's so gooood!!!
Insane paralels game. You won't even notice some of them, but they make sense once you do
The love and care that went into this show is incredible
Very rewarding upon rewatch - different views on scenes and characters and such
You will be finding new details for several rewatches (im on my 6th and still finding stuff)
Jared Harris - and his insane ability to portray any combination of emotions with one expression
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Tobias Menzies and his goddamn microexpressions
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Just to name a few, but honestly they're all amazing
They're also very nice to look at
Prepare to get hurt in the most creative ways possible - it KNOWS how to hurt you and it's... Kinda satisfying
Whump galore!! Emotional and physical. Comfort and no comfort. Just take your pick
It's finished, so they can't fuck it up anymore lmao
The sheer horror of being stuck in the arctic with little to no food and everything wanting to kill you /pos
Things that might turn you away
The sheer horror of being stuck in the arctic with little to no food and everything wanting to kill you /neg
Racist characters. it's the 1800s :///
Death. Oh god there's so much death
Oh you have a favourite character? Well, he dies :/
It is a tragedy through and through.
When you think it can't get any worse, yes it can
So many side characters that you'll be learning their names for the next few days to come
They're 95% white men that look the same when you start out
Bad things happen to animals :(
There's quite a lot of gore... Open skulls, deep wounds, amputation, disease, burning to death, mauling, i could go on
At one point alcoholism and suicide
There will be poems
Overall just a really really great show, i am in love with it
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sco07ut · 1 month
what just happened!!!!!!!! s19 rambles (negative) ↓
going to be messy cos im just planning on writing whatever outrageous moments stand out as i go along
first of all????? DOC FUCKING DIED?????????? i literally had to rewatch a few times to realise that’s what they were saying 😟 when the fuck did he die bc doc eas Inside the staff of charon and wash was fuckijg idk?? on the surface of chorus right?? how did doc die saving him what (genuinely someone smarter than me if you’ve figured it out please tell me) bc like the point of the charon fight is that they were stuck in the mementos room right? idk
anyway he was done so dirty i literally do not think there was a reason to reveal doc was dead in the last five minutes
on that note, where was donut?? did he die too ? how long after chorus is s19 set like was that undisclosed location iris or what. did he do his whole ‘tour of the universe’ thing early? like i would’ve been fine with even just a passing comment but they were so vague with it
WHY DID SARGE DIE AND THEN PROMPTLY BECOME IRRELEVANT????? aside from simmons grif & caboose not a Soul mentioned the fact that a whole man was dead. i was so convinced that there would be some big funeral with everyone attending at the end
i did sort of like the plot though, simmons getting a leadership role was kinda fun
tbh i did like simmons this season it was so great seeing him finally get recognition but good grief i cannot talk about simmons without bringing up the ending/lack of grimmons
it makes sense that they wouldn’t get together if grif went home and simmons stayed in the army BUT WHY DID SIMMONS STAY IN THE ARMY?? RICHARD YOU DO NOT HAVE A FUCKING TEAM ANYMORE (on that note. where did lopez go. i’m only just realising that he literally vanished) i’m so insane why did they do that. they could’ve gone home together. and kissed about it idk
i mean i didn’t actually expect grimmons to happen but i thought they’d stay together?? it’s always been them. like that’s the whole point of their characters. every other person who’s been on their team before has died and left them (grif sleeping through being glassed, hammer dying during basic, the red team at rat’s nest and now sarge and donut i guess?????) why did they not stay together
also on the grif family note, the kai cameo was nice (though i will say i do Not understand the point of the whole retro con thing, i feel like it went on for ages, did nothing to set up the plot. the meta could’ve been introduced some other way surely)
also while i’m thinking about it, why did it take tucker/the meta months to get from chorus to a point where he was actively searching for epsilon ?
anyway sorry kai cameo fun but she should’ve had a bigger role idc
it kind of feels like they suddenly realised almost all their female characters were overlooked and they tried to shove them in to be like ‘ohhh look we care about our female characters’ and then screwed them over by making them either insignificant or nothing more than a cameo
with the exception of tex maybe. i fully did not expect her to come back prior to watching but when caboose was like oh help me remember i started to get a feeling it wouldn’t be church. i’m also so glad they addressed the whole ‘created from failure/destined to fail’ thing, tex fuckijg deserved that win. sad that she died though (i wasn’t expecting that either and was like fully geared up to start making post restoration fanart of carolina and tex hanging out and learning how to be friends/family again)
idk i just feel like we missed out on so much stuff due to time constraints, there were so many scenes that should’ve been put in imo like carolina and tex having some sort of moment together, grif and kai having a moment, carolina & wash seeing 479er again
ok wait different chain of thought. everyone was like really eager to kill tucker. there was no moral dilemma of everyone being like ohh beneath the meta hes our friend we can’t hurt him but we still need to take him down what’re we gonna doo. although on second thought it was red team so . yeah the mindless attacking does make sense a bit
new thought again overall it just felt weird like everyone had their assigned pairings and couldn’t acknowledge anyone outside of them?? like during the fights there wasn’t much of a reunion when tex/carolina joined and then wash (and apparently not fucking doc) like idk. i was under the assumption thatvthere would be a sweet little scene where they got the gang back together
whatever man that’s everything off the top of my head. i had no expectations going in and still somehow left disappointed. i Will be making an au version that fits all the things i wanted to see
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inventedfangirling · 5 months
BEST of BL's in 2023 [Thai edition]
(more accurately my favourites from 2023, so that i have something to show for the 100s of hours i spent watching them lmao)
I Feel You Linger In The Air - Head & Shoulders above (almost) every single piece of queer media i've ever watched. Khun Yai and Jom will be forever icons. That drunk poem confession will NEVER be topped. Also LESBIANS AHHHHHH also the way the show explored intimacy AHHH just end meeee
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2. Moonlight Chicken - Aof strikes again. Gave me Uncle Jim, Heart, Li Ming and my baby boy Gaipa- the music, the cinematography, the writing, the found fckin family - i will recommend it to EVERY one on the planet if i could.
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3. Be My Favourite- I did not expect to enjoy this show as much as i did. I loved what they were tryna say. I LOVED the queer undertones in EVERYTHING. if not for the asexual erasure and Not being an absolute asshole this would have been quite the perfect show. And man is Gawin so darn sculpted perfection, LOOK AT THAT FACE, how to not admire!? Also Pearmai my beloved. AND THAT POEM in episode 11 ARGHHH
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4. Bed Friend - I know this was a polarizing series in a lot of ways and I agree to some of the complaints raised BUTTTTTT NET MY FRENZ NET! How am i supposed to not melt into a complete puddle watching King pretend to not be absolutely in love with Uea, and treating him like the babygirl he is, when he looks like THAT. I'm but a mere mortal.
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5. La Pluie - I kinda liked the show and disliked it in equal amounts. Saengtai annoyed me quite a LOT towards the end BUT his brother Sangtien - Suar Kritsanaphong had me in the palm of his hand. Him and his kiss with Lomfon is etched firmly in my brain. It HAD to be on this list.
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6. Only Friends - Gawd. The Promise. The Promise of it all. Thats what maddens me THE MOST. There was just SO MUCH that they could have done. Even if they stuck with a lot of their similar choices i would have still put it higher up on the list if they hadn't undone all the good work they did in the final episode. I couldnt even bring myself to rewatch anything from this one cos of how disappointingly it ended. That being said - FirstKhao KILLED it as usual, i CANNOT wait for their next one, BOSTON deserved better and my MVP- Mark Pakin AHHH i NEED him on EVERY SHOW EVER but also in ways concerning to me GAWD WHAT A TALENT AND WHAT A FACE.
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7. Laws of Attraction - Charn you guys. Charn and his utterly deranged expressions and his even more deranged ex. And ofc everything else the show offered. The drama. The mystery. The family. The romance. THE LESBIANS!!!!? Few things not to love. Especially the finale with all the domestic husbanding going on. Precious af.
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8. Hidden Agenda - Far too much nonsensical plotlessness going on here for this to claim this position BUT i'm just a girl watching Joong swoon over his man and losing it in the corridor and proceeding to do that myself cos man he's so damn good in these kinda scenes. I think he'd be good in more serious ones too but I would much prefer it if it was with somebody who could offer more than Dunk (no shade he very cute himself)
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The following is a list of shows i loved/liked it a LOT but still watching/running so I can't fully judge
(in no particular order except the first one cos who am i to put an aof show not at the top of any list)
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Love in Translation - episode 4 what a beauty, one of my fav episodes of any BL in 2023 ever- just LOVED the whole fake date thing - it was EVERYTHING
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Wedding Plan - Leads are cute. Lesbians are cuter. Made me laugh. Also CUTENESS hello
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Night Dream - Who doesn't love a long unrequited but actually totally requited love story?
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The Sign - nothing i can ever say is gonna be enough to encompass just how mind-blowing this series is from concept to execution to CGI to costumes to the gorgeous leads with fckin electric chemistry AND the PINING and the will they won't they arhhhh- TOP TIER STUFF
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Cooking Crush - i went into this with minimal expectations, the trailer didnt do much for me BUT oh my gawd i had SO MUCH FUN with each episode, i laughed SO much and i am very much looking forward to the rest of it
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Cherry Magic - TayNew back again together. Karan and his gorgeous existence. Loved the og. The trope where one believes they are hard to love & someone who loves them like it’s breathing- its literally made for this show and i am SUPER excited where it goes. PLS PLS PLS let them keep the aroace character aroace PLEASE!?!?!?
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wilcze-kudly · 5 months
I watched Korra again for the Weilin but I still Don’t Get It even though I want to!!! Can you give me the rundown/pitch/Weilin 101??
Oh boy I am so sorry I made such a fuss to over weilin you felt like you needed to rewatch the show for it.
So basically, Wei and Bolin don't have many interactions in canon. In fact I would say that there are only two scenes that properly count as one on one interactions. Its also important to note that the only Beifong twin Bolin ever interacts with as a singular person rarher than a pair is Wei. He never interacts with Wing unless he is addressing both twins.
The first interaction between Bolin and Wei is during B3 when Bolin is trying and failing miserably to learn metalbending. Wei seems annoyed to be stuck with someone who doesn't know metalbending and decides to sandwich Bo between two metal plates. As you do.
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He then claims that 'trial by fire' is the best way to learn metalbending. Since Wei is such a minor character, we don't know enough about him to be able to fully pinpoint where this action came from. Does Wei genuinely think that bodily harm is the best way to learn a martial art? Was he trying to distract Bolin from his constant failure to bend metal? Was this the equivalent of a puppy biting someone as an attempt to initiate playtime? Is he just a douche?
We will probably never know. Thanks nickelodeon.
Bolin does eventually return the gesture in kind, getting his own petty revenge. And hitting Wei in the head with a pebble.
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I like this scene, because it showcases Bolin's pettier side. One that rarely, if ever comes out with his canon romantic interests. Bolin is a character that has a habit of reigning in his less palatable traits, in order to appeal more to the people around him. His petty and more sarcastic nature is reserved mainly for Mako, probably the person he feels most comfortable with.
I think it's a very fun thing to see this side of him flare up with this random guy and it gave me thought about how their relationship could incorporate this. Wei enjoying pressing Bolin's buttons, causing Bolin to showcase more of his more authentic self.
They so seem to both have a passion for sports and earthbending which is cute. They're both competitive which adds some nice flavour and potential spicy sparring scenes.
The next scene is the famed catch n' pat.
Youre gonna tell me this wasn't at least a bit fruity?
The prolonged eye contact? The damsel in distress imagery? Bolin's lil smirk that is soon replaced with bisexual confusiom?
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Imo they have a lot of chemisrty in both these scenes and make me want more of their relationship.
I also think it would be very interesting to see Bolin develop feelings for a guy. We see that he puts his female love interests on a certain pedestal. Id assume this is due to a rather naive and innocent view of love, most likely due to the fact that he didn't get to emotionally mature enough to acknowledge that romance isn't like what the fairytales say it is.
It would be interesting to see Bolin not get to 'court' said male romantic interest like he usually does. Bolin wouldn't be as 'showmany' with a guy friend than with a girl he'd like to seduce. This causes an interesting dynamic to the relationship if Bolin were to want to seduce said guy, who has seen him with his guard down.
Also seeing comphet boy Bolin going through a crisis of sexuality because his (ex?) girlfriend's brother patted his face is very appealing to me
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I think what entices me in weilin is being able to have a dynamic no other ship could fully offer Bolin. And the potential of character growth it could afford Bolin, a character whose complexity is often overlooked, much to my upset. Personally, I dislike all of Bolin's canon relationships, so when Weilin came chemistry guns a blazing I was very intrigued. And then I fell down the rabbit hole and now im here.
If you have any more questions on Weilin please feel free to ask! I'm over the moon to ramble about them to whoever will listen. Hope this was enough to start you off with.
Also, if you're interested, I have a concerningly long essay on the subject because I am very sane and normal about them:
Rest assured my feelings have since evolved and i now have more reasons to ship them.
I guess there's so much fun to have with this ship and the dynamics and stories they could have.
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finnoahsource · 13 days
I’m the theatre anon from before, so I’m gonna drop my thoughts here on Noah as I did on Finn, as someone asked!
Noah is an interesting actor because he really shines in the very dramatic roles, like what we saw in s2, where he was totally into his possession plot (the seizure and cabin scenes come to mind). Some people say he’s good at that “over-the-top” sort of stuff, but isn’t as good at the subtle, more grounded performances. Personally I disagree. I think it’s a matter of what material he’s given that allow him to have those moments, rather than his actual ability. We see in season 4, in the van scene and that scene with Jonathan at the pizza place, that he really nails subtlety too. He reminds me a bit of Sadie in that he is extremely good at acting with his eyes. I felt all his pain in the van scene, and the subtle changes in expression as Jonathan comforts him. Even when he recognises Brenner in the desert, you see this tiny glint of recognition in his eyes which was well done imo (depends on if you believe in scriptgate ofc, which I do 😌, and he definitely realised something there).
Just because those moments are smaller than in s2 doesn’t mean they’re less fantastic. Im hoping s5 can pull through with giving him great material like s2 coupled with smaller, more human moments so we can see his full range.
Overall, I feel like he can really let go when he’s acting (as opposed to becoming more self conscious), and is very good at communicating what he needs to in a scene. He seems quite intentional with his choices, and I think Will’s main character arc is in good hands.
(I haven’t seen Noah in anything else mind you, so this is just based on ST. He seems to lean more toward drama, but idk if he’s just as good in other genres).
yesss thanks so much for adding on 🤩 I really agree with you, like with finn, as unbiased as I can be - noah is still really great at what he does. the subtlety of the pizza store scene with jonathan is a great example! his eyes, the facial journey, his breaths always stuck out to me... he really is so incredible with his eyes I can't compliment him enough. intentional is a good word for his acting, I'd say consistent too, at least as will!
I think we're definitely going to get that mix of intense acting and grounded moments, hopefully the s1 tone + and s2 focus on his character, and even better!
since the topic came up in relation to "not as good as he's gotten older" there really aren't any projects to compare to except the tutor, which I have seen! personally, I think his acting was really good for the drama/thriller genre. he did the best with the script and production he had. what failed that project to me was the pacing, and directing imo (I might need a rewatch it's been a while, but I stand by the pacing problem)
likenoah's performance was great but good direction really can make you stronger, cinematography and your blocking can intensify or dull your performance, editing can hinder an actor's intent (and why I think the pacing of the editing being slower could've helped everyone in that film 😭), there were a bunch of factors for a smaller project that might play a part in people's opinion.
I'd really love to see him do a drama/psychological thriller like that again now that he's of age, he has less restrictions as an actor now!
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vaguelyparker · 4 months
Im rewatching Tau and every time I watch this movie I have starker thoughts 😭. The movie is about a young rich inventor whose at the forefront of artificial intelligence technology and he’s abducting people installing chips into their heads and using that data in order to feed his ais. Well the main character comes in and destroys where he usually houses his abductees + his lab and so she has to be chained up in his living space. But he’s on a deadline and she’s his only viable test subject so the two strike a deal so she gets basic human amenities like showers clothes and food and she’ll complete puzzles for him so he can still mine her for data. In the movie she becomes friends with his ai and the two manage to kill him and escape before he kills her and if that isn’t the perfect set up for a starker fic idk what is.
Imagine Tony shortly after Jarvis dies doing everything in his power to perfect his AI tech, he has Dum-E and U but that’s not enough, J.A.R.V.I.S. isn’t working, and he’s fucking desperate so he starts kidnapping people and using them for data extraction. It’s still not enough. Enter Peter, poor and living in a shitty apartment being kidnapped by Tony Stark, someone who’s not that much older than him, probably his celebrity crush. And obviously he tries to escape but with Tonys AIs and his basically impenetrable/inescapable house he’s stuck. Agrees to help Tony with data collection in exchange for being given some comforts because he’s not an idiot he knows he won’t be alive for long but at least he’ll be comfortable while he’s still alive. He’s given infuriatingly easy brain teasers at first and he’s almost offended, finishing it all in an hour and then lounging around bored as hell for the rest of the time. Tony gets home to him snoozing or something and is about to freak before J informs him Peter was able to complete all task in an hour. Tasks that would have taken any one else in his shoes all day. So the tasks get harder until he’s basically analyzing work for Stark industries. All the while he’s becoming friends with J.A.R.V.I.S. And Tony thinks all the test are working, J’s beginning to feel more human. Things are going well.
In the movie there are a few scenes that would obviously have to come up like him buying the main character expensive clothes and skimpy lingerie and her pretending to seduce him in order to stab him. And obviously J and Peter friendship is imperative like Jarvis asking Peter what it means to be a human and if he’s a human, this cold machine that could end him in an instant but was created to emulate someone real, and Peter explaining about love and home and hopes and dreams. Tony nearly fucking tripping the first time J makes a witty remark at his expense or admonishes him for being rude to Peter. & Peter thinking he’s about to die for corrupting his AI because JARVIS had to initiate Tony’s calming protocol but really Tony is just in his room sobbing.
Idk how they end up together- probably a little stockholm syndrome but also best starker!Peter is Peter who ignores Tony’s more cruel proclivities but that’s just my opinion. Or alternatively JARVIS marries them in secret because Peter told him his parents were married and in love before they died and if JARVIS is a person then Peter and Tony are obviously his parents and Peter says one day he’d like to get married and have a love like that, so this was just the obvious solution. Tony going to kill Peter before JARVIS very matter of factly informs him there is a rather impressive paper trail tying the two of them together including but not limited to their marriage license and Tony is very betrayed but also so fucking proud.
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lexosaurus · 1 year
dawg, this is wild. im a bit new to tumblr and i never realized there was such an active fandom for Danny Phantom (now I have an excuse to rewatch it from my childhood)!! How long have yall been booming? Also, on a scale of 1 to 10 (with 1 being not at all) how intricate is fandom lore?
Ayeee welcome!
I joined I think back in like 2017 maybe? But the online phandom scene has been booming since literally the early 00's. Before tumblr, everyone was super active in the Nick and Butch's forums (since deleted). A lot of that era was ship wars though, but since the early 2010's I think things have been a bit more chill, and then the mid 2010's introduced a new wave of people—myself included—who were not well versed in any phandom drama and frankly didn't really care. I think today we have a pretty healthy mix between the early 00's people who have stuck around cuz they love the lore, the mid 2010's people who joined for the memes and stayed for the lore, and now the early 2020's people who have joined for the AU's and hopefully they stay around for the lore too!
I would say, just because of how active the phandom is as well as the nature of an old, tight-knit community existing for so long, we have a lot of older memes and history. So I'd say the fandom lore is around an 8. Like it exists, it's a big part of who we are and it's inevitable that you'll also get to know it if you stay around, but we're not SO deep in fandom inside jokes and AUs that it's impossible for new people to make sense of it all.
Also, because we're such an old community, if you wanna Do Your Own Thing then people are pretty chill. It's not really "my way or the highway." I'd like to think I know everyone, but I'm still finding niche pockets of Tumblr phandom that are discussing DP ideas I've never freaking heard about before.
So welcome! Feel free to poke around! Check the pinned post on my blog for the yearly phandom events calendar! They're super fun and have varying commitment levels.
Enjoy your stay!
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synthville · 1 year
upon rewatch:
LOVED seeing raffi work. focused and a with a clear directive like that’s queenie. the only light in a season that’s really not in service of anything but ‘hey remember when’ (aka lowest form of conversation word to tony soprano!)
if i was a tng fan who’d waited all this time to see my faves reunite and was being fed this badly lit slop id riot. low effort stupid stakes and characters who are lacking facsimiles of themselves on a dull version on an ‘adventure’ that was done better decades ago? the pits.
originality has left the building. never even made it inside actually
like i know this ain’t the ‘greatest season of star trek picard’ the press and era stuck fans have been praising??? lmfao everything is so stupid
seven and raffi’s scene was even more diabolical the second time around because what do you actually mean this is the best you can do star trek picard don’t piss me off
three and a half conversations solely between women (the fact that saffis breakup convo counts helppp) that weren’t about men i think so. that’s the future :)
sevens whole voy family moment was bittersweet like it’s nice that they finally remembered that part of her life existed but also it left a bad taste in my mouth. maybe id feel differently if i thought it was actually going somewhere idk. with the brushing off of the lsc and the way things are playing all these references only come off as heavy handed reminders from the writers that the past is everything and looking forward is useless because why try to build and go on when everything you used to know is actually all there ever is (unless you’re giving up vital aspects of yourself to blend into and serve the institution in which case change is not only accepted but encouraged*) ik they did less than the bare minimum to cement la sirena as a group but they were still important to each other and the constant reiteration of the way things were is so bleak. *situation is a lot more nuanced than that blah blah im in my feelings lol
should definitely be used to it by now ik but it still blows me that they erased damn near everything. like just fuck the la sirenas huh. those two years was just lallygagging with randos ig
the endless disdain for the past seasons as if this season is anything to be proud of is ?
so much about how this show is written and presented (will someone turn on lights goddamn!!) is absolutely unbelievable. things just happen like there aren’t actual paid professionals in charge of making it good. nuts.
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ddejavvu · 1 year
ohh i have SUCH a controversial jennifer jareau opinion. and this is probably gonna be more like an essay. i wish i could say i was sorry.
everyone always says theyre anti jj slander, which is fine ofc, but just weird bc i NEVER see anyone slandering her. in my 3 years in the fandom, ive seen it happen maybe 5 times total, which sucks because she deserves so. much. more. hate.
(spoilers for *that* jeid plotline, as well as some other things)
in season 7, spencer tells her that she has mean girl vibes and she replies "i was a nice girl, especially to guys like you" which ALWAYS pissed me off because she literally just confirmed what he said? and everyone acts like it was a funny joke. she said that shit with her whole chest and meant it, and it wouldnt be *that* big of a deal if it was the only time. but shes consistently mean to him throughout the show, ignoring him, walking away, etc. spencer isnt even the only one shes like this to. and she just has a sense of superiority, idk how to describe it. just by the way she talks and interacts with those around her, you can tell. (while we're on that note, she also ignores her privileged a LOT. maybe not all the time, but theres been multiple times where she acts like she went through hell to get where she is. other than her sister passing, she had it completely easy. in terms of resources, opportunities, etc., she was basically born with a golden spoon in her mouth.)
in s14 when she confesses to spencer that shes always been in love with him, it just makes my blood boil. obviously he had been over her a long time (imo), but that was something she should've kept to herself bc it just brought alllll those feelings back to the surface. not to mention that hes the godfather of her children, and shes married, and will probably (definitely) doesnt know how she feels. thats literally emotional cheating on her part, even though reid didnt reciprocate it, it was still wrong of her to be that close to him without will knowing how she really felt.
there are other things i dont like abt her too, but those are the main things and im trying to keep this as short as possible. but i literally cant stand her, shes by far my least favorite character, and everyone acts like shes an angel sent from heaven, when really shes just a privileged bitch.
i like JJ a lot (i want her to be my mom </3) but i do agree with several of your points - she's definitely not the worst character, each and every character has a list of flaws that we could make, so this by no means makes her the worst, but it does make me angry <3
i just rewatched that 'mean girl' episode!! she doesn't even hesitate before saying 'guys like you', which, you're totally right, means he was right, and she was definitely a mean girl in high school. or even if she didn't say any of it out loud, she was still silently judging 'guys like him' and in high school you can always tells who's silently judging you. they're teenagers. they're not silent about it. the nasty looks they give you?? oh man. but i do think that the blame for ignoring spencer needs to be placed on all of the team members, because they do it all the time too, it's not just her. she has some pretty bad moments with him, but it's definitely something they all do and she shouldn't take the full blame
lmao don't talk about jeid. the writers actually deserve the death penalty for that, god it was so nasty and weird. i know that it was something she confessed in the heat of the moment, like she wasn't sure she was gonna make it out alive and didn't wanna die without saying it but ??? WHY WOULD YOU PUT IT ON HIM TO DIE THREE SECONDS AFTER FINDING OUT ??? like great it's off your chest but now he's gonna spend the (very short) rest of his life thinking about it?? AND THEN THEY DIDN'T EVEN DIE LMFAO SO HE WAS JUST STUCK WITH THAT !! and yeah!! will!! what about will!! or her kids!! it was so... writers i'm watching you...
one scene of hers that really pissed me off was in reid's kidnapping two-parter in s2 (the hankel incident) where she was almost attacked by those rabid (?) dogs and she shot them and she's obviously shaken up and she tries finding reid and realizes what happened and she feels so much guilt for splitting up with him - which was not her fault, she didn't know and should not be held responsible for what happened to him - that she started trying to make other people mad at her?? she cornered derek who was grieving and stressed at the loss of his best friend and they're both sleep deprived and she says something like 'admit it, you hate me, you think it's my fault' AND I???? GIRL. he is being so nice to you?? he was literally like oh honey if you need time off i know you're really shaken up and we can take care of this and and and AND SHE WAS LIKE oH yeah suRe just admit it i'm the worSt everybody hATEs mE- I WAS... this is not about you. go get therapy for the dog attack that you just almost suffered?? do not stand around a crime scene and pester the victim's best friend and delay the investigation because you're feeling guilty. go talk to someone about it. take a few days off. again, i totally get that she was shaken up and hopped up on adrenaline, but everyone told her to go get some rest and she was like no i think i will make myself the problem instead <3
all of that being said i still love her </3 i was not kidding when i say that i wish she was my mom holy shit i would have loved to grow up as her kid but she definitely has her flaws just like the rest of the BAU, and logical, critical breakdowns of a characters flaws aren't slandering, they're analysis, so i think everybody needs to stop shitting on people who criticize or analyze their faves lmao
send me your unpopular fandom opinions
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katkafe · 2 years
because i am the biggest dumbest nerd when it comes to the addams family: ive made a crappy list of why wednesday is everything i hoped for and more and why it is absolutely fucking perfect. spoilers.
im not entirely sure on how to start slow with this one so im getting right fucking into it. enjoy reading the disaster of my thoughts on this masterpiece:
AMAZING CASTING. jenna is incredible as wednesday, catherine and luiz are the perfect morticia and gomez, i adored seeing christina ricci KICKING ASS. gwendoline christie was amazing as weems, fred armisen as fester???? lost my shit he was so perfect. i don’t think there was a single cast member i wasn’t amazed with.
no genuinely i loved all of the nevermore students
fell in love w enid so fast omg i was rooting for her so hard her arc was so awesome (her and ajax are so cute too)
rip rowan you would’ve loved wenclair
THING!!!: its not the addams family without thing, and its especially not the addams family if thing isn’t being a little shit stirrer the whole time. perfect beautiful i love him A++ 
THE WEDNESDAY/PUGSLEY DYNAMIC WAS SO ON POINT they literally have the actual best sibling dynamic
i now know that you have not lived until you’ve seen wednesday addams stuck in a love triangle. she is not a character that you would expect to have a romantic interest but now in my mind she’s just beautifully a-spec and probably demiromantic. yes obviously i love xavier.
don’t get mad at me but i don’t ship her w enid that much?? at least not romantically but hey i would not complain if we had a polycule or qpr!!!
also it was genuinely so cute to see wednesday making friends like. why was i sobbing so much when she hugged enid. holy fuck.
i am referring to both her actual dancing and ofc “they couldn’t even spring for real pigs blood. its only paint.” so real.
cant even stop myself from mentioning that jenna ortega looks very hot covered in blood which happens a lot in this series. like almost every episode. jesus fucking christ i am so in love with her.
i am a huge edgar allen poe nerd so i fucking adored every little reference to his works. also the idea that he was an outcast is so real to me.
speaking of outcasts: ngl definitely could’ve come up with a better name, “outcasts” just made it sound weirdly like some awkward teen high school drama but you get used to it
wednesday’s visions were so cool??? i loved the whole goody addams thing their interactions were really cool and god i just was not expecting that at all.
ok tbh it was really weird that her name was goody, since “goody” is the puritan equivalent of “mrs.” (its short for goodwife) so idk why they did that but ok i’m still here for it
honestly in general they do a really good job of keeping you guessing. i was suspicious about almost every single character throughout the whole series. 
in retrospect i should’ve known tyler was gonna be an asshole from the start cause. i mean. his name is tyler. no offense to my tylers, but be real when have you ever seen a tv show character named tyler that wasn’t a douche. i’ll wait.
i’ve typed tyler too many times and it no longer looks like a real name
episodes are nice and long but i obviously wish the series was longer, but it was super bingable and i’m probably gonna rewatch it 3 million times until the next season inevitably comes out.
not to be dorky but i loved how every episode title was a pun w the word “woe” 
i have really horrible media literacy in the sense that i overthink EVERYTHING so to me like almost everything in that was beautifully executed symbolism and maybe it was but when i say i lost my shit when i noticed wednesday stand on enid’s side of the room and fsr thats the only example i can think of rn BUT STILL
overall 5 stars 10/10 show i cant wait for more i love the plot i love the characters i love the cast i will be recommending it to everyone ik and more
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sunfish999 · 4 months
The nitty gritty is watering down katara's character so she's just a meek girl ? Your lying If you really think that's the same character. The producers said they would take an axe to the main characters and that's where the show really suffers...also nothing is perfect people like you is why we get stuck with mediocrity
?? I finished episode 5 but what😭 how is katara just a meek girl, i feel like yes she has a little less rage but other than that she shows that shes smart and powerful and her own person? Explain what is watered down i feel like animation usually over-exaggerates facial expressions and voices for the most part, so i’m not surprised that katara has more subtle strength so far, and also the actress has a very kind face, but i think shes still able to show some of that anger. (I havent watched the water master fight yet so maybe thats where you’re talking about, so i cant speak on that)
Idk what taking an axe to the main characters means (like really cutting them apart? Cuz i doubt they would promote a show by saying its gonna be bad but who knows). But i feel like the characters are all pretty accurate with how they carry themselves, of course they’re younger so acting wont be perfect but i think the imperfections are what brings them to life. I know a lot of people hate the writing, i feel like it’s quite similar to the show? (Though its been maybe 3-4 years since i last rewatched it) and some lines especially from something previously animated are gonna sound awkward in real life, which is why generally i believe live actions arent necessary for any animation, though in this case i’m really enjoying just rewatching atla and my childhood be brought to life.
Nothing is perfect: ok i was using perfect mostly because i was very excited about it, of course i know theres things that could be changed to improve it but a lot of those things are impossible (like you cant get an actress thats EXACTLY katara and will make everyone happy, because shes a drawing) but overall, i think the landscapes come close to perfect (i’m just really into fantasy scenes and i think it’s so beautiful and impressive to see things like the omashu supply rail and the air temple come to life. And zuko’s boat looks so awesome and so accurate too.) And i thought the cgi looked slightly silly at first (especially air) but then i realized that we were always seeing drawings of aangs air in the animation which would look even stupider irl so i made my peace pretty quickly.
People like me is why we get stuck with mediocrity… hm. I feel like my opinion probably has nothing to do with what comes out on tv, especially because in this society haters have the real power, and you guys tearing it down are more likely to get it cancelled. I don’t think any production team takes an animated film or show and thinks ‘yea im gonna make this absolutely awful,’ (though i’m really not sure what they were thinking when making the pjo movie, its good as a standalone but they went so off course from the plot…) of course they’re all just trying to fit what they think into the show and express their own opinions, which are ultimately going to be a lot different than some people watching it.
Overall, ok i haven’t watched the og in years, so my memory on comparing each episode of the show to the live action is not going to be at the level of others (which i think boosts the enjoyability 100x over). But as i watch it, i remember tons of parts of the animation, and it makes me super happy that it has the same air as the show, albeit slightly more serious because they can’t fit all the funny filler episodes (if they ever created a live action lost appa episode i would lose it that cannot happen).
Maybe i sounded rude in my original post (i changed it quickly bc it was very angry at first lol) so sorry i know you’re all entitled to your opinion, it’s just i was SO EXCITED and then checked the tag on tumblr only to see that everyone hated it… i always feel inferior to people who really like films etc because i tend to enjoy things that other people hate, (like i really enjoyed the avatar way of water movie even if it was super long, and i know people DESPISED it). So maybe i seem like someone who is satisfied with mediocrity, and maybe i am, i focus mostly on the backgrounds and beauty of movies because im really into art and much less on acting and script (though i can appreciate beautiful characters, i was Blown Away by live action suki and hair down sokka my jaw dropped fr) i agree i am fairly simple to please in terms of this type of thing.
SORRY THIS IS GETTING QUITE LONG IM SURE U WONT READ IT ALL but i hope ur finding joy in life since live action atla is obviously not doing it for u
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