#just sat there like ‘oh cool 😀’
silvermistyy · 11 months
Leo frantically explaining the Five Nights at Freddy’s lore to Jason who just sits and nods even tho he’s confused as fuck
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base0h · 1 year
can I have a shy yet a very good drawer GN!Reader who still hasn’t confessed their feelings X Law, Sanji, and Zoro?
Much platonic love And a happi day/night to you! ✨😀
a/n - awww this is so cute anon 💜💜 much love to you as well :)
Warnings ⚠️ - g/n reader, none
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- Zoro is on the shyer side as well, so you both can enjoy some pretty comfortable silences (he’s sleeping)
- he won’t ever admit it.. but he really likes it when you just sit by him while he trains just to keep him some company
- he wouldn’t enjoy anyone else but you, you’re like a little anchor for him to remind him that someone’s always there for him
- you’re an artist, he knows that VERY well. He’s peeked at a couple of your sketches of chopper and Robin, let’s just say he’s very impatiently waiting for his
- pls you ended up sketching Sanji first and he saw that and almost crumpled it up
- didn’t want to ruin or waste your beautiful talent tho
- one day, when he was training, you saw him lifting his weights per usual, swinging his katana, as well as squat jumping and all that
- he looked- unusually perfect today (not that he didn’t before) but- his expression, as well as his figure was almost picturesque
- you started sketching almost immediately, not even knowing your hand could move that fast. You were scribbling so intensely that the lead broke several times, much to your disdain
- “Y/n can you hand me the towel.”
- ….
- “Hello?????”
- he ended up walking over there while you were entranced in your drawing, finally finishing a rough sketch of the quite beautiful “model” zoro
- he saw it and had trouble keeping his jaw from dropping
- he walked back in front of you, surprising you when he threw an eraser at your forehead to snap you out of it
- “Look, this pose is better right?”
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- you closed your sketchbook almost immediately.
- oh shit, he saw it
- “make sure my biceps look big please.”
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- Law is a man of very few words, and when he speaks they’re almost always very negative or pessimistic
- but he can never seem to say anything negative about you or else I’d beat his ass
- he knows you’re an artist, and that you mainly just like to draw in your alone time, it’s a nice private activity
- mans a stalker
- will literally find the perfect window to your room just to take a peek at your drawings
- why are they all of Bepo and not him
- stormed off like a little baby 💀
- as you can see, he doesn’t get jealous easily
- he hasn’t confessed to you, but it was extremely obvious to the entire crew…
- you two always had tea together in the morning, sat together in down time, went over plans, and even talked normally together (which he literally never does)
- but- you’re lowkey oblivious asf so you don’t pick up the cues 🥰
- you two were drinking tea together, bright and early as he read the newspaper, and you took out your sketchbook
- the rays of sun coming through the tinted windows of the polar tang lit up his tan, cool toned skin perfectly
- he didn’t have his hat on to cover any of his scraggly features. The bags under his eyes, his intense gray eyes, sharp jawline, goatee, everything about him was accentuated in the light
- you started to draw this very bigass crush of yours in the most detailed way possible
- the silence was almost too peaceful for Law, part of him wanted to initiate a normal conversation, maybe- “how are you today?” But the poor guy was too nervous to talk around you
- he peeked over your shoulder to see you furiously adding details to his drawing
- damn he looked good- did he look like that????
- man thought he was so ugly 💀
- hey maybe let’s give y/n a compliment right? That’s the normal thing to do!
- he had a tint of pink on his cheeks, and couldn’t think of anything to say other than, “Why are my eye bags so big.”
- law 💀
- GOD FUCKING DAMMIT I DIDN’T MEAN TO SAY THAT - law having and existential crisis
- Corazon be disappointed up in heaven 💀
- “because you have ginormous eyebags???”
- …
- watch him wear concealer now 😭😭😭
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a/n - I loved this an ungodly amount lmao
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beepboopeeboo · 16 days
Classmates | 5. Café
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Heyy i’m back kinda 😀 i hope y’all are still interested in reading this smau 😭😭 I ended up making this chapter a bit long to make things up (or at least I think it’s long)🧍‍♀️
“You know it would be really funny if Haerin and her friends walked right into this cafe right now,” said Rinji.
“No it would not! How’d you even find out?” Y/n gave a confused look knowing damn well she didn’t make it obvious that she and Haerin exchanged numbers.
“Danielle told me”
“You guys still talk?” Haruna questioned.
“Of course we still do. You’re making it sound like we’re exes, she was literally my band’s vocalist.”
Y/n shrugged, “I mean technically she is since shes a ex-member.”
“Can ex-band members not be friends or something?”
“They can they can its just…I thought something bad happened which was why she left.”
“Oh, no she had to leave since she wanted to focus on college. We’re all cool though.”
“Good to know” Y/n receives a text message a few minutes after and checks to see who it was from.
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It was Haerin
“WHAT!” Y/n was so taken aback that she stood up from her seat and was quickly sat back down by Haruna. The people in the cafe looked at her with a concerned look, while her two best friends awkwardly laugh and smile apologizing to the onlookers.
Haruna hits the lover girl on the arm
“Ow! What was that for?!” Y/n says loudly as she rubs her arm pouting. Earning even more glances from other customers.
Rinji leans in whispering to Y/n, “You fucking idiot did you forget that we’re in a public place,” she continues, “What got you so surprised that you suddenly stood up?”
Y/n shows the two girls her notification and their eyes widen.
“Answer back what are you doing?!?” Haruna says.
“What do you want me to say!”
“Just tell her “yeah hey its y/n” or something.”
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Haruna looks over at Y/n’s phone, “That’s it?”
“What else- oh she replied back” Y/n looks at her phone again
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“Does this girl want me dead. My GOODNESS.”
Rinji waves her hand in front of the enamored girl’s phone to get her attention, “Y/n? Earth to Y/n!”
“Huh? Wha?”
“Dude you’ve been staring at her picture for almost 5 minutes. Send her a contact photo back or else she’s gonna think you’re leaving her on read.”
“Oh shit. You’re right.” She quickly looks through her gallery for a picture to send back to Haerin which took like a minute or so to find, but Y/n eventually found one that she liked and sent it to her. “Aaaand sent.”
Haruna just shakes her head at the girl in disbelief. Her childhood best friend of however many years has had the same crush on this girl since sophomore year and they are now just interacting outside of school, but don’t get her wrong she is happy for her though. Rinji on the other hand is just glad that Y/n won’t be texting them about the tiniest interactions that she and her crush just had or when she sees her in the hall every time. However, something tells her that she’ll still be dealing with even more of Y/n’s crush related things.
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“Oh yeah. I invited Eunchae too so she might end up bringing someone along with her. Hope that’s alright with you guys?”
“Yeah thats cool. I’m guessing it’s Kyujin or Haerin?”
“Was this Haruna’s plan to get me to interact with Haerin??!”
Not really. Haruna just wasn’t sure if her tennis bestie was bringing one of their teammates or another friend.
“To be honest she didn’t really specify who she was bringing but I guess we’ll have to see.” Haruna shrugged it off meanwhile Y/n is trying her best to stay calm. “Anyways, while we wait I want to know how orientation went for you guys today. Because mine went pretty well surprisingly.”
“Same here. I got some classes with a couple of people that I know.” Rinji replied.
“Honestly me too and it’s mostly because I have like 3 classes with Haerin this year.”
“Really?” The two girls say in unison.
“Yeahhhh. We looked over at each other’s schedules in which the times and classes matched for 3 of them. Then it resulted into us exchanging each other’s socials and numbers once we were in our 3rd class together.”
The two girls just looked at each other then at Y/n with a face. Before one of them could even say anything the bell from the cafe door rang and Haruna checked to see who it was from her seat. Coming in was Eunchae, Kyujin and Haerin. Y/n’s heart was beating a lot more faster and she became nervous once she saw a glimpse of her crush standing alongside her own two best friends and she immediately looks down at her phone pretending to be occupied.
“Okay i gotta stay calm and pretend I didn’t see her. I’m just gonna pretend I didn’t see her or her friends.”
The three girls walk over to where the other trio were sitting after ordering and thankfully the table near them was empty so they all would be able to interact with one another. They were also allowed to put their tables a little closer to each other, as long as they put them back to where they originally were, and so they did. Haerin sits down on a chair close to Y/n but not too close.
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“Seriously Y/n a fucking thumbs up??”
Y/n looks up from her phone and tries to scoot over a little more towards Haerin, while trying her best to somehow not embarrass herself. Her heart continues to beat faster so she distracts herself by fiddling with her fingers and goes on her phone to scroll through instagram. Her being shy doesn’t help the fact that she wants to talk to her crush, however, she couldn’t really think of anything to talk about. Haerin is also pretty shy and quiet so she doesn’t really know what they should talk about either.
“Y/n Kim go get our drinks,” said Rinji.
“Damn, why are we suddenly using my full government name out loud,” Y/n says as she’s standing up.
Rinji rolled her eyes
“I’ll come with you too, Y/n. I think ours should be done soon,” said Haerin and gets up as well.
“Oh. Yeah okay.”
As they both head towards the counter together, Y/n tries to strike up a conversation.
“So did you end up having any other classes with your friends?”
“Oh uh I think I only have one class with Kyujin, but I still have the same homeroom as Eunchae,” her crush replied.
“Same. I only got one class with Haruna and another with Rinji. Oh wait we literally have AP Lit together with Haruna and Kyujin.”
Haerin lets out a chuckle, “You forgot your classmates already?”
They giggle to themselves and grabbed the cup carriers holding their drinks, then walked back to where they were all sitting.
The six girls continue on to talk about random things from one topic to another.
“We should all seriously hangout again together some time!” said Kyujin. “Before I forget, Y/n and Rinji, is it alright if you guys can give me your numbers?”
Eunchae pulls out her phone too, “Oh! Can you two give me yours too so I can make us a group chat?”
“Yeah definitely,” Rinji tells the girl her phone number and afterwards Y/n tells hers next.
“Cool, thank you guys!”
After exchanging numbers, they put the tables and chairs back to where they were before both groups parted their ways.
“I guess that wasn’t so bad”
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Taglist: @sofakingwoso @newhairnewjeans @fluffyji @wintersgff @linnnsworld @aprilsavagegirl @frankzz9 @idkwhatim-doinghere101 @pandafuriosa60
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theinyshlobster · 3 days
feed them silence by lee mandelo [review]
read from september 13th - september 14th
read for sapphic september !!!!!!
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minor spoilers!
oh this was super interesting and not what i was expecting at all!
seeing as this is a novella i’m not gonna have…. too many thoughts honestly.
i really enjoyed reading a book about academia and neuroscience research!!!! i’ve pondered going into that field quite a bit, either in neuroscience or research, so seeing them mashed together was a little bonus point from me. sean writing her emotions into academic speak…. chefs kiss. “academia is devoid of emotion” YUP!!! YUP!!!!!!!
also side note but i love the fact the female mc is named sean. idk i love the idea of ungendering names. fuck it names shouldn’t have a gender. also sean is COOL for a woman. we as a society need to name more women sean methinks.
speaking of sean…. whoo she was a doozy protagonist! i mean im reading this for sapphic septemberand its prompt was “disaster sapphics”, so i wanted to see how the sapphics were disasters and…… oh it defo fit that prompt! sean is somehow so incredibly unlikeable and an awful person, yet simultaneously incredibly empathetic. i love a protagonist who is awful and everyone calls them out on their shit, but honestly an awful protagonist can only go so far when the reader wants to gouge the protag’s eyes out. but this book teeters the balance of empathy yet disgust towards sean. god she sucks.
the actual plot itself felt a tad… anticlimactic. idk i expected more…. Horror. this did not feel like horror to me…. defo seems to be more so speculative fiction & thriller rather than scifi horror… but that’s just me. and the whole story itself felt…. idk. boring isn’t the right word. but although i could see the descent into madness, what i was reading wasn’t matching the emotional response sean was producing if you know what i mean. like it made sense… but it also seemed like homegirl was being a bit dramatic. yeah that’s the point but as someone who will sit thru movies going “this shit is dumb why didn’t they do xyz”…. i kinda was just sitting here at times being like “…..why is this bitch going from 0-100 over that”. like her responses were disproportionate even for someone going through what she was. it didn’t make sense logically based on what was explained. and then the climax built up instantly fizzled out… i was just kinda sat there getting excited and then the plot flatlined. 
i really think this book described isolation incredibly well, and anything even adjacent to psychology or neuroscience will get my little brain buzzing with excitement. i won’t say this book was a flop because it wasn’t! but i wasn’t itching to read this book because the plot was good, or i was intrigued. i was waiting for something batshit to happen… and then it didn’t… and then because it’s a novella i might as well finish it.
apologies if this review makes no sense (like my reviews ever do psh) homie is on day 5 of cymbalta 😀 i have slept 16 hours every day i am fried. 
anyways don’t read this book if animal cruelty upsets you 👍
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rallentando1011 · 1 year
Risetober 2023: Day 3 - Pumpkin
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“Behold, dear ‘Angelo,” Donnie flourished as he guided his younger brother into a passage in their home of the sewers, “my greenhouse.”
Sure enough, there was a glass structure with metal support beams a little ways down the passageway. It sat along the wall and, though it was narrow to accommodate for being in a sewage tunnel, it stretched deep into the corridor.
“Oh wow!” Mikey leapt up to the door and entered with a grin, his brother trailing behind after him.
Mikey looked around the slim greenhouse structure in awe. Hydrangeas and Japanese maples decorated the walls, miscellaneous potted plants and gardening utensils were scattered along the concrete floor.
In the back of his mind, he could register Donnie explaining the logistics of the room. Blah, blah, temperature regulation, blab, blab, cultivation.
At the forefront of his thoughts, however, was the massive beauté of a fruit sitting at the back of the room.
A pumpkin, bigger than himself but just as orange, was laying on its side near the wall of the greenhouse. It was still growing, its color not fully matured yet. It looked so bubbly and cute and Mikey just couldn’t help himself .
“ - although I excel in technology, I’ve found horticulture to be a passionate calling of mine and why are you hugging my pumpkin?” Donnie stopped his spiel when he noticed Mikey leaning contentedly onto the large squash.
“Don’t you hug it?” Mikey questioned and nuzzled the surface of the pumpkin. His arms and chest rested on top of it, his weight so reliant on it that his legs dangled behind him.
“Why would I hug a gourd?” the purple-clad turtle raised an eyebrow and looked even more surprised when Mikey gasped.
“It’s right here!” Mikey put his palms flat against the pumpkin, covering its would-be ears. “Don’t worry, pumpkin, I believe in you.”
“Sigh,” the softshell pinched the bridge of his nose. He had researched helpful processes for growing produce and knew that positive affirmation seemed to have a correlation with expedient growth, but he hadn’t planned on hugging it; it’s a pumpkin, for Punnett’s sake! He’d given it an awkward pat or two here and there, but he hadn’t shown the eagerness Mikey had.
In fact, Donnie thought, maybe that wasn’t a bad thing. He’d have to check how such affections affected the rate of growth for the fruit and collect multiple data points (Mikey would definitely have to hug it in consistent intervals, accuracy and precision be maintained), but he figured he’d let Mikey have his moment.
“Fine, fine,” the inventor-horticulturist relented, prompting a brighter grin from his bubbly brother. “It is cool for you to hug my pumpkin.”
“Wanna give it a hug too, D?” Mikey half-teased, half-questioned genuinely, still cuddling the auburn fruit.
Donnie just crossed his arms and smiled softly in response. “I’ll leave that to you, Michael.”
(Okay I really enjoyed this one of @sariphantom Risetober! Also I swear there was like a deleted episode of Rise that had Donnie growing a huge pumpkin for a contest or something and I can’t find it and I hope I’m not just making it up 😀👍)
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jinkicake · 2 years
Adding back to my “Lilith died so Lucifer could get laid” theory. I read a fic years ago about Lilith meeting mc and mc wants to fight God (understandable) and Lilith isn’t mad she’s calm asf just happy to finally meet her and she’s like???? “Aren’t you pissed??? You literally died just to come back up to the celestial realm” And Lilith is holding back a laugh like “mc, beloved if I had ent died and the war never happened where would you be?” And she’s like 😀🙂 oh okay. Like damn,,,, we would have never gotten to meet them! And Satan wouldn’t exist🥲 like that’s so said to think and IK the brothers don’t want to hear that. So imagine like idk how marrying 7 people at once would go but it’s your wedding or some type of “we swear to be together for eternity” ceremony and it’s all fun and cool even some of the angels who were against them are there bc like CANNOT keep his mouth shut about his fav big sibling getting married and Michael was like oh it gotta be here for the drama👀 maybe diavolo would walk mc down the isle but like lmao he’s apart of my harem too💀 might have to wake his dad up for that one. Or they walk to us and Lucifer is the last to go for he feels this overwhelming familiar presence and freezes and god has to give a speech bc lmao he does what he wants CLEARLY. The brothers feel every emotion at once, sadness, fear, rage and confusion they don’t even know what to do as they were stunned into silence and diavolo is like 😅what do you need?? And he starts some long speech about how they’re still his kids and Lucifer was his favorite before he drops the bomb that he sacrificed Lilith so mc could be born bc their his soulmate💀 bc if mr all seeing eye can know the past present and future why ain’t he do something before?? Why did he let that human being born?? He sat back and watched lmao and Michael helped!! So he’s like “yeaaaaaahh remember when I told you you need to loosen up and get laid?,,,, we’ll nobody was good enough for you so I had to make your soulmate from hand🥰” and literally people are about to pass out bc HUH??? PEOPLE DIED MAN!! Michael is like “no yeah can confirm I thought it was crazy too when he first told me” Lilith is a lil salty bc she wasn’t in on it but 🤷🏿‍♂️ she took one for the team. Imagine belphie bc he’s always the quickest to anger when it comes to this flips his shit and is like?? What the FUCK is wrong with you so you know how much suffering you put us through??? And Michael pipes up and is like “are you mad when you’re getting your dick wet??? Okay then relax” Aiken can’t even be like “what an odd turn of events” bc they can get his ass too “yeah we sent you to this exchange program for a reason lmao. No offense but you are NOT my strongest soldier. Pussy had you in your knees more than prayer ik that was a set up.”😭😭so before he’s like yeah so mc was MY gift to you, uh your welcome! Bc it was FR only for Lucifer but he might have added a lil too much charisma, and when he gives his well wishes he sends a shit eating grin and a wink over to diavolo and makes a comment on how well his plan to unify the realms is coming along and he hopes to be In attendance for his wedding and he’s like “excuse me???” Barbatos can’t even see wtf he’s talking about😭 but like since Lilith wasn’t an angel or demon when she fell she was like a mix of both and mc is a human if they had a kid it would be all three🤭 rip tho bc they’re all gunna be way more possessive when they fuck you I fear. Now when they say shit like “you’re taking it so well like you were made for me” THEY REALLY MEAN IT Lucifer gets a little rush of serotonin when he sees you on your knees for him and he is reminded that it’s all for him, and nobody can stop him from destroying your insides come morning, Belphegor who would get hitter over remembering watching Lilith perish before his eyes looming at it in a new light and taking it out on you. “Aren’t you gunna take responsibility for all the trouble you’ve me? The time spent in the attic” when he’s making your brain liquid
omg this makes me wonder who the demons would choose... mc or lilith like i know they would pick mc but also... would they?
no but like what if michael did all that and then mc chose to be with like barbatos or simeon HAHAH for me they would win five times out of seven.... the only people im NOT choosing over them is luci and mammon...
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mondaymelon · 9 months
ehehe sorry for the confusion, melon..my actual school learning time starts at 7 am- I just had to get there at 4 for early basketball practice and then I had to practice for 2 hours after school eugh my back hurts and my face hurts too bc I absolutely hate teaching 5th graders how to shoot into the hoop and meanwhile instead of the hoop. They aim for me.
but anyways, I only play basketball for the fun of it totally not so my college application looks good such as you and so I can take my pent up anger out on random kids that I’m supposed to beat the crap out of in ball and hOW TF ARE YOU STILL ON WINTER BREAK!!? MINE LITERALLY LASTED FOR 2 WEEKS 😭 AND THEN AS SOON AS I GOT BACK TO SCHOOL, MY MATH TEACHER DECIDED TO BE OH SO NICE AND GAVE US A FOUR QUESTION QUIZ. AND SHE KNOWS THAT I SUCK AT MATHHHHGDGSHXHS
but leaving all that aside, I actually am learning more abt you.. not creepily dang- but. I can speak two languages..am fluent in two :DD Chinese/Mandarin and English the second ones obvious but wtv and I have to eventually learn Spanish in my school in order to graduate high school-..and I’m currently working on Italian ( ̄▽ ̄) but uh, I don’t really know all that much in Italian- the most useful phrases that I currently know? ‘Un cappuccino con latte’, a cappuccino with milk, ‘Un cappuccino con zucchero’, a cappuccino with sugar, and ‘Che e un banco’, where’s the bank.
ANYWAYS, imma stop bothering you w my personal life issues and leave so I can start studying for my test although I more than likely won’t
- 🥦
so. like. hows your sleep schedule lookin 😀
OKAY I KINDA HATE ALL GRADE SCHOOlerS BUT JUST LIKE CHILDREN. idk if you saw it but i got A T T A C K ED By them during a social gathering good lord i despise children. there are a select few that are actually tolerable and sometimes even little angels but honestly those only exist in fiction (GIGGLES AT MY ADOPTED CHILDREN AKA NAHIDA N DORI N YAOYAO N COuntless otheRS)
these little bitches were banging down on my door and licking my books and throwing things behind the tv and honestly throwing everything that wasn't fucking bolted to the floor SIGHS . worst part is they may or may not be coming back saturday and if thats the case i will SOB. i was actually so close to crying the first time lmao cause oneo f them put their chair on my foot and then sat down on it and like girl yowch thats my foot youre sitting on 😀😀
ANYWAYS LMAO A COMPLETELY LEGAL WAY TO THROTTLE CHILDREN?? sign me up !!! annnndd i think your winter break started waaayyy earlier than mine since mine is only two weeks too, but im only a week in... i suffered knowing some of my mooties started like weeks and even a month prior SOBS
ngl i dont wanna be all "hohoho im so smart" but i got that shiny sparkly 4.0 gpa and math is one of the higher ones?? my teacher hasnt even put in my exam grade yet lmao it was on dec 20 or smth but i cant have done thhhhhaaattt bad right. (ILL MANIFEST GOOD GRADES FOR YOU ANON !!! just like how i manifested my navia pulls graahh)
and omg!??! im collecting mandarin-speakers like pokemon !! and woahhhh i dont know anyone that speaks italian, thats super cool!!
byebye 🥦 anon, wishing you the best of luckkkk !!
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illumiiiz · 1 year
heyy!! could you tell me about your killjoy selfship?? :D
HI!! <3 omg hi akfhabsakdn my whole body just perked up like a dog’s does when you say “walk” or “treat”
yes absolutely thank you so much for asking!!! truly I was never actually expecting someone to ask me abt that so I apologize for the late response; I had to organize my thoughts in a way that would actually make sense to other people lol. and I don’t know a ton of killjoy lore anyway so this may or may not make sense but!! oh well!!
soooo this is my killjoysona :DD I have yet to actually draw and color her properly but she’s basically me with cooler hair (she dyes it any time she can find new colors), better style, a dirt bike, and a ray gun. and a cooler boyfriend. her name’s Carbon Cavity. like I said she’s me but awesomer <3
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here’s a sketch I did just for you + a picrew I made a while back (that’s as close as I could get w it lol but I really need to properly draw her soon,, aah)
anyways,, so the self ship part comes in when she’s dirt biking around and comes upon an old abandoned department store or something and is like, oh hey. I’ll just pop in there and raid some shit real quick. little did she know the Fab Four got there first and already figured out the building was all locked up so ghoul rigged up a bomb to blow the doors open and uh. had already taken cover for it to go off and it went off when she was like 50ft from the door 😀 so the four came back out and lo! a body on the ground! so they’re freaking the fuck out and she gets back up like wtf just happened?? and the four are like OH GOD ARE YOU OKAY and ofc she can’t hear a thing but her ears ringing bc a fucking bomb went off in her face basically so she ends up hanging around w them in the store til her ears stop ringing quite so much.
so she’s deaf in one ear from that lmao.
but anyhow she ends up following the four back to the diner cuz she’s just been going around crashing wherever anyway, might as well right? 🤷‍♀️ but turns out she’s cool and they’re cool and they all like each other so much she ended up never leaving hehe,, aaaand she liked fun ghoul the best <33 even tho she still brings up him blowing up a bomb practically in her face <333 (“I DIDNT FUCKING KNOW YOU WERE THERE!!”)
like she flirts by being mean (affectionately ofc) so originally she would just keep bringing up the bomb incident to ghoul to make fun of him kinda,, like she’d volunteer for first watch one night and he’s like no carbon you had it last night, I’ll take it this time it’s fine. and she’s all like “mmmm sorry bub I can’t hear ya that well… had this close encounter with some guy’s bomb going off, see? so I’m deaf in one ear now” and he’s just like 😑 … fuck you carbon. and she just giggles but she lets him take the watch anyway. but yeah so they mess with each other a lot and somewhere along the way they started doing it more for each other’s attention and less to be funny. AND on top of that she’s really affectionate (hugs the guys regularly, has sat in jet’s lap once in the trans am and in kobra’s once on a dare, and has fallen asleep on each of the four at least once), AND has to lean really close to them to hear them better sometimes bc yk. hearing problems. and they’re both kinda stupid so party, jet, and kobra literally figured out the other two liked each other soooooo long before the two even realized it lol.
anyways it all comes to fruition one night when they’re changing watches, carbon taking over from ghoul BUT ITS LIKE RLLY AWKWARD YK BC THEY’VE BOTH FIGURED OUT THEIR FEELINGS BY NOW BUT HAVENT FIGURED OUT THE OTHER PERSON’S,, LFHSKDJFJSK— so carbon heads out to wherever ghoul’s stationed and it’s like. she says hi and he says hey, and she kind of just expected him to hug her goodnight and go after that but he doesn’t so she sits with him in silence for a good while, sorta just waiting for him to go in to bed and also just trying to enjoy this rare alone time w him without overthinking it too much. eventually he scoots a little closer to her and puts his arm around her. she lays her head on his shoulder. still neither of them say anything for another ten minutes or so.
until finally she says, “ghoul?” it comes out quieter than she expected it to.
“you should go in and get some sleep, I’ll be fine out here.”
“mm, yeah… I guess you’re right.” and he nods a little but doesn’t take his arm away; she hasn’t lifted her head from his shoulder either.
another minute of silence. “you cold?”
she looks up at him. “sorry?”
he leans closer and repeats the question. she shakes her head ever so slightly and tries to ignore the way her heart skipped when he leaned down. “oh. no, I’m fine.” they haven’t broken eye contact since he first asked.
“you sure?” he says it quietly on purpose this time. when she inevitably inclined her head to have him say again, he leans in and kisses her cheek instead. (!!!!)
she pulls back slightly to look at him for barely a second, then leans in and kisses him proper !! aaaaaa -
eventually ghoul does go in and sleep :’) but not before a few more kisses and a very sweet confession discussion <3
and in the morning when they all get up, carbon hugs party, kobra, and jet good morning and she gets to ghoul and he kisses her instead <33 to which party goes FUCKING FINALLY YOU GUYS.. and kobra and jet exchange bets across the table,, alrjwkdjd
AAAND I’m gonna stop there bc I really need to go to bed but I really really wanted to answer this first akdhaksjak </3 thank you sm again for asking!!! this was so fun to ramble about :’D I could go on abt this forever probably so if you wanna hear more just lmk!! there are many antics in my brain I would loveee to talk abt sometime hehe
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some zack fair headcanons, let’s go!
headcanon 1 - when and how did zack fair learn about the birds and the bees?: starting out with a banger lol. zack was about 13, give or take, and his friends started to ✨wonder✨ about some ✨things✨. however, everything related to sex was absolutely banned in the fair household, so zack actually grew up pretty innocent. but, like i said, his friends from school and his neighborhood began to get curious. and they had older brothers. i think you know where this is going lol. anyways, he was at one of his friends’ house, and this friend had an older brother. they were in the friend’s room and the brother came in and all of the sudden, the friend started asking some questions and zack just kinda sat there like 😀. then the friend’s brother pulled out a magazine that had a naked woman on the front and showed it to zack and his friend. his friend was awestruck by the photo, but zack was so startled that he physically fell backwards and his mouth just hung open for a solid 30 seconds. zack, both horrified yet intrigued, learned many things that day.
headcanon 2 - what keeps zack fair up at night?: oh, this will be a delight to tell. zack has this memory of when he was about 9 years old. the whole town had congregated for a celebration of some sort, and zack had been asking literally everyone at the party that he had lost his virginity and if they could help him find it. now, he didn’t actually mean that he lost his virginity. he was helping his mom cook and had lost the virgin olive oil, and thought that virgin and virginity were interchangeable. i swear, this memory haunts the man. he thinks about it every night and just relives it in horror.
headcanon 3 - how does zack fair feel about his middle name?: so lmao. zack’s full name is zackary troy fair. yup. you heard that right. troy. his parents must’ve known at birth that he was destined for greatness with a name like that. and zack is extremely embarrassed by it. when he was little, he thought it was cool. he sounded like a dang superhero! but then he got into school and got heavily bullied for it. so now he’s kinda self conscious about anyone finding out his middle name. angeal knows because it came up in a random conversation and zack trusted angeal with the knowledge. when zack sheepishly told him about ~troy~, angeal chuckled and said “hey, at least it’s not marian”, and zack was like no fucking way. and that’s the story of how zack learned angeal’s middle name is marian lmao.
headcanon 4 - what was zack fair’s first kiss like?: so, remember how in the first headcanon i said that his friends got curious? this is another story with that lol. different friend, but again, at around the age of 13, zack and his friend were randomly like “what’s kissing like??”. so, as an experiment, zack literally kissed the homie. that was also the day that zack realized he was bisexual and also liked men.
you’re welcome
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fearsome-series · 1 year
Book One [Book Two]
Chapter One | Two | [Three] | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight | Nine
Her phone buzzed again. She angrily rejected it. Laura ran to her locker between classes. She entered the combination, threw open the door and-
Tumblr media
“Oh god, Gef?”
“You forgot me! And there’s no God in that cage, I assure you!”
“Not so loud,” Laura whispered. “I mean. Sorry. I thought you were in my gym locker…”
Gef just stared.
“...and that you were just being quiet.”
“Do you even know me?”
“I met you yesterday, Gef.”
Gef let out a slow, disappointed hiss, then leapt into Laura’s jacket pocket.
“I’ll forget this ever happened - long as you never forget me again ever again!”
“I won’t. I promise.”
“Good. Now, I shall never let you forget you forgot!”
Laura sighed. “Of course, Gef.”
“Hmph!” Gef jumped out onto Laura’s bag; he crawled deep inside and curled up on a notebook.
“You know, you could’ve been eaten if you were out there. There’s like. Some guide dog wandering around,” Laura called below.
“Keep talking to your backpack, perhaps I’ll have better living conditions in the looney bin!” Gef hissed from her bag.
Laura shrugged. “Alright. Bye, Gef.” She closed up her bag and walked on; a gentle hissing followed her.
As she walked out of soc room - having spent her weekly mandatory social time silently wondering what the hell was going on - Laura checked her phone.
Hey Laura
      Who’s this
It’s Emily
Summer gave me your number
Can we meet up during lunch
      Yeah where
I’ll find you 😀
Laura found Emily sitting with Manuel in the spot the two of them normally shared, on the floor by the courtyard door. Emily was wearing a purple hoodie and dark pants.
“Hey,” said Laura, squeezing into the space between them.
“Hello. How are you feeling?” Emily asked.
“Uh, alright? You?”
“I’m good, but what I actually meant was, how do you feel about being a dogwalker?”
“A what? Oh. Well, I woke up covered in -”
“Yeah...yeah, we know…” Emily winced.
“Yeah, sorry. How do you feel about lykan...lycen...being a…that thing we are?”
“Good. I mean, I’ve been one since middle school.”
“Cool. So how’d you become one of us? What was the bite like?”
Manuel popped in. “I’m also curious about how this all works, if you can tell us?”
“...can Mani stay? You’re not gonna demand he leave, right?”
“No,” Emily assured her. “As for the bite…
“It hurt,” Emily said dryly. “I was at summer camp. I became lost in the woods and some werewolf ran into me. It wasn’t trying to bite me. Don’t think they even saw me. But a couple of their teeth nicked me.”
“That little contact can cause it?” Manuel asked excitedly.
“Barely deep enough to pass it on. They growled and ran off. I assume that was their way of saying sorry. Most of us asked to be bitten. But not me. I was an accident.”
“Do your family know? My dad does, but…” Laura trailed off. Did he know? Did he believe her? Would Jessie be able to convince him?
“They’ve always known. Luckily, some others found me right after I turned. They helped them understand. They’ve always understood.”
“Uh, good. Good for you. That’s...good...”
“Emily wants to know what your senses are like,” Manuel interjected. “Sorry. We were talking before you sat down.”
Laura blinked. “My senses? They’re okay. Still getting used to the...everything of it, I guess. I spent most of history trying to ignore a squirrel…uh, should my senses be different?”
“All of them?”
“No,” Emily explained. “Your sense of smell should be much more sensitive. Your hearing should be more sensitive, too.”
“And my eyes…?”
“Not as much. After all, wolves mostly hunt by smell and hearing. Oh, after a few days you should be able to see in the dark, but you have to think about it to use it.”
“I thought we couldn’t transform without -”
“You can’t, not really, but it’s like…some things depend on you, you know? Like, normally your body will heal from cuts, but if you’re having surgery your body will know that you’re not in danger and let it happen. You can change little things, one at a time. Like if you want claws temporarily, or to see in the dark. Thankfully it’s not a permanent thing.”
“Why? Wouldn’t seeing all the dark all the time be good?”
“Have you ever seen a dog’s eyes shining in a dark room? Your eyes will do that when you’re seeing in the dark. Gives you right away.”
“So try not to do it too much. Oh, by the way, can you see colors other than blue and yellow?”
“Then you’re not in the five percent who go colorblind. Congrats.”
“Uh, cool.”
“Back to your squirrel…there’s always something to ignore. If you don’t know how to deal with it, it can be overwhelming.” Emily said. “Right now, for instance, I smell something...damp? Like a wet dog.”
“Oh, I...don’t know what that could be. Probably that one kid who never takes a bath.” Laura replied.
Emily sniffed the air. “That’s not...who is it then?”
“Hey, let’s get on with the lessons, okay?” Laura said insistently. “So like, I already had problems focusing, and then...this is kinda sense hell.”
“Okay. I can’t fix everything, but...I know what worked for me. Close your eyes.”
Laura did.
“What do you hear?”
“Uh, people talking, mostly.”
“About what?”
“About...last night’s football shit, whining about their sister, about a weird guy in class, about...about….getting together and basketball and games and quoting movies in dumb voices and-”
Laura opened her eyes. Emily was now facing her, taking up her whole field of vision. She had unzipped her hoodie and -
“What are you wearing?” Laura said, horrified.
It was a black t-shirt with silver letters. Silver, glittery letters. Silver, glittery letters saying I LOVE BOYS WHO SPARKLE, around a image of Edward Cullen.
“Ignore the shirt!” Emily said.
“I…I can’t!”
“You have to ignore the shirt and focus.”
“O…okay.” She shut her eyes and tried to -
A woman’s voice. “...while many scorned it in its day due to society’s hatred of teenage girls and media made for them, Twilight is now enjoying a-”
Laura’s eyes shot open.”Goddamnit Emily, are you playing podcasts defending Twilight?”
“Focus away distractions. Including the Twilight revival. Close your eyes. Again.”
“Again?” Laura doubted it’d work. She did it anyway.
“Focus on one voice. Just one.”
“No. Someone in the crowd. A stranger. The next voice you hear. Think about them and only them.”
Sounds everywhere. She focused on one, thought only about one, thought about it as hard as she could. The storm of noise faded to a droning hum. She clearly heard one girl’s voice, talking with her friend about someone named Morgan. Goddamn they hate Morgan so much. What’d she even do? What do they even want from her? What do you want the line won’t wait forever for the next episode of Jake’s party and in the bushes weird kid in coding charges of misogyny against Twilight are signs of -
“Ugh!” Laura’s eyes snapped open. “I made myself focus a bit, then-”
Emily laid a reassuring hand on her shoulder. “Hey, you’ll get better.”
“Like, um, the human girl did when she, um, was vampired in…” Manuel stopped to think.
“I never read it even once,” Emily assured him.
Summer waited in line at lunch. Her parents had made her a lunch. She tried. She really did. But it was just inedible. All she knew about it was that it was “natural” - and that she picked over the shapeless green mass of...green for as long as she could before saying to hell with it and grabbing some pizza. Some pizza without any spots of green on it. As she walked off to find Claire, she noticed Emily walking by.
“Hey, Emily.”
“Hi. Yeah, I’m late, I was helping out Laura.”
“Oh? D’you want to sit with us?” Summer found Claire’s table, where she was also eating something prepared for her, though Claire’s parents could cook, so it looked edible, but too fancy for Summer to know what it was called.
“Sure.” Emily pulled up a chair. “Going to comment on the shirt?”
“No,” said Claire.
“Fair. So I told Laura the story of who bit me at summer camp.” Emily looked at Summer, a pointed wink in her eyes. “Who wasn’t looking and nicked me.”
“Oh, Gods, did you tell her who it was?”
“No, as far as she knows, it was some random werewolf I never saw again.”
“Thanks.” Summer held her head. “Gods, I’m still so embarrassed.”
“Don’t be.” Emily said reassuringly. “I’m happy you don’t look in front of yourself when running through the woods.”
“I do now!”
“Don’t want to make anymore me’s?” Emily said.
“No. Not. Not not wanting to make anymore Emilys. Not. Not specifically no Emilys allowed.”
“You want to be responsible with how you spread our terrible curse, or wonderful blessing, or neutral genetic mutation,” Claire said. “Not everyone would be so fond of it as Emily was.”
Summer slapped the table for no real reason and pointed at Emily. “Are you coming to Laura’s thing tonight? That thing for Laura that might not have, uh, Laura?”
“Of course. She seemed so overwhelmed when I ran around and introduced her to everyone. I think I have to help her not feel so thrown into things. You?”
“Y’know, it’s weird. We’ve been friends since seventh grade, right? And I remember having to hide everything. Oh, I can’t hang out, I’ve got rehearsal or a dentist thing or...whatever. To hide it. And then, one day, she just shares it too. It’s weird.”
“I didn’t really know her before. Only indirectly, through Manuel. He’s coming to, by the way.”
“But he’s not…he’s not one of us. He doesn’t know.”
“That ship’s sailed, buddy. Cat’s out of the bottle.”
“Cat’s out of the…the bag. I think?”
“I’m mixing metaphors for comedic effect. It’s called malapropism. It was most of the comedy in the play Lincoln was watching when he was shot.”
“That turned dark fast,” Claire said.
“Yeah, unfortunately my commentary doesn’t sparkle like my boy Eddie C.”
“Goddamnit,” Summer exclaimed.
Laura fled math, thankful to only be overwhelmed by geometry and not a cacophony of noises, weirdos and arcane werewolf shit. Next, art. As she rushed down the hall, her phone buzzed. Damn it. A text.
“Oh god, I’m so sorry, I thought you were fake,” she explained. “I didn't pick up and…oh, god, I didn’t…”
“Heya! Is this Laura?” A familiar Southern accent.
“Jessie! Hi!”
“I wanted to ask how you’uns are holding up.”
“Good, mostly.”
“Ya kinda snuck off there, when you were, uh-”
“Yeah...I know...it’s okay. Wouldn’t know what I would’ve told dad if Gef hadn’t been there.”
“You told your folks?”
“My dad. But I don’t know what he thinks about it. I think he doesn’t want to think about it...and uh, I kinda promised him that you’d come by tonight to explain.”
“I’d love to visit yer dad, if ya think it’d help.”
“Cool, uh, we’re gonna be at this play tonight. I’ll text you where. But like, what can you tell him that I can’t?”
“Ya never know, I may be able to show him a little bit more than ya might expect,” Jessie said. “Now, how’re you holding up in your ears and nose?”
“Uh, good. Emily helped me a bit. A bit. Uh, I could tell you more at Wulver.”
“So you’re gonna go tonight? After the play?”
“...during. I’ll text you the address.”
“Oh. Happy to have ya onboard anyway. Anythin’ else you wanna talk about?”
“...no. Yes. Uh, I have to go tonight?”
“Can…can I bring my friend Manuel? He’s not a dogwalker -”
“A what now?”
“It’s the -”
“I gotta check the group chat.”
“He’s not one of us, but he already knows, and he, uh, really wants to go.”
“He already knows?”
“I’d like to talk to him first, but I’ll see y’all tonight?”
“Tonight. Yeah…”
As Manuel settled in at his desk, his phone - turned facedown on the table - chimed. It was Laura.
Jessie wants to talk to you
Before deciding if you can go
      When are they going to talk to me?
Now I think
      Thank you for the heads up?
Manuel checked. A text from an unknown number.
Is this Manuel?
      Yes it is, this is Jessie right
Sounds rude, but…
Laura said you wanted to come along to the function tonight
I just have a few q’s first
She said you told *her* about werewolves? How
      I told her about the myth of the Beast of Bray Road which I read about in cryptozoology books. That’s how I knew about werewolves, I am into cryptozoology
You’d never heard of them outside of that?
      Yes, only from the Beast of Bray Road & the Michigan Dogman and other creatures like that
     I didn’t know they were REAL
Why do you want to go tonight? Just curious?
      I am curious but also I want to go with Laura
      To support her
      And because I am still afraid she’s playing a joke on me and none      of this is real though I trust her too much for that
Alright! Thanks
I’ll get back to you
Manuel set down his phone and exhaled.
Taptaptap. Laura idly tapped her pencil against drawing paper, restless in the last hour of school. She and Gef were nestled in a corner of the art lab, somewhat hidden from the rest. Art was usually chill.
“Draw me,” Gef whispered from her bag.
“Go away,” Laura whispered back.
“You don’t want inspiration? You don’t want to draw your favorite animal? Because your favorite animal is right here.”
“An animal is right there. And besides, we’re doing people. Drawing people. Anatomy.”
“Oh, come now. This isn’t a project.”
“No, just the skill thing before - wait, you paid attention?”
“No,” Gef shot back, hairs sticking up. “Go draw a frog or yapping hound or-or-whatever damn thing.”
“Ugh.” She ignored him. Went over to the windows. To…
There was the dog. The black dog from the courtyard. Underneath one of the trees. A hand sat on his head; the hand belonged to a boy, about Laura’s age, upper body and legs covered in a white tracksuit with gold stripes. He was pale, with short broccoli hair, and he smirked and nodded as Laura looked at him -
“Laura?” The teacher asked.
She glanced over at her teacher. “Uh, yeah, Miss Rowe?”
“Is everything alright?”
“Yeah. Yeah, yeah it is,” she lied; she looked back to the tree, and the boy and the dog were gone.
They were waiting for her when she left for the day. Emily - her hoodie zipped up - leaned against the brown brick wall to the side of the entrance, and with her stood Claire and Summer. Laura smelled the werewolves before she saw them.
“Do you have time to talk?” Summer asked.
“Yeah, my dad’s picking me up and he won’t be by for a couple.” Laura said, joining Emily on the wall.
“We’re welcoming you tonight,” Summer said. “But like. We wanted to check in that you know what you’re joining.”
“A…pack? Spend three nights a month together, in a swamp or something.”
“You’re not joining a pack, Laura. You’re joining a family. And it’s not a Vin Deisel kind of family. It’s a big messed up family.”
“Our pack’s like a heist movie where everyone’s special skill is having anxiety,” Emily added.
“Our pack still doesn’t have a name,” Claire piped up, “you can leave suggestions in the chat if you have any.”
“Like, you don’t even know what goes on in the pack,” Summer said.
“God, do you fight weird cult werewolves who smear blood on their faces every moon?” Laura asked.
“No, that’s new. Unlucky you,” Summer waved her hand around. “All of us have something.”
“Besides that!”
“What’s wrong with Sam?”
“Nothing. She’s like. Normal. Is on the basketball and soccer team but isn’t weird about it. Emily’s normal too.”
“Thanks?” Emily said.
“I don’t know the brothers since they go to another school, but they’ve got something. They’ve all got something. And you better be ready for it.”
“But like…who…?”
Emily shifted. “Summer thinks projection is only a thing they do at movie theaters.”
“Okay, Alice? Alice is some repressed evangelical kid from the middle-of-nowhere who spent her first few years of werewolfery alone. Steph got turned by the werewolf who killed their dad and sometimes they’re cool, sometimes they’re weird, you never know. Megan got invited to become a werewolf and hates it now.”
“What about you?” Laura asked.
Summer giggled mirthlessly. “Me? I’m a bitch.”
“Yeah, really.”
“Can’t you like. Not be a bitch?”
“You can’t just unbitch yourself,” Summer groaned. “Have you seen the world? Maybe it’s everyone else who should bitch themselves.”
“...but like, Emily’s normal?”
“Emily’s wearing a Twilight t-shirt.”
“Yeah, I know?” Laura’s phone went off. She looked up and saw her mom’s car. “Uh. See you tonight?”
“Yeah, later.”
“See you there,” Emily said. “We’ll welcome you to the pack now that Summer’s welcomed you to her twisted mind.”
“Sum, have you had water in the past hour?”
Laura ran off to the car, her friend’s voices still in her ears, only fading when they turned the corner and drove past a dentist’s office. She heard her dad’s voice, the engine, heartbeats, beeping, drills, birds, a plane…
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dreamkidddream · 2 years
Yup, all is good ^^ ❤️ The only stressful thing was all the paperwork that I had to fill out these past months 😩
You don't have to, if you don't want to. ^^ But the first time I slipped that I read fanfics, I went into a panic mode "oh fuck, oh fuck". He asked me what that was, I explained briefly and he was like "k, cool~" - I just sat there dumbfounded, like "sir?? it doesn't bother you that I read fics & play otome games??" He even knows about Obey Me 🙈🙈 And he doesn't know exactly what I'm writing and reading, he only knows that I do and for that event he only knew for which characters xD He doesn't really care about details, last time I updated him on the number of like he was like "Well done!!" and continued to abuse his mouse & keyboard while gaming 😂😂// It may sound dismissive when I write it but that's just how we roll 😂 him: Fucking dammit, I got killed again!!, me: aww, I'm sorry :(( *continues to read character x reader smut on the desk right next to his* 😂😂 //
Yeah, with my friend it was all pure coincidence actually. One day she was fangirling over Yu-Gi-Oh and said she's reading a fanfic on wattpad, I just went "😳😳" and the convo just shifted towards fanfics. Honestly, she's the only one I know irl who writes fics~
Honestly what a keeper 🤧💖💖 and we love nonjudgmental people here 😌😌
The closest anyone has come close to seeing my writing was when my mom asked who I was texting so much since I write on my phone- and when I told her I was writing she asked “oh what are you writing?” And I felt my soul leave my body 😀
All I said was, “oh just- small stories.” and hoped that she wouldn’t want an elaboration lmao. But I literally did all that worrying for nothing cause she pretty much was like “oh okay- cool.” Didn’t judge me or ask anymore questions, and she smiled at me when I accidentally blurted out that I reached 1k on here lol
One of my best friend knows that I write but since she knows that I watch anime (which she hates) she literally doesn’t ask bc she doesn’t care which is fine for me lol
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wildknightblaze · 6 years
Octopath Travelogue, Olberic Chapter 2
I’ve only just started it, but I explored the town beforehand, and I can already tell: this is gonna be the tournament arc, isn’t it.
This chick with white hair, a ponytail, and a red cloak reminds me a lot of Fire Emblem characters.
I challenged this guy named Barker. Big mistake. He’s only weak to fire, wind, and dark, none of which Olberic can do. THANKS GAME. COOL JOB. I beat him, but that’s a lot of my Soulstones down the drain. 😠
I’m noticing through Cyrus’s Scrutinize that I’m getting a lot of info about people’s weaknesses. I...hope I don’t have to manually remember who’s weak to what. I feel like this is gonna come back and bite me. 😧
Cecily? Even her name’s like a Fire Emblem character.
I do kinda like the idea of “oh it’s easy to get into the tourney. Just beat up a bunch of schmucks in public! It’s like jaywalking, technically illegal but the cops won’t care!”
...Hmmmmmmmmmm...Cecily has a fighter profile under Scrutinize like a lot of the others...HMMMMMMMMMMMMM...🤔
Hey, I think Victorino and mooks are the first midboss I’ve fought in the whole game. Neat! He went down like a chump, but it was good to hear that boss theme again. This game’s music is so good.
...man, between the Black Knight, the arena, Cecily’s design, and this Joshua guy, I’m getting so many Fire Emblem vibes. So weird. If FE Joshua dyed his hair white he’d look pretty much exactly like this one.
...seems kinda weird that they allow teammates in the arena? I mean they built it up to be one-on-one challenges.
Ophilia to Olberic: “I sense kindness in you[...]and mercy to those whom you’re forced to vanquish.” hmmm...man with big sword who shows mercy to his foes...hmmmmmmmm...
Cecily: “The devil take me if this Black Knight thinks he can best a kingslayer!” Olberic and Ned: “...” Whoof. Awwwwwwkwaaaaaarrrrrd. 😶
“weird why are there so many enemies in the turn indicator, there’s not OH SHIT GUSTAV MOVES TWICE. SHIT.”
“I won. But I’m still no closer to understanding why I fight.” Olberic, man. Just follow in the footsteps of another man with a big sword. Fight for your friends. 😀
...okay, revenge story, Erhardt’s motivation. Okay, alright. ...but...but Erhardt. Why didn’t you...take revenge on the people who destroyed your town instead of an inefficient king. Like...there’s a hierarchy of responsibility and even if the king sat on his ass, there were people...with swords...who destroyed your home...I mean I guess I’ll find out more when I find him.
Bye-bye, Cecily and Ned. I’m sure you won’t become optional bosses in the optional postgame tournament. 😶
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