#jason is me whenever my siblings try and tell me about it
vidi-ugh · 8 months
Leo frantically explaining the Five Nights at Freddy’s lore to Jason who just sits and nods even tho he’s confused as fuck
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brucewaynehater101 · 2 months
Imagine Tim holding Brucequest over the Justice League & even Dick & Jason's heads 💀💀💀💀
Heck Tim holding the Timestream incident over Bruce's head because Tim was the only person to actually do anything to save him
((Damian gets a pass because 1. He's a KID whose cult leading gramps was involved, how about No?))
((And 2. The priority for him at the time should have been unlearning the cult teachings of the LOA))
((and also all his other siblings. Alfred too since he has a job dammit))
Tw: Violence
I love petty Tim Drake so much. He deserves to be able to hold his trauma over the people who caused it.
Jason takes the last cookie? "You might as well take me back to Titan's Tower and slit my throat again."
Dick tells Tim he needs to go to bed? "Oh. I see how it is. I thought we talked about you questioning my judgements again, but I see I was wrong."
Alfred lectures Tim about his health? "Now you're concerned about my health? You should have thought about that before putting my mental health in peril for my sixteenth birthday."
Bruce is concerned with Tim's workload? "Maybe the next time you want me to take on less work you'll write a fucking letter instead of spreading vague clues no one else believes is actually from you."
As for Damian? They exchange verbal barbs for fun and take notes from each other. It confuses the hell out of the others because do they hate each other, or are they bonding?
Steph and Tim like to get into screaming fights with each other in public. It's never about their actual fights, but they like how Gotham reacts to it (bonus points if they end up in the news).
Tim and Babs try to sabotage each other's unimportant technology. That fifth tablet Babs hardly uses? Bam! Tim's made it so it plays music whenever it's on and the music can't be turned off.
Cass and Tim just make faces at each other. Bruce has been confused as hell when one of them randomly shouts in outrage due to the other twitching their eyelids wrong.
Tim likes confusing and horrifying Duke by telling him fun facts about the family. He'll tell them in the most damning way to watch the chaos. "The scar on Jason's neck is from Bruce choosing the Joker over Jason."
And that is Tim taking it easy on the Bats because he loves and cares about them (and because it's funny).
The JL?
Red Robin terrifies all of the members who doubted him. The terror doubles when they see him happily chatting with YJ or the Bats. The version of Tim the JL gets is a scarily competent and cold persona. They thought he lost the ability to smile until Red Hood (and who let a crime lord into the Watchtower???) grabbed Red Robin a peace offering Zesti.
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heqvenlymoons · 3 months
You Drive Like A Maniac
Inspired by this tumblr post from @miraculousmelodies <3 This one shot focuses more on the family dynamics between Damian, Dick, Jason and Tim, but Marinette does appear in the end. Also, established daminette. Daminette One Shot | Crack Fic | AO3
It was a normal day at the Wayne Manor. 
Damian, Dick, Jason, and Tim were all doing their own thing in the living room while Bruce was off somewhere on a mission with the Justice League. 
That was until Damian got a call from Marinette, “Hey, Dami! Do you mind picking me up from Fabric Fusion? My—”
The call cuts off all of a sudden, sending Damian into a panic as his mind jumps to conclusions about what could have happened. Someone could have knocked her out from behind and kidnapped her!
Dick watched his youngest brother’s panicked expression with concern. “What’s up with you, Little D?” 
“Something occurred with Marinette. She requested me to pick her up from Fabric Fusion, and then the call cuts off abruptly.” Damian blurted out, already jumping to his feet and rushing out of the living room with his siblings following close behind. 
Moments later, Damian and his adopted siblings piled into the car in their yard and to their dismay, it was out of gas upon ignition. 
The heavy rain was obscuring the view, but Damian could make out the black jeep a few distance away, seeming to be stalking the neighbouring manor. He wasted no time in hijacking the car. 
Dick knocked out the middle-aged man with a precise strike to a pressure point while Jason and Tim tossed the man onto the grass to soak in the rain, their worries for Marinette outweighing their morals. 
Jason took the driver’s seat, followed by Dick settling into the passenger’s seat while Damian and Tim sat in the back. The car took off before any of them could have the chance to fasten their seat belts. 
Though Dick did click his seat belt into place once they were in the streets, and he chastened his siblings to do the same, only to get ignored in response. Safety was apparently the last thing on everyone’s mind whenever Marinette was involved. 
Jason placed more weight on the accelerator with his foot in response, speeding through the streets like he was trying to win a race. “Oh shut up, Dickiebird, you’re a cop! Abuse your power for once. It’s for Pixiepop!”
Dick looked aghast by the very suggestion, holding on to the grab handle for dear life. “I can’t believe you’re trying to convert me into a corrupt cop, Jay! Not to mention, it’s not the case of abusing power. It’s for safety!”
“Oh, come on, everyone in Gotham is corrupt! The foster system is so shitty the children are better off surviving in the streets than in some foster homes!” Jason snarked back, abruptly veering the steering wheel to the left, missing the motorcycle about to hit their vehicle by inches. 
In the back of the car, Damian grew more agitated by their argument, his worry for Marinette making him more prone to irritation and snapping at them. “Todd, your driving speed is inadequate. Marinette will have already been taken to a secondary location by the time we get there because of your tortoise driving speed.”
Jason gripped the steering wheel tighter, his knuckles turning white as he snarled, “Dickie here is telling me to tone it down, then there’s you, brat, demanding me to drive faster. I will do whatever the fucking hell I want, and neither of you get to decide.” 
To Dick’s dismay and horror, Jason sped up even more. They were well over past the speed limit at this point with Jason’s reckless driving, and they’ve already resisted arrestment twice in the span of five minutes. 
“You’re going to get us pulled over again. Not only will we have to get B to bail us out, but with us in jail, who’s going to rescue Sunshine?” Dick tried to reason, his face contorting into worry. 
Tim groaned from beside Damian, feeling dizzy from the argument and the three energy drinks he had chugged to wake himself up. He was on his fourth drink when Damian snatched the can away from him, promptly tossing it out the window and hitting the car driving past them with a clunk. 
“Hey!” Tim protested, hugging the duffle bag of energy drinks he had brought with him in a protective hold against his chest while shooting Damian a glare. 
Damian wrestled the bag away from his sleep-deprived brother and chucked it out the window as well, ignoring the “you don’t fucking toss objects out the window!” from the car next lane. 
“Is your goal to fill your bloodstream with energy drinks?” Damian asked drily, returning the glare. 
Before Tim could snark back, they were slammed into the back of their seats when Jason jabbed his foot on the brakes, narrowly stopping the vehicle from bumping into the car in front of them. 
Tim rubbed at his temple to soothe the throbbing headache manifested from the slam. “You drive like a maniac, Jason!” 
Jason pounded on the horn in frustration, growling out, “Fucking quit making comments about my driving habits! If you all want to lash out, do it on something else that’s not my driving habits!” 
Dick made an indignant noise from the back of his throat as the traffic light turned green once more. Jason sped off, not ceasing in his impulsive driving despite the barb comments. “You mean your unhealthy driving habits? This concerns our safety!” 
“Shouldn’t you, as a driver, make sure your passengers get to their destination safely? You could never be a bus driver. You’ll send your passengers into a heart attack before they can even make it to their stop!” Tim yelped as the car took a harsh turn like it was to tip over at any moment before it levelled once again. 
Damian, on the other hand, begged to differ. “If you imbeciles had not insisted on following me, I would have already made it to Marinette. Simply comparing Todd’s driving speed to a tortoise is an insult. Even tortoises are faster than him in this sense.” 
Jason ignored Dick and Damian’s comments. Instead, he looked offended by Tim’s comment. “Excuse you, I would make one hell of a bus driver. Whoever takes my bus will never be late to their destination with my speed. If we’re talking about doomed careers, you would never make it as an ice cream taster. You’ll end up falling asleep face-plant into the bucket of ice cream and die of hyperthermia!” 
Dick looked torn between wanting to laugh at Jason’s remark and keeping a serious expression while Damian scoffed, rolling his eyes. “I fail to see how ice cream tasters are relevant to the situation at hand.”
“I would never stoop so low to become an ice cream taster!” Tim protested, affronted by the prospect. 
Jason cursed, swivelling the vehicle before it could hit the poor pedestrian crossing the street. “Is there a fucking problem with becoming an ice cream taster? I happen to like Neapolitan ice cream, thank you very much!”
“Who said anything about Neapolitan ice cream? I could say I like coffee, and then you’ll accuse me of hating tea!” 
“That’s a terrible analogy, Timbers, because you do, in fact, hate tea. Saying you like coffee is a huge understatement. You would marry a drug dealer just ‘cause they offered to inject caffeine into your bloodstream so you could die in bliss!”
“This coming from someone who orders tea in a coffee shop!”
The argument was switching topics so ridiculously fast, giving Dick whiplash even as he was maybe a tiny bit entertained. 
“Is this even about doomed careers anymore?” Dick asked loudly.
He had spoken over Jason’s proclamation of, “At least I don’t go to a coffee shop that has popcorn ceiling, which, fyi, contains asbestos and, congratu-fucking-lations, I’m happy to inform you’ll die thirty years from now of lung cancer if an overdose of caffeine doesn’t kill you first.” 
Jason’s remark was immediately countered by Tim’s insult. “Says the guy who smokes ten packs of cigarettes a day and uses fluorescent lightbulbs in his room— which, for your information, contain mercury!” 
Dick’s interjection went ignored by the duo, now moving on to microwaves and guns. 
“You’re the one who keeps a fucking microwave in his room! Mind you, that monster of an appliance belongs in the kitchen, not the bedroom! You’ll die of radiation from the sheer proximity of it if there is a leak. The instructions clearly say to stand away from it while it’s cooking— “
“What’s wrong with keeping a microwave in my room!? You keep guns in your room, for god’s sake! Well, those abomination of machines belong in the shooting range. You’ll be thrashing around at night from your nightmares, knocking into the guns and shooting yourself in your sleep— !”
A dagger sailed through the cramped vehicle, cutting through the windshield and shattering the glass, halting the pair’s frivolous arguments. Raindrops were already splattering onto the dashboard and into the jeep from the damage. 
Curses tumbled out of Jason’s mouth, and he slammed on the brakes to glare at Damian, the obvious culprit of the assault. “Are you trying to get us killed by fratricide, Demon Spawn?” 
“You’re the fine one to talk about getting us killed. Talk about your non-existent driving habits,” Dick muttered, going back full circle to the original topic before the absurd argument between Jason and Tim took place. 
If Jason heard Dick’s muttering, he made no show of it, keeping his glare locked on Damian. 
Damian glared back. “I refuse to hear you cretins bicker about unpromising professions, dairy, beverages and other inane topics when Marinette is in danger!” 
Tim snorts, amused by his word choice. “I believe the scientific names for them are ‘doomed careers,’ ‘ice cream,’ ‘coffee,’ and— hey! These topics are far from stupid or silly!” 
Tim’s words fell upon deaf ears as Damian opened the door with an aggressive tug and moved to get out of the vehicle. 
“Hey! Where do you think you’re going, brat?” Jason asked, having not hit the lock on the control panel in his haze when he first got in and now regretting it. 
Dick mumbled under his breath, “I hope the car owner has insurance installed cause he’s unfortunately not getting the vehicle back in one piece.” 
Damian scowled. “Todd clearly can’t be trusted to drive. It’s a betrayal waiting to happen.”
Ignoring Jason’s comeback of, “Don’t be dramatic, this ain’t the medieval times. We’re not forbidden lovers on the battlefield of opposing kingdoms,” 
Despite the dramatic nature of Jason’s remark itself, Damian plowed on. “You and Drake may continue to have your philosophical argument about sleep paralysis or whatever preposterous topic is next. Don’t stop on my account.”
With that sarcastic remark, Damian slammed the vehicle door shut in a dramatic fashion, rushing toward the fabric shop Marinette liked to frequent a few feet away, with his adopted brothers quickly following suit. 
Seeing his beloved standing safe and sound with her phone clutched in hand, Damian felt like he could breathe again. 
When he was close enough, he pulled her into his arms, ignoring how he was practically soaked from the rain. Scolding words were already falling from his lips. “Don’t scare me like that ever again!” 
Marinette, to her credit, looked sheepish, her hands resting on his shoulders, not minding his soaked nature. “Sorry, Dami. I called you to pick me up because it was raining and I forgot to bring an umbrella. My phone ran out of battery before I could finish the explanation. I really didn’t mean to scare you.” 
Her eyes widened in surprise when she saw the rest of his siblings coming to a stop behind him, taking cover under the eaves with them. “You all dropped what you were doing to come all this way for me? How did you even get here so fast?”
Damian pulled away from the hug, taking her hand as his brothers went on a tirade of explanations.
“Several traffic violations due to Jaybird’s reckless driving habits,” Dick huffed, looking at Jason in disapproval. 
In contrast, Jason looked proud as he announced, “We resisted arrestment twice!” 
“Four cans of energy drinks before my duffle bag of drinks was tossed overboard to the wolves by my own brother,” Tim whined out, now having the time to mourn for his lost drinks.
Meanwhile, Marinette was looking more stressed by the minute. 
“I should also mention that,” Damian added, pointing to the black jeep in the distance, “this is not our car. Dick knocked someone out, and we hijacked their vehicle. The windshield is also now shattered.” 
Jason said in a staged whisper, “The windshield is Demon Spawn’s fault. He decided to assault it with his dagger.” 
Marinette shook her head, exasperated and concerned by their antics. “You guys are not allowed to drive unsupervised ever again.”
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luwritesomething · 2 years
ah, love of my life. this man right here got me years ago into learning more about the batfam and now here i am. you can say it’s kind of his fault. anyways,,, no one asked for this but my brain did. 
requests are open! hit that anon button and tell me your idea!
warnings: swearing, hadn’t been proof-read.
damian’s head is a MESS. don’t get me wrong, the guy is a little genius, but imagine the chaos of languages he has -- arab, english, chinese, i’m a hundred percent he knows russian, urdu is nanda parbat’s official language... 
because of this (^^) he just sometimes shuts down and stays silent. he can’t even think.
he loves all animals but he can’t handle insects. jason found out, and damian bribed him with a collectors special edition of classical books. nobody must know his weaknesses.
he writes in cursive, i have no clues but also no doubts.
words are difficult for him, that’s why he talks the way he does -- so professionally, like he is from another age. 
can stand tim (in small amounts) but no longer they will always have an intellectual rivalry -- it’s probably more from damian’s side rather than tim’s.
he still feels like he has to hide that he looks up to dick.
damian searched what fanfiction was. he’s scarred for life now. 
he’s straight up bored of paparazzi. he’ll go lady gaga on their ass and stare at the ones that are hidden in a bush trying to take pictures of him in secret.
also he will go full cole sprouse on the people trying to take pictures on him while he’s walking through gotham (this means he will snap pictures of the civilians before they snap a picture of him. camera duels, that’s the name)
listens to A LOT of music. everything his siblings listen to, he does too. classical music is his favorite, however. (also enjoys jazz).
taking care of his animals and his duties as robin are his favorite activities.
doesn’t understand social media, but still uses it. he’s too stubborn to admit he’s bad handling that.
too lazy to figure out how to cook, but if he tried in the slightest, he would be an amazing cook.
damian is an incredibly fast learner. it amazes the fuck out of bruce how many new things he can learn in just one day. 
he grows to be an actually very kind person, but his snarky remarks and dry humor never disappears.
likes the addams family. what a surprise.
doesn’t get horror/slasher movies. he keeps getting bored and doesn’t react to the jumpscares. jason says he is dead inside, which everyone agreed on.
they don’t know (^^) that damian is making a superhuman effort to not kick someone when the jumpscares occur because this little guy has his senses to the maximum all the time.
can’t be bothered unless someone is being ignorant or trashing about his family. he’s the only one that trashes about his family >:(
texts like a grandpa but at least he knoews what’s happening (most of the times)
like jason, damian has been kicked out of the wayne family chat numerous times.
has an elderly person soul except for when he’s fighting. then he’s a vicious little shit-
plays piano. no, i will not elaborate.
will correct your grammar in a condescending tone of voice.
“don’t patronaze me.” @ everyone.
has general knowledge about a shit ton of things. and since he doesn’t know how to properly socialize (canon) will spill those facts in order to start a conversation during galas.
has threatened the police -- 10/10 will do it again.
damian couldn’t care less about gossip but since he’s a good listener he always ends up knowing the tea about  E V E R Y T H I N G.
cocky bastard. that’s it, that’s all i’m saying.
he has no idea how to handle compliments. it still makes him freeze whenever someone says he’s cute or has pretty eyes.
“no.” (damian’s answer every time someone calls him cute).
believes in soulmates and in love at first sight, not as a superficial concept but as a ‘i’m clicking and mystically attracted to this person rewardless of their looks’.
reads A LOT.
never as much as jason, and also he doesn’t just read like narrative books -- he reads those thick books about how to do things, biographys, and studies about subjects he randomly knows about.
barely sleeps, if he ever does. 
sleep is for the weak™
(^^) proceeds to randomly fall asleep during patrols or family dinners.
acts like a brat but he actually isn’t -- it’s so complicated to explain, i hope someone just gets it.
at 17 he’s taller than dick and almost as tall as jason. suck it, @ everyone who mocked his height.
jon kent is his Best Friend™
(^^) damian told me himself.
he’s very handsome (canon lolz)
no but like, i mean, he will actually be one of those men you think ‘good fucking lord, he’s handsome’
damian thinks selina is cool.
has a lot of anger and frustration inside. it calms him down knowing jason also has problems like those because it makes him feel more... normal.
because normal is something damian would have liked to feel if he hadn’t been conceived to be perfect.
he would love six of crows -- would really like kaz brekker.
secretly enjoys the ya genre, will never admit it out loud.
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loveronlineee · 2 years
Basketballs and Bat Tattoos (Eddie Munson x Reader)
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Eddie Munson x Sinclair! Reader (She/Her)
Warnings: vague threats of violence???
Synopsis: When Y/N finds out that Eddie has been making fun of her brother Lucas, she has to do something about it
Y/N notes: muscle/ toned build
Ty again to my black readers who gave me advise on this! I really like Lucas and I wanna write more Sinclair! Reader where she has a different personality so if you’ve got an idea, shoot it my way! I might write it
I know that black female characters get the “aggressive, more masculine” trope a lot and it was never my intention to make my first Sinclair! Reader a stereotype, it just kinda happened. I want you to know that whenever I write Y/N, I’m always imagining her as somewhat myself (a half white half Asian girl). BUT it’s not always about your intentions with your content, it’s how it is perceived by the audience that consumes it. So again, if you’re black and wanna talk about this, send me a message in my inbox and I’ll DM you so we can talk:)
Ty for reading, have a nice day!
- Willow
Wanna be on the Eddie Munson tag list? Look here!
Wanna request something? Look here!
Y/N happily made her way down the hallway towards the locker rooms, her bag with her basketball kit on her back.
After school practice was always her favourite. Being the captain of the girls basketball team, she had a lot of responsibility. Not that she worried too much about that. Making sure everyone was having fun was always the most important thing, and that came easily to Y/N.
She was peppy and bubbly, an easily likeable person. She was helpful and considerate, and passionate about her sport. Someone having a bad time during her practices was a rarity.
The sea of students headed in the opposite direction to the exit, ready to go home. A couple of them greeted Y/N as they left.
“See ya tomorrow Sinclair!”
“See ya!”
“Have a good practice!”
“Thanks I will!”
“Hey Y/N!” A familiar freshman greeted.
“Oh hey Dustin! You heading to Hellfire club?” She asked with a smile. She noted the shirt he wore, one she had seen many, many times.
“Yeah Mike’s gonna meet me there.” Dustin replied excitedly. He hesitated for a moment. “Is… Lucas coming tonight?” A hopeful glint in his eyes.
“No I think he’s going to basketball practice.” Y/N replied, sharing in the younger one’s disappointment. Dustin sighed and nodded.
“Okay well tell him I said hi. Have fun doing basketball stuff!” He yelled as left, pushing through the older kids. Y/N gave him a wave and continued on her way.
Lucas had been seeing his old friends less and less recently. When he told Y/N that he was starting basketball, she was ecstatic. The oldest had been trying to get her younger siblings to play sports with her for years with no luck. But something was wrong.
Why the sudden interest? It didn’t take her long to figure it out. High school’s a tough time for anyone, but it’s also a fresh start. A chance to reinvent yourself. Y/N had always been one of the popular kids. She couldn’t relate to Lucas’ struggles as a nerd, but she could see it was hard at times. If he wanted to try and be someone new, she wasn’t gonna stop him. She’d just keep a close eye.
As she was thinking, Y/N spotted her younger brother ahead, also heading to the locker rooms. She jogged to catch up with him.
“Lucas!” She said loudly as she slapped a hand down on his shoulder, making him jump.
“Jeez Y/N!” Lucas looked to his left at his sister, slightly annoyed as his shock subsided. She grinned.
“Oh you’re jumpy today. Y’know that’s a sign of a guilty conscience? Whatcha’ hidin’ from me?” She poked.
“Nothing.” Lucas huffed, moving away from her. Y/N chuckled.
“You excited for practice? Jason and I are planning on getting the girls and guys teams to train together today.”
“Oh nice.” He nodded, no where near as excited as his sister. Y/N paused before speaking again.
“I just saw Dustin.” She saw Lucas flinch at his friend’s name. “He says hi.”
“Ah. Right.” Y/N waited another moment saying more.
“You’ve been missing a lot of the Hellfire sessions recently.” She commented.
“Yeah well they clash with practice so…” Lucas mumbled. Y/N could tell he was still conflicted with hanging with the jocks and hanging with his friends.
“You can practice basketball at any time. You can only do Eddie’s campaign right now.” Y/N stated.
She liked Eddie. The fact that he took Lucas and his freshman friends under his wing and gave them a place in school where they could be themselves. He was always unapologetically himself and he oozed passion for what he did, just like Y/N.
They were very alike in a way.
“Yeah well I’m one of the popular kids now and they’re not so…” Lucas’ words trailed off as they reached the locker rooms. The siblings stood outside to continue to talk.
“Hmm well sports were always my thing. You never wanted to play with me when we were little. Yet you suddenly do now? Your thing was all that nerdy shit-“
“Don’t call it nerdy shit!” Lucas defended. “And Erica likes that nerdy shit now!”
“Oh so what? This is just copy the older sibling?” Y/N asked with a teasing smile.
“I thought you’d be excited that I was finally playing with you.” Lucas mumbled, looking at the ground. He pushed the boys locker room open, Y/N grabbed his arm and pulled him away.
“Hey hey hey. You okay? I was just kidding, you know that right?” Y/N searched Lucas’ face to see if he understood. He just huffed and pulled himself away from her grip.
“Yeah whatever I’m fine. It’s just…” Lucas stopped taking. Y/N could tell from his tone that this wasn’t about her.
“Just what? What’s wrong?” She asked, concerned.
“Eddie started hassling me after I missed one session and he keeps doing it.” Lucas finally replied. “Makes me not wanna go anymore…”
“Wait really?” Y/N asked, a mix of surprise and sadness in her voice. She didn’t expect that from Eddie. Lucas continued to look at the ground.
“Yeah he kinda makes fun of me.” He mumbled.
“Does he now?” Y/N replied, leaning back slightly. She folder her arms. Her sadness was turning into annoyance and silent rage. Lucas’ eyes widened in panic.
“Don’t say anything to him! Please!” He held his hands out frantically, like she was gonna run down to Hellfire club that second and punch Eddie right in the face. Y/N stayed where she was of course, thinking about what she should do. Her eyebrows furrowed.
“Yeah well that’s what you told me to do with those bullies you had in middle school and-”
“You’ll just make it worse.” Lucas said seriously. Y/N stopped talking, not sure on what to say. “Just- I can deal with my own problems, okay?” Lucas went to go and get changed, leaving Y/N unsure of her next move.
She couldn’t do nothing.
She had to help.
“Hey, Eddie!” Y/N called out as she stormed over to the table in the lunch hall that next day. Mike and Dustin sunk in their seats.
“Shit…” They both mumbled. They had known Y/N basically their whole lives and only seen Y/N mad twice.
The first time was when she was 15. Her first boyfriend cheated on her so she made an alliance with the other girl he was seeing and beat the crap outta him. They were all in Lucas’ room, watching from the window as the guy was curled up on the sidewalk.
“Dude. Your sister’s fucking terrifying.” Dustin whispered. Half in fear, half in amazement.
“She can be when she needs to.” Lucas replied, glaring at the boy as the girls began to walk away. Y/N looked up at the bedroom, seeing the four younger kids. She smiled and gave them a wink.
The second time was when Erica was really little. She was being picked on by some girls in her grade. They were too young to beat up but Y/N didn’t need to get physical to put the fear of God in them. She screamed at the girls in the middle of the elementary school playground, the rest of the elementary schoolers watching, Erica standing beside her. Saying that if they so much as looked at Erica funny she would end them. Lucas can remember that as the point where Erica started being like she was now. Doesn’t take shit from no one. Must’ve been copying her sister.
Eddie however, had never seen Y/N be anything but bubbly and energetic. Her usual self. So he had no idea what he was in for.
“Sinclair. What’s the head of the girl’s basketball team doing talking to me?” Eddie grinned. His smile faulted slightly as Y/N got closer and he saw her face. She grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him up out of his chair, beginning to drag him out the room.
“Let’s talk.” Students watched as Eddie scrambled to stay on his own two feet. Mike and Dustin looked over to Lucas at the popular table. He scrunched his face up in embarrassment and hit his head on the table.
Y/N dragged Eddie out into the empty hallway, pushing him against the wall before finally letting go.
“Shit Sinclair.” Eddie said, catching his breath.
“You been giving my brother a hard time?” Y/N stood with her arms crossed, staring at him intently. Eddie’s panic seemed to lower, his smile retuning.
“What? No no I was just-“
“Don’t lie to me Munson.” Y/N cut him off with a low tone. She pointed a stern finger at him. Eddie frozen up then sighed. He put his hands in his jean pockets and shrugged.
“Okay okay maybe I was teasing him a little for hanging with you jocks but it was just a joke!” He chuckled nervously.
“A joke huh?” Y/N repeated. Her tone sounded threatening, sending chills down Eddie’s spine. She took a small step closer to him. Eddie stepped back, his back to the wall. He felt himself going down as his legs began to cave in under him. He sat on the floor, looking up at her.
Y/N put a foot against the wall, inches from Eddie’s face, and loomed over him.
“Say anything about Lucas playing basketball again, and I’ll end you.” Eddie gulped and nodded shakily. Y/N took her foot off the wall. “Good. Have a nice lunch Munson.” She said as she walked away.
After a minute or two of sitting on the floor, Eddie found the strength to stand up. He made his way back into the lunch hall and to his seat where he dropped down on it.
“Glad you’re still alive.” Dustin said.
“So what happened? What she say?” Mike asked. Eddie didn’t look at either of them.
He sat in silence, thinking over what had happened. He really wasn’t ready for any of that. He had no idea Y/N could act that way, she was always so nice and bubbly.
Maybe it made a little sense. He knew that Y/N had always been a passionate person, her love of basketball showed that immensely. She worked hard in classes and would never hesitate to go out of her way to help others. Guess that included threatening him for her younger brother.
Eddie felt the blood rushing to his cheeks. He didn’t want to admit it but…
… a part of him found the exchange weirdly hot. He kept thinking about Y/N’s leg so close to his face, foot on the wall. The girl’s basketball shorts showed off her toned calf and thigh.
“Eddie? You okay man?” Dustin asked.
“Y-Yeah. Yeah I’m okay.” He managed to say. He looked up, seeing Lucas leaving the lunch hall. “I’ll be right back guys. I gotta do something.”
Y/N got home from school that day. She hadn’t seen Lucas since lunch. He had gone home before her so she hadn’t had a chance to talk to him.
“Hey Mom.” Y/N greeted as she entered the kitchen. Mrs. Sinclair was chopping vegetables, preparing dinner.
“Hey honey how was school? Practice good?” She asked, not taking her eyes off of the knife in her hand.
“Yeah it was good. Where’s Lucas?”
“In his room!” Erica shouted from the living room couch, watching tv with her Dad.
“Everything okay?” Y/N’s Mom asked, a little concerned. Y/N smiled at her and began walking towards the stairs.
“Yeah everything’s fine Mom, just basketball stuff y’know?” She shouted to her sister before going up. “Thanks Eri!”
Y/N dropped her things off in her room and went to Lucas’ door. Usually she would’ve just walked in, but today felt a little different. She knocked. “Lucas?”
“Come in.” Y/N opened the door to see her brother sitting on his bed, reading a comic. She stood in the doorway.
“Hey.” She greeted cautiously. Lucas smiled a little at her.
“Hey.” He didn’t seem mad which was a good sign. Y/N went and sat on Lucas’ bed.
“Look I’m sorry I made a big deal out of the Eddie situation but I couldn’t not do anything-”
“No it’s okay.” Lucas cut her off. “You actually helped a lot so, thanks.”
“I did?”
“I mean you could’ve chosen a more inconspicuous time and place but, yeah. Eddie found me at lunch and apologised.” A smile began to appear on Y/N’s face.
“Yeah. Really. He said he was sorry and that if I wanna play basketball then he doesn’t have any problems with that.”
“Wow.” Y/N’s smile widened then dropped. “Shit I feel kinda bad now.”
“What did you say to him?” Lucas frowned.
“That if he messed with you again I’d end him?” The siblings laughed.
“He must’ve been so scared!”
“He was! He fell to the floor! He was looking up at me with those big puppy dog eyes- damn maybe I took it too far.” Y/N looked to the ground, beginning to regret her decisions. Lucas continued to laugh as Y/N said her thoughts out loud. Erica walked into the room.
“The hell are you two talking about?”
“Erica remember when you had those bullies in elementary school?” Lucas asked, still laughing a little. Erica turned to her sister.
“Which loser at school did you beat up now?” She asked, hands on her hips.
“I didn’t beat up anyone! I just threatened to beat him up.” Y/N joked, making Lucas’ laughter start up again. Erica shrugged.
“He probably deserved it. Mom says come downstairs and help with dinner.” The siblings began walking down, still laughing.
“I’ll talk to him tomorrow.” Y/N said to Lucas.
“If he doesn’t run away.”
The next day before school, Y/N waited in the parking lot for the familiar van. Soon enough it appeared and parked near the back. Y/N walked over as Eddie got out.
“Hey Eddie!” She called out. Her voice made the metalhead jump and drop his keys. He turned around to face her.
“Shit Sinclair I haven’t done anything else I swear-“
“Eddie. Chill. I’m not gonna do anything to you.” Y/N chuckled a little as she picked up his keys and handed them to him. Eddie cautiously took them from her. He could see she was back to her bubbly self but he was still on edge. “Lucas told me you apologised to him. That was sweet of you.”
Y/N began walking towards the school, Eddie followed, keeping a little distance between them.
“Uh well yeah I was thinking about what you said and I realised I was being a bit of an asshole.” He rubbed the back of his neck, a guilty look on his face.
“Well I’m sorry too. I was also being an asshole.”
“No no i-it’s fine I get it. You were protecting your brother and all but yeah.” Eddie breathed out. “Fucking hell Sinclair you can be scary when you wanna be.” The metalhead said, starting to smile. Y/N laughed.
“The reason I was so mad was because I like you Eddie, so I was mad that you were acting like that.”
“Y-You like me?” Eddie stopped walking at the entrance of the school. Y/N turned to him.
“Yeah of course I do. I know some of my friends might not share that opinion but yeah, I like you.” Eddie’s couldn’t help the corners of his mouth turning up, as it stayed open from the shock. Y/N began walking into school, Eddie followed, his surprise subsiding.
“Y’know I really wasn’t expecting it from you, cause you’re usually like this cute, bubbly type girl.” He explained as they walked down the hallway.
“You think I’m cute Munson?” Y/N tilted her head to the side. Eddie’s words got caught in his throat.
“I- well I mean yeah- yeah I guess-” Y/N giggled as Eddie continued to verbally stumble. A bunch of the jocks were hanging out by the lockers. Jason spotted her.
“Hey Y/N! We’re all going to mine after practice today, you in?”
“Yeah sounds fun!” Jason looked over at Eddie. His smile faded.
“What are you doing with this freak?”
“Talking.” Y/N stated plainly. A couple other jocks walked over too.
“Is he giving you trouble?” One of the other jocks asked.
“You think I couldn’t handle myself if he was?” Y/N retorted. She smiled at them. “I’ll see you guys later.” She pushed one of them with her shoulder as she passed, making it look like an accident. The jock nearly fell over with the force that she shoved him with. Eddie stuck with her.
“You’re fucking strong Sinclair.” Eddie commented, chuckling.
“Yeah I know. I could crush your head between my thighs like a watermelon if I wanted.” Y/N said with a grin. Eddie gulped at that image in his head, his blush returning. “I’ll see you around Eddie.” She gave him a wink and walked away, leaving him to watch her go. He breathed in then out, composing himself, slapping a hand in his chest.
“Damn Y/N. How’d you do that to me?”
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yeetus-feetus · 8 months
my cousin came home with a henna tattoo today and it just gave me this really cute idea.
Imagine if Dick learned how to do henna from his mum, and as a way of connecting with both her and his younger siblings, he likes to practice doing henna on them. Or like doing henna on them for special occasions and stuff. I just think it would be really cute, for him to share something from his childhood, something really meaningful to him, with his siblings.
I'm imagining Jason reading one of his favourite books out loud, maybe something he used to read before Bruce adopted him, while Dick is practicing a new henna design on him that he saw and wanted to try. And they're both sharing something close to their hearts, something hold close from their early childhoods. It's a rare occasion, most times they're fighting or trying to kill each other, but it's moments like these that remind them they're brothers.
Tim has a date planned and he's really excited, and he's telling Dick all about this boy and everything he likes about him and how nervous he is about screwing things up. And Dick may be giving him some questionable advice, knowing him, but he's creating intricate designs over Tim's palms almost in the same way a person might get henna done for their wedding because he wants Tim to be happy, and this boy makes his little brother so so happy that he can't help but hope they end up married one day. Tim doesn't know a thing about henna, so he probably doesn't understand the gesture, but that doesn't matter to Dick. Both boys are just happy to be spending time together.
Stephanie loves being Dick's practice doll. She thinks it's so pretty and she likes showing it off to everyone. Sure she's not exactly Dick's sibling, but she hangs around enough to be basically family. The two of them definitely gossip a lot while he's practicing. Henna aren't the only things that are shared when they're spending time together. They also share beauty tips and hair care routines, they do each other's nails and have spa days with face masks and stuff. Sometimes Cass and Babs join them too.
Dick has done henna for Barbara too, mostly when they were together. But sometimes he'll do small little designs on her too.
He's currently teaching Cassandra how to do henna. It's a perfect way for them to bond, it's helped her come more out of her shell and she really trusts Dick. She practices henna on Dick whenever they get the chance and of course she's getting really good at it. She feels more connected to the family in sharing something like this. She's even started practicing on Steph sometimes too. In turn she teachers Dick ballet and her favourite fighting skills, and how she encouperates her dancing with her fighting.
I think about how Kori would teach Dick all about her culture on Tamaran, share language and all sorts of things, and Dick would ask questions wanting to learn more. In turn he would teach her his language and what he can remember of his parents culture, and of course that includes his mother's henna tattoos.
He'd do henna for the kids too if they ever asked. It'd just be a fun little thing, Dick is always happy to share. It helps him feel close to his mother even though it's getting harder and harder to remember her face, and everytime he uses henna it makes him feel closer to her, helps him connect with what he used to have. He's so happy to share, and to learn.
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ragingbookdragon · 2 years
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Longest Tag: 138 characters
#god u get told too many times as a kid that no one cares and u just forget how to show your passion without saying sorry every fucking min
My Top Posts in 2022:
“I don’t give a rat’s ass how badly you want me out of your business,” she griped, cocking her hands on her hips. “I am you mother and as long as I’m alive I’m going to be in your business making sure you’re doing alright.”
Tim’s expression pinched and he couldn’t help but cross his arms over his chest. “Me and the others had it under control.”
“Look me in my eyes and tell me that meta-humans running wild across Gotham City means you had it under control,” she argued, and he glanced at her, meeting her irritated gaze. “You are seventeen going on eighteen, Timothy Jackson Wayne, and while I’m comfortable letting you and your friends go around doing God knows what in other cities, when your ass is in Gotham City, you know damn well you’re supposed to check in and let me or your father know what you’re doing.” She accentuated her point by tipping her head towards the man leaning back against the desk who was merely watching.
“Dad,” he whined, trying to get him to help him out.
His father merely sipped the glass of water in his hand. “Nope, not getting involved.”
She started tapping her foot, a telltale sign that her annoyance was shifting into anger. “Timothy, you’re grou—”
Tim, in a last-ditch effort to save his hide, he pointed at his second eldest sibling and shouted, “Jason snuck Kyle into the manor last night whenever you were out with Damian and dad on the back porch! He left this morning when you were getting ready for work!”
Her eyes went wide, so did Jason’s as he spluttered, “W-what! No, the fuck I didn’t!”
She was already whirling on him. “Jason Peter Todd, did you sneak a boy into this house!”
“I—we—he—” Jason pointed at Dick. “Dickhead was the one who broke the Ming Dynasty vase in the hallway! I saw it!”
“ME?!” Dick shouted, already turning on Cassandra. “Cass is the one who broke the refrigerator after she punched the panel ‘cause it wouldn’t work!”
“Damian skipped school last week,” she countered, glaring at Dick.
Damian’s olive cheeks flushed crimson. “You dare tell on me!” he pointed at Bruce. “Father skipped the gala last Tuesday and said he had a mission to complete but instead he was hanging out with Superman and Wonder Woman!”
She stood bewildered and turned, gaping at Bruce. “Excuse me? You did what?”
Bruce held his hands up, expression already turning panicky as he calmed, “Darling, I can totally explain not attending the gala with you.”
“Oh? You can?” she laughed, eyes narrowing in rage. “So, it wasn’t just to get out of having to deal with all the other socialites? No, not Bruce Wayne. He wouldn’t leave his lovely wife to fend for herself.”
At this point the children were inching their way towards the door and Bruce pointed at them. “They’re getting away!”
She spun, ready to yell at them but they were already gone and when she turned back around, Bruce was gone too, the wall shifting back to its original place; she let out a howl. “OH, ALL OF YOU ARE GROUNDED FOR A MONTH!”
2,143 notes - Posted February 27, 2022
“Can I ask you something?” Soap inquired, sitting close enough for their legs to brush.
“Depending on what you’re about to ask me, be prepared for either sarcasm or cold ruthlessness.”
He nodded. “I can appreciate that.” Gazing at her, he asked, “Do you think you’ll live to be an old woman?”
“Define old woman.”
“Old,” Soap answered. “With grandbabes. In your old age.”
She snorted. “Oh, no. I’m definitely going to be dead by fifty.”
“Why’s that?”
“People who do what we do don’t exactly make it out alive, Soap. I know I won’t make it to die old.”
“Already prepared?”
She nodded. “My affairs are in order.”
He sat back in thought, simply staring at her. “…Will you have any regrets if you go early?”
For a moment, she was quiet, a distant yet love-longing look in her eyes as she gazed over the rim of her laptop to the Lieutenant reading over a set of blacked-out files. “Only few.”
Soap didn’t speak on it, wasn’t going to breach that barrier she and the Lieutenant had built around one another; instead, he smiled and nudged her in the side, quipping, “You’re going to have a giant regret if you go before Ghost, aye?”
She barked a laugh as Ghost looked up and glared at them. “Let me tell you something, if I die before Ghost, that means I have a limited amount of time before he gets there too to set up a room of traps for him to fall in.”
“I don’t think the big man upstairs is going to let that go.”
“Oh we’re all going to hell, Soap, there’s no doubt about that.”
“If anyone’s going to hell, it’s you, love,” Ghost remarked, going back to his files. “But only for being a witch.”
“Asshat,” she griped, throwing a pen at him, which he caught.
Soap looked between them and asked, “Why haven’t you two just married already?”
Ghost looked up and gestured at her. “I tried. Gollum ate the ring and told me to fuck off.”
“It was your fault.”
Soap grinned and rose from his seat, walking off as they started arguing and Price simply rubbed his temples. “Why do you do that?”
“Because if I have to suffer a Brit and an American on the same team, I’m going to make amusement somewhere.”
2,208 notes - Posted November 14, 2022
Is Jason going to call Bruce dad to his face? No, no he’s not.
Is Jason going to defend Bruce with “My dad—” and beat the shit outta anyone who talks bad about him when Bruce isn’t there? Yes. Yes he will.
3,670 notes - Posted September 8, 2022
Soap reclined against the back of the metal wall of the plane, eyes dragging from each member of the team until they landed on her. She, oddly enough wasn’t sitting like the others were, contemplating the mission and the risks. In her hands was a small book, about the size of a cigarette holder, perhaps a religious book, but he’d never known her to pray or be religious outright; then again, she wasn’t very open about many things of herself either.
Her eyes drew along the pages, quietly turning them, occasionally shifting with the movement of the plane and he heard lowly, “Keep staring at her like that and she’ll think you like her.”
He fought the urge to roll his eyes and merely retorted, “Would that be such a bad thing, Lt.?”
Ghost chuckled. “She’ll eat your heart out, Soap.”
“If it’s her, that doesn’t sound like a bad way to go.” He shifted his foot and tapped along the ground, loud enough for her to cock an eyebrow to acknowledge the motion. “Whatcha reading?”
She flipped a page. “A book detailing the capture, trials, and deaths of women during the Salem Witch Trials.”
Soap blinked, eyebrows furrowing together. “…Why?”
“She’s tryna figure out why they didn’t catch her back then,” Ghost chirped and her eyes rose from the page to meet his, knowing he was smirking behind that stupid mask of his.
“Don’t take the bait,” Price muttered beside her, arms crossed over his chest, and she was almost prepared to let it go. But, she also remembered that Ghost ate the last of her chocolate chip poptarts before they left.
She went back to her book and rattled off, “Ghost can’t play golf. We went to a putt-putt one time and I’ve never seen a man so competent in the art of war be so terrible at hitting a ball.”
Ghost spluttered as Soap snickered.
“He snores like an old dog and drools in his sleep.” She flipped another page. “One time we were on a mission in Baghdad, and he wasn’t paying attention and ran into a wall. Broke his radio from the impact.”
“I did not,” Ghost hissed.
“He cried watching Where The Red Fern Grows.”
“One time he ate a box of fiber bars to recover from a hangover and he shit himself in the middle of the store.”
“Alright! I get it! I’m sorry!” he griped and she smiled to herself as she quieted down and went back to her book.
For a few moments, silence enveloped the group in the plane, then Soap asked, “Did you really shit yourself?”
“Shut. Up.”
4,545 notes - Posted November 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I need everyone to stop what ur doing and go google Betty White. Rn. Go.
9,034 notes - Posted January 17, 2022
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‘Ell I’ll be damned
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#you know in the very beginning of the pandemic there were people going around with pool noodles attached to their heads to enforce the six f
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So I now live in a place where putting cream on my skin is not only normal but expected, because fuck desert climates, but sometimes i cannot STAND the texture. My skin is now telling me ''im itchy i need cream'' but i also know that as soon as I touch cream my entire skin entity will crawl right off my frame and escape into the night.
Thank you, texture issues. You make life interesting, if nothing else.
94 notes - Posted April 30, 2022
We all know that Batman used to laugh during Jason's era as Robin, but I think that at least the first month or so that laughter was mostly a, "what the fuck is up with this kid" kind of laughter. Like Jason is so astonishingly different from Dick as Robin (Dick: *wants to kill someone so bad he's got a severe case of Stupid and Bruce just wants him to Sit and Stay* Jason: "Robin gives me magic!!!" 🤩) that Bruce just has like No coping mechanisms for Jason lmao. The first three weeks is Bruce just going, "what the fuck? Dick didn't do that. what do you mean I'm not going to have to nag him about homework. Oh my god this teenager thinks that--yuuuup, those are rocket propelled rollerskates. Oh look, the inevitable crash." I'd be wtf laughing too if i went from 2008 MCR emo child to ray of sunshine, introduced by way of incredible ballsiness followed immediately by half assed violence and stray-cat-esque coaxing from Bruce. I'd think I was in a fever dream ngl.
143 notes - Posted May 28, 2022
Rewatching Phineas and Ferb has honestly just highlighted how much of a good guy Jeremy is. He adores Candace no matter how weird he clearly thinks she is, thinks her brothers are cool even while she's desperately trying to bust them, and, whenever she has spent the entire episode trying to be there with Jeremy until she can't STAND it any longer and goes haring off after the boys, he's just chilling in the dust and saying, "that's my girl."
172 notes - Posted March 13, 2022
Phineas and Ferb astounds me with how funny it continues to be. We've estblished Linda Flynn-Fletcher as the old pop star Lindonna, and then she likes to play jazz with two other women in the neighborhood. Imagine if Nina Sky (one hit wonder of the 2000s: Move Ya Body) had a quiet jazz trio in the middle of the suburbs of this city and dropped an album and you're just like, ah, yes, soothing jazz by Nina Sky.
And track three is a hard rock song with the lead male singer ranting to Nina about how evil their siblings are and all the rest of the tracks are back to soothing jazz. You flip over the CD case to read the back.
3. E. V. I. L. B. O. Y. S. Sung by Nina Sky's daughter. Music by Nina Sky's jazz trio.
I think that I'd be simultaneously laughing myself sick and also extremely confused.
323 notes - Posted September 3, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I think people need to tell more kids that they're proud of them for graduating high school. I'm absolutely dead serious, especially now. I can see the graduating high schoolers surrounding me right now are burned out and traumatized and depressed, and they've undoubtedly had a much, much harder time in high school than I ever had, and I had some pretty shitty high school experiences.
I graduated high school with no more acknowledgement than the standard "congrats on surviving another year of school!" And immediately followed by "have you finished all your scholarship applications?" That was fine for me. I knew i wanted to go to college, I was set and ready for it, eager to get out of high school into more challenging courses.
But if I just finished high school after two years of fighting through online courses and no one acknowledged the battles I went through? If I was as burnt out and traumatized as these kids are right now? I'd have never have gone to college.
So for everyone graduating high school, even if you barely scraped by passing: I see you. I'm proud of you. You did such a good job. I wish you success in what you try to do, fortune enough to keep you safe and happy, and health always.
46,794 notes - Posted May 13, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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piratical-princess · 2 years
I saw a few things at the comic con that I will treasure always.
A tiny teenage girl sitting at an Artist Alley booth, eating a loaf of bread, slice by slice.
A trio of young’ns in drag for probably their fifth or sixth time, as witches or maybe anime witches, it’s so difficult to tell. They grew less shy with me as we talked about their outfits and how brave they were for wearing heels but just wait till they hit thirty, and I gave one a discount on a painting of a witch. As they were leaving, one of the young witches leaned in and said to me, “You’re very kind.” I didn’t have time to say that it would be appalling to be anything else, so I just made a little heart symbol with my hands.
The woman behind us having a loud conversation, a part of it being, “He says he doesn’t believe in HPV, which is bullshit because he GAVE it to me!”
A very very tall, built man cosplaying as Jason (you know, the slasher) and dragging around a sleeping bag with a pair of feet flopping out of it. A trio of kids were trying to take a photo with him but were too scared to get close to him, so they just kept pushing their siblings in front and then scream-laughing whenever Jason looked at them. Little did they know I had just seen Jason a few moments prior kneeling down to comfort a young Batgirl with his hand on her arm like a sweet gent.
The husband of the artist at the booth next to my fella, a tall and fit man, hiding behind her display, putting his feet up, and eating peanut butter with a spoon straight from the jar. It was a brand new jar and before the end of the day, it was empty. I thought that would be the funniest thing I would see all weekend, until he returned the next day with a jar twice as big.
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fernweh-s · 1 year
Fr it really was but honestly it was all the bullying n sense8 was internationally good so all the countries was throwing punches at Netflix. I don’t condone bullying but when it’s big companies like Netflix yes bullying is necessary. If Santa Clarita diet had a global fan base I’m sure their bullying woulda worked for a Santa Clarita movie wrap up 😭
I’m not familiar with batwoman but yeah i agree that is such an integral part n ya can owe that to the wonderful magic of CW bat woman adaptation 🤭
Wait dick took up the mantle I thought he had refused to do it. Ahh shit I might have to backtrack again 😅. We don’t talk about that lmaoooo Im fuckin dead 🤣🤣
I loved Jason he’s definitely my fav bat child.
Omfg I remember there’s a scene in the first season of titans where Jason and Dick meet n he tell him I’m the new Robin n Dick looked so distraught I had a full on belly laugh at that scene.
I remember there would be hella AOS cars driving around town here where I live n it would make me feel like I was in the MCU. I was like omfg they gonna go get the runaways 🤣
Lmaooo I absolutely support bullying Netflix, they deserve it for cancelling like every single show of theirs that I ever like. 😤😤
Honestly I hate it so much whenever a TV show (or even a movie) adaptation of a comic does something, and then it becomes something that the comics try to work in. 😭
He did for a bit, yeah! Around (one of the many) times that Bruce was dead. Tim was his robin for a bit (which I loved, I actually love Dick and Tim being brothers and interacting, they're one of my favorite sibling duos, and I feel like dc always tries to push Dick and Damian, but I want Dick and Tim to interact more!!!!), but then dc had him fire Tim and make Damian his robin instead, which was such a jerk move, especially because Tim considered Dick one of his best friends, how you gonna FIRE your little brother who looks up to you and considers you one of his besties, Dick??? 😭😭😭
Jason is my absolute favorite batkid too. Damian is actually a surprisingly close second, and all the rest of them just kind of switch around lmfao.
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zenyukifanficblogs · 2 years
Fresh Generation; Life Trials Chapter 19: The Haight Ashbury (Pt. 4)
Junghwa’s POV
I’m ended up with the Montessori family who are all watching over me while John and Victoria are out.
I got bored so I was searching the internet with the laptop I’ve taken along, where I come across a picture of somebody who look like Hope but the name’s not Hope.
“Kimberly Anne Hawker?” I read out the name which Peter looks at me and the laptop in shock.
“Croaker’s real name is Louis Jason Hawker” I also added on pointing out about the man who almost shoot me.
“Hermanos? Padre-Hija? (Siblings? Father-Daughter?)” Laura guessed.
“They look nothing alike though so that’s a coincidence of another kind” Antonio says as I leave John a secret text on my phone.
Then, out of the blue, Peter helps me keep my laptop as another hippie came, seems drunk and high.
Peter takes me to my room while leaving Laura and Antonio outside. We both somehow knew to keep quiet as we hear the two talk to the hippie.
I covered my ears though I can still hear the hippie being all discombobulated. “That must be Croaker’s buddy, Harvey.” Peter softly whispers to himself which got me looking at him in shock.
“Please don’t tell me, he’s after the gun you’ve taken from Croaker?” I asked him whispering, remembering what happened last night between him and Croaker.
“I’m not very sure, Harvey is really high day and night on hash whenever I see him and according to Mrs Croaker.” He whispers explaining.
“So where’s Mrs Croaker? I never really see much people here.” I whisper asks him again. “You can only find Mrs Croaker in her trailer right down the alley. She rarely comes out, just cooking for Croaker.” He whispers tells me.
“And did you inform Uncle John about Hope?” He then asks me as we continue the whispering talk.
“I did. Hopefully he and Mrs McForbes are alright. Your mother looks worried.” I answered.
“Of course, Ma and Aunt Vicki are cousins. Cause their parents are cousins who are super close, they grew up together.” He says.
‘No wonder I see their interactions are unusual for colleagues at work.’ I think to myself understanding.
“But really we will score big if Uncle John and Aunt Vicki catches something at Hope’s place.” Peter says which I nodded my head agreeing
Victoria’s POV
John and I were left confused as Hope also become lost in her own world after swallowing the acid from Dahlia like they are normal food and drinks.
“These are good for 3 meals a day~” Hope slurred. “At least we ain’t like Annie’s daughter that we can’t enjoy all this goodness~” One of the guys slurred too.
“Annie’s daughter Janice Fugate?” Victoria looks at me whispering as I pressed on the recorder on my ear. “Yeah! Croaker really did a good one to make Peter and Annie pay their share. Those two are sure leeches.” Dahlia laughs.
“My Dad surely ensures everything is fair and square. This place is to preach love, not a retirement home for two leeches.” Hope agrees.
‘Does Hope have something to do with this murder?’ I think to myself surprised that Hope has family here like Janice. “They’ve outstayed themselves already, If only we could afford a retirement home~” One man says.
“Buzzer, retirement home cost hundreds per month, how can we pay up?” Dahlia asks the man.
“We can make one of their grandkids fork out some cash. Wouldn’t harm them a hair paying up for their grandparents since their mum’s down swimming with the ducks.” This Buzzer says like it’s a simple-said-than-done solution
“Easy said. Didn’t we try approaching them but we are the bugs they wanna get away from every single time.” Hope says taking some more drugs wholeheartedly.
“How about you get your Dad do the job again?” Dahlia slumps on Buzzer suggesting to Hope.
With this, Victoria and I looked at each other getting an ‘Ah-Ha!’ moment. So we took the chance they’re on their trip, to head back to the trailer to find Laura and Antonio panting.
“Cosa è? (What is it?)” I asked the couple. “Did anything happened when we’re gone?” Victoria asks them.
“We kinda…just move a man into the forest cause we gave him a blowjob…” Antonio smiles telling us. “Don’t smile at me with that blowjob…please don’t tell me you killed somebody!” I scratched my head at Antonio.
“He isn’t dead…he knocked himself out with too much good stuff.” Laura pants reassures us.
“We just took his body to the forest so he won’t mess your place up.” Antonio adds on which got Victoria and I sighing in a huge relief.
“Where’s Peter and Jennifer?” Victoria asks them. “In the room.” Laura points to the other end of the trailer so I went there to open the door to Jennifer sleeping while Peter is dozing off at the window.
I shook Peter by the shoulder quietly and he soon wakes up. “Hello there” He waves rubbing his eyes and yawning. “Is everything okay?” I asked and he nods his head.
“Check your phone, we have something for you.” He says and I did. It was Jennifer’s actual information of Hope’s real identity.
“I’ve also come across Croaker, and knocked him out before getting this that we believed to be the murder weapon the police failed to locate years ago.” Peter takes a plastic ziploc that contains a gun from the table and gives it to me.
“Apparently if Jen’s theory were to be accurate, this gun must have belonged to Janice Hindley.” Peter then explains to me.
“Somehow or another, when Croaker confronted her about her parents owing money, a fight must have assumed before Croaker fires the two fatal shots because he have given the 20 stabs to Janice Hindley that she unable to fight Croaker back.” He continues.
‘Jen has the same analysis as I do.’ I think to myself impressed before we both decide to leave Jennifer to nap while getting to Peter’s parents who are helping themselves to some food and Victoria cooking.
“Entonces tenemos al asesino y una de las arma homicidas. Qué todo deberíamos hacer ahora? (So we have the killer and one of the murder weapons. What shall we do now?)” Victoria looks at me asking while frying some food in the pan.
“Call for backup, the show’s about to begin.”
0 notes
pyrokinesis · 3 years
obssessed with what if idea of bruce and talia staying married and raising damian together—imagine the chaos, imagine all the love spread, imagine the comedy.
like if we're doing math and we're setting this in post-crisis, when damian was born, bruce was still in his early 20s and by now he already had 14 year old dick grayson,
so imagine dick, by now adopted for 2 years and robin of circa a year and half, finding out bruce and talia gotten married, and then few months later they're expecting a baby, like he's been the only child for all 14 years of his life, suddenly he has to be a big brother, and i think it'd create tensions at first, with the baby being biological child and his dislike of talia,
but then after a while, dick comes to bruce and talia's bedroom bringing them both breakfast in bed while talia is reading a book and bruce is dead to the world because idiot batman, and talia is a bit confused but dick goes on and on about how while she isn't his favourite person, her health and the health of the baby come first so he'd decided to be the best teenage older brother ever, and so he bonds with both talia and bruce over getting manor ready for the baby, and whenever he's with the titans he gives them updates about his baby sibling and rants how they'll have to visit ra's after the baby is born and he can't stand the man's ego
spring turns into summer and one night in august talia goes into labour, and bruce, the overachiever in worrying, calls half a league to witness his baby being born and when talia's obgyn announces it's a healthy baby boy, both dick and bruce jump into clark's arms, and alfred and ra's are awkwardly congratulating to each other
damian is a happy and a spoiled baby, with both being very loved and very rich, but because his whole family tries their best, he slowly grows up in a fine boy, a chaotic toddler who climbs his father like a tree and yells at his papa, a whiny toddler who cries when his mama says they can't visit the kent farm and their cows this weekend, and a happy toddler who takes naps with his teenage brother
now imagine the chaos when one autumn night bruce leaves to honor his parents he finds himself in the crime alley and instead of spending the night remembering his parents' murder, all memories he has of that night is of the small angry orphan, and when he comes home alfred and talia are waiting for him and he doesn't even wait before telling them about this boy he met and talia is curious about the child that made bruce forget about his own parents
as soon as ma gunn was sent to prison, bruce's begging talia to adopt the kid, talia can't you see he made me laugh on my parents' death anniversary, he called me a boob while trying to steal the tires off batmobile, we need this kid, and talia, trying to be rational, asks if he can take care of another angry and traumatized orphan while taking care of a 3 year old and fighting crime in his free time and bruce of course promises, and the moment talia and jason meet you can feel the love between them and when damian approvingly climbs jason like a tree it's settled their boy is theirs
and then dick, a literal 17 year old who left the role of robin, needs to meet this kid and he's still at odds at bruce because they've been fighting about general things, bruce not wanting dick to fight crime after he almost died and dick wanting to be taken seriously as nightwing now, and bruce wanting dick to have a uni degree, and it's what it is
dick isn't sure of jason at first, mostly cause by now jason has started his training as a robin, but damian likes him, and if damian, and even talia like the kid, dick would live by his name and that'd be the worst—cue to the waynes becoming even bigger family
because of talia and bruce having mostly alright marriage, jason wouldn't probably rush into ethiopia and he'd talk to talia who'd come with him and when they'd meet sheila she'd try to be nice but then she'd smell a trap and together she and jason would definitely beat up joker and put sheila behind the bars—jason's pretty not okay because another mother figure in his life traumatised him, and by now all members of the family except bruce regularly go to therapy
family is a bit shaken but when batman finds their neighbors the drakes dead and almost dead it's an instict for bruce and talia to offer themselves as a foster family to the little boy drake—cue comedy once again because everyone is trying very hard not to spill abiut their nightlife, even damian who is four years old, but then it all hilariously falls apart when dick catches tim trying to get into batcave and then the old clock doors open and jason comes out the batcave and it's just crickets
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redhead-batgal · 2 years
Can you PLEASE PLEASE do Damian Wayne x reader first date headcannons?
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Honestly, I'm probably gonna be shit at this. I haven't ever really done head canons but I'm happy to try!
Quick note, this is just my personal opinion y'all are free to disagree.
This boy is going to be nervous as heck!
BTW he was more then likely the one to ask you out.
It may or may not have been in a weird kind of "I don't want to go out with you but do you wanna go out with me " way
He will take you to the most upscale restaurant in town and not tell you about it
Will most definitely arrive to pick you up in a limo with Alfred driving who he talked to about you the entire drive there
About how smart you were, how funny and how you love animals almost as much as he did
This of course was all because Alfred asked what you were like
So upon arriving to pick you up he has a bouquet of your favorite flowers and if you didn't like flowers he'd have something you did like with him like a favorite candy or even a special addition of your favorite book (Something he learned from Jason) and more then likely flowers for your mother, sister or whatever female guardian cares for you
He would go to your door to pick you up and greet whoever answered politely
He won't care what you wear, thinking you're beautiful no matter what
he will escort you to and from the car opening your door
Instead of talking to you in the car he's probably frantically going over all the conversation topics he planned out with Dick.
Remembering how Duke had said to Damian to just be himself and talk about things that you liked
The ride to the restaurant was awkward, but as soon as you got inside Damian began talking to you almost normally
he would watch you as you spoke, the way you smiled and laughed
It embarrassed him whenever you caught him, but he still kept doing it
You were able to convince him to take turns taking about each other
He would ask questions about you and you would respond then ask about him
The questions he seemed to have the most fun answers were about his family and pets
Every once in a while, Damian would take a deep breath in and he seemed to be rubbing circles on the table, he would look around and count things as Tim suggested he do to calm down
Damian pays the bill
However another table sends over a dessert for two and you
The waiter who brought it over was strange, a blonde girl with a fake moustache on who seemed to make Damian incredibly angry
You couldn't care less when he explained it was one of his siblings and there were probably more of them hanging around
"I bet they would be especially annoyed if you just ignored them, considering what you've told me they want you to react."
Damian paused for a moment before agreeing with you and he much like you began digging into the dessert
Off to the side in disguise Tim and Cass sat with a mini camera sending a feed back to the Batcave where Dick, Jason, Bruce, Babs and Duke watched
Cass watched for a moment before she tapped Tim on the shoulder
'We should go' She signed to him 'he seems really happy'
Tim watched his brother just for a moment as Steph sank down in a seat right behind him a waiter's uniform on and a fake mustache on her face
"The date's basically over so why not"
Steph blinked in confusion as Tim and Cass grabbed her by the arms and dragged her out of the restaurant
Meanwhile you and Damian clean and stacked up your plates, at your instance and left, with Damian leaving a large tip
Walking outside Damian guided you back to the limo and opened the door for you
You both got in but this time you continued chatting
Chatting until you got home and he walked you to your door
You smiled at him and kissed his cheek
"I'd be happy to do this again Damian."
Seemingly without thinking he replied, "So would I."
You laughed and waved goodbye before heading inside
Meanwhile Damian went back to the limo and slid in the family group chat bursting with messages
Todd: Man demon-spawn I've never seen you smile like that before
Brown: I can't believe the Bat brat has feelings!
Richard: Little D! That was so cute!
Suddenly another text popped up and Damian opened it
Drake: You owe me
For a moment Damian flashed back to all the dates he had ruined of Tim's and sighed
Damian: Thank you, for not ruining it
There was a string of dots before Tim replied
Drake: Say that to me in person and on your next date bring Y/N for a family dinner, we're even.
With a sigh Damian thought back to your reaction and nodded before agreeing
Damian: Deal
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not-back-to-this · 3 years
Tim has a habit of grabbing onto a small corner of peoples shirts when he’s walking with them no this isn’t inspired by the fact that I do this but he only does this with people he has a close connection with.
~Dick Grayson~
First time he did it to Dick, Dick just took it as a sign of affection and had no problem with Tim doing it
Dick asked Tim why he did then when they came back home and Tim said it was a sign of affection and just made him feel safe
Dick was really happy to hear that because even though he always knew that him and Tim have a close relationship he felt like they were slowly drifting away but now he has confirmation from Tim that they are still close and even closer now that Dick let’s it happen
Now Dick is super happy whenever he’s walking with Tim and he just feels the slight tug on his shirt
~Jason Todd~
First time he did it to Jason, Jay was super confused but he let Tim hold onto his shirt anyway
Later he asked Bruce why Tim did that and Bruce explained that Tim does that around people he’s close to and he feels safe around
Jason was super touched because that means after years of trying to make up with Tim after he tried to kill him Jason finally was able to get Tim to trust him and feel close to him
One time Jason and Tim got into a fight and Jason’s eyes got glowing with the Lazarus green Tim just calmly backed away and hid from Jason in his room
Jason was super pissed at himself cause he finally got somewhere with Tim and he just ruined it then he got the idea to try and take Tim to get ice cream and see how he felt after
Tim agreed to go get ice cream and as they were walking to the parlor Jason felt a significant absence of someone holding onto his shirt and so he gently grabbed Tim’s hand without saying anything and just gently rubbed his thumb against Tims hand as he was holding it to try and let Tim know that he was safe
After they got ice cream they sat on a bench and talked about the fight and other things and Tim told Jason that he forgave him but still wanted a little time before he fully felt comfortable around him and Jason said it was ok and Tim could take all the time in the world before he felt ok and Jason would be ok with that
It only took a week before Tim started holding onto Jason’s shirt again
~Damian Wayne~
Since Dami is shorter than Tim, Tim grabs onto the top of his shirt and walks with him like that
Damian was super annoyed with it at first and he thought Tim did it to treat him like a kid
“Do not grab onto my shirt, Drake. I am not a baby and I don’t need you to hold onto me.”
Tim felt sad that he couldn’t hold onto Damian’s shirt and show him affection like that and he didn’t really feel like explaining because he didn’t want Damian to make fun of him
Dick saw that Tim was down because of it and calmly explained to Damian that it wasn’t actually because he wanted to treat Damian like a baby but he did it because he trusted and liked Damian even though they fought a lot
Damian went to Tim in the cave and told him that he was ok with Tim grabbing onto his shirt
Dami secretly likes Tim holding onto his shirt because he also feels safe. He feels like someone has his back and he and Tim are finally in a good place. Also n the Red Robin series, Tim had a list of people he didn’t trust and kept and Damian was on that list and I just feel like Dami would be super happy to know that Tim finally trusts him. They still fight like hell though but thats just sibling love lmao
Tim does it a lot after Damian came back from the dead everyone notices it but Tim refuses to offer up an explanation
The reason is that Tim has an irrational fear that if he let’s go of Damian then Damian will die again but he feels like it sounds stupid so he doesn’t tell anyone why
~Bruce Wayne~
The first time Tim held onto Bruce was on patrol and they were walking walking to the batmobile
Bruce just climbed out of a building that exploded while Bruce was still in it and Tim was so scared that He wasn’t actually alive and him holding onto his cape made him feel grounded and it felt like Bruce was safe
Bruce asked him why he held onto his cape when they made it back to the cave but Tim didn’t say anything
Alfred asked Tim why he did that and Tim told him why he just generally liked holding onto people’s clothes
Alfred stitched Bruce up and gave him a good lecture on how he should be more careful especially since he has kids
Bruce walked into Tim’s room to talk to him and he found Tim crying on his bed while holding a picture of his parents
He hugged him and asked him what was wrong and Tim screamed
“You can’t leave too! You can’t! You can’t! You can’t! You’re all I have left, Bruce! I’ll be a better Robin I swear just please don’t die too!”
Bruce held Tim tight and told him he would be right by his side and he would be more careful from now on
He held onto Tim for about an hour and then they went into a movie room to watch Tim’s favorite movie and Bruce made sure Tim knew that he was already good enough
~Alfred Pennyworth~
Obviously Alfred was the first one Tim did it to. When he first came to the manor Alfred was there for him no matter what and so it feels right to have him be the first that Tim held onto
Tim thought that Alfred mighty been annoyed by it so he explained to Alfred why he did it and if he wanted him to stop he could
Alfred hugged him and told him he didn’t need to stop and he also didn’t need to explain anything to Alfred
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blackbat05 · 3 years
Jason Todd x Reader
A/N: Finally doing another Jason Todd fic! I really love him ok he’s like one of the few I got into when I started to learn about comics. Hope you enjoy! Likes, comments and reblogs are always appreciated.
Genre: PG-13
Warnings: Self-doubt, cursing, trauma.
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(Gif may be unrelated but I love this style y’all so just let it slide)
Jason closes the door carefully, removing the necktie that was restricting him for the past five hours. He hated parties. He was the type to lounge around in his boxers, eating takeout food and watching serial dramas after a hard day’s work.
But under Alfred’s gaze, he could no longer squirm out again of Bruce’s many galas. So of he went, forcing a smile on his face as he pretended to be interested in how much they donated to his adoptive father’s charity or worse - being swarmed by air headed women who thought that he would be engaged in the conversation of their daily manicure sessions.
‘Hey Jay, saved some for you.’ Jason sees you in your pajamas, slurping on fried noodles and his heart feels like it’s about to burst with affection. For a guy like him that was trying to run from his complicated past, you provided a sense of clarity for him. Jason was a lucky bastard. He flops onto the sofa, adding a dumpling into the opened box of noodles.
‘You’re a lifesaver babe.’
‘Hard day at the manor?’ Your eyes were still on the screen, watching your favorite drama.
‘You have no idea. I wanted to choke Dickhead at one point.’ He tosses another dumpling into his mouth, like a basketball player making his dunk shot. Groaning in satisfaction, Jason thinks about how the rich people back at the manor were missing out the true joys in life - Greasy noodles with superb meat dumplings.
He didn’t know where the tiny portion of caviar or escargot could be parked in his stomach, probably because it had vanished as it went down his throat.
As the male lead was finally reunited with his lover, Jason notices that it was a bit too quiet, minus the slurping of your noodles and the noise from the television. He knew he had a hard time, but defending an onslaught of insensitive and rude rich people was an easy task for him. Now, Jason wants to focus on you.
‘How’s your day?’
‘It’s fine.’ As he suspected, the answer came back curtly. Jason waits patiently for a few seconds before asking again.
‘That’s good. Anything you wanna share? You’re wrapped like a burrito and holding your favorite mushroom plush toy whenever you’re feeling something. And your watching this drama for the eighth time.’ Jason rattles of his observations, figuring that if you blew up at him, he would improvise on the spot. But as he predicted, you didn’t.
‘You counted?’
‘That’s not the point here (y/n).’ Jason brings you back to the conversation. ‘You know you can always tell me anything.’
The truth? Your parents had called you yesterday as you finished your last assignment before semester break. A huge fight had broke out between your mother and older sister who had been acting strange lately. Somewhere along the lines where your sister felt that your parents were constantly breathing down her throat and accused them of being “helicopter parents” at the age of 24.
‘You’ve seen my parents Jay. Sure, they ask questions but never crossed the line. They gave us everything we could have but they made us work for it.’ Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. If you could unscrew your sibling’s head and find what was going on in her brain, you would.
Jason nods, having met your parents during the yearly Chinese New Year gatherings. Your father had taken on the role of a concerned parent to make sure some boy wasn’t screwing with his baby girl for fun. As a tennis coach, he commanded respect despite Jason packing a couple more pounds compared to his lean figure.
Your mother on the other hand, gave him the maternal love and warmth he never had. Hell, he could never forget the taste of her prawn noodles - you had to drag Jason out to not intrude any longer. Overall, they were easy going and the fact that they had raised a wonderful daughter despite their humble backgrounds made him admire them even more.
Your sister was a different story…
‘She wasn’t like this. Not until she went to university and decided that family was uncool for her.’ Rolling your eyes, you stabbed the remaining dumpling. You were never one to talk bad about a person even if they were really a jerk by Jason’s standards. You even managed to tolerate the demon brat when you visited the manor for dinner.
So how did a relationship that used to be so loving turn so sour?
Jason was the perfect listener. He never interrupted, nodded at the right time and spoke at the right moment. However, there were times that he had to cut in. Smoothly of course.
‘…my parents are devastated. She had always been stubborn but that fight… she was literally screaming her head off, not letting anyone get a word in. I know she broke up with her ex and they had a lot of memories and with the pandemic she’s restricted at home while working but it doesn’t give her any right to treat my parents as a punching bag!’ You had let out everything at one shot, taking a deep breath afterwards to regain your breath before continuing again.
‘The thing is, she’s attributing part of her stress because she sees me attending online school and “chilling” everyday.’ You quoted with your two fingers. ‘I don’t wish to be mean but she can’t see people being happy.’ The sound from the television could no longer be heard as Jason switches it off.
‘Doesn’t she know how hard I worked my ass to get into the school I wanted? Or how about when she was respected by our middle school teammates and I was treated like trash and she didn’t do anything about it? She didn’t even want anything to do with me!’ You scoffed. The memories had started to resurface, making you more emotional.
‘Jason I know I’m supposed to be her sister but I hate it that I’m selfishly thinking that she deserved all these. I mean we had good times as well but lately I feel like I don’t know her anymore.’ You blow into a tissue loudly, throwing it into the empty container as you took a new one.
Jason hated to see you crying. He expected himself to be emotional as your sibling issues had reminded him of a familiar little boy, craving to get the recognition from his adoptive father. So it came as a surprise as he approached this calmly and not guns blazing.
‘I know you want to be close to your sister again. But we all grow up one day. Maybe she has different ideals from you that you can’t agree with and that’s ok. Take it from me. Although lashing out at your parents was pretty low.’ Jason sees a reaction from you and decides to continue.
‘It’s nice to hope that one day she’ll be the same big sister who defended you from playground bullies and made sure to get you your favorite ice cream again, but if she doesn’t… at least you’ll have these memories to hold on to.’
Jason thanks the gods that he didn’t go for patrol today and wasn’t as sweaty as usual. He lifts your blanket, joining you under the man made burrito.
What country did you save in your previous life to deserve this man?
Calming down from your raging emotions, you wrapped your arms around Jason, leaning against his chest. ‘Thanks Jay, I wouldn’t know what I would have done without you.’
‘Hey, you support me and I support you. We’re in this together.’ And Jason had meant every single word. He was afraid that he was taking too much in the relationship, constantly unloading his problems onto you - nightmares as Robin, clashing with Bruce’s ideology… and countless more of troubles he could count forever.
But not once did you complained. In fact, you took it with stride, encouraging him to share more.
‘Feel better?’ You ask one day after a patrol went wrong in trying to track down Black Mask.
‘Much. I mean it won’t change anything but at least I don’t feel like killing my brothers as much now.’ Jason grins, squishing you into a hug.
It was rare that you were deeply affected by the problems you faced. You were a go getter, taking each day with grit and strength. So Jason knew that it was his time to be your pillar of support, just like how you were always there for him.
‘I really wish I could be there with my parents but the situation isn’t exactly ideal for me to travel. My parents don’t want me to risk contracting the illness while being 18 hours up in the air with a bunch of other strangers.’ You frowned, twiddling with the end of the blanket. ‘I haven’t seen them for two years and this just had to happen thanks to my emotionally volatile sister.’
The two of you fall into silence. Jason gently pries himself away from you, excusing himself for a few minutes. You hear a few muffles coming from your shared room with Jason exiting shortly after, looking very satisfied with himself.
‘Called in a few favors. Got Bruce’s private jet for the whole week. Time to give ourselves a break babe.’
You blink, trying to register what he was telling you. ‘But Jay, don’t you have patrol? And-’
‘Eh,’ he shrugs nonchalantly. ‘Dick agreed to cover for me. Otherwise I would tell Bruce who was the one who crashed his car. Yup, I have a lot of leverage against him,’ Jason chuckles. ‘I’m just being smart about using it.’
‘I should be flattered huh? That you’re using one of these leverages for me.’ You laughed.
‘If it’s for you, I would do anything in a heartbeat.’ Jason kisses the side of your cheek. ‘Besides, I need could try out that mean Chicken Rice you were always telling me about.’
You punched Jason in his beefy shoulders, barely making a dent. ‘Thanks Jay, for everything. I really mean it.’ You couldn’t help but to feel envious of Jason’s relationship with his brothers. Although they had their moments, but they looked out for each other, without expecting anything back.
The same couldn’t be said for you. Honestly, you felt that you had a huge mountain to climb when you got back home. Jason brings you back from your thoughts, hand in yours. He was your anchor, your pillar.
‘I’ll be there for you, every step of the way.’
Note: This is really just a comfort fic especially what’s going on in my life. I would think that although Jason has a lot of angst but he would have a lot of insight among the batboys? Lastly, I just want to say that although we’re living in very strange times, I hope by reading this, you realize that you’re never alone.
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snailwritesfics · 3 years
anything about jd idc what
Yes jd is very nice let see hmm, I have an idea.
Warnings; mentions of suicide (specifically hanging); guns; bombs
Pairing; Jd x M!Reader
You had always admired your twin sister Veronica. The way she stood up to people and stuck with her friends. That all changed in senior year. She turned into a real bitch, started to hang out with girls that she deemed “popular”. You hated having the Heathers over, you always hid in your room whenever they came.
Her boyfriend was different though, he was strong and powerful. He didn’t take bullshit. You would never admit it, especially to Veronica but you where in love, or at least had a strong sense of admiration for him.
But like your admiration for your sister, that all changed when he broke into your home. You wanted to bring up something with Veronica, but that didn’t matter now. You would never talk to Veronica again, and you knew it. You heard it in his reaction.
But then you had to make a decision.
You had heard everything about Jason’s plan to blow up the school, and his plan to run off with Veronica. Then the realization hit, you would’ve died if you went to that pep rally. If Jd could kill the entire school who else could he have killed? Who else did he kill. The second wave of realization. He killed them, Heather, Ram and Kurt. And by the sound of it Veronica had helped.
But what could you do? You were the average sibling, you weren’t popular, you had average grades, not the many friends, average strength.
You felt your breath start to grow faster until you where almost hyperventilating. You moved one foot forward, ready to step into the room. But something stopped you. You couldn’t. How could you stop a serial killer? You just couldn’t. But you had too. You took a deep breath, trying to regulate your breath as fast as possible.
You were running out of time, you needed to move fast. You heard him open the window and that’s when the gravity of the situation finally hit you, for the third time, and you ran into the room.
“Jason!”, you yelled at the taller male.
You then smelt it, and you turned your head to the side. When you saw it you wished you hadn’t, you knew she was there but you didn’t know how bad it was. “Veronica..”, you muttered.
When you looked back Jd was gone and he you heard the door shut once more. He was behind you now, but not for long. He stepped close to you, used his hand to make you look back in his direction. You saw some sort of spark grow in his eyes as he stared at you.
“[Name], what happened to Veronica was unfortunate.”, he said, the slightest bit of remorse lining his words.
“Why?”, you asked as he let go of your face. He moved his hand to his face, pinching the bridge of his nose. He soon then laughed.
“Veronica was a coward. I was willing to give her everything and she failed, she couldn’t handle it!”, he exclaimed. He stared you down, examining your scared yet, somehow confident stature.
“You’re different aren’t you. You want to be noticed don’t you? You’ve always been in Veronica’s shadow, [Name].”, he said. “Which, it really disappointing, you are a very talented boy.”, he said ruffling your hair.
You were slightly annoyed, he spoke to you as if it your where a child. Like he could coax you out of the situation. But a part of you liked the attention coming from him, you didn’t want to admit it, but it was something nice in the grim situation.
“I’m not a child”, you muttered, looking back up at him.
He chuckled, looking you dead in the eye. He stare was intimidating, but he wouldn’t hurt you, right? No, he always treated you kindly, he seemed to only kill people who hurt him. Then again, he was willing to kill the whole school including you.
“Why?”, you asked him. Before he could answer you added on. “Why did you kill them? Why where you willing to kill the whole school. Willing to kill me, I thought we had some sort of.. I don’t know, connection? Maybe it was all just show, but you always treated me like-“, Jd cut off your rambling.
“Like a god? I hope you saw it that way. The fact of the matter is, I’ve always known this would happen to Veronica. But I got lost in the romance of it. I thought our love would be, I don’t know. But you’re different, you always have been. Sweet, precious [Name], you’re always doing things for others, but you’re never really noticed are you? I could change that. I’ve always noticed you, you were the one I wanted to be my partner from the beginning, but something about your sister manipulated me, but let’s face it, that doesn’t matter anymore.”, he finished with a laugh.
You couldn’t tell if he was lying or not. He sounded so convincing.
“I’d even be willing to, I don’t know, go out?”, he whispered with a smirk. “I really like you, and I want to grow with you. And change the world with you.”.
Your heart felt like it was going to escape out of your chest, well it already did that before but now. Your face must be bright red and you were thankful for the darkness of the room. “I-”, you started before reverting back to your thoughts. You couldn’t date Jd! He was a serial killer for Christ’s sake! But maybe, this is the only way you could stop him. You had no other plans.
“I’ll be you’re partner, on one condition!”, you yelled. Jason looked slightly surprised before he walked back over to you. He hugged you. The embrace felt nice, and for a moment you felt almost, normal with him.
“What’s the condition dear?”, he asked, ending the embrace.
“Well actually there’s two. One, you don’t blow up Westerburg.”.
“I know. And two, we move. We leave go somewhere else, another country I don’t care, but we have to disappear.”, you said.
Jd looked surprised but grabbed your hand.
“Okay, let’s go then.”, he said.
And before you knew it you where out of Veronica’s room, having jumped out of her bedroom window.
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