#just that they LEFT and you treat Baek and Jongin
mybiasisexo · 6 months
Hi! Hope u had a great day!
Can I just vent for a sec? If u don’t mind?
Okay here it goes… I rly need solo stans to shut. the. fuck. up. Like rly I do. As we know, Baek had his concert (which looked fantastic btw! I’m so proud of him!) and ofc, some of members came to show their support (im sure if Sehun and Jongin weren’t enlisted/busy they’d be there. Same goes for Yixing). However some miserable people wanted to use this ammunition or proof (whatever the fuck they want to call it) that the members don’t like each other, completely over analyzing their actions/words. Tbh, it’s mainly Kyungsoo and Baekhyun stans I see this from. Tho some other solo fandoms have been yapping about too. For some reason, they’ve gotten brave since Ksoo and CBX left sm (ofc I’m happy that they’re out of the shithole that’s sm). Like it’s 20-fucking-24! And yall still don’t believe that they like each other yet? Seriously? They’ve been together for nearly 15 years at this point. And they are FUCKING GROWN ASS ADULTS! If they didn’t like each other or want to be around each other, then they wouldn’t interact at all outside of work. Yet, how many times do we hear stories of ppl running into them while they’re on LITERAL “DATES” WITH EACH OTHER. Stop treating them like they’re in high school ffs! Every time any member is asked about exo during solo activities, they always say how they’re lucky to have them and that they’re family/brothers/lifelong friends.
If you don’t like the group or certain members, fine. That’s how you feel. I can’t change that. But you need to shut your damn mouths and show some respect! As the saying goes: if you have nothing nice to say, then don’t say anything at all. Just remember, any of them members would burn you all alive to keep the others warm. Without a second’s hesitation.
Sorry, damn, I rly needed to get this off my chest. Thanks for listening to my rant lol. 😂
Damn. Yknow I’ve been lucky enough to miss this discourse and I’m glad cause solo stans make me sad bro 😔. I truly can’t understand the concept when it comes to exo. They are one god dammit!!!!
But yeah you’re spitting nothing but facts! Exo have proven years ago that they are more than just coworkers and it’s such a tired argument. If they really didn’t care for each other they would disband. They’re literally staying with sm to remain together like ??? If that don’t prove their loyalty idk what does.
Solo stans can gag bro cause exo ain’t going anywhere and they love each other lmfaoooo like huh???
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clevernewdimension · 5 years
Ever since Baekhyun and Kai were announced to be a part of SuperM some people have been treating them like shit and for what? We all know that EXO is important to them, and no doubt that if they’re made to choose, it would be EXO. But they’re having fun, making friends and enjoying something different. Let them live. No need to act betrayed and call them traitors or whatever.
I swear some of you motherfuckers treat Ex-EXO members better than current ones ever since this whole SuperM thing started and that to me really says something.
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myforeverforlife · 5 years
ice queen.
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For @skjdln who requested Hogwarts!au (Slytherin reader) + Enemies to lovers + 10. “You know I’d do anything for you.”
(I know I said the requests would be drabbles, but this request turned into a whole 4k fic and honestly I had no intention of stopping 😅)
Word Count: 4,066
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You’ve always worked hard to get what you want, what you deserve. It’s how you’ve come to achieve so much in your five years at Hogwarts. As one of the Slytherin prefects, you were constantly aware of how your appearance and conduct were visible to the rest of your peers. Robes clean and without a wrinkle, wand tucked securely away, voice calm yet stern when need be — especially when reprimanding students that were goofing off in the hallways.
A raucous burst of laughter echoed down the hallway to the dining hall, heavy footsteps clattering against the cobblestoned floor. You knew this laugh — it was the same one that has plagued you since you first came to Hogwarts. You waited with arms crossed for the usual culprit to come rounding the corner. Sure enough, Byun Baekhyun came zooming into view, black hair a mess as he continued to laugh. He stopped only once he saw you, freezing in place and clearing his throat.
“Oh. Hello,” he coughed out.
“Running in the hallways again, Baekhyun? 5 points from Gryffindor.”
Baekhyun rolled his eyes, posture loosening up as the two of you fell into one of your usual squabbles. “You know, as your elder, you should be treating me with more respect.”
“You would think that being a year older would also mean that you are more mature than me. Sadly, we both know that’s not true.”
Baekhyun’s eyes narrowed as he scowled at you, still out of breath from running down the halls. His mouth opened to come up with an equally scathing remark, only to be cut off by the sound of Kyungsoo yelling his name. He quickly glanced over his shoulder before breaking off into a sprint.
“Hey! What did I say about running!” you shouted after him, huffing in annoyance.
All he did was give you a wave of his hand in goodbye as he disappeared, most likely on his way back to the common room to escape from Kyungsoo’s wrath.
Kyungsoo came stomping into view, his green tie askew and glasses slipping down his nose. “Where did that pesky brat go?” he muttered under his breath.
“He ran upstairs, although I did manage to stop him for a bit. What did he do this time?”
“Covered my shoes with some... some sort of disgusting matter.” You followed his gaze down to his shoes, purple slime coating most of the surface.
“Ah, slime. The Muggle-born students have been introducing it to their peers,” you thought aloud.
“Is it poisonous? Will it make me break out in hives? Should I go see Madame Pomfrey?”
Shaking your head with a smirk, you reached down to pick up a glob. “Perfectly safe. More of a nuisance than anything, but you’ll be fine. You should be glad he didn’t get any on your hair.”
Kyungsoo fixed his tie, thanking you when you pushed his glasses back up onto his face. “I have to walk around with this on my shoes until I get back to the common room,” he complained.
“You better hurry along then. We’re both on patrolling duty tonight.”
With a grunt of acknowledgement, Kyungsoo trudged away to the dungeons, mentally searching for a spell to magic the gunk off of his shoes.
Baekhyun was notorious for messing around and pulling pranks on all students, regardless of what house or year they were in. But recently, it seemed like the sixth year student had been targeting you and your friends even more than before. You weren’t even sure why you had shown up on his radar in the first place.
Both of you had little to do with each other in your first years at Hogwarts. You knew of each other, and shared some friends in common, but never interacted directly. But during your third year, you ran into him in Hogsmeade while he was out with his friends Jongdae and Chanyeol, the trickster trio, as many called them.
You had been visiting the village for the first time with Kyungsoo and Jongin, but knew enough of Baekhyun’s reputation to stay far away. That worked well enough until you entered Honeydukes in search of some candy. As you reached out for the last box of limited-edition gummy candies, another hand beat you to it.
“Hey!” you exclaimed, frowning once you realized who it was. “I saw it first.”
Baekhyun shrugged, a goofy smile on his lips. “You snooze, you lose.”
His friend Chanyeol came over, his yellow scarf wrapped tightly around his neck. “Aw, just give her the candy, Baek. She’s a third year.”
“Excuse me, but what is that supposed to mean?” you interrupted. “I don’t need to be babied because you’re older than me.”
Chanyeol raised his hands in defense. “Hey, I’m just trying to be nice here. Plus, Baekhyun’s had enough of these for a lifetime.” Baekhyun’s other friend Jongdae, another Gryffindor, just watched the whole exchange with arms crossed, watching you and Baekhyun curiously.
Noticing the chorus of raised voices, Kyungsoo and Jongin came over to your defense. Once you bitterly explained what had happened to them, Jongin simply shrugged. “Why can’t you guys just share it?”
Darned Ravenclaws and their logic. You and Baekhyun both grimaced at the same time. Chanyeol was about to try again to convince Baekhyun to give up when Kyungsoo spoke.
“Who cares Y/N, just let him have it. I’ll bake those strawberry thumbprint cookies again if you want a sweet treat.”
“Really?” Your face lit up as you clutched to Kyungsoo’s arm, bouncing up and down with glee.
Baekhyun’s expression soured and he walked away, Chanyeol and Jongdae watching him in confusion before trailing after.
Since then, Baekhyun had gone out of his way to annoy you, whether it be by popping up out of nowhere during your study sessions in the library, to calling out to you from across entire rooms, even hallways.
You couldn’t even begin to try and understand where all of this behavior was coming from, but you tried to take it all in stride. Besides, you only had another year left after this one, and then Baekhyun would graduate and take all of his excessive energy somewhere else.
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“You’re staring at him again.”
Flinching, you immediately focused on the book in front of you, turning the page quickly.
Minseok laughed from across the table, the sound hushed seeing as both of you are currently in the library.
“Stop, you’re going to make him look over here,” you hissed.
“Like you weren’t doing that anyways, staring holes through his back? Just confess to him already.”
You shook your head insistently, still looking down at your book as you pretend to read. “I can’t.”
“Can’t, or won’t?”
“Minseok, you’re supposed to be tutoring me, not playing matchmaker.”
“Who’s playing matchmaker?” a new voice spoke up.
Groaning, you let your head hit the table as Baekhyun took the chair beside you. “What? Is it something I said?” he joked.
“Y/N has a crush on the Head Boy,” Minseok whispered with a chuckle. Just as you were about to kick him in the shin, he moved his legs out of the way. “Nice try,” he teased.
“Head Boy? You mean...” Baekhyun stared across the room at the figure sitting alone, hunched over a large book and quill moving quickly over parchment.
“Yep, Kim Junmyeon,” Minseok filled in. “It does help that they’re in the same house together — Y/N gets more time to stare at him from afar, you lovesick dope.”
Baekhyun turned to look at you. “You’re not in love with Kyungsoo?”
This had you peering up at him, forehead red from where you had been lying facedown on the table. “Kyungsoo? No.”
“But... you guys are always together!” Baekhyun sputtered out.
“He’s my best friend. And anyways, I don’t see how this is any of your business.” 
Baekhyun pouted, but before he had the chance to speak, Junmyeon stood from his seat and gathered up his materials. The only way out of this part of the library was past your table, and your face was already heating up.
“Hi, Minseok!” Junmyeon chirped as he stopped by your table. “You ready for the Quidditch game this weekend?”
“You bet. Ready to lose?” Even if Minseok was a Ravenclaw, he had the competitiveness of a Gryffindor.
Junmyeon laughed softly, the sound so sweet and gentle to your ear. “I hope you mean you’re talking about yourself.” He caught sight of you and grinned. “Hi, Y/N. See you in the common room later.”
You nodded, throat suddenly much too dry. Junmyeon waved to Baekhyun before leaving, a slight bounce to his step.
“You like Kim Junmyeon? Head Boy, Seeker for the Slytherin Quidditch team? Fuck,” Baekhyun mumbled.
Glaring at him, you punched him lightly in the shoulder. “Language. You should be lucky I’m not taking points off for that.”
Ignoring this, Baekhyun leaned back in his seat, letting out a long whistle. “God, Kim Junmyeon. How does anyone beat that?”
“Beat what?”
Baekhyun jumped in his seat, as if he forgot you were even there, nevertheless that he was in a public library. “Nothing.” He got up, chair screeching behind him as he stood. “See you guys later.”
You and Minseok watched as he left, you with a puzzled expression and Minseok with a knowing smirk. “What was that all about?”
Minseok shrugged, reaching out for a new roll of parchment. “Nothing like a competition to get a Gryffindor all riled up.”
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The hallways were empty, typical of a Saturday afternoon. Most students were out and taking advantage of their weekend. Unfortunately, you and Kyungsoo were both tasked with prefect duties.
You strolled down one of the second floor hallways, steps slow and steady. Humming mindlessly to yourself, you were about to head down a different path when you hear a quiet murmuring from behind. Spinning around quickly, you were met with nothing — no people, not even the echoes of footsteps. Taking out your wand, you ventured carefully back down the hall, eyes flitting from door to door.
The noise grew louder as you near the abandoned girls’ restroom, and you started to calm down. Moaning Myrtle was the only one, well only ghost, known to inhabit that place. Only a few students have been known to visit her, while the rest were wary of her prickly attitude. You were about to turn away when you heard it — a boy’s voice.
In a flash, you opened the door, wand drawn as you ran inside. “Who’s there?”
Myrtle came floating out from a half-hidden row of stalls, a glare on her face until she saw who it was. However, her glare changed to a more predatory smile, her glasses glinting suspiciously as she giggles. “Oh, is this the girl you were talking about?”
What? Before you could question her, Baekhyun peeked out from behind a corner, his face visible through Myrtle’s translucent form. His eyes widened as soon as he caught sight of you, his mouth falling open. “Y/N!”
“Baekhyun?” You lowered your wand, tucking it back into your robes as you stared at him with raised eyebrows. “What are you doing here in the girls’ bathroom?”
“Oh. I, uh... I was talking to Myrtle.” Baekhyun rubbed at the back of his neck, sending you an awkward smile.
“And wouldn’t you like to know the things we were talking about?” Myrtle cooed as she flew closer, stopping right in front of her face.
“Actually, I wouldn’t.” You peered around her to look at Baekhyun. “Listen, I get that this is an abandoned bathroom, but you still shouldn’t be in here.”
“But how else is he supposed to talk to me?” Myrtle cried, zooming back over to Baekhyun’s side and leaning her head on his shoulder. “Kyoongie’s the only one who understands me nowadays.”
You stifled a laugh. “Kyoongie?”
Baekhyun was as still as a sculpture, eyes looking not at you, but over your shoulder. “Myrtle, please,” he said defeatedly.
With a sigh, the ghost detached herself from him and flew towards one of the stalls, disappearing down the toilet while you watched in a mixture of horror and disgust.
“Where’d she go?” you asked Baekhyun.
“Prefect’s bathroom.”
You groaned at that — who knew how often Myrtle’s been in there while you bathe. “That’s honestly pretty creepy.”
To your surprise, Baekhyun laughed. “I know. I’ve been trying to get her to stop, but she’s obsessed with — ” His voice cut off as he glared into nothing.
“With what?” you pressed on, too curious for your own good.
“Kim Junmyeon.” Baekhyun spat this out bitterly, like it even pained him to say the name.
Your face flushed, both at the mention of your crush and the fact that Myrtle has been peeking in on him. “Oh.”
“What does everyone see in him anyways?”
“Well, he’s sweet. And smart, well-mannered, athletic, and handsome,” you listed, voice trailing off when you noticed Baekhyun pretending to barf. “Hey, you asked.”
“I didn’t think you would be that honest. Okay then, how would you describe me?”
“You? Noisy, annoying, childish — ”
“Okay, okay, I get it. You hate me.”
You were at a loss for words, something that doesn’t happen often. “No, I don’t,” you began carefully. “I just... we don’t get along. We’re too different.”
Baekhyun stared at you, eyes half-hidden behind his bangs as he thinks. “But what if we’re not?” He pressed on, sensing your hesitation. “What if we’re more similar than we think, but we just never got a chance to find out?”
“What are you saying, Baekhyun?”
“I want us to be friends.” Baekhyun took a step closer, hand outstretched. “I mean, half of the people we know are friends already. And I swear, I’m not this annoying all the time.
You eyed his hand warily, weighing the pros and cons. As much as you hate to admit it, he was right — both of you started off on the wrong foot and never gave each other the chance to start over. “Okay.” You shook his hand firmly, not missing how his smile grew even wider.
Baekhyun shook your hand back excitedly, looking happier than you think you’ve ever seen him.
“So... does this mean I get to call you Kyoongie now too?”
He dropped your hand instantly, jumping into a rant about how you couldn’t keep making fun of him this way now that you were friends. While this would have been deathly annoying before, now you were more amused than irritated.
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Despite your tumultuous rivalry with Baekhyun, being friends with him was something that came easily to you. Bumping into him in the hallways was much calmer than before, playful words exchanged instead of cold retorts — although you still had to remind him to stop running everywhere. Baekhyun even sat down with you for dinner in the Great Hall the other day, much to the surprise of Kyungsoo and Yixing, your usual tablemates. He’s also been tutoring you in Muggle Studies, taking over Minseok’s role.
“Why not learn from an actual Muggle?” he joked to you when he came to you with the offer.
“First of all, you’re not a Muggle — you’re Muggle-born. Secondly, your study habits worry me.”
“Come on, I know this stuff like the back of my hand.” When Baekhyun stared at you like that, puppy eyes and all, it made it hard for you to say no.
“Fine. But if I keep failing, I’m going back to Minseok.”
But true to his word, Baekhyun actually did know what he was talking about. Even your professor was impressed to see how much you had improved over the course of a few weeks.
These frequent study sessions meant that now it was you and Baekhyun sharing a table in the library until late at night, the candlelight flickering off of the walls and bringing more color to Baekhyun’s skin. As the two of you sat side by side, you couldn’t help but notice how Baekhyun’s nose scrunched up every time he laughed, how he found joy in every little thing. The two of you became each other’s closest confidantes, opening up to each other over the smell of parchment and burning wax.
Tonight was no different, both of you straying off topic and talking about how Myrtle continued to blatantly flirt with Baekhyun’s during his visits.
“She clearly likes you. Why did you start going to see her?” you asked.
Baekhyun’s hand stilled, quill in his hand coming to a halt. “I found her during my first year. I was lonely, and I didn’t have any close friends at the time. I mean, I had friends that I talked to, but none that I felt like I could talk to seriously. You know, like this.” He gestures between the two of you, a warm smile on his face. “I was just looking for somewhere to be by myself, and I heard that the girls’ bathroom on the second floor was empty. Myrtle scared the shit out of me when I saw her, but I realized how lonely she was too. We both needed someone to talk to. So I started going to visit her every so often, and well, here we are now.”
A comfortable silence fell over both of you as you turned back to your studies. Baekhyun watched fondly as you finished journaling last week’s moon phases for Astronomy.
“What made you start liking Junmyeon?” he asked all of a sudden.
You paused, a bit stumped by the question. “I don’t know. I’ve just always thought he was cute. He’s confident, and he knows what he wants from life. I admire that.”
Baekhyun was eerily silent, so much so that you looked over to make sure he was still awake. He met your eye with a strained smile. “You know, it’s not very Slytherin-like of you not to confess to him,” he teased lightly.
Scoffing, you ticked the tip of his nose with your quill. “That’s such a Gryffindor thing to say. I haven’t confessed yet because I’m waiting for the right time. I’m not playing it safe, I’m playing it smart. I’ll know when it’s the right time.”
“If you don’t act soon, someone else will snatch him up before you.”
“Why are you so concerned about my love life?” you countered.
“Because you’re head over heels for a guy that doesn’t even know you! Honestly, Y/N, when have you guys ever had a real, long conversation?”
“A conversation doesn’t have to be long to be real.”
Baekhyun eyed you skeptically. “I’m serious. You just like him because of who he is.”
“So are you calling me superficial? Fine, what if I am? This still doesn’t have anything to do with you.”
“It has everything to do with me!”
A stern hush broke up your argument, both of you turning around to see the librarian glaring in your direction.
Rolling your eyes, you threw all of your belongings into your bag and walked away before Baekhyun could say anything.
The castle was quiet tonight as your footsteps boomed down the stone corridor. It wasn’t often that you got this angry, but Baekhyun was always able to bring out a side of you that you hadn’t even been aware of.
A hand latched onto your shoulder, spinning you around. Already suspecting who it was, you shoved Baekhyun away from you with one hand. “Leave me alone, Baekhyun.”
“Y/N, please let me explain.”
“Explain what? That after everything you’ve said, you still act like a complete ass to me? Why? I thought we were friends, Baekhyun.”
His eyes fluttered shut as he winced in pain, your words sharp in their truth. “You’re right, and I’m sorry. For everything, really. I just... I can’t watch you pine after Junmyeon anymore. Y/N, I like you.”
Why was it that Baekhyun was the only one with the ability to render you completely speechless?
“Y/N?” he asked, taking a step closer as he watched you worriedly. “Please, say something. Even if it’s just to tell me how much of a jerk I am, just please.”
“You... how long have you liked me for?”
Baekhyun turned red, looking much like the strawberries he loved to eat. “Uh, since that day we met in Honeydukes.”
“You mean when you stole my candies?”
“Hey, I grabbed them first! Wait, that’s not the point though.”  
“You’ve liked me for two years?” you clarified. “You’ve been teasing me for two years because you liked me?”
Baekhyun was bright red at this point. “Yes,” he mumbled meekly, unable to meet your eye.
“What are you, five? That’s such a Gryffindor thing to do!” you exclaimed.
“Yeah? Well it’s such a Slytherin thing to be so preoccupied with Junmyeon that you didn’t even notice me. Why do you think I kept teasing you? It was the only way to get you to look at me, to talk to me.”
“You couldn’t be like any other normal human being and just talk to me?”
“Chanyeol said the same thing,” Baekhyun admitted with a sheepish laugh.
“You... I don’t know what to say. You infuriate me for two years straight, and you think just confessing to me like this makes it all better?”
Baekhyun reached out to hold onto your hands, looking you straight in the eye as he spoke. “I’m sorry. Y/N, please give me the chance to make it up to you. I may be no Hufflepuff, but you know I’d do anything for you.”
What Baekhyun didn’t know was that while he spoke, you had already forgiven him. To be honest, your crush on Junmyeon had been dimming with each passing day. The more you learned about Baekhyun, the more you wanted to be around him, to be a part of the simple joy he exuded. Darn him and his sweetness.
“Good, because you owe me some candy.” You moved closer, your nose barely brushing against his. “In fact, you owe me for all of the stuff you pulled on me.”
“Name it. More candy?”
“Mm, how about a kiss?”
Baekhyun didn’t waste any time, bridging the gap and pressing his lips to yours. You hummed with delight as you kissed him back, your arms finding their way up and over his shoulders. His fingers wound through your hair, gently cradling the back of your head as you nipped gently at his lips.
He pouted when you pulled away, unwilling to let you stray too far from him.
“Come on, we’re going to get in trouble for being out late if we don’t head back to the common rooms soon.”
“You’re a Prefect, you’re practically immune to punishments,” Baekhyun mumbled against your forehead, lips soft as they brushed over your skin.
“Not true. Come on, the sooner we get to sleep the sooner you’ll see me tomorrow.”
Baekhyun perked up at this, pout wiped clean off of his face. “You’re right.” He pulled you close to him, one arm wrapped around your waist as he started to walk you to the Slytherin common room.
“Plus, you can make good on your promise and take me to Honeydukes tomorrow.”
“Ah, she agrees to date me just for the candy. Adds new meaning to the term ‘sugar daddy’, huh?”
Although you weren’t Muggle-born, you had learned enough from others to understand his joke. You pulled away, pretending to be irritated. “Good night, Baekhyun.”
“Wait! Let me walk you back! It’s not safe to walk alone at night.”
“Hogwarts is the safest place in the world,” you called over your shoulder. “And the common room is in the dungeons, you’ll have to take even longer to head back to your own room.”
Baekhyun caught up to you, his hand slipping into your own. “I love my scary girlfriend who lives in the dungeons,” he whispered jokingly into your ear.
Your laughter bounced off of the corridor walls, bringing life to the empty hallways while the majority of the castle was getting ready for bed.
Baekhyun’s teasing was no longer the bane of your existence, but something that you looked forward to everyday. After all, who was Baekhyun without his jokes and laughter. In his own boisterous, cheerful way, he had managed to change your whole perspective of him.
Who’s to say opposites don’t attract?
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A/N: this was so much fun to write! i’ve always wanted to write a harry potter au, so i’m glad that @skjdln​ sent this in!
in case you were wondering,
gryffindor: baekhyun and jongdae
hufflepuff: chanyeol (and sehun, but i didn’t get a chance to mention him)
ravenclaw: jongin and minseok
slytherin: junmyeon, kyungsoo, yixing
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wongxiexie · 5 years
Lies and truths
Pairing: Kim Jongdae (Chen) x Reader (ft. EXO members) Genre: Angst, Vampire!AU Word Count: 2.538 words Warnings: Mentions of cheating, Mentions of sexual situations Note: The photo’s from Chen’s website.
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“You’re lying.”
It’s a pleasant night, you guess, what with the stars in full view from the suite you are in, the floor-to-ceiling windows providing you the opportunity to bask in the twinkling lights of the dead stars overhead.
Crossing your leg over the other, you reach for your glass of red wine. ‘Pfft,’ you think. Well, it won’t hurt to dream, right? It won’t do anyone any harm if you pretend that the red liquid sloshing in your wineglass is anything but what it really is.
The texture is entirely different, sure, but maybe the taste is the same? You’ll never know for sure. How will you when the aged fruit juice tastes godawful? Or maybe that’s just you? You guess your other friends  won’t appreciate your drink choices too, so checkmate, but you beg to differ. After all, AB negative is the absolute best thirst quencher ever. No questions asked.
Still staring outside, you down the contents of your glass.
“You’re lying,” he repeats breathlessly, trying to convince both you and himself that what you just said isn’t true.
“My god,” you drag out. “I heard you the first time, you know. And I’m sure you heard me the first time, too, or are we playing the ‘repeat everything I say’ game?”
The chuckle you release is met with an unblinking Jongdae.
“But--,” he whispers, having a hard time speaking with a sob threatening to fight its way out of him. “You wouldn’t,” he says quietly, his voice tainted with betrayal and disbelief, but his eyes…
If you are to describe his eyes, the eyes you love so much, they shine with nothing but hurt.
You meet his stare head on.
“What do you mean I wouldn’t?” you raise a brow and smirk at him. “What? Don’t look at me like that.”
The first drop of tears escapes his eyes and his face is settled into an unbelieving frown. His lips are downturned and his breathing is getting heavier, showing clear as day how hard he’s trying to stop himself from crying.
Leaning forward, you place your elbow on the table and rest your chin on the palm of your hand. With your smirk still in place, you continue.
“Did you really think you could satisfy me? Funny story actually, it’s different with a vampire and a measly human, you know?” At that, you point a finger at him. “I always have to hold back when I’m with you, gotta be careful with your bones. After all, wouldn’t wanna leave you broken on my bed.”
You bark out a laugh, even putting a hand over your mouth to hide your chuckles.
“But with Minseok and Baekhyun, oh boy,” you let a dreamy sigh escape your lips, followed by a smile. “We often invite Chanyeol and Jongin too, whoever’s down for a good fuck. Totally different with you and your goddamn monogamy philosophy and that ‘let’s get married someday’ bullshit you always keep on spouting. Anyway, I’m done playing with you.”
The smile that’s still on your face causes Jongdae’s vision to blur from the tears and soon after, he’s sobbing openly in front of you. You stand up, turn around and take a few steps towards the door, ready to leave the room.
You perfectly know you are breaking him, the cruel remarks that come out of your mouth are so much like sharp knives on his soft skin and flesh.
His chair scrapes the floor and the next thing you know, his arms are around you. Jongdae embraces you as he rests his forehead on your back, pleading to you amidst his tears.
“I’m sorry if I’m not good enough, I’m sorry!” he sobs against your skin. “But please don’t leave me, I love you!”
Steeling yourself, you do your best to not give in.
“I don’t care if you have to be with someone else, just please, don’t leave me,” he cries harder and holds you tightly, his body radiating warmth onto your perpetually cold skin.
You grab his arms and pry them easily off of you. Turning around, you flatten a palm against his chest to stop him from getting closer to you.
When you look at him, you’re almost rendered speechless at his state. Tears are streaming endlessly down his cheeks and broken sobs keep on coming from his mouth. The tears, the sobs, the pain and the heartbreak all look out of place on his gentle features, those horrors not having any place in a soul as pure as his.
“I had fun and it was amusing at first, but now it’s gotten boring,” you tell him blankly.
The sorrow is radiating off of him and the pain is apparent on his face, and you know right then that his cries will forever haunt your immortal existence.
“I can’t-- I don’t believe you…” his eyes beg you to tell him you love him, to say that you’re just lying. “You told me you wanted the same thing,” he says through his tears.
He’s still pleading with you and you almost give in, almost hug him just to give him any semblance of comfort to the best of your unworthy and pitiable capability. You almost embrace him just like how he used to hold you, all just so you could put an end to the agony that is hurting him, but you don’t.
“Yeah, I figured this crying thing was gonna happen,” you gesture towards him as if in disgust. “You know what? I’ll let you do whatever you humans do in times like this.”
You finally turn your back to him, afraid that he might see through you. “You better be gone by the time I come back.”
The door slams shut behind you, not once turning to face him again. Jongdae is on the floor, bawling his eyes out, his hands clenched over his heart as if parting with you physically pains him.
Breathing deeply, you run as fast as your vampiric abilities allow you, escaping the sound of Jongdae sobbing and he is almost out of earshot, but not before you hear him let out a broken whisper.
“I love you, [Y/N].”
The wind is blowing but you barely feel the cold. In fact, you barely feel anything at  all.
“Why did you lie to him?” a soft voice echoes beside you.
“Hello to you too, Baek,” you say as quietly, still staring at the late night city lights from your place on the rooftop of one of the highest buildings in the area.
“Really, though, why did you tell him those things, [Y/N]?” comes Jongin’s voice from your other side. If you’re in any other situation, you would have laughed at how sad your friends seem, almost sadder than you are if that’s even possible.
A second later, you hear the familiar footsteps of your clan, the clan you’ve come to treat as brothers in the long life you’ve lived with them.
You feel Junmyeon’s comforting hand on your shoulder, squeezing lightly in his attempt to alleviate the pain they are sensing from you.
“I made a mistake,” you whisper to the wind. “I made a mistake when I tried to live a normal life. I was wrong…” looking up at the skies, you gulp harshly.
“I was selfish when I pretended to be a human just for the heck of it. I thought it was going to be fun… and temporary,” you look down at your hands only to find them shaking.
“But Jongdae,” you smile painfully. “Jongdae made me feel alive,” your voice breaks and the sobs and tears you’ve been holding back are released.
Minseok immediately engulfs you in his arms and rubs circles on your back. You bury your face on his shoulders and don’t even try to stop the tears from flowing.
“I thought he would get tired of me, Minseok,” you cry, “I thought humans were shallow-- that it would just be fun and games. I didn’t know it was going to be like this.”
“So why did you leave him?” Kyungsoo voices out softly. “Why did you choose to break him like that?”
You breathe deeply. “You know, Jongdae begged me not to leave him. He said he was sorry for not being enough for me.”
A sad and bitter smile forms on your lips. “He said that, but the truth is that I’m the one who’s not enough for him. I won’t be able to give him what he really wants.”
Gripping Minseok’s shirt, you let out the realities you’ve been trying to fool yourself into ignoring.
“The truth is that I’m not worthy of him. I can never make him happy and I had to hurt him so he wouldn’t hold on to me.”
Biting your lip, you let the tears cascade down your face. “I had to hurt him if so he could have a normal future…”
“Even if it means he would hate me.”
It had only been a year after you’ve been together, but you were fairly certain that you were already in love with him. You were sure the same goes with him, too, for you could sense it, but even without your abilities, Jongdae never once failed to make it known to you that you were important to him.
The two of you knew everything about each other, your likes, dislikes, preferences whatsoever, dreams and aspirations. Name it and you knew it. There’s just one teeny tiny bit of information that you “forgot” to tell him, nothing important really, just that… you were a vampire.
Alright, maybe it wasn’t as insignificant as you would have liked to believe, but even with all the negative possibilities hanging over your head, somehow you knew that Jongdae would accept you wholeheartedly.
With all your unbeating and useless heart, you knew that Jongdae would love you all the same, maybe even more because as he always said, “I love you even more and more with every new little thing I get to know about you.”
You could imagine it already, the two of you spending eternity together. You were positive he would say yes if you asked him to be like you. He didn’t have any family left and you can just alter the memories of his friends, it would all be so easy.
And he would survive the transformation process, no doubt about it. Your connection was so strong that you could almost feel the threads of it engulfing your entirety. He would pull through because he was strong.
As you lay there quietly in his arms, the two of you just contently basking in each other’s presence, you become giddy at the prospect of telling him. You absentmindedly chuckle at yourself -- a vampire, giddy? Funny, but it was true.
You laughed when you both spoke at the same time. Jongdae chuckled at you, finding your laugh adorable. “Okay, you go first, my thoughts can wait,” he gave you a tender smile when he spoke, looking into your eyes with so much love.
“No, you go first,” you said coyly. “Mine’s a big reveal so I should go last.”
Jongdae couldn’t resist so he placed a full kiss on your lips. When he leaned back, he gazed at you lovingly and told you what probably was his biggest wish ever.
“I know it’s only been a year and I don’t mean to freak you out or anything, but I just wanted to say I love you.”
You swore you almost felt warmth spread inside your chest at his admission, but before you could reply, he continued speaking.
“Maybe it’s too soon, but I just know that I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to marry you someday, [Y/N]. Maybe we can buy a house near the sea, or maybe one with a garden, or somewhere in the city if that’s more your style. I want to grow old with you, [Y/N]. I just want to be with you…”
You smiled at him.
“...with you and our kids,” he said as he sighed happily. “I could already imagine having a little you, or maybe two or three. I want to create a life with you because that’s how much I love you. I know I’ve never really known my family so I don’t really know how to be a father, but I do want to have a family of my own, of ours. I’m willing to try with you. I promise I would do my very best to raise our children. I would do my best to love them and not let them go through what I had to.”
He suddenly covered his face with his hands, embarrassed of his sappy thoughts. He chuckled and closed his eyes, still shy about what he said, which was why he failed to notice the shocked state you were in.
If you had a beating heart then it would have absolutely stopped the moment he uttered those words.
All your years, decades and centuries of being a vampire, never once did you find any flaw about yourself or your kind. In fact, you loved it and you found it very advantageous especially when compared to the vulnerable humans around you.
But that… 
His dream to have a family of his own...
It was one thing that you would never be able to give him for vampires do not and cannot bear children.
You forced yourself to let out a believable chuckle. He turned to you with his eyes still holding that tenderness that could melt you.
He hugged you closer to him on the bed and placed his hand on your stomach. “I can’t wait to start a family with you.”
The smile he gave you was so radiant, so blinding and so full of love.
“But enough about me. What did you want to tell me, angel?” he said, still with that ever present smile.
You almost stuttered but you caught yourself just in time. “I was going to say the same thing!”
You almost cringed at how forced it sounded, but Jongdae didn’t notice because of the happiness that spread through his body from your words. You embraced him so you could hide your face from him, choosing to cling closer to his body to get the comfort you wanted.
Placing a kiss on the top of your head, Jongdae whispered his feelings to you.
“I love you so much, [Y/N].”
You exhaled and let out a sad smile, still hidden from his warm eyes. “I love you, Dae.”
He was on cloud nine, but that day was the day when you realized the harsh reality surrounding the two of you.
Vampires and humans may coexist, but they do not mix.
The truth was that you and Jongdae could never be together and you would let him go if it meant he could live a normal and happy life where he could have the world because you believed he deserved everything. He deserved to live out his dreams…
Even if the only possible reality of those dreams did not have you in it.
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pcygoldenchild · 6 years
𝑅𝐸𝒟 𝒮𝐼𝑅𝐸𝒩 𝒫𝒶𝓇𝓉 8.5
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🚨summary: You’re a dangerous woman in the mafia who gets a rather interesting relationship with 9 equally dangerous men who fall to your feet willing to please you.
🚨warnings: NSFW, violence, anal, cunnilingus/ fellatio, dirty talk, BDSM, sexual intercouse, gang bang, masturbation...(does not pertain to all parts)
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𝒯𝒽𝓊𝓇𝓈𝒹𝒶𝓎 𝒜𝒻𝓉𝑒𝓇𝓃𝑜𝑜𝓃 2𝓅𝓂
You felt the bed dip on both sides of you but heard absolute silence. You were laying on your stomach, face in the pillow and under a thin sheet. You tried to sit up but let out a groan and flopped back down. You settled on turning over and were met with the eyes of 9 men around you. You closed your eyes and let out a deep breath before sitting up on your elbows looking at all of them with an annoyed expression.
“What do you all want?” you groan. You really didn’t want to talk to them right now and hoped they would let you sleep your anger and pain off. But you just weren’t lucky enough.
“We just wanted to check on you. It’s 2pm and you haven’t eaten or gotten out of bed.” Junmyeon said. Now that you look at them they were all really anxious and jittery. Exactly how they should be.
“I don’t need your check ups. I’m a grown woman. Or maybe you forget that.” you bite back. The events of last night were playing in your head over and over again and you didn’t know how to feel about it. It was your fault you got punished but you were strong willed.
“Baby-,” Minseok starts but is cut off by your hand. You sit up wincing at the pain in your ass and thighs. Chanyeol and Baekhyun who were on either side of you tried to help but you just swatted their hands away.
“I don’t want to hear it right now. You all can just leave me be.” you sigh out starting to get a headache. You hadn’t had time to think this all through yet and they were only making it worse for themselves.
“W-we can cook you s-something and get you some pain medicine. It’s r-really the least we c-can do.” Sehun stutters out. If you weren’t so angry you’d find his puppy eyes and pouting lips adorable. But right now wasn’t the time to coo at the maknae.
“I can do it myself. Now can you all leave? I won’t ask again.” you demand. They all just look at you and you could just see thier hearts breaking at your coldness. But you didn’t care right now. They should pay for what they made you feel. What did you feel? Why were you angry?
They accepted your wishes and left your room. You flopped back down and laid there for another hour just clearing your mind before your empty stomach and pounding headache nearly killed you. You got up wincing with every movement and stopped infront of the mirror. You looked fairly good except your face was all puffy and lips dry. You turned around and were greeted by a bruised ass. For fucks sake. What the hell Kyungsoo?
You put on a hoodie that was left on your vanity chair; probably Chanyeol’s or Jongdae’s you didn’t really care. You walked down the stairs and of course they were all sitting in the kitchen. On the counter were a bottle of pain killers, orange juice and water. You walked past them all and took the pills downing the water. Boy, were you thirsty. They were all watching you and you didn’t like it. You rolled your eyes before turning to start on something to eat.
“I actually made you all your favorite foods already. I thought you could use it.” Kyungsoo said rubbing his neck. He thought you could use it? No shit sherlock. Your ass has his stupid bruises all over it. You just cross your arms and wait for him to get your food. Sure you were mad but this was Kyungsoo. No one cooks like Kyungsoo and there was no amount of mad you could be to turn that down. He rushes to set up your late lunch and shoos Yixing out of a seat at the kitchen island. You go to sit down and start eating. You could feel them all staring at you and it was driving you crazy.
“Could you all stop staring like you care or something? It’s really annoying.” you say dropping your fork onto the plate.
“We do care baby. Why would you say that?” Chanyeol asks. They way they all looked so broken was making it really hard for you to keep up this angry demeanor. You we’re more confused than angry anyway.
“You don’t care. You couldn’t possibly care. You all punished me for something I didn’t sign up for in the first place. And now you want me to believe you all feel sorry? Please save the dramatics for someone else.” you snap out. You were actually angry about that. But if you were being honest, that was it. It’s not like you didn’t enjoy majority of your punishment. You were just never treated like that before. You didn’t know how to feel being so vulnerable infront of them.
“You didn’t listen to us. What did you expect would happen? You toyed with us and you knew what the consequences were. Don’t try to make this all our fault. We did what we had to.” Jongin snapped back standing up. He was right. But you were too damn stubborn to admit that.
“Fuck you.” you say as you get up and start to leave.
“You didn’t finish your food.” Baekhyun calls out to you. You turn around slowly and stare at him.
“Does it look like I’m hungry right now Baek?” you calmly say between your teeth.
“Enough is enough Y/N!” Junmyeon snaps slamming his hands into the marble counter making you jump. They’ve never used your real name before. Ever. He got up and dragged you all the way to your room. The others followed on your heels. He sat you between his legs on your bed facing the rest of the guys.
“Look at us. Do you seriously think we don’t feel bad for what happened? Regardless of if you wanted the rule to happen, we decided it would. And you are the submissive if you didn’t notice. So you listen to us. And what did you do? You blatantly disobeyed us and our wishes. You know what disobedient little girls get? They get punished. You got punished. And do you know why you’re so angry with us? It’s because this is the first time you’ve been in this position. But you know what? This is the first for us too. This is the first we had to punish someone we actually hated seeing so broken. But we’re not being dicks to you and telling you to fuck off. Because we love you and know that won’t do anything but make things worst.” he said holding your waist. You were on the verge of tears.
Your head was down and your hair covered your face, thankfully. You knew he was right. Every single thing he said was right. You were a stubborn brat and you really didn’t deserve them. You let out a small sniffle hoping they wouldn’t hear or notice your small body slightly curling into itself. Minseok came up to you and lifted your face to look at him. He wiped the small tears just descending from your eyes with his thumb, gently caressing your cheek.
“Don’t cry. We’re trying to make this better. We don’t like seeing you like this. We don’t like seeing you mad at us or sad. But you are quite stubborn and being stern with you is the only way to calm you down.” he said. You look into his beautiful eyes and can’t help but let more tears fall. You push away from them and run to your bathroom locking yourself in.
“Baby? Unlock the door. Come out and talk to us. Please?” Baekhyun knocks on the door. You didn’t want them to see you like this. You were confusing yourself. You knew you were only acting this way because you were falling for them so much. You couldn’t be mad at them. You couldn’t be anything but madly in love with them and that’s what scared you.
“Just...just go please.” you try to let out over your silent sobs but it comes out so small. You turn to go sit on the stool near your bathtub and trip on the shelf next to the door. There is a loud bang and you let out a groan of obvious pain. You look down and see a large cut on your thigh making you cry more. Your emotions were all over the place and everything was just building up. Not even a minute later the door opens and they all rush in to see you sitting on the floor holding your bloody thigh.
“What did you do?” Kyungsoo said rushing towards you. Yixing goes to get the first aid kit under your sink and comes to take your thigh. You look away from them, too ashamed and embarrassed.
“Baby what happened?” Yixing asks inspecting your cut. You don’t answer trying to collect yourself so you won’t cry anymore. Chanyeol comes and sits down to hold you while wiping your tears, putting your head in his chest.
“I tripped.” you whisper making Chanyeol lightly laugh. How embarrassing.
“You lock yourself in here to run away from us and instantly trip so bad you make your thigh bleed. What are we going to do with you?” he says making the others laugh to lighten the mood. You wrap your arms around him and hug him tightly.
“Love me.” is all you said. He kissed the top of your head and pulled your face to look at him. Your face fit so small in his big hands.
“We already do. Always will.” he whispered before kissing you. You pulled away to look at the others who had nothing but love in their eyes. You were still super embarrassed and couldn’t look at them for long so you decided to look at your thigh being treated. Yixing was already wrapping it up by the time you looked down.
“You’re under strict surveillance from now on young lady.” he says kissing your head. Jongin comes and picks you up to carry you all the way down stairs. He kept kissing your head and saying sorry for snapping at you earlier. But you didn’t want him apologizing, you didn’t want to see his pouty lips be because of you.
Once you were seated on the couch snug between Sehun and Jongdae, everyone seemed to pay attention to you. Kyungsoo brought you more food and basically sat infront of you and fed you. Sehun snuggled into your side, your big baby. Jongin played in your hair. You started a conversation about what it’s like to be you. What it’s like to be in the mafia and never really have a family. But somehow you were all content with the family that you all were in. It was strange yes, but it was perfect. You fell alsleep as they were still talking but before you drifted off completely into Jongin’s side, you listened.
“I think she’s asleep.” Baekhyun whispers.
“I don’t think she’ll ever really know what she means to us.” you heard Jongdae whisper.
“She will if we show her. If we continue to show her, she will never doubt it.” Junmyeon said.
“I’d spend every second of everyday showing her.” Chanyeol said. They all took a deep breath and like that you were fast asleep.
(I said this wouldn’t be so fluffy but as I kept writing it just took a massive turn. This is just basically a bonus chapter hahaha.
xoxo golden 🕊)
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i-see-thevision · 6 years
Better Than Him (M)
Pairing: Baekhyun x Reader
Genre: Angst/Smut/(Fluff at the end if you squint); College au
Word Count: 4.3k
Summary: The unworthy douchebag you call a boyfriend is not good for you. Baekhyun know’s that. And he’s reminded of that every time you run to him with a broken heart. Baekhyun just wishes you’d see that he’s better than him.
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Warnings: 18+ // Explicit Sex
“You need to leave him.” 
It felt like you heard this a thousand times. In fact, you probably had. You’ve heard it from a lot of people, but mostly from Baekhyun.
“Mark’s not good for you, y/n. You have to be able to see that by now.”
You and Baekhyun have been best friends for most of your lives. And that means he's been around for the train wreck of a relationship you've had for the past year and a half. It was constantly on and off. And it more often than not ended with you running into Baekhyun’s arms, crying your eyes out. 
“I just don't understand what you see in him.”
What you didn't know, however, was how much this affected Baekhyun. It kills him to see you so broken, to see you at your lowest. It kills him to see this Mark guy mistreat you. It kills him to have to wipe your tears and tell you that everything is okay. It kills him to see you with Mark again.
It kills him because, he loves you.
Baekhyun has always liked you more than a friend. But he’s been in love with you for almost a year now. Though, he’s never confessed because of your relationship with Mark. But all he wants is for you to finally see that he’s always been here for you and that he’s so much better than Mark. He knows you better, treats you better, and he’s positive he can love you better.
“It’s complicated, Baek.” You sighed, flipping through your text book to find the right page. 
You were currently sat on the floor in his dorm room, studying for an exam. While he laid on his bed, staring at the ceiling.
“But it doesn't have to be. Just tell him it’s over.” Baekhyun retorts, exasperation dripping from his voice his voice.
You sighed and flipped another page. You couldn't bring yourself to respond because well... you couldn't disagree with him. 
You were well aware that he was right. That the relationship between you and Mark was indeed toxic. And you agreed that you would be better off ending it. 
But you just couldn't.
Because there were good moments between you and Mark. There were great moments, in fact. Times where he made you laugh until your stomach hurt, times where he kissed the hell out of you in his apartment in the city, times he made you feel so special in bed. Yeah, he was a little older than you. But that didn't matter to you, or him for that matter. 
But the more you thought about the good things, the more you were reminded of the bad ones. 
Unfortunately you had to admit to yourself that the bad times out weighed the good, in this case. Mark was... Well... A bit of a player, to say the least.
You have caught him with multiple girls before... And each time it crushes you. So you usually end up going to Baekhyun’s place and crying about how much you hate Mark and never want to see him again. But then Mark will call you up or text you or straight up find you in person and tell you how sorry he is. And every time, you fall right back into his arms to relive the process all over again.
And you realize it’s horrible, you know this is unhealthy. But you just can't bring yourself to end it, to say no to him. Because you enjoy being in a relationship. And to be honest, you're afraid of not finding someone else if you left him. 
So you stay... Even when you know it’s slowing killing you.
“Look y/n, I’m just trying to look out for your best interest. You know that right?” Baekhyun says, leaning down to look at where you're studying. 
Well, trying to study that is...
You nod in agreement, briefly glancing up at him. You knew he was right. 
Baekhyun was always right.
“I can’t believe she gave me an A-?! Like, who does she think she is? I am the smartest fucking person in that class!” You’re friend and roommate, Rin yells before wincing, “No offense.” She then adds.
You just laughed at your friends reaction to receiving her latest assignment grade. She most definitely was the top of the class, there was no doubt about that. And an A- was not bad. Like... at all. But if it’s not an A or higher, Rin is bound to have a melt down.
“None taken, Rin. I’m loving the confidence.” You chuckle, your eyes searching the library for your best friend. Rin seemed to notice where your attention was.
“Looking for Baekhyun?” She says, pointing in the direction of where he was sitting with some of his friends. Your eyes then landed on him, a smile involuntarily forming of your face.
“Yes, thank you. Love you Rin!” You yell before walking over to Baekhyun. She just smiled and lightly shook her head.
He noticed you and smiled, standing up from his seated position. 
“Hey, how’d you do?” Baekhyun asked, pulling you into a quick hug, a normal greeting for you two. You looked at him a bit confused but still greeted the rest of his friends, who you would say are your friends too actually. There seated was Chanyeol, Sehun and Jongin.
“How’d I do on what?” You asked him, not sure what he was referring to.
“Mrs. Lin’s assignment.” He clarified, leading you to sit next to him. You ended up facing him with your legs on his lap. Again, normal behavior for you two.
“Ohh, that. Yeah I did fine. Rin got an A- though and she’s flipping out about it.” You laughed, directing the latter part more towards Sehun. Rin was Sehun’s girlfriend.
“Awesome. I love taming the flames of a furious Rin.” He chuckles sarcastically. You all laughed, knowing that Sehun loves Rin and is most definitely the only one who can ‘tame her.’ She’s a fire cracker that one.
While the others drew back into conversation, Baekhyun leaned into your ear. “What are you doing after classes?” He whispered.
“I’m not sure, I think Mark said something about wanting me to come over.” You admitted absentmindedly. However the expression on Baekhyun’s face grew stern, laced with concern. 
“I know, I know. But I swear this is the last chance I'm giving him, okay?” You try to reassure him.
“Y/n...” He sighed, closing his eyes in disappointment.
“Baekhyunnn.” You mimicked, exaggeratedly.
“Y/n I don't want to have to be that friend but, I really don't think this is a good idea.” He admits, resting a hand on your thigh. You were surprised by the sensation that seemed to jolt through you at the feeling of his hand on your thigh. Your gaze lingered at where his hand rested on your skin, trying to figure out why you suddenly felt like this. Why you suddenly felt... attra- no.
No y/n that’s not possible, get a grip.
“Hey, you okay?” Your gaze shifted back to your best friend at his voice. Yes, your best friend... Because that’s what he is. Your best friend... 
“Y/n?” He pulled you from your thoughts, successfully this time.
“Hm? Oh, yes. Yeah. I’m fine.” You shook your head lightly, laughing what seemed to be a nervous laugh. He could tell. You needed to leave. 
But Baekhyun persisted.
“You sure? Because if I upset you, i’m sorry but I just really don't think-”
“No, you didn't. Don't worry, I’m fine.” You cut him off with the wave of your hand before standing up. “I should probably get going. Class is starting soon!” You were caught off guard again by the feeling of longing when his touch left you.
What is happening to me?
‘Y/n...” He called out but you already started walking.
“I’ll talk to you later, Baek!” You yelled before making your way to your next class.
What the hell was that? 
You shook your head of the thought and weird feeling before they could advance any further. You were going to Mark’s tonight, your boyfriend Mark. Your boyfriend who arguably causes you a lot of heartache, but he’s still your boyfriend right now. And you can not be having thoughts like this toward Baekhyun, your best friend Baekhyun.
That can't happen.
“Y/N!” The sound of your roommate’s voice yelling behind you stopped you from opening the door. 
“Yeah Rin?” You yelled back. By the sound of it, you would say she’s in her room.
“Are you going to Mark’s?” She asked, her voice getting closer.
“Um... Yeah?” You decided to just be honest with her, even though you had a good idea of what she was going to say.
“Are you sure you should?” She asks, now leaning on the wall in front of you.
“Rin, you're becoming a Baekhyun 2.0...″ You groan, as if she was your mother scolding you.
“No, no, I’m not. I’m just saying. As your friend, I love you and... ithinkyouandbaekhyunwouldbewaybettertogether.” She mumbles out really fast, almost inaudible. 
“Wait, wait wait wait. Did you just- me and Baekhyun? Together? Like as a couple?” You staggered, tripping over your own thoughts. 
“I see the way you look at him y/n. And I see the way he looks at you.” Rin states, giving you a look you couldn't quite read.
It took you a couple moments to respond, your emotions being weird. You thought back to the way his hand on your thigh earlier made you feel. How you looked at him just a little differently in that moment. 
Maybe you did feel something more than friendship for Baekhyun. Maybe you even- 
“I have to go.” You cut off your own thoughts. “I really appreciate your concern, and I promise to take them into consideration. But for now, I really just have to go.” You finished, opening the door and closing it behind you.
There is no way Baekhyun likes you like that.
You exhaled a breath you didn't know you were holding and slid your bag further up your shoulder. You walked over to your car and got in, throwing your bag over to the passenger seat.
You put both hands on the wheel and leaned your head back on the head rest, closing your eyes and taking a long deep breath in and out.
Wtf Baekhyun. What are you doing to me? 
You then started the car and began driving to Mark’s.
When you got out of your car and started walking up his front steps, you almost forgot your bag. With an exaggerated sigh, you turned around and got your bag out of the passenger side. There were so many thoughts running through your head, you just couldn't focus. You felt stressed. Actually, overwhelmed might be a better way of putting it. 
But now you were going to see your boyfriend and everything would be fine.
You walked up to his front door and knocked. No matter how hard you tried, you couldn't stop thinking about what Rin said. 
‘and I see the way he looks at you.’
It ran through your head again and again. Could that really be possible? That Baekhyun saw you as more than just his best friend? That maybe... without realizing it... you saw him in the same light? 
You shook you head, bringing your hands up to rub your temples. All this wondering was giving you a headache.
What is taking him so long?
You knocked a second time, a sigh escaping your lips. 
What if, what if, what if. That’s all you could think right now. But all you wanted to do was stop thinking. 
Why does this have to be so complicated? That question brought you back to what Baekhyun had said the other day.
‘But it doesn't have to be. Just tell him it’s over.’
Just tell him it’s over. Just tell him- 
No. You’re out of your mind right now. What are you even thinking?
You groan again. Wondering what the hell he was doing to take this fucking long. You bent down and pulled out his spare key from under his welcome mat.
 “What a cliche.” You say to yourself, putting the key in the door and turning it to unlock the door. You pushed it open and walked inside but what you saw when you walked in stopped you dead in your tracks.
There was Mark... fucking some girl into his couch. 
Baekhyun was right.
“What. The FUCK MARK?” You screamed, stopping his clear goal of making the girl underneath him scream.
“Y/n?” He says, the girl scrambling into a seated position, pulling the throw blanket over herself.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” You yell, tears stinging your eyes. You don't even let him respond before you're yelling again. 
“No. You know what Mark? I’m not doing this anymore. I’m done. I’m done giving you second chances. I’m done getting my heart broken. I’m done thinking you’ll change. I’m just done. We’re over Mark.” You finish and turn back to leave.
But before you walk out, you spin around again. 
“And just so you know, I never want to fucking see you again.” You say, before bringing your attention to the girl next to him. “Have fun fucking an asshole, sweetie.” 
And with that, you walked out the front door, slamming it behind you. 
You took his spare key and threw it as far as you could away from you before getting into your car and driving away. That’s when the tears started coming, full force. You’re pretty sure you ran a few stop signs because you couldn't really see. But you could care less, all you cared about was seeing one person.
Rin was right. Rin was absolutely right. And you can't believe this is what it took for you to realize it. You never even loved Mark.
You loved Baekhyun.
And you hoped to god that if Rin was right about you, that she was right about Baekhyun. Because if Baekhyun doesn't feel the same way, you are going to fall into unrepairable pieces. 
It took half the time to get back to campus than it did getting to Mark’s. And you parked your car before getting out. You tried your best to wipe your tears but it was useless. You wanted to run to Baekhyun’s dorm but you just didn't have the energy anymore. 
The air was slightly cold and you could feel it from the wetness of your cheeks. Your breathing was erratic and your heart was pounding. You were physically shaking. Now whether that was from rage or dejection, you’re unsure.
You reached the boy’s dorm and let yourself in, Baekhyun having secretly given you a key. Which was most definitely not allowed but that was between you two. 
You hesitated before knocking on his door. Not because of the fear of being loud, he had a single dorm room. So he didn't have a roommate. But because all of your doubts were finally catching up to you. 
What if he doesn't feel the same way...
You shook your head and knocked anyways. 
“Baek... It’s me.” Your voice quiet and broken. It took all of ten seconds for him to swing the door open. And his chest hurt when he saw you. So torn up and broken.
“Come here.” He said, opening his arms to you. You fell into his embrace, sobbing into his chest. He brought you further inside and closed the door. You both just stood there in the doorway, in each other’s arms.
“I’m so sorry.” You cried, you kept repeating apologies before Baekhyun stopped you.
“What are you apologizing for?” He asked, baffled as to why you were the one saying sorry in this scenario.
“I should have listened to you. You were right, Baek. You were right.” You tried to stop your crying but the tears just kept coming.
This surprised him. In all the times you and Mark took breaks, you never once said Baekhyun was right. Which lead him to his next question.
“What do you mean?” He asked, pulling back to look at you. His hands came up to cradle your face, wiping your tears with his thumbs.
“I- I caught him fucking some girl, Baek.” You tried to calm your staggered breathing. Baekhyun was infuriated by this. 
You’ve caught him kissing other girls, caught him sending and receiving pics. But never had you caught him fucking someone else. And Baekhyun knew this.
“Y/n...” Baekhyun said softy, ready to bring you back into his embrace. But you stopped him and looked up at him.
“It’s over, Baek. For good. I told him we’re done.” You say, causing Baekhyun to go quiet for a minute. 
“Really? What made you finally do it? You know, besides the fact that he’s a fucking asshole.” You laughed a little at that. And took at second to figure out how you’d phrase this.
“Well I.. I- Ugh.” You sighed, closing your eyes and taking a deep breath.
Fuck it.
“You.” You blurted out, eyes slowly opening to reveal a very shaken Baekhyun.
“What?” He blinked, not sure if he heard you correctly.
“You, Baek. I finally left him... Because of you. I don't know how I didn't see it sooner but, you have always been here for me. And my heart always beats a little faster when I’m with you.” You admitted, but continued.
“I’m in love you, Baekhyun.” You finally confess. But before you can even gauge Baekhyun’s reaction, he pushes you against the wall behind you. A small gasp leaves your lips as your body is now trapped between his arms on either side of you.
“Are you kidding me right now? Please tell me you’re serious.” He breathes, his face only inches from yours. 
“Of course I’m serious why would I-” You began to say before Baekhyun crashed his lips into yours.
Your body reacted immediately, even before your mind could. You kissed him back with fervor, but not enough to match his. Baekhyun’s hands slipped under your jumper to your waist, pinning your hips against the wall with his. He pulled away so you could breathe, and looked at you with so much emotion behind his eyes. 
“I’m so fucking in love with you.” He confessed, bringing his lips back to yours. He wasted no time in parting your lips, his tongue entering your mouth and exploring every inch of it. You couldn't help but moan into the kiss. And that sound struck a cord in Baekhyun. 
He reached down and grabbed your thighs, breaking apart from the kiss briefly to whisper “jump.” He lifted you up and you instinctively wrapped your legs around his waist. He pushed you further up against the wall while your hands slipped to lace around his neck. It didn't take long for him to pick you up off the wall, however, and walk you toward his bedroom. 
He kicked the door open with his foot, lips not once halting their assault on yours. Stepping in, he carefully laid you down, your back against his mattress. He pulled away from you to reach behind his head and take ahold of the thin material of his t-shirt, gracefully pulling the unwanted clothing over his head and   onto the floor. His hands then grasped the hem of your jumper and his eyes met yours.
“Can I?” He asked, waiting for your permission to continue. You nodded wordlessly, wanting the article of clothing off as much as him. With that, he pulled it off and threw in in the same direction as his shirt. Your jeans followed shortly after. You were now only clad in your black lace bra and matching panties.
You lifted your hips a little when he slipped his hand under your back to undo your bra. He pulled it off slowly, the straps tickling your arms as they dragged down your skin. When finally off, your bra was thrown haphazardly on the floor. 
But, Baekhyun didn't attack your skin again like you had expected him to. Instead, he placed his hands on your now bare waist and ran them up your body at an agonizingly slow pace.
“You’re so fucking beautiful.” He whispered in awe. Heat pooled to your cheeks, turning you into a blushing mess. Mark could never do that. 
“I just- fuck.” Baekhyun exhaled, bringing his lips to your chest. He kissed your skin with such precision, such care. You felt your breath catch in your throat. Nothing has ever felt this good. Nothing. 
His lips travelled down your chest, between the valley of your breasts, down your stomach. He stopped when he reached the waistband of your panties, instead dragging his tongue along them in a wicked line. Your breathing picked up, every nerve in your body burning. He looked up at you from his position and your head nodded eagerly.
He ran his hands up your thigh, to the edge of your panties, looping his fingers around the waistband. You couldn't stop the moan of Baekhyun’s name that left your lips. A smirk stretched across his face at your reaction to his touch. 
“You’re so responsive.” He whispered in awe against your skin, slowly pulling your panties down with his fingers. He guided your legs up so he could pull them all the way off, tossing them aside with the rest of your clothing. 
His head dipped down to your thighs. Kissing, nipping, biting at the sensitive skin there. You could tell he would leave marks there. But something about Baekhyun marking you like that turns you completely on. 
His lips began inching closer and closer to your core. And you shivered involuntarily at the feeling of his breath fanning on your cunt. 
“I love that you're already so wet for me.” He smirked. You released another moan, gripping the sheets tighter in an attempt to keep yourself sane. When his lips finally pressed to your clit, you gasped. And your hands flew to his hair as his tongue began to trace circles around your sensitive bud.  
“Oh my god, Baekhyun.” You exhaled breathily, grip tightening on his locks. That’s all he needed to turn things up a notch.
He brought his hands to your hips and pinned them down, beginning to suck fervently on your clit. Switching from sucking, to kitten licking, to flattening his tongue and dragging it along your folds. Your mind was spinning at a hundred miles an hour. You were in ecstasy, complete an utter ecstasy.
“You taste amazing.” Baekhyun said, pulling away and wiping his chin with the back of his hand. The sight was simply euphoric. 
“Baek, as great as that felt. And believe me, that felt fucking amazing...” Baekhyun chuckled, slowly crawling up your body to meet your face. “...But I want you inside me.” You voiced, longing evident in your gaze.
“R-really? Fuck- yes. Absolutely yes.” He molded his mouth back to yours while tugging his sweatpants down along with his briefs, his cock springing free and hitting his abdomen. Reaching over to his nightstand drawer, he pulled out a condom. Wiping it open with his teeth, he rolled it onto himself. He took a hold of his cock, stroking himself a few times before positioning himself at your entrance. 
“You ready?” He asked considerately, making you fall even harder for him. If that was even possible. You nodded mutely at first before voicing your thought.
“Please fuck me, Baekyun.” You breathed, your voice a bit strained from anticipation. 
And in one swift thrust of his hips, Baekhyun sheathed himself inside you. He stayed there, allowing both of you to adjust. 
“Shit y/n, you're so fucking tight.” Baekhyun groaned, eyes squeezing shut. Your head fell back against the mattress, your mouth agape. Baekhyun filled you perfectly and as soon as you nodded, he began moving. He started at a steady pace. But with all that foreplay beforehand, you were already so close to losing it.
“Faster, Baek.” You moaned louder. And he wasted no time in picking up the pace, pounding into at a rough, fast speed. Every grunt coming from his lips sent you into oblivion. Your breath hitched in your throat when he angled his hips to reach that perfect spot with every thrust. His fingertips dug into your hips and your legs wrapped tighter around his waist.
“Ah, right there- oh my god.” Your head fell back, and your eyes rolled to the back of your head. White spots filled your vision as your back arched and you hit your climax like it was a fucking brick wall. Baekhyun continued his rough thrusts, which became more sporadic as he reached his high as well with your walls clenching around him the way they were.
A high pitched moan left your lips as your orgasm reached it’s peak. At that moment, Baekhyun let out a deep drawn out moan into your ear. And he kept thrusting as he rode out both your high’s. 
When you both caught your breath, he pulled out of you carefully, tying the condom and throwing it in the trash. He returned with a warm washcloth, cleaning you up before crawling into bed next to you. He pulled the blankets over both of your naked bodies, wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you into him. You snuggled up to his side, resting your head on his chest. You sighed in content, never having been so happy. 
Sleep began taking over your senses as you whispered a quiet ‘goodnight.’ A smile lingering on your lips. Baekhyun kissed the top of your head before whispering softly in reply.
“Goodnight, love.”
A/N: WOW OKAY THAT JUST HAPPENED. Well, I hope you all enjoyed reading and are now wishing you could have Baekhyun fuck the hell out of you as much as I am :) ... a n y w a y s . . . I love you all so much and thank you for reading, my bby’s!
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EXO (OT9) - Reaction to Their Child/Children Acting Up at the Store
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Trying to stay composed, Minseok looked over at your daughter with soft eyes. “Please listen to daddy, he doesn’t want to yell.” She had been making a ruckus of their shopping trip. He had only come for groceries but she was throwing a little hissy fit because she wanted to look at the toys. He never wanted to raise and entitled child, so you both agreed not to give her everything she wanted. But her little red eyes from shedding tears made him upset so he ended up buying her a treat to try and cheer her up.
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Your daughter had been an angel up until now. She was tired, and Junmyeon was trying to hurry to get her home for a nap. She dropped her sippy cup and started bawling. It was kind of comical the way that the cup had somehow ruined her day. He picked it up and placed it in her tiny outreached hands. Giving her a kiss on the forehead he started talking to her to try and calm her down. “Just bear with daddy for a little longer, then we will get you home and you can sleep all you want.” Her rosy cheeks stuck out as she started sucking down her milk.
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As your son kept placing random things in the shopping cart, you could tell that it was frustrating Yixing. “Awewei, you don’t even like shrimp flavored puffs!” You couldn’t help but laugh as Yixing tried to find the places where your son was getting everything from. He looked at you with an exasperated expression. “Come here honey, you don’t need that stuff. Mommy is getting you everything you need.” Your son came over and wrapped his arms around your legs. You bent down and ruffled his hair as Yixing smiled at you both. “At least he listens to one of us. You need to show me your secret.”
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“Daddy!!!! Daddy, daddy!!” Your daughter kept begging Baek to buy her literally everything in the store. You had sent him with a list of specifics to stick to while you were doing chores at home. As she ran up to him and tugged on his shirt, he peered down with a questioning look. “Yes baby, daddy is listening.” She brought her hand up, and in it she was holding a bag of candy. He gently patted her head, “Sorry, mommy said that I have to stick to this. And we don’t want to defy the boss.” She pouted and put it back, but then immediately went back to shouting for him. He knew exactly where she got her loud voice from. Eventually he promised that he would make her some cookies if she calmed down. Bribery was the way to go in this family.
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Shopping as a family is something that didn’t happen very often. Usually you did it while Jongdae was at work. Your son was being quite the mirror image of his father today, making as much noise as possible. You held in a giggle as you watched Dae run after your toddler who seemed to be interested in a bright assembly of toys which were on sale in the middle of the aisle. “Aish, Seojun!! You get back here, daddy is coming for you!” When your little one seemed to tire himself out and agreed to sit in the cart peacefully Jongdae mentioned how much of a rascal your son was. You looked over and laughed, “Look who is talking.” He faked an offended look before taking your hand in his and pinching your son’s nose, “Alright, you got me. He learned from the best.”
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He turned around to find a trail of snacks on the ground behind him. Then he noted the open bag in your son’s little hands. “Jihun, what did daddy say about the snacks?” Your son looked up while nibbling on a puffy treat, slobber running down his chin. Then he giggled as the threw another treat onto the ground. Chanyeol decided that the best option was to take the snacks away. It didn’t take very long for your son to start crying and reaching for the bag that Yeol had now placed at the other end of the cart. His little pout was breaking Chanyeol’s heart. He leaned down and kissed the top of your toddler’s head, calming him down. “Daddy will give them back when we get home. Just bear with me for a couple more minutes.” He made his way through the store as fast as possible while your son was settled for a short time.
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Your twins were always trying to find ways to test their father’s patience. This time it was by begging for the toys that they had passed by. When Soo said no, they agreed to sit on the ground in the aisle and refuse to move. “You have so many toys, and you aren’t even playing with the ones mom and I just bought you for your birthday two weeks ago. You have to the count of five to get up and follow me, or I will leave you here.” Of course, your four-year olds were not going to risk it when they saw their father walking away and reaching number five very quickly. Soon after they were walking next to him, hand in hand. He did end up buying them some lollipops for the ride home.
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Having two boys around the same age was nice until they decided to fight in the middle of the store. You had left Jongin with the boys to go find something else at the opposite end to the store. “Divide and conquer.” When Jongin was looking through the meat to find the steak for dinner tonight, he heard an ear-piercing scream. He turned to see your oldest bawling with a red mark on his arm, and your youngest smirking at him. “Dong Woo, did you bite your brother?” Heon Woo was clinging to his father as Dong Woo was shaking his head in denial. He placed your youngest in the cart while he held Heon Woo in his arms. You came back to find a teary-eyed toddler with red cheeks. “What happened?”
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Forgetting a blanket in the car was one thing, but forgetting your child’s favorite binky, that was a tragic mistake. Your daughter had tears running down her eyes as her little pout formed on her lips. She was only a few months old so Sehun picked her little figure up from the car seat and started rocking her back and forth. “Shhh sweetie, just give me a few minutes and then we will be back in the car with your binkie.” Hearing his voice and resting against his chest soothed her. He grabbed everything he needed with his free arm as he caressed your daughter in the other. After returning to the car, he found the binky on the floor. Crisis averted.
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cherrydae · 6 years
Clandestine | 2
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Series:  1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
Genre: Assassin! Baekhyun
Word count: 3.8k
Summary: One drunken night leads to your life getting entangled with a network of assassins. You became their target, and Byun Baekhyun the shooter.
It didn’t take too long for Chanyeol to arrive. Within 10 minutes, did he arrive at the location you gave him, rushing towards you. You were still leaning against the wall, clearly exasperated as the male kneeled in front of you.
“Oh my god. Y/N, what on earth happened?” Chanyeol asked, fingers reaching out to touch the cut on your jaw, to which you winced slightly.
You simply shook your head, reaching out to grab onto his shoulder and slowly standing up. Chanyeol got the gist, and helped you get up before you spoke. “Let’s talk about this at home. I—I don’t feel so safe saying it out here. Where are Yejin and Jongin?”
He was helping you walk back to his car, one arm firmly wrapped around your waist, and his free hand clutching your bag. “They’re at Yejin’s place. Do you want me to take you there?”
You nodded. Chanyeol then opened the passenger door for you, helping you inside and leaning over you to click your seatbelt on, securing it around you. He then quickly placed your bag on the backseat before getting in the car himself, starting up the engine and driving off.
“Y/N, you’re not secretly part of some gang that we don’t know of, right?” Chanyeol asked, eyes drifting to look at you before focusing back on the road again. A bitter chuckle left you as you shook your head.
“No, not directly.” You replied to him, to which he breathed out in relief.
“That’s good— Wait, what? What do you mean not directly?” His eyebrows furrowed as he looked at you again, to which you simply looked down, fingers fumbling with the slightly dirty material of your coat.
“Black lotus. I’ll explain more when we are with the others. Please?” You locked eyes with the male, and he heaved a light sigh before nodding.
After a few minutes, you’ve arrived at the apartment block near the university campus. You were about to get out of the car, but Chanyeol quickly got to your side of the car to help you out, already holding your bag. “Thank you. I really appreciate that you came so fast and helped me.” You murmured to him as he helped you walk towards Yejin’s apartment.
“Of course. That’s what best friends are for, aren’t they? Now, let’s get you inside.” Chanyeol said as he rang the doorbell. Within a few seconds, the door opened and Yejin greeted you both with a smile. Yet the smile quickly lapsed into a loud gasp and a worried expression.
“Oh my god, Y/N— What happened to you?! Get her inside!” Yejin exclaimed as she stepped aside, quickly shutting the door behind you two as she held onto your arm, causing you to yelp in pain.
“What the actual—” Jongin was about to curse as he saw you, eyes wide as he quickly got off the couch, making the seat vacant for you to sit down in.
“I’ll get the first aid kit to treat that cut. My god.” Yejin shook her head as she quickly headed into the bathroom to grab the first aid kit.
“What happened to you?” Jongin asked as he moved to sit on the ground in front of you, next to Chanyeol as Yejin came back, moving to sit next to you and placing the now opened kit on her lap.
“Right, so… This may sound unbelievable, but someone tried to kill me.” You spoke, wincing slightly as Yejin started to clean the cut.
“Oh really? We definitely didn’t notice that.” Yejin murmured softly, causing you to break out into a small smile.
“Okay. Remember yesterday? When I was trying to hack into Black Pearl? Apparently, it was a bad idea to hack when alcohol is surging through you because I didn’t hack into Black Pearl. My god, I wish it was Black Pearl…” You trailed off, eyes moving to look at your feet as Yejin was now busy with finding a bandaid, Chanyeol and Jongin intently listening to you.
“I hacked into Black Lotus. Accidentally! I didn’t know what it was, so I looked further into it and—and it’s horrible. Black Lotus is an underground assassin network. And a feared one too. They’ve murdered many, and got a huge sum of money each time for it...I’ve seen it. Their hitlist, the money, the murdered ones…” You could feel the tears pricking in your eyes, and Yejin noticed. She stuck the bandaid on the cut before wrapping her arms around you and pulling you into a tight hug.
“I—I didn’t want to! I didn’t mean to… And now they’re after me. I was walking back from the gym, and I felt followed… And I was— before I knew it, I was dragged in an alley, thrown against the wall with an arm against my throat and a blade by my jaw…” Your voice was breaking as you spoke, hot tears streaming down your cheeks as you recalled the fresh memory. Yejin just kept you close to her, rubbing your back up and down whilst Chanyeol and Jongin just looked at you with a sad expression.
“It’s all because I accidentally hacked into their system— he wanted to kill me because of that… If I hadn’t called for help… Then I—I wouldn’t—” You couldn’t finish your sentence, biting down on your bottom lip as you buried your face in your best friend’s shoulder.
Chanyeol then abruptly stood up, taking his phone out from his pocket as his eyebrows furrowed in fury. “I can’t believe this. I’m calling the police. They have to find that piece of shit.”
His words caused you to bolt up from Yejin’s hold, turning to him and frantically shaking your head. “Don’t! Please don’t. That won’t help me. It will complicate things even more.” You said as you looked up at the male.
“What do you mean complicate! There’s a lunatic out there, with an aim to murder you. The police need to find him before he finds you!”
“No Chanyeol… She’s right. Involving the police really will complicate everything even more. Like she said, they’re an underground network. If we get the police involved, she could anger a lot more assassins than only that one.” Jongin said as he slowly stood up too, reaching out to place one hand on the male’s shoulder.
“Oh, right…” Chanyeol murmured softly, lowering his hand and putting his phone back in his pocket. “I forgot that the whole cause of this is due to Y/N’s hacking. That could get her into trouble too…”
Both you and Yejin nodded. “What do we do now then?” Yejin asked, turning to look at you before looking at the two standing males.
You thought for a moment before letting out a sigh. “We have to keep this silent. This has to stay between us. I don’t know if they will come for me again, and when they will… But, I got you guys. We’ll figure out a solution together.” You said, your gaze drifting to each friend of yours before offering them all a smile.
“You’re right. We’ll have your back. Put us on speed dial if there is anything.” Yejin said as she reached out to grab your hand, giving it a light squeeze. The two males also nodded, giving you a smile as well.
“Anyways, let’s not keep the mood this low. I feel quite gross, so I’m going to take a shower and borrow your clothes Yejin. I’ll need some ice too, because I can just feel the bruises on my left arm and leg.” You slowly stood up whilst you spoke, fingers grazing over your arm before flinching at the painful contact.
“Yeah, we’ll prepare dinner and put on a nice movie for you.” Chanyeol said with a smile, to which you nodded.
“Thank you. You guys are the best.”
Baekhyun was limping slightly as he walked down the hallway of the headquarters, cursing internally at his failure. He couldn’t believe that you managed to kick him, and collect spectators that lead to him not being able to finish the job.
“Fucking hell.” He muttered under his breath, before he was met with Kyungsoo and Yixing walking towards him.
“Woah, Baekhyun? Why are you limping like that? Wild night?” Yixing said with a small grin, stepping forward to pat the male on the back. Yet he didn’t smile, simply shrugging Yixing’s hand off.
“Not quite.” Baekhyun replied, as he continued to limp towards Minseok’s office. Kyungsoo raised an eyebrow before he spoke up as well.
“What happened?” He reached out to stop Baekhyun in his tracks, to which the male heaved a deep sigh and turning towards the two.
“I had a job. Tell another assassin and you two will end up with a knife in your stomach. But someone hacked into our system. She saw everything about us, and Minseok sent me to take her out. But that bitch— she had the nerve to kick me. Right in the nuts. And as I was about to slit her throat, she cried for help and got witnesses. So I had to leave.” Baekhyun spat, threading his fingers through his hair in frustration.
Kyungsoo couldn’t help it but let out a snort. “Did you genuinely fail a job because that girl kicked you in your nether regions? Then again, been there, done that.”
Baekhyun couldn’t suppress the light laugh that left him, yet the smile quickly fell. “Minseok is going to skin me alive when I tell him this… I don’t know what he’ll do.” His teeth dug in his bottom lip as he looked at his two friends.
Kyungsoo and Yixing have been under Minseok’s wing for far longer than Baekhyun. Both are very skilled assassins, and when they were introduced to Baekhyun, he was quite intimidated by them. But a few beers later, and he could see a bright future for the three of them. Baekhyun has been in this business for two years now, and is ranked amongst the top assassins of Black Lotus. He gets whichever job he gets cleanly done. May it be an undercover murder, or a quick hit and run.
“I have an idea that could save your ass, Baek.” Yixing then quickly glanced around the hallway before nearing the two others and whispering his plan to them. Baekhyun opposed at first, stating that it’s a ridiculous idea, and that Minseok would never comply. Yet his friends convinced him that this was his only way out of Minseok’s outburst, and so he made his way towards Minseok’s office, letting out a heavy sigh before knocking on the mahogany door.
“Come in.”
Baekhyun opened the door before stepping inside the room, shutting the door behind him before moving to take a seat in one of the armchairs.
“And? Did you get the job done? Is she off our radar?” Minseok asked, as he shut down his computer, turning towards Baekhyun and looking at the male over the edge of his glasses.
“Uh, yeah, about that—” But Minseok quickly cut him off, eyebrows creasing together. “Don’t tell me you failed.”
“Let me explain!” Baekhyun said, sitting up slightly in his seat as he watched a fuming Minseok.
“I told you, don’t get cocky. Of course you had to do this. I sent you on this job because I know you get the job done. And yet you failed? What do I do now? Y/N is walking out there, knowing everything about us. One word from her and we’re done for! What do I do with you?” Minseok was raising his voice more and more with each word, causing even Baekhyun to flinch slightly.
“She was difficult. She wouldn’t stop moving, and even kicked me— in the nether regions. And when I was about to slit her throat, she called for help and got witnesses. I had to vanish.” Baekhyun explained calmly, trying to calm the latter down. He knows what Minseok does once he’s incredibly pissed off, and he doesn’t want to end up like the dead interns.
“You— You failed the job, because she kicked you in the balls? I can’t believe this. You’re useless. We don’t need you anymore.” Minseok opened his drawer, reaching out to grab his gun, cocking it before pointing it at Baekhyun, shaking his head as he did so. “You really were one of the best here. I guess all pretty flowers do end up withering.”
“Woah, woah! Wait a second! I have a solution to our problem! Hear me out, Minseok. Come on. You’ve known me for so long. You know that I never truly end up failing a job. Especially not when they’re important. Hear me out.” Baekhyun could feel the panic gnaw at him, yet he tried to keep his voice stable. Though, he couldn’t suppress the sigh of relief he emitted once Minseok lowered the gun.
“Go on.”
“As I had her cornered, she pressed the matter that she hadn’t seen anything. She knows our name. But we have no idea how far her knowledge stretches. It could be that she merely knows that we’re assassins, but she doesn’t know anything about our weapon import, our hitlist, and so on. It’s unknown to us. Right?” Baekhyun slowly stood up, stepping closer to Minseok’s desk as he confidently continued.
“You and I both are for efficiency. We’d like to act as efficient as possible. Now, how inefficient would it be to take her life, if she barely knows anything. We only kill off people if we get paid for it or if they are a threat to us. Shouldn’t we find out how much she knows first and keep a close eye on her to see if she’ll spill anything, before we even kill her off? If she even poses a threat to us.” By now, Baekhyun stood by Minseok’s desk, slowly reaching his hand out to place it on the gun Minseok still pointed at him.
Baekhyun could see the gears turn in Minseok’s head, as if he was carefully considering each syllable he emitted before he spoke up. “You do have a point there. I’m not a huge fan of killing people off without gaining anything from it. Though, how will we find out how much she knows without seeming obvious. I’m quite sure she has the knowledge that we’re after her.”
“I—” Baekhyun paused for a second, sucking in a breath before he continued. “I’ll go undercover. I’ll go undercover in her university, act like a new student, get closer to her and milk information out of her. I’ll report any new things that I find, and once we found out how much she knows, we decide if it’s worth the kill or not.”
“What.” Minseok simply uttered.
“You heard me. She doesn’t know how I look. If she gets familiar with me, I can try and find out how much she knows. You know how good I am at undercover jobs. I’ve nailed the lumberjack job, the CEO job, the stri—” Yet Minseok quickly interceded before Baekhyun could finish his sentence.
“I get it, I get it.” He muttered with a sigh, before shaking his head. “Unbelievable. But fine. This is your last chance, Byun. I’ll set up a believable past for you and fix the paperwork. It’s a prestigious university, so it’ll take a few. Prepare in the meantime. And make it count. Or else.”
“Yes, yes. I know.” Baekhyun took the gun from Minseok’s grip before pointing it at himself. “Or else, you shoot my brains out. Don’t worry, Minseok. I never disappoint you.”
“Yes you do.”
“I mean, I never really fail a job!” Baekhyun retorted, to which Minseok let out a snort before shaking his head and dismissing the male.
Baekhyun placed the gun back on Minseok’s desk before leaving his office, letting out another sigh of relief as he walked down the hallway towards Yixing’s dorm.
Once he was inside the dorm, the door falling shut behind him, did it suddenly hit him.
“What the fuck did I just propose.” He yelled out as he walked into the living room, both Kyungsoo and Yixing simply sitting on the couch and watching tv.
“Did he agree?” Kyungsoo asked, tearing his eyes away from the tv to look at Baekhyun. Baekhyun nodded, but he then raised his arms up. “It’s been four years since I dropped out of university! What on earth do I do there? How am I going to go undercover if I forgot what the student life is like?”
Yixing let out a snort. “Don’t worry, Byun. We got you. Sit down and listen carefully.”
Baekhyun complied, moving to sit down on the extended part of the couch as he looked at the two others. “University isn’t that special. Which university are you going to?”
Both Kyungsoo and Yixing widened their eyes. “Right. You’re fucked.” Yixing said with a nod, causing Baekhyun to sink back in his seat.
“Yixing, don’t be like that. We’re supposed to be nice friends and help this poor man out. Though I can’t believe that he managed to get himself in trouble and get involved with such a prestigious university.” Kyungsoo murmured, hand moving to rub the back of his neck before he turned to a clueless looking Baekhyun.
“Alright. So, university. I don’t know anything about Haesan apart from the fact that they’re all rich and intelligent. But that shouldn’t defeat you. You’re— not dumb. So you’d have to act like that.” Kyungsoo continued to speak, and Yixing was thinking before he spoke up as well.
“They’re all around your age. Since you’re 25, they won’t be too far off. You’re all adults, so it won’t be as difficult to socialise as back in highschool, where a reputation is of utmost importance.” Yixing added on.
Yixing then scrunched up his nose slightly before he continued. “Plus, whether I enjoy admitting it or not; you are very handsome. So I’m sure you’ll draw in attention.”
“Since you have to get close to Y/N, you’ll have to find a way that you have to be around her. Try to get the odds in such a way that she has to stick around you, for whatever reason.” The two males were immersed in giving Baekhyun advice, and he did his best to take up every word to try and not make a fool of himself.
He’s an assassin. How on earth does he act like a rich and intelligent student.
“Also, student life isn’t student life without partying. You’ll have to attend parties too, and have a presence.” Yixing then glanced around before lowering his voice. “Have some fun too. Minseok won’t be watching, so you can enjoy yourself.” His words earned him a jab in the side from Kyungsoo.
Yet he then spoke up. “Try to stay in your role, Baekhyun. You need to try and push aside your assassin demeanor, and put on a student one when you’re in public. Especially around Y/N. Don’t make it obvious that you’re far from a student. That goes for the way you act and dress. All black won’t do at Haesan. And you can tone down your cocky behaviour.”
Yixing then got serious, his cheeky smile from earlier vanishing as he locked gazes with Baekhyun, reaching a hand out to clutch his shoulder tightly. “What stands above all, however, is that you, no matter what, do not get emotionally involved. Despite being undercover, the lectures, partying, girls, and alcohol, you mustn’t forget that you’re a cold blooded assassin on a job.”
Kyungsoo nodded. “We can’t say much more than that because it’s been a while for us too. Just— don’t mess up, okay? You can text if there’s anything wrong, and we can try to help you out.”
“Or if you found a nice girl for me. I’m getting lonely.” And Yixing once again got jabbed in the side by Kyungsoo. Baekhyun, however, let out a laugh before nodding as he stood up.
“Thank you. I’ll read up on the university too and I guess I’ll do some clothes shopping. I won’t see you two for a while, but I’ll text if I need more advice. Don’t kill each other whilst I’m gone, and try to get some jobs. Now that I’m on a long term one, there will be more vacant ones which means more money.” Baekhyun shot a wink at the two of them before giving them a wave as he headed out of the dormitory.
This was going to be a ride.
It has been a few days since the incident. The cut on your jaw was healing, and the bruises weren’t as painful as they were. Nothing happened to you in those few days, to which you were very relieved. You’d lived in anxiety, jumping at each sound around you and frantically looking around as you held a kitchen knife close to you.
Even at university, you got paranoid. If anyone touched your shoulder, you’d emit a scream. But of course, it was just another student with a question, or one of your friends. Since it has been a  few days, and with nothing happening, you were starting to slowly calm down.
Nevertheless, that didn’t mean that you’d dare to leave your apartment on your own. Or go out somewhere without one of your friends accompanying you.
It was currently morning, and you were sitting in the lecture hall with your laptop displayed in front of you, ready for the next lecture. You heard whispers in the hallways that a new student has joined, and that he apparently was incredibly good looking. You haven’t seen him yet, but you’d probably see him in the hallway very soon.
Your train of thought was interrupted by your professor that walked into the hall, standing by the huge blackboard as he was busy with fixing his mic. “Am I audible?” He asked, to which the students replied with a yes.
“Alright. Class, we have a new student joining us in our beautiful program. He transferred from the other side of the country to our university to join our biotechnology course. Why won’t we let him introduce himself?” And at that moment, the door opened, and you felt your eyebrows raise slightly.
He was indeed incredibly good looking.
He had plump lips, a sharp jaw, and deep brown eyes. He wasn’t incredibly tall, but his broad shoulders made up for that. His brown hair had a middle parting, which did his facial shape huge justice. Even his clothing style was incredible. His silky blue blouse, ripped black jeans, and low sneakers fit him really well. You could see from his Rolex that he was indeed a rich student like almost everyone else in this hall.
The male stopped at the professor’s desk, turning around to face everyone as his lips stretched into a smile. His eyes drifted around, looking at each student before his gaze fell on you, it lingering slightly longer. He then glanced at the professor before his lips parted to speak up.
“Hello everyone. My name is Byun Baekhyun. I’m 25 years old, and I’m pleased to join the biotechnology course in Haesan university.”
a/n: byun in uni well hello? aaa sorry that it took longer than promised! i dont even know why it took so long to write this...i should make a document where i just type out what i want for each chapter. anyways! thank you so much for liking clandestine! let me know what you think in the comments or my ask! chapter three, let’s go?
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dorkyungsoowrites · 6 years
Spontaneous Attraction Ch. 16
Pairings: Kyungsoo x You, Past Chanyeol x You
Genre: Fluff/Angst/Smut | Ambiguous AU
Warnings: None
Word Count: 5.4k
Description: You should have known things were too calm. You could see a storm cresting your way.
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 |
The rest of the morning went by in a blur. You finished showering faster than you would have liked. What was satisfying was seeing the brightly colored petal on Kyungsoo's collarbone as he dried his hair with a towel. You liked the way it contrasted with his tan skin, and knowing you were the only two who would know it was there. Once he saw the time reality clicked in and the lazy morning was no more. Both of you got dressed and he ate a quick breakfast while you finished getting ready. When you came out he gave you a piece of toast you would have to eat on your way out the door.
After your morning lessons you went back to the apartment to eat and get your practice in before afternoon lessons. You were amused to find Kyungsoo had forgotten his glasses on your nightstand. They had to be important to have considering they helped him see better. You knew he could get along without them, but it would be more of a hassle, and you weren't sure the next time you would see him was. So you came up with a plan. A sort of half-formed, not totally thought out, shadow of a shell of a plan. Really it was deciding to deliver his glasses, but you didn't want that to be your only reason, thus the sort of plan. You were used to winging it. You literally made a living off of it sometimes playing improv at music gigs. Driving the path you remember taking a few weeks ago after taking a last minute stop, you found your way to where Kyungsoo worked. As far as you knew he was there most of the time. Unfortunately you forgot you needed a code to get in the building, and not wanting to spoil the surprise, called the first member to show up in your contact list.
"Hello?" You spoke tentatively when the call connected. "It's Y/N. I don't know if you remem--"
"Of course!" the chipper voice cut in. "What's up?"
"I wanted to surprise Kyungsoo, but I forgot I couldn't get in the building alone. Is it okay if you let me in? Or at least come get what I brought? I don't want you to get in trouble."
"Hey guys, I'll be right back!" he yelled away from the receiver to someone in the background. He replaced the phone next to his ear to talk to you. A door shut on his end. "What kind of surprise?"
"Mostly food, but I didn't forget about you guys either." There was an audible gasp.
"You brought us food? You are seriously the best." An elevator dinged. "Like actually the coolest. I didn't ask by the way you're in the parking deck right?"
"Okay. Awesome. It's like you have psychic powers. We just finished dance practice and I'm starving."
"They're more like snacks, but I'm glad I'm not interrupting your work."
"Free food is free food," he declared. "I'm almost there. Are you at the door?"
"See you in a second." He hung up the call. You waited with two flimsy plastic bags and not a minute later the door swung open. The boy beamed over at you, dark hair sticking to his forehead in damp clumps, sweat still dripping down his temple. A towel was around his neck, but he had yet to change out of his practice clothes because the baggy shirt was practically drenched, finishing off with basketball shorts and sneakers.
"Hey Baekhyun," you smiled back, stepping inside the building. His lanky arms came around you and hugged you tightly.
"I'm so happy to see you again."
"Me or the food?" He chuckled next to your ear.
"Both." Baekhyun pulled away and started leading you back the way he came. "How have you been?"
"Good, thanks. You?"
"Same as ever. Sehun showed us all that video of your concert. That was amazing. I haven't seen a performance like that since I was a kid. I wish I had gone with them." You both climbed on the elevator. He wiped his face with the towel after pressing the correct button.
"Sehun filmed the concert?"
"You didn't know?"
"First I'm hearing of it. Did he film the whole thing?" He nodded. "I should ask him if he can make a copy for me."
"I'm sure he will." You caught his hand trying to open one of the bags you held and yanked them out of his reach. "Aw come on," he whined. "You're about to give them to us soon."
"Then one more minute won't kill you."
"Pretty please?" He stuck out his lower lip and widened his eyes, hands clasped together in front of him. You rolled your eyes.
"That is so not the type of begging that works on me, but you have squishy cheeks," you replied. "It's cute." You poked one side of his face. His pout disappeared, swatting your hand away.
"I'll rub my squishy, sweaty cheeks all over your face," he threatened lamely. You laughed. The sweat didn't bother you to be honest. He had just been dancing for who knows how long; probably the whole morning. That was going to happen. The elevator opened. Like a switch had been flipped Baekhyun straightened and led you down several hallways silently. A few stray employees breezed past you. As long as you kept a respectable distance they acted like you were invisible. Finally you reached the right door and he let you in, closing it after following you.
Eight pairs of eyes flew to look at you. They were all dressed about the same as Baekhyun with minor alterations. A few wore sweats instead of shorts, and some had tank tops or had already cooled enough to put on a hoodie. Jongin and a guy you hadn't met yet wore beanies. Chanyeol startled a little just from not expecting you. One person jumped ten feet in the air because he was in the middle of changing. Jongin fumbled with his shirt, holding it to his chest while his face gradually got redder. You waved and greeted them while walking closer.
"Hey guys, it's good to see you again." Jongdae pushed Jongin's spare shirt in his face and he quickly pulled it over his head.
"Surprise!" Baekhyun cheered, running up behind you. Chanyeol sighed tiredly.
"What did you do this time, Baek?"
"Actually," you cut in. The group gathered around you. Minseok polished off a water bottle. "This was my idea. I thought I would surprise you." You extended one bag out in their general direction.
"Oh," Junmyeon replied and took it from you. "Thank you." A grin stretched his lips when he opened it, voice conveying more excitement. "Wow, this is perfect right now. Thank you." Baekhyun went to him and peeked in the bag.
"What is it? What is it? Whoo!" He pulled out a strawberry popsicle then leapt at you, almost tackling you in a hug. "Thanks babe!" He jokingly pecked your cheek before taking a few steps away and tearing open the packaging. You wiped your face of the spit and/or sweat he left behind. You didn't care to think about it too much. You decided to address the room while more people crowded around Junmyeon.
"I didn't know what you all liked so I just bought a bunch of different kinds of ice cream. Although there's a fudge one in there somewhere for Chanyeol."
"Got it!" Minseok announced and tossed it to the tall boy across the way. Kyungsoo made his way to you.
"Hey," you said in a softer voice, hoping the mild ruckus beside you while eight people argued over which frozen treat they wanted most drowned out your conversation. Producing your original purpose from your pocket, he chuckled. Kyungsoo slid them on his face. "You forgot your glasses this morning. I figured they were important, but I didn't want to come without a better excuse so." You gestured with your head. "Plus they deserve it. You work all the time. I also brought you this." He took the second bag from your hands and looked inside. "Don't lie," you teased and nudged his arm. "You were a little jealous that I cooked my roommate her work lunch." He smiled affectionately after seeing the plastic containers filled with sauteed vegetables, mushrooms, chicken and rice. "It's one of the few things I can cook so it's simple, but--" You were silenced by him pressing his lips to your cheek. He was gone as soon as he came, but the effect was still the same; you shut up. Glancing around, no one seemed to notice, or didn't care. The exchange was so quick you could have fooled yourself into thinking it didn't happen.
"Thank you. I love it." Kyungsoo flashed you another brilliant smile. "I'll enjoy it as soon as I can." He reached a hand out and hooked two fingers in the collar of your shirt, pulling it aside so he could see the fresh mark of color he left on you. His thumb ghosted over the abused skin, smile simmering to a smirk. He stepped closer, mouth inches from yours. "First I think I'll have something sweeter. You know how weak I am to the taste of sugar." You bit your lip. He knew. He knew how it would affect you and he loved that he could frustrate you so easily. He enjoyed knowing you were left wanting him. Kyungsoo glanced at your lips, tongue peeking out to wet his own, then turned and walked over to pick from the last dregs of slowly melting treats Junmyeon dangled from his fingertips like nothing happened. You took a steadying breath before scanning the room. Some of them had collapsed leaning against the mirrored wall with the rest hovering behind Junmyeon in the middle. Sehun caught your gaze and waved you over. Standing in a circle was Sehun, you, Minseok, Jongdae and the person you hadn't recognized. All with their chosen desserts.
"Hey you're not blonde anymore," you observed. Sehun pushed his hair back. You weren't sure if it was close to his natural color, but it had been dyed a dark brown.
"Yeah, but I think I'm gonna go back to a more fun color soon."
"Like what?"
"Maybe pink?"
"That does sound fun. Maybe I'll dye mine too."
"Oh, right. You didn't get to meet Yixing the last time we hung out," he spoke like he almost forgot. The ninth member waved shyly and bowed his head in greeting. The jet black hair falling over his forehead from under his beanie, thick lips and sharp jawline made him look more like a model than a singer. Then again the same argument could be made for all of them.
"It's very nice to meet you," he spoke in a gentle, wispy voice.
"It's a pleasure meeting you too finally," you replied with a kind smile. "I'm Y/N. He said your name was Yixing?" He nodded once. "That's a nice name. So are you a singer or a rapper?"
"And a dope ass dancer," Sehun added.
"I'm sorry I couldn't make it to dinner last time. They told me what happened. It sounded fun."
"Don't worry about it. You're here now. If I remember correctly I was told you would really love my party story." That made a grin crack his shy mask open, chuckling lowly.
"They told me that, too. I can't believe you set a lawn on fire."
"Not on purpose," you countered. "Do you also play the piano then?"
"Yes, and guitar."
"Nice. You're very talented." He averted his eyes and thanked you. You looked up at Sehun. "Before I forget, Baekhyun said you recorded my concert. Do you mind making me a copy so I can hear it?"
"Sure. Give me some time though. We're really busy this next week."
"No rush. I really appreciate it." He leaned his arm on your shoulder, really rubbing in how tall he was. "You guys didn't get in too much trouble for coming did you?"
"Just a lecture this time. How was your girls night out?"
"Wonderful," you scoffed and rolled your eyes. "We hardly danced before my roommate decided she was done for the night. I think we would've been better off going to dinner with you."
"Well that's obvious. I'm the best company there is. Have you met me? I'm more charming than a prince."
"Maybe we can try again sometime Mr. Humble?" you teased.
"Your boyfriend won't get jealous?" he smiled brightly.
"He can come, too. Kind of like a double date." You watched carefully for his reaction to the suggestion. He blinked rapidly, stammering slightly.
"O-oh? A date? Are you sure she would l-like that?" Just as you thought; Sehun was all bark and no bite. It was perfect. You could already picture the endless banter between the two of them, but since his shyness ultimately would kick in he would go at her pace.
"If that makes you uncomfortable it can just be us."
"Uh no. No of course not. Why would I have a problem with that?"
"How hot is your roommate to get Sehun nervous like this?" Minseok chuckled.
"I'm not nervous," the tall boy snapped. "I just didn't think she was interested in knowing us, that's all. She dragged you out of there pretty quickly."
"That had nothing to do with you," you told him. "She thought you were polite, and she really liked your laugh."
"Sehun? Polite? Did you not talk?" Minseok jabbed again. You ignored him and spoke up before Sehun could say anything back.
"Think about it. Invite others if you want. It was only a suggestion." The oldest member went to your other side and put a hand on your shoulder. He opened his mouth to speak, but you only half heard over the stinging where his fingers held you. They were directly over the bruises and his hands were shockingly strong.
"So when are we going to be invited back to your place? You did promise you would cook next time."
"I'll look into it," you answered. You relaxed after his fingers let up, hand resting limp instead. "If you guys can tell me a time that would be best my schedule is flexible."
"I'm really looking forward to it." Taking a step back, both boys let you go.
"I should probably get going."
"Why?" Jongdae piped up, whining. He looked genuinely upset. His lips were stained bright red from the popsicle he was almost finished with. It gave you pause.
"I practice everyday too, you know," you replied.
"Why can't you do it later? We like when you visit us." You cocked your head.
"I...could I guess, but you're at work technically. I shouldn't be here."
"What's going on?" Baekhyun jumped in.
"Y/N wants to leave us," Minseok pouted, much like the younger had before in the elevator. His eyes were even bigger and he batted his eyelashes.
"But you just got here! Stay? Please?"
"I really wanted to invite you to lunch," Jongdae added. Still in that petulant tone. You broke down easily, giggling at the way his voice slid up and down in pitch dramatically when talking. Seeing him so disappointed made you want to get him to smile again. You had to resist the sudden strong urge to comfort him. You failed.
"I'm sorry, Jongdae," you cooed. "I'll stay and eat with you."
"So acting cute doesn't work, but whining like a child does?" Baekhyun asked, slightly annoyed.
"He's not a child," you defended, taking the few steps to stand by Jongdae. You looped your arm through his, hugging to his side. "And he didn't have to act cute. He is cute. Like a cat that needs attention."
"You don't find that extremely annoying?"
"It makes me want to take care of him. Why? Does Baekkie need extra love too?" At your teasing he closed off. It would seem you struck a chord too close to the chest with that one. Turning your attention to Jongdae, his cheeks were dusted pink. "You still want to go to lunch?" He glanced between you and Baekhyun before nodding.
"We can just bring back something from the cafeteria though since you can't stay long."
"Sounds great. Ready to go?" He bit off the last of his frozen treat and hummed his agreement. "Anyone else is free to join us." Kyungsoo strolled over, and you released Jongdae's arm.
"Why not," Sehun shrugged. "Let me get something." He bolted to the wall where a mixed pile of their things were strewn.
"Are you coming?" Kyungsoo didn't answer right away. In one hand was the lunch you made. In the other was a half eaten cone. His tongue dipped inside, using it to scoop ice cream up and into his mouth. You watched as some of the cream got on the corner of his mouth, adams apple bobbing when he swallowed. He wiped away the excess with the pad of his thumb, pushing his lower lip out. He put the digit between his lips and sucked it clean. A person should not look that erotic eating ice cream. It was incredible how a simple look or action from Kyungsoo would have your heart hammering in your chest.
"Y/N?" You whipped around to see Jongin. He had actually come over with Kyungsoo. You shook your head clear so you could focus. Kyungsoo smirked beside you and bit off a big chunk of cone to chew on casually.
"I'm sorry about earlier," he said nervously, wringing his hands together. You tilted your head.
"What happened earlier?"
"Uh, y-you walked in and I...I'm sorry. I didn't expect you."
"Oh, you being shirtless?" You scoffed. "Don't apologize for that. It's just your body. Everyone has one. You shouldn't be embarrassed about that."
"Oh...okay," he replied slightly stunned. "I guess I'm used to a different reaction."
"Different how?" He rubbed the back of his neck, not meeting your eyes and mumbled,
"Fans screaming, I guess. I just wanted to make sure I didn't make you uncomfortable."
"Oh," you exhaled. "Well now I feel dumb. I'm sorry for even asking. I forget sometimes. I guess I don't think about it as being a big deal, but not everyone is that way. My roommate always had her anatomy and physiology books around in college, and she still shows me people she's worked on sometimes so it's just...it doesn't matter to me. I mean, good for you that you're fit and all. I'm glad you're healthy, but it's just a torso, you know? I don't understand people who get worked up over it."
"Wait," Sehun cut in. He had returned with a dress shirt over his normal one, but didn't button it. "You forget sometimes? Have you still never looked up any of our songs?"
"Of course I have," you answered. Then added sheepishly, "a few of them."
"Which ones? Did you see the music video?"
"No. Definitely not the music video. I made sure to only see lyric videos."
"So? What did you think?" Most of them were looking at you by then, eager for your opinion. You assumed they only cared because you had been professionally trained in music. They had tons of fans, you were sure, so they knew they were good. You tucked hair behind your ear.
"I only listened to the ones that people said you either composed or wrote yourself. It wasn't a huge spread, but I enjoyed them. Actually, I did listen to two songs not written by you. "What if" and "My Answer". The first one I really only liked for the lyrics. The backtrack was pretty generic synth which is fine since you're a pop group. The other I liked the piano. It was very empty orchestration, but it pulled the focus to your voices and the sentiment behind it which I think made it more emotional. Your voices are all really nice." You smiled bashfully at the various grins that earned. "They all blend together very well, and I'll admit to getting a little emotional while hearing some of the cluster chords you used. I know logically you all told me you're singers, but it still amazed me how beautiful all of you sounded."
"So which was your favorite?" Baekhyun questioned you. You didn't hesitate to answer,
"Oh, 'Promise', by far. The lyrics and the composition were heartwrenching. I actually got chills with Jongdae's high note at the end of the bridge. I'm not even sure if it was falsetto, but you could hear the back space in your voice really clearly which was impressive. I guess your the groups go-to descant guy. If I had to critique something it would be that that run would've been the perfect spot to modulate up a half step." Somewhere in the room you heard someone whisper,
"Told you so."
"You could really feel the love that was put into that song. It had a lot of soul to it, and the way it ended? Amazing. No resolution, strings and piano, that effect that made it sound like the music was being closed off suddenly? I really love that song."
"But you didn't listen to more?"
"I don't..." You started over. "I'd rather stay away from that stuff."
"That stuff?"
"Idol stuff," you elaborated. "I don't want to see your stage personas. It feels wrong somehow. I'm very proud of all of you; you're extremely talented and hard working, and I admire that. It's just, I know you as you and it's weird to see otherwise. If that makes sense."
"I guess," Sehun agreed. The others nodded and mumbled similar things.
"Chanyeol," you called to divert topics. The tall boy looked over at you. "You haven't said much. You're coming to eat with us right?"
"Uh yeah. Sure." You made a sweeping gesture with your arm.
"Lead the way." His returning smile was awkward and forced.
A group of you went down to get food and returned to eat away from the hordes of other employees. Everyone except Minseok formed a circle on the floor. He had disappeared at some point. You were sandwiched between Kyungsoo and Jongdae. You had only gotten a piece of fruit and some instant noodles while the other members got more substantial meals. Spotty conversations picked up to fill the silences between eating. You sifted through your mind for a decent conversation starter while slurping up some over-salted noodles. The main goal being to have a relaxed conversation with Chanyeol at the least. He hardly spoke to you still, and when he did it was awkward and clipped. It was like he was afraid of talking to you. Afraid of saying the wrong thing you would understand, but avoiding you all together was starting to take its toll. Until the night with the misguided kiss he had been fun and bright and joyful. You missed your friend. You missed having that relationship where outsiders could mistake you for siblings because you were so close. Not only in the sense of friendship, but also demeanor. You liked the same things, laughed at the same lame jokes. When you were still kids you even had some of the same mannerisms. You were nostalgic for his company. You wished he still barged in to your apartment to watch a movie like he lived there with you. It was an odd feeling of homesickness. It was difficult to pinpoint why you still craved his attention, but there he was sitting a few feet away and you couldn't help wanting him to close the distance. Even if it was a simple joke or inquiring about your work. You just wanted your friend back. He was one of the only ones you had. One of the few strings that tied you to a world outside of your work. Cut them all and you would be back where you were at the beginning of college, every thought consumed with music in one way or another, isolated and overwhelmed. It wasn't until your first roommate dropped out and you found your current one that you were forced out of your loneliness to experience the world. She pushed you like Chanyeol used to and prevented you from burning out. Those experiences reflected in how you played because you were feeling a wider spectrum of what it was to live, and could convey that to audiences no matter what music it was. It molded you into the person you became. Your friends made you into a better person. Without Chanyeol, even though you were only reunited for a few months before things went south, it felt like something vital had gone missing.
You were pulled out of your thoughts by a hand on the small of your back. The light touch made you shiver and look up from your food. Kyungsoo held up a piece of chicken pinched in his chopsticks. You opened your mouth without thinking about it, and he fed you the morsel of meat. He smiled gently as you chewed. It was delicious, but considering it was one of three dishes you knew how to cook--therefore had cooked hundreds of times--it had better be decent. Kyungsoo's hand left to pick up the container holding the stir-fry you made and continued eating. The small gesture had your cheeks feeling warmer. Every time you thought you were understanding him better he did something like that. Always without explanation. It was infuriating and wonderful never knowing what he was thinking. Granted that morning he had confirmed thinking something similar about you so after he went back to eating you brushed it off as best you could. Ever since you entered the practice room he had been trying to fluster you. You were certain he was doing it on purpose, and you wouldn't give yourself away too much. If he knew how easily he could wrap you around his finger you didn't want to imagine how much he would tease you. It was bad enough knowing yourself if he wanted to pull you aside and fuck you at work you would probably give in embarrassingly easily. Letting him know that? He would probably pull you aside just to get you to beg then leave. He had a crazy amount of self control. When he did something it was thought out and performed with intent. Pretty much your opposite in that regard. You went with spontaneous gut feelings and took things as they came afterward in a way that made others think you were more assured than you were. Together you were a good balance, challenging eachother to be more.
"Ah shit," Junmyeon exclaimed across the circle, staring at his phone. He glanced your way while typing. "Sorry, Minseok just texted saying the manager wants some of us to see him before going back to practice. Something about the photos tomorrow." He got to his feet and shoved his phone in his pocket. "Baekhyun, Jongin, Jongdae, come on. When we come back the rest of you should go check in just in case so there's no confusion."
"We're never gonna get time to spend with Y/N," Jongdae complained. "It's not fair Kyungsoo can see her whenever he wants."
"I'm sure he sees plenty of her too," Chanyeol grumbled under his breath. You still heard it though, and you swallowed down your irritation. No one else had picked up on his words. The four members who were summoned shoveled in big mouthfuls of food before standing to follow Junmyeon.
"Hey," you called. You caught Jongdae's wrist. Once he looked down at you you let go. "You guys know I'm only a text away right? Unless I have rehearsals or a concert I'm free at night. I'm always more than happy to have you over for movies or something."
"That's very generous," he replied. He was much more serious. "But I was just complaining about now. We couldn't steal you from Kyungsoo like that."
"Steal me?"
"Your time," Baekhyun explained. "We hardly get time alone to date. We don't want to keep you from being together. Why did you think we were so happy to see you today?"
"That's really sweet and thoughtful of you guys."
"Says the woman who just surprised us with ice cream and cooked Kyungsoo lunch," Yixing threw over with a smirk.
"Come on, guys," Junmyeon insisted. Baekhyun gave you a quick, slightly awkward hug, then sprinted across the room, the four boys saying their thanks and farewells. When they were gone the room was much quieter. You looked between Chanyeol and Sehun.
"So that's why I haven't seen much of you guys?"
"And we stay busy," the youngest provided. "Why do you think I dragged Chanyeol to your concert with us? You should just come eat lunch with us every day."
"I don't know about that," you laughed nervously. Chanyeol was sulking, eyebrows furrowed, refusing to look at you. "I'm usually working and I'm obviously just getting in the way now."
"How?" Yixing questioned, mouth half full.
"Well, because..."
"It would really lift our spirits," Sehun told you.
"Your schedules are almost always erratic," you refused. "And I'm sure you don't need me to distract you."
"Baekhyun feels the same way, I know it. I think he actually listens to you. And Jongin's finally talking to your face."
"Leave her alone, Sehun," Chanyeol cut in dryly. Your gaze darted to the tall rapper. He was annoyed. Well, he had been the entire time you ate, but now he was speaking up. He picked at his last crumbs of food, glaring at his plate. "If she said no then the answer is no. She has a life outside of us."
"Not much of one," you joked. "But thanks for understanding." His response was a short hum. Only enough to acknowledge he heard you. "Chanyeol, are you...are you okay? You've been acting weird since I got here." His hand curled into a fist then opened again, words clipped when answering,
"Fine. Don't worry about me."
"But you are worrying me. Did something happen?"
"Like you actually care," he spat. You felt his words like a slap across the face. He shoved his empty plate to the side where they decided to make a trash pile to pick up later, the bag that had ice cream in it their receptacle.
"Of course I care, Chanyeol. I hate seeing people upset. Especially when those people are my friends. I'm just trying to find a way to help--"
"Well stop it," he seethed. Chanyeol sounded huskier. His voice trembled in his throat. You knew that tone. He was either about to explode in anger or break down in tears. Funny how often those two emotions went together. He got to his feet, and you noticed his hands were shaking as well. His eyes met yours only for a second, but it was long enough to see the pain lying there; the flaring embers. You prepared yourself for his outlash, knowing when he got worked up his ferocity brought forward a darker side to the typically gentle giant. You would let him yell at you until he had drawn all the poison from inside him out. He normally bottled his anger, and when he was clearing his system he would spew venomous words until he burned himself out. Usually there's a grain of truth, but when he snaps he can't seem to control his tongue and small annoyances pile into monumental wrongs. Hiding his expression beneath his bangs, he gestured violently to add emphasis to his raised voice. "And for fucks sake you're not even trying to be subtle, Soo. Get a room if you can't keep your hands off her for one goddamn minute. I'm sick of watching you drool over her every fucking time you see her. We get it. Go fuck her in your own time."
"Whoa there," Sehun tried to calm. It didn't work. Chanyeol got louder, preventing Sehun from speaking anymore.
"No! I'm done with it! I'm done with this! I'm going back to work!" He turned on his heels. You panicked. You couldn't just let him go stew in his anger alone. There was more bothering him, but you felt helpless to do more than call after him. He yanked the door to the room open and threw a hateful, "stay the fuck away from me," over his shoulder.
Then he was gone.
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whimsical-ness · 7 years
Cataclysm | 05
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◇ Link to Masterlist
◇ Baekhyun series: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06
◇ Genre: Soulmate! AU, End of the World AU, Angst
◇ Warnings: mentions of death
◇ Summary: It’s a race against time when there’s a month left until the end of the world and you have yet to find your soulmate.
◇ Word Count: 2.5k
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Your heart was in your throat as you clutched Baekhyun’s hand tightly, not daring to breath as you silently made your way through the chaos.
Thankfully, you couldn’t really hear the gunshots anymore, and you prayed that it meant that the lunatic had been caught. But you could see people around you injured, and it made you sick to your stomach. 
Was this really what the world had come to?
Baekhyun was breathing heavily, not even glancing around as he steered you towards where his motorcycle was still standing, untouched. “Baek,” you said softly. “Do you think Jongin and Sehun are alright?” 
“I hope they are,” he said, swinging his leg over the motorcycle. “What are you waiting for? Get on.”
You bit your lip, glancing back towards the tents. “It feels wrong to leave like this.”
Baekhyun stared at you. “It’s dangerous here. Just because he’s stopped now doesn’t mean he won’t start again. We have to go.”
“Y-you stay here,” you said quickly. “I’ll just go check if they’re okay and be back as soon as—“
Baekhyun’s face contorted in frustration. “You’re crazy if you think I’m going to let you go back there alone. If you want to be an idiot, then I’m going to be an idiot with you.”
You let out a breath. “Get on the motorcycle, Y/N,” he said again. “I’m going to ride this bad boy through that mess. There’s no way in hell we’re walking through it again.” You did as he said then, linking your arms around his waist as he revved up the engine. 
“I just want to know that they’re safe,” you said quietly. Without another word, Baekhyun kicked off, and you were zooming along the rough ground and through the grass, dirt sent flying as the wheels rampaged through the soil.
You gasped, shutting your eyes, your heart hammering as the fear of being hit by a sudden bullet shot through you. You could hear people yelling as Baekhyun steered the motorcycle recklessly through the crowd and tents, speeding to get to where you had left Sehun and Kai earlier that night. 
You nearly fell off when he braked suddenly. You scanned the scene, your heart growing colder as you both realized that the boys weren’t there. “Baek,” you whispered. “D-do you think he killed them?”
Baekhyun said nothing. “Maybe they went back to their tents,” you said, increasingly alarmed. “We have to check.”
You swallowed as he followed your instructions yet again, all the while not saying a thing. Just as you came to a stop in front of the tent you’d become so familiar with over the past days, another shot rang through the air, and you clapped a hand over your mouth to stifle a scream. 
The psychopath was still at it.
Baekhyun hissed and swung off the motorcycle, grabbing your arm as he did so. Before you knew it, he was pushing you into the tent and following behind you. You yelped softly as you nearly toppled onto someone, and your heart nearly stopped when you realized it was Jongin. 
“Thank god,” you murmured, but relief was quickly washed away by shock when you realized his hands were covered in blood. “Oh my god, Jongin, we need to get help—”
He shook his head, the words when he spoke panicked.  “It’s Sehun,” he blurted. “He shot Sehun.” 
A chill ran down your spine when he shifted to allow you a better view of the situation. In the darkness, you could see him, panting and barely holding onto consciousness as his hand clutched at his left shoulder. His t-shirt sleeve was soaked in crimson. 
“H-he came out of nowhere and just started shooting,” said Jongin, his voice shaking. “Sehun tried to tackle him but he got shot and I brought him here I didn’t know what to do—”
“We have to take the bullet out,” said Baekhyun firmly, and you flinched, forgetting he was beside you. “And we need to stop the bleeding, before anything else—”
He was cut off by a scream, and Jongin inhaled sharply as two more shots fired through the air. “Why isn’t anyone doing anything to stop him?” you stammered. “What about the police?”
“The whole world’s been turned upside down,” said Baekhyun bitterly. “It’ll be naive to expect anything from the police, of all people—”
“Sehun might fucking die,” interjected Jongin. “Please, help him.”
“If we don’t die before then,” muttered Baekhyun, crouching down beside him. “Sehun, you have to let go of your shoulder for me to have a look at it, okay?”
Sehun grunted, his face contorting in pain, and you looked away, unable to watch as Baekhyun somehow managed to get the blood soaked t-shirt off his body. “How do we get the bullet out?” said Jongin helplessly. “We don’t have any medical equipment, and unless either of you go to med school...”
“I think the best thing we can do right now is wrap his arm up,” said Baekhyun, shaking his head. “Give me a clean t-shirt of yours, any type of cloth—”
Jongin hastily rummaged through his bag, pulling out t-shirt after t-shirt, and you quickly handed them to Baekhyun, whose face was determined. With Jongin’s help, he lifted Sehun’s arm so that it was elevated, and then with a deep breath, proceeded to tightly tie a tourniquet of sorts. 
Sehun whimpered in pain, his face growing pale. “We need to get professional help,” you said softly. “I-I’m going outside to ask. There must be a doctor, so many people are already injured—”
And before anyone could stop you, you were stepping out of the tent, your feet quick as you jogged away, desperate to find someone who could help. Before you knew it, you had staggered right into the chaos, and you felt sick as the metallic scent of blood flooded your senses. 
“M-my friend’s been shot,” you called weakly, hoping that someone, anyone would come to your rescue. “Please, if anyone can help—”
“Your friend’s not the only one, kid,” said a man roughly, and you swallowed when you saw that he was nursing his own wound. “We all need help.”
“Someone has to be a doctor, a nurse, anything—“
The sound of the bullet whizzing through the air made the words die in your throat. It was as if time was moving in slow motion as you turned, only to face the perpetrator, his eyes blazing as his twirled the handgun between his fingers. Screams filled the air as everyone around you scrambled to get away, tripping over the ground in their attempts to save their lives.
You wanted to run. You should have run. But the fear gripping you was so strong that all you could do was stare, your legs frozen in place as the crazed man walked towards you, his grip on his gun still lazy. “I’m giving you five seconds to make a run for it,” he said slowly. “It’s only fun when they try and run, you see.”
“Why are you doing this?” you whispered. “We’re all going to die anyway.”
“Exactly,” he snarled. “I’m giving everyone here a quick death, don’t you see? It’s better this way. When that fucking asteroid hits us, who’s to say what’s going to happen? We’ll all burn, be crushed into the dirt, slowly, agonizingly. Doesn’t a bullet to the chest sound merciful, compared to that?”
You shook your head, your lip trembling. “You’re insane.” 
He sighed. “I’m doing the right thing. I’m saving all of you from unimaginable suffering. You’re all too blind to see it.”
He took a step closer, then, and this time, you willed your legs to move, stumbling backwards as you tried to get away. It was too late. You were going to die.
But before his finger could press onto the trigger, he was knocked down onto the ground with a heavy thud. You gasped as you realized someone had kicked him down, your heart nearly stopping when you saw that the someone was Baekhyun.
His eyes were cold, his jaw clenched as he brought his fist down, over and over, into the psychopath’s face, until you heard a sickening crack of bone. 
You fell to the ground as your knees gave way, your mind in a daze as more people gathered, pulling Baekhyun off him and grabbing the gun out of his hands before he could shoot any more. “Tie him up!” someone yelled. “Or better, kill the bastard. He’s a lunatic.”
The man had to be unconscious by then. Baekhyun as well as the others had made sure of it. Someone grabbed the gun and flung it, sending it sailing over the tents and into a cluster of bushes, hiding it from view. 
You barely realized when Baekhyun grabbed your arm and jerked you upright, his eyes ablaze as they bore into yours. “What the fuck were you thinking,” he growled, and you gasped as his fingers dug into your arm, alarmed at his sudden fury. “Baekhyun I—”
You couldn’t say anything further as he crushed you against him, burying his face into your neck, his arms holding you so tight that you thought you would shatter. “If anything had happened to you—” his voice broke.
“I’m f-fine,” you whispered, feeling your throat close up as tears began building in your eyes. “I’m sorry.”
And then he was pulling away from you, looking shaken. “I don’t think I can do this,” he said, and your heart broke as you looked at him, the realization hitting you all at once. 
Because even though you were safe, even though Baekhyun had saved you...you were going to die. He was going to die.
And there was nothing you could do to stop it.
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You welcomed the blur of events that came next, because they distracted you from thinking about the inevitable. A timid looking doctor finally came forward and started to treat everyone who was injured, and you were relieved when a few hours later, Sehun was lying peacefully asleep, his arm bandaged and wrapped up properly.
After countless calls to the police, they showed up looking disgruntled and unwilling to do their jobs, but ended up taking the shooter away. Thankfully, even though he had managed to shoot at over 20 people, none of them had been fatal wounds, and so everyone had survived.
His sadistic plan had failed after all.
Before you knew it dawn had broken over the horizon, the sky turning a soft shade of pink before daylight took over. You were exhausted, but you couldn’t sleep. 
Not when Baekhyun’s face popped up behind your eyelids every time you closed them.
Even thinking about him was breaking your heart. A part of you wanted to get away from him, away from the happiness you felt when you were with him. 
Everything seemed wrong, now. Meeting him, coming to the convention with him, falling for him. You would have been better off without a soulmate. At least you would have only had yourself to worry about.
But now, even the slight thought that something may happen to him was making it unbearable for you to even imagine. You felt as though your soul would be ripped away from you if anything happened to him, if he got hurt, if he was in pain.
And you knew now that he felt the same way. His reaction that night had made it crystal clear to you. He was terrified of losing you, just as terrified as you were of losing him.
You realized, then, what having a soulmate really entailed. It wasn’t just laughter and kisses, or having a shoulder to cry on when you were upset. It was protecting each other, fighting for each other. Staying together despite what life threw at you.
But doing that with an asteroid headed towards the planet was impossible. And Baekhyun knew that just as well as you did, because he refused to even look at you. His face was blank, his eyes void of emotion as he avoided your gaze, choosing to volunteer and help the wounded rather than talk to you.
Until finally, he found you back at the tent with your eyes swollen from crying, and your face slack with misery. 
“Are you...crying?” he asked hesitantly, moving to sit next to you. You turned away from him instantly, not daring to look into his eyes. If they mirrored yours, you didn’t think you could take it.
“Hey,” he said softly, cupping your cheek to tilt your face towards his. “I’m sorry about how I reacted,” he started, his voice uneven. “You scared me. So much that I thought I would die.”
You blinked back tears. “Do you know what the gunman said?” you whispered. “He said we’re all in for unimaginable suffering, that we’re all going to die in a horrible, miserable way.”
Baekhyun swallowed. “Don’t let what he said affect you.”
“But it’s the truth,” you stated, roughly dragging your sleeve against your eyes to wipe away the tears. “And I hate it. I hate this. I don’t want to die,” you said, and your voice broke as a fresh onslaught of sobs rose up your throat. 
“I don’t want to die either,” said Baekhyun helplessly. “Not now, not when I’ve finally found my soulmate. Not when I’m falling in love.”
“Don’t say that you’re in love with me,” you whispered. “Because it’ll just break my heart.”
“But I am,” he replied, and you felt a splinter in your chest when you saw that his eyes were now brimming with tears. “I love you. So much, so quickly, that it doesn’t feel real. But I guess that’s what soulmates are. I love you, Y/N. Even though it’s breaking my heart just as much as it’s breaking yours.”
Your face crumpled as he pulled you to him, letting you cry into his shoulder, his own body trembling slightly as he tried to hold back his tears. “It’s not fair,” you whispered. “It’s not fair. I want to love you for so much longer.”
Baekhyun stiffened, then, and you realized the words you’d said were nearly identical to the ones on his wrist.
I wanted to love you for longer.
Were you going to say them to him again? Before you died?
“We’re just going to have to make the most of what we have left,” he murmured into your hair. “I don’t want to have any regrets. I want to enjoy every last second I have, with you.”
You pulled away, your heart growing impossibly heavier than it already was.
Baekhyun took a deep breath. “And so I was thinking. Will you come home, with me?”
Your lips parted in question before he spoke again. 
“My old house, the one I lived in with my parents before...before they died. I want to go back. With you.”
You swallowed then, and nodded. Leaning forward, you placed a soft kiss to his lips.
“Let’s go home, Baek. Together.”
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A/N: I apologize for making everyone wait so long for this update, but I hope you liked it! I’m sad to say that the next part is going to be the final one, so get your tissues ready in advance, everyone. Oh, and leave me your thoughts as always! x
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taexual · 7 years
EXO / Their S/O is emotional
REQUEST: I want to request an Exo Reaction. Their wife/GF/fiancee is cold and honest the whole day long. She feels tired and emotional (she has her perioda or just a bad time), she doesn't say anything. At the evening she suddenly starts crying out of nothing because of her emotions
Writing this was somewhat therapeutical. Thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy.
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You’ve been on edge the whole day. Stress because of school was already enough but then you also got into a fight with one of your closest friends and that resulted in your foul mood that Minseok noticed as soon as you stepped inside of your shared apartment.
“Y/n,” he said, watching as you locked the door. “What’s wrong?”
You turned to look at him, a little shocked about the fact that he took notice of your mood so quickly. But as soon as you saw the concern in his eyes, you felt tears start to well up in yours. You didn’t know why. Sure, you felt stressed and anxious but before you saw him, you didn’t feel like crying.
“I don’t k-know,” you said, sniffling. “It’s just—”
“A bad day?” Minseok finished for you, coming closer to embrace you while you just nodded and allowed him to hold you.
“It wasn’t t-that bad,” you said, a sob escaping you.
“Not that bad?” Minseok asked, pressing you to himself tighter. “Baby, you’re crying.”
“I don’t know why,” you admitted. “Maybe it’s been too long since I cried last and I j-just needed to let it out.”
“Maybe,” he didn’t question you, he just stayed there, holding you. “Take your time until you calm down, okay? I’m here for you.”
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Always having to make sure that you were happy, Junmyeon felt his heartbreak every time he saw tears in your eyes. Even if the tears, as you told him, were pointless and you were only crying because you were irrationally emotional, and not actually sad. It still hurt him and he still stopped whatever he was doing to make you smile again.
“Come here,” he told you when he saw that you were holding yourself back so you wouldn’t cry. “I’m going to talk about everything that makes you laugh until you smile.”
“Remember the time you made me wear a size S unicorn onesie for your birthday and then laughed for ten minutes straight when you saw me?” he started. “Or remember the time we saw that stray kitten on the street and we both took, like, twenty pictures of it each? I still have them. Do you want me to find them?”
Finally laughing at his desperate attempt to get you to smile, you stopped him. “That’s okay, Junmyeon. I remember.”
“Should I keep going or are you not sad anymore?” he asked.
“Well, I’m not crying,” you said, wiping the remaining tears from your cheeks.
“You didn’t tell me you’re not sad, though,” he said, pulling you closer to him. “So I’ll keep cuddling you until you confirm that you’re happy.”
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Whenever you weren’t feeling your best, Yixing always gave you his undivided attention. He may not have known what to say to you when you got emotional out of the blue, but he made sure he was always there if you needed to vent or just to sit quietly. Despite knowing that the sudden surge of emotion you were experiencing was nothing serious and would probably go away in a few hours, he still treated like it was a serious matter.
“Are you cold?” he asked you after he made sure you were comfortably laying on the couch in a pile of duvets and pillows. “Should I get you another blanket?”
“No, Yixing, I’m okay.”
“I’ll make dinner, okay?” he said then. “Something healthy, so you’d feel better.”
“Hey, how about we just order some food later, and right now you come cuddle with me?” you suggested.
Yixing smiled at this. “That sounds very tempting. But you can’t order healthy food.”
“Okay, so then we’ll cook later. I’ll help you,” you said. “Just… be with me right now.”
“Of course,” he said, laying down on the couch next to you and wrapping an arm around you. “I’m yours whenever you need me.”
“I always need you.”
“Then I’m always yours.”
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Baekhyun didn't always catch on. Sometimes, you had to straight-up tell him that you were feeling very emotional in order for him to notice that something was off. He wasn't ignoring you, he just wasn't overly good at reading you, especially when you hid behind your cold face in order to cover up your real feelings. When you did admit that you weren't feeling well, though, he instantly perked up.
“Go to bed,” he told you instantly. "I'll make you tea."
"I can't go to bed," you sighed. "I have work to do."
"Work can wait. Your health is more important. Go to bed," he repeated.
"Y/n, don't make me carry you to bed," he threatened.
Knowing better than to argue with him, you gave in, turning around and going to your bed. Unsurprisingly, as soon as you felt the warmth of your sheets, your muscles relaxed and you already started to feel better. A few moments later, your boyfriend entered the bedroom with a huge mug of tea.
"There you go," he said, placing the mug on the nightstand next to you and walking around the bed to climb in with you. "I'll stay with you until you feel better."
"You don't have to do that. I'm not sick or anything."
"You are to me," he said, closing his eyes and wrapping his arms around you, enjoying your warmth as much as you enjoyed his. "You'll no longer be sick when you genuinely smile at me. Until then, we'll stay in bed."
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Jongdae got those days, too, so he knew very well that sometimes you just didn't feel like smiling. It wasn't anything bad, both of you knew that.
"I'm not feeling my best today," you told him and he understood.
Whenever either of you had days like that, both of you always stayed in, watching movies and cuddling until you fell asleep.
"Movie night tonight?" Jongdae asked. You shrugged your shoulders. "Just hold on a moment, I'll cancel on my—”
"You have plans? Don't cancel them," you said. "I'll be perfectly fine on my own."
"No, I want to be with you when you don't feel well," he insisted. "My friends will understand."
You sighed. "I feel bad now, though."
"Babe, don't feel bad that I'm choosing to be with you because you need me more right now. Serious or not, you're not having a great day and you're wrong if you think I won't be here to help you get through it like you've been there for me so many times before."
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You knew that Chanyeol tended to get upset if you told him you weren't feeling well. Which is why you tried to keep your emotions in check. And you've succeeded. Until you came home and the smallest thing - the fact that there was no more milk left - broke you down.
You felt tears sting your eyes, unable to believe that you went through this whole day today, slowly but surely stepping over obstacles and the simple fact that you ran out of milk was what made you lose it.
"Y/n?" Chanyeol's quiet voice asked. "Are you crying? What's wrong?"
Sniffling, you turned your back to him, not wanting him to worry.
"I'm fine," you said. "M-milk. We ran out of it."
Chanyeol approached you, walking around you so he could see your face.
"Why do I feel like that's not the real reason why you're crying?" he said.
"I'm not crying," you insisted as tears rolled down your cheeks.
"Oh, baby," he exhaled, pulling you into his arms. "It's okay. Whatever happened, everything will be okay."
You hugged him back. "I'm s-sorry. I didn't want you to s-see me like this."
"Please don't hide your real feelings from me," he said, softly caressing your back in a comforting manner. "I love you when you’re happy and I love you just as much when you’re not."
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Kyungsoo felt guilty that because of his busy schedule, he wasn't able to always be with you when you really needed him. The two of you tried to keep in touch by texting and although it was a little harder to understand your actual emotions through a text message, it wasn't impossible.
It took Kyungsoo three of your cold texts to understand that something was off. He called you right away but you insisted that everything was fine. When he pressed you to tell him the truth, you just said that you were tired and he let it go, not losing the anxiety, but understanding that you didn't want to talk about it.
Five hours later, when you were preparing for bed and you realized that tomorrow was going to be just as stressful as today was, you couldn't do it anymore. You dialed Kyungsoo's number and while you waited for him to pick up, you felt tears well up in your eyes.
"Hello?" he answered and right as you opened your mouth to speak, a sob came out. "Y/n, what's wrong?"
"It's just h-hard," you finally admitted. "I'm tired. I want to s-sleep. I can't do this."
"I know, baby," Kyungsoo said, feeling pain in his chest at the sound of your broken voice. "But you can get through this. It's just a few difficult days, right? They'll be over soon. I promise you. You can survive them. There's nothing wrong with feeling tired or crying about this. It's hard for you. I understand."
"I miss y-you," you sniffled.
"I miss you too, Y/n. So much," he said. "But I'll be home soon. I'll be with you. Stay strong for me, okay? Text me whenever you find a free moment, I'll try to help you as much as I can. I love you, Y/n. Don't forget that."
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Whenever you were emotional, you tended to close off. At first, it threw Jongin off and he didn't know what to do. He kept apologizing, thinking it was his fault, but your mood didn't seem to get better. Finally, he realized that this was just your way of dealing with your emotions.
"Do you want me to be with you right now?" he asked. "Or do you want me to leave you alone?"
"I don't know," you replied.
"Okay," he said, looking for an alternative approach. "Will you shoot me if I stay with you?"
"Then I'll stay with you," he decided. "Will it bother you if I talk?"
And he talked. He told you how he facetimed with his dogs today, how he attempted to get Kyungsoo to do a dance move he wasn't a big fan of, how he spilled coffee on his jeans and the other members laughed about the stain on his crotch for fifteen minutes with no breaks.
As he talked, you realized what he was doing. He was trying to take your mind off your worries. And it was working.
Understanding that you were already feeling better, you leaned closer to him to press a quick kiss to his lips, stopping him mid-sentence.
"I love you," you said after pulling away.
A smile spread across his face. "Was that your way to get me to shut up?"
"No," you laughed. "Please keep talking. I love hearing your voice."
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Sometimes, Sehun was really clueless. You could give him the cold shoulder and he wouldn't realize. Naturally, talking was an important part of your relationship that both of you still needed to work on.
Whenever he suspected that you were unhappy about something, he'd immediately question you about it, though most times you were just tired or sleepy. When you truly were feeling emotional, though, you tried to pretend that everything was alright so he wouldn't suspect a thing. And you were usually successful at that, but sometimes your emotions betrayed you.
"Y/n, have you—” he started to say as he entered the room but then he saw the tears on your cheeks that you tried to cover up but failed. “Oh my God, are you crying? Y/n, what’s wrong?”
“I’m fine,” you tried to say, not even sure why you were hiding the truth.
“You’re not fine,” he replied. “What happened? Do you want to talk to me?”
“No, I just…” you said and then had to pause to take a deep breath. “I just want to lie down. Can I do that?”
“Of course, jagi,” he said, taking your hand into his. “Come on, let’s get you to bed. Do you need anything else?”
You shook your head, allowing him to walk you to the bedroom and then lay you down on the bed, making sure that you’re fully covered by a blanket.
“I’m right here, okay?” he said softly. “I’m always right here. Please tell me if you feel down. I want to help you.”
“Thank you, Sehun,” you said quietly. “And I’m sorry.”
“No, please don’t apologize. Just let me make it better for you in any way I can.”
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lofitojii · 7 years
Admiration [IV]
Summary: He’s the son of Aphrodite, goddess of love and beauty. He was everything as described, handsome, cunning, admirable. You, the daughter of Poseidon, god of waters, knows that it’s against the rules to fall for such a man. Demigods aren’t allowed to be romantically involved with one another. But it’s hard to stay away.
Warning: [M] Swearing.
Word Count: 3.2k
Admiration Masterlist
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“Jongin, please,” you tried to calm him down. He let out a deep sigh, running a hand through his messy hair. “How’d you find out?”
“Alice made a comment about how you were jealous of the two of them and I just told her she was being delusional. We were halfway through dinner and Baekhyun disappeared for what felt like forever so I said I’d go look for him. I saw him come out of your room and that’s when he told me.” You knew that Baekhyun and Jongin were close and that it was rather difficult for Baekhyun to keep secrets from the people he cared about. It was only a matter of time before he caved so it doesn’t really surprise you that Jongin knew.
“So now what?” you asked, crossing your arms over your chest. You felt so exposed in front of Jongin, your body being covered by the silky robe and only that. “Are you going to run and tell the council? Turn us in?” Jongin raised an eyebrow, looking up from the floor he was so fixated on.
“I would never do that. You know I wouldn’t,” Jongin whispered, his eyes full of pain as he answered your question. “I want to help you.”
“I was in love,” Jongin started, letting out a deep sigh. “Her name was Plum, never wanting people to know her real name. She was the daughter of Gaia. Her love for nature was admirable by many, especially catching my eye. I loved her and I believed she loved me too. Junmyeon found out and reported it back to his father and instead of stripping her memory and powers, she was sent to live on Earth with her brother Kyungsoo. She’s not allowed here and it’s all my fault. I should have been more careful.” 
You remembered Plum, her bright purple hair, the freckles across the bridge of her nose. She was quiet but sweet to everyone she met. You remember the day she left too, the reason behind it being that she wanted to take care of her land rather than wait around any longer. You had no idea that the reason was because she and Jongin had fallen in love.
“I want to help. If you guys find Hera and somehow manage to get the dating ban lifted, I could bring Plum back here or maybe even join her there. I just want to see Plum again.” Jongin was hurting from when he lost her, you could see it. It wasn’t hard to notice the pain he was feeling.
“Then come with us,” you offered. “We’re going to need some help getting out of here.” Jongin looked shocked at your offer, neither of you expecting your reached out hand. You wanted to help Jongin more than you wanted him to help you leave. 
“When do we leave?” He got to his feet, towering over you with his broad shoulders.
“Meet at the lake house around the bend of the lake tomorrow evening. Chanyeol and Baekhyun will meet us there.” Jongin nodded, making his way towards the door, getting ready to leave. He stopped before he reached the door, turning his attention towards you.
“Thank you, Y/n.” He exited the room, leaving you alone once more. You were grateful to know that Jongin was on your side in this. He wasn’t just doing it for you, but for himself as well. He knew what it was like to be in love, to lose someone he loved.
Your chest was tight, blocking any sort of airwaves to flow through your body. You sat in your room, eyeing the door as if someone was going to bust it down at any given second. It was early in the morning, far from your departing time, but you could feel that someone knew. That, someone, was going to try and come and stop you, but as the hours went on and you continued to stare aimlessly at the door, all you could hear was the passing by of what you assumed to be house servants. Not a single knock at the door, no one rushing around looking for you. Not yet, at least.
You finally exhaled, letting your body relax from the stiff position it’s been in for the last couple of hours. You made sure to pack a bag last night, hiding it under your bed so that you could have a quick getaway that night. You didn’t want anything to hold you back, you just wanted to leave.
To run away with Baekhyun had been something of a dream since the first time you met him. There were constant fantasies of how you wanted to travel around the universe with him, taking trips to Venus and Mars. You wanted to explore Earth and the beautiful lands you had seen only in pictures. You grew up on Uranus with your father, not remembering what Earth was like. All you wanted was to return and you finally had the chance to. Hera was rumored to be hiding out somewhere on Earth, the main attraction to all godly beings.
“Well good morning,” you heard Chanyeol approach you, walking next to you as you walked down the long hall towards the kitchen. “I wonder how they’re going to feel when some of us don’t show up to the Kingsman ball tonight.”
“Guess we’ll find out,” you shrugged, pushing open the door to the kitchen. It was rather full, everyone enjoying the morning of the Kingsman. The Kingsman is a ceremony where Zeus’ son, in this case, Junmyeon, is appointed ruler of the council. He gains the power that Zeus has, leaving Zeus to live a life of his own until it is time for him to return Olympia. Junmyeon was to take his place, making it his land. You never felt anything wrong towards Junmyeon, he was a great leader in training when you met him. Too bad you wouldn’t be there to see it pan out.
“Y/n, you have dress fitting this afternoon for tonight’s event,” your father came up behind you, placing a hand on your shoulder and giving it a small squeeze. You had forgotten that you had promised your father you would go with him that night, your heart beating faster as you thought about him finding out. His words continued to play in your head.
“Those who fall in love with someone else rather than the world are selfish.”
You didn’t want your father to hate you, but you didn’t know what else to do at this point. Either live with the loss or really reach out and make Baekhyun yours.
“Ms. Y/n, we’re ready for you.” You felt as if your day was speeding along in the blink of an eye. The closer the sun was to setting behind the distant mountains, the more your heart swelled with excitement. You didn’t know what was going to happen or if you were ready.
You looked at yourself in the blue gown, the ombre from sky blue to a deep ocean color. It was the color of who you were, resembling your inner self. The daughter of Poseidon, god of the sea. “Everyone is being dressed in their orb colors tonight but this one is by far my favorite look of the evening.” The man who had dressed you was a close friend of your fathers. He was a designer for godly beings, always having something special about his designs. You were curious as to why yours was his favorite.
“Well come on now Tao, what’s so great about this gown?” He smiled, his hands lacing up the back of your gown.
“Let’s just say that it’s light, pretty good for a quick getaway if you ask me.” He shot you a wink before helping you off the small step. You shot him a look of confusion, his smirk just growing as he walked you away from the step and towards a mirror.
You stood there, looking at yourself in the full body mirror and not recognizing yourself. The bruises and scars that you had received from training not too long ago were fading, still there but not as dark. You felt as if your features were softened by the way the color of your dress contrasted with your skin. You felt beautiful for once. You felt as if you were more than what you saw yourself to be.
“Her dress doesn’t compare to yours,” Tao said, walking away from the mirror. You raised an eyebrow once again at his comment, wondering how he managed to read your mind. “It’s a baby pink color, not even floor length. Also wasn’t made by me so there’s nothing special about it.”
“You met her?” You asked, curious about the information you had just found out. Tao scoffed, turning around and laughing.
“Awful girl that one. She was so rude to me. I don’t think she knew who I was but regardless, you shouldn’t treat people the way she treated me.” You knew, as well as everyone else, that Alice was nothing but a gold digger. You wanted so bad to call her out, to expose her. But instead, you decided that it was better to leave it unspoken, let her be. You were about to leave with her main purpose of being here. “Y/n.” Tao broke you from your trance. “Be careful tonight. And good luck.”
“Luck with what?” your father’s voice boomed, startling both you and Tao. “With those heels? She’s going to need it. My little warrior looking more like her mother every day.” You felt your cheeks go bright red, looking down at your twiddling thumbs.
“She is a stunning young woman, isn’t she?” Tao agreed, placing a hand on the small of your back. “Now, I’ll send her out when she’s ready. Go go.” Tao pushed your father out of the room, quickly locking the door behind him. He turned around, a smirk on his face. He raced across the room, quickly unlocking the other door having Baekhyun and Chanyeol walk through. Baekhyun stood there, fitted in his maroon suit, matching the color of his orb. He looked stunning, the way the suit fitted his figure.
“Wow,” Baekhyun breathed, coming up to you and placing a small kiss on your cheek.
“Baek,” you pushed him away, signaling towards Tao who was just laughing.
“He knows. I asked for his help tonight.”
“I can only do so much before people catch on that you’re missing,” Tao spoke out, looking down at his watch then back up at the both of you. “The minute Baekhyun doesn’t walk through that door with Alice on his arm, Aphrodite is going to throw a fit.” 
“Thank you,” you nodded over towards Tao.
“Most girls would like reward the guy with a kiss on the cheek but, you know what. It’s okay. You’re fine.”
“Are you sure?” you raised an eyebrow. “Cause I can-”
“No no. It’s okay. You’re fine.”
“Can we not do this right now? I’m like, on the tip of my toes here,” Chanyeol stopped you. He was pacing back and forth, his anxiety level rising as time went on as the four of you stood there. “Jongin said he called a friend and they’re waiting for us at the lake house but we have to go now.”
“He’s right,” Baekhyun added, grabbing your hand. “Are you sure you’re ready for this?” You looked up at Baekhyun’s big brown eyes, his features softer as he searched your face for some sort of answer. You leaned up, pressing your lips gently against his, reassuring that you were ready. “I’ll go first. I’m closer to the last of the line so it will be easier for me to get away. Chanyeol, you need to make sure Y/n makes it without getting hurt.”
“I can handle myself,” you stepped up, interrupting him. Baekhyun just nodded, agreeing with your statement. He kissed you once more, this time the kiss lingering a bit longer.
“I’ll see you soon.” He walked out, giving you a few minutes between the three of you.
“Okay, let’s go,” Chanyeol motioned, Tao following close beside you.
“In the tights you’re wearing, there’s a button on the side. Press that if you need to defend yourself. Also, make sure you keep your orb on you.”
“Y/n!” You heard your father call your name, your heart dropping as you heard him approach from behind you. You stopped, Chanyeol and Tao continuing down the steps. “Where were you going?”
“Um,” you began to hesitate. “I was… Going to meet you down there.” Your father frowned, his facial expression becoming more curious at your actions. He pulled your arm out of the middle of the hallway.
“What’s going on? You’ve been acting weird the last couple of days. Is everything okay?” Your father’s expression was genuine. The way his features became soft when he asked the question hurt your heart.
“Yes. I’m fine,” you lied, knowing damn well you weren’t fine. Your father let out a sigh, rubbing his hand over his beard. He looked around, leaning closer to you, his voice barely above a whisper.
“Go,” he sighed. You looked at your father, taken back by his demand. “I said go. I’ll try and cover for as long as I can but you need to go now.”
“How’d you-”
“He came to me about two weeks ago. He’ll tell you the rest,” he linked your arm with his, going down the steps that lead to the main level. “Keep running and remember your training. You have to ocean’s orb with you. Use it.”
“Thank you, father.” You gave him a hug before rushing out the main doors of the building, trying your best to not be seen by anyone as you made your way towards the lake house. You lifted your dress so that you could walk faster, trying your best to stay hidden. You looked up at the night sky, the moon shining brightly, the stars shining so bright that you could see the surface of Saturn. It was a beautiful night, clear skies, warm air. 
“There you are. I thought for sure your father was going to rat us out,” Chanyeol said, greeting you at the door. Jongin, Baekhyun, Sehun, and Chanyeol all stood there, waiting for you to arrive alongside with someone else you didn’t know.
“Y/n, this is Jongdae. He’s the son of Hermes.”
“The messenger god,” you cut Sehun off, nodding towards Jongdae. “Heard a lot about you.” He was known to be a compulsive liar. Never working for the good side, nor the bad. He was his own person, taking after his father in many aspects. You didn’t want to trust him, but he was a friend of Jongin’s. He had to be trustworthy.
“You as well,” Jongdae smirked. You wanted to press for more answers but decided against it, considering the condition you guys were in. “The council will be on your ass as soon as they notice that you guys are out of their realm. Put these rings on, it will cloud their tracking devices of your orbs. Do not take them off by any means. The minute they catch a signal, you’ll be caught.” You looked at the plain silver ring, sliding it over your middle finger. You all followed Jongdae out of the lake house, being caught off guard by a huge flash of lightning, followed by a massive rumble of thunder.
“Go,” Sehun pushed. “I’ll meet up with you guys later. All hell is about to break loose and I want to help.” You continued to follow Jongdae towards the forest where you had practiced multiple times before. You knew the forest like the back of your hand.
“There’s a car outside across the road from the opening about a mile out. There’s a map in the front console. Follow it and I’ll meet you guys there.” Jongdae ran in the opposite direction of the four of you, letting you run straight for the entrance of your world. It was the one entrance that connected Earth and your realm, being the only way in and out.
You continued to run, your chest on fire from the constant running. “This way!” You heard someone call from behind you. You felt your body be jolted back, the end of your dress getting snagged on a branch.
“Y/n!” Baekhyun rushed back towards you, trying to pull your dress out but it was no use. It was caught on the branch, the only way to get it unstuck is ripping the whole thing.
“Guys! Come on!” Chanyeol begged, his attention focused mainly on the flashing lights behind him.
“Move,” Jogin said, pulling out his sword and swinging it above his head. Your eyes went wide, placing your hands on his arms.
“Woah! No!” You stopped him. You quickly ripped the dress, dropping the remains of your dress on the ground. “No need to cut off my whole leg.”
“I wasn’t going to cut your leg off,” Jongin wined, following behind as you continued to run for the entrance.
“There’s a barrier that is going to go up in the next two minutes. We need to be across that line. Once we’re across, it will hold long enough for us to get a decent distance away from the entrance.” Baekhyun was quick to speed ahead of the rest of the group, making it to the car faster than the rest. You felt your heart beat out of your chest as you barely made it through the entrance, having it close up right as you stepped onto the dirt across the path.
“Good lord,” Jongin cursed, trying to catch his breath.
“We have to keep going. Baekyun- he’s. He’s wait-,” Chanyeol tried to form some sort of sentence through his gasps for air. You nodded, continuing to make your way through the unfamiliar forest area.
Your mind was dead set on getting to the car, your heart and body begging for you to stop but you knew you couldn’t. You wanted to just collapse but you knew that if you were caught, there was no way you could be with Baekhyun every again, and that’s what scared you the most.
“There!” Jongin yelled, pointing at the car that was waiting for the three of you. Jongin swung open the door, letting the two of you jump in before him. He was quick to close the door behind him, Baekhyun taking off before he even had both feet in the car. You let your body rest against the seat, trying your best to even out your breath. You closed your eyes, focusing in on your breathing as best as you could.
“We did it,” Baekhyun whispered, placing a hand on your thigh and giving it a small squeeze. You opened your eyes, letting your eyes flutter over in his direction. He was fixated on the road but his soothing strokes of his thumb against your thigh was enough. You rested your hand on top of his, giving it a squeeze. “One of you open the map and tell me where we’re going.” You handed the map behind you, Chanyeol taking it from your hands. You let your mind wander back to the council, to your home of Olympia.
Your father was on your side, defending you. You wanted to ask Baekhyun about what he had said to your father, wanting to know how he got him to let you go. You wanted to ask what happened between him and Alice as well, curious as to how their relationship actually was. You were curious but decided to leave it for another day.
“Guys,” Jongin smiled, looking up from the map. “Look’s like we’re headed for LA.”
“LA?” You asked, rather confused at the destination. “Hera isn’t going to be in a big city.”
“It’s where Jongdae wants us to go,” Baekhyun pointed out. “He wouldn’t ask us there if it wasn’t important.”
“Where even are we?” Chanyeol asked, looking outside at the surroundings. You passed a sign, unfamiliar with your whereabouts.
“Europe,” Baekhyun added. “20 minutes outside of London. We’ll take the first flight out.”
“How’d you know?” Jongin asked, rather surprised. Baekhyun opened the glovebox, pulling out a small envelope.
“I’ve never been to LA,” Chanyeol said, leaning back in his seat. You could see him in the review mirror, his shirt torn at the ends, the sleeves nearly shredded. His white hair was also a mess, as well as Jongin’s. Everyone’s outfits were torn to pieces, including yours.
“There’s a change of clothes in the back. I made sure to bring something for all of us,” Baekhyun said, noticing you were staring at you ripped clothes. “You looked beautiful by the way. You still do.” He lifted your hand to his lips, leaving a small kiss on the back of your hand. You felt your heart flutter, your head clouded with Baekhyun only.
You were on the run but you didn’t care. You had one objective and that was to be with Baekhyun. You were already halfway there, your journey barely beginning.
“I love you,” he whispered, kissing your hand once more. “So much.”
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yehetting · 7 years
EXO - Reaction
Anon: Hey! Can I request EXO’s reaction to finding out their S/O is unexpectedly pregnant but scared to tell them cause S/O is afraid that they’ll choose their career over a child? Thank you!
Of course you can! lol Its kind of nice to have a reaction in our ask box than the nsfw requests! (which we have like 2 left of and I’m working on rn) Also this kinda turned into a scenario/reaction lol sorry -Admin Sierra
He would find the test in the guest bathroom of your shared apartment while cleaning. He would wonder if it was yours or someone else. Once he realized that the only people who had been at your guys place where the guys he would kinda get frantic. He would wrap it in toilet paper and put it in his pocket.
As he cleaned he would silently ask questions on why you didn't tell him. If you where scared to tell him. Why you would be scared, he loved kids. He was wiping the mirror when he stopped. He realized he had been working a lot lately. Maybe you where scared because you thought he would choose his job over a family. Which made him sad. He was scared to bring it up though since you hadn’t said anything about it. He waited til that night, he asked you about starting a family which made your fear fade away. He did end up telling you he found the test in the bathroom though.
“Wait... you knew?” You would ask sitting up staring at him.
“Yeah, I thought it was someone else at first, but did the math and guys can’t get pregnant so....” He trailed off looking at you.
You nodded. He grabbed your arms and pulled you into his chest.
“Don’t worry love, I want this, I want a baby with you. I love you so much. We are gonna be great parents.” He said stroking your hair til you fell asleep.
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He came home early from practice wanting to surprise you with your favorite snacks and a movie. He had spent 90% of his time at work and the other 10% sleeping. He would actually overhear the conversation from you and your doctor outside the bedroom door confirming you where indeed pregnant. He was shocked, Whenever you to had sex you where always safe, to prevent this. Not that he wouldn't be happy and ready, Its his work and the fans, how they would react and treat you is what worried him. He hear you say your goodbyes and bolted to the living room when you walked out.
“Oh! you're home? So early.” you said kind of nervous of how much he may have heard.
“Yeah, I got out early... I picked up some of your favorite snacks and a movie, I figured since I haven't been home often I wanted to spend some time with you.” he admitted. You simply nodded and kinda rocked back and forth on your heals.
“Are you okay baby?” He asked setting the bag on the coffee table.
“Yeah, yeah I’m fine.Just a bit tired is all.” You lied. He just nodded and sat on the couch opening his arms to you so you could cuddle to him. He knew what you where thinking so he waited til you where ready to tell him.
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Junmyeon :
Being the leader of EXO meant he was hardly home, worse than the other members. He was surprised when he came home that you where still there waiting for him. He was so scared to lose you to his job that when he found the pregnancy tests in the trash can, hidden underneath papers in your shared bedroom, he would start crying. He knew why you had hid them. Or at least had a strong hunch. He would rush to the kitchen and make your favorite meal. You walked out of the guest bathroom to the smell of him cooking and your stomach churned. You walked into the kitchen and faked a smile as you hugged him from behind. He quickly turned around and wrapped his arms tightly around you and started to cry again.
“Junmyeon...” you where caught off guard at his cries and you tried to pull away to look at his face but he only held you closer.
“I love you so much.” He cried into your hair.
“I love you too.” You said holding him in your arms.
He finished cooking and you ended up telling him over dinner, and he explained that he knew and he didn't want to lose you or his baby to his job. He promised he would make sure he went to every doctors appointment and to be home as much as possible.
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Kyungsoo would find out from your best friend. They would tell him because they know your fear of him choosing his job over a family isn't true. No matter how many times they tried to convince you, you still didn't want to tell him you where pregnant. He would be mad at first because he was hearing such amazing news from your friend and not you. He would calm down once your friend explained why they where telling him instead of you. He was terrified to lose you two, so, he would drive home immediately ignoring the other members and his manager in the process.He was determined to show you how much you meant to him and how much he wanted this. When he got home he rushed into the house searching for you.
“(Y/N)?” He called through the house but got no response.
He ran up the stairs to your shared bedroom to find you sleeping in your guys bed. You face was puffy from crying. He crouched down, leveling his face with your sleeping one. H reached out and stroked your cheek causing you to flinch at the sudden contact. You woke up and stared at him for a second, then realized that he shouldn't be home yet.
“What are you doing home Soo?” you quietly questioned. Sitting up slowly and rubbing your eyes.
He just took off his jacket and shoes and climbed in bed with you. He pulled your body to his and ran a hand over your stomach. You froze.
“You know don't you?” you asked not looking at him. Cursing out your friend in your head.
“Yes, I do. (Y/N), why would you think I would ever choose my job over you. Our baby, a family?” he asked, using his index finger to turn your face to him. You shrugged looking at his nose instead of his eyes.
“I would never in a million years do that. You know me of all people, I would never do something so ridiculous, I want to be a farmer for heavens sake.” He said, causing you to laugh a little. He smiled and held you in his arms the rest of the day.
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He would be in China when he found out from Baekhyun. Baekhyun would congratulate him and you on the pregnancy and it would confuse the hell outta Yixing. Poor Baekhyun wouldn't know what to. He would apologize and quickly hang up the phone call. Yixing would call you immediately and question what Baekhyun had said.
“(Y/N)?” he said when you answered the video call. He looked worried and that worried you.
“Yixing? Whats wrong?” you asked squishing your eyebrows together.
“Is it true?” he asked.
“Babe, you're going to have to be more specific than that, Is what true?” you chuckled softly. Cocking your head to the side in confusion.
“Are you...” he trailed off taking a deep breath. “...Pregnant?”
You swallowed hard, Color draining from your face. You stared at him through the screen.
“Ho-” you started but he cut you off.
“Baek told me, he said he found the test on the bathroom counter he thought you already told me. You didn't. Why?” he looked mad. He wasn't he was just confused why you wouldn't share such amazing news with him, the father. You sighed and explained why, Slowly and nearly so quiet he almost couldn't hear you.
“Baby...” He sighed. “I would never choose my career over having a family with you. You're my everything! You keep me going when I want to throw it all away. I want to make a name for myself so we can be stable and raise a family. I’m doing this for us, but if it came down to choosing I would choose you over everything. I love you so much, Please don't ever doubt that or me.”
You had started crying but you nodded. “I love you, I love you so much Yixing, I was just scared because of the type of career you have.” you explained a little further.
“Don’t be love, listen I have to go now, but I will be coming home in 2 days, I’m cutting my time here short to spend it with you. I don’t care what anyone says. You need me there with you right now. Ill be home soon okay? I love you baby.” He said and you smiled and nodded. You two hung up and he was home the very next day.
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He would be terrified when he overheard you talking to your mom on the phone.
“I’m scared, What if he doesn't want this mom?”
He stopped in his tracks. Want what? he wondered.
“What if he gets angry and leaves me alone? He has a very important career, I am just a person.”
What? Why would I get mad? he furrowed his eyebrows in concentration listening further.
“I cant tell him...”
“I don't know what I’m gonna do that's why I called you, for help, some advice maybe...”
He shifted his weight to his other foot and leaned in further.
“Okay, I’ll see what I can do maybe he wont care if I come see you for a few days while I try to figure it out.”
“I can fly, I’m not that far along, the baby will be fine mom.”
BABY?! WHAT?! His eyes bulged out of his head and he nearly dropped his phone.
“Okay I’ll text you later, mhm, Love you too.”
He took off towards the living room, tripping on the rug in the process. He tried to regain himself before you came out. He was thinking about what he had heard when you walked out. He propped an elbow on the counter top and pulled out his phone as you walked in.
“Oh. You're home?” you where shocked to see him. You shuffled to him. He kissed you and nodded. He didn't trust himself to speak yet.
“My mom called and wants me to come stay with her for a few days.She said she misses me.” You said very fast looking everywhere but his face.
“Okay, well Maybe we should make it a mini vacation, I have a few days off.” He said not waiting for you to answer when he called the local airline to purchase two tickets to your home town. He wanted you to tell him, but he didn't want you to be scared to so he figured being home with family would make you a little more comfortable.
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He would go quiet when Kyungsoo told him that you where pregnant. He would sit there and just stare at his hands.
“Why didn't she tell me?” he asked Kyungsoo.
“Because shes scared Chen, You have been taking more interviews and you even just came out with a song, do you realize how much promotion is going to take up your time?” Kyungsoo said.
Chen just covered his face with his hands and yelled into them. Causing Kyungsoo to jump a little. Kyungsoo put a hand on his shoulder.
“Go home, Ill cover for you, Make her dinner tell her you are gonna be home a lot now since our promotions for the comeback is over. Make her see that being scared to lose you to this job is ludicrous.” Kyungsoo stood grabbing Chen's arm and pulling him to the door.
“Okay, Um thank you Soo.. For telling me.” Chen thanked him and gave him a quick hug and left. When he got home you where washing the dishes from lunch. You where surprised to see him so early in the day.
“Oh?” You looked up and saw him enter the kitchen. “You're home! How was work?” you asked drying your hands off. He didn't answer, he took long strides to you and pressed his lips to yours. You where caught by surprise but kissed back.
“What was that for?” you asked a little out of breath when he pulled away.
“I missed you so much, I’m sorry I haven't been home enough, but that's changing today. Promotions are done and I’m not going to do any for my new song.” he stated taking your hands in his.
“What? No promotion for it? Chen are you feeling okay?“ you asked as you touched his for head. He nodded. He was attached to your hip just about all day until dinner when he forced you to stay out of the kitchen so he could surprise you with your favorite meal and dessert.
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He would actually be very pissed off. Not at you but at himself for making you feel this way. He spent most of his time at the studio or when he was home he was in his office working on new songs. When he did finally go to bed you where already asleep. Countless times he would notice you had been crying. He found out you where pregnant from the fans. They where mad at him for the same reason you where scared to tell him. One fan saw you at the doctors office, and overheard the news by accident. They took to Instagram spamming him with messages in his DMs. It was never posted, thank god.
“What do you mean you know (Y/N) is pregnant, shes not pregnant. Please don't spread rumors that arent true.” He responded to the fan as politely as possible.
“She is, I heard it, I was there. I didn't mean to hear personal information but she was crying in the room after. What did you do? Why did she not tell you?” The fan asked getting annoyed at him. He read it 5 or 6 times before it hit him. His job. That’s why. He decided seeing as the fan didn't post about it anywhere to confide in her.
“My job... That’s what I did, I think shes scared to tell me.” He said.
“Maybe you should spend more time with her, I understand your job is important but she’s your girlfriend, and shes pregnant, Imagine how she must feel right now! Chanyeol, Go to her. Don’t tell her you know make her feel loved and she will tell you herself.” She replied.
Chanyeol nodded firmly and took you out to dinner at your favorite place and went to the arcade and won as many plushies as he could. He made sure you felt every ounce of love he had for you that night, and forever.
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He was on your computer doing some work, You allowed him to use his when his would act up so it wasn't something new. He was typing away when he heard adding sound meaning you had a new email. Without thinking about it he opened it. Thinking it was just spam until you saw it was the doctors office he read it quickly thinking you needed to just make another appointment soon but it wasn't the case.
“Dear Ms. (y/l/n), The test results came back successfully, Congratulations! You're expecting a beautiful addition to the family. Please contact us to schedule a follow up appointment. -(D/n)” He read the email at least 7 times over.
“You almost done babe? I need to check my emails.” You snapped him out of his trance.
“Uh yeah hold on.” He said quickly closing the web browser and adding a few last words to his own email to his manager. He closed the laptop and handed it over. Not really looking at you.
“Thanks babe, Ill be in our room.“ You said kissing his head and walking away. He nodded slowly looking at his desk. He waited for you to come in and tell him what he already knew but you didn't. In fact you said you had a few errands to run and that you would bring back something for dinner. He was worried so he followed you. You met up with Minseok at a coffee shop. Sehun sat far away but close enough to hear. You told Minseok you where pregnant and when he tried to congratulate you you stopped him and told him you where scared to tell him because he might choose his career over a family. Sehun was shocked. He choked on his water and quickly ran out of the shop. He made it home before you and waited for you to come cuddle him on the couch when you walked in,
“Shoot, I forgot to grab dinner.” You said slapping a hand to your forehead.
“Don’t worry I ordered food for us, You always forget.” He chuckled patting the seat next to him on the couch.
“Thanks Sehun. I’m sorry I forgot... again.” You laughed grabbing a pair of chopsticks and grabbing a bite of the noodles. He watched you eat silently. The thought of you being scared of him leaving you behind, his family behind mad him sad. He held your hand causing you to look up at him.
“You know I love you right? You can tell me anything.” Sehun said out of the blue.
You swallowed your food. “I love you too Sehun..” You slowly said back realizing he knew something. You told him right after that.
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(I do not own any of these beautiful gifs)
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youxidol · 7 years
MORNING AFTER WITH EXO || Friends version
waking up next to your best friend after a drunk one night stand can’t be good... right?
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★when he first wakes to see your sleeping naked form next to him he's sit upright in horror ★after finding the condom wrapper on the floor next to his clothes he'd chill out ★he'd wash, dress then go out to the kitchen ★when you wake to an empty bed, you think the small flashes of memory from last night were just part of your dream ★but after a few minutes, coffee begins to spread it's delightful aroma around your room ★you wrap yourself in your dressing gown and follow the scent to it's source ★and looky here ★a minseok ★upon hearing your footsteps, he turns to offer you a small smile ★'morning' ★'hi' ★'i raided your cupboards to make breakfast' ★you'd laugh at how cute and chill he was ★moving to sit on the counter next to him ★he'd give you a mug of coffee and offer a plate of pancakes ★'so about last night...' you looked over his face ★'from what i remember it was good. and it's nice not waking up to chaos like at the dorm' ★you finished your coffee and set your mug down for him to refill ★'i'm surprised your still here' ★'you're my best friend and you think it'd hit and run?' he'd pout as he sat opposite you ★'isn't that how one night stands work? you hit it and run?' ★oh boy you've set him off laughing ★'i'm more of a hit and make sure the lovely victim has my details. just in case' he'd wink ★you two would spend the morning drinking coffee and talking about everything hes done while off on tour
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★upset bub p.1 ★you'd left after waking up ★only leaving a note for him ★so many questions would run through his mind ★would you ever want to talk to him ★should he call you? ★send you flowers? ★diddly darn he was stuck ★he ended up calling you ★'hi, i'm sorry if you're upset with me' ★'myeon, i wanted to stay, but i had work' you'd laugh ★'i thought you'd left because you were upset!' ★'not at all, i had fun last night' ★'oh' ★'yeah' ★'i can pick you up after work and take you for lunch' ★'that sounds great' ★WOW WEE ★he would dress up nice and take you to a fancy ass place ★he'd treat you like a goddamn prince/princess
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★baby boy would be so god damn fluffy ★like he'd just explode with warmth and love and giggles when he sees you sleeping next to him ★he'll move his hand to your hair and play with the strands lovingly until you wake up ★'good morning, baobei' ★your little sleepy grunt in reply would make him giggle ★he's pet your hair and hold you close until you're fully awake to talk ★'should we wash and then go for breakfast?' ★'can't we stay here longer?' ★'we can do whatever you want' ★cuddles upon cuddles upon cuddles ★and mindless chit chat ★how could cuddles in bed with this precious lamb be bad?
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★you'd wake up before him ★you kinda just laid there for a bit debating what to do ★do you wake him ★or just leave?? ★you decided to have a shower first ★and if he wasn't awake when you were out, you'd write a note to him and leave ★so off you went ★halfway through washing your hair, the curtain was pulled back ★and this pup was just stood watching you ★you tried your best to cover yourself ★he just laughed and shook his head ★'you weren't doing that last night. in fact, you couldn't get your clothes off any quicker' ★'shut up baek' ★he'd just tease your mercilessly ★you turned the shower head to wet him ★which shut him up ★he kinda just stared ★which made you think he was mad ★but he suddenly just pushed into the shower with you ★'that wasn't nice' he'd pout, pushing you back against the wall ★'neither was leaving me bed on my own' ★'not my fault you wouldn't wake up' ★'i worked hard last night i deserve a lay in' ★it would just be none stop giggles, kisses and cuddles for the day
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★upset bub p.2 ★he'd watch you sleep for a few minutes before dressing and going to eat ★he felt bad that your first time together was when you were both out of your mind ★as he was drinking his milk, he'd hear your foot steps ★he went full !!!!!! mode ★when you came into the room, he'd do his best to hide ★and by hide i mean he's stood behind the curtains ★'i see you dae,' ★'dae? who's dae? i know no dae' ★it would make you laugh ★which then caused him to grin ★'you're not mad at me?' ★'what's done is done' ★'i'm mad at me for not remembering. maybe we should have a repeat' he'd wink ★'shut up' ★'yes captain'
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★this poor guy ★he had it all planned out on what to do when the two of you woke up ★he'll run you a bath, let you raid his wardrobe so you're comfy then make you breakfast ★he'd straight up just have a stroke when he doesn't hear you snoring ★are you deaD???////???? ★HOLY SHIT HE'D KILLED YOU?! ★it was supposed to be romantic and now he'd killed you ★shit ★oh no ★nevermind ★bless, his face would all be screwed up as he let his thoughts went mad ★you're now staring at him with a confused look on your face ★'what are you thinking about?' you'd ask with a laugh ★'how to bury your body' ★'oh' ★'nO SHIT I MEANT WHAT I'M GOING TO COOK YOU FOR BREAKFAST' ★his little cheeks would be bright red ★his plans were blown ★'breakfast sounds really good, actually' ★his famous grin would sprout on his face before he leans in and kisses your head ★'eggs and bacon coming your way' ★he'd jump out of the bed in such a rush to cook ★that he ended up tripping ★and now he's just curled up naked on your floor ★real good going, chanyeol ★'just come back to bed for a while. i'll cook when i get up' ★he'll dive right back in and nuzzle his face into your neck ★'it was supposed to go better' ★'i know, chan'
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★soft ★v gentle ★11/10 would recommend ★but for real ★the most important thing is that you're happy and that you're comfortable ★you two could talk about what happened last night later on ★a shower and breakfast is more important ★so he kinda just shoves you to the bathroom to wash ★while he goes and works his magic in the kitchen ★probably cooks enough to feed the entire city because he's nervous ★and actually doesn't even know what your favourite breakfast food is ★when you enter the kitchen you just see all this food ★which you thank him for ★the two of you will eat ★then after your both full, the talk will come ★'how much of it do you remember?' ★'i remember seeing your stomach after all the teasing you did' ★'yeah?' ★'you buff up good' ★to which he'll laugh  ★you'll probably just turn the whole situation into a joke ★which always makes the others confused
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★let's be honest here ★this bub ain't waking up ★so you'll just grab your stuff and leave ★when he does wake up he'll probably see your watch you left on the nightstand ★panicccccccccccc ★he'll rush to your place to talk to you ★'you should've woken me up' ★'i could've walked you home' ★'did you leave because you were embarrassed?' ★so many questions ★he'd be so worried that it ruined your relationship ★you'd calm him down by patting his shoulder ★if you wanted to talk about it, you two would ★but if you wanted to put it behind you, you two would also do that
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★would wake before you ★and just stare ★he's in awe ★but he's also really pissed off ★in awe because wow he just had really good sex with the person he holds most dear to his heart ★but WHAT THE FUCK HE BARELY REMEMBERS ANYTHING ★DID YOU ENJOY IT? ★DID YOU MOAN HIS NAME? ★DID HE MOAN YOUR NAME ★WHO WAS IN CHARGE???? ★DID HE CUM BEFORE OR AFTER YOU?! ★his thoughts were cut off by you groaning and stretching out ★you turned your head to see him and offered a sleepy smile before sitting up ★when you reached for your clothes, he'll pull you back down ★and wrap his long limbs around you ★'stay for a bit' ★'we can go out for breakfast' ★it'll be so nice???? ★probs leads to you two blooming into the hottest couple around ★bc how could he not wake up to you every morning?????
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pinkjonginie · 7 years
Bitten pt. 7
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Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10 - Part 11 - Part 12 - Part 13 - Part 14 - Part 15 - Part 16 - Part 17 - Part 18 - Part 19 - Part 20
Description: It’s past the point where Baekhyun can’t hide from you anymore; the truth comes out.
Genre: Smut // Fluff // Slight Angst
Pairing: Byun Baekhyun x Reader
Mobile Masterlist | Request
You sit quietly next to Baekhyun on your porch. It’s been about 10 minutes since the two of you arrived at your house and since you left the school you haven’t said a word to him. You didn’t know what to say but having him next to you made you feel a little better.
“Y/N, I know you don’t want to tell me what happened today, but I’m here. I feel terrible for how I’ve been treating you for the last couple of days, and I’m sorry.”
You let out a sigh, “I think what happened today was because of our friendship.” When you say those words so fast it makes Baekhyun immediately frown at you.
“Why do you think that?”
“Since you’ve changed people have noticed, and they also notice that we are friends.”
He raises a brow, “So? We’ve always been friends.”
“That was before you changed and gained all this popularity! People hate that I’m your friend and it’s getting worse every day.”
Baekhyun nervously chews on his lip, “So what happened today was because of me?”
You drop your head with a nod. With another sigh, you stand and walk towards your front door and unlock it. With your back facing Baekhyun you find the courage to tell him what you’ve needed to say for weeks. “I-I think it’s best if we stop hanging around each other.”
“Why? Why are you letting this bullies push us away from each other?” Baekhyun’s voice cracks as he speaks.
You turn around. “It’s not them only Baekhyun! Don’t you realize that we haven’t been the same for a long time? Everything’s different and you won’t talk to me so I’m done. I give up.” You cry not even noticing the tears streaming down your face.
Baekhyun sees how broken you are and maybe you see that he’s hurt too, but at this point, you’re over it.
“Don’t say that. I know you don’t mean it.” He whispers.
You shake your head. “I’m tired, Baek. I can’t be your friend if you can’t trust me.”
So with that said you quickly open the door to your house and slam it shut. You slide down the door and place your head in your hands as more tears stream down your face. It only worsens when you hear Baekhyun’s voice pleading you to open the door.
“Y/N, please. I’m sorry.”
His voice pierces your ears so you get up from the floor and run to your room. You find yourself on your bed trying to calm yourself down but with Baekhyun’s banging on the front door you can’t stop your tears.
It’s about 5 minutes later and the sound of Baekhyun’s banging has stopped so you pull yourself from your bed into the bathroom to take a warm shower. You’re still extremely damp from those girl’s prank in the bathroom so you feel better finally taking off your uncomfortable clothes.
It feels like hours as you stay in the shower with the water scalding your skin. The feeling of the water almost reminds you of today’s incident but try to push the thought away.
You finally get out of the shower and grab your towel hanging on the rack. The bathroom is quite foggy so you walk to the mirror and you use your hand to wipe away the condensation away.
You take your time washing your face and brushing the knots out of your hair. Once you’re down you open the door and step into your room. A shiver runs down your back when you realize that your window is wide open. You furrow your eyebrows and walk towards it to close it.
“That’s weird. I swear it was closed.”
With a shrug, you find some comfortable clothes to put on and quickly change into them.
You’re about to take a seat on your bed when you suddenly hear a sound coming from downstairs. Your eyes widen but you take a deep breath before you leave your room. Your heart is racing as you take the stairs from your room. All the lights are off so you take your phone out to use the flashlight.
“Hello? Is anyone there?” You call out. Your breath hitches when you hear that same sound as you step into the living room. You frantically search for the light switch when suddenly someone grabs you from behind. Your phone slips through your fingers and a scream escapes past your lips but is muffed by the intruder’s hand over your mouth.
You feel someone’s breath fanning over your neck before the person lets out a chuckle.
“Let’s hope Baekhyun isn’t too stubborn to come save you.”
Your eyes flutter open and the first thing you see is two guys talking quietly in the corner. You keep your eyes shut as the memories flood back to you. That voice, it sounded so familiar. Was it someone you knew? It had to be because he said something about Baekhyun.
You tried to listen in on what they were saying as you kept your eyes shut tight.
“If he doesn’t show up with was all for nothing.”
“He’ll show up, don’t worry.”
“Min, I think she’s awake.” One of the voices says. Your heart races as you try to act asleep but the two men stop talking completely. Your breath catches in your throat as you hear footsteps coming your way and then suddenly they stop.
“Y/N, I can hear your heart racing.”
Your eyes snap open to see Xiumin. He’s crouching in front of you with a smirk plastered on his face. You try to move away from him but he just tsks at you.
“There’s nowhere to hide here and there’s no way you can escape so you might as well get comfortable.”
You finally take a good look at where you are. Your sitting in an extremely nice bedroom on a king-sized bed. The room is huge and there’s a floor to ceiling window across from you. By the looks of it, you’re surrounded by a forest. When you finally look at back at Xiumin he has his arms crossed staring at you.
“W-Why am I here?” Your voice cracks so Xiumin leans forward. You push back only to notice him getting you water from the nightstand.
He stares at you hard and without a choice, you take a sip of the water.
“You’re here because we’ve been having some trouble.” He tells you.
You raise brow. “What kind of trouble?”
Xiumin takes a seat on the bed across from you. “It’s about Baekhyun. He’s being his stubborn self as per usual and we needed to give him a reason to come here and we figured he would come here because you’re his other half.”
Other half? Your even more confused and Xiumin immediately notices.
“Wait, do you not know?” He looks shocked.
“Know what?”
Xiumin gets up from the bed and turns to the other guy in the room. You finally get a look at him and notice he’s one of the lacrosse players at your school.
“Jongin, she doesn’t know anything. Baekhyun has kept her in the dark this whole time.”
“You’re kidding right?” He laughs.
Xiumin turns back to you. “Do you know what we are? Do you know what Baekhyun is?”
“No, and since you brought me here maybe you start explaining.
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xxprincessjewelsxx · 7 years
A Dangerous Game (Suho Mafia!au fic) Chapter 14 - Glutton For Punishment
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Warnings: Sexual undertones 
Ch. 1, Ch. 2, Ch. 3, Ch. 4, Ch. 5, Ch. 6, Ch. 7, Ch. 8, Ch. 9, Ch. 10, Ch. 11, Ch. 12, Ch. 13, Ch. 14, Ch. 15(M), Ch. 16, Ch. 17(M), Ch. 18, Ch. 19, Ch. 20, Ch. 21, Ch. 22, Bonus Chapter  
Weeks went by and Spring slowly faded into Summer. Junmyeon, was up and walking around but still wasn’t able to get back out on the streets. It wasn’t just his body that wasn’t back to the way it was yet....
“Morning,” he said, walking over and kissing my cheek as I made breakfast.
“Morning,” I replied, handing a dish to him.
I kept playing along like Yixing said to and it started to feel...normal, I guess. He would wake up, give me a kiss on the cheek, go about his day whether it be locked in his office or working from the sofa, and then in the evening he would usher me to bed or if I had escaped to my room he would come and find me and crawl in bed, no invitation whatsoever... 
He would have his moments when the real Junmyeon would come out. He would get pissed cause someone did something stupid or something he didn’t like and he would yell or just tell them off and threaten them that if they didn’t do whatever it was next time right they would suffer the consequences. He also yelled at me a couple of times, and maybe I’m a glutton for punishment or maybe my mind is just begging for the real Junmyeon back so I wasn’t walking on eggshells all the time...but I hoped that maybe he had gone back to the real him. But then after he yelled at me he would take a few steps away and mumble an apology before locking himself in his office. 
My mind was a mess again...my emotions didn’t know how to handle all of this. On one hand I was kind of happy that Junmyeon was treating me like a human being, on the other I was terrified of what would happen when and if his circuits stopped being crossed, I was also completely terrified of what this might being doing to him when it came to being the boss.
Minseok blamed me for his head being all screwy. He couldn’t blame me for the the shoot out, that was the cops...cops that were out to take down EXO, VIXX, BIGBANG, The Lee Empire...all of them...no matter what it took. But he did blame me for the way Junmyeon was acting...
“I don’t know how you managed to get inside his head, but don’t make things any worse than than they already are. He’s acting like a love sick pup at times and we need him focused on what we’re going to do about Detective Yun and his hitmen or whatever he’s got aiming for us!”
I didn’t know what I did either; all I had known was that I was a pawn in a dangerous game of chess and he could care less about me unless it was to make sure I was kept alive.
And now he actually wanted to make sure I was...happy?
“Y/N? Y/N?”
“Oh...yes?” I questioned.
“Are you okay? I’ve been talking to you for ten minutes and apparently you weren’t paying attention...” he said.
“I’m fine,” I lied, “Just a little tired, that’s all...”
He stared at me for a moment obviously not believing my lie but then shrugged his shoulders. “I have my check-up appointment today...do you want to come?”
“I heard you and Minseok talking about things you had to do, and since Yixing will clear you so you’ll want to get right-”
“Why are you avoiding me?” he questioned, cutting me off, “Not only that...why have you been lying to me?”
“I wanted to take you out to lunch and dinner and you didn’t want to, you locked your bedroom door the last few nights to keep me out, you’re telling me you’re tired when I can tell that your mind is somewhere else...and now you don’t even want to go with me to my check-up....” he said, “I could go on about some of the other things you’ve done to avoid me, or the fact that when I tell you that ‘I love you’ you act like it’s a punch in the gut...what is it? Is it one of the guys?”
I looked at him shocked. “Of course not...it’s just...”
“It’s just, what?” He questioned.
I couldn’t say it could I? I couldn’t come out and just tell him everything that I wanted to. But...
“Do you really love me?” I questioned looking him straight in the face.
“Of course...I tell you that everyday...” he said, looking at me confused.
“But think about it...do you really love me?” I asked.
“Why are you even questioning whether I do or not?”
“Just...Just forget it...” I said leaving the room.
He watched as Y/N left the room and was confused by what just happened. He told her every single morning and every single night that Heloved her and yet...she questioned it so harshly.
On the way to Yixing’s clinic and even there his mind was still spinning on the question “But do you really love me?”...what else does a person need to do to prove that they love someone?
“You’re quiet today,” Yixing said as he looked over the X-Ray of his chest and abdomen. Junmyeon gave a small scoff and Yixing looked at him and frowned. “I may not be a psychologist, but if you have something you would like to say...”
“Y/N questioned whether or not I really loved her,” Junmyeon said a little more honestly than he meant to.
“Oh...” Yixing said, “Maybe she’s just feeling a bit insecure...”
“What the hell could she possibly feel insecure about?” Junmyeon snapped, “I tell her I love her every day, she can have any thing she wants and yet she still...questions...”
“Junmyeon?” Yixing questioned as he stopped talking.
“And yet she still questions whether or not I actually love her...” 
“And do you?” Yixing questioned.
Junmyeon stayed quiet for a few moments before buttoning up his shirt. “Am I cleared for normal activity?”
“Yes...” Yixing replied, “Are you going to answer the-”
“Mind your own business, Yixing...you were right...you aren’t a psychologist,” Junmyeon stated, “And I don’t need one either.”
“Well that was certainly interesting...” Jongdae said as he got off the phone. About an hour after Junmyeon had left a few of the guys had come to the penthouse and I had convinced myself to go make sure they didn’t destroy the kitchen...again.
“What’s interesting?” Baekhyun asked with a mouth full of food.
“That was Junmyeon...and he told me to get some of the girls together for a party since last month he wasn’t able to celebrate his...” Jongdae replied.
“Music, girls, and booze...sounds the the third floor will be alive tonight...”Jongin said with a smirk.
No one beside EXO and special guests, and myself where allowed in the penthouse and the other penthouses that belonged to the other members. From what I understood the third floor had a dedicated party space for such times as they wanted to have dinner parties or...parties such as this.
“Wait...if boss is asking for Jongdae to bring girls...do you think...” Baekhyun stopped and looked at me as I continued washing dishes.
Did what I say earlier somehow trigger something inside his mind and he remembered that I wasn’t the fiance that he thought I was? Or did he just want a night out with the boys? He was a man...he could do that. But I wouldn’t know until the next time I saw him.
“Y/N? Has he said anything to you?” Baekhyun asked.
“No...” I replied, “But...I may have said something to him...”
It went completely silent in the room except the sound of me washing dishes and Baekhyun’s chopsticks falling out of his hand and hitting the plate. “You did what?”
“I didn’t tell him anything...I just asked him to think if he really loved me...” I said as I turned off the water and dried my hands, “I can’t play this game anymore...”
“When I told you not to make anything worse, I didn’t expect you to try and completely cut everything off,” I heard Minseok say.
“Don’t you have to go meet Junmyeon for something?” I questioned, not wanting to hear his voice.
“Yes...but I’m glad I had to come get something from his desk...”
“Minseok, quit being an ass,” Jongdae said.
“Watch it Jongdae,” Minseok stated, “We all know this is for the better.”
Minseok left and once again all eyes turned to me. “He’s right...it is...better this way, I guess.”
“Do you want me to bring you some food? Cake? A cocktail?” Baekhyun offered.
“I ordered take-out,” I said motioning to the multiple boxes of food. There was probably enough food for three to four people but I couldn’t really decide what I wanted.
“You know he could just-”
“Thank you, Baek...” I said knowing that he was just trying to help, “I’m sure as soon as you see him you’ll find him back to normal.”
“Do you not care?” He questioned.
“He’s back to normal Baek...it’s better for business,” I said not looking at him.
“Yeah but-”
“You should go, you don’t want to be late to the party,” I said.
From his chair Minseok watched the Junmyeon’s actions. From the way he had been talking at the beginning of the party and the way he was enjoying the attention of the girl currently giving him a lap dance, he was definitely back to normal.
The Junmyeon that had been screwed up in the head and acting like a love sick puppy would have turned down getting a lap dance from on of the girls from Jongdae’s clubs.
“Xiumin, you’re looking lonely over here...” one of the girls said, walking over him.
“You think you can do something to change that?” He questioned with a smirk.
“Only if you want...” she said, putting a leg on either side of him.
All I wanted was a midnight snack; maybe something from the left over food that I had, ice cream, popcorn, something...anything to get rid of the nagging feeling in the pit of my stomach.
As I passed Junmyeon’s room I stopped hearing a woman’s moan coming from inside. I didn’t want to believe what I heard at first...no one but EXO was allowed in the penthouse right?
I shouldn’t have done it, but like I said, maybe I’m a glutton for punishment; pushing open the cracked door slightly I saw Junmyeon having sex with a woman. Her legs wrapped around tightly, nails raking into his back as he pumped in and out of her.
I closed the door and went to continue on towards the kitchen only to come face to face with Minseok. “Why are you around whenever I don’t want you to be,” I accidentally said out loud.
He let out a chuckle. “I lost track of him during the lap dances and...well other things that I was recieving. I was wondering if he made his way back here. Seems like he did...”
“You happy now?” I questioned, “Your boss is back to normal and now you don’t have to constantly remind me to back off and quit screwing with his head.” I went to walk past him and he grabbed me, pulling me back and pressing me against the wall. I could smell the alcohol on his breath and turned away from him.
“Does it upset you that much that he’s in there banging some whore and you’re back to being nothing but a pawn?” He questioned.
I bit my lip still not looking at him. “No...”
“Really?” He questioned. I felt his breath on my neck and tried to scoot away from him. “If it doesn’t bother you then you and me can have some fun...it’s just sex after all, and you feel no obligation to him, right.”
“You’re drunk, Minseok...” I said, managing to pull away from him, “And anyway...even if I did sleep with you, which would never happen. You’d look at me and feel disgusted, right? You can barely stand me when you're sober. Just go home.” Now feeling nauseous I turned and went to my room.
To be continued...
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