#not saying you should treat the Ex-members bad
callsign-novara · 8 months
Valeria Garza HC's
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Hii so this is my first post on tumblr, and I know this..probably won't be the the best but we'll see 💋
☆content warnings: violence, foul language, Valeria garza (she needs a warning herself...that I'm gonna ignore.), NSFW, SFW, No use of y/n☆
•When you and Valeria meet she treats you like any other Cartel member, she's cold, tough, ruthless and pushes you to your limits. What truely makes her attracted to you is your willingness to do anything and everything to keep this cartel safe.
•it would take years for Valeria to actually trust you, and even then she would only act like a friend or a lenient boss. She'd let you get away with things she'd normally wouldn't let others get away with. (EX, being late, not doing exactly what she says to a t, bothering her while working, etc)
•Valeria probably has a deep routed homophobia towards herself because of her time in the Army and how she was raised. When she first figures out she's inlove with you, she denies it, ignores it and you, and tries her best to not fall further dor you...but there's something in your eyes, in your devotion to her that makes you impossible to resist.
•she also has misogynistic thoughts towards herself. Because of her time in the Army she doesn't think she could ever be femme and feels that she would be considered weak if she was dem presenting. She's trying to ease those thoughts out by painting her nails.
•When Valeria finally comes to terms that she's inlove with you she'll outright tell you straight up. Demanding, Asking you out directly.
•If you say yes, be prepared to be taken out to the fanciest diner, and being spoiled rotten.
•if you say no, however, well...then they won't find you or your remains.
•It takes her alot of time for her to say 'I love you' but when she does it makes you cry with how domestic it is. You both are sitting on the couch, her arms around you cuddling while watching your favorite TV show and you're starting to fall asleep. She'll smile at you, glad to have someone as loyal and sweet as you and she softly press kisses on your face and she'll whisper an 'I love you' thinking you were asleep.
•Valeria wast keen of giving physical affection until she met you- that's when she started dealing with it, loving it. Her main loge Languages are Gift giving and Acts of service. She loves to give you home made gifts, or pretty expensive thing for you even if you don't ask for it. She also loves making you tea, coffee, fresh juice, smooties and homemade meals for tourists when she knows you had a hard day. She'll massage your shoulders and kiss away your frustrations and give you anything you could ever desire.
•The first time is..unexpected. it's definitely in her office. She'd have a long, frustrating day,, and she'll call you to her office and dismiss her gaurds and men. She'll pull you into her lap and rest her hands on your plush thighs, kissing up your neck. She'll rile you up until you're silently pleading her for more.
*corruption kink to the fullest. You still have your V-card? She'll ruin you for anyone else because you're hers. And her little play thing should only want her, no?
•eats you out like she's a starved voman. Worships you in bed like you worship her in work...unless your bad. The loves wat hing would squirm and cry under her and beg for more and more until it's too much and you beg her to stop and stop.
•has a mommy kink.
•If you're a brat, you're in for a long night. She'll push you to the edge but won't let you finish until your fucked dumb and can only let out sweet broken whimpers of what sounds like her name, and pleas for more.
So this was my first post, I'm sorry if it's not the best! I prefer WLW stories and will mostly be focusing on that on this page but if requested I will do a collective HC where the boys are in it of whatever Fandom requests. Feel free to request some in the comments and I'll ltry my best. ♡♡ thank you all so much for reading if any of you see this!
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0w0tsuki · 7 months
It's always telling that the only time when transandro bros even dain to recognize intracommunity transmisogyny, it's only when they're forced to distance themselves from the rampant transmisogynists in their community whose transmisogyny is so cartoonish it becomes undeniable. And it's only to preserve image and position themselves as the non-reactionary alternative.
They did it when one of their own sent out rapey sexual harassment copypasta anons to trans lesbians. They did this when already infamous "transmisogyny group chat"/"The TMRA Radfems warned you about" faggotwithopinions/transmascpeterwenz treated becoming mutuals with the CEO who permabanned a trans woman for no reason and followed her off-site to violate privacy data protections in order to paint her as a sex pest as Huge Get. They did this when TERFs felt comfortable with their communities transmisogyny to openly talk about how they plan to use transandro bros specifically to drive a wedge in the trans community, something trans andro bros accuse transfeminists of all the time.
And when I say it's only in these cases it is ONLY in these wildly cartoonish scenarios. Back when the "transmisogyny group chat" was still fresh news, something that usually happens when a queer transmisogynist shows their full ass happened. A bunch of TERFs who stalk these discourses because they're obsessed with trans women went into his anons to send the most vile hate they could summon while pretending to be trans women so our abusers have something they can point to to play victim. And all the transandro bros took these ANONYMOUS HATE MESSAGES sending gendered slurs/sexual harassment at FACE VALUE when they said they were coming from trans women. It got so bad that prominent transandro bro GenderKoolaid when "dissecting and analyzing" a cropped screenshot of a post by Predstrogen (you know the trans woman who was later outsted by the CEO himself) made some wild speculation about how an offhand comment about "transfems taking the piss" was a direct joke reveling in this harassment.
And there are still plenty of blatant transmisogynists that are propped up as prominent members of the transandro community because they haven't had their own "Me and CarExplosionsHammer Photomatt are besties!" moment. There's the aforementioned GenderKoolaid who routinely engaged with "critiquing" transfeminists posts out of context behind their back and alongside spacelazarwolf has promoted the kiwifarms style blog transandrophobia-archive.
They harbor loads of ex TERFs. ftmtftm who left a 31 paragraph college dissertation with proper citations carefully explaining why I'm either purposely unintellectual or actually stupid and what I was saying was radfeminism aktually when I was looking through his blog before blocking him I saw 1) him lamenting about feeling abandoned by the radfem community he was apparently raised by and 2) him sighing with fucking "transmisoginy group chat" faggotwithopinions of all people about how "these Actual Transmisogynists™ make it so hard for us Actually Nice TMRAs and we need to put an effort to come across as considerate to their experiences with them when we engage with transfems" acting like they they aren't the very problem they are complaining about.
An out Ex-TERF nothorses is responsible for cultivating the current transandro echo chamber tried to use his influence in the community he helped create to try and redefine TERF to try to allow for the label to paradoxically include trans women. After that he wrote an anti-transfeminist manifesto that "defined" Beaddelism and cited open TERF sources. And this manifesto is still constantly linked by transandro bros whenever someone outside the discourse asks what a beaddel is.
The transmisogyny is so bad in their community but simultaneously is explicitly an outlier and not representative of them. Every prominent member is transmisogynists Georg and should not be counted but only when you can prove he is unequivocally, beyond the shadow of a doubt, transmisogynist. Up until then everything he does is fine until it's not.
To transandro bros "transmisogynistic trans men" is this Mystical Other problem that can only be solved with better PR and is completely unaddressable and says nothing about their community at all. Something that they've wholly separated from themselves that's only addressed in the theoretical until they're forced to confront it because they've fostered it so much it's become too big to ignore.
Like if your truly "one of the good ones" whose "only trying to talk about specific issues trans men face" then ask yourself why you've aligned with an ideology founded directly in opposition to transfeminis?. Why do you stand with a community whose mest well regarded members are also some of the most rampant transmisogynists on this site? Why you are constantly having to do PR work to not be instantly regarded as on the transmisogynists that you're community has become known for?Why you refuse to address the transmisogyny problem so much that out and proud TERFs feel comfortable enough to walk right in and start proposing "AMAB supremacy" theory?
Like I've said before. The disgusting actions and behaviors from the community alone are enough to not regard any "theory" they put forth to excuse it.
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sugairsstuff · 9 months
Hi saw you're looking to write stories and was hoping to send some inspiration your way! I am a sucker for "Who did this to you?" Trope and I'm just in need of more Cassian from ACOTAR on this site. So I'm thinking of a little one-shot story of the reader getting hurt by an ex or a family member she doesn't get along with and the General of the Night Court being Angry about it.
Happy Writing! Can't wait to see what you come up with! 😊
thank you very much for being my first request! and i’d be happy to- sorry if i’m a bit rusty- i hope you enjoy how i approached this prompt!
who did this to you.
cassian x fem reader (a court of thorns and roses)
warnings: mentions of abuse, minor descriptions of violence
summary: you run into an ex who wrongfully treated you, and in his pathetic attempts to beg you for forgiveness he injures you. conflicted, you choose not to tell your mate, both suppressing your right to feel emotional and worried for cassian should he go after the male. but your mate knows you like the back of his hand, and you decide to tell the truth before cassian figures it out himself.
(credit to @cafekitsune for the divider)
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You stand at the end of one of the House of Wind’s scarlet-wreathed hallways, thinking only of how grateful you are of your dress’ long sleeves as your left hand rubs your opposing wrist- which throbs with the inevitable purpling of a bruise wrapped around it. Although you know your mate adores when you wear pretty jewelry of all kinds, something tells you that seeing this makeshift bracelet your ex-boyfriend gifted you today in the city would only make your mate’s crimson eyes see redder.
Your chest feels heavy, swirling with a flurry of emotions as you root yourself to the end of this hallway. The sounds of your friends’ voices- laughter- from beyond the grand doorway that stood opposing you overpowered the beating of your heart in your ears, though not the flurry in your chest that leaked into your brain, watering the seeds of your feelings and forging them into thoughts.
Your ex, so unimportant his name isn’t even needed, had ran into you accidentally whilst you were browsing a vendor selling handcrafted bookmarks in the city’s local markets. Once you saw him and made to slip into the crowd in an attempt of avoidance, it was too late, as he was already calling out your name in a tone that began in surprise and evolved into frustation. And when you didn’t look back, worried he wanted to pour his heart out to you, beg for another chance after the wicked ways he’d treated you in your past relationship, he wrapped his hand around your right wrist. He tugged you back, ignoring your sharp shout of both warning and shock as the crowd meandered past you without sparing second glances.
You didn’t really pay attention to what he was saying, your mind already in a frenzied panic as his grip only got tighter the more you tried to pull your wrist back to the safety of your side. His pleading, persuasive tone betrayed the vice-like hold he had on your wrist as he tried to force you to hear him out, hear his babbling of apologies and promises ‘to change’ and ‘to be better’.
By the time you had wrenched your wrist free, so desperate to simply get out of there, your response you threw at him was only a brief shout to leave you alone that came out more shaky than you were going for. Forgetting all your other leisurely plans for the day, you trekked back to the House of Wind, gripping your aching wrist and blinking tears back as you stared at the ground a few paces ahead of your swiftly moving boots.
So now you stand at the end of this hallway.
While your ex himself is old business, the encounter with him had resurfaced memories with him that left a bad taste in the back of your mouth. But they are old memories, you tell yourself to try and convince yourself there is no need to tell Cassian. You were in the wrong place at the wrong time, the bruise would heal, and Gods above did you not want to send your mate on a warpath with the destination of wherever your ex lives. As much as you wouldn’t mind seeing he who does not deserve a name get what he actually deserves, you didn’t want Cassian paying the consequences for his actions. You nod to yourself in self-assuring confirmation of your decision.
You’re startled out of your head with the sudden worry you’ve been caught standing and staring at nothing like a lunatic. You glance around to ensure no person nor shadow was lurking, exhaling in small relief as you can’t think of a reasonable enough sounding excuse for your current behaviour. Don’t mind me, just contemplating the meaning of life! You scoff to yourself at your own weak joke, and move forwards until you reach the large double doors.
When you enter, familiar faces turn up to greet or smile at you from their places on the lounge room’s velvet sofas.
“There she is. You’re welcome for babysitting your whining mate, believe me when I say he’s been waiting for you the entire time in here to return from your devastatingly long two hour journey into the city.” Rhysand smirks, joking elaborately in a playful jab at his brother, with one of his hands tangled with Feyre’s in her lap- who sat nearly next to him but mostly on top of him.
“We were just wondering where you were.” Feyre jumps in to avoid the brothers getting into a back-and-forth bicker about clinginess. Her blue eyes twinkle like stars as she leans forwards a little, “So, how much did you spend today?” the female grins, looking too much alike to her mate.
You make your way to Cassian’s side immediately, standing next to the large armchair he was sprawled in rather than accepting his soft invites into his lap. He reaches over to you with both a wing and hand, the former brushing your back and the latter reaching to graze against your fingers. Placing a smile on your face comes easy as you look to Feyre, “Hate to disappoint, I only bought fresh ink and a new book.” you tell her, patting the small leather bag that rests against your hip as your excuse to move your hand away from Cassian’s. One small displacement of your sleeve would leave you having explaining to do, which you really would prefer to avoid.
Feyre whines a complaint in how you need to treat yourself more often to luxuries- as if this family hasn’t done that enough for you- before her attention switches to the male sitting below you, “Aw, sorry, Cassian, am I stealing all the attention away from you?” she teases.
You look down at your mate to see the pout on his pretty lips that elicited Feyre’s joke. One look at him, and you can tell him missing your presence wasn’t actually what was bothering him. Instead, his gaze was focused on the hand you had, apparently not subtly enough, moved away from him. Damn you for underestimating how well your mate knows you.
Cassian’s brows furrows ever so slightly as he looks up at you, a few raven black strands falling free from its messily half-tied state, appearing as though he were deeply pondering something. He looks as though he wants to say something, most likely ask why you’re acting oddly, though instead he rises to his feet and his hand lifts to brush not your hand but gently against your cheek.
Grinning, Cassian turns to Feyre and Rhysand, “Well, call me now the thief of the thief,” he shoots back equally as playfully to the High Lady, “I think we’ll be off so I can give my mate a properly informal greeting,” he jests, wiggling his eyebrows and winking at the two as he stole you away using a large, calloused hand centred on the small of your back.
You know better, though, this is simply Cassian’s way of preventing you from being put on the spot in front of two pairs of prying eyes. Cassian led you through the House of Wind’s corridors, pace slowing to make up for your lack of height in comparison to the Illyrian.
“How was your day, baby?” Cassian asks, his tone too soft for your liking right now. He’s testing the waters, you are well aware, both trying to solidify his feeling something was off and see if you are okay.
“It was fine,” you tell him honestly- well, all the parts without your ex in it. You fail to meet Cassian’s eye, afraid that if you do your mate will see right through you and know for certain you are upset. But this response only makes your mate fall quiet for a beat too long, something rare for the extroverted, energetic warlord. You hear Cassian suck in a breath as you turn a corner, and in moments he’s opening the large carved wooden door to your expansive chambers for you.
Cassian kicks the door shut gently before turning to you. You untie your boots and pull them off before he has the chance to offer to do so himself, and give him a chaste kiss on the cheek. To avoid Cassian getting straight to the point and asking if something is amiss, you deflect before anything is sent, “I’m going to go run a bath. The place’s staircase is brutal,” you joke, speaking without thinking as you notice Cassian perk up a tad.
The male looks more relieved in his body language though apprehensiveness lingers in his gaze as he turns to you with a boyish smirk, “Am I invited to that event?” your mate tries.
You know you pause for a second too long as Cassian’s expression falls slightly and he begins to reel back his comment with something with just as much lightheartedness as there was worry for you, “Or shall I leave the lady to her flowery bubblebath and soap?”
You frown and shake your head. “No, no, it’s okay, I want you to come.” Normally, you’d make a sexual joke to lure him in the hot, soapy water with you, but the burden that Cassian will inevitabley discover exactly what is making things not okay in minutes was leaning over you.
“Okay,” is all Cassian responds with, and you inwardly cringe at how clear it is how simultaneously unsure and sure he is that something is bothering you. That heavy feeling in your chest returns, settling back to where it sat in that hallway as now you feel guilty for confusing your mate over such a small, meaningless encounter with a hostile ex. Or so you tell yourself.
It’s as if a tether is attached to that weight in your chest, giving a comforting tug that pulls some of it off of your lungs. You look up to Cassian, knowing that tether was instead that special little string that tied the beautiful bow of your bond. Your mate looks much more serious now as his deep red eyes flicker with concern, though he still speaks softly, “Come on. That bath’s calling our names.”
You stand rather than sit in the large bathroom as Cassian leans over the luxurious tub, hand testing the water as he makes sure it’s set to the temperature you like the most. You make no move to begin undressing, your arms wrapped tightly around you. The bruise no longer throbs as it sits untouched, but you’re still painfully aware of it.
Cassian eventually turns to you, his large wings extending slightly as he approaches you. Seeing as you are still undressed, his hand traces its way around your waist where two of his fingers catch the string of the dress’ corset, “May I?” he asks, though there are no lustful undertones in the warlord’s deep voice, despite him preparing to strip his lover in front of a steaming bath.
You nod up at him, but place a hand on his wrist before he makes a move. Cassian’s gaze flicks to yours immediately. His brows pinch upwards slightly in gentle questioning.
“Just- don’t freak out. Don’t panic. Okay?” you say vaguely, and watch as Cassian’s expression only becomes more worried. “Cassian.” you say, more sternly.
“You’re scaring me here,” he says, your name trailing at the end of his sentence rather than one of his more playful pet names. When you only look up at him with a pleading gaze, Cassian gives in with a sigh, “Okay.”
Your mate commences, tugging the dress loosely ever so gently. You can tell he’s alert as he stands over you, his wings and scent engulfing you as he peels off your day dress. You watch his face closely as he watches your body. Any other day, and you knew what you’d find there- sweet, honey-dripping lust and warm, intimate love as more of your figure is exposed to him. Right now, though, his brow is furrowed, and he’s looking at every inch of your skin, scanning you for what exactly your warning meant.
Cassian gently tugs the sleeves of the dress off of your arm. His crimson gaze looks to your left wrist, and then to your right wrist.
And then Cassian goes rigid.
You never understood how eyes could darken like the ways they were described to in all the books Nesta reads, but watching your mate now- now you fully understand. Leaning over you, eyes unmoving from the splotchy purple markings around your wrist, you watch as lethal anger fills his vision, you see your mate see exactly the colour of his eyes as pure, vicious anger seeps into his blood and runs it cold.
“Who.” Cassian’s voice is low, quiet. You blink at the husky, nearly strangled-sounding word that your mate managed out. “Who did this to you.” he says, his eyes finally meeting yours, and you see that the look in them has changed only slightly- just enough to show you it is far from you that Cassian is angry at.
You look down, your eyes stinging suddenly as tears brim your eyes and you have no idea why. You don’t answer, so Cassian speaks for you, tone low though not harsh towards you, “Was it him?”
You nod, and open your mouth to speak and curse yourself for stumbling over your words, “We ran into each other at the market earlier. He- he grabbed me, Cass, and he wouldn’t let go. I was so scared. I just ran.” you manage, feeling the cool trail of a tear drip down your cheek. The sight of that alone was enough for Cassian.
He curses, stepping back from you as his wings flare. “I am going to kill him. I swear to every God above, he’s a fucking dead male walking.” Cassian growls, both of you having completely forgotten about your planned bath together as he paces the bathroom like a prowling predator, as if he were plotting right now all the ways he’d make that male suffer.
You move towards him then, tears still running down your cheeks as you set your right hand on his arm, feeling how tight and tense the muscles beneath are. “No, Cassian,” you tell him, “you can’t. Don’t go after him, please, Rhysand can’t play favourites no matter what you do to him,” you tell him.
Cassian looks down at you, the fury in his gaze swirling and settling and then slipping away. He sighs, moving his own two hands to cup your cheeks gently. The large male uses his thumbs to brush away your tears. “Okay.” he says, sounding almost reluctant. “But I still can’t let him get away with this. I won’t.” Cassian tells you, his tone stern yet not harsh in an assurance that he would not let this happen to you ever again. He pulls you close to his chest, wrapping both his arms and wings around you, cocooning you in warmth. Cassian strokes your hair, letting you smoosh your cheek against his chest and listen to his slowed, steady heartbeat.
“I’m sorry for freaking out,” Cassian eventually murmurs once your tears have ceased, earning a small snort and then, blissfully, a laugh from you.
“Don’t worry, I just would rather only him being arrested then both of you.” you respond, and now it’s Cassian’s turn to chuckle. He releases you from his anchoring hold. “We can talk to Rhysand tomorrow, yeah? About the political and civil way to get him punished.” Cassian huffs, emphasizing his words in a joke.
You roll your eyes as you finish undressing, “Oh, yes, how very boring.”
Cassian only grins back at you, joining you once you climb into the tub and pulling you back against his chest, one hand interlocking with yours as he frowns momentarily at the bruising. “My idea of killing him is still up for grabs, though,” he hums.
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shih-coulda-had-it · 4 months
Since you drew En playing the electric guitar do you have any headcannons for an OFA band AU? Like what user plays/does what?
I love the OFA logo that's on electric guitarist En's shirt btw! 💓
Not only am I going to give you a list of who's doing what, I'm going to give you 1.4k of a ficlet from Bruce's POV because I've been doing everything but my final papers!
Yoichi: Lead vocalist, ex-bass guitar
Kudou: Drummer
Bruce: Band manager, does travel and concert arrangements; ex-electric guitar
Shinomori: Equipment manager, helps with logistics; ex-electric guitar
Banjo: Electric guitar 1, ex-keyboardist, percussionist when necessary
En: Electric guitar 2 + Smoke effects
Nana: Bass guitar, female vocalist when necessary
Toshinori: Nana’s ward, roadie, learning bass guitar
+ Sorahiko: Full-time roadie, electric guitar when necessary
Izuku: Not here yet, but he's probably part of a One for All revival era
OFA Band AU in my hands still has Quirks, and the majority of the group practices vigilantism when they're not playing music. AFO is less demon of the underworld evil, and more capitalist/the guy funding industry plants evil. He's a music executive. He and Yoichi used to play music together, but when AFO went to college to be a business major, Yoichi doubled down on music and was recruited by Kudou and Bruce. OFA developed from there.
Pairings are Trio Holders, FourthFifth, and who knows what's going with Sorahiko. (This is a no Husbando Shimura/no Kotarou AU.)
Read the ficlet below!
“Banjo,” Shinomori says with a tone more indulgent than scolding, “stop bullying En with Blackwhip. He’s going to trip and fall on his face mid-performance, and then where will you be?”
“Laughing, probably,” Bruce cuts in before Banjo can say something flirtatious. He needs their equipment manager present and sharp-eyed. Shimura’s friend does a passable job at rounding up stray amps and cords, but only when he’s not herding Toshinori away from chatting up the crowds who want to stalk One for All members backstage. “Pack the instruments in the bus, would you? We’re cutting it close.”
Banjo winks at Shinomori and strums a quick, humorous cue anyway. “Yeah, no problem, Sandaime. We going out after?”
“Depends on Kudou.”
“Ah, gotcha. See you in a bit.” Banjo tips his chin up and obligingly, Shinomori bends his neck and plants a chaste kiss to the carefully maintained stubble on the electric guitarist’s cheek. The roguish grin softens. Bruce manfully restrains himself from being a hypocrite about PDA, and goes to find Shimura.
She’s a little further backstage, and her bass guitar is already locked away. Set beside her bedazzled monstrosity of a case is En’s unassuming one. When Bruce chances upon them, Shimura is in the middle of fussing with her cousin’s jacket. She straightens the high collar, notices Bruce, and says a cheerful hello.
En echoes her, but he adds a respectful, “Sandaime.”
God. Bruce is going to strangle Banjo for starting that up, especially as it’s been picked up by not just the band but also the media. The more impressionable members of the band—En and Toshinori—treat the titles with more respect than a bad joke should get, and the journalists have started using them in place of their names.
“Everyone packed? Where’s Torino and Toshinori?”
“Sorahiko had a phone call,” En volunteers. “I think Toshinori headed back to the bus early because he had homework to finish.”
“What? Did he tell you that? It’s a week to the deadline!” Shimura scoops up her case and En’s, inclines her head at Bruce, and starts booking it. Her decision to apprentice Toshinori still strikes Bruce as a shortsighted one, but it remains one of the few times Bruce actually remembers her performing some kind of paperwork magic to ensure the application was filled to perfection. Usually, Shimura procrastinates to the point of Torino needing to swoop in and forge her signature.
En peers up at Bruce like he’s expecting something.
“What,” says Bruce. The junior electric guitar player shrugs in deliberate carelessness.
“Are we heading out after?”
“Have you been talking to Banjo?” Bruce asks, dry, and shakes his head. “It depends on Kudou. Where’s our illustrious leader?”
“Necking with Nidaime in the dressing room.”
Wordlessly, Bruce digs into his pocket and hands over the carton of candy cigarettes. En isn’t actually capable of eating tobacco, much less real cigarettes, but he has a sweet tooth and a sly sense of humor. Moreover, he is amenable to being bribed.
Clever fingers pop open the carton and slide one white chalky stick of sugar out. En sticks it into his mouth with a pleased hum and chirps a half-garbled, “I’ll get Banjo-senpai to the bus. Is Yondaime driving?”
“Torino knows the city streets better. He’ll get us to the inn, and after that, we’ll figure out carpools back.” Bruce rubs the back of his neck and sighs. “Hey. You did good with the bridge for ‘Residual Mayhem’ tonight. Make sure to do the hand exercises later.”
“Okay!” Thusly flattered, spoiled with sweets, and charged with malicious intent to put a (temporary) damper on Banjo’s evening, En darts off to pester his senior into hurrying the hell up. For his part, Bruce double-checks the area for stray litter, then ventures to the dressing rooms.
He finds a nondescript black sock slipped onto the doorknob. Bruce raps his knuckles against the wood, ignores the muffled “OCCUPIED!”, and uses the skeleton key to break in.
The door gets closed immediately behind him.
“We’re going to be late,” he manages to snap, before his brain fully processes the sight of Kudou’s legs hooked ‘round Yoichi’s skinny hips. The dressing room is equipped with a single chaise longue, and Yoichi has Kudou pressed down against the entire length of the single-armed sofa. Thank god, they’re both still in jeans.
“Mrrmph,” Kudou says, and Yoichi chimes in, “Hi, Bruce!”
“The set wasn’t that horny,” Bruce says, nonplussed.
Yoichi grins. “Well, I know tonight’s a fight night, so I thought I’d give Kudou incentive to not make you guys stay out so late.”
“Really effective,” Kudou reports, sounding dazed. He has clearly been kissed stupid. Is it irresponsible of Bruce to want to trade places with Kudou? For a brief moment, Bruce thinks about Kudou taking the role of band manager. In that projection of an alternate universe, One for All loses all access to professional recording studios, and not only are their songs recorded with a shitty boombox, but their concerts are held at last-minute reservations.
Also, in that universe, Kudou is cursed to never find a replacement drummer he approves of for more than three months. Yes. This is the right timeline.
Bruce approaches the sofa as Yoichi sits up and pulls Kudou upright with him. “You don’t think I need any?”
“You’re way more responsible,” Yoichi asserts, but makes a ‘come here’ gesture with his long slender fingers. Obligingly, Bruce bends at the waist. Yoichi cradles Bruce’s jaw with one hand and kisses him squarely on the mouth, nips his bottom lip, and breaks it off first. He smiles as he says, “Thanks for coming to get us.”
Kudou slips two fingers down the collar of Bruce’s shirt and tugs him in for his own kiss. That too is brief, and sharp, and it’s possible Bruce is going a little kiss-stupid as well, especially when he can hear the rumble of Kudou’s groan building at the base of his throat.
“Wait,” he gasps, “wait, time, time. Our inn’s not taking late check-ins, and Shimura’s going to murder one of us if her ward sleeps overnight in the bus again.”
“Toshinori-kun thinks it’s cool to sleep in the bus,” Yoichi protests. “Did Shimura-kun say that?”
“She implied it,” Bruce says.
“Up we go then,” Kudou says, and manhandles Yoichi off his lap. Bruce straightens up and does a cursory once-over at the dressing room. Any hairbrushes? Hair ties? Stray math homework sheets that Toshinori will swear he lost to Torino’s cutthroat corrections? Distracted, Bruce helps Yoichi to his feet, then Kudou.
“Shinomori got your drumset loaded,” he tells Kudou. “Yoichi, did you take your guitar out for an impromptu vibes session with Toshinori?”
“Still in the bus,” Yoichi answers, and before Bruce can fend him off, Yoichi is fussing with the folds of his headband. Kudou is too busy shrugging into his windbreaker and shaking out the wrinkles in Yoichi’s. “Ah, Bruce, you should really think about hemming this…”
“Ragged edges are punk,” Bruce says blankly.
There’s a knock at the door. It creaks open, because even though Bruce kicked it shut the instant he saw his boyfriends making out, he forgot to lock it. Torino pokes his head in warily. “Bus is loaded up,” he reports, eyes cast to the ceiling. “En said I’m driving?”
“Yup,” says Kudou. Finished with his doting, Yoichi gratefully accepts his windbreaker and zips it right up to the top. He combs his bangs back and ties his distinctive white hair into a low ponytail; Kudou fetches a cap and plops it on Yoichi’s head before tugging the hood over. “I’m your co-pilot. Bruce, where’s your jacket?”
“The bus. Torino, we’ll be right out.”
“Gotcha.” The door clicks shut.
“Hey, is the sock on the door yours or Yoichi’s?”
“One of mine,” Yoichi confirms. He hooks his hand at the crook of Bruce’s elbow, leans into him. “Bruce, stop worrying, we haven’t left anything. Kudou, you’d better run ahead before Toshinori-kun gets the idea that he can sit co-pilot again.”
“That kid,” Kudou curses, and bolts out. It’s a reasonable response.
The last time Toshinori had wheedled his way to the front, Shinomori had been at the wheel, and between the both of them—Shinomori, possessed of a sick sense of humor that included entertaining the whims of a preteen, and Toshinori, too proud to admit that he couldn’t understand the traffic navigation app—One for All had wandered off-route and wasted three-quarters of the gas tank just to arrive at a three-star aquarium. Not that Torino would get them lost. 
No, it’s more likely that Torino would reach the limits of his Toshinori Tolerance and put pedal to the metal, and then get caught speeding (in a bus) by a cop.
Yoichi hums the opening lyrics to ‘Daisy Days’, and it sounds too sad on its own, so Bruce obligingly provides the guitar riff as they follow after Kudou.
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joyswonderland1108 · 2 months
Let's talk
Hi hello how are you? Hope you're all doing well! I know i'm still not back to being active, i started an internship for a while now so again i'm busy trying to find some time to share my thoughts whenever i have a buttload of them.
Did you know that to be able to productive at work streaming MUSE is an essential? SO GO STREAM MUSE!!!! I don't think my supervisor is happy with me wearing earphones the whole day but sucks to be him BTS come first.
What is it that i wanted to say? Oh yes. Again, i'll say it, i couldn't care less if you're a solo, sucks, but as long as you keep your own limits, stan whoever you stan and keep your own goddamn thoughts to yourself, then WHATEVER.
Now am i gonna name drop? No, because honestly i feel like there's no need to target one person when i know there are others that fit in the same box so if the shoe fits, wear it.
Starting off as an ARMY, OT7 lover, to become a Jikooker (aka liking Jikook's dynamic whatever the fuck you think they are to each other) to becoming a solo, and treating the members as if they are just spare and whatever they do or say should revolve positively around the X member that you solo stan.. HUM.
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Needless to say the amount of guilt tripping is astronomical, making Army feel guilty about having a goddamn life and not being able to post to show their support or "share proof" of them actually streaming.. Darling no one owes you anything, whatever effort a person does whether they show it to you or not, that is none of your goddamn business, don't make anyone feel bad for their effort, just because YOU have enough spare time to be chronically online it doesn't mean everyone is.
I'll go back to what i mentioned above and take it as an example whether it's me or anyone else, do i have enough time to be coming in here the same way i used to? Not for now, am i still streaming while doing my internship when i'm supposed to stay professional? Yes. Well same goes for many others, some Army are parents too, besides work they have a family to tend to, if you are still young and unmarried with a lot of time to spare, good for you, not everyone is.
Some ex-Army couldn't even handle the pression of being an Army because of people guilt tripping them for not "showing proof of support" and to make it worse posting shit like "Oh you hate X member" because people are simply not making a new post every 2 seconds about the X member you are solo stanning according to YOUR standard.. You really need to go out and touch some grass.
"Oh but no i'm not a solo can't you see my reposts?" I couldn't give two fucks about what you repost or do not repost, it's the shit that you keep on saying, the pattern that you've created that many people noticed, you turning into a solo stan and trying to hide this with a few reposts, maybe just maybe if you are still not ready to assume that you've became a solo, then at the very least make a second account to go cry in there. You can't fool anyone when the pattern is patterning.
It is absolutely sickening to see this going on for MONTHS and just earlier i've seen a friend talk about it and i was reminded how with my girlies in our gc we would share posts related to the boys and everytime we were a bit confused about "some posts" we always had that "Um.. Was that person a solo to begin with or are we just not really understanding?"
Please for the love of God, take your solo stanning elsewhere, stop spitting venom at people for rules that YOU are setting.
With that being said, i hope y'all are having a nice day and STREAM MUSE!!!
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moodywyrm · 1 year
hi mooney!
i just wanted to share my thoughts on abby n chubby reader (this was definitely NOT based on personal experience or anything) uhm, maybe slight trigger warning for implying an eating disorder?
maybe abby took reader out for lunch or something n absentmindedly said something about reader eating a big meal, (ex. "baby, you sure you're gonna eat all that?") not even meaning it in a bad way but reader thinking abby's suggesting she eat a little less, so reader just loses her appetite and goes kinda silent n doesn't say anything for the rest of lunch cs it reminds her of things her exes have said abt her; abby jus thinking she's sleepy, it goes on for like a couple days n abby getting worried cs her girl is eating less than usual n it's starting to affect her, like reader being more silent, slightly shaking a bit cs of how little she's eating n sleeping more cs her not eating is leading to less energy n it's jus reader falling back into how she used to treat herself before she met abby
abby finally decides to confront reader n reader jus letting the flood gates open n SOBBING to abby about how she thinks abby doesn't love her anymore n how she's sorry for eating so much n just saying how she's trying to get rid of the weight by not eating as much to get her body used to it.
abby is absolutely SHOCKED n confused on why her sweet angel is doing this n when reader explains what abby said, abby jus feels so bad n gives reader the best comfort n reassuring her that she meant nothing by it ["baby i swear! i didnt know :( jus didn't want you getting a tummy ache cs you ate a big breakfast too but i didnt mean you should stop taking care of yourself! :(( ] n abby jus making all of reader's favorite foods n making sure her girl is gettin all her nutrients n stuff in n jus being super comforting by letting reader cry some more n stuff
sorry if this is so long, jus had this thought bobbing around my head n needed to share it with someone :( feel free to get to this anytime ♡︎ hope you're having an amazing day/night
(also, could i be 💌 or 🐇 anon?)
TW: disordered eating, internalized fatphobia + hatred
hi baby! 1) imma choose 💌 bc it's so cute! 2) I'll say it, I have had this experience before (though admittedly without the sweet masc to help me out), so let's go! of course, trigger warning for disordered eating and general discomfort around food and body image. if you can't or don't want to read that, avoid this. avoid it like the plague.
it all started with a comment. you and abby were having brunch after class, as a treat for you having just submitted a huge assignment. and you're starving! you had no time before class to eat, and then your class was an eighty minute chunk. so you're so hungry, and you order a full meal, a smoothie plus a California club and sides! grapefruit, onion rings, fries. (obviously if you have any allergies or preferences, just imagine it's something else for this. the actual food isn't critical to the plot). and when you tell the server your order and they leaves, Abby turns to you and says "You gonna eat all of that, baby?"
and of course she doesn't mean it in a shamey, how-could-you-eat-all-of-that way. she meant it in a can-you-eat-all-of-that-without-getting-a-tummy-ache way. but that's not how it registered. and it makes you feel sick, even when you answer "maybe I'll just take the leftovers"
you definitely end up taking the leftovers, because you get maybe two bites into the sandwich, nibbling on the sides, and decide to just finish the smoothie. you have basically your entire meal untouched, and abby gets full off her own meal, so you have two containers of leftovers to take home, which makes you feel so shitty. and you can hear every negative voice in your head rise up, from family members to peers to exes, everyone who ever fatshamed you and made you feel wrong for trying to nourish your body.
you're quiet all the way home, quiet for days after. abby just assumes you're tired, knowing that you have a lot of school work. and partly, she's right. you are tired. you're fuckign exhausting because you're eating maybe one meal a day, (not) sustaining yourself on coffee and water, doing all of your assignments with no energy whatsoever. and you're fighting yourself, not knowing how to bring it up to abby. that it's not because of what she said, she didn't mean it, but it kind of is because of what she said. and it hurts so fucking bad. so yeah, you're exhausted.
it all comes to a head when you're sitting, kneeling, in front of your mirror, doing your makeup or just getting ready, and when you stand up, you nearly pass out. you're so lightheaded, slamming your hand out to the wall, trying not to fall over. your vision swims, and you try to stabilize yourself. abby, who was sitting at her desk, immediately gets up, practically flying to you and holding you up.
"shit, baby, are you okay?" and she sounds so concerned, you fucking break. the tears are so fast, you don't stand a chance at stopping them. you're standing there, sobbing, and abby is terrified. because she doesn't know why. so she gently guides you over the bed, still crying, wrapping her arms around your shoulders and trying to get you to a state where you can talk.
it takes about fifteen minutes, but you get there, still crying, still hiccuping out sobs, but at least somewhat intelligible.
"I just. I know you didn't mean it to be mean. But last week, at the restaurant, when you asked if I was gonna eat all of the food and-" You can't keep talking because it all floods back to you and you're crying again, clinging to abby like a lifeline, chest hurting from the sobs. But now Abby gets it. She remembers what she said and she figures out how it might've sounded and now she feels like shit. Because she never wanted to hurt you, but intent doesn't matter right now because she did hurt you.
"I'm so sorry baby. I didn't mean to say it like that, and I'm so sorry my words hurt you. I'm so sorry I hurt you. I only asked because I didn't want your stomach to hurt, but I should have worded it so much better. I never, ever, want you to feel guilty about eating, or anything, with me."
You're still crying, still clinging to her, but trying to get the words out. "It's okay baby, I should've" hiccup "should've talked to you, told you how I felt but I just froze" hiccup "and I was so scared you would think I was gross, so I stopped eating so much but that didn't help anything-" and again, you're crying so hard your head hurts, and now Abby is crying, sniffling, trying to hide it because this is about you and she knows if you hear her crying you'll worry about her. So she presses a kiss to your head, rubbing her hands up and down your back.
"I wish you would have talked to me, but I know it's scary and hard and it's so easy in theory. But I'm so sorry I made you feel like you couldn't talk to me. I will always be here for you, baby, always." and when she here's you whisper out a small "I love you", she hauls you into her lap. You're still crying, because you need to let it out, but Abby doesn't move a fucking inch, holding you for as long as you need.
Once you've calmed down enough to move to the couch, Abby gets to work cooking you your favorite meal, trying not to overload you with so much ood that'll make your tummy hurt, but trying to give you a good, balanced dinner after a week of hurt. Sitting at the kitchen island, watching you eat pasta with some lingering trepidation but an overwhelming amount of trust on your face, she would never trade that moment for anything, Abby knows that, for the rest of her life, she wants to take care of you. Wants you to live a life where food isn't pain or punishment, and you're allowed to nourish yourself and enjoy food when you want to.
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terrestrialnoob · 1 year
Characters from TMNT 2003 that I personally miss (and kinda wish were in other versions)
Nano: baby robot who had a scientist mom and a criminal dad who each just wanted to use him, either just as a science experiment or to commit crimes, but all Nano wanted was a family (and he should have been adopted by the turtles, he should have been their 12!Metalhead/S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N.)
Silver Sentry: Superman? The American Ideal of Truth and Justice is a Kind and Funny Black Man who is genuinely good friends with Mikey? Sign me up!
Nobody: An Ex-cop who tried to go after the corruption in his own precinct, and while he could be less of a cop, he just wanted to stop crime and make sure no one got hurt, even the gang members he went after and the billionaire that bought his old precinct and got him fired.
The Justice Force: Having a superhero team in the TMNT universe just feels right. It's a superhero universe, the Turtles are Superheros; having fellow heroes to work with and both be mentored and mentor others gives the wider world so much depth on top of the turtles having a reliable group of people to call on when things got too dangerous and out of hand.
Angel: She wasn't Casey's sister, but he treated her like a little sister and she was a good mirror character to Casey. She had all of his flaws but as a younger person he had taken responsibility for she provided a way for Casey to address those flaws in himself while helping her avoid taking a bad path.
Professor (and the knockoff Jay and Silent Bob who hung out with him): Homeless characters need to be People. Professor was a person and a fully round character and I hate it when homeless people are just props and not people.
Augustus O'Neil: April's uncle who gave her her adventurous spirit! You can really feel his influence on her personality and can tell that he encouraged her to become a scientist. (though I think it would also be fun to make him her dad. Come on! April and August? The Father-Daughter duo we deserve.)
Casey's Mom/Ma Jones: Look, sure, she was rude to April, "testing" her to see if she really cared about Casey, but that's kinda understandable given the kind of people Casey would likely hang out with (criminals and vigilantes) and she apologized immediately after. And, Ma Jones knew Splinter (the master ninja) and Leo (his best ninja student) were there and helping April pass her "girlfriend test" the whole time, but she didn't want to say anything about it to not offend her son and his friends.
The Daimyō: Even if he's not the runner of the Battle Nexus, he was Splinter's Friend. His relationship with Splinter let the audience know Splinter had a life outside of his family, that there are other people Splinter knows and can go to, who he can talk to about being a parent and just hang out with.
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Young Royals Characters as Short 'n' Sweet Songs
this post came to me in a dream but I can't not do it now, so buckle up. No audios for Please Please Please or Espresso because you know exactly which songs those are and you do not need the sample lol.
Taste - Simon
oh I leave quite an impression - In fact he does. you're wondering why half his clothes went missing, my body's where they're at - shout out Simon wearing Wilhelm's blue/green sweater in season 3, shout out the stolen orange sweater in season 2. you'll just have to taste me when he's kissing you - that whole thing where Wilhelm literally told Felice he kissed her to see if it was like kissing Simon. I've been there, done that once or twice - he in fact broke up and got back together with Wilhelm five times.
Please, Please, Please - Sara
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Whatever devil's inside you, don't let him out tonight - she in fact dated the worst person on the planet. And please, pleasе, please, Don't bring me to tеars when I just did my makeup so nice - it's giving the valentines dance, it's giving the shooting range scene, it's giving the third year's dinner. I beg you, don't embarrass me, motherfucker - Sara, I'm gonna hold your hand when I say this... And we could live so happily if no one knows that you're with me - they kept their relationship a secret for a reason and she had the common sense to think twice about going public at the valentines ball.
Good Graces - Wilhelm
I won't give a fuck about you - Wilhelm doesn't give a fuck about anyone but Simon When I love you, I'm sweet like an angel - he is in fact the most bashful little guy around his boyfriend. Boy, it's not that complicated, you should stay in my good graces - we have many examples of why that is a good idea, see the difference between how he treats Felice and how he treats August 'Cause no one's more amazin' at turnin' lovin' into hatred - every single member of his family feels this line on a personal level.
Sharpest Tool - Felice
I know you're not the sharpest tool in the shed, we had sex, I met your best friends then a bird flies by and you forget - remember that brief relationship with August? Yeah... that. we were goin' right, then you took a left, left me with a lot of shit to second-guess - she thinks about Sara when she hears this line. You know it, I know it, her friends know it, the bus driver knows it. Everyone knows. Seems like overnight, I'm just the bitch you hate now - literally how everyone treated her after those Wilhelm rumors went around. Or when the school got shut down and for some reason everyone blamed her? Fuck everyone else leave Felice alone.
Coincidence - Marcus (stop booing I'm right)
Now her name comes up once, then it comes up twice -Marcus was in fact the one to bring up Wilhelm's name both once and twice. Last week, you didn't have any doubts, this week, you're holdin' space for her tongue in your mouth - Did someone say Valentines Ball? No? Just me? What a surprise, your phone just died, your car drove itself from L.A. to [his] thighs - lmao Simon claimed his phone died multiple times in order to dodge Marcus. To the point that Marcus went to Rosh and Ayub who then had to pretend they didn't know Simon was going to hook up with his ex. Oh wow, you just broke up again - oh I just know Marcus felt vindicated when Wilmon kept being on again off again after that 💀
Bed Chem - Wilmon (need I explain? No, but I'm going to anyway)
got me scrollin' like out of breath - Wilhelm stalking Simon's instagram... How you pick me up, pull 'em down, turn me 'round oh, it just makes sense - Simon in the hallway scene fr How you talk so sweet when you're doin' bad things - throwback to when Wilhelm dropped like a whole poem full of metaphors over the phone to Simon while high out of his mind. Where art thou? Why not uponeth me? - literally Simon at any given time. that boy is feral.
Espresso - Fredrika (could be Simon too but I'm trying not to repeat)
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I can't relate to desperation - Season 2 Fredrika for sure. Season 3 Fredrika took that statement back. And I got this one boy and he won't stop calling - that "one boy" is actually Stella and her poem. he looks so cute wrapped 'round my finger - again, "he" is just Stella staring at her from across the room. My twisted humor make him laugh so often - throwback to when she stated she would be the surrogate for wilmon's royal baby.
Dumb and Poetic - Wilmon (I know I just said I wasn't going to repeat but this is my blog so sue me)
You're so dumb and poetic, it's just what I fall for, I like the aesthetic - Wilhelm and Simon are in fact both dumb and poetic. Both of them. Shoutout football field scene, shoutout Simon's song, shout out the Jubilee speech, shoutout Wille's song. You're so sad there's no communication, but, baby, you put us in this situation - every single music room scene in which they fight about something that could have been avoided by a singular conversation. Just 'cause you act like one doesn't make you a man - because they're not men. They're teenage boys and literally everyone in their lives just decided to forget that for some reason.
Slim Pickins - Nils (also Felice but I'm trying not to repeat)
Guess I'll end this life alone, I am not dramatic, these are just the thoughts that pass right through me - Nils is actually very dramatic, but he also probably thought this many times while he was in the closet. All the douchebags in my phone - in his grindr era Oh, it's slim pickings, if I can't have the one I love I guess it's you that I'll be kissin' - .... *cough* Vincent *cough* I'll just keep on moanin' and bitchin' - Nils 24/7 is bitching about something. He can't not complain about something. "Good job on coming out but it was dumb" BITCH JUST SAY YOU'RE PROUD FOR ONCE.
Juno - Stella
You make me wanna make you fall in love - good old fashioned pop love song seems fitting for Stella. Especially this line, because she is absolutely trying her damnedest to make Fredrika fall in love. late at night, I'm thinking 'bout you - "I scream your name every day, I whisper your name every night" - a real, canonical thing Stella wrote about Fredrika. Can't help mysеlf, hormones are high - that time she danced with Rosh and then pulled a 180 like a month later?
Lie To Girls - literally any girl in this entire fucking show
I'll go for lyrical examples to, but literally every girl in this show was treated so bad. The moms, the main girls, the side girls, the extra girls. Like, some of them were bad people, but they were still treated so bad.
No, don't say it was just an isolated incident that happened once - Felice when August tried to get back at her by kissing her best friend, then going on to date that best friend, and take that best friend's virginity. I've never seen an ugly truth that I can't bend - Sara looking at August. We love to read the cold, hard facts and swear they're incorrect - Linda. We love to mistake butterflies for cardiac arrest - Kristina. Girls will cry and girls will lie and girls will do it 'til they die for you - Stella, Fredrika, Madison, the background older girls, Sara, Felice, August's mom, Felice's mom, Kristina and Linda, the Headmistress, the replacement headmistress. I could go on. I won't, but I could.
Don't Smile - August
Don't smile because it happened, baby, cry because it's over - he cried a lot when he realized it was over with Sara. I think I counted him crying like six times in season three alone. My heart is heavy now, it's like a hundred pounds - and now he also has the weight of the monarchy on his shoulders.
So.... that was that. Let me know if you want me to do other albums like this lmao. I don't know why I thought of this.
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notyouraryang0dd3ss · 4 months
hi, indian anon here ( I think I used the ⏳️) ig you can say I'm an ex swiftie, but in the sense that I was never exposed to western music until evermore and I listened to it and loved it. I never engaged with the fandom or anything, and didn't even know all these things taylor did, and I thought taylor was a decent person because of the documentary. This was until ofc, the matty healy incident which opened my eyes to her behavior, but idky I felt like I couldn't openly dislike her. Everyone in my school was obsessed with her and if you're a girl, and you hated her, or even disliked her, you were a pick me, and I didn't wanna get hated on more by my classmates (long story there). The last straw for me was prolly when 1989 tv was released (after the mh incident I just called myself a swiftie cuz I liked her earlier work) and I had joined an online swiftie group chat, and the people there were so vile and hateful. I remember saying it's wrong hating on harry styles for cheating on her cuz she did the same, or that Joe alwyn is just a regular dude, and so are all her other exes, except prolly matty and the John Mayor guy for dating a 19 y/o (SHE ALSO DATED MINORS THO??? no one talked about this shit) and I mentioned that she's not god and that she has done bad things, and the gc, which had 50 active members everyday, collectively not only hated on me, but also these people had access to my private insta acc. My face, my friends, my address, they knew it all. It was so scary, and while I have been in plenty of toxic fandoms before (my first death threats were by the hp fandom, which I've left long back), I actually felt threatened. It actually felt like a cult, and it was scary until my insta acc got shut down (idky), and the ppl couldn't find me anymore. The swiftie fandom is weird at best, and potential criminals at worst, because wtf. They don't have any sort of individual thinking, and if someone does, they will find a way to shut it down. Even now, when I interact with a swiftie and taylor Swift comes up, and I say I don't like her, their behavior is just like the ones online. Ik ppl get more confidence to do bad things online cuz of anonymity, but swifties are the same irl, too. They completely believe it is okay to treat ppl terribly, harass and spread disgusting rumors and even doxx a Palestinian woman and give her details to Isreali organization. Like that actually happened. I regret that I didn't leave the fandom sooner because I can't believe I was associated with something like this. Ik celebrities make mistakes, and that fandoms always have one toxic portion, but this is too much.
Sorry for the long rant tho 😅
- ⏳️
sorry it took me a while to respond, there is SO MUCH HAPPENING in this ask. like 3 diff asks rolled into one omfg
1. peer pressured into “continuing” to like taylor swift you are a different kind of victim im so sorry you went through that (and all to prevent you from being bullied…im so sorry)
2. THE SWIFTIE GROUPCHAT: that is horrible and TERRIFYING. all you did was practice critical thinking and you feared for your SAFETY. their reactions are not logical nor rational and speak to how dangerous her fanbase is.
if you feel like you cannot call out your fave for their behavior without your safety being threatened, that is not a fanbase, that is a cult. i think we should actually did a venn diagram of swifties and cults we’d have a perfect circle.
3. SWIFTIES IRL: this is so true about how they behave. ive had friends tell me theyre scared of saying they hate taylor IRL cause of the backlash they’d receive. THAT IS NOT NORMAL. even when BTS was at their peak ppl never felt threatened by the ARMY to that point 😭
you NEED to send more info/links/ss about the doxxed palestinian. i need the #SwiftiesforPalestine to see wtf their mutuals are doing. that is ABHORRENT behavior. that poor woman!
thank you sm for this ask, u are truly one of god’s strongest soldiers cause wtf!!!! is wrong!!!! with swifties!!!!!
(p.s. if you are a repeat anon go ahead and sign off your asks with an emoji so i can keep track! thank you!)
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unabashegirl · 1 year
Enticing (17)
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Author's note: Hello everyone! Here is a new chapter. It's actually been done for quite a while. My Patreon member's read it quite a long time ago. I had forgotten to post it, but without further do enjoy.
Click here x to join our Patreon community and get early access to new chapters for only $5.00 USD.
He desired her every minute of the day from the very first day, but today it was different. His body ached for her. He needed to have her. He needed to quench the thirst that was quietly growing within him for her.
Y/N looked breathtaking. She was wearing an ocher gown. Her hair was straightened back and delicately placed behind her ears.  Alessandro had given her a pair of earrings and a ring to accessorize, but her neck was bare.
“We should stay” were the first words out of his mouth as soon as his eye landed on her. Y/N laughed as she took a few more steps closer to him. “Fuck the opera and dinner. You look gorgeous”.
“So do you. Well — handsome” Harry chuckled, turning around he reached out for a jewelry box. He had gotten a few clues from Alessandro as to what her dress would look like and with them, he had sent made a personalized necklace to adorn her neck.
“I got you a present and there is no room for arguing about it” he warned her. “Turn around”. Harry loved how down-to-earth she always was, but he loved spoiling her and tonight was one of those occasions. He just wanted her to accept the necklace and wear it out.
Y/N turned on her feet. She gathered her hair in one hand, revealing her bare neck to him. Meanwhile, Harry gently took the necklace out of the box and carefully placed it on her. It was heavy due to the number of diamonds and white gold that he had asked to have.
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“Harry…” she gasped as she looked at the necklace through a mirror. She couldn’t believe the beauty or how luxurious it was.
“Do you like it?” he asked kissing the back of her neck, instantly causing her skin to break out in goosebumps.
“It’s stunning” Y/N smiled, she felt like a princess, something straight out of a children’s book. Never had she expected anyone to treat it in such an adoring way. She would have never guessed the day she met Harry that he would be swiping her off her feet and making her fall head over heels for him.
She loved him.
And not because of the expensive things or the necklace, but because of his actions and the way he looked at her and the way he made her feel.
The world made her feel constantly like she was drowning like everything was caving in, and she was going against the flow. Her anxiety kept her up at night and made her hide in closets where she could suppress herself and cry in tranquility. But with Harry things were different. When she was with him the world didn’t seem like such a bad place and the anxiety and concerns became silly. He would listen to her and would try to produce multiple solutions knowing that it was the only way that she would be able to calm down.
Y/N would sometimes feel ashamed that she placed so much on him, and she would tell him and profoundly apologize. It was natural for her. She was used to apologizing for her anxiety to everyone since she was in high school and even to her ex-boyfriend. Everyone around her always made her feel like it was her fault, and she was only creating more ruckus. They pointed fingers at her and insisted that she was only freaking out about things that hadn’t happened, but he understood her.
Harry didn’t make her feel like she was exaggerating, and he would validate her feelings. That’s why she loved him.
Of course, she wasn’t going to tell him just yet. She knew it was too early. She didn’t want to freak him out or mess up the night.
Harry slid his hands around her waist and held her.
“Thank you” Y/N whispered as she leaned to kiss him. They kissed as if they were saying goodbye as if they were each other’s lifeline. Their kiss breaks apart for a second, Harry’s smile stretched, his fingers gently slid down the side of her face to her neck, and he kissed her once again.
A knock on the door startled them and caused them to pull apart.
“Are you ready?! We are going to miss the reservation!” It was William being the natural-born father that he was. “And no there is not enough time for a quick one!” He yelled again as he banged on the door, repeatedly.  “What’s taking you so long!” He asked as they opened the door.
Y/N shyly stood behind Harry. She was nervous to what the other men would say about her appearance. She wasn’t used to turning heads.
“No one is bloody shaggin” Harry exclaimed, “cock block” he muttered, slightly irritated that he didn’t have a few minutes to ogle at Y/N. He pulled her in front of her to be able to shut the door.
“Wow! You look gorgeous” William blinked a few times, not living how stunning she looked. She was naturally beautiful, but she outshone everyone today. Even though he wore a Hugo Boss suit, perfectly tailored to his body just like Harry wore his Gucci. “I get it now, man” Harry pushed his face away from Y/N and his prying eyes.
“Where are the other two?”
Alessandro was smoking a cigarette while Michael looked at himself through the reflection of the car window. He had been battling with a strand of hair that wanted to rebel from the rest.
“There she is!” Alessandro smiled and threw the cigarette on the floor.
“Aren’t we lucky to be in her presence?” Michael winked as caught her reflections through the window.
“You are lucky that you are my best friend and that I don’t have to beat the shit out of you for drooling at my girlfriend”
“Harry Styles being insecure?” Alessandro chuckled as he patted his cheeks. “Impossible”.
“Can we have this conversation in the restaurant?” William interrupted Harry just as he was seconds from responding. “I am genuinely staving and get it!”
Heads were turned from the minute they got out of the car to the moment that they were escorted to their reserved table.  The majority was drooling over Y/N, but four men didn’t fall behind.
Harry sat beside Y/N while Michael sat on the other side of Y/N. They had been sitting on a round table in the center of the dining room. They didn’t care one bit. They were used to be the center of attention.
Bottles of wine had started to be ordered in seconds. Alessandro wasted no time in getting everyone slightly tipsy. He also made sure to order some appetizers as everyone tried to figure out what they were having for dinner.
“What are you ordering?” Y/N asked Harry, finding herself a bit overwhelmed with how delicious every single plate sounded. She looked for a bit of guidance.
“I was going to order some pasta, but I think I might have the risotto”
“I am leaning a bit towards pasta too, but I can’t seem to figure out which one” Harry closed his menu. Already sure of what he wanted and leaned over to help her a bit.
“How about carbonara?” He asked, remembering how delicious it had been the last time he had been to this specific restaurant. “I loved it last time”.
“Alright. I guess I will have it” She smiled and pecked his cheek.
“Harry? I didn’t know you were coming to Italy!” Valeria smiled as he walked up to the table. Harry sat up in his seat and threw an arm over the back of Y/N’s seat. He couldn’t believe that she had followed them to Rome. 
She had found out through a mutual friend. It hadn't been hard to find them. 
“Valeria” he faked a smile as he tried his best to maintain his composure. “What are you doing here?”.
“The same as you” she shrugged, “enjoying Italy” Alessandro rolled his eyes and tried his best not to say anything that would cause a scandal. “Is that you Y/N?” She gasped, “they sure did some work on you. You look unrecognizable”. Y/N bit back her tongue. “Seriously you look very elegant like you actually belong here”.
Alessandro laughed and took a drink out of his cup.
“On the contrary darlin. She belongs here. You are the one who shouldn’t be here”.
The men had only met Valeria a few times, but just now they were remembering how obnoxious she was. William was minutes away from calling security and having her drag out, but again there was no need to cause a scene.
Valeria ignored Alessandro's jab at her. She had other things in mind. 
“You know Harry, I am so happy that you decided to meet up with my friend, Ashley in your office. Both of you have been through so many things, and you do share Oliver. It’s important to forgive and move on. It shows that you have grown”. Harry hadn’t gotten the chance to tell Y/N about his meeting with Oliver's mother and in the context that she was saying it, it made Harry seem like he was meeting with her to do other things. "I'm happy that little Oliver is going to finally meet his mother". 
Y/N remained calm and showed no emotion.
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bcofl0ve · 2 years
single dad!austin x fem!reader headcanons (can be priscilla actress reader or elvis pa/crew member reader whatever floats your boat!)
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- “fix it babies” never work. austin should/does know this. but he's a child of divorce terrified of the relationship he's been in for almost a decade really falling apart.
- so when the girlfriend in question says she's pregnant he goes right along with how hopeful she seems that this will save them.
- the day his daughter, lennon, is born is the best day of his life. she’s perfect and beautiful and everything he could’ve ever wanted. but she doesn’t fix what’s broken in his relationship w/ her mother.
- if the child of divorce breakup apprehension was bad before having a baby with the woman makes it 100x worse.
- the dam breaks when he books elvis. lennon is a little over a year old and girlfriend™️ 180s on how supportive she’s been when he actually gets the part and the move to australia comes up. she goes with him to the 2019 GQ awards and they get into a fight about her not wanting to move so bad that baz hears it through the wall.
- “so are we breaking up? i’m just not gonna see my daughter till we wrap? god knows when,”
- she promises she’ll bring her to visit, and she does in feburary. he’s so excited to see his baby but (now ex) girlfriend™️ is not happy and it gets under his skin how much she’s treating this like a chore.
- he ends up venting to you about it, looking away and chewing on his bottom lip when he asks if you’d want to get dinner somewhere with him. nothing fancy, he just doesn’t want to be alone with his thoughts.
- austin’s your friend- and you’re worrried about him, so you say yes. if you go from dinner to his bed, well then that’s your own secret. it becomes less of a secret with time though- when he bestows you with the girlfriend moniker, you get spotted together and gossip swirls. as. it does.
- tom gets covid and everyone is packing up to go home and both you and baz tell austin he should too. but the last time he talked to his ex girlfriend it was a yelling match when she saw paparazzi photos of him with you.
- to say she hates him is being gentle. and he loves his daughter more than anything- to the extent that he’s horrified by the thought of trapping her in a house where him and her mother are constantly at each other’s throats.
- a month goes by before he really starts to regret that decision and sobs in your arms after a facetime call with her.
- when lockdown eases up a little his dad (not his ex-girlfriend) flys out with lennon to see him and you’ve never seen austin so happy.
- his dad is skeptical of you, but the toddler isn’t. the look you see in austin’s eyes when he’s watching you with her makes your chest tight.
- when elvis wraps and he moves to london he tells ex girlfriend he’ll put her up in a nice hotel and take care of her if she brings lennon over. so she does.
- but you moved with him to london too and ex girlfriend doesn’t like that. she especially doesn’t like you being around lennon.
- she leaves with the little girl after 2.5 weeks when she picks a fight with austin about you and he gets defensive. you feel guiltily no matter how much he tells you not to.
- masters of the air wraps and he’s finally back in california more permanently- you with him. a more “normal” custody schedule is put into place and it works well enough.
- sometimes ex girlfriend is hours late for pick up and drop off, and it doesn’t seem like she hates your guts any less- it’s most of why you haven’t moved in with him. but it works well enough. until the press tour.
- everyone is bringing family to memphis and austin wants to bring lennon, but it throws a wrench into the schedule that ex girlfriend isn’t apt to budge on. until he begs, and agrees to take a red eye before he has to be in new york to drop her back in california.
- he’s holding lennon sleeping on his lap during the bbq thing they did at graceland and lisa comes over all “gosh she’s precious aus, i miss when my girls were that tiny.”
- “trying to let her sleep now because we have to go to the airport tonight and get a red eye so i can drop her back with her mom and get to new york on time.”
- lisa says that sounds like a pain and he’s like yeah i asked if i could take her to new york and toronto and just bring her back when we’re done with press in a week- “my sister would’ve come to to help me out, not like i would’ve been leaving her with my assistant all day. but nope- she didn’t even really want her to come here, but i begged.”
- lisa says she gets that mentions how couldn’t make it to cannes because of custody bullshit of her own with the twins. austin he nods along.
- her heart hurts so much for him. so does yours.
- ex girlfriend has a boyfriend and austin finds out because he’s in the car when she’s getting lennon from the airport. he’s not happy about being kept in the dark- or about leaving her around a man he’s never met. but he has to be in new york.
- he cries to you in a tucked away corner of the new york premiere about how stressful it all is, mumbling that he just wishes things were different.
- he didn’t mean he wished ex girlfriend would drop it on him that her boyfriend convinced her to move abroad for a months long boho hippie retreat in the middle of nowhere so she’s signing over full custody. but that’s what happens. a week before your ohio move.
- austin feels so guilty- like he’s forcing you into the role of a nanny while he’s on set but lennon is a good kid- you really don’t mind.
- playing house like this is making you fall harder and faster than ever. him too.
- but that doesn’t mean austin doesn’t break down when miss ex girlfriend calls with the news that her boyfriend got a permanent job with the retreat company abroad. and that she’s planning on staying there with him.
- austin cries not so much for himself, but for his daughter who’s too little to understand she’s being abandoned. who still walks around the ohio apartment asking both of you when mama’s coming back.
- he feels like he failed as a dad, and you kiss his face and hold him tight and assure him that’s not true.
- he doesn’t believe you, not yet, but he does love you. his daughter loves you. that counts for something, surely.
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lesbianneopolitan · 6 months
Hey, any other Neo AUs you've drawn or been meaning to draw but fleshed out in your head? Like you have vampy Neo, and Hazbin Neo now, and the P3 Reload Neo you drew. Any other neato Neo'd you got cooking?
I don't even think I would count with P3 Neo because it was just one drawing, like, I would say I didn't flesh that out at all in my head aside of getting some basic questions about her arcana choice, it was more of a 'I like the style! I'll try to draw a Neo in it' for the small challenge than anything xD
Nevertheless, I may as well make a list of the Neos I've drawn in the style of other series, that were done for fun, rather than to flesh an AU
When it comes to the fleshed out AUs inside my head we have:
It was the first, I know a lot of people know of its existence, but I had to mention it anyway because I'll forever be fond of it. Like, vampires are one of my main hyperfixations, so I almost always gotta have a vampire AU if the character in question isn't one already.
Even if the main timeline is up to happen in a modern setting, I've actually written some of Neo's past in RP format to develop her life with her parents, when she was still a recently sired vampire and stuff.
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I think the doodles speak very well by themselves, but the main idea with this was that Neo was an ex-Corpo that used to work for Salem (Grimm Corp.), which treated to experiment on Cyberpsychos in order to turn them into mechanical aberrations (like the Hound, but more Cyberpunk).
I was partially inspired by the run I played in my own Cyberpunk 2077 game lol
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Nevermore AU
My bestie and I watched the Wednesday show and ended brainstorming an AU for the academy that the protag stays at. I actually wrote a bit of Neo in the setting as well with my bestie, for the fun of it.
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I actually learnt a few things while doing this one and brainstorming ideas, because I had no idea they use Ditto in the mangas to shapeshift people, as in, Ditto can cover a person and use the shifting powers so the person has a disguise like, WHAT?
Anyway, a Pokemon AU of my Neo. Mimikyu was her starter as a kid when still known as Trivia. The Espeon actually helps with transmitting Neo's thoughts if she needs to communicate real bad, Ditto is for her own shapeshifting...
She also has a Vanilluxe and a Zoroark (her biggest ace in the sleeve) for proper battle and help with her crimes due to illusions. Vanillite and Ditto are the ones swapped for them in that case.
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THE FUCKING ROCK AU HAS ONE OF MY FAVE NEO DESIGNS! Like I love her, I loved designing this one. It was fun. I should draw her more, honestly.
In this one, Neo ACTUALLY had a voice at first, she was actually a vocalist and keyboard player before an accident that left her vocal cords fucked up- had to go through an operation, but she never recovered her voice.
She's a musician that actually uses old records of her voice to develop a system that will replicate her voice for new songs, think like, Vocaloid, sort of.
She eventually meets Cinder and joins her band as a guitarist to honor Roman.
...eventually also falls out with her and ends with Ruby's band, initially to spite Cinder for kicking her out.
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Bruh, I even went ahead and designed all the members of the Ever After Mafia in this one. Neo wasn't initially part of them and had her own thing -Roman's Mafia- which she inherited after Roman died.
Cinder is like a double agent in this one and eventually betrays Neo and leaves her to die (following Salem's orders), but Neo survives and ends in the Ever After, desperate to have revenge against Salem's Mafia for what they did.
The Curious Cat is the big boss initially, but he was a motherfucking manipulator that took advantage of the other members when they were in their lowest, even Neo.
So Neo eventually has enough and kills him, becoming the boss instead, even if she honestly hates the responsibility. It's when Neo becomes the Mad Hatter for the group.
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The recent one- I'm sure people don't need that much info of this one because it's pretty recent.
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Other AUs: Rusted Knight but it's Neo suffering the time trap ; Werecat AU ; Serial Killer AU ; Jennifer's Body AU
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And now for other crossovers:
Among Us, TCOAAL, Hellborn Neo (Succubi + Demon Cat mix)(HH, Helluva Boss), Homestuck, Helltaker, Adventure Time, Sinner Neo (HH), Persona 3, Disney Cat
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tgrailwar-zero · 1 year
Avenger/TGHW Grail Terminal Alpha/A Narrating Voice, do you know if there are any sorts of programs we can run in this space, or should we try talking to the Admin?
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'A NARRATING VOICE': "Considering I'm doing this behind the Admin's back? Uh, maybe don't call her. I'm backdoor-ing this shit."
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"Right, right. Good to see you too and all that. I mean, I'm being flippant, but underneath my cold, dead, sarcasm is a bit of joy. Aaanyways. Before you go stir crazy, let's get practical. Just... gimmie a second." He rummaged around a bit... or at least it sounded like he was- it was endless darkness here- before raising a hand. "Found it! Item get!"
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"So, some of you will remember a while ago when I stole a kiss from you and then revealed that the 'affection points' were me stealing your magical energy so that I could cheat the system and jury rig a contract? Well… that special moment we shared once the Preliminary War Ended… the one that netted you all that 'Super Affection Point'…"
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"…Was one last hunk of magical energy I swiped from you guys, just in case! I know, I know. Ain't I a rascal? Anyways, hyah!"
...The Super Affection Point was thrown! The Super Affection Point has been converted into three Command Spells, and has torn an opening in the Grail War…! "This'll be a big one. Literally, this Spirit Origin will be dense as hell. After all, you'll need firepower. If I bring you back, you really will be Interlopers to the system- and by default, everyone's enemy. Which means you'll need tough Servants to survive the onslaught, so pick. Also, maybe it'll serve as idiot-proofing. Maybe? Doubt it, but no harm in trying. I'll also just… iterate, that these options are… how would you say it… randomized? As if they were put through a (theoretical) randomizer and then given as options. Anyways, go! Pick! Now!"
'A NARRATING VOICE': "Sheesh, look at these guys. I'd hate to be on their bad side. Have you ever noticed that even the most 'Heroic' of Heroic Spirits are like, super violent?"
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The demigod son of Poseidon, and one of Greece's greatest hunters- the man who shot down the goddess of the moon. With top-ranked parameters in almost every statistic, as a warrior his talent is unmatched. However, he tends to falter a bit when it comes to vices, easily distracted by beautiful women and constantly haunted by a lunar presence (girlfriend).
Strength: A
Endurance: A
Agility: B+
Mana: C
Luck: A
Starting Health: 11
Starting Mana: 7
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A mysterious presence from beyond the stars-- or perhaps a refreshing wind from the cosmos. Her nature is considered 'theoretical', even as a Servant in the Solar Cell, and may be linked to an item retrieved beforehand. Despite her incredible might, she is ultimately inexperienced, both as a warrior and a Servant.
Strength: C
Endurance: C
Agility: B
Mana: EX
Luck: A
NP: B++
Starting Health: 7
Starting Mana: 13
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The Mage of Flowers. Possessing incredible magical talent, and wisdom that would be renowned for ages, this Caster is one of the defining members of his class. However, his personality does make him a bit difficult to get along with at times, as he tends to be more of a 'big picture' thinker with his own vices.
Strength: B
Endurance: E
Agility: D
Mana: A
Luck: C
Starting Health: 5
Starting Mana: 11
'A NARRATING VOICE': "You know, if it was up to me, I'd say- 'if everyone'll treat you like your evil, then go all in'. Nothing wrong with getting some help from the dark side! Anyways, I now present 'Column B'!"
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A Primordial Deity who's greatest sin is the inability to let go. Powerful, commanding, and… smothering, she is a proud Servant that considers everyone her 'children'. If she were to be summoned, the constraints of the Solar Cell would put her in a larval form. However, with enough time and mana (or the cry of the Command Spell), she could briefly attain her full might as Primordial Mother.
Strength: C
Endurance: C
Agility: D
Mana: A
Luck: EX
Starting Health: 7
Starting Mana: 11 (Statistics are variable based on form.)
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A bright, burning Emperor of Roses. A violent ruler that approves of avarice and depravity, and watches the incineration of the world with a confident smile on her face. Despite her more affable nature, this Beast is almost certainly 'Evil', and should therefore be treated with care. However, in another time and another place, she has stood with- and against- a fox demon.
Strength: B
Endurance: B+
Agility: A
Mana: A
Luck: D
Starting Health: 10
Starting Mana: 11 (Statistics are variable based on form.)
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The Mage of Flowers. Possessing incredible magical talent, and wisdom that would be renowned for ages, this prospective Beast is one of the defining members of her class-- uh, déjà vu, much? However, she is also prone to acting in accordance to whatever amuses her more, meaning that despite ultimately being an invaluable ally, there will certainly be challenges.
Strength: E
Endurance: E
Agility: C+
Mana: A++
Luck: A
Starting Health: 3
Starting Mana: 12
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Every day I think about how the Legend of Korra Season 4 could have been one of the best parts of the entire Avatar franchise if the main villain wasn't a new big evil, but already established issues that should have been dealt with long ago.
Ever since the original series, the authors have presented the Earth Kingdom as a place that even without war has a million problems because it's ruled by incompetent monarchs who do not care about the people and whose lack of interest is used by other parts of this corrupt machine.
We have seen how great the class difference is in all parts of the kingdom, especially in Ba Sing Se, how the army treats civilians, how they are willing to send children to war, how the most powerful force in the kingdom can betray its people in a second, how the queen enslaves her people believing they belong to her, how the prince won't lift a finger to help his people, how the king won't even listen to the peasants until the Avatar threatens him, and much more.
In addition to the problems in the Earth Kingdom, we have also seen the problem of apathy coming from other world leaders who have turned their backs on a country that has fallen into chaos. No one except Tenzin lifted a finger to help in any way. They sent no money, no medical or military aid. Their fix was putting an 18-year-old in charge and leaving her to do everything herself.
Two things specifically catch my eye. The only man who actually tried to do something is a member of a nation that has no material resources, no army, and has just begun to recover from the genocide. On the other hand, the leader of the ex-Fire Nation colony that was never given back to the Earth Kingdom didn't provide any help for the said kingdom. The only thing he did was ask a super-rich person to do something, she said no, and he was like oh well too bad. Also yes, I have a problem with Suyin in this situation, not because she refused to be a temporary leader, but because she had the means to help and chose to do nothing. It would be one thing if she were a regular civilian who couldn't do much, but she is not. She is literally among the top 5 richest people in the world, a ruler of the only province in the kingdom that wasn't affected by the death of the queen, and has a metal-bending army that is acknowledged worldwide. Yet, I don't remember her doing anything to help, be it just sending some funds.
Basically, there are so many issues surrounding the Earth Kingdom and Season 4 was the IDEAL time to talk about them. The setup was perfect: the country is in chaos, the avatar can't help, the richest layer of society does nothing, the only world ruler who tries to help is the air nomad, and everyone is okay with the throne being taken by a spoiled prince who doesn't care about the duties of a king.
And just think how much more interesting Kuvira would be in this scenario. I always saw her being a villain as a cheap way to say "Oh look! She is awful! Now you have to ignore everyone else being bad because she is the REAL bad guy!". And to be completely honest, taking into account her backstory, the way she was raised in Zaofu, the fact that she genuinely wanted to help, a lot of things that were said about her by other characters, and the way she surrendered and acted in Ruins of the Empire, it's completely out of place for her to be a villain. She would work just perfectly as a character who is easy to villainize but is not actually evil. She could have been used to criticize the monarchy and the world leaders while also questioning Avatar's place in the world. Literally everyone would benefit from her being a villain: monarchs who don't want to be seen in a bad light because of her reign, world leaders who don't want to be perceived as bad because they did nothing while a teenage girl risked her life every day to do the job, Suyin who turned a blind eye on suffering and ultimately abandoned Kuvira to do everything herself, and Korra who needs to prove she is still useful even if Kuvira was the one taking care of everything.
With Kuvira as a villain, they don't have to work on themselves and their policies, they don't need to change anything, and the status quo remains. But if Kuvira wasn't a villain, but a character that people want and need to be evil, then we could truly look into the core of the problem, that is, the system itself. The world would be forced into radical changes, or at least the beginning of them. The government would be questioned like never before, the richest would be seen for what they really are, and the Avatar wouldn't be able to just beat a new villain and thus regain importance but would have to adapt to the needs of this new world.
But hey, it's easier to make a villain because of whom we simply can't concentrate on the cardinal mistakes of other characters, than actually criticize the system that is the problem. It was cowardly of the authors and I have to say it's really icky that a character who wanted to retrieve colonized land was evil.
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naneun-no · 2 years
Hi! So... Am I the only one who thinks Jikook haven't been living under the same roof for quite a while now? I feel like some people, esp Jikookers, don't even want to see it as a possibility, but if we don't want to start acting like a cult we need to start developing some critical thinking (which I think is healthy and needs to be done) Also, I've seen a lot of people say "JK is having a hard time, imagine not spending every second with your partner like you used to bc of his crazy schedule" and tbh, I was thinking just like that at first, but now? Jimin is busy, yes of course, but he clearly has time to hang out with Hobi or even going to visit Jin (which was so nice to see btw, not complaining) I honestly don't think JK and Jimin are hanging out much, actually, I dont even think they see each other often, since JK seems to be living his best introverted life and quite isolated from the rest of the boys (except Tae, which Im kind of glad, at least he is getting out of the house and having a good time) Maybe we should start considering the possibility of them just not sharing time bc they simply chose to and not bc Jimin is busy with his album. I now what they chose to share with us is just a small part of their lives, and there could be a million other possible scenarios, Im not saying Im right or wrong, just what's been on my mind lately. Im not coming here as an insecure Jikooker to seek for aproval, or with bad intentions, Im just sharing my thoughts and genuinely curious to know if anyone else thinks on a similar way. Thank you for taking the time to read💜
Hey! I appreciate the kind way you phrased all of this. In short, if you’ve ever read anything I’ve posted you know what I’m gonna say next: maybe that’s true and feel free to think that 🤷‍♀️
I still don’t get why the idea that they’ve chosen not to spend any time together (which we have no evidence of except for a lack of evidence the other way) is more compelling than the idea that they do in fact spend plenty of time together and just don’t share it (which we also have no evidence of except for the way they treat each other when we do see them). Both have a dearth of evidence, except one seems out of character.
Does that make sense? Like it’s perfectly possible they don’t hang. But also, they were like magnets on all the final Run BTS episodes. Not just magnets but affectionate, touchy, best-friend-or-more type magnets. But also, Jung Kook asked Jimin to come over during a recent live, while being all giggly and cheesy and excited to see him. It didn’t seem like a “it’s been so long, I’m saying this just out of an awkward sense of duty,” to me — it seemed like something that probably happens often. Jimin said something to the effect of “I’ll come after work” or something close, right? (He said many other things too but that was the only one that correlated directly to hanging out other than the one where he expressed desire to tie back JK’s hair which could be innocuous or could be something he does when they hang out, who knows?). But also, JK told his boxing instructor that JM would come soon, but also JM talked to that same instructor like he knew him well, and likely has gone with JK to lessons in the past. But also, it really hasn’t been that long since JK’s weirdly sexual/teasing birthday video for Jimin and now several members have had birthdays pass and nobody else got that treatment. But also… the list goes on, I’m sure there’s more but my coffee’s getting cold.
So, I can’t speak for all Jikookers because we are in fact not a cult, so there aren’t established patterns of belief that we all must adhere to. You think maybe they’ve stopped hanging out cause they haven’t shared it with you. Cool. Many others, myself included, think it’s unlikely that you would abruptly stop hanging out with someone who clearly means so much to you while still continuing to treat said person in a loving, flirty, domestic manner. They don’t act like exes, not even a little bit, so we have no reason to think they are. I think it seems much more in character for them to be preserving the final shreds of privacy they have to protect the relationship that means more to them than the other ones; or at least means something different.
Idk, but if you actually believed them to be dating at any point, or even just as close of friends as they appear, regardless of dating, think of how that would look if they suddenly stopped speaking.
Remember when Tae and JK did kinda stop hanging out? Remember how it was kind of obvious through their interactions that they weren’t as close, and then they full on addressed it in that conversation and talked about how they needed to put more effort into their friendship (which kudos to them, like you said, seems like they are). If anything, Jimin and JK’s relationship over the years has seemed even more close and symbiotic than almost any other friendship in the group except maybe vmin. So I would think if that was crumbling away, we’d see a lot more in their interactions than giggly, sweet, heart eyes and “eat well my baby” comments.
Feel free to disagree!
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winterviolet1 · 1 year
Enhypen Reaction: How they comfort their S/o
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How Jake comfort his s/o? Well with hugs, cuddles and all kinds of gestures that would make his love smile.
You as his S/o had a bad day. Your friend or I should ex friend was talking badly about you. Jake found out about this cause your ex friend has a loud mouth. He wasn't please to hear how badly your ex friend was talking about you. Jake take things into his own hands then went to you with a basket.
"Let go out for a peaceful picnic, what do you say Hun?"
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How does Heesung comfort his s/o? Same as Jake but more cuddles and hugs an some laughs.
Heesung came to visit ya during his break. You as his s/o was feeling down and stress from school work. Heesung saw how you were struggling and decided to surprise you with some snacks and cuddles. When he snuck up and lightly wraps his arms around ya, he placed a kiss on your temple.
"Take a break Hun, I'll help you once you calm down a bit okay"
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How does Jay comfort his S/o? Dancing and funny kisses that would make his love laugh and smile.
You came to visit his studio after a friend and you had a fight. You weren't in the best of moods and just wanted to be with your boyfriend. When Jay saw you enter his group practice room, he could tell that you need some comfort and love.
"Come here love, we'll turn that frown upside down!" @itgirlinred
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How does Sunghoon comforts his s/o? By taking you out to ice skate and some light kisses.
Today you and Sunghoon were going out on a date. The two of you hardly get to do this often cause of his work. Just as you two were enjoying the peace, you suddenly got an anger text from your parent who happen to be drunk. When reading the text, you started to feel down and Sunghoon can tell an took your phone to turn it off. He gives you some gentle kisses on the temple, nose and lightly pecks on the lips to distract you from your parent harsh text.
"How about we go ice skate to clear your mind"
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How does Sunoo comforts his s/o? With laughs, cuddles and playful kisses.
You just came back from a very long work day. Your boss constantly bitching up a storm at an employee to demanding customers always drains you. Sunoo who you were living with saw how exhausted and annoy you were. He came up to you and pull you into his warm embrace.
"Wanna come cuddle with me Hun"
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How does Jungwon comfort his s/o? With smiles, cuddles and picnics!
Jungwon came to visit you after he just finish today's practice. Being the leader of his group led him to be responsible for his group. Y/n being his s/o was sick with a cold. You didn't know when it started but you just start to feel ill and has been coughing a lot since last night. When Jungwon came to visit ya, he saw how his love was sick and gonna help get you feeling better.
"I'm here Hun, I'll take care of you"
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How does Niki comfort his s/o? Hugs, temple and nose kisses, and lots of snacks.
Niki may be the youngest member in his group. But he was more then glad to have a s/o that loves and treats him as he is. Today the two of you went to the park to spend time and have a boba date. Both of you were having a good time til a girl come up and started to flirt with Niki in front of you. You tried to not get jealous since Niki is loyal his s/o aka you. Seeing you getting annoy and a bit upset cause of this random girl, he kindly reject the girl and took both of you somewhere else away.
"Let's get snacks and have a home date, what do you say sweetie"
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