#just. thing where someone has an insight and Im like OH that makes so much sense actually
entropy-sea-system · 2 years
Ok so. My in sys partner figured this out when I told them about my avoidance of personally having spiritual or religious beliefs (I have OCD and STPD and experience magical thinking) and I hadn't thought of it before but.
One may be avoidant of personally engaging in spiritual or religious activities or beliefs if they experience magical thinking.
Magical thinking is defined as "the belief that one's ideas, thoughts, actions, words, or use of symbols can influence the course of events in the material world" (from Encyclopedia brittanica website)
So magical thinking is when you believe causations or correlations between things that aren't necessarily rooted in actual consequences or possibilities. It's associated with some neurodivergences like schizospec (includes schizotypal pd, schizoid pd, schizophrenia, etc.) and OCD although anyone may experience it at some point. For example if you think unfollowing someone led to that person breaking up with someone. Or perhaps if you think that being jealous of someone led to them being injured in an accident.
Many superstitions and some religious and/or spiritual beliefs may literally have tenets that reinforce or include magical thinking (if you think this you will be punished for sin, 'step on a crack break your mother's back', etc.) . So if you're already prone to magical thinking, some such tenets or beliefs may make it worse (or it may also not, as not everyone has the same experiences).
This doesn't mean religion or spirituality is wrong(and this post is not antitheist or supportive of being antitheist or otherwise bigoted towards religions), it just means it can be difficult for some people to engage with spirituality and/or religion as a result of experiencing magical thinking.
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nothorses · 2 months
youre the first person ive seen since biden drop out who seems genuinely positive abt it, everyone else ive seen is being rlly negative or making jokes and it scared me a lot.... can you explain, or link to another post or article, that explains why its good that he dropped out? i keep seeing everyone saying that biden didnt do anything, then that he did so many things, thrn stuff saying kamala is a bad choice to endorse then you sounded so positive abt her and im very confused ): i avoid politics a lot cuz i live w a very protrump dad and its so difficult to find accurate information that isnt seaped in memes and sarcasm and pessimism but you sounded very genuine! thanks for any help <3
I went into more depth over here! I also wanna share a couple of videos I've been getting these perspectives from, because these folks are a lot more educated on the topic than I am.
I first heard the perspective that Biden was woefully unlikely to win from Olayemi Ulurin, in this video. She has a kind of "I can't blame anyone for not voting" perspective that I do think I agree with, largely because she's coming at it with nuance: Biden is not a compelling candidate, he's not likely to win, it makes sense people don't wanna vote for him, and the Democrats need to get their shit together and pick someone else.
She also posted this video (below) that goes way more in-depth into the issue, and which I think reflects (and GREATLY expands and adds to) my personal stance on the "vote blue no matter who" thing: i.e., voting is ultimately about making the fight easier for activists who are working for real change. It's important for that reason, not because the person you vote for can be trusted to do anything helpful of their own volition.
If you're gonna watch any of the videos I link here, watch that one.
The other source I've looked to a lot recently is Some More News, which is where I initially heard a lot more detail on the "Biden should drop out oh god oh please it's our only hope" perspective.
First was their podcast episode immediately following the recent Biden/Trump debate, in which they delve (somewhat casually, but thoroughly) into why Biden's 2024 campaign was so fucking terrifying for everyone who needs a Democrat win:
They also get into more detail on the topic here, in another podcast episode:
Those two videos are great just for understanding this election and why Biden dropping out is very much the best thing that could have happened. That's basically the topic for the full length of both podcast videos (where Olayemi just kind of touches on that specific question, in comparison). If you just want more details on that question and only have the capacity for one of these, you could probably watch either podcast video (I personally have only watched part of the second one, and all of the first one).
I'd also recommend these two channels for political insight in general.
Olayemi is great because she comes at things from an explicitly activist perspective, and she has a huge personal background in very grounded, concrete political activism, especially as a black immigrant woman. She brings in a lot of other experts as well, often themselves marginalized political activists, which is just a fantastic way to be exposed to a really awesome diversity of knowledgeable perspectives without having to look very far on your own. She's also relentlessly hopeful- and grounded in that hope- which is so, so important and refreshing.
Some More News is a good supplementary to Olayemi, imo, just in that they have a good, upbeat (and again, very grounded) energy, and they cover a lot of very current political stuff in an easy-to-digest kind of way. I find both them and Olayemi really fun to watch, but the vibes are definitely different between the two, and they're good counterpoints to each other- plus they tend to cover different stuff, which just helps broaden your awareness of what's going on, again without needing to look super far.
I know this is a lot of information; hopefully I've made it possible to sift through for the piece you actually want to start with, though. If nothing else, I really encourage folks to check out Olayemi and see if any of her videos catch their eye. She's really fantastic, and her stuff scratches my "video to do laundry to" itch while also being, like, a really valuable watch overall.
Best of luck!!
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sunshines-child · 1 month
*spins dramatically in chair* god im so tired. sunny ur children have taken over my prefrontal cortex its not funny anymore.
partner in crime - madilyn mei: screams luc to me thinking of his little dove, but also from theos angsty teen perspective. the song fits them both almost like a back and forth conversation (i might make a post actually this is genius lmao). actually now that i think of it it fits u too lol (it has that vintage circus vibe if u will)
why good people become monsters: video essay of sorts exploring the lucifer effect (nuff said lol), but i recommend reading the comments for more insight and perspective. the art and presentation is slightly unsettling and i love it.
random quotes i from the top of my desktop notes: (long read sorry)
"he had all his mother's vivid imagination and passionate love of beauty. Frost of winter, invitation of spring, dream of summer and glamour of autumn, all meant much to Walter." - rainbow valley, l.m montgomery
-> luc and mercy change my mind (u cant hehe)
He said: “Only God can Judge a monster like that… I just set up the appointment”
-> my boi armund snaps (and snaps someones neck oop-)
“hell is empty, all the devils are here” - the tempest, shakespeare
-> this is definately written somewhere on altis lol
… as John [Lennon] told Rolling Stone magazine in 1970, “When it gets down to it, when you’re drowning, you don’t say, ‘I would be incredibly pleased if someone would have the foresight to notice me drowning and come and help me,’ you just scream.”
-> theo fighting his demons and losing :') eventually leading to some fall out with daddy dearest.
"It brings me so much joy to watch someone else get staggered by the full range of human degeneracy. We really do be wildin." - a yt comment lol
->i like to think that while both luc and altis kill in cold blood, for titi its another day job or whatever but for luc he thinks a lot about life and death and morality and corruption and thats what leads him to insanity later on.
classic case of living long enough to see urself as the villain but also a favourite trope of mine where people join the dark side for the cookies out of deep empathy for the wronged victims as opposed to say the violence and injustices they themselves may have experienced.
but also post armunds death luc lets all hell loose because how *dare* anyone lay a finger on his beloved boy?! the angst potential my dear is frankly off the charts and i love them all so much it hurts
anyhows this is for fun & i wanted to share some pebbles with ya
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i couldnt resist >:D
I have not a single regret taking over your prefrontal cortex. ITS MINE NOW MWAHAHHAHAHAHA Partners in Crime by Madilyn Mei recognition YAYYYYYYY it’s so fit for their characters I’m in tears RAAAAAAAAAAAA Im not changing your mind you’re cooking. “he had all his mother's vivid imagination and passionate love of beauty. Frost of winter, invitation of spring, dream of summer and glamour of autumn, all meant much to Walter." You’re hurting me it’s so fucking beautiful oh my poor heart and soul he is the very bring of his mother, those calloused hands still flying, desperate to cling onto Mercy’s hands, still desperate to cling upon the hands of his mother who rested his head upon her breast. Armund doesn’t exactly ever…snap. His rage is there, and everyone knows it’s there. He’s the only one getting rid of his rage instead of bottling it down. He’s constantly shrouded by rage. “hell is empty the devils are here” is my knew favorite quote. I’m one of the devils LMAO also yes it is very much inked on Altis (probably his hip) Luc and Altis kill like all hell. And you’re very right on what they feel. Altis feels nothing. It’s just another thing he has to do. No rush, no nothing. He’s just… doing it. Luc in the other hand feels everything. Even when it’s someone he is killing more as a task, he’ll feel a rush of everything, all the thoughts, everything. He knows, oh he knows the mortality of everything, including his own soul. (Also he’s constantly bringing the edge of “what if I just died”. It’s. It’s worrying.) Luc. Luc BREAKS when Armund dies. He loves his son, but in the end there’s no tru nurture still left in it. His son turns away from him, and he draws back his hand and cries. And his little angel, his Armind is there, to give him a true taste of joy despite the life all of them live. And what happens to man without joy?
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absurdumsid · 8 months
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(this is just an ask for more underangel's content.)
oh dear. ive been stalling writing for this specific au for such a long time,,,,
UnderAngel Lore
or. um. options for it, you get to decide whats canon ? i hope u know i could be lying. or not
i wont be able to make a long lore post (like keepertale's) because. um. although this AU is older than underpills, it's gone (+ going) through SO MANY changes even i cant list them all down
the core plot of underangel is "what if there was never a war between humans and monsters?" its somewhat like ?? a complete opposite of underfell
Long ago, two races ruled over Earth: HUMANS and MONSTERS. One day, the humans threatened the monsters, who did not want to fight, much less a war. Surrendering themselves, the monsters were sealed underground with a magic spell.
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this au is focused on sans and his identity as a human turned monster kinda deal, he and papyrus are "undead" and were resurrected by toriel (to see if resurrection is possible) and gaster (to find the limits of healing magic)
they were taken in by gaster after the resurrection thing (since he was the one who proposed the experiment in the first place) but after gaster "dies" they dont really remember ANYTHING about themselves because all their knowledge came from him. they just have this sorta nagging feeling that theyre Not Really Monsters yknow
sans has always been the centre of the au (even back when it was still called underheaven, and there was even a heavenfell,,,,) heres doodles of what i remember them lookin like
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this au focuses on chara and their internal conflict as the main reason monsters almost went to war.
see, the story goes somewhat like this:
When the "heart-of-gold trophy child" Chara started "misbehaving" after a game of hide and seek with Asriel, the Monster King's son, humans decided to stop the charade of acceptance. It started with a simple threat toward Asgore and his kingdom. His advisor seemed very... very favourable of war, but he only wanted peace between his people and the humans. So in order to avoid war, he decided to surrender before the humans could so much as scratch his family. Despite the sacrifice separating Asriel and Chara made for peace, Chara decides to run and find a way to go to Mt. Ebott and reunite with their family.
they (and asriel !!) serve as frisk's guide throughout the underground and they get to understand the history of it through exploring, but also chara's insights on certain things (you can tell i like the narrator chara theory) they even have a sit down where they talk about their feelings about being stuck underground
chara is actually in their late thirties now (baby face :/ im envious)
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its ACTUALLY about the mystery of the former royal scientist and the six (dead) fallen children
frisk finds the mysterious grey door in room 268 and is met with a deformed phantom of gaster, he does not speak nor does he move, and when frisk reaches out to try and touch his hand, he flashes a big smile and disappears.
frisk then goes around the underground asking if they know someone who looks like that, and pieces together that it was the royal scientist after speaking to gaster's followers in hotland (this guy rlly met all of them. in one run. damn)
(side note angel!gaster is like. a multiverse therapist now. i call that "au" or his little corner of the multiverse outcode counseling)
u can choose which of these are canon or like. which of these arent. or maybe NONE of them are canon and this whole post is a lie
oh but underangel always ends in a genocide run
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jeveuxlamort · 1 month
Warning, rambling about the death note musical below i am mostly go on about my views on the english lyrics of the 2015 demo, and comparing them to my view of the japanese lyrics, so if anything I say contradicts newer changes, please let me know (also probably should have a general idea of how the musical is structured compared to the original story I realized afterwards I did not mention a ton of context)
(incredibly unstructured thoughts below)
on one hand, I adore the death note musical.
on the other hand, I abhor the english lyrics (yes I know the english version what technically created first) and how Light is characterized in “where is the justice”.
I wish his true motivation, boredom, had stayed the main focus of his motives, if they really wanted to they could have him say flowery things to the class and then have his actual motivations be mentioned, but they make it out like he has issues with the system? which he never really did? he latched the idea of ridding the world of crime (and in his eyes, evil) after he realized the death note worked, but he wasn’t someone who was actively challenging it before he got the death note (and imo he wasn’t really challenging anything after he got it). I personally hate the reasoning of “oh the motivation is different to fit with America” like?? a bored kid who is very gifted academically obtains supernatural powers and uses it to punish people he claims to be evil, can and does still work?? if they didn’t think it would work with America as a setting just have the musical still be set in Japan?? like Phantom of the Opera or Les Mis are performed in other countries that arent France but are obviously french?
ALSO hurricane is just… straight into murder mode without anything else from Light? nothing about the lyrics make me go “yes, this is actually light talking and this is his thought process after discovering the death note works” he goes straight into “I will use this power to rid the world of evil” instead of the moral conflict he had that led him into that thought process? he literally couldn’t handle the idea that he killed two men so he went “well actually they deserved it and I am the only person who could use this the right way” (dumbed down significantly but you get the point) just PLEASE I AM BEGGING FOR A LITTLE NUANCE THAT IS IN THE ORIGINAL STORY (and is in the japanese lyrics btw)
and (imo) L is also?? kinda off??? the english lyrics for “the game begins” just has generic lines that come across like “hey everyone, just so you know, im the detective, and I detect things, with my brain” like nothing about how he views kira, no personality to how things are said, just generic detective speak
(I personally prefer the japanese lyrics, which seem to draw a lot from his musings about kira, where he ultimately decides kira has to be human and cannot be a supernatural force. it just gives so much more insight into his thoughts than just explaining how a detective works)
(edit: also ties into “the unshakable/unwavering truth” and his shock at the existence of shinigami but still believing kira is human and separate from them)
also, why are so many of his lyrics 3rd wall breaks? why is that a thing? the first time it was amusing? but he does it so often??
misa and rem are pretty good overall, my only gripes are that the lyrics don’t feel like lyrics that can only make sense in the context of death note, if that makes sense? like, if you know what going on the lyrics will fit, but if you heard the songs outside of any knowledge of death note they just sound like generic songs that could have been written for anyone? (not just misa and rem’s songs but a few others as well) there are a couple of lines in each song that are more specific to the context, but I just wish they were further intertwined with the story
(again, the japanese lyrics are great with this)
overall, the english demo lyrics feel like a game of telephone where a lot of overall details were kept but other details/ideas were just brushed over and they filled in the blanks with what they thought fit with the story and went “eh, close enough”
(i do have thoughts on the other songs but i mostly just wanted to talk about L and Light atm)
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nikethestatue · 7 months
I’m seeing everyone talk about plot holes and inconsistencies in HOFAS. I read the book very quickly in another language and so I don’t really remember these. What are some plot holes in HOFAS?
One thing that’s been bugging me is, probably the only hole I caught, is the concept of limbs growing back for the Vanir, but this doesn’t happen in TOG or ACOTAR. Now that we know the Fae of Midgard are exactly the Fae of ACOTAR, and the Shifters are exactly the Fae of TOG, and it doesn’t seem like any type of evolution has occurred to change the Midgard Fae at all, im confused how regeneration is a thing. I suppose it’s never directly been mentioned in TOG. But Lucien is missing an eye. That faerie in book 1 ACOTAR had his wings ripped out by Amarantha and died from it. We know angels can regrow theirs. I know Cassian and Azriel have their wings shredded and healed at different points, but to me that seemed more like skin regrowing after being damaged rather than whole limbs regrowing. Idk, these things dont bug me severely but it is noticeable…
Just off he top of my head:
Amren who arrived during the time of the asteri/daglan can offer almost no info on them
She was in Prison during Fionn's/Theia's time, but regardless, she supposedly was there in the beginning and she can't provide any insight to anyone
Bryce arrives and conveniently, they just KNOW that she is gonna go exactly where the slithering beasts are...right
When someone drops from the sky or whatever and tells you that your whole world might be re-invaded and you have a history with these immensely powerful creatures who want to come back to your planet, asking 'may i look into your head' is just fucking dumb. It doesn't make you the King of Consent. It makes you the Lord of Dumbness. Why even have this daemati power if you never use it, even to save your people and your world potentially, because you are so...honourable? Come on. That's just ridiculously stupid. And oh-so convenient.
15 thousand years is a long time, but the amount of history that the Fae lose in that time is kind of dramatic. They conveniently remember nothing about their beginnings or anything that's connected to their past. But it doesnt make sense that they would forget because they live thousands of years. That time span could be only 4-6 generations. So their 15k is equivalent to our 200 years. We DEFINITELY know what happened 200 years ago. Like between Rhys and his dad alone, it's 1,500 life span. If grandpa High Lord lives for 2K years before, and another great-grandpa for another 2-3K years, we are REAL close to 15K. But no one remembers shit.
They dont even remember who built Velaris.
So for 15K years, NO ONE, not one person bothered to go on a walkabout in Hewn City, to check out all these walls with all these stories on them. It took Bryce to drop in and just miraculously look at a wall and see the entire history of prythian just like that.
Apparently, Azriel forgot how to winnow. So they needed some very elaborate way of crossing some river. Because he couldnt just transport them across it...
According to SJM 15,000 years is close enough to have an unbelievable resemblance between Ruhn and Rhys so much so that they look like twins, all because they shared some ancient ancestor. But apparently it's far enough for Rhys to know nothing about this ancestor, even though he is her direct descendant.
You have Rhys, whose blood is 'programmed' into the Prison and its wards, you have AMren who spent TWO THOUSAND years in Prison, you have Lanthys, a death god who heard the Harp and its note singing, you have the Bone Carver who imprisoned himself willingly in Prison--and yet NOT ONE OF THEM sensed the presence of an Asteri sleeping in a glass coffin beneath their feet.
Yet Super Bryce found the sleeping Asteri in 2 days. And managed to kill her too.
I can go on and on, but I think you get the point.
Prythians look like backward dopes and maybe they are, but I don't think they are supposed to be? Like the MOST POWERFUL HIGH LORD IN HISTORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! was taken by some girl in pink sneakers. Not to mention her stealing Azriel's prized unique dagger just like that.
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wibble-wobbegong · 2 years
The end of the year is near! Give a shoutout to your favorite blogs and tag them to spread positivity before the year ends! (from: a secret anon)
okay my favorite theory/analysis blogs
@aemiron-main - actually i hate him. im lying. all he does is cause me unimaginable pain and suffering. no but genuinely a genius theorist and has eyes like a hawk!! he does a fantastic job at thoroughly combing the show and finding the littlest details that don’t make sense in order to build a bigger picture and i eat it up every time! love him even though i think he’s goading me to kill myself whenever he reblogs one of my posts and the tags start with “wibble what if i told you”
@bugsbenefit - my absolute favorite blog to read about narrative analysis from!!! they do an amazing job explaining oddities from a narrative position as well as identifying ways certain theories are either supported by or don’t work with the way the narrative needs to flow in S5. she’s also super skilled at keeping my attention throughout a post with the way she writes
@bylerschmyler - love this guy because they’re not afraid to point out the flaws of something and create counter arguments but they also aren’t doing that stuff to discredit a theory but rather challenge its strength!! like they won’t press on if the original theory can go against the counter points they make. PLUS they create incredible theories of their own!!! the mike is the 4th victim stuff is really good
@finalgirlbyers - idc if they consider themself an analysis blog or not because I do. they regularly have fantastic takes and explain things in a quick and easy to understand way. she genuinely has a great grasp on the show but she’s also very open minded which is always so nice to see!! like if you’re looking for short, sweet, banger posts that hit the nail on the head i am pointing at their blog
@heroesbyler - ok. stav is the only person whose analysis i have legitimately cried over. the approach she takes to covering the very serious and dark topics of stranger things is something i really appreciate because she doesn’t curve the pure horror of some of the stuff going on. if you really wanna feel just how horrific the gay horror show is i’d recommend reading some of stav’s analysis because she NAILS it and does not mask just how fucked up it can get.
@laozuspo - james always has some incredibly niche but great insight to the show!! theory wise, i’m always amazed by how intricate his research for a theory will get so when you read his posts it’s just evidence on top of evidence and it’s always really engaging and VERY interesting. radiationgate had me hooked for days because there was just SO much to explore regarding that topic and there were so many little details that just make so much sense!!!
@mlchaelwheeler - MY SISTER IN MICHAEL DEFENSE!!! one of the original mike defenders and someone who i trust to accurately talk about mike’s character, which is saying a lot because i’m Me. ALSO she kick started so many great conversations!! iirc, she was the one who made the original theory about henry having been the one who kidnapped will, not the demogorgon way back in like. June. she’s been on it longer than any of us
favorite authors :)
@andiwriteordie - ok SO i have to tell you guys that this shit??? my life hasn’t been the same since i first read this. i know it’s an older one but it’s in my top three fics of all time i legitimately adore it!! pure jet fuel for that last week before V2 dropped and honestly part of me still really wants that final scene to happen in S5 ngl. like it kills me every time i read it but it’s just so GOOD
@astrobei - oh suni, how i her love writing. always a GREAT time when you’re reading an astrobei fic, and i think my favorite is still this one!! it’s just got such a fun vibe and the characterization is immaculate and the plot is really intriguing! it’s one of those fics where you can’t stop reading even though it’s like half the length of an entire novel. sometimes sleep is worth the sacrifice and this fic is one of them
@blueeandyellowmakesgreen - top ten reasons to kill myself; this ficlet. jade i absolutely love you but this??? fuck you for making me go through that not once but TWICE. i felt that shit in my SOUL and it HURT. it hurt SO BAD. writing so good it makes you immobile for 6.5 hours because you can’t stop replaying the image in your head 🖕🖕 (<3)
@/byeler - ok not actually @-ing this person because we’ve never interacted and i’m not about to make a fool of myself by being a little fanboy loser BUT. absolutely incredible writing. reading this had me so fucking sucked in dude, like i was reading and reading and i couldn’t believe time had passed at all. pure romance can be hard for me to steam roll through sometimes but i genuinely forgot that I was a Person while reading that
@elekinetic - ummmmmm hello??? script writer of all time? you’re not just reading it, you’re not just watching it, you’re being transported inside the show with the way she writes. every single character is on point and she maintains the atmosphere of the show itself BEAUTIFULLY!!! my favorite script thus far is probably the one where eddie gets shot, though it doesn’t seem like it’s up anymore. the ending has me gasping out loud because i saw it happening in real time in front of my eyes
@smoosnoom - MOON!!!! OHHHHH MY GOD i can’t even recommend one specific thing because every fic is just soooooo giggles twirls my hair. i am the number one smoosnoom fanboy. i fucking eat that shit up!!! like, whenever it’s time to read a smoosnoom fic I don’t just open the fic i KNOW i’m not moving till i’m done so i get some snacks and get really comfy and then i dive in and don’t move till i’m finished. every fic absolutely slays i cannot recommend every single fic enough
favorite editors!!!
@strangersynth - do i really have to say anything?? it’s time. like no shit he’s one of the best editors around and i think everyone knows that at this point. THE editor!! absolutely obsessed with every video. i really like the way she takes clips that aren’t really character clips but just stuff you wouldn’t even really think of or remember to build the tone of the video and it always comes together so well!!! like it’s the small details that he nails and that make the videos so incredibly delicious
@/thatgaymood - ok they just made a lot of funny edits + they’re really good at adjusting audio/visuals to make the character say and do shit that definitely didn’t happen but it’s really really well done so it’s just. I don’t know how to explain it. i was gonna find one of the more popular audios but i was scrolling their blog and found this and it made me kick my feet a little cause like. idk watch it and you’ll understand
favorite artists
@blueeandyellowmakesgreen - and she’s back! art that is so scrumptious and delicious and like. It’s like spaghetti kinda ! anyway here’s my favorite piece from jade and i will never shut up about it ever because everything about it is just sooooooo chomping biting chewing slurping devouring
@bujomoss - Hsbebbdbva bc d bujomoss is fucking!!!!! i love the way they draw mike like i love it so bad it’s not even funny. everything they make is so so good and my current favorite is this piece they did but it changes like twice a day bc bujo never does anything that isn’t one of the best things I’ve ever seen with my own two eyeballs
@gmaybe666 - BARKING BITING OH MY GOD. ok just so everybody is aware i am the biggest gmaybe fan around. legitimately i am such a fan i could gush about every single piece they do for days on end. it’s just SO good and it’s an art style i cannot get enough of. i have to scroll through their art regularly or i’ll start combusting it’s like air to me!! if i could link every drawing i simply Would but for now go give this piece some love please please please
@new-ronantics - OHHHHH MY DEAREST EEVIE!!! <33 art that is just so pleasing to look at. like it’s like biting into the most satisfying meal you’ve ever had!! amazing texture but not in the art way like if i bit into it i think it would have the texture of something i cannot even imagine but i know it would be the greatest of all time. incredibly bitable art i wish it were real food so bad. top ten bitable images
@nnilkyway - BITES HIM. ummmm ok so im definitely totally 100% normal about his art! yeah no it’s not like i turn into a wild rabid beast whenever a new nnilkyway piece is finished no definitely not bc i’m just So Normal about it. this means a normal amount to me because i am So-
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@/taeiris go to her fucking blog. not elaborating. fucking do it before I Find You.
and the non-st blog boys 💪
@ed89 - edward my funny silly guy 👊😼 it’s been a minute but he’s hilarious and his time in the st fandom will never be forgotten. also if he sees this hi ed guess who hit his first bong two days ago :)
@ronaldreaganoffical - me and ronald reagan have a bromance i don’t expect any of you to understand. they’re from way before i even joined the st fandom when i was hardly even a blog, so actually they’re one of my most treasured mutuals even though we’re no longer in the same fandoms. love you bro <3
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quodekash · 1 year
its friday night/saturday morning, you know the drill
im sorry 
pls gimme more threezo today
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i love him and his fluffy curly hair so so so much
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pls tell me what happened to zo 
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he just wants him to be okay 🥺😭
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im crying
why do these two have to make me FEEL things? 
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somehow in my head i read “hes mad as a hatter” in the voice of a little british lad and its very amusing to me and now you know
specifically a little british lad from an old movie where the audio is all crackly and too loud 
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no i will not shut up about his hair 
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bro you are not subtle
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bro you are not subtle 
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i know i just watched 1000stars like three days ago, but it always makes me so happy whenever his incredibly but beautifully thick eyebrows appear on my screen. 
im just realising how weird that sound 
i meant his eyebrows along with the rest of his face 
the existence of drake sattabut laedeke makes me happy 
thats what i was trying to say 
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ooo yes i was hoping for more detail on jack’s depression. he really intrigues me as a character 
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me every day
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hell yeah, consent is key, folks 
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the mattress is on an angle 
thats really bugging me 
can someone fix that please 
surely thats some kind of safety hazard 
why doesnt the mattress fit the bed frame 
why isnt there some way to keep the mattress in place 
what if youre a restless sleeper and you toss and turn and you fall off the bed and you knock your head on it? 
if you knock it hard enough you could get a concussion 
concussions arent good 
they can lead to a lot of bad consequences 
people should think more about concussions and concussion consequences when they design beds 
concussion consequences is fun to say 
concussion consequences concussion consequences concussion consequences, say it 5 times fast 
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oh yeah that’s right, theyre kissing 
i got distracted by the mattress 
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the group is together!! :DD 
i love their group dynamics 
but most importantly
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i am no longer enjoying the group dynamics
why do they have to fightttt
(i lied, im still enjoying the group dynamics. in fights, people are hurtful but truthful, so fights give a huge insight into the characters which is wonderful for analysis and picking the character apart) 
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this is the second episode in a row that three has lost his temper on the others a little bit and left the room at the end and zo has said ‘ill check on him’ and followed after him 
anyway i love zo for it 
he is good boyfriend
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he is good friend
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he is... hungry i think
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i freaking love this man
bro their relationship is so freaking healthy 
zo asks for permission to enter the room
he ignores the response, but only to keep him company. and i suspect that he knows him really well and knows that three should have someone with him, just to be there with him and help him relax 
and he tries to bring three’s attention from the thoughts swirling around his mind and onto his physical presence, and three gets a little angry 
but he communicates with zo, he tells him that he will answer questions, just not at that moment. he’s telling him that he’s willing to talk and communicate, but he needs time to understand so that he can explain his thoughts and feelings coherently. and he doesnt push zo away, either physically or verbally, so he tells him without words that he appreciates his presence, and he’s glad to have him there. he just cant really verbally communicate what’s going on right now, and that’s okay! 
and then zo speaks to him. he gives him words of comfort, affirmation, support. he also provides the perspective of the others, a snippet of an insight into life outside of his own mind. “we all really did our best.” 
“just because we lost once doesnt mean we will lose forever” ITS SO COMFORTING AND PERFECT how does he always seem to know the right thing to say 
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you know what im thinking 
the msp brainrot is too strong 
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i couldve gone more in depth about why theyre perfect but it’s 1am and im tired so i wont 
“your hug can actually kill me. but im willing to die in your arms, zo” YOURE KIDDING. IT’S TOO CUTE. THEYRE TOO CUTE. THEYRE DESTROYING ME. AAAAAAAAAA VJRENJKR
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reminding me of tinn’s little head scratch and “what just happened” in episode 4 after he accidentally made sound join the music club via hatred of him 
oh hell yes, obligatory beach episode next week 
the obligatory beach episode almost always ends up as my favourite episode 
im really glad cher and gun have finally figured out their relationship 
i need to go to sleep 
threezo are the greatest 
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1tsjusty0u · 8 months
stricken by questions in the middle of the night. hateno. do you have any fun facts + what does your link think of it + when did he get there and what happened
OH actually i have a few :D
ALRIGHTY!! for fun facts: on page 98 of creating a champion (you can view it for free) its noted that the people in hateno wear warmer clothes because theyre near a very very cold mountain which is mount lanayru and also it has a nordic aesthetic apparently! because of that once i. do research i think im going to make hateno based a bit off finland just for fun. or poland but poland is more of a personal thing. and also requires research. speaking of being at the base of mt lanayru youve probably seen this but theres little mountain symbols all across hateno (like on the signs, the pots, and some secret back sheds)! the mayors house is referred to as a church in the files (TwnObj_Village_HatenoChurch_A_01) for some reason, likely because it has the hylia statue. ALSO. this isnt confirmed at all but before i was researching those little stacked rocks. theyre up above the signs as well as near the mayors house. im half sure theyre cairns, stacked rocks made by humans thats usually for signalling a hiking trail. this site also sparsely mentions them + has insight into the architecture + the ancient tech labs (though i havent read a lot of it </3). anyways those may just be for fun/for visitors/decoration (i like to think its all of them) + its likely rock balancing. i Did find a site like this and while im inclined to trust it i dont think it applies here. also while prewriting the main ideas i thought there was cairns in goron city? but i cant find them so! yeah maybe theyre in totk otherwise theyre just in hateno and tarrey town. also while its raining karin i believe will read a little book thats in oots/wws opening cutscene style with a little prince in blue riding towards the castle. i think its neat but doesnt have too many implications besides possibly reinforcing some tloz games could be the same legend told over and over like a telephone game. also theres more in the second win mod but i cant play it because. not optimized at least for me. also. lots of footage to go into and i dunno how much was truly added
what does link think of it!!! i think he likes it a bit, especially the inn. its just cozy + both loshlo harbor and hateno beach are just kind of good thinking places. loshlo harbor especially, its just a nostalgic place for him. also i feel like he’d have a lot more use for his house than we’re given in game (custom photos, a journal, a chest so you can put items in to store them ((maybe food)), souvenirs (he’d have a lot of those i think. mainly stealing mugs), and also actually being able to cook in there). to be fair the champions photo being the only item we could place in links house had an effect, but i do want this to be. an actual house. also i think he’d get deja vu from being in the house and the harbor. nothing like stunting or debilitating but he’ll be cutting up vegetables or building a sand castle and for a moment a memory? or an image flashes and in that. thing. hes doing the exact same thing hes doing now. same place same thoughts . though some would be more memory flashes, those would be easier to tell as its not deja vu but . like finishing someones sentence without knowing what theyre going to actually say. and then he realizes ‘WAIT A SECOND’
i think he wouldve gotten there later than normal. miphers was done first, did a bit of traveling (partly because he. didnt know where it was despite the map). he probably got there somewhere after his 2nd-3rd divine beast. funnily enough i think it wouldve taken him a While to find lurilen and the forgotten temple. lurilen especially why would he Go There (he didnt read the signs in faron). he finally gets a house but at the cost of capitalism. once he gets the camera he goes to impa and then he takes a Long detour to get every single memory and without getting (too) sidetracked. he thought a fallen star was one once but it disappeared as it turned day so he never found out what that light was until he saw one physically crash into a hill. he actually mightve done the divine beasts before the camera and is delaying clammy ganon
as soon as he saw the house i think he rushed up to it, because even if it Wasnt his house it shouldnt be destroyed!!!! it was like there was a time limit. he panicked when he didnt have the money (he didnt sell gems or dragon parts at the time…) but he prevailed (selling monster parts). he does not like chopping wood.
when he got there there wasnt much fanfare? everybody thought he was Just Some Guy (he never wears the champions tunic, as well as never using the champions weapons because theyll break). he completely didnt see the guard guy and just. activated the shrine. he would learn of the statue through the small glasses child and would probably talk to the statue more if a heart container wasnt just stolen. if he could save scum he would to avoid the encounter entirely but because he cant he may just. let the statue have it. until extremely later and he talks to it again after years. i think hed show the fireflies to the statue. also i dont think he talked to anyone besides bolson and purah and symin. except for the stolen sheeps person + the shopkeeper. everytime hes there he will Always buy milk rice eggs etc. cooking ingredients are something hed never pass up. he would be a regular of yammo despite her traveling.
though i think he’d spend a lot less time in hateno than you think. its his home but also he likes to travel + have fresh air and places, and also he visits the champions villages more often than not. except for zoras domain unless he Needs to. otherwise he’d still be in lanayru and visit ruta but still be a bit of a distance away. he also doesnt visit goron city a lot though hes less averse to that. also i think he’d like ebon mountain, especially because its behind his house + he gets a good view. he would tell the guy there the actual heart lake location. also i think fairies spawn there at night (both locations)
i think some locations would be there pre cal but arent post cal. i have the excuse of the mayor mentioning that hateno was still built back from the ground (i can get the dialogue if you want!!) . specifically thered be this one hot chocolate place he’d go to that doesnt exist anymore. through a quest he can get the recipe and share it with the elders but yeah. maybe a library and actual church but shrugs
also sometimes i like to think a time capsule was buried in the backyard/under water. however thats neither here or there + it all depends on the au and how the story goes. he would miss his mom and have mixed feelings on his sister (they were also distant believe it or not. but that was his sister). he’d almost have the same reputation as purah for not leaving the house visibly i think and not talking to almost anyone.
also he hasnt dyed any of his clothes. theyre good enough for him 👍. pre cal he wouldve liked dying the act of dying a piece of fabric a lot
ALSO he doesnt hang the champions weapons in his house. he holds onto them and doesnt let go
one more thing: he’d make a note of picnic/quiet spots. theres one near the village but he doesnt really picnic with anyone even pre cal. he mostly just sits there
i will do tarrey town in the next bit!
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thenightdayblogger · 1 year
3, 7, and 10 for the couple of your choosing if you’re taking these!!
thank you for the ask ken! couple ask game here (x) im using my original characters, cordelia and marius also this got so. so massively long sorry i feel like i was possessed x
3. By contrast, what was the moment that first made their ~heart~ Soft for the other person? Not necessarily a conscious realization of “I love this person,” but a moment that had them like “Oh...I adore them...”
Marius and Cordelia's early relationship took work (after a period in which they just didn't like each other), they both had to make the conscious effort at first to engage positively with the other, in a way that didn't come natural to them. I think that the first things that could be considered romantic affection rather then platonic were;
Cordelia: There's a scene I have in mind where Marius makes the assumption that Cordelia would marry for advantage, and when asked why, methodically lays out his reasoning (she's practical, she wants access to aristocratic titles and wealth, nobles often don't marry for love so she'd be able to leverage her skill to marry higher then she might have otherwise). and hes right LMAO. I think that Cordelia is both embarrassed of and fiercely defensive of her calculation, which is a little too much to get into here, but having someone not pass a value judgment, while simultaneously acknowledging her skill as an alchemist is enough for her to start looking at him in a different light.
Marius: I think their back-and-forth, argument/banter about alchemy was really what set off the whole thing, water on stone deal. that her mask slips off and she's passionate and determined and bitingly witty. either that or the first time she said something perfectly polite with a :) that just makes the entire thing extremely cutting. loved that. probably praised it on the carriage ride home.
7. Do they (or would they) pursue the other character’s affection, and if so, how? Do they tell the other character how they feel? Try to earn their admiration? Woo them with romantic gestures? Flirt with them, skillfully or otherwise?
Cordelia: related to the question below, but yeah there are a lot of conflicting factors for Cordelia. Publicly, people who know her very well are the only ones who could tell there's anything going on (not applicable to marius who has not been in enough social situations for anyone to accurately quantify if he's acting weird or not), and talking about alchemy's probably the one place she might slip. The massive class disparity is part of it, and while their relationship is one of equals/partners, she is technically his apprentice. I don't know if she flirts, per se, but she's definitely the main driver of romantic interactions. she can only handle so much pining this woman is goal-oriented.
Marius: marius figures out cordelia is in love with him when she says 'im in love with you' and kisses him. when he realized he was in love with her i think he lay face-down on the floor for eight hours, and every time he interacted with her over the next two weeks he had to take a breather after. so. no.
10. What scares them about entering a relationship?
Cordelia: relationships in general, having feigned some part of herself that makes them care about her. this relationship in particular—all her work being dismissed/insinuations cast that she slept her way to the top. Also, it going badly and losing the one other alchemist she's ever felt like treated her as an equal and someone with interesting and valuable insight.
Marius: that if she knew everything about him she'd never speak to him again
thank you again for the ask ken <3
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atthebell-moved · 2 years
actually wait I wanna talk about something I've noticed that I was literally just talking about and I think has to do with like. why people don't draw female CCs with their actual features. If I'm not making any sense just ignore me
So boobs and curves have been sexualized to hell and back despite the fact that they're not sexual features of a person, and this has led to the idea that boobs and curves are sexual.
Which leads people to think that drawing these features is sexualization, regardless of how much a streamer might actually just look like that. (not to jump away from women and misogyny, but it's why you see people in this fandom throwing a fit whenever a male character is drawn with these features, because they see them as inherently sexual)
So what you end up with is a bunch of people who try to make female and female presenting streamers as curveless and boobless as possible, which often makes them look just really skinny and flat and not like themselves at all.
Not to say that a large part of it doesn't come from people refusing to draw streamers with their actual body types in the first place, but I'd argue that this is a part of it and they work together to make it worse.
areus you are 1000% correct on this. people are so scared to "sexualize" anyone that they refuse to draw women accurately, even though its not sexualizing to show that niki has boobs. drawing her to look like a skinny eighteen year old boy is nuts. its weird and in an industry where female streamers are already pressured to be thin and follow conventional beauty standards its honestly awful.
drawing grian or scar or wilbur with boobs is not sexualizing them. its going oh wouldnt it be interesting or funny if this guy who doesnt have boobs had boobs. isnt gender so weird and funny and arbitrary. now i do get annoyed with how often people are willing to draw mcyt dudes in dresses or with tits but have never drawn a woman in their life-- that does get to me. okay, you can draw boobs. why dont you draw them on someone who actually has them irl? i genuinely dont have an issue with the scitties stuff it just annoys me that people in this fandom would rather draw a guy in a dress bc haha* than draw a woman at all. drawing male characters with boobs is great though. imo its akin to drag in a weird way but i dont want to get into the dynamics of drag and gender parody rn since that's not the point of this ask. regardless its cool and people should do it if they want but they should also draw women.
again, im not calling anyone out or saying this is across the board the case, just saying it can be a trend in fandoms. like all of this, im not saying anyone is doing this on purpose. misogyny is pervasive and systemic, just like most forms of oppression. thats why my biggest advice is to just look at your own behavior when you can and try to notice trends.
anyway aside from that element of things i dont have anything to add, your insights are very welcome! body image is a huge issue in media and i think attempts to "desexualize" female streamers end up being incredibly harmful.
*the "man in a dress" concept, btw, can be incredibly harmful and is often a transmisogynistic stereotype. im not saying it is here but i would encourage folks to think hard about when that joke is just about being horny over some guy's thighs and when its about how comedic it is that person who looks like, for example, scar (who has what society deems as "masculine" characteristics) is wearing a dress. again, i dont think this is the case for much of this fandom as most of you just seem to like drawing dudes in dresses bc its fun, which is great, but watch out for this stereotype in other forms of media. if you want more info on this please feel free to ask.
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honestly im a really big fan of the emperor, and idealy i really like the idea of him being benevolent or at least wanting a better future for humanity. The latter is definitely possible but him being the head of a fascist empire tilts this.
My main gripe however is when i see people talk about him and how things worked out, most of the time its looked as incompetence. Every factiom leader in 40k tends to be an evil cunt, he is very much one of them.
The chaos gods tend to make me think "oh you bastard" but with the emperor i think it should be an "oh shit" moment if you get what i mean.
Apologies for just dumping my thoughts into your ask box, i hope you enjoy reading this
Oh the Emperor's original intention is probably "questionably good guy" territory. The real issue is the number of corpses he will step over to reach his end goal not even realizing they were there, fans and foes alike.
His ego is essentially as gigantic as the sun that may or may not bestowed its powers upon him (depending what theory you fancy), and being such a unique individual has turned him a total cripple for all things "genuine social connection" for what might be millenia.
If he had a shred, even a fraction of genuine empathy for his sons, most of the Heresy would have never happened. There's a few extreme decisions you can point to and say "yeah, that's where he fucked up" and you also know that no sane human being would have made that mistake - those were mistakes that ONLY someone like the Emperor could have made.
The Emperor might have claimed to not be a god, but he never accepted the personal responsibilties that came with being as inhuman as he was, claiming to be just a man, when it was all a lie so he would not have to deal with just how much removed he was from everyone else.
I wonder if 10.000 years of forced thinking time has granted the old man some insight, or if it only made him more stubborn.
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judjira · 2 years
AN: so im doin this thing with a bunch of other very cool people where we have a random word generator and we write a drabble based on that prompt, and this was the prompt for this week ! hope y’all enjoy this meaningless drabble
pairing: namo, side minayeon themes: unrequited love wc: 945
the way nayeon’s looking at her, bright and hopeful eyes, downturned lips, and folded hands destroys her.
“momo, i…i like girls.”
momo’s heart beats, furiously, pounding in her chest, aching like a wound and she does not know why.
she’s surprised. why should she be surprised? she’s known it for weeks, she just didn’t think that…it was something real.
that it was just her imagination when nayeon’s fingers would graze another girl’s hand, and she’d pull back, blushing furiously. that it was just her imagination when nayeon turned her gaze downward in the girls’ locker room, keeping to herself. that it was just her imagination when nayeon’s eyes would oh-so-quickly dart down to a girl’s lips while she was talking.
“is…is that weird?”
nayeon shrinks back, and to her, it probably feels like the weight of the world is on her shoulders, if her own best friend can’t accept her.
“n-no! no, it’s not weird, i just…”
she just what? why is she reacting this way? her best friend has just entrusted her with something so dear to her, that it could destroy her, and here she is gaping like a fish.
“you’re the first person i’ve told,” nayeon says, eyes turning to her fingers as she wrings them nervously. “i haven’t told anyone else yet.”
momo’s chest feels like it’s going to burst at the sound of nayeon’s soft, nervous voice, like she’s afraid of getting scolded.
why does she feel this way?
“i-i see…how did you…how did you know?”
it’s a question that requires further insight into, as to why it’s being asked. why does momo need to know that? what good does it do momo knowing how nayeon knew she felt this way for girls?
nayeon shrugs, much to momo’s dismay.
“i just…didn’t like boys the way everyone did,” she wrinkles her nose. “boys are kind of ew.”
momo can’t help but agree girls were much more pleasant. soft, warm, kind girls. nothing like boys at all.
her chest tightens once more, as if there’s a realization to be had that she’s so close to but isn’t quite there yet.
“okay, i…thanks for telling me…?”
she’s unable to mask the confusion in her voice. whether it’s directed towards nayeon’s burgeoning feelings or the rapid beating of momo’s heart, she’s not sure. nayeon doesn’t seem to notice.
“of course, momo.”
she reaches out, taking momo’s hand in hers, and playing with her fingers. to others, they may just seem like ordinary high school girls, gossiping and whispering to each other, but to momo, it always feels like they’ve been something…more.
“you’re my best friend,” nayeon continues. “how could i not tell you?”
every crushed feeling in momo’s chest threatens to burst forth, overwhelmed at the sudden shockwave of pure adoration she has for the girl in front of her.
nayeon is her best friend.
best friend.
the title slips so easily from momo’s lips, and the wave of emotion she’s been riding dies so quickly.
is that really all they are?
“of course,” momo doesn’t let her disappointment tinge her voice. “i’m glad you told me.”
nayeon doesn’t stop playing with momo’s fingers, and despite the pleasant feeling momo has just from being touched by nayeon, she can tell that there’s something more she wants to say.
“there’s…there’s something else.”
momo swallows, unsure why the air around them takes on a certain quality to it, like secrets being kept in the dark of an archive.
“yeah? you know you can tell me anything, nayeonnie.”
the pet name puts a smile on nayeon’s face, and it’s so easily wonderful how happy that makes momo.
nayeon exhales sharply.
“i have a crush on someone.”
in an instant, momo’s heart leaps to her throat.
nayeon nods, and every slight movement of her fingers against momo’s skin sets her on fire.
“mhm. i have for a while now.”
a while? nayeon’s liked this person for a while?
“um…who is it?”
it’s then that nayeon shrinks in on herself, gets shy. she isn’t usually shy. momo thinks she should be shy more often.
“she’s in our year.”
momo’s chest tightens once more.
“she’s from japan.”
her heart’s about to burst.
“she’s a really good dancer.”
what is this feeling?
“i’ve been with her for a while, now…”
it feels like she’s on clouds, so high in the sky.
“…and i can’t really imagine life without her.”
what is it?
“i really like her, momo.”
it’s then that she puts a name to her feelings. something that’s eluded her for so long. something that’s left her with sleepless nights and restless mornings.
it’s the way nayeon always picks her up from school, and drops her off at home, the same toothy smile on her lips.
it’s the way nayeon invites her over to her room, plastered in posters and regalia of various idols while pop music blasts from her stereo.
it’s the way nayeon never forgets to buy an extra snack for momo, even taking the time to feed it to her herself.
it’s the way nayeon’s hands fit so perfectly into momo’s, intertwining fingers so easily it’s like second nature to them.
it’s the way nayeon’s embrace always has momo sighing in contentment, her scent always managing to calm momo down.
it’s the way nayeon’s smile absolutely wrecks her, leaving her damaged and broken, a stupid smile on her face as she returns her happiness.
it’s love.
momo loves nayeon.
and as nayeon grins at her, teeth showing in that adorable way they always do, momo marvels at how high love can take her.
“it’s mina.”
and how low love can drop her.
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naruto blogging part 10 kinda
the 2 page spreads in naruto really make me appreciate haikyuu paneling all that much more because for a lot of naruto's 2 page spreads it really doesn't need to be 2 pages the layout works equally well with single pages whereas with haikyuu's double page spreads they really take advantage of the wide format in a way naruto doesn't. anyways haikyuu has some of the best paneling and page layouts i have seen in any manga (houseki no kuni is another good one).
I miss those times when Naruot used to go feral like in the Land of Waves or Valley of the End 1. Naruto needs a design where he gets fluffy fox ears and a tail.
Naruto and houseki no kuni have opposite approaches to callbacks. Both series will at time purposefully mirror or invoke earlier parts of the manga. The difference is that naruto will devote pages/episodes to the same flashbacks so that the audience can immediately remember the previous scene. By contrast hnk has no flashbacks ever and expects the audience to remember the whole manga and draw the comparisons themselves some of these are very subtle like half a panel of a dandelion seed or the shadow of wings.
i caved and read ch 700 and its meh ok which means that its boruto that made everything bad. like its been like 15 years a lot of things can change, im not necessarily against naruto marrying hinata having 2 kids and becoming hokage or sasuke and sakura having a daughter. what i am against is sakura being defined by her cringe middleschool crush and pining for sasuke when he obviously doesn't care about her, like just say they're divorced or never married but wanted a kid. please let sakura get on with her life. or naruto and hinata marrying is fine and naruto having a son and having to deal with the same antics he did as a kid is fine but naruto being a deadbeat absent father isn't. wow the boruto writers really messed up because the ideas from ch 700 aren't the worst. a better take on the ideas would be show how naruto has matured and now reflects on his past actions with new insight since now he has been on both sides as the troublemaking brat and the responsible adult and he understands that boruto is acting out because he wants attention and responds by being more affectionate and making time for him. also bolt and salad.... great names as usual.
can't believe naruto isn't wearing his head-protector in the epilogue, he loves that thing.
ah so the anime clarifies that sasuke is seeing naruto's memories including naruto's meeting with itachi in the war. cant believe im saying this but i think the anime might have done this one part better. makes sasuke acknowledging naruto more impactful since its now also sasuke giving up his vision of the lonely hokage for naruto and itachi's its-the-villages-acknowledgement-that-makes-a-hokage, so sasuke is also indirectly supporting naruto's dream of being hokage and abandoning his own.
"Oh sure, lock up sasuke and not the guy that murdered and tortured hundreds of kids, killed and experimented on thousands of peoples, kidnapping minors and adults, committing kagecide twice against the third hokage and the kazekage, attempted murder… destroying konoha and half its shinobi forces, almost instigating another world war…" Orochimaru would have so many treason charges against him lol for selling state secrets, there's also his joining the international terrorist ring, yeah the world war he was plotting, all the random side characters he or his schemes have killed, the rampant human experimentation, kidnapping, murder, the bodies at his feet are endless. I like to imagine that between all the people Orochimaru's screwed over and the snake summons that didn't really like him to begin with, someone killed him. He dies off-screen like he deserves. (Boruto? Boruto isn't real, what are you talking about?)
Imagine a better timeline where naruto goes backpacking across the world with sasuke and shows up 2 years later with a mullet and covered in fuuinjutsu tattoos
anime novel arcs!: sasuke shinden isn't off to a good start. like yamato doesn't even question who those two strangers are eventhough he says no one's allowed to see orochimaru
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wolfisland · 3 months
sorry i wish i had something more eloquent to say rn other than "character! i love character!" but i dont remember too many details rn bc its been a long time. though i think you may have just brought my hyperfixation back bc im at work going "oh what if all of them were working in food/customer service" <- do you have any insights? or what kind of life they would lead in a modern AU? or honestly id love it if you just ranted about characters in general IM JUST HAPPY TO TALK TO SOMEONE WHO PLAYED EBONLIGHT YAY
NO ITS OKAY. I UNDERSTAND. CHARACTER I LOVE CHARACTER!! youre speaking my language dw!!!! gonna stick it under a cut so i dont annoy everyone else
that said i think if you put ernol in any kind of day to day customer service job he'd kill himself. i also think haron would end up hating it tbh like hes very Good at People Stuff but ive always felt like harons the kind of autistic (bc as far as im concerned both ernol and haron are autistic) where hes great at masking (ha) but cant really function for extended periods of time doing shallow socialisation. very much a thriving til he isnt type.
laceaga either cant cook period or he's one of those line cooks who, if he hasnt spit in your food, just made you the best meal youve had in your entire life and youll be chasing that high the rest of your life.
in terms of a regular life for everyone though outside of food service based on my memory (now i need to replay it so i can actually know wtf im talking about again) i think the person most likely to genuinely end up in customer service for an extended period of time. unfortunately. it is vadeyn. like a solid 5/10 most days. he definitely has better things to be doing but barely anywhere else is hiring.
really obsessed w the fast food au my brains decided exists actually just because the idea of ernol trying to take someones order through a drive through is gonna make me laugh so hard i throw up get him OUT OF HERE
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jakowskis · 5 months
Day 24 - Discuss Ianto. Opinions? Favorite moment? Least favorite moment? Any unpopular opinions? Any fun headcanons?
putting this under a cut cuz im noivous + i didnt rlly write a good introductory paragraph
iantoooo ok. i have an interesting relationship with ianto, namely bc i love him a lot but i think im enjoying a much different version of him than the one most people like. idk how to explain it exactly, but like, i came to care about him when i started writing in his pov for owento fic, if that tells you anything fhdfjkd. i think that’s a pretty specific and semi-unorthodox way to get acquainted with a character, by sticking them in a kinda toxic relationship that’s not their canon one, + is largely a product of ur imagination + other fic fsdhkfjds. needless to say, i’m immensely fond of the ianto in my head, who i think does exist in the canon character but just isn’t someone we see expanded upon (owento being epic toxic yaoi is such a feasible concept to me fhsdfjksd i think they very well could’ve happened in another life) - but, for obvious reasons, that ianto isn’t a ianto most other people can conceive of, ykwim? long story short, i’m sitting over here cradling my fucked up version of ianto who’s doing some crazy shit with owen, and it makes me feel p detached from other ianto enjoyers (aka, yknow, practically the whole fandom fshdfks).
that being said! i am fond of canon ianto. i found him kinda underwhelming in the first two seasons, he’s just kind of... there, which makes his popularity a bit surprising, if i’m honest. he’s endearing, but not that endearing. but he’s a lot more fleshed out in the audios, which is where i came to rlly enjoy him on his own, rather than just the version of him i’ve crafted as a writer. but i think part of his popularity is that he’s a bit of a blank slate, so people have a lot of freedom to run with him, and that’s definitely a lot of fun when ur a writer (hell, both for the official writers + the fanfic writers). we know his blandness is a mask, which means plenty of things could be hiding under there, and there’s a lot of fun interpretations out there as a result. some i don’t quite agree with, ofc, but hey, we’re all here to have a good time. more on that when i talk about unpopular opinions. 
he does have his moments, of course. i think my favorite ianto moments are the entirety of captain jack harkness (him and owen in that episode really changed my life as i’ve said dozens of times fhsdkjdks. when he pointed that gun at owen smth in my brain shifted HFJKSDHDS), and then “pray they survive” in meat. can you tell i like badass!ianto. of course, i enjoy his dorky moments, too. i like that he’s more comfortable and companionable in season 2 and as a result he’s full of quips. i listened to the one restricted items archive audio earlier this month, he’s soo much fun in that one, so much personality. same with believe, both gave me a lot of insight into him that the show initially really didn’t bother with, and it was such a joy. funky little lad. i’ve said this before, but i often get annoyed by characters (+ ships) that are hugely popular in a fandom, and i’ve had moments where i’ve been mildly annoyed by ianto as a result (seeing as i’m largely a owen&tosh&gwen girlie and jack & ianto so aggressively dominate things) - but i legitimately can’t bring myself to actually dislike him. i’m not immune to ianto jones. sigh. 
but yeah, cyberwoman was when i went “oh, he’s fucked up, ok hi” - but captain jack harkness was when i went “oh, he’s fucked up, ok hi” FJKSDF like that was when he first started to actually intrigue me, and the ianto i’m most interested in is the one we see in that episode. it’s a darker sort of ianto, and that stifled darkness is what i find compelling about the character + what i’m interested in exploring. and that’s why i like owento, bc owen’s such a live wire he kind of forces ianto’s repressed qualities to the surface - and that has a lot of potential. i talked about it here, when i talked about why i ship them - this post is about ianto on his own, ofc, but he’s one of the two characters in my torchwood otp, so i can’t help but mention it. i just find that ship super handy for playing with what i consider to be ianto’s most compelling qualities, that the show doesn’t fully capitalize on. of course, as we know, i’ve yet to watch s3 and i have a feeling it’ll happen there. i’m eager to see! 
i don’t really have a least favorite ianto moment, other than how often he’s simply reduced down to being jack’s boytoy + that he’s underdeveloped and just kind of eye-candy, + then comic relief as well in s2. oh! but i laugh hysterically every time he cries on screen. i can’t help it, it’s so funny the way he wails. but those aren’t ‘least fav’ moments so much as ‘ianto moments i cannot fucking take seriously’. 
unpopular opinions time! don’t kill me
he’s a liiiittle bit overrated ;-;
he’s soooo much more interesting outside of his relationship with jack. jack stifles him a lot.
him and jack have zero chemistry onscreen too like they look very forced to me
...he has 10x more chemistry with owen 😗
fandom j*nto fucking sucks + i have no interest in it
i HATE what ianto’s reduced to in a lot of fics. he's not at all cutesy n ineffectual idk where tf that came from
he’s a dom 🫵 and a top-leaning vers. grr. 
top/bottom discourse is so stupid + immature but my main thing is just. don't be tropey with it ugh. wooby uwu uke ianto is a fucking plague. it's gross n such an injustice to his character. makes me 🤒 every time im subjected to it. treat characters like real humans w real sexual leanings and desires don't just shepherd them into weird fetishy roles cuz u think its cute n hot 😒 im not here to police anyone's fandom experience it just makes my life worse FSDJKF so im allowed to bitch about it. fandom is my hobby tht makes me smileeee and i hate when things make me Frown yknow ffff
love him to bits as a person + he definitely has some rlly good moments but some of gareth’s acting as ianto is laughable 😭 mostly emotional scenes. i make fun of ‘havent you ever loved anyone jack wahh’ a lot SORRY im mean. thats probs also why i liked cjh sm i was like oh shit he can act. IM SORRY it had to be said. b*rrowman’s the other actor i struggle to take seriously and thats probs also why j*nto doesn’t compel me like. they both come at it from such a campy (/neg) angle to me ngl
hcs… idk if i rlly have any hcs for him? none are coming to mind. i’ll probs come up w some as my owento verse develops. i think i peppered a few random ones into my big fic dhfj im sure ill come up with more. 
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