#k18 fanfic
fabuloustrash05 · 3 months
Akria Toriyama’s writing style when it comes to the couples in DBZ
First seeing the couple: *shares a moment that has some romantic tension or out right flirting*
Next time we see the couple: *married with children*
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krillin-fanfic · 1 year
Small Worries
Here we go, my K18 Day 2023 Entry! Had to power through a stomach bug that seemed to go away and then had a resurgence (and may have lost sleep and caught a cold trying to get this written down) but we did it! So, without further ado, enjoy this entry.
“Look, Babe, I appreciate the concern and all, but I'm OK, honest.” A short, disheveled man, sat in a chair facing the living room couch, bald head splotched with small burns and sweat-streaked dirt.
“Hush. Let me work.” A beautiful blonde woman shook her head and shifted slightly on the couch as she swabbed at a small burn on her patient's cheek
Krillin sat slumped in his chair, frowning. He'd come home from his training session with Goku just a bit disheveled, and 18 was acting as if he'd just come back from the middle of a war zone. She was totally overreacting... though he dare not tell her that. When 18 got like this, he found it best not to protest.
She dipped a fresh swab into some rubbing alcohol and touched it to one of the burn marks on his head, causing him to wince and pull back in discomfort. “Gah!”
“Stop whining, you've been through worse. Though not usually from training with friends.” Her expression was unreadable to most, but Krillin knew what was on her mind.
“18, I know it looks bad, but this happens sometimes. You don't need to worry about me, alright?”
She halted for a moment, fixing her icy blue eyes on his, expression still unchanging. “I don't, huh? I seem to recall you saying that the first time you came home from spending the day with Goku with your gi shredded like this, bruises all ove-” she jabbed the cotton swab at him. “Don't bother with the joke, I saw the other guy and he was fine.” She frowned. “I... worry sometimes. Can't help it.”
Krillin turned his head downward to stare at the floor. “I'm sorry. I didn't realize this was worrying you so much. It just feels... so good to be back in action again, I guess. Spend more time with Goku again.”
18 rubbed his cheek softly. “I know that, honey. I really do.” She gently cupped his chin and lifted his gaze to meet hers. “Hey... I'm not telling you this has to stop. OK? Just... I really need you to try to take a little more care of yourself. Marron and I both worry about you. You're not some weird alien who bounces back stronger from this sort of thing.”
Krllin broke eye contact, trying to look anywhere else than at her. “...yeah. I know...”
18 frowned again, softer and less stern. “Sweetheart, look at me.” She cupped his cheeks and turned him to face her once again. “You're still strong. You still have more strength in you than anyone else I know. You have such a strong moral compass. You have the strength to be willing to put others above yourself and your desires, which is not as common as people think. She smiled. “You have the strength to show compassion to people that even your own friends thought didn't deserve it, and for that I'm forever grateful.” She gestured toward the window with a tilt of her head. “And so's 17, not that the tsundere bastard will ever admit that to your face...” she saw him try to suppress a smile. “There's more to being strong than just muscles, dear.” She allowed a hand to drift down and gently rub his shoulder. “Though I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy these too. Just know I'd still love you even without them, OK?”
He blushed and allowed a small smile to slip through. “Yeah. OK.” He reached over and placed a hand on top of hers resting on his shoulder. “I really don't like to make you guys worry. It's part of why I've been a lot more careful lately, honest. And so has Goku.”
18 raised an eyebrow. “If he's been so careful, how exactly did you wind up coming back looking like you'd just survived planetary destruction?”
Krillin removed his hand quickly and rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. “Well-ah... y'see... it wasn't actually Goku who did this. See, he and I were training together and our session was going on for a while. Then Vegeta showed up all upset about it-”
“Vegeta?!” 18 froze, bottle and swab she'd been preparing still in hand. “What did that prick have to do with you?”
“So, ah, funny story... it turns out that he said Goku told him he'd come train with him for a while over on Bulma's private island, and he said what we were doing was cutting into his time...” Krillin tapped his index fingers together. “And well, he kinda, sorta... stepped in to hurry things along. Heh...”
Krillin gulped as he saw 18's eyes narrow. “S-sorry, babe. I can always stop for a while, it's fine.”
18 closed her eyes and shook her head. “No. Krillin, why do you think I'm mad at you?” She leaned forward and gently swabbed a scrape on top of his head. “You did nothing wrong, Goku didn't do anything wrong here really...” she frowned and looked out the window. “That pig-headed 'Prince', on the other hand...”
She sighed. “Krillin, I know how much you sacrifice for Marron and I, and I know how much this makes you happy. Seeing you so enthusiastic and full of energy again... it makes us happy too.” She caressed his cheek again. “I need you to stop worrying that you need to apologize for enjoying yourself here. Do I worry? Absolutely. You're kind of a big deal to me, y'know?” He chuckled and looked down, blushing. “I'm serious. You're my best friend. My home. My everything. So of course I'm going to worry a bit. But if a little bit of temporary worry is what I need to endure for you to have your happy place, then so be it. Besides,” she winked. “You always know how to help me get over it.”
Krillin felt himself turn beet red and shifted a bit in his chair. “Heheheh... I suppose so.”
She poked him lightly in the chest. “So let's stop with the moping, huh? Next time that royal pain in the rear shows up and lets himself get carried away though, you tell me. I'll deal with him.”
Krillin's eyes went wide. “Uh... 18, don't get me wrong, you're strong, amazing, wonderful, tough as nails, and I love you so please don't kill me here, but Vegeta is kind of leagues stronger than you and me put together now. I'm not sure that's a great idea.”
18 chuckled and lifted her phone. “You'd be surprised what a simple phone call to Bulma can do. She scares him more than his own fears of irrelevancy. She'd have him here apologizing within an hour.”
Krillin laughed and leaned forward to peck 18's lips. “You're amazing, you know that?”
“I do. You're not so bad yourself, Mister.” She leaned in and kissed him again, lingering just a little longer, relishing the feeling of butterflies he still managed to give her.
“Now,” she said, pulling out a bandage and more antiseptic, “time to let me finish patching you up.” Krillin reluctantly agreed, mumbling minor complaints as she did so. But even so, 18 found herself smiling. Sometimes, she had to admit, it was nice to have an excuse to fuss over her husband. When she finished, she draped her arms around his neck and leaned down, planting a gentle kiss on top of his bandaged head. “There. All done, big baby.”
Krillin smiled and craned his neck to look up at her. “Thanks, babe. Best nurse a guy could ask for.”
She returned his smile and tapped the spot where his nose would be. “And you better not forget it. Now, would you like to help me make dinner before Marron gets home?”
Krillin hopped up from his chair and stretched. “Sure thing. What are we having?”
“Taco night, “ she called over her shoulder on the way into the kitchen.
Krillin grinned. Tonight was going to be sweet indeed!
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galexibrain · 3 months
Brain: what if we do something different for a change and write a little K18 and 17 & 18?
... I'm going to be here for a looong time, right?
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deadlybeautydbz · 2 years
Well well well..... who do we have here?
Hi guys, long time no see!
I was digging around in my pretty much abandoned PC just now, and I came across some writing which I thought deserved to see the light of day.
Its the prologue to my one-day-hope-to-finish Future Trunks Timeline K/18 love story called ‘Behind Enemy Lines’. It really is a very good story but I would never publish it as is because there is no promise I can ever finish it, because my life is bonkers.
But this is the short prologue, in it Goku is dying of the heart virus. It is completly unedited, I just found it in a folder like this, but I think it’s a pretty nice piece of writing.
Anyway, here it is, enjoy!
For a moment, it was as if the entire world had ceased to exist. All that there was, was her, and blackness. Clocks didn’t tick because there was no time, no way to tell if a second had passed or an eon. Was this shock? She wasn’t sure, but whatever it was, it was sucking the life out of her. She felt lightheaded; her mind was separating itself from her body, as if it had decided that it didn’t want to be a part of this reality anymore, and it was going to go somewhere new, some place far away. Someplace better.
‘Good’ she thought, encouraging the process, ‘get me the hell out of here.’
She smiled as she felt the blackness close in around her, and she too, ceased to exist for a moment.
 “Chichi!” Krillin leapt to action as he watched his friends legs give out on her. The whole thing seemed to happen in slow motion as he lunged forward to catch her before the floor did. Gently, he laid her down as the professionals in the room stepped in and calmly went about the business of bringing her back.
Taking a step back, Krillin wrapped an arm around the shoulders of a thoroughly overwhelmed Gohan and gave him what he could only hope was a reassuring squeeze. The two watched silently as the scene unfolded before them.
 “It’s a funny thing, shock,” the doctor said, with a smile of all things, as he pressed a cold compress to Chichi’s forehead, “everyone always reacts a little bit differently. There’s no predicting it.”
“Hmpf.” Sinking back down into his chair, Krillin rubbed at his red, tired eyes. It had been weeks since he had last slept for more than a few hours without interruption. Groggily, he watched as Chichi slowly woke up and was helped back into the chair between his own and Gohan’s.
Together, they turned their gaze to the fourth member of their group, who had remained as still as a statue throughout the whole commotion. None of them knew what to say or do next, this was foreign territory, something that until recently had been assumed to be a total impossibility.
 “Are you sure?” Chichi asked meekly, as her thoughts started to return, “Is there anything left to try? Anything at all?”
Krillin, already anticipating the response, reached over and took his friends hand in his, squeezing it for reassurance, though whether it was for her or himself, he wasn’t sure.
“I’m sorry, Mrs Son,” the doctor said grimly, “There is nothing more we can do.”
“What about transplant?” Krillins voice cracked as he tried desperately not to let go of his last shred of hope. “The virus is in his heart right? Can’t you just…” he paused. They’d discussed this, he already knew the answer, “give him a new heart?”
Beside him, Chichi began to sob. Her strength throughout this whole ordeal had been monumental, but even she had her limits. The doctor passed her a box of tissues and she took a moment to compose herself, dabbing the tears away from her eyes. Now was not the time to be weak. Her son was going to need her more than ever over the coming days and weeks, and she would be strong for him.
“What happens now?” she asked, bravely.
Before he replied, the doctor took a moment to look over his notes, this part of his job never got any easier. “We’ll make him comfortable,” he began, “like we discussed, the virus has started to eat away at the pericardial tissue; that is, the sack that surround his heart. The more it erodes, the more his heart is going to struggle to beat, until it stops. We’ll do everything we can to make it as painless as possible for him. I’m so sorry Mrs Son, I’m so sorry we couldn’t do more for your husband.”
“How long has he got?”
The doctor sighed. “A day, two at most.”
Bulma anxiously played with her wedding ring, twisting and twirling it around her finger. It was a nervous habit, one she had tried more than once to break after she had noticed diamonds missing from the band, but now was not the time for that. She let herself spin the ring endlessly as she watched the seconds tick by on her watch
How could this be? How could Goku, of all people, be brought down by a stupid virus? At first she had refused to believe it, it wasn’t possible, not Goku. He was a Super Saiyan, had defeated Frieza singlehandedly, he was the very definition of the word hero. This wasn’t a hero’s fate.
Beside her, on the small, hard couch, Trunks, her precious only son had finally drifted off to sleep. Pushing herself up out of the awkward, half slumped over position she had slid into, Bulma stood up and stretched all the cricks out of her body. Master Roshi and Oolong slept huddled up in the corner together, snoring loudly, and she knew that Chichi and Gohan were in with Goku, but where were the others?
 She found them, despite the fact that it was two-thirty in the morning, and well below zero degrees, quietly chatting amongst themselves in the front yard of the home. Krillin, Yamcha, Tien, Piccolo, they were all huddled in a circle, all looking very sombre. Even her husband, Vegeta was there, though as usual he had refused to integrate himself fully into the group and was standing just off to the side, by himself.
Her breath turned to fog as it hit the cold night air, and snow crunched beneath her feet as she made room for herself in the circle between Yamcha and Tien.
“What about the dragonballs?” Yamcha asked. They all knew the answer, but they were desperate.
“Won’t work,” Tien replied, scuffing his boot into the dirty snow, “Shenron can’t reverse illness. It’s not in his power.”
“What about new dragonballs?” Bulma suddenly felt a glimmer of hope pulse through her, but it was just as quickly shot down by Piccolo.
“It’s not that simple,” he said, “and it takes time, which is something we just don’t have right now.”
Bulma’s shoulders slumped in defeat. “So we’re all out of options then?” she asked.
“We’re all outta options,” Krillin echoed.
--- If there was one thing that Goku was, above all else, he was a fighter. Despite the doctors initial prognosis of forty-eight hours, he had managed to hold on for four more days, ensuring that everyone had the time to say their goodbyes to the legendary Saiyan.
Still, that didn’t make it any easier when the moment arrived. True to his word, the kind doctor had kept his patient comfortable as his condition deteriorated, and it wasn’t until the final few hours that Goku had begun to show signs of distress. He was unconscious, of course, but the machines and monitors that he was hooked up to spoke a different story. His blood pressure began to rise as his heart had to work harder and harder for every beat, and his brain waves became more erratic as his body began to shut down.
 Krillin had experienced death before, but not like this. His own death on Namek had been a strangely peaceful event. He remembered a warm glow taking over his body as he just sort of… faded away. There had been no fear or uncertainty, like there was now, just tranquillity.
This wasn’t the same though. This was death seen through the eyes of the living. The death of his very best friend in the world – they were more like brothers, really, and in just a few minutes, he would be gone, and there would be no bringing him back.
 From the outside, Goku’s final moments looked serene, he even had what could almost be described as a smile on his face.  But Krillin knew what was going on behind the façade; he could sense it. Goku’s ki, his life force, which only weeks ago had over shadowed every other living being in the universe, was fading – fast. It was almost completely gone now, but then, just as it seemed like it was over, it would come surging back.
When he looked back on this dark day in the future, this would be the memory that hunted him the most. Knowing that Goku didn’t want to die, that he had fought it every step of the way and that even though they seemed calm, his final moments were anything but.
 Gohan could sense it too, he was all too aware that his father, his hero, was waging the war of his life, his final battle; and all he could do was sit there, watch and hold his hand. He doubted there would ever be a time in his life where he would feel more useless than this.
A sob escape the young man’s throat as Goku’s ki took another steep dive, and this time, it didn’t recover. He was only 16 years old, he still had so much to learn from his father about what it was to be a man, a warrior. He wasn’t ready to say goodbye yet.
 Beside him, Chichi sat, gently stroking her husband’s limp hair from his damp forehead, quietly soothing him, letting him know that everyone was here and had said they goodbyes. It was ok for him to go whenever he was ready. She wanted her voice to be the last thing he heard.
And it was.
In the same way a flame flickered just before it burned out, so too did Goku’s ki. From the outside, nothing appeared to change, but the energy inside of him quietly faded away, and just like that, he was gone.
Thats it. Hope you liked it. If you’d be interested in any more snippets from what I do have written up of the main story (again, completly unedited) let me know!
See you all again in a year probably!
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koinekid · 2 years
Chestnut Fest 2022 Prompt: Indulgence
Caramel and Crunchy Stuff
A Dragonball Z/Super Marron fanfiction
by Koinekid
It started with a dab of caramel on the rim of a bowl.
Dishes had been Marron’s responsibility since she turned seven and discovered the concept of an allowance. Instead of leaving the chore to the end of the day, she developed a habit of regularly checking the sink for dirty dishes, rinsing them, and loading them into the dishwasher for later. Today was no different. After returning from school and tossing her backpack onto the couch, she made a beeline for the kitchen, dreading the horrors that awaited her if uncle Goku had made the surprise visit Goten teased her about. But all she found were a pair of bowls and spoons, nearly spotless save for the telltale drop of golden goodness.
Marron grinned. Caramel meant one thing. She grabbed a clean bowl and spoon and practically skipped to the freezer, only to find it conspicuously devoid of ice cream. She checked the trash bin—empty with a fresh liner. Nor were there any sundae toppings in the fridge or pantry, unless you counted the lone, almost too ripe banana stashed between the cereal and rice. Her grin faded to a frown, which she just managed to conceal before registering her mother’s footfalls headed toward the kitchen. Swapping the bowl for the banana and juice box, she made a hasty exit, passing by her mother and mumbling an excuse about homework.
On impulse, Marron nearly voiced her suspicions, but the sight of Mama, brow raised, staring into the sink, made her think better of it. Besides, figuring things out herself would be so much more fun, right?
Homework drove the notions of secret ice cream and mystery solving out of her mind. Instead, she spent the hours after school second guessing her decision to enroll in pre-Algebra. The mundane, non-headache-inducing fifth grade math most of her friends were taking seemed much more appealing these days. She shouldn’t have let Trunks tease her into signing up. Her only consolation was that the purple-haired son of a genius was struggling with the subject as much as she was.
After dinner, she transferred her homework from the dining table to the desk in her room and alternated between quadratic equations and texting in the group chat she shared with Trunks, Goten, and a few other friends. After dogpiling on Goten for his cheerful proclamation that he finished his math homework hours ago (he was in general math), she and Trunks collaborated on one of the toughest problems. At 9:30 PM, she finally set down her pencil and flopped into bed. Five minutes later, she sat bolt upright.
“The dishes!”
She rushed downstairs and, as she neared the kitchen, noticed faint light coming from underneath the door and what sounded like silverware clanking against porcelain. If her parents were washing the dishes she neglected, she’d be so embarrassed.
Forcing herself to slow down—over the years, she’d smacked more than one person with a hastily thrown open door—she eased the door open and slid the dimmer switch upward to fully illuminate the kitchen. “Sorry, sorry,” she murmured. “I for...got.”
All thoughts of chores faded as she found her parents huddled, not over the sink, but over a plastic container with what appeared to be an even mix of caramel and ice cream. The words on the container were hard to see, half obscured by the plastic grocery bag in which it set. Marron could just about make out “gelato” and “indulgence.” Mama paused, spoon an inch away from her mouth. Papa dropped his spoon, and it clattered to the table, spilling caramel and melted ice cream onto the wood. Mama shot him an annoyed look and gestured for the roll of paper towels in the middle of the table.
Marron found her voice. “I-is that ice cream?”
Mama met her eyes. “No.”
Papa retrieved his spoon and wiped it with a paper towel. “It’s gelato.”
Mama continued. “You wouldn’t like it. It’s got caramel and...” She looked at the container as if searching for the proper word. “...Crunchy stuff.”
Marron blinked. “I like caramel.”
Mama said, “It’s for adults.”
Papa inserted his now clean spoon into the container and grinned. “I’m an adult.” Marron thought about arguing further, but the whole event was just too surreal. She decided to chalk it all up to a homework-induced stress dream and go back to bed. For once, she would leave the dishes to the morning, and if she found more ice cream covered bowls and spoons than yesterday, she would roundly ignore them.
One late night, six years and five advanced math courses later, Marron found herself on the other side of this bizarre happening. An unopened letter from Satan City Polytechnic Institute lay on the table before her. It contained the response to her early admissions application. Also on the table were three bowls--one for each of her parents, and one for her. Her first taste of gelato brought to mind three words: Worth. The. Wait.
“Are you ready to open it,” Papa asked.
Marron toyed with the flap of the envelope, well-worn from hours of peeling it back a little at a time.
“Don’t rush her,” Mama said.
Marron pushed the envelope to Papa. “I’m still too nervous. You—”
“Is that ice cream?” a voice interrupted.
Marron turned her head to see a shrimp with an unruly mop of black hair rubbing sleep from his eyes. Jacin. And where one of her twin brothers was, the other...
Jaden, his blonde hair as messy as his brothers, was far more awake. He grinned and started for the table. “All right!”
Marron rolled her eyes, but then an idea formed. “No.”
“Aww,” Jaden whined. “Dad, we can have some, right?”
“No,” Marron repeated. “It isn’t ice cream.
That stopped the boys in their tracks.
Marron continued, “It’s gelato, and it’s for adults. Right, Papa?”
Papa chuckled. “Sorry, boys. Your sister is right.”
“It’s got caramel and crunchy bits,” Mama added. “You wouldn’t like it.”
“We like caramel,” Jacin squeaked.
Mama rose, smiling to herself. “Come on, I think we have some mint chocolate chip in the freezer.”
The boys perked up but deflated when Mama added, “But only half a cup each. It’s past your bedtime.”
“You can have gelato when you’re older, “Marron called out. “When you’re both adults.” She turned back to the table to avoid any rude gestures the boys might send her way. That’s right. She looked down at the acceptance letter. I am an adult, and I should act like it.
Pushing her bowl aside, she picked up the letter and tore open the envelope. Mama paused at the freezer, and she and Papa shared a glance. Marron took a deep breath and pulled out and unfolded the single sheet of paper within. The shriek of delight that followed shook the house.
Okay, so maybe she wasn’t fully an adult, but what would be the fun in that?
The End
The inspiration: https://youtu.be/R1Q-T_raX8Y
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sweetescapeartist · 2 years
A Very Happy Birthday
A fic about Krillin celebrating his birthday with 18 when they were dating.
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spicyberry98 · 1 year
Ok but why does every dbz Krillin/18 fanfic feature him being cucked? That’s so lame. Let him fuck his android wife and only include other people if they’re both into it.
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theultradork · 2 years
"I wanna read some K18 stories, I think."
-opens AO3-
-applies K18 filter-
-First several results are all of them being minor background characters and a fic of him being cucked-
"On second thought..."
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cuddlesomeone · 2 months
Yo does anyone have any good k18 fanfic recs?
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chestnutisland · 1 year
Thank you.
For a nice K18 day!
Special thanks to the contributors this year.
@dragonballwish , @cojikomydarling ,@krillin-fanfic and @longmonthartist !!! ♥
And to everyone liking and reblogging our posts.
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incognitoman1-2-3-4 · 6 months
I adore your fanfictions! I was wondering if you have a archive account? I would love to bookmark some and I don't think fanfiction.net you can do that!
Thank you so much for your kind words! Unfortunately, I don’t have an archive account. I think you can favourite the fanfic so it’s saved to your collection. Here’s the link to the story containing my K18 one-shots 🫶🏻:
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longmonthartist · 2 years
Hey. I saw your Krillin and 18 fanfiction history post and was wondering if you knew which site "dolls that breathe" by Swiss army knife was? I love how dark it was and was bummed out they deleted their dbz work. By the way, you you have any recommendations for K/18 fics that are more....darker? Thanks.
Thanks for the ask. It takes quite some time to go through my favorited fanfic sites so apologies for the wait.
Unfortunately, I cannot find the said fanfic in my favorites and after some digging failed to come up with it. I will; however, try to give you and everyone some resources to dig up some old K18 fanfics. I'll separate them into still functioning sites and sites that require Wayback Machine.
Still working sites:
These sites still work, with the first link being Neishia's Krillin Family Shrine and the second Juuhachigou's world.
Neishia's Krillin Family Shrine is a famous K18 & Marron shrine back in the days. Upon entering, your browser will automatically download something called Krillin's theme, which is a music file. Don't worry, since this file does not hurt your computer I believe. In the Fan Section, you'll find Is This My Destiny and in fanfics section are tones of other stories (I know its weird that stories can be found in two sections of this web).
Juuhachigou's World contains a lot of DBZ fanfics written by different authors. In the Fanfiction section, 3 authors have written K18 stories. First author and also the web hostess is Trixie and you'll want to find One Life Lost, Another Gained (this is also on fanfic net I believe). Second is Son Goten where all 3 fanfics here are K18. Third is Android 18 and story's name is Fallen, which is pretty dark so anon might like it.
Also in Juuhachigou's World is a Lemons section. There, the only K18 story being The Truth Behind Those Puppy Dog Eyes written by Android 18 (this one is a very famous K18 lemon back in the early 2000s). There is also another fanfic called Obsessive Love by Android 18 but this is NOT K18 even though on the description said it's K18 lemon. Be warned, you DON'T want to open this.
Sites that require Wayback Machine:
For these sites to work, you need to open Wayback Machine, which is an online archive storing quite a lot of no longer existing sites. Since a lot of old DBZ shrines are hosted using the domain: Geocities, when it got taken down, all the shrines disappeared with it. To use the links below, copy the url and then paste it on Wayback Machine's search bar. you should see not just one page though, but all of the captured versions (literally called captures on the top) of said site (this is important because some fanfics are not included in earlier versions but some later versions have broken links).
Furthermore, you'll need to copy the url of these sites quick since if you are too slow, the browser might redirect you to yahoo or some other sites.
First one is a site created by Crazy Retasu (still on fanfic net with all his stories intact) and the link is http www dot geocities dot com slash crazy underscore retasu (just in case the link below takes you to yahoo). In the Poems & Fanfics section, there's A Belated Observation and The Searching. Unfortunately, both story links do not work here so you are better off reading them on ff net. Still, for those interested in this old site, feel free to take a look.
This next one is the real treasure trove here. The Family Photos - The K&18 Page is an old K18 database housing a lot of contents, including missing works from Swiss Army Knife. In the FANFIC section, you'll want to click on March 8, 2005 version (capture) which contains all of the fanfics. Here, you'll find Swiss Army Knife's A Fading Ki, Half My Soul, Little Guy, Lingering Pain, and Lost Souls. Unfortunately, the specific story requested by anon: Dolls that Breathe cannot be found here. II would also like to recommend: I Wouldn't Change it for the World by Leia, which is a very sweet and kind of dark story that ISN'T featured on Leia's ff net profile.
I hope this helps and happy digging. Also apologies to original authors for sharing the links here. I realize some of these stories are deleted perhaps for a reason but I simply cannot let good stories get forgotten. If anyone find stories they do not like, please also refrain from complaining or flaming the authors.
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krillin-fanfic · 2 years
Chestnut Fest 2022 Day 4: Family Matters
Alright, in this one, we're gonna get just a tiny bit feels-y.
This story is partly inspired by an ask I got on my Dragon Ball blog on Tumblr, and a conversation I had with someone as a result of that. Namely, why Krillin and 18 were the only one of the "older" couples who'd only had one child. And with this week's prompt being "Family", I also started wondering how Marron might feel, noticing that. Add to that a story I'd heard from one of my sister's kids on where they thought babies came from, and... well, this was born. So I figured, what could be more perfect than wrapping up this year's Chestnut Fest with it?
Here we go, hope you enjoy! LINKS: FF.net AO3
It was a brisk Fall day in Satan City. A cold breeze wafted through the streets, light, high clouds filling the sky outside the window.
"Man, it's been chilly today." Krillin stood in front of the window, sipping some hot cider from a mug. "Glad I have the day off."
18 shifted in her seat on the couch, turned a page in the book she was reading and nodded. "Definitely 'inside weather'. Perfect excuse to break out the blankets." She looked up, smiled and raised an eyebrow at her husband. "One might even say this is... snuggle weather."
Krillin grinned and replied in mock scandal. "Why, Miss 18! Are you suggesting you and I be under a blanket? Together? Alone?!"
18 chuckled. "What can I say? I'm a rebel."
He sighed. "Well much as I'd like to, I'm pretty sure a certain little lady is gonna be here soon, and it's my day to help with her homework." He stretched. "Ah! And I need to be fully awake if I gotta deal with math." He turned around and noticed 18 smiling at him, a familiar look in her eyes. "Uh... babe?
"I was just thinking... you doing the dad thing? It's very attractive" She winked at him and giggled as his face turned a shade of red.
The front door opened, letting off a soft creak followed by a pair of tiny footsteps. "Mama! Papa! I'm home!"
18 winked at her husband. 'Later,' she mouthed at him before turning toward the entrance. "Hello, sweetheart. How was school?"
Marron took her hat and jacket off and hung them on the rack by the door. "Was OK," she said. "Sorta."
Krillin frowned. "'Sorta', huh? Did something happen, kiddo?"
"Yeah..." She trudged over to the couch and smoothed her uniform skirt before hopping up and plopping down on the couch next to her mother. "Some of the other kids were being mean today."
18 set her book aside and held her daughter close, stroking her blonde hair softly. "I'm sorry, baby. Kids can be mean sometimes. What'd they say to you?"
Marron was quiet, looking down at her shoes, avoiding eye contact. Krillin could tell she was uncomfortable. "Hey, firefly, it's OK. You can tell us when you're re-"
"How come I don't have a brother or sister?"
Krillin and 18 both froze for a moment, stunned. They were expecting name-calling, making fun of her looks. Being asked about having children wasn't on the list.
18 recovered first and cleared her throat. "My, that's a pretty random question. Why do you ask, sweetheart?"
Marron looked to her mother. "We're doing a project in school. About families. Miss Rulah wants us to make a chart of our family and share stories with the class. And my classmates... all of them have brothers or sisters, older or younger. And they asked me why I don't." She brought her knees to her chin, and 18 ignored her instinct to chide her for having shoes on the couch.
"One of the girls said her mommy told her that babies come from the love between a mommy and a daddy, and that the more and longer they love each other, the more babies they have." Her voice was cracking a bit, as if she were about to cry. "A-and Uncle Goku and Auntie Chi had two babies. And Trunks has his little sister now. So..."
Marron looked up at her father. "Papa... do you not love mama enough?"
The words seemed to pierce Krillin's heart like a sharp blade. He swallowed hard, trying to come up with an appropriate answer. "W-what? Of course I love your mom! She means the world to me! You both do."
She looked at her mother. "So does that mean you don't love daddy enough?"
Now it was 18's turn to feel that pang at the accusation. "Marron... sweetheart, you know I love your daddy very much. It's not that simple, though.."
Marron looked back down at her shoes, confused. "Oh. That's good." She fidgeted with her hands a bit.
"It's not that we don't want to give you a little brother or sister, sweetie. Honest. It's just..." 18 bit her lip, trying to find the appropriate words to explain. "It's... just that it's not as easy for some people to have children as it is for others."
"How come?"
Krillin sat down on the other end of the couch. "There's lots of potential reasons, firefly. Sometimes, it's just life. Timing. Other times it can be hard on mommys' and daddys' bodies. But none of them mean that people don't love each other, OK?" He patted her on the head softly. "That's one thing you don't need to worry about."
"Marron, sweetie..." 18 spoke hesitantly, her voice quiet. "Did you know... mommy and daddy weren't supposed to be able to have babies?"
Krillin winced behind her as Marron stared at her mother, wide-eyed. "Why's that, mama?"
"Remember... remember that evil old doctor I told you about before?"
Marron nodded. "I think so. The bad man who kidnapped you that uncle 17 beat up?"
"Yeah. That's the one." 18 placed a hand on her belly. "That man... did experiments on us. Lots of them. And because of that, mommy's body is different."
The little girl tilted her head and blinked. "Different how, mama?"
"A lot of ways, sweetheart. And unfortunately, one of the ways is that it made it... very hard for me to have babies." She looked down at her hand for a moment before removing it. "So that's why-"
"Part of why, Marron." Krillin chimed in. "It's hard for daddy too."
Marron scratched her head, confused. "Papa, you can't have babies though."
He chuckled. 'Bless her innocent heart. Now to figure out how to explain this without...'
"No, Marron. I mean that... I think you already know your dad's not exactly like... other people."
"Mama says that just makes you cute and special." She grinned at him.
"Heh. Well I'm glad she thinks so. But it also caused some other... issues. Like I can't smell things the same way other people do. I breathe right through my skin. And..." he hesitated. "And it makes it harder for me to help your mommy have babies too."
"How does that work?"
"Uh..." Krillin was at a loss for words. 18 sighed and picked up.
"Remember what you said early, Marron? About moms and dads loving each other, and that's where babies come from?"
She nodded.
"Well, even though your papa and I love each other very very much, those issues can still make it hard for babies to happen." 18 stroked her daughter's hair gently and smiled. "But your papa and I love each other so much, we managed to overcome that one time, and made you."
"Yep!" Krillin chimed in. "And that's why you're the prettiest, sweetest, most adorable little girl in the whole world!" He poked her belly and she giggled. "Made out of pure love, you are."
18 smiled. "You're our little miracle, Marron."
Marron grinned and pulled her parents in for a big hug. "I love you both whole bunches!"
"We love you too, sweetheart." 18 closed her eyes and held her family close.
"Y'know though, Marron..." Krillin spoke slowly, a grin spreading across his face. "Your family is a lot bigger than you think."
The little girl pulled back, a bit confused. "How's that, papa?"
"Family is more than just brothers and sisters or moms and dads, kiddo. More than blood relations too." He pointed at the photos on the coffee table in front of them. "See? Take a look."
Marron leaned forward, dark eyes full of intensity, trying to discern her papa's meaning. The small framed photos contained many familiar faces. There was a picture of her papa and Uncle Goku when they were kids, side-by-side with another, more recent picture of the two her mom had snapped. There was one of Grandpa Roshi and the old Turtle, waving from the beach. A picture of her mama and Uncle 17, sitting together at a picnic table, arm wrestling with intense scowls. A photo of her mama and Auntie Chi, laughing at the mall food court. "Everyone there loves you very much too, Marron. They've always helped take care of and look after you. You're precious to them too.
Marron blinked a few times before her mouth formed a distinctive o-shape and she gasped with surprise. "Ohhh! I get it now!" She looked up at Krillin and grinned. "I get it, Papa! Those are my family too!"
18 smiled and patted her head. "Mhm. And don't forget your uncle's family. We might not see them very often, but they're part of it too."
Marron jumped to her feet and ran to the dining room table. "Oh my gosh, I got so much to write down!" She whipped open her school bag and pulled out some paper, a pencil, and crayons. "I gotta do a picture too! I hope I have enough room for everyone!"
Krillin smiled as he watched over his shoulder. "Look at her go. No stopping her once she gets motivated, huh?" He looked over and noticed 18 was sitting quietly, seemingly lost in thought. "Babe? You feeling OK?" He put a hand on her shoulder. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing," 18's voice cracked slightly. "Just... " She looked up into her husband's eyes. "Sometimes I do feel bad, you know? About... not being able to have more. Y'know?"
Krillin sighed and pulled her into a hug. "I know, 18. I know. But we have our Marron, right? And she's perfect."
18 nodded and smiled, resting her head on his shoulder. "Perfect beyond belief." She pulled back for a moment and looked him in the eye before placing a soft kiss where his nose should be. "And you're not so bad yourself, mister."
Krillin blushed and chuckled. "Thanks."
18 tilted her head and twirled a strand of hair around her finger. "And for what it's worth, little man... I'm definitely down to go ahead and try for more if you are."
Krillin's face turned beat red and he pulled at his collar. "O-oh yeah?"
She winked and nodded, chuckling lowly. "Mhm."
"Papa, can you come help me for a second please?"
Krillin broke eye contact and stood up fast. "Y-yes, Marron! I'll be right there!" He started out of the room, but turned back and quickly dipped down, capturing his wife's lips with his own for a quick kiss. "Love you."
"I love you too. Now go on." She shoo'd him toward the dining room and smirked. "Don't keep the princess waiting. Do the dad thing so I can watch."
Krillin smirked back, remembering their talk from earlier. "Y'know, I'm feeling a little objectified right now, and I gotta say... I'm not mad at it."
She laughed and swatted his arm. "You goof! Go on."
He grinned and walked out to the next room. "Alrighty, let's see what you need help with."
"Can you color in Uncle Goku's hair? My hand is hurting."
"Oh. Uh, sure, I can do that."
"And then I need help with math. We're multiplying fractions now."
"Those absolute monsters, making kids do these things..."
18 smiled as Marron giggled at her papa's jokes. Their family unit was small, yes. And maybe it would stay that way. Maybe not. But she knew she wouldn't trade them for the world.
And there we have it! Chestnut Fest 2022 is in the books. I hope you enjoyed these works, and hopefully I can have a few updates out sooner rather than later.
Comments and feedback are always welcome! Thanks for reading.
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dbzebra · 2 years
😎 What fics do you prefer on a scale of canon compliant to wildly original?
Canon compliant/canon divergent for me!!
I like seeing stuff in between timeskips/off screen stuff (like K18 wedding), or scenarios that could've happened if something in that universe changed slightly (like in my fic, what if Goten kept training by Eo'Z)
fics like What if Raditz turned good *can* work but they're not for me usually. Alot of those tend to be really samey, which is prolly why they're so common on YouTube.
I think the fanfics I prefer least are ones that jsut drop the characters into a real world setting. Like yes, they can be fun, interesting, and amazingly written, but I dont feel like im reading "Goku" when he's an office worker or a knight or something like that lmfao you get what i mean. The characters are partly who they are because of the setting they lived in, it's not interchangable.
Again this isnt to discredit modern AU writers, just why Im not a big fan of them lol
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dragonballwish · 3 months
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Your friendly neighborhood dragon ball wish <3
Posts about dragon ball and various other smaller things mostly goku, son family, and krillin I love to engage in friendly discourse; ask me anything !!
commissions | consider supporting | twitter art tag | my posts | sob sob sob consider checking out @gokutober
Currently reading: star wars ep i novelization, various rdr2 fanfics Currently working on: commissions (1 outstanding) , k18 day art, some gokutobers
side blogs and about me under the cut :]
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most active side blogs: random stuff: @hlyphfun
Rdr2: @nomatteranyweather Star Wars: @anakinandobiwan Spy x Family: @damianyadesmond BG3/High Fantasy: @akorradia My portfolio: @hlyphwish my art spam blog: @hlyph-art
about me: (feel free to ask me anything if you're curious) Feel free to call me "Wish" <3 april 3, aged 23, university student i have a dog i like to draw and write, and I regret not keeping up with it during my long breaks my current hyperfixation is star wars, which really came out of left field for me I'm really into music
Other interests: shoujosei manga: @animangashoujosei random fashion I'm inspired by: @prsnl-fshn-inspo stardew valley: @the-stars-have-dew god. my abandoned daily goku art: @agokuaday naruto: @hnhnmoheji legend of zelda: @link-lozhh fallout: @messymaccready fire emblem: @robinchrom opm/mp100: @59-57-77 the fact that I have more than this is absurd, I know. I would link more but after that its totally dead and unused blogs. Used to also have @ nalunalu , so if you see some art from that floating around that's also me :] (deactivated)
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deadlybeautydbz · 3 years
Hi this isn’t a prompt or anything but i remember if I recall it was last year you talked about an idea you had about like the 18 from the future and krillin. are you still going to do that story?
I would honestly LOVE to have the time to write something, anything, at this point in my life, but holy moly am I busy!
Stupid COVID has meant I’ve spent a large chunk of the last 18 months home schooling my 3 big kids and I had a baby this year in April and even though he is a little treasure, he takes up any shred of free time I might of once had.
I absolutely still have that story your thinking of, it’s called ‘Behind Enemy Lines’ and I often kick around ideas for it in my head because I really do think it has potential to be a great story! I’ve written about 25,000 words or so I think.
Would you guys like to see some little snippets from it??
I miss you all and I miss writing and I miss K18 but oh man is my life hectic right now!!
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