#kairi and ocs
oveliagirlhaditright · 8 months
The Precursor to the Journey - A Kairi Day 2024 Fic
Summary: As Kairi meets two people from another world a few times while she's growing up--and also just grows up in general, and learns more about herself: maybe partly through some of these meetings, but also of course because of her friends Sora and Riku--it puts in place the puzzle pieces that are needed for the trio's eventual journey to start. Written for Kairi Day 2024. Oneshot. Written to both explore what Sora, Riku, and Kairi might have been like together as they grew, but also to somewhat give Kairi her own adventure pre-KH1, that wouldn't mess with canon.
The Precursor to the Journey
Kairi’s PoV
"Why are you here?" Kairi asked a mysterious blonde woman before her, pretty certain that she'd never seen her before, but also not entirely sure of that, either. Kairi was new to the Island, after all.
The woman smiled sweetly for Kairi’s question, it seemed to the five-year-old, but it took her a moment to answer the question. "I'm trying to decide if my decision to abdicate this role I’ve been given is a good one. Tell me, little one: If you had great power, would you give it to someone else?"
Kairi stared at the woman of medium height, definitely confused by the turn of events, as the wind blew and her shoulder-length hair brushed against her shoulders. She really had no idea what the lady was talking about. She was only five. But Kairi didn’t want to admit that she was lost, for she didn’t want to seem dumb. She was about to try and guess at the answer, when the girl seemed to understand that Kairi hadn’t gotten what she was trying to say and attempted it again with, “Would you give something special to someone else?”
“Hmm… Maybe a girl,” Kairi supposed. “I trust them more than mean boys, who have cooties.”
The curly-haired blonde laughed at that, as she stepped closer to Kairi in the sand and out of the shore of the Play Island. And Kairi knew she should have afraid for this—as one shouldn’t talk to strangers—but there was something about this woman that set her at ease.
“That sounds too much like me for comfort,” the woman said, almost seeming lost in her own memories. “And how rude of me to not introduce myself until now! I’m Delamer! But young one… while giving power to girls is fine—and I’d be okay with you ever wanting to do that, if it would somehow help you—is there not even one boy you’d think about sharing with?”
Kairi thought about it for a moment… and at first, she imagined that the answer was “no.” But then she remembered that a boy in her class, Sora—who she hadn’t liked at first, for he had knocked her into the water when their teacher had been teaching them how to fish (1)—had recently jumped into the ocean for her, to retrieve one of the fake nails she had dropped in there, when she had explained that it meant a lot to her since it was from her grandma.
Kairi explained the story to Delamer, and Delamer almost seemed to look… scared to Kairi for a moment. Or was it some other adult emotion Kairi couldn’t understand?
Finally, Delamer said, “Sora seems to remind me of someone that I know. Thank you, Kairi. You really helped me today. I think I will trust and give up this power. In the future… please stay safe and take care of yourself.”
“I’ll try t-” Kairi started, but Delamer was already gone. But what was there in her place, was a giant nailfile.
"I wanna make cookie dough," Kairi, at seven, told her adoptive mom, as she put up her hair that now reached just below her shoulders, so she could hopefully help with the task.
As Kairi loved cookie dough more than anything, she thought it would be a good treat for Sora.
But Kairi's mom frowned at her, as the two of them stood in their kitchen, and told Kairi, "You can't really do that, honey. I shouldn't give you the small bits of it that I do. And if you were to give it to Sora, it might give him salmonella."
Now it was Kairi's turn to frown. This had been her best idea, and now she had no clue what else to give her friend. It was hard not to cry at this turn of events, but Kairi fought against it—wanting to press on.
"What if we make cookies, with a little cookie dough on top?" Kairi begged.
And maybe there was something in her eyes or her tone of voice when Kairi had asked, because her mother suddenly relented with a sigh. "I guess there's less a chance for it to be harmful, if we just give Sora a tiny bit that way, than the tin you had been planning. Very well, Kairi."
Kairi beamed wider than she ever had in her life, and jumped up on a chair so she could help her mom with the baking.
And when she presented the cookies to Sora, she thought his own smile looked particularly radiant.
Dangus' PoV
Dangus—Delamer's love, who she had given her power to: though there was much more to the story than that—watched the girl, Kairi (nine now, he believed), as she talked to her friend Riku?
It sounded like Kairi was asking Riku for gift ideas, as she very much wanted to buy him something. But Riku was teasing her by asking if she really wanted to include him in an anniversary that was about her and Sora. Kairi countered by saying if he didn't want the keyboard she was very seriously thinking about getting him, just say so.
The whole thing was cute... And Dangus could understand why Delamer had chosen to speak to Kairi—and wanted to protect her—but part of him wished she hadn’t. He didn't want this power again. …It was too much for him.
Dangus was pulled out of his melancholy thoughts, when he noticed that Kairi was saying goodbye to Sora and Riku outside of their school now, and getting ready to head home. And that’s when it happened:
Water and lightning appeared out of nowhere, mixing together, until it formed the shape of someone Dangus knew all too well, heading straight for the girl!
Dangus began running towards Kairi, but he knew he wouldn't get there in time! So he used his magic to summon to Kairi the gift Delamer had given her years ago and threw it to her!
Just as the... the monster was closing in on Kairi, she first tied her hair that was at her waist into a bun—so the monster couldn’t use it against her—but then she woke up even further, and stabbed at the monster with the nailfile. And while said nailfile was the slightest bit wobbly—Delamer hadn't wanted to give a real weapon to a child, Dangus knew—it was enough to knock him off his feet. And then Dangus was there, and he defeated him with just a look (such was this cursed power he had)... and he hated to do it.
The moment she seemed to gather herself, Kairi looked at him like she'd seen a ghost. "You! You're like that girl... so it wasn't a dream."
"You thought it was a dream, even after Delamer magicked you this ridiculous nailfile?" Dangus laughed, taking Kairi's hand and helping her to her feet from where she’d fallen after having landing her blow on the monster.
"I ended up losing it, after my mom and I moved houses... thank you for bringing it back to me," Kairi said very sincerely. It somewhat baffled Dangus, because why would she care so much about an object that, just a second ago, she thought had been a dream. But there was definitely something about this girl. She seemed so… pure.
"You're more than welcome," Dangus said, suddenly more than charmed by Kairi, even though he should have been staying away from her for quite a few reasons.
"Are you from one of the other islands, or-"
And there was one of the reasons Dangus very much needed to leave. He didn't want to admit he was from another world, after all. But it was also part of the reason he needed to protect her. The Eye he had—that allowed him to see too much, if he allowed it (like someone else in her future with a certain eye)—spoke of an interesting future for this girl.
"...You could argue that I'm from an island. But Kairi, beware of certain people from your island and try to be safe." To try and prove his point, he walked the young girl home.
And once she was inside, Dangus put a strand of green hair behind his ear—getting it out of his brown eyes—and he quietly mourned that this girl would have such a hard fate. Why did so many girls that he knew have to suffer so much?
Kairi's PoV
Though Kairi appreciated what Dangus had tried to do for her (Delamer too, even though she barely remembered her now, since that encounter had happened so many years ago) she mostly put it out of her mind by twelve. After all, even if Dangus was right, she wasn't going to ruin her life by worrying about something that might not never come.
She was happy in life: she'd recently become a cheerleader at school; and she loved how it made her more active than she had been before, even if she'd still probably lose a contest with the ever-energetic Sora, Riku, Selphie, Tidus, and Wakka.
Kairi was actually on the way to some extra cheerleading practice at the school's gym now, and was getting ready to jump in her canoe in the Play Island to row there, when she saw Delamer and Dangus again!
At first, Kairi thought the sun was playing tricks on her (or maybe her hair [that was so long now, it reached her bottom] had gotten into her eyes and was obscuring her vision), and she rubbed her eyes to make the illusion go away. But no, it was really them: much like Delamer had been standing on the shore here the first time they met.
There was a part of Kairi that was a bit more cautious upon seeing them now, in knowing how badly her having met the strangers could have gone before… But she also couldn't deny they'd been good to her every time she'd seen them; and that really, she was happy to see them.
"Hey, you two! You look well! What brings you here?" Kairi asked, heading over to them with a wide smile on her face, feeling ever curious.
As she got closer to them, she noted that they were holding hands, but not overly affectionate like some older couples she'd seen here on the islands. She stored that information away for later.
"I'm surprised you're not with your friends. You were with that Sora and Riku when I met you. And when I talked to Delamer about it, she said you were just about to befriend Sora when you two met." was Dangus' rejoinder.
Kairi laughed. "The two of them are very dear to me, but we’re not literally joined at the hip. They might surprise me and support me at cheerleading practice today. But if not, we have plans to play after school tomorrow. So, what brings you two-"
"Kairi, there's a chance this will be the last time we'll see you," Delamer interrupted, seemingly giving up all pretenses. And when Sora would one day tell her how Leon had told him they "may never meet again, but they’d never forget each other," she would think of this moment that she had with these two. "Dangus and I have decided, for the good of the people, that it's best that no one reign like this. …But you must know a storm is coming."
"I guess it's a good thing I'm so good at swimming," Kairi said, getting worried now.
"No matter what happens, believe in yourself and be there for your friends," Dangus told her, with something in his eyes. And with him suddenly dropping his humor and getting pretty dire, too, he must have also decided that she needed to know whatever this was, and that they needed to wrap this up.
Kairi wasn't sure she could easily believe in herself, really (it seemed her friends were so much more talented than her), but she didn't want to let these two down down their last time here, so she said words she'd soon know well, "I will. Thanks for everything." And she took both of her friend’s hands and squeezed them, as they smiled warmly at her. Then, they were gone—soon leaving Kairi to wonder if she'd had any kind of journey at all.
But, oddly, it also left her with a thought that maybe she should cut her hair… if anything was really coming, she didn’t want her long hair used against her. Right?
And short hair was more mature, and she definitely thought she was becoming more that.
It was a thought, at least.
Mulling over a number of thoughts in her head—but deciding to file them later—Kairi reminded herself to take things one step at a time, and headed for her practice.
Sora’s PoV
“Kairi’s cut her hair,” Sora randomly brought up after he and Riku were done sparring for the day and were sitting on the paopu tree, looking out at the sunset. The thirteen-year-old Sora kicked his feet to and fro as he chewed on a grape popsicle and he waited almost with bated breath for Riku’s reaction to this.
Though, then again, if Sora really thought about it… he imagined that Kairi changing her hair wasn’t really that noteworthy. His and Riku’s best friend seemed to alter her tresses every year. Sometimes she even changed her look more than once a year, as she loved different hairstyles. But what really stood out to Sora, was that Kairi looked very tomboyish this time, and seemed to be acting it, too. She had even said-
“And she said that she’s down for any adventure we want to do. Which is cool, but what brought it up?” Riku asked from almost beneath Sora’s feet—from where he stood standing leaning against the tree trunk—with a raised eyebrow.
“Hey, you already knew what I was going to tell you?! Why didn’t you tell me that, before I started acting like this was some breaking news?!” Sora pouted. Crossing his arms over his chest, upon somewhat scooching away from his best friend.
Idly, and somewhat jealously, he wondered if Riku had seen Kairi before he had. It was definitely a possibility, since the two’s houses were closer to each other’s. Sora tried to tell himself it didn’t matter. But ever since he’d gotten sick and the three of them hadn’t been able to go to his and Kairi’s eighth grade dance together like they’d planned to, and Riku and Kairi had just gone instead, Sora had found himself resenting some of the looks Riku and Kairi had been giving each other and the conversations they had had.
But he knew that now was not the time for that.
“But back to your question, Riku, if Kairi’s suddenly decided she wants to be more active, who are we to stop her?” Sora queried. He actually thought it was really cool. And he loved the idea that it might allow them to spend even more time with Kairi now.
“I suppose…” Riku allowed, fishing out a popsicle for himself from the cooler nearby and taking a bite of the lime treat before he continued his conversation with Sora. “But I just think there’s a little more to it, that’s all.”
As much as Sora somewhat hated to admit it—because he didn’t want Riku insinuating that Kairi would change her whole personality on a dime or anything like that—he couldn’t help feeling that his friend was right. Kairi had been somewhat… girlier in years past. But all of a sudden, it had seemed like she had wanted to prove she could rough and tumble with the best of them. And maybe this was just another evolution of that. But even if it was, Sora really didn’t see what the big deal was. He was enjoying seeing this new side of Kairi. And didn’t everyone somewhat change as they grew up?
“Her new haircut reminds me of how she looked when she showed up here when she was five…” Sora found himself muttering, barely even realizing he was speaking as he was pulled back into the memory.
It had been a somewhat dark night, but not entirely so. The falling stars and bright, full moon had turned what otherwise might have been blackness into a vast navy blue. Sora had watched it all from his bedroom window, transfixed. And just as what had looked like a rocket falling from the sky to his young eyes had headed for the islands. Then, he hadn’t been able to remain still any longer and had snuck outside to try and find where it had landed… only to find Kairi. Kairi and Riku both, for it had seemed Riku had had the same idea.
“What?” Riku asked, seemingly confused, pulling Sora out of his reverie.
“The night of the meteor shower when we met Kairi, remember?” Sora asked, finishing up his popsicle that had begun to melt onto his hands at this point. He licked what he could off his fingertips, and then rubbed what remained on his bare legs.
“Oh, right!” Riku exclaimed. A far-away look in his own eyes now as he reminisced. “It was so dark that night, it’s hard for me to recall what Kairi’s hair looked like in it. But I guess it was kind of similar to how it is now. Huh.”
Riku got a far-away look in his eyes again after he said that. And Sora was about to ask what was so great to daydream about that he couldn’t even pay attention to him, when the subject of their conversation made an appearance.
“Oh, popsicles. Yum! Did you save any for me?” Kairi asked, giving each of them a thousand-watt smile, before taking her own trademarked seat on the paopu tree. And if Sora swooned a little bit, and tried to hide it, he couldn’t exactly be blamed. He’d never seen a girl with such cute short hair, okay?
“Kairi, hi!” Sore exclaimed.
“Oh, hi, Kairi,” Riku started. Then, realizing what she’d said, he continued with, “Of course we did. There should be a few coconut popsicles in there just for you.”
Kairi began fishing in the cooler with smiling eyes. And it seemed to Sora, something as simple as coconut popsicles was like she’d won the lottery for Kairi.
The three of them then had a moment of comfortable silence together after Kairi got her popsicle (and maybe Sora and Riku got even more), and it felt like heaven to Sora. This was what it was all about.
“So did you guys hear the scandal that’s going on at school?” Kairi eventually said, as Sora and Riku looked at her with curious eyes. “Mr. Namana and the parents are arguing about what one divided by zero is. The parents think it’s one, while he maintains it’s zero… But, guys? I swore we learned that anything divided by zero is undefined, right? What’s even happening? We’re all going to have Mr. Namana next year and I’m scared for our education.”
Sora burst out laughing, wondering how Kairi always had the best stories.
But Riku put it the best, Sora thought, when he said, “Wow. Sounds like it’s going to be quite the adventure next year.”
“Sounds about right…” Sora voiced. But deep down, it was the kind of adventure he wanted with his friends. Always.
And he knew that as long as they were together, things would work out okay.
Author's Note: (1) It’s probably obvious, but Sora pushed her into the water by accident, though Kairi doesn’t realize that at first.
Delamer and Dangus are characters from a novel of mine. I don’t know if that novel will ever see the light of day (even if I love it), but at least they’re living here somewhat, I guess. Hopefully you guys can enjoy my babies somewhat (even with your limited knowledge of them, because I don’t want to spoil too much in case I do ever do anything with said book).
I’ve had this idea for a long time… Though I’ll admit that originally for Kairi Day, I actually wanted to make an amv for her, but I couldn’t download the song for it. So then I kind of rushed back to this fic—that I’ve had bits and pieces done of for years—and finished it as best as I could for my girl. But there was just no way I could let Kairi Day pass me by without doing something for her, so here is my contribution for her. Happy Kairi Day!
Edit: And if Kairi seems slightly closer to Sora at first in this fic, it’s because he’s in her grade (and Riku’s not, as he’s a year older) so she spends a bit more time with him that way, of course. But then when she starts hanging out with Sora after they become friends, Riku’s also there, and she gets to know him, and then they also become best friends.
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crypt-tids · 3 months
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A tender moment between a king and his love 🥺🙏💖
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skyblitzhart · 6 months
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new OC sketches alongside older ones because I sometimes forget to post 💀
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kristkx · 9 days
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Sketches that I probably won't complete due to lack of time((( Well maybe one I will, maybe.
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as-above-rp · 17 days
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Kairi's fit for the #MonsterHouseParty being hosted by @sweet-chimera ! I'm so excited to see what kinda shenanigans she gets roped into, with or without her date <3
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specialistmj · 29 days
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After months of thinking about them they're all finally designed
You can ask me things about them if your interested 👉👈 I think theyre pretty cool
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Out of curiosity, what is Charis and Ephemer's height difference? :0 I ask bc I put Rosemary and Eph's sprites next to each other and lined them up size-wise and this is their difference
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Eternal short king here.
aww I love them!!! here’s a screenshot from my files:
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Note that Eph’s in heels here, so knock two inches off and that’s pretty much it! Eternal short king real 🤝🤝 also, Charis is tall in general. He just looks even taller next to Eph 😄
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kwoojii · 10 months
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year of the sora kingdom hearts!
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plague-kavoo · 4 months
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Lil Destiny Trio fit designs for a roleplay my friend and I plan on doing (plus an art trade I did with a mutual of mine on insta) I'mma do the Wayfinder Trio next then the Seasalt Trio for the lil outfits
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kiok0r0 · 7 months
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Slightly practice and more so exploration with Kairi
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deers-doodles · 6 months
Woe mass doodle dump be upon ye ✨️✨️✨️✨️
[More under the cut]
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Okay I don't think I've shown that bat oc but imma introduce her anyway-
Her name is Kairi and she runs a very successful wine business in the old faith. She's like, the cuntiest lady you'll ever meet and she will absolutely spoil the ever living hell outta her spouses. (I have already thrown her at multiple other people's ocs in the server we're in for the shits n giggles)
Then we have my silly bastard Vex being a stuck up asshole and getting annoyed while they were "working" (doodling shamura instead of doing the thing they asked them to do). I think they would've been very spoiled by Shamura and, as a result, became pretty entitled and bratty towards those they deemed to be below them.
And lastly we got my bitch ass Kallamar clutching his pearls in his dream based on a tiktok I saw recently ✨️✨️✨️
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skyblitzhart · 2 months
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too shy to post my OC sketches on twitter so I'll just dump everything here 🧎
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iamnot-crazy · 8 months
The Dance of Steel and Shadows
Captain Kairi is the user of the devil fruit the blink blink fruit and has found herself on Trafalgar Law's list of pirates to steal their heart from for him to be granted the rank of warlord of the sea.
This is a Law x OC
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5
*Word count: 1371*
Captain Kairi led the pirate crew the Echoing Phantoms from the island of Mu Echo Isles. Kairi and her crew don't chase riches or the legendary one-piece but rather their treasure is the stolen history of their island. Heirlooms that were taken from her island that rot in museums and homes of nobles who spread fabricated tales of the tragic extinction of her people.
Due to Kairi's undesired for riches and power her efforts as a pirate are often overlooked and underestimated which only granted this crew a bounty of 15 million berries placed on only the captain's head which is a small price compared to the other fearsome pirates who roam the grand line. But whispers were often fickle things, easily swayed by gold and ignorance. The truth, buried beneath the surface like a forgotten heirloom, was far more intriguing.
Kairi and her all-female crew of 20 had docked on an island where their next heist would take place but decided to rest for the night and party at the nearby tavern. Kairi sat at the bar next to her first mate carefully watching her crew mingle with the other patrons of the tavern. As she savored the moment of peace in a smoky tavern, the air crackled with an unseen tension.
Trafalgar Law, the Surgeon of Death sat in the back of the tavern while his crew mingled with the Phantom Pirates. He had known her next target would be this island museum. Law was on his own mission to collect 100 hearts of Pirate captains who roam the Grand Line to earn the rank of warlord with the world government. Once Kairi turned her back to wave the bartender down for another drink Law stood up ready for his attack. His blue room covered the tavern his finger twitched to call his 'scalpel' and aimed toward the unaware captain. 
Law's power pushed through the room toward his target but when the cube of the 'scaple' reached the bar it was filled with a piece of the wooden counter the captain had once sat Kairi had vanished. Her first mate jumped back in surprise seeing the piece of the bar floating in a blue cube and her captain missing. Law's eyes slightly widened in surprise but were short-lived as the fierce captain reappeared above him with her sword aiming downwards toward his chest. 
Law was able to jump out of the way of the blade barely in time as he watched the captain embed her blade into the floor of the tavern. A stunned silence as all eyes landed on the two captains locking eyes. The two crews who roamed the bar reached for their weapons ready for a fight while the patrons fled. 
Kairi pulled her heavy sword out from the ground of the tavern and pointed it threateningly at the Surgeon of Death. "And who are you?" Kairi demanded, her voice as sharp as the blade in her hand sending chills down the onlookers. 
Law refused to answer but rather he smirked as a challenge glinted in his eye before he lunged at the woman but Kairi had vanished. Her Blink-Blink Fruit had given her a power that allowed her to move at a speed where if you blink you may miss it. She reappeared behind him and with a swift kick, sent him stumbling. Law, now angered, swung his sword as he spun around only to meet empty air as Kairi had seemingly teleported again, this time she reappeared from above ready to slash her attacker. With a sly maneuver, Law swapped himself with a nearby chair, leaving Kairi to strike the unyielding wood. 
The two crews had entered their own brawl with swords clashing, and fists pounding. the Phantom Pirates were known for their agility and grace, their movements mimicked practiced dancers but with the strength of warriors.
Law began to push himself off the floor where the chair he shambled himself with once lay. Kairi saw the moment of weakness and was on him like a cat. She kicked his side forcing him to fall to his back before she dug her boot into his chest pinning him to the floor, she held his chin up with her cold sword, "What do you want, Trafalgar Law?" Her cold voice demanded. 
Law laughed, "Oh, so you do know who I am. If you know who I am then surely you know what I am here to do." he smirked as a figure moved in the corner of his eye before twitching his fingers, "Shambles". 
Law's form was replaced by Kairi's first mate who looked up terrifyingly at her captain. Kairi swiftly pulled herself off her mate distracted by the switch as Law took his advantage and sent everything skyward with his "Tact". Chairs and tables now flew in circles above them unforgivingly hitting everything in their path. Law smirked evilly at the chaos as he pulled his sword to his cheek with both hands gearing up his next move. 
Kairi grunted as she dodged out of the way of Law's "Injection Shot", She rolled on the ground as she watched Law make contact with a floating chair causing it to explode. Cursing, Kairi Launched herself up and at Law, their swords clashed and echoed through the tavern drawing the attention of the crews. 
To onlookers, they were a whirlwind of steel, their movement defied comprehension as they both vanished and reappeared using their devil fruit abilities. The two crews slowed their fights to watch their captains go toe-to-toe with someone of equal speed and precision and sight neither crew had witnessed. 
"Your bounty does not reflect your skill, Miss Kairi." Law chuckled as he deflected a blow.
Kairi twisted away from his next swing, "I am not in the same bracket as the victims you collect hearts from!" she yelled as she surged towards him pointing her sword toward his chest, Law sidestepped and grabbed her from behind locking his arms under her and keeping her in place.
"Clearly," he growled in her ear, but before he could overpower her, she slammed her head into his chin allowing her to slip free and fall to the floor, sweeping at his legs, forcing him to jump back. He wiped the blood trickling down his chin, a grim smile playing on his lips.
"So Miss Kairi Why the low bounty, then?" he taunted.
Kairi laughed, "Because I am a Woman!" with a newfound anger she launched herself at him and disappeared before reappearing directly in front of him and digging her sword into his right shoulder. 
She pushed her entire body onto his chest and leaned into his ear, "And it is Captain Kairi." She kicked herself off his chest and pulled her sword out of him causing him to scream holding his bloody shoulder. Law fell to his knees panting which caused the entire bar to fall silent. Law's first mate Bepo was the first to run to his captain's aid but only to be stopped by his icey glare demanding him to stay back.
Kairi stood triumphant, her sword a chilling reminder, "I employ you to leave and not attempt my life again. The only reason you are walking out of this alive is that I have allowed it." she ordered menacingly.
Law snarled but realized he had lost the battle and took down his "room" which caused everything that was once in the air to fall to the ground. Law gestured to his crew who all began to walk out of the back with minimal injuries compared to Kairi's crew. "You are right you are not like the other pirates I am after." he pushed his way up and began to follow his crew out. "Captain Kairi," he spoke once more turning to face her. "I look forward to our next fight." He whips around before disappearing out of the bar.
Kairi's crew stood proudly the all-woman crew had beaten the mostly male crew of the heart pirates. Law words rang through Kairi's ears, this wouldn't be the last time she saw this man but she couldn't help the surge of curiosity and excitement to meet him again.
Next Chapter
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marigoldwriter · 6 months
Lady Kairi, and her pretty blue eyes.
(I think, for now, this is Kairi's final appearance, so, nothing better than finally introducing this character!)
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Meet Kairi Blackthorne!
An obstinate and stubborn girl according to reports from servants, she loves stories (especially bedtime stories) about the sea, its many legends and ships their brave crews that tried to explore it. She's a Mariko's copy, with the exception of her blue eyes, her father's courtesy. Baby blue and lilac are her favorite colors (hence her signature colors). She knows english and portuguese (Pt) taught by her father, japanese and latin, taught by her mother, as well as taking classes (after a LOT of insistence) to learn archery and falconry (Toranaga-sama's distant influence).
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townofcadence · 2 months
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Some quick doodles of RP scenes I played around with! I have a couple more in mind since I'm always looking for an excuse to draw more friend OCs, but I'll save that for a part 2 :>
Chitterskit (first picture) belongs to @hallow-grove! Lock (middle pictures) belongs to @entropynchaos! Dwight (last picture) belongs to @arcanescholxr!
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🤝Ephemer's redheaded spouses 🌸🌹
WAAAHH THE BESTIES!!!! They’re so cute together!! I love them, thank you 🥰🥰🥰
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