#slight angst at times
oveliagirlhaditright · 8 months
The Precursor to the Journey - A Kairi Day 2024 Fic
Summary: As Kairi meets two people from another world a few times while she's growing up--and also just grows up in general, and learns more about herself: maybe partly through some of these meetings, but also of course because of her friends Sora and Riku--it puts in place the puzzle pieces that are needed for the trio's eventual journey to start. Written for Kairi Day 2024. Oneshot. Written to both explore what Sora, Riku, and Kairi might have been like together as they grew, but also to somewhat give Kairi her own adventure pre-KH1, that wouldn't mess with canon.
The Precursor to the Journey
Kairi’s PoV
"Why are you here?" Kairi asked a mysterious blonde woman before her, pretty certain that she'd never seen her before, but also not entirely sure of that, either. Kairi was new to the Island, after all.
The woman smiled sweetly for Kairi’s question, it seemed to the five-year-old, but it took her a moment to answer the question. "I'm trying to decide if my decision to abdicate this role I’ve been given is a good one. Tell me, little one: If you had great power, would you give it to someone else?"
Kairi stared at the woman of medium height, definitely confused by the turn of events, as the wind blew and her shoulder-length hair brushed against her shoulders. She really had no idea what the lady was talking about. She was only five. But Kairi didn’t want to admit that she was lost, for she didn’t want to seem dumb. She was about to try and guess at the answer, when the girl seemed to understand that Kairi hadn’t gotten what she was trying to say and attempted it again with, “Would you give something special to someone else?”
“Hmm… Maybe a girl,” Kairi supposed. “I trust them more than mean boys, who have cooties.”
The curly-haired blonde laughed at that, as she stepped closer to Kairi in the sand and out of the shore of the Play Island. And Kairi knew she should have afraid for this—as one shouldn’t talk to strangers—but there was something about this woman that set her at ease.
“That sounds too much like me for comfort,” the woman said, almost seeming lost in her own memories. “And how rude of me to not introduce myself until now! I’m Delamer! But young one… while giving power to girls is fine—and I’d be okay with you ever wanting to do that, if it would somehow help you—is there not even one boy you’d think about sharing with?”
Kairi thought about it for a moment… and at first, she imagined that the answer was “no.” But then she remembered that a boy in her class, Sora—who she hadn’t liked at first, for he had knocked her into the water when their teacher had been teaching them how to fish (1)—had recently jumped into the ocean for her, to retrieve one of the fake nails she had dropped in there, when she had explained that it meant a lot to her since it was from her grandma.
Kairi explained the story to Delamer, and Delamer almost seemed to look… scared to Kairi for a moment. Or was it some other adult emotion Kairi couldn’t understand?
Finally, Delamer said, “Sora seems to remind me of someone that I know. Thank you, Kairi. You really helped me today. I think I will trust and give up this power. In the future… please stay safe and take care of yourself.”
“I’ll try t-” Kairi started, but Delamer was already gone. But what was there in her place, was a giant nailfile.
"I wanna make cookie dough," Kairi, at seven, told her adoptive mom, as she put up her hair that now reached just below her shoulders, so she could hopefully help with the task.
As Kairi loved cookie dough more than anything, she thought it would be a good treat for Sora.
But Kairi's mom frowned at her, as the two of them stood in their kitchen, and told Kairi, "You can't really do that, honey. I shouldn't give you the small bits of it that I do. And if you were to give it to Sora, it might give him salmonella."
Now it was Kairi's turn to frown. This had been her best idea, and now she had no clue what else to give her friend. It was hard not to cry at this turn of events, but Kairi fought against it—wanting to press on.
"What if we make cookies, with a little cookie dough on top?" Kairi begged.
And maybe there was something in her eyes or her tone of voice when Kairi had asked, because her mother suddenly relented with a sigh. "I guess there's less a chance for it to be harmful, if we just give Sora a tiny bit that way, than the tin you had been planning. Very well, Kairi."
Kairi beamed wider than she ever had in her life, and jumped up on a chair so she could help her mom with the baking.
And when she presented the cookies to Sora, she thought his own smile looked particularly radiant.
Dangus' PoV
Dangus—Delamer's love, who she had given her power to: though there was much more to the story than that—watched the girl, Kairi (nine now, he believed), as she talked to her friend Riku?
It sounded like Kairi was asking Riku for gift ideas, as she very much wanted to buy him something. But Riku was teasing her by asking if she really wanted to include him in an anniversary that was about her and Sora. Kairi countered by saying if he didn't want the keyboard she was very seriously thinking about getting him, just say so.
The whole thing was cute... And Dangus could understand why Delamer had chosen to speak to Kairi—and wanted to protect her—but part of him wished she hadn’t. He didn't want this power again. …It was too much for him.
Dangus was pulled out of his melancholy thoughts, when he noticed that Kairi was saying goodbye to Sora and Riku outside of their school now, and getting ready to head home. And that’s when it happened:
Water and lightning appeared out of nowhere, mixing together, until it formed the shape of someone Dangus knew all too well, heading straight for the girl!
Dangus began running towards Kairi, but he knew he wouldn't get there in time! So he used his magic to summon to Kairi the gift Delamer had given her years ago and threw it to her!
Just as the... the monster was closing in on Kairi, she first tied her hair that was at her waist into a bun—so the monster couldn’t use it against her—but then she woke up even further, and stabbed at the monster with the nailfile. And while said nailfile was the slightest bit wobbly—Delamer hadn't wanted to give a real weapon to a child, Dangus knew—it was enough to knock him off his feet. And then Dangus was there, and he defeated him with just a look (such was this cursed power he had)... and he hated to do it.
The moment she seemed to gather herself, Kairi looked at him like she'd seen a ghost. "You! You're like that girl... so it wasn't a dream."
"You thought it was a dream, even after Delamer magicked you this ridiculous nailfile?" Dangus laughed, taking Kairi's hand and helping her to her feet from where she’d fallen after having landing her blow on the monster.
"I ended up losing it, after my mom and I moved houses... thank you for bringing it back to me," Kairi said very sincerely. It somewhat baffled Dangus, because why would she care so much about an object that, just a second ago, she thought had been a dream. But there was definitely something about this girl. She seemed so… pure.
"You're more than welcome," Dangus said, suddenly more than charmed by Kairi, even though he should have been staying away from her for quite a few reasons.
"Are you from one of the other islands, or-"
And there was one of the reasons Dangus very much needed to leave. He didn't want to admit he was from another world, after all. But it was also part of the reason he needed to protect her. The Eye he had—that allowed him to see too much, if he allowed it (like someone else in her future with a certain eye)—spoke of an interesting future for this girl.
"...You could argue that I'm from an island. But Kairi, beware of certain people from your island and try to be safe." To try and prove his point, he walked the young girl home.
And once she was inside, Dangus put a strand of green hair behind his ear—getting it out of his brown eyes—and he quietly mourned that this girl would have such a hard fate. Why did so many girls that he knew have to suffer so much?
Kairi's PoV
Though Kairi appreciated what Dangus had tried to do for her (Delamer too, even though she barely remembered her now, since that encounter had happened so many years ago) she mostly put it out of her mind by twelve. After all, even if Dangus was right, she wasn't going to ruin her life by worrying about something that might not never come.
She was happy in life: she'd recently become a cheerleader at school; and she loved how it made her more active than she had been before, even if she'd still probably lose a contest with the ever-energetic Sora, Riku, Selphie, Tidus, and Wakka.
Kairi was actually on the way to some extra cheerleading practice at the school's gym now, and was getting ready to jump in her canoe in the Play Island to row there, when she saw Delamer and Dangus again!
At first, Kairi thought the sun was playing tricks on her (or maybe her hair [that was so long now, it reached her bottom] had gotten into her eyes and was obscuring her vision), and she rubbed her eyes to make the illusion go away. But no, it was really them: much like Delamer had been standing on the shore here the first time they met.
There was a part of Kairi that was a bit more cautious upon seeing them now, in knowing how badly her having met the strangers could have gone before… But she also couldn't deny they'd been good to her every time she'd seen them; and that really, she was happy to see them.
"Hey, you two! You look well! What brings you here?" Kairi asked, heading over to them with a wide smile on her face, feeling ever curious.
As she got closer to them, she noted that they were holding hands, but not overly affectionate like some older couples she'd seen here on the islands. She stored that information away for later.
"I'm surprised you're not with your friends. You were with that Sora and Riku when I met you. And when I talked to Delamer about it, she said you were just about to befriend Sora when you two met." was Dangus' rejoinder.
Kairi laughed. "The two of them are very dear to me, but we’re not literally joined at the hip. They might surprise me and support me at cheerleading practice today. But if not, we have plans to play after school tomorrow. So, what brings you two-"
"Kairi, there's a chance this will be the last time we'll see you," Delamer interrupted, seemingly giving up all pretenses. And when Sora would one day tell her how Leon had told him they "may never meet again, but they’d never forget each other," she would think of this moment that she had with these two. "Dangus and I have decided, for the good of the people, that it's best that no one reign like this. …But you must know a storm is coming."
"I guess it's a good thing I'm so good at swimming," Kairi said, getting worried now.
"No matter what happens, believe in yourself and be there for your friends," Dangus told her, with something in his eyes. And with him suddenly dropping his humor and getting pretty dire, too, he must have also decided that she needed to know whatever this was, and that they needed to wrap this up.
Kairi wasn't sure she could easily believe in herself, really (it seemed her friends were so much more talented than her), but she didn't want to let these two down down their last time here, so she said words she'd soon know well, "I will. Thanks for everything." And she took both of her friend’s hands and squeezed them, as they smiled warmly at her. Then, they were gone—soon leaving Kairi to wonder if she'd had any kind of journey at all.
But, oddly, it also left her with a thought that maybe she should cut her hair… if anything was really coming, she didn’t want her long hair used against her. Right?
And short hair was more mature, and she definitely thought she was becoming more that.
It was a thought, at least.
Mulling over a number of thoughts in her head—but deciding to file them later—Kairi reminded herself to take things one step at a time, and headed for her practice.
Sora’s PoV
“Kairi’s cut her hair,” Sora randomly brought up after he and Riku were done sparring for the day and were sitting on the paopu tree, looking out at the sunset. The thirteen-year-old Sora kicked his feet to and fro as he chewed on a grape popsicle and he waited almost with bated breath for Riku’s reaction to this.
Though, then again, if Sora really thought about it… he imagined that Kairi changing her hair wasn’t really that noteworthy. His and Riku’s best friend seemed to alter her tresses every year. Sometimes she even changed her look more than once a year, as she loved different hairstyles. But what really stood out to Sora, was that Kairi looked very tomboyish this time, and seemed to be acting it, too. She had even said-
“And she said that she’s down for any adventure we want to do. Which is cool, but what brought it up?” Riku asked from almost beneath Sora’s feet—from where he stood standing leaning against the tree trunk—with a raised eyebrow.
“Hey, you already knew what I was going to tell you?! Why didn’t you tell me that, before I started acting like this was some breaking news?!” Sora pouted. Crossing his arms over his chest, upon somewhat scooching away from his best friend.
Idly, and somewhat jealously, he wondered if Riku had seen Kairi before he had. It was definitely a possibility, since the two’s houses were closer to each other’s. Sora tried to tell himself it didn’t matter. But ever since he’d gotten sick and the three of them hadn’t been able to go to his and Kairi’s eighth grade dance together like they’d planned to, and Riku and Kairi had just gone instead, Sora had found himself resenting some of the looks Riku and Kairi had been giving each other and the conversations they had had.
But he knew that now was not the time for that.
“But back to your question, Riku, if Kairi’s suddenly decided she wants to be more active, who are we to stop her?” Sora queried. He actually thought it was really cool. And he loved the idea that it might allow them to spend even more time with Kairi now.
“I suppose…” Riku allowed, fishing out a popsicle for himself from the cooler nearby and taking a bite of the lime treat before he continued his conversation with Sora. “But I just think there’s a little more to it, that’s all.”
As much as Sora somewhat hated to admit it—because he didn’t want Riku insinuating that Kairi would change her whole personality on a dime or anything like that—he couldn’t help feeling that his friend was right. Kairi had been somewhat… girlier in years past. But all of a sudden, it had seemed like she had wanted to prove she could rough and tumble with the best of them. And maybe this was just another evolution of that. But even if it was, Sora really didn’t see what the big deal was. He was enjoying seeing this new side of Kairi. And didn’t everyone somewhat change as they grew up?
“Her new haircut reminds me of how she looked when she showed up here when she was five…” Sora found himself muttering, barely even realizing he was speaking as he was pulled back into the memory.
It had been a somewhat dark night, but not entirely so. The falling stars and bright, full moon had turned what otherwise might have been blackness into a vast navy blue. Sora had watched it all from his bedroom window, transfixed. And just as what had looked like a rocket falling from the sky to his young eyes had headed for the islands. Then, he hadn’t been able to remain still any longer and had snuck outside to try and find where it had landed… only to find Kairi. Kairi and Riku both, for it had seemed Riku had had the same idea.
“What?” Riku asked, seemingly confused, pulling Sora out of his reverie.
“The night of the meteor shower when we met Kairi, remember?” Sora asked, finishing up his popsicle that had begun to melt onto his hands at this point. He licked what he could off his fingertips, and then rubbed what remained on his bare legs.
“Oh, right!” Riku exclaimed. A far-away look in his own eyes now as he reminisced. “It was so dark that night, it’s hard for me to recall what Kairi’s hair looked like in it. But I guess it was kind of similar to how it is now. Huh.”
Riku got a far-away look in his eyes again after he said that. And Sora was about to ask what was so great to daydream about that he couldn’t even pay attention to him, when the subject of their conversation made an appearance.
“Oh, popsicles. Yum! Did you save any for me?” Kairi asked, giving each of them a thousand-watt smile, before taking her own trademarked seat on the paopu tree. And if Sora swooned a little bit, and tried to hide it, he couldn’t exactly be blamed. He’d never seen a girl with such cute short hair, okay?
“Kairi, hi!” Sore exclaimed.
“Oh, hi, Kairi,” Riku started. Then, realizing what she’d said, he continued with, “Of course we did. There should be a few coconut popsicles in there just for you.”
Kairi began fishing in the cooler with smiling eyes. And it seemed to Sora, something as simple as coconut popsicles was like she’d won the lottery for Kairi.
The three of them then had a moment of comfortable silence together after Kairi got her popsicle (and maybe Sora and Riku got even more), and it felt like heaven to Sora. This was what it was all about.
“So did you guys hear the scandal that’s going on at school?” Kairi eventually said, as Sora and Riku looked at her with curious eyes. “Mr. Namana and the parents are arguing about what one divided by zero is. The parents think it’s one, while he maintains it’s zero… But, guys? I swore we learned that anything divided by zero is undefined, right? What’s even happening? We’re all going to have Mr. Namana next year and I’m scared for our education.”
Sora burst out laughing, wondering how Kairi always had the best stories.
But Riku put it the best, Sora thought, when he said, “Wow. Sounds like it’s going to be quite the adventure next year.”
“Sounds about right…” Sora voiced. But deep down, it was the kind of adventure he wanted with his friends. Always.
And he knew that as long as they were together, things would work out okay.
Author's Note: (1) It’s probably obvious, but Sora pushed her into the water by accident, though Kairi doesn’t realize that at first.
Delamer and Dangus are characters from a novel of mine. I don’t know if that novel will ever see the light of day (even if I love it), but at least they’re living here somewhat, I guess. Hopefully you guys can enjoy my babies somewhat (even with your limited knowledge of them, because I don’t want to spoil too much in case I do ever do anything with said book).
I’ve had this idea for a long time… Though I’ll admit that originally for Kairi Day, I actually wanted to make an amv for her, but I couldn’t download the song for it. So then I kind of rushed back to this fic—that I’ve had bits and pieces done of for years—and finished it as best as I could for my girl. But there was just no way I could let Kairi Day pass me by without doing something for her, so here is my contribution for her. Happy Kairi Day!
Edit: And if Kairi seems slightly closer to Sora at first in this fic, it’s because he’s in her grade (and Riku’s not, as he’s a year older) so she spends a bit more time with him that way, of course. But then when she starts hanging out with Sora after they become friends, Riku’s also there, and she gets to know him, and then they also become best friends.
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sheikfangirl · 6 months
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Gloom nightmares...
Link is totally sleep-deprived on his Tears of the Kingdom quest.
He NEVER rests. But despite all his efforts, it is inevitable: Link collapses and sleep wins over him... and when that happens, Link has the most vile and repulsive nightmares!! Puppet Zelda and her cruelty is always there, ready to mock and torture him.
PS. Nintendo could've gone waaaaaaaay worse with Puppet Zelda if you ask me
PS 2 If you are wondering, yeah, this is a shameless homage to that iconic Evil Dead 2 scene. Groovy! 😊
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sleepydrupe · 9 months
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lloyd! i feel like i can only ever draw lloyd angsty
i actually finished this drawing like. yesterday LOL i just forgot to post so here he is!! i love drawing lloyd idk why i only ever draw cole and the occasional kai
think the only type of lloyd art you'll get out me is angsty ones though he's just so sad to think abt sometimes
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dailyakira · 2 months
home is where the heart is ft. tooru oikawa
gn! reader
a/n: hi guys! it's been a while since i've wrote a ff, so forgive me if it isn't that good. i've been fixating on haikyuu ever since the movie!! also this is not grammar checked.. i wrote this within an hour at 2 AM!!!
warnings: a bit angsty, tooth rotting fluff at a certain point, i forgot how to write, oikawa is sad and yearning, oikawa is scared to come back home, childhood friends to exes to something else?, tears are shed, please don't cringe i will cry
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oikawa inhaled the familiar cool breeze surrounding him. he hadn't been in japan for years due to his hectic volleyball schedule. he was lucky enough to fly back for a short break before his season started again in a few months.
a wave of homesickness hit oikawa the second he landed. the memories of his mundane lifestyle in japan compared to his ever-changing way of life in argentina had shocked him.
oikawa wrapped his scarf around his neck tighter as snowflakes scattered from the skies. the delicate crystallized flakes began to litter his chestnut colored hair.
he hadn't told anyone that he was back in japan - oikawa felt no need to celebrate his arrival. he had burned too many bridges while chasing his dreams. arguments out of pure pettiness had ended relationships that he could never repair.
whenever oikawa thinks of japan, he thinks of you.
his dearest childhood bestfriend, who could never leave his side. until of course, he left for argentina without much of a say from you.
the only person he could say he loved, even through numerous flings and failed relationships.
he blames his fiery passion that became suffocating to be near. he blames his refusal to change his behavior. he blames every part of himself for driving you away.
because when he thinks of airports, he can't help but wander back to the memory of you not showing up to see him off. when he's gifted an alien keychain as a gag gift, he thinks of the two of you at ten years old, staring into the sky all night attempting to spot a flying saucer.
being back in his home country opens new wounds that he's tried to heal over and over. he wanted to enjoy his time off season without any worries.
his shoes tapped against the concrete evenly as he began to approach the convenience store. oikawa had left his hotel room earlier to clear his mind, and the only thing that could put him at peace was a slice of milkbread.
he hoped to go unnoticed, since he heavily disliked wearing an obnoxious disguise that would make him stand out even more. still, he raised the hood of his maroon sweatshirt over his head. oikawa desired some semblance of anonymity.
the bell clanged against the door loudly as oikawa quickly avoided the front of the store. he observed the vast selection of packaged milk bread loaves, before deciding on his usual choice brand.
he sauntered towards the beverage isle in curiosity and ended up settling for a bottled green tea to pair with his bread. he had never been a fan of green tea, but you had made it for him consistently after his practices to 'calm his nerves.' a tiny smile stretched onto his face as he thought back fondly.
he wanted to head home and collapse in his bed. the jetlag refused to leave him without a good night's sleep. after making sure he was satisfied with his choices, he walked up to the counter.
with his head down, he placed the items in front of the cashier. they scanned his items while he shuffled in the pocket of his pants for his wallet.
oikawa lifted his head slightly, comparing his money to the price shown on the register. he placed the money on the counter, not bothering to pay attention to the cashier.
he turned to leave and quickly get back to his hotel.
"i thought you hated green tea?" an easily recognizable voice remarked behind him.
he felt his heart drop as a lump began to form in his throat. out of anyone he could've ran into on his first night back, it had to be you? he contemplated putting on a brave face and telling you how he felt all these years or running out of the store just to avoid you.
he decided on the former, quickly turning around to face you. his breath paused as he looked at you for the first time in years. oikawa remembers you being beautiful before, but you had changed entirely.
you looked like you were crafted by the gods themselves.
the blush inched on his face as he tried to find the words to say. he had never been this anxious in his life. you looked at him with a puzzled expression as he continued to gape at you.
"i was... came home... off season...you're gorgeous?" he spoke in gibberish since he was unable to formulate his thoughts.
you laughed at his words as he stared at you with a stunned face, trying to determine whether or not you were real. you decided to ignore his shock and ask him about himself.
"how has your professional career been going? i heard you went to the olympics!" you gushed as he embarrassedly nodded along. you ignored your unpleasant past with him and continued with the formalities.
"i was glad to represent argentina in the olympics. going abroad to play volleyball was one of the greatest decisions i could've made."
oikawa sighs as he continues on.
"i still regret it, you know? arguing with you and leaving our relationship on bad terms. i think about it all the time. you inspired me to keep improving everyday. i'm so sorry for leaving.."
silence echoes throughout the store as he finishes his thoughts. you cut him off, beginning to explain your faults.
"i should've came to the airport. i knew that you were leaving, but i held a grudge." the regrets spilled out of you as the two of you continued to think about your every decision.
oikawa blinked away tears that formed in the corners of his eyes. he had missed you more than he could comprehend. there hadn't been enough words in his language to express how much he cared about you.
a few tears escaped his eyes, rolling down his cheeks. you leaned forward, wiping away the stray tears from his face. you softly grasped his jaw with a gentle smile.
"i've regret letting you go for years. you mean so much to me, tooru."
oikawa grins elatedly at you as he stares back into the comfort of your gaze. he could never get tired of this feeling.
the security of your embrace, the jokes that only you would laugh at, your support of his passion, your fixation on romance movies that you force him to watch with you, the longing gaze you send him whenever you're apart, and his overwhelming love for you.
there was nowhere else he'd rather be than with you.
whenever tooru thinks of home, he thinks of you.
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joyfuladorable · 1 year
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When you don't realize how desperately touch-starved you are 'til your new best friend gives you the first hug you've had in Ages
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Currently thinking of an Angel AU where Sanji is one of Cupid's angels for the past 800 years. He makes people fall in love. And for angels of love to ascend, reincarnate or reborn they're given specific clients that he needs to fall in love.
But he has a problem. A mold problem. He only has one client left that he needs to fall in love. And it's the lone wandering swordsman with an odd memorable green hair. And no matter what Sanji does. No matter who he matches the swordsman with as every new lifetime pass, the man just never falls.
And so, as Sanji begrudgingly stands on the swordsman's grave alone, he swore that on the man's next life (11th) he will make him fall in love by hook or by crook.
#sanji#roronoa zoro#vinsmoke sanji#zoro x sanji#one piece#zosan#black leg sanji#this is slight angst yall#sanji gave up concealing himself and showed up in front of zoro in the 11th life#his last resort was to annoy zoro to death about opening up and falling in love#zoro still finds love stupid#but falls i love with sanji anyways#sanji doesn't know because angels doesn't “fall”#zoro doesn't want to admit it because he knows once he does sanji will disappear/be gone. his mission will be over.#so he tries so hard to keep his feelings and he knows its impossible. crazy even to love someone that's transcendental#because he had been following Zoro's soul for the longest time he knows he was hiding something but can't make up what it is#zoro thinks all is well until sanji had been weakening. they didn't know why. until they went to an oracle that told sanji had sinned#his wings had started to shed and he grows weaker and weaker. Sanji's sin was Zoro fell in love him and sanji was starting to love him back#to save sanji. zoro was willing to rip & offer his heart up. but doing would remove his feelings but also he can never feel love#or fall in love ever again. zoro says its okay. he didn't want to fall in love with someone that isn't sanji#sanji still doesn't want to bc its the first time zoro felt love in centuries he'd known him. he didn't want to take it away from him.#sanji “dies” but since he was able to make zoro fall in love he passed his rebirth. cupid was moved by their love#so sanji was reborn in the current lifetime with his memories with zoro intact. they met each other after 2 years he “died”#they reunited. zoro met the strawhats during the 2 years.#the end#omg that was pretty long
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wolfofcelestia · 5 months
She's not your girl
Summary: Zayne's girlfriend's platonic / one-sided relationships with Xavier and Rafayel
Mood: Pining, melancholy, slight angst
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Xavier - Ungranted Wish
She would be closer to Xavier than Rafayel, mainly due to proximity. She and Xavier would game together after work or hang out at the arcade, with her teaching him strategies for the crane game. Xavier would spill upwards of $100 each visit thanks to his insistence that he "almost had it", but in reality, he just wants to prolong his time with her, and give her the opportunity to play as much as she wants
They’re at the arcade so often and they seem so comfortable with each other that the staff even start to think that they’re dating. It’s only when she gets a text from Zayne telling her that he’s finished work that the illusion is shattered. For both the staff and for Xavier, who flashes her a weak smile of understanding and regret when she takes off the moment she sees Zayne’s car pull up
"It’s okay," Xavier tells himself. Whenever Zayne works long nights, she’ll be at his place again and they can game or watch movies together until they both fall asleep on the couch. Whenever Zayne lets her down, Xavier will be there to pick her up again
Even though her heart doesn’t belong to him, being able to spend so much time with her is enough
After all, out of everyone in her life, he’s the one she spends the most time with. They’re together all work day and sometimes even all night
It only hurts when he calls out to her, asking what she wants to eat or what game she wants to play, only to see her texting Zayne on her phone with a smile so full of love and joy, a smile that would never be aimed at him
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Rafayel - Burned by Ice
Rafayel has her by his side because he pays her to. Not a minute more, not a minute less. She’s there to do a job. That’s what he asked of her, right? So why does he always hope that she would see him any differently one day?
At the very least, she takes the job seriously, so while she’s on the clock with Rafayel, her phone is on silent. He’d try to impress her with his talents because of course she’d praise him, just like all the art critics around the world. But she’s no art critic. She’s a hunter. The only art she creates is the blood splatters left behind by the wanderers she's slaughtered
So when he presents her with a glorious painting of the little red fish that brought them together, surrounded by sunlight shining through the sparkling blue water, all she has to say is “...Nice fish”
Ah. The flames inside him would instantly be snuffed out, replaced by an icy grip on his heart. Even though he’s never met Zayne, he could feel his presence whenever he’d try to win her over, if only a little bit. Zayne’s girl wears his influence like a shield, rendering her immune to Rafayel's charms that usually wowed so many women so easily. The worst part isn't that she rejected him time and time again. It's that she doesn't even realize she's doing it
She’d look so innocently confused at how heartbroken Rafayel is when she gives him her praise of the painting, thinking it would have made him happy. But the artist would just brush it off and put the painting off to the side with the others instead of giving it to her. He’d have to try harder
The only time he ever feels a little close to her is when he'd annoy her enough to get a rise out of her. "You're acting like a child," he'd tell himself. "You're acting like a child," she'd admonish him
If acting like a brat got her to see him as something more than just another source of income, he'd take it. After all, she looks so cute when her face would scrunch up in annoyance whenever he'd find a new nerve to poke
But in the back of his mind, he'd wonder just how long he could push his luck before she finally quits and he'd never see her again. He'd have to find a way to win her over before he loses her forever
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justsomerandomfanfic · 11 months
An Angel's Dilemma - Sam Winchester X Female (Angel) Reader
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Title: An Angel's Dilemma
Sam Winchester X Female (Angel) Reader
Additional Characters: Dean, Castiel, God (Mentioned), and Anndro the Vampire (OC) (Mentioned)
Five Times Sam Winchester Tries To Confess His Feelings to Angel Reader And The One Time That He Does
WC: 7,350
Warnings: Angel Reader, oblivious Reader, alcohol, teasing, banter, Supernatural canon violence, vampires, hinting towards Destiel, cursing, death mentioned, killing mentioned, nicknames, Dean being Dean, blood mentioned, protective Sam, jealous Sam, slightly suggestive, Reader wears a dress, angst, pining, crying, confessions, and fluff
- 1 -
"You gotta tell her," Dean said simply the moment Sam walked into the main room of the bunker. The younger brother let out a sigh, looking over at Dean who sat on the couch with a beer in hand, staring at whatever was playing on the TV. Sam just wanted to grab a snack, not a lecture. 
"Don't know what you're talking about," Sam then spoke, grabbing a half-eaten bag of Dorito chips from the counter, ready to head back to his own room again.
Dean snorted, taking a sip of his beer, "Sam, don't give me that crap. It's obvious as Hell how you feel about her."
Sam felt his grip tighten around the chip bag, making it crinkle obnoxiously, but Sam didn't care, "Well, how am I supposed to tell her?"
Dean shrugged, "Just tell her how you're madly in love with her. Simple."
"It's not simple, Dean." Sam said, eyes narrowed towards his brother, "She'll think I'm weird or something."
"I mean, yeah, you might sound like an awkward nerd," Dean replied, grinning slightly before getting up off the couch and heading toward the fridge. "Which you are," Sam glared as Dean shut the fridge door, holding a plate with leftover apple pie. Dean gave Sam a look before patting his shoulder, "You'll be fine. If it makes you feel better, she likes you too."
"Yeah? How do you know?"
Dean popped a few bites of pie into his mouth as he made himself comfortable on the couch once again, "It’s obvious. You'll have the perfect opportunity to tell her durin' this week’s hunt."
Sam felt his throat close up, his eyes widening slightly, "She's - She's coming with us?"
Dean paused chewing, staring at Sam intently before swallowing, "Yeah, Cas is busy." Before resuming, “I thought I told you last night.” He said with a mouth-full of pie; it made Sam cringe a bit.
“I was half asleep, Dean,” Sam then swallowed thickly before speaking up again, "Your angel's too busy to help you?"
Dean shrugged, "Yeah, but he said he'd come back later. Must be somethin' up in Heaven." 
Sam pursed his lips as he nodded, bringing his fist to his mouth and clearing his throat, "When will she be here?" Sam asked as Dean shrugged.
"Ya'know Angels, Sammy. Always poppin' up unexpectedly."
Sam just let out a small sigh in response before quickly making his way back to his room.
Sam sat at a table, looking through book after book about mythical and mystical creatures. He didn't really need to, both he and Dean knew what they were going to be killing in this case, but Sam needed to get his mind off of you - which proved to be a very difficult task. Sam had been lost in thought, trying to keep reading, keep his eyes on the words on the page, but his mind quickly wandered to you. 
You were an Angel, like Castiel, but you had only recently joined Cas whenever he came to the bunker for hunts. It had been a couple of months since you joined, and Sam was quick to notice that you acted a lot like Cas had when he first came down to Earth. 
You were very kind to start off with, but you were always confused about something. Asking about practically anything under the sun, Sam was more than happy to help you answer your many, many questions. He had noticed after a couple of weeks, that you would always come to him for help on anything. He understood, when Cas wasn’t available, and Dean was too… Intimidating, Sam was an excellent person to go to when with questions. He had spent a good amount of time with you, and that was when Sam felt him falling for you.
When you had first joined over a year ago, Sam had found out that you were the Angel, with a different name, but you went by Y/N. Why? Sam never asked; he didn’t want to upset you or anything. Either way, he liked your name. It suited you.
Feeling a hand on his shoulder, Sam froze before he heard a voice, "What are you reading?" You asked, peering over his shoulder at the current books he had open on the table.
Sam cleared his throat, heart racing from the slight jumpscare, "Vampires... We're going after one tomorrow night.” He answered, his body growing warm beneath your touch, "Three women have gone missing in Louisiana in the past month." He continued, feeling your hand slip away as you took a seat beside him.
You gave his side profile a sweet smile, your hands clasped together in your lap, "Well, that seems easy enough. Castiel had spoken that you and Dean have encountered those before." You remarked, leaning forward in your chair.
Sam looked up, meeting your gaze, "Yeah, we have." His chest felt a bit warm as you looked right back at him with a small, that perfect smile on your face. "How have you been, Y/N? It's been a while since I've seen you." Sam then asked, and you just gave him a shrug, fidgeting in your seat; it was hard for you to keep still.
"I think I am feeling fine." You let out a small laugh, Sam found it hard not to match your smile.
Sam shuffled his booted feet on the floor, his smile falling slightly into a nervous frown. He felt his palms begin to sweat as he glanced away from you to the books on the table, "So, uh, Y/N, I've been meaning to ask you something for a while now… But, I never had the time to before you’d leave with Cas, but…" Sam began, his throat becoming dry as he spoke, but once he met your gaze again, he was at a loss for words. He tried his best to ignore the heat that was rising up into his cheeks as your eyes locked onto his. He didn't even realize you had moved closer until your fingers brushed against his. Sam blinked rapidly before looking down at your skin which was smooth and silky, almost like marble; your fingers slowly intertwining with his. He knew you had taken his hand to help him with his obvious nerves, but he couldn't help but get more tongue-tied.
Unable to confess his feelings for you, Sam sputtered out the next best thing he could think of, "Not that I don't want you here, I love having you here, but why didn't Cas come?" Sam asked, completely ignoring what he was trying to say in the first place, making you tilt your head to the side; your eyebrows furrowing slightly. Sam felt his heart plummet as you slid your hand out of his, leaving Sam without your warmth.
"Castiel had said that he had some unfinished business to attend to, but he did not tell me what that was. He had just said to find you and Dean; that you both needed help." You answered, voice soft.
Sam nodded, turning his eyes back on the books in front of him; unable to keep looking at you in fear that he might explode. "I wonder what he had to do that was so important..."
"That's what I've asked myself too, Sammy," Dean entered the library, a small grin on his lips as he saw the two of you sitting pretty close to one another, "Hey there, sweetheart. Fun flight here?" He asked you, making you smile towards the brother, a little bit confused. Dean only waved a hand before pressing both hands onto the table, "Nevermind, so, let's get ready, hmm?"
- 2 -
"So, you're tellin’ me that there is only one Vampire, and he's throwin’ a party at his house, and that's where he finds his victims?" Dean asked Sam, crossing his arms as he leaned against the table in the library, and Sam nodded in return.
"Yeah, that's why all the victims were wearing fancy clothes, found in swamps, with all their blood drained," Sam explained, Dean nodding his head as he listened, a frown on his face.
Dean scratched at the back of his head, "How are we going to get into there, it's all invites only, right?" He asked his younger brother, who nodded, turning to the table where his computer sat.
"Yeah, all invites. It turns out this Vampire is very picky. I was able to find out who he had invited and all these people have been registered blood donors since the 90s," Sam continued as Dean's eyebrows furrowed, looking between Sam and the computer screen.
"What's that got to do with anythin’?" Dean asked, gesturing towards the computer, Sam shook his head before pointing to the screen, about to answer when you slipped in.
"They all have AB Negative blood." You interrupted, perched up on the table, your ankles crossed, legs gently swinging, "It's a very rare blood type."
Dean seemed impressed as he glanced around the library, thinking before he paused, looking down at Sam, "Haven't all the victims been women?"
Dean questioned, and Sam nodded, "Yeah, so far, yeah."
You watched the two men talk to each other, continuing to swing your legs back and forth. As they talked, quietly arguing about how to get into the party to kill the Vampire in the first place, your gaze slowly moved down to Sam. You hadn't meant to stare at the handsome hunter, but you just couldn't help yourself. When you first came down to Earth with Castiel, you would've said, 'All of Father's creations are beautiful,' but, after being on Earth for so long, learning things, and meeting Sam... Sam was so attractive, and it was kind of overwhelming. You never had these feelings before, and you didn't even know that you were capable of these types of feelings before. 
You had gone to Castiel with your questions since you knew that he had spent a longer time on Earth than you, and you were more or less convinced that there was some sort of bond between him and Dean. Angel Bonds were special, and you knew Castiel had given him one when he saved him from Hell. You had also had an inkling that something else was going on between them, but you didn't want to assume; even though they'd share longing glances and Castiel would stay in Dean's room when he'd visit. You didn't know why. Angel's do not need to sleep, but you know that Dean had a better TV connection than Sam or the main room in the bunker. 
When you had gone to Castel with your questions, he was more than willing to help you. Angel to Angel. You had told him that whenever you were near Sam, you would feel a strange sensation; a pull towards him. You had never experienced anything like that before. You also told him that you would feel your heart race, your breath catch in your throat, and your stomach would flutter every time he smiled at you or even talked to you. Castiel said that what you felt was normal, that you were experiencing the attraction towards Sam. Still a bit confused, so you read books... A lot of books. After every book you read, the more you learned about love, attraction, and relationships. It made sense now why you felt this way towards Sam. Your attraction to him was completely natural.
You always got so excited to see Sam when you could, so much so that you felt like you were going to burst with joy any moment. Every day that you spent with him, and every minute that you were with him, you noticed so many cute, small things about him. You noticed how compassionate and forgiving Sam was, how he really liked Celine Dion, which you had still yet to listen to, and you noticed that Sam really liked eating salad. You loved it when he read, his eyebrows would furrow when he concentrated, and sometimes his nose would scrunch up as he took in a deep breath and released it with a big exhale, causing his eyelids to droop. Sometimes, your gaze would raise to his hair, your mind wondering what it would feel like to run your hands through it; your fingers would twitch at the slight thought. You really, really liked Sam, but you didn't know if you had the courage to say anything to him.
"What do you mean Y/N would have to do it?" Sam's voice grew a bit hostile as he stared up at his brother, and your attention immediately went back toward the conversation that you were missing.
You watched, tilting your head slightly as Dean tried to reason with Sam, "Sammy, she'll be fine, she's an Angel. She can protect herself if something were to happen."
Sam raised an eyebrow at Dean, "I don't like it," He spat out, turning to look at the computer as his right leg bounced up and down anxiously, "She could still get hurt. You and I can do this ourselves." 
You sighed as the two continued to argue; a small frown appearing on your lips. Reaching down, you grabbed Sam's hand, which helped slow his bouncing knee to a stop. You then noticed that Sam took a deep breath in before letting it out, and you didn't miss the look Dean gave the two of you.
"Sam," You began, gaining his attention, his hazel eyes looking up at you. You gave him a small smile, hoping that would calm him further before speaking, "I know you may be worried... But, Dean is right. I can take care of myself. And I can easily eliminate the Vampire. And you have seen from our research that he only goes after women, I doubt anything distressing will happen."
Sam didn't seem convinced by your words, but he nodded anyway. "Okay," Sam mumbled, looking at his hand in both of yours, resting on your lap, "But if anything happens-" He looked back up at you, only for you to shake your head, interrupting him.
"Nothing will happen," You gently squeezed his hand, almost not noticing Dean leave the room, "I will be alright,"
Sam let out a big sigh, closing his eyes and dipping his head, his hand tightened around your hands, his thumb brushing against one of your wrists, "I know that you can defend yourself, I just get worried." Sam spoke, and you nodded, giving him a smile as he looked back up at you.
"That is alright, Sam. Being worried is a normal human emotion to have. It's understandable." 
Sam opened his mouth before closing it, nodding, "Y/N, I'm just worried 'cause I-"
"Alrigh', we should probably head out. We should be able to get to Louisiana by tomorrow night." Dean spoke up as he re-entered the library, unknowingly interrupting Sam and extinguishing his courage.
- 3 -
The drive to Louisiana was a long one, around fourteen or fifteen hours. You sat in the back, staring out the window as buildings, trees, and cars passed. The three of you stopped at a few places to eat, a couple of diners, and whatnot. Dean got his pie while Sam got a salad. Getting back into the Impala, you felt a bit restless, propping your feet up on the back seats as you just zoned out. By the time night came around, the three of you found a motel that was pretty cheap but was decent enough. Sam had tried to let you take the second bed, but you opted for the couch, to read until it was time to continue the drive. Sam needed to sleep more than you did. For obvious reasons. Soon you were all back in the Impala the next morning, finding a place for breakfast, and time just flew by after that. 
You leaned your arm against the door, your face pressed against the cool glass as you just watched everything speed by. You were all listening to something on the radio, some song that Dean apparently liked since he was bobbing his head along and tapping the steering wheel with a couple of fingers to the beat. You heard Sam let out a big yawn, your eyes landing on him as he moved around in his seat. 
"Hey, Y/N, you alright with me lowering my seat?" Sam asked as you shifted to the middle of the backseat bench. 
"Yes, of course, Sam." You spoke as Dean glanced at his brother as he lowered his seat back.
Dean turned back to the road, a small grin on his face, "Feelin' a bit sleepy there, Sammy?" Dean lightly teased him, making Sam huff as he crossed his arms over his chest, rolling his eyes.
"Yeah," Sam muttered, "Didn't sleep well last night,"
"Really?" Dean asked, his tone becoming mischievous as his grin turned into a smirk, "From what it sounded like, it would've seemed you slept pretty good; mumbling a certain person’s name…"
"Shut up, Dean," Sam grumbled, his cheeks starting to turn pink as he turned away from his brother, facing the window and shutting his eyes. "Don't start that crap."
Dean chuckled, shaking his head. You couldn't really tell what was happening, you were just mostly confused by their whole conversation. So you shook it off. Looking over at Sam from the middle seat, you tilted your head to the side, seeing that his body was slowly becoming less and less tense. After what felt like maybe an hour, you brought your gaze back to Sam, his eyebrows furrowing, and a deep frown settling on his features. Your attention switched between Sam and Dean, and back. 
Dean seemed to notice your worried look, glancing over at you, "Are you alright, kid?" He asked you, his voice softening.
"Sam's upset," You murmured, not wanting to wake him as you stared down at the younger brother, "He isn't hurt, is he?" You asked, making a smile slowly appear on Dean's face at your words; you reminded him so much of Cas when he first came to Earth. Even though you had been on Earth with Castiel for little over two years; going up to Heaven most of the time. There was still so much for you to learn.
"No, he's not hurt, kid," Dean spoke, glancing from the road to you, and back, "Probably just a restless dream or somethin'." Dean answered with a shrug, making you hum and turn back to Sam.
"That's what I had thought." You said softly, resting your arm against the shoulder of Sam's chair, your cheek resting on your open palm. You raised your other hand, hesitantly reaching out to place your hand on Sam's head. Dean gave you a glance and a small grin reappeared on his face as you began to brush your fingers through Sam's hair. 
Slowly, you noticed Sam's face soften, and you smiled as you continued to gently scratch your nails against his scalp. As you continued, you realized that you had never touched Sam's hair before, and it made your heart flutter, butterflies erupting inside your stomach as you closed your eyes, enjoying the feeling of his thick strands beneath your fingertips. They were so soft.
It was late at night when Dean pulled over at the motel. Sam had woken up a couple of hours prior, only minutes after you had pulled your hand away and decided to zone out for the rest of the trip to Louisiana. Time quickly went by as the brothers went to bed, and you sat on the couch, quickly watching the TV, occasionally switching the channels.
That night, you were getting ready in the motel bathroom, and you looked in the mirror, smiling to yourself. You thought you looked beautiful. The dress fit you perfectly. Dean had helped you pick it out that morning for the party. You never really thought about having a favorite color, but this color made you smile. Your hair was also done up nicely, as best as you could do it. You were ready.
Stepping out of the bathroom, you brushed down the skirt of the dress, hearing a quiet, 'Oh, damn' from Dean. Looking up, Dean stood beside Sam, who was also nicely dressed in an ebony, black tux. Dean was seemingly pretty impressed, his arms crossed with a smile on his face. Looking over at Sam, you were a bit surprised to see his eyes wide in awe. His lips slightly parted, his eyes wandering over every detail of you as if he were trying to process all of the information in front of him. It was a sight that made you chuckle under your breath - your cheeks feeling warm - causing Sam to snap out of his trance.
"I- uh, wow," Sam muttered, his hand coming up to rub his neck, his eyes still glued to your figure, "You look like an angel..." Immediately when Sam said that out loud, he wanted to slap himself, he cringed mentally.
You let out a small laugh, looking up at him through your lashes. "I am an Angel, Sam."
Dean gestured behind him, taking a few steps back with a grin on his face, "I'm gonna get Baby all warmed up, it's chilly out."
Sam cleared his throat once Dean left, his eyes shifting from the floor up at you. Your smile faded a little, and you took a step closer to Sam, moving your hands up to readjust his tie that was slightly crooked, "Are you alright? You seem... I don't know... Distracted..?" You questioned, tilting your head to the side, and giving Sam a slight smile.
"What? Oh yeah, no, I'm fine. I just think you... You look really beautiful tonight, Y/N." Sam spoke, a nervousness in his voice. He knew he had already ruined any chance at being smooth, but he just couldn't seem to help himself; you looked stunning.
"Thank you, Sam. You look rather handsome as well." You replied with a nod, your smile returning as you took Sam's hand into yours, squeezing it before letting go.
"You think so?" Sam's small smile turned into a frown, his eyes falling to his shoes momentarily. He then sighed, shaking his head as he looked back up at you, his brows drawn together, "Y/N, I need to tell you something-"
"Alrigh', come on, love birds," Dean interrupted, clapping his hands together once to gain both of your attention, "Let's head out," Driving to the mansion where the party was going to be held, Dean spoke up once stopped at a red light. "So, there was some couple that were unable to go to this party, so you two will pose as them," Dean spoke, beginning to drive again when the light turned green. "Their names are Marie Frank and Christian Frank."
"I'm Christian?" Sam asked from the passenger seat, and Dean let out a small snort.
"Yeah, unless you want to be Marie?" Dean said, turning his gaze towards him from behind the wheel, "Cause that'll definitely make things easier for everyone involved."
Sam rolled his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest in annoyance. You laughed quietly in the back seat.
- 4 -
Walking inside the mansion where the party was being held was easier than Sam had thought, but he kept his guard up. Turning to look down upon you, he took in an almost shaky breath before offering his arm out to you. Smiling sweetly up at him, you took his arm and allowed him to lead you inside. Walking in, you saw many people dancing, drinking, laughing, eating, talking, etcetera. All of these people were unknowingly standing within a monster's lair, and you were confident that you, Sam, and Dean would vanquish the Vampire before he could take any more victims.
Leaning against the large bar, you looked over as Sam leaned down to speak to you in a hushed voice, "So, how are we going to find out which one is the Vampire?" He asked you, his warm breath wafting over your face, causing goosebumps to spread across your skin.
You glanced around the room, trying to spot anyone who could in fact be a Vampire. Soon, your gaze then landed on one man, his boisterous laughter echoing throughout the large ballroom as he spoke to a couple. His long, dark hair cascaded down his shoulders, and his brown eyes shined with humor as he told a story. As the man chuckled, you noticed him wearing burnt red-orange attire; he stood out like a sore thumb.
You leaned to the side, your eyes not leaving the man you were sure was the Vampire in question. "That one," You whispered to Sam, who leaned towards you to hear, "He's the Vampire."
Sam hummed, nodding his head slowly. "How do you know?"
"I- I don't know... I just do." You answered, pushing off of the bar counter, "Meet me at the back entrance, I can take care of this." You spoke, giving Sam a smile before going to walk off, but Sam stopped you, taking your hand.
"Wait, Y/N..." Sam trailed off, his hazel eyes boring into yours. He wanted to say it, he wanted to say that he was in love with you, but he couldn't bring himself to say those words, not yet anyway. Not even close. He let go of your hand, "Be careful, okay? We don't know what he might do."
Smiling lightly as a flush rose onto your cheeks, you nodded. "You know I will be."
Sam watched as you walked over to the supposed Vampire seeing that he was all by himself now, a drink in his hand. Sam felt his heart sink to the pit of his stomach as he watched you talking to the Vampire. A smile on your face as you batted your eyes; it surprised Sam, seeing you so easily flirt with someone; much less a Vampire. Sam hated the way the Vampire was looking at you, the way he licked his lips every few moments or stared at you hungrily. Sam finally snapped out of it when he watched you lead the Vampire to the back of the ballroom towards a door. That was Sam's cue.
- 5 -
It was over, the hunt, that is. Sam sat in the front seat, hands curled into fists. He didn't say anything after Dean picked both you and him up after Sam killed the Vampire. You sat in the back, fiddling with your fingers as you glanced at the back of the passenger seat periodically. You could practically feel the rage pooling off of him in waves. Dean could sense it too, glancing at him but saying nothing. You didn't know what to say, or if you should say anything. You didn't know if Sam was upset at the Vampire, at you, or the situation. 
When you brought the Vampire out, which you had learned was named Anndro, he immediately pinned you to the side of the building. You listened to him talk before he told you that he was going to kill you, drink your blood, savor it before throwing you in a swamp for dead. You pretended to be frightened, and you let the tears fall down your cheeks, but in reality, you were ready to end him. 
Sam had popped around the corner, and once he grabbed the Vampire's attention, you grabbed the back of his head. And... Then he was gone. The walk to the car was awkward, Sam's back was hunched slightly, shoulders stiff as he opened his passenger side door and got inside. 
Dean looked up at the rear-view mirror at you, seeing how upset you looked. A deep frown on your face, your arms crossed over the other, holding yourself as you glanced out the window. 
It was very awkward and nerve-racking for the rest of the trip. Sam hardly spoke, and when he did, it was only a sentence or two. Dean tried to liven up the atmosphere but it was all for not. You didn't want to try for fear that you would make it worse. Once you got back to the bunker, Sam went straight to his room and slammed his door. Your shoulders deflated, drooping, but you were thankful to be in your regular clothes, not wanting to ruin or wrinkle your dress when you flopped down on the couch; burying your face into the cushions.
Dean let out a sigh, shoving off his shoes and walking over. Dean sat beside you, tapping the back of your calf with a hand. "Just give Sammy some time," Dean offered, his voice low, "He just needs space." He added, knowing full well that Sam would eventually come around.
You gave a slight nod, turning around to sit up. Tucking your legs into your chest, you wrapped your arms around them, looking up at the older brother, "Why is he acting so cold?" You asked softly, "Was it something I might've done?" You asked, a frown on your face. It was something you did, wasn't it?
Dean hesitated for a moment, "No, sweetheart, Sam's upset with himself is more likely."
"What?" You questioned, sitting upright in your seat, "But why?" Looking away from him, your eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
"Sam's not the best with emotions, ya'know?" Dean began with a small shrug, "Hell, I'm not either," He let out a small laugh, making you feel slightly better, "It takes him a bit to actually say anything, and if he doesn't... He bottles it up until he explodes. He’s currently exploding." Leaning forward, Dean lowered his voice a bit. "Sam's never been good at showin' his feelings, especially in situations where his heart's on the line." He added, making your eyebrows furrow.
"What do you mean?" You questioned, leaning closer to him as your curiosity peaked.
Dean smirked, "I think I'll let him tell you that when he's ready."
Sam finally left his room to grab some food, pausing when he noticed you on the kitchen island, reading a book. At his entrance, you looked up, setting down your Agatha Christie book beside you. You clasped your hands together in your lap, staring right back at Sam. He was the first to move his gaze away from yours, heading to the fridge. 
"Are you alright, Sam?" You asked, and Sam paused briefly before grabbing a drink from the fridge and shutting it. You watched as he fumbled through cabinets looking for something.
"Why are you sitting all by yourself in the kitchen?" He asked, deflecting your question, which you noticed. 
You tilted your head slightly, swinging your legs back and forth, "Well, I have the understanding that humans have the urge to eat typically every two hours, so I only found it reasonable to wait in the kitchen to talk to you; since I did not want to bother you while you were in your personal room." You replied quietly, watching as Sam continued to search through the drawers. Seemingly, he seemed to not be able to find whatever he was looking for - giving up - he let out a sigh. Turning around, leaning against the counter, Sam looked back up at you. You both looked at each other for a long while, Sam's knuckles turning white from his grip on the counter behind him. The way you stared at him made Sam nervous. His eyes darted about the room nervously, trying desperately to ignore the burning feeling in his chest. "I deeply apologize if I have upset you in any way, Sam." Your words surprised him, "Dean had tried to reassure me that I had nothing to do with your behavior earlier, but if Dean was wrong, I think it is best that I say that I am sorry." You admitted sadly.
Sam sighed, running a hand through his hair. He ran his tongue along his bottom lip, "No, Y/N, no, you did nothing wrong." He explained, "If anything, I should be apologizing for ignoring you... I just needed time to think."
Your eyes widened slightly, "You're not angry at me?" You asked, tilting your head to the side slightly in confusion.
Sam shook his head slowly, stepping forward towards you until he stood right in front of you, finding himself in between your legs. "No, honey, I'm not mad at you. I was upset about the hunt."
Your heart flipped at the nickname, "But, it was successful, was it not?" You tilted your head, Sam's own heart racing under your eyes as he reached out a hand and rested it on the side of your cheek. His thumb rubbed across the soft skin gently, sending chills up and down your spine.
"It was, I just... I-" Sam let out a deep sigh, his head falling, his chin to his chest. Again, Sam lost the courage, he couldn't get himself to say it. Not yet anyway. Your hand came up, resting on his forearm, rubbing slow circles onto it, making Sam lift his head again. His hazel eyes caught yours; you looked at him sympathetically before dropping your arm. Leaning forward, placing a kiss on your forehead, Sam breathed out deeply from his nose, shutting his eyes before backing away and leaving the kitchen. 
You sat there, confused, but with a warm feeling in your heart as you grabbed your book and continued reading.
- 6 -
Castiel arrived the next day, to accompany you back to Heaven. You didn't want to go, not just yet. You knew you had to go but you didn't want to leave Sam. You went to Castiel, asking him if it was possible to stay one more day. He said you could stay a couple more hours at most, and that was all you could really ask for; just a bit more time.
"Well," Dean had begun, a small Winchester grin on his face. "How ‘bout I set up a movie for us all to watch? Sammy, you make the popcorn, I'll get the beer."
You and Castiel sat on the couch, sitting silently as Dean and Cas got the food and drinks ready, and before you knew it Dean was sitting next to Cas at one end of the couch, and Sam and you were at the other. Glancing over at Dean and Castiel, you noticed Dean's arm lying lazily on the back of the couch, behind Castiel; they looked pretty close and cozy. You shrugged that all off, trying to pay attention to the movie as you became aware of how close you were to Sam. 
His thigh was basically pressed against yours, his arm just brushing yours whenever either of you moved. You were becoming acutely aware of Sam's presence, your heart hammering as you bit your lip. You were sure this was an invasion of Sam's personal space, but if he was uncomfortable being so close to you, he would have moved. There was another seat to the left of you. And you knew Sam, at least from the two years you've been on Earth, you knew that Sam would've gotten up if he were uncomfortable. You weren't uncomfortable, no. You rather liked being so close to Sam, his body radiating warmth and comfort. You never felt more safe being so near Sam Winchester. 
Your heart plummeted, you'd have to leave back to Heaven soon. A small frown fell onto your lips at the thought; it hurt. What if you didn't see Sam again? Or Dean? What if you never saw either of them again? You knew that wasn't true. You had been through this before, you'd see them again. You just didn't know when. You weren't going to cry, though. Even with tears in your eyes. Your eyes remained glued to the screen. 
Sam looked down at you, and had been doing so every once in a while throughout the movie. His eyes glanced down at your hand, noticing it was tightly curled into a fist on your lap, tugging softly on the sweater he let you borrow, your knuckles white. Sam frowned in confusion, wondering if you were upset by the movie, or something else. Without even thinking, Sam reached over and took your hand, and it seemed that was all you needed. Intertwining your fingers with Sam's, his large hand engulfing yours, his warm thumb rubbing small circles on the back of your hand; Sam was being so sweet.
That's when the dam broke. Those tears that you were trying to hold in, fell. You reached up with your free hand, brushing your fingers against your cheek. You had never really cried before, not for real... 
"Y/N? Are you okay?" You heard Sam ask, looking up at him, he had such a worried expression on his face. Your mouth opened to speak but no sound came out. With a shaking hand, you pushed the hair out of your face, nodding slightly. 
"Hey, is she okay?" Dean then spoke up, peering around Castiel with a frown. "I can turn the movie off, Hell, we can watch a different movie."
You said nothing, trying to stop the tears that kept falling. Sam beside you shook his head, pulling you up to stand with him and leading you down the hall to his room. You followed along blindly, your eyes so full of tears. Sam led you to sit on the bed, taking a seat next to you. He brushed the hair from your face, caressing your cheek gently with his thumb, brushing the tears away. Your lower lip quivered, and you leaned forward burying your face into Sam's chest, wrapping your arms around him tightly. The room filled with silence, the only noise coming from the steady rhythm of Sam's breathing, his heart racing, and your small sniffles. Sam held you, one arm wrapped around your waist, the other gently caressing the back of your head; his fingers brushing through your soft hair. Sam closed his eyes, leaning down to press his nose into the top of your head.
After a few moments, you felt like you could speak without crying. "Sam," You whispered, breaking the silence, pulling back out of his arms, "Is this normal?" You asked, gesturing to the many tears on your face.
Sam gave you a small nod, his hand coming up to brush those said tears away, "Yeah, Y/N," He murmured softly, "Humans cry for a lot of reasons.”
"But, I’m not human…" You responded quietly. "I've never cried before. This is all very new." You felt a little bit better. "I guess this is the closest I'll ever be to being human. Humans and their emotions..." You muttered, turning your gaze downwards.
"Do you want to talk about it?" Sam then asked, "You don't have to if you don't want to," He added, reaching out to take your hands in his own.
You stared down at the floor, unable to look Sam in the eye for long. Eventually, you nodded your head, "Yes" You whispered, "I don't want to go back to Heaven... At least, not yet anyway."
Sam smiled slightly, squeezing your hand gently. "Well, we'll just have to have Cas bring you down here more often," He replied, clearing his throat lightly, "Dean loves you here, I... I love you... Here."
Your head shot up, seeing Sam had brought his gaze to his lap, "Really?" You asked, and Sam nodded, looking up at you with an unknown expression on his face. 
"Yeah, Dean’s much nicer when you’re around,” Sam tried to joke, before he continued, “Listen... I've been meaning to tell you this for a while now," Sam began, obviously nervous as he rubbed the back of his neck. "I... You're amazing, Y/N, you are... And..." He trailed off, letting out a breathy laugh, letting go of your hand, he brought his hands to his face, rubbing it as he let out a sigh. You could tell that whatever Sam wanted to tell you was pretty difficult, and it was difficult, Sam felt like he was choking on what he wanted to say. He needed to tell you, he didn't know when he was going to see you again. So you waited patiently for Sam to continue. "I... I think I'm in love with you." He said finally, his voice quiet.
You looked at him for a second, your mind processing what he had just told you. It was so sudden, so unexpected. "You... You.. Can you please say that again?"
"I'm in love with you." Sam repeated, sure of himself, still not meeting your gaze, rubbing his hands on his jeans nervously. He looked up at you, and you saw that Sam seemed a little scared. He was waiting, hoping that you'd say the words back to him, that you were in love with him too. He couldn't help but wonder if you felt the same way.
"Are you sure?" You asked hesitantly, you swallowed thickly, "I mean... I am not-"
"I'm more sure than anything..." Sam interrupted, "More sure than I have been in a long time," He released a sigh, running his hand through his hair. The two of you sat silently for a moment, the silence filling the air; Sam's thoughts swirling around in his brain, he was trying to figure out what to do next. He didn't know where this was going. But you weren't saying anything... 
You stared right back at Sam, staring into those hazel eyes that you called your home; he was a slice of Heaven away from Heaven. He was perfect. No matter how much time passed, you couldn't get enough of him. Every time you got to know him, you fell a little bit harder. You never thought that you'd fall for Sam Winchester when you accompanied Castiel to Earth two years ago. But here you were. Falling for him, loving him, wanting to spend the rest of eternity with him. You watched as Sam bit his lip, his eyes studying your features. He looked deep inside, searching for some emotion, some hint of doubt. 
Complete joy seemed to flow through you, your hands shaking as you grabbed Sam suddenly by his stubbly cheeks and pulled him towards you, connecting your lips with his. You felt Sam relax instantly; you kissed him with all you had, feeling Sam smile against your lips and wrap his arms around you. You sighed happily, the soft press of lips on your own sending chills down your spine. Sam's hand slid down to the nape of your neck and he deepened the kiss. His other hand cupped the side of your face, his thumb stroking the soft skin underneath your eye, making you lean into his touch.
As the two of you broke away, Sam gently nudged his forehead against yours. "You'll come back, right?"
You let out a small breath, "I'll do all that I can to come back to you, Sam." You replied simply. A slight smile appeared on Sam's face as he leaned in again, capturing your lips in a gentle kiss.
"Should we check on your brother and Y/N?" Castiel asked Dean, who only shrugged, watching the two cowboys have a showdown on the TV screen.
"Nah," Dean let out, a smirk on his lips, "They'll be fine. When do you and Y/N leave?" 
Castiel shifted in his seat slightly, making Dean look over at him, "Tomorrow. I will endure any wrath for us being late."
Dean let out a chuckle, looking back at the screen, "I think I'm rubbing off on you, Cas." Dean teased, causing Castiel to roll his eyes good-naturedly. "I think you wanted to see me, huh?" Dean asked, and Castiel turned to him, a small smile gracing his features.
"It would seem so," Castiel admitted, his blue eyes meeting Dean's emerald green ones.
Dean sighed, his arm on the back of the couch dropping on Castiel's shoulders, "I knew it," He continued to grin, though, this time it was much softer, "I'm awesome."
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ancha-aus · 2 months
RealAgeAU Drabble - Preparations
So. I had an idea :3 That is usually how these start :3
First Drabble Prev Drabble Next Drabble
Are you guys ready? So some cute shenanigans? You better be :3 ( Also, @spotaus Get in here! :D) Timeline wise? Like... early summer to mid summer ish.
Nightmare looks for his target and sees is rather quickly between the different stalls. He rushes over and looks up at the woman mannign the stand. She is very familiar to for a very good reason.
Toriel smiles at him "Well hello there. Where are your fathers?"
Ngihtmare shurgs " 'Ror is arround." Next he lays some of his allowance on the stand "The best flowers I can get please."
He went with Horror today with a mission after all. It is still early as Horror left to go to the market with Crop to get some stuff for their farms. Nightmare had been quick to tag along.
He needed these flowers for a very important plan.
Toriel smiles "oh? Are you buying flowers for someone you like?"
Nightmare shakes his skull. As if. He doubts Error would even like flowers.
Toriel waits with a pleasant smile "I can't pick out the best flowers if i don't know what you need them for."
Nightmare frowns. damn. He glances over his shoulder and doesn't see Horror anywhere near. Okay. Good. He got time.
Nightmare rubs his hands as he mutters "Is for dads... for... date night..." Not that they know yet they are having a date night today.
As Nightmare mentioned. He has plans and they are very important.
Toriel smiles "That is very sweet of you." she hums as she looks at which flowers she has available from her and her husbands farm. "Well, Roses are generally seen as the more romantic flowers."
Nightmare considers the flowers but frowns at the price. He doesn't have a lot of pocket money and he still needs to get some other things too... But they deserve the best of the best! And according to the romantic books he read before that environment is important for dates!
Toriel smiles "However... Your dads are more on the practical side aren't they?"
Nightmare frowns as he thinks. Horror probably. Dust is more of a minimalist. Killer likes havign stuff but he also always uses it. Cross is almost more of a minimalist.
But... does that mean they don't like it? Or are just used to having little?
Toriel smiles as she waves at the many flowers in the stall "Sunflwoers are very pretty too."
Nightmare pulls a face. a memory from long ago. Villagers giving Dream sunflowers and telling him about how sunflowers always turn towards the sun. How it is only fitting for such a bright and sunny person like Dream.
He shakes his skull.
Toriel's voice shocks him out of his memories as she offers other flower ideas.
Toriel smiles as she holds up another flower. it is a beautiful light pink and it is a cluster of smaller flowers all packed together in a sphere shape.
Toriel smiles "A winner I see? These are hortensia's. I find them rather beautiful myself. Do you think these will do?"
Nightmare considers it and nods. They are pink and pink and red are aparently romantic colours. The flowers look nice and will look nice and full even with only a few of them! Making for a nice bouquet on the table!
Toriel nods as she starts to pack the flowers up and Nightmare waits patiently.
"Oh thank everything!" Nightmare yelps as he is suddenly removed from the ground. Nightmare shoots a glare at the skeleton holding him.
Crop smiles "Horror has been beside himself looking for you. Don't just run off in the market Ngihtmare." he smiles at Toriel "Sorry for interupting."
Toriel looks amused "It is alright. Though I would appreciate you putting my customer back down." Nightmar enods in agreement.
Crop glances at Nightmare before he looks at the stall "oh... Hey it is okay if you wanted to get flowers. I am sure Horror would love to get them for you."
Nightmare shakre shis skull as he huffs "No." That wasn't part of the plan! Nightmare had been planning this carefully!
Crop looks confused before looking at toriel. Toriel just crosses her arms as she speaks with a smile "Sorry Crop. I don't talk about what my customers order with other customers." she moves around with confidence as she packs his order.
Crop sighs but nods "alright alright. I get it. No need to gang up on me." and crop moves him back to the ground. Ngihtamre grins once he stands with both feet on the ground again.
Crop frowns at him "Horror doesn't want you walking around too much though."
Nightmare rolls his eyelights "I am fine." and he turns back to Toriel just as she hands him the wrapped flowers. the brwon wrapping makes sure nothing is visible and he smiles "Thank you Miss Toriel."
Toriel blinks in surprise before smiling "It was a pleasure to finally meet you Nightmare. Come by anytime okay?" she grabs the money and puts it away.
when Ngihtamre turns back to look at Crop he sees him quickly tapping his phone. Crop sees him look and grins "Telling Horror that I foudn you."
Nightmare did feel bad about that. He didn't mean to worry Horror. It just took longer than he thought it would to find the right stall. He knows the farmers market by now but it still takes longer than Ngihtmare would like to find the stalls and people he is searching for.
Still he walks back with Crop towards somewhere. It doesn't take long for Nightmare to spot Horror and he feels many times worse. Horror looks so worried. Nightmare quickly leaves Crop's side and joins his dad's again.
Hroror is quick to pick him up as he nuzzles him gently "don't do that... please..."
Nightmare pusehs close to Horror and tugs his skull right under his chin. It always feels safe "sorry. didn't mean to scare you."
Horror chuckles and nuzzles his skull "Will always be scared something hurts you."
Nightmare purrs as he snuggles close.
Crop joins them and sighs in relieve "Oh thank god. He just left my side again. luckily it was just to get back to you quicker."
Hroror nods and finally spots the package Nightmare has with him "what is that?"
Ngihtmare hides the package behind him "nothing..."
Horror snorts nad chuckles as he bonks their skulls softly together "alright. keep your secrets." Nightmare grins back.
Crop and Horror take a moment to calm down and check both their lists of nessesary things. Nightmare knows they are here to get more of those growth guide things for the grape vines and Horror got those first thing so he wouldn't forget.
Crop ends up having to meet up with some other farmers and Horror turns to Nightmare "Did you want to get anything?" Horror gives avery pointed look at the package in Nightmare's arm.
Nightmare hums and nods as he swings his legs, comfortable still being held in Horror's arms "wanted to get some fruits strawberries." that was the only ingredient he didn't have yet for his surprise.
Horror tilts his skull but nods as he glances around before starting to walk into the right direction. Nightmare is happy Horror didn't put him down yet. His back aches a little and he will need to rest it up a bit if he wants to complete his surprise without worrying any of them.
They get to the right stall and Horror lets Ngihtmare make his purchase. Horror tries to pay for him but Nightmare refuses! this is part of his surprise! He gets the things needed! Horror just shot him another curious look but seemed more amused than anything. Still, he lets him pay for the things and they walk back to meet up with Crop and drive back home.
Well. Horror walks. Nightmare is sitll being carried.
suddenly out of nowhere Horror nuzzles his skull again and Nightamre can't help but purr and lean into the contact.
Horror mumbles softly to him "It is okay if you want to get things... but you aren't an adult remember? You are our babybones. it is okay to let us take care of you."
Nightmare nods and snuggles close "I know." and that is why he is doing this. It is why the surprise has to be perfect.
They finally get home and Dust takes the chance to give him a bath and get his bandages cleaned. They still mostly do it at night but they had been trying to see how his spine was handling things and trying to go a bit longer with bandages as long as they were clean.
In the end the others go outside to work on the farm. Dust makes sure to leave him in their nest with some homework.
Nightmare doesn't complain about it. No today he needs time alone to work on his plan.
Dust immediantly notices of course and shoots him a look "Is something wrong?"
Nightmare shakes his skull "I am fine."
Dust looks uncertain as he looks back at the exit the others had already left through "I cna stay wiht you if you would like that?"
Nightmare actually would like that. a lot. after the whole school thing Ngihtmare didn't like being alone. but it was important he did this! And today he had to do it!
And it is fine! He is at home. in their nest. with all their things and no one ever comes here and the others will keep a close eye on him!
Ngihtmare shakes his skull "It is okay. You can help them." and he tries to smile for the other.
Dust sighs but gives in with a nod "We will stay close okay? Give a shout and we will be here within seconds." Dust gives him a nuzzle and goes after the others.
Nightmare grabs his homework and works on it for a bit. Just to make sure that if any of them check on him it looks like he isn't doing anything he shouldn't be doing.
Like... leaving the nest...
He finishes most of the stuff that he still had to do and glances at the window. Nothing there. He inches out of the nest and uses a reading chair to sneak a look out of the window. He sees Killer and cross at work on the upper level near the grape plants. Which emans that horror and dust are on one of the lower levels, probbaly.
The plan. is a go.
Nightmare feels himself grin as he grabs a vase and fills it with water. he carefully carries it upstairs and looks around.
The ground is still clean and the small window lets in fresh air and light. the spare fairylights light up the space nicely and the small radio is still on the tiny side table.
The main table, more like a small round table honeslty, still has four chairs and Nightmare grins as he walks over and puts the vase carefully on top. Next he grrabs the package of flowers nad puts them in the vase. perfect!
Nightmare takes a few steps back and looks his hard work of the past few days over. It is hard to sneak this by them but it is going really well! He grabs his diary and checks the list he made for this plan. Okay. He set up the table for the romantic dinner. check.
He glances to the side where he used the spare stuff for winter to make a second nest. He nods to himself and checks the bed stuff.
Look. Nightmare isn't an idiot. He used to be an adult! or at least have na adult body. He heard what people said about what they did in privacy and with those they liked. So. Obviously. bed for... bed stuff.
Ngihtamre feels himself blush adn grow embarresed as he quickly moves to the next stuff. Romantic decoration? The fairy lights and the flowers. check again! the right mood? He got the radio right there and he had found a channel that played a lot of love songs. check again.
Now. The hardest and most complex part of this plan. Getting the food ready for this date!
Nightmare clsoes his diary and nods to himself. he tugs the glitter pen back in the pen clip on the journal and make shis way back downstairs. he waits a moment and checks the window again. Everyone is still by the grapes so that still gives him time!
He gets to the kitchen and moves the chairs around until they are in the right places. Just to make sure he doesn't have to climb up and down the whole time, that is the stuff that is actually hard for his spine.
Next he grabs everything he needs and gets to work.
Trying to think of a romantic meal had been hard. Mostly because most dishes were a bit too complex for him to make on his own.
Whcih was because they hid all the knives and put the larger things out fo reach for him. You try to make some food yourself once and suddenly you are banned from the kitchen because you hurt yourself.
Nightmare is better aware of his limits now though so he has full confidence he can do this.
He grabs the bread and veggies and gets to work. He first puts some wood into the old oven and lights it up carefully. This will heat it up nicely. He stays right by the side to make sure it works the way it should but Nightmare used to cook with one of these himself and he has seen Horror use it. Once it does exactly what it should Nightmare gets to work on prepping the dough and veggies.
The dough is luckily something he made the day before. sneakily while the others were cleaning stuff up. it wasn't hard and it has been resting in the fridge.
It is nice and floofy and he splits them before making tiny balls and flattening them. He grabs the veggies and gets to work on cutting them.
Look just because they hid the knives doesn't mean they hid them well enough.
Next the sauce. which is just a pot. and the cheese, which he shreds and puts in a tiny bowl.
All the pieces are in place.
He spreads the sauce on the dough and puts veggies on top. lastly the cheese and tada! Tiny pizzas... or is it just pizza bread kinda deal?
doesn't matter. He puts them in the oven adn gets ready for part two!
The dessert!
He grabs the fresh strawberries. removes the little leaves and cuts them right down the middle. He doesn't have anything fancy planned for dessert but it will do!
Next he grabs the ice cream from the freezer and makes four nice bowls. first three scoops of vanilla ice cream, thank you Crop and Straw. Next he puts the strawberries all over it. then some whipped cream.
Nightmare nods, content with a job well done! He moves them back into the fridge to keep them cool and hoepfully the ice cream doesn't melt too quickly. He also has chocolate syrup for Cross but he knows Killer doesn't like chocolate all that much.
All the pieces are in place. Now it is time to wait for everything to finish and then he can move it up.
The door downstairs opens and Nightmare grins as he places the last few bowls in place. He rushes towards the small radio and turns it on, keeping it low volume for now to make sure they don't hear downstairs.
"Nightmare?!" Cross sounds worried.
Nightmare hums and answers "upstairs." He quickly goes towards the light switch adn turns it off. only leaving the light of the fairylights and the sunset through the window the light the place. he goes back to the table and lights the candles as he hears footsteps come up.
He grins as he stands before the table wiht his arms wide.
THe door opens and Cross spots him and a clear look of relieve on his face. Then his face turns to shock as he looks around the room "What?"
Killer joins his side a moment later and stares in shock himself "what?"
Nightmare grins "It is datenight." he makes sure to make it sound like a fact. Because it is a fact!
Cross and Killer both blink. look at each other confused. then look back at him and speak in unison "what?"
Nightmare snrots and puffs up his chest a bit "It is datenight. You four are dating. Datemates have dates. which happen on datenights. You four haven't had a datenight yet. so. datenight!" easy!
Cross suddenly looks around much more shocked as he sputters. Killer grins and coos as he walks voer nad hugs him "Oh nighty. You didn't need to do that!"
Dust and Horror join them upstairs to see what is going on and take in the room themselves.
Nightmare huffs "I so did. You haven't been on a date yet. so. date." he waves behind him "I also made myself some food. It is in the fridge. I am going downstairs and eat and watch my bat movie adn you guys can do datenight." easy!
Horror chuckles and walks over. he rubs his skull and Nightmare pushes his whole head nad face into the gentle touches.
"We appreciate it. but we are happy to be with you. We can move it downstairs and-"
Nightmare pulls back and shakes his skull "no! Datenight up here. Date only includes the ones who are dating. you four." he wiggles and luckily Killer puts him down.
Nightmare looks around once more. everything still looks perfect. before giving them a nod and walking towards the exit of the attic "have fun!" and he leaves his dads on their datenight.
As siad he goes downstairs and gets his own hidden food out. He crawls into the nest after putting his new favourite movie on. Ngihtmare grabs Dust's hoody and puts it on before pulling the blanket Error gave him for his brithday close.
It takes abit of moving around but he ends up comfortable against the pillows with Batsie by his side. wrapped in his blanket with his meal in his lap.
Nightmare grabs the remote before turning on the movie.
He eats his meal slowly. feeling tired after the whole day. or well week.
He had been planning this for a while and aparently with the nerves for making it perfect and the excitement to surprise them leaving he is just tired.
He yawns and ends up putting his half finished meal on the side table for now. He rolls up more with Batsie and watches the movie as the narrator talks about the wonderful world of the bats that live in the jungle.
He wakes up sleepy and grumpy. What? where?
He blinks and sees that Cross is holding him close very gently.
Wait that can't be right... why isnt'that right?
Cross notices he is awake and shoots him a very large and happy smile "Hey there baby... how are you feeling? Feeling hungry?"
Ngihtamre blinsk adn shakes his skull. he isn't hungry. just tired. he yawns before trying to glare at Cross. he wasn't suposed to be here... right? He had a plan...
Man he is tired.
Cross smiles and laughs softly before nuzzling him "Thank you for setting everything up for us. We had a blast."
Nightmare frowns as he looks around confused. the others are in their nest again. his plate is gone and the tv is silent. it is still clearly night outside. that doesn't make sense. he made them a nest upstairs! He figured they would... spend the night there. He looks at Cross "But... upstairs?"
Cross chuckles and nuzzles Ngihtmare "oh baby. We much prefer to be here with you when we sleep than not. of course we come actually sleep with you after our date ended." a soft kiss to his skull and softer "But no setting up dates anymore okay? We will figure that out ourselves."
Nightmare yawns and he snuggles clsoe. feeling tired "Wanted you to... have fun..." he nuzzles Cross, purring at the familiar feeling of safety and warmth "You are always busy with me... wanted you to just have fun..." he is always distracting them or something... He wants them to have fun too.
Cross hums and just holds him closer "We love taking care of you nighty. It makes us happy to be with you."
Something in him relaxes as he just melts fully against Cross.
Cross coos and nzuzles him again "Now back to sleep with you. tiny babybones need their rest. especially after they spend a long time setting up a perfect surprise."
his soul feels light after the praise and affection each word carries. He yawns and lets himself drift off again.
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kusanagihaku · 14 hours
the promises carved into our tears 
⭢ haku x mc, 3.6k
I will look for you in my next life, and the next, and the next. Now that I have tasted how sweet a happy ending with you can be, I will turn my back on fate over and over again, if only to meet you one last time.
or: a red string soulmate au where hotarubi works for yuelao, 如果可以-style. on ao3 here.
“Nightmares again?” 
Haku sinks into a chair, blinking blearily at Subaru as flames clear slowly from the edge of his vision. “Mm.” 
Subaru smiles sympathetically. He sets a warm teacup down on the table in front of Haku, and motions for him to take a sip. “Gyokuro blend, from Nakamura Tokichi. Zenji’s just stepped out to get this week’s list of clients from Yuelao.” 
Haku murmurs a thanks as he cradles the teacup in his hands. It is nearly too hot to hold, but the weight in his hands is grounding, and it doesn’t take more than a few sips before the fog behind his eyes clear. 
Good. He has a full day of work ahead of him. 
It started after The Incident back at Darkwick – after the smoke had cleared, all major and minor deities had descended on the island, eager to recruit a freshly dead ghoul into their ranks. 
Once most of them had gotten over the shock of also needing to work in the afterlife (Daikokuten had laughed, saying, “How else do you think the gods keep this world running, if not for the behind the scenes work of us supernatural beings?” before promptly offering Taiga a job) and the shock of there being another ghoul in their midst (Zenji’s non-apology was rather sheepish, and mostly directed at Jiro), Towa was the first to be recruited, enticed by Yuelao’s stories of soulmates tied together with red string and destined lovers with fates written in the stars. Haru had followed, of course – only for a while, until Towa gets settled, he said. I’ll worry about him. 
Naturally Zenji got pulled along too, claiming the red strings he’d tie would be brilliant source material for his next manuscript. After all, love sells, doesn’t it? 
Subaru didn’t have the heart to remind him there would be nobody around to publish his manuscript, now that none of them were corporeal, but had followed him anyway, despite an offer from Ame-no-Uzume to work as a kabuki talent scout. There was something repelling about going back to his old life, he said, and left it at that. 
Of course, they pulled the shell of their vice-captain along too. It was the least they could do, with what was left of Haku. 
Not that Haku minded – working for Yuelao isn’t particularly taxing. He sends them a list of soulmates meant to meet that week, each pair of serial numbers complete with the time and location; all they have to do is map out their routes each day, show up at the correct place and time with the red soulmate strings, then let the latent magic floating in the fabric of the universe do its work. 
It’s mostly paperwork anyway, with the biggest part of their job being signing off on each pair after the soulmate strings tie themselves. He can’t complain; it’s been easy work for the past twenty odd years, the days slipping by like water between his fingers. Not a bad way to spend eternity. 
And it’s fulfilling too  – like what Zenji says, there’s something special in seeing bonds form between two people that are two sides of the same coin. It reminds him of–
Haku sets his empty cup down. Shakes his head to clear it. 
Subaru looks up from the book he is reading, but does not say anything. He picks up the teapot, instead, and refills Haku’s cup. 
Haku nods in thanks. 
The comfortable silence stretches out again, drifting like dust motes in the late morning light. It is only interrupted when Zenji arrives back home, banging his way through the entrance of their shared home with a triumphant, “Guess who I met on the way home!”
Haku cracks a smile. There is always something infectious about Zenji’s enthusiasm, no matter how tired he is. “Who?” 
“Towa!” Zenji exclaims. He sets his messenger bag on the table. “Still as floaty as ever. He rejected my offer to let him listen to my latest plot idea, though. It seemed like he had somewhere to be.” 
Subaru laughs. “He must have been heading to a binding. He’s still on morning shift, after all.” 
Zenji hums as he unzips his messenger bag and pulls out their soulmate lists for the week. “I told him he and Haru were welcome over for dinner any time. Don’t think he heard me, though.” 
Subaru nudges a freshly-poured cup of tea away from Zenji’s stack of paper. “I’ll text Haru. It’s been a while since we last saw him.”
And it has been – the last time Haku remembers seeing the red-haired ghoul was sometime two or three months ago in April. All five of them were slated to work a freshman orientation at a university, easily one of the busiest times of the year for the entire Yuelao organisation. Instead of going to his allocated location and waiting, however, Towa had just tossed all the red strings he had in his box up in the air, waved a hand, and trusted that all the strings would go where they were meant to go. 
Haru had cried at the logistical nightmare, then promptly banned Towa from holding the box containing their soulmate strings ever again. Haku wonders idly if Haru ever recovered from the stress. 
Zenji shuffles the stack of paper into three smaller piles, then hands one pile each to Subaru and Haku. They descend into silence, the way they always do with a new list, quietly setting virtual push-pins on their Maps apps to plan out their individual routes for the week. 
Haku is at the end of his list before he sees it. Tucked under entry number 85, his last pair for the week, is a single serial number, slid in at 5.17pm at a park in Meguro. 
He blinks. That’s not supposed to happen. Don’t they usually come in a pair? 
He waits until Subaru looks up from his own list before carefully highlighting the problem. 
Subaru glances over the strange entry, brow furrowed. “Must have been an administrative error. Perhaps whoever was compiling the lists forgot to copy paste the second serial number in?” 
Haku looks doubtfully at the lone serial number sitting at the bottom of the page. Administration has never made a mistake before. “Perhaps.” 
Zenji leans over, peering over his glasses. “My last one for the week is there too,” he says. “At 5.09pm. We can go together to figure it out.” 
Subaru rests his chin on his hands. “My day ends at 4.28pm. Shall we head there together? I’m curious to see what happens.” 
A wave of gratefulness for their wiling companionship slides a smile onto Haku’s face. “Yeah. Yeah, why not?” 
The end of the week does not come soon enough. 
They meet at the corner near the Meguro River as the summer sun begins to dip lower in the sky. It is a short walk to the park they are meant to be at, and along the way Zenji regales them with how one of his bindings this morning looked like it was right out of a romance novel. 
“Was it better than the one last week?” Haku teases, and Zenji laughs, bright and loud. 
“The one at the cat cafe? No, nothing can beat that! I could tell right away those two were meant to be, I swear.” 
The park they stop in front of is small, more like a playground than anything else. There is a small child sitting on the swings, blue push-popsicle sweating in his little fist. His feet barely touch the floor as he swings gently back and forth, looking around the neighbourhood with wide, curious eyes. 
“That’ll be him, then,” Haku says. He leans over to check Zenji’s list, then flicks his wrist to check the time. “Any minute, now.” 
Subaru sighs, smiling. “I love it when they find their soulmates young. It’s the best kind of friendship, isn’t it?” 
“Exactly,” Zenji coos. He tugs open his messenger bag to retrieve his box of red strings. “It’s always adorable. Goodness, I want to pinch his little cheeks… he has no idea what’s in store for him.” 
Haku snorts fondly at the two of them. Thank goodness they weren’t visible to humans – three strange men standing in a playground staring at a child? Never mind they still looked like they were in their mid-twenties, they’d be reported for kidnapping straight away. 
Before he can say anything, though, a slightly older boy rounds the corner on his bicycle. It is evident he is new to cycling, shiny orange bicycle wobbling from side to side as he banks hard to the right, trying to make too sharp of a turn. 
Haku barely has time to blink before the boy’s bicycle screeches too far to the right, flinging the boy onto the soft, packed earth of the playground. 
There is a teary “ow,” as the boy sits up, cradling a scraped knee. His hands are bloody, too, roughness of the ground having rubbed abrasions onto the skin of his palm. 
The boy on the swing slips off his seat neatly. He barely comes up to Haku’s hip. “I saw that.”
The boy on the floor whips around at the sound, scowling through his tears. “No, you didn’t.” 
“I did,” he confirms. His tongue flashes blue as he speaks. “It’s okay, though. My brother says it’s normal to fall when you just start learning. Do you need help?”
The older boy hesitates. “Maybe.”
As he helps him up, Zenji slides his box open, and lifts a single red string out of it. He blows, gently, and they watch as the thin thread rolls off the tips of his fingers and drifts over to where the older boy has just regained his balance. It loops around their arms and knots around both their little fingers, giving off a gentle glow as both ends seal, before disappearing. 
The only evidence that anything ever happened is Zenji’s beam as he scribbles a quick signature beside their serial numbers. “Lovely!” 
He clicks his pen closed before tucking everything haphazardly back into his bag, and they watch as the boys pick up the bicycle and begin to walk away. Subaru turns to face Haku. “It’s going to be 5.17pm soon.”
Haku looks down at his watch. Two minutes. 
He has barely retrieved his own box of strings out from his bag when a voice sounds out behind them – “Excuse me. Coming through.”
Time stops. 
It is a voice he can recognise anywhere, a voice he hears in the moments between closing his eyes and falling asleep, one he hears echoing through the threads of his dreams and nightmares alike. It sinks into his skin, past the beat of his heart and the pulse of his nerves, and fills his veins with a feeling he does not quite dare to describe as hope. It sends tremors down the tips of his fingers; it calls open a rift in his memory he has never attempted to heal.  
He turns around, almost mechanically, and sees you. 
You swear to every deity there is that if the universe has a reason it’s making you late to your part-time job today, it better be a fucking good one. 
First the trains weren’t running as frequently as they were supposed to, then there was an issue with the gantries malfunctioning at the station exit, then you dropped your bottle and had to run after it for a bit to get it back and in the process missed the green light to cross the road… and now, finally on the home stretch to your employer’s place there are three fucking idiots standing in the middle of the sidewalk, blocking your way. 
You huff. Your employer better be flexing their omniscient powers to read your situation – what for work for a minor god if they make you relive every tiny inconvenience to explain why you’re fifteen minutes late to your job? 
(Never mind that they’re actually incredibly nice and don’t really care when you head in for work as long as you get their paperwork done.) 
“Excuse me,” you call out. “Coming through.” 
All three men whip around. On their faces are various states of astonishment, frozen almost comically in their surprise. 
You’re about to sigh and push forward, when you suddenly notice the colour of their eyes. 
They’re not human. 
You send a quick prayer to your employer. Hopefully they’re listening – the last time you ran into another supernatural being he made you look for his glasses for two hours before receiving a call saying he left them at home. 
You don’t generally mind helping minor deities here and there, honestly, especially not since they bless you right after for your help. Most of them are really nice. In fact, you’d even say you’re used to doing little things for them, having grown up with the Sight and being able to see supernatural beings for most of your life. But these three don’t look like they need any help, and you’re going to be late to what you know is going to be a mountain of paperwork and— 
You think the tallest one might be crying. 
Before you can ask if he’s okay and if they need any help, something bright and glowing rises from the box one of them is holding. 
It elongates, spinning itself slowly mid-air, one end gliding over to you like it has found its target. The other end floats up to the man with green hair. As you watch in bewilderment, it gently wraps around both your little fingers, then tightens with a flash of gold. 
It sends a searing pain through your arms, a shock that slams the air out of you and turns your vision an inky black. 
You are standing on a wooden porch, shade of dripping wisteria providing you a little shelter from the grey drizzle. The quiet patter of the rain is only interrupted when someone calls your name, a soft summoning that fills you with warmth. You turn your head to see the brown-haired man – Subaru whispers into your mind, like his name has been there all along – smiling at you. Tea is ready, he says. Come inside. 
You are looking down from the top of a long staircase, closely packed torii gates lining the path down. The stone steps beneath your feet are faded with age, but the red of the dates are vibrant, almost as if they were recently painted. The blue haired man in front of you turns, grinning brightly; his ruby eyes sparkle in the dim light as he extends his hand backwards. Zenji – the flash of his name brings along with it a swell of affection. Come, my dear, he says. They’re waiting for us. 
You are sitting on a cushion laid out on the porch of a traditional Japanese house, back resting against doors made of paper and wood. It overlooks a quiet garden that extends on all three sides; the peacefulness of the stone lanterns makes it feel like a secret you are bound to keep. Your legs are stretched out in front of you, covered by a black blazer with gold trim and pressed against the long legs of someone else. Your hands lay in your lap, fingers intertwined with his graceful ones. When you look up at the man with green hair, his eyes closed and dozing, something in you shifts like a sunbeam – Haku. His name is a cloud on your tongue, painting the inside of your lungs a new, different, golden sort of warmth. It tangles itself into the base of your throat, all tender and sweet; your heart aches with a fondness you’ve never thought possible. Haku. 
You are dangling your feet off the edge of a dock, watching diamonds of moonlight dance off the ripples in the water. Translucent fish float lazily around your feet, drifting in invisible eddies only they can see. An arm is curled behind you as you lean against someone’s shoulder; you don’t have to look up to know the giddy feeling running through your veins is because of the soft kisses Haku is dropping into your hair. He raises his hand to brush your cheek, to tilt your chin up to face him. You watch the monochrome of the moon wash his eyelashes a silvery grey as he dips towards you, before your eyes flutter closed at the gentle warmth of his lips on yours, languorous and insistent and exploring. How lucky you are, you remember, to be able to love him like this. How lucky you are, to have him love you. 
You are pressed up against the back of a door, your shirt half unbuttoned and blazer long discarded somewhere on the floor. Haku’s hands are everywhere, mouth hot on the hollow behind your ear as your fingers scrabble against the buttons of his vest. Princess, he groans, all teeth and tongue on your neck as he slips a leg between yours. Please. And you acquiesce, as you always do, melting into him under the deftness of his fingers and the heat of his breath. He hangs stars on the ladder of your spine and his name on the roof of your mouth; you dance in the fire he lights in the kiln of your hips. You think, as he pulls gasp after gasp from the scorch of your skin, that if it is for Haku you will burn yourself inside out, if only he asks. 
You are sitting - no, lying - in a pile of rubble. There are flames licking up the walls around you, ghastly bright and smokeless, unending despite the rain that seems to be pouring around everything else. You are dimly aware of how close the flames are to you, but the burning that flickers from under your skin is infinitely more unbearable.   
There are sobs above you from the figure who has pulled you into his lap, cradling you in his arms and shielding you from the rain; you barely need to open your eyes to hear the guilt leaking out each breath Haku takes.  
“Don’t cry,” you rasp. Some part of you recognises the irony, given the tears staining your own cheeks, but you raise a heavy hand anyway, thumb brushing the wetness away from his cheeks. It is hard to form words. You hope Haku understands. 
“I’m sorry,” he gasps. He are shaking uncontrollably, tsunamis rolling off the tense slope of his shoulders. “I should have tried harder—“
“No,” you say, again, this time a little more vehemently. The scratch of your throat worsens, but you no longer have the strength to cough out the petals that have lodged themselves in your lungs. 
You want to tell him that it wasn’t his fault, it was never his fault, that he has done nothing but try as hard as he could to break your curse the moment you stepped into Darkwick. He has spent so much of himself making your final months lovely, and even now with the walls crumbling around him he still has not let you go. 
I’m sorry, you want to say. For meeting you on the train that day, already like this, already cursed. For not meeting you earlier in this life, from the beginning already too late. For being filled with flower and fire, even though all I want to be is filled with my love for you. 
But it is getting hard to breathe, and it is getting dark, and you are so, so tired. 
“Wait for me,” you say, instead. You tilt your face into the palm of his hand, and inhale the last of his scent as best as you can. 
When you gather the strength to speak again, your voice is an oath made, fierce and low, carved into the ache of your tears. You look up at Haku, your love, your light, radiant even in his grief, even as your vision is blurry and fading. “We’ll meet again, I promise.” 
I will look for you in my next life, and the next, and the next, until we meet again. I will look for you in every lifetime. Now that I have tasted how sweet a happy ending with you can be, I will turn my back on fate over and over again, if only to meet you one last time. 
You blink, and suddenly you are back, gasping for air as an ache cracks open in your chest, gaping and yearning. 
You are vaguely aware of the wetness on your cheeks, and that the tallest man – Zenji – is openly bawling now, but the moment your eyes meet his the rest of the world blurs. 
He has not moved, you think, all hesitance and incredulity, frozen with the helplessness of a man who has wanted so much for so long but has only dared to hope for so little. His gaze shines with unshed tears, disbelief wrapping itself taut around the clench of his fists, like he is trying not to reach out for you, trying to keep the spark of his skin from setting your world ablaze again. 
But, oh, in this life you’ve been raised fireproof, heart forged into a glass-clear that sings for the sunset of his hands. In this life, you are not on a train, you are not too late, and you are not filled the potency of a curse but the promise of a happy ending. 
We’ll meet again, I promise. 
You take a small step forward. The red string wound around your finger ripples, flashes gold in the evening light. 
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Good Omens Fic Rec: Time Marches Forward
Our story follows Aziraphale as he toils alone in Heaven to thwart the Second Coming while Crowley, back on Earth, encounters a powerful and frightened 15-year-old Adam Young in desperate need of guidance. One of the infinite possibilities for how the Good Omens story can end. With some twists, and some angst, and lots of character development.
Length: 128,201 words
AO3 Rating: Mature
Best for: Safe in Public, Slight Angst, Post S2
Triggers: Temporary Character Death (kind of)
Read it here, fic by Bellisima_writes
*Minor Spoilers* I need everyone to read this story and marvel at the fact that this is the author's first fic! I am astounded by the quality of this story. It's cinematic, clever, and creative. It constructs a world that fits seamlessly into the canon while introducing its own truly interesting concepts. If you're looking for a Season Three "what if", this is a must-read!
Our story starts immediately after the Final 15. Aziraphale arrives in Heaven and already things are suspicious. I really love that this story goes with the route of taking things mostly at face value. It's not until the Second Coming line that Aziraphale truly kicks into gear, fully understanding the threat he's under. Crowley meanwhile finds himself in Tadfield, where a 15 year old Adam Young is in desperate need of some guidance. I won't spoil the plot; it's best experienced as it unfolds. This is a long story, but the pacing and plotting are brilliant, the time will fly by so easily. I read way past the time I was supposed to stop without even realizing it!
The characterizations are all excellent here. Adam in particular is one of the best uses I've seen with him. There is a character introduced that he will parallel with beautifully. Both placed into positions they did not ask for, tasked with things they do not want, and burdened with unbearable responsibility. It was a really insightful bit of characterization, and made me look at that "new" character in a way I never have before. Adam's new relationship with Crowley was such a beautiful and heartwarming plotline. He needed Crowley in his life, to help guide him, to understand his powers, and how he fits into the world. Crowley needed him just as much.
Crowley and Aziraphale's characterizations are top notch as well. It was effortless to read this in their voices, and just be prepared for this story's 1941...ouch. Actually a lot of what Aziraphale went through here broke my heart. This story creates a phenomenon called, "The Void." It's as ominous as it sounds, and puts Aziraphale through the ringer. As much as it hurt, it was also a really interesting concept. I'm so relived that Aziraphale will be taken care of now.
Seriously, what an excellent story this was. This is a more action based plot, and every twist and turn kept me right on my toes. Safe in public, and while there's some hints of angst, it's not a heavy story. If this is what a first fic can be, I can't wait to read this author's second!
Read it here, fic by Bellisima_writes
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bizarrelittlemew · 1 month
current status (decided to re-read the fic that broke me at 16):
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kybercrystals94 · 5 months
The Last Time
Read here on Ao3!
Angstpril 2024 | Day 30 | Prompt 30: The Last Time
Rated: G | Words: 1562 | Summary: “...it was the last time…” | Character Focus: Hunter, Tech, Crosshair, Wrecker, Echo
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“Are you awake?” Tech’s voice asks, right at the edge of Hunter’s bunk. 
Hunter doesn’t know how anyone can sleep with the hurricane raging outside the walls. It sounds like the entire city might topple under the weight of its rampant fury. Not that Hunter’s scared. His blanket is only pulled up over his head because the flashes of lightning burn his eyes. But the thin blanket does not protect his frayed senses from the bone rattling thunder and the constant barrage of torrential rain lashing against the walls and windows. 
“I’m awake,” Hunter says, voice muffled into his fabric sanctuary.
The edge of his mattress dips as Tech sits down next to him. “Excellent. Would you like to see the weather radar I have accessed?”
No, Hunter thinks, but he hears the slight tremble in his brother’s voice. With a sigh, he leaves the small comfort of his makeshift barrier and sits up. “Sure, Tech.” 
It is the middle of their sleep cycle. Their barracks should be dark, but the incessant lightning keeps the room lit with a flickering, white light. Tech does not wait for further invitation before he scrambles the rest of the way into Hunter’s bunk, putting himself between Hunter and the wall. He props his data pad between them, the screen a mass of twisting colors. “We are here,” Tech says, pointing to a tiny blip amongst the chaos.
“What do the different colors mean?” Hunter asks. He already knows. Reading weather maps is a basic part of their training; however, he also knows that Tech finds comfort in over-explaining even the most rudimentary facts. 
Hunter becomes so engrossed in the rambled explanation of weather patterns, that he doesn’t notice the shadow prowling across the room until it speaks almost directly into his ear.  “What are you doing?”
Hunter won’t admit if his nerves also leapt bodily in surprise, but Tech startles, the small jerk of motion jarring against Hunter’s side. 
Crosshair stands there, arms crossed tightly over his chest, shoulders hiked just a little towards his ears, waiting for an answer. 
“Tech’s showing me his weather map,” Hunter says. 
Crosshair shifts his weight, sharp eyes cutting away. “I want to see when this karking storm is gonna end,” he mumbles. Like Tech, he does not wait for an invitation to clamber into the bunk. Crosshair puts himself between Tech and the wall. Hunter shifts a little to make more room, Tech tucked snugly in the middle.
Tech starts his explanation all over again, moving the data pad to rest in his lap so that all three of them can see. 
“Hey!” an indignant shout comes from across the room. There’s a loud thump, the thudding of feet running across the room. Wrecker looms over Hunter’s crowded bunk, blanket wrapped around his shoulders like a cape. “No one told me we were sharing a bunk tonight. I don’t want to be alone either!” 
“We aren’t sharing a bunk,” Tech corrects him, “I am showing Hunter and Crosshair the storm’s progress on my radar.” 
Wrecker grins. “Then I want to see too!” 
He dives into the bunk amidst shouts of protest, wedging himself into the nonexistent space between Crosshair and the wall. Hunter is nearly shoved out of his own bed, clinging to Tech’s arm to keep himself from toppling to the floor. 
“We can’t all fit!” Crosshair squawks.
“Yes, we can!” Wrecker says, sounding all too pleased with himself.
“Wrecker,” Crosshair wheezes, “your elbow is digging into my ribs.” 
“Oh, sorry,” Wrecker says. 
Another pause. 
“Wrecker, your elbow is still digging into my ribs.”
“I know, but I’m really comfortable,” Wrecker sighs.
Tech huffs. “At least one of us is.” 
Hunter is halfway off the bunk. “We can make this work,” he says, “but not like this.” He drops to the floor and stands up. 
“How?” Crosshair asks. 
“Sideways,” Hunter says. “Now move.” 
“We’re too tall to fit sideways,” Tech points out. 
“Do you want to share my bunk or not?” Hunter asks. 
At that, his brothers don’t argue, quickly rearranging themselves. Sitting up as they had been, their feet - with the exception of Wrecker - come just to the edge of the thin mattress. They leave space for Hunter between the head of the bed and Tech. Hunter climbs into his allocated spot, and they situate his and Wrecker’s blankets over all four of them. 
“Now,” Tech says, taking out his data pad. “Shall I start again?” 
They listen to Tech talk about the storm, hardly noticing the stark flashes of lightning or the grumbling of the thunder or the endless onslaught of rain, until one by one they fall asleep. 
But it is the last time the four share a bunk. 
"Stop looking at my cards!” Wrecker cries, holding his splay of cards against his chest.  
Crosshair scoffs, sitting back. “I would if you’d stop waving them directly in my face.”  
“Maybe if you stayed on your side of the table...”  
“Can we play just one game without an argument?” Hunter asks, the patience in his voice becoming transparently thin. 
A brief moment of silence. Wrecker puts down a card. 
“Wrecker, that is an illegal play,” Tech says.  
“Is not,” Wrecker says. 
Crosshair picks up the card and flicks it back at Wrecker. “Is so. Take it back.” 
Wrecker grumbles, but puts the card back in his hand. 
The game continues without further incident until Crosshair wins the round. 
“How did you know I was bluffing?” Tech asks as Crosshair sweeps his winnings of spare bolts and screws into his pile. 
Crosshair grins. “You’ve got a tell.” 
“Really? What is it?” Wrecker asks eagerly, squinting at Tech. 
Tech rolls his eyes, gathering the cards to shuffle. “I do not have a tell.” 
“He does,” Crosshair says to Wrecker, ignoring Tech, “but I’m not going to give it away. It’s my strategy. He counts cards, and I read his tells.” 
Hunter groans. “Tech…” 
“That is not cheating!” Tech cries, indignant. 
“With your enhancement…” 
“Now wait a minute–” 
“Yeah! Using enhancements is cheating!” Wrecker declares. 
Tech huffs. “Then Crosshair shouldn’t be able to read my tells,” he says, then adds, glancing at Wrecker, “not that I have any.” 
“How the kark am I supposed to play then? Blindfolded?” Crosshair cries. 
Tech shrugs indifferently. “If necessary.” 
The table erupts in a tangle of arguments, rational and irrational alike. 
It is the last time they play cards before Echo joins the Batch. 
“Here we are,” Hunter says cheerfully, stepping into the clearing and removing his helmet. He takes a deep breath, enjoying the inhalation of pure air, rich with the scents of primitive wilderness. The only electromagnetic signals his senses can pick up are from the Marauder an hour’s march away, and the faint output of Tech’s data pad and their gear. 
“If by here you mean the middle of nowhere, then you are correct,” Tech grumbles, shrugging out of his pack and putting it against a tree. 
“It was Hunter’s turn to pick our shore leave,” Echo says diplomatically. “So middle of nowhere it is.” 
“I like it!” Wrecker booms, scaring away a bird that had been watching them from a nearby branch. “We haven’t been camping in ages!” 
Crosshair sighs. “What do you call what we just did on our last mission?”
“Just ‘cause we had to sleep outside doesn’t mean it was camping,” Wrecker says. “Camping means we have a campfire and don’t have to worry about getting our heads shot off by clankers.” 
“Now we just have to worry about our heads being bitten off by wild animals,” Crosshair retorts. 
Tech immediately cuts in. “There are no predators on this planet capable of such a feat. I made sure of it.” 
“See? I feel safer already.” Echo chuckles, pulling off his helmet and grinning at Hunter. “I think I’m gonna like this shore leave. We’ll have some peace and quiet if we can get these two to quit their whining,” he says, nodding at Crosshair and Tech. 
Echo receives twin expressions of indignation in response. 
However, that night, around the crackling warmth of the campfire, the complaints of the early afternoon are forgotten. The soft sounds of nighttime embrace them, soothing chaotic nature for something tranquil. They watch the stars overhead as things unreachable, winking pinpricks of light against a velvety, black canopy of sky. 
Hunter takes first watch, eager to enjoy the serenity they’ve found. Crosshair comes to sit next to him once their brothers have fallen asleep. He bumps his shoulder against the Sargeant’s, and Hunter nudges him back. They don’t speak for long, peaceful minutes, appreciating one another’s quiet company. 
“Do you think we could live like this? After the war?” Hunter asks at last, voice hushed. 
Crosshair doesn’t answer right away, leaning forward and bracing his forearms on his knees, watching the flames of the fire dance and spark. “We’re soldiers,” he says, “we don’t know anything but war.” 
“We could learn,” Hunter says. “Adapt.”
Crosshair chuckles. “I’m always up for a challenge.”
It is the last time they have shore leave before their mission to Kaller. 
Hunter tries to remember the last words he said to Omega.
The last meaningful words. 
The last words she might remember him by. 
In case this mission goes wrong.
In case it was the last time he ever saw her. 
But he can’t remember. 
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That's a wrap! [[On the eve of the Bad Batch series finale too!! 🥲]] 30 angsty prompts fulfilled in 30 days! I am honored to have gotten to collaborate alongside the endlessly talented @the-little-moment and @just-here-with-my-thoughts this month!
A master list post is coming soon with links to all 30 stories/chapters completed this month! So keep an eye out for that ☺️
Happy last Bad Batch eve, my lovelies! **sob**
✨Let me know if you'd like to be added to my tag list!✨
Tag List: @followthepurrgil @isthereanechoinhere96 @amorfista @mooncommlink @arctrooper69 @nagyanna424 @proteatook @ezras-left-thumb @maeashryver @merkitty49
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b1zmuth · 3 months
A Strong Tea For The Weak-Willed | Lucifer X Reader Oneshot
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SC // slight angst, comfort, fluff, somber ending, despair x10
TL:DR: A homesick reader drinks tea and has a big fucking coming to Jesus moment about life before coming to the DD, lucifer sits with and drinks tea..?
‘’With due diligence, patience will wear thin and the veil of sorrow will reveal itself.’’ … I remember that sentence from a book I borrowed from Lucifer. But for some reason, it..stuck with me. The feeling of despair crawled up my spine- the stomach-churning anxiety that came with each silly excuse to get me to stay. 
I've been staying in the common room for hours now, sitting by the fireplace to debate if I should really go through with leaving..
But staying here brings nothing but that same god-awful feeling to my body. Why bother staying if I'm just going to be constantly compared to her? 
I've chalked it up to just being homesick for months now- but there is no denying it anymore.
There is no WANT to go home, I NEED to return to where I belong- somewhere where these demons don't pester me about how I’m nothing like HER!’’ I’m just a weak, stupid replacement for HER’’ and don't even get me started about the constant threat of being mauled by Beelzebub or having to be on the receiving end of Satan’s wrath- which is already a punishment in itself mind you. 
It's only been three months since I arrived in the Devildom- three months of pure hell. It really makes me wonder what on God's green earth did I do to deserve being down here? 
What did I do to deserve this? This… unforgiving personal fucking hell? 
Feeling the hot and warm salty tears fall from the grace of your eyes, watching them fall with an unexplainable pearlescent shine of a mix between reds and blacks, that finally made you get a grip on reality- your own tears, staining the cushiony leather chair you sat upon.
I.. I can't stay here. But I have no options or a clue as to how to leave- I could ask Diavolo? No- no. That egocentric jerk seemed a little TOO eager for my arrival- I'll just take my chances and ask Lucifer..! Right! 
A deep, but authoritative loud voice spoke from your right, startling you.‘’A little eager to leave, aren't we?’’ ‘’..???” confusion now struck throughout your body, causing your heart and mind to start racing to find closure- comfort, fuck it, ANYTHING at that moment.
The voice belonging to the mysterious owner caused you to jump in an odd mix between genuine fear and confusion- ‘’I hope you weren't planning on leaving the House of Lamentation- especially not without my profound knowledge of your dismissal?’’ the voice spoke again, now in an accusatory-but-questioning tone …was it him? Just how long has he been there?
 ‘’You look awfully confused. Did you hit your head on the way here? Or are you just not competent enough to understand what I'm saying?’’ the voice, now with a darker tone, presumably irate that you’ve been straight ignoring them for three minutes now- ‘’I am very much competent- probably more fucking competent than the likes of YOU infact!’’ you snapped back, the irritation prevalent in your voice- your mouth finishing its sentence mere seconds before your body finally snapped towards the voice, letting you finally see who the pestering and belittling demon was..
And to not much of your shock, it was Lucifer.
His daunting figure dragging along a matching despairful aura- sending chills down your spine and the suffocating-like grasp of just his presence alone making you uncomfortable- his monotone color palette that consisted of nothing but black, grey, and red did nothing to help the situation. 
‘’For someone who was just wallowing in their own self-despair, you seem to be quick at the mouth.” He said, his legs crossing over from one to the other- “why cry in such a public place? Why not wallow in your despair in the comfort of your own room?” 
You scoffed at his comment, wiping your tear-stricken face- “What does it matter to you? Any room in this god-forsaken house fills me with nothing except for the longing for my HOME! To see my home again Lucifer! The place where I can walk around in peace without having my life constantly threatened- to stop being compared to your DEAD sister! Is that what you all wanted from me?! To be a ragdoll designed to take your anger out on?!” You yelled, the tears that you had just stopped from flowing- now coming out in full force, a waterfall of tears raining down upon the neat carpet underneath you. 
“Is that, truly, how you feel about being here?” Lucifer asked, his monotone voice doing nothing to appease your shattered heart- “Sit down. I will go prepare some tea, maybe that will cease your meticulous weeping.” He sighed, motioning his hand for you to sit down.
It took you a couple of seconds of internal conflict with yourself and staring at the slowly disappearing figure of Lucifer for you to finally get yourself together enough to sit down. 
Eventually, Lucifer returned with a tray of tea and some pastries- cookies and sweet bread you guessed. 
After setting down the tray of goods Lucifer dusted himself off before finally sitting down and taking a sip of his tea, swirling the pearlescent-colored liquid around his cup- “do you really feel that distraught about living with us?” You paused, taking a moment to process what Lucifer just said.
“Of course. Who wouldn't? I was ripped from my home via some mysterious force, took to a random place where I knew nobody except for the nine men in front of me that I hoped I would get to know- but that was wishful thinking, right? It's been three months of constant reminders that I will never be like Liltith, this HOUSE is a constant reminder that I will probably never see my home again, my family, my friends-“ you ranted, only to be quickly cut off by Lucifer.
 “My life before I was dragged down here. That's what you were going to say, right?” He responded, his icy cold gaze softening after listening to how your situation was and how it resonated with how he felt- “I know it may not seem like it to a human like you, but I understand how you feel. That feeling of never being able to go to your true home, to see your family again- because I've experienced it, and already are experiencing it. He started, holding up a gloved hand to stop your confused questions. 
“I apologize for my brother's actions towards you. I find it utterly disgusting and unacceptable that they would treat you, someone innocent, that way. I apologize for the way I, myself, have acted towards you- not being there enough for you when you are in the same boat as I once was.
I have failed you, as both a caretaker and the only guide you have had.” He ended, placing his cup of tea back on the tray and bowing his head in an apology. 
“… We are in the same boat? Seriously Lucifer, you are a demon- is this not your home? You live here, your home is nothing but a mere twitch away!” You slightly lurched forward in your chair, holding your hand out at Lucifer to further prove your point. 
“You are clearly not a big reader of that “bible” you humans love to pass around.” He shook his head before reaching for his teacup. 
What a dick. How can you be a demon and want to talk to ME about “not being able to return home” and “being in the same boat as me” for him? This is his home here- my home is forever out of my grasp, most likely destroyed! Hell, I'm probably dead and Diavolo is just toying with me about this whole “Exchange Student Program”! What could HE, LUCIFER, know… know- 
And then it clicked. 
Lucifer, the avatar of pride, someone who fell from the shining graces of Heaven, someone's home who isn't a “probably never to be reunited with” but an “Eternally confined to the fiery pits of hell for your wicked soul to find eternal damnation”. 
Someone who would never see a part of his family, someone who would constantly be beaten down by people he didn't even know well- us humans and the angels. 
Someone who would never go home again.
Taking a sip from his tea, Lucifer smiled at your now bewildered face- ‘’Its not a difficult task to evade through, i will guide you, but only if you really need my guidance.’’ he uncrossed his legs before standing up and offering his hand towards you, gaining a small smile from you in response.
Taking up Lucifers offer, you took his hand in yours, feeling the small warmth that emanated off of his hand- despite the obvious barrier of straight leather glove that ceased any skin-to-skin contact with the taller male. 
‘’If you could get Satan to stop throwing piano’s at me.. That would be nice change of pace.’’ you motioned towards the half smashed piano that was stuck in the nearby wall, getting a displeased groan from the latter and another apology, now for the hazardous mess you had to evade everyday- ‘’Also, thank you for the tea, it tasted original.. Does it have a name?’’ you questioned, your head instinctively turning upwards to look at him.
‘’A Strong Tea For The Weak-Willed. The herb leaves i added help with stress and dopamine levels, although, im pleased to hear that you enjoyed it.’’ he smiled tiredly at you, your conversation lasting all the way up until the both of you made it to your room door.
You thanked him for the walk before wishing him a goodnight and heading into your room- but not before being able to hear him reciprocate the same words back. 
‘’Goodnight, MC.''
This was my first ever fanfic! I tried to keep with the plot and implement the comfort parts without making that said comfort feel rushed, and I for ONCE wrote out the plot and didn't do freeballing it lol
I hope you enjoy it! also, SC stands for story contents (it was actually supposed to be TW but I thought that one over and confused myself)
bizmuth 24' | Bizmuth's Workshop
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Well yall, its that time of year, and me feeling angsty while also wanting to work on my ability to describe things has led me to decide that this is clearly the best thing to do with my time. With that said, here is your warning. I am going to attempt to keep up with the prompts for the next little bit, so if that ain't your thing, best just steer clear of anything I post with 'Day XXX' on it. That said, for those of you who like this stuff, enjoy.
Day One: Stabbed
“Optimus!” The Prime was rushing forward to stand between the team and the enemy, completely unable to slow at such high speeds. Ratchet felt his very spark blaze in sheer terror as he saw the look of dawning realization reach Optimus’s optics in time for the dooming hiss of creaking components to echo in the area. There was no stopping it as the harpoon fired from one of Shockwave’s newest weapons and sliced through the air with the precision and speed of a sniper rifle. 
There was no time to think, there was no time to act, not as the glint of deadly steel sped across Ratchet’s straining optics. In reality, it must have only been a terrifying two or three nanokliks… However as medical protocols were activated, Ratchet saw the proceedings in terrifying detail.
Optimus’s face was the embodiment of true terror as the harpoon sliced through abdominal armor, its serrated edges catching on wiring and protoform as it spun like a torpedo. It all seemed like a sickening slow-motion holofilm as outer plating was ripped apart in a spray of energon which was only accentuated as the harpoon tore past secondary and core layers of supposedly blast-proof armor. Protoform all but exploded in a sea of shattered components, quickly leading internal organs to squelch out from the harpoon’s entry point in a horrifying display. Then as time began to speed back up, the still spinning harpoon tore its way out of Optimus’s back, sending pieces of spinal column, wiring, and entrails flying out onto the stone beneath their pedes.
Distantly he could hear Bumblebee and Bulkhead screaming, and somewhere Arcee was dealing suppressive fire as Ratchet threw himself into action. A thousand warnings complicated his sub-processing routines while he skidded to his knees, running scans even as he assessed the damage and focused on trying not to purge. The Prime was in a quickly growing pool of his own energon, and thankfully the harpoon had broken all the way through his frame and thus was not stuck within him to aggravate affairs further. That of course was merely a small mercy though as every medical protocol Ratchet knew was reviewed and activated. 
His digits shook as he struggled to decipher where to even begin his emergency repairs. Optimus was obviously in shock. His optics were blaring and his venting halted and tried to sputter back into regularity desperately. The Prime’s intake hung open, his face plastered into horror and quickly morphed into one of undiluted agony. Despite that, he couldn't scream, not as his entire frame struggled to continue functioning with the gaping hole in his abdomen. 
From where Ratchet knelt trying to frantically start welding shut weeping fuel lines, he could see internal organs pulsing and contracting as they tried to function even while all but destroyed. Small wires grasped at the air they were never meant to be exposed to as charge and energon crawled along them. Oils spilled from devastated purification systems and mixed with the unholy combination of components, organs, and half-processed fuel that was only growing larger within the wound and around Optimus’s frame. Shattered pieces of skeletal protomatter and yellow spinal fluid joined the mess and dug into angry lacerations. 
“Hold on Optimus! I’ll fix this! I will fix this!” Ratchet pleaded, trying to comfort himself more than the rapidly fading Prime before him. Deft digits reached into the wound and he began to carefully remove shards of metal that infested the damaged areas, all while doing his best to maintain composure. Wires clung to his digits as he worked and again the organs pulsed, all in time with Optimus’s distressed attempts to vent. There was too much damage and too little time.
“Frag it all, hold on Optimus!” Ratchet all but begged while finishing up what cleaning he could manage out in the open. He then proceeded to try to ease his churning tanks with a deep vent while pulling out half-destroyed organs to try and weld the wounds shut for the time being. If he could just stop the bleeding, he could get Optimus back to base and put him into emergency stasis until he could work something out-
“RATCHET! WE NEED TO MOVE!” Arcee screeched as blaster fire echoed nearby. Ratchet ignored her as he worked to tend to the pulsating organ within his grasp. His tanks churned with even more urgency as the organ which he assumed to be part of the fuel tank, oozed a mix of blue and rust-colored substances. It stained his servos and the texture had him shaking horribly as he welded the weeping component into a semi-stable state and hurried to try and at least cauterize the rest of the wound until he could do more. 
This time, Optimus did scream and the nauseating scent of burning energon and protomatter had Ratchet gagging while he worked. However, he did not dare stop, even as Optimus spasmed, only held down by Ratchet bodily holding him in place as his welder dealt with the worst of the wound. Grasping wires seared and withered, weeping wounds sizzled and closed up as molten metal forced them into place, and the ghastly concoction of bodily fluids within the wound smoked until they were reduced to ash. 
Eventually, Optimus stopped screaming, his frame falling limp. At some point, Ratchet dragged his ailing Prime back to base. Then next he knew, Ratchet stood beside the medical berth his Prime lay on, a syringe in his grasp and ready to plunge into an exposed fuel line to ensure Optimus did not wake during what was bound to be a very grim and unsettling series of surgeries.
Optimus over here like:
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demo-dragon · 7 months
When your client, who is your adopted son, gets accused of murder, and he tells you that he ate the necklace.
"Mr. Wright, where's the necklace?!" Gregory asked while turning his head at his client with a concerned expression.
( He's hiding something..... I have to know what he did with the necklace that Dahlia gave to him.)
"Mr. Wright, please, I need to know what you've done with the" Gregory's eyes widen as he catches a glimpse of a color red from Phoenix's face mask. "Is that a blood stain coming from your surgical mask?!"
Phoenix quivered in shame as his eyes were blurry from all the crying from what his "Dolly" had said to him in front of the entire court, so he unveiled his mouth... it's covered with a nasty scar...blood is still dripping from his lips.
"MR. WRIGHT! What did you do?!?" Gregory shrieked in horror as he couldn't believe what he was seeing. Looking at his client, his son, in pure terror, knowing there was a slim chance that Phoenix might suffer the same fate as Terry Fawles.
"I'm so sorry, Dad...." Phoenix said quietly.
"I...I ate the necklace."
Note: I only wrote this for fun, and I am not sure if this scene will happen since the DL-6 doesn't transpire, so again, I wrote it to see how it turns out.
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