#kaity b speaks
Howdy Neighbors,
I've been reflecting on my journey of sharing Pleasantview stories and wanted to share some insights with you all. 🌟
From Discord to Tumblr:
My storytelling began as a private collection on Discord, serving as a sort of filing cabinet for all that unfolded during each rotation. This led to the creation of household recaps - quick summaries to share the essence of what happened each season. When I transitioned to Tumblr, I embraced the freedom to post in real-time and explore my creativity, leading to the comic format and narrative style you see today.
Finding the Right Balance:
However, I've realized that the extensive editing and detailed storytelling might be more than I initially bargained for. It's been a joy, but also, I admit, a bit draining. I love sharing the lives of our Pleasantview families, but I feel the need to step back a bit to prevent burnout.
Experimenting with Storytelling:
Going forward, you might notice a shift in how I tell these stories. I'm considering a return to a style that blends simpler imagery with shorter narratives, accompanied by more comprehensive seasonal recaps. This approach harks back to my original method - summarizing key events while still being creative and engaging, but without the extensive energy and focus that the current format demands.
Behind the Scenes:
I wanted to bring you behind the scenes of my creative process, to manage expectations and explain the upcoming changes in my storytelling pattern. Hence why the post c:
A Reminder of Key Terms:
Rotation: Each rotation represents one week (7 days) in the life of a household, equating to one season for them.
Household Blurb: These are the descriptions you read before delving into a household's story, giving you a glimpse of what's happening in their lives.
Thank you for being a part of this journey. Your support means so much, and I'm excited to continue sharing Pleasantview's stories with you, albeit in a slightly different style.
With love and gratitude, Kaity B 🏡💕
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lovelyirony · 5 years
prompt: “this story’s getting old/the homewrecker with a heart of gold” w/ tony going through his town bicycle phase?
Tony would like to announce that his cardio game is off the charts. He’s pretty sure he’s going to live until he’s 112 and he’ll still look better than Linda down the street. 
But the fact of the matter is, it is time to slow down and find someone that he likes and will support his endeavor to play mind games on the PTA board. 
In moves a man named Jim Rhodes. His arms are defined, he cooks, and he greets Tony wearing an apron and has flour on it. So he bakes for real and doesn’t rely on store-bought goods. (Neither does Tony, this is a good sign.) 
The only problem: Tony has been branded The Neighborhood Whore (trademark pending). He helped market it, by the way. Put it on his address stickers when he mails things. He regrettably has used those stickers on official bills. 
But he brings his best homemade dinner, which is lasagna, made-from-scratch garlic bread, and he also brings dessert. 
“Thank you so much,” Rhodey says, taking the pan from him. “I’ve been moving in, and I really didn’t want to resort to going out to eat or getting one of those frozen dinners.” 
“Any time,” Tony says, smiling in that soft way that makes most he wants to sleep with a little weak at the knees. “I’m Tony, you’ve either probably heard about me from the moms or you will.” 
“I’ll look forward to making my own judgments,” he says. “Call me Rhodey. I’ll see you around.” 
Over the following three weeks, Tony observes Rhodey’s behaviors: 
6:00 a.m. is a brisk run or walk around the neighborhood, lingering at the mailboxes to make sure everyone that gets a newspapers has it and delivers it to the front. 
(Tony starts getting the newspaper. Harley’s having a collage phase.) 
7:00 a.m. is when there’s movement for breakfast, although Tony’s busy waking Peter and Harley up, with more focus on Harley because the kid sleeps like a fucking tank. 
7:45 is when Harley and Peter are driven to school. 
A month in, Rhodey needs a favor. He has a meeting that he can’t miss at 3:45 p.m., and this coincides with picking up Lila. He doesn’t know anyone well enough to trust them with Lila, but–
“Just have Tony pick me up,” Lila says. “You know I’m friends with Peter.” 
“Are you sure you’re okay with that?” Rhodey asks. “Because I could try to postpone it–” 
“It’ll be fine,” Lila says. “It’ll give you a chance to go over and finally talk to him. Don’t think I haven’t noticed you looking out the kitchen window.” 
“It’s a nice window!” Rhodey says defensively. “Not my fault the view is Tony’s kitchen.” 
“View,” Lila snorts. “Go look up his number in the directory. Or return the favor of dinner and go give him some dessert and ask.” 
Rhodey decides a dessert would be too overt for a ride to school. 
So he does call him by phone number. 
“Hello, this is Tony speaking.” 
“Uh, hi!” Rhodey says. “I need a favor to ask of you, if it’s not too much.” 
“Ask away,” Tony responds. 
“Lila needs a ride home from school, and I was wondering since we’re neighbors and she wouldn’t have far to go, if you could…?” 
“Say no more,” Tony responds. “Just tell Lila to follow Peter to the car and I’ll take it from there. It’ll be just fine.” 
Of course, the PTA moms are having none of it. 
Rhodey is Eye Candy. He has nice arms, he smiles when he walks past you, and he is thinking about getting a dog from the shelter. 
He’s good. 
And he’s neighbors with Tony Stark, PTA Nightmare and Neighborhood Whore (trademark pending). 
So when Karyn notices Lila walking with Peter towards Tony’s Car (god it’s not even a family car model, YUCK) she has to take it upon herself to tell Lila that she would be happy to take her home. 
“Nah, thanks though,” Lila says. “I told my dad I’d ride home with Peter and Tony today, and that’s what he’s expecting. I’ll tell him it was nice that you volunteered.” 
(Lila will be doing no such thing because Karyn looks like she got her highlights done by a back alley has-been-hairdresser.) 
“Lila dear, before you go home would you like any snacks to take home?” Tony asks. “I have some cookies baked before school ended, fruit snacks, cheese sticks…” 
Lila supposes she can stay for a few cookies. And maybe take fruit snacks to go. 
This ends up taking an hour because no one told Lila that Tony Stark was a stay-at-home engineer/inventor/coolest person ever. 
“He’s awesome,” Peter says. “Right now we’re taking apart a motorcycle in the garage. Wanna see?” 
“Yeah,” Lila says, looking to Tony to see his reaction. “If that’s okay.” 
“Of course,” Tony says. “Peter, show her the works. But don’t stay out too late Lila, your dad is still expecting you.” 
Tony has sent a text to Rhodey that explains that Lila has decided to spend a little bit more time, feel free to collect her whenever needed. 
Rhodey decides he’s in love with Tony. 
Especially after he laughs in his car reading a text from Karyn explaining that if he wanted someone more “suitable” picking up Lila, she’d be more than happy to have Lila and her daughter Kaity spend more time together. 
(Lila is not a Huge Fan of Kaity. For multiple reasons. Including the spelling.) 
He knows he’s in love with Tony when he knocks on the door, Harley answers it, and he finds the man bent down over a bike helping his daughter and Peter take apart an engine. 
“Dad!” Lila says, smile brightening. “Look at this cool bike!” 
“Harley Davidson,” Rhodey observes appreciatively. 
“Hey sugar, how was the meeting?” Tony asks, leaning over to catch his eye. 
(Okay that is unfairly attractive. Too attractive.) 
“Went well, thank you,” Rhodey says. “Cinched a deal with a client. Glad to see everything’s going swimmingly over here.” 
“Did you know Tony’s an inventor?” Lila asks. “I didn’t know that!” 
Rhodey looks at Tony. 
“I’m impressed. But then again, I shouldn’t be so surprised. You’re smart as a whip.” 
Tony blushes. 
Harley makes a retching noise and says he’s going upstairs to do homework. 
Tony sends Lila and Rhodey home with more than a dozen cookies and promises that Rhodey will bring back the Tupperware containers. 
“Thank you,” Rhodey says, eyes lingering. “For everything.” 
“Always happy to serve,” Tony responds, winking. “See you soon, Rhodey.” 
Plan A is complete. 
Plan B has to wait until Saturday, when it is supposed to get Spectacularly Hot and Tony will have an excuse to water his hosta plants shirtless. 
(Heaven help Rhodey.) 
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fridaymusefunk · 3 years
Xyn, who do you think is the hottest? Kaity, Stacey, or Puchscuomt?
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“Puchscuomt uf med led! Puchscuomt uf keta dongocydico! (Girlfriend is not hot! Girlfriend is body temperature!)” She said, her translator speaking out what she said in... her voice! Guess her kind’s technology must go past text-to-speech?
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“N-No, that’s not what they meant...”
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“B-Besides, I’m... n-not really the dating type...! So I.. can’t really choose...”
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kylieryanette · 3 years
Big Changes and Little Faith
Hi! I hope you had a wonderful week, mine was full of learning and deep diving more into self unburying. I challenged myself to answer some questions that I am still working on. Who am I? Who do I want to be? Who was I and how far have I come and how far do I have to go? Plus a few more. My faith was challenged this week, which was hard because I've had to work hard in my faith journey. Faith has been a struggle for me, constantly asking God why, but it's getting easier. My senior year was another test of faith that I've had to overcome.
My senior year was an interesting one, to say the least. Dirk was gone, and pretty much absent from everything, besides the occasional weekend (and by occasional, I mean like 3) when we would go to Windsor Heights and spend some time with him. I was active in varsity football cheerleading, basketball (until a point), and track, as well as president of the Spanish club, member of the Octagon club, as well as numerous other volunteer activities, and activities such as the Capitol Project and Girl's State. My peers and I were always competing to see who had the highest grade, it wasn't about who got an A or B, but who got the highest A in the class, the competition fueled me, and in some ways, helped me as well as damaged me. My perfectionism grew and grew this year, mainly from my own internal demons and inability and/or unwillingness to share my feelings and experiences. Something I would do for years and years to come.
During this time, I was working, going to school, and partying, a lot. Every weekend there was a party, and I had the perfect work schedule to make that possible, 2-10, early enough to get off of work and attend the festivities, but late enough of a start so that I could get the much needed 12 hours of sleep that all teenagers seem to think they need. Things around our home had settled down, there anyway.
I mentioned I was busy and involved in a lot of sports and activities, and my whole family came to my events; mom, grandma, grandpa, aunt Trisha, and Kaitie. They came to every game, every meet, every awards banquet, etc. They were there for everything, and I felt their love and support every step of the way. We had a warm breakfast every morning, because mom would get up early and get ready before we woke up, so she would have time to spend with us before school. I would come home on my lunch hour whenever my college classes weren't meeting, and then early after school for the same reason. It was a mainly happy time, happiest I can remember. Dirk was pretty much in his own world, doing his own thing during this time, although he did contact us from time to time, but never making time to come to anything.
Mom and I made sure Dirk had every seasons schedule, he was invited to every event, but always had a reason why he couldn't come, even missing senior night for football cheerleading (thank goodness my boyfriend's dad was there to give me my rose) usually it was that he couldn't afford it, an excuse I very often accepted, as it was plausible. Until the day of my last track meet, which also happened to fall just a week after my 18th birthday.
The meet was on a Saturday in Keosauqua, IA, and Dirk and I had made plans that he would come down for my meet that day, watch me run, and then take me back to Des Moines with him to celebrate my birthday. Well, that Friday came and he called and told me that he would be slightly late to my meet as he had to drive from Des Moines to Omaha to deposit a check prior to taking me out for my birthday. I was perfectly fine with that, as I figured he would still make most of my meet the next day, as it didn't start until 10 and he claimed he was leaving really early that morning in order to make the meet. The meet came and went, he didn't show. I did not hear from him until 6pm that night, when he was almost to Bloomfield to pick me up. I went, hurt, but willing to put it past me in order to keep the peace and have a decent weekend with my dad. I found out the truth about that weekend about 3 weeks later, the week after my graduation.
I was snooping in my mother's room, and I found their joint checking account bank statement. It was in this document that I would find out the ugly and extremely hurtful truth. As I looked through the statement, I realized that the check he claimed he needed to deposit on Saturday, and the whole reason he needed to be late to my meet, was actually deposited on Friday, and he had gone to dinner Friday night in Omaha. Talk about hurt. As I looked further into the statement, I ran and grabbed my sports schedules from that year and started to match up dates, and in almost every case of "I can't afford it", he was actually in Omaha dropping $100's on dinners and shopping. I felt like someone punched me square in the chest, it was all a lie, he lied to me so he didn't have to come to my things and he could go see his girlfriend. Well, me being me, I found the girlfriend, found her work number and proceeded to call her and make her cry in front of her co-workers, not the best move, I know. I then called Dirk, who proceeded to try and blame my mother, and this is where I stopped speaking to him, for 3 years. He took my truck away and went out and lived his own life for a while, free of a wife and children. He would finally sign their divorce papers that spring, conveniently after I turned 18, that pesky child support you know. Dirk was acquitted of his charges that year as well, ending a long, anxiety-ridden year and a half, but the insurance company still would continue to fight any sort of settlement.
This would be my senior summer, the last summer before everyone flew off to college and started their own lives. We all spent as much time together as we possibly could, going to baseball games all over our part of the state, attending parties, sleep-overs, and memory memories. Mom started dating Eric Roberts this summer as well, and I hated him. I despised every time he came over, and made sure I was gone whenever he stayed over night. It took me 5 years to get over the hate I felt, to figure out that the man he portrayed on the outside was the man he really was on the inside. I had lost all faith in everyone around me, I didn't trust anyone, and I kept everything bottled up, something that would help lead to mental illness later in my life, which I am dealing with head on today.
I learned a lot during this time, and I wouldn't change my experiences for anything. Although hurtful, they taught me who I didn't want to be. The next few years were amazing, scary, eye-opening and I made SO MANY MISTAKES it's unbelievable! But, I also made some pretty amazing decisions as well. I cannot wait to share them with you! Grace covered me immensely and for that I am grateful.
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vk-mea · 7 years
All the questions!!!♥ 2/?
We were tagged in lots of awesome questions thingies, and we finally getting around to answer them! This week has been busy and whatnot :( Thank you for all of these guys!!! ♥♥
@xnosoloweduetx wants to know:
1. If you were to be an animal for a day, what would it be?
Vickie: A bird? So could fly and stuff
Kaitie: A dog because they are always happy 2. Do you speak your mind or keep it bottled up?
Vickie: LOL in real life I pretty much stay bottled up unless someone asks. Online I’m pretty open!
Kaitie: Bottled up. I don’t like conflict.
3. What do you have an obsession over? 
Vickie: Errr Marvel probably.
Kaitie: Movies, shows, and music, Friends!
4. Where would you like to travel?
Vickie: Germany! And to the East Coast again without seeing my grandfather (:
Kaitie: Err kinda hard to say cause I don’t like flying.
5. Imagine that you’re then told that you’re stuck as the animal you picked before, forever?
Vickie: No thanks
Kaitie: dang it 6. What’s your favorite music genre?
Alternative, Hip Hop (is there another term for this? cause I hate it), R&B, and mixtures of all 3 are usually the beeesssst
@simsulfurtrash and @candyypantssims want to know:
First person you messaged on Tumblr: @simcitiess! Got help for our first recolors!!♥♥
Last person you messaged on Tumblr: @kachowsims!!
Original blog name/first blog: Our first blog was toriakat-simmies. Do not go there please lmao
Number of posts in your queue: 0?!?! Where did they go tho
Who are you going to tag? Anybody who reads this!! Not including the poor mobile people who have no choice unless they want to ♥
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zumpietoo · 3 years
Your Biggest 'Riverdale' Season 5 Promo Questions Answered By Writer Chrissy Maroon Kaitlin Reilly New episodes of Riverdale are, tragically, still two months away. Which means that any lingering Riverdale questions we have — the identity of the Mothmen, the origin of Jughead's writer's block-inducing trauma, whether or not Polly is alive — will remain unanswered until at least August 11. Fortunately, however, The CW is giving fans some breadcrumbs for the upcoming episodes courtesy of a recent promo. While the promo doesn't reveal too much, it does tease us with juicy moments we can't help but speculate wildly about. Like, is Penelope starting a cult? What the hell are Tabitha and Betty doing? Is Archie's life in peril? Did Jughead really get abducted by aliens? So we went right to the source for answers to our burning questions. Riverdale writer Chrissy Maroon was kind enough to answer The Dipp's biggest theories, questions, and general WTFs about the promo... as well as finally share with us her number one favorite ridiculous Riverdale moniker. Enjoy, fans.
Oh Pissypants Kaitie, these are YOUR “biggest questions”, cause you’re a fucking dullard who inexplicably focuses on non-issues.....and Chrissy Moron is the last person I’d peg as “the source” to go “straight to”, also love that this is already two fucking months old and you;re all “the is brand new information!!!”. Speaking of, TBC, dragging Chrissy’s complete non-answers
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A) not remotely “cute”, dumbass----meant to be scary/creepy.....
B) Is it “really funnnnn”, Chrissy???? Umm....Betty and Tabi wouldn’t have shared scenes “pre-time jump”, because Tabi didn’t exist on the canvas yet. And since you didn’t show up until 4B, neither did you.....and your failure to research anything shows.
C) She actually didn’t remotely answer, but LBR: JTB triangle, y’all!!!
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That Peneloho!!! Such a LARK!!! Nothing cuter than being a bloodthirsty psycho serial killer of children, amirite????
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Hahaha!!! Maybe our far and away most popular character is DED!!! Aren’t we amaazzzzeeeballs???? Cause doing this same plot NEVER gets old!!!
Oh, also, yeah, the ep’s his FB/centric (which we don’t really do for anybody else, but I’m pretending) and then he’s chill....
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RAS said if I don’t pimp his pretend backdoor pilot that doesn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell, he’ll fire me pronto! Never mind it’s again, character fucking nobody GAF about (and two of the actors RAS screwed over, previously), we gotta make this happen!
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We actually had dick and “we’re” gonna get dick.....also Chrissy will never answer anything....
That said, Jabi’s rising, y’all!!!
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Love how, again, fuckin’ Chrissy can’t follow the show she legit writes for. Vermin lived in Plaiderdale for less than three years----and got TF outta there as soon as she and Douchie split. It couldn’t be moar obvious she has only EVER been there to suck off Douchie (no idea why, but....)
And the jewelry store plot is beyond fucking stupid and, once again, when they don’t know what to do with Vermin, they give her a small, pointless, “glam” brick and mortar business to “run”.....i.e. stand in the set of
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spongebobsquarepiss · 6 years
shakespearean asks (rip spelling)
thank u yuki ily! 
A is for Ariel: Who does a lot of crud for Prospero. What is the most important thing you’ve ever done for a friend? What is the most important thing a friend did for you?
im honestly not sure what ive done thats important to a friend. my one of my friends told the counselor i was suicidal and i got the help i needed.
B is for Beatrice and Benedick: What is something you expected to suck but turned out really great?
My musical skills
C is for Caliban: Do you dislike being told what to do?
No im dumb and need guidance
D is for Dogberry: What’s the silliest thing you’ve ever done? Also: are you an ass? (PS: you’re as pretty a piece of flesh as any in Messina)
Honestly? i have no idea but two of my best friends make fun of me for saying listen too often and it cracks me tf up. And yes i am an ass on occasion
E is for Edmund and Edgar: Do you and your siblings get along (cuz these two sure don’t). If you don’t have siblings, pretend you do and answer.
i dont have any siblings but the closest i have is my best friend and we get along until one of us does something stupid and then we kill the other
F is for Friar Lawrence: What is the worst you’ve ever fucked up? Like hardcore “you done messed up”
Freshman year w my gf at the time, junior year same idea
G is for Ghost of King Hamlet: If you were to die and had one chance to talk to someone after death (so in ghost form), who would it be?
Tf if i know.
H is for Hamlet and Horatio: Are you a little gay with your best friend  Who is your best friend in the world?
Y e s. Collin
I is for Iago: Have you ever done something mean or bad just because you can?
J is for Julius Ceasar: What would you do first if you were put in charge of an empire
id give everyone food and water and a place to live
K is for Katherine: Can you not be tamed?
i probably can
L is for Lear: You have to write your will now. Who’s getting what?
God fuck ok. My instruments are going to collin. Kaities getting my books. Malcolm gets half of my pop culture shit, jj gets the other half. Yuki gets all my highlighters, washi tape, binders and japanese books uhh everything else? donno
M is for Macbeth: Have you ever been pressured into doing something you really really really don’t want to do?
N is for Nurse: Do you know someone who’s always got your back?
O is for Orsino: Do you generally like poetry? (sorry lame question)
Love poetry
P is for Puck: Best prank you ever played on someone?
ive never pulled a prank at least to my knowledge
Q is for Queen Gertrude: What is the worst thing you’ve ever tasted (and don’t say poisoned wine, if you’re answering questions it means you’re alive.)
i once had some chips that were three years too old to eat and it tasted like moldy cardboard and i puked on the spot
R is for Romeo: Do you fall in love quickly?
Too quickly
S is for Shylock: Do you tend to hold grudges?
Not really
T is for Titania: Do you fight for what you want or do you tend to be passive and give in?
Only when speaking about me being LGBT
U is for Ursula: Write a backstory for a minor character who you think deserves more
Honestly? i want a more in depth backstory for Aomine but i seriously dont want to get into it
V is for Viola: What gender do you define as?
W is for Watchmen: What is the most important thing you’ve ever been entrusted with?
My tuba
X is for PoliXenes (i tried, okay?): On a scale of 1-10 how ridiculous do you think “A Winter’s Tale” is (for better or for worse)?
8? i dont remember all that happens tbh
Y is for Yorick: Do you want everyone to remember you when you’re gone or are the people close to you enough?
i want to be remembered only by my close friends and those ive impacted
Z is for Zebsastian (Yes I know it’s spelled with an S be quiet I tried ok):What is the craziest thing you and your sibling ever did? (if you don’t have one talk about something you did with another family member or friend)
i dont think ive ever done anything super crazy so idk??? My life is pretty fucking boring
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