#kakashi hatake x oc
magewritesstories · 7 months
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now that i've sucessfully found out that the naruto fandom is alive and well, i need y'all to recommend me some fics—preferebly kakashi x oc or kakashi x reader.
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lenelee · 3 months
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Dad Kakashi x daughter trope (
Kakashi x oc (not romantic)
Trope: found family
Word count: 1.5k
Warning: Oc character, Tragic backstory, mention of characters deaths, selective mutism disorder, Angst (if you squint?), hurt/comfort?, trauma, previous relationship, childhood love.
Kakashi ex girlfriend and comrade was someone he never could keep his mind off. Once he started to feel normal a little girl with white hair shows up, being called the daughter of his ex girlfriend. He was left with a note to raise her.
Kakashi didn’t know what to expect when he was called to the Hokage office. He assumed it was just another mission, so he put his uniform on, concealing his face underneath his mask, and made his way undetected.
He hadnt expected to be greeted by the Hokage alongside one of the legendary Sannin. The other white-haired man had been out of the village for a while, claiming to have research to do. Kakashi was a bit surprised to see him there.
He was even more surprised when they settled down and Jiraiya brought out a small blue-haired girl. She looked around seven… almost the same number of year Jiraiya had been gone for. Kakashi assumed it was the older man’s daughter and he would be assigned to guard her.
But what he was told was much worse.
Kakashi had never sought out love. He had actively avoided it, his childhood traumas leaving him to scarred to get close to anyone. He had seen others find love during times of war only to be left with hurt and alone. Kakashi tried to stay away from it as long as possible.
Yet he couldn’t help it when a beautiful girl with the kindest soul make her way into his heart, making him year for something he have vowed to never have, never want. Every time she stepped into the room, he couldn’t help but let his mind wonder to the terrifying place of his imagination, the future. Imagining their future together.
Kiyomi Tatsuyama. That was her name. The girl with all the time in the word, who used it all to pester him. She would always bother him during his morning walks, beg to spar with him only to go home with bruises, make him lunches when she assumed he was to busy to make his own, and bring him extra scarves during winter.
It annoyed him. She always asked what he was doing, the thing he liked, his favorite foods, his hobbies, and what kind of Shinobi he was.
He tried hard to put a distance between them, but mo matter what he did, she found a way to get to him. He hate it.
He hated how he would walk by her house slower when he noticed her rushing to do her hair before joining him. He hated how he would fall into an easy cycle of teasing and playful banter during their spars.
He hated how he would purposely complain to his comrades about how hungry he was when she was around so he could try the new food she made, despite it being overcooked. He hated how he’d leave his coat and scarf at home so she would nag and feel bad for him.
He hated the way her finger tips left a warm trail against his neck when she wrapped her scarf around him, the small scowl on her when she scolded him, the small dimple that appeared when she caught him staring blissfully, asking if he was listening, and how she would blush when she tried to scold him.
He hated the fact that he fell in love with her. And he hated it when she left. Leaving him behind with just a bite, telling him he would be in her heart forever before disappearing from his life forever.
His comrades would ask about her once they noticed the “fly” was no longer hanging around him, wondering if she had finally gotten the clue and stopped bothering him. He hated how heart broke he felt.
He hated how he could still hear the small cracks in his heart grow even after all these years as he read a note she had left him again. Hearing her soft voice saying he words he read:
“I always liked the cold. I liked the cute outfits I got to wear. The excuses it gave me to get close to you. I liked how warm I felt without feeling sweaty. I always felt that way around you. I felt nice and warm. Sorry if I bothered you, Kakashi. I couldn’t help who I fell in love with and how I handled it. I’m also sorry for what I’m about to do you. I don’t trust anyone the way I trust you. I know you’ll take care of her. People aren’t so kind to those who are different, of the unknown. She’s a good kid. She won’t bother you much. She likes to speak a lot but if you ask her to be quiet she won’t talk. She loves winters as much as I do and she likes to watch the stars shine. She doesn’t know how to make friends and she likes to eat a bunch of Dorayaki. Please take care of Kasumi for me…
I want you to know….I do remember that night.. Thank you.”
Kakashi couldn’t help the ache in his chest when he finished reading the letter. The way he crumpled the paper. The way he stared at the girl who stood behind Jiraiya, looking around curiously. The way the older men looked at him with hidden pitty behind their eyes.
He felt another stab at the heart.
“Kakashi, you understand you must take care of this girl? This child has been entrusted to your care. If you refuse her, she will be handed off to her grandfather. Although the isn’t reckless, he is in no condition to take care of a child. He can barely walk himself.” Hiruzen explained, his voice steady but his eyes filled with unspoken concern. Kakashi could feel the weight of his options being laid in front of him.
Jiraiya glance at him. His usual carefree deamnored replaced with a rare seriousness.
“She posses a Sharigan. It was placed in her. She can’t control it, and the longer it remains unstable, the more dangerous it becomes: not only that but…” Jiraiya paused, his face softening as he looked at the small girl who clung to his sleeve, her eyes landing on his, her big innocent eyes looking at him.
“Kasumi is daughter or Kenshiro Kaguyuki. Which means her anatomy is different than ours. Where we are warm blooded, Kasumi is not. She was born in the cold…. Kasumi is also mute.” Jiraya continued, his voice betraying a hint of sorrow. Kakashi’s eyes widened as he looked at the girl who tilted her head at him before hiding her small body behind the larger man.
“She wasn’t born with it. She developed it after going through a traumatic experience. It’s called Selective Mutism. Since she was three, she hasn’t spoke to anyone aside from her mother siblings,” Jiraya explained, his tone somber.
Kakashi felt his blood run cold. Hearing Kiyomi had moved on after all those years while he was stuck yearning for her, made him feel glad she found someone else but he couldn’t help the jealously that ran through his veins. Hearing she had children with another man made him feel sick.
“How many?” Kakashi asked, his voice barely above a whisper. Hiruzen stared at him, wondering if that had mattered in this moment.
“Three. This is her only daughter. The man she was married to had threatened to hurt her father if she didn’t come with him. He had four wives with the purpose of breeding strong children from different clans,” Jiraya explained, glancing down at the small girl who plugged her ears to not hear.
“… He committed suicide taking his three other kids with him… we’re still looking for his wives.”
Kakashi felt his jaw clench at the thought. His Kiyomi had spent years with a man who used her for her clan jutsu’s. She had left, and he hadn’t even thought about trying to find her. He had left her to be use by an evil man. Who knows what kind of horrors she and her daughter had to endure.
Kakashi zoned out for the rest of the conversation, hearing Jiraiya talk but unable to make out the words. He couldn’t help but feel like he had failed again, like it was his fault. He should’ve fought for her, he should have chased her. He should have asked her father. He should’ve went after her. Regret filled his body.
He finally tuned back in when he saw Jiraya turn to look down at Kasumi. His brows furrowed as he saw the Sannin make a series of hand signals.
It a took a moment for Kakashi to recognize it. It wasn’t a jutsu he had seen or copied. It was sign language. The girl— Kasumi— was muted she wouldn’t speak to anyone, which meant Jiraiya must’ve learned the easiest way to communicate with her.
Kakashi watched his eye locked with Kasumi. He assumed he was the topic of their conversation. He tried to give her a warm smile, but ended up looking awkward and forced under his mask.
She removed her fingers from her ears, frowning as she looked back up at Jiraiya and signed, ‘Why can’t you take care of me? I don’t want to stay here.’
Jiraiya smiled at the girl, reaching down to pat her head. She blinked at every sudden movement, her eyes wide and wary.
“Donr worry! You’ll be in good hands! Besides, Susu, I was meant to deliver you to who your mother asked. We just got side tracked by— my research,” he said, not signing this time, glancing over at Kakashi. Kasumi nodded sadly.
Kakshi watched as Hiruzen and Jiraiya spoke in a hushed tones, the two of them exchanging glances filled with concern. Meanwhile, Kasumi tugged on Jiraiya’s seeking his attention. Kakashi’s eyes were drawn to her.
Her hair was short, barely longer than her jaw, with uneven lengths and layered pieces sticking out, even her bangs where cut oddly, with chuckle pieces in between her brows, showing off her deep blue eyes. The same blue eyes he once knew, once woke up to, the some ones he had complimented, the ones he saw filled with love. Her hair seemed poorly dyed, large chunks of the bald showing white patches, and strands underneath the blue revealing a mixture of white and blue.
Kakashi watched as Kasumi reached up, offering Jiraiya a coin. The man grinned, giving her a small frog toy before making his leave.
Hiruzen looked at the girl, his eyes softening as she reminded him of the young girl. “This is Kakashi Hatake. You’ll be staying with him from now on,” he told her gently.
Kasumi stared at Kakashi with a blank expression.
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Idk if I should make part two… please help me before I end up deleting this 😭😭
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ljh-writing-blog · 8 months
Konohagakure, 10/18 Year 49
As early morning light flooded in the unfurled curtains of the hospital room Biwako attempted to relax while her unborn child was making her morning particularly painful. Late last night they had come to the hospital in a hurry, Biwako barely able to stand from her sudden labor pains and intense panic. Surely it wasn’t supposed to hurt this much? The midwife said this birth would be much easier the second time around. Hiruzen rushed them to the hospital immediately and made sure his wife was as comfortable as possible before assuring her he would return after clearing his schedule for the day with the council. He had left at 5AM and it was 6:30AM now. Biwako didn’t like being left alone while so close to birth but was also thankful to have this short time to speak with her son before he would enter this shinobi world. Caressing her stomach she began speaking softly to her swollen bump,
“Asuma, in just a short time, at least I hope it’s just a short time. You will enter this world and join the Sarutobi clan. Our family is strong and loving, we possess the will of fire and bear it like a badge of honor and I know you will too. It is a dangerous world we live in, unfair and unkind, but shinobi like your father help make it a better place. Shinobi like you one day. Your father and brother are very excited to meet you, they talk to you so much I’m sure you’ll recognize their voices as soon as you hear them. I am so excited to meet you, I can’t wait to see what you’ll look like, though I’ll be happy as long as you’re healthy. That being said we are ready for you any time, so feel free to come as soon as you’d like.”
Letting out a chuckle at her last words she jumped in her hospital bed as her husband’s voice resonated in the quiet room, “That was beautiful, hanii. Much like you. I hope my absence wasn’t too long, I did try to be quick but you know the Council.” Hiruzen made his way to his wife’s bedside and sat in the chair next to it, placing one hand on her stomach and his other in her waiting palm. “You’re fine, anata. We just had a little chat about someone needing to hurry up in there.” Poking at her stomach as she said someone. Chuckling as well he leaned forward to place a small kiss on her rounded stomach, soon to be flat once their child graced them with his presence.
He could admit he would miss seeing her this way, round and glowing with his child in her womb. His wife mainly in dresses the last few months because pants have just been too much work. Not only would he miss her figure but he had mourned the loss of a possible daughter. It was best for Biwako that this be her last pregnancy, the last 36 weeks had taken a large toll on her health. While she was expected to make a full recovery, as long as the birth went well, they prioritized her life and the life they can give the children they already have over the possibility of a daughter in the future.
Being broken out of his thought by a large gasp from his wife as she squeezed his hand mercilessly he felt sorry for her. He couldn’t imagine the pain child birth was, though he hoped the midwife was correct and the process went smoother this time. “Anata, I need the doctor. It’s time.” She let out another moan of pain as Hiruzen stood at her words and pulled away from her to call for help. Dashing towards the hallway he called for help before returning to his wife’s side, placing a chaste kiss on her forehead he tried to remember everything he had done for his wife during the birth of their first son. As he heard the doctor entering the room he connected eyes with his wife and through her pain they both grinned in excitement. Here comes their son.
At exactly 8:00AM on October 18th a baby, not an Asuma but an Asami, was born to the Sarutobi clan. Completely unexpected and taking the doctors by surprise considering she had evaded months of ultrasounds, she was born happy and healthy. Exactly 8 hours after that, at 4:00PM, the Asuma they were expecting was then born. It was no wonder this pregnancy had been so much more difficult, she had an extra seven pounds and eight ounces in her stomach. Biwako was overjoyed at their wondrous news, a boy and a girl! Though her son taking an extra eight hours to arrive was not very joyful. Never had they expected twins and the prospect was a little daunting to the two. Nevertheless they had everything they needed in their three children and each other.
Konohagakure 10/19 Year 49
It was the day after the twins had been born and the Sarutobis decided they were ready for visitors. Calling on his team first he was excited to share the wonderful news, Tsunade had hoped Biwako was having a girl and was slightly disappointed when she found out they were having another son. Well, slightly was an understatement. After Jiraiya had loudly declared she had lost yet another bet and would need to pay up, she broke the table they had been sitting at and threw Jiraiya out of the restaurant. That had been a hefty bill for the Hokage and took quite some apologizing on his part. Orochimaru thought the encounter quite comical though and it was nice to see his pupil smile.
Being broken out of his thoughts by a loud knock followed by his young kunoichi hissing “Shh! We’re in a hospital!” and an even louder slapping noise he knew his students had arrived. Grinning to his wife who held a very quiet, but wide awake, Asami in her arms he gestured to the door. Biwako nodded with an encouraging smile, readjusting her daughter slightly to be sitting up. Standing to open the hospital door room with Asuma in his arms he took a deep breath before embracing the chaos.
“Would you quit hitting me, Tsunade! You and your brute strength!” Jiraiya groaned as he rubbed the back of his head. At that Orochimaru snickered, Tsunade wouldn’t take the slight lying down. The woman in mention narrowed her eyes at his words and was ready to verbally retaliate when the door opened and Sarutobi Sensei stood before them. All three students fell quiet as they peered at the baby in his arms, though Orochimaru tried to quiet his interest externally. “Thank you all for coming on such short notice, I wanted you to be the first we shared the good news with.” Hiruzen addressed his students before gesturing for them to enter the room behind him. A small smile on his face at the surprise waiting for them beyond the threshold.
A small gasp filled the room from Tsunade at the sight of Biwako sitting in her hospital bed with another baby. “Two babies? Twins! Please tell me that’s a girl!” The young kunoichi rushed to the mother’s side pulling up a chair to sit down as she reached her hands out for the child, hesitating when the words brute strength echoed in her head. Orochimaru recognized the look, even though Tsunade acted tough she was still an insecure girl sometimes. “You won’t hurt her, Jiraiya’s an idiot. Don’t listen to him.” He stated plainly, shoving her forward so she stumbled into the chair. “Hey!” Jiraiya knocked into his shoulder, why was everyone going after him today? Tsunade looked back with a small look of appreciation, he pretended not to notice and looked at Biwako curiously.
“She’s a girl right?” The pale faced nin gestured toward the baby she was placing into his team mate’s arms. “Yes she is! This is Asami, she’s quite the surprise. Born at 8:00AM yesterday.” The mother chirped back happily, glowing with motherly love and affection for her babies. “This here is Asuma, born at 4:00PM yesterday.” Hiruzen spoke as he patted Jiraiya’s shoulder and pushed him to sit down in the chair he was next to. As Jiraiya sat Hiruzen spoke to him quietly, “Cradle your arms and make sure you support his head and neck, he’s not made of glass there’s no need to look so nervous.” Jiraiya looked at his Sensei with nervousness in his eyes, babies are so small and he’s so… the opposite. Holding his arms out gently he allowed for the small bundle of life to be placed in his arms, unsure of what to do next he looked to the older man for any idea. Hiruzen barked out a laugh at the helpless look on his pupil’s face, enemy nin and rogue ninja were nothing but a baby had the young man in shambles. “Just hold him, son. He’s just a baby, he doesn’t do much.” Hearing his Sensei’s words he felt himself relax a bit, settling in with the baby in his arms the child quickly fell back asleep. Son, Hiruzen always says they’re like his family and maybe the old man really did mean it.
As Asuma settled it was like the energy he had was transferred to Asami and she began to start babbling and waving her hands around. Moving her head she seemed incredibly animated for a newborn. Something had caught her attention it seemed as her father noticed the baby’s eyes zeroing in on his only pupil that had het to greet her. Looking at the young man’s face it seemed the child had captivated even his most withdrawn student.
Orochimaru had been watching closely at the way Tsunade and the others handled the babies and believed he could do it. Though even he himself wasn’t sure why he wanted to do such a thing, he’s never liked children before. Though the girl had caught his attention, duping all medical professionals and seemingly born with luck on her side. Trying to garner the courage to ask if he could hold the child his Sensei seemed to know the situation better than he did. “Would you like to hold her, Orochimaru?” Hiruzen asked quietly enough that Jiraiya wouldn’t hear him, probably willing to answer for him and that wasn’t what he was looking for at the moment. Encouraging him with warm eyes he spoke once more, “She seems interested in you too.” Hesitating the younger male nodded, attempting to locate a chair before realizing they were both taken. He was slightly nervous about holding the newborn child while standing. The mother in Biwako appeared to notice his discomfort and offered him a seat, “You can sit on the bed with me, I know it’s a little scary standing with them at first.” She spoke to him quietly, patting the bed beside her as she kept looking at her baby boy in Jiraiya’s arms. Truthfully the avoided eye contact was a blessing, this encounter was making him feel vulnerable and he didn’t like it.
As soon as Tsunade placed Asami in his arms she settled, content to look up at his face in wonder. Returning her stare he began to take notice of her features. Her head full of dark hair catching his attention first, her small hands reaching towards his face caught his attention next, and lastly her eyes. They didn’t match anyone in the family, a striking color that reminded him of crackling embers and scorching flames. “Her eyes are beautiful aren’t they?” Biwako asked him, startling the pale faced nin out of his thoughts. Looking slightly sheepish that he had been caught he nodded to the mother and agreed. His sensei spoke from the other side of the room, “We believe she has been born with a will of fire so strong it even marks her outward appearance, she will become a very capable kunoichi some day. I hope she is able to study under all three of you, my students, to learn from the best.” At that Orochimaru looked at the babe in his arms once more, maybe he wouldn’t be opposed to training the child when she became of age. Maybe, he could be Asami’s sensei.
A/N: it’s meeee, ik i said i’d get this out like a week ago but i’ve had so much crazy shit going on lately i just couldn’t. i wrote this on my phone so sorry to computer users if the format is weird. pls enjoy and like/reblog/leave me a comment below on what you liked/didn’t.
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taylortaylormoon · 2 months
First Love Part 1
Pairing: Kakashi x oc! Michino Uchiha Warnings: Technically underage, they're 16 your honor. No smut (Yet) Kakashi and Michino have been seeing each other for a while now, graduating from quick, chaste kisses when no one was looking for full-blown make-out sessions in the privacy of their apartment.
Kakashi and Michino have been seeing each other for a while now, graduating from quick, chaste kisses when no one was looking for full-blown make-out sessions in the privacy of Kakashi’s apartment.
They're at it now and have been slowly lazily kissing each other for a while. Laid out on Michino’s bed on top of the beige-colored comforter, Kakashi on his side, his right hand wrapped around her waist, grazing her side softly, moving his fingers up and down. While the left plays with her long black hair. Michino’s pressed against him, her left hand under her bent at the elbow to give her leverage, right hand resting at his chest, feeling his heartbeat under it.
‘We should stop soon,’ Michino thinks, feeling Kakashi’s hips shift subtly for the third time in the last few minutes. He was getting worked up, and she was starting to heat up. Still, she moved in for another kiss, catching his bottom lip between her teeth for a slight nip when she pulled back. His hand moves down from her hip, close to grabbing her ass, but again he stops himself. 
“Michi,” Kakashi’s voice is husky, his control at its limits, diving in for a kiss below her ear at the jawline, his tongue sneaking out for a taste. 
In response, Michino moans, a sound that sends a spark up Kakashi’s spine. His hip moves again at his own volition, but he stops himself for the fourth time. 
“We should stop,” he tells her, but his leg slots between hers, giving her something to grind against. Her face is a dusty pink, a blush starting to form across her round cheeks. He wonders how red he could make her. 
She’s trying not to pant and nods in response. Her eyes darken, and she looks down at his soft lips before looking back to meet his eye. Neither moved away from the other, their faces close together. They could feel the other’s breath. Michino groans as she grinds one last time on Kakashi’s leg. 
“You’re right,” she says, silently thanking God for the years of breath control that have finally paid off. Again, neither moves; they stare at each other as their breaths steadies.
Kakashi places a chaste kiss on her cheek and removes his leg. In one swift motion, his feet are on the floor, but he’s still sitting on the bed. He feels a rush of sensation all over his body, a pleasant tingle that soon fades, and he stands up.
Michino is lying on her back, looking up at the ceiling, trying to think about anything else as the butterflies in her stomach start to settle. 
“I’m going to take a shower,” Kakashi tells her without waiting for a response. Michino turns her head to watch him go.
“Do you want to-?” Michino cuts herself off, suddenly unsure of herself. Making out was still new territory for them, considering it took six months of caste kisses in the dark to move on to the next stage. 
They're only 16, but they are far older than their age. They’ve experienced war, loss, and heartbreak. Both have lost those closest to them, their generational teams, and their mentors. While Kakashi’s loss was fresher than hers, Michino was a disowned Uchiha. All they had was each other now. 
“Want what?” Kakashi asks, stopping at the doorway and turning towards her, a look in his eye she couldn’t place was it….hopeful?
“To have sex,” Michino says bluntly, blushing further. “I-I mean, it’s the next step. We’ve been together for over a year, so forget it. I’m fine with just kissing….it’s nice.”
“Cute,” Kakashi thought out loud, his head tilted to the side. Michino looked down, her hands clenched, an indignant look on her face. Cute, she’s a shinobi, and shinobi aren’t cute. “Maa, maa calm down.”
“I am calm,” Lies. The bed moves under Kakashi’s weight as he moves onto the bed to sit and kneel next to her, his taking hers,
“Michino,” Kakashi says, getting her attention. “If that’s what you want to do.”
“But it isn’t just about me,” She replies, “If sex isn’t you’re something you're interested in then.”
“Who said I’m not?” he asks, confused, as this is the first time they’ve ever talked about it. Michino mutters something under her breath. “What was that?”
“Kosho made a comment, and it got me thinking, is all,” She answers. Kosho was an unremarkable chunin that Kakashi knew very little about. 
“What comment?” His curiosity peeked.
“It was nothing; I told him to stop and that you’re-we’re private people.” She tells him, getting more frustrated as the conversation goes on. 
“Ask me again,” Kakashi tells her, 
“Do you want to have sex…with me?”
“More than anything.”
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wildrodrev · 1 year
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narutogwriting · 2 years
Okay I’m super hype fixated on Kakashi fics rn where the virgin!reader has some undercover mission where she needs to use her body and Kakashi either has to prepare her or accompany her and smut ensues…
Should i write something like that ? 👀
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hemm-hux · 2 years
“Kakashi made me miso soup every day for a week when I got out of the hospital.” Honōka thinks Kakashi makes the best miso soup. He always gets the seasoning just right.
“No wonder Honōka’s so attached to you, pup. The quickest way to the heart is through the stomach.”
Kakashi flushes. He’s a mixture of pleased and embarrassed.
“Maa… I thought the quickest way to the heart was through the ribs…”
Honōka by Yujina
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angel-nia · 1 year
Just finished reading published chapters, can't wait for more.
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sasukeuchiha-24 · 4 months
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Kakashi Hatake 🪷🍃
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kankuroplease · 10 days
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At home with the Hatake Family 🖤
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kazuha-pista-badam · 5 months
kakashi the type of person to blush when you guys accidentally touch hands bcs he's so fucking touch starved
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akamikazae · 5 months
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Modern Lovers⋆.✧*:・
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kleftiko · 2 years
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cw: none, this is fluff
alternate title: team 7’s first impression of you
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kakashi always delays your mornings. he’s late to everything and one of the reasons is because he prefers to keep you in a loving headlock each morning (he calls it cuddling, but it’s inescapable) while he reads his books.
needless to say, when he finally leaves much later than he should for his first mission with his new team, you can get ready and go outside to tend to your garden.
only to get severely pissed off.
your garden was new, kakashi had his routine and your garden literally got in the way of it, BUT DID HE HAVE TO WALK RIGHT THROUGH IT FOR THE THIRD TIME THIS WEEK????
your blood boils and you feel it in your cheeks as you see the murderous footprints of kakashi who was probably reading his stupid icha icha instead of looking where he was going.
team seven, on the other hand, is being continuously amazed by their new teacher. they can’t land a single blow on him, he seems invincible to everything. and they’re about to give up hope when they hear the piercing scream of of a killer, a sound so horrifying it shakes their sensei to a halt.
it’s you. and you’re pissed.
“kakashi hatake! how many times have i told you to look where you’re going!!!”
the man freezes as he sees you coming over the horizon. a jonin knows when he’s defeated, and seeing his significant other blowing steam out their ears as they march straight towards him, he knows he’s done for.
he doesn’t do much when you approach him. and team seven look on in horror as you rip the book out of his hands.
“this is what happens when you read your stupid book while you walk!” you swing the novel down onto his head. repeatedly. “you ruined my garden again! this is the last time kakashi!!”
your man takes the beating, slightly laughing at you because your assault doesn’t hurt, and team seven is looking at this random person in a floppy sun hat beat their sensei.
kakashi holds you in his arms. no book in his hands this time as his fingers run up and down your back.
“that better be the last time, kakashi.” you mumble into his chest. he chuckles and adjusts the two of you on the couch. after todays kerffufle, you went home and took a nap. kakashi had replanted everything while you slept, leaving a path that he can walk through in the morning. it looked funky, and out of place with everything else, but it was sweet.
“it’ll be the last time.” he assures. “my team thinks you’re pretty scary:”
“that’s cause i’m the only one who can kick your ass.”
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ljh-writing-blog · 9 months
naruto fic teaser? would be a kakashixoc, slowburn ftw. my OC will be the twin sister to Asuma and former student of not only Kushina but Orochimaru (gonna learn a little from all the sannin but him mainly) much like Obito, also i won’t resist making them besties, when she’s younger she aspires to be the Hokage just like her father. obviously you see the tragedy already on its way. i have thought of sm drama for this fic so even if someone doesn’t read it i’m still gonna write it lol. fair warning my writing is very slow but i will come up with the first piece today. if you’re interested could i get a like or a reblog to let me know ?
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taylortaylormoon · 3 months
Character teaser
Kakashi x oc!Uchiha
Michino Uchiha was not cut out for the brutality of war. Her sensei knew it. Her team knew it. She knew it, too. Maybe that was why it was so easy for the boys to leave her behind. Michino was wrestling on the ground with an enemy ninja, a young girl with round cheeks and wide eyes filled with fear and desperation. Both were worn out from their battle, each struggling to gain the upper hand with a single kunai between them, fully aware that their lives were at stake. Michino had ample opportunities to kill this girl before the struggle started, with minor weaknesses and miscalculations the other girl had made that Michinocould have exploited before their battle began. Still, Michino didn’t want to kill anyone. And that weakness was about to cost her her life. 
Her dead sensei’s voice in her head screams at her, berating her, and that distraction is what made her lose the grapple. The other girl ripped the Kunai from Michino’s hands and stabbed her blindly in the leg before running for the trees. They were three genin, children, her and her teammates, stuck behind enemy lines with a dead sensei and no idea which way was home. The boys are near her, arguing, not about her. They both have already agreed to leave Michino behind as she lays bleeding out on the ground, hands pressing against the wound as blood slips through her fingers. They were arguing about which way led back home. Minchino doesn’t cry as they leave, disappearing into the trees. Despite Arisue-sensei’s adamant dismissal of her abilities and visions, Michino knew this would have happened. He refused to believe his death was coming up until he triggered the ambush she had warned him about. Waves of cold despair overwhelmed her; she was going to die here. Alone. She wants to cry and call out to a mother she never knew. But tears don’t fall from her eyes. Instead, something inside her snaps and a sudden toughness hardens her, a cold voice saying she wasn’t dead - not yet.
Summoning every ounce of strength, she had left, Michino grits her teeth, willing her body to move despite the pain that surges through her as she rolls to her side and then to her front, getting on her knees. Everything in her body screams at her to stay down. But she doesn’t; instead, she gets her feet under her, and she stands, crying out at the pain, swaying unsteadily on her feet, but she stands. She sways, disoriented and dizzy, but she stands. She was never the best at medical ninjutsu, and healing yourself is tricking in and of itself, so fire it was. Cauterizing the wound hurt, but it was necessary—her first battle scar. 
She needed to move, or it would be her last scar. Each step was a battle. The world around her blurred, and darkness crept on the edge of her vision, but she focused on putting one foot in front of the other. She refused to let this be her end. After walking for a while, time lost all meaning; she couldn’t tell seconds or minutes from hours. She stumbles and falls multiple times, but each time, she gets back up, refusing to stay down, dragging herself up by the skin of her teeth. The pain was excruciating, but it was a reminder that she was alive.
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wildrodrev · 1 year
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when your adopted son doesn't like his anbu guard
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