#kakashi you are a hypocrite
shyflowerhologram · 4 months
The double standards Konoha and fandom generally has when it comes to Uchihas, for example - Asuma’s death. Apparently, Shikamaru is allowed to grieve over his teacher’s death and be unreasonable and lead Choji and Ino against the people they had no chance against. Shikamaru may have had plan against Hidan, but he had no idea about Kakuzu’s abilities. Sure, he planned to get Hidan’s jutsu to kill Kakuzu, but without Kakashi, who got added to his team on last second, Ino and Choji would be long dead before Shikamaru’s plan came into action. Everyone supports and understands him. But now, when Sasuke is grieving over his family and wants a revenge, whole village (and fandom) is calling him a wuss. Where was Kakashi’s famous speech about how he had it worse when he offered his help to Shikamaru’s team? He never showed any intention to support Sasuke about killing Itachi, like he did with Shikamaru. He literally said: “Sasuke quit seeking revenge, even if you success, you’ll be left with emptiness in the end,” of course, it sounds wise, but then Kakashi goes and offers his help to other team for a revenge mission. Why? Itachi was a criminal just like Hidan and Kakuzu, member of Akatsuki. Did Itachi cause less grief for Sasuke than Hidan did for Shikamaru? Why was it so wrong to go after Itachi like they did with Hidan? There is no arguing that Itachi is worse opponent, but that had never been anyone’s point. The only thing everyone droned about was that Sasuke had to give up on revenge, forget about his massacred clan and play house in Konoha like nothing bad had ever happened. Another example would be how everyone says how Sasuke doesn't deserve forgiveness or happiness after everything he had done. What had he done so bad actually? Are we still going on about killing few samurai in a battle? Well, remember Gaara, who used to kill everyone simply for the sake of it. He wasn't on his right mind? Surprise, neither was Sasuke at kage's summit, he was finally going to face man who had ordered his family's death, too bad he wasn't all logical. Gaara could be redeemed for his killing spree, but not Sasuke. Sasuke, who got rid of two akatsuki members, sealed Orochimaru and put end to his experiments and torture (until konoha embraced Orochimaru back, because he was bad but at least he didn't kill samurai). Not to forget how Sasuke did Konoha a huge favor and got rid of Danzo, and I'm not gonna talk about how helped Naruto to save the world, but who says thank you? Nope, no one.
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teatitty · 2 months
Straight up if you get Kakashi's order wrong he just won't say anything meanwhile Iruka is "HE ASKED FOR NO PICKLES!"
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maoam · 5 days
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Naruto most likely sees how the world around him works, and it affects his behaviour, especially since he craves for acceptance.
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Notice the difference in his reaction when another guy says he likes him in part 1 vs part 2.
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(Sorry for a bit poor quality, it was difficult to find an accurate translation, most were viz translations which didn't convey this convo very well). In part 1 he's just annoyed, because he doesn't like Kankurou as a person. He didn't even think about that "I like you" could have certain other implications. But in part 2 he's straight up creeped out by Kakashi saying the same thing, eventhough the meaning and intention is the same in both.
Naruto's reaction to Kurama mentioning his kiss with Sasuke was also way too over the top. Like really comical. Naruto was putting on a show in front of everyone. But whenever he's with Sasuke, he forgets all about this, he is fine with waxing poetry to Sasuke, or Sasuke being close to him...
My guess is since he went through puberty he also learned things about himself and thus started to become more sensitive to such things. Thus internalized homophobia.
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Take this scene for example. He seems a bit uncomfortable being there. Sai was probably made to be like this (inappropriate, talking about p*nis all the time, being compared to Sasuke, challenging Naruto about his fixation on Sasuke) so Kishi could introduce more such themes into the manga. He's rather clever about this.
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Another guess (it could be both combined) would be that since Jiraiya is so aggressively straight man (to the point he has to introduce himself by saying he's not into men lol) living with him for those years during the timeskip could have affected Naruto's mindset even more. But it's funny how Kishi keeps stressing over and over how Naruto finds Jiraiya's er*tic books boring. Also unlike Jiraiya who peeps on women for p*rverted reasons, Naruto does it as a prank, and in order to practice his oiroke no jutsu. Kishi is trying to show how they are different. I remember on one discussion forum one guy actually brought up he noticed Naruto's changed behaviour after he came back with Jiraiya! Like that he was even more gay and more sensitive to gay things. See, other people notice too.
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Then he calls Konohamaru's boy-on-boy jutsu "nasty". Naturally, it's a shonen, Naruto can't have a comically interested reaction like Sakura to something like that, it wouldn't fly. Thus the internalized homophobia. But I also think he didn't want to see Sasuke who he's possessive over being with Sai like that lol. And Naruto really isn't one to talk considering what he came up with later.
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Look how proud he looks. Little hypocrite. He's been working on those twink bods more than rasengan lol. Kishi wasn't very subtle with that comment. Also Kishi fought for this moment with his editors for YEARS because he just really needed to write this down. It was just that important to him...
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Of course Naruto's repression comes up when it comes to Sasuke as well. Here he admits Sasuke is attractive, but then immediately backpedals on it. His real feelings just slipped.
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Later, he was thinking about Sasuke, his mind consumed by Sasuke, but when Sakura and Sai appear his whole body language changes and he immediately claims he was thinking about a date with Sakura. He didn't want to be vulnerable nor let anyone know about his real feelings at the moment. He is hiding behind a heterosexual facade.
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But sometimes Naruto doesn't even think of backpedaling on it. He is with his supposed "crush" yet unlike anyone else who would try to get closer or maybe flirt, he is just thinking about Sasuke. This is actually a moment that made many people raise their eyebrows. Including people who didn't like narusasu, or people who didn't ship anything. Specifically because it's written like a clickbait, as in Naruto says "he is happy" and Sakura going "huh?" and because she's his supposed crush who is taking care of him as I said most readers would expect next page have Naruto say something that would emphasize his crush on Sakura. But no, he goes on about Sasuke. No matter how much ss/nh insist we see gay everywhere, many other people picked up on Kishi's writing at many points during the story. But anyway, even with the internalized homophobia, Naruto's love for Sasuke is so strong he can say crazy things about Sasuke to other people and to Sasuke himself that things like "I'm starting to like you" (a completely average thing to say to another person) can't compare to, and still be unbothered by it.
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Finally there is the interaction with Minato. Naruto wants to look good in front of his dad so he hesitantly agrees Sakura is his girlfriend, despite how in the previous arc we were shown that Naruto knew Sakura still likes Sasuke, and was angry at her when she tried to confess to him. So he is obviously not serious about Sakura being his girlfriend, but he is saying it to Minato hesitantly. Yet when his dad is leaving he doesn't want to lie anymore.... but he's also hesitant about admitting he hasn't found a girl like his mom wanted.
About the last part, I think it's referring to the armadillo scene? I think it was Kishi's typical humour, like how Naruto saw Haku in makeup and feminine clothing, and assumed Haku was a girl, but then was told Haku is a boy and went "oh okay, I didn't know that kind of thing existed". Here there was instead an armadillo that somehow looked like it was wearing makeup (??? idek or at least looked feminine) and since Naruto needed to write down whether the animals were boys or girls (a ridiculous cover up mission they made up to hide the war was going on from Naruto lol) but then it was flipped over with everyone else and Naruto saw its p*nis and went "even if heaven and earth switched places, a male is still a male". I guess Kishi likes this kind of thing lol... his d*ck jokes...
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I know it says "the world might flip over" here but I know it's actually that proverb "even if heaven and earth switched places" that's often used in Japanese.
EDIT: this got flagggged by tumblr so I had to edit sus words.
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narutouzumakiarchive · 5 months
A while ago, I made a post about hypocritical Sasusaku stans that pretend to be anti Konoha so they can criticize SNS (despite having no grounds to stand on), and in light of recent annoying discourse, in this post I'm going to go over a case example at length because this perfectly encapsulates the typical behavior of that fandom.
So let's take a look at this post. In this tweet, they mention their criticism of Sasuke being saved from the darkness at the end. Now in order to deconstruct this post, we have to look at what "darkness" symbolizes in Naruto's text.
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And when you look at the text, you'll see that "darkness" was attributed two distinct, but sometimes interconnected, senses. The first meaning of darkness in the text was loneliness, plain and simple. Wee see pitch black imagery when Naruto recounts the pain he experienced before he met Team 7, when he was all alone. And we also see this imagery crop up when Sasuke enters into a shroud of darkness after experiencing the pain of leaving Naruto, who is symbolically represented as the juxtaposed light to Sasuke's darkness. Though he doesn't cut off Naruto, an issue which is the crux of their conflict after the timeskip, the panels of Sasuke talking about pain still serve to contextualize his state of mind when leaving Naruto: "If I leave Naruto, I will experience pain, much pain."
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The second meaning of the darkness is also established during the Sasuke retrieval arc: hatred. Itachi, in his desperation to be judged by Sasuke, forces Sasuke to seek out hatred in order to acheive his goal of avenging the clan by killing Itachi. And of course this meaning of the concept of darkness comes with a host of attendant negative connotations, as darkness is frequently associated with evil — especially in the Christian mythos that Kishimoto drew from.
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Now there is certainly something to be said for Kishimoto's conservative framing, but that's for another post. The purpose of laying out the two meanings of "darkness" invoked in the text was to compare and contrast Sakura and Naruto at the end of the manga and see which particular meaning of darkness was salient in their motivations regarding Sasuke, and well... things don't look good for "sasukeslawyer."
Because Naruto continually reinforces his motivations for saving Sasuke. In the text it's explicitly spelled out that Naruto wants to help ease Sasuke's loneliness. There's a reason why the resolution of their feelings is spurred on by Naruto admitting to feeling pain for Sasuke, the same pain that Kishimoto narratively links to being alone.
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Sakura, on the other hand, wanted to save Sasuke from the darkness of "evil" at the end of the manga. It is established during the 5 Kage Summit that because Sakura "loves" Sasuke, she wants to prevent him from continuing on a path of darkness and progressing towards evil. And Sai's description of Sakura's actions receive authorial endorsement. In this scene, Kishimoto builds up Sai's credibility by having him accurately assess that Sakura was quite likely planning on killing Sasuke and that her smile, when she stated she was planning on working together with her Konoha comrades to acheive that objective, was forced. The reader is given no reason to doubt this.
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But most significantly, not once does the text show Sakura reneging on her beliefs about Sasuke's darkness. When we get insight into her feelings about Sasuke during the war arc, it is made blatantly clear that she distrusts him which is shown through the same fake smile she showed Sai before heading off to kill Sasuke. Additionally Sakura's to desire to save Sasuke from the darkness is reinforced, this time through another mouthpiece in Kakashi. And athough Kakashi is not the most reliable character, the text doesn't contradict this particular fact.
But Kakashi's reliability doesn't particularly matter for this post because "sasukeslawyer" and most other sasusaku fans believe Kakashi to be a reliable character that understands all of Sakura's actions. As indicated below, she takes no issue with Kakashi's assessment that Sakura wanted to save Sasuke from this negative darkness. And yet, there's no attempted moral harranguing or criticism of Sakura for wanting to save Sasuke from the progression towards evil by *checks notes* killing him. Nor is there criticism of Sakura never changing in this regarding and maintaining that desire to save him from the negatively connoted darkness.
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In fact, "sasukeslawyer," has no problem with the idea of Sasuke, the genocide survivor, traveling for years to reedem himself and be "worthy" of the same Sakura who attempted to kill him on behalf of the same village she claims to hate only when she can use it in an attempt to downplay Naruto and Sasuke's dynamic.
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Like aside from the fact that this obviously isn't true [Kishimoto wrote 9 pages of Sasuke reflecting on his journey in the manga and not once is Sakura mentioned, because he can't individuate her and Sakura had to chase Sasuke on his journey because Sasuke never came back and Sakura couldn't take a hint]...
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On what earth is Sasuke not worthy in general, let alone for Sakura, who's shallow romantic inclinations he repeatedly rejected to begin with. It is Sakura who didn't take accountability for trying to kill Sasuke instead of bothering to find out why Sasuke took the actions he took. She is never forced to reflect even once on how she acted towards Sasuke nor do we ever see her make a single negative or critical statement about the shinobi system. But these alleged anti-Konoha warriors have no complaints about that, and that's because it's not about them disliking Konoha or the elders who deserve to die. It's about them trying to undermine SNS because they resent Naruto and Sasuke's dynamic and want to prop up SS. But don't just take my word for it.
They take the canonical scenes of Sasuke looking at Naruto, which mirrored Sakura's own body language towards Sasuke, in order to attribute it to Sakura (this is one of many examples).
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The sharingan is obviously a reflection of love and Naruto was explicitly associated with Sasuke's sharingan on three different ocassions. Kishimoto cared so little for SS that he couldn't even bother to associate a crucial element of Sasuke's character with Sakura in manga that he wrote with his own hands. So Sasusaku have to use filler novels that Kishimoto didn't write, let alone acknowledge, to say that Sasuke would transform a new and unheard of sharingan if he lost Sakura. LOL.
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There's the editing the panels of VOTE 2 to claim that Sasuke made Sakura watch Naruto and Sasuke's personal memories, despite the fact that 1. We clearly see the only thing Sasuke shows Sakura is a violent genjutsu of her getting stabbed in the chest.
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2. The manga utilizes clear visual language to depict the transition from memories into real life to indicatr who is thinking about the memories, something not present in the panel that Sakura wakes up from which makes because
3. Naruto and Sasuke thought about memories which Sakura wasn't even present for and Sasuke cannot telepathically transmit memories.
And this isnt even all, but the point stands nevertheless. Sasusaku fans harass SNS shippers using fake moral justifications that they don't even abide by. Don't be fooled. It's always been about their frustrations over the romantic tones in SNS. But it won't change the fact that more than anyone else, Naruto and Sasuke both saved eachother from the darkness of loneliness more than anybody else.
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sapphic-agent · 3 months
Bro, Aizawa can go kick rocks. That last ask you posted got me so mad about him all over again.
I have no clue how Hori meant to write Aizawa. On one hand, he admits he really has no idea what the fuck he's doing as a teacher, doesn't actually teach his students anything, lets Bakugou do whatever the hell he wants with no consequences, and was wrong to treat Izuku the way he has been since day one. He even admits that he has no clue about his students DESPITE THE UA TRAITOR BEING ONE OF HIS STUDENTS.
On the other hand, he's arrogant enough in his teaching abilities to get offended when Mic calls him out for being a terrible teacher, doesn't say shit about Ida's internship choice despite knowing how suspicious it is, only gives ONE "I'm sorry, Izuku" with ZERO reflection or introspection as to why he hated Izuku so much, and hypocritically accused All Might of favoring Izuku despite not just blatantly favoring Bakugou and Shinsou, but shutting down Mic when he brought up said favoritism.
Worst thing is, everything in the second paragraph is to be taken at face value. We're supposed to see him as Kakashi 2.0 and this amazing teacher, but really he's just an arrogant asshole who if he were a real teacher, would have gotten MANY students killed due to his negligence and love of dishonesty.
Exactly, he's so inconsistent. I suspect this is due to his role as Horikoshi's mouthpiece. Isn't it a little suspicious that both times that Bakugou faced criticism from the public, Aizawa was conveniently placed to shut them down? Because the heroes at the Sports Festival and the reporters at the press conference are supposed to be us. Horikoshi, through Aizawa, is telling us how we're supposed to be regarding Bakugou, despite the fact that Bakugou's actions completely refute what Aizawa's saying.
(The worst thing about this is that it works. I suspect a big reason why people are so convinced that Bakugou's character arc was good is because of what Aizawa says. It's easy to buy into something if it's being told to you directly)
It's actually a shame because Aizawa didn't have to be a bad character. He's actually a pretty good hero, and his attitude towards Izuku's ideals wasn't exactly wrong. His execution absolutely was and he's really shitty about it, but I can understand the fear that someone who's self-sacrificing with a quirk he can't control will get himself killed.
The issue is Aizawa didn't care enough to a) actually understand what was going on and b) make the effort to teach Izuku better. So everything about him- his background, intention, trauma, beliefs- means nothing because he's not actually taking the steps to address and amend them.
Someone- not naming names- tried to make the argument that Eri ruined Aizawa's character. But honestly? She's the only reason I like him even a little bit. If we discount the light novels (and we should because from what I can tell they're awful), their relationship can be cute, even if we only ever see him escorting her around. Those little moments make him more human. It's not great (because again, they're barely together), but it does endear me towards Aizawa, if only a tiny amount
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cloudysky-930 · 25 days
I REALLY dislike the whole conversation between Kakashi and Sasuke in part one of Naruto.
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Point 1)
"Sasuke, forget about getting revenge."
I'm sorry, what? Aren't you the same guy that helped Shikamaru get revenge for Asuma? Is it because you personally knew Asuma and not a majority of the Uchiha or is it because you're a hypocritical bitch.
Asuma died FOR konaha on a mission and got a funeral. Why was revenge even needed? What about all of those innocent Uchiha who were slaughtered in their homes? They didn't even get a funeral! Or do you just not care about them because the Uchiha thought for themselves and, because of this, were killed to further konahas' interests.
Point 2)
Like, good job trauma dumping on an obviously traumatized pre-teen instead of talking to him about his feelings and trying to emotionally support him. Instead, Kakashi tries to guilt trip Sasuke by saying that he has it just as bad and basically Sasukes in the wrong because he didn't respond to his trauma the way Kakashi did by submitting to konaha.
Like, look at this
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This POOR CHILD is tormented and torn between staying and leaving, and instead of helping him, Kakashi basically just tells him to suck it up, which is a HORRIBLE way to help a CHILD or ANYONE deal with trauma. It honestly just makes it worse.
Not to mention, one of those "precious friends" is only friends with him for a superficial reason. Sakura would never even spare him a second glance if he wasn't good-looking. Like for what other reasons has she stated to like him for.
Regardless, why should Sasuke listen to you unquestioningly and submit to konaha like you did, Kakashi?
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Especially when you had an entire lesson for team 7 about not following you like mindless little drones.
What a hypocrite.
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geekthefreakout · 3 months
Kakashi Hatake is such a hypocrite, man.
I am once again rewatching Gaara vs Rock Lee. And when Kakashi learns that Gai taught Lee the Hidden Lotus, he is JUDGY AS HELL.
"Gai, are you telling me that genin, that BOY, knows the Hidden Lotus?" Talking about how irresponsible it is.
Kakashi, you are going to teach Sasuke the chidori in THIS SAME ARC.
"I don't know what this boy means to you, but I shouldn't have to tell you that we NEVER bring our personal feelings into this."
and THEN Kakashi has the nerve to use his sharingan on the fight. So he can take Sasuke and teach him how to STEAL LEE'S MOVESET to fight Gaara in the finals smh
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yellowocaballero · 3 months
thinking about roleswap kakashi fucking around in the akatsuki and stalking obito is very funny cause I just know he's making so many problems and dealing with literally none of them.
King you are literally so fucking right. Rin has an actual life. She's checked in on Tobi enough times to see that Konoha was being awful to him, but that he was doing relatively fine and was better off in his home than kidnapped by her nuclear disarmament squad. Kakashi? He's a trophy husband, he runs her errands, he has the kamui that Obito does not even know he has, you know he's fucking stalking. His only hobbies are terrorizing his coworkers, gaslighting Yahiko, making bentos for Rin with onigiri that look like little turtles, and creeping on Tobi.
I don't know if he and Rin know that Obito's faking it (or 'faking it'). Extremely funny if part of Rin's ethos is to make a safe world for Tobi, at which point Obito no longer has any idea how to break the news to her that she's trying to genjutsu the world for somebody who is technically made up by him. Also extremely funny if Rin and Kakashi figured it out and they just, like, don't care. Doesn't change anything. Create a better world for Obito AND Tobi. If you're, like, doing this for fun, Obito, you can keep doing it, we support you. Our coping mechanisms are moon genjutsu and stalking, we don't judge. Obito 'Hypocrite' Uchiha thinks this is an insane stance, but better than the alternative.
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Honestly Kakashi did his best with what he had lmao.
For starters, he DID teach team 7 useful jutsu, he taught them chakra control, every single genjutsu Sakura knew before she went to Tsunade was taught by Kakashi. Who do you think taught Naruto how to hide underground, a jutsu that was crucial when fighting Neji, Jiraiya? PLEASE. No need to mention Sasuke's Chidori.
He also taught them the fundamentals of teamwork, to never leave someone behind. That they were not expandable, and that they needed to rely on people. (What a fucking hypocrite. But isn't hypocrisy an important part of parenting/mentoring/big brothering or whatever the hell Minato was trying to do when he got saddled with Kakashi ?)
He never wanted to be a teacher, it was imposed onto him, he had zero experience, and he'd never had to try too hard to understand anything, so he definitely would not know what to do if someone didn't get things on the first try.
He did what he could while he could. The damn Plot was working against him.
He was a traumatized, depressed 26 year old man who probably never believed would live past 17, but there he was! In charge of the two most traumatized orphans in the entirety of Traumatized Orphans Village, and a girl who was NOT taking this shit seriously.
Ah, but they had time. There was no war brewing, no need to torture these kids to forge them into dead-eyed deadly weapons. They could go at their own pace! Also apparently the academy curriculum had changed to MAXIMIZE the child mortality rate! Why teach them tree walking when, truly, flower arrangement was a far more important skill? That's a girls only class though! Let the boys run around meanwhile they don't need to learn flower stuff. Ah, the blond one can't pronounce Chakra? fuck that kid srsly, his vibes are TOO rancid... demonic even (WHO SAID THAT?!)
And then? Their first C-rank mission? Turned into an A rank and left him out of commission for a week! But it was okay, it was fine, he could handle it. If he didn't die when he tried to kill himself in his ANBU days then it was unlikely he would now! Though he had to depend on three newly minted genin to protect themselves and their lying bastard of a client haha, but he was being so chill about it Kakashi was such a chill man haha. When was the last time someone he cared about died? Years! He was definetly not cursed or anything.
And then at the end of that week he had to fight the assassin of Assassin Village that had put him out of commission on the first place, and he also had to push through at least two of his triggers and afterwards explain the literal embodiment of two other triggers how Shinobi actually work! It's not about saving princesses, boy! It's about dying :).
They go back, and he decides that the kids handled themselves well enough, and the chunnin exams are being hosted by Orphans Village this year! What a great opportunity for the children to learn about Shinobi life in a controlled environment! Even back during Ninja War III they went through the chunnin exams and nobody even died. They're gonna be just fine!
Unfortunately, turns out The Banished Local Crazy Scientist of Traumatized Orphans Village had his eyes on one of his students (the one that he unwittingly projects on) and now! Triggering Orphan #2 is cursed!
AND THEN. The village gets attacked! The president/major dies! Kakashi gets sent into a torture coma in which he gets the Pincushion Jesus treatment for what literally feels like months! Hosted by the utmost expert on genjutsu torture to ever come out of their beloved Orphans Village!
Then he wakes up, turns out he wasn't tortured non stop for three months! It was just a dream, silly. And! since the Village is short staffed he immediately gets sent on mission after mission! Sorry Kakashi, we don't believe in convalescence periods when the only thing injured was your mind. And then, when he comes back from his many missions, their new alcoholic major/president tells him Orphan #2 defected. But don't worry! she sent Orphan #1 after him accompanied by a group of meddling kids and a dog!
So, Kakashi goes after them. Finds and picks up an unconscious Orphan #1, Orphan #2 is long gone. He goes back to the village, thankfully some meddling sand kids helped the meddling leaf kids. Then, Orphan #1 announces he's going out of the village on a road trip with The World's Worst Godfather to train! He's so lucky he can turn into a hot lady so that old man will train him if he just let's him look a little.
Then unserious girl turns serious, ditches him for their newly crowned (hatted?) president/mayor/president who despite being an alcoholic with a crippling gambling addiction is leagues better than their old president/mayor, who had a crippling addiction to Danzo's pussy and a penchant for letting pre-teens lead assassin squads just because they were such a delight to have in class!
Kakashi did his fucking best and, like ALWAYS, it was not enough.
At least he got to rekindle his old flame with Maito Gai.
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madara-fate · 11 months
Why the flipping do people hate Sakura so much they gotta project their hatred on Sasuke calling him names like abuser? It make me very mad how haters try to paint Sasuke as a Abusive Person and Sakura as some type of battered wife while they try to excuse Karin or Naruto as a some type of special persons to Sasuke.
This type of mental ginnastic is ridiculous and very hypocritical full of pairing bias.
Sakura wasn't in any relationship with Sasuke and both were enemies who didn't saw each other in years. This isn't Abuse. By this logic Sasori, Zaku, Gaara and Shin abused the hell out of Sakura. Konoha and Naruto incentives abuse by making girls and boys fighting to death in mission and chuunin exams. This argument really doesn't work in this manga. When Sasuke try to kill Sakura as his official girlfriend or wife this non sense argument will make some sense.
Sakura isn't some fragile toddler. She was trained by Tsunade, planed to kill Sasuke using a poisoned Kunai and almost managed to get that. She knew what she was doing, she knew that she put herself in dangerous situation. She even knocked out Kiba, Lee and Sai so she can accomplish her task of killing Sasuke alone.
Sasuke considered the entire Konoha as his mortal enemy and Sakura was the one who chase Sasuke to kill him. Sasuke saw Sakura and stoped to listen her, she tried to trick him and Sasuke figured her lie easily. She put a Kunai behind Sasuke's back when he was fighting Kakashi and he reacted. She failed miserably due her own actions and love who she tried to deny.
Karin situation was worst because Karin was helping Sasuke against Danzo, she wasn't from Konoha and was his current teammate. Sasuke didn't hesitate to pierce Karin and let she die on the ground to get Danzo.
Sasuke apologized to Sakura after he was truly redeemed. Sasuke was more guilt tripped and sincere with his apologies to Sakura.
So why the hell haters try to paint Karin/Naruto as a better light than Sakura?
Why the flipping do people hate Sakura so much they gotta project their hatred on Sasuke calling him names like abuser? It make me very mad how haters try to paint Sasuke as a Abusive Person and Sakura as some type of battered wife while they try to excuse Karin or Naruto as a some type of special persons to Sasuke.
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Sakura wasn't in any relationship with Sasuke and both were enemies who didn't saw each other in years. This isn't Abuse. By this logic Sasori, Zaku, Gaara and Shin abused the hell out of Sakura. Konoha and Naruto incentives abuse by making girls and boys fighting to death in mission and chuunin exams. This argument really doesn't work in this manga. When Sasuke try to kill Sakura as his official girlfriend or wife this non sense argument will make some sense.
"Abusive" just became one of those buzzwords that people always throw in SS's direction, despite the fact that as you rightfully explained, that criticism makes no sense.
Karin situation was worst because Karin was helping Sasuke against Danzo, she wasn't from Konoha and was his current teammate. Sasuke didn't hesitate to pierce Karin and let she die on the ground to get Danzo.
That's just one of the many things that people who try to pedestalise SK in comparison to SS tend to either overlook or intentionally ignore altogether. Here's another thing they ignore - They always tend to say how Sasuke apparently called Sakura useless, despite him doing no such thing; he only said that there was nothing that she (or anyone else for that matter) could have done about the people who were trapped in the infinite Tsukuyomi:
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And yet they conveniently ignore the fact that the one time Sasuke actually did call someone useless, it was with regards to Karin:
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Funny that, isn't it?
Sasuke apologized to Sakura after he was truly redeemed. Sasuke was more guilt tripped and sincere with his apologies to Sakura.
"Guilt tripped" isn't the term I would use to describe Sasuke after he was saved from his hatred. Nobody made him feel guilty, he just came to his own conclusions after being able to see clearly again.
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theloganator101 · 1 year
(Sorry for clogging up your ask box) If Hori actually allowed for Aizawa to be more than Wish.com Kakashi, we could have gotten something like this:
- Aizawa's "logical ruses" making 1A have some level of mistrust towards him, making them go to the other teachers for different things.
- Aizawa realizing he may have judged Izuku unfairly after he saved his ass at the USJ
- Aizawa actually reflecting on Present Mic calling him a terrible teacher, musing that he may actually be right
- Have fucking SOMEONE call him out for favoring Shinsou and neglecting his students while having the nerve to bitch about All Might
- Aizawa (and All Might tbh) realizing that they made a huge mistake pairing Izuku and Bakugou in the finals when they see him blatantly refusing to work with Izuku, FAILING Bakugou when he gets knocked out (will forever be pissed that Sero failed because of that while Bakugou passed)
- Aizawa realizing that he does in fact suck as a teacher when there's 6 of his students in the remedial course while there's 1 of King Vlad's
- Have the journalists push back when he gives that BS speech about "Bakugou wants to win, so he'll be a hero and is totally not a walking, talking red flag", perhaps by bringing up his past expulsions in the vein of "what did your previous students do that was so bad while Bakugou gets to stay a student"
- Have Bakugou fucking expelled after that bullshit fight with Izuku, especially him admitting that he threw the first punch. And there was a FUCKING CAMERA that reported the fight to Aizawa. You mean to tell me he didn't watch the footage and see that Izuku wasn't engaging for most of the fight?
- Just have someone (maybe Mic) call him out on the fact that while Oboro's death was awful and it's not his fault that he's traumatized by it, it doesn't excuse him taking his grief and trauma on everyone around him
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Had to pair these up to really answer the bullshit that is Aizawa.
Nah but you are right on ALL OF THIS!
I too cannot view this man as a caring parental figure to the class when he's barely done anything to help them.
Aside from Bakugou, what is Hori's reason for not calling this man out for being a flat-out hypocrite and unfair teacher? I seriously wanna know.
Aizawa COULD work if the narrative AND characters call him out on his bullshit!
I know @justatalkingface described Aizawa as being someone who represents the sin of pride and I think that could tie in really well if written right.
Have the characters get onto him and him trying to stand his ground, using his trauma to excuse his actions but it won't cut it anymore.
And that one scene you explained with the journalist pushing back... I now wanna see that as a fanfic.
But all in all, Aizawa is a garbage character at being an asshole with a heart of gold when there are other characters that did it better.
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I still love sakura. Even if she's a dumbass. No way am I sticking around for somebody that not only treated me like shit, he left me to take care of my daughter by myself for 9 years and then tried to kill her when he met her. The main reason I like sakura is because of her character development. Instead of being a weak sasuke obsessed character, she actually became a strong sasuke obsessed character! Yay!
Most people won't admit it, but they hate sakura because of some shit she said to naruto when they were KIDS(12), not to mention, she wasn't lying. He was an orphan 💀 but they go and say that she's weak, even after she gets stronger, and like rock lee for doing exactly what she did. (Training to become better) sakura never HAD the same powers that naruto and sasuke did. Yet she still MANAGED on her own. That's why I like her.
I like naruto, just not his mindset. Of course I want to become hokage and protect people that treated me like shit for my entire life! Then he became hokage, and made NO changes for the better. He didn't want to be hokage to help, he wanted to be hokage just because he craved attention and validation. He always wants to save people, and doesn't understand that he's making it worse. Sasuke IS more realistic as a character, and sasuke has had it worse than naruto has. Hate me all you want, but it's true. His entire clan was murdered by his brother, including his parents. And then he was obsessed with revenge, only to kill his brother and then find out WHY itachi did what he did and he had to regret it. All he ever KNEW was loneliness and anger, so he had no idea how to live without it. Naruto never had his parents or siblings, meaning he didn't have to LOSE anything. And that's why sasuke was angry with him.
I also think it's important to include Kakashi though. Not only was he practically USELESS for team 7 as a whole (naruto went to be trained by jiraiya, sasuke by orochimaru/? And then sakura by tsunade. It would've been cold if she trained under guy too but the author HATES a strong female character that isn't evil) kakashi needs to be analysed as a whole, especially with his treatment of sasuke. He claims to have gone through what sasuke did, and then tells him that revenge is pointless and leaves you hollow, and then he helps shikamaru get revenge for asuma. He's a hypocrite. He wins the award for the world's WORST sensei.
I won't even make a separate post for boruto, because there's no reason. The show is confusing as hell, and equally as pointless. Boruto hates his dad for no reason, all the important fights are for sasuke and naruto, naruto adopts kawaki and let's him beat up his son, kawaki seals them away and then flips it to make boruto look like he's in the wrong, there are no more shinobi, Boruto trained under sasuke, and then sasuke was sealed in a tree so now he cosplays as him. Sakura is NOWHERE to be seen💀 (good for her) himawari has kurama (how will she not be stronger than boruto?💀) and boruto has Naruto's abilities (rasengan, flying Raijin- minato, and shadow clones) with purple lighting and all of a sudden he's a god. I'm confused about what the jougan does. He also has his fathers weak mindset about not wanting to kill kawaki, but just wanting to punch him. Sarada has insane potential but of course the author won't let her be great because she's a woman! I hate the idea of borusara because I see them as nothing but teammates. It's like the dynamic between naruto and sakura. She treats him like a brother. She hugs her friend that she hasn't seen in 2 years that's also been framed and ostracised by the entire village and suddenly they're the best ship in the world 💀 Delusion at its finest. None of those kids need to be with ANYONE. Just focus on the goddamn anime and stop ruining shit. Because NO ONE is watching it
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maoam · 8 months
What do you think of this post
I stopped reading when op brought up "the truth about itachi?" panel as proof that Sakura can't be judged for not knowing. But okay, I will explain this in more details AGAIN.
1. The difference in how Kishi portrayed Naruto/Sakura reasoning with Sasuke
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Naruto's reasoning why Sasuke shouldn't go to Orochimaru: "He will kill you." Naruto is concerned for Sasuke's well-being.
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Sakura's reasoning why Sasuke shouldn't go to Orochimaru: "Revenge won't make you... ME happy." And Sasuke says "I knew it (yappari)" because he realizes Sakura is making this about herself. That's why that line is isolated with Sasuke in the background.
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She specifically claims she understood what Sasuke meant yet she compares her pain to Sasuke's entire clan being massacred and taken from him, and takes her own parents for granted.
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Then when it doesn't work, she starts to confess her feelings (why the hell she always looks angry when she confesses?).
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And then she completely flips on her arguments. So much for "revenge won't make you happy" like she cares about Sasuke's happiness. Unlike with Naruto, whose arguments were very simple, Kishi chose to portray Sakura in this insincere and hypocritical manner. This is a writing choice.
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He actually says in Japanese "I knew it (yappari), you really are annoying." Notice how Sasuke always uses "I knew it" with Sakura, it's because his first impression of her being ignorant, selfish and childish was correct. So despite him giving her chances his first impression continues to be right.
2. Naruto's reasoning stays the same
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Kishi acknowledged that Naruto didn't quite get Sasuke yet at this point, but his intentions were good nonetheless. He just didn't want Sasuke to die/throw his life away.
3. Kage arc and how Kishi again portrayed Naruto and Sakura differently:
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Yes, Naruto reacts like this at first.
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Kishi showed that Naruto did care and did understand Sasuke's love for his clan. He also showed Naruto was completely fine with letting the massacre be exposed. He did not care about how it would make Konoha look, even when he didn't know it to be true yet. Kishi wrote this for a reason. Kakashi then stops Naruto.
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Sakura, who supposedly "loves" Sasuke, heard how much Sasuke loves his clan, was aware that Itachi had been killed, yet she didn't bother to ASK Sasuke, something Naruto was planning to do, why he is now acting the way he is since Itachi had been killed. She just didn't want to feel guilty about the promise between her and Naruto (because her ego really made her believe Naruto was only chasing Sasuke for her). So she decided to kill Sasuke.
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Sakura then hears all this (after her failed attempt to kill Sasuke) which means that there is more to Itachi's case than meets the eye, and that Sasuke thinks Konoha is responsible for what happened to his clan. Yet she still doesn't ask anyone what all that was about because she does not care. Her main motivation was always to get into Sasuke's pants, she never cared about Sasuke's feelings or him as a person, that's how Kishi wrote her. The fact op used this last panel to defend Sakura is baffling to me. She was specifically given an opportunity here, and she just shrugged it off.
4. Portraying Naruto and Sakura differently yet again:
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Sakura is given the chance to understand Sasuke wants CHANGE and yet does she care?
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Nope, she starts yapping about her feelings and how things can go back to the way they were if Sasuke just stays with her, completely discarding Sasuke's desire for change. Which mirrors the confession she made in part 1. Kishi was showing how she has not changed in ways that matter. She is still selfish, and she still doesn't listen/nor care about Sasuke's feelings. This is why Sasuke calls her annoying yet again.
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But Naruto, regardless of the shitty ending, does want change. He was shown over and over again to want to change things for the better. You can't possibly use Boruto to deny this part of his character.
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Guess who again discarded what Sasuke wanted and asked to come with him on his journey he wanted to take alone, just for romantic purposes? Guess who later CHASED Sasuke just to be with him, once again discarding his wants?
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"Naruto forced Sasuke to come back to Konoha" no he didn't. At no point did Naruto say Sasuke needs to live in Konoha. He let Sasuke leave at the end, and didn't force himself with him because Sasuke wanted to go alone.
People who act like Sakura would be revolutionary when Kishi over and over again showed that not only does Sakura not grow as a person, she also does not care about Sasuke's feelings or change.
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Same way, Kishi had Shizune tell Sai that Naruto is not chasing Sasuke only for Sakura's sake. Yet Sakura still thought it was just for her, and thought her confession would make Naruto stop chasing Sasuke, and was shocked when Naruto said the promise doesn't even matter. Sakura constantly discards the information she receives because she just does not care if it's not about her relevance or her being together with Sasuke.
"People celebrate Naruto for doing the same things they hate Sakura for" no we don't, we just read the manga and understand what Kishi was trying to tell, hope this helps.
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narutouzumakiarchive · 4 months
They fail to see sakura tried to kill sasuke for konoha but naruto would die with sasuke at the expense of konoha
I believe this is about this post, in which case, they don't really fail to see it. They're quite aware of the fact that Sakura was going to kill Sasuke for Konoha and that Naruto wouldn't have. It's just that when they pretend to be social justice warriors that care about Sasuke and his arc, they wrap up Sakura's behavior in a bow and twist things in order to make her actions more palatable and make themselves look less like hypocrites for condemning Naruto.
So that's how you get arguments like "Girlboss Sakura is a fighter for human rights and she would have totally supported Sasuke but she tried to kill him because she was manipulated by Sai."
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I mean this one only has 16 likes but it's a very common argument that's peddled in SS circles. They dislike canon Sakura so much that they'd rather argue she, who the reader was repeatedly told (but not shown) was intelligent, was so foolish that she was manipulated by Sai, someone who had an entire arc centered on the fact that he couldn't understand emotions, instead of accept the fact that she was motivated by her own desires.
Sakura had already believed that Naruto was being motivated by his promise to her long before she spoke with Sai, and even Shizune AND Sai could recognize that Naruto was motivated to help Sasuke in his own right. Sakura was simply not invested enough in understanding Naruto and the reasons behind the actions he took.
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And further, Sakura herself was aware of the fact that Naruto wouldn't have wanted Sasuke to be killed anyway, hence her giving a fake confession and attempting to dissuade him from caring about Sasuke. Her true motives were to "save Sasuke" by killing him. And SS are also aware of this fact and in fact, praise Kakashi for "understanding" this aspect of her.
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You see. There's no coherence to their arguments. They don't care about Konoha. And they don't care about Sasuke, though in that respect they're quite like canon Sakura.
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"Sasuke Uchiha has to deal with some toxic masculinity from her abusive dumbass bootlicking piece of shit brother Itachi who killed his whole family (for simply...wanting more human rights?) and violently abused/tortured her when she was only 7 years old (she wasn't even 10). She suffered an abusive childhood and yet everyone won't stop throwing pity parties for Itachi the man who ruined her life because of some sad flashback between him and this guy named Shisui. Also Konoha sucks ass and the village ain't worth shit - the ANBU black ops can NOT do their fucking job even if their lives depended on it (minato and kushina died because of their incompetency), the village gets attacked 1,000,000,000,000 times, they bullied the MC Naruto for being a Jinchuriki and they are ungrateful bastards to Naruto, they massacred an ostracized clan (the Uchiha), the Hyuga side branch owns slaves, best girl Konan's village got destroyed by the Leaf Village and gave her PTSD. Sasuke made the logical decision to leave this shithole and she got hate for it. Honestly leaving Konoha and transitioning probably would've saved her imo." - Anonymous
"man, idk her brother is a dumbass bootlicker who abused her and tortured her when she was only 7 years old (she wasn't even ten!!!), her entire family was brutally murdered by her psycho brother too for simply wanting more human rights. his sensei kakashi could've been a good supportive person for her because he was friends with an uchiha back in the day and he saw some bits of himself in her - but no instead he just doesn't take her feelings seriously (which is ironic because in part 1 he's like "no sasuke revenge bad never mind the abusive childhood" but then in part 2 he's like "ok shikamaru go get revenge for asuma hypocritical much". honestly what kakashi should have said instead is something like "okay i understand you went through a shitty childhood and i'll help you get strong and kill itachi and bring justice to your parents & your clan. Don't cutoff your bonds". the worst part is fandom's recation to this, "haha kakashi put the emo punk b*itch in her place". she has to deal with toxic masculinity from her abusive brother who choked her. she also made the logical decision to leave konoha because that damn village gets attacked 100000000 times and konoha does some nasty shit (ex. destroying best girl konan's village, the hyuga clan owning slaves and child slaves (Neji's forehead was branded with the curse seal when he was only 4), the fucking hunger games *cough* *cough* I mean Chunin exams) - but she got a lot of hate for it. honestly leaving the pathetic shithole that is konoha and transitioning probably would've saved her." - Anonymous
Reminder: Submissions are always open! Submit here!
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phinkslave · 2 months
Hi, since you said you're down to write some Kakanaru stuff here's my idea and plots. Obviously you can just write the stuff you're comfortable with writing about.
AU: modern (Top possessive Kakashi x bottom golden retriever innocent Naruto). Kakashi-centric/ Kakashi POV
Pairing: Kakashi(35 yrs old)/ Naruto(aged up-20 years old), Shikamaru/ Temari (mentioned), Obito/Rin (mentioned, married and have kids), etc.
Tags (i guess?): smutty, angst with fluff happy ending
Rating: Explicit (D/S undertones. Pet names/Praise kink)
Background: Kakashi is a detective and Naruto is a college student (occupation is mentioned for details). They met at a chess club that Shikamaru dragged Naruto to (they're besties) and Kakashi over heard Naruto complaning about getting rejected by Sakura, but somehow the fact Naruto's bi slips (just to introduce that he likes dudes) during the convo and Kakashi took interests in Naru because he likes how Naru looks, and the fact that he could potentially pursue Naru due to the fact that he likes guys. After that he kept going back to the chess club to stalk on Naru, then eventually pretends to bump into Naruto and the rest is history.
Plot: Kashi gets to know Naru more and meet up outside of chess club, and he started tutoring Naru on some of the subjects Naru gets stuck on at uni, only to discover that Naru is pretty smart but just doesn't care much about his future. He only acts silly because he's a golden retriever but ppl think he stupid. (kakashi also discovers that Naru is rich because he inherited a big company from his dead parents) - Iruka takes care of the company until Naru is good enough to be CEO (which he technically is because he's 20).
On Naru part - Naru gets rejected by Sakura and she's kind of a toxic girl because not only does she take advantage of Naruto but she also leads Naru on whenever she misses her crush (Sasuke- who is Naruto's close friend, they're on good terms in this one). Sasuke is in the friend group (sasuke, neji, choji, ino, Hinata, shikamaru, shino, etc - except Sakura cus she toxic) . And Naru would submit to Sakura's asks like taking her to places and get her stuff to please her. Which Shikamaru would disapprove of and he'd try to protect Naru.
Kakashi has commitment issues and even tho he took interests first in Naruto but he didn't want to commit because he failed multiple relationships in the past due to his nonchalant nature. Which is where the angst comes from because Naru would get mixed signals from Kashi.
Naru desperately wants to date Kashi but to Kashi Naru is just a FWB, but Kashi wants to keep Naru on a hook because he's also obsessed with Naruto and wants to keep Naru to himself. But he's a hypocrite because he's very protective of Naruto and would mock/ uses sarcasm towards Sakura when he smells her taking advantage of Naruto, or anyone who takes interests in Naru.
Naru is a golden retriever and a people pleaser so he kept thinking Kakashi doesn't commit to him because he's not good enough for him. Naru always thinks there's something wrong with him because he's insecure and doesn't think he's good enough.
Also Hinata has a crush on Naruto but only Kakashi notices it and because he's possessive he would get super jealous.
The story goes on about Naru pleasing Kashi by doing whatever Kashi says but never asks anything back. It's angsty until Kashi notices he's been selfish (unintentionally - because Kashi is pretty sweet, just easily jealous/possesive) and he also realized he fell in love with Naruto. Kashi couldn't handle his feelings so he avoided Naru for a while. But eventually Kashi confesses his feelings with Naruto after Shika came to Kashi and confronted him.
In this verse Obito and Rin are Kashi's best friends growing up. His past relationships are described as him just not caring about the other person and a workaholic/nonchalant and unexpressive. Obito is the one who has to keep dragging Kashi out of work. Yamato is Kashi's coworker for more background information.
Physical Description: pretty much like the show where whiskered blondie Naruto is muscular and stronk and Kakashi is also as ripped. Only difference is Naru has slightly longer hair and wears glasses cus he looks hot with it haha.
Explicit stuff: Half a Virgin Naruto (he got a bj at some point by a girl when he was younger but that's it). Kakashi is dommy and he took Naruto's virginity. Naruto has never dated or been with anyone before.
Kakashi discovers that Naruto has a thing for praises and pet names (baby, good boy). Naru calls Kashi "sensei" in the bedroom sometimes when he slips up and Kashi's feral with it. (Basically theme 1,4,5,6,12,14 in your list on how the sex goes)
P/S: I'm sorry it got too long (I got specific cus I never do such a request so I'm just trying to not be vague about it). I don't know if too specific requests/ description bothers writer so if it does I'm sorry :(( Thanks for reading till the end!
The Chess Club Encounter
okay, i’m ngl this was soo fun to write but also so far the hardest thing ever. i genuinely hope you like this cuz it was a lot to take in and i just hope i did it up to your standards or up to at least something you expected. I wasn’t comfortable writing the smut part for kakashi and naruto but i implied it at the end so i hope you enjoy. 💞
Warnings: language, implied smut, talk about oral sex, angst, happy ending
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Kakashi Hatake. He was leaning against the doorway of Konoha universities chess club, his sharp eye observing the room. He was watching the chess match, but to be honest to himself, that wasn’t the reason he was there. What had really brought him here was a golden-haired, blue-eyed young man who had caught his interest.
Naruto didn’t know how he found himself to be in a classroom, playing chess with shikimaru. His fellow college student dragging him to the club. They sat across from each other, having some idle talk. Kakashi strained to listen, catching snippets of the conversation. At some points they were talking about chakra, when all of a sudden Naruto spoke up, and with his next sentence his expression being a little gloomy.
A loud sigh left naruto as he began, “Bro, she really rejected me again,” Naruto looking dejected. “I really thought that maybe this time…it’d be somewhat different ya know.”
Shikamaru rolled his eyes. “Sakura’s not worth it, Naruto. I don’t know why your so stuck on her. She’s genuinely such a drag. I don’t get why you keep trying. Go for a girl with some decency, like hinata for example.”
Naruto’s face flushed. “I know, but it’s hard, you know? I mean, I like girls and guys, so if we talk about it in that sense, i could have anyone….. but…even so. ”
Kakashi’s interest piqued. Naruto was bi? since when? for how long? Kakashis mind was racing. His hope just grew ten times. Maybe he did have a chance. This information was pretty new to kakashi. Nevertheless he was hopeful. He continued to frequent the chess club, watching from afar. Using his detective skills to always listen in on his conversations without actually having to approach the two boys. Constantly trying to find the right moment to approach Naruto.
After a few weeks have gone by of kakashi finding out about naruto’s sexuality. He decided it was time to make his move. He would really weird himself out if he continued to just stalk the young man. Using the weeks he calculated naruto as thoroughly as he could using his detective skills. Knowing the little details like how on tuesdays he leaves at 6pm and how thursdays he doesn’t show up. Though, on friday, he planned to exit the same time naruto did. Planning to ‘accidentally’ run into him as they both left the clubs classroom.
“Sorry about that,” Kakashi said, his tone casual yet calculated, giving the back of his head a scratch with a closed eye smile. “Naruto? I’m surprised to see you out here.”
Naruto blinked up at him, “surprised? i’m not a dumb kid anymore sensei! … Also just because i’m in the chess club, it doesn’t make me smart.” He crossed his arms, gruffly finishing his sentence.
Kakashi chuckled. “Easy Uzumaki. I’m just joking. Though, how have you been, it’s been so long. I like the long hair for a change.”
They started talking, finding common ground easily. Kakashi did used to be his sensei, he knew naruto’s interests. making it easy for him to keep a conversation going. Though it has been a while, kakashi was happy to have learned about his university subjects.
“Yeah so my chakra control class. Sometimes kurama can be annoying and it’s hard to not flip out ya know. Sauske has been tryna help, but he just can’t explain right sometime.”
Kakashi had to take his chance.
“If you’d like Naruto, i could help you train.” It was risky, as it’s been so long but why would he say no?
“hm? Really kakashi sensei? I don’t wanna be a bot-“
“No no, not at all, really I insist.
“Alright then!”
Ever since that one interaction, Kakashi and Naruto’s meetings became more frequent, ranging from not only meeting at the chess club, but also universities training grounds, library and even the local ichiraku ramen spots, sometimes not even to study. It would just be a hangout or even just to have dinner together. Kakashi tutored Naruto in various subjects, noticing that Naruto is much smarter then he’s been given credit for. He had the potential of a genius, he just lacked due to laziness.
“You’re actually pretty brilliant, Naruto,” Kakashi said during one of their sessions. “Why don’t you try like this often? If i’m being honest, you dont even need my help.”
Naruto shrugged. “I don’t know…guess I just don’t see the point sometimes. Everyone looks at me, they all expect me to take over the company mom and dad left behind. Though to be completely honest with you sensei…I don’t know if that’s what i want yet.”
Kakashi was intrigued. Sure a company could be a lot of work, but the pay would be great. Not only that, it’s way better compared to any little lousy job the village provides. Naruto was quite wealthy nonetheless, Iruka managing the company until Naruto was ready, constantly making sure Naruto still gets his share of money to be able to stabilize his life. This just made kakashi yearn for naruto’s love more. Showing how great naruto is. He doesn’t care about money or things like that, he just wants himself to be happy with who he ends up being.
Kakashi is a patient person. Not only that, but it also takes a lot to get under his skin. One simple thing that makes his blood boil….Saukra. Naruto’s interactions with Sakura frustrated Kakashi. Saukra was a toxic girl. It was so clear to everyone as well, so why was Naruto so blinded?? Using Naruto whenever it suited only her. He has never seen someone as selfish as her. Well, sure he has as he’s gone against mainly evil people, but at least they openly admit to their wrong actions. Sakura acts like a little oblivious girl to naruto whenever she is in need. Constantly leading him on, giving him false home, asking for money. Kakashi would catch himself constantly overhearing her making demands, demands that Naruto would always be quick to comply with. Much to Shikamaru’s disapproval.
Kakashi and Naruto were getting ready to leave a quick study session. They were walking in silence, but it wasn’t an awkward silence. It was somewhat a comforting one. Kakashi couldn’t hold back his thoughts. His mind still stuck on the way Naruto lets sakura treat him. He knows he’s smarter than that, he knows that naruto knows he’s being used. “You know, Naruto, you deserve better than how she treats you.”
Naruto looked down. “What are you talkin about?”
“Why do you constantly feel the need to keep her happy? You know deep down how bad of a person she is.”
Naruto made a frustrated expression, “Kakashi sensei, with all due respect, i want to hit you for what you just said…..but I know. I know what she’s doing, she thinks she’s slick. All I just want is to make sure she’s her happy….if she’s happy, then that’s all that matters.”
Kakashi was taken back just a bit by his sudden threat, but he ignored it. “It’s not your job to please everyone, Naruto,” Kakashi said, his tone softening, giving a light chuckle, “Sure you can write literally save the entire world, but when it comes to happiness, not everyone can be happy. Keep her happy, i’m not saying don’t, but not at the cost of your own happiness.”
naruto squinted his eyes at kakashi, arms resting on the top of his head. “Geez kakashi you really are such a mentor.”
Despite kakashi being glad at his growing closeness to naruto, he felt like he struggled with his own issues. Issues like commitment. He generally likes Naruto, more than he cared to admit, but that wouldn’t be fair to all his past relationships. All of them failing due to his nonchalant nature. He couldn’t help but sometimes be so emotionless. Even though he felt different with Naruto, he didn’t want to hurt Naruto. He didn’t want to risk losing any ounce of friendship he’s worked so hard to have made.
“Kakashi sensei!” Naruto bumped into kakashi at the little convenient store by the training grounds. Kakashi has avoided all last 3 study sessions and without giving naruto anything more of a ‘i’m busy’.
“oh, Naruto. Hello.”
“What’s up! where have you beeen. I need you, my grades gone down 2 percent.”
kakashi gave a light chuckle, “Naruto even during our study sessions, it would mainly be you, you got this.” As he attempted to walk away.
“wait,” naruto grabbed his wrist, clearly causing kakashi to be flustered, “when is our next session?”
“i’m sorry naruto i have to go,” gently pulling his wrist away and rushing out of the shop.
Even though kakashi was staying distant. He still couldn’t deny the possessive streak that emerged whenever someone else showed interest in him. Even as quiet as Hinata’s crush on Naruto, it only fueled Kakashi’s jealousy, and his protectiveness over Naruto became more apparent. Kakashi was resting in the detective joint apartments with yamato.
“kakashi senpai, i’ve seen the changes that you had when you were with naruto. You were more alive and happy. i worry for your mental health, all you do is just stay in bed now.” Yamato said with his blank expression.
“Yamato. Please i’m fine.” Kakashi said with a sigh.
Shikamaru confronted Kakashi.
“You’re hurting him, you know. Naruto’s done nothing but try to make you happy, and you keep pushing him away. You love bombed him. and if i’m being honest, thats worst then anything sakura has ever done. You gave naruto genuine hope.” Evident annoyance in shikimarus face.
“stay out of it shikimaru.”
“why should I? your hurting my bestfriend, im not gonna sit back and watch.” he said, lighting a cigarette. “Naruto nonstop talks about you, excited, only thing he has was your guys’ lil sessions and now, you won’t even give him homework help? pathetic.”
Kakashi was forced to face his feelings. Realizing how unfair he’d been, “shikimaru, will you help me.”
For a little while longer Kakashi avoided Naruto, struggling with his feelings. But eventually, he couldn’t stay away any longer. With shikimarus help, he found his way outside of naruto’s dorm. Knocking on the door.
Naruto opened the door with a blank face, “kakashi? what are you doing here?”
the first thing that popped in kakashis head was to why naruto didn’t call him sensei? “Naruto, that’s kinda disrespectful, you should keep calling me sensei…you gonna let me in?” He said with a closed eye smile and a bead of sweat on his forehead.
“oh i just assumed you weren’t my sensei anymore as we didn’t have anymore study sessions? forgive me sensei! come in i guess….” moving out the way to let the older man in.
“I’m sorry, Naruto,” Kakashi said, his voice sincere. He just approached and said it. He didn’t know how else to do it. He thought it would be better to just let it out. “I’ve been so. so. so. selfish. I do care about you, more than I’ve let on. Shikimaru told me. he told me how you developed feelings for me…it’s just….I just didn’t know how to handle it….if i’m being honest…i just didn’t want to hurt you. For your happiness truly is better than my own.”
Naruto looked at the silver haired man, evident happiness in his face, “Sensei a simple ‘i like you’ would have sufficed ya know,” as he laughed so hard, he gripped his stomach.
Kakashi rolled his eyes. “Hey, i just poured my heart out, do you like me back or not!”
Naruto’s smiled. “Of course I do, you idiot.”
Kakashi pulled him into a hug, looking into his eyes, “…..Can i?…”, his lips inches from naruto’s.
“Please kakashi….i want you..”
“Call me sensei…”.
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