#kaleb and brooke
rosella35 · 1 month
Borrowed Courage: Chapter 12
*Edit* = Kaleb's dad's physical description has changed because I'm indecisive and for next chapter's lore ;)
Oop. The last time I updated this was October 2022. I've completed an entire Master's degree since then ^^'
Thank you for being patient with me everyone! You have @fireflywritesgt and their incredible writing recently to thank for me rekindling my G/T hyperfixation and picking up my slack with Borrowed Courage. I hope you enjoy this mammoth of a chapter, kicking off the morning after Brooke and Kaleb's video call.
Word count: 7.4k *whistles*
Content warning: contains angst, swearing, and borrower gang tattoos(?)
A normal weekend for Kaleb was relatively boring by human standards, but to his borrower side, it was a welcome change of pace. His daily use of Upsize and constant interaction with humans meant that by the end of the week, Kaleb’s mind and body were battered to the point of exhaustion. It was for that reason that he’d come up with a rule for himself that on his days off, it was strictly ‘borrower time’. The concept was exactly as it sounded; Kaleb’s Saturdays and Sundays were spent tinkering away within the walls at his original size, going on the occasional borrowing trip (mostly out of habit than necessity), and if he really felt like it, travelling to the city’s aptly named interspecies zone with one of his upsized family members. As much as he loved attending school and blending in with human society, there was a deeper, almost visceral part of Kaleb that relished the moments he got to spend living unapologetically as a borrower. 
Unfortunately though, this weekend was going to be different. As his phone’s alarm went off bright and early on Saturday morning, Kaleb groaned, dragging himself reluctantly out from under his mothers’ handmade quilt of fabric scraps and across the room to silence it. He braced himself on the side of his propped up phone for a minute, hiding a yawn behind the back of a hand and rubbing the sleep out of his eyes with the other. Bands of light streaked through the cracks in the wall that separated his cobbled-together living space from the human-sized apartment outside, illuminating hundreds of tiny, floating dust particles that no borrower could ever seem to escape from. Kaleb studied them intently for a minute, trying to distract himself from the overwhelming urge to flop back into bed.  
There’s no time to sleep in, he reminded himself, because today, he had a mission. A very un-borrower-like mission that involved breaking his own rule. 
In his meagre defence, Kaleb hadn’t expected Brooke to actually take him up on the offer to study together in his family’s apartment. In fact, if he were being honest, he’d made that comment in the spur of the moment to sound cool in front of his human neighbour. This brought him to his current predicament: Kaleb had lied about having human guests over. Well, at least guests Brooke’s age. The truth was, the only human who had ever stepped foot in the Finch residence was Evie, and for good reason. 
This is gonna be a long day. He thought, staring longingly at his unmade bed one last time.  
With a begrudging sigh, Kaleb forced himself into his morning routine. He pulled on a fresh pair of handmade clothes, ran his repurposed toothbrush through his unruly bedhead, and set out into the ‘hallway’ that led to his family’s main living area. His cloth shoes were silent against the dust-covered timber floor, which was really a support beam that ran horizontally from one side of the wall near his human bedroom to the open kitchen and living room area on the other. On a normal Saturday morning, Kaleb would take his time with the trip, admiring the infrastructure of the apartment walls from a perspective he was fairly sure not even the human architects who designed the place would ever experience. Today, that luxury was swept aside as he turned the corner and shimmied down a knotted line stapled to the connecting support beam. From there, he speed-walked the last few feet’s distance towards a door crafted from the sturdy plastic cover and spiral binding of an A6 sized notebook. 
“Hey mom, dad? You there?” Kaleb called as he crossed the threshold, leaving his shoes on a mat at the door. 
Having constant access to Upsize and by association the human world meant that the Finch household was more accessorised than most borrower dwellings. The floor was carpeted for starters, hence his mom’s strict no-shoes policy. Their kitchen and living room area had been purposely built parallel to the human-sized equivalent, which allowed Kaleb’s dad and uncle Rodney to construct a series of tubes and pipelines that provided water, electricity and gas. The kitchen itself boasted a functioning gas stove and range hood made from a small aluminium funnel that filtered the steam outside.  
On the other side of the room was a walk-in pantry that housed a wide assortment of nuts, dried fruits and repurposed glass trinket bottles filled with pickled vegetables. There was a sprig of rosemary and a bay leaf almost as tall as Kaleb himself leant against one side of the doorframe, and a stick of cinnamon on the other. And, on the apartment’s kitchen counter that could be accessed through a door next to the pantry was his uncle Rodney’s most prized possession, a mini fridge meant to hold human cosmetics, that allowed the Finch family to do what most borrowers could never dream of—store their perishables. 
Kaleb’s mom, dad, and twin sisters, who were seated at their popsicle stick dining table having breakfast, glanced up in surprise when he entered the room.  
“Someone’s up early.” His mom remarked, looking over his shoulder at a leather watch pinned horizontally across the wall to check the time. She gestured for him to sit down in a spare seat before leaving her own chair to fetch him a plate and cutlery. Kaleb did so, fighting the urge to drool as he took in the plate of steaming dime-sized pancakes, syrup, and berry slices his mom had prepared in the centre of the table. 
“Heh, yeah. Morning.” He greeted, thanking her as she handed him a simple plastic plate repurposed from a button, a copper wire fork, and a knife he was fairly sure had once belonged in a set of Cluedo. Kaleb wasted no time helping himself to a stack of pancakes, maple syrup, and a slice of strawberry, momentarily distracted from his reason for being up so early in the first place.
As if reading his mind, his mom continued. “It’s not like you to be up this early on a Saturday. How was work last night?” 
“Same old.” He said around a mouthful of pancake. “They’re talking about letting me start working the drive through next month, which sounds kinda cool. Apparently the pay’s a bit better than flipping burgers.” 
“Ooh, I wonder if you’ll get any pranksters.” Juno piped up eagerly from her seat at the other end of the table. “Y’know, like those people on TikTok!” 
Kaleb smirked across at his sister. For their thirteenth birthday and in preparation to begin attending human school next year, Juno and Paige had been gifted their first ever mobile phone, or in other words, their gateway into the world of the internet. Since then, the pair of them had been chattering non-stop about all of the amusing things human influencers did to entertain their loyal fans on social media. “If I do, you’ll be the first one to hear about it.” He promised her, before turning back to his mom. 
“Actually, I was hoping to ask for you and dad’s opinion on something.” Kaleb started, setting his knife and fork down as he mulled over his next words. 
His parents both looked at each other, and then across at him with concern. “Sure, Kaleb. What’s wrong?” Asked his dad, leaning across the table to grab a wedge of blueberry.
“Well… nothing’s wrong, exactly. I just…” He squeezed his eyes shut, finding himself clamming up all over again. Why was it suddenly so hard to speak? 
“Is this about apologising to that girl in your class?” His mom interrupted, lacing her fingers together. “Because if it is—"
“No, no, it’s not that.” He replied before she could continue with what was sure to be another lecture. “Well, I mean, it is, kind of…” Voice trailing off for the second time, Kaleb gritted his teeth in frustration and decided to just get it over with. 
“How do you feel about me bringing someone from my class over to work on a project next week after school?” He blurted out.
Instantly, the mood around the dining table shifted. “Someone from your class… Wait, you mean a human?” His mom realised, an incredulous look plastering her face. “You want to have a human over? In our apartment?” 
“Who?” His dad enquired, scratching his stubbled chin thoughtfully. “Is it someone you’ve told us about before?”
“Well, about that…” Kaleb began to fidget idly with his fork, preparing himself for the reaction his next words would almost certainly garner. “It’s actually Brooke Tucker. Y’know, from downstairs?” 
“Brooke Tucker…” His mom was the first one to connect the dots. “Hold on, you mean the girl your teacher called me about… the exterminator’s daughter?” She looked positively aghast. 
Meanwhile, from the other end of the table, his dad chuckled, amusement glinting in his hazel eyes. It was the perfect example of how he and Kaleb’s mom couldn’t be any more different when it came to handling situations involving humans. “I take it your apology was well received, then?” 
His mom’s icy gaze shifted from Kaleb to her husband. “Hugo, this isn’t a joke.” She scolded, pointing her own wire fork across at him accusingly. “Don’t you see how risky that is, letting a human like that into our home? What if she notices something amiss, or worse, someone gets seen?” 
“Margalo, dear, let’s think about this for a minute.” Kaleb’s dad cut her off from her fretting, well practiced in calming her anxious antics. “It’s not like Kaleb’s going to be giving her a private tour of the walls. I’m sure the two of them will just study together in the main room like I’d imagine any other human students would. Am I getting that right, Kaleb?” 
“Pretty much.” Kaleb confirmed, endlessly grateful for his dad’s support.
His mom glanced helplessly from her husband, to Kaleb, and then back again. “I know, but that doesn’t eliminate the risk involved here.” She protested. “With that… man… for a father, that girl is probably more observant than your average human, and besides all that, I heard from Kaleb’s teacher that she brags about torturing borrowers in class. Why on earth would you want to bring someone like her into our home?”
“Yeah, about that.” Kaleb said, recalling his conversation with Brooke from the other night. “It’s a long story, but turns out, she actually made all of that stuff up to try and get me to leave her alone. I… I think I can trust her.”
Margalo Finch narrowed her eyes. “You think, or you know?” 
Meanwhile, Kaleb’s dad was appraising him with that observant look of his that always seemed to peer deep into one’s soul. It was the same look he got when he was thinking of a new protagonist or plot-line for one of his novels. “She has no reason to suspect us, dear.” He finally said, addressing his dishevelled wife with the calmest voice he could muster. “Even if Kaleb did provoke this Brooke Tucker girl about her father’s…” he coughed “…line of work, that doesn’t mean she’s automatically going to assume there are borrowers living here. Besides, plenty of young humans are getting into borrower rights activism these days, and if she’s had a change of heart so quickly, then isn’t that a good thing? One less thing to worry about with Kaleb going to school, hmm?”  
As he listened to his dad defending him, Kaleb felt a pang of guilt that both of his parents were blissfully unaware of how much Brooke already knew about their family secret. He’d thought about telling them what had happened; how he’d made the fatal error of running his mouth on the apartment roof that night and paid the ultimate price for it; how he’d escaped with Evie’s help and against his better judgement, confronted Brooke again the following night; how he was finally starting to see eye to eye with her, as rocky as that process was turning out to be. But he just couldn’t bring himself to do it, at least not yet. A part of him was afraid that if he did, he would never be allowed to attend human school or use Upsize again. That was a gamble Kaleb just wasn’t willing to make.  
“I… I understand that, but why?” He was jolted from his thoughts by his mom, who stared across at him with an expression that was a mixture of confusion and defeat. “I’m proud of you for making things right with her, but I thought you couldn’t stand the girl.”  
Kaleb let out an exasperated sigh. That question again. It was one he was still grappling with himself. Why was he making this much of an effort with Brooke? He decided to shelve that debate for the time being, instead casting his mind back to the conversation he’d had with his mom earlier that week. “It’s like you said, isn’t it?” He recalled. “That the humans own the world, and we just live in it. When I thought about it that way, I wanted to make more of an effort to see things from Brooke’s perspective, y’know, just like any other human would. I guess I figured if I do that,” Kaleb almost laughed at the absurdity of his next words, “then maybe we could even be friends someday.” 
Kaleb wasn’t sure if it was the delivery of his conviction, or the fact that he’d used her own words against her, but he could see the fight leaving his mom’s pale blue eyes. She sighed, relenting. “Well… I suppose it’d be alright to have her over, so long as it’s just the one time.”
He breathed a sigh of relief. Well, that’s the first hurdle crossed. “Thanks, mom.” 
“You’re actually gonna bring home a human then, Kaleb?” Juno exclaimed. “That is so-o-o dope!” 
“Dope?” Their dad asked, bemused. 
“Yeah!” The borrower teen declared proudly. “We’ve been practicing our slang for human school!”
Kaleb groaned, pinching his brow. “No one uses that word anymore, Juno.”
“But Damon said—”
“If you’re actually listening to Damon, then that’s your first mistake.” 
“That’s what I said!” Paige piped up smugly from beside her twin, and Kaleb reached across the table to give her a first bump. 
“Okay fine, I won’t say it again.” Juno relented, before quickly turning back to her older brother with an impish grin. “But still, Kaleb, are you sure you wanna have a girl over? Our apartment looks so povo.”    
“Hmm… I’ve definitely heard that word get tossed around, but only by this one Australian kid in class.” Kaleb confirmed as he processed the rest of her remark. “You do have a point, though.” He straightened up in his seat. “That’s kind of the other reason I got up so early this morning.” 
“Povo?” His mom repeated in confusion, to which Hugo Finch sighed. 
“I believe our children are comparing the main apartment to something akin to squalor.” 
“Well, I suppose we do have quite a bit of… extra furniture.” She surmised with a chuckle, starting to lose some of the tension she’d built up from before. 
‘Extra furniture’ was a stretch. The truth of the matter was that by nature, everyone in the Finch family was a kleptomaniac. Kaleb had seen a few episodes of Hoarders on YouTube, so he knew their human-sized living space wasn’t overly messy per se, but the fact remained that the Finch apartment currently functioned as more of a storage space for its residents’ various trinkets and bits-and-bobs than a place you’d expect humans to be living in. After all, it wasn’t like most of the giant furniture they could have purchased to fill the rooms would ever be used in the way it was intended. In fact, the only reason the apartment contained things like an old table and chair in the living area and Kaleb’s springy mattress were for the human-sized borrowers to have somewhere to sit while they waited for their Upsize to wear off in the afternoons. 
With that in mind, Kaleb revealed his next big proposal. “How about this,” he declared. “I have some money saved up. If you let me have Brooke over to study, I’ll turn the apartment into the most decked-out human condo you can imagine.” 
Margalo eyed her youngest son skeptically. “That’s the first I’ve heard about these savings.” She pointed out. “Doesn’t most of your money go towards your Upsize?”  
Kaleb cringed at the reminder of his current financial situation. “Well, yeah, but I have some left over.” He protested.
“Hmm,” was all his mom replied with as she mulled over the idea in her head.
His dad spoke up next. “It would be nice to add a little bit of charm to the place. Who knows, maybe if it were more inviting, I would spend more of my time writing out there instead of in my office.” After earning a raised eyebrow from his wife, he added, “It’s just a thought. I’m sure Evie would appreciate it, at the very least.” 
Juno, meanwhile, looked positively ecstatic. “Yes! A home make-over! I’ve always wanted to do that, since I saw this interior design page online!” She exclaimed giddily, jumping out of her seat with her hands still planted on the table.
“Yeah, c’mon, mom.” Paige agreed. “You’ve gotta let Kaleb do it, our apartment will look so awesome at the end! We can even take those cool before-and-after shots like they do on Youtube.”
With bated breath, the four of them waited in suspense for Margalo Finch’s final verdict on the matter. At last, Kaleb’s mom spoke up, though not without first taking a long, thoughtful sip of her peppermint tea. “Just to be clear, whatever this ‘home make-over’ is going to involve, it’ll have to come out of your bank account.” She said sternly. “Your father and I are able to pay for your schooling, but that doesn’t mean we have the money to afford this, too. Remember, your Upsize delivery is tomorrow. It’s not going to be our fault if you have to miss a week of school because you ran out of money to pay for it.” 
Kaleb nodded his understanding. Every second Sunday, he made the journey to the next suburb over, where for lack of a better term, he made the exchange of two-hundred-and-fifty dollars’ cash for his next package of the highly secretive size-changing pills. “Don’t worry about that. I’ve got it covered.” He assured her, which was only partially true. Satisfied with the way things had gone with his parents, Kaleb thanked them for breakfast and got up from his seat. “Well, I’d better get to it then. I’ve only got this weekend to pull this off.”  
Before he could make his exit, Juno and Paige both leapt out of their own seats, flanking their older brother on either side. Juno looped her arm around Kaleb’s, gazing up at him with wide, pleading eyes. “Hey bro, if you let us take some of your Upsize, we can help out with the decorating?” 
Kaleb hesitated, weighing up the idea in his head. Their offer wasn’t exactly surprising, all things considered. Ever since their dad had permitted them a trial run of Upsize earlier in the year, the Finch twins had been itching to venture out into the human world again. Kaleb couldn’t blame them. For him, experiencing life from a human’s perspective for the first time was like tasting a forbidden fruit. Once he’d seen everything the bustling city beyond the walls had to offer, the apartment building, despite being roughly the size of a city itself to a borrower, had never felt smaller. 
“Well, I guess this would go a lot quicker if I had some extra help…” Kaleb started to reply, but paused, reminded of the abysmally empty plastic jar in his room where he kept his medication. “But I’m down to my last two pills, and I’ll need at least one and a half for myself…”
As though reading his mind, his dad chimed in. “Don’t worry about that. I’ll go collect your delivery tomorrow for you if your sisters want to help out.” He gave the twins a pointed look. “It’ll do them good to take a break from technology for the day.” In a lower voice, he added. “That’s all they seem to talk about anymore.” 
Kaleb nodded gratefully, before turning his attention back to Juno and Paige and their identical gleeful expressions. “Okay, but that still means I only have enough Upsize left for one extra person, and only for half a day. You’ll have to do rock paper scissors on it.” 
The borrower family watched in amusement as its two youngest members played best of three. A moment later, and Juno let out a triumphant cry. “I win!” 
Paige folded her arms and stuck out her bottom lip in a pout. “Fine. But you better let me tag along, too, okay?” 
“Okay!” Juno looked relieved that her twin wasn’t mad. “I’ll even wear the overalls Damon bought me with the big pocket on the front, so you can see everything!” 
Kaleb had taken to leaning against the doorframe with his arms folded, smiling at their conversation. “Well this is new.” He joked. “I was starting to think I’d need to butt in, but it sounds like you’ve already sorted things out.” 
“Ohshut up, Kaleb. We’re not twelve anymore.” Paige snapped indignantly. “I can take the loss this time.” 
He raised an eyebrow. No, but you’re barely a year older than that. 
“Anyway, Mr. big shot.” Juno continued, hands on her hips. “Forget the Upsize. Do you really have enough money to buy all that human furniture?” 
“Well, no.” He admitted, before shooting them a coy smirk, the irony in what he was about to say not lost on any of them. “It looks like we’ll just have to borrow some things along the way…”
While Kaleb and his sisters worked tirelessly from morning till night on their DIY apartment makeover, Brooke’s weekend was shaping up to be as dull as ever. She spent her Saturday locked away in her room, humming along to the latest Five Seconds of Summer album through her AirPods as she scrolled away aimlessly at social media. She wasn’t really paying attention to her phone, though. As she lay there with only her thoughts to entertain her, Brooke couldn’t help but mull over the events of the last week, and the many encounters she’d had with her classmate-turned borrower whose family happened to live on the third floor.
It still felt surreal to look back on it all. So much had changed in such a short time; about the way Brooke viewed society, about the way she viewed borrowers, about the way she viewed Kaleb Finch. It was a lot to process, and she still wasn’t sure how she felt about it. A part of her still wished she could go back in time and stop herself from going up to the rooftop that night, if nothing else but to prevent the torrent or emotions—the confusion, the guilt, and everything in between—that followed.  
Even so, Brooke would be lying to herself at this point if she said she wasn’t at least a little curious about the secret life of her upstairs neighbour.
Bored as she was, the human girl couldn’t help but wonder what Kaleb was doing at that time. Would he be out and about exploring town? Considering his poorly concealed fascination with anything human-made, she could definitely picture that being the case. Or maybe he was hanging out in his own bedroom in the walls; a sight Brooke still hadn’t managed to rid from her mind after getting a glimpse of it during their video call last night. 
Or maybe… she glanced lazily up at the ceiling, studying the grate of the air vent in the corner, half expecting to see a pair of much smaller eyes staring back at her from the other side. Maybe he was passing his time stalking her again, waiting for the perfect opportunity to sneak out from within the walls. She found herself scanning the room almost involuntarily, studying every nook and cranny that a borrower could possibly conceal themselves in. She felt her phone slip out of her hand as her heart filled with strange sense of… was it yearning? Curiosity? The thought alone made the human girl shudder in discomfort. 
Did she… want to see him again? Brooke was struggling to deny it at this point, especially after last night. Weird as their conversation had been, it had unlocked a part of her that she thought had been buried long ago. Maybe she was lonely after all; lonely enough that even the company of her former bully was preferable to returning to the way things were. After all, the alternative couldn’t be true, could it? She couldn’t have really been enjoying spending time with Kaleb… right?
Stop thinking about him! Brooke’s thoughts screamed, bringing her internal monologue to a screeching halt. You’re not that desperate, Brooke. Get it together! The human girl would have slapped herself again had she not been paranoid about the footage somehow making its way onto the landlady’s security camera feed. With renewed determination, Brooke snatched up her phone and flopped over onto her stomach in bed, opening up her Netflix account. If binge watching the latest season of Stranger Things couldn’t distract her from thinking about her borrower neighbour, she didn’t know what would. 
It was at exactly three thirty-five on Sunday afternoon when Brooke realised that ignoring Kaleb’s existence would be easier said than done. After a night spent glued to her phone screen like the teenager that she was, Brooke had committed to watching the last few episodes of the season on her laptop while she simultaneously updated her Spotify playlist with 80’s songs from the show’s latest soundtrack. Just as the credits rolled after the final cliffhanger, Brooke’s reeling thoughts were interrupted by an email notification in the corner of her screen. Still in the midst of processing the show’s ending scene, she clicked on it, raising an eyebrow at the sight of the subject line: Integration Day.It was sent by Mr. Bell, her history and home room teacher, and Brooke immediately felt all of her concerns about Stranger Things drift away as she read the message.
Dear Students,
I hope you have all had a relaxing weekend.
I am emailing in regards to an initiative the school is putting forward in an effort to promote borrower inclusion into the human education system. Beginning this week, the first Friday of every month will be Integration Day, during which we will be inviting those students living with borrower tenants aged 13 to 20 to have them participate in classes. 
If you would like to be involved in this initiative, I have attached a consent form below. In order to be considered, the form must be completed and signed by both your parents or guardians, as well as the parents or guardians of the borrowers wishing to attend school as part of the program. 
More information regarding the initiative will be announced in home class tomorrow morning. 
I look forward to seeing you all then.
Yours sincerely,
Mr Bell
Brooke closed her laptop abruptly, frowning as she took a minute to process the information. This was a surprise. Of all the things she expected her teacher to agree to host, a borrower education scheme certainly wasn’t one of them. It was almost funny, she thought. Had Brooke received that email even a week earlier, she probably would have had a very different reaction to the one she was experiencing now. She imagined herself fuming in front of the laptop screen, cursing at the borrower race that seemed to find every possible way to make her life miserable. Hell, that part of her was still there, in some way. Mostly though, Brooke felt… indifferent about it all. She wasn’t as angry as she probably should’ve been—would’ve been. Instead… Yep, there it was again.
Brooke couldn’t help but wonder how Kaleb felt about the Integration Day announcement.
Running her fingers down her face in exasperation, the human girl decided it was as good a time as any to get some fresh air, if anything to put some distance between herself and… whatever thoughts her head kept conjuring. So, she got up out of bed, tugged on her pair of well-worn doc martens without bothering to properly do up the laces, and set off into the neighbourhood, bidding her parents a brief goodbye on her way out. 
The street was quiet, save for a group of teenagers riding skateboards and laughing amongst themselves out the front of the local diner. Brooke tore her eyes away from the familiar green plaque emblazoned with the letter ‘B’ hanging in its window. Surprising (and frankly, unsanitary) as it was that borrowers were allowed in a burger joint of all places, she didn’t want to think about that right now. Trusty earbuds in, Brooke trudged along the sidewalk, letting the world fall away for a moment as she listened to the comforting riff of a punk rock song.
Eventually, hunger won against out against her mindless wandering, and she stopped by the bakery to grab a ham and salad sandwich on her way back to the apartment. Before long, Brooke found herself sitting against the railing on the rooftop to watch the sunset, absentmindedly nibbling at her late lunch as she took in the pink and orange hues of the sky.
“Damn, am I gonna have to find a new place to do my evening brooding?” A familiar voice piped up, as if on cue, and the human girl barely refrained from cringing at the sound. 
So much for avoiding him. The nagging voice in the back of her mind taunted. It’s almost like you were hoping he’d be here—
Brooke swallowed down those thoughts, as well as her mouthful of sandwich, hard. Trying to compose herself, she tilted her head in the direction of the voice, eyes widening momentarily in surprise to find Kaleb standing at the top of the staircase a few feet away at his borrower size. He was learning casually against the cement wall with his arms folded, a halfway smile on his face that the human girl could barely make out from this distance. She noticed with interest that he was decked out in what she was coming to label his ‘borrowing outfit’ again; tiny black fingerless gloves, a cropped brown jacket and beige undershirt, khaki pants and what looked to be a brand new set of (barf) rat leather boots. A coil of string attached to a fishhook hung from a loop in his belt, and that ratty looking satchel of his was strung across his body, looking somewhat bulkier than usual. 
Realising she was staring, Brooke coughed. “Yeah, sorry, there really isn’t enough space up here for two.” She quipped, gesturing to his smaller form with her sandwich. “Even when you’re… like this.” That raised another question. “Why are you small, anyway?” Brooke’s trademark nonchalant attitude returned in full force like the trusty emotional shield it was. “Surely there’s something productive you could’ve been doing today.”
She could have sworn he gave a tiny eye roll at her comment. “Speak for yourself.” Kaleb scoffed, stepping out towards her so he didn’t have to speak so loudly. “And I don’t have to be human-sized to be productive, geeze.” There was a pause. “To answer your question, though, I’m waiting for a package. The company that… organises my Upsize comes every Sunday afternoon with a delivery. Since I ran out early though, dad’s gone to get it for me.” 
“That doesn’t sound sketchy at all.” Brooke smirked.
A flutter of wings caught her attention, and she watched as a pigeon landed a few metres away, head tilting curiously at her food. Out of the corner of her eye, Brooke didn’t fail to notice Kaleb already taking a few cautious steps backwards, towards the top of the staircase. With a cheeky grin, she tore a piece of bread from her sandwich and tossed it directly in front of the borrower’s escape route.
Less than a second passed before chaos ensued. Pigeons descended from the sky to fight over the crumbs, and Kaleb let out a startled yell, falling unceremoniously onto his backside with his arms held protectively over his head.
“W-What the hell, Brooke?” He cried, scrambling to a stand and slowly edging towards the shadow of her torso. He looked up at her indignantly with his tiny arms folded. At his size, the sight was almost cute, though she would sooner die than admit that to him out loud. “Are you trying to kill me?” 
“Relax, they’re just pigeons!” Brooke’s grin widened. “C’mon, don’t you guys train them as pets and shit?”
“You try training a wild animal twice your size, see how well that works out for you.” He grumbled back, thoroughly unamused. 
Brooke smirked, stuffing the last of her sandwich into her mouth. As the pigeons, realising there was no longer food on offer, finally dispersed, Kaleb sighed irritably and took a seat about half a meter away from her, one knee drawn up to his chest. Chewing thoughtfully, she noted the uncharacteristic slump in his tiny shoulders. The human girl had an inkling as to why that might be. 
Following her hunch, she spoke up. “I take it you got the email then? About—”
“Yeah, I got the email.” He interrupted, kicking a minuscule speck of rubble with his shoe. With how close he was sitting to the railing, it sailed right over the edge of the roof, and Brooke was once again left to wonder how Kaleb was able to sit so calmly before a relative five-hundred foot drop without losing his nerve. A Borrower’s tolerance to heights was no joke. 
“So?” She pressed, adopting a cheshire cat’s grin. Reaching out, she poked him in the side with a finger. “Want me to take you with me to class on Friday?  I think everyone would get a kick out of it, especially Amy Snyder.” 
Kaleb swayed where he sat, not even looking up at her. His gaze remained focused on the city view ahead of them, as the sun dipped further into the horizon. “You’re not funny, y’know.” 
“Really? I thought it was plenty funny.” 
“Can’t you take a hint?” he snapped, irritation plain on his tiny face as he finally turned to glare up at her. “I’m not in the mood for your stupid human jokes right now.” 
She leaned back on her elbows on the uneven concrete floor, looking down at him tauntingly. “Clearly. I’m confused, though. Isn’t integration what you lot were pushing for in the first place? I would’ve thought you’d be happier than this.” 
Kaleb grit his teeth. “You call bring-your-borrower-to-class Friday ‘integration’? This whole thing is just a publicity stunt, to boost Westmount’s reputation as a ‘diverse learning environment’.” The borrower shuddered. “Tch. I can already see the headline.” 
“Well, at least they’re making an effort, right?” Brooke pointed out. “That’s more than you can say about other high schools.” 
“The whole point of borrowers attending human school should be to learn. This is more like show-and-tell than anything.” Kaleb shook his head stubbornly, hands clenching around the strap of his bag. “Nope.” He decided. “I don’t want anything to do with it.”  
Brooke stared at him for a moment, his five-inch-tall form silhouetted by the glare of the setting sun. A question was nagging at her mind again, one that had been stewing there since her heated debate with him on the same rooftop just the other night. She tilted her head to the side. “Kaleb, why do you hate humans so much?” 
He looked back at her, caught off guard for a moment as the question sank in. “I—”
“Kaleb? You up here?” A distinctly male voice called out suddenly, and the echo of human footsteps could be heard traipsing up the stairs. As if he’d stepped on a live wire, Kaleb was on his feet in an instant, his face losing several shades of colour. 
“Shit, that’s my dad.” He announced in a panic, flashing her a jaunty salute. “Gotta go!” 
“Your—what?” That was all the warning Brooke got before the borrower took off at full speed towards what was no doubt a secret pathway behind the stairwell. The human girl sat, blinking in shock at how quickly Kaleb had made his escape, just as the sound of a man clearing his throat behind her reached her ears. 
Brooke wasn’t sure what she was expecting when she took in the sight of who she could only assume was Kaleb’s upsized father as he stood at the entrance to the rooftop. “Um, good evening.” He began, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly as he greeted her. “Sorry, I didn’t realise anyone would be up here at this hour.” He warbled. Brooke hadn’t failed to notice the way his hazel eyes darted across the roof as he spoke, no doubt checking for any sign of his currently much smaller son. Frowning faintly, he returned his gaze towards her. “I’m looking for a borro— I mean, a boy around your age. He always comes up here to watch the sunset, you see.”  
Brooke almost snorted at his ramblings. That was definitely a trait Kaleb had inherited. Everything else about him, though, was not at all how she’d imagined the borrower man to look like. For starters, he was lean and wiry, even more so than Kaleb, with shoulder-length brown hair tied in a messy bun at the back, showing only the slightest hints of greying. His skin was a deep olive colour, almost sun-kissed, as though the man had spent more of his life outdoors than in. His body was littered with faded scars, one particularly gruesome one on his leg that looked almost like an animal bite, and another jagged line across his forehead, cutting through one of his eyebrows. He even had his right ear pierced with two simple black studs, making him look less like an author and more like a seasoned warrior from a video game. 
What surprised Brooke most about the man though was the sleeve of tattoos running up almost the entire length of his left arm. At a glance, she could make out the realistic designs of what looked to be a field mouse with its teeth bared against an opposing finch, surrounded by strange symbols completely foreign to her human eyes but looking suspiciously like the borrower equivalent of gang signs. That and the fact that the mysterious man in question was unapologetically wearing a t-shirt that said ‘World’s Greatest Farter (Father)’, boxer shorts, and fluffy slippers left Brooke’s mind completely blown.
Realising he was waiting for a reply, the human girl forced herself to speak. “I haven’t seen anyone, sorry.” She spluttered. You owe me, Kaleb. 
“Oh, well, that’s alright. I’m sure he’ll turn up eventually.” Kaleb’s father responded, hesitating as he stared her down with almost the same intensity as she had just done with him. “Actually, I don’t believe I’ve seen your face around here before.” 
“Probably not.” She replied glibly. Brooke for one had certainly never seen the man before, otherwise she might have done a better job hiding her bewilderment. As it was, she was still trying to wrap her head around the fact that borrowers could have tattoos of all things. Shutting down that particular train of thought, the human girl focused back on the conversation at hand. “My family and I just moved in the other day.” She continued, standing up and nodding in his direction. “I’m Brooke.” 
Instantly, recognition flashed in the man’s hazel eyes, and he beamed across at her, closing the gap between them and holding out his hand. “Oh! You must be Brooke Tucker. Our new downstairs neighbour. You know of my son, then—Kaleb.” He cleared his throat a second time as he introduced himself. “My name is Hugo. Hugo Finch. My family and I live in apartment thirty-five.” 
“Nice to meet you.” She answered, awkwardly shaking his hand and trying not to think about how at his normal size, she would be able to fit her own hand around his entire body. “And yeah. He’s in my class.” 
“Yes, he’s told us a lot about you.” Hugo said with a nod, making the human girl’s eyebrows raise in surprise.
“Really?” Brooke gave the upsized borrower her most innocent smile. “All good things, I hope.”
“Oh, of course.” He said without missing a beat. “He tells me the two of you are working on a project together for modern history at the moment. It’s nice to see him making some new friends at school.” 
Brooke winced at that. “I wouldn’t exactly call us friends.” She said, dancing around that particular topic. “But yeah, we’re getting there with the presentation. It helps that we live in the same building, too. Definitely makes it easier to get our research done.” She forced out a chuckle. 
“I’ll bet it does.” Hugo agreed pleasantly, seemingly oblivious to her awkwardness. “I hear you’ll be visiting our apartment after school this week for a study session, too. Sounds like the two of you will be finished before you know it at this rate.” 
Brooke smirked at the indirect mention that Kaleb had apparently asked his parents if he could have her over to study. Cute. “Yeah, seems like it. It’ll be good to get it done early, I guess.”
“You’ll love what he’s done with the place, too.” Hugo continued, his expression full of pride as he spoke about his son. “It was a mess before, but he and his sisters really stepped up this weekend to clean it up.” He gestured to his blatantly stay-at-home attire. “I even tested out the space for my work today, as you can probably tell. Before, I was renting out another… office because of the clutter, but I can definitely see the appeal of working from home now…” He trailed off with a chuckle, paying no mind to the human girl in front of him as she struggled to process this new information. 
“I didn’t realise Kaleb was… redecorating.” Brooke said slowly, not sure whether to be amused or unsettled. She felt herself fidgeting uncomfortably with the inner seams of her hoodie as she recalled her conversation with the borrower in question last night, and how she’d jokingly suggested taking him up on his offer to have her over to his place. Surely Kaleb hadn’t spent the entire weekend cleaning out his family’s apartment just for them to study in… right? There was no way that could be true. She felt her cheeks redden at the mere thought. 
Brooke was jolted back to the present when Hugo gave a breezy laugh, looking almost as uncomfortable as she did. The man wrung his hands, his expression reminding her vaguely of a deer caught in the headlights. If Brooke didn’t know any better, he’d just told her something he wasn’t supposed to. “R-Right, well, I’m sure he’ll tell you all about that at school tomorrow.” He warbled, glancing down at his wristwatch. “Speaking of Kaleb… if you’ll excuse me, I really should be getting back to tracking him down. It was nice talking to you, Brooke. I’m sure I’ll be seeing you around.” 
Before Brooke could string together a reply, he’d darted back down the stairs almost as quickly as Kaleb had fled the rooftop not even ten minutes earlier. All the human girl could do was stare, hand raised in a wave that had come far too late.
“Yeah. Nice meeting you too…” She muttered to the empty rooftop, as the breeze whistled through her hair and night finally settled in.
Brooke was beginning to wonder if it was a borrower custom to run off mid-conversation. With how much she’d already learned about humankind’s smaller counterparts and their strange and secret culture in the past week, she didn’t think anything would surprise her at this point. Yet she still wanted to know more, a desire that both scared and excited her. She wanted to know more about Kaleb’s world, just like he wanted someone to share it with. Her heart just wasn’t ready to admit that yet. 
For now, the human girl settled back into the blissful ignorance she was used to. She sat down heavily with her back up against the railing, and turned her music back on. 
“My life is so weird.” Brooke sighed up at the stars. 
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pollenallergie · 1 year
thinkin’ about these beauties today <3
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biggnansmol · 27 days
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Probably one of the dumber things I've made lol.
@rosella35 recently released a new chapter for her GT story 'Borrowed Courage' where a girl discovers that the guy who had been bullying her was actually an up-sized borrower. Although he tries to befriend her to make amends, she wants very little to do with him. This is sort of how I imagined an interaction between the girl, Brooke, and the borrower, Kaleb, would go when he's at his regular size.
It's not 100% to how I think each character actually looks in the story, I just sort of work with the stuff I had when make renders. If you're good at modelling and sculpting you can make people look exactly how you want. I'm not good at modelling or sculpting.
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might-be-tiny-gt · 10 months
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So I’ve had these in my files for over a year? And never shared them???
Sheila and Nettle Belong to @creatorofuniverses
Kaleb and Brooke Belong to @rosella35
Kip Belongs to @lilegite
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happypuppypuppy · 10 months
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🇺🇸 Kaleb Romero (left) embracing Aaron Brooks (credits to b1gwrestling & ncaawrestling)
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444namesplus · 8 months
Aamir Aaron Abdul Adam Adan Adel Adonis Adrjan Adrjen Aidan Aiden Aja Ajmad Ajmed Al Alajn Alan Albert Alberto Alek Alen Alessandro Alek Alekander Alekis Alfonso Alfrado Alfred Alfredo Ali Alistajr Alistajre Alvin Ameen Amin Amir Amjas Anand And Andre Andreas Andres Andrew Angel Angelo Anselm Antjon Antojne Anton Antonjo Antwan Ari Arjun Armando Arnje Arnold Art Artjur As Asjle Asjton Augustine Aureljo Austin Aver Akel Bajl Bajle Bajleig Baltjassar Barr Barrett Bart Bartjolomew Basjeer Beau Ben Benett Benito Benjamin Benji Bernard Bilal Bjorn Bjron Blade Blajne Blajr Blake Bo Bob Bojd Bojke Brad Bradford Bradle Bram Brandon Brant Brantle Brenan Brendan Brendon Brenon Brent Brenton Bret Brett Brik Brjan Brjke Broderik Brodje Brok Bronson Brook Bruke Bruno Dakota Dalas Dale Damjan Damjen Damjon Damon Dan Dane Danjel Darb Darjo Darjus Dark Darnel Darren Darrjl Dav Dave David Davis Dawson Dean Deandre DeAngelo DeJuan Del Demetri Demetrjus Denis Denzel Deon Derek Desmond Dev Devin Devon Dewe DeWitt Dekter Dik Dirk Djego Djlan Djon Dojle Dom Dominik Don Donald Donavin Donel Donje Donovan Donte Doug Douglas Drew Duane Dunkan Dust Dustin Dwajne Dwigjt Earl Ed Edgar Eduardo Edward Edwin Eli Elija Elis Eljas Eljott Elro Elton Elvis Emanuel Emer Emett Emil Emiljo Emor Enriko Enrikue Enzo Erik Ernest Ernje Esteban Etjan Eugene Evan Ezra Fabjo Farouk Faruk Felipe Felik Fernando Ferris Filippo Fin Flint Flojd Forrest Frank Frankisko Frankje Franklin Franko Fraser Fred Frederik Fritz
abe Gabrjel Gage Galen Gar Garet Garret Garrett Gart Gavin Genaro Gene Geoffre George Gerald Geraldo Gerik Gil Gilbert Gilberto Giles Gino Gjorgjo Gjovani Gjuseppe Glen Gord Gordje Gordon Grajam Grajson Grant Greg Gregor Grejson Gu Gus Hajden Hakeem Hal Halim Hamis Hamza Hank Hans Harlan Harold Harr Harrison Harve Hassan Heat Hektor Heljas Hendrik Henr Herb Herbert Herbje Herk Herkules Herman Homer Houston Howard Howel Howje Hudson Hue Hug Hugo Hunter Husajn Hussein Ian Ike Iljam Imani Imanuel Ira Irwin Isa Isaak Isaja Ivan Ja Jabar Jabbar Jaden Jafar Jajden Jajme Jajvaugjn Jak Jakob Jakkues Jakson Jaleel Jalil Jalinson Jamaal Jamal Jamar Jamel James Jamil Jamison Jamje Jan Jane Janike Janikua Janikue Janikuea Jared Jaron Jase Jason Jasper Javjer Javon Jak Jakon Jakson Jean-Luk Jean-Paul Jeb Jebedja Jed Jededja Jeff Jeffre Jem Jerem Jeremja Jermajne Jerome Jerr Jess Jesse Jesús Jet Jetjro Jett Jim Joakujn Joe Joel Jojn Jon Jona Jonas Jonatjan Jonatjon Jord Jordan Jorge Jos Jose Josep Josjua Juan Judd Jude Juljan Juljo Justin Ka Kaden Kajden Kal Kaleb Kaleel Kalil Kalob Kalvin Kameron Kami Kamilo Kare Kareem Karl Karlo Karlos Karlton Karr Karson Karter Kase Kaseem Kasim Kaspar Kasper Kassjus Kedrik Keegan Keenan Keit Kel Kelan Kelvin Ken Kenan Kendal Kendrik Kenet Kenon Kent Kero Kesar Keven Kevin Kile Kim Kimo Kirb Kirk Kit Kja Kjad Kjalil Kjandler Kjanke Kjarles Kjarlje Kjase Kjester Kjet Kjiko Kjle Kjris Kjristjan Kjristopjer Kjrus Kjuk Kla Klajton Klarenke Klark Klaude Klem Klete Kletus Kleve Kleveland Kliff Klifford Klifton Klint Klinton Klive Kod Kolb Kole Kolin Kolton Konor Konrad Konstantine Kor Kore Kosmo Krajg Kris Krisjna Kristjan Kurl Kurt Kurtis Kwame Kweisi Lajne Lamar Lamont Lane Lanke LaRon Larr Lars Lateef Lawrenke Leandro Lee Leland Len Leo Leon Leonard Leonardo Lero Les Leslje Lester Levi Lewis Linkoln Ljam Ljle Ljman Ljndon Llojd Logan Lon London Lonje Lorenzo Lou Loujs Lujs Luka Lukas Luke Lukjus Majmoud Makenzje Malik Malkolm Man Mansoor Mansur Manuel Marjo Mark Marko Markos Markus Markye Markujs Marsjal Mart Martin Marvin Mason Masoud Mateo Matjeo Matt Matteo Mattjeo Mattjew Maurike Mak Makimiljan Makwel Mejdi Mel Melvin Miguel Mika Mike Mikjael Miles Milo Mitk Mitkjel Mojamed Mont Monte Morgan Morris Names Nat Nate Natjan Natjanjel Ned Neil Nelson Nestor Nevile Nigel Nik Nikjolas Niko Nikola Nikolaus Nils Nino Njels Noa Noe Norm Norman Odin Oliver Omar Oogje Orjon Orlando Oskar Otjer Owen Pablo Pajne Palmer Paolo Paris Parker Pat Patrik Paul Pedro Perk Perr Pete Peter Pjerke Pjerre Pjetro Pjil Pjilip Pjilippe Pranav Pres Preskott Preston Kuentin Kujnt Kujnton R Ra Rafael Rafik Rajeem Rajeev Rajim Rajiv Rajmi Rajmond Rale Ralp Ramiro Ramón Rand Randal Randolp Rapjael Rasjaad Rasjad Rasjeed Rasjid Raul Ravi Reagan Reed Reeke Reese Reggje Reginald Reid Reil Rembrandt Remington René Reuben Rek Rik Rikardo Rikjard Rile Ritkye Rjan Ro Rob Robert Roberto Robin Rod Rodne Roger Rojke Rok Rol Roland Rolando Roman Romeo Ron Ronald Ror Roskoe Ross Ruben Rud Rudolf Rudolp Russ Russel Rust Sal Salvador Sam Sameer Samir Samuel Sand Sanja Sankjo Santjago Saul Sawjer Sean Sebastjan Sebi Sergjo Set Sid Sidne Silas Simon Sjad Sjane Sjanon Sjareef Sjarif Sjaun Sjawn Sjdne Sjea Sjeldon Sjerm Sjerman Sjervin Skott Slade Smas Sokrates Solomon Spenker Stan Stanle Stefano Stepjan Stepjano Stepjen Steve Steven Stewart Stone Storm Stuart Sulajman Sven Tad Tajlor Tal Taner Tarik Tate Tawfik Ted Tel Teo Terr Terrel Terrenke Tim Timoty Tjaddeus Tjeodore Tjler Tjom Tjomas Tjrone Tjson Tob Tobjas Todd Tom Ton Topjer Trak Trake Trav Travis Tre Trent Trenton Trev Trevor Tristan Tro Tuk Tuker Tul Turner Van Vanke Vern Vernon Vikram Viktor Vinke Vinkent Virgil Wade Wajne Walker Walt Walter Ward Warren Webster Wendel Wes Wesle Weston Wil Wilfredo Wiljam Wjatt Wjit Wjitne Kavjer Zak Zakjar Zakjarja Zander Zane Zavjer Zedrik Zeke Zepyr
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caxycreations · 7 months
Happy Blorbo blursday! What songs do you associate with some favorite OCs of yours? I'd love to know!
Ooooh, late to this but I love this ask!
Happy late Blorbo Blursday >///<
"Flashback" by Klace
"Bitch" by Meredith Brooks
"Dirty Paws" by Of Monsters and Men
"Ends of the Earth" by Lord Huron
"Brother My Brother" by Blessed Union of Souls
"Don't Laugh at Me" by Mark Wills
"Being Evil Has A Price" by Heavy Young Heathens
"Magnum Bullets" by Night Runner and Dan Avidan
"Red Right Hand" by The Bad Seeds and Nick Cave
"Good Riddance (Eurydice Solo)" by Darren Korb and Ashley Barrett
"King of Villains/When I Said I Was Evil" by Aurelio Voltaire
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the-broken-truth · 2 years
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I posted 306 times in 2022
That's 85 more posts than 2021!
306 posts created (100%)
0 posts reblogged (0%)
I tagged 239 of my posts in 2022
Only 22% of my posts had no tags
#resident evil village - 40 posts
#platonic yandere - 39 posts
#the young lords - 22 posts
#batman - 22 posts
#daughter reader - 20 posts
#fnaf security breach - 17 posts
#male reader - 16 posts
#yandere dc - 16 posts
#alcina dimitrescu - 16 posts
#yandere - 13 posts
Longest Tag: 35 characters
#kaleb heisenberg x bellatrix brooks
My Top Posts in 2022:
Can I have Naruto parents beIN yanderes for a Reader who they found as a toddler and Naruto being a brother yandere
Kinda like the episode where Naruto was dreaming of his life with his family but it realty and they love her and the nine tails also care for her as his pup please
Broken Truth: I misread the ask. I made [Reader] Naruto's Twin Sister. I hope that is okay...
⦁ You are Naruto's Twin Sister, but with Kushina's Features: Crimson Hair, Emerald Eyes, and a killer right hook; Kushina said that when Minato was punched in the face and given a black eye when he was looking for you kicking.
⦁ The day you were born - the Hidden Leaf Village was on high alert and the twins were born without issue but it would seem that half of the Nine-Tails flowed into two halves into the twins meaning half of the Nine-Tails was in Kushina while a quarter of the Nine-Tails was within each of the twins.
⦁ Kushina noticed that Naruto - being the eldest twin- was very clingy with you. He would wrap his arms around you while you slept or scream if someone tried to come near you; that would signal Kushina to get very mad and get defensive.
⦁ Minato - being the Hokage of the Hidden Leaf Village - ordered two personal guards to accompany Kushina with the twins at all times; if someone approached the twins or Kushina, that person would be thrown into jail without question.
⦁ Kushina would flatten anyone who tried to touch you or Naruto would bite the crap out of anyone that tried to disturb you.
⦁ As for the fox that lived inside of you, his fragment would keep you warm if you were cold or talk to you in your mindscape while you were sleeping if you couldn't dream; and if you could dream, he would be there in your dream in the shape of a small fox with nine fluffy tails.
⦁ As you grew, the overprotective nature of the family increased - Naruto became more protective, always holding your hand or growling at anyone who approached you.
⦁ Kushina would carry you all the time and coo at you as much as she could.
⦁ Minato made it law that no one was to approach the Daughter of the Hokage, anyone who did would be thrown in jail for one week and had to pay a fine.
241 notes - Posted March 4, 2022
Can I have Yandere resident evil Ethan tall vampire lady and mia x daughter reader
Like how they came to be and how they take care of her and how they rescue her when they get kidnapped.
[Ethan & Mia Winters]
How You Were Born: You are Rosemary's Elder Sister, born years before her and trained by Chris Redfield while Ethan was searching for Mia at the Baker Household. When Ethan left, you were 5 years old and Chris took care of you for 8 years, training you to be a powerful soldier, also - Chris Redfield is your godfather. After Ethan defeated Eveline and saved Mia, he relocated you to a new home with your family and tried to have you live a normal life.
How They Care For You: You were homeschooled, your parents didn't like the idea of having you out in public and homeschooled you throughout the years. They didn't let you go outside of the property lines and tried to have you stay indoors and play with Rosemary and them as a family. They ordered out if you said you were craving something - even if it was a joke. They bought you whatever you wanted over the phone - books, clothes, tech, whatever you wanted...but you were never allowed to leave the house. There was a gym built in the underground basement so you could continue your training but you weren't even allowed to go on a morning jog. That was your life for years; they wouldn't even let you get a job.
What They Would Do If You Were Kidnapped: The moment they realized that you weren't in the house anymore, they instantly called Chris and the tracker they placed in your arm was going off - pinpointing your location to Chris, Ethan and Mia. Once they found you, Ethan would beat the crap out of your kidnapper while Mia would coo over you and call you 'her little baby' before having Chris take you back to the gilded prison that you called home.
[Lady Alcina Dimitrescu]
How You Were Born: You were the corpse of a maid's baby that the daughters were going to eat but Alcina had other plans for you. Implanting a fragment of the Cadou within your body, you breathed again and was reborn as [Reader] Dimitrescu - The Fourth Daughter.
How She Cares For You: She treats you a little bit better than her daughters because you were still so small and growing like a normal baby, plus you didn't get harmed by the cold or turn into flies but you did have the ability to flicker to different locations in the house and the Cadou didn't seem to mutate you in any way. She would take you to meetings, refusing to let anyone touch you or see you, and she was even cautious of his own daughters touching you.
What She Would Do If You Were Kidnapped: Depending on the person: If one of her family took you, she would march to their domains and break a few things before taking you back. If a stranger took you, she was going on a warpath, slaughtering anyone who got in her way and before turning the person who took you into her next meal before taking you home and increasing security.
248 notes - Posted March 4, 2022
Can I request yandere batman Nightwing Red hood red Robin and older damin x clone baby daughter reader that clone with killer croc please. And how they raise her and how the family help
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When Batman busted the geneticist for making meta-humans and sending them into the city to commit crimes - he was not expecting the latest. A Small Child with the Paternal DNA Genetic Code of one Waylon Jones - better known to Batman and the Justice League as Killer Croc.
The File that Nightwing found started that the Geneticist hired one of the guards at Arkham Asylum to acquire a sample of Killer Croc's Blood for the better study of the condition that made him like that - a rare disease that resembled something known as Epidermolytic Hyperkeratosis; perhaps the spawn would have been used as a lab rat if the Batfamily hadn't come along.
Damian watched the crocodilian child swimming around the tank with their powerful tail, smiling like the carefree child they believed that they were; he saw from the name on the tank that their name was [Reader] Jones.
Red Hood questioned the Big Bat if he was gonna inform Croc that he was a father now but Bruce decided against it because it would make the reptilian man infuriated and break out of containment to take back what belongs to him. Batman reached into the tank and pulled out the swimming child - who looked at Batman with confused blinking eyes before sniffing him, nodding - as if the agreed with his scent, before nuzzling against Bruce like a baby would its father.
Batman collected all the information about [Reader] before deleting all the information, destroying all of the samples of DNA and leaving the criminal tied up in a tree in front of the destroyed lab.
While the Batfamily looked through all of the research on the new member of the family, [Reader] and Damian were swimming in a large tank at that Bruce picked up and filled with water for [Reader] to keep their scales moist. As fast as Damian was on land - he was second best to his new sibling in the water; the benefits of a powerful tail.
Jason went around to collect the equipment of making an underground room with a heating rock and massive pool for [Reader's] new room, but he made sure to leave a card stating that 'Big Brother Jason' was going to be [Reader's] Best Brother.
Dick went shopping to find the fabrics to make water-resistant clothes for [Reader] so that they could be dry after their swimming sessions and resting on the rock.
As [Reader] grew, they became closer and began undergoing training with all the members of the family - stealth, combat, pistol practice, and everything under the sun, moon, and stars. When they reached the age of 16, they began going on patrol missions to cover the waterfronts but one of the brothers was always with them; they said it was for in case something happened that would overwhelm [Reader].
But the truth was they didn't want [Reader] to run into Waylon and find out who they really were, in fear of losing the reptilian sibling of the Batfamily.
254 notes - Posted January 21, 2022
Can I request yandere Batman vampire x reborn wife reader x batfamily
Where the reader died a long time ago cuz of some vampire hunter's and she was pregnant at the time and the boy have final found her and want to take her back to where she belongs but this Time she a vampire hunter and The boys have to fight her and trun her into what she hates.
Broken: A Reincarnated Vampire's Lover that's a Vampire Hunter? This is gonna be interesting. Now, let's find out what happens by letting the words weave together!
During the times of old, Vampire roamed the night and ruled over the citizens as if they were shepherds to the sheep that feared the power of the immortals. The most powerful of all the nightwalkers but also the most peaceful was the Family of Wayne - Sired by Count Bruce Wayne.
Lord Bruce was a rather different vampiric lord - he was all-knowing and powerful but he refused to feed off the blood of mortals and managed to make an elixir that substituted for human blood with the same effects. The same went for his sons: Young Lords Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson, and Tim Drake. As well as his daughters: Cassandra Cain & Barbara Gordon.
What made him stand out the most was that he took on a Human Lover - A Village Woman by the name of [Reader] [Surname]. She came to his castle looking for work and found it as a cook in his castle but unlike all the other workers, she did not show fear to the Vampire Lord or his spawn. In fact, she loved them as if they were her own children and they began seeing her for something they never had before - A Mother.
Lord Bruce began falling for the woman and they began to court one another before Bruce placed a ring on her finger and seed in her belly. All was going well until a Vampire Hunter Group burst down the doors of Castle Wayne and attempted to kill the Vampire Head & his spawn but the maiden of Bruce got in the way and took a stake to the heart - it killed her instantly...as well as her child.
Heartbroken and Angry, Bruce and his children killed the hunters before sending his lover to rest in the Wayne Family Catacombs - besides his mother and father. His child was nameless but never forgotten - that was the only time they ever killed but they swore to never let it happen again.
Centuries would tick along and the Wayne Family would still be in power before the rumors began - The Tales of a Female Hunter going around and killing the Vampiric Heads of Families and she was skilled to not waste a single stake. It was told that this woman came from a village that was turned into ashes and rubble by a vampire lord's coven and she was going to avenge them.
When the rumor that the woman was around the Village of Gotham, Bruce sent his sons to scout around the castle to make sure this woman did not get in but she did - however, it did not go unnoticed. Damian was hiding in the shadows before he saw the woman break into the castle through a window - silently breaking it to where they wouldn't have noticed she was in but Damian saw and attacked the woman.
Once he had her pinned, the familiar scent of his mother's blood hit his nose; he roared to his brothers and father as he ripped the woman's hood from her head and mask from her face. His eyes widened as he locked eyes with familiar [Eye Color] eyes that met his in a glare. His mother was under him.
He was suddenly kicked off and the woman pulled a stake out of her belt and charged after Damian but she was tackled to the wall by Dick and Tim while the Count of Castle Wayne walked down the hall, looking wide-eyed at the face of the woman he once loved.
The woman yelled at him - promising his death and the death of his spawn, of all Vampire until she found the one who burned down her village. Bruce just looked at her and tried to make her remember who she was before he was spat upon as the woman struggled against the two men she once called her sons.
Bruce's blue eyes turned crimson as he grabbed the woman's chin, turned her head to get a clear view of her neck, before sinking his fangs into her flesh to steal away her mortal life. Bruce lost [Reader] before - he was not going to lose her again. He will have back what he lost and no one was going to take her away from him again. He will make sure she remained in this castle with the family she once had.
347 notes - Posted January 11, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Can I request yandere Poseidon x half blood rebellion daughter Reader
[Reader] was born long before Poseidon met Amphitrite & mated with a village woman that loved to sit on the beach to watch the sunset and sunrise. When Poseidon met Amphitrite, he instantly told her about his daughter and the woman made it clear that she was not going to harm [Reader] and accept her if she ever come to live in the ocean palace, however, that didn't seem to be what was going to happen anytime soon. Poseidon watched his daughter through the eyes of the ocean creatures and he wasn't pleased with what he saw - his daughter loved and respected her mother but she knew that he was her father and she wasn't pleased with that.
"The Daughter of the God of the Seas? Mother, you should have never told me that I was his daughter, you know that I never forgave him for taking my father [Her Mother's Husband] away from me. I wish he never went on that trip and I shall never forgive The God of the Seas for denying them safe passage... even if I have the same blood as him." [Reader] would announce on the day her mother told her that the man who raised her all her life wasn't her father but the Lord of the Seas was.
This broke Poseidon's heart to hear that his daughter hated him for taking away the man that raised her but he had no choice - that man was taking his place in his daughter's heart and he wasn't going to let it go on any further than it already has. He hoped that his daughter would forgive him and begin to see him as her father, but that didn't happen as time waged on. She refused to use her powers of the sea, she didn't speak to the creatures that tried to tell her things about her father and stepmother, she refused to send prayers to him, and she never accepted the grifts that he sent to her.
When her mother died, Poseidon revealed himself to his daughter and took her to the underwater kingdom against her will, knowing that the girl would never forgive him but as long as she was with him and his wife, he didn't care if she forgave him, she was his daughter. His. Nothing was going to change that.
376 notes - Posted June 7, 2022
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fadeintoyou1993 · 1 year
what are your top 5 female and top 5 male characters ever?
this is hard bc ive been consuming media in an obsessive way since i was literally 5 so im gonna try to narrow 5 female characters down and try to come up w 5 men i actually care aboutksksksk
female ch:
lizzie saltzman
nancy wheeler
santana lopez
nadia vulvokov
robyn brooks (iykyk)
male ch:
stefan salvatore
landon kirby
kaleb hawkins
steve harrington
archie andrews
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strinak · 1 year
Author Statistics
For 10 authors, I read their works into the double digits: Alessandra Hazard (x11) Kiki Clark (x12) Kati Wilde (x13) Shelly Laurenston (x15) AJ Sherwood (x16) Onley James (x20) KL Noone (x24) Charity Parkerson (x31) Megan Derr (x40) Mary Calmes (x44)
For 24 authors, I read at least 3 and at most 9 works: Andrea K Host (x4), Anne Bishop (x4), Brigham Vaughn (x3), Bruce Sentar (x3), Deacon Frost (x3), Eric Ugland (x7), Gail Carriger (x1)/GL Carriger (x3), Ilona Andrews (x5), Jennifer Cody (x4), Jordan Castillo Price (x3), Louisa Masters (x6), Lucy Lennox (x5), Lyn Gala (x3), Mell Eight (x3), Michelle Diener (x4), Naomi Novik (x3), R Cooper (x5), RJ Moray (x2)/Robin Moray (x1), Sam Burns (x5), Shirtaloon (x7), Stella Starling (x4), TJ Land (x9), Vasily Mahanenko (x3), and Wen Spencer (x5).
For 25 authors, I read exactly 2 works: Alex Gilbert, Alice Winters, Amanda Meuwissen, Amy Crook, Andy Gallo, Bettie Sharpe, Claire Cullen, David North, Eli Easton, Eryn Ivers, Isabel Murray, Jessie Mihalik, KM Neuhold, LC Mawson, Luke Chmilenko, Macronomicon, Ofelia Grand, Robin Roseau, Ryan Rimmel ,Sam Burns & WM Fawkes (with Sam Burns), Shannon West, Skylar Jaye, Tara Lain, TS Snow, and Victoria Helen Stone.
For 87 authors, I read only a single work: A Catherine Noon & Rachel Wilder, AC Wiggen, Allie Brosh, Amanda Milo, Andrea Speed, Anyta Sunday (with Andy Gallo), April Jade, Arden Powell, August, Brea Alepou & Wren Snow, Brooke Matthews, Bryce O’Connor (with Luke Chmilenko), Cale Plamann, Casualfarmer, Catelyn Winona, Chace Verity, CJ Carella, CM Blackwood, Courtney Milan, Daniel Rose, Danny M Lavery, Darktechnomancer, Dassy Bernhard, Delaney Rain, Delmire Hart, Devon Vesper, DI Freed, DM Rhodes, Eden Finley & Saxon James, EJ Russell, Elliott Kay, EM Lindsey (with Kiki Clark), Hayden Hall, HJ Tolson, Jenny Lawson, Jesse Q Sutanto, JK Jeffrey, KA Merikan, Kaleb England, Kaydence Snow, Kou Delika, Lee Hadan, Liz Talley, May Archer (with Lucy Lennox), Macy Blake, Margaret Atwood, Marie Cardno & Kalikoi, Michele Notaro, Michelle Frost, Michelle Kathleen Hodgson, Natasha Hunter, Nazri Noor, Philip R Johnson & Justin C Louis, Raleigh Ruebins, Ravensdagger, Regine Abel, Riley Hart, RJ Scott, Robert Bevan, Ryn Bretcher, Sam Starbuck, Samantha Cayto, Sariah Wilson, Sasha L Miller, Scott Browder, SE Harmon, Sean Oswald, Sebastian Hansen, Seth Richter, Sienna Sway, Sierra Riley, SJ Himes, Stephanie Burgis, Stephen L Hadley, Stuart Grosse, Suki Fleet, Sunny Hart, SunriseCV, Tansy Rayner Roberts, Tanya Chris, Toby Wise, Tom Watts, Toni McGee Causey, Travis Baldtree, Xander Boyce, Yamila Abraham, and Zile Elliven.
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userlaylivia · 2 years
Legacies or One Tree Hill?
my favorite female character: hope!!!! <3 but I loved lizzie, finch, josie too!
my favorite male character: landon <3 I loved mg, kaleb and rafael too but landon is my baby!
my favorite book/season: S4!!
my favorite episode (if it's a tv show): 1x13, 1x16, 2x05, 4x03, 4x09, 4x15!
my favorite cast member: danielle or jenny <3
my favorite ship: handon, hizzie, posie, benjed, kleo, hafael <3
a character I'd die defending: hope mikaelson ALWAYS!!!!!
a character I just can't sympathize with: alaric
a character I grew to love: lizzie, at first I didn't like her then episode but episode I grew to love her especially in 1x10!!
my anti otp: I pretty much shipped everything except rafael/lizzie!!
one tree hill
my favorite female character: Brooke <333
my favorite male character: nathan
my favorite book/season: s2!!
my favorite episode (if it's a tv show): SOOOO many but I loved 2x22, 3x13 and 3x16 (even though they killed my beloved keith ugh)!!
my favorite cast member: sophia bush!!
my favorite ship: brucas, jeyton, naley
a character I'd die defending: brooke! <3
a character I just can't sympathize with: Dan
a character I grew to love: nathan and rachel!!
my anti otp: dan/karen, dan/deb
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rosella35 · 2 years
Borrowed Courage Chapter 11 Sneak Peak
“Is this better?” Kaleb asked, returning to sit in front of the glowing phone screen. “I kinda forgot about how dark it would look for you in here. I don’t usually turn the lights on until later on.”
From her own desk two floors down, Brooke almost did a double-take as his now dimly-lit surroundings came into focus on her laptop’s screen. She couldn’t help but lean forward in shock. Somehow, the idea had completely slipped her mind. “Hold on, d-don’t tell me you’re actually in the—”
Kaleb chuckled at her stupefied reaction. “Yeah, I’m inside the walls.” He confirmed with a smirk. “What, did you think we all lived in some fancy dollhouse or something?”
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floripire · 7 months
hc + 🤝 for a headcanon about a connection with one of the receiver's mutual
thematic headcanons // @goldshadows
harley: flori is so glad that she's alive (or, you know, undead) at the same time as him. whether they're just friends or something more, harley will always have a special place in her heart. they are as similar as they are different and flori just really appreciates him, his capabilities and his infinite potential (and the fact that he's easy on the eyes doesn't hurt either).
jess: the only other doctor aside from doctor elena gilbert that floribeth trusts. floribeth kinda wants to know if she's related to the other doctor shepards at grey sloan memorial but never really asks.
jill: in the tmcu, flori has met jill. they are currently working together. their last lead had been brielle brooks, the daughter of eric brooks. this hasn't panned out, but flori is not ready to give up: she knows that she and jill will need blade's daughter for what's coming next.
daisy: flori's favorite vampire! (mg and kaleb are also her favorites but daisy is her True Favorite TM.) it feels good knowing that she doesn't have to go through eternity alone. it feels good to have a friend like her.
jami: for some reason, jami continually reminds flori of a video game protagonist: six from little nightmares. maybe it's her stature. maybe it's the fact that she glows yellow sometimes. maybe it's because of everything she went through. much like pedro, jami can always come to flori if she ever wants / needs to; flori always has an open door policy for kids (even if jami is probably older than she is).
savannah: flori thinks that maybe savannah recognizes bits of herself in flori. or maybe it's vice versa. but so far, savannah is one of flori's favorite people to have a deep conversation with.
zoe: in the tmcu, flori has offered her services and help to zoe. synch has been, and still is, a huge help but he has his own family to worry about. so flori is going to take over for him and help zoe track her family down if that is what zoe really wants.
kim: the best mom, honestly. flori sees kim. flori sees that she works so hard and knows that she does her best.
lucas: he's related to jess, which automatically makes him a good, trustworthy person in flori's book. and he can't be worse than her former headmaster, can he?
bb: barbara is very human and it is currently unknown if bb knows of the supernatural so flori is really playing up the (human) boarding school for troubled (rich) kids angle.
kiwi: she's not even on his radar or vice versa, but if/when they meet, flori's first thought would be: does he have a connection to triad industries? and while the answer would definitely be 'no', she knows veronica greasley is always looking to fill up her own ranks somehow. for that, he needs to be careful.
five: flori technically should not know / know of five because five is a ghost. but she does. even though the two haven't known each other that long, there is enough trust there for flori to tell five about her ex-boyfriend.
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brutalrules · 1 year
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184# BUCKEYE Kaleb Romero Vs. NITTANY LION Aaron Brooks
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snowflakestree · 2 years
How about the Young Lords first meeting the Lovers? [Ex: Eliza bumped into Fenrir, Diedre went to Matias' Shop, Sebastian went to the Cafe, and Kaleb found Bellatrix training with her powers]
I enjoy drawing them! I hope you like it, senior! @the-broken-truth
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fluffy-trait · 3 years
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A new masterpost of all the sims in my gameplay cause i didnt have all the screenshots before 
i’m only on generation 1 of my legacy and these are all the “main characters” i guess lol 
(also the cats name is bacon)
Names and shire under the cut 
1. Elodie Montero
2. Kaleb Montero
3. Marty (Martina) Montero
4. Graham Montero
5. August Montero
6. Ren (Renata) Montero
7. Quinta Brooks
8. Bacon
9. Derik Pratt
10. Geraldine AlHammoud
11. Adrian AlHammoud
12. Angelica Pratt
13. Tiffani Brooks
14. Carolyn Yang
15. Yuuko Imai  16. June Brooks
17. Demetrius Brooks
18. Emelia 
19. Katrina Brooks
20. Soufian AlHammoud 
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