#kamal bora x reader
hello can you please give it up for Kamal Bora from Smile For Me (the most just a little guy ever)
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Kamal Bora from Smile For Me is just a little guy!
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lillithenettix · 4 years
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so apparently there’s a lot of kamal self-shippers out there but there’s no content (that i’ve seen at least) so here you go. a little treat.
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yearninghell · 3 years
can i have some kamal calming down a stressed s/o?
Kamal calming down his stressed s/o
-saying this right out of the gate he feels u completely. he knows EXACTLY how it feels to be stressed. which!! means chances are he knows some method that’ll help u out, even if just a little!!
-depending on what caused u to get stressed/what helps u the most/how u experience stress he helps u in diff ways
-if its a more anxious kind of stress he does his best to calm u down by talking in a softer tone. he gently holds ur hands in his and rubs his thumbs over them, asking softly if u want anything and if ur ok!! if u like physical affection -despite how nervous he gets when it comes to it- he’ll give u as much as he can!! he likes to hold u close while he leans back, ur head resting on his chest while one of his hands rests on ur side or ur back, the other holding onto one of urs 
-if its a ‘im going to fucking strangle someone’ kind of stress he tries to be careful but still does his best to calm u down. something happened at work and u wanna rant abt it?? broo ur going to end up with ur head on his lap as you rant about anything thats been stressing you out, he gently plays with your hair and makes little comments here and there, matching ur energy like; ‘wh- what a dick!’ or sumn bro he is getting angy with u but like in a therapeutic kind of way
-any which way!! he does his best to help u calm down in any way that works for u!!!
-also u aare GOING to end up with ur fav drink or snack thats just a fact of life u dont even have to ask it just happens
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smile4meimagines · 4 years
Kamal love confession headcanons (to reader and/or vice versa) because I!!! Am!!! Soft!!!!!
Mod HB: coming this summer, one man - finally confessing
Mod Gay: Love!!! s OFT
Kamal confessing to s/o
Dude, when he’s confessing? It’s gonna take some time for the words to come out. It won’t even be the confession first, it’ll just be a sentence he’s pieced together in a last minute panic.
He had the whole thing planned out. Which was already a big mistake. As soon as the conversation veered away from where he had wanted to go with it he is internally freaked out.
You're definitely going to notice him acting a little off. You’ve spent a lot of time together at this point, so it’ll be obvious to you. Especially since he had visibly gotten more comfortable talking to you as time went on.
If you ask him about it, he’ll get even more flustered because oh shoot, you’ve seen right through him!! You know him so well! His hearts thumping a thousand miles an hour!! Too fast!!
At this point, all hope for the plan is lost, and he figures he’s never going to do it if he doesn’t confess now!
It still takes him time to even admit he’s been… Thinking ‘bout some stuff recently.
He stares down at his hands, clasped together in his lap, thumbs wrestling nervously against one another as he tries to put how he’s been feeling into words.
How… He’s found talking to you to be comforting and safe and warm. He talks about how content he is and how he loves spending time with you.
He goes on for a couple of minutes, just talking about you, and you find yourself a little stunned as he goes on. At some point, he stops, and laughs nervously, glancing toward you before away again as he lets out a heavy breath and he’ll eventually say, “Look, what I'm tryna say is… I really like you. Like… A lot.”
Man nearly passes out if you tell him you like him too. His face is beet red by the end as he laughs, relieved and rests his head on your shoulders. He’s so happy he told you and it all worked out.
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yandere--stuck · 4 years
Your poly yandere posts give me life,,is it possible to maybe get some yandere Boris & Kamal sharing an s/o if you still post s4m stuff
Hell ye!!!
💛 You could trust Kamal, of that you were certain. Kamal was trustworthy, Kamal was a friend - after all, hadn't he told you his troubles in good conscience? Hadn't he vented his plights with dealing with the doctor? How Boris had treated him and others so cruelly, had made fun of him and abandoned him. And Kamal had gotten you into Habit's office, as well, so you could finally face the mad doctor. Yes, you could trust Kamal.
💚 As it turns out, you could NOT trust Kamal. You're made quite certain of that when you spot Habit, grinning, his gaze behind you. When you turn back, you watch as Kamal follows you into the office. He seems anxious, giddily grinning and fidgeting. He locks the door behind you. The puzzle pieces fall into place in your mind. You were set up from the beginning. 
💛 You were not doomed the moment you began to trust Kamal, no, nor when you first made his acquaintance - you were doomed the moment you stepped into the habitat. Oh, how the good doctor and his right hand man were drawn to you the moment they laid eyes on you. You… Oh, you were something special, they were certain. And, of course, the dentist and his assistant could both see it. You were a gem, a shining smile among lifeless frowny faces. They had to protect such a rare treat… They had to have you…!
💚 How sweet you were. How sweet… and how naive. You were so kind, so optimistic, trying to make the dullards that made up the habitat happy,  to make them smile. Silly thing! You were too precious for the outside world. You'd see, once they had you in their thrall, you'd see - Habit's way was the only way that everyone would always be happy and smiling, forever. But, first, they had to get to you first.
💛 Their plan was simple, but enough to trick you. You were too kind to resist the urge to help, and, in the end, that was your downfall. You're momentarily frozen in shock, feeling Kamal's gangly arms wrap around you from behind, the man's body pressing up against your back. You feel as he sighs contentedly against you, nuzzling even closer to you. Before you can attempt to squirm free, Habit embraces you - his own arms much stronger than his assistant. The good doctor smiles and giggles as you try in vain to free yourself. He and Kamal shush you, pressing soft kisses on your face and neck. They tell you that there's no need to worry or fight anymore, they'd never hurt you! In fact… They love you. And you and they would to make all the world smile! Doesn't that sound wonderful?
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smile4imagines · 5 years
kissing headcanons 😘
lets start this blog off with something sweet! kissing headcanons for Habit, Jerafina, Trencil, Dallas, Lulia, and Kamal! 
dr. boris habit
at first, his kisses are pretty hesitant and.. experimental? 
he’s not used to kissing, or even receiving affection at all, so he’s not entirely sure what he’s doing. his hands are everywhere, he keeps opening his eyes, he accidentally bites your tongue at some point,,, its a bit of a mess. 
after awhile though, he gets the hang of it! you might have to help him a bit and guide him through it, and you might not be able to make it to full on makeout territory until way later into the relationship, but once he gets better at it, oh boy. 
every time you see him, he gives you a kiss! a kiss on the cheek, a kiss on the hand, a kiss on the lips, he loves kisses! and he loves making out even more, being able to be so close to the person he loves is like heaven for him 
habits kisses are sweet, and even though they happen pretty frequently, you can just never get enough. 
(the rest are under the cut bc it gets long!) 
Jerafina Tabouli 
SO messy. even messier than Habits.
but they’re packed with the most love! always passionate and always tasting like alcohol 
she kisses you as often as she can! and as much as you’ll let her
seriously, you might have to pull her away sometimes but its not her fault! she just gets really really happy when she thinks about you and she just can’t help but kiss your beautiful face as often as possible! 
she loves to come up and hug you and, if she can, lift you up and just smother your face in wet, sloppy kisses
when things get more serious and intimate though, shes definitely good at sensual kisses! likes to sit you down and hold your hand as she places warm kisses on your neck as she makes her way up to your lips... 
honestly? probably one of the best kissers at the habitat, and it shows 
Trencil Varnnia
at first they’re pretty short and sweet, really chaste and gentleman like 
he’s really anxious about kissing, and pretty much any physical contact at that. he even gets nervous at the thought of holding hands! 
he does eventually get used to it, but he still gets pretty flustered when you kiss, no matter how far into the relationship you are 
don’t worry though, they’re still good kisses! he does have hundreds of years of experience after all.
definitely does the old fashioned type kisses, like the dip, the one where he comes up behind you and plants a kiss on your cheeks, all that fluffy stuff
remember how he mentions not wanting you to fall under his spell? yea, too late. his kisses are magical and always make you feel a little dizzy afterwards 
his favorite place to kiss you is your hand, and your neck, but not because hes a vampire! he just likes to be close to you (though he wouldn’t exactly object if you asked him nicely for a bite or two....) 
Dallas Smuth 
his kisses are somehow eager and lazy at the same time 
definitely all over the place, his hands are always roaming around everywhere, and he tries to kiss every last inch of your face, arms, shoulders, neck, everything, but hes also super slow and sensual
loves when you’re sitting down and he can lean over you and wrap his arms around you, and he likes when you drape your arms around his neck
play with his hair too, he loves when you run your fingers through it and even gently tug it
off the topic of making out, he does like when you give him pecks on the cheek! kiss his hands too, he’ll probably melt
you always have new paint stains somewhere on your clothes after kissing him
Lulia Fame 
always slow and always sensual with Lulia 
even if she’s running late for a show, she always has time to kiss her darling and beloved. always. 
likes to hold your hand and rub it with her thumb, while her other hand rests on the wall behind you or your shoulder
loves to be close to you, so she definitely tries to push your bodies together as much as possible while you kiss
even just simple kisses on the cheek, hands, or shoulder always seem to be sensual and full of love
if you haven’t kissed her in awhile, she gets SO dramatic, and practically throws herself onto you, fake crying and asking WHY you haven’t KISSED HER in FOREVER and do you still truly love me?? it’s all a silly act of course, she understands when you need your personal time, but she just loves to kiss you and hold you
Kamal Bora 
PLEASE help him he has NO IDEA what hes doing 
he’s so nervous and so flustered every time you even MENTION wanting to kiss, and while actually doing it he keeps having to stop because he just?? can’t believe it?? you’re kissing him?? 
awkwardly kinda places his hands on your arms and closes his eyes really tight and leans in,, you’re probably gonna have to show him where to put his hands, and help him relax
his favorite are kisses on the cheek! they’re not too sensual and very friendly, but he still gets super flustered when it happens
all awkwardness aside, he is a good kisser! his lips are pretty soft and once he gets really into it and finally figures it out, it’s really sweet and soft and nice
he doesn’t like kissing ALL the time, but if the two of you are hanging out he likes to kiss your knuckles and cheeks. he doesn’t go farther than that very often though
he may be nervous but hes having a good time, so don’t worry! you’re both doing great~
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Kamal Bora with a s/o who uses neopronouns
- Kamal noticed that you never seemed 100% comfortable being called by your pronouns, whether that be he or she. For a while, he was too nervous to ask about it.
- One day, you two were cuddling on the couch, when you turned to him. You quietly ask if he can call you by your preferred pronouns, and he was surprised. Kamal was quiet for a moment, but gave you a nod. It would take him a bit to wrap his mind around it.
- When you went to bed, he began researching your preferred pronouns. This introduced him to the neopronouns community. Considering he was neutral on the transmedicalist vs tucutes debate, he was still unsure about the pronouns. But...he loved you too much to be against it.
- He’ll slip up a lot at first, but the sparkle in your eyes when he knows it’s right for you. While he’s still neutral, he’s more accepting of neopronouns than most.
- He loves you lots, and he’ll happily learn more for you.
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story in movie forme: It was over. Everyone exited the rusted, creaking gates of The Habitat. Dr. Habit was nowhere to be seen at all though when the group of you flooded out of your rooms and through the courtyard, but you worried what was going to happen to the kid... You trudged forward, exhausted by your thoughts and from the swift escape, down the hill along with the other habiticans. The air kept getting more and more crisp and clean with every step you took, all around you people chatted and laughed joyfully in the otherwise silent night. You broke a slight ways away from the group, slowing down your pace as you zoned out. Kamal chuckled at what Wallus was saying... some crazy story about when he was still the janitor for Boris, but he stopped when he spotted you from the corner of his eye, standing still. “(Y/n)? You alright?” He said, making a bee-line towards you. You snapped out of it when you heard Kamal’s voice calling out for you. The both of you met each others gaze halfway as he approached. “Someone has to go back there. Who knows what Habit is doing to Flower Kid?” You told him as he stopped in front of you. His expression changed from disbelief, to fear, to realization. “ I...I will. I know it’s...crazy, but...You’re right.” He nervously said in a hushed tone. Kamal silently took one of your hands and squeezed it in his own before rushing in the direction of The Habitat. Your eyes followed his retreating figure in the distance. “(Y/n) are you coming?” Wallus said from somewhere infront of you. “...Yeah.” You said turning to catch up with the others. “Where’d Kamal wander off to?” He asked questioningly. “He, uh, went back...to check on them.” You quietly confessed, regretting what you said to him moments ago. “Really?! Wow, I never thought he had it in ‘em.” He trailed off, averting his eyes forward. Soon enough, everyone spotted the cities street lights from above on the mountain. A series of “wow”s and gasps followed suite as the city shone like a beacon in the moonlit grassy hill. (wip)
short story ver: kamal takes u to hangout and u hav fun day then 4 lunch you go on a picnic and ur so stuffed tht u slep., u then wakeup to see jamal only inches awey from ur face and a nearby radio plays let me love yuo  and u are in loev
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habitatimagines · 2 years
If you don't mind could i ask for kamal or parsley with a S/o who has Adhd and collects/ obsesses over rocks because of sensory stimulation? Thank youu and have a wonderful day/night
I’ve been wanting to do this ask for a bit bc I think it’s cute and also kinda funny specifically in Kamal’s case
🐸 Kamal With a S/O that has ADHD and collects/obsesses over rocks 🐸
🐸 - So Kamal knew from when you and him started dating that you had ADHD so that wasn’t a surprise. I’m just kinda assuming you told him beforehand.
🐸 - What he wasn’t prepared for though….was the rocks,,,
🐸 - I think this image is fitting for what probs went through his brain:
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🐸 - Not gonna lie to you he thought it was going to be Dr. Habit all over again.
🐸 - Was very relieved when you explained.
🐸 - Once that’s all cleared up he asks you about your collection, like where you got the rocks and points out specifically ones he likes.
🐸 - From what I remember in the epilogue Kamal said he goes on bike rides so I can see every time he goes on a bike ride and sees a nice rock he’ll take it and bring it to you as an Offering(tm)
🐸 - Will occasionally stop to look at the rocks or clean them if they’re starting to get a little dusty.
⚖️ Parsley with an S/O who has ADHD and collects rocks ⚖️
⚖️- Man I’m not even going to lie to you, the day he found the collection was like the worst day of ur life WHEEZE
⚖️- He ate 1 of ur rocks oops.
⚖️- Guess that explains where ur other rocks that suspiciously went missing went
⚖️- Once u tell him what those Rocks are for he feels really bad. Will definitely help u replace them in an attempt for forgiveness.
⚖️- Doesn’t really look at/go near ur rock collection for a while bc of how guilty he feels.
⚖️- Tho I think if u bring him over to show him some I think he’ll start going over there a little more once he realizes that you’ve let bygones be bygones
⚖️- Does still have to resist the urge of wanting to eat a couple but for the most part does really well
⚖️- Tho I will say, if ur ever looking to get rid of a rock anytime soon u have an eco-friendly garbage disposal of a bf now
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seaofghouls · 2 years
could you do kamal being cuddly with reader?
[ Why of course! Thank you for requesting <3 ]
You were sitting on the soft couch, sighing. You perked up hearing the door open, with the figure of your boyfriend coming into view. "Ah, Kamal! Welcome home, dear!" You smiled softly.
Kamal smiled at you and sat next to you, hugging your waist.
"Rough day?" You asked.
He cuddled you even more with a small nod. "Dr. Habit is getting worse.."
You cuddled him back with a reassuring smile. "It'll be alright, I assure you. And hey, if it ever gets to be too much to work for him, you could always come and work for me at my flower shop."
He smiled up at you and gave you a quick kiss on the cheek.
"If you say so. Ah, I love you.." He sighed contently.
"I love you too, dork." You ruffled his hair playfully.
The two of you soon fell asleep being surrounded by nothing other but each other's company.
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Some kamal headcanons with a touch starved reader, she/her pronouns if you want to be specific (but gender neutral is fine!!)??
Kamal w/ touch starved s/o
-Kamal's response to finding out is literally just "Oh that's so relatable. Come here." And then he pulls you into a hug.
-After you tell him, he's definitely a lot less nervous about initiating contact. Before, Kamal was a little worried about crossing boundaries or making you uncomfortable in case he goes too quickly, but knowing you crave that contact helps him overcome that a bit.
-He'll hold you hand, or intertwine your fingers, maybe even press a kiss to you knuckle if he can.
-Kamal likes to close the distance between you. Often, he'll lean into you or encourage you to lean into him by putting an arm around you.
-So much cuddles. He's a very cuddly man. Kamal especially likes hugging you from behind and pressing his face into your neck or hair. Also, You've been assigned Little spoon. Sorry, you have no choice in the matter.
-Kamal will press his forehead against yours in more quiet moments, and gaze at you with very loving eyes. If you surprise him with a kiss, he'll definitely blush.
-He also likes to surprise you with kisses too. You think this man Won't try to dip you for one? Wrong. Kamal definitely likes it if you cling to him as he does it, says it's cute. He will reassure you that he won't drop you, though.
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xxjayjabbersxx · 5 years
Your posts have got me in a mega sappy mood so what about some kamal kissing headcannons (/u\*)
oh HECK YEAH. I live for that sappy stuff man, i’m so glad I could foster that emotion through my posts! I’m totally down for some Kamal kisses, he deserves them!!!
• Kamal loves, I mean LOVES soft kisses. Gentle kisses on the cheek, the forhead, the top of your head. Just little pecks of affection. 
• He loves having contact with you, so like hand holding and a forehead kiss, an arm around your waist while you smooch, running fingers through your hair if the kisses get a little more heated. He just likes having his hands on you somewhere when you kiss. 
• He always manages to taste like a mint of some sort. The only time he didn;t was when you got toothpaste that tasted like bubblegum. He wasn;t crazy about it but he used it for a few days before caving and getting a new toothpaste, but for those few days he tasted like bubblegum and you really liked that. But the mint is nice too, cool, and sharp. 
• When Kamal is dealing with a panic attack, the best thing to do is let him just hold your hands, and let him squeeze and you talk softly to him. And as he starts to come down, just give him sweet kisses on his nose and temples as you just, try and calm him down verbally as well. Once he;s good he’ll return to favor and kiss you all over your face and thank you. 
• He doesn’t initiate kisses in public because he is a nervous boy, but he won’t stop you from doing it. If you;re walking along and you tug on his hand gently he’ll look at you and you just lean over to plant a kiss on his lips, and he turns red but he kisses you back. You’ll have a red dopey mess on your hands for a few minutes and you love seeing him like that every time. 
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yearninghell · 4 years
habit and kamal with afab masc nonbinary s/o who hates their feminine body? :"-)
hope,,,,u are doing well,,,,,tremember they both love you and would throw hands with ur dysphoria on sight if they could,,,, ((Sorry Kamal’s is kinda bad vhbjqfehws))
Habit and Kamal with an afab masc nonbinary s/o who hates their feminine looks
-God dude,,,he understands how that can feel (to a certain degree at least),,so!!! He does his best to help out how he can,,,he suggests some of the methods and ways that he’d use when dysphoria would start to play up but,,it’s really just up to chance on how effective they are
-BUT!!!! He’s trying his best to help you out with those feelings,,,,if he ever sees you kinda staring in the mirror he gives you a little kiss on the head and compliments you, saying how cute and masculine u are to him or something similar,,,,also he WILL drape his coat around you bc large??? Warme???? Also makes hiding ur figure easy to kill dysphoria???? Yeah.
-Over all, you can expect this man to help you out in any way that he possibly can. If you ever show signs of being uncomfy with your looks and such, you can bet you’ll see this man fucking RUN to come help you out,,,,
-he!! Also gets how it b!!! He however doesn’t know as many methods,,,,but on god he’s totally gonna do some looking around, does his best to learn how to help from other people. He suggests little ideas and things he’s gathered from talking to others to you, if you wanna try any of them he’d be more than happy to!!! But if they don’t sound good to you, that’s totally cool too dude
 -He does his best to reassure you about your looks and to help you not think abt them being feminine which,,,yes it’s a challenge but if you think he wouldn’t take it for you you’re dead wrong man
-He loves you to the moon and back and he just wants to make sure you feel as comfortable as you possibly can in your own skin,,,
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yearninghell · 4 years
Could you do some headcanons for Kamal with a touch starved s/o who's really touchy and affectionate at heart but is afraid to ask/initiate? I am SO soft and you have been giving my self shipping ass life recently plz keep up the good work!!!
feihubhrvefgfuhrjvbehrfrwjvfwfr yes,,,,sorry these’re a lil short
Kamal with a touch starved yet affectionate S/O who’s afraid to initiate
-Kamal,,,he’s a nervous man himself so he understands how it be,,,at first he didn’t really notice it but,,eventually he noticed that you’d kinda stare and fidget with your hands awkwardly,,,it took him a while before he realized why you were kinda doin that,,BUT soon as he did he couldn’t help but just,,,blumsh and grin cause hurebwhjfehiuvdf,,,you’re cute and you wanna be affectionate with him???? He’s dead.
-At first he tried to just be kinda subtle with it,,he’d very gently grab your hand and hold onto it, maybe brush his thumb over the side of it softly,,,sometimes he’d put an arm around you but it’s usually rare and when y’all are inside,,he’s still p nervous himself,,but he tries to get over it for you,,
-after a while tho he just,,,tells you that it’s ok you wanna show him affection!!! He mumbles a lil comment that he’d love to get it from you but shhhshhshsh,,,of course he’s gonna return it though!!! He,,really likes when you guys sit together on the couch and you guys just,,,hold each other(,,,likes playing with your hair tbh,,,)
-he reassures you constantly that its ok for you to ask for affection!!! He wants to make sure you know just how much he loves you and cares abt you,,if you’re too nerbous to initiate, chances are he’ll initiate for you just so you kno that you’re all g,,,
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smile4meimagines · 4 years
can I get some kamal with a reader who really likes and values affectionate speak like pet names and "I love yous"? like really needs to hear that assurance sometimes and it just makes them feel so so happy?
Mod HB: nervous man needs you to feel loved 
Mod Gay: fluster the ma n!!
Kamal with a S/O who loves pet names
This man is so flustered at first. It’s not like he has a problem with it, but he just has no idea how to respond at first.
He’s nervous and blushy at first as he tries easing himself into pet names and affectionate talk. He’s hesitant at the start because he’s trying to figure out what you respond to the best, what might make you uncomfortable ect.
By hesitant, I mean he waits for you to start the affectionate nicknames before he does. If it’s not initiated, he won’t be confident enough to do it.
But once it’s established that you LOVE nicknames, he’ll start saying them so casually. ‘Hun’ is the most casual one, probably
He often uses it in greetings, like when he comes home or sees you after a little while, like: “Heya, hun.”. He always blushes when he says it.
An ‘I love you’ from Kamal might take a little while, because he doesn't like throwing it around so much. It’s not that he doesn’t love you and the fact that you say it a lot doesn't diminish the meaning behind the words, but he takes some time before saying it for the first time. He’s just a very careful man.
That said, the first time he says it, it’s so soft and meaningful. It’s definitely during a very quiet moment and he’s just gazing at you with a love struck smile and a blushy face.
But he really loves it when you tell him you love him. He has no idea how to respond half the time, except by getting really flustered and stammering.
You can always expect ‘I love you’s before you part ways for work or anything else. It’s always small, bashful and couple it with a quick cheek/forehead kiss.
It may take him a while to call you nicknames in public as well as say ‘I love you’. But he would hold and squeeze your hand in the syllables of I love you. E.g 3 squeezes
~Mod HB and Mod Gay
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yearninghell · 5 years
Would you mind doing Kamal & Habit with an affectionate but slightly coy s/o who likes to get a reaction out of their partner with teasing flirtations? They enjoy making their partner a little flustered, they think it’s cute! Again, like so many have said, you are incredibly talented and I adore this blog 💖
HELLYEAH!!!!! Sorry this took so long to get to, life has been,,,,life,,,,,it lowkey feels nice to write again tho,,,,also,,am crie???? Ur the real mvp anon,,,,
also stimming rights bc Habit stims a solid sec
Kamal and Habit with an affectionate yet coy S/O
-Kamal,,,he’s flustered real easily, so when you seem to be really coy and just soft, he’s all good with that!! I mean,,,literally almost any sort of affection makes his heart skip a beat!,,
-,,,,on god his face when you flirt is priceless
-When you first teased him with some sort of flirt,,oh god oh boy,,he turns at least 700 different shades of red and just sputters aimlessly for a solid minute. You *might* have to just,,sit there for a little bit as he just processes what happened
-He just can’t help it dude!!! He never expected you to flirt with him like that!!! Much less with him of all people!!! Your flirtatious words on someone like him just,,rlly makes him swoon
-If you continue to do this, he gets,,,a lil better about it, like,,,he doesn’t shut down for 5 minutes so,,that’s good!! But,,,you can still expect him to just turn into a blushing mess and go quiet, only mumbling a little bit of resistance,,
-Eventually!! He might even try to get a reaction out of you by flirting!!,,,,it doesn’t go well!!!
-He ends up stumbling over his words a whole bunch, you’re 90% sure he changed what he was gonna say halfway through by accident, and he’s SUPER quiet,,,but,,,he’s just so nervous!!! He’s not very good at flirting but he wants to impress you!!
-All in all dude,,,he secretly loves it when you flirt with him despite how he just,,,melts for a solid few minutes,,,jus,,,maybe do it when y’all sitting down he totally fell because he LITERALLY swooned too hard
-Habit?? Habit LOVES the fact that you’re super coy and affectionate!! He loves having someone who’s just so,,,soft,,,if you seem like, shy and stuff he just,,frcbhdfrnejcer,,,he’s just?? Shocked?? That YOU’RE nervous of making HIM uncomfortable or somethin!!
-When you first flirt with him to get a reaction, you get a more active one,,,He gets super happy and flustered!! He just squeals a little and flaps his hands a whole bunch!! He just can’t keep his reaction on the down low dude!!! Honestly he might jump a lil too he’s just,,,so happy that you love him sm that you flirt with him and use your words abt it,,,
-He’s super giddy abt it like,,,’Do you reely mean it?!??? : - 0’
-God,,expect him to pick you up off the ground and just smother you in affection,,,he kisses ur face a whole bunch and just,,rfencnvjrr,,,,he holds you so tightly you have to kinda hope that ur spine hasn’t broken yet,,,YET,,,
-He isn’t the best with flirting, but!! He does know how to compliment!! So!! You can expect to be complimented, ALL the time!! Whether he says them himself, or writes em down, he just constantly compliments you about just about everything!! Though,,,he likes saying them to you a little more that way he can see you get flustered and happy like he does w/ u,,,
-If you ever like,,,quietly whisper flirts n stuff to him in public,,,oh boy,,,he really tries to keep his reaction cool!! But,,,he just can’t!! He blushes a whole bunch and covers his face in an attempt to hide it, he gets SUPER quiet and just,,overall, he turns into a big ole mess
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