beeejayy · 9 months
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Looks like Marie is choking Kami and going INSANE LMAO
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crowsyart · 8 months
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I’ve always headcanoned that Kami (Maka’s mother) and Marie were meister weapon partners before Kami switched to spirit and there’s lots and lots of fun feelings floating around between all of them
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rhearoy-hunter · 1 year
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That's my mermay post for the year
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ravishingrogers · 1 year
Baku squad Playlists
Bakugo Kasuki
Eijirou Kirishima
Mina Ashido
Denki Kaminari
Sero Hanta
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writerswho · 6 days
Aizawa is a terrible teacher. I love Aizawa, but I love the fanon version of Aizawa. Even when he's a bad teacher in the fanfics, he's still better than the canon. But what made me realise what a crap teacher Aizawa is was Kalego. After watching Iruma-kun and starting to read the manga, I realised that Kalego, the uptight, grumpy, tired and kind of sadistic teacher who gives his students extra work just because he can, is everything Aizawa tries to be, but isn't. Because Kalego cares about his students in a way canon!Aizawa would never. Like, yeah, Aizawa would die for his students, but that is not due to the fact that his a good teacher. It is because he is a hero and that is what heroes do. While Kalego would also die protecting his students and even kill for them, he also pays attention to their needs as students. Half of the 1-A need help with their regular grades and the other half need help finding ways to use their quirks without hurting themselves. We all joke about Midoriya and his bone juice, but why does nobody think about giving that kid some extra help? Why didn't his homeroom teacher try to find a way for him to use his quirk without blowing himself? Or a way for Kamimari to use his quirk without frying his brain? Aizawa ignores de most basic things about his students' needs, like finding ways for them to use their quirks without damaging their bodies and health. Or the way Midoriya is around Bakugou, who tried to attack him on the first day and almost killed him on the second day. Kalego-sensei, on the other hand, took his time to make a personal notebook for each of his students and worried about finding ways to utilise their strengths regardless of how seemingly meaningless or nonsensical they may be and so many other things. Kalego-sensei cares about his class, about their growth and their future and is trying to find the best alternative for them. Everyone talks about what a bad teacher All Might is, but All Might is a rookie teacher with less than a year on the job (and nobody knows if he has a teacher's licence or not) while Aizawa is believed to be one of the oldest people on Nedzu's payroll. I am comparing Aizawa to Kalego because when I first saw Kallego, I thought he was the demon version of Aizawa. I now realise that if Aizawa were a third of the teacher that Kalego is, maybe these child soldiers would have a chance. When Iruma tried to do everything by himself/messed up, Kalego scolded him, obviously, but he made it clear that if Iruma had another problem, he could ask for help. Because Kalego is his teacher, and he's there to help him in any way he needs. But when Midoriya messed up/did everything by himself, well, they just yelled at him and made him feel guilty, and think that the solution isn't to ask for help or trust the adults next time, but to find a way not to get caught. Aizawa should spend a few days with Kalego and learn to be a real professional and a teacher who does what's best for the students.
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barid-bel-medar · 11 months
I’ve been squeezing up brains to find Bakugou actual plot relevance… there’s so little that he may perfectly be absent. At least in the early stages. In the late late stages there’s some but for then the divergence may have fixed up.
Anyway, i kind of found a couple and here are as aks:
Will Kamimari and Mina be affected in their academic progress by Bakugou not being there tutoring them?
Aizawa showed a huge bias towards Bakugou since the beginning. Is there any other student occupying that spot? Is he still salty about the top scorer being rejected for the new rule? Given Izuku early progress in handling OFA, is he less biased against him?
Thank you for giving me brainrot with your story. I kind of started a pilot fic with this trope thanks yo you!
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Yeah it was the realization I had a number of months back that you can pull Bakugou out of basically all the early plotlines and it doesn't really effect things (hence FtE's entire existence). Even in context of the training camp attack they could have just as easily made a different student a target, like Izuku or Shouto. In contrast if Izuku isn't there, things change dramatically (which yes obviously he's the protagonist so that should be the case), including for Bakugou's own character evolution. If he succeeds when Izuku does not, his worst traits would have definitely gotten amplified and problems would have spiraled.
Like if Izuku wasn't at UA I think it's perfectly reasonable to write it that Bakugou wouldn't make it to graduation. He'd either get himself killed or expelled.
But to answer your other questions!
No, because I feel they would have found other students to help tutor them even if he wasn't there. It's just in-series it's a good means of explaining him succeeding in making friends/a social group that isn't followers ala Aldera.
There's presently not entirely a student holding that role though I would describe Aizawa as being grudgingly fond of Izuku and Neito despite himself. He actually wasn't really too salty over Bakugou's failure because he did get the point the Commission was making and it wasn't that unreasonable. His salt more related to him feeling Izuku got too many rescue points than anything else. I will say that in context of that, Izuku *wasn't* entirely wrong to suspect there was some fuckery going on with his practical score because Nedzu did want to make sure he got in and his rescuing of Uraraka made for the opening he needed. To some extent though it is also a different form of red flag the rescue points only since it does raise questions of potential martyrdom issues/lack of care of Izuku's own life versus the person he's trying to save.
Yeah Izuku's sense of heroism is utterly disconnected from Bakugou when it comes down to it. Even in the case of Bakugou his own desire to be a hero is disconnected from Izuku's existence, there's other issues specifically there (like the seriously concerning detail of how many of Endeavor's more toxic trait he happens to have when he's a kid; at least with Endeavor it's pretty clear those issues were more ones that started when he was older)
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helloiamadrawer · 2 years
𝔸𝕠𝕪𝕒𝕞𝕒 𝕩 𝔽! ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣
Part 1 Enjoy!!
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As if this moment didn't come to you, it did...unfortunately. You had to present a presentation of what elements does it take to be a hero for your next project-quiz grade for Hero-ing 101 in Class 1-A. Of course , you had to be paired with the not most useful group of all time: Kamimari, Mineta, Jirou and Aoyama(who were the people who actually did SOME work instead of hitting on every girl in the class even you and Jirou). And apparently you are the one to present the whole thing because the slackers won't do it. So here you are at home, in your room, fingertips typing away facts on a slide on your computer's office application on the last day of editing presentations. At least there is one exception, Mr. Aizawa said said that you can present the project with a partner, only problem is that you WANT to but you had no way of how to ask him, and when you meant 'him' you meant your crush, Aoyama.
Sometimes during class, when you stop after some time of searching for information, you glance over at Aoyama, who may be: a) Also working on the project or b) looking at his phone, taking selfies. You couldn't help yourself to look at his luxurious, blonde hair while he's looking down at the laptop screen, typing ever so delicately but flowing on the chrome keyboard with his light digits. The more you look at him, you seem to get lost in your own world by the sight of him, until he would take a glance back at you with his sparkly, indigo eyes and then your eyes dart back to the laptop, followed by a shock of electricity down your spine. Not Kamimari's though.
Back to the present, if anything threw you off when you were working at home was only the thought of getting laughed at by Denki and Mineta watching you choke out on asking Aoyama if he could be your partner. Sure, Jirou could just shock them to hell with her ear jacks, but that only helps for only a minute. Sweat was forming on your forehead from all your anxious thoughts while your eye twitches. Minutes later, you decided to take a break as you plummeted to your bed and saying in regret, "What am I gonna do? I really want Aoyama asy partner but if I don't...", you cover your face in defeat," I'm doomed."
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Chap. 1 School Dorms!
Dorms 4 pm: 
Denki Pov: Where's Kiri? We were supposed to meet here after class. After all, he said it was urgent.
Kiri: Hey Bro! 
Denki: You're awfully late.
Kiri: Yeah, I had a run in with Bakubro..
Kiri: Did you forget he actually listens to me?
Denki: Oh yeah, I presume he likes you.
Kiri: *mutters* You got that right..
Denki: What did you say?
*No response*
Denki: Anyways, what did you want that’s soo urgent?
Kiri: Oh- Uhh nothing! Not anymore at least-
Denki: So you dragged me out here for nothing? I was gonna go to the movies with Mina!
Kiri: Sorry..
*Kaminari walks away*
Denki Pov: Didn’t Mr. Aizawa tell us we were getting a transfer student from 1b? I wonder who it is. Hope it's not monoma, he's a jerk and he's annoying. I think Kirishima and Bakugou like each other, but Kiri has been very distant and suspicious lately I wonder if-
*Bumps into someone rushing*
???: Oh I'm so sorry for bumping into you, I'm in a rush!
Denki: Oh no i’m sorry I should have been watching where I was walking then I would have seen you-
*The guy has a dark shade of purple hair and purple eyes, he looks tired. He starts making Kamimari blush and this is when Kami realized that he was fucked up. His deep voice won him over and Kami had now had his first boy crush!*
 Chap. 2 Kami meets the new kid
Denki Pov: Oh god play it cool. EEK! 
*Kami starts blushing more as the guy puts his hand on his shoulder*
???: What's your name? Wait nevermind! Just don’t answer me.
Denki: I don’t care, I still am, anyways I’m Denki Kaminari. You will find out my quirk later.
???: Ha that's ok, I’m the new transfer student so I’m trying to find my dorm. I asked an angry pomeranian dude and he said “Ask Pikachu. Dunce Face has an extra room! Now don’t bother me extra!” Who's pikachu?
Denki: Oh that's me!
???: Okay nice to meet you, you seem nice so i’m okay with you. I will be up most of the night so I hope I won’t be a bother.
Denki: I usually sleep like a log. I can't tell if someone comes into my room.
*Kaminari leads him to his and Midoriya's dorm*
Denki: That's Midoriya’s room. The one across it is mine. The one beside mine will be yours Okay? The bathroom is right next to Midoriya’s and there is a closet by the door. *points to each thing he explains*
*after a while of them just talking and helping him move in Kaminari’s stomach grumbles*
???: Are you hungry? 
Denki: *knows that he’s hungry* Not really, but that doesn't matter. I'm helping you!
???: Maybe we should take a break. It wouldn’t hurt to get something to eat, it is 5:30.
*Kirishima and Bakugo come bursting in the room*
???: Hmm I see. The angry boy is back.
Denki: Hey Kiri! Hey Bakugo! This is our new classmate! He’s awesome!
Bakugo: Does it look like I give a fuck?
Kiri: Shh, babe it’s fine!
Denki: Yeah!
     … *A few seconds later*
Denki: *tries to process* Wait what!?
Bakugo: We have been dating for three months. How can you not know this?
Denki: I don’t know, how come I don’t know this?!
Kiri: *mutters* I thought you knew I was Gay
???: *sitting silently watching*
Kiri: Hey only I call him that
Denki: *starts up quirk*
Deku: *sleeps through it*
Mina Pov: *peeking for some tea* I HAVE A NEW SHIP AND INFO THAT BKKR ARE OFFI!
*Kaminari see’s Mina, and Mina see’s ??? standing beside Kami*
Denki: DON’T
Denki: YOU
Denki: DARE!
Kami-Kiri-Baku: GET HER
*Midoriya comes out of the bedroom*
??? Pov: Does this happen every day?
Deku: Most days but still yes- *yawns*
???: Can you read minds?
Deku: Indeed I can also see the greatest desires., but if they’re greatest desire isn’t found it’s because they're still deciding. Yours is a little fuzzy, as if you're in the midst of deciding yours.
???: Then what's my name? *mind says Hitoshi Shinso*
Deku: Hitoshi Shinso-
???: Is that your quirk?
Deku: No- It's some kinda thing I got when I was little. But it's not a quirk. They believe I got it from my dad.. It's- Confusing-
???: So you know everyone's secrets? 
Deku: Yeah so don’t piss me off
*Back with Mina tied up and being tickled with electric sparks*
Mina: *In between giggles* I-CANT-BREATH!!
*Everyone stops*
Mina: OKAY, OKAY! I’m sorry! How can I make it up to you guys?
Denki: You can't, I'm just disappointed.
Kiri: Same here-
Bakugo: *Tied up and covered mouth with tape (he has scared eyes thinking of the time he got attacked by the slime villain but he’s also mad) making tiny explosions out of his palms*
Denki: You should be happy that we tied up bakugo
Kiri: Yeah but I feel bad for him, we should of let him murder her since she has done this several times.
Mina: I know but it’s worth the risk!
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findroleplay · 2 years
Hey there demons, it's me, ya boi...and I'm looking for more bnha rps! Specifically MonoKami (Monoma x Kamimari) because I can't get enough of this ship!
I'm an adult (26), and would prefer to rp with other adults but I'm not super picky (I am however, desperate).
I write third person, semi-lit. I'm not picky about reply length so long as I've got something to work with, and I'm totally fine with slow replies.
I've got a few different plots, some canonverse (but aged up) and some fantasy aus, but I'm totally down to come up with a whole new plot!
I can play either character, but I've got more experience writing as Denki. I'm also open to bringing in other characters/ships to make things interesting.
My only rule is that I won't rp smut (lead up is fine but a timeskip will be necessary).
DM me on here if you're interested! (I don't have discord, nor will I download it. I am open to rping on Instagram though)
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beeejayy · 7 months
81 Marie mjolnir for the Spotify wrapped thing
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Romance Is Boring by Los Campesinos!
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roleplay-today · 2 years
Hey there demons, it's me, ya boi...and I'm looking for more bnha rps! Specifically MonoKami (Monoma x Kamimari) because I can't get enough of this ship!
I'm an adult (26), and would prefer to rp with other adults but I'm not super picky (I am however, desperate).
I write third person, semi-lit. I'm not picky about reply length so long as I've got something to work with, and I'm totally fine with slow replies.
I've got a few different plots, some canonverse (but aged up) and some fantasy aus, but I'm totally down to come up with a whole new plot!
I can play either character, but I've got more experience writing as Denki. I'm also open to bringing in other characters/ships to make things interesting.
My only rule is that I won't rp smut (lead up is fine but a timeskip will be necessary).
DM me on here if you're interested! (I don't have discord, nor will I download it. I am open to rping on Instagram though)
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denkisauce · 2 years
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todoroki! didn’t even know he was being a gentleman and now he’s getting flustered 🥺
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animexcaps · 3 years
- reblog or credit if used
- Instagram @vexcaps
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When you’re reading a fanfic and you know the next scene is going to be VERY embarrassing so you put the phone down and do all the real life shit as a way to procrastinate your second hand embarrassment
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theanimekid · 3 years
Mha Masterlist
Izuku/Deku- (none)
Kirishima- (none)
Enji Todoroki-(work in progress)
All Might- (none)
Mirio Toga-(none)
Tamaki Amajiki-(none)
Any character that I've might have missed please let me know in the comments
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hexbug-nerd · 2 years
Finally found time to look into Kaminari's quirk again!!!
My current conclusion:
He's wrong about how it works!! He says he has high voltage during supermoves which is usually over 1 million!!
BUT!! That doesn't make any sense!! From what I've seen of his quirk he doesn't generally burn most people when shocking them that heavily?
Volts are what burn a person when they're shocked!! It only takes roughly 70,000 volts to kill a person! This is actually a low estimate assuming it's only a short shock which fits his quirk plus it has a a really low AMP for that amount of volts.
AMP is what paralyzes someone! Basically the AMPs have to be stronger than the electrical currents in your body to paralyze you! The reason you can get paralyzed without dying is because the heart has a little bit of a higher threshold!! Keep in mind this level is still INCREDIBLY small. The margin of error is also quite small. This means you have to be super precise about what AMPage you're using!
This is why when I'm looking at the level of electricity he can release I have a couple questions!!
1. How does he know the level of voltage? Is that another facet of his quirk or did he get that tested at some point?
2. We've never seen him burn anyone to the extent that he should have when letting out that many volts. So I'm wondering how that voltage is calculated?? Is it just the total amount released over the entirety of his body? If so from what distance was this measured? I'm assuming it spreads out and becomes less extreme as it spreads out. Since he can't control direction very well with that high of voltage. I'm also assuming that the voltage as it moves away from his body drops FAST. Instead what I'm assuming is that the voltage allows a greater area to be covered and the AMPs are roughly set to paralyze soemone. But do to the difference in height/weight/bodytype between individuals does that mean his quirk also adjusts to only allow the amount of AMP needed to paralyze that person? Or is there some sort of mutation that arose with quirks so people have a higher tolerance to certain things in this case electricity? Also!! If he had skin to skin contact with someone while exerting that much energy would they be burned??
3. Could he alter the amount of AMP being released? Adjusting how long that person is paralyzed? If he could had some level of control over how long that electricity was circulating through someones body. He could use that to restrain & capture villains making it easier to do quick takedowns with little property damage or injuries!!
I'm going to continue to look into it and keep taking notes!! Hopefully I'll be able to get more theories!!
Thanks for reading!
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