#kanaes writing estate
asdfghjklmals · 1 year
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GENRE + T/W: sfw, fluff, angst. talks about death and graves. WORD COUNT: 7.9k words. TAGS: satoru gojo x fem!oc, high school lovers.
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SYNOPSIS: oc gojo girlfriend and satoru go back to her clan’s estate to meet her family. while they're there, they learn about a famous legend between their clans. AUTHOR'S NOTE: this fic follows 'meet the gojos' click here to read. omg, the two finally say the 'L' word to each other... get ready for more of big brother touya! and you already know who fuckin' stole the inverted spear of heaven in this au... because yes, i'm gonna write my own version of satoru getting his ass beat by toji next. artwork is from furuba anime. REMINDER: if you want to imagine yourself in oc gojo girlfriend's character descriptions instead, please do!
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"are you bringing the gojo kid with you this time?" touya asked in a snide tone.
“first of all, he has a name, touya. it’s satoru.” you barked back at your brother over the phone. the man in question was laying his head in your lap, your fingers running through his soft white hair.
touya huffed, "is he going to use the front door this time?"
you glowered at satoru, who so innocently smiled at you after hearing touya's comment over the speaker. the first time you went back to osaka to visit your clan after moving into the dorms at jujutsu high was the first time you and satoru had been away from each other since you started 'spending more time together', for the lack of better words. satoru had teleported into your room and you didn't tell anyone in your clan that he was there. touya ended up walking in on you sneaking satoru food from the kitchen.
touya chuckled, "—i should've electrocuted his ass for sneaking into the estate. but since he's your only friend, i looked the other way.”
"whatever, touya. i have other friends besides satoru and their names are shoko, suguru, kento, and yu."
"well, we look forward to your visit. gramps is really excited to meet the gojo kid."
you corrected him again, "it's satoru—"
"right, satoru." touya corrected himself, "anyways, i'll talk to you later. sounds like we have a problem going on in the cursed tools storage room."
"wait wh—"
the line disconnected. you scoffed. how could touya just hang up on you like that? you looked down at the white haired sorcerer who's head was still laying in your lap, dozing off peacefully without a care in the world. he probably fell asleep when you started scratching his undercut. a relaxing, soothing gesture you always did for him so he could fall asleep in your arms... and in this case, in your lap.
later that day
"genkei is your grandpa. kanae is your grandma." satoru recited back confidently as he laid next to you on the picnic blanket in the middle of the jujutsu high sparring field.
you turned on your side, elbow propping you up, your palm supporting your head. you corrected him, "kanae is my mom. kanao is my grandma."
satoru face palmed his forehead in defeat, "i thought i was going to get it right this time."
you caressed his cheek with your palm, stroking gently on his cheekbone with your thumb, "it's okay, let's start over. what's my dad's name?"
"fujitaka." satoru answered confidently again.
you smiled at him and ruffled his hair. he was finally starting to remember the names of your family members.
"okay, let me try this again," satoru said as he took a deep breath, "genkei is your grandpa. fujitaka is your dad. kanao is your grandma. kanae is your mom. and touya is your brother."
"you got it!" you exclaimed, flinging your arms around him and kissing his cheek. you felt satoru's arms swing your body on top of his. you hugged him tightly. he started to smile proudly, seeing as you we're so excited about him getting all your family members' names correct.
you looked down at him, brushing your long hair behind your ear, "are you nervous?"
"who wouldn't be nervous? i'm meeting my girlfriend's family." satoru muttered back at you. the always-confident satoru gojo hated to admit his weaknesses, especially in front of you.
you booped his slender nose, "now you now know i felt when i met your family, mr. gojo."
"i don't know what you're talking about miss (l/n)." satoru feigned ignorance. he laughed at the thought of how much his family adored you, "—my family is obsessed with you."
you teased him, poking and pinching at his sides, "are they more obsessed with me than you are?"
"absolutely not!" satoru said in disbelief as he pushed your fingers away and clutched his chest dramatically. you rolled your eyes at the drama queen king named satoru gojo.
he wrapped his arms around you as you laid your head against his chest. you could feel his breath against the top of your head, fanning against your hair, his heart beating quickly.
satoru slyly shot his shot, "can i give you a lil' kiss so i can show you just how obsessed i am with you?"
"nice try." you laughed as you pushed yourself off from his chest and got up from the picnic blanket to start walking back to the dining hall. you had left satoru smiling like a fool behind you.
he got up to lean back on his elbows. he called out to you, "you're just gonna leave me hanging?"
"yup!" you yelled back at him, putting your hand up to wave goodbye. you didn't look back at him so that you could fight against the temptation of his beautiful blue eyes and that charming grin that always captivated you.
"so feisty." he chuckled, watching you walk away from him.
osaka, japan: at the (l/n) estate
your spirit birds few around in the sky above you and satoru. they were happy to be back home in the beautiful city of osaka. you led satoru through a cobblestone walkway where cherry blossom trees and white concrete walls lined the trail to the entrance of your clan’s estate. the entrance to your clan's estate was met with a red, arched hashi bridge.
"this is wayyy different from my place." satoru said in awe as he looked around at the surroundings, "there's a lot of red here at your clan's estate."
ever since you were young, you were told that red symbolized happiness and auspiciousness and that's why your clan's estate had so much red architecture. after crossing the hashi bridge, cobblestone steps led you and satoru to the front of the estate.
"miss (y/n)!" a familiar voice called out to greet you.
"arisa!" you waved back at the welcoming voice. arisa approached you and satoru, pointing at him and giving you the 'who is this?' look.
you made proper introductions, "arisa. this is my boyfriend—satoru gojo. satoru, this is arisa—she was my nanny growing up. she's the head of the housekeepers here at the estate."
satoru bowed politely, "nice to meet you. i'm satoru gojo of the gojo clan."
"it's nice to meet you too, satoru. let me escort you both to the tea room. i'm afraid it's been pure chaos at the estate today." arisa turned to you and frowned, "i'm sorry we weren't able to welcome you and satoru properly, miss (y/n)."
"does it have to do with the cursed tools storage room?" you asked arisa with concern, thinking about the converastion you had with touya yesterday.
she sighed and looked down at her feet, "i'm afraid so. master touya and grandmaster genkei have been investigating with the wind element users."
the wind element users were (l/n) clan members who were in charge of the estate's security and surveillance. you thought to yourself that it only made sense that touya and grandpa were working with them to find out how someone could get into your estate without being noticed. the security here was impeccable, even you had issues sneaking in and out growing up.
"is there anything we can do to help?" satoru asked, trying to be helpful. he noticed the way your eyebrows furrowed, the way your green eyes darkened to a brunswick green, and the way your lips pursed to the side in a half frown, half pout. that was the specific face you had when you were worried, and you had that face on right now.
arisa smiled at the both of you, "i believe master touya would rather have you and miss (y/n) enjoy your stay with no worries. you can leave the rest to us."
satoru nodded. you grabbed his hand, intertwining your fingers with his. you gave him a soft smile and squeezed his hand to show your appreciation, mouthing a quiet ‘thank you’ to him. he'd get brownie points with arisa for that one.
arisa led you and satoru to the tea room. your family used this room as a meeting room to receive guests, but mainly as a living room where everyone could sit down and enjoy tea and snacks. it was the most central room in the estate and it was one of your favorite rooms. during the days, you could open the ceiling up so that sunshine could flood the room. and during the nights, you could see the thousands of stars that filled the night sky.
"madam kanao should be here soon, i have to get back to prepare for dinner and to make sure the guest room is set up for mr. gojo." arisa reported back to you.
"where is grandma anyway?" you asked curiously.
"she's in a meeting with the elders at the moment. i believe master touya and grandmaster genkei should be there as well."
what in the world was happening that both of your grandparents and touya had to get involved? usually it was one or the other, but not both.
"there's fresh green tea in the pot, and i've left your favorite cookies on the tray." arisa said as she bowed. you watched as your old nanny scurried away, leaving you and satoru behind.
satoru tried to lighten the mood, nudging his elbow into your arm, "aren't you going to tell her that i'm sleeping in your room?"
"satoru—" you giggled, "i think this is serious business."
"sleeping accommodations is serious business too." he grinned back at you.
you and satoru sat down on the soft black couch. red throw pillows decorated the u-shaped sectional. satoru leaned forward and grabbed the porcelain teapot that was sitting on the stone coffee table. he poured you a cup of tea while he bit into a cookie. you sipped at your tea, feeling the warmth glide down your throat and into your tummy.
you watched satoru shove more cookies into his mouth, the sun's rays hitting the top of his head. his hair reflected so beautifully in the sun, it was almost a silver in this lighting. he always looked so radiant to you. you kissed the back of your teeth at how annoying it was that satoru looked good in any lighting and at any time of day. you gave yourself a self-satisfied smirk at the sight of the handsome sorcerer sitting next to you... and he was all yours.
moments later, you heard the sliding door to the tea room open. a woman with short grey hair, walked into the room. her eyes a blazing golden yellow. satoru watched as you stood up to bow to her. he followed your lead and got up from his seat to bow as well.
"hi grandma." you greeted the woman warmly. she reached for your arms, patting your shoulders and bringing you into her arms for a hug. she then looked over at satoru.
"is this who i think it is?" she asked. "is this the satoru gojo?"
"it is." you said with a proud smile. "grandma, meet my boyfriend."
"it's a pleasure to meet you, ma'am." satoru greeted your grandmother, bowing in her presence.
"ai! no bowing!" she smacked his shoulder playfully. satoru jumped back in surprise. she reminded him of his own grandmother in that instant. "please call me grandma kanao. the gojo clan and our clan are very good friends. your grandmother has told me a lot about you, satoru.”
"only good things i hope, grandma kanao." satoru chuckled as he emphasized addressing your grandmother. he scratched the back of his head nervously.
"oh, she told me over the phone yesterday all about how you stole my granddaughter's heart." grandma kanao teased the white-haired sorcerer. "are you two comfortable? is the tea still warm? did arisa give you enough cookies?"
you sighed at your grandma's overbearingness and sat back down on the couch. "everything is fine, grandma. what’s going on? where’s grandpa and touya?"
you watched as your grandmother's eyebrows furrowed. she looked concerned. "(y/n). the inverted spear of heaven has been stolen."
the inverted spear of what? you didn't think that you knew of that cursed object... but why did it sound so familiar?
"what does that cursed object do, grandma?"
"the inverted spear of heaven has the power to completely nullify a cursed technique. it can stop any technique that it comes in contact with."
your jaw dropped in surprise. you didn’t know that your clan had a cursed tool so powerful. that meant that this cursed tool could cut through your protective water barrier technique... that also meant that it could completely stop satoru's limitless technique and bypass infinity.
"why do we have a cursed tool like that?" you asked, "shouldn't that be locked away someplace safe?"
"that's the thing, my child. it was locked away someplace safe. the gojo clan entrusted that tool to us 400 years ago."
you had so many questions. why would the gojo clan give such a powerful cursed tool to your clan? especially one that could kill someone from their clan.
"satoru's sobo wanted me to tell you the legend of the six eyes and water technique user." grandma kanao said softly, “the legend also has to do with the inverted spear of heaven.”
satoru was ready to hear the story. he leaned back in his seat and crossed his legs, "finally! everyone keeps talking about this legend!"
"it's not known as public knowledge to the jujutsu society," grandma kanao chuckled, "—but between the gojo clan and the (l/n) clan, it's very important."
you put your hand on top of satoru's. he looked over at you and shot you a grin. "okay, grandma kanao! let’s hear it."
grandma kanao took a deep breath and began the story.
"400 years ago, the gojo clan's six eyes user at the time, fell in love with our clan's last water user. believe it or not, the six eyes user was a woman and the water user was a man, the opposite of you and satoru." she giggled at the realization. “isn’t it such a coincidence?”
"wait. you said they were in love?" you asked, eyes wide with surprise. you had never heard this story before, even when you found out that you were the water user. satoru cocked his head to the side, now he was very intrigued by this story.
"yes. they were. they were set to be married." grandma kanao continued, "they were the reason that the gojo clan and our clan have such a strong alliance. the reason that we have the inverted spear of heaven is because the six eyes gave our water user the spear for safekeeping. she knew that this spear could nullify the gojo clan's limitless and infinity, so consider it an act of trust between the two lovers."
"so my clan gave your clan the spear knowing that your clan would keep it safe from any enemies of the gojo clan..." satoru said out loud, putting 2+2 together.
you looked at him, "that must mean that they meant a lot to each other... to trust each other with a cursed tool like that."
the act of giving your lover the cursed tool that could ultimately lead to your death? you wondered if satoru would ask you to do the same for him if he was in the previous six eyes' shoes.
"since the spear is now missing... we've notified the gojo clan." grandma kanao sighed, "it's dangerous for you and satoru if we do not know the whereabouts of the cursed tool."
"that's probably why my clan elders wanted me to have my infinity on 24/7 now. they wanted me to work on reversed cursed techniques too..." satoru realized. if a cursed tool like that was stolen, that meant that he would always need to be on guard. he would really have to get his shit together now.
"until we find the spear, the both of you will just have to stay alert." grandma kanao warned the both of you.
"do we know who stole it?" you asked.
grandma kanao frowned and shook her head, "all we know is that it's a man with dark hair, possibly from the zen’nin clan."
your grandma knew better than to point fingers without proof. she ended the conversation about who they thought the culprit was. the three of you sat there in silence sipping tea and eating cookies.
"grandma, what else do you know about this couple?" you asked curiously, trying to cut through the awkwardness.
you wanted to know more about this love story. what were the chances that you, the water user of the (l/n) clan, would fall in love with satoru, the six eyes user of the gojo clan, in this lifetime?
grandma kanao pondered, trying to recall any stories of the legendary couple, "i believe your grandfather said that our last water user died trying to protect the six eyes."
you felt gutted hearing that. you wished that they got a happily ever after... but that meant that you wouldn't have met satoru if they did. was death going to be the same fate for you and satoru too? you felt his hands squeeze yours, trying to comfort you and shoo away any negative thoughts in your mind.
"i think i know what that fight was." satoru added to the conversation, "my grandparents told me that the six eyes user and a ten shadows technique user fought to their deaths for the aristocracy. the kamo clan and the zen'nin clan must have worked together on it if a (l/n) clan member died."
satoru remembered the story you told him the night he took you to shibuya for your birthday. the kamo clan was your clan's enemy due to the fact that your last water user could control blood. (read 'love at first fight' here)
"that's exactly right, satoru." grandma kanao said. she sighed, "it's almost too good to be true, seeing you and my granddaughter together. your sensei, masamichi yaga, mentioned that you two could be reincarnations of them. if you believe in reincarnation that is.”
reincarnation. the rebirth of a soul inside a new body. could all of this be true? so many thoughts were racing inside your head about it. you felt sick to your stomach.
"well, that should be enough story telling for now." grandma kanao said as she stood up from her spot on the couch. "i'm sure touya and your grandfather want to see you and satoru."
you and satoru watched as your grandmother turned to walk out of the tea room. you both stood up and looked at each other. would this change the way you and satoru viewed each other and your relationship? satoru didn’t look like he was affected by the information, but you, you looked like you were starting to question your own existence.
as you and satoru stepped into the hallway, two sets of eyes peer over at you. one golden-yellow, and one ruby-red.
"grandpa!" you called out, smiling. you ran into your grandpa's arms, hugging him. you dragged him back to meet satoru, "grandpa, this is my boyfriend, satoru gojo."
you turned to satoru, "satoru, this is my grandpa and legendary fire user, genkei (l/n)."
"it's an honor to meet you!" satoru said out loud, quickly bowing to your grandfather. he turned to touya, "it's nice to see you again as well, touya-san."
you had never heard satoru add honorifics to anyone's name in the couple of months you’ve known the man. he was really trying to put in an effort to impress your family. you coughed, trying to hide your laugh.
"the gojo clan's treasure." grandpa genkei laughed, "let me take a look at you, son!" he put his hands on satoru's shoulders, patting them firmly.
“call me grandpa or grandpa genkei. i’m sure my wife has already told you to call her grandma as well.” your grandfather added. “—how are you ojii and sobo? and your parents?”
"awww, gramps, leave the kid alone." touya interrupted your grandfather bombarding satoru with questions, "how about you and (y/n) catch up while i have a chat with the gojo kid."
you shot a stone cold glare at your bother, "his name is satoru."
"right, right. satoru." touya rolled his eyes at you, "hey, satoru! how about we head to the sparring dojo?"
you could see signs of nervousness in satoru's body language. whenever he was nervous, his blue eyes leered and his shoulders tensed. you walked up to him and whispered in his ear, "you’ll be fine, babe."
satoru gulped as you pat his chest, you looked over at your brother, "don't scare my boyfriend off, please."
"wouldn't dream of it." touya shot back with a grin, "i wanna see what the kid can do."
you and your grandparents watched as touya led satoru to the sparring dojo. satoru looked back at you with worried eyes. you blew him a kiss and waved goodbye as they turned down the hallway.
the sparring dojo
behind him, touya shut the door to the dojo. he wiped the dust off his hands and stretched his arms and legs. satoru gulped, he was so nervous right now. the last time he was this nervous was when he took you to shibuya for the first time (he liked to consider that night your first date).
when touya turned to face him, satoru straightened his posture and turned on his infinity, ready to get zapped by touya’s cursed technique at any second.
touya (l/n). the king of close combat. that was his nickname when he was a student at jujutsu high. because touya wielded an electric cursed technique, his close combat was lethal. he could paralyze people and curses when fighting with his cursed technique.
satoru thought that he himself was pretty damn skilled at close combat, but was he on par to be able to spar with your brother?
satoru started to apologize for his last visit, “first off—i’d like to say sor—”
“no need to apologize about sneaking into the estate from your last visit. (y/n) brought you back here for a reason. it's obvious my little sister likes you.” touya brushed satoru off, he was going to ask the million dollar question instead, “satoru gojo! answer this. what do you even like about my sister?”
satoru stood in the middle of the dojo, dumbfounded that touya wasn’t going to fight him to test his strength or his jujutsu. instead, he was going to attack him with questions about his relationship with you. touya had already found out satoru gojo's weakness. it was anything pertaining to you.
"what could the six eyes from the gojo clan like about my stubborn, feisty little sister?" touya curiously asked.
“well,” satoru gulped nervously, “i like her personality.”
satoru shot himself in the foot for the most basic answer he just gave your brother. that was definitely not going to win him over.
“boringggg.” touya sang, “come on, kid. you’re not convincing me that you actually like her. i know for a fact her personality is not that great. i’m her brother, i can say that.”
satoru felt like his chest was going to explode. he couldn’t breathe normally or focus because he was so nervous. he stammered when he tried to answer again, “i—i like how caring she is towards others. i even like how feisty she gets when she’s mad. i like her eyes, how they change to different shades of green depending on her mood. i like her laugh because it’s… cute.”
touya nodded his head and folded his arms. he liked what he heard so far, “—is that all?”
“no, not at all!” satoru shouted as he stepped foward to face your older brother with the little confidence he had left, “—i like that she doesn’t care about how i’m supposed to be the strongest or that i'm the first in 400 years to have the six eyes. she's the only person that has ever looked past all my flaws… and there are a lot of them. she's special to me. and i want to be with her for as long as she'll let me."
"satoru," touya started to say, "you know... me and my sister lost our parents at a young age. i grew up taking care of her. there's nothing in this world that i wouldn't do for my sister. and as her older brother, i'm supposed to protect her—"
satoru interrupted touya, "—i told her i was going to protect her and i swore to my clan elders that i would too. you don't have to worry about that."
satoru thought about his promise he made, how he would protect you from the kamo clan or whatever danger may come your way. he hoped that you knew he would do anything in his power to keep you safe from any harm. he would risk his life for you... and that's what touya wanted to know.
“do you really like her that much?” touya asked satoru. now this was definitely a trick question. touya was waiting for the right answer. there was one more thing he wanted to hear.
satoru scoffed and looked touya straight in his golden-yellow snake-like eyes, “i don’t just like her. i love her.”
“love is a strong word for an 18 year old.” touya grinned, “—if you love her as much as you say you do, you better promise me and my grandparents that you’ll take care of her too.”
“i’d even lay down a binding vow.” satoru said with no fear. he knew that binding vows made with others have a higher penalty than self-made binding vows.
“—and get shot down by the binding vow’s penalty as soon as you make her cry?” touya laughed out loud. “i like you, satoru gojo. i hope you stick around. i’d like to consider you as my brother someday.”
satoru blinked twice, confused on what just happened here, “wait—does this mean—”
“you have my approval.” touya said, “i actually never disapproved of you, kid. i’m just playing ‘big brother’ here. i knew from the moment i saw you and my sister interact for the first time at the jujutsu high that you were gonna be someone special in her life… whether it be her lover or her friend.”
“thank you…” satoru sighed in relief. “i swear i love (y/n). i’d do anything for her.”
“i believe you, kid.” touya said as he attempted to pat satoru’s back, unable to actually pat his back. "—you have your infinity on."
"well… yeah. there's no way in hell i was going to get electrocuted by you." satoru laughed.
“let me rough you up a bit, or my sister is going to say something.” touya laughed. his loud laugh always boomed throughout the estate. your brother gave off hardcore golden retriever energy.
satoru continued to laugh alongside him, bro-hugging touya, “anything but the face. she’ll be devastated if you get the face.”
later that night
satoru noticed at dinner that you were unusually quiet around your family. he watched as you pushed around the food on your plate with your chopsticks, not making eye contact with your family members, and not engaging in any conversation. you barely even looked at him.
he whispered in your ear. "hey. are you okay?"
"i'm fine." you lied, "i'm just tired."
satoru gojo swore he had a phd in (y/n)ology. he could read you like a book. he knew what ticked you off and what made you squeal with delight. but tonight, he wasn't so sure what was bothering you.
you listened as touya and your grandparents got to know satoru on a deeper level. they asked him about his family and what it was like growing up in the gojo clan, what he liked and didn't like. it was like satoru was already a part of the family.
you were happy that satoru finally got the chance to meet your grandparents and touya, but deep down, something felt off. after dinner, you asked touya to entertain satoru so that you could take a shower. and after your shower, you snuck off to your favorite place in the estate, the red pagoda in the lily pad pond.
as a child, you would come to this very pagoda to escape the hellish and tiring training you went through as the clan's water user. you always felt at peace here, that you could gather your thoughts without any interruption. the pagoda had an amazing view of the estate's pond that was filled with lily pads. it wasn't as big as the gojo clan's koi pond, but it was grand enough for you and your clan. (read 'meet the gojos' here)
you started to question if the feelings that you felt for satoru were actually real or if it was because of all this reincarnation bullshit. was it just a coincidence that you and satoru ended up finding each other in this lifetime? were you actually meant to be with him?
you swore that what you felt for him was genuine. you didn’t think you could care about someone so much that it hurt you so deeply inside. that the mere thought of losing them would be so crippling.
the voice that always made your ears perk and your heart race called out to you. "—so this is where you go to run away from your problems."
satoru sat down next to you, locking his arms around his knees. he leaned his head over to watch you. you stared out into the pond, soft yellow lights reflected off the surface of the water from the estate's open windows. crickets chirped in the background, a crisp breeze filled the air around you.
"how did you find me?"
"your brother told me that you like to come here whenever you have a lot on your mind. how about a penny for your thoughts?"
you changed the subject, “are you going to tell me what you and touya talked about in the sparring dojo?”
satoru looked out at the distance in front of him and smirked, “nope. it’s a secret between just us men.”
“does it have to do with me?”
“—i can’t say a word.”
“does it have to do with how much you like me?”
“—not saying anything, sweetheart.”
it was time for a cheap shot, “well… i guess that means no more kisses for satoru ‘i-keep-secrets-from-my-girlfriend’ gojo.”
satoru sat there and stared at you in disbelief, “—that is so unfair.” 'what kind of girlfriend uses no kisses as a threat?' he thought to himself.
you got up from your seat. your hair flowing behind you as a conniving grin spread across your face. he was such a sucker for you.
3... 2... 1...
“wait!” satoru called out to you, grabbing your hand. “i guess i can tell you this much… it wasn’t about how much i like you.”
you turned around to look back at satoru, his face was as red as a tomato.
“—it was about how much i love you.” satoru admitted, “i love you, (y/n).”
this was the first time satoru had ever told you that he loved you.
“i love you too, satoru...”
you felt satoru's arms pull you into his strong embrace. tears filling your eyes. you bit at your bottom lip, swallowing the discomfort in your throat. he let go of you and positioned you in front of him, staring down at you with worried blue eyes. he cupped your cheeks with his hands.
"why are you cry—"
"satoru," you interrupted him, "do you think that we're only together because we're reincarnations of our ancestors from 400 years ago? do you think they did some weird-binding-vow-lifelong-love-spell before they died?"
"is it so wrong if they did?" satoru asked as he brushed your tears away with his thumb, "—it's kinda romantic if you ask me."
"i just want to be 100% sure that my feelings for you are really mine."
"just know that no one gets to tell me what to do or who to love." satoru said, "—so no weird-binding-vow-lifelong-love-spell is going to change my mind on how i feel about you."
you sniffled, thinking of all the negative outcomes and possibilities, "what if it's actually a hidden curse or something...?"
he stared at you for a moment before he started to speak, "grams tells me that there's no curse more twisted than love... and if it's a curse, then i'm pretty sure i'm fated to love you."
and quite frankly, satoru didn’t give a damn if loving you in this lifetime was a curse. he’d live as the cursed one if that was the case.
satoru leaned down to capture your lips with a kiss. you wrapped your arms around his neck, feeling his soft, strawberry flavored lips on yours.
he asked confidently and just a bit smugly as if he already knew the answer to the question he was about to ask, "so what do you want to do now that you know all of this information? you gonna leave me, princess? we gonna break up?"
“satoru—” you muffled his name as he kept kissing you, “there’s one thing i know for sure, and it’s that i want to be with you. even if it’s some weird binding vow.”
satoru stopped kissing you to look back down at you. he chuckled while repeating your words, “even if it's some weird binding vow, huh?”
you looked up at him, running your fingers up his undercut. he melted at the action, sighing in your grasp.
“how much do you think those two loved each other?” you asked satoru. “you think they loved each other more than we do?”
“hmmm, maybe. but there’s no way the previous six eyes had more game than me.” satoru joked.
“you have got to get better jokes, babe.” you giggled as satoru squeezed your hips, pulling you closer to him. he returned to peppering kisses on your cheek, slowly moving to the corner of your lips.
“you think—” he muffled your words by kissing you, on purpose this time, “you think the previous six eyes was the one who made the move?”
“babe.” satoru pleaded, “please stop talking and just kiss me back.”
the next morning
after the conversation you had with satoru last night at the pagoda, you had never felt more sure that your feelings for this white haired, blue eyed, special-grade idiot was real. as you laid next to satoru, you fit perfectly in his arms, just like two puzzle pieces.
"god, i love this custom futon." satoru groaned as he stretched his arms and legs, attempting to wake his body up on this fine morning.
"i thought you slept in my dorm room because you wanted to cuddle with me, not sleep on my custom futon." you teased, pulling the blanket to your side of the bed.
satoru chuckled, rubbing the sleepiness away from his eyes. he fired back at you, "cuddling you is just a plus. the king size futon is totally why i'm there."
one thing that you loved about satoru was that the best parts of him complimented the best parts of you. you made each other better in every way. you were excited for the future together now that you've cleared the air about your true and honest feelings for satoru. your next focus was to help your clan and the gojo clan find the inverted spear of heaven.
you turned back to face him, nuzzling your face in his bare chest. he smelled just like his eucalyptus body wash.
"you know what's nice? no one barging into your room randomly. i swear my grams was soooo not discrete when you visited." satoru said as he rolled his eyes.
"touya already checked on us four times. you were sleeping."
"four?!" satoru choked out, "you weren't laying on top of me or anything were you?"
the last thing he wanted touya to think was that he was getting frisky with his little sister in her childhood bedroom under his roof.
"satoru!" you laughed, "and so what if we were cuddling?"
"i'm trying to make it out of your clan's estate without getting zapped by your brother... don't you know he's called the king of close combat? he can paralyze people!"
you drew circles on his chest with your fingertips, "i guess you better work on that infinity being on 24/7 then."
"sure, babe… anyways what's the agenda today?" satoru asked, putting his arms behind his head. he watched you roll out of the bed to change into your clothes for the day. you took his bag of toiletries out of his suitcase to throw at him.
you smiled softly at him, "get ready to have breakfast cause after that, you’re going to meet my parents."
at the (l/n) clan's family grave
ever since you were little, you and touya made it a routine to visit your parents' graves regularly. touya would tell you stories about your parents so you would never forget them. they had passed away when you were so young, so he wanted to make sure that their memories lived on with you.
since satoru would never be able to meet them physically, you thought this would be the best way to ‘introduce’ him to your parents.
in the japanese tradition, a visit to one’s grave starts by cleaning the grave of your loved one, presenting your offerings, and then praying and lighting incense. you and satoru washed your hands to ‘purify’ them and filled a water pail to head to the area where your parents were laid to rest.
"mom, dad." you started to say as you approached the two headstones, "this is my boyfriend, satoru."
satoru grinned at you and then looked towards your parents' headstones, "mr. (l/n), mrs. (l/n). i'm satoru gojo... and i wanted to tell you both that i love your daughter."
your turned to stare at satoru. you didn't know he was going to say that, nor did you ask him to say that. you were surprised to say the least.
he continued on, "i made a promise to your daughter and myself, and to my clan... and now i'm promising your clan that i will protect her. so this is my promise to you both as well."
you felt tears forming in your eyes. what kind of boyfriend would come to your parents' grave with you to have a conversation with your parents like this? how were you so lucky to have a thoughtful boyfriend like satoru?
you quickly brushed your tears away. "satoru. you didn't have to do that. you're so cheesy."
"that's so rude to say in front of your parents, (y/n)." satoru gasped, teasing you. "why not tell your parents the promise i made to everyone...?"
"i mean… sure... but you didn't have to say you loved me as an introduction for yourself." you giggled. “you can just say, ‘hi, i’m satoru gojo from the gojo clan.’”
satoru smiled at you, "i want everyone to know that i love you though."
he took the pail from your hand, gently pouring water over the two headstones. after cleaning the headstones, you and satoru placed a plate of oranges and apples in front of them. you lit a stick of incense for the both of you, silently bowing and praying. once finished, you stuck the incense stick into the holder.
it was as if time stood still while you and satoru sat around your parents grave to just talk. none of the conversations were about anything important, it was just simple talk about sweet nothings. you were just grateful he wasn’t weirded out by spending time here the way you and touya did when you were younger.
satoru even talked to your parents as if they were still alive and well. he asked your mother, ‘did you know your daughter has the world’s worst attitude in the mornings? god forbid she doesn’t get a full 8 hours of sleep.’ after that, he even said to your father, ‘sir, i wish you were still here so i could show you my techniques. i heard yours were pretty cool too.’
while you watched satoru talk to your parents’ headstones, you wished so badly that your parents could’ve met him so they can see why you loved him so much. your mother would’ve have loved him, probably more than she loved you. and your father? he would’ve loved to have such a strong sorcerer be his daughter’s boyfriend… he’d probably consider satoru as a second son.
satoru could see and feel how your heart ached at any mention of your parents, and he wanted you to know that your family was important to him too. he was going to try his best to win the approval of your entire family. he didn’t have to try hard though, your family wasn’t that hard to please. they just wanted you to be happy.
"ready to go?" you asked satoru after noticing the sun setting. "i'm sure touya is looking for us. it’s almost dinner time."
"sure." satoru smiled back at you, grabbing your hand.
“bye mom and dad.” you waved.
“bye mom and dad!” satoru said with a grin.
you looked up at him, “mom and dad, huh? you guys are already that close?”
“yeah, actually. your mom says she sees me like a son now. and your dad said that he approves of me as a son in law.” satoru said as-a-matter-of-factly, knowing damn well he made that up.
you giggled at his ridiculous statement and clung to his arm. you walked back to the estate more in love with satoru than you were when you first arrived here.
once you and satoru were out of sight, two feet stepped out from behind the shadows of your parents' headstones and smiled.
"doesn't she look happy with the gojo kid, mom and dad? he’ll take care of her, don’t you two worry." touya whispered to your parents' as he watched you and satoru walk back to the estate together. he zapped a stick of incense with his cursed technique and quietly bowed and prayed before heading back to the estate as well.
after dinner
"remember how you showed me your family portraits when i went with you to meet your grandparents?" you asked satoru. "want to see ours?"
"yeah. let's see who you resemble the most." satoru wondered as you led him down the hallway where the family portraits were hung.
"is that you?" satoru asked incredulously. he pointed at a little girl with long black hair in pigtails, precious sparkling green eyes smiling back at him. "you looked like a little brat, babe."
"you found me." you laughed and reluctantly admitted, "—and i was a brat growing up."
you hoped that if you ever had kids in the future, they would not inherit the attitude you had as a child. your grandma always said that the way you acted as a child would come back to spite you in the form of your own offspring.
satoru continued to look around in the picture. he could spot your grandparents and touya towards the center. he assumed the woman who was holding you was your mom, kanae.
"my mom had long dark blue hair and the most beautiful green eyes." you started to say, "everyone else usually gets the yellow eyes or red eyes in the family since grandma and grandpa have them, but i was lucky to get her green eyes."
the man standing next to your mother was obviously your father, fujitaka. your father had black hair, and the same leering yellow eyes as touya. touya resembled your father so much growing up that he always heard that he was his father's mini-me.
"well..." satoru sighed as you took his hand to lead him back to the tea room, "i guess i have to go back to your parents and thank them for creating the most perfect human being for me."
you laughed and gently hit his chest with the back of your palm, "you're too much, babe."
satoru continued to spout his nonsense sarcastically. "it was like you were put on this earth for me. it's fate. god's will. the divine decree. destiny some may say."
you rolled your eyes at him. sometimes, satoru could be so cheesy and would say the most ridiculous things. you wondered where your smart-alecky boyfriend was. however, you didn't hate when satoru tried to be romantic, so you figured you'd just listen to his ridiculous comments for now. you held his hand, bringing it towards your lips to plant soft kisses on his palm.
“even if it was fate or destiny.... whatever you want to call it. i’d choose you again in every lifetime, satoru. you’re like... my soulmate.”
“soulmate, huh? look who's being 'too much' now.” satoru smiled cheekily, “—you’re not guaranteed to meet your soulmate in every lifetime though.”
“consider me a lucky girl then.”
“nah, i think i’m the lucky one...” satoru mumbled as he leaned in for a kiss.
as soon as you got back to the jujutsu high dorms, you asked satoru the same question he asked you when you met his family.
"so..." you started to inquire, "what did you think about my family?"
"your grandma reminds me of my grams. and your grandpa's cursed technique was pretty cool." satoru added. "i met your instructors and trainers. no wonder you hated learning jujutsu. they were intense."
satoru only met your grandparents, touya, and a handful of family members and housekeepers during this visit. a majority of your family members were on vacation or not at the estate during the time of your visit. you were relieved it was a lax visit because you knew your cousins would have been all over satoru. the next holiday back to the estate would be unavoidable though.
satoru said with a sigh, "your brother still scares the shit outta me."
"but he approves of you!" you clung to his uniform sleeve. "are you going to tell me what you and touya talked about in the sparring dojo?"
"i already told you. it was that i loved you." satoru mumbled, wanting to change the subject immediately. he looked like the world’s biggest simp for you in the sparring dojo that day and there was no way he could tell you all the things he said without turning as red as a stop sign.
you huffed and pouted, "babe, you were in there for a good 45 minutes though. how about a kiss for some intel?”
“i don’t kiss and tell.” satoru said with a grin.
you realized that satoru really wasn't going to tell you what touya and him talked about, so you let it slide for now.
and over a decade later, you still won't know what satoru and touya talked about in the sparring dojo.
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oopsitszuli · 1 year
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"And At Last, I See The Light." -Sanemi Shinazugawa x FEM!Reader.
Authors note: And we're back!! Im so excited to be writing non-work-related content again and I hope this first fic back is an enjoyable one! I love Sanemi and I also love his little detail of having lost his ability to see color and regaining it after the events of the final arc in the manga! So I got to thinking and thought of a scenario where someone else kickstarted his heart once again. Also as always, reposts and likes are GREATLY appreciated!!
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of Sanemi's backstory.
Word Count: 3.3k words.
No mentions of skin tone, hair color, or eye color!
Training was always difficult, whether being a Mizunoto or a Hashira, but in recent weeks it seems the world was working against the demon slayer corps. Relentless training was going into every corps member despite the few results they were seeing. Everyone was on edge on top of the training, for they all had no clue when the next sign of upper moon demons would appear before them. Wake up, eat, train, try to unlock a slayer mark, sleep, and do it all again. That was all life seemed to be. Rather, that’s all life was to Sanemi. 
His day was a constant repeat, with no variation and certainly no thrill. Waking up minutes before another greyscale sunrise, ignoring breakfast in favor of squeezing in a lone training session before dealing with his newest group of bratty teenagers, and ending the day at a meeting with the other Hashira where they all continued to complain about being unable to unlock marks.  ‘How did Kamado do it?’ and ‘Maybe Tanjiro, Mitsuri, and Tokito can help unlock other marks!’ These were the only statements made in those hour-long meetings. And Sanemi would be the first to admit that it made him want to stab his eardrums out. The Kamados had some benevolent god in their corner, and the other two were freakishly powerful despite their smaller statures, yet he was the only one who seemed to notice it. 
The wind Hashira let out a disgruntled sigh as he walked down the cobblestone stairs leading to a lone Soba restaurant only a few miles from his estate. It was one of his favorite places to frequent, though he would never utter that sentiment to another being for as long as he lived. Some people liked eating in the company of others, but it seemed he wasn’t born with the right of a friend to have dinner with. He used to love eating with Masachika or Kanae, but the gods didn’t like seeing someone with the last name Shinazugawa being happy, so they took them away. They took everything away. His friends, his family, and his color were no longer his. Instead, they were playthings for a higher being who took pleasure in seeing him miserable. 
Sanemi stiffened as a crisp gust of wind brushed through his spiky hair, drawing the man from his thoughts with little effort. His eyes raised from the ground as he took in the world around him. Age-old ginkgo and wisteria trees surrounded the Hashira, their leaves swaying softly in the breeze, filling his nose with the sweet scent of the flowers belonging to the trees.  He looked to his left, shielding his eyes as he was met with the light of the current setting sun; Sanemi looked away swiftly. He was sure it was a stunning sunset just by how bright it was. Maybe tonight it would be pink, or orange, maybe even purple. But it didn’t matter; to him, it was all grey. Everything was always grey and grim, and it always would be. Sanemi had accepted that fate from the moment his mother lay limp at his feet. He would never see color again, and he would never know the peace he witnessed others gain so simply. That was his burden, and it was one he carried with no argument. 
“Shinazugawa!” A sudden voice called out from behind him, “Shinazugawa, is that you? What are you doing?” Sanemi didn’t need to turn around to know who that voice belonged to. It was a sweet voice, singsongy and perfectly pitched, and it could only belong to the one person in the demon slayer corps Sanemi had come to slightly tolerate. The flower Hashira, (Y/n) (L/n). He didn’t look over his shoulder as he heard her footsteps bounding towards him, and frankly, he couldn’t bring himself to try and shoo her off. He wondered if it was the part of him that still regretted their first meeting and how he had so brashly proclaimed that she would never take Kanae’s place and that if (L/n) knew what was good for her, she would walk into the woods and disappear forever. He was well aware that he had overstepped his lines, and despite his better judgment, he felt the need to go out of his way and allow her to hang around him. 
‘Stop lying to yourself. Give her more credit, asshole,’ He cursed internally, ‘she fought tooth and nail to try and be around me, even after I treated her so cruelly.’ He still saw everything, the first meeting, the argument, everything. He remembered it like it was yesterday. 
“Who do you think you are, trying to replace her? Kanae is the only Flower Hashira, and she always will be. If you know what’s best, you will walk out now and disappear in the woods for the rest of eternity.” Sanemi bellowed as he glared at the woman standing across the yard from him. Despite his harsh words, she stood tall, unfazed by his outburst and only throwing fuel to the fire of Sanemi’s heart. His glare searched rapidly around him for support as an annoyed groan escaped Uzui. Sanemi didn’t understand. Kanae had only died three months ago, the others should be outraged at this blatant replacement, yet none of them made a move. His attention snapped to Shinobu, who only remained kneeling before the master, not an ounce of negative emotion riddling her young face. 
“I think you misunderstand why I’m here.” The woman began, unmoving despite Sanemi’s glare returning to her. “Kanae was a phenomenal Hashira, and her death hurt everyone-"“Don’t act like you knew her!” Sanemi interrupted, his teeth bared. (Y/n) sighed softly, completely calm despite the raging man across from her. He hated it. She stood so sure, completely unaffected by his words, and worse, she wore a gentle smile. A sympathetic smile, like she knew the pain everyone was going through, and as if she knew he had lost another person he cared about. 
“I didn’t know her, and I won’t claim to have known her. But what I do know is that from everything I’ve heard, she was the epitome of goodness. And I can only attempt to follow in her footsteps as the next Flower Hashira.” (Y/n’s) hand reached for her chest, placing itself atop her heart, “I can only begin to hope I leave a legacy as powerful as hers and that my joining is not seen as a rushed replacement.” Her head lowered as she finished her statement. She was bowing. Not to the master or the other Hashira, but to him. To Sanemi. He took a step back, his eyes widening slightly as he attempted to fend off the shock trying to make itself known. 
“Death sticks with us all, Sanemi, but it also allows us the chance to grow.” Oyakata spoke up from the pavilion he rested on. “And in order for us to stay strong, we must grow. I hope you can come to understand this decision.” Sanemi snapped his attention to the Master. Like always, he stood proudly, his smile riddled with a saccharine sympathy. The wind Hashira couldn’t bring himself to argue against the master. If it were anyone else, he’d have a string of words for them, but it had to be the man Sanemi couldn’t bring himself to argue with. 
“I understand, sir. And I apologize for my outburst.” Sanemi rushed before turning on his heel, dismissing himself from the meeting before the master got another word in. He couldn’t believe it, the audacity of that woman, to stand there where Kanae should be and act as though she knew the pain they were feeling. The pain he was feeling. It was insulting, and Sanemi wanted nothing to do with her, for better or worse. 
She apparently had different plans. 
It was less than two hours before Sanemi noticed her intruding on his training. He held back a laugh of disbelief as she walked by him, drawing her sword and quickly beginning her own training regiment. 
“I don’t want to be around you, and I was here first. So, fuck off.” Sanemi argued as he watched her effortlessly destroy a few training dummies the Kakushi had set up. She only laughed at his statement and swung her sword once more. 
“I don’t care! We have to work together, so get used to it.” She claimed, a satisfied smile dawning on her lips as she noticed the rage bubbling up on Sanemi’s face. With another swing of her sword and another destroyed dummy, she turned on her heel to face him, wearing a wide smile. Sanemi seethed at her blatant disregard for his anger. 
“Who do you think you are?” He asked through gritted teeth, his fists clenched and his sword shaking in his hold. She sheathed her katana swiftly before she slowly dragged her eyes over his figure. Her eyes moved slowly as if she were studying him, easily committing every inch of his body to memory. 
“I’m (Y/n) (L/n), the newest Hashira and a demon slayer who has worked my ass off for years to be here. And who are you, other than your miserable jackass persona?” Her question was so simple, yet so irking. Sanemi tossed his Katana to the side, figuring it best not to have a weapon in his hands while his emotions were being tested. His hands ran through his hair as he stole a deep breath from the world around him. His hands fell to his side, returning to fists as he glared at the still-smiling woman. 
“I’m Sanemi Shinazugawa, the wind Hashira.” He declared proudly. He was the wind Hashira, one of the strongest members of the demon slayer corps and someone people feared, and Sanemi reveled in the idea of her finally backing down and acknowledging his strength. Instead, (Y/n) shook her head softly, her arms crossing over her chest as she did. Sanemi felt his glare deepen as he watched her arms fold over each other. 
“No. I don’t think you are.” Another pass of her eyes over his figure, “I think you’re just an angry man. That’s all you are, Isolated anger.” She decided. Sanemi felt his jaw drop with her statement. He stood frozen in place, staring at the woman. Her eyebrow raised under his unwavering gaze.
“What gives you the right to say something like that to me?" He challenged, his voice shaking with rage. She sighed softly, and finally, her smile faltered. 
“Because I’ve been in the same position, and if you ignore your rage, it will kill you. It seems as though it’s already doing a number on you.” She deducted, slowly walking toward the man. Her stride was sure, unwavering with each step. If anything, it made Sanemi a little unsure, despite his flurry of anger. 
“Oh, shut up.” He barked, attempting to seem more sure of himself than he truly was. 
“No. Shun people all you want. It’s not going to keep you from getting hurt. If anything, it will just make it worse.” She challenged, her finger poking at his scarred chest as she leaned close to him. Their eyes met, and Sanemi felt his breath hitch. He couldn’t see the color of her eyes, that was expected, but this close, he saw something more. Swirling behind the expanse of colors unknown to Sanemi, there was hope; he knew it was hope. He had seen that look in his eyes one too many times when looking at reflective surfaces. A yearning for something better, for a future free of demons and a life of peace with the family they had remaining, it was the same hope that was continuously torn away from people like them.  
“You don’t know anything about me.” He brushed off the look, pulling away from her before she continued her way out from the training arena. Sanemi watched as she walked off, his eyes glued to her figure. She stopped, turning over her shoulder with a vibrant smile plastered across her face.
“That’s why I am going to do everything in my power to learn about you. Even if you hate it.” She winked at him, giggling softly before completely disappearing. Sanemi stood frozen in place, disbelief at the interaction snaking through his veins. 
He rolled his eyes before going to retrieve his sword. 
“Shinazugawa!” Her voice cut through his thoughts, forcing his feet to stop as he turned over his shoulder. She joined him at his side seconds later, wearing her favorite smile as she came to a halt. She always wore that same smile, even when she was in the midst of arguments. Sanemi swore he had only seen her smile drop twice, and neither time ended well. The better part of him screamed at him to be concerned; someone who wore a smile that pure had to be masking something, especially in this profession. Yet he couldn’t gather the courage to ask, no matter what he did. He could look man-eating demons in the eyes and laugh… But ask her something personal? Sanemi rather feed himself to upper moon one. 
“Hello, (L/n). What brings you out this way?” He spoke softly, probably too softly, but he would worry about that later. The woman beside him bounced slightly on her toes, excitement radiating off her every inch. His head tilted slightly to the side as she looked around at their surroundings as if she were making sure no one was listening to them. 
“You’re not going to believe this!" she began, “But my newest batch of students for training are all graduating a week early! They’ve absolutely mastered stealth training! One of them was so good at it that he snuck up on me!” Her hands clapped together excitedly. Sanemi gave an approving ‘hmm’ at her information, a smile tugging on the corners of his lips despite his better judgment. Despite their rocky introduction, he had always appreciated how proud she was of everyone around her. Some people were proud to the point of arrogance, but she had always been a perfect mix of awareness and pride. That fact had been a reason for Sanemi’s eventual reconciliation with her. 
“That is great to hear, (L/n). The sooner we get them through training, the more time they have to practice summoning a mark.” He nodded slightly, his arms crossing over his chest a moment later. 
“You know, you don’t have to call me by my last name.” Her head tilted slightly to the side, a smug smirk dawning across her face. “Or have you forgotten my first name? You are quite forgetful.” She teased, earning an eye roll from Sanemi. 
“I leave my sword at a meeting one time….” He groaned, earning a soft chuckle from her. Sanemi forced back the ever-growing smile fighting its way onto his face. He hated how effortlessly she could make him smile, and he despised the look she gave him every time she succeeded in drawing a smile onto his face. It wasn’t a smug look nor a look of confusion; it was always one resting on the border of adoration. Although, Sanemi knew he would never let himself believe it. Very few people adored him, and he was sure someone as amazing as (Y/n) would never feel that way about him. 
“You were so distracted that day…I still remember the look on your face when I handed you your katana.” She tapped at her lips as her eyebrow raised, “Makes me wonder what had you so distracted.” She leaned forward, silently prompting Sanemi to share his side of the story. The wind Hashira fought back a chuckle at her prodding. He knew full well why he was so distracted and knew further that he would never dare to utter a word about it in her presence. It was embarrassing to him alone and mortifying to think about others knowing. The wind Hashira, the scariest Hashira the corps had to offer, Sanemi Shinazugawa was distracted by her.  He knew she would always capture his attention with her intricate haori and overall eye-catching demeanor. But in recent weeks, no, in recent months, she had become his favorite distraction. Bad day? Talk to (Y/n). Bored before a mission? Exchange Kasugai crow messages with (Y/n). He truly needed no excuse to talk to her, yet he continued to find them, mainly to save his pride. His eyes flickered down to hers as he formulated another excuse to feed her. 
“The idea of dinner was distracting me.” He lied. She rolled her eyes at his statement, seeing through his fib effortlessly. Sanemi knew he couldn’t keep lying to her, but for something like this, he deemed it better than admitting that he could not shake the woman from his thoughts. 
“Speaking of which…Did you already eat dinner?” She asked, her hands clasping as she looked up at Sanemi. He nodded quickly, attempting to avoid the question of being invited to dinner. He couldn’t allow her to eat dinner with him, not after what happened to everyone who had before. 
“I did, but thank you for asking.” He responded, his sentence fading out quickly. Sanemi turned on his heel, beginning to walk away, only to be followed by (Y/n). She took in their surroundings as they walked. 
“Shame, I was going to invite you over for dinner! I’m thinking of making some hiyashi chuka and maybe some ohagi for dessert.” She looked up at Sanemi, who visibly perked up at the mention of his favorite sweet treat. His hand brushed through his hair as he murmured a soft ‘sounds good’ in response, trying to hide his intrigue. Another sigh from (Y/n), and her head tilted back. 
“You’re so difficult, Sanemi.” She lamented, earning a chuckle from the white-haired man. He looked at her, committing her exasperated expression to memory. His hand found itself atop her head as he rustled her hair, drawing a laugh from her. 
“That’s my specialty.” He said through her fit of giggles. Swiftly she swatted his hands away, stepping in front of him and pointing at his chest. Sanemi stopped short, unmoving under her playful gaze. 
“One day, mark my words, we will have dinner together, and you’ll love it.” She promised, her finger digging into his chest as she poked at him. Sanemi prepared to respond, a witty remark waiting desperately on the tip of his tongue, but when his eyes met hers, the wind Hashira froze. Any word he prepared was immediately gone as he noticed the hues of her face shift slowly. Grey’s were replaced without hesitation, giving way to the stunning shades that made up the appearance of (Y/n) (L/n). He stepped back, unable to process the colors flooding his world. Sanemi’s head snapped up, looking at the flowering trees around them. Grey and white were no more in favor of vibrant purples and greens. The sky was a shade of shimmering orange as the sun set, the remaining blue turning darker by the moment. Sanemi returned his sights to (Y/n’s) eyes. They were stunning. Sparkling and shimmering in the evening light, unblinking as they stared at him. His hands found their place on her arms, holding her gently as he stared at her. 
“Sanemi?” Her eyebrow was raised, and her voice laced with concern. Sanemi attempted to stomp out his excitement to no avail. Years of seeing nothing but white, grey, and black were suddenly thrown out of the window. It didn’t make sense, Sanemi had suffered so much, but in this moment, with her, his life was reignited with a sudden vibrancy he didn’t know he had missed. He didn’t know what to say or do. How do you explain to someone that you just regained the ability to see color after years of being colorblind? The world was silent, full of vibrant colors and an overwhelming peace Sanemi didn’t know was possible. He was at a loss for words, so he said the first thing that came to mind. 
“Have I ever told you that your eyes are striking- no, dazzling… no, that’s not enough.” Sanemi thought for a moment, “You are absolutely captivating.” 
Part 2
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einsatzzz · 5 months
Profile Info + Project KHRe(:born!!!)
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Hello! You can call me Ein. I'm an artist who's trying to improve my drawings and to manifest the visions in my brain. I also love OCs very much, whether it's mine or others' OCs. For more information, you can refer to my About page. Feel free to send an ask too if you want!
Blog’s Current Status: Active (can be inactive on weekdays)
OC Profiles (Oniyanagi Wiki)
Kurumi (Wiki Page ⬗ Character Tag)
Kana (Wiki Page ⬗ Character Tag)
KHRe Webcomic
Status: Planning/Writing/Organizing Assets & Refs Target Release Date: October-November 2024 (On-track)
Main Tags
#einart - Art posts on Tumblr since 2022.
#queue i can't put into words - Queued posts. I will occasionally remove this tag from older posts.
#khre - Posts related to KHRe:born's universe and related AUs.
↳ #khr oc - Posts related to KHR Original Characters, both mine and others.
↳ #khre oshiete - Posts related to KHRe OC asks answered under a "Oshiete Yuipachi-sensei" crack segment.
Project KHRe(:born!!!)
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@amiahoshi (Sou) and I decided to call the project "Katekyo Hitman Re:born!!!"*. We call it either Re:born!!! or KHRe for short. This is my main brainworm cultivating mega-project that has several sub-projects under it (including the webcomic). Anyway, read below for more details on this project!
*Note: Inspired from T/oky/o Gh/oul's title, where it had "T/G:re". And it really just emphasizes the "Re" in "Reborn", meaning "again, do over" - mainly since it's a retelling. MOST importantly...it's very easy to remember for me and my goldfish brain.
So far, the major ambitious projects I have under this are as follows:
Oniyanagi Wiki
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This is a wiki site I made in Miraheze and I have already set it to public, so you can visit it through this link (or the one I linked above in the OC Profile section).
All characters/items/stories information related to KHRe is planned to be compiled here bit by bit, including certain canon characters (due to the inevitable canon divergence).
I learned a lot from making this wiki.
KHRe Webcomic
A webcomic that features KHRe's story. KHRe is sort of a similar universe to canon, but not exactly the same. There will be additional characters, which are our OCs, then there will also be modifications/additions to the story/lore as well (e.g. certain arcs/chapters will be rearranged, certain events will happen earlier).
Tsuna retains his protagonist role in KHRe as well (I'm so fond of him, my 2nd fave...), but he will also be joined in this role by the twin bosses from Oniyanagi, Kana and Kurumi.
Oniyanagi's full 10th Generation line-up can be found here.
Just like canon, it starts with Daily Life Arc. I will draw chapters for as far as I can get into the story. One of my main goals in making this webcomic (besides being able to draw both KHR and OC art at the same time) is to improve my art.
Into the Looking Glass
This is a Horror RPGMaker game that features a prequel story for KHRe through Kurumi's childhood (around 8-9 years old). Long story short, it does follow the classic formula of a kid exploring a scary place by themselves.
The title is very much still subject to change, but I referenced Alice in Wonderland for it. Because it's Baby Kurumi (Alice) stumbling in an otherworldly place (Wonderland) and the events that take place moving forward changes her life.
This will take a very long time to complete, but I wanna finish it eventually because I'm also a big fan of Horror RPGMaker games and I've always wanted to make one.
KHRe Test Game (no title yet)
Yes...that's right. I'm editing this now after three months and still no title. 👍
This will be a very short RPGMaker Game with Tsuna as MC and it's definitely less ambitious than the previous two listed here. This is just me testing and learning the features of RPGMaker before I go do more work for Into the Looking Glass.
The game is just about Tsuna being invited to the Ninomiya Estate by Kurumi and he has a very "fun" time there 😂👍✨ (just like a normal Daily Life Arc episode~). It won't be horror, but maybe for Tsuna it will be 😀.
Other Projects
As for other projects that are even more less ambitious and more doable in a shorter time, I do have MV Projects for KHRe plus a few shorts (like this one) I plan on drawing them in. I listed my priorities here (along with the major projects I mentioned) and will try to update when I can (at least monthly).
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That's all for now! THANK YOU FOR COMING TO MY TED TALK! Any questions are always welcome and very very appreciated! 👀✨I really just love talking about this series, OCs and my projects. I will also continue to update this pinned post as I figure out my projects more.
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creative-kny-fics · 5 months
hello! Can you make Lee Muichiro ler Lady amane there’s no Fics about them
'Mother' and 'son' moment 🥹 (and angst-) (By the way, I did my math and considering that, I guess Kanae could have been alive in those moments-)
(Sorry if there are mistakes, I can't concentrate if I write something sad-)
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Ler: Amane Ubuyashiki (Kagaya's/Oyakata-Sama's wife)
Lee: Muichiro Tokito
'Tokito-San... I brought you di... nner...-', Amane entered the room, but there was no one there. She put the tray on the floor, she knew that if Muichiro wasn't in the room, he would be training.
She had accepted that at the beginning, but now she was worried, Kanae had recommended that Muichiro not make so much effort, since he was still somewhat weak.
'Tokito-San! It's too late to be training...! Please come back here', Muichiro glanced at her, but ignored her and continued.
Amane sighed and approached slowly, taking the wooden sword from Muichiro. 'Give it back to me! Can't you see I'm training?!'
'I see it, but it's not time to train, you must have dinner or you might faint... Let's go inside, I've prepared...-'
'I don't care! Give me my-!'
Muichiro fell to the ground holding his throat while coughing, he had overexerted himself too much.
Amane called one of his daughters to bring a glass of water and after he drank, he fell asleep.
'Mother...?', he spoke, slowly opening his eyes. 'Tokito-San... Do you feel-?'
'Where I am...?', Amane caressed his head, she hadn't left his side all night.
She had taken Muichiro to Kocho's estate, she wanted to make sure that everything was okay with the minor and fortunately it was.
'You passed out and I brought you here to make sure you're okay, please eat some, okay?'
'Would you mind feeding me...?', she nodded, a mother's instinct I suppose.
He looked somewhat happy, being pampered by Amane made him feel happy, it made him feel... As if whoever was next to him was his real mother... 'I-I'm sorry... I don't know what's wrong with me...'
Muichiro was going to dry his tears, but someone beat him to it. That gentle touch that she had, a touch that a loving mother has, brought a smile to his face, small, but it was.
'You should smile more, don't you think?' 'I-I was smiling...?', Amane nodded.
Muichiro didn't know, maybe he got too lost in his thoughts or maybe he did know but he was trying to hide it.
It was probably more the former, because Muichiro didn't realize that he was now on Amane's chest, feeling her caress his cheek.
'Amane-San... You... Do you think you could tickle me...?'
'Huh? 'Do you want that?'
'Yes... But don't be abrupt or cruel...! Be gehehentle!', Amane couldn't help but smile.
Muichiro felt good, it's the kind of tickling that relaxes, that sometimes (internally) makes you feel good, that helps you release stress and that makes you feel like you can't be judged because it's something you need...
He didn't remember how long had it been since he sat on his mother's lap and made the same request, he felt good...
He recognized that voice instantly and almost at the same time he opened his eyes and looked to his side.
Amane was by his side, usually she would have been with her husband, but due to his condition, it was impossible for him to get out of bed. 'Amane-San... How are you...?'
'I feel fine, thank you. And you? How is it? Don't move much, we still don't know if you're fully recovered. Oyakata-Sama and we are all proud of you, congratulations', Muichiro looked away, he felt strange.
That fog had diminished, now it was not so difficult for him to remember, he felt confused.
But even with the fog in his head, he couldn't forget Amane-San, something in his mind didn't allow him to do so, neither she nor Kagaya could leave his mind, they remained there.
'Tokito-San? Once again you are looking at a non-existent corner, it would be best if you...'
Things didn't change much, Muichiro hugged Amane with love and happiness, feeling how she also hugged him.
It was a great progress, she always saw how Muichiro avoided almost all types of physical contact, but not anymore, it was he who had taken the initiative and hugged her.
'Tokito-San...' 'Call me Muichiro or Mui, whatever you wish!'
'Okay... Muichiro, I guess this hug has a ulterior motive, right?'
Muichiro denied embarrassedly, earning a chuckle from Amane when after a few seconds he nodded. 'I guess this will become a habit, right?'
Amane said as her hands moved up from his ribs to his armpits, gently kneading in the center. 'Ehehehehe! Amahanehehe-Sahahan!!'
'If it's too much for you, tell me and I'll stop, okay?' 'O-okahahay!!'
It would be a long time, Muichiro had no intention of it stopping anytime soon, what did it matter if someone saw them?
After a few minutes, Amane stopped, leaving him confused. 'H-huh? Why did you stop?'
'I've only given you a moment's respite for what I'm about to do...'
Muichiro started kicking, he should have guessed, but it wasn't like he cared that much after all, he wanted that, right?
'I'm not overdoing it, right?', he denied. 'Again!'
Amane smiled and nodded, who knew that child would love raspberries? Well, she knew it, she knew him as well as she knew her children.
'Well, I think that's enough raspberries for one day hahaha', and with that, Amane stopped
After catching his breath, he hugged her, beginning to fall asleep as she began to hum a lullaby.
When she finally felt that he had fallen fast asleep, she left him on the bed, tucked him in and kissed his forehead. 'Rest well To-... Sorry... Muichiro... I love you very much'
'Amane-San... I love you too... Mom...'
Amane stroked his hair for the last time and left happily, she can't wait to tell Kagaya what had happened
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bluespiderlully · 12 days
KNY - My Lore (Fukuge Miyazaki)🌹
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So, I've been questioning myself if I should have made a all in one post about the two Miyazaki brothers but in the end writing two separate posts for them just like I did for every other character.
Fukuge Miyazaki, born into a family of doctors, has always disappointed his parents due to his strong aversion to dead bodies. Despite his good intentions, he can't bear the sight of the deceased, making him unsuitable for the medical world in which his family thrives. In contrast, his younger sister Rei has always been unfazed by such situations and developed a passion for taxidermy at a young age, showing a coldness and precision that Fukuge lacked.
At the Butterfly Estate, Fukuge tried to work as a nurse, but his sensitivity toward the dead and wounded made him unsuitable, causing Kanae and Enmu to feel dissatisfied with his usefulness in that setting. Unable to pursue a medical career, Fukuge turned to combat, trying to prove his worth as the Thorn Hashira, hoping to make up for his inadequacy as a doctor.
He doesn't use a katana but a thorn whip that looks like a rose stem.
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mercurialanthology · 4 months
timeline help
Hello fellow Furuba enjoyers, I'm currently in the midst of writing a ridiculously intricate fanfiction and I'm curious about the canon Furuba timeline and how to accurately incorporate it into my fanfiction. Any and all help is appreciated! Obviously, spoilers ahead.
So, I am wanting this story to take place after Shigure gets kicked from the estate by Akito, but before Shigure takes Yuki in. I've tried to sit and figure out how much time is between these two instances, but I'm not quite sure. There is a multitude of events I want to happen in this timeframe, but obviously if Yuki comes to Shigure's place shortly after getting kicked out, this will have to change the timeline of events. So overall here, I'm just curious about how much time takes place between Akito kicking Shigure out before Shigure starts to harbor Yuki. A few months? A year? A couple of years?
Secondly, Mayu and Shigure date for a brief period of time, and at this same time Hatori and Kana are together. As far as I understand, both of these relationships are happening while Shigure is still at the estate. Please correct me if I'm wrong!
And this may not matter as much, but I'm wanting to write in a New Year's event into my story. Evidently we know when Furuba first starts, it's not long into the story when New Year's happens; year of the rabbit. This is after Tohru, Yuki, and Kyo are living with Shigure. This issue circles back to my first confusion about the timeline with Yuki and Shigure, as depending on when Yuki comes to Shigure's place will determine if it's plausible to have a New Year's event within the story. This would evidently be the year (maybe two or three, again depending on timeline) prior to the rabbit.
Please feel free to comment or direct message, and thank you in advance. I appreciate it, feel free to ask any clarifying questions!
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bihanspookies · 2 months
I’ll probably never do anything for them since I don’t really have them fleshed out but I wanted to post my 2 demon slayer oc’s since I caught up with the latest season and I’m living in fear for the movies
Making two sep posts since there’s minor spoilers for Infinity Castle in Azusa’s ⬇️
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Name: Azusa
Age: 22
Height: 5’8
Breathing Technique: I originally had her as the Lotus Hashira but then I read the manga and found out about Kanae and went OOP gotta change it lmao. I thought about her being a Crystal Hashira, derived/trained from Gyomei but I never fully decided.
Personality: She’s very calm, cool and collected, kinda like the mediator and has a “mom” presence about her. Whenever inosuke was being Chaotic, she’d walk over, place her hand on his head and go “Now, now, let’s calm down a little hm?”
And as much as inosuke wants to be like 🤬🤬🤬, she has this calming presence around so he grumbles and is like “I’ll try my best I GUESS.”
History: im 100% Just copying and pasting with minor edits what i sent to my friend bc i don’t want to write it properly lmao.
So her family and the Wisteria estate were close friends. When she was 10 her family was killed by demons but she survived and the Wisteria family took her in bc: Friendship™️ and they had a son who she was really close to and they were best friends and whatnot.
Growing up he always said he wanted to become a Hashira bc that’s who his family protects and he wants to honor them, so it was his ultimate dream. And when she was 16 the son admitted to being in love with her but she didn’t reciprocate. So even though he was hurt, he accepted her decision and went off by himself at night to have some alone time.
W E L L He dies By demons And Azusa blames herself bc she tells herself that if she just told him she loved him back then he wouldn’t have gone off on his own and gotten killed. Which is one of the reasons she went off to become a Hashira so she could protect her loved ones and also fulfill the son’s dream . So she goes off, joins demon corps And it’s all good and dandy.
She’s super focused on achieving Hashira status And then she meets: Rengoku And at first she was friendly with him, ya know being civil but then he kept being extra nice to her and just treating her so sweet etc etc etc that she could not help but fall in love with him even tho she was scared bc she’s just reminded of The Son.
They eventually start “dating” but in secret and the only person who’s aware of it is Ubuyashiki.
First Kiss: Their whole relationship, they’re basically dating without actually saying it. One night they’re alone and Rengoku just suddenly asks “my love, will you do me the honor of being mine?”
And Azusa just looks at him and goes “if you’re calling me “my love” then you already know the answer. I’m already yours.”
And then she gently grabs his face and gives him a Kiss™️
Mugen Train Arc: I decided that Azusa is not there on the train but back at home. I also decided that they were engaged and her ring is on her finger while Rengoku’s is a necklace. Rengoku tells Tanjiro to tell his wife that even though they weren’t officially married, it felt like they were every second they spent together. Tanjiro doesn’t understand at first but then Rengoku pulls out his necklace and he recognizes it as the same ring on Azusa’s hand.
Very much movie scene in my head when I pictured this but when the other Hashira find out about Rengoku’s death, Azusa’s crow is the one to come tell her. You never fully see her face, just her walking with the camera stopping right under her eyes or an aerial view from behind as her crow flies next to her head. She gets the news and clutches her ring to her chest.
Infinity Castle Arc: Tanjiro and Giyu are the ones that go and fight Akaza and Azusa is there too. So when Akaza sees her he’s like “and who might you be?”. And she’s staring at him and says “my name is Azusa Rengoku, you killed my husband”
She’s about to just go straight in and murk but then this other demon shows up like “no no sister, you gotta go through me first”. So Azusa ends up fighting that demon while tanjiro and giyu fight Akaza.
But long story short the demon incapacitates her and is all “I think you’d make a good edition to the team, let’s see how you handle killing your teammates” and then forces her to drink muzans blood, turning her into a demon. She’s struggling to not fight tanjiro and the others but either he or someone else has to kill her bc it's too much to fight her/keep her away while also fighting Akaza.
They successfully kill her but right before she dies she sees Rengoku above her and holding his hand out for her to take.
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the-axe-and-flail · 1 year
Gyomei fic idea 843 that I'm never gonna write but I wish I would-
- And here you stood, basket in hand, filled to the brim with goodies from the infirmary kitchen you knew he'd at least like... if not enjoy. The burn on his arm and break at shoulder were pretty nasty, enough so that you'd begged lady Shinobu to tell him he needed to stay for a day or two, but even her pointed words seemed to crumble before him. 'I'm fine' he'd said, as calm and detached as ever. 'I can rest at home better than I can here.' And that was the end of it.
Or so he'd thought, that is. With broken and burned shoulder now in a sling, you were a bit worried about him. Well... you were actually VERY worried about him, especially knowing how limited his dominant arm was now. Half of you knew he'd heal incredibly quickly, as all the Hashira did, but even so the little voice in your head pestered and pleaded to make sure he wasn't pushing himself too hard. A normal person would be down 6 months with a break like that, but you had no doubts that he'd push himself to stay down no longer than a couple weeks.
Which is exactly why you were here, after all. Basket full of fresh foods to hopefully keep him from hurting himself in the kitchen or garden, and a list of approved exercises and training that lady Kanae had given you to deliver. Yet it was the fact that she'd tasked you with a routine physical that had prevented you from moving any closer up the pathway to his humble home, though.
It's not like this was the first exam you'd done. Far from it, in fact. From corpmen to kakushi, you'd likely examined almost every single person in the Corps at this point, and had seen to every Hashira in the last 5 years at least twice. So why in god's name was this any different? Sure you'd never been to any of the Hashira's private homes, and you definitely hadn't ever shown up and asked them to take their top off, but was this really so different from a normal day at the Butterfly Estate? No... you could absolutely do this!
"I can't do this." Okay. Maybe not. Maybe you could just ~forget~ that lady Kanae had asked you to do that. Just hand over the food, explain the exercises she'd requested he do, and be on your way. It was easy enough, it's not like the Stone Hashira was a chatty man by any stretch of the imagination. Just hand it all over, say 10 words, and leave. You could DEFINITELY do that much, sure-
"YN... you've been standing there for a while now. Is everything alright?" The deep timbre you'd come to know so well pierced the anxiety spiral you'd been caught in, forcing you to turn and face him.
"Oh... ha... I didn't see you there Himejima. My apologies. Lady Kocho sent me to deliver some... things, and I guess I got lost in thought." You knew all too well the keen senses the man had, and all you could pray for now was that he was too far up the path to hear your heart hammering against your chest. The fact that he called you by name, however, squashed that hope rather quickly.
"Forgive me for my rudeness" giving a quick bow, the heaviness in your feet wore on as you ascended the hewn stone pathway to the grove of trees partially concealing his estate. "Do you have a moment? I have a few things I need to deliver on her orders." It was easy enough to blame her for your predicament at the moment at least.
"Very well," you watched the large man turn and bid you follow with his good arm, and move up the stone steps. "I will make some tea for us."
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imu-chan · 1 year
Tsutako is the water hashira au + Kyojuro is the therapy dog of the hashira au COMBINE!
Side note:
In this au, Tsutako, Sabito, and Kanae are all alive :)
- Urokodaki swoops in at the last second to save the Tomioka siblings from demons
- he thus takes them in, along with his newest trainee, Sabito :)
- Tsutako does later get married to her fiancé and has a baby right before she becomes an official demon slayer
- in like three or four years she becomes the water hashira, with Sabito as her tsuguko
- also Giyuu definitely has martial arts training in this au he’s just not a demon slayer
- he probably hung out with the butterfly girls as a teen, and is friends with Kocho ofc
- lmao Kanae and Sanemi are engaged and Sanemi probably doesn’t hate Giyuu in this au because he’s not a hashira
-since he hangs out at the mansion, Giyuu’s got some medical training as well, and probably spends most of his time taking care of poor/orphaned children whose families were victimized by demons
- eventually the Kamado siblings come along
- maybe halfway through Tanjiro’s training, (I’m guessing Giyuu is 19/20) Tsutako loses a pregnancy and has to take some time off to recover
- cue therapy dog rengoku!!!!!! This is probably not too long after he became a hashira
- Kyojuro probably writes a letter to Sabito first, just to ask what kind of stuff Tsutako likes
- he be like care package!!!! Blankets!!!! good books!!!! yummy snacks!!!!! maybe a candle or something????
- Senjuro adds a cool drawing of a bird
- So Kyojuro heads off to the water estate in his regular clothes, and probably meets Tanjiro or Urokodaki outside training
- I think Tsutako would drag the whole family to live with her and her husband/kid because it’s probably a big estate
- so Urokodaki initially is like ‘¿¿¿rengoku???’ And Kyojuro does his big laugh and is like ‘please, Rengoku is my father. I’m kyojuro, the new flame Hashira’
- Tanjiro thinks he’s SO COOL (because of course he does) and is like ‘I’ll show you around and take you to Tsutako’ except he ofc doesn’t tell him the truth about Nezuko
- ‘what’s wrong with your sister?’ ‘Uh she’s nocturnal’
- Tsutako is happy to see Kyojuro, and has a nice long vent sesh with him while Tanjiro goes back to training
- anyways so Rengoku eventually goes to leave before it gets too late, and Tanjiro is walking him to the door when
- BOOM who walks around the corner holding a baby and knocks right into Kyojuro? You guessed it my mans Giyuu
-he’s holding his niece btw who he JUST got to settle down
- so he’s trying to make sure nothing wakes her up so he isn’t looking where he’s going
- and BAM
- thankfully Kyojuro catches him just in time
- Tanjiro snatched the child because he wants to put her to bed
- but Giyuu is flabbergasted by this strange, flame-colored man holding him at the waist
- Kyojuro doesn’t even realize he’s also staring until Tsutako’s husband walks by and clears his throat loudly, startling the two apart
- Giyuu shows Kyojuro the way out, but extends an invitation to join the family for dinner in a week or so if he wants as a thank you
- Kyojuro accepts with a smile, which makes Giyuu short circuit
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honney-pies · 1 year
When the Wind Meets the Stars✮⋆˙
Pairing: Shinazugawa Sanemi x Tsugo (Y/N) F!reader
Fandom: Demon Slayer/Kimetsu no Yaiba
Summary: The dance between them continued.
Teaser twoજ⁀➴
Word count: 800
Hi, sorry for the wait, but you might need to wait a little longer! Half way through writing I realized that I didn't really like the original idea all that much, so I decided to save it for a rainy day and write another one. The previous teaser still works with this though. Thank you for your patience and I hope you like it! As always...there is an oc version on my blog and ao3!!
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Our lives began to be intertwined by one encounter. We met one day at the Ubayashiki Estate, it was cold and you only wore your uniform and haori. I was practically freezing to death. You called me a hamster, I called you a piece of shit on a stick. Kanae had only been gone for a minute or two and we were already at each other's throats. But there was also a level of comfort. That wouldn't be out of the ordinary for us though, in fact it was expected after some time. It became commonplace, a dance between the two of us.
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“Kanae-san, why are we here today? I thought we were going to see your friend,” A light voice that practically floated through the air made its way to Sanemi’s ears. Two Days ago he had gotten a letter from Kanae saying that she had someone she thought he would get along with. 
“She’s quite adorable, really,” She had written, and who was Sanemi to say no to the most kind hearted person he had ever met.
He walked closer to them and finally saw the girls. Kanae saw him first and waved, followed by a sweet smile that would melt even the thickest of snow. The other girl turned around and he had to agree with Kanae, she was quite adorable. She had soft features. (H/C) hair with red, rosy cheeks, a cute nose. ‘Really quite adorable’. What did catch him off guard was her uniform. Even though the girl was nearly drowning in blankets, and hantons her uniform was still noticeable. He couldn’t help but stare at the star shaped cut out in the middle of her chest. He saw no skin though, only bandages. He looked in her eyes and only saw what could only be described as small suns. They had an unnatural brightness that was slightly unsettling at first glance. He knew that she was pretty, her beauty rivaled Kanae’s in his mind and he knew he shouldn’t say something stupid-
“You look like a hamster.”-but nothing ever really went the way he wanted it to. He saw those small suns turn into the flames of hell in a matter of seconds.
“You look li-” Kanae patted the girl on the back and shook her head, yet she still kept her smile on her face. Sanemi knew that he would do just about anything to keep seeing her smile. The Sun girl, he had begun calling her since he still didn't know her name, let out a sigh and never finished her statement. Kanae then looked at him and he had become captivated all over again.
“Shinazugawa-san, this is my friend Tsugo (Y/N).” Kanae then nudged the Sun gir- Tsugo. Tsugo then gave him a fairly stiff bow and looked him in the eye and gave him a smile, not the soft one he had seen her give Kanae-san, but one filled with mild annoyance. He could already tell he was going to get frustrated being around her. As long as he didn't spend any more time with her, he would be good.
“Shinazugawa-san I have to go meet with Oyakata-sama. Would you mind showing (Y/N) around? I’m afraid I don’t have the time.” Of course he minded! Then she went and whipped out that gorgeous smile that put the very sun to shame. 
She smiled at him once more before taking her leave.
“What’s with that look on your face? Do you have indigestion?” Sanemi whipped his head around and stared at the smaller girl and glared. 
“This is my normal face, you hamster!” Tsugo let out a small ‘hmm’ and frowned.
“I didn’t realize anyone could impersonate a piece of shit on a stick so well, although I hadn't met you before today. Tell me, do your eyes naturally look like an owl’s?” she turned and gave him a smile, again not a sweet one.
Her crow circled overhead as the two wandered the grounds. There wasn’t always shouting and insults, but a comfortable rhythm between the two. The awkward air dissipated to make way for borderline hate crime level comments. Though both claimed to take offense, neither took it to heart.
“Tsugo-san, Oyakata-sama wishes to speak to you.” A white haired girl, roughly their age, came and greeted them. (Y/N) looked at the white haired boy and smiled, a soft, sweet one, and thanked him for his company. Though there were quite a few colorful words sprinkled into the mix. 
“You were an annoying little hamster.” And just like that the pretty smile was gone and replaced with a punch to the shoulder. She walked with Amane into the estate and left Sanemi to stare as she left him. 
He knew he couldn’t wait to see her again.
A/N: omg it's done! I promise I'll release this in its entirety asap, though I still haven't decided if it's going to be a short story or a long one shot. Honestly it depends on how much gets written. Thank you for your patience!
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what about royalty!au Sanemi and Akihiko?👉👈
ohohohoh! sanekihiko, eh? they are actually such a special lil pairing for me, if only because we see so little of them in fits canon.
and i really wanna write them... TwT so here are some drabbles of them!!! interspersed with some hcs cos why not
- The first time Sanemi meets Higuchi Akihiko, he finds him pretty annoying.
That guy is always hanging around the Butterfly Estate, even when he isn't injured. Talk about not reading the room; he should just fuck off and let the Kochou sisters do their job. He should have better things to do.
Sanemi also hates the way Akihiko stands. It's a little odd - spine straight and shoulders sitting in a way that looks regal. He never fidgets with his hands, an almost well-trained stillness to him that makes him almost look like a painted doll. When he is introduced to Sanemi for the first time (by Masachika), there's a calculated tilt to Akihiko's lips as he bows and murmurs his pleasantries.
It's the little jerk Akihiko does before he bows a little lower that has Sanemi's lips curling into a sneer. Just because he has the kanji for prince in his name doesn't make him an actual prince.
"Shinazugawa-san, it's a pleasure to meet you," Akihiko says politely, before visibly dismissing him to shoot the shit with Masachika.
That fucking asshole.
- of course, their relationship eventually thaws. it was hard to hate the guy when sanemi heard the way akihiko talked about his little sisters. he still thought it was amazingly idiotic of him to run around being a demon slayer when his family was still living, but to each his own.
although sanemi would appreciate it if akihiko didn't make such googly eyes at kanae-san. seriously, his hero worship had to end some time. it was disgusting. (sanemi didn't know if he was more jealous of kanae-san or akihiko.)
- The first time Sanemi starts to suspect that prince isn't just a part of Akihiko's name is when they have a run-in with minor nobility.
If you ask Sanemi, the thought of even having minor nobility is ridiculous. The notion is so antiquated that it makes his stomach cramp. He can't stop himself from scowling, his expression growing darker when he finds Akihiko and his annoying little crow that he calls Kin at the front of the house that was attacked.
Well, Sanemi calls it a house, but it's really a mansion. The garden could fit the entirety of his childhood home, and he wouldn't even know what to do with all this space. There are more rooms than there are shoes that sit in the genkan.
Akihiko is nonplussed, which just irritates Sanemi further. He enters the mansion with enviable grace, and the distraught daughter who is worrying over her little brother. He speaks to the minor noble with elegance and poise, his words carefully chosen and his every movement deliberate. Sanemi feels clunky and rough, like a stray mutt that was dragged in from an alleyway.
"Who are you?" Sanemi asks.
He doesn't mean anything by it. He finds himself surprised at the solemn look on Akihiko's face. To call it serious would be a mistake, because it's more than that. There is an entire lifetime that is left unspoken within those blue eyes that gaze at him.
"I'm no one important." Akihiko's laugh is hollow and doesn't reach his eyes. "Honestly, Sanemi, it's just manners."
Was it really just manners, when he had known exactly how to refer to the minor noble?
Sanemi doubts so. Then again, a prince wouldn't be a Demon Slayer. That's just absurd.
- masachika and kanae are the only people akihiko tells about his status as minor royalty. it's nothing, all things considered. akihiko has abdicated from his title, so he isn't any better than any other commoner. he finds himself more used to being called higuchi than o-akihiko-sama.
at his core, akihiko is just a simple boy. he isn't a prince at all. (even if he is.)
- what's the use of a prince who cannot even protect his younger sisters?
- "Why Akihiko?" Sanemi wonders aloud.
Akihiko pauses in his swings, tilting his head at Sanemi curiously. Sweat glistens on his bare chest, sliding down pale skin and dripping to the dirt. Sanemi carefully doesn't let his gaze wander, eyes fixed to Akihiko's face as emotions flicker across his features.
Three became two. Masachika rots in the ground and Sanemi is a Hashira. Akihiko is still Akihiko.
Akihiko laughs, resting the blunt edge of his bokken on his shoulder. "You're asking me? I didn't exactly choose my name, you know."
Sanemi scowls. "Just asking."
A shadow passes over Akihiko's face. His dark hair - as black as ink - is plastered to the back of his neck. It's getting long; he'll be asking Kanae-san or Sanemi himself to help him trim it.
"A name's just a name," Akihiko insists. "Don't think too much about it."
What's kuge mean? Sanemi wants to ask. He heard Kanae-san tease Akihiko about it the other day, but all he knew was that Akihiko had sputtered like a child and hurriedly shushed her. He doesn't know they the thought of Akihiko having secrets with Kanae-san makes him burn on the inside.
"What does your name mean?" Akihiko asks, flicking a sweaty lock of hair out of his eyes.
Sanemi shrugs. "Does it matter?"
"What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell just as sweet."
"Huh? You making fun of me?"
"No." Akihiko lobs his bokken at Sanemi's head half-heartedly. Sanemi snatches it out of the air, rising to his full height. "It just means that even if you called a rose something else, it would still be a rose. It would still smell the same, and still be just as beautiful."
Sanemi clicks his tongue against the roof of his mouth, inexplicably irritated. "Never heard that before. It sounds like bullshit."
"Maa... others might call you Shinazugawa-sama, but you're still a grumpy old bastard, Sanemi."
The bokken whistles through the air. Akihiko let's out a yelp as the flat of the wooden plate cracks against his ass. He jumps a foot in the air, then whirls around to kick Sanemi's side.
Sanemi is more than ready for it. He traps Akihiko's leg against his side and takes a step forward to unbalance him. Of course, Akihiko being a Breath of Water user means he doesn't fall over, although he does hook an arm around Sanemi's neck so he doesn't land on his ass.
Belatedly, Sanemi realises that they're far too close like this. He hadn't thought this through.
"I don't get it," Sanemi says instead of a scathing retort.
This close, he can see Akihiko's unblemished skin, the curl of his eyelashes. Red paints Akihiko's cheeks like streaks of paint, and his blue eyes are wide.
Sanemi clarifies, "About the thing you said earlier."
It was in another language. He didn't know Akihiko spoke anything other than Japanese.
He realises there isn't a lot he knows about Akihiko. He knows the Breath of Water user has five sisters and two loving parents. He knows he came from a village somewhere in the northern part of Tokyo. He knows that Akihiko rarely scowls when met with civilians, but doesn't hold back his expressions when amongst Kisatsutai members - or at least he hadn't with Sanemi and Masachika. He knows Akihiko grieves stoically, but cries openly.
That's just about all he knows. He doesn't know what Akihiko did before he became a Demon Slayer, why he became a Demon Slayer when his family is still alive. He doesn't even know what kanji makes up Akihiko's name.
Akihiko chuckles. It's quiet and slow, and Sanemi can feel it in the depths of his chest.
"It means," murmurs Akihiko, "that whether your name is Sanemi or not, you're still you. You'd still be beautiful. Just like a rose."
The tension in the air is palpable. Sanemi can barely breathe because of it.
This is the moment he should let go. Akihiko should stumble away with an irate complaint - then he'll storm off while flipping Sanemi off.
Instead, Akihiko looks at him like he's something precious. Something beautiful and fragile and untouchable.
His arm around Sanemi's neck loosens, but he still rests his calloused palm against his sensitive nape.
"I shouldn't," Akihiko breathes.
His gaze darts downwards. Sanemi feels hot all over when Akihiko licks his lips; he's staring at Sanemi's lips.
"Pussy," Sanemi snarls quietly.
The heat in his chest won't go away.
"What's in a name?" Akihiko counters, then surges forward to press his lips to Sanemi's.
Sanemi's grip on Akihiko's leg tightens.
- in the end, it doesn't matter if akihiko is nobility, royalty or commoner. kuge or not, he still finds himself ensnared in douma's grasp, and he still falls to his younger sister's blade.
- sanemi finds another person to grieve. another thing to fuel his anger against onis. they take and take - and they always take from him.
- "What's in a name?" Sanemi says to Akihiko's younger sister, years later.
Higuchi Ayame pauses. Her blue eyes are almost the exact copy of Akihiko's, although the corners of them are harsher. She had always glared much more than Akihiko ever did.
"That which we call a rose by any other name would smell just as sweet," Ayame completes slowly. "Akihiko-nii's favourite quote."
"From Shakespeare. He was an English poet in the sixteenth century. Or seventeenth. I always forget."
Sanemi knows now that he and Akihiko would have never worked out. He knows more about kuge and buke than he did as a sixteen-year-old. The way Akihiko held himself - the way Ayame holds herself now - makes so much sense.
Not just nobility, no.
Akihiko was royalty, and he still recited poetry to him. Still kissed him like Sanemi was precious and important.
His old scars had never faded, but this particular unseen scar ached fiercer today.
Sanemi runs an absentminded hand through his hair. "Do kuge ever marry commoners?"
Ayame blinks. It's such an innocent expression that the mirage of Akihiko shatters in an instant.
She isn't Akihiko. Akihiko is gone. Permanently this time.
"No," she answers honestly, "but Akihiko-nii wasn't kuge when he joined the Kisatsutai. It's just a title anyway."
Her words and her actions don't match up. If the rumours are to be believed, then that Kamado brat is buke. That makes him more Ayame's equal than Sanemi had ever been to Akihiko.
And still they dance around each other like two nitwits.
"It's just a title," Sanemi echoes.
He tells himself it isn't for her benefit. (He knows he's lying.)
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acacia-may · 2 years
Take Care of Yourself: Chapter 1
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Story Summary: Aspiring Demon Slayer Giyu Tomioka is on a quest to prove himself, and he doesn't think it matters too much what happens to him in the process. When he winds up in the hospital again, however, he discovers there is someone who does.
Giyu & Shinobu's relationship through the years and an origin story of how they became friends.
Fandom: Demon Slayer/Kimetsu no Yaiba
Genre: Friendship, Developing Friendship, Hurt/Comfort, Angst
Relationships: Giyu Tomioka & Shinobu Kocho Friendship (though I suppose you could take it in a romantic way if you really wanted it to be) [A/N: This story focuses on how their relationship developed over time and how deeply and genuinely they care about each other so how you want to qualify that (platonic or romantic) is really up to you. My intention was to write about their platonic friendship, but I have been told that the final chapter could lean a little more romantic than the others(?) so warnings for that upfront...]
Characters: Giyu Tomioka (POV Character) and Shinobu Kocho. [Kanae Kocho and Sabito are mentioned but do not physically appear in this story. Sanemi Shinazugawa is briefly mentioned once in every chapter as an easter egg for my sister who loves him and encouraged me to write this story in the first place].
Rating: T for Thematic Elements (Please see "Warnings" below for more details)
Warnings: Heavy themes (i.e. grief, emotional trauma, & survivor guilt), mentions of (non-depicted) past deaths, and depiction of injuries as well as some discussion of demon slaying violence related to those injuries. Ch. 3 has some action sequences and mild, non-gory/non-graphic depictions of demon slaying. All chapters contain SPOILERS for and through Ch. 131 of the manga. Ch. 3 & Ch. 4 contain vague spoilers from and through Ch. 163 of the manga and some related foreshadowing.
Word Count: 1465 (Chapter 1) [7573 Total]
Link to original post on AO3. Please do not repost to another site.
Tumblr Link to the Next Chapter: Chapter 2
Note: This is an older story of mine, but I am posting it here to Tumblr for Shinobu's upcoming birthday (since as much as I want to write another story to celebrate my favourite Demon Slayer character, I'm afraid I will not have time this year...)
Chapter 1 below the cut. Please note: This chapter contains spoilers through Ch. 131 of Kimetsu no Yaiba/Demon Slayer manga so please proceed with caution if you do not want to be spoiled. Thank you for reading! 🦋
“Ah! Tomioka-san!” exclaimed Shinobu Kocho nearly dropping the tray of medicines she was holding. “Why didn’t you call for someone when you woke up?”
Giyu shrugged. Though he could hear voices from other wards in the Butterfly Estate’s hospital, the beds on either side of his were both empty, and his broken jaw and mangled throat were not conducive to calling out loudly for help. Kocho must have realized this as well as she added hurriedly, “Don’t answer that.”
Giyu blinked at her as she steadied herself and picked up some of the vials that had tipped over in her shock. His head throbbed, and he felt a sharp pain in his left leg—it was probably broken as well.
“You’ve broken your leg and several ribs,” Kocho confirmed as she set the medicine tray on the nearby table. “Not to mention your jaw and what happened to your throat—I assume that demon tried to strangle you?”
Giyu nodded. That was one of the most vivid memories he had of his most recent battle. The rest were a hazy mess in his subconscious. Kocho nodded stiffly and took a seat on the stool at his bedside. She motioned to a thick bandage on his right arm and one on his abdomen before taking his hand and pressing her thumb to his wrist to take his pulse. “You lost a lot of blood. We gave you a transfusion, but you’ve been fighting low blood pressure for awhile now.”
“How long was I out?” he asked in a whisper so gravelly and hoarse he could scarcely believe it had come out of his own mouth.
“Two weeks,” said Kocho almost stiffly but her hands were shaking slightly as she let go of his wrist. Giyu’s eyes widened. When he had awoken weary and aching, connected to all kinds of medical instruments, he had assumed he had been unconscious for a couple of days but two weeks…?
“Did I miss anything important?”
Kocho blinked at him for a split-second before she tilted her head and flashed that teasing smile of hers, “Guess you’ll never know, will you?”
Giyu sighed slouching back against the headboard in the hopes of appeasing his broken ribs which, it seemed, strongly objected to him sitting up. His eyebrows twitched almost wincing as he shifted, and if he didn’t know better, he could have sworn Kocho’s face softened for just a moment. However, the frown which almost immediately followed suggested otherwise. 
“This is the fourth time you’ve been in here in the past two months.” She huffed. “You’re almost as bad as Shinazugawa-san.”
“Who?” asked Giyu.
Kocho huffed again and rolled her eyes. “He calls himself a demon slayer but his weapon of choice is his fists. He’s in here nearly every other week. I told Nee-san we should tell him we’re not going to wrap his wounds for him again until he stops being so reckless, but she has this strange fondness for him.” Kocho rolled her eyes again as she began removing the bandages from his arm. “With how often you’re both here, I’m surprised you haven’t met each other yet.”
Giyu shrugged. In the short time that had passed since he had joined the Demon Slayer Corps, he hadn’t met many people mostly by choice and partially because of his reserved, introverted nature. The two Kocho sisters were the only other demon slayers he saw regularly, but that was only because he was constantly injured. Despite being so young, Kanae and Shinobu Kocho were talented healers who converted their home into a hospital for wounded demon slayers, and Giyu often felt he spent more time in the Butterfly Mansion being treated and rehabilitated than he spent out in the field. He supposed this Shinazugawa-san was the same.
Kocho hummed as she unspooled some of the new dressings for his arm. “I guess we do try to keep Shinazugawa-san away from the other patients. He is very disruptive and generally unpleasant.” She sighed. “But you really got yourself beat up this time—you’ll probably be here long enough to run into him.”
Frowning, Kocho picked up his arm and examined the deep gash from his shoulder to elbow. “I don’t even know how you got some of these injuries. What happened?”
“I fought a demon…” he answered dryly—tilting his head. He wasn’t sure he understood the question.
Kocho glared at him and huffed, “You acted recklessly. You can’t keep breaking the same bones and sustaining all of these injuries. Your body won’t be able to handle it.”
Giyu blinked at her. What exactly did she expect him to do? This was the Demon Slayer Corps after all.
Kocho’s movements tensed as she began to wrap his arm. He could tell she was angry, but her hands were gentle as she bandaged his wound. “Every time I see you, you’re in worse and worse shape—maimed, seriously injured—and I know it’s not because of your abilities. Everyone is talking about you. You’re very powerful. They say you’re going to be the next Water Hashira. But you run around with a wanton disregard for your life! It’s one thing to be brave and make sacrifices, but you don’t seem to care one way or another what happens to you. I can’t tell if you’re foolhardy or just an airhead.”
After a pause, Giyu replied, “I’m not foolhardy or an airhead.”
“You could’ve fooled me,” huffed Kocho pulling the bandage tightly. Giyu’s face twitched, and she loosened her grip though she glowered at him, “Why do you do this to yourself? Are you trying to get yourself killed?”
Giyu shrugged. After joining the Demon Slayer Corps alone, he had felt so lost. Taking missions, defeating demons, and protecting people, almost made him feel like he had a purpose again, but he knew no matter how many demons he slayed and how high he rose in the ranks, nothing he did could ever make up for his Final Selection. In the end, he wouldn’t be able to earn his right to be here. The best he could do was protect who he could with whatever borrowed time he had left. “I’m doing my job. I don’t think it matters what happens to me.”
Abruptly, Kocho stopped wrapping his wound and stood up from her stool. Despite being so petite, she seemed to tower over him formidably. Her brow furrowed, and she clinched her fists. “Are you stupid or something?” she demanded. “Why would you say something like that? Some nonsense like it doesn’t matter what happens to you? Yes, you’re a demon slayer and you very well may have to make the ultimate sacrifice one day, but that doesn’t mean you should be so careless with your life! You joined the Corps to protect people, didn’t you? Well, what would’ve happened to those people you just saved if you weren’t there? You can’t protect anyone if you’re dead!” She paused huffing as if trying unsuccessfully to calm herself down, but she had never seemed so angry. Her words seemed to tumble out of her mouth faster than Giyu could keep up with them. “You are strong and powerful, and you have your life. There are a lot of people who can’t say that. You can’t just throw it all away without a fight! It’s not brave or noble, it’s just reckless and…and selfish!”
Giyu looked up at Kocho’s glowering face and stormy eyes. He had seen this look before. Something inside him twisted, and his chest ached. Someone he had cared about very much had used the same kind of tough love—somehow Giyu had almost forgotten. His eyes grew almost misty at the thought—Sabito probably would’ve liked Kocho.
Giyu sniffled, and Kocho’s expression faltered. She turned away from him abruptly and fidgeted. “Uh��that was a little harsh,” she said in a softer, uneven tone. She swallowed as she took her seat on the stool again. “I didn’t…” she stopped abruptly. “What I meant was…”—Her face softened just slightly—“You should take care of yourself. That’s all.”
Giyu felt something twist in the ache in his chest. He had lost so many people and had been alone for so long. He couldn’t remember the last time someone had told him to take care of himself. Something prickled behind his eyes, and his mouth just barely turned up in the corners bitter-sweetly as he choked out in a gravelly whisper, “Thank you.”
Kocho’s eyes widened, but she cleared her throat and looked away from him. “If you really want to thank me, you’ll stop being so reckless,” she said tying off the bandages on his arm. “I don’t want to see you back here for a long, long time.”
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ciichols · 5 years
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Tanjiro w/ an S/O who works at the Butterfly Estate
🎴You loose 15 brain cells every time you have to nurse Tanjiro because this boy just cannot take a break
🎴And he always apologizes for being there and you’re just like “wait no baby it’s okay it’s not your fault don’t be sorry-“
🎴Unrelated note but he thinks you’re the cutest nurse ever and the butterfly pins you wear make his heart go :BOOM 💥 💥BOOM
🎴Sometimes he’ll hug you to his chest with his head in the crook of your neck and just say the cheesiest and cutest stuff to you
🎴”You’re like a cute little butterfly...You’re my butterfly!💕💕”
🎴It takes every muscle in your body to not hug the life outta him and his most likely broken ribs
🎴Nezuko loves you and is always volunteering to help you care for Tanjiro and the others
🎴Zenitsu lowkey get’s jealous because Tanjiro has two super cute people helping him and he’s got 3 little girls way to young for him ☠️ but they’re cute nonetheless
🎴You like to help them train and get back on their feet but you always have to pull Tanjiro aside because you know how hard he’s been working
🎴Sometimes you have to SIT on the kid for him to not politely decline a break
🎴On his lap of course.n-not literally on him okay-
🎴Once you plop yourself down,he’s all smiles and flowers and asking you about your day with his arms wrapped around your waist
🎴Speaking of flowers,Whenever you take Tanjiro on a break you guys head to a meadow with a flower garden you found near the estate and you make each other flower crowns!
🎴Of course it’s a little bit difficult because of his sore hands but he manages
🎴You always choose Pink and red flowers for him because they remind you of his hair and eyes
🎴It makes him blush so hard oml
🎴You guys usually end up falling asleep on each other,flower crowns messily placed on each other’s head
🎴Shinobu goes searching for you two and is like “meadow?”goes to the meadow”meadow.”
🎴She makes sure to tease you guys about it later
“Thank for always taking care of me but,please!Let me also care for you!”
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🌸Kanae’s Note:Finally wrote for one of our boys!Tanjiro is so cute to write for 🥺 also in case you haven’t noticed,the reader for all of my writings are gender neutral unless stated otherwise cuz there are male nurses i think we’ve established that lol
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heyiwrotesomethings · 2 years
Demon Slayer - Kanae Kocho x She/Her Reader
Thank you for writing my request with Shinobu, The Final Battle. It was really good and I loved every bit of it. I really love reading all your stories cause there so good.
I wad wondering if you could do one with Kanae.
So while Tanjiro, Zenitus and Inosuke are resting and healing at the Butterfly Estate, they met Kanae and Zenitus falls in love with her.
He asks her to marry him every time he see her but she said she already married and the Butterfly girls alway scolded him for it.
Shinobu get annoyed by the constant proposals to her sister and telling the Reader (Kanae's wife) who’s very close with Shinobu and the Butterfly girls since they see her as second mother figure.
The Reader looks super sacred but instead is absolute sweetheart and teddy bear.
One day, the Reader walks in on this and scares Zenitus to hiding behind Kanae. She then introduces the reader as her wife to the boys before poking fun at her for being jealous.
Spoken For
Kanae Kochou x She/Her Reader
A/N: Thank you! I’m glad you liked that one and I hope you’ll like this one too : ) I tried not to bully Zenitsu too much but he kind of deserves it sometimes lol. Thanks for reading! Word Count: 2,877
“WAAHHHHHHH SHE’S SO PERFECT!” Zenitsu screamed as soon as Kanae left the infirmary.
“Zenitsu, could you please stop yelling!” Tanjirou pleaded.
“I CAN YELL LOUDER THAN ANY OF YOU!” Inosuke crowed, not wanting to be left out.
The boys had been healing from their latest mission where they had encountered Upper Moon Six in the Entertainment District. It was a hard battle, but they managed to come out victorious, but not unscathed of course.
But that didn’t seem to matter to Zenitsu however, not when it came to Kochou Kanae nursing him back to health. In fact some of the girls were starting to worry he would scrape himself up on purpose to cry for Kanae to patch him up. It was actually rather sad.
“Neither of you guys get it! You constantly blow me away with how repressed you are!” Zenitsu howled. “Have you any eyes? A brain? Kochou Kanae is the ideal woman! Soft shiny hair, incredible body, angelic face, sweet temperament, she smells amazing, her voice is soft as silk and sweet as summer rain, and she’s a Hashira! A strong, beautiful woman to protect and love me for all time! I’m in love! I wanna marry her so bad!”
“Stop screaming!” Aoi yelled as she and the younger girls came into the infirmary, “the whole estate can hear you!” She thumped all the medicines she was carrying onto Zenitsu’s bedside table with a huff.
“Here is your medicine.”
“What?” Zenitsu whined. “But I want Kanae-sama to help me take it. I can’t get it down without her encouragement!”
“You can and you will. Now drink.” Aoi commanded before moving on to Inosuke.
“No! You don’t understand, I need her. She’s my future wife—“
“How many times is it going to take before you understand that she is spoken for? Kanae-sama is already married! Happily so!”
“I’ve never seen them! She can’t be that happy if they’re never around!” Zenitsu pouted.
The aura in the room changed and Zenitsu paled because of the pointed looks all four of the girls gave him.
The girls were growing especially tired of Zenitsu’s antics every time he visited. It was bad enough Kanae was too nice to tell him off, but for him to feel comfortable enough to insinuate that (Y/n) didn’t provide Kanae with the love she deserved was straight up blasphemy.
(Y/n) was every bit as kind and loving as Kanae, and the girls couldn’t imagine one without the other. Even when they were busy on separate missions, one could feel the love they had for each other even several kilometers apart.
Zenitsu didn’t pose a threat, they knew that, but to even suggest that their family could be so easily broken was an insult beyond measure.
“How could you suggest such a thing?” Kiyo gasped.
“Kanae-sama is very happy.” Sumi huffed.
“No one is more suited for her than (Y/n)-sama.” Naho nodded.
“So get that idea out of your head already, you’re embarrassing yourself.” Aoi said.
“So mean!” Zenitsu wailed. “Doesn’t anyone want me to be happy?”
“Find your happiness someplace else and stop sniffing around my sister!”
Zenitsu screamed and hid under the covers.
“AH! So fast and quiet! Why are you here?!”
“To incentivize you to silence yourself. If you don’t, I have been given permission to sedate you.” Shinobu explained sternly, threateningly tapping the needle in her hand, “We have patients that are trying to sleep. Your constant screaming is stressing everyone out.”
Shinobu was as scary as she was beautiful, which was to say that meant she was very scary, at least in Zenitsu’s eyes. She was always scolding him and interrupting his time with Kanae. And now here she was playing interference yet again!
“Please don’t give me that! Please!” Zenitsu cried, curling into a tight ball beneath the covers.
“Then be quiet. Anything more than a whisper and I will not hesitate.” Shinobu warned. “Now drink your medicine.”
Zenitsu still whined, albeit much quieter, and reached his hand out beneath the covers to bring one of the medicine cups into his cave.
“Thank you Shinobu-san.” Tanjirou said gratefully.
“I bet that little pokey thing couldn’t take me down!” Inosuke boasted.
“I don’t doubt it, you’re like a damn honey badger.”
“A boar!”
“Yes, yes, whatever.” Shinobu waved her hand dismissively. “Rest up boys, and Zenitsu,”
“Ee!?” He squawked.
“Leave my sister alone, I mean it. If this continues to be a problem I’ll be sure to bring it to (Y/n)’s attention when she comes back from her mission.”
“Is (Y/n)-san coming back soon?” Tanjirou asked excitedly, “We always seem to miss each other. I look forward to meeting her.”
“Yes, it shouldn’t be much longer!” Naho bounced where she stood.
“She did say it shouldn’t be much longer in her last letters to us!” Sumi remembered.
“You’re right!” Kiyo clapped.
Sumi and Kiyo joined Naho in bouncing excitedly while Shinobu and Aoi smiled fondly at their antics.
Zenitsu pouted beneath his covers. He just couldn’t understand why they all seemed to love this woman so much when she spent so much time away. If he had a magnificent home filled with a bunch of girls who loved and respected him, he wouldn’t leave for even a second!
How is it that a cad like Uzui Tengen and someone as absent as Kochou (Y/n) be happily married to such breathtaking women? Life was so unfair, Zenitsu just wanted to scream! Not right now of course, not unless he wanted Shinobu to stab him with that concerningly large needle. He would keep a low profile for a little while, but he couldn’t imagine giving up on Kanae.
He would sweep her off her feet before this (Y/n) person came back and laugh right in her face!
“I can’t believe that little weasel.” Shinobu muttered angrily to Kanao as the pair watched Zenitsu follow Kanae around the garden like an imprinted duckling.
Kanao nodded along, sharing the sentiment.
“And you just know he’s wearing on Nee-san. She’s just too nice to tell him so. I can’t keep scaring him off all the time, it’s driving me crazy!”
Kanao nodded sagely, content to let Shinobu vent all of her frustrations.
Shinobu released a guttural sigh when she looked back out upon the garden just in time to witness Zenitsu pluck one of their rarest flowers to present it to Kanae. She took the offering with a smile that was dangerously close to being a grimace.
“If I have to sit here for even five more seconds I am going to explode,” Shinobu said, rising to her feet, “Come on Kanao, I don’t care where we go as long as it’s not here.”
Kanao tilted her head to the side and rose to her feet as well, happy to join Shinobu on her tromp through the trees that surrounded the property.
While Shinobu complained and Kanao listend, they had almost made it to the main road when they heard someone approaching and looked up. Both girls lit up visibly when they saw who it was smiling back at them.
“Ah, finally some familiar faces! Good morning!” (Y/n) cheerfully greeted, quickly closing the distance that still stretched between them so she could pick Shinobu and Kanao up in a tight embrace.
“About time you got back.” Shinobu grinned when her feet touched the ground again. “What took you so long?”
“Oh, sorry, there was this poor farmer on the side of the road. He hurt his back plowing his field so I gave him a little first aid and helped him and his kids finish the field. And then there was this old woman’s cat stuck in a tree,”
“Alright, that’s enough,” Shinobu rolled her eyes, “You are too nice.”
And with those words, Shinobu’s mood soured again as she remembered why she and Kanao were walking out so far to begin with.
“Something wrong?” (Y/n) asked. “Do you want to talk about it?”
“Yes, actually,” Shinobu huffed, crossing her arms, “you know that boy I wrote to you about? The one who has a crush on Kanae?”
“Yeah, I remember,” (Y/n) gave an uncomfortable chuckle, “Aoi and Kanao have mentioned him too, I believe.”
Though (Y/n)’s missions had her traveling further than most, she always kept in touch with all who called the Butterfly Estate home. When she wrote her letters, they were always in neatly tied stacks, a personalized letter for each resident to remind them of how much she cared and thought about all of them.
Shinobu turned to Kanao, mildly surprised, “I can understand Aoi, but you brought him up to?”
“He disrupts the peace.” Kanao stated quietly. She may not have been as outwardly unhappy with Zenitsu’s advances on Kanae as the others, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t affected by it.
“Oh boy, what has he done now?” (Y/n) was almost loathed to hear it.
She had heard a lot about this boy over the last couple months. He was part of a small team that frequented the mansion, but their paths had yet to cross. Whenever she was home, the team was out and vice-versa. The mental image the girls had painted for her through their stories was far from flattering, that was for sure.
“It doesn’t matter what I say or do, he’s always in Kanae’s space. I can scare him off for a little while, but he just goes right back to it when the dust has settled. What’s worse is that Nee-san won’t say anything to him about his behavior no matter how invasive or rowdy he gets,”
Shinobu shook her head with annoyance, but then put her hand on (Y/n)’s shoulder,
“But now your back and he’s still here! This is your chance to give him what’s coming to him!”
(Y/n) rubbed the back of her neck. She was curious about the boy and she wasn’t exactly happy with how he acted around the girls and especially her wife, but she couldn’t help but be nervous.
For all the times the other girls complained about the boy, Kanae never talked about his antics in her letters or in person. (Y/n) didn’t know if she should take that with a grain of salt, that Kanae would rather spend her time talking about anything else, or be worried that Kanae might actually like the attention.
Still, Kanae had chosen her, married her. (Y/n) loved Kanae and she wasn’t going to let her go without a fight! Unless, she really wanted to go. Gods, she really hoped Kanae didn’t want to leave her. This was such an uncomfortable situation! (Y/n) could just about cry!
“Why so tense all of the sudden?” Shinobu quirked an eyebrow up and moved behind (Y/n) to push her in the direction of home, “Come on, let’s go!”
Kanao followed suit, helping Shinobu push (Y/n) along while various depressing outcomes played in (Y/n)’s mind about how this was going to go down.
“Today’s the day, today’s the day~!” Zenitsu sang.
He had already had a lovely morning with Kanae without any of the usual backlash from Shinobu. Perhaps she was coming around to the idea of him becoming her brother-in-law?
He giggled and twirled around Inosuke and Tanjirou.
“Today’s the day… for what exactly?” Tanjirou asked.
“Today’s the day I ask Kanae to marry me!” Zenitsu revealed with a squeal, hugging himself tightly.
“You ask her every day! Usually more than once a day!” Tanjirou shook his head in disbelief.
“But today is the day she will say yes!” Zenitsu declared.
“She already has a mate!” Inosuke yelled from the tree he was hanging upside down from. “Don’t you know that you could get killed for such an offense?”
“We’re humans,” Zenitsu clicked his tongue, “I wouldn’t expect you to understand, running wild in the mountains, but we civilized people don’t have to adhere to whatever Jungle Book nonsense you’re spouting.”
“Actually, I have heard quite a few awfully sad stories of people who have been killed by jilted lovers.” Tanjirou provided with a sincerely distraught expression.
“Listen up!” Zenitsu fumed, “Kanae-sama and I are going to be happily married and if you want to come to the wedding, you better start acting supportive!”
Just then, Kanae glided through the front entrance of the mansion and Zenitsu nearly jumped fifty feet in the air.
“Here she comes, get lost! This has to be a private moment! You’re gonna ruin it!” He shoved Tanjirou back into the trees and made shooing motions at Inosuke dangling within sight before giving up on him and skipping over to Kanae.
“Hi, Kanae-sama~!” He called, waving excitedly, “Did you find a nice place to put that pretty flower I gave you?”
“Yes, I did. Thank you.” Truthfully, she had to work quickly to preserve the medicinal properties of the rare plant, but she didn’t want Zenitsu to feel bad.
Zenitsu rolled on the ground at her feet, very pleased with himself. When he came to a stop, he rose himself to kneel on one knee before Kanae, a lovestruck smile on his face. He pressed one hand over his heart and held the other out for Kanae to take should she feel so inclined (She didn’t).
“Kanae-sama, the most beautiful, kindest, strongest woman I know, will you accept my proposal of marriage on this gorgeous day?” He asked for the umpteenth time that week.
Kanae sighed inwardly, and before she could reject the boy yet again, she noticed the small audience that had gathered nearby and smiled brightly.
“Welcome home my love! Zenitsu-kun, meet my wife, (Y/n)!”
“Huh?” Zenitsu turned, to face the shadow that was suddenly looming over him and felt all the blood drain from his face.
The woman standing over him was positively terrifying. She was roughed up from her long mission and the way she carried herself promised that she could squish Zenitsu like a bug if she so desired and her eyes seemed to pierce right through to his very soul.
“Hey.” (Y/n) greeted, then cleared her throat when she heard how severe she sounded.
Ugh, this felt so weird. If she was anxious before, she was even more so now. She already felt stiff and tired from her mission and now she made it back just in time to witness this boy propose to her wife.
There was a pregnant pause, and then Zenitsu screamed.
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” He cried, scooting rapidly on his knees to cower behind Kanae. “I didn’t- I didn’t know!”
“What?” (Y/n) muttered, “Did I say something wrong?”
“You did too know!” Shinobu felt personally insulted by the blatant lie, “I must have told you a million times!”
“What did I tell you? You’re about to be ripped apart!” Inosuke cackled while he swung from a branch.
“Please don’t kill me! Please!” Zenitsu groveled.
“Why would—?”
“Please! I’ll never try to take her from you again! You have my word!”
(Y/n) was bewildered to say the least. Did she really look like the type to rip someone apart? She looked back up to Kanae and the Flower Hashira giggled sweetly at her unsure expression. She reached out to (Y/n) and hugged her tightly.
“Aww, are you jealous sweetheart?” Kanae cooed.
“There is nothing to be jealous about! I’m just a lowly worm! I mean you no harm!” Zenitsu, quite literally, flipped out and went to go hide behind Tanjirou instead who had decided he could come out into the open.
“Maybe I am feeling a little jealous and insecure about this, but I would never dream about killing someone over it.” (Y/n) frowned. Just who did they think she was?
“Oh, darling,” Kanae cupped (Y/n)’s cheeks in her hands, “You have nothing to feel bad about. I love you, and that will never change no matter how long we are apart.”
“Stoooop, you’re going to make me cry!”
Kanae chuckled and held her wife even closer still, taking in all that she had missed while they had been separated. Then she turned to the boys, beaming excitedly.
“Tanjirou-kun, Inosuke-kun, Zenitsu-kun, come meet my wife!”
“Nooo!” Zenitsu screamed before running into the mansion, presumably to hide in a corner somewhere deep within. Maybe Nezuko’s box if she wasn’t already in there.
“Nice to meet you, (Y/n)-san!” Tanjirou greeted pleasantly.
“Let me test your power against mine!” Inosuke hollered.
“I’m sorry, I’m a little too tired to spar right now, but I’d be happy to train with you another time. It’s really nice meeting you though, I’m glad to have faces to match with the names.”
“We should go inside, there will be more time for getting to know each other later. Hopefully Zenitsu-kun will have calmed down by then.” Kanae suggested. She was already checking (Y/n) over for any injuries she may have sustained in her time away.
“I still have to find Sumi, Kiyo, Naho and Aoi.” (Y/n) would feel bad if she fell asleep without visiting with everyone first.
“We can stop by the infirmary, don’t fret.” Kanae assured.
Kanae pulled her wife along by the hand, overjoyed to feel her skin against hers once again. She kissed her sweetly on the cheek, ignoring Shinobu’s fake gagging as she did so.
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choclatecoveredlove · 2 years
Um hello! I saw you write for Demon slayer so, only if you could, can i request some headcanons of the hashiras (if it's possible all of them, if not, you can choose whoever you want!) seeing reader (who's also a hashira) as an older sibling figure?? Please and thank you, i hope you are having an excellent day / night ♡
I love love love the hashiras!! I absolutely will write for all of them! Please enjoy ^^ and I hope you’re having an excellent day / night also!! ♡
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you remind her a lot of Kanae
will go to you to vent
she’ll tell you things that she’s never told anyone
very protective bc she doesn’t wanna lose another big sibling :(
Kanao also thinks of you as a big sibling
your basically the big sibling of everyone on the butterfly estate
always makes sure you look flamboyant
he won’t have any older ‘sibling’ of his leaving the house looking ugly
you always hang out w/ him and his wives
your basically like their sibling in law
ur the big sibling of the ultimate big sibling
that’s a tall order my friend
he enjoys sparring with you because you’re bonding!!
he introduces you to his little brother as he feels he needs another role model
she’ll come talk to you about all her crushes
will style your hair all the time
loves to give you bear hugs
will try to set you up all the time
will actually refer to you as her sibling
appreciates your support
not used to being cared about
feels like he finally has a real family
Kaburamaru likes you a lot too
it’s a 2 in 1 deal
you remind him of someone.. what was their name?
oh yeah you remind him of Yuichiro
can you blame him though? he doesn’t wanna lose you
makes you cloud watch with him
protective af
knows your capable of protecting yourself but just can’t lose someone else
asks you for help befriending Shinobu
goes to you with all his problems
your a good support system for him to have
likes to spar with you
not to like hurt you but because he wants to learn from you
he wants to be as strong as you
he looks up to you and wants to be more like you
he’ll never admit that tho
also learns how to be a better sibling/role model from you
he’s pretty used to being a older sibling figure
but he appreciates having someone that he can finally look up to like a sibling
he likes that finally he has someone to rely on instead of everyone relying on him
he’s still there for you though if you need someone to talk to
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callmeyuu · 3 years
can I get some sanemi angst with no comfort? i just found ur blog and love ur writing so much omfg
It took me some time to come up with the plot, so I hope this short story is to your liking:D! But anyway- here you go! And thanks for the compliment, it really means a lot!
You should go get your girl...
Summary: You and Sanemi were friends for quite a while now, tho unbeknownst to him, you loved him. But you always had to put up an act ever since he had told you that he held feelings for the Flower Hashira. When you had your last breath, you confessed to him, but of course, you weren't the chosen one for him.
Ships: Sanemi x Reader angst, Sanemi x Kanae.
Characters included: Sanemi, Kanae
Warnings: angst, hurt with no comfort, death, insecurities. GN!Reader
Word count: About 1.5k words
A/n: I'll just say Sanemi lives in the Wind Estate, so bear with me pls... Well other than that, I hope you enjoy<3
Work under the cut ლ(╹◡╹ლ)
It was just another day, the sun was shining, the birds were chirping and you were on your way to hang out with your best friend like usual. "Hmmm, what should I bring as a gift for him, let me think... Oh I know! Sanemi lovessss ohagi, so I should bring him some!" You thought out loud while skipping through the streets. But you couldn't blame yourself, you were extremely happy to meet your friend again. Ever since Sanemi was promoted to Hashira, he was so busy that hanging out with him now became a rare occasion, but you didn't mind, at least that's what you think.
Now don't get it wrong, you weren't jealous of him... okay maybe justtt a little. But it's just a little, other than that, you're extremely happy for him, I mean, you should, right? Sanemi just got promoted to the highest position in Demon Slayer Corps, so being the loveable and supportive friend like you are, you send him a letter to congratulate him, but you never got a reply, and he had never done that before, so it made you wonder, what, or who had been keeping him so busy, that he doesn't even bother to write a letter back to you?
You've spent days to try and think of a reason why, but nothing came up, so it had ended up with you eavesdropping on some of the newbies and Kakushi's conversations lately, and it had provided you with a great amount of information that needed. Not that you had bad intentions, you were just curious about how your friend had been, and why he was sooo busy lately. It certainly was a good enough reason for you to do such things. But after hearing dozens of gossip and rumors, you wonder, should you listen to them in the first place?
Sanemi was your best friend, who also happened to be the man of your dreams, the guy you loved. It was only natural that you felt a little upset when he got promoted. It made you feel that you weren't good enough for him, you don't deserve him, that you wouldn't be welcomed in his household - or estate, anymore. So how were you supposed to feel, when you heard that Sanemi had found himself a woman? And that woman, was none other than the Flower Hashira - Kochou Kanae herself.
Of course, she was in the same level as him, so she deserved him, after all. As long as he's happy, you are happy, too! Plus, you don't have any right to forbid him from entering a relationship with someone. And now that you've known you stood no chance, perhaps it's for the better. You felt yourself slowing down while thinking about all of this, this upset you, if you keep your current speed, you'll be late for your hangout with Sanemi. Suddenly, you felt a raindrop falls on your head, then two, then three, and then the heavy rain pours down on you. "Oh great!" You exclaimed sarcastically "It just had to rain now? Honestly? How worse can this get?!"
You have finally arrived at the Wind Estate after a long walk in the rain, with water dripping hard from your clothes. Sanemi gave you a towel to dry yourself, then leads you to the main room. After you both had sat down, he started to talk "So, Y/N. I hope that you've been doing good?" Before you can give him a proper answer, he continues "I actually wanted you here because I wanted to ask you some things... You must have heard about that rumor about me and Kanae, right?" You just gave him a small nod, before gesturing him to continue "...I think I'll be confessing to her today... what do you think she likes...?" You felt like you couldn't speak, you wished that you couldn't speak, you wouldn't want to help the love of your life get together with someone else! In fact, no one would've wanted that at all! But yet again, if Sanemi's happy, then you are too. You forced yourself a smile, hoping that he wouldn't notice "What about flowers? She's the Flower Hashira, so she should like flowers..." You fell deep into your thoughts again, then spoke up "Or you could try and get her some sweets or baking goods, I think every girl likes them, and if it's handmade, then you've just got a nice start." Sanemi stared at you for a bit, then stood up and asked you "Thank you, Y/N, that really helps. Kanae would be arriving at any time now, so I think it's time we say goodbye" You nodded, then slowly made your way out of the estate.
When you believe that you're in the middle of the forest, you yelled out the things that irritated you. "Seriously, I didn't even get a proper talk with him. All he ever says is about that stupid Hashira! I wish she would just die!" You went quiet for a moment, then muttered "Who am I kidding, she was the perfect fit for him... She had the perfect smile, she's patient enough for his hot head, she has a pretty face and body, she's also strong... My chances are zero..." You throw yourself to the ground, sobbing to yourself without noticing that it's starting to turn dark.
~Time skip~('Cuz I don't know how to write fighting scenes so yeah-)
How stupid of you, being in the middle of a forest at night - the time where the demons came out of their hideouts. You were a Demon Slayer, yeah, but you weren't strong, and fate had decided that you should meet a Lowermoon when you're at the age of 18, and just say goodbye to the world, this hopefully wouldn't be your end, right?
"Y/N?! What were you thinking? What if I didn't find you!" Who's that...? You slowly opened your eyes to see Sanemi, with a worried expression, you thought "He's worried... for me?" you gave him a small smile, glad to know that he still cares for you. You thought that this might be the best time for a confession, well, you're dying anyway, so it felt right. You opened your mouth to interrupt Sanemi's lecturing about how you shouldn't be out in the woods in the middle of the night "Listen, listen Sanemi, listen to me" when you saw that he had stopped talking, you continued "I know you love someone else, but I'll just say this sooner or later, so listen closely to what I'm about to say. Sanemi... I-I love you..."
He was shocked, very shocked, then he opened his mouth to answer "I-I don't feel the same way, sorry..." You let out a bitter chuckle "Heh, I already knew that... Where's Kanae by the way? Have you two got together yet?" He slowly nodded, "I was going on a date with her... but when I heard that you've met a Lowermoon, I came here immediately, now stop talking and let me bring you back to the Butterfly Mansion." Sanemi lifted you up and placed you on his back, but you kept moving so he accidentally dropped you. "What do you think you're doing?! You're going to die soon if we don't hurry!" You choked a bit from the fall, but looked up at him and smiled "Don't worry about me, I can make it back safely and quickly without you. Go get your girl, you have my blessing... Tho it doesn't really matter" You tried to stand up to show him that you're fine, which did the job nicely. He nodded and muttered, "Then you better be fine, Y/N, or else I won't forgive myself..." before walking away.
After Sanemi was out of your sight, you instantly collapsed to the ground. You knew that you didn't have much time left, but you would rather die than get to live, especially now that you've confessed and got rejected and Sanemi was in a relationship and he had seen your weakest side. Sure, it was quite selfish of you to do so, Sanemi would've broken down when he knew that you didn't survive. But it's the perfect way for you to escape this world, after all. "I hope you'll get to marry the girl you love, Sanemi..." were your last words, before your body became cold and lifeless, forever...
Out there somewhere, Sanemi and Kanae were holding hands, walking down the streets, with dangos in their hands, chatting cheerfully. Sanemi was having the time of his life, and he was sure that his best friend is currently being treated in the Butterfly Mansion, and she'll be just alright when he got back. Little does he know... it was the last time he'll ever see his friend again...
A/n: Okayyy that was a bit hard to write, I hope it came out just fine:D I feel bad for Sanemi tho, wonder how he'd feel when he figures that you died. And plus, he'll lose Kanae later in the original storyline, too, it's just sad;-;
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