garfieldstim · 4 months
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"Kanafeh Nabulsieh originated in the Palestinian city of Nablus, hence the name Nabulsieh. Nablus is still renowned for its kanafeh, which consists of mild white cheese and shredded wheat surface, which is covered by sugar syrup." - source
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septembergold · 7 months
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Homemade Kanafeh
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leroibobo · 9 months
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the nabi yahya (prophet john) mosque/maqām in sebastia, palestine. it stands on a site identified since byzantine times to be where john the baptist's body was buried by his followers. now the main mosque of sebatia, the current structure was originally a crusader church built on top of a byzantine tomb for john along with jewish prophets elisha and obadiah. it was modified into a mosque on the order of saladin after his defeat of the crusaders in the battle of hattin in 1187.
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athenov · 1 year
arab food is elite ngl
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flowering-thought · 2 years
The final Kawahara sibling is here my lovely followers <3
Prepare for trouble and make it triple cause the siblings are now fully out ✨️
Also sticking with the foreigner darlings all doing different things <33
Not edited
AFAB reader and reader is described as feminine and chubby/plus sized.
Yandere themes, stalking, invasion of privacy, gore
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Makoto Kawahara
First Meeting + Headcannons
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It's a rainy day when Makoto is getting out of work. He had gotten off early due to the case he was working on getting handed off once he had finished specific files for the case. Working as a lawyer could be annoying but honestly? He liked arguing and having people's secrets so what could he say other than it was worth it somehow in his eyes.
He decided that since it was his day off he would finally check out the bakery that opened recently. He had heard about it from a coworker how two women, one a foreigner and one a local opened it about two months ago and it was a big hit since both brought all sorts of baked goods from all sorts of countries together.
He looked up the address and noticed it was maybe a five-minute walk so he took out his umbrella and walked until he reached a pretty building with plants decorating the outside and inside. And when he opened the door and a little bell chimed he was hit with his favorite smell of baked goods and coffee.
He looked around and noticed the counter where he could order and the cute handwritten style on the menu. As stoic as Makoto is he can't help but enjoy cute and sweet things.
So he looked at the menu from afar before going up to order after deciding what he wanted. Except for the moment his eyes landed on you his heart nearly skipped a beat.
You stood behind the counter with a cute white embroidered apron and tan shirt. Your adorable figure filled out your shirt perfectly and your cheeks look so cute he could pinch them-
He couldn't help but stare until you looked up at him curiously. On the outside, he looked blank but on the inside, he was experiencing love at first sight. And honestly many of the Kawahara experience this except for Daisuke.
He stood there for a solid minute before you raised your hand and poked his arm and he shook from out of his trance. "Are you alright? Need something to drink to feel better? I can get you some water if you need it!" You said, smiling softly at him before he shook his head.
"No! No, I'm okay! Sorry I blanked for a moment there. Could I get an expresso with a chocolate croissant and a lemon mango kanafeh?" He asked, pinching himself to keep his head on straight.
You smiled before complying and then added a lemon bar to his order after getting a tray to put the treats on. "Here, free treat because why not hm?" You stated, giving him a wink before going to make his espresso. He had walked to a table to wait until you came and gave him his coffee.
"I hope you enjoy it! And if you want anything wrapped to take home let me know!" You added, smiling before you left to get another order.
It was foolish. Makoto felt so foolish but as he sat there clenching the space above his heart he just knew he had to know you. So he called a friend of his up and asked to know more about the two owners of the bakery, specifically the cute foreigner with a gorgeous smile..
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Regular Headcannons
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• Makoto is 30 and was born on January 4th.
• As stoic as he is to others, Makoto has a sweet spot for those he loves. But when it comes to his darling it's a near teeth-rotting sweet.
• He's a big fan of sweets and loves trying new foods! He's got a whole list of places he wants to go to try their foods and will definitely take you with him.
• But the man cannot bake to save his life. He got in trouble with his grandmother once cause they had to use the fire extinguisher-
• He can cook simple foods though! Like eggs! And cereal, and uhhh heat up soup.... just don't make him do complicated things hm?
• He likes to make models in his spare time though! Those cute little house models that you can put together or sometimes will sew some stuffed animals. He's good with his hands (not cooking though-) and likes to make cute things.
• Only problem is that when an ex of his that he once dated just cause she asked him out found out about his adoration for cute things and his hobby for "girly" crafts she made fun of him. After that, he's wary of who he shows his stuff off to.
• And Makoto isn't really an extrovert or introvert. He's introverted with people he doesn't know well. But when you get past that he becomes really talkative and enjoys telling you all sorts of things and if he learned something interesting he'll tell you about it too!
• The man can also sing-
• I'm saying that he has such a low and soft voice that he'll randomly sing some Japanese love song while working on his crafts and it's just so soft and pretty that you'd want to listen to it forever.
• He honestly will make you all sorts of things while together.
• After he first met you and started to frequent your Cafe at least three times a week he gathered the courage to ask you out by making a small frog plush.
• He asked if you would be okay with maybe going to a Japanese koi garden that also had some frogs and other creatures and that you both could try some traditional sweets.
• And when you said yes he nearly cheered but kept composed as he thanked you happily before running out with his order of baked goods.
• And boy does he look good while running away-
• But he just can't help himself when it comes to you.
• if you ever made him any sort of craft I think he might actually cry-
• As strong as he appears he's the type who will cry and sad movies or when an animal dies on screen.
• Takeo recommends Makoto some sad movies as well or movies that Makoto would like.
• And of course Makoto treats his siblings well and when he's really serious about you he lets his siblings meet you. He's glad to see you get along with them as well. If you didn't he'd probably get sad.
• He's a softie but that doesn't mean that he has another side of him completely...
Yandere Tendencies Headcannons
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• Makoto is a stalker through and through. And he's one that has money to spend on whatever he wants. So hiring someone to report on your day or take pictures of you won't put too much of a dent in his bank account ♡
• He keeps the photos he likes and burns the ones that he doesn't. But the moment you're in your home he orders whoever it is watching you to fuck off.
• He does have mics in your home though. Only in the living area though. As much as he is attached he doesn't want to completely invade your privacy.
• And while he doesn't seem like the type to get violent, he will if he's pissed off. He gets jealous easily and sometimes if there's not enough blackmail or if they've just done something that crosses Makoto's line of what's blackmail worthy and what's killing-worthy he will get rid of them.
• And if he does get rid of someone he keeps trophies. It can be a piece of cloth from what they were wearing or jewelry but he usually keeps something people won't notice is missing.
• He also stages the murders as well. He can't have anything tracing back to him and if things are a bit difficult he'll pin it on someone else.
• He doesn't feel too much remorse as he doesn't like things disturbing his time with you.
• He thinks of you as someone who deserves the world. You're sweet and kind and just downright adorable in his eyes ♡
• And if anyone tries to taint that they are gone ♡
• And he makes sure to treat the friend you run the bakery with great because he knows of how close you two are. And he can't risk you completely being alone.
• He understands the importance of having friends and people you can count on. So he makes sure that you have support other than him. But he knows how to take it away if he has to...
• As for his apartment, he lives in a massive complex with all sorts of places like a pool and gym. But he also lives in the penthouse-
• Makoto likes the room and with all his crafts he has a room dedicated to his crafts. He also has an office as well and his deck on the roof is huge.
• But he also has some spare rooms and a guest room for when his brothers come over or if he gets a visit from a friend or anything.
• But there may or may not be a basement in the complex for certain members of the complex who hide their other side from their families and need a space for those activities.
• In that place is where the people Makoto wants to get threatened in person go.
But the whole complex is soundproof. So if Makoto ever gave into that urge of keeping you to himself, he's quite sure no one would ever notice you being in a spare room decorated just for you ♡
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shmowder · 3 months
I have some more dessert headcanons 🍰 I doubt I can explain but it's just a feeling I have. Daniil would like Turkish Delight. Lara and Artemy both like fruit pies, best is blueberry for Lara and rhubarb (it's a vegetable but whatever) for Artemy (oh god I'm stereotyping based on colors again). Candy corn for Clara. Candy corn is divisive but I actually like it. I think Grief would like candy in general, maybe those little chocolates with liquor inside, and cinnamon flavored things. Big Vlad - mincemeat pie. Rubin - bread. Just bread. Red velvet cake for Katerina, meringues for Eva. For Aspity, those dirt pies made out of oreo crumbs, pudding, and gummy worms lol. I think Grace, Notkin, Sticky, and Murky would like those too :o)
There's probably some obscure dialogue that contradicts something there but oh well~
What do you think of Victor's animal being a tiger? I keep thinking Basset Hound and yes that's almost entirely because they both have a high likelihood of being found sitting on the floor by the clock. He's some kind of scent hound to me - more calm and deliberate than sighthounds, and once they have their mind set on something, focusing on it to the extent that it's nearly impossible to pull them away. But at the same time, I can sort of see the cat thing.
🐿️ anon
Your brain is big and wrinkly all of those fit perfectly omfg. "Rubin = bread" I LOVE IT.
Here's what I think their preference in sweets would be in addition to yours.
Turkish delight, Honey soaked rose baklava, kanafeh with sweer syrups. The intensely sweet desserts are her favourite, think heavy caramel chocolate cakes. She'd sample a lot of desserts from different cultures but those would be her comfort ones.
Victor Kain
The dishes he eats are an acquired taste that wouldn't appeal to most people. Think blue cheese and something along those lines. think bitter chocolate, coffee, and pistachio flavours. Traditional creme burlee and dark chocolate mousse.
I like to think that Khan abhors these flavours and desserts out of rebellion and only demands the most sprinkle filled bubblegum bonbon cupcakes for his birthday.
Maria, however, goes for flavour-rich desserts that explode in the mouth, something with a heavy taste and an aftermath of wine.
Cheesecake, lemon tarts. Subtle sweetness with the spin of something different sate her appetit the most. French Vanilla chiffon cake for special occasions, a blueberry muffin with her morning light cream cappuccino.
He's absolutely not a dessert person, so when the craving strikes, he would rather go for a baked good. Almond bread, rosemary-walnut brow butter cookies and biscuits, English muffins too.
Fairy bread cookies, strawberry shortcake, and orange puddings. Fruit based desserts with cream are her favourite. Peach pie and cherry jello. Sadly, most of these would only be found in the Capital, and exporting them into the town wouldn't come easily. The kin might adjust their recipies to accommodate her sweet tooth and include more fresh fruits.
For Victor's animal, I was surprised to learn it's the same one as Rubin! They both have tiger in their descriptions. Especially when Khan's animal is an adorable hedgehog. Oh my god, so cute. But it fits. He really does go hide in that spiky polyhedron whenever life gets too troubling. He also has the Kains and Capella ready to protect him.
It's because of Victor's animal being a tiger that I add the "predatory" lines in the story. The sharp claws hidden in his clapsed hands.
He's a tiger in the aspect of the danger rather than the ferality. His mind is as sharp as a tiger's tooth and his focus and patience when hunting a prey or a goal is unmatched. You never expect him or hear him, how he'll as stealthy as a tiger when it comes to mind games.
For Rubin, however, I do see the symbolism centring on the ferality instead. He's like a caged tiger, one with filed down claws and broken teeth. He used to be so sharp and had so much potential. He's truly a force to be reckon with, but the cruelty of life stole away his prime. He's overcome with grief and appears as a docile, tired predetor because of it, like a circus tiger not caring anymore and just jumping through the fire hoops of whoever orders him to. Which is why he is so quick to join the army, he needs a purpose, a mentor, an end goal, a firey ring to make him feel useful because nothing is more terrifying to an imprisoned animal than absolute freedom.
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nrc-confessions · 7 months
I am willing to do insane things for Jamil's kanafeh recipe, I will admit.
thank you for your confession!
Have you ever considered… just asking him for it 💀💀
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sundove88 · 1 year
Linker of The Golden Sovereign (Cookie Run Sugar Linkage)
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Natalia Jameel (Golden Cheese Cookie): “Tell me, is my company going the way I want it? And if so… how can I make it better?” (More Than Just Gold) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ [Gilded Cheese Fondue]
To celebrate the new update, I have decided to draw none other than Natalia Jameel- the linker of Golden Cheese Cookie! In her Linked form, that is. Here’s some facts about her:
She is the CEO of a company called Golden Moments Inc., which is located in Bakerton- that explains why she is so wealthy. And yes, she is a Legendary ranked Linker.
Her heritage is a mix of Arabic and Egyptian. She met her partner character, Golden Cheese Cookie while watering her mansion’s garden!
And during her arc in the main story, she’s tricked into hooking up her consciousness to a program called “Project OASIS (Overall Abundant Shining (and) Indomitably Supreme) City”. Needless to say, the gang needs to save her from the digital world before she falls too deep (Which is more or less a reference to the myth of Osiris, in which he was tricked into fitting inside of a sarcophagus in which his crazy brother Set then proceeded to lock him away).
Her favorite food is a Turkish cheese pastry called Kanafeh. She always makes enough for her friends and family to share!
She owns a scarlet macaw named Rouge, whom she rescued from a pet shelter. The bird’s a huge cuddle bug!
Her most treasured coworkers consist of her bodyguard Cyno Samir, Dalia Wasem, Vittoria Assad, and Kamuzu Hanania (They’ll become Linkers, but don’t tell anyone).
Her family consists of her husband Abdul, her daughter Cressida, and Son in law Orion + grandson Marco. Yes, she’s a grandma! And she’s a new one! (Thanks to @thetropicalfairy for helping!)
In Project Link Up All Stars, she would be best friends with ANY of the super rich linkers, especially the ones who are rich inside and out. Money can’t buy happiness, after all!
Her birthday falls on September 26, making her a Libra.
And her headcanon voice is Naomi Scott, who played the live action Jasmine in the Aladdin Remake.
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Here’s her civilian form, by the way. She’s rocking those glasses!
If there are anymore Linkers you want me to draw, just ask!
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babymagi · 2 years
The is the trio of Magi and Hakuryuu's favorite kind of cakes??
this just makes me want cake omg i'm so hungry
okay okay okay SO
Aladdin: Probably likes any kind of cake but specifically chocolate with vanilla frosting is his favourite, plus sprinkles, can't forget those
Alibaba: Either cheesecake or kanafeh (middle eastern pastry). Or spice cake
Morgiana: I think she'd like anything really sweet actually, bc that wasn't something she got to have often. I'm picturing her being really into those light and fluffy white cakes layers with cream and strawberries on the top
Hakuryuu: I'm not sure if he eats sweets that often, he'd probably be pretty basic and likes vanilla or white cake, although he probably likes mooncakes too
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punigamefoodie · 1 year
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neiptune · 1 year
Oh are you celebrating eid V? :D
Hiii E! 💖 I'm not observant but my entire family celebrates so I get to eat tooons of kanafeh & baklava! are you celebrating? have any fun plans for the weekend?
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arabella-au · 1 year
What are some of the traditional Lebanese desserts?
When dining at the best Lebanese restaurant Sydney, you must try some traditional Lebanese desserts. One classic dessert is "Baklava," a sweet pastry made of layers of phyllo dough filled with chopped nuts and honey syrup. "Namoura" is another popular dessert made with semolina, coconut, and orange blossom water. "Mouhalabieh" is a milk pudding flavored with rose water and topped with chopped pistachios. "Kanafeh" is a sweet cheese pastry soaked in sweet sugar syrup and topped with pistachios. Finally, "Maamoul" is a shortbread pastry filled with dates, nuts, or sweetened cheese. These traditional Lebanese desserts will satisfy your sweet tooth and offer a delicious end to your meal.
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pariaritzia · 2 years
an incomplete list of Vaguely Hilarious Things That Have Happened Because I Am The First And Only Woman (loose term) In My Family/Community Who Is Over 25, Unmarried, And A Crossdresser:
-my mumani, mamu, and nani called up my baba to tell him that I am an “admi jaisi aurat” (”woman who is like a man”)
-multiple guests at a family friend’s wedding called up my chacha and my baba to complain about my clothing and mannerisms (I wore a black, gold, and white men’s shalwar kurta, a red hijab, and a gold nose ring. the horror! the disrespect! the fascination that a young woman guest had with me and my clothes until she finally came up to me to breathlessly compliment me and say she wished she could wear something cut like that!)
-my chacha’s mother called him several times to interrogate him all the way from bombay about my status as unmarried bc she keeps a list of every unmarried woman starting at 18 years old and I am the only person still on that list and she cannot fathom why
-my nani. only living grandparent I have (inshallah she will live a long time). I don’t think I have to elaborate on this point lmao
-family friend brought a rishta for me. he has an mba and studied in australia and the uk and I am old so why would I say no? (I said no. while cackling.)
-my amma’s cousin called multiple times to ask me what type of husband I want and only gave up when I gave several half rude half joking answers in a row. this woman then brought a rishta from my amma’s phuphi’s co-wife for her son bc he is a doctor and I am old so why would I say no? (I said no. vehemently.)
-my phuphi who lives in garhwal has started wearing a men’s kurta sometimes. she says she finds it more comfortable and likes the pockets. my baba told her that I wear men’s clothes too and she was very happy and said “good! who will tell us no?”
-my baba’s khala refers to herself as the man of the house/other masculine roles. my baba said that’s what I do too. she said it’s about personality [dismissive wave at her husband] “yeh toh lallu panju hai. main ghar ka admi hoon, main ‘mens log’ hoon”
-multiple total strangers just said “why??” when my baba said I am unmarried
-different total stranger told my baba that shaadi is fard so he should force me to get married
-my baba’s friend defended me in the above situation and said that one of the four imams never married so shut the hell up
-above situation ended in the men all going to a literal sheikh to ask him about it. sheikh turned out to be chill and was on my side. take THAT, total stranger
-multiple girls have used me as an example of why they shouldn’t have to get married young, or at all. I know for sure that at least one father has accepted that argument and is not pressuring his daughter to get married now. hooray!
-kicked out of a restaurant. we found a better place that sold really good kanafeh so it was a good thing in the end. I will say I don’t deal with as much nonsense in muslim/desi shops or restaurants as one would expect. the worst of it on a regular basis is other customers assuming I am male and then getting rude or uncomfortable if they realize that I am not. staff has never been rude in any place except for the one time that I got kicked out
-women refusing to pray next to me or speak to me at the masjid (shoutout to the older lady who physically grabbed one lady by the shoulders and said SHOULDER TO SHOULDER, SISTER, FILL THE LINE, and made her stand next to me properly)
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forgetimabluedreamer · 2 months
Kanafeh is so delicious.
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xasha777 · 4 months
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Under the blood-red sky, a lone wolf stood silhouetted against the massive, looming sphere of a crimson moon. Its fur, a mix of silver and white, gleamed eerily in the dim light, while its eyes burned with a fierce, almost otherworldly glow. This was no ordinary wolf—it was a creature born of the fusion between ancient Earth legends and futuristic bioengineering, a guardian of secrets long forgotten.
Far beneath the surface, in the hidden city of Changzhou, the air was filled with a sense of urgency and fear. Changzhou was no longer the bustling metropolis it once was; now it was a secret base for the remnants of humanity. After the Great Cataclysm, when the moon turned red and the world above was thrown into chaos, Changzhou became a sanctuary for those who survived. Here, amidst ancient ruins and advanced technology, a new society had formed, dedicated to preserving knowledge and finding a way to restore balance to the world.
The wolf, known as Yue, was a symbol of hope and protection. Legends told that Yue was the spirit of the moon itself, watching over the last bastion of human civilization. In truth, Yue was a product of advanced genetic modifications, created by the scientists of Changzhou to guard against the mutated beasts that roamed the surface.
Dr. Lin Mei, one of the leading scientists in Changzhou, stood in her lab, surrounded by holographic displays and complex machinery. She was analyzing data from Yue's recent excursions, hoping to find clues that could explain the strange phenomena affecting the moon and, consequently, the Earth.
"Dr. Lin, we have an anomaly," said a voice over the intercom. It was Kai, her trusted assistant. "Yue has encountered an unidentified structure in the northern quadrant. It appears to be of extraterrestrial origin."
Lin's heart raced. Extraterrestrial? This could be the breakthrough they needed. She quickly gathered her equipment and rushed to the control room, where a live feed from Yue's perspective was displayed on the main screen. The structure was indeed alien, with geometric patterns and materials that defied conventional understanding.
"Activate the drone scouts," Lin ordered. "We need to map out the entire area and gather as much data as possible."
As the drones flew out, Yue moved cautiously towards the structure. Its sensors picked up strange energy readings, unlike anything seen before. Lin watched intently, her mind racing with possibilities. Could this be the source of the moon's transformation? Was it a relic of an ancient alien civilization, or something even more sinister?
The drones relayed detailed scans back to the control room. The structure seemed to be a portal, pulsating with energy that resonated with the moon's crimson hue. Lin's eyes widened as she realized the implications. If they could harness this energy, they might be able to reverse the catastrophic changes and restore the moon to its original state.
Suddenly, Yue froze, its ears perked up. The screen flickered, and an ominous growl echoed through the speakers. Something was coming.
"Prepare for combat protocols," Lin commanded. "Yue, stay alert."
Out of the shadows emerged a massive, mutated creature, its form twisted and grotesque. It was one of the many horrors that had emerged after the Great Cataclysm, a reminder of the fragile state of their world.
Yue snarled and lunged at the beast, its movements a blur of precision and power. The battle was fierce, with both creatures locked in a deadly dance. Lin watched anxiously, her fingers flying over the controls to assist Yue with targeted strikes.
Finally, with a final, powerful leap, Yue brought the creature down. The control room erupted in cheers, but Lin remained focused. This was just the beginning.
"Prepare a team to explore the structure," Lin said. "We need to understand its purpose and how we can use it to save our world."
As Yue stood victorious under the blood-red moon, Lin knew that the journey ahead would be fraught with danger. But with Yue by their side and the secrets of the alien structure within reach, there was hope for Changzhou and the future of humanity.
0 notes
cheffathimashifnaz · 11 months
Firm Buttercream on cupcake rose flowers ​⁠ #buttercreamflowers #buttercreamfloweroncakes cupcakes
#buttercream #buttercreamflowers #flowercupcakes firm #buttercreamoncake, #buttercreamflowers on #cake #Buttercreamrecipe for #pipingflowers
Firm #buttercreamfrosting for #cake
#Howtobakecake, #howtobake #cookies, #howtobakecupcakes, how to bake chocolate cakes, Brownings The Bakers TV Commercial edit, How to bake brownies,
How to decorate #Halloween cookies, How to bake Halloween cakes, how to bake Halloween #brownies, ice #cookiesdecorations, #easycakerecipes, #easy cookies recipes
#Croissant #Eclair #Macaron #Danish #Baklava #Cannoli #PuffPastry #churro #Scone
. Cinnamon Roll
. Profiterole
. Mille-Feuille
. Palm Leaf
. Brioche
. Turnover
. Rugelach
. Éclair
. Kouign-Amann
. Pithivier
. Panettone
. Galette
. Financier
. Choux Pastry
. Pretzel
. Danish Kringle
. Krapfen
. Spanakopita
. Pain au Chocolat
. Stroopwafel
. Kolache
. Bear Claw
. Pastel de Nata
. Chorley Cake
. Gâteau Basque
. Pączki
. Cornish Pasty
. Striezel
. Cronut
. Shortcrust Pastry
. Flaky Pastry
. Filo Pastry
. Vol-au-vent
. Caramel Slice
. Muffin
. Pop-Tart
Bakewell Tart
. Cannelé
. Gougère
. Jalousie
. Empanada
. Chausson aux Pommes
. Pâte à Choux
. Roulade
. Lemon Bar
. Madeleine
. Butter Tart
. Linzer Torte
. Napolitana
. Spanische Windtorte
. Banoffee Pie
. Berliner
. Faworki
. Samsa
. Koeksister
. Mochi
. Chocolate Chip Cookie
. Lamington
. Paratha
. Margherita
. Shortcake
. Zwieback
. Kreppel
. Meringue
. Gâteau Saint-Honoré
. Pretzel Croissant
. Kanafeh
. Dobos Torte
. Pasteis de Tentúgal
. Rugalach
. Milk Tart
. Struffoli
. Fig Roll
. Kouignette
. Elephant Ear
. Chocotorta
. Knish
. Calisson
. Basler Läckerli
. Pitha
. Pasty
Blueberry Pie
. Shoofly Pie
. Shrewsbury Biscuit
. Welsh Cake
. Börek
. Tarta de Santiago
. Natas do Céu
. Florentine Biscuit
. Fig Newton
. Fat Rascal
. Sachertorte
. Pinwheel Pastry
. Chelsea Bun
. Cremeschnitte
. Raspberry Tart
. Kue Lapis
St. Martin's Croissant
Pasteis de Chaves
Brioscia col Tappo
Galette des Rois
Turban Biscuit
Raspberry Bar
Russian Tea Cake
Chausson à la Pomme
Tarte Tatin
Figgy Pudding
Rice Cake
Cannolo Siciliano
Eccles Cake
Shoemaker's Cake
Cinnamon Twist
Pie Floater
Dobosh Torte
Cheese Blintz
. Pan de Muerto
. Bánh Bò
. Faworki
. Nut Roll
. Pecan Pie
. Victoria Sponge
. Pita Bread
. Raspberry Muffin
. Buche de Noel
. Profiterole Tower
. Schnecken
. Caramel Brownie
. Esterházy Torte
. Palm Leaf
. Puff Puff
. Cream Horn #WalnutStrudel #Pionirka #AnzacBiscuit #StarchCake #ChocolateÉclair
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