#karamel fanfics
mrowmrowmrow9 · 2 years
Supergirl Series Finale Fix-It Recs (karamel edition)
I think we're all in agreement. That finale sucked ass. Luckily, amazing fic writers are up to the challenge! So in no particular order...
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Number order aside, this might be my favorite out of all of them. It's just so beautiful, the language and the way the characters interact. And @handlewithkara does such an incredible job at Mon-El's POV, oh my god.
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This one follows canon a lot more closely, but @raisedbyfandomwolves managed to make it make actual sense, which is an impressive feat on its own. Again, love me some well-written Mon POV :)
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Not particularly connected to the series finale, but it's a fix-it nonetheless and too amazing not to include. I love all the different alternate universes @facepalming-since-chernobyl gave us a sample of, interactions between our fav characters spanning from an old married couple to secret lovers to reluctant spouses to people who will never meet but impact each other's lives regardless. It's just... *chef's kiss*
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Unlike the others, this one changes nothing about the actual series finale but takes place after it, where the consequences of Kara's reveal are very real and cost her everything. Heartbreaking, and then heartfixing at the end. Totally worth it, highly recommend.
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Yeah, this is me selfishly promoting my own fic. 😅 Whatever, I think it's cute and worth a read if you're up for it <3
I'd love to hear what awesome fix-its you've read! Please reblog with your own additions 🥰
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sunshinesickies · 2 months
Kate Bishop x Reader
Skye/Daisy Johnson x Reader
Gwen Stacy x Reader
Cassie Lang x Reader
Kara Danvers/Supergirl x Reader
Kara x MonEl (Supergirl)
Kat Stratford x Reader
Coming soon!
Pip Fitz-Amobi x Reader (AGGGTM)
Coming soon!
Cara Ward x Reader (AGGGTM)
Ava Silva x Reader (Warrior Nun)
Ava x Beatrice (Warrior Nun)
Lindsay Weir x Reader (Freaks and Geeks)
Coming soon!
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karamell-sweetz · 1 year
*minecraft door opening noise* i have a worse version of that post i had about the next wxs event because apparently the phoenix anniversary production already happened in canary.
the only way i see this arc ending is if something goes absolutely horrendously WRONG. that’s probably because of the dramatics of the last few events (cough cough light up the fire cough cough literally this whole niigo arc cough cough COUGH) but like. i legitimately can’t think of any other way they could end the wxs arc EXCEPT catastrophe!
so therefore… i have a sinking feeling that something’s going to happen to the wonder stage. or the whole park in general. or something else that genuinely threatens wxs functioning as they are now.
oh and running with that wonder stage breaking idea, how bad would it hurt if it was a stage contraption malfunctioning? discussed this with a friend and they suggested maybe nenerobo malfunctions catastrophically and idk the wonder stage fricking explodes or sth. rui angst. i need it. please.
point is. no more wonder stage, maybe. so therefore wxs has no more home base for a while (besides sekai) and emu doesn’t have anywhere to stay while tsukasa and nene go pursue their dreams, thus resulting in all of them having a serious conversation about their feelings FOR ONCE IN THIS GODDAMN GAME AGH. boom. arc ended.
idk where i was really going with this but like. wonder stage malfunction. just… think about it. you can kill me for this one actually /lh /j. *minecraft door closing noise*
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bi-careful · 1 year
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Allie's songs
Part 30 of my karamel baby AU 'The Three Of Us'
...The music wrapped around them, took them by the hand and dressed in their innocence, but the happiness was all theirs. It filled the room, flooded the whole house and flowed out the door till it reached the third, missing figure of the trio...
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cloakndagger2 · 10 months
Karamel daughter AU
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karadanversprince · 1 year
Arc 7; Chapter 5
In which Kara is in her Reputation Era, and Britt announces weekly updates for the foreseeable future (this is me trying)
Back for an annual birthday-chapter-upload, but I'LL BE DOING THIS WEEKLY NOW! (Sorry for the short chapter)
Currently deciding what day of the week I'll be regularly posting, but your girl is back. Please read the author notes. Okay thank you, i love you, i missed you, and hugs.
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thesupercorpband · 2 years
Anyone happen to remember a fic that the jist was Lena was a mafia/crime boss type and went into a bar that Kara worked at (believe Lena owned it) and they started getting closer, I believe Mon ew was in it as a deadbeat boyfriend type. I have looked through pages and pages of fics for this but no success.
Anyone remember this?
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themoonfortress · 2 years
Since @outerspacestraypuppy has been treating me so well lately with a Jurassic Park themed Karamel fanfic, I wanted to show my gratitude by creating this concept art for “It’s a Jungle Out There”
I am truly flattered and humbled that my work inspired you and thank you so much for sharing it with us <3
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i am suddenly getting the HUGEST burst of motivation to work on my utmv stuff (the ones that have been sitting in my wips for idk two years now) so if there's a sudden influx of me yelling over here you know what happened
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casualsavant · 9 months
20 Questions More
This is a deeper and more detailed version of the 20 questions for AO3 fanfic writers. Thanks to @TetsujinOtaku88 for the tag. I'm doing this #Supercorp style.
1) How do you keep getting ideas for your ship / fandom?
I think the Supercorp Fandom is pretty self-perpetuating because the canon needs to be fixed and there's lots of AUs to put them in. Plus there are so many talented people whose art, video edits, and fanfic fuel each other.
2) Which authors inspire you in your fandom, and why are they so freakishly good?
Following the answer above I think the beauty of Supercorp is that it attracts really talented creators. I love reading @searidings, @jazzfordshire's fix-its and canon-adjacent stuff, @lgbtimelords, @coffeeshib, @mycatismyeditor, and @snowydragonscave just to name a few. They have such a deftness of language and an understanding of the characters that it's hard to stop reading!
3) Aside from the characters of your main ship, who are the characters you love to write?
I really love Sam Arias, Jess, and Alex. I wish I could get a better handle on Kelly because DANSEN forever. I also have a soft spot for Eliza and a deliciously evil liking for Lillian.
4) Are there pairings or tropes you know for sure you'd never write about? Which ones?
Karamel, Lames, Top Lena, Bottom Kara. To each their own. It's just not my thing.
5) What is your writing process and why is it cursed?
Carry around a little notebook to scribble ideas, lines, sometimes whole scenes. Figure out a rough outline / structure / plot. Do unnecessary amounts of research. Open doc file. Plunge into dismay and self-doubt. Watch the show. Get frustrated. Open the doc file. Be filled with despair and self-loathing. Get a blast of inspiration and productivity. Cycle through mental instability, writer's block, and actual writing. Get dragged by Kara and Lena to unanticipated places that derails what I intended to do. Sighing and doing what the muses want. The elation of completion. Struggling with summaries and tags. Posting. Crippling anxiety and running away from AO3. Lather, rinse, repeat.
6) What is your favorite part of your writing process?
The elation of completion. The unnecessary research is fun too.
7) What’s the weirdest thing you’ve had to research for a fic?
Cherry tree mutations and the structure of yakuza organizations in modern Japan.
8) Is there a particular writing rule you struggle with (grammar, spelling, tense, reality in general)?
Different tenses in the same document. Also it's and its.
9) What was your hardest scene to write so far and why?
Describing Kara's post-PZ night terrors and Lena’s fever dreams in Deliverance. Also the action sequence at the end of that story was so difficult.
10) Have your characters ever done something you didn’t expect, changing your plot completely?
11) If you could converse with any of the characters, who would it be and why?
Both of them. After I come to my senses and out of a dead faint because I was meeting them at all. And then I would die of sapphication.
12) What are some of the tropes or themes that you find yourself returning to in your writing?
Oh my usual tags are: light angst, tooth-rotting fluff, friends-to-lovers, Lena needs a hug, Kara gets a hug.
13) What's your most important resource as a writer?
Talking with other writers!
14) Can you share some of your strategies for editing and revising your work?
I usually give it some time before I edit so I can have relatively fresh eyes. Spell checking, punctuation, and grammar suggestions help you catch things but NOTHING beats reading it over yourself.
15) Which is worse: making the summary, picking the tags, or the anxiety when you post your fic?
Definitely the anxiety!!!
16) How do you define sucess for your fanfic - hits? Kudos? Comments? Bookmarks? Or just if you like it?
I think it's good to track kudos and I love getting comments. But ultimately I wrote for my enjoyment or for my peace of mind because the idea would not let me go.
17) Do you have a playlist for your favorite character / ship?
Nope but that's not a bad idea. 🤔
18) If fan art was going to be made from your work, which fic would you pick and which fan artist would you like to create it?
Wow I'd be thrilled if any of them got art. I am partial to the way @rustingcat draws Sakura blossoms though so maybe Cat for No Wrong Seasons.
19) How many WIPs do you currently have?
8 total. Finishing "the Arcana", "The Sound of Veracity" (Part 2), Prequel and Smutilogue of "Always With Me, Always With You", Supercorptober 2023 "Art" prompt, SG Mayhem fic, the Telepathy/Empathy fic, the Body Swap fic.
20) What's your advice to new fanfic writers?
I posted my first Supercorp story in March 2023 feeling it would be completely lost in this large fandom and having no hope for it. I felt that I was too late. That everything had been done (and done better). I did find readers who liked and some who really loved my work. But mostly I learned to write for myself, which has truly been a gift. Write for yourself. Write what you'd want to see. You'll get better at it over time.
Tagging but no pressure: @fyonahmacnally @nottawriter @chaotic-super @luthordamnvers @fazedlight
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fyonahmacnally · 9 months
20 Questions More
This is a deeper and more detailed version of the 20 questions for AO3 fanfic writers. Thanks to @casualsavant for the tag. I'm not even sure I did the first 20 Questions round, but rules be damned.
1) How do you keep getting ideas for your ship/fandom?
Well, like anything I write, I get ideas from everything around me - they come to me from dreams, something I see, from random prompts, etc. As most writers know, we are simply the vessel, it's the brain goblins that tell us what to do.
2) Which authors inspire you in your fandom, and why are they so freakishly good?
Geez, we have so many in the Supercorp/Supergirl fandom. I'm not even sure that's a fair question. HA. I will inevitably leave someone out, but here are a few of my favorites @searidings, @jazzfordshire, @chaotic-super, @lovesastateofmind1, @innamorament0, @someoneyouloved93, @lostariels, @luthordamnvers, @thornedrose44, and @fazedlight. I read such a variety of genres, tags, and tropes that I will give almost anything a chance so the authors I read will vary. There's oh so many to choose from in this fandom and the vast talent is beyond imagination!
3) Aside from the characters of your main ship, who are the characters you love to write?
Hmmm, I like writing Sam, Andrea, and Jack. The rest of the main cast is fun too, but those three characters are fun to explore in fics. The shenanigans they get into together makes it easy to play with.
4) Are there pairings or tropes you know for sure you'd never write about? Which ones?
Karamel, Lames, and Kalex. I am pretty open-minded, but those are my hard limit ships. To each their own. It's not my thing at all. I'm pretty open to tropes, too. Haven't had a chance to explore too many yet.
5) What is your writing process and why is it cursed?
I'm not sure how to answer this one, really. It can vary depending on what's going on in my life and how the idea came about.
Generally speaking, I get an idea, outline the basic premise of the story (usually in a word or google doc), do whatever research is needed (longer fics), and just start writing (or staring at the outline and empty doc). That's writing too, ask any writer. LOL
One shots tend to be more like: get idea, sit at desk thinking while blank doc stares back at me tauntingly, look out window, turn back to blank doc, write three sentences, back space all three sentences, look out window again, write three more sentences, repeat previous steps, then the brain goblins take over and suddenly it's 4 hours later, somehow there's several thousand words staring back at me.
6) What is your favorite part of your writing process?
Because I am a huge nerd, the research. I love to research the things I write. Not all of my stories require it, but when they do, I dive right in. Completing the story is a big one too. The anxiety and excitement that comes with yeeting something into the ether is indescribable.
7) What’s the weirdest thing you’ve had to research for a fic?
Weirdest thing...pagan rituals and ancient runes or bondage/fetish clubs in Amsterdam. There is some really interesting things out there. I learned a lot during that time.
8) Is there a particular writing rule you struggle with (grammar, spelling, tense, reality in general)?
I think tense is one that slips on me. I try to catch them all during rereads and edits, but those little bastards are sneaky.
9) What was your hardest scene to write so far and why?
The panic attacks and abuse scenes relating to Lena in Carterhaugh-Wood Academy (CWA). Lena is my absolute favorite character and writing anything that causes her harm hurts my soul.
10) Have your characters ever done something you didn’t expect, changing your plot completely?
Is water wet? My characters always do what the brain goblins want despite my initial protest. I am just here to convey the message, after all.
11) If you could converse with any of the characters, who would it be and why?
Oh, hands down, Lena. I wouldn't pass up a chance to speak with any of them, let's be real, but Lena would be #1.
12) What are some of the tropes or themes that you find yourself returning to in your writing?
I am by nature a fluff and happy-ending writer. However, I am working on an angst with a happy ending fic at the moment. The tropes I have written so far have been limited to friends to lovers and a little light angst with happy ending. I'm still exploring other things. Hopefully 2024 will be the year I can flex my writing muscles and expand into new territory.
13) What's your most important resource as a writer?
Friends and other writers. Nothing beats a good brainstorming session with writer pals. I also like to do improv writing to boost creativity. You never know where a story will go when that happens.
14) Can you share some of your strategies for editing and revising your work?
The strategy depends on the story. For longer fics, I have a few writer friends that help with reading over it and helping with typos, grammar errors, and helping fluff up the places that need it. For one shots or shorter fics, I will let it sit for a bit, go back and read it again to do the editing and rewrite the places that my brain doesn't like.
15) Which is worse: making the summary, picking the tags, or the anxiety when you post your fic?
Oooof, definitely the posting anxiety. I usually immediately find something else to do so I don't obsess over it.
16) How do you define success for your fanfic - hits? Kudos? Comments? Bookmarks? Or just if you like it?
Hits, kudos, and comments are always fun and rewarding, but I write for my own enjoyment and sanity. I have plenty of fics that barely get any love, but I enjoy writing them. It's therapeutic for me. The rest is just noise. Also, like any writer, I love to hear from readers and try to respond to all my comments because they mean a lot to me.
17) Do you have a playlist for your favorite character/ship?
Sometimes, yes. It depends on what I am writing and how I am feeling. Most of the time it is instrumental piano and/or cello music because I will start accidentally typing the lyrics of a regular playlist. If I am going for a specific vibe or writing because of a specific song, I will have the song on repeat or at least an album by the artist.
18) If fan art was going to be made from your work, which fic would you pick and which fan artist would you like to create it?
SCBB delivered that on a platter for me. CWA got art from the multi-talented @bigmammallama5. If you haven't seen it, you can check it out here.
19) How many WIPs do you currently have?
13 total with another one that is in the planning stages.
20) What's your advice to new fanfic writers?
Write for yourself. If you love it, it brings you enjoyment, and adds to your life, continue doing it. You're not going to please everyone and there will be people who are less than kind about something you publish. Those voices don't matter. There is someone out there that has read or will read your work and it will stick with them for the rest of their lives. Always do it for you.
Tagging but no pressure: @lovesastateofmind1 @casualkoalatea @fabulousglitch and @sssammich
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mrowmrowmrow9 · 2 years
Random stupid pet peeves I have for reading fanfiction
people misspelling or not capitalizing Mon-El's name (Mon El or Mon-el or Mon el)
first person POV
kryptonite and/or lead not working the way they do in the show
men not being allowed to make any noises during sex that do not start with "gr" (ex. groaning, grunting, growling)
people misspelling "yeah" (ex. "ya")
when the girl penis trope is used solely because "Look it's a girl with a penis isn't that hot!" and not because the writer has any intention of including the experiences of trans people
people using "I'm bad at summaries plz just read the fic" as their summary (no I will not just read it! I need details!)
that overused trope where the guy gets hurt heroically protecting the girl and then she has to angstily patch him up or whatever
when the main ship is framed as an abusive relationship (!!) that somehow got "fixed" (?!) despite the writer claiming they're a huge fan of the ship
when the writing/story is fantastic but it's cisnormative and binary-normative so I can't like it because of principles
Lena Luthor...existing
Share some of yours :-)
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Are any of y'all gonna be mad that some of my Supergirl fanfics (especially the more comics focused ones are gonna feature KaraDox(Kara X Brainy)?
P.S: I DO still love karamel but outside of the CW show I've also always loved KaraDox. I'm a MULTISHIPPER. I can enjoy both from the different medias they're featured in.
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iminyourhandskara · 2 years
sometime this week this blog turned 6!! can you guys believe it?
anyway i just wanna say i appreciate everyone who's still posting and loving karamel, i see some of you have gotten back to writing and im thankful.
also in case you were wondering, i am still writing my finale fix it fanfic, i hope i get to post the first chapter before the end of the year, it's supposed to be 4 chapters long and it's probably not my best work but i still hope you're still gonna be happy to read it whenever the time comes. okay byeeee
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Karamel Fanfic (from the anon who said they were gone for 2 yrs):
Chapter 1: Too Good at Goodbyes
"I'm sorry... Kara, you know I didn't choose to do this but it's our only way of saving the planet..." Mon-El cupped the cheeks of his wife who was tearing up about losing him and their family again. However, both of them knew, Saturn and it's forces were not going to give Earth and it's inhabitants any bit of mercy unless they get what they want.
Supergirl and Valor...
The heroes who built and led the Legion of Superheroes for hundreds of years. Perhaps, now was the time they were bound to part ways.
Mon-El went to Saturn after a long and heartbreaking confession with Kara, he talked to their General and hesitantly agreed to their conditions.
"I shall marry your daughter, but promise us that you and your army will leave Earth alone in peace."
Despite being extremely distasteful and broken on the inside, Mon-El acted sternly and intimidating to save his family and the planet.
"Very well, the wedding shall happen tomorrow in a public ceremony in Saturn." The General grinned and smirked due to his victory.
Mon-El returned to his house and helped Kara and the children (who were grown adults) packed so they can move someplace else far from him to avoid any rumors that can break the agreement.
Their second child, Kalex, questioned his father. "Dad, after all this time, you're gonna leave us behind. Do you wish to say a final message to each of us?" The boy was fuming on the inside, but like his father, kept calm and tried to understand the situation.
"Son, I hope you-"
"I understand dad, I just wanna know what you have to say for us."
Mon-El sighed softly as all of their children gathered along with Kara on the couch. No matter how stubborn or mischievous these grown adults are, he will always love them more than anything in the universe along with their mother for they are his kids and the product of his love for Kara (and vice versa).
"Kara, my love, thank you for giving me a chance to live the life that I didn't knew I wanted. You will always be the best thing that ever happened to me, the best I've known and I'll keep loving you with all I left in this universe. As long as Rao watches, I shall and will never love another."
Kara slowly nodded, previously, she had a breakdown and didn't understand the situation but after a hundred years, after all that she had seen, this was no longer that common to her.
"Kalex, my first son. I can see through you that you're angry with all of this yet you keep trying to understand everything. You've always been disappointed in yourself for not having any powers but son, I'm really proud of you."
The boy with blond hair and brown eyes slightly gave a heartfelt smile to his father.
"Mara, I know you're secretly planning a universal revolution-"
"Took the words right off my mouth, dad!"
"It's not a good idea at the moment, Mara. You've always been just like your mother, driven and had a wildfire within you. You're gonna inherit my position someday, I hope you choose wisely and do what's best for the people."
Mara saw her dad as a very patient man who knew his way through everything. Therefore she admired him and nodded in respect. She was still going to do that revolution tho-
Mon-El turned to his youngest children. Twins Karina and Monica who looked so much like Kara but are polar opposites. Karina is a typical Daxamite who reminded Mon-El of himself before the doom of the planet while Monica is almost a replica of his wife when he first met her, she wears glasses, acts awkwardly and was once a writer.
"Karina, I misunderstood you a lot and I've not given you any affection compared to your siblings... But I hope that you'll find your way through this just like anything else. Monica, you've always been strong and free spirited, may you guide me and the rest of the us towards peace. I love you both."
He hugged them tightly and almost teared up seeing their cold glares when he broke the hug.
I love you all...
He thought in his mind, that something they all knew very well but should be reminded during hardships.
After helping the rest of the family pack and eventually got them a ship to move away. He went to the Fortress of Solitude to say goodbye to someone special.
His first child, Hope.
The first child he and Kara had who has conceived during a one night stand when he time travelled back to the 21st century hundreds of years ago.
The girl with blond wavy hair and blue eyes shared many features with Kara yet when you look at her, she looks exactly like Mon-El and gives off even the same energy as him.
"I heard about the news."
"I'm sorry Hope, you must understand."
"Of course I do, tho it's only a matter of time before I do something that may give us justice."
"Hope, Saturn promised us peace. That's why I'm marrying Imra."
"And tell me, why should we rely our peace to Saturn? We can achieve that on our own and you know very well that the General never stays true to his word."
Hope stared at her father coldly while voicing out her opinion on the matter. Mon-El tried to explain his side.
"Saturn is holding the entire planet hostage, one major attack from them could annihilate all of us"
"They won't be able to do that when we annihilate them first."
"Don't worry, I won't do anything for now. I'm waiting for the right time and settle this plan with Mara. You may go now, goodbye."
"Hope, child, I love you."
"It pains me that you still have to say that..."
Mon-El looked at his daughter worriedly and flew away while Hope is looking for information in the Fortress. She never looked at her father while he was talking, no... not this time. But minutes after he left, she cried quietly and tears flowed down the ice of the Fortress...
Thanks for sharing!
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korixae · 9 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals and followers ⭐️
getting into my pjs after working all day, ben and jerry’s karamel sutra core ice cream, travelling, reading fanfics, swimming, when i’m still awake at like 4am in the summer and i get to see the sunrise, my siblings, cookies, merrie england hot beef sandwiches, how quiet everything gets in the winter, doctor who, playing cards, when i wake up and can remember my dreams, eyeliner, bonfire night, rollercoasters, editing, cooking/baking, takeaways, haircuts (specifically getting my layers cut back in after they’ve grown out), sleeping <3
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