#karl toma
soartfullydone · 2 years
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kenaigamesgallantly · 3 months
Scene Packs Masterlist
(Download links are in the description of each video)
Stefano Valentini (The Evil Within 2)
Ruben "Ruvik" Victoriano (The Evil Within, + DLC)
Albert Wesker (Resident Evil 0, NO SUBTITLES)
Albert Wesker (Resident Evil 0, SUBTITLED)
Donna + Angie Beneviento (Resident Evil Village)
Karl Heisenberg (Resident Evil Village)
Baraka (Mortal Kombat 9/2011)
Kabal (Mortal Kombat 9/2011)
Kung Lao (Mortal Kombat 9/2011)
Noob Saibot (Mortal Kombat 9/2011)
Raiden (Mortal Kombat 9/2011)
Reptile (Mortal Kombat 9/2011)
Scorpion (Mortal Kombat 9/2011)
Smoke (Mortal Kombat 9/2011)
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nofatclips · 8 months
Lost by Crippled Black Phoenix (featuring Vincent Cavanagh) from the album Ellengæst
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ghostie-ghoulie · 1 year
Hey there! I'm Ghostie-Ghoulie. I have had this app for years and always wanted to post, so here I am!
Currently, I'm obsessed with anything Until Dawn or Resident Evil related. I can't ever shut my mouth about them.
My content will either consist of possible art or my fanfiction about certain fandoms I enjoy.
This is an 18+ blog! So, if you are a minor, please, in the most polite way possible, leave my page.
These Fandoms that I am a part of happen to be:
Until Dawn
Resident Evil (a personal favorite)
Horror movies (Ghostface, Hellrasier, Chucky, IT, Etc)
The Wolf Among Us
Mortal Kombat
Team Fortress 2
Star Wars
Star Wars: The Bad batch
Ghost (band)
Bendy And The Ink Machine
Spiderman (mostly the spiderverse movies)
Dark Deception
Devil May Cry
More fandoms can be added later!
I will write Smut, oneshots, small imagines, and multichapter stories. I'm a sucker for smut, so you're gonna get that out of me once I finally get the hang of it.
Important note: I only write XReaders for now. I know that might suck for a lot of people, but it is something I heavily enjoy. I know people don't like it (Y/n, I'm looking at you), but the stereotypical cringe XReader stories that drive me up a wall will not be here. I will try my hardest to make the apperence vague, but personality might be a challenge. Though, hey! Everyone needs their practice. I can't go writing an emotionless reader, eh?
The readers I write for will mostly, if not entirely, be gender neutral or feminine. I'm sorry if this is a major letdown, but I do not trust my abilities to delve into a male reader just yet. I most write for male characters in general, and as love interests, but I can write for women when it comes to romance. I am both for ladies and gents.
Another very important note: I have a major history regarding mental health. Stress comes to me easy, and with stress comes heavy burnout. My brain gets fried, and my creativity goes down 6 feet under. All I ask is that you be very patient with me until I recover. This might mean small breaks or long breaks. Requests may be hard to handle, but if I'm ready, I'll think about doing them. You are able to send in asks! I may not be able to do full requests, but maybe some thoughts for a writing I could possibly start off with.
I am very understanding when it comes to emotional and mental related things because I have experienced my fair share of dealing with it. These topics will show up sometimes in various writings. If these bother you, worry not! Warnings will be placed.
This is a page friendly one towards everyone. I do not stand for hate of any kind. Sure, we're through a damn screen, but I still won't tolerate it. So please, no hate or arguments. If opinions differ, it doesn't mean we need to clash.
Characters that I could possibly write for consist of:
Until Dawn
Chris Hartley
Mike Monroe
Josh Washington
Matt Taylor
Resident Evil
Leon Kennedy
Karl Heisenburg
Luis Sera
Jack Krauser
Albert Wesker
Devil May Cry
Johnny Cage
Vergil Sparda
Dante Sparda
Nero sparda
Mortal Kombat
Syzoth (Reptile)
Tomas (Smoke)
Bi-han (Sub-Zero)
Kuai liang (Scorpian)
Liu Kang
Johnny Silverhand
Viktor Vektor (he needs more love and attention. I love him sm)
Team Fortress 2
(Possibly the rest)
Star Wars
Captain Rex
(Probably will write for a bunch of clones, tbh)
Hondo Ohnaka
Darth Maul
Darth Vader
Boba Fett
Din Djarin
The Wolf Among Us
Bigby Wolf
I think that's all I've really got for now. More of course can be added later to masterlists. I'm just giving you good ideas on who I would love to write for.
(I will probably reform this because damn it looks jumbled, but hey, I'm inexperienced with actually posting on Tumblr.)
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lisbs · 2 years
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notasfilosoficas · 1 year
“El poder político es simplemente el poder organizado de una clase para oprimir a otra”
Karl Marx
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Fue un filósofo, economista, sociólogo, historiador, periodista, intelectual y político comunista alemán de origen judío nacido en Tréveris en mayo de 1818. Su vasta e influyente obra abarca diferentes campos del pensamiento en la filosofía, la historia, la ciencia política, la sociología y la economía. 
Su abuelo paterno fue el rabino de su ciudad natal Tréveris desde 1723 y su abuelo materno era un rabino neerlandés.
El padre de Karl pertenecía a una clase media próspera, poseedor de algunos viñedos en la región de Mosela. Se convirtió del judaísmo al protestantismo luterano para evitar las restricciones antisemitas. Era un hombre inclinado a la ilustración interesado en las ideas de los filósofos Immanuel Kant y Voltaire.
Poco se sabe de la infancia de Karl Marx, era el tercero de nueve hermanos y tenía un enorme apego a su padre de quien nunca se cansaba de hablar de él y del cual llevaba siempre una fotografía suya.
En 1835 a la edad de 17 años fue a la Universidad de Bonn en donde deseaba estudiar filosofía y literatura pero su padre insistió en el derecho como un campo de estudio más fértil. Fue capaz de evitar el servicio militar debido a un problema de salud, siendo aficionado a a las bebidas alcohólicas en Bonn en donde se unió al Club de la Taverna de Tréveris. 
Dado que Marx no tenía interés en estudiar derecho, y debido a sus bajas notas, su padre lo obligó a moverse a la la Universidad de Berlin una academia mucho mas seria y mejor orientada y en donde a pesar de ello, sus estudios de derecho se hicieron menos importantes que las incursiones en la filosofía y la historia. Se relacionó con el círculo de los filósofos pertenecientes a la llamada izquierda hegeliana manteniendo especial contacto con Bruno Bauer y Moses Hess.
A la edad de 18 años se comprometió con una baronesa aristocrática de la clase dirigente prusiana con quien contrajo matrimonio 7 años mas tarde y dedicaría a su suegro su tesis doctoral titulada “Diferencia de la filosofía de la naturaleza de Demócrito y Epicuro”.
Marx se dedica a la vida docente y debido a las dificultades que las autoridades pusieron al desarrollo de los hegelianos de izquierda, de la vida académica se volcó al periodismo trasladándose a la ciudad de Colonia en 1842 escribiendo artículos para el periódico radical Gaceta Renana, expresando sus opiniones cada día mas socialistas sobre la política.
Ante la situación política imperante en Alemania, Marx decide marcharse a París en donde conoce a quien fuera su gran amigo Federico Engels.
En 1843 publicó la obra “Sobre la cuestión judía” y “Crítica de la filosofía del derecho de Hegel” en donde se ocupó de la religión, describiéndola como “el opio del pueblo”, rompiendo por diferencias ideológicas con su amigo Bauer y en general con los jovenes Hegelianos.
En 1845 después de ser expulsado de París, se instala en Bruselas en donde también será expulsado en 1848. Es en Bruselas en donde Marx desarrolla actividades organizativas de núcleos obreros emprendiendo una febril actividad revolucionaria, rompiendo con la filosofía clásica alemana y profundizando en el estudio científico de la sociedad.
En 1848, junto con Engels escribe el famoso “Manifiesto del partido comunista” creando con ello las bases de su concepción comunista basada en la lucha de clases que según ellos, es realmente un fenómeno social que actúa como motor de la historia, en donde la propiedad privada es una fuente de enajenación y propugnan la necesidad de la toma del poder político por parte del proletariado.
En 1859 publica la “Contribución a la crítica de la economía política”, en donde se sientan las bases principales de la que sería su magna obra “El Capital”.
“El Capital” es publicado en su primer volumen en 1867. Los volúmenes segundo y tercero los publicará póstumamente Engels y el volumen cuarto el teórico marxista Karl Kautsky.
Durante la última década de su vida, la salud de Karl Marx sufrió gran deterioro. Tras la muerte de su esposa en 1881, Marx desarrolló una fuerte gripe que lo mantuvo en mal estado durante los últimos quince meses de su vida. Con el tiempo contrajo bronquitis y pleuresía muriendo en marzo de 1883 en Londres.
Fuente: Wikipedia
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itsstrange · 2 years
Karl Urban/reader story
Best friends for about 10 years. He is off doing a movie when she gets an invite for a function (you decide what). Calls him to see if he would be available to be her plus one. He say maybe but unsure.
He shows up late and helps with an ex who is harassing her (you decide how)
Fluff and ditching a little after to go hang out at home
A/N: I know you requested other ones before this one but I just had to publish this one first since I pictured this request all too clearly and was very excited about this one tbh, so hope u don’t mind this one being published first, your previous request(s) will soon be published love!! Hope You Enjoyed this one! 💚✨
To 10 Years and More
Fandom: The Boys
Relationship: Karl Urban x Reader
Word Count: 7k
Warnings: (No) Fluff, Slight Mention of Harassment, Mention of Alcohol, Comforting, Confessions, Kissing, Karl being an Absolute Gentleman, Friends to Lovers.
Enjoy! 💚✨
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Together with their parents,
Rubie Jardin and Tomas Lockwood.
Joyfully invite you to celebrate their Wedding!
November 16, 2022
At 5:00 PM
The Colonel Ballrooms, 7577 Jacobs Ave.
See You There!
It read on the invitation that was currently in your hands, which you have been staring at for the past 10 to 20 minutes. Still can’t believe she’s doing it. You tell yourself as you continue to stare at the invitation. You weren’t gonna lie, the invitation was rather beautiful, its color was matte black with golden leaves as a frame, something that definitely screamed Rubie. She was obsessed with those two colors, you also wouldn’t doubt it if her dress turns out to be the same color, yet you wouldn’t worry too much about criticism she’d receive from the guest, that woman can rock anything and everything.
She did win Prom Queen after all.
Another disbelief, yet happy, scoff leaves your lips as you continue to stare at the invitation, still not quite believing it. It became realistic at the bachelorette party, but now, just a few days away, it all just seems like a dream. Never in a million years did you think, Rubie Jardin, your high school bestie, your rebel half, your partner in crime would ever get married, but here you are, staring down at the invitation to her very own wedding that would happen in a couple of days. You never really thought she’d settle down, she never picked you as the type to tie the knot with someone, but boy were you proved wrong. And you were glad you were. She deserved someone who would cherish her, love her for who she is, care for her in any way, and you knew Tomas was the perfect man for the job. He had found her queen and she had found her king, and you wished them both a happily ever after.
Only thing you weren’t happy about is actually attending the wedding, alone that is. Even if it said at the bottom of the invite ‘plus one’ you still didn’t have anyone to take, your mom was off the list, she was off on vacation with your father, Anniversary, your siblings were also off on vacation or out of town with their own family and you just didn’t really have anyone else you’d like to accompany you to the event. Your co-workers were a no go, you didn’t really have that close connection with them, yet, and the rest of your actual friends were already taking a date with them, and the thought of hitching a ride with them just didn’t sit well with you. Even if they didn’t mind the third company, you sure did, you felt a burden, so that was also a no.
Only person you can think of who would absolutely love to be your date uh.. plus one, would be the one person who is constantly working and constantly traveling for work. The thought of even texting him or calling him just seemed pointless, you knew he was busy, probably won’t event answer the call from how busy he is, but in all honesty you wondered if he’d actually answer your call since you hardly ring him up during work days. Also, you were curious to know what would be his reaction, Rubie along with multiple friends have mentioned how different he acts whenever you’re around. He doesn’t, they’re crazy. You mentally remind yourself but don’t realize how your fingers are already scrolling through your contacts until you’re tapping on his name.
This is pointless. Why am I even calling him he’s busy and across the country.
Yet you still put your phone on speaker before placing it on the island, waiting patiently as the line starts ringing throughout the kitchen. Your hands leaning against the table, fingers lightly—nervously— tapping against the marble counter while your eyes are casted down on the screen. After the fifth ring you thought about hanging up and sending him a mess to give you a call back whenever he can, but before you can hover your finger on the screen, a voice is being heard on the other end.
‘Urban industries,’ You stayed quiet at the familiar but non-familiar voice, then a smile tugs on your lips when you recognize it,
“Hey Jensen,”
‘Gotta tell you, you just brightened my night even more,’ He states over the phone, smirk visible in his tone,
You chuckle, “That so?”
He hums then continues, ‘You proved me wrong,’
“How exactly?”
‘Well, I always wondered who he loved the most. Me or his so-called best friend, but now that I’ve seen how he has you as his contacts I believe I won,’
“You think so?” You snark back, wide smile on your face,
‘Oh I know so. I’ve got hearts by my name,’ You can visibly picture a large, cheeky smile on the mans face, earning a heartfelt chuckle to slip from your mouth,
“You’re an idiot,” You comment with a shake of your head, earning a deep chuckle from the man as well, “Where’s the Kiwi at? Would love to have a serious conversation about our friendship,” Relationship.
‘He’s somewhere around here— ah, there he is, gimme a sec,’ You hear shuffling on the other end of the phone, then wind blowing in the background and then voices before you hear Jensen talking to another person, seconds pass before finally hearing his voice coming through the speaker,
‘’Ello?’ His Kiwi accent slips, invading your eardrums beautifully, easily making your heart flutter in your chest,
“Replacing me I see,” You playfully say, smile turning into a smirk when his soft chuckle is heard through the phone,
‘I could never,’ Karl replies
“I don’t know, he seems very certain that he’s won you from me,” The same smirk is still on your lips as you grab your phone to maneuver yourself around the island,
Karl chuckles once again, causing your heart to flutter once again, ‘We’re in it together. Till the very end, remember?’
Your smirk switches back to a large smile, one that has your cheeks burning up, both from pure happiness and absolute love. If only he knew how you actually took those words. If only he knew how you actually felt about him, then you wouldn’t be riding with so much hidden feelings, but you did, for so many reasons. Reasons to prevent heartbreak and pain. However, you’ve been dealing with said pain, every time you were near him, the urge to just let him know everything you were feeling, the urge to just kiss him stupidly until those feelings have been satisfied have been growing nonstop. But you held a firm grip onto those feelings to prevent them from ever spilling out because you just didn’t want to ruin things, didn’t need more pain nor a reminder about the time your best friend didn’t feel the same way about you.
So, you kept them hidden, and we’re going to keep them hidden until one day you were brave enough to share them with him.
It was back in 2012, it was the first day of work as the makeup artist on the set of Star Trek. You were having a conversation with another co-worker, sharing your guys’ excitement when the door to your trailer opens up, revealing Chris Pine with his piercing blues and right behind him was the one and only Karl Urban. If somebody would have told you it only took weeks to grow close with him you would have believed them, but if another person would have told you it only took a month to fall for him, and two years to admit it, you would have said that’s crazy. But it was the absolute truth.
You fell for him. Hard. But you knew it wasn’t right, he’s a successful actor and you were just.. a regular woman trying to survive the American Dream. You two would never correlate, he was always working, traveling, it has actually surprised you so many times how your friendship remained strong for these many years. Normally you never kept contact with actors you’ve worked with, but for some reason, Karl decided to stay in your life. Till the very end.
A question you’ve always asked yourself was, How the fuck are you still hiding it from him? And the answer you’ve always given was fear. That’s how you kept it from him, because you were scared of him, scared of what he might say, scared of what he might do, scared of losing him, that’s why you never slipped, and will not slip. It was too much of a risk, you love him too much to lose him.
Wait.. love?
‘So what’s up?’ Karl says, breaking you out of your own ranting thoughts,
“Hope I’m not interrupting anything,” You tell him with a apologetic tone,
‘Nah all good love, we’re just finishing up this scene before calling it a night,’ He reassures you, cheeks burning up at the nickname,
You look at the time on your phone, realizing it was barely 11:30 pm at night, meaning it was barely 1:30 on his end. Normally he’d get off from work at three in the morning, but if the director loves them enough he’d let them off until four in the morning, so it seemed to you odd he was clocking off work much earlier. Especially on a Monday night.
“You boys sleeping on the job?” You ask reaching into your fridge to grab a bottle of water,
Karl chuckles once again, then sniffs, ‘That’s all Jensen, poor lad is on his tenth coffee cup,’ He jokes then adds, ‘The temperature keeps dropping over here, and filming in an abandoned warehouse ain’t helping, nearly freezing my tits off, plus there’s a snowstorm coming in a matter of hours,’
You scoff in disbelief, feeling sympathy for him and the rest of the crew for having to work in the most brutal weather conditions in Chicago, where you on the other hand were cozy and warm in your apartment.
“Sounds like fun,” You sarcastically say as you make your way towards your couch,
‘Oh it’s thrilling,’ Karl responds back with the same sarcasm, but continues with, ‘How bout you? You alright love?’
Damn him and his fucking nicknames, you’re lucky he can’t see the way your face is fucking flushed.
“Oh I’m heating like a furnace over here,” Literally. “And I’ve got Harry Potter throwing spells at me,”
Karl groans into the phone, and lordy did that do something to you, immediately sending your mind into sinful thoughts. ‘What I would give to be in your position,’
You giggle as you stare at the screen, watching but not quite paying attention to the film, you didn’t need to, you’ve about watched that film more than you can count. Can visibly picture and say each line and scene with your eyes close as if it were the back of your hand.
“Maybe if you flirt with Richard he’ll let you go right now,” You smirk, knowing he too shared the same look,
‘I just might,’ He says with a short chuckle before adding once again, ‘Now what’s on your mind?’
He really did know you. Probably knows you better than you do. You’ve been avoiding the question since he spoke on the phone, but he picked on it much quicker than you thought.
You scoff with a shake of your head, dropping your phone on your chest, “I’m not even sure I should tell you,”
‘How come?’ Confusion and curiosity can be heard in his voice,
You stay quiet for a couple seconds, teeth biting your bottom lip from the nerves, “Because it’s pointless,”
‘Don’t be daft (Y/n). Obviously it’s not pointless if it’s got you calling me during work hours,’
“It is because I already know the answer to the question,”
‘Spill it,’ He simply says, firmness itched in his voice,
God you really hated him.
With a loud sigh you let your head lean back against the couch, you did call him, now you’ve gotta ask him.
‘(Y/n)’ Karl says your name with a slight warning to get you to talk,
Another sigh leaves your mouth again but the words fall freely from lips, “Okay. Remember Rubie?”
‘Of course,’
“Well she’s getting married in a couple of days..On Friday actually and—,”
‘Married?’ Karl questions with absolute confusion,
“Uhm.. yeah. Married,” Does he not know? He has to know I told him. He was there when she broke the news.. right?
‘With that one Tomas bloke?’ He asks again, Does he really not know?
You scoff with a soft chuckle, “Yeah him.. Don’t you remember Rubie spilling the beans that one Saturday night?”
He stays quiet for a couple seconds on the other end, making some noises with his tongue before finally remembering with a loud, excited, ‘Oh Yeah! Sorry love, been absolute crazy over here,’
The way he constantly forgets things brings a soft giggle out of you. Normally you’d think he’d be great with memorizing things considering his line of work, but it’s actually the quite opposite.
‘Alright, so she’s gettin married?’ He asks, which sounded more like he was edging you to continue with whatever it is you wanted to say,
“Yeah and— well.. I obviously have to go, she’s my best friend and all but..,” You stop yourself, silently inhaling through your nose as you look up at your ceiling, honestly regretting even calling him but continue with your question, “I..I didn’t want to go alone.. and.. I’ve got a plus one but got no one to take. And— well I-.. I figured I’d ask you,”
‘Right..,’ Was Karl’s response, hesitant and soft but then adds, ‘But you knew I worked,’
“Hence, pointless of even asking you,” You remind him, fingers nervously playing with the brand of your water bottle,
Silence hovered over you, definitely not helping with your nerves, but then you begin hearing the way he lets out a loud exhale through his nose.
‘You know I would absolutely love to go. Not only to crash the wedding but to also be there with you,’ If only he knew just how bad those words effected you, heart fluttering uncontrollably in your chest with cheeks burning, god how you wished he knew, ‘But I’m not sure if—,’
“No, yeah I know,” You cut him off, awaiting disappointment settling in your chest, “You’re busy.. you don’t have to explain, I get it. Why do you think I didn’t wanna ask you,”
‘Yeah.. sorry love,’
“Honestly Karl don’t be. You’re busy, plus I’m sure it’ll probably be difficult to even get the day off. It’s understandable,” You reassure him, fingers now playing with the corner of your pillow,
You weren’t sure, but you definitely think you heard a disappointed sigh on the other end of the phone, or maybe it was the wind? Either way, you too felt disappointed, even if you knew it was coming it still sucked knowing he’d most likely miss the wedding and would have to decline being your plus-one. Yet, despite the disappointment, you felt somewhat relieved knowing he didn’t reject your offer, reject you. Not that it proved your friends theory. He just couldn’t make it.
That’s it.
While you continued playing with the corner of your pillow, you hear Karl speak to someone on his end, then hear another loud, exhausted sigh escape from him. A small knowingly smile creeps on your lips when you recognize that sigh.
“Duty calls?” You ask, which he response with a short yawn,
“Go. Finish the scene so you can catch some shut eye,” You tell him, even if you didn’t want to end the call you knew you had to, he needed to get back to work,
‘Alright love.. I’ll give you a call later on,’ He says with another small sigh,
“Okay. Goodnight,”
‘Night love,’
At his words you both end the call. Grabbing your phone from your chest you toss it to the side on the couch with a disappointed sigh. You stare at your phone for a couple seconds, replaying the conversation in your head, feeling the way your chest warms up when you heard his voice again after weeks of not being able to communicate. You always did enjoy your guys’ conversations, but now, with these feelings growing every minute, it just felt different, it was a different kind of happiness, it felt much more.. stronger. You couldn’t describe it other than feeling like the sun was constantly shining around you every time you’d hear his voice.
And it was a feeling you wished you’d feel everyday, wished it was the same feeling he felt, but knew that wish would never fully fulfill, because not every wish finds their way.
Four Days Later
The wedding was absolutely beautiful. She looked absolutely incredible. The venue, the theme, the colors, her dress was just beyond perfect in your eyes, everything was just beautiful. That’s all you can say to describe the day. Things were going great, large smiles, heartfelt laughters, happy tears were being shared all around, you on the other hand we’re glad you decided to put waterproof everything because you definitely went through at least six pieces of tissues. Nonstop, happy tears rolled down your cheeks as Rubie made her way down the aisle with her grandfather, taking her fathers place considering he was no longer with us but proudly watching from above, the way they both shared their vows, promising each other to always protect and give unconditional love and support, then came the rings and the kiss. Then Husband and Wife.
You cheered with everyone, hugging Rubie’s mother with pure joy, new tears rolling down your face as you watched the newly wed wave with large smiles on their face. Everything was just beautiful.
Everything was going great after. Once everyone ate, everybody began enjoying the rest of the day with the newly wed. Drinks, laughter, more tears, chatter, pictures were being shared around the entire venue. You were sure you had thousands of great photos with friends and the newly wed, great memories to look back to, however, despite enjoying the night, you wished a certain someone was there to enjoy it with you. He had called you two days before the wedding to let you know he definitely wouldn’t be able to make it to the wedding, claiming they had to makeup the day for canceling the previous day due to flash floods, again you reassured him it was fine and completely understandable, but you still couldn’t help the way your heart shattered knowing you wouldn’t be seeing him anytime soon.
But even then, you still sent him pictures of the day, of the venue, of you and Rubie and even managed to sneak in a small FaceTime call, but had to cut it short since he claimed he had to go back to work. That was a couple of hours ago, ever since the call you tried to busy yourself by having a couple drinks with friends, chatting, laughing, even dancing with friends and the bride. The night was going splendid, definitely a night to remember, until it wasn’t.
You parted away from your group, claiming you had to use the restroom. Once that was taken care of, you began walking in the direction of the bar where you ordered your preferred drink and waited patiently. A smile would come across your lips every once and a while as you watched Rubie dance with her new husband to a slow song, it was such a memorable scene, making you wonder if you would ever get to experience such a beautiful moment too. Your thoughts were soon brought out by the bartender placing your drink on the counter, once thanking him and giving him a tip, which he sends you an appreciative smile, you turn to walk away, but was stopped by the one man you had been avoiding throughout the whole day.
Mason Peerson. Better known as your shit head of an ex-boyfriend.
“Hey,” He greets you with that all too familiar smirk, causing dark memories to resurface in your mind,
“Mason,” You say his name with pure disdain, distaste, causing an uncomfortable knot to start forming at the pit of your stomach when his smirk only darkens at your tone, clearly finding your hatred amusing,
“It’s been a while,” He starts, leaning one elbow on the counter of the bar, smirk still plastered on his face,
“Sure has,” You respond shortly, wanting nothing more than to leave this conversation, leave him, but you knew walking away from him was pointless, he was like a piece gum stuck to the bottom of your shoe once stepped on,
He won’t leave you alone. Yet, you were actually surprised he hadn’t bothered you earlier, then again, you never did leave your armor of friends. Trying to get through them was like trying to get through a pack of viscous wolves, it was pointless to even try and it was incredibly dangerous. For him, anyways. They all knew the way he had mistreated you during the last few moments of your relationship, witnessed multiple times where you both would constantly argue over the smallest things, even witnessed how he had brought your insecurities even lower, causing you to dig yourself into a dark hole, which took a lot of convincing and patience to bring you out of.
Your relationship wasn’t always fucked. In the beginning everything was fine, great, perfect, he was perfect, in your eyes at least. He would do everything for you, would show you love, affection, the two years were just absolutely amazing, until it wasn’t. Things went downhill as soon as he began drinking nearly every weekend, then the drinking switched from twice of the week to drinking nearly every day. Then came the arguments, then the harassment, not physical, but verbally, which ruined you mentally. Things between you two were just fucked at that point, no better word for it, it was just too toxic, it wasn’t healthy by any means, not anymore at least.
Family and friends begged you to leave him, to leave that toxic environment, but you couldn’t, you felt trapped by blind love, until you finally drew the line. One night, after a terrible “date night” you had stormed out of the restaurant after he had insulted you once again and demanded you to stop being so dramatic about your mental issues, claiming ‘you are not a child so stop seeking attention’ not only did he receive a list of profanities but he also received your glass of whine poured onto his head. Luckily for you, the security guards were able to step in between you two before he even got the chance to actually do something. One of them escorted you outside while the other kept Mason inside as you waited for your ride.
It was Karl who had picked you up. And it was that night that you had cried in his chest before falling into a peaceful sleep in his arms.
“Even after all these years, you still look good,” He gives you an unwelcoming compliment,
You give him a scoff with a disbelief smile, “Thanks,” You tell him, taking a step to walk away but a cold hand stops you by the elbow, halting your steps,
“Hey c’mon, can we please just talk?” He asks you, hand still firm around your elbow,
Talk? Seriously? Bold of him to assume talking to him was the last thing on my mind. You mentally tell yourself.
“There’s nothing to talk about and there never will be,” You try walking away again but his grip on your elbow only tightens as he maneuvers his body in front of you, blocking you from walking away,
“Despite looking good, you’re acting like a goddamn child still,” His light brown eyes were filled with that same old annoyance, irritation as he stared at you,
And oh how you wanted nothing more than to punch the shit out of him. You were seconds away from doing so, your free hand was curled into a fist by your side, you were just waiting for him to give you a reason, but before he could give you one, an all too familiar deep, loving voice settles behind you.
“We all good here?” You quickly turn around at his voice, watching the way his hazel orbs drop down to yours for a split second before once again averting them back to Mason, who had long since then released your elbow from his grip,
The look that was written in his eyes was the same look he displayed while playing his iconic role, Billy Butcher. Seeing it through a screen was absolutely incredible, but now, with him only an inch away from you and having that look in his eyes was pure intimidation, yet, arousing. But her didn’t need to know that. Ever.
“Karl. It’s been a minute,”
“Sure has,” Karl responds, tone flat and still, then slightly motions his head to the side, “Now how bout we leg it, yeah?”
In other words, fuck off. You mentally say as you stood between both men. Mason must’ve understood the true definition behind the taller man’s words because he softly chuckles before taking a step forward, but before he can even take another you quickly settle in front of him, stopping him from inching closer to the man behind you, who now had his chest pressed against your back. Not because he was going to launch at the other man, not that he didn’t want to, but because he saw how close the dickhead had gotten to you.
“Just leave, Mason,” You firmly tell him, (E/c) glaring into his own eyes as you continue with, “You’re really gonna cause a scene at your best friends wedding?”
That got him to avert his eyes from the man behind you to stare into your own. That’s the only reason why he’s even here, he was good friends with Tomas, they were like brothers so of course he was going to attend his brothers wedding, but if it wasn’t for him knowing Tomas, he wouldn’t have been there.
Something switches in eyes as he locked gazes with you, a habit that apparently never left from him. An effect that you just had on him, despite of everything that he’d done, you just had a way in bringing him down without even trying. He’d never admit it, but you were, and will always be his weakness.
Still keeping his eyes locked with yours, he inhales deeply through his nose before averting his eyes back towards Karl, who was still keeping a close eye on him. Then after a minute, maybe less, Mason gives you a small glance before finally leaving without another word.
“Never did understand what you saw in that cunt,” Karl comments once Mason was out of earshot, hazel orbs still following his frame as he made his way across the venue,
You chuckle as you turn to face him, “It’s called blind love,”
Karl remained keeping his eyes on Mason, watching as he made his way back to a group of men, then cheering and laughing with them as if he wasn’t just seconds away from causing a fight. As he kept his eyes on the group of men, Mason specifically, he didn’t notice the way you were observing— admiring—him. Dark hair neatly styled upwards, beard neatly trimmed, skin glowing perfectly—beautifully under the venues lights, then you let your eyes wonder throughout his entire frame. Dark blazer and jeans with a turquoise button up underneath— which you realized matched with your dress perfectly— and of course he had the first three buttons undone revealing his chest and St. Christopher necklace that you had gotten him a couple years back, causing a warming sensation to build at the pit of your stomach whenever you see it on him.
He really does not take it off. You tell yourself, remembering when you had given him the necklace as an early birthday gift where he then took it with a large, appreciative smile before slipping it over his head without hesitation. If you were being completely honest, that moment plays rent free in your mind at any given time, he plays rent free at any given time, but you’re not complaining nor will you ever admit it to him.
“You came,” You softly say, small smile forming on your mouth when those hazel orbs of his finally land on yours,
His entire demeanor changes as he locks eyes with you. Pure relief, joy, and happiness replace his anger as he stares at you. God how he missed your eyes, your smile, you.
“You called,” He simply states, then adds, “Plus, I did say we’d crash the wedding together right?”
A soft chuckle escapes from you, smile widening as you close the little gap between you two where two large arms wrap around your frame and tug you closer to his firm body. Your own arms wrap around his waist, fingers interlocking behind his back, trapping him there as your cheek rests against his chest. Despite the music playing loudly through the speakers, his soothing heartbeat still sounded beautifully in your ear, making your hold on him to tighten, which only widens his own smile. Hugging you tighter as well, he places a gentle kiss on top of your head.
“Sorry I’m late,” Karl whispers, lips slightly moving against the crown of your head,
You shake your head against his chest, “Doesn’t matter. Everything’s perfect now,”
The two of you remain in each others arms for another couple of minutes, just cherishing the moment for a little while longer until the sounds of cheering breaks the moment. Glancing over to the dance floor you watch as both Rubie and Tomas become the center of attention, a smile and chuckle escaping from you when they both show their moves to the upbeat music. Then you feel a hand interlocking with your own, glancing back at Karl you see him motioning his head to the side with a smile before gently guiding you to the table where the rest of your friends sat and cheered.
After greeting and hugging each one of your friends, he sits down next to you, hand once again interlocking with your own. You stare down at your hands then back up to meet his eyes, he only spares you a small smile before turning around to spark a conversation with one of the guys at the table, however, what made a smile form on your lips was the way his thumb would rub soothing circles against your skin, causing a warming sensation to rise in your chest and causing you to inch closer to him in your chair.
He’s just holding my hand because we haven’t seen each other for a couple months, nothing else. You tell yourself as you listened in on a conversation on your left but couldn’t seem to focus since your mind kept wondering back to his thumb rubbing small circles against your skin. You wanted to believe it was more than a ‘I miss you, I haven’t seen you for a while, so I’m going to hold your hand for as long as I can’ type of thing, but you also didn’t want to believe in such a thing, you feared it, feared of getting hurt. But the longer he held your hand in his, the harder it was to push the thought away.
Just stop! He’s only here for the night, possibly for a couple of hours, just enjoy the night, enjoy him while you can! You mentally curse at yourself when you start overthinking things, which is an annoying tick of yours, but as annoying as it is, you can’t just stop yourself. Thankfully, before you can even dive deeper in your thoughts, Rubie comes strolling over to your table with a wide smile, which only widens when she spots Karl by your side. Once thanking and hugging him for attending her wedding, she goes ahead and demands everyone at the table to join her at the dance floor, words slightly slurring, causing a few chuckles and cheers as she turns back around. Dancing her way back to the floor.
While everyone indeed gets up from the table to follow the married woman, you and Karl remain sitting down, watching everybody cheering as they make their to the dance floor with a smile. Then, before you know it, Karl himself is standing up as well, pulling your interlocked hands, a motion for you to go dancing with him.
Your eyes grow wide, “You know I suck at dancing,”
Karl softly chuckles, “That makes two love,”
With another small tug on your hand, you rise from your chair with a wide smile. At least you won’t be alone when it comes to making a fool of yourself.
You let him guide you to the dance floor, hand tightening around his own as he moves through dancing bodies, after what seemed like a minute of walking through a crowded maze, Karl is pulling you in front of him. A large smile spreads on your face as you two move with the music, even if both of you were definitely not meant for dancing, you both still were giving it all. Not caring if both your steps were off beat, not caring if you two were possibly making a fool of yourselves, you both were simply enjoying the moment. Together.
Yet, the night only seemed to get younger. As you two were dancing and just as Karl twirls you around, the DJ switches the song, causing the entire venue to erupt in loud, excited cheers as the next song blares through the speakers. Karl watches the way your eyes and smile grow wide the same time Rubie suddenly appears right next to you, then watches the way you both sing the lyrics to the song as loud as you both can.
‘Coming out of my cage,
And I’ve been doing just fine,
Gotta gotta be down,
Because I want it all,
It started out with a kiss,
How did it end up like this?
It was only a kiss, it was only a kiss,
Now I’m falling asleep,
And she’s calling a cab,
While he’s having a smoke,
And she’s taking a drag,
Now they're going to bed,
And my stomach is sick,
And it's all in my head,
But she's touching his chest now,
He takes off her dress now
Let me go,
And I just can't look, it's killing me,
And taking control,’
Karl remains standing still, quietly, just admiring you from his position on the dance floor, completely awestruck by you at the moment. Wide smile plastered on your lips as you sing the lyrics with pure energy, joyfulness, admiration, excitement, love. His hazel orbs never leaves your form. They were glued to you. He felt as if he’d look away, he miss the best moment, and that was you, dancing, jumping, screaming your lungs out to the song, hair going absolute wild from jumping with Rubie by your side. It was a fucking sight to his eyes. A sight he knew he always wanted to see, forever. Your smile, the bright light in your beautiful (E/c) eyes, just you. He wanted to see that happiness in you till the end of time. You out of all people deserved it and he was damn sure he was going to do everything in his power to bring you that same happiness you felt at the moment for as long as he lived.
It was that same happiness that made him realize just how much he loves you. Not that he didn’t know it already, hell, he’s been in love with you, but the way you danced and jumped around singing your lungs out only filled that love for you. Made it stronger, harder to push down, and that alone was enough for him to let go. He’s waited too long, has kept it hidden too long, fear and anxiety rested heavily at the pit of his stomach for what his heart has decided. He knew whatever he was about to do was either going to go really well, or he was heading back to the airport with a devastated heart.
Then you turned his way, wide smile, teeth and gum showing as you continue to scream the lyrics.
Oh fuck it.
With two long steps Karl towers over you, immediately holding either side of your face to roughly, but carefully, connect your lips. The sudden action made you freeze, body going completely rigid, eyes wide as your mind tries to process what the fuck just happened. Feeling the way your entire body goes stiff, Karl slowly peels away from you, scared hazel orbs scanning your entire face. His anxiety grows stronger when he still sees that same shocked expression on you, but then sees how a small smile starts forming on your lips, and before he knows it he’s being pulled back into your space, your own lips latching on to his.
A large wave of relief washes over both of you. Wide smile forming on your guys’ lips as you two melt into the kiss. Everything you both have been hiding, keeping it in a locked door, was now being poured into the kiss. Both your bodies were flushed against each other, your fingers tangled in his hair at the base of his neck while one of his hands cradled your cheek and the other gripped firmly on your hip. Keeping you in place as he only deepened the kiss. However, a loud popping sound has you both flinching away from each other, causing a large grin to spread on each others lips when you see confetti falling from the ceiling. Karl looks back down at you with the same grin, hand still holding its place by your cheek as his thumb gently rubs your skin, then drops his head low enough to softly rub his nose with yours, causing your smile to widen. It never leaves even when he latched his lips on yours once again, even when a roar of cheers is heard next to you, but that doesn’t mean you don’t shy away from the kiss and hide your face into his chest when you know the cheers are directed to you and Karl.
A deep chuckle rumbles from Karl’s chest, finding your shyness adorable, but only hugs you tighter before once again bringing your head to peck you on the lips once again. Definitely feeling the way your cheeks burn under his palms.
“Wanna get out of here?” Karl asks you with a smile, lips moving against yours,
Your smile widens as you nod your head, which he only chuckles as he pecks your lips once more before guiding you out of the dance floor. You shake your head with a large smile when you see all of your friends, including Rubie, still cheering for you as you make your way out of the crowd. You knew whenever they see you again they would demand you details and would give you the ‘I told you so’ lecture, which only widen your smile and brought a warming sensation across your chest.
Looks like you were proved wrong.
2:30 am
“When do you go back?” You ask, head leaning against his naked chest, fingers playing with his own,
You have been avoiding that question for obvious reasons, not wanting to know the answer when you knew it already. You wished you had more time, wished you could cherished this moment much longer, wish you could keep him in your arms, in your bed with nothing but your silver sheets covering your bodies, but you knew reality would sweep in. He had to head back to Chicago to finish filming while you had to head back to the theater where you currently were working as the makeup artist. As much as you wanted this moment to last, you both had to head back to work, back to reality, back to long distance, and that alone saddened you.
“Was actually supposed to catch a red-eye but..your worth rescheduling,” Karl mumbles behind you, causing your smile to widen against his chest,
“Am I?” You ask, raising your head to look into his eyes, small smirk displayed on your lips,
Karl stares at you, small smile tugging on the corner of his lips as he brings his free hand to place a strand of hair behind your ear, “You’re worth all of it love,”
You remain smiling at him, your (E/c) eyes scanning his entire face, embracing and enjoying the way he looks at the moment. His dark hair that was once neatly styled was now sticking out from every angle, his eyes and skin illuminating perfectly from the moon light coming from your window, everything about him, in that moment, was just perfect. Bringing your hand, the one that was fiddling with his fingers, you let them cradle the side of his jaw, fingers gently massaging his beard, earning a slight head tilt from the man.
Staring deep in his eyes, you let the words slip out, “I love you,”
A smile forms on his lips, hazel orbs growing warmer, “I love you. Always have and always will,”
“Always?” You question with a smirk,
Karl scrunches his face, lips forming into a small pout, “Maybe not always,”
That earned him a smack on the chest, causing a deep chuckle to erupt from his throat. Then after a few seconds, he goes ahead and places a warm hand on the side of your face, hazel eyes staring into your beautiful eyes, that he’s grown to love throughout the years, and not once breaking eye contact with his next words. His promise to you.
“Yes, always. To 10 years and More,”
Tag List: @tiannamortis @lmarina2000 @would-die-for-bucky-barnes @strangesgirl
-Hope y’all enjoyed it! Definitely enjoyed writing this one! If I’m being completely honest, this might be my longest fic I’ve ever written for Tumblr and I couldn’t be more proud!
-Again, I really hope you enjoyed this one @strangesgirl can’t wait to write your other requests!
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unsoundedcomic · 1 year
This is not meant as critisism, but I'm kinda disappointed that Karl, a sleazy weazel nobody, is being tortured in this fashion, while Bell, who orchastrated the deaths of hundreds (if not thousands) of people and two-toes, got a quick clean death. Was that a conscious choice because of Plot or Reasons, or was it just a thing that happened?
Bell died quickly but Bell also HUMILIATED himself beforehand. His reputation is ruined. He was an efheby's bitch. His name's going to be a punchline for years. And he didn't die in some mano a mano duel with the great Captain Toma. He died like a bug splatting into a windshield. It wasn't particularly painful or prolonged but it was disgraceful, and a whole bunch of people are even now looking at the disgraceful mess he left on the city shield and forming some unfavourable opinions about ol' Ring-a-Bell.
Karl died gross, but it's also pretty darkly ironic that the womanizing bedroom thief is being physically used in the end just the way he was using Emne (and plenty of other women before her) after having his handsome face sliced off.
I would say both men were adequately served this day. All the same, I don't keep a set of scales on the corner of my desk :) Utility always comes first, and I couldn't have done this scene with Bell rather than Karl. Ruck loved Bell, and wouldn't have cut him up like this nor felt similarly moved towards such carnal domination.
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feetoffire · 1 month
individual showjumping final! this course was gorgeous in all respects (especially love the wall that looks like the notre dame rose windows) (and the curled-up lizard topiary thing. love that guy) and also tricky as all hell. only three riders went double clear (bc the oxers are massive and the striding is so so technical).
Canada: Mario Deslauriers on Emerson. i love watching the jumpers move - they’re so forward. two sets of reins. nicely in time, but two rails down. 
Germany: Phillipp Weishaupt on Zineday. drop noseband. some gape between fences. one second over, one rail down. 
Argentina: Jose Maria (jr) Larocca on Finn Lente. started rough with a knocked rail, and the combinations really got them. one second over, five rails down. 
UK: Ben Maher on Dallas Vegas Batilly. mare! nose net. froth. i love watching this mare; she’s got so much scope and so much try. in time, one rail. Just caught the oxer in the double.  
USA: Laura Kraut on Baloutinue. came in nice and quiet, and Baloutinue seems fairly settled. i think she’s my favorite rider in the field. fighting a little in the turns. he tries so hard to keeps his legs out of the way over the last fence but it doesn’t quite work. in time, one rail. 
Austria: Max Kuehner on Elektric Blue P. drop noseband, froth. gape. also knocks the last fence - i think the riders are going to have to take that extra second to come at it perfectly straight. one rail, in time. 
France: Simon Delestre on I Amelusina R 51. rough start, knocks the first fence. gape. coming in close to the red flag on most of these fences. god that’s so much gape. in time, two rails. 
Germany: Christian Kukuk on Checker 47. i do love watching the jumpers move but so many of them are hyperflexed before the round starts and that i could do without. lots of gape -  there are so many stride adjustments in this course. rattles a rail on the double combination, but it stays. double clear!
Belgium: Gregory Wathelet on Bond Jamesbond de Hay. still love this name. hackamore! couldn’t quite clear the water. very fast round. two rails. 
Netherlands: Maikel van der Vlueten on Beauville Z. little awkward over the double combination - think it was a long spot. making full use of the space. double clear. 
UAE: Omar Abdul Aziz al Marzooqi on Enjoy de la Mure. little bit of froth. looked like a touch of sass in one of the lead changes (we've all ridden that). clever striding. in time, two rails. lots of pets for Enjoy as they leave. 
Japan: Takashi Hasse Shibayama on Karamell M&M. rolls the first rail out of its cups, knocks fence two and both in the double combo. elects (smartly) to retire. 
Saudi Arabia: Ramzy al Duhami on Untouchable 32. mare! gape - i can see her tongue in the close-ups. this mare is scopey as all hell - only knocks the oxer in the first double combination. in time, one rail. 
Mexico: Andres Azcarraga on Contrendros 2. having trouble over the oxers. takes the turn to the water fast and just slides to a stop; Azcarraga comes off. 
Brazil: Rodrigo Pessoa on Major Tom. Major Tom has braids in. starts a little under speed/behind the leg. knocks two rails, elects to retire.
USA: Karl Cook on Caracole de la Roque. mare! one of the hackamore girlies (and her noseband is fuzzy!). still don’t like her topline. they’re fighting about speed - Caracole has Opinions. the turn to the card suite jumps is awkward and the combination doesn’t go well. in time, two rails. 
Belgium: Gilles Tomas on Ermitage Kalone. nose net. nice quiet feeling round. in time, two rails down. 
Norway: Victoria Gulliksen on Mistral van de Vogelzang. having a Moment before the round starts. double combination literally trips them up - thought they were both going to fall trying to get over the oxer in the double combination. half a second over, two rails down. 
Brazil: Stephan de Frietas Barcha on Primavera. mare! two sets of reins. fast around the turn to the water, some speed discussions in the ensuing fences. scrapes her way through the triple combination and the card suite fences, but she makes it! really using that fifth leg. if you click with a mare, she will do anything for you. in time, one rail. 
UK: Scott Brash on Jefferson. his stripe and snip are so cool. drop noseband. knocks the oxer in the double combination. in time, one rail down. 
Saudi Arabia: Abdulrahman Alrajhi on Ventago. red ribbon. lots of stride adjustments. tt’s a bit of a slog for them today and you can feel it. uses all of his space to the card suite jumps. one second over, one rail down. 
Netherlands: Kim Emmen on Imagine. two sets of reins. first rail comes down. he’s tired - this is his fourth round this week. in time, three rails down. 
Italy: Emanuele Camilli on Odense Odeveld. hackamore? i think? shadow roll. first rail down. handles the double combination nicely. in time, three rails. 
Sweden: Henrik von Eckermann on King Edward. nose net. makes it through the water and following line by sheer force of will only for King Edward to make a wrong turn. little bit of discussion about it, then Eckermann comes off and takes the bridle with him. insists on leading King Edward back himself (we love to see it). Edward is still worked up - Eckermann is using the elbow in the neck trick to make space. yeah been there (regularly).
Switzerland: Steve Guerdat on Dynamix de Belheme. mare! gape. she is bound and determined to make this course her bitch. good for her! double clear. 
Switzerland: Martin Fuchs on Leone Jei. drop noseband. looked like Fuchs almost came off in the double combination and he lost a stirrup. almost swings left (same as King Edward) but recovers. in time, one rail down. out of the medals, but that was some impressive riding. 
Netherlands: Harrie Smolders on Uricas V/D Kattenvennen. froth. some gape. he’s trying but he’s tired. two time penalties, one rail. 
Ireland: Daniel Coyle on Legacy. mare! love her. she’s ready to get it done. froth. stretching down in the turn to the card suite fences. i think the striding gets fucked up, they knock the next four fences (card suite combination and the two after it). Coyle elects to retire. 
Ireland: Shane Sweetnam on James Kann Cruz. converter reins. knocks the oxer in the double combination, runs into trouble in the triple. in time, three rails down. 
France: Julien Epaillard on Dubai du Cedre. mare! our other hackamore girlie 🎉 her blaze is fantastic. arguing about speed.sShe's scopey as hell and putting everything in. not quite steady enough to the second card suite fence. in time, one rail.
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46snowfox · 8 months
Queridísima Snow:
Realmente adoró que respondas las preguntas que te hacen muchas de nosotras realmente aprecio mucho que lo hagas
Bien yo también tengo muchas dudas respecto al universo de DL y es que quiero hacer un Fanfic pero tengo algunas dudas
¿Es posible que un Fundador tenga la habilidad de saltar en el tiempo y si eso fuera posible también podría salvarse del Endz?
¿Existen varias familias de fundadores?
¿Es posible que existan 2 evas en el mismo universo y si fuera así como reaccionarían?
¿Es posible tener una actitud rebelde con los diaboys y aun asi salir con vida?
¿Si la o las protagonistas fueran más poderosas que los diaboys en que afectaríaa a la historia?
¿Eva podría tener poderes y si pudiera cuales fueran los límites?
¿Se decía que Eva la próxima vez surgiera iba a ser humana pero hubiera sido posible darle el corazónde Cordelia a una vampira?
¿Karl eligió una como Eva a una humana para que así fuera más fácil de manipular por los Diaboys pero que pasaría si hubiera elegido a otra especie como eva?
Estas son algunas de mis incógnitas por ahora espero que me las puedas responder...se despide(por ahora)una de tus seguidoras
PD:perdón por las preguntas tontas es que soy pendeja XD
Ay, no me molesta nada responder, pero quiero recordar que yo no me considero ninguna experta en Diabolik Lovers y que siempre consideraré mejor leerse las rutas pertinentes para escribir (una amiga se está releyendo todo Lost Eden por su fanfic y la respeto mil, porque yo no aguanto ese juego) . Pero bueno intentaré responder ^w^
1 No, de ser posible creo que algún fundador lo habría intentado, mas no fue el caso, toma a Shin y Carla que son los hijos del rey, si ni ellos ni sus padres tenían esa habilidad, entonces nadie la tiene, solo Karl Heinz y aún teniendo ese poder no pudo salvarlos, porque en estricto rigor no hay cura, es casi un milagro que la sangre de Yui salve a Carla según algunos CDs (creo que en el Daylight lo dicen, pero no me acuerdo).
2 ¿Con lo de las familias te refieres a que no sean solo Tsukinami? Porque en tal caso imagino que sí, pueden haber sido varias familias que vivían en el Banmaden todas pertenecientes al clan fundador, que igual ha de ser reducido, en vista que luego los clanes fueron evolucionando a otras razas.
3 No, no es posible que existan dos evas en el mismo universo. Eva es una humana que posee el corazón de Cordelia, quien tiene sangre fundadora y que posea una pureza de corazón capaz de transmitirle valores humanos a los vampiros. Tiene que poseer esas dos características y bueno, Cordelia solo tiene un corazón.
4 No. Los Sakamaki no son exactamente pacientes y vienen de un hogar en donde no tenían poder, debido a eso no tienen mucha tolerancia a la desobediencia. Para sobrevivir a ellos hay que igual adaptarse a su paciencia. Tampoco digo que una deba ser 100% sumisa, Yui igual tiene momentos de rebeldía, solo que no son exagerados (como intentar golpearlos, ella puede discutir con ellos)
5 En que no se abrirían con ellas. Como dije antes, vivieron una situación constante de no tener el poder en su familia, alguien más poderoso es alguien que "merece respeto" y no es algo que a ellos les guste dar. Parte del encanto que tiene Yui para ellos es que es una persona físicamente débil, pero mentalmente fuerte.
6 Eva no tiene poderes a menos que herede los poderes de Karl Heinz. Y en el final de Ayato de Lost Eden se ve que puede crear copias de gente, al menos allí creo un. Ayato falso.
7 Eva debe ser humana porque el mito de Adán y Eva en Diabolik Lovers dice que ambos eran vampiros, pero Eva al comer el fruto prohibido se convirtió en humana, Adán la acompañó y también lo comió, pero pese a eso siguió siendo vampiro. Sin embargo, esto no evitó que amara a Eva. El objetivo de Karl Heinz es crear una nueva raza a partir de una humana y un vampiro con sentimientos humanos.
8 No, como expliqué arriba Karl elige a una humana para que le enseñe de valores y sentimientos a un vampiro. De elegir a un demonio esto no sucedería, porque carecen de los sentimientos que poseen los humanos.
No fue nada responder, luego me avisas si tienes más y si logré ayudarte a aclarar dudas xD
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lilypoppy05 · 2 months
August Moon "So Cold"
Vocal: Nicholas Galitzine
Vocal, Composer, Producer: Savan Kotecha
Vocal, Composer: Karl Schuster
Vocal: Kristoffer Fogelmark
Keyboards, Vocal, Composer, Producer: Albin Nedler
Drums, Keyboards, Producer: Shellback
Horn, Synthesizer, Unknown: Mattias Bylund
Trumpet: Magnus Johansson
Trumpet: Janne Bjerger
Alto Saxophone: Wojtek Goral
Tenor Saxophone: Tomas Jonsson
Tambourine: Peter Noos Johansson
Recording Engineer: Strongroom Music Studios
Mixing Engineer: Alex Ghenea
Mastering Engineer: Jon Kaplan
Horn, Keyboards, Misc. Producer, Composer, Producer: Carl Falk
℗ 2024 Arista Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment, under exclusive license from Amazon Content Services LLC
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gonzalo-obes · 10 days
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Día Mundial de los Primeros Auxilios, Día del Bienestar en el Caribe, Día Mundial de la Dermatitis Atópica, Día Mundial de la Arepa, Día Internacional de la Observación de la Luna, Semana Europea del Cáncer de Pulmón, Semana del Bienestar en las Américas, Año Internacional de los Camélidos.
Exaltación de la Santa Cruz y Santa Cruz.
Tal día como hoy en el año 2005
Sucede una cadena de atentados en Bagdad (Irak), causando 154 muertos y más de 500 heridos, en su mayor parte chiíes. Siendo reivindicados por la banda terrorista Al Qaeda.
Por primera vez se cruza el océano Atlántico en un globo de gas, realizado en solitario por el aviador estadounidense Joe Kittinger.
Un bombardero soviético Tu-4 libera una bomba atómica de 40 kilotones que estalla a 350 metros de altura, sobre el polígono de Tótskoye (unos 1050 km al este de Moscú). Quedando expuestas a la contaminación radiactiva más de 45.000 personas.
En Hamburgo (Alemania), se publica el primer tomo de la obra de teoría económica y social de Karl Marx, "El Capital. Crítica a la economía política". (Hace 157 años)
Una fuerza francobritánica desembarca en Crimea, con el fin de iniciar en octubre el asedio de Sebastópol. El 25 de octubre de este año, en el transcurso de la batalla de Balaclava, un suburbio de la ciudad, tendrá lugar a llamada Carga de la Brigada ligera británica que concluirá desastrosamente. (Hace 170 años)
El avance de las fuerzas estadounidenses del general Winfield Scott, con una serie ininterrumpida de victorias, culmina este día con la toma de Ciudad de México, donde los mexicanos verán ondear la bandera enemiga sobre el Palacio Nacional durante 9 meses. Las consecuencias de la guerra serán desastrosas. Para terminar con la ocupación, México se verá obligado a firmar el "Tratado de Guadalupe Hidalgo", mediante el cual perderá Nuevo México, la Alta California, Texas y la parte del territorio entre los ríos Nueces y Bravo. Recibirá a cambio quince millones de pesos. El país verá reducido su territorio a poco menos de la mitad. Pero a cambio, la guerra hará que los mexicanos sientan por primera vez la necesidad de estar unidos. (Hace 177 años)
Se firma el "Tratado de Andrinópolis", mediante el cual las grandes potencias logran detener la marcha victoriosa de las tropas rusas sobre la ciudad de Constantinopla. El imperio otomano reconoce a cambio la independencia política de los griegos. (Hace 195 años)
Se produce un punto de inflexión en la egiptología cuando Jean-Francois Champollion logra leer el nombre de Ramsés en la piedra Rosetta. Corriendo va a comunicárselo a su hermano que trabaja en el Instituto de Francia. Jean-Francois entra completamente exaltado en su despacho y le grita: "¡Lo tengo!" Acto seguido, se desmaya. La emoción y el trabajo han sido tan intensos que tardará varios días en recuperarse. (Hace 202 años)
Las tropas napoleónicas llegan a las puertas de Moscú (Rusia) después de tres meses de marcha en los que han tomado varias ciudades y librado varias batallas; pero los moscovitas se han refugiado en los bosques cercanos y prendido fuego a la ciudad por lo que, sin alimentos y soportando temperaturas extremadamente bajas, el ejército francés se verá obligado a retirarse sin haber logrado su objetivo de doblegar al Zar Alejandro I. Únicamente 58.000 efectivos del ejército napoleónico, poco más del 20% del total, sobrevivirán a la campaña rusa. (Hace 212 años)
El Rey de Castilla Carlos I (Emperador Carlos V) establece una Real Cédula, dada en Barcelona, mediante la que se incorporan los territorios conquistados de América a la corona de Castilla. (Hace 505 años)
Un fuerte terremoto destruye por completo uno de los barrios más poblados de Constantinopla (Turquía), matando a más de 13.000 personas y agravando la decadencia en que se halla sumida la antigua capital bizantina. Se establecerá un impuesto especial para sufragar los trabajos de reconstrucción y se construirán más casas de madera. (Hace 515 años)
En Roma, y tras la muerte ayer de su hermano el emperador Tito, Domiciano es proclamado emperador por el senado y las guarniciones militares. Tratará de hacer frente a la corrupción y a la crisis agraria. Se enfrentará a los dacios, a los germanos y los sármatas. En septiembre de 96 sera asesinado en una conspiración palaciega en la que su esposa Domicia estará implicada. (Hace 1943 años)
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adominguezs · 4 months
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Kraftwerk - Trans Europe Espress. Año 1977. Edición Chilena. Electrónica. EMI Odeon Chilena S.A.
Es el sexto álbum del grupo, publicado en 1977. Se grabó a mediados de 1976 en el estudio discográfico Kling Klang. Al igual que los álbumes anteriores y los que le sucedieron, Trans Europa Express es un álbum conceptual, en este caso, basado en el sistema ferroviario europeo, del que toma el título.
Se extrajeron dos sencillos: «Trans-Europe Express» y «Showroom Dummies».
Músicos Ralf Hütter - voz y sintetizador. Florian Schneider - voz y sintetizador. Karl Bartos - percusión electrónica. Wolfgang Flür - percusión electrónica.
Producción Florian Schneider - productor. Ralf Hütter - productor. Peter Bollig - ingeniero. Bill Halverson - ingeniero. Thomas Kuckuck - ingeniero.
Tracklist: A1 Europa Interminable 9:40 A2 El Salon De Los Espejos 7:56 A3 Maniquies 6:15
B1 Expreso Trans-Europeo 6:52 B2 Metal Sobre Metal / Asburg 6:52 B3 Franz Schubert 4:26 B4 Interminable, Interminable 0:55
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nofatclips · 4 months
House of Fools by Crippled Black Phoenix featuring Vincent Cavanagh
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Me encanta tu blog y creo que puedes responder esto que tengo en la cabeza. Si papamaki es tan poderoso ¿porqué fallan sus intentos de Adán y Eva? No es que tiene el poder igal al de un dios? Y qué es eso de el plan de Adán y Eva? Porque leí por ahí muchas cosas, que era un plan para crear una nueva raza y eso..... bueno eso..... espero no molestar 🙂🙂🙂
¡Me alegra mucho saber que te gusta mi blog! ¡Eso me motiva enormemente a estar más activa!
Bien, antes de ir al quid de la cuestión, tengo que dejar varias cosas en claro: esta es mí interpretación y apreciación de lo que ocurre en DL. Si alguien por alguna razón discrepa conmigo, o simplemente quiere agregar o acotar algo, siéntase bienvenido de hacerlo libremente.
Ahora sí, inicio con esta respuesta que va a ser un análisis extenso.
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Si hay algo que ha quedado claro a lo largo de toda la saga de juegos es que Karlheinz trabaja con el factor causa-efecto. Es decir, cuando vuelve el tiempo atrás y “cambia un movimiento de su jugada” (como por ejemplo, agregar e involucrar a los hermanos Mukami en su plan) espera por las eventualidades y consecuencias que dicho cambio genera a largo plazo, y si esto resulta o no beneficioso para lograr el destino oscuro que propicie el logro del plan de Adán y Eva.
Pero esto nos permite ver una de sus más grandes falencias: si bien Karlheinz puede volver el tiempo atrás para cambiar el orden de ciertos acontecimientos del pasado y realizar nuevas acciones que alterarán el futuro, él no puede prever el cómo afectarán concretamente a largo plazo porque no puede controlar la voluntad de nadie: ni la de sus propios hijos, ni la de Yui o la de ningún otro personaje ajeno a su plan (Richter, Kino, Seiji, etc.).  
Al no poder controlar la voluntad de “las piezas del juego”, se limita a ejecutar ciertas movidas que los incite a tomar la iniciativa, que los motive a la introspección, a tomar decisiones y a cambiar (por ejemplo, la maldición de las rosas negras de Bloody Blouquet). 
Él es consciente de esta falencia, y por esta misma razón hace lo que hace. Adán tiene que tomar la iniciativa de despertar y cambiar por sí solo, por elección propia; aunque ciertamente él influye directa o indirectamente en la toma de decisiones.
Un ejemplo de esto es la presencia de Reinhardt en More Blood, el enfermero que es en realidad el mismísimo Rey Vampiro.
En More Blood, Reinhardt aparece como una especie de consejero que brinda palabras de guía tanto a la protagonista como a ciertos diaboys sobre cosas o actitudes que escapan el entendimiento de éstos.
Aquí Karlheinz busca influir directamente en las decisiones tanto de Adán como de Eva, proporcionando su perspectiva “objetiva” de las cosas (perspectiva que únicamente beneficia a su plan).
Otro ejemplo notable de la incapacidad de Karlheinz para proveer las consecuencias de los cambios realizados en el pasado es la existencia del mismísimo Kino. 
Kino no fue planeado ni buscado por Karl. De hecho, su creación fue un completo accidente.
En Lost Eden, Karlheinz dice que si Kino tiene una razón para estar vivo (para haber sobrevivido todo ese tiempo en el Rotigenbelk), entonces tiene una posibilidad de convertirse en rey. Pero Kino ni siquiera puede ser considerado un vampiro o un ghoul.
Estos detalles son lo que dejan en evidencia que, a pesar de que Karlheinz tiene el poder de un dios, no puede controlarlo todo.
Por lo general, puede controlar cosas como la vida y la muerte (como ocurre en el Vampire End de Laito en More Blood, cuando trae a Yui de regreso después de que ella debiera veneno), la suerte que tiene una persona (como él mismo aclara en DF durante la ruta de Ruki, en donde el Brute End se desata como consecuencia de que Karl le quita la suerte que tiene por defecto), y el tiempo.
Asimismo, quiero remarcar varios asuntos que me parecen sumamente interesantes y que tu pregunta sirve para exponerlas.
En Dark Fate se habla de algo llamado “la ley de la oscuridad” que rige en el Mundo de los Demonios y crea el Destino Oscuro de cada ser habitante de esa tierra. Este Destino Oscuro es inalterable, de modo que un vampiro, por más que intente evitar un hecho que ya está predestinado por la ley de la oscuridad, siempre terminará por cumplirlo.
Teniendo en cuenta que los Sakamaki son hijos que Karlheinz tuvo con la única finalidad de que uno de ellos fuese Adán, Karl debe:
Buscar una manera de alterar el Destino Oscuro a modo de imponer su deseo como destino inalterable.
Asegurarse que aquel hijo que Eva escoja sea definitivamente Adán por decreto del Destino Oscuro (cosa que hizo Sócrates en Chaos Lineage).
Ciertamente, ambas cosas ya ocurrieron en la franquicia.
Es canon que More Blood es un nuevo inicio, debido a que el primer intento de su plan (los acontecimientos en Haunted Dark Bridal) terminaron llevando todo a un error.
La primera alteración notable del Destino Oscuro viene de la mano de la aparición de los Mukami, no solo por el hecho de haber sido salvados de la muerte, sino por haber sido convertidos en vampiros.
En esta visión de los hechos, los Mukami no son simples “serpientes que buscan tentar a Eva” sino una alteración física permanente, y sirven como piezas que linearán el futuro de una manera completamente diferente y nueva, ayudando así a crear o gestar el Destino Oscuro que Karlheinz busca.
El segundo cambio notable es que el mismísimo Karlheinz se deshace del espíritu de Cordelia que aún habitaba en el corazón de Yui, afirmando que le dejará toda esta tarea a “la nueva Eva” (prólogo general de More Blood).
Esto hace que la voluntad que Karlheinz no puede controlar en los demás (específicamente de todos aquellos que sean habitantes del Makai, incluyendo a Yui por tener el corazón de Cordelia), sea en realidad la voluntad del Destino Oscuro. Por eso el interés del Rey Vampiro por alterarlo y crear el propio en donde uno de sus hijos pueda finalmente convertirse en Adán.
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Con respecto al plan de la manzana, lo que se sabe muy superficialmente es que Karlheinz busca crear una nueva raza de vampiros que tengan sentimientos y que puedan morir.
Pero esta evolución de la raza sólo puede darse con Adán.
Reinhardt —durante la ruta de Shu en More Blood— le dice a Yui que los vampiros tienen una dificultad natural a la hora de entender sus propios sentimientos, así como de entender los sentimientos de un otro.
En palabras de Ruki, Eva debe despertar aquellos sentimientos que están "dormidos" en Adán. Que —únicamente— cuándo éste haya sido “despertado” con la sangre de Eva, será capaz de obtener el lugar del rey.
Entonces, el “despertar a Adán” se traduciría en Eva, proporcionándole a uno de los diaboys una característica no intrínseca a su naturaleza demoníaca: una cualidad humana.
Karlheinz pretende que Yui (y aquel que escoja como su Adán) sean el eslabón de una evolución de la raza, y dicha evolución sólo se puede llevar a cabo con una revolución (revolución que comienza con la guerra que se desata en el Makai tras la muerte de Karlheinz).
De más está decir que la historia deja en evidencia que revolución y evolución van de la mano, sobre todo si nos enfocamos en lo social. Una revolución llevada a cabo con éxito lleva, indudablemente, a un cambio que pretende una evolución.
Aquí, teniendo en cuenta que los vampiros son demonios que carecen de cualidad básica de morir (propias del ser humano), la evolución de la raza (a niveles biológicos, psicológicos y social) debe ser realizada a conciencia.
Hay algo sumamente interesante que @shu-sakamaki dijo en uno de sus post: que el plan de la manzana se resume a una selección natural; el ver cuál de sus hijos es el más apto y fuerte, no solo para obtener su poder, sino para tener descendencia. Y esto tiene mucho sentido, ya que los vampiros, al carecer de la capacidad natural de morir, carecen de la capacidad para llevar a cabo dicha selección natural.
La única cualidad básica propia del hombre, aquella que la ha hecho mejorar y, en definitiva, evolucionar a lo largo de los siglos, ha sido la muerte. La muerte y el cambio de generación.
Una raza que no puede morir no solo queda estancada en el tiempo y no evoluciona físicamente, sino que no puede evolucionar ideológicamente. El cambio de paradigma que gestará la revolución y concluirá con la evolución de todo, hará que esta nueva raza que Karlheinz pretende crear (ya habiendo adquirido la cualidad de morir y sentir) esté en constante renovación y evolución, de modo que no necesitará de una selección natural y evolución forzada.
Entonces, para Karlheinz, la muerte deja de ser un medio de liberación sustancial del cuerpo para convertirse en flujo constante de renovación. Revolución y evolución van de la mano de renovación; destruir para reconstruir.
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sharkssharpteeth · 9 months
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⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。Muses ゚☾ ゚。⋆
“I'm down pounding my head against the kitchen floor, apologizing for my life and ever entering yours”
- “Against the Kitchen Floor” by Will Wood
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Listed below are my current fandoms and muses within them. I’m not too picky when it comes to ships, though I tend to lean towards those that are under-explored when the fandom allows (ex: Hadir Karim/Alex Keller). If you want to shoot me a DM or ask regarding a plot ideas, go for it.
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Current Fandoms:
The Boys ♢ Brokeback Mountain ♢ Call of Duty (Modern Warfare Reboot) ♢ Detroit: Become Human ♢ Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves ♢ Fallout (New Vegas & 4) ♢ Far Cry (4 & 5) ♢ Gen V ♢ Hannibal (NBC) ♢ House Of Ashes ♢ Legend of Zelda ♢ Moon Knight ♢ Mortal Kombat (1) ♢ Night At The Museum ♢ Outlast (1 & Whistleblower) ♢ Pokémon ♢ The Quarry ♢ Resident Evil ♢ Scream (1) ♢ Uncharted (2 & 4) ♢ Until Dawn
Muse List:
Brokeback Mountain
Ennis Del Mar
Jack Twist
Call of Duty (Modern Warfare Reboot)
Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
Phillip Graves
Kim "Horangi" Hong-jin
Hadir Karim
Alex Keller
John “Soap” MacTavish
Vladimir Makarov
Andrei Nolan
Rodolfo Parra
John Price
Simon “Ghost” Riley
Alejandro Vargas
Detroit: Become Human
Colton (RK900)
Connor (RK800)
Elijah Kamski
Markus (RK200)
Gavin Reed
Simon (PL600)
Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves
Simon Aumar
Edgin Darvis
Xenk Yendar
New Vegas
Craig Boone
Arcade Israel Gannon
Benny Gecko
Joshua Graham
Vulpes Inculta
The King
Paladin Danse
Porter Gage
Preston Garvey
Robert Joseph MacCready
Arthur Maxson
Far Cry
Ajay Ghale
Paul "De Pleur" Harmon
Charlemagne "Sharky" Victor Boshaw IV
Jacob Seed
John Seed
Hannibal (NBC)
Frederick Chilton
Francis Dolarhyde
Will Graham
Hannibal Lecter
Mason Verger
Legend of Zelda
Prince Sidon
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Steven Grant ♢ Mr. Knight
Jake Lockley
Marc Spector ♢ Moon Knight
Mortal Kombat 1
Johnathan Carlton ♢ Johnny Cage
Bi-Han ♢ Sub-Zero
Liu Kang
Kung Lao
Kuai Liang ♢ Scorpion
Syzoth ♢ Reptile
Kenshi Takahashi
Shang Tsung
Tomas Vrbada ♢ Smoke
Night At The Museum
Outlast + Whistleblower
Jeremy Blaire
Eddie Gluskin
Waylon Park
Miles Upshur
Professor Kukui
Chairman Rose
Professor Sycamore
Resident Evil
Karl Heisenberg
Leon Kennedy
Carlos Oliveira
Chris Redfield
Ethan Winters
Scream (Original)
Billy Loomis
Stu Macher
Randy Meeks
Dwight “Dewey” Riley
Supermassive Games
The Devil in Me
Charles Lonnit
House of Ashes
Nick Kay
Eric King
Jason Kolchek
Salim Othman
Man of Medan
Bradley Smith
The Quarry
Jacob Custos
Ryan Erzahler
Chris Hackett
Travis Hackett
Dylan Lenivy
Until Dawn
Christopher Hartley
Michael Munroe
Matthew Taylor
Joshua Washington
All Entries
Nathan Drake
Victor Sullivan
Among Thieves
Harry Flynn
A Thief’s End
Rafe Adler
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