theshiningdiamond · 7 months
(claps) alright, finally got to finish off this which i started back in January! Definitely one of the more fun animatics I've done with UTMV personalities!
Personalities based on original AUS and @seirindono's The Missing Scarf comic(you should totally read it!). Their character Mel joins all the boys at the game table
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seraphbutch · 8 days
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add a little violence
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strawlessandbraless · 5 months
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Reblog or not I couldn’t care less. I care so much
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galaxyspark-6e16 · 1 year
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"would you do it again? "
so how's everyone after fools gold new ep?
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olivers-cocoapuffs · 1 year
Marlene 🤝 Evan
“am I destined to live a life of blonde fragility?"
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twingeof-cosmic-angst · 3 months
getting to see the panel with David Tennant amd Catherine Tate was so incredibly amazing. Can't express in words how much being able to see it meant to me. Getting to hear David talking about how as a kid he was just as a big of a nerd as we are and now he can be the person who is able to make people tear up getting to see him (me) the same way he teared up meeting Tom Baker.
Also him talking about his feet for a good 5+ minutes and that pears give him the shits. Also that part. I suppose.
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obbystars · 11 months
Ezreal: Oh my god save me.. 😭
Kayn: SHIT
Kayn: *sings in perfect korean*
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haloberry · 1 year
Bro, the absolute whiplash I’m getting from looking at the Qsmp tag is crazy..
Like, oh! Everyone is singing karaoke apparently, that’s so cute!
Next fucking post I learn BBH canonical fucking ate Ron, like WTF I WAS GONE FOR A DAY.
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rosstrytobe · 5 months
You tell me that they were going to sing "That's what I like about you" with Eddie arm around Buck shoulder and looking in each other eyes...
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izzydadlin · 2 years
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braveclementine · 3 months
Chapter 17
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Warnings: None. (Will however be a 18+ reader book)
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own a few OCs like Elizabeth, Katherine, Stacy, and Jessie. I do not condone any copying of this.
You, your soulmates, and the gymnastics team all had a great time talking to each other. They had all been invited to the wedding, although Isa and Ila wouldn't be able to stay. Sarah, Katerina, and Elizabeth would definitely be coming, which you glad for. Yonce couldn't stay either, though she wished me all the best and demanded that I send her pictures afterwards.
None of you had eaten much as you still had to attend the soulmate dinner that night. And at the dinner, you guys had talked about the shark incident, but there weren't any leads on it. Then you had gone to Stephen and Tony's room, sleeping in between the two of them that night. You had felt just as warm and content between Stephen and Tony's arms as you had Bucky, Sam, and Steve's.
The next day was rather uneventful, which you spent with Loki and Thor. You sort've noticed what Elizabeth meant about strange people. Though there were the normal tourists and bathing suit clad people, there were also the occasional suspicious looking person, wearing long sleeved shirts and khaki shorts to their knees. Sunglasses as well, sometimes even a baseball cap.
Every time you noticed one of them, Loki would duplicate himself, turn his second personage invisible, and sneak up behind the said person to listen in to any conversations they might be having.
However, half of the time, the person was just a normal tourist. The other half of the time, he didn't know what language they were speaking in. So he'd get his phone and video record them to share with the group later and see if any of them knew what the people were saying.
You and Loki were rather tense and nervous, making it hard to enjoy the day, but Thor was relaxed and carefree. It made things a bit better. He was constantly being asked to take pictures with people, and he couldn't deny kids whenever they wanted to hug him. He was such a soft marshmallow.
You spent much of your time at one of the pools. However, once Thor got in the pool, you casually made an excuse to get out of the water. You were sure Thor wouldn't electrocute the pool- on purpose- but still, you didn't want to be in a body of water with an electrical God in it.
Loki seemed to be thinking along the same lines, casually getting out of the water to sit next to you while he kept a green mist going into the pool.
"What are you doing?" You asked.
"Making the water electricity proof." Loki deadpanned, "So that if he does let out an electrical current, no one will get hurt."
"You're so sweet." You mumbled, leaning over to kiss him on the cheek. He blushed a little, focusing on the water more.
"I like Elizabeth." Loki said suddenly. "She seems like a nice person."
"She's very cheerful, but she has a very active imagination." You said. "So sometimes I wonder if she just made up the idea of suspicious guys because she just thought they were suspicious to her."
"Well, Wong said one of the videos was in Chinese. Unfortunately, it was a dialect you doesn't know completely and he thinks he translated it to something about a 'bomb', so he's sending the video to someone named Shaun to see if he knows what they're saying."
"The last thing we need is a bomb." You muttered, spirits dropping. "Whose Shaun?"
"I have no idea." Loki responded. "I'm going to go out on a limb though and say that he's Chinese."
"Makes sense." You said with a grin, "Would it be safe to get back in the water now?"
"Yes." Loki said, sliding back into the pool as though to prove a point.
"There you two are." Thor said with excitement before tossing another child up into the air so that they splashed into the water. Luckily, he wasn't tossing them to high so they didn't get hurt.
"Having fun?" You asked with a grin. Thor scooped you up into his arms before tossing you a little bit. You squealed with delight before you crashed back into the water. After you came back up out of the water, you could see all the kids clinging around Thor. "Again! Again!"
"He's going to be a great father." You mumbled to yourself.
You watched with amusement as a little girl tugged at Loki, begging him to toss her. Loki looked distraught, before he finally gave in, tossing her just as high as Thor did. Immediately, he was being swarmed with kids that were still waiting for Thor to toss him. Loki looked terrified, almost falling backwards over his feet.
"And he will not be." A voice laughed next to you.
You nearly screamed, jumping seventy feet in the air. "Elizabeth what the fuck!"
Elizabeth giggled, standing there in a simple navy blue, one piece bathing suit. It was outlined with a neon yellow trim. Her brown hair was back up in a bun. You could see the line from vision, and the two other empty lines. Her own colour was actually a large mix of red, yellow, green, blue, and black.
The colours seemed familiar. "Where are those colours from?"
"Oh, Hogwarts." She said, blushing. "Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, and then the Teachers are black. I just love the Harry Potter universe so much that my bond just shifted into basically at Harry Potter themed bond."
"You must have the most colours in a single bond." You said.
"Nope. Remember, Billie Eilish has nine in hers."
"Oh yes, that's right." You said.
"What's Vision like?"
"He is very attentive and detail oriented. He uses proper English and large words. You two will get along well. He has another soulmate, Wanda, who you already met. He isn't always in his robot, he also has a really hot human form if I might say so myself." You said.
"What's Wanda like?" Elizabeth asked curiously, swirling her finger in the water, letting it manipulate so that it started to swirl in midair before she let the water fall so no one saw her do it.
"She's very sweet. She might be the same age as you. She has a twin brother named Pietro-" You cut off, remembering Pietro's colour bonds.
"Pietro?" Elizabeth questioned.
"One second." You said, quickly hurrying over to where Loki had gotten out of the pool once again, sulking in a sun chair, avoiding the children that were now hanging all over Thor like a monkey gym. You pulled our your phone, texted Wanda where you were, and told her that you might've met Pietro's soulmate and if he could come over so that you could test it out.
Less than five minutes later, Vision- in human form- Wanda, and Pietro were there. Vision greeted Elizabeth with a kiss on the cheek, which made her blush, and then she introduced herself to Pietro.
Pietro grabbed his left wrist before introducing himself very enthusiastically. You were delighted that Elizabeth was going to get to spend more time with you guys.
"Guess I'll be college in New York." Elizabeth said, making a face. She hated New York. She much preferred warmer climates like Florida or Texas, and hated cities. She preferred being int he country or at least the suburban's. It was her dream to own a farm one day.
Elizabeth's mother came over, always the protective hen, to see who Elizabeth was talking to. Elizabeth quickly introduced the three of them to her mother.
"You know. That means that Elizabeth's soulmates will make Wanda a soulmate to her own brother." Loki said.
"It's the same with you and Thor." You pointed out.
"Touché." he muttered.
"Judge yourself before you judge others." You teased.
He gave you a confused look, "But I'm perfect."
You burst out laughing before kissing his cheek, "Close enough anyways."
Eventually, you guys headed back- though Wanda, Vision, and Pietro stayed back with Elizabeth- and you guys had your soulmate dinner then and there before you guys headed to the Karaoke bar.
Almost everyone there was part of your group. From your soulmates to their friends to the Guardians and their friends, Wakandans, Asgardians, and of course the few members of your gymnastics team and their families who were slowly intermingling with the Avengers.
Elizabeth greeted you, wearing an orangey-brown dress with black swirls over it, a drop down golden green heart-shaped necklace, and cute matching cowgirl boots that cut off at the ankle. Her hair was finally down and wavy, some of it pulled back in a top knot.
"You look adorable." You complimented.
"Thank you." Elizabeth said. "You look beautiful."
You were wearing a dress as well, in the shade of [Random colour]. You'd pulled your hair back into a ponytail and were also wearing cowgirl boots, although they were in a shade that complimented the dress and went up to your knees. You wore a [leather/jean] jacket over it, along with [gold/silver] bangles on your wrists with matching earrings.
"Do you have any songs that you want to sing?" You asked.
"Not really. I can't sing." Elizabeth said, blushing.
"Nonsense." You scolded, "Remember that party that Litzy, Trang, Kat, Awa, and I were all at and we did Karaoke in the basement and you sang Dear Future Husband by Meghan Trainor? Sing that again."
"Oh? Okay." She said.
"Y/N!" Shuri's voice said excitedly. She came to a stop by your side, "Hi, I'm Shuri."
"Elizabeth." They shook hands. Then Shuri turned to me, "Okay so, me and you are going to sing I kissed a Girl by Katy Perry, got it?"
"But I've never kissed a girl." You protested.
Shuri wrapped her arms around you, giving you a nice kiss on your lips, which completely shocked you. "And now you have. Okay, see you later."
You gaped after her as she danced off to go and find Okoye.
"What the fuck just happened?" You asked Elizabeth.
She shrugged, looking a little embarrassed. "Um, you kissed a girl? Er, well, a princess. And she kissed you."
"Who kissed you?" T'Challa's voice asked as he came up behind the two of you. Elizabeth's cheeks flushed red. Yours burned too.
"Er- Shuri." Elizabeth said.
T'Challa choked on his drink. "S-Shuri?"
"You'll see why later." You said with a bit of a smile.
Peter Quil was singing Come and Get your love. He actually wasn't that bad to be honest.
Shuri was suddenly pulling your hand and you grabbed a microphone, feeling like you might throw up. Elizabeth might be able to sing. You on the other hand. . .
Shuri started out singing,
This was never the way I planned Not my intention I got so brave, drink in hand Lost my discretion It's not what I'm used to Just wanna try you on I'm curious for you Caught my attention
You joined in on the Chorus
I kissed a girl and I liked it The taste of her cherry chap stick I kissed a girl just to try it I hope my boyfriend don't mind it It felt so wrong It felt so right Don't mean I'm in love tonight I kissed a girl and I liked it I liked it
T'Challa's eyes widened as you continued to sing before he smiled, shaking his head, and downed the rest of his drink.
You and Shuri both sang the next part and the chorus together.
No, I don't even know your name It doesn't matter You're my experimental game Just human nature It's not what, good girls do Not how they should behave My head gets so confused Hard to obey
I kissed a girl and I liked it The taste of her cherry chap stick I kissed a girl just to try it I hope my boyfriend don't mind it It felt so wrong It felt so right Don't mean I'm in love tonight I kissed a girl and I liked it I liked it
And then you sang the last part of it by yourself before Shuri joined it for the Chorus. Both of you were dancing on the stage as you got used to singing on stage.
Us girls we are so magical Soft skin, red lips, so kissable Hard to resist so touchable Too good to deny it Ain't no big deal, it's innocent
I kissed a girl and I liked it The taste of her cherry chap stick I kissed a girl just to try it I hope my boyfriend don't mind it It felt so wrong It felt so right Don't mean I'm in love tonight I kissed a girl and I liked it I liked it
By the time you and Shuri stepped off the stage, you were feeling much better about this singing idea. You got Wanda and Nat together so that you guys could sing Obsessed by Mariah Carey.
Elizabeth took her turn, singing Dear Future Husband, which just proved that she was a wonderful singer, not to mention she danced perfectly to the song, making both Pietro and Vision's mouth drop.
"Oh, oh, Future Husband, better love me right."
And then she jumped off the stage to wild applause, throwing a wink at Vision and Pietro before sitting down next to you.
"Told you you could sing." You muttered to her.
She flushed, obviously embarrassed.
You, Wanda, and Nat went back up on stage to sing Obsessed, just as you had planned.
The music started, the three of you slightly dancing.
Nat started out.
All up in the blogs Saying we met at the bar When I don't even know who you are Saying we up in your house Saying I'm up in your car
Wanda was next
But you in LA and I'm out at Jermaine's I'm up in the A You so so lame And no one here even mentions your name It must be the weed, it must be the E 'Cause you've beem popping hood You get it popping
And then you
Oh, why you so obsessed with me (boy, I wanna know) Lying that you're sexing me (when everybody knows) It's clear that you're upset with me
It was actually kind've funny, cause there were several groups of people who were after you.
All three of you were singing the next part.
Finally found a girl that you couldn't impress Last man on the earth still couldn't hit this You're delusional, you're delusional Boy you're losing your mind
It's confusing yo', you're confused you know Why you're wasting your time? Got you all fired up with your Napoleon complex Seeing right through you like you're bathing in Windex Oh, oh, oh boy why you so obsessed with me?
Then you sang, Wanda first, you second, and Nat last before you guys went into the Chorus.
You on your job You hating hard Ain't gon' feed you I'm gonna let you starve
Gasping for air I'm ventilation You out of breath Hope you ain't waiting Telling the world how much you miss me
But we never were So why you trippin'? You a mom and pop I'm a corporation I'm the press conference You a conversation
Oh, why you so obsessed with me (and boy I wanna know) Lying that you're sexing me (when everybody knows) It's clear that you're upset with me (oh, oh, oh)
Finally found a girl that you couldn't impress Last man on the earth still couldn't hit this You're delusional, you're delusional Boy you're losing your mind
You guys had a lot of fun with that song, the dancing, the singing background lines while one of you sang the main part. And everyone was loving it. Maybe when you guys were done being superheroes, you could start a band.
You took a break for a long time, until Elizabeth dared you to sing a song by yourself. Your soulmates naturally encouraged you to do so. You sighed, deciding to go back up on the stage, trying to decide what else you could sing. Ah, yes, perfect.
I caught you cheating You had the nerve to say you're sleeping Just not with her, but tell your friends That I'll be lost without you And I'll admit it Sometimes I miss when we were in it So I made a list so I never forget All the things I hate about you
Almost all of the girls in the crowd started to scream without excitement.
Ten, you're selfish, nine, you're jaded Eight, the dumbest guy I dated Seven, talk a big game 'til you're naked Only six seconds, and I had to fake it Five, you're toxic, four, can't trust you Three, you still got mommy issues Two years of your bullshit I can't undo One, I hate the fact that you made me love you
Elizabeth looked mad that she had let me sing by myself. She loved this song and probably wanted to be singing with me. So you grabbed a second mic and tossed it to her so that she could sing the next verse from the floor:
Your friends must suck if they think you're cool A sloppy drunk obsessed with his Juul Keep buying bottles with your daddy's money And I don't know how I fell for your shit You gross me out, now I've got the ick And I've got a list of why you don't get to fuck me
You could see her mother in the crowd, pursing her lips at the last word in that sentence. She was a stickler on perfect language and lady-like language. You could also Steve roll his eyes as you grinned at him. Now that Elizabeth had joined in, the crowd was cheering even louder. Apparently she was going to be very popular tonight.
Ten, you're selfish, nine, you're jaded Eight, the dumbest guy I dated Seven, talk a big game 'til you're naked Only six seconds and I had to fake it Five, you're toxic, four, can't trust you Three, you still got mommy issues Two years of your bullshit I can't undo One, I hate the fact that you made me love you
You and Elizabeth were jumping up and down as you guys sang the chorus, both of you really excited.
You made me love you You made me love you Ooh, ah How'd you make me love you?
And I'll admit it Sometimes I miss when we were in it So I made a list, yeah Ten things I hate about you
Ten, you're selfish, nine, you're jaded Eight, the dumbest guy I dated Seven talk a big game 'til you're naked Only six seconds and I had to fake it Five, you're toxic, four, can't trust you Three, you still got mommy issues Two years of your bullshit I can't undo One, I hate the fact that you made me love you
You and Elizabeth finished the song, nearly tossing your mics up in the air. The Karaoke bar had gathered a large crowd tonight and they were cheering now. All of your soulmates looked so happy and almost proud.
And then that was when the bomb went off.
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dutchs-blog · 26 days
Wich One Is The Best Near Original
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genevawrenn · 9 months
Today is going to decease me I love today so much
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clownjail · 10 months
being a fragmem stan is a constant cycle of being bombarded with so much content all at once or going through weeks of utter silence, no in between 😭😭
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warcrime-sphere · 1 year
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what I would think they'd do in something like this
-didnt draw all the bots because either 1,I couldn't draw them. 2, couldn't find more references
maybe some are wrong, but I just made this for fun really
here's the chart template thing
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koichiadachi · 2 months
I’m literally OBSESSED with his voice right here
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