#katana! (ic)
madaramail · 1 year
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bi-han's ice katana is the coolest thing ever ngl
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that-theaven · 4 months
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I was a fan of Webtoons Redhood and the Outlaws but felt that Outlaws is a bad team name but loved how Jason, Artemis, & Bizarro are like a warped mirror version of the Trinity and thought well to make an anti JLA I should have Roy Harper and Guy Garner to represent GL and GA respectively (I couldn't think of a Flash equivalent) and Atomsmasher to represent Atom.
Ice joined the team because Guy Garner insisted on bringing his girlfriend, Fire joined because she's not leaving her BFF to be taken advantage of.
Metamorphosis, and Katana are the only OG Outsiders returning to my fan roster while Thunder & Lightning takes their father's place.
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phightingheadcanons · 2 months
hello haii ♠️anon here!! uhm. I was wondering if I could mayybe change my name to iced tea anon.. :3
Uhm. also. hits medkit shuriken and katana with tye autism beam
slash e wave runs away
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cautiouslittleninja · 9 months
Hey uhm ana where’s kat and also hey robot flying thing the earthling hatching has a sister
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"But here she is...? We'll get him back home soon...!"
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*Yukino was walking through tokyo as he had his headphones connected to his phone, playing his favorite song, softly dancing while walking, not paying attention as he runs into Yuto by accident before hitting the ground* "Ow! Sorry, guess i wasn't paying attention" *when he hit the ground, his headphones disconnected and the song he was playing played out loud through his speaker* (https://youtu.be/pfic9KVbfxw?si=QPdJNzsF5GE3V3o6)
Yuta was walking about trying to look relaxed after his last mission. He didn't expect it to be a long one so he was sorta tired. As he was walking to look down seeing his phone, it was sorta late in the afternoon too. 'I wonder if Yuji and the others are done with their missions?' he thought only for it to be disturbed when someone walks into him.
"Ouch!" he winces but looks to him. "Oh, I'm so sorry! Are you alright?" he asked.
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denguardian · 30 days
"Hey Sensei!" - @chatty-cat-cafe
"Hello, Slingshot."
-> He smiles fondly under his mask.
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katana-the-heretic · 2 months
".....Sensi?" - @cat-cafe-owner
"Hrm, hello."
He seems a little confused, looking behind him for a moment in case this cat-like demon could be referring to someone else. He glances back, making sure to keep the other in vision of his good eye.
"Are you looking for someone?"
Scythe would expect him to start recruiting, though he didn't have the desire to.
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demon-princess13 · 8 months
wish i owned a pretty sword
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ukigumos · 4 months
"yo, Hibari! How long have you had your motorcycle liscence? Or, are you driving around without one?" ((Ooc: I will not forget how Hibari showed up on a motorcycle like my guy how old are you? Do you legally have a liscence for that? This should also count as a sin question kekw. From Yams ofc))
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UKIGUMOS - »❝浮雲❞« sinday.
His Suzuki Katana. It was certainly not a vehicle you'd expect a middle schooler to have possession of. He had gotten a license as soon as he was eligible, but this question was likely a clever way to sleuth out his age.
"Hmph. Why don't you take a guess?"
Kyouya wasn't going to deny or confirm either way. He does as he wants.
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dndtreasury · 10 months
Silver Dragon Katana by Griffon's Saddlebag
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lunaoritur · 9 months
@1eads || S.C.
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" WOAAAH -- DOPE katanas, dude !! You a ninja too ? "
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gigginox · 4 months
OK i think im gonna try to get the meteoric ore katana and stick w gravity stuff for now until i get to raya lucaria then ill pivot to glintblade/carian stuff w the moonveil THEN i wanna work towards moon/ice magic once i get the moonlight greatsword
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mia-does-nonsense · 5 months
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lacunasbalustrade · 1 year
World Existence Reasoning
neutral evil / good / neutral
chaotic evil / good / neutral
lawful evil / good/ neutral
I took all the Buddyfight players and tried to find their consistent traits (a world personality test lol) based on the worlds they played and what they shared with the players of the same world ~
choose the worlds you feel affinity with and tell me if it applies!
1. dragon world
gao • tenbu • tasuku • noboru • shadows • tafudo • yuga
- to alleviate their own sense of unworthiness
- overcoming obstacles
- aimless ( dependent variable )
2. danger world
rouga • doai • brutal • banjoe
- to obtain self fulfillment
- by exerting might in whatever means
- will (neutral evil)
3. ancient world
genma • dai kaido • daijirou • masato
- to have pure ability to make others happy
- being unbeatable
- loyalty (lawful good)
4. legend world
shosetsu • terumi • raremaro • keisetsu • alexandre
- to obtain authority in worth from other people
- sacrifice of those around them
- insecurity (chaotic neutral)
5. katana world
zanya • jin • kanehebi • sakate • kanesada
- to protect whatever you hold dear the most
- old fashioned standard of loyalty
- fealty (chaotic good)
6. dungeon world
kazane • noboru • kiri • mel
- coming to terms to being weak
- didn't react and were the centrepiece/ wallflowers
- cowardice (neutral good)
7. star dragon world
tasuku • sofia • suzaku • kanata • seiji • subaru
- to humble their ego
- stubborn denial resulting in inaction
- pride (lawful evil)
8. darkness dragon world
davide • shido • gaito • light
- to protect what matters to them
- corrupted view stemming from being helpless
- yandere (chaotic evil)
9. hero world
paruko • captain answer • mukuro • j. genesis • mamoru
- reconcile their identities with everyone
- they transitioned from one identity to another
- recognition (lawful neutral)
10. magic world
tetsuya • suzuha • silhouette dude • grimoire • note
- to express their emotions to the audience
- through performing
- connection (neutral neutral)
11. divine guardians
ageha • guru
- to fake their true feelings
- through performing
- instagrammable ( dependent variable )
12. searing executioners
random dude • guru
- honestly trying to win something
- through fighting at full strength
- foolishness ( dependent variable )
13. Dragon Ein / Zwei / Drei
- unique passion for what he does
- through over zealous righteousness (ahem ahem)
- childishness ( stu-pid! )
14. the chaos
WISDOM (not)
- accomplish what was expected of him
- through callous destruction
- burden ( psychopathic )
15. godclock
Kei Jinguji √
- for things to remain the same
- through literal time rewinding
- paralysed ( dependent variable)
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cautiouslittleninja · 9 months
Is it me or did you used to have an older ninja outfit?
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centaurworks · 11 months
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What If... Phrono the Glacemaid
Commissions Open I have a Ko-Fi Social Medias Character (Phrono Halu) © @CentaurWorks What If: Originally, Phrono was born into a Glace-Merfolk family but was unable to regulate his frost magic as a newborn and needed a spell to turn his ice magic into fire magic in order to live. THIS is a version where he was born as a Glaceman without those difficulties. He became more prideful of his Glacefolk-heritage and often looked down on those without natural ice powers. Because of this, he never really rose high in the ranks but he did not care what rank he was. He could easily wipe the floor with any low life no matter if they out ranked him or not. This was an idea brewing for a long while. I wanted to work on it but never knew how to go about it. I did add it to the string of ideas but the "What If" last year really pushed me to do this. Coming up with an attire for him was hard but ended up landing on something that feels similar but much different. That's what I really take away from this the most in a very positive way: It feels like Phrono but you can recognize the differences! Hopefully I can keep this as an annual theme.
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