#kate valdez
artistaforever · 2 months
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spacejams · 2 years
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bibibusinessman · 13 days
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alexxxamichelle · 2 months
What and who I will write for
Who I will write for:
Percy Jackson
Annabeth Chase
Jason Grace
Piper McLean
Silena Beauregard
Clarisse La Rue
Grover Underwood
Thalia Grace
Leo Valdez
Hazel Lavesque
Frank Zhang
Nico Di Angelo
Will Solace
Luke Castilian
Reyna Ramírez Arellano
Finney Blake
Vance Hopper
Gwendolyn Blake
Robin Arellano
Billy Showhalter
Bruce Yamada
Natasha Romanoff
Yelana Belova
Kate Bishop
Maria Hill
Bucky Barnes
Bruce Banner
Peter Parker
Wanda Maximof
Ziggy Berman
Cindy Berman
Deena Johnson
Kate Schmidt
Tommy Slater
Ruby Lane
Constance Berman
Abigail Berman
What I will write for:
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betty-gb · 2 years
characters x short s/o
alright here we go, this is hc of some of my favourite boys and one girl with a short s/o. like quite short, like 4’11/5’0. this honestly became more general hcs but they still focus on height factors.
includes: leo valdez, connor stoll, gilbert blythe, carter kane and kate bishop
disclaimer: these are just my personal opinions so please don’t be mean if you don’t agree. also lmk if i’ve made any mistakes regarding canonical facts about these characters.
pronouns: i think i only used pronouns once in this and it was they/them so anyone could read this although some head cannons were more geared towards a female audience as i myself am female.
warnings: some mild language
*not proof read*
leo valdez:
-starting off strong with our short king, mr. leo valdez
-he is canonically about 5’6 so we’re going to go with that
-he’s a little shit
-just putting that out there
-1000% using you as an armrest
-asking you to grab something for him that he knows for a fact you can’t reach
-the whole package of teasing
-but can we really blame him
-he’s been the shorty for a while and he enjoys finally having someone shorter
-now leo i hc as a little spoon
-just because our boy has some major trauma
-but if you were a demigod too you would probably have a whole lot of trauma as well
-we love
-anyway with the height difference i feel like he would big spoon a bit more but you bet he is still laying on your chest with his face in your boobs (for anyone who has them) or just your chest (for everyone else)
-you would probably come up to his nose area so perfect height for him to give you forehead kisses
-although i feel like he prefers to kiss the tip of your nose
-especially when it’s all rosy from the cold
-in terms of clothes sharing
-i feel like leo is more of a ‘let me try on your clothes that are too small for me for laughs’ guy than a ‘wear my clothes that are too big for you and i’ll swoon’ type of guy
-which makes me sad
-but it’s okay because he will still give you clothes if ur cold and he will most certainly blush and pepper your face with kisses
-now with you being tiny and all he feels a certain sense of protectiveness
-not that you can’t handle yourself yk being a demigod and all
-but he’s lost enough people and he will not let anyone hurt you
-anyone messes with you they mess with him
-which isn’t very intimidating as he’s also short
-but he makes up for it with attitude
-all in all leo will be a bitch about your height but he will also love being taller just the same
connor stoll:
-next comes my one of my favourite demigods
-idk why i love him so much but i do so ya
-let’s start with his height bc he’s a tall lad
-all we get from the books is ‘tall’
-so i hc him to be around 6’3
-i also think travis is about 6’2 so a little bit shorter than connor
-and boy he will not shut up about it
-but i’m getting carried away
-as you can imagine this is a biggg height difference
-probably the biggest one i’m gonna be writing about
-it’s like 15-16 inches so ya
-you don’t even come up to his shoulder
-kisses are always a struggle but you make do
-he picks you up
-you stand on a chair
-he sits on a chair
-it works fine
-he is another little shit
-wow i seem to have a type
-this time it’s even more extreme of a height difference tho so it’ll be sooo fun for you
-that was very sarcastic if you couldn’t tell ^
-he will toss you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and parade you around while you whack at his back
-and if you ask him to get something for you
-don’t expect it within the next hundred years because he will hold it just out of your reach so you have to literally climb him to get it
-unless it’s something you need of course because he’s secretly a sweetheart that would so anything for you
-in terms of cuddling, im assuming you already know it would be very hard for you to be the big spoon
-wow i just realized that this height difference is giving those draco fanfics where y/n is like 4’11 and not like other girls
-back to cuddling tho
-i think it would be okay because i see him as more of a big spoon anyway
-or he would like to have you lying on his chest
-omg i’m just picturing the whole him in sweatpants like rly low down on his waist with no shirt because you’re in his shirt which is way to big lying for you lying on his chest in bed
-i’m swooning
-but ya
-i feel like occasionally he would lie like lower on the bed with his head between your legs on his back
-so like the back of his head is resting on your stomach
-idk how to explain this properly i hope that made sense
-speaking of clothes tho
-i think he is more of a ‘wear my clothes that are too big for you and i’ll swoon’ guy
-only because he may rip your clothes if he tried them on
-if you were more similar in height he would totally be stealing your shirts and putting on a goofy fashion show for you
-and like i mentioned before his shirts are huge on you
-it’s adorable
-now for him the whole protectiveness is stumping me
-i feel like he would kinda respect you and know that you can handle yourself
-because you are like a badass
-but i feel like his whole protectiveness would come out more if a guy was like hitting on you and got handsy
-scary boyfriend privileges coming out
-in battle he would for sure try to protect you but not rly any more than you would try to protect him
-your amazingness makes up for the height in battle
-i generally feel like protectiveness in battle would be about equal both ways
-and he’s the quiet jealous type so i feel like if a guy was like flirting he wouldn’t necessarily do anything
-only if the guy got like to touchy or aggressive like i mentioned before
-wow i really rambled for connor
-i’m sorry i just love him so much
-so all in all he would be annoying but he would have so much respect for you and your abilities even with your height
gilbert blythe:
-alright we’re switching fandoms now
-for the first time in forever i don’t think he’s a little shit about your height
-gilbert is around 5’8
-but for my self indulgence let’s say he’s around 5’10
-because he gives decently tall guy vibes
-so that means we have ourselves a height difference of around 10-11 inches
-he really just sees your height as a way to coddle and protect you
-which obviously you don’t need
-but it being the late 19th century we got all the big strong man stereotypes
-he’s not possessive or anything though
-just protective
-especially from a certain someone
-*cough* billy *cough*
-we all know billy is a grade a asshole
-and it’s even better that my phone just tried to autocorrect billy to bully
-quite fitting
-as for cuddling
-gilbert is a big spoon
-and i am set on that
-he also loves being on the couch and just holding you in his arms while your head rests on his chest
-maybe he’s reading to you
-gosh i’m soft for him
-so the height difference works perfectly for you guys with cuddling
-and yes he is a ‘wear my clothes that are too big for you and i’ll swoon’
-i will stand by this until i die
-wear his sweater and he might just blow up on the spot
-from how adorable you are of course
-gilbert is just a sweetheart and such a simp that will do anything for you
-he doesn’t really look too much into the height difference
-he just loves you
carter kane:
-were heading back to the riordanverse because i am unorganized as heck
-i haven’t read the books in a while so bear with me if i make some mistakes
-i saw somewhere on the internet that carter is 5’6
-and sadie is too
-i think i can see this for the age he is in the books
-but when he’s older i’m picturing like 5’11
-because i hc that our boy had late puberty and a late growth spurt
-sorry sadie
-i hope you enjoyed the small amount of time being taller than him
-so ima talk about little carter when he’s still a shorty
-i don’t think he ever really payed attention to his height
-or others heights for that matter
-my guy was travelling so much and had like no friends his age so i don’t think he had much of a perception of how tall he should be
-at least until him and sadie were reunited
-then the teasing was relentless
-for the sake of this let’s say you either came to brooklyn house with them or were already there idc
-so then he saw you and noted that you were short
-yk a little mental note
-‘hey sadie y/n’s shorter why don’t you tease them instead’
-but it’s a sibling thing
-even considering that i don’t think he cares that much about height
-he just wants an inch on his sister
-cuddling with him is awkward but i think he’s pretty flexible with big spoon/little spoon stuff and your height difference isn’t so drastic that you can’t spoon him
-cuddling with him is pretty versatile
-i’m terms of clothes
-i saw someone say that he will leave his sweaters in random places for his s/o to find and hopefully wear
-i love it
-it’s perfect because he’s so awkward but he is definitely a ‘wear my clothes that are too big for you and i’ll swoon’
-i can’t remember who said this tho so if you find them please lmk and i’ll give credit
-now protectiveness is difficult for him
-he’s such a worry wart
-and a total mom
-so he like wants you to be safe and wants to protect you in battle and stuff
-so he used his height to help with that
-even though you’ve told him so many times that you are fine
-now when he’s in his godly avatar thing
-major height difference
-i’m joking
-let’s not get into that
-imaging kissing like this big chicken warrior head
-no thanks
-again i just think carter doesn’t really care about his height difference with you
-he just loves you
kate bishop:
-last but not least is miss kate
-i was originally going to do all boys for this but my bisexual ass couldn’t resist kate
-so kate is about 5’8
-and i like that
-nice solid height
-a bit tall for a girl
-but isn’t everything about kate perfect
-i feel like she lies somewhere in between being a little shit and a sweetheart
-because she is so confident and cocky
-but it’s hot and she’s a woman so it’s okay
-on the other hand she gives massive simp vibes
-because she is my favourite golden retriever character
-i feel like some people may disagree but i feel like she’s a big spoon
-that also may be biased though as i love to be the little spoon sooo
-it’s okay tho
-i feel like she likes you to be facing her while cuddling though
-and size works out for you guys because she is bigger and also the big spoon
-if you desperately want her to be the little spoon i can see that too
-and for little spoon kate i feel like you wouldn’t really have an option no matter your size
-you just gotta make it work
-because i see her as a little whiny poop
-big spoon kate is too tho
-who are we kidding
-she was spoiled growing up
-she’s not bad spoiled tho
-now onto clothes
-i think she’s both a ‘let me try on your clothes that are too small for me for laughs’ and a ‘wear my clothes that are too big for you and i’ll swoon’
-but i think she is more the latter
-for protectiveness i have two different cases here
-let’s say that you are an avenger/super hero/fighter or wtv for our first scenario
-she would totally be protective
-you’re her love
-she needs to keep you safe
-and you are also small
-more excuses for kate to be protective
-i feel like no matter your height tho she is just a protective person by nature
-so in battle she would be watching you in her peripheral vision all the time
-not that you aren’t doing the same tho
-option two
-you are not an avenger/super hero/fighter
-you are an average person
-don’t you just love the idea of have a tall sexy woman as your like personal body gaurd
-because i sure do
-dream come true
-but honestly
-you would probably get roped into her business with the tracksuit mafia so you are in danger a lot during that period of time
-and she’s the sweetest
-it’s a sad fact but we all know that shorter people are easier targets for bad people
-so she would be so cautious
-only because she loves you though
-she definitely protective
-especially of you
-and she for sure loves the height difference
thanks for reading and lmk if you want me to do hcs for a tall s/o!!
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littlecoffeeadict · 4 months
No because why does everybody around me fall in Love, and I'm still hung up over some fictional character?
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triviareads · 11 months
Can you recommend any books where they get right into the sex?
Either historical or contemporary
Sure! I'm all for an instant gratification moment (and for the purpose of this ask I stuck to early sex scenes between the main couple because there's a decent amount of het romances out there that begin with the hero and another woman..... though predictably not many with the heroine having good sex with another man :/).
Minx by Sophie Lark: There's some fabulous, very hot sex (and pet play) a few chapters in, after Blake agrees to take on Ramses as a client. And once the ball gets rolling, it really doesn't stop.... and only gets better from there.
Lush Money by Angelina M. Lopez: Roxanne basically *mounts* Mateo (if there's one thing Angelina loves, it's a mounting moment) right after their agreement that she'll get her pregnant in exchange for money is finalized. It's very.... economical and Mateo hates it, but gets off on it. He's soooooo conflicted and I personally loved that.
After Hours on Milagro Street by Angelina M. Lopez: The other mounting moment sex scene; Alex hops on Jeremiah literally two minutes after arriving in the dead of the night at her family's bar. It's honestly made hotter because Angelina writes a (kinda hilarious) premature ejaculation coupled with Alex getting off after. It works and I'm all for it.
Sherwood by Sierra Simone: Such an underrated book imo; the prologue has our "Robin Hood" (she's a woman here) about to be deployed, and "Maid Marian" tries to dissuade her by eating her out. Very emotional, very hot.
Asking for Trouble by Tessa Bailey: An early face-sitting scene after she's cuffed him in her foyer. Brent puts his "middle-class mouth" to gooood use.
Scorching to the Touch by Ofelia Martinez: There's hate sex about two chapters in; Erica makes Friedrich eat her out in the bathroom of an event and when he whips out his dick and is all "what am I supposed to do with this?", she points to a stall. Honestly, a winner.
The Risk by Caitlin Crews: She's a ballerina pretending to be a stripper-escort who gets her fantasy of being "bought" fulfilled and she and her billionaire have sex pretty much right after.
Crashed Out by Tessa Bailey: Like a couple chapters in, Jasmine sees Sarge's dick and books it to her car and tries to get off, but then Sarge catches her and lends a helping hand all while asserting he's a Grown Man now.
Desperate Measures by Katee Robert: Jafar kills Jasmine's mob boss father in the beginning and within the next chapter, there's a CNC scene where he chasing her down while she pretends she doesn't want it.
Give Me More by Sara Cate: Sara immediately sets up the throuple by having the married couple, Hunter and Isabel, have anniversary sex while listening to their friend Drake have sex with two other women, with Drake also getting off while listening to Hunter and Isabel.
The Bride Goes Rogue by Joanna Shupe: A fabulous anonymous encounter with neither Preston nor Katherine realizing who the other person is (right after Preston rejected his arranged betrothal to Kat) and they're pretending to be Louis XV and Madame Pompadour while they get each other off at a French Ball.
Her Husband's Harlot by Grace Callaway: The book starts with Helena following her husband to a brothel disguised as a prostitute, and Nicholas fully doesn't recognize her when he (successfully) has sex with her for the first time.
Passion by Lisa Valdez: An erotic romance; the literal first lines describe Mark groping Passion during the Great Exhibition, and he has her "pinned to the wall like a butterfly" within the next few pages.
The Virgin and the Rogue by Sophie Jordan: Charlotte is (allegedly) under the influence of an aphrodisiac when she mounts Kingston (can you tell I have a thing for this) in the library in the middle of the night, dry humps him, and runs away. Unironically one of my favorite Sophie Jordan sex scenes.
The Rake Gets Ravished by Sophie Jordan: The story begins with Mercy breaking into Silas's bedroom to retrieve the deed to her family home, and when Silas finds her, she seduces him and fucks him into such a deep sleep that when he awakes, all he's left with is an apology note and her *virgin blood* on the sheets.
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Within like 12 hours of being at Camp Half Blood Leo Valdez has trauma dumped his tragically sad backstory on the reader, tamed a dragon and also made roughly 73 terrible jokes that mask his gutter low self esteem.
Perhaps the best character ever?
EDIT: and found a secret bunker lost for over 100 years. Truly an ADHD icon.
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artistaforever · 2 months
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spacejams · 2 years
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passion4chaos · 1 month
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vogues1ut · 5 months
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Naressa Valdez for Kim Shui Fall 2023 rtw
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genz420 · 27 days
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What kind of Music do they Listen to 🎵 🎧
Masterlist | Rules
Content: Headcanons
Warning: None
Pairing(s): None
Character(s): Percy, Jason, Frank, Leo, Nico, Annabeth, Piper
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Percy Jackson
Let’s be realistic here 
Percy is a kid from New York
I know nothing about New York expect it was stolen from my ancestors and that it had some crazy shit happening in the 70s  
And whatever was in Hamilton 
I feel like Percy would listen to a mix of rap and mainstream music 
He would listen to Kendrick Lamar, Lil Mabu, Eminem, Kanye (I know he’s a weird and bad guy), and Tyler, the Cartor
He thinks he can rap
He can not 
But will try for anyone who lets him
Jason Grace
2000s white girl songs
Rihanna, Fergie, Kesha, you know the classics 
Who doesn’t love that genre of white girl music 
It happy and classic
But also a huge fan of the Fleet Foxes
And that of course means he loves father john misty and Lana Del rey
Frank Zhang 
I just know Frank listens to Canadian artists 
Like everything from Nickelback to The Tragically Hip
But also bands like Mother Mother
And the Weekend 
And Drake 
And Justin Bieber
But his music taste isn’t limited to Canadian classics 
He loves ambiance music/Brown noise 
Sometimes, he just wants to listen to nothing but something 
Leo Valdez
Not like “I hate my wife” Country 
Let’s not forget Leo is from Taxes
He obviously loves the classic like Marty Robbins
But I see him listening to Zach Bryne, Dolly Parton, and Carrie Underwood
You can’t convenience me that he doesn’t love the song “Before He Cheats” 
That shit was blasting when Argo II was being built
He gets into the music 
Like screams it while it plays
Doesn’t matter if he is with other people 
I also get the vibe he would listen to some Spanish artists 
Like oldies.  Stuff his grandfather and mother would have listened to 
Because the people you grow up with influence your music 
Artist like: Chavela Vargas, Jeanette, and Eydi Gormé
Nico Di Angelo
Old man Nico would listen to Italian music 
But as he gets older I see him listening to artists like Radiohead or The Smiths 
Because he is a bit of a sad boy 
Maybe even some more modern Italian musicians like Fiordaliso or 
Would also get into Ska Music 
Specially 2 tone Ska
I see him liking The Specials, Prince Buster, and Madness
He would also love Amy Winehouse 
Annabeth Chase
Movie/TV soundtracks 
Loves the song where it’s all instrumental 
I think she would be a huge fan of Bear McCreary, Ramin Djawadi, and Hans Zimmer
She wouldn’t even watch the show the songs are in 
She just enjoys the sound of music
When she does eventually watch movies, you know the Prince of Egypt soundtrack took her out 
Piper Mclean
I think she would be a HUGE Dido, Kate Bush, Cranberries fan
Would also be the type to have their music influenced by Tiktok 
Nothing wrong with that
It happens to me 
The top song is Grafton Street by Dido
Loves Fleetwood Mac
And Florance & the Mechian
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juneberrie · 1 year
— 📼 songs i feel describe a relationship with them
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pairing: percy jackson; annabeth chase; hazel levesque; frank zhang; leo valdez; piper mclean; jason grace x gn!reader
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percy jackson
i was made for loving you — kiss , marlboro nights — lonely god , backyard boy — claire rosinkranz
annabeth chase
crush — tessa violet , sports — beach bunny , dandelions — ruth b
hazel levesque
bubble gum — clairo , falling for ya — grace phipps , space girl — frances forever
frank zhang
that's love — sundial , living on a prayer — bon jovi , wait a minute — willow
jason grace
love in an elevator — aerosmith , cloud 9 — beach bunny , i love you so — the walters
piper mclean
hounds of love — kate bush , dont miss me — claire rosinkranz , training wheels — melanie martinez
leo valdez
paper rings — taylor swift , puppy princess — hot freaks , heaven's on fire — kiss
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lesbianjackies · 1 year
❤︎︎ character list ❤︎︎
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key: bolded - characters i enjoy writing for | italics - characters i’ve written for before
❥ 10 things i hate about you
cameron james, kat stratford, bianca stratford, patrick verona, michael eckman, mandella
❥ marvel
natasha romanoff, bucky barnes, steve rogers, carol danvers, stephen strange, sam wilson, gamora, gwen stacy, tony stark, kate bishop, loki laufeyson, may parker, peter parker (tasm & mcu), peter quill, pietro maximoff, wanda maximoff, thor odinson, yelena belova
❥ pirates of the caribbean
jack sparrow, will turner, elizabeth swann
❥ grishaverse
alina starkov, the darkling / aleksander morozova, malyen oretsev, genya safin, david kostyk, zoya nazyalensky, nikolai lantsov, kaz brekker, inej ghafa, jesper fahey, nina zenik, matthias helvar, wylan van eck
❥ the school for good and evil
agatha of woods beyond, sophie of woods beyond, tedros of camelot, hort of bloodbrook, hester of ravenswood, anadil of bloodbrook, dot of nottingham, rafal
note: sophie x hort x reader is a fav
❥ the hunger games
katniss everdeen, peeta mellark, gale hawthorne, haymitch abernathy, finnick odair, johanna mason
❥ harry potter
harry potter, ron weasley, hermione granger, ginny weasley, fred weasley, george weasley, draco malfoy, neville longbottom, luna lovegood, cedric diggory, oliver wood, theodore nott, daphne greengrass, blaise zabini, tom riddle, james potter, sirius black, remus lupin, lily evans, regulus black, mary macdonald, dorcas meadowes, marlene mckinnon
❥ miss peregrine’s home for peculiar children
jacob portman, emma bloom, enoch o’connor (MOVIE ONLY), olive abroholos elephanta (MOVIE ONLY), millard nullings (BOOK ONLY), hugh apiston (BOOK ONLY), fiona frauenfeld (BOOK ONLY), bronwyn bruntley (BOOK ONLY)
note: i will write for book- or movieverse jacob & emma. please specify which you would like when requesting or i will default to bookverse.
❥ shatter me
juliette ferrars, aaron warner, kenji kishimoto, nazeera ibrahim
❥ the folk of the air
jude duarte, cardan greenbriar
❥ percy jackson
percy jackson, annabeth chase, grover underwood, thalia grace, jason grace, piper mclean, leo valdez, frank zhang, reyna avila ramirez arellano
❥ avatar: the last airbender
katara, sokka, zuko, azula, mai, ty lee
❥ a series of unfortunate events
violet baudelaire, klaus baudelaire, duncan quagmire, isadora quagmire, quigley quagmire
❥ newsies
jack kelly, davey jacobs, katherine pulitzer, crutchie morris, spot conlon
❥ frankenstein
victor frankenstein, the monster, elizabeth lavenza, henry clerval
❥ little women
jo march, meg march, beth march, amy march, theodore laurence
❥ star wars
anakin skywalker, obi-wan kenobi, padme amidala, luke skywalker, leia organa, han solo, rey, finn, kylo ren, poe dameron
❥ my babysitter’s a vampire
ethan morgan, benny weir, sarah fox, rory keaner, erica jones
❥ yellowjackets
shauna shipman, lottie matthews, misty quigley, taissa turner, van palmer, natalie scatorccio, jackie taylor, laura lee, mari, akilah, jeff sadecki
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labaguetteisdabest · 5 months
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– bruno mars, count on me
irl friends: ⭐️
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sophie foster εїз – @therealsophieelizabethfoster
bee ☀ – @swans-chirping-in-the-distance
kae ❁ – @queenpiranhadon ⭐️
lula (kate) (⁎˃ᆺ˂) – @iam1withthepeggy ⭐️
css11 ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ – @calla-starkflowerstew11
kale \ (•◡•) / – @kale-of-the-forbidden-cities
eliza ♪~ ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ – @lizahamilton
everett ◉_◉ – @awful-amateur
nova ౨ৎ – @that-multi-fandom-hijabi
val ⋆ – @yourtwistedlies
sk4el ♥‿♥ – @sokeefe4evalove
oreo ⚆ _ ⚆ – @lillibethnougatesquirethe3rd
loife ☼.☼ – @loife1m
fuzzy ~(˘▾˘~) – @fuzzysoulyt
figf ( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ ) – @fuckimgenderfluid
forkman (◕‿◕✿) – @norwegian-trickster-god
aeylis ˏ₍๏ɞ๏₎ˎ – @tastetherainbow290
froggy 𓆏 – @frog-with-a-top-hat
tina ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ – @tinadablackthorn
rithi ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ – @mxnkeydo
nytbs ↜ʚɞ↝ – @newyorktimesbestsellerr
oseg ☞ – @onlyslightlyevilgremlin
leta ☻ – @/itadori-yujiii
fishy ʚʘ͜͡﴿﴿﴿﴿﴿﴿⫷ – @fish-ofishial123
aylin ✦ – @moondust-on-the-hijabi
aether ☁︎ – @riordanverseaddict
queenie ♕ – @queenie-blackthorn
jörm (ง'̀-'́)ง – @your-local-multi-geek ⭐️
kitcat (¬‿¬) – @someonewhogotanaccount
mini ◈ – @reyna-obsessed
lola (^-.-^)⤳ – @nerdy-girlramblings
zeta ʘ‿ʘ – @cinematics06 ⭐️
yuna (ㅇㅅㅇ❀) – @4114yunique
lizard ๑ï – @lizardtheacorn
esme ꧂ – @hijabi-desi-bookworm
seph ☆ – @heartstars
arya 𓍊 – @mushroomcarrotstick
sophie ⁠꒰⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠⑅⁠꒱ – @pyromaniac-on-caffeine
hera ੈ – @aston-martin-in-the-ditch
grace ✎ – @writergracethepanda
ella 𓃰 – @elephantinahawaiianshirt
max ಠ‿↼ – @sabrine-bree-the-bravery
hdm ┴┤ ͜ʖ ͡°) ├┬ – @hijabi-desi-musicals
zoe ٩(`・ω・´)و – @zoesim5
mfr ଘ – @multifandom-romantic
leo valdez ☄ – @team-leoo
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