#katrina stuart imagine
sucker4colby · 1 year
Parties over: Part 2
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Summary : Colby’s in the doghouse after forgetting his girlfriends birthday to hang out with amber. He has to knock down the wall she built around herself.
Warning : angst , jealousy , insecurity, cussing
Pairing: Colby Brock x female reader
Part 1
It took me a moment to be able to tear my gaze away from my reflection and to stop criticizing everything I saw. I had to accept today was going to be one of those where I wasn’t comfortable in my own skin so I just made my way downstairs after changing into shorts and a knitted sweater hoping I wouldn’t see the blue eyed boy I was upset with.
Unfortunately for me he sat at the island eating a bowl of cereal in his own world as our friends did their own thing around him. I noticed how his hair was unruly and he looked tired as If he didn’t sleep last night. My eyes snapped away from him as Sam called out my name. “ there’s breakfast over on the counter if you want some.” The blonde boy pointed over his shoulder at the counter where a stack of waffles resided. I could see Colby’s head snap up from the corner of my eyes to look at me as his friend announced my presence but I avoided looking at him knowing I’d break on the spot to look at him. I smiled at Sam muttering a thank you as I made my way over to the food.
I heard his chair scrape against the floor as he hurriedly walked over to me stopping me from taking a plate . “ I can get your food.” Colby offered grabbing the plate I was reaching for looking down at me. Anger bubbled up inside of me and I glared at him. “ I’m not hungry anymore thanks.” I spat spinning on my heels and walking away from the prying eyes of our friends. He was just going to act like he didn’t blow me off on my birthday to be with another woman and I sure as hell wasn’t going to let that slide.
I might overreacted but If I wasn’t important enough why did he keep the act up, why not just rip the bandage off and break up with me. I sighed walking into the living room to see the mess from last night, cups ,trash bottles of liquor littered every surface. Grabbing a trash bag from the cabinet I began picking up hoping to get a head start before everyone came to help out.
I know he was standing there trying to figure out how to approach me but I couldn’t bring myself to ask him what he needed so I just pretended he wasn’t there. It was a difficult task to do when his blue eyes felt like they were burning a hole in my skin, I could see the distraught look on his face and it hurt my heart but he was the one who messed up.
Finally he cleared his throat to announce his presence as if I didn’t already know, it was hard not know when you’ve memorized the sound of his footsteps and when his presence filled up the whole room. I looked up to meet his sad eyes quirking an eyebrow up at him. “ I have something for you.” He told me in a small voice and brought his hands out in front of him presenting a small black box. I could see him deflect more as he noticed I wasn’t changing my stoic composure towards him. “ I also ordered you a cake from that bakery you like, I know you wanted one of those for your birthday.” He rambled only making me more upset. I hated that I couldn’t stay angry at him, was I really that smitten over him that I’d roll over and act like nothing happened just because it was him.
“ yeah for my birthday Colby.. which was yesterday had you of cared enough you would’ve remembered but how could you ? You were a bit …preoccupied.” I spat out the last word throwing the trash bag on the couch moving past him to go cool off in my room.
I threw myself on the bed and cried wishing my comforter would just hide me away from everything. He was probably trying to be nice so he wouldn’t feel bad once he left me for amber. My chest burned with jealousy at the thought of him doing everything I wanted of him for her, why wasn’t I good enough for him, He was everything for me and maybe that was the problem. I had to make it easier on both of us and end things myself because I know he wouldn’t do it.
I didn’t hear my door open or close but I noticed my bed dip making me wipe my eyes and look out from under cover. I cried even harder once I saw Colby sitting next me. He had tears in his eyes as well as he moved to put me on his lap, I didn’t try to fight him because this is probably the last time I’ll get to be in his arms. I wanted to memorize everything about him before I lost him.
“Baby I’m so sorry, I was a dumbass, I promise I didn’t mean to forget I just had to much on my plate and I got my days mixed up.” He sniffled setting his cheek on my head and caressing my leg knowing that calmed me down. “Do you not love me anymore?" I asked looking down at my lap picking at the loose thread on my knitted sweater. I felt like I could throw up waiting for him to answer me. "What ?" He asked me I could feel the bed shift under his weight as he turned to face me.
My face heated up at having to repeat my previous statement. I was embarrassed I had to ask him if he still loved me , if he did I wouldn't have to ask and save myself the heartache. " if you don't that's ok, i just.. I feel like I should know if you don't love me anymore, no one should be in a relationship without love." I mumbled my voice cracking as I tried to stop myself from crying even more. I could feel the tears pooling at my waterline even more as I tried to stop myself causing me to grow frustrated with myself . I put my hands over my face shielding my face from his view as my body shook after each sob.
“ baby I love you so much it hurts, I’m so sorry I made you feel like this. I’m sorry I made you doubt my love for you.” He whimpered rocking us back and forth holding me tighter to his body. “ I love you so so much, I was looking forward to yesterdays date because that’s the day my love was born, I should’ve been here but I promise I’ll make it up to you now.” He whispered kissing the crown of my head and I wrapped my arms around him. My heart softening “ I could never love anyone the way I love you, I can’t imagine getting so excited to come home to someone that isn’t you, you’re my favorite part of everyday and I don’t ever want to lose that.” His words slowly eased my worries.
I felt horrible because Colby wasn’t a bad person and he’d never intentionally hurt someone. I was so insecure I forgot how kind hearted and pure he was, That’s why I fell in love with him in the first place. I was caught up in my head I almost him because I was being childish. “ I’m sorry, I overreacted.” I hiccuped into his neck as I hugged him close to my body. He let out a small laugh rubbing circles on my back under my sweater. “ I think you under-reacted, I thought I was done for.” He told me causing me to giggle. “ I’m really sorry baby I know you were looking forward to your birthday.” He apologized again leaning back to look at me. I sat back on his lap to look at him. “ I just wanted to be with you, but you’re here now and that’s all I care about.” I told him making sure he knew I just wanted him.
He smiled and placed a kiss on my lips causing a smile to grow on my face. “ that one’s because I’m sorry and these are because you turned 23.” He said before attacking my face with kisses causing me to laugh as he counted each kiss. He let out a quick oh reaching over the bed to retrieve the same black box he had shown me earlier passing it over to me. I shot him a questioning look taking the small box and opening it. My eyes started watering again and I let out a small gasp at the small necklace that rested inside. “ I chose this out a while back and I wanted something you could wear everyday.” He explained taking it out of my hands and moving my hair to the side, I moved on his lap so he could clip it on. “ thank you, I love it.” I told him as he placed a delicate kiss on my expose shoulder where my sweater started slipping off. “ I love you .” He mumbled wrapping his arms around my again pulling my into his chest. I exhaled in relief leaning back and taking comfort in his warmth knowing we’d be ok, I had fallen in love with the sweetest soul and as perfect as he was he was only human, he was bound to make mistakes.
Part 2 guys !!!
I hope you enjoyed it. I almost made them break up but I just couldn’t bring myself to make Colby the bad guy 🥲
Let me know what you guys think !!!
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bad268 · 8 months
Frank Told Us (Colby Brock X Pregnant! Reader)
Fandom: RPF/Sam and Colby & Co
Requested: Yes by @eattothebeatt and anon. I hope y'all don't mind that I combined them, they were pretty similar. (Also, since I'm ahead on requests, I'm gonna post Wednesdays and Saturdays until it's cleared <3)
Warnings: slipping in snow (idk).
Pronouns: She/her
W.C. 1263
Summary: The Conjuring House is no joke, especially when a certain ghost (Frank) ruins a surprise.
As always, my requests are OPEN
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The Conjuring House was no joke, that was a fact that Y/n knew well. After going to the Conjuring House on three separate occasions with Sam and Colby and being witness to some crazy things, she didn’t need any convincing of that.
This time was one to top the charts. Ever since Sam and Colby heard about Satori and Cody, they knew that they wanted to meet them and get their expertise on camera. So Y/n decided to go with them. However, one thing happened about a week before the flight that may have changed the trajectory of the trip.
Y/n missed her period.
She took a test and met with her gynecologist, and they both came to the same conclusion. She was pregnant. She was not super far along, a little over a month, but she was not sure if she should go on the trip. After talking it over with her gynecologist, they decided she should be fine as long as she stepped away when it got too much and did not put herself in dangerous situations. She knew that if she had told Colby that they were expecting, he would abort the whole video, and she knew she did not want to be responsible for that
So they arrived at the Conjuring House. Sam and Colby in the front and Kat and Y/n in the back. Satori and Cody said they would meet them there, so they did not worry about getting a bigger car.
“Are you guys ready for this?” Sam asked enthusiastically as he pulled into the driveway.
“Are you ready to get another attachment?” Kat snapped back jokingly, causing Sam’s jaw to drop and the rest of the car to laugh.
“No need to come for my brother like that,” Colby defended, turning back to point a finger at Kat.
“You should definitely put this at the end of the video,” Y/n added, directing everyone’s attention to the camera that was recording.
“Anyway, what’s up guys! It’s Sam and Colby,” Colby started the intro.
“Today, well, this week, we are at the Conjuring House with Kat and Y/n!” Sam continued.
“These guys get 10 million subscribers, and we get dragged into this,” Y/n laughed gesturing to Kat as they climbed out of the car, so Sam and Colby could do their intro in peace. The two walked into the house and greeted Satori and Cody. The four made small talk until Sam and Colby came into the house.
“I see you made yourself comfortable without us,” Colby teased as he sat next to Y/n on the couch and laid his arm over her shoulder. “Do we know how we're going about tonight?”
“I think we’re just letting Satori and Cody do their thing and we’ll go with the flow,” Y/n explained as she leaned into Colby’s side. “What do you guys think? It is your video.”
“I think that’s fine,” Sam said, setting up the cameras. Kat started pulling out different gadgets and placing them around the room.
“We’re ready to start whenever you guys are,” Satori offered, moving to stand up with Cody. Colby stood up as well before he turned back and held his hand out jokingly for Y/n to stand up.
“Well, thank you, kind sir,” Y/n joked in a mock posh accent.
“You’re welcome, governess,” Colby joked back, causing the two to chuckle before turning serious again. “Ok, back to the task at hand-”
Hours later, Satori and Cody were still getting so much in response. It was nearing midnight at this point, and they were still nonstop. After the third hour, Y/n got a huge headache, and it did not prove to be a problem until the knocks started getting louder.
“Hey, I’m gonna go get some fresh air. My head hurts,” Y/n announced as she stood up and walked out the door, not waiting for a response. Kat immediately said she would follow Y/n and trailed behind her as they walked through the snow carefully toward the car.
“Are you okay? You’re really pale,” Kat asked as they leaned against the hood of the rental car.
“I have a huge headache, and honestly, I need to tell someone,” Y/n admitted and let out a sigh before saying, “I’m pregnant.”
“You’re kidding!” Kat exclaimed excitedly, reaching out to hold Y/n’s hands. “You’re serious? Oh my god, I’m so happy for you guys! Does Colby know?”
“If I told him, he wouldn’t have let me come,” Y/n laughed as Kat pulled her into a hug. “I’m so glad I finally told someone. I’ve been keeping that to myself for the last week.”
“You’re kidding!” Kat exclaimed again. She was too excited because when she jumped away from the car, she pulled Y/n with her and they both lost their footing. “Woah!”
“Ouch! Kat!" Y/n laughed as she landed on her back in the snow with Kat leaning over her. They were laughing like maniacs despite knowing that one or both of them could have been seriously injured. “What the hell? You’re crazy, get off me.”
Meanwhile, in the living room, Satori and Cody kept at it with Sam and Colby, teaching them along the way. The first person they connected with asked about Colby, so Satori and Cody took back over. 
“Way to go, Colby,” Sam jokingly scolded. 
“Shut up, Sam,” Colby joked back.
“You want to talk to Colby?” Satori asked as was met with a knock immediately. “Okay, what is your name?” She went through the alphabet and found the name they were spelling out. “Frank? Yes. Colby, do you know a Frank?”
“Not off the top of my head,” Colby answered, “Who are you to me?” Satori started the alphabet again and the knocks spelled out:
“Grandfather? No, Great-grandfather? Yes,” Satori interpreted. “What message do you have for Colby?” The knocks started back up and what it spelled caused a chill to run down everyone’s spines. “Protect? Protect who?...Y/n. Protect Y/n from what?”
They did not get an answer as they heard shouting from outside, causing Colby to bolt out the door immediately.
“Y/n?” He shouted, not caring that it was midnight. His ears were ringing, and his heart stopped when he saw Y/n laying in the snow. He could not breathe, and he could not register that the girls were laughing and not in danger. He slid down to be down by Y/n’s head as he held her hand. “Holy shit, are you okay? Do we need to go to the hospital?”
“All good, Colby,” she laughed, pushing Kat off her as she stood up. Y/n inspected the snow around her as she felt around her stomach,  “I don’t see any blood and I don’t feel any pain, so I think we’re both good.”
“Yeah, you and Kat look fine to me,” Colby sighed as he took Y/n into his arms.
“No, not Kat, no offense,” Y/n retorted before looking up at Colby as she wrapped her arms around his neck. She whispered, “Me and the baby.”
“Baby? Whose baby? My baby? Our baby?” He asked so quickly Y/n could not keep up with him as he held her at arm’s length before cheering loudly when she nodded her head. He ran back to the house to tell Sam only to find Sam, Satori, and Cody standing at the doorway. “I’m gonna be a dad!”
“Yeah, Frank just told us.”
Part 2 ->
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stefans-brock · 8 months
colby brock
new years kiss!
summary: after multiple attempts of your best friend trying to set you up with her boyfriend's best friend, his best friend finally confesses his love for you.
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it was sunday night, new years eve. you were at your best friend, katrina's apartment. the both of you stood in her bathroom, standing in front of the mirror as you both applied your makeup for the night.
"i still don't know what to wear?" you mention whilst rummaging around in your makeup bag to find your eyeliner. you hand katrina the tube, the routine of her doing your eyeliner now becoming a regular reoccurrence, as you found it a struggle to do on yourself.
you sat on the bath ledge as she stood in front of you. "you can borrow anything of mine" she says, concentrating on the task in front of her. "but that white dress you brought over was so cute" she continues.
she brings up the eyeliner to your eye, and you close your eyes, making it easier for her. in two swift motions, she does a wing liner for both eyes.
"i bet colby will love it" katrina tries hiding a smile by tucking her lips in. "kat!" you shake your head at your best friends bluntness. "what, he will!" katrina exclaims.
"you're unbelievable!" you giggle, leaving her alone in the bathroom, now making your way into her bedroom. "i'm trying it on!" you shout.
you take off your hoodie and shorts that you were wearing and put on the short, white, lace dress you had brought along with you as an option for tonight.
"kat, come in here!" you tell her as you look at yourself in her bedroom, full-length mirror. she walks into the room, holding an eyeshadow in one hand whilst her another hand is occupied with putting eyeshadow on her lid.
"i love it!" she gasps. "you look so hot, y/n" katrina states. you bit your bottom lip whilst admiring the dress, "you don't think it's too much?" you ask, turning around to face katrina. "no, it's perfect," she reassures you.
"i guess this is it then." you take one more look at yourself in the mirror before following katrina back into the bathroom, "how're you thinking of doing your hair?" she asks. "just gonna straighten it," you reply, plugging in your hair straighteners.
"they won't be able to keep their hands off of us," katrina chuckles, making you shake your head.
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after both of you had finished getting yourself ready for the night, you were both cleaning up the mess made in the bathroom whilst waiting for the boys to come pick you both up.
when the doorbell rang, you quickly announced that you would get the door.
you made your way to the front door and swung it open. sam standing in front gave you a hug, "hey y/n," he smiles before walking around you to get inside.
colby was stood behind sam on his phone, but once sam moved, colby looked up - his eyes meeting yours. you gave him a smile as you discreetly scanned his outfit - black dress pants and a white dress shirt that had the first few top buttons undone whilst hair laid messily, some hair strands laying on his forehead.
"hey" he grins, "you look good," he says nervously before he follows sam. you look down at your outfit with furrowed eyebrows - just good?
"y/n-?" you hear katrina say. "yeah?" you shout back, turning around to the three of them now looking at you. "have you got everything?" katrina asks. you give her nod. "yeah, let's go guys" you squeal as you lead the way out.
just as katrina was locking her door, you realised you had forgotten your purse. "i forgot my purse!" you face palmed.
katrina sighs before turning around to you, she throws you her key. "lock up after" she states, you nod in response as you watch sam and katrina make their way down.
"you can go, you know, i'll be straight down," you direct to colby as you turn the key to open the door. "it's okay. besides, it's too early to be third wheeling them, " colby laughs. "in that case, i don't blame you," you smile, opening the door wider for colby.
"my bag's just upstairs, i'll be quick" you say before running up the stairs - or running the best you can in the heels you were in.
you grabbed your purse off of katrina's bed and made your way back downstairs. once you had made it to the downstairs hallway - you saw colby, taking off a mirror selfie.
he realises that you're watching him through the mirror reflection, so he turns to you, "wanna take a picture?" he asks. "uhm- yeah, sure" you shrug, making your way over to stand beside colby.
you look into the mirror and see colby biting his bottom lip before he shuffles discreetly closer to you. he let's his arm losely wrap around your front whilst his other hand held up his phone. he had titled his head, so he was looking at you. you felt the heat of his eyes burn into your skin as you looked at him through the mirror.
"you look beautiful," he whispers with a smile. you turn your head to look at him. he drops the hand holding the phone and stuffs his hand into his pocket of the dress pants he was wearing. he then steps closer whilst his other hand goes up to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear.
your eyes had lost themselves in his blue ones, as the two of you stared lustfully at each other.
after what had felt like several minutes - though only a matter of a few seconds - colby took a step back before clearing his throat, "we should go" he announces, making you nod your head in agreement. "yeah, let's go"
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after you locked up katrina's apartment, both of you made your way to the parking lot, colby kept his hand on the small of your back, leading you to sam's car.
once reaching the car, colby moved his hand from your back to the car door handle. you frowned due to the loss of his warmth touch.
"you okay?" colby asks as he watches you, his eyebrows furrowed. your eyes widened whilst you looked up at him, realising you had gotten lost in thought. "yep, all good." you smile before giving him a thanks for opening the door. you climb into the other side of the car, taking a seat behind sam, who sat in the drivers seat. colby then followed in, sitting behind katrina, leaving the middle seat empty between us.
katrina called dibs on the aux as sam began driving, and colby turned his attention to his phone as he noticed the couple in front talking.
feeling bored, you rested your hand under your chin and looked out the window. anticipating for when you'd all arrive to the club.
whilst staring out the window, you feel colby shuffle around in his seat. looking out in the corner of your eye, you see him sliding over to the middle seat. he nudged your leg with his, waiting for you to turn your head around - and so you did.
you gave him a hum as you waited for him to speak up. "look at this," he says, pointing his phone towards you. you look into the phone as he plays a tiktok for you.
it was an edit of a tiktok from when him and sam lived in the traphouse - in the tiktok was also you and katrina, dancing to a trending song at the time. "you were terrible at that," you giggle after you'd watched the short clip. "blame that on the supposed teachers," colby shot you a look, and you returned the same look. "a teacher can only do so much if their students are -" you take a second to look him up and down, "well you," you grimaced playfully before letting out a small scoff.
colby shaked his head, "next time, try harder, sweetheart." colby winked before sliding back to his original seat. you directed your middle finger to him before dropping your hand down on your leg. you hear him chuckle before you turn your head again, looking out the same window.
you, colby, katrina, and sam had been friends for a long time now. you had met katrina a few months after she had started to date sam. so naturally, you joined their friendship group. you were especially close to the three you were currently in the car with. ever since meeting katrina - nearly six years ago - she would take any chance she could to try to set you and colby up. at first you never saw colby as anything more than a best friend but as time went on - you finally realised you had feelings for him. you were well aware that katrina had told sam about your feelings, but you didn't mind as much as he didn't tell colby about it.
after the short drive to the club, the four of you piled out of the car. colby helped you by covering you as you stepped out - pulling the hem of your dress down. "thank you," you say embarrassed, knowing your cheeks were growing a deep shade of red. "it's all good," he shrugs before taking your hand, "shall we?" he asks. you peek over his shoulder to see katrina and sam already walking in, "yeah, lets go." you began walking in the direction that you saw your friends walking in. colby was walking behind you, whilst your hands were still intertwined.
but once you had reached the entrance to the club, you saw paparazzi blocking the door snapping away with their cameras. you turned your head behind you to seek security off of colby.
colby understood the plea in your eyes and stepped in front of you, guiding you through the crowds of paparazzi. "excuse me, guys" he calls out whilst still having ahold of you.
during the many years of knowing sam and colby, you'd never seen paparazzi swarm them like this. katrina had now left sam's side and made her way inside alone.
when you looked up at colby, you realised he was talking to one of the men holding a camera. you gave the camera man a smile before turning away from the camera. your eyes fell and focused on yours and colby's hand - you tried pulling your hand out of his grasp, but that only made the grasp colby had on your hand tighter.
"and whose this?" you hear the man say, pointing his camera at you. your eyes shot up to colbys before he let out a chuckle. "she's - we're just -" colby begins stuttering before turning his head to the side once he hears his name being called out by sam. "sorry man, we gotta go" colby gently pushes past the crowd until you both reach safely inside.
"that was crazy," sam shakes his head. colby only nods at him before turning to you. "sorry about that, you okay?" he asks, you give him a nod, "it's not your fault, " you smile before turning to look at sam and katrina. "shall we guys?" you ask them. katrina eagerly squeals before taking your hand, running off with you into the crowds of drunken people.
katrina drags you onto the dancefloor, which was further down from where sam and colby stood.
you both give each other a glance when you realise the dj is playing 'promiscuous'. you and katrina joined in with the crowd on the floor and began dancing.
as the songs continued playing on, sam eventually made his way over to you both, holding three plastic glasses. two were cupped in either hand whilst the third was being held up by being in between his teeth. "here you go, ladies," he pipes up as he approaches beside you.
you give a thanks before taking a glass out of his hand. you knock down a shots' worth before wincing at the burn in your throat. "is this straight vodka?" you grimaced. sam takes the glass out from between his lips before chuckling, "yeah, sorry, that's mine" he says, reaching out with that same glass. you shook your head at the glass, "i'll keep this," you inform him. "you sure?" he asks. you give him a nod in response before moving beside katrina, who hasn't stopped dancing. only then does she stop dancing, taking a glass from sam.
your hips don't stop swaying to the music as you reach your hands above your head. you start singing along to the song, 'buy u a drink' you giggle as you watch katrina dance against sam, sam resting his hands on her waist whilst he whispered in her ear.
finding the couple sickeningly cute, you looked away from them. your eyes instantly falling on colby, who was already staring you down. he leant against the bar, with two others. jake and corey. they must have just arrived. moving your eyes back onto colby, you realise his lips are slightly parted. one of his hands held a drink whilst his other regularly ran through his hair. you turned your head back and focused on dancing with your friends.
katrina swayed her way over to you before whispering in your ear, "he's been staring for a while," she shouts before pulling away. she gives you a wink before moving back beside sam.
you look back at colby, his eyes now lay on a blonde, who was approaching him. he smiled at her as she began talking to him. the blonde played with her hair as she stood in front of him. you then notice jake and corey leave colby's side, the two of them shaking their heads at colby.
you huffed at the sight before finishing off your drink, settling it on a nearby table. you had lost sam and katrina in the crowd, so you started dancing alone until you felt someone come up behind you.
"what's a girl like you doing dancing all alone?" a deep voice says. you turn, looking up at the man. he gave you a smile before asking to join you. you gave him a nod as you slipped colby a look.
like the first time, he was staring at you. but this time, his eyes were narrowed whilst his eyebrows furrowed. he was chewing on his inner cheek whilst fiddling with his silver rings.
you pushed him out of your head and turned your attention to the man dancing with you.
"so, did you come alone?" the man asks. but before you could reply back, you felt a hand wrap around your wrist, pulling you.
your front collided with a familiar chest. you looked up at a furious colby, "the fuck she did" colby shouts. you looked up to those blue eyes and brushed yourself off of him. "what're you doing?" you ask, returning the same tone as him. "what do you mean 'what am i doing?', what the fuck are you doing?" he shouts over the music once again.
"shit bro, i didn't know she had a boyfriend." the man speaks up, you shoot him a look. "i don't," you shake your head before turning to colby.
"you're ao fucking annoying, y'know that" colby shakes his head before grabbing your wrist again, leading you both somewhere quiet. "colby, get off me," you complain.
colby had dragged you into a hallway that was quiet enough but still echoed the music that played.
"what was that?" he asks."nothing, i was just dancing," you shrug. "you can't tell me what to do, colby" you shake your head as you cross your arms over your front.
colby scoffs to himself before moving to stand in between my legs. "look at me" colby's voice comes out as a whisper. "when do i ever wear white?" colby asks, "fuck, when do i wear anything that isn't black" he says again.
"i'm not getting the point to this -" you shrug.
"i asked kat what you were wearing tonight, i wanted to match with the girl i was gonna share my new years kiss with, i wanted to match with the girl i was going to ask to be my girlfriend tonight" he shakes his head.
"i'm in far too deep when it comes to you, y/n" he sighs as he lets his forehead rest against yours. "i didn't want to see some other dude's hands all around you, and i lost it, i'm sorry. i fucking ruined it" he curses.
you gulped down the lump in your throat as you look up to colby's blue eyes. "colbs" you whisper. he hums before looking at you. "you haven't ruined it," you assure him.
the both of you stand there in silence with smiles plastered on your faces.
the echo of a ten second countdown is heard from the hallway, making you and colby widen your eyes.
"three" colby chuckles. "two" you giggle. "one" you both smile into a kiss.
"happy new year, colbs"
"happy new year, sweetheart"
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if you have any requests, please send them in!
doesn't just have to be colby! 🫶🏽
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paranormalworm · 11 months
Admirer · C.B.
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Summary: you are in a argument with your boyfriend and receive a little gift.But as you were about to thanks him he gets even more mad… that’s when you realized it wasn’t from him.
Pairing: Coby brock x Fem OC
warning?: argument and rude things.
Author note: i saw that story on TikTok and it inspired me so just know that it is not 100% MY story <3 (Also English is not my first language so sorry if that doesn’t make much sense)
REQUEST ARE OPEN (no smut tho)
Kyle was being a jerk. Again. Before, Kyle was the best thing you could imagine,Caring and thoughtful , everything you could dream of, but in the last few months Kyle had become cold, distant and even mean. He got a lot of messages from girls you thought were prettier than you, and it made you uncomfortable to know that he was replying to all of them, His excuse? "They're not doing anything wrong, it's thanks to them that I'm where I am, I have to answer them." Before the buzz, Kyle used to post you on his account from time to time, whether in stories, posts, etc... But now it was a whole different thing. It's like he was hiding you almost ashamed to have a girlfriend.
"Why don't you take me out on dates?" You yelled, "Or even give me nice flowers like you used to?!"
Kyle started laughing in your face.
"Do you hear what you're saying? This isn't a fantasy. We're dating now, I don't have to do all that anymore!"
You couldn't believe it. "I don't have to," like he's doing it out of obligation...the tears you've been holding back since the beginning of this argument finally roll down your cheeks, so you go to your room to gather a few things before you leave the apartment to join your friend Katrina. As you leave, Kyle doesn't even look at you, too busy talking to his "fans" on the live he just started. When you arrive, Kat is with her boyfriend Sam and his best friend Colby, you knew them since high school and you even had a thing with Colby at that time, so it was okay to let them hear everything so you explained everything to her and the guys probably heard you but you couldn’t care less... After a long evening and a relaxing night you came to the conclusion that you had to break up with him. The next morning you leave them hugging her and waving to the guys then drive to your apartment.
When you arrive, you see that flowers have been delivered to your door, along with a small box of chocolates, so you smile, happy that Kyle finally understood what you were talking about. You unlock the door and put the flowers and chocolate on the counter while you look for a vase in the closet. Kyle wakes up,enters the kitchen and stands there without saying a word. You turn around smiling and just as you are about to thank him, he cuts you off.
"What the hell is that?" He looked between you and the flowers, extremely confused. And now it's your turn to be confused. "What do you mean? Didn't you buy these?” And instead of talking, he aggressively picks up a piece of paper that was in the flowers, tearing off a petal, and reads the note aloud.
"He's right, real life isn't a fantasy, but you can make it one, if you were my girl I'd take you out on dates and buy you flowers every chance I get. Leave your shitty boyfriend, he doesn't deserve you. You know I'll make you happy. Lots of love.C."
You smile. You obviously knew who it was. And Kyle saw that. "WHO THE HELL IS C?!"
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lemonsdaydreams · 1 year
breaking the distance. |c.b|
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summary: You and Colby have been dating for nearly two years, enduring long distance and making the best out of time zones and chaotic work/ school schedules. The two of you knew one day the distance would be shortened to where there would be no more planes needed to see each other, and date night could finally be more than just facetiming and watching a movie together at the same time. One of you just happened to know it would be happening sooner rather than later.
No one ever expected Colby and I’s relationship to last, and I couldn’t really blame them. On the outside looking in, It seemed like it was a storm waiting to happen. Colby, a very well known social media content creator, constantly traveling and investigating new locations with his best friend in and outside the country, and lives on the west coast of the united states. Me, a non social media content creator, studying emergency paramedicine, lives on the east coast, and never even had a passport until two months ago. The main thing people always loved to throw at us was the distance. ‘Why date someone who lives a 5 hour plane ride away, when there’s plenty of people here in the same state for you to choose from?’
I personally didn’t fully expect us to be where we are right now when I met Colby over two years ago. It’s crazy how things happen though, how quickly you connect with a person. It’s as if I’d known him my whole life, as if I was connecting with an old friend I hadn’t seen in years that night at the bar. We talked and talked for hours, the rest of the crowded bar tuned out and all I saw was him. Colby and his friends he had traveled to the east coast with a few days later after we first ended up coming over to my apartment for a game night after constantly texting and getting to know each other more. Ironically, one of his friends that came with him, I knew from my childhood. Talk about a small world.
The buzzing of my cellphone in my hand snapped me out of the daydream I was in. A smile quickly spread across my face as I spotted Colby’s name on the caller ID before answering.
“Finally waking up, Mr. Brock?” I smiled as I held the phone to my ear.
“I’m so sorry beautiful, I slept through my alarm. I totally planned on waking up earlier to be able to talk to you in case you began to stress over your exam today.” His morning voice was something that always caught me off guard, the deep rasp. It always made me yearn for the day I’d be able to hear it in person, and not over the phone.
Of course over the past two years we’ve met up and spent time together, however it was usually when him and Sam were on a trip to film or when I had a small break between semesters at school and could afford to visit him.
“It’s okay Colby, I promise.” I smiled to myself and attempted to contain my excitement as I scanned the empty apartment once more. “I’ve been just cleaning and relaxing on the couch. I think if I tried reading any more of my textbooks my eyeballs might fall out of my head.”
Colby chuckled as my apartment door swung open, and I quickly muted myself as Seth, the friend of Colby’s that I’ve known since childhood came in. “Who’s ready to mo- oh shit, are you on the phone?” He quickly covered his mouth with a hand.
“Yeah, with Colby.” I giggled before giving him a ‘shh’ and taking myself off mute.
“You’re going to do great. You always do great. This is the final bridge needing to be crossed and then I’ll be able to have you in my arms every night and hear about the crazy encounters you have at work in person. God, I can’t wait for that to be real, beautiful. I miss you so much.”
“I can’t believe that it’s finally here. Just this semester and then I’m done, graduated, nationally registered to work anywhere in the country. By the way, My supervisor reached out to the base that’s not far from where you live, and they have an open paramedic spot that is up for grabs.” I bit my bottom lip and glanced at Seth who also shared the same nervous look.
I’ve always hated lying, and lying to Colby these past few months have been absolute torture. But he’s always the one surprising me, I wanted to finally surprise him. I ended up taking an earlier program that Colby didn’t know about, which allowed me to graduate and become a paramedic three months ago. However, Colby still thought I had another two months to go. During this time since finishing school, I’ve been working and studying protocols for the state I’d be moving to, coordinating with Sam on shipping my stuff to Vegas from New England without Colby seeing the boxes, selling stuff I don’t need to bring, and basically getting ready to move to Vegas. Of course, Colby knew this day would be coming, as we have a whole checklist we share on google docs to make sure we have everything lined up for when the day comes, He just doesn’t know it’s happening sooner. Or that I’m going to be there, in like 12 hours.
“Baby, Is it okay if I let you go? I can call you back later. I have to bring my phone to the apple store, I finally got an appointment to get my battery fixed.” I ran a hand through my hair, constantly reminding myself mentally the lying would be over soon.
“Oh good, I’m so glad you got that appointment babe, I have to get going anyway. Sam and I have to go meet up with some friends to film a video, but text or call me as soon as you finish your exam okay? I love you.”
After saying goodbye and hanging up, I groaned and laid back on the empty granite counter. “Dude, no wonder you hate lying. Thank god that wasn’t a facetime call or one look at your face and Colby would see your face and just know you were hiding something.” Seth chuckled and I flipped him the bird.
“Can we go get coffee before we head to the airport? This whole not having my own car thing sucks.” Seth chuckled once more before nodding and holding out his rental keys that I snatched out his hand before he could speak. “Yes, I’ll drive. You drive worse than my grandmother.”
“Now boarding Group A.”
“I’m really flying to Vegas without a return ticket.” I mumbled as I handed my ticket to the flight attendant at the gate. I glanced over my shoulder at Seth who stood behind me, laughing. “You’re finally moving to Vegas. Which means Sam and I won’t have to hear Colby talk about how much he misses your voice all the time and try to figure out what haunted places we could go see near where you live.”
“Are you sure he won’t question why my phone is off for over five hours? I mean we don’t talk on the phone all day every day, but we usually check in over text to say Hi and that we miss each other or something. I don’t think a phone battery replacement would take five hours.” I buckled my seatbelt once Seth and I got to our assigned seats. “You seriously worry too much.” Seth patted my hand as he smiled. “We’ve got it all figured out. He isn’t going to have any time to check his phone with what they’re filming.”
“This is going to be a long ass five hours, Seth. This is why teleportation should be a thing. I could already be there, with Colby.” I sighed as I turned to look out the window, anxiously tapping my foot on the ground. Seth laughed and out of the corner of my eye, I spotted him hold his phone out to take a photo.
“Don’t you dare post that.” I looked at him wide eyed, which caused Seth to laugh more. “Relax, It’s a video. For memories.” I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms across my chest. “Should I yell it out now that you’re a paramedic, just in case there’s a medical emergency?”
“Don’t you dare. I’m too nervous to provide any care, nor do I want to start my career as a medic off by taking care of someone on a plane. Why aren’t we moving yet?” I peered up and around the seats, huffing as I noticed not everyone was seated.
“God this is going to be so funny to look back on.” Seth mumbled as he put his phone down.
“I’ve got all your stuff in the storage unit, and your car should be arriving in the next few days.” Sam smiled as he drove Seth and I from the airport. Colby was back at the house editing and thinking Sam had just gone out to get food for the two of them. “It’s really good to finally see you, by the way. Colby is going to lose his mind.”
“I’m so nervous.” I mumbled looking out the window of the car and taking in the change of scenery. “He thinks I’m still in my exam right now.”
“Oh I know. Dude is a love sick puppy right now.” Sam laughs and gives me a smile. “Once we get to the house, I’m going to go inside to ask Colby to come out and help me grab some stuff from my car, but in reality it will only be you.” He added while Seth readjusted the camera on the dash of the car. I nodded and prayed we’d be arriving at the house soon.
Once at the house, I laid down in the back seat of the car to hide until Colby came out. “Yeah it’s on the passenger side in the back, If you can just grab it for me as well as the camera!” Sam called out, signaling that Colby was coming my way. Before I knew it, the door was swung open and I quickly sat up and smiled as my eyes landed on Colby. “Surprise!”
Colby stared in shock for a moment, eyes wide with confusion. Next thing I knew, He was grabbing my legs and pulling me out of the vehicle and up into his arms. My arms quickly wrapped around his neck, resting my head on his shoulder and wrapping my legs around him as he held me. “What is going on?” Colby yelled out, turning to glance at his friends back at the doorway before slamming the car door and moving so I was pressed against it and using one of his hands to pull my head back so he could see my face. “You have an exam?” His eyebrows furrowed.
“Baby.” I laughed softly. “Oh my gosh I’ve absolutely hated lying to you. I graduated early, That’s why I was so busy over break and couldn’t see you. I didn’t tell you because I wanted to surprise you by being able to finally be here sooner than you thought.” I cupped his face in my hands and blinking back tears as I finally got a good look at him. “I can’t believe I’m here.”
“I missed your graduation?” He frowned, resting his forehead against mine. “I’m so confused baby.” He quickly closed the distance between us and kissed me gently. “But dear god have I been dying to kiss you.” He mumbled against my lips.
“No, It was a winter graduation so there’s no walk you didn’t miss anything.” I kissed him once more. “But I’m here. no more distance. It’s finally broken.” I ran a hand through his hair as I stared into his blue eyes. Colby pulled me closer once more and began kissing me again, deeper this time before beginning to head towards the house. “You guys should probably head our for a while.” Colby mumbled as he passed Sam and Seth, his gaze still set on me. “Already planned on it. We’ll be back later. Welcome home!” Sam called out as Colby walked away from them, still carrying me. I let out a small laugh and began kissing Colby’s cheeks and playing with his hair at the nape of his neck.
“I can’t believe you lied.” Colby fake pouted as he gently tossed me on his, ours now, bed before climbing on top of me. “But it was so worth it.” He mumbled before kissing me. “Now it’s time for me to welcome you home.” He smirked.
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strawberrysands · 2 years
Scared out of my mind - Colby Brock
Pairing: Colby Brock x fem!reader
Word count: 3.1k
Warnings: angst, fluffy ending, talk about ghosts/paranormal activity, mentions of murder and suicide (in the story as of why the place is haunted), fainting, cursing, not proofread
You groan as the covers of your bed get violently ripped off of you. At the foot of your bed, Sam is standing with a shit-eating grin, blankets in one hand and a camera in the other. Colby on the other hand, pulled your curtains open. You immediately bury your head in the pillow in an attempt to escape the sudden light.
“Is this some sort of prank? Or just straight up torture?” You whine, earning a laugh from both of the boys.
“Sweetheart, it’s almost 2 P.M.” Colby deadpans, and it’s a good thing that your head is hidden in the pillows, because your face immediately heats up at the nickname.
“So?” Your voice sounds muffled but the annoyance is evident in it.
“As you guys can see, Y/N is not much of a morning person.” Sam says, probably to the camera, and you flip him off without looking.
“We’re going to the Drayman’s Manor. Wanna come?” Colby asks and his voice makes you turn on your back to face him. You gaze into his blue eyes just a second too long before answering.
“On one condition though…”
You sigh. “Gimme the blankets back please?” You plead, and make grabby hands at Sam. Colby almost aww’s out loud at the sight of you pouting just for the covers.
Sam laughs and throws the material over you, covering you from head to toe. “Alright. We leave in an hour!” He shouts before exiting the room.
You push the blanket away from your face, and see Colby still standing there.
You raise your eyebrows at him. “What are you still doing here?”
“I wanted to make sure you actually got up, knowing you.” He replies and you laugh.
“Good point.” You get up and walk towards your dresser, and Colby has to physically restrain every atom in his body to look at anything but you. Your hair was messy, your eyes still sleepy and the sleep shorts you were wearing made Colby’s mind wander to places it probably shouldn’t.
You turn and face him again and giggle at his expression. “Cat got your tongue?” You tease, bending over to grab something and purposely pushing your ass out a little more.
Colby clears his throat awkwardly and starts walking to the door. “I’m gonna-… I’m gonna wait outside. Yeah, I’m gonna do that.” He says, whispering the last part to himself.
--  time skip cuz im lazy
A couple of hours later you were standing in front of the Drayman’s Manor, together with Sam, Colb and Kat. Sam began the video and introduced you and Kat, and after that you headed inside to meet with the tour guide. Before you got in though, you swear you saw something move on the first floor, behind a window. Blaming it on fatigue, you shake your head and continue walking.
Colby, however, had noticed your discomfort and gently took your hand in his own. “Are you okay?” He asked. You gave him a smile that didn’t quite meet your eyes and replied. “Yeah, I’m just tired. All good.”
Colby seems hesitant, but you had reached to house and the tour guide was coming your way so he joined Sam to film.
“Are you okay with us filming?” Colby asks her.
“Totally! We get a lot of people here who want to document their time here, so it’s no problem.” She replies kindly.
Polly, the guide, immediately takes us up to the first floor, supposedly the most haunted one.
“As you may know, James Drayman bought this manor in the 1850’s for him and his wife, Laura. It was supposed to be a loving family home, but, naturally, it wasn’t.” She says, and Kat shivers.
“How did he afford this place? I mean, it’s a really big house, and I understood that James and Laura weren’t exactly that rich.” Colby asks and Polly nods.
“Correct. James really wanted to do something special for his newlywed wife, so he thought to surprise her with this home. He couldn’t afford it at all, but he somehow managed to convince the seller that he had some sort of loan going on, and he was able to move into the place. However, after a while, it became clear that James didn’t have a loan or the money at all. So he started to force Laura to bear his children, whom he later sold on a market downtown as slaves.”
A/N: I completely made this place and story up and I have no idea if this is historically accurate so just bear with me here, it’s just a story
The whole group fell silent, processing what she had just said.
“His own children?”  You ask to no one in particular. Just then, a cold breeze moves past you and Kat turns to you with wide eyes.
“Did you feel that?” She asks and you nod. “Yeah, almost like a door opened and now the air is flowing in here now.”
Sam and Colby look at each other. “I didn’t feel anything.” Sam says and Colby agrees with him.
“James is known to target women who come here, so…” Polly trails off.
“Oh my god!” Sam shouts and turns the camera to us.
“Why is it always us?” Kat says dramatically and we all laugh.
Polly then takes us to James’ room, old wooden floors and tapestry on the walls. The air immediately felt way thicker here.
“Is it me or is it hot in here?” You ask.
“Yeah no, I feel it too now.” Colby says.
“James tried to keep it a secret that it were his children that he was selling, but as you may expect, a lot of people who worked here knew what was really going on.” Polly says. “Laura had no power whatsoever. She didn’t want to get rid of her children in exchange for money, so one day, she hid a pregnancy from James. How she did that, we don’t know, but she succeeded and gave birth to a girl named Marie. Laura kept Marie hidden for years and when she was old enough, she ‘hired’ her to work at the manor so she could stay close to her.”
“Did Marie know James was her father?” Sam asks.
“Yes, she did. And this is when the story becomes tragic.” Polly says slightly sad, and leads us to Marie’s room.
“After a while, James grew suspicious of Marie. Probably because she had such a close relationship with Laura. He eventually found out that she was his daughter, so he decided to kill her. One night, he came into her room here with some sort of metal pipe. He hit Marie until she died. You can still see the marks on the wall here.” Polly says and she points to the evident holes in the wall.
We once again fall silent, shocked by the actual evidence that was still here.
“It’s almost like he raised the pipe above his head and just went berserk on her.” Sam says quietly, getting closer to the holes in order to get a better shot of it. Polly nods and remains silent for a while, letting us process what had happened here.
“Sadly, that is not where the story ends.” Polly says. “Laura walked in here, and when she saw what had happened, she ran from this room all the way to the other side of the building, towards the kitchen. Come on, I’ll take you there.” She walks out of the room, leading us through what seemed like a complete maze of hallways.
“Y/N.” You hear someone say, so you turn around and look at Colby with raised eyebrows.
Colby looks just as confused. “What?”
“What’s wrong?” You ask. “Why’d you say my name?”
Colby’s eyes grew wider. “I didn’t…”
Seeing as Colby was the last of everyone, you had assumed it was him.
“Oh.” You frown and you feel this wave of stress wash over you. Colby reassuringly puts an arm around you and kisses the top of your head. “It was probably nothing, right?” He says, seemingly also trying to convince himself. You, on the other hand, weren’t so convinced yet. You had heard the voice clear as day.
Trying to forget about it, you catch up with the rest of the group.
“James followed Laura all the way to the kitchen, and in a moment of rage, he took a knife and stabbed his own wife. Then, realizing what he had done, he sadly ended his own life with the same knife.”
“Damn.” Kat mumbles.
“We still think that it’s weird for James to turn on his wife like that. There’s enough evidence to suggest that he genuinely loved his wife a lot, so researchers started to think that he probably had some sort of mental illness.” Polly finishes the story.
“I understood that you wanted to stay the night here?” She asks.
Sam nods. “If that’s possible, yes.”
“Certainly. There are rooms possible for you to stay in at the end of this hallway.”
After getting dinner, we went to our room where we would be sleeping to set up the equipment. After setting up the EMF reader, it immediately spiked to orange and everyone freaked out.
“That’s never happened before!” Colby shouts.
“It hasn’t! It normally takes like minutes for it to even spike up a little bit, we’ve never had it spike up that much that quick!” Sam says excitedly. He grabs the camera and after explaining what had happened, he recalibrated the EMF reader just in case, but the same thing happened. Kat set up some flashlights in case there was actually something in the room with us.
“If someone’s here setting off this device, could you please step away for a second to let us know you’re here?” Sam asks, but the EMF reader was still spiked up to orange.
“Did you work or live here? If you did, could you please step away from the device or turn on one of these flashlights? Just tap them and-“ You start, but before you could finish your sentence, one of the flashlights turns on and the EMF reader turns off.
“Okay, thank you very much. Is it okay if we ask you a few questions?” You ask and almost immediately, the flashlight turns back off again. You shiver and sit a little closer to Colby. Sure, you’ve come on investigations before, but you never really get answers like this.
“Thank you. We’re going to use the red flashlight for no, and the blue one for yes. Does that work for you?” Colby tries. Blue flashlights.
“Did you live here?” Kat asks. Red flashlight.
“Did you work here, then?” Sam tries, but no response. We asks a couple of other questions, but we don’t get a response anymore so we decide to try to go to another room. Marie’s room, to be exact.
“Woah…” You suddenly feel nauseous and stumble a bit. Colby rushes to your side and lightly holds you up by your waist.
Sam and Kat just share a knowing look.
“Are you good?” Colby asks concerned.
“Yeah, I just got dizzy. That was weird.” You say and you assure Colby that you’re fine, but his hand linger on your body for just a second too long.
Sam sets up the music box by the door, and pulls out the Ovilus.
“Alright guys, this device here is called the Ovilus. This way, sprits can come up here and talk into it and it’ll give us clear words.” Sam explains.
“Is there something here with us?” Colby asks, and the music box goes off for a split second. We all share a look before moving on.
“Could you maybe give us a sign of who you are? A name, a job, anything.” Colby continues. “ You can come up to this device here and talk into it, that way we’ll be able to communicate.”
“Labor.” The Ovilus spits out after a while.
“So you worked here?” You try.
“Children. Money.”
“Maybe it’s James and he’s talking about his children? He sold them to work, for labor, because he needed money.” Kat suggests and the music box goes off again.
We freak out and Sam’s signature ‘oh my god’ could be heard.
“That’s one of the clearest responses we’ve ever gotten.” Colby says in awe.
“Could you maybe give us any other sign? We heard that you like to touch people, why don’t you prove that?” Sam says.  
For a while, nothing happened. But then, for a split second, a clear image was in your mind. A family picture, a man, woman and a daughter. You shoot up and almost fly straight into Colby’s arms, terrified and eyes watery.
“Hey, hey, what’s wrong angel?” He soothes you. His hand gently runs through your hair, the motion calming you a bit. Kat and Sam are looking at you, worried.
You clear your throat and turn in Colby’s arms, facing the others. “I- I’m probably crazy but suddenly I had like this picture clear in my mind, of a man, woman and I think their daughter.” You say, voice shaky.
“What the hell…” Sam mutters.
“Did you make our friend see that picture?” Kat asks.
“People. Show.” The Ovilus says.
“It showed you people?” Kat thinks out loud.
“That’s terrifying.” You say, a shiver running down your spine.
“Are you good with continuing the investigation?” Sam asks and you nod quickly. The last thing you wanted was for their video to be ruined just because you got scared.
After not getting any response in the kitchen, you decided to move onto James’s room. Again, just like on the tour, you immediately felt uncomfortable.
“For the final investigation of tonight, we’re going to do something called the Estes method.” Colby explains. “Sam here is going to put on these noise cancelling headphones, so he can get the clearest responses to the questions we’re asking.” Everyone sat on the floor in a circle like shape, and Sam put on the headphones.
“Is there anyone here with us?” Kat asks.
“Present.” Came Sam’s voice, almost immediately.
“Can you tell us who you are? A name, job,…” Colby says.
“I own this.. and then something.” Sam says.
“I own this house maybe? Is this James?” You whisper, but somehow still loud enough.
“Holy fuck.” Colby says.
“Alright James, if this is you, could you give us one more clear sign?”
“Murder. Kitchen.” Sam says.
“That’s so fucking clear.” Kat says, astonished.
“James, it is true that you needed to have more children in order to get money?” You say.
“Work. House.”
“He needed them to work so he could pay off this house.” Colby wonders.
“Yeah.. something, I didn’t really get that.” Sam says.
Kat and Colby ask more questions, but you zone out. You’re not sure why, but your eyes are drawn to the hallway. There, in the doorway to the hall, there was something that you never thought you would see. A shadow figure with a hat on, at least six feet tall was standing there, just looking at you. You are so terrified that you freeze on the spot, unable to look away from the figure. You are unaware that by now, your friends are trying to get your attention.
Suddenly, without a warning, the figure moves closer to you quickly and before you know it, it had somehow passed through you. You let out a gasp before you felt your eyes rolling to the back of your head, and everything turned black.
“Y/N?” Colby says as he sees you looking at the door for a while. He turns around himself to look, but there’s nothing there. When he turns his attention back to you, he sees your eyes grow wider before they roll to the back of your head and you’re falling to the floor. Luckily you were already sitting down so you couldn’t hurt yourself that badly.
Colby’s heart is beating so loudly that he thinks the others can hear it too. He cradles your face in his hands and try to stop tears from falling.
“Y/n? Y/n/n, please open your eyes for me sweetheart. Can you hear me?” He tries. In the meantime, Kat had taken Sam out of the estes method.
“Do I need to call an ambulance?” Sam asks, slightly terrified.
“I don’t know, Sam! What’s happening to her?” Colby shouts. He’s terrified, he can’t do anything but hope that you wake up.
“Y/n, please. I love you, just open your eyes for me. I know you can do it.” He pleads. Both Kat and Sam were worried as hell, but they could clearly see how affected Colby was by this. They had never seen him this way.
After what seemed like an eternity, your eyes flutter open and you groan.
“Y/n? Oh, thank god. Can you hear me?” Colby asks.
“What happened?” You ask groggily.
“You passed out.” Kat says, clearly relieved that her best friend was okay.
Colby helps you sit up, and immediately envelops you in a hug. “You scared the shit out of me.” He breathes. Images of the shadow man you saw flood your mind again, and you break down in Colby’s arms, letting the tears flow freely.
“Shh, angel, you’re okay. I got you, everything’s okay.” Colby says gently, kissing your forehead.
“I want to get out of here.” You whisper, and Colby immediately nods and helps you up. “We’re going home sweetheart, don’t worry.”
Sam and Kat give you two some space, staying behind to gather up all the equipment.
Once outside, you finally feel like you can breathe again. The cold night sky feels good against your skin and you close your eyes for a second. Colby gently cups your cheeks and you open your eyes, finding his blue ones looking at you with nothing but worry.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” He whispers. Still at a loss for words, you just stare at him blankly. Your eyes flicker to his lips and back up again. Colby seemingly gets the hint and leans forward slowly, giving you every time in the world to pull away, but you don’t. He gently presses his lips to yours, his hands moving from your face to your hips, pulling you closer to him.
Once he pulls away, you cant help but let out a giggle that makes Colby smile.
“There’s the laugh that I love.” He says and you smile up at him. “I’m so glad you’re okay.” He say quietly, pulling you in for a hug. “I was scared out of my mind.”
"So was I."
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sunnyie-eve · 1 year
Sam and Colby Masterlist
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❃ Significant
Paring: Colby Brock x Original female character
Summary: Living in the light online isn't for everyone especially when you're very insecure about yourself. Sometimes it even causes problems for you and everyone your close with. Especially for the childhood best friends who have secrets.
A/N: For the character Penelope I'm using the model Sixtine for how I picture the Original Character because she's fucking beautiful.
{ One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight | Nine | Ten | Eleven | Twelve | Thirteen | Fourteen | Fifteen | Sixteen | Seventeen | Eighteen | Nineteen | Twenty | Twenty One | Twenty two | Twenty three | Twenty four | Twenty five | Twenty six
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haleyrude · 6 months
My Raffle Ticket
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Pairing: Jake Webber x fem!reader 
Disclaimer: Cute little idea that I had. This just includes some fluff. Love Tara, no hard feelings on her. Enjoy!
Words: 1.9k
You were very excited for tonight. Once a year the fair comes to town and you and all your friends get together and just have a night of fun. The nights are usually chilly around this time of year, so you opted to wear jeans, combat boots, and a tank top with a light blue hoodie over it. Putting your hair up in a high ponytail knowing that the rides will make your hair a bird's nest if you were to keep it down. Your phone dinged and you walked over to pick it up off the bed while it was still charging. It was Kat saying her and Tara were outside. You were driving with the girls tonight, so you took your phone off charge and grabbed your wristlet wanting to travel as light as possible and left your apartment making sure to lock it and heading down to the car.
Parking and getting out, the air was crisp and there was that faint smell of buttered popcorn from the food stands and hay from where they keep the petting zoo. You had always wondered why they included a petting zoo at the fair but you didn’t let it bother you. Purchasing your ticket they offered you a raffle ticket which you bought because why not. You never won anything, sure you had a fair share of raffle tickets and some scratch offs but you never won. That’s why you refused to get into gambling at the casino. By all means you would join your friends if they wanted to go but you’d bask in the atmosphere and drinks they offered instead of wasting all your money to gambling. 
You saw Tara and Kat had made their way to the group of guys which consisted of Colby, Sam, Johnnie and Jake. You couldn’t keep the smile off your face as you walked up to them and greeted them. “Did you guys get a raffle ticket?” you held up yours as well as Johnnie and Colby, “Why would we get them?” Tara motioned to her and Kat questioningly. You shrugged because you knew they liked to participate in stuff like that. Jake chuckled and you looked up at him since he was next to you, he wore jeans and combat boots as well, with a multi-colored long sleeve shirt. You’ve always had a crush on him but would never pursue anything because he was with Tara when you were introduced to the friend group. It’s been a little over a year since the breakup and you were nervous to pursue him as it went against girl code.
“So what’re we doing first?” Colby broke you from your thoughts, rubbing his hands together and smirking. You were a little dare devil and loved all the rides so Colby’s smirk did not scare you one bit. Unfortunately, you all only had time for the Gravitron ride before Jake excused himself from the group. You didn’t have time to ask where he was going as you heard that the raffle ticket winners were about to be called through the speakers. “Wow this is early” you said giddily and you took your raffle ticket out standing with Colby and Johnnie. “I mean it makes sense, you need time before the fair closes” Johnnie said laughing. They called out the numbers for the Tier 3 and 2 prizes. One was a 50” flat screen TV while the other was a weekend trip cruise. Waiting for Tier 1 one you crossed your fingers. They started calling out the numbers and your eyes widened. “I won, I won!” you jumped up and down. The two guys gave you a smile as the speaker said you had to head to the main stage to claim your prize. You turned and started heading towards the stage as Colby and Johnnie followed. “We had our suspicions but didn’t realize you felt so strongly about this” You raised a brow at Colby, “I never win anything this is amazing!” “Wait, did you not read what the raffle tickets are for?” Johnnie asked but that’s when you arrived at the main stage holding your ticket up smiling big. You were confused because Jake was standing there next to the speaker. 
“Come on little lady” the speaker put his hand out to help you on stage. You looked at Jake curiously and he had a huge smile on his face. “Congratulations for winning a date with Jake Webber, I hope you two have a wonderful time at the fair tonight” You couldn’t help but cover your mouth with your hand, eyes wide. There were cheers around the stage and then everyone mostly dispersed to go back to the rides or food. “I didn’t know it was to win a date with you” You didn’t want to look to the ground just in case Tara saw this, but she probably knew already. “You didn’t want to go on a date with me?” Jake frowned, stepping closer. “No I.. I mean yes, but what about Tara?” He rested a hand on your shoulder, “What about her? We’re friends and have been broken up for over a year now.” You nodded as he took a hold of your hand making you blush, “Shall we go princess?” your heart stopped at the nickname and Jake helped you off the stage. The group came up to you. Sam, Colby and Johnnie high-fiving Jake. You looked at Tara and Kat. You let go of Jake’s hand to walk over, “I’m sorry I didn’t know..” Tara cut you off, “It’s okay, Jake deserves someone who will treat him right and I have full faith that you would treat him the way he deserves, if that’s what you two want.” You smiled at Tara and brought her in for a hug, “I was so scared you’d be upset” she shook her head, “I was surprised but no I’m not mad, now go have fun!” she laughed as you turned, seeing Jake’s eyes on you. 
“So, why were you up for grabs tonight?” You asked, walking hand in hand with Jake to the next ride. “It was a promo video for the fair and my youtube channel” you nodded looking around, “So the date is being recorded?” You got in line for ‘fireball’ “No, everything is recorded excluding the date. Which I’m happy about” he gave your hand a squeeze. You couldn’t help but laugh remembering Colby and Johnnie with their raffle tickets, “Colby and Johnnie wanted to win a date with you” still laughing Jake motioned to himself “Can you blame them, I’m irresistible” You blushed again as you and Jake started getting on the ride. Jake made sure you were buckled properly, pulling on the strap before getting in and buckling up himself. You chuckled at him, “The workers make sure we’re strapped in” He smiled finishing his buckle, “Just want to double check and make sure you're safe” You smiled at Jake after the worker walked away from checking your buckle. Jake found your hand and unclenched it from the handle to hold. You were grateful that Jake had long arms. 
The ride started and you both laughed and screamed enjoying the ride holding each other’s hands the whole time. Walking off the ride you shook your head and Jake fixed the stray hairs from your ponytail, you were grateful for that. You both went on several more rides while holding hands and Jake making sure you were secure before the workers did. On the last ride you both went on it was a two seater cart that went around in circles forward and backwards. As the ride sped up you were smushed to Jake’s side, not being able to scoot away. He put his arm around you and pulled you closer if that was even possible as the ride kept spinning. You accepted defeat and snuggled into him as the ride started going backwards. His scent of lemon musk was comforting. When the ride ended Jake kept you close to his side as you both decided you could eat. “Let’s do a smorgasbord.” You laughed agreeing with him, “let’s do it” 
You knew Jake was a foodie and you loved trying new things so you walked around to various food stands and ended up with a funnel cake, fried oreos, chicken tenders, gator bites, and two big lemonades.”I’ve never tried gator” you said picking up one of the bite sized pieces. “It tastes like chicken, try it!” Trusting Jake you put it in your mouth and it did indeed taste like chicken, just a bit chewier. “This is great, you have one” You picked one up and Jake opened his mouth, you stuck it in his mouth and he closed his mouth on your two fingers swirling his tongue around them before letting them go. Your face felt hot as you lowered your hand and looked away. Jake put his hand gently under your chin to make you look at him, “Why don’t we go on the ferris wheel after we finish?” You nodded, not trusting your voice as you both continued to eat and feed each other. 
 Once getting enclosed in the cart to the ferris wheel you leaned into Jake as he put his arm up in invitation. “Have you always had a thing for me?” Jake bluntly asked, you looked at him to try to determine his emotion but he was being completely serious. “I’ve always thought you were cute but never pursued anything because you were with Tara and I’d never do anything to sabotage that.” He nodded in understanding, “I’ve been single for over a year now though” you smiled softly, “Just like you have bro code we have girl code” He rubbed his thumb in circles on your arm as the ferris wheel circled slowly and you both talked. “When did you have a thing for me? If you do” you frowned. “I do” he assured, “It was probably after I fully moved on from Tara and could keep her as a friend without wanting to die everytime I saw her” You understood where he was coming from wholeheartedly. After being together with someone you love for so long and finally breaking out of that routine is hard no matter who you are. 
The ferris wheel came to a stop at the very top. The air is colder up there which makes you snuggle into Jake closer. A boom made you jump, not realizing that fireworks were going off. You leaned off Jake to get a better look at the fireworks. The sky lights up in different shades of color. “Wow, this is so beautiful. '' The fireworks started taking shapes which you don’t see too often. You gasped seeing a firework burst into the shape of a pink heart. “Jake!” you turned around to see if he was looking but instead he was staring at you, a slight smile on his face, and his eyes lighting up everytime a firework burst in the sky. “Jake?” he blinked a few times, “Yes, princess?” “Are you watching the fireworks? They’re beautiful” He put his hand out and you grabbed it as he gently pulled you into him again, using his other hand to make you look up at him, “Yes, but they’re not as beautiful as you.” He leaned a bit and you took the hint to close your eyes and meet him until your lips touched his. Soft and warm, familiar but electrifying. You’ve kissed guys in the past but nothing ever felt the way you felt now with Jake. 
Breaking the kiss, Jake leaned his forehead against yours. “I’m glad you won this date” he whispered. You couldn’t agree more, “My winning raffle ticket” you kissed him once more. 
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core4writes · 2 years
Hi I can request one where the reader and Colby are in a long-distance relationship and they meet for the first time and it's all cute
awww i love thiss❤️
Colby in a long-distance relationship💕
 i feel like colby wouldnt be in a long-distance relationship but idk
warnings: none 🥺
pairing: colby brock x foreign reader fem pronouns
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colby's pov: 
i have been waiting for the days to go by of y/n coming to America, its hard being in a long-distance relationship. all the face time calls and text messages, its hard because different time zones.
it all started when Katrina and Sam went on a couples trip to France, they partied it up over there and Kat met y/n. ever since Kat and Sam came back from France Kat has never shut up about y/n, "but you dont understand colby she is sooooo nice, i miss her." Kat even texted y/n all the time.
so i had to see what all the hype was about , and i looked up y/n on instagram. she was gorgeous of course so i followed her on insta and the rest is history, we decided to talk for a little though because i dont wanna date a girl behind a screen but oh boy i fell hard in-love for the girl behind the screen. a mouth of dating i just couldnt do it i just needed to se her.
3 months in is where she told me she is moving to America, i was so excited and i could never been happier. it took a while to get her visa and bah bah bah paperwork, but in the end it is all worth is. 5 mouths together and now me, kat, and sam are all sitting at the airport waiting for her to come.
"colby, your nervous." sam patted me on the back, "how could you tell?" sam looked at me "because your chomping down on your nails." we laugh.
"oh, oh i see her!" kat yelped and pointed at the stunning girl coming towards us, my heart drops to my ass when i see y/n. i cant help lightly jog towards her, "y/n."
i wrapped her around my arms, seeing her up close was a blessing. "well hello colby." she wrapped her arms around me too dropping her luggage.
"welcome home." i say.
this is short but oh well i love it.💕💕
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ellavatorz · 1 year
Headcannon! Sam, Kat and Colby helping you through a panic attack during a bad storm that brings in your worst fear; darkness.
You’ve been friends with the entirety of the crew for a year; having met them at a bar on their first escapade out in the streets of Vegas.
Colby is sweet, Sam even sweeter, and Kat soon became your other half.
Your fear of darkness is something you wished to never admit, but inevitably as the lights go out due to a wicked storm, you’re left to expose yourself without much of a choice.
“Fuck.” You’d clammer onto whatever piece of furniture your hands can blindly find first. The series of boos and worries fill the room but all you can think of is how the fuck you were gonna hide.
“Y/N?” Colby would hear your hitched breathing and muffled whimpers. He’d be the first to switch on his phone’s flashlight, illuminating whatever path he can to reach you.
He would hold you close—after asking for permission of course. He asks you to mimic his own breathing, taking small and deep breaths. He reassures you that the lights will come back on and is willing to keep you close until so.
Sam—being just as protective of his closest friends and family—would hear the initiation of your panicked breathing and immediately run to render aid.
I feel like he’d rush to switch on whatever light source he can find before finding you, but he’s bound to help as soon as he does. He steadies your breathing and offers to hold your hand.
Sam would definitely try to pitch jokes to you or start (poorly) singing your favorite songs just to lure you out of your fear.
Kat is the type to instantly find any limb on your body that she can and pull you in. You’re crying at this point, drowning out whatever noises everyone else is making and dissociating.
She’d coax you by rubbing your arms in repetitive motions, not saying a word and instead leading you to the closest corner of the room.
She tucks you into the nook of a wall and eases your worries by offering herself as a barrier around whatever part of you isn’t touching the wall.
She’s sure to reassure you that “there’s nothing that’ll touch you except me.” All while caressing you’re skin and murmuring soft praises on how well you’re doing of staying calm.
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yourmommygay · 1 year
Imagine rocking out to some rock songs with Colby in the passenger seat as Sam and kat sit in the back moaning about the music.
We was in the car Colby driving me in the passenger seat and Sam and kat in the back. The aux was in my phone which meant my songs was coming on, which meant alot of rock, the next song comes on and I hear Colby say "I love this one" he reached over to the radio and turned it up much to Sam and Kat's displeasure in the song (btw I don't know what bands Colby actually listens too and I'm just saying a random song that is on my playlist) "Sam I know you don't like this song but oh well my car my rules" Colby said glancing in the rear view mirror at Sam.
"it's just one of those days" I screamed as soon as the lyric came up, "where you don't want to wake up" Colby joined in. I could hear sam mumbling the lyrics in the back, "it's just one of those days, it's all about the he said, she said, bullshit" I shouted making everyone laugh including me. "I swear when I rock out I go hard you won't see me doing the macarena (Idk if that's how you spell it) in the mosh pit you'll see me in the big groups of people jumping and going all out" I said loud enough over the music.
Btw the song was this 👇
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sucker4colby · 1 year
Love Hate
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Warning - slight smut , cuss words
Summary ~ you an Colby have a love hate relationship and your friends strategize to get you guys to make a move…
Word Count- 1660
Pairing: Colby x frenemie !Female reader
“Ok Jake truth or dare.” Kat asked their friend wiggling her eyebrows in a playful manner at him, He let out a long hum pretending to think before choosing dare. “ I dare you to switch clothes with Tara for the rest of the video.” She dare him making the couple go to jakes room to change. “Jakes ass is going to look fat in those sweatpants.” Colby joked while everyone waited, you took that as perfect opportunity to make a snide remark but Sam beat you to it putting their plan to action. “ At least he has an ass Colby.” Your friends laughed at Sams joke causing Colby to furrow his eyebrows not expecting the comment from his best friend but from the girl next to him. You sat up straight before throwing a response at Sam “ Colby has a little something something back there what about you though ? I’ve never seen the slightest jiggle.” Causing your friends to laugh louder and making a red hue appear on Colby’s cheeks and Sam to put his hands up in surrender.
Tara and Jake came back wearing each other clothes receiving laughs in return. It was Jakes turn to ask so he turned to you calling your name. “ truth or dare .” You didn’t hesitate to say dare not really wanting to expose any secrets. “ I dare you to kiss one of the guys here.” You raised your eyebrows asking if you were 12 receiving nothing but a shoulder shrug. You looked around at the boys realizing you would have to chose between Reggie or Colby since everyone else had a girlfriend.
You had made up your mind deciding Colby but Reggie spoke up having noticed the same thing as you . “ no offense but we all know there’s two options and you’re not exactly someone I want to kiss” You were at a loss for words since he made it sound like it was repulsive to kiss you. You weren’t the only one who felt some kind of way at his comment, Colby was mad that he would speak to you in that manner, and he was mad because anyone would be lucky to be kissed by you, someone so kind and beautiful.
He acted on impulse wanting to show him what he was missing, Colby turned to face you quickly, catching you off guard by grabbing your cheeks and pulling you in to place his pink lips on yours. You tensed up before following his lead and relaxing into the kiss as he moved his hands down to hold the back of your head. He would never admit the way his stomach did flips when he finally got to taste the strawberry flavored lip gloss he always saw you always rub along your plump lips, or the way your scent wrapped around him was making him lightheaded. He pulled back leaving you just as breathless before turning to face Reggie with your lip gloss stained on his lips. “Well you missed out” Colby smirked at him causing the rest of your friends to let out hollers and whooping sounds .
The rest of the night was a blur for you the only thing you could focus on was the warmth you could feel from Colby’s body or the way his hand would occasionally brush against you making your head spin. You never hated Colby matter fact you always had a small crush but masked it with your bantering but after this kiss you were to nervous to make your usual comments. He obviously took notice asking you to talk to him to which you quietly agreed following him to his room.
You prepared yourself for the conversation you were about to have, knowing there was no way he wouldn’t of caught onto your feelings by now. You were expecting the worst , mentally practicing how you’d play it off once you got in the room.
You walked in after him as he held the door for you closing it once you were inside. For the first time since he’s known you you had never been so quiet around him making him feel a bit smug that he was the reason you were left speechless “ had I of known all I had to do was kiss you to make you be quiet I would’ve done it a long time ago.” He broke the silence smirking at you knowing which buttons to push. You snapped your eyes up at him your big eyes glaring at him making him smile even more loving the reactions he got out of you.“ don’t flatter yourself, you’re not even the reason.” You remarked causing him to laugh. “ Just admit it , you like me.” He teased walking towards you. You cocked an eyebrow his way suddenly feeling confidence flow through you. “ I think you’re the one that likes me, you’re the one that kissed ME. Matter fact I think I left you a little breathless at the end.” You giggled meeting him in the middle of the room chest to chest refusing to back down. He looked down at you rolling his eyes not liking how you flipped it on him making him mutter a shut up.
You leaned up putting one hand on his chest and the other one wrapping around the back of his neck pulling him towards you “ make me .” You whispered in his ear causing his breathing to stutter. “That’s what I thought.” You pushed him away but he quickly grabbed your hands pulling you in and placing his lips on yours making you gasp. “Jump” he demanded not breaking apart from your interlocked lips but bending down to pick you up by your thighs making you wrap them around his hips. You tangled your fingers in his smooth brown hair at the back of his pulling him in closer making the kiss more aggressive.
He walked forward until he could lay you onto of his black comforter climbing over so his face way over yours holding his weight on one arm. You eyed the veins that were visible on his forearm imagining how they would look with his hand wrapped around your throat causing you to close your eyes trying to hide the lust. That was a failed attempt because you let out a quiet moan as his lips made contact with the side of your throat slowly kissing up until he met your lips again.
You let your hands wonder under his t shirt feeling his smooth and toned body making him feel like your touch evoked something in him draining any restraint he had away. The shirt he has felt like a barrier between your loving touch so he pulled back leaving you in a daze while he tugged the shirt off throwing it somewhere on his wooden floor. He watched you for a Moment his heart soared at the image of you laying under him breathing heavily through your swollen lips and hooded eyes looking up at him through thick eyelashes. You caught him off guard by flipping so you could straddle him running your hand down his chest as he gripped your hip watching the way your eyes devoured him. For the first time he felt seen, lots of girls jumped at the chance to be with him , they all loved the way Colby Brock looked but here you were straddling him making him feel vulnerable because you weren’t just seeing what everyone else saw but you saw him for who he truly was. You leaned down catching his button lip between your lips gently sucking on it causing a breathy moan to come from him fueling your confidence,your lips trail down over his neck down to his stomach looking at him.
He snapped out of his lust driven daze when he felt you reach for his waist band his hand reaching down to stop yours making you sit up in alarm thinking you did something wrong. “ what’s wrong ?” You asked him biting your lips in nervousness. “ are you sure you want to do this ? I really like you and I don’t want this to be just a hook up.” He told you tugging at your lip with his thumb gently running his finger over it so you would stop biting it. You let out a breath of relief nodding your head letting your cheek lay against his large palm nuzzling your face into it. “I really like you too Colby. But I also really want to do this.” You giggled making him let out a laugh. He pulled you in for a peck. “I know you’re not used to if but ima need you to be quiet then “ he whispered against your lips making you smack his chest and roll your eyes.
Hope you guys enjoyed !!
Let me know if you have any suggestions or if you see anything that needs correcting .
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just-my-type-x · 2 years
Katrina is a pretty bad friend, i guess theres a reason for so many including the girls from the traphouse friend group cut her off. I dont like Stas but its pretty obvious theyre transactional friends who just use each other . She recently followed Shea again, she unfollowed her before and now what? Will she be buddy buddy with her too? No one talks about it but just because she’s dating Sam doesnt mean she too isnt riding their coattails and social climbing. No one would know her if it wasn’t for them. And about Colby, i dont get why he keeps these girls in rotation but the more he does the more indifferent i feel about him because they’re not nice girls. Neither Shea or Stas are actually nice, they’re in it for the fame and attention of it all. For example, Colby gets arrested and the first thing Shea does is tweet “please be okay”, who was that really for if not his fans? He gets blacked out drunk and the first thing Stas does is post it and make sure everyone knows because she needs to deliver, does he call them out though? No, he continues his will they wont they narrative.
I don't necessarily think she's a bad friend, i only think this transactional friendship is a real thing.
If i were kat, who's been dating sam for 7 years or whatever timeline they have, i would be very picky with my friends too. Especially since her and colby started spending more time together, i saw a lot of girls approach her, especially stas who, from what another anon told me, didn't get along with kat and vice versa. I would say Kat's selective more than she is a fake or a bad friend. As i said before, she does have her own "to blame" thing since Sam helped her platform grow. And about the unfollowing/following thing, it's just something childish that i would probably do. If i don't interact with certain people, i don't have a reason to keep them "close"
As for the other girls, Colby's at fault for feeding them. He posts, he makes a big fuss out of stuff and then the girls have nothing else to do other than blindly accepting the attention they receive for free. Afterwards, it's obvious they will act and do stuff for the hell of it, because it's not necessarily them who started this. I don't understand why he doesn't stop certain behaviour and certain things from coming out on the Internet, but if they find it entertaining, mostly they will think that we find it entertaining. Which is not the case for most people, me included.
I love that they have fun together and don't waste their youth, but there are things that should be kept private. This way there's no need for "LA is full of fake people who use us for fame", bro, u deliver the fame to them, u can't just expect them to give it back to u since u drew attention on them
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stefans-brock · 9 months
colby brock
heartbreak anniversary.
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summary: it had been months after colby's girlfriend had left him, and he still hadn't gotten over her. she left him heartbroken. but after she reached out to him for his birthday, the two reconnected.
a/n: i'd highly recommended that you listen to 'heartbreak anniversary' whilst reading this! 🫶🏽
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it was colby's birthday, though many would look forward to their birthday - colby didn't. he was dreading it, the thought of his birthday brought back many memories - memories he didn't want to reminisce.
it had turned midnight on the second january, and he was laid on his bed, looking up, staring at the ceiling - feeling bad for himself. he let out a sigh before looking over to his phone, which sat on the bedside table.
a flashback of previous years occurs in his head - it had become a tradition that y/n would always text colby at midnight exactly on the day it turns his birthday. she'd wish him the happiest of birthdays, continue with a 'i love you' and end it with 'i'll see you later'
"fuck, stop it" colby cursed, scolding himself. he always reminded himself never to think about the past, but how could he stop when that was the happiest he'd ever been. after parting ways with y/n, colby became deprived of love and loving. he would sometimes let himself become selfish and reminisce his time with y/n because that's all that he had, he knew he shouldn't, but he couldn't help himself.
he grabbed the plushie, which lay beside him and settled it on his chest. he closed his eyes as he breathed in the scent from the plushie. it was a pink and blue dinosaur plushie, which went by the name 'bubbles'. the scene of colby winning it for y/n played in his head, the corner of his lips curved slightly at the memory. he remembered the smile and laughs from y/n as he concentrated on the claw machine. she squealed when colby handed her the dinosaur. she informed colby that the dinosaur reminded her of bubblegum, and so colby came up with the name 'bubbles'.
during the break-up, y/n left bubbles at colby's. it hurt colby every day to see the plushie, but it reminded him of his soulmate - so he couldn't ever bring himself to throw it out or try hide it in his closet - because in reality, he needed it. it helped him bear the pain and hurt.
a knock on the door brought colby back to reality. he opened his eyes and glanced over to the door, which was now slightly open, with sam's head peeking in. colby gave him a small smile before nodding his head beside him.
sam walked in, closing the door behind him and walked up over to colby. colby placed the plushie down beside him and sat up on the bed.
"happy birthday, brother" sam cheered, pulling colby up off the bed. colby let out a quiet laugh whilst he reciprocated the hug.
sam pulled back, looking at colby's face. he'd know the boy ever since they were young boys, so though colby didn't or rather couldn't express his feeling, sam already knew what he was feeling.
"you all good, man?" sam asked cautiously. colby nodded eagerly, "y-yeah, all good here" colby lied. "have you heard from her?" sam finally asks.
colby lets out a deep breath before dropping down on his bed, crossing his legs whilst hiding his face in his hands. he shakes his head. "i'm sorry, man," he says, taking a seat besides colby.
"i just-" colby tries to say but gets cut off by the lump in his throat, he swallows it down before trying again- "i just wonder if she thinks of me the same way i think of her" colby admits.
"i think she does, colby. what you two had was -" sam assures him, placing his hand on his back. "it was something special, man" he shakes his head.
sam tried his best to reassure colby and comfort him and colby appreciated it, but inside, he was still feeling the same.
"we should probably head to sleep," colby announces, making sam nod his head. "see you in the morning, man," he smiles before giving colby one more hug. he then leaves colby's bedroom, leaving colby all alone again with his thoughts.
colby shuffled down on his bed, laying down on the mattress. he turned to his side, facing the bedside table. he bit down on his bottom lip as he noticed the face in the picture frame, staring at him.
he reached his hand out to the picture frame and placed it facing down. he shook his head, trying to escape the memories that were entering his head again. how could he try to get over y/n or move on from her when his bedroom felt haunted by her. she was everywhere but nowhere.
just as colby's eyes became heavy, he heard his phone begin to ring. he groaned, reaching his hand out to the bedside table, patting his hand around on it until he grasped his phone.
he answered the call, not even bothering to look at the caller id. "hello" his voice came across tired and hoarse as he spoke into the phone.
"colby" the familiar voice spoke, quiet like a whisper. "y/n" colby cleared his throat as he sat up on his bed. "hi" colby spoke again. he heard her take a deep breath before speaking, "happy birthday, colby."
"sorry, i know i'm a few minutes late than normal," she says. colby let out out a little laugh, "you still called." colby shakes his head in disbelief. this was the last thing he's expected to happen. "colby?" she asks, colby humming in response.
"are you still in vegas?" she stutters over her words. "yeah, still with sam and kat" colby reminds her. "i remember," she says, colby swears he could feel her smile through the phone.
the two stayed quiet for a moment. it wasn't an awkward silence but rather a comforting silence. "uhm, okay, so i should get going," she mumbles, "happy birthday, again," she finishes. "y/n?" colby pipes up quickly before the call ends. "yeah?" she replies. "will i see you later on today?" he asks, hoping she'd say her standard answer of 'yes, of course you will', but instead, silence filled the air again.
she takes a deep breath in, "i don't know colby, i don't think you will," she says. "y/n," colby sighed. "i'm sorry colby, but i have to go," and with that, she ends the call.
"fuck" colby exclaims, throwing his phone across his bed. he throws his hands up to his head whilst muttering out profanities.
memories intruded his mind, mocking and reminding him of what he had lost.
he remembered the way her lips tasted, how they'd move against his, the way his hands fit perfectly on her waist. the way she would always tap her necklace in counts of three whenever she got nervous.
he hated it - he hated how he remembered everything, every little detail. he hated how much he loved her - or rather how much he still loves her. he hates how much she impacts him even now, how every thought of his is consumed by her.
with her stuck in his mind, colby eventually fell asleep. unconsciously, he had reached over beside him and held out for the pink and blue plushie from before.
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the sound of happy birthday playing through a phone, whilst sam and katrina sang along, was heard by colby when he woke up due to the disturbance.
colby groaned as he pulled the covers above his head, "it's your birthday, dude!" katrina squealed, "happy birthday, man!" sam exclaimed. he made his way to stand on colby's bed and then began jumping on the mattress.
katrina rolled her eyes at colby before pulling the covers down, "get up!" she exclaims. "too tired!" colby groans as he nuzzles his face into his pillow. "colby, i swear to god if you don't get up right now -" katrina starts.
"geez, i'm up" colby yawned, sitting up. he rubbed his eyes open before looking up at sam, who was still jumping up and down on the bed. "you need help, brother," colby chuckled, shaking his head.
sam ignored him and jumped down, off the bed, now standing next to katrina. "happy birthday colbs!" katrina smiled, opening her arms for colby.
colby stayed sat on his bed but lent up to give her a hug, "thanks guys" colby smiled. "so what's on the agenda today, birthday boy?" katrina asks, taking a seat on the foot of the bed.
"lets just make it a chill one this year" colby informs both of them, "nonsense, it's your twenty seventh" katrina pipes up. "we gotta go wild" she finishes.
colby chewed his inner cheek before glancing over at sam, who was looking at katrina with widened eyes whilst shaking his head slightly - giving her a 'don't push him' look.
colby looked back at katrina and nodded, "you're right, it's my twenty seventh. let's go crazy!" colby cheered, making katrina smile, and sam looking concerned.
"right, so, breakfast?" sam asks, "wanna go out?" he finishes, raising an eyebrow to colby. "yeah, lets do it, man," colby nods along. "okay, meet us down in twenty," sam states, colby nodding along in agreement.
katrina stood up from the bed and walked behind sam as the two made their way out of colby's bedroom. "wait, kat!" colby shouts after her.
katrina turns around, humming in response, "what's up?" she asks. sam had also stopped in his tracks, now looking at colby. "can i talk to you?" colby asks, moving his eyes over to katrina.
sam gave colby a small nod and smiled before walking out, closing the bedroom door after him.
katrina takes a seat in the same place she sat a minute ago. "has she said anything about me to you? colby asks after taking in a deep breath.
"colby -" katrina shakes her head, "please, kat" colby pleads. she lets out a sigh, "she misses you" katrina admits, "she feels so guilty, colbs" katrina continues.
guilty? why was she feeling guilty?
colby's eyebrows furrowed. colby's friends and family knew the two broke up, but only a few knew the real reason behind why.
colby had never publicised his relationship, so as far as the fans knew, colby didn't have a girlfriend - or the slight few that had seen the two in public before, assumed they were still together. when it came to letting others know, they decided to say it was a mutual decision, and the two would go on to stay friends.
the only people who knew the truth? y/n, colby, kat, and sam.
the truth was y/n left but not because she gave up on what she had with colby. there was an accumulation of reasons, really. she was scared that her relationship with colby was going too well and she was expecting it to crumble down any second of their relationship, making her anxious a lot of the time, or thinking about things intensely - too intensely, over analysing situations and conversations. another reason was a lack of self-worth. she had an idea in her head that she wasn't good enough for colby and that he deserved more than her.
"besides feeling guilty, she's actually doing well, colby." katrina informs him, snapping his out of his trance. "she's been really working on herself a lot these past few months," katrina continues on. "i know she misses you, colby," katrina pouts, fiddling with her rings on her fingers. "a lot," she says after a short pause.
"what do i do now though kat, i need her," colby lets himself become vulnerable in front of the girl he calls his sister. "come here," katrina pats the mattress beside her, signalling colby to shuffle over, and he does so.
kat gives colby a hug, "you just need to wait colbs. you'll have her sooner than you think" she informs him.
colby pulls back from the hug and nods hesitantly. "can i tell you something?" colby sighs, katrina nods in response.
"i can't stop thinking about her," colby admits, "everywhere i look, i see her. right when i wake up, up until the moment my eyes shut. and even still, she appears in my dreams like she's a mythical being. " colby shakes his head, realising he's said too much.
"soon, okay. i promise, " katrina frowns before standing up.
"today's about you colbs," katrina plasters a sad smile on her lips before she turns to walk towards the door. "remember, things happen when you least expect them too," colby watched as she walked out of the bedroom, shutting the door behind her.
once colby was left alone in his room, he dramatically dropped his back down against the mattress. he let his hand run through his hair, tugging slightly due to the feeling of frustration.
after recollecting his thoughts - or in better words pushing down his thoughts - he rose up on his feet and made his way to his closet.
he picked out his favourite xplr tracksuit and laid it on his bed before making his way into his bathroom.
he took a shower, brushed his teeth, and then stood in front of the mirror to style his hair. after getting himself semi-ready, he made his way back into his bedroom, with a towel wrapped around his lower half, and got changed into the tracksuit he had previously picked out.
he finished off by putting on his jewellery - such as his chunky, silver rings and his layered, cross necklace. grabbing his phone, wallet, and keys, he stuffed them in his pockets before running his way downstairs.
sam and katrina were already standing at the front door, the couple now out of their pyjamas and in their day clothes. "ready?" sam asks, looking up from his phone, katrina doing the same. colby nods in response. the three now making their way out of the house, colby locked up whilst katrina and sam walked up to sam's car. "you can have the front, birthday boy," katrina chuckles, opening the back door of the car. colby gives her a playful smile before taking a seat in the front passenger seat.
"so, where are we going?" colby asks the two, turning to put his seatbelt on. "there's a new brunch place on the strip" katrina shrugs, "yeah, lets do that. that sounds good" colby nods.
sam turns his key in the car, starting the ignition, and then begins the drive to the strip.
the drive only lasted a few minutes short of half an hour before arriving at the café.
"are we underdressed?" colby announces, opening up the café door for both katrina and sam to walk in. "we aren't" katrina whispers, her finger moving back and forth between her and sam, "but you might be" she giggles, shaking her head.
colby looks down at his xplr tracksuit and shrugged before catching up with the couple, who had now found a table.
the three sat in a booth, colby and sam on one side whilst katrina sat alone - though opposite them.
"i'm starving," sam huffs as he flicks through the menu. "same, man," colby joins in.
the three eventually pick out their meals and put in their order.
"are you sure it isn't too early for a cherry cola?" sam asks, looking over at colby, whose gulping down said drink. "it's never too early for a cherry cola" colby grins before placing the glass down on the table. sam chuckled whilst shaking his head. he then moved his focus on his girlfriend, who was talking about a new song of hers.
colby tried listening to her speak, but the glass he had just drank from - left an imprint in his mind. "cherry cola," he barely whispers. he runs the pad of his thumb against his bottom lip.
cherry like her lips, her favourite chapstick was cherry flavoured.
colby bit down on his bottom lip as he remembered the taste of her lips. the memory of his last kiss with her, taunting his mind. he remembered everything, from the way her lips moved against his, the way they tasted, to the way she always tried to tease colby by running her tongue across his bottom lip.
"colbs?" katrina's voice took colby out of his trance, "so what'd you think?" katrina asks. colby raises his eyebrows at her, "sorry, i didn't hear." colby shook his head. "it's okay, never mind," she smiles before turning her attention to sam.
after that encounter, colby stayed focused on the conversations. not only because he felt bad for not paying attention but because he couldn't allow himself to reminisce his past - it still hurt him. it reminded him of what he now didn't have: her.
shortly after, their meals came out, and three scarfed down their food - it was evident that they were all hungry.
once finished, sam paid the bill, and three made their way back to their house.
"i forgot i needed to go to target!" katrina exclaimed as sam began larking the car in the driveway. "seriously?" sam tuts. "i need to get candles for the cake, sam!" katrina huffs. "i don't need candles on my cake" colby shrugs.
"you're getting candles, colby," katrina says, shooting a glare out colby, who just puts his hand up in defence. katrina then looked in the rear view mirror to make eye contact with sam.
"take me," she pouts, "babe, i can't. i have to finish up editing. " sam shakes his head. the two then look over at colby, "will you take me?" katrina pleads. "oh" colby scratches the back of his neck awkwardly. "uhm, yeah, sure" he agrees. "thank you, thank you, thank you!" she sings as she gets out the backseat. she then opens up the passenger side door, looking down at colby, who's still sat there.
"oh right, yeah" colby chuckles. he watches sam exit the drivers seat before he leaps over the center console, now taking a seat in front of the wheel. katrina now taking a seat on the passenger side.
sam said his 'see you laters' to his best friend and girlfriend before making his way inside, whilst the other two, made their way to target.
"one direction?" katrina squeals, "you bet!"
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it had been two hours since colby and katrina arrived at target. the first half an hour was spent at the starbucks in target, and it took katrina twenty minutes to decide what drink she wanted. during the time katrina spent deciding, colby stood and watched her - in utter confusion. how could someone take so long when ordering a drink.
after that debacle, the two went to go get the candles. "colbs, can you get a cart?" katrina asks. "we're just getting candles. why do we need a cart? colby asks. "we just do," she smiles. colby shook his head as he walked over to the cart bay.
as he pulled out a cart and wheeled it over towards katrina, he realised he'd messed up by agreeing to take her - it was going to be a long trip.
and a long trip it was. it had been two hours in, and katrina was still looking around as if she had just walked in.
"kat, i'm tired," colby whined as he pushed the cart. "nearly done," she says. she's been saying that for the past hour now.
after the three hours total in target, they two finally made it out there alive.
"i'm never being your chauffeur again," colby huffs as he unloads the bags from the cart to the backseats of the car. katrina chuckled as she helped him with the bags.
it was nearly six in the evening when the two arrived back home.
"i can't believe you bought this much shit," colby shook his head as he grabbed two bags per hand, beginning to turn towards the door. "wait colbs!" katrina exclaims, making colby hum in response, "don't leave me alone. it's dark out here, " she says, colby just nodded, letting her go in front of him.
the two walked through the house in pitch darkness, "kat, put the lights on!" colby says as he drops the bags on the kitchen island. "doing it!" she says back. colby heard rustling beside him, which he thought came from katrina trying to find the lights, but when the lights flicked on and colby looked beside him - he dropped his jaw in utter shock.
"happy birthday, colby!" and "suprise" - both were heard as people jumped up from the floor.
"what the fuck" colby chuckled as he began getting embraced by friends. as he was getting pulled in every corner, by friends who were wishing him a happy birthday, he was looking out for someone in particular.
he was searching for those familiar siren eyes, the ones that would always lure him in, the ones that were hypnotising.
"she isn't here," sam whispered into colby's ear from behind. colby gave him a subtle nod before smiling at the friend who had pulled him in for a hug.
colby went on throughout the night saying his thank you's before moving on to spend time with his close friends.
"cheers to you, brother." sam cheered as he clinked his champagne glass against colby's. colby let out a chuckle before the two swallowed down their champagne. colby had been sipping on his one glass of champagne throughout the night, whereas sam had a few too many glasses of both champagne and vodka. - to put it lightly, sam was hammered. colby had made a mental note to himself, 'to watch over sam, throughout the night'. but when he saw the blonde beginning to climb the kitchen island, he shook his head and let out a sigh before turning to katrina.
"i'm going out for some air. can you try to make sure he's still alive for when i come back in, " katrina lets out a giggle, "will do, " she smiles before turning towards sam's direction.
colby strolled his way towards the front door, slightly pushing past the bodies that filled the kitchen and hallway.
once outside, he took a seat on porch steps. he scanned his surroundings before stuffing his hand in his front pocket, pulling out a white box.
he opened the white box and pulled out a cigarette. he settled the single cigarette in between his index and middle finger. his fingers fiddling with it as he began contemplating whether to light it or not.
"so, you smoke now?"
the familiar voice startles colby, and still his head shoots up, and his eyes fall into those familiar siren eyes.
he jumps up from the ground, brushing his clothes. it was only then he realised that he was still wearing a tracksuit at his own party. he shook the thought out of his head and fixated on the girl who stood in front of him.
her legs were crossed as she stood, her pink dress fitting up to her mid thigh. her hair fallen, settling just above her waist. her arms crossed over her chest, and a purse that losely rested on her shoulder.
without answering her, he stuffs the cigarette back into the box and places it in his pocket. he then reaches his hand out to her, and she takes it instantly. colby quickly acknowledged the warmth and electricity that ran through his body as her hands touched his.
though he pushed the acknowledgement aside and guided her into the house and up the stairs. colby evidently unbothered by the fact that he had just gained a few stares and whispers.
"colby" she breathed out hesitantly as he led her to his room. he shut the door behind her and then made his way to his closet. she watched as he now approached her with an oversized leather jacket.
"it's cold" he says, wrapping his jacket around her arms, letting it drape down. "thanks" she whispers.
the two stood merely a few inches away from each other. colby looking down at her whilst she looked up at colby.
their silence speaking louder than words, colby reached for her hand and intertwined her fingers with his.
"happy birthday, colby." she smiles. colby returned a smile before saying a thank you.
colby watched as she turned her head, scanning the room that she knew all so familiarly.
"it's the same" she let a small giggle as she let her hand fall from colby's. she began walking around the room, her hands following behind her as they traced the wall and any other objects that came in the way.
she stopped at the bedside table, flipping over the picture frame that colby had put down, early hours in the morning.
"you still have this?" she asked rhetorically, though colby still nodded.
"everything is as you left it," colby muttered as he took a seat on the foot of his bed. he was referring to her clothes still being in his closet, her toothbrush still sitting on the bathroom counter, bubbles - the plushie, and the picture frame.
she bit her inner cheek as she put down the picture frame as she had found it - facing down.
she then followed suit to colby and sat on the foot of his bed. but this time colby stood up and walked to the bedside table. he picked the picture frame up and settled it back on the table, propping it up.
"still got bubbles," colby points over to the dinosaur that lay against the head rest. a smile rose on her lips as she turned her head back.
"bubbles!" she giggled, leaning over to grasp the dinosaur. colby watched as she hugged the plushie, breathing in its scent. "it smells like you" she states, making colby chuckle lowly. "it's smells like you," colby counters, shaking his head.
she also shaked her head, setting bubbles beside her as she watched colby approach her. he stood in front of her, reaching down for her hand. he gently pulls her up, her chest now against his whilst their lips are inches away from touching.
her hands flew up to settle around his nape whilst his arms rested around her back.
the two were now breathing heavy, their chest heaving against each other's. "colby" she muttered breathless. "shh" colby whispered as he lowered his forehead against hers.
she brought one of her hands up to cup his jaw, her fingers tracing his jawline. "i'm sorry, colby." she shakes her head as she closes her eyes. "for everything," she stated, opening her eyes.
"i miss you." she moved her hand higher, now cupping his cheek.
"it wasn't your fault" colby finally says. "i know you felt like you had to leave, but you didn't," colbys begins. "but honestly, you never really left" he continues. she raised her eyebrows at colby, "there wasn't a day since you left that i hadn't thought about you. everywhere in this house, in my room, you were always there" colby finishes. he lowers his face down closer to hers.
"colby" she breathed out, colby humming in response. "kiss me" she pleaded, "please" colby plastered a smile across his lips before letting his lips fall onto those familiar plumped ones.
he ran his hand up to the back of her neck for leverage. she let her hands snake to his nape, her fingers playing with that back of colby's hair.
colby was the first to pull away, though his lips remained close to hers. "cherry" he smiled to himself as he ran his thumb along her bottom lip.
a creak was heard from the door, colby's head shot around, staring at the door, which was parted. he saw sam and katrina peeking from the parted door.
"you were being too loud!" katrina whispered to sam but failed as colby heard her. colby shook his head at the couple as they walked into colby's bedroom, guilty expressions on their face.
"hey y/n, long time no see!" sam exclaimed, going in for a hug. she gave him a wave before returning sam's hug.
"are you guys okay?" katrina asks.
colby turns to look at y/n, "never better, right?" colby smiled. she hummed, "everything's perfect." she smiled, leaning up on her tiptoes to place a kiss on colby's lips.
both sam and katrina cheered and squealed from the sight of their best friends finally reuniting.
"do you guys mind?" colby says, pulling away, glaring at sam and katrina. "oh, yeah, sure," they laugh awkwardly before leaving, closing the door behind them.
"colby!" she exclaimed with a giggle, "what!" colby exclaims, "they were creeping me out, they were staring" he raised his eyebrows.
she playfully hit his chest before tiptoeing again, colby lowered his lips on hers.
"this is the best birthday present you could've given me, thank you"
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a/n- if you have any requests, please just ask! my requests are open! 🫶🏽
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katieraepakulak · 2 years
A Twist of Fate
Storm's POV
"I promised that I would protect you" I said while gasping for air " and I intended to keep my damn promise", I couldn't believe that my friends Corey Scherer, Sam Golblach, Katrina Stuart, Elton Castee, and myself got into this mess. The room was dark and damp. No beds no light like we were in a Medieval dudgeon. My friends frightened by the people who took us. I didn't care that I was hurt, all my mind was focused on was protecting my friends and getting us home safely. I cant even do that right. But for you to understand more about what happened, I guess I should explain what happened before the incident....
"Come on bubs were going to be late for my game!" I yelled at my boyfriend Colby Brock as he was last one out like always. "I'm coming baby, where did I put my keys?" BANG BANG! I ducked for cover as a man put pillowcases that smelled like cat urine over everyone's head. I just froze up like someone had shot me.... I was shot... The boys kept yelling for us girls after that I don't remember a single thing mostly because I blacked out..
End of flashback
Katrina where was she, I had to protect them. This is my fault anyways I shouldn't have invited them to my soccer game that day.... It just a twist of fate...
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starryevermore · 3 years
and you knew what it was (1) ✧ katrina stuart
masterlist | send in a request (consult request faqs first)
request: Okok this is my first request so I'm giving it ago 💖😊 Katrina stuart x female reader where everyone goes on one of those "ghost hunting videos" "or staying overnight at an abandoned mall" and Katrina agrees to go along with the reader to one of these videos with Sam, colby and Cory and elton (because she doesn't go as much) and kat gets scared a lot and cuddles up to r and is always sticking close to the reader ? 💖 I just find this so cute and maybe elton or Cory pointing it out and getting them two flustered and maybe while everyone eventually falls asleep elton notices kat falling asleep on r and dares Cory to take a picture and the next day shows it to everyone ? I hope this is okay it's my first request hah <3 basically a load of fluff - anon
inspired by: “you are in love” by taylor swift 
pairing: katrina stuart x fem!reader
summary: one night, she wakes, strange look on her face. pauses, then says, “you’re my best friend”. and you knew what it was. she was in love. 
word count: 1,779
warnings?: okay I didn’t follow this request to the letter since I'm not a fan of elton or corey anymore; the reader is a big ole simp and we love her for it; kat gets scared; mention of ghosts/the paranormal; fluffy
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When Sam and Colby asked you to join them on a haunted video, you wanted to run for the hills. You weren’t entirely convinced of the supernatural existing but, on the off chance that ghosts and everything else was real, you didn’t want to chance it. Besides, those two had a penchant for trouble—paranormal and otherwise. The last thing you needed was to be with them when they trespassed in the wrong place again and ended up in handcuffs. But then, she batted her pretty little eyes at you, her oh-so-kissable lips falling into an even cuter pout as she asked, “Please? For me? I need someone to hold my hand when I get scared.” And, shit, who were you to turn her away? 
Katrina Stuart was one in a million, and you were convinced that you were absolutely, irrevocably in love with her. Everything about her was just so amazing. Her beautiful eyes, the way she laughed, how she was so kind to everyone she met. And, God, when she sang to you, the words “you're my favorite distraction, loving the attraction; everything you say and do gets me wanting you; make me feel like I am shiny and new” falling so beautifully from her lips? You were sure she felt the same way. And, yet, you didn’t know for sure if she felt the same way. 
You’d met Katrina when she was dating Sam, years ago. They’d been such a cute couple, seemed like the type that would really last, and then...They just ended. Something about “irreconcilable differences”, according to Sam when you’d inquired once. Said you’d have to talk to Katrina if you wanted to know the real reason. And you knew you should’ve, you should’ve done something to satisfy your curiosities. But you were so scared of the answer, of getting an answer that wasn’t what you wanted to hear, that you just accepted that you’d never know. You couldn’t get your heart broken if you didn’t know. 
And yet, a part of you held out hope that she might’ve felt the same way. Overanalyzed her gentle caresses during pizza nights. Questioned her intentions when she invited you to film a video together. Wondered why she had liked a ship edit of the two of you, and why Instagram just had to put that on your explore page. In another life, you might’ve been braver, asked her outright if she’d like to go out with you. In another life, you might’ve been together because you could handle rejection, and be rewarded with a date for your bravery. But, for now, you only had your fantasies, and that had to be okay. 
Still, though, you could never turn her away. And if she wanted you to be there with her while Sam and Colby chased ghosts, who were you to tell her “no”? 
That was why you stood outside of Colby’s Toyota Corolla with the other three, huddled slightly against Katrina, in the parking garage of some haunted hotel just outside of LA. You hadn’t paid too much attention to the details when the boys explained what you were doing, your mind wandering to the fact that you were going to be sharing a room, sharing a bed, with Katrina that night. And, maybe, it would lead to—
“WHAT’S UP GUYS, IT’S SAM AND COLBY,” Colby shouted the intro, pulling you out of your thoughts. 
You frowned, disappointed that your fantasy was ripped away from you. You chewed on your bottom lip, glancing over at Katrina, as Sam introduced the two of you. You looked away quickly, waving at the camera and smiling, before returning your gaze to Katrina. God, did she always have look so gorgeous? You could’ve sworn she could be a model, with that pretty pink hair that you wanted to tangle your fingers in and those pretty pink lips that you wanted to kiss until she was breathless and—
“Y/N? You coming?” Sam asked, and you snapped your head to look at him. Shit, you hadn’t even realized that they’d started walking off towards the hotel while you were busy daydreaming. 
“Huh? Yeah, I’m coming,” you mumbled, grabbing your bag and jogging over to join them. 
“You good?” Katrina whispered to you as the boys went to the front desk to check in. “You seem a little out of it.”
“Yeah. Just...” You paused, wondering if you should tell her the truth, that you were thinking about how badly you wanted to hold her and tell her everything you felt. “...nervous about tonight. Those boys and their antics scare the shit out of me, Kitty.”
“You can’t be scared!” Katrina argued, her pretty eyes wide. “You’re supposed to be my protector! How can you protect me when you’re scared?”
“Well, think of it this way, if I’m also scared, I’ll be more aware of the big, bad scary ghosts, and I can protect you before you even realize something’s wrong,” you said.
Katrina smiled, her cheeks tinted pink, “I guess that works, Y/N/N.”
For a moment, you considered kissing her worries away. All you had to do was lean in, and you were almost sure that she wouldn’t push you away. But before you could even begin to make a move, the boys had walked back over, announcing that the four of you were staying in the most haunted room in the hotel. Great. 
Not much happened after that. You all went up to the hotel room, and Sam and Colby explained the history of the hotel to the camera. You pretended to be interested in what they were saying, but your mind was far, far away from the paranormal. All you could think of was the way Katrina reached out to grab your hand when Colby said something about a ghost being known to reach out and play with pretty girls’ hair at night, and how she moved closer to you every time Sam mentioned that the hotel was known for some more...violent ghosts. 
And then you all were taking a tour of the hotel. You’d all somehow ended up in a ballroom, where apparently there were sightings of a ghost couple dancing through the room. Sam and Colby focused on trying to communicate with the alleged spirits, while you and Katrina tried to keep your distance. But, then everything went wrong.
While the boys were filming, the lights started to flicker on and off. Then, a door far away slammed loudly. And, then, the worst thing, when the lights were out, Katrina screamed like she was being murdered.
The lights flickered back on once and for all. You immediately took Katrina in your arms, rubbing her back, not missing the way Sam gave you a knowing look, like he knew how you felt about the pink-haired angel. 
“You okay, Kitty?” you asked.
She shook her head.
“What happened?” Sam asked. 
“A...ghost, I don’t know, something, grabbed me and it felt like it was scratching me and it just—” She let out a choked sob.
“Shh, it’s okay, it’s gone,” you said.  “Do you think you’re good to continue?” Colby asked. 
Apparently, that wasn’t the right thing to say, because she was pulling herself out of your arms, turning on Colby and snapped, “No, I’m not good to continue!”
He raised his hands. “Hey, I didn’t mean anything by it. It’s just, we need a little more footage here, and we should probably look around to see if there’s any—”
“I want to leave! I can’t stand being here, not after that,” Katrina said.
“Wait, we should just—” Colby tried to say.
“No! I’m done with the ghost stuff. I’m really scared guys!” she said, her voice wobbling. 
And your heart just broke. “Kitty, you’re fine. C’mon, we’ll just go up to the room. Let the boys look around more, and get you away, yeah?”
Katrina glanced over at the boys, then back to you. “...okay. I, yeah, that works.” 
Sam passed you one of the spare room keys, and you and Katrina left the ballroom. You didn’t say anything during the walk to the elevators, nor during the journey up to the room. No, it wasn’t until you were in the safety of the hotel room, that anything was said. As soon as the door had shut, Katrina was wrapping her arms around you, pressing her forehead against yours as she tried to steady her breathing.
“I’m scared, Y/N/N,” she whispered, her nose brushing up against yours.
“I’ll protect you, I promise, Kitty,” you whispered back. “No ghosts will bother you so long as I’m around.” 
“With all my heart and soul.” You pulled away, reluctantly, and asked, “Wanna lay down while we wait for the guys to come back?”
“...can we cuddle?”
“Anything to make you happy, Kitty.” 
Without another word, the two of you crawled into one of the large beds. You opened your arms up, and she eagerly snuggled into your arms, her head buried in your chest. You were so sure she could hear your heart racing. You wondered what she was thinking, and you couldn’t keep it to yourself anymore. 
“Hey Kitty?”
“...do you like me?”
She raised her head, a pretty frown on her pretty lips that you wanted nothing more than to kiss away. “Of course I do. You’re my best friend.” 
And, oddly, that didn’t hurt. Because she didn’t say it in the same way that she would call Sam her friend, how she’d call Colby her friend. No, it was different. Sweeter, kinder. Like there was more to the story. 
“No, I mean like—” You paused, shutting your eyes, trying to collect your thoughts. “Look, you can turn me down if you want, but I can’t keep this a secret any longer. I like you, a lot. A lot more than I should like a friend. And, I wanted to know, after we get outta here, would you like to go on a date with me?”
She didn’t say anything for a while. You wondered if you’d horribly misread all of the signals. But, then she was pressing her pretty pink lips against yours, and you got the answer you need. You carded your fingers through her hair, pulling her closer, until you were forced to pull apart so you could take in a breath. And you knew what it was, what her answer was, but you had to hear it. Just once.
“Is that a yes?” 
“Of course it is,” she said, before going back in for another kiss.
“Good,” you mumbled against her lips, “cause I was really scared you kissed all of your friends like that.” 
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