beesgav · 10 months
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Band AU
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tea-cat-arts · 2 years
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leaving-no-shadow · 2 years
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Akira Kurosawa, 1954
Seven Samurai 
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389 · 11 months
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Akira (1988) Katsuhiro Otomo
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ianime0 · 1 year
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Bungou Stray Dogs S4 || Atsushi Nakajima Episode 11
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Okamoto Katsushiro / Samurai 7
He’s a teenager in the anime
Name: Okamoto Katsushiro
Age: Teenage
Restrictions: None
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vestal-spirit · 3 months
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Colour 24
BG49 Duck blue
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reikunrei · 9 months
i invite you over for a casual dinner but instead i actually make you watch the entirety of akira kurosawa's seven samurai in one sitting with me
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romanceyourdemons · 2 years
big shoutout to all those fictional kids who see a guy who looks like shit who’s good with a sword and nothing else, and immediately stop that guy and go “please let me be your disciple. for the love of GOD.” and then when that guy goes “fuck all the way off, this is for your own good, i suck as a person and i’m going to be dead in like three weeks anyways and your annoying sincerity is getting in the way of my moping,” the kids don’t even mind at all and just keep on asking to be that guy’s disciple. and it WORKS. all the rest of us have rejection sensitive dysphoria because they took all the audacity
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randomrichards · 11 months
Futuresque city
Boy befriends android girl
Burn the status quo
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beesgav · 1 year
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glad I have friends that indulge my stupider ideas
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cyberpunkplaylist · 1 year
I had a full boat yesterday, and wasn't able to do yesterday's post. The one I posted this morning for yesterday was Black Milk, by Massive Attack and Liz Fraser. Today's is one of the genre's classics. Dr. Shoji Yamashiro and Geinoh Yamashirogumi gave us 'Kaneda' for the theme to Katsushiro Otomo's adaptation of 'Akira' all the way back in 1988. It's cliche and hyperbole to say nothing was the same for Anime over here in the United States since. It's also entirely true.
And of course, that movie opens with Kaneda and his chooms lighting out into the nighttime in Neo-Tokyo on their bikes for a bit of the old ultraviolence. And as the holographic expanses over them cycle on, Kaneda's guys get into a tussle with an opposing Clown Gang in the streets and ridiculous speeds. And honestly, when you get on your Kusanagi and you're firing down the road at some ridiculous speed of your own; weaving and dodging through traffic that might as well be stationary in comparison, more than one of you are hearing this music in your head. So much CP can name this movie as its direct ancestor. It would be criminal not to include it here.
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ianime0 · 1 year
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locuas642 · 5 months
Seven Samurai, as a movie, wasnt about Seven Samurais doing cool Samurai Shit. It was a story that dealt with topics of class, war, generation and the idea of heroism.
The interactions between the characters wasnt mere banter, it reflected plenty of things about each of them and the relationship each had.
The character of Katsushiro, for example, Starts as a naive young kid who idealizes being a Samurai, but by the end, as he matures, he becomes saddened by the reality of combat. likewise his romance with the local village girl is tragic, because they can never be together due to their class differences.
Meanwhile, the character of Kikuchiyo was that of a farmer who was faking being a Samurai. But by the end, despite his antics, he dies a true Samurai's death, to the point nobody can deny this farmer is no warrior.
And in the end, the final note is sad. because while they were victorious, our heroes lost their friends in the process. which leads to them sadly comment that the villagers won, but they lost.
And it was not for some greater good. it was not a battle to save the world, or to rescue a princess. it was to defend a "mere" village. A village that is not important in the grand scheme of things.
And to ignore that part, to ignore that the core of Seven Samurai is having these distinct characters with distinct personalities interacting and clashing and changing as people as they fight a battle that matter to no one but a bunch of villagers, what you end up with is with a hollow product.
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sweetbabymantykes · 1 year
So your crustaceans are named after chefs. What are some other noteworthy names for the aquarium residents?
Well, we also have:
Our Pyukumuku which are all named after different kinds of beans- Pinto, Java, Lima, Kidney, Navy, Black, and Lentil
Mama Feraligatr's name is Pancake. You'll never guess why (its because she's flat)
Her hatchlings are named Maple, Butter, Sugar, Choco, and Nanab. They're the Breakfast Bunch :)
Papa Feraligatr's name is Offler. He's an old man
One of the hatchling specialists is a big film nerd and our Samurott had seven eggs, so the Oshawott pups are named Kanbei, Gorobei, Shichiroji, Kyuzo, Hayashida, Katsushiro, and Kikuchikyo. Apparently the guys from the movie they're named after is a classic?? idk i havent seen it
There was a LOT of debate when we almost named the Cloyster 'Yonic'. We were so close
One of our Quagsires is named Bub. idk why that gets me so good sometimes I'll just be minding my business and I'll remember Bub and his little :] face and I'll just laugh REALLY hard. It's SUCH a good name for a Quagsire
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littleeyesofpallas · 2 months
Trying (and failing) to brainstorm this samurai RPG campaign and I distracted myself reminiscing over this old ass campaign I ran in college in what was supposed to be my original fantasy western dust bowl setting that I never really got to build out nearly as much as I had wanted. The party consisted of
a young "samurai" fleeing a civilwar in his homeland, having lost his lands and title without ever properly come of age, he'd never seen war and was helpless to defend his lands from the peasant revolts that uprooted his family and their retainers and scattered them to the wind. He was technically also sort of a confederate soldier analog, to play into the wild west theme. He was very Katsushiro (Seven Samurai). A high pretense of valour and propriety with very little practical experience to back it up.
A potbellied cardshark, multiclassed artificer/rogue. Very much a Charlie Daniels Midnight Train grifter crossed with countless other wild west goons, with a little bit of Han Solo for good measure. He was constantly at odds with the not-samurai over ethical matters.
A menopausal emptynester tabaxi ranger Having lost her husband and seen all her children to adulthood, she was embracing a kind of second wind at having nothing left to hold her down to see the world. One part awkward tourist wine aunt, and one part rustic skilled hunter/tracker turned bounty hunter. She was also a little flirty and a tease, especially with younger men, so a bit of a cougar.(pun fully intended)
A mysterious dysphoric and amnesiac princess who insisted she was trapped in an unfamiliar warforged body. She was frequently embarrassed by her appearance and lack of coordination. She was a weird sort of bootstrapped mix of the NPC pseudo-class of Noble and Monk/Fighter that the player and I whipped together to account for her mental/social skills being different from her physical skills and capabilities. She and the not-samurai took to ballroom dancing together in their spare time, as it reminded them both of their last lives, and helped the princess hone some of her coordination in her robot body.
Oh and an insane gnomish prospector warlock guided by the literal spirit of gold itself to wander into the wilds of this lawless dust bowl to find treasure. I honestly sort of forgot about him...
There was also my DMPC lizardman paladin who'd been imprisoned by the magic school that had monopolized magic in the region and also was basically just a pyramid scheme. Theyd promise to teach people magic if they could pay their dues and enforce the school's monopoly on magic by apprehending/disposing of/recruiting unaffiliated magic users. He used his own broken slave chains as versatile flails/gauntlets.
And along with a small crew of largely nondescript NPCs that I never got to flesh out, they lived on a steamboat chugging along the lone river cutting thru the region. Due to the presence of a giant magical sandstorm all semblance of law and order had been lost in the region and so the party had been deputized by an eccentric philanthropist trying to remap and govern the territories lost to the storm.
Due to the magnetic particles of the storm as well as it's latent magical properties and just the sheer magnitude of the storm as a sand storm, compasses no longer worked, magic of all forms had become wild, the steampunk machinery with it's primitive and exposed mechanisms were prone to jamming, and the landscape itself was prone to change as landmarks and whole manmade settlements were buried overnight by the storm.
Oh and roving gangs of vampires began "riding" the storm, hiding themselves in the shadow of the storm where the sun couldn't penetrate to roll from settlement to settlement.
I miss that party
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