#katy sex
onesidedradiostatic · 5 months
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katie killjoy's EPIC backstory
(based on this reblog chain with @rubixpsyche, sorry I did not include the cooties joke maybe next time </3)
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ekingston · 3 months
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| Be Still My Beating Heart | rated E | COMPLETE |
“I figured maybe you were considering, you know.” Kara’s blush is adorable. “Partaking in some water, um, based—activities.” She stares at Lena for a long second after handing her the lube, seemingly short-circuiting at the sight of her turning the small bottle over in her hands. “Which, by the way, are listed at the top of, uh.” Kara scratches her nose. “Many articles on ways to relax.”
Lena bites back a giggle at the image of Supergirl standing in line at the pharmacy, frantically scrolling through Autostraddle’s 10 Sensational Self-Care Strategies That Will Really ‘Hit The Spot’! while waiting for the cashier to ring up her lube.
“How very considerate,” Lena teases. “And you don’t think this particular method will be at all counter-productive?”
Kara makes herself comfortable on the floor next to the tub, arranging the bottles of bubble bath for Lena to more easily peruse. “I don’t know,” she shrugs, a shy smile tugging at her lips. “It’s not like it takes a lot of hard work to get you off.”
In which Lena's physician challenges her to keep her heart rate from spiking for a single day, and Kara has some interesting ideas on how to best approach the situation.
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alchemie0 · 5 months
hey guys why do my favorite characters always turn out to be the ones headcannoned as autistic? that doesn’t mean anything, right you guys? guys?
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gr8k877 · 4 months
Apparently, this is turning into a "blabber about Supernatural" blog.
Bottles of virtual ink have been spilled about "Sex and Violence" and the Wincest of it all. But not enough has been said about that fight and the raw sexuality of throwing down the knife to just beat each other to death with fists. It's so delicious.
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thee-morrigan · 3 months
if I'll ever stay for keeps
attachment theory, chapter 6 The Wayhaven Chronicles Nate Sewell/Holland Townsend rated M
They drove north to the state park, through the winding back roads that ran parallel to the lake, those meandering white-knuckled strips of asphalt that hugged the shoreline of Lake Michigan, the little pocket of land that clung to the curve of the coast like a burr, a ring of green-brown earth, hemmed in on three sides by the endless rolling waters of the lake. A slip of land, narrow at the root, hugging the long line of shore. It had been nearing dark by the time they’d returned to the bungalow, the pale gold of late afternoon bleeding into a watercolor sunset of blues and violets and slashes of carmine, a translucent wash of color across the sky and over the surface of the lake. They’d sat on the deck steps, Sleater running wild circles through the backyard while they talked and drank wine, serenaded by the sounds of cicada-song and grassland birds, loons and sandpipers and, in the surrounding forest, whippoorwills. They watched the last wink of sunlight as the day vanished, leaving them with nothing but the faint silhouette of treetops in the distance and the shiver of distant ripples reflecting the silvered spill of moonlight on the lake. And the feeling, the indecipherable curl of it, low in her stomach, when she had turned to look at him and found that his eyes were already fixed on her, his expression warm and wanting. The same soft intensity in his gaze that Holland was startled to find she’d grown used to finding there, familiar now after almost three months of it; almost three months of that look on his face, and almost two of the gentle press of his hands and the easy slide of his mouth on her own and the warmth and weight of his presence. And something else, too, something new and tentative and tender, something that made her feel restless. Unsettled. Unsure what to do with it. The feeling, warm and golden, like sunlight spilling into her veins, all radiance and heat, when he reached for her hand, his thumb brushing over her knuckles. Wondering how she could have done anything but love him. How she could ever have thought there was a single universe in which she wouldn’t.
read the rest on ao3
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megahorous · 1 year
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Milk Can with Sex Bob-Omb !
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vesemirsexual · 1 year
i love how lambert is with his brothers like “i get WOMEN. i get LAID so often. i get PUSSY.”
when you know damn well that first time the man saw a boob he probably threw up a quen and was shaking like a little white dog with shit in its eyes
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By: Reality’s Last Stand
Published: Feb 3, 2023
Last week, trans activist Katy Montgomerie gave a talk at The University of Edinburgh that included a slide containing a scattered list of what Katy considered to be transphobic “dogwhistles.” A dogwhistle refers to coded language that obscures a more extreme view in order to garner support for something without provoking backlash. But the purported “dogwhistles” Katy included on the slide were simple statements of fact, such as “homosexual means same sex attracted,” and “sex matters.” The slide also contained reasonable positions on certain issues relating to transgenderism, such as “defend women’s sports” and “keep prisons single sex.”
This is an overt [attempt] to take away the language people use to defend reality and common sense positions. Many people also pointed out how this is a perfect example of gender ideology colonizing the LGB part of LGBT, and applying their bizarre worldview to re-envision what being LGB actually means.
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[ Tweet link and video: https://twitter.com/i/status/1619986219718553600 ]
Katy takes issue that “sexuality is based on your sex.” Because a lot more that genitals can be involved in attraction, Katy assumed this means the definitions of gay, straight, bisexual, etc., that are rooted in the sex categories of those involved are meaningless and should be abandoned. But this erased the actual meaning of gay, lesbian, and bisexual, and means that same-sex couples can now be considered straight if they happen to identify as different sexes. This is purely ideological and does not reflect reality.
The T taking over the LGBs is why many organizations explicitly related to LGB issues have sprung up in the last few years. Given that LGB is about sexuality, which requires no ideology whatsoever, people who identify as transgender have very little in common with them. But the Ts desperately need the LGBs in order to confer to them the appearance of legitimacy.
Nobody would swallow gender ideology if they didn’t feel like they were abandoning the LGBs by rejecting it.
Just to demonstrate that this isn’t a strawman, Katy was thrilled to get the message out so, posted the whole thing:
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Whenever you see something referred to as a “dogwhistle,” look closely to see what they might be trying to misdirect and hide from view.
“Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thoughtcrime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it. … Every year fewer and fewer words, and the range of consciousness always a little smaller.”
– George Orwell, “Nineteen Eighty-Four”
Social constructivists are attempting to socially engineer away reasonable positions, to remove reality-based and science-derived understanding and impose their radical fantasies and fundamentalist authoritarian demands, by trying to invent a false sense of moral inadequacy.
If that sounds familiar, it’s because the Church did the same thing, taking completely normal things like sexual attraction, masturbation and contraception, and fostering guilt with the imaginary affliction of “sin.”
Anti-science, anti-biology, reality-denial anti-gay hate preachers like Katy cultivate disciples who espouse rhetoric such as “kill all cis gays” and “burn in hell.” They are a mirror image of the Xian hate preachers who call for gay people to "be lined up against the wall and shot in the back of the head."
With the new puritans, everything old is shiny new again.
Don’t be coerced by sexual predators like this Katy individual. Your desire is not a “preference,” even when the homophobes deliberately lie and call it “genital preference” or a “genital fetish.” You don’t have to apologize for who you are or what your boundaries are, and calling you names for not complying with their attempts to shame or coerce you demonstrates their controlling, predatory nature.
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dailycolorfulgifs · 2 years
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Reneé Rapp as Leighton Murray
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masonjarcollector · 10 months
yeah sex is cool but have you ever been an objection in motion you've lost all emotion your two legs are broken but look at you dance yeah an object in motion don't ask where you're going 'cause where you are going is right where you am
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queershakespeare · 5 months
just watched love lies bleeding at the cinema and my god it fucking rules truly we are witnessing a new golden era of toxic yuri
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coochiequeens · 2 years
“A trans-identified pedophile in Scotland used an alias to gain entry into a domestic violence shelter housing vulnerable women and children, where he was allowed to stay for 71 days before being removed”. Kill this guy and the officials who passed laws that allowed this to happen
A trans-identified pedophile in Scotland used an alias to gain entry into a domestic violence shelter housing vulnerable women and children, where he was allowed to stay for 71 days before being removed. Katie Dolatowski, 22, is a registered sex offender for crimes involving young girls, yet was permitted to reside at the Leeds Women’s Aid Refuge.
Dolatowski provided official documentation supporting a new identity, which he used to deceive staff at the women’s shelter. Dolatowski was accommodated in a section of the refuge which houses people who identify as transgender, but it had some shared resources and spaces with the main women’s area.
Dolatowski has a disturbing history of sex attacks on young girls in public facilities. In 2018, he was discovered secretly filming a 12-year-old girl in a women’s bathroom at an Asda supermarket in Fife, Scotland. 
The child was using a restroom cubicle and in a state of partial undress when she spotted Dolatowski recording her by holding his phone over the stall. The girl cried out for help and ran away. The supermarket’s CCTV footage was used to identify Dolatowski, and upon further investigation, 12 seconds of film of the girl were found on his mobile phone and iPad.
The following month, Dolatowski targeted another young girl for sexual assault in the restroom of a Morrisons supermarket in Kircaldy, Fife. He grabbed a 10-year-old girl by the face and pushed her into a cubicle, ordering the child to remove her pants. During the assault, Dolatowski also threatened to murder the child’s mother in an attempt to frighten her into compliance. However, the young girl struck out in self-defense, landing some blows against Dolatowski, and was able to break free and run for her parents.
Despite his two attacks on children, Dolatowski was handed a three-year community order in lieu of a prison sentence. He was also banned from having contact with children, placed on the sex offenders registry, and ordered to complete community service.
Upon learning of Dolatowski’s disturbing history, management at Leeds Women’s Aid had him removed from the premises. Chief Executive Nik Peasgood told The Sun: “We are appalled that someone with such crimes could come to a women’s refuge using a different identity. We are aware a criminal using authenticated identification could access any housing provider’s services and we are not unique in being manipulated in this way.”
Farah Nazeer, also a chief executive at the shelter, added, “This situation is a priority for us, alongside supporting our federation of local domestic abuse services.”
A mother of three and a resident at the refuge told The Sun that the situation frightened her and made her fear for the safety of her children. “It’s horrific. As a victim of sexual abuse myself, the whole thing is triggering. I came here with my kids because I thought it was a safe place and to find out there was a pedophile living a few doors away for months is just horrendous.”
As previously reported by Reduxx, Dolatowski, who stands nearly 6’5, was ousted from a public housing estate on the night of October 19 after enraged neighbors became aware of his past crimes. A crowd gathered outside of the property, demanding his expulsion. A phone recording taken by a bystander shows a large number of police officers present, removing Dolatowski and unidentified others from the residence.
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This is not the first instance of Dolatowski being granted access to a women’s shelter. 
In February of 2019, the Courier revealed that Dolatowski, who was homeless at the time, had been housed in a hostel for female offenders on the basis of his self-declared gender identity. This was permitted despite the fact that Dolatowski did not have a Gender Recognition Certificate (GRC), a legal document that establishes a change to one’s name and birth sex on their identification.
One woman who was residing in the unit for homeless offenders told The Courier: “This is a women’s hostel and it’s all women who work here. I feel sick and can’t stop thinking about what he has done.” 
An editorial decision was made in the news article to alter the woman’s wording by using the feminine pronoun “she” in place of “he.”
At the time, a spokeswoman for Women and Girls in Scotland noted that accomodating males in certain female-only spaces, such as prisons and crisis shelters, can be triggering for the vulnerable women residing there.
“Female offenders are very likely to have experienced male violence and/or abuse, and many suffer from conditions such as PTSD. As such, the presence of males in spaces where they are vulnerable could understandably be very distressing for these women, and for many the presence of a male sex offender will prove to be unbearable.”
She went on to denounce the lack of safeguarding measures, stating: “Katie Dolatowski has already taken advantage of access to female spaces to commit sexual assault. It is absolutely unacceptable that this person was being given the same opportunity again.”
Currently, violent male offenders incarcerated in Scotland can be placed in women’s prisons provided they are recognized as transgender.
In October, the Scottish Prison Service (SPS) confirmedthat half of the current inmates who identify as transgender only began doing so following their convictions.
By Genevieve Gluck Genevieve is the Co-Founder of Reduxx, and the outlet's Chief Investigative Journalist with a focused interest in pornography, sexual predators, and fetish subcultures. She is the creator of the podcast Women's Voices, which features news commentary and interviews regarding women's rights.
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lunar-years · 9 months
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and you know damn well / for you, I would ruin myself a million little times
Part 24/?? of my ships x taylor swift songs | Edith Crawley & Michael Gregson
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the-ross-winchester · 6 months
Hello Tumblr gif makers
I would love a gif of the scene where Lou seductively gives Jackie steroids in the butt.
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megahorous · 1 year
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Quick Milk Can with Sex Bob-Omb
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The woman whose story Alabama Sen. Katie Britt appeared to have shared in the Republican response to the State of the Union as an example of President Joe Biden’s failed immigration policies told CNN she was trafficked before Biden’s presidency and said legislators lack empathy when using the issue of human trafficking for political purposes.
“I hardly ever cooperate with politicians, because it seems to me that they only want an image. They only want a photo — and that to me is not fair,” Karla Jacinto told CNN on Sunday.
CNN’s Freedom Project, which seeks to raise awareness about modern-day slavery, previously profiled Jacinto’s story.
Jacinto told CNN that Mexican politicians took advantage of her by using her story for political purposes and that it’s happened again in the United States.
“I work as a spokesperson for many victims who have no voice, and I really would like them to be empathetic: all the governors, all the senators, to be empathetic with the issue of human trafficking because there are millions of girls and boys who disappear all the time. People who are really trafficked and abused, as she [Britt] mentioned. And I think she [Britt] should first take into account what really happens before telling a story of that magnitude,” Jacinto said.
During the Republican response to Biden’s State of the Union address Thursday, Britt said, “When I first took office, I did something different. I traveled to the Del Rio sector of Texas, where I spoke to a woman who shared her story with me. She had been sex trafficked by the cartels starting at age 12,” before saying, “President Biden’s border crisis is a disgrace. It’s despicable. And it’s almost entirely preventable.”
Jacinto said she met the senator at an event at the southern border with other government officials and anti-human-trafficking activists, instead of one-on-one as Britt stated. She also said that she was never trafficked in the United States, as Britt appeared to suggest. She was not trafficked by Mexican drug cartels, but by a pimp who operated as part of a family that entrapped vulnerable girls to force them into prostitution, she said.
Jacinto said she was kept in captivity from 2004 to 2008, when President George W. Bush was in office and when Biden was a senator.
CNN reached out to the senator’s office seeking comment Sunday.
Sean Ross, Britt’s communications director, told The Washington Post that the senator was talking about Jacinto and disputed that Britt’s language was misleading.
Asked by Fox News’ Shannon Bream on Sunday whether she meant to give the impression that the story had taken place during Biden’s time in office, Britt responded: “No, Shannon,” before criticizing the president’s border policies.
“I very clearly said I spoke to a woman who told me about when she was trafficked when she was 12. So I didn’t say a teenager, I didn’t say a young woman, a grown woman. A woman, when she was trafficked, when she was 12,” Britt said.
In a prior statement to CNN, a spokesperson for Britt’s office neither confirmed nor denied Britt was sharing Jacinto’s account, but said the story the senator told “was 100% correct.”
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